The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In Show | There Will Be Change

Episode Date: January 25, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
Starting point is 00:00:18 you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. Thank you. No, it's a quick show today. Bam! We are live. Good morning. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Sorry about the shortness of this morning's show. This one's going to be just a quickie with the Beav and the Suze. Quickie Beav. Yeah. Suze, Sev, andes seven beef one of us is different that way that guy over there one of us is different uh no i'm still in the kitchen uh greg uh greg kicks evie out of the kitchen no i'm in the kitchen i'm in the kitchen kind of i'm in the kitchen i'm at this place called i'll tell you guys where I'm at. I'm at this place called Silver Mountain Lodge in Kellogg, Idaho. I went into a, it's my second indoor water park I've been in in two days. It is really disgusting in there. It just smells like chemicals. I feel like
Starting point is 00:02:01 someone just opened a bottle of Clorox and is just holding it under my nose, and it's crazy warm and steamy. Last night, I realized I am an addict. Last night, I was just chilling. We got up here. I put on my bathing suit and my snow boots, and I walked over with the kids to the indoor snow park. I went straight up to the bar, ordered a Red Bull and vodka, drank it, and then I was like, fuck, I just – I'm not getting any satisfaction from the alcohol.
Starting point is 00:02:44 So I came back. I told my wife I'm going back to the room and then I did 100 burpees and I did a podcast. Remember that one we were talking about, Sousa, about just reading an article, do a 20-minute show? I did it and I was fucking stoked. Yeah. Awesome. I was so stoked. Matt, good morning, buddy.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Good morning. Matt Schindeldecker will be coming on the show, I believe, in February sometime. He's making crazy progress. For those who don't remember, when I had Matt on the show, it's the only person I could remember where I was kind of envious of his day. Because Matt wakes up every morning with such incredible purpose. If you didn't see that show I did with him, please check it out. We'll be having Matt on, I think, in February. He's got some big things coming down the pipe.
Starting point is 00:03:32 He's making... His life is cool. Yeah, Judy. Isn't Matt in Schindeldecker in Ohio? Yeah. He's going to be the king of affiliates in Ohio and in... I don't even know what's going to be affiliates, but gyms. He's going to be the king of affiliates in Ohio and in, or I don't even know what's going to be affiliates, but Jim's he's going to be the king of gyms in Ohio and maybe
Starting point is 00:03:49 in the United States soon. Fucking talk about help centers. If you haven't seen that episode, go check it out. Okay. Uh, big news in the fighting world. I don't know if it's true or not, but we had a lady on the show. I don't know if you guys remember. It was a long, long time ago. It was a good get. I think her name was Caitlin Harrison. And she was – Kayla? Kayla.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Thank you. Kayla Harrison. She's the only – I don't know if she's the only, but for sure she was the first American to ever win the gold medal in judo in the Olympics. She did it twice, two Olympics in a row. Then she went over to the PFL professional fight league. And I think she won the million dollar prize twice over there. People considered her the greatest fighter, a female fighter who's ever lived. And, um, it, one of the issues with her is that she fights at 155 pounds and a lean 155. One of the issues with her is that she fights at 155 pounds and a lean 155.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And by the way, when she came on the show, I thought we were going to talk about her fighting, but I read her book before she came on the show. And she was basically her judo coach from the age of eight to 16 was sleeping with her. So I don't know what you want to call that rape, pedophile, pedophilia, fucking lump it into any category. Crazy story. Because of the fact that when your coach does that to you from eight to 16, it was a dynamic that I, I mean, obviously I still don't have my head wrapped around it. But the confusion of a child not knowing that it's wrong. The child not knowing that it's wrong. And then later on as they're getting older, finding out. The scramble it put on my brain was nuts.
Starting point is 00:05:35 It was actually one of those books. I read it and I remember going to my wife. I'm like, I don't know if I'm a better person for knowing this. I don't know if I needed to know any of this but um uh but by the way woody harrelson did the same thing just out in the public eye and and no and he's he's a hero of the left um but but anyway that being said that's why she wasn't coming to the ufc because in the ultimate fighting uh championships the highest weight class they have for women is 145 pounds. And so she could never come over there really. And a few times she said she tried to get down to 145 to see how she would be like at that weight, how she would perform. And she didn't,
Starting point is 00:06:15 and she didn't like what she was seeing. But anyway, I don't know what's going on, but she, it looks like at UFC 300, who did I, I didn't say Woody Allen. Who did I say? Woody Harrelson? I'm sorry, Woody. Yeah, Woody Allen. Sorry, Woody Allen. I got my Woodys. But anyway, I went to the UFC.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I can't get confirmation on this 100%, but if it's at ESPN, if this is an official ESPN Instagram account, it's got to be pretty serious. Looks like Dana White announced it. Oh, he did? In a video? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Wow, okay. Well, shit. So this is huge. It's interesting. So that means she's going to draw. I'm guessing they're not going to do catchweight. I'm guessing she's going to have to go down to 145. And Holly Holmes fights at 135 normally, I believe. So she'll be going up to 145 and and Holly Holmes uh fights at 135 normally I believe so she'll be going up to 145
Starting point is 00:07:08 both kind of old fighters Holly might be 40. anyway uh it should be it should be epic um I don't want to say Holly is the gatekeeper to the great women um but uh yeah yeah i've told you guys the story about how woody harrelson tried to fight me once right i'll tell you that's oh yeah i think you i yeah i know you talked about it i don't remember the details of it okay hold on a sec i'll tell you about how the time woody tried to fight me in a second uh go ahead uh kayla let's hear it all right guys here's another announcement for ufc 300 holly home she was inducted in the boxing hall of fame in 2022 in the history of the women's bantamweight division she is tied for fourth most wins six most significant and has the fourth best takedown defense at 78%. Holly Holm is one of the baddest women to ever compete in combat sports ever.
Starting point is 00:08:10 She's fought all the nastiest women in the world in boxing and in MMA, except for one. Holly will be taking on the only person in U.S. history to win back-to-back Olympic gold medals in judo. The UFC has officially signed Kayla Harrison. Kayla's 16-1 with 12 finishes. Her takedowns, her ground and pound are nasty, and this will be the first time she will be competing at Bantamweight.
Starting point is 00:08:36 So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Collin, what do you think about that? Do you know who this is, baby? I know who this is. Oh, my goodness. There he is. Holy shit. Holy shit. Ladies and gentlemen, everyone take a knee.
Starting point is 00:08:53 We have royalty in the house, Mr. Hopper. Hey, when are you dropping the footage today, Siobhan? Listen, listen, I don't want to fight with you about this. I know we were fighting in the text messages yesterday. I know where you fucking live, dude. I will come over there. I know. Hey, dude, I'm just on the way to the gym today. I'm just wondering what time
Starting point is 00:09:13 I need to be around the computer. Listen, Hopper, it dropped at 6am and because you're so damn cheap, you won't have access to it for a week. Listen, I had this conversation with jason hopper yesterday he texted me he said when do you drop it go ahead i don't get a code listen no code listen you guys jason hopper text me he goes when's the waza when's the waza doc dropman i said uh tomorrow
Starting point is 00:09:39 he said okay great i go but just for paying members he goes that's crazy no one's gonna care about wada in a week and i go go, dude, this isn't about WADA. This is about the great Jason Hopper. Evergreen. It's evergreen, baby. It's evergreen. Let's get it out. Hey, dude, if it's about me,
Starting point is 00:09:54 then I should have a say on when it's dropping, right? Yep, you do. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When you break 100,000 followers on Instagram. Jason, serious question. Two things. One, I want to thank you in all honesty, in all sincerity for letting us mic you up.
Starting point is 00:10:12 We mic'd you up and you performed. You are a true performer. You are way different than I thought you were. I can't believe how quick-witted you are, sharp, funny. I knew you were a very affectionate man when I met you were. You're, I can't believe how quick witted you are. Sharp, funny. Um, I knew you were a very affectionate man when I met you at the games. I didn't realize how affectionate you're going to be. You're a cool fucking loving dude. I can tell you had a good family upbringing. Um, what, what, what did you expect from the, the doc? I don't know. You had me on, you'd put me on timeout on your phone and you didn't talk to me for a year. So I wasn't
Starting point is 00:10:44 sure what was going on. I didn't know, I didn't realize you were going to pick me up and try to put me in your pocket when I saw you and take me home. I didn't realize how loving you were going to be. All right, well, I'll be waiting seven more days. Yeah, but I already sent you a private link. Don't act like you're not a king, but I do need to ask you something, put you on the spot. I need to ask you something. Let me ask you a couple link don't act like you're not a king but i do need to ask you something put you on the spot i need to ask you something let me ask you a couple things one has crossfit reached out to you and asked you to do any of the open workouts no we i would love it we want we want
Starting point is 00:11:17 to do a series on friday night during the open it's called tay Taylor Self vs. The World. And in a perfect world, we would have you one week, Colton one week, and Dallin Pepper one week. Are you in? Yeah, of course. But that makes me sound like I'm the villain.
Starting point is 00:11:38 What do you mean? It's Taylor vs. No, no, listen. Everyone tailors the villain in all of those. Exactly. You get an opportunity to beat, listen, take everyone. Taylor's the villain in all of them. Exactly. You get an opportunity to beat Taylor. Yeah. Dude.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Taylor's the villain. Don't worry. Taylor is that he's going to be the villain. And so the way we're going to do it is, is you guys will do the workout probably like at CrossFit Charlotte or at CrossFit crash. And then afterwards, Jr will facilitate a conversation between you and Taylor sitting in some lawn chairs.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah. He already brought that up to me um a few weeks ago all right so i'm gonna have my people contact your people and get it all all squared away there's my people i am the people yeah and i'm the people so don't don't don't make us sound like we're not big time hopper no you know you said you're going to contact my people. Your people are going to contact my people. Yes. Yes. I know that makes us sound like we're big time. I know, but I'm saying I don't have, I'm not a big time over here. So you just contact me. Okay, fine. Thanks for ruining my bit.
Starting point is 00:12:41 All right. Hey, y'all have a great day. i'm about to see jr i'm about to walk into the gym he's probably not even gonna you know acknowledge my presence in there but you know that's how it goes hey what are you gonna do today can you give us an idea of what you're gonna do this morning um i'm gonna do a uh five round workout um it's 11 11 count on the echo bike 11 chest to bar 11 uh kettlebell thrusters we do that for time i'm gonna do some lifting um i'm gonna do some some skill stuff i don't don't know really what that looks like yet i gotta look at the the program but and then we're to do some pulling some accessories and then we're going to call it a day and how long will all that take how long will you be in the gym
Starting point is 00:13:31 three hours damn all right what let's say you're a hard worker you wanted me to say eight hours all day, two sessions, three sessions? No, no. I wanted you to say 45 minutes, and then I got to get back to my Bible reading class. Oh, my gosh. When are you going to have me on the show again? Anytime you want. You're the easiest guest I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I'll have my people Contact you right after the show I can tell You don't want to talk to me anymore Have a great day Love you, bye Yon Clark, first time watching live in a while Hope you're well, Sevan You look 10 years younger with the haircut
Starting point is 00:14:16 I'd snuggle with you What an offer Big spoon I love it I got big spoon i got big i love it i got i got i got big big spoon offer so that's gonna be that's cool if you're a fight fan you're ecstatic about the um about that announcement and you think that changes everything for kayla harris she wins And you think that changes everything for Kayla Harris?
Starting point is 00:14:42 She wins? Yeah. I think to that statement, if she changes everything, will be maybe three fights. I think she's two or three fights away from the changes everything. But it will be. It's a step onto the changes everything. Because now it's going to become not just fight fans are going to know who she is. Yeah, exactly. Her popularity is going to skyrocket, and hopefully she gets – like her book does really well too after that.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I feel a deuce percolating. Hey, one quick thing I'd just like to take. I just wanted to let everyone know. The fight's taking place at 135. Is that the heaviest women fight? Sorry, go ahead. Go ahead, Sousa. I was just going to say that everybody, I was really disappointed in the way Dana announced that.
Starting point is 00:15:35 It's super unprofessional. The UFC is a $12 billion company, and the fact that he could just announce it from his phone and put it on there just screams unprofessional. How is anybody supposed to make money with a leader like that? Do we get a dun-dun-dun? There we go. I'll do it to myself.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I love it. If I'm excited to do the Open, if Dave doesn't announce every single Open workout with the chicken scratch and the fucking cornrows and a gun on his hip and the whole fucking shebang, it's holy war. What a fucking missed opportunity. What a missed opportunity. We are not curves. We are not F45. We are not planet fitness. We are a fucking cult, and we want a figurehead. We want to be inspired by the leadership. We are different. We want to be, and so Dave, get out there. You have the chops. You've earned the right
Starting point is 00:16:44 you have the chops, you've earned the right through the entire life you've lived from your job before CrossFit to this one that we want to see you up there. Even the people who hate you want to see you up there. Do us right. Do the fucking unprofessional Dana White $12 billion. This is the open. Throw a mic, do all that shit shit be cleaning your teeth with a pocket
Starting point is 00:17:08 knife that's what we want to fucking see uh sema boobs yes please mic'd up giving hard knocks vibes and i'm here for it well done gentlemen the hard knocks is the nfl yep they do it on hbo they just follow a team for like pre-season and during the season right now they're doing the miami dolphins it's pretty good but yeah that's definitely the vibe it goes off so good are they as funny as a hopper do they is it more serious i mean hopper was just by the way what we're talking about is this morning at 6 a.m uh caleb flipped the switch for members and made the patrickios a water Palooza documentary available Is it funny is the hard knocks one funny or in like where they're hamming it up or is it more serious
Starting point is 00:17:54 I would say it's more hamming it up because I have cameras just about everywhere like in their meetings on the field Like during the games to practices, so you just see him like bullshitting all the time. Yeah. It's pretty funny. It's cool. Micah, Micah, Hopper mic'd up on the run was epic. Yeah. My favorite.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I mean, I have a lot of favorite parts. I just can't believe how he goes over and fucks with Jack Farlow and what a good new Jack Farlow is. So many good parts. Jack was.ow is. So many good parts in that. You know what to do. Jack was talking about. All right. You're professionalizing the sport. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I was thinking yesterday in the shower. I get into this really humble state of mind when I'm in the shower. And I was thinking that I had this thought that my contribution to CrossFit is greater than Fraser and Tia put together. It just kind of just passed through my mind. I was like, oh, yeah. I'm going to run with that. I'm going to run with that that i do more for the sport i do more for the fitness i do more for the methodology i do more for the community
Starting point is 00:19:12 it's just like yeah uh today on instagram i saw a bird carrying a it's on the bottom i saw a bird bird carrying a deer. And normally I don't do just the visual stuff. I like there to be some audio. But this was fucking insane. It's on the very, very bottom. I know I stopped numbering. My notes are a complete mess.
Starting point is 00:19:39 You don't see it? You don't see it? It says bird. No, I don't have a bird on mine. No, that's the wrong note. Let me see. Let me see. Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Because maybe my notes didn't update. Maybe my notes didn't update. Let me see. Classic. Let me see. I saw a bird. You guys are... Oh, here it is. Shit, you're right.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I didn't send it to you. Okay, sorry. Sorry, Caleb. Here it comes. No title in this one, Caleb. Cool. Sent. I've never this is this is the biggest animal i've ever seen a bird carrying we have a caller on the show how do you want me to handle that am i just answering it and looking sure yeah yeah yeah caller welcome to the show
Starting point is 00:20:17 hey good morning this is uh frank from the cf affiliate collective if you want to chat about that a little bit frank Frank, good morning. Has a bird carried away the CF Affiliate Collective? Not that I'm aware of. Okay. We did get briefly locked out of Instagram. Hold on. Wadzami.
Starting point is 00:20:38 The only thing that worries me is that Hopper is the only person funny enough to do it. Hey, I've thought about that, too. I've thought about that, too. But that's okay. He'll be a funny enough to do it. Hey, I've thought about that too. I've thought about that too. But that's okay. He'll be a superstar then. Fuck it. Run with it. Run with it.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And you never know. Maybe some personalities will shine. What's up, Frank? How are you doing? Hey, was that – I was actually thinking about you a little bit this morning too. Was that emotional? Did that make you a little sad to get that call to be deaffiliated? I was thinking that like no matter where you stand –
Starting point is 00:21:04 Because when I got fired, I was like, I was sad. Imagine you're in Ottawa paddling along the Rideau Canal. Oh. Then ziplining across the Ottawa River between two provinces. Ah. Before cycling along a picturesque pathway.
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Starting point is 00:21:43 So, sensible me pre-books a taxi for 10 p.m. with alerts. Voila. I won't be getting carried away and staying out till 2. That's stop-loss orders on Kraken. An easy way to plan ahead. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info and crack and center taking to registering canada you know we were we were planning on de-affiliating in november anyway um and and actually the only reason we re-affiliated um was because we wanted time to move off the brand you know there's a lot of stuff that goes involved um you know i think at some point you know it hurts
Starting point is 00:22:19 uh you think oh i'm already preparing for this and then when it actually happens you're like wow that's that's sad. This was our 10th year of reaffiliation. So it felt like kind of a milestone. But again, I had enough time to process and think about the fact that Don is in a position where he has to represent private equity. And you've done a great job. I think you even said in your review of Dave's Weekend Review, he can't come he can't come to us and say like hey we feel you we know what you're doing
Starting point is 00:22:47 we're fighting for affiliates too right he can't he can't say that so um yeah it's a it's at points it's hit a little emotionally but just because we've been in a crossfit affiliate for 10 years but um you know i don't know i i'm at a point where largely i've taken emotion out of it and and i want to do what's right for affiliates So when, when I was in the sixth grade, um, I had this girlfriend named Rochelle Ritchie. She was the cutest girl in the sixth grade. And I decided that I was going to break up with her. And then I got to school that day and she broke up with me and I cried like a
Starting point is 00:23:15 little bitch. I cried so much. And then, and then, and then I saw her in high school school, and she was the hottest chick in fucking six counties. It was crazy. Oh, that's just salt in the wound, isn't it? Oh, my God. She was so fucking hot. She was so hot.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And I got ugly, and I got uglier. I was a chubby, cute little sixth grader, and then I just got fucking ugly. It went downhill. I was the – go ahead. Go ahead, Frank. I was just going to say, I don't know how that, that analogy, I don't know if that will relate to us or not. I hope, I hope that's not what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Well, yeah, yeah. Maybe you weren't turned. Yeah. Maybe you turned ugly, but, but I just know that even if you're going to do something like things, don't saying something. And then when something happens or two different things so if you're going to be like hey i'm going to deaffiliate it's like kalipa right kalipa deaffiliated and then uh he saw that uh hit a high intensity interval training or functional fitness on the front of his gym and it didn't sit well with him it kind of made him uh sick well yeah and actually i listened to your fantastic interview with Jimmy Lester yesterday,
Starting point is 00:24:26 and I wanted to kind of correct the record on your paraphrasing. Um, Oh, please, please. Yeah. Yeah. Don, uh, what he said to me on the call was that I was making wildly inaccurate statements about the MSCA statement. And I would absolutely love for them to correct the record, but they can't because of the NBA. And and the other piece was that he said I was encouraging affiliates to de-affiliate. And I believe what we're trying to do is change the ownership so that people don't have to choose between to de-affiliate it because they don't support private equity. So, you know, I don't I didn't want to de-affiliate it. you know, I don't, I didn't want to be affiliated. If, if, if, you know, affiliates took over the company tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:25:08 I would re-affiliate and I would have never un-affiliated if affiliates owned the company, you know, or if Greg owned the company or if, you know, I don't know how Jimmy Letchford, if he buys the company, right. Like I, as long as I can trust the people who own the company and are directing the company, I'm on board. I want to be part of the CrossFit community and the methodology. So I think that's the distinction. companies i'm on board i want to be part of the crossword community and the methodology so i think that's the distinction um and that's why and that's why also you're not that's also why you're not surprised that he kicked you out because he's the guardian of the company of the owners and so
Starting point is 00:25:36 if there's someone who's trying to to disrupt that he has to he has to kick you out it would be like if caleb started changing all the fucking with our stream yard on the backend and making it so we could never go live. I'd have to like take away all the codes from him and be like, Hey, you're not part of the podcast anymore. If he was trying, let's say him and Susan were trying to hand this podcast over to Jason
Starting point is 00:25:57 Hopper. No, no. To the lone Ranger, like seven, you're out the lone Ranger you're in. I'd have to fuck him. I'd have to.
Starting point is 00:26:03 So Hopper could run it, but yeah, if they were like, if they were like, Hey, Sean Woodland, so much more professional than you're in, I'd have to fuck it. So Hopper could run it? Yeah, if they were like, hey, Sean Woodland's so much more professional than you, Sevan, he doesn't swear we're taking this from you. I'd have to be like, whoa, whoa. Well, I mean, it's even more than that, right?
Starting point is 00:26:14 I mean, I think in this conversation came up somewhere where you can despair as a company, but as the CEO, he has an obligation and he can be sued personally if he's not meeting his fiduciary responsibility. So, you know, it's not surprising at all. I'm surprising it took as long as it did.
Starting point is 00:26:34 And I think they probably strategically think to themselves, man, should we do this? Because it's probably going to draw more attention to what Frank's doing and it's probably going to rally people around him. And it certainly galvanizes my feelings about that I'm doing the right thing. Right. Yeah. You know, there's an expression and I posted on our Instagram about this that says, you know, the flack starts or the explosion starts when you're over the target, right. When you're on a bombing run in an air force in the plane, right. You know, you're over the target when the explosions start, right. So, you know, the expression, expression being, you know, the expression being, you know, when you're making good points
Starting point is 00:27:07 and they're starting to get afraid and concerned because you're building enough support and momentum, that's when they're going to start pushing back. Jake Thorpe, $20. Chester Cheetah chewed a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese. Chester Cheetah chewed a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese. Chester Cheetah chewed a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese. Frank, this is going to be a very short show today. cheese. Chester Cheetah Cheetah Chunk of Cheap Cheddar Cheese. Chester Cheetah Cheetah Chunk of Cheap Cheddar Cheese.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Frank, this is going to be a very short show today. I'm only on for three more minutes. I appreciate you calling in and correcting the record. Yeah, I appreciate you taking the time to listen. Anytime, buddy. Thank you. Thanks, everybody. I'm Frank. Thanks, Matt. Bye.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Alright. Frank from the All right. Frank from the Mutiny. And now a bird carrying a deer. Oh, yeah. Look at this. Look at this. Can you fucking believe this?
Starting point is 00:28:01 I am a god. I am a god. and it says keep in mind deers weigh more than most adults and the first comment is not american adults that's wild isn't it that's incredible and and the audio is perfect right i mean like you feel it like i am a god and that's real great question i've seen some hawks great question and like scoop up a sheep or something off a mountain and then just drop it from the top yeah and then just go down yeah it's fucking wild oh that's crazy and that's a hawk yeah wow the wingspan's like eight feet yeah fuck that's nuts it's bigger than the beer holy shit imagine i could swoop your kid up
Starting point is 00:28:55 hey what is what is the plan i just saw the text message come in from rios do we run the trailer now or yeah wait or do we wait till it's free and run the trailer for the waterpalooza you know me i'm all about creating as much fomo as possible for that membership so i might not be the right person to ask no i'm fine i'm fine either way i'm i'm you think we should run it now then i like running it now because you get to see how cool that trailer is and all little snippets and you think oh fuck i'm gonna watch that and you get the behind the scenes and now the value is just stacking you got more value proposition than crossfit and there's a colton merton ones um uh coming also yeah okay fine yeah it's gonna be cool too um the uh clip number three from the bottom caleb it's called breakfast idiots there's this show out there that's hosted by this guy that's like
Starting point is 00:29:45 semi-retarded it's called the breakfast club it's been around forever are you talking about charlemagne in this yeah is this okay he i want to say that when i used to see clips from this show that there were three also retarded women who did the show with them there i think he was it should have been called like the racist show open the openly racist show yeah um okay it was a kind of a um i don't know poison to humanity but uh here he had pierce morgan on who's sharp as a fucking tack although the other day he was saying how he really respects joe biden which is just bizarre to me there was nothing ever to respect about Joe Biden. You know how he, you know why he respected Joe Biden? He said he respected Joe Biden for what he had been through. And if you guys don't know what happened to Joe Biden, uh, his wife died, uh, when his kids were young and then one of his
Starting point is 00:30:37 sons died on deployment. And, but, but it's almost like when his wife died, I believe he had his two sons in the hospital room with his dying wife, and he made videos out of there while he was trying to run for Senate, I think. I think there was some shit like that. His son died of brain cancer. He was in the military. He did not die while he was deployed. I just want to correct that. Okay, thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Thank you. Because he keeps saying that, and it's not true. you i appreciate it thank you because he keeps saying that that's not true uh so um okay i mean obviously those are all sad things but it feels like he has um he he leveraged those events done and i don't even know if i have a problem with that it's just more how he did it anyway check this out uh Pierce Morgan talking to this Breakfast Club guy, here we go let me ask you
Starting point is 00:31:29 you mentioned Obama, so this is an interesting little question I will throw people, interesting if you guys know the answer how many immigrants illegal immigrants did Barack Obama deport in his eight years as president I don't know, have a guess no clue, interesting right, you don't know I mean I know it was a lot but I don't know. Have a guess. No clue. No clue.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Interesting, right? You don't know. I mean, I know it was a lot, but I don't know the exact number. Have a guess. I don't know. Give me a number. I actually have read that it's more than Trump. Give me a number.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I really don't know. Yes. There he is. There he is. How many people? Pause. Pause. When I saw this the first time, my guess was 50,000 he had deported.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Do you guys have a guess? Yeah, it's like 50 million or some shit. That might be high, but it's a lot. What was your guess, Caleb? Do you have a guess? I was going to say in like hundreds of thousands to millions. Wow. I mean, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:19 How would you deport a million people? Just think about that. What is that even? How would you do that? That means you pack them on a bus and send them out yeah but how did you get them how did you gather them like i'm thinking so think about this 50 000 is basically um about 10 a day would be uh 3600 100 a day would be 36 000 that means like let's say on the high end that's 200 people a day you're you're you're picking them up just from around the United States of America and then taking them back across the border.
Starting point is 00:32:50 I wonder if that also includes people who tried to cross the border and then get sent back. Like as they step out of the Rio Grande, you just kick them in the chest and they fall back in and go downstream. That's actually a great point, though, Caleb. That's a great point because if they blocked them, are they still counting that as sending him back? Look at some of these guesses. How would you deport 3 million people? Are you guys fucking crazy? 14.5.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh, I like that. It's a good guess. 69. Davesh Maharaj. Maharaj. The hammer. Davesh. You have to actually arrest them to deport them.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah. I mean, I know that ICE used to be pretty busy. Okay. Anyway, keep going. It could be crazy. He was also – Obama was responsible for those cages they said Trump put everybody in. Obama was running internment camps in the border. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, Barack. Yeah. I hope you guys are right. $409,849. Yeah. That would be crazy high.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Okay. Dean Miller – Dina Miller. Hi,849. Yeah, that would be crazy high. Okay. Dean Miller. Dina Miller. Hi, Dina. What's up, girl? How's that stroke? How's that stroke? Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:33:55 ...have deported in eight years. I have no idea. Well, give me a number. You don't want to, do you? No, I really don't know. I really don't know where to begin. I don't know if it's tens of thousands, millions. I don't know where to begin i don't know if it's tens of thousands millions i don't know millions but i've read i've read the answer is over three million he was known as deporter in chief by mexicans yes and that was more than
Starting point is 00:34:14 trump he deported way more than he deported way more pro-rata than any president in history well okay hold on pause so if he was in office let say for sake, let's say he deported 4 million. That's 500,000 a year for eight years. But that's still fucking crazy. Imagine how busy Border Patrol must be. You mean like actually doing their job or something? I mean, it's just think of the cost that is for the fucking American people. American people of having to imagine 3 million fucking interactions, dude. With fucking people coming
Starting point is 00:34:50 into our country. Imagine your tax dollars supporting 3 million extra people. Right. Great point. Imagine the health care. The bog on the health care system. Imagine the bog on the cops. Imagine the bog on your medical resources like your fire department, your ambulance.
Starting point is 00:35:07 On internet speed. On my internet speed. It's happening here. Yeah, yeah. They let in 3,000 illegal aliens into Sousa's town. His fucking internet's taking a shit. The crazier thing to think about. Okay, so Obama's good obama good that's
Starting point is 00:35:28 what i'm taking okay keep going that i like that obama good drones too but right what it things happen actually we'll talk about yeah yeah yeah good obama barack barack obama right including drone programs
Starting point is 00:35:44 and so on right who got elected in 08-09 on shutting down Guantanamo Bay? Because as a former lawyer, he believed it was an illegal institution. Barack Obama. What is still open today? Guantanamo Bay? Correct, right?
Starting point is 00:35:58 Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So I know that the general thing is Obama, angel, Trump, devil. But if you actually apply the scrutiny that we give Trump, put it this way. If Trump had deported 3 million people, you think you guys wouldn't know that answer? Of course you would. Nobody knows that answer because nobody thought that way about St. Barack. And I think that he wasn't St. Barack and Trump isn't the devil.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And I think that he wasn't saying Barack and Trump isn't the devil. But let me. Amazing. Hey, Blade, I would love to do a show with you asking you about the fucking closures of businesses, what you think about fucking the closure of in and out in oakland and just like that basically they're having fucking 10 fucking violent attacks and robberies in the fucking parking lot every single fucking day and the place is still making money that's like a crazy girlfriend right you're getting pussy but fucking you're fighting you know twice a month you know it's going downhill yeah it's worse than it's worse than like crazy pussy dude when i was listening to you start that show we had talked on the phone a couple hours prior to that what did i tell you i watched somebody steal from oh because i was
Starting point is 00:37:14 right in i called suzy's like i'm like what are you doing he's like just fucking left luck he's and watch two guys fucking steal groceries from there yes this is like and those must have been white guys because livermore doesn't have any black guys right yeah they're mexican dudes and i actually got them on film got them on film got them on tape but in the last like three months i would say i've seen people just but you don't understand they need food you don't understand susan they need food it's okay blatantly stealing out in front of places to where people are like hey stop he's stealing and they just run out to what the two guys i watched you yesterday which was much more
Starting point is 00:37:50 sly but if you just all i mean and please if especially if you live out in this area pay attention keep your head on a swivel if you see somebody who's looking around and checking their surroundings watch that individual because they are up to something and that's what caught my eye when i first walked in i saw him kind of doing a lookout thing did um um i i told the story yesterday about how i went into a store here north 40 and they just everything's just out in the open even the bullets there's just two aisles of bullets you can just fondle the bullets you could net like can you imagine like but bullets are dangerous. The bullets are dangerous. It's like, no. The bullets are not dangerous.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Okay. Finally, on this note, before I go to the ski slopes today. This one's called feelings. Feelings. This one's called feelings. people are enjoying your pronunciation of bullets bullets hey hold on one second like when is it gonna what what so so there's this encroachment into crime when is violent acts against women going to be uh just thrown into the reparations package what What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:39:06 So it's okay to go into Nordstrom's and steal shit. It's okay to go into CVS and steal shit. It's okay to fucking steal shit from people in the parking lot in and out. When is it going to be okay to rape your wife? Oh, fuck. Your sister, your daughter.
Starting point is 00:39:24 How far is this going to encroach? Oh, you're crazy, Savon. That will never happen. Oh, yeah? Look at the Middle East. Oh, yeah? In the Middle East, you can't. Dan Guerrero, Savon also says a fool instead of full full yeah but
Starting point is 00:39:46 that i do that's on accident because i'm retarded the bullets thing is for comedy's sake you're two two separate issues there that's why i'm a shitty speller because my enunciation is fucking a train wreck i'm esl i'm esl truly truly i am esl look how far you've come thank you how weird is it that you blow air out of your your insides and bend it with your tongue and then sounds come out and then other people like respond to the sounds. What a fucking weird creature we are. Uh, Oh, here we go. Uh, Judy Reed, some Middle Eastern religions allow it already. I've been allowing it. All right, here we, here we go. Uh, this one's called feelings.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I want you to really think about this feelings here we go oh excuse me Ricky Ricky I did see what you were doing it felt good didn't it it's alright we all have feelings like this sometimes I'm just glad you're doing this in the privacy of your own room when you're a little bit older we'll have to talk more about these feelings and what causes them and how we can control these feelings. I'm sorry I intruded on your privacy. I'll be sure to knock next time, okay? This matter of response... Ladies, I want to explain something to you. I want to be very clear.
Starting point is 00:41:28 What that boy is doing has no zero relationship with feelings. Boys do not do that because of feelings. There's no feelings involved at all. Zero. She used the word feeling three times. It's disgusting that she's projecting that onto him. There was not one feeling that he had. What he was doing is no different than opening a can of soda.
Starting point is 00:41:58 You see a screw loose on an outlet at your house, so you got to get the screwdriver and you tighten it in. You don't have any feelings. It's strictly for practical fucking purposes. it's cold outside and the door's open you walk over and shut it it's like that you know what i mean you're in the shower and the water's a little cold and you just turn it a little bit warmer it's like that there's no there's no feelings your dick hard as fuck you jack it off what say it again say it again fuck you jack off yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's all the same yeah it's all it's just practical don't even know how it got that way just happened yeah a breeze the only feelings he has right now
Starting point is 00:42:39 ma'am is that he hates you shut the door and walk out backwards. I don't know. You've seen some of that shit on the internet these days. Now they come into the room. Or I'm a bowl of cereal, so when he comes out of the room, it's like soggy already. Oh, fuck. Oh, my goodness. Feeling. She used that word three times.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I'm just like, my God. Damn. All right. Thanks, guys guys quick show today Susan thanks for coming on Caleb thanks for coming on let me see what we got going on tomorrow I was wondering if you looked at the calendar
Starting point is 00:43:14 in a while and I was like if he does this live on air and just starts looking at the next couple of weeks it's gonna be like oh why is next couple is it crazy nah I got it Dale Saran tomorrow that's gonna be good Why is next couple – is it crazy? Nah. I got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Dale Soran tomorrow. That's going to be good. You guys all know who Dale is, right? Yeah. Dale's the shit. There will be lots of injection talk, CrossFit talk. He's a former general counsel of CrossFit. I told you guys that he brought the case against the United States government for forcing the soldiers to get anthrax vaccine. He he's been on the Brett Weinstein podcast. He's
Starting point is 00:43:54 been a defended murderers, et cetera. But now I think right now he has the largest case against the federal government. It's a class action suit with more than a thousand soldiers. All right. Love you guys. Talk to you soon. Maybe we'll do a pop-up show tonight. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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