The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | This will be a first #941

Episode Date: June 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Robbie Myers present. Bam, we're live. How dare you, Ms. Kroom. Ms. Kroom, please stand.
Starting point is 00:00:41 How dare you. Gotta love the clickbait. I don't even... Clickbait? Clickbait? A morning call-in? Please stand. How dare you. Gotta love the clickbait. Clickbait? Clickbait? A morning call-in? Is this the first?
Starting point is 00:00:51 No, Jeffrey's getting a little closer. No. I just realized this morning that the first is going to happen, so I changed the show, the title of the show. Something's going to happen that's never happened on this show before. Very soon. And if it doesn't happen, it wasn't clickbait. I'm just trying.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Sean Lenderman. Sebon probably knows he doesn't need the clickbait to keep us real dim, but I appreciate the effort. Sounds like something I would say. But it's not clickbait. It is not. Sean, you are not first. Heidi was first. You are not first uh heidi was first you are not first steven good morning a black and white photo uh in the uh profile picture uh strong uh greetings really why 0.1 percenters no i need this to be like 90 percenters how am i ever going to get rich
Starting point is 00:01:45 or richer daniel arnson good more another black and white is that an option uh cornholio did i never notice there were this many black and white maybe today's the day we find out who trish is no but there is a first coming up normally i, I title the show with the name of this guest that's coming on today, but I didn't because I think something will be a little different this morning. show you this uh i i'm thinking i should unfollow this instagram account because it has such a strong influence on me and oh sorry heidi you can sit sorry i just wanted to call you out i was angry at you for angry is a little strong because you wrote this gotta love the clickbait how dare you i just just wanted to make eye contact with you i feel like you needed to stand like a naughty kid in the back okay but you may sit oh tommy oh tommy tommy tommy tommy god i'm glad someone one of you are brilliant. I'm not going to tell you which one, but one of you.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Dills Smokehouse. Dills. That's good. Stuck at work with no customers. No better way to sit at my desk and do nothing. Savant all day. I think so. Judy Reed.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Good morning. Christine, good morning. Okay, here we go. Blade. Yeah, it would be cool if Blade saw this. I need to have Blade on the show again. We're thinking about just doing a show where we talk about – we're thinking about doing a show where we just talk about the fitness of police. I think I'm 99% sure we're going to do it. We just need to get him scheduled. I think I'm 99% sure we're going to do it. We just need to get them scheduled.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Okay. This is in the Bay Area. It says, please make an ineffective arrest attempt during a street takeover. I don't even really know what a street takeover is, but it is what the title of it says it is. And I want you to check this out here real quick. These are two cops trying to arrest someone in the middle of the street. And here we go. Action. Oh, shit! He got us!
Starting point is 00:04:19 So the guy's clearly resisting arrest, and it's in the middle of... I wouldn't say clearly, but I'm pretty comfortable saying it's in the middle of an intersection. Hey, this is how people get killed, by the way. You're fighting with two men who have guns. And if any time they feel threatened, I'm okay with them shooting this guy. If you fight with someone with guns, and you know that they're just trying to put handcuffs on you and take you down to the station where you can fight with them later,
Starting point is 00:05:01 and that this is the way we roll in society, you also need to know that like if you're fighting with them and at some point they feel threatened like you reach for their gun the other guy can just blast a hole in you yeah okay fine dan guerrero everyone in the u.s has guns fine then they should just soon as he arrests they should shoot him dead but seven that's unfair it's not not unfair. Listen, fire trucks have red lights on the top and they turn them on so that they can go through intersections. Do you know why they do that? Because we have a social contract with them, right? So that we've all
Starting point is 00:05:37 agreed that if someone's house is on fire, no matter what we are doing, we put it off to the side and let the fire truck go by because they need to get there and put out what they're doing is more important than what we're doing. You guys get that? Everyone gets that, right? Anyone with half a brain gets that, right? Oh, my goodness. Defund the criminals. Thank you, Sean.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Thank you. The road does look polished that's weird right i know it's hard to say where this is so so there is a oh slater uh no seve when i turn on the lights nobody ever pulls over they just speed up fuck me you obey the social contract the social contract is when the guys with the guns want you to stop you stop
Starting point is 00:06:31 they have to get home to their kids too if you don't like it run for office or leave the country home to their kids too. If you don't like it, run for office or leave the country. Or move somewhere where there's no cops. Jason Hopper. Oh, that's in San Fran. Yeah, probably, right? You don't have to sign that contract, yo.
Starting point is 00:07:05 But I appreciate it. It's the same way. There's a lot of contracts you're born into when you're born. You will be tasked with breathing your entire time on planet Earth. You will be tasked with that duty. with that duty now look now look are these guys lives in danger fuck yeah their lives are in danger they're surrounded by the most deadly weapons we have in this country, surrounded by them. You've seen this before, right? A guy on the ground, the two officers are in serious, serious danger. And a one to ten, I think these officers are in a nine danger.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Ten being the only thing we need is gunshots or someone to try to run them over, right? No, they're not in danger of getting the flu but thank you good good good question from the back up please sit down jake here we go here we go these guys lives are in danger look at see how he's looking up like that do you know why he's looking up like that everyone by the way that's why it doesn't matter to me what happened to george floyd i i i soon as you resist arrest and um the cop's life is in danger when a hostile crowd has surrounded you. And at that point, I'm all cop. I'm all fucking cop at that point.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I'm just rooting for them. That guy could be in the back of the cop car already heading down to the station had chatting with these guys cars not pulling forward you see that you see the cars not pulling forward you care cars like burning out you hear the crowd getting louder What the fuck did you guys just see that It's so fucked up it's so fucked up that we're asking cops to get in the situation it's so fucked up Hey It's so fucked up that we're asking cops to get in the situation. It's so fucked up Hey Yeah, boy! Yeah, fuck y'all! Get the fuck out of here! Fuck you guys!
Starting point is 00:10:12 Yeah, I saw... I don't... At that point, you know, part of me was like, well, what if those were my boys out there having fun doing burnouts? But at that point like yeah we do we do we do realize it's only one group of people who operate like this they all have penises it's just it's because they all have penises it's just just boys. It's all boys. Anita Dick in me. Taser, taser, taser. Roxanne, rule number one, you simply cannot resist arrest.
Starting point is 00:10:56 If you disagree with being detained, raise the issue at the station. Resistance only escalates the situation. Yeah, I'm getting to that point. It's, um... I'm getting to that point it's um uh i'm getting to that point there's just so much wrong with this i don't even know where to start i don't i don't i have just zero tolerance for it for all of this any of this all the people involved i at some point What if one of those cars spins out and crashes into one of those stores there which you know happens And then the family who owns that store can't put food on their table
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah resistant court. Thank you Uh ck kevin, uh, this guy got away and is now a hero with his people yeah absolutely uh justin h taser policy has changed so much that it's pointless to have them emma uh nice i like yellow yellow orange that's the same color as daniel brandon's top that dress you're wearing that she wore at the uhifinals. My sister's first week of being a cop in Washington. She saved a transient's life, transported a young girl who slit her wrist, and saved a newborn baby from a crazy mom. Jessica Valenzuela, tasers suck.
Starting point is 00:12:21 I don't think when she says tasers suck, I don't think she means they suck to get tased by. I think she's saying as a tool in their functionality, they are inadequate and shoddy. Yeah, here we go. Vindicate. Cops should have shot the car and cops would have gotten trouble.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Yeah, I agree. They should have shot the car and cops would have gotten trouble. Yeah, I agree. They should have shot the fucking car. SOC defund the police causes issues like this where there are only two cops taking on dozens. Yeah. I agree. I agree. I agree. Tom Garan
Starting point is 00:13:16 licks. I don't know what that means, but I grew up in schools that were over 70% black, then transferred to an all upper white class high school, then lived on the streets and in jail, and now I'm in church. It's a hell of a journey. Yeah, Heidi. And what if your son is in the backseat of that car?
Starting point is 00:13:33 Yep. It's just at that point with those two police officers there and the social contract that we're supposed to have with them. I can't, I can't, I can't. At that point, I think they should be able to do anything if i'm in my if i'm at my house and someone were to break into my house and i felt like my life were in threat in danger or my kids lives were in danger i would shoot them dead the second i felt like my life was in danger. And that probably wouldn't take much because I'm so adamant.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It's my goal to keep my kids alive and thriving. So if there was something here on the property, I act. Hey, this one time – this is totally off subject. This one time I was – we have a, I have a house. I'm on a corner, I'm a corner house. So I have a driveway on two sides of my house, right? I have a driveway on two sides of my house. And we were in the front driveway.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And that front driveway at my house is like a drive-thru driveway. You come in through one gate, you can park in front of the house, and then you can drive out another gate. And I got a basketball hoop up there. And we're up there and we're hanging out me and the boys and we hear something like what the fuck is that and then i see like a couple bees in the yard and then 100 bees in the yard and then i just fucking yell at my boys, run! And I point in a direction and they go running and we saw a swarm, probably, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:15:12 the size of a school bus, fly through our yard. It was crazy. It was absolutely fucking nuts. But it just flew through our yard, like it was just a ball. And then into the neighbor's yard. Guess what I did, David?
Starting point is 00:15:30 I called the police. No, I didn't call the police. I did call my neighbor, though. I'm like, hey, dude, there's a swarm cruising. Jess, imagine having a job where every single day you have to worry about either getting fired or getting killed yeah it's nuts
Starting point is 00:15:52 fired by the people that you're trying to save from getting killed I'm so on the opposite end of where everything is going. Someone sent me a video this morning of Candace Owen got her YouTube channel pulled down for a week. So did Matt Walsh. No, I actually like bees. I'm cool with bees.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I'm cool with bees. I'm cool with bees. I'm cool with bees. I would guess that my people in general aren't cool with bees, but I don't even know if that's true. I don't know. I don't know if the brothers are cool or not cool with bees. Candace Owens, YouTube.
Starting point is 00:16:45 And she said it was vague why they pulled down her YouTube station. It was around some transgender issues. So there it is. That was the first to show you a police video live from Instagram. What do you guys think? Good? Very good first? Okay. Chad Jackson.
Starting point is 00:17:20 To those of you who disagree with this assessment based primarily on your belief that socialism is a system you prefer, I have a question. If a heap of overtly socialist policies were enacted tomorrow, would you support the allowance of individuals by the millions to opt out of being taxed to support such a program without the threats, intimidation, or coercion of the government? If the answer is no, then you are for the enslavement of those unwilling individuals. If you answer yes, then it's not the government's disbursement of provisions that you need. What you need are friends you're perfectly free to bind together with other like-minded individuals in the creation of mutual funds and services in the private sector so why coerce the rest of us by the threat of the government's authority to contribute and participate in what you deem virtuous wow i know that was a mouthful
Starting point is 00:17:59 i'm going to play a video for you this guy talking now um i know that was a little hard to follow but basically there's things that you can do in this country if you have socialist beliefs that you can do with other groups of people you can start a fucking commune why are you forcing it on the fucking rest of us uh chad oh that's a good name chad oh chad oh i guess that's his uh middle name uh jackson here we go action the form of socialism and i don't think there's enough scholars making that correlation between slavery and socialism there was a distribution of wealth amongst the slaves from the slave masters the slaves were housed they were fed slave master was in a position of
Starting point is 00:18:40 hierarchy and the slaves themselves were in a position of doing the work. And if you think about communism and socialism, it is literally from each according to their ability to each according to their need. They literally owned nothing on the plantation. And you were given money based on what you were capable of and what you needed. And what does communism tell us? What does the World Economic Forum tell us? What does the Great Reset tell us? That world economic quorum tell us what is the great reset tell us that you will own nothing and be happy chattel slavery in america is a brand of socialism that connection needs to be made testing testing slavery was a form of socialism and i don't think there's enough scholars making that correlation between slavery and socialism there was i don't know if correlation is the right word
Starting point is 00:19:29 i don't know if there's enough scholars making the connection between socialism and slavery the distribution of wealth amongst the slaves from the slave masters the slaves were housed yeah it's crazy it's fucking crazy we are we are we are part of me thinks sometimes when i'm doing this show i'm just like yeah this is just we're just a small percentage of people who want to take full like accountability to the highest level we care about other people we want to be free we love our neighbors we want to take full accountability to the highest level. We care about other people. We want to be free. We love our neighbors.
Starting point is 00:20:09 We want to take care of the kids. We don't care who needs help putting their groceries in the back of the car. A midget, a homo, a whitey, a blacky. We're just good fucking people. We stop. I have this image of all of us. We put our shopping carts away, most of us. Yesterday at the skate park,
Starting point is 00:20:41 one of the moms didn't have enough money to pay the skate instructor. She'd forgotten her wallet or something. People I hang out with, everyone ponies up the money. No one gives a fuck, right? Just good people. And I think, oh, this is just fringe. And we talk about some weird shit like World Economic Forum, flat earth, don't kill babies because that's fringe now to not kill babies. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:21:17 We explored Jesus and religion and presence. We explored Jesus and religion and presence. And then I see that, and I just think it's fringe. I'm like, yeah, this is just kind of just some weird space I've landed in. We're completely under the radar. We're happy. We're having fun. We like to laugh.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And then I see that fucking stamp on my new YouTube station yesterday. I mentioned the Great Reset and there's a stamp on one of my videos redirecting people to the Great Reset wiki page. Just like they used to do with that other thing that they were lying about. Can you fucking believe that? They're going to defend that thing like COVID. They're going to defend that thing like COVID.
Starting point is 00:22:21 They're going to make sure that no one says anything bad about the Great Reset. Or that no one tells the earth about the great reset uh you don't want to seem a pussy you don't want to watch friday show there's a guy who made a couple documentaries on the earth being flat he's coming on the show on friday listen if we can have people on here talking about ufos we can have flat earthers yeah i know uh-oh you said it's heavy i know i know i'm just tripping that youtube has something in place when that when we had that guy on le Brackpool, there was in that documentary that he made, there was mention of the guy who's the founder and former CEO of YouTube as being a huge World Economic Forum guy. And then I had that guy on and there's a stamp. Have you guys seen that? If you go to my someone send it to me the other day, I think it was Corey. if you go to my YouTube page,
Starting point is 00:23:23 they got a little stamp under it for more details or more information about the great reset and it takes you to fucking YouTube. Tyler Watkins, I'm a hollow earther. Yeah, I can't, I can't, I have to keep you as kind of like normal because you do game stuff. I can't let you get fringe.
Starting point is 00:23:46 There's only room for me to be fringe. One is a possibility. The other is a delusional. You choose which. Oh, like Flat Earth is delusional. And... Aliens is a possibility. I've heard this before too Janelle Winston I think the earth is on the back of a giant space turtle
Starting point is 00:24:11 I have heard that it's tortoises all the way down or some shit like that Thomas Hopper flat earth is better than disc golf Jake Chapman agrees correct well that uh let me see who is that who's coming on if you guys want to watch his movie before it comes on listen who cares if it's true or if it's not true the oh no that's on thursday no when is the flat earther dude coming on oh i don't see him what the fuck maybe it's not true the oh no it's on thursday no when is the flat earther dude coming
Starting point is 00:24:45 on oh i don't see him what the fuck maybe he's not coming on friday asia bartow tomorrow here's birth story then jesse buffano on wednesday we find out how uh ellie and justin got so strong then will ruch how not to live in an echo chamber then And on Friday, the great James Townsend. Then on Saturday, nothing Sunday, nothing Monday, Max Mormont. Oh, the 20th Tommy G's coming back on.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Then Seth Gruber on Wednesday. Ooh, that's if you haven't heard Seth, Seth on the show for the first time, you got to hear that. That's the guy who's dedicated his life to, uh, stopping children from being murdered. Oh,
Starting point is 00:25:22 it's on the 22nd. It's on the 22nd. Okay. On the 22nd of next week, a guy named Hibbler, H-I-B-B-E-L-E-R, H-I-B-B-E-L-E-R, is coming on,
Starting point is 00:25:37 and he's made some movies about the Earth being flat. Yeah, I just want to hear his shit. It's almost, I just want to, yeah, I just, I don't know. I personally, well, I wonder if I do know some flat earthers. They just don't tell you. It might be one of those things. Shannon Medeiros, not falling for the flat earther bait and switch. She's excited to see Jesse on.
Starting point is 00:26:04 He's great. Himmler? Himmler? I don't know. There is going to be a first today, just so you know. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. I believe it's going to happen it's going to happen i believe it's going to happen
Starting point is 00:26:25 something is going to happen on this show that's never happened before oh what is this oh here we go here we go it's been a while cory hi good morning what's up what's up dude how you doing good to hear your voice. Better now that you called. I appreciate that. Yeah, it's been a while. I did send that link on the Great Reset. Yeah, are you tripping? What is going on? When I see that tagged on my YouTube, remember COVID was basically by any means necessary.
Starting point is 00:26:59 The 49ers are the team. They are the team. They are the team. Whatever they say, that's the quarterback. This is what you have to do to get tickets you have to go through this entrance if you don't you can't have this job you can't i mean that was the thing right yeah you couldn't even be like hey it came from a lab or it came from a monkey or it came from a bat or hey backwards it spells have fun or you weren't allowed to say anything unless it was right off the who guidelines
Starting point is 00:27:22 so so what did you say? That's what's making me think is I'm not surprised in the slightest. But what did you say that triggered the Wikipedia link to pop up on your YouTube? What are they looking for? That guy made a documentary. So after you sent me that, we had Louis Brackpoolpool on and he made two documentaries about the world economic forum and and the great reset and and klaus schwab it's kind of like a all-in-one this this documentary series and he after you sent it to me i sent it to him he goes oh yeah that happens
Starting point is 00:27:57 everywhere on youtube if you mention world economic forum sorry if you mention the great reset um that that comes up which makes me think that's the red light, right? Why would anything have to be defended on that level? The reason why they did the COVID thing – by the way, if you haven't seen Andrew Hiller's latest video on the Reebok post, it's fascinating. Okay, I'll go watch it. He basically says this, and I'm going to tie this to the Great Reset. He basically says that the the narrative around covid is if you don't do this people die that was at the end of the day that
Starting point is 00:28:31 was it was you have to go to the 49er games or people will die you have to get a 49ers ticket or people will die if you don't go to the game people will die if you don't stay home people will die and it was just this thing it was always ended people will die right and so, when that's that when that's leveraged against you, your tolerance for all sorts of other crazy shit is fine. Right. Yeah. They had to drag my neighbors away because he was doing something wrong and the rest of us don't want to die. That's why they drugged. That's why they drug the Jews away because they were dirty.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And if you didn't drag me away, you would die. So now the Reebok guy, the editor of the morning chalk up basically said hey if we don't do stuff like this people will die like he went straight there yeah and andrew's like dude what are you talking about and uh and that's what that so when i see this thing this tag on my youtube video i basically they're basically saying i think that hey if we don't head in the direction of the great reset everyone's gonna die that's that i mean that's what they're basically saying I think that hey if we don't head in the direction of the great reset everyone's gonna die that's that I mean that's what they're that's where they're gonna that's what they're gonna say that's the playbook I don't want to hijack the show and
Starting point is 00:29:34 kick me off whenever you want but the reason I called is it makes me wonder like how do we not see that this is a recreation of what happened with Hitler. I know that's a huge, huge leap. No, it's not a huge leap, dude. I mean, we're doing the same exact – we're silencing people who have their opinions and thoughts. It's insanity. Brother, it's the exact same thing. Remember this book, Cause Unknown, written by Edward Dowd, one of the greatest investors in the history of the world, meaning he's extremely logical and is great at predicting the future. This is a book. Anyone can get this. You can get it online.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And it has just shitloads of people who died with QR codes next to their deaths so you can look them up. And they were all done doing the same thing because of the enforcement of the 49ers. Hey, dude, it's – there is no way it's a stretch to say that more people have died from this last couple years of a debacle unnecessarily than died in World War II. There's by – there's no way that's not – there's no way that that's not a stretch. And it was used – the exact same talk to cure disease right that was his whole thing we're trying to cure disease we're trying to cure cancer we're trying to get organic farms we're trying to get rid of the weaker people that's the whole thing with abortion too soon as you scratch the surface mass does progress yeah mass does progress for the benefit of everybody else yes for the benefit of everybody else. Yes, for the benefit of everyone else.
Starting point is 00:31:21 It's like 70 million babies have been aborted since 1970, and the origins of that institution, if you look at that, Margaret Sanger, what the – I'm not saying that that's why every person gets an abortion, but that institution was started for a reason. And it wasn't for fucking women's rights or women's medical health. That is not why it was started. Yeah, it's fucking nuts. Is that how many people died in World War II, Jake? Jake, 55 million. Just ask yourself, how many people do you think died unnecessarily? How many days were cut off people's lives unnecessarily by the shutting down of planet Earth for the last two years?
Starting point is 00:31:48 What do you think? I appreciate you. I'll let you get back. Okay, cool. Yep. Thank you, brother. Yeah, man. Extra sloppy. Telling people that they should let the police detain them illegally is the same thing jews experience with the gestapo i'm not i'm i here we go oh good my guest is on their way see that pronoun I used? Oh. Oh, gosh. Telling people that they should let the police detain them illegal.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I'm not saying that you should let the – I'm not telling you you should let the police detain you illegally. I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is that when a fire engine puts its lights on behind you, you don't say, I don't know. I don't know if it's more important that I do – that I get to where I'm going than to where this fire truck is going. You don't do that. You should not do that. That's not the social contract we have. That's not how it's going to work. You want to take this to an area extra sloppy, and I'm not mad at you for it. I agree. It's worth talking about. You want to take this into an area. So right now in Northern
Starting point is 00:33:12 California, you drive around and you have to put your windshield wipers on sometimes. And some people will say to you, hey, it's raining. And other people will say to you, fuck, the fog was crazy this morning. And they're both not a lie. They're both not a lie. They're both not a lie. But there's a gray area. I'm not telling people that they should let the police detain them illegally. I'm not. oh there you are i see you you can't see me i can see you here we go i see you hi how are you oh my god your audio is money is it good oh it's so good hey when when you go to that gear greg do you see a gear in the bottom and it says settings
Starting point is 00:34:03 on the bottom of it says settings? On the bottom of your – when you go to that and click that, a window should pop up, and then it should say general camera and audio. Yeah. If you click on audio, does it – there should be two dropdowns that appear, one that says mic and one that says speaker. Yeah. Are those – have those chosen your headset headset that jobber headset yes yes no wonder you sound so good are they a sponsor no they should be like i know you're you are not a fan of um headsets earpieces stuff like that and all
Starting point is 00:34:44 the years i've known you you hold the phone to your head. You cool with those? Yeah. Let's see. I mean, my problem is eventually it bugs me. Like on your, on your head, like squeezing you and shit. Dude. I thought it was, I didn't like things in my ear hole, but then I didn't like on the
Starting point is 00:34:59 ear. Then I didn't like over the year. Then you got me those ones that work through the bone conduction. Yeah. And that bugged me the same way. Something on my ear ear In my ear, over my ear, through my ear did Robbie Myers Audio is wonderful Thank you Robbie
Starting point is 00:35:16 I titled this show This will be the show's first And people thought it was clickbait But here it is The first Because before we've just been using the phone he needs a ceo sign behind him oh like this go pt uh hell it's uh 7 34 a.m on the uh west coast of the north american continent How long have you been awake? A couple hours
Starting point is 00:35:45 You have? Yeah we had kid activity last night What's that mean? That means kids come into your room Don't you have kid activity every night? I have kid activity every night Well There's a big difference between 5am and like 2.30
Starting point is 00:36:02 Right Acting like it's 5. Oh, come into your room and want to have a discussion about something? Yeah, like good morning. Not even, you know? You're doing BSI, broken science. I am. And – but a huge, massive chunk of your life and the people who adore you and who are still benefiting from the gifts of your previous work are out there everywhere on the planet and probably going – growing every day.
Starting point is 00:36:49 And I feel like – you haven't said anything explicit to me, but I feel like there's this tension between you and you of wanting to – you're not interested in bathing in those people's appreciation, I guess is what I'm saying, for your previous work. You're happy for them, but it's almost like you've moved on. And so you want to acknowledge them for the – you know what I mean? Like people will come up to you and be like, oh my god, Greg, I lost a fucking – everywhere we go, it's like, Greg, I lost 100 pounds. Thank you so much. And of course you're super generous with them, and you talk to them, and you're cool with them. But then I also feel like you, this is an oversimplification, but then they took 10 minutes of your time that you could have been working on your new project. It's not like that, but I'm just trying to turn it into a math equation, right?
Starting point is 00:37:42 emails thanking you for saving their lives or saving their mom's lives, you're kind of torn between addressing them and saying you're welcome and, and, and being focused on, on the sign that's behind you. Yeah. I'm not at all put off by, by people coming up to me. I appreciate it. Right. Their kindness and kind thoughts are a blessing without a doubt. And yet I have moved on. mean there's there's no doubt about that um i don't spend any time kind of you know i went over to uh to my kid's house the other day to blake's house and he had the games on and i was like oh shit look at that blake's your oldest son
Starting point is 00:38:20 yeah yeah and and i didn't know I didn't know it was on. And I enjoyed that. You did enjoy that? Yeah. Yeah, I thought it was funny. Phillip Kelly, $4.99 for tacos. Thank you, Phillip. I love it.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Thomas, let's go. Welcome to the party, coach. Thank you. Wad Zombie, take my money okay fine i can do that um marco calderon and here it is look at you uh here it is right away i switched my alcohol addiction for fitness uh thank you greg you're welcome marco yeah it's a good That's a good tradeoff. Jake Chapman, do you think Greg knows what he means to us? No, I don't. I don't think anyone can know. I don't think people know that. Do you think you know, Greg? I don't. Yeah. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Did you have anything like that in your life? did you have anything like that in your life like like for i mean for for i i i'm not a religious man and i don't want to um blasphemize jesus but for a lot of us crossfit was the come to jesus moment right it's like holy shit well i think i i think i mentioned on the show this is this is a stretch but um you know there was a kid in my neighborhood four years older than myself who was the best gymnast in the country oh and uh steve yeah and that wasn't it wasn't just that he was the best gymnast in the country but that he was he was way younger than he ought to be and he lived in my neighborhood and went to school where I went to school. And that was – that's like the kid next door is Jesus.
Starting point is 00:40:13 You think maybe you could be Jesus too. Right. I mean, it was a different kind of inspiration, but I've not had a lot of figures that I idolized How about anything where there was just a And I guess one of the monumental shifts in your life Then the next biggest one would be just Transitioning out of CrossFit Which is different than what I'm proposing But it is a big shift in perspective, right?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Yeah, it was different the very next day I mean, I did a lot of worrying in perspective, right? Yeah, it was different the very next day. I mean, I did a lot of worrying. And a lot of that's gone. When you own the company, you did a lot of worrying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Did you miss that worrying at all? Not even for a fucking second. Tell me some of the things you worried about. You, Dave, Nicole. Your workers, your coworkers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The responsibility of making sure the paychecks kept coming in?
Starting point is 00:41:19 You know, I don't care what the company is. Microsoft, Apple. Pick your exemplar of of business and they have fluctuations in employees come and go and i always found that personal and hard and i didn't i didn't like it i didn't like the economic realities that required shifts. Nobody does. Vindicate. I respect the route.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Thank you for coming on, Coach. Trevor Ponkinwinski. I'm a little behind, but Glassman sounds and looks great. Oh, thanks, guys. $1,000 from Corey. Oh, no no that's not real money darn it no i'm not a flat earther does does that subject bore you flat earth talk uh well it sure could i don't i don't i don't indulge in much of it and endure much of it to say i could be bored by it but oh yeah i'd get i'd get tired of that quickly there's there's a i can't i can't
Starting point is 00:42:36 figure out how much of it's real or not and my assessment is none oh you mean even the people who believe it it's not real it's like just yeah i think it's i think it's an exercise in being uh obstinate oh there's a guy coming on in a couple weeks um i had i had a flat earther guy on and um he he wasn't sold on it but he wanted he he spent a lot of time exploring it and then i have a guy coming on who's made two documentaries on it and i i i personally enjoy the exercise of just asking questions and not pushing back with someone who's like that you know what i mean like hey okay i'm i'm i don't need to beat you down you're the one with the proposal let me hear that shit. I brought up the stuff about CrossFit because I was – I you would have handled it differently? And I'll give
Starting point is 00:43:47 you an example of how I think the situation that kind of describes exactly how CrossFit handled it. Eric Rosa was in charge at the time, and he was trying to go through Congress to get funds to get money, I think, to the gyms. And Craig Howard, who you know, was running a gym here in the Bay Area, and he was breaking the laws and keeping his gym open. And he had started a GoFundMe page and was collecting money to pay the other gyms fines in his area and his gym, right? He was trying to do that. And CrossFit HQ reached out to Craig and said, hey, if you're the country manager and you're breaking the law by staying open, and we can't have you do that because we're trying to generate get money from the government. So what we need you to do is shut your gym down. And Craig said, no, I'm not going to do that. And they said, OK, well, then we're going to fire you as a country manager.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And they also said to Craig, by the way, we'll give you money to stay open. And he said, will you give all the gyms money to stay open? And they go, no, just you. He said, okay, well, then I'm not going to do it. Or not, sorry, not to stay open. We'll give you money to close down. Sorry. We'll give you money to close down. And he said, no, I'm not going to do that unless you're going to give all the gyms money to close down. And so he went on. That model doesn't scale.
Starting point is 00:45:00 No. And so he stayed open and he lost his job as country manager and he was able to continue to raise money to pay for gyms in the area to pay for their fines for staying open. And when I heard that story, I was thinking, fuck, here's what I thought you were going to do. I thought you were going to just fucking, by any means necessary, support the affiliates, even if that meant decimating the staff at HQ.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I was like, oh shit, Greg's's gonna fucking batten down the hatches and fucking make and keep do everything in his power to keep the affiliates open go to war with lawyers reduce all costs everywhere stop collecting affiliate fees i thought you were going to go just full fucking okay i'm hearing a conflation of what eric, what Rosa did, and what we were contemplating while I was at the helm. Yeah, well, yeah, two parallels. One was what Rosa tried to do, and it didn't – I don't think it worked. And the other is my speculation on what you were going to do and started doing, and then the company was sold. Well, what we did was I realized that affiliates globally were unable to legally train people. And so I hit up us and the enterprise is
Starting point is 00:46:28 tough enough as it is doesn't need that anchor of debt to the mothership attached to it when this ends and so we voluntarily um declined revenue uh the the the voluntary decline and the natural uh reduction in flow that was seminar purchases um we incurred about a 90 reduction in revenue in a in a couple of weeks time and i adjusted expenditures to match that to keep the to keep the thing afloat. And that looked like across the board, significant cuts in salaries and laying off of people that were considered less than essential in an environment that looked like the one we were facing.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I forgot that we did. We all took a 30% pay cut. I forgot about that. Yeah, some of us took more than that. Some of the top people, it was closer to half. And it worked. To our surprise, the revenue returned prematurely, it seemed. What had happened prematurely, we were expecting a long, long haul. And within 90 days, we were at 65, 75% of what we had been, even while the
Starting point is 00:47:56 gyms were still closed in a rate of 85 to 90%. And so that was somewhat miraculous, it felt to me. And so that was somewhat miraculous, it felt to me. And what had happened was the membership didn't want the affiliates to go under when the eclipse ended. And so they kept paying and enough affiliates felt that they didn't want to be behind on fees. And so they sent them in voluntarily on top of our word that we weren't going to take money from people that were locked out. And it was, it was a remarkable period. It was a, it was a strong quarter for, for CrossFit Inc. Oddly enough, didn't expect anything like that.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And you would have just continued down that same path? I was ready to run the company with the six or seven of us all living in Santa Cruz. Scott Schweitzer, I'm no longer a diabetic because of Greg. Thank you so much. Scott, that makes my morning. Sleeky, no longer a diabetic because of greg thank you so much scott that makes my morning uh sleaky uh crossfit would still be a legit successful company with people who love working there
Starting point is 00:49:11 had greg been around uh through covid i would i think i'm guessing though you would have probably gotten into some nasty fights with the with the government i'm guessing without without and and uh and some of our own affiliates without a doubt and it's because you felt like it was a lie and a direct attack on everything we know to be true have basically basically the lecture you gave the five buckets of death lecture i was hugely suspicious of the covid rate of detection, standards for diagnosis, definition of the disease itself, discussion around its origins. It all seemed beyond odd to me. I smelled a rat from the beginning. you did starting with the metrics starting with the metrics you got an unreliable test that can be spun out to give you any results you want and in numbers so low against a background
Starting point is 00:50:16 of a very similar disease and symptoms you have this wide i mean in a period where you can't tell me whether the flu deaths are between 22 and 64 000 they were telling me about how many thousand people died of covid in the past week and that seemed rather odd to me how how are you exactly doing that it turned out they weren't and you did this video here the five buckets of death at uh crossfit hq i i don't see a date on here am i do i think it was i think it was march of 20 right okay so we're a couple we're three months in to to the i don't know what you want to call it to the insanity and you made this video and and what are the this five buckets of death um Did this just come to you? Well, it's funny. Six years earlier, you look, there's a video here. We have the answer. Chronic disease. Right. So if you watch this video, it's kind of it's kind of a piece of this one.
Starting point is 00:51:27 with a vast population of people chronically diseased that would not have been alive 10 years prior, and this has been going on for 10 or 15 years, maybe 20, that wouldn't have been alive 10 years earlier were it not for modern intervention. And so the miracle of modern medicine, I used to talk about this in the seminars, my worry is that one day life expectancy would be 150 but you'd go to the nursing home at 50 and spend 100 years watching fucking oprah and eating green jello off a white plastic spoon and uh we're making good on that and so covid comes along and uh and it was the open window that blew out some candles but there were a whole lot of people that were clinging to life by the most tenuous of threads and their loss is always a loss but uh that loss is a chronic disease loss as much as it is a covid loss
Starting point is 00:52:18 what's the life expectancy of people in nursing homes in the U.S.? I don't know, but you have 13. Six months. Okay. Oh, once you go in. Okay. Once you go in, six months. Yeah. And so we had inordinate losses there.
Starting point is 00:52:34 And now it's turning out that some unknown, perhaps very large percentage of those deaths was due to bacterial infection not treated properly with antibiotics because it wasn't consistent with the COVID protocol. I can pull that up for you if you want. But none of this is a surprise to people who had already engaged the public health and the government position on chronic disease. And so we talk about those mess birds, the people that we had come through and come to Santa Cruz and talk from Glenn Begley of Begley and Ellis fame on the oncology, hematology replication issue.
Starting point is 00:53:19 We had Thomas Seyfried. We had Zoe Harcombe. I'm not gonna name 50 names here and leave some off that I shouldn't have. But each of these people were significant in that they had found a profound, even essential truth, whether it was around metabolism or chronic disease, in disparate areas, each had come up with something that was important, yet counter to the mainstream opinion. And so they were smarter than everyone else and brave enough to say something about it. smarter than everyone else and brave enough to say something about it and this covid thing comes down the pike and uh it surprise surprise we all had the same take on it and and some of those people have been kicked off of wikipedia
Starting point is 00:54:17 they were before this the censorship didn't start here i had had Seen Malhotra, Zoe Harcomb, and Malcolm Kendrick were delisted from Wikipedia just as before we got off of Facebook and other social media. Where social media was playing out in public health, in chronic disease, the treatment of of Tim Noakes and Zoe and Aseem, the writing was on the wall before COVID. And I had begun my retreat from social media then. And since then, I think all of my the worst of my fears have been borne out on a time scale of 30 months where I thought it was going to take 20 years
Starting point is 00:55:11 oh shit I don't like hearing that you know what I'm liking this Zuckerberg guy I keep hearing him wanting to be so frank and so straightforward and he he can't the people his his uh his his minders his tenders in congress and the senate and politics won't let him
Starting point is 00:55:38 what do you mean by that give me an example of that it's clear he doesn't want the responsibility of being the judge it's clear that he feels bad about censoring things that were true he's not going to deny what the what the left is trying to deny and that is that they were pressured to shut down some truths that's the bottom line they were forced by government to deny the truth to the American people about this disease. Did you show me that video of Jimmy Kimmel sitting down with, Jimmy Kimmel sitting down with Bill Maher?
Starting point is 00:56:14 Probably not. I don't think so. Bill Maher basically went on his show recently and just called him out. He said, Hey, this, this whole thing, you know, it was 1 percent of the people who got covid went to the hospital and the democrats thought it was 50 and it's because of people like you i heard that it was funny yeah and kimmel was just silent right um dog dad baby crossfit uh crossfit fairway park thank you greg for giving me a chance to own my business california
Starting point is 00:56:43 threw me away after my felony but you said i'll give you a chance uh forever grateful very welcome welcome back um uh sema pussy fantastic name uh did did greg meet any government leaders like gavin newsom or any uh bigwigs. We ran Paul together. This guy, Scott Wiener, who's trying to take Nancy Pelosi's seat, you and I went and met with him in a cafeteria in San Francisco. I remember that. He is now a very scary man. He's basically trying to pass a law in California now
Starting point is 00:57:18 that if you don't acknowledge and take steps to help your child with their transgender affirming surgery, that your child can be taken away from you. Yeah. It's gender affirming healthcare. Yeah. If you don't, if you don't acknowledge your child's gender affirming healthcare, that's child abuse.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Come up with something more Orwellian. I challenge anyone out there. Something more Orwellian than gender-affirming health care. So in a nutshell, if your 12-year-old child wants to chop off their penis because they heard someone else at school saying it was a good idea. And then you don't take the steps to help your child deal with that issue or, or move forward on the, of getting it chopped off.
Starting point is 00:58:13 The state can come in and take your child away. I think it's that it's kind of like that. I kind of, I think that's what he's trying to pass here in California. At that point, do I have to leave California? Cause my neighbor can just call and make that up we know of we know of uh we have personal uh we're friends with someone who's endured this exact
Starting point is 00:58:43 thing in the state of Washington. And I'm not going to tell their story, that family story, but it is worst case scenario kind of thing. The child that was thought in Washington that transition was the key to life now looks back and wonders what the fuck that was about. Three years later. Oh, the child is already. Wow. Yeah. Like it did nothing happen, but they left.
Starting point is 00:59:29 The state of Washington had exceptions to the to, thought it was leaving to deny health care. And started grinding the organs of justice. It never went anywhere, but because they escaped. And found refuge in a state that would have none of that. And now the kids like, hey, thanks. That was crazy, huh? And is that parent a wanted fugitive in the state of Washington? No, but it got close.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Yeah. Those chains were being rattled. Those chains were being rattled. Wad Zombie, Greg was suspicious and Rosa was double masked. Leadership matters. Oh, so he's saying you were suspicious of the orders coming from the government and the CEO was wearing two masks. That is true. He was. I remember in the Zoom calls before my departure explaining that i'll do this once you get one one uh quarantine in a lifetime for me
Starting point is 01:00:31 oh i remember you saying that i remember saying that yeah the enduring potential of it was was abundantly clear from the beginning and I'll tell you again, once you've pulled that trick off, you got everyone to drop their drawers, bend over and grab their ankles, which is what the whole mask thing is, you'll do it again. That'll be irresistible. Do you think that shit was worse in the countries that didn't have guns? Do you think the fact that we have guns helped us tremendously in that? Like the shit you heard in the countries that didn't have guns do you think the fact that we have guns helped us tremendously in that like the shit you heard in australia where they were just they they
Starting point is 01:01:08 built camps and the people were going in them i mean you saw our own games athletes being put up in hotels with fucking chain link fences around them double double stacked do you think the fact that we have more guns in this country than probably all the other countries combined was the fact that they could do less to us. I think that played any role. You know, I don't know. I'm, I'm, uh, I'm not the prepper that, uh, some of my friends and family are. Like doomsday prepper.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Like you don't have a bunch of rice stored and. Yeah. Yeah. Three million gallons of water somewhere. Yeah. are like doomsday prepper like you don't have a bunch of rice stored and yeah yeah three million gallons of water somewhere yeah are you gonna get chickens it seems like a smart thing to do i want you to get them so i can go up to your because i know you're hardly ever home and i want to get the eggs you want to take care of Yeah, I'll send my nephew over there to take care of them. I'd do that.
Starting point is 01:02:07 People like Greg are going to become more and more rare in America, genuine visionaries who can make something from nothing, scary times ahead. Do you think that there are scary times ahead? Or this is just some cyclical shit? I think if you're scared right now, you're not paying close enough attention. If you are scared right now or if you're not?
Starting point is 01:02:29 If you're not. If you're not. Matt Schindeldecker, I used the five buckets of death video to reopen CrossFit Crave early with approval from our county health department. Oh, yeah, I remember that. early with approval from our county health department oh yeah i remember that this dude showed his county health department the five buckets of death and uh they let him open up his gym again that's fucking sweet huh it's great hi matt how are you by by the way that's just proof by the way of what's going how valuable uh media is and that's kind of you know the mothership unfortunately um without the creator there the mothership. Unfortunately, without the creator there,
Starting point is 01:03:07 the mothership won't be making content like that ever again. Never again. That's a value that will forever be gone from the affiliates. Extra sloppy. Does Greg have an opinion about the Mises caucus taking over the Libertarian Party this year? I don't even know what that is. Do you know what that is? libertarians have been marginalized to the point it seems to me that their uh the mainstream view is that they're uh they're uh january sixers or something um i think they got put on a terrorist watch list didn't we uh who uh libertarians yeah yeah i think they're along with parents that are dissenting at school board meetings.
Starting point is 01:04:07 I think they get an automatic put on a suspicious group list or some damn thing. The Libertarian Party Mises Caucus is a caucus within the United States Libertarian Party that promotes paleo-libertarianism and is a more radical version of the libertarianism.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Radical. Associated with the presidential campaigns of Ron Paul, was founded in 2017 by Michael Heiss, mainly in opposition to Nicholas Sarwak's position as party chairman. Okay, so they already have libertarians as being some sort of radical group. It's an internecine deal. You've got one faction of libertarians at war with another. How many times have we seen that kind of nonsense?
Starting point is 01:04:56 Within the low-carb camp, it always bothered me that some of those that I held in highest regard would take after one another rather than recognize their similarities right uh before you came on the show this morning i was show i was uh showing a video of why you shouldn't resist arrest and that i believe we have a social contract with police and that you should if you're're, if you're resisting arrest, you're like part of the problem. And some people are here is like, Hey dude, like you can't give that much authority to, to the police. And so it's things like this, this is a pushback on what I said earlier. This is say, think, think about this. A neighbor says
Starting point is 01:05:38 seven's kid told me he's a girl. Then you say, no neighbor calls the heroic cops you love and your kids are gone simple as that do you have any i i mean i had showed i showed a video of two cops basically trying to restrain a man in the middle of a street and there were probably a few thousand people around them and the car started zooming by the cops trying to like threaten the cops so the cops had to let the the bad guy go and let him run and And the cops had to flee for their lives. I'm like, this is fucking bullshit that we're doing this to cops. We have a social contract with people the same way we have with the police,
Starting point is 01:06:13 the same way we have with the fire department, right? They turn on the lights and we all pull over to the right so that the truck can get to someone's house and save them. That's the rules. And the same thing with the cops, right? When they stop you and they want to arrest you or they want to question you we have a social contract with them to obey they're the guys we've anointed with guns to protect us for our safety do you have any do you have any thoughts on on the on the police
Starting point is 01:06:37 yeah um i think there's look I agree with what you're saying. And I think there's practical reasons for not resisting. Practical, meaning not get shot by a guy with a gun. Right, right. Beaten to death or choked down or suffocated. I think you have better odds doing something else. Magnus Holmgren. Listen, how effective is barricading yourself in the House been against arrest? Zero.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Yeah, that's how I see it. Although that might be changing that should be everyone's worry that might be changing you know they're trying to pass that law also in california where um and i think to in order well i want to get to that in a second hold on uh magnus from holmgren holmgren from mexico uh besides greg who is the goad of crossfit there there isn't one is that supposed to be a question the affiliate owners yeah uh anita dick in me what is greg's take on seve being a black man
Starting point is 01:08:00 i don't think he knows i haven't told him i haven't told greg that part yet i like the name though right she's a good dude she's a uh she's uh she's a frequent listener i want to show you you're familiar with peter bogosian i think he was the um columbia university ethics professor who got fired because he wouldn't take the uh the injection when i show you a picture of him i think you'll i think you'll um you'll know him i want to play you this uh this this clip and see if you can see it this is the first two people i told you there would be first this is the first time i've shown a clip to greg on the show uh to get his feedback i think this will be very uh this this stimulated me i think greg is going to love this and greg let me know if you
Starting point is 01:08:50 can hear this right off the bat okay here we go figure out why society has been consumed by madness this is what you have to know every woke word has two meanings it has it's called a mott and a bailey the mott is the castle it's it's it's very easy to defendte and a bailey. The motte is the castle. It's very easy to defend. The bailey is very difficult to defend. So let's take the word inclusion. So if I say to a person who's not been indoctrinated into the ideology, if I say to them,
Starting point is 01:09:18 what does inclusion mean? What would they say? They would say that people are taking part in an activity together. Black people, fat people, short people, people in wheelchairs. Every sane person would want inclusion. Nobody, every sane person would want that, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:32 That's the mod. You want people to be included, right? I want people to be included. But, you know, well, to be included, that means that people feel welcome, right? Right? I mean, that's what inclusion means, that they feel welcome in a space they enjoy. To be included, that means that people feel welcome, right? Right?
Starting point is 01:09:44 I mean, that's what inclusion means, that they feel welcome in a space they enjoy. But, you know, if somebody were to say something that would make someone feel unwelcome, then they wouldn't feel included. Of course. Okay, ready? Ready? Okay. So to have an inclusive space, we need to restrict speech. That's the Bailey.
Starting point is 01:09:59 That's what goes in public policy documents. The Bailey. The Bailey. If you want to figure out why society has been consumed by madness. I mean, that explains it, right? That's basically what that's basically what's happened. That's that's that's the confusion we're saying. That's in the law that they're trying to pass in California is to reduce violence. We're going to make it illegal to stop anyone from stealing. And so and so the word right. And so there's kind of to me i always think of as a
Starting point is 01:10:26 bait and switch but they're calling it this mott and bailey fallacy to make safe spaces safe for everyone we're going to have to not allow certain people in there who think a certain way and there's a chunk of the public who's just fucking buying this shit a fucking hook line and sinker had you heard of that Mott Bailey fallacy before no and I looked it up while he was talking it's something I'd like to look at more he's cool right Bogosian yeah
Starting point is 01:10:59 yeah I like that I like that it's intriguing yeah he's got this whole series on YouTube of defining woke words. Maybe you even showed that to me. Does that sound familiar? it's wildly Orwellian where the words not only don't mean what you think they mean they can come to mean something very different. So gender reforming healthcare can be sex denying mutilation. denying mutilation.
Starting point is 01:11:50 I mean, you couldn't give it a better name. Right. Couldn't give it a better name. And I wonder who does that. Are those true believers? Because it's more talented in its horribleness than it is honest. And I wonder if someone that doesn't make these things up
Starting point is 01:12:10 doesn't get a big laugh out of it. God damn. I think that they don't. Look, the bus we're on, and it's the lefty bus. We all got on the lefty bus. And you can all along the way wonder about things, you know, the resistance to school choice and all of the it and the response to chronic disease and all these issues. And you quite naturally wonder where this has all taken us and why we're doing this and what this is about. Maybe not convinced of all of it, but where do we end up? Where are we at now?
Starting point is 01:13:10 And it's mom has a dick and dad has two in his mouth. And it's kind of a weird place. You can back up and look at all of it. Political correctness was a necessary step for the patently absurd, obviously false, becoming a new reality. It was the halfway point. So you tell kids, there's no difference between men and women. Anyone who's honest with half a brain chuckles and you learn to repeat it. You don't want to make waves. who's honest with half a brain chuckles and you learn to repeat it you don't want to make waves and uh and so you sit silent on that like okay there's no difference between men and women fine i got it that's what i have to say to to get the job um to be acceptable to be approved to be in
Starting point is 01:14:00 the in crowd and then when a 50 year old guy with a with a penal track record is following my daughter into the bathroom i don't have i don't have an argument anymore you know there's no difference between men and women becomes the refrain and it's absurd it's absurd we're living our we're living our political correct nightmare right now oh shit am i afraid am i afraid of what of this we're there we're there we now have gender affirming health care for kids where it's none of your business where it's none of your business oh shit amazing yeah so it's not happening we're already there yeah i think it's i'm reminded of the of the uh hemingway line and since hearing it i think of it probably daily and it's how you know he was asked how he went broke, I think it was. Someone will correct me. And he said, gradually and then suddenly.
Starting point is 01:15:09 You have to laugh at that, right? Talk about a wordsmith. That's where we're at. This happened gradually and then suddenly. Heidi Krum, what each generation allows the next generation embraces. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Heidi, it is like that, isn't it? You know, my dad used to say,
Starting point is 01:15:32 the discussion was, when I was in middle school, there was, you weren't allowed Beatles haircuts and you couldn't have skirts, couldn't be a certain height above the knee. These things were measured. And kids got sent home. I remember when Jenny Saylor got sent home.
Starting point is 01:15:52 We all know, oh, my God, look at Jenny. She's probably going to get sent home today. And kids would. And my father's line was that wherever you draw the line, you're going to have battles there. And so if you draw it somewhere that seems to have no great importance at, say, mores or manners or customs, then you have these concentric circles that go out to, you know, depending which way you want to run in or out. But you have felonies and
Starting point is 01:16:25 misdemeanors in school shootings but uh if the if the issue is the hair length and the skirt length that's what you'd be checking at the school if everything's okay except bringing a gun you're going to be there with metal detectors and he thought it would be better to have the have the issue down at hair length and skirt length where there was a certain arbitrary quality than to remove the stops all the way up to the point of bringing a gun to school and i'll tell you as a child that took advantage of every single possible opportunity given me to do things my way i get that exactly if i could have gotten away with bringing a gun to school i would have it was obvious where that would have ended up though you explained this to me before i remember
Starting point is 01:17:18 we were talking about address codes and about like hey draw the line that like it has to be dark blue cords so that you're fighting with the kids who wear black cords or the skirt has to be just below the knee so then you're fighting with kids with it just being at the knee and make that battle there and that was fucking hugely enlightening for me when you when you told me that i'm like oh yeah that's exactly where you want to have the battle not at the metal detectors we tell people to choose your battles and it often they move the other direction right move towards a greater conflict another thing i'm just going to offer this because it's kind of bizarre but i was reminded of it but
Starting point is 01:17:55 it's like an anger management um my anger didn't become manageable until i started expressing it early can you give me an example of that? What that looks like? Just like, hey, I'm getting pissed off. I thought I'd let you know. Just to give someone that benefit. By the way, now I'm getting mad. I would, prior to that strategy,
Starting point is 01:18:22 would swallow it and keep it. So you couldn't tell. And that never worked out for me. How old were you when you figured that out? Oh, teenager. That must've been huge. No, it was huge for me.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Huge for me. Kind of makes you the dick, right? It's like, I'm there. Hey, by the way, i'm pissed off just so everyone knows uh eaton beaver uh another great look at the names of these guys
Starting point is 01:18:55 we've only begun uh greg in person it's a it's a it's a wildly Creative crowd The screen that you see You can't see the comments right No I see little bits of them Okay Sean Sullivan It's not hard the people pushing the transgender ideology
Starting point is 01:19:22 Just want to diddle the kids I don't think so i think that there's a lot of people who are um uh think that they're being do-gooders and i say that great because i used to be one of those people oh just accept them oh just love them oh it's fine i'm uh increasingly sympathetic to those that think that it's all just marxism right and unrestricted warfare really supports that view and to think that that was actually a working bit of agit prop coming from the prc and not an American's interpretation of things, but I highly recommend that, by the way. But the
Starting point is 01:20:10 breadth and the scope of the issues that are brought up by these Red Army captains is striking, and it's across a wide range of of areas i agree the same people who thought masks and injections uh were to save others um greg it's like this when i was in college we had this thing called when i was in college we had this thing called affirmative action and really what it was, right? No one ever said it. It's like, hey, we need to take people based on the color of their skin and reward
Starting point is 01:20:51 them, but also punish people because because if you let in some people, some people can't come in. Right. So you have to if you want to be honest about the whole thing and we want to punish other people for the color of their skin. Right. So we only have 10 people who can get in let's say it's the 10 yellow kids who get in but we need some white kids and black kids so we let three white kids in and three black kids in now the four of the yellow kids have been or six of the yellow kids have been punished right and that's never explained to you and there's a group of us who are just asleep at the wheel who just think we just call it affirmative action we never translate it you know what i mean like somehow like we're asleep or we're bored by the details you can see racism is is is wrong or you can see
Starting point is 01:21:34 it as as a knob of political control that needs to be turned it can be turned one way or the other to to suit your aims yeah and so what you have is racism to fix racism right and uh the asian kids and the winners are racist and the winner in that way is too smart and so we need to hold them back in the name of racial equality and indeed that happened is happening will continue to happen and uh when they squeal about it and they have to some extent that's considered racist i mean did you talk to aaron again about this yeah yeah Fiona, diabetes Can you recommend a treatment, please?
Starting point is 01:22:27 My girl has given the word from the doc I'm assuming you're the type That's dangerous right there No, we probably don't give any kind of medical recommendations Of any sort to anyone ever You guys, by the way, just got a tremendous insight into how Greg's brain works. I'm not going to say anything more, but you
Starting point is 01:22:49 just saw something that if you worked at HQ and you got to work with Greg, you got to see that what he just did right there. That was some magic right there. Go ahead. Sorry, Greg. Don't step in that. It's the same guy that set up Tim Noakes, right?
Starting point is 01:23:05 What did you say? Just take the kid off the it's the it's the same guy that set up Tim Noakes, right? Yeah, what did she say? Just take the kid off the tit and put him on the the beef, you know? And millions of dollars later turns out he's right. But ouch. Um.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Yeah. Your daughter recently diagnosed with diabetes sounds like type 1 diabetes no not type 2 yeah it's what i'm hearing a whole different beast there was a sort of a simple formula by the way not answering that question but in regards to um i wish i could remember how you said it um but in regards to insulin that basically the more the more the more insulin your body produces, the shorter your life is going to be. Right. You want it. You want that shit just to be regulated and. You don't want to be you want to inject as little into you as you can and have your body produce as little as it can. Is it was that the the oversimplification of the algebra equation?
Starting point is 01:24:03 Yeah. If you're making your own insulin you want to have to make as little as possible okay if you're having to inject insulin you want to have to inject as little as possible you can become a type 1 diabetes diabetic with type 2 diabetes you can be a one and two in that running down to running down to 31 flavors and then injecting your way home right i had a client i had a client that would uh do something fundamentally like that crazy behavior are you talking about like eating
Starting point is 01:24:45 a dozen donuts and then get on the rower? Or even a gallon of chocolate ice cream. Throw the spoon away in the dumpster behind the Safeway. Drive home, do a blood sugar test and every 2,000 meters check it until it was under 200 or some fucking...
Starting point is 01:25:01 I approve of that behavior. That's blood glucose control right there uh in the five buckets of desk you five buckets of death video you say a line you can um behaviorally cure yourself or you can be medically babysat something like that. Yeah, that's a great line. Yeah. You know, sustainability in the medical world is enormous profitability in teaching people to live with illness.
Starting point is 01:25:39 And diabetes, obesity, and the sequela downstream of that are perfect candidates blah blah blah like i you know the the message of of carbohydrate toxicity should be so ingrained into us at this point that everyone's just rolling their eyes and bored with it but from the outside looking with barely any interest there's a resurgence to the whole energy balance and fat intake and the whole thing here it is again bigger than ever yeah i keep seeing that um i keep seeing the energy balance stuff coming back too. I keep seeing it coming back.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Hey, Greg, someone had a question. Oh, okay. Two things. Someone had a question. Have you met Don Fall? You have met Don. He came out to the… Yeah, I knew Don before he took the position.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Small world. We have met Don. He came out to the... Yeah, I knew Don before he took the position. Small world. We had marine friends as friends and had, by coincidence, had a dinner with him in Palo Alto with Mr. Castro and some of our friends where Don was in attendance
Starting point is 01:27:01 a couple of months before he called me to tell me he was taking the job. You had had dinner with him? Yeah. And did you get a chance to talk to him then? I did. Anything memorable? No, I mean, you know, it was pleasant.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I've met Don on other occasions. I know him and like him. He's got a tough job. That's a tough position. I have a pretty good sense of what he's up against. He's taking a mass movement that was bundled as a business for no other reason than to sustain its efforts and now it's got to be run uh by uh
Starting point is 01:27:50 harvard mbas that are talking q1 q2 q3 return and i don't know how the hell you do that it's not an enviable task. How about this too? I know this is a bit of a stretch. You're not going to like this, but I'm going to do it to you anyway. How about, how about the fact that this, so how,
Starting point is 01:28:13 how that company ran so much on one liners that if you don't change your behavior, you're going to be, you can change your behaviors or you can be medically babysat. We have the cure for the world's most vexing problem. Constantly very functional movement executed at high intensity uh fitness in a hundred words there were all of these things that you were doing that you're not there now and so they've just come to a halt and and really no one can do them and i hate to compare it to what the church has done but the church is the same way right they had their they had God, and then their God sent their son down as their – kind of their spokesperson.
Starting point is 01:28:48 And then he got fucking jacked up on the cross, and then he's toast. And they're basically – now they have just this book that dictates their journey. And how – in all – can you say with honesty – I think that – I personally think they're fucked without you. And by no means do I think you would ever go back, but even if someone gave you the company, and I wouldn't ask you that question because it's so preposterous. But how can they have someone – doesn't that – doesn't this movement need someone like that who's just right up against the edge of where medicine and health meet and just be pushing? Like we have the cure. We have the cure. We have the cure. Isn't that what this – isn't – I mean that's what you did for 15 years I was there i didn't see the affiliates as a uh a point of sale for for the mothership and there was never anyone that came around from venture capital from big business from successful business from business media from business media, from business education, that didn't see things that way.
Starting point is 01:30:08 What do you mean by point of sale? Can you explain that? Yeah, like wanting you to sell fucking tennis shoes or magic water. Okay. So that's why people like Fid8 who got into several thousand affiliates, they had to do it on their own.
Starting point is 01:30:25 You let the trends ebb and flow. HQ didn't dictate what that trend was. Correct. And you didn't try to monetize the affiliates other than the affiliate fee. It was my recommendation that they not have a display case full of shit you could buy. And I guess you monetized it with the game so to speak but with the open the open was something you sold the affiliates if we want to be just completely um raw right you can buy these five workouts and put them into this computer and get ranked with the other dudes for 20 bucks i'm trying to think if there's anything ever else you ever sold to the you were you were
Starting point is 01:31:02 making me uncomfortable just minutes ago with christ-like references and i wanted to say that i saw myself more as dr frankenstein fine fine fine dr frankenstein it's fine but then not and then i got was i was eaten by my monster and that monster would be the games and the games morons fine fine you know and it's and i and i had that i had the big idea of anything that you can metric so precisely you can compete and a sport was born um but uh some of the things we did like the uh uh of gathering and whistler for 10-year affiliates was inspired by the endless stream of of long-term affiliates waiting in line to talk to me at the games to let me know that that what happens in their box is fundamentally irrelevant to the spectacle that is the games
Starting point is 01:32:03 and you might recall me telling you and everyone around me that the worst thing about that is that these fuckers don't know that i don't know because i knew damn well that it had nothing to do with it right but it was a thing of my creation and my feeding well from the earliest days even even before the games, right, when you had Greg Amundsen and Josh Everett and you put them on the web racing against each other, there it is, right?
Starting point is 01:32:30 That's the men will die for points, the whole. Yeah. I think I mentioned we tried to offload the games and no business was interested in it. No one's smart enough to have the money to afford the the entity um would be willing absent getting affiliates and seminars and the reason for that is that uh to a to a non-fanboy outside uh rational business uh examination of the crossfit business entity the games looks like swallowing a hand grenade like it's like the worst fucking idea ever like it's not sustainable like it injected you with growth, but not sustainable? so. And its consumption of dollars and attention span was always far greater than what we realized
Starting point is 01:33:51 or could control. And its return was nothing. And so if you have a handsomely profitable, rapidly growing business that has a sides show that's growing even more rapidly and breaking even that ends that ends in in heat death that's a that's that's that's a a physical mathematical economic failure over time and to the affiliates that say to the people that say no it actually did have a benefit to the affiliates people would see the games on espn and i had i had all of my media that made the the that were living off of the games and living nicely um working without discipline of of oversight were sure that it was growing the the affiliates right Not once did someone stand in line to tell me as an affiliate,
Starting point is 01:34:47 man, these games are the whole fucking ball of wax right here. They wouldn't stand in line to tell me that. And my own experience is standing flat footed on the gym for 20 years floor. Told me they were exactly correct. Of course they were. Of course they were. It's about the
Starting point is 01:35:05 mary conovers not the greg amundsen's greg amundsen knew that although although i i i hear what you're saying but for those specific examples i just want to say this you're gonna say greg amundsen got the shit beat out of him uh as a cop and crossfit was a huge part of saving his life too it just he just happens to have the most amazing body and discipline nearly every crossfitter alive i i i hold him in the highest regard right there's an important an important role for him in the gym even in our community you know your best guy is always your best guy. That's a great thing. It's not what the business revolves around. Go in any box and ask him, who's your best athlete here?
Starting point is 01:35:51 And, you know, top scores. And it's not the person most talked about in the gym. It's not in any ways, except, you know, it depends on where you land, right? Depends on where you land. Greg, you're not, you would say you're not a Christian? Yeah, I'd probably say that. Okay. And yet, for some reason, I've never heard you talk badly or you don't push back on Christians. you that Greg Amundsen was one of the best clients you ever had, most valuable MVP in the gym,
Starting point is 01:36:26 and that probably a lot of that stems from the fact that he's a devout Christian. And you've kind of, you taught me that like, hey, just because you're not one, you don't have to fight against it. You can see the value of that community. Yeah, like Frederick Hayek, everything I hold value and esteem seems to be found exclusively in Judeo-Christian environments, communities. And he wasn't a Christian either? Hayek wasn't? No, he was an atheist.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Yeah, that's fucking cool. I love that. Profoundly defensive of religious people of Jews and Christians um uh thank you by that logic are games athletes burning through their insulin too quickly because they have to
Starting point is 01:37:23 supplement with so many carbs? Yes. Yes, I suspect so. The problem is not just in the storage associated with the carbohydrate, but it's the burning of it. and uh i would think that uh high high consumption of carbohydrate um even with a high percentage of it burned i've still got the oxidative stress that's uh that's key to so much of the problem it's long long long been my way my thought and then daved responds, Pussy, that's an Indian name, by the way, Greg. I'll bet. From the western province,
Starting point is 01:38:10 just south of Mumbai. Pussy, you need carbs to perform. Not spelling, though. Just kidding. No, this guy deserves it. This guy just ass-pounds me in the comments go you can give it to this guy david he's a good dude he likes to be slapped around he likes a good fight i think this is a mill guy who's run to europe uh because he did something illegal
Starting point is 01:38:38 that's the story i made up in my head i have no proof of that okay uh but but but they also need the carbs, right, Greg? There is value to supercharging their performance maybe by shaving, getting an extra second or two on their fran time by throwing a donut down the gullet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Who knows and who cares? But listen. I watched these fucking guys. there was a year you couldn't your son blake cares your son blake cares you couldn't win shit without compression fabric right okay and then there was everyone in the fucking ice bath like morons and the next year it's the fucking tape they're putting tape all over themselves remember remember the tape is that a sponsor is it no kinetic tape let's make it a company hey my sponsors are a company called california hormones and you've always acknowledged that um uh steroids would help your performance
Starting point is 01:39:38 i appreciate you being kind to my sponsor um right do you remember Do you remember these fads Yeah yeah yeah yeah The tape they would come out with all the tape on them I forget what it's called And I remember Austin Maliolo coming out Head to toe like even his eyeballs Had compression Spandex on them
Starting point is 01:39:59 You tape your ears to your traps And something fantastic happens When you go overhead. Right. They got lucky socks and shit. Fuck these people as a cohort for anything. They're outliers. They're not that interesting from a, you know, remember how excited we were when Pepperdine got hold of the games athletes and let us know what was so special about them?
Starting point is 01:40:28 And they came back and said they were really fucking fit. Remember that? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, thanks. And same with the IMG Academy. They're like, holy shit. Yeah, right. And we got similar insights from the Air Force, too, after a thorough examination.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Man, these guys really have good oxygen levels uh eric eric weiss tell savon tells of his origin story working for crossfit at what point did greg know that savon was worth investing your time in i will tell you a story real quick and great i've been working for crossFit for about a year. I'd been to Greg's house and had a long, you know, two day meeting once. And then other than that, I just put my head down and worked. And that was probably for about a year. And then there was a meeting in Arizona that I went out to. And at the time there were less than 10 employees. The day was deployed and we were in a meeting with all the employees at CrossFit HQ and Greg was speaking at a table and I was sitting adjacent to Greg.
Starting point is 01:41:28 And I had my hand flat on a piece of paper and I was doing making a turkey hand while Greg was talking. I stopped while he was talking and looked over at me and like I was in the second grade and was like, what the fuck are you drawing? Hold that up. And I had to hold up my, do you remember that shit? I had to hold up my, my Turkey hand. And, uh, later on that night, um, later and later on that night, I was talking to, we were at dinner or something. I was talking to my mom on the phone and Greg was at the dinner table. And, uh, he took the phone from me and it was the first time he ever talked to my mom. And he told my mom, Hey, I just want to let you know, I'll take care the dinner table and uh he took the phone from me it was the first time he ever talked to my mom and he told my mom hey i just want to let you know i'll take care of your son uh for the rest of my life and do you remember that all that i don't remember that part yeah
Starting point is 01:42:14 it was pretty crazy i remember i remember tony and and lauren had dealt with you more than I had. Right. And Lauren liked you and Tony didn't. But they both considered you a problem. And I thought you were just kind of working within the confines of the system they'd set up and were maybe even outsmarting them. I didn't. It seemed like a it seemed like a manageable thing to me and then i enjoyed your company too but uh and it's funny i can see where tony and and lauren would have trouble with you
Starting point is 01:42:57 like how our personalities wouldn't mesh yeah yeah anyway uh he he uh he always kept me close then from then on one turkey hand and then uh mike halpin um oh he wants to talk about go back to jesus okay jesus was raised after three days he brought down the holy spirit and paul not jesus uh wrote the majority of the new testament oh okay well shit then don fall is not gonna have any problem at all uh thank you i appreciate oh okay uh okay thank you uh how are you on time i want to show you one more video. I'm good. I'm going to show you one more video. This is a guy who you and I have talked about briefly. I don't know much about him, but everything I see about him, I'm really enjoying.
Starting point is 01:43:56 He's a young man. I think he'll be if he gets elected president, he would be the youngest president ever elected in the United States. His name is Vivek Gramas grama swam grama swami grama swami grama swami i actually uh this morning donated some money to his campaign through through instagram believe it or not i don't really donate to people's campaigns but um i like this guy he's he's on cnn and uh his book woke capitalism, I forget the name of it, but it's an outstanding read. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's right. He's sharp.
Starting point is 01:44:35 Very sharp. I'm going to play this, and then you sort of get your feedback, ambush you with this, and then get your feedback on this. Okay, here we go. ambush you with this and then get your feedback on this. OK, here we go. In fact, I think it is shameful that I, as a competitor to President Trump in this race, have to ask questions that the media isn't asking. The job of the political media, if it has one job, is to hold the U.S. government accountable. We know that instead we're doing the bidding. You're seeing the media doing the bidding of the U.S. government. Ask the question. Get to the bottom of what Biden told Garland and what Garland told Jack Smith. If the same shoe fit the other foot, you would not take their word at face value. Do not take their word now. Get to the bottom of what Biden told Garland and what Garland told Jack Smith. If the same shoe fit the other foot, you would not take their word at face value.
Starting point is 01:45:07 Do not take their word now. Get to the bottom of it. Let's actually restore journalism in this country. That's what's actually missing. Thank you. Get to the truth. OK, thank you for that. We are absolutely asking these questions.
Starting point is 01:45:19 Good. With due respect, I think it is shameful that I. Crazy, right? And she's lying, right? They're not doing those – she's lying. Of course they're not. Why do they keep having him on CNN? Every time he goes on there, he does that.
Starting point is 01:45:36 He lifts their skirt up. He pulls their curtain down and points to the wizard. Yeah, what do they do? They'll quit having him, you think? I don't know. I wouldn't have them on anymore. If he, every time he came on the show,
Starting point is 01:45:48 he, he, he, he fucked with me. He's, he's awesome. He's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:57 Uh, do you like him? Would you vote for him? Yeah. Yeah. Sebi is still considered a problem. yeah yeah Sebi is still considered a problem fair enough there was a great comment in here
Starting point is 01:46:13 where is it you know Sebi you and I haven't changed to the extent that we've had problems that's it well I've changed a lot since I've known you I've changed a lot since I've known you. I've changed a lot.
Starting point is 01:46:30 I don't know if change is the right word. I think differently. I think more clearly. I'm happier. I've always been kind of happy, but I'm happier. Sevan reminding Greg he will take care of him forever. Yeah, are you going to take care of me for breakfast this morning what are you doing this morning after the uh the homeschool thing with the skating's been competing with the homeschool right sorry i'm on in order yeah yeah i've been
Starting point is 01:46:56 stealing your kids uh did greg red savvy? I think that's fair. It happens. It happens to everyone as they get older. Oh, really? Yeah. You think there's hope for some of the older people in my life who I feel like haven't been red pill. Hey, if you, you know, you hang out long enough and you keep looking pretty soon patterns emerge. Hopefully. hey if you you know you hang out long enough and you keep looking pretty soon patterns emerge hopefully i think it all comes down to just asking for definitions it's kind of like you just have to just keep asking for definitions of things and get to the root of shit do you remember there's a guy howard griffin i think that did a black like me he dyed his skin black
Starting point is 01:47:43 and then toured the South and got a PhD. Yes, yes, I read that book. Yeah, he died of cancer from that little stunt he pulled. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Great book. I wanted, before I became infamous or famous even, I wanted to go up to UC Santa Cruz and do Liberal Like Me
Starting point is 01:48:00 and just grow my hair long and start spouting a bunch of anarchist bullshit and get a following going i don't think it's i don't think that i don't think the uh i don't think the anger is hard to imitate i don't think the uh the knee-jerk responses are hard to imitate i think that i think the whole thing could be done done pretty simply i don't know what i thought of that i don't know but i'd love to see you do that it's too late now oh you got other shit to do i got canceled i'm not no longer eligible oh no you could totally do it still be seen for what it is eligible oh no you could totally do it still be seen for what it is uh can i uh see greg when i come visit in july you're coming and visiting in july i greg doesn't even know where he'll be in
Starting point is 01:48:52 july greg you've kind of you're kind of driven by weather a little bit very much so yeah you've turned into one of those dudes like where you you're looking for a climate that suits you. Yeah, I'm a sunbird with – or snowbird with three spots. It's working perfectly. Isn't it a snowbird or someone who flies away from the snow? Yeah, but I do it in steps. So it was too hot in Scottsdale, not ready at Coeur d'Alene. And so we're here in Santa Cruz transitioning.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Tyler Shongaris, a sebon is Greg's charity work. All right. That's a good note. Okay. I appreciate it. I accept. I accept gifts. Hey, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:49:41 It's five words and I have to think hard. I'm moving on. Thanks for coming on. This is, words and I have to think hard. I'm moving on. Thanks for coming on. This is great to see you. Did you like this? The computer and the headphone thing? Yeah. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:49:56 And when we get off now, it's going to tell you not to shut your window. So just let it's got to upload like the high res recording or something so we we can make shit for TikTok and Instagram and shit like that. Okay. This really creates quite a dead space, the headphone. Meaning what? Just I can't hear anything but us, which is good, right? Yeah, I guess, unless it's distracting. No, it's isolating.
Starting point is 01:50:19 It's interesting. We'll do a show, too, where I can open up the phone line and then people can just call in. Cool. You expect to take the headphones off in the house full of smoke, you know? Good. Could be.
Starting point is 01:50:32 All right. If for some reason you can't find your kids, call me and I'll do breakfast with you. Perfect. We might do it anyways. Take a homeschool to breakfast. Okay. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:50:43 All right. Bye everyone. Bye everybody. Thank you. Actually, perfect. Bye, everyone. Bye, everybody. Thank you. Actually, I'll stay on for a minute. You're coming out here? I wish Greg would take me on a fishing trip and pretend to be my grandpa.
Starting point is 01:51:01 I need some wisdom. Careful what you wish for i'm telling you it can be a lot to be around him that's a tempered greg by a lot i mean he'll just start fucking dropping bombs on you that you that you may not may or may not want to process it's fun thanks rich yeah g. Yeah, Greg is great. He's mellow this morning. Mellow, mellow, mellow. Are Toast Pacers a fad?
Starting point is 01:51:33 I didn't put mine on this morning, but they're not a fad. I miss them. I'm telling you, every time I put them on and take them off, my toes are a little further apart. I think they eventually go back throughout the day. Oh, thank you, David. That was awesome, dude. Oh, thank you, David. That was awesome, dude. Thank you. David Abraham, thank you, Sebi, for keeping us in the know.
Starting point is 01:51:55 It's funny. Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't know what you're talking about, David, but okay. David Weed, I would have never thought that you thought that was awesome and so like fuck i always get shocked like i don't know you guys i don't have toe fungus these don't even smell anymore they only smell right when i take them off uh face and hopper wow i've been spacing this whole time thinking you were too. I will. I mean, I normally do. Mike Poolboy.
Starting point is 01:52:30 I'm wearing my toe spacers now. Also have my ass plug in. Best recovery combo ever. Rosie. Love this show, Seve. All right. All right, so be it. Oh.
Starting point is 01:52:43 Oh, good. Thank you. That's so sweet. A text saying that was awesome. Thank you. That's so sweet. A text saying, that was awesome. Good job. Oh, that's so cool. Remember, if you accept compliments from people and you let them build you up, those same people can fucking break you down. Not even not those same people can fucking break you down. Not even not those same people, but.
Starting point is 01:53:10 The truth is, well. Yeah, you guys get what I'm saying? So if I'm like, yeah, I'm cool. You guys think I'm cool. Then later on, someone's going to be like, you're a piece of shit. And I'm going to start crying. My God, I'm a piece of shit. applicants seeking to join the Royal Air Force described as useless white male pilots in bid to hit impossible diversity
Starting point is 01:53:38 targets wow June 1st 2023 unreal I'll save that for tomorrow June 1st, 2023. Unreal. I'll save that for tomorrow. Imagine having a diversity goal for flying an airplane. That doesn't seem right. Leaked emails show the pressure apparently being applied to filter out white male recruits for the Royal Air Force and fast track women and ethnic minorities. for the Royal Air Force and fast-track women and ethnic minorities.
Starting point is 01:54:09 It can also be revealed 31 white men are receiving 5,000 pounds each to compensate them for being unfairly disadvantaged by the approach. What has happened to this world? What has happened? What is going on? What the fuck is going on? Leon Jay, very good episode. good i burned my rebox last week dude did you see what i posted on my instagram i went to the closet this morning you know it's so funny my wife yelled at me this morning i yelled she doesn't yell i should stop
Starting point is 01:54:38 using that word i heard my wife say from the bed are you in the closet and i was in the closet because i spotted these brand new pair of blue nano twos i'm like holy shit we have so many fucking shoes in our closet i was i must have been hoarding them back in the day oh wad zombie you said are they more narrow like everyone is saying no those aren't those are those are old that's the old ones they don't make blue anymore like that those are the old i don't think they make blue ones like that those are old oh someone is saying those are the og 10th anniversary nano ones oh oh Oh. Shit.
Starting point is 01:55:27 All right. Oh, shit. Okay, my bad. People are fucking me up. I thought those were nano twos. My bad. And then someone said, are those genderless? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:55:44 Those are my wife's shoes. She has a pousse. She has a pousse. Fiona H., you're so lucky to have a friend like Greg. He seems like honest, don't mess with me type of guy. Yeah, he's very much don't mess with me. much don't mess with me very much john he he's just he he's my wife says that um she has to approach me she you two in order to communicate with me timing is everything she was explaining that to me like with you seven on timing is everything and it's funny i'd never thought of that but i feel that way about greg too timing is everything you have to you you um maybe that just happens to dudes as they get older i don't know but timing is everything i guess kind of is it like that with little kids yeah there's there's there's times throughout he has ais. He's like a library. He has a nonfiction aisle, a fiction aisle, a fucking health aisle, self-help aisle.
Starting point is 01:56:49 And like if you fucking ask, like he might have the greatest self-help aisle ever. But if you ask about fucking self-help when he's in the fucking only to do in fiction aisle, you're fucked. You won't like that. And what's weird is this show is kind of like that. This show really jumps around, right? I don't know if you guys saw. That was pretty experimental with Greg. First, we had him on video.
Starting point is 01:57:15 Then I was bringing up videos. The only thing we didn't do is take calls. Then I was showing him clips. I was trying. I had some. I want to talk to you. He loves comedy, too. I want to talk to him about comedy.
Starting point is 01:57:26 He's funny as fuck. He'll get on a roll and just start tearing shit up. he hasn't said anything about my man bun I think his wife has made some comments about it this show is autistic this show is austic this show is autistic. Autistic. The show is autistic. Autistic.
Starting point is 01:58:12 Autistic. I think he's better than okay. He was really mellow this morning. Dude, he is living a fucking good life. When he's in town, I try to hang out with him every single day. I try to bring my kids over there. It's fucking fun. It's like being at your cousin's house who has the big house with all the lawn space and the kids run around
Starting point is 01:58:36 and there's bikes and skateboards and a fire burning outside and a refrigerator just fucking full of fucking sliced mangoes i don't know i think it's a fucking good ass life it's nothing it's not like it's nothing it's no instagram life it's not it's none of that cheese dick shit there's no kardashians aren't walking around it's not women giant fake tits covered in makeup and
Starting point is 01:59:01 dudes with gold necklaces it's not like that it's like you can just go over there barefoot and eat a steak and sit by the fire with them and fucking crack jokes and watch fucking bird hawks and um crazy birds yesterday i went to greg's house and the first thing he did was he's like hey come out here so we go outside and uh we're staring at a giant fucking bird of prey that's sitting on a power line by his house there's not a lot of power lines by his house but there's there's these heat because it's it's in no man's land but there's these fucking a couple like a hundred yards off they crosses his property but it's probably like a hundred or two hundred yards from his house there's this one massive thick power line that's crossing looks like it's probably like for a whole city and birds sit on it and that's what you do over there you go over
Starting point is 01:59:51 there and just chill and kids fucking so many kids running around everywhere and he has fireplaces everywhere and then and everyone's at home there like you can do whatever you want there there's no it's not like like it would be weird if you came to my house and just went in my fridge it's not weird at greg's house he has one fridge just like full of sparkling water and shit like that in the in the garage i'm telling you it's good it's fun it's some familial shit so all right yeah his life is fucking great Jay Hartle we love you Heidi fuck yeah I love you guys so much all of you mean a lot to me
Starting point is 02:00:38 this is the best ecstasy I've ever had alright tomorrow morning who do I have on tomorrow morning ecstasy I've ever had. Alright. Tomorrow morning, who do I have on tomorrow morning? It's a fucking packed week now. Here we go. We're going to take off. Asia Bartow, dad talk.
Starting point is 02:00:56 Oh, I already told you all this. And then the next day is Justin's and Ellie's strength coach, Canadian dude. It's going to be a fun week. Seve, did you meet Amanda? I did. I did meet Amanda Hari.
Starting point is 02:01:12 And you know what's crazy is I watched her video yesterday, like at 1.5 time, late last night, like 10 o'clock at night, on her visit there to the ranch this weekend. And I don't remember if I met her. Basically what happened was I was there. I was really focused on making sure everything went perfect for Greg. And then I just got fucking destroyed by three margaritas because I was on an empty stomach.
Starting point is 02:01:42 I hadn't eaten anything all day. I was fasting until the evening. And I had these three margaritas with because i was on an empty stomach i hadn't eaten anything all day i was fasting until the evening and i had these three margaritas with uh shanna madaris and i was sauced and i don't really remember too much like but i remember meeting her and shaking her hand and saying hi and then i remember thinking god i hope i wasn't rude to her i i don't think i was rude but i i think i was very like protective over my, I can become very protective over my time and space and just want to get away from people. So I think I did that to her. I think I just kind of ran away, but maybe I'm making that up. Maybe she didn't want to talk to me either. But I, but I, I took, um, I took, uh, Oh,
Starting point is 02:02:20 uh, you were extra fun at the ranch. Oh, good. Extra fun. Yeah. I was fucking wrecked yeah uh stevie was drunk and forgot who she was is that supposed to be who he was yeah i definitely forgot who i was for a minute i definitely forgot it was weird dude i seriously felt like i was roofied she spiked the margs with extra tequila because you called her son chubby. I don't know. I think she roofied me. Oh, no. Oh, okay. You weren't rude. Amanda messaged me laughing because she felt like you had no idea who she was.
Starting point is 02:02:59 No, no. I know who she is. Andrew's introduced me to her. I mean to her work a long time ago. Yeah, I ago yeah I see I see her in the I ride the assault bike I see everyone who's making YouTube or CrossFit content I think
Starting point is 02:03:12 who pops in the algorithm alright Mr. Mike Arturian yeah it's probably Mike would be one of the guys if I was sauced he was there I probably gravitated to him and bugged him. All right. I will see you tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:03:36 I keep wanting to do a show with the boys on semifinals. A semifinal review, but I'm torn because i don't want to schedule anything because greg's in town i never know what i'm going to get to do with him so there's that okay bye

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