The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Total Recall #1008

Episode Date: September 10, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:08 Got a little off the rails Yeah it was hectic I don't think it was bad It was just A burning experience A lot of cooks in the kitchen on that one Oh yeah yeah I did enjoy I did enjoy um uh helping and
Starting point is 00:01:29 um the thumb going back and forth i don't remember what the subject was i think they're talking about the pro cards yeah it was just vastly different opinions on it yeah but but they both could explain themselves pretty well i thought what did you think no the thumb you don't think the thumb explained himself well or helping you can't hear me oh sorry my sorry. My internet cut out. Oh. Oh, I couldn't even tell on this side. You were still there. Oh, good. Good morning, everyone.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Christine Young, good morning. Stephen Flores, good morning. David Arsenault, good morning. Olivia, good morning. Are you watching the fights tonight, Caleb? Yeah, I'll probably try to. Yeah, me too. What time do they start?
Starting point is 00:02:24 7 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. I thought it was going to be some fucked up hour because I think it's in Singapore, right? Yeah, I think it was weird a couple weekends ago. Let me see. UFC schedule. I thought I looked yesterday. Yeah, 7 p.m.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Adesanya, Strickland. That's going to be a good one. The tie to a Vasa fight with Volkov will be great. I didn't see what happened, but this guy in one of the earlier fights, Manel Cape, he's on the main card. I guess he got into it with Israel Adesanya. Oh, yeah. And then Tai Tuivasa was like in the middle.
Starting point is 00:03:03 He was? Was it the press conference? Yeah. He was just sitting between the two of them. And then he was just like, what the fuck? And they were yelling at each other, stood up yelling at each other over the... God, I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I hope I get to see all of that. So today, I go to a jiu-jitsu tournament today with my kids after the show. Right after the show, I'm going to go and then um i hope i can come back and uh work out in the garage and just catch up on all the gossip ufc gossip man we're still getting throttled are you seeing that 55 what a trip yeah that is weird i will say it probably didn't help that we scheduled it a little late but um we had our first show under a thousand views in like
Starting point is 00:03:50 eight months yeah what the hell crazy uh Steph uh Seve I've heard like four stories about baby skipping the crawling stage straight to walking why is this can't be normal no oh boy no you do
Starting point is 00:04:06 not want that uh i don't know not that i know thousands but i have accurately picked kids that i see and i'll be like yep that kid didn't crawl and i've never seen a um i've seen all sorts of weird shit i've never seen a what I would consider a healthy walker, a healthy mover, a kid who missed the skipping stage. Those carriers, man, I think those carriers are a big problem. People start relying on those, and they just put the baby right in the carrier. Parents just put kids in the stroller. You should do tummy time every day, man.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Pretty much as soon as you get that fucking baby, even if it's just starting off, if you're uncomfortable with it 10 seconds you just set a timer for 10 seconds and put the baby on its tummy and then eventually i mean you won't even i want to say something crazy like like at two or three months all my kids because i did tummy time with them were able to roll over like it was something just ridiculous wow and um you're they basically are just warring with gravity and it's uncomfortable to watch at first but the kids get used to it and then it just ends up being part of their thing and then they figure it out you're just having them to yeah walking at nine months that's crazy i i i also don't think that that's ideal but all the kids that i know that scooted um uh it's because they're normally first born children and it's because the the mom was uh or dad was just carrying them way too much and putting them in those carriers every time i see baby in one of those carriers i want to
Starting point is 00:05:42 fucking vomit um not because they're inherently bad. It's not like spanking, like beating a kid where you're like, yep, that's bad. It's just what I suspect of how that carrier is being used. Yeah, see, there it is. Oh, my kid definitely did not sit up at two months. Tummy time right away, my daughter pushed up, rolled, and sat up in less than two months. Yeah, that's crazy. But yeah, that warring with gravity dude gravity's a uh
Starting point is 00:06:09 it's weird watching them on tummy tummy time like when they try to lift their head up and they like barely have the strength to actually pull it up and all of a sudden it just like kind of flops back down yeah yeah it's weird to watch but carpet carpet although my kids did a lot of time on wood we had hardwood floors uh cj uh our kid crawled at six months walked at eight months ran at nine months wow that's nuts i don't think um that that that even that walk my, I want to say the soonest anyone walked was like 13 months. Avi's crawling was out of control. It was crazy. I was actually watching his crawling evolve, technique evolve.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I was kind of sad when he started walking. And even after he started walking, he would still crawl a little bit. Because he was so good at it. Yeah, here we go. Brett Bauer, my baby's almost two months and loves tummy time now yeah and if you're tripping on it what i used to do i used to trip on it especially in the beginning i would just set a timer or i put the baby on its tummy and as soon as it started crying then i would start the timer for 30 seconds give it 30 more seconds and you know what most of the time it would stop crying at least 51 percent yeah um that shit is huge don't steal that crawling shit from your baby crawling essential for bjj yeah that's true yeah i bet it looked wild seeing an eight month walking i remember when avi was walking at 13 months and i was i told my wife
Starting point is 00:07:46 i'm like he doesn't have the intellectual capability of walking and yet he's walking meaning um it's like giving a monkey a cigarette lighter like they have no business with it yeah at 30 even at two years old you're looking at a kid and you're like, God, you really shouldn't be walking. You're a danger to yourself. My 10 month old just started crawling. Does it crawl on all four? I mean, that's, that's as long as it's crawling on all four. As long as you, I mean, you want a crawler, you want a crawler. What would the things I noticed too is, um, the, there's this one kid in specific. I remember who, who didn't crawl.
Starting point is 00:08:35 He was a scooter. Do you know what a scooter is? Caleb, you ever seen this kid who scoots? Yeah. Like they just scoot their butt across the floor. Like they use their butt and pull themselves forward. Yeah. God, it's kind of, it's kind of so i think it's sad um really yeah they move like how you imagine someone move who doesn't have legs okay it's like yeah yeah it's like when somebody tries to like pull guard on you in jujitsu and
Starting point is 00:09:00 they're just like yes shooting towards you yes yeah it's like that but a child right yeah god it fucking breaks my heart when i see that but um this kid he now or when i would see him jump now something's off with his jumping and i remember remember also as a kid, he jumps like an old person, meaning he can't take two feet off at the same time. And it requires such concentration for him to jump. The kid's a good athlete too, but something's wrong with his feet. He does like a one,
Starting point is 00:09:38 two step into the, yeah, every time. Yeah. He can't, even if you ask him not to, and he's, he's unstable in his landing and his takeoff is just weird.
Starting point is 00:09:47 That's funny. I've never seen that before. Yeah, crawling's huge, man. All right. I got some good stuff for today. I got some good stuff. Don't hold heavy objects over your kids' heads either. That's bad.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Steel, anything that looks like a dumbbell, an anvil. I got some good stuff. Don't hold heavy objects over your kids' heads either. That's bad. Steel. Anything that looks like a dumbbell. An anvil. Don't hold those things over your head. 45 pound plates. Not good. 10 pound plates. Not good.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Fractional plates. No. But Seve, they're so small. They're only two and a half pounds. No. Don't hold them over your kid's head. Billy K. Seve, great show with Pamela.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Palmada. Palmada. You're a heck of a conversationalist. I hope you don't hold little man. I hope the don't hold little man. I hope the little. I hope your son heals quickly. Yeah, me too too it's funny this morning
Starting point is 00:10:47 when i was showering i could hear him in his bedroom with his mom screaming in pain and then when i came out um he was uh he told me he's in no pain today i was like well wait i just heard you scream that reminds me it's like if you you like break your leg, but it's fine. But then you just move it one specific direction. It hurts. And then everything else is fine after that. It goes away after like 30 seconds. I've never had a broken leg, so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:19 But one of my sons keeps saying, why does it hurt? Why does it hurt? He keeps asking my wife. How could it hurt him Why does it hurt? He keeps asking my wife. How could it hurt him? Hello? Hello? Shit. I need to ask
Starting point is 00:11:36 my wife to make sure that the geese are in the dryer. How often do you wash your geese? You wash them after every match? No, I don't go that often. So it's just like a... I probably just wash them
Starting point is 00:11:56 once a week. Shit. I think I figured out a way, by the way, to... How come this phone's not working? What the fuck is going on here? And my wife's not answering her phone? I'm sorry, but the person you called has a voicemail box that has no...
Starting point is 00:12:22 A shrinkage for the ghee, the dryer. I hope so. The kids' ghees are always too big. A shrinkage for the gi, the dryer. I hope so. The kids' gis are always too big. I got an idea for the prank caller if it happens again. I got an idea, I think. I'm ready. I want to try it. I like the prank caller.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I just wish he had funnier shit to say. Bernie Gannon, have you seen feral people who don't walk traditionally they move on all fours using the palms of their hand in a bear call feral people i've i i have seen those people i have seen those people that um who um walk on all fours a trip. Oh, why not dry it? Why you put ghee in dryer? I put ghee in dryer to dry it. But I don't mind if it shrinks. Kids' geese are huge.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Even after I had them hemmed. I dried one of my geese and it shrunk and I couldn't wear it anymore. Oh, in the jacket? The pants. Oh, yeah, yeah. No, my kids... No, it's fine. My kids aren't 6'2". They're not like
Starting point is 00:13:39 Caleb. 6'3"? 6'2". Gonna try to have the CEO jersey up for pre-order today. Wow, that's awesome. It's a great jersey. It's awesome. Yeah, those are sick. I highly recommend it.
Starting point is 00:13:57 You'll like it. Okay. Yeah, last night's show was crazy. David, what did you think of last night's show was crazy David what did you think of last night's show did you see it did you think it was too crazy
Starting point is 00:14:08 it's wild it was a good show though crazy crazy show yeah you saw it what did you think yeah good thumbs up thumbs down
Starting point is 00:14:22 good shit okay so now the numbers are starting to get back up why is that uh suza told me he's not getting notifications when we go live are you guys getting notifications when we go live oh it was awful i think that's fair to think it was awful
Starting point is 00:14:40 i told it was crazy oh david attaway the show was great okay what's up Jethro good morning morning Jethro no I didn't get invited to Josh's wedding did you
Starting point is 00:14:58 I also know that I have no um also know that i have no um what's the word not even a tiny bit offended i'm so not offended that i didn't get invited to josh's wedding that he should probably be offended that how little i'm offended does that make sense you follow me on that a little bit a little bit right yeah i go what you're saying okay usually if somebody invites me i say i can't go but then i send them something oh yeah so his loss yeah yeah exactly yeah why did he already get married can we pull up josh's instagram did he already get married i noticed he posted a picture of his wife that I'm sure everyone in the world,
Starting point is 00:15:50 every three-legged man in the world appreciated. Excuse me for the sipping. Oh, yeah, look, Jeffrey knows. Oh, that means he got married? I saw that. Yeah, I think that was his, like, wedding post. And then, oh, and it's over. That's it.
Starting point is 00:16:15 All right. Just like that. Oh, shit, are his kids as tall as him? Let me see. Go back a second. Is Matt Fraser at his? Wait, go back to that. Was Matt Fraser at his wedding?
Starting point is 00:16:25 Yeah. Wow. Now I'm offended. let me see go back a second is Matt Fraser at his wait go back to that was Matt Fraser at his wedding yeah wow now I'm offended wow that is fucking awesome let me see who else was there that is great now go back to his kids let me see who else was there that is great now go back to his kids let me see who's taller wow one of his kids is about to be
Starting point is 00:16:54 taller than I'm already crazy wow it's not how you flex though but well what's that slide they're just kids wow congrats i do think that i'm better friends with josh than matt and o'keefe which then makes me think that i'm delusional right maybe you're not. Yeah. Like if you were to say, who's better friends with Josh,
Starting point is 00:17:28 you, uh, O'Keefe and Matt and Josh, or me and Josh, I would say me and Josh. But if I didn't get invited to the wedding and they did, then that means I'm delusional. But I still can't even accept that. Isn't that weird?
Starting point is 00:17:42 That is weird. But I'm, am I onto to something? Yeah. Someone told me the other day, they're like, boy, you have no shortage of confidence. They meant it as an insult.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Of course they did. I need help with that. Having a shortage of confidence? No, I just can't believe that I, I didn't even know he was friends with that. Having a shortage of confidence? No, I just can't believe that I didn't even know he was friends with Frazier. I know, exactly. I didn't even know that either. That's what's weird. Yeah, that is super weird.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Bailey Walker, he probably knew you just wouldn't go. Well, that's what I'm supposed to say in my head to make sure that my feelings aren't hurt, right? That's how I should think. I'm better friends with Josh than Matt and O'Keefe are, far by far not even a little bit by far in my head and then i'm not invited to the wedding so then i say well instead of being like i get i'm i'm delusional i go well that's because he knew i wouldn't go like that's how i work around it that's the workaround right yeah right but usually you just say like if you know well i don't know it depends on how big he wanted his wedding to be but usually you just
Starting point is 00:18:52 send out a bunch of invites or you just send like a save the date well here speaking of fuck ups uh you do so yeah save the day or or listen i like Caleb's logic to listen. This let me add this here to you to the thing. I think Josh knows you wouldn't leave the house. I know. But what about getting the present? And then then he really fucked up by not inviting Sarah Cox because she probably would send an insane present. Don't worry. I didn't get the invite.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Either. She probably would have given him a beach house to stay at for their honeymoon. They fucked that all up. A mountain cabin. Yeah. A little getaway. And I think Josh's wife might be Sarah's realtor for that area where
Starting point is 00:19:37 they live. What a connection. Yeah, that was a fuck it. You fucked up. They fucked up you fucked up they fucked up well they fucked up if they want gifts like i like getting i like gifts that's the whole point of a wedding is to just get stuff the gifts yeah what's the other what's the other reason so that like you're supposed to like bear witness it's social pressure right people bear witness to your commitment to the girl that way you don't like cheat on her or she doesn't leave you or shit like that.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Yeah, to appease your grandparents by getting them married in a Catholic church. That's why you get married. Bernie, did you get married in a Catholic church? Yeah. Bernie Gannon, did Josh post any photos with the Lone Ranger and Tonto? I don't know. Were they there? No. I didn't see any pictures of that. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:20:36 A lot of people don't want you to feel obligated to get them something. I think that's them being fake. Everyone wants something. That's your own fault if you think that. I hear you, but I don't buy it. You just put a bunch of stuff on the registry that's like under $50. How much does it cost? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Some other things that's crazy outlandish that maybe one or two people would buy for you. Like, okay, I want an espresso machine, but I also want new spatulas. And so somebody can get you some random spatulas and a plunger that looks like a piece of poop. I used to think registries were just completely stupid. But then as I got older, I was like, yeah, that's smart.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Definitely smart. I used to think they were kind of gross. Now, then I grew into them. Oh, what's the total cost to marry someone depends isn't there like a way you figure it out for each person you invite it's like 200 yeah and so if you whatever your whatever you get for food or like wherever you go to have your reception and stuff it's they'll say it's like, Oh, it's like a hundred dollars a plate.
Starting point is 00:21:47 And then, okay, now you have 50 people show up. So you have, it's going to be $5,000 just for just a plate, all the food just for everybody to get a meal basically. And it depends on how many people you want to invite all that stuff. It seems so, it seems so stressful because then you're also waiting for
Starting point is 00:22:07 these people to respond respond yeah i'm not getting i'm not having a wedding i'm not doing that i'm not doing that is the food the most expensive? I thought weddings were like $50,000. Yeah, for sure. They are? How much is that? Can you look at the average cost of a wedding in the USA? What is that? God, what a waste of fucking money.
Starting point is 00:22:43 30 grand. Is that what it says? No. It's fucking stupid. So stupid. Okay. Okay. If you make $300,000 a year, that's 10%
Starting point is 00:23:05 if you make $300,000 a year that's 10% of your well after taxes that's 20% of your after you put in taxes in 401k that's like 20% of your yearly income 20% are you fucking kidding me
Starting point is 00:23:20 I will say my wedding was like the greatest party on the planet it was so much fun oh it was yeah it was so worth it okay all right i'll buy that personally for me yeah yeah i like that i like that uh depends on how gullible you are we did a d situation beach wedding with 30 people for 12k mountain mama I can plan a beautiful wedding for $300 that's when you're glad all your friends are like in AA and shit you probably save a lot of money if
Starting point is 00:23:58 no one drinks yeah because we did we had like an open bar because that's another thing about weddings like nobody wants to go to one and have to pay extra money i agree i so agree open bar weddings the best i agree god and i've had some fun at weddings i've never been to a wedding actually the truth is i hate going to weddings i've never been to a wedding that i didn't enjoy myself really yeah i've had fun at every single way i've never gone to be like wow that was too it's yeah isn't that it's like disneyland i'm not having like fun
Starting point is 00:24:29 it's like work it's not bad but it's work um but weddings are dope yeah it's like a big gathering of everybody that you don't get to see on a regular basis and i feel like everyone there is more stressed out than me which kind of makes me feel good yeah right yeah i'm so cater to you the whole time yeah i'm so chill yeah yeah stuffing myself with cake drinking free booze watching other people's like couples fight and shit oh yeah i'm chilling that's the good stuff i'm just getting drunk and looking at my wife and thinking, I can't wait to take you home. Matt Fraser and O'Keefe often talk about how much they enjoyed attending Caleb's wedding. Do you think that Matt O'Keefe and Matt Fraser were there going, wow, we thought Josh liked Sevan more than us and yet we're here and he's not. Matt O'Keefe and Matt Fraser were there like going wow
Starting point is 00:25:25 we thought Josh liked Sevan more than us and yet we're here and he's not you think they were they're like I wonder if he actually got an invite Sevan can we get a discount code for the Born Primitive shoes I could ask
Starting point is 00:25:43 I could ask i could ask it's kind of early in the morning to do that but um i'll i'll i'll do it um it's 10 30 here in his time so he's he's awake um i'm telling you do not not listen. Do not. The whole reason, afterwards I talked to Taylor, he has no reason to not like those shoes. And those rad shoes, I don't mean to take a dig at them, but I wouldn't be caught dead in those. One, because the way they look, like, they're just,
Starting point is 00:26:20 I just think they're all just feminine Reebok 80 shit. But also I, um, the way the toe is, I mean, I haven't worn them, so I don't know. Maybe I'd put them on and be like,
Starting point is 00:26:30 these are the greatest shoes ever. But if you have wide feet, I'm telling you the, the born primitive shoes are nuts. It is the nano two, just the, there's three big differences between the born primitive and the nano two. The tongue in the born primitive does not move around like the nano two,
Starting point is 00:26:48 you know, the nano two always slides off and you have to go down and straighten it out. It does not do that at all. It hugs the top of your foot. Yeah. The, um, the second thing is,
Starting point is 00:26:56 is you do feel the ground way more in the born primitive. It is a thinner soul. And so you do feel the ground. If you don't like that, then that may be like a Vivo. I have never worn a thinner sole. And so you do feel the ground. If you don't like that. Then maybe that's not for you. I've never worn a Vivo. But you do feel the ground more.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Interesting. And then the third thing is. Is that the bottom. At first when I put it on. I was like uh oh. I felt like maybe I had a little less stability. Than the Nano 2. Because the Nano 2 hangs out past the shoe. I feel like maybe I had a little less stability than the Nano 2 because the Nano 2 hangs out past the shoe, I feel like. The sole of the Nano 2 hangs out past the shoe just a smidge more than the Born Primitive.
Starting point is 00:27:33 So I thought I had a better base. But by the end of the day, I was like, actually, I feel a little more nimble in the Born Primitive because the sole isn't so big. Do you know what I mean? You know how the shoe sits on top of the sole? I feel like the nano two sole hangs out just a little past the shoe. Whereas the born primitive is maybe a little inside of it. Those, so those are the three things, but I'm telling the born primitive is so nice. It is a classy clean shoe. And that's another thing. It's, it's a classy clean shoe. You you can wear it everywhere it doesn't even look like a tennis shoe it's nice it's dope i i'm i'm pumped on it and my i felt nothing weird on my toes i haven't
Starting point is 00:28:11 run in it yet i mean like on the runner but man it's sick i'll ask them what am i saying a bear are there discount codes for nano two oh bear um how do i say that but not also care are there discount codes for shoe um people on show are asking no pressure just just want to just want to answer correctly. No pressure. Just want to make sure I answer correctly. Can there be a discount code for a shoot that's already out? And I don't know. They were saying it's ugly, too. It's fucking.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Oh, let me see that first one. What's that first one with the red on it? Wow. I like my. I have the black one. I like it. I'm cool. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:29:16 It is dope. Damn, those are expensive. That's like a normal shoe price these days. It is? Yeah. Damn. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Taylor didn't... Taylor, I think, ripped on... Danny Spiegel, Daniel Brandon, NorCal Classic, Born Primitive Shoe, Pro Cards, No Tread equals Slippery. Let me see the bottom again. How did you feel about that?
Starting point is 00:30:03 It looks weird. That's as much tread I have to look do I have nano twos in here I don't know I haven't noticed I thought it was dope it's been sunny here so all the ground is hot and probably sticky everywhere I go
Starting point is 00:30:20 but the Victo skater are very slippery after you've worn them for a few weeks the sole just wears right down yeah those look like skate shoes the Victos do alright I like the Innovates that you all also like
Starting point is 00:30:39 so I think we like similar shoes which Innovates do I like? I haven't worn Innovates in 10 years 15 years she's talking to vindicate oh all right uh i wonder how many of these i can get through shit we're 30 minutes in oh they don't already they don't have my size in the black gum and I cannot do the white sneakers? What size are you? Really?
Starting point is 00:31:09 That sucks. Are they sold out of shoes already? Yeah, the black gum, they only have 8.5 to 11.5. Larger sizes are sold out. Wow, and I'm an 8. Oh, shit, 13. Holy shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Oh, yeah. Yeah, no shot. American flag ones are almost entirely sold out except for 9 1⁄2 and 11 1⁄2. I have this theory that people who use auto replies on their emails means they hate their job. Or you haven't really found your true calling yet. You think so?
Starting point is 00:31:48 I just thought it was a correlate or at least a strong piece of evidence. You mean like the auto replies when they're out of office? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. That's super funny you say that. So I, one of my, one of the people I work with, they will do that for themselves. They'll set up auto replies, and basically they're almost always gone. They're just never in office.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So they almost constantly have an auto reply. What's it say? If this is an emergency, contact Caleb? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they give my phone number and then my email address. And then they're basically just like, oh, yeah, I'll be out of office from Monday to Friday. I frown upon that. I judge you for that.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I judge you for that. The same way I judge people who wear masks. I just think it's like unless like unless you're going to fucking Africa on a on a safari 30 day silent retreat. Do your fucking job. Do your fucking job or or for some reason. I mean, depending on the job job but if it's like something that requires like minute to minute responses and you're gonna be gone like but but just like hey i'm i'm the fucking uh media director at crossfit inc and i'm going away for i'm on
Starting point is 00:33:19 vacation for two weeks no sorry you don't get to fucking you don't get to you're the affiliate director for crossfit inc sorry you're the ceo of crossfit no you don't get to have an auto reply i'm on vacation fuck off i don't care seriously this is gonna be fucked up say i don't care if your kid's dying you have a fucking job it's the same thing with being the pilot on a plane you can't auto reply that you can't no no or no you just can't during that period like you're the top dog on the plane at that time everyone's relying on you sure i'm disgusted that i don't get to see the pilot i love i'd say less than one percent of the time the pilots address the plane I love a pilot who addresses a plane have you ever had that?
Starting point is 00:34:08 get on a plane and the pilot addresses the plane hi guys what's up he gets on the speaker he's out he stands in the fucking galley or whatever so everyone can see him grow a fucking set of balls you're the fucking pilot do pilot shit
Starting point is 00:34:22 they're always so charismatic they are yeah the they're right on it they're like the ones that do it do it quick if you're a fucking pilot for united greet every single fuck what is all that stuff now you now i'm getting pretty wound up that is a um uh yeah that is just look at look at look at Layla uses auto Let me guess you use auto reply Let me guess And then let me go one step further You don't like your job
Starting point is 00:34:52 So you have two options You're an idiot or you don't love your job You haven't found your calling Those are your two options Rambler mad respect tell me Layla Tell me let's do it let's do it Which is it you hate your job You hate your job
Starting point is 00:35:11 Or You're just incompetent Which one is it tell me come on When I'm off I'm off Exactly because you've compartmentalized your life Because either you're not a top dog You don't love your job When I'm off I'm off. I'm off. Exactly. Because you've compartmentalized your life because either you're not a top dog, you don't love your job. When I'm off, I'm off.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Please. Anyway, I could be wrong. Maybe you're the exception. Maybe you're the exception. There's always an exception that same person tells us that we can be recalled whenever necessary but if we were trying to like so whenever so we have like uh when we're on leave we can get recalled like if we if we have submitted like approved leave time like hey i'm gonna take a week off technically there's a afi which is air force instruction that says we can recall you if it if necessary for operations of whatever incoming nuke okay get back to work yes yes exactly right. I'm glad you can get recalled. Yes, but if you try to contact that person,
Starting point is 00:36:28 they will not respond. Oh, really? Yes. So the person that puts in their email address says, hey, I will be out of office. You could also recall that person, but you can attempt to contact them to ask questions but they will not respond they'll just like when i'm off i'm off yeah i don't do that i
Starting point is 00:36:53 don't play that game i bet you mary doesn't play that game either i bet you mary's on 24 7 toe spacers yeah she doesn't take time off no i've messaged her a few times and she's just like awake saying stuff. I'm like, you live in a, yeah, it's crazy. Mary wants, Wadzombie, you don't just get paid to make memes all day? Yeah, vindicate, vindicate, no time off. So I worked with a guy who made my t-shirts, right? And I text him on a Sunday. And he goes hey dude I don't work on Sundays.
Starting point is 00:37:29 And our relationship was over. That was it. Done. I apologize for it one time. To me? No just to somebody. And they're like nah. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Interesting. I don't do Sunday shows. I'm sorry. Caleb. Matt Mueller. Rad shoes are hands down the best CrossFit shoe there is. Born primitive sole is way too thin. I'm assuming you've had both. So I appreciate your feedback and I appreciate the explanation to you.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Born primitive soul is thin. It's what I like about it. I wonder what you think about the toe box. I just can't imagine my foot fitting in the rad toe box. But yeah, the born primitive soul looks very, very thick. Looks like a marshmallow. Rad's pretty thin. Oh, rad is thin?
Starting point is 00:38:24 Oh, narrow. it's like a better version of a go ruck but it's still pretty narrow yeah anyway um frank frank uh jonas imagine how shitty your business would be if you didn't refer a client to another source while you were away and they just said fuck this company i'll go somewhere else yeah or right like you mean like if you're dead and like you're right if you can't get back to people then you should you should refer them but but some people should should never do that like like i have 100 employees i'm. I'm not taking time off. I'm there for you. I got to that position for a reason.
Starting point is 00:39:18 The worst thing you could ever hear from a boss, the worst thing, you should quit your job or just realize you're a loser. I mean this. If you have a boss that says, hey, I really put a premium on time off. Take off as much time as you want. If you need time off, go ahead and take time off. Just let us know. You should just fucking kill yourself. You have a – you were just – and by that, I mean don't actually off yourself. Just watch football on Sundays.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Start drinking a lot. Have no extracurricular activities. You're just – your life's pathetic. That is not, that is not the boss you want. For me, for anyone who wants to excel in life and get shit done, who wants to look back at their life and be like, damn, I did a lot of shit. I really put a premium on mental health and taking time off. And I really want everyone to be able to fuck off.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Yeah. Unlimited PTO. Yeah. Whatever job that is. Losers. Losers. You want to be at a fucking startup where the boss is fucking just crushing souls. If you want to get shit done and excel and be rich and successful and have and retire early and have a fucking great life and
Starting point is 00:40:30 look back and be like yeah i did some shit hold on caller i'm trying to set up the bluetooth i'm sorry my surprise surprise phone issues hi especially if you're going to agree with me, please hang on. Hello? Hi. Hey, hi. Go ahead. We're live. Oh, hey. How are you? I'm good. I'm great. I'm excited. I'm fired up. I'm more fired up than I thought I would be this morning. Perfect. Perfect. It's Layla. Sorry. I didn't mean to go off on you in the chat there. I apologize. Hi, Layla. No, it's good. It's good. I like it. Tell me. School me.
Starting point is 00:41:10 No, I just wanted to school you a little bit on this. So when you're working for a 24-7 hour company, you're designated to time off. And what happens is people have coverage. And then you have extra staff that cover you when you're gone. That's what happens when pleads work your regular, like, you know, Monday to Friday, nine to five kind of job. That's what happens. So luckily enough, you were able to work for yourself. Some people don't have that privilege. I'm totally stretching it with the word privilege. I'm totally joking.
Starting point is 00:41:42 No, you're a hard worker never never taking that away from you hey here's the thing there are some people so if you're so if you're a 24 7 company yes i i there's an there's an exception there right like you can't have just like the ambulances all turn off between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m yeah you right okay so i could see that but what i'm saying is even'm saying is, even when I didn't, even when I didn't work for myself, when I worked for CrossFit Inc, I would never ever have an auto reply email, not on Christmas, not on my birthday. I would never take two weeks off. I have a hundred people who are relying on me and 15,000 gyms, and I am always going to be available and I'm going to
Starting point is 00:42:21 make my life so that it's like that. It's, you mean? It's like I'm never going to – I'm not going to have boundaries. But you're right. I agree with you. If you're a 24-7 business, if you're a plumbing business and you want to stay in business, you better have it so that the calls are always routing to someone who's awake who can stop the leak. I agree with you. Oh, 1,000%.
Starting point is 00:42:43 If all of us Clebs here had the ability To work in the CrossFit Community or industry Hands down, I would be on call Even for those people, for sure That's where the customer service Comes in It's a great work-life balance
Starting point is 00:43:00 Especially when it comes to the CrossFit community I think that's great, but everyone else We're just shitty little plebs I don't know what a pleb is but what do you do for a living oh it's just it's just a joke for saying like you're the elite up there and you're looking down on everyone below that's just kind of working like little worker and I work for a restoration company so it's 24-hour emergency services if required. Right. Do you like your job? Yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 00:43:28 I actually do like my job. I find gratification in being able to restore people's homes. And, you know, when they move back in and they hit like a terrible disaster, like, you know, we had a really, really bad flood out here where I lived last year and it destroyed a town. And it was really good to be able to help these people that, you know, don't have the money or the resources. And sometimes we do a voluntary work and we help to, you know, mitigate people's floods in their homes on, on our own time too.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I have a girlfriend, her and I, we did that out here and it was, it's good. It's good help. Vindicate has an interesting comment. I wonder what you think of this. He says, Sevan doesn't have auto-reply for his media empire. He just doesn't reply for a week at a time. That's also true. Hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I need to say that's not true. Anytime I ever send you shit or say shit to you, you always get back to me. Well, thank you. But I am pretty bad. You don't do that. I am pretty bad. Vindicate has sent me
Starting point is 00:44:25 the form to fill out for taxes I think five times in the last year. You know what he eventually did? He sent it to my wife. What? He sent it to my wife. Don't do taxes. She filled it out. Don't do them.
Starting point is 00:44:42 She does the adult stuff. Well, thank you you thank you for calling we're heading out to a quick class so we'll talk to you later awesome get it in alright getting schooled up a little bit um
Starting point is 00:44:59 uh turntable how about doing what you need to do until you can chase your dreams or is that basically admitting defeat no plan b requires all in i feel it's a tough situation it is it is uh if you don't have kids i don't think you really have an excuse though that's if you think you have an excuse and you don't have kids wait till you have kids then you're gonna have a real fucked excuse
Starting point is 00:45:27 but if you don't have kids then it's not a tough situation just get out there chase your dreams fuck it just do it handle your shit Ian this is true I do this too Savon responded to me about a trip to Santa Cruz two months after it happened so that happens a bit.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I'm going through DMs and I'll see that someone's like, hey, I'm going to be in Santa Cruz. You want to meet up? Or where should I eat? And then I respond to them. They're like, dude, that was two months ago. Yeah. Okay. Number two, BurpeeGuy365. Kenneth
Starting point is 00:46:04 Dillap. No. Alan Kesterbaum. two, BurpeeGuy365, Ken, Kenneth DeLapp, no, Alan Kesterbaum. 365 days of 100 burpees. Crazy, right? Yeah, that's pretty wild. Dude, that's a big dude. He's thick.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Yeah, that's not a fucking, that's not me. That's not a 5'5 fucking midge. Wow. P.S. If you can't find yourself a cool group of friends around town, make sure that's not a fucking that's not me that's not a five foot five fucking midge wow uh ps if you can't find yourself a cool group of friends around town make sure to find yourself a cool group of people with your same interest on the interwebs that will uh that will change your life wow yeah that's dope look he found the shaky camera effect whoa look at that body my god that chick was smoking
Starting point is 00:46:49 oh that chick was smoking too that's the girl from that's the games athlete girl Jamie Latimer yeah Miss Latimer oh Jeff what's up dude dang Yeah, Miss Latimer. Oh, Jeff, what's up, dude? Dang.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Oh, the bird. Hey, even Jeff's footage looks like it's from 1970. Did you see it? He's got, like, a dresser from 1970. He looks like he's from 1970. With the mirror on top of the dresser, too. Yeah, his, whatever camera he used. Yeah, the mirror on the dresser. Whatever camera he used doesn't automatically white balance.
Starting point is 00:47:31 My goodness. Hey, good job, dude. You're a good example, Mr. Bomb, Alan Bomb. You're a great example. Okay, we talked about auto response. What a loser you are if you use that or it's a
Starting point is 00:47:46 sign that you need to change your job um okay number three i think this is the um what is this is this the mayor of new york city this is just uh nonsense please some please someone let me know what he's actually saying yeah Yeah, this is crazy. Kind of long, but enjoy it. This is the mayor of New York city. He says absolutely nothing here. This is just, this is what it sounds like when you're spreading fear and you're asking people to go in their heads and fill in the blanks. Here we go. Let me tell you something, New Yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an end to. I don't see an end to this. OK, pause that. So that's that's his way of saying that that's the death threat, right?
Starting point is 00:48:34 There's no end to this. That's the death threat. That means there's no way out. That's the death threat. Wear the mask or else. By the way, remember, if Trump were to have said this, what this man's about to say, he would be called a fascist, a xenophobe, a racist. What this guy is about to say is the implications are crazy. OK, here we go. I don't see an end to this. This issue will destroy New York City. There it is. Destroy New York City. There's the threat. We're getting 10,000 migrants a month.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Okay, pause. So will that destroy the city before COVID, before climate change? By the way, New York City is almost already toast. It's gone the way of Portland, San Francisco, L.A., Seattle. It's almost there. It's getting close. I don, San Francisco, LA, Seattle. It's almost there. It's getting close. I don't know how people live there. The crime
Starting point is 00:49:30 is fucking nuts there, too. It's getting so close. Okay, here we go. One time we were just in Venezuela. Now we're in Ecuador. Now we're in Russia speaking, coming through Mexico. Now we're in speaking coming through Mexico. Now we get Western Africa.
Starting point is 00:49:47 OK, pause. So he hates. So if this was Trump saying this, he would be accused of hating Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Russians, West Africans. You see it just by saying that he should he would be accused of saying that he's complaining about these people from these other countries coming to New York City. He's complaining about these people from these other countries coming to New York City. This is a Democrat who declared his city a sanctuary city who wants an open border. I think it's 100,000 people a year right now are dying under the age of 35 from fentanyl overdose. Think about that. How many babies are born a year, Caleb, in the United States? I'll look it up. How many babies born a year in the USA?
Starting point is 00:50:37 3.6 million. 3.6, yeah. Million. 3.6 yeah million so if 100,000 100,000 of those babies are gonna die
Starting point is 00:50:57 from fentanyl overdose at our current just from fentanyl overdose because this guy wants to keep the border open but now he's bitching that those people are coming to his city it's crazy okay let's keep going from all over the globe have made their minds up that they're going to come through the southern part of the border and come into new york city racist everyone is saying it's new york city's problem every community in this city is going to be impacted.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Okay, pause. One more thing. This is a really great point. You have to hear this. More melanated babies are aborted in New York City than are born every year. Get your head wrapped around that. That's wild. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:59 A billion dollar deficit that we're going to have to cut. Every service in this city is going to be impacted. All of us. And so I say to you, as I turn it over to you, this is some of the most educated, some of the most knowledgeable, probably more of my commissioners and deputy commissioners and chiefs live in this community leveraging their egos you asked me a question oh you're so smart tell me what role you play by the way they're not migrants they're not migrants they're not migrants they're not migrants they're illegal aliens they're people who've broken into your house they're not migrants
Starting point is 00:52:44 migrants is an umbrella term not defined under international law reflecting the common lay understanding of a person who moves away from his or her place of usual residence these are not these are maybe they're migrants to themselves they're not migrants to us to us they're people who've come to the country illegally. They've broken into your house. If the fucking Dalai Lama enters your house or the Pope or – do the Mormons have a dude? Hold on. Head of Mormon church. Head of Mormon church.
Starting point is 00:53:19 See who it is right now. Russell Nelson. Russell Nelson breaks into your house it doesn't matter how that he's the fucking chief latter dayer it's fucking illegal i'm not saying anything bad about the people but they've they've broken into your house no no not john smith's dead oh we could do dead ones uh jesus the budd, or John Smith. If they break into your house or... What's the other one? Muhammad? Muhammad's the Islam?
Starting point is 00:53:50 They're still breaking into your fucking house. These aren't migrants. These are fucking illegal aliens. These are people breaking into our fucking country. And you know what's funny? Is all the people who would scream that was racist, they think it would be racist until fucking, until it's some fucking Russian spy that breaks into their house
Starting point is 00:54:09 or Chinese spy and fucking kills them. Jesus is welcome in my house. Better take his fucking shoes off and knock. He's welcome in my house too, but follow the fucking rules. Don't get bit by the dog. Okay, keep going. To stop what they're doing to us. How many of you were part of the movement to say,
Starting point is 00:54:42 we're seeing what this mayor is trying to do, and they're destroying New York City? It's going to come to your neighborhoods. Can you imagine Trump saying that? It's going to come to your neighborhoods? People would be losing their shit if Trump said that. So it's going to come to your neighborhoods. By the way, you notice how he didn't say Mexicans? That's what Jorge Ventura was telling us too. It's not Mexicans coming across the border.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Mexico has put a stop to that. It's crazy. That's insane. How are you going to stop Mexicans from coming across the border but not everybody else? Yeah, that's a good point. It's tripping.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Last year, when we had 15,000, I'm telling you now, with 110,000, the city we knew we're about to lose. And we're all in this together. All of us.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Staten Island is saying, send them out to Manhattan. Manhattan is saying, send them out to Queens. Queens is saying saying send them out to Manhattan Manhattan is saying send them out to Queens Queens is saying send them out to Brooklyn no is that the game we can play open the floor Adam Blakeslee can you imagine causing a problem and then speaking out against it
Starting point is 00:55:59 I know and not admit you're wrong it's crazy. It's fucking nuts. You think this would have happened if we would have had a Republican president? Hopefully not. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure?
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Starting point is 00:56:42 That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper.
Starting point is 00:57:03 More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing savings. Book with your local travel agent or... Christine Young, oh my god shut the fuck up you wanted this I know it's crazy what is the conventional wisdom
Starting point is 00:57:33 that the Democrats wanted this to get votes that's the whole reason is that the thought let in illegal aliens because they vote Democrat is that true too is there evidence of that I don't think so because every immigrant i feel like is voting republican well good i hope you're right anyway he said nothing it's just complete it's just fear-mongering he didn't say anything he
Starting point is 00:58:10 didn't say that he's the mayor and he offered no solution there's no he doesn't say okay this is what we need to do well they did say this did you see that they were encouraging people to take in migrants into their homes and let them live there. Yeah. Don't do that. People don't do that. That's insane. How we do it. It's bigger than that.
Starting point is 00:58:34 It's about destabilizing the country. I get, I hear you. So let in so many people. So basically stops basically stops is chewing gum in the wheels of civilization basically stopping the ambulances and garbage trucks from getting from point A to point B overwhelming
Starting point is 00:58:54 the sewers the workforce shit like that destroying the schools Stephen Flores as a man of Mexican descent I vote Republican I'm not saying don't be nice to people I'm just saying don't be careful inviting strangers into your house and I love strangers. Adam Blakeslee, good question.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Wait a minute, how hot is the migrant? That's a great question. All right, number four. Why are you playing with children's lives? I tried to rework my notes. I'm kind of proud of it today you just had me like write different captions or whatever i just cleaned it up i spent a few minutes before the show like cleaning it up and and i started another page i don't know it complicated it for myself on the i don't know don't ask questions like that don't know. I complicated it for myself on the, I don't know. Don't ask questions like that. Don't expose me. Don't expose my, my statements. Whatever you did, it worked. Got it.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Uh, okay, here we go. Oh, where did the peanut allergies come from? Now I want to say this. I want to explain this. This guy doesn't really offer any evidence. this is me being just as bad as the people i accuse of being bad i just like what he's saying because i believe it um so bear with me i apologize well the adjuvant which is the fluid that's in the where the vaccine is in which always has what's called an immunogen which literally provokes an immune response it's a little combination therapy these vaccines you give a little protein antigen mix it with an immunogen, which literally provokes an immune response. It's a little combination therapy, these vaccines. You give a little protein antigen, mix it with an immunogen, get a nice little immune response, and hopefully you start making antibodies and everybody's happy, right? But here's the thing. It's been well known by those deeply studied. Those immunogens are as toxic as the vaccine. They're probably the things that contain most of the toxicity.
Starting point is 01:01:02 When you give someone an immunogen, think also back historically. When I was a kid, we didn't have like no peanuts in the classroom, right? Now we have like an explosion in peanut allergies, food allergies. We have an explosion in autism, which is totally coincident and correlates with the explosion in the schedule. And I'll tell you, my colleagues here, they're going to say there's no evidence to show that there's any link with autism and the vaccines. That is nonsense. That is nonsense. The papers that have been published purportedly discounting that association were highly manipulated and corrupted. No one knows this because they're published in some of the big journals. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:39 We have documented evidence of a whistleblower in the CDC who was ordered to shred documents because they had data. They had a study linking the MMR vaccine to autism that was shredded and that research was discounted. And that's not a story you're going to hear in the. Remember when we were kids and you could bring homemade cupcakes to class. It's not a coincidence that half the class has an allergy. David Attaway vaccines Vaccines cause autism 100%. How dare you? How dare you?
Starting point is 01:02:12 Frank Jonas. Trump says shit. None of it is real. Oh, God. I'm full of more shit than any politician in history. Well, yeah, if you start off line saying that, none of it is real. None of it is real? Dude, how wound up are you, dude?
Starting point is 01:02:30 Chill. Some of it's real. He said his daughter was hot. You don't think his daughter's hot? That was real. Pretty real. Yeah. He knows more.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Oh, this guy is pissed. Who is this? This guy is wound up. I don't know. He's been going off for a few minutes now. What happened? What did you get upset about? Tell me.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Let's go back to actually what started you getting unwound, unhinged. What happened? I think this is where it started. You found it? Did I say something or someone says i thought trump was going to build a wall to stop this dough i thought he was too i don't i don't understand what is that dude you gotta say trump does say this that oh meaning what the what the guy was saying yeah of course he does yeah but people call it
Starting point is 01:03:28 people call it racist when he does it that was the point that was the whole wow this dude is losing his shit is this 12 daily doses this guy's not making any sense I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Coke on. Coke on. Coke on. All right. Oh, this guy's on Coke. Is that why he's posting like this? Is that what he's saying? He's on Coke. I'm on Coke. Pay attention.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Yep, I think so. why he's posting like this? Is that what he's saying? He's on Coke. I'm on Coke. Pay attention. Yep. I think so. Oh, is it a Jonas? Is it one of the Jonas? Frank Jonas? No. Number five. Math lesson. uh number five math lesson god i'm happy i'm oh i wrote your name in number six i wonder what that is oh boy oh boy oh here we go oh this is great great. This is great. If you're thinking about taking the...
Starting point is 01:04:47 God, I love those girls. Have you ever seen the doc... You like them too? Yeah. Yeah. Probably some guys don't like them. God, I like those girls. You ever seen the documentary Crumb?
Starting point is 01:05:05 No. What is that one? Man, dude. It is. Let me see. Crumb documentary. Let me see if I can find the trailer. 1994.
Starting point is 01:05:30 We'll come back to it. We'll come back to it we'll come back to it let's play this anyway this is a great math lesson for anyone who's like not so good at math pay attention this is great here we go would you rather one night with us or a year's supply of the sandwich how you doing sweetheart first things first you brs got some solid racks and i respect it all right but you're asking me if i want 365 days are the best pastrami sandwich new york city has to offer or one night of your roast beef listen sweetheart i'm a numbers guy so let's run the numbers on this count for inflation so 20 per sandwich from cat's deli all right 365 days in here that's gonna run you 70 300 worth of's Deli, all right? 365 days in the year. That's going to run you $7,300 worth of pastrami sandwiches, all right, cuz?
Starting point is 01:06:09 Is one night with these two broads worth $7,300? $3,650 for each broad, cuz? I didn't fucking think so. So say it with me, cuz. Get the fuck out of here, you crazy broads. I'm going with the pastrami sandwich all day, every day, cuz. Get the fuck out of here, you crazy bros. I'm going with the pastrami sandwich all day, every day, cuz. Would you rap?
Starting point is 01:06:33 It's math. It's pretty easy math. Susan K., just figured out why you don't like Tube Top Seve. they hide the cleavage if that's true i didn't know that and yet i cannot deny that but i also cleavage is fun um uh but also it it it's the it's like what it does to them. It makes them look like they're lower than...
Starting point is 01:07:08 It like pulls them down in a weird way. Like, you get some sort of... So you don't like saggy boobs? I do like saggy boobs. I didn't like the way you said that. I knew you were going to go there. I don't mind saggy boobs at all. At zero mind.
Starting point is 01:07:24 But if you're going to pull... I don't like thegy boobs at all. At zero mind. But if you're going to pull... I don't like the clothing pulling them down. Okay. You almost checkmated me. My king's on the run. Phillip Kelly, the only immigrants Libs want in their home are the immigrants doing the house cleaning
Starting point is 01:07:47 ouch did someone ask for me Kid Martin yeah we were just talking about you dude thanks for showing up oh no I'm not digging a hole I just don't like a tube top
Starting point is 01:08:08 wow wow DM me my wife's boobs can't be contained by a tube top okay number six this one says Caleb?
Starting point is 01:08:28 Oh boy You see it already? Yeah I don't know what it is But Oh Oh Yeah
Starting point is 01:08:37 Back at you motherfucker The timing of this is perfect Oh no The timing of this is perfect Dude This is crazy This is crazy Perfect. Oh, no. I mean, this is perfect. Dude. This is crazy. This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I want you to be honest with me about this. Okay. Are you attracted to this girl? I want you to be, like, I want you to be totally honest and vulnerable. Okay, here we go. I lift myself up on counters my whole life. I hang clean? Yeah, with a 45 bar. The bar, but the regular bar. Regular bar. and vulnerable okay here we go go down and just like jump basically. No, there's no way. You don't think you can pop it up? No.
Starting point is 01:09:29 There's momentum. He's like, I need the momentum. Here, grab this. It's easier because it's not as long. I'm starting right here. Can you believe how big her tits are? That's fascinating. Hey, she's hot.
Starting point is 01:09:47 She has great tits. She has a great voice. She has a great attitude. She's just a little bow-legged. That's it. She's like a perfect girl. She's cool. She is cool.
Starting point is 01:10:03 She's a nine yeah yeah only fan she isn't only fans no way her demeanor is crazy oh that's her oh shit holy shit yikes digital creator Holy shit. Yikes. Digital creator. Yep, she does. Wow. 80% off for the next 10 hours if you want.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Is that what it said? Wow. Wow. Wow. God, OnlyFans. Oh, I got an OnlyFans. Look at number nine. This is fucking crazy. Look at number nine. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Is actually wild. It has just been revealed that the owner of OnlyFans paid himself a staggering $1.3 million per day in 2022. And because he is still the sole shareholder of the entire company, over the last three years, he has paid himself close to a billion dollars. OnlyFans itself, which has just 53 employees, made a whopping $1.1 billion in revenue, which hypothetically, if equally split, works out at more than $20 million per employee. The amount of money people spent on OnlyFans in 2022 was,
Starting point is 01:11:42 you ready for this? $5.6 billion. Pause that. How can the revenue be $1.1 billion, but they spent, oh, because they give away the other $4.5 billion. Okay. Okay. Sorry. Go on. Go on. Okay. 80% of money spent by subscribers. That means OnlyFans creators as a whole got paid 4.4 billion dollars in a year alone. This is actually- So this dude has 53 employees. Man.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Wow, look at this. The other English guy is ripping on this dude's voice. This guy's voice can fuck off hey jake this is not i'm not trying to pick a fight with you at all but you guys all sound the same to us i guess there's the ones that speak cockney or whatever that is but but you all sound the same to us dude sorry i can't tell the difference between australians and british people sometimes But you all sound the same to us, dude. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I can't tell the difference between Australians and British people sometimes. Like, I don't know the difference between, like, a dude from the hood in New York versus L.A. It's just, it's just, yeah, that's not English. Are you kidding me? No, dude, that's, that's, that's, I think it's cockney. Cockney. I just wanted to say the's cockney Cockney I just wanted to say the word cockney Phillip Kelly Jake Chapman's voice is absolutely lovely
Starting point is 01:13:16 That is true He does have a nice voice Alright You know what Jake Chapman's voice sounds like? Yeah alright you know what Jake Chapman's voice sounds like yeah yeah he's got a nice voice he has a good rhythm to his
Starting point is 01:13:32 to his speech alright all right only fans killing it oh that dude's still going off in the chat yeah i think him and somebody else are now just like continuing an argument all right someone keep him busy let me know if he says anything that's like real or if he just i mean he just continuing an argument. All right. Someone keep him busy. Let me know if he says anything that's like real or if he just he just hates Trump. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:09 That's the deal. You can hate Trump and be in here. It's cool. You don't got to. Greg hates Trump. He's in here. Did you see my shirt? Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Love that. That's cool. I see your black square. and i raise you a shirt um yeah uh number seven thank god for jordan peterson thank fucking god you know that there's like people it's like yeah him and joe rogan more and more i joe rogue thank god for joe rogan and um and uh jordan peterson thank god joe rogan's really really coming around he's getting really vocal the clips i'm seeing with what he's saying are getting more and more like okay he really sees it now you think always saw it, but now he's just being more vocal about it?
Starting point is 01:15:06 Or you don't think so? No. No. No. I don't know. Actually, I don't know. I hope it was a sincere evolution. Maybe it was faked a little bit.
Starting point is 01:15:19 He rolled it out a little slow rollout. But I heard that he endorsed Bernie Sandersie sanders and i don't think it for one second he would do that now okay you know what i mean like he's completely like oh shit Oh, no. What? Oh, wow. Hey, okay, so we have a theme here. It's Jordan Peterson shit. We have a theme here, right? Is it really? Well, yes.
Starting point is 01:15:54 The last one was Jordan Peterson. Remember how I said, how did I know? There's something that's triggered me to know which ones won't be allowed to play. But I didn't know what it was. Here we go. Interesting. Interesting. Wow. I thought it was because it wasn't reels.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Bruce Wayne Rogan was so scared. Oh, that's a great picture of you, Bruce. That's pretty cool. Is that Chase? I think so, yeah. That's a great picture of you, Bruce. That's pretty cool. Is that Chase? I think so, yeah. That's cool. Turntable, he never endorsed Bernie. He just said it's possible he would vote for him.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Okay. The problem with Rogan is that he still thinks we can all get along i know so i think maybe i have that too i saw i saw um let me see if i can find it i actually saw the guy who has that song um you know you know the redheaded guy who has that song that's really popular about the virginia folk or the northern men or something yeah Yeah. I saw a clip where he said, Hey, if you follow the two commandments, uh, in this order, um, uh, you know, I forget what they are, but the love God. And the second one is just treat your neighbor like it's yourself. And then we did though every time before we did anything, we thought those first two, and then we put everything below that,
Starting point is 01:17:26 he said we could all get along. Really? And that, I guess that's true. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Wow, you're good. Yeah, that's what he said. Interesting. And I mean, that makes sense, right? If we did that.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Yeah, I agree with that. I think more of the second part. And by the way, I would still call, I would still call, I could do those two and still call the Lone Ranger and Tonto the Lone Ranger and Tonto. I don't think that conflicts with either of those. Do you think I'm justifying – I think it's – I'm still loving God. I'm treating them like I would treat myself. Yeah, I'd agree with that.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Thank you. Appreciate it. You're a good dude you get to stay I think it's more of the second commandment than it is the first commandment I agree not sure exactly why but Cave Dastro gives you the cliff notes love God love others
Starting point is 01:18:39 shortening two sentences into one sentence with a comma good what is this uh you should get jp who's jp jesus parralta peterson oh jordan peterson i haven't i i don't i'm not by any means suggesting i could get him to come on the show i just don't i don't know what i would say to him i haven't he i haven't tried to get him on the show. Oh, you should get J.P. Sears on as a guest. Is that the red-headed guy? No.
Starting point is 01:19:13 J.P. Sears is somebody else. I do not find the red-headed. I'm thankful for the red-headed guy. I like his message. I cannot watch his shit at all. I'm not into that shit at all. Zero. Yeah, this guy. Zero.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Oh, you don't like him? No. I don't dislike him. I like everything he's doing. I like his saying. I like his mission. I like his body. I like the fact that people like him.
Starting point is 01:19:38 I don't have any... I think he... But I don't think it's funny. I'm not interested in it. I'm bored by it. I'm not... It does zero for me. Zero.
Starting point is 01:19:51 And I think he needs a haircut. He's starting to look old. Yeah, Mike McCaskey. Sears is great. Yeah, I think he's great too. Jake Chapman. Are you kidding me? You're the same person? No, he's like a talented comedian.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I'm a fucking hack that spends my day at the skate park looking at Instagram clips and bringing them to you guys. That guy's like a real Saturday Night Live character or something. How dare you say we're the same guy? Are you fucking kidding me? Asshole. I like it when the crowd turns on me guy with man bun criticism I don't even have a man bun
Starting point is 01:20:29 that's one thing that pissed me off yesterday on the show the fucking inability to realize that if you can't respond to a comment before you read it it's like Taylor what are you doing he did that like three times I's like, Taylor, what are you doing? He did that like three times, I feel like, on the show. Uh, mm.
Starting point is 01:20:49 What did you, what are you talking about, Bruce? Dude, you gotta read the fucking comment before you fucking say, what are you talking about, Bruce? There's other people, this is a fucking show. Act like a fucking professional, you douchebag. That shit, that really pisses me off when people do that. I don't it i don't it doesn't have something when like new people do it but like like regulars it's like dude this is a show we have to interact you have to um but you have to bailey walker you need a haircut she must be talking to you caleb i do actually i need to trim this up i saw a picture of me from seven years ago.
Starting point is 01:21:26 It made me so sad. Why? I had so much hair. Oh, you did? This is the first time I felt like, dang, I wish I had hair again. Throw that picture away. Throw that picture away.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I've never known you with hair. I wouldn't know what to do with you it's like it got like brown and long and I could like slick it back and everything and Yon Clark let him be Savan that's why we love him
Starting point is 01:22:01 and other people hate him no we love him cause he's wild and crazy. The incompetent part that excludes people, I don't like. I don't like. Everyone needs to. Like, people need to know why they hate him. If he doesn't read what he saw, there's rules. There's got to be some rules.
Starting point is 01:22:20 One rule. Before you lose your shit, let people know why you're losing your shit. Imagine how many people are just listening to this show, not watching it. How many people? I said just imagine. Oh, yeah. Of all the people. I think it's significantly more just listening to it, not watching it.
Starting point is 01:22:39 So you have to paint the picture. Caleb has a good head shape and gives good head. Well, that's weird. Okay, I'm going to get through this, I think. I just wanted to get through 12 or to 13 today. This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Number eight, most... Oh, oh, yeah. Here's my question. Who do you think is the most racist people by skin color in the country? You think? I'll tell you who I think is the least racist. Who? White people.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Okay. By far. Asians, Mexicans, and blacks are, generally speaking, just generally speaking, generally speaking, if you were to categorize, it has nothing to do with the fact that they were born in those colors. It's just a way to look at the world. Oh, God, Middle Eastern. Yeah, those motherfuckers are racist.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Does anyone think white people are the most racist? That's what I want to know. Does anyone think that? No one? Nobody. Nobody thinks that If you had to categorize Who
Starting point is 01:23:53 Who Which sex do you think pees more standing up Men or women Now I'm not saying that women can't pee standing up And I'm not saying men can't pee sitting down What I'm saying Who do you think he's more sitting down the dems uh it's crazy it's um uh uh anyway play number um play number uh uh fair uh uh i think i just saw something jonas just
Starting point is 01:24:31 said in here uh you're correct uh white people being the least racist because there are so many per capita um i um no even even that taken into thank you for pointing that out even that taken into consideration per capita what do you think are the most racist people by color? If you had to bet. Does anyone think it's a white person? Just let me know. Okay. Go ahead and play number eight.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Please. The first link? Oh no, that's the three-breasted woman. Number ten. Sorry, number ten The first link? Oh, no, no. That's the three-breasted woman. Number 10. Sorry, number 10. That was the three-breasted woman. Shit, we skipped over the three-breasted woman.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Wow. Is that the title of the show, Three-Breasted Woman? Total Recall, yeah. Okay. Here we go. So a lot of people don't know is that Mexico is bordered with Guatemala. Yes. Okay?
Starting point is 01:25:27 We don't let them in. So the same thing that America does to Mexico, we do to Guatemala. Okay? The news is CNN, Fox, MSNBC, New York Post, they're never going to show you that. Just so you know, Mexico is extremely racist. So we have what are- Like Guatemalans. Just so you know, Mexico is extremely racist. So we have... Like Guatemalans. Even to its own Mexicans. So you've got to remember, Mexico
Starting point is 01:25:49 was dominated by Spaniards. The only reason I look the way I look is because I'm 65% Spaniard. Mexicans, like real Mexicans, which is known as Mexica, not Mexico, are, you know, 5'4", super dark with big noses and the heads pushed back
Starting point is 01:26:06 aztecs and mayans like uh indians like i don't really understand that head push back thing yeah i don't think i could picture that either i know i know what big noses means but i don't know uh i hey this is a crate uh someone said we should we need to know the um the ethnicity of this uh color skin color of the sevanices said we need to know The ethnicity of this Skin color of the Savonises I would love to know that too It was a crazy Disproportionate number Of lesbians and black men
Starting point is 01:26:36 That I took pictures with at the CrossFit Games It was kind of weird It was weird Pleasantly weird. You know what I mean? Diverse. Well, I just liked it. I like it that...
Starting point is 01:26:50 I just... I like... I like it that lesbians... Somehow this show resonates with lesbians. That I resonate with lesbians. I like lesbians. I can think of dozens of lesbians that I wish weren't lesbians. They have good energy.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Yeah, they're cool people. Yeah, isn't that weird? They have good energy. You just know it. No, we haven't got to the three-boob girl yet. We will. We're just talking about how racist Mexicans are right now. Can we pull up the guy with two working hogs?
Starting point is 01:27:26 Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. I would ask him to send that to me, but I figure I would get another fucked up video. Hey, I thought he had a CEO hat on for saying that is a CEO hat for people who can't spell.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Yeah, someone did say in here whites are the most racist because of the um uh the um low expectations of soft bigotry that that that is that does put a kink in my um that does put a kink in my... Look it. Janelle, you are a lesbian. First of all, look at your fucking photo, dude. Every time I see that, I think lesbian. That is 100% lesbian.
Starting point is 01:28:20 What are you talking about? That fucked her up. Don't get me wrong. Your body's hot. You look good. But just how you're standing right there i know you're lesbian i don't think she is but i agree with that with the photo right you don't think she is but but no definitely not the photo does smell like you sniff her out and she's like yeah she don't like cock. And you're also like, that's a shame, too, because that's got a ton of great potential. Crazy body. Yeah, crazy body.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Uh-oh. Haley didn't like it. Ouch. Here we go. Cave Dastro. Photo looks like Sam Briggs. Oh, you think that's Sam Briggs and not her? Janelle's using a picture of Sam Briggs.
Starting point is 01:29:08 No, she's too tan to be Sam Briggs. You stand like my son, Janelle. Like, you're like, what? You want some? Like, just like, fuck, what do you want? Oh, man. You want a piece? Doesn't she? Like, there's a little bit of, like, hostility.
Starting point is 01:29:25 Yeah. Not negativity negativity just like what wow uh laughing laughing damn uh that's a great shirt I love hogs
Starting point is 01:29:43 laughing maybe that should have been the Colton shirt oh my goodness shirt. I love hogs. Maybe that should have been the Colton Reigns shirt. Oh my goodness. Hey, that doesn't even mean, I don't even know if that means, I don't even think that's, that's not a, hey, you neither confirm nor deny. Seven, I love hogs, my husband specifically. So?
Starting point is 01:30:01 I don't understand how that can't be a mutual, if that's a why that can't be a mutual. Why, if that's a, um, why that can't work with my statement, with my thoughts about you, there's this girl I used to date who heard me reference her as a lesbian on the show and told my wife,
Starting point is 01:30:24 I heard your husband call me a lesbian no way yes yes it's like this chick i love too like i'm like i'm still but i didn't think she like i don't know if i didn't think she listened to the show or i didn't think she'd piece it together but i somehow told some story about yeah i used to date this chick but she was clearly a lesbian but i told it was a while back. And she goes, your husband thinks I'm a fucking lesbian. But I'm not. Like, is she mad at me?
Starting point is 01:30:53 She goes, no, she knows you. I used to date her. She was great. She may have turned lesbian after I dated her. I am not. It is no. It is no. I'm no. I could totally see myself doing that to a girl
Starting point is 01:31:08 no thank you gross Stephen Floor is great but that's my point exactly you can still love hogs and be a lesbian yeah i've never i've never that's my line i've never heard a girl say that i used to date this homeless guy that's good wad zombie dick uh oh shit i'm late okay uh three bested woman number eight three breast. So, I saw this. You can start with the top one.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Oh, yeah. Here it is. I can't tell. So, as soon as I saw this, I investigated this. Okay. Here we go. Those actually three tits? Yeah. Never seen that. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Go ahead. play it again. Play it again. You think this is real? Those actually three states? Yeah. I've never seen that. That's for sure staged. It is? I think, yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:23 You don't just go up to a woman and just ask that right unless she has three tits right I totally agree with you unless she has three tits okay sure you feel me like
Starting point is 01:32:43 yeah yeah okay you don't go up to a guy with one arm and be like hey what happened to your other arm unless you you know you just stare from afar and act like you don't see him but if a guy has three arms are those three arms wow wow uh frank jonas is 100 i'd ask too i okay you sure as fuck would want to know what's up you would be you would be you want to know what's up when someone's missing an arm you want to hear the story but three boobs it's like you yeah hey when i drive down the street if i see like something crazy like that like if i see like a hawk on the side of the road or just stuff i point it out to my kids i'll be like look three-legged dog look girl whose shirt's too small like i'll say it like i just shout shit
Starting point is 01:33:38 out my wife doesn't like some of the shit i shout out. How far does this go? Oh, it's my neighbor. I wonder. Uh-oh. Hey. I thought you were going down already. No, not yet. I'm just finishing up a podcast.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Are you headed off to the... We just left. Okay. Obby's first match isn't till 11 uh 30 oh really why is this like 10 15 oh yeah they go by age he's younger than why yeah okay all right hey i'll see you there okay cool man bye my neighbor's taking his kid to uh the tournament too. Okay, sorry. So back to the three tits. So then if you click on the article below, you see when it comes to performing cosmetic surgery
Starting point is 01:34:34 that went viral on the internet, the archive will be incomplete without mentioning Jasmine Tridevil, the obsession of becoming popular led to the Florida-born woman to do the unimaginable in 2014. I don't know if it's unimaginable. That's, I mean,
Starting point is 01:34:47 implanting a third breast in her chest, her natural beauty plus her unique breast size became the talk of the town after the announcement. What do you mean unique breast size? Who wrote this? An idiot? What's unique about her breast size?
Starting point is 01:35:06 Do they have to size it differently because she has three of them now? Although the reason behind Jasmine's third breast implant is still a subject of deliberation, she decides to do it because she was trying to defy traditional beauty standards. She watched Total Recall. Hey, that sentence doesn't even make that doesn't even say anything I'm defying traditional beauty standards are there
Starting point is 01:35:34 beauty standards no titty vampire anyway Melissa Odie are so fucking awful I agree I still want to see it in person though she saved $20,000
Starting point is 01:35:51 for two years from her massage therapy job to carry out the breast implantation during the interview she granted Real Radio FM 104.4 she noted that she contacted more than 50 doctors but they all turned her down 50 doctors but they all turned her down 50 doctors I don't think that's her real name
Starting point is 01:36:11 Tri-Devil no way that's a stage name that's great she can get two motorboats at once nice anyway oh after she has grown to adore the three rested figure she aims to make real life make real the fantasy
Starting point is 01:36:40 as such she needs $50,000 to perform surgery and an additional $20,000 for emergency purposes which brings them total to $70,000 I thought she already had it. Anyway, I'm going to go with it's true. Yon, Sevan, will you be a guest on Jake Chapman's and I's podcast? I say no. No. Fuck no.
Starting point is 01:37:04 If you do a thousand guests before me. But if you come to my house, if either of you come to Santa Cruz, you could be a guest in my studio. I need a studio. I'm going to need a studio guest. Now, don't anyone else DM me and be like, I heard you invited
Starting point is 01:37:21 Jan and Jake on. Can I come? No. You cannot. That's just for Jan and Jake. They're fucking asking that. Oh, shit. Athena, I was on their podcast this morning. It was actually pretty good. No shit. Wow, you're slumming it, Athena. Athena will be on my podcast tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 01:37:41 I hope it was just to warm up for my podcast with you tomorrow, Athena. Jesus. Philip Kelly, if a woman can cut her breasts off, why can't a woman install a third breast? No, you don't even use your real name, Cave Dastro. Of course you can't come. No, no dick butters either. Dick butter.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Okay, finally, number 11, and then I really got to go. I'm already running late. Defund, oh, maybe number 12 and 13. Dude, the paper straw thing is crazy. Is that what you want? Paper straw? No, I'm going to do number 11 first, but paper straws are fucking scary. They're suggesting that there might be some chemical in paper straws that's been poisoning people.
Starting point is 01:38:29 I just – but I – like, duh. Look at this. Okay, so this is amazing. The Democrat vice chairwoman in Minneapolis was attacked by an armed carjacker in front of her kids at home. That's an absolute nightmare, and she's lucky to be alive. The problem is, is that she called for police to be defunded in 2020. And now the Minneapolis neighborhoods are dangerous for everyone, including her. There is a simple fix, fund and support the police. It's not enough to fund and support the police, by the way. You got to put a Republican in power. You got to take out anyone. You got to take out all the Democrats. You have to. You got to put a republican in power you got to take out anyone you got to take
Starting point is 01:39:05 out all the democrats you have to you have to put republicans in power who will just be like not soft on crime adding cops isn't going to do it hey she go go ahead and click the next slide uh yesterday my children and i were violently carjacked in the driveway of our home in minneapolis four very men, all carrying guns, beat me violently. They didn't beat you violently. We can see what happened to your face. You weren't beat violently. You were just beat. How do you know all four of them were carrying guns?
Starting point is 01:39:34 The young men held our neighbors at gunpoint when they ran over and tried to help me. All in broad daylight. So now, if she changes her view, oh, and and here's her post we're going to dismantle the minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis police department say it with me oh thank you caleb dismantle the minne Police Department. And then it shows black hands clapping. This is from that white fucking bitch. Yeah, I said it.
Starting point is 01:40:09 That white bitch. I think people who use the word Karen are idiots. As allies, what can we do right now? Listen and learn from our black siblings. And then amplify the message right now. Because I'm a racist bitch who in a couple years is going to get my ass beat by gunmen in this moment minneapolis police department has systematically failed the black community they have failed all of us god this fucking bitch
Starting point is 01:40:38 i'm proud of the radical leadership organized by Jeremiah Bay, Ellison, and Philippe Cunningham. We need to support them and all the city council members and elected who are working alongside them. Today, the Minneapolis City Council has an emergency hearing to approve a court order continuing immediate changes for the Minneapolis Police Department and a framework for systematic change. Well, you got it, bitch. You almost got your fucking kids killed. You should have your fucking kids taken from you for being a fucking bonafide retard.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Because you thought it was cool to virtue signal. Because at your core, you're a racist bitch. What's this chick's name? What's her name? Shivanti Satataman. I hope fucking Vivek Ramaswamy unfucks your shit. And look at her picture is like her standing behind a Humvee.
Starting point is 01:41:45 I bet you she fucking votes for electric cars while she drives that gas guzzling fucking Jeep. Tyler Watkins, everyone go update your Heat One app. We have a news section so you can find all the best CrossFit news in one place. Thanks for your support. Yeah, you should have thrown that in during the three-breasted woman. Everyone go update your Heat One app. we'll talk more about that next uh friday on fucking believable that's fucking horrible hey i bet you she's against uh i bet you she's for gun laws too
Starting point is 01:42:23 if she would have had a fucking gun she could have defended her kids i bet your she's against, I bet you she's for gun laws too. If she would have had a fucking gun, she could have defended her kids. I bet your husband's a fucking beta cuck too. I'm just saying, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just stating the facts. What do you think the odds are? Well, the people are saying in the comments that she's doing it to try to continue like gun control. Well, it's not going to work. It's not going to work.
Starting point is 01:42:44 More and more democrats are waking up she's a fucking racist bitch and she knows it she knows it everyone knows it no i'm not following us open but my um i my son was watching it yesterday i need to follow it okay love you guys i'll see you tomorrow morning uh athena perez will be on in the morning we'll have a live calling show tomorrow morning um uh athena I, I'm going to be filming Athena's event on September 30th up in Northern California, the seminar through Scaled Nation. We'll be talking about that. There are some, I think there's availability left.
Starting point is 01:43:17 I shouldn't talk out of turn, but it's not for another 20 days. It's going to be a great podcast tomorrow. And hopefully I can get through a bunch of my notes, more of my notes tomorrow too. Caleb, thank you. Don't forget to watch the UFC fights tonight, guys. Talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.

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