The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Sunday Service #889

Episode Date: April 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. From Sunday. Bam, we're live. Did we change the name of it?
Starting point is 00:00:34 Did it have a different name? Not that I know. Oh, they have linked to the wrong one on Rumble. There were two shows up. I just deleted one of them. Oh, shit. Well, that's the one I linked to on Rumble. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Good morning, everyone. Good morning. It was a great name for the show. I loved it. Who's naming the shows? That was me. It was awesome. It was like, welcome to love and light.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I just loved it. I am love and acceptance. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Love and acceptance show. There's a little Easter egg in all those titles if nobody noticed. What's an Easter egg mean? It's just like a little gift for somebody who figures it out. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Well, I'm going to have to start looking. You mean they're all like song titles or something? Nope. Is it something like that though? In the urban dictionary, they're all things that... Something in the Urban Dictionary. No, it's not obscene. I'll give you that.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Like Dirty Sanchez. Jay Hartle, good morning. Omar Cornejo, good morning. Dale Spiegel, good morning. Sevan and Sousa, 100. Dale Spiegel. Good morning. Savon and Sousa. 100 Hail Marys for you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Oh, that'd be great if we had a little Tupac sound clip there. Elizabeth. Good morning. Welcome. Puro Vatos Locos. Thank you. Yes, I agree. Jessica T.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Just finished watching Hiller Disrobe in his latest video. Oh, interesting. I'll be watching that tonight on this TV screen. It's over my bed. I noticed, but not telling. Wow. Okay. Dick Butter spotting the PSYOP that Caleb's running.
Starting point is 00:02:19 That's awesome. Jeff Baco, the ambiguous gay trio. Yes, we are here. We'll take it. Perfect. Good morning from Daytona. Yes, yes, Shannon. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Always in a bathing suit on Daytona Beach. And there she is. We can begin. Olivia. Olivia. Is that how you would say her name? Would you say Olivia or would you always just say the O? Olivia. Definitely Olivia always just say Olivia?
Starting point is 00:02:46 Definitely Olivia. Olivia. Olivia. Olivia. Jay Sizzle, old school SNL. Yes. When the show was good. I was thinking that I should, maybe I should.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I was too ambiguous speaking of gay yesterday, and I should actually pull up – I should maybe pull up the video of the lady from HR. I was actually feeling really bad for all the people who work at HQ now. I finally – by HQ, I mean CrossFit HQ for those of you who are CrossFitters. I finally, by HQ, I mean CrossFit HQ, for those of you who are CrossFitters. I was actually just thinking, remember, they used to say this when I worked there too. This isn't about one man and this is about the methodology and the community. And now more than ever, I just see it's just completely wrong. I made a post on my Instagram the other day and it was Dana White saying, we never do anything woke. And their mother company, WME, is woke as fuck. William Morris Endeavor out of Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:03:52 So the company that bought them is crazy woke, which is... The thing about the people who aren't woke is they're not willing to bend on their ideology, right? The non-woke class, you can't, you can't, um, uh, you can't really, you shouldn't be able to buy them, right? Like we're not like, we're not willing to be like, okay, we'll bend a little. You can, you can have a little bit of pedophilia in California. Like we just have strong convictions, right? It's not like, okay,
Starting point is 00:04:22 this company, you can force them to love the 49ers, but not this company. We're kind of like we're kind of close minded about the subject of freedom of speech and freedom of bodily autonomy. And this other group, man, they're they're willing to take money or bend or do anything. They don't have values is what it comes down to. They don't have values is what it comes down to they don't have values i i and i don't pass judgment on that other than it makes them purchasable which means that they're basically willing to sell you out for a dollar which means they're willing to let you die right they're okay with if if someone can get rich forcing everyone to go to the 49ers games and that means three people die in the parking lot in a fight, they're okay with it. They just don't have values.
Starting point is 00:05:08 That's it. And in the end, they're okay if people die for them to make money. That's where it starts to get weird. Jay Hartle, the woke own everything. So, woke is the same as being asleep, I'll give you an example, when I say to you, and it's important to give examples, when I say to you, I'm so proud of the diversity
Starting point is 00:05:36 that I have established here at the Sevan Podcast, our staff are so diverse, and we have a program that's inclusive and offers equity for everyone and then the whole crowd cheers right that that means you're woke and that also means you're asleep and then all the people in the audience who think that they know what I just said they're all asleep too and why is that that they're asleep because what happens is they have to go inside of their head and interpret what I just said because I didn't actually say anything. So anytime you go inside your head, you're asleep. You're no longer present. You are asleep. So what they mean is, then you could presume what they mean. When they say diverse, I would presume they meant
Starting point is 00:06:24 we have hired someone who is the world's best football player. We've also hired a guy who's the world's best plumber and we've hired the guy who said it has the world record in the Rubik's cube. And because of those diverse backgrounds, we think that we're going to be able to provide you adequate services here at the water treatment plant in Santa Cruz, California. But that's not what they mean. Probably. They mean that they didn't hire people based on their merit. The guy who does the Rubik's Cube the fastest or the guy who's the best plumber in Santa Cruz or the guy, you know, they didn't. The guy who got straight A's in molecular biology. They're not talking about that. But you have to
Starting point is 00:07:06 guess what they're saying because they're not even comfortable. They're not even comfortable really telling you what they mean. Oh my God. I'm so proud of what I did at Facebook. I hired a fucking midget who can take cock in his mouth, but he also has a cock check that box and that's literally what they mean but they can't say it and that shit is going on full steam ahead at crossfit hq it's crazy hey it's the kind of shit i don't know if you used to do this when you used to sit around with your friends but i just you know you're smoking weed with your friends in your college and you're like fuck how did that shit how did japanese internment camps – how did that ever happen? Or, oh my god, how come no one in Germany stood up against the Nazis?
Starting point is 00:07:51 How did that happen? That's what those people are doing right now in the United States, and people are going to look back at us and be like, how did that happen? It was so obvious. And then there's going to be people like 12 daily doses are like it's oh no it's not really happening it's just really isolated incidents there's a few bad apples in the bunch i dude think about this they put fluoride in our water think about that the entire country's water supply someone thought it was a good idea to put chemicals in it. Under the guise of protecting your teeth.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Just think about that for a second. And our parents went along with that. Our water supply. Our water supply. They put shit in our water supply. Why wouldn't they just fucking stop people from eating sugar? They already know what the cause is of the problem. But instead, we allow them to.
Starting point is 00:09:05 And yeah, it's worse than that, actually. That fluoride doesn't even help your teeth. Check the research. Oh, it's worse than that, buddy. Unfortunately, it's fucking worse than that. Just openly... It's just straight up openly... did you guys see the don lemon thing let's start with that will you guys uh will someone just i don't have a link to it will
Starting point is 00:09:31 someone just uh googled uh don lemon uh destroyed this is amazing there's a there's an indian guy i i would say he's a black to me indian dudes are just black dudes but you do what you want they're black dudes who make a lot of money. That's what Indian is to me. And I don't think that there's any other definition that necessarily is more valid than that either, by the way. As ridiculous as that sounds. I mean, I don't think that there's any. Check out Don Lemon just gets destroyed.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Don Lemon openly admits to this Indian guy. Don Lemon is not as inappropriately racist to this guy. Is the guy's name Vivek? Is that what it is? Yeah. Yeah, wait till you see this. This is crazy. This happened, I think, just like three days ago. This guy's running for president of the United states vivek ramaswamy vivek ramaswamy got yeah on in a heated exchange with cnn's don lemon on gun rights for black americans watch
Starting point is 00:10:37 actually you know funny fact is black people did not get to enjoy the other freedoms until their second amendment rights were secured. And I think that that's one of the lessons that we learned. Black people still aren't allowed to enjoy the freedoms. I disagree with you on that, Don. I disagree with you on it. I think you're doing a disservice to our country by failing to recognize the fact that we're – Okay, so there's a premise here that Vivek is making that basically even after the slaves were set free,
Starting point is 00:11:04 that there was some someone else can look into this but there was some stipulation that black people still couldn't carry guns and vivek is saying it wasn't in the the freedom when the slaves were freed it still didn't give them the full rights until they got the ability to carry guns so there was some distinction i haven't gone back and researched it but i will and uh i think there's some distinction that even though they made the slaves free they didn't get to enjoy the second amendment and vivek was saying that the irony here is is this that they didn't really experience their freedoms until everyone knew that they could also be carrying guns it makes complete fucking sense
Starting point is 00:11:36 then he goes on to say don lemon says hey um people with melanated skin still aren't enjoying the the freedoms that white people are in this country now that's completely preposterous that's insane preposterous preposterous is that the word not only are they not only are people with melanated skin um uh are experiencing the freedoms that white people are but on many levels they're experiencing greater freedoms it's a whole there's there's no in tons of ways in tons and tons of ways i can think of 20 off the top of my head that i saw growing up in the bay area for instance jaywalking white people are not allowed to jaywalk in the in the bay area black people are it's it's been like that fucking for all the 40 years i lived there
Starting point is 00:12:21 white people aren't allowed to litter. Black people are. And I could go on and on. White people aren't allowed to drink on the streets. Black people are. Open container. White people have to wear seatbelts. Black people don't. I mean, I can go on and on. I've seen tons of examples of this where people who are black are given more freedoms than white people. I can go on and on and on and on and on. black are given more freedoms than white people they can go on and on and on and on and on and and maybe white people maybe it's just black people are more determined to have those freedoms maybe if more white people jaywalked it you know uh then they would they would uh they would be allowed to too but i could go on and on and on and on and on and on but the point is is that it's fucking insane but but it's okay i'm still glad that they're having the discussion it's good and don lemon don't forget he's a gay dude and his ideology
Starting point is 00:13:09 is to make sure that people with melanated skin or anyone always yeah black privilege is huge it's been here for years and and and i have no issue with it kudos to him but don't deny it don't lie about it i have no i have no issues of black privilege don't fucking lie about it don't lie about it let me would i rather go to a twerk competition with the 30 black girls or 30 white girls i'll go with the 30 black girls thank you yeah it's just there's things you know um do I want to watch the white midget league play basketball or the tall black guy league? Oh, that's tough. That was probably a bad example. But it's fucking Don Lemon is a it's a joke.
Starting point is 00:13:57 He wants to hold black people down so fucking bad. But it's kind of funny when I when I i lived with uh disabled people and you can see the movie at 130 film festival awards it's on youtube it's called our house incredible film that i made first documentary i ever made and the the two retarded guys in the house are arguing about who's more retarded and when i see this i see two black guys arguing about who's like like it's pretty funny one of them's like black men are free and strong. And the other one's like black men are victims. It's great.
Starting point is 00:14:29 It's fucking great. It's fucking. It is. This is just fucking saying, OK, go on. Don Lemon gets destroyed, by the way, here. So Don Lemon is basically saying that, hey, black people don't don't don't have uh the same rights as white people in this country no one has the same rights as anyone else by the way we are not created equal the sooner you can accept that the better me and suza are not created equal and rich people
Starting point is 00:14:57 have a whole entire justice system yes exactly it's not even the same as yours and i's at all and if you go further lower on that spectrum the homeless have a whole entire criminal justice yes yeah yeah yeah different yeah yeah they get all sorts of rights that we don't get yep you think me and susan caleb can camp on the street a league just open drug use yeah there's no fucking way drives by no way and and for those you science buffs uh there's no gravity at the fucking molecular level. How's that? Okay, go on. People still aren't allowed to enjoy the freedoms. I disagree with you on that, Don.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I disagree with you. I think you're doing a disservice to our country by failing to recognize the fact that we have the quality of the logic. And you live in this country, then you can disagree with me. But we're not. You mentioned that we's three different shapes okay pause this too regardless of the color of our skin
Starting point is 00:15:49 in elementary school the two black kids and me used to make fun of the Indian kid and in junior high the Indian kid who came from India me and all the other kids made fun of him his name was Anil we called him anal like you think it's fun being fucking you think it was fun being vivek growing up as vivek
Starting point is 00:16:07 you think that was cool you think that's fun being this fucking scrawny little fucking indian kid who eats fucking rice with one fucking hand and wipes his ass with his other and everyone in fucking your school knows it you think it's fun being like dark as a black dude but you're not black and you're not white? Your mom wears fucked up weird colored dresses
Starting point is 00:16:32 like she looks like she just came from a rave? You get the shit end of both sticks there too. Yeah. You get the worst of the worst. A fucking fun being a fucking Indian kid?
Starting point is 00:16:41 They have the largest dongs of all ethnicities and yet no one knows it? They don't even get credit for it the giant skinny dong ethnicity all their people back in their homeland they're fucking half their country's homes are made out of fucking cow dung crazy town banana pants funny hearing a black dude an indian dude arguing like this good and good on vivek for fucking having a backbone and going full steam uh correction uh we are
Starting point is 00:17:16 watching seven watch youtube clip of fox news watching cnn damn you good that is uh that is more important uh what tom That is more important. What Tom said is more important than probably most people realize. That is crazy, crazy important. There's an artist named Magritte, and he would draw a picture of a pipe, and he would say this is a drawing of a picture of a pipe. It's some pretty profound shit. It's cool shit.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Okay, proceed. The part that I find insulting is when you say today black Americans don't have those rights after we have gone through civil rights revolution in this country. You are sitting here telling an African American about the rights and what you find insulting about the way I live, the skin I live in every day. Here's where you and I have a different point of view. And I know the freedoms
Starting point is 00:18:07 that black and white, that black people don't have in this country and that black people do have. Well, here's where you and I have a different point of view. I think we should be able to express our views regardless of the color of our skin. We should have this debate without me regarding you as a black man, but me regarding you as a fellow citizen. That's what I think we should say. Whatever ethnicity you are explaining whatever ethnicity you are, explaining to me. Okay, pause. Pause. There it is. There it is. You see it? Whatever ethnicity you are. First of all, do you think – does anyone here think African American is an ethnicity? Look, when you look up ethnicity, that is not a fucking ethnicity.
Starting point is 00:18:41 African American is not a fucking – Somali is a nationality and an ethnicity. Armenian is an ethnicity. Mexican, they claim it's an ethnicity, although it's fucking on shaky ground. Ethnicity, the quality and fact of belonging to a population, a group group or subgroup made up of people who share a common cultural background. There's no, there's no, um, there's no, that's not African American. They do not get an ethnicity. That's a politically correct term, isn't it? Yeah. They do not get an ethnicity.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Splaining. You know what that was when he said splaining? Yeah, exactly. Condescending. Yes, exactly. That's woke talk splaining and i like how which is different than ebonics i like how he can't tell him how the point of view or life that he's lived but don lemon could explain how everybody else has
Starting point is 00:19:37 more privilege than him and he's okay to talk about those experiences not being that race but you can't explain it back to him and he doesn't even understand that he doesn't even get it right right he doesn't understand that he's doing the same thing he's claiming he someone can't do back to him um 100 asian is asian is not ethnicity asian is not ethnicity a korean is ethnicity and all of them are just on shaky ground right because i mean some somewhere two people fucked and then the whole thing is just made up yeah yeah yeah after that point of origin the rest of it's just spinning stories and drawing imaginary lines in the sand yeah vivek you got some splaining to do yeah that's's what that is, is that he can't. He wants to say that's that's a gay activist of woke talk. It's not lemon's rich.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Sorry, I apologize for the gay people out there. I don't want to I don't want to drag you into it. But but but part of the you see that gay fucking culture, narcissistic, that element of gay narcissistic culture in don lemon just coming out in all his interviews i hate the name call but man it's it's hard not to see how what a bad person he is yeah he is i can't believe this is fucking national tv he should be fired for that shit i wish or at least put on sabbatical i wish you just paused and said you're right please explain the uh freedoms that you didn't enjoy sitting in the position that you are in right now, being paid the salary you are right now with the influence in front of the American people that you do right now. Explain it to me. How did you go from where you were to here you are now if you don't enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities that everybody else has in the U.S.? On top of adding to what Sousa said jay hardell uh the most privileged
Starting point is 00:21:26 cnn host saying he has difficulty being a black man yeah exactly there it is like it's like all the rich people telling you what how to live your life and climate change and they just do whatever the fuck they want and maybe he does have trouble being a black man but not any more than fucking caleb has trouble being a fucking white man i put it fucking tit for tat every fucking car that has a fucking ski rack on it caleb has to be careful when he gets in that that fucking six foot two lanky fucking frame his doesn't fucking bump the top of that ski rack hanging off the edge when he gets in the car i know tall people problems i've seen that shit. Caller, hi. Yeah, hi.
Starting point is 00:22:09 This is your on-staff gay hire. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Yes, yes. Thank you. I appreciate it. How are you doing? Good morning.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Good to hear your voice. What are you doing? I didn't think you would listen to the live show. What? I didn't think you listened to the live show. Oh, I try. Usually, I can catch it on the weekends, but I can't really catch listened to the live show. Oh, I try. I usually, I can catch it on the weekends, but I can't really catch it during the week. Hey, congratulations on the, on the, um, uh, boxing.
Starting point is 00:22:31 How long have you been doing that? Uh, I just picked it up again, but I did it a lot in my twenties. I did a mixed martial arts and boxing. Fuck. You look good, Garrett. You look really good. I'm trying, trying to get back there. You look good. you look really good I'm trying trying to get back there you look good uh please uh do you have thoughts on on Mr. Lemon or or myself uh from the gay community we don't uh
Starting point is 00:22:55 we don't claim him um we don't claim him at all that hurts I I picture this wall full of gay people and he's just on the outside like this, with his hands in there. Please, let me in. Well, just like you guys were saying, the hierarchy. He's in a different hierarchy of gay people. The regular life that we all go through, he doesn't go through. He's that privileged gay.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And we don't claim him. Okay, fair enough. We just want to live our lives and not like i feel like two things can be true i feel like people don't have to agree with the gay lifestyle and also we can still all live comfortably together without bothering each other and it's like he it's and it's fine but you don't have to agree with the lifestyle you don't have to agree that we're married you don't have to agree with any of's fine, but you don't have to agree with the lifestyle. You don't have to agree that we're married. You don't have to agree with any of that. You don't have to. But we can also just still talk, see what's best for our kids, see what's best for our spouses, our houses.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And everybody can be happy. But they're doing too much. No one's no one's no no bankers are going to stop the gay community from borrowing money. Right. too much no one's no one's no no bankers are going to stop the gay community from borrowing money right uh they obviously have some of the best track record of paying back bank loans of any demographic gay people and no one's no one no one is upset when gay people move into their fucking neighborhood because those houses usually have the the weeds are pulled and the lawns are cut yeah it's it's um like we're not oppressed there's there's no oppression over here we're not oppressed. There's no oppression over here. We're not like we're called a marginalized group, but we're really not. Like we can do all of the things that mean if they took our right to marry away, the worst thing that happens is we can't file taxes together.
Starting point is 00:24:39 But my life isn't going to change. Loving my wife isn't going to change me making sure my kid goes to school and gets to do all the things he wants. That's not going to change. We're not. Go ahead. I want to ask you a question. So I'm walking down the street, and like yesterday I saw this lady wearing a pink dress, good body, probably 55 years old. And she was wearing a pretty short dress, and she was walking a dog, and one of her legs was one of those mechanical legs, like the full leg.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Like even though it was a short skirt, like the whole fucking I couldn't see where her nub was. Right. So as we're driving by, go, hey, guys, look, there's a look. There's a lady there walking her dog with one leg. Right. And I don't pass any judgment other than it's a's a rare sight right it's the same thing if i see a three-legged dog i show my boys too hey dudes guys look three-legged dog you know what i mean or like if you're in the parking lot at kmart and you get out and there's you know that all those blackbirds are all fucked up they always got like a if none of you ever looked at the birds in like a parking lot those little blackbirds in like walmart or wherever they always have like
Starting point is 00:25:41 one of their feets all club club foot or they're of, I don't know why that is, but they're all fucked up. Yeah. So, but if I do the exact same thing, because it's so rare to me, if I'm walking, and I don't, actually, I don't point it out to my kids, but if I'm walking down the street and I see two girls holding hands or two boys holding hands, I want to stare. Yeah. I want to, because I just, I just want to stare yeah i want to because i just i just want to stare i don't think that gay people feel that way when they see a man and a woman holding hands because
Starting point is 00:26:12 it's more common they've seen it a million times right yeah and so i think a lot of it is there's this confusion um when like when i went to varanasi in india and i was walking down the street and fucking every 30 feet some little kid would come up and ask me if he could touch me and I'm just a fucking 5 foot 5 Armenian dude but I'm in Varanasi right India I mean there's a component of just people are just curious and they're not used to it
Starting point is 00:26:36 they've never seen two girls kiss in public I mean listen I would stop and stare if I saw two girls kissing in public it's gorgeous like let's go I mean, listen, I would stop and stare if I saw two girls kissing in public. It's gorgeous. Like, let's go. I mean, you know, and that's fine. And like you said, you get in your own head and people take it so personally, like it's automatically someone is judging you or someone is thinking bad thoughts about you.
Starting point is 00:26:59 That's a you problem. Like, that's not a, it's not a, the person who's stopping and looking. Now, that being said, we have to be honest. You also have the other experience. You, you are a full-blown woman with a vagina and titties, but you go into bathrooms and people will be like, hey, no dudes in here. And you're like, hey, I'm not a dude. And that's a me problem. And, but I, I have to get stronger with that. Like I've always felt.
Starting point is 00:27:26 So usually when people come at me, they come at me with bad intent. I'm not really making it up in my own head, right? They'll verbalize the bad intent. Right. So then that's when I kind of shut down and start to, you know, not do it. Cause I just, I don't want to make them uncomfortable. I don't want to get yelled at. And I just assume people are going to yell at me because it's happened so often now that part sucks and it's not fair like but but there's also on the other side life's not fair but the truth is is that sucks you're a girl you want to use the fucking girl's bathroom and because you have a fucking short haircut and because you're tall people miscategorize you as um a dude and because you wear basketball shorts that's why i feel like the trans not so much transgender men um they're really they're
Starting point is 00:28:13 not the problem so much as transgender women but i feel like if i have to go through it every day and you know plan accordingly on how i'm going to use the bathroom and where i'm going to go use the bathroom and where there's like single stall bathrooms or family bathrooms. If you if you're choosing this lifestyle, if you're choosing to dress like a woman and act like a woman, and we all know that you're not one and we're uncomfortable when you come in the bathroom, then damn it. You should have to like go through that to plan where you're going to go to the bathroom. Find a family bathroom. You have to like go through that too. Plan where you're going to go to the bathroom,
Starting point is 00:28:44 find the family bathroom. Like I know on the highway going to Utica, which gas stations have family bathrooms that I can go into by myself. So I don't make anybody uncomfortable. And because this is the life I've chosen to wear my hair like this. I've chosen to wear big sweatshirts and I understand what's happening. I understand exactly, you know, what people are going to think, who I am.
Starting point is 00:29:06 You know what I mean? The transgender women have to go through that too. You have to understand that some people are not comfortable. You chose this lifestyle. This is your choice. So now, this is what comes with it. How long did it take you to get comfortable with that? Because I'm listening to this and I'm i'm thinking like that that's a lot that that's
Starting point is 00:29:29 actually a lot to deal with and there's a lot of stuff that i would never even think about that i'm listening to you talk and i'm like holy shit like so how long did it take you to get from the point to where you almost were feeling like upset about this to the to the point that you are now where you're saying like hey i made these choices and this is just the reality that i live in now uh it took a long time and like i've told you before in the past i have a lot of people that know me that have grown up with me that have helped me kind of work this all out in my head and kind of understand it for myself and be comfortable in exactly what skin i'm in and understand what the reality of my, my life is like. And, but they won't even let you have a conversation. Like it's,
Starting point is 00:30:11 you can't even have a conversation with them. I ask people, I want to have a conversation. I want the feedback. I've talked to straight women that are my friends that, you know, I don't want to go into a bathroom and have somebody with their little girl in there and they see me and freak out. Like, I don't want to go into a bathroom and have somebody with their little girl in there and they see me and freak out. Like, I don't want to do that. So it just, it took a long time. I'm not, I'm not going to lie. I was probably in my thirties really when it stopped. Well, and it's not fair. You have to accept the fact that life's not fair, right? Like, it's just not, it's just not, it's just not fair what you have to go through.
Starting point is 00:30:41 But it's fine. But if you want to live your authentic life, then you have to take the good with the bad. That's the way it goes. Life isn't fair. Life's not fair in work, in sports. You just figure it out. You've got to figure out how to navigate this stuff. And them just being like, well, just accept us as women,
Starting point is 00:31:04 and then we can, well, that's no absolutely not right yeah it's interesting you're in a fucking very interesting uh you're in a very interesting situation yeah i'm the outlier well because those people are wrong and you know they're wrong and you have to accept that they're wrong yeah so anyone who confuses anyone who confuses yours is as woman as anyone can be so anyone who confuses you it's on them and yet you're like okay but i but i understand it's because the way i cut my hair and dress and how tall yeah yeah it's a fucking trip it's a trip it's being self-aware i'm self-aware right i i know right i wanted to say can I say this one thing to you?
Starting point is 00:31:47 Remember the guy that called a couple of days ago? I think his name is Jeremy. I just wanted to let him know that they're with the liberal girlfriend. Yeah. He's giving, he's banging the liberal girl. Yeah. That's the power of pussy right there, by the way. That's, I really love this story we're following. It's an exclusive, a Sevan podcast exclusive, by the way. I just want to let him know that there's
Starting point is 00:32:07 hope because my wife is very, very liberal. We lived a very woke lifestyle until I red-pilled myself. And she's been on this journey. And a couple of weeks ago, I'm coming home from work and I can hear in the hallway, I can hear your voice.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I'm like, is that Sevan? And so I turn the hallway, I can hear your voice. Like, I'm like, is that Siobhan? And so I turn the corner and I come in and my wife is sitting there with you on the TV screen watching one of your episodes that doesn't have to do with CrossFit. And I look at her, my eyes get big and she goes to like, Chase. I was like, nope, I caught you. You're cheating on me. I get it. I understand. I see it. It's's happening i can feel it
Starting point is 00:32:47 i'm so proud i'm so proud so there's hope there's hope i'm so proud hey you're always you're um you're hey did you ever launch your podcast are you still kind of just in the beta testing it yeah we're kind of just like feeling it out trying to you know how you guys always have the internet problems and yes yes so we have we do have some episodes up but it kind of is just us playing with it and figuring it out right now okay awesome hey um you know you you have a vast um experience and stuff like you can talk about anything by the way it doesn't just have to be like this this fucking hot topic um uh issue you can talk about the sports you play you can talk about um working with immigrants you can talk about running a business i mean you got such a
Starting point is 00:33:35 vast wealth of experiences you can talk about raising a boy so don't feel like you ever i mean i don't maybe know all this maybe i'm a a broken record, but man, dude, you have, your show could be about so many different things. All. I mean, Susa always tells me like, Hey, let's just feel around in the dark and see, and you know, see where, where we, where we land. And, um, and you could totally do that. Oh, that's super cool. Thank you for reminding me of that. Cause I've been so stuck on this one thing right now. Talk about all sorts of stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Talk about what it's like working with an all women team. Talk about what's working with immigrants. Talk about what it's like working with an all-women team talk about what's working with immigrants talk about what it's like raising a boy um i mean you have crazy skills talk about your um what it's like having i mean you could obviously the biracial family and you could leave out the sex stuff or or you can talk about the sex stuff i mean you have a such a vast uh um uh skill set and toolbox of things you can talk about. So you can talk about kids sports. Yeah. I mean, you, you, you, you, you know, it's up. Well, I'm glad to see the boys are back together on a Sunday. Thank you. Yep. Please call. Please call anytime, Garrett. Yeah. Have a great day. All right. Love you. Bye.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I ain't going to zero humility so fucking proud of this show she's really cool that was a great call in perspective I just I'm so you're tickled by the girlfriend I'm just like yeah we got a gay girl
Starting point is 00:35:00 what you got what you got Don what you got Don we got a gay girl we got what what you got what's your show got you got dawn what you got dawn we got jeff too yeah we got jeff bako we got a gay guy and a gay girl what's up okay uh back to donnie yes let's go back to don lemon okay here we go she was uh garrett was actually texting me the other day telling me to take another half inch off my hair, and I did it, and I fucked it all up. I thought it looked good. You do? Okay. Yeah, when you got on earlier and you were kind of like moving around getting your stuff ready, I was like, oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yeah, yeah. It's almost about to turn into a mohawk. I got to be careful. Okay. Let's get insulting. Lemon, insulting to say black people have equality. This is great. Okay. Whatever ethnicity I am, I'll tell you what I equality. This is great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Whatever ethnicity I am, I'll tell you what I am. I'm an Indian American. I'm proud of it. But I think we should have this debate. Black, white doesn't matter. I think we should have this debate. On the content of the ideas. Did she take out her cell phone?
Starting point is 00:35:58 So good. Hey, there's a video out there. It's called the Carter family. And it's these five black dudes. I think they're brothers. I think they're all related. I assume they are because it says the Carter family. And it's them watching this Officer Tatum talk about this clip.
Starting point is 00:36:19 So you can watch a black dude watching a black dude being watched by five other black dudes and they critique this whole video exchange and it's fucking good it's so good i think the tide's turning man i think i think they're i think i think that uh the people are starting to realize the psyop that and here's the thing just so you know woke tards like me and garrett who fucking finally got red pilled we don't know when we're over there. We think the opposite. We actually think like we're helping. We think like feeding the seagulls crackers is cool.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And that you're an asshole eating food in your restaurant and being upset because you got shit on by a few seagulls. We're like, no, we're saving the seagulls. We don't know we're assholes. All right. Yeah, exactly, Kenneth. That's what they want you to think. Yeah, that's what we thought. We totally think that.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Oh, Jesus. This is some hick shit. I'm not racist. My dogs are black. Are you muted, Susan? What happened? I just had it because there's a little bit of music playing in the background i just don't know how much of a bit it was picking up oh it's fine uh extra sloppy for the chat uh uh mary fuck kill caleb suza seve you know no one
Starting point is 00:37:37 answer that please a dollar 99 is not enough to humiliate me this morning. Good morning, Fergie. What's up, brother? Good morning. Okay. Yeah, it's the same with Scientology. They think they're saving the world. You would have to, right? No one goes into something being like, hey, I'm the evildoer here. I'm going to tell you this line that you need to listen to. And they don't realize it.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Socialists will stack dead bodies like cordwood they will kill i'm not trying to be some like fucking fear monger socialists will and socialists are libtards they will stack dead bodies like cordwood they will fucking kill us so that trannies can use the bathroom well they're killing you because you're a bigoted racist that must die because we will do that right you're the evildoer that's why yeah i i'm so i don't know about pre i don't know prenup prenup i mean what do you got? How much you got? How much you got? I'm the wrong person to ask because, you know, it's like, it's like every day, this is gonna be hard for me to admit to you guys.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Every day I'm out in public, I see a tattoo that I like, and yet I hate tattoos. But every day I see one. There's so many tattoos and I look at them and I'm like, oh, that looks great on that guy. Oh, that looks good. I mean, trust me, look at them, and I'm like, oh, that looks great on that guy. Oh, that looks good. I mean, trust me, I see thousands more that I'm like, what a tool. And that's how I feel about prenups.
Starting point is 00:39:12 They're completely fucking stupid. Just don't get married. But maybe there is a place for them. I don't know. In some areas, I'm getting more judgmental in my old age, and in some, i'm getting more judgmental in my old age and some i'm getting less i per i got married and i put all my shit in my even before i was married all my shits in my wife's name because i'm like what's the worst that can happen i'm homeless that would be dope
Starting point is 00:39:37 what do you think if you met somebody you had like 20 million though yeah or like assets and cash and stuff right right you're you're what about this how about how about this how about you have four how about you have four kids and you're divorced and then you marry and you're 70 years old and your wife's 40. Yep. Yeah. And, and your sons are fucked. Your kids are sons and daughters are fucked.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Hopefully you're a dad. Yet this 40 year old has to fucking handle your fucking, you know, semi flaccid cock, you know, but we all know why she's there. Just waiting it out. Yeah. Oh, look at, look at, Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Look at Alison with a strong opinion here. I didn't think you are not in a real marriage between two people who love each other. I mean, listen, how about this? If you ask your wife, if you, how about this? If you ask your wife, Hey, if I cheat on you, will you leave me? And she says, yes, get a prenup. If you think you would, if you think you would leave your wife, if she cheated on you will you leave me and she says yes get a prenup if you think you would if you think you would leave your wife if she cheated on you get a prenup because like for me my i'm i'm dead i'm i'm ride or die i'm till death do us part easy for me to say i haven't had to deal with it yet but like i stay with my wife if she cheats on me even if i come home and there's
Starting point is 00:41:00 fucking three midgets servicing her i i don't leave you better bust out the camera we need that content yeah content uh i don't leave there's no fucking way yeah i get through cheating too yep i don't i don't i i get through cheating yep i'm not um so so make me like find some shit that's a deal breaker if i would not if my wife wanted to transition to a man i don't i don't i wouldn't i would i would protect my kids from that i would not um even if even if i thought it was an okay thing to do or a right thing to do but i would i wouldn't want my kids to to witness that um i would figure out a way to no i don't think i would that change if they were older like yes yes yes yes yes yes i would feel so bad for someone though if they were tried to go through that when i was with them it's i would rather like you try to win the gold medal in
Starting point is 00:41:56 wrestling in the olympics then have to you know what i mean just it just sounds insane I mean Jeff Bezos didn't get a prenup he didn't? no and how do you become the richest woman in the world? divorce Jeff Bezos he didn't get a prenup? nah but I believe
Starting point is 00:42:23 can you check that Caleb that that's hey that's fucking badass that's fucking they were i do believe that they were together like wasn't his chick banging gavin newsom or something no no yeah his chick was it was with someone before him mackenzie bezos the one that somebody else oh oh the first wife not the new bitch no no right right right right right right right right right right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yes okay i was thinking about the new chick he's banging that looks like she isn't it crazy that he went from this fucking wholesome looking chick to a chick that looks like a full-blown porn star yeah well he him himself went from like you know complete tech nerd to like just juiced up what i guess no one has any
Starting point is 00:43:14 i see that a lot no one dudes just don't care they get rich and they just start banging chicks who look like whores i'll tell you when i get there brother and that's not fair to say that whores that's too flippant they start banging girls let me I want to strike that from the record Caleb can you erase that from the live feed thank you and that's the only time I've ever asked that on this show
Starting point is 00:43:37 strike that from the record there's girls who it's very apparent that their only point to existence is to catch a man and that's not fair to call those chicks whores that's like i i got a vision yeah because there was a time in my life where my only point to existence was to catch a girl and i mean you look at that god and you can you imagine no one ever helped me with that can you imagine i'm a i'm a 14 i'm a 15 year old boy and my only desire is to have a girlfriend
Starting point is 00:44:13 right who will let me like put my arm around her yeah like like 14 year old boys like even even 15 all i want to like i don't need anything else. I just want to put my arm around you, maybe hold your hand, maybe when I dance, like hold you, smell you. And no one was like – no one pulled me aside, no man, no woman, not my mom, not my dad, not my uncle. I was like, hey, you really want a girlfriend? Yeah, I'll help you do that. help you do that okay what what do we do okay for the first thing we do is um we're gonna make you more interesting and um more focused and more relaxed and a better body and and yeah oh that's bezos's chick yeah yeah and that's her looking kind of normal that i mean she kind of looks like now she's had she looks more like the joker now caleb did it you did it right jake caleb did you used to date her caleb yeah because you made her look normal look at her boob is so fake that it's not even the boob shape you can see like something's wrong with her boob there right it's got you can see the
Starting point is 00:45:15 implant yeah it's got on the top um i like do you know what i mean like no one was like hey seven we'll start working out you need to read this book you need to read 30 minutes a day really that'll get me chicks yeah totally just trust me you need to work out you need to go for watching to watch way less tv um you need to stay away from these foods um you need to feel comfortable um and calm even when you get nervous around girls. No one – it would have been so easy to help – I was a man who was so passionate about my goals. Would you have been receptive to the advice though? Who knows? But no one has ever – no one has ever pulled me aside and been like like my whole family my whole family my my whole
Starting point is 00:46:06 community was pushing me towards goals that they thought were relevant goals yeah that doesn't even look like a human being to me her mouth looks like a place to park your penis her mouth looks like a vagina or an anus or something look the way she's holding her lips like what do you think guys think when they see that mouth exactly what what you said. It's just an opening. I mean she's in – and who thought it was a good idea to film her tits like that? I mean literally there's a component of like low self-esteem, sex, and sex there, combination. I'll do anything for sex. Look, I'm not even trying to say that to be mean.
Starting point is 00:46:43 And I know that there's – I know it's me bringing my shit to it too. I'm not stupid to that. If I didn't have a penis, I might not be aware that – I know I'm bringing some – but I'm going to go 50-50. I'm only going to take 50% responsibility. like Jeff Bezos, like these ultra high net worth individuals that have access to anything they want in the world and, you know, have a ton of these people that work from that could kind of give me a thing. How do you bring value to that individual? You, Sevan. Sevan's asking, what do you buy someone for Christmas that's the richest man in the world? That's right. What do you do? How do you, how do you get close to that person or add value to that person? And as that chick, we figured out, she's like the AI sex bot. I said all this, she's AI.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Which is right, because what is he going to get that he can't get from everything else that he has? Maybe a little something-something from his new girlfriend. I don't know if what I'm saying is going to be true. But it really could be as simple as to crack the code for any man is just to get him to ejaculate as like always be there always be somehow trying to get him to ejaculate and so if you really wanted a rich guy who was like 60 just stay on him and eventually
Starting point is 00:48:01 eventually you'll spoil him to a point that there'll be no there'll be no no one can compete with you which is probably pretty easy and uh just be completely selfish and services genitalia it it might work a hundred percent of the time and it might not work at all i'm not sure but i'm but but dudes i think it's like that kind of simple yeah especially someone in his position where like who knows exactly what jeff's next like venture is but the whole like he's already done the climb right like amazon's already the behemoth that it is so he's kind of like looking for that next thing a little bit and it's you know that's the kind of the cycle of what you see with these
Starting point is 00:48:45 ultra rich business people it's like a lot of them will especially if you know they've been with their wife prior to building the business and everything else it's like they get to the top and then they start like seeking again hey um don fall uh don fall says a rich equals ndas the point is here though is is like you like if you're two crackheads living in a tent and and you don't need an nda because there's nothing they can take from you yeah so it's um uh yanni smith thank you uh repeat with me savvy yanni yanni yanni i know yanni yanni you know what the yoni is c Caleb? Please don't murder my name. Monthly donation.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I love you, boys. Yansa. Yanitsa. Yanitsa Smith. Yoni. I really like your picture. I get so highly buried up when I see you. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:49:41 There's no – oh, good morning, Miss Sarah. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. I mean, if ladies or dudes want to have work done, that makes them feel better, go for it. You do you, right? I mean, I almost feel like she's kind of like a sex object a little bit, right? Like we're going to assume that's the value that she's bringing to the relationship with Bezos.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Right? Like what you were saying? Yeah, yeah. Like she's like the sex. So, of course, you would get all the work done. Clive, let's get real. Most men would chase that woman down the street, including these three clowns shit-talking the way she looks.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Their necks would break if they saw her in real life yeah i see her as a i would be like holy fuck look at that comrade you're totally right a hundred percent i would point that if i saw that if i saw her walk down the street with her tits pushed up like that and seeing her fake tit pushing through a real tit and her lips look like a vagina and anus had melted into one. I would I would point that out to my wife. Like, holy shit. Look at that chick over there. Look at that fucking sex pot. Yeah, not me. No, there's no doubt But but I but I would not. I wouldn't. I probably I I I'm honestly not attracted to her. I'm attracted to her. In one specific, very specific way, but not even that way so much i'm just curious i'm just curious like the same way i'm curious about i still think like like if there was a girl if there was a woman who was seven feet tall who wanted to have sex with me i would be curious i'd be very like it wouldn't matter like she could have like hair on her back i'd probably want to try i'm just curious
Starting point is 00:51:42 um here's to add to the proper amount of diversity to the show thank you jeremy i appreciate it uh there is something in here though uh jay sizzle dudes need a spark not just an orgasm i don't think sex is often as desired will work you need that whole spark of connection friendship and intimacy gay. No, I'm just kidding. Jay, I hear you. I hear you. I, and I told, I, I, I a hundred percent hear you, but we're not talking, we're talking about a dude who's in a billion dollar tax bracket. And, um, it's not just an orgasm. It's basically like I'm talking about like she'll do anything. She'll jerk him off on the G5. She'll like I'm just she'll blow him in the in the in the at the at the at the car show at the expo when when no one else can.
Starting point is 00:52:39 When he's the cars lifted over the crowd with three million people below cheering him on and they don't know she's in there. I'm just talking about. You just have to think of what value she adds now now we could be totally wrong she could be just the ultimate like um spiritual guide yeah we could be way off base she could be both but but you're there becomes a certain amount of money that people have and it becomes very difficult to to to distinguish and you have to also remember the other signs, right? All the work. If it was that, why did she have all that work done? Why is he all juiced up? With no judgment, I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:53:14 They somehow, they must find it somehow better for themselves because he, what would he care what anyone thinks about him? I wonder. Dick Butter, that car show thing sounded way too specific one time i was hold over anyway we god we have so many to get through today we haven't even started the show that that picture of her that caleb pulled up, her arms are doing some weird shit. She has some fat on her arms that she'll never be able to get off. She got something going on.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Her rig's been permanently damaged. I'm not sure how that happened to her. You'd wonder how she was in bed but not marry her. Too much work. I need that explained to me. I think she means you would have sex with her but not be in a relationship because marry her too much work i don't i need that explained to me i think she means you would have sex with her but not like be in a relationship because that's too much work well she's got a yeah i mean yeah and i don't think i don't think she's married to bezos is she no yeah she's just dating um allison cl, maybe what would be best is for men to stop thinking their opinions are the most important thing when it comes to the way women look.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I don't know what that means either. Someone help me. Allison seems slightly triggered by your take on her earlier. What would be best is for men to stop thinking their opinions are the most important. Like, just about women's looks in general, men's opinions shouldn't... I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe she had five kids and wanted her boobs to go back to the way they were. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. Could be. I'm not... Yeah. Everyone everyone do you everyone do you but if but if you but if you're walking around um and you and you stand out and look 100 different like if an alien spaceship came and landed it at the beach it's fair game for everyone to look at it and well it's fair game for everyone to look at it. Well, it's fair game for everyone to look and have thoughts
Starting point is 00:55:28 about everything. Okay. And she doesn't look human to me. She doesn't look human to me. That's why she looks more like a curiosity to me. A lot of the parts have been upgraded. I love objectifying
Starting point is 00:55:48 stop it adds so much value to my life i love objectifying how could someone not want to objectify do you want to look up the definition of that word caleb objectify this is already gone this is really packed to punch in these first 55 minutes oh good objectify degrade to the status of a mere object how the fuck does degrade get in there deeply sexist attitude
Starting point is 00:56:23 that objectifies women wait a second so if you find a woman's tits fucking absolutely amazing that is degrade to the status of a mere what are tits if they're not just a mere object what does that mean a mere object god i'm more than an object that always meant that like that does it always meant to to i don't think that that's the correct definition what objectify i guess it has negative connotation to it but was that fucking crazy okay when you scroll down was that sometimes i feel sorry for the world other people live in. My world is so much better. Oh, is that the use of the word?
Starting point is 00:57:08 Yeah. Let me look up a different dictionary. Wow. Yeah, that's crazy. Look at that. Started getting crazy around 1980. Wow. Can you – so if you go to the store, if you buy a puppy because it's cute,
Starting point is 00:57:24 you've objectified the puppy? Hmm. If you go, oh, my if you buy a puppy because it's cute, you've objectified the puppy. If you go, oh my god, that puppy is so cute. You can't think someone's hair is beautiful as a mere object. To treat as an object or cause to have objective reality. There we go. To give an expression to something such as an abstract notion, feeling, or ideal in a form that can be experienced by others. Well, in that sense, yeah. Yeah, we had objectified it down to the fact that she was kind of a comrade, that she was basically just a servicing unit for Jeff Bezos.
Starting point is 00:58:03 She was a way, not just a rag, but a extraction, a means of extraction of semen from Bezos. So I guess in that way but we're to say that that's something negative and she can't be proud of is also judgmental men's brains are designed to objectify females all human brains are made to objectify fucking everything if you don't do that you'll fall down the fucking stairs yeah you don't if you don't fucking see the staircase you eat the poisonous berries yeah what the fuck whole tribe dies this sounds like just woke shit to me and there's a component of hating women right there's the piece that like somehow you're wrong if you find a woman beautiful or sexy or arousing every example is the objectification of women.
Starting point is 00:58:46 There's no other examples. Which is funny because that's basically, that's what gender ideology is. It's the objectification of something that's completely abstract. They're trying to objectify something that's in someone's imagination. Can't be done.
Starting point is 00:59:04 That's why the conversation always gets so weird and stupid yeah but they're trying to do it that's what woke people are doing they're trying to objectify their imagination that's a great definition of insanity right there by the way something that can never be objectified that you're trying to objectify
Starting point is 00:59:23 that's why we think people are weird who are looking for the Sasquatch. That's why the UFO shows are so weird, because enough of us haven't seen them, so we think they're trying to objectify something that's in your imagination. And we're like, oh, shit. It's like schizophrenic shit. Okay, 582.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Oh, my goodness this is gonna be fun we're gonna tear through these absolutely tear through these here we go what was that oh okay here we go listen to this hey now imagine imagine like people they imagine like we live in a world with, where people actually give a fuck about other human beings. Call her. Hi. Hey. Hi. So a little late, but I want to bring up something you guys talked about with will.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I think it was on last weekend show who's Will? no time to do that the caller the caller that talked about morality and
Starting point is 01:00:38 oh yeah yeah yeah yes yes he's our he's like our top political and religious correspondent. Yeah. Yeah, that guy. Hey, you know, that guy's the real deal. You know that, right?
Starting point is 01:00:54 Yeah, yeah. Like you see him around on news shows and shit. He's slumming it, calling into this show. Well, I don't want to argue anything he's saying, but I do have some questions. Okay. Careful. He might call in and shit. I hope he does.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Okay, okay. I hope he does because I'm genuinely curious. I just want to add one thing. Sarah Cox, there's nothing wrong with women wanting to look younger or better, but you have to do it naturally. I don't know what that means naturally, but yeah. And hey, sorry. One final thing. I've told you guys a fucking million times, like, I'll be talking shit about boobs and then I'll be staring at the fake boobs all day.
Starting point is 01:01:37 So, like, I'm a fucking walking contradiction. Like, I want to stick my face right in between Bezos is chicks boobs. Okay. Don't we all go on. Okay. So what I was hearing with the whole, but I hate the fact that women have to try to live up to that. And I'd be fine if they like,
Starting point is 01:02:00 that's why I'm not going to, I'd be, I fucking, I like dangling pendulous boobs too. Okay. Now I'm done. I really am done. Okay. Back to Will. Sorry, caller why I'm not going to – I fucking – I like dangling pendulous boobs too. Okay, now I'm done. I really am done. Okay, back to Will. Sorry, caller.
Starting point is 01:02:08 I'm done. Sorry, go ahead. All right. So what I was hearing – I hear the argument a lot, I guess. Being gay is not a sin until you act on it. And he was explaining how the reason it's wrong to act on it was because of the whole natural law idea. And it should be between a male and a female because the intention is to make a baby.
Starting point is 01:02:38 So I'm curious if it's only okay to have sex and act on lust and attraction when the goal is to make a baby, then would protected sex be a sin? Because you're not – I think they do think it's a sin. I don't understand the premise, though, of why homosexuality is a sin. I don't understand the premise of like why homosexuality is a sin i don't understand i don't understand the premise of like you're telling me like i can understand like hey um you're a dude and you're naturally attracted to girls and but you want a handy but some guy tries to give you handy and you don't really care but i understand the premise like don't let him do it because you don't want to
Starting point is 01:03:22 have to guard that secret or be an oddity in society. Like I can go along with that logic, right? I just – and I can see the value of having – because men are so fucking sex-crazed and driven by like the conquering of like women. I don't know if conquering is the right word, but I can understand the importance of like staying in your lane with women because they kind of put a – what's that thing that you put on the car to make sure it doesn't go too fast? Governor. A governor. They put kind of a governor on you, and they force you to do shit like invent light bulbs or ride bulls for seven seconds. I can't even have this conversation because I can't see the – I don't understand the problem with homosexuality. I don't – Yeah, me neither neither me neither like it like at all but i do but i do think that men i do think that there would be a i i'm open to being wrong about
Starting point is 01:04:13 this i don't mean this in any bigoted way i do think that you would find that gay men there's are disproportionately the larger group of pedophiles than straight men. Yeah, because because men need a governor on their like on their sex shit. They need like it's we we operate better at not just full throttle spraying semen everywhere. We work with like. We work better with discipline. discipline well as a a female that is attracted to females i i've gotten the argument many times with the religious community what's their argument why is it why is there any logic on why it's not why you shouldn't be yeah that's how are you supposed to control that either do you think that you're attracted to females the same way i'm attracted to females? Or do you think a girl's attraction to girls is different than a boy's attraction to girls? like I tried very hard to be attracted to men and, um,
Starting point is 01:05:30 eventually I just like, you, you can't, I, I can't control it. Like there's just a, let me, let me ask you this. How you describe attraction is very accurate. And eventually you live in enough misery, I guess, trying to force attraction for what society tells you to that um it's exhausting and unhappy so are you ever attracted to boys are you ever like oh that would be fun to take a shower with that guy uh yeah i i coach crossfit and there there's a couple men that there's something about butterfly pull-ups and six packs and i i watch men do that i'm like oh holy shit you know but um it's different than a sexual attraction i guess okay right right
Starting point is 01:06:12 an emotional attraction there's definitely an emotional attraction that i feel with women and just not men um uh i know right guys are such fucking perverts i'm the exact same way jeremy's like i'm attracted to this color i know right we're such fucking dirt we're such dirt bags i i hear you jeremy me too me too okay oh what um you it's the same thing like i would i never say anything stupid to a girl but like every beer i put in like there's a chance something stupid's gonna come out but like i'm not there in, like there's a chance something stupid is going to come out. But like, I'm not, there's, I'm, there's never a point where I'm gonna drink 12 beers and I'm gonna end up with a dick in my mouth. Like it just, I just,
Starting point is 01:06:51 I go further and further down maybe saying something stupid to a girl. Is it like that for you too with girls? Like you, you might not act on it and two beers in you're like, Oh shit, I'm gonna, I'm going to start standing. I'm standing too close to this girl now. Oh, I, yeah, I get a lot more brave, I'd say. Yeah, I think that's the litmus test to like test out like what sexuality you are. And when you masturbate, do you think of girls? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Yeah, I think those are the two litmus tests. If when you drink it, you start like being like, oh, fuck it. You start noticing like it's that thing that Susie explained about alcohol. It fucks up the front of your brain and you stop thinking about the consequences of anything beyond five minutes. Yeah. Well, you know what, what my litmus test was actually, it was jealousy. That was, that was when I officially realized like, oh crap.
Starting point is 01:07:45 So if I was ever jealous that someone else interviewed Rich Froning besides me, that means I'm gay? Oh, no, I'm fucked. It was when somebody I was super attracted to was with somebody else. Yeah, that's interesting um some other some lesbian was telling me that lesbians will not tolerate um that you guys would have a greater veracity against like if you saw especially penises you you don't you don't tolerate penises in relationships like two lesbians if if if one of the girls slept with a guy that would be fucking like world war three um that the jealousy from men is just towards men is insane i don't know i don't know if i i don't know i'm not a super jealous person so i guess when it comes to jealousy like when I started to feel that it was
Starting point is 01:08:46 like, okay, we got some, we got some self exploration that needs to go on here. Like, you know, time to figure something out what's going on. But, um, Did it take you off guard? You're not expecting it the first time and then all of a sudden you're like, whoa, why am I feeling this way? Yeah. A hundred percent. I don't, I don't do jealousy either.
Starting point is 01:09:05 I'm so rarely jealous. I can't ever remember being jealous. It's a very unattractive trait. Yeah. Yeah, it definitely caught me off guard. Hey, if you want to fuck someone, there's got to be at least one other person out there that wants to fuck them. That's the thing, right?
Starting point is 01:09:21 I mean, like... Yeah. I mean mean it's it's it's every like yeah like like caleb's wife have you seen caleb's wife i i have not like all the dudes at the fire caleb knows that every time she goes to work that all the dudes there want to shower with her uh the firefighter firefighter. I'm already. In defense of the dudes, they're probably really good at faking it that they don't.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Not as good as I think. Oh, all right. Fair. Fair. All right, so what's the question for Will? Why is it a sin? Or was that my question? What's your, what's your, what's your question? Like, are you tripping on it too? Are you like, fuck, I don't want to be a sinner. like honestly i just feel bad for those people that are so closed-minded that they can't be open to being gay i guess or be accepting of people that are gay yeah um but i think that conversation in particular that like really got my wheels turning was when um like pedophilia kind of got brought into it and like i couldn't tell if you were making the relationship of like those two sins,
Starting point is 01:10:49 like acting on those two things were, were relative or not. I don't think that you were because obviously in one of those situations, somebody's getting hurt and another one, nobody's getting hurt. Right, right, right. One's consensual. Yep. Yes. And if I was, I apologize. I did not mean to, I apologize if I was. No, and I didn't take it that way. I just, it just really got my wheels turning because it made me wonder, like, if people who genuinely think that being gay is a sin or acting on being gay is a sin, like, I wonder, it just made me wonder if they do make that relationship with that, which is just, like, gross. they do make that relationship with that, which is just like gross. So I guess I was just thinking more about it that day.
Starting point is 01:11:32 And then it was just kind of something that's like, well, who makes it right for it being men and women? And they would answer it with the Bible and natural law. Yeah, I can't buy that. I can't buy that. But I don't think that Will sleeps with his wife every time and thinks, time to make a baby. Let's have more babies. You know, like, it's just kind of a— I do think you're right, though. I think that truly religious—I think people who are, like, walking foot-in-foot with that book, step-in-step with it, I think that they know that contraception is sin.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I think they know that. um contraception is sent i think i think it i think they know that but i mean they i makes me wonder is he he's had to have had sex and like pulled out or like not oh so you're saying not even like a barrier pull out what about timing it like i have catholic friends who time it like the chicks just like hey i'm ovulating don't don't let one fly yeah i mean there's all kinds of ways to prevent having babies. And some of them are a little less accurate than others. But I think that like the idea behind it, like there is that a sin if you're not going into sex for natural law purposes to have a baby?
Starting point is 01:12:42 Is it a sin? And if you're going to say no to that, then you've got to say no to same sex. I don't know. Philip Kelly, for the caller to say her name, $1.99. You don't need to say her name, by the way. I just have to read it. Yeah, I'm not going to say my name. Sub on how many beers have you had today?
Starting point is 01:12:58 Today's my fasting day, no beers. Allison NYC, you've never said anything stupid to a woman? I don't know who you're talking about, but I've said tons of stupid shit to a woman, and it gets exacerbated with every beer I have. I just haven't said anything stupid to a guy with a beer. Like, I've never, like, at beer number 12 been like, okay, I'm ready to just let someone slip a cock in my mouth.
Starting point is 01:13:20 But I'm willing to, at beer 12, I'm willing to fuck a chick who's like barely a chick. After his 13th Bud Light, Dylan Mulvaney's looking pretty good. Dylan Mulvaney! All right. Well, I won't take up any more of your time. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Thank you for the thoughtful call. Thank you. Yep. Have a good one. Okay. Bye. It's funny how me and Jaren, probably all the guys are like, oh, this chick's cool. This chick's cool.
Starting point is 01:13:53 I am a dude. I'm a boy. I got the boy stuff going on. Shit. Okay, here we are. Okay, here we are. Okay, here we are. This is about – this is about what's best for our health. Yeah, pushing the clock forward and backward. Matthew Walker, by the way.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Okay, here we go. That's the guy's name, Matthew Walker? Yeah, Matthew Walker. He wrote a book called Why We Sleep. It's a really good book. Okay. Experiment that's performed on 1.6 billion people across 70 countries twice a year, and it's called Daylight Savings Time.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Now, in the spring, when we lose an hour of sleep, we see a subsequent 24% increase in heart attacks. What? In the fall, in the autumn, when we gain an hour of sleep, we see a subsequent 24% increase in heart attacks. What? In the fall, in the autumn, when we gain an hour of sleep, there's a 21% decrease in heart attacks. So it's bi-directional. That's how fragile and vulnerable your body is to even just the smallest perturbation of sleep. One hour. One hour. That's insane. Yeah. All it takes is one hour because there is a- Perturbation. The smallest perturbation.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Listen, let's say that this is true and this is a fact. And by a fact, I mean in this study that that's the predictive value of time. The science being that those predictions, that's the highest predictive value we have for heart attacks or or it's a great it's an amazingly strong correlate yep and yet your government still does that it still puts fluoride in your water and and it enforces you to go to 49ers games mean, just none of it makes any sense. None of it makes any sense. How have they stopped? How have they not stopped daylight savings? Right. Hey, if you listen to that book, the facts they have on teenagers and sleep in school and car crashes. Yeah. Is crazy. Yeah. I never slept in high school. Yeah. And my, yeah. You know, and you're, yeah. The rhythm of your sleep is pushed that way as you're in adolescence and he talks about it too. So
Starting point is 01:16:12 you're trying to create the school system that works against kind of your natural rhythm and it creates a bunch of issues. So going back to what you were saying, if we know that we're collecting data on and we know that it's wrong, like, why are we making steps to change it? It's almost like they don't care about the public at all. Imagine imagine starting an organization that calls Black Lives Matter and burning down cities and being worried about 12 probably guilty men who were shot, but were shot and killed when they were unarmed, but were probably guilty for some sort of heinous crime when you could just easily protest peacefully at the capitol just to get rid of daylight savings and save more lives imagine you could say imagine like you cared about melanated people specifically that was what you're bent on and all you had to do is go to the capitol get all the melanated people and non-melanated to write letters saying we want to get rid of daylight savings time.
Starting point is 01:17:07 And you'd save 3,000 melanated people's lives every year from having heart attacks. But instead, you do BLM and burn down cities just to save 12. It's fucking nuts. You see what I'm saying here? Completely just misplaced energy. Yeah, it all is. No one gives a fuck no one really gives a fuck don't think anyone does oh none of those people give a fuck none of those woke people give a fuck they're they're all there's there's literally i'm seeing it more
Starting point is 01:17:39 and more now they're just tools they're just being driven they're just being manipulated they're like leaves being blown around by a leaf blower They're just tools. They're just being driven. They're just being manipulated. They're like leaves being blown around by a leaf blower. It's crazy. All right. Do you think it's unraveling this much now because of our access to information? It's so much greater now like go back to you know night in the 90s and say okay well we're talking about this subject well someone bring up that oh you're saying that maybe things are
Starting point is 01:18:13 better than you're suggesting that maybe things are better than they've ever been because it's starting to unravel number one things are better than they've ever been. That's proven. No, no question about that. And number two, yeah, I just think that now that this veil of power, this veil of, of kind of the facade that was that was put on his up is being lifted. So now you're being able to see the interests aligned of the, you know, major corporations and government corporate media. And it's easier for us to look at it and say, wait a minute, that's complete bogus bullshit because we have this mass amount of other data points that we're looking at, which if you go back, not even that long ago, you didn't have it. Like right now we
Starting point is 01:18:54 could say, Hey Caleb, look up the statistic on this and give us three reference points and then give us those references to this. And he could sit there right there, or we could do a Jeff Bayco does and sits behind the comments and waits for me to say something and then googles it to be like oh yeah look at yeah well well first he takes my cock out of his mouth for a second hold on hey 800 shows in and that's the first time Suze has done to take the cock out of the mouth with sound effects. I approve of that. But you know what I mean? So we have this abundance of information. So I just wonder if it makes it
Starting point is 01:19:31 that's what's really happening here. Trish wants you to objectify something. We never, you said something subjective and now Trish wants you to objectify. Sorry, we don't do objectification on the show. Well, for starters, there's more large boobs than there's ever been. Thanks to science. It's called Factfulness, Trish. It's a great book. You should look it up and it's going to
Starting point is 01:19:54 break down step by step how far we've come in humanity and how much things better are. We have more access right now to everything. That was oddly accurate. right now to everything that was oddly accurate my first rodeo hardle it's a great book it's called factfulness and if you look it up you could you could it'll it'll it'll lay out the whole entire thing of how far we've actually come and how much how how better things are now yes whenever whenever i see that i just want to know if the author's alive because if the author's alive because if the author's alive i should read it yeah i'm not reading anything well i'm gonna i don't want to read anything if the author's not and this the the craziest part about this too is like they just
Starting point is 01:20:34 say hey if you go back to the 1970s and you take the richest person in the world we have more stuff and more access than they did um what if this suza let me propose this to you caleb you feel free to listen if you want but you don't have to obviously what if why why do a show like this why not just focus on the crossfit games or focus on basket weaving or do a show that just like where we just rate the best tits and best um in the best male asses you know on the planet why not just hang out and have fun and the three of us know we're awake but we don't we don't disturb the matrix at all and we just like maybe maybe i can't accept the fact of what I'm seeing, so I'm trying to convince more people to see. Maybe like I'm like that guy who saw the UFO. I'm seeing something, and I just want more people to see it.
Starting point is 01:21:36 But what do I give a fuck? Why not just like have fun? I can just walk like I go in the grocery store, and I can just walk around and see everyone's asleep. But who cares? Why do I? I can just walk – like I go in the grocery store, and I can just walk around and see everyone's asleep, but who cares? Why do I – is it just my own insecurity that I want to try to wake other people up? Why do I care if the whole world turns communist and totalitarianism and whatever? As long as I get to stay awake and see things, I still get to see.
Starting point is 01:22:05 No one can stop me from seeing but i think without us seeing and then talking about it and then discussing and processing it it'll there it'll it'll never progress to something better you mean for for humanity as a whole yeah yes because the ones who do are going to be the ones who control it the ones who don't are going to be the ones who just turn the wheel. They're just another clog in the system functioning. world moves along perfectly 98 of the people stay asleep and two percent stay awake but but it doesn't move along perfectly if 98 of the people wake up and only two percent are asleep what if what if like like let's say that that would be the end of the world is it better just to keep people asleep do you see what i'm saying i proposing here. I know it's a bit abstract. I guess I justify it because I feel like – So what do you mean? Like why spend our time focusing on –
Starting point is 01:23:14 Like who cares if everyone – like they want everyone to take the drugs. I figured out a way that I don't have to take the drugs. They want everyone to be racist. I figured out a way not to be racist. Like I figured out all this stuff for myself to have equanimity and to stay connected and to be able to i have a i have rituals that help me stay connected to the um outside the matrix and is your life better or worse from that it's so much better so i think that maybe that's why you want to do it because you want other people to feel similar how you do and be able to look at things clearly or a little
Starting point is 01:23:43 bit more clearly i guess i mean part of me thinks if i didn't have kids i wouldn't give a fuck that's what well i was gonna say you want to be better for your for your kids because of their future but then that doesn't explain why i want to do it because i don't have kids but i still feel like i like i like these shows where we dig in deep into these subjects like to me me, I could care less about a no rep. Their chest didn't touch the bar and they're still going to the games. It's like, okay, you know, that's something that we're all passionate about.
Starting point is 01:24:10 I'm sitting inside my CrossFit affiliate right now, right? But at the end of the day, I don't care that much to talk about that as much as I do these other bar careers. When we walk away from the show, I think about the topics that are on the show. Exactly. When I walk away from the no rep show,
Starting point is 01:24:22 I'm not like, I'm not, I'm not wondering like. And I'm not shitting on that by the way either me neither me neither but i'm not but i don't like we're on a threat we're on this god you guys i'm on this thread it's the most amazing thread ever both you guys are on it right yeah you know what's so crazy about that thread it's like an underground thread like i don't think the people on there know how fucking amazing that thread is yeah like if you are a fucking crossfit games geek or you care what's happening across the game system i'm on this text thread that's fucking nuts you started it it's a it's it's like a sampling of all it's like such a crazy sampling have have you ever thought of like the world is like um all the creatures on planet earth and planet earth is a sensory organ of gods
Starting point is 01:25:11 do you know what do you know what i mean by that like it's just one giant sensory organ that's feeding back to god that's what and we're all just like the cells and shit like giving feedback to this this larger entity conscious entity yeah that's what i that's what i feel like that thread is it's like all these little feelers out that are in the ecosystem and everyone has their specialty like we got a plumber we got a killer we got a you know what i mean they all chime in at every time yeah yeah yeah and everything's like just firing shit into this like yeah, yeah, it's crazy. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:47 You can't even keep up with it. Do you keep up with it, Caleb? I tried to, but it's really hard. Yeah, it is hard. Yeah, it like ebbs and flows, right? Yeah, like I'll come out of work and I'll like get signal. And then all of a sudden I have like 150 texts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:12 God, it's crazy uh unless you're going to have us in you're being a huge cocktease i know it's and it's braggadocio to say the least but it is what it is i can't i can't last night i was just looking at it and it's's like – Oh, my goodness. Listen, Clive, angry because I've snapped at Clive recently, so he's sticking it back in me. Rule number one is no criticizing of Sevan. If it's not, it should be. If it's not, it should be. Hey, it's just a thread with games dorks on it and CrossFit dorks.s it's just like just all the people that i've ever had on this show who are like the dork the dork squad you
Starting point is 01:26:52 know what i mean like the john youngs or the patrick clarks or the tyler watkins it's those dudes but they're from all different facets and little corners yeah and it's crazy it's so crazy hey going back to the thing you were talking about earlier like why do we discuss these topics facets and little corners. Yeah. And it's crazy. It's so crazy. Hey, going back to the thing you were talking about earlier, like why do we discuss these topics? I, I actually just read a comment that Trish wrote that made me think about it. She was like, Oh, I don't care about the games. And I was like, maybe that's why I'm so passionate about the methodology of CrossFit because you know, that pushes humanity forward in a certain sense,
Starting point is 01:27:21 as opposed to the games. It's just entertainment sports. in a certain sense as opposed to the games it's just entertainment sports yeah yeah and i and i have some sports are intrinsic they have no value intrinsically like we we they're only things we add value to where the rest of this shit does have value intrinsically like it's meaningful in every someone's everyday life that if they're gay are they living in sin? Like that was some pretty fucking honest shit that chick called in about. Yeah. As opposed to like who gives a fuck how many points LeBron James scored?
Starting point is 01:27:54 It's only cool if he uses that fame to like bring clean drinking water to Baltimore. Yep. Right. Whereas just caring about like, hey i yeah yeah okay fine all right i feel better thank you for justifying the show yeah excuse me clive uh thank you for uh slapping me around a little bit i appreciate a little dose of a little dose of humility uh fergie made a comment earlier i I fucking missed it to pull it up. But it said it was like a slogan for beer, getting ugly people laid for thousands of years or something.
Starting point is 01:28:34 It was something funny like that. Yeah, that's not what I said. I mean, that really, I mean, that's – I mean – yes. That was the thing with like on campus. Everybody's like, oh, yeah, we have to reduce like – rape is happening every day on campus. They're like, well, just get rid of all the alcohol, and you'll see all that sexual stuff like come down dramatically, right? They're like, well, let's not get crazy. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Well, hey, yeah, there's another one. Yeah, and you don't even have to make alcohol illegal. You could start a massive government campaign basically shaming alcohol like they did with littering, right? And with cigarettes. Just like, hey, we're going to put a stop to public drinking. You will fucking if you're seen walking around drinking, the fine will be a thousand dollars and it won't be anything that ever goes away if you fucking file bankruptcy. And just start – and just make it just – yeah, and drinking would go down. And you're right. There would be way less sexual crime, unwanted pregnancies. All sorts of shit would go down. Accidents, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Plummet. Oh, here we go. Noah's Ark. Oh, here we go. Hey, dude, no one's going to fucking heaven with those earrings on either let me tell you right there in your picture your profile pic i don't give a fuck what you did you saved mother theresa from a burning building you still fucking don't get in i don't know if you get kicked in the hell but you ain't getting in
Starting point is 01:30:00 uh we have you on the list but sir please remove those earrings yes that's not part of dress code i'm on the i am the way the truth and the life i thought it was the light depends on which interpretation uh someone someone uh someone um i am the way, the truth, and the life. Is it the life? No one comes to the Father except through me. Sevan Matosian, April 23rd, 2023. I'm going to hell. Okay. Have you heard Mother Teresa was a child trafficker no but i'm open i'm fucking i'm so open to it my goodness okay uh 580 uh 581 i got this abortion clip that i'm fucking dying to show
Starting point is 01:30:58 you guys i don't know where it is there's so many good ones today i want to see what how are you guys on time how are you on time caleb i'm good for now okay caleb with the uh concise and clearance okay i don't see a text from my wife so i should be pretty chill okay uh action seems to be the next stage of the woke agenda if you don't like this you're a bigot so this right here is the petal flag the top two stripes are blue to represent attraction to young boys the bottom two stripes are pink to represent attraction to young girls the inner yellow stripes are to represent child this seems to be the next stage of the woke agenda if you don't like it okay what this guy is basically saying what this guy is basically saying is that the pedo flag is coming and and to be honest with you it might be up in front of like your local recycling center already these are the by the way
Starting point is 01:31:54 all the public all the public places in my town have these flags now that i don't know what they mean wait this flag this flag well one that looks like this i didn't look at it specifically but it's one that's definitely like about genital mutilation and stuff they got a general mutilation flag up at my local because i drive by it every day taking the kids to jiu-jitsu and uh yeah and so don't think everyone just be calm but outraged the the pedophile flag is either here or it's coming and just so you know once again uh i i'm not i'm not advocating being a republican but um the republicans are you'll never see this on a building with republicans in it like who who support this never this is only supported by one political ideology well i don't know if just one but there's one in our country the united states that supports this under the guise of being accepting okay so just be prepared it's it's if it's not here it's
Starting point is 01:32:51 coming the pedo flag and that's that's why people like garrett are like hey we're not down with don lemon like that's don lemon's thing you have to know that. There's a connection there. I don't know if he's actually a pedo, but he's supporting that kind of acceptance. There's no way it goes this far. Bro. You think so? Yes. Caleb, what do you think? You think we're going to see a flag around? Dude, I'm...
Starting point is 01:33:17 Somebody's going to get fucking killed. A lot of people are going to get killed. There's no way. Did you watch that video of the guy? I hope you guys are right. I hope it's like, wow, Sevan's really gone right wing. We're going to put a Q. It's the Q Sevan podcast. But I don't know. I think it's here.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Did you see the video of the guy who got caught by some people being a pedophile and then he jumped into traffic and killed himself? No. No. Hold that thought, Caleb. I want to come back. Aren't aren't all the aren't all the politicians on both sides pedophiles? Yeah, probably. For sure they are. But what I'm saying is, is that the the the ideology coming from the left for sure, Allison, but the ideology coming from the left is open is is like openly pushing for it they're openly pushing for it and and and the and the and the right is not the right has um they got religion that makes uh like being gay and being a pedophile wrong and so like I'm on
Starting point is 01:34:17 that team for a little bit until like until it goes away you know what I mean like I'm not for spraying my house down with water and ruining all the contents inside. But if there's a fire inside, I'll make an exception. And that's basically what I'm doing right now. Please bring the hose and just put it in one of my windows and turn it on full blast. But Sevan, all your shit will get ruined. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:34:40 I do it. There's a fire in there that needs to fucking be put out. Well, there's the question. Jake Chapman. A straight man sleeping with a cat. Why can't people just be nice to others without the promise of heaven or eternal damnation? Yeah, the reward punishment thing is interesting, right? Okay, yeah. Okay, Caleb. yeah the reward punishment thing is interesting right okay um yeah uh okay uh caleb um
Starting point is 01:35:08 a guy got accused of being a pedophile and to take care of it he ran out into traffic and got killed yeah i think they did like one of those uh it was like a honey trap or whatever for this guy and then whenever they met up with him he realized that he was like trapped it wasn't even like cops or anything i think it was just some random people and then they uh went to chase him down to like catch him basically and i don't think i can show this honestly but he's this is just a picture of the video of him running down the sidewalk and then he just kind of like thinks about it thinks about it and then a big one of those straight trucks with a moving truck
Starting point is 01:35:48 starts driving down the road, and he just jumps in front of it. He literally dives underneath the front axle, and it kills him. Whoa. Hey, I'm glad you showed the discretion not to show this. Not because I don't want the people to see it, but because I don't
Starting point is 01:36:03 want to get banned, so thank you. I'm glad someone has a fucking brain on the show yeah if anybody wants to see it just dm me and i'll send it to you i vow to never donate again on this day god is my witness donate what donate what i looked back because they were saying like why haven't you asked her answered trish's question and i was like wait i didn't see you come in but trish did donate $1.99 and asked us or $2.99 maybe and asked us what the best shoes for running in a weight vest was go rucks oh thank god i thought i thought she was never going to donate again kim as god as uh i again. Trish, this is God speaking. Go Ruts. I did not see what you said
Starting point is 01:36:49 about never donating again. So feel free to donate again. I did not witness that. Thank you. Barefoot. It's a trick question. Barefoot. Barefoot. Barefoot. It's a trick question. Barefoot.
Starting point is 01:37:10 It's kind of cool that you respect my opinion. Okay, 580. African American isn't an ethnicity. Not yet. Not yet. I don't even accept Mexicans, to be honest. I really don't. Hispanic is an ethnicity, but not Mexican. I'm on team human.
Starting point is 01:37:27 Yeah. There was a guy who used to listen to the show Gigi Jiggy. Oh, this is fucking hilarious. Representative Marlene Terry melts down after she gets called out for race baiting. This is nuts. This is absolutely nuts. Okay, here we go. I ask you what you identify as.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Identify? Ethnicity. I identify as an American. Not an African American? Yeah. Are you African American? I didn't get elected into my position because of the color of my skin or doing any race baiting stuff that it seems like you're promoting here.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Oh, I'm promoting race baiting. I'm promoting race baiting. No, I think you're promoting privilege, tokenism. Can I ask you what you identify? Seve, have you ever done murph barefoot no i you know what i should try to do murph today on my fasting day i i wonder if i could do it in two hours i would i have a 16 pound vest oh i can't do pull-ups i can't do pull-ups right now i'm still out of the what i can't do and i can't maybe i i don't know if i could i i could pull a sled with a rope uh yeah she was panicking i agree that was crazy that she did her her attempt at saying ethnicity
Starting point is 01:39:00 i would like to give ethnicity a more a better definition than the one we saw in in i hate to be in denial but you gotta like like if you're if you're israeli that's a nationality if you're jew you get into some weird jews a little vague you get into some weird weird territory because that's your religion and i don't know if like it's really your ethnicity i don't i don't think it is but but if you're like somali and you and you're you know what i mean like you're six six nine and 105 pounds and you have a fucking head that looks like a shovel and you're black and you're Somali. That's your ethnicity. You're fucking like 5'10 and fucking good looking and built like a brick shithouse. And you're melanated and you live in Kenya.
Starting point is 01:39:53 You're Kenyan. I mean those people look different. If you look like Kim Kardashian, you're Armenian. I mean it's just – but armenian is also a language but i don't think we have an ethnicity on this continent that'd be crazy if the african-american became the first ethnicity on this continent this continent doesn't oh i sorry sorry i get i guess i guess if like you're making this up sorry sorry for any indigenous people out there. If you're like Choctaw, is that a real Indian tribe, Choctaw? I just made that up.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Yeah. It is? Oh. Yeah. If you're Choctaw. Impressive, both of you. Assuming that it's true. Now that's a tribe, but I think that's also an ethnicity.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Yeah, this is a problem too with jay hardell saying we are also asian oh there it is okay so fucking awesome look at mr read a book over there is getting schooled by me and kayla look we just blew fucking uh susan's hair back uh yeah so that's a problem, too, because we are also Asian. And actually, when I applied to college, I did check Asian in the box. Yeah. I need to work it out a little bit more. I need to talk to the people at Webster's.
Starting point is 01:41:17 What about 511 on California hormones and average at best looking? Half white, half Hispanic. My ethnicity is American. Your nationality is American. You're a classic American though. I would say you're very good looking. Your ethnicity is alpha.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Yeah. And you're cool as shit. So there. I don't think everyone has an ethnicity you you you you have an ethnic makeup yeah african-americans but black dudes on in the united states have ethnic makeup like the nigerians here are nigerian that's their and their ethnicity that yeah really black smart wealthy stay married for a long time those are some of the uh good immigrants nigerian um 579 how come my parents didn't question this?
Starting point is 01:42:26 How come, who thought it was okay to put shit in our, in our water? I just don't understand why you would put anything in the water supply. Why would you ever do that? I just don't understand that. Was that, pardon me? How did that happen? I'm not, I don't know the order. I don't know either.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Someone's stupid, some stupid science, something like stupid science, like most sciences. Here we go. Action. Everyone knows this now, too. This is what's crazy. If you're still brushing your teeth with fluoride, you better fucking wake the fuck up. This is going to make you mad. On March 15th, 2023, the U.S. government finally released a report it had suppressed since May of 22 on the effects of fluoride on our kids. It took a lawsuit to get
Starting point is 01:43:12 the results of this six-month review of dozens and dozens of studies, which was funded by the taxpayers. Here's the conclusion I pulled right off page 467 of the report. The consistency of the data supports an inverse association between fluoride exposure and children's IQ. That means as fluoride goes up from drinking water, toothpaste, dental cleanings, whatever, IQ goes down in the developing brains of our kids. Now, who would want to block access to that information from the public? Oh, probably dentists. There are arguments both ways on fluoride and tooth decay, but nobody expected neurological damage. And withholding information is never, ever the answer to anything. Shame on those who would even consider it. I think it's finally time to stop putting
Starting point is 01:43:54 fluoride in our drinking water. Dentists be nammed. People can choose to supplement it with tablets if they want, but they can't really choose not to drink the city water, right? Something like 98% of the Western world doesn't drink fluoridated water, and there's no outcry that their kids' teeth are rotting out of their mouths. You can filter fluoride out of your drinking water with a reverse osmosis system, a distillation system, or an ion exchange type of filtration. Let's help our kids keep their smarts. We worked hard to give that to them, right?
Starting point is 01:44:23 This is going to make you mad. keep their smarts we worked hard to give that to them right this is going to make you it's a it's it's it's hey it just comes down to discernment and trusting your own your own hey does that sound smart the entire it's like it's like it would be like giving um making the entire uh u.s military complex complex all take the same injection. That, I mean, that just sounds absolutely batshit crazy, right? I saw Caleb.
Starting point is 01:44:50 I saw Caleb. I saw Caleb Twitch. Dude, it's crazy. It doesn't even make sense. Jeff Baker. That guy must be a blast at the barbecue. Jeff Birchfield screwing up every argument that I ever make.
Starting point is 01:45:18 So what about the naturally fluoridated water such as jip water in the panhandle of Texas? I bless you, my son. Drink away. I have no idea. I'm just saying i don't know i haven't done enough research about fluoride other than to know my wife would my wife doesn't let us be anywhere around it but i do have the discernment and the awareness and the common sense to be like hey nothing should be put in the water supply in the entire country's water supply it just sounds way too fucking dangerous if for some reason it was bad
Starting point is 01:45:46 then what in five days we're all dead yeah who's a benefit the most okay science science nine out of ten scientists agree yeah nine five five 78 this is great i remember this i remember when when the word mongoloid you guys might be too young do you remember when they used to call retarded people mongoloids and then and then and then they switched to retard because mongoloid was fucked up this is a great bit right here okay action this is so good my grandma used to do it. And when she would reference mentally challenged people in the old days, she called them mongoloids.
Starting point is 01:46:30 She'd be like, oh, I'm working with some mongoloids at the church. And then people like my mom would be like, you f***ing bitch. They're called retarded. Because that was the PC term for that time. That was normal. And then my mom would say, oh, I'm at the March of Dimes with the retarded kids. And then me and my sisters would be like, mom, it's called mentally challenged, mom. And then turn to special needs.
Starting point is 01:46:57 And then someday I'll be an old man and I'll be like, I'm helping with the special needs. And they're going to be like, they're called ice cream enthusiasts or whatever. See what I'm saying? Whatever you're doing will later be trash. You're not good. You're just current. My grandma used to do it. I remember Mongoloid.
Starting point is 01:47:23 I remember when that was going out. And it switched to retard. I was young. I was very young. Mongoloid I remember when that was going out and it switched to retard I was young I was very young Mongoloid yeah one of the I don't know if I should say this my sister's listening
Starting point is 01:47:37 I don't want my sister to hear this I need to tell her in private first Philip Kelly Sebon I think you're cool as fuck too that shirt looks amazing on you thank you do you know what i do this shirt's a little tight on me and the pants i'm wearing are a little tight on me but they're kind of like my favorite shirt my favorite pants but it's my fasting day and so within like a few hours my inflammation will start really start dropping and then they'll fit nicely. It's kind of, it's a game I play all the time.
Starting point is 01:48:08 Uh, the dentist, we just went to try to get my five-year-old fluoride tablets to chew like candy. Wow. It's amazing. Right? Thank you, Phillip. I appreciate it. Uh, okay. But I, it's so, you – so I remember when it was okay. It was like – I thought it was a compliment to say – you can't say oriental carpet anymore either I guess. Oriental rug. For me, this is a very, very potent idea and very meaningful to me because there's some stuff that this guy says in here specifically that really hit me hard.
Starting point is 01:49:04 I was raised to get from point A to point B based on the fact that everyone around me, my family, my relatives, and society thought that point B was the place to go. No one ever considered where I wanted to go. No one ever said to me, what do you want to be? What goals do you have? What would make things fun for you? And I could have said, well, I really want a girlfriend or someday I'd like to, you know, I'd like to have an apartment with the girl and then we could bathe together. You know, I would like to have a job.
Starting point is 01:49:25 I'd like to make it so I have a job that makes enough money to where like, I don't have to worry about like how much gas costs. I want to have a house where I can plant my own trees. No one, no one ever asked. I didn't, no one ever asked me whenever, and then be like, okay, well, I can help you get to those goals. Hey, I'd like a pretty girl. Who's nice to me, who likes me for who I am back. Okay. Well then let's, let's work on yourself. Let's, let's get you fit and let's work on your brain. Let's clean your brain up a little bit so that you attract someone who like really likes you for who you are. Yeah. Maybe they didn't have the tools for that though. Or maybe they didn't have a vision for themselves. So how are they going to help you cast your own and set goals if they're not doing it themselves? Right, right.
Starting point is 01:50:00 And, and, and they were just tools of the man, put Florida in the water, go to college, graduate, buy a house. Like they were more interested in the man. Put fluoride in the water, go to college, graduate, buy a house. They were more interested in the buy a house, get married, have kids. What's crazy is I had never any interest to fucking get married, buy a house, or have kids, but it's what I have. Never had interest, but everyone around me did. Everyone around me did. I never had had those interests and i still got them and um uh so and and i i have as you guys know i'm not short of bragging about i have a really fun life my life is so fucking fun um but but listen listen to what this guy's saying and this is this is going to change
Starting point is 01:50:42 the trajectory of how i speak to my kids listening to what this man said. This is there's some really in the most powerful shit I think in there is the nuance stuff, not the big picture stuff he's saying. OK, action. Lions don't hang out with hyenas. They don't. Lions hang out with lions because a lion only hangs out with other lions. Then the standard for a lion is being a lion the issue with us and success sometimes is that we don't intentionally hang around people who are what we want to be we just don't do it if we can understand the importance of the proximity to excellence well then the standard becomes excellent oftentimes we get advice from a friend
Starting point is 01:51:24 or a family member or somebody that we know who've never even been in the space that we want to go. This is about the power of proximity. Most of us don't understand the importance of closing the gap to excellence. Like we got to get closer to excellence. When you're around excellence, then you think excellent and you produce excellence in everything that you do. The expectation for you is excellent. Sometimes we listen to people who want us to win, but not more than they win themselves. So you get advice from people about being successful, but the undertone of it is jealousy and envy. That's not the direction that we need to go.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Close the gap to excellent. Hang out with life. Surround yourself with people who have identity traits that you want to work towards excellence is always a proximity issue get around and so and so our parents it i want to switch that thing he says like if you take advice from someone who who who doesn't have your success and that you're even though they might be helped trying to help you your success isn't what's that you're, even though they might be trying to help you, your success isn't what's most important in their mind. And there might be jealousy issues,
Starting point is 01:52:29 but from the parent standpoint, let me tweak that a little bit. And there's parents who want their kids to be successful because so that the parent then feels good about themselves. Right. So like when my sister got married, my dad wanted to make sure he got to invite his friends or their concern. Like I still hear, I still hear people around me talk about like they're bragging about, Oh, that family has doctors. And, and, and, and no one ever, I've never heard anyone brag about me. Oh, um, my son planted a hundred fruit trees in his yard because that's not what's important to them, but it's fucking so worth bragging about and so just remember that you it's not that your parents are jealous of you but they're going to try to push you in a direction maybe that's not that's for what they want or
Starting point is 01:53:13 based on what society thinks of them just just be in tune with what you want or if you're not in tune with what you want yet like i'm not always in tune with what I want. It's actually very rarely I am, but I have surrounded myself with people who are excellent. And the, it's kind of, it's kind of like what my friend Travis Bajent told me. He's not,
Starting point is 01:53:37 he's not going to hang around normal people anymore. Yeah, exactly. I bet. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I bet. Sevan's mom brags that her son is a podcaster no one in my family is proud of this podcast it's my sister probably
Starting point is 01:53:52 and my mom is me my mom's made me proud of it but closeted proud of it you know what i mean like like like yeah you know what i mean she's proud of it she'll give you a little nod when it's just you and her but she won't admit it in front of the group yeah yeah yeah yeah um hey to this point too uh one thing that's a huge advantage for people growing up now with the power of the internet and access to all different sorts of people is you could really choose what you consume and that's not just necessarily the food you eat it's also what what you choose to watch and what you choose to kind of see, and then also what you choose to listen to all the time. So if you're somebody who maybe doesn't have those people around you, or maybe the access to being physically with that individual is not quite there,
Starting point is 01:54:37 start just paying real close attention to what you're allowing in all the inputs that are coming in. And you can control and tune those towards people who you want to emulate or want to have traits like or want to move towards those same goals in life and that's something that's really cool and i think it's super disrespectful for all the generations that's come before us that we don't really take advantage of of this time. Oh, a hundred percent. You, you parents out there, you, you can, well, I, well, just to give you an idea. So I wrote, as I saw this piece last night, I thought if you were to ask, if you were probably in the first 20 years of my life, I had these goals and they, and they kind of never changed.
Starting point is 01:55:21 I want it to be the funniest man alive. I want it to be with God and I wanted girls to find me attractive. And those are like, probably like my three biggest goals I've had in my life. Like just sitting down, like just when I saw this yesterday, I thought, Oh, those, those are like, those are the things, those things are probably still true. I still probably, I mean, really, to be honest, as long as my wife finds me attractive, it's, I'm at the 99 yard line and I'm not just saying that it really is like that. Yeah. You, I didn't even think you were like, uh,
Starting point is 01:55:54 usually you weren't really into writing down goals, right? No, never. I, the only time I ever wrote down, um, one time, like maybe in junior high, I wrote down what I thought my life would turn out to be. And I still have that written somewhere. But I'm off course a little bit. You don't you don't do. Would you at the end? At the end, I was going to be president of the United States.
Starting point is 01:56:16 Say that again. Both. Do you get to go back and read it? Do you go back and read it or do you not want to read it? Because you're like, I don't know. No, I would go back and read it. I don't care. I'm really I would go back and read it. Yeah. A couple years back, I started writing
Starting point is 01:56:28 out goals in different categories like finance, you know, blah, blah, blah. And that's kind of cool. Keep in different categories. I like that. I do it in different categories. And then whatever the goal is, there has to be a habit that goes with it. Either habit you have to drop or habit you have to pick up. Right. So if you write down, you know, I want to have more money. Okay. Well, well, first we define what more money was. And then secondly, I'd say, okay, so what's a habit you need to start or the skillset that you need to learn to get you closer towards that goal or what the habit you need to stop doing. Majority of the time it comes with reduction, right? I can do that with my kids. What you just said, I could take that now and add that to my kids. Yeah. And what I like about it is it gives you this catalog of where you were thinking at that
Starting point is 01:57:07 time, what was important to you, how that evolved and the different courses that life kind of takes, right? Like I would have never thought that we'd been on this show together with a phone call when I called you and was like, Hey, I think you should do this. What's something I could help with, right? There's no way we would have predicted it. But if you kind of look at all the different goals that I've set over the years and you look backwards at them, you could see the dots connecting. And then what it's done for me is it's kind of I've like I've almost just given myself up
Starting point is 01:57:33 a little bit in terms of stressing about what's going to happen, because if I look back at those, I said, look how funny like this, like the big thing is like I wanted to make free and clear ten thousand dollars one month. That was like a huge goal, like just pocket money. And you know what I mean? And so once you kind of like accomplish that, you look back and you're like, well, back then I thought that that was going to be life changing. And now you realize living in California, that isn't shit, you know, it's like groceries one month. Right. So it's just kind of cool to, to, to see that. So if it not only is it a category of where I want to go, but it's also really cool as a collection of like where you were in that time what your goals were and how they've evolved right so even if you're not into it just for that purpose alone i think is i mean
Starting point is 01:58:13 you ask someone who's 20 hey if i can give you all your goals right now and take 10 years off your life they'll probably accept it you ask someone who's 60 that and they're like fuck that it's like the same thing like jeff bezos would give amazon away today if he could be 15 again oh 100 yeah yeah to start over knowing why you give away your give away your trillion dollars and you get to start over yeah anyway it's it's it's important in you you know one way if you're not sure what to do what i'm doing because i'm not sure what how to act on this is i and i've always this way, so I've kind of padded myself back, is just keep nurturing. One percenters don't have – oh, this is good. One percenters don't have to write down goals.
Starting point is 01:58:56 I remember when I was a one percenter. I wonder if I still am a one percenter. What is that now, $465,000 annually or something? Yeah, it depends on how you do it. It's how much your net worth is is one way to look at it, or it's like $450,000 a year. I'm definitely not in that category. The thing is – so I'll give you an example. My wife bought my kid a magic set, and it had like 23 uh tricks in it and he learned eight of them and he just can't stop doing around the house so then i just bought him another magic kit that had 47 magic kits in it and he learned like 17 of them so then then he's like hey i need a i need a magic kit and they've been going on for like three months now obvi and he's like hey i
Starting point is 01:59:43 need a case like a magician has. So for $38, I bought him a case that a magician has. It had another seven tricks in it. And he learned all seven of those. And now he can't stop doing magic tricks every day. So I just encourage it. Yesterday, as I'm just walking by a liquor store, I see like next to the Jack Daniels in the window,
Starting point is 02:00:01 they got like decks of cards, right? So we go in there and he's like what are we doing in here and i bought i'm like yeah i'm like i'll take a deck of cards and the dude's like blue or red knobbing you right away he goes blue you know what i mean just nurture that shit yeah he thinks i'm a fucking god because i walked by a liquor store and went inside and bought him a deck of cards caleb have you read the book immoral man no by derrick delgadio um good yeah incredible Moral Man. No. By Derek DelGaudio. Yeah, incredible. He also had a special on Hulu. It's called In and Of Itself, but he
Starting point is 02:00:30 did the same thing. Oh, did I see that? Is that the one where he stands up in front of a stage? Yeah, and he doesn't act. It's like a play, but it's also a magic show in the same... Yes, yes, yes. That's what made me think of it because in the story of moral men
Starting point is 02:00:46 it's like his story but as a kid when he would go when he would leave school his mom was a firefighter so he like didn't get to go he wouldn't go home he would just go across the street to the magic store and so he would just hang out with the guy who owned the magic store and he would just like learn all these magic tricks all these card, all this other stuff. And now he's this incredible magician, showcase-type person. So I thought that was kind of interesting. If anybody wants to read it, it's a great book. Yeah, I think I bought that book. I haven't read it.
Starting point is 02:01:16 But I watched that show on Hulu when you told me about it, and I was crazy impressed. We should try to get that guy on the show. I doubt he'd actually come on. I think I reached out to him. Did you? Yeah. Can we get an evening show with Susan and Caleb on the Sevan Network? That's a gentle way of saying with no me.
Starting point is 02:01:32 Sure. I appreciate it. I mean, look at the tact in that. That is great. What would I do? Hey, I could just work the back end. Yeah, you could work my back end. Yeah, I could just work the back end. Yeah, you could work my back end. Yeah, I'd just work the back end.
Starting point is 02:01:49 Okay. Yeah, this is another great observation by Daniel Garrity. None of the great PhD students I work with want to be college professors either. Something needs to change. Yeah, you're right. I don't know if something needs to change, but I get it. Like, yeah, if you're a great fucking student, you don't want to continue to be a teacher. 576, this, what you are about to see is what happens when you scratch the surface of subjects like the 49ers or global warming or climate change or fluoride in the water or anything.
Starting point is 02:02:22 If you scratch the surface for more than 30 seconds, weird shit starts happening. But because people are woke and they're asleep, they refuse to. Instead, they become defensive. Watch what happens to John Kerry here. It's so crazy that someone... And that's why having people on the show
Starting point is 02:02:39 who believe the earth is flat is so good. It's such a good... Or UFOs or ghosts. It's such a good practice or UFOs or ghosts, or it's such a good practice to be open-minded. Consistence on parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere. About 406, 406 today. Okay. 406. Are you aware? 350 being the level that scientists have said is danger. Okay. Are you aware? 350 is dangerous. Wow. Are you aware that since mammals have walked the planet, the average has been over a thousand parts per million? Yeah, but we weren't walking
Starting point is 02:03:11 the planet. Let me just share with you that we now know that definitively at no point during the least the past 800,000 years has atmospheric CO2 been as high as it is today. The reason you chose 800,000 years ago is because for 200 million years before that, it was greater than it is today. And I'm going to say it for the record. Yeah, but there weren't human beings. I mean, there was a different world, folks.
Starting point is 02:03:41 We didn't have 7 billion people. So how did it get to 2,000 parts per million if we we humans weren't here because there were all kinds of geologic events happening on earth which spewed the geology stopped when we got on the planet mr charvin this is just not a serious conversation your testimony is not serious he's just i agree in john kerry up he's just fucking destroying john carrey he's like and then john carrey reverts to this isn't a serious conversation when if you were doing the math in your head it was just some like big number math going on there by big number i just mean like you had to be able to subtract 766 from 2,000. You had to, like, just do some, like, really advanced third-grade math there to keep up.
Starting point is 02:04:28 But basically what this guy is saying is you have no proof. You have no proof. It's just some scare tactics. God, it's amazing. And, hey, I'm not saying it's not happening. I'm not saying it's not happening. I'm not saying it's not happening. I'm just saying why can't they just have a discussion? Why can't we get people to have a discussion?
Starting point is 02:04:57 This guy's asking some great questions, and when he fucking checkmates John Kerry, John Kerry should be like, dude, I have to get back to you on that's great shit. I never thought of that. Maybe we can, maybe everything's happening according to plan. And instead he says, this isn't a serious conversation. It's like, wow, dude, it's just math. Hey, all of them are like that.
Starting point is 02:05:25 All the, all the, all, unfortunately I don't want to be fucking super fucking, you know, right wing psychopath, but, uh, it's all,
Starting point is 02:05:35 every single one of them happens like that. If you just start scratching the surface, uh, five 75 kiss, this is kind of cool. I don't know if those of you at home are going to be able to see this, but this is, uh'd like to hear yours and Caleb's take on this to see if this is staged or not.
Starting point is 02:05:53 Do they plan this? I want to say no. I don't understand how this is reality, what you're about to see, but here we go. Is there anything more rock and roll than this? Here we go. Brace yourself. Re-impact.
Starting point is 02:06:16 His hair's on fire, dude. He keeps singing. Dude, that was a legit fire in his hair, bro. His hair was on fire for like five seconds. Flames that were bigger than his head. That's awesome. Dude, that was dope. That's not Kiss. It's a cover band called Hairball.
Starting point is 02:06:53 Okay, my bad. Hairball? Hair on fire? No, that's true. They used to play in our college. That band? That band. They used to just tour the Midwest, bro that's amazing it's wild but yeah that's not surprising
Starting point is 02:07:10 that's fucking dead so so is that planned no way no okay good well shit then fuck that boys and girls that is what you call focus yeah yeah dude he either has like total trust in his team or he's like i die i die oh man okay uh 574 uh funny not funny oh this is good too probably smelled so bad after that yeah i love how the guy just hung out there and made sure it was really out the fire yeah a lot of little conundrums as a liberal right like i live in venice california and la yeah and there's a lot of there's a lot of homeless people in venice but i'm from new y, so it's hard to take L.A. homeless people seriously.
Starting point is 02:08:11 It's like once you work with the best, you know what I mean? So one day I get home, and I got an email, paper email, a letter, we'll call it. And the letter says, we're going to open a homeless shelter.
Starting point is 02:08:28 And it's a liberal. I'm like, that's great. And then I keep reading it. It says, across the street from your house. I was like, oh, shit. It was like being on a game show. Like, how liberal are you? Like, ah!
Starting point is 02:08:42 I wrote a black TV show. Yeah, like my neighbors want to protest and shit. I'm like, I'm not going to protest. I'm going to move. But I'm not going to move. How liberal are you? You'd be a funny game show by the way. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 02:09:03 I wrote a black TV show. So true. 573. No one wins. I mean, I know people know this, but just let me just reiterate because it seems like society doesn't know it. No one wins by making other people lose.
Starting point is 02:09:19 Like me making fun of Sousa doesn't make me cooler. Me taking Sousa's money doesn't make people in totality richer. Causing white people to lose doesn't help black people. It actually hurts everyone. Regardless of their skin color or whatever, you want really rich, successful fucking people in the community. You don't want to live in like a prison where everyone has the same sheet, same toothbrush, same size sucks okay here we go action i can't believe this is on
Starting point is 02:09:51 dr phil that you will find there were about 3 700 free blacks who own 12 000 slaves black slaves the question is do the descendants of those free Blacks who own Black slaves, do they pay? Blacks really benefited more the first hundred years after slavery than we have in the last 50 years. I was born in 1937 during the Depression. Everyone in my small, low-income Black community, 98% of the households had a man and a woman raising children. Elderly people could walk safely in that community without fear of being assaulted by their grandchildren. Never heard a gunfire during that time. Never heard of a child being shot to death in the crib. But there are 50 children today who have been shot and killed in our cities you talk about
Starting point is 02:10:47 remedies we've got to look beyond of saying that every solution has to have a a winner and a loser that blacks can only benefit if whites lose we have to be defined more than just victims of oppression to dissect we have to be identified more than just victims of oppression. We have to be identified more than just victims of oppression. Man, it's becoming a theme for this show. It's like when Sarah Sigmund's daughter came on here and was schooling me about values. And you got to have values are a great thing to like glom onto for part of your identity. Look at the Mayhem Empire. They have values.
Starting point is 02:11:23 They run the business on values. Look at the mayhem empire. They have values. They run the business on values. Look at having values. This thing keeps coming up over and over too that there were shitloads of fucking melanated people who owned slaves. What are you going to do about that? How are you going to work that out? I mean, it's kind of stupid.
Starting point is 02:11:40 The whole reparations thing is pure idiocy anyway. And why is that? in the simplest way is because then what are we going to do are we going to give mexico back to when does it stop there's no end to it no one alive today should be responsible for the shit people did three generations ago yeah of course poor white people are fucking whatever whatever oppression or victim mentality you're claiming that um uh melanated have, white people have it ten times worse. For sure. No one's even looking out for them.
Starting point is 02:12:10 Anyway, I'm just happy to see the conversation happening on Dr. Phil. It's cool, right? I didn't even know that was around still. Me neither. I didn't even know there was date TV anymore. 572. God, wait until you guys see 571. I didn't even know there was date TV anymore. 572. And God, wait till you guys see 571.
Starting point is 02:12:33 Once again, it's unbelievable how stupid the Biden administration is. Wait till you see 571. Would you think that the – before we get to 572, would you think that the head of the ATF – what's ATF stand for? Tobacco, firearms. What's the A stand for? Alcohol. Alcohol, thank you. Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. Do you think that the director of that should know the definition of an assault weapon? Probably. Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. ATF, one of the largest organizations in this country, government organizations.
Starting point is 02:13:10 You think that he should be able to define what an assault weapon is, right? He should be able to define what alcohol is, right? Mm. Um, he should be able to stat stats around it. Speak clearly about it.
Starting point is 02:13:20 No, how many drunk people are involved in gun violence? Things like that. Yeah. Some basic. Yeah. Okay. Uh, we'll get to that in a second. Okay. 572 like that, yeah. Some basic. Yeah, okay. We'll get to that in a second. Okay, 572, Adam Carolla. Watch this.
Starting point is 02:13:29 This is, I mean, Adam, I said this three years ago, but I still love you. Here we go. Sent a tweet out two and a half years ago that said this is killing old people and sick people and the rest of you got played. And who's getting played next time and i was pilloried for that and i had some celebrity friends call me and say take the tweet down and i said no i'm not taking it down because because i'm right they want to turn the page they want to shut down schools ruin kids get people deplatformed fired disgraced amongst other colleagues and now oops we were wrong well turn the other
Starting point is 02:14:06 cheek and turn the page yeah no that's not how life works you went out of your way to harm people right these people were called many that were called journalists they should be falling on their sword it is disgusting and people people always say well then what's the punishment for the journalists who are wrong about everything and the answer is never listen to them again well it's because that's the best punishment you could ever give to a journalist just everyone ignore them they were wrong i said hey that's um uh oh shit something happened on twitch do you see that yeah um uh on twitch's end yeah that's a trick oh okay good um there you go man uh so dr drew dr drew and adam carolla for those you don't know they used to have a show called love line they were on a show together and adam carolla was the comedian and dr drew was the doctor and people would call and ask
Starting point is 02:14:55 for sex advice it happened once a week it was a huge show when i was younger and and dr drew ended up being a huge proponent of the 49ers, super fan. And then he woke up. Then he woke up. And then here's Dr. Drew. He's a full TV doctor, Dr. Drew. But he woke up, and he's like, dude, are you fucking kidding me? And what they're saying is the journalists fucked everybody. They just went around.
Starting point is 02:15:20 By the way, like I said, I've been looking into the Japanese internment camps and things like that, and FDR made it. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, not good guy. Not good guy. Stopped the networks, the two TV networks that were around then. They were censored. They were not allowed to have dissenting opinions or say things bad about him or against him. And, man, there's some pretty nasty shit I'm reading. Democrats, of course.
Starting point is 02:16:03 Michael C., there's no day TV. There's just the Sevan podcast. A nine-year-old girl was shot and killed blocks from me. She was riding in a car with her uncle and rival gang members. Saw him and shot up the car. The uncle survived and wouldn't testify. Some happy local news. testify. Some happy local news. Fergie, Sevan, you can own an automatic machine gun if you pay for a $1,000
Starting point is 02:16:29 license. AKs will fall under the same license like they did after the Brady Act. It's a big money grab for the government. Sounds about right. Jeffrey Birchfield, Delano, Delano, Franklin Delano, Roosevelt. All right. Franklin Delano Roosevelt alright
Starting point is 02:16:48 571 assault weapons this is the director as appointed by Mr. Joe Biden of the ATF alcohol tobacco and firearms department
Starting point is 02:17:04 sorry this is depressing I'm about to show you Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms department. Sorry, this is depressing when I'm about to show you. The head of the ATF can't define assault weapon? During a budget request meeting for the ATF, Representative Elzey asked for the definition of assault weapon. Would you define an assault weapon for me? I, unlike you, I'm not a firearms expert to the same extent as you may be, but we have people at ATF who can talk about velocity of firearms. Why should he be able to define the term assault weapon? Well, I'll tell
Starting point is 02:17:31 you why. It's because he is the director of the ATF. And ATF doesn't stand for alcohol, tobacco, and Frankfurters. No, that F stands for firearms. Okay. They enforce and regulate the laws relating to firearms over the entire country. So if anyone should be able to define that term, it's this guy. Okay. Now in his defense, I'm not being able to define the term assault weapon.
Starting point is 02:17:56 When was the last time you ever heard anyone in the Biden administration throw around the term assault weapon? Please like comment and subscribe. The head of the. The only thing I don't like about this video is Star Wars stuff is so stupid. Caleb has Star Wars stuff behind him. He has to.
Starting point is 02:18:16 He has to. To balance out the show. The DEI council made us keep Caleb. Military tall Star Wars. we checked three boxes oh my goodness that's a that's signs that caleb used to be a liberal any star wars shit you see okay brace yourself if for anyone who had any doubt that this isn't like for it's too bad 12 daily doses isn't here for this this is really
Starting point is 02:18:45 just me putting my dick out on the line i i should not show this 570 this is just such a right wing fucking craig is craig's tank reeves tank blaze one up buddy pull out a blunt this is for you baby i want to dedicate this to you tank you demand tank uh here we go ladies and gentlemen i present to you why this show gets confused as a right-wing fucking q-non motherfucking conspiracy show because we show shit like this which i absolutely say with complete embarrassment i'd love i fucking love this video oh great it's so kid rock fucking over the top Christian just
Starting point is 02:19:30 I just love it I don't know this is indulging to me tonight the definition for pervert it means to lead someone away from what is considered right natural or acceptable. This book has been permitted in six schools in the Wake County public school system. I'll read
Starting point is 02:19:54 just a little bit of this perversion that we have allowed in the school system. So he bends me over the bed and on my blowjob tip to say, use your. Doesn't it make you cringe as I read that to you? Makes you crawl in your skin. It's a dastardly deed. The question today is, who is the pervert that's allowing this to be purchased and delivered to our library? Who is the pervert that signs off on this bill? Who are you? What do you stand for to accept this?
Starting point is 02:20:37 Can you be in your right mind and be decent as a human to allow this to be at the access in the fingertips of children? We know who the perverts are. There's one political party in this country that supports this junk. It's the Democrat Party. It's a party that castrates children, mutilates children, perverts children, grooms children, murders children, and indoctrinates children. We know who the perverts are. Who is the pervert? As I said many times before, I'm Jill's husband.
Starting point is 02:21:15 Teaching isn't just what she does, it's who she is. I have never felt prouder of our profession. We know who the perverts are. There's one political party in this country that supports this junk. People fear what they don't know. It's not because of intellectual incapability, it's just lack of exposure.
Starting point is 02:21:43 We are going to transform our nation's education system and when we do that we will change the course of our future forever trump country jeff bako uh with the various studios when you you know what happens when you point fingers four fingers are pointed back at yourself i hear you it's a weird one i hear you hey i do i do like the fact that he's in there showing a book about that's in the school system about two boys sucking each other off and ass fucking each other and then he's like who which one of you approve this purchase of this?
Starting point is 02:22:28 Oh shit. Oh my God. Come on, man. Yeah. It's it's mike's comment here this is that's exactly what i lost into that video too i was like what the fuck and the picture of hunter oh yeah uh i think it's only three fingers pointing back at you oh well yeah well the bacon's fucking drunk he would give him a cut by go some slack four three whatever come on don't be don't be mean to him you'll lose him again man that's some fucking incredible fucking right-wing propaganda that that that shit gets the base going huh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah they fire that up on the big screen for your local mag car bag of flags are flying yeah yeah yeah amen brother and like a crazy four by
Starting point is 02:23:36 four comes big old pair of tits in the dash giant flag on a pole that's bigger than the big truck. Makes your truck look small. Nuts hanging off of a trailer hitch. Yes. Hey, there's a dude who drives down my street every day with a giant flag in the back of his truck. I'm actually going to have him stop and take a picture of it. I want to talk to him. I know.
Starting point is 02:24:03 It does make you want to go out and buy a 4x4, right want to talk to him. I know it does make you want to go out and buy a 4x4, right? And a gun rack. Some shit. Thank you. Jeff also doing the math quickly. Actually, only three fingers. Jeff was like...
Starting point is 02:24:15 Wait a minute. Jeff's a scientist. He probably... He ran a few studies on that. Jeff, did you have that peer-reviewed? Did you send that to some of your coworkers? Yeah, three. Jeff is correct. Peer-reviewed.
Starting point is 02:24:31 Cornholio, this is, who else like me could not follow the simplest of directions in the Nopen? I can't stand with my feet together and touching invalid score. Yeah, fair enough. Yeah. All right. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 02:24:51 Okay, here we go. Let's flip the script on this. I want you to watch this one very carefully. This one you have to see. And maybe this is all just CGI and we're just being fucking manipulated, but this one fucking, this one gave me the fucking chills. I want you to see when this little girl looks up and kisses. I want you to pick 569.
Starting point is 02:25:18 This is some fucking crazy shit right here if this is real. Watch this. This is – it's a baby standing on a tombstone. It's like a two-year-old kid standing on tombstone that just gave me the chill no but it just gave me the chill oh this is gonna fucking rock your shit maybe this is what ai is doing it's gonna like it's like the vatican ai trying to get us to believe in god but this one's gonna fucking this is for my christian uh supporters out there this is uh for you to help you establish your belief in God. Here we go. Action. He saw her daughter one last time before crossing over.
Starting point is 02:25:50 From unknown sources, a mother who unfortunately lost her life in a car accident was visited by her daughter and sister at her resting place. Were you waving at her? Hmm? Bye, You waving over. Bye.
Starting point is 02:26:08 Bye bye. Yeah. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:26:16 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:26:24 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. You can see her shout saying goodbye to her mother as she points to the sky. Many people believe this was the spirit of her sister saying goodbye to her daughter before crossing over. She saw her daughter. How about when she goes up and kisses? How about when she goes up and kisses? Who the fuck was she kissing? Wow. Kid's too young to like be acting that out, huh?
Starting point is 02:27:01 How old do you think that little girl is? Learn behavior the kid has seen adults do this year. No way. That, that's kind of, that's the point that I was making. How often do you spend enough time and see other people at a graveyard to where they're going to mimic?
Starting point is 02:27:16 She's probably only been to that grave one other time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not crying. You're crying. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:22 I mean, dude, this is a Jeff Baco, uh, throwing down another shot of whiskey. Kid has a great imagination. Yeah, the clock being with some sarcasm. Yeah, she's seen it for decades, meaning she's fucking not old enough to learn that yet. Kid was given LSD.
Starting point is 02:27:41 I don't believe it. I know, right? Like, y'all never heard of green screen okay now we're getting somewhere i believe that one more i mean how do you know she was there enough times to mimic it god intense right hey this is like reminds me of the stuff like somebody gets in a car accident and they're in like a coma or they're pounced dead for a certain amount of time
Starting point is 02:28:07 and they came back. And then when they came back, they could vividly describe the car accident or the people in the hospital room and shit like that. Yeah. Trivia, right? So much we don't know. Sean M with a very valid point.
Starting point is 02:28:20 Three of that kid's fingers are pointed back at the kid, meaning that the kid's the ghost. The kid is the ghost and that yeah that wow so the kid is the mom actually holy shit well i'm gonna go with that god damn yeah what do you do with that lights out you're going black the end um the the topic um that I just want you to know something before I show this next clip. The topic of equal pay for the sexes interests me zero. But I do have an interest in black guys, melanated guys. It's sort of a specialty of mine.
Starting point is 02:29:00 I'm hyper-focused on it. But this piece, and so this piece is kind of weird because it's like one topic I could give two shits about, but then the other one is like I'm really focused on it. But this piece, and so this piece is kind of weird because it's like one topic I could give two shits about, but then the other one is like I'm really interested in. So I thought it was worth showing. Okay, 568.
Starting point is 02:29:12 Here we go. If they make it to the final, the girls will get $5,500 each. The blokes will get $69,000 each. Each! How can anyone justify this, Zyta? They can't. No.
Starting point is 02:29:29 I mean, the gender, I beg your pardon. I can justify it. How? Why? Well, I'll tell you what. Stars don't get paid more money because, I mean, a sport doesn't become interesting because the stars are paid more money. Stars get paid more money because the sport is interesting.
Starting point is 02:29:43 Let me ask you this. How many of you guys on the panel know who our australian matildas are playing in the quarterfinals no because you don't care about it now when you start to go and watch these women play the wonderful football they do then they'll earn more money but i don't go to watch the men's baseball either yeah i know but a lot of people do i said that the men's world cup is one of the biggest money spinners on the planet. Women's football, even though at grassroots level, it's working really, really well, it's got a long way to go.
Starting point is 02:30:11 The other thing, let me ask you this about sports equality. The top 10 fastest men of all time in terms of sprinters are all black, of African origin. Are you telling me that the white guys should say, hold on, we should be paid just as much as the black guys for sprinting? No, because they're not as fast. I love that. I don't even know if that's a legit argument.
Starting point is 02:30:34 I didn't think too deeply about that, if that's comparing apples and oranges, like genitalia versus skin color. But either way, I just love it that he worked in black dudes in there just that's it is there anything you guys want to say about that nope i just think it's always funny it's around soccer too that conversation you know no one's like i work for the sewage system here and the guy that i work next to is paying a dollar more than me right like no it's always these high profile like it's always soccer for whatever fucking reason but it's always like a oh the executive makes more the men make more as an executive but me and it's like what
Starting point is 02:31:16 the fuck about the brick layers right you know what about the infrastructure workers nobody's calling for a equality of pay between genders there if i could talk about it i i want to comment on that woman's hair but i'll leave it alone i knew that haircut was triggering for you yes very tricky 567 ladies and gentlemen it's time it's time to just just take your kids out of school go go into your living room right now take a sledgehammer and break your tv don't ever give your kid a fucking another device ever again and then just pull them out of school and i promise you they will do better than if you keep them in school okay here we go mother A mother from Rhode Island who was sued by the teachers union
Starting point is 02:32:06 simply because I wanted to know what my kindergartner would be learning in school. And here's how this happened. I asked to see the curriculum, and my school told me I had to submit a public records request. The curriculum wasn't posted online, and it wasn't available in a school district. Then I asked them if they were teaching gender theory, and they told me that they don't call children boys and girls, and they embed the values of gender identity into every classroom, including kindergarten, and they didn't want to answer any of my questions further. And when I did submit the public records request that they told me to
Starting point is 02:32:38 submit, and I submitted hundreds because I had hundreds of questions, my school board then put my name on the agenda of a public school board meeting and held a public school board meeting to discuss suing me for submitting the request that they told me to submit. In a five-hour long school board meeting, they openly debated my moral character, my political motivations, and they really just tarred and feathered me for asking questions. They wanted to send a message to other parents that if you ask questions, they will come after you. And when that happened, then the teachers union, the largest teachers union in the country, the NEA, did file a lawsuit
Starting point is 02:33:17 against me to bully me and harass me with frivolous litigation and to send a message to other parents that if you ask questions about public education, they will come after you. I am a mother from Rhode Island. There's two things I want to tell you here real quick about this. You have to listen to this. Some of you are going to get this. Most of you are not going to get this. Most of you are going to be fixated on the fact that you shouldn't be introducing sexuality and these big topics to kids. And in that regard, it's wrong. You have to understand that there's a fucking way bigger picture here and the reason why most people aren't going to get this is because they're they don't know the difference between reality and not reality either when you try when
Starting point is 02:33:53 you convince a child that something like gender is right sorry take two when you convince when you try to convince a child that something like gender really exists when it doesn't exist, you're fucking – you've started brainwashing your kid. That is – you are forcing a child to go to sleep. You're forcing them to be woke. You're forcing them to become a zombie when you introduce something that's not real, but you pretend that it's real, like gender. There is no gender in the outside world for them to objectify and make real and so then they have to start creating this world in their head but they won't know that they're doing it and then they'll what basically what happens is you go inside your head and you get stuck there
Starting point is 02:34:34 your whole fucking life and you end up defending things that aren't real you guys understand what i'm saying that's that's like that's like in principle what's wrong with religion too. Do you guys get that too? You're forcing people to make shit up in their head instead of giving them the tools to experience it themselves. Or giving them the time to blossom to experience it. So I don't care what
Starting point is 02:35:01 I've come to the point that I don't care why you want to fight against this. Like if you're a fucking Christian you realize this is complete insanity because it goes against God's will. I don't care. – I've come to the point that I don't care why you want to fight against this. Like if you're a fucking Christian, you realize this is complete insanity because it goes against God's will. I don't care. Like I'm trying to recruit anyone in the world to fight against these fucking idiots now. But what's really bad that's happening is your kid is being given a mental illness in school to believe something that's not real. Don't – do not let them do that to your kid they literally might as well be teaching in there um teaching your kid for a year that the sasquatch is real there is no such thing as gender do not until someone's brain is so developed that they can tell the difference between reality and their thoughts, even if they're not accurate, the fact that they can at least think about that or create a possible distinction between the two, do not be introducing these types of subjects to them.
Starting point is 02:35:57 It's fucking nuts, let alone the fact that it's sexualizing your kids. Isn't it crazy? Hey, tons of people are. The second you tell a child that God exists, you've pushed a child into its head. Sorry. The second you tell a child that God exists, you've pushed a child into its head. You've begun building a wall of sleep. The second you do that, because it's an abstraction,
Starting point is 02:36:23 that you're demanding they believe in order to fit in with you because you believe it, but you don't know it. And so what really – if you really want to get into it too, it's really convoluted and fucked up too because then you're basically indoctrinating your kid and getting them to believe something that you're not even sure if it's 100% true because you want to validate it for yourself. And if you did know it was 100% true, if you did know it, you wouldn't need them to believe it. It's twisted shit. But like at this point, I don't care. Like, fuck you. I'll recruit anyone and their fucking mom
Starting point is 02:36:57 to fucking squash these fucking pedophiles. So I'm down with you guys. I'm down with you guys. What were down with you guys what were you gonna say suza no i was just thinking about like i just don't know enough about it to really say anything too meaningful other than the fact that like it just seems really hard to create any change within any school systems as like a parent even if you know the majority of the parents might just sway it one way or another like i just wonder how much autonomy they actually have in the public school system it seems like from what at least what we see in some of the stuff that i've talked to with some of the parents that you have no autonomy your only option is pull your kid out go to private school and you can't
Starting point is 02:37:37 afford it you're fucking too bad they're here fucking find start looking around go on fucking or homeschool and if you go find someone find someone who'll help you do it fine put together like 10 parents together and figure something out but get your kids out of that shit find a fucking some christian organization there's got to be some sort of christian organization that's trying to fucking save kids um does the same true for the tooth fairy and santa i know i don't think so because at the end game for santa and the end game for tooth fairy is that it's just a joke there's an end game to it there's an end game to it but if you really
Starting point is 02:38:11 want to fucking introduce your kid to god don't you you have to do it through asking questions or else they're going to be fake they're going to be faking it it's okay it's it's okay they're going to be faking it you don's okay. It's okay. They're going to be faking it. You don't want your kid to fake their relationship with God. Why not give them the tools to cultivate it? And maybe a ton of you are. Sorry, what were you going to say? No, I'm just thinking about because you have really strong opinions on who you put your kids in front of as far as they're teaching them
Starting point is 02:38:40 a certain subject, right? So if you're real critical of the skateboarding teacher, like your real critical tennis lessons, lessons piano lessons and all that type of stuff and as you go through in your question you're kind of judging these people's character right like how if i put my kid next to you like the other parents care what they're learning from this the the other parent the parents send their kids to my skateboard instructor and they care what they're learning about skateboarding i don't't give a fuck. That's like secondary to like, is that a good person my kid's around?
Starting point is 02:39:07 Is that person into excellence? Or is my kid learning good traits for them? Yeah. If my kid doesn't learn how to fucking kickflip and I just paid him to skate with you all day, then I'm perfectly okay with that. Right. Because there's so much more to it
Starting point is 02:39:19 than just the subject that they're teaching, right? There's a lot of life lessons to that. And what's the one person that they're around the most out of all the instructors how many hours a week is that like three like they say the skateboard instructor like three times a week so that they're probably the jiu-jitsu guys so the jiu-jitsu guys what is is really and and i don't do jiu-jitsu but you guys could tell me it's four to one meaning every hour you spend with a jiu-jitsu teacher is like four hours spending with someone else it's fucking intimate this motherfucker this man and this woman come my kids spend
Starting point is 02:39:50 basically every day with them in close physical proximity like you know you know what i mean like this fucking yeah this fucking giant man and this super fucking hot asian girl come over to my fucking house and my when they go to their studio and my kids are like bodies are pressed and rolling and they're talking and they talk to each other like this. And then you do this and then you grab here and they're whispering and they're laughing and they're – and then when they're done, they sit around like staring each other's eyes, Indian style shit. It's fucking crazy. It's like a fucking ayahuasca ceremony every session so it's more than three hours is what i'm saying it's crazy shit yeah and so the when we think about the public school system your your kids are going to be you know in front of all those
Starting point is 02:40:35 teachers some of them with the core classes that you know for a large chunk of the day for the whole entire week yeah and as a parent it's it i spent i spent um seven times uh five i spent 35 hours a week staring at the same teacher every week 35 hours like this and i think of the public schools unless something's changed there's like parent night so you get to see your kids their teachers and and stuff for like, what, one, two hours in the evening towards the beginning of the school year, and then that's it? Right, right. Yeah. not even the individuals, because you haven't even had enough to be around them to assess how they are or what type of values they're going to be bringing into your child's life through the school system.
Starting point is 02:41:30 So you would think that there would just be a different way. I mean, you have these things like Glassdoor for different employers that you work for. We have Yelp for different businesses that we go to. We have review systems on Amazon so we can look at products and determine what people are thinking about that to make judgment calls but in the most important thing that we would all agree is going to be the future generation and how we shape them how we shape their ideologies and how they behave with one another there's zero autonomy and there's zero rating and even if there was a rating system we're like hey these guys are off the rocker over here these guys you don't have a
Starting point is 02:42:03 choice i never even thought of that zero rating you're right there's no like you could go to hey, these guys are off the rocker over here. These guys are great. You don't have a choice. I never even thought of that zero rating. You're right. No, like you could go to Glassdoor and I could be like, what's it like to work at CrossFit? Hey, you know what the rating is? You either fit in or you don't. You either, yeah. You either acquiesce to what they're saying,
Starting point is 02:42:17 drink the fluoride water, go to the 49ers games, or you don't. That's the rating system. Who complies? It's compliance. It's a compliance uh competition holy shit uh janelle janelle winston uh not true raised by parents who uh know who god is and have seen so many people grow into a relationship with god including myself and my husband fair enough yeah and you know and i defer to uh um uh janelle on that because i didn't i don't have that
Starting point is 02:42:44 experience i'm just i was just i was speculating but that but this i'm just doing it the way i'm I defer to Janelle on that because I don't have that experience. I was speculating. But I'm just doing it the way I'm doing it. But if you found a fucking mode to do it or a way to do it, a method which SheParent has for more than one generation, fucking kudos to you. I'm not here to tell you, like, I may ride the assault bike. I ain't hating on anyone who got the echo bike. And thank you, Janelle, for that.
Starting point is 02:43:05 I appreciate what you're doing too. And I hope my kids and your kids cross paths and they can live happy lives together. Olivia, I'm trying to fight this within our mental health care. Audrey, as much as I love bodies, you're not going to put mine on a stranger. We have to have a convo at least first. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 02:43:24 I know, and that's the thing and I appreciate the fact that my boys especially Avi has been very uh in the first year um very conservative about wanting to let anyone touch him or touch you know doing that but then but but now it's like three or four years in, and they know. And he also knows the difference between the type of touching. Right, exactly. Which is pretty important, right? Yeah, and you have to remember, like, two of these sessions happen every day at my house. In your living room? Yeah, in my living room.
Starting point is 02:43:56 And when I mean two sessions, I mean two per kid. So six sessions happen in my house. Yeah, and we have a jiu-jitsu room. happened in my house and my yeah and we have a jiu-jitsu room and then the other um the other one two three four five times the other 15 sessions amongst three kids happen in a group and my wife and i are always there always do all the parents do that no but i'm always there um so okay uh did we did we so did oh okay so so basically that's fucked what happened to that lady she just wanted to know what was happening in her kid's kindergarten class and they fucking yeah that's what got me thinking because that's the most basic right the most basic thing they
Starting point is 02:44:39 could do is send you the curriculum and be like here's what we're going to be going over the year here's the expectation from you here's the expectation from your kid here's what you could expect from us it's crazy yeah and yeah uh 566 energy transfer uh this is uh just a phenomenal transfer of energy right here we're gonna probably watch this like five times so there's no because i got some i got some questions um let me just ask some of the questions first and then and then you guys can look and help me answer them one when this guy impacts does he go unconscious does her head hit his head because he goes into kind of like a rigor mortis the biker and then second look how hard he's pedaling and then stops and hits her and and two what the
Starting point is 02:45:27 fuck was three what the fuck was she thinking okay let's this is just fucking nuts but insane transfer of energy from the bike rider to the pedestrian oh look how hard he's pedaling oh oh i think he flinches right before he hits her too i think oh he does he opens his mouth he sees her and screams he's like shit oh damn hey that's the worst possible time he just puts so much energy into that bike look how much energy he's putting into it dude she goes down right on her fucking head oh and then rolls she stops and then rolls yeah yeah she slides she doesn't stop she hits slides then rolls oh my goodness and i think the reason why she was sliding was there wasn't enough like surface area contact she was like on
Starting point is 02:46:21 her head and her shoulder slid then when the rest of her body kicked then she rolled okay so they're both unconscious that's what jeff says okay they're both out okay yeah it looks like it for sure okay um that's bad dude one of my professors is a professional triathlete like iron man triathlete yeah and he just got into an accident over the weekend. Oh, damn. It's right there. And they, the guy like hit him and then just ran away. Like didn't even go check to see if he was okay. And he was going like 40 miles an hour down a...
Starting point is 02:46:56 Oh. Hey, was it a pedestrian that hit him? No, it was another racer. Wow. He just hit him and then like didn't stop just kept going so this guy's a professional and the guy that hit him is an age group athlete and they that's not a professional he's just like out there for funsies but this guy was like trying to make money off the race damn oh here we go uh the full clip shows that a man crossed first then the woman was following oh
Starting point is 02:47:30 shit yeah she like wow asked him like it looks like she's looking at him she's looking past him every every good woman can you imagine if you led your wife into that mess if you did that uh jake chapman who is our uh ladies and gentlemen i present you jake chapman our correspondence at the isle of man this week there's no other show in the space that is a correspondence a correspondence a correspondent thank you uh let me uh yes i'm pronouncing the word wrong okay thank you from headquarters just talking to me. Am I here right now?
Starting point is 02:48:06 Correspondent. Jake Chapman, our correspondent from, oh, yes, the Isle of Man, yes, which is the most dangerous race in the world is the TT Isle of Man. And Jake is saying, okay, yeah, I hear you, Jake. Okay, okay. Jake is saying nobody runs out in front of the bikes at the TT. There you go. Thank you, Jake.
Starting point is 02:48:28 Thank you, Jake. Jake, go ahead. I'm going to let you go now, Jake. Thank you for your insight, insight. Shut the fuck up. You know, let him go. Jake, I know you're having a busy weekend. I appreciate you taking the time to write in the chat.
Starting point is 02:48:43 I mean that from the bottom of my heart god bless you shut the fuck up you know i'm do you know what i'm doing have you seen any of this shit that they're trying to do over there ah yeah goofballs professional yeah like you just heard someone on cnn say that once so you're say it. I can tell it's very windy there. Thank you for stepping outside and getting cold for us. Everyone here appreciates you. Have a great Easter week. It reminds me of the start of the podcast I used to do years back. What did you say?
Starting point is 02:49:19 Just shit like that. I mean, I did have a correspondent, but he'd be like, hello, everybody. I hope you're having a wonderful day out there. Welcome to the show. I'm your host, Matt host matt and we're gonna get right into it i'm your host matthew susan my friends call me matt hey jake in in all honesty in all seriousness could could could you could we send you a link and you sometime this week and like you're just standing by the course and we're talking on the phone as these fucking dudes fly by these maniacs fly by and if so
Starting point is 02:49:50 could you DM me Sousa and Caleb separately with your phone number and then I could just start texting you that'd be crazy I'd even go on a show to at any time you wanted to see that that'd be fucking nuts like to hear what the fuck you're doing there too fucking maniac i'll get killed
Starting point is 02:50:08 then we'd only have 194 listeners this is the first week of june all right all right oh so he you just live there okay are you are you just sit like what are you doing there? I thought you were setting up or something. Anyway, okay. Let's talk. Will you get my DM so I can start texting you? Do you text or do we got to WhatsApp you because you're a foreigner? God, I hate that.
Starting point is 02:50:34 Although I've been – Hiller got me kind of hooked on WhatsApp a little bit. Okay, so energy transfer. Okay, and then this one is important too, 565. Okay, so energy chancellor. Okay, and then this one's important too, 565. I know most of you know this also, but the Jews really do control everything. And now we have proof of it. Here is video evidence of the Jews control everything.
Starting point is 02:50:59 And that's – okay, WhatsApp. You're a WhatsApp dude. Okay. We knew it. Okay, here we go. They control the fucking country. Oh, interesting. We knew it. Okay, here we go. They control the fucking country. Oh, interesting. They control Wall Street.
Starting point is 02:51:10 They control the banks. They control Hollywood. Every fucking building in New York City is owned by Jews. Hey, I'm Jewish. I don't give a fuck. You got to get out of here. I control everything. You got to go. I'm not going.
Starting point is 02:51:23 No fucking way. You got to go. I'm Jewish. But I control everything. You got to go. You got to go. I'm Jewish. But I control everything. You got to go. You got to go. I'm just saying. So there you have it. Jews control everything I was able to
Starting point is 02:51:37 clear the square there. I just commanded him to leave and he left. I commanded him to leave and he left. I think that's real. I think that that's a real incident it seems like it's real yeah and i suspect that guy is jewish and as funny as it is that is that's actually real evidence that jews control everything as absurd as it is there it is we saw it you saw it i mean you can't you like if you had to testify in court we'd be like uh and uh we do have proof that this guy is jewish
Starting point is 02:52:11 so let's just assume that did you did he appear to be in control of the situation well yes your honor he he told the uh angry new yorker uh with the mask on the leave and and he left. So as far as you're, and he told him he was, I mean, it's just crazy. That's, that's so, that's hilarious. All right. Seen any anti-Jew hate ads? I've never seen any anti-Jew shit ever. I don't even understand the anti-Jew shit. I don't even, I don't even, they're just white people.
Starting point is 02:52:50 Like, I don't even. Mike says, well, the protester made his point. I know, it's like, watch this, you can control me. He's like walking away, like, see, I i told you i'm getting out of here it's like um it's like if you heard like three eighth graders like talking and and and someone rode by on let's say like uh it i don't i don't just trying to think of something if you just heard an eighth grader refer to something as gay like you'd be like, oh my god, that's so gay. And then you would be like, that's homophobic. It's like, no, it's not.
Starting point is 02:53:30 That person doesn't even know what they're saying. Like they're just an eighth grader. The Jew thing is like that too. If someone's like, I got Jewed. It's like those people don't even know what they're saying. It's just become part of the fucking vernacular. Right. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:53:44 Yeah. I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't hear that very often, but if I did hear that, I'm not like, wow, that person's anti-Semitic. That's your boss's. Yeah. And what if the Jews do control everything? What if it just so happens?
Starting point is 02:53:58 I know that all the dry cleaning services that I've ever been in are controlled by Asians. I'm not carrying a sign, fuck the Asians, they control the clothes cleaning business i mean so what if they control i don't understand like yeah i guess oh i'm gonna do you down yeah i'm gonna do you down oh here wow oh any anybody see the anti-jewish hate commercials last night oh oh anti-jewish hate meaning like don't Oh, oh, anti-Jewish hate, meaning like don't hate Jews. Yeah, that's going to be the worst thing for Jews.
Starting point is 02:54:30 Like no one even knows to hate Jews until you tell them stop. It's the same thing with Asian hate. Actually, I never hated any of you until I saw that commercial. No, I definitely hate you. Yeah, now I'm definitely like, okay, fuck you. It's just black people doing it. Don't blame me and you. Now I hate both hate you. Yeah. Now I'm definitely like, okay, fuck you. It's just black people doing it. Don't blame me and you. Now I hate both of you.
Starting point is 02:54:47 I need some commercials on here for like my anti gray spot on my beard. I don't want anybody to talk about the gray spot on my beard. So we, Oh my goodness. So they definitely don't. I just, I just noticed your gray spot on your beard. Did you know?
Starting point is 02:54:58 What? I just said, I didn't even notice that. That's crazy. Oh, how did I not notice that? You mean he told me it backf that. I didn't even notice that. That's crazy. How did I not notice that? You mean you told me it backfired? I thought I was saving.
Starting point is 02:55:10 That's a great example. I thought I was saving it. Shit. No, you're going to Armenian me down. I'm going to Armenian my wife down here when I get off the show. God, that example works so good that I just – you see what I did there? I threw myself on the grenade. I threw myself on when i get up the show okay that example works so good that i just you see what i did there i threw myself on the grenade i threw myself for the show now i have to end on a high note i have to go uh jay jay sizzle uh my wife's a jew by blood
Starting point is 02:55:36 and definitely jews uh people out of money well there you go all right all donations to the show will go to my beard die thank you very much my bladder is going to explode anyway oh the crossfit mayhem is doing uh the occupational games holy shit i was trying to i was going to go back and i'm trying to remember what show i said because when i said crossfit put that down that created a huge opportunity for somebody and then like whatever a week later something they came out so obviously they were already on top of that and saw that opportunity no they were watching the show yes i knew it it's uh it's uh angela's also uh got the grace bonus beards we had to stick together and he's got a patch on his head let's not get crazy okay fine uh guys thank you um there are there will be two frisbee shows in the next five or six days.
Starting point is 02:56:25 We spoke to Brian Friend. It sounds like he's fired up to do anywhere from four to 14 shows in the next two weeks. So hopefully we get a lot of fun stuff with Brian. Worldwide rankings, Frisbee shows. I know Caleb loves those. Big fan. And we'll be talking to you soon. Thanks for hanging out for all three hours.
Starting point is 02:56:44 You guys are wonderful. And go red pill someone today. All right. We'll bye. No.

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