The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In - The only way to set yourself FREE

Episode Date: December 17, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Bam, we're live. This personal question, Sousa, is going to be much easier than. This personal question, Suza, is going to be much easier than the last person. It's not even cool. It's quiet in Suza's house. It's quiet in my house. We tiptoed out of our beds at 5 a.m., started drinking coffee
Starting point is 00:01:19 to prepare for what? To look at little fucking dumbass fucking emojis. Airborne. That one's cool. Matthew Dreyer joined. Good. About time.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Jesus Christ. He's from Twitter. He is? Yeah. See the little. Oh, yeah. Dang. And so is Richie joined.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Where? What? Really? Oh, my God. Well, we'll get straight to standee talk then. I don't want to lose anyone with we'll just get straight to standee talk then. I don't want to lose anyone with any bullshit. Get straight to hand jobs.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Have you noticed that there's some people who just hate the show but they watch the show? Is there anything that you do that you just hate? I'm trying to think if there's anything like I do just to – like if there's like six or seven posts you made in a row where I'm like, okay, you're a fucking idiot, I eventually just hit unfollow. Right. Like there's dudes in our comments who are just like – they misinterpret. They twist. They have – like their angle is so fucking apparent. I mean, they just can't get enough of it, though.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, it's awesome. I hate paying bills. Oh, really? You do hate paying bills? I kind of like that. I mean, I don't like the money going away, but I like the whole process. Pull up Bill Pay on Bank of America. Send Javier a check that I know that then the bank is going to send that takes 14 days to get there or whatever and then javier says we moved and now
Starting point is 00:02:55 it's two weeks later and now my gardening bill has gone up from 400 to 800 so i send it to him again and then he says he lost it and then two months later he's like you still haven't paid me in three months and i have to go back into my Bank of America account. Now I'm $1,600 fucking dollars. Okay, I don't like all that shit. That escalated quickly. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I don't like that part. It's – like I'm going to tell you some some deep shit you guys want to hear some deep shit once you're who's ready for some deep shit when i say some deep shit by the way is people um uh there's people who don't want to be free so imagine like your your your hands and feet have these ropes tied to fucking earth and when i say some deep shit it's going to snip the ropes and you start to go up and there's a bunch of people who don't want that. They don't want that. No.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Keep me tethered to the rock. More standy talk. It's easy there. Well, I'll start with something gentle that I realized gentle, not too deep. Okay. So he's a gentle, you're going to gonna love this this is right up your alley perfect so he's working his home for developmentally disabled adults and the way it worked is it was a supportive living home
Starting point is 00:04:15 and the goal was and it was kind of an experimental thing in california the goal was is most mentally disabled people i don't know if this is true most but a lot probably most of mentally disabled people are like wards of the state or wards of their parents so their parents or the state are in complete control of them control their money their decisions where they live all that they're fucking tarded and so the state controls them right i worked in a program where they they they weren't wards of the state right even though Even though I use the word retard and you're against it, you would rather keep them fucking – you see them as retarded and you would rather keep them locked down under your control. But I work for – I get to say the word retarded, and I work for a program that wanted to basically set them free. living home, the thing is, is when you have someone who's mentally retarded or even just young kids in general, but retards don't usually get out of this phase is, um, they're always
Starting point is 00:05:09 trying to pass off all personal accountability and responsibility to other people. They don't ever want to take that. And most people will accept that and take that power from people. People love taking power from people and giving their power away right okay i follow you follow so if you watch that movie you made so so you walk into a home uh you walk into let's say you're in the support of living home your shift starts it's eight o'clock you walk into the house and the two kids with down two adults with down syndrome have the stove on and you're like hey why is the stove on and open and they're like like, because it's heating the house. Now, um, if they're your kids, you take a, you, you would take away their personal responsibility and accountability right
Starting point is 00:05:54 away. And you'd be like, Hey, that's dangerous. Shut the stove, turn it off, uh, go outside or, you know, whatever, whatever the, ideally you'd have a repercussion that's directly related to that. Like, Hey, you can't use the stove for the next month. When it's someone that you're not trying to take the personal accountability and responsibility away from, you say stuff like, hey, have you tried turning on the heat? Can you explain to me the rationale for using the oven? You ask questions and give them ownership
Starting point is 00:06:21 without being a fucking manipulative asshole. But you're trying to get them to take ownership of that and so um and and it's very you'll notice once you start noticing this you'll notice you're always taking power from people and you're always giving your power away you never no one ever wants to play God, right? I'll give you an example of playing God. Really hard to do. Everyone should try to do it every fucking minute they're awake. You should be playing God and God isn't taking control. God is taking full personal responsibility. I'll give you the example. I give someone, my Instagram account gets turned off and I give someone $800 to turn my Instagram account back
Starting point is 00:07:06 on. They say, sure, no problem. It'll be on in a few hours. They send me a message back saying, hey, sorry, we can't turn your Instagram account back on for $800. It's going to be $1,300. You have to send us initial $500. Someone who wants to give their power and their responsibility away would automatically be like, start getting upset. That's bullshit. What are they doing to me? Someone who's takes full responsibility and accountability says, I have, this is all because of my desire to have my Instagram, my Instagram account turned back on this is on me this situation is on me and i say god because that's the way you guys always describe god to me he knows what's going to happen in the future he knows what's happened in the past he knows your thoughts before they happen he knows
Starting point is 00:07:54 where every head is on your hair if you're naughty or if you're nice if you're naughty if you're nice so so you take full responsibility so then at at that point, I'm like, okay, he wants $500 more. So then you respond with something like, hey, there's three ways out of this. You can just tell me you're not going to give me my money back and it's a scam. You can send me my money back and we can part ways or you can turn on my Instagram account and I can give you $500. But at no point am I like, oh my God, I was fucking scammed. Oh my God, that guy's a fucking asshole. God does not do that. I do not do that. I do not do that. Those are some of the reasons why I'm the best friend that ever lived, and I'm fucking one of the nicest people ever. I do not
Starting point is 00:08:42 do that. I take responsibility. I wanted my instagram account turned back on that's where it starts that's what meditation is watching your thoughts that's how i know i know what i'm responsible for i'm not giving that power to him to those people to anyone outside of me why the fuck would I do that? That motherfucker's a scammer. Dude, that may or may not be true, but I'm not leaning on that. That is not what happened here. That's on him.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Irrelevant to the story, my Instagram account gets turned back on. I send the guy the $500. We live happily ever after. Now I'm trying to get him to be a guest on the show. Most people aren't ready for that amount of self-awareness and accountability though. When I sit down next to you at the jujitsu studio and I say to you, is that your four and a half year old girl? And you say, yes. And I say, is this her first day in jujitsu? And you say, yes.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And I said, oh, she's adorable. She's going to love it. And you say, I don't force my kid to do anything. We're feeling out a bunch of different sports. I know exactly what you're saying. That was a response to you. Yeah, that way.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I know it's total typical parent response. Parents are like total typical. Anything you say to parents, like, like when their kids around, like you could be like, so sunny day, huh?
Starting point is 00:10:17 I don't force my kids to do that. I mean, it's crazy. It's a favorite line of parents. Yeah. Okay. Listen, listen,
Starting point is 00:10:24 first of all, you're a fucking idiot no one can force anyone to do anything you you you eventually you cannot force anyone to do anything so i know really what you're saying you are taking personal accountability and responsibility opportunities away from your child and instead of you saying fuck I'm a shitty parent and I let my kid fucking, fucking get away with murder. And if they don't want to do something, I, if they're feeling sick, I write them a note so they can get out or if they're not feeling sick, but they just don't want to go to school. I write a note for them because I love them. That's what you're really
Starting point is 00:10:56 saying. And I'm going to, I'm going to get more detail here. You guys ready? I go to the jujitsu studio. You have to draw the boundary. I've told you guys this before. You have to draw the boundary and inside the boundary, they're absolutely free. Inside the boundary, they're absolutely free. At 2.30, we get in the car, we go to jujitsu. I'm not doing jujitsu. My kid tells me, I don't feel good. I said, brother, no problem. We get in the car. We go to jiu-jitsu. I'm not doing jiu-jitsu. My kid tells me. I don't feel good. I said, brother, no problem. We get there. He said, I'm not doing jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I said, hey, I hear you, man. I have fucking so much trust in you. I start getting him dressed and the other two boys dressed. He said, why are you getting me dressed? I said, well, because we're at jiu-jitsu. He said, why are you going to make me do it? I said, Ari, I cannot make you do jiu-jitsu. Why are you getting me dressed? Well, because we're at jiu-jitsu he said where are you gonna make me do it i said ari i cannot make you do jiu-jitsu why are you getting me dressed well because we're at jiu-jitsu and that's what we do i'm just getting
Starting point is 00:11:51 you dressed i put my hand on his forehead i'm like buddy i can see your brows furled maybe you are not feeling under the weather don't stress about it buddy i love you 259 the class starts in one minute what do i do i tell the boys get onto the stage because at aoj there's a stage the jiu-jitsu studio the the mats are lifted about a foot and a half off the ground so the parents sit a little lower and then they're up a little higher that's cool yeah except i'm always worried they're gonna fall off understand but it looks dope and and when you're sitting there it gives you a good eye of it you know what i mean like you're right like yeah yeah dude it's nice is that the way the
Starting point is 00:12:33 adcc is set up yeah i believe it's lifted it up to where you're kind of almost eye level with the yeah yeah so he goes hey i thought i wasn't gonna have to do it i go ari dude you do i'm don't you you are in complete control dude there's your teacher shelby there's your other two teachers the charlitas go talk to them buddy now what he doesn't know in all fairness is while he went to the bathroom or he's fussing around i go over to the instructor and i said hey just so you know or he's not feeling well or he fell down the stairs or whatever the his excuse was that day but i'm but i've asked him to come on to the mat i'm gonna i'm gonna escort him onto the mat and then if he tells you that he doesn't feel good i'm totally cool with that i love the kid to death he
Starting point is 00:13:18 i trust him i tell her the same thing i told him but i'd like him she's like oh no no no don't even worry even if he doesn't want to do it we'll have him sit on the mat and watch the other kids that's so i go all right so so as he goes on i'm like you're cool just watching the kids on the mat he said absolutely i said awesome dude and i go and hey if you don't feel good i support you the teachers there and enjoy yourself i really want you to enjoy yourself. Just enjoy watching our kids. It's a two-hour class, 15 minutes into the class. He finally stops sitting. He enters the class.
Starting point is 00:13:55 He rolls for an hour and 45 minutes. When they do king of the mat at the end of the class, he destroys everyone there at the premier jiu-jitsu academy. He does king of the mat two times through. He's one of the smaller kids there. It doesn't matter. I do not take power away from my kids. Do not say dumb shit like I don't force my kids to do shit.
Starting point is 00:14:15 It's not like that. It's not like that. It's your fucking job to make your kids feel safe inside of their boundaries and to teach them that they're in fucking control. It's their job. It's not your job. You're not forcing your kids to do something. You're taking power away from your kids and opportunity away from your kids is what you're doing. Under the guise of being some fucking good open-minded parent you're not
Starting point is 00:14:47 so there that's that's that's the deep shit you're in fucking control now you can be like someone could be like but seven you're you're blaming james neely Neely for telling people not to come on your show. Well, two things. One, I'm not perfect, and I'm not blaming him at all. I'm actually just thoroughly enjoying telling the story. You think I worked Neely into it? Yeah, that was good. Nice segue.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Thank you. Hi, Caleb. Morning, Caleb. Power go out at the Shattuck, buddy? Power go out at the Shattuck? It's just dark here. That's the way he likes it. We need more lighting.
Starting point is 00:15:28 We only have two fan lights here. Caleb logs into the show and then pulls out his favorite book and just starts reading. He's trying to get the Instagram live going. I didn't know Mark. Oh, you're a good dude. Don't ruin my story, though, Caleb. I'm picking on you. Oh, right. I didn't know Mark Twain. Oh, you're a good dude. Oh, yeah. Don't ruin my story, though, Caleb. I'm picking on you.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Oh, right. Shit, I didn't know Mark Twain. Really? Actually, you know what I do have? I have a book, the autobiography of Sarah Palin that was left over from the guy before. No shit. Yeah, no shit. What a gift.
Starting point is 00:16:00 There's that, and then the- Hey, she should really be a Democrat. Sarah Palin? Yeah. Yeah. there's that and then the hey she should really be a democrat sarah balin yeah yeah remember when they were asking her what she reads and she couldn't just be honest about it like she she reads romance novels and shit no she but they're like and where do you get your news she's like from newspapers and then the the lady's like the news reporter who's like which newspaper she's like you know the ones with black print. And it just got fucking
Starting point is 00:16:29 weird so fast. Oh my god. She was hot as fuck though. I have another book called Women in Topography. Oh. Women in bikini tops? What'd you say? Women in Topography. Oh. Women in Bikini Tops? What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:16:47 Women in Topography. Well, that's weird. That was left over from him as well. Send that to the people at HQ. They'd like to celebrate that. We have a woman in our film department. Did you know 13 out of 17 girls in our camera department are girls?
Starting point is 00:17:02 They have vaginas. That's so cool. I love celebrating women. Women supporting women. Yeah, this is great. I'm going to have an all-women's affiliate meeting. Listen, if you're like, hey, this is a women's meeting on how to recycle tampons, it's cool. I get it. It's totally your lane.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Audrey, I have a vagina and celebrate it. I'm really excited for people who are proud of their vaginas. When it comes to the shit that we already know you can do or that you already can do better than us, you don't need to. No one's like, oh, oh my god i can't believe there's a girl doctor actually everyone's like fuck i hope i get the hot chick even everyone yeah but if we don't say it all the time they won't see someone pressed anymore it almost be like they're equal equal right you almost cut one of their things and they oh shit i almost fuck someone up uh jedediah snelson morning all just got here sebi you need to announce the winner because i got got ahead to
Starting point is 00:18:09 my l2 in a bit no shit no shit do they have a uh god i'd like to hear about your your experience at the l2 oh winner so so there is the crossfit health conference happening Conference happening February 2nd and 3rd. The second is the workout. See, I know. Damn. The third is where you get your brain pumped full of cool shit. A lot of you already know, but well-packaged tools for you that will remind you and enhance your ability to express why we do the things we do from the pyramid to the tip of what is fitness or the hierarchy of fitness or whatever that thing is that Greg made. Yeah. And also too, you get semi
Starting point is 00:18:52 CME, CMEs. CEUs? Well, you get CEUs, but the CMEs I think is like specifically for healthcare practitioners, like nurses and doctors doctors so they could use it as a write-off and receive like educational credits for it you will not uh be disappointed uh when you see karen thompson in person either by the way you will not be she look like her ai pictures dude she is something else okay i have to do the notes. She is a full-blown... Oh, I have to request a... She is a full-blown woman. And she's cool as shit.
Starting point is 00:19:34 She's... Compared to a half-blown woman? Yeah, I mean, like, if you see me on this show and you might think I'm a full man, and then you see me in person and you're like,'m a full man and then you see me in person and you're like he's half man i thought you will not have that experience with uh when do it with uh karen
Starting point is 00:19:53 thompson when when um so so what happens did people do all the tagging and shit already yes yeah the whole the thing ended the last night at midnight and tons of people did it oh my goodness and when do we give away the winner 7 30 uh i almost said p 7 30 a.m karen will come on in about an hour from now okay uh so in 70 minutes uh what is a full-blown woman you know like she's full-size she's like she's not four or five she's she got like a normal size head she's a woman you know what i mean like she's a woman she feels like a woman like you're around you're like yeah that's a woman i'm a half-blown woman god i'd pay anything to be a half-blown man full-blown man if Full-blown man.
Starting point is 00:20:46 You could take a quarter. This is a good question. Will the health conference be – yeah, quarter-blown. Thank you. Don't be greedy. Is the health conference being filmed? Yes. Will the revolution be televised?
Starting point is 00:20:59 The revolution will be televised. We do have a live stream happening happening oh what really yeah yes so that'll the whole thing will be live streamed you have to pay for the live stream and it's only going to be available during the live stream i think you i think you could watch it for um a couple of days afterwards like up to seven days afterwards wow okay yeah i like it okay so there's three ways you can watch it you can live stream it live you can go there and get the just like you're just the regular seats or you can get the vip seats or doing the vip giveaway in 70 minutes for two tickets the vip giveaway means you get to like
Starting point is 00:21:36 eat lunch and like get close enough to ronda patrick to be like hey you got you have a hair in your nose like you'll be able to like walk right up. That's right. Yep. Yeah. You'll be able to get up and you're close enough to mix pheromones with Karin Thompson. And we're actually doing another giveaway for free virtual live stream tickets. Oh, look, and you can meet.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Say that again. What? So we're going to give away a bunch of live stream tickets. So for those people that missed out, didn't win the last giveaway and still want to join but aren't able to go on their own we'll be having a giveaway for some live stream tickets oh that's cool yeah oh and uh and you can meet keith knapp and you meet keith knapp yeah that's cool super fit keith knapp full man hey listen listen and listen i can't believe this is the most important part this is organized by a woman that's right i mean this is this whole thing
Starting point is 00:22:31 is a woman-run event please do your part and support imagine if just everything that was run by a woman you would you just we just said that i mean kind of all of us are to some degree right we all came my standee last night was completely run by a woman. At least I'd like you to think so. At least that's what I thought. I just never looked. Yeah. When I opened my eyes.
Starting point is 00:22:54 This whole thing, yeah. This whole thing, current time. And the two main speakers, Rhonda Patrick and Gabrielle Lyons, will be women. You will be wooed by the women. Support the women. They're not as good as men, but still support them. Yes, please. It's so fucking ridiculous. I know. I know. Some people still need it.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I know. I know. Do you think like the men who are really like, like, like if let's say there are some men out there, some people who think like that women shouldn't be doing this. Do you think that like, it makes them happy? Like you're just, you're just aggravating them. You're not, they're not like, Oh my God, maybe I should change my perception. Women are running things. Oh my God, a woman directed this film. Wow. The cool people, they don't care either way. The people who actually hate women but are professing to support women, they're just aggravating the people who truly hate women. God, it's just such a show. It's like all the anti-racist shit. We already know that you think blacks are lesser and that you want to kill Jews, and then yet you celebrate them in this passive-aggressive way to try to make yourself look better and hide what you're really doing. Hey, it goes back to that thing of what I was saying about parents who think that they're not forcing their kids.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Or like there's this blame. They're putting the blame on the outside of them. They're not really taking responsibility. They're not seeing the origins of the thought. Well, explain it, Seve. No. Yeah, but taking responsibility for everything is just a freaking it could be miserable
Starting point is 00:24:29 but it's so freeing I agree but like a lot of people just avoid it because once you do it with one thing you've kind of opened the floodgates and then you have to kind of take responsibility for all the circumstances in your life if you're really
Starting point is 00:24:45 playing that game right like you get rear-ended your fault like that deep well um it it and that's where people get fucking confused right there there there's two things going on there you got rear-ended it's 100 your fault you get in any car accident it's like for you for your for your advancement as a spiritual being it's a hundred percent your fault was your desire to buy the car was your desire to go outside you played a fucking equal role to the other person the part that you're tripping on is the fact that you and you had the desire for your car not to get hit you had you set up the expectations you were in control of all of that and just because you got hit doesn't mean you have to give it up and i know some jackass or smart ass can be like oh so they shouldn't have to pay for it like dude like if you're at that level i can't help you
Starting point is 00:25:36 i can't help you i can't help you there are there are agreed rules and delusions that we work on together doesn't mean you have to buy them wholeheartedly red means stop so that we don't get in car accidents it does not mean it's true yeah writing writing setting a date
Starting point is 00:25:58 to meet Sousa in a week on my calendar doesn't mean I'm living in the future like you have to be able to be like no you have to be able to you have to be able to think be like no I'm writing that be able to, you have to be able to think and be like, no, I'm writing that right now in the present. What were you going to say, Susan? I was going to say you're the freedom inside the boundaries thing. I mean, that's us as citizens too. Right. When you think about it at that level.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yes, yes, yes. It's like, Hey, we got a lot of freedom, but you can't do anything you want. Right. Like you got to stay with inside the parameter of what's already been set by society and you know the government and everything else um and that's sort of the matrix it's the same thing with the people that the free palestine thing like hey dude what is your what is your really what is your goal to be a goal to save those people's lives what say it again and it's to be accepted by my peer group yeah what
Starting point is 00:26:51 is the real what what are you really doing what is the origin of that desire to make a sign that says free palestine put it up because you're getting Palestinians killed 100% all the people who are like pro-Palestine and sharing free Palestine all you're doing is getting those people killed you're definitely not helping 100% not helping like shutting down the bay bridge here on a weekend so by the way two people didn't get their Oregon transplants. Do you hear about that? No. So that means that there was a small and Caleb could probably speak to like the probability of this more than I can, but that means there was a small chance that you were going to get an Oregon. You got it. You got a phone call that day. They rushed you into the hospital with your family
Starting point is 00:27:39 from wherever you were. They prepped you for surgery. They took the Oregon that they had, they threw it on the fucking ice or whatever they do. And they started to emergency driving it to where you were to give you that surgery. And a bunch of fucking idiots blocked the Bay Bridge because they thought that they were doing anything other than harassing and stopping other people to get through their day lives. And those people fucking died with their families next to them at the hospital, waiting for the organ that never showed up because you decided to block the Bay bay bridge protesting something you don't even begin to wrap your head around to understand thank you is that really true i'm typed in or ufc transplant delayed by bay bridge protest holy shit imagine imagine you trying to holy shit dude you don't understand for a land you've never been here for
Starting point is 00:28:27 people that would immediately slit your fucking throat if you tried to do any of this shit inside their country yeah and you guys hear that yeah you don't even have the freedoms to drive as a woman you don't have even drive your fucking car there to protest but here in the united states we'll do it and then we'll make sure the cops treat you fairly after you kill people because you're blocking their ability for us to live in the society we all agreed upon to let flow through the Bray
Starting point is 00:28:54 Bridge without sitting on the fucking concrete floor. Yeah, there's a time frame from when the organ is harvested to when like how long it's viable for. So if they were there for, I don't know how long. I don't know what the time frame is. Oh, dude, the traffic back was mega.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I mean, they stopped for a little bit, but it didn't matter. The domino effect already fell, and all the cars were fucked all the way back to Oakland. San Francisco was a mess. Like, you couldn't even get into the city. Dude, all the way back to oakland san francisco was a mess like you couldn't even get into the city dude it probably went back to pleasanton it's it's insane dude i mean even hey dude why what where why why don't i don't understand like why like the capital building isn't armed with just insane water cannons in place and like there's not water cannons just ready i just to wash people away.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Like, my dad thinks I'm crazy for saying that shit. I don't think I'm crazy at all. You breach the fucking, the fence of the White House. Bare minimum, I think you should fucking get hit with a water cannon. I think bare minimum, you get shot. I know, me too, actually. I know, I know that. You hop and you go.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Hey, dude. No way. If 50 people jump the fence, they ain't shooting you. This country's gone to shit, dude. Fuck no. Well, it depends. Dude, a bunch of fucking ding-dongs
Starting point is 00:30:15 fucking just walked into the Capitol building. Yeah, I go back and forth. I mean, all those are public buildings now don't don't we pay for them and if the government is doing so much shit that we have to have water cannons in front of them to stop people from doing it maybe we should look at the actions of the bureaucracy but listen there has to be there has to be a procedure in place and it has to be like hey when we hire you we also protect you it's it's it's like a police officers yeah but even when they retire don't you still get access to secret service for life from
Starting point is 00:30:50 that point sure i'm not saying the connection i thought you were saying that they shouldn't do that like hey i don't think that there's any i can't think of any circumstance where you should be able to pull a gun out anywhere near a police station. I don't think there's any circumstance where you should be able to pull a gun out or threaten a police officer's life where you don't get killed. I don't. Not even for a second. It comes with that job. I don't think that there's anyone who should be able to threaten a fucking fireman while he's doing his job and not be shot and killed.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I just don't. Those should just be some cut and dry rules i don't think like if you see a cop doing something bad you have all the fucking tools in the world to fucking address it threatening them with violence not one not an option i agree with that yeah for sure not not not at all you resist arrest right soon as you resist arrest i'm okay with the cop shooting you and you can be like hey that's total overboard but here's the thing yeah the second you resist arrest that cop does not know we've talked about this many times if you're going to grab his gun and start shooting and if you're on the side of the road and you resist arrest on the freeway and i'm driving by
Starting point is 00:32:04 with the three playing brothers the playground legends and you are in a fight with a cop, I need you to be killed. I can't risk my kids getting – the gun being taken away from the cop. I can't. Don't resist arrest. You are fighting with someone who has a fucking lethal weapon on them. you were fighting with someone who has a fucking lethal weapon on them i also don't i also uh you pull you pull the wrong weapon um uh the taser instead of you pull the gun instead of the taser and you could kill someone a cop gets a pass on that no every time every time for me absolutely not no every time i think that's a failure of training right there you you think that cop should have to go to jail for that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Oh, you're fucking nuts, dude. Yeah. I think that there's no fucking way. No fucking way. A power to where if you are saying you could resist arrest and then they're going to shoot you on the street for that. No, I'm talking about a cop. I'm not. I'm not talking about.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I'm not talking about if I'm a parent and I'm playing guns with my kids and I shoot and kill my kid and the cops come back. Dude, I had no idea. I thought it was a fucking cap gun. Jail. This fucking psychopath that fucking shot the person on the set of the movie. Yeah. And killed him. Alec Baldwin.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Alec Baldwin. Jail. Talk about a fucking cop that we hire to put in a stressful situation is in a situation where he gets to grab, like that lady grabs that boy in the car. He's resisting arrest. And she pulls the wrong gun and kills him. I can't, I cannot send her to jail. There's no fucking way. There's no fucking way.
Starting point is 00:33:39 You just said it though. You hired them and you paid them to do that job. Right, right. And they fucked up. They did fuck up. You're paying their salary. So maybe they lose their job or maybe they change positions. But I cannot put them in jail.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yeah. I don't know. If we're going to hold them to that standard, we're holding them to that standard all the way. If you're going to be able... If I'm enabling you in this scenario to be able to determine what if i'm enabling you in this scenario to be able to determine what is resist of arrest to escalating it to death and you're not even determining it you're like you're following but for us but for us but for us it is until that's the point i'm
Starting point is 00:34:18 saying it's for us they're putting their life at risk for us yeah you could say all day but they but we pay them but it's still for us no i'm not i'm not tripping on the fact that we pay them i'm tripping on the fact that i think that if we're gonna if we're gonna hold them to that standard we have to do it all the way and so what i mean by that is i mean you need every two you know twice a year you need every two, you know, twice a year, you need to go pass a gun competency test twice a year. I want you to be able to pull a gun and pull a taser. Know the difference blindfolded with flashbangs going off. So there's just chaos breaking seven shots of tequila or whatever. But regardless, you know the difference in weight.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I want my cops that are buying those weapons in the weapon systems to have so much of a difference that they could tell it by feel through a glove. Like, for me, I'm going back further if we're going to do that. I also want every single cop to be a blue belt in jujitsu. And if you're not, you're too afraid to take control of situations. You don't have the confidence. You haven't earned the confidence to be able to know what the difference of a 13-year-old kid pushing past you to get away or a grown man who's putting you to the ground to take your weapon. There's a big difference in that altercation. And you could tell by the angles and the way people are moving and the aggressiveness they're moving to.
Starting point is 00:35:38 So for me, that's where I go back. I want to give the officers power not in the sense of you could shoot somebody and're cool with it because you're protecting us but power in the sense of hey we've invested so much money into your training that we have made you a completely competent being to be out on the streets and handle the situations that make him up every cop's fit they're fit you know you get to and they're squared away i i hear you i completely hear you and i think all those things should be implemented i think that if you arrest, that the implication should be that getting shot is what happens next. I think that that should be a I think that that should be for the safety of the police officer and for the safety of everyone around. And a lot less resisting arrest.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I don't think so. Do you think so? I don't think so. I think so, yeah. I think if people knew that it was just that and bam, like you're going to get shot, I think that – Well, good. Then wouldn't that be more safety for everyone? Depends how good of a shot that cop is. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Your backstop is. Right, right, right. Your backstop is. Right, right. You know, but I think we also have an agreement on our end as citizens, and that should be understanding the law. And the first rule of understanding the law is that it's not disputed in the street right there with the officer. That is not where that happens. You know that if you don't stop at a red light or if you speed through a yellow light that there's a chance you're going to be hit. You should know that if you resist arrest, there's a chance
Starting point is 00:37:10 you're going to be shot. A good chance. And all of a sudden it becomes up to the right of the officer if he feels his life is threatened, he should get to blast your ass. And listen, let's say this. Let's say she would have, let's say that cop, let's say this. Let's say she would have – let's say that cop – let's say this.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Let's say that cop, when she shot him, even though it was on accident with the wrong weapon, she thought she pulled the taser. Let's say that that's all true. She pulled the gun instead of the taser. But she shot him, and he had his hand on a gun. Then should she have gone to jail? Even though she didn't know – but what – even if she didn't know she had that hand on the gun i mean i mean that's so that's such a particular case and that's why we have the court of law for right right i just i i i think i'm so i'm so i so want civilization to work better yeah and i think i still want it to run more smoothly i so want civilization to work better. Yeah, and I think it's – I so want it to run more smoothly.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I so want it to be more cooperative. Indeed, I think the biggest thing that would make the biggest effect immediately is we have to fucking celebrate these people again. The cops. The cops in the fire department and kind of our traditional American heroes, the military, the fire department and law enforcement and the media has just vilified these people right so now we don't see them as somebody who were need to to work with and to give space to and to have boundaries with we see it as somebody as like hey you're an evil you're only doing this because you're racist or whatever the heck right bring the occupational games? Bring the occupational games back. Bring the occupational games back. Yeah, and so that's part of the problem.
Starting point is 00:38:50 You used to kind of like, there was a lot more respect in terms of the media and the forward-facing public relations that were happening with our law enforcements, I feel like, back in the day as opposed to now. Cops, when cops were good guys uh matthew jire times have changed it's never been more dangerous for law enforcement completely agree also too because i think a lot of and i don't know this i'm not a cop but i would know it's true whatever he's gonna say is true i would assume like law
Starting point is 00:39:21 enforcement now feels like they just have their hand tied behind their back because even if they try to enforce something or be reasonable, whatever, you're going to have some. Yeah, because there's people like you and Caleb who don't want to fucking give be cool to cops. I know a lot of cops. I'm pretty cool. All of them. I got a lot of respect for the law enforcement officers. You know, if you talk to me, my killer Susan doesn't even let Blade come in and do pull-ups anymore. He tries to charge him a dollar per pull-up.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Hey, I need that drop-in fee, dog. Come on. He told Blade last time he come in, can you not come in in your uniform? You're scaring my clients. So what happens if it was a long time ago and somebody was paying- By the way, you are doing your part.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Let me add that up. You are doing your part. That let me add that up you are doing your part that's exactly what people should be doing business owners should make it so cops feel comfortable really comfortable coming in so it has fucking a cop that comes in and just fucking hangs that detroit affiliate has a cop that just comes in and hangs you have a fucking place where it's like cool like that you should have a place where the fucking fire truck wants to roll past your fucking affiliate walk in everyone do 10 pull-ups and they leave and everyone in the fucking affiliate claps and cheers and then they go like it should be like that those are fucking what are they called civil
Starting point is 00:40:34 servants my affiliate has it too yeah like it's cool like that like cops could would just roll by and like get a pull-up or like wave or yeah that's yeah in after work. They work out, and they go back, go to sleep. Or they come in on their lunch break. They work out, go back on shift, all that shit. Yeah, it should totally be like that. Yeah, we always let them know. Like, hey, you could use the bathroom or the microwave or grab a coffee in here too. Yeah, and I know somebody's going to be like, well, cops are bad.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Dude, everyone's bad. Like there's no group. There's no cohort that's fucking perfect. Like, so what? Do your part. Don't worry about their part. Do your part. Be the person you want to be because of the person you are. God, this is a preachy show today. Have you ever ran from the police in your past?
Starting point is 00:41:30 So many fucking cop interactions i think i i i if i did it was very rare i mean i did shit like paint cans in the middle of the highway as a kid and then the cars are running over them and we keep putting more and more and then when the cops come we run off out into a field you know shit like that okay you know what i mean but never never like never like i was came in through the rooftop of a fucking liquor store and was robbing the place and the cop showed up and i ran not you know what i mean i didn't do like nothing like that but just uh and i never ran like on my motorcycle oh i ran in a car once i ran in a car once and my volkswagen rabbit i ran in the car once. And my Volkswagen Rabbit, I ran in the car. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Yeah. That's insane. A high-speed chase, huh? A high-speed chase. I had one high-speed chase, yeah. Wait, how did that play out? I'm curious. Oh, shit. How did that happen?
Starting point is 00:42:17 Is that place still there on 580, Marriott's Great America? Is Marriott's Great America still there? Yeah, it was that. It was that. That might be. I didn't have a GTI. Marriott's Great America is Marriott's Great America still there yeah is that that might be I didn't have a GTI I had the 64 horsepower 1977 Volkswagen Rabbit yeah I got 77 not the diesel nope not the diesel I had a 4 speed
Starting point is 00:42:35 push down reverse is Marriott's Great anyway have you run from the cops I don't know if I'm ready to tell that story well that's what I was getting at here so you should have gotten shot. Yeah, well, yeah. I mean, yeah. Hey, I was doing some dangerous shit. I was doing some dangerous shit. Yeah, but you shouldn't have been shot.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Hey, listen, listen, listen. There's a difference between running and resisting arrest. There's a line there. You're talking about an altercation. There's physical contact between running and resisting arrest. There's a line there. You're talking about an altercation. There's physical contact between you and the officer. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you're fucking 100 yards away, and there's no – they're not – as soon as you become a threat to the police officer, maybe we should say that, not resisting arrest. The second you become a threat, how's that? I like that a lot better.
Starting point is 00:43:20 That's a better definition. I like that a lot better. Look at us. Look at us. We're not just a fucking uh podcast team greg might correct the uh public health record we're correcting the public civil record hey dude i'm either gay as shit for the car i drove or i'm fucking so masculine so masculine i had so much testosterone as a kid. I turned that 60.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I was like a double, you know, like in Scrabble, I have the double word tile, double point tile. I doubled the horsepower of that car. Wait. I need his comment. What? From running to calling. That's when you go from 20 to 40 hey listen listen listen
Starting point is 00:44:10 I was a fucking democrat with no kids anarchist now I'm a complete fucking company man isn't that funny what was that switch for you I remember you were like very similar like I was like hey let the world go into a hell into a handbasket.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I'll be fine. Like, I love. Yeah, I'm ready. And then you had it. Was that instant when you had the kids like where they're born and like you held Avi and you were like, oh, fuck, I care about the world now. Or was it just like this slow? It was a perfect storm of having kids and being around greg glassman to be completely honest you know what i mean like when you're when you're when you're asleep and someone says hey i want
Starting point is 00:44:50 affirmative action you're like cool you're like that's fucking rad like let's help people yeah like and then when you then when someone's around he's like hey how about you define an affirmative action and then you realize the psychology where where the thought comes from oh it's because you fucking hate black people and you think they're stupid and you want that to and you want to keep them down under the guise of helping them while also punishing other people for being white then you realize if you fight racism with racism you the winner is always going to race it like you start to just see shit or like you're all of a sudden you like open a book and it's like not a
Starting point is 00:45:24 single democrat owned a slave and you're like or not a single republican owned a slave and you're like what you're like even when ulysses grant owned a slave he was a democrat and you're like what the fucking you know what i mean like just shit like that like you just slowly um you realize the implications of where things are coming from you have to have a little a little bit of awareness and then it's nice to have someone explain shit to you. Like, what are the implications? That's like the free Palestine thing. Of course everyone wants a fucking free Palestine.
Starting point is 00:45:52 But while they're getting fucking bombed to holy hell and you're chanting that, you should really be chanting, stop fucking Hamas and fucking open the border with Egypt. You should be giving them something practical that they could fucking act on. Hey, dude, you know what's crazy? I was thinking the other day. When the KKK was around and the Nazis were around, there was no YouTube. There are now. We have it all fucking documented. You can go online and actually see prominent people being like,
Starting point is 00:46:26 my greatest achievement was my DEI hires. My greatest achievement. And then you're like, in 20 years, it's going to be like, look, there they are. Those are the people. It's all over. Like, all their shit's documented. We're going to see it all. I hired this person because he had a penis and he he loved other penis in his mouth, and he was black. That's why I hired him. And you know what I did? There was someone with ten times the qualifications as him.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Fuck that dude. dei and it's all fucking documented i was just watching a video i was just watching a video of an executive in a company that we're all very familiar with who was proud of their fucking like it's 40 minutes of them being proud of their fucking racist and sexist ways like as a crowning achievement it's like uh it's all documented now it's gonna be great the next 20 years are gonna be fucking a trip on that shit they're worried about kids like posting like naked pictures of themselves you fucking people are like because um the the the last time the nazis got to escape they got to go like to argentina and shit and like um and and and in the the, and the KKK guys ended up just staying in Congress and Senate being
Starting point is 00:47:46 congratulated by Clinton and Biden their whole life. You know, those guys, you know what I'm talking about? Like they showed up at their funerals and like celebrating their shit. That shit ain't going to, I don't think that shit's going to go down this way this time. And there's going to be pussies like Jack Dorsey who ended up going on
Starting point is 00:48:03 rogue and be like, I didn't have control. Yeah. He's always the CEO, but the CEO, but I couldn't do anything. And our real heroes are going to be people like Elon Musk. Hey, if you live in Palestine, you don't want people chanting Free Palestine. If you live in Palestine, you hate the people chanting free palestine yeah you you want people helping you find a fucking exit strategy just remember there's like the vast majority of people there are just like us they just want a fucking little fucking parcel of land
Starting point is 00:48:36 to raise their fucking family that's it that's it and you fucking assholes who are between the age of 17 and 35 who have fucking nothing on the line i know me and susan were just saying we were once like you too you got nothing on the line you got nothing to live for i get it you got nothing to live for you get your fucking art aerosol arts degree sorry susan that wasn't cool hey you learn a lot of them streets Sorry, Susan. That wasn't cool. Hey, you learn a lot on them streets.
Starting point is 00:49:07 It's like, fuck. And hey, I'm talking from someone with experience. I ain't fucking Pierce Morgan, motherfuckers. I went to my family's house. I drove from Lebanon through Syria to Turkey and went to my family's house. I saw the Turkish people living there who fucking somehow were related to the people that were killing
Starting point is 00:49:23 my fucking relatives and chased my people out of that country. I smiled at him and said, thank you. Fucking A. Here I am. Look at you now. Graciano Rubio, humbly, I've been hired for my penis. Now listen, there are some nuances to the game. I'm not saying that nobody should be hired because of their penis. I'm just saying as a general rule, it's not why you should be a Supreme Court nominee because you have a penis and you like penis to sit on penis.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And you happen to be a certain skin color or something. I'm just saying. What's it called merit yeah motherfucker what is this world come to hey it makes our job so easy like imagine if there were some really complicated shit going down like i had to explain to you like how a nuclear reactor happened, like how it works. I don't know. This,
Starting point is 00:50:31 this seems pretty complicated for a lot of us here in the United States to figure out what you just said. Oh, I want to see that. Where is the sporty Beth video that CrossFit shared? This is some crazy shit. I don't believe they really shared that. That's the second time I've heard that. Where is that?
Starting point is 00:50:43 Do you remember when I had Thomas McCoy on? February 2nd, guys, and 3rd, Austin, Texas, if you're anywhere in the area, you know what? Fuck buying a ticket. Just go there and crash the fucking party. That's what Sousa would have done. Even though we're trying to fucking push this thing to help fucking Karin Thompson fucking sell
Starting point is 00:51:00 it. Fuck that. Just show up. No, you can't work out. You didn't pay. Move off the lawn. It's going to be on a big lawn somewhere. just show up what's daisy make no you can't work out you didn't pay move off the lawn it's gonna be on a big lawn somewhere just show up seriously and karen's so fucking nice she'll be like okay fine actually actually that's not true she'll kick she's try kick suze out when he would sneak into the uh the ddc she did right you guys started off as you guys started off as frenemies Actually, that's not true. She used to try to kick Suze out when he would sneak into the DDC. She did, right?
Starting point is 00:51:26 You guys started off as frenemies. No, no, no. She was like, it was Danielle. Oh, Danielle Hale. And it wasn't like kicked me out. It was more of like a, who are you and why are you here again? What happened to Danielle Hale? Great question.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Where is that? Just got here. Have you discussed the Sporty Beth video? Okay. How was Glassman when he had his kid? You mean like his last kid? I don't know. 65?
Starting point is 00:52:03 Let me see. I want to apologize for my white coffee mug today. I apologize. Tomorrow I'll be using a black one. The next day, a yellow one. Where is it? Sporty Beth Prego. I want Hiller to do it and unsporty Beth, right? She is. Yeah, yeah. What about all those antipsychotics she was talking she's on? Can you be on antipsychotics and be pregnant? You probably shouldn't be on any medication. I mean, you can get whatever you want when you're pregnant. Yeah, fuck that baby.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah, fuck it. Drink beers and fucking tequila. Yeah. Ivermectin. Oh, listen. Seema, I'm about to do a video on sporty beth she's pissing me off calling it fat people against sporty beth yeah there's some fucking guy out there i saw a video he made he's getting destroyed in his comments where he's trying remember when i asked thomas mccoy can you
Starting point is 00:52:58 be fat and healthy and he was like well uh remember that yeah we got a master class in tiptoeing around the answer great right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you had to kind of like the end he kind of he gave it he give it yeah because he kept playing oh my goodness where is uh she's pregnant someone put their penis in her yeah hey dude i'm gonna get in so much trouble for this but she has the nicest tits if you could pull up her her tits are crazy nice no yes yes they are no they're not no here's the thing listen listen listen susan i hate to do this to you you might have to get in here and vote listen you don't want to say she has nice tits because you have a problem with her because she's fat but her tits are really nice no they're not they're like just saggy and like no are you kidding me they're so full and just like
Starting point is 00:53:56 yeah sporty tits thank you that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me you should do stand-up are you fucking kidding me okay fine thank you thank you is going on you guys are out of your mind dude that's right see this is dishonest this is dishonest here we go this is so dishonest i know i just all that i'm getting on my god horse hold on let me get off my fucking oh how are you doing mr god horse look can you pull up her titties hey look we all know you have a thing for pregnant shits that's what happened i do i do like a pregnant girl don't be fooled by the bra the moment she the moment she takes off gravity holds those bro yeah bro those are so nice hey you want to hear something crazy you ready full crazy you ready everyone hold your seat
Starting point is 00:54:56 those are way nicer than daniel brandon's titties damn that's a hot take. Wow. Flip it. I'm telling you, dude, those things are crazy. There we go. Hey, yo, what the fuck? Thank you. Oh, you guys are nuts. Seriously, can you zoom in on those? Is there any other shots of them? They're so nice.
Starting point is 00:55:21 I can't zoom on that. Just block out anything you know about her and look at those. Nope. Can I ask you a question, Haley? Are you in here? Fuck. Thought I heard someone in the kitchen. Actually, quite the opposite.
Starting point is 00:55:39 We've put a few on since the second started. Hey, I don't smoke weed thank you though seriously is there any is there anyone who who who agrees with me that doesn't think that those things are just fucking incredible dude those things were just they don't even look real they're so nice i think she's a very good looking young woman. You do think she is? Mm-hmm. There you go.
Starting point is 00:56:08 All right. CrossFit a little more. I'm not even being sarcastic. Yeah, but she's not healthy. Her tits are fucking healthy as all get out. I haven't seen her blood work. I can't determine just based off of looks. Dude, she had a bag of fucking valium
Starting point is 00:56:33 bigger than fucking caleb's bag of dildos he travels with i mean jesus christ those are mobility devices okay yeah not pinpoint pinpoint mobility devices devon sounds the same way as people thirsty for me because i'm in a wheelchair you know god i would love to know if some chick just wants to fuck you because you're in a wheelchair. Oh, there's – especially him. Dude, he's – oh, dude. Because there's for sure dudes who just want to bang chicks because they're in a wheelchair. They just – well, I mean, just – you could put – there's for sure dudes who want to bang blank just because blank. I mean, I guess that's kind of –
Starting point is 00:57:04 Seve, are you a paper bag guy oh that's an old Rodney Dangerfield joke I fucked this chick she's so ugly I put a bag over her head I put a bag over my head in case the bag over her head breaks is that what you mean Rambler what do you think is Rambler a boy or a girl
Starting point is 00:57:24 I can't believe i'm fucking asking your opinion i'm desperate ramblers no one here thinks that those are just world-class titties that those were like that those are that's a a game titties no no nobody i know someone from twitch uh i'll take anyone uh no wow you guys are nuts dude let's see if instagram has anything to say about it i i just want to say this and i apologize for this but i'll just give you deep insight into my mind i seriously think you guys are just all too insecure to say it i said it i thought she was a good-looking young woman. I can't.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Look, no, I'm not compromising with all titties matter. No, Christine. I'm not compromising. I think that those are like, on a one to ten, those are a fucking ten. Not a nine-five. One squeeze. Everybody knows the rules. Yeah, I think what's happening is you guys are looking at her as a whole. And I'm not.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Just objectifying her tatas. I'm looking through a hole. Oh, shit. Listen, you crossed over in a crazy zone comparing it to Daniel Brand. Run! He lost Graciana. Oh, my God. I need more coffee.
Starting point is 00:58:53 All right. Thoughts. What a show. What a show. I don't even know where the calling phone is. If someone called in now, I wouldn't even know how to answer it. Hold on. I think I left it over. I don't even know where the calling phone is. If someone called in now, I wouldn't even know how to answer it. Can somebody call me? Hold on. I think I left it over.
Starting point is 00:59:10 I think it's plugged in somewhere. Hold on. Instagram's too scared to answer the question. They're just rolling it out. No, I just asked them because there's a separate chat. So you have to go over there and watch it. Oh, you have to click it. Oh, here we are. Okay. Morning, fellas. Hey, could you pull up the tits real quick one more time could i ask you a question real quick you can stand over
Starting point is 00:59:32 here you don't have to be in the shot this is official hold on i gotta go back and find it again we're getting some come come look come look at the screen hold on i want to know if you think she has nice tits. You won't even be in the camera. You can just look right here. Caleb's going to pull up. You can see my screen. I can even pull this. Look it. I can even pull this over here.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Do you think those are nice tits? Like, do you think they're really nice? I mean, they look perfect. Holy shit, dude. like you think they're really nice i mean they look perfect holy shit dude you guys are out of your mind those are amazing right yeah all right there you go oh shit where where am i going all right oh no i'm the only one who's like, everyone, I'm like, it's like one to, it's like two, I got two votes from what I agree with, and 205
Starting point is 01:00:31 against me. And a politician. Look at Carlos Romero. Look at, he's like, yeah. Look, the gay people are getting pissed that we're spending so much time on tits. What? Oh, can I have more coffee? That's Sporty Beth. much time on tits what oh can i have more coffee and that's sporty beth oh my hayley says they suck never mind are you kidding me six five 6.5
Starting point is 01:01:02 i'm interested in blade and Jeremy's opinion too that's great Wad Zombie founder of Mint Trading Cards I started listening to this podcast I need to listen to the whole thing but they were saying you guys are going to really hate this we're going to go from the greatest tits in the world that we disagree on to this subject is really contentious
Starting point is 01:01:24 and the podcast said yeah thank you thank you i'll take it i think they're yeah thank you dasho no one asked you nine out of ten oh okay wow yep dot dot dot those are nice yeah yeah i'm telling you those things wow thank you caleb c Caleb fucking swallowing – taking one for the team even though reading some descending opinions. What's that called in the Supreme Court? Dissension? Oh, please. I don't give a fuck about the nipple. I don't care if it goes from fucking side to side, if the whole tit's a nipple.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I hate that nipple talk. What the fuck? Oh, here. Is Heidi weighing in? Here we go. If she's an 8, I'm a 9. Great. Send me a picture.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I will happily assess. Heidi's a 9. She is? No, Heidi is a 9. Holistically. Holistically, Sporty Beth sporty best and negative 25 are you fucking kidding me she's a fucking complete psychopath she's fucking bat shit
Starting point is 01:02:30 crazy but dude it was like oh you seen him can you validate that nine yeah cannot validate that nine I'm just saying uh uh
Starting point is 01:02:43 uh it's in the world I'm just saying. It sits in the world. I don't know. I could be done. Oh, no. We have to stay on for another 18 minutes or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay if you think butt's more relevant than boobs.
Starting point is 01:03:09 That's fine, too. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. A Lamborghini's a cooler looking car than a Tesla, but a Tesla's faster. And this chick might be completely fucking psychotic and play the ultimate victim role and be addicted to drugs and have a great set of knockers and i think they're probably filling out nicely because she's pregnant and and where do you think fat stored aren't the titties just like a uh for some women like a fat storage repository like like there could be a chick who's fat and like she's just blessed that all of her fat goes to her titties, right?
Starting point is 01:03:46 Your body, everyone's fat gets stored in different places, right? Yes, but all fat chicks have big tits. No, that's not true. You've never been like, ooh, that bitch got cursed.
Starting point is 01:04:02 She's a fucking A-cup, but she's 200 pounds overweight. You've never seen that, ooh, that bitch got cursed. She's a fucking A-cup, but she's 200 pounds overweight. You've never seen that? Not one time. Not even anecdotally. I can't even picture that in my head. Oh, I can't. Come on, baby.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Come on. I don't want to. Come on. Come on. It's like abs on a skinny dude it doesn't count exactly oh that's not true what do you mean there you go bruce wayne thank you bruce thank you i've seen fat girls without titties me too that's a unicorn maybe she did in vitro geez fat chicks always have huge tits wow i've seen that just one time jesus no wow Maybe she did in vitro. Jeez. Fat chicks always have huge tits. Wow. I've seen that just one time.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Jesus, no one. Wow. Caleb's just beating my ass today. You chose the most controversial topic. Why does Caleb align more with the listeners than me? That's my show. Look at his fucking jacket. Let's talk about his jacket. Caleb just slammed
Starting point is 01:05:06 me in the chat earlier about it oh good yes if I waited the requisite 30 days before I pulled it from the lost and found no he's wearing it around so someone can actually see it's there and remember oh shit that's mine I had no problem i was just
Starting point is 01:05:25 keeping it warm for you look i got a little caulking on it from the shattuck with some dog hair uh caulk i actually just started liking big areola jeez louise because dudes never have three inch nipples so in a way larger diameter nipples are the most feminine okay oh wow i'm I don't there's no nipple that I've seen that's I like all of them little ones
Starting point is 01:05:49 big ones the ones that have all the braille and the areola all that shit I like all that the braille titties oh shit
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yon Clark 200 pound woman with a no tits is a mythical beast that's not it's not true. I'm going to snap some pictures of some and get yelled at by Instagram. And post our posting.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Just to prove it. If I see a hair on a nip, I just pull it out. Just do my part. Savage. Oh, not to yourself, to others? Yeah, yeah. Doing Lord's work. Someone sent me a DM, and it said, tell Hiller he's wrong about the water thing.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Yesterday, Hiller was talking about the three things you shouldn't buy. And this guy says the things that you shouldn't buy are things that float. These are things that you shouldn't buy. You this guy says the things that you shouldn't buy are things that float, things that, or these are things that you shouldn't buy. You should only rent. Okay. Things that fly, things that fuck and things that float. Oh, wow. What was the third one? Float or fuck? I mean, sorry. The second one. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. That's just being a crass man. You have to, yeah. Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling,
Starting point is 01:07:11 and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or... This episode is brought to you by RBC Student Banking. POV, you're a student listening to an RBC ad. You're learning you can get up to $330 in value with RBC, Thank you. three available offers, each in accordance with their respective terms and conditions. Limited time offer ends October 31st, 2024. Conditions apply. Visit slash student offers. What the fuck, Heidi? What's this, uh...
Starting point is 01:08:16 I didn't even know those would be attached. What's this, uh... Oh, 378. Did you see the, uh, notes? I sent them to you late yeah i got them i like oh what's this one what's this one what's 373 fake humble what's that oh 370 is good too you ever seen that did we ever play that toyota's in different countries have you seen that no 373 is private oh it is okay i'll pull up 370
Starting point is 01:08:47 okay this is that one's gone oh damn i haven't used notes in forever i don't even know why i do notes anymore these are notes from two months ago what's a 369 nice oh yeah can it fit through a door oh this will be good back to palestine oh good you never say that that's nice no no that doesn't work either oh no this one oh yeah this is crazy here we go look at this this is not hey so you're telling me that this chick has a huge set of titties yes you can see my founder back all right all right all right if you say so okay here we go this is a uh uh some sort of this lady's like at a walmart or something she's riding one of those carts that like they offer as a free service if you have trouble walking electronic
Starting point is 01:09:38 carts and she's trying to leave the store in it This isn't crazy. You think she can feel that? That's a great question. She got that badonkadonk. Oh my god. I have to move this. I've never been in a situation where I could not get through the door. Is this from like my 600 pound life or something? I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:10:25 I am seriously impressed that that lady can walk. Yeah, absolutely. What's even funnier is the guy pushing the cart, like trying to shove the, like if you watch. Yeah, he tried to push her through. Yeah, he did. watched yeah he tried to push her through yeah he did hey look how easy she moves that yeah with it like locked up like yeah yeah yeah i've never been in a situation where i could not get through the door hey so oh wait wait uh play it one time. Let's look at her titties.
Starting point is 01:11:09 I think she's flat. We might never know either. I'm open. Like, that lady had some big old titties, that Mexican lady in the pink shirt. Like, hey, dude, if your theory was right, Calebaleb those things would be so huge honor i'm gonna move that thing back like it's nothing he's strong as shit i've never been in a situation where i could not get up right there yeah they're giant all right for their hues i mean they're D what the thing is is they look like A's But you know they're D's she got like a
Starting point is 01:11:48 It's a D She's wearing a quintuple XL shirt Yeah but you've seen those black ladies Right who are like maybe just like 50 or 60 pounds overweight and their tits are like This Yes They're crazy Why do they have to be black Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:06 They're crazy. Why do they have to be black, Stefan? I don't know. I just pictured in my head those are the black women. Man. She needs CA hormones. Oh,
Starting point is 01:12:21 so that thing I was, I heard that Ozempic also, people who are on it don't want to smoke anymore. Oh, really? I just saw that in a podcast yesterday. Basically, it's like it's fucking – it just makes it so you don't want to smoke or eat. Man, that can't be good. I mean the smoking part is great, but that drug in general cannot be good for you long term.
Starting point is 01:12:49 They're going to rebrand it as a smoking cessation drug now, I bet. Maybe, maybe. But I heard it's awesome for that. I was listening to podcasts, and I heard that – and hey, dude, when I – I don't know. When I smoked, I would smoke – sometimes I wouldn't even want to smoke, but I would just smoke so that I wouldn't eat. So people – and I'm sure models and all sorts of people do this. People smoke or do nicotine or chew to stay skinny. When I stopped chewing tobacco, I'd only chewed tobacco for like six months, but when I stopped, I immediately put on like 10 pounds. Wow.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Was that because you replaced that habit with still drinking? No. Well, no no i knew that i was putting a chew in to not eat do you know what i mean like i'd be like i don't you're like oh i'm hungry i'll put this in and it'll give me another couple hours especially late night yeah and nicotine gives you a little rush right it amps you up man the only time i tried to like chew tobacco or like do anything like that it always fucked me up it was that big as pure trash throw i'd say oh tobacco fucked you up made you want to throw up yeah yeah you get past that you just gotta keep trying okay i'll hang in there
Starting point is 01:13:56 like that for me in the beginning yeah oh you fucking quitter. No, I didn't stop recently. No. I officially stopped like 51, and I officially – when I was 34, I was smoking cloves, and that's when I found CrossFit. And I was like, oh shit, I can't do both. Were you a big-time smoker, like light a cigarette with a cigarette kind of guy when you were outside? Yeah. I don't fuck around. Were you a big time smoker? Like light a cigarette with a cigarette kind of guy when you were outside? Yeah, I don't fuck around. I feel like it would be the hardest to do that if you had a job you didn't like. A what?
Starting point is 01:14:33 Like a job you didn't like. A what? I never had no job. Hypothetically speaking, because then you get that break, you know? It's like you do whatever and you reward yourself with that five minute break like i worked with a couple managers that smoked uh cigarettes at my job i was always like that's bullshit i'm still in here and you guys all get like a five minute or outside like yeah stand out there with you like yeah yeah shit or like have a coffee or something like you're a fucking drug it dude when i worked at that home for disabled adults mentally disabled adults 80 of my job was outside so i was just outside smoking
Starting point is 01:15:11 when they started smoking disabled adults started smoking oh you bad influence was a horrible role model and then so then after that then probably i didn't smoke for 10 years and then like i don't know i'm just making this up don't hold me to it but then when i was 44 i tried to jewel and i smoked that for like six months or whenever that was and then i quit that that was fucking really hard to quit that was on a whole nother level vaping is it is dark it is dark shit because that how thick the smoke is and how good it feels and the taste and everything it's nuts vaping is absolutely magical it's like i i assume it's like freebasing crack it's the best it's the it's it's the best it's the fucking greatest thing ever it sucks that it's bad for you but i quit that i knew right away that was bad i used to do some crazy shit when i vaped too like like i never smoked or chewed when i was having sex but like when i
Starting point is 01:16:15 vaped i would i would have sex and like vape like yeah crazy right wow so that thing just like lives like right here attach it to your brain i would i would i probably shouldn't say this checks out his shoulder looks at his wife he's in the kitchen confirming if she could hear or not leans in i would i would turn on game of thrones on myself a whiskey and like put in a new cartridge in my vapor. So I'm whiskey, Game of Thrones, and vape, and move the coffee table in the living room, and have sex
Starting point is 01:16:52 with her on top, and I'd watch Game of Thrones, drink whiskey, and smoke my vape. Like this. Like this complete fucking indulgement. It's crazy, dude. It's like every vice all at once. Yeah, like all my favorite things to do. I play the episodes with the dragons because I like the dragons when they just torch it.
Starting point is 01:17:16 It's complete fucking indulgement. Holy shit. Oh, man. I wonder if she can hear me when I do this. She's standing pretty close to me. Can you guys hear me good when I do this? I can hear you perfectly. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:28 She just plays this back. I'm sure she can. Oh, my gosh. That's amazing. There's like so many fucking people in this room right now. It's crazy. It's too many people. She might even be listening to the show.
Starting point is 01:17:44 I can't tell she just comes out and just gives you the look and you're like yep she's listening she's getting breakfast ready for the boys oh it's not rocket it's always funny when people like olivia are like loud and clear like i feel like the way she looks like she should not have heard that she should not what she should not have heard that she's like she's like above that oh olivia only based off that photo that may or may not even be her in real life oh listen to this uh i smoked cigarettes for 30 years and quit after having cold turkey after having covid yeah that that's the kind of shit i'll do too yeah scare the shit out of you and then and then after vaping then it was like another couple years
Starting point is 01:18:29 and then i tried uh i tried those zins those were crazy addictive too those things were all like really really difficult i had physical um withdrawals like i'd like myself and like like when i quit the zins for like three days, I would just have to just tell my wife, like, Hey, I got to go in the room and I would just have to go in the room and close the door and just breathe for like 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:18:52 And my, I feel, and I would just be watching my body like twitch and shit. Like how I imagined getting off of heroin. And I would feel these tight sensations and like tight, like you're next thing you know, your hands like this, right?
Starting point is 01:19:02 And you're like, okay, relax. And then every third thought is just put in his end just one won't hurt dude it's crazy dude everyone knows everyone knows who's chewed or any of that it's nuts that's gonna suck for a tuck of carlson though when he was talking about on that no boys podcast he was like yeah he basically wait he'll wake up at midnight like pop his in and go back to sleep dude my friends my friends my friends asleep with that in sleep with his in in yeah hey and every time by the way every time i quit smoking cigarettes i quit a nicotine addiction i had crazy dreams crazy nighttime dreams like cool but crazy vivid
Starting point is 01:19:43 vivid vivid it'd be yeah yeah and that always happens with any some sort of like suppressant that happens in sleep alcohol weed cigarettes like when you stop yeah second you go sober and i heard is because it like um stops brem sleep as much which is like that dream state and you sit in the like the beta like right above it that's why you could still go to bed early if you're drunk and like fall asleep and wake up and just be super tired the next day because you don't get that deep sleep and that's where like the dream the dreams occur so if you're using any sort of substance before you go to sleep to sleep so really good sleepers don't dream maybe that's why i don't dream because i'm a really good sleeper i mean it's different for everybody but that's why you get the vivid
Starting point is 01:20:22 dream is because all that is like suppressed and then when you get into that REM sleep, it's super vivid because it's been suppressed for so long. Matthew Walker, while we dream. No, while we sleep. Oh, it's been suppressed for so long. You know, like you just built up this. Yeah. That's what's called a wet dream. Bruce Wayne, I used to chew
Starting point is 01:20:45 and every now and then I want to throw in a good dip yeah I hey dude when I go to the gas station still I look at the chews just like check them out and then not order them like if I'm at the beach and some girl walks by in a bikini or some shit or yesterday
Starting point is 01:21:03 there was someone like some influencer take uh yeah there was some influencer taking there was some influencer taking pictures um like coffee shop like in a bikini this girl came in a bikini and she had an insane body and she's she's there and i'm watching the guys take pictures of her and i'm looking at her body and i'm like dang she's hot as fuck but i'm never like hey i wish i could be with her never not. Not for one second. When I go to the gas station and I see those cans of dip, I'm like, I'd love to take one of you home with me. I would fucking love. No one would know.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Sneak me in your pocket. I'm playing out the conversation in my head how it goes. I'm going to ask the lady for the three milligrams zins, and then I'm going to pay for them. Then we go to the car, and then Haley's going to see me open them, and I'm going to have to explain that I'm just having one. And she's going to be like, okay. She's like, remember, you have to quit. And then I do all that. I'm never like, hey, I'm going to take that chick home and smash those titties.
Starting point is 01:21:55 I'm not like – I'm telling you, nicotine is – Team Dazzer is like, you're sensitive to nicotine. Fuck you. You're sensitive to it too. Yeah. Dave Dasher's like, you're sensitive to nicotine. Fuck you. You're sensitive to it too.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Yeah. I would, if I did have a dream with Sporty Beth in it, like, you know what I mean? Like one of those, I would not tell you guys. I have boundaries. Yeah. You got boundaries here. Jason Miller, I like nicotine gum. Made it super easy to quit smoking.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Quitting the gum after was no biggie. Oh, that's interesting. I've heard that from a few people about the gum. Say that again? I've heard that from a few people about the nicorette, like the gum. Yeah. That you get good cognitive focus and stuff from it, but you could quit it just by stopping i absolutely i've had the gum and it's crazy it immediately makes it gets rid of the craving but i fucking so bummed because it's so weird what you want out of it right and and it's it was very interesting to me when Rich said that Lockhart chewed the gum. Mm.
Starting point is 01:23:07 And remember Rich said he chewed some and his fucking ADD flared up? Yep. Yep, like it gave him too much energy and he was like, yeah. Yeah. Nicotine's my pre-workout. Yeah, dude. I don't understand how anyone works out with nicotine, like who's like serious about it has nicotine in their bloodstream. Cause it,
Starting point is 01:23:27 it, it fucks up your breathing cadence. You're like, you turn into like a puppy dog. Like you drank too much coffee. Yeah. I would find that third round excuse. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:23:37 Like you got the five, five round workout and you get to that third round where you're really digging in and you got it. You got two more to go. You're just over the halfway point. Like all the excuses about what I did come up then. Like, oh, I shouldn't have eaten this. Oh, right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:23:53 You know, didn't get enough sleep, like whatever the case. But like when you're on point and your diet's right and, you know, you're ready for the workout, you hit that third round and you hit your stride. You're like, OK, cool. I'm getting in here. But anytime you do shit, you're not supposed to eating shitty or nicotine this example or whatever the case like you feel it in that third round drank the night before feel it in that third round yeah um jake chapman what's so uh what is addictive that's so addictive is it the routine buzz or both? So it's for sure the chemicals. It's for sure the feeling. You get a little, you get energy, you get a bolt of energy. You feel really focused. You feel really calm. You feel really in control. And then on top of that, that routine of breathing, anytime you bring your awareness to your breathing, shit gets better in your life. It just sucks. It's like evil yoga, right?
Starting point is 01:24:43 you bring your awareness to your breathing shit gets better in your life it just sucks it's like evil yoga right because you're fucking hurting yourself by fucking taking in these carcinogens or whatever's in there and you're building a crazy addiction to it i don't know if this is true but i heard i heard i don't know if this is true but i heard every time you smoke nicotine your body grows more nicotine receptors so that you can smoke more and more right and so to get the high from the nicotine you need to keep smoking more and more and that those receptors don't go away so the longer you smoke the harder it is to quit or the more times you start and stop smoking the harder it is to quit because now i have even more fucking receptors that are demanding or looking for that nicotine. I don't know if that's true.
Starting point is 01:25:29 But of course, you can pretend to smoke and it actually works if you're like. Just because the breathing component of it. Yeah, the focus, the breathing component, the switch. And basically, at the end of the day, we're all just reacting to things. We're not going back to the beginning of the show, what you're responsible for. You're responsible for your thoughts and your actions and your sensations. So you're obviously having some sort of sensation or thought that's making it so you reach over and put another dip in. If you can catch that and watch it and let it pass, good on you. That's the crazy trick about smoking because if you're stressed out about 99 things, you can smoke a cigarette and it goes away.
Starting point is 01:26:08 But you got one fucking real big problem now. The cigarette. Yeah, every pump you take is reducing your fucking life expectancy. Man, I just watched an old sitcom and it was an episode where they're in the airplane. And obviously it's just a set. But even when they built the set, they brought in airplane seats and they still had the ashtrays in the armrest you know oh yeah wow remember like the old i remember getting on a plane like you know back in the day and you knew the plane was old because the uh ashtray armrests were just like glued down yeah yeah like they're just like glued
Starting point is 01:26:39 but can you imagine now sitting in a plane and the person next to you pulls out a lighter and a cigarette in the plane and just lights that shit up and starts just. I saw a video the other day on Instagram of someone who lit up a cigarette on a plane. And then the stewardess came over and the guy, he looked like a complete dirtbag, like a drug addict. And then the stewardess came over and told him, hey, you can't smoke in here. And he fucking panicked. Oh, my God. So, yeah, he was just on complete subconscious autopilot.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Yeah. fucking panic oh my god so yeah he was just on complete subconscious autopilot yeah i mean that's nuts though just to even think about an open flame when i would when i would fly i would fuck as soon as the plane i mean smokers all you want to do is get off the plane and get outside and smoke as fast you can yeah yeah my old business partner was like limited where he could go his wife's korean so when they used to fly back to South Korea and he's like, Hey, my, and he just admits it. He'll just straight up be like, my addiction is too bad. I can't go that long without a cigarette. Oh, on the flight. the hour so he could only go unless he's driving like within a three-hour radius because otherwise he's like no i'm an addict they'll find me in the bathroom fucking lighting up a cigarette and i'll get some federal charge you think tucker carlson was um the other day when uh um yesterday when
Starting point is 01:27:56 o'keefe was on he said that nothing's done an accident at the ufc they're marketing geniuses do you think tucker carlson setting his zin can every on all these interviews now that that's all he gets paid big money for that a hundred percent yeah like big money like you think they paid him five million dollars to big tobacco money i guarantee there's some sort of large long-term contract in place yeah otherwise we'd probably still be zinning but you just it wouldn't be such an audit i mean i, I call that a product placement, and Tucker Carlson's been in the media space long enough to know. Tucker Zinn. That's a product placement.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Tucker Carlson defends his love for Zinn. Tucker Carlson reveals the one substance that opines on enormous uh but yeah why does he promote zin so much he did it on the nelk he did it on theo von yeah yeah i think the second he was independent and he didn't have to he wasn't under the fox news network yeah that there was probably some sort of deal struck someone needs to find out and it's massive right it's like five million dollars or something or ten million dollars or it's massive uh yeah five on like the low end i'd feel like okay right i mean how much yeah what type of what would you pay to have douglarson taking your product on every show and swearing by it you know what's that worth to you yeah uh also because everyone's trying to justify doing it oh so once
Starting point is 01:29:35 you're addicted to those you're always trying to justify just one oh i'm tired i'm driving just one you're like that's what it all becomes just one giant justification to do another one. Yeah. Yeah. That's not cool. I don't really like it that he's doing that. It was the other thing. Like, cause you know, Patrick,
Starting point is 01:29:49 but David gave him a, a Tucker Carlson, a hundred million dollar offer. Right. Valuetainment network. Right. And then they talked about it recently. And he said,
Starting point is 01:29:58 Hey, when I said, you know, I was looking for a platform, essentially Elon was like, Hey, for the first year you come on, I'll promote your show.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Like re repost all your shows and it'll live through my um x handle and on here oh elon told tucker that yeah how do you know that tucker told patrick uh that yep because he was like you know why would you turn down the 100 million dollar deal plus the media infrastructure you know because if you go if you step into valuetainment they're like we said we're going to give you your own show now you have somebody cutting all your reels cutting all your shorts publishing right like the infrastructure is just insane right so you know what would it take to turn that down or to build that out yourself it could cost quite a bit of money and um but if you compare the eyeballs that tucker collerson got just from the repost from
Starting point is 01:30:42 elon compared to the dollars that he would have received from bet david it was a no-brainer because like you would in order to have that many eyeballs on there over that period of time yeah you would pay way more than 100 million dollars right like it would cost so much money to have that many eyeballs so for hunt uh for elon just to say hey we'll just all just promote it through mine tucker was on patrick bed david um i can't remember where uh i saw it from but i think that's a great story when he was just like talking about it i thought that's interesting that's openly known that elon offered to repost all of his shit because he does repost a lot of his shit and i was just one but he because elon also said hey you're just going to be a regular dude on twitter so that's kind of a little
Starting point is 01:31:28 was a little misleading he's not a regular dude on twitter no but in terms of like outside of the repost he is just a regular dude but it makes the most sense for um for twitter because you're going to want to drive more people to that platform and And Elon's whole hope is to make that the everything app, right? I heard Twitter's killing it right now. I heard the traffic's insane. Well, I mean, dude, we've had two listeners on Twitter consistently from your platform right now today, and two or three consistently from the Sebon podcast one,
Starting point is 01:32:02 and the numbers from those um have climbed a bunch so we had zero for three years yeah that's crazy right now we have people that are watching it on there so that hey so the growth of the platform and also so when we get off the air today here we'll still be live on instagram yeah so we So we gotta be careful what we say. Does that go away? Where does that live? Caleb? It goes away. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Live video. They don't get saved to your Instagram or anything, but I just have to make sure that we end the live video on Instagram once we're done. Okay. Oh, Nelly. Oh,
Starting point is 01:32:40 Nelly. Oh, geez. Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. yeah oh yeah oh yeah i was like what are you talking about oh yeah okay um uh february 2nd and 3rd uh switch screens february 2nd and 3rd there There she is. Karin Thompson. Good morning.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Hi, guys. How's it going? The human being behind February 2nd and February 3rd. February 2nd, you work out. February 3rd, you get smart. CrossFit Health Summit 2024 in Austin, Texas. We're giving away two VIP tickets today in a hotel room. Is the hotel room vacant?
Starting point is 01:33:29 No, you have to share it with 12 other people. It's more of a dorm setting. We don't want to tell you, but actually, you know, it's a lot of bunk beds in one room. Hey, I really like that corner you're in today. That's cool. Thanks. Yeah. Trying to be more professional like you huh is that a painting on the wall
Starting point is 01:33:50 yeah i have two of them they're these huge paintings that oh it hangs there as opposed to oh yeah or or or being painted on the wall it's a actually like a painting i could take that outside and if in a pinch start it on fire and stay warm for the night exactly or use it as a roof or build a shelter i mean there's right look at this yes yes yes yeah underneath it yes listen i need to do something to make caleb either speak or smile because there you go i have a couple ideas I have a couple ideas. I have a couple ideas. You got a halfway there.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Hey, earlier, earlier we were talking about breasts and he, he chimed right up. He did. What did he say? Tell me. I was,
Starting point is 01:34:37 I, there was a, a, a, a friend of the shows is, had some breasts, a picture of her breasts, kind of not shows, uh, is, uh, had some, uh, breasts, a picture of her breasts, kind of not like all exposed,
Starting point is 01:34:47 but I was telling him that they're world-class and he disagreed with me. And so we got into a conversation. Wait, who was it? It was a young lady. Who's represented by James Neely to send one agency. Okay. Do you want to weigh in?
Starting point is 01:35:02 Do you want to weigh in? No, no, no, no, no, no. Don't try and listen
Starting point is 01:35:05 don't drag karen thompson into our yeah after after the health summit there's like everyone's beautiful yes thank you these are really good tits though and these guys are just crazy they have a problem with her i didn't want to blame these guys but oh yeah sorry susan thinks she has some nice hammers too. But Caleb and 80% of the audience is unable to appreciate her knockers. Why? Because they don't fit a stereotype or what's the problem?
Starting point is 01:35:33 No, no. They fit the perfect stereotype. They're perfect. Okay. But it's because of who they're attached to. Oh, well personality plays a big role in anything, right? I'm not in tits. What's that by me? Nope.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Sorry. That's not how boobs work. Okay. I don't know her. I do. I'm telling you. They deserve their own judgment separate from the whole. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Well, I'm excited to hear more but not today because not today yeah that'd be great today how was the show this morning what happened what show is great okay good show is epic show yesterday was epic the show is epic our live listener count is it's crazy our live listener count is like the highest it's been our live listener count just keeps growing over more and more but our actual views have hit have stalled which is hilarious which means that um youtube is throttling us our impressions are down do you know what impressions are like how much they advertise the show for us so our impressions on youtube are down like 40 percent now 38 why yeah why do you think probably because we probably because of the the we talk about
Starting point is 01:36:42 things like um diet like you should eat uh foods that aren't processed and you should exercise. I'm serious. That's probably why. Stop it. That's awful. I know. It's a scary world. Wow.
Starting point is 01:36:56 And your Instagram, how's that going? I just started a new one. I just started a new one. Last time we spoke, you had started a new one. Yeah, it's good. It's good. A bunch of my friends have reposted that I had a new account. Colton and Hiller did that.
Starting point is 01:37:13 And I went over 1,000 followers already. Sebi, that's amazing. How exciting does that make you? I'm a special boy. I so don't care now. Continuous sub-Omitosocin let me see how many i have oh how many do i have oh look at there's us there's me you and suza that's why caleb doesn't talk to you because you didn't put him in the photo i don't know caleb was going to be on and
Starting point is 01:37:36 also caleb has never said a word to me in his entire life even now when i was like caleb can you say something to me he sits there quietly and doesn't say a word he literally is just smiling and then he closes his mouth again so i can't see his teeth again and that's it yeah yeah young men are young men are intimidated by you young men are intimidated by you yeah seven roots is mike what seven roots is mike yeah about you. Yeah, Sevan Mutes is Mike. What? Sevan Mutes is Mike. Yeah, me too. Wait, how old is Caleb? Caleb, tell me everything about you. Take a guess.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Take a guess first. Okay, so you guys made this big thing about Caleb's age. So Caleb's probably like 28 and three quarters. Are you seriously 28? She got it right? Yeah, she's good.
Starting point is 01:38:26 I do. I know men in their late 20s. Look at Eric Weiss. I'm intimidated. This guy's a gun and he's intimidated. I am also intimidated, Eric. I'm 29. Whatever. Sabi, I saw that you're like
Starting point is 01:38:43 52. What happened? Haley, whatever you're I saw that you're like 52 what happened Haley am I 51 or 52 51 fuck that but you know what I do love are those beach pictures of you with like your hair like flowing
Starting point is 01:39:00 and I just think it's so gorgeous but we should get you some shampoo because it's so gorgeous. But we should get you some shampoo because it's looking a little oily. Okay, I'll wash. Hey, I thought about washing it before today's show, but I did not. I haven't washed it in a week or two.
Starting point is 01:39:14 I thought you were going through one of those like natural stages that you do where you're like, okay, my hair is going to start washing itself in 90 days. And so I just have to like sit through it. I did. I didn't wash my hair for months and months and I probably didn't wash my hair for over a year and I was at a friend's house the other day
Starting point is 01:39:28 mutual friend of me and you and they told me that they had heard people talking about me behind my back which I think means that it was them lots of people my hair smelled like cat piss well who was that you gotta tell tell us I can't but i was at greg's house and no one else was there oh my god it's like i heard her i heard some people talking the other day i'm like yeah you motherfucker what and he got what they say because they said your hair two people said your hair smell like cat piss i'm like like you and your wife you're not bringing around people are you no no my kids my kids are complete my kids love the smell of cat piss they're like dad smells like cat piss yay when they're lonely they hug a litter box oh my god oh ari just said that's
Starting point is 01:40:21 not true i love your children um okay can we get back to the competition yes february 2nd and 3rd dave castro workout with dave castro and the gang on february 2nd that's the thing i told you you can crash and like watch karen like see how karen deals with you crashing everyone should crash this by the way every second if you don't everything just crash it like like you like people storm the capital just storm the health summit like what are they gonna do but like you and three like if you're an austin affiliate just you and like 75 of your friends get three affiliates just to be like we're here you know we have a huge population of like special ops you know i mean i hey listen i bet i seriously think
Starting point is 01:41:03 this listen get 75 people together and each of you have a $50 bill and just walk up to the door and just go like this. I accept cash. And I bet you get in. I bet you get in. Just a 50. 75 of you waving 50s. February 3rd, a big cast, a great cast of characters. The ones that you're most familiar with are going to be Tom McCoy, who's on the show. A fantastic speaker. Gabrielle Lyons, Rhonda Patrick, Nicole Carroll, Tommy Wood, Dr.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Kujando. Kwadjo. Kwadjo. Damn. I tried to get for quad joe uh dr chris palmer um you guys have seen uh lions and ronda patrick all over uh joe rogan and instagram and then uh these tickets that were given away today are the vip ones so that you get to eat lunch with them you get to work out you get you get the the front row seats you get all the good shit but only two you get this the rest for free the rest you have to pay for it. And then, also, we're adding some panels in, and I can't announce who the panelists are,
Starting point is 01:42:10 but what I can say- I heard Jocko. I heard Jocko. I mean, I wish. I honestly wish. But no, that's not going to be happening. For sure it's not going to be happening, or you just can't say?
Starting point is 01:42:22 Just give him a call, Sevan, and put in a good word for us. Do you know him? No. Ohave does that's disappointing but dave but dave does uh yeah i do know i understand that dave does what i can say is that dave will be a panel. So not only will you be able to have a workout with Dave, but Dave is actually going to be speaking during the summit the next day on February 3rd. Okay, cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:53 All right. And it will also be a fantastic community event, great networking opportunity. It's going to be a wonderful uh crossfit event and there hasn't been something like this in a long time right no i think the last time we did this was the crossfit health um conference not just the panels at the games when greg was still you know in charge and then um the ddcs but i mean you know that's five years yeah it's a long long time ago. When is Dave going to – can you ask Dave to come on my show and promote it?
Starting point is 01:43:30 Let me text him right now. Okay. I don't think he will. I don't think he'd want to be on the same show as me, but maybe he's scared. I think Dave's scared. Maybe. I think he's scared. More scared than Caleb?
Starting point is 01:43:42 More scared than Caleb? More scared than Caleb because More scared than Caleb? Because Caleb said he's sitting here, even if he doesn't say a word. He's still here. He's showing up. He's being present. He's owning this space with his silence. Your silence is deafening.
Starting point is 01:43:59 I'm telling you, Connor Thompson could spin anything is great. House is on fire. Boy, at least it's not cold. That's true. That's so true. Boy, at least it's not cold. That's true. That's so true. I was thinking about that the other day. I was like, why do I always have this ability to make everything positive? And it's like, well, no.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Life. You kind of have to. All right. How do we pick the winner? I picked it. Oh, you did? Yeah. What if they're not in the chat right now?
Starting point is 01:44:22 Can we just say, fuck you, we're going to the next person? Can I see who's in the chat? Oh, God. I don't know i i can't even see like we can only see them like one by one like like heidi's there she was so good dave's not talking about the benefits of olive oil absolutely not that would be a huge confession how However, I heard it's very good. Matthew Dwyer is here from Twitter. Okay. Okay. Whoever joined, they should comment so we can see because I know who the winner is.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Yeah. Everybody comment right now. Three, two, one. Can you tell me the first letter of the first name? No. Oh. Jeffrey Birchfield is here. Slater's here. Buster Cherry's here.
Starting point is 01:45:06 I'm here for Caleb. Not for the competition. Christina Young. Seema Globes is here. Jeff the Dick is here. Blade is here. Look at it. Mike Cassidy.
Starting point is 01:45:22 You'll tell us if you see the winner. No shit. The winner is Mike Cassidy. You'll tell us if you see the winner. No shit. The winner is Mike Cassidy. No shit. Okay, guys. And here's the thing. That's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:35 Listen, here's the thing. So what I did was because I didn't want to be biased, obviously, or anything. I wanted to be like super, super, super super i don't even know the word but just fair look how buff that dude is this you got a like a hunk coming there that's awesome yes so much he um he tagged he did everything and then um he also like has a level one so when i looked at his profile i was so excited that it was him. He's eating dinner with us. Oh, that's Mike Cassidy. I get Mike Cassidy and Mike McCaskey all mixed up.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Oh, this is a cool dude. This is a really cool dude. Let me see his profile. There's something I want to tell you about him. But if it's not in his profile, I'm not going to tell you. I'll tell you on the. Oh, look at. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:23 When you see him, find out where he works, he always says cheap operations officer. Do you know where he works? No, I don't know anything about him. I literally off the air. That's a good get for the, he's going to add value to the program.
Starting point is 01:46:36 So he gets to bring someone to, he gets to bring a chick or a kid or something. He can bring whoever he wants. One of his kids or his wife. The dorm room that he apparently has what all other people yeah that's awesome yep so um yeah you guys should probably follow him back as well that would be nice jesus it's a podcast we don't oh fuck it up that's caleb's personal account is that your personal account c Caleb? No. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Unfollow him when the show's over. We can't be following him on the show. Unfollow that shit. Jesus Christ. As if he did something so terrible. God, I'm so happy for Mike Cassidy. That's crazy. I know.
Starting point is 01:47:19 It's amazing. Congrats, Mike, and thank you for... Oh, look, he said it. He's the operations officer for the YMCA. Wow. Yeah, that's amazing. Congrats, Mike. And thank you for, um, thank you. Oh, look, he said it. He's the operations officer for the YMCA. Wow. Yeah. That's awesome. Do you know what the YMCA is?
Starting point is 01:47:30 Do they have that in South Africa? I know the song YMCA. No, I do know what the YMCA is. I do. I do. Yeah. Crazy fucking massive organization. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:47:41 Caleb, you and I could do the YMCA because you remind me of the village people. You do. Good job. All of them. All of them. Oh no. We can practice. Is it the jacket? I think it's the mustache.
Starting point is 01:47:58 In the USA, national research, more than 2,700 YMCA gyms with 20,000 staff, 500,000 volunteers. The Y engages 9 million youth and 12 million adults in 10,000 communities across the United States. I mean, this guy's a big deal. What a get. Maybe he should be on the panel.
Starting point is 01:48:23 No shit. Operations officer of the YMCA. From winner to panel. Well, Susan and I are going to have drinks with him. Remember, so whoever brings the $50, we will be using those to take Mike for drinks.
Starting point is 01:48:38 Caleb and I will perform the YMCA. Cash. Alright, thank you. How does he get in touch with you? Anything else he needs to know? No, he can just send me a message on Instagram and we can take care of him. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:48:55 All right. Thank you, Ms. Thompson. Thank you so much. Really appreciate you guys very, very much. When's too late to sign up? How much long? No, never too late. I mean, we have until like, I think we'll probably, too late to sign up? How much long? No, never too late. I mean, we have until like, I think we'll probably,
Starting point is 01:49:08 you could probably sign up on the day as well. If we have spaces left, if we don't sell out, we have some amazing sponsors on board. They're going to start promoting and sharing. And we would love for the community to still be involved and share and help us spread the message. There are some other opportunities that I don't know if we can talk about right now.
Starting point is 01:49:26 Can we Matt on how to get involved? I'm lost a little bit on the second thing that we're going to do. Yeah. Yeah, we can. Seven. Are you okay with us talking about this? Yes.
Starting point is 01:49:40 Yes. Be speak. Speak your mind. Are you sure? Yes. Okay. Do you want to talk about this Matt Matt, or do you want me to? Whatever.
Starting point is 01:49:49 I can. You do it, Matt. You're so good at it. Go. Yeah, Matt. Go, Matt, go. He still doesn't know he's faking it. I know. I'm just making sure.
Starting point is 01:49:59 I know. I'm just making sure. I'm looking through my text. Yeah, we're talking about the video that they could create, right? Am I on the right page here? Okay, perfect. Yeah. There'll be a chance for you guys to win some virtual tickets to this as well. If you're not able to go, you could still participate.
Starting point is 01:50:13 You could still join us virtually. You could buy those tickets or you could create a video talking about a quick couple of things that we highlighted, the importance of the conference, give a shout out to your coach or your affiliate owner, or maybe you are the coach or the affiliate owner, what you're hoping to gain out of it,
Starting point is 01:50:30 why other people should go, why it's important, and why CrossFit has transformed your life or lives of people around you. And so we'll post it up. We'll give you guys all the parameters to the video of what you have to do. Super short video. You make it real quick.
Starting point is 01:50:42 You post it on your IG and you win the ticket. It's pretty simple. I'm going to give you guys, I'm going to give you guys an example. Thank you. Uh, Hey guys, I'm Savo Matosi and I found CrossFit at 34 years old. I can't believe that I'm so lucky enough to have found it after doing CrossFit for a couple of years, just following main site and being too scared to go to a gym. I finally took my level one. I can't believe how much it changed my life. I also introduced my mom to CrossFit at the age of 69 and she was never an athlete. And now she's 80 years old and she's done CrossFit for that entire time from 69 to 80. That's 11 years. But here's the crazy part. At like 73, my mom got her first pull up. At 74, she entered a competition and she accidentally
Starting point is 01:51:22 did a pistol where she went all the way down and all the way up. And I'm so thankful that I found this protocol. And although it took me a while to get just through all the movements and anxiety and all that stuff, it has completely transformed my life. It's added years to my life. It's added years to my family's life. And on top of that, it is a fantastic community. I've learned how to eat better, how to believe in myself more, how to walk more upright and, and, and, and give back now after doing CrossFit
Starting point is 01:51:50 for so long, I just love it because it's a place I can give back. And I know it's a positive force in the universe. Thank you. Can I get free tickets? That's beautiful. One, one free life ticket for you. Okay. Caleb, go. I want life. Oh shit. Oh shit. So fuck dude, I don't know. Caleb go? I want life. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. So, fuck, dude, I don't know. Yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 01:52:10 yeah, sold. Hey, give me the tickets. Hold on, I want to make that. Come, Caleb, let's do this. What about, okay. So, I found CrossFit when I was in high school a friend of mine uh was doing it in the in our like strength conditioning class and i started going to an affiliate a couple years
Starting point is 01:52:34 later i used to do i do it all through university and then when i was in college i got my dad to start going to do crossfit uh and he lost a bunch of weight. He's actually ended up, started battling cancer. And I think because of his ability to do CrossFit and his continuation through CrossFit, uh, he's been able to stay healthy. He's in remission. He has, uh, no more occurrence of cancer or anything like that. Um, and it's got my mom to start moving too. She started doing some, not technically CrossFit, I don't know, affiliate, but she does some,
Starting point is 01:53:04 some workouts. Um, and I got my wife started doing crossfit as well and i have i got my level one a long time ago and i found it really valuable i learned a lot of stuff about nutrition and i'm able to teach a lot of my family members about it a lot of my wife's family members about it and i found it super valuable um in every facet of my life. Give me free tickets. Andy's going to take him and his mom and his dad are all going to... Is your mom too? My wife and my dad are all going to take it. Three of his family, wife and dad and him, are going
Starting point is 01:53:34 to take their L1 here in a few weeks. On top of that, Caleb also, when he was deployed, did a shitload at CrossFit. I didn't know your dad had cancer. Don't ever ask Caleb a question again. I do not want to get to know him what the fuck is going on look how powerful that story was though like every community member has a very powerful crossfit story to share and i think the point of these videos is so the people so we can show like so we can create the media
Starting point is 01:54:00 right to show that crossfit allows you to own your health because this is the crossfit for health summit it's not crossfit health right it's crossfit for health so we really want to drive home the message that crossfit allows you to own your health in a way that no other um i don't want to call it a fitness company allows you to do that it's it's protocol fitness protocol yeah whatever yeah so it's the methodology lifestyle yeah let's call it methodology and lifestyle so it's the cross for health summit live stream giveaway so you have to create your inspiring video to post to instagram twitter or x whatever people call it these days, Facebook and TikTok or all of them. Keep it under one minute. Describe your transformation. How has CrossFit changed your life? Share the impact of
Starting point is 01:54:52 CrossFit. Share how CrossFit helped you own your health. Mention your coaches, your affiliate, your family members. Express why attending the CrossFit for Health Summit is a game changer for you and others. So you have to include that. And then add collaborators. So in Instagram, go and add at CrossFit, at CrossFit Training, at CrossFit Affiliates as collaborators and hoping that they're going to add you to their feed. And then challenge someone else to create their own video. This is going to be super cool.
Starting point is 01:55:22 This is what you taught us, Sevi. Yeah. Do you think that those instagram handles crossfit training crossfit games crossfit crossfit health that they will actually repost it probably not unless the video is really good so here's the challenge no okay listen tag me and i'll repost your shit tag me tag the realvan podcast and we will repost all any submission that's not just a jackass submission. We will set the bar so fucking low. Listen, if you have one,
Starting point is 01:55:51 even if you're like Caleb and you're like, I don't know, but I like it, dude. That was his first submission. He backed it up with a 10. He showed us his, he's got a wide breadth and depth. He went from Madison Butthead to fucking Dr. Phil. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:56:07 We all fell in love. I did. I will repost anything. This is the best, that you will repost. Please do that. Seriously. Not only that, we'll repost them in our story and if you
Starting point is 01:56:27 send them to me it's my personal one that i can manage if you can somehow send me the video i'll actually start posting them in my feed i swear to god i'll post a fucking hundred i don't give a fuck i'll post as many as you want oh look here we go here we go get with the programming uh um i will repost every video who tags my affiliate handle. Wow. What's your affiliate handle? Right here. Yep. CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:56:49 CrossFit affiliate sounds central. Wow. I love you. There we go. Let us share your stories. We'll tag the shit out of you. We'll repost it. I'll put them in my feed, my story, wherever.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Well, here's the thing. That giveaway did so well, way beyond my wildest expectations. Imagine if we can do the same stuff with these phenomenal testimonial videos and get the message out. Because here's what's interesting, Stefan, not you or Caleb once mentioned your deadlift or any PR. It was all about how it changed your health and then how your family's health was changed because of this. That's the important thing here. It's such a beautiful program that anyone can do. Okay.
Starting point is 01:57:31 I'm very passionate. I'll stop now. No, I love it. Going back to the YMCA, the guy who won the tickets, I bet you the YMCA after CrossFit is the second largest gym chain in the United States. His name is Mike. He has a name.
Starting point is 01:57:47 Yeah. Me and Mike ate meat at the same table did you have dinner together you're like that dude that won the tickets i just can't believe i can't believe it's he's the operations officer at the ymc i mean i grew up in the y that's where i like i probably did my first weight lifting oh you did tell us about that with it with a guy who he currently works out with. The YMCA in Pleasant Hill, California, when I first started working out, I worked out there with a guy named Brandon Wu. He took – like my friend Brandon worked there. My friend Brandon still works there, and he works out – he now knows Mike Cassidy and works out with him there. Is that weird? That's weird.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Yeah. He must be so close to retirement. Who? He must be so close to retirement, your friend. Oh, he actually is. He's a school... People are being mean to me. How should I handle it?
Starting point is 01:58:35 What? People are being mean to me. You are the hottest 51-year-old I know. Me too. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, that's a good way to end it. Yeah, and by the way you were the the
Starting point is 01:58:47 video crushing thing is going to be good because it'll it's just going to also help all the affiliates in general so every time you make a video submission not only are you doing something for yourself to get your virtual live stream ticket but you're helping out the crossfit community and the crossfit affiliates as a total i I like that. Matt Souza, every time I make a video, good. Good. Good. Okay. Thank you, Karin. Thanks, guys. Have a great day. I appreciate you all very
Starting point is 01:59:13 much. Okay. Adios. Bye. What's that uh we were so close nothing nothing i'm gonna be so inappropriate i'm just trying to push it down give me a second john push it down make it go away i need to find a distraction oh a blade walker here we go a real talk no woman uh have made it to 80 in my family i'm training my 74 year old gigi that must be grandmother gg or or uh gigity
Starting point is 01:59:59 i'm training my 70 year old gigi uh three times a week so she can be the first four months strong so far dang dude god you're a boss dude sounds like a perfect submission video do it with her working on the background uh brand uh brandon uh needs to uh needs to know skip leg day. Learn how to swim at the YMCA. You learned how to swim at the YMCA. Sounds like the perfect social media push for all affiliates going into the new year. Win-win. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:36 Again, Keith, come on, baby. Pay me. Hey, dude. Hey, dude. Imagine if every affiliate did that part. That like the jfk line don't ask what uh your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country imagine if every fucking affiliate made just a youtube video just one instagram video with their phone right and ask the client hey what how has crossfit changed your life you send that in or do your own
Starting point is 02:01:02 if you're the affiliate owner yeah hey. Hey, guys. Don Fall here. We know you're upset about the affiliate fee price raise, but here's something you could do here. If you create this video, we'll save you six months for those of you paying between January and April. Oh, Hunter is live on IG. Can we pull that up? Jeez.
Starting point is 02:01:23 Let's see. Let's see. It's about to start. Wow. Let's see. It's about to start Wow. Let's see I like how Eric was just out of here right away. Wow, Eric you Hunter started a live IG video by bye Yeah, bye later your mama's by Yeah Thank you
Starting point is 02:01:44 Missy Racing doubles for the world record. Oh Yeah. Thank you. It's going to be him and Anas racing doubles, going for the world record. Oh, this is cool. Dude, he should own High Rocks. This will be the first station. I mean, I follow Hunter, right? Probably.
Starting point is 02:02:01 Like, would it be nearly as big? That first lap right over here. And a request, oh, to be live in Hunter's. Oh, yeah. There goes Alex. Who gave me a run? The little guy run. Oh, that's not Hunter on the phone.
Starting point is 02:02:16 Race has already started. So he gave his phone. Eventually, I'm going to get out on course and run with him. Yeah, you're right. They're tired. Or is he warming up? So I'm not sitting on a route in front right now oh oh this is crazy i'm gonna hurry up and get down there oh it's getting in the way she's about to get right out of the way did you see that yeah no what happened I was looking at my phone over like yank security out of the line
Starting point is 02:02:49 Oh sloppy what if that affected they're gonna be coming in right here start I'm gonna go ahead and get my Spot what's up, man? Oh, this is crazy, dude. Seve Podcast absolutely covers it all. What an inspiring media guy. Well, thank you. So it just started at 8 a.m. on the button. And Hunter was on here yesterday saying that he's trying to break the world record for teams, for those of you who weren't listening to yesterday's show. So Hunter
Starting point is 02:03:27 just broke the world record as an individual for the fastest time in High Rocks, which is crazy. He's 34 years old. And then a couple weeks later, he's going to LA, which is where he is now. This is the LA Convention Center, which is probably just 30 minutes from where I'm at. Yeah, running on the track.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Fuck that. Get that dude off there. Dave Castro would never allow that. That's why the CrossFit Games are more professional. They don't allow any media coverage on the field. That's what you have to do. You can push it left and right. Damn, this is crazy. So this is going to be 15 minutes long.
Starting point is 02:03:59 It's too bad we can't check in at 8.50. Hunter and Noss just went behind this. And the next person is right there. Oh, wow. That's about how far they are behind on the second lap. So they should be coming in this lap to this skier right here. Let's see them on the skier. It's too bad we can't cheer for them, right?
Starting point is 02:04:17 Yeah. They can't hear us. Yes, they're the first ones out on course. Oh, so they started first too because they know that they're trying to break the world record. God, that must be stressful. Yes, Bubbles, it is, Caleb. Good guess. Oh, his camera guy is Caleb.
Starting point is 02:04:50 Oh, someone tell him you're live on the podcast right now. So if you can see, the in-arch is right there. So they're going to be coming in and going screaming down this path right here. The pipe is backwards, so I can't write that in there. Oh, that guy pointed with his middle finger. That's how, like, when I was a kid, all my uncles and shit pointed with their middle finger. Why? Because it's, like, the nuance.
Starting point is 02:05:10 So here they come in right now. They would just point like this. It's different. Oh, look at them. Dude, they're flying, dude. Damn. Damn. Damn. Gloves.
Starting point is 02:05:29 I didn't know they wore gloves. Wow. He has a huge feet. Anas, switch to the meters. All right. Hunter McIntyre. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 02:05:43 There he is. Trying to break the world record but we're just jerking off on our uh podcast cool awesome thanks hunter we lost uh 17 viewers while we watched this shit dumb ass shit you're right will plumber fuck that dude all right uh tomorrow i don't even know if there's a show tomorrow. Well, I think you're traveling, yeah? I don't know. The house is available for another week.
Starting point is 02:06:12 Oh, no shit. No shit. I'm staring at the Pacific Ocean right now. I could throw a rock into the Pacific Ocean. Not every man can throw a rock from here into the Pacific Ocean, but I can. I'm trying to think if I have enough time to come see you. I could hit a fish from where I'm sitting. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:37 You thinking about coming down here? Well, I was thinking two things. My first thought was like, yeah, can I come down there? Like come over, hang with you boys, Haley, spend the night. Go surfing tomorrow. Go surfing tomorrow. And then my next thought was, oh, shit, we don't have a packed schedule. I'm going to have to shift all these people to six.
Starting point is 02:06:54 Oh, okay. So maybe I do leave tomorrow. As I looked at the schedule, I was just like, oh, can I go out there? Oh, fuck, we're going to have to ship something. Haley, we're going home tomorrow. We're going home tomorrow. We're going home tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow's Monday.
Starting point is 02:07:11 Oh, tomorrow's Sunday? Oh, no. Oh, no. I'm traveling Monday. Oh, okay. I have to make some adjustments. Oh, who's tomorrow? No.
Starting point is 02:07:22 Oh, who's... No one's tomorrow. Nothing was good. Oh, Rafa. Yeah. Can we switch Rafa to tomorrow? Rafa Sanks, Sanson. I will find out. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:32 Sorry. That's all right. Oh, yeah. Okay. Or we could move Rafa to Tuesday because I unless we're going to get Tyson Bajan. What's Chicago doing today? What's Chicago Bears doing this week? That's a great question.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Damn, Cave Dastro, I could throw a rock to the Atlantic from where you're sitting, Seve. Bears play tomorrow against the Browns. Okay. It's a Sunday game, so he'll most likely have Tuesday off. I'm serious. If you
Starting point is 02:08:01 send me the video, if you can somehow send us the video to our Instagram account, the real seven on podcast, I don't know how you do that. Well, they could send it to you and DM. So what they could do is after they film and post it, you could take the original video and just DM us the original video.
Starting point is 02:08:16 We could download and post if we want to do that. Yeah. Okay. So if it's in the DMS, I don't know. Can you send a 60 second video? I think so. But if not,
Starting point is 02:08:24 you could just add us as a collaborator as well, too. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. And we'll stay on that for the next week. We'll do our best. If we don't, I don't run that account at all. That's all on Kayla and Sousa. Oh, did you see the clip I sent you guys last night? Yeah, I'll post it after the show. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 02:08:44 I think you should put captions on it by the way too okay you know how to do that that little that bot you know you're 28 of course you do it's got it's got to go down what's wrong with me but yeah if you make the video we're just going to be giving away a bunch of those live stream tickets so virtually be able to see it philip borowski and the quality becomes too for the after going through dms okay i suck the lifeblood out of it fair enough just collab yeah what he said collab just oh uh one more thing i want to tell you guys there's this big push on instagram right now that you could go to your settings and change your um and change your settings so that god how does this work
Starting point is 02:09:38 so that they they don't block stuff that they fact check do you guys know how to do that i don't know how to do that yeah you have to go to settings and then I think you have to go from settings into privacy? Settings and privacy. But I don't see anything in here. But I don't see anything in here. No, you got to go through something. So setting and
Starting point is 02:09:59 privacy and then you go hidden word? Content preferences. I don't have that. hidden word content preferences. I don't have that. Where's content preferences? Oh, yeah. Okay. So you scroll down.
Starting point is 02:10:11 It's right underneath favorites, muted accounts, content preferences, and then right above likes and share accounts. Oh, reduced fact checking. Yeah. So you click that
Starting point is 02:10:19 and then at the bottom of that, it'll say reduce fact checking and you have reduce more, reduce by default, or don't reduce. And so don't reduce and so don't reduce yeah okay i'm gonna walk you guys through this i'm gonna walk you guys through this one more time okay so you're gonna go to this page right that's like your your yeah and then in this upper right hand corner of your home page there's gonna be a hamburger those are the three lines upper right hand quarter corner see it up, there's going to be a hamburger. Those are the three lines, upper right-hand corner.
Starting point is 02:10:45 See it up there? And you're going to click on that. Those are those three lines. The hamburger. Hamburger. They call it the hamburger in the biz. And then at the very top, there's a circle, and it says settings and privacy in that menu, and you click that.
Starting point is 02:11:00 Yep. And then as Sousa said, right there, you don't even have to scroll right there there's one that says content preferences you guys see that you click that i pushed it and it didn't there you go and then down here at the bottom dude i'm doing such a good job at this without even looking at my phone this is amazing yeah Can you imagine the skills that these fingers have? Damn. Yeah. Lucky woman.
Starting point is 02:11:36 Scumbag. Reduce fact-checking. I can't even believe they have that as an option. And you click that, and you uh do uh don't reduce yeah bingo and what that will do is that will make it so that you can actually read posts made by white people oh my god facts you want to cut out the white people, leave that up to fact check.
Starting point is 02:12:11 I made that up. All right. Be careful about being openly racist and hateful. Everything is being documented. This isn't the days of the KKK and the Nazis. I hire people based on their merit and qualities that are part of their character, their ability, their skills, not based
Starting point is 02:12:31 on their penchant for pedophilia. Although maybe their lack of penchant for pedophilia is a reason. Thanks for having you on. Thanks for having me on. Thanks for having Caleb and Susan on. Thanks for having you on thanks for having me on thanks for having caleb and suza on thanks for having karen thompson on wish karen thompson had a little slightly different camera
Starting point is 02:12:52 angle or she sat up a little higher in the chair we'll get the set right next time see you guys later i just couldn't

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