The Sevan Podcast - Live Call in Show - TRUMP vs BIDEN

Episode Date: March 12, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I was on the wrong mic twice yesterday. Got my shipping notification for my Bajan orange CEO shirt and Colton Merton's mug from Vindicate. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Thanks. Whew. from vindicate that's awesome thanks whoo i don't watch star wars and i don't um turn people away from uh no one ever asked me for uh foot picks i was thinking about the difference between my reality and Haley Adams' reality. Like, we don't even live, like, remotely in the same world. Yeah. Like, not even a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I think there's this metric for, like, happiness. This is kind of a really rough description of it, but the least you can be offended, the happier you are in general. Agreed. and so the less ego you have or the more ego you have under control that's under your control as opposed to control by people externally the happier you are like your kid will say something to you like man your car's a why do we drive such an ugly car and some people might get offended by that. And so emotionally, is that what emotional IQ is? How close you are to, where the peak would be enlightenment, where like almost nothing could offend you.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Nothing could offend you. Nothing. I think so. I thought emotional IQ mostly referred to like you being able to sense other people, but the way you say it actually makes more sense. You know when they're like, oh, look at the way they treated him in the meeting. That was so good.
Starting point is 00:02:34 He has a really high emotional IQ. Right. But really, it makes more sense if you have your emotions in check. When you see really high level uh debaters they like the guys who are really good seem to have like a really high emotional iq they can't they don't get um thrown off by uh they don't get thrown off by – like you can't be reactionary and be happy because the – it's nothing's within your control. Like if someone calls you fat and that bothers you, does that automatically – like you have a third-level emotional IQ, third-grade emotional IQ? Yeah, it's low. It's low.
Starting point is 00:03:29 emotional IQ? Yeah, it's low. It's low. If someone calls you a racial slur and it upsets you, like, are you kindergarten level emotional IQ? Yeah. Like, are we just surrounded by morons, like emotional morons? I mean, when it comes to guys, I think definitely because majority of them are the type of guy that's like, you know, if they see something on TV and they're like, if that was my daughter, who that dude wouldn't be alive anymore. You know, it's like it's almost like they're like looking for a reason for something. And I think that goes to the racial sort of thing. You triggered me. Maybe a child was the wrong one or something, you know, if that guy would have said that to me or if he would have done that to me.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I'm just, I'm just tripping. I'm tripping that late at night. I'm looking at videos. I saw this video yesterday where they're trying to pass a law where if you homeschool your kids, uh, the government can do searchless, searchless warrants on your house. So basically there was this kid who was, who was being homeschooled, who was molested and they're using, and obviously there's kids being molested all over the fucking place in school,
Starting point is 00:04:37 out of school, just everywhere. But they were arguing that because of this one case that now they should pass searchless warrants or, or is that what they're called? Basically allowed to search your home without a warrant. If you're homeschooled, that's one of the rights you give up if you homeschool your kids. I'm like, what the fuck? Meanwhile, my peers that I'm in reality with are like, oh, gross.
Starting point is 00:05:01 He asked for a foot pick. Oh, I wonder what the newest Star Wars film. I mean, do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I try not to poo-poo it. But I'm not even in your... Different realities. Different realities. Yes, for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah. You're worried about having autonomy over your kids' education and not have your home searched by the state and others are worried about when the next star wars movies come out if it's gonna be good or not yeah it's like um do you envy that no no reality no dude i used to have this friend that it didn't matter what he did he just kind of like he just like through life right and it was like you're like why don't you care about anything this is crazy and part of me always envy but she does care she did she but i'm not referring to hayley
Starting point is 00:05:55 adams i prefer yeah there's just certain people you know she cares that people ask her for foot pics she has an opinion on that but she doesn't have an opinion she has an opinion on that and an opinion on star wars i i and i'm not even saying it like i mean i i don't need to laugh at her but it's just i don't i didn't have any opinions when i was 22. i just need i just wanted to get you cared about like if you're looking at all this like yeah you're gonna show up with the weed or not exactly exactly hold on one second i think someone's out there do we have toilet paper do we have toilet paper in the house at our in our in my apartment that's what i cared about absolutely fucking nuts and what made me think of it too what actually started me off on it is some people in i guess europe were like hey we don't
Starting point is 00:06:45 know who seth rollins is and so that was a miss i'm like dude i don't know who i don't know who i don't know who i don't know who this sith is or that thing that they were talking about yesterday uh what made me think of it is asusa what made me think of it it's okay oh what made me think of it is a suza what made me think of it it's okay oh what made me think of it suza was is that um some people in the comments were like hey the seth rollins things was a total miss for people in europe oh but because they don't know who he is i'm like dude i don't even know who taylor swift is i couldn't tell you i can tell you one of taylor swift's uh songs hey i don't really know who Seth Rollins is either. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:27 That's it. And I only know about him through CrossFit. Right. Me too. Yeah. Yesterday, CTP Cam, did you notice that they make him black and white in the show i kind of i like it racist i'll give you one darker i spend more time than i care to admit
Starting point is 00:07:53 caring about how they ruin star wars it's a shit way to live god they really did ruin star wars i watched i watched the first three um and then i watched one other one one time and they got it they had a cartoon character mixed with the real people is that it for you you can't no no i'm like it's a wrap who put this cartoon character in this movie? And it was like a cartoon character with dreadlocks. It was weird. It was a weird character. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Oh, I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I thought that was cool as shit. Okay, that's a mix of reality and cartoons right there. Yeah, I don't want to tell you that I'm completely closed-minded. You make exceptions. I did, oh, here we go. Look at Harry. Harry balls on you. WWE is big in Europe.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Okay, well, shit. Hmm. In this world where we have the cure for the most vexing problem, there's a cohort of highly visible people who are posting pictures of themselves that look like they could be on porn boxes and are dealing with young men wanting foot pics. By the way, I'm not suggesting Hayley Adams post pictures that look like they could be on porn boxes and are dealing with young men wanting for fit pics and foot pics by the way I'm not suggesting Hayley Adams post pictures that look like they could be on a porn box well brand setter well what are you doing you should be like taping wire to the floor somewhere right now yeah where's the gaffing tape bro right now we'll work as soon as we get off the show we'll uh susan and i are headed over to set up a shoot here in arizona by the way so uh we're half as talented as you are so
Starting point is 00:09:51 so now you now your show so now you show your star wars iq but yesterday you wanted to grandstand with hayley that you don't meddle in these inferior delicacies of life okay yes in these inferior delicacies of life. Okay, yes. I don't know what that means. I like the word delicacies, though. You need the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkov back and the Ugandan headhunter. Those guys are probably all dead.
Starting point is 00:10:18 In wheelchairs and shit. This is a Born Primitive shirt. I brought all my Born Primitive shirts out here to arizona along with the fantastic mobile studio i'm rocking the born primitive hey they need to make that into a shoe the the snake put it on the savage one where like oh oh i like that you know they have the u.s they have the american flag colored one do like a little gas and flag one i'd wear the white shoe if they spiced it up a little bit it needs a little red or they could put the if they put this snake on it i have to sniff a hole i'm almost better i'm
Starting point is 00:10:58 almost better i am i did two shows this week here at the house without paper and pencil and it was so fucking weird like i would just like raise my hand up to write and I would have no pencil and no paper. You're like me in high school. Just pretending that I paid attention. So you don't have a pen or paper. I'm 170 pounds. I'm five foot five.
Starting point is 00:11:24 I have an enormous back and enormous titties. And it fits pretty good. It doesn't look like... I don't get the crease under my tits like I do with some shirts. Like I actually have boobs. It's got a good drape. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:11:39 It's got a good lay. Yeah, that is a cool shirt. Yeah. And it's got one little BP logo on the back. Oh, we watched the presidential debate yesterday together. We did. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I know most of you know this. Bear with me. The solution that Joe Biden's offering at the border that he's complaining that the Republicans aren't passing involves three major elements. Increasing the number of officers at the border. Increasing the amount of judges so that once they're in this country – oh, that is my cup over there, Haley. I'll take another cup. Or I'll just take hot water if you could just make hot water in it. Increase the number of judges so that the people who've come into the country, we can get them situated faster.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And there was a third one. I forget what it was. I think it was related to their housing or their jobs, something like that. That is not the point. The point is not to integrate the illegal aliens faster into society. That is not the point. What we don't want is people breaking into the country illegally, getting caught,
Starting point is 00:13:15 then released and given a court date. We're not trying to get through the illegal people and make them legal faster. There is a protocol already. There is a protocol already to get into this country. We let a million people in legally every year. The goal is not to integrate illegal people that come over the border faster.
Starting point is 00:13:54 That is not what we want. We want a sovereign nation where people can be vetted as they come into the country, and they can go through the application process. Right now, when people come into the country illegally, they don't even have to come into the country illegally. They can just be at the border. The Border Patrol is greeting them and releasing them. This is absolutely batshit crazy in the last in the last 72 hours we've had 21 000 new illegal aliens coming to the country
Starting point is 00:14:33 and to conflate it with that we don't want immigrants coming to this country absolutely insane it was a disgusting speech yesterday it was pretty bad speech all i'm surprised he got that much out of the border all as i got was he was like and i say stop it stop it and everybody like erupted in applause and i was like holy shit there's their their solution their solution for the border is not a solution at all. It's basically if someone robbed your house, the solution would be, hey, let's help them load the pillowcase with as much stuff as possible and then get them out of the house. That's our solution. Yeah, and we're going to hand them a pillowcase when they come in just so that we don't take one extra thing yeah it's it's it's absolutely insane to and then to pin it on donald trump or to pin it on the
Starting point is 00:15:31 republicans is absolutely insane and then of course the bill is filled with all sorts of other insane things they'll usher in a bunch of other shit with it and give them ids and then those ids they'll be allowed to vote even though they're not going to be citizens, but they're going to say, oh, well, they have court cases, and they will be passed, or technically they're citizens, so they'll vote, and they should be able to vote because it's going to affect the places that they live. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:54 It's all what it's about. I have a little trivia fact for you. Ready for this? Yeah. Way off subject. Cool. I called Dave yesterday to congratulate him on the Open. And he shared this with me.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Guess what size shoe Colton Mertens wears. I feel like it's either going to be really small or really big. And I think because the reason why you brought it up, it's big. I'm going to say it's like he wears like an 11. That's a fantastic guess. Today at the show at 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Taylor Self versus the world.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Thank you, dear. If I wasn't married already, I'd marry you. That shirt looks great on you. I made it look like she hated both of us, the coffee. Oh, that was good. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Here, here, here. No, no. Put your hand out there. Here. Here you go. Have a coffee. Now you bring your arm in. There you go.
Starting point is 00:16:58 That'll be good. Taylor Self vs. The World at 4pm today Pacific Standard Time Paper Street Coffee will be giving away last week a guy won a $200 gift certificate from the Paper Street website I thought it was a foreigner
Starting point is 00:17:16 now I'm starting to think it wasn't I felt sorry for Gabe that he had to mail something to someone in a foreign country but we will be doing that yes it is a size 11 oh really no shit he goes holy shit and dave's a size 12 dave's got a big foot so dave says to him hey dude you got a fucking giant foot what size is that he goes 11 dave's like my god colton's like i'm gonna grow into it i fucking love that guy i wonder if i wonder if colton's like i'm gonna grow into it i love that guy i wonder if i wonder if colton walks like a duck dave walks like a duck a little bit he got big feet his feet go out a little bit like like a little bit of clown walk
Starting point is 00:17:57 yeah dave kind of moves a little awkward you watch that guy do a thruster uh dave yeah no i can't picture it but i can picture him once he's been running for a long time his feet get really wide like this he turned or his toe he turns his toes up he's used to running in boots and stuff uh yeah we're filming the bsi event that is correct broken science initiative is that what the i stands for initiative yep That is correct. Broken Science Initiative. Is that what the I stands for? Initiative? Yep. That is correct. Yesterday I mentioned in the show that... This is fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Ready? Here we go. So, woke capitalism at its worst. The North Face Racial racial inclusion course sparks backlash as DEI discount comes under scrutiny. This is going to blow you away. So you were serious about when he said that. Outdoor apparel retailer, the North Face is currently under scrutiny as their DEI course in exchange for a discount has gone viral. Basically, you have to admit that black people are inferior. And if you say that, then you get 20% off.
Starting point is 00:19:12 It's termed allyship in the outdoors. 20% off in promo code for online shopping for their website for customers outside North America. There's a great line down here from it. Privilege can give us access to the outdoors. That means some people can enjoy advantages that they inherit from birth and or accumulate over time. For example, aspects of identity can give privilege and relate to religion, gender, wealth, sexual orientation, ability, or citizenship status. That means absolutely nothing. In this particular context, we refer to white privilege, meaning that your race and skin color can give you access to the outdoors
Starting point is 00:19:49 when others can be excluded because of historic enduring racism and biases. Holy shit, dude. So that goes back to the – and victimhood also is a – anywhere you play the victim, it's impeding on your happiness and your emotional IQ. These are all – this is tied into emotional IQ. When you play the victim, you have a low emotional IQ. And by the way, when you – anyone who's thinking about themselves, which is different than focusing on yourself, thinking about yourself, two very different things, there's a – unhappiness is around the corner. There's a great line down here. Hold on. Let me see. down here. Hold on. Let me see. Allyship means playing an active role in making change happen for those who lack power and privilege as member of an underrepresented minority group. The most important thing to remember is that allyship is a verb, not a noun. Allyship is active, not passive,
Starting point is 00:20:54 which means you need to practice it. You need to treat them differently. You have to treat them differently. You have to believe they are inferior. By way if you if you grew up in a democrat household you already know that you already know that you treat them inferior it's always couched as kindness but you already think the mexicans and blacks are inferior and then and then you feel sorry for them in our everyday lives we need to be consistently challenged and ask ourselves, will this contribute to making people of color feel welcomed and accepted in the outdoors? Oh, yeah, that's what I want if I'm black. I want a bunch of people standing around wondering if I feel included. Well, I'd be an ally.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I'd go over and make sure. How can we show up for others who lack the power and privilege we hold? By the way, have you noticed that every chief of police in the news now is a black person? Like you don't see any white chiefs of police anymore. And more and more, it's black women with short hair. In democratic cities and they're talking all the time because the crime is running rampant? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 That's why they get highlighted the most. And how they want to reduce crime is change the definition of crime. Makes sense. Yeah. You want crime to go away? Make it okay to steal cars. All of a sudden, car theft vanishes. We could do the same with obesity too.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'm brown, so I don't need this equity course. Does that mean I can get a discount? I will never buy North Face again. I'm not interested in participating in open racism disguised as kindness. God, this is so bad. Sitting pretty high and mighty with your privilege to the outdoors out there huh absolutely insane what is the implication of that what does that mean like i don't understand they don't understand okay you mean what's it look like like like yeah if you're on a trail and a black guy's walking towards you you drop you take a knee you offer him a sandwich
Starting point is 00:23:02 and a black guy's walking towards you, you take a knee. You offer him a sandwich. That's fucking crazy. That's fucking wild, dude. You have to see them as less than you. You have to see them as victims. Isn't it ironic that their claim claim is like you have white privilege but then you're gonna do something that then makes you see other people as inferior so then you need to help them wouldn't that also just be showcasing the fact that you're better than
Starting point is 00:23:40 subconsciously because you're the person that's becoming an ally and helping the people that are lessened yes wow yes that was crazy we had to go through some loop-de-loops to get i almost lost it halfway through too and just took a knee i almost lost it and then just took a knee just to be safe you know what i mean it gets weirder um hold on yes i will send you foot pics later let me finish my podcast sorry oh my favorite star wars is return of the wacky dackies yeah episode seven oh my god i love it when he pulls out the new red lightsaber that's hey get off snapchat dude come on sorry sorry sorry sorry just tending to my herd okay this is gonna fucking blow your fucking mind that north face thing was crazy a series of steps would need to happen before the judge can restrict a person's movement because of fears they could commit a hate crime federal
Starting point is 00:24:42 justice minister arif verani said. This is in Canada. Let me read that to you again. Before a judge can restrict a person's movement because of fears they could commit a crime. I know what I've heard from victims and whether that's the rise of hatred that we're seeing against Jews, Jewish victims, Muslim victims right now. People are concerned about rising spike of hatred. People are concerned about rising spike of hatred. To address freedom of expression concerns, Varani said that under the new rule, platforms would only be compelled to remove material within a tight 24-hour timeframe. Hold on. The legislation also seeks to amend the law so that someone who fears a person will commit a hate crime, including hate propaganda offense such as advocating for genocide or inciting hatred, can ask a judge to impose conditions on that person.
Starting point is 00:25:34 So if I see something you post, Sousa, I can ask a judge to force you to do uh um what's that called home arrest if i fear it that's real thought police shit they got 100 that's exactly what i was gonna say yep they got real thought police shit uh trying to pass through in canada yep that's crazy so you could post something that i disagree with and maybe it goes against the narrative that they're trying to tell. And I could pass that now to a judge and you'll become a person of interest to them, if not be placed on house arrest. Yeah. That's wild. So listen, if you're like, well, fuck the Republicans, fuck Trump, fuck this, fuck that, like you're like that. Just remember, none of these things that I'm bringing up get 20% off if you admit black people are inferior or that you can put people in jail for thinking that you're going to be hurt. There's not a single Republican who backs these things.
Starting point is 00:26:40 All the child genital mutilation stuff that they're trying to pass, not a single Republican. Like, it's just a values thing at this point. Holy fuck, Canada is fucked. That's pretty scary. Oh, let us continue. Let us continue with the great company. I don't even know who makes doritos i think it's same people who own pizza hut doritos just hired a self-described pedophile as a brand ambassador you're like no holy shit that's not real you're like you're like no no. No, no, not hold on.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Okay. Yeah. Okay, baby girl. Yeah. Attican. Oh, my God. He's such a hunk. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Sorry. Sorry. I got a lot of. I'm busy. Yeah, you got a lot going on over there. I'm busy. I have a wide spectrum of interest. Hey, you know who who owns dorito i just did a little deal like this yeah frito-lay owns drito you know who owns frito-lay oh black rock pepsi yeah go figure the transgender artist, please, Samantha Hudson, the guy that – the guy's name is Samantha Hudson.
Starting point is 00:28:09 A clip was posted showing the person previously advocating for the destruction and annihilation of the traditional family. I advocate for the destruction and annihilation of the traditional family, brand ambassador of Doritos said. It's this thing right here. Okay, ready? Brace yourself. A Newsweek report, Liberal Magazine, points to charges
Starting point is 00:28:36 that Hudson allegedly previously posted the statement Quiero hacer cosas gambadas como meterme a una nina de diez y dos or doce? It translates, I want to do thuggish things like stick a 12-year-old girl up her asshole. That's the Doritos ambassador. Hey, dude, can't you just see that and that's not a good ambassador?
Starting point is 00:29:14 Does eating Doritos lead to this or does this lead to eating Doritos? Age-old question, chicken or the egg. Another tweet from 2014 is said to to read in the middle of the street malok malorkor in panties and screaming that i'm a nymphomaniac in front of super beautiful eight-year-old girls the artist claimed it was a joke Joke. Listen. As a professional comedian, as an amateur comedian. Sorry, I almost got ahead of myself.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yeah. Oh. That's not a joke. That's not a joke. There once was a man from Nantucket. He had a dick so long he could suck it he said with a grin while wiping his chin if my ear were a cunt i would fuck it that's a joke that's a cool you could be the cool ranch doritos ambassador with that one that's a joke what What is happening there?
Starting point is 00:30:26 That face. Oh my goodness. The page is no longer available. Hold on. Hold on. Oh my God. There's a new Star Wars coming out. Oh wait, hold on.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I have to take some feet pics. No one's ever asked me for a picture. No one's ever asked me for a picture of my feet. Me either. Ever. Is that making you feel sad? Yeah. Can you imagine? Can you imagine? Yeah. Can you imagine? Can you imagine if.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Are you in defeat at all? No, I do have friends. I'm starting to realize the power of feet, though. I do have friends. I do have friends who are in defeat. I do have friends who are into feet. I have a friend who told me recently that no matter how hot a chick was, if he didn't like her feet, he wouldn't be interested in her.
Starting point is 00:31:35 It could be a deal breaker. Wait. Okay, so does that mean they're into feet, or they just get weirded out if the feet look gross? Because those might be two different things. Is it, like, like a toe sucker or they're just like, Hey, if the, if the second toe is bigger than the big toe, it's, it's going to be a no for me. Yeah. For some reason that I lumped those up together,
Starting point is 00:31:56 but if you want to draw a distinction, I'll cut them some slack. Okay. I sliced it a tooth in there. I sliced it a tooth in. Two accounts ago, I picked, I posted a picture of my feet and i did it because i have really ugly feet and i just was like you know what i need to get over this have you seen like the younger like youtubers like the mr beast age crowd and younger and like that i kind of put a lot of those youtubers together that they whatever they're filming something now and they don't have shoes on they all blur their feet have you seen that yet no oh yeah dude is that so the is that like blocking out your nipples because they know there's people who are so in the
Starting point is 00:32:36 they don't want someone jacking off on your feet oh yeah wow and i saw one guy did it with his they it's like him and his wife have like an Instagram or, and that they cut stuff from their YouTube from, and he was like filming stuff with her. It is super subtle because she was standing in the garage barefoot. And every time he'd pay it, it looked like a smudge on the screen. Yeah. I was watching on Instagram and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:32:56 Oh, he's blurring your feet. And then you go to the comments and a ton of people are like, why would you do that to us? I'm blurring the feet. Why would you blur the feet? Yeah. I mean, I'm in a totally different reality. I'm in a totally different reality.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Ask this chick to come on the podcast a handful of times. Got no response. Okay, here we go. go trying only shop a white own during white history month white is king so today i'm gonna wear my white girl magic shirt i think i'm gonna start a white student union club at my school oh my gosh you want to touch my hair that's so racist i'm gonna watch the white movie section on netflix today white is beautiful just my skin that one kind of hit that one kind of hit me weird.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Which one? Just the fact that there's a black movie section on Apple and on Netflix. That shit's weird. That shit's a little weird. Because you can't switch it with anything else and not have it be extremely racist. Yeah, well, you could put Asian. Asian films. because you can't switch it with anything else and not have it be extremely racist. Yeah, well, you could put Asian.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Asian films. Or Latinx. Latinx. I heard Kelly Starrett say that once. I was like, what? That one didn't stick, right? That didn't stick anywhere. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:34:21 That got rejected quick. That got rejected quick. Color makes me shine. I'm going to try and only shop white-owned during White History Month. White is king. Imagine if you only shopped white stores. Imagine if before you bought something at a store, you cared what the color of the person's skin was. Ew.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Feels gross. But you'd buy Doritos from there. I only buy Doritositos but from black owned stores i buy the pedophile brand holy moly i'm trying to explain to my i'm trying to explain to my um I'm trying to explain to my liberal friends that, hey, don't worry about Trump at all. Just find some values and stick to them.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Find some values and stick to them. And then choose your person that way. That's it. No emotion. Just values. Just use your intellect. There's not a single Republican out there that supports child genital mutilation behind your parents' back. Is discrimination happening in America right now? Legal, systemic racism, discrimination,
Starting point is 00:35:41 but it's not necessarily happening against brown folk. It's happening against Asians and whites on the books. That's why I fought against Prop 16, because for one, those of us with brown skin, we don't need standards lowered. We can meet the standards. So please don't do that to us. Okay. And secondly, it creates resentment. When I went and got my four-year degree and then I went and got my master's, we sat around a room. This was at UC Santa Cruz, which is like a total liberal, horrible college. And we sat around the room and we shared our GPAs. Mine was the lowest. And there was a white guy that said, oh, you got in here because you're a black woman. And I was like, why would you say that? Blah, blah, blah, blah. And now I look back and I'm like, you know what? Maybe it was because of the color of my skin, because they do that now.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I actually got a $40,000 scholarship because I'm black. That's not happening for white kids. It's not like you can apply and get a white kid $40,000 scholarship. They would not let that happen. I actually got a $40,000 scholarship because I'm black. That's not happening for white kids. It's not like you can apply and get a white kid $40,000 scholarship. They would not let that happen. So there is systemic racism in this country, just not the crazy woke liberal college professor systemic racism that's being taught. There is discrimination happening in America right now. It is completely appropriate and justified and okay and politically correct to ask anyone who's not white if they got the – well, and Asian – if they got the job because of – did you get this job because you're a woman? Totally fine.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Did you get this job because you're a lesbian? Totally fine. Did you get this job because you're gay? Totally fine. Did you get this job because you're black? These are all legitimate questions now and they're not right they're not those are those are not racist questions now you can have pedophiles that list yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:37:20 those are not the eight sorry asians you guys are getting you guys are I think maybe you guys are even lower than the white people They tried to bring them in the mix, but they rejected it tail at that. They hate you. You're you're way too successful I Every once in a while I title title one that says racism is fun. I posted this on Instagram, and it triggered someone. We got
Starting point is 00:37:54 into it in the DMs, but they finally acquiesced. Check this one out. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. I sent this guy a DM and asked him for a foot pic. Oh, shit. I have the gay spin wheel.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Oh, there it is. It's back. Okay. You know the gay spin wheel? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. PCs don't have that. Only apples do. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Blacks have been so rewarded for being victims. We create our group identity around our victimization. We believe that our victimization is our primary power in American life. That's the hammer we have to hit white America over the head with. We use that rather than develop our own talents, our own skills, rather than competing with other groups. And so we get weaker and weaker. So he's not talking about blacks. We have plenty of people, white people in the CrossFit community who do this. So I want you to listen to this again and just say we as people.
Starting point is 00:38:56 We as people. Listen, we as blacks have been so rewarded for being victims. We create our group identity around our victimization. We believe that our victimization is our primary power in American life. Yeah. That's a whole cohort now. That's a whole cohort of people. Chris Rock said it in his standup routine. There's different ways of getting attention or getting power. Be really good at something.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Do something infamous, like release a sex tape. Play the victim. And then there was one more, be notorious or something. I forget what the fourth one was. But that's it. There's a whole class of people, and they're not just all black. And there's a whole machine pushing people as that is a method to get power. Come join us.
Starting point is 00:40:00 We're this victim class. Come join us. We're this victim class. We're this victim class. Come join us. We're this victim class. Hey, the problem with that is you will not get ahead and you will not be happy. Well, exactly. I walk around happy all day and I don't play the victim.
Starting point is 00:40:17 If you take away somebody's control and you take away somebody's options, I think that that leads to depression because you feel helpless, right? Like lack of options, lack of autonomy over your decisions and stuff. And so it's the easiest way to make a group of people feel that same way. Because now if I say, Sevan, hey, it's not your fault, man. Like this whole system's built against you. You need to, you know, do this and I'm going to make sure that, that we help. We're going to find you allies and I'm going to do this for you. And I'm going to do that for you. And then you start to own that narrative. Now you're like, why I can't do anything because the cards are stacked against me. Don't you understand? And, and then you just play that role and you give away your ability to, to make any of
Starting point is 00:41:04 your own decisions or to take your life into life into your own control because you're just playing the victim. And then you go to CVS, and you get blue hair dye, and you run by the tattoo shop and get a septum ring, and now you've gotten some control back. You're like, oh my god. I have control again. Where's my Doritos? My internet is down. Now I'm stuck to comment from a phone like a peasant. Don't play the victim, please. No, I'm joking.
Starting point is 00:41:30 See, there you go. He's powerless. Joe Westerlin, just got here. I don't know what we're talking about. I just know Armenians are taking over. I watched this video on Instagram this morning, and it's about, it was eight minutes of how Jews have taken over the music industry
Starting point is 00:41:56 and how bad they fucked Michael, they have taken over the music industry. They've always been in control of the music industry and how bad they fucked Michael Jackson jackson but then at the end but then at the end it's a black guy that ends up fucking p diddy but they never reference to him as a black guy it's just the jews and then p diddy bangs all the new upcoming rappers is that basically shit rolls downhill i think there's a lot of weird sexual shit that happens in the just in the entertainment industry why do you think that is sex is just leveraged a lot i mean
Starting point is 00:42:32 sex is probably leveraged a lot in a lot of industries yeah you know what i mean particular in those two it seems to always like politics in in hollywood there's probably more free time on a movie set and in the music studio to get a blowjob than when you're working at Safeway. Hey, you want me to promote you from stalker to checker? Yeah, suck this dick. Well, it's only a 20 cent raise.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Right, right, right. What percentage of the world are into feet? It's got to be less than 5%. I don't know, man. I don't know, dude. It seems like I'm seeing feet stuff everywhere now. Did you watch any of Tucker Carlson's reaction to the State of the Union?
Starting point is 00:43:23 I watched like 30 seconds of it this morning yeah yeah that guy could spin stuff hard huh at tucker yeah yeah he started saying stuff that i didn't see right away yeah and i was like oh i didn't see that he said that biden called trump a nazi or something i didn't i didn't i didn't pick up on that that's what i said i was like fuck did i miss that part or what and i was like okay so that's the same thing you saw yep that's one of your take on it yeah as soon as i saw that i was like okay that's a little you're going a little too hard for me i can't believe he got through that speech to be to to be honest. I'm telling you, dude, watch. If anybody wants to
Starting point is 00:44:06 check this out and see what I saw and tell me, maybe I'm wrong. When he came out, he looked like a dude where the, the ecstasy had just kicked in and he had walked into the club. Like he had this, you know what I mean? Look on it. When you walked into that building and the first portion of his speech, he wasn't really stumbling. He had a nice flow. And then slowly you saw this start to shrink. And then all the words started to fuck up too. And my favorite thing to watch whenever he speaks is usually he has his
Starting point is 00:44:40 whole group behind him. But in this case, it was just Kamala. Like if you watch her when he starts fumbling she like like tenses up yeah yeah yeah we developed some plan and you're like okay you gotta go say this not and i'm like okay and you're just hanging on my every word like fuck you better follow this plan don't veer off don't veer off you know and you could like see it on her but yeah go back out you know every every democrat went home all the congressmen
Starting point is 00:45:06 men and women and senators they all went home and they were like holy shit he did it like oh my god and they drowned it a lot of his stuff out with applause did you did you hear the counts when they give like how many applause breaks i think he had the most applause breaks and that makes perfect sense because that's the best way to like cut you off and then make what you sound what you said sound that much better so if you say something and you start to trail or the point doesn't hit if we just get a ton of people just just to stand up and start applauding it you get a break you move on to the next thing and it feels like that was triumphant right excuse me uh oh uh type one lifting i hear i hear i heard uh some dudes are into armpits as well god i love
Starting point is 00:45:49 armpits and lats but listen listen i've never taken my penis and been like hey can you put your arm up and then put my penis in there close your arm and fuck someone's armpit that's so weird i've never asked anyone for an armpit picture little armpit play little armpit play little pit play I've never asked anyone for any picture I've never asked anyone hey can you send me a picture of your tits
Starting point is 00:46:15 or nothing oh man you haven't lived go ahead play a roulette just spin on the phone hit the first person send a message see what you get. Send me a picture of your titties. Okay, here we go. Excited to announce California's new $20 minimum wage for fast food restaurants.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Quick question. Why is there a very specific exemption for fast food chains that have bakeries? We just felt like that's fair. And that would apply to Panera Bread, correct? I guess it would. Well, one of Gavin Newsom's longtime donors, Glenn Flynn, owns two dozen Panera Bread locations in California and has been a very outspoken critic of the $20 minimum wage. That wouldn't have anything to do with this, would it? How dare you? Is that sandwich from Panera?
Starting point is 00:46:57 No comment. We're so excited. So this is interesting because I fact checked this. Yeah. And there's reputable sources saying that, hey, this is 100 because i fact check this yeah and you know there's there's reputable sources saying that hey this is 100 true like like i guess reputable is uh questionable but like bloomberg says it's 100 true i think they backtracked it but yeah yeah yeah yeah but then if you go if you look at this if you if gavin newson's saying it's absolutely not true yeah so i think what's it it sounds like it was and then once it started to catch attention they like they
Starting point is 00:47:29 smudged it out real quick and then we're like that's not true can you think of any logic why they would make it so that places with bakeries uh don't have to um places with bakeries don't have to raise minimum wageies don't have to raise minimum wage? Does that make sense to you at all? Can you think of any justification for that? No. And in fact, I can't even really think of a justification for the government to get involved
Starting point is 00:47:55 and set a minimum wage. Right. Hey, what do you think about raising corporate tax? I'm all for it. Hey, what do you think about raising corporate tax? I'm all for it. Hey, dude, everything he was saying about that portion was just, I mean, that's when you know the bullshit meter is just off the charts. Because all those people that donate and all his donors and all the Democratic Party donors and all, those are the ones that benefit the most from the the tax the tax policies and the different things that the you know they usher in so they're not going to do any of that i mean that was my the the one like when trump came out and said that
Starting point is 00:48:35 in the debates and whatever 2016 but against hillary and was like she's not going to do any of this and i and yes i took advantage of all those tax laws just like her donors did and here they are in the audience and started naming them and he's like and that's why it'll never change it was like that moment was like the first time i think on a debate stage we have presidential candidates where like the truth gleaned through for a minute and it was like fuck that was the most honest thing that had been said on there i, I want people to ask the question, would you rather have Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates spending money or would you rather have them give it to the government? Yeah. I mean, I'd rather have, I'd rather have control over my own money as a business owner. And I think I could deploy that capital, that money.
Starting point is 00:49:29 I could spend that money on things that are going to improve other people's lives or build my business and turn it into jobs and everything else than it would. Because once the money goes into the hands of the government, they don't know how to deploy capital. It's wasteful. It's credible. It's wasteful. That's the whole thing so um elon starting a new company and it employs a thousand people or the government is going to hire what is going to do what with it no send it to ukraine yeah exactly yeah exactly and innovation doesn't come from that like people will say well government grants are given through tax dollars to help
Starting point is 00:50:05 support innovation, but that's not what we're talking about in this case. We're talking about a higher tax rate. They can accumulate more of the dollars that are being generated by the businesses and they could just let it seep into the abyss of all the wasteful spending that they do. Yeah. They're going to use it to hire more people to search my house because I homeschool my kids. Dude, we pay the highest tax rates in California. And you and I both know that if we drive down a freeway, there's a strong chance we're going to hit a pothole big enough that will blow our tires out. And not just one freeway, all of them in all the major freeways. Like they can't even get that right.
Starting point is 00:50:43 It's bad. And they got the money to do it crossfit put out a survey did you see this we didn't we didn't do surveys when i worked at crossfit greg was uh hugely against them hi hello hola hey thank you for participating in the 2024 crossfit open announcement survey this survey is regarding the announcement of open workout 24.1 the first of three open announcements your feedback is important to us as we strive to constantly improve your experience i haven't i haven't looked at this have you no i didn't even know this existed
Starting point is 00:51:22 do you own a crossfit affiliate wait we should do it as me okay do you i mean we could do whatever but i was gonna say you could put yes and we could are you registered for the 2024 open personally no yeah are you no oh oh you're not nope wow okay are you still planning to participate and complete the workouts only if i'm peer pressured by a group text thread that i've been so maybe maybe i actually that would have been a yes i would have done all of them if my arm would have been sufficient oh where do you oh okay that's important there'll probably be a spot to write that in yeah injured myself doing crossfit i know i injured myself but not doing CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Where do you primarily work out? At a CrossFit affiliate, a non-affiliate gym, at home, or other? CrossFit affiliate. Okay. Did you watch 24.1 open announcement and show live or after it aired? Oh, did you watch it live? Did you watch 24.1 open announcement show live? I don't think they need to put the word show in there yeah did you watch the open announcement live or after it aired watch that yeah okay live okay we're 36 through this wow prior to 2024
Starting point is 00:52:38 approximately how many limited announcements have you watched live all of them okay they got 20 or more i'll put uh six to ten i'll put 11 six to ten how satisfied are you with the following aspects of the 24.1 open announcement a show format this is for 24.1 show comment commentators, analysis, and hosts. Well, let's start with the first one. Show format. Sorry. I would say satisfied. Someone satisfied.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Someone satisfied. Show commentators, analysts, and hosts. I mean, I'm biased because I think we could have done it better. Neutral. Okay. A show entertainment value uh i i don't know it's hard to tell what they're referring to athletes i was extremely satisfied with their efforts and and watching them really even the second part with the um were they like
Starting point is 00:53:40 remember where they sandbag that middle workout oh, that was stupid as fuck. I thought we were talking specifically the open workout. Okay, extremely dissatisfied. Yeah. Show excitement. Yeah, I'm satisfied about that. It's always exciting to learn the workout and watch them go. Show quality of information, analysis, and presentation. I mean, communication was fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:54:06 That golden barbell thing and what happened and people not even knowing the open workout. Fair. Okay, I'm extremely dissatisfied. Workout info, analysis, and preparation. I would say satisfied. They draw that out pretty clearly.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Location of announcements. Extremely dissatisfied. Then go fuck yourself. That's amazing. That's amazing. For those of you who don't know, they did the open a mile from Susan's gym. You have to pass my fucking gym.
Starting point is 00:54:42 That's five times the square footage of the other gym that they've been through. We've made the largest contributions to the CrossFit space out of any other media thing. I did a ton of work through the health summit, shot a whole entire video on favors in my own dime. And don't forget, you also gave, don't forget you gave your gym, uh, when Don became CEO, you let them use your gym, uh, to, for an event that you weren't even invited to. I wasn't even allowed to be at. Yeah. Just basically open the door to it.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah. Go. Yeah. Nope. Sorry. Uh, what could CrossFit do to make the announcements more exciting and entertaining?
Starting point is 00:55:20 Um, let the sub on podcast run the whole entire event and you guys stay in your lane and just check boxes for shareholders. I'm going to put get to the point faster. I mean, basically, that's my biggest criticism. I'd like to see get to the workout faster. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:55:41 There's too much. I hate all the stupid fucking secretive shit too oh yeah tell me that talk about that really quick i here's the thing i love you told me this yesterday and i really like this idea yeah yeah i love the part where we don't know the workout until it's announced i like that yeah me too all the other stuff where we don't know the athlete we're not allowed to know where the location is all this other bullshit around it and trying to create this secret stuff around it. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I think it makes communication from the games team to the affiliates poor into the games team to the normal crowd. I think it makes it poor. I don't think that it's necessary. We could hype it more. That's what I'm thinking. We could hype it more. If we knew the athletes were, we can hype the shit out of it yeah absolutely the athletes can hype it because now if i know i'm going on week two and they say
Starting point is 00:56:30 hey we got everything set in stone you're week two go ahead and announce it month out right yeah now all of a sudden we know colton is going to be there we know he's going to madero's thing we're going to hype it he's going to be able to you know shoot a bunch of stuff just like we did with what he did for uh taylor selfers the world right those little videos that be able to shoot a bunch of stuff just like we did with what he did for Taylor Self First of the World. Those little videos that they started to shoot were great. And imagine if they did that and all the athletes started to do it. You know that they just would have done it for free on their own. They would have hyped themselves.
Starting point is 00:56:56 It would have been better for the athletes with their sponsors because they could have taken advantage of the time leading up to the announcement. And highlighted a bunch of stuff for them. The's so like the location for the gyms could have could have been done better we could have known where it was out ahead of time just to have more people and more presence there there's there's so many uh different things that that could have gone so much better had they announced a lot more information just not the workout in and of itself there's some excitement when you find out the workout and there's some excitement when you find out who the athletes are. And I totally a hundred percent agree that if, when you told me that the other day on the phone, Hey,
Starting point is 00:57:31 they should say the athlete sooner. I was like, Oh, why? That takes away the excitement. But then I started realizing, no, it's going to be exciting whenever they release it. And we could hype the fuck out of it. All of we would have had some shit talking. Yeah. We could have had them all on the talking yeah we could have had them on the shows we could have had them on together you know be like hey what do you think about this person it would have built so much more hype for them free by the way by just releasing the information
Starting point is 00:57:55 sooner and i get there's certain parameters right like they might have certain contingencies so maybe athletes weren't committed but once you get all the ducks in a row, which you know, or hopefully they have it out in advance enough, right. Then, um, then announce it. Let us all have fun with it. Build the hype, man. Yeah. We could totally build the hype. If they told us that at least something else you said, um, that we are going to execute on, by the way, uh, Susie told me this yesterday. Um, if, if CrossFit doesn't do this next year, the Sevan podcast on our website,
Starting point is 00:58:26 and I know I can't even believe we have a website. We have a website and we're going to make a poster for you guys. And in that poster in one corner is going to be for the affiliates. There's going to be a QR and you can print it out yourself. So you could print out 10 sheets of paper and tape them together and you'll have one big poster. And in one corner will be the QR code to register for the open and the other will be the QR code to register for the open and the other will be the QR code to register your score. And so then the affiliate owners can put that up on a wall somewhere and they can say, hey, after every class, they can be like,
Starting point is 00:58:53 hey, don't forget to go over and point your phone at that QR code and register for the open. Yeah. And when Susan was explaining that to me yesterday, I was like, holy shit, that would be genius. So hopefully CrossFit will pick that up next year. We will do that for the Open for you guys and for CrossFit if
Starting point is 00:59:08 they don't. Maybe we'll even do a photo contest for people to submit photos for the photo that we use that will be the poster because the poster will be some photo. Then we'll put the QR codes in the corners. I think that'll be a great value add for all the affiliates.
Starting point is 00:59:24 I think that CrossFit should have been, CrossFit Games team should have been putting out as much stuff as they could have possibly done, materials, information, communication, all of that to make it as easy on me as the affiliate owner to run the events as possible. Here's a poster. Here's a big one. Here's a paper size, the QR code to submit your scores on every single score sheet. Here's this, here's some videos that you could run that you could download from your affiliate portal to hype the open. Here's an explainer video that you could put on your personal Instagrams, like fill me up. So that way my job to sell your fucking shit and then host the logistics of it and run the party every single time in my gym make it as
Starting point is 01:00:05 easy on me as possible yeah as easy on me as possible do it out in front and say hey by the way do you guys want to do fucking open napkins you could buy them from here or whatever right or start saying hey some of the gyms that run 100 plus people through the open here's the best way they did it logistics wise right like they set up this up this thing. Here's a, here's a heat time sheet that you could use at your gym here, whatever the case, but just make it as easy as possible for me to pull this event off and give me all the tools and stuff necessary to make it easy to communicate what needs to be done to my, to my members. They do provide score sheets, right? They do provide score sheets, right? They can go online. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They've always provided score sheets. Another great thing about the open so far this year is there hasn't been any uh there aren't
Starting point is 01:00:49 any layouts right which is awesome layouts are a huge mistake right yeah yeah yeah i mean unless you're doing like a lunge or something right like where it's put part of the workout leave the layouts away yeah um uh crossfit uh magni on a 20 minute workout having two elites and then four others ideally celebrity status do it at the same time would be cool 20 minutes of two people wasn't very exciting i enjoyed i i i enjoyed watching um justin and colton go at it i didn't have any issue with that i didn't have any issue with that. I didn't have any issue with the camera angles. I liked it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:32 I think the actual, like the athletes that they chose, the way that the workouts were showcased and the way that we could see it in the film, like I thought all that stuff was really good. And it's always been good. Will Branstetter, they have some other printable material too. I know there's a couple division option posters up in the gym from them. All right. Back to the survey.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Back to this important survey. I don't know what they're going to glean from this. What could CrossFit do to improve the show workout information analysis and prepare you for the workout? Oh, we just said all that yep okay maybe i'll write more posters for affiliates with reg qr codes you like that yep, yeah, yeah. There's lots of things to do. Okay. How could we improve the location of the announcement? Larger space.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Place it in 4771 Arroyo Vista road uh rate the most influential reason for watching open announcements to be the first to know the workout not at all okay just to just to know the workout head-to-head matchup of elite athletes i like that three or four yep three elite athlete interview reactions yeah whatever three two two oh workout analysis tips and prep i think that um subconsciously i like to see the layouts for sure yeah and i don't i i like hearing kind of some of the insider information i think we give him a three on that one for sure to watch with my friends okay yep i mean we really that's basically what we do yeah a couple thousand of them each time yeah okay what could crossfit
Starting point is 01:03:38 add to make the show better to make the show better nudity feet pics yeah feet pics more shots of feet i don't know i don't think that's a more star wars more star wars references i don't think the actual production of it is bad at all do you i don't think so i thought i thought they did good i thought it was good too yeah i have no complaints with any of that. I have no complaints with athlete choice. I have no complaints with camera angles, with the production, with the weight. I have no issues with any of that. Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Please indicate whether you would like to see less, the same amount, or more of each type of content. Elite athlete career highlights, background, and open strategy. More. Sure. Right? I think people get hyped about that yeah interviews with athletes more yep workout analysts and analysis and breakdown more coach affiliate interviews and
Starting point is 01:04:37 stories they have a way more button sponsor discount. I don't give a fuck about that. Yeah, I don't give a fuck about that either. The thing is, the thing is, is to be honest with you, I don't recall seeing one sponsor promotion during the open at all for the first two. Yeah, me either.
Starting point is 01:05:02 I don't hear them pumping their sponsors no if i'm a sponsor i'd be a little disappointed i'll just say the same same elite athletes performing the workout yeah more i like to see the best in the world do it okay yeah yeah approximately how many minutes of show did you watch oh geez i don't know i watched it all did you watch it all almost all of it yeah i watch it all yeah up until we go live then i watch us on scale zero ten how likely are you to recommend watching an open announcement to a friend or a colleague that doesn't crossfit yeah i'm gonna say zero zero they're gonna think
Starting point is 01:05:46 i'm an idiot yeah i'll never forget the first time i pitched trying to bring one of my friends to regionals in like 2012 and he was like so wait we're gonna drive to san jose to just watch people work out and i was like oh fuck no look at hot chicks in the crowd on a scale of zero to ten how likely are you to recommend watching any live CrossFit sport content to a friend or colleague? I don't ever remember recommending. I don't think that's the path to get people into CrossFit, to have them watch people do CrossFit. Is there anything else you want CrossFit leadership to know about the open announcement shows? More Dave. More Dave.
Starting point is 01:06:27 More Dave. I would have preferred Dave over Seth Rollins, to tell you the truth. Yeah, and that just might be nostalgic for me, so I'll admit that I might be biased there, but I love Dave's. The whole drawn-out thing and how ridiculous it is and the chalk, I dig all that yeah i think it adds to it right like it adds to it and i'll get to poke fun at them for it we're
Starting point is 01:06:50 like look how ridiculous i like that when i watch ufc and john annick who i like is um they have a press conference before all the ufcs and when john annick is the host i'm really disappointed i so much prefer it to be dana white i said i like how he interacts with the crowd. I like it. How a lot, he has bad hearing, so he can't hear. He's like, what did the guy say? He's like, shit, I can't even hear you. I like all that shit. Yeah. I like all of his like quirks and shit. Yeah. Sleeky more Dave. Yeah. I want I I suspect we're gonna do the workout today me and you yeah we are just don't know where I think we can do it at Greg's house that'd be cool yeah I mean we I'm pretty sure um I'm pretty sure there was ample weights there. There was enough for the 185.
Starting point is 01:07:47 That's for dang sure. More celebrities they can reach out beyond just this CrossFit following even low-level celebrities. I just feel like celebrities have never broadened the scope of CrossFit. Yeah, I don't know what the reason for that would be. I think if you're doing the open stuff, that's not the time to... I don't know what the reason for that would be. I think if you're doing the open stuff,
Starting point is 01:08:05 that's not the time to... I don't think you bring in Post Malone and all of a sudden we have 10,000 more CrossFitters. I could be wrong, but there was some coach in the NFL, I think it was for the New England Patriots,
Starting point is 01:08:21 and he did CrossFit and the entire team was doing CrossFit and we did some videos on it. And I just felt like it didn't like all of a sudden it wasn't like shitloads of people started doing CrossFit. Yeah. I don't think that's the way that it works. I suspect Tom Brady's fitness program is a complete failure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Can you hear that? I can, but I have to jam off. I just realized that it was like a couple minutes late for something here oh shit okay oh hey okay you want to call her hello i don't even know if this phone is hooked up um yeah i'm good thank you bye have fun thank you okay okay i'll call you in a few yeah please okay bye okay bye bye buddy bye and that's it suze's toast just like that hello caller hello hello testing hello does the phone work hello i wonder why the phone doesn't work could you guys hear the phone
Starting point is 01:09:16 ringing hello let me unpair it and try pairing it again. Would you like to unpair your phone? Yes. Done. Oh, maybe the person hung up. Oh, maybe this thing's not even plugged in. Oh, it's plugged in. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. hello sorry whoever called sorry oh no you're on the phone still hello hello hey this is tom from type one lifting hey. Hey, what's up, Tom? Hey, hey.
Starting point is 01:10:07 So I wanted to tell you, so I did 24.2 this morning at like 5.30 in the morning. Okay. And I was the only one that actually signed up for the Open. And I was just going in there for a drop-in. At this gym? At the gym, yeah. There had to be like 12 people at this gym um at the gym yeah there was there had to be like 12 people at this gym and i was the only one that signed up for the open was everyone doing the workout yeah they were doing the workout everything but it was just some of them scaled it but i was like shocked because i
Starting point is 01:10:37 thought you know with all the signups and all that stuff like the you know i thought there'd be more people doing the open oh interesting yeah yeah well it's not wasn't your home gym no no so i train at a 24-hour gym so i didn't want to videotape it and submit it so i just went to a local crossfit gym down the street from my house and did it there oh Oh, shit. Okay. Alright, very interesting. Hey, did you ask them why no one signed up? No, I was too focused and trying to do 24.2, so that was more important to me.
Starting point is 01:11:14 How was it? Good. I did eight rounds, and I got to 20 double... Sorry, 19 double unders. Wow, that's fantastic. Was there a particular sticking point for you? My endurance, pretty much. So what I did was I set up the rower, the barbell, and the jump rope,
Starting point is 01:11:36 and kind of like a triangle. So it's going back and forth that way. Yeah, nice. All right. Wow, that's a great score. I'll take it. Being 6'6", it kind of helps out a little bit on the rower. 6'6".
Starting point is 01:11:49 Yeah. Wow. All right. How was the deadlift? Was the deadlift, did the deadlift get heavy at all or no? No, no, it was easy. So what I did was I used like a chalk block, and I just like put chalk all over the barbell where my grip was.
Starting point is 01:12:06 And so I didn't have to like take a break and chalk up. And obviously no issues with the double under since you got eight rounds, you, you mowed through them. Yeah. I mean, I, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:16 towards the last two or three rounds, I kind of took a break at 25. You did it over again. It's just started up again. It's a deep breath away. Hey, hold on one second. I want to see if I can get you on the... How about now?
Starting point is 01:12:31 How about now? No, fuck. My phone doesn't work. All right, good to know. All right. All right, cool. Well, thank you. Talk to you later.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Okay, ciao. That dude has a podcast, Type One Lifting. He's had some great guests on. Corey Leonard, we have roughly 100 members and 30 are signed up. Eric Wise, we got over 150 signed up at our affiliate, Top 10 in the West, baby. Wow, that's wild. Melissa Odear, Sebi, why do you always bomb shows with Hayley Adams
Starting point is 01:13:07 because I'm in a different reality than her oh hold on hold on I loved the new Star Wars title it's amazing oh my god I fucking love it I don't know what that word is a whack-a-dack a rack-a-dack but fuck it so cool. I like the rackadack monsters. Yeah. Sorry. No, I'll send you feet pics after the show. I'm just living a different world than her, dude. If you want to be completely frank, it's probably because I have a fucking crazy high emotional IQ, like fucking off the chart.
Starting point is 01:13:43 And I'm willing to go anywhere. And uh yeah I don't do girly pop I don't think I bombed it though I to be honest with you I thought it was fucking great um I thought it was great that's the problem with being able to go anywhere in a conversation. You, I mean, you're back every single person you talk to, you're bound to, uh, it takes incredible skill because you're bound to bump up against something that,
Starting point is 01:14:13 that, that offends them, that hits their ego. I can't, uh, you know she doesn't want to talk about bodies I mean that's like one of my favorite
Starting point is 01:14:29 subjects to talk about is bodies she's obviously shy about boys I don't know if shy is the right word but I thought it was great I had had fun with her. She was cool. It was fun. Did you guys hear Joe Biden say yesterday that not only did the vaccine cure COVID, Answers? Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:15:16 This is the mayor of Boston. Her Christmas, she had a non-white Christmas party. If you remember the last time we had her on the show, she had a party and white people weren't allowed to come to it. Here she is again, the mayor of Boston. Now just imagine a Republican doing that. No Republican's ever going to have a party where whites aren't allowed. Here we go. Every human being has the legal right to come to the United States and seek asylum or shelter.
Starting point is 01:15:50 When the review of that individual's particular situation and when that process is so drawn out, people are stuck. They are looking to work, looking to contribute. Really? Because to me, it seems like the majority of people coming here are here to collect benefits. Well, and here's the point. They're not stuck. They get to come in this country and hang out. They're not stuck. You don't cross the border and they push you back. Right now, three in five illegal immigrants are on welfare and cost the US taxpayer $116 billion
Starting point is 01:16:23 annually. And I'm sure she feels great talking in platitudes how we're all human beings on the same planet, but the fact is no one has a legal right to enter our country. There is a process and it is a privilege. And as someone who pays into the system, I have a right to oppose people breaking our laws to get here and collecting benefits when they do. Maybe it's just me, but I find it ironic that she's all about inclusion when it comes to the U.S. taxpayer funding illegal immigrants. But when it comes to her own Christmas party, she has no problem excluding you if you're white. Every person, every human being has the legal. So you just have to think like. That that that never happens, that never happens in a Republican's
Starting point is 01:17:04 under Republicans control. So if those are your values, you have to think about just what your values are. Is she married to a white guy? Of course she is. Let's look. Michelle Wu's husband. Michelle Wu's husband. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:26 She absolutely is. Of course she is. I don't... He might be a tranny. I'll show you a picture. Wow. Wow. That's... Michelle Wu's husband. God, that looks like it's gone through transition.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Listen, she's the first woman and person of color to be elected as Massachusetts City Mayor, City's Mayor, Boston I didn't know Asians were people of color Thomas Sowell says that the reason why Asians got so far ahead of the other minorities in the United States is because they didn't get involved in politics. That they just put their head down and worked.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Captain Rogers, that dude needs TRT. That dude needs something. My God. Isn't that weird how we all just see it? So weird. Pump for today's show. So pumped. Taylor and Jason.
Starting point is 01:19:01 I'm excited not only for the, to see them work out against each other, but for the post-interview. The post-interview is going to be wild. The oppression of our intellectual movements, and no one says anything anymore in case somebody else gets offended. What happens if you say that and someone gets offended? Well, they can be offended. What's wrong with being offended? When did sticks and stones made break my bones stop being relevant?
Starting point is 01:19:30 Isn't that what you teach children, for God's sake? That's what you teach toddlers. He called me an idiot. Don't worry about him. He's a dick. Now you have adults going, I was offended. I was offended. And I have rights.
Starting point is 01:19:44 So what? Be offended. Nothing happens. You're an adult. Grow up. Deal with it. I was offended. I don't care. Nothing happens when you're offended. There's nothing. I went to the comedy show, and the comedian said something about the Lord, and I was offended, and when I woke up in the morning, I had leprosy. Nothing happens. I'm going to live in democracy, but I never want to be offended again. Well, you're an idiot.
Starting point is 01:20:19 How do you make a law about offending people? How do you make it an offence to offend people? Being offended is subjective. That has everything to do with you as an individual or a collective or a group or a society or a community your moral conditioning your religious beliefs what offends me may not offend you you want to make laws about this i'm offended when i see boy bands for god's sake political correctness the oppression of our intellectual movements what a great show what continuity The professionally offended I wonder if they hear this I wonder what the professionally offended do when they hear this stuff
Starting point is 01:21:08 Do they go into denial do they hear this the people who are professionally offended read the comment on that post savon really do i have to go back let me see if i can go back i can't find it sorry sorry my bad i want to make you happy Sorry. Sorry. My bad. I want to make you happy. Truman Rush, who was a founding father and a physician, warned Thomas Jefferson. He said America needed a clause because he was worried about the medical tyranny. Thomas Jefferson just went, no, I'm not too worried about that. But this is what he said. Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution,
Starting point is 01:21:45 the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship. What the heck happened? What happened just in 2020? We need to fight not only for ourselves, but our kids. Because if we don't get some balls and stand up and start fighting, our kids aren't going to stand a chance. Benjamin Rush, who was a founding father. A medical dictatorship. One of the nuances that happened during the whole pandemic is that we
Starting point is 01:22:12 took information from doctors and we did nothing with it. And we let the doctors also make the decisions. And that's not their job. Their job is to give us the information and then we use our own discernment on what laws to make. And we didn't do that. We let the people who are paid to find problems also make the decision. This is a great point. Chase, Brian, the professionally offended are the ones that preach their feelings are valid. Yeah. Great point.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I don't know how I missed that. Sean Lenderman going back to Michelle Wu's husband. If that's a dude, I am gay. Wait, you think that, are you guys saying that that that girl that hot girl right there was a dude you're saying that this is a dude is that what you guys are saying come on man what are you guys talking about you're saying this is a dude i don't think that's a dude yeah fuck
Starting point is 01:23:23 Sean Clark Sean can we bring up the reddit post regarding HR complaints from HQ staff Sean I don't know what that is oh oh woo's husband oh
Starting point is 01:23:43 woo's husband yeah yeah yeah right right sorry fuck Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right. Sorry. Fuck. Sorry. Yeah, I think that was it. Thank you. Wow. I'm slow. Yeah, I don't think that that... I would suspect that that might be a woman also. If it's not, it needs more... Well, either way,
Starting point is 01:23:59 it needs more testosterone. I can't believe Yahoo's still around. Damn, that's not available either. I had a great clip with Snowden. nothing new here same shit Oregon governor signs bill to remove reading and writing and math requirements for high school kids to help students of color
Starting point is 01:24:38 it's everywhere people homeschool your kids It's everywhere, people. Homeschool your kids. Hey. Hey. The real Kevin. Some people are more reserved than others. There's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 01:25:02 I think you're referencing Hayley Adams. Yeah, I agree. I agree. no one is uh no one should be forced to talk about anything there's a difference between being reserved not wanting to talk about something though and and being offended right or not willing to go there there clock a group of now 30 plus current former employees and contractors for CrossFit LLC of race serious concerns about two employees I
Starting point is 01:25:37 don't know anything about it I don't do reddit I don't do reddit I'm not going to read it I'm I going to read it? Am I going to read it? All right. Thank you for the show. Thank you for the show. Manny Serrano, today's International Women's Day. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Kiss a woman, slap her on the ass. I'll see you guys tonight, 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Taylor Self vs. The World. Okay, one more. Mr. Jake Chapman. Hello, Mr. Matuthian. Please, can we discuss how we navigate larger noses whilst going down on our women? Oh. It's a tool it is a tool to be incorporated in the activities
Starting point is 01:26:51 love you guys thanks for being patient with the show it's always a little uh wonky when we're on the road talk to you guys this evening bye

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