The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | The Morning Show #994

Episode Date: August 25, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Ooh, ooh, ooh. Uh, bam, we're live. Ooh, this looks, uh, this doesn't look good. That is a tough, uh, connection. Am I stuttering, guys? Something does not seem right. Uh, how jacked is my connection?
Starting point is 00:01:19 Can you guys hear me okay? Am I coming in clear? Good morning, Mad Marv. Sup? Sup, Kenneth? Eric Weiss, Coach Ken, Paulina. Hi, Paulina. What's up, girl? Jessica Valenzuela. hear me okay am i coming in clear good morning mad marv sup sup kenneth eric weiss coach ken paulina hi paulina what's up girl disco valenzuela good morning friends fanny spiegel rambler okay my connection looks good now it's weird my um computer switched wi-Fi networks Alex Peters, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:01:47 What's up, dude? Or what's up, girl? What's up, dude? Kevin Smith, good morning Omar Dane Dane Gleebles Dane Gleebles
Starting point is 00:01:57 Dane Gleeballs Dane Gleeballs Dane Gleeballs Yeah Finally God, have you been just waiting for me to read that name? That's good Dangly Balls. Dangly Balls. Yeah. Finally. God, have you been just waiting for me to read that name? That's good. That's good.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Haley Brandon. Good morning. Mr. David. Good morning. Marissa. Hinojosa. Hinojosa. Hinojosa. George from the United States Marine Corps, Jacqueline Robinson, Robertson, Robertson.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Dang. Oh, Mary. Crazy. I was thinking about you this morning. I was standing when I was thinking about you, I was vertical. Hey, man, how at the first I'm like, man, I forgot my toe spacers at home. That sucks. And then I started thinking, what's the deal with what's the deal with the different levels of toe spacers? What's the deal? I'm telling you, competitive toe spacing. Here's the deal. By the way, it looks like Pedro is joining us on Friday's CrossFit Games update show. I'm excited about that. That means he has to stay up to like Pedro's joining us on Friday's CrossFit Games update show.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I'm excited about that. That means he has to set his alarm at 2.30 a.m. because we all know Pedro lives in Ireland at the bottom of the rainbow. But what about – Pedro said that it's difficult to get the toe spacers on because his toes are so jacked. So I'm guessing his shit's like LeBron's foot. Have you ever seen pictures of that where the toes are all smashed and mangled together? So he says even getting the toe spacers on is like crazy. But dude, I'm telling you, Miss Toe Spacer, Mary, Masur, I really, I need the I'm vaxxed toe spacer.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Like, you know what I mean? Like, it comes in yellow, and it's got like a needle, like a guy, like a needle with two thumbs up. So I can let everyone know that I'm vaxxed. And then the colored, just the colored toe spacer. I'm about to say that, colored toe spacer. It's not fair that there's only black ones. It's not fair that there's only black ones. It's not fair. I'm saying this all as a joke because I like being trying to be funny, but, but I'm, but I'm dead serious. No, no clink, no clink, no clink. I don't know if I can tell you why, but there's no clink.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Let's just, hey, Laura wouldn't let him come on. Let's just say that. There, fine. No clink. Laura called him and said, nope, he can't come on the show. Now, no matter how many times I tell you that that's not true, that will spread across the internet like a slow burning fire. Phillip, what are you on? Are you on a plane right now? Are you headed south? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Rambler knows stuff. Really? Is it over on his IG? Let me see. Graham. Adam Clink. How about vivek last night just kicking the shit out of people oh my god it was funny when chris christy called him a chat gpt sounding like obama but then he just torched christy back by saying, that's why you hugged Obama up here on stage. Okay. Oh.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Adam Clink, let's see what's going on. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. He got... Oh, no. Mr. Clink. Oh, no. I hate a post that starts like this. Adam Clink, life isn't defined by the finish. The fuck it ain't. Adam Clink, life isn't defined by the finish the fuck it ain't
Starting point is 00:05:47 adam clink life isn't defined by the finish line that not adam adam whole reason why you're famous is because what you did at the finish line it's about the people we find along the way oh jesus laura horvat how is this guy how is this guy in your corner let me pull uh i don't know what i did to be surrounded by this group of people no questions asked kind of people the team before self kind of people that i'm not leaving your side at the hospital kind of people i've learned how easy it is for even strangers to stand by our side when excitement and success surrounds us, but it's true friends who stay next to us in our struggles.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Grateful. Love you guys. Oh shit. What the F that is some cryptic shit. You should run for office. What the hell is going on with Mr. Clint? Mary knows something.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Mary Mansour. Oh, when I had Rabdo, my CK levels were at 21,000. What the fuck is going on? Do you guys hear my text messages going off? Is that loud? Let's see what's... I don't understand. What's going on with Adam Klink?
Starting point is 00:07:18 What is going on? We live to fight another day, another epic race, but unfortunately it didn't go as planned. I gave it everything I had, but my body had other plans. I'm back and recovering now. Thank you to everyone for all the support messages. I'll get back to you soon.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Just so you guys know, Adam was running, I think, or it appears here to be more accurate, walking 100 miles. And it sounds like something happened. Adam made it through Twin Lakes over Hope Pass and is headed to the Winfield Turnaround.
Starting point is 00:07:55 His second Hope Pass summit is coming up. Then he'll head back to the crew at Twin Lakes to pick up a pacer for the night shift. Clink is feeling good, keeping a solid pace, keeping food down. He's about seven miles out from the halfway point. Okay, so something happened. Oh, did I have this guy on the podcast, Zach Bitter? I think I did.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Right? That was a long time ago. you guys ever um you guys you guys know on instagram uh there's there's three boxes have you seen that there's the um general box then there's like your friend's box there's two boxes primary and general i don't even know if the and i don't even know. There's two boxes, primary and general. I don't even know. And I don't even know why there's two, but, and then there's another box that's called requests.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And I always forget about that box. And I went in there yesterday. Holy shit. I spent from, um, nine, nine Oh five, nine 15. What time? yesterday holy shit i spent i from um about 9 905 9 15 what time whenever i got off the podcast last night i laid sat up in bed and tried to answer to try to accept all those requests the way instagram is set up now is such a mess. It's horrible for my business, my podcasting business.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Because if I send someone a DM, I can't send them a second DM until they accept that first one. So you can't invite someone to the podcast and they not see it. And then you'd be like, hey, I want to bump this to the top. Because people don't see shit. My notifications are as loud as greg's really what the fuck is going on here maybe i'll just lower it how about okay how's that i think it's because it's on my computer and normally i have that shit turned down
Starting point is 00:10:00 okay down okay that won't happen again thank you how's that was that better someone just text me alex peters uh dear adam clink david goggins would have pushed through geez those those were gregs on the other show for some reason my computer was on full blast oh that's because last night after the show me and Hiller and Caleb sat around and talked shit for 30 minutes Trump knows to debate Vivek
Starting point is 00:10:46 only gives Vivek a platform Vivek won't get enough notice from electorate as long as Trump acts like he's not there smart but disappointing as an outsider man Vivek just fucking dudes up last night do you think those guys are scared like when they go on the stage?
Starting point is 00:11:06 Do you think that they just know that like... Boy, Nikki Haley just sounded like a dope. Nikki Haley sounded like... They all kind of sound like dopes because they don't say anything. Unfortunately, DeSantos and Vivek are the only ones who say anything. And by that, I mean, let me say something. They actually tell you what their policies are. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:34 So like they tell you what they're going to do. Like he's like Vivek yesterday is basically like. Climate change is the wet blanket on the economy. It's a complete hoax. And so you know where he stands. And then Nikki Haley is like, we need to make sure we – she won't answer the question whether it's a hoax or not or whether there's any true science behind it. And so she's like, we need to make sure there's clean water. Okay, but the question is, is climate change real?
Starting point is 00:12:05 Should it be affecting our economy and our lifestyle? Should we be making choices based on the fact that we're concerned that we're going to cook ourselves on the planet? He's voted in two elections. What does that have to do with anything? How does that fall into your judgment at all? I don't get how that's a factor at all. Coach Ken, why not give moderators a mute button? I like the back and forth. I thought it was good.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I thought it was good. Even when she yelled, even when she yelled Vivek down, I was okay with it. I was like, she's she's passionate i'm i'm cool with it but man she's a doorknob the thing is is they talk down to the american people everything's just vague and then when she and then she said something woke she she she drew his distinction between men as leaders and women as leaders. And right then, she's completely lost me because you couldn't say it the other way.
Starting point is 00:13:10 What did she say? She said the difference between men and women is men talk about action, women take action. I'm paraphrasing. The difference between men and women is, Nikki, you take cock and I give cock. I mean, what if he would have said that? That would have been the only truth. That would have been more true than what she said. But for some reason, and the crowd cheered for that.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I think that there's a lot of woke people on the right, too. Savvy, what's woke mean? Meaning someone, there's a lot of different aspects of it you know it's a diamond it's got a bunch of sides but one of the things is is that people just make up what they want to hear right like hitler's like i want organic farms that was like one of his huge things right and everyone's like yeah they don't ask how he's going to be. I'm going to build the world. I'm going to build the world's largest organic farm. And fucking everyone on the left is cheering.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah. And the next thing you know, but first he's got to kill everyone in the Ukraine because that's where he's going to make his farm. But they don't care. They just make shit up in their head. People on the right are like that too. Just trapped in their head, hearing what they want to hear. I couldn't listen to the entire thing.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I couldn't find it anywhere. I searched on my phone for 20 fucking minutes. So I eventually just started watching it in clips. And anywhere I went that I could watch the whole thing, there was some jackass at the bottom. It was never like on Fox or on CNN or something. It was always somewhere like some dude's account where he's like chiming in like a ding-dong. Yeah. They all teamed up on him when he said that uh they were all bought i heard that too
Starting point is 00:15:07 but they but it's true it's it is true they they all have taken money yeah he put it he put it vivek was great uh sean sullivan uh desantis is the only one who actually put his policies into action. The state of Florida is the best-run state in the country. I mean, he does have that for him, the fact that he can point to places where he's put his shit in action. I'm telling you, those two are the only two where you can walk away and be like, he said this, Vivek and DeSantis. The others are just dancing. I want clean water. What's that mean?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Who doesn't want clean water? It's just empty bullshit. Oh, wow. Really? Vivek on Sean Ryan's show is pretty impressive. I don't think anyone can hang with the guy in long format medium. Yeah, he's amazing. I mean, he torched Bill Maher
Starting point is 00:16:06 it's almost like it's almost like you didn't do oh did you see him on the breakfast club that show that show that's the show out of LA with the guy named Charlemagne that show should be taken out into a field and just
Starting point is 00:16:24 let it live out its last few days until, and that is a pathetic show. Talk about something that's rots the intellect of humanity. Holy shit. Every time I see a clip from that show, I'm like, what's going on over there? Who listens to that? That is, that's the dummy hour. It is so bad. There, there not it's not funny it's not entertaining it's not um intellectually provocative it's disappointing well presenting extremist views on sexuality socio-political culture, economics as progressive and virtuous. Yeah, it's not specific
Starting point is 00:17:08 enough for me. I don't think pedophilia is extremist sex. I think it's worse than that. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I think it's worse than that I think woke is
Starting point is 00:17:30 I think you can really pin it down to some cycle I mean we all have pieces of woke in us there's some huge illogical there's some characteristic that manifests from being completely illogical like trying to put pedophilia in the sex category like trying to say make the connection that two plus two is four is racist because there's only one answer like there's there's just a huge misstep somewhere where it just leaves the the landscape of logic that that needs to be in the definition when you're insisting on something inside of your head is true i'm taking two weeks off the calendar and then all of a sudden you think let's say let's say
Starting point is 00:18:30 we got rid of august all the woke people would think that they're going to die a month sooner because they lost a month because it was taken off the calendar like they're just so confused i'm voting if i vote at all vote for Vivek all day, every day. I saw – you know what's crazy is I saw – this is really going to piss some of you off, and I apologize. I really don't want to piss some of you off, but I saw this post the other day. Someone sent it to me. It's a screenshot. It's from Reddit, and it says something like, really cool to see tyson beijing on a show too bad it's on a show where the guy has more conspiracy theories than blah blah blah and i'm thinking to myself i don't have one conspiracy theory i don't think the earth is flat i don't think 9-11 was an inside job i don't think hawaii was a laser beam i don't i don't um i don't believe in like any illumin I don't I don't believe in like any Illuminati or any I don't believe it like.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I don't believe in any of that shit. I'm like, wow, this is a. I'm happy to think about those things. I'm not afraid to think about those things, but I don't think any of those things are true. I don't even know what to think about Epstein's Island. I don't even – I didn't even see that movie Covenant when I hear that there's 2 million kids being sex trafficked in the United States I call complete bullshit on that it's fucking how is that possible
Starting point is 00:20:12 that means 1 out of every 150 people walking around is a sex trafficked person there's no fucking way but I'm open to talk about it and think about it but to call me a conspiracy theorist by nature that's fucking nuts I don't think
Starting point is 00:20:35 I'm way more along the line of just there's conspiring interests but not even like whenever I hear about this whole BlackRock thing and Vanguard, it's. It's our money that's in there. It's our money that's in there. It's all of us who have our 401ks in those companies. I mean, we're as guilty as anybody.
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's all of us who have our 401ks in those companies. I mean, we're as guilty as anybody. They could be pointing, well, they want us to do that because they keep our money with us. Aliens, no, I don't believe in aliens either. No. I mean, like way out there. Way out there. Way, way, way, way, way, way, way out there. Way out there. Way, way, way, way, way, way, way out there.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I don't think I'm a conspiracy theorist. I think I lack the arrogance to think I know some things, everything, and I have the freedom in my brain to think about a lot of shit that probably scares other people. Jake Chapman. Woke is the fraudulent claim of the stupid and desperate to an understanding of matters outside of their capacity to impress their kin. Yeah, that's kind of like a, yeah. That's not a definition, but it's an observation of a characteristic, right? Yeah. That's not a definition, but that's an observation of a characteristic, right?
Starting point is 00:22:11 Definition of a man isn't that he's hairy, but that is one of his characteristics. Chester, I don't think you name your kid Chester. I don't think you do that. I don't support that. You talk to your parents. Have your parents callester. I don't think you do that. I'm not. I don't support that. Let me talk to your parents. Have your parents call in. I want to talk to them.
Starting point is 00:22:31 It's a nice name. It's a very nice name. I just don't think you name your kid that, Chester. Does it really matter who the GOP candidate is? We can't have four more years of what's going on now. I don't want to agree with you, but I don't know how to disagree with that. So I'm just going to stick with attacking your name. Yeah. You can't have four more years of what's going on.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Uh, Vivek is, uh, uh, CEO collab. I've been bugging him. I've been trying to bug him anyway. I know how someone sent me,
Starting point is 00:23:19 someone sent me a DM and they said, Hey, this lady took third place at the CrossFit games. Like, Oh, cool. And then they're like, and they said, hey, this lady took third place at the CrossFit Games. Like, oh, cool. And then they're like, and her brother or husband or something in her life that has a penis
Starting point is 00:23:33 is one of Vivek's campaign managers or something. So I sent her a DM. Hey, what's up? Congratulations on your victory at the games I think that's okay to do that cozy up to her to get to
Starting point is 00:23:54 brother or brother-in-law or father-in-law or some shit Vivek will fold at the first sign of resistance from the deep state dude sounds like he'll negotiate the rights to half the bed with his wife's lover holy shit wow wow wow wow uh vittorio vivek's typical politician he'll be beaten up by the swamp like everyone else relying on the government. It's your first mistake.
Starting point is 00:24:28 It's in local government where you make changes. All right. I can go with that second part. I don't think that first part is. I think that's premature. Krista Podham. Probably same gene pool as Vivek with that last name they probably think your thoughts on vaccines are a conspiracy because they can't accept facts well they're fucking crazy then they're crazy hey if you want to be like here here's where you would have to
Starting point is 00:24:59 like prove me wrong on all that you'd have to be like uh there's a typo on the cdc website that got replicated 800 times on the fda website on this website on it and i would be like oh okay i mean you you can go straight to the los angeles times and be and look at there was i don't know it was a few years ago there was a measles outbreak in disneyland and half the kids who got the measles were vaccinated so i started that's in the most liberal lying mag ever remember the la times is the one that called larry elder a white man in blackface they called a black dude that now i don't care that they called him that i think it's funny but they they're supposed to be defending people of um with melanated skin like to the end of the world,
Starting point is 00:25:46 and then they just attack one because he doesn't toe the line? In the worst possible way ever, by taking away his blackness? Dude, crazy. That paper, you can go in there and look, and half the people who got the measles at Disneyland were vaccinated. So then you start digging further, and you start looking for interviews of doctors when they ask, well, how did those kids get the measles if they were vaccinated? And the only doctor that gave an answer was, oh, maybe they got a bad batch of the vaccine. It was like on some local news station.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Maybe. I'm like, what? Bad batch of the vaccine. It was like on some local news station. Maybe. I'm like what? You can look up right now. You can Google.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Leading cause of polio 2023. You know what it is? It's the fucking vaccine. It's just. There is no conspiracy. There's just there's no conspiracy there's just been done a tiny tiny bit of research my audio is fucked up it sounds like when I talk loud I can't tell if it's these headphones but like my shit's breaking up
Starting point is 00:26:59 I don't like it what should I do lower my mic is it too loud aliens were a possibility until the I don't like it. What should I do? Lower my mic? Is it too loud? Aliens were a possibility until the government confirmed them. Oh, yeah. Wow, that's a great line. Yeah. So, I don't know um dick butter no aliens how do you explain the really heavy rocks stacked the way they are i i don't but i'm just not going to go to aliens i don't know what rocks are talking about but yeah uh there's a similar vein in those uh that believe uh so hard in conspiracy and those
Starting point is 00:27:45 that believe so hard in the narrative yeah totally well said logan it feels like a lack of nuance and curiosity i went deep into the moon landing yeah a hundred percent hey dude it's the guy it's the the transgender thing is the there's it's on both sides you have the fake tits the fake ass the fake uh eyelashes the fake nose the you're on just whatever all the shit you're going down that's no different and you're let's say you're a um a woman who's doing that just pursuing beauty with all outside resources right doing all sorts of crazy surgeries tattoos just all that shit. That is the exact same thing as men turning themselves into women. What do they call that? Transhumanism. All that shit's the same. This one probably pisses a lot of you off too, but the God and the gender thing. Those live in the exact same place in the brain. brain a spot of like where you're confused about what's real and what's not real it's just uh oh thank you my wife just said you're having a great hair day you know what it is i saw um
Starting point is 00:28:55 i'm not i i see that in my own head by the way when i sit i see that i'm not like making that up like I read that out of some sort of fucking book I see the relationship between those thoughts a huge part of me wants to believe in God but in that same logic in my brain I say it's the same compartment it's clearly not a compartment I don't know. I say it's the same compartment. It's clearly not a compartment.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I don't know how to describe it, but those believing, I can see where all beliefs sit. And they want to be, they want to get out of that belief and become like a no, they do. I'm not immune to that and at some point at some point
Starting point is 00:29:54 you have to be completely honest with yourself if you want if you want to be free and you have to recognize that there is nothing true that you can know for sure. And the way you kind of start to wrap your head around that is you start to, that line that Greg Glassman says, it's just you have to realize that you're just doing things that offer the greatest predictive value. You take one step in front of the next because you believe the concrete is going to be there.
Starting point is 00:30:29 But you don't know for sure. And you take your things that offer your greatest predictive value and you start putting them on autopilot, on programs around you so that you can do other things. You trust that you're going to speak. You trust that with each step you take, your legs are going to hold you up, that you're going to walk forward. But you can do other things. You trust that you're going to speak. You trust that with each step you take. Your legs are going to hold you up. That you're going to walk forward.
Starting point is 00:30:47 But you can't know shit. You can't know. You have to also have a distinction. Between know and believe. And for people that's fucking scary shit. For some people that's just. I mean. Ray Candy. on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Good morning, Sebi. Loving the midnight starts way better than the old 1 a.m. starts. What country are you in? Chris Crash asking the hard questions but does vivek's wife uh and lover uh have a uh eight sleep eight sleep eight sleep i think it's called eight sleep you guys liked Alex Best yesterday. That was cool. I liked her too.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I thought the show was squirrely. I really liked her. But I was concerned about the show afterwards. I was like, wow, was that just a mess? Like, were we just throwing tomatoes at a wall? But I guess it worked. I got so much great feedback on it. but I guess it worked I got so much great feedback on it Mad Marv, Vivek is at least enough
Starting point is 00:32:10 to confront the falsehood of global warming that was a good moment in the debate I hope you're right dude I'm so impressed by him. Oh, turntable. I meant to have a talk with you. Need to have a talk with you, buddy. Bruce Wayne, I'll take fake tits over fake ass anyway yep me too i totally agree i totally agree i don't know why and there's no logic in that but i totally agree
Starting point is 00:32:57 i saw the craziest fake tits yesterday. The craziest. This lady was sitting at one of these million-dollar mansions on the beach. She was on her patio that sits right on the beach, and she was with two other ladies, and all three of them clearly have drinking problems. You know what I mean? Just their skin's fucked up, and they're all like 50 or 60, and two of them are overweight.
Starting point is 00:33:27 And one of them is so fucking skinny. And she's in a bathing suit. And she's old, like my age or older. But it looks like she's been through the ringer, like a former meth addict. She got the skinniest fucking nose. Like, you know what I'm talking about? It's just, oh my God. And her tits were so big and taut. They were so big and taut. And I just stared. Everyone who walked by must have stared. I swear to God, I wish I could, I wonder if I
Starting point is 00:34:01 could bring, find a picture, but you guys know what I'm talking about, right? They weren't even boobs. It was nuts. It was nuts. And I walked by one way, and then I walked by the other way, and I looked both times. And Bruce, as much as I found them utterly disgusting, I also found them just absolutely wanted to go over and ask her if i could touch them or put my face in them at the same time because i don't i don't i don't get it turntable why can't um i'm not saying that people should be bullied but why can't why can't the audience here hold people accountable for saying dumb shit
Starting point is 00:34:45 like there's people who listen to this show every single fucking morning we hang out here talk about a ton of different shit and so if you're over there saying that like i'm like i'm like so let's say let's say let's say there's someone out there who's saying that i'm racist or fat phobic or transphobic or i don't know um hating on fake tits or says that i believe 9-11 was uh inside job and and you hang out here every day and you know that that's not true and someone or someone's spreading talking shit about the place that you hang out i totally understand why someone would be defensive i don't um uh for the longest time i didn't want anyone to know i voted for trump i was like scared oh no what if they find out what if they find out and that and that and that but so
Starting point is 00:35:38 i don't know if you're making the connection but if you're gonna say if let's say let's say i let's say I started talking about your hometown and everyone who lives there is racist and your mayor's racist. And it's just the furthest thing from the truth. You would want to speak up and defend your hometown. Be like, dude, I live here. There's no way. What are you talking about? There's no racism here. Our mayor's black. Our chief of police is a Jew. The guy who owns the local laundromat is white. No, no, sorry, Asian. Let's fuck that up.
Starting point is 00:36:14 The guy who owns the liquor store that sells the best liquor is... How are you doing, my friend? Very good. Thank you very much. Do not touch the elephant, God, please. Is a Hindu. And we got a white crack seller. Guy who sells crack is white.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I think it's... Listen, if you're going to throw rocks at the podcast, I'm not suggesting that people go over and bully them. I'm not inciting violence. But, dude, I think it's perfectly OK. This is like people's home. This is like fun for people. It's just like I talk shit about Disneyland. I say it's a place where fat people just go and eat sugar. And like if you love Disneyland and I'm all up, I'm all for you being like, dude, that's fucked up. That's not true. for you being like, dude, that's fucked up. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:37:08 What's patently false? Tell me. I'm open. Do I have a relaxer in it? You shut your face. Relaxer. Relaxer? I hardly know her. Oh, shit. Houston? Hey, what. Hey,
Starting point is 00:37:25 what's up dude? Good morning. How you doing today? I'm fine. I didn't think I had a show today. I was like, Oh my note. I was looking at my notes and they were boring me and not on a fucking roll.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Nice. You're doing well. What about this guy? Dick nasty. He asked me if I have relaxer in my hair. No, I don't even, I don't do anything to my hair.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It's water. I think he's just a half a cup of Vaseline every morning, isn't it? Half a cup of what? Vaseline. Vaseline. Vaseline. Vaseline. What's the other word for it?
Starting point is 00:37:57 Petroleum jelly? Petroleum jelly. Petroleum jelly. I had a crazy conversation with a friend of mine. He does not believe that Helen Keller existed. I've heard that too. I heard that she's not really blind. I mean, you can find it all, right?
Starting point is 00:38:19 And then after talking to him for a while, it's almost as simple as if someone doesn't understand anything outside of sight and audio, then if they can't imagine it, it never happened. And most of these people, it's funny. It's like everything,
Starting point is 00:38:37 their personality almost hinges on a TikTok. The, the, the transfer me, if you couldn't see, you you know do you know anyone who's lost their hearing like any old people who've lost their hearing yeah it's crazy what it does to them right like if the other senses well also like the people i know the ones that don't address it it's like completely ruin them that they they go in that direction of what i describe as woke so hard they start making up everything their brain starts filling in all
Starting point is 00:39:11 the gaps instead of being like oh shit i can't hear like they'll do this when they start losing their hearing they'll be like why are you mumbling and maybe for a couple years they'll claim that everyone mumbles around them it's like the aged woman with the 44 e breath that you're talking about i don't know how you made that leap but i like it i would love to talk about well they don't they don't accept their their beauty is fading and so they hold on to it through the lens of yeah the size of the bra the size of the bra the size of the and firmness and firmness firmness and cc's cc's and firmness and firmness. Firmness and CCs. CCs and firmness. Yeah, being blind and deaf would be crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:52 It's a completely different reality for you at that point that none of us can understand. Is it the same conversation, how to have a conversation with someone who doesn't believe in anything and someone that only believes in the narrative and doesn't believe in anything i shouldn't say i should say is true because they just have like the complete opposite narrative but like some of these get out of whether it's woke or super conspiracy like i don't know how you can convince someone who doesn't believe in any authority or any anything i don't even i don't even know how to contextualize the woke thing is like i feel like it's been
Starting point is 00:40:35 through the ringer we can understand it and this almost just feels like a crazy echo the people that don't believe in the lizards and the whole earth. And I'm really not trying to disparage these people because I, it's, it's crazy. I don't want to alienate it. I don't want to alienate anybody even just talking about it, but it's just, I don't know how you, let me ask you this real quick. Did you see the show with the flat earther guy on it? No, I, I can't, I should, I should.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Okay. So, so, so when so when you when you when you listen to that show the whole time the way i listen to it is is what could he say that i could test myself right how could i how could i validate him how can i validate him how can i see i want to see the world the way he sees it how can i see it that way and so at the end of the day the only one that really stuck to me is i can't remember and so at the end of the day the only one that really stuck to me is i can't remember if it's the north or the south pole but one of those poles on the other like if you go there supposedly it's like game of thrones the way i understood what he's saying on the other side or the other continents right and so they've made it so you can't cross
Starting point is 00:41:39 over right so i'm thinking to myself well shit i guess I gotta go over there and like rent a plane and fly over there and see what's going on if I like to prove or disprove them right whereas other people they don't even get like they don't they don't give they just wanna fucking be
Starting point is 00:42:00 right it's like the vaccine thing I'm telling you you can go to google and look up when the vaccine came out and when the fucking sicknesses decline and start comparing them pick the two big ones measles and polio and right then and there if you have any fucking ability to do math you'll be like uh-oh something's not right and then all you have to do is be like wait a second they pulled about polio vaccine in the first year and didn't release a new one for several years why did they pull the first polio vaccine oh because it was giving more people polio than
Starting point is 00:42:35 it was curing and and the whole thing can unravel for you in seven minutes but no but but but but but the but the flat earth thing you got to do a little more work you you need yeah you gotta need an airplane and a pilot and like you got to go over and and like you know what you know what i mean but there's some people who don't even want to like they can't even think about this stuff the 9-11 thing is the same way like i still don't believe it's a conspiracy but i watched on TV a building that was nowhere near the fucking fallen buildings just fall down. We all saw that, like Building 7 or something. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I'm not even familiar with that one. But have you heard some of these people that, when you talk to them about the space program, But when you talk to them about the space program, they say, well, they have people that are Photoshop experts that work at work at NASA, for instance. Right. Have you heard that? No, but but I completely I completely believe that it's one to believe it or not. It's one of the biggest problems in science today is Photoshop. Basically, like so much shit in journals is Photoshop.
Starting point is 00:43:46 It's fucking unbelievable. And you can see that all that no one's denying that either that's not conspiracy it's part of the replication crisis well but but like so with underwater photography for example right underwater photography if you take a photo underwater there's an incredibly blue haze in like clear ocean there's a crazy blue haze on most of these photos right so for for clarity they I'm not I'm not making an excuse I don't know exactly what goes on everywhere but I can extrapolate
Starting point is 00:44:16 that's probably similar they change things for clarity purposes they make things hyper real they make they make like a replication of like a supernova and they, they make it look cooler than it does on the telescope. Right. I don't know if they could say to get people interested in science or whatever, but is it, I don't even, yeah. Hey, I just thought of something. Do you mind if I change the subject real quick? Go for it. Hey, so I don't know what's real and what's not real, so I pick things that make it so my life will be easy, right? So I believe with each step I take forward, the concrete in front of me is going to be there.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I accept that. I throw that on autopilot, right? Yeah. And the God thing is exactly the same way i want to read to you these so like i don't agree with vivek ramaswamy on these things but i want to live in this reality and see if this makes sense to you so these are the thing these are 10 things that um listen to the uh these are 10 things that he calls truth right god is real there are two genders. He fucked that up. There's two sexes. He needs to learn the English language. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels. Reverse racism is racism. An open border is no border. Parents determine the education of their children. Nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Capitalism lifts people up from poverty. there are three branches of the u.s government not four the u.s constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history i don't care whether that's fucking true or not at this point but i want to be with i want to be led by someone who does believe those things do you know what i'm saying the distinction i'm making there like the constitution is just fucking made up great Great. I don't give a fuck. I don't believe in God. Cool. Doesn't matter to me either. I want a leader who does believe in God and I want a leader who does believe in this made up document called the U.S. Constitution. Well, yeah. And just for the Constitution, you know, it's sort of the—it's our national Bible.
Starting point is 00:46:29 It's our national North Star, you know. And you can—all these people that disparage the Bible, you know, for this reason or that reason, like, okay, well, the flood never happened, two animals, two by two didn't go on the ark or whatever. six they just what never happened two animals two by two didn't go on the ark or whatever it's regardless it's you can say it's done a lot of wrong but it's been a crazy north star for so many people and then like the fact that it's popularity is falling and people have seemingly no star and then the they don't they didn't even pivot to the Constitution for example there's no North Star it's pretty much whatever's on TV is the North Star
Starting point is 00:47:08 it's just literally need something something to point to that you can follow that's not just whatever the freaking scrolling text at the bottom of the TV is today yeah and if I'm going to have people,
Starting point is 00:47:25 if I'm going to have people who are sleep at the wheel, who want to turn over their, their, their superpowers, I would prefer that they believe in God than the fucking chaos that's being presented to them on, on scene. Chaos is just reactionary.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Yeah. You just want something tangible. You want something that you can predict. There's no predictability in the chaos. And if there's no... I'm going to let you go, but I got a real quick question. Straight. In this lifetime, I'm straight.
Starting point is 00:47:55 In this lifetime, I'm straight. No, no, no. That's for a private call. Is the audio... Do you hear a lot of crazy stuff in the background or not? I hear it sounds like cows are being tortured, low level. Oh, okay. Okay, that's too bad.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Yeah. All right. Okay. Sounds good. Love you, bye-bye. Bye, love you too, bye-bye. Mad Marv, one of my favorites. Great profile pic that I've become addicted to.
Starting point is 00:48:22 God is not in the same place as gender. I understand where you're coming from. But you are wrong. YouTube user wearing the wife beater. UK Parliament 49ers hearing Dr. David Martin explains everything you need to know about the vaccines video is available on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Someone also agreed with Bruce Wayne on here about the boobs versus the fake butt. Can you imagine sitting on a prosthetic like that? I would always think I'm going to burst it open or damage it. And does that fuck your backup? What if you have to drive for like eight hours and now you got some prosthetic that you're sitting on? Does that fuck your backup? Should I DM you? About what i always dm me i like you dude i just think that people should be allowed to defend their homeland like you don't you don't
Starting point is 00:49:35 want people to think that this is a place this is not a place of misogyny or any of that shit although when i told my wife i'm like i don't even know what fat phobic is she's like uh she said well if it's that you're afraid of being fat then you're definitely fat phobic and she's right i don't want to be fat me personally but i don't i don't i would i don't dis i have an abnormal attraction to towards fat people and i don't dislike anyone because they're fat but i do I do have beliefs that if you are fat it's because you're addicted to refined carbohydrates and I think that that's a fair belief uh turntable it just gets ugly in my opinion when your listeners go after people you're having issues with like they say stuff I know you would never say. Oh, that's fair. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Okay. I get it. I was not making fun of you, Devesh. I was, in all fairness, I was showing off because it's one of the only impersonations I can do. The Indian guy from The Simpsons. Seve fucking up. impersonations I can do. The Indian guy from The Simpsons. Seve fucking up. Where's all the sponsor images?
Starting point is 00:50:52 Sousa throw the banners and codes up. Oh, shit. I don't know how to do that. Is there a Wolverine code? I don't even know. Try Sevan. Hey, there was a crazy one for a while. It was like Games 23 or something. Maybe for someone from Swolverine's watching and they'll put it up.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Dick Nasty. Vegetable oil. Yeah. Canola. I put canola in my hair. Sean Lenderman, I have lost my hearing, but I'm not old. It makes me seem like a dumbass sometimes, but I just can't hear you well. The thing is, you just have to lean into it. The um the the people those people i know who've lost their hearing they do two things they blame other
Starting point is 00:51:49 people but then they also just start making shit up or every time you say something literally every time they'll say it back to you like they thought of it it is the most bizarre phenomenon are you hungry then they wait a couple seconds like do you want to go get something to eat and it's just a whole day of that it's so bizarre i was thinking about sean the other day i was thinking about how they tried to make it so i couldn't go to the games because I say the R word, retard. And someone else was saying on that podcast that Garrett Glinton did, they were saying that the word tranny was offensive, which is just crazy to me. That's not even a remotely offensive word.
Starting point is 00:52:40 That's actually a fun word to say. That's actually a fun word to say. But I was also thinking – I don't know if this is true, but I heard – I was told to stop saying it on my show, Shawnee, when I would call Shawnee, Shawnee, and Tommy. And I was heard that that upset Shawn. Can you imagine if someone – if that's true, getting upset that someone called you Shawnee? I'd be like the Shawnee and Tommy show. Like, dude, it's so obvious that I'm doing that because it flows easily because Tommy has a why, Shawnee and Tommy. But I don't know if he really got upset, but I heard that, and I was told by people, hey, you need to stop saying that.
Starting point is 00:53:35 There's not too many like i should say this you on one hand you would be surprised at some of the shit that the people in my sphere say to me like that like the rules they try to put on me like knowing that the scope of this show the freedom that exists here. But it would surprise, it would surprise you some of the things that people say, oh, you can't say Shawnee. That's really pissing him off. I'm like, what? The fuck is that pissing him off?
Starting point is 00:54:00 Those other shows don't even say my name. What did Wooly post the other day? He said – so he has 500,000 followers or 300,000 followers. I get my threes and fives mixed up. But on his account, and there were two posts, and they were both from bots. And so I said on this show, hey hey i wonder if he bought his followers and the reason why i said that is because it's weird that you have so many followers and only two comments because my shit's shadow banned to all fucking get out and even i get comments and um and so that and that's the only thing I look at. I just look at comments. I'm guilty of that. That's my go-to.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And he called me a douchebag for that, but wouldn't say my name. He said some D-bag on the internet needs a lesson in social media. I'm paraphrasing. Because I questioned if you had bought your followers. And then, and then, and then Hiller goes on and buys John Young, 2,500 followers.
Starting point is 00:55:13 That was crazy. I thought we were, John's so cool. I thought maybe we were going to get in trouble for that. Like, but he was cool. He didn't, he didn't even flinch.
Starting point is 00:55:24 He'll be late to Fridayiday's show by the way friday's crossfit games update show it looks like we've secured pedro from the island uh ireland looks like we're gonna have jessica griffith on she'll be talking about um ty jenkins i got tons of questions about that seve who's ty jenkins he's one of the teen athletes and we will have uh chase ingram and of course i've i've been bugging brian spin but um but i haven't heard back from him uh turntable it was about a comment i made on sporty beth's video someone said she's playing the victim and it's all in her head i'm saying there's a legit people saying foul stuff to her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And I, and I hear you on that. Well then turntable, you and I are on the same page because basically what you're saying is you don't want to be, you don't want to watch a show. You don't want people on this show going over and being assholes to other people either,
Starting point is 00:56:19 because this is also your home. Like you don't want people over there being going over there and be like, you dumb bitch, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It's like, dude, that's not how we roll. And I agree. So you're home. You don't want people over there going over there and being like, you dumb bitch, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like, dude, that's not how we roll. And I agree. You're not saying that people shouldn't defend the show. You're just saying, hey, do it in a way that doesn't make us look bad. So me and you are on the same page. I get it. Thank you for explaining it to me, by the way. Or allowing me to explain it to myself. I get it. allowing me to explain it to myself i get it ck kevin i find flat earth people uh fascinating i love asking them questions and hearing their answers i'm like unfuck me maybe i'm wrong but
Starting point is 00:56:55 um don't think so but give it a shot hey it's the same thing with like you ever hear like people shoot guns up in the air and the bullets come down and kill people like i i don't believe that either but but fuck i guess it's true but i just don't believe it or like you throw a penny off the empire state building and it would it goes it would go into the concrete i I don't think so. Seven, are you saying you don't believe there's an ocean above us? That one, I'm not ruling it out, but no, I don't believe it. That's correct. I'm okay, Clive. I hate it when people go and say hateful stuff rather than simple
Starting point is 00:57:47 arguing logic I don't mind some joking some mom jokes call someone a dildo that's why I thought it was funny when Sporty Beth called me a wanker I kind of like I mean not kind of I do like that I thought it was fun I thought I guess I don't really know what that word means over there how harsh it is because I thought I thought it's like calling someone a ding dong I thought, I guess I don't really know what that word means over there, how harsh it is, because I thought it's like calling someone a ding-dong. I thought she was being playful. All right. I have some videos and stuff to show you guys. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:58:23 I'm way behind in the comments. Oh, yeah. Athena writes, nope, that was never my approach. I don't know what she's referencing, but she is so nice. Like, someone says something fucked up to her, she's like, I hear you. I do like that approach.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I hear you. I use that one sometimes. I hear you. I use that one sometimes. I hear you. I hear you. I get it. Okay, I get it. I'm nervous. Caller, hi. Hey.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Good morning, Mr. Vaughn. Hey. Hey, so I got a question for you. Well, one. Can I guess what you're going to say? Can I guess what you're going to say? Can I guess what you're going to say? No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Yeah, go ahead. You're going to try to explain to me that God is real. Well, yeah, of course. So it's not hard. It really isn't. How did I know that? How did I know that? I don't know who you are.
Starting point is 00:59:19 How did I know that? I don't recognize you. You know exactly who I am. I don't. And I'm sure some of the super sleuths will know who i am but it's fine so i don't know who you are though in all honesty i swear to god i don't know who you are i don't recognize your number i don't put numbers in the phone but go on oh well we'll figure it out together hey um quick question yes earlier in the podcast you said um there's no such thing as truth. I'm, I'm giving you the
Starting point is 00:59:46 spirit of what you said. I don't remember your exact quote. Fair, fair. Yeah. Was that statement true? Uh, I, I, I don't know, but I can tell you that, um, I don't necessarily believe it. It's more of a, um, a lens in which I try to look at it to stay open-minded yeah that's a great question i don't know if that's true wow what a fucking mess you've made of my my thinking no that's that's that's a perfect answer because because i think the people oh someone wants to know if you're john woolley is this john woolley trying to say oh no get out of here okay john woolley's a good dude, but no. Okay. Good dude.
Starting point is 01:00:29 So the people that have been paying attention to your show, I think have understood your verbal processing. Like I'm like you, I begin at one point. I don't know where I'm going necessarily. I think I know where I'm going. And then when I get there, we kind of have a moment of discovery together. So it's a lot of fun. That's why we enjoy your show because you're just kind of have a moment of discovery together. So it's a lot of fun. That's why we enjoy your show, because you're just kind of given a soliloquy. You know, you're processing things in your own thought pattern,
Starting point is 01:00:54 and then they come out into the world and we get to see it. It's like a play, but it's not. It's really, it's us learning from each other. So really appreciate that. So with that said, uh, who created that microphone in front of you? Where'd that come from? The company. Sure. How, why is there a microphone in front of you at all?
Starting point is 01:01:19 Um, I, I, I suspect it's because dudes want pussy and they want to procreate so bad. And in the meantime, when they're not procreating, the smart ones are doing things to try to impress. It's all courtship process for women. That's a pretty shallow answer, but I think that there's some serious validity to it. Well, let me summarize that for you. OK. People with intelligence had a desire. Therefore, they made it.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Oh, fair. Right? Okay. Well, they have a desire, and when that desire can't be fulfilled, it's a means to that desire. I don't think the desire – yeah, I think so. You're right. You're right. You're right. I agree with you, yes. Okay. With some nuances, but I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Okay. With some nuances, but I agree with you. Okay. And so you look at the building you're in. How do you know that somebody made that building or some group of people, whatever? How do you know that that building was created by someone? Just based on my understanding of how these things work and some life experiences I've had on watching buildings go up. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Okay. So we're tracking. works and some life experiences I've had on watching buildings go up. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So, so we're tracking. So, so on your eyeball, your brain, your cardiovascular system,
Starting point is 01:02:33 your digestive system, um, the complexities of the human body are the ability to procreate, reproduce our own kind, all of that. You're telling me, how did that get here? Uh, great question. Uh, I, I, uh, I have no idea. Okay. So let me, let me give you a summation of how you can actually express yourself
Starting point is 01:03:02 with some truth in this arena. Okay. You cannot definitively say there is no God. You can only definitively say, I haven't, there might be a God. If there is, I haven't met him yet. But there can be a God and you not believe, right. I'm a wholeheartedly with you on that. I do not believe in i i'm a wholeheartedly with you on that i do not believe in god
Starting point is 01:03:25 ah okay can you define belief for me real quick because i think we're stumbling over just believe it's just like a place of a place something that you don't really know but but you um but you it's like a hope or wishful thinking yeah it's exactly. It's a kind of a safe delusion, right? Like, I don't know that I was born on March 16, 1972, but I believe it. Yeah. But I don't know it, and I don't think that there's a way I can know it. Well, belief doesn't determine truth. truth should determine belief right so you can have you can believe any day of the week any year on on the calendar that's a great line by the way
Starting point is 01:04:16 it does not make it true yeah right right yeah so we got to go where the evidence leads us um you know we have logic. We have reason. If we didn't, if we couldn't define words, if we couldn't speak logically to one another, we couldn't have this conversation. We couldn't go back and forth and agree, disagree. I believe in the, here's something I believe in. I believe in the unknown. the unknown a matter of fact i would go as far as to say that's the one thing that i do know is that there's the unknown okay so you know that there are things that you don't know right
Starting point is 01:04:54 yeah yeah well i mean i that's great doesn't really help us here well well i think it does because i think that's what a lot of people i think a lot of people sense that and that there's something that they don't know, and it scares them. And so they plug that hole, that portal with something that they call God, with a belief in God. Okay, so let's – so we know. We know by the way of the world. A giant narrative to plug the hole. You feel me on that? Can you picture that? I understand where you're going with that.
Starting point is 01:05:31 I want to pull you out just a little bit for some clarification. Okay. Because there might be some presupposition in your mind of where I'm tracking. Okay. And I don't want to track down that line just yet. So I want to pull you back just a little bit. Oh, crap, man. I lost my train of tracking. Okay. And I don't want to track down that line just yet. So I won't pull you back just a little bit. Um, I lost my train of thought. Sorry. Um, no, that's all right. That's all right. That's why we talk. Um, are you a preacher?
Starting point is 01:05:56 Uh, no. Oh, you work in a church? Uh, from time to time. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. See, that's where your brain was going. Right. But I'm not even talking about the Christian God. Okay. I'm just talking about a creator. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:12 So we can definitively say, based on how the world operates, that because there is substance and order in this world, and intelligence in this world, the fact that we can have this dialogue across the airwaves, that there is an intelligent designer. Now, the difference is, who is that? That's where I'm trying to pull you away from right now. Not necessarily at this moment in our conversation,
Starting point is 01:06:44 trying to convince you of one God versus another, but the fact that there is an intelligent designer that has created us, that has given us all of these abilities in order to create us. You want me to have that presupposition that that exists? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 01:07:00 No, I want to make sure that we're operating in the same arena and that you don't go down the line yet that I'm trying to convince you of a certain God of a certain religion. Okay, fair. Right. So, I mean, would that be fair for us to acknowledge? No. That whether or not I believe it.
Starting point is 01:07:21 I can't do that. Okay, help me out there. Why not? You can believe that there's a microphone in front of you that was created by a man that you've never met before. Right. You don't know the process of its creation. Right. You don't know any of the details of how the parts were curated.
Starting point is 01:07:36 You're right. But it's there in front of you. Yep, okay. I accept that. I accept that, but I don't – I can accept that. I can – I can accept that. I can accept that. I can – like what you're saying logically makes complete sense to me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Like if there's levels, if my mom made me, then I made this microphone, then who made my mom? Like there's just levels. I forget the rapper's name. There's levels to this shit. Right. Okay. Yeah. And I do think that the world works like that. So it's a very potent example you're giving me. I think everything here is just Legos and it's scaled. I went to go see just really quick here. I went to go see that thing. This is blasphemous, but I went to go see that thing that they do in China where they take the bodies and they I forget what it's called, but they basically they can peel all the skin off a human being and have them frozen perfectly and i saw that exhibit in london and one of the things they had there was that they had a pregnant woman cut open at every stage one month two month three month four month five month all the way or maybe it was weeks and when you looked at the human being from all the different ages it was as an embryo to being born, it went through all the animals, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Like at one point we looked like a pollywog and then like a lizard and then like – I mean it was crazy to see – and they're real babies. You know what I mean? At all the different phases. So like I said – I'm with you. You're right. I see it as like – I see it as like a kaleidoscope too. I, I, I, I, okay. I'm with you. Okay. So what you're, so what you're saying is, is everything points to that. Something made us.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Yeah. Everything in this world points to a designer. Right. Okay. Right. And then it's, then we have to figure it out. Well, who is, who or what is that designer? And was this designer required? I think my show would be ruined if you convinced me that there was really a God. Aren't you afraid? What if I flip out and I turn into a Christian and this whole show, I become just like, what's the term?
Starting point is 01:09:40 Evangelic. Devon, I'm not afraid of that. Perhaps you are. Oh, okay. I think I am. Because you built something let me reassure you with something okay what the talents that you have you've curated over time right the love and time that people have poured into you assist you in this life to get you where you are. Don't make me cry.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Be cool. Be chill. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Be cool. Those things are neither, in a sense, good nor bad. What you choose to do with them, how you display them to the world, they're gifts to you.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Every moment that was spent with another person learning is a gift to you. No matter what their intention was for it. I mean, you kind of say these things all the time. Things are neither good or bad. It's just my response to it. So, what you're doing with the show doesn't have to stop. It doesn't have to stop. It doesn't have to, it can take a little bit of a shift in some of its herbiage, so to speak. But hey, I'm a Christian.
Starting point is 01:11:04 We got a ton of Christians in this audience that love the information that you bring to us each and every day. So there should be no fear necessarily in losing your platform because we appreciate your platform. We appreciate just what you bring us on a daily basis. I mean, I try to catch almost everything we'll tell you, you put up. So I'm having a good time here. I don't want to see you go away. With that being said. God calls me, like, out to Africa, take my boys to Africa and, like, get off the internet.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Yeah, and take a camera and tell us all about it when you get back. You have skills, and we love you for it i so appreciate the journey you took me on don't ever do that again okay all right i love you brother hey you have a beautiful boy yeah let's do it you're a very generous human being with your time and your thought and i really appreciate you thank you yeah let's do it another time i i appreciate this and uh i'll hit you up in the dms yeah so you know who this is. Okay, cool, and call in anytime. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Bye. Bye. God, you guys are douchebags. This was the only nice comment. Someone please call in. Why? That guy, dude, that was great. Enjoyed that.
Starting point is 01:12:23 He almost made me cry, though. For a second. What did he say? So many people have poured love into you. It's crazy how many people are nice to me. There's this dude here. You can't really thank people enough for what they've done for you. you can't really thank people enough for what they've done for you.
Starting point is 01:12:51 And people don't even know what they're doing for you, but I'll give you just this crazy example. The lady who owns CA Peptides, so she came on to a show a year and a half ago during the Crossfit games or two years ago i don't know if you guys remember that and every 10 minutes she donated 50 to the chat until she donated 800 bucks and so then i found her in the dms or something and i gave her my phone number and i'm like hey what are you doing and she, oh, I just wanted to get your attention. I like your show and I wanted to be a part of it. So I built this friendship with her and it's really, I mean, it's really just like,
Starting point is 01:13:36 I can't tell you how much this lady has done for my kids. And so that's like my whole life is my kids and I can't even express to her i better stop but i can't even express to her the things that she's done for me but even on this most recent trip her her bodyguard has brought my three boys to the premier jujitsu academy in the world where i've spent two hours two days ago and two hours yesterday i'm gonna spend two hours today watching my kids train and it's like that's just a drop in the bucket of what she's done and it's just nuts it's nuts it's i can't can't stop thinking about how it's so it's so
Starting point is 01:14:27 exciting it's not even that i think about i just bathe in just the their growth uh seven candy bought yeah fuck she stuck me in a little condo on the beach i can be totally bought i can i'll anything for my kids. Yeah. AOJ art of jujitsu school. Yeah. It's crazy, dude. It's crazy. If I could take video, they don't, they have a no video rule there. If I could take video, it's nuts. It is nuts. And my kids jujitsu teacher should be so proud back home, Nico and McKenna, they should be so proud. The boys just showed up. My son, Ari, who is just – I mean, they're all flourishing there, all flourishing. But my youngest son, Ari, is just like – he did shit yesterday.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Just imagine this. He did shit yesterday. Just imagine this. He sparred basically for two classes with the best kids. They got to be some of the best kids in the world at jiu-jitsu. And after two hours of sparring, then they get all the classes together, and they sit in a big circle. I see more black belts in one hour at this academy than I've seen in my whole life. And then so there's all these black belts sitting around and then all these kids. And Ari's one of the youngest kids. And the instructor goes, who wants to spar? And now you're going to after two hours of sparring, now you're going to spar in front of all the classes. All the classes have come together.
Starting point is 01:16:02 And maybe only six kids raise their hand. And so the first boy and girl he picks go out there and they beat the shit out of each other. It's basically that you fight. It's basically a fight, except you don't punch and kick and bite. There's rules to the fighting. It's gnarly. It is so gnarly. It makes every parent there, I'm sure, uncomfortable. And then he goes, who wants to?
Starting point is 01:16:24 And then after that first fight who wants to fight and ari raises his hand and he goes out there and fights this kid and it was crazy and it was uh uh rafael mendez's son the world champion son it was nuts avi fought him or ari fought him three times yesterday it was fucking crazy crazy crazy crazy. Came off to – the one time lost to him, came off and was crying. He's like, I'm done. I'm like, dude.
Starting point is 01:16:50 He's like, what? I'm like, if you don't go back out there, you're going to be so bummed because you're going to want to know what happens if you give it another shot. He's like, you're right. He's only six, and he went back out there. Great day, though. So Ari went – I think he had had i think he probably sparred 11 times uh i want to say he only he only lost uh he sparred against the the champ son three times
Starting point is 01:17:15 i think he won one and lost two granted it's just sparring but he beat all the other kids in the class it was crazy and he's little he's the second littlest dude in the class big kids yeah it was nuts it's absolutely nuts the the champs kid is gnarly he i and i saw already go to this place that i've never seen him go before i mean they are straight fighting i haven't gone to sheckler's yet we'll go to they want to go back to – I'll call Sheckler today or tomorrow. Anyway, so going back to what that guy was saying, dude, the stuff people do for me in my life is crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. And all this shit that I'm using for the podcast, this is all shit Greg Glassman bought me. The phone, the computer, the extra screen, the Rodecaster, this mic.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Can't thank that dude fucking enough. My wife. Yeah, could be a whole show on thanking people. And I will tell you this, for those who... For those who – I am surrounded by people who give like crazy, and I know why I'm surrounded by people who give like crazy because I give like crazy. So – and occasionally I'll come across someone who doesn't give like crazy, and giving like crazy is kind of weird. Because when you see people who don't give like crazy, you understand the predicament they're in. It makes sense to you why their life's not fun, why they're not getting what they want, why they're just reaping what they sow.
Starting point is 01:19:21 You guys all know that person. Everywhere they go, they're trying to negotiate a deal, right? They're selling their house. They're trying to talk down their real estate agent to take a smaller percentage. They go into a carpet shop. They're like asking for a deal on the carpet. Like they're just always asking for it. Like they, they don't, they don't, they don't value other people. So they don't get high value people around them. Their life is just, I've had friends who are like hey so-and-so is taking advantage of you like it's totally misunderstood no one's taking advantage of me ever it doesn't work like that it's not that that mindset is just weak
Starting point is 01:19:58 so i am around people who give more than me, but it's a competition. I'm trying to give more than them too, so you get around those people. I try to explain that to people who come on the show. It makes me so happy that Taylor and Will, and the best example, well, John Young, I'll tell you this whole crew. Taylor, the thumb from SMTP programming, J.R. Howell from CrossFit Crash, John Young from J.Y. Barbell, Will Branstetter. There's these people. Caleb, fuck, dude. Can you imagine how much Caleb gives me?
Starting point is 01:20:49 me. Matt Sousa, like these people are just pouring into me. But they also realize like I never, I have this podcast station and I just wholeheartedly trust JR and Taylor and Will. I hardly ever even talk to them. And they just do their show on here and I get all the benefit from it. They're just giving, to me yeah caleb is insane i never i never even talked to caleb about coming on the show i just know he can't come on in the morning then he just shows up at night i mean i'm i keep him i keep caleb included on all the threads so if i do if i have any show threads i just put caleb on them so he has a um uh purview of it. But like Sousa, I call Sousa five times a day. Caleb I never even talk to.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Ever. I don't know if, I don't think I've ever called Caleb on the phone. I can't ever remember calling him on the phone. And just here. Doing his shit. Like on top of his shit. Yeah. It's cool. And then all you guys
Starting point is 01:21:45 someone sent me a really cool picture oh heidi i don't know if heidi's here this morning but someone sent me a picture um yesterday from the games and i was like oh it was with me with three girls god i look like shit i really did look like a dwarf in the picture. My face looks good, but my body's all fucked up. I look like a dwarf. But it was the shorts and the fanny pack. Oh, was you, Audrey? That was cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:17 I don't remember. What's crazy is I was like, man, these are three really pretty girls. But when I saw you guys, I don't even remember any of that. In the picture, I'm like, oh, these are three really pretty girls. But when I saw you guys, I don't even remember any of that. In the picture, I'm like, oh, these chicks are hot. And I was like, who are these chicks? It didn't even take me a second to figure it out. Isn't that funny? I didn't even know it was you who sent it to me.
Starting point is 01:22:38 That's how fast I'm just trying to get through shit. But when I was there, I didn't even have time to appreciate your guys's beauty yeah I get with the programming I ran into all three of them it was awesome I did feel uh special it was uh Seema and Heidi came when I was in the media pit one time came over to say hi to me. And that made me feel really good. All right.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Have I played any videos? Did we talk about Vivek yet? Oh, what is this? Number 32, British people are weird. Oh, this is kind of nice. I like this concept. I don't think this is executed well. I do not think this is executed well. No one judged me on the execution.
Starting point is 01:23:44 But I love this concept. love the the idea of this okay so it's a guy it's a guy riding a motorcycle but but um but you have to you have to take it with a grain of salt because it's a british dude so like maybe we just don't understand the nuances of their their humor and stuff but here we go. Hmm? Pardon? You were right on my a**. Okay, so it's a motorcycle cut this car off, and
Starting point is 01:24:18 the driver's talking some shit, and the motorcycle guy's like, hey, but you were right on my a**. You're not coming to my birthday party you're a big smelly meanie you smiled i got you smile you smile it's over you smiled let's be friends man let's be friends yeah bye love you hey man come on let's be friends let's be friends love you man love you love you come on love you have a good day yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry
Starting point is 01:24:49 if you ever get into a road rage thing just what you do is just one pepper them with compliments and then just be really silly say stuff like you're not coming to my birthday party you're big smelly meanie. I don't know about don't. I don't know. Call 911. Ha ha ha. Right. Uh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Yeah. Great. You're not coming to my birthday party. I just, I don't know. At some point, you're just, you're being, like, the point is just to diffuse it, but not just be, you want it to be diffused because you're nice,
Starting point is 01:25:31 not because you're a, not because you're a weirdo. You know what I mean? Oh, here we go, Robbie Myers. This happened to me this morning, dropping my daughter off at school, and a guy was in a rush, nearly cut me off, so I let him go
Starting point is 01:25:46 yeah that's always good that's why it's good to go everywhere early so you can be that guy to be the cool dude at least that's what I like CK Kevin pull that on the wrong guy and you're fucked you mean like walking up to the car window
Starting point is 01:26:09 yeah walking up to the car window is kind of crazy Robbie after I smiled at him and told him to chill he proceeded to say I'm sorry and let me go in front of him I mean we all understand that that automatic response right someone cuts you off and you're like what the fuck but then it's like it could be any of us you don't know he's guys in a hurry it's an asian driver just whatever it could be there's any number of things old person driving yeah i feel horrible for that especially now that
Starting point is 01:26:46 my parents are older I honk at someone and then I pull up next to him and it's like someone who's 80 I'm like fuck I shouldn't have done that definitely shouldn't have done that how about this this guy's coming on the show you want to see this this guy's coming on the show this is kind of exciting look at this guy. Actually, to be completely fair, this is why I didn't put my hair up today because I saw this guy's hair.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Living with a victim mentality, and this is being reinforced by our media. I invited him on before I even knew he had this kind of stance. Our politicians and people who are unwilling to speak a hard truth to their peers. No more blaming others for your shortfalls. No more entitlements. You only get what you earn. The Born Primitive Podcast. I think this guy was a SEAL too.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Here we go. This is such a big part of Born Primitive and something we preach to our employees is like that victim mentality because it is freaking cancer, right? And it can bring you down to your knees if you buy into it in your brain. And also like the media, your parents, you know, maybe you're in a bad friend group
Starting point is 01:27:59 and they're reinstilling this conspiracy theory in your head that, oh, you know, I'm not supposed to be successful because those people are saying I shouldn't be. I don't have a fair shot in this and that. And it's all fucking bullshit. What a different clothing brand than No Bull. What a misnomer, No Bull?
Starting point is 01:28:19 No, you're all Bull. How the fuck did they come up with that name? What an embarrassment. Look at the difference in just the owner. This dude right here. Look at this dude's hair and the way he said it. That dude spends – and then look at the owners of Noble. And then look at the owners of Noble. I bet you that the owners of those guys who you see who are always parading around as the owners of Noble spend ten times as much getting ready in the morning when they go out than this guy.
Starting point is 01:28:56 They waste ten times as much time getting ready to engage the world. Now, what I'm about to say isn't true, but it could be true. It could at least be a correlate. The more time you spend getting ready to go out, the faker you are. Hey, how many times have you seen a CrossFit girl who you think is so fucking hot and she always has her hair in a ponytail and sweating she's just in her workout clothes and then something you see her out and she's all made up and you're like what the fuck happened to you you look like a monkey's ass all red and shit and makeupy and fucked up and wearing dumb ass clothes it fucking happens way too many times for me to count the first time I really saw it was Christmas Abbott she only looks good sweaty born primitive
Starting point is 01:29:59 men's clothing is hilarious what do you mean? I got got their joggers they're dope but if you have a you can't wear those like if you got if you got a meat stick you can't wear those like out in public unless you don't care that everyone's staring at your meat stick i just wear mine around the house i wore mine down this morning i wore mine to walk to the coffee shop and get a cup of coffee. Now, granted, it's 300 yards from my front door of the coffee shop, and I saw no one because it was at 6 a.m. No one. Oh, I'm wearing gray BP joggers.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Well, I can't wait to see your penis later on today. Dude, looks like he works later on today. Dude. Looks like he works hard on his perfect tan. What are you talking about? That's a roll-out-of-bed fucking dude. The most he does is he's got an electric shaver that he trims his beard with. I want to buy Born Primitive stuff after seeing this.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Are they in the UK? Those guys, those guys at noble, no offense, what you want to do? No judgment. Wax their eyebrows. They got the boy band shit going.
Starting point is 01:31:16 They wear their pants so tight. They need a wrench to pull up the zipper. A pool boy. I wish more people would stare at my meat stick i had a girl in high school one time tell me just write me a note told me she could see my penis through my pants i had no idea how to take that that guy doesn't even shave his pubes he probably does what i'm gonna say i'll ask him when he's on i'm gonna guess he does what i do i just take a big when it's just so bushy i just take a big old handful and then i have these scissors in the garage they'll cut through anything i got them at
Starting point is 01:32:00 um home depot they look like scissors but you like you can cut through steel and shit with them i bring those into the house hang over the toilet just grab a huge handful of pubes and i cut there's something really um unsettling about scissors being in the same shot as your cock and balls like you know what I mean? If you're viewing the world like this, right? The director. And then all of a sudden, you're looking down at your penis. You're like, that's cool. Everything's cool.
Starting point is 01:32:31 And then scissors come in. Imagine you're looking at my face and my face is just a big old cock and balls. And then all of a sudden, a pair of scissors come in. As a dude, you hate that. You're like, wait, what's going on here? Everything in your body is like,
Starting point is 01:32:51 no, no, no. But you're like, hey's going on here everything in your body's like no no no but you're like hey it's chill just cutting some pubes no no i tried to shave that shit with a fucking electric shaver one time then like a and it within like a half a second it put 300 paper cuts on my ball sack. Never again. Sevan has the coarse Jew hair for pubes. First of all, I'm not Jewish. And I don't know if my pubes are coarse or not. But if they are, they're coarse Armenian pubes. Tank Reeves, I don't see your show pop up, and I see that it's unsubbed me.
Starting point is 01:33:40 I've been told that unsubbing thing a lot, which is weird. Are you sure you don't have multiple YouTube accounts maybe? Oh, Joe Westerlin. The scissor tactic is legit. It's the balance between metrosexuality and common decency for your love. I don't know. I just think that your pubes can get just so long that like they're just holding too much stench. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:34:09 Like if you smell your cock and balls it's time to trim your pubes. I have a Manscaped. I use it on my face. It's actually the best I've never used it on my balls but I use it on my face. And it's awesome. I just take it to the closest setting on the side here and then i'm letting my goatee grow in and then i then i got this other like norelco thing that i just
Starting point is 01:34:34 shave my neck with really quick i don't know if it's norelco it's like a 20 shaver that's it vindicate uh two electric shavers one for the face and one for the hey i i wouldn't even i don't even think i haven't you don't shave your balls no god no well i'm telling you the one time i tried with that shaver i had it put it put like fucking 300 fucking paper cuts on my on my scrotum like in in a half a second i just touched there, and it just lit my sack up. It was crazy.
Starting point is 01:35:08 It was a bloody mess. It was nuts, dude. It stung so bad for a whole day. Yeah. Anyway, so this guy's coming on, and he knows the Born Primitive guy is coming on. He looks like a lion. So that's cool. I think he's coming on next week.
Starting point is 01:35:35 I'm excited to meet him. What a difference, though, from noble. Jesus Christ. We have a clothing line, and we embrace accountability, personal responsibility, taking care of yourself, being strong. We have a clothing line, and we support organizations that support genital mutilation for children. Noble. We're huge fans of Outwad. Outwad.
Starting point is 01:36:15 Because CrossFit isn't accepting enough. What a fucking joke. What a scam Outwad is. What a scam. And so someone right there might be listening to the show and be like, oh, my God, is it called Outwad? What did I what I call it in Wad? What did I call it? Did I call it Outwad? What's it called? Hey, listen. If you're... If you're... How about this?
Starting point is 01:36:54 If you're a dude in a wheelchair, and you want to go to a CrossFit gym, and you feel uncomfortable, and you want to go to a CrossFit gym where the owner is in a wheelchair, fully fucking get it. Fully fucking get it. Fully fucking get it. You want to start an organization
Starting point is 01:37:06 that helps people with missing an arm? Go to CrossFit? Totally take it. You want to start an organization that helps people who are afraid of gyms and 100 pounds overweight? Go to CrossFit gyms? Fucking all those things are awesome.
Starting point is 01:37:22 I am not against those. You're a gay dude and you are uncomfortable coming out and you feel as if you live in fucking a place where you feel like people are judging you for being gay, your sexuality, and you have these insecurities about it and you want to go to a gym where you feel like you're safe. All for it. you feel like you're safe all for it don't project that shit on the rest of the world like like it's not like it's not your issue because it is you at the end of the day it's just your fucking issue don't try to change the rest of us i would like like the most of us don't give a fuck if you show up to the gym in a fucking wheelchair or with your boyfriend or or with the i love jesus shirt like i don't give a fuck no one does most people don't get over yourself but i'm on for those organizations that want to help those
Starting point is 01:38:17 people if that that's your passion but don't don't make those people weak or think that there's some sort of special you're not special because you're in a wheelchair you're not special because you're fucking gay you're not special because you're a filipino guy that's afraid to go to a gym where there's not filipino like you're not special that's all you on you that's that's all i'm saying and what that makes me is not someone who hates those people but believes in those people that they can be strong and just integrate into just the the sea of humanity and so when you call people like who think like i think racist or or whatever is do you want to call it you're completely off your rocker you're the one who wants to keep those people weak you're talking about yourself yeah old yeah old old being old for real man people hate on old
Starting point is 01:39:09 people you want to know what the most discriminated against and by the way i'm not saying that you change it fuck old people young people are great i love looking at the fucking young people at the fucking jujitsu academy i take my kids to but you want to if there's ever a group that should feel sorry for themselves it's fucking old people no one wants to fuck with old people at all nobody you can't play frisbee you got fucking stupid old ideas you're weak you can't defend me if you if you're not rich and old fuck you right that Right? That's the, and I'm not even upset about that. Finding your way on earth as an old person is a challenge. Would you rather be a black man or a white man?
Starting point is 01:39:58 I'd rather be a young man. Would you rather be a woman or a man? I'd rather be a man. Well, that's sexist No actually it's not It's fine It's not sexist at all I don't want to do the monthly bleeding thing And I don't want to give birth
Starting point is 01:40:13 Would you rather be a black man or an Asian man? I'd rather be a black man Would you rather be a black man or a white man? How'd rather be a black man. Would you rather be a black man or a white man? How tall is the black dude? Every time I see those videos when they ask those questions, like, we could play that game all day long. That does not like, they ask the room full of white people, they're like,
Starting point is 01:40:42 who would trade who they are to be black? Shut the fuck up. Such loaded bullshit. The monthly bleeding thing, yeah, I ain't doing that. That's so much work. I think it's work. You remember Kate Gordon, she showed us that cup?
Starting point is 01:41:05 Was it Kate Gordon or Emily Abbott? Someone showed us the cup I'd probably do that I'd do the cup thing I'd like to ask a room full of black people Would you rather be black or Aboriginal? Would you rather be old or young?
Starting point is 01:41:30 How about that? Can I just be a young black man? That's what I want to be. Thank you. Would you rather be a cuck or not a cuck? No, no one, nobody choose, no one would choose to be an armenian man no one chooses that over being michael jackson michael jordan or michael uh magic johnson
Starting point is 01:41:57 what's magic johnson's name i was gonna call him michael johnson Call him Michael Johnson. Would you rather be Ben Carson or a little Armenian man? Ben Carson. Do you want to be Thomas Sowell or the white meth heads that cover the streets of Santa Cruz? Thomas Sowell. Jackass. of Santa Cruz. Thomas Sowell. Jackass.
Starting point is 01:42:29 I got all excited. I felt my skin start to get all activated like I was going to jump up. Oh, is DreamRare... Actually, Sebon, I know you hate screenshots. I sent you a DM with comments from DreamRare on Vivek. I was thinking about having DreamRare on. Is he hating on Vivek? That would bum me out.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Um. Let me see. Is he hating on? Damn. That would suck. Oh. Oh, I wonder if I can get colton on oh uh can you come on the show tomorrow night uh if you could come on it like uh at 6.05 for a few minutes. I know it's late. So no stress.
Starting point is 01:43:38 No stress if you can't. Can't or cannot? I'll say cannot. I sent Colton a text earlier today. Are you doing Rogue? He said, I'm doing the qualifier tomorrow. Haven't heard anything about an invite. Sorry, I don't normally read text, but I think this one's fine. I've taken the executive power to read it. Can you come in? And then I said, can you come in the show? Oh, no, I don't want him to come in the show. Sorry, not come
Starting point is 01:44:09 in. Not come in. Come on. Shit, I don't know if that sounds better. Jesus. I asked him to come on at 6.05 for a few minutes. Yeah, it would be fun to – oh, no, Tank Reeves. Vivek is trash, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:44:29 Oh, no. Hey, look up what the Scientologists do. Kenneth DeLapp, how much niacin do I take before the sauna, Sevan? The first time I did it, I scared the shit out of myself. Be very careful. It was crazy. Look at what the Scientologists do. I got it from them.
Starting point is 01:44:53 I haven't done it like in 25 years. It was fucking crazy though. What was I doing when I got distracted? I was going to go to my DMs and see what DreamRare said about... Oh shit, someone did commentary on one of my videos? Oh. This is the caller. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:45:43 Oh. Shit. Can I unread a DM? Shit. Oh, oh. Oh, shit. Can I unread a DM? Shit. Darn it. How do I? Oh, unread. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Oh, here we go. Oh, no, that guy says Vivek killed it. I don't see what DreamRare said. Sorry. I don't see where that is. Who sent me that? Where can I find that? all politicians can't be trash they all can't be trash it doesn't work like that can't just be like all can't just be like all armenian dudes are trash you can't do that can you you think there's there's like like all cops are trash or like all firefighters are trash like they just want to play with fire fire like it can be like all all white dudes are trash
Starting point is 01:46:51 all straight people are trash all rap stars are trash all boxers i don't know if i can do that yeah oh you know you know you can't even prove all crows are black because we haven't seen all the crows, even though it's pretty safe. Caller, hi. Vaughn, Hank. Hey, what's up, dude? How you doing? Good. Hi. Thanks for calling. I just want to ask you, why do you like Vivek?
Starting point is 01:47:20 I want a guy who, you know, he wrote the book, what's it called? Like Unwokeism or the woke book, and I listened to that audiobook. He's very against the woke ideology, but have you seen his China policy? I heard him say that he wants to get in between Russia and China instead of fighting with the Ukraine and forcing Russia and China to be friends, he wants to separate that. He wants to befriend Putin so that it disturbs the relationship with Russia and China, which I think is important because of the petrodollar and a bunch of other reasons. And that he also wants to get the semiconductor industry in the United States going so that we don't feel this obligation to protect Taiwan. That's kind of all I know about it. Okay, well, no, he definitely wants to arm Taiwan. He said in numerous interviews where he wants to arm them to the teeth.
Starting point is 01:48:16 Okay. So I really disagree with that, but I also disagree with his policy on Ukraine. Tank, really quick, one question. Why can't it be both? Because I did hear him say that twice. Why can't he arm Taiwan but also as a first move, but then also at the same time try to bring the semiconductor industry to the United States so that we don't have to continue to arm them? to arm them because i heard him say that basically the way we live our life and i'm taking this you know as truth is because of the semiconductors that we use that are made in taiwan and that basically they make like 95 of the world semiconductors okay so are you under the impression that china and taiwan are not one country yeah you think that's a that's a misunderstanding yeah i mean they've been they've been unified for I don't know how many years now.
Starting point is 01:49:09 Taiwan, sorry, Taiwan. China looks at Taiwan as part of China. Yes. Yes. I understand that. So they're going to they want to reunify it because it's the same kind of thing that happened in Ukraine, where there's factions of the Ukrainian government that have been basically infiltrated by this, you know, nationalist movement that has kind of gotten a little extreme. And that's essentially what we don't see a lot of this over here, by the way. But that's essentially what's going on in Taiwan is there's factions in Taiwan that have this nationalistic movement that want to push away from China. It's very small, though. It's also the loudest. OK, OK, because that's the way because the way I see the media is Taiwan does not want to be a part of China at all. But you're saying that you're saying that's just propaganda.
Starting point is 01:50:01 You're saying that's just propaganda? Yeah. I mean, if we actually could poll it, I bet you most would want to stay with China, especially right now given the current, I mean, unfortunately, if you live in the current situation where this, I mean, America's getting weaker every day. I think most people can't, they're dumping money all over the planet and not taking care of their own people, just like in Canada here. Right. I do. I do think this, though, I think relative, I think humanity as a whole is also getting weaker every day. And so things are bad, but not as bad in the relative as we think. Do you know what I mean by that?
Starting point is 01:50:51 Yeah, I do. I do. I think people are constantly, you know, I think we all have, we all have our own narrative and kind of like touched on what you said about, you know, people's trans choices and stuff like that. And I'm the same, I'm with you. Like I could care less what you want to be. I'm just not going to play the game, you know, but that also, that also shows that everybody kind of has their own narrative and it's kind of like, you know,
Starting point is 01:51:15 the news that you see might be slightly different than the news that I see might be slightly different than the news that my, you know, my wife sees. It's, it's very, uh, it's very difficult. They're making it very difficult for us to kind of align and view because they just constantly scatter us with different dialogues. Tank, let me ask you this. Could you get behind someone you didn't think was perfect? Yes.
Starting point is 01:51:39 Oh, absolutely. So what about, is there a candidate, and do you like what's going – I know you're not in the United States, but do you think that – do you like the Constitution and do you like the way we do things? And do you think that there is success with electing the correct president? It's even possible? No. Okay. So you don't even think it's possible? No.
Starting point is 01:52:00 No. Okay. So you don't even think it's possible. Well, I think, I think, I mean, to me, the best candidate right now would be Trump just because he's going to have the ability to walk into the White House and, you know, know a simple thing of like where the pens are. You know, he's been there before. He's going to be able to sit down and start making moves right away. And I think Vivek sounds good.
Starting point is 01:52:23 I watched the whole, I watched the whole thing last night and he said all the right things he was the only guy on stage that put his hand up when you know they they asked if if they were going to continue to fund ukraine and he was like no he's like you know we need to we there's people dying over there every day and that's the reality of it is whether you like russia or, whether you like Ukraine or not, both sides are dying. Numbers that people wouldn't even begin to understand. And I like that he was one guy to stand up and realize these things, and he's also pushing back against the establishment,
Starting point is 01:53:00 whereas all these other guys, they're all bought and paid for. You know, Christie and DeSantis and, I mean, Nikki Haley, like she's an absolute freaking warmongering joke. She literally takes her page right out of the Raytheon and Blockheed book. It's an absolute disgusting joke. And she doesn't say anything. Her on climate change was pathetic.
Starting point is 01:53:27 It was pathetic. was pathetic it's terrible like hey if you believe in it believe in it if you don't don't well don't walk this middle fucking line like like what are you doing no i totally agree i mean it's i mean the the climate change thing i mean i live in canada man and uh that's all we hear about here. Now we just had fires about two hours away from me in Kelowna, BC. And man, that's all you heard about it. But the reality of it was, it was arson. Sure. Okay. If there is climate change and, and it has been relatively dry here, I won't, I won't, I will definitely admit that, but climate change doesn't cause arson. And it doesn't.
Starting point is 01:54:05 And it does. Oh, OK. But and also there's always going to be climate change. It's a it's a it's a pointless thing to say, like the climate is always going to be changing. It's going to change year to year. It's just it's just vapid. Once again, woke talk like, hey, what are you really saying? Just say what you show me the
Starting point is 01:54:25 numbers of what you're really really talking about and they can't yeah hey well i mean if this guy let me read this to you really quick tank he says um dreamwear says bebeck is big pharma ceo which we know he is he admits he is and he towed the line on vaccines uh he tweeted george soros op-ed over the last two years basically saying he will play and say what he thinks the Republicans want to hear. Yeah, I mean, Savant, he came from big pharma. I mean, he he he built a pharma company. Right. From from from from scratch.
Starting point is 01:54:58 Right. So, you know, he I can't remember what the podcast was, but I listened to him on a podcast and we was chatting about, oh, you know, all the pharma that I made, you know, we made sure they were rigorously tested and blah, blah, blah. And they're, you know, they've been using, but like, that's all fine and dandy, man. But like, you know. He also said the FDA and the CDC are completely corrupt recently also.
Starting point is 01:55:24 Yeah, I know, which is, I know, I know, but they say it out of the side of their mouth, Siobhan, because at the same time you got like today, for example, you got Japan opening up the,
Starting point is 01:55:33 you know, opening up the, the, the, the faucet on all their nuclear waste straight into the ocean. You got the Nord stream pipeline that was blown up and they never said anything about climate then. Right.
Starting point is 01:55:45 You know? Really? Japan's pouring from that nuclear disaster they had? They're just pouring that shit into the ocean? Starting today. Yep. A hundred, or no, sorry, a million tons of water is being poured into the ocean.
Starting point is 01:56:00 It might be more, actually. I might be understating it, but they're pouring it into the ocean, man. And, like, apparently now China's having a fit. They're, like, stopping any food coming from Japan. Like, there's this. Oh, shit. Japan begins release of radioactive wastewater from Fukushima nuclear plant.
Starting point is 01:56:21 Yeah. But, you know, where's Greta sayingta saying how dare you to something like that no it's always conveniently placed propaganda and i mean unfortunately it makes me so angry but people have to wake the fuck up and we have to do something we can all talk about it which is good and having dialogue is good and having the vocabulary with your you know especially with people that are on this on the chat and stuff like that. Like, but you have to spread that and you have to talk to people and you have to get the truth out there.
Starting point is 01:56:51 I wonder what contaminated nuclear water means. I wonder what that, what the implications of that are. Like, does that mean all the fish? Well, apparently the strong, like the Hulk. That'd be cool. But no, apparently, apparently grow that got that grossy guy the iaea the international atomic energy guy yeah he came out and said he you you could drink this stuff out of a glass it's no problem okay well then chug have a couple uh have a couple shifts and let's see how you do yeah you know he's the same guy that went He's the same guy that went to the Zaporizhia nuclear
Starting point is 01:57:26 power plant in Ukraine and basically said that, I don't know who's shelling the factories here, but we needed to stop and clearly it was the Ukrainians shelling the fucking nuclear plant. Their own nuclear plant?
Starting point is 01:57:42 Their own nuclear plant? Oh yeah, man. Oh god. You know, I don't want to plant and their own nuclear you know their own nuclear plant oh yeah man oh god you know you know i i don't want to i don't want to bash anybody's head against the wall with all this black pill bullshit but just be aware man protect your family prep uh prep a little bit prepare because i think at a moment's notice anything could happen and if you're not prepared I'll tell you right now man there's going to be a lot of people getting hungry in the next couple years here with with all these changes coming down the pipe and like even today with BRICS uh the BRICS plus group um you know they they just brought on six new countries all of which are tied to petrol
Starting point is 01:58:21 and it's going to crush the petrol dollar like American people don't realize what they're in for. It's only, it's only going to get worse. And I don't think you can vote your way out of it. Uh, Chris Carter, this is how we get Godzilla. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:58:39 exactly. Exactly. Tank, let me ask you about one more quick thing. Do you believe in aliens? UFOs? God I mean I used to
Starting point is 01:58:52 so you're on the same page as like what someone in the comments wrote I think it was Seema or someone wrote aliens were a possibility until the government confirmed them so basically that's kind of where you're at when the government confirmed them you're like yep these motherfuckers are in on that too. I've lost all trust in the government, man.
Starting point is 01:59:10 And honestly, prior to the whole disease that kind of got floating around there, I didn't even care less about government. I only ever voted once. Would you ever run for office would you ever run for office no no i'm i i'm i'm an anarchist man i i want the whole thing to be torn down and i like i said i do like vivek because he he is probably the guy that wants to tear the most of the establishment down right but i just don't think he can i think he's going to get in there and he's going to be handcuffed by bureaucrats
Starting point is 01:59:46 upon bureaucrats because it's all levels, right? It's like, you know, it's like when they send money over to Ukraine, say $100 billion. By the time it gets there, it's strained so many times that there's 100 fucking bucks left.
Starting point is 01:59:58 Hey, you know, Tank, did you hear the money laundering thing is really interesting. I don't know which show it was on, but maybe it was the Flat Earth guy. But whether this is true at 100% or in varying degrees, they basically were saying that this – he basically believes that the CIA and NASA are just money laundering operations. That basically it's a way to pump money into somewhere claiming it's being used for one thing and then use it for something else and when you start the and then of course that we've been told that's what is going on that's what libya was and that's what ukraine was
Starting point is 02:00:36 and that these are just basically to some degree all big money laundering operations and well whether whether intentionally or not i think it's hard to deny i mean clearly the pentagon is a money laundering operation on some degree i mean did you see that they didn't audit and they don't know where like a third of the money was spent yeah i know by default it has to be considered a money laundering operation whether it is or not i mean what's well it's a hundred percent i mean what's well it's 100 i mean it's really easy to tell when they're sending over all their old military garbage essentially right like the mic is only going to get bloated like you look at it two years from
Starting point is 02:01:16 now let's say if the war has ended by then which who knows but you know all these countries all these all these countries have been sending over you you know, stuff from like the World War II. Like they've been sending over garbage stuff that the Ukrainians are using. And they're just going to get backfilled. All these NATO countries are going to have to buy new products. Like they want to send over F-16s from Netherlands and Denmark. And all they're doing that for is because literally stuff they want to get rid of and bring in the F-35
Starting point is 02:01:47 you know all these Abrams tanks that the US are sending there are fucking old like I feel bad for the UK so you think it's like almost like how I take all like someone I don't do it now but like I would take all my clothes to the Goodwill and then get all new
Starting point is 02:02:04 clothes yep and they'll give dribs and drabs of good I would take all my clothes to the Goodwill and then get all new clothes. Yep, and they'll give dribs and drabs of good. Like those storm shuttle missiles and stuff like that. Those are pretty high tech. But yeah, for the most part, it's basically the value village of military equipment. Well, thank you for calling.
Starting point is 02:02:23 Good to hear your voice. Thank you. Yeah, you you too man okay take care bye bye now i like i like um uh his voice he's like even though the conversation is kind of like dark and hopeless he's like all positive and shit just all positive money's a trip it's like time like people will say stuff like we're wasting money but it's impossible to waste money I mean unless you burn it
Starting point is 02:02:53 it just keeps turning into the economy it's not being wasted somewhere you wasted that money buying that 7 million dollar Rolls Royce wasted it from whose perspective not the people who work at the Rolls-Royce, wasted it from whose perspective? Not the people who work at the Rolls-Royce plant. Was that Jason Grubb?
Starting point is 02:03:14 Oh, did it sound like him? Yeah, Tank is a good dude. I agree. Oh, that's a really good point Logan just texted me something I'm sure I can read it but yeah this is a really good point Canadian conservatives have been beaten down for so long
Starting point is 02:03:39 they're incapable of seeing anything optimistic yet can you imagine being a conservative in Canada? Holy shit. It's like – in which an individual believes that they are destined to become a savior or are responsible for saving or assisting others. The term is not addressed in the DSM as it is not a clinical term nor a diagnosable disorder. A psych complex can refer to a person's belief that they can fix or save another person from their problems. The general definition of someone suffering from a savior complex is a person who feels responsible for saving or helping others, even if that provision of service is detrimental to one or both of those people over time. Wow, that sounds woke. Listen to this. The general definition of someone suffering from a savior complex is a person who feels responsible for saving or helping others even if that provision
Starting point is 02:04:45 or service is detrimental to one or both of the people over time dude that's that's black lives matter defund the police that's like those those uh women who in their um in their bios those crossfit women in their bios who say i'm doing this to save all women like you're going to the crossfit games to save all women wow and in turn you're just detriment and then your whole entire instagram account is is full of uh soft porn pics which which i'm not saying in a derogatory way but it's um it's just a fact and and i'm from the generation when there used to be like skinamax like that soft porn shit even though you didn't even have cable as a kid um mom um but uh wow that's the whole democratic party i save women from what great question philip i don't know someone sent that to me yesterday a post from
Starting point is 02:05:42 one of our um from a female crossfitter who was like i'm gonna save all women i'm doing this to save all women or some shit i'm like wow the term and of course they don't say from what of course that's a great question they don't the woke people never can point to anything specific the term has ancient and controversial roots if someone has a messiah complex they may have good intentions uh defund the police but if they try to come to the rescue as their but they try to come to the rescue at their expense or try to play savior for more self-serving reasons such as desire to praise power or sense of worth wow god that's the whole thing of sacrificing your kids to uh virtue signaling holy shit so that's what all thing of sacrificing your kids to virtue signaling. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:06:27 That's what all those people have. They have the Messiah complex. That's if you're a Democrat, you have the Messiah complex. That's an entire – wow. That's an entire political ideology. They just describe what it means to be a Democrat. just describe what it means to be a Democrat. We're going to defund the police because they're mean to people with melanated skin and two years later melanated skin on melanated skin shootings are up
Starting point is 02:06:53 34%. You can't keep a Nordstrom's open anywhere in the United States because they're just getting ransacked. Karina Pace. What's interesting about Sevan is the fact that his glasses and his nose actually are not one piece. Oh, thank you. if there's one thing that I'm surprised about more than anything on this show, it's that no one ever comments on all the different glasses I wear. And, and I don't, I'm not, don't get, don't anyone get that twisted. I'm not asking you to, but you guys are like,
Starting point is 02:07:40 we'll comment on everything else. And it's like, I'm like, wow, I just shift my glasses around and no one, no one ever said anything. I mean, it's fine. I don't shift them around for any other reason except i'm just looking for a pair that aren't scratched or that i don't get bored of what's interesting about seban is that he embodies so many of the characteristics that religions teach oh you sound like my sister but he arrived there through his own life experience seems so genuine and real so open-minded oh thank you it's not like I've never read the Bible. I listened to the audio Bible.
Starting point is 02:08:06 I listened to it on cassette tape, on a cassette player, like twice. And I read the Bhagavad Gita, and I listened to the Bhagavad Gita, and a bunch of other shit. I fucked around with the Koran. Tons of gazillions of self-help books back in the day, like Art Tolle, shit like that. Someone you fancy you fancy as fuck Persols.
Starting point is 02:08:32 Shut it, David. You shut the fuck up. Hey, gays he gay i'm gonna read that as he gay uh slater no one cares about glasses only hogs oh these oh these these is that what these are called god i want to just fucking cock slap David I want some really hot chick fanning me with a palm
Starting point is 02:09:20 branch and my wife feeding me grapes and then me cock slapping you at the same time in the face. How's that, David? Picture that. Close your eyes and picture that. Where I saw. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 02:09:36 Jedidiah Snelson. God's just taking Sevan on his own journey. He'll get there when it's time. Oh, that's awesome. All right. I think I'm done. I got to make room for a... I'm going to call... Should I call Taylor or JR
Starting point is 02:09:57 and see what they're going to talk about today? Oh, shit. I have to pee all of a sudden. It just hits me like a freight train. Two cups of coffee this morning. Who should I call? Taylor or JR? I'll start with Taylor.
Starting point is 02:10:15 And then if neither of them will answer, I'll go to the third string. What's his name? Mr. Branstad. The ultimate hipster. I started the show being like, why do people think this is a conspiracy show? And now I kind of get it. I answered my own question. This is a fucking... It's a high-level conspiracy show. We talk about how...
Starting point is 02:10:42 I don't know. Oh, shit. It sounds like I'm calling a foreign land. Why is it ringing like that? Am I calling Laura Horvath? That's what it sounds like when you call the South? They probably don't recognize the phone number. That's why they're not answering. Hey, this is Taylor. No, it's not Taylor.
Starting point is 02:11:12 JR. Let's call JR. Let's see. Do you have to dial one first? No. Hi, you reached your... I want the primary contact for... How the fuck am I supposed to promote your show?
Starting point is 02:11:37 Answer the fucking phone. Wow. wow wow wow someone just sent me a picture of their hair my goodness excuse me oh Oh my goodness. Is that real? Wow. Can I talk about this? Can I talk about this? Wow.
Starting point is 02:12:20 My wife said you're having a great hair day. Thank you. Hey, what's the deal with masks? Are they bringing masks back? Sebi, where are the good breakfast and Bloody Mary? Are you in town? If you're in town, come to Dory's.
Starting point is 02:12:36 Dory's Deli. Are you here, Phillip? Did you get your blood work yet? What's going on? Text me. Do you have my number? Text me if you have my number? Text me. Do you have my number? Ah, okay. Fuck. All right. Fair enough.
Starting point is 02:12:57 All right. I've arrived. Okay. Yeah, text me. Come to Newport. Come towards the water. Well, I can look for Dory's Deli. I'm right by there. I'll meet you over there. I'd love to have a Bloody Mary. I know Bloody Mary and go on a long walk. You want to walk a couple miles with me? Watch the kids skateboard along the beach? Jake Chapman said Sebon you look like if Robin Williams was gay
Starting point is 02:13:26 are you kidding me I'm I'm the straight version of uh Robin Williams oh um oh
Starting point is 02:13:43 oh sweet okay that's cool oh I'm gonna go Oh, oh, sweet. Okay. That's cool. Oh, I'm going to go... I'm going to go have a Bloody Mary with Philip Kelly and my kids. Oh, and I'm going to see Philip Kelly's penis. He's got his joggers on. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:14:10 Okay, that's good. Sweet. I'm talking to Philip Kelly in the chat and texting. I'll head over towards you. Sweet. That's awesome. I have to drink by myself this morning. Thank you, Kenneth. More of a Sean Connery look let's leave it with that
Starting point is 02:14:28 love you guys 11am Pacific Standard Time hour and 45 minutes J.R. Howell Taylor Self and Will Branstetter Robbie Myers 1999 thank you bye bye

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