The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | The Coaches Development Program #915

Episode Date: May 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. I didn't want to do it in the affiliate because we have classes going on. other conditions apply. I didn't want to do it in the affiliate because we have classes going on. Ah,
Starting point is 00:01:07 I'm in my, my bedroom hiding from my husband and toddler as well at the same time. So if you hear things in the background, that's the noise. Perfect. Then we'll know the show's over. I'm kind of in the same situation. I'm in the kitchen. I'm in the kitchen of some house that we're staying at.
Starting point is 00:01:23 And, and then I've closed a few doors to separate myself from the sleeping kids. That's why we start the show so early. I'm starting the show this week an hour early, hopefully to get some time in before everyone wakes up. Trish, sorry. I know you were on the show before. Do you have two gyms? No.
Starting point is 00:01:43 So I have Babylon CrossFit right and then i have the pregnancy and postpartum stuff underneath me okay okay maybe that's what i was confusing yeah so that's what makes me separate kind of like myself from my gym handle a little bit so i don't do all the pregnancy and postpartum stuff through the affiliate because there's some things not all crossfitters want to say versus moms want to say right right although they all should want to see it god because we all came from a mom sure right it's true facts pretty sure i did although you know what i saw i didn't look into the article much but i heard that there's a baby somewhere i think i think it was in the uk i don't even understand what this means, but basically it's the DNA of three people, which I really don't understand.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Three people. You know what? There's something – I used to know more about this, but there's something weird about the mitochondria in human beings that it's a different DNA than the mom and the dad or something. Someone will say it in the comments. Someone will unfuck me, but there's something, there's something weird about the mitochondria that lives in us. It's basically like an alien. It's like a parasite. But once you start looking into it, not a parasite,
Starting point is 00:02:53 like there's some sort of symbiosis between us and our mitochondria, almost like it's a different creature. It's a trip. It's like an alien living inside of us waiting for someone. That's what it looks like when it bulges from your stomach too. Oh, the baby right right yeah you have the coning like that's literally what i how i learned what coning was when i was pregnant i was like what what's happening like what is poking out of me uh squid pro quo was the baby uh almost a twin i don't i don't know it's it no no matter what i didn't i didn't like the headline for the article I like I like a simple life man woman make baby um you had so how long have you had your affiliate Trish uh this is my fourth
Starting point is 00:03:36 year of ownership and you bought it and was already an existing affiliate there's an existing affiliate two previous owners um within the last year we we moved locations. So we went from just like 800 meters down the road, but we switched locations. I'm the third owner. And this is kind of the first time the affiliate's been successful and profitable since I've had it. And are you on like a river walk or a riverfront? and are you on on like a river walk or a riverfront well we're on the bay so or the ocean so on the great south bay um i live on long island so we're about an hour outside of the city uh the actual affiliate's probably about a mile and a half from like the closest dock um so yeah we have access to the water we are big boaters big swimmers big i don't know jet skiers paddle board paddle boarders. We have active recovery. Uh, Yanni, I love Babylon CrossFit from afar. Thanks, Yanni. And, um, it's not,
Starting point is 00:04:36 you really put a lot of effort in personally to make your gym a better place to make you a better person to make your trainers better. Like you, as I recall from speaking with you in the past, you really, this thing's not running on autopilot. You, you do everything with intention. Yes. Yeah. And I invest a lot into the people that support my gym, the people that are working for me. I really, I truly believe in that statement,
Starting point is 00:05:03 like happy coaches and an affiliate is like the only way for an affiliate to be successful. So that's like my priority. Audrey, you know, someone's a Northerner when they like boating. I wish I got that joke. I say, um, and like, and all of those great things. So I say water um, and like, and all of those great things. So I say water for everybody. And, uh, recently in the highest sort of the, the there's kind of levels to not levels in a good or bad way, I would say, but there's levels to the education to being a, a trainer gym owner, right?
Starting point is 00:05:42 There's, there's, you do Cross crossfit yourself you fall in love with it maybe you take your l1 uh then you think oh you start having this desire to spread the message i think that's a pretty common thing right someone's so excited because of how it affected their life and their friends and family's life and then maybe they become a trainer or they open a gym or they start training the park or they start picking up clients and then they take an L2 and then maybe they take an L3 and then maybe they sign up for some, uh, some, some two brain business or something like that. And they just kind of keep adding right to the, to the arsenal. Is there any, what are some other, do you feel what I'm trying to get here is what are some of the things you've done to, um, it's the continue
Starting point is 00:06:24 ed, right right so for me like my personal journey journey i've taken the l1 twice i've taken the l2 twice okay um i have taken the l3 and i failed it um i took it during the process of our move of the affiliate so matt i don't know if you've ever moved your affiliate but i have yeah it's your affiliate and then try to study for a pretty important exam was not a good personal best decision. But I didn't plan on moving my affiliate at the time that I signed up for it. So that is on my future list of reattempting the L3 and properly preparing for it. So where I am within the place of the business, I needed to know, like, what was my next step in the year of 2023?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Like, what was I going to do for my personal education, my team's personal education? What did we need in the affiliate? Like, where did we have to level up? And we coach, like, again, everybody can always be better, right? I can go to Matt's affiliate, I can go to any affiliate in the world and give some type of feedback. But we run like a really good class, right? Like we have great group management, we have great time management. But like, all of a sudden, my classes went from running at 10 people to 15 people to now 25 to 35 people in some classes. And every coach meeting over the last few months has been like, we need another coach, we need another coach. But when I step in, and I coach the larger group classes, like I'm figuring it out. And why am I able to figure it
Starting point is 00:07:45 out? But my coaches are struggling. And the only difference is, is experience and maybe a little bit more confidence because it's my business and I don't have the fear of messing up as much because I don't, I'm only letting myself down. So when Denise did come in, like the timeline or me deciding to do the coach development program or why I decided to do it was we were struggling with like just leveling up our coaching in the affiliate like how could our coaches be better and that's seeing and correcting and the only way to be better at seeing and correcting is being uncomfortable in the moment and doing it often and there's no better person than the OG Denise Thomas herself to come in and do that so I reached out to Denise probably about a year ago and it
Starting point is 00:08:24 took her a while for her and I to like align on it and figure it out together what timeline would work best but we made the decision on the first week of April and she came to the affiliate and that was like the decision I made for 2023 for my coach's education like next year 2024 in my head my next conversation that I'm setting up meetings for is having a pregnancy and postpartum certification and getting every coach certified in that because of how big pregnancy and postpartum is becoming in my life with all the moms that I'm helping. I want it to be that the moms can finish with me in a mom program and I can comfortably put them in every class afterwards with my regular coaches. So that's the 2024 plan. So to answer your question, I'm, I'm constantly trying to figure out just like the continued education for them, not just for myself, but for them as well.
Starting point is 00:09:10 So going back to this thing, tell me about the thing that you did with Denise Thomas. Cause that's what really got my attention because this is, I haven't met anyone I think who's been through this program. This isn't, you didn't just contact her like, Hey, by the way, I've, I've met her a handful of times and I've never, I've heard so many good things about Denise Thomas through the years and I've never heard anything negative, which is kind of crazy. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:31 she is, uh, people love her. So like she's taking over the best hour, like coaching feedback, which is great for those guys because they can focus more on the business side. And then now you have Denise Thomas in front of all these affiliate owners and all these coaches that are signed up for the coach development program. They're going to be exposed to her and get all this information, which is phenomenal for CrossFit in general. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Sorry, let me ask this real quick. Trish, are you saying that this isn't a pro? So I just want to go back a second. You reached out to her to come. How many days did she come? She came for three full days. I'm talking 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Denise and I were holding him
Starting point is 00:10:05 okay and and um she doesn't in this capacity that she was at your gym she doesn't work for crossfit no this is a separate program that's okay so it used to be i totally thought that there was a crossfit program okay no it was though savann it was one of those things that savann um that they had like with it was like when they had the specialty certs underneath CrossFit. And then when everything was happening, they got rid of the specialty certs. And now I think they're still teetering the line of what is a specialty cert and what's not. Because at one point, this was, I think, a specialty program under them at some point. And then it was like a program that was started by her and Austin back in the day at One Nation.
Starting point is 00:10:43 So the reason I wanted this program was I knew what she was doing, like she was going into affiliates, and she would pretty much be like, like she just the first day was like evaluating, she would watch everything we do, like see how we do it, kind of just like, pick and choose, like where we need to level up as individuals pick and choose where we need to level up as a whole as a team um and then it was like she was on the floor with us and she's you know like seeing and correcting with us and teaching us different ways from for example like we would lay out lesson plans every day but one thing we weren't considering with the larger classes was like safety and necessarily the best room layout
Starting point is 00:11:19 and that was one thing like she really focused on with our team and helping our coaches like establish a better layout um or she would walk around with the room with us and she would see something and she would sit next to me and be like do you see that i'd be like no i don't see what you're seeing and the reason i'm not seeing it is because she's like that expert eye in coaching and just it's not a norm like what she's seeing and correcting isn't what your your normal crossfit coach is seeing and correcting it's the advanced seeing and correcting. Right. Right. So she comes in for, she came in for three full days. Um, I have a 5am 6am 8am 9am 4pm 5pm 6pm class.
Starting point is 00:11:54 We pre-scheduled my classes so she could see everybody, every single coach. Uh, now one thing to call out is I have, let me, let me, sorry, I got it. By the way, you're a fucking amazing guest. Yeah, she's awesome, isn't she? Yeah, but Trish, give me one second. Give me one second. Yeah, I don't know if you want to cut me off whenever. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Yeah, yeah, I want you to try not to forget where you're at, but I want to paint some bigger picture of some stuff I don't understand. So Jason Ackerman, he works for CrossFit Inc., but he also has a business called The Best Hour of the Day. So Ackerman is on seminar staff right he works for best hour of their day which is a business right okay ran by him Fern and Marcus Gersey best hour of the day is an approved partner uh affiliate part part of the affiliate partner network as a business coach so you have two brain right who's out and then you have best hour which is the only one that's supported by CrossFit. So that's best hour. How I'm going to Jason has a business too, right? So these are all affiliate support businesses like two brain
Starting point is 00:12:53 business. This, um, uh, this, this program, the best hour of the day, the best hour of the day has, and then Jason has one too, right? And see if it has one. Doesn't he do? Yes. Kalipa. Okay. Okay. So, so these are part of this, this ecosystem of businesses that help affiliates. Okay. And you, and, but the one that Jason Ackerman has that they, this is sort of a spinoff CrossFit used to do it and they don't do it anymore. So Jason's kind of taken it over. No, no. The only connection to Ackerman right now is the fact that he's my business coach and that they just hired Denise Thomas to run their coach development program.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Okay, okay. God, yesterday on the show, I thought this was something that you bought from CrossFit for like $5,000 where they send someone to your gym for three days. No, but I paid Denise Thomas directly $5,000. Okay, okay. But this is – is this okay so it's so it's a serious investment but this used to be something crossfit had that they kind of put to rest and jason's like fuck that i'm picking it up and running with it well like i think that's what's happening yeah like so it was a program that austin and i think it was like austin and denise together austin did the business like the
Starting point is 00:13:59 way austin explained to me like austin kind of handled the business stuff denise did all the coaching stuff and then denise acquired it from it from Austin when Austin started doing all the other stuff he's doing. And now it's Denise's program. I believe that is still a separate entity currently from Best Hour. I don't know if the plan, which I would imagine the plan is to inherit this in-person intensive visit from Denise under Best Hour. But I'm not 100% sure. Okay. So thank you for taking the time. I just wanted to get a big picture because I had it totally misunderstood. I thought this was like a, so although it's not a, it's not owned by HQ,
Starting point is 00:14:34 these are people who have been immersed inside of HQ, who are still immersed inside of HQ, who have HQ's blessings and who obviously including myself are crazy well-respected from in all aspects from running businesses to training to crazy people skills. I mean, she's got crazy people. And you can get CEUs out of the program. Okay. So if you are an L3 affiliate owner or coach and you want to do this, you can get the CEUs. This is actually, did you see like the most recent announcement of Christina Anderson, the L44 like she was part of the reason i found this program her and this other guy josh they did it and they had denise work with them or did or or i think christina anderson went to denise
Starting point is 00:15:13 at one point and or went to red one nation and i remember watching it and that's how i found out about this where would i find where would i find that most recent announcement you're talking about uh the l4 one christina you can bring up her Instagram, Christina Anderson's that she has like her L4 CrossFit announcement on there, but she was somebody who I like met three years ago through best hour and the coaching development program there. And her journey has just been like, she got her L4 now.
Starting point is 00:15:41 How, how much is the, um, uh, the, the program that you're doing with Best Hour? What do you call it? The coach's mentoring or business mentoring? I don't know the exact price now because I signed up two years ago.
Starting point is 00:15:54 It's definitely around – they do it monthly now. So you can sign up to pay monthly and do it like $1,000 a month so you don't have to lay out the investment in front. If it doesn't work out, I think's like almost like a membership contract now like if it's you're paying month to month and you can break up if you need to kind of thing but um again for me when i paid it it was like ten thousand dollars up front and i made my money back within three months yeah that's really good by the way and like if anybody is like contemplating this and isn't sure whether they should do this for their affiliate, like by all means,
Starting point is 00:16:28 I'm happy to have a conversation with you, but it's like, they give you the modules and if you're willing to work and just a final point, like, don't get me wrong. I put a lot of energy into my affiliate, but I love what I do. But I worked hard, you know, I didn't just make the money back in three months easily. Like I worked really hard. Yeah. I remember the last time we talked, it's like, this is your, um, this is your focus. This is your baby. Yeah. I love it. Okay. And those pictures that we showed a second ago, I don't know if you saw them, but those were the inside of your gym.'s a big gym yeah that's um this is the most run like yeah this is the gym
Starting point is 00:17:07 okay so the gym's running the gym's running well but for some reason you think you you just can't stop getting better you want to constantly getting better so you reach out and to denise thomas because you find out that um it's available through the best hour of the day and she comes out for three days okay and that's where i cut you off. Sorry. I wanted to tell, get the big picture understanding first. Yeah, no. Yeah. So then like we scheduled the time and she kind of like, she took insight to like what the coaches looked like before that, like what their positions were within the gym. Cause I do have all part-time coaches. And I call that out because, you know, after having coming in, this is something that I think everyone can benefit from but like
Starting point is 00:17:45 you need to be in the right state of your business in the right state of your affiliate in order for her to come in um meaning like if you're not if your coaches didn't take their l2 like i wouldn't recommend doing this it doesn't make sense to um they need to know like how to lay out a room and and know the general of seeing and correcting and then being vulnerable and being okay being uncomfortable because the first 24 hours like i actually did like a review with each coach individually i made them fill out a survey and like every single one of them was like the first day was so nerve-wracking what do you mean by part-time coach how many hours do they coach a week to be part-time it varies so the minimum is four hours per week um and then the max that i have is about 15 hours per week right now okay okay and you're basically saying if you want to if you want to get the most
Starting point is 00:18:37 out of your investment kind of like have tried your best already meaning meaning that's why you're saying have an l2 yeah like i i still haven't had my follow-up call with Denise. Like she's reached out to me weekly since she's left. So she was here the first week of April and I personally still haven't taken the call because I'm still reflecting on everything from that week. I'm making business changes. I am making, I'm adjusting approaches to staff. I am re-evaluating. I'm hiring a whole new role to support my staff. What role is that?
Starting point is 00:19:13 What do you mean by a whole new role? So we're calling it the gym hero right now, but that's just like a random word that I think I'd be in for best hours somewhere. But the reason I'm calling it the gym hours, one thing I realized when Denise came and I asked way too much of these guys like
Starting point is 00:19:27 I want them to come in and coach a killer freaking class like I want them to put on a Broadway show like just like they have in New York City bring it to Babylon CrossFit and the CrossFit matter right I want them to spend the first 10 minutes of class before they start googling the CrossFit power clean
Starting point is 00:19:44 and re-looking at the points of performance before they get into the class, just so it's fresh. So like, how can I ask them to do that and be better and coach the level that I want them to coach when I'm asking them to show up 10 minutes earlier to lay out 15 rowers because we have 20 people in class? How can I ask them to write an hour lesson plan when I'm telling them they have to sweep the floor at the end of the class? You know, like taking into consideration that the gym has grown, right? Like in the beginning, it was okay to ask, you know, we'll use Chris OB because he's been here the longest. Like it was okay to ask my coach OB to stay after and clean up the bathroom sink
Starting point is 00:20:22 and put the paper towels in because he was only coaching like eight people in class and he can get away with a half-assed class like now you can't like we run classes like i first took classes when i went to go see ben bergeron across the new england like that's how my classes are run you're walking into babylon it's not even like there's no uncertainty that when you sometimes you walk into affiliates you're like who's in charge what's happening like no like you know who's coaching you know when class is starting but for me this new role matt to answer your question is like i'm taking everything in addition outside of coaching writing it down and hiring someone for that so what this role is going to look like a little bit is they're going to come in at night from 530 to 730.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And they're going to clean the equipment up from the 6 p.m. class. And they're going to put the equipment out for the 5 a.m. class the next day. And then in addition to that, laying out the classes to help us there with the room layout, they're going to be cleaning. And again, like know that I don't know how deep you guys liked it on my Instagram. But like I have really bad OCD that like my dumbbells are color coded. My jump ropes are, you know, the RX smart gears and I expect the handles to go back. Hey, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm the same way. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Numbers, numbers aren't shown. Grab a Sharpie and color them in. This was little shit that I was asking my coaches to do, right? Like I don't, my coaches need to be professional coaches. And having Denise come in and like remind me like, you know, like, like, listen, like they can't do this. If you're asking them to do this was really great for me in that moment. And I needed it as a leader. And that's part of the reason I haven't taken her call yet, because like that, I'm literally just trying to set them up for the best success before I go back to her to learn what she wants to be better at as coaches to help them apply it to like the new look of what class will look like and the structure will look like. taking my kids to a skateboard park or to a professional skateboard instructor.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Like, I don't know what you know about skateboarding, but there's this idea of dropping in on bowls. It's where there's a, there's like a swimming pool and you drop in on it. And if you take your kid to a professional instructor and they don't have the basic concepts of like just dropping into a bowl, then you're going to spend 200 bucks for them teaching your kid to do something that hopefully he would have already known before he got there, let's say, so that he could get the most out of the instructor. But basically what you're saying is if you're not – she'll be doing stuff, helping you with stuff that you're not getting the best value out of her if you haven't reached a certain level already.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah, absolutely. And I don't even know that she would come to you, to be honest. That was one thing she kept saying to me. She's like, she doesn't just go to anybody. Did you try to questionnaire anything beforehand? that was one thing she kept saying to me. She's like, she doesn't just go to anybody. Did you have a questionnaire or anything beforehand?
Starting point is 00:23:10 We, we, she emails, we sent out the schedule to her beforehand. Like her and I adjusted my class schedule beforehand. I gave her like a little, like a little two or three blurb on everybody. That's actually feedback I have for her when we do chat is for her to do like a deeper dive going into an affiliate like with the affiliate owner like i can i'm gonna give her some feedback there like with the guidance because i do wish she would have known a little bit more things about my business or my emotional feelings about my coaches beforehand so she knew how to approach them the way i wanted them her to a little bit was it was it too harsh or something where they was like that fucking sucks why would you do that
Starting point is 00:23:41 matt it's been crazy since she's left oh shit it's wow wow yeah it's been it's been and that again that's like part because it was so potent yeah like it was hard it was like and again like you know like if you when you go to your when you get when you're when you're getting evaluated when you're in the l2 like you're sweating like you're shaking like it is so nerve-wracking teaching a med ball clean in front of seminar staff and why who cares like it's Ackerman or like now now I feel indifferent about it like I said that to Austin because like the day after Denise came Friday and then Saturday morning I flew to DC oh no Friday night I flew to DC or did you cry during her visit four times five times i cry all the time she drives in to start sobbing god i think i cried within the first 10 minutes here i'm like
Starting point is 00:24:32 holy shit it's the first day and i'm crying i'm never gonna hear the end of this um but like that's like what i said i was like you know the first day i think and then my coaches realized like she's not she's not first of all like we're, I don't work for her, right? Like I need this woman to come in. She can do what she wants. None of us work for her. She's here because she cares so much about CrossFit and wanting to make us better. So it's hard to hear the things that you're not great at things.
Starting point is 00:24:59 And, you know, especially me, I'm an emotional train wreck, but I know it's what I needed. And I know the fact that I haven't taken her on call yet and how much I'm reflecting on how much I'm going to change and implement. It was a great thing for me, you know, and when it comes to individual cases, there were a lot of things that were, that have come up individually that needed to come up and she forced them to come out a lot. What do you mean by that? Like drama was like one coach, like there's an issue and she's like,
Starting point is 00:25:26 there's an issue there. I see it there. So all my coaches are probably listening. So I do want to be mindful of what I say. But I can, like, I think it's just like, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:38 I think it made everybody realize like, if this is the level Trish wants me to coach, I can't do all these other things for Trish and I don't want to let her down. So it happened in their own way for multiple of them. Like, again, like one was like, I'm getting overwhelmed and I'm burnt out. And another one was like, I don't know if I can coach anymore. And I'm sharing this. Wow. Yeah. Like it's like, it's to that. And I'm like, and I, and they said it had nothing to do with Denise.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Weird timing. That's all. Yeah, exactly it's like it's to that. And I'm like, and they said it had nothing to do with Denise. Weird timing, that's all. Yeah, exactly. And again, they're listening to this. So I'm very forward, as we all know. I have no problem having these conversations to everybody. But it's like, you know, just like, no, let's just reflect on what just happened. Like, yeah, coaching is going to get a lot harder. But what I'm going to do is like, I understand that I'm asking a lot more of you you guys but i'm not going to ask more of you guys until i can make it better for you
Starting point is 00:26:27 and that's where i think it's not uncomfortable i i wonder um it's so it's so interesting i want i would be curious if denise and the other people who do this um this type of mentoring if you're sort of a unique situation because what i'm, what I see and I'm hearing from you is this is a way over simplification, but they want you to, they, they want you to chill. Like I pictured her coming in. When I picture a mentor coming in, I picture someone coming in and being like, Hey, I noticed that you're not saying hi to your members when they come in. I noticed that the gym isn't as clean as it could be.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I noticed that you're not offering a 5am class. That's's that's not what they're saying to you you're like you you may be even doing too much like they're like yo girl reel it back just a little bit with it you know what i mean set yourself up for success it's but on the other hand anyone who's willing to put themselves through this what you're doing must already be kind of should be where you're at did you expect this type of feedback did you know did you did it did you expect other like is it the kind of feedback you expected or were you expecting more things like um and maybe she gives to hey your wall balls are in the wrong spot hey you should accept a swipe it was exactly what i was looking for it was a two-day intent a three-day intensive level two on steroids
Starting point is 00:27:53 like that's the only way to explain it anybody who's been to the level two it's the level two on steroids and such a deeper dive into it like in a deeper dive into lesson plans and things like that also wow did you say that you have classes with 30 people in them? Yeah, it's been crazy. God, that's a testament to the community that you have there. This is off subject a little bit, but do people feel welcome when they come into your gym? Yeah, I hope so.
Starting point is 00:28:20 That's like, I mean, again, the way I compare it is like just the people that visit, right. That aren't from here, that people know them by name. They know where they're from and things like that. Again, I'm sitting on a podcast with you at nine 30 when I have my busiest class of the week going on. I, I, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I, I keep, I, there's this theme. Um, it's, it's, it's, there's a theme hear, and I was quick to judge it at first, and now I'm rethinking it where people come into gyms, and they say that they don't feel welcome. And at first my response is, well, that's like your fucking problem. Make yourself feel welcome or don't. That's your problem. But more and more I think about some of the affiliates I've been into, and I think of some of the stories I've been hearing. And I think of some of the stories I've been hearing and, um, and to be honest with you, I can't think of any,
Starting point is 00:29:10 I don't hear any stories affiliates who have 30 people in the class. That's huge, right, Matt? That's a big class. Yeah. I mean, we get that, but that's like events or something like Murph or like, you know what I mean? Where you get a lot of people funneled into three classes. How many total members do you have? Uh, after this month, we're probably at like one 90. Wow. So, so the people the people who go there are committed to the gym there's no
Starting point is 00:29:30 no there's no i mean we have people that bounce around and things like that but no it's like it's yeah they're all best friends you know like it's one of my coaches birthdays on monday and there's a group of like i think like 15 or 20 of them on a hike right now, you know? And then there's, it's just, it's completely unraveled in the way that you would ever want a CrossFit community to unravel in the best way possible. Um, and it, and when I say it's welcoming, it's welcoming on all kinds and types too, right? Like I have a huge LGBTQ community, like a huge part of my stress is in Murph's plan. Right now I'm more stressed out about pride than anything because I need to make pride great for my community. What is that? Is that an event you do?
Starting point is 00:30:15 Yeah. So our village throws a parade. So what we do is I run a free tie dye event. So they just have to buy their t-shirt and then I hire someone to come in and run a tie dye shirt event. And then everyone wears my tie dye shirts at the village parade. Andshirt and then I hire someone to come in and run a tie-dye shirt event. And then everyone wears my tie-dye shirts at the Village Parade. And then this year I'm trying to set up like a happy hour so everyone can like just meet up after the parade for an hour and then go break off and do their own thing. But instead of investing money in the Village Parade this year, one of the things CrossFit has like been pushing is for us to do like scholarship memberships. crossfit has like been pushing is us for us to do like scholarship memberships so what i'm going to do instead of paying like two grand to get in the village parade i'm going to spend and donate a scholarship a yearly membership to a local kid in the community because one thing that i've had recently was a lot of families come up to us who are have kids in younger schools that need support
Starting point is 00:31:02 so we're going to open up like a scholarship fund and then my community is going to vote who gets it by the end of June. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Yeah, is there a qualification for that? As far as like, because what happens if you give it to them
Starting point is 00:31:13 and they're like, awesome, and then you've never seen him again? Well, yeah. So we'll make, we're going to write it out. I have, I actually have, like I asked my teacher guys to like, that's, I haven't asked them yet. It's coming this week.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Anthony and Mark, I'm going to ask if you guys happen to be listening. I'm going to be asking it because I asked Mark, like, what do you think about that? Mark's like, that's i haven't asked them yet it's coming this week anthony and mark i'm gonna ask if you guys happen to be listening um i'm gonna be asking because i asked mark like what do you think about that mark's like that's a great idea he's like you can have them do like a one minute video as to why they why they it should be that and then i can send the videos out or like the top 10 videos out to my coaches and be like or my community and be like you guys vote for who you want and then to your point like we can make it like an underlying, be like, if you're not here within 30 days, like the membership is forfeited. You said something, uh, CrossFit's pushing for affiliates to do scholarships. Yeah. I hear about it. I don't know where I saw it, but they like want us to do,
Starting point is 00:31:57 they're looking for us to do like scholarship memberships. Does that ring a bell with you, Susan too? Did you get some sort of email or something recommending that? I didn't get an email, no, about scholarships. Does what she's saying ring a bell to you or no? What do you mean? Like, it sounds like she got some sort of messaging from HQ saying like, hey, you guys should consider doing scholarships for her. I didn't get anything as far as scholarships.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I don't even know if I'm not on the email list. Maybe they just – No, I don't know if it was an email. Again, it could be something that I don't know if it was an email again. Okay. It could be something that I saw that someone else was doing. And I was just like, in my head, when I looked at it financially, I was like, I'm going to pay $2,000 to participate in a parade. And then I'm gonna have to buy decorations. And I'm like, okay, I can't just do it one year. Right. It's something I'm gonna have to do yearly.
Starting point is 00:32:39 So as an affiliate owner, we all know, yes, I make money, but I just still don't make a lot of money. So business decision wise rather than buy like new decorations every year and this and i was like this is an investment i can keep consistent within my budget you're right like this is a weird conversation for an affiliate owner to have online probably but like i have no no this is good it's like that's what i'm going to be budgeted for every year with pride so i don't have to worry about it yeah that's cool i don't know if the scholarship thing came from like the,
Starting point is 00:33:07 they were doing things in like South Carolina. I don't know where I saw it, but I, I, I mean, I don't run an affiliate, but I love the idea of ways of getting kids in there. Do you have a kid's class?
Starting point is 00:33:21 So we do not a consistent one. Like we run it as like six weeks. We do a lot more teen stuff than anything. I have a lot of private teen groups that moms come in or like moms will text me and be like, hey, so-and-so's team wants to train again. And we would get a group of 15-year-olds, 12-year-olds, 13-year-old boys and girls. And they'd come in every Tuesday, Thursday for 10 weeks. We do that often.
Starting point is 00:33:44 We do that probably three to four times a quarter. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. Hey, anything, um, so, so the takeaway so far from what you got from Denise is basically, um, my interpretation of it is, is that you have staff that work there at your gym and you expect so much from them. And she's saying they need to have the resources to be able to accomplish what you ask for them. Those resources just might be more time. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And that's anything else that was like, wow, like shit, like even little mundane things that you recall where she came in there and she was like, Hey, you should do this. You should do this or things that you gleaned from her. Did she actually teach the classes when she was there? So you could watch her teach. Yeah, she did teach one class and then she would step in like, and teach like over us, like respectfully, like she, that's one thing she was great about. Like she didn't undermine your business in any way. She didn't undermine your coaches in any way. She would step in respectfully and be like, Hey, can I help you here? Um, but it, I think it's just a matter of her. It's good because she can also see it from like the community side. Like I did warn,
Starting point is 00:34:54 not warn, but communicated to my community beforehand that she was coming in and say, Hey, things might look a little bit different. Class structures might be a little bit different, like bear with us and work with us because she challenged us to do different things right um i think one big thing i want to put in here is like she we follow mayhem programming and like that was one thing she really like tore apart um there is definitely a distinct difference in crossfit hq and like seminar staff, like how they want programming out and how us affiliate owners are following programming, I think. Meaning like Mayhem, Matt, what do you program yourself? I do. Yeah. Yeah. Have you ever looked at Mayhem programming? Yes, I have.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Okay. So like I personally want to go to Mayhem just to take classes, to see how they execute classes because what they expect done within the mayhem affiliate track is insane if you're teaching and coaching correctly just too much there's too much on the menu to get done in the hour yeah so and then and i'm not challenging their programming but i want to see like is it their athletes how are their coaches are their coaches not really teaching and they're just going with the flow just because i want to it's important for me to see it um because then it makes sense to me like oh that's why they're expecting me to be able to do this at my affiliate because that's how they're handling it here
Starting point is 00:36:11 like I'm really intrigued by that with mayhem was that her feedback on the mayhem programming is that what she was like hey this may have this is too much it's just way too much yeah way too much is the mayhem programming i've never seen it so i don't know but is it sent to you like that like hey you have to do all of this you should do all of this it does but again like i me as the affiliate owner i tweak it in the background weekly like so okay i edit it to my affiliate um in the case of when she came in i didn't edit much and i and i wouldn't have added more, honestly, if she wasn't here, it would have been as if she wasn't here.
Starting point is 00:36:48 So we're in the middle of a strength cycle, for example, and like, I'll give you, I'll give you an example day just so you guys can like see it, but like, you'll have a clean grip deadlift with a clean, and then a 15 minute AMRAP. So you're looking at 15 to 20 minutes on a strength and then a 15 minute AMRAP. So you're looking at 15 to 20 minutes on a strength and then a 15 minute AMRAP. So that right there, right, that's a half hour of class. And then ideally within the CrossFit lesson plan, we're having 10 minutes for a warmup, 10 minutes for a cool down. Okay. So now that's 55 minutes. Where are we teaching?
Starting point is 00:37:19 Like that's Denise's point, right? So if we're looking at how, and you hear CrossFit cut this feedback all the time about CAP and CAP not being enough and you know, but CAP's leaving room for teaching versus Mayhem's programming for like a business affiliate that just wants to like flow. That makes sense. Yeah, this is
Starting point is 00:37:39 falling into the weeds here. Do you do the warm-up with as a, does the class do the warm-up as a group? We do. We do everything guided at Babylon. How about, how aboutup? Does the class do the warm-up as a group? We do. We do everything guided at Babylon. How about Susan? Does your class do the warm-up as a group? Everything from the whiteboard debrief all the way to cool down. Yeah, that makes me happy.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I hear about these gyms that don't do warm-up as a group. It's weird. People come in, the warm-up's written on the board, and people are supposed to get at it. Obviously, I can get very extreme, but just shut your gym down yeah just shut your fucking gym down you've totally i i personally love a globo gym i i love going to uh i i used to love just when i traveled around going to the 24-hour uh uh nautilus or a gold's gym or a whatever la fitness i love a big gym with all the mirrors and all the chrome shit and like just go get a job there the whole thing about doing
Starting point is 00:38:32 crossfit is to go in there and warm up with the fucking team welcome the i i'm just so bummed at what i keep hearing about these affiliates that aren't doing that. And I'm hearing it more and more like, I want to go in there. Hi, how are you? Someone come in and say hi to me. Some of the other people give a shit. Um, I mean, the shit, the shit I'm hearing that happens in gym, the clicky shit is fucking crazy. I heard this story the other day of someone walking, attending a gym for the first time walking towards a a rack and someone running from behind them and throwing their backpack at the rack being like no that's mine to a new fucking member that walk it's like hey at that point you might as well just tell go spit on the owner you just lost them a client so uh that yeah i just people okay that's uh humans are uh creatures of habit and sometimes
Starting point is 00:39:30 they feel when their havoc gets just skewed a little bit they gotta go to the rack next door it's that's it's like it's like aren't do you have any fucking pride or like uh just fucking embarrassing okay so uh where were we i just there's a couple stories i've heard i don't know why they're just all sort of just starting to pour in um and savannah cole i again i went to that summit nicole carroll spoke at it and she literally said to the what summit the northeast summit was the day after denise left okay oh okay really gathering yeah was there a lot of them in your area there was a ton of them at my area they had to cut it off it was massive yeah you know what's funny there's a ton in my
Starting point is 00:40:10 area and they also allowed some of the southeast people to come up and i was talking to some girl and she's like she's like can i just ask you a question she's like what's with all the people in the northeast being so hostile with crossfit like because we're angry compared to a southeast summit apparently because Because everyone is just pissed. Tell me about this summit. I don't know anything about the summit. Tell me about the summit. CrossFit started doing the affiliate owner summits. They're doing them once or twice a year.
Starting point is 00:40:35 This one was the day before Easter in Maryland on a Saturday morning. There was probably, I think, about 200 to 250 people. These are affiliate owners. They come. They come the weekend of Easter.
Starting point is 00:40:48 I couldn't believe the amount of people that showed up, to be honest, because of the holiday. But there were about 200 to 250 all from the Northeast. So, again, Northeast is, I think, their largest area, right? So it's anywhere from me to Boston. And then the second one they're doing is in October in Boston. So if you were south of, I guess, me, you're not going to go, you're going to go to Maryland versus north of me. You're going to go to the one in Boston. But they had Nicole Carroll there. Austin was there.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Danielle Williams, who's the Northeast affiliate manager who works directly under Austin was there. Jen Green, the Southeast manager was there. And then Jordan was there, but Jordan's no longer with CrossFit. He's an affiliate owner. Who else was there? That was the California guy, right? Jordan Holland. Which is crazy because he was there at the summit and then four days later got laid off or let go or whatever.
Starting point is 00:41:37 The guy was on the microphone crying, telling a story about his mom and CrossFit. And that was mind- boggling on Thursday. We're going to fire you after this. What's mind boggling about it? The fact that they probably knew that they were going to fire him, but they were still putting them in situations like that. They were intimate with the community.
Starting point is 00:41:54 For me personally, I've always wanted to work for CrossFit and I don't understand how someone from CrossFit could fire someone that valuable to a brand. Ah, when that guy, when you heard him speak and I didn't like him, I'm not going to lie. I thought he was actually kind of rude to me. But when you heard him speak, I liked him in the sense of representing CrossFit and he's doing everything he can for the brand. Just like I respect Austin and James and Denise. He had that passion and drive and not a lot of people have what,
Starting point is 00:42:28 when someone has it and to see him be one of the people to go, that was like, maybe I don't want to work for CrossFit ever. Jethro towards Jaden's new pair of sneakers. Who's Jaden? My son. Did you mention his sneakers on the show? No,
Starting point is 00:42:46 he threw his sneakers out the window on Thursday. And then I posted it on my Instagram story. And people found them. Oh. That's incredible. Hey, remember that gym? So my husband found one. And then some random lady found the other and posted it in a village Facebook group.
Starting point is 00:43:09 And then one of – someone following me, one of our friends saw it on social and then sent me the Facebook post. And then I went and got the other shoe. Small world. The power. Hey, what an honest feedback you just gave too. You respected his passion, his commitment to – even though you didn't like him, like he was still a valuable asset, right? I would in a minute talk to him at any conversation i just i thought he was and i would tell him he was rude to me that's the only reason i didn't like him um i i haven't met i haven't seen the guy in years um but when i first met him in like 2009 he was socially very very very awkward
Starting point is 00:43:41 so maybe he maybe it wasn't that he's rude maybe he was just awkward i mean he was very awkward yeah and i'm also i'm rude too so it could have been bad but he shared a story about his mom the reason i even bring him up savann was he was someone who bought up about an affiliate that he bought i think he like shared a story about how he bought his mom to the right affiliate and now his mom is able to crossfit because she's guided the right way when nicole spoke she literally said she's like you know we're at three million but the the goal for crossfit is to be at 30 million yeah like athletes or whatever and i said and she said she's like the concern that i have is that i can't just send anybody ever anywhere like the affiliate model like i can't just send my mom anywhere. Nicole said this? Nicole said that.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And it stuck with me hard. And then I remember Maggie going up there. I don't know Maggie's last name. She's on set. Dubay? Dubay? She's not from the U.S. Yeah, she's from – wait a second.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Wait, before you talk about Maggie, Nicole said at this summit that she can't send her mom to any affiliate? Like she said that like she wants the affiliate model to get that. We can send anybody anywhere. Do you mean through seamless integration of like money wise or seamless feeling safe with the coaching? Oh, wow. God damn. That came from H.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Wow. That's intense. I shared it on an Instagram post of the room. Cause there was a picture of me. And I, I wrote a thing about it I was like it's jaw-dropping to sit in a room with 250 affiliate owners and then Maggie stands up there it was on my personal Instagram oh okay because I saw a picture with you and Nicole here
Starting point is 00:45:14 somewhere oh yeah so it's one of me and Nicole wherever that is here is this it that's it yeah okay go up I'm lying this is the real okay sorry I post a lot. No, that's okay. Okay. Don't let me ruin your story. Go ahead. Tell us. So Maggie and then Maggie spoke after that and she was like, how many of you lesson plan? And when I tell you in the room of 200 affiliate owners, 10 of us raised our hands and I can probably name all 10. And what does that mean? The other, the other 200 just wing it.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah. Okay. And that's a problem. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Like that, that's kind of goes back to that conversation about the, the disconnect and like, and there was literally the perfect picture of me, like just my mouth wide open. That's why I don't do other people's podcasts because they'll think that they're giving me a compliment or they're giving me, they'll be like, that's why I don't do other people's, uh, um, uh, podcasts because they'll think that they're giving me a compliment or they're giving me, they'll be like, Hey, can you come on my podcast? It's going to be really casual. We'll just shoot this shit. There'll be no structure. I'll be like, fuck you. I don't do that. I 99% of the people I have on, I prepare for it. It
Starting point is 00:46:19 doesn't mean I have to follow that, but I'm prepared for it. Okay. So, so 10 lesson plan, lesson planning is important. Extremely. And like that for me, it prepared for it. Okay. So, so 10 lesson plan, lesson planning is important. Extremely. And like that for me, it was really shocking. And like, when I tell you, like, like I said, like I knew the 10, like the people that raised their hands in the room were all best at our clients. So how, how, how, what's the lesson plan? Can it be just really simple? Like something on a napkin. Okay. Uh, maybe first you start with the workout that's in the middle and you know, it's a 15 minute workout. And then from there you're like okay this is the warm-up i'm gonna do for this workout because it'll get these body parts warmed up and then this is the cool down and then
Starting point is 00:46:52 somewhere in there i'm going to talk to him about i'm going to give him a little two minute talk on nutrition and kind of lay it out in that it could be like that it could be as simple as a one two or it could be as advanced as an essay okay okay you're not asking a lot you're just saying like have something just have or time management thing right like that's the most important thing out of anything it's just getting these people in for an hour and out for the hour right right like just that guidance alone for a coach to have that in their head or like to your point like knowing when someone's walking into a gym like that goes with that whole process of like going through a warm-up together like i don't want to drop in at a gym and go through my own warm-up then i'm like damn i dropped in on a shitty affiliate like i do my
Starting point is 00:47:29 research now before i do drop-ins well and you could even do stuff right like you could have themes like one month can be like hey every day in this every day for a month all my trainers are going to talk uh to them about being nice to someone new in the class the next month it's the theme is me every day i'm going to drop a tidbit on nutrition. The next month, we're going to do something where we talk about squat. You could do anything to further. I did it last week. And I took this from Ben Bergeron
Starting point is 00:47:52 when I went to New England. But he does mindset talks and conversations all the time. So last week, they flipped out because they changed the WOD. So I give access to programming five days beforehand. That way, if athletes want to come in and out, whatever, they figure it out. Last week, it rained on Monday. So Monday morning, I was coaching the 5am. And I was like, you know what, we're not going to do this workout today, I really want to keep to running. I'm going to do Thursday's workout instead. And that threw my community for a loop. So I use that. Yeah. And I use it as a teaching example.
Starting point is 00:48:22 On Wednesday morning, I pulled them in at the whiteboard. I said, hey, guy, I know you're all flustered. I said, but one, as your affiliate owner, I don't have to give you the programming. So let that be a reminder. Yeah, amen. Yeah. Two, also, most affiliate owners don't post their workouts, one workout, till 8 o'clock the night before. 90% of you in the 5 a.m. are already in bed or brushing your teeth to go to bed, right?
Starting point is 00:48:45 Three, I said, let's talk about what CrossFit actually is, how CrossFit started and where it started. And like I use it as an opportunity to speak about the ranch and the hopper and everything that you don't, you don't necessarily always know what you're walking into. And that's not what CrossFit is. Like the whole purpose is the unknown and training for the unknown. So I know I made you guys uncomfortable this morning. I get it.
Starting point is 00:49:09 I said, but do I ever let you down? Like, have you ever walked in and been like, damn, coach Trish really screwed me over for the day. She fucked my workout. Like, no, it doesn't happen. Yeah. I get it. You're anxious and you're uncomfortable. I said, but we're going to get through it. Like, and that's literally what my whiteboard briefing was in the beginning of class. Like, I was just like, and it was a great opportunity to kind of like talk about something different. Right. And, and, and teach them something different or to your point, whether it's about sleep and we're in the middle of a strength cycle and they're also worried about hitting the 85%. Like, forget it, dude. You just went out to a wedding on Saturday night. Then it's this on Sunday. And now you're coming Monday and you think you're going to hit 90% of your snatch
Starting point is 00:49:42 and feel good doing it? Like you're not. And those were good reminders from Denise too when she came in, that she doesn't love percentages. And I happen to agree with her. I hate percentages. Because just because I have one rep on one day, I might have been feeling really good, doesn't mean I can lift to the percentage of great technique consistently and well, that I need to come down on my numbers. Do you feel that way about percentages.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Do you like percentages, Matt? I like percentages for an individual who's sticking to a very strict program for a very specific goal. I do not like them for classes. They're completely pointless because nobody follows it so much that, yeah, pointless. I'm with you. No, feel it how it is for the day. We have an opportunity to go heavy, go heavy if you feel good. If not, find something that feels challenging and stay right there for the next sets. It's great guidance, right? Like, and that's what
Starting point is 00:50:27 I'm trying to teach the guys that like are obsessed with the numbers. And I was like, Hey guys, like, you know, I spoke to one of my coaches and one of my advanced athletes on, I don't know what day I had them either Thursday or Friday. And I was like, I was like, you're snatching and every snatch looks like a one rep. I was like, I know it's supposed to be 90%, but you look like shit. clean it up like you like literally like everyone is like that i was like that's not the whole purpose of percentage work right like the whole purpose is to be able to strengthen under larger loads so why don't we just take off five pounds just try five pounds take five pounds off and see if that happens
Starting point is 00:50:56 um i i wonder how many coaches can't um relate their clients because they're focused on their own training. Okay. Right? And so that's why they're so into the percentage things. They're kind of sending the wrong message. They think that they're training a bunch of themselves, but they're not. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:21 100%. That's right. Trish, good morning. Trish and Trish. Trish, right. Trish, good morning. Trish and Trish. Trish, please meet Trish. Good morning. Have you ever had to fire a member? I have.
Starting point is 00:51:32 You have? Yeah. Hey, and if you haven't fired a member, it's only because some toxicity is still growing in your community because everybody knows they got that one person that they need to either have a talk to or let go. Yeah, I wouldn't want to fire them because I'd want their money. No, you don't. Yeah. No, you don't want your money. The headaches that come with the money are not worth it.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Mm-hmm. What is it? Is it someone who's just rude at the end of the day? Is that what it comes down to? For me, it was an asshole. It was so unhappy. I'll give you one example I have no problem talking about. It was a husband and wife who just wanted to come in and complain about my programming. They complained about my music, like everything like to the point that like this individual made playlists. And I was like, I'll try it if that's gonna, you know, maybe quiet you out. And I don't even like to do that. Because I'm not a DJ. And I don't want to accommodate one person. But I was really trying to make it work with these two. And then like, it just was nonstop. It was like, you know, you don't, you guys don't coach the whole class. And this individual was coming in like 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:52:28 late, leaving five minutes early and getting frustrated. So I was just like, listen, this is the third time we've had a conversation at this point. I appreciate you. I can call the affiliate owner down the block. He's going to be what you want. I'm happy to reach out to him for you, or you can reach out to him yourself. And that's literally how it went down. And I spoke to that affiliate owner and said, good luck. Like, but they are better for his affiliate because his affiliate model isn't ran the same way mine is. We have two different elements going on. So I literally send people to his gym. If someone comes to me and they're like, I don't want to pay the 185 because it's too much money.
Starting point is 00:53:01 And I'm like, okay, well, you can probably have a conversation down the road if you want to keep crossfitting because i rather you keep crossfitting than not crossfit whether you're doing half-ass crossfit it's still crossfit um are there are there any just cool clients yeah like are they just clients that just show up they don't care they're just they just want to be told what to do they do the fucking warm-up they don't they're not complaining if it's a 5k run or a 5k row they're not like hey i could have done this at home on my own or they're not they're they're not tripping if it's too cold in the gym they just put on a sweatshirt like they're there just to work and get the best out of it and they they they kind of get what life is about they're not bringing all their fucking drama and their nonsense and their loud brain to the gym.
Starting point is 00:53:46 And they were, it sounds so complicated running a gym. Like you're fucking running a daycare. You're literally like, I don't, I, I said it to someone the other day, like, no,
Starting point is 00:53:57 my, I have two guy coaches and they wanted to come over on Thursday night. And I was like, I don't think you understand how my day started. I've done it's six 30 in the morning. I've already dealt with a crying person, someone yelling at me about bike conversions. And I don't want to hang out with you tonight.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Like it is, it's so affiliate ownership is so much more than affiliate ownership. You are dealing with mental health issues. You are dealing with physical issues. You are dealing with things you don't want to know. And it's so much more than fitness as an affiliate owner and a crossfit coach it's not just us owners our coaches take a lot of the baron too like i had a client thing this morning i went and lifted at my gym this morning and one of my clients was really off and i know something's wrong with her so i leaned in on one of my coaches
Starting point is 00:54:38 and was like hey do you have any insight here and that coach knew exactly what she was going through so like i guess if you have 200 members someone's mom's always dying of cancer yeah that's probably that's probably the hardest part for me there's one there's always one with the break who just had their got caught their boyfriend cheating on him there's always one whose kid just got hit in a car accident i just had a client who was getting married the end of the summer the wedding's off i just had a girl who broke up with her boyfriend who she was hoping to get engaged with and move into a new apartment i just had someone have open heart surgery i had a 30 year old girl have open heart surgery i had like i it it's and like they don't know like the the 200 members don't always know like all these things right and it's like i it's
Starting point is 00:55:21 meanwhile you're trying to pay your rent and uh and figure out why your electricity bill is double this month in the last month yeah and it weighs on our shoulders because like matt i'm sure you can relate to this like i don't share it with people because i don't want it to be one some things they don't want shared you have to they don't want to hear that shit anyway just shut up put a smile on your face you're the owner right but it's weighing on us it's constantly weighing on us yeah and the problem too, is if you start saying about that, they instantly start projecting because everybody's only concerned about themselves and their point of view. So you start saying there's these issues, and they go,
Starting point is 00:55:53 oh, God, Trish was complaining today a lot. Like, is this Jimmy going to be around in a year? Oh, my God. Did you hear she had trouble making whatever last month? And you're like, fuck off, dude. I had a hey i want to hear but mat had this crazy incident happen at his gym and sorry if i'm not supposed to say this matt but okay oh boy he he was i i can't remember if you're still in the space but he was in a space like you know like
Starting point is 00:56:21 like a like a building where there's like 20 businesses right yeah and someone sold the business someone sold the building and you know when they sell the building they re-evaluate the cost of the building so the building when it was sold the first time was worth a million dollars right then when they sold the building they sold it for 20 million so then the city of livermore comes in and says well in the state of california comes in and they say well the cost of this building is now worth 20 times more so instead of your property tax being twelve thousand dollars a year your property tax now with this place is uh two hundred and uh what's uh we give the exact it's twenty four thousand dollars more a year than what i was continuously paying and they drop that
Starting point is 00:56:59 hold on before you just sorry susan he I'm talking about the whole entire buildings, maybe their property tax went up like $300,000. And there was something in Susan's contract that says if the – the small print, if the price of the building ever – if it ever sells and it gets reevaluated and the property tax goes up, the tenants of the building will then split that amongst themselves. So each tenant had to pay like – the spirit of the story is basically each tenant had to pay like the spirit of the story is basically each tenant had to pay an extra 24 000 one year and they they and and what's when they dropped this bill off at suza's um gym suza's like well when's this due and they're like two months ago you know what i mean so not only did they just drop they dropped a new yearly expense on him for 24 grand yep but but but then it was they told him it was due two months earlier. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Like, sorry, we gave it to you late. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, that's the kind of shit you're not telling your, your,
Starting point is 00:57:52 your, your clients. But, but you know, if you have clients and you make $2,000 a year off each one, you just lost, it's basically like losing 12 clients. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And then here's the shitty part that, and I can tell you the exact amount, $16,500 plus dollars that I just did a check for that. I got in an email that I now have to just write and hand over was my new fucking skiers. And then you have all the members that go. So it's worse. It's worse than losing 12 members.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Then we go, Oh, well, so-and-so Jim up the street has like 10 runners and a skier. And you're like, yeah, motherfucker, I just had that money too. And they don't want to hear that shit. And I don't blame them. No.
Starting point is 00:58:34 And then you know what happens? They go, fuck it, I'm leaving. Right? And they go to the next gym. And you're sitting there going, oh, my goodness. Like it was right there. That was the money for that. A ramble or seven.
Starting point is 00:58:44 They do this with houses too. Yeah, of course. I, what I'm saying isn't profound, but what I, what I was shocked about is, is that the owner passes that off to the tenants. I didn't, I didn't know that's the part.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Yeah. I have to deal with that. Everybody that, everybody that wants to know, it's called a cam, a common area maintenance. And a lot of things fall under this cam, including my property manager's fucking salary and everybody else that goes
Starting point is 00:59:06 underneath there so they i to to just give you the actual numbers i paid like 500 a month on the cam and now i pay 2300 and it's in your lease this cam every it's usually it's like a triple net double dash instead of here yeah that's usually language that's written in every cam so what savannah was saying and to give you the the actual on it, the building was, uh, evaluated at like four and a half million dollars because the guy who I originally leased from was the building owner. Like he developed it, he built it, he did all of it. His name was Bob Kwapman. Great dude passed away, unfortunately. And so when the, um, corporation took this over, they bought the building at $15.5 million.
Starting point is 00:59:47 So there was a big valley of a property tax that was estimated at like $4.5 million that then just overnight went to $15.5 million. And then like Savon was saying, they basically just emailed a bill. And that was it. They're like, hey, by the way, when you cut your next check, beef it up about $16,000 for me. And Matt, I don't mean to be private here, but your affiliate's profitable? Yes, it is. Okay. So imagine, and again, you and I are a different case here.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Imagine being the affiliate owner that gets that. That's closing them down. Yeah. They're done. Yeah. They're done. There's no help. There's no help there.
Starting point is 01:00:23 That's the end of the affiliate right there. And here's the other thing too, for everybody who is starting out or whatever, take the long road and do it all cash. Do not build your business on debt. I am very fortunate that I have zero debt on my business. The only liability I have is the lease that I need to owe as the years come up, right?
Starting point is 01:00:41 That is it. And if I had had debt on that business and then also had to cut that check and then couldn't survive, now I just have a bill that I'm paying. That's it. And I have no more gym or anything else. So take your time and do it in cash.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Do not leverage debt in this situation. Make sure your members know that about you when they complain about the skier that you're lucky to still, seriously, like that's for sure. Nobody else will say it like hey let's watch this majority of them don't even know that happened yeah yeah hey um and it's better that way yeah you can't because they don't care and in fact and i don't blame them for not caring either i really don't um trish does Denise when Denise comes does she do any of that is it strictly looking at the classes and what's the scope of the feedback you get like does she look at your
Starting point is 01:01:32 lease I'm guessing she doesn't look at the business side no it's not the business so I would not want I and respectfully Denise I would not want your help with business okay so what is the scope of the feedback that you get for that? It's the, it's the actual feedback in classes, like how you're, you're handling class structure, um, seeing and correcting the six criteria, right? Group management, seeing and correcting teaching. Um, what am I forgetting here, Matt? Um, when you say the six criteria, what's that from? That's not from the L1, is it? That's from the L2. Oh.
Starting point is 01:02:06 It's group. I don't know. Do you want me to name them? No, it's okay. It's okay. So it is with that, and obviously since it is, Denise, it's seamlessly integrated with the vernacular and the scope of what CrossFit teaches even though it's not CrossFit. Yeah, and she wrote the lesson planning module in the L2 handbook.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Okay. Wow. She made us that because she made that known to us when she was here. That's why, because it carried over into what she was teaching us. So in between classes, because I think this is what you're looking for. She's seeing and correcting in classes, right? That in between classes, she's giving individualized feedback to coaches. She's also doing group sessions, meaning there was one day that I had a personal training client on the side, and she's working with two of my coaches with a PVC pipe, teaching them holding positions and different things they can do in class structure. Then another day, she's sitting in a corner with my coaches explaining lesson planning.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Like I have it on video of her lesson planning. So that way our coaches always have it. Oh, you're allowed to take video of her feedback too? Yeah, well, I asked her, um, and then she shared, she takes videos of us coaching and shares it on a Google drive with us. So she has each of our individual classes. So we can go back and look at it and do, she also does follow-up meetings. So like she's met with, um, four of my coaches so far individually, one-on-one on zoom, and she's going over follow-up feedback with them as well. So she's not done with us like i said i still haven't even taken her call yet um there's so scared to take it i'm not
Starting point is 01:03:30 scared i just you think by scared you think you're gonna get in a fight with her no no no no i'll get into a fight with ackerman before denise um i i was very emotional after she left for multiple reasons like it's humbling. You feel like a shitty person and a shitty coach when you're told you're not the best at things. And even though I'm not the best, I had to constantly, like we said, remind myself that I paid her to come here to better me and my team. Because I care that much about myself. I care that much about my coaches. And I care that much about my community.
Starting point is 01:04:08 She's not allowed to say, hey, she's not allowed to leave there and be like, Hey, you're perfect. No, that's exactly. That's exactly what I, if I, if she did, then she did a terrible job. Yeah. I need your money back. Exactly what I needed her to do and made me think a lot more. Um, for me, like the next thing, like I really want to grow, like personally, like my next thing is I'm going out and doing a diesel day in July um which is with what's that that's like that oh yes yes yes yes Colorado yeah um like Denise suggested I do that and it was something that was on like my list of what to do for myself so that's where I'm headed this summer um and I'm excited for that because I think that will help me overcome like the emotion and stuff that I'm trying to process right now as a leader. Yeah. Hey, what's your husband say about it? About Denise's visit or?
Starting point is 01:04:55 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's he say about what kind of what's he say? So. He he sees me emotional and is the person that reminds me constantly that I'm paying these people to give me the feedback. Yeah. Because it is hard sometimes.
Starting point is 01:05:18 And I think sometimes I beat myself up way too hard. And I take things to heart very deep. I beat myself up way too hard and I take things to heart very deep. And he's, and he's that person that reminds me like what you said that I'm paying for this, that like, I'm putting myself in these uncomfortable things. I don't have to be doing this. I work for myself, like the feelings and stuff that I'm going to, you would think that I work for CrossFit and that they're going to come and strip my affiliate away. That's how I act. Right. Right. Right. Holy shit. Wow. That's so he's that i don't know i don't know that i know that doesn't answer your question but he's that person for me behind the scenes
Starting point is 01:05:50 yeah yeah i don't like anyone giving my wife uh negative feedback i'm very very defensive for like when she was having birth and the the midwife's like stop saying no i wanted to punch the midwife don't tell my wife what to do. But it was good. Here's another crazy thing. Looking from the outside, you have like the most successful gym I've ever seen, right? Classes of 35.
Starting point is 01:06:15 It's super clean inside. The pictures. I mean, it's the wide variety of people from the super fit to the crazy weight loss stories to the mix of different kind of, uh, of lifestyles and people that you're catering to. It's like, it's like gold. That's what you want, right? You want the, you want, um, you want it, you want everyone in there. You want it to be like the, the, the guys fresh off the boat from Russia, being able to work out
Starting point is 01:06:40 with the guy from who born in Alabama, be side by side and find that common trait of making yourself better and persevering. But is there never – the way you're set up, you remind me sort of like this – the guy we had on the other day, Tyson Bajan. It's never going to be – he's through the most touchdowns in NCAA history, and he's playing at the Chicago Bears. But you finally realized
Starting point is 01:07:05 talking to him, like if you win five super bowls, there's still, it's not success. There's never fucking success because, because there's always something more you could do. So I, it seems like you're in that too, like wherever you are at this stage in your life, and you still, you looked pretty young to me. You're you, um, you haven't found a metric of success. This isn't a criticism either, by the way, like who gives a fuck? Like if you're going to push yourself until you collapse, go for, I applaud you for that, but you don't really have them. Do you,
Starting point is 01:07:36 you don't have a metric for success, right? No. Your thing is, is I can just keep being better. Yeah. I think now as I get more settled into my affiliate ownership journey, I'm trying to make sure I'm mindful of setting myself up that I can do this long. Um, like, you know, like one of the questions you had for me the last time was like, aren't you afraid you're going to burn out? And it's like, no, but like, that's something like I'm completely being mindful of and just trying to set myself up to not burn out and leveling up everything but yeah i i i in the world of crossfit i hope everyone kind of feels the way i do in the sense of like there's never enough that every year i want to do
Starting point is 01:08:14 something in my affiliate or for myself education wise because i think that's what continues to bring the value up in what we do meaning like i feel like i am the coach I am because of all the education I've taken under my belt and it wasn't education overnight it's been a 10 11 year journey at this point that every single thing I've taken something from and implemented into my coaching career or my affiliate owner career when you coach do you ever feel like you're in the zone like ah like light and just do you ever go into the zone just can you go into the zone do you ever feel like you're in the zone? Like, ah, like light and just – do you ever go into the zone? Can you go into the zone while you're coaching? Like almost like you're doing a stand-up routine and like you were saying,
Starting point is 01:08:51 like you're on Broadway and you're like, oh, shit, I'm doing it. Yeah, and if I don't do a good class, I literally ask one of my coaches if I can come back and take their class later and like take over, come like coach them. Oh, shit. Wow. To read that. Wow.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I think I'm going to come back later back later and coach that was not the class that i was hopeful for wow like there's a morning performance and an evening performance and you're like you're uh rapunzel and you tell the evening performance rapunzel hey could i do your performance now shit yeah i want to read that is there any competitive atmosphere amongst the coaches like they always try to one up the other coach before i'm like oh you coached 3 30 you thought that was good watch my 4 30 i'm gonna crush that wow and like i think it's like some of the coaches will take class before right and then you automatically if you take class before you you automatically have an upper hand in coaching right yeah it's like watching the first he did the workout yeah and like that was a big thing with denise too was like taking doing
Starting point is 01:09:43 the workout beforehand to be able to speak to it as a coach. Um, seven that's life though. Uh, when will you rest on your laurels? You're doing daily podcasts, always improving your technique with questions, asking and hosting. I, I, I hear you, but like, um, I, I, um, so like when I had Tyson, I was supposed to have Sarah Sigmund's daughter on, on Thursday. And I just didn't feel like I could be prepared for her not being in my comfort zone of my own castle in Northern California because I'm, I'm on vacation. I don't want to call it vacation. I don't do vacation, but I've changed locations. So instead I decided to have Tyson Bajent on because I knew that it would be the same way with you. I think I wouldn't have had anyone on this week.
Starting point is 01:10:29 I had this guy Tyson Bajent on because I knew that I just genuinely could just ask questions. And I was so curious about what he was doing. And I was so curious about Denise Thomas coming out and visit. So that's I would never take a podcast last minute like we did with you. I just don't do that. But I was like thinking I want to have a guest on what someone where questions will just come easily, right? Or I could have an easy conversation with. And with Sarah, I feel like I should do some research. I should know more about what she's been up to lately because she's having this big momentous weekend coming up to compete
Starting point is 01:10:56 in the semifinals. And so there's, I just know that there's got to be times, there's times when the podcast is good, but I had to like slog through it. And there's gotta be times there's times when the podcast is good, but I had to like slog through it. And there's other times where it's good because it was just so effortless. It was like, I'm almost embarrassed at how easy it was. Like I didn't. And I'm wondering if like, it's ever like that running your gym. Like you ever just teach it. It is. You're like, yeah. Like you're like go home and you're like, wow,
Starting point is 01:11:23 I got a standing ovation today. Yes. There were days that you leave and you're like, yeah. Like you're like, go home and you're like, wow, I got a standing ovation today. Yes. There are days that you leave and you're like, damn, like I, I should be, I mean, in my case I do it for a living, but like they probably leave and they're like, I should be doing this for a living. I should not be going into the city for. Yeah. And then there's days that you're like, all right, that was a really long class. Like I really wasn't awake and I could have been a lot better in doing this
Starting point is 01:11:43 or that. And those are the days that I'm like, I want to go back and do another one because I feel like I let someone down. Do you feel horrible if someone gets hurt in class? Awful. I had a guy get his first bar muscle up and then immediately needed to get surgery. On his shoulder? On his pec. Oh. I don't mean to laugh at him.
Starting point is 01:12:04 That's freaking crazy. Were the two related? It was just, it was long. It was like an overused situation. And then I think it just tweaked it. And that's what happened. But I mean, if someone gets hurt, it's depending on the situation. There was another time that i was talking to a
Starting point is 01:12:25 girl in the five a.m class i was taking class with her and we were going through the like a rig warm up together and we were talking about her training jayden my son in swimming lessons over the summer and literally she went to go jump on the rig had new grips on from amazon which by the way if you go on a pull-up bar with amazon grips in your affiliate you're gonna get hurt um don't use them so she jumped on and wasn't wrapped and fell shattered her elbow broke her tailbone right now that was the one that i was on because we were in the middle of a conversation about my son and her teaching and she was a lifeguard and then wasn't able to lifeguard all summer long because she had to be in a cast take care of herself it's awful but now she's back and she's killing it came back that's all that matters uh this is an interesting question uh judy reed are there
Starting point is 01:13:11 certain class times that members are more high maintenance than others yes so there is it's like the 9 a.m mom's class is the easiest or the hardest or and then like the evening just the the 5 a.m class are just all the killers they don't moms aren't the easiest moms are they they are just as high maintenance as the the advanced rx athlete i'll i'll stand out the moms because i have one we talk we room class we make things go late versus like the advanced athlete who's a high maintenance pain in the butt like the more comfortable the class is with you and with each other the more unruly they get yeah like our am you know you're not starting your whiteboard briefing until you tell four individuals to stop talking and you have like the regulars that all show up there so they're excited to see each other and it's that
Starting point is 01:13:58 balance of like hey shut the fuck up but also i want you guys to be friends and have a good time like you try to find that, that balance. Yeah. You ever got to tell people not to stand next to each other like a teacher. It's happened. Separate, separate, please. You also remember these are paying customers, right? So it's like, you know who you can joke around with. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Read the room and be a dick too. And then, you know, the people that are gonna be like, I can't believe she spoke to me that way. Yeah. And my favorite is, is you ask them to, Hey guys, give me a second here. Just quiet down while I get this done. And they go, we were talking about the workout and you're like, wow, they talk back. Wow. Adults that talk. Wow. Yes. Yes. Yes. Not only do they talk back, but it's that, like I said, it's that fine line, right? So if you call them out, then they're like, why would you call me out? And it's like, well, because there's 15 of us
Starting point is 01:14:47 standing here, we're waiting for you and fucking so-and-so to finish your conversation. And we're all staring at you. And then finally, when I interject, because someone's got to break the ice to the group, because they're all looking at me, like, what are you going to do about this? And then they reflect that back on you. And all it is, is they're just insecure and a little embarrassed. So it just comes off as like. Right, right, right. Yeah. I have two teachers that are coaches and they talk to them like they're children. And that was like actually feedback. I gave one of them recently and I was like, hey, just be mindful of your teacher, like addressing because these are still adults and paying customers.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Like I get it. It's funny, but like not everybody like at the same time, it's like, all right, don't talk to me that way. I'm an adult. You have to know like when and where you can use it. It's crazy how many adults don't behave like adults. But it is a two-way street. I can't remember the exact situation, but there were some parents talking in the jiu-jitsu class that I was in the other day. And all the parents were watching the class, and there were these two parents talking really loud, and it was completely inappropriate. really loud and it was completely inappropriate and as an as an adult i was all i did not want to talk to them and be like hey you guys have to keep your voices down but as an adult i had to do
Starting point is 01:15:49 that and then as an adult they had to fucking take the feedback and they did it was kind of crazy but i did not someone had told me the day before hey stop talking shit up behind their backs and just go over and tell them yes about something and so i went over and told them and the lady the two ladies were super cool like crazy cool they're like oh sorry crazy cool yeah you have to be an adult enough to be like hey dude your dog i just saw your dog poop and you didn't pick it up yep i've seen great glassman just walk up to someone one time in a park and say that hey your dog just pooped we have this whole uh right up at the gym that i that we call the mature coach and it's like it's the balance between courage and courage uh consideration and for those of you guys that might know it,
Starting point is 01:16:28 it is being stolen from Stephen Covey, but what it is is it's the correct amount. It's the balance of enough courage to say what you need to, to make it happen. Like you said, talking to those ladies at jujitsu, but it's also having the balance of enough consideration. So when you handle that, you do it tactfully. So does it damage the relationship and the balance between that courage and consideration is what is defined as like a mature adult and Stephen Covey or in our, at CFL, we define it as a mature coach. Yeah. Look at the one comment actually, Matt, like the one of our coaches called me out recently for being lazy in the
Starting point is 01:16:58 warmup. I got a little defensive. Yeah. Cause that's not okay for a coach to say, right? Like that, that's like a per this is a perfect example of what Matt and I wouldn't necessarily want one of our coaches to say to the wrong person, but there might be an opportunity for our coach to say this to someone they have a different relationship with and wouldn't feel the way this individual feels. So like it's a, it's a fine line to play with. It is. Yeah. It's a balance. Sure.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Oh, this is a, this is a member. This isn't one coach telling a note when he says one of our coaches called me out recently for being lazy in the morning. This isn't like, this is for them being lazy as the athlete, as the client, not as another coach. And what's to say,
Starting point is 01:17:36 like even the person we know that what, that I can say is lazy to like, what's to say that they didn't, they didn't, they slept really well last night or they didn't find out last night. somebody was sick or they had a really rough day or they're sore as shit or shit exactly i have one of my good athletes now who he's struggling as a father he's competitive but like he's struggling because he's one of the most competitive people in the gym and like everyone's always going at him and he's a dad and there's some weekends that he's just on full dad mode and it's just like not everybody always wants to be gunning like yeah like we do
Starting point is 01:18:10 but we don't right and you gotta know when gotta know when as a coach to read the room i've had i all the places pretty much that i take my kids i've had i've been talked to repeatedly by coaches and i don't mind it at all what do they say what do you do i've been told i've had i've been talked to repeatedly by coaches and i don't mind it at all what do they say what do you do i've been told i've been like so if they're playing tennis and i'm leaned up against watching he'll be like get out of your kid's periphery or or like my kid will be running sprints and i'll be like hey you could run faster than that i'll be like hey you're not you're not the coach get away don't stand next to the fence for the rest of practice good coaches yeah oh i like them yeah that's awesome and i'll and i'll and i'll talk some shit back but i'll be like hey i'm not paying extra for that um uh adult coaching for parenting coaching but i don't but i don't talk shit like i'll do what i want and other parents will get upset but i don't get upset like
Starting point is 01:19:02 i i take it as a compliment. Someone actually cares that much. Yeah. And say that with you, you're paying them. So that could damage the payment. Right. Yeah. This literally happened one time.
Starting point is 01:19:16 He said, so I dress my kids exactly the same every day and they never wear pants. And he's like, the coach said to me, Hey, your son's at a level in tennis where he needs to be able to put balls in his pocket. Do not bring him again without balls in his pocket or pockets. And I brought him. I was like, fuck you. I'll put him in whatever I want. And he goes, hey, right in the middle of fucking class.
Starting point is 01:19:35 He goes, Sevan, come out here. And I came out there and he goes, the whole class is going to run line sprints, including you. This is with fucking like eight-year-old kids because you can't seem to follow the instructions no shit yeah so i yeah so i ran suicides with the class and it was horrible because i'd been sitting for 40 minutes and i had to get up but i can't have an eight-year-old beat me in running too and i ran suicides. Yeah. And hey, guess what? My kid has never shown up without pockets ever again. That's a great coach.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Yeah. And he was serious as a heart attack. He's like, look it. You're not bringing your kid prepared. And I talk shit all the time. I can't believe they bring their kids in high tops. Oh my God, that kid's wearing rain boots in tennis practice. I mean, destroy the other kids meanwhile yeah mine didn't have pockets and i got jacked i oh i could have pulled a hammy and you know what's fucked up is the coach ran too and he's 20 years younger than me and he's in really good shape and he he was the only one
Starting point is 01:20:40 who beat me but i tried to beat him, and I did almost hurt myself. Yeah, how many kids would never just bring their kid back? Maybe. Hey, that's all ego. If that happens to you and you don't bring your kid back, but you know the coach is going to coach you. You're the parent problem of the future. Yeah, that's fucking all ego. That's the truth. I personally think that you, as the parent, I want to be in a competition with all my kids' coaches, and I want to be losing.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Meaning I want them always to be like, hey, when you go home today, practice for 20 minutes, but we didn't do it. Or I always want them wanting more from my kids. Hey, if you can, bring your kids 10 minutes early to all practices so that you can warm up with your kid. And I only show up eight minutes early. Like I want my coach constantly wanting more for me and my kid. Then not because there are programs, tons of kids programs where it's just basically a babysitting program. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:38 I can challenge you as a parent because then this goes back to CrossFit memberships. You're willing to pay more for that coach that brings. Oh my God. I would, you know, anything. Yeah. Like I don't even flinch. Like we have a gymnastics coach and she was gone for like eight months. She comes to the house once every other week and we hadn't had her in a, let's say a year. And she came over the other day or I called her and I said, Hey, can you come over? One of my boys wants to really learn how to do a back handspring. And she said, my rates are doubled. And I said, hey, can you come over? One of my boys wants to really learn how to do a back handspring. She said, my rates are doubled. I said, no problem. Although I acted
Starting point is 01:22:08 cool, it hurt, but I knew she's good. She went from $60 an hour to $120 an hour in a year. I get it. So did hamburger meat. Prices what you pay, values what you receive. It's Angela. I can give you her number allison um so yeah she came to that and and as opposed to taking my kids to the gymnastic studio where they um force the kids to cover that wear masks and feed them uh um goldfish no No thank you. You're paying extra. I'll pass. Quality coaching
Starting point is 01:22:48 and experience and environment. Thank you for this coming on and being such an amazing guest, open guest and sharing your experience. It's cool. It's good stuff. Thanks for having me. Congrats on all the success in your affiliate.
Starting point is 01:23:04 There were tons of really kind comments in the comment section. Thank you. Will you guys be out in Madison or what? I will not be. I more likely will be in Madison. Yeah. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Cool. I will see you out there, Matt. Awesome. Yeah, we should definitely connect up. We will. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:22 And Siobhan, I'll catch you on another. All right. And if you, you're always welcome on the show to, to share these, this journey as an affiliate owner, it's great insight and it's awesome for people to hear.
Starting point is 01:23:32 So please stay in touch. Thanks. Maybe I'll ping you after my, my next go around with diesel day. Oh yes. Yes. And we've had Tosh on the show a couple of times. I'd love to hear about diesel.
Starting point is 01:23:43 But that's my big plan for the end of June to July, so I'll keep you guys posted. Awesome. All right. Thank you. You're welcome. Have a great weekend. Bye.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Bye. She's cool. I really like her. Yeah, dude, she is – you could feel her emotion. Mm-hmm. Yeah, you can feel her emotion. Jody Lynn, Sevan doesn't leave the bunker. Sevy and Madison, no.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Hey, you like my new stand? Oh, that is nice. Yeah, I do it so it's not the weird flying saucer thing that I keep playing with. Now I just play with this. I like it. I could hold it, too, like this. Sevan, stop being a pusillanimous and go to Madison. Are you going to Madison?
Starting point is 01:24:30 Is she going? Heidi lives in Madison. Not really, but she's close enough. Jessica, I'll be in Madison. Fantastic. Audrey, you're really cool, Susa. How about just he's cool?
Starting point is 01:24:46 No, we like the really so did you see last night um hillar was here and we set up a camera i didn't see the show no i was out at a uh social event my obligatory obligatory quarter hey watch this can you hear me yeah look at that. Yeah, it's so nice. Did you know how to do this, switch from camera to camera? It's the solo layout. No, I didn't know how to do this, but I saw that it happened in one of the shows, and I was like, oh, that's so good for clips.
Starting point is 01:25:21 But look, normally I thought you had to go from here to here to then maybe here. But I figured out if you look down at the bottom on the controls see how there's like a in the upper left hand corner where it says math click on click on your click on that one that's oh i've never even seen that click on the um look at down below where the waiting room is and click on that little um three dots, on the other left hand. Yeah. Whoa. Is that crazy? Yeah. And so we'd go back and forth between that and then a third camera that had me and Hiller in the shot together.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Oh. Yeah, yeah. Check that out. That's awesome. That's awesome. So, hey, so now – like for Zealous Games, it would be money now. Mm-hmm. Hey, dude, we could do the CrossFit Games event three.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Mm-hmm. We'll have people there. I wonder what the rules are going to be of streaming that. Since they're not streaming it. It'll be that balancing act, right? It depends on who you get. Who you get. I can see the Pornh hub tab in sebi's glasses
Starting point is 01:26:25 reflection when you zoom up on yourself i i uh i i 100 don't do porn hub on this computer but i mean on any computer i mean sorry sorry mike's usually good for one zinger each show thank you uh sebon has his clown nose on the counter that he uses during sex time with hayley okay that's weirdly specific manny oh no that you know what that is it's that thing you wear on your head and punch yeah yeah yeah that's oh my goodness hey what do you think about people buying programming for their gyms just you generally not like just like if you found out I was like, hey, I bought my programming. What was your general feeling on that? I used to have a really strong feeling about it because Greg – I think Greg had a really strong feeling about it.
Starting point is 01:27:18 That's like, hey, don't even open a gym if you're buying programming. don't even open a gym if you're buying programming now, I, now I, because it's like, Hey, that's, that should be at least that should be, if there's, let's say there's four reasons you buy a gym, the cornerstones, right. Help people be independently employed. Do something you love. And then the, then the other thing would be programming. Like he, he, people always made it sound like that was the cornerstone or foundation. But now,
Starting point is 01:27:48 I'm not that dogmatic about it. I almost think like, hey, even if you didn't follow Mayhem programming, still buy it for a year. Right? To be inspired,
Starting point is 01:28:04 to learn. Heidi, we use mayhem who am i who am i to try to program better than the mayhem empire well you know all the people who you're programming for you see them on a daily basis you know their strengths their weaknesses you know how to push them you know what's appropriate for it you know how to adjust depending on how the workout felt um so i would say that if you're inside and you're a coach that's probably coaching daily or especially if you're an affiliate owner you do know better than mayhem now do you know better than mayhem for a competitive athlete not a chance those guys are fucking that's their thing right but in terms of just exercise and that's where i think the
Starting point is 01:28:47 line gets drawn so many people are like i'm competitive or i do this or i do that and it's like did you just fucking exercise and going back to the point about the percent i used to do all my own program well i still do all my own i've always programmed for myself yeah that always that the only thing that i always have an issue with that is you avoid shit you don't like of course yes yes yes, yes. Yeah. Yeah. But again, and that's how I hurt myself, too, by doing too much stuff that I liked. Yeah. Yeah. I want to deadlift four days a week. And so I that's the way that I do it.
Starting point is 01:29:16 I like to adjust to it and and and tailor it to kind of the members and what's going to push them and and stuff like that. And also also too, you have to ask like, what is your programming for? Are you programming just for somebody to have optimized long-term health? Are you programming them to be successful in the open? Because those are two completely different things. And if you don't understand that as a coach too, spend a little more time learning about programming. Spend a little time understanding what it is and who you're programming for and what that'll look like because a competitive programming schedule is
Starting point is 01:29:49 completely different than a just affiliate for your everyday person coming in. Christine Young, my husband, 100% program for his affiliate for 10 years. Then we sold and they started doing proven. I've indicated mayhem affiliate is the same as the regular mayhem programming. I'm thinking a lot of people are getting buried i was getting buried with the masters programming uh audrey uh my friend that goes to mayhem says it's even too much they alter everything to fit their needs oh see so that that and so then why pay for it what what do you do if you're gonna know but doesn't that sound like a good thing why just fucking write it yourself why pay the money but but here's the here's the thing if you listen
Starting point is 01:30:30 what this person's saying this person just seems like it's common sense my friend goes to mayhem and says it's even too much meaning that i'm this person is saying the fact that if you go to crossfit mayhem in cookville they also change their they they they they modify their own programming that's why i was i was struggling a little bit to there's a common sense piece too right yeah like if you if you see the mayhem programming and it's a 21 15 9 and you look at your class and it's a bunch of people that look like me. Maybe you want to switch. Maybe just you call an audible and you do a 15-12-9. You don't start with 21-15-9.
Starting point is 01:31:15 And you spend a little bit more time on the warm-up. So that's a different conversation because I see it happening in the comment section too. It's like there's a difference between scaling and then changing a program Because if you changed a program and there's a sequencing to that program, you're not on the program anymore. It's completely gone. And then there's a very big difference to, Hey, you're brand new. I'm going to adjust the reps. I'm going to adjust the weight. I'm going to adjust the skill level to meet your needs and meet you where you're at right now today. Those are two different things. And so if you, and honestly, too, if you don't understand that, then again, spend a little more time learning about programming, because there's a difference between adjusting a program and adjusting a workout for a member
Starting point is 01:31:54 in terms of scaling. Yeah, I don't know. I hear what you're saying. I also think that, you know, I never ran an affiliate. I ran training out of a park for a year, but it was free. It's not like I charged for it. But there's also things you can do with programming. Like you can take a workout and you could turn it into if it's a 21, 15, nine, you can do the 21 and then and then give every or like Cindy. Right. every or like uh cindy right let's say it's cindy you can see cindy and you can be like hey you know what we're gonna do um we're everyone's gonna do uh today five rounds of cindy as fast as they can rest three minutes uh three times so there's already a programming error in that though too i'm sorry say that again there's a programming error in that too that one that you just described what do you mean so like and this goes back to like writing your own programming, knowing it, do you want to keep your class together or do you want them to just start at one time together? Then it can be completely different ends of the program. Right. Okay. Yeah. I hear what you're saying. You know what I mean? So you have to be able to
Starting point is 01:32:56 program and then understand logistics of how the class is going to flow. What is this going to look like? Are they going to stay together as a unit? And so what we do a lot of times is like every two minutes, you know, we'll have five by five back squat, but it'll be every two minutes you do your five by five. The reason why is because now when the clock beeps, I could look at a section of my class. I could watch them all do the squat. Now I know I have a certain amount of time of feedback
Starting point is 01:33:18 and it's forcing their reps. Then when it beeps again, I look at another section of the class, watch them do their set of five, go over and give some feedback, knowing that I have that time. So can you and can you write? OK, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love it. I've never taught a class of 35 people, so I'd never had to worry about that. Like at the park, I have like six people at the most. But I'm just saying it's I think. people the most but i'm just saying it's seen i i think i i just don't have an issue with buying programming i don't know i don't have an issue with it i personally don't do it but here's the thing we as crossfitters don't understand that affiliate owners own businesses right and so as a business person you're always looking to maximize your
Starting point is 01:34:06 return on investment. And you're also learning, figuring out how to optimize your time. And if I could outsource a ton of stuff to get my time back, because it's a huge thing on Sundays, you know, how it is on Sundays to do the show, I coach the mobility, then the whole rest of the day is dedicated to programming, setting that up coaches schedules, cleaning the gym floors, getting it prepped for the next day on Monday, all that type of stuff. And so if I could outsource all that, buy a program to where I just, hey, here's the link. You guys go just look at the stuff and do the thing. You end up getting some of your time back. So I'm not totally against it.
Starting point is 01:34:40 I just say for right now and this time, it's not necessarily for me. I just say for right now and this time, it's not necessarily for me. It's funny that you say that about when I hear you guys talk as the affiliate owners, I realized that I wouldn't be cut to do. It's a hard fucking business and you're forward facing you. So here's the social parts. Crazy. Here's a great example. We'll all spend the whole Sunday in the gym, moving something, trying to optimize the space,
Starting point is 01:35:03 looking at the gym floor, buying back a few different things like like a little section of the floor so i'll move the wall ball racks as an actual example so you spend all this time doing that you moved it you cleaned all this stuff underneath it like this looks great it got us another you know extra feet over here so people's barbells could go and they don't feel cramped in first person walks in and just goes why'd you move the wall balls i gotta walk all the way over there to grab them this sucks oh yeah and then two other people are like yeah why'd you do this you changed everything up on us and you're like i just spent my whole weekend here doing this to try to optimize it i just got shit on immediately right so there's a there's a you know – you're just very forward-facing to your end user, meaning your customer, every single day.
Starting point is 01:35:49 And it's tough. That's a hard business to be in because it's very social. When she said she was doing the pride thing, that's the part where I would like – for me personally, I wouldn't do birthday parties. I sure the fuck wouldn't do pride. I wouldn't do Halloween. Me personally, I go to a gym to make so i work out to make savon go away i don't want to go to a gym where people wish me sing happy birthday to me but people go for different reasons right right i i want to go to disappear i don't want to go like to the the last thing i want to be thinking about
Starting point is 01:36:21 is bullshit yeah i'm trying to get rid of Sevan and I'm done with him. I'm ready to just to transfer all my awareness to my body. Um, see some really nice people that I can feel vulnerable with. And, uh, but, but I,
Starting point is 01:36:35 I, I want the, the mundane superficial world of bullshit to go away. Yeah. So that there to, uh, but it sounds like these gyms aren't like that. So many gyms
Starting point is 01:36:45 let me do this switch your hat yeah you can't make fucking rent next month you're down 700 yeah there's an opportunity for event to come up where your members might mingle with other people that aren't part of the gym or maybe they're curious yeah right so you could run that event and you could get two more people to come and try your gym out and one of the pride event and everyone brings their husband or their wife or their whatever they're called partners and now you put on 20 clients yeah and you know what if you sold it to me like that i probably did it'd be probably come for the workout they stay for the community so you're always having to kind of invest a certain amount of your time into that stuff because even though it might not be for you if the members really
Starting point is 01:37:22 enjoy it and it keeps their bond strong and it makes it their third place, right? You got work, you got home, you got the third place. And if you could, if you could make it their third place where they're looking forward to come to that, not because they're going to get the best programmed workout from mayhem, but because they're going to see my friend and their friend and we go to the four 30 and I, you know, we work out together, we sweat together, we have a good time. That's what it's mostly going to be about. Do you remember those memes? Um, I haven't seen them in forever, but they were popular like five years ago and it would show
Starting point is 01:37:53 like a gold gym and there'd be stairs to walk in or escalators and escalators would be full of people, but the stairs would be empty. Do you remember that meme? Yeah. Yeah. That's what that wall ball story reminded me of. Like you don't want to walk an extra 40 feet at the gym. You'd be, dude, I try to get people warmed up and I'm like, okay, we're going to, so. Do you know what that is? That's automatic response. Those are, that's just lack of consciousness. That's like, you don't have to say everything you think you're not your thoughts. Yes. That's just someone like, it just, they're like a fly. They just said it. I've been really trying to reframe. And I said this in my 530 class.
Starting point is 01:38:26 I said, I don't think anybody's stupid. I just think there's levels of consciousness. And we got a lot of unconscious beings here right now. Yeah, it's and then another thing, I think when you're unconscious and you say something stupid and then you realize you didn't say it, you didn't really feel that way or you didn't mean it. It was just a thought you had. But if someone calls you on it, you feel like you have to defend it. People aren't willing to step away from it.
Starting point is 01:38:53 And the other thing too is as an owner, you'll find people will leave your gym and they'll go to another gym and then they're really satisfied with this new gym. And that's another thing you have to swallow because then they'll go around to other people and go, oh, I so and so now it's so much better we get to do x y z and blah blah blah blah blah and then you're kind of listening to that as the owner and you're just like so i could react to that i could get defensive this is my livelihood this is my business you're bashing it and then trying to get people to go somewhere else yeah or i can handle it with a
Starting point is 01:39:25 i'm awesome you that's awesome you found a gym that works for you yeah yeah and that part's hard because there's so much feeling that you have within that that you're like go fuck yourself do you know what i do right and by the way there's a couple nice people in the comments saying like well you know there's a go fund me from that thing that story that uh i told about the or that seven told about the proper text that was over a year ago guys so i'll still take your money though but you're dealing with stuff like that all the time right and so as an owner it's just like you learn to become less reactive because if you started to react to every one of those things someone in the comments said that they were going to start a go fund me for you
Starting point is 01:40:03 uh yeah i think mike was like there's a as a joke i don't hey okay and i do want to tell you this when when suzu was sharing that story with me he basically also said hey good thing i fucking uh i'm smart with my money and i've been wearing the same underwear for 10 years and the same t-shirts and that i fucking squirrel away my like that i gave you the cliff notes. Like he was, he, it sucked. It's a shitload of money. It's a brand new car. He could have bought for himself. Right.
Starting point is 01:40:28 He drives a, he drives a pile of shit people. And he could have bought a brand new fucking, uh, you know, it's Honda quarter Toyota Camry. Um, but he,
Starting point is 01:40:39 he drives a shit box and he was saving that money. And then someone, the government came along and got it. Yeah. That. And by the way, for those of you, jackasses, I am so fucking sick and tired of people being like why are you greedy why are you paying taxes why aren't you paying taxes why don't you want the rich to pay
Starting point is 01:40:54 taxes those people that is so so short-sighted it has nothing to do with the fact that I don't want rich people to pay taxes. It's that I would rather them spend the money in the fucking ecosystem instead of give it to Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom. Because that's all I'm saying. I just want those – like a rich person that you don't tax like that. So Sousa wasn't going to burn that money. He was going to eventually use that money, like he said, to buy skiers. And what would that do? That would have kept the money in our CrossFit ecosystem.
Starting point is 01:41:29 That would have gone to Concept2. And Concept2 would have probably invested more money in the CrossFit Games. And the CrossFit Games would have then given some scholarships to some people, some kids who can't afford to go to the games. I mean it's so crazy to think, well, you make a billion dollars a year. Why don't you just pay taxes? Because I want it to come straight to fucking the citizens of the world. crazy to think well you make a billion dollars a year why don't you just pay taxes well because i want it to come straight to fucking the citizens of the world no rich people are like hoarding money no so that so that you can't get it and it can't propel propel the world forward when when you
Starting point is 01:41:59 don't tax rich people the gdp grows when you do tax rich people, the GDP doesn't grow. Do you guys understand what I'm saying there? The citizens of this country, when we spend money, the economy grows. When the government spends money, the economy doesn't grow. It doesn't work like that. It's so ass backwards to tax the rich people but not say where the taxes are going. It's so stupid. Hey, if you put an entrepreneur and you tell them to solve a problem
Starting point is 01:42:31 and you give them capital, money to deploy on that problem, they're going to do it really well, and they're probably going to make money off of it. You give that same amount of money to the government, the money's gone and the problem exacerbates. Manny Spiegel, who's more valuable to society joe biden or elon musk yep who's more successful valuable society jeff bezos or kamala harris god that's so fucking well said and hey that's why you want some fucking asshole like trump in there
Starting point is 01:42:57 who's just fucking cutting taxes and just freeing the corporations How is it that the largest company in the world, the trillion dollar fucking empire, Apple, is fucking equidistant between my house and Sousa's house, and yet their fucking manufacturing is in India? Slowly. Slowly. Don't tell Xi Jinping that.
Starting point is 01:43:21 Because we don't make it conducive for them to do it here. Yeah. We tax them too much, and we put up too much regulation and red tape for conducive for them to do it here yeah we tax them too much and we put up too much regulation and red tape for them to be able to do it it's nuts and then by the way that in turn supports directly the you know legal slavery in china so not only does it take away from our economy here in the u.s but it supports evil somewhere else yeah completely unethical behavior this is uh we won't employ 70 or 80 year olds in normal jobs but we let them run the country yeah it's fucking nuts great point i wouldn't let
Starting point is 01:43:58 fucking joe biden watch my kids but yet he can watch the country that's when you know it's smoke and mirrors yeah it's nuts yeah uh cornholio uh um mr donald trump was part of the 49er ticket scandal uh don't forget i won't hey and yeah there is there's gonna be a um you know a good and a bad that you're gonna take with trump he still is going to line the pockets of Wall Street. They're still going to be by the bankers and stuff like that. He took the million dollars from the P company, the 49ers. Right. And so here's the deal, though. Both sides are going to do it. At least somebody invests a little bit back in the economy, right?
Starting point is 01:44:41 I mean, for me, there's just no – I don't think it's the lesser of two evils too i i don't think i i don't i i used to think that hey i'm gonna vote for the lesser of two evils i don't think it's like that i don't think that i i don't think maybe i'm not paranoid enough i don't think like just i don't think like it's it's carte blanche all politicians are bad yeah i think i don't think it's like that i think i think we need a third party and i think people need to understand what liberty is we're too bent on democracy we don't really understand what liberty is that's that's a good point uh daniel um arnson seven what is your go-to blend
Starting point is 01:45:25 of paper street coffee i got it he sent me a 50 50 i don't know if they sell it and then use the code seven thanks for asking uh it's great it's great i love paper street yeah uh you guys have to pull up the recent pictures of dianne Feinstein. I don't want to be rude, but come on. I know. You want me? Isn't someone asking her to step down? Isn't the Democratic Party asking her to step down? Google images are whole shit.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Are you seeing it? Oh, my goodness. That first one that popped up on google here you want me to share it oh my goodness oh my god diane feinstein cast oh my goodness dude look at that this is just 21 hours ago hey and you know it's crazy a lot of my dear close family voted for him. Oh, boy. Gentlemen. Hi. Yo.
Starting point is 01:46:29 What's going on? We can rebuild him. Faster. Stronger. I was working out and I heard I was summoned. We got a bunch of CEO shirts
Starting point is 01:46:39 left over from Waterpalooza. Oh. You guys want to give them away at semi? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course. Are you going to any semifinals?
Starting point is 01:46:47 This is Gabe, by the way, from Paper Street Coffee for people who don't recognize his voice. Yes. Let's absolutely do that. All right. So I don't know how many we have.
Starting point is 01:46:57 Travis will let me know. But those are the ones that we paid for for Waterpalooza. So we'll give him away at the East semis. I'll have a booth at the West Semis. I'm just going to go chill. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Oh, shoot. This thing got jacked up. Sorry. I'm looking at pictures of Dianne Feinstein as I talk to you. Oh, the Grim Reaper. What was that show back in the 90s? Tales from the Crypt? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:24 That's exactly what she looked like right how old is she on game oops sorry fucking 125 i'm assuming that's right yeah that looks like it for sure fine but also go ahead also like you guys said with the whole uh ordering stuff like how apple has like uh i just bought all my new bags from india it's not because i didn't want to use an american company i was talking to an american company and they just like weren't like doing anything i was literally like i think left on red for like two months so it's like yeah there's some companies that like do how do you know that you were left on red how do you know that because i left on read? How do you know that? I assume I kept on emailing.
Starting point is 01:48:07 They're a pretty big company. I kept on emailing and nothing happened. But they're out of Washington, so you know how that works. Is there a 50-50 blend on your right? I do know how that works in Washington. Is there a 50-50 blend for sale on the paper street? Not yet. I'm going to try to do everything uh for the east and the west semis first and then everything will go up on the website so like if you come up
Starting point is 01:48:32 to the booth at the east the only booth that'll be the last paper street coffee event that i'll do by the way for for crossfit uh i think we're like phasing away from being like the athlete centric and kind of just like being more community centric when it comes to the paper, straight coffee. So that'll be the last time I'll have a booth at like any CrossFit event. So when will be the last time? The East semis.
Starting point is 01:48:57 Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think,
Starting point is 01:49:01 I think paper, straight coffee is going to take a little step back from, from, you know, being in from being in the forward-facing athlete side and really focus on growing the community base when it comes to that. Is everything good? Is business good? Oh, business is amazing.
Starting point is 01:49:17 Business is amazing. You made me nervous for a second. No, no, no. You know. You know what's going on. That's exciting. Are you are you taking further announcements uh eventually eventually you know we'll take you know little by little but if you guys come up to the east uh if we are busy um i'll have a few people there just you know use the code seven like say that you're with the, with the, like a seven Easter and we'll, you'll get a free bag of your CEO 50 50 blend and a shirt. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:49:50 All right. Don't get greedy. It's going to be like, you know, eight ounces in there of coffee, but like, you'll get a free 50 50 blend and you'll get a free shirt. And then that's a way to kind of bring people to, uh, to the booth. And I know like a lot of people are like, Hey, where's the meetup? Where's the meetup? If you guys want to come to the booth and i know like a lot of people are like hey where's the meetup where's the meetup if you guys want to come to the booth come hang out and uh and yeah i just had this crazy idea i wonder if this would um i wonder i wonder if this would do you think that um do you think if you got a girl with just like a giant rack. Just huge jugs.
Starting point is 01:50:27 And she had a nice, nice face too. And each bag of paper street coffee, and you made a video that each bag of paper street coffee you took and you, and she held them to her chest, like her bare bosom. And then, and then it went,
Starting point is 01:50:42 do you think that you would sell more? Okay. Heidi just says, yes, seven. I think that I would. you think that you would sell more look at Heidi just says yes I think that I would I think that I would but maybe I'll do that this bag of coffee rested on Allison NYC's chest
Starting point is 01:50:56 for 8 seconds each bag rested on Allison's crazy boobs if you want me to do that with the 50-50 blend, I'll send her a bunch of bags. That's okay. We can do that. And it's like an E.
Starting point is 01:51:11 So that means the most bags that could be made if it took like six seconds. They had to rest on her boobs for six seconds and then there was a four second transfer from one bag to the next. Most bags you could make in a minute would be like ten bags. Or six bags. Oh, I could sell them. Look it. or six bags oh i could sell them look at there she is i could sell them on only fans after it's nothing even they just they just they just or or like cameron you know the guy with the
Starting point is 01:51:35 giant cock who's the buff guy in the what if like he just cock swabbed every uh bag of coffee those all sound like amazing ideas. What if you wanted the bag that rested on Allison's boobs, but that stock got mixed with the bags that got cock-swabbed? You get your bag and you're like, God, Allison's boobs smell like dick. It's like those games boxes. It's like
Starting point is 01:52:02 a mystery box. You don't know whether you're going to get boob bags or cock bags. It's like a mystery box. You don't know whether you're going to get like boob bags or cockpacks, whatever, whatever, whatever you get, you get, I mean,
Starting point is 01:52:09 it would just be crazy to hold a bag of coffee. Oh, wow. Jake Chapman even named the Cameron bag. It's called the hog roast. Wow. There we go. Boob blend.
Starting point is 01:52:22 Boob. Wow. I'm getting all these ideas for free. I appreciate it. Oh, my goodness. I just, I seriously, there's got to be something there. Each, there's got to be something there. Well, let's do it with the next investment.
Starting point is 01:52:39 The next endeavor will do it. What if you just, what if you like put some ink on her nipple and she just stamped each bag? Like a nip stamp? Yeah, like a nip stamp. Yeah. An authentic nip stamp. And that's how you know that her boob, her bare flesh touched outside
Starting point is 01:52:58 of that bag. And you're only one degree of separation from the bag. Like the bag of the vehicle the pass through there yeah yeah you may not ever you will never get to touch Allison's boobs but
Starting point is 01:53:13 there we go you will get to touch a bag that touched her boobs let's be brainstorming on an idea as long as Allison's in oh and Vindicate just named Allison's coffee Nipple Nectar. Judy says Cock Coffee. So that's a little strong.
Starting point is 01:53:34 That's the dark blend. Judy got the name for the next endeavor. That was going to be what we were working on, right? Cock Coffee? Cock Coffee. Gosh, she figured us out. a brand isn't there a bean i remember uh uh fraser and bridges tell me about a bean that you actually let an animal eat the bean the animal shits the bean out and then you clean it and then you and then it's a i forgot the name uh coup something coup yeah some shit
Starting point is 01:54:05 like that uh it's it's it's yeah no you don't want you don't want that um it doesn't taste as good as people make it seem it's just you know limited quantity people being fucking stupid out in like the like pacific islands it's not it's not good it's expensive but it's not good. Monkey shit coffee. Oh, dude, you guys don't know. I just got approved for my first location in New Jersey. Holy shit. Yeah, yeah. So I appreciate everything you guys have done. I appreciate the chat.
Starting point is 01:54:36 I appreciate all the support. Now we're just going to have an in-person thing. Kind of another reason why we're taking a step back from being like... Do you actually have a location? Have you rented a location? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We got approved what? Two days ago. Wow. Congratulations. Congrats. Yeah. Neighborhood. Good neighborhood. Uh, very, very good neighborhood. It's like two towns away from Alpine, New Jersey,
Starting point is 01:54:58 which is like that town is very, very wealthy. The community I think we're at is, is really, really good. It's like a small community, but it's like five minutes away from where my fiance grew up. Swanky blend. Hey, Christine said she would buy the boob coffee, not the hog coffee.
Starting point is 01:55:21 All right. One customer. There you go. We'll see. We'll put it up on the website. If it goes well, every ounce of proceeds will go back to the podcast. I love it. Always my favorite when money comes back to the podcast.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Hey, did you have to pay any mobsters off? I know Jersey's shady as fuck. Did you have to do any... I don't think that's where i think i think uh i think you have the uh the world reversed here you assume that i have to pay someone it's not that people have to pay me i like that okay okay i understand okay so the coffee shop might be a front for a extortion operation. Let's go ahead and make sure we edit that out. We edit that out for when it's when it's up live. Make sure it's completely edited out.
Starting point is 01:56:14 All right. Well, congratulations. I'm excited. I can't wait to visit the Paper Street Coffee's first location. I'll drive there with my sons across the country when I head over to Taylor Self's wedding. I won't hold my breath. I'm pretty sure you won't come to New Jersey anytime soon. I am going to. Gabe's a realist. All right, gentlemen.
Starting point is 01:56:34 I appreciate everything. Please, if you guys come out to the east, show up. If I'm not there, Paulina will be there. She'll be working the booth. Just stay here with the chat and shirts and coffee. Paulina will be there the Texas girl Yeah she's a paper sheet employee Oh that's awesome alright good
Starting point is 01:56:50 That's awesome I appreciate you guys I'm going to go back to working out Okay cool talk to you later bye So there's no 50-50 blend yet It's exclusive for you There's no titty coffee yet I'm unfollowing the meme i'm unfollowing the meme for time guy because he thought i was a dude who's the meme for time guy which one's that
Starting point is 01:57:14 what what he's the one um he's the one that got into in front of the camera and like did like the jumping around and it was like a bit but like nobody knew it was a bit except for him and i oh oh yes yes yes he did a comment about his haircut and then he made that whole reel about his haircut good dude how the hell did he make that mistake i'd also like to know that yeah we kind of need some details because if you look at your icon no one's mistaken that was it when you slapped him uh in the face with your penis was that uh what uh ken walter said he couldn't even make it up the street to suze's wedding i'm betting no way he gets two thumbs you said it, Ken. Daniel Garrity, is it frowned upon to call into the Sevan podcast during the class warm-up?
Starting point is 01:58:12 Yeah. Gabe should be fired from wherever the fuck he works out for that. Another great question. We got a Benjamin McLellan. When are the CEO cups coming back? That's a great question. these are an awesome cup though yeah I want the big version like this
Starting point is 01:58:32 oh yeah I don't drink out of yetis it does the job too well yeah too hot right yeah like I'm like a room temp guy Mr. Brian Friend one of you looks really good this morning. You think that's really Brian? That's for sure. Brian. And I think he's talking about you. Um, uh, I, someone asked me if I wash my hair. I listen. I, I, I do not know. I don't,
Starting point is 01:59:03 Listen, I do not know. I don't. I don't. Oh, look at that. Just stays in one spot. I don't I don't ever wash my hair. I don't wash my hair. How long is it?
Starting point is 01:59:16 If you bring it in front, does it like chill down here? I don't think so. Hmm. I look like a muppet yeah i haven't washed my hair since 1945 yeah exactly i know i know my mom asked me to wash my hair recently like a month ago she goes could you wash your hair i was like sure and i thought i was gonna do it but there's just no way if i wash my hair it will hair, it will go like that. Like throw up? Dude, it'll be crazy.
Starting point is 01:59:49 It'll be like a pompadour. It'll be just nuts. Kind of like that. Yeah. Yeah, I have a huge scar on the side of my head. You know what's funny is you just recently told that story, and I bet you Audrey's referring to the Glassman interview from 07. Yeah. Your hair's so short you Glassman interview from 07. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:05 Your hair's so short you could see the scar. Oh, yeah. I have a huge – You know what's funny is I don't see it. I don't know what side it's on. Do you see it now? No, no. I've never seen it before.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Then when you told that story, I was like, whoa, that's crazy. Then I saw that interview. I'm sorry. Say that again. I said I never knew you had a scar and then you told that story and I was like, whoa, that's crazy. And then I saw that interview. I'm sorry, say that again. I said, I never knew you had a scar. And then you told that story. And I was like, whoa, that's crazy. And then literally in that old interview, I saw it. I was like, oh, shit, that's
Starting point is 02:00:31 the scar. You wash it with water, right? Yeah. I run the shower through it and I just run my fingers through it and I do all that. But like I went swimming in the ocean here a handful of times since I've been here, too. See Jeremy film it.
Starting point is 02:00:49 All right. Sousa, how does Seve smell in person? Perfectly fine. You don't smell at all. Yeah, I don't think I really have a smell. Sometimes I feel. No. I've never smelled it.
Starting point is 02:01:03 I've never smelled you. You have a good question though thanks for bringing that up yeah just so you get the sweat off your head i don't uh i don't uh i i uh yeah i said he uses splooge in his hair. I mean, I try not to, but anything's possible. Okay. Do we have a guest tomorrow?
Starting point is 02:01:32 No. It's Mother's Day. Okay. You and I are going to be kicking it. Is Hitler there right now still? He is, but he's not here. Oh. You know he's going to come live with me for a little bit, huh?
Starting point is 02:01:46 When? The end of this month. No, that's what we were talking about. I think he's going to come live with me. We'll see. All right. We'll see who he chooses. Have him run some guys.
Starting point is 02:01:58 Why would you go to Livermore when you could go to Santa Cruz? Because there isn't a gym. He's got a gym. He's got a gym. He's got this. He could make videos here when I'm not here. Fair. That's all I got. My mom would never come on.
Starting point is 02:02:17 I've asked my mom to come on. She's not coming on. I guess I could call her. I could surprise her. And by the way, he's got all of that, but all you could have said is, yeah, but the the beach is here and then everything else just gets crushed yeah the beach is here hey is greg gonna call and talk i was trying to get greg i asked greg to come on um today and by the time he got back to me i had already gotten a trish on and then i asked him if
Starting point is 02:02:42 he could come on tomorrow and it sounds like he's having a mother's day party at his house but so we'll see i'll keep trying i'll bug him but yeah allison asked hayley about hair what she does with her hair too i don't think she puts soap in her hair but my hair doesn't feel um my hair doesn't smell like anything or it doesn't feel uh like any like there's no there's nothing – like there's no – there's nothing in it. There's no – like when I rub my hands through my hair, there's no – like it just feels thick. I can't explain it. It's not – there's no – yeah, there's none of this on there. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:24 Yes. No. No. Yeah. Nice. Well done. yes no yeah nice well done Dave is coming on soon by the way I did actually speak to him yesterday it sounds like Sousa is coming down to my house sometime in the near future we're going to rework
Starting point is 02:03:40 the whole studio give it that final touch so I can start having people inside the studio. And I think the first one will be Dave again. Okay. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Trish. We'll see you guys tomorrow morning for Mother's Day. Bye-bye.

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