The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Sunday April 28th 2024

Episode Date: April 30, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Your picture looks amazing. That's good. Bam. We'll get no complaints that I'm a minute late.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Really? Usually they're not even one. I'm pissed. Wow, that's good yeah yesterday morning uh i forgot to bring my coffee in for the uh show damn that's rough yeah and then i and then so then i text my wife and I'm like, hey, can you bring my coffee in? Look what I'm going to do. Let me see if I can. Oh, this is. Oh, I need to number these.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Jesus Christ. I'm sending my show notes. This package. Good. Yes. Yesterday I picked up coffee. I'm sending you my show notes. This package came in my house. Go ahead. Yesterday, I picked up coffee. And the ladies, I usually get a venti cold brew. And the lady said, did you know you could get it in a Trenta? I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And so she's like, yeah, you can get it in a Trenta. So I got it. Because usually I just drink the whole thing in one day. And I feel like I need more. And I didn't drink it at all. I drank like half of it. So I just put it in the fridge and now I have yesterday's coffee today. And that's the budget we live on here at the Sevan Podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:01 That's right. You can only get the cold drinks Ent trenta's right yeah i guess everything but you can get tea in trenta and cold brew but not nitro uh just so you know gabe i am drinking paper street coffee sorry kate i didn't bring up coffee making stuff with me caleb caleb is on the road so you wake up in the morning the first thing you do is you go out on a hunt for coffee yeah pretty much which is kind of shitty because doing anything that requires effort before coffee is rough like i have to like grab my keys get dressed fucking make sure i have my wallet walk out to my truck out, fucking drive to wherever I want to get coffee. You have to talk to some people.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Yeah. I have to talk to some people. Were you going to say interact with people? Yes, exactly. I have to interact with people. And the people at the Starbucks are so chipper in the morning. And I just, I can't do it that early. I had a roommate in college who didn't want to talk in the morning.
Starting point is 00:03:03 God, it was fucking weird. I hate that. I used to be that way. I think I'm a little better about it now, but... Hey, guys, I know a lot of you are going to, on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. for Kill Taylor, so many of you want to jump in. Just so you know,
Starting point is 00:03:18 it's not a sure thing that you'll get chosen. Anything can happen. You know what I mean? We could get just four schmucks, or we could get four Brandon Smiths. You never know. Hey, caller. Hi, Corey. Hey, morning. Morning. What's up, dude? Hey, Lord's Day. So happy Sunday. Happy Sunday. And I wanted to tell you do what?
Starting point is 00:03:42 The Lord's Day, meaning meaning this is the day god created the earth in the first six days and on the seventh day he chilled i guess i've just started going back to church this year so i i'm not don't ask me okay congratulations all right thank you um i just want to say um did you hear that fucking hype no not really oh sorry try it louder right talking to the mic put your butt on i'm hyped for saturday yeah yeah put your ass to the mic i'm hyped for saturday i talked to suza yeah and i'm trying to get on for for two episodes i'm trying to to sponsor two of those episodes that's awesome how cool is it that by the way so many people didn't collect their prizes i know you've been like texting cory's like hey the person who won the 500 gift card didn't collect i'm like i don't care he's like i'd like to give it to him like fuck him so i i'm gonna start with two sponsorships and then i'll see
Starting point is 00:04:37 maybe we'll try to do some more but uh taylor's a beast he rocks um i'm going to see him next next uh monday too so i'm going to talk to him to see if maybe i can do something for shut up and scribble but um i'm excited about it hey i'm i'm real i'm real appreciative first of all thank you so much that's awesome because we kind of want i want to get like one huge sponsor like for like six million dollars for the show and so until we get that until we get that sponsor, I just want to do $500 at a time. I don't really want to do... I don't want to do...
Starting point is 00:05:09 I don't want to do one $5,000 sponsor for the show. Another thing is it's a little weird, right? Doing the... It's just weird doing the whole prize money thing people don't get it but
Starting point is 00:05:26 like so if if the sponsor this is not a dig at you it's just the way the finances of the show work if the sponsor gives us 500 bucks then we already owe 30 on that for taxes right because it comes to us and then we get to them so it looks like we made it and then on top of that it would be nice to like give caleb enough money for coffee money and then it'd be cool if i could pay for my internet and so there's this whole thing all of a sudden where you got it like i mean at crossfit i had a cfo now it's just like fuck how can we give money away so we're just trying to get a suza i mean suzy suza will be like we need to put 20 away here and we need five percent there and ten percent there but i'm just like hey give us the 500 bucks we need to put 20% away here and we need 5% there and 10% there.
Starting point is 00:06:05 But I'm just like, hey, give us the 500 bucks and we'll just give it away. But as we work our way through that, I think that the show is going to be so successful that I want to just like – I guess Mr. Beast did this. Just like every cent he got, he just pumped right back into the business. So I want to kind of just give all the money away you know um one more thing cory is there was that chick went against fisa goffey right and that was really cool that she did that that lindsey lane chick and i really wanted her and then so after every show after every show we did a press conference right where the athletes would sit down and then we would talk to them and the last show she didn't
Starting point is 00:06:46 show up and oh yeah yeah yeah and so i said hey lindsey if you're listening i mean which kind of sucked i wish she would have shown up i think she would it would have been i guess she was really bummed but if she would have shown up it would have been really endearing for her like no one cared i guess she was devastated she didn't finish but none of the viewers would care. They just wanted to see her because they coughed up a thousand dollars. So then we had this extra thousand dollars that she didn't know she was going to win that I wanted to present to her on the air. That was going to be kind of cool. Right. And a three hundred dollar gift certificate from Born Primitive. But then I was like, so I just told J.R., give her my number. Well, then all these people in the audience who thought they were being helpful tried coordinated for her to get the thousand bucks.
Starting point is 00:07:26 And that kind of pissed me off because I'm like, yo, bitch. Like, like, you know what I mean? Like, I'm a dad. So I'm just like, yo, bitch, this bitch got to fucking like reach out. Yeah, she got to like text or call into the show and be like, hey, thanks for doing all this. And I appreciate that the listeners kick coughing up a thousand bucks and like and then and then i would send it to her but she somehow fucking cool it somehow got coordinated by do gooders by nice people in the uh in the fucking chat and and so they got her the thousand bucks
Starting point is 00:07:56 but i still no one ever collected the uh she didn't collect the the born primitive uh gift card but like i'm not she still hasn't gotten it no but i'm not i'm also not going out of my way to like that's not my i'm not doing that i'm just running the podcast yeah like everyone just be cool hey there's times that like yesterday i was at the um i was at a restaurant and my kid ordered he wanted a water with a splash of lemonade because i don't let them drink like juice and so he's like can i get a little splash of it and i'm like okay cool so then the she brought out the lady brought out a lemonade i'm like dude you can't drink that he's like will you order me the
Starting point is 00:08:34 right one i'm like no why would i order you the right one we're here with greg he's already paying for that shit you order it and so the lady came and went like five times and i could see tears welling up in his eyes i'm like dude all you got to do is look at her and be like hi may i please have water with a splash of lemonade and then when she says she writes it down you look in her eyes and you say thank you and then he did it but yeah exactly stop being a little bitch exactly renee yeah i'm not raising does anybody exactly i'm not raising little bitches that's exactly right thank you renee anybody in your family coddle your kids like that yeah and i'm okay with them doing it Yeah, I'm not raising little bitches. Does anybody? Exactly. I'm not raising little bitches. That's exactly right. Thank you, Renee. Anybody in your family coddle your kids like that?
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah, and I'm okay with them doing it. It used to piss me off when I just had one kid, and by the time I had three, I'm like, okay, I get it. There's going to be people who the grandparents are going to coddle them. Okay. I'm about to put my grandpa on a Kimura. Yeah. It drives me crazy that he does that shit. But just hearing it from you makes me feel like i'm not insane yeah but i eventually learned like okay there's gonna be people i want them to have relationships with people who who who uh i want people who um that's okay i'm okay with the grandparents doing i accept it
Starting point is 00:09:41 a savvy have you ever worn a brassiere no but i fucking need one my tits are huge and i'm not talking like droopy old man titties i i have a like a robust bit like i have a chest of a fucking it's crazy my chest is crazy you would think i was on roids and then i never even benched 225 but i have a fucking chest of a God. I look like it's crazy. All right. My nipples are hard right now. My nipples are hard. By the way, thanks for supporting the show.
Starting point is 00:10:12 It's so weird to have a listener. I mean, I view you as a friend too, but it's so weird to have a listener be coughing up money for it. It was, it was crazy that the buttons did that too. Yeah. I have tits like Rich Froney.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I have tits like Rich Froney. Yeah, totally. Oh fucking yeah. I have a chest of a five did that too. Yeah, I have tits like Rich Froney. Yeah, totally. Oh, fucking. Yeah, I have a chest of a five foot eight, man. Yeah, pretty much. Chest like a little boy. Alright, I love y'all. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Later, dude. Hey, and no, I don't have any gyno. Eat a dick. My chest is flat. It's just fucking massive taylor just posted this i think i received a major panel oh shit oh shit ah ah you wanna watch this yeah please this is great
Starting point is 00:11:07 hey wait wait before we watch this should we pull up the other two photos yeah sure let me go grab them real quick I'm gonna try to um oh look at your shirt daily training shirt do it daily I just threw that one yeah that's cool I just threw that one into my rag drawer
Starting point is 00:11:24 that shirt is so thick. I love it. Yeah, that's cool. Maybe I'll pull it out and save it and give it to you. What size are you? XL. Let's see what size I have. So there's these two pictures.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I don't know how many there are out there, but I don't really how many they are there are out there, but I don't really understand. I don't really understand this picture. So this is some fucking crazy hot chick with amazing hair named Kelly Stone. And she posted a picture of herself like her house just got wiped out by a tornado. Or like she just found out like she found like she or she just she had a miscarriage you know at like week 24 right yeah i'm so devastated i'm i'm angry like so many others my season has ended short due to receiving a 20 penalty and workout one with the step-up standard if you've trained with me and watch my workout videos, blah, blah, blah. And while I cannot change the result, I refuse to be silent.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Okay. Whoop-de-whoop. Like, we already – I refuse to be silent. Why is every single person impacting scores quarterfinals not having their videos reviewed to – okay. So she's clearly been crying, right? Because she thinks that she was treated unfairly in her judging and her attempt to make it to semifinals. Has this girl been to the games? No.
Starting point is 00:12:50 If she has, she was on the team. Okay, so here's someone who's dedicated their life. They're young. They're emotional. And then because they got a penalty from the judges, they're crying. Oh, Shawn Lenderman says she's not crying. She has pink eye. Oh.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Oh, okay. This is – I don't understand the point. I don't know. Can someone explain to me why you would post a picture of yourself that looks like you've been crying all night? And that's a picture of her. And she posted a picture of her crying to her grandma. Yeah, dude. Her grandma's probably been through more shit than she's ever been in her entire life.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Been through world wars, Vietnam, the draft, global war on terror great depression probably her husband's dead half her night of cancer yeah half her friends are dead she's probably gonna rest home she's watching just people be fucking demented all the time when i was five years old i remember that um are you god her body's crazy. She has a nice body. Look at her fucking caboose. That ass is insane. I get it. It took a lot of fucking work to build that body.
Starting point is 00:14:17 You fucking earned it. For sure. But when I was like five or six, I remember when I would cry, I would want my mom to see it so she could see how sad I was. Okay. And I had forgotten that I had ever thought – like I was trying to relate to this. I was staring at this, and I go, what is she doing? What's the mindset that you would show – how many followers does this girl have? I think she has like 200 and something thousand.
Starting point is 00:14:48 So does she... Jesus Christ, look at her physique. What's the deal with this? Why... She feels like... Does she feel obligated to show that? Because people have been following her on her journey and she wants you to see the whole journey?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Or I don't I don't understand why you would post a picture of yourself to get attention from others. Yeah, that's what I wanted when I did it when I was five or six. I did it. So I guess I wanted attention from my mom, my mom to know that I was sad. Crying is gay. I don't know. I don't think crying is cool. Maybe i was sad crying is gay i don't know i don't think crying school oh maybe you're saying crying school too i don't know i went to the spot that you're saying it was bad i don't i don't cry i think crying's fine holy shit uh camille something or another i'm devastated i my both my parents were killed in the tornado last night in wichita no sorry it doesn't say that if you know me i'm i'm not the person that's
Starting point is 00:15:54 trying to cheat i've been in so she this chick got a 20 pound dude this looks like a rape victim jesus that's like that's like i was in prison and someone just took me from behind yeah yeah drop the soap type thing look at the butt on these girls can't you just be happy with the incredible fucking ass you have it's not enough the world is not enough I don't want to be like I get it It's all relative and it's context to you And I get you tried as hard as you could And I get that you cried
Starting point is 00:16:32 I get that you cried when you didn't make it That part I get I'm with you on all that It's just How many followers does this girl have? 41. Okay. Like, did she need the prize money to save her little brother from dying of cancer?
Starting point is 00:16:54 Because if that's it, then we can raise the money for her. We can try to do something. Yeah, sure. Or is it that she had a lifetime goal and... And she felt, I just. It's crazy how many people just put their entire lives on being semifinal athletes. So that's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Okay. So her whole persona. So, okay. I guess. So that puts it in context. Yeah, their whole life is just built up just to go to semifinals. It doesn't matter how they perform. It's really just that they went to semifinals. And why show it?
Starting point is 00:17:36 Because it's just like, what else would they show? It's who they are. Right. And I'm okay. I can get my head around that i understand that it's a blow i understand that it hurts i get that i fully get that yeah i'm sure it sucks but but i just don't understand the sharing like so you look you were crying for hours and you looked in the mirror and you're like i'm gonna post this
Starting point is 00:18:02 or i'm not gonna stay silent like what does that mean is that what why would you even write that like we already know you're not gonna stay silent you're like, I'm going to post this or I'm not going to stay silent. What does that mean? Why would you even write that? We already know you're not going to stay silent. We're looking right at the picture. You could just make a post without a picture of you crying and you're not staying silent. Or I'm so fucking pissed I've let myself down again.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I just don't... This thing is entirely out of your control. You can't do anything, but you can do everything you can during the workout to make sure that you're meeting the standard to the best of your ability. But ultimately, it's left up to somebody else to determine if it was adequate. I don't know if it's narcissism. Narcissism, look at me. My life is so hard. CrossFit held me to a standard. I don't know if it's narcissism narcissism look at me my life is so hard cross it held me to a standard i don't know if it's narcissism what is the
Starting point is 00:18:51 definition of narcissism i'll look that up i i don't think oh my god look at fucking greta thunberg's titties jesus christ hold on hold on guys hold on sorry let's just take a break for let's just take a break for a second this is fucking ridiculous jesus criminy this is so good wait nice pair of global warmings i got two reasons to support her now she's ungrown her gloves are in perfect condition where's the o.f she's 21 now right check them cannons check them cannons my wife's like what's o.f check them cannons my wife's like what's of check them cannons when i i remember in college when the first time i saw my wife the work i saw her tits she was walking down the street and i was like look at those torpedoes torpedoes really torpedoes yeah that's
Starting point is 00:19:59 i think a torpedoes is a c Yeah, probably. I'm gay. Okay, that makes sense. Someone clip it. Check out them cannons. Jesus Christ, we're in the middle of something. Call her hi. Hello? It's me.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Hey. Hey, man, I just want to tell you I love you i love you you you love me and what you love my cannons i love it was this casey acree what the fuck is wrong with your phone oh wow jesus christ wow you need some better signal, dude. That's not even my roadcaster. I can't even hear you. Will you stand on one leg and grab the fucking clothes hanger? See if you can get a better signal? Stand on top of your house.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Jesus Christ. Bye-bye. Thank you, though. I love you, too. Check out them cannons. She loves me, man. Two big reasons to blow the woman. She's a big actor, part of the elitists.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Get her the fuck out of my city. Ty Snits. Ty Snits. Ty Snits. Great commercial for great t-shirts. Great commercial for great t-shirts. Gray commercial for gray t-shirts. That I'm initiating. Free her and take Nikki.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Okay, I don't get that. Free her and take Nikki? I don't know. Oh. Minaj? No. Nikki the fucking politician. Nikki Haley?
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah, Nikki Haley maybe. They spelled it N-I-C-K-I. Isn't that how they spelled Nikki Haley? Nikki the girl who does the commentary for the CrossFit games. That's two Ks. Oh, Ooh, that's close to being racist.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Well, but wow, it's close. What if your parents would have thrown in three Ks? Oh, fuck. Nice titties. Instead,
Starting point is 00:22:07 she throw in vegan grenades at everyone. Brother, you are not a child anymore. We all see it. Damn! Globes. Damn.
Starting point is 00:22:27 There gotta be some pictures of those floating around the net somewhere. Yeah. Let me see. I look so fucking hard. Try looking when you're not hard. Oh. Alright. I should seek help because I want to see some tites.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Look, this response deserves more like so subtle, but laugh my ass off. Oops, sorry. Hey, by the way, this is like. This is this is like just like classic man shit. Like now, you know how we like totally think like this is this song just gets it yeah right this just like just want to see the titties dude yeah and you just can't believe how great that shirt is that's why there's no need for like these girls to be posting all these thirst pics like you don't have to you don't have to put on a g-string and like put a a leash on a guy with a pumpkin on his head or
Starting point is 00:23:25 whatever uh danny spiegel did you don't have to do that we just need your shirt to be on crooked over your fucking tits and we're like what the fuck and women just need to see you in gray sweatpants yeah we're just like what the fuck damn Fuck. Damn. Jesus Christ. What is this? I want to learn this song. She's a grown. Sure, her gloves are in perfect condition.
Starting point is 00:24:06 What's the OF, Sevan? What does OF mean? Check them cannons. God damn it. When I see posts like this, it makes me just love social media. Just the world coming together and healing itself. So when I see posts like this, it makes me just love social media. I'm like, yeah. Just the world coming together and healing itself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:30 One set of tits at a time. Yeah. Breast to bar. That's good. That's good. Some coconut tits. Dub thumpers. Okay. dub thumpers um okay uh so so the this chick posted a picture of herself
Starting point is 00:24:52 these both these two chicks posted pictures of themselves like i mean they really look like they woke up in the frat house and they and they're doing the walk of shame home right like what the fuck that's pretty bad yeah like what the fuck happened to me somebody just fucking killed their dog or something like in front of them yeah this is going to be a hard window to close this um greta thunberg one you're just gonna hold on to that one i i just can't close it i hope it doesn't get taken down i'm just gonna leave it on my desktop god okay so so so taylor also is devastated i didn't know he i didn't know he was such a weirdo too yeah okay he's an emotional guy you know and i'm not surprised yeah former drug addict like
Starting point is 00:25:40 probably uh retarded uh drugs will retard your maturate your emotional maturation that's why smoking weed so bad right yeah they say that they say that every day you smoke weed it basically sets you back one day from uh emotional development wow so he's probably back like 10 years don't you think yeah he's like a 14 year old boy okay so this makes sense okay on brand okay here we go go Today I receive a major penalty For having a big old ball sack Just kidding, Gorks Posting a quarterfinal movement clinic this week
Starting point is 00:26:14 Comment, perving for more details Oh my goodness Today I receive Wow A quarterf final movement clinic Wow I guess you could say So he's doing the same thing
Starting point is 00:26:35 That those girls are doing In the sense that he's experiencing something And he's inspired Creatively And so he's sharing it with the internet I guess those girls are inspired to share that for some reason. Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:51 It must be. Oh, that's heroin, not marijuana. Oh. Oh, okay. I mean, drugs. Yeah, wow. Jeez. You're not supposed to invalidate people's feelings, right? I mean, you're supposed to just be like you just i guess show empathy or you're
Starting point is 00:27:26 supposed to be like yeah that sucks for you girls i just i don't get the posting of it you're seen i was going to compare it to my last post yesterday i went on a walk with the boys uh we had some friends in town my buddy from the eighth grades in town and he's here with his two kids and his wife i've been friends with him since the eighth grade and we went to a restaurant and then and then he sent me a picture of me hanging out with the kids when we were done eating they were like just piling on top of me and i posted it and i posted it i was trying to think why did i post that and i posted it i like obviously i think i just like the way i was i guess I just wanted to share with the world because you look handsome my like I'm fucking six months away from dying um what I look fucking I
Starting point is 00:28:15 can't I didn't even know I had a gray beard until I saw that picture that's a good picture of you you think yeah you look good I look like I'm 80 and i'm from the 70s no no no no okay fine okay i'll let me find something real quick i look like fucking fonzie like old fonzie washed up fonzie like you caught me without gel in my hair and shit but i just liked it because i like i'm having fun with my boys and i felt like it represented it and i just wanted to share me having fun with my boys i'm like okay this is cool oh are you kidding me mitosi and gun show i look fucking horrible and i look soft look at i have that old man wrinkle by my bicep and shit i'm so giving creation of adam honestly oh this is this is what you think of when you see that picture that's what yeah that's immediately
Starting point is 00:29:00 what i thought when i saw it oh yeah look at that's a way of saying you look old as fuck. Distinguished. But I was like, why am I showing that? I guess it was just I'm obviously very happy. I'm like, I'm in my happy space. Like that's like me living my best life right there.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah, you guys all look good. So, um, yeah you guys all look good so um yeah it's uh so nice to see some young boys hanging with their grandpa hey fuck you love to see grandparents spend time with their children grandchildren
Starting point is 00:29:42 douche canoe see with their children oh grandchildren douche canoe see what a great picture this one needs to be framed yeah wad zombie has kids he's got a sentimental side somebody said he looks shredded jesus crime you should see me in a born primitive shirt i look like a beast um uh yeah nothing better than dadding yeah that's that's what i i'm like so happy to be i'm trying to think like if i'm trying to think what it would take for me to be um i'm trying to think of what it would take for me to post a picture of myself crying. Like maybe if my kid won the gold at a,
Starting point is 00:30:28 at a jujitsu tournament, you didn't even post it, but you didn't post a picture crying when the channel got banned. Oh, right. Huge. Right. Or,
Starting point is 00:30:38 or, um, uh, when I walk into the yard, you should see my face when I walk into the yard and I see gophers of like, I see it. Like I can tell when a tree, its roots are being eaten by gophers, and you should see my face. Devastated? Yeah, I've never even seen my face.
Starting point is 00:30:53 It must be crazy, yeah. Just not even angry, just defeated. I'm in pure victim mode. Why me? Because you can't do anything about it? Yeah, it's just like I'm just in pure... Just i don't deserve that i tend to my garden every day i used a gopher basket you know what i mean like right right oh i stubbed my toe so hard two days ago, and it still hurts.
Starting point is 00:31:27 The one next to my ring finger, baby toe. Do your toes have names? You know, like your hand has the thumb and the index finger and the fuck you finger and the ring finger and the pinky? I just know pinky toe and like big toe. Yeah, me too. I wonder if they have names too. Other than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. They call me Heidi.
Starting point is 00:31:50 H-Y-R-I-G. Heidi. But they just say it like Heidi. Heidi. Yeah, Heidi. I think there's supposed to be an R in there. A suppressor on a 22. No shit. Okay. Jeez. a suppressor on a 22 no shit okay jeez is that legal is that legal yeah i think so
Starting point is 00:32:13 i don't think you need like a permit to kill gophers i it would be weird to shoot a gun in my backyard because i do have neighbors um uh heidi oh that's how you spell it oh h-a-y yeah heidig h-a-y-r-i-g okay uh crim criminian was revered by armenians during his lifetime he was called heidig diminutive for father uh since his time as about of serb got up at monastery new moosh in early 1860s i had no idea wow okay so they see me as a spiritual figure my kids i guess so there's this thing called a um i'll make a video of this by the way there's this thing called a ninja uh tumble track makes it it's called a ninja step i think it's called a ninja step and i put it on its um lately we've been doing a lot of work with it and tumble track makes it
Starting point is 00:33:12 and i put it on a um i put it not i put it so it's a triangle so like a teeter-totter so you can run up one side of it and then get your balance and it tips over to the other side does that make sense it's a triangle let me see if i have a triangle like an upside down triangle So you can run up one side of it and then get your balance and it tips over to the other side. Does that make sense? It's a triangle. Let me see if I have a triangle. Like an upside down triangle. I don't.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Yeah. See how it's on its base there. I put it on. I flip it up on one of its other sides like that. But just one. Go to the green ones. Imagine that top one's gone, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:47 And so I have them run at it and go back and forth on it and so it teeters over you run up on it and you get your balance and then you you adjust your weight and you go over to the other side and then i have them run back and i have them run back and forth on it yeah like that exactly like that that one i just use one and i have them run up it and then after and i have them them strike and I have them alternate. First you strike with your right foot and then you strike with your left foot as you go back the other way. Right? So you don't get used to just like being, having balance on one side. So you run up it and you strike with your right foot high on top and then you
Starting point is 00:34:17 run up and strike with your left foot high on top. And then after they do 25 of those and I put a four pound vest on them, then an eight pound vest on them. Then I put wrist weights on them. Then I make them carry objects like balls, like 4, 8, 12-pound balls as they run over it. And I'll do that for their warm-up. And yesterday, I was like, I wonder if I can do that. Dude, my kids were so scared. Just straight up, you're too old.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Avi went on the roof the other day to get some nerf bullets I'm like what are you doing up there it's dangerous and he goes but you go up there I'm like I know I'm fucking 50 he goes I know my balance is way better than yours and I'm like yeah and I'm like hey dude it's focus it has nothing to do with balance
Starting point is 00:35:03 it has to do with focus up there I'm like you'll be up there and you'll just start fucking around doing other stuff he goes no I won't and one of my sons goes we were shooting him when he was up there I'm like see I would never do that up there they were on the ground shooting him with nerf guns while he was on the roof I felt like I had a bad kid that's terrifying please don't do that that sounds like some shit I would do or like boys would do though stay fucking focused alright
Starting point is 00:35:35 okay I got tons of notes should we just start at the bottom and work our way up sure let's do it. Let's start with you're a pussy. I'll erase this from your notes. Okay, here we go. Adult child needs a safe space to avoid offensive words,
Starting point is 00:35:58 you failed as a fucking parent. If anything in my seminar offends you, blame your parents for raising a pussy. If your adult child needs a safe space to avoid offensive words, you failed as a fucking parent. If anything in my seminar offends you, blame your parents for raising a pussy. Fair. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Wow. Start the morning solid. Good start. Look at the mayor of San Jose. San Jose is the 10th largest city in the United States, maybe 11th or 12th. It is basically the, San Jose is basically Silicon Valley. And look at this Instagram post.
Starting point is 00:36:32 This is the mayor of, this is the mayor of San Jose talking about how much safer the city is since they defunded the police, which is just insane. San Jose is so dangerous. Here we go. Yeah, bro, this is just insane. San Jose is so dangerous. Here we go. I would not let him go in there if we can.
Starting point is 00:36:55 I don't know. So I'm doing an interview, sir. Are you doing an interview? Pause this. So that's the mayor. Look at look at doesn't he just look like a pussy? Yeah, it looks like a massive bitch. Yeah. And so this guy walks up and this guy eventually gets into a fight with his security while they're making a video on on on a street in San Jose.
Starting point is 00:37:24 It's a nice spot of San Jose. Of course it is. And this guy just walks up and fucking attacks. This is like when Gavin Newsom was in Target and it was being robbed and he's like, what's going on here? And the checker's like, what do you mean? You did this the governor of California did this. That's right.
Starting point is 00:37:40 It's because of your leadership. I don't think you should let him go in there. I like to fucking arm wrestle this dude. Snap his fucking elbow off. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, San Jose is crazy expensive. Crazy expensive.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Like a thousand square foot home there might be five million dollars. What? Yeah. Like stupid. Oh my god. Yeah. Like New York City expensive. Is that J.D. Coons' little brother? Yeah, that's J.D. Coons before he did CrossFit. That's when he was doing
Starting point is 00:38:22 fucking berries. Orange Theory? Yeah. God. Okay, go ahead. Keep playing. Let's see if we see the tussle. Yeah, I'm going to do what I'm going to do right before you walk up. You know, the way it goes. First off, hold up. No, bro.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Hold up. Hold up. No, no. Let go. Hold on a second. Let me go. I'll smack you right now. I will smack you.
Starting point is 00:38:59 You want me to smack you? How is the mayor not like, why isn't the mayor just punching that dude? He just told his security guard he would smack him. Like, right there, you're threatened. Your safety's being threatened. He's even still got his arms crossed. Because he doesn't know what to do. Like, dude, take your fucking hands out and get ready.
Starting point is 00:39:20 It's about to go down. Gotta free the cannons, man. Jedediah Snelson. I could leg wrestle that dude and win. Probably right. So, click on the link before. The NAACP
Starting point is 00:39:41 is now upset. That's the National Association, I think, of Colored People or something. I don't know. Let me see what NAACP. Hold on. Keep that up for a second. NAACP. What is it? Leading the fight to stop racism. What the fuck does it, what the fuck does it stand for?
Starting point is 00:40:06 It's something colored people. Uh, um, Oh, N double ACB condemns white house on abandoning menthol cigarette. Oh, menthol ban. Oh,
Starting point is 00:40:17 national association for the advancement of colored people. Yeah. They're okay. So, okay. So they're upset. Um, Oh shit. I just fucking closed the wrong window god damn it uh let me see that let me read that let me read this this is by a guy named brandon foe you know he's a pussy too a pedestrian identified as wesley pauler
Starting point is 00:40:39 like go back a second wesley pauler to tax Jose Mayor Matt Mahan's security guard on South First Street in downtown San Jose while he was saying that our streets are safer since we defunded the police. That's what he's saying. The region's National Association of the Advancement of Colored People chapter is rebuking San Jose police for a viral incident earlier this week in which a pedestrian attacked Mayor Matt Mahan's security detail after a verbal dispute turned physical. Mahan's security detail after a verbal dispute turned physical. The Reverend Jethro Moore, the Reverend, president of the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People, San Jose, on Wednesday sent a critical email to acting police chief Paul Joseph about the incident, which was filmed by Crone 4. During a downtown interview with the mayor, the mayor's security detail,
Starting point is 00:41:23 a San Jose police officer in a suit sustained injuries during the altercation, and the pedestrian identified as Wesley Pollard was arrested on felony charges, including battery of an officer. The officer involved in the altercation did not clearly identify himself as a law enforcement officer, and it appears that there was no legal basis for instructing the pedestrian to move from his location in a public space. Like, dude, how about just a little civility? And I think on the totem pole of the victim class, the homosexual is higher than the than the black man it's funny they blame the pedestrian for attacking him which i don't think is actually true but then this guy goes in and blames the police officer for not properly identifying himself and making it fucking nuts dude i just love it that he was talking about how safe the streets were while he got fucking accosted. Imagine being that police officer that has to follow that guy around.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Oh, that would suck. You're playing close police officer and you have to protect the guy who says it's so much safer that they defunded his fucking program, like his job. The tism trans is at the top. Yeah. It goes trans but i think um i think black people fall below uh gay people you can combine them too the victim pyramid's quite it's pretty cool it's pretty it's pretty clear it's based on a point system the victim victim pyramid. And so if you're white, you get zero. But if you're gay, you get two. Well, fuck, maybe the guy attacking the cop was black and gay.
Starting point is 00:43:13 That would then put him ahead of the mayor who's just gay. Right. Yeah, his security detail is for sure armed. Weird. Why would he need that if it's so safe out there? Right. Why would you need armed security, weapons, armored cars? Just doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Oh, trans and illegals are way higher than blacks. Oh, it's called the progressive stack. Thank you. I knew that there was a term for it. I didn't mean to be disrespectful. Thank you. That's why Smollett was at the top of the pyramid. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:43:58 That's an actual term. The progressive stack? Yes. A progressive stack is a technique used to give marginalized groups a greater chance to speak it is sometimes an introduction to or stepping stone to consensus decision making in which simple majorities have less power the technique allow uh basis of race sex and group membership wow is there is there a picture of it? Like a chart? No, just a summary of it, basically.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Jeremy, man, if I was gay. It comes from Marxism. Oh. Canadian. I think you should get points for just being Canadian. That should be on the stack oh here we go here we go here we go here we go oh this is awesome i can't believe we're going to see the progressive stack this makes this an educational show absolutely so um The stack is the privileged are white men who like pussy. The oppressed are non-white that like the same genitalia as their own or are disabled or have a job working lower.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Or women. Oh, yeah, or chicks. And then I don't even know how this chart works. So the stack is the category. There are six categories, and then these are the – And that's how you get to play the victim? You get to play the victim based on your race. You get to get on the bus in this order.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Based on your race, your gender identity. I don't know what that means. That's who you want to fuck? I don't know what that means. Oh, what's crazy is that they say sexism. No, that's sexuality. Male, female, and sexism. Yeah, actually now I'm getting lost in this chart too.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Ability is able and disabled and ableism oh oh that's prejudice is ableism listen if you don't have oh if you judge between white and non-white you're racist that's but that's the whole premise of this thing am i if i was racist would that allow me to get on the victim stack because that would mean I was semi-retarded? Mm-hmm. Do you know what I mean? Right. Yeah, you'd be disabled.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yeah, I'm racist. So then you're oppressed. Yeah. Wow. So there's no room for those people. For the people who have the problem, there's not a spot for them even though they're the only ones who have the problem like if you use this chart to fucking make any assessment on your life then you should be at the top of this chart yeah go ahead you can get the heart transplant first
Starting point is 00:46:54 yeah that makes sense hey it's the exact opposite of um survival of the fittest survival of the most retarded? Let's say it was a guy who's a bow hunter, and then another guy who knows how to build shelter. A guy who knows how to hunt food, a guy who knows how to build shelter, and then another guy who has no skills. He's a computer programmer. But he's a black gay guy with one leg. And there were only the three of you. And you had to eat one.
Starting point is 00:47:39 You don't use any of these things for survival. God, we've gotten so fucking soft and weird. What's crazy, though, is if he's... You think black people and white people taste different if you ate them? Like white people are more gamey? Yeah, I didn't think they would taste different. I bet you they don't. Yeah, okay. they would taste different i bet you they don't yeah okay uh what's crazy if you're a computer programmer you're probably upper middle class wouldn't you
Starting point is 00:48:12 think yeah but if so you're so you would be privileged but if you're if you're a black if you're a gay black man who's also a computer programmer are you oppressed because you have two in the oppressed column and one in the privilege column yeah yeah because it sucks for you at work because um yeah you're demanded to play the victim right like you make you make a shitload of money but you're just you're oppressed because you're a gay black guy yeah for sure i don't know the progressive stack god that's awesome okay uh men versus women this is um uh what's this guy's name this is the armenian guy who was at columbia university who got fired he was an ethics professor i forget i forget his name but he got fired for not going along with the dei shit he's
Starting point is 00:49:06 got a oh no no sorry this isn't sorry this is different this is fascinating uh that if so this that greta thunberg thing should give anyone tremendous insight in how the healthy human male were operates. That is like a, the way people are reacting to the internet and the comments there and the way we're reacting, that's like totally how you should react to that video. If you're a healthy male, like if all your shit's like in line and you're checking all the boxes and
Starting point is 00:49:39 like, like, like that's the kind of dude who puts a shopping cart away, helps an old lady across the street, has a job. Like those are all how we respond. Like you're just, you're just doing the dude shit.
Starting point is 00:49:51 You want a hammer? You know what I mean? You throw you, if you're, if you're chicks cold and it's freezing outside, you don't care. You take your jacket off and give it to her. And so,
Starting point is 00:50:01 but this is also, this is going to blow you away. This is another amazing study on man on insights into men and it's put in context of of women female psychology versus male psychology have you seen this caleb yeah i think somebody sent this to me the other day this is going to blow you away this is fucking amazing right here okay here we go that guy wanted me to gag on his dick which i do not think is not to be like a man and women are different but like because if a man gagged on my pussy
Starting point is 00:50:32 i would change my name and address if anyone was like that guy wanted me to there it is I mean that ad is amazing isn't it so it takes all it takes. It's fucking amazing. You want to know how we're different? That's how we're different. I don't normally laugh, but I was in the living room watching this last night on my phone sitting in my recliner. I should take a picture of my recliner. God, it's such a fucking libtard recliner.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I love it so much. my recliner god it's such a fucking libtard recliner i love it so much it's like it's like a um it's not even i it's a raw i have a rocking chair that's from japan that's just like a few pieces of metal like a minimalist rocking chair it's a few pieces of greg got it for me it's a few pieces of metal with like a piece of canvas on it what the fuck and i have to have a pillow in there too because my back right because i'm an old man so i got a pillow in there to make sure i got lumbar support like i think it's one of allison nyc's pillows because we bought her couch but anyway there it is uh look at jake chapman yet another hilarious female comic yeah that's a great bit okay that's pretty funny Another hilarious female comic. Yeah. That's a great bit.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah, that's pretty funny. Bogosian. Bogosian. That's the dude you're about to see. His name is Bogosian. Bogosian. Bogosian, Columbia. Let me see if I can find them. Eric Bogosian?
Starting point is 00:52:29 Is it Eric? Eric Bogosian? Columbia? No. What the fuck? Ethics? Peter. Oh, Peter. Is it Peter? Peter Bogosian. Oh, Peter. Peter. Oh, Peter. Is it Peter? Peter Boghossian. Oh, Peter. Peter.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Oh, yeah. Peter Gregory Boghossian is an American philosopher and pedagogy. Born in Boston, he was a non-tenure track assistant professor of philosophy at Portland. Oh, okay, Portland. I thought it was Columbia. What's a pedagogue? What is that? I think that means someone who shares information. Isn't pedagogy knowledge? A teacher, especially a strict or pedantic one.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Okay, well, what is pedantic? Like talks too much? Of or like a pedant. That's not helpful. Precise. There you go. Okay, sounds Armenian. Yeah, he's Armenian. This guy's Armenian. I tried to get him on the show. He's hard to get on. He goes on Bill Maher and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Okay, here we go. He interviews people. It's fucking awesome. Listen to this. You can go back to the Victorian era, and men used to treat women with an extreme amount of deference because the generations living then remembered a time when the world was a lot more difficult than people now remember it being. So the physical inequality between men and women was emphasised because the world was a much more difficult place. Men took a paternalistic and patriarchal view on how women should be treated. And women wanted men to take that. They wanted to be safe. They wanted to be provided for. They wanted to make sure their children were safe. And men did what they could. Now, men have won. The fact we've got airplanes flying overhead and the fact that we're not about to be invaded is the victory of Western man.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Then for some reason, women decided, okay, don't i'm not afraid anymore uh i want what you have you don't do the things that we do so you can't have what we have but men just want women to be happy they want them to love them they want their approval and so if gaining women's approval means pretending women are equal to men or you know saying this that the other whatever it is they'll do it and it's completely taken men off of the throne that they sat on. This throne was never imposed by authority, actually. It was imposed by consent. And the second
Starting point is 00:54:52 women withdrew their consent for the man to be on that throne, the throne collapses, and the men are just standing around going, okay, well, I guess I'll just play video games and drink beer all day. It's my week. If you don't need me, I won't do anything. Because that's really the whole raison d'etre of being a man. be needed by someone else and it's always been women you can go back damn it's it's the same thing that i'm saying about um uh um uh the only way
Starting point is 00:55:15 black people are going to get like the only people that can save this world our political crisis right now is black skinned people like they just have to be like hey we're not going to play the victim anymore that's why those black people out there. Who are doing that. Are so fucking valuable. They're fucking national treasures. And national heroes. And the same.
Starting point is 00:55:31 The same thing is put on women. Like women need to put a demand. For a certain kind of man. And that man will be there. But if you don't put that. If you don't want that. From men. Then they won't be there.
Starting point is 00:55:43 They're just living up to. They're just. They're just living up to what you want. I have so many fucking friends who are fucking betas. They don't even know they're betas. What do you mean? Because they just don't do anything? They just sit at home and let their wives make decisions or they get their wives involved in decisions that aren't that don't make women happy decisions that women
Starting point is 00:56:11 don't want to make I wish I could give you a fucking example but it's not that cut and clear and dry for me should I push for this promotion or not kind of thing maybe that I think that there's important to get counsel from your wife you know in terms of things or inspiration but um but really men just need to be believed in like i get it if your husband just sits around all day
Starting point is 00:56:37 and smokes weed and drinks beer that might bum you out and so like i don't know if you should give him consent on that right but um usually if i if I've come up with an idea of something I want to do, I've usually already made up my mind. And I just like, so when I asked my wife, I'll just say, Hey, I'm going to, I'm thinking about doing this. Yeah. 99% of the time she says yes. Yeah. The other 1% is just a harebrained idea about buying something we don't need that's way too expensive.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Yeah, that too. And it could be just stuff as simple as when the kids need to get in the car, the dad needs to do it. Like, hey, get the fuck in the car, kids. That's your job, to get the kids in the car. Getting everybody together to go do something. Yeah, maybe I'll make a list of this shit
Starting point is 00:57:25 yeah but there's things there's things that was interesting when he said they want to be us and you can't be us because you're not a man just like we can't be you you can see all these weird guys who are trying to be women we can't be you
Starting point is 00:57:43 because we can't do what you do yeah I don't think it's cool to just be the stay-at-home dad and do nothing or the stay-at-home husband i totally agree and if you are gonna if you are gonna do that you better build a fucking like shed in the back with your fucking kids you better do some shit yeah if you're a stay-at-home dad you you better be building the coolest fucking property in all of the land. Yeah. You have to be doing something. Or figuring out a way to invest the money so your wife can quit her job.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Right. Find a way for you guys to be comfortable. It's not sitting around on your ass playing video games all day. The best women do not have a penis. Wow, that's fucking genius. That should be the name of a book there are roles and that's okay yeah totally for sure yeah aren't you a stay-at-home dad i don't even know what i am
Starting point is 00:58:39 i don't even know what i am i do what i can i do what i can i draw i drive i don't let my wife drive. When I'm, when I'm in the car, I drive. If she pulls up somewhere to pick me up, she gets immediately gets out of the driver's seat and goes to the passenger seat. Really?
Starting point is 00:58:52 Yeah. Oh man. My wife's probably a better driver than I am, honestly, but she also drives fire trucks. So yeah, that's, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:58:58 I drive a little fucking beater Jeep. So dude, Greg's wife's an amazing driver. Really? Yeah. Amazing driver. That driver that's cool listen i would never um uh if you're if you're if you're out with your wife and your kids and you have a single bike and a tandem bike and you're and you're on the single bike and your wife's on the tandem with the kids yeah that's not cool probably and nothing's a hundred percent interesting i hadn't considered that That's not cool. Probably. And nothing's 100%. Interesting. I hadn't considered that.
Starting point is 00:59:36 When my wife was making more money than me, I was growing marijuana in her closet and working on a book. I don't know. I don't know if I'm a stay-at-home dad. Basically, I guess one of the things is like anything my wife's gonna do i offer to do it everything and anything like if it was nine o'clock at night and she's like hey i'm going out to go grocery shopping to get shit like i would do it if she's like hey the kids need to be taken to the pool i would do i just immediately volunteer i stop everything i'm doing to do it harebrained is more common spelling and more accurately reflects the origin of the term which is first used in the 16th century to describe a foolish person or one with a brain of a hair like a rabbit my desire is that none of you be so
Starting point is 01:00:14 unadvised or hairbrained rabbit brained i guess is there just frantic you can just see it you just know when it is that way like here's another thing my my wife should never be waiting for me in the car i should always be waiting for her i'm never the weak link i never want to be the weak link you know what i mean i'm always the weak link i'm always left in the car yeah i'm always like right before we leave nine times out of ten i gotta take a shit that's i'm not about to do it in a fucking there are exemptions taking a shit's an exemption that's pretty manly i'm never like dilly-dallying i'll tell you that like but like if you're in the bathroom like fixing your hair and she's in the car waiting for you it's like yeah yeah i'm not doing that oh yeah uh like when you see the mom with a baby carrier on and the dad carrying nothing yeah i'm i'm fine with that too i think baby carriers are stupid you see that you see that
Starting point is 01:01:17 i think buried carriers are for women because when women are dealing with babies they're they're multitasking. When I used to just carry my kids, I would carry my kids five fucking miles. I don't approve of baby carriers. I think baby carriers fucking retard your kids. And I know someone's going to be like, well, sometimes you need them. Yeah, like if you're a fucking mom and you have to go grocery shopping and your husband's on Wall Street and you fucking got to go grocery shop, maybe you need a baby carrier so that you can go grocery shopping. The mom should not have to carry anything.
Starting point is 01:01:55 No, that's not true. No, that's not true. That's not true at all. Mom, no. Go to Africa and see like all the, all the moms carrying all the fucking babies while they fucking work the fields there's a picture of a of a like sheriff's deputy or something carrying a woman and kid through a flood and then like there's like a there there's a, I think the husband probably to the, in front of the foreground carrying just Crocs. It's just waiting through water with Crocs in his hand.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Why can baby get carried by this fucking monstrosity of a police officer? And that's, that's another thing too. So there's, there's definitely places like if your kid needs to be carried across a stream, you do it. too so there's there's definitely places like if your kid needs to be carried across a stream you do it but just like the carrying just the carrying part like just like no that's that's the mom's job just like like if like if you got to put the like if the kid falls asleep in the living room the dad picks the kid up and drags his ass to the bedroom but i'm just talking about like baby carrying no the mom carries the baby like that's what the mom does it's like a kangaroo i carry my wife and make my kids walk alone yeah there you go
Starting point is 01:03:18 well you carry in the you carry in the front rack position. Okay, climate. Let's move on from there. I need to still develop my thoughts on our sex roles. Our roles? But if you fall out of your role – oh, I haven't even listened to this one. I just saw Dan Rather, and I liked it. we'll listen to this one together for the first time 1982 news report florida will disappear because of climate change this is a 42 years ago holy shit i know it's nuts here we go about rising temperatures on planet earth heated up a hearing here in washington
Starting point is 01:04:01 today for years when i was a kid we had something called the ozone layer, and there was a hole in it. Right, right above Antarctica. And there was concern that the ozone layer, the hole would move to over the United States, and we would all die because the sun would get us from the protection of the ozone layer. So we all had to stop using aerosol.
Starting point is 01:04:24 I totally believed that as a kid i was 100 like fuck hairspray yeah better not spray nothing i remember my mom used hairspray and i was freaking out it's like we're all gonna fucking die mom yeah okay here we go about the dangers of the so-called greenhouse effect the warming of the Earth's atmosphere due to the burning of coal and oil. And in recent months, as David Culhane reports, research has uncovered facts to support that theory. Many scientists claim that the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere has been rising over the past 100 years,
Starting point is 01:05:00 that the great sheets of pack ice in Antarctica are melting at a much more rapid rate than previously. And finally, that the sea level has been rising with increasing swiftness over the past 40 years. If these scientists are correct, about 25% of Florida would be flooded, along with low-lying areas all over the world. Climate changes could produce widespread disruption of agriculture. The American farm belt might be too dry, and the wheat and corn crops would have to move to Canada. Scientists blame the odorless, colorless carbon dioxide gas for these potentially dangerous changes around the planet.
Starting point is 01:05:36 It is the greenhouse effect. The gas allows sunlight to filter down and warm the earth. But like the glass of a greenhouse, the carbon dioxide tends to trap heat so that it cannot rise into space. The scientists maintain that the coal, oil and gas we've been burning for a hundred years have produced more and more carbon dioxide and helped overheat the earth. Now some political leaders endorse the demands for more CO2 monitoring stations like this one in Hawaii. And they share the anger of the scientists at Reagan administration budget cuts
Starting point is 01:06:09 at a time when they feel closer to getting definitive answers. We are not doing the kind of research that we should be doing to determine whether or not these scientists who are so alarmed are correct in their assessment. And what they find out will affect the lives and fortunes of millions of people. The very survival of cities like this one. David Culhane, CBS News, New York. I just realized my cousin looks kind of like Al Gore. If Al Gore was Armenian. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:06:45 That's fucking crazy, dude. God, Al Gore got If Al Gore was Armenian. Yeah, totally. That's fucking crazy, dude. God, Al Gore got so fat. Did he? I haven't seen him lately. Like fat, fat. Like, he hides it. He tries to hide it like Trump does. Man, Trump is fat.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Damn. Yeah, he's fucking he's huge he looks like that actor from John Candy no from Forrest Gump Lieutenant Dan he looks like Lieutenant Dan Al Gore Superman yeah he kind of did look like Superman there my cousin kind of looks like Lieutenant Dan. Al Gore is Superman. Yeah, he kind of did look like Superman there.
Starting point is 01:07:26 My cousin kind of looks like he's Superman too. And I don't think he's that. Let's not get carried away here. If global warming really is bullshit, why is it being pushed? Who stands to benefit from it? I thought the world was run by the oil conglomerates. Yeah, who is great question who is benefiting from it who it china's hugely benefiting from it hugely hugely hugely where do you think all our fucking solar all our windmills and uh fucking uh electric car shit coming from – all that shit is coming from China.
Starting point is 01:08:08 China. China. Yeah. Where's the proof? Where's the proof for global warming? Do you remember when polar bears were the poster child for global warming? Oh, yeah. How about we start there? And now the polar bears are like at a fucking hundred year high. It was polar bears. Now it's Greta Thunberg's tits.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Yeah. Only fans. Haley. Check them cannons. Check them cannons. Check them cannons. Who the fuck is Nikki Nikki Haley, but why Nikki Haley? Who the fuck is Nikki Haley? Oh, Nikki Haley who the fuck is Nikki Haley oh you know what she just spelled it wrong who's Nikki Nicki Minaj I know Tice Knits Tice Knits you're welcome Jeremy check out them cannons that should be an ad for gray t-shirts. Yeah. Oh, damn. That's not what I wanted.
Starting point is 01:09:50 No, that's not what I wanted. It's so deep. It's so deep. Oh, my God. I'm panicking. You can't even tell. It's so deep. You can see how deep it is. Oh, my gosh. It's so deep. You can see how deep it is. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:10:10 It's so deep. That sounds like me when I'm with Haley at night. I'm going to make one of those. You know what? I'm going to make one of those. I'm going to make one of those. That's like me. That's like me the first time I had sex. When I first started having sex, I used to watch the penis go into the vagina. I don't really do that anymore, but I just couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 01:10:35 It's happening. Everybody stay calm. It's happening. I would be like, holy shit, I'm in this person. I can't believe I tricked her into doing this. Danielle Brandon is never coming back coming back where? That'd be sad When she pegs you she come on dude come on dude come on dude, what are you 12?
Starting point is 01:11:01 Dude, come on, dude. What are you, 12? No one knows who Nicki is? No one? All these fucking people watching, no one can tell me who Nicki is? We all see it. So funny. Hey, dude, if you are that t-shirt manufacturer, you fucking grab that shot, right? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Can anyone tell me who that t-shirt teacher manufacturer is i want to get them as a sponsor you're looking at what you're looking at what brand of shirt is she wearing is is your greta thunberg t-shirt contributing to global warning oh this is funny who makes that shirt Greta Thunberg t-shirt contributing to global warning. Who makes that shirt? I can't wear material that thin. It would just hang on my on a roll.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Just shoot out like fucking rockets. Or my nipples have been hard all morning. It's kind of weird. Or it would like just cave in on my chest. It would grab my titties like it grabs hers. I don't want mine to look like that. Oh shit. She wore wool in a Vogue photo
Starting point is 01:12:29 shoot. Is that bad? Yeah, dude. Fucking PETA's after her. Oh. I just want to... I just think that's fucking brilliant. A brilliant advertisement. Is that cop wearing a mask on the right? No, that's a radio oh and look at look at this crease right here this is hanging off her nipple do you see that that that there's a disturbance in the shirt you see that like this these these
Starting point is 01:13:02 lines are here because of of her shoulders being lifted I'm going to explain to you the mechanics Of the presentation of her titties This cop's lifting her shoulder Which is causing a crease in her shirt Which is pulling it tighter on her titties What if he were just grabbing a handful of the shirt too To pull it back so we could see him better
Starting point is 01:13:18 But then this part right here I think this is just the disturbance In the texture of the fabric from her nipple And it's just causing a line to go straight down. Somebody on Reddit said, nobody, nobody. I mean, literally fucking nobody. Twitter. Greta Thunberg is filling out nicely.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Isn't this a child? Oh, let me see. I think she's 21. Not anymore. She isn't. She's like 25, let me see. I think she's 21. Not anymore. She isn't. She's like 25. Check them cannons. She's from 2003.
Starting point is 01:13:58 10 years. That's the narrative. And you're supposed to give all your income to poor nations and give up your property rights. So we don't get incinerated or something. There's what's funny is there's a whole, I just found the whole video. There's like 10 people in this group and she's the one that gets picked up. She's a fucking plant. You think?
Starting point is 01:14:29 Yeah, dude. Those cops aren't even dressed the same they're just like yep that's greta and they're not i think that might be oh that's a horrible angle there oh that's the angle oh she lifted her feet yeah Yeah, of course. Oh, maybe. But she was the one who was most in the street. So maybe after that, they went back and got others. Let's watch this. Yeah, let's watch more. I want to see this. She gets her own bus. She gets her own bus.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Hey, they weren't going to pick up that chick, those chicks. Nah. Too old. probably hey they weren't gonna pick up that chick those chicks nah too old and and fucking like you got to be a crossfitter you could pick that guy up did you did you see the oh man there's another this is unrelated but greta greta greta Greta, Greta. All right, so Florida's going to be underwater soon. Can I play something while you find it yeah yeah that's fine okay here we go stop using the language of the left you never need to listen i love her you never need to listen to this podcast ever again by the way this chick's going to sum up the entire podcast in one instagram video here we go. It's not a migrant crisis. It's an illegal alien invasion. And instead of calling people progressive, let's call them what they really are, retarded.
Starting point is 01:16:29 We need to stop using... That pretty much sums it up. We're done. We can go home now. She summed it up. Wow, that's it? That's it. That's the whole show.
Starting point is 01:16:43 That's it. All done. She summed it up up do you guys know who do you guys know who Adam Schiff is Peter Schiff Adam Schiff he's this fucking scumbag he's Pelosi's nut butt buddy he's running for
Starting point is 01:17:03 US Senate in California and um scumbag he's pelosi's nut but buddy he's running for u.s senate in california and um let me see if i can he's a congressman adam schiff represents california's 30th congressional congressional district he's in his 12th term in the house of representatives he's a bad bad human Oh this is great We'll come back to Adam Schiff Go ahead go ahead this is great This guy's a beast crossfitter Is that a man or a woman
Starting point is 01:17:39 Just before I can't tell Fair okay The just before this he was like running into a crowd of people and like just fucking tackled somebody like not kidding full-blown legs leave the ground like shoulder to hip crushed a dude and then this is like what happens after the fact is there a video of that is there a video of that is there a video of that somewhere yeah i'll pull it up after this okay or i guess i could pull it up first whatever
Starting point is 01:18:10 um here i'll just go to that first okay adam ship is born june 22nd 1960s an american lawyer author politician serving on the house of u.s representatives from california since 2001 okay okay let's see this can we go fools yeah oh shit this is this at columbia university where is this okay so some time no georgia okay some tent city okay these are kids that don't work probably look i see people wearing masks jesus christ just clobbers them oh the cop clobbers him Yeah yeah yeah yeah Oh I thought I thought that guy was Clobbering someone
Starting point is 01:18:50 Nah Okay so the cop just drills him Just drills him Anyway so then Schiff was at the forefront of the Trump Russia Gate hoax yeah Thank you Go ahead You're hurting me was at the forefront of the Trump-Russia gate hoax. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Go ahead. You're hurting me! You're hurting me! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Starting point is 01:19:18 Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Starting point is 01:19:18 Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Starting point is 01:19:20 Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Starting point is 01:19:21 Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Starting point is 01:19:22 Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Starting point is 01:19:23 Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Starting point is 01:19:23 Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!! I'm a hand cuffed on their risk. I'm a hand cuffed on their risk. I'm a handcuffed on their risk. I'm a handcuffed on their risk. I'm a handcuffed on their is being held by their handcuffed on their wrist half their weight you get what i'm saying right right like it's being distributed between one
Starting point is 01:19:37 leg their shoulder and those handcuffs that person has that cop's holding that person by three points of contact and one of them is their wrist metal on wrist i think it's a it's a looks like plastic handcuffs oh even worse even worse oh my god bernie gannon is that one of the buttery bros oh shit jake chapman uh that that's like me taking my wife to bed after a couple too many glasses of wine. Schiff was at the forefront of the Trump-Russia gate hoax. Yeah, he is a piece of shit. Schiff graduated from Stanford and Harvard, complete indoctrinated libtard. He shared the House Intelligence Committee from 2019 to 2023 when he was removed from it by Speaker Kevin McCarthy in 2023.
Starting point is 01:20:20 He was removed from it because he was doing illegal shit. Schiff was the lead impeachment manager in the first impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. He had previously served as the joint lead impeachment manager in two judicial impeachment trials. if Wiki actually says anything. Oh, shit. He was in charge of the Benghazi investigation, so he let Hillary go on that. Let me see if there's a section in here about controversy. he met his wife on a tennis court in 1990 wow
Starting point is 01:21:16 how cool okay so this fucking guy goes to San Francisco this guy goes to San Francisco. This guy goes to San Francisco and has his shit robbed last week. Maybe it was even yesterday. And it's like, yeah, no shit, dude. That's fucking happening to everybody.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Here we go. Crime in San Francisco does have a bright side. California Representative Adam Schiff, who is now running for Senate, experienced firsthand the rampant crime in San Francisco. His luggage was stolen from his car in a downtown garage, so he had to attend a fancy dinner without his suit. Schiff did try to buy a suit before the fundraiser, but there are no stores left in San Francisco. Yeah, everything's cleaned out. Like, he could have just gone to Nordstrom's, but there is no Nordstrom's. Everything's just completely... San Francisco's like a shell of what it used to be.
Starting point is 01:22:11 But he didn't blame San Francisco for the crime. Although there was no evidence of it, Schiff thinks that the thieves were manipulated by a collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians. Oh, really? That's gotta be a joke. So we have the, think of just all these people,
Starting point is 01:22:34 Gavin Newsom watching a target being robbed, the fucking mayor of San Jose getting accosted, this guy going to speak in San Francisco and his shit getting fucking broken into it's wild fucking idiot hey have you seen this thing do you know who
Starting point is 01:23:01 Antonio Brown is he was on Patrick Bed David he's a football player something's wrong with him like Do you know who Antonio Brown is? He was on Patrick Bed David. He's a football player. Something's wrong with him. Like he, something is wrong with him. Like he should be in an insane asylum.
Starting point is 01:23:14 He's got like a TBI, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. So, and you know who Caitlin Clark is? The chick who's the basketball player who just signed with the WNBA. She's like considered the greatest WNBA player ever now. She hasn't even played a game yet.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Sure, yep. How weird is it? We live in a world where everyone's racist against white people and now the two best people in the WNBA are white. Wouldn't that be fucking amazing if the whole NBA turned white now since the white people are now the oppressed?
Starting point is 01:23:47 Dang, I didn't even think of that. That would be fucking crazy, right? That would be crazy. Oh, my God. We're just completely flipped the script. Okay, this is crazy. Flip the script. Okay. This is crazy. So this guy's an NFL football player.
Starting point is 01:24:10 I guess he's really good too, right? Yeah, he's pretty good. Okay, here we go. Fuck the beef between Antonio Brown and Caitlin Clark just keeps getting better. Antonio Brown and Caitlin Clark just keeps getting better. As it is well known, Antonio Brown has the most reliable fucking source of news in his CTSPN Twitter, and his generational run continues.
Starting point is 01:24:35 But he may have taken it a bit too far. Number one, overall, WNBA star Caitlin Clark has been making headlines recently all over the sports world. But lately, not so much for playing ball. She first got hit on in a press conference by a creepy fucking columnist. That was weird. Now, AB has struck.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Tell me about that. What happened? He, I don't know what the fuck this guy's deal is, but he Is there audio of that? Can we watch that after? Go ahead, describe it first. tell me what happened so she's that this is like her first wnba conference like press conference or whatever and this guy like he's like probably a i don't know he's just older dude and he is like hey caitlin i have a question for you um or like he raises his hand and then he like puts up like she always does this thing to her and then he like puts up like she always does
Starting point is 01:25:25 this thing to her parents where she like puts up like heart hands to her family yeah like hey love you guys kind of thing and then he did it and she was like oh like do you like when i do that and he's like yeah i'd like it a lot uh if you keep doing it to me uh i'll like you a lot more or something like that and it was just like very fucking weird like unnecessary comment I felt like sounds like something to get me in trouble yeah it just seemed
Starting point is 01:25:52 it was like it was just weird okay well then he made some other he like doubled down on it and made some other comment very similar to that did he ask her out uh no yeah I don't it was like this start doing to me and we'll get along just fine very similar to that. Did he ask her out? No. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:06 It was like this. Start doing it to me and we'll get along just fine. I don't know. Okay, okay, okay. So this Antonio Brown guy, he's an NFL player going after some chick who just graduated from college.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Okay, here we go. He tweeted that it looks like Kaitlyn Clark keeps it hairy and claimed that an NIL razor deal with Manscaped was in the works. He then proceeded to tweet a whole lot more shit regarding the topic, all going viral and catching the attention of WNBA star Caitlin Clark. She struck back by hitting AB ass with a block on Twitter, to which he responded by calling her Cracker of the Day
Starting point is 01:26:42 and giving her the nickname of Cousin It, the hairy member of the Addams Family. He now claims we should make Bush's great again. Holy fuck the beef between Addams and Bush. Wow. Jesus Christ. Wow. Does she have a mustache?
Starting point is 01:26:57 No. Damn. Oh my goodness. Let's see someone said he went after Tom Brady like that too did he do that to Tom Brady probably I don't know let me see Antonio Brown
Starting point is 01:27:20 Tom Brady here Brown Tom Brady Oh Okay, here we go call that makeup she has on yeah, she doesn't look that good with makeup on she looks better without it For sure. Okay. Here we go You like that I like that you're here. I do that at my family after every game. Okay, well, let's start doing it to me. We'll get along just fine. Yeah, that is the...
Starting point is 01:27:54 Let me hear what the commentator said. Comment that's gone viral. What you just heard is that exchange from and by Indy Star sports columnist Greg Doyle talking with Kaitlyn Clark before he asked her a question during yesterday's news conference. They're referring to Clark making that heart symbol with her hand at each game that she makes to her family. Seriously says nothing. Yeah. Last night was wild. I'm trying to see if I can see a picture of this dude, Greg Doyle.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Doyle on demand. Oh, he's a New York Post columnist. I don't know. I'm going to give him a pass on that. Maybe he just slipped out of his mouth. That's fucking weird. Why would you say that in public to somebody you don't even know? Hey, make some hard signs at me girl Yeah, I guess so
Starting point is 01:28:50 After going through denial and anger I'm on the wrong side of this I now realize that what I said and how I said it was wrong wrong wrong. I mean it was just wrong Oh Caitlin I'm sorry Okay, all right you like that Caitlin I'm sorry oh okay alright you like that I like that you're here yeah I do that
Starting point is 01:29:13 for my family every game start doing it to me and we'll get along just fine I like that you're here oh let me see and there's a second
Starting point is 01:29:21 there's a second exchange let me see the second exchange here about this one. Do that. What are you going to do with it? What am I going to do? Yeah. We're going to win a lot of games to start. She's going to help us out with that. What are you going to do with that?
Starting point is 01:29:55 Those interactions are enjoyable. Lashing from sports and fans reporters alike with barstools. Dave Portnoy calling him a sexist pervert. Oh, Jesus. Shut the fuck up, Dave. Jesus Christ. I'm in it. Then he goes on to Greg Dole.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Today, in my uniquely oafish way, while welcoming Caitlin Clark to Indy, I formed my hands into her signature heart. My comment after it was clumsy and awkward. I sincerely apologize. Yeah, I don't know. Caleb doesn't like it. It's fucking weird, dude. I'm not saying that to anybody I've never met
Starting point is 01:30:36 before. I don't give a shit how public they are. Do that to me. Do that to me. What are you gonna do with that? And my heart dropped because now I saw it. After years of being so sure I was on the right side of these arguments, I was now on the wrong side. And for the oldest reason known to man and woman,
Starting point is 01:30:54 ignorance to all rights. You can say that's absurd that I should have known better, and I do, but here we are. It's fucking weird. I didn't even know there was a line in the vicinity until i crossed it in my haste to be clever to be familiar and welcoming yeah that's the way i took it i didn't take i just thought he was just trying to be like there's a way better way to do that i agree that be fucking i agree but that's the way i took it i didn't take it as like he was trying to bang her
Starting point is 01:31:26 or like trying to hit on her he did a really shitty job of that definitely never make those comments he was he probably was aggressively running his leg with his right hand in his pocket the whole time
Starting point is 01:31:42 that would be yeah Portnoy his leg with his right hand in his pocket the whole time. That would be definitely beat off to that later. Yeah. Portnoy should consider sticking to pizza reviews. I mean, it's just weird when you just come across as creepy all the time,
Starting point is 01:31:57 not giving some other dude room to be creepy. I don't think Portnoy is like, maybe he's an expert on being creepy. Maybe. Do you think he really means his apology? No, I think he just had to say that. It wasn't even really like
Starting point is 01:32:18 from what I understood, it wasn't really an apology. It was just like, yeah, I was being an oaf. In his defense, she's the only heterosexual female in the WNBA. Oh, Sage Steele brought up his past. Oh,
Starting point is 01:32:31 does he have a past of like, I don't know anything, but I don't know. Oh, he's called college athlete sexy before. Listen, if it was a track and field chick out there in a fucking G string,
Starting point is 01:32:44 I mean, what are you gonna do Oh wow He kind of looks like Plange Um I could not and would not Want to imagine Sevan saying this to Hayley Adams Or Trista Smith
Starting point is 01:33:02 I didn't even ask I didn't even ask Trista Smith If she had a boyfriend I don't think I don't think Until she's 18 I can even ask her that question Joe Westerlin Back at you buddy
Starting point is 01:33:16 God I Joe's probably been really busy I go like this and I feel my testosterone drop That's weird Wow I don't think I ever do that Joe's probably been really busy. I go like this and I feel my testosterone drop. That's weird. Wow. I don't think I ever do that. Look it.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Joe's been doing some man shit lately, I bet. He's been cleaning up tornadoes. Here's the thing. Oh, Joe Westland. We'll get that in one second trista smith is still in high school not related i don't even think that i think that the um i think whoever manager is is fucking a retard too that ad that she did for that whatever that creatine is oh she has tape on her mouth and her. Yeah. It's like, are you fucking kidding me? That's just put her in a gray T-shirt and leave her alone. Just like gray T-shirt.
Starting point is 01:34:11 She's fucking 17. She's 18, I think. Or whatever. She's just too young. Whatever she is, she's too young. She's a fucking kid. Yeah, that's weird. Turntable. This is probably going to be good from google portnoy has been the subject of sexual misconduct allegations from multiple women some of whom say he engaged in violent
Starting point is 01:34:32 sex and others who claim he filmed them without their consent yeah i watched that whole case from those girls that's they also he has text from them saying shit like they got the text from one girl to the other girl and they're like i'm gonna fucking take this guy for 50 million dollars and shit like that he fought that was a baseball player or maybe he had something like that too then something similar to the baseball player like that chick went to his house like 10 times to gag on cock like i i don't i don't like listen i'm i i i'm not like a fan or a hater of portnoy either way but um like if you can't see who he is just right from just looking at him and how he behaves and like like he's he's a he's a madman he's wild you know like he he probably likes to be pegged and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:35:25 You know what I mean? He's into all the kinky shit. If you can't pick that up and you go to his house... Yeah, it's a little different after the accusations come from consensual sex. Yeah, I guess that's what I'm trying to say too. But I think that they were talking about he's a pitbull, Andrew Hillary. Yeah. Kind of a
Starting point is 01:35:50 pitbull. He's more of a chihuahua. I would say, I don't think of him as a pitbull. I think of him as a chihuahua without fucking a lot of resources. He likes frisbee. Anyway, it's cool. Kal clark's getting so much news she got a crazy deal with nike like five like five million dollars
Starting point is 01:36:14 no like 300 million dollars oh that's awesome really yeah i think it was like oh no he has a pitbull okay oh no he has a pitbull okay i don't think like men are afraid of a dave portnoy probably other men you don't think so no except for that one one guy at the like i think it's like if you had a choice to fight me or dave portnoy it's like 50 50 like i think it's like if you had a choice to fight me or dave portnoy it's like 50 50 you think like that really oh god he's a pussy dude he's he'd be like beating up a 52 year old
Starting point is 01:36:55 man who's five foot five does portnoy have kids portnoy needs kids if he had kids it'd probably fucking like i don't think he's married. A couple kids would fucking probably man him up a little bit. No, he doesn't have kids. It looks like he said he's never going to have kids. Yeah, kids would really... would bring some depth to his life. I'm going to run into... More like 51 and 49
Starting point is 01:37:25 oh Portnoy's old Portnoy's old I thought he was young I picture him as this young frail guy like 47 oh shit okay wow
Starting point is 01:37:39 he was married I don't mean to rip him either fucking what a stud he's like what a good guy like in terms of what he's done with his life and how generous he's been with his money and uh I just mean that he comes across like um did you did you did you hear in our did you um see in our text thread the other day
Starting point is 01:38:08 on the network uh taylor sent two voice messages to us and then right below it was a voice message of andrew hiller talking so they were having a conversation back and forth but they weren't typing they were just talking and sending um audio recordings right and um after hearing hillar's voice it made me think that taylor was a woman hillar hillar's voice was like oh it's like hi um taylor's like hi uh i just think that in that particular video um 25 minutes maybe didn't need to be spent on um handstand push-ups oh i agree with you completely taylor uh yeah uh because hold on there's a plate on my foot oh sorry i dropped the 45 plane on my foot i agree with you completely taylor you don't need to do um 25 minutes of coaching on the handstand pushup.
Starting point is 01:39:06 You got to just do a couple and get the class. I totally agree with you, Andrew. This is, uh, this is you and I align on how to teach a class. I'm like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:39:17 Fuck you, Kyle. Yeah. I couldn't believe the difference in the octaves of their voices. I didn't even think of that, but. I wish I could play it. It's fucking amazing. I'd have never thought of Taylor's having a fucking beta voice.
Starting point is 01:39:32 No one, don't ever talk after Hiller. If Hiller says something, don't talk. You just text back. Yeah, just text back. Everything's written back. Everything's written back. Oh, yeah. I'm Taylor Self from Kill Taylor.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Taylor versus the world. I went so hard that I passed out. Yeah, that was great Kill Taylor. Taylor versus the world. I went so hard that I passed out. That was great, Taylor. Good job, man. You're a real fucking beast, dude. I'm really proud of you. Alexis, come suck this thing. This thing ain't going to suck itself. I'm going to ejaculate in two minutes.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Okay, I got to make YouTube videos. I'm Andrew to ejaculate in two minutes. Okay, I got to make YouTube videos. I'm Andrew Hiller. Thank you. What's he say at the end of his videos? Andrew Hiller out. Andrew Hiller out. Andrew Hiller out.
Starting point is 01:40:17 Andrew Hiller out. Andrew Hiller out. I just felt bad for Taylor. It's like, fuck, dude. It's like me standing next to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. It's like, damn, you're short. I'm not that short. I shouldn't be standing next to
Starting point is 01:40:38 this guy. You think Taylor changed the way he talks now? No. He'll put some bass in there every once in a while. I have this friend who's in high school who's 6'5". And we were at the beach one time. We were at the water. And all my friends were sitting up at the beach.
Starting point is 01:40:58 And me and the dude who were 6'5". We're walking up. And I just see everyone just laughing their asses off. walking up and I just see my all, everyone's just laughing their asses off. And it's because we're walking next to each other. Wolf. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:20 Asymmetric ears. Do you remember the time when you stated the goal of getting Joe Westerlund to talk about tornadoes? Yes, that's always been my goal to have Joe come on here and talk about tornadoes. I do remember that. Look at this. Sorry, where is it? I'm in San Francisco in the 80s. Oh, fully.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Listen, Taylor could be one of the band members from ymca if caleb was gay he'd look like taylor i mean dude he is gay as fuck looking he's a sex gay god he's a gay sex god god gay sex those three words i don't know how you word them up put them in what order you put them in but he's a gay sex god god gay sex those three words i don't know how you word them up put them in what order you put them in but he's that gay sex god gc gc gsg gsg gsg yeah he looks like a member of the village people a foolie yeah or or a fire he's either gay or he's a cop or a firefighter one of those three oh my god you know the value if caleb was gay this show oh my god i would i would be oppressed which means we'd get more people to watch i would be so happy oh my god that would be amazing he would have crazy sex stories too
Starting point is 01:42:43 it'd be pretty wild zine. He would have crazy sex stories too. That'd be pretty wild. Anyway. Too bad he's competing right now and not paying attention. I'm pretty sure they used Taylor's laugh at the intro to a song Wipeout. The Beach Boys song? That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:43:16 Uh... oh that's crazy oh shit i'm going to breakfast i think what the fuck oh when is breakfast rhett wants to go with the mitosis to eat oh. Where and when? Wow. I need to get that in my soundboard. Wow. Taylor's currently ahead of Dallin and Jason on quarterfiles workout number one no way I don't want to talk about it I don't want to fucking draw attention
Starting point is 01:43:51 to Taylor let's wait tomorrow is today Sunday today's Sunday I want him to get through this like I don't want to draw any games people who might be watching the show draw attention to Taylor's performance um spur when you're done or Los Gatos might be watching the show draw attention to Taylor's performance. Spur when you're done or Los Gatos?
Starting point is 01:44:10 Is Spur open on Sundays? I wonder if the Silver Spur is open. My wife hates it when I do this. So that people know where I'm going after the show. Like someone's going to get me or something. Silver Spur. Is that... Let me call them. Are they open?
Starting point is 01:44:35 How do you know if they're open? Oh, let me call them real quick. I think they're open. 8-3-1-5-1-5-31-515-7036. Are you going to be around for Saturday's show? 10 a.m.? Hello? Hi.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Are you guys open today? Yes, we are. Okay. Thank you. You're welcome. Bye. Oh, look. Even Mike McCaskey knows.
Starting point is 01:45:03 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. All right. Fine. What the fuck? you bye oh look at even Mike McCaskey know 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. all right fine what the fuck looks like you might have some visitors at the spur this is the I don't know you maybe I should do another show tonight this next piece you're not even going to fucking. There's a guy, Kaimani James, a student leader of Columbia University. Oh, let's talk about this real quick and then we'll go. Can you pull up my.
Starting point is 01:45:35 I found another strong correlate to mental health issues. You know, it was so funny as I took this picture of this chick's key chain. I was in line at a coffee shop next to the kids' jiu-jitsu place. And there was a chick in line, and this chick's tits were crazy, and she had them out. It's right next to a gym. She's probably like 60 pounds overweight, and she had this top on that was like could barely hold in her jugs. And I was just checking her out, and then I looked at her key chain. And then I looked over, and someone walked by her with a septum ring.
Starting point is 01:46:14 But this is it stuffed animals stuffed animals on your keychain that's got to be a correlate for uh el tardo right something's wrong with you upstairs it's definitely weird I mean where's the functionality she wasn't old she wasn't old she's a pretty fat girl oh that explains the hand
Starting point is 01:46:39 are you done? Interested and available? You don't... You have Jits... Oh, look at Greg. Look at... Jesus. Greg's making fun of me.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Yes, they are open. Are you done? Interested and available? Don't you have Jits, tennis, piano, or tap dance? Like, that's him, like, fucking with me because that's how much shit I do with my Jits, tennis, piano, or tap dance? Like that's him like fucking with me. Cause that's how much shit I do with my kids. Him and Dave do that.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Tap dance. Yeah. What a douche canoe. Just fucking with me. Um, uh, can I bring Chad and fam? Cause I got my friend here.
Starting point is 01:47:22 Giga Chad. Yeah. Mega Chad.iga Chad. Yeah. Mega Chad, Super Chad. Okay, tell me when. I will get off the podcast. God, it's so nice here today, too. Yeah, it's nice here, too, too actually Let me see what's going on Yesterday we had tornado warning again
Starting point is 01:47:50 Anything in Wichita Uh no It was just really bad thunderstorms last night Is your wife busy Um Yeah I think she's going out again today. And she's just dealing with tornado shit? Pretty much, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Okay. Okay. I will call you in five. Hello, you've been calling. Shit, all right. Hello, you've received. Shit. All right. Damn, that was quick. She texted your phone call.
Starting point is 01:48:31 Is that what that means? Two rings? Yeah. She's busy. Has your wife seen any dead people? Not this weekend, but she has. But I mean from the tornado. No, I don't think anybody died.
Starting point is 01:48:45 There was no fatalities. Oh, that's awesome. It's crazy. I think there were like 25 tornadoes in the Midwest and nobody died. Their lives are completely upended, but nobody's dead. I'm going to send this Greta Thunberg thing to Greg. Watch this. Please. I never say that to him. I usually send him stuff, but I don't say well. I don't say I
Starting point is 01:49:12 Don't say like what you know what I mean, I don't like enforce it Yeah, I hate when people say you're gonna love this watch till the end. This is good. Oh, yeah watch till the end I want to fucking kill you off dude. I'm not watching it now. Yeah, I want to kill you War means I got two reasons to support her now. She's grown What if the reporter would have said that to Caitlin Clark? Your globes are in perfect conditions. What if you would have said, hey, are you going to start an OnlyFans? What if you would have said that to her?
Starting point is 01:49:57 Straight to jail. You're fucked. Check them cannons. She loves being manhandled. Two big reasons for global warming. She's a big after part of the elitists. Get her the fuck out of my city. Touch me.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Great commercial for a good t-shirt. Damn, is she 18? Free her and take Nicki instead Who is Nicki? I have no idea The music, the song and comments are amazing Okay Okay Wouldn't it be cool If she just grew up and became cool And just flipped the script Yeah it it be cool. She just like grew up and became cool and like just flip the script.
Starting point is 01:51:08 Yeah, it would be cool. She's just, she's just not cool. Daniel Garrity. We should send credit HQ to protest the 24.1 penalties. I agree guys. Uh,
Starting point is 01:51:20 tomorrow evening we will do cross the games update show. Um, I don't think there's any more shows tonight here. I always forget. Is Jeopardy on today? Oh, shit. Dude, I don't know. Oh, my wife.
Starting point is 01:51:37 Hi. Hey. Hello. Can you get the kids dressed? Get everyone ready? I think we're going to go to Silver Spur if you want. I'm going. Oh, we just put pancakes on, but we can stop the operation.
Starting point is 01:51:53 I'll get them dressed. Okay, thank you. If they want to go, if they don't want to go, they don't have to go. Okay, let me see. Okay, bye. Okay, bye. Whatever happened to the Sevan news show? I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:52:08 You know what? Like I took, I took a break and then I just couldn't get back into it. Yeah. That's a lot. Pat. Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 01:52:17 Good morning, dear. I thought me and Pat were going to have to fight again the other day, but we didn't. It was kind of cool. Oh, wait. So tomorrow. Oh, there's no one on tomorrow. we're gonna have to fight again the other day but we didn't it was kind of cool uh oh wait so tomorrow oh there's no one on tomorrow i don't know what's going on we don't have anyone scheduled
Starting point is 01:52:31 for anything i don't have bone nickels on i don't see anyone oh liz oh listen guys uh yeah the Oh, Liz Collin. Oh, listen, guys. Yeah, the wrestler. Listen, guys. There's a movie called The Fall of Minneapolis. The Fall of Minneapolis. And then she also wrote a book about them. It's the same story as the movie, but in more detail. If you have not seen that movie, The Fall of Minneapolis, watch that. The producer's coming on Thursday. And if you can, read her book.
Starting point is 01:53:03 It'll blow you away. It will'll blow you away. You will be, it will completely blow, you will enjoy it so much. It's wild. It's basically what happened, it's the George Floyd story. And it'll completely blow you away. Sevan, get Dave to do his week in review live in your studio.
Starting point is 01:53:21 I know, that's so funny you said that. I asked him yesterday if he would do that. He just said, he just know i that's so funny you said that i asked him yesterday if he would do that he just said he just said that's interesting that's interesting weird yeah um oh yeah you're setting get the hottest chick with down syndrome on oh yeah that's good that would be great for my show my reputation thanks right after i make a heart at caitlyn clark weirdo yeah watch the movie to the end thank you gracias oh my god no i'm not watching it to the end i'll watch the intro that's it hmm all right kate thank you thanks everyone That's it. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:54:07 All right, Caleb. Thank you. Thanks, everyone. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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