The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Sunday Service #1002

Episode Date: September 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Hey, good morning, Caleb. What's up? Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Good morning. Suzy, good morning. Good morning. Is it still choppy? Yeah. Not choppy. It's too strong. Atari.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Atari. 2,600. Or 5,200. 5200 5200 now that's disappointing all your edges aren't smooth you you're you're in a cubist phase of your life you're probably you got a little pablo picasso and i don't understand i i put built something out here when i say built i mean i ordered it on amazon that put my uh keyboard further away from the table and i'm still like just so close maybe i need a wider lens oh uh yeah okay there you go i don't mind it the other way either caleb uh-oh uh-oh you see it we're getting throttled again holy shit no i think that's by actual people. I think that's by our people.
Starting point is 00:01:26 No, I never see 31. Oh, oh, oh. I see what you're saying. I thought you meant the comments. I was looking at the comments to see if the bots came in. Oh, oh. I did see someone in the comments mention, holy shit, the show got a lot of likes. Was that from the bots?
Starting point is 00:01:43 I don't know. I don't think it was from the bots. we don't have an explanation for yesterday no no explanation i um i don't know where to start oh guys here we go i'll start here did i send you guys the notes yes we thank you we have a uh sub clip station that um we are that we've had forever and basically it's where clips uh live so that they don't uh get mixed in with the full-length shows and that station is i don't know what i don't even know what that station is called it's just called sebon podcast sub clips does anyone even know how to find that okay sebon podcastclips maybe we'll put a link here in the oh maybe we'll just start putting a link in the show notes okay just add that to the list oh that looks good uh suza wow that looks really good i got fancy on a sunday and if my mic's too loud or anything like that or we're
Starting point is 00:02:42 not balanced someone tell me where's we're working through a whole new set of kinks as we build things out. Did you see the pictures of the studio I sent to the thread? It looks so cool. Dude, it's crazy. Can I pull them up or do you want me to wait? No, we'll wait. There's just shit everywhere still. But it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I really thought that Susan was going to be able to be here in studio today. I just couldn't get it done. I spent an hour last night trying to set that, the camera up and I just couldn't figure out how to do it. We'll get it next weekend. Um, so sub clip station, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:13 please subscribe to it. Once we get over a thousand subscribers on that, we can start monetizing it. And so we, we have some help with the sub clips there and how we're doing it is we're, um, or when that, as that makes revenue, we'll pay the person to make more and more sub clips. So that's kind of how we're doing it is we're um or when that as that makes revenue we'll pay
Starting point is 00:03:26 the person to make more and more subclips so that's kind of where we're at so i think it i don't i don't even think it doesn't have a thousand subscribers yet right no okay oh we got some more new ones awesome look at okay yeah so there it is and it's called the sevan Podcast Subclips. And as soon as we get over 1,000 subscribers, we'll start monetizing it. We'll get better and better clips. We'll be able to pay people. And so this also is being a thank you to,
Starting point is 00:04:06 for also once again helping us get this going. I was back home yesterday. I took my first. I got back on this Wolverine, by the way. Oh, nice. And I'm back on the Toastmasters. The morning cocktail? It's been a few weeks.
Starting point is 00:04:20 It's been a few weeks. I'm also doing this. I was just going to tell you. The things I'm trying this. I think I'm going to make it. I wasn't sure if I was going to share it. I'm just eating red meat, black coffee, and swolverine for September. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:40 The first, second, and third, I've only had red meat, swolverine, and black coffee. How much red meat? third, I've only had red meat and swolverine and black coffee. How much red meat? Yesterday, I had to put some salt on it, in all fairness. And my wife accidentally chopped some garlic after she made me some hamburger meat last night. She's like, hey, I put garlic in there. So there is some error. But I'm not doing fruit and vegetables i'm not gonna do eggs i'm not gonna do chicken i'm not gonna do like hot sauce i'm not gonna do cheese
Starting point is 00:05:12 i'm not gonna do sour cream sour cream i'm not gonna do sour cream yeah you like that caleb that's good um and so i'm just gonna try that for 30 days just to like, you know, and I, it was crazy in three days. I already feel like less inflammation, but do you feel hungry? Yeah. Yes. I feel like I just feel hungry the whole time. Dude, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Last night I was just like sitting there just wanting pistachios so bad, wanting pistachios so bad. Good nightly. Oh, uh, good. That's uh dick butter i did god call me a liar last night uh or in the afternoon yesterday around three o'clock when i started getting hungry i um when i made a hamburger and i put a little little bit bit of butter on the pan. That is correct. I had to do butter. But I'm really trying to just do – I want to do that thing that Anthony Chafee did where he just had a steak. I think my wife said she's going to go out and buy like 100 steaks
Starting point is 00:06:16 in the next couple of days. I just wanted to do steaks at night like he does. I've been doing like ribeyes just about every night. And is it treating you good? Yeah. Real good. Sebon asked Caleb about Naked Martin. Is that Naked Martian? No.
Starting point is 00:06:35 No. Is that the game? Someone was running around naked in the hotel or something? No. Somebody sent a video and it is fucking abhorrent. To the Sebon podcast? No. Somebody sent a video and it is fucking abhorrent. To the Sevan podcast? No, to the Sevanista
Starting point is 00:06:51 channel. I'm not fucking talking about that. I'll show you guys later. Okay. What else do I want to talk about? So, SubClipStation. station oh so that two brain business survey i've been trying to get you guys to do if you're an affiliate owner to go over there and take it was supposed to have closed on august 31st but yesterday i spoke to someone over at
Starting point is 00:07:16 two brain and it's actually not closing until tomorrow and uh if you own an affiliate if you own a gym if you own a small gym and you want to be part of this survey, it's anonymous. I think you do want to be a part of it. It's the state of the industry report that Two Brain puts out every single year. Highly valuable to anyone who gives a shit about running a small business. I guess not even a gym. Definitely not just a CrossFit gym. It's gyms worldwide.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Go ahead and participate the link is in the show notes from yesterday or today super simple survey and like i've i've opened the book several times and shown you guys you just open the book anywhere and it's just pouring out great information with graphs pictures all that fun stuff so for smart people there's good shit and just for simpletons who like to contextualize and put things in kind of a give things a relativity and context it's a fabulous tool So for smart people, there's good shit. And just for simpletons who like to contextualize and put things in kind of a, give things a relativity and context, it's a fabulous tool. So that's two-brain business.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Make sure you do that. Why do I have to? Oh, we know Crash Crucible is coming up with Ty Jenkins, James Sprague, and Colton Mertens. If you don't know, I think this is kind of Ty Jenkins' going to be his big coming out party. He won the CrossFit Games for the kids this year, and now he's going to participate with the big boys. It's going to be worth watching that just for that. That is end of October.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I do believe there's a good chance Sousa will be there, and we will be streaming that. Yeah. I think it's like mid-October, like 13th, 14th. Second weekend of October, yeah. Around there, yeah. And then Rogue is two weeks after that. That's right.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I want to also thank Eaton Beaver. That was Eaton Beaver who called yesterday, right, with that school board stuff? Yeah. The more and more i think about that um that i think that is the way for for many people get on the school board and just start fucking shit up i was watching a bunch of carrie lake videos i really like carrie lake i really really really really like carrie lake i'm i'm so down with um god country and family okay and the god thing is i
Starting point is 00:09:30 like god because uh the values that come around uh god right but seven those priests molest a lot of kids yeah not as much as people who don't have values just leave them alone just just don't focus on that to focus on the good parts there's gonna be bad people everywhere bad people everywhere i don't think it's disproportionately higher in the god crowd i really don't um and and those people have rules that they live by um i like i like country countries like caring about your yard like you pull up to your house you know and there's some trash there because it's trash day and some of your neighbor's trash when the truck dumped the – you know that thing? Yeah. Thank you, Caleb. When it dumps your trash, when you come home that day, you see some stuff, like some styrofoam that you're like, oh, I suspected gonna fly out you know when they when the truck flipped my trash can upside down you pick it up that's country you pick it up
Starting point is 00:10:30 it's not yahoo shit you don't have to have the pickup truck with the american flag and the gun rack you can but but but but country is just is just giving a shit about where you live not shitting where you eat pride and where you live yeah country's cool you don't have to be a yahoo you can be a yahoo i like yahoo country shit too i like the um i like kid rock you can do it you know what i mean the the the four wheels and the mud and the ATVs. Yep. And then family. Family is being raised in a place that's really loving, where you feel supported, where people believe in you, where you have a place to put your head down,
Starting point is 00:11:17 where you have your tribe. It's your tribe. You want family, country, God. And God is values that put other people ahead of you. I heard this amazing, God, I'm really liking Vivek. I heard this amazing explanation on why there should be term limits. I think you're going to love this, Sousa. Why there should be term limits for politicians.
Starting point is 00:11:41 And this ties into the God and country and family thing. As human beings, we want things for ourselves. We want a house want money we want security we want a wife we want a husband we want kids we want a car we're there where we want to serve our needs and our desires and then there's phases in your life where you want to do service there's phases in your life where you want to do service and a service comes with some really really unique states of mind that other forms of activity do not bring you when you are serving others all your problems go away. You just are getting better and feel better.
Starting point is 00:12:29 There's a freedom there. It's like when you have kids and you lose yourself. There's a freedom there. All of a sudden, you're free if you can do it. There's a freedom there of going there to a soup kitchen and just feeding people on Christmas Day. There's something. It's not about you. You're free from all your bullshit.
Starting point is 00:12:49 You're just free from it. And Vivek was saying that there's a time in people's life when they want to go into service as opposed to when you're in your self-interest phase. People have self-interest phases and service phases. And when you have career politicians, Vivek says that there'll be an office in their service phase but if you're in office for 40 years your self-interest phase will also come into play and you'll start using your office for self-interest instead of service you guys see the distinction i'm making here you have self-interest phases
Starting point is 00:13:22 and then you have service phases and you know that's what's kind of interesting i was thinking about donald trump last night i was like oh he he probably went through some massive self-interest phases right oh for sure and now he wants to be in a service phase and some people are struggling with it could be but but because of how he went through his self-interest phases his his service – he comes to the service phase with a lot of knowledge. Yeah, that's for sure. Yep. And I just – it doesn't matter whether what I'm saying is true or not.
Starting point is 00:13:56 It's a nice paradigm to think about who we want in office and how we want them to work. And it's the same thing with the God, country, and family. It doesn't mean it's necessarily true. You don't have to believe in God to want God, country, and family. You want the things that come with God. Values,
Starting point is 00:14:19 kindness, treat others how you would want to be treated, service, love. this treat others how you would want to be treated service love understanding acceptance you also don't need to be at a church to have those things right right or go to it or be around that one priest but it does take um uh to start to build some conscious values to somehow have some values yeah it's like something's bigger than yourself, right? Otherwise, everything's focused just around yourself. And so once you start to realize that it's not all about you
Starting point is 00:14:52 and there's stuff bigger than you out there, you tend to change your thought process towards it, right? And the service piece is not going and burning down the federal courthouse in Portland. That's not service. Probably not, no. No. I wouldn't do that. No.
Starting point is 00:15:11 That's you doing that. Yeah. Service is when there is no you. Yeah. Service is when you light yourself on fire. If you want to be a social justice warrior, do what the Buddhists used to do. Just go out and light yourself on fire. Martyr yourself.
Starting point is 00:15:23 be a social justice lawyer do what the buddhists used to do just go and light yourself on fire martyr yourself dude i would i just saw a clip of madonna saying that she has deep thoughts about bombing the white house how how do you not go to jail for like how do you not freedom of speech i think that's a god the same there's like a it's like um isn't there a law like if you be if you speak on something uh that would be like a terroristic threat like isn't there a law like if you speak on something that would be like a terroristic threat like isn't that like a terroristic threat but not if she says it's in a dream or something right
Starting point is 00:15:52 I've been thinking a lot about it and I'm just like well I don't even want to say it I don't even like putting it out there but I was just like it's a little much for me that's not cool it's a little much for me that's oh yeah that's not cool it's it's a it's a little much for me david weed uh seven call the cops what before what do you mean excuse me already on it all right cool it'd be more dangerous if she said it like 20 years ago madonna had some real star power. Yeah. Now she's just grasping at straws.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah. I like that, grasping at straws. Okay, I already talked about Rich. Okay, sub clip. 20 years ago was 2003. Did she have any star power in 2003? Is that when she said it? No, I'm just saying if she said it 20 years ago in like 2003
Starting point is 00:16:46 okay 30 years ago it's only 2003 20 years ago in my mind that was the 80s exactly all right okay i want to i wonder how many of these i can get through today just wipe go through my whole list just start hammering there's some nasty ones okay uh number two i don't even know these anymore the list has gotten big again. Number two. Just when I think I know where you're going to start, you do the exact opposite. Try to pin you down every show.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I'm sure there's some repeats in here. Okay, here we go. Here's something that's pretty messed up. For all of you who identified as in Canada, liberals or in the US, maybe Democrats and whatever that might represent left wing in other countries. When did you ever think that that side, which I certainly identified with, would become pro-war, pro-pharma and pro-censorship? To what the here's something that's pretty that's fair right yeah definitely i was raised i was raised anti-war anti-pharma um anti-censorship and now it's it
Starting point is 00:17:58 those are the cornerstones of the last but here's what's even crazier they're not even the cornerstones they're in action they're what's even crazier they're not even the cornerstones they're in action they're full throttle full speed away censorship is it full it's not even like talked about it's just full throttle censorship yeah full throttle pharma where's the censorship coming from too that's the crazy part there's a guy like i think i've told the story before, but there's this guy building a big giant. It looks like a CVS next to Greg's house in Arizona. And he laughed. He goes, look, a CVS.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And it's a huge basketball, indoor basketball stadium. The guy's building on his property in the neighborhood. And I go, what's that guy do for a living? He goes, pharma. This is a year and a half ago. Pharma. Democrat. Democrat too.
Starting point is 00:18:45 He's not a Democrat. Selling your mom statins. And you know why he's building a basketball stadium? Because there's pro basketball players in the neighborhood, and if he builds that, they'll come play so his kids can play with him. One of those if-you-build-it-they-will-come situations. Damn. I want to say John Stockton's in the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:19:04 What's that new one too ozempic ozempic ozempic yeah he could build two basketball courts now yeah yeah that shit is hot yeah they don't know why it works either they don't if anyone wants some um if anyone wants some go to uh uh ca hormone sells that. Ozempic. Yeah. It might get rid of your fat. It might get rid of your muscle. Guaranteed to lose 30 pounds. Ozempic. Dude, it's crazy
Starting point is 00:19:34 the weight loss people are having on that. Yeah. It's crazy too how much you could already see the playbook. They curved obesity to be just a disease now. Right? Not something out of your control. They put that in the forefront and then a little
Starting point is 00:19:49 bit after people started accepting it as a disease, which is easy to accept because it's less of your responsibility, right? You didn't do it to yourself. It happened to you. And then they come in with this cure. Here's the problem for the disease. Check us out.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Ozempic. Beautiful. I love that. I want to go back to that question you asked. So the perfect example is this. The WHO, YouTube relies on the WHO to say what we can and can't say on YouTube, right? World Health Organization. And you can go to the YouTube station and see that.
Starting point is 00:20:35 They got pages and pages of things you can and can't say. And a lot of it's based on what the World Health Organization says. They lean on the World Health all the propaganda right and there's going to be tons of it like get your kids injections but by the way soon as you give your kid it's it's first shot by the way their immune system you've changed their immune system for their entire life just remember that the very first shot you give you're changing your kid's immune system for the rest of their life. When I say shot, you know what I'm talking about? I'm talking about if you shoot him up a little heroin. Yeah, they'll recover. The good stuff. From your friends at Pfizer.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I just figure people are just scared. And it's just we got stuck in our own bullshit. But do you think that there's another reason? You think that there's some other like – Yeah, and I heard this. I forget where I heard it, but think think about it if google had its own censorship right and it was just a bunch of employees that are woke at google why is it the same exact censorship that's happening on facebook oh they're two separate companies you would think that there might be some variance there but it's the same same buzzwords same issues same rolling truths where before this was true you couldn't
Starting point is 00:21:47 say it otherwise misinformation that it comes out misinformation was actually fact and then suppose that rumble you can just go you can just be like hey right so and then also too what about all the censorship that's happening all the way across all the local news media stations. Where's that coming from? Trish says it's the Jews. Not again. Why? Why does it have to be them? Hey, listen, I'm going to have a talk with my boys after the show and get this thing all fixed out. Okay, the gays.
Starting point is 00:22:20 What? The devil. Why? God. It's a cool picture, Rambler. The devil's a lazy answer, though. Man, the devil's a lazy answer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I always throw that out when they're like, we're at a spiritual war, are we? Or is it just humans? David Reed, it's always the Jews. Well, thank you. When you say stuff like that it makes me feel better about all the other shit you say you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:22:51 okay number three Trump supporter there's some wild ones in here today. Hey, before we go to this, what do you guys do with all the non-stop beating of
Starting point is 00:23:14 conspiracy shit? You've seen all the Maui stuff, right? Like the Maui and the flat earth. The Maui things drive me kind of nuts all these people are upset at oprah because she bought land and she's not donating money i'm like fuck you she made that money let her do whatever the fuck she wants if you don't like her and you want her
Starting point is 00:23:35 out just be like fuck you bitch i hate you because you're rich but don't like you're sitting there begging for her money well she's trying to collect donations for you and you're like why don't you give your money you're a billionaire well how about she just do nothing how about she just do nothing and fuck off and buy all the land and build cool shit on it well it wasn't the whole situation there the fact that nobody could get into that land for a long time like it was owned by a lot of the locals and they weren't giving it up and then they just burnt down all the shit on it and then now there's some laser that burns everything except for blue shit have you seen that no it's all over instagram so that they're saying that like the reason that the fires are starting is because there's like some laser hitting everything like there's video of cars in the
Starting point is 00:24:21 middle of like grass fields that are completely scorched and like melted aluminum on the ground the grass field is fine yeah but the grass field is completely fine and the trees around it are completely fine everything is it's very very interesting if you look into it a cow uh 2 000 missing children in in uh maui we'll get to that i read the article it's it here's the thing about that i I want to say that. So I looked into that one. And what it is, is there's 2000 kids who haven't returned to school. And just so you know, when the pandemic started, there were 51 million kids in schools in the United States. And now when the pandemic was over, there's only 49 million. Some of those two million, like my kids, didn't go back to school. They're missing. They're not not missing i fucking i kissed them this
Starting point is 00:25:06 morning before i started the show i rubbed their backs and their tummies and i gave them big kisses god i fucking love my kids i i rub their their backs and their legs and they i love that stretch thing they do my dog used to do that you know what i mean and they don't even open their eyes i don't even know if they know they're doing it. Greg, Greg, Greg always had some strong thoughts on that kind of stretching that that's kind of like the best stretching you could do. That like all four limbs, just just, yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:33 just that reaching out kind of like, it's such a good feeling in the morning too. Oh, so nice. Right. Cause it's like natural, you know, like people just naturally get up and do it. As opposed to getting in that machine
Starting point is 00:25:46 and cranking the handle and it rips your legs apart. I was just thinking about buying one of those. I want one so bad, dude, for my kids. They're only $150 on Amazon. You get the kid one for $70. Will you pull that up, Caleb? What are you talking about? It's a splits machine. You were really thinking about
Starting point is 00:26:02 getting one of those? Yeah, I've looked at it. The funny part is, it's not that expensive, but I've circled around buying it like 10 times dude is it a light like a leg stretcher yeah like you sit in it like like this and there's a little wheel in the front you kind of lean back and you crank and it opens your legs dude it looks like it takes a lot of space that's been my hesitation yeah it's like a ghd that's it for one thing wow dude 140 bucks there is one with that that has red in it too that i think is like a little more can you click the ratings on that i want to see um i want to see what like kind of shit they say look at that it's like she's on her phone and shit no way dude i'd be crying i know hey what do you what
Starting point is 00:26:44 do you think about um when i hear athletes say i do my zone two training while like looking at my phone yeah doesn't that is that good or bad i want to i want to be like hey aren't you supposed to be training with intention you think matt frazier ever did his own two training looking at his phone i don't know it's a good question i'm gonna call him and ask him? Yeah. It's 10.30 there. We're golden. Hey, Matt. Real quick.
Starting point is 00:27:12 This is going to take two seconds. You're live on the air. Thanks for coming back on the show. We're super excited to have you. When you did your Zone 2 training, was there a TV play on your phone? Hey. Scrolling Insta? Can you come on the show for five minutes this morning i have a question about zone two training
Starting point is 00:27:38 i watched the tour of the HWPO facility. I was pretty, I was pretty jealous. Just crazy. Nice. I just like, I always envision. And the funny thing is,
Starting point is 00:27:55 is I'm not jealous of the actual stuff as he's walking through it. He's walking through it. I'm envisioning what I would do with that space. And then that's, I'm like, Oh, we'd have a dope podcast studio in there. Oh, we could do,
Starting point is 00:28:02 you know, like I envisioned it as it's my own, not like seeing this stuff and being like, oh, I wish I was in there. Like, oh, I just wish I had a building. Yeah, yeah. This new building that we have, that building that we bought, I'm just imagining all the amazing... What building? What building? You and your wife
Starting point is 00:28:18 bought a building? Yeah, we bought two acres of land and we're... It's a house technically, but we're going to build a house next to it and it's so cool fucking great what state is that in nebraska god i'm ready to move to nebraska i'm gonna have a shoot oh matt fraser said he watched movies and tv during zone two all right prove it all right hey seban watches other podcasts while he does zone two training first of all i don podcasts while he does zone two training first
Starting point is 00:28:45 of all i don't even know what zone two training is second of all third of all fifth of all i do zone one two three four and five and i've never uh uh yeah and i while i watch a podcast listen to the news yeah oh that's called research guys that's not watching oh and thanks for diming me out on the show like that that's really cool that's cool you're cool thank you that's cool you're cool thank you you're cool thank you you're cool how do you do that why would you do that funny margarita too hey um can we can you go back to that leg splitter and I want to see the
Starting point is 00:29:28 oh PK is cool he told me I do zoom to zone to training why when I watch porn okay here we go oh let me read the I always start at the one star that's the one star cheap metal gears that
Starting point is 00:29:44 won't last long. I'm seeing metal dust when my daughter uses it. Uh, I've used this thing every day since arrival. Three days ago, it stopped opening and closing inspection, showed a tiny nut, held a gear on the adjusting screw,
Starting point is 00:29:55 the nut and the adjusting screw was found to be stripped. The chair is now a paperweight. That's a big lasted two months. So I've used it every day for two months. That's $5 a session $2.50 a session $2.50 oh
Starting point is 00:30:11 one in espanol let me see another one star there's a three star oh there was a video can we see a video of that person getting their shit ripped open? Oh, you want to go back to the video?
Starting point is 00:30:31 I don't know if I want it. I want it. I shouldn't have read the red star. One star. It just talked me out of it. Purchased. No, it was just talking about its damaged screws. I just got something in the mail from Amazon. There was $2,300 that came damaged.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I haven't told the people yet. It weighs 470 pounds. You're going to have to send it back, huh? No. You're just going to fix it? No. It's just going to stay broken. What is it?
Starting point is 00:31:03 It's a tool shed. A tool, a tool a tool a tool i'll send you a picture of it move or something does it not wheel one of the wheels has been ripped off the bottom with in the steel and shit and i know exactly how it happened it's i know exactly how it happened getting unloaded off the truck probably did your glasses show up they These? Did I order these on the air? Did you send these to me, Wadzombie? Oh, you did? Oh, my God. Thank you. Dude, Wadzombie, you know what's so crazy?
Starting point is 00:31:33 These came in the mail, and I was like, fuck, I knew I wanted these. I don't remember hitting pay. You're so fucking awesome, dude. Thank you. My kids wore these. My mom wore these. Everyone wore these. I opened these everyone wore these i opened these up dude you're the man thank you i got that from you i got my alex gazan card thank you
Starting point is 00:31:54 wild zombie mint trading company i got my ben smith card if you look closely laura horvath's in here If you look closely, Laura Horvath's in here. Yep, she's on there. You saw it? Yeah. Got like Mertens. Oh, and tomorrow we have Alexis Raptus on. Nice.
Starting point is 00:32:17 That one's got a glare on it for some reason. There we go. I think that more people, Alexis Raptus is more people's crush than people know, and I'm not projecting, even a little. Not even a little bit. Okay. Yeah, training think tank Alexis. Yeah, that one. Okay, sorry. Let's go back to the Trump. Here we go. Telling you to this today's is going to be a wild show. I'm here to support President Trump. You want to know why I'm here to support President Trump?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Because there are black men like this for decades. Make up charges and put them. So I know Trump is innocent. I support Trump against this corrupt two tiered justice system. That's why I'm here to show my support as a black man for Trump and I'm wearing my shirt niggas for Trump 2024 and I mean that. What do you think about the indictments? It's a bunch of bulls. It's gone around the country, Fannie Willis, she went to school with my sister. She's full of shit. So she's a puppet for the white liberal that is controlling everything.
Starting point is 00:33:33 She's in front, but the white liberal back there pulling those strings, telling her what to do. That's what I think about her, making a fool of herself. Do you think it's going to help his election? Of course it is. It's going to elevate him. I think we should make Trump king. That's how I feel. We should make him king.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Wouldn't that be kind of like communists? No, that's no way. They're not communists. We're just going to make him king, but we still got our freedom and rights and everything. He for that. Trump for king 2024. That's actually my URL. You own that URL? Really? Oh, my name is niggas for Trump 2024.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I'm here to support. I can't write that. I can't write that. No, no. You can't even say it, bitch. Think about it. Think about the Democrats. First, it was jail all the people based on their skin color. Now it's encourage them uh do violent crime and and destroy their cities fucking idiots god okay i don't know i probably should think this out but like i i can't see the democrats as anything but nazis anymore i can't think of anything as fascist, totalitarian. How are you telling me all of this shit? Blade, I'll say it. Alright.
Starting point is 00:34:49 We gotta get Blade back. We gotta get Blade back on the show. That's another easy one. Hey, when I'm out of town, get him too. Him, Josh Bridges, Hunter McIntyre, just lump all the easy dudes. The guy with Blade, the guy with the lighting issue in his garage
Starting point is 00:35:12 With the light that doesn't want to stay on in the garage I didn't do a drop off like a ring light or something That's what I remember from those interviews yeah that's what I remember from those interviews. Yeah. I had to click off of it. Hey, Olivia, I'm, I'm so down with Carrie Lake though,
Starting point is 00:35:29 too. I'm so down with Carrie Lake. I'm down. I'm down with Carrie Lake. I'm down with Larry Elder. I'm down with the VEC. God, there's a great Larry Elder.
Starting point is 00:35:42 You want to see something fucking crazy? Uh, where is that? Oh, man. Oh, 76. Look at this, 76. God, Larry Elder's a beast. Watch this. This stand back, people.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Really absorb this. This is, I don't know how these guys do this. Larry Elder destroys Charlemagne, the god on The Breakfast Club. This is insane, dude. And now he reads into it a little bit. And I do give Charlemagne credit for staying so calm but fuck dude maybe charlamagne's just being so calm because he got knocked the fuck out this is crazy you probably gotta go uh have you ever heard the term a nigga wake up call no it is an incident where a person
Starting point is 00:36:39 of color forgets that they are of color and are reminded rather brutally by an unexpected act of racism. Have you ever had any of those? Oh, brother. I'm just asking. I'm just, you think you've ever had any of those? Well, I'm acutely aware, Charlemagne, that I'm a black person, just as you are a black person. And when Joe Biden insulted you by saying, you ain't really black, we don't know whether or not you want to vote for me or vote for Donald Trump, it seems to me that should have
Starting point is 00:37:01 been a wake-up call on your part. How dare this guy come in here and insult you, a black man, and and tell you you got to think a certain kind of way i'm amazed that you weren't mad about that um i didn't i'm not gonna say it upset me just like i'm not letting you upset me you know i mean i don't think oh that's where charlamagne acknowledged that you just talk about it he's reading into it right by the way sorry that's where he that's where he acknowledged that like oh shit yeah larry larry done read into it right okay keep going this is so good nigga wake up call and it seemed to me that that should have been a wake-up call on your part to have a white guy come in here who also said by the way uh about mitt romney um uh because
Starting point is 00:37:37 he didn't want to put more regulations on wall street gonna put y'all back in chains and joe biden has lied for decades about his civil rights record claiming that he desegregated movie theaters and restaurants in wilmington delaware when he didn't any didn't do any of that he lied and said that he tried to visit nelson mandela during apartheid south africa he did not and he came in here and told you you aren't even black unless you think a certain kind of way it seems to me that should have been a nigga wake-up call for you but it wasn't apparently and and look at the first time he didn't say it the first time he didn't quote him and then the last two times larry elder did quote him and that's like fuck you i got street cred i could say what i want to bitch i'll just keep going i fucking love larry served it up
Starting point is 00:38:14 to him the same way i voted for him i voted for him for governor sorry i didn't say you were i think both i don't know what you are i never even asked you about your party affiliation yeah i'm just saying, but you are black and have a white guy come in here and tell you you have to think a certain kind of way. Otherwise, you quote, ain't black. Wow. How should I reply to him? You think what I just now said, how dare you insult me and tell me I think as a human being, let alone as a black person. I don't tell you how to think, Joe Biden. How dare you come in here and tell me how I should think I'm going to vote for Donald Trump. If I want to vote for Donald Trump and if I want to vote for donald trump and if i want to vote for donald trump it does not make me not black 20 of black people black men as i said i voted for donald trump in 2020 are they not black now so only 80 of black people black men walking around
Starting point is 00:38:56 are really black 20 or not because they voted for donald trump how insulting is that how condescending is that i mean you're probably right but i didn't think it in that way well i did i know you probably i do want to give i do want to give charlamagne credit for staying calm because he was getting fucked up he could have started stammering and shit you know what i mean but damn hey i'd be scared to interview him or Vivek or anyone and have some sort of dissenting opinion. I would just kind of go with the flow. I just softball them questions.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Oh, you got kids? You know what I mean? I just get slapped around on his own show, though. He's been checked by several of the rappers in the past, too. I'm on his show. Oh, dude, checked hard. They basically were like, shut the fuck up, or I'm going gonna beat your ass on air and he's just he's just hey you know what he kind of reminds me of too he reminds me of that sort of that kettlebells and cocktail situation i think i
Starting point is 00:39:55 think woolly is like i don't think woolly is i think woolly gets woke creds because of who he because of uh danny and um uh uh nikki like there's some man hating that goes on that show and i think it's like that on his show too i think that those women on that show kind of there's like three really aggro women on that show right that breakfast club show or i don't know if they're regulars or i don't know if they're on the show but there's regulars and i think almost like he feels like he has to toe the line when they're around maybe like you have to blame men when it's like like dude you're just being sexist. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:40:28 That's not a vagina penis thing. Right, yeah. There's definitely a toe the line happening. Officer Walker, calm is how you kill the fire. He doesn't get enough credit for how cool his profile picture is. Yeah. They're in a white vest. Huge arm.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Looking jacked. It ain't that big. It ain't that big. It ain't that big. You ever hug a blade before? Why'd you say hug him? It's like hugging a fucking tree. before? Why'd you say hug him? It's like hugging a fucking tree.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Natty or not coming on Blade. Number four. This is crazy. I think we talked about this before. We'll touch on this real quick. Thurman versus Shield. I do not know. We'll touch on this real quick Thurman vs. Shields I do not know She wants to fight this guy Thurman
Starting point is 00:41:32 Keith Thurman I think he might be 30-1 He may even be undefeated He's a really good fucking boxer If you're a boxing fan And I think she might be the best female boxer Who ever lived by far. And so she wants to fight him, and she wants to fight him at 154.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It just sounds nuts. Here we go. The latest news, Clarissa Shields recently called out Keith Thurman to a boxing match. But now the former male welterweight champ has shocked fans by accepting Shields' challenge for a mixed gender fight. The women's undisputed champion has fired shots in Thurman's direction before, but reiterated her call out of him recently. Shields tweeted, I'll fight Thurman at 154. All the respect in the world to him too. I just think I can outbox him. In response to the tweet, Thurman said, Look, I can fight for any charity event. We can raise
Starting point is 00:42:23 money and let you try to showcase your skills and talent. I'd probably use my jab only. Shields reacted by tweeting, oh, you are hilarious. Yes, you are a man and a one-time champion, but you are not good enough to only use one hand on me. Now for charity or raising money for a foundation, we can definitely do it. I'll come in at 160 pounds too i'm actually bigger than you and taller what's your thoughts on this fight in the latest who did they have read that the guy that sounds like it's from the 50s yeah that was a weird voiceover for sure and then the cheetah ran after killed the uh extra sloppy uh first live in a while my dogs are black and they don't vote at all
Starting point is 00:43:07 i don't get it but okay i love you too um i i don't really want to see the fight i don't want to see you don't want to watch 30 seconds of her getting her ass whooped no i don't want i like him i don't want to see him hit a girl her ass whooped no i don't want i like him i don't want to see him hit a girl yeah rambler she's gonna get beat up yeah i i um i'm i i'm i'm gonna ask larry elder what he thinks yeah she's gonna get knocked out crossfit ovido ovido that that fight would shock the conscious. In what way?
Starting point is 00:43:46 Like we wouldn't like to see a girl get knocked out or you think she would fuck him up? God, I just can't see her even lasting two seconds. It's like when you hear Serena Williams say that men's, so a lot of people don't know this, but, and I'm just learning it with kids, you could have a kid who's a world champion in a sport, whether it be jujitsu or tennis or whatever. And that will not translate between 12 years old and 14 years old.
Starting point is 00:44:13 There's something that happens to kids. There's something that happens to sports and games with the mechanisms and the way you think and what you need to do with a body that's prepubescent versus pubescent. How fast you are are how much space you can cover everything changes as you get older and so the whole game changes so you could have and and rules change to field size changes everything changes and so you can have and which changes strategy and tactics and everything so you can have a kid who's amazing the best ever under 12 and that doesn't mean he's going to be fucking even in the top 10% as an adult. It just does not work that way.
Starting point is 00:44:50 And there's a couple other psychological issues in play also regarding kids and kids sports, which I haven't witnessed firsthand, but I've heard talked about quite a bit. I think the same is true for women and men. It's like when Serena Williams says, women's tennis and men's tennis is not even the same sport that's i'm quoting her it's not even the same sport and uh you know do you think softball and baseball are the same sport no no okay yeah that's what i think it's like that even it is funny though because you'll have men try to play softball against women and it's yeah it's actually difficult for men no they can't is it like the single under phenomenon like like when you saw the crossfitters try single unders after only doing double unders
Starting point is 00:45:35 um kind of yeah i think it's just it's also it's a smaller field and like just the way that the pitching motion in this is different than baseball. They have less time to see the ball. Yeah, you can get Ozempic at California Hormones. That's C-A Hormones. I do not endorse that. But if you do it, let me know. I want to hear what happened to you.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Hey, every person I see that's losing weight around me me i think that they're on it why why is that because i don't know anyway when i see a giant set of tits now i just assume they're fake jaded i don't know why is my cord this is stupid that my cord comes from over here and passes in front of me right yeah you see what chase did on one of the shows he had his like behind him like this and it was like tucked away and i was like oh is that like the more professional thing you just but that felt weird so i'm hating this and i'm ocd on it now oh you can't turn the headphones around either because they have like a specific. I think they'll feel weird that way. Fine. They don't feel as good. You sound the same.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Okay. Seve, we need a Hiller fit review now that he's off the sauce. I know. I've had some great. I call Hiller almost every day. I need to get him on and talk about that. I'm hoarding all that information myself. Cout, the softball
Starting point is 00:47:09 baseball is actually a different sport. Tennis is a different sport because of ability levels. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I hear you. And that's... I mean, I knew that, but I was just trying to see if there was like a... just trying to put it in context or give an illustration. Patrick Anderson, all boobs deserve respect.
Starting point is 00:47:28 And I agree. I agree. No? You disagree? Yeah, he's got, there he is. I love all boobs. Okay, number five. Number six, more bullshit for sheep to follow
Starting point is 00:47:49 Has everyone seen more masks I'm not seeing more masks I went out yesterday I didn't see more masks I didn't go far Went to the tennis courts Okay here we go I feel like it's creeping in The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test
Starting point is 00:48:06 for whether a person is capable of self-governing. Shopping cart is an easy, convenient task, and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore, the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right
Starting point is 00:48:38 without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart. No one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart. No one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart. You gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do, because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal. An absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right
Starting point is 00:49:11 by threatening them with the law and the force that stands behind it. The shopping cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society. Fuck you. Okay. Billy K, a local box.
Starting point is 00:49:34 He's having a class on Ozempic and CrossFit. How to maintain muscle mass and create good habits. Well, on semuclotide. Yeah, I think that's Ozempic and simuclutide are the same thing. I think it's forward thinking to meet the community where they are. You think it's forward? Is this satire? Is this a joke or is this real?
Starting point is 00:49:58 I don't know. Fuck. I mean, I have CrossFit friends who take it. But I don't I don't think dude I don't think you want to be pushing Drugs in your CrossFit gym I seriously don't go back to Selling shoes or water energy drinks
Starting point is 00:50:16 Dude Dude I know A lot of people too who lost a lot of weight On it I also I ate I ate every other day for 20 days before Dude, I know a lot of people, too, who lost a lot of weight on it. I also, I ate every other day for 20 days before the games, and that's how I got into my clothes. Do I think I'm better than the people who did Ozempic?
Starting point is 00:50:35 Yeah, totally. 100%. I do. I'm guilty. I do think I'm cooler than you. Hey, don't get me wrong. I want to try Ozempic. I loved when I was in my 20s and I found ecstasy. I fucking loved Molly. I could fucking you never had to eat.
Starting point is 00:50:53 You get all skinny and shit. I love that shit. I don't know if Ozempic has the same side effects, though. I heard Tucker Carlson was interviewing David Portnoy. Great interview, by the way. It's cool because I don't really like Dave Portnoy. Not like I don't like him for any specific reasons. I just...
Starting point is 00:51:20 Whatever liberalness is left in me, I don't like him like i guess his behavior but man it was a good interview and i did like him a lot more but basically he says that he told tucker that he doesn't get fat because he's on adderall which is speed right a local box is having a class on ozempic and crossfit crossfit livermore is having a class on cooking and crossfit but down the street at crossfit alakazoo you don't want to do worry about that cooking shit they're teaching over at crossfit livermore you get ozempic yeah someone go over to Hormones and get on that shit and tell me about it. The only difference is the crossfit gym up the street has got a lot more money than me now.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Yeah. Hey, that thing's a huge seller. People are getting rich off that shit. New G-Wagon. Of course they are. Sarah Cox, new G-Wagon. Thank you very much. Ozempic.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Ozempic. You lose weight, I get a G-Wagon. Everyone's happy. I should put that in the intro course. The QR code. Now, if you really want this to work, scan the QR code. Didn't come to the class today? Don't worry. We have a pill for you.
Starting point is 00:52:37 I got you. Smeglitude. Smeglitide. Amphetamine. I don't know it's laziness like everything else we do in society I don't know so if there's water on the ground and I use a cup to scoop the water up to get a drink I'm lazy because I didn't go down on my hands and knees
Starting point is 00:52:59 and drink it I don't know if I'm down with the lazy analysis seems too easy uh Haley Brandon the lazy analysis I'm gonna guess is a lazy and that is lazy uh Haley Brandon younger sister of Danielle Brandon both my parents took some eglotide to weight. They stopped and say they're able to maintain their current weight through exercise and eating better. Wow. CA hormones.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Get it. Use code word Sevan. Tell them Sevan sent you. I ain't taking it. That's cool. Thanks, Haley. That's cool. Couch.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Watch the WNBA and tell me that that's the same sport as the NBA. Watch men's volleyball and compare to women's volleyball. Men's water polo versus women. Only sport where men and women can compete evenly is drag racing. That's good intel. Good insight context. Sean Sullivan, it's for the morbidly obese. I had a buddy who was
Starting point is 00:54:05 5'10 250 and now he's 5'10 198 the guy also works out 2 hours a day Mike McCaskey Ozempic is labeled for diabetes and
Starting point is 00:54:24 Wagovi is labeled for weight loss. Oh, same drug? I think they're different drugs. There's a great penis joke in there. My penis for her is labeled procreation. My penis for her is labeled popsicle. My delivery is off. My penis for her is labeled procreation. My penis for her is labeled popsicle. No, I'm kidding. My delivery is off.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Olivia, I think there's a place for somegletude for severely obese people. They will die if they keep eating the way they do. It changes your eating habits. Otherwise, you will throw up. Hey, I will say this. So fasting and discipline some magnitude fucking surgery like i put i would fucking popped i would take some magnitude way before some eglotide some eglotide some eglotide some eglotide ozempic ozempic i would take that shit way before i would take um way before i would take surgery not even in the same world i would take ozempic right now
Starting point is 00:55:34 just to prove my point people will take a loan out to get that surgery before they'll even join a gym and pay a yearly gym membership it's crazy You could probably take that same amount of money and get yourself a personal trainer and a dietitian or a nutritionist for two years. It would probably cost you way less, probably half the price or roughly. You would have much better results.
Starting point is 00:55:57 An Ozempic prescription is $130 a month. So, yeah. CAHormones. Ozempicic hey um tell them someone sent you um could you could you advertise a gym as um our coaches will hit on you could you advertise it that way just go i'll go complete opposite open a crossfit gym and it's like our coaches will hit on you yeah why not instead of don't worry we won't fuck your wife it's hey uh we will hit on you
Starting point is 00:56:32 well there's that's a pretty big leap from like you know and you just have you just have trainers you just have like 10 trainers and all you do they just hit on people like chip and dale's trainers like they're not actually correcting movement they're just going around like no they're correcting movement but like like when they when they squeeze your lats or like points on the one they tell you talk to you about your hamstring they touch it well that well you got some broad definitions of hitting on you is yeah touching you to like screwing your wife i don't know so you think you think that you think you think touching them is one is further further than hitting on them?
Starting point is 00:57:06 Yes. Yes. Okay. Sorry. So hitting on them is weight loss, but touching them is surgery? Hitting on them is semaglutide and touching them is surgery? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I can see where you're going with it. It's quite the leap, but okay. Because there's the difference of like you know you have like the older lady who's right now in the class and you're like you're looking great in those pants Miss Susie and then she's like oh man you know
Starting point is 00:57:36 and like that could still count as hitting on you but you come up and like grabbing a handful that's not necessarily grabbing a handful but like yeah I guess it's a slippery slope but i guess like i guess like like uh excess eye contact smiling touch you know the like i was like playful you're like you're serious but there were some employee there were some employees that every yeah there were these employees that every time they saw Greg, they touched him.
Starting point is 00:58:05 There were these girls. Never any boys did it. And I never saw them touch other employees. But you know what I mean? Like he'd walk in the office and they would run over and touch him. And I'm just like. Like if you touch everyone, okay, I get it. Or like even two people.
Starting point is 00:58:22 But like every. Or like you drag. I would see this one girl. She would always drag her hand across greg's chest too much see i was thinking like the friendly back of the arm touch or something a little tricep yeah a little try elbow you know and this chick this chick um this chick was fucking also someone else there an executive there okay dragging her hands across other things and she was married oh and he was married oh the plot thickens and i never saw greg give her anything back like he didn't even acknowledge it you know what i mean like he'd just be like talking and she would be
Starting point is 00:58:59 like hi greg and drag her hand and be like, hello. Stoic about it. But dude. Wow. I had a girl put her hand on my chest recently. It was really weird. Like this. Do this to me. Oh, a double? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Hi. And I'm like, wow. Those are my titties. Would you do a bath? Oh, I should have. I told my wife. I told my wife. That was an invite. That's the way we say hi here.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Like, hey, that girl just put her hand on my body. She's like, oh. She's like, no, she didn't. No, that's what David Weeds is going to say in the comments. Yeah. He's like my wife. You guys needed a reality TV show at CrossFit HQ. I know.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I started one. Loaded growth. I started one, and I got slapped around for it. Sevan, follow up on the BPC 157. I haven't used it in 10 days. But when I hadn't done, I didn't do, Oh,
Starting point is 01:00:06 on my trip to Newport beach, I did a hundred pull-ups with my boys and there were three of us who did it. So I want to say probably I did three, 33 pull-ups there. I did all singles. And then recently when I came home, the day I came home, I did,
Starting point is 01:00:19 uh, 10 calories on the assault bike, five, uh, strict pull-ups, chest to bar, uh, 10 rounds. So I did 50 pull-ups. And then even before I left, I bike, five, uh, strict pull-ups chest to bar, uh, 10 rounds. So I did 50 pull-ups. And then even before I left, I did a 10, uh, muscle-ups. And when I do a muscle-up, I start at the top. I slowly lower myself down to an L sit and then I do a muscle-up.
Starting point is 01:00:35 So I did 10 of those and I did 20 negatives all in the same workout. And it's not injured. It doesn't feel 100%. It hurts a little bit. It hurts a little bit. But I wouldn't have even fucked around with it. Never in a million years would I have fucked around. And I'm psychologically too scared to do a dumbbell snatch with more than 20 pounds in this hand.
Starting point is 01:00:59 But I would highly recommend it. If you're fucking injured somewhere, I would take that shit in a second I'm not a doctor I don't know what the fucking side effects are but I took it for I don't know two months and I got some left and I'm probably gonna shoot it up now just cause I'm hungry and I'm on this meat diet so I'm trying to get anything
Starting point is 01:01:19 in my body that I can take your mind off that hunger why not have some beef jerky then Mike uh I know at least three people that lost 60 to 90 take your mind off that I'd like to have some beef jerky then Mike McCaskey I know at least three people that lost 60 to 90 pounds on Wagovi California hormones weak ruby
Starting point is 01:01:34 yeah everyone's on that shit everyone's on that shit sorry I'm skipping to the end to the comments I have to go back to the show sorry I missed anyone's good shit okay uh um okay so we saw the shopping cart so there you go i need to start making more shopping cart situational videos there was a good one the other day i came out of um you know that raley's or whatever that pavilions that's in newport beach
Starting point is 01:02:03 and i came out with i had they have two different size shopping carts and one day I came out and I shoved my little shopping cart in the row where all the big ones were I was like take that motherfuckers and then throws everything off and then the other day I pulled out and there was like five someone you know like if there's a room for like 50 shopping carts but someone leaves theirs theirs at the front. And so there's all that space. And then another person leaves one and another person. And now you have five clogging the front when really they should have all been. And so I'm like,
Starting point is 01:02:33 fuck it. And I just left mine as the sixth one clogging the front. Fuck you. Wow. Wow. There's an opportunity for you to contribute there. Hey, what was the thought right before that thought?
Starting point is 01:02:46 Sarah Cox, you can eat meat anytime you are hungry. Oh, okay. Oh, I didn't even tell Sarah I was doing that. She was, um... She was, uh... She's doing the meat thing, too. Or, fuck this carnivore thing, go to
Starting point is 01:03:01 and start your prescription of some Megalo Zempic will go now. Seven on promoting OZempic. No long term studies is like Fauci promoting the six booster. Y'all lost me. It's maybe for obese. That's it. Still untested. Listen, motherfucker, I wouldn't take that shit of my fucking.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Well. It's not true. I said I wouldn't take that shit of my life depended on. I'm not taking that. Dude, I'm promoting TRT, too. i wouldn't take that shit of my life depended on i'm not taking that dude i was i'm promoting trt2 i didn't take that shit either yeah tank yeah tank i'm with you i don't know if promoting is the right word can you look up the definition of promoting i was on a strict hog diet who's on a hog diet oh saber and kelly oh my wife on a hog promoting further the progress support actively encourage what's one advance or raise in higher position or rank it's close you might be right my i don't think i'm quite doing the um
Starting point is 01:04:02 i'm doing the further progress but I'm not supporting or actively encouraging. I'll take one of those. You choose one. Stefan had ancestral supplements as a sponsor too. That's a throwback, Trish. I don't know. I don't know if I would call them a sponsor. I called them and said, hey, do you want to pay for our trip to Guadalupalooza?
Starting point is 01:04:32 And he PayPal'd me 20 grand. Yeah, and then like way later we're like, hey, how can we help you out? Yeah. Someone send me 20 grand. someone send me 20 grand. I would not. And I took... And I was already taking his fucking pills before he gave me the 20 grand.
Starting point is 01:04:51 That's true. I was not taking BPC before I met Sarah. Just because you didn't have access, though. That's all. Didn't you guys eat testicles together? No, I've never met the guy. Yes, we did. He was talking to me. Me, I've never met. I've never met the guy. Oh yes, we did.
Starting point is 01:05:06 He's talking to me. I mean, me and the King threw down one time on a set of balls. You did. You met liver King. No, I just wanted to start a rumor. Oh, Billy K. Uh, meat, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. A little bit little bit of starch no sugar and a weekly shot billy's just meeting him where they're at oh okay uh number seven buy a day pass i never know if i'm supposed to read my notes or they're just for me so i know what the clip is
Starting point is 01:05:52 oh what is this oh what is this it's like a maui support thing right for that crossfit gym that was there oh whether you ain't oh oh oh yes yes yes yes. Okay, so there was a fire on the Hawaiian Islands. That's another thing. So here's the two things I don't understand. There's people on the news over there. Why aren't we getting help? Because you're a fucking dot in the middle of the Pacific. You're a fucking speck.
Starting point is 01:06:20 We couldn't even fucking guard our own fucking country's embassy in half the countries that we're in. Listen, people, you can't have it both ways. You can't be like no one's coming for you, personal accountability and responsibility, and then fucking bitch that you're on some fucking island in the middle of nowhere and there was a fire and you're tripping because no one came for you. Has anyone ever seen the road network in Maui? I drove around the entire island one time. Half the island island is i wouldn't even say that thing is a road you know what i'm talking about has anyone driven around it on that back half
Starting point is 01:06:53 i i don't know what i would call that it is fucking third world as a motherfucker it's like there's better roads than fucking el salvador yeah there's lots of parts of the islands that are like that and it's like your shit caught on fire now you're bitching that the federal government's not coming to help you like i get it like being like hey we need help we need help we need help but like complaining like dude like you're in the middle of nowhere dude yeah can't you see all our resources are taken up by ukraine and yeah exactly we don't and all 76 billion dollars we just said hey that part i get when you contextualize it that part i get if someone's like hey can you send us over i mean it was stupid you know they gave 700 to all the residents and there were like 13 000 residents
Starting point is 01:07:36 and it equals like 1.9 million dollars it's like it's like they gave 700 to all the residents yeah something like that household 700700 to each household. Isn't that just kind of a slap in the face? Yeah, kind of. If you look at the breakdown of how much money we gave Ukraine, about a third of it ends up being just for budgetary costs. Like, oh, we just sent... So I think $25 billion we sent to Ukraine
Starting point is 01:08:02 is just to fund them, to give them money, to do as they wish. It's like loans. We just gave them cash. The rest of it is like supplies and other shit. But the actual breakdown is complete dog shit. Anyway, that's it. Sounds about corruption to me. Maui is more remote than Ukraine and less important.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Kaut. Kaut. Kot. Kaut. Kaut. Kot. Kok. um uh count count caught count count caught cock uh i just and this thing where you're like bitching at oprah because she's rich and that she like somehow owes you something like don't get me
Starting point is 01:08:32 wrong like if she has 2 000 acres on the island and she wants to help good honor but like to kick her in the face for like asking people to donate money i think you're a douche i the the hatred of hating on people just because they're rich or demanding something from them is fucking crazy to me completely crazy okay uh number eight i always thought that i would have pure army i always thought that if i had kids they would be armenian i never thought that i would like marry a jew or black girl or mexican or anything i always thought that i would have an armen or black girl or mexican or anything i always thought that i would have an armenian kid and no one ever called me raised for that i wanted armenian kids i wanted not only did i think that i wanted that i don't think it's but and and i know i'm
Starting point is 01:09:16 conflating here and this is this is an important distinction there's a difference there's a difference between being um armenian versus black. Black is just skin color. Being Armenian is your ethnicity. It's like Ethiopian is your ethnicity. Kenyan is your ethnicity. It's not your – or maybe that's even your nationality. But to conflate all three is kind of weird. Although I kind of would not – I't know if i shouldn't say this
Starting point is 01:09:46 part a lot i don't think i have any interest in marrying any european women don't let laura scar you like that there could still be time i would okay i would have married laura sorry i forgot about that is i would if from those like weird eastern russian eastern bloc countries i'd marry one of those women probably she's one of those right isn't isn't laura's got like that russian vibe right like that hard russian vibe she's hungarian is that eastern block is that like they were communist like six months ago i remember when i went to russia i could not believe how bad the fucking service is it is so fucking bad no one gives a fuck like it's 7-11 at least the guy's like hello welcome into the store nice to see you
Starting point is 01:10:30 and Russia's like you walk into a watch store and they're like mmm even in like tour it's so bad Hawaii's horrible too customer service in Hawaii is atrocious oh customer service atrocious
Starting point is 01:10:44 it's atrocious you. Oh, customer service is atrocious. It's atrocious. If you go to Jordan, customer service is amazing. Is it? Yeah. If you're out buying stuff, they'll bring tea to you. They ask you if you want anything. They'll let you try on anything they have. Dude, it's awesome. They refill your coffee. They know your order as soon as
Starting point is 01:11:02 you walk in. If you've been there twice, yeah, it's cool. Four Seasons, Beverly Hills. The Hills, amazing customer service. Almost all of Four Seasons. Not the Four Seasons in Hawaii. Horrible. It's crazy. It's almost like they're fucking, I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Dude, it's on island time. Everything takes fucking forever. But they're even rude to you. You pull up in the car and the valet guy's just like, dude, you want a tip? I got fucking three kids in here, a wife, and fucking, like... How about you open a door and say hi? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Their whole economy is run on tourism, yet they hate tourists. Yeah. Yep. It's completely insane. They're like, please leave so we have zero dollars at all. Okay? We're gonna be barefoot in the dirt for forever. Customer service in California sucks, too. Not in the dirt for forever. Customer service in California sucks too.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Not in the right parts, man. Not in the right parts. I would say overall, though, I'd probably agree with Dan. Really? You think so? Yeah. If you go into some of the inner cities and stuff like that in San Francisco, everybody's in such a rush. Everybody just does not have the fucking time for you
Starting point is 01:12:02 and is always on edge. All the little mom and pop supermarkets that I go to in my town man all the even the blue hairs all the fucking even the liberal fucking morons are fucking nice everyone's nice the kids everyone you guys got a nice pace of life out there you could feel it like even when i drive from livermore over to there that's why grace and i like that area so much is because everything just kind of like it takes the edge off everything just slows down a little bit anyway number eight so I thought so I thought I would have I thought and I'm sure my wife's parents thought she was
Starting point is 01:12:34 going to have Jew kids well she did still have Jew kids but she was going to marry like a dude who is even more frugal than myself let's say I don't see myself dating a white guy that's against his race but it's more about like my bloodline and keeping it pure and black. Maybe if I want to. There you go.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Did you see that? One more time. I'm going to bring this one up. About like my bloodline and keeping it pure and black. Imagine if a white guy said word for word what you just said. Imagine if a white guy said word for word what you just said. Imagine a white guy just had this question asked. Why don't you date a black woman?
Starting point is 01:13:16 And a white guy goes, well, it's kind of about keeping the bloodline pure and keeping it white. I'm proud of being white. I want my bloodline to be white. And that's why I wouldn't date a dark woman. I care about my bloodline. I'm proudly white. She's saying the same thing. And I was like, point oh yeah i get it white people do not have freedom of speech i don't see it is true it is true and then i know someone's gonna be like well you got to put it in
Starting point is 01:13:38 context and you got to make it yeah but still it doesn't go away until you set everyone free either set everyone free or you don't. You can't have it both ways. Most people aren't ready to be free. Wow. Mic drop. Google measles. Google measles.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Dude, I hate those songs and those clips too. I know, me too. I like that guy though but his songs Sneeko that's the song? no I think that's that dude's name or his online name or whatever
Starting point is 01:14:14 number 9 oh shit this one's brutal now's the time for people who don't like this one's brutal this is the most brutal one who like who don't like like this one's brutal this is the most brutal one yet this one's hoping i was gonna miss the show when we brought this up i've seen this clip this is horrible let me read this to you um this is a lady with uh the with the hair the the the i'm an idiot hair and i'm an idiot nose ring and uh this is what the write-up
Starting point is 01:14:44 here is it says this is how you end up with so many trans kids. The indoctrination starts before they're old enough to form sentences. No sane person thinks this poor child was expressing his true gender identity. That's in quotes. Everyone knows what's happening here and it's evil. I don't know if it's evil, but this is crazy. This is like I don't think this kid's even a year old, and this is an orange-haired – I wouldn't even – I wouldn't even let – I don't want people who look like this even talking to my kids really because I just want more natural-looking people around my kids. Do you know what I mean? Like the same reason I don't feed my kid cotton candy.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Like this is like the cotton candy of human beings it's just so fucking toxic dude okay here we go are you a boy or a pause and she has an is that another hole up by the bridge of her nose yeah she's got that oh yeah and upper nose piercing listen nobody who gets that stuff in their face and does their hair like that you're never like as you evolve 10 years later you're gonna look back and be like what did i do like no one's ever like oh my god i'm so glad i went through that phase where i had the bullring or the huge gauge every single person who evolves is like what was i thinking like you heal from this this is a damaged state.
Starting point is 01:16:06 And those things that she's doing to herself are a manifestation of her inner damage. You guys get that, right? Hmm. Please, please. Someone be like, oh, yes, everyone. You're right. Yeah, no, I'm following your line here.
Starting point is 01:16:21 No, not you. Oh, OK. I was trying to think. I was like, okay, so this happened, and now she's at the piercing remembering that time and being like, yeah, give me that one. I want him to see the hurt. It is...
Starting point is 01:16:38 What's your opinions on tattoos? You're good, Jake. You're good. You're good. I'm getting one. I'm getting one tomorrow. It says Avi right on my forearm. Avi. I was actually thinking about getting a tattoo tattoos you're good jake you good you good i'm getting one i'm getting one tomorrow says right on my forearm obvi i was actually thinking about getting a tattoo just to fuck with the people in
Starting point is 01:16:50 the chat be like he contradicted himself okay go ahead play keep going fucking this is so gross sorry are you a girl or a boy yes what is riley Are you a girl or a boy? Yes. Yes? What is Riley? What are you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Yeah? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. Are you a boy? Yeah. Are you a girl? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Yeah? Are you both? Both. Both? Okay, that's fine. You can be both if you want to riley i don't know if it's the music or the way she like pressures a kid but that thing's fucking dark that's so weird right it's like dude i'm gonna'm going to set up my phone and record this. And we're going to interrogate my child. Yes, that's the part also. That's the part also. That's the sacrifice right there.
Starting point is 01:17:50 I'm going to sacrifice my child. Hey, some people would call me on the internet a Nazi because I would encourage my kids to be ambidextrous. I'd be like, come on, throw it with your left hand. Oh, my goodness. What? Excuse me Number 10 Commitment to Creepy is an understatement
Starting point is 01:18:15 Understatement Creepy for sure Understatement Don't plants have stamens Commitment to idiocy Number 10 Oh this is crazy Don't plants have stamens? Commitment to idiocy, number 10. Here we go. Oh, this is crazy.
Starting point is 01:18:30 This is fucking nuts. Here we go. You sexist fucks up on. Eight Marxist female mountain climbers who wanted to prove women were just as good at mountain climbing as men. Never a good reason to do something. Never, ever a good reason to do something. Never, ever a good reason to do something. Pick the easiest
Starting point is 01:18:50 peak. Refuse any help from men along the route. When asked over the radio by a man, how are you doing? The evasive answer was, we're fine. Even though one of them was sick and dying. They got disoriented in the snow and all eight women ended up freezing to death.
Starting point is 01:19:06 All male search party comes and retrieves their bodies. I looked this up. There's a true story. I think it's old. Yeah. I think they were Russian women. Fucking crazy. I think that was in the 70s.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Don't do that. Don't do that. That's like men being like, I want to be like a woman. I'm going to have a baby. Don't do that. Just because women can do it doesn't mean you should try to do it. Number 11.
Starting point is 01:19:43 This is why guests stop coming on the show it's these shows like this so the nfl is like uh mr bajan you can't go on the show anymore sorry we watched his sunday one and it's not it's gonna be a no from us yeah uh the bribing the shaming the guilt complex the coercing the pressure the hatefulness the bullying the intimidating the enticing the blackmailing the manipulation the division the fear the panic they tried literally everything to make you get the thing. I almost forgot how bad it got. We're never going to forget on this show because because you can't forget because then you could fuck up again. OK, here we go. I'm not trying to make anyone vaccinated. You are the problem. It is the unvaccinated who are the problem period end
Starting point is 01:20:26 of story the only people that you can blame the only people you can blame this is a shame this is a truth that's good we played this uh that's good all right don't forget new one's coming uh number 12 yeah we know we know i don't even mind the non-pure bloods. I'm okay with if you got the shots. You're good. You're good with me. I'm okay with it. Just don't get the next one. Oh, yeah, this is...
Starting point is 01:20:55 Oh, this is insane. Did you send me this? Yeah. This is insane. Here we go, people. So much trans hate in the fucking world. Sorry. There's so much trans hate in the world world sorry there's so much trans hate in the
Starting point is 01:21:05 world right now and i'm so done with it and pride just means that we are unabashedly happy just to be alive yeah i know where do you personally feel that that hate is coming from most places but especially the government i And in your own life, where would you say that you feel the hate the most? I feel like I kind of internalize a lot of the hate. So it feels like it mostly comes from myself at this point. Dude. Wow. at this point because... Dude! Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Holy shit. At least she got there. At least she was able to get there. That's a huge step. I don't think she's conscious of what she just said. It's like, holy shit, dude. She just said the fucking quiet part out loud.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Yep. It's like, holy shit, dude. She just said the fucking quiet part out loud. Yep. You guys want to see that again? Let's play that again. It's so fucking crazy. It's like, duh.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Yeah, it is really cool that she got there. Yeah. And no shit is coming from inside. Hey, that's the racism thing, too. There's just a demand for it. People are just looking for it. Yep. Like like no one cares that you're trans you fucking ding dong you should see that that that fucking psycho who used
Starting point is 01:22:31 to be in our comments all the time you should see the shit he sends me it makes no fucking sense like dude like they think we're saying something we're not on this show okay here we go hate in the fucking world sorry there's so much trans hate in the world right now and i'm so done with it and Okay, here we go. but especially the government. And in your own life, where would you say that you feel the hate the most? I feel like I kind of internalize a lot of the hate. So it feels like it mostly comes from myself at this point. Pause, pause. Oh, yeah. So did you see the girl in the background right there yep no one in the green
Starting point is 01:23:26 and white okay can you play that again without the uh audio so i want to say a couple things i had someone over at my house the other day and we were talking about first of all i've never heard anyone say anything bad about trans people ever like because of their trans just like i've never heard i don't hear anyone say anything bad about black people because they're black i've heard people say bad stuff about black people but it's black. I've heard people say bad stuff about black people, but it's not have to do with the fuck that they're black. I've never heard people say bad stuff about trans people, but it has nothing to do with the fact that they're trans.
Starting point is 01:23:51 It has to do with the fact that I've heard people say bad stuff about Armenians. It has nothing to do with the fact that they're Armenians. Actually, that's not true. The lady at the bank did say that they don't lend money to Armenian people because they're Armenian. There, pause. Now, look it. I want to show you something.
Starting point is 01:24:07 If I was walking down the street and I saw a guy with a metal leg, I would stop and stare. If I saw a dwarf, I would stop and stare. If I saw a man dressed as a woman, I would stop and stare. There's things that I'm just not used to seeing that I stop and stare. When I go by the world's largest pumpkin,
Starting point is 01:24:21 I stop and stare. When I go to cornfields, cause I don't see a lot of cornfields in my area. I stop and stare. When I see things that I'm tripping on, I stop and stare. That girl in the green jacket back there, I would stare at that because of the way her pants and her shirt and her tits are and the way she has the same haircut as me. I would trip on that. Not like in a bad way or in a good way. I trip on things if i saw when i see kids doing wheelies down the street i slow my car down and i stare at them i don't get to see the unicycles jugglers dwarfs people whose tits look like that shit in the green jacket i fucking will look at you that's a big
Starting point is 01:24:59 fucking difference between staring at a man who's dressed as a woman well if i see two men kissing i'm gonna stare i i'm not processing that like just like freely like i saw a bird fly by Between staring at a man who's dressed as a woman. Well if I see two men kissing. I'm going to stare. I'm not processing that. Just like freely. Like I saw a bird fly by. None of that shit I just said. You guys get that? And to fucking then misunderstand me. Is like it's trans hate.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Because I'm fucking staring at a man dressed as a woman. Or I don't want those dudes around my kids. It has nothing to do's trans hate because i'm fucking staring at a man dressed as a woman or i don't want those dudes around my kids it has nothing to do with trans hate i but that being said i have no problem with dwarves or one-armed guys or giant pumpkins being around my kid but but but i don't but i'm not so interested in whatever the pathology is i don't fully understand it of men who are upset this obsession with men who want to dress as women to be around my kids. We can go to a play, and they can be on stage, and I can be in the audience, and they can sing and dance and kick their legs up and shit. But you're fucking crazy if you don't think I can stare at shit. We only – I see probably like less than a dozen snakes on my property uh every year
Starting point is 01:26:05 and when i do i call the whole family to come look at it we all go out and look at the snake my kids fucking start trying to catch it we got a little cage if they catch it we put them in keep them for a couple weeks that's why we go to the zoo to stare at weird shit that's why you go to cirque du soleil jake chapman if i saw a man who was five foot, I'd stare. Dude, I'm perfectly proportional. You would not even stare. You can't even tell how small I am.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Like, if I was in the foreground, you wouldn't even know. I'm proportioned perfectly. Fuck, that's a fucking... That is a really unattractive look for that girl in the back right god damn shit's just falling apart her tits like off to her side like that side boob action and maybe she's going for that but i would stop i'd be like well that's not that's not working it's okay i can have my opinions on that has nothing to do with like i have her same fucking haircut you know old men sometimes you see them in their fucking cantilevered over like this have you ever seen you want to do something really trippy you want to trip people look at people
Starting point is 01:27:23 walking down the street and then study their midline. Like some people, their ass and their head will be – the back of their ass furthest in their head will be like two and a half or three feet. If you were to draw – do you get what I'm saying? If you drew a perfect line straight down from the heavens down to the ground that just rested against their ass and then another one that came off of their forehead it would be like two and a half or three feet yeah i'd be like this far apart they're like so fucking cantilevered over you'll start seeing that so few people are actually like could like squeeze through two bars in a prison cell so many people are fucked up and broken it's a great i love doing that walking around looking like holy shit that's like that far oh you have like profile view so you see so many people are fucked up and broken. It's a great, I love doing that. Walking around and looking at like,
Starting point is 01:28:05 holy shit, that's like that far. Oh, you're talking about profile view. So you see him. Yeah. Profile view. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. Profile view. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I saw a dude,
Starting point is 01:28:13 like a really old guy and you could thank you literally put a plate on his back and like have eaten off it. That's how fucking cantilevered he was bent over. Yeah. Step up and get a cold one off that dude. Oh, this is good. The pants above the belly button serve a purpose of unimagining your belly flapping over your belly.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Yeah. And sometimes I feel like that I have to pull mine up high even when I eat too much. Put my stretchy pants on. Yeah. For holidays. Odds brought us in her Be Friendly shirt. So if you turned her from the side, that might give you a nice profile.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Nice. I'm assuming it's sleeveless too, by the way, for that. Jake Chapman, wonder and amazement rather than hatred. No hatred at all. I don't even care. Like, I don't. No hatred. Zero. no hatred at all i don't even care like i don't no hatred zero that's i'm never like looking at a guy with one arm and being like i hate you i'm like whoa fuck i want to see you brush your teeth yeah that's the part that you what did you have to relearn sorry go ahead oh people people just assume it so when you were talking about
Starting point is 01:29:20 that they assume oh he's staring because he's being hateful or like and you're like no i'm just i'm just interested in it because i don't see it every day i get i get a fucking notice in the mail that the local fucking botanical garden has a flower blooming there that only blooms every 50 years i'm going to look at it if there was a parade in town with it's like the largest congregation of one-legged people in the world i'd probably go i want to go see that but not because you hate it no because you dislike it i'm not going there to fucking throw rocks at the flower i'll teach that flower fuck you you only come once every 50 years i'll teach you yeah even and listen all those people who are going to that play all those fucking liberal
Starting point is 01:30:02 people who go to that play to see the men dressed as women, they're going because you're men dressed as women too. That's the novelty of the thing. That's why we go. But I'm not allowed to stare at you when you fucking walk down the street? Those Lululemon pants that girls wear that are just so fucking skin tight that they go
Starting point is 01:30:27 up into their ass crack and vanish i stare at those too like a motherfucker i remember they had those on a fox news panel one time and it was like four old white dudes and they're like paraded a few women out to see if the pants were too tight or acceptable or not it was the most ridiculous that was on a news show fox news show yeah they're like hey would you let your daughter these and like all the old guys are like some you know super hot chick with a nice body walked out the pants are like no yep see you too revealing nope like no way yeah i was so out of touch it was like a few years back, but I thought it was like an SNL skit, but it was real. The shit that I'm seeing girls wear is fucking nuts. Or not wear.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Yeah. You have a 14-year-old girl. Nope. And I'm being very generous. i think she was 12 my wife said she was older you have a 14 year old girl at the jujitsu class just watching with her parents and she's wearing a shirt that has like that window cut down really low and she has a bra that's pushing her fucking a titties together so fucking tight that they're like up here by her chin and she walks in and i'm thinking to myself
Starting point is 01:31:49 and i'm open to being totally wrong about this but you have a whole life of if you're a girl a whole life of just cock chasing you and as a parent i would want to not protect my daughter. It's the same way I feel about crawling. I'm not trying to protect my daughter from cock chasing her. I would just like to not encourage it at 14. And she's there with her parents, and I'm just thinking to myself, can't you say something? you say can't you say something
Starting point is 01:32:25 uh why are you looking at her um you want to know why I'm looking at her David it's the exact same reason I read your dumb fuck comments the exact same reason no difference to pass judgment on and ridicule and use as content. And I'm thinking to myself, I'm not trying to be a prude. I'm not trying to protect her. I'm not trying to – I just – why are you doing that to your daughter? She's only 14. I don't know. I mean I don't know what it's like to be a 14-year-old girl, but like as a 14-year-old boy, I just wanted to look at girls. Like I didn't even – like I was just happy to see one. And yet you're an adult, and you know what that dressing a girl like that is doing to all the men in the room you're the father and you're letting your daughter dress like that and parade
Starting point is 01:33:33 around i just i don't get it it all comes down to attention i get yeah i guess yeah and it's not even like she can utilize the attention you know like when you see someone who's beautiful who really utilizes the attention you're like it's it's not common but you'll see a really beautiful woman who knows she's attractive she's dressed well she's got a good body she's actually like smiling at people hi she's actually like comfortable you know what i mean like she walks into the restaurant she's been just she's been running for five miles she's in her fucking tight pants and her sports bra and she comes in and she's not self-conscious like in a weird way hi oh excuse me like as opposed to like most of
Starting point is 01:34:06 like the most of the girls I see in Newport Beach like walking around who are just fucking absolutely insanely beautiful. They can't even like move. They're so conscious about everyone staring at them. Yeah. Like it's like they're always on screen on a movie. So every movement is very like intentional to not. Yeah. That's always a juxtaposition,
Starting point is 01:34:22 right? Like you see it all the time. Like women will wear stuff that accentuates certain body parts or something and then they'll get the wrong attention from the wrong person in their minds right and then they're like upset that that attention came but it's weird because didn't you put that on because you felt good and looked good but then kind of wanted the attention but then not like fishing and you caught it and you caught a carp and you wanted a salmon? Yeah. Crazy, but it's something that I do all the time.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Someone better question, who bought her that shirt? Hmm. It's the same thing with when I want to look at people too. I'm like, either stare or don't stare. I don't want to like sneak a peek. Kendall's comment reminds me of being on the beach in Barcelona. And like,
Starting point is 01:35:12 there was just very like when you go to San Francisco and you think there's naked people in, in your mind as like a, especially as a young guy, you're like, Oh, this is going to be great. And then you show up and the people that are naked are not the ones you want to see.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Right, right, right. Even remotely. In high school, I did that. Get my driver's license and go to a nude beach in San Francisco and it's just all fat dudes. I'm like, this isn't what I want. Or really old chicks that you're just like, oh, this is – I'm okay with that. I'm okay with any – I'm okay with all naked girls.
Starting point is 01:35:40 You're a better man than I. Hairy ones, Caleb, with tits that sag down to the ground bring it i'll show you a video after this and you'll you can tell me if that's what but in barcelona it was it was the opposite hey so am i wrong here listen my husband and i just returned from creek grease very common to see 12 13 year old girls in thong bikinis on the beat fine then is that the other route to just fuck it sexualize them all and just just fucking just you know is it a sexualized thing or is it just uh sexualizing that projecting it onto them yeah because well it's definitely it's definitely just that it's definitely just men doing it doing it but but it's a feature it's not like you can't turn that off
Starting point is 01:36:21 if you ask men to turn that off, they're not men anymore. Dude, it's like defanging all rattlesnakes. They're not rattlesnakes anymore. You can blame men all you want for that. As Greg Glassman said, it's part not about sex but about the movements that are in CrossFit. It's part and parcel with who we are. You can't blame men for that anymore than you can blame the earth for being round. You cannot. You cannot. It's a mo being round. You cannot. You cannot.
Starting point is 01:36:46 It's a moot point. You can control it. You should, not you could. Yeah, you should. I agree. That's discipline. That's the first form of discipline for a man, right? You shouldn't just hang out at night and just rape women when they come by.
Starting point is 01:37:02 No. And a matter of fact, if we're going to have a civilization those people should be dealt with severely correct yep if you want to have a civilization yeah but to blame men for that desire to ask them to um turn it off impossible you're you no longer have men to control it yes yeah we should we should hold them accountable to control it a hundred percent right yeah a hundred percent and then maybe as a man then you shouldn't buy your daughter your 14 year old daughter a thong the beach is also different too the beach is like hey that like the beach is different than just like fucking like you're you're like you're a fucking jiu-jitsu tournament you know what i mean or jiu-jitsu class you go to every single
Starting point is 01:37:46 day and someone's parading their 14 year old girl around there like she's a prostitute dude in some societies that would be seen as like some older men should offer like the fat family like four cows for the daughter Brazil 15 year old girls look like 25 and 40 year old women look like 25 it's trippy yeah i believe that in brazil their ugliest chick they're still hot that country is fucking
Starting point is 01:38:15 yeah and on that beach in barcelona there were a lot of really good completely nude women or they would go up and they'd be on the beach and they'd go over to the showers like the public open showers right by the walkway and they would start showering and all of a sudden i was like tripping because they're literally taking off their bikini and you're like there's no way that chick is getting fully naked right now and sure enough they're like unbuttoned top and they're staying there topless and they take their pants and they're like washing themselves off like fully showering and i was just like what the fuck but there is multiple of them around topless bottomless no naked dudes though sounds like a youtube channel uh uh my mike pool boy kind of like when peewee got caught peewee herman got caught masturbating at a theater did peewee herman die i think he did yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:39:04 in that moment he should have controlled himself yeah totally well said good example i don't know a lot of ugly brazilian dudes even the ugly brazilian dudes are attractive that's just what a what a beautiful country with a shitload of crime. Number 14. This isn't true, but let's play the game then. What about white people in other countries or Mexicans or blacks or Japanese? Oh, yeah, this is a great one. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Here we go. Every white person in this country, I do not care what he says or she says, knows one thing. They may not know, as they put it, what I want, but they know they would not like to be black here. Yeah. Pause this. What a fucking, first of all, what a fu- I know this is old.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Pretend like we're listening to it now and not back then. Maybe things were different back then. But you do hear people say this now still. What a fucking manipulative, fucking crazy fuck thing to say. Where does that game start and stop? Who wants to be a 5'5 little Armenian guy? Who wants to be someone with a small dick? Who wants to be, would you rather be a black guy that's 5'7 or with a 9-inch cock
Starting point is 01:40:36 or an Armenian guy that's 4'11 with a 3-inch cock? How about that now? Would you rather be Vietnamese or would you rather be white livingietnamese or would you rather be um a white living in um hungaria or black living in california i mean it's just such a fucking manipulative fucked up thing to say as a point i mean it's fun it's fun to think about but but he's he's saying it like to prove a point like somehow white people are racist because you wouldn't want to be something else how many black people would want to be white how about that is this guy is this really true someone investigate this character for me i need to know if that's a
Starting point is 01:41:13 real person that's a person that person's got to come on the show i need to know i need to know that more okay go on keep playing if they know that they know everything they need to know and whatever else they say is a lie Such bullshit. God, that kind of fucking human manipulation is such bullshit. He's dead, by the way. Who is that? James Baldwin. Fuck, man. You can...
Starting point is 01:42:00 That's just... That's just coercion and playing on people's insecurities. Making people... Try to make people feel guilty. You can go ahead and think and be whatever the fuck you want. You can wish you were black. You can wish you were white. Who gives a fuck? There were all sorts of dumb boys I went to high school with who had types.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Like they only wanted blonde girls or brunettes or you know what i mean i used to be like these guys are fucking idiots i just want a bitch who likes me i'll take anyone white hoe black hoe you would take a navajo any yeah thank you oh is that is that did you steal that yeah i forget what rap song it's from. Damn. I'm trying to think if I've ever been with an Indian girl. I've been with Dot. I knew you could. I'm trying to think if I've ever been with Feather.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Oh, fuck. I wanted to go with... The Indian girl I had as a girlfriend was... It was crazy. I wanted a girl with teeth. Yeah. Fuck. Seriously. British thing though.
Starting point is 01:43:07 You know, man, I, God, I had this Indian girlfriend. Fuck. She was, it was crazy. She, she came from very, very wealthy family. And I was homeless. I was old. She was a college student.
Starting point is 01:43:36 And just to fight, I guess just to be rebellious, she dated me. Her parents. God, it was crazy. I thought she was actually actually going to she was part of the harem it was during the harem years i thought she was i thought i was actually going to get to keep her that's a hair that's awesome i think she ended up going to law school at stanford or something became wealthy every time you say hair i just picture you like cruising down the street of like all this there's something with like three chicks. Yeah. Did you have them all together at the same time?
Starting point is 01:44:08 Yeah. That's wild. You're a wild man. All mine worked at the same restaurant. They just didn't know about it. Then it's not harem. Then it's not harem. It's something else. Then you're a player. Then you're a player.
Starting point is 01:44:22 Then you're a player. They all went to the same school. Yeah. Mine all went to the same school too. They all fucked up. You ever been around a girl for like a year and she's just fucking incredibly
Starting point is 01:44:40 fucking hot but you never noticed it and then all of a sudden someone says, dude, that chick is so hot and you're like holy shit flip the switch yeah did that ever happen to you like you didn't know someone's hot that's happened to me a few times in my life i didn't know someone was attractive i guess because like i turned that off or something like i'm just wasn't trying to just i don't know what i was doing yeah i was gonna say how'd you get to there one of my friends one of my friends actually um in college goes dude no it was one of my friends visited from up north and said hey that chick's hot and then i was like holy shit that chick is really hot and i worked with her every day and then i was just sort of pursuing her oh there
Starting point is 01:45:20 was a great line in here caved astro uh She dated me to be rebellious, could be Seve's memoir. That's good. That is good. Wow. That's a good line. Wow. Yeah, I had girls that I grew up with that were, like, my mom's best friends all had daughters,
Starting point is 01:45:35 and they all lived in the, like, Livermore area, or basically the Bay Area. And we'd be together with them really often, like, do vacations and stuff like that. And it wasn't until middle school that that happened, that they like oh you your friends was so and so you guys went on that camping trip together i'm like yeah like dude how'd you not hit on her and i'm like what why would i why would i hit on her and then all of a sudden you're like oh i guess they all are good-looking girls yeah and so then it kind of hit me but that's just because we literally grew up together so i didn't see it that same way i i um will there's times when my kids want to do stuff that i don't want to do
Starting point is 01:46:12 stuff or they want to have people over the house and i don't want to have people over the house but i do it anyway just because so that they can have girls around them you know what i mean yeah and i was one of the few people like in middle school, especially in early and high school, that I had zero issue ever talking to girls. You had zero issue? Yeah. Like a lot of the people were like really afraid or whatever. And there was this, I forget her last name, but her first name was-
Starting point is 01:46:35 She was in the seventh grade. She was like head of the cheerleading squad and stuff. Why weren't you scared? Why weren't you scared? Because I grew up with girls. All my moms. Like that's what the whole like you know when i was younger that's what i grew up around you knew how to say something to them besides can i see you
Starting point is 01:46:50 naked yeah well i knew i knew to make like so it is story about crystal she's walking through campus she had just got her license first girls to get her license and i was like hey crystal and she turned doesn't really know me i'm like what's up girl when you taking me to lunch and then she just like pauses it i wait there's like, let's go tomorrow. I was like, all right, cool. We're going to go to In-N-Out. She's like, okay. And then everybody was like, how did you do that? Are you really going? And I'm like, yeah, we'll see. I'll stand out here.
Starting point is 01:47:13 And then she walked by and I was like, hey, what's up? We still going? She's like, yeah. I was like, all right, cool. Damn. Yeah, yeah. No, don't, Adam, ask your mom about this. I can't even say that to my wife now i get nervous when i go like i'm gonna go in there right now my wife's gonna be wearing
Starting point is 01:47:28 like some like crazy short shorts and like a sports bra like with a spatula in her hand making food for the kids and i'll be like uh but dude the trick was totally for me yeah come to the bedroom please i just would play right so that if it backfired, I could always play. I'd be like, yeah, I was just fucking around anyways. You know, like I had a safety net. Preserve the ego. Yeah, still super insecure, but just knew how to play it off better than most. Last night I was in here. You're you.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Oh, this studio is so fucking nice. So last night I was in here working grinding away pouring sweat off of me wearing my vindicate sweats and i had the big 75 inch tv on playing uh talking elite fitness is um like five they had a show called like the five biggest things in the sport or something it's new something new and i'm listening to it and i hear lane Khalil. At the very end of the show, they do like a things you like or things you don't like, PR. They call it something like with a cross for the name, PR or no rep or something.
Starting point is 01:48:36 And she gave fucking In-N-Out a no rep. And it was – oh, you don't agree? Yeah, and Sean and Tommy didn't like that, but I fucking – she nailed it. She said their french fries suck. Okay, yeah. Wow. Right there. Do you think they suck, Caleb? I've had their french fries like five times in my life, and every time I'm like, wow, they really have no fucking idea how to make french fries.
Starting point is 01:48:58 I can't say, I usually get them like animal style. I don't know. I don't know how to order there. Okay. I like them because I never how to order there okay i like them because i never get to have it so whenever i go to california don't get me wrong true i like it too because i don't eat fast when i do eat it i still like it but then when i think of it compared to like mcdonald's or burger king or jack in the box i'm like fuck dude they're
Starting point is 01:49:17 fucking this shit up i gotta agree with that yeah well they're like fresh out of the press it's like yeah when they're good but if you get them like they haven't made them or they've been sitting there for like 30 minutes and it's like yeah yeah i completely agree with that if they're fresh and they're like they're you just get them and you eat them they're good but if you let them sit for 30 minutes it's like a mcdonald's fries because mcdonald's fries you could get them and like fresh out the fryer and they're great but then if you let them sit for a little while, they suck. Add salt. Just keep adding salt. Number 15.
Starting point is 01:49:56 The first time, I wasn't allowed to eat salt as a kid, really. Like, we didn't eat salt. And when I was 36 years old or something i went out with greg to a restaurant one time and he got a hamburger and he put salt on the hamburger and i was like in shock i couldn't even fucking believe it i didn't thought sodium was bad yeah i thought salt was the devil okay here we go naked man or tire tracks? Which one is worse in Seattle? The police in Seattle are pulling out all the stops to find a man in an SUV who left tire tracks on a street
Starting point is 01:50:32 with a pride flag painted on it. Seattle really knows where to draw the line. They won't enforce a graffiti ban because the graffiti is speech. It's fine for a naked man to be on a bicycle in front of children because that's expression. But tire tracks on a pride crosswalk? Send in the SWAT team.
Starting point is 01:50:48 We can't have people leaving tire tracks on the street. Now, if there would have been children on the sidewalks and it was a naked man on a bicycle spray painting over the pride flag crosswalk, that would have been fine. It all makes sense in Seattle. Please like, comment, and subscribe. Hey, so this guy puts on a suit and tie every time he makes these videos? It's amazing. He's got the shtick, yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:51:13 It's cool. All right. Put that on here. I'm going to wear a full suit and tie. Number 23. How are you guys on time? We're just cruising right now. I'm chilling.
Starting point is 01:51:22 Yeah, I'm good. Number 23. Echo Chamber. We just watched this good. Number 23. Echo Chamber. Echo Chamber. We just watched this one. We did? Okay. Yeah, it's the saggy tits in the background. Oh, okay. 33.
Starting point is 01:51:37 Stock. Stock purchases. Stock. What is this? Stack. Oh, this is good. Yeah, I haven't played this guy in a minute i tried i thought this guy was going to come on the show into the last minute he's like i don't think i belong on your show you said that yeah basically yeah earlier this week i spotted one of the most suspect congressional trades i've ever seen i posted about it on monday and it
Starting point is 01:52:03 was such a wild trade that i expected there to be some media coverage. I haven't seen any yet, so I did some research and wrote up a more detailed report. Senator Tommy Tuberville bought stock in a company called Humacyte on July 25th and three separate purchases. If you haven't heard of Humacyte before, I don't blame you. It's a tiny biotech company and it had a market cap of around $300 million when Tuberville bought it. The company's main product is called the Humacyte Human Acellular Vessel, or HAV, which is a bioengineered blood vessel. And it's meant to be used to restore blood flow to an injured patient's limbs. Now here's the kicker. The HAV has not received FDA approval, but clinical trials are ongoing. But despite this, Humacyte went ahead and sent their HAVs to be used by Ukraine for the use in cases of combat injury. And the senator in
Starting point is 01:52:44 question, Tommy Tuberville, he sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, giving him access to confidential information on the war in Ukraine. And on August 14th... They're sending experimental drugs to a war zone where people would be fucking desperate to try anything in life or death situations. It's a device, but yeah, it's a device.
Starting point is 01:53:06 Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's a device. It doesn't make, um, I thought it was making artificial cells or something. It's supposed to like stop bleeding and like ruptured vessels. I'm pretty sure. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:53:18 continue. Okay. Uh, what does this mean? Do cheated as a football coach. Why not cheat in all areas of life? Is that, is that? Is that why? Tommy Tuberville?
Starting point is 01:53:29 Yeah. Less than a month after. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Keep playing. Go ahead. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:53:35 Go ahead. For Tuberville's purchases, Humacyte presented the results for the HIV usage in Ukraine. Clinicians reported that the rate of success in treating patients with the HIV was high, with 100% patient survival and no cases of infection. Humicide stock immediately skyrocketed, and it has now risen over 40% since Tuberville's purchases less than a month ago. So after connecting all the dots, I have two questions regarding Senator Tuberville. So first, did he have access to confidential information on the HAV clinical results before
Starting point is 01:54:01 they were made publicly available? And second, if not, what motivated Tuberville to buy stock in this tiny company late in July? Hmm. The kind of medical innovation that's going to occur or that has been occurring since the war in ukraine started or started getting more prevalent it's pretty wild say that one more time say that one more time the the types of medical innovation that's occurring because of the the war in ukraine is pretty wild considering there's there's no hospitals that are capable of treating these people within like a reasonable amount of distance and there's no infrastructure to um like pick up the patients from where they're where they they're injured the point of injury and drop them off so like people are stuck in the trenches
Starting point is 01:54:59 treating these patients for days on end before they're able to get evacuated from wherever they were injured. So like if you look at like the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, like we had the capability of sending helicopters in and like using airstrikes to like ward off the enemy. And we could go in and pick them up like with a fucking hoist and then take them to like an actual nice hospital where they could get surgery and treated and everything and then evacuated out of the country. nice hospital where they could get surgery and treated and everything and then evacuated out of the country in ukraine you're sitting in a trench for days on end just like you were in world war two with a tourniquet on a leg and you have like limited medical supplies and you're treating them
Starting point is 01:55:36 for days and hoping that they live basically and you're just kind of like grasping at straws to figure out how you can keep them alive until somebody can pick you up. Oh, shit. And you're saying through that, innovation is occurring. Yeah. This is a prime example of that. If we would have had this... I mean, I think this now is going to change the game because now they'll be able to
Starting point is 01:55:58 keep them in the field for longer and keep them alive without nearly as much supplies. So we should invest in that company maybe maybe look into it dude that that instagram account's crazy yeah that is and it's not i've had some i've had some hits on that uh from stuff on that instagram account you have you followed some advice and purchased stuff and made some money? Yeah. Nice. Nothing crazy. Number 98.
Starting point is 01:56:40 This is like – so when I purchased this house, there was basically – there were no insects or bugs on my property at all. There were no lizards. There was nothing. And they had cut down all the plants and trees on the property, and they had filled it in with this artificial tan bark to make it look cool and the artificial tan bark was just rubber and i knew because the way it smelt that these were like old tires and this was just recycled garbage so i fucking had shoveled it all up over like the next year and would fill my trash can with it so and i took all that fucking rubber artificial tan bark off my property now my pop property is and i planted like over i always say 100 fruit trees i planted probably 200 fruit trees on my property bushes plants you've been here susan it's like a fucking jungle and and there's snakes and lizards and birds and bugs
Starting point is 01:57:22 and shit everywhere it's fucking wild we don't spray anything but it's like so obvious that uh recycled rubber is like not something you want to be around it's like as soon as you smell you're like ah it's not i shouldn't be around that yeah it's like sleeping on yeah anyway here go ahead play this this is crazy this doesn't surprise me at all the lens has removed all artificial turf with rubber matting from the entire country. And when you find out why you'll be shocked that the same hasn't yet happened in the United States, we've seen an increased trend in young soccer players getting lymphoma and very specifically the goalies, the goalies who are getting in their face kicked up grass and dirt from that artificial turf. So what are they taking in that's causing a problem? Well, the rubber matting is made up of
Starting point is 01:58:04 recycled tires. You see the tire companies have figured out how to take what normally would have been a cost center where they would have had to recycle the tires and instead turn it into a profit center where they chop them up into what we call rubber crumb, which is used as a foundation for artificial turf. This is full of lead, mercury and arsenic, toxic poisons. And we are now seeing... Pause, pause, pause. By the way, those things, lead, arsenic, and mercury, are what cause leaky gut. And when you have leaky gut, that's how viruses get to you.
Starting point is 01:58:36 Learn about that. Learn about what happens when you let mercury, arsenic, or lead into your body. It causes a whole cascade of issues that fucking medicine does not understand and medicine is not following closely you do not want to be around those three things what they do to your digestive tract is make you vulnerable to so much fucking disease that then crosses this fucking kind of digestive tract blood barrier you don't want your fucking your you don't want the stuff that's in your stomach all that shit getting into your blood it's it is fucking wild hey you guys have been to places like that right these big huge beautiful parks they have them in santa cruz and i used to go out there and play with my kids and there's those little pieces of black shit flying everywhere you know
Starting point is 01:59:21 i'm talking about they make it so? My college had all turf fields. My high school had the same thing. So whenever we were playing, practicing, playing games, it was all turf. You know, rubber shakers everywhere in your shoes and your clothes. It follows you home, sticks in your socks, everything. Kenneth DeLapp ain't nothing more poisonous than poison. It's amazing that. I go everywhere barefoot my kids go everywhere barefoot and and yet you think you're being safe because you put on a pair of fucking nikes and you're fucking running around on this
Starting point is 01:59:55 a pristine uh completely um what's that called when something's inert infection free bacteria free zone and and really just poisoning yourself something's inert, infection-free, bacteria-free zone, and really you're just poisoning yourself. Anyway, it's everywhere. Use your own discernment. Use your own thoughts. Use your, you know. It's amazing any of us are still alive.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Yes, Kenneth, some might say you become autistic when you get metals in your body. Some might say you become autistic When you get metals in your body Some might say that 97 language matters Language matters Here we go Now we're on a roll Two hours in we're on a roll
Starting point is 02:00:42 Now we're on a roll. Two hours in, we're on a roll. Uh-oh. Volume is so low on this one. I don't know. Okay, fuck it. Scratch it. Did you watch that video of Nicky Rod talking about what his dad made him do?
Starting point is 02:00:59 No. Did you send it to me? No. So I thought it was funny. It goes along with your tree thing. Okay, do it my dad came home one day he was like you ready i'm like for what he's like i bought 100 trees like 100 trees what do you mean he's like yeah along all the fences i'm planting these trees right now i'm like all right he's like yeah here's a shovel dig a fucking hole okay so we we planted we dug a hundred holes three foot wide three foot deep planted the trees all along the fence they all died
Starting point is 02:01:32 half of them are dead yeah he came home uh pretty much the same day next year he was like you ready i'm like what he's gonna pull the trees out okay yeah you got you got professionals for that man yeah you should have your kids do that i i it took me fucking a year to do it to dig the hundred holes three feet wide three feet deep in my shoulders in my hands everything was fucked up that's a good that's good uh 96 pronouns. Thanks for sharing that. That was good. Jake Chapman, this guy's hog is 12 inches in circumference. No doubt. No doubt. Yes, Trish.
Starting point is 02:02:15 We can hear you. Everyone hear you. Trish wasn't getting enough attention. No, Trish. That's what I meant. No, Trish. Thank you, David. Hi, Trish. David, yeah, that's what I meant. No, Trish. Thank you, David. Hi, Trish. Hi, Trish.
Starting point is 02:02:28 Can I say hi? Hi, Trish. Hi, Trish. You guys are nuts down here. What is going on, man? Look at all these he-hems in here. What are you doing? Man up, man.
Starting point is 02:02:42 Everyone's changing their identity. I identify as confused when I'm here, man. My pronouns are what the fuck. I went out with a woman last night. She goes, I'm fluid. I go, what do you mean? You're wet? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 02:02:53 All right. I'm hard. Let's get out of here. What are we doing? What the fuck are we doing? All right. I'm from Connecticut. I just... All right, I'm from Connecticut.
Starting point is 02:03:06 I just... This is probably what I should sound like, right? I'm from Texas. Hey, is that what's-his-name? Yeah. The guy who's on the show? Tyler? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:21 I'm so sorry, Australia, but we have similar shit like this here in the United States. A friend of mine lives on 16 acres out in the middle of fucking nowhere, and he wanted to build a second floor, and the city asked him why. Because I want to. Yeah, fuck off. Now, wait till you see this, Australia.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Why? Wait till you see this. This is nuts. Because I've said so. Oh, Trish thought you got banned for using the wrong words? No, you're good. She said the same thing about horse stall mats and CrossFit gyms, and we didn't acknowledge her. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 02:03:59 Maybe, maybe. I mean, I don't know how much that difference is, but I would say that probably chopping it up in a small little bit. Yes. Into everything. And just a little bit more worse than just. And when you chop it up like that, it's like off gassing and it's just fucking. Yeah, I would agree.
Starting point is 02:04:17 But yeah. Hey, listen, I have rubber mats in my gym, but I also keep the door open all the time. I got air filter on in there. But then again, those fields are outside yeah yeah oh fuck you fucking ruined my ruined my life i'm taking them out thank you trish taking them out corn and concrete you happy now you happy trish you just cost me 50 grand what you done here you just cost me 30 grand these this carpet i put in the studio was off gassing forever it was fucking disgusting.
Starting point is 02:04:45 Oh, yeah. God damn. And what sucks is how much I like that smell of off-gassing. It's like smelling markers. Okay, here we go. This is Australia. Here we go. Draw cash in Australia.
Starting point is 02:04:57 The banks want to know why. So let's go tell them the truth. Around $6,000. What is it for? My missus thinks I cheated on her last week. She's doing my fucking***ing head in. So I need to give her some cash and a necklace. She doesn't like flowers.
Starting point is 02:05:09 She just likes designer handbags and shit. No worries. I don't know why it's important for the bank to know it's money. I'll have to ask. I've got to go to a beauty salon to bleach my arse off. Yeah, there we go. Because there's a bleaching package. And yeah, they say you can make it up to three shades lighter.
Starting point is 02:05:22 Drugs. The devil's lettuce, you would know. That's what you want me to put, John Brennan. I don't deal with it personally. I just connect people together. Whatever you do, it's your business. What's the money for? Does it matter?
Starting point is 02:05:33 We need to ask the customer why. I need it for steroids. Summer's coming up. Stereo Sonic festivals. I need a shred for summer. I mean, if you must know, I'm transitioning to be a woman. So I have to pay for the surgery. It's an expensive surgery. It's not covered on the medicaid when you withdraw cash in a
Starting point is 02:05:48 the bank asks you what you're fucking using your money for yeah it's my money and if you want to get a large sum of it out they're gonna like put a hold on it it's gonna take a while is that like that in our country too fuck yeah yeah go down to the bank right now and ask ask for all of it cash and see what type of hoops you have to jump through to get it and the more money you have the more like they're not able to actually do it uh cave dastro uh she she really said whatever you do is your business after asking what the money was for hey it reminds it reminds me of when I asked my wife's OGBYN after our fifth appointment. Oh, so you'll be there for the pregnancy? And she snapped me.
Starting point is 02:06:32 No, I don't work 24 hours a day. How would I know if I'm going to be there for your wife's pregnancy? I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, bitch. I'm a doctor. I want to know the reason why they need to know. Is there some valid reason I'm not thinking about? Sounds crazy to me.
Starting point is 02:06:53 I don't know how we got there. That should not be like that. Hey, it should be the opposite. Do you know that if you park in a handicapped spot and you get out of the car and and no one can ask you like what your your disability is disability act protects from like i want to tell the story but i don't want to deal with the fucking backlash one time when i parked in the handicap spot what about that what about someone fucking reported me to fucking with a guy who owns the fucking
Starting point is 02:07:28 store that I parked in front of reported you to him. Yeah. Saying that I didn't look like I was handicapped. Oh, well, what's he supposed to do about it? Nothing. We were fucking laughing our asses off.
Starting point is 02:07:42 Yeah. I mean, it's fucking crazy. It's crazy. I wouldes off. Yeah, I know. It's fucking crazy. It's crazy. I would, but I feel I don't want David to bug me about it for the next like 10 years. I can't handle David. He's too much for me. I'm going to call the cops on David.
Starting point is 02:07:58 Oh, did Matt Fraser ever ask text me back? Let me see if he I think the bank has to ask those questions to try to put up more friction between you getting your money out because potentially if everybody did that and went on a bank run, it would bankrupt them.
Starting point is 02:08:15 Right? Because aren't they just making up notes out of the money they have in deposit anyways to create debt, which creates the money? That's how it works? Yeah. They only have to keep 10%. Oh, on hand in the bank? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:34 I can't believe they even do that. So they're just manufacturing it out of thin air. It's to monitor laundering. What's up with Trish today? What do you mean? It's laundering Trish what's up with Trish today what do you mean she's kind of been just like
Starting point is 02:08:50 different jokes have been pretty lame I think you're short define handicap anyone with the blue tag anyone with one of those blue hangers is handicapped
Starting point is 02:09:04 that's all you need hate the game don't hate the players 94 I wish I was liberal 94 that's a joke no it's not a joke I think you're right
Starting point is 02:09:22 I think it is to monitor money laundering, or that's what they tell you. Okay, here we go. Another cup of coffee. I think my wife would bring me another cup of coffee. Oh, she'd bring me one too. How many years do you think the world has left if we don't get climate change under control? I think it's seven or six years left. Six years.
Starting point is 02:09:42 I'm not positive. Don't quote me on that, but I think it's around that, yeah. Do you think it's six years? Do you think that's kind of extreme, or do you think that we're really on that track right now? I think we're really on that track. Six years and we're done. Yeah, I don't think there's much left. Okay, okay. Alright.
Starting point is 02:09:59 If you truly believe this, if you truly believe that, you would not be wasting your time in college. You would be spending time with family. You'd be being close to family. Why would you be at a college, assuming you're there to get a degree, maybe get a higher paying job or something like that, building your life when you have seven years left? Do people really think that? Does that chick really fucking think that?
Starting point is 02:10:32 They're bought in. Who we call? Hello? Hi. Hi. Hey, have you started up any no it's my wife Susan oh hi
Starting point is 02:10:51 um uh hi Matt hi um uh hey babe we're doing a show can you not
Starting point is 02:10:59 can you stop washing the dishes for a second are you just doing that to make it look like you're a good wife I'm just making sound effects. You saw your phone ringing from the podcast phone, so you ran over to the sink
Starting point is 02:11:09 and started doing dishes. Not exactly. What is that sound? Sound of kids playing. Okay. Hey, could you do me a couple things? Could you put on some meat and bring me a coffee? Yeah, I already put on meat. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 02:11:31 Thank you so much. Yes, I'll bring you a coffee. Oh, hi, Caleb. Oh, hi. All right. I'm listening. I'm not watching. I don't know if you're still on.
Starting point is 02:11:46 Okay. Thank you. Okay. I'll be right there. Hey, is it weird when now you're listening and then now you'll hear the part with you? Are you like behind the show?
Starting point is 02:11:54 I'm very behind. Yeah. Is it weird then when you hear yourself, you're like, Oh shit. Um, I think I've gotten used to it. At first it was.
Starting point is 02:12:04 Okay. Uh, Audrey says says hi and Trish says hi oh hi Audrey hi Trish there you go make it snappy show's not gonna be can't have her dilly dally show's gonna be over and then she's gonna be like
Starting point is 02:12:20 here's your coffee I'm like fuck that was 87 cents in paper street beans you just wasted throw it out, damn it. We're all having a bad day now. 93. Please keep sending your kids to Escuela. 93. Hey, what about the stories you were going to tell?
Starting point is 02:12:37 Are we going to go through those at any point? The Frisbee and the Dead Dog? Yeah. Okay, we'll do that after this. The moment's passed. It's fine if the moment's passed. It's fine if the moment's passed. Wait till you see this. Hey, don't worry, you guys.
Starting point is 02:12:49 This is just an isolated incident. No one's going to fuck you with your kids. Don't worry. This is an isolated... They only do this to poor migrants and immigrants. This only happens to Mexicans. Don't worry. They only take care of... The government only fucks with the marginalized because we're in a racist society. Don't no one worry. Just leave your kids in school. This is not going to happen to your kids. OK, here we go. ideology cps took my daughter when she was 16 years old it was helped by child protective
Starting point is 02:13:27 services took her daughter when she was 16 years old that's what she said child protective services took my daughter when she was 16 years old here we go school counselor and lgbtq group rise in another trans identified girl. Pause. Noble supports that shit. Now you know why I fucking hate Noble so much. They support that shit. I have no tolerance. I'm a one-discipline, I'm a one-issue guy. I don't mind about racism.
Starting point is 02:13:57 I don't care about dwarves. I don't care about... My one issue that I just really can't stand is hurting kids. That trumps all the other issues. I want to step on your pro-life and the Republicans are pro-choice and the Republicans are pro-life. I don't care.
Starting point is 02:14:14 I don't care. I don't want to hurt kids. That's a funny one to choose. I'm tolerant of so much shit, but when it comes to kids, I have zero tolerance. And don't take kids away from their parents okay here we go was taken from her loving home because the state of california claimed i was abusive for not affirming her trans identity i lost my daughter
Starting point is 02:14:39 over a name and a pronoun i promised to call her a male name. It wasn't enough. My daughter was not a boy trapped in a girl's body. She had mental health issues. Against my consent, my daughter was given testosterone instead of therapy. The LGBTQ group used her to raise money for them. LGBTQ group used her to raise money for them. The abuse claim against me was finally dropped, but it was too late.
Starting point is 02:15:16 By then, my daughter was in a horrible mental and physical pain. My daughter knelt down in front of a train. She was murdered by gender ideology. in front of a train. She was murdered by gender ideology. I beg you, stop pushing gender ideology. Affirmation is not good. It's okay. It's just an isolated...
Starting point is 02:15:34 Don't worry. It's just one. Don't worry. Don't worry. It's just one. Don't worry. This is like, don't. This is so this is like don't this is just a conservative right-wing hype it's just one it's just one more people died from covid than uh um had to kill themselves because their kids
Starting point is 02:15:58 were taken from them hey so we started the show with mad Madonna talking about what she wanted to do to the White House. I give this lady – if I'm God, I give this lady a pass and forgiveness for any action she takes to the people who did this to her, any action. If you take someone's child, you should expect holy hell to rain down on you. You cannot – hi, on you. You cannot... Hi, thank you. Yeah, hi. Just like I imagined. Damn it.
Starting point is 02:16:32 Oh, yeah, thank you. Perfect. Did I say that out loud? No, we barely... uh did i say that out loud uh um uh go go fuck yourself what are we going to do about it well well what eaton beaver did is uh he's joining a school board and i slept on that last night and i was like fuck because part of me is like fuck you're crazy if you send your kids to school. I still think you're crazy if you do it.
Starting point is 02:17:06 But for even now, it's like like I was saying, it's like the sporty Beth thing. Like like I have a lot of compassion, empathy for people like that because I used to be her. And I have a lot of compassion and empathy for people and understanding for people who send their kids to school. But like because I was there, but I'm not there now. And now in hindsight, I'm like, I can't even ever fucking believe i did that same thing with home birth like i understand why you have in the hospital you think having a birth is like a medical situation but it's not it's not you're confused you have the things conflated it's the same piece the same and this one's really gonna fuck with you it's the same thing with the shopping cart you think that there's an obligation to put
Starting point is 02:17:41 the shopping cart back because you're being no there's an obligation to put the shopping cart back because you're being, no, there's an obligation, a civil obligation, a courtesy obligation not to leave the shopping cart somewhere where it's going to be in someone else's way. And you have to have a fine discernment and understanding of those things. But once you unravel one, they all start unraveling. But going back to this, if you do something, I, I, I find it like when that guy, um, Velasquez, uh, shot the guy who molested his daughter. You guys remember that a couple months ago?
Starting point is 02:18:10 The UFC fighter went to go shoot the guy who was molesting his daughter. I got to give you a pass. I don't know how we work that into the judicial judicial system, but if the government, if someone takes your kid and gives them drugs, boy, oh boy, uh, you try taking an elephant from its,
Starting point is 02:18:34 uh, baby elephant from its mama. I know it's an animal, but, um, uh, he shot the wrong guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:40 He shot the guy's dad, but, but, but they were, he was in a car chase i mean it wasn't like like yeah he hey remember that thing from like i think it was like the 90s where that dude waited by the uh payphone bank and uh the guy who uh like molested or raped his son or whatever um was being let out by the cops from court and he pretended to be on the phone and then just turn him bam got him right in the head what happened to that guy he wasn't he wasn't convicted he wasn't no the jury and they had it on film yeah dude like knew it was him and the whole thing and yeah i don't think he got there
Starting point is 02:19:17 you can't fuck with people's kids man you got to be really fucking careful dude oh if you see somebody do that and you go wait do that and you find out the story, how could you? Well, yeah, there it is. Oh, shit. Let's see. Let's see. Oh, Caleb. That's the molester right there.
Starting point is 02:19:35 Yep. And there's the dad. Right there. Oh, shit. He's just hanging out the pay phone. Yep. Yeah. On the phone.
Starting point is 02:19:57 Boom. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. phone yep yeah on the phone boom oh my god oh my god injustice is served wow wow thank you that guy for saving all of our tax dollars in uh prosecuting a clearly guilty uh child molester there or what if what if he would have been set What if he would have been set free and then molested someone else's kids? We call that 2023 in California. David Weed, a hero. No doubt. Bernie Gannon, mentally ill
Starting point is 02:20:17 ideologues who don't or can't have children feel the need to replicate themselves with other people's children. Ooh, that is gross. I have to block that out. I hope that's not true. Fuck. God, that's... This guy writes some pretty... You think this guy's a professional writer?
Starting point is 02:20:35 Bernie? Yeah, do you ever read the stuff he writes? Yeah. Sometimes I chub up. I start swooning. I can't tell if my mom pays. You know how someone paid Sporty Beth to do that hit piece on me maybe? I feel like my mom pays Bernie Gannon.
Starting point is 02:20:51 They did? Might have been a budget involved. Might not have been. Now we know. We know she would require money in order to help Athena with the – to attend one of Athena's seminars. Dude, so someone else contacted me today, a podcast listener, and says – who owns an affiliate. And is like, hey, can I get Athena's number? I want to organize a seminar.
Starting point is 02:21:20 Don't work with that Sevan guy. He's fatphobic. I told my wife. I told you this, right? I'm not fatphobic. She's like, do you want to be fat? I'm like, no. She's like, well, then you're fatphobic i told my wife i told you this right i'm not fat phobic she's like do you want to be fat i'm like no she's all within your fat phobic i was like oh uh mr watkins these things are routinely taken care of where i'm from just got to be smart about it and maybe have access to a lot of land not Not joking. Yeah. When I was in, when I was, I was in Beirut and I was walking through this neighborhood and there was a
Starting point is 02:21:49 house that was burned down. It was in downtown Beirut and in the city. And there was a neighborhood there. And I asked my, it was probably like three in the morning and I asked my cousin Mogo, I said, Hey, what happened here? And he said, that guy molested some children in the neighborhood and they nailed in the middle of the night they nailed his door shut and fucking burned him down
Starting point is 02:22:12 and then the mafia dudes blocked down blocked the streets so the fire department couldn't come and they burned his house down now that shit I don't know man like all I thought was he didn't molest anyone's kids that was just a story that used to fucking kill him but I don't know, man. Like, all I thought was he didn't molest anyone's kids. That was just a story that used to fucking kill him. But I don't know.
Starting point is 02:22:30 Slippery slope. Yeah. All right. So be careful, dude. I'm telling you, that is I know someone. I know someone. I know Susan met them also, whose daughter was they tried to take their daughter in the state of washington and this person fled to florida with his daughter
Starting point is 02:22:50 and now like five years later his daughter thanks him so much for doing that the guy uprooted his whole life and took his daughter do you know who it is do you know who it is do you remember who it is we met him at greg's house he's someone famous i i remember telling the story but if i met them i didn't know um it was the it was the um co-host he was not the co-host he was the sit-in for the largest uh radio show in america ever i think even bigger than um howard stern show he was the sit-in for that show when the guy who had that show would be out sick.
Starting point is 02:23:30 And he sat in for that guy like 300 times. He was a cool dude. Number 92. This one's true. Oh, okay. So you want to know what happened with the dog? Indeed. I have this dog. we i had a great day in like 13 or 14 i don't know when and it died and i wanted a new dog and i would go to the pound
Starting point is 02:23:54 once a week to look for new dogs and my wife was like no we're not getting a new dog we're not getting a new dog so eventually we go to the pound one day and she would never go into the pound with me so we would go to the pound together ride our bikes or walk but she would always stay outside so one day we go to the pound i don't even know if it's the pound maybe it's like animal shelter or something there was some distinction in my area or is the yspca or spca or something but so i go in there and i tell my wife hey there's only one dog in there come in and look at it so we go in there and it's this Chihuahua Basenji and, and we, we get it. And we've had it for like 13 years. And my wife, like it became like her baby, right? Like, like it was weird before we had kids. It was like weird. She took care of it like a baby,
Starting point is 02:24:35 everything but diapers, you know, like when you're like, Ooh, that couple needs a baby. It was like that. And so, so, so basically, so about three years ago this dog got um congenital heart disease or something it's basically i think when your your heart's fucking up and i think your lungs are starting to fill with liquid is that what it is caleb yes and they gave the dog meds and my and i told my wife don't give the dog meds and then after about about a year ago the dog started having this crazy cough like and um so we started giving the meds and the cough started going away but but anyway so in this time in this last year the dog went deaf and blind and it was just a mess but it was still eating and we didn't and the coughing was crazy it was like every two
Starting point is 02:25:16 hours and it seriously sounded like a uh like someone being tortured like it was a really high pitch cough, like screaming. It was crazy. And, uh, we went on this trip to Newport beach and we went down there. And, um, usually when we're at home, the dog has to go out like three times a night. So my wife's like, Hey, the dog might have to go out three times a night while we're here. And it didn't, we went to a new place. He was sleeping through the night. He seemed great. were taking him to the beach everything was great and then the night before we left he he fell off the couch up high just like fell off one time and my kids started crying what was that what was that and anyway so then two days and that was weird i'd never seen him do that like so then two days later, we're leaving. And this was two days ago.
Starting point is 02:26:05 Friday? Friday morning. And we load up the car at 5 a.m. And we're driving. And at about 7, it's my three boys in the car, my wife. And at about 7 a.m., my wife's like, man, the dog can't get settled. So she sets the dog down by her feet in the footwell, you know, so he could just go down there and sleep. She sets him down there and she sits up. And then she looks down and she looks at me and she goes i think meshi's dead
Starting point is 02:26:28 and she picks up the dog and he's just limp and then she turns him around to face me and i'm like no no he's still alive and i could see he's breathing and then all of a sudden his eye his cataracts his eyes were like just grayed over All of a sudden his cataracts vanished and his eyes turned just huge and brown. Like he was healed, like healed. And then it just went full blast, full blast, full blast. And then for the next hour, I just watched that dog just turn off and die in her hands. and we drove for fucking six hours so like we would stop at a gas station and she would have to pee so then i would come over and i'd get more i'd have to pee probably more realistic and i'd hold the dog while she peed and then and then we were handing a dead dog back and forth to each other.
Starting point is 02:27:28 And after like four hours when I was certain the dog was dead, I was like – and it was just basically the whole entire ride was like crying and then telling jokes. So my kids would be like – my kids would be like just bawling that he's dead. And then one of them would be like, let's just – can't we keep him one more night and then we'd all start laughing you know what i mean yep it was a fucking train wreck dude it was crazy it was literally is the most i my eight-year-old's like i've never seen you cry it was crazy i didn't even think i was gonna cry i didn't even think like i didn't wasn't even fazed i don't even know why i was crying crying so weird as an adult man because like i
Starting point is 02:28:11 don't even know why i'm crying but i was sobbing and then we brought him home took him out of the car set him in the backyard we dug a hole me and the boys dug a hole we put him in and by now he's in rigor mortis and i'm exhausted it's like 12 30 in the afternoon i've been driving for fucking seven and a half hours i don't want to dig a hole i don't want to bury my dog my wife is a complete like wreck isn't the right word she's 50 of herself do you know what i mean she's just in her head she's just like doing stuff like it was her mom who died she's like i should have spent more time with him i can't believe i set him in the wheel well last night i should have cozied him up more i shouldn't have walked him
Starting point is 02:28:52 so hard the day before she's like going through all that shit yeah i'm like dude are you fucking kidding me this dog this dog's lived the dream with you you took care of it like a baby and uh and so we put in the backyard and in it the whole he was fucking stuck like this so i'd like bend his legs and shit and stuff him in the hole i should have dug a bigger hole yeah it was probably it was like he's only a 14 pound dog so it was like one foot wide and two feet long and like three feet deep but then but then because he couldn't lay perfectly flat his he'd gone into rigor mortis and his sticks were up like this oh shit listen to this uh ian arsvold my mom's 10 year old great
Starting point is 02:29:42 dane died the same way two weeks ago went out for for a run, got the zoomies, and then couldn't calm down. My mom knew something was going on. She laid with him the whole time. Yeah, where'd you guys bury that fucker? Jeez. Anyway. That was the night we did the Friday night update show, and I
Starting point is 02:30:00 seriously wasn't sure. I don't even know what happened to me. But when I dug that hole, I cried so fucking hard. And like I said, I didn't even know why. It's not like my mom, my wife asked me, do you miss him? I'm like, no. She's like, I miss him. I'm like, well, do you hate me for not missing him?
Starting point is 02:30:19 She goes, no, I don't even miss him. I don't. It's weird. But I cried so fucking. I think maybe I was seeing my own immortality. But I don't know. I was trying to stay so still and breathe and watch my mind. And then I would see like.
Starting point is 02:30:40 I could do it now. I could cry right now if I let it come up. But I could kind of like keep my foot on the basement door and not let it come up. You know what I mean? Like if that thing comes up here, like the tear ducts will turn on, but I just keep my foot on it.
Starting point is 02:30:53 Like don't, don't. Yeah. I need to go hug my dog now. Yeah. Yeah. Well, what's crazy about this.
Starting point is 02:31:01 When my last dog died before him, crazy about this when my last dog died before him i felt this kinship to all other dogs all of a sudden like whenever i saw other people's dogs i'd go out of my way to love on their dogs this time i don't give a shit you've been jaded i don't know why i mean i definitely felt some intensity for my kids and i enjoyed watching my kids go through it one of my kids as i was throwing the first shovel of dirt on the dog which was just crazy he goes he screams this can't be real oh i know it was nuts oh that would be that's sad i know i was like who said that i want when i tell that story i want to know which kid said i never found out which well i mean it's interesting that at least i got to process it
Starting point is 02:31:51 with that i suppose than like a human because like they'll already kind of have this like playbook of grief a little bit that's what someone told me it's good practice for when someone in the family dies i mean it's, right? We're all headed to the same destination. And so having them learn that back and forth, the position of really sad, but then finding the humor. I mean, that's how usually you process that when a human dies too, right? Like super sad, assuming it's nothing crazy tragic. And then after you kind of go to the service, everybody's sad.
Starting point is 02:32:24 And then it'd be like someone remember like an annoying remember we'd always have to be 15 fucking minutes early to the movie because of that asshole though and everybody kind of laughs and it gets like light hearted and they're like yeah and it's kind of like oh fuck we'll miss that you know and then it goes back to being sad and so like bouncing back and forth to deal with and
Starting point is 02:32:39 process that I mean my wife is still sending me pictures every two hours or every hour of like the dog like me with the dog the dog in new york the dog on a jet the dog yeah it's crazy that's tough did my back tighten up no but i had to where i dug it we have a sewer line that i had forgotten about and i had the fucking pick out because the dirt was so fucking hard there. And I almost hit the sewer line. That would have fucked my whole day up, dude.
Starting point is 02:33:14 God, could you imagine? My neighbor's cat got under the lazy boy and the dad sat down too hard and chopped his head off. Now Trish is back now there we go yeah yeah that could be true or could not be true you're never gonna know god that's like um and then and then the other thing was this and i know i've told this story before but these guys like i don't know what these fucking assholes i hang out with including you guys you guys think like i'm some sort of fucking ding dong you guys think like i'm just completely fucking retarded or
Starting point is 02:33:56 something or inept i'm on this thread with the games guys and whenever like they talk about anything manly or sports or power tools like i get left out like i don't can't do anything and the conversation and the conversation came up about throwing a ball and people started piling on saying i'd like to see seven throw a ball i bet you kalipa could throw a ball better and so i'm like dude i have a fucking crazy fucking wicked arm are you fucking kidding me and i'm just getting ass pounded in this thread by these fucking idiots and and they're and i'm getting i'm like dude listen i can fucking make a bet i'm like i can fucking make a basket from 60 feet away with a napkin and a fucking um five guys like i'm fucking i got i cracked a code on fucking throwing shit throw a grape three stories up in the air and catch it in my mouth and thank you, Sousa. Caleb? Great.
Starting point is 02:34:45 Thank you. And so, but these fucking guys, especially Chase, Chase Ingram, fucking Taylor, just fucking, just no lube, just fucking bending me over publicly. Those are men, men, you know, manly men. Taylor's like, I play baseball. I'm like, I didn't. No manly men.
Starting point is 02:35:03 Ted's like, I play baseball. I'm like, I didn't. And? So there was this time I was on the beach, and I was throwing a frisbee, and I threw this frisbee probably like 60 yards, which is far, but not crazy far. But I threw it so it went hooked up onto this cliff's edge at the beach over someone's patio and came back down. And it was a shot I would do all the time.
Starting point is 02:35:26 And it was crazy. I would do these crazy hook shots with a Frisbee. Crazy. They don't even make sense. And this guy walks by and he says, this old guy walks by and says, anyone can throw a Frisbee far. How about some accuracy? And I said, see that girl down the beach? And there was a girl like probably 30 yards away, 100 feet away.
Starting point is 02:35:47 And he goes, yeah. And I just fucking winged the fucking Frisbee and fucking tagged this fucking hot chick in the back of the head with it. Oh, did it hit her? And the guy – It bounced off or what? Dude, it fucking got her right in the neck low. It fucking hurt.
Starting point is 02:36:01 Was it one of those really thick Frisbees? No, it was just, it was, it was the ultimate, just, I always throw with all of us, your standard 170, 170 gram ultimate Frisbee disc, disc craft. And, and, and, and the, and the chick turns around and I just pointed at the guy who told me like the random dude. He did it. Nice.
Starting point is 02:36:21 Yeah. Nice. And that was the time I, uh. Did anything happen? Did she say anything did she come over how'd you get your frisbee back no no no i just went over and get oh people get drilled all the time dude one time one frisbee one time i dove for a frisbee at the same time someone's pitbull dove for it went well when in the fucking pitbull's head hit me in the head knocked me out i went black for a second oh shit what on that same beach that's what hit me in the head and knocked me out. I went black for a second. Oh, shit. What?
Starting point is 02:36:46 On that same beach. That's what made me think of it. It was in the exact same spot where I hit that chick. Damn. Yeah. So those are my two stories that I've been sitting on. Dog died. Drilled a chick in the back
Starting point is 02:37:02 of the head. Bull boy. What a dick. I put my card away for the next month though To make up for it Every time I see the cart people out there Getting the cards back I always think of you now Thank you Hey the other day I was at the Safeway here in town And I
Starting point is 02:37:22 I forget what I got but I was wanting to put my cart away and I'm looking and the cars were so the parking lot was packed and the cars were so fucking close and the corral was the corral was like 15 feet away from me but I couldn't fucking get to it unless I
Starting point is 02:37:39 walked fucking 100 feet down 40 feet that way and then another 100 feet up I'm like oh my fucking and then another 100 feet up. I'm like, oh my fucking Lord, what am I going to do? Just push it down the aisle. Jesus, take the wheel. I'll show you faith.
Starting point is 02:37:56 I'm doing this with good intention. I'll show you faith. Lord, the card's in your hand. I'm like, oh God. This goes to a good family who needs it. I want to hear about the... Oh, yeah, Carlos Santana. Do you guys know who that is?
Starting point is 02:38:18 Black Magic Woman? Yeah. How about number 82, Carlos Santana? This kind of made me happy because most of the idiots from his era of like completely sold their soul 82 carlos santana uh if you've never listened to santana you don't know who he is i highly recommend getting some albums and just giving it a listen it is good stuff caleb you know who santana is, yeah? Yeah, I know who Carlos Santana is. Black magic woman. Okay.
Starting point is 02:38:52 A video recently surfaced of guitarist Carlos Santana. It's funny. I think of him as a singer. As he criticized transgender ideology during a concert in late July. Is that what it's called these days? Transgender? No. How about child abuse? Transgender ideology. Well, child, just call it what it's called these days? Transgender? No. How about child abuse? Transgender ideology.
Starting point is 02:39:07 Well, child, just call it what it is. Child abuse. When God made you and me, before we came out of the womb, you know who you are and what you are. Later on, when you grow up and you see things and you start believing that you could be
Starting point is 02:39:32 something that it sounds good, but you know it ain't right. Because a woman is a woman and a man is a man. He lost me though when God made you. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 02:39:50 Sorry. Okay. Thank you, Carly. What? No, no, no. My dad, I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty sure my dad did something to my mom that same thing I did to my wife nine months later you were
Starting point is 02:40:06 just made yeah but then nobody asked you you wanted to be made that part i'm not sure about you just appeared right you know when you appeared no how you appeared no okay just check it out you know i don't have i've i mean there's I got the same story that I think a lot of other people have yeah probably but it's just a story I don't I don't I don't know I mean I'm a I don't
Starting point is 02:40:36 and I've witnessed my kids I'm a I bared witness to my kids coming out the way I think I came out or arrived there's a lot of shit that happens behind closed doors right I bared witness to my kids coming out the way I think I came out or arrived. There's a lot of shit that happens behind closed doors. Right. Who's closing the door?
Starting point is 02:40:55 Guarded by the lungs and the vagina. Smashed between the lungs and the vagina somewhere. There's some crazy shit going on. Something's happening. Do I have my anatomy right? Is the uterus between the lungs and the vagina? Very close. Okay. Very close. It's's not true but it's not false either yeah it's in the vicinity that's like just getting in your car starting it and driving it and being like no see i started driving me like but how did it work and if you don't have any knowledge of the inner workings of the car you actually don't know i don't know sure i impregnated my wife yeah that
Starting point is 02:41:24 was the act he started the car but then what happened know i don't know sure i impregnated my wife yeah that was the act he started the car but then what happened after that and how did it continue you don't know yeah there's some dude up in heaven he's like oh shit oh shit seven's fucking hayley we need a baby sector four send one down we have to keep the story alive that people think it happens this way send it down oh that would be amazing. Wouldn't it? Holy shit. Relax. We got nine months.
Starting point is 02:41:48 Yeah. Yeah. Holy shit. Oh, that's a great cartoon. That's a great skit. Marab Gilesh Vili, not wanting to fight Aljamain because they're buddies,
Starting point is 02:42:03 they're training partners. What the fuck is going on there? Number 92. And Dana White doesn't like it. I'm so curious what you guys think about this. I normally don't give a shit what you guys think. I don't really know how to process this one. This place is not for you.
Starting point is 02:42:20 So that guy on the left, Marab, like arguably maybe the best fighter at 135 pounds but we'll never know because him and his training partner won't fight each other his training partner is uh al germain sterling who just lost a sugar okay here we go oh fuck video has no sound why why why anyway dana white goes on here to just basically slap marab around and be like hey dude the ufc is not for you if you won't fight the number one contender. Here's the thing. I think Marab should just fight Sugar.
Starting point is 02:42:51 What do you guys think? I think it's stupid that he won't fight his training partner. I thought that was always part of the course. You gotta train together knowing one day you might be staring at this dude across the cage. Yeah, if you're gonna go start training at a gym and you know the champ is training at your gym you're gonna fight that guy at some point but dude like i think that the story is like marab came from a
Starting point is 02:43:13 different country he had no friends alger took him under his wing and he's like hey dude that's like i'm loyal to you i'm not doing it yeah you're gonna get that paycheck either. Yeah. But look at Dana. Look at Dana's getting all. Look at David. David thinks Dana's right. Dana's got his panties in a twist a little bit. God, Dana looks good. He looks so much better now that he's not all red and shit.
Starting point is 02:43:36 Yeah, he does look a lot more healthy. Will Branstad, why are you saying the hard R on sugar? Halpin. Halpin. Halpin. I spelled Katie Henniger's name wrong in a thread the other day. I'll leave it at that. You guys do the
Starting point is 02:44:06 rest. Brands that are bringing some of the inside jokes into the... Oh. Helping. No crossover, Will. Will's joke was inside and
Starting point is 02:44:21 outside. You know what I mean? His is good. He's like, fuck Will is good. Yeah, he is. Will, you really need to write me material. He has some of the best comments in that thread and shit too. Sometimes I read what he says and I just... Hey, should I do a show that's just called Will and Pedro and it's just me, Will and Pedro?
Starting point is 02:44:41 What a weird show. Yeah. Hilarious. That would be funny. Or you could just ask them permission, of course, ahead of time, but you could just take some of the funniest lines you said and just like – I would steal them. I ain't asking for permission.
Starting point is 02:44:54 Hey, or they could just cut me out. Pedro should just have Will on, just a show that's called Will and Pedro. Oh, my God. It would be absurd. It could be at an appropriate 3 a.m. time for Pedro. Oh, my God. The absurd. It could be at an appropriate 3 a.m. time for Pedro. That's when he does his best work. We could stay up late for Pedro. We could.
Starting point is 02:45:15 What time? I wonder what that would look like for us. Oh, and by the way, for all of you who are really high on Pedro from Coffee, Pods, and Wads, go listen to his podcast with Dallin Pepper, and it's so good. Dallin's great. I didn't realize how good Dallin was. If you want to, like, realize how shitty Pedro is,
Starting point is 02:45:34 listen to his podcast with Bailey Martin. Holy fuck. Oh, my God. What the fuck happened there? Bailey is Riley. Bailey? I listened to it. Man, Pedro, you had to work.
Starting point is 02:45:50 I hated seeing you have to work like that. I like Mr. Martin. He was cool. Man. Hey, you're getting a lot of views. You're going to eclipse some people in the space soon. Eclipse. Eclipse. Eclipse.
Starting point is 02:46:07 You have a winner's mentality, Pedro. You have a winner's mentality. It's funny. I went to bed last night thinking of that word mentality and that I don't use it, and I want to work it into a show, and I just remembered. Got it. Got it at 245.45. 91.
Starting point is 02:46:22 This guy was a guest on the show. I love this guy. The Gadsden flag I don't know how to pronounce that Caleb will tell us more about it in a second how to pronounce it but before we go we had the CEO of Born Primitive on the show 35 year old Yale graduate nine figure
Starting point is 02:46:39 company Navy SEAL Bear Handlin and Navy SEAL, Bear. Handlin. Handlin. And their number one selling shirt is the Gadsden flag shirt. And there's been some controversy recently, and we'll talk about it right here. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:47:05 This week, a 12-year-old boy was kicked out of class for wearing a patch that depicted the Gaston flag. The Colorado school claimed that the symbol is synonymous with slavery. But what is the Gaston flag? It all starts in 1754 when Ben Franklin made this political cartoon. He depicted a shattered rattlesnake with the words, join or die. Each part of the snake represented a different American colony. Its purpose was to encourage American colonies to join together in their fight against the French in the French and Indian War. But the next fight was against King George and the British Crown, which imposed all kinds of unfair taxes and even forced people to allow foreign soldiers to sleep in their homes. That's when South Carolina militiaman Christopher Gaston designed the Gaston flag. He added the words, don't tread on me. The flag represented resistance and defiance of tyranny.
Starting point is 02:47:51 Resistance by a united colonial America. This is the latest example of public schools teaching children the origins of America are bad. It's the same reason they teach the founding fathers were hateful, backward people. Because the Gaston flag isn't the only flag they're trying to turn our children against check out private homeschool community oh you cut off his advert fuck you hate him courses I teach on the Bill of Rights and American Revolution the founding fathers the Constitution and Cubs to Bears books. Earlier this week...
Starting point is 02:48:27 Hey, you know how they made the Little Mermaid black? Can't they just make one of the founding fathers black? Like they got that picture of the... just color one in. Or two. Or three. I don't give a fuck. It'll make the problem go away.
Starting point is 02:48:43 Make one dude Chinese. Just kind of stretch his eyes out a little bit. The Gadsden. It makes me want to wear one of those shirts to tell you the truth. I have one. You do? Yeah. Bear was right about the Navy.
Starting point is 02:49:06 Everybody has that patch. They wear it on their uniform. Like their daily uniform, that's what they have on one of their sleeves. God, that teacher is just such a tard. Number 90 doesn't even have anything written by it. I don't know what this is. Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay okay okay okay this is a hawaii one i don't know what this one says but i'm so curious i'm so confused about maui
Starting point is 02:49:33 that 700 is going to be sent to the families of lahaina now i just did some quick math pete there's about 13 000 was about 13 000 residents of lahaina times 700 that I just did some quick math, Pete. There's about 13,000, was about 13,000 residents of Lahaina times $700. That's $1.9 million. I think this week we announced another $40 billion for Ukraine. I'm not sure where we are at this point, Pete, but I believe it's something like $140 billion total for Ukraine. And last I checked, this is the United States of America, as is East palestine ohio so i don't know why it's so hard comparatively to rally for america and so easy comparatively to support ukraine but i will say this um you know what else is interesting so uh i wanted to show you earlier
Starting point is 02:50:18 i missed it but that lahaina crossfit people were saying that if you go there and you buy a day pass that's a way to donate money to them and i I really liked that idea. So if anyone does want to donate money to that community, and I think donating money to a CrossFit gym is fucking brilliant. I think giving money to a CrossFit gym is always, always, always brilliant. Always. Don't ever think of a CrossFit gym as like a place as a transactional place in terms of like you're getting giving something and getting something think of it as like you're giving something that the whole fucking community is getting like if you giving your money to your gym and your gym staying open in your community and spreading the message of health throughout
Starting point is 02:51:01 your community is the impact that all of these gyms have in their little communities or even in their big communities radiates outward for it helps everything. Whether you're a fucking liberal or conservative, basically, it alleviates all the pressure on the community around it. What are you talking about, Simon? How would it alleviate them? Helps local farmers because people who do CrossFit probably eat healthier and buy locally. Alleviates pressure on hospitals because people are probably healthier and not probably are healthier and don't tax as many of the resources there. Makes people kinder to each other. Why? Because people who exercise are kinder. It's just a. It's what the church wishes
Starting point is 02:51:41 it was in a lot of ways, and I don't mean And I don't mean to dog on the church by saying that. I'm just comparing it to something. And yet you also get something from them. So you know your money is going – is being well spent. It doesn't matter how your affiliate owner even spends it. Anyway, think about that. Remember that. Remember that.
Starting point is 02:52:04 All right. I'm going to make a video like that and play that. Remember that. All right. I'm going to make a video like that and play that as a commercial. Yeah, please do. So I can use it for my... That's the post I got in trouble with, too, on Noah's website. Like, when Noah was giving money to a charitable cause, which was really cool of him. He won a competition.
Starting point is 02:52:22 He said he was going to give it to a charitable cause. I posted on there, Noah, don't give your money to a woke organization that has dei he ended up giving his money to elijah muhammad's organization which i don't think is a woke organization i went to their website and there was no dei shit anywhere on there um and and and i and i i think that the pictures on elijah muhammad's website website i could be wrong was the money was going to kids to help them. And I can't remember which way it was, but I think maybe all the pictures were black kids, but it wasn't actually all black kids in his organization.
Starting point is 02:52:54 But I don't even care if it was all or wasn't. I'm just saying. And in there, I told someone that you're better off if you want to donate money, something to just donate to a CrossFit gym. Just pick a random CrossFit gym and send it 50 bucks and for some reason that was hard for people to understand they started like getting in this like capitalistic fucking like uh like they got stuck in one way of thinking in this rhetoric yeah it's a cool organization there is no power for change greater than community discovering who cares about it yeah and i've had elijah on since then it wasn't even a dig at elijah i didn't even know where um i didn't even know where noah was sending the money this is years ago by the way
Starting point is 02:53:35 and a bunch of people the coffee wads and pods guy a bunch of people attacking by the way like 500 people liked that post I made too. And anyway, I just thought it was interesting that there were some people who just can't get over the fact to realize how powerful a CrossFit gym truly is to your community. It's amazing. Bernie Gannon, if Biden sends relief money toaii where's the kickback in that ukraine is more profitable for his family just business my god money laundering scheme nasa cia war all of it except for this one right here uh yeah uh the seven podcast subcl clips 663 subscribers do your duty everyone thank you yeah you get us over a thousand we start we start getting money from uh youtube yeah and then we can then we can make even more sub clips which makes even more money it's the flywheel people subscribe
Starting point is 02:54:38 show me the money uh 89 uh covid 89. COVID. Here we go. Oh, I like it. To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words. We will not comply. The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming. Gee whiz, you know what else is coming?
Starting point is 02:55:14 An election. They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election. Does that sound familiar? These are bad people. These are sick people we're dealing with. So don't even think about it. We will not shut down our schools. We will not accept your lockdowns. We will not abide by your mask mandates and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates. But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away. Kenneth, the lab didn't Trump invent the vaccine and mandates. I don't think he invented invented. That might be a little.
Starting point is 02:56:02 I think he was a warp speed was his his deal and the vaccine. But what about the what about that first two week lockdown? Was he president when that happened? I don't think so. First two weeks. No, I don't. I don't think so. And hey, either way, I don't.
Starting point is 02:56:23 That would have been that what happened in March? Right. In either way, hey, once again, what's the better choice? And, you know, Greg comes on here and says he hates Trump. I don't hate Trump. I'm chill. I'm good with him. I'm good.
Starting point is 02:56:42 Yeah. Fucking Trump, he opened the door wide open for them and invited them through might be true yeah I think they're all kind of one in the same to be honest I don't I think he's clearing the swamp that's nice
Starting point is 02:56:59 this is the guy who started Operation Warp Speed Yeah but God made him But God made him It's God's fault But God made him Now what Yeah
Starting point is 02:57:15 I could do that game all day with you too My dad could beat up your dad Yeah a lot Two uncles How far back do you want to go back? Where do you want to start and end the blame? Okay, 85.
Starting point is 02:57:39 Here we go. So here's the story that I don't remember who brought it up, but the 85 is there's 2,000 kids missing in Hawaii. Well, is that true? This is a really weird story. Many Maui wildfire victims may be children, and 850 people are still missing according to the Hawaii governor. Oh, wait. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:58:02 Oh, wait. Okay, that's fine. That's fine. Oh, wait, hold on. Oh, okay. That's fine. That's fine. In early August 2023, Hawaii, particularly the island of Maui, was ravaged by one of the worst wildfires.
Starting point is 02:58:15 By the way, people, just so you know, don't believe the hype. We, in the last 12 months, we've had fewer acres of land burned, I think, in the United States than in recorded history. So people who keep talking about all these fires we've had, and there's a, I have some graph or map that shows that. Leaving more than 100 people dead in Lahaina and 850 still missing. Okay. A proclamation last month to speed up the construction of 50,000 new housing units. Why would they need 50,000 new housing units if there was only 13,000 families who lost their homes?
Starting point is 02:58:50 Anyway, okay, let's keep going. Opportunity to rebuild. Let's keep going. Adding to the complications, the state's police chief, John Pelletier, previously served as the police commander during the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, arousing public interest. Furthermore, despite the federal disaster declaration. So what they're saying is, is that the guy who in 2017, when there was that shooting in Las Vegas that everyone that all the conspiracy theorists are tripping on also is now the police chief in Hawaii.
Starting point is 02:59:25 OK, average price home in Maui is one point two million. OK, now here we go. Here it is. Governor Green told Face the Nation that it's possible many victims are children who are at home because schools were closed. Only 27 of the 114 confirmed victims have been identified as of Monday. The fire struck on August 8th. Among the heartbreaking stories is a 14 year old Fuentes, who was at the home during the fires. Adoptive parents got stuck in the traffic. We're trying to reach them and face the police barricade. They found their son's body hugging their deceased family dog. Ooh, that's scary. Um, keep going, keep going, keep going. Uh,
Starting point is 03:00:01 the calamity raises questions about preparedness. Yeah. Well when you're a little speck of land out in the middle of the Pacific, that's going to be hard to prepare for. Keep going. Due to incompetence and ESG DEI rules. Wow. So, okay, they're – wow, that's interesting. Okay, let's keep going.
Starting point is 03:00:23 There's a part in here where they say – basically're saying that 2000 kids are missing, but their their reference point is the school. OK, here we go. Perhaps 1000 or more children were burned to death. Cernovich presses us to not back down and to not let them forget to bury this tragedy. So the beginning of the article says 115 people dead, 850 missing. Now it's goes on to say that there's a thousand children who were burned to death. Fucking okay.
Starting point is 03:00:54 Keep going. That's it. Oh, keep. Okay. Here it is. There are still 850 people missing from the Maui fires, but the new report from the Hawaii State Department of Education shows
Starting point is 03:01:05 there are more than 2,000 children who are unaccounted for in the public school system. That's it. And let me tell you something, dude. People aren't sending their kids back to school after this shit. Not for a minute. And so it's not that there's 2,000 missing. It's that there's 2,000 who aren't back to school. And just like I said, 2 million kids didn't go back to school
Starting point is 03:01:26 after the pandemic. And tons of schools in this area closed down in Monterey, handfuls of them. Police chief is an expert on cleaning up messes without people questioning anything. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:01:43 The math ain't mathing. I don't know. The math ain't mathing. I don't know. All right. I think that's good. Elon on Twitter. Okay, that about 78. Wow, what a show. I didn't think we were going to do a three-hour show this morning.
Starting point is 03:02:04 Is this a contest to see who has to pee first out of the three of us? I'll break for hunger before I'll break for pee. I'm getting close. Me too. Elon Musk. Okay, here we go. Elon Musk got rid of 75% of people at Twitter, and Twitter is still working. Swipe left. Oh, wait, wait. Before you swipe, do you think the audio on this one is going to work?
Starting point is 03:02:26 I say no. I vote no. Vote no. Yeah. Fuck. Okay, so we have some pattern that we recognize. Is it all Twitter stuff? I think it's because it's not a reel. Isn't it because it's
Starting point is 03:02:41 on desktop? We established that, right? Because if you bring this up on your phone, it works. Yeah, yeah that's true how did I know this one wasn't gonna allow audio there's some pattern I'm recognizing yeah I wonder if it's just like anything contrary and that could be mega shared right because like let's say that one reel has its reach but then it plays on our show and then it gets like shared even more so maybe they're just trying to curve that a little bit. Dude, I was hanging out with this Facebook executive yesterday, and they were telling me about when they used to work with someone that we all are familiar with. Oh, God, I don't know how much of this story I should share.
Starting point is 03:03:19 Mark Zuckerberg. Clearly you're talking about Mark Zuckerberg. Nobody else. No, no, no. It's close to home. No, it's close to home. No, no, no. I don't recall.
Starting point is 03:03:31 It's not Don. I want to say that. It's not him. That was an important distinction. I heard some crazy stories yesterday. There's this story I've been sitting on for like a few months guys for political reasons i'm just like trying to be cool it must be good oh it's fucking i mean for anyone the thing is is the value of sharing the story is not greater than the value you can
Starting point is 03:04:01 get by not sharing the story does that mean like does that mean i'm a sellout or that i'm political or that i'm manipulative or what's that mean what category does that put me in i don't what would you just say the value of not showing the story is more than sharing the story yeah like sharing the story would be like oh fuck and everyone be like and then they'd be over it on to the next story but if i don't share it they're like like i can i can hang out longer and like you know i can make millions of dollars look at andrew's like yeah i know andrew andrew's like don't be cool andrew knows the story too because i ran it by him months ago but and i forgot that i have this piece all loaded up and ready to go yeah but i don't do i know this i don't think i know this yeah you know it you know you you've seen it in my show notes.
Starting point is 03:04:46 It's not my show notes anymore. You and Caleb probably have seen it in the show notes. It was a breakdown of a video, an old interview. God, it's brutal. It's so brutal. Well, it's a great build up for another show later. Hey, what do you think? What do you think?
Starting point is 03:05:02 One of the Caleb, what do you think? One of the coolest things you've done? Things you're most proud of in your job with the air force um doesn't have to be the most proud but what's something that when you come to your head you're like oh yeah i'm pretty proud of that that was cool we had like a patient get intubated and we had to like evac them out so we like drove them onto the flight line and put them on a helicopter and that was kind of cool like what what's inubated means they they couldn't breathe on back them out so we like drove them onto the flight line and put them on a helicopter that was kind of cool like what what's inubated means they they couldn't breathe on their own correct yeah and you were part of the team that rushed them out and helps
Starting point is 03:05:32 did the guys survive yep yeah they survived imagine like imagine like your crown so you save someone's life imagine like your crowning achievement being like um I think I know what it is now I can't do it I'm gonna hang tight I'm gonna get rich first guys and then I'm gonna I'm gonna I need
Starting point is 03:05:58 a little more clout I need a little more clout just a little more it'll be good a little more clout I need a little more more be good. A little more clout. A little more. More power. Mass power. Mass power. Alright. You guys, seriously, subscribe to that subclip
Starting point is 03:06:15 station. What are you doing? Yeah, do it now. How am I going to get rich if you don't do that? If you guys want to hear that story, go over there now and subscribe. Oh, I've been dinged for the Sunday service.
Starting point is 03:06:30 Oh, shit. Breaking. Breaking text coming in. Someone from my harem was like, hey, you kept girls' secrets from other girls. What? Yeah, that would mean I was a player and not a harem. i don't it's
Starting point is 03:06:47 i don't know but i don't know about this it's jacked up i don't have to tell the girls about the other girls there's a difference between not telling and hiding you know what i mean yeah there's a difference unless you think that there's an implied. Sometimes they just like to leave out of the bedroom window instead of the front door. I'm not hiding it. It just worked out that way. When it was open,
Starting point is 03:07:17 she's athletic. She jumped. Situational. Look, look, we got two more since the last time. Okay. 662 versus 663.
Starting point is 03:07:29 There's 182 right now. We should at least have a jump in like 175. You're just not doing it. Damn it. Look, you're officially kicked out of the harem. I'm texting this person back. Oh, my goodness. Alright.
Starting point is 03:07:54 Why am I picking up my phone? I'm looking at the date. Tomorrow's the 4th. Okay, tomorrow morning Alexis Raptus. Find out about her games experience. Show's gonna be huge. Off the Find out about her games experience. Show's going to be huge. Off the hook. Don't miss it. Mrs. Burns.
Starting point is 03:08:11 Oh, she's right. Mrs. Burns is married to Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns is probably standing next to her saying, Fuck, spit it out, Sebi. Stop cock-teasing us. Matt Burns. There you go. No one will be ejaculating at the end
Starting point is 03:08:28 of this show sorry alright love you guys time to eat Caleb thank you Susan thank you Alexis wrapped us
Starting point is 03:08:34 tomorrow morning crazy crazy weeks ahead of us of fun all sorts of great guests the studio is getting bigger I'm better
Starting point is 03:08:42 we still don't have any plans to have any guests someone asked me why are you building that I'm like I don still don't have any plans to have any guests. Someone asked me, why are you building that? I'm like, I don't know. If you build it, they will come. All right. Bye-bye.

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