The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In Show - Shatican Glory Hole UPDATE

Episode Date: November 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:46 and kids entertainer. Say no to inferior, more expensive vacays and yes to kids clubs and all-you-can-everything. Book with your local travel agent or... Poles are kind of fun, right?
Starting point is 00:01:02 Bam, we're live. Poles are fun, right? Yeah, I like them. Is there... polls are kind of fun right bam we're live polls are fun right yeah i like them is there um no he doesn't the agent doesn't party agent probably partied hard last night he doesn't party he parties as hard as that old dude in your picture is is there do you think that there's anyone who thinks that um in our chat or who watches this show there's one even one person good morning do you think there's even one person who thinks that i i guess the presupposition here, there's two presuppositions I'd ask you to make to answer this question.
Starting point is 00:01:48 One, that there really was a pandemic. And two, I guess some mixture of number of days of life versus being alive is the other metric. If that doesn't make sense to you it will in a second is there anyone here that thinks that our reaction to to i even feel weird saying it to whatever that was we went through i don't because i don't i mean i think it's easier to make other presuppositions than to think that any of that shit actually was real but let's let's say it was real does there is there anyone who thinks that our reactions of closing down the schools was a good idea or masking was a good idea or shutting down businesses was a good idea or keeping people away is there any
Starting point is 00:02:38 were there any pieces of that journey or reactions that anyone thinks was valuable? I'm just curious. And if so, just let me know in the comments or was, was there any reaction that we took that you think was valuable that helped mitigate the problem that made it so fewer people died? Can you think of anything like, do you think the ventilators had a net positive? Do you think that forcing all restaurants to close for six months was a net positive do you think quarantine is there like any to even the tiniest piece of it that was positive because i i'm i'm tripping that every single response to it was negative and then i think of the um the george floyd incident let's say you actually did care about let's let's presume let's make the
Starting point is 00:03:32 presupposition that you actually do care about the mistreatment of people by cops based on the color of their skin do you think that there's anything that happened during that those two years that helped um that interaction helped society because those two specific incidences is there a way to shut off all of the um bubbles and and i think it's like a computer setting but yeah i mean look to see if i can do that i wonder i wonder if it's uh i would go, but yeah, I mean, look to see if I can do that. I wonder, I wonder if it's, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:05 I would go into settings and layouts, guests, hotkeys, recording general. I'll go to general. No camera. No virtual background. No recordings.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Hotkeys. Um, layout. Oh, the layout thing is cool. I've never seen that guests. Ah, shit. I can't see. The reaction to COVID, I think got way, way more people injured and killed than helped. And the reaction to BLM made it worse for people with melanated skin and white skin significantly. I mean, we already know, you know, I quote this stat all the time.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And in the two years after Floyd with the defund the police and the BLM riots, there was a 34 percent increase in black on black homicide. Thirty four percent. That's nuts for a group of people that are already in what what you have to you would have to say is starting to look like a genocide um it increased by 34 which is nuts and then you think that the average person gained 24 pounds because of the reaction to covid the free palestine thing is the same way all that shit's that that shit's just getting those palestinians killed just like the blm thing just got black people killed. It sucks. It just really sucks that it's happening like this.
Starting point is 00:05:29 The people who think that they're helping are getting people killed. Like if you really cared, if you really cared, you would do something something else you don't say free palestine you're basically supporting and demanding those people stay and fight and that you're going to get them killed can you imagine the what what the outcome would be if we had a knee-jerk reaction around guns all of these things that we have a knee-jerk emotional reaction to we just get people hurt god so many unnecessary fucking black people died in this country and so many people died from uh ventilators and injections and shit and the fallout's gonna i mean the fall it's gonna just continue and now with the palestinians i was i
Starting point is 00:06:27 was talking with this lady and she just kept saying to me hey the israelis are killing women and children over there and i'm just thinking to myself wow me and you are in two totally different pages you're you're laying in the street and you were just hit by a car and you want to talk tell them you're arguing to me that you had the right of way with your last breath and i'm like dude i'm telling everyone else on either side do not cross the street on a red light you will get hit and die racist dave good morning racist dave good morning Racist Dave. Good morning. Racist Dave. Good morning. It just.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Man. It sucks. Free Palestine. Free Palestine. People are over there just getting fucking mowed down. And you're worried about their freedom. You're dead in the street dying and you're worried about telling people you had the right of way. You're worried about cops with 365 million stops a year, interactions with people a year.
Starting point is 00:07:38 You're worried about 12 unarmed black men who resisted arrest being killed while fucking thousands are being murdered in the streets. And now the cops won't interact with them because. Because they're afraid because of your protest, because you burnt down Ferguson. Wow. I know you're asking a loaded question, but that's fine. I don't care. Should Israel try to minimize civilian casualties? That is the stupidest question ever. Right, Will? Come on. Come on, Will. Work with me.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Let me ask you this. If they've dropped 72,000 bombs and only 10,000 people died, isn't it obvious they're minimizing civilian casualties? No, they shouldn't minimize civilian casualties. It's a fucked up question. The people on the ground, did you hear what's happening now? They're finally leaving. I saw yesterday they're leaving in droves, moving, moving. By the way, the people of Palestine. listen if you really cared about something like really really cared you care about the 100 000 people who died from fentanyl overdose in this country in the in the in the past year between the age of 19 and 25 and the vast majority of them who were not taking fentanyl which means they died of bioterrorism you know that right like if you died from something that was in a hamburger like rat poison that was in a hamburger you got from burger king it's not an accident you didn't od on a hamburger someone say that what say i heard vivek say that in the republican debates i hadn't heard
Starting point is 00:09:24 it explained like that but once he said it like yeah that actually makes a lot of sense yeah i said who do you think i stow it from stow that shit nothing is left thousands of palestinians flee south of uh as israel steps up gaza city offense yeah you can't have an ethnic cleansing if you're not fucking killing everybody, first of all. And you can't have an ethnic cleansing if it's not an ethnicity. That's not an ethnicity. Those people are not an ethnicity. Well, they are an ethnicity. They're just not Palestinian. There is no such thing.
Starting point is 00:09:58 It's any more than there's a Californian or an Idahoian. But the intention was for us to think that they are an ethnicity. That was the intention. That's why they started conflating the term as an ethnicity in 1964. And they did that with the plan, but that was the agenda. 12, no, sorry, 15 million Jews worldwide. Okay. 15 million Jews worldwide. Okay? 15 million Jews worldwide. That's less than there are Mormons.
Starting point is 00:10:31 There are 16 million Mormons, I think. 15 million Jews worldwide. 1.8 billion Muslims. I said this to you before. If every Muslim, if Chinese became the world language, and they wanted to hire the Jews to teach Chinese to the Muslims, they could hire every single Jew, and it would still only be one Jew for every 120 Muslims. You cannot be the bully if there's fucking 15 million of you and 1.8 billion of them i don't even know what this means i'll have to look this up whatever this means
Starting point is 00:11:16 15 million non-ethnic jews they are not hebrew oh so you're saying they're religious jews they're not Hebrew oh so you're saying they're religious Jews they're not ethnic Jews is Hebrew the ethnicity of a lot of Jews is that what you're telling me yeah school me up I'm ready in some modern languages thank you Mr. uh uh caleb beaver uh author and creator of the shattuckin series on youtube very very very violent episode this last most recent one i watched it last night yeah made my back tighten up it was hearing from my lawyers and some modern languages including armenian greek and italian romanian and many slavic languages the name hebrews with linguistic variations is the standard you know we need greg etho ethno thank you ethno what's that mean ethno i think it's like the the name for an ethnicity the standard ethnicity for jews but in many other languages in which
Starting point is 00:12:26 both terms exist it is currently considered derogatory to call jews hebrews no shit that's bullshit that is not it's wikipedia you want me to edit it real quick hebrew you're a hebrew hebrew i thought kike was uh the derogatory term just weeding out words yeah every year uh tyler splied uh synonym of an off of an ethnicity you think that's really his picture yeah it is do you know it really wow that's crazy what crazy look. He's got a great mustache. I know, yeah. I mean, he looks like he just fell out of the 70s. Man, I haven't watched the NFL in a long time.
Starting point is 00:13:15 That is some fucking brain-dead candy shit. I didn't realize. So that, now I know why I stopped watching it. It's like just pure escapism. I'm not dogging on it's it's it's like just pure escapism i'm not i'm not dogging on it yeah it's pretty bad they i can't watch it with announcers anymore and even ncaa like unless they're talking about somebody i care to hear about like tyson or specific players from my from a college team like it's yeah it's garbage can't listen to it it's candy for the brain it'll rot your hand i did notice though that when tyson went on the
Starting point is 00:13:51 after show how much he lights everyone up did you see how excited they get the the girl the lady was swooning a little bit i think they all were yeah it, it was crazy. They were stoked. He's just so real compared to their just... God, it's just so bad. Yeah, I think they were excited to have him on. And then whenever they talked about his dad too, they were like, holy shit, this family is just otherworldly. They're trying to be hip and cute but they but it's just um man
Starting point is 00:14:31 they don't have it it was say it again too old for that yeah maybe that's what it is it was uh but but i it's just so corporate. It's wild. I also realized how at one point the guys like there were two commentators. Someone said it was the best college commentator and the best NFL commentator working together. And man, they were smooth. You know what I realized also? That's why Tommy, that's why tonto sounds that way what do you mean like he sounds like those guys like if you want like he's like the lines he says and kind of slips in those one-liners and those i wouldn't say they're
Starting point is 00:15:20 metaphors but they're like these clever sayings they're pretty clever i mean those guys are good but i was like oh this is this is what um the lone ranger and tonto are going for they're emulating these guys yeah i could see that yeah and they're and they're good at emulating them i'm not even saying that as a dig they're good at emulating them but but it's all but i mean there's like a certain brand of announcer that most large sporting events have. Like you can find the same kind of personalities in every announcing team on every sport. So if they're trying to have like that, like hockey is going to have the same kind of person that NFL does. NFL is going to have the same as baseball, so on and so forth.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And what's interesting, I could recognize it. I just can't describe it. Maybe as I watch it more and more, I mean, I've watched more Lone Ranger and Tonto commentating by significant margins than those guys in the last 20 years by a long shot
Starting point is 00:16:26 but there was a and there was a a section where they were talking about how he did a he did handstand walks and they were like blown away by that and when they were talking about how blown away they were that Tyson Bajent could walk on his hand. I was like, oh my God, we truly live in a bubble. We truly, like that's just normal for us. Isn't that weird? They're like, oh, is he a gymnast? Like even ding-dongs like me go upside down like regularly.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Tyson has an unbelievable competitive spirit according to his college football coach to the point that during one training camp, Bajan challenged one of the team's athletic trainers, who was a gymnast, to see who could walk farther on their pants. At the end of every practice that summer, it was a contest, 1575 up to 100 yards. His college coach, Arnie McCook, said it was the only losing record Bajan doesn't want to have. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:24 Well, like, obviously those numbers are fantastic but they're just shocked that anyone would even walk on their hands the commentators go on to speak it's nuts it just makes me realize we really are the that we think is regular i i kind of, Janelle was kind of schooling me yesterday too. Like the fact that we know that like, Hey, you shouldn't, you shouldn't just go get frozen,
Starting point is 00:17:50 um, orange juice at the store, add three cups of water, you know, and drink the whole pitcher. Like when we were kids, we thought that was healthy. And like,
Starting point is 00:17:59 now we're like, you're fucking crazy. You're taking just a massive dose of sugar. I guess most of the world still doesn't know that. They don't know that. Hey, it's cool. It it's fine you should be walking on your hands and you shouldn't wash down your orange juice with a coca-cola it helps you realize kind of how much you have to explain to people who are new to crossfit or if you're trying to like get somebody to start crossfit you have yeah start the journey yeah we're we're i feel like kind of almost like an ass we're completely on a different planet and there's not a lot of us yeah exactly like for us or someone
Starting point is 00:18:32 like me i'm like i i bet you most of the guys though in the nfl can walk on their hands maybe not those giant linemen guys maybe them too but i have to guess that most of those guys have the ability to at least get upside down and like take a few steps yeah i would probably imagine wide receivers and uh running backs probably they could probably all get upside down and start walking uh the generic deep voice douche voice i don't have no idea what you're talking about. Yeah, that scared me. Blade Walker, did you all see the throw that iced the game last night? That window was not small.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Oh, was not small? Was small. Was small. You're talking about with like, there was like 38 seconds left or something and he stepped back and dropped like a seven-yard pass or something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Yeah, what's the window mean? I mean, I call that a thread in the needle. That was scary. Yeah, I think that was a tight throw. Yeah. Boy, that could have ruined the whole game. Yeah, for sure. He said it was small.
Starting point is 00:19:42 He fixed it. Soccer Mom, you should try to get that picture again with Stacey, but wear a CEO shirt and see what she says. I got five on it. She says, no, thank you. Maybe I'll drop in at her gym and wear it. Ask if I can take a picture they asked if he was a gymnast when he was little no I mean he's just crazy athletic he played all the sports I remember going I bet you have video footage I know I went to a basketball game of his when he was a little kid. He was the only white kid.
Starting point is 00:20:31 It was a basketball tournament. He was the only white kid there. There was like 500 black kids. You know what I mean? There's like three courts going simultaneously. I want to say I'm making this up, but I want to say maybe he shot a basket into the wrong hoop. I have to ask.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Really? Yeah, he's by far the shortest kid out there at the time. He was little when I saw him play basketball, like maybe four or five. I love the way he talks, his accent, everything about him. Yeah, right? He's got swag. He should be a rogue athlete. His dad wearing rogue hoodie got 5 million views last night.
Starting point is 00:21:11 That's more than the last five games combined, Bo Smith. Here's what I realized. Dave was on the show. I dave was on the show or so i think dave was on the show and dave and i was like hey you guys fucked the timing up of you know talking with tyson you should have done it way before and he's like no no the timing was perfect and there was some it was addressed in other places too and other people were weighing in on it and like i i know they're wrong i don't think it's a i just know they're wrong um and call me dogmatic but last night it like completely solidified it with anyone with a brain he would have brought more popularity with his high school
Starting point is 00:21:59 accolades and attention to crossfit than any crossFitter can. Meaning like we saw last night by that handstand talk that we're just so fringe. What we accept as normal is completely wild to those people. And so just even if they should have been making pieces on him when he was one of the best high school quarterbacks who ever lived, right? And it would have been easy. And shit and, and, and, you know, shit, maybe I was even in charge then maybe it was me who dropped the ball,
Starting point is 00:22:30 but those are the kinds of stories. If the best high school quarterback in the, in the United States, and I know that there's a hundred of the best guys, but the dad's also an affiliate owner and he's also doing CrossFit, then just do a piece on them. It's so easy. Then do another piece on them in college and then another you know maybe five pieces on them in college one a year we sound stupid by saying we waited until he was in the nfl like like that's not even the goal of it the goal of it would be like hey look
Starting point is 00:22:57 at this kid's really fucking good and if you have a kid you should have him do crossfit too it's a great supplement and it's one of the things that makes him the best high school player not wait till he's on the bears it's just silly we wanted to maximize and get the most out of more scumbags all right yeah we're not even maximizing it at this point because nobody knows has known who he is until apparently now um an autistic crossfitter Apparently now. An autistic CrossFitter.
Starting point is 00:23:31 An autistic CrossFitter. Man, the trans community is trying to get you guys to be one and the same. Did you know that? Trans community is trying to pick up autistic crossfitters kind of oh please tell me i didn't mess my notes up oh okay here we go look at this i didn't send you the new notes i'll send them to you in a second oh you're temporarily blocked it looks like you're misusing this feature by going too fast. You've been temporarily blocked from using it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:08 What feature? I don't know, but that seems to be a theme of my – something's happened to me on Instagram. And I use it on my computer. I wonder if they know I'm streaming it to YouTube and they're somehow pissed at me. I'm going to send you this over wow that's crazy November 10 the mentally we should only refer to it as the mentally ill flag for now on look
Starting point is 00:24:36 at look at to play 247 I'm waiting for it to come through oh no you're gonna see my notes about the Shattuck in great should have kept those private I'm waiting for it to come through Oh no you're going to see my notes about the Shattuck Oh great Should have kept those private What did you say 242 247 247
Starting point is 00:24:52 Niche Niche Caroline how are you pronouncing niche Niche Niche We should ask Tyson to pronounce it Okay here we go check this out Niche, niche, niche, niche, niche. We should ask Tyson to pronounce it. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Check this out. This is, this is kind of, this is, here we go. Obsolutionary's Maj 2 right here. Drove past and saw this at a church. This is a church. This is obviously the LGBTQ plus flag. And I made a video and that video kind of got banned all over the place. And this flag is what we see here.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Now, obviously, everybody knows this is the LGBT flag. But I want to showcase a few things to you guys. If you notice, you'll start to see this part of the flag adding more into the situation. You'll start to see more of these colors added. This is supposed to be for black people. This is supposed to be for brown people. But these colors right here seem to be a little strange this goes into what's called a minor attractive person or youth attracted person pedophile flag so i want to go over what these actual colors mean blue and light blue on this flag stands for attraction to infant boys the pink
Starting point is 00:26:00 stands for attraction to minor girls the white the white stands for attraction to minor girls. The white. The white stands for attraction to virgin children. The one from Just a Rainbow, which initially was... Dude, that is insane. What? This isn't the first time I've heard this. I've heard this probably a half dozen times. They have that up like at the recycling center in santa cruz i don't know why you have to have the the the same genitalia flag up in front why do you have sex flags up in front of your church who goes to a church where they're
Starting point is 00:26:39 it's so bizarre we live i want to know what we live with what denomination he goes that's a catholic church no way that's what he says keep going are you catholic uh technically yes confirmed have you been called by god i was just realizing that's the reason why i guess why i can't be a christian or a catholic i've never been called by i'm not called i'm not i've been called i'm just waiting i was the last one picked even after in pe class when i was a kid all the boys were picked and then some girls were picked and then i was picked and it's like this whole god thing is like the same way just hanging out i'm over here just being cool too like i could but i'm wasn't going to score any goals for your team so like i understand i wasn't
Starting point is 00:27:20 like i was never like this is fucked up i was yep, I know why you're not picking me. I had a very different experience. I was always picked first. Oh. Have you been picked by God? Have you been touched? Has God called you? Do you know what religion you are?
Starting point is 00:27:37 I was raised Catholic. It's confirmed Catholic. Have you ever been in the shower and it's like, Caleb, you are one of mine. And you ever like been in the shower and it's like caleb you are one of mine and you're like oh fuck no i don't i've had like weird instances where something very specific will come up and it's been at very specific times in my life and it's the same like like when you were deployed and the podcast came into your life you're like fuck there is a god no it was like uh you don't have to be a dick about
Starting point is 00:28:13 it no reason to be a dick about it no i'm cool we're cool me and your buddy i know i've been working on the podcast a lot longer than when i was deployed but oh darn it um no it was just like there's a very specific thing that'll show up every so often and that's about the extent of anything calling out to me i guess so you believe so you so you have you have some evidence that you cling to you have some evidence like remember we had a guy on the show maybe it was the crossfit podcast and the taliban attacked his um the taliban attacked his base and he was driving in a car while they were shooting and he was on the base and a bullet went into the car and got lodged in his headrest and when he saw that he's like yeah god saved me i'm like wow yeah i thought it was the headrest
Starting point is 00:29:06 yeah you just said it was the headrest right but if god put the headrest there some sort of divine intervention and in a sense i guess i mean being alive seems kind of like some divine intervention yeah i the more i look into it the more i find it's crazy that all the things that have to go right for just to exist just to like come into the world and then after that it's just a series of events that allow you to maintain your existence i guess but um i think it was vivek said it i can't remember if it was vivek or tim scott but one of those guys said like hey it doesn't matter whether you believe in god or being a christian or not for this country to operate yeah it it has to have christian
Starting point is 00:30:00 values i think it was tim scott so he says this country welcomes people who are not christian but for this country to operate it has to have christian values and i was like dude i i believe in that like to my core now it has to have christian values for this thing to work the way the way the uh the the constitution is set up yeah you don't you don't have to hate just because you're not christian doesn't mean you have to hate it it's like like i don't do i don't do um i don do alarm clocks, but I think that they make a lot of the world operate, and I'm cool with other people using them. Yeah. Yeah, it's like, dude, just chill. Everyone chill.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Do you want to end up like fucking Iran or Russia or India? Have you been to any of these places or China? I've been to these places. Japan? For different reasons, I've been to these places. Japan? For different reasons, you will not like those places if you're an American. It's because they don't have Christian values. Something happened there. Yeah, something's going on there that does not make those places fun. Have you ever hung out with those people from the Nordic countries?
Starting point is 00:31:06 Like hung out with someone from Sweden or Finland or Norway? I don't think so, no. Why? Or even Iceland or any of those people. And I choose those countries because people always say those are like perfect countries, right? Clean, no homelessness, healthcare, $17 boxes of cereal. Yeah. This is such a lazy answer. They're not us. Like they're a different mentality?
Starting point is 00:31:43 It's like the golden retriever could be the greatest dog in the world but who wants to be around 200 golden retrievers it's just like like like at that point you're like fuck i'll take a chihuahua you know what i mean it's just it's like a really nice prison it's still a prison right okay that's what you're saying um you feel the uh and the way they argue the way they think people in australia and new zealand can get like this too in canadians they they argue they argue their limitations they want to tell you how nice their government-issued toilet is. They're – yeah, it's – man, we have it so fucking good here.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Sebi, more ignorant about Gaza or football? Fair. Totally fair question. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. I give you one more. Since you paid $1.99 and it was a fair smackdown, go ahead. School me a little bit.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Help me out. Come on, brother. Help me out. Fawad. I'll tell you what I'm not ignorant about. How about this? I'm not ignorant about that it's really important for me to not die. And on both sides of my family, my kids on both sides of their family, my family and my wife's family, have survived Holocaust.
Starting point is 00:33:30 The fact that my kids are here is a fucking miracle. And very few people could say that probably, that they have the mixture that my kids are. That they have fucking imminent death so close in their past generations and they're lucky to be here second of all i can tell you that i went back and saw the home and met the people who ran my grandparents out of their home and were killing them who are muslims by the way attacking christians and beheading them and slicing the women's stomachs open who were pregnant that's how they were killing the um they killed all the men they came and first killed all the men and then marched all the women and children off the countryside well those those were all muslims those were arabs those were turks who did that if you want to categorize people by ethnicity
Starting point is 00:34:16 and my specific family my grandparents and my great-grandparents were running and fleeing, and when they got to the coast, they came down from the mountain of Musadah. And if there weren't – there just happened to be French ships there, and they got on the French ships and the ships took them over to Lebanon where they were given a small piece of land in Anjad and where all the Armenians were put. And I went and visited there also, by the way. And my family, my grandmother, my grandfather had 10 children.
Starting point is 00:35:02 And my dad was one of them. And they lived in a 10 by 10 foot concrete hut which i also visited that had no electricity or no running water and my dad made it out of there um and my grandmother on my mom's side was also from turkey which she was from turkey and she also had to leave because people were persecuting them. Muslims were persecuting them. It's funny. I never even thought about it as Muslims. I always referred to it as Turks. Never once in my life until right now, 7.35 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on November 10th. I use the word Muslim now just to let you know, like, in reference to those people who are doing that.
Starting point is 00:35:48 And you know what? I'm so glad my family fleed. I'm so glad there weren't people chanting in the streets, Armenia, stand and fight, free Armenia. I'm so glad. And do you know who some of the most miserable people I know on planet earth are today people who are still fighting for armenia just the way it is dude if you if you really if you really cared about those people you'd find a way to get them out of there, bring them to your country, give them a job. You know, 80% of that country wasn't working. It was living off of aid. You could consider Gaza a WEF experiment, World Economic Forum experiment. Even if it's not, it fits the paradigm.
Starting point is 00:36:40 You'll have nothing and you'll be happy. You'll have nothing and you'll be happy. Imagine we of the United States of America fucking nuked someone and then we're like, it wasn't us. It was our US military. That's what's going on over there, dude. The military of that piece of land, Palestine, attacked Israel. And tons of people are like, well, they did the same thing to Gaza. Here's the thing. It was never the plan of Israel to kill every single person in Gaza. That wasn't the plan. there's no there's no there's no you could you could convince me that israel has sent special forces into gaza and been like okay uh that house over there has hamas terrorists and we're going
Starting point is 00:37:33 to go get them and they went in there and they killed 12 children and the mom and dad and they're like oops wrong house has that happened i'm sure that's happened okay fine i believe you but israel is not sending drunk soldiers into fucking gaza to rape and beat women and children and kill them that is not that's not happening just on just on a whim hey guys what did you drink too much tonight come on let's go into gaza and rape a bunch of palestinian people that's not happening it's just like it's just like um there's no cops who are waking up in the morning be like okay today i'm gonna kill a black guy it's not that's no one's doing that no i don't remember my mom would love that comment though cave dastro wrote anyone remember the days when sebi was funny racist day who's gonna tell him Okay. We have to, let's, let's, uh, you have to go, you have to go in 23 minutes, right?
Starting point is 00:38:54 Yeah. I'm just going to wait until my father-in-law texts me when he wants to start. Okay. Let's, let's, let's, let's look at the, uh, wait, hold on, hold on. I want to talk about abortion for a minute. Okay. Look at 245. Look at this shit. This is crazy. This is – I don't even – this is how – this is – I've seen Mexicans do this.
Starting point is 00:39:31 But this is nuts this is i've seen mexicans do this but this is nuts watch this this is this is absolutely nuts here we go so these two dudes are just playing hockey they did oh they don't even have skates on i think it's actually lacrosse yeah they're playing lacrosse and so they take off their shit and they just start fighting the redhead dude landed some early good punches but then he gets oh that hurt yeah oh my goodness, that hurt. So what's the deal? You fall down and it's over? Yeah. And hockey is the same way.
Starting point is 00:40:13 As soon as they hit the ice, the fight's over. So as long as you stay standing, you're good to go. Dude, that red-headed dude is rangyy isn't he He's got a long arm Yeah wow Yeah he beat the shit out of me
Starting point is 00:40:31 I really like this This just kind of weed whacker Fighting He throws punches both directions Like when he re-boxes His punch he throws He throws the elbow on the way back Jan Clark that's what growing up
Starting point is 00:40:48 in Scotland was like my goodness I think Jan sent me a video of some like soccer fights or something like fans fighting and that was fucking crazy oh my goodness I want to try I want to try Tyson i want to i want to try tyson for a minute try what start talking about him hold on oh we owe the man so that's i guess that's what men do
Starting point is 00:41:15 just fight and then shake it like shake it off that too right i guess yeah crazy oh shit i closed my notes it was like that uh i don't know if you saw it too but when daisy fresh posted that video about these two guys that were beefing in the in their gym they ended up just fighting it out determine who is the better man, I guess. Is that series still going? Yeah, I think they just
Starting point is 00:41:50 either they did their last season or they just posted a new season recently. I haven't watched that in a long time. I should do that. Are they still sleeping there at the place and living there? I think they're in the they're trying to move to the new location soon. Because I think they're in the they're trying to move to the new location soon because i think they got
Starting point is 00:42:07 like a they got so big the local police told them that they can't do that anymore because they had so many people just parking on the sidewalk on the road nearby and people are just living out of their cars now all good things come doing it which is fine if you live in san francisco but not in the middle of wherever the fuck that place was. No, it wasn't Philadelphia. It was like Iowa or something. It's in the middle of nowhere. It was Ohio.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Yeah. 183. Did you watch the Dylan Danis fight with Rogan Paul? No. Was it good? No. Stupid. Of course it was.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Here we go. This is for you guys. Remember when the show was funny? I like funny. I have small generational differences little things i wear a watch i always will since i was 13 i've worn a watch millennials don't wear watches it's true apple watch not a watch sweetheart checking your emails on your wrist is a cry for help that's not a watch the. The summer begins. We're on the beach. I see
Starting point is 00:43:29 Leo with a black watch. I go, Leo, what time is it? Because it doesn't tell you the time. Your watch doesn't tell you the time. It's not a watch. It's a whoop. A whoop? What does it tell you? It tells you how you're doing. I said, well, I look at my wrist. I see a gold Rolex. I know I'm doing good. And I also know what time
Starting point is 00:44:00 it is. I'm pissed. I just realized. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. I'm so sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:44:16 The Tyson Bajan show is supposed to be rescheduled. Oh, it is. In StreamYard, it says it's at 1230. This isn't the Tyson Bajan show the Tyson Bajan show is at 1230 but you're right I don't know why I changed it I can see it's changed
Starting point is 00:44:34 did you think he was still coming on? I thought he was I wasn't sure what was going on sorry shit there was a link up on there was a link on YouTube for a show but it wasn't scheduled
Starting point is 00:44:48 in StreamYard as a show. So that had me really confused. Yeah. No. I damn. How come on YouTube it didn't change?
Starting point is 00:45:02 I have no idea. Well shit. Sorry. I have no idea well shit sorry yeah he's coming on at 1230 my bad all of you who don't want to hear about burning babies and abortion time to go David Weed so when is the 32nd best QB in the NFL coming on actually it's like the 30th because they just beat
Starting point is 00:45:25 the other last place quarterback. Patrick Clark. You have to change it on YouTube. StreamYard doesn't make the changes automatically. What? Oh, Adam Blakeslee. It showed up on my youtube changed okay son of a bitch um yeah 12 30 i'm making a lot of sacrifices today to have him on
Starting point is 00:46:00 okay let's look at the shattuck in before you have to go People have to see this. This is fantastic. You want me to pull the video? Listen, I don't know who Desmond tutu is but it wasn't he like the head of the UN but I'm telling you the kids of Fucking studies amazing. Hey, listen, look at this stat. Let me let me let me let me show you this Are you knuckleheads out there who don't know shit about football who aren't geniuses like me? knuckleheads out there who don't know shit about football who aren't geniuses like me um uh number one draft pick in uh 2009 matthew stafford one and six number one draft pick in 2016 jared goff oh and seven number one draft pick in 2020 joe burrow one in five trevor lawrence 2001 number one draft pick one in six bryce young the midget listen even i know that was stupid whoever picked him is
Starting point is 00:46:56 fucked they are fucked there was this dude there was this dude that when i was uh uh uh i had a business phone call yesterday and someone was trying to tell me tyson was small i'm like you're out of your fucking mind he's six three and at one eighth and he's got a huge hand he's like well he's short for the nfl he's not fucking short for the nfl then they fucking marched this midget out i couldn't believe how small bryce young looked And so I looked him up quick He's the same size as Doug Flutie dude Do you remember that disaster? No you weren't even born
Starting point is 00:47:32 That was a fucking disaster Wow they've really fucked up They really fucked up Has there ever been a good short quarterback in the last 20 years? Ever? I can't think of any short quarterbacks and I don't even watch football. Doug Clutie was awesome.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Pop Warner, king of Pop Warner football. I agree. But not so good when he switched to the NFL. That wasn't his league. Maybe Kyler Murray. he plays for the arizona cardinals he's 5 10 i think wow mugsy bogues yeah incredible quarterback man i i don't know shit about football and when i saw that drew what's the guy's name drew who breeze is that how you that's really that's how you spell that dude's name drew breeze he's six feet tall yeah i guess that shorty six foot but dude 5 10
Starting point is 00:48:37 oh my goodness oh you know what's funny too is you you when i googled them the first thing came up as him talking about uh tyson maybe that's because they know my my algorithm man uh uh Seve they called you an owl who called me an owl oh yeah Patrick I uh I'm gonna suggest that uh you're 0 for 2 for today usually you're 10 and 0 uh 1 you two did change it automatically because Adam Blakesley saw that it was changed. And I think size does matter.
Starting point is 00:49:30 But I appreciate it. Man, oh, man. They are fucked with that dude, Bryce Young. And you know what's crazy, though? They're going to they're going to. Yo, so you don't even think he's 5'10 wow oh Nelly hey uh what sucks is I bet you they're gonna hold on to him for like three years Tyson no they're gonna hold on to him forever he can become a franchise quarterback he's gonna take those those guys to the super bowl remember two years ago when you
Starting point is 00:50:05 guys like that your friend's never gonna make it to the nfl racist dave racist dave and his buddy jake chad yeah now they just keep moving the goalposts they're like he's never gonna be a starting quarterback he'll never be the number one. Love that. Seve, what do you think about steroid use in the NFL? If Tyson's taking him, he needs to get his money back. Oh, snap. Oh, snap.
Starting point is 00:50:38 My mom saw him and she's like, wow, he's really small for a quarterback. He's fucking perfect. How about how about that? How about that giant dude that's on the defense? Montez Sweat. Holy shit. Did you see him push Bryce Young a few times? Like four times.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Oh, my God. I can't wait to ask Tyson about that. That looks horrible, dude. Hey, seriously, I couldn't take that if I was ready for it. If he pushed me the way he pushed Bryce Young, my back would go out. I'd be done. Yeah. I'd be done. David would come over and buttfuck me after that.
Starting point is 00:51:15 I couldn't even run. I'd be toast. I'd be just toast. Oh my god. That was wild. Yeah, this guy guy Montez Sweat That guy I think he's like 6'10 or something Something ridiculous
Starting point is 00:51:32 Oh my god When he pushed Bryson goes flying Like almost like you feel bad for him Like you're like hey are you guys Should be in the same league Are you in the wrong weight division dude what are you doing out here absolutely i saw some people hit tyson i was like oh god that looks horrible yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:51:53 hey um uh um one time his his one time his he he got flattened and his fucking face mask fucking turned up the soil like he was like like looking for like, like he's a chicken scratch, right? Pulled up a fucking section of the field with his face and he couldn't like get it out. It was so stuck in his helmet. And as he walked in, did you see like how his hand went limp? Like he was like,
Starting point is 00:52:16 like, like he's tarted. Like he, they got cerebral palsy or something like that. And I, and then I saw him get up and he was rubbing that hand. I was like, no,
Starting point is 00:52:24 no, no, no No no no Fuck Damn Malcolm Brown Oh that was Bo is that who smashed him into the ground Let's look at Malcolm Brown
Starting point is 00:52:37 Malcolm Brown That's who hit our boy Tyson Oh my god Oh my goodness. What happened to Malcolm Brown? He had an $11 million contract with the Jacksonville
Starting point is 00:52:56 Jaguars. Dude, look at his legs. Yeah, that's nuts. Does it say how big he is oh Malcolm Brown stats let me see NFL 511 225
Starting point is 00:53:15 no way maybe it's the wrong Malcolm Brown 62320 what do you think the most common oh yeah you know how many you know it's crazy how many what do you think the most common name is in nfl you know like in you know have you ever heard that line from a two-life coup you got more chins than a chinese phone book or was that beastie boys like talking about someone who's fat you heard that line who says that you uh you got more
Starting point is 00:53:47 chins and a chinese phone book who is that i'm gonna find it before someone says it in the comments uh shit um oh austin power says it no it's it is it two life crew uh oh shit oh shit two life crew two live through they say Damn damn damn damn All right, I can't find it. No one knows? No, it was a, anyway, I bet you there's more Lamars in the NFL.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I'm guessing Lamar is the most common name in the NFL. And Jackson. Lamar and Jackson, Yeah, probably between two. Anyone? Anyone? But Malcolm Brown's a pretty good one, too. There's probably a shitload of Malcolms. Exhibit A.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And there's a lot of Browns. Get it? Browns. Get it? Oh, it is Fat Girl by NWA Is that who it is really No if it is Bloodhound Gang Got more chins than a Chinese Anyway yeah he had his fucking helmet
Starting point is 00:55:42 Mashed into the ground And he kind of went I didn't like it that it like the back like he just went limp how about when the kicker had to try to tackle that dude running the ball back that didn't look fun hell no that's the most
Starting point is 00:55:58 terrifying thing ever he didn't he couldn't why wouldn't he just be more aggressive why wouldn't he just be like fuck it I'm doing this that's about as aggressive as a kicker will get they don't do that you think you'd get in trouble if you did that like like if you like like the people at Lululemon who stopped the thieves from stealing
Starting point is 00:56:15 shit they got fired you think it's like that like if you're the kicker you get fired if you try to fucking they're just incapable oh just that's they don't they don't that's as fast as they run and about as physical as they'll get i've never seen a kicker actually blast somebody you know there's a dude that's called the um in football there's a guy called the long snapper yep and you know you're not allowed to hit that dude right
Starting point is 00:56:41 and so when i was at the game There's this fucking old guy Who's in pretty good shape On the bears And every once in a while Like from just a few feet away from me I see he comes out And another guy comes out
Starting point is 00:56:56 And they start licking their hands Yep And they just start snapping the ball And the guy snaps the ball between his legs Harder than like it's scary How hard and fast it comes out It comes out like It's like a machine
Starting point is 00:57:11 Shot it out it's like it's got a perfect Spiral And that dude Can play if no one's gonna hit you and that's Your job dude that is a you're A G so that dude probably makes Like two million dollars a year And he just comes out and licks your job dude that is a you're a g so that dude probably makes like two million dollars a year and he just comes out and licks his hands and no one hits you wow
Starting point is 00:57:33 it's like being a kicker same thing or like if you're the holder usually the holder is like the punter or something though so you hunter will literally hurt themselves badly if they try to block man it's great hog talk show just to show where we talk about penises that sounds disgusting to be honest with you why is that what everybody's saying h4 is that so what the h means why why is what that's gross oh tyreek is a popular name does uh i was a long snapper in high school no shit oh look it's me and you jethro jesus i'm a little breadcrumb next to you man uh 98 million for the guy that didn't get one sack against the worst team in the NFL.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Oh, that's how much that, that guy costs. That, uh, sweat guy, dude, I'm telling you, it doesn't matter whether he got a sack or not. He fucked that dude up. So many dude, when he, like, if someone pushes you like that, they're in your head the rest of the game. You do not want to be pushed by him drop the age and age and and drop an h in the chat for hog no penis talk is disgusting i just sprinkle it in there it's like um not disgusting but hog talk is like wasabi you just like just when you do it it's good and it's intense and yeah but you don't it's like it's it's a it's a it's a condiment
Starting point is 00:59:35 just a dab when you need it not penis talk i have no idea what you guys are talking about um okay let's look at the Shattuck in here we have to go what happened to you Savon you changed I just go through um uh I just go through um
Starting point is 01:00:02 uh phases what are you talking about just go through phases. What are you talking about? Just go through phases. Okay. Here. Number 74. Look at how appropriate. Listen.
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Starting point is 01:01:42 you Ready for you Number 74, the Tao Te Ching Beautiful Oh, sorry, one more quick thing You guys are never going to believe this I need to make an Instagram video about this This is true what I'm about to tell you You guys know that I'm black, right? Everyone knows that.
Starting point is 01:02:15 So yesterday I go onto my, I never use Amazon prime video ever, ever, ever. Like I just don't, I don't know. My wife must use it, right? My wife watches TV. I don't watch TV. I'm going to get in trouble for that. And I go to my Amazon prime and I look and i look and there's all those are all the people registered into my account seven seven two rosemary my mom look at my mom's fucking avatar no way so i'm working out in the garage and i and i'm trying i'm fucking around with amazon and i see this and then and then obby comes in the garage and we're working out a little bit we're doing some dexterity drills and my mom comes in there and I go hey your profile picture on Amazon's a black lady she goes I know I'm like oh I am black it was a trip it was a fucking trip she's like I like her and I don't know how to change her but I like her she looks like and she told me who she looks like
Starting point is 01:03:22 like Dionne Warwick or something I was like uh huh it's deep Foxy Cleopatra that's right yeah yeah yeah that's my mom uh what I like
Starting point is 01:03:40 about I don't know if I'm gonna like the reading this one Heidi I'm supposed to feel safe reading your shit heidi what i like is that someone knows he's black but he hasn't accepted he's a woman yet oh please don't tell me that's my next iteration how about when the matrix guys turned into trannies fuck the brothers you know the guys who directed that movie both those guys were brothers and they both turned into trannies i think they got sex operations wow they really went uh seven could be intersex i only touch uh i've only touched caleb's penis with the back of my
Starting point is 01:04:17 hand i'm good uh first i was offended and then i was like oh somebody's actually touching my dick nice right you're like all right cool it's an accident all 17 times um okay um shattuckin let's let's do this let's do this this show is only supposed to be 59 minutes today i have to save my voice for uh the next two shows okay so this is a uh we are in nebraska and a uh one or two acre uh palatial property two acres uh in a fancy neighborhood with where a guy had been holding up for 600 years and let his house become dilapidated and now the the shattuck and renovation is our dearly beloved caleb's project um that he films with uh the iphone 10 the whatever the new one is oh 15 uh 14 pro max oh wow congratulations yeah thanks okay okay Yeah. Thanks. Okay. Okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:05:25 So do you want to set the scene up for us here? What's going on? Are you sipping an espresso right there? No, that's my, my mask. Cause I thought you were doing, I thought you were doing one of these. No, I wish I'd rather be doing that for sure. But, um, so I, I don't know if you've even taken the plywood down. Why are you even taking the plywood down?
Starting point is 01:05:44 I like plywood. I do too. But this there, I saw that black, uh, like discolored wood on the bottom left there. Yeah. It's all like water damage.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Basically. It's not mushy or anything like it hasn't been seeping water, but it's definitely not. Oh, from when there was a sink there, that must've been under the cabinet or something so it's not water from the wall it was water from the outside somehow spraying like from the the what's that thing called the water trap or whatever that must have been leaking or spraying some water some
Starting point is 01:06:14 moisture under the sink right exactly not in the wall okay yeah and so if you kind of look closer you can see it kind of traces traces down the bottom of the plywood all the way across to like where that white wall, where the plywood meets the white wall. Yeah, okay. So I need to remove all that. Plus it had that wood paneling over it, and I hated that wood paneling. What's that indentation there at the top of the black moldy area? So that is where the washer hookup is for like a closed washer. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:06:44 So that's supposed to be open like that. Right. Okay. Which is where that water, the washroom, the, the washer mean the, the dishwasher,
Starting point is 01:06:52 the clothes washer, clothes washer, but it's not, this is like the main room, like the big, that's like a 40 by 30 foot room. So it wasn't a washroom, but there was a washer in it.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Correct. It was like a living room and just having to have a washer and dryer in it. Exactly. Okay, here we go. No, no, pause, pause. Oh, my goodness. Hold on. Tyson big-timed us again.
Starting point is 01:07:14 No, no, no. That show's been moved to 1230. Everyone chill. Okay, here we go. Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. I started by trying to remove this plywood from the wall because it's hideous and serves no purpose and also is covered in water damage. I knew where the pipes were, but I got a little greedy with this last cut.
Starting point is 01:07:49 with this last cut that's why i just started doing i wanted to check to see if it was gas or actually water i thought i could shut off the water by just caleb why couldn't you end up taking all that plywood down right right why why were you why didn't you just peel it off why were you cutting it why didn't you just like the top take it and just pull or something? Those pipes have like fittings around them. Oh So I can't just like pull it away from the wall and I would have ripped the pipes out Right. Yeah And yeah, so I couldn't have done that at all. So I needed to cut around it. I used a sawzall and
Starting point is 01:08:24 usually a sawzall is pretty good for most jobs. But now after I made the mistake, obviously, I realized that I should have used a Dremel, which is like an oscillating saw, basically. It would have been slower though, right? It would have been slower, but it would have been more accurate. Like you have to go in like inch and a half sections instead, depending on what kind of blade you have.
Starting point is 01:08:50 That one is just a straight like saw blade. It's like a foot long and it's really hard to control. And if you pull it out too much from the wood, it'll like. Yeah, that's my dad's favorite tool. Growing up as a kid, he used that thing every day for something. Yeah. I love this all, but obviously just not a great spot for Heidi already with some production
Starting point is 01:09:13 feedback. Look at, look at the dudes will tell you what you did wrong with the actual, like, you know, building and not building. She's going to critique your presentation of it. Dear Caleb,
Starting point is 01:09:29 maybe, maybe adding a little emotion or emphasis on the commentary. It's so dry. Well, thank you for the feedback. Oh, sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean to say thank you for you. I'll work on it. I was pretty defeated when I recorded all of it. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Let's go on. Let's go on. Let's see some more. I was turning the water heater off, but I was wrong. Eventually, I had to go back and find the water main itself and shut that off. Why didn't you turn the water heater off and stop it? Because it wasn't the hot water pipe? If that was the hot water pipe, would it have stopped it? It was the hot water pipe, but it's possible that I just didn't realize
Starting point is 01:09:59 that there was just going to be so much water that needed to come out first that's just sitting in the pipes. be so much water that needed to come out first uh that's like just sitting in the pipes because when i shut off the water heater it just kept water just kept coming out it was a slower rate than it was before but i just that water heater is tiny i've never even seen one like that don't those cylindrical ones usually go up to the ceiling yeah usually they do i don't know i think he just had a smaller one it's also there's also not a lot of space where he kept it. So it was just kind of, I don't know. He just probably got the small one. And what is that bucket for there? Is that for like just carrying your tools around in? to hold screws and just nails that I was pulling out of the plywood.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Right. And then eventually I had to start using it to catch water. So it's kind of been used for just about everything at this point. How much water do you think sprays out of here? Hmm. Before I shut it off, maybe like a couple of gallons of glass. Oh,
Starting point is 01:11:01 that's it. It was, it really wasn't much. It was just, I, for whatever reason, I was just freaked so dude it looks freaky yeah okay okay let's see let's see and what's that plastic so when that's hot water is it hot is it burning you oh it's hot yeah so what i thought i thought it was gas at first like i said but then because it just shot out and like it was like a spray basically it looked kind of like smoky so then i so when you see i was gas like just for like one second
Starting point is 01:11:30 the sound and then as soon as you felt the moisture you're like okay yeah exactly okay oh this isn't nice hold on a second this isn't nice. Hold on a second. This isn't nice. I think this is passive aggressive. Didn't do much damage to, I think the key word is there, that house. That hurts a little. No. Yeah, no. To that, that's, it's pretty minor, considerably. It wasn't like, oh, it's going to damage the house.
Starting point is 01:12:01 It was like, fuck, now I have to learn how to fix plumbing, basically. Yeah, didn't do much damage to that house. Right. plumbing basically didn't do much damage to that house yeah there's he's insinuating uh explicitly that maybe your house isn't so nice i'm sorry it's a tough crowd okay go go on i just put a clip of what is that show what clip was that from trailer park boys okay i don't know is that real is that documentary is that No, it's just a shitty TV. I've never seen you look like that ever on the show. Ever. You're angry.
Starting point is 01:12:35 I'm pissed. Have you called your wife yet? No. At this point, I'm still cleaning everything up. I was moving the wood out of the way just to just to do something basically and then as i was moving that away i realized it was still leaking yeah and that's when i had to go back at this point it's pretty funny watching myself run around because in reality the water wasn't coming out that fast anymore and i could have just faded it out much slower what pants are those what brand of pants are those Uh alaskan Hard gear oh they're nice It's like an off brand of
Starting point is 01:13:09 Duluth trading company They're they're my favorite pants Uh zach Uh sullivan Uh he hey listen This is this Is this guy's act sullivan Like this guy puts on a
Starting point is 01:13:24 Tool belt every day. So take this with a grain of salt. You know what I mean? Like this guy, like how I mean, you put on a belt or like brush our teeth or shit. This guy puts on a tool belt. This guy puts on a tool belt before he brushes his teeth.
Starting point is 01:13:36 He keeps his toothbrush in his tool belt. This guy lives in his tool belt. This guy's had sex with his tool belt on. I mean, you know what I mean? Yeah, for sure. Uh,
Starting point is 01:13:44 slap dicks running to be fair i used to do that i used to use a sawzall every day but i'm a little out of practice so oh my god this is brutal thanks dude that house that's another thing that i found that i just i love about making these videos is how many people know experts there are just like thank you everybody I appreciate it like and it's even funnier because my brother will do the same thing because my brother he does stuff like or used to do stuff like this and now he's an auto mechanic so anytime I ask him about stuff he's like fuck it I'm just gonna come over and do it myself I'm like like, okay, whatever. How long is it squirting for? Probably over a minute.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Like from the time that I nicked it to the time that I actually shut the water main off. Yeah. Probably over a minute. And that's a great word. You nicked it. You nicked it. It's like a shaving term, but you nicked the copper pipe. Yeah, I nicked it you nicked it it's like it's like you know it's like a shaving term but you nicked the the copper pipe yeah i nicked it have you have you ever shaved your pubes and nicked your ball sack or your penis and then it just bleeds for like 30 minutes afterwards yeah i tried that um i tried
Starting point is 01:14:57 many years ago i tried that maybe five years ago i tried that one blade that i use on my face on my balls and like in eight seconds it put 75 nicks in no eight seconds and then half a second it put fucking 75 nicks in my scrotum oh god dude it was fuck painful uh uh it was really painful because then i went and got in the shower a magdalene uh egert egert i'm adding sex while wearing tool belt to my husband's list. There you go. Great list. I want to see the rest of that.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Zach Sullivan. You guys turned me on to this slapdick term, and now I'm trying to use it as much as possible. How long did it squirt for? Dildo. Clip it. Fair enough. Okay. Okay. uh how long did it squirt for uh dildo clip it fair enough okay okay um so uh okay so so you nicked it and it's going for a minute and when do you call your wife um probably why are you keeping that hood there is that a hood for a stove there on the ground on
Starting point is 01:16:02 the right yeah there's a lot of stuff that i just have kept that I need to throw away, but I can't yet. Or like I haven't gotten around to getting another dumpster. So that just needs to be carried outside. Yeah, pretty much. It's not being saved for anything. No, I thought about taking it to the dump because you can get money for throwing metal away and stuff. Yeah. And that's what I did initially with a lot of metal.
Starting point is 01:16:23 So I'm kind of just keeping it until i have time to take it over there uh daniel garrity this show would finally take off if seve dabbled in home improvement god i hope you find an aborted baby in the wall fuck that would make the show run full circle oh god our blm poster uh i did find a there was a poster in there but i posted about it yesterday anyway so i called my wife probably after i got the water like after the water stopped yeah so i finally yeah do you call her the same way like i might call my mom in the eighth grade like like come home and talk to my mom about like like in the sixth grade when my girlfriend broke up with me, I was devastated. Like, I just needed...
Starting point is 01:17:10 I must have talked to my mom about it for, like, three days straight. Yeah, that's about what happened. You're just fucking, like, pissed. You just need to, like... Yeah, what's funny is I didn't even... I need my mommy moment. Did you call your mom? No.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Oh, that would have been awful. I mean, if she's across the street, I would have just gone home but yeah the uh i i called her probably i like this goes this is this is any were you doing any praying here no i was just like pissed i didn't know what to do with myself i was like yeah yeah i knew that this was now gonna take like this is gonna take up a few days to actually fix it. Yeah. Oh, there's the Nick. Yeah, it was pretty good, Nick.
Starting point is 01:17:53 When I called my wife, I didn't even know what to say. So I was like, she was like, hey, what's up? And I was just like silent on the line for probably 10, 20 seconds. And then I was like, hey, I nicked a pipe. And she was so nonchalant about it she's
Starting point is 01:18:08 like oh it's fine like no worries it's all good like don't like yeah you needed that you needed that right no no you're like no this is actually a big deal like now i need to spend you wanted did you want her to be mad at you no i just wanted her i really just wanted her to listen i didn't care like i didn't i didn't i wanted zero advice right like i wanted i didn't want any anybody to tell me how you need to do xyz i just like stop just listen to like just let me get this out and i'll and then i'll figure it out myself so i just she just sat there she's like oh it's fine no big deal i'm like no it's not fine like there's a shitload of water that just came out and now we can't you can't use like we had to shut the water off because if we do turn it on you now it's spraying so you
Starting point is 01:18:57 can't use the bathroom you can't use the sink you can't use the hose outside because we were going to lay concrete and oh shit so now you're just like delayed and uh so i was like fine like whatever i'm just going to continue like trying to remove stuff and then eventually i started watching a bunch of youtube videos on how to solder i kind of figured out how to do it went to lowes got a bunch of stuff to solder and uh didn't it didn't work the first way that i had because i got a solder gun instead of a propane instead of a torch like one of those things that shoots fire and uh apparently you actually needed a torch which i wasn't aware of so then i had to make another trip to lowes and then
Starting point is 01:19:40 it still didn't work and i tried again the next day and then also like why it wasn't working just because there's some technique and finesse to to welding right it's not just like you see it you're just like hey i'm just gonna put this thing here put the goop on and then just melt it on there and walk away it's gonna be dry in eight seconds and i'll get back to work it's not like right no it's there's a yeah there's like preparation'll get back to work. It's not like that. There's preparation that you have to do. It's like foreplay. It's a little bit of massaging the labia majora
Starting point is 01:20:12 shit going on. More about that than it is about putting the pipe in there. Exactly. Hey, did you think about this? Let me ask you this. Now, I thought of this also, but I watched the entire video before I thought of this. Get a pipe cutter.
Starting point is 01:20:30 And I didn't know what these other things were called. And it says couple shark bite couplings and some PVC. Good to go. I was thinking, did you ever think about doing that? Getting a pipe cutter and just cutting out that segment and putting in? Because the other day, my gardener ran over like this 400 hose i have and i was just going to order a new one and then i'm like wait a second i'll just get a coupler and put it together and put two pipe fittings over it this mine was a garden hose it wasn't a copper hose
Starting point is 01:20:55 uh did you think about doing that by any chance do you own a pipe cutter no but i do own two of them now oh so i didn't at the time you do now yeah yeah i'd have like zero tools so a lot of the stuff that i'm using i'm borrowing from my parents and in-laws and uh i have no idea what shark bites are but i was not i didn't what i didn't want to make it so that it was like half-assed so i wanted to like actually make it so that it would be solid forever oh this is the uh shark bite coupler yeah this is like something kind of this isn't that's interesting i don't like the idea of there being plastic mixed with my copper i'll tell you that yeah i didn't even consider that i don't i've never seen that before so yeah so i tried to use the i tried to solder it for like two days straight didn't work finally uh i even i had my dad try it and he didn't he couldn't do it either and then um
Starting point is 01:21:58 um my brother's old teammate is a plumber now. Yeah. I wanted, yeah. Did I want to call her? I wanted your wife to call. Did you want her to call you? No, I, I didn't want that.
Starting point is 01:22:11 I want, I, it would have really been nice for me. Like when I lost my job and I'm like, uh, and I asked my wife, I'm like, fuck,
Starting point is 01:22:17 I lost my job today. She's like, I got fired today too. I'm like, I don't want to lose the house. Would you just move into a van with me and the kids? She's like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:22:24 sure. No problem. I was like, I, I consider that every day like what moving into a van or yeah just getting a camper and parking it on the property oh and just living there yeah so you can just wearing it yeah or or just so I don't have to try to fix all this shit. And she can just fire, shower at the firehouse. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Exactly. You'll just be gross. Uh-huh. Well, if it makes you feel better, Tyler says it's not easy to solder copper. Yeah. Well, the guy who came to fix it,
Starting point is 01:22:55 did it in five minutes and left. I was like, I gave him some money and he's like, no, no. And I was like, no, you're going to take this money because you're on retainer now.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Oh yeah. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. In case I need you to come back's like, no, no. And I was like, no, you're going to take this money because you're on retainer now. Oh yeah. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. In case I need you to come back. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So, and what's funny.
Starting point is 01:23:10 So I nicked this pipe. I had the guy come in and fix it after my three days of attempts. And then right before that guy showed up to fix it, I nicked another pipe like down the line. And so I was, and we didn't find that out until we turned the water on after he fixed this one. So finally, so at that point,
Starting point is 01:23:31 I'm like, I didn't even suspect you nipped it, nicked it. No. Sorry, Judy. I said nipped it. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Did you, did you, you didn't know? No, I didn't even know that I nicked the second one. I was like, Oh, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:23:42 And like, I looked at it and it looked like I had like brushed it. So it looked fine. But then as soon as I turned the water on, it started spewing again. And then I was like, okay, well don't worry about it. I'm going to try it. Like, since you taught me how to do it, I'm going to try to do it the way you taught me.
Starting point is 01:23:58 And so the next day I came back and then I did it. And then it actually, I looked, I worked. So I fixed that one on my worked. So you weld now? I solder, yeah. I definitely don't weld yet, but maybe at some point. Whenever I see this dude's name in my Instagram, I get triggered. This dude right here.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Really? Yeah. For some reason, when I see Andrew Sten, I think of this guy who used to work at CrossFit named Andrew Weinstein, this complete fucking scumbag. Yeah, he was like, yeah, it's super easy. No worries. And I was like, okay. And he comes in and freaking did it. Yeah, this is me trying to solder it myself. So basically what I was doing wrong the whole time is I wasn't cleaning the pipe properly. Sorry, Andrew. Sorry. Yeah, sorry. I know.
Starting point is 01:24:47 I know. It's not fair. You don't even have a – I know. It's not fair. I apologize. I apologize. I know. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:24:54 You're not him. Like, you're big and buff, and this guy was like – and you're manly, and this guy was a weasley douchebag. Punk-ass bitch. Okay. So here we go. So we continue, and there's a dustpan there of course like any good uh uh carpenter to catch any excess water that may fall out yeah i you know what i picture you putting that there and then not even taking the water outside to throw it away just reaching back and dumping it out like that i didn't even do that for like probably two i just let it just let water go into it that was that was just discussed that's when all the flux this is me and my dad trying to fix it and this is what would happen every time
Starting point is 01:25:34 we would get it heated up and then it would just bubble and bubble and bubble and then it would fall off oh so you did get a pipe cutter that's an extra piece of pipe laid over it. Yeah, right. So you get a pipe cutter. Is it slightly bigger? Yeah, it's a little bit bigger and it fits around the pipes itself. Oh, and it fell off because it was just too hot. You're just keeping it too hot? It wasn't.
Starting point is 01:26:04 We didn't sand the pipe properly and then we didn't add enough of the like the jelly the flux that's supposed to oh yeah flux yeah yeah so once we figured that out it started it was fine so um oh there must be a summit tomorrow an affiliate summit that's a nice shirt there there might be an look at you that makes your shoulders look good that's a nice shirt don There might be an affiliate. Look at how that makes your shoulders look good. That's a nice shirt. Good thing you have five of them, right? Yeah, exactly. These are all my work shirts. I just wear them every day. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Oh, I asked Travis to send you a orange. I asked Travis yesterday to send you and JR and Sousa an orange Chicago Bear CEO shirt. That's dope. orange i asked travis yesterday to send you and jr and suza a orange chicago oh so their ceo shirt that's dope yeah i was feeling i was feeling like extra you know generous and froggy because they won it's like damn all right so that's all patched up yeah it's fixed and then after that once i got it soldered i was able to take out all the rest of those wood panels and then i found this other panel
Starting point is 01:27:11 like one he built that wall himself we're pretty sure you should have spray painted on the wall vctm i want to got nicked yeah that's I felt like a victim of my own stupidity If I would have been raised in a real white collar a real blue collar white a really real white trash family I would have known how to weld Yeah, exactly Colt Mearns would have had the Shanna can complete already. He doesn't even have his own house complete Don't even oh Look at that. We finally caleb too far oh wow
Starting point is 01:27:48 this was a sign though it's it was part of the wall i'm gonna try to get it out so i can like hang it somewhere i thought it was pretty cool wait a second is that like a plastic sign he used for insulation one there was no insulation in that wall. Two, it's like part of the wall that he used, yeah. But is there sheetrock on the other side of that? Or that is the wall? That's the wall. What's it made of, plastic?
Starting point is 01:28:17 I think it's metal. Oh, that is weird. That is fucking... Wow. Wow. So that, yeah. I haven't actually that is weird that is fucking wow wow so that yeah what this just a seven mile ride around my neighborhood nothing oh I thought
Starting point is 01:28:36 I would like to see that your entire neighborhood I thought he was saying you should go on a bike ride around your neighborhood yeah that'd be cool the new victim mentality shirt looks sick I agree that's pretty good I thought he was saying you should go on a bike ride around your neighborhood. Yeah, that'd be cool. The new victim mentality shirt looks sick. I agree. Yeah, it's pretty good. But yeah, I'm going to put some insulation in there and make it nice.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Seve, when's the next hair wash penciled in for? Oh, it's so funny you say that. When I got in, I actually got out of the shower this morning, and I was like, I'm probably the same as Caleb. Like, I've just even forgot. Like, I got out, and I'm like, oh, shoot, I wish I would have washed my hair. But it's not even, like, an option when I'm in the shower. It's like I just soap butthole cock and balls armpits Chest
Starting point is 01:29:29 Yeah Have you I started using that sabbath essential soap that she sent me How is it pretty good? I like it also, i've never Not been ashy during winter time and I I'm not ashy anymore oh that's because of her stuff
Starting point is 01:29:48 it's pretty nice my skin's actually soft in the winter you know Winston welders are not white trash yeah they make a shit load of money I know but come on of course they're white trash that's just absurd
Starting point is 01:30:02 I'm gonna type in white trash. That's just absurd. I'm going to type in white trash welder. Listen. Images. Maybe she's right. There's not a lot of. There's not a lot of... Maybe you're right. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:30:29 What are they? Look at me freeing my mind. If you've got a trade, you're making a hell of money. That's for sure. White trash and money are not mutually exclusive. Oh, meaning, yeah, you could be white trash and... Make money. Yeah, make money.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Blue collar and white trash are different. Nuance. Nuance. Nuance. Well. wants well I really do hope that on behalf of David weed and Jake Chapman no no cave dastro that the show became funny or more funniest so you would
Starting point is 01:31:23 fucking hate to lose you guys as uh listeners let me see if i can find one more funny thing for you guys you guys want to hear from donald how about two how about 242. you just want to hear from this isn't funny. You guys can hear from Donald Trump. Did I tell you about my friend whose dentist had Parkinson's disease? What? No way.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Did I tell that story? No. Donald Trump reaction on electric tanks for the army. does anyone think electric tanks are a good idea here we go here we go oh is the tdc a little bit white trash dude dave is i don't know if you call it white trash when you're when you're uh colonized uh native american but for sure for sure dude he's got two fifth wheels on the property when i first met him it was just full of semis and um yeah he fully has oh dude at his i went to a funeral for one of his family members and uh
Starting point is 01:32:43 at the very end like of the funeral while the service was going on, a fucking half dozen Hells Angels rolled up. Just imagine the priest is up there reading some God shit. And there's a hundred people there. And five dudes, Hells Angels, roll up on the fucking loudest, gnarliest bikes ever. Just fucking sons of anarchy looking motherfuckers interrupt the whole thing everyone's like trying to act casual and like not make eye contact with them and shit yeah ask them about it crazy crazy white trash would you say hell's angels are white trash i definitely would say that
Starting point is 01:33:21 yeah i'd go with that. Yeah. My dad's got parkies. Yeah, don't let them floss your teeth or work on your teeth. Okay, here we go. Mr. Trump, former President Trump. Here we go. All electric army tanks now. Think of this.
Starting point is 01:33:44 So they want to have an army tank that's electric. You can't get it recharged. It doesn't go far enough. It doesn't go strong enough. But they want to have electric. So that we go into enemy territory. We will blast the shit out of everybody. But at least we will go in with environmentally nice equipment. Do you believe me?
Starting point is 01:34:08 That's a very good point. Don't worry. The environment will be fine. 175. 175. I don't know if you guys remember. It's so funny. Now the show's been around so long
Starting point is 01:34:21 that people are like, hey, you should have so-and-so on the show. I'm like, that motherfucker was on the show. You guys remember when this guy was on the show's been around so long that people are like hey you should have so and so on the show i'm like that motherfucker was on the show you guys remember when this guy was on the show this guy opens for rogan now i don't think he opened for rogan when he was on oh he did yeah okay well there you go see what see see see what i remember here we go previously in nashville and i went to a museum, and I learned that in Nashville they used to have this thing called the Negro Building, which I think is horrible. Nowadays, we just call it a basketball court. I don't understand these people that are like,
Starting point is 01:35:06 don't get a tattoo when you're older. It's going to look ugly. Who are these people like, man, I might not have had any fun when I was a kid, but at least I have this pristine 70-year-old body. I've never heard anyone be like, man, I would totally fuck your grandma, but her tattoos are gross. I have been buying a lot of things through Instagram ads.
Starting point is 01:35:33 I bought that purple stuff that's supposed to make yellow teeth whiter. Yeah, I've been using it on my skin. Thank you. Well, well, oh my goodness oh my goodness are you heidi oh shit god i'm if you do that fuck i don't get jealous but i will be so jealous if you do that man oh my goodness you're so fucking cool if you do that heidi uh all right i gotta head out i think oh come on come on why why what are you doing my father-in-law just started he's gonna make some concrete and we're going to lay a
Starting point is 01:36:25 pad down for our new Okay, could you play one more? One more. Yeah. One time for CrossFit I went to Rick Ross's house. I smoked a blunt with Rick Ross
Starting point is 01:36:42 160. One time I went to Rick Ross's house with Dave. Uh, I know she's so cool already, but, uh, Heidi's so cool already. But if she, if she, even if she doesn't ever go on the show, if she just puts a set together, man, maybe you're going to inspire me me heidi i want to do that too okay uh here we here we go money and having money for a while for a long time but it feels like you went to another level with the money the power boss was that just investments that just pause this that guy right there is pretending to be black in that white shirt. That's not a real black man. Not like me. Just so you know. Just listen to the way he talks. He's totally pretending to be black.
Starting point is 01:37:33 OK, go on. He got to a certain level. Like what? How does this a lot of different things? Just keeping it one thousand. I don't have my hands in twenty five different pots. I've been cooking on the stove for a long time. And really, I was getting money the whole time. I'm a real frugal at some points. But when it's time to make a power play, I will. I spent $100 million. I spent that in the last six months.
Starting point is 01:37:59 On new investments, on reinvesting yourself. On the album, he talking talking crazy how you coming off yeah yeah i just bought a crib for 35 a jet for 35 did not investments i'm over 100 million in the last six months and we ain't just talking about it we we really getting to it and spending it yeah i will say this he had a really nice house but it was like kind of ghetto inside it was very plain inside it looks so when he says he rolls frugal he rolls frugal a couch and a tv on the ground kind of thing yes yes 35 million dollar mansion yes yes like that yes that's stupid yes like that in the whitest neighborhood ever
Starting point is 01:38:40 i know what uh oh sorry don't leave yet uh caleb i know you're in a hurry but did you hear about the story about the girl at the glory hole in amsterdam oh my goodness do tell oh my goodness does she need a job working at the shattuckin what what have you had a oh my god sounds like something they'd have at the epstein mansion just a room with you walk into a room there's just a bunch of holes in the wall god damn all right thanks caleb no problem all right I'll see you later are you coming on at 1230 when that's in four hours when
Starting point is 01:39:30 Tyson Bajan comes on if we're done with the concrete maybe we'll see okay good I look forward to you come on dirty with like concrete like falling out of your hair or whatever wherever concrete falls off on you okay okay bye later uh caleb beaver the creator of the shattuckin series
Starting point is 01:39:55 uh infamous shattuckin series on youtube this story is so bad really uh no sorry sleeky sorry he he sorry i don't know why it didn't um i don't know what's going on let me see uh what do i type in glory hole amsterdam uh we called up every dutch glory hole operator in the city to see if a if a girl on a hen party really accidentally gave her dad. no thank you even I have my limits oh yeah oh yeah
Starting point is 01:40:57 I didn't even know it thank you for testing my limits oh yeah oh yeah wow for testing my limits. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Wow. And, oh, man. Man, oh, man.
Starting point is 01:41:23 Oh, man, something is so weird with my... Something is so weird with my... Something is so weird with my... Instagram. Watch this. Watch this shit pop up. It's like it won't let me do Instagram stuff. Let's see. I didn't know the scene of Anne Hathaway rapping Tupac existed until now,
Starting point is 01:41:39 so you got to see it too. Here we go. How do you want it? How do you feel? here we go God, it's so good. She does it so good, doesn't she? I couldn't pick Anne Hathaway out of a crowd, though. So that wouldn't fly now? That's a no-go now? Let me see what the... Euphoric bro, did Anne Hathaway say nigga more than once?
Starting point is 01:42:40 Is there a limit? The movie Havoc is about rich kids trying to be ghetto they end up being invited to a party by gang members and they like the lifestyle so they try to fit in that's not a movie that's real life that was that was that was my high school in 1990 they're offered to be initiated in and there's a whole gangbang scene oh wow To be initiated in. And there's a whole gangbang scene. Oh wow. I say blame the script writers.
Starting point is 01:43:13 I don't know. That scene was kind of cool. Oh. Then the fucking idiots chime in.esus christ jesus christos yeah i'll add that to my watch list yeah that was that's you think that that's cringe i thought that was cool i thought i thought she sounded good singing that tupac song no i'm not reading the glory hole story. Savon. No, thank you.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Mr. Weed loves her. Yeah, she's cool. Well, I mean, that's a cool scene. The movie's called, I don't know what the movie's called. I don't know what it's called Just type in Anne Hathaway Somewhere I'd watch that movie Why not That's cool I like iterations on uh I like different iterations on
Starting point is 01:44:31 rap music like classical music renditions of it country music renditions of it I like a slow you know slow like singing it like songs like you haven't heard sung as love ballads sung as love ballads I love all that shit no really how is that super cringe really what am i missing you guys really think that's super cringe how is that cringe listen her her voice is so great in this how are you are we talking about the same thing How do you want it? How do you feel? Coming up as a nigga in a cash game Living in the fast lane now for real How do you want it? How do you feel?
Starting point is 01:45:16 Coming up as a nigga in a cash game Living in the fast lane now for real It's even filmed well. I don't know. I like it. I'm old. What are you going to do? Do you think that's really her voice? Yeah, you don't. There's a bluegrass version of 99 Problems.
Starting point is 01:45:35 It's amazing. Look it up. Her voice is great, but I feel embarrassed when I watch this. I get that, too. I see what you're saying It's taken me many years not to be embarrassed That I'm black It's the plight of the black man But I made it To the other side
Starting point is 01:45:57 Oh Brandon Waddell Was at the Chicago Bears game last night Awesome Sebi there was a douchebag kid A row behind us last night talking shit All game about Bajan My kid punked him it was great Dude
Starting point is 01:46:16 After looking at the stats How people Their first year as a quarterback As rookies go 2-2 is not bad, man. It's fucking actually really, really good. I know. That's what I see too, Patrick. It still says the show is the Texas Invasion show.
Starting point is 01:46:40 I know. I don't know what's going on. Let me see if I... What if I... Let's see if I... What if I... Let's see what I... I changed it to... Let's see if I can go to... Let's see. Live Paul and Joe
Starting point is 01:47:16 Shattuck Shattuck and Gloryhole Shattuck and Gloryhole Shattuck and Gloryhole update Gloryhole Gloryhole two words Shattuck and Gloryhole update How's that? Did that do it? I don't know what to tell you
Starting point is 01:47:38 Oh, that looks good How's that? Did it fix? Anyway Oh, that looks good. How's that? Did it fix? Anyway, 1230. That is in three hours and 45 minutes. Thank you, Mr. Clark. The question is, will Tyson play next week? The man with the tool belt speaks again.
Starting point is 01:48:14 QBs have played exceptionally well against Panthers. QBs have not played exceptionally well against Panthers either. Tyson did a good job. He didn't even work in slapdick in there. That kid standing behind Waddell's son is a slapdick.
Starting point is 01:48:34 How's that? Oh, okay. Then maybe you were right. Maybe you're right. Short quarterbacks are fine now. Shit. Maybe you're 2-0 and not 0-2. Oh, great. The monetization was off on J.R. and Taylor's show.
Starting point is 01:48:56 That sucks. clock we'll get the final word today a lot of real football pundits think has solidified himself as a legit backup QB. That's not the Cinderella story we want, but it means he's earned a place in the NFL and can make bank. Oh, please. That's just stupid talk. The pundits are the worst in that sport. They're worse than our sport. I watch like fucking 10 different shows.
Starting point is 01:49:43 First of all, half the guys don't even have fucking mastery over the fucking English language that I've heard speaking on it. The field commentator, the guys on the field are the worst. The best, you know what? The best I heard was these two women. They're Chicago Locals Trying to remember their names Hmm I bet you I bet you I bet you he keeps starting
Starting point is 01:50:26 I'm gonna bet on that I'm gonna bet that we're gonna see a lot of him And I'm gonna bet that He keeps getting better and better Okay sorry you don't get the last word clock Hold on Is it Colton Merton singing a Tupac song Cause if it is I'm here for it Don't get the last word clock. Hold on. Is it Colton Merton singing a Tupac song?
Starting point is 01:50:49 Because if it is, I'm here for it. Better be. Wad zombie. Oh, I kept meaning to look at this. I did not look closely at this. I just saw his hair was dyed. Sorry, Dad, but these pigs deadass. Sorry, Dad, but these pigs deadass will be 100% free this weekend when I'm competing. If you need some help, just call the neighbor on God No Cap.
Starting point is 01:51:27 I don't even get it I mean the picture's funny But I cannot even read that Is that English? Oh it's You might not get it Boomer Oh yeah I totally don't get it I totally don't get it Sorry dad but these pigs Dead ass will be 100% I totally don't get it.
Starting point is 01:51:52 Sorry, Dad, but these pigs dead ass will be 100% FR this weekend when I'm competing. If you need some help, call the neighbor on God no cap. Dude, seriously? Is that English? English. Oh, really? So that really is like lingo right there that I don't get. Oh, thank you. Sorry, dad, but these pigs dead ass will be 100% free range. Thank you, Kevin. Okay. This weekend when I'm competing, if you need some help, call the neighbor on God, no cap on God, no cap. Oh, for real. FR for real. Sorry, dad. These pigs dead ass will be 100% for real this weekend. The pigs will, but these pigs dead ass. The pigs will, but these pigs dead ass.
Starting point is 01:52:47 It's not English. It's that's the funny part. Oh God, you fucking suck cock so bad. Cave dastro. Oh my God. You need to be throat fucked. You dragged me over here to look at this shit. I love wad zombie and you just made me hate them.
Starting point is 01:53:04 You fucking douche. Oh, don't say percent oh okay hold on sorry dad but these pigs dead ass will be 100 free range this weekend don't say 100 is fine it's not funny god yes a bad offense and terrible. Oh, that really got done. Yeah. Gabe, what is wrong with you? Didn't you and someone else start the show with saying that you liked it when I used to be funny? Settle down, Seve.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Settle down. Remember, you want people to think that you're wise. Okay. Be humble. Oh, I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon meditating on this WAD zombie post until I understand it. Thank you. I can't wait to learn this lingo. This is cool. See you guys at 1230 Tyson Bajan.

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