The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Truth is Out There - Fixing my phone

Episode Date: November 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I was going to come in 30 minutes early this morning to figure out how to use the phone. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And? I didn't. I did not. I called yesterday at 1156 a.m. Hi, everyone. Good morning. Hi. Hey.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I started walking in here just now, and I'm like, I didn't make coffee. How could I be? I coffee. How could I be? I know. How could I be? Um, uh, good morning, Jamie.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Hi, what's up? Bam. We're late. What? We have coffee. How could, how could I be
Starting point is 00:01:35 1500 shows in and forget coffee. Getting too comfortable. what's up cave it's weird I watched half of it I watched half of it the real Kevin says did anyone watch the Fraser Justin Medeiros interview
Starting point is 00:02:00 they both look great Fraser looks lean tiny even I got notes on it here someone someone sent me the synopsis of it i love these things by the way if anyone who sends notes of like a summation of something like i love that that. Jay Hartle, you're falling
Starting point is 00:02:30 apart, Seve. Yeah, well, Citibank won't lend you money because you're Armenian. Take that. Below black on the totem pole of marginalized. Scumbag. Take that.
Starting point is 00:02:46 What is going on uh madaris and fraser conversation highlights um it's not a podcast it's just an interview uh justin justin has reasons but doesn't want to share them because people will see it as an excuse like why he didn't win the games oh okay let's see what happens oh do you hear that i hear it now you hear that oh shit this would be crazy and then i go to but but there's no option from there oh it says it's not even connected. Let me see. Hey. Hey. Can you hear me? Yeah. Yeah, I can, but like you're not on the.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Maybe broadcast. And how about now? Now can I hear you? No. Output routing. Custom. One, two, three, four. Main mix.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Hello. Mix minus. I don't know what any of this stuff is. F45. Were you calling just to check to see if the phone works? Yeah, I also have a topic that might derail you. Because I thought Greg was coming on this morning. I know. I'm still cool with you guys.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Thank you. He's supposed to come on. So what happened is he's in Africa and he's 12 hours different. And I dropped the ball on... He's coming on, and he's 12 hours different, and I dropped the ball on – he's coming on tonight. So he's now – he went from Tuesday to Wednesday, so now he's going to be a Thursday morning show, Thursday morning Africa show. But no matter what you hear about Africa, you have to understand that Armenians are more marginalized. There's no bank out there saying don't lend money to the melanated, super melanated.
Starting point is 00:04:29 But there are banks out there saying – There's an institution called Credit Score that affects that category probably. That sounds racist. But we – I am – and I am also not marginalized by my skin color but rather the spelling of my last name. Why – Do you know – Go ahead. No, you go ahead. Okay. All right. do you know you go ahead no no you go okay all right did you know that in the cold war um the cia funded jackson pollock and modern art no and did you ever like so that's a thing and then and then also the government made a bunch
Starting point is 00:05:02 of buildings in the brutalism style which is kind of like the modern architecture that looks like shit, you know, like practical, modern, but like utilitarian, square, you know, lots of rectangles. But if you think about it, that has a really weird effect on a culture because uh art's not real it's not organic it's not organic growth jackson polk you know jackson polk yeah yeah and it's like splatters on a on a on a on a canvas so if you have art a culture's a culture's art is even inorganic and you're kind of living in upside down world from then on because the culture did not choose that direction just just thoughts great thoughts wow wow so you're saying jackson pollock and brutalism i'm looking at the architecture for brutalism it's hideous a lot of federal buildings a lot of big companies the kind of kind of companies
Starting point is 00:06:11 that would be behind you know the you know social credit score today the transamerica building is a brutalism I never I didn't know that transamerica building is that that's a federal project because another state project probably it's i mean it's a huge building in san francisco but i recognize the architecture right away it's a cool building i like it but it's it's it feels like i'm not saying that that would echo throughout today but it makes sense that it might if you have an inorganic rise in an art style that people objectively find pretty shitty i mean only people up their own ass probably really enjoy jackson pollux but i could i'm willing to be wrong there's probably some canadians here that like it but damn damn it kind of looks like an elementary school kid just took a bunch of crayons and scribbled over the place those are my morning stoner thoughts yeah you're kind of on an
Starting point is 00:07:12 intellectual rampage today like you just took a car and were just running people over in the uh out in the field that's right i'm running down livestock canadian canadian a few canadians got smashed i don't i i that's so weird that the cia would fund jackson paul that's so weird it's not even controversial it's something that even like if you were to type into gpt they're like yeah that happened so it's it's it's a weird little blip that I don't know if people never really talked about until recently. I don't know. I just found it. But I'm always behind.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Was Modern Art really a CIA psyop? Was Jackson Pollock – That's how you find it? Yeah. Oh, they made de Kooning and Rothko household names. Oh, they had a de Kooning too. Oh, nice. Kind of fits in. I bet he's related.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Wow. It was Jackson. Wow. Fundamentally the CIA made Jackson Pollock rich. Wow. And you think about what happens with corn, you get, you get high fructose corn syrup and everything because there's subsidies for corn. It's nothing that anybody have organically done yeah it's a great sugar source for united states sure this that whatever but like you're you're putting your finger on the scale and you're manipulating things so if you're putting your finger on the scale and culture that's something nobody freaking understands so i mean in a way it worked in their favor for the left because jackson pollux are all like super hyper individualism it makes no sense but it's all about the individual so
Starting point is 00:08:54 well we've left that world i wish we'd go back to that individualism i don't know we unless i don't a lot of we have a lot of groups that think they're individual but the mic doesn't work no all right love you love you too bye thank you there's a button here that says that was so over my ability to think too much wow that's early that was a really loud call makes me feel like the show's not going well okay where were we back to running the tractor something ellie was uh categorically not to blame for his dip i don't know what that means categorically but i guess he addresses that he had people after this season that he realized value him because he won
Starting point is 00:09:45 and he won't forget their reaction when he didn't do well i don't even understand that i'm gonna have to watch that part like basically i don't know when athletes say that it's like i just want to be like yeah dude of course people like you when you're doing good another case with everybody like anything everything like you could be a good author and all this like you write a good book and everybody likes you because you wrote a good book or you're a quarterback and you throw 20 for 20 completions people like you more than the guy who throws two for 20 and then you're like well they only like me for my throwing well not okay so So what?
Starting point is 00:10:28 Is that supposed to be shallow or like? Is that supposed to be wrong? What should they like you for? Like, I don't care about anybody who's bowling, but if they throw a 300, I'll appreciate them more. Or or hey, guys, I don't want to break this to you but um this is going to really hurt some of your feelings but uh caleb and i would not talk on the phone for three hours every morning if we didn't do a podcast that's true we have a very shallow relationship built around the podcast i'd be working on the house That's for sure Uh Uh
Starting point is 00:11:08 We like Sebon and he obviously is not doing good Yeah I'm 3 for 20 3 for 20 I'm just 3 for 20 Just whenever the podcast gets big And then you'll like us more This is bullshit right here No way
Starting point is 00:11:22 I know Did you throw granny style or what rosy view photography claiming a 278 is that missing like one strike in a frame like one frame you didn't get a strike or no i probably i guess you could have got it in the end that's insane. Oh yeah. Craig, I keep forgetting to get back to you.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Tank. Thank you for that. You can't just answer the, sorry. Yeah. I didn't know that you are a seasoned podcaster. You have to read the question. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Go ahead. So thanks. I said, Caleb, don't forget to offer on fixtures and plumbing. I still have to look at that stuff and he's getting you a deal on fixtures and plumbing hell yeah wow yeah he's a good dude like cave dastro i once bowled a 301 that's that's about as much as i believe um rosie bowled a 278 of course she screwed it up on the 10th frame uh he so so he's mad at people who
Starting point is 00:12:25 I still think you're gonna win the games I think you're gonna be the games champ so hate is a great motivator for both of them my kids aren't allowed to say the word that H word
Starting point is 00:12:40 they could like run through the house and be like you're a fucking pussy I'm fine with that but we don't use the H word what's the H word. They could like run through the house and be like, you're a fucking pussy. I'm fine with that, but they don't, we don't use the H word. What's the H word again? Hate. Oh,
Starting point is 00:12:50 uh, Matt was kicked out of the, I guess Matt was kicked out of the Reebok gym. I don't even know what a Reebok gym is for not having Reeboks on was later offered a Reebok deal and told them to get fucked. No, that's, that's,
Starting point is 00:13:06 I need to hear that story. I'm not believing that story either just add a zero to it and he had grabbed his ankles I think Matt's the first to admit that like he's all about the Benjamins who doesn't like Benjamins now this part's weird this isn't I don't understand this he manufactured a rivalry with Hopper and hatred of Dave to fuel himself. Oh, after semifinals in 2021, once Castro posted a post about him comparing him to Fronin and Frazier. Oh, okay. So Justin likes to have like a nemesis. That's kind of cool. Yeah, that seems weird
Starting point is 00:13:45 Fraser didn't speak to Cooper Marsh for five years because he made a post that didn't allude to or mention Matt in any way I think Cooper Marsh is like the sidekick to the agent
Starting point is 00:14:03 for Daniel Brandon and Josh Bridges The sidekick to the agent. For Daniel Brandon and Josh Bridges. Like they have a they have an agent who's Batman and Cooper Marsh is like Robin. OK, I don't think he's gay like Robin, but he's Robin. I think that's how that works. So I guess Fraser didn't talk to Robin one time for five years. Because he didn't allude or mention Matt in any way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:41 He used to screenshot. This is more regarding the Justin and Fraser interview He used to screenshot videos and photos of people doubting him or criticizing him and watch them before Training and comps and Darius does it too Wow That's that's that's kind of cool, I guess what I guess dude, that's um That's work that's like you're taking that shit serious that's a lot of extra energy I feel like expended but if it works yeah hey I think motivational videos and talks and music are stupid and yet every single one works on me when I hear them someone's like look at the watch this Gary Goggins video. And I'll be like, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Like, I give a fuck about Gary Goggins. And then I'm fucking, like, on the assault bike. And I put it on. And I'm like, holy shit. Yeah. One time I was working out in the gym in HQ. And it was just me and Brooke Ensign there. It was, like, on a Saturday morning.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And she was playing, like, this techno music that I hated. it was just me and Brooke Ensign there. It was like on a Saturday morning. She was playing like this techno music that I hated. And then this preacher came on and started talking about... Was it E.T., the hip-hop preacher? Is that his name? I think so. He's a black guy. Definitely. I mean, I hate to judge a man by his voice. But I suspect it was a black guy. I voice. But I suspect it was a black guy.
Starting point is 00:16:07 I suspect. I fucking know it was a black guy. But I may even have it on my phone. Let me see if I can find it. Playlist. No. Artists. No.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Playlist? You think it's on a playlist? I have a rap playlist. Let me see. This one? No, not that. No, not that. No, not that. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Do you know this song? I wonder if Blade likes this song. Racist. This is Birdman. You know this song? It's called Love My Hood by Birdman. I've never heard that one. Oh, you know this song It's been said in time, oh, I definitely know that one
Starting point is 00:17:11 We're gonna get crazy dings on this show. Oh, that's so cool I'm looking i'm looking for um Preacher song, right? Oh, I found it. It's called Rejoice. Yeah, Rejoice. Do you know this song? You know this song? So I heard brooke ends listening to this in the um i heard uh brookings listening to this in um
Starting point is 00:17:54 in the gym at hq it's just me and her on a saturday morning just seven before you can bestow the blessing because until they get their mind right everything you invest in them is going to leak out of the crevices of a mind that refuses to change look at your neighbor and ask him do you have a mind to change look at your neighbor and ask him do you have a mind to change this is a christian song if they said no drag them to the altar tell them they got till It's called Rejoice by Steve Angelo Featuring T.D. Jakes Cool
Starting point is 00:18:38 You're a good wingman Caleb Yeah great Yes T.D. Jakes You're a good wingman, Caleb. Yeah, great. Yes. TD Jakes, yeah. Maybe I'll listen to that today. Get you in the mood to work out.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yeah. Talked about Jackson Pollock. Songs. Coming out hot. Yeah, I didn't send you the notes. That's right. Oh, I don't even know if my notes are working today. Someone sent me a text this morning from an international number.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And there's this line in it. I don't know who it's from. Because I don't have them in my phone. But there's this line in it. I don't know who it's from because I don't have them in my phone, but there's this line in it, and it says, Morning, Stefan. I hope you're well, still listening to as many of your podcasts as possible, even the boring ones you do on your own
Starting point is 00:19:39 and rant for three hours. Wow. Is that supposed to be funny? I think so, yeah. Okay, cool. It's a little close to home. Here, I'm going to send you something. Let's play this. Let's do home. Here, I'm going to send you something.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Let's play this. Let's do this. Here we go. Oh, we have Zachary Kadatz on for 45 minutes tonight before Greg. Oh, that's good. Yeah, isn't that cool? Yeah, that'll be great for Zachary. Look at all the Christians are swarming.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Oh, look at David weed. Racist Dave. Good morning, Dave, man. He's doing a lot of profile pick changes. Yeah. Seven identity crisis.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I think. Holy shit. Okay. Uh, um, uh, Zach is hot hot all right like hot like the new hot guy to have on the like attractive or like the the hot thing in the crossfit space now i think he got it um i think he got like a warning from crossfit or something because he had crossfit in his instagram handle or something yeah i think it used to be like daily crossfit training tip or something
Starting point is 00:21:07 now it's just the daily training tip oh what is this oh this is really really really important if you want to buy people christmas presents ready there's going to be a crazy sale i don't know if i'm supposed to say this but over at um uh susan and i got a peek there's going to be a crazy sale. I don't know if I'm supposed to say this, but over at, um, uh, Susan, I got a peak. There's going to be a crazy sale over at what's the coffee people who, uh,
Starting point is 00:21:31 Gabe's place, paper, street coffee. Listen, listen, not knuckleheads. There's going to be a crazy, crazy launch of teas over there that I'm not supposed to talk about.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I don't think yet. I didn't, I purposely didn't ask if I was allowed to talk about them or not but i do know there's going to be a crazy sale and he told me i was talking to gabe yesterday on the phone for a couple minutes and we were talking about the teas and he was he said yeah there it's going to be like this really quick uh it's like two or three teas but basically it's like seven's going to be like 75% off for like a minute. And I think the coffee is going to be cheap as fuck for a minute too. It's like the meth dealer left you two bags at your house.
Starting point is 00:22:15 So just pay attention to that website. We need to pay attention. And I don't even think you need to punch in the word Sevan or anything. So if you know someone who wants coffee or tea, it's a great way to buy people christmas presents cheap shit paper street coffee p-a-p-e-r-s-t coffee don't put to type in street you'll buy it from someone else yeah gonna crash the site it's not i don't think it's yet but just be ready yeah it's gonna if i order today Eric I kick your ass for that
Starting point is 00:22:52 This isn't good dudes coffee they deliver their shit fast, but good I think they got a person to start working fulfillment. So it should be coming out a little faster That's what that's what I heard hard enough. It's true or not Seema by years worth is that allowed? Yeah by fucking as much as you want. Make him go broke. Make him regret having it three for one. Yeah. Teach him a lesson. Teach gave a lesson. I'm going to,
Starting point is 00:23:16 someone wrote, someone wrote in the comments on the Tyson Bajan post, you know, I get the, I got the notice in my, in my Gmail. It said, someone wrote, why do you come on this guy's show?
Starting point is 00:23:28 And I quickly ran over there to type in the same reason I come on your mom. But he had taken the post down. I was so bummed. Dang, it's gone? Yeah, it's gone. What the fuck? I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Oh, could we go over to Rich Froning's Instagram? Sure. I want to try to get a – I think it's time we have Sarah Sigmund's daughter back on too. Did you see her Instagram post? Something's going on with her body. You're not allowed to talk about their bodies. Oh, someone was telling me there's something over here worth seeing. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Which one? He fucking killed Yogi Bear. He's going to burn in hell. Damn. Oh, my God. Look at the size of that paw. Oh, my God. Look at the size of that paw. Oh, my. For years, when I've bought an archery, when I've bought an archery,
Starting point is 00:24:34 do you think I could get him to come on for a second and talk about this? You try. I don't have a phone. Wow, this is crazy. Come on and tell me about the bear for five minutes. Holy shit. Okay. Did you get a link to that podcast I sent you we're going to talk about that too
Starting point is 00:25:05 there's some crazy shit in there yeah oh wow uh so so rich froning uh yeah my god i hate to say this he might even be cooler than tyson bajan he's older tyson has time right yeah sure okay good answer i think caleb even heard the question guys weigh in on this did caleb hear the question he just said yeah that yeah sure for like he just like like he's watching tv in bed and his wife asked him something you stuck on my finger myself he's like yeah sure so i think rich has more time than tyson because's no, no, no. It had nothing to do with time. That good, good, bold in front of millions of people. You take a stab at what I said. Very bold, brave, brave.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Even I was pulling up the podcast you sent me. So I was trying to get it queued up. Brave. Even what was your time? Does Tyson have more time than Rich? No, I said, does he have a bigger dong? No. Who's cooler? I said, I said, I think have a bigger dong? No. Who's cooler?
Starting point is 00:26:07 I said, I think Rich might even be cooler than Tyson, but that's not fair. I mean, but Rich is older. Yeah. Rich is pretty damn cool. I think he's... We have more data points on Rich, too. Yeah. He's cooler in like an old man sense damn no like rich is rich older than you
Starting point is 00:26:30 yeah by like seven years did you even do crossfit when rich won the games like were you even yeah yeah old now i started i mean individual i mean individual I don't mean team. I started doing CrossFit when I was 17. I think he had just started winning the games a couple years before. Tyson is in the NFL, dummy. Oh, shit. All right. I thought he was a CrossFit Games champ. Okay, let's look in a bear. Yeah, let's go back to the bear. Let's see what has Rich got himself into.
Starting point is 00:27:05 He killed a fucking bear. Is that bad? Is that frowned upon? No, definitely not. For years when I've bought an archery or rifle tag for elk, I've done the add-on a bear tag. If I see a bear, I'll kill him too. As a just-in-case.
Starting point is 00:27:22 We've seen a bear, And I guess, guess what? We've never seen a bear anywhere near us this week after we both tagged out on cow elk, me and Scott Vander sloot, uh, thought we'd take Hillary and multi multiple nutrition on to the top of a ridge and bang the shit out of them. That's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I never heard rich talk like that. Uh, we did a wife swap. this is getting crazy uh to show them what we do on the trips that we leave for a week at a time 15 minutes into our glassing session glassing you know what that is. We found a bear over 1,000 yards away. Cut the distance to get a better look and to watch him. After watching him for 20 or 30 minutes or so, we decided to make our move. Hillary and Maddie stayed back to spot for us with instructions to give us hand signals if he moves. if he moves. We dropped off 800 feet into the bottom of the drainage,
Starting point is 00:28:30 then back up 800 or 900 feet of elevation to the 400 or 500-yard mark. We then combed the ridge in order to find an angle so where we can see him. In the process, I see a super dark spot that was 99% sure was him, but he wasn't moving, so I tried to have Scott confirm. Shot center mass didn't move so we thought i shot a log waited 30 or 45 minutes and figured we had just moved can you scroll for me yep just moved out so i decided let's go up and investigate as we walked up through the thickest and steepest part of the ridge we found a game trail and started walking on it about 30 yards on the trail there laid our bear it's hard to put into words how awesome of an experience this was i can't wait to try bear meat i've heard it's incredible also that's his way of just saying
Starting point is 00:29:14 hey dipshits i'm gonna eat it right right also well i definitely wouldn't call myself a trophy hunter this guy will end up as a trophy wow okay let's read some of the comments yes this is so sad wait is that a chick grabbing her tits in her and squeezing them together that is not sad let me see some of her pictures real quick imagine rich is killing bears and this chick squeezing her titties. Imagine the difference in what they're contributing to humanity. Wow. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Keep scrolling. Those are some incredible titties. Let's see. That's the only time you get to see her titties is in that tiny. Oh, there it is. Click that one. Make that big. Oh, she doesn't speak english how disappointing yeah all right whatever different uh let me let me see uh i think that's a fair comment i it's a
Starting point is 00:30:18 little sad that the bear died well yeah i think i think rich would acknowledge that too right i think most hunters would acknowledge that. Okay, let's go back to... He killed fucking Yogi. This is so sad. Oh, wait, can you click her link again? I want to see... Click her link one more time.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Zanzibar. No, no, sorry. Zanzibar, the girl with the titties. I want to see. Does she have an OnlyFans? I want to help promote her if she does. No. Okay. No. Unless it's on I want to help promote her if she does. No. No.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Nah, nah, nah. Don't go deep. Yep, she does. She does? No shit? No shit! No shit! Zanzibar has an OnlyFans? Yeah, right here. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Continue. Wow. This is so sad. But she got a fucking... Oh. What did even... Can you just let us see?
Starting point is 00:31:21 I'm always even afraid to click that button. Like my wife's going to walk in. What you doing? Wow. Zazil Abraham. That sounds biblical even. Hey, you know I could buy that and deduct it. That's a business expense.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah, right. If I wanted to. Say Vaughn. Damn. Damn. if I wanted to say Vaughn damn damn that's fucking hilarious Zazil Abraham hey she's sensitive and shows the titties
Starting point is 00:31:56 that's a keeper she definitely doesn't eat meat either dude I want to have a link tree and have an only fans page but then when you click it it doesn't go to only it says it's only fans but then you click it it says you wish or something people do that in like memes like if there's like a picture that a profit attractive woman they'll just put a link they're like oh who's this person and they'll put a link underneath it and it's like two dudes making out or like yeah yeah yeah something hilarious oh my god hey that's a win for rich i love only someone says seve's gonna have all the only fan girls
Starting point is 00:32:38 commenting on this page i would love to have some only fan let me see what people let me see what other people responded to her i feel like we should we need to write something to her um what is sad the fucking animal died uh the bear is in a better place to stop replying on all the comments take rich pussy out of your mouth. Take rich penis. Oh, penis. Is that what that is? Take rich as penis? It's only three asterisks. Couldn't really get anything.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I bet I like it there. Oh, I want to get in these comments, dude. There must be so much fun shit to say in here. Wow. Okay. Wow, okay. Wanker, I'm all for killing to eat out. But I sincerely hope that I read about the bear ripping you apart one day. I'm all for killing to eat out. I sincerely hope that I read about it.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Click on that guy's profile, Joe Bryan. Private. Oh, my God. Oh, here you go. this is even funnier oh did it go to a page there it is that that you have two kids and you're into bodybuilding and photography and tattoos You're into science? Oh, fuck. Those are the worst dogs ever. Pugs and French Bulldogs.
Starting point is 00:34:11 This guy. I'm so sorry. But he likes guns, too. So I'm not really sure what he's using those guns for. Imagine wishing a bear would tear someone. Like, if I have thoughts like that, I don't let them out.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Like, I would never be like, hey, I wish Joe Biden would get coronavirus. Like, I'd never, ever in a million years wish that on someone. Do not understand how the world works here, people. Do not push that shit down. Do not say that stuff out loud. I don't know who David Rose is.
Starting point is 00:34:44 OnlyFans is a business expense, says the Armenian man. Okay, let's keep going. This is incredible. Wow. Thank you, Rich, for all the content this morning. I didn't even think we had a show. Let the hate party begin. You are one of the greatest athletes of all time.
Starting point is 00:35:00 You want to try bear meat? Okay, but picture like this. You shouldn't show them like a trophy. Show them. Click on that dude's link you shouldn't show him like a trophy oh oh he's fucking a foreign god why are foreigners such betas listen if you're from a socialist country shut the fuck up like don't comment like we already know that you would fucking grab your ankles for anyone we know that about you uh canada australia new zealand all the fucking european white countries with all this crazy white people like switzerland sweden like we know that about all you guys your default is an ankle grabber you'll do you don't even have your own thoughts
Starting point is 00:35:55 yeah your opinion is invalid yeah it's like you don't have an opinion it was given to you by fucking by someone. Oh, touch the sorry. Sorry, Magnus. Except for those of you who moved to Mexico for a better life. Yeah, the UK is the worst. Come on, man. Listen, and we can make you feel right at home here.
Starting point is 00:36:21 We can move you into Portland or New York. I've had enough of this D bag. This guy is a total douche he probably has an only fans too travis b sebi you voluntarily live in california because i'm not a pussy i ain't running these colors don't run bitch yeah thank you oh that should be it that should be a uh what a stupid son of a bitch that should be a button these colors don't run that was good
Starting point is 00:36:48 uh yes you live in one of those countries where freedom of speech is only for those we approve miss egert says in the green dress the uh cave dastro that dude's definitely taking it up the button low
Starting point is 00:37:04 okay let's go back to uh mr froning's account this is great wow i i understand by the way the sensitivity like you've seen a dead animal and you're having a reaction to it i get it a big dead animal that you're not familiar with and rich is smiling and i get it you're having a reaction to it you you're not you're not like um uh doc holiday you're not sitting in silence it's crazy how many likes these comments are getting i think this started out at 19 like five minutes ago when we looked at it this is so sad now that's 240 god i really want to buy her only fans right now and pull it up. What's the legality of that? Can I show her OnlyFans on my podcast? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Oh, let me read this one. Rich, I'm your biggest fan as a sportsman. Dude, what fucking country are you from? A sportsman. That's not America. No one talks like that in America. But you need to be more careful with your hobbies. It's very sad to see the bear's face with the blood in its mouth.
Starting point is 00:38:13 That's not fair. I prefer to see your smile winning CrossFit medal, but not smiling for killing innocent animals. Sorry, man. Maybe with this picture, your career is going to end. With this picture your career is going to end Oh my god He's on a subway Somewhere dude he's on a subway
Starting point is 00:38:35 Somewhere to get his third booster dude Typing that he's in line at the clinic Waiting to get his third booster typing that out In like Bulgaria or somewhere You know what I mean Yeah yeah yeah Meanwhile rich is fucking outside right now playing with his three fucking kids looking at his fucking empire as fucking hayley runs by and does her 37th lap for the day in the yard you fucking douche nozzles Listen
Starting point is 00:39:05 If you're on here I want to say this but don't go too far I want to sift through these Don't fuck it up Caleb Unless you're vetting them If you haven't gone on Rich's account And commented A thousand times of how cool it is
Starting point is 00:39:24 That he raised money for fucking kids in foster Homes and abused Kids then then you don't get to do one Comment about the dead bear You jackass What a douche Nozzle Oh thank you sorry
Starting point is 00:39:46 I misrepresented Haley A rambler step on that's old Haley She's doing 400 pound back squats in there now Thank you I did also hear that that bear was racist Okay let's go back to this This is crazy people You guys are nuts
Starting point is 00:40:00 I get it I get it No one wants to see a dead bear I get it But like don't hate on Rich for it. Killing and taking lives makes you proud. Be humble. Be humble? Lucky I have chose what on
Starting point is 00:40:13 my feed so sad unfollow. Good for you. I want to see her. Can I see her? Can you click on her? Patricia Rosor. I don't want to lose her? Patricia Rosor. I don't want to lose her place in this post. She uses her titties too. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:40:37 So she's just your typical CrossFit titty chick selling supplements. Yep. Pretty much the same as everybody else i got i got a sleeve and i got pants that are too tight and i got my hwpo and there i am with my juiced up workout partners oh that's a pretty picture. Let me see what city that is. Damn. Brazil?
Starting point is 00:41:11 Somewhere. That's nice. Yeah, that's really pretty. Hold on. Let me stop sucking Fraser's dick so I can bash Fronin for getting meat for his family. I thought yours. Go ahead. You don't think that Matt hunts too?
Starting point is 00:41:29 Like, I'm... Yeah, yeah. Like, what the hell? I'm almost certain that he does. Matt got more guns than you have needle marks in your ass, young lady. She's cool. I like her. I have to stop picking on her you have a nice body just don't post stupid shit i understand you got a little sad you saw a dead bear chill good morning mr walters my calves are so sore dude jeremy text me and he goes i'm so sorry that you're that sore dude i love being sore i'm surprised you're sore from that i love a thousand barefoot step-ups with
Starting point is 00:42:11 a 20 pound vest really dude i am so sore yeah i don't i have i've done it probably four times and i've not been sore from it i wonder if it has to do with the fact that you're taller that because when i i have to i'm like really reaching with my toes when i come down like it's a lot on my calves are you like slowly lowering yourself or you're just like stepping down no i'm trying not to i'm trying to like move fast so i don't get any what's it called eccentric yeah yeah i'm gonna try not going for like oh i'm gonna really go slow and get this really... Fuck that. Oh, that is true. Bernie Gannon. Fraser and Medeiros collect pics of animals they think of
Starting point is 00:42:51 diss them. Damn, this show is good. That's why his HQ took so much. He had to build a whole room for all of that. Damn, this show is good. Zach Jones, you're a giant, Caleb. That's like 80% more ROM for Seth Lawson.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Touche. That is true, but Caleb is significantly heavier than me, too, so that's a lot more work on his muscles. Where do you feel it? I don't feel it anywhere else. I don't have any ass or quad. No, no soreness. Thousand step-ups. And you did it with the full feel it? I don't feel it anywhere else I don't have any ass or quad No, no soreness Thousand step ups
Starting point is 00:43:26 And you did it with the full ruck thing? That big? Fuck, that's nuts I think 45 pounds would injure me I'm as sore today as I was the first day It's not even like getting better Like when I got out of bed this morning I was like
Starting point is 00:43:40 You know what I mean? Like, ah I can barely walk Like when i get it from this show i'm gonna be so sore yeah i don't get sore it's just like mentally annoying to sit there for an hour just oh to do the step ups oh it's crazy well i went through some shit too like it's i wanted to quit like it for like i was so glad when my mom came in there really so you could talk i was i was bonafide i was straight up tired really yeah just straight up tired do you know what i mean like like when
Starting point is 00:44:12 i was done i even though i had 300 milligrams of fucking caffeine i just went and laid down i said baby i gotta lay down and i and like it's weird like my body just turned off i was sleeping but i wasn't asleep you know like have you ever been like out in the sun like digging holes for eight hours and you lay down and like you're you start like lucid dreaming kind of it was like that i that happens when i get tired it does oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you get done and you're just like dead you're done like i i will i'll get to every time i do murph and like i probably do it maybe two times a year and no matter what i'll just i'll be done and i'll just be dead driving back to the house and then as soon as i get back i like everything's i don't even change i just everything's
Starting point is 00:44:56 on the ground and i'm on the couch and i'm dead asleep yeah yeah for like probably two or like three hours after that what about that other workout feeling you get when you i don't get this this one from murph but there's some workouts i'm trying to think of one that i do where i go so fucking hard that my head starts tingling oh i don't get that as much as i used to i used to probably get that like once a month now i feel like i get that like once a year probably because i don't go as hard but you know what i mean your ears clog up and your head starts tingling you're like oh this is this i'm going into some weird spot right now yeah i agree it's usually something like heavy for me that i have to that takes a long time to do that's when i feel that i don't know
Starting point is 00:45:38 okay back to uh this is what a great show just um trolling people who had emotional response to Froning's bear photo. Okay. This isn't an airport. You don't have to announce your departure. Nice. That's good. Simple, clean humor, Christian humor. It's not the hunting part to eat. It's the pride and death and the act of killing and bragging about it on social media. As a Christian, he should know better. It's not a question of hunting or eating meat. It's the lust and pride in this death photo. You missed the point, but be happy, dudes. I'm out.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I don't take it that way. I wonder why – do you think that she's projecting because she's a who does she lust for she lustful that means she wants to fuck yeah is that what that means let's look at the definition of lust a very strong sexual desire that's not lust i don't think uh did she it's the lust and pride I mean yeah I never think of Froning really as a sexual creature no I need to grow a set and ask him about his sexual escapades with his wife
Starting point is 00:46:54 that's tough fuck so hey Rich hey what's up So Hey Rich Hey what's up God I can't even do it with him not being here Can't even have an opportunity I feel like God's gonna strike
Starting point is 00:47:19 Dude I wonder if all these people get struck by lightning Today who talk shit about Rich God's got like A lot of people getting struck by lightning today who talk shit about rich. God's got a lot of people getting struck by lightning. God's got like this list. He wakes up this morning. He's like, okay, I got to fuck with these people today.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Oh shit. And he just sees people popping up at the top of the list. This person dist rich, this person dist rich, this person dist rich. Every time I ref, every time we refresh that post, there's another like 10 comments about how much they hate it.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I, I, I one time started writing i was mad at rich and i started writing uh like something nasty to him and on his instagram i wrote rich you're a fucking asshole and i a storm cloud came over my house and started crackling i was like never mind no way no i'm. That would be awesome. I'm going to go out and work out for another hour until I reset. Okay, let's keep going. Let's see what else there is. I want to see someone I know on here.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I'm tired of ass-pounding strangers. I'd like to put it in someone I know. Okay, let's go. Bear meat is is amazing i thought bear meat was not good uh these comments are fantastic hope the next bear uh sent where you where you belong yeah how do you do do you know you're not supposed to say stuff like that let me see what that guy's got that guy that you don't want to put that stuff out there wish harm on other people that's not good let me see that pedro that's a pedro i hope that's not our pedro no it's a fake pedro uh oh it's another foreigner yeah these guys are all just ankle grabbers Man That's a cool dog It's like some sort of Basenji Corky mix
Starting point is 00:49:10 It's a dingo Hola amigo That's a cute dog Oh that guy is a chick I thought for sure that guy was gay let me see his chick let me let me tell you something real quick here go back to that picture of him hugging his dog it's very hard to just scroll down a little bit look how look how much no go the other picture sorry now scroll down a little bit uh no right see how
Starting point is 00:49:45 you can't see he's when see if you're showing that there's a few things that make him gay in that picture where he's holding the dog from the side see how much torso he's showing yep and the way he's holding the dog and that shaved head he looks like um he's about to do poppers and play power bottom at a gay orgy You guys feel me on that And the way he's holding the dog It looks like he's about to pop Three oxycodone Snort a line of poppers
Starting point is 00:50:13 Open a little thing of poppers And just get on all four and just get demolished That's what I see Maybe I'm projecting Yeah maybe a little bit you don't see that I could see him being gay just because
Starting point is 00:50:35 he somehow dropped but the rest of it is a little came out of my nose someone someone said on the someone said in the comments the other day someone said that's the first time I've ever out of my nose. Someone said in the comments the other day. That's the first time I've ever blowed my nose on the air in 1,500 shows, I think. First time I remember. No, definitely not.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Your birthday. Oh, right, right. Good point. Someone said, dude, I was like, hey, it's not cool to pick on people. And someone wrote, dude, your entire show is just fucking destroying people the whole time. I'm like, no, it's not cool to pick on people. And someone wrote, dude, your entire show is just fucking destroying people the whole time. I'm like, no, it's not. What are you talking about? Talk about denial.
Starting point is 00:51:12 You're an idiot. You don't watch any of the shows. Did I tell you guys there's going to be a crazy sale over at Paper Street? You did. Oh, please. um uh oh please i want to read it but it's just so that the it's just so played out david give me something give me something oh please come on that's recycled material. Okay, fine, fine. David Weed. David. Racist Dave.
Starting point is 00:51:50 David Weed. Dude. You're 80 with a man bun. Now tell me that's not gay. It's worse than a man bun, dude. I got that fucking like ratty like, hey dude, you're too old to have long hair thing going. It's worse than a man bun, dude. I got that fucking like ratty like, hey, dude, you're too old to have long hair thing going. It's. You guys are going to make me shave.
Starting point is 00:52:14 OK, let's keep keep going. Let's go. Let's keep let's let's let's the fines. Have you found anything in there yet where you're like, hey, I can't wait to sit for to see this one. Here we go. Oh, Sousa. OK, yeah. Can you like Sousa. Okay, yeah. Can you like Sousas?
Starting point is 00:52:26 Of course. Okay. Awesome bear. I like you. You're one of the greatest athletes of all time. We already did that guy. Curioso. Queza Podrias.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Wow, the Hispanics, like, they just want to be colonized no soy de esguerda that's a broken heart i don't need to see any i don't give a fuck what any of the espanoles say racist a higher life crossfit hunt for food not trophies it's not fair fight false pride so that's what's pissing some people off they think he's i i basically what he's telling me what i've seen in this post is like this is seriously what i've seen this post okay i that's cool i didn't realize you could eat a bear that's fucking awesome that rich is providing food for his family that's all i see and that he's still in good enough shape to do that yeah that's freaking hard and that he banged uh good enough shape to do that. Yeah. That's fricking hard.
Starting point is 00:53:25 And that he banged, uh, uh, Hillary on a glass ceiling. He glassed or that he calls banging glassing that he glassed Hillary on a rooftop somewhere. He glassed her. Glassed his chick.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Is that the new term for it? Glassing. Yeah. That's what Christians do. They do glassing. Okay. Him and Vanderloot glass their chicks right before the hunt and right after i shot i was humping hillary on the roof we call
Starting point is 00:53:54 it glassing and then i saw a bear and i before i could drench her and baby batter thank you olivia i pulled out and grabbed pulled up my trousers and me and vander slew went on a march the girls directed us towards the bear and i unloaded my shot on the bear anything else many criticized but what is the difference between killing to eat and going? Yeah, I get that too. But some people are trying to say, of course, some people are trying to say he's prideful but Like dude, he just got food for his family, dude Sooner or later someone's gonna donate a dollar 99 to the show and i'm gonna run in the house when the show's over And tell my kids I made money today, boys.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Am I as bad as rich? Look at this. Listen to this. Patricia Rechozario. Killing and taking lives. I know we already read her before. Be humble. Lucky I can choose what's on my feed.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah, I'm going to bet $10,000 you took the injection. But you can choose what's on your feed. You can choose. You haven't chosen shit. Man. Tosh who? Brian Shantosh or tosh.o uh
Starting point is 00:55:27 oh here's the father of it's amazing how many people care more about the bears feelings than riches he has feelings too wow wow wow i like that that's a great that's great can we like that one too sure that's a great one.
Starting point is 00:55:50 That's a great one. Wow, this guy is a moron. Listen to this. What feeling you are talking about? Oh no, foreigner again. We are not in Stone Age to hunt animals for food. Holy shit. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Let me see. Please, let's go. Holy shit. Cave Dastro, Sevan, have you ever hunted? One time in college, I was with my friends and uh they were they were uh they were always fishing and they handed me and i used to just hang out there and smoke weed and drink 40s that's not true 32 is a miller high life but i would put a lime in it like it was a corona and um and then you know you turn it upside down so it like goes to the did you ever do that you push the lime in and put your thumb on it turn it upside down and it goes, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:45 I can see you doing that. And they handed me the fishing pole and it got a fucking bite. And I handed it back and then I didn't like that feeling. And then when they put it up and it was flopping on the, it was on a cliff. We were fishing off the side of a cliff in Santa Barbara. I started crying a little bit when I saw it. Yeah, because he does this thing with his mouth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Like he's sucking dick, but really it looks like he's gasping for air. Yeah. Man. No, I would love to see Tosh. I love Tosh. He's awesome. I shot a hummingbird with a 22 once. That was fucked up. I was a little kid. I shot a frogbird with a.22 once. That was fucked up.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I was a little kid. I shot a frog that same outing. That was also the camping trip where I got my first Playboy. Like, this cabin we were staying in had Playboys. And I rolled one up and put it in my bag and brought it home with me. There was an Asian girl in there. She was my friend for many years. Okay, what were we doing?
Starting point is 00:57:50 I was about to fucking leave planet Earth. It's another guy who's... Oh, this is the guy that wants to tell Rich we're not in the Stone Age, and so we shouldn't hunt. Oh, but we still smoke. Yeah. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Hey, thousand times cooler to promote hunting than promote smoking. Huh. Thousand times cooler. You lose. In the Judgment Wars, Rahid
Starting point is 00:58:22 or what's his name? Abdul Girishvagar. In the judgment wars, Rahid. Or what's his name? Abdul. Girish Vagar. Girish Vagar N-word. Look it. What if you took that N and switched it with the V? You douche nozzle. When was his last post? Let me just see his last post. When was his last post?
Starting point is 00:58:46 Let me just see his last post. Just click his last post. I want to see when the last time he posted. Seven weeks ago. But he's posting on Rich's today. You fucking cunt. Man. Okay, back to the comments.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Someone else needs to get ass pounded He's a competitive vapor I Solid fair enough What's a douche nozzle A douche is this red bag With the hose That hangs from it And you fill this red bag With the hose that hangs from it And you fill the red bag with water
Starting point is 00:59:28 And then you take it And then you shove it in your vagina And you clean out your vagina That's the douche The nozzle I'm no expert on this, I'm just guessing This is what I think in my mind's eye The nozzle
Starting point is 00:59:41 Is the tip That goes in the vagina Or around the vagina that sprays it out that's the nozzle so you're there you've heard of douche bag hey you're a douche that's the bag but then for for it's i think it sounds funnier if you call someone a douche nozzle it's a little less aggressive but still not like um not pleasant douche nozzle it's very popular in my house right now very popular and hopefully the next one is slapdick douche nozzle and you can spell it any way you want i don't want anyone to get all fucking wrapped around the actual around the spelling you can spell it any way you want i don't want anyone to get all fucking wrapped around the actual around the spelling you can go with i like this i like the
Starting point is 01:00:28 there were a couple spellings that i liked with douche nozzle how much better how much more fun is our lives how much fun how much more funner how much funnest how fun is our lives that this kind Imagine I mean these people are just Professionally triggered Um I live in Brazil Where we only get electricity Two hours a day and I'm gonna Charge my phone and then comment on
Starting point is 01:00:55 Fucking Rich's picture With some of that Juice I got from my two hours of phone Charging I'm in El Salvador right now We don't have clean water God damn For those of you who are listening
Starting point is 01:01:20 Who are in that situation That's why you're like that Because you give a shit about the wrong things Completely Oh yep what did she say are listening who are in that situation that's why you're like that because you're giving a you give a shit about the wrong things completely you're not you're not a critical oh yep oh what did she say uh i hope the little rich froning don't reproduce anymore wow wow can i see click hers there's nothing there it's just this picture of her oh oh my god wow it's pretty fucked wow God. Wow. That's pretty fucked.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Wow. You're scrolling through your Instagram. What's this? Oh, I hope this motherfucker never produces. I hope his kids don't have kids. Let me type that out. Dude. dude there's no reason in killing a wild animal
Starting point is 01:02:13 let me see her picture so killing domesticate killing cows that are fucking in the thousands behind fucking fences is appropriate? That's the insinuation there, right? Right. What is that?
Starting point is 01:02:38 Oh, shit. Are those just pronouns? What is that? 20-year-old. I think it's like a university. Like they're a university student. You don't think that's unisex? No.
Starting point is 01:02:51 You don't think it's eunuch? It's eunuch. No penis. No penis. It's a dude. What the fuck is that? Is that a boy or a girl? Name?
Starting point is 01:03:01 I have no idea. United Nations. I don't think that R is supposed to be in there. Oh my god. This is probably unhealthy for me. Just to mash these
Starting point is 01:03:25 Two fucking Two hours of hell no This is so much fun This is crazy I was surprised you didn't Win this for an hour When you you think that's a guy You're out of your mind
Starting point is 01:03:41 There's no way Pauline that's a guy I get it you don't like seeing the You're out of your mind. There's no way Pauline that's the guy. I get it. You don't like seeing the dead bear. No one's like excited to see the dead bear. I don't think. But. How. but how how are you saying that it's not appropriate to kill a wild animal when I mean you can just drive between my house and LA and you'll see fucking
Starting point is 01:04:17 thousands and tens of thousands of cows that are fucking mushed together in areas excuse me to later be slaughtered it looks like a horrible life well he was more excited to see the dead bear than the live bear he sure as fuck didn't want to roll up on some live bear cory says i bet rich was excited to see the dead bear You should see You should See the comment on the elk post about Him claiming to be a christian and repenting for committing animalicide. You should see I know no, let's say to the bear. I can only do so many dead animals in one day Oh
Starting point is 01:05:01 Okay Fine Um, okay oh I'm right back okay fine um okay I'm gonna show you guys something else that needs a good ass pounding today man oh what is this something from my wife
Starting point is 01:05:23 oh oh what is this something from my wife oh okay i see okay thank you hayley all right fine um There's this podcast. It's old, but someone sent it to me. And I wanted to, I wonder how I would play this for you guys. I wonder if Caleb knows how to do that. Maybe I can just play it from my phone. I just got a text from Donald Trump jr. Oh
Starting point is 01:06:13 Wow really that's true Do you know how to play that Um Let's go through those Really quick I want to see if there's any That are just absolute that one's pretty crazy That one wins the award for Kind of crazy talk Uh
Starting point is 01:06:39 What did it say killing a wild animal I guess she's okay with the pound Go hunt with your bare hands What did it say? Killing a wild animal? I guess she's okay with the pound. Go hunt with your bare hands. That would be impressive. But with guns, nothing to be proud of. Let me click on that, guys. Click on that, guys.
Starting point is 01:06:54 I want to see that, guys. I want to see a picture of that guy eating at a restaurant on his profile. You think that guy eats meat? Yeah, for sure. Okay, click that food. Let me see that. Fueling the CrossFit athlete. Is there meat in there? Fuck, I don't even know what that is. Pomegranates and radishes and grapes.
Starting point is 01:07:22 No, he's vegan. He's gotta be vegan. Okay, he gets a pass. Man. But he gambles, so... Gambling is a sin. I approve. I wonder, how many followers does Rich have right now?
Starting point is 01:07:44 I wonder if he loses like what he loses. It's kind of good though. He's calling the herd. Oh yeah. I think he had 1.5 million. You think he lost them? Yeah. He probably lost a few thousand followers.
Starting point is 01:07:56 He's probably was on the cusp. He probably had like 1.5 and then he lost 10 000 and man oh man that's here's the thing too you don't even have to agree with him you don't even have to like it could not be for you but just to pass judgment on all these things is fucking crazy. Vegans are mentally ill. Yeah. I guess. There probably is some component of that. Mental illness? There probably is some component. Like, I had a friend one time who was like a crazy health nut and he put he gave himself uh an enema with hydrogen peroxide and he fucked himself up
Starting point is 01:08:56 like it did it did something so bad to him and then this other friend of mine goes hey dude just think for a second of what the mechanism and the thoughts are in the brain that makes you want to stick something in your ass and clean it out so badly that you would use hydrogen peroxide and then i was like oh i get it okay i get it like there's i'm not saying there's people who experiment with food and then there's people who like there's some sort of i think being a being a vegan there's there's probably some mechanism in there that i don't know what it is but the the problem i bet you they have a high a high rate of mental illness amongst them you know eating disorder mental illness just weird shit i bet i suspect they just eat themselves alive honestly like um uh there's
Starting point is 01:09:48 probably the uh people covered in tattoos right like just covered in tattoos that probably people who pierce their people who pierce their penis there's probably a higher order uh like straight through the what's that one called the prince Prince Albert putting a hole through the head of your most prized possession. Something's wrong with you. No way. Yeah. At some age, you stop coloring on walls. And if you don't,
Starting point is 01:10:18 like the dude who wipes feces on the walls, you know, like, super high rate of mental illness. Definitely verging on it for sure. Wiping feces. You bought the Shattuck in. Yeah. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance,
Starting point is 01:10:40 it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
Starting point is 01:11:33 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Jessica Valenzuela would be badass to go hunting with Rich. Yeah, totally. Can you play this podcast I gave you? Would you know how to do that? Yeah, I think I could do it.
Starting point is 01:11:55 You just have to give me time codes, I think. Oh. You just want to scroll through it? No, no, no. We can just scroll through it. Wow, look at you. Okay. Someone sent me this, and I listened to a bit of it. is so so yeah let's play some of this watch this this is a 2015 harvard divinity school study reported that
Starting point is 01:12:11 among many young people crossfit has become a bona fide new religion so much more than a gym these dark walled boxes full of jack paleo dieters flipping tires have become sites of community and transcendence i'm trying to think if i've ever been in a gym that has black dark walls not very many of them and and just so you know they're very small percentage of them are jacked but they just maybe look jacked relative to the people you see at starbucks or at safeway They're just not obese, most of them. Okay, here we go. Listen to this crazy shit.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Here we go. It's complete. All you have to do is shop at your favorite restaurant. Don't mind being told what to do. I just won't do it. I know. Go back a little. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Second thing. A little more. A little more. A little more. Okay, here we go. Let's see. What you're doing is different. It's agony coupled with laughter.
Starting point is 01:13:08 We'll make you a very different, better person. It's a profound belief set with a profound impact, and it is at the heart of the growth of everything we're doing here. Everything we're doing here. here. Everything we're doing here. Issa, I have two truths and a lie for you. Okay. CrossFit edition.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Hmm, exciting. Okay, the first thing. Yeah. Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, is a staunch libertarian who has famously uttered quotes like, routine is the enemy and I don't mind being told what to do. I just won't do it. Okay. Okay. Second thing, CrossFit trainers or coaches, as they're called, are required to attend a week-long military style mind-body retreat as a part of their training. Okay. Last thing, one of CrossFit's beloved mascots is pukey a demonic clown pictured projectile vomiting to represent crossfit's glamorization okay pause has anyone
Starting point is 01:14:13 ever thought of pukey as demonic no that's so crazy to me hey by, by the way, I was with Greg when he went and spoke at the Harvard Divinity School. It's intellectual masturbation that goes on there. It's just pure jack-offery. It's just making connections that you and your friends make when you sit around and smoke weed. I think Greg enjoyed it. I think he had fun with it. I think he thought there were a lot of smart people there i thought it was just complete what a fucking joke it was it's like wow these people
Starting point is 01:14:50 fucking just sit around and jerk off on each other making connections it's like stuff you would talk about with someone while you'd go on a long drive that's their that's their phd program wow yeah then everybody just agrees and says yes this is it's just intellectual masturbation which is fine I don't have a problem with it but to call it like talk about brand diminishing okay keep going let's keep going working out
Starting point is 01:15:15 hold on speak your mind it's a free world how's it going what's up dude not much um I've got a question It's a free world. How's it going? What's up, dude? Not much. I've got a question. I'm an average gym-going CrossFitter.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Pretty healthy person in general. I, over the last weekend, was diagnosed at a hospital. I had shortness of breath, breath chest pains with pulmonary embolisms. I am not vaxxed. I'm not in any of that stuff. I don't take anything. I don't take HRT, no TRT, nothing. In your opinion, what is the best way to determine the doctors and specialists that I need to see. God, I wish I had an answer for you. I want to see like-minded individuals. I mean, I feel like I'm a pretty healthy person, crossfitted for me, crossfitter, but I'm the guy a lot of people have. I'm typically one of the fittest at my gym, but that doesn't mean I'm upper level elite.
Starting point is 01:16:38 I'm a 46-year-old guy, too. Is this just totally out of the blue? Totally out of the blue. No family history. Never had anything. Just totally out of the blue? Totally out of the blue. No family history. Never had anything. Just totally out of the blue. I actually thought I had popped a rib about a week and a half ago. Had chest pain, tightness. Kind of kept working out through it.
Starting point is 01:16:58 I was still one of the workouts at the gym. Turns out it was actually blood clots in my lungs. Yeah, that's what i was going to ask you so that i just wanted to be clear so pulmonary embolism is those are blood clots in the lungs yeah yeah what is the what is the mechanism for clotting do you know do you know i don't know i just know i was diagnosed with the pulmonary embolisms and pulmonary infarctions and as far as i understand from what I've been told in the last, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:27 this was on Sunday in the last few days, the infarctions are basically dead tissue or scar tissue and the embolisms are active blood clots. I don't know why. And even then I was, I was extreme shortness of breath, everything in the hospital, in ICU.
Starting point is 01:17:42 I found myself in ICU on Sunday. It was just blown away. What did they they what do they think the issue is um well they don't know they're running a myriad of tests but you know of course i go to my wife takes me to the hospital i'm in the hospital um they bring in whoever's there the the specialists that are there. You have that other, I don't know these people. And once I'm out of the hospital, every one of them is outside of my insurance network. So basically I got to go find new people to do all this stuff. The pulmonologist that was there seemed pretty smart. He seemed like he was the kind of guy who wanted to figure it out. The cardiologist who was there, in my opinion, was like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:18:26 let's put you on blood thinners for six months. If it comes back, you'll just go on for the rest of your life. That's not an answer. That's just treating a symptom. Corey Leonard says, this dude's a bot. No real humans use Myriad. No, no, it's a SAT word. He's smart.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Stop, stop, stop. Hey, I was wondering if that's what they were going to tell you to do. Put you on blood thinner. Man, who what have you gotten any feedback from anyone else? Do you know anyone else this has happened to who's not vaccinated? there preaching from the rooftops hey i'm not i'm not i'm not to everybody right everybody who knows me knows that i'm you know that's not me i'm not into that i think you're crazy if you did it you know whatever hey did they ask you if you were vaccinated never once and that was to me a concern if that's not even crossing their mind right um but i'm going in for a follow-up ct and an mri today and i'm still just trying to figure out how i want to just even try and figure out how to determine the doctors that might be the best the best kind of doctor i mean i i know in my area who knows who's the best doctor i don't know and it might be a crazy guy who also happens to's the best doctor? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:49 And it might be a crazy guy who also happens to be the best doctor, but I don't want him in there. I want somebody who at least acknowledges that there's a high probability, had I been vaccinated, that could have been this problem. I'm not. Therefore, I don't know. I mean, obviously, I had COVID like everybody. Maybe you can get it. How bad did you have COVID? How bad did you have COVID? I never had it bad. You know, so only once in 2020, I was tested for it.
Starting point is 01:20:17 You know, back in the day I got tested, tested positive, uh, lack of, you know, smell and taste, which lingered for a long time, even maybe still. So there's that, but I was never particularly sick. even maybe still so there's that but i was never particularly sick it was a mild cold for me and since then one or two times i've had a similar cold but never had the repeat of uh the loss of sense center smell you know it never necessarily came back fully but it never went away again and never got tested again never you know at that point it was just a cold you get when you get it hey how did they how did they um diagnose you what what do they do they uh an x-ray or an mri how do they diagnose all right so i actually my my wife you know probably saved my my life always but uh forced me into the the local Instacare just because I had pretty extreme chest pain most of the week on Friday.
Starting point is 01:21:10 She brought me in, said, you're going. I don't care. I'm taking you. They did a check-sus-ray, and their assessment was maybe you did pop a rib. You weren't breathing properly. I'm a hunter. I happen to go out. I hurt myself Friday. Went out Saturday.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Got an elk. They're huge. Kicked my butt for two days getting it out of the mountains. Just packing it. All the time, not able to breathe and everything. You're not prideful in sharing that with us, are you? You're not being prideful, are you? I hope not.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Okay, good. All right, just checking. Because if you are, I got a bunch of people who roll over to your Instagram. You can kill shit. You just can't be proud of yourself. I have Instagram. I guess I have old stuff on my my instagram god forbid you be prideful of anything anymore yeah okay naked naked girls can post all their shit they want on their instagram
Starting point is 01:21:54 they're not prideful of it but if you kill an elk and bring it home to your family okay but go on yeah anyway hey i went to the insta camera they did a checks s-ray and said there's nothing wrong maybe an infection because i've been coughing a little bit of blood towards the end of last week, but a very small amount. So they said it's likely you just have an infection. Maybe you weren't breathing deep enough or whatever. I don't know. And then Sunday I was being put down.
Starting point is 01:22:17 I mean, I could not breathe. So my wife brought me to the emergency room late at night. They did a CT scan, and the internal radiologist guy, the IR guy at the hospital, came and read the CT and said, you have blood clots and pulmonary imparctions or the dead tissue or whatever. And they kept me. They did a bunch of blood work. But even on that Hardly able to breathe My oxygen level stayed in the high
Starting point is 01:22:48 Like 98 My heart rate stayed low But I'm a healthy guy So Hey What happens to them eventually What do they say happens to them? Do the clots eventually just go away?
Starting point is 01:22:59 The scarring I guess you can't do anything about But I'm guessing the clots I don't know So what they told me And I am on the blood thinner because immediately i don't know what to do right the blood thinner right they say and i'm not positive if i understood correctly because what i heard them say and what my wife heard them say is a little different but basically take the blood thinners and that will help break the clots down
Starting point is 01:23:20 and not have new ones or take the blood thinners and your body naturally fights them and they'll be absorbed and you won't get new ones because of the blood thinner i don't know exactly what's correct on that but currently i i don't know i mean i'm not going to not do that right now but i don't i don't want a lifetime sentence of just taking them. They have their own issues. Dude, you had all the symptoms, shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing, a little bit of blood. You had all of them.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Yeah, but even during some of that, like I was still working out, going to the gym, Thursday I ripped the best score of the day on a mile run well 400 meter run 40 air squat for time workout so i don't i didn't think i was that sick or anything was going on yeah you need to find basically what i'm hearing you say is you want to find a doctor who's a crossfitter yeah that i think i want to find a doctor who's a CrossFitter. Yeah, I think I want to find a doctor who's a CrossFitter or at least who's got that point of view in mind or takes it into account. I don't know. Were you a previous smoker just out of curiosity?
Starting point is 01:24:38 Never smoked. Well, that's good. I smoked three packs a day. I don't know my family history on my dad's side. My dad died somewhat young, and he was an addict his whole life on all sorts of things. And he ended up dying young, and his dad happened to get killed in an accident when he was four. I don't have the males on my dad's side, any real history. Hey, your talking and your cadence and your talking is amazing.
Starting point is 01:25:03 You don't sound like a person who's short of breath at all. Yeah. If I take a real deep breath, it's a sharp pain, but it has been slightly getting better daily. And every day, even during the week before I had been diagnosed or treated, I would wake up, I would just kind of start the day and get pretty, I would feel pretty good and in the evening i'd feel more run down and start to hurt and laying down to sleep was pretty painful of course they gave me painkillers and oxys and all this but i'm not taking any of that i don't feel like i need it yeah save those though in the fridge in case you want to party one night with your wife going away yeah yeah yeah i don't i don't want to put those next to the whiskey yeah yeah hey um uh will you keep us posted on what happens and what they say i think people will
Starting point is 01:25:56 be curious what i'm it sounds like it sounds like you're going to get through this um it sounds like you're going to get through this but i'd love i'd love to hear if any of the you know viewers listeners have an idea of i'm in the utah greater utah area but if you know how to figure out i i don't know i almost feel like i need to give these doctors job interviews and if i get in there and and they don't say the right model, the right things. Cause I also don't want all my biases preventing me from potentially getting the correct care. But if they're just like, we just want to put you on meds. That's not an answer to me. Right. Let's figure out, let's figure it out.
Starting point is 01:26:40 All right. Um, there are, there are, do you want to get, are you interested in giving out your Instagram or anything in case anyone wants to send you information that might help you? Yeah, that's fine. I mean, I don't really use it, but I mean obviously I'll monitor it. I'll watch it. And what is it? Let me pull it up and make sure I give it out right it's just my name which is Jeff C. Dixon J-E-F-F D-I-C-K
Starting point is 01:27:12 well J-E-F-F-C the letter C D-I-C-K-S-O-N oh Jeff C. Dixon J-E-F-F-C D-I-C-K-S-O-N yeah Oh, Jeff C. Dixon. Mm-hmm. J-E-F-F-C-D-I-C-K-S-O-N.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Yeah. My kid yesterday was telling me how, he was like, do you know how you spell six? And I said, yeah. He goes, it's S-I-X. I'm like, yep. And then I said, do you know how you spell dicks? And he's like, D-I-C-K-S. I thought I was going to trick him. Six and dicks, but he didn't.
Starting point is 01:27:44 He got it. Yeah. Okay, Jessica Valenzuela said she already found you. Awesome. Hey, dude, keep us posted. Thanks for sharing. No, I will. I will. Thank you. All right. Later, brother. Interesting that he's not vaccinated, right? Because
Starting point is 01:28:00 think about all the people who do get that, who were vaccinated. Now it just complicates shit, right? God, Sleeky said something fucking terrifying in here did you see what she uh yeah dude he's got a pretty wild page he does pull it up but yeah it's cool you should check out i was olivia i was recently diagnosed with blood cancer they asked me if i was vaxxed nope they are trying to figure out why all of a sudden so many young people have this. Is blood cancer, is that leukemia? I can't remember. Sleeky, they never ask.
Starting point is 01:28:39 My husband asks every patient. Correct. It is leukemia. Okay. He asks every patient he runs on who has a stroke or cardiac event 80 have been vaxxed or boosted with in seven days prior to their medical event wow that's freaking freaky that's why they have you wait 15 minutes after you get it in case you have a little spasm yeah Spasm. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Wow. Well, about shit. We can. Okay, let's go. Let's listen to that podcast for a few more minutes. Jeez Louise.
Starting point is 01:29:13 That hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't want, I don't want anyone to have some healthy dude to have that shit. Here we go. Until your body fails. I mean, to me, pukey sounds like a myth that sounds like the line yeah
Starting point is 01:29:27 but i feel like you're gonna tell me it's true pukey is very much a crossfit mascot the lie is the the mind body retreat oh okay and that's his name that's his real name yeah pukey and that's not even the worst mascot there's another mascot who's also a demonic clown named uncle rabdo who's um pictured hooked up to a kidney dialysis machine to represent this dangerous potentially deadly crossfit correlated kidney condition how am i supposed to process that whole uh that olivia has uh blood cancer like how am I supposed to process that whole that Olivia has blood cancer? Like, how am I supposed to, like, read that and then go on with the show? Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do with that?
Starting point is 01:30:13 Multiple myeloma. Jeez Louise. Oh, my goodness. Myeloma. Now I have to look that up. What the fuck is myeloma? Myeloma. Now I have to look that up. What the fuck is myeloma? Myeloma. Do you feel okay? Cancer plasma cells. Oh, I think my mom might have that. My mom has some sort of plasma thing.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Oh yeah. Holy shit. Olivia, my mom has that. That's exactly what my mom has, I think. shit. Olivia, my mom has that. That's exactly what my mom has, I think. She has some sort of cell that's being overproduced or something. Some sort of plasma cell. Damn. Damn. damn Jesus Christ okay back to the show what did Ken say thank you Ken Ken Walters Olivia adding you to our prayer
Starting point is 01:31:42 chain spent over 12 days in Mayo. It's not normal for young people. Turntable, my buddy beat multiple myeloma with stem cell therapy. geez she's turned into i liked it better when we were making fun of people who were making fun of Rich. Me too. Okay, action. Is this karma? Is that how that works? I guess. It's inside some CrossFit boxes. Demonic? That's the term you use?
Starting point is 01:32:34 Yeah, well, Google Pukey. Pukey the clown. You can buy t-shirts with Pukey the clown emblazoned upon them. Oh my gosh, people have them tattooed on them. Yes. Do you have a clown them. Oh my gosh, people have them tattooed on them. Yes. Do you have a clown photo? Oh my god. No.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Oh my god, people have, oh my god. Emblazoned. Alright, here we go. Here we go. Me neither. I'm a comedian. I'm a comedian. I am a clown.
Starting point is 01:33:12 This is Sounds Like a Cult, a show about the modern day cult. Isa, your skin looks so good. Oh, my God. Thanks. It's because I've been using that osea hyaluronic holy shit are they joking i think that was an ad so i fast-forwarded through it okay let's go let's hear a little more
Starting point is 01:33:40 my long time coming it's i feel like the companion episode to our very first ever sounds like a cult app, which was SoulCycle. Yeah. I mean, CrossFit is the other zealously followed workout trend that people always talk about, like jokingly as a cult, but also kind of serious. And they comment on all of our posts about it. Yes, they do. It makes for almost the perfect topic. Exactly. What is it, Amanda? Yeah, what the hell is it? I thought it was an idea. Turns out it's much more than that. Yeah. Actually, CrossFit being an idea is a very good way to put it. Let's start with some background. CrossFit is first and foremost, I suppose, a workout, a boutique workout, if you will,
Starting point is 01:34:23 consisting of, to use a little bit of their lingo high intensity functional movements uh what i like that you said that okay question mark okay fuck never mind this is awesome sorry Sorry. Sorry. Constantly varying. Hey, do they have one? The cult of... Can we look at their entire playlist of shows? Dude, they have crazy stuff on here. Do they have the cult of climate change or the cult of...
Starting point is 01:34:56 Let's see. The cult of Trader Joe's. Sounds like a cult trailer. Nothing on climate change. Podcasting. Taylor Swift. Mill Wives. That's definitely a cult. The cult of mom fluencers. The cult
Starting point is 01:35:11 of purity rings. The cult of... I want to hear about the cult of Gary V. I've met some people who are in the cult of Gary V. People love him. Yeah, he's a little nuts. The cult of PTA moms. The cult of the hammer family the cult of tiktok social houses oh have you heard of that no they're like kids i guess 18 year old kids who all go in on a house
Starting point is 01:35:41 together and then they just make tiktoks in this house so they all pitch in on a crazy nice house in la and then they just make tick tocks out of their house wow wow the cult of medical school the cult of dolly parton the cult of montessori schools the cult of coachella the cult of heterosexuality. Wow. How is that a cult? The cult of corporate America, the cult of real housewives, the cult of fine wine, the cult of Wall Street, the cult of church camp, the cult of beauty pageants,
Starting point is 01:36:20 the cult of Peloton, the cult of child honors. Who just got, who just, who just oh yeah uh ufc yeah dana white destroyed peloton wow that was incredible shit he destroyed them the cult of boy scouts the cult of anal diddling the cult of diet culture have you ever have you ever gone to like a lowes or something where they're selling where there's like a boy scouts troop or whatever trying to sell some stuff no like they're like selling popcorn or i've seen girl scouts do that all right well boy scouts do it too and when we went when we were like leaving they're always at the exit. So you always like have to walk past them. When we were leaving, this kid goes,
Starting point is 01:37:08 Hey, do you want to buy some beef jerky? And I was with my dad and he's like, sure. Like, what do you got? And as soon as the kid starts talking, the dad starts talking right over him.
Starting point is 01:37:19 And the, like, cause the dad's like supposed to like supervise the selling of all these things, obviously. And immediately, as soon as the dad started talking over the like, cause the dad's like supposed to like supervise the selling of all these things, obviously. And immediately, as soon as the dad started talking over the kid, cause the kid just kept talking to like trying to explain everything,
Starting point is 01:37:31 but the dad just kept continuing his conversation or his stream of consciousness. I never, I didn't want to buy anything after that. I don't really, I was like, no, I don't care to,
Starting point is 01:37:43 if you're going gonna talk over your kid your kid it's your kid's job first off like that's his thing he needs to be the one to sell the stuff dude uh dear parents if someone asks your kid a fucking couple things dear
Starting point is 01:37:59 parents if someone asks your kid a fucking question let your kid fucking answer they're not asking you and dear parents dear moms or dear if someone asks your kid a fucking question, let your kid fucking answer. They're not asking you. And dear parents, dear moms or dear dads, if one of the parents asks a question to the kid,
Starting point is 01:38:16 like if I say to my kid, Hey, how was tennis? I don't need my wife to fucking answer. Yes. I'm asking my fucking kid. Like just if someone, yeah, God, that shit is so fucking annoying i don't i don't care if the jerky is actually spicy and he said it's not spicy i don't care if the if he says oh it's five dollars a stick when it's actually 250 a stick right i just want
Starting point is 01:38:39 him to have the conversation i want him to sell it to me i want him to have that conversation with me right so he's like seven years old eight years old this is his first venture into like interactions with adults and you're gonna ruin it for him every single one so you know anytime that somebody's come up to that table the kid has tried has started to talk and the dad's talked over him every time you're just stealing that conversation away from him parent that you god you see the crazy shit sometimes when i used to i used to go to the the playground a lot like three or four times a week like little kiddie playgrounds and i would take the kids there and the the shit some some moms one of the frequent practices i don't know where they heard it but some moms talk to their kids nonstop.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Look, here's a swing. Here's the moon. Oh, you look happy right now. Do you like the feeling of the sand? The kid doesn't talk yet. The kid's nonverbal, right? It's like the kid's like one and a half or even smaller, one, six months. And the mom, like literally you'll hear a mom chatting to her kid for an hour while you're there.
Starting point is 01:39:42 You're like dude Shut the fuck up But you know, they read that in some book somewhere talk to your kid. Tell them what's going on Yeah, I don't understand. It's like dude Let them figure it out. Hmm Trevor Ottman I was in the cult of Gary Vee from 2015 to 16 got a sales job thinking I was going to be a hustler. I was fired a year later. Wow. Can you believe that girl was... Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:40:14 Wow, I had no idea I was in so many cults. Thank you. $5. I needed that. Thank you. Today the show made $5. I love Bernie. Bernie Cannon? Yeah. He looks like a Star Wars character.
Starting point is 01:40:33 You think that's really him? Yeah, I think so. He looks like Robert Downey Jr. Oh, yeah. I could see that. It's fucking Iron Man. That's why I'm not sure if that's him. Is that Robert Downey Jr.?
Starting point is 01:40:47 No. The term cult often carries derogatory connotations. In this sense, it's used as an ad hominem attack against groups with differing doctrines or practices. You mean when it's derogatory or you mean the way they were using it that podcast i don't think that podcast man is derogatory you're there no i don't think so i septum ring jesus christ i don't know what she's talking about but septum ring I don't know what she's talking about but septum rings I would feel like such a loser
Starting point is 01:41:30 as a parent if my kid got a septum ring I apologize to all of you out there whose kids have septum rings I didn't mean to make you feel bad I really didn't but I'm just telling you how I would feel i would feel like a fucking loser my kid had a septum ring uh seven he says uh equals ass pounding coal send us a link we'll come over and judge you
Starting point is 01:41:58 uh emma emma emma vines i'm the youngest of four I had five people talking over me my whole life now they wonder why I don't stand up for myself good point alright that was I kind of I had a goal this show i had no idea what this show was going to be about but i had a goal uh to just keep it light and funny was it light and funny
Starting point is 01:42:39 that dude jeff dixon fucked it all up i agree but otherwise I think it was light and funny Um My I got in trouble yesterday A little bit with my wife And when I mean trouble like not really I'm being uh Exaggerating but I was giving Remember in yesterday's show
Starting point is 01:43:07 i was showing that that the math teams all the winning math teams for all the different countries were chinese people or asian people like who the fuck knows right with slanted eyes you know what i mean in straight black hair you know that look the humans come in like we call them chinese japanese korean you know it's like i'm talking about yep so then there's these other human beings that come with dark skin right they got all sorts they got slanted eyes ones of those two and different hairs and all that two of those kinds that version of human it's kind of like have you ever seen like those wiener dogs like you think of wiener dogs as short hair until you see a long hair wien like have you ever seen like those wiener dogs like you think of wiener dogs are short hair until you see a long hair wiener dog you ever seen a long hair wiener dog it's not
Starting point is 01:43:49 an attractive dog i don't like dogs loaded the ground i don't like dogs loaded the ground that have uh long hair because i just think of that they're covered in dingleberries when i think of little dogs that have long hair i just think that they have poop in their fur yeah okay sure you kind of know what i mean yeah anyway so i was basically saying like yeah there's these like stereotypes like don't don't lend army armenian people money um the people who run into apple stores and rob in groups of 10 or 15 or black people people with black skin and people who are good at math or asian and these are just like just shit that and then i was talking about how some are correlates but in summer culture and some are caused like properties of that but because you have
Starting point is 01:44:36 black skin doesn't make you want to fucking rob an apple store it just happens to be the culture that a lot of those people have i guess some of those people have enough of those people have that those are the 99 of the people you you see doing that happen to have black skin well she says to me why couldn't you say that they were good dancers why did you have to say that they rob apple stores like as the example for their behavior. Hmm. Okay. Call her a fucking racist and made her sleep outside.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Hi. Hi. Hi. Good to talk to you. Hi. Good to talk to you too. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 01:45:23 okay. So I know this is off topic, but last Friday on the update show for the CrossFit Games, y'all were having a long discussion about, you know, like your belief in CrossFit and like who we are. And it's kind of, I don't want to equate this to God, but there was a theologian who was famous, but he has a quote that says, or somebody asked him, do you believe in God? And he said, believe? I know.
Starting point is 01:45:55 Like, I don't need to believe. Yeah, hell yeah. That's what I've been trying to tell you motherfuckers for so long. Yes. So. Thank you. This is CrossFit. We don't have to believe anymore.
Starting point is 01:46:14 We know it deep down. And so I've been wanting to call in to tell you that because it's very similar. Once you have a knowledge of it, once it becomes knowledge in your heart, in your head, then there's no need to believe anymore. You know. But it kind of rocks the boat a little bit when like that dude called and he's like, I have pulmonary embolism.
Starting point is 01:46:39 And the rest of us are like, ooh, but I thought that kind of because, you know, we're kind of on our high horses, right? With that, I know shit. Yeah. Right. our high horses, right, with that I know shit. Yeah. Right? You're like, can you guys hear her okay? I just leaned my phone up against the mic. Can you hear it okay, Susie? That kind of rocks you a little bit, right?
Starting point is 01:46:54 Like, that guy's rocked. He's like, I'm healthy. I'm in shape. I work out. I'm blah, blah. Like, I know I'm doing the right thing. And then he got some sort of fucking clot. Yeah, but there's going to be outliers no matter what right yeah i mean that's and there's a risk
Starting point is 01:47:10 with anything i mean there's a risk to go walk out in the street today you know so like um or get in your car and drive it i mean there's gonna be inherent risk but there's gonna be people who are devout to god but he's still gonna forget about them and they're going to end up in hell. Oops. Sorry, you slipped through the crack. But yeah, like so me and he could have an underlying metabolic issue like that we don't know about this undiagnosed. So. I mean, there's there's people walking around every day that that happens to as well. So, I mean, I'm not I'm not saying that what happened to him wasn't horrific, you know, because it is.
Starting point is 01:47:48 It's terrible. But I'm just saying, you know, it's different when you have belief and then it becomes knowledge. Right. And you know it deep. You feel it in your soul. You know it in your soul. Right.
Starting point is 01:48:00 And you know it deep. You feel it in your soul. You know it in your soul. Right. And so I would equate that to my belief in God. And I know God is real. I mean, I can look at the sunset this morning. I can look at creation.
Starting point is 01:48:22 I can look at anything out in nature today. And that is quoted in the Bible. You have no excuse if you don't know God, because you can just look at a baby being born, and you see the miracle, you see, you know that he's God, and it can be different, it can be different when he makes that real in your soul, and he actually speaks it to you. So you can just read the Bible and say, okay, well, I believe God is real. But then it's different once he's, he makes it real in your life, in your experience. So you, you watching your twins or your boys be born, you know, that could have totally changed your outlook on, on God.
Starting point is 01:49:06 But at the same time, like, I just think it just goes back to CrossFit. It changed my outlook on the vagina. That's for sure. Yeah. That's a miracle too. Yeah. What a fucking cool contraption. Yes. Um, but yeah, I mean, I figured out what all that extra skin was for. Yeah. Yeah. I figured it out out i cracked a code on it it's like no someone should tell every little boy that like hey they need that yeah and hey god made us god made little boys for that as well yeah hey you ever seen a human
Starting point is 01:49:39 being that's so beautiful that um it invoked of that sensation of god in you you ever seen someone and you're like wow god is real like just like you just saw it in another person uh yes i mean you i think that's by the word of our testimony that's how we um you can you can talk to someone who's having who's had an experience like that or just you can just be around someone and say like wow like the holy spirit lives in them yeah like god god is real you know i want to tell you something that i've been thinking about a lot lately i didn't know how to say it really i tried to say it a couple days ago because i don't want it to come across like I killed a bear or something and I'm being prideful but that is the important part about having a show like this publicly
Starting point is 01:50:31 is to make sure that some piece of me is tethered to whatever that source is while I'm in front of everyone that is the goal it's kind of that simple. Well, you are. Yeah. Well, but to be aware of it too, to be responsible and aware of it too, to be, to be. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:56 But I don't want to, but, but when you start putting words around it, it can get kind of weird. Uh, yes. And I mean, I think, I think, um, it can get kind of weird. Yes. And I mean, I think, I think you have to have this knowledge as well, that the Holy Spirit gives you the words to speak. Right. And that he leads and guides us.
Starting point is 01:51:19 God leads and guides us. Right. And that we don't quench the Spirit. So it says in the Bible, you can quench the Spirit. And that can be like a harsh tongue. What's that don't quench the spirit so it says in the bible you can quench the spirit and and that can be like a harsh tongue what's that mean quench it quench meaning like um just um you're like putting out a fire like oh right right yeah right like quenching it meaning like you put the fire out like there's it was there's a lot of pressure around us to put the fire out. That's another reason why I don't like to be around a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:51:52 Or any people. Yeah. Yeah. But I think God calls us to step out and to be a light to other people. Right. I mean, what you're doing right now, you're you're you are trying to be a light to other people. Right. I mean, what you're doing right now, you're, you're, you are trying to be a light to the world. Right. You know? Right. So God calls us to that as well. And that's kind of the paradox too,
Starting point is 01:52:12 because the second you say you're trying to do it, you're kind of, you're, you're, you're, you're not really doing it. It's weird. You can,
Starting point is 01:52:18 you can quench it yourself. Right. Right. And Hey, I know some really, really fucking amazing people who who have all the pieces. They have the discipline, the structure, the knowledge, the capacity. But for some reason, they don't want to let go and let it just speak through them.
Starting point is 01:52:37 They don't want to let go. They dim their own light. And what's crazy is it almost always comes in the form of kindness. Yeah. That quenching of it, that kind of like hosing down that power. They dim their own light with kindness. Yeah, and our inner self gets in the way. Like self is the enemy, honestly.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Yeah, yeah. Our self is inherently simple, and that becomes the enemy. So when we let self rise up, that's where we get prideful and things can get hazy. And that can, you know, what you're describing can come across as a form of like self-love as well. Like when that guy texts me this morning, he's like, I even listened to your dumb ass shows that are three hours long. Like that hit myself. I didn't like that, but I know that I have to get rid of the self, not get like, go, go after him. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:53:35 Like that hit myself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's. Triggered. Triggered.
Starting point is 01:53:43 Yeah. God is. I mean, God is in control of everything. You can't look around at anything. You think God purposely made Caleb's pipe leak? No, but he allows things to happen for a specific purpose. Oh boy. He did.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Yeah. He allows, he allows the devil to act. He allows us. That was the devil. Yeah. That house is the devil. He allows the devil to act. He allows us to have a self-will. That was the devil. Yeah. That house is the devil. He allows the devil to act. He allows us to have a self-will.
Starting point is 01:54:12 You know? So, and that can, like I said, it's inherently sinful. Why did you call again? What did you call about? So, the update show last Friday when y'all were talking about CrossFit. Yeah. to the update show last friday when y'all were talking about crossfit yeah and y'all were talking about the believing and the deep down in your soul believing it oh yeah that's what i was relating it back to belief versus knowledge yeah and it's different when you believe something in
Starting point is 01:54:39 your heart versus it becoming head knowledge and when the experience is so real inside of you, then you know, you know it in your soul and deep down in your being. And that's like, that's what's going on in CrossFit right now. Like, what the heck? I mean, they're just trying to strip that away. But like, I feel like as affiliates
Starting point is 01:55:02 and as the people of Cross CrossFit like we have to sit in that knowledge and just give it to the world you know and continue on like what you're talking about on your show every day with CrossFit is knowledge not just some belief and you are trying to give that light to the world do you you have kids? Do you have kids? I do. I have a boy and a girl. Hey, they – last night I was just thinking about this, chatting with some friends. And I think that the big problem that they have – and I want to say it in a way that doesn't cause them to contract or be defensive but they're pulling from a pool of people who won't ever understand what we're doing here because they've all been indoctrinated by the system so there's for some reason there's
Starting point is 01:55:57 this desire to bring people with nba backgrounds because of you know the whole fiduciary duty to make money back for its investors and private equity. So they're bringing people in who don't have the intellectual capacity to understand what they're wielding because they're so they're so limited by what their beliefs. And so that's the nicest way I can say it. And they and they lack the experience of what's really going on here. And they're basically asleep. They're asleep and they can't even see the true power of what they're willing. And probably they're scared. They're scared probably too. I bet you they're really scared.
Starting point is 01:56:40 They believe that COVID is killing us all still. I mean, you know, the list goes on. Just like, it's absolute insanity. Well, at the base, they don't have critical thinking skills. Absolutely. Yeah. And they don't, so they still think that CrossFit's a business. They're still, it's weird.
Starting point is 01:57:00 Right, and that's what I'm trying to say, is that to us, it's not, it's not a business at all. It is like. it's a cult. It's deep rooted. Yeah. Right. It's this deep rooted, um, like thing in our soul that we, we know helps the world. We know, uh, cures chronic disease. We know it. Hey, do you think, do you think of all, do you think of all the affiliates shipped in and bought CrossFit? It would make it better.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Some people have been throwing that around and I'm like, dude, I don't know. Yes, I guess you'd have to have some sort of leadership in place to, you know, I guess control some of the chaos. But, yeah, I mean, I would. But I do know some affiliate owners that are complete douche nozzles too. You know, so I don't know that I would, I guess the right ones would be good. The thing is, did you, did you see? It's like Hillary saying freaking fight back.
Starting point is 01:57:58 Like saying no, like, no, we don't want this. We don't want de Coons or whoever. Did you see, did you see how dana white was like um someone he he he made a post on his instagram and one of the sponsors was like hey you have to take that down and he's like fuck you that's the problem we need someone who can say fuck you the problem is is crossfit is trying to cast a net and get everyone to buy m&ms but we're not m&ms everyone's not going to buy m&. I understand why M&Ms wants everyone to buy it, eat M&Ms. That is not, um, that the leadership of CrossFit has to be first and foremost, stand by the convictions and the truth that is CrossFit. And then second,
Starting point is 01:58:37 it can be about making money, but they have it backwards. So with M&Ms, it doesn't matter. You can just be like, Hey, we're just going to, we just want to make money. money and i get it i don't have a problem with that but with crossfit if you start saying hey we can make twice as much money if we don't make people squat below parallel we have a problem houston we have a serious fucking problem it's not crossfit anymore and with greg it was never about the money like he he has the solution right he put it out there in the world it was never about money yeah so if you come with us you come to us with some bullcrap about you know and it's it's about money we're we're fluffing you out hey that's a healthy use of the ego you just said there too right when your ego is wrapped around like listen motherfuckers i have the cure for the world's most vexing problem
Starting point is 01:59:20 like he let he leveraged his ego that's a healthy use of ego absolutely yeah but when you come to us and you like you're gonna be about the money but you know you're not being up front you're not telling us exactly what you're doing we're gonna fluff you out like we're going to find you out fluff you out i'm not fluffing anyone out i'd like to get fluffed i'd like to get fluffed out but i ain't fluffing anyone we're gonna find going to find you out. Okay. Okay. Okay. We're going to find you out. Yeah. That's okay. I'll help you with some words that you used inappropriately from the Urban Dictionary. I'm here for you.
Starting point is 01:59:55 It's just, it's, I'm just so sad to see it like the same, you know, like Hiller posted about like, the website's looking more and more like F-45 and Orange Theory and all this garbage. No, I mean, that's just, bring the CrossFit Journal back. Like, you know, put that on the website, something. You know, it's just bad. Well, thank you for the call. Yes, thank you. All right, bye, dude. Bye. God, it's just bad. Well, thank you for the call. Yes. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:00:26 All right. Bye. Bye. God, this show is ghetto. Look at, look at how I have my phone. I'm like giving away people's phone numbers and names and shit,
Starting point is 02:00:35 spinning around. And God, this show, I have this fucking stand that my phone is sitting on next. God fucking ghetto. It's perfect. Seriously. Seriously.
Starting point is 02:00:44 There's probably $70,000 worth of gear in here gear in here this is devil uh this is the devil intervening uh okay um uh sarah cox uh from ca peptides dude sarah sarah did you sarah everyone wants to try the cC1295. Everybody. I had two bottles, and I gave a bottle to someone, and they're fucking, they can't even believe it. They're so excited. CA Peptides, excuse me. Get your bottle now.
Starting point is 02:01:19 Man, I burp a lot. Okay, what's going on here? So, the UFC is parting ways with USADA, but it doesn't come into effect until like 1 January 2024. But they're not abandoning drug testing altogether. They're just leaving USADA and then going over to drug-free sport when so there's a two-month period where there'll be no drug testing no no they're continuing to drug test until one january and then once one january occurs then they'll switch over to drug-free sport so i don't think that there's any gap in testing at all from what i read in this article i think
Starting point is 02:02:03 it's just that they're announcing that they're no longer using USADA. It's so funny that they use the guy who's like juiced to the gills. Brock Lesnar left with his win over Mark Hunt. Overturned after testing positive for banned substances before
Starting point is 02:02:19 the fight. Before the fight. Jesus criminy. That's pretty obvious. Whitneyney davis ordered my ca peptide should be here by friday um i still have your slack box sitting on my kitchen table is there an affiliate owner out there that wants another slack box i haven't sent out the first three i gave away is there an affiliate owner that wants one? You have to be an affiliate owner. And in the chat right now.
Starting point is 02:02:55 I might as well make it four. I'll put another one on the kitchen table that will never get sent out. I have a stack of them in the garage that the slack box guy gave me. I just ordered one the other day. Oh, Jethro. Thank you. There you go. Our new affiliate owner.
Starting point is 02:03:10 Great. Jethro, text me your address. There you go. You don't own an affiliate. Oh, shit. Brad Patty. You're the owner? No, you have a competing podcast.
Starting point is 02:03:34 You don't get shit. No, no. Send me... DM me your address. If you're an affiliate owner and you're in the chat right now send me send me your address i'll try to send you one i have like eight of them in my garage all boxed up they need to go slack box slack box block block slack block i love mine my wife's gonna hate it i'm gonna it's gonna cost i bet you it's gonna cost her three or four $400 to mail them all out. Really? I don't know. They're big.
Starting point is 02:04:06 What do you think? They're not that heavy, though, aren't they? Yeah, you're right. Okay, so only $10 each? Send 10 of them out? $100? Okay, that makes me feel better. Yeah, that's not bad. Oh, I should save one to send to Sousa.
Starting point is 02:04:20 Oh, that's a good idea because I'm going there. Oh, perfect. Here's your prize for a 10 year affiliate, a slack block. We have Greg on tonight. I need to nap before that. Perfect. Susie just texted me and asked who's Dan Thiessen. Dan is, that's a guy who's coming on the show soon.
Starting point is 02:04:44 Is that's a guy who's coming on the show soon. Isn't that the new. No, Dan is doing some charity event. He's riding an echo bike around the earth, planet Earth or something. I don't know what he's doing, but he's doing something and I like him. So I told him he could come on the show and talk about it. Look at Graciano. Does Graciano own a gym? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:17 Doesn't he own that Valley Forge or whatever? Hey. Hey. Hello. Hey. Hello? Hello. Hello. Is that Mr. Minosian? This is Mr. Minosian, yes. How the devil are you?
Starting point is 02:05:37 I'm doing fabulous. Hold on. My tea just spilt on my lap. Hold on. Okay, there we go. It's Mr. Chapman from the Isle of Man. Oh! Was that you who fucking texted me this morning? No, it wasn't, no. It was probably PK.
Starting point is 02:05:57 No, some motherfucker texted me with one of your fucked up numbers from overseas and got my little fucking peanut. Peanut. Oh, I can only apologize on his behalf. Thank you. I'm so sorry. Thank you. Quick call.
Starting point is 02:06:11 God, you don't sound like a big buff dude at all. I would kick the shit out of you if I saw you in person. Well, we might find out. Let's see. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Oh, no. I don't like what's coming next.
Starting point is 02:06:27 Please don't get on an airplane. Stay on your little island. Talk shit to dudes on islands all the time. Fuck these guys who live on islands. Hey. Wait, wait, wait. Before you say that, I got to ask you one more question so I know how much shit to talk about you. The airport on the Isle of Man, is it a big runway like do jets land on that island like
Starting point is 02:06:48 big big yeah yeah yeah yeah oh fuck i mean small jet you could get here someone of your uh okay my question to you my question to you All things considered, next year If you had to choose one competition In the US to come to Would you go to the Games Or Waterpalooza in California? God damn, dude Damn, you're yoked
Starting point is 02:07:21 Juiced, he's juiced They got steroids on the Isle of Man Hey, um Man dude, the games are so fucking awesome, dude The games are so awesome I am gonna go to I find it very hard to believe I'm not gonna go to Wadapalooza and CA peptides has already held like some some of their rental properties so that I can come down there. Um,
Starting point is 02:07:48 but, and I don't know if I'll be allowed to go to the games anymore. Um, but that could have just been a one in a million shot. Um, who knows if CrossFit will even be around next year. Yeah, that's, that's a good point.
Starting point is 02:08:02 And that's, that's partly why I've been asking. So I think What I'll probably do is come and meet you in California Next year then, and then we can Box We can box, we can box I'll fucking stomp you
Starting point is 02:08:15 Or we could Robin Nordstrom's together, either one Well, it's lovely to talk to you, sir I've got to go and coach I love you, buddy, you the man, love you buddy you the man thank you for calling you have a beautiful human thank you bye is that his real voice yeah
Starting point is 02:08:37 sounds like he has an IQ of 250 yeah that's his real voice god these motherfuckers don't sound smart dude oh this curcumin yeah that's his real voice god these motherfuckers don't sound smart dude oh this curcumin I think my wife said she wants to try this discover the remarkable benefits
Starting point is 02:08:57 of the epithelon peptide cutting edge compound designed to rejuvenate the body that's the only one that's brown Phthalon peptide. Cutting edge compound designed to rejuvenate the body. That's the only one that's brown. Brown? Brown? Find one that says Tran on it. Tran bologna sandwich?
Starting point is 02:09:24 Yeah. What are the new ones, Sarah? What are the new ones Sarah What are the new ones on here GHK looks new The which one GHK God that one looks expensive Powerful copper peptide is your secret to rejuvenated
Starting point is 02:09:40 And radiating skin Remarkable ingredients has taken the beauty world by storm Yeah and radiating skin remarkable ingredients has taken beauty the beauty world by storm buy with google fuck it uh oh this one seven hundred dollars for this one it's a breakthrough diabetes and weight management offering a new approach to help you take control of your health. Innovative medication is designed to transform the way you manage your blood sugar levels. So this is basically a diet drug. You take this and you just stop eating.
Starting point is 02:10:21 Awesome. awesome hey have you noticed you're probably not because you're not in California but how many people are getting skinny so many people are getting skinny around me really? yeah it is a trip isn't it supposed to be the opposite in winter?
Starting point is 02:10:37 yeah but it's because of all of these drugs out there that will help you manage your desire to eat like ozempic yeah i'm gonna get something right now i'm gonna do a um i'm gonna do a impulse buy what is this thing 10 milligram what is this thing? 10 milligram. What is this one? LL three, seven EGCG. This one fortifies your means.
Starting point is 02:11:13 I don't need my immune system fortified. My shit's tight. IGF one. Unlock remarkable benefits, cutting edge compound designed to stimulate muscle growth if I click this buy with gpay is my address going to pop up on the screen?
Starting point is 02:11:46 Probably. No. Yeah, it's definitely going to pop up. I'm going to hit it. Oh, yeah. My address did pop up. And it's the wrong address So it's not your dress
Starting point is 02:12:15 Um, my credit card is expired Good to know I'm gonna just gonna go to oh shit shit I think I put two in the cart fuck it what do I care proceed to checkout okay I'm just gonna do it poolboy says IGF-1 will get your dick rock hard like gas station pills
Starting point is 02:12:39 no shit yeah you should try that one I'm getting it ship to different address no that's the address my card number oh it's updated here oh shit
Starting point is 02:12:56 do you know what my CRV is yeah the three digit code on the back I know but they just changed it so god damn it I'm gonna guess I just saw it for the last first time last night bingo
Starting point is 02:13:15 alright where do you find gas station pills you go to any gas station they're at the checkout guaranteed who goes into a gas station you get fucking robbed in there god if you i i can't believe i i i take peptide sometimes now uh igf1 yeah wow okay I can't believe I take peptides sometimes now. IGF-1, yeah, wow, okay. Do you have to inject it into your penis, or do you just put it anywhere? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:13:56 Here's the thing that's crazy about these peptides. I haven't heard... BPC-157 is great. My husband used it for six months now. I haven't heard of one person who's like, hey, it didn't work. It's fucking nuts it's nuts oh hold on i have to hold on i have to mute myself oh shit what uh hi what hey do you think it's it must be weird working at CrossFit right now. Why? Why? Like, I do a lot of weird shit on this podcast and have fun and get crazy.
Starting point is 02:14:35 But, like, that's the point of the podcast, right? So, like, there's nothing, like, there's nothing where if someone says something, you'd be like, well, he was saying that Asian people come in different kinds. And he was saying that they had slanted eyes and there's ones that come from you'd be like yeah dude like so what like you know what i mean like i'm not lying about anything you know what i mean arabs coming you know it's just it's just funny talk and if someone says to you like you listen to the seven on podcast you know that's crass and i don't like all the swearing all the f-bombs he drops on there like you can mitigate you can mitigate it with um you can stand up for it it's not hard to stand behind even though it might not be some people's cup of tea as they they say, on the Isle of Man.
Starting point is 02:15:25 You can stand behind it. You can be like, well, he's not he's not homophobic. He may even be gay. He's not racist. He's confused and thinks he's actually black. You know what I mean? Like there's some excellent like, yeah, it's a little weird that I spend every morning listening to a guy who's mentally ill and projects it onto the world. But other than that, you know, you can talk your way through it but if you work at crossfit
Starting point is 02:15:48 and you're in a couple of those departments dude like i don't know the morale like what if you found out like when you were in the army that like your boss hated guns despised guns and wanted to get rid of guns it's like that it would be bad for morale right yeah big time what if you found out that the the guy who's in charge of the air force what doesn't want what doesn't want the air force to fly planes anymore that would be pretty hilarious yeah or if you're in the army and you found out the guy wanted uh electric tanks only to help the environment Yeah, right
Starting point is 02:16:26 So when we're blasting bad guys that at least we're economically friendly There's things that if you worked somewhere it would be really hard to It's kind of like i'm guessing working at a bar if you work at a bar eventually you were like wow I'm i'm pouring alcohol for someone who's comes here every day at 6 o'clock and is killing themselves. And has been doing it for five years, and I'm like part of that. What about, I mean, is that, do you consider a bartender who doesn't drink in the same vein? Or is that, is that separate? No, I consider that someone, I don't know, maybe, I mean, who am I to pass judgment on them, actually, because maybe they're doing God's work, right?
Starting point is 02:17:07 Maybe they're there, like they've been sent into the fucking demon den to help people. But, dude, like, you want, hey, if you found out your bishop at your church didn't believe in God. Yeah, okay. Or your pastor or something. They were just taking all the donation money and spending it on themselves. Yeah, that's what it's like working across. It really is. There's a component to that.
Starting point is 02:17:36 If you're an employee at CrossFit right now, you're like, man, what am I doing with my life? It was never like that when I was there. We were curing the world's most vexing problem and taking fucking Instagram photos with Rich Froney. See a peptides update show with Hiller, please, especially since he's back on TRT. Okay, yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 02:18:04 Or, yeah, that is what's weird about living in the United States right now Or Yeah that is what's weird about living in the United States Right now because the guy in charge hates the United States Yeah it's weird Yeah I guess you're right But I guess CrossFit is kind of like the United States There's enough people there who love it Who are still like hanging on.
Starting point is 02:18:25 They give you hope. I have a cool, I have a cool, can I ask you a question? Will you pull up my Instagram real quick? And then I'm going to go. Oh, yeah. Look at this one by Tyson Bajan. Look at this one by tight size and beige look at this if you're if you're walking with your grandmother on the street or like any girl do you make sure
Starting point is 02:19:12 do you have a spot for her what do you mean do i have a spot like uh my mom taught me you can't have the girl can't walk on the street side yeah i'm i started to become conscious of that whenever i got my first dog uh-huh and i would always make sure that i that i heard that right yeah i have been conscious of that um ever since then and then and then one time i was in oakland and i was this is i don't know 10 years ago and i was walking with hayley in oakland and she was on the street side which i hate to admit and this lady walks up to me this black lady walks up to me old old you know what i mean like so old she's not black anymore she's like white and she goes she tells me she goes hey you walk your girl like that people think she's a hooker i was like shit i mean she was old school, right? Is that a good clip? That's a good clip, right?
Starting point is 02:20:06 That's a good clip. Okay, good. Hey, oh, look. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Yay, yay. Yay, yay. Hey, I have confirmation from my peer group, from the guy living in my head, rent free. Hey, that is a weird phenomenon, right? Confirmation from my peer group from the guy living in my head rent-free. Hey That is a weird phenomenon right I wonder what that is that black people get so old they turn white like physically
Starting point is 02:20:37 No, they just like you never you've seen those people like they're just like just old black people Then their skins white like it loses its color like they ran out of juice or something Like they're gonna be dry. You never seen that i don't think so all right anyway uh women are supposed to walk on the they don't have them walk on the outside of the street now you know you think half the listeners knew that already? Probably. I try to abide by that, but my wife just does what she wants. Yo, bitch! She's like, what? She's a strong, independent woman.
Starting point is 02:21:17 Let me look at the manual. Oh, it says right here, unless your wife's a firefighter, then she can walk wherever she wants. That makes sense. That's weird. It's an asterisk, very small. Gotcha. Number 67, some say that my teaching is nonsense. Others call it lofty but impractical.
Starting point is 02:21:39 But to those who have looked inside themselves, this nonsense makes perfect sense. And to those who put it into practice, this loftiness has roots that go deep. I have just three things to teach. Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are the greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate towards yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world. Love you guys. See you tonight with Greg Glassman and Zachary Kadatz. Sounds like a Jew. Bye-bye.

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