The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | The Antidote For The Mind Virus

Episode Date: November 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Salaam alaikum. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good Alaikum Good morning
Starting point is 00:01:05 Good morning, good morning Good morning Counterculture, what's up dude? Good job on the On the podcast at At Rogue, good job Just taking the fucking bull by the Horns or the
Starting point is 00:01:21 What's that? What's that? Where is Caleb? Caleb by the horns or the what's that what's that where is caleb caleb where is caleb did you guys see that interview that um tyson bajan did uh oh shalom you guys want to start with some just fucking crazy shit want to just get the crazy shit out of the way and then straight go straight to funny stuff god yesterday's show was so good with just being funny god no abortion talk no abortion talk no injection talk racism's funny so you can still talk about that but man the whole killing shit i got some people in my dm like you know who are um oh we're pretty uh who sent me all the footage from uh pakistan palestine palestine
Starting point is 00:02:32 palestine gaza from gaza man they sent me some fucking crazy images this morning. Did Fraser talk to Tyson? Dude, that suit is... Is that a onesie you're wearing? You guys make some crazy astute observations. What Iota said yesterday about how much stimulus I get, and then someone else talked about how much pistachios I eat. Those are...
Starting point is 00:03:13 Fuck, those are gnarly. I guess I don't know how much I share. But I have, in the last two weeks, been consciously like, okay, I got to reduce the stimulus. Not that it's bad but like i need i i'm i'm so stimulated and so excited to do shit that uh sometimes i'm just like okay i need to just chill i need to not be on the phone i need to not be listening to an audiobook i need to just chill god it's nice to chill and just listen to my kids uh did you see the garden hoe beheading no shit what oh man really okay let me just start with
Starting point is 00:03:56 this so yesterday i'm just gonna get this out of the way and then and then and then we'll i swear we'll do some funny shit so yesterday they uh yesterday they rolled up on a hospital in Gaza and they found two dead hostages that were kidnapped from Israel. They found weapons and there's video footage of the hostages being dragged through the hospital. Yep, the hospital. Hamas was using, like we've been told all along that no one wants to believe, the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza as a base. So there's kids in the NICU there. There's women having babies there. There's cancer patients there.
Starting point is 00:04:35 There are six civilians there. It's all civilians. There's pregnant women there, right? It's a place where people go to heal. And Hamas was using it as a base, right? They found munitions there. They found a tunnel that came up in through the bottom of it They found two dead hostages and they have video footages of hostages being taken there I wonder if people were protesting the United States to stop bombing Nazi Germany
Starting point is 00:05:03 if people were protesting the united states to stop bombing nazi germany by the way don't forget this is what what tucker was talking about by the way when the crazy people like when the people who are like women can be men and men can be women when those people get pushed into a corner to defend their irrationality that's what they do they don't care they'll stack they'll stack bodies like cordwood asymmetric not enough evidence Sevan maybe not from me but I went to all the different news stations I start with all the liberal dipshits first I start with CNN
Starting point is 00:05:40 and they took their cameras into the hospital but but let me let me maybe this is what you want to see maybe this is what you want to see uh the the instagram is full what's crazy is this shit doesn't pop on my algorithm people have to send me this stuff this is i don't know if these are these are uh this is a family of uh this is a family of arab children who lived in gaza and their parents are dead and they're they're what's left their parents died so so that's um that sucks
Starting point is 00:06:27 uh let me uh it goes it goes on it goes on and on i don't know if you guys are seeing this shit in your feeds um here's a man uh carrying a dead girl uh walking through barefoot through the streets of gaza it looks like they both ate a bomb i i'm gonna assume that that's real that that's not staged that's not me there's another guy that got blown up look how they have they had their shoes these people had their shoes blown off of them no help in sight tough way to start the morning Kayla what's up dude morning
Starting point is 00:07:10 and then finally I'll show you this just so you know how bad it is ah son of a bitch it's the one in the middle this one now is the one where you guys if you don't want to see some just fucking the craziest shit ever uh now it's time to go to the bathroom these are dead bodies that are just lined up i assume that those people didn't climb under there alive to stage the photo
Starting point is 00:07:40 i'm assuming those are people who are smashed by rubble and those are their feet hanging out just dead bodies lined up So I'm assuming those are people who are smashed by rubble and those are their feet hanging out. Just dead bodies lined up. Now you could be like. You definitely you definitely should be like, fuck, man, this has to stop. This war has to stop. Or you could be like those people. I wish those people were still alive those people need to survive you could be you get both those both those desires the thing is is though if you're trying to get those people to stay and
Starting point is 00:08:20 defend their homeland they're all going to end up like that. If you want to help those people, you have to support them to get out of there. If you want to help support marginalized communities, the last thing you want to do is defund the police. Listen, if the police are, let's say, 10% bad and 90% good, the hood is 90% bad and 10% good. And so you have to be able to take the risk. It's like getting off the couch, right? People say, hey, if you get off the couch and start exercising, there's a chance you're going to injure yourself.
Starting point is 00:08:59 You have to take that risk. You have to take the risk with the police in order to mitigate the crazy violence in marginalized – in black neighborhoods. Fuck it. In black neighborhoods. These – and if you suggest otherwise to black people, you're getting them fucking killed. and so um they to suggest that these people to these people to die on their land instead of live like me remember you know the story about me right my parent i went and visited the home my grandparents were chased out of millions of armenians were killed not like this little bullshit by the way anyone who says genocide i'm'm like, go fuck yourself. This is not a genocide. Let me tell you, Israel could have killed everyone there already easily.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Easily could have killed everyone there already. You have to know that. Genocide looks totally different than this yeah my dad told me this they'd rather die in the land than leave I had Palestinian friends say this to my face yeah these are three year old retards my dad fucking called me a few months ago
Starting point is 00:10:19 telling me that he's going to stay in Armenia if Azerbaijan enters the country to war he's going to stay and die there. Come on, dude. Come on, dude. Cave Dastard, the cops, generally bad to the people that are the most bad to them and the most often.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah. You just have to stay away from cops. They're like bees. They're just doing their thing. Yeah. Third world country here in Austin. Really, Austin, Texas is getting like that? I heard someone describe some of these cities as looking like Mumbai. I know probably most of you haven't been to India, but it's fucking crazy there. Not like dangerous.
Starting point is 00:11:02 The thing is, their shit's not dangerous. They just have a... Their shit's not dangerous. They just have a... Their shit's not dangerous like it is here. Riley S. Just wait till Sebi finds out Israel gives weapons to Azerbaijan. I know, right? Anyway. When you think you can stop the flow of weapons
Starting point is 00:11:28 You're wrong Too much money Yeah absolutely Good to see you I was tripping Yeah I uh The past two days I've been doing Taylor's programming You've already worked out
Starting point is 00:11:43 Yeah Wow you're a beast And it's just It's destroying me Taylor's programming. You've already worked out? Yeah. Wow, you're a beast. And it's just destroying me. Oh, too hard? Are you going to give me feedback? No, it's not hard. I'm just not used to that.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I sent you the notes. Cool. So there we go. I hope we got a good balance Hamas is using Hospitals as bases Hiding behind kids with cancer As shields With tunnels coming up in the hospitals
Starting point is 00:12:18 And we have shit loads of fucking people Who are in their homes Who are being fucking bombed from above Buildings collapsing on the other side. I'm probably not. I hope I'm not betraying Tank when I say this, but Tank DM me the other day and he's like, hey, I'm paraphrasing, but hey, dude, I don't want to pick sides. Like I totally pardon me, totally respects that. Tank doesn't want to pick sides.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Yeah, I don't want to pick sides yeah i don't want to pick sides he's like i don't want to be pro israel or pro gaza i don't want to fucking be a part of anything that's like he doesn't want to be involved in the killing part yeah the thing is man uh you don't have to be in some of these people i don't i know this is a shithole fucking explanation but you just got to roll with like hey it's their karma and like hey we we can't have the fucking the people who are beheading people uh when we can't have those countries here i'll show you um let me uh i'll show you what we can't have i got a good clip somewhere. 312. We can't have this.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Can't have these guys win. I think it's 312. Oh, yeah. Here we go. Check this out. Hamas free Palestine. You're all in. Oh, yeah. You're in. I just have to read terms and conditions
Starting point is 00:13:48 so you know what you're signing. By supporting Hamas freeing Palestine, you agree to the following. You agree that every Jew, Christian, and non-Muslim in the world must be slaughtered. I don't know about that one. You endorse making homosexuality punishable by jail or death. What? Oh no, no, I don't agree. You don't agree with that?
Starting point is 00:14:05 You believe Iran should use Palestinians as puppets to spread radical jihad and destroy the West? No. No? No. I'm glad I read the terms and agreements. He supports strict Sharia law which bans women from showing their knees, hair, playing sports in public, not being able to travel without a man's permission. I'm sorry, I'm not interested. Not interested? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Do you want a terrorist group that beheads babies and rapes girls to replace only democracy in the Middle East? I'm not sure that's something to support. So if I sign, I agree with this. Yes. Baby, no. No? Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Oh, no. Thank you. I don't support any of these two things that you just read to me, so then I won't be able to sign this then. That's fair. No, thanks for not signing. Yeah, alright. Have a good one. Doing a...
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yeah, we can't have a world where you're beheading homosexuals. Did you see this first comment here? Let me see. This is propaganda. Free Palestine from the river to the sea. Yeah. And I know everyone here gets it,
Starting point is 00:15:02 but free Palestine from the river to the sea is calling for genocide of the Jews. That's what that means. That's their word for it. You don't even have to read into it. It's explicit. Yeah, this is wrong too. Scroll back.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Let me see. Amazing how he blatantly is providing misinformation by grouping the two together. Pro-Palestine is not pro-Hamas. That's the problem there. That's what we've been talking about on the show. If you're fucking pro-Palestine, you're getting those fucking people killed. Hamas is not a – they keep saying it's a terrorist organization. It's the fucking governing body in the military for that fucking piece of land.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah. Can you imagine if the Jews were like, fuck you, I ain't leaving. This is – Germany's ours, millions of them. They were German Jews. Look how that played out for them. It's crazy. I'm so glad I'm alive. Fuck, I'm so glad I'm alive.
Starting point is 00:16:18 My kids are going to a skate camp today. So fucking pumped. Really? Yeah, I mean, just... I'm pumped just because there's going to be a lot... I didn't even know. I called the fucking pumped. Really? Yeah. I mean, I'm pumped just because there's going to be a lot. I didn't even know. I called the skateboard instructor. I'm like, hey, can we get two hours of lessons today?
Starting point is 00:16:30 And he goes, oh, I'm doing a skate camp. I'm like, oh, and it's like three days long. I'm like, oh, can I just bring my kids for a couple hours today? And he said, sure, of course. But I don't even care what my kids learn or don't learn. They're just going to go there, and they're going to get to be with other kids. You know what I mean? At the skate park, it's going to be dope.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah, that'll be awesome. Yeah. That's some good to tell iota that's some good kind of stimuli it's it's your same instructor he's just running a camp um brian sheckler or something um yeah yeah yeah no no no it's it's just at the local skate there's a dude who's like the godfather of this local skate park and i take my kids to skate with him local skate. There's a dude who's like the godfather of this local skate park. And I take my kids to skate with him, like try once or twice a week. He's dope, teaches them new tricks and everything. And I guess he's doing a big skate camp because I guess kids are out of school right now. Oh, yeah. Thanksgiving break, probably. Yeah. I want to ask. Sorry, Indigenous Peoples Day.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Indigenous Peoples Day. I want to ask, I haven't watched Dave Castro's Week in Review. Can you hear that? Yeah, just reading Jake Chapman's comment. My son is a lovely boy, but he's hard to keep alive. Ouch. I'm calling Mike Halpin. Reach Michael Halpin.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Please leave me your name. Michael. There's this, I guess in the week in review, Dave talks about something called the triple crown. Oh. Where if you win three events, you get some sort of prize money. And I was like, fuck, before CrossFit jumps on that bandwagon, maybe we can get California Hormones to put up some sort of prize for the Triple Crown for CrossFitters.
Starting point is 00:18:24 That would be sick. Wouldn't that be crazy? Yeah, I haven't talked to Sarah about that. Or maybe Paper Street Coffee and California Peptides want to jump in together and give it a prize for the Triple Crown winner. I like that. Or maybe even Noble wants to give up 20 grand.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Less? No. $20,000 for the winner of the Triple Crown 20,000 socks oh look at wow good morning Allison what's up Matt moving and getting used to the new schedule it's 9 a.m. here I'm used to watching it like at 7. I've been awake for four hours already in the days in full swing. Dang. Where did she move to? The Midwest?
Starting point is 00:19:11 Costa Rica. Oh, wow. She already ran into Paul Saladino because he lives there. Dang. That's cool. I'll give up a CEO shirt. Yeah, maybe. Should we put together like a crazy package for the winner of the Triple Crown?
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah. Coffee, Yeti, something. The Sevan podcast brings you the CrossFit Triple Crown. I wonder if I can even use that. I wonder if they can't stop me from doing that. I don't know. Janelle Winston, the history of what happened in Europe to the Jews is crazy. Every time I read about it, it seems even more ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:19:51 But people literally supported legislation to dehumanize the population. I don't remember which country it was. But for those of you who don't know, the Jews were considered dirty. I'm trying to remember which country or which capital. Someone will say in the comments. This is recently, in the last 150 years. It's where, not George Soros got his money. Who's the other big, the Rothschilds.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I don't know if you guys know the history of the Rothschilds. There's a great documentary about them on YouTube. But basically, the Jews were not allowed to live in the center of the city. I can't remember which city it is. Is it like St. Petersburg? Or no, it's like somewhere in Czechoslovakia. Basically the Jews weren't allowed to live in the city. They were considered dirty.
Starting point is 00:20:33 And they weren't allowed to live inside the city walls. They were forced to live outside the city walls. And inside the city walls, where all the good shit was um money lending was not allowed but outside the city walls it was so of course the jews being that it was a lucrative profession it wasn't allowed inside the city walls because it was considered unholy and unclean the jews started doing that within a hundred years they were lending money to the king or queen of England at the time. And they built this massive fortune after being pushed outside the city walls.
Starting point is 00:21:13 It's like Jay-Z. Except he wasn't forced to live in the ghetto. He lived in the ghetto and built this empire there instead of fucking complaining like a little bitch. Well, I guess he made his music. His music is kind of complaining like a little bitch. Well, I guess he made his music. His music is kind of complaining like a little bitch. And then, as Jews were being pushed out of Europe, they were coming to the United States, and they were all landing in New York. These are the cliff notes. The spirit of what I'm saying is correct.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And all these poor Jews were coming to the United States, and the vast majority of them were in the textile businesses. They were seamstresses. They made clothes. They were fucking the lowest of the low in the countries they were coming from. But at that time, when they came to the United States and New York is when the textile industry exploded and it became easy to get materials. So what did these fucking hardworking motherfucking Jews do? motherfucking jews do they fucking took over the textile industry and all of these poor fucking immigrant fucking no-skilled jews accepting seamstress shit textile shit started putting their kids into schools and sending their kids to schools to become lawyers
Starting point is 00:22:36 and doctors all while being fucking hated on that man yeah read the story it's fucked up man it's fucked up and now the world wants to hate on them as as uh it's like it's like the way hillar hates on poor fucking tia six times some of you assholes do she works her ass off and becomes a 72 time champion all of a sudden you guys hate her because how good she is fuck you that's disgusting she's just a poor jewish australian girl i don't know is she jewish god that'd be awesome if she was jewish i could start calling you guys anti-semites oh uh justin h sebon um co didn't knock off 10 10 and free shipping to California Peptides. Does it start in a certain day? Oh, fuck. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:23:29 How dare you call me out publicly? How dare you? Let me see. I swear the show's gonna get funny. Hold on. Let me call my girl. Let's see what's going on. Dear Sarah.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Worked for me. Oh, it did? Yeah, I got free shipping. I went to free shipping. Oh, shit, Justin. You got school. You got school, Justin H. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Let me see. So you're refuting the misinformation Justin H. is giving. Indeed. Hi, good morning. Hey, if you use code SEVON, you get 10% off and free shipping? Is it working? Okay. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Bye. Did it work? It says free shipping there. Yeah, but where's the 10% off? I don't see that part. Oh. Okay, I'll text her. Aha!
Starting point is 00:24:37 Okay. I'll text her. Sarah, I don't think the... I don't think the 10% is working. Let me know. We tried. Please. All right, thank you, Justin.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Point, Justin. H. Yeah, I have seen a few of the videos Matt Burns said, have you seen these videos of Argentina's new president Calling collective shit Yeah, I've seen some of that Greg's got a great lecture on that Let's poke him tomorrow about that About how
Starting point is 00:25:18 When you start working for the group Shit gets really weird quick And what we need to keep fighting for is individual rights. It sounds all good. It takes a village until you put it in practice and start thinking about it. Having someone with a big brain explain to you how that shit works. Jeff Dixon. I rarely get to listen live
Starting point is 00:25:46 it would be much more convenient if you could start the show 3 hours earlier fine I understand oh shit what happened here uh the I wanna I'll show you this too while we're doing a little bit of house cleaning um there was this girl named Jenny Lau I'll show you this too while we're doing a little bit of house cleaning. There was this girl named Jenny Lau.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And she started the program. She was the first trainer downstairs at HQ. She was the official coach at HQ when I worked there. So we had this big fat gym downstairs below the offices. Huge, awesome gym. And she actually, when I say huge and awesome, it was smaller than Sousa's gym and not as nice. So shit, I don't know. Sousa's gym kind of fucked me up. But it was a dope spot with really high ceilings, 30 foot, 40 foot ceilings.
Starting point is 00:26:41 It was nice. And we had a class there that went on every single day and it was a and this lady jenny lau ran it for us for years and years and years she was like there were people down there like people who work for hq or people who didn't work for hq people who didn't work for hq there was this one guy i'm thinking in particular we actually made a video about him where he she found him he was a this is before greg did the class for fat old people down there she found a guy who was more than 100 pounds overweight at a local he was probably 20 years old he worked at a local coffee shop and um she
Starting point is 00:27:15 got it coaxed him into the gym at hq and took 100 pounds off him led him to lose 100 pounds yeah i'm trying to remember what the name of that video was. Anyway, she was dope. She knew her shit. I think she's level three. She crazy knew her shit. Her name's Jenny Lau. That's awesome. hundred people there it was a big program uh every morning tons of people my mom went there and it was for fat and old people and my mom was too fit really to be in the class i remember greg's like ah your mom might be too fit she was like 75 my mom could like front squat like 35 pounds and shit you know gangster shit at 100 pounds uh oh wow this is a great story Dane Lucero what is this
Starting point is 00:28:07 as a dirtbag I left three gyms to me dating the staff is this common oh that's awesome when you say dating you mean you put it to some girl there that's awesome like you fuck one of the chicks there and then shit gets weird what happened to her yeah great what a great lady what happened to her i think joe westerlin is
Starting point is 00:28:32 saying yeah okay so insane coach um uh very very down to business very very extremely attractive lady very fit um remember when I told remember how I told you There was that fucking Iraqi chick that I didn't Like who came to she got super fit Remember I told you a couple days ago Yeah the CrossFit this fucking chick Jenny Lau got her strong and got her all those Muscle ups she trained this fucking
Starting point is 00:28:58 Chick this fucking stick Iraqi Chick she turned her into a full-blown hottie Whoa 155 for 20 fucking strict ring muscle-ups. This chick Jenny Lau was a beast. Oh, you meant my mom. Oh, my mom's training at a non-affiliate now.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Probably going to get in trouble for saying that for some reason. I don't know why. I shouldn't. My mom's training at what's the guy's name? The guy's really cool. I don't go to the gym. I didn't like the fucking politics at the gym, but the owner is dope. It's not even the politics. It's the ideology.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Some of the shit there. What is the name of that gym? It's called West, and the guy's name is Daniel. God, what is that guy's name? And his homeboy is named Marcus. They're the two coolest dudes. I'm so happy my mom's at that gym. Daniel, Daniel, he used to train my kids.
Starting point is 00:29:58 God, he's fucking cool. Beautiful buff guy. Maybe he's Iranian. Anyway, this chick Jenny lau going back to this she's been around the area fucking forever she's a great coach everyone loves her she's a specialist in in also in training people who uh who cross train uh daniel j yeah is that who is daniel j maybe that's who it is and his homeboy marcus they're like gods like everyone knows him in town they're like they're they're Santa Cruz legends always smiling nice handsome it's weird that I can't stand his
Starting point is 00:30:36 gym but I love him it's weird I really like him yeah he's cool as shit. Anyway, super buff, crazy strong. You know, got like some weird numbers. Probably like a 500-pound back squat and shit. So, oh, this – so this chick Jenny Lau started a – she started her own program. And I found out about it yesterday, and she has an app. And if you go to 313, this chick has no fucking resources. She lives in Santa Cruz, one of the most expensive areas you could live in, in a tiny fucking little house.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Her and her husband work their fucking asses off. They got a daughter that they're raising, homeschooling. And look at this. This is her Instagram account. It's called Strength Biased. And look at this video she put together. I can't tell if that's her. That might even be her. I can't tell.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And I was just stoked for it This gets me more hyped up than that CrossFit video Just watching in slow motion Black and white a girl doing a clean Yeah it's dope It's like yeah I want to do her clean My wires cross Do her clean Yes
Starting point is 00:32:11 I once crammed a handful of Vaseline In a girl's lady parts on a date Jesus I don't think you're supposed to do that She used to She used to go to Annie's gym And Annie's gym closed And And She used to go to Annie's gym And Annie's gym closed Annie's gym's closed And it's gonna reopen
Starting point is 00:32:38 And it's gonna reopen on the Total opposite side of town Oh they moved locations not yet annie's gym used to be exactly right a block away from the original crossfit gym the very first one and then um she had to move recently and in in the meantime while they're getting her new gym set up i think it's going to be over by costco it's so fucking far away and by far away i mean it's like five miles but in this town we just we're stuck between the ocean and the mountains and we just have this two lane highway that goes through our town and if you got to get on that you're fucked
Starting point is 00:33:16 it is 10 plus free shipping on all orders. Stripe is adding the 10. I don't want them adding. Stripe is. I just asked Jen. How does it. So. Well. It doesn't show up on the shopping cart.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Sorry Justin. I'm still trying to figure it out. Maybe I shouldn't have said well. Was that too catty? Well. I gotta be nice. A little catty Sarah I ain't gonna be fucking nice to Sarah who the fuck do I think I am without her this becomes a podcast that goes one day a week
Starting point is 00:33:54 and I'm serving coffee at fucking paper street coffee's new place Holy shit that screenshot of the zero views the other day was crazy I Don't know what the name of the show is but but there's a show. It's the new show. And is it the one with Joe and Nikki? Yeah, I think so. So it's a bar bend, morning chalk up, kettle bells and cocktails collaboration. And they put up a new video yesterday.
Starting point is 00:34:44 And someone sent me a screenshot. Someone sent a screenshot to our group test text and it went 48 minutes without a single view. That's fucking amazing. Yeah, that's pretty good. How come there's not someone just like, how come we don't have just like some crazy like skank in the space just destroying everyone there we have tons of chicks with skanky instagram accounts
Starting point is 00:35:14 tons yeah endless girls they're like on the fringe like they're not they're either like one of you one of you chicks who just can't fucking keep her clothes on and can't stop taking pictures of yourself in your underwear and your bra. God bless your soul. Should just start up a fucking podcast. Oh, here we go. Kettlebells and cocktails. We set expectations as low as possible. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Well, that's good. So when you got one viewer, you're like, fuck you. Fuck that shit. Fair enough. viewer you're like fuck yeah fuck that shit fair enough uh um uh mr woolly what what if you got here with me a second what if you got like just some chick in a towel like the show starts and some chick in a towel, like the show starts and it's some chick in a towel comes out of the shower. People would flock to the show, I think. Or what if you had it and it was some guy reporting in a chair and the whole time all you see is the back of someone's head in his lap.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Like what if you just saw the back of someone's head right here? The whole entire show. Later on you found out oh hey hey how long have we been friends in high school yeah i remember seeing you play basketball at valley view in the eighth grade i remember being over there like i went over to your school and i saw you i met you maybe we weren't Yeah. Yeah, maybe. I mean, if you're, you know, hanging out with Jeff or whatever, that's easily possible. Where? Oh, Mexico? Hotel? Oh, Mexico? Yeah. Hotel? No, remember at Scorpion Bay in that concrete hut?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Oh, I don't remember the actual hut, but... You don't remember that? I might have blocked that out. I don't know. I'm doing a podcast now, buddy. We've been friends. You got to know, we're tight. I would consider you like a best friend. Every morning, 7 a.m., your best buddy's doing a podcast. Okay. Alright.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Am I on the air? You are. Okay. Yeah. No, we didn't even have soap. Someone wants to know if I dropped the soap. There was no soap in there. No, I don't think so. There was no soap in there. There was my liquid soap. there yeah that wasn't soap buddy
Starting point is 00:37:50 the point is no one had to grab anything right right no one had to all right i'll call you when the show's over okay all right bye see. Bye. See you later. Bye. Jesus Christ. Shower naked with a fucking dude 25 years ago. He doesn't even know when the fuck I'm on the air. Is this that guy? Wow. You would never guess it.
Starting point is 00:38:18 No way. Gentlest human being ever. He's so chill. That's the dude who told me. He's like, hey, dude, I never even put it all the way in someone. I go, why? I just see the expression on their face and I just can't bring myself to it. Yeah, he doesn't have it in him.
Starting point is 00:38:34 There's no way. He feels morally obligated to take it easy on people. Where were we? woolly uh naked uh oh shit i lost woolly's post damn it what's up here i like to look at the his name when i talk to him anyway i think what if we what if i were getting out of the shower i mean it would just be a start for sure i just think that there's such a good place in the ecosystem for what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Like people, you're just, that show is just running down bullet points, right? Of like what's going on. Like I would love to just watch that show and just like plagiarize that shit. But I don't know, for some reason there's not a hook for me to go over there. But I like the idea of it. Like, hey, none of this fucking crazy commentary from Hiller. None of the nasty jokes from Sevan. Just a bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.
Starting point is 00:39:32 This is what's happening. I mean, I like the idea. Hi, good to see you here. Yeah, Coke can can Two Coke cans Three Coke cans maybe I didn't see it engorged I'm trying to think if I've ever Yeah I've never seen it engorged
Starting point is 00:39:59 I wonder how much bigger it gets in It is engorged I asked him that That's when he held up He was holding a Pacifico bottle I wonder how much bigger it gets in and is engorged. I asked him that. That's when he held up. He was holding a Pacifico bottle. Oh, my God. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Okay, 314. God, I hope Judy's in here. I've been really hammering the Asians lately. Did the scarring. Oh, gross. Okay. I'm Asian. I'm so Asian. My pronouns are hee-yah!
Starting point is 00:40:51 I'm Asian. What is this show that keeps popping up in my feed? It's like you have to try to make someone laugh? Yeah, I've seen a few different iterations of it. I've seen some with some Australian dudes and a couple chicks. That one's probably the funniest i don't know what it's called but they're pretty funny hey look at that guy's body i'm not i'm not trying to body shame him at all but what do you think his bench press is that dudes
Starting point is 00:41:16 45 pounds yeah right it is like that like if you put him on the bench and you lowered just the bar on him and the shit starts getting like Going like this and shit right yeah He lowers one arm before the other It's like my kids do bench press They lower that shit to like their balls Their forehead they bench like this Yeah Like they're like rowing a boat
Starting point is 00:41:37 Yeah like they're rowing a boat Oh my god No that's not the Australian one There's like Ah fuck oh my god no that's not the australian one there's like ah fuck maybe he's got there's like a bunch of dudes mustaches all right uh so there's our uh first tidbit that's our first funny thing for the day 40 minutes in is that what we are? Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:42:06 What a fucking joke. I have to recategorize this. Take it out of the comedy section. I really want to do something with the triple crown. 3.16. God, I hope this one's funny. I have a feeling this one's not funny. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:42:22 That one might not be funny. Probably not funny. Okay that one might not be funny probably not funny okay 311 oh god this one's not funny either son of a bitch yesterday's show was so good i thought i was on a roll i thought i was like that one this one could be funny oh okay okay okay let's Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Let's see. 311. Here we go. But you can say, wait, wait, wait, wait, Mike McCaskey. Oh yeah. This one is not funny. Mike McCaskey, but he can solve linear equations like a motherfucker. Fair. Okay. Here we go. I'm hoping to use your customer size policy today. Yes, I'm leaving.
Starting point is 00:43:20 What did she ask? I'm going to explain this to you and then it'll help you guys hear it better. I guess at Southwest, you can go up to the counter, and you can say you're a plus-size customer or whatever the word is. There's a special code. Customer of size. Yeah, it's like the secret menu at McDonald's. In-N-Out. And so you can order crazy shit. So she knows the secret menu at Southwest.
Starting point is 00:43:50 secret menu at Southwest. And what they do is they give you a ticket to sit on the seat next to you. So no one sits next to you. Dude, this is, this is a, whoever came up with this idea at Southwest, you are a fucking idiot. This is a disaster waiting to happen. When I was a kid, there were no dogs in stores. There were no dogs in restaurants. There were no dogs at the grocery store. Now you can't go to a fucking restaurant or a grocery store without seeing some fucking douche nozzle with their dog. Or on a plane and you see a peacock. Yeah, all that shit, right?
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah. And it's crazy. They're going to open this door and they are fucked okay let's watch this a couple times this is crazy thank you so much for your help can i have a seat belt extender please yeah thank you very much thank you i love watching how heavily she's breathing through that mask I love watching how heavily she's breathing through that mask. Just like billows open.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Southwest is the only airline with this policy for customers of size. It should be industry norm. We should be subsidizing your drug addiction? First of all, dude, you're not even big enough to fucking need that. I'll cozy right up up in there. Between you and your sister. enjoy that shit little body heat fucking A hey
Starting point is 00:45:12 everyone everyone should ask for that you don't even need to be fat I like it when you put the arrow on her boob seems like you're violating her I like it when you put the arrow on her boob. Seems like you're violating her. I need to clean that. Rent a car.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah. My God. It's already annoying enough to try to board on Southwest. Now you have to work around somebody who's morbidly obese. Sevan, do you think you would be able to do a minute of comedy on Kill Tony? Yeah, I could. If I... I could. I tell myself all the time I should just write routines.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Like I should write monologues for this show. And do them on the show and just start practicing them. Like five or ten minute monologues for this show and do them on the show and just start practicing them like five or ten minute monologues but I never do and you get off my ass Oh same Seema if they see you are tall they also bump you up so you can get exit row damn we've never done that for me. Yeah, I don't believe that. Nice try though, Seema. I think Seema's taller than me.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Asymmetric, why do you pay more if your luggage is over 50 pounds? The discrimination against heavy bags is unacceptable. Alright. Anyway, everyone should ask for that. Unacceptable. All right. Anyway, everyone should ask for that. There should be no – you should just be like, hey, I feel I have anxiety sitting next to people. Can I get a plus-size pass?
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah, for sure. Damn, Jake Chapman, they should do tiny, smaller seats for tiny people. What if they had that on an airplane there was some airline like something like a Ryanair or something that's they tested using seats where you're basically standing the whole way
Starting point is 00:47:17 the seat is like a probably the height of a bar stool and then you're just resting like the back of your ass on it, but you're still basically standing the whole time. But, and so the seat, the seats themselves are six,
Starting point is 00:47:32 seven inches more narrow. Oh, because you're standing your shit. Isn't all blue. I wonder if that, how did that work out? It looked so, I don't think they're actually going to do it,
Starting point is 00:47:44 but it looked so uncomfortable. You're sitting, you're basically standing like that for two hours. Probably. I love it when you get onto a $3,800 fucking first-class seat on United and the, in the, in the seats like this. And you just look at it and you're like, Oh, my back's going to be killing me. And I've fucking rolled up like 18 magazines to get just to get it.
Starting point is 00:48:04 So the seats like this, you know what mean it's it's like rounded like that like i have to sit like this in a thirty eight hundred dollar seat for fucking eight hours fuck you like i need 18 blankets to make this seat a fucking shape that's the shape of my fucking spine no one's spine wants to be like this for eight hours. You jackass. Okay. $8,600 flip $8,300, whatever, whatever it is. Huge femurs.
Starting point is 00:48:41 God, who loves, who doesn't love a huge femur? Look how deep you are in that squat holy shit look at that hair wow that girl's got a british accent too yummy nice it's nice all right that one wasn't funny i thought i put a bunch of funny stuff in here i was i stayed up late last night. Oh, fuck it. Let's look at Nikki Haley, 304.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Man, she is a train wreck. I don't want anyone to tell me that Nikki Haley is good ever again. She sucks. You know the first link? Yeah, either one. 304, she's a douche. she hey she might as well be a democrat we need to throw her over the fence she didn't get to hang out in the fucking in the first freedom space go ahead here we go who is running for president nikki haley explaining that because
Starting point is 00:49:39 of these attacks on october 7th the rest of us need to register with the government in order to express our opinions online. There she is. Every person on social media should be verified by their name. First of all, it's a national security threat. When you do that, all of a sudden people have to stand by what they say and it gets rid of the Russian bots, the Iranian bots and the Chinese bots. And then you're going to get some civility when people know their name is next to what they say. So Nikki Haley is not her real name, of course. It's a pseudonym. And so she's not even using a real name. Her real name is Nimarata Rondahawa.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Nikki Rondahawa. Wow. Oh, wow. Ronda Howa wow oh wow she has Sikh parents who immigrated from India her father is wow excuse me damn damn damn damn okay play the next one
Starting point is 00:50:46 This is the one that just She just wants more government control More government control She's so confused Watch this next one Pathetic If you do like her, you probably should walk away. This is going to be the one that breaks
Starting point is 00:51:07 the camel's back for you. The fact of the matter is the Republican Party is not that much better. You have the likes of Nikki Haley who stepped down from her time at the UN. Bankrupt or in debt was her family. Then she becomes a military... This isn't it. That was
Starting point is 00:51:23 the one that was there that was the second link yeah hmm are you sure yes hold on uh oh hold on hold on uh is it this let me uh oh uh uh yes, yes, yes. That's it. Here it is. I think this is it. Play this. Play this.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Oh, yeah. Identity politics. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. Play this. This is it. You're right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:52 What happens? He comes out of the gate. He hits. Chair of the party. He hits the female anchor on the platform and then he hits me and i'm not saying anything i ain't saying i'm just saying he might have a girl problem i'm just saying he might have a girl problem straight to identity politics straight to identity politics politics points out that vivek goes after the anchor who for two years pushed the russian collusion when we found out it was fake and asked that lady to speak up nikki wants to point out
Starting point is 00:52:35 that she has a vagina goes after the uh chair of the republican party who's corrupt as fuck nikki wants to point out that she has a vagina goes after Nikki Haley who we presume has a vagina what she didn't mention is that he also pointed out that her 25 year old daughter is on TikTok after Nikki Haley was slamming TikTok
Starting point is 00:53:02 yeah exactly you can't you exactly you can't vote for anyone who's playing that game we're done with that shit i'm not saying you got to go full snoop dog bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks but but but you know yeah she stinks Vivek I don't know how to say his name Vivek I want to say it right
Starting point is 00:53:37 is that what it is at least I'm consistent Ramaswami Vivek Ramaswami Vivek Ramaswami. Vivek Ramaswami. Vivek Ramaswami. My, uh... Oh, I better not even say that. I'm going to get in trouble. My wife...
Starting point is 00:53:59 I have some rules now about the podcast from my wife. Really? Mm-hmm. What's that? If i tell you the rules it probably makes it so like breaks one of the rules oh okay i'm not i'm not supposed to let like i'm not supposed to oh this will be the i'll tell you guys the rule and then I'll and then I won't break it again Okay I'm supposed to like not make to the fact that my kids are jewish should not be a topic of conversation on the show Okay, my wife has a little jew fear
Starting point is 00:54:40 Fair enough. Yeah Protect the kids. She was raised that way. L.A. Jew. Damn, already broke the rule again. I respect that too. Well, obviously I'm not. I want to respect that too. Yeah, like Fight Club. I don't think it's like that uh
Starting point is 00:55:09 okay uh um what uh um what what is 302 isn't labeled god be funny. Please be funny. Please be funny Please be funny Oh, yeah, this is great Hey, so this kid right here. this kid's name is Jaden. I just met this kid at Matt Sousa's 10-year anniversary. Jaden and his brother Jacob. Jacob and Jaden.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I don't know which one this is. I can't. Oh, that's Jaden. Then you see his brother Jacob has a ringer. I love this topic. This topic's crazy. Here we go. What is this guy wearing?
Starting point is 00:56:14 This guy is Indian, right? Sure. Yeah. Middle Eastern. Is Indian Middle Eastern? I don't think of Indian as Middle Eastern. Do you consider them Asian? I don't think of Indian as Middle Eastern. Do you consider them Asian? I guess, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Half black. Indian computer, not casino. Okay. All right, here we go. You think that guy has hamstrings all day? Okay, let's do it. What's the most attractive muscle on a girl on a girl i would say her quads why her quads because it makes her look more fit what if she has bigger quads than you oh
Starting point is 00:56:56 no no no that can't happen right that can happen that can happen what do you i need to have bigger muscles she can't have bigger muscles she can't have bigger muscles in me. She can't have bigger muscles in you? No, no, no, no. What if she lifts more than you? Oh, then she's not dating me. No, no, no. Are you going to break up with her?
Starting point is 00:57:12 I mean, if you already got... Great follow-up question. He's like, if she's stronger than him, he won't date her. And now, basically, what Jaden's asking is like, what if this bitch gets stronger than you while you're dating her you break up with her okay yeah okay here we go not to that point i won't break up with her but if i meet a girl that's lifting more than me it's not happening what's the most attractive most is that true i know a lot of people think that i know a lot of people think that too I know a lot of people think that too.
Starting point is 00:57:45 You're out of your fucking mind. Hey, that's a you problem, buddy. Yeah, I think that there's a lot of... I think there's a lot of girls who claim that they wouldn't date a guy that they're stronger than. They're full of shit. If they met a guy with fucking $18 million in his checking account they're sucking the dick quick they don't give a fuck if he that asian guy with the 45 pound bench press they get on that dick but um uh but i understand but on the other hand i understand it like you're a strong woman you
Starting point is 00:58:18 want a strong man you're it's like where your baseline is everyone wants to be around a strong man everyone wants to have like like if you're even with you're just a guy and you're with a group of guys you want at least fucking a handful of guys in there you're like yep three of these dudes have cauliflower we're good you know what i mean exactly yeah safety not that you're scared it just gives you some like you know what i mean like if you're walking around Spade, Spain, you find David weed,
Starting point is 00:58:48 you give him like 50 bucks or whatever his daily rate is to hang out with you. Yeah, I agree. And just walk around there by yourself. So, so, so,
Starting point is 00:59:00 so I get it. A girl wants a strong, strong man, but to not, to not date a girl cause she's stronger than you, you're out of your fucking mind. I don't understand that at all. Ken Walters, no way. Fitness and strength is attractive in women. If she's strong or awesome, who cares?
Starting point is 00:59:14 Dude, if you go to college, there's fucking D1 fucking girl athletes all over the place that are going to be able to do all sorts of shit better than the dudes. Just look at the entire track team yeah when i was a dirty hippie i had some fucking girlfriends who were fucking gnarly fuck i want to tell the stories about it but my wife listens to this show and and probably now probably half half the lifts my wife's stronger than me. If it doesn't involve pulling, she's probably stronger than me. There's no fucking way I can squat as much as her.
Starting point is 00:59:52 I'd fucking, my back will snap in half. I'll tell you something that's really bad. David, are you listening? I should not fucking, this is, this is what vulnerable is. Vulnerable isn't like you're crying because your mom forgot your birthday. What I'm going to tell you now is truly vulnerable. So take fucking note. Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class.
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Starting point is 01:00:49 cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale. To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. God, this sucks to share this, but I'm going to. At night, if the kids fall asleep somewhere besides their bed, usually, not always, more than 51% of the time I'll have my wife move them To their bed So that I don't hurt my back Oh god
Starting point is 01:01:35 Alright I said it Fine I bring the groceries in I take the trash out I do shit I keep the yard clean i plant shit no i still lift the 70 i can do i'm strong in just all controlled situations but i can't i don't want i know i know it's bad my fucking wife's a fucking brick shithouse though
Starting point is 01:02:01 like she can just cold like do that shit i wipe ass i do i do stuff i carry him a lot don't get me wrong i carry him a lot i do shoulder rides every day all that shit no i don't feel lighter that didn't play out like i wanted it to no i feel horrible like i lost two inches off my dong but if it's fucking nine o'clock at night and I've been sitting down in front of the computer and I look over and someone's snoring on the couch, I'll be like, yo, this dude's got to go to bed. I'll move Ari. But I'll move Ari, I'd say 90% of the time. Avi, 30% of the time. Joseph, 50% of the time.
Starting point is 01:02:41 But it still gives her like, she's still the big dog in the house when it comes to moving like the kids dead weight it's not like that it's not it's not that it's not it's not like that uh mike mccaskey said if only seven had a methodology to strengthen his back let me tell you it's strong it's just umragile Yeah yeah It's strong yes It's like an egg if you squeeze that thing like this You can't fucking break it But one little tick on the side And the fucking whole yolk falls apart
Starting point is 01:03:15 Yeah I You know I actually That's Brock Bassett Might need a reverse hyper and a GHD I don't know where I would put a reverse hyper I don't know I just want to have one to have one I've probably got space for it now
Starting point is 01:03:35 But What I'm understanding from this is that 7R uses limitations hard as fuck every day Therefore he truly believes Haley is stronger than him And that's the story he's sticking to oh shut it hey dude i work out with her every day i i see her work out every day i i know her listen listen uh next you're gonna be telling me that about fucking uh my neighbor's um
Starting point is 01:04:02 uh what's the strong man called the real thor you're gonna be like dude i go over there and i can't even like load his bar for him be like someone stop arguing your limitations you can load his bar for him like listen fucking ding dong the thing how about how about i throw this piece of wisdom at you mr burping dude um uh uh which one was i gonna throw at you i got some other wisdom for you I'm not arguing with reality I'm not going to argue with reality How about that?
Starting point is 01:04:31 Take that Jedediah Snelson, you know you have access to California hormones, right? Yeah I'm just feeling Because I got my shit all Jacked up I'm just feeling, because I got my shit all jacked up. I'm feeling extremely... Like, when I walk now, when my back's like this,
Starting point is 01:04:53 I have to intentionally walk everywhere. Because, I don't know if you guys know, if you have a bad back, if you shuffle your feet and, like, you just, like, kick, like, anything, it'll fucking jolt your whole shit. Your whole system gets jolted. Have you ever had that, Caleb? Your back is so bad like you're I'll be totally fine walking and then if I like trip or something the whole fucking system gets like a
Starting point is 01:05:11 like haywire No, I don't think I've had that I've had like me stuff like that but not on my back It's different with your back for sure. I Was complaining about my back last weekend when I got home a few days later one of my homies from seminar staff bought reverse hyper and sent it to my house that's the coolest homie you could ever have Wow Wow that's awesome wow i have no hammies or glute strength people always tell me how nice my hammies are yeah my glute strength is probably horrible
Starting point is 01:06:09 uh damn i'm dealing with a bulging disc right now too it sucks yeah how do you know that that it's a bulging disc you probably wouldn't know unless you got an mri someone took a picture yeah yeah i'm not i'm not saying asymmetric i'm not also i'm not calling you out like it's not true I'm just I'm like genuinely curious how you how you um evaluate that so damn our thread's out of fucking control I gotta fucking close it yeah I was gonna ask you to mute your dinger oh is it ding you can hear it yeah it was going off quite a bit um what number was that that was 302 oh yeah yeah. Yeah, the name of that Instagram account is moregymscom. M-O-R-E-G-Y-M-S-C-O-M.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Moregymscom. I'm trying to think if there's anyone. I've seen, I've seen boyfriends who don't look as strong as their girlfriends behind the scenes, like in the coaching staff. But then later on, I find out the dudes are pretty in shape.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Like I think Shane, Shane or might be in crazy good shape. Hmm. I can see that yeah he may even be juiced up he got like kind of a juiced up head right like a kind of like an alligator head crocodile never thought of that probably could be ricky has that kind of crocodile head too i maybe could just be australian i'm trying to think of what other athletes have it maybe it could just be australian i'm trying to think of what other athletes have it
Starting point is 01:08:14 phil toon didn't have it nicholas didn't have it there's head was more bulbous oh okay oh you guys want to see a bit uh let me show you will you go to my instagram real quick i want to show you another classic example of a chick who's hot because she has a giant head. This chick's head's amazing. Scroll down. She's the one in the CEO shirt right there. Look at. Oh, wow. Nice.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Yeah, you should click on her Instagram account. This chick was a D1 swimmer, I think. Yeah, D1 swimmer turned CrossFitter. Look at her body. Volleyball player, maybe too. Click on something where we can see her moving damn whoa is she a foreigner
Starting point is 01:09:15 i don't know she looks american she's lean as shit anyway She looks American. She's lean as shit. Anyway. Telling you, big head, hot chick. On a side note, Tyler says Fraser's head is shrunk. You don't see that giant, you don't think that chick's hot, Mason? Are you out of your fucking mind? You don't see...
Starting point is 01:09:46 Or you don't think her head is big? Which one? Yeah, I was getting Emily Rolfe vibes from her, too. Totally. Thank you, Extra Sloppy. Someone is ahead analyzing Savant. Iota Dude, NCAA, female swimmers are out of control nowadays. They used to be fleshy, now they're ripped as fuck.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Ripped with ass. Yeah, that's the weird part, how do you how do you maintain your ass um if you're a swimmer it's kind of like being a runner hey frazier's whole body shrunk i i saw that um frazier's turning into will branstetter you know who that is will they? Like when I see them, they could be brothers now. I could see them just like making coffee together. They both kind of have like that hipster vibe. Yeah. There we go.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Go to the next one there was a shot of Mike McCaskey I saw Matt at Rogue and he is tiny no shit Mike are you the Mike that I saw at is this the Mike that I saw at Is this the Mike that I saw at Sousa's
Starting point is 01:11:29 10 year reunion I get my mics confused I don't know Was he with his wife No Does McCaskey have a wife Yeah I get my mics all fucking scrambled his wife? No. Does McCaskey have a wife? Yeah. I get my mics all fucking scrambled.
Starting point is 01:11:48 There's also the mic that works out at J.R.'s gym. McDonald. McDonald. I have like five mics in my life. They're all family. Mike is Mike. Caleb and I met at Rogue.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Did I meet you this weekend Mike? Did I hang out with you this weekend? If not then I have you confused with another Mike This other dude could be a Greek God That I met You're telling me a fucking Greek God Has a fucking juvenile Fucked up profile picture like that
Starting point is 01:12:25 I just see closet homosexual When I see that cartoon profile pic Oh no we haven't Matt Well good Everyone can get some 303 Pink Oh Pink Oh Pink not you again Pink
Starting point is 01:12:50 Not you again Pink was the one She's the singer That has all sorts of ailments Because she got the injection And she was also sponsored by Pfizer I don't know if you guys remember She did all these posts
Starting point is 01:13:03 Pfizer gave her all this money to do all these posts. And here we go. This is just fucked up. Here we go. It seems that the singer Pink has sided with the people who want explicit books in schools for young children. Now, before we get into Pink's tweets in support of these books and her labeling anyone opposing this realization of children as a MAGA cult. Let's look a little deeper into the mind of Pink. Here's an article where she explains why she's raising her daughter as gender neutral and sees her own self as a 12 year old boy. Interesting so Pink is raising her child gender neutral. Also very interesting that this adult woman sees herself as a 12 year old boy. So not only can you be whatever gender you want, but you can also choose your age. That's kind of scary
Starting point is 01:13:52 when you think about children and consent. Just a side note, Pink is also someone who partnered up with Pfizer to push the jab. Now on to the tweets. First, Pink tweeted out a list of books that she claimed were banned. She was corrected not only by community notes, but the people in her comments let her know that the list she tweeted out were not banned books. Then people in the comments started to expose the books that Pink and others like her are trying to ignore. Like this book where it teaches kids how to use a hookup app for gay men. With quotes like, I've met a variety of interesting people through sex apps. And the benefits are obvious. Quick, easy, and uncomplicated sex. Also teaches kids how sex apps work.
Starting point is 01:14:38 One says, upload a tiny pic of yourself to the app. Two, the app works out your location. Three, the app tells you who the nearest homosexuals are four you then chat to them five because they are near it is easy to meet up with them this is what pink and the people who are pushing for this stuff are ignoring can pink explain to me why a child would need to see any of this. This chick's out of her fucking mind. Hey, what does that mean? What does that mean
Starting point is 01:15:14 to raise your kid gender neutral? I'm trying to think. I'm trying to think if I raise my kids gender neutral. What would that even mean? What would that entail? Obviously, it sets off red flags to hear someone say that.
Starting point is 01:15:38 But is that like you don't call them boy? Because I definitely call my boys boys. I'll be like, boys, come inside. Guys, stop fucking throwing rocks at the side of the house. fucking ding dongs like i'll do that is that raising them gender neutral because i call them boys yeah you're raising them with the gender oh all right well then i'm not raising them generally but i don't do anything to them like – I don't do – I don't talk to them. I don't – I mean I would say stuff – like if they have an instructor over at the house or anyone at the house, any friends, I always have them walk their friends out to their car, right? Or all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:16:27 But it doesn't matter their sex. I have them do it to just all guests. I have them always address their grandmother, but I always have them address their grandfather. I'm trying to think if there's anything I do that's like, hey, this is what. that's like, hey, this is what... I can't think of anything that I do that's like, hey, this is what men do. P standing up. Yeah, I was thinking about that, but I don't tell them to P standing up.
Starting point is 01:17:02 I'm never like, hey, no more sitting down, boys. You're boys. It's true. You know? Dude, one of my kids um uh was getting the shower yesterday poor ari and i hear one of the boys start laughing they're like ari took his shit on the carpet in my bedroom i'm like what and i come running in from the other room i haven't told my wife this yet he's like i'm so sorry i thought it was a fart he was thought i was gonna be mad at him i'm like oh it's cool it's just a fucking little rabbit pellet on the carpet okay went and got the resolve and fucking did some biohazard cleanup yeah i'm like dude you sharted he's like i know what did that i know what did that i ate blah blah blah earlier today i was like oh
Starting point is 01:17:45 dude have you ever had this shit so bad that you like every morning every morning have chills like you have to hold it like you're like driving somewhere and you can't get to it oh like you're getting a fever yeah like like you're poisoned you're getting poisoned yeah something like that i've held a p in one time on a plane with greg it's a crazy story but i held it in so long that i think i poisoned myself yeah it's rough i don't like that never a shit though never a shit it's almost worse for the shit you're like i could. It could just be explosive. I could imagine.
Starting point is 01:18:27 When I wake up in the morning, I'm like, I wake up in the morning and I'm like, oh, cool. Everything's cool. And I go over and I turn on the coffee machine. I start opening the blinds. And then it's just like, oh, wow. I really have to shit. Really?
Starting point is 01:18:42 Yeah. And it's just like immediate. Something. Yeah. I've always ever since college ever since one of the things that one of the gifts everyone get your pencils and papers out one of the gifts of being enlightened is you can shit
Starting point is 01:18:58 whenever you want I can just tell my body to shit so like I could shit and be done be like no and I can put all my energy like down there on my anus and just take a few deep breaths and I can make one just like appear magically appear. Shit appear. Oh, got to end the show. Dude. I do.
Starting point is 01:19:20 I do this. I do any like I know things that I'll say that'll make my boys cry. You know what I mean? I could be like, they could think we're going to one skate park, and then I'm like, and I'll go to another one, especially Joseph. Joseph's very emotional. He'll just start crying. No, I wanted to go to that one.
Starting point is 01:19:37 So I'll just do this thing where I'll be like, boys, I'm a 10th level magician, the highest level. I'm a black belt magician. They're like, really? What's that mean? I'm like, I can make water come'm a black belt magician They're like really what's that mean I'm like I can make water Come from people's eyes They're like really and I'm like we're switching Skate parks and all of a sudden Joseph starts Crying the other two start laughing
Starting point is 01:19:55 It's so good Oh my goodness No it's always been like that Sebon that's your diet, not enlightenment. Oh, maybe. Don't ruin it for me. Don't fucking ruin it for me. I got street cred.
Starting point is 01:20:12 You're gonna fucking, Caroline, that's your diet. I don't, I've never, I've never, when people are like I'm constipated or I can't shit, I'm like, what? I don't even know what that means because I don't shit until I'm prairie dogging. Like, I got shit to do. I'm not like, eh, maybe after shit I'll walk over.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Like, that shit needs to be, like, touching my underwear. I'm like, better make a run. I wait. That's fucking dangerous. What are you talking about? I'm not a dick. That's fucking dangerous. What are you talking about? I'm not a dick. That's fucking 10th level magic. It's funny that two of the three of your kids get it and the other ones like.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Well, the other ones will get it if the other the other ones think it's funny if it's like, like, you know. I'll even I'll even set it up. You think that's a dick, Eric? I'll even set it up. I'll be like, hey, we're going to do I'll set it up You think that's a dick Eric I'll even set it up I'll be like hey we're gonna do I'll set it up like three moves ahead We're gonna do this and they all get excited
Starting point is 01:21:09 Now I'm like now watch this I can make three boys have water come out of their eyes simultaneously Philip Kelly's done with the poop He wants to go back to Gaza and see dead kids in Gaza. Jedediah S. Nelson, someone you would not survive as a paraplegic. No bowel control. All right. Disgusting.
Starting point is 01:21:40 You guys are disgusting. Anyway, pig's a full-blown lunatic. Listen, here's the thing, too, with all of those people who think, like, no one on the right wants books banned. They just don't want them in the elementary school. Can we just be cool with that? Make them read Old Man and the Sea or something. Yeah. Yeah. That's a great book um how about this one uh 307 i don't know what's more disturbing about this the information they
Starting point is 01:22:16 give or the people i'm getting the information from go ahead 307 set the hell up and go home oh no wait this isn't is that 307 yeah racism towards Vivek no no is our shit all fucked oh our shit's all fucked up no uh it should say school
Starting point is 01:22:43 307 oh it's sorry it's below 316 there's two 307s okay let's do this one first let's do this one first so this chick this is just that someone was asking i was i was talking to um uh uh garrett the other day clinton i think i can say this glinton garrett clinton garrett glinton we were talking on the phone we were talking about Garrett the other day Clinton I think I can say this Clinton Garrett Clinton we were talking on the phone we were talking about how this the ideas behind black people not being able to be racist and we were I was like
Starting point is 01:23:15 if they can't be racist we need another word for them because they can let's call it something else then but they can be racist but if you don't want to call it racist then fuck let's call it whatever you want to call it um But they can be racist, but if you don't want to call it racist, then fuck, let's call it whatever you want to call it. But they got to be something. You can't just get away with this shit.
Starting point is 01:23:33 And here it is. Here we go. Here we go. The hell up and go home. She said Vivek needs to shut the fuck up and go home. It's Vivek. Well, whatever. Vivek. Would you whatever. Vivek. Whatever. Would you say that about other athletes?
Starting point is 01:23:49 Donna, I'm Donna. Vivek. Is it Vivek Ramaswamy? Ramaswamy? Ramaswamy. Thank you so much. I learn so much when I come on this show. I know. Vivek. Vivek. That hair's cultural appropriation.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Vivek needs to go home. I just feel like there's something wrong with everybody refusing to learn to say his name. I just pause that. Now, what if someone were to say to her, hey, you need to go home? And where's that? Well, Africa, that shit wouldn't fly. She don't Even know which African country she's
Starting point is 01:24:26 From I bet now by the way just so you Know I don't really care she's saying This I'm only bringing it up because She's because it's fucking she's a woke Douche but I actually don't think what She anything she said is bad go figure Dyed hair out of touch with reality I Mean yeah her whole outfit scream she's
Starting point is 01:24:43 Out of touch with reality. I mean, yeah, her whole outfit screams she's out of touch with reality. Okay, let's keep going. And Bill, I can't tell. Bill Maher probably hates Vivek. Vivek, is that his name? Vivek because Vivek fucked Bill Maher up on his show. Remember when, did you ever see that show? Bill Maher was drinking and smoking. And he got kind of fucked up.
Starting point is 01:25:04 And Vivek was on the show. And Vive was schooling him it was crazy okay here we go a little racism there it's just a little i know we don't like him but you know just say his name right you're the first one i've ever heard say that. I could be wrong. Maybe it's not. No, it is. It is. It is a fake because I heard him do a rap and he said it rhymes with cake.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Okay. All right. Don't adjust to it. This is what the CNN audience needs to know. The go home thing is crazy. Go home. Yeah. the go home thing is crazy go home yeah I don't it's so weird what number was that oh that was that actually
Starting point is 01:25:53 was 307 yeah that was the numerical 307 do you want the out of numerical 307 next yeah yeah yeah please please this one's this one's fucking nuts. Here we go. Look, they even write IMA. IMA just say.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I like that. It is. I teach seventh grade. They are still performing on the fourth grade level. Seventh grade English teacher here. I teach in Northern Houston and I teach at one of the more affluent schools. When I tell you that these babies cannot read, they cannot write, and they cannot comprehend, I'm not being funny.
Starting point is 01:26:40 I'm being dead serious. It doesn't exist. I have kids constantly asking me, how do I spell window? How do I spell important? How do I spell though? And they be serious. They're dead serious. I could ask them, who is the main character of your story? The story of four paragraphs to what we just read. Can't tell you. They don't know. They don't know. They don't know. It took us four weeks. Four weeks to get through how to answer a question
Starting point is 01:27:14 in a complete sentence. I'm going to just say send your kids to school now. Carolyn M. The self-help book. Yes, that is a septum piercing. Iota, maybe if they had a fucking teacher.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Oh, Jason Miller. it's just lingo she means for him to stop the presidential race and go home not go back to india she's still dumb though ah thank you yeah i don't care i don't care i mean i appreciate you saying that i don't i'm i just see her as a fucking loser anyway i see her as a bad person i'd like to see her joining crossfit gym um 315 this i know this is preaching to the choir here i I know you guys know all this, but it is it is really bad. And this is one of the reasons why I trip on affiliation and like supporting companies like that have that have ever even entertained the thought of hiring people based on their genitalia or their skin color or any of that shit and that what's crazy about that oh fuck you know what i'm thinking i was thinking about doing you know that whole that whole thing i give up there's no such thing as mexicans it's just native americans who've been raised by spaniards and then they tricked them into calling themselves mexicans and that was the colonization
Starting point is 01:29:01 was complete once you identify with being mexican You're done. You've been colonized. You've been fully tricked. Just in 200 years. In four generations. They have you convinced. That you're a whole new ethnicity. That never fucking existed. Well.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Black people are the exact same thing. They've been completely colonized. By believing that they're black people. Do you know what I mean by that? They don't refer to themselves as a fucking ethnicity. They've been completely fucking reduced to a fucking skin color. And they do it to themselves. By saying the black community.
Starting point is 01:29:42 They've been completely fucking just reduced to a color That they fucking accept That was part of the colonization Every time they say the black community Or us black people Why aren't you saying well as a Haitian Well as an Ethiopian The Jews do it
Starting point is 01:29:57 Even the Mexicans got their own Fucking ethnicity They didn't even fucking give you an ethnicity, they gave you a fucking skin color, they reduced you to a fucking skin color, the Puerto Ricans got something, the fucking Dominicans, Dominicans are fucking black people,
Starting point is 01:30:17 they got something, it's a fucking, it's a fucking psyop I'm a black Armenian though I'm culturally black I'm culturally black And Armenian I'm a hybrid of sorts I'm black Armenian
Starting point is 01:30:44 In a dwarf's body. It's just so obvious. My wife was telling me something the other day, something that someone did to Jews. You do know that in, in 1000 newspapers and 10,000 websites across the planet last month, uh, that it was a city bank. One of the world's largest banks said that they don't lend money to people whose last name ends in I N and Y N. Listen, motherfuckers,
Starting point is 01:31:21 that's fucking real time fucking. I don't know what, is that prejudice or discriminationtime fucking... I don't know. Is that prejudice or discrimination or racism? I don't know what that is, but that's like some shit. I need Jet to call in and give us some gym updates. Oh, yeah, that would be cool. Chieftain, what is be cool Chieftain CrossFit He's coming on Sweet
Starting point is 01:31:49 A lot of black people are more brown Oh dude That is what I am I'm a race addict Wow I'll take that I'm Armenian with a black cultural Bent And a race addict I'm Armenian with a black cultural bent and a race addict. I'm a brown Puerto Rican.
Starting point is 01:32:14 Sevan, your kind brought that on themselves. That hurts. Oh, that hurts. Maybe in a couple years I'll tell you some stories You don't even know how true How right you are Dude I know so many Armenian immigrants Good people
Starting point is 01:32:34 Don't give them your money I understand your point But when a culture has been erased due to colonization Then what you're left with is the new culture you've created. Black, American, and Mexican. Fair. I don't know if erased is right, but I hear you. You're right. Sentiment. Yeah. Fair enough. Great hair.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Great hair. Great hair. Look at that skin color, too. That's copper. You don't see that too often. That's some sort of... She's very pretty. If you like girls. Yeah, if that's what you're into. If you like girls.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Okay, listen to this guy. This guy is David Pan. He's not related to Judy. No one get crazy. UC Irvine. It's only Asians at UC Irvine. If you've ever been there, it's crazy. It should be called University Asian. This guy's cool as shit.
Starting point is 01:33:34 And he's addressing the DEI problem. We'll go to his Instagram account in a second and play a couple of his videos, too. This guy is cool as shit. I immediately invited this guy onto the show. Okay, here we go. I'm here to urge you to investigate or hopefully eliminate the diversity, equity, and inclusion programs at the University of California. Let me give you an example of how they function to create this correlation. Their faces are fantastic Yeah yeah I'm glad you noticed that So basically he's saying he's asking for the Elimination of DEI
Starting point is 01:34:08 Diversity equity and Whatever the other one is Inclusion because it actually enforces Discrimination and like Everyone on this show knows that but Which is crazy right Like when companies like our beloved CrossFit Openly had a DEI council it's like
Starting point is 01:34:24 Wow you openly have a council that's racist? Just openly? But watch these girls in the front. I can't tell what side they're on by their reaction. But let's go on. in which we had three shortlisted candidates. The equity advisor, as a condition of allowing our search to continue, insisted that we include another candidate from farther down the list who was part of either one of the black, Hispanic, or women. This is clearly discriminatory. So basically, someone was applying for a job. They got the top three candidates, and then there was someone down low, down low, let's say 54, but who was either – he doesn't say who, what they were, but they fell into the category of Mexican, African, or woman, vagina. And the DEI council told them that they had to put them in the mix, jump them up 50 spots to be in those top three. Yeah, that is a beautiful mix, right?
Starting point is 01:35:30 African, Mexican, vagina. That's a nice. I agree. It's nice. I don't think that's what he's talking about. But yeah. Oh, oh, this. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Oh, oh, Irish and Native American. Yeah, it was something. And Mexican. Yeah, you're something. Nah, I ain't doing that i ain't racist yeah she's you're something you're something cool as shit okay the the hottest girl in the world is um german and um she's some german asianian mix, German-Puerto Rican. I forget. I'm sure she'll text me.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Okay, go on. Okay, here we go. So Dr. Pan, here we go. The principle of excellence and merit. In addition, because these policies have been instituted through offices of inclusion and equity advisors, there's no way for faculty to protest against these policies have been instituted through offices of inclusive inclusion and equity advisors, there's no way for faculty to protest against these policies. Therefore, it really is up to allegiance to intervene here to try and improve the situation. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:36:36 It undermines hiring people based on excellence and merit. No, not Gal Gadot. You know know the hottest girl in the world i've talked to you guys about her before man you guys are slipping i haven't mentioned her in a few months hottest girl in the world the hottest girl in the world she's a crossfitter and her body is so fucking nuts. I can't tell you who she is. She's this German-Asian chick and she has these huge cans, huge. And I haven't told you guys this idea I had. I was chatting with her
Starting point is 01:37:25 She's been this friend of mine for years You know Laura Horvath is the second hottest chick on the planet This But I want to do this thing with her on Instagram No Sporty Beth is the But I want to do this thing with her on Instagram. No, Sporty Beth is the seven. Well, listen, Sporty Beth is not in the top three of the hottest chicks in the world. She was more like 54.
Starting point is 01:37:58 But I got a call from the DEI council, and they want us to bring her up into the mix. Oh yeah yeah She follows Josh Bridges She came up during one of the Josh Bridges discussions Yes Before I start talking about Beaver Can we go back to Dr. Pan I want to show you one more crazy thing Cannons dude
Starting point is 01:38:22 Cannons, torpedoes zach crazy crazy they're not real but they're they're crazy they're still crazy bad savvy i tell myself bad savvy milk missiles okay i'll play this one go up a little bit play uh go up a little more let me see uh uh okay play that top one let me see that top one on the right i think it's this one here we go this one yeah i think this is it let's play this yeah let's i like this guy i like his body too look at him he's he's looks like a healthy dude right here we go-hmm. Here we go. Hi. I'm David Pan. I'm a professor of German at UC Irvine, and more and more people have watched the presentation I made to the UC Regents on November 15th. And I just want to elaborate a little bit more just on this idea of underrepresented minorities, because that's the theory behind the whole diversity apparatus right now. the whole diversity apparatus right now.
Starting point is 01:39:29 And the idea is that if the percentage of Blacks and Hispanics at the university is lower than the percentage in the general population, that that's a sign of discrimination. But clearly, this is a fallacy. I mean, if we look, you know, we see that there's an overrepresentation of Asians at the University of California compared to the general population, but it would be absurd to think that that would evidence that whites were being discriminated against. And so we have to reject this whole idea of underrepresented minorities as a term. Is that guy running as a Republican or a Democrat? I'll look.
Starting point is 01:40:14 David Pan. Republican. God, I know he's going to disappoint me. I know he's not a Republican. going to disappoint me i know he's not a republican and it's not that it's not that like i think republicans are worse than or better than democrats well i guess i i do i just can't have that democrat ideology the there's just too many too many dings on them bio oh here we go bio my parents parents immigrated to the united states from taiwan i was born and raised with my two sisters i like all that he doesn't even say no his issues uh turn the law and order wow school choice for parents wow
Starting point is 01:41:01 wow secure our borders oh yeah yeah yeah this guy's cool okay i'm good david pan School choice for parents. Wow. Wow. Secure our borders. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. This guy's cool. Okay, I'm good. David Pan. Got my vote. Oh, Clock got it already.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Shit. Republican. All right. So here's the Instagram account I would start with the hottest girl in the world. I'm going to share the idea with you guys I've been sitting on it for so long. I would make six months of content and I would take over the fucking instagram So quickly with this idea Basically, I would have her go into a store like a 7-eleven I'll give you just a rough idea and she'd be wearing a trench coat and she would say to the guy. Hey
Starting point is 01:41:41 You want to see my titties but i want a free pack of gum and he'll be like okay and then she'll be like how about two packs of gum and he'll be like okay and she'll be like how about three packs of gum and he's like no so then she turns and she shows the person next to her just some rando her titties and like you capture that person's expression of that person's face right the person be person would be like, oh, shit. They'd see her whole body. You're fucking like, what the fuck? Then she turns back to the right. And you, as the viewer on Instagram, you won't see any.
Starting point is 01:42:13 You just see the back shot. Like, you don't get nothing. You don't even get to see her face. But you just know. Now you're in your head spinning up how fucking insane her body might be. Must be because you just saw this 72-year-old guy's expression who just got a free glimpse of her the hottest chick in the world rock hard nipples just fucking crazy hips so fucking big and ass so big you see it from the sides and shit perfect skin and then she turns back to the guy at the register And he gives her three packs of gum
Starting point is 01:42:45 And then it's cut And you Eventually and you keep trading up those three packs of gum To different things until she's like getting a tundra Do you know what I mean And then she trades that thing up for a house She goes to a realtor She goes I'll give you this this and this
Starting point is 01:43:01 And let you see my bod And basically you see that just with a woman's physique in six months time you get a free house i don't freeze the right word there's a guy who did that with a cup of sand he traded it up to get a tesla from elon musk oh wow is it no there's no porn. There's no touching. You don't see anything. You don't get to see anything. You don't get to see anything. Some work.
Starting point is 01:43:37 Daniel Band's never going to go for this. No, you guys are totally... Oh, God, you guys suck. You're so limited Fuck Perverts You don't get to see anything You don't get to see shit
Starting point is 01:43:54 You're just watching this go down from afar You only just see the back of her trench coat You never even get to maybe see her face Yeah somebody gets to see it That's right No not bang bus there's no there's no oh man it sucks being a genius so i'm all alone you feel bad for me caleb yeah for sure must be hard being up there at the top anyway if someone knows like anyone anyone and i pitched this idea to her and she's like yeah
Starting point is 01:44:34 let's do it but anyone there you go the idea is free there's nothing like the problem is is once someone does it there's going to be copycats Everywhere Copycats everywhere Judy we weighing in on the Asian man I'm a little I am a little but if he's for school choice And secure border Mr. Pan is surely Republican Thank goodness so many Asians Are Dems yeah Yeah school choice and secure border mr pan is surely republican thank goodness so many asians are dems
Starting point is 01:45:05 yeah oh wow someone has someone has got to start to make a wish foundation for virgins wow no that's an idea um behind the scenes is coming soon when is mariah coming back on uh i should have mariah back on she once we left um mariah helped on site mariah helped with pre-production and production uh but once i haven't talked to her she's so fucking busy with she has three kids now she's working she has not been a part of the edit since we got back from uh the games it's been two other guys That have been doing all the editing
Starting point is 01:46:07 She's great But she's just got too much shit on her plate And I'm not paying So You know how that is No one wants to work with me when you're not paying I always feel like I'm in trouble when Seve goes Silent
Starting point is 01:46:30 I edited that Is that true? TDC this week said the next Ice Age Is coming before Seve's behind the scenes Hey, it normally never comes out Until the open I don't know Hey what's going to be more interesting
Starting point is 01:46:51 Is is CrossFit going to promote it That's what you should be wondering about Um Yeah it sucks Anytime you see DEI council You should know that they're hiring uh the wrong people it's great to see an asian in the mix isn't it it was so it's so nice oh yeah it's usually just like a handful of whites and a handful of blacks it's usually like some black father somewhere you know what i mean like standing up in front of a school board So nice to see An Asian dude finally grow a set of balls
Starting point is 01:47:26 I wonder if he's just pissed that he Didn't get an opportunity Because he lost it like he lost a job to somebody else You know Oh oh he's had enough Yeah Or Mike McCaskey Buttery Bros two days
Starting point is 01:47:41 Savon two decades Oh I like that it's got a nice touch to it. Sevy, will you put the behind the scenes out after Avi does his first open? Or will you? You will. Anyway, listen to this. Let me show you this. This is the last thing, and then I got to drop a deuce.
Starting point is 01:48:06 A 299 preaching to the choir. Here's the thing with Gary Breck. I've heard everything he said. I love him. He's great. I've been trying to get him on. He basically, I invited him on, and then he responded. He said, sure.
Starting point is 01:48:18 And then we sent him an email, and they asked for like all of our metrics for our podcast before he would come on. And like, I'm not doing that. But here's the thing about him. He's not saying anything that anyone who doesn't take their level one doesn't know already. Like he in our community, he's ranked 7000 smartest person. Like Greg coughs and more wisdom comes out than Gary Brekka. That doesn't mean doesn't have a place on the show. That doesn't mean he's not smarter than me.
Starting point is 01:48:46 But, like, like, like, like, come on, dude. It's just broken record shit for our crew. But go ahead. But I would love to have him on. Don't get me wrong. Okay, here we go. Gary Brekka, let's pay homage to the guy. But he's not saying anything that we haven't been hearing for 20 years from Greg.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Here we go. How do you feel about this? If you said to me, Gary, write me a diet that would guarantee I get diabetes. You know what I would do? I'd go right to the American Diabetic Association website. I'd download their dietary guidelines and I'd send them to you. That's how bad that is. Do it. American Diabetic Association. You know what they recommend for a type two diabetic first thing in the morning? Glass of orange juice, bowl of oatmeal with crushed brown sugar and natural honey as a snack, yogurt with fruit on the bottom, 44 grams of sugar, right? You know what that is? That's an insulin dependency diet. Do you know that Pfizer just paid $6.6 billion
Starting point is 01:49:39 for arena pharmaceuticals? You know what arena pharmaceuticals does? Anybody know? for arena pharmaceuticals you know what arena pharmaceuticals does anybody know fixes myocarditis pericarditis and diffuse vasculitis as a consequence of vaccine injury that's a fact so we need to understand that sometimes the powers to be don't necessarily have our best interests at heart hi how do you so so you know i mean i've been hearing greg say that except for the the most recent thing about the pharmacy forever If someone said hey, he actually just took that word for word from greg a lecture greg gave in 2001 i'd be like yeah, so but but it's good stuff. I'm not poo-pooing gary at all. No one no one no one No one
Starting point is 01:50:19 Uh say that, uh, zach, uh sullivan so nice to see an Asian dude grow a set of balls. Well, Bruce Lee had a set of balls. Okay. Love you guys. There'll be a Dave Castro Weekend Review. I don't know when it's going to be. My twins have their birthdays today and tomorrow, so I'm going to be hanging with them all day.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Not that that's anything new, but that's all I got. Love you guys. Caleb, thanks for coming on. See you guys tomorrow morning with Greg Glassman. Sorry about we just pushed Tyson Bajan to next Tuesday, but we keep bugging him. Okay. Buh-bye.

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