The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Tyson Bagent NFL Quarterback #912

Episode Date: May 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 I am, I am. Bam, we're live. Should you be home? Yeah, I had, so I had rookie mini camp last Thursday to Saturday. And then I came home for a week. And then on Sunday, I go for a month and then come back for a month. And then I go up to start the season. God, Tyson Bajan, hi.
Starting point is 00:01:23 What's going on? Hey, your junior year in high school, you started varsity as quarterback? My sophomore, junior, and senior year. And what was your junior year like? At the end of the year, did you guys have a good junior year? Yeah, we won the state championship. Oh, crazy. Okay. And good? you were good
Starting point is 00:01:47 you were healthy finished junior year strong lots of the lots of accolades better than your sophomore year lots of touchdown passes lots of good running lots of good good times yeah i got better from my sophomore and my junior year i would say i just i probably got a little i was a little chubby my junior year and then um are you just saying that because you have a your body's immaculate now i can't imagine that are you just saying that because you're not critical right now right now i'm 215 and my junior year when i was only 16 i was like 223 okay okay yeah and then and then your senior year how how are you your senior year in in high school my senior year i got down to 205 and then i did really well and
Starting point is 00:02:26 we won the state championship again okay so high school you win the state championship your junior and senior year yes and um our high school do high schools have divisions also uh they have classes based on um based on the number of students so we we, it goes, in West Virginia, it goes up to AAA, and we were AAA. And that's the highest? Yes. Okay. And instead, but from there, you don't go to some,
Starting point is 00:02:54 I don't know, I don't know any of the big high school, or sorry, college football teams, but I just, the only one I know is Clemson. So is that, that's a big high school, or a college football program, right? You don't go anywhere like that? No. You go to a smaller school.
Starting point is 00:03:09 That's a division two school called a Shepherdstown university, Shepherd university, Shepherd university. And, and then do you start your freshman year there? Yes. Crazy. Is that unheard of? Uh, yes. Yes. It was, it was kind of, it was, it was like a perfect storm, though, because they they had a really good quarterback the year prior. But he was a senior and he graduated and they had nothing set in stone at the quarterback position when I got there. So I was able to do good enough in summer camp that they felt comfortable enough throwing me out there. felt comfortable enough uh throwing me out there uh um sean i will ask him this question uh in 2037 when he retires uh from the nfl until then i will just put that one on hold for 15 or 20 years okay and um so and then your your junior year at college, you win 13 games in a row,
Starting point is 00:04:06 and your senior year, same thing, two basically perfect seasons, right? Yes. Junior and senior year. Yes. And your junior year, you win the Harlan Hill Award, which is the Heisman for the Division II guys. Yes. So these are like picture perfect.
Starting point is 00:04:22 This is like – this is as good as it can get in high school and as good as it can get in college. Yeah, I feel like I have thought about it. I feel like I have done the absolute best that I could do everywhere I've been, thankfully. I'm going to stop the interview here and go somewhere else. Sorry. So the journey's never done for great people. If you want to do great shit,
Starting point is 00:04:47 you never get there. Correct. Everything is transitory to the next. You win the super bowl. It's it's it's you're not, you're not there. Nope. It's crazy. It's this is not okay. Okay. Back to the story. Okay. So, so then you finish college. You have two fantastic years, including – I was fortunate enough to see those final plays in two or three games in a row
Starting point is 00:05:18 where you're throwing touchdowns in the last few seconds of the game. You have some incredible story storybook finishes crowds going crazy and then from there most i'm guessing 99 of people when they finish college football their career is over there's nowhere else for them to play right they get like a job like somewhere like selling mobile homes or becoming the ceo of mcdon's or something, becoming a lawyer or something. Yes. Okay. But you attempt to continue to pursue, to play the game. And, um, that involves something called the draft. What other, what other options are there besides the NFL?
Starting point is 00:06:00 They have a couple, they have a couple leagues now, right under the NFL, the USFL League and the XFL League. They also have arena teams, which is like indoor football on a smaller field. I wouldn't necessarily be interested in that. But the XFL, USFL gig, it's kind of like a league where if you're in the NFL and then you get kicked off a team, they can pick you up. And it's still a like a league where if you're in the NFL and then you get kicked off the team, they can pick you up and it's still a pretty good gig. Or if you're, if you didn't get drafted or picked up by a team, but you're still pretty good, then you can also go in that league as well. And then if you do really good in that league, you can get a chance to make it back to the top.
Starting point is 00:06:41 What's more likely to make it from one of these other leagues into the nfl or to make it from division two oh definitely from one of those leagues okay okay okay that's better than i thought okay because going from division two to the nfl is is it's probably like it's probably like hitting a lottery like three times in your life right that's what i would compare it to but but when but in the other two or three interviews chances i've had to sit down and talk with you you've never wavered for some reason you think that you you you belong there you i've never sensed any doubt in your mind like that you're trying something crazy you're always just like yeah i'm gonna i'm going yeah i feel i feel like
Starting point is 00:07:23 there i feel like i'm a bit of an anomaly just because I was under I was just under recruited in high school, but I still had the same size and I was able to just grow into my size throughout college with the same like drive and work ethic, I guess. So I was able to continue to rapidly get better in college, while a lot of people tend to maybe have already reached their max potential just because of, you know, when they hit puberty or if they still like it once they get to college. Because once you're on your own and you got to go to school and do football and try to separate yourself from everybody else, it can be a little bit overwhelming.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So, and people, I mean, once people get a little bit older, they start to like other things. and people, I mean, once people get a little bit older, they start to like other things. You know, luckily for me, I always had the same plan going forward, which was why, and I had the size to do so, which was a perfect match. And I was at a perfect school that threw the ball a shit ton. And I was at a school that needed a quarterback as soon as I got there, so I was able to have a lot of film and tape for a lot of years.
Starting point is 00:08:25 So just everything had to play perfectly into place, you know, for me to even be here right now. And the three things, it's funny that you pick all those things. It's pretty humble of you, because here's the three things that I would say about you from talking to you. Possibly you were a late bloomer. Your discipline and commitment to the sport is second to none and you were surrounded by uh a group of people who loved you like coaches family friends with no hyperbole it's that's just the way it was you the the only fortunate things that the fortunate things that happened to my mind is that you're surrounded by an incredible family but the other two and and and i guess late bloomers take it or leave it, but then your commitment and discipline.
Starting point is 00:09:09 As long as I've known your family, you've been unwavering in your pursuit. Yes, I would say that was exactly it, just being surrounded by the perfect people, being in a perfect situation, and then being a late bloomer, but even before I had necessarily... Did you hit puberty late when you say late bloomer you yeah like all the other boys had hair under their arms and you were you were like what the fuck everybody had everybody had that before i did and i feel like i mean i don't
Starting point is 00:09:33 know exactly i haven't necessarily looked into it but i feel like you get like two sets of you get like two waves of of puberty like you get that puberty it turns you into from like a man to like a teenage strong kid and then okay you mean like sorry from a boy to like a teenage strong kid yeah like like you get like once you get when you first get hair under your arms i wouldn't necessarily say that you're a man yet you still go from that stage to then hitting another wave and then i feel like that's where they get the term like grown man strength yeah like you just have that so i feel like i was in that i was in that secondary level like from a from a little child to like a strong teenage boy but even when i was that and everybody else was like a grown man i was still fitting in athletically which is why once the second wave came, I feel like now I just, uh, exceed, you know, all expectations and it, and it just become a lot easier for me.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Okay. So maybe you didn't have some of the biological, um, uh, advantages that other people had, but even with the, the lit being a late bloomer, you were still hanging with these dudes and, and, uh, playing at the top. You're better than a lot of them. Okay. Yeah. That's cool. Hey, were you ever awkward? Did you ever look, did you ever go through a phase phase at 13, 14, 15, where you look like a giraffe that was like, you know, like when a draft picks its head up, when it's drinking or a cow is just born, it's like just all goofy. Were you ever like that? Um, I feel like I just, I just had like a, a little bit of a, a, a chunky stage. I wasn't ever necessarily, um, awkward awkwardly built but i just had
Starting point is 00:11:07 you know i just still had baby fit baby fat um around that age that kind of lingered for maybe one or two years because six threes like little guys don't usually get goofy like that but you see those kids that kid who goes from being four feet tall to five foot five when he's 12 years old and all of a sudden he is just goofy were you ever real skinny like because you're tall uh over six three were you ever like one of those kids that just shot up and was like a stick i was not i was always pretty proportional um throughout uh steven flores congrats tyson i've been telling co-workers and friends to be on the lookout for you excited to see what god has in store for you brother nice okay tom don't get ahead of
Starting point is 00:11:51 yourself here hold on tyson are you at risk of being let go after training camp or do you have a solid place on the roster hold on don't answer that yet we're to tom uh tom slow down buddy first date first date let's build this up a little bit. Let's earn that question. Okay. But thank you, Tom. I'll take your money happily. So then you finish college and you know because of people who are talking to you that the NFL is looking at you, that it's a possibility, right? You told us that scouts from every single team came to Shepherdstown, all 32 teams in the national football league. Yes. And letters come and people call you and Dan Marino eats dinner at your house. Yes. Yeah. That's awesome. And, and agents aren't going to waste their time with you either because they have to make, they only make money if they sign people and agents are
Starting point is 00:12:43 interested in you. Yes, exactly. So, yeah so yeah so the the fact that i was being pursued by agents um well based on just what i had done on the field the feedback that my head coach was getting and then on top of that being pursued by so many agents before my senior season um was a was a telltale sign that this was a pretty realistic thing. Because agents aren't going to go, they're not going to pursue somebody who they don't think can make them any money. There's this, I'm going to jump ahead here a second. There's this constant cliche line that everyone keeps using about you.
Starting point is 00:13:24 It's been probably used on every, every division two player ever. It's kind of pathetic that no one's come up with something new, but it's basically like, Hey, he's amazing. He might be the best guy ever to do it in division two, but the speed, they always talk about the speed thing and the NFL is different and that's going to be his test. How are you going to, you're so supremely confident in yourself and yet you seem humble at the same time. How do those two exist? And do you have to use that humility to grow? Like on one hand, you believe in yourself that you're totally capable and you're already
Starting point is 00:13:57 there. But on the other hand, you have to be like aware, like, okay, if what they're saying is true, what am I going to do to fix it? Exactly. I feel like I think about that quite, quite often. Um, because I do, I, I, there's like a lot of peace in the preparation I feel like. So when I'm not prepared, I'm not at peace at all. I can't, I can barely function in anything if I'm not, you know, prepared in some sense with, with what, uh, with what's some sense with what's at hand. So I know that I get a lot of confidence and peace through my preparation, but also I understand also that the NFL is a cutthroat business, that the average lifespan in the NFL is two years, like the average career is only two years long.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So I know that there's also a lot of luck involved. And when you're at the top, everything's going well. It's obviously a lot to do with your preparation, but also just realizing that you're at the top right now, but the switch could flip in a day, in an hour, in a minute. So being able to just understand that, appreciate the moment, but also understand that this could take a turn at any moment, as well as when you're down bad, when you're down bad and it's not going well,
Starting point is 00:15:15 understanding to not be super upset and, you know, get down on yourself just because, you know, the switch could flip in an instant. You know, things could start flowing again, the luck could go in your favor, and all those things. So just trying to keep the same personality and the same kind of emotions through and through, I think has been has been huge for me, but also understanding that I am prepared. So I am, you know, very confident in my abilities when I'm out there. That's a crazy line. If I'm not prepared, prepared i'm not at peace i never heard that before yeah there's a lot of a lot of peace in in preparation yeah it's it um that's what it's like um uh at night before i go to bed if i'm
Starting point is 00:15:59 gonna have a guest on if i'm not prepared i'm not at peace i have to i have to be prepared it's almost like if i have to get up at a ridiculously early hour and I don't lay out like an outfit. And if I have to get up and go immediately in the morning, I don't have my outfit laid out. That would just cause a lot of stress when I wake up, I feel like. So little things like that. And then I feel like you can kind of put that with anything in life. Yeah. Crazy. That's a cool line. So then, so now you're, you're done with, you're done with college. You have an amazing college career.
Starting point is 00:16:35 You have agents beckoning at your call. You have football teams at your call and this, this thing happens. That's the senior bowl, which is sort of the last chance for all the teams to look at you and you go there with i think from what i read 106 other um guys show up who are like the best football players um in the country more or less minus maybe a handful of guys how was that it was it was very crazy It was obviously a huge opportunity and looking back on it, very glad that I did it just because of the mindset it gave me kind of going
Starting point is 00:17:11 forward and what to expect. It was very like, it was very hands-on, got to meet a lot of people, got to see Dan Marino, like you said, got to meet with a lot of NFL teams. And then also with all those questions about the speed, just from where i'm coming from i was able to play with the best of the best so it was a huge opportunity for people to get eyes on me playing with that speed that they had been talking about all these years and what did you notice did you notice anything weird like did it go from did you notice anything different no i
Starting point is 00:17:39 didn't notice anything different with the speed the only difference was the fact that the the big the big boys the offense and defensive linemen were just a little bit bigger and by a little bit I mean a lot they were a lot bigger right and meaning so that that's actually that's another thing I don't know if your dad or someone explained that to me or when you were on the show but yeah so that basically looking over the guys was different when you threw downfield? Yeah, it wasn't even necessarily that. It's just the fact that, like, I had no problem seeing everything and doing, you know, kind of what I've been doing throughout my college career. But it was just cool.
Starting point is 00:18:15 It was just a little bit cooler to look at these dudes. Right, okay, okay. Like the difference between a giant sunflower and just a medium one. Like you drive by and you're a little kid and you plant a sunflower and it's 10 feet tall. It's like looking at a regular tree in like Sheppartown and then looking at like one of those like redwood oak trees. Yeah. And do those guys move just as good as the smaller guys? Oh, I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Yeah, I would say they're equal to better, which is why they have the intangibles and they're able to move the way they do. You kind of have to be like an alien in that sense to be able to make it to the senior bowl at one of those positions. It's kind of like an NBA player. Like an NBA player doesn't look like a – you kind of look at them like they're not human because you're like, wow, this dude is like seven foot tall. You kind of feel sorry for him in that sense of like like the things you can do day to day is limited with the way that you're
Starting point is 00:19:10 built like that's crazy to look at and but instead of instead of it hindering you you admired it you were happy to be it sounds like you're happy to be out there with those giant guys you enjoy it you admired it you had fun with it you you respected it. Yes, 100%. And you had also talked about wanting, you felt like you could play even better with better people around you. Have you sensed some of that coming out of you already? Yes, I've noticed that I have to spend less time worrying about if other people are prepared and good enough, as I did at Shepherd, just not because people were terrible or anything, but just because of the lack of resources, you can't necessarily – and just the limited amount of money that you give to each individual player. Sometimes you question, like, if this dude's getting $500 a semester
Starting point is 00:19:59 that's barely being able to pay his books, how much does he really care about this whole football thing? But you don't have to worry about that at the senior the senior bowl and at rookie mini camp and things like that just because you know that these guys have made it to the same level that you are so you don't have to question or waiver um their preparation or ability so i've been able to just solely focus on what my job is and making making the best out of every opportunity that i get that i have been able to it's been able to complement my game having dudes that are just as capable all around me hey for for someone like me who doesn't understand the game when they say move faster timing stuff
Starting point is 00:20:38 do they mean like maybe you're you would have to change uh sort of your perception on passing because a guy might be a little bit faster or you might have to throw different arches in the ball because dudes might be able to jump up quicker and swat your stuff down. Is there anything like you could explain to the layman? It's a little bit of that, but I think more so than anything, it's a job now. So people, instead of you going to class and studying and then going
Starting point is 00:21:06 to play football, you're studying football and then going to practice. So the timing has to be so on point just because it's not that the fact that everybody is necessarily faster because, you know, human beings tend to get slower as they get older. But it's the simple fact that everybody knows exactly where they're supposed to be and knows exactly what their job is so it makes it a little bit harder than when you're playing a division two guy or even a d1 guy that you know had to go to class all week and then it's just playing football because he loves it you got a guy that now he doesn't this dude doesn't even love football anymore it's just job. So he knows exactly where he needs to be because he's trying to make, provide a living for his family, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And if he can just know where to be at all times and do his job, his family will always have food on the plate. So like in that sense, just the timing has to be just impeccable more so than it needed to be at the college level. So there's a precision it's all been, all been – there's a precision to it. You're not playing the piano for your family and a couple keys could be out of tune.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Everything's perfect. Yes. If you bump a key, the whole stadium is going to know you played the wrong note. Yes. Yeah, crazy. Okay, and then so your senior bowl goes good. Yes. And you're happy with that?
Starting point is 00:22:24 Mm-hmm. And you have the most completions of all the quarterbacks on your team or both teams? I think it was like the most completions ever in the game. Awesome. Okay. And you threw an interception there. Is that a bad thing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Yeah. At the end of the game, I made a nice play. And then as soon as I went to – I don't know. It was just a weird – I made a weird throw. It was just off a little bit. And like I said before, these dudes are a lot faster and smarter, so they'll highlight any mistake that you make. But it was very close to being the play of the game.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Very, very, very close to being the play of the game, but just underthrew it a little bit. Wow. And how do you recoup from that? Do you just start tripping immediately and start reeling? I actually, it was at the end of the game. We were down, and I had done so well up until that point. And I was about to, I hadn't seen my family in like a month and a half
Starting point is 00:23:26 and I was going to be able to see them after the game and that was like one of the last plays of the game. So I really, I wasn't, I wasn't stressing about it at all. I really didn't even necessarily care. Obviously it would have been nice to have ended it on a high note, but it didn't, it wasn't like a low note for me by any means and when you say it was good it was close to being the play of the game meaning if you would have thrown it a little differently yeah meaning like that play i i caught that i caught the snap the defense was rushing me
Starting point is 00:23:55 i made a couple good moves uh ran out of the pocket and it was kind of like you remember that video uh that you showed when we were at shepherd stadium, when I was rolling out to the right and I threw it, it was like a shorter version of that, but I under threw it just a tiny bit and it ended up being an interception and set up a touchdown. Oh, okay. So it was in the end zone. It was close to the end zone. It was right before the end zone. Gotcha. And do the guys say anything to you?
Starting point is 00:24:23 No, everybody. I mean, especially with like, like if it would have been a real regular season game for a real team that I was a part of, you know, that conversation definitely, you know, would happen. I probably beat myself up about it a little bit more. But because it was just an all-star game, the senior bowl week is like hell week, basically,
Starting point is 00:24:42 because you're learning an NFL offense for the first time. You know, you're juggling all these things and then on top of that you know you've got to go to parades for the city you've got to meet with NFL teams for four hours at the end of every day and you're getting five hours of sleep so I think more than anything I was just I was happy that it was over with excited that I had done well and just relieved that I could just enjoy it now and be able to see my family. Um, are you enjoying the process? Yeah, I definitely, I think it was looking back on it, a lot of newness and anxieties because of that newness. But I think that everything that's happened has been nothing short of amazing. And I am still having those same feelings of just nervousness and excitement for what's to come. And then after the Senior Bowl comes the National Football League Combine,
Starting point is 00:25:40 which is sort of like a place where everyone comes and they basically poke you and prod you and test you. before i you answered that uh we talked about that i want to read a comment here a judy reed how is tyson bajan able to maintain his values with his walk with the lord in college uh whatever he answers i'm going to clip it and save it and show it to my son are you you and she maybe she knows something i don don't know, but you are a religious guy. You're a man of faith. You're a Christian, Tyson. I am. Yeah, I am. My family used to go to a church in Shepherdstown, Episcopalian Church. I grew up in the church, and then me and my mom started going to a newer style church where the pastor was saying things that we that we could understand and that were that that correlated with our everyday life.
Starting point is 00:26:33 So we started going there, I think, in 2016. And it was actually it was in Shepherdstown at the time. They moved to a bigger building in Martinsburg because they were having to do so many services because of the amount of people. But it was actually a two minute drive. So just because it was something I feel like me and my mom connected, connected with, as well as just, I mean, really something that that makes me feel that makes makes me feel you know really good about what what I'm doing and who I am um it was easy to kind of to to stick with it and I don't know it was just something that I could do on my own that that I could make my own and I could have my own relationship and then I could also connect with my mom while doing so just because college you get a little bit busier and all that stuff so it was pretty easy for me but I was also in a super
Starting point is 00:27:29 lucky situation with a with a with a newer style pastor that was saying things in a way that I that I could that I could understand that I felt comfortable enough to to ask questions and to to text with and and call when I when need be So I was lucky, but I think it definitely helped. It definitely helped me mentally along the way. So kind of like connect with your mom, which I'll say is like one of the most earthly, and I say this with positivity, no negativity. For us humans who have good relationships with our parents, being connected with your mom is one of the greatest things ever, having a good relationship with your mom.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So you maintain that using the church as the tool and then also connect to a higher power, which you believe in, you have faith in. Yes. And then from there, you had a pastor. Do you know what any of your values are? And from there, you had a pastor. Do you know what any of your values are? I'm 51, and it seems like only in the last couple years, maybe last year, that I've started being like, wow, values are important because no one can take them from me. Yes. Yeah, I don't have a list.
Starting point is 00:28:37 But something, when I think about my values, I think about the things that I care about that will make me a better person uh health and wellness i have a big like i value my health and wellness i value my my relationships and and watering those relationships and being present in those relationships um i value Um, I value, um, not lying, cheating, stealing, um, telling the truth, which is, I feel like these are all things that are, that are, that are hard, that are hard to, to stay consistent with 24, seven, 365 days a year. It's hard to tell the truth all the time, especially when you're around a lot of people nowadays that will tell, you know, little that will tell little lies almost every day. And it's easy to get caught up into just hopping on board with that.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And honestly, it makes life pretty easier in the moment when you can just tell a lie and then move on to the next daily activity of your day. But being able to stand up and tell the truth and then whatever happens, so be it, as long as you're telling the truth. I feel like it makes for a much simpler life, but sometimes people can't stand a simpler life. They want to spice it up and lie and do all the things. The other day, so I bought a magic coin for my son, Avi. It's a coin that you bite off, and then the top's missing, and then you go, and it becomes a whole coin again.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Okay. And my other son, Joseph, was like, hey, I want one of those. I was like, okay, cool. And it was only seven bucks. I'm like, I'll order him another one. And pardon me, I didn't want to order it to him because I wanted it to be my oldest son's own thing. Yeah. But anyway, so then he said, hey, did you order it for me?
Starting point is 00:30:27 I'm like, uh-huh. And I hadn't ordered it. So I lied to him. Yeah. And it just started eating away at me. Yeah. And I justified it as like, hey, I'm going to tell him I didn't order it for him. I'm going to tell him I ordered it for him.
Starting point is 00:30:39 He'll forget about it by tomorrow. And then we're good to go. And then so the next day, he's like, hey, did it come? And I said, oh, no, it then so the next day he's like hey did it come and i said oh no it's coming the next day and then finally i just stopped i said hey dude because what i'm like i didn't know i was like fuck this why am i lying to him you know what i mean it's all those little white lies yeah it's because it's it's comfort in the moment but it's yeah it's a road to disaster and that is even those little ones you can only realize that once you've once you've lied like something about something dumb like that which i have done a million times and
Starting point is 00:31:11 thankfully i you know i mean i'm still like you're talking to your girlfriend and she's like hey you're like hey i gotta go i gotta eat dinner but really you're going outside to play catch just tell her hey yo i'm going outside to play catch exactly yeah exactly like hey my mom's calling me yeah are you back my mom's calling me yeah um anyway so i told him and he goes i hate you i'm like hey dude that hurts i'm like i don't get hurt too easy that hurts could you like you know rework that and he came over and hugged me i'm like hey just so you know i i you're and i explained to him you're only hurting yourself if you say you hate me. And he got it. I'm like, doesn't feel good, right?
Starting point is 00:31:48 He goes, nah. And I pulled out my phone and I ordered him one right there. That's awesome. But yeah. Okay. So then the Senior Bowl is done. And did you already know while you were playing the Senior Bowl that you would go to the NFL Combine?
Starting point is 00:32:05 All that stuff's laid out? Yes, I got an email invite to the NFL Combine before I had even left to go train in Florida. So I got it right before New Year's. Okay. And so you go to that thing. Is the NFL Combine real or is it just a formality? Is it just like, hey, does everyone already know what they're going to do, what guys they're going to pick, and it's just a formality?
Starting point is 00:32:32 And it's just kind of like a – I don't want to say a marketing thing, but kind of like letting the dogs kind of walk around and draw attention and build hype? I think there's a little bit of that. I think that teams have an idea of who who they like and whose film they like and who they would want on their team i just feel like the combine kind of maybe puts the chairing on top like the whole sunday is already created but then the combine is like just clear just checks off the box like okay yes this guy did this we already liked what he did at school and and on film and yeah
Starting point is 00:33:07 this is a guy that we like or you got a guy that you like and he goes there and you realize he's way slower or or doesn't necessarily catch very well or throw very well then you're like then you're like okay perfect that clarifies now we're to go with this dude. And then there's a, there's a point where you sit in a room with a guy from every team, right? So it's you in like 10 or 20 or 30 dudes and they just fire questions at you. Well, you get, um, they, they put you in a big open room with a lot of chairs and you all just sit down and lounge around and wait and teams will just come up and say, Hey, my name's so-and-so I'm with the Chicago bears. Come over here. We're going to do this quick little meeting.
Starting point is 00:33:52 And it's like 15, 15 minute meeting. They want to learn about you. They want to see where your IQ is at football wise. And then they shake your hand and then you go sit down again and you wait for another team to come sometimes sometimes no teams might come but but i yeah so i think like at the scene that hurts that's like when you're they're like uh you go to a press conference and no reporters ask you questions yes exactly it's almost like it's almost like a high speed high speed dating um gig where they just they come grab you you meet for 15 minutes and then you go sit back down and
Starting point is 00:34:26 then if another team is interested in interviewing you they'll come grab you and you keep doing the same thing or you won't get any or you might get every um did anyone ask you any just like off the wall questions like you didn't expect like hey tyson do you own a handgun or uh hey tyson um did you ever go to juvenile hall or Or, hey, Tyson, have you ever raised your hand to your mom? Like any shit where you're just like, whoa. There were a lot of the – just a lot of questions like that, but just in a broader sense. I thought it was weird. Like what?
Starting point is 00:34:57 Do you ever have any problems with the law, like something that big? Yeah, they ask that, and they just ask if your parents are together. Those were the two things. Oh, they do ask that? They do, yeah, which I thought were the two. Oh, they do ask that. They do. Yeah. Which I thought was weird. I understand why they do.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I just thought it, I just think it's weird because it would just suck. I heard that's the only reason why your mom stays with your dad. Cause they knew they were going to ask that question. They asked the, yeah, that's what I would say. Whenever they asked about like what my GPA was, I would say, I would tell them what it was. And then I would say, yeah, well, I didn't get that because I like school I got that because I knew I'd have to tell you that oh interesting you did say that yes yeah that's cool um fascinating that's a fascinating question you know that
Starting point is 00:35:36 that's a crazy strong correlate having both parents at home to like like do crazy shit like cancer or going to jail or how much money you make it's like the strongest correlate for everything it's nuts yes yeah which is why i understood which is why i understood why they were asking i was just like man i can't imagine if i had if like my parents had a shaky relationship that i was kind of upset about if they asked me that question that would probably. No, my dad's a piece of shit. They're like, all right. Yeah. Crazy. And then on the other hand, I guess they have to be also sensitive to stuff because, um, there is value on having, and I hopefully we'll get to this. There is value having someone like you on the
Starting point is 00:36:23 team who has a chip on their shoulder. And that's kind of where my question is getting to like like you've done everything right and yet you still you're having the tough dose of reality that the journey's never over right you've done everything right yes yes like what is going i know like my dad was talking about it you even have the success. You've done everything right, and you've had all the success. Yeah, my dad was talking about it. He was like, man, like, Shepard will never, ever in the history of their school have somebody drafted. Like, never.
Starting point is 00:36:57 It will never happen. Because, like, you think about it, like, my standpoint, like, I went and was successful all four years in college and then it's like all right you did it but you're at a smaller school where nobody's big and fast and then I go to the senior bowl and I mix right in and I do very well in the game 17 for 22 140 yards passing and in one quarter. And then it's like, okay. And learned in NFL offense and got a 96% on the cognitive test that they have out for quarterbacks. That's what makes me think it's all just a formality.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Exactly, exactly, which is just an annoying pill to swallow. I understand it. Right. And I know that if I was at one of those big schools and they call somebody's name that played the same position as me and they said Shepherd university, I would be a little bit besides my, beside myself. And I understand that it is a risk. There is a risk factor in being the one to also make that decision. It's just, it's just kind decision. It's just kind of annoying.
Starting point is 00:38:07 And then I threw for 17,000 yards, more touchdowns than anybody ever in history. I go to the NFL combine, and there's questions about my athleticism. I jumped 36 inches in the air, run a 4'7", laser 40, throw the piss out of the ball at the combine in front of at the with the with the highest stakes with just 35 cameras i know it's nationally televised i know my neighbors in shepherdstown and martinsburg are watching i know there's people
Starting point is 00:38:38 in different countries watching i know the whole nfl is watching do. Do my thing right next to the best of the best. And then it's like still. You've got your goofy dad in the audience distracting you. Yeah, I know. All the crazy shit. And then to still not get drafted, but to sign. And then at rookie minicamp, it was very cool because at least I was so just focused on learning the plays and everything I don't even know where anybody I don't know where any of
Starting point is 00:39:12 those guys that I met were from I don't know I don't know where any of them are from and I doubt that they know where I'm from which is which is awesome and the coaches the coaches you know don't care like anymore once you're in the building you know everybody's just you know, don't care like anymore. Once you're in the building, you know, everybody's just, you know, you're on that team now. You're not where you're from, you know, at the combine, it's like, Oh, I'm the guy from shepherd. Are all those dudes drafted those dudes that you're on the mini in the mini camp with the majority of them. The mini camp is filled with all the players. They drafted all the guys.
Starting point is 00:39:39 They signed as free agents and all, and all the guys that they have just trying out. Oh, there's dudes who just like, Oh, excuse me. Is this the Chicago bears are like, yeah, like, okay all the guys that they have just trying out. Oh, there's dudes who just like, uh, excuse me, is this the Chicago bears? They're like,
Starting point is 00:39:48 yeah, like, okay, I'm here to try out for the team. Yeah. Or no, they say, Hey,
Starting point is 00:39:52 um, we want you to come trial for the team. And then they're like, okay, I'll come trial for the team. Wow. Yeah. Hey.
Starting point is 00:40:00 And I'm guessing some of those guys are there. No, they know we'll never make the team, but they just need warm bodies. They're also just like punching dummies. Exactly. Oh, man. And then if they if they surprise you, if they surprise you, then it's just a plus. Then you get somebody for really cheap. That's really good. So then you go to the combine and you do all that and you have an amazing time. By the way, I appreciate you painting that whole picture. I know that's not your style and I really – that was just brilliant what you said. That sums it all.
Starting point is 00:40:34 We could cut the first 38 minutes of this interview out. Hey, it's like that when I watch the interviewers too. The lack of precision and intellectual integrity that the best interviewers in the world have makes me sick. And by best, I mean the highest paid ones. Like if I watch a clip of some guy on CNN or Fox or something interviewing someone, I'm like, fuck, these guys are lazy. It's like there's no pursuit of the truth. Okay, so – but these guys you are working with are in pursuit of the truth right like the chicago the guys on the chicago bears want to pick the best guys because at the end of the day it means winning the game and everyone they're singularly
Starting point is 00:41:16 focused on winning the game and getting the and i guess getting the money too right right yes yes so so that's good right yeah coach yeah coach is. Yeah. Coach is just I mean, I was I was signed. I signed with the Bears before the draft was even over. They came to me and they told me they were like, you know, it was between me and a couple other guys with their last draft picks. And the offensive coordinator called me and he said they they needed to draft players in these certain positions, but it didn't deter the fact that I was the quarterback that they wanted from this draft class and they wanted to get a deal done as soon as they could, which felt good. I mean, they were the most aggressive in pursuing me the whole time. Even before the draft, they sent you like a hat and a jersey and stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah. Yes. Yes. So it was cool to feel wanted by an NFL team in that way. And then, yeah, we got a deal done, and it's all exciting. How many quarterbacks did they draft or sign? Me, and then they tried out a quarterback from Florida Atlantic University who they did sign a couple of days ago. OK, so does that freak you out?
Starting point is 00:42:32 No, it's a little bit different in the NFL. And once again, as long as I'm I have really nothing to freak out about. I feel like I've already like like completely just hit the lottery and won. I'm not really worried about what what's next. I just going to stay as prepared as possible. So as long as I do that, I can have no, no worry or, or stress to kind of what's next. And if it works, if it works out, which I think it will, then it's going to be great.
Starting point is 00:43:04 And if it doesn't work out my life is so freaking sweet that like, it's also perfectly fine. And I understand, uh, Tyson, are you at risk of being let go? This is the question from Tom, um, after a training camp, or do you have a solid place on the roster? I don't, I don't much sure I even understand the question. All right, so they bring all of these people in for rookie minicamp, right? Okay. And we had two practices. After the second practice, they immediately cut who they were going to cut. If you didn't make the team, you didn't leave the field without knowing.
Starting point is 00:43:38 So they cut it down. Now the team is filled with 90 players. There will be two more series of cuts till they get to the 53 man roster so i i mean everybody in the nfl is at risk for being cut every single day so um so no nobody nobody except for obviously the high name guys that you, the household names that you hear of every day have a solidified roster spot on the team. It's constant, constant work and fighting and clawing to make that 53 man,
Starting point is 00:44:14 or to at least make the practice squad, which is just, you're a player that just practices that doesn't dress for the games. They still pay you. You're still part of the team, but you're just, you just, that doesn't dress for the games. They still pay you. You're still part of the team. But you're just – they want to develop you for a little bit longer so that you can, in a few years, contribute to the team. So you're signed, but even if you don't make the team, you're signed.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Even if I don't make the team, I signed, and they are committed to giving me a certain amount of money because i signed so they but is it over a duration too like i'm not worried so much about the money but is it are you signed for like a year or two years or um it's a it's a three year it's a three year deal if all goes if if i'm if am who I say I am, it is a no year deal. As soon as they are like, we don't think he's good enough to play on this team. Then they would just, they would stop.
Starting point is 00:45:13 They would owe me the money that they owe me, but I wouldn't be on the team anymore. I mean, there were guys in my shoes, in my, in exactly my situation that right after rookie minicamp, they're like, yeah, they just released me. Crazy. So you're a Chicago Bear for two days. Sorry, one second.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Hello, yes. Department of Therapy Certifications, yes. I just found a really shitty therapist. His name is Hiller's Therapist, and he said – I'm interviewing Tyson Bajent, and he said that I seem uninterested, which is the furthest thing that anyone could have possibly said. Please revoke that therapist's license. Okay. Oh, you're going to go there right now? Okay, I'll wait. Maybe I can hear a knock at the door. Knock at the door. Oh, okay, good. Get him. Thank you. Asshole.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I seem uninterested? You fucking out of your mind? Hiller. Hiller's the guy that posts the funny videos, right? Yeah, this is Hiller's therapist. This isn't Hiller. This is Hiller's therapist. He's horrible. Did you just fix Hiller's lazy eye you don't worry about me
Starting point is 00:46:25 if i seem interested or not you douche nozzle um okay so so and so you go to this mini camp and there's 90 dudes left right now after the after the first week of mini camp yes and and then it's so uh 47 more no sorry let me uh 37 more guys guys will get, it doesn't mean they get booted, but they won't be wearing, they won't be on. Most of them will get booted. I think they keep, I don't know how many, I think it's in the teens that they keep to the practice squad.
Starting point is 00:46:56 And what's the protocol here? Now I'm trying to act extra interested. What's the protocol here for you, like, is it, the etiquette, what's the etiquette of talking about this? Is it OK that you're sharing this? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I mean, it doesn't seem like it would be weird to me, but. No, I haven't been I haven't been let known of anything that I'm not allowed to say. Stephen Flores, Seve needs to do his homework this season when football starts up again. I know. Maybe have Travis clue him in on talking through games to get some perspective shut it listen i'm i'm i can't believe it with my tight budget i'm actually going to subscribe to the nfl network so i can so i can see what the hell's going on so we can have tyson on weekly and just talk about like football stuff did the guy really step out of bounds no i don't i'll just say i'll just send you all the video okay good so so now you're you did a week of minicamp and is that cool
Starting point is 00:47:53 week seems too short what's the point of that why it was only a weekend it was only a weekend it was okay why so short so uh so they bring you in they give you a shit ton of information, and they just want to see how you operate. And if you, they want to see where the green, if there's green flags, red flags, you know, they just want to put you in a horrible situation and see how you're going to react. It's kind of like, it's an acclimation period. So you kind of can get your feet wet before you're introduced to the whole team um but more so expect well from my position specifically they want to see if i can handle the information given to me if i can still have a smooth operation with being able to say the play in the huddle and then be able to run the play efficiently um all the things that they just want to see me do that uh that an an NFL quarterback will be asked to do.
Starting point is 00:48:47 And is this a picture from that? Yes. Who took this? I don't know. I don't know. I got it sent to me. It's pretty sweet. So someone who works there for the Chicago Bears organization sent this to you? My agent sent it to me from the internet. But it's like there's so many cameras everywhere so many just things going on that are so different from where i came from
Starting point is 00:49:09 um that i i'd imagine there's probably a million pictures out there eventually i love this post it just uh screams how excited you are um you're pumped you're ecstatic yeah i am i feel like i'm part of like the 0.01 percent of people that get to make it to the national football league um and and kind of no matter what and no matter how this goes i get to tell you know my kids my kids kids that you know i at least get to mention that i played for the Chicago bears, which is, which is pretty, pretty crazy in my opinion, just especially where I come from the path that I use to, to make it is pretty surreal and something I think about quite often.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I was left in a situation one time with your dad that was absolutely nuts. Did you ever hear about the time we were left alone on this highway that connects Nairobi, Kenya to Mombasa out in the middle of nowhere? You ever heard that story? Maybe, but I'm not completely sure. I'll tell it on a different show. But it was crazy. Absolutely crazy. it on a different show but it was it was crazy absolutely crazy just imagine me and your dad in the middle of fucking africa on one of the scariest highways you could ever imagine all
Starting point is 00:50:32 sorts of crazy shit happens on this highway crazy shit and we have no we have no we have no way of getting back we don't we don't know anything or basically it takes us three hours to get back from there and me and your dad stand out like sore thumbs and I'm carrying $20,000 of camera gear around my neck. And it is, it's crazy. Semis almost hitting us to thousands of people around us to guys with guns around us to monkey giant orangutans around us. And just, just chaos like out of, out of Indiana fucking Jones. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:04 I got to ask him about this crazy and we get back to the hotel and i'm pissed and your dad's cool as a cucumber he's like dude chill we made it back and i kind of get that vibe from you too like hey we're still like we're still in the game one yeah one like we didn't get killed what are you tripping on dipshit we didn't get killed but i'm so angry yeah that someone put us in that situation but he's not he's like so i i try to like as i've gotten older i've become like so fascinated with the way my dad thinks uh um that i think about like that all the time like just his his mindset and attitude towards things it's like rarely will he rarely even if it is a bad day will he accept that it was a bad day or will he act as if it was
Starting point is 00:51:52 a bad day and i did that's something that i have um consciously thought about and tried to implement into my got it dude i you exude it you got it you're you're you're so present it's crazy i know i just feel as i i just feel like now it's just it's all on me um which is a good feeling i like what i like it when it's not in other people's hands i i enjoy the fact that what happens from this point on is is solely on me it's it's nerve-wracking and it's a it's a huge um opportunity with um you know there's a huge opportunity with – there's a lot that I'm going to have to handle going forward. But the fact that it's all in my hands, that I have full autonomy of what happens next is pretty exciting. Yeah, it's nuts. Jacqueline Robertson, I think that's Canadian money. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Appreciate it. Bernie Gannon, people are too busy these days seeking validation and fake virtue to bother with truth. Speaking the truth is out of fashion. I don't know. I don't know. We'll bring it back. We can bring it back in fashion if that's true. Right?
Starting point is 00:53:01 We can. Yeah. When you're out there at this two-day camp, how many guys are in the minicamp? 67. Are any of them starters, guaranteed starters? Maybe a couple. I know that they drafted an offensive lineman, number 10 in the draft, which I think they're kind of counting on him with the amount of money
Starting point is 00:53:24 that you spend on high draft picks that they are counting on. But no one from last season? No one from last season. I haven't met anybody from last season. Okay. Just because it's all rookies. And do the NFL quarterbacks wear those helmets and there's a speaker in there so that the guys on the sideline can talk to you? Yes. It would be like if I had a helmet, I hear the coach talking to me just like I hear you talking to me right now.
Starting point is 00:53:52 And did you wear those in college? No. No, I wore it in the senior bowl and I just wore it for minicamp. And how was that? It's a trip. It is a trip because these plays, they are not like I do understand why quarterbacks are so valued and why they get paid so much money, able to hear a new play that I barely know, that I've just learned, I've just studied and understood the day before. To hear, to even more so than understand it, even understand how it's going to sound when another guy with a
Starting point is 00:54:38 different voice and a different slang speaks it to me. Having to repeat it just with how intricate and the length of it, it's crazy stuff. And I feel like being able to make a good play is like third on my – is like third on any quarterback's list because you've got to be able to handle the verbiage and operation to even get to that point first. Because if you don't know how to say the play out loud then you guys can't even leave the huddle you can't even go to the line of scrimmage to run the play so can you talk back to the guy no he can't hear me so if i don't get it i just
Starting point is 00:55:17 gotta go like this oh shit yeah um and and if you don't get it, it might break up. How's the how's the audio quality? It's good. It's he's he's got like a walkie talkie type deal. It's pretty clear. But just like with just new new words and formations, it's hard to kind of understand, like put it together. Like, man, what what was that first word that he said? Like, was it this or that? And being able to just piece it together but you kind of get warmed up to it it's usually the very hardest right at the beginning of practice when we're doing a walkthrough and then by the mid to end of practice you understand like okay all right I'm starting to get a feel for it I understand exactly what he's saying this and that but that also plays a part into just a ridiculous amount of studying like the night before and being able
Starting point is 00:56:05 to understand you know what the goal is of each play and what's really just understand what's happening within each play rather than just trying to memorize words and how do you study do you flash cards or you just look at it a piece of paper and keep reading over and over and is it a technique you've developed over the years no so we, they gave us iPads with the playbook in them. Um, so I'm going through our install for that, for that day. Um, and what I would do is I would study to play on the iPad. Then I had a little whiteboard that I would just look at the play name and write what the play was. And then after I did that and understood the play, then I would speak the play into my phone and then i would press play and
Starting point is 00:56:46 hear it and then i would regurgitate it and you do all this by yourself you're just in your room by yourself doing this yeah wow it is a it is a straight up it is i mean yeah it is a job it is a straight up job sorry i'm falling into the minutia, but I'm fascinated by this. Okay, so you do a play at minicamp. Are you wearing pads? We are wearing just, we're wearing helmets, our practice jersey, shorts, and cleats. And the play's over. And how soon before the guy starts chirping in your ear for the next play?
Starting point is 00:57:23 I would say anywhere from five to eight seconds after the play. Do you signal him that you're ready or no? No, you'll just hear the walkie-talkie cut on, and then you'll hear the fuzziness, and then he'll be like, all right, Tyson, here we go. Remember, this is a blah, blah, blah read. Here we go. Gun foot left, Z left, 33 dose can pass, Z scooter knife on one. Remember, this is a blah, blah, blah read. Here we go. Gun foot left. Z left. Thirty three dose can pass the scooter knife on one.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. He might as well just make clicking sounds. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I know it's it's it's very it's very very very it's very like that almost every play it's very much like that even simple so you're gonna learn a new a whole new language uh i guess eventually it becomes second nature yeah and i did get the hang of it i mean they give you a script of the plays you're gonna run the night before so you get to study and you get to say into my helmet and i just begin to try and understand like what each word means and who's doing what based on the words being spoken to me. And I was able to do it. And I really, man, I learned so much about myself at rookie minicamp because initially when they gave me the load of information, I'm also, I'm more so almost laughing in my head. Like, like, this is like comical, like you expect to give us this information and for us to have any success tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:58:52 you're like, you're out of your, you're out of your mind. Um, and you're still up for the challenge. Exactly. Exactly. But then, but then I go to my hotel room and I just understand that I just, I, I can't fold. I don't want to fold. I want to stand hotel room and I just understand that I can't fold. I don't want to fold. I want to stand ten toes on this because this is a decision I made in the path that I created for myself. So I'm going to lock myself in this room and try to absorb as much as I can. And then being able to go out and have success the next day after just looking at it like it was a mountain, at it like it was a mountain like it was in um just a unsurpassable peak that i wouldn't be able to to like get to and then being able to do that it's just like it was just so like confidence
Starting point is 00:59:36 boosting and and motivating and inspiring to even just myself that i was able to do it so it made me excited uh going forward do they ever ask you in your career, do the coaches ever ask you a question like about the other players? Like, like, let's say that, let's say the Chicago bears know that they're going to keep you and they're stuck between two receivers. Would they, would they ever, would they ever say something to you? Like, Hey, Taysom, what do you think about Joshua?
Starting point is 01:00:03 Maybe not me, but they might ask like whoever the man is like that i would get questions okay okay yes um and um and do you have time to be um in this mini camper in this do you have time to be affectionate or give accolades to your to your guys do you start showing um do you have time to show your leadership already and to show your ability to bring the guys together? Yeah. Like not going out of your way to do so, but just within the job that you're asked to do on that day. So like handling all that information, a lot of the times I feel like my leadership qualities would show up obviously with just the ability to, to absorb and learn all the information shows leadership qualities would show up obviously with just the ability to to absorb
Starting point is 01:00:45 and learn all the information shows leadership qualities in my mind and then also being able to have extreme command of the huddle and not and it shifts because at first you're like covering your earpiece and you're looking at the ground and you're just memorizing and trying to say the play without messing up but then once you get comfortable, you get some swag, and he says a play that you know, you're like, hey, here we go. Pay attention right here. Here's what we're going to run. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All in one.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Ready? And you get a clean break, and you run to the huddle, and you have good communication, good process and operation. That's kind of where the leadership qualities are able to be shown in these mini camps. As he goes down the line, you know, speeches, breakdowns, those things happen, which I think is also a sign of good leadership qualities. But at training camp, you know, you're so absorbed with wanting to learn this information
Starting point is 01:01:39 and needing to that those are where the leadership qualities will show up. needing to that those are where the leadership qualities will show up um what what about other guys um um fuck i'm gonna embarrass myself here by saying this because i don't know what i'm talking about but what about there's a play and a guy's supposed to zig and he zags oh listen did you hear the play i just said to you that was yeah no i didn't know that was a real play and there's a bunch of of dudes just because they made it to the chargers bears doesn't mean that they're not allowed to be dumbasses too there were so many mistakes on all levels just because i mean this is do you compensate for them let's say a guy's supposed to cut left and you're gonna throw
Starting point is 01:02:22 it to him and he cuts right do you be like well fuck i'm gonna do you what do you do you got to go to the next whatever's next in your read okay go go to the neck go to the next move on damn uh this is a um turntable i'm not a uh huge nfl fan meaning he's not knowledgeable about the nfl but i've noticed people talking about your throwing mechanics particularly the sidearm aspect it's so cool it i think a lot of people are like me they're just like anytime they see your name they're just digging in and reading now um do you personally feel that this is a vulnerability if so how do you improve it what what is the sidearm it's throwing like didn't mont i i used to like some team where the quarterback threw a sidearm like montana or plunkett or someone threw a sidearm that i used
Starting point is 01:03:04 to follow you did steve young throw a i'm trying throw a turn I used to watch football I'm not I'm not quite sure but I could go on and on about this it's it's actually pretty cool so it's really not sidearm it's just extension and to be able to be an efficient thrower right it's obviously from the ground up you You got to have a good base, and then you got to get your hips and legs involved, and then the torque from your corso, and then your arm is the after effect of being efficient everywhere else. So a lot of times back in the day, everybody's like, oh, these offensive linemen, they're so big, they're so tall. You've got to release the ball up top.
Starting point is 01:03:52 You have to release the ball up top so you can get it over the offensive line. When in reality, you're never throwing over top the O-line. You're always throwing through the O-line. You're always finding a pathway through the O-line to throw the ball. So the height of the release point doesn't matter. And the only thing that happens when you release the point up here is it puts so much stress on your elbow and your shoulder because your body, your torso, hips and body are doing this. Yeah. But then your arm is doing this. Okay. It's contradicting. Right. So now if I can, if I can extend my arm.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Oh, right. So now I can, my arm and my body can be doing the same thing instead of this, because I'm not getting, I'm not, I'm not receiving those benefits of good hips and torque. If I'm coming down like this, as opposed to if I come to the side like this. Yes, yes, yes. It makes total sense what you're saying. is just inflammation at the UCL in the UCL area, which is about right here because of
Starting point is 01:05:07 inefficient throwing mechanics. But to the world, it's almost just like kind of just unhealthy how people don't eat healthy and they don't move their body and they make that normal. And they say that doing maybe doing CrossFit or getting in very cold water or doing extreme sauna work, they would almost say, ah, man, you should be careful doing that when really, whoa, you should be careful not moving and eating too much sugar, right? People are like, oh, be careful with this sidearm stuff. But really, it's like, okay, I don't want my shoulder and my elbow to be hurting and me
Starting point is 01:05:41 throwing like this when I can get the ball out extremely faster and more efficiently and my elbow doesn't hurt when I do it so I had really bad elbow soreness my freshman and sophomore year my my the COVID year it got so bad that I was like man I don't know how much longer I'll be able to like just do this like is this do I want my elbow to hurt every day for the rest of my life like this is terrible so luckily fell into um this page on Instagram they're called locked in QB and they kind of described everything and it was I didn't care what I had to do I was willing to do it I ended up I had to get like a steroid shot in my elbow because I couldn't throw the ball and I couldn't grip the ball. It's like your grip, your UCL affects the ligaments with these two fingers down into
Starting point is 01:06:31 the inside of your elbow. And then tennis players will get inflammation on the outside of their elbow because they're gripping so hard with these two fingers. So it'll go down to there, to the outside of their elbow. So I ended up, I got a steroid shot in my arm and i adopted the the extension sidearm aspect of throwing and i haven't had an issue since so it's been amazing for me but also you will still continue to hear even though all the great nfl quarterbacks are doing the same thing they're still the people that are just stuck in their ways
Starting point is 01:07:03 of all you know oh this isn't unique to you there's tons of dudes doing this tons tons because it's just it is the most efficient way like if you if you if you're a thrower it's it's a no-brainer like because you can just feel you can feel the difference yeah that's awesome okay so so it's just knucklehead talk yes okay it's yeah it's it's cool so the the sports? Yes. Okay. It's cool. So the sport's still evolving. Do you think football – do you see football evolving in the 15 years you've been doing it every single day of your life? Yeah, it's so – like it's no longer like a bruiser sport.
Starting point is 01:07:48 It's a lot of finesse it's a lot more finesse with just how the pat how throwing the ball has evolved and being able to have run pass options like you know back in the day it was you either ran the ball or you threw the ball now it's like you've got plays where either one can happen and you know it causes for more of the field to have to be covered which causes for different kind. You're not looking for big bruiser meatheads that are just trying to hit. You're looking for dudes that are super athletic in space and that can make plays of a wider of a wider spectrum. So I think it's changed the way it's changed the way that people are recruited with the types of guys that they want to recruit. that people are recruited with the types of guys that they want to recruit.
Starting point is 01:08:28 People are looking for a lot more side to side athleticism and speed more so than they are power and heavy hitters. Andrew. Hi. Yes. Your, your, your therapist was I'm sorry. I fired your therapist for you. He's a jackass. Are you going to live in Chicagoago so you'll live in chicago if uh everything goes according to plan yes so the plate they the facilities and everything are about 45 minutes outside of the city uh it's kind of like a suburb area um but but yes definitely you know during the season i will i'll be living there uh i told sebi he looked uninterested because he had his head sitting in his palm it's dude during the season, I'll be living there.
Starting point is 01:09:06 I told Seve he looked uninterested because he had his head sitting in his palm. Dude, it's because my brain is so heavy. I have an enormous head and I have a heavy brain. While Tyson was talking, Seve on later, yes, I did report you to the authorities. That's correct. You probably already had your license pulled.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Taylor Cresenso. already had your license pulled um uh taylor uh crescenzo crescenzo um tyson is my all-time favorite guest best mindset attitude rooting for you tyson uh you're going to disrupt things over there you're fire let's go over greg over greg glassman and uh and she looks very attractive just a superficial side note. Looks are unimportant. Well, not really. Okay. So when do you go back?
Starting point is 01:09:51 So you did your mini camp. Do they give you any – do you have an exit interview there? Like, hey, good job, Tyson. You made it to the next round? No, I just – I thought I did well enough that I didn't have to – I wasn't worried if I got cut or not. But the coach just told me call him the next day and then he just kind of gave me the spiel of like hey you know be back in you know
Starting point is 01:10:10 a week's time study the playbook here's what you need to study you know you're a pro now this is what pros have to do so let's get it done and um kind of just you know what's known doesn't really necessarily have to be explained so I understood it and i go back on sunday and i go for one month for training camp and then i come back home for a month and then i go out to start the season late july early august yeah god you seem so confident it's great do you have a roommate when you're there no No. I'll be in a hotel room for the month I'm there and then for camp. And then I'll have to eventually get a spot early September, late August. Do they have a jersey on the website that I can buy? I think they do.
Starting point is 01:11:01 I think my dad knows about that. My dad knows about that. Okay. I text him right before the show because I heard that there was one, but I went on there last night and I couldn't find it. Yeah. I don't know. He, he, he found it. Uh, he showed it to me yesterday and we were laughing about it and thinking it was cool.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Uh, here's a love note from Andrew Hiller. Uh, dear Tyson, uh, please come do Fran in my garage. Please. I love Andrew Hiller. Oh my gosh. He's in Chicago. I haven't met Fran in my garage. Please. I love Andrew Hiller. Oh my gosh. He's in Chicago. I haven't had Fran in forever. Is he, is he in Chicago? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Or somewhere outside of there. He lives in a log cabin somewhere near there. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. I'll definitely do that. Well, dang,
Starting point is 01:11:37 that was easy for six bucks. Uh, that 10 more dollars. He needs 10 more dollars. Talk to his agent, call his agent. Um, any, any rules, anything that you think that would be interesting for us to know?
Starting point is 01:11:49 Like there's no gum allowed. There's no, I don't know, ice cubes been banned from the training camp. Ice cube songs or like anything weird like, hey, there last year a parasite spread when someone brought a mango on. So no tropical fruits are allowed. Anything like they caught you off guard that you're like oh that's interesting or they don't rob blue and red because of crips and blood's problem they got over i mean any do you hear anything weird um no girls are you allowed to bring girls there like a girlfriend or a wife this whole uh for the whole month of training camp uh it said no guests allowed no guests okay and that sums up okay but i mean once once training camp's over i mean you're just a grown man working a job so you can you have full control over everything outside
Starting point is 01:12:30 of football what will you do so so uh no cocaine yeah that probably that's uh no drugs probably um what about um so you do the training camp for the mini camp for two days and now it's a month before you go back for another month what what no i go back on sunday for um, so you do the training camp for the mini camp for two days and now it's a month before you go back for another month. What, what does it go back on Sunday for one month? So you had a week off. Yes. And what do you do during that week? Do you keep training or are you just resting and healing?
Starting point is 01:12:55 Um, I have been, I haven't been, uh, working out to the point that I'm making myself sore. I've been doing a lot of running and then a lot of field, like specific, like to my position work, a lot of, and just a lot of obviously getting in the water, getting in the sauna, and then a lot of balance work. I feel like it's served me pretty well. So I've, I've been hitting that, continue to hit the slack box and the slack board and the slack bow every day. You got a slack bow. Yeah. Yeah. He gave every day you got a slack bow yeah yeah he gave me he got a slack bow it's pretty it's so oh my gosh i i dread doing that every day because it's
Starting point is 01:13:36 hard yeah it's so hard it's so hard but i've got i've noticed how how much how much better I've gotten at it, and I feel so athletic after I'm done. My body just feels so – I just feel so balanced. It's crazy. Yeah, that's awesome. Are those even in production? I'm not sure. My dad communicates with Jim a lot. A lot of time, whenever I'm talking to him,
Starting point is 01:14:05 I'm just asking him questions that I'm curious about. Jim Klopman, that's the creator of the Slackwo and the Slacklocks? Yeah. Me and him. He's a cool guy. I've hung out with him a couple times. He's helped train me and show me how to properly train with the equipment and everything.
Starting point is 01:14:23 But I know my dad. My dad handles a lot of the communication um and he business-wise and he would probably know if that if the slack bow is in um production is that is that weird that you were introduced to that just um three months ago and it's already yeah it's already a part of your daily like do you have any concerns that like introducing something like that could screw you up? No, I, cause you know, I, first of all, I mean, it's so easy to just do it 10 minutes a day. It's kind of like a why, why, why not? Um, and then I read his book, um, and it has some pretty, you know, fascinating
Starting point is 01:14:59 things to me, um, just about like balance being the sixth and most forgotten about since. And just kind of how being extremely balanced, like your body only allows you to do movements based on your balance level. Like you can and can't do things based on how balanced you are. So I figured the more balanced I can be, the harder it'll be, you know, to, to sack me, to tackle me, to, um, take me down, um, all, all of those things. So I I've, I've definitely, it's one, it's another thing that I've used as a resource to help me with football. Yeah. It's awesome. God, I love hearing that. And you're sponsored by, um, toe spacers now. Yeah. Toe spacers up yeah that's awesome bam get you some toe spacers yeah they've been great they've been great and you never got to train with daniel brandon that
Starting point is 01:15:53 that just didn't work out right no okay she did follow me on instagram i was hype was hype about that awesome yes i wonder if she follows me i need to check that out um uh clydesdale media scott switzer um how important was it uh that the bears were your coaches at the senior bowl oh that's true the bears it was the bears coaching staff that was uh the offensive coordinator for the bears was my head coach at the senior bowl oh okay yeah so he got to he got an intimate look at you yes so that is huge. It was, yeah, it was, it was. And like I said before, they were the most like aggressive in pursuing me. Um,
Starting point is 01:16:31 and it was just one of those things where they, you know, had gave me, you know, a good deal and they had just, you know, besides the money, they were the ones that made me, that made me feel the most wanted. So, um, it was easy to say yes to them yeah what a trip if um what what do you think what do you think the best outlook is um in the next uh six months like what what would you what do you like what would you like to see happen oh my gosh what would it even be in six months what month would it be
Starting point is 01:17:05 i have no idea i just made it well football when does football season start august football season officially starts yeah right yeah right around august and then depending on how far you go four months but what's an ideal situation in four months that you're actually on the sidelines at games yes yes that would be pretty freaking sweet that is my goal and that'd be crazy you'd just be you'd just you'd just be standing there in case something happens then you got to run out there and throw the ball yes or hand the ball off yes god that's so cool uh Clydesdale media been a Bears fan forever I'm so stoked to have Tyson on the team I know all these I feel like there's been a lot of
Starting point is 01:17:46 Bear fans come out of the woodworks locally where I'm from just because they haven't necessarily been the best team in the last handful of years, but since I've been on the team people aren't as ashamed to come out and say that they're Bears fans. I was actually this this morning I was thinking, at the level that you've taken this sport to in your life,
Starting point is 01:18:16 at some point you have to just imagine that even if someone hates you for the team that you're on, that you've become successful, that you actually have the honor and the privilege for someone to hate you because of the team you made it on. I mean, that's how high that level of the game is, right? The fans just sit around. Probably the vast majority of fans have never met an NFL football player. And so for them, it's just like either hate all the guys
Starting point is 01:18:42 who aren't on your team and love the guys who are on your team. You know what I mean? And it's like, it's kind like either hate all the guys who aren't on your team and love the guys who are on your team. You know what I mean? And it's like it's kind of crazy that it's almost an honor if people don't like you at that level. Yeah, that's exactly right. But because the only reason that football players are able to make the absurd amount of money that they do make for playing a children's game is because of how crazy and love and obsessed fans are like fans dump a bunch of money into this everybody's always watching everybody cares so much that yeah you will there are definitely some crazy fans out there I mean everybody's crazy
Starting point is 01:19:21 enough for this whole thing to operate as it does at the extreme level that it operates at. So, yeah, there definitely are some crazy fans who will hate on another person just because of the team they're on. Do you have a jersey with a number? Yeah, number 17. And will that be – if you stay on the team, that will be your number? I think so. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. It could change, but I think that they're giving me that number.
Starting point is 01:19:53 And do they ask you what number you want to be or they just assign it? No, they just assign it. Yeah, crazy. Dude, thank you so much for coming on. Thanks for keeping us up to speed on your journey what a great thread and how fun it is that the the people on the seven on podcast get to follow your journey this is so cool this is i i love i love the guests that keep coming on and keeping us up to speed as they as they go for the the you know the the big prize big pie in the sky yeah i love i love coming
Starting point is 01:20:23 on here i appreciate it every time you have me on. Let me read one more comment. RJ Van Veen training, hearing you guys talk football is getting me excited for the national football league again. Don't worry about the pick. Brady got picked 199th and is the goat time is your best friend. I wish you the best of success. Is that true, Tom? Is that true? Tom Brady was the 199th pick brady was the 199th pick he was the 199th pick but um yeah no it's all it's me not being picked it's all good i i identify i identify
Starting point is 01:20:55 as being the first pick in the draft so let's rock and roll awesome i love it. Yeah. Hey, yeah, you seem – I don't see a one kink in your armor, dude. Let's go. Yeah, you're as solid as they get. All right, Tyson, I will continue to bug you. I hope you become so big time one day that I get a text back from you that says, who's this? Contact my agent. You're the man, brother.
Starting point is 01:21:22 You're the man. Good to see you, Siobhan. All right. Good to see you, too all right good to see you too bye-bye dang dang uh and thanks for the loop brother i appreciate it mr uh van veen rj van veen crazy uh he's got the ceo shirt he's that's the one my my uh son wants he wants the one with the american flag in it you I got to get Travis over at Vindicate to make one of those in the kid size. That was crazy. Oh my goodness. Doesn't
Starting point is 01:21:51 he have a crazy head on his shoulders? Oh, I love him. I wish I had a daughter to get him, to marry him to. What a cool dude. What a cool dude. That is, um, uh, it's, it's a trip talking to him because usually when I'm doing an interview, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:22:12 okay, I'm going to warm up to this person over a two hour period and, and, and hopefully earn the ability and trust to ask some questions that my other minds wouldn't ask just right when I met them, just out of just human dignity. And I guess them, just out of human dignity and, I guess, social norms. I just feel like you have to earn some questions, earn some trust for you to ask some questions.
Starting point is 01:22:37 But with Tyson, when I interview him, I think, okay, I'll um five more years or 10 years like there's questions i want to ask him that i don't ask him because i'm yeah i i don't i don't want to uh wham bam thank you ma'am you know what i mean i want to earn i want to earn even more trust more more more trust he had a smallish head. Normal. Normal head. That's the one I want. Yeah, the CEO with the American flag. Yeah, that was cool. I just contacted actually Travis too.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I'm trying to get a shirt sent out for his brother, Ezra. He got a cool-ass brother who's amazing at football. Amazing. Go figure. I should have him send tank tops to the travis got a daughter who's amazing at volleyball too i give him paulina's number oh that's not a bad idea she got a good head on her shoulder a good head on her shoulders paper street coffee someone asked earlier what my favorite blend is you want my favorite blend
Starting point is 01:23:45 uh you're kind of probably asking the wrong person but it's the 50 50 blend i don't even know if they sell it or he just makes it for me but i like to um i like to sip coffee i don't know, for the first... Until like 3 o'clock in a cup like this. I put one shot of Paper Street coffee in this cup, espresso, and then I fill the rest with hot water. And maybe I do that two or three times until like 3 o'clock, and I just sip it.
Starting point is 01:24:21 So, you know, I take my boys to the tennis courts. I fill this up, and it's sitting there. Hopefully it doesn't get knocked over. And then while other people are drinking water, I take a sip of my crazy diluted coffee and I love the 50 50 blend. Uh, Sean, seven, uh, you have to set up the weekly NFL episode. When season gets closer, I'll be your correspondent for free. All right, let's do it. Everyone's for free. Everyone's for free. Trust me. Hey, did you guys see this? How crazy is this?
Starting point is 01:24:50 I'm so happy for my friend. When I think of Tyson too, here's another kind of insight that I probably don't share. Like you ever have a friend who has a really cool dog or a really cool car and you're like, you're happy for him. Like they roll up to your house and you're like, yeah, you're excited for him. I'm like, I think of Tyson as like being like my buddy friends, Travis, like, like my buddy friend, my, my, my buddy, Travis owns him. That's his, you know? And so it's just kind of cool. Or if your friend has like a really hot girlfriend or like a really cool wife, you're like happy for them. And you think, Oh yeah, that dude, that dude, you're like happy for them and you think oh yeah that
Starting point is 01:25:25 dude that dude you're like you're happy because they own that or your friend's got a cool gun i know it's superficial but i i'm just happy for travis that he like he's got one of those and he earned it he made it you know what i mean like he has a son he can take anywhere and be proud of like his son doesn't bite people or carry a gun or rob banks or sling crack i mean he got he can take uh his son everywhere and his son represents uh him so well it's cool like if he was a dog you can take him to your friend's house he doesn't like attack your friend's dog it's it's it's um yeah so that's a part of as as much as Tyson's his own person, I think of him as just my buddy Travis's cool son.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Like super cool. Okay, I wanted to show you guys two things. I'm probably, I should have asked her before I said this, but Miranda Alcaraz sent this to me. I'm probably, I should have asked her before I said this, but Miranda Alcaraz sent this to me. And, uh, uh, she, she said, this, this is really good. She said, Oh, you got a second job or is this your side gig? And if you can see your, if you can see your screen right now, uh, you will be blown away. This guy actually does look like me. This is let's see you guys see that it's a it's a it's like one of those guys like you see it like uh like on a street performer like what are
Starting point is 01:26:59 they called pantomimes pantomimes is that the thing but that dude actually looks like me look at that dude that's like me 10 years ago i saw that i was like that's pretty good that's like the best doppelganger and people send me some mime thank you ken why do i say pantomime is that something people send me some messed up doppelganger people send me some messed up doppelgangers that i don't appreciate but she sent me that when i was like wow uh yeah that even kind of his mannerisms and he's got glasses and that's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:27:48 All right. Uh, yesterday I went to, uh, the sandlot, the sandlot it's called, uh, foot plant skate and it's, um, Shane and Ryan Sheckler. Yesterday I was calling him Shreckler. Sheckler's skate park. And a big skate park. I think they got a rule there. No more than seven kids in there at any one time. Appointment only or invite only.
Starting point is 01:28:16 It was nuts. And we're going back today. And I'm pretty excited. I'm pretty darn excited. The kids tore it up. I'll put up a video here soon of them doing that. The California Hormones people set that up for me. Paul.
Starting point is 01:28:36 I was pretty stoked. Very stoked. Yeah, that could be my twin, right? One more thing I want to show you guys. If I knew how to repost, I would repost that too. I think, I don't mean to just start jerking myself off already, but oh my goodness, two things. Okay, two things.
Starting point is 01:29:04 I started reading this book yesterday. Not true. I started listening to this book yesterday. This book is, uh, something else. It's called black snowflakes. It is absolutely, um, it's incredible. I'm three chapters in. It is absolutely incredible. The guy's name is Spencer Shaw Page. You can take everything he says about black people and you can apply it to white people, to Asian people,
Starting point is 01:29:36 to transgender people, to anyone who's feeling sorry for themselves. Anyone who's playing the victim. It is, this book is incredible. Black Snowflakes, Spencer Shaw Page. And it says how the liberal victimhood narrative ruins black males.
Starting point is 01:29:55 And I know that that alienates people who identify as being liberal because I used to hate that when people would say that. Even when I wasn't a liberal anymore, I still hated it. Seb on a book to read, Lost Connections. Okay, lost connections okay hold on hold on it's my turn yet hold on you have to uh you have to uh you have to read this book you have to get this book if for no don't even read it just get it into to purchase it to support this guy for what he's saying. It's so clear. It's so concise.
Starting point is 01:30:31 And to be honest with you, too, it gives me not proximity bias. What's the other kind of bias? There's a word for it something bias he basically says everything that i want to say but he says it so much more eloquently than me in in in in it's been it's powerful it's powerful also because he has melanated skin and it's so it's so one of the things he tax, he, he points at and attacks and, uh, shows the idiocy in it right away is this thing that Jews and, um, uh, melanated people do to their kids. Confirmation bias. Thank you. Confirmation bias. The confirmation of the guy with the giant dick confirmation bias. Thank you, Cameron. Theirmation bias. The guy with the giant dick. Confirmation bias. Thank you, Cameron. The clock. Confirmation bias. Thank you. No, not condemnation. Confirmation. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Condom bias. Egocentric bias. God, you're a piece of shit. God damn it. You're a piece. Oh, Mason. I hope you get paddled today. I hope a shopping cart hits your car door today. Okay. There's a... Yeah, you just got to get this book. You threw me all off.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Confirmation buys, yes. And I can't find this guy on Instagram. I want to invite him onto the show. Yeah, Mason does need a good paddling. Now, don't laugh at his, don't laugh, Robbie. Do not laugh at his jokes, please. There is a, he talks in there about how the Jews, he doesn't say the Jews, he says the black parents,
Starting point is 01:32:22 but I know the Jews do the same thing as the black people. They tell their kids all this shit about how basically they have to work twice as hard and that no one thinks they can succeed and all this shit. And they think that they're helping their kid. And one out of a thousand, it might put a chip on your kid's shoulder that does help them. But the other 999, you're giving your kid an excuse. It's because they don't understand the fundamental mechanisms of psychology and how the brain works.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Don't give people excuses. Don't help people argue their limitations. If you're going to take a risk like that to help manipulate your kid to go to the next level, use it wisely. This is a brilliant book. Bernie Gannon. People used to want to be thought of as winners.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Now people take pride and are celebrated for being victims. That's what they're supposed to do. That's exactly once you start. This guy explains exactly what the liberal mindset wants you to do. It's a race to who can be the biggest victim. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:33:24 This book is amazing. Amazing. And you know what's crazy? The guy who sent me this book is a black guy. And I'm going to take crazy pride in this. And he basically said, hey, I started listening to your podcast, and your podcast planted the seed. And then I went to this book to go to the next level.
Starting point is 01:33:42 Great. Fine. I know I'm a bit of a douche nozzle at times. And so I'm glad at least I was able to plant the seed. It disgusts me how much I alienate people. I hope I settle down as I get old. But I'm just young and virile and I still alienate people.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Someone the other day had to slap me around in my IG, this chick, least unsuspecting person, sent me a DM, slapped me around, told me to settle down, that I'm undermining my own message because of how aggressive I am. And I so needed that. Q Johnson, seed was planted.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Appreciate you, someone. So I apologize for alienating people and being a douche yeah I'm young I mean I'm old I pretend like I'm old but I'm like I'm I went to the beach yesterday I played frisbee like
Starting point is 01:34:40 people still watch me when I play frisbee little kids people are like in awe ran out took off my shirt ran out into the ocean with my boys I played Frisbee like a – people still watch me when I play Frisbee. Little kids, people are like in awe. I ran out, took off my shirt, ran out into the ocean with my boys. Six o'clock at night, sun setting. I'm young again. A savage. So that's that.
Starting point is 01:34:58 See? I know. I stopped. It happened. Okay. So I showed you this book that I'm listening to. I got to get this guy on the show. If anyone knows who he is, Spencer Sean Page.
Starting point is 01:35:15 I was supposed to have Sarah Sigmund's daughter on today, and I wasn't comfortable having her on while I had this little tiny setup, which is interesting because I felt comfortable having Tyson on. But I just feel like when I have Sarah on, I need to have the big screen and I need to be totally settled. I guess I'm just more insecure about having Sarah Sigmundsdottir on than Tyson Bajan. Hi, Benji.
Starting point is 01:35:36 I will not be going to Pasadena. I'm not old anymore, David. You're 51 old fuck, but I'm not. I know David. You're a 51-year-old fuck, but I'm not. I know maybe a week ago I was. But I got the Viking Dite Cut. I swim in the ocean. My Frisbee game's on point. Well, I will be covering the semifinals.
Starting point is 01:36:01 We are about to schedule a massive amount of... We're about to put a massive amount of, uh, we're about to put, put a ton of stuff on the schedule. Maybe we can have you on Benji Benji. This is that Benji, right? This is the guy out of Florida. Who's the agent for,
Starting point is 01:36:13 um, some of my favorite, uh, CrossFitters. Is that Benji? Uh, maybe next week I'll be old again. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:36:23 I just feel like a stud right now. I feel so good. My nutsack is showing. Okay. Okay, so it is that Benji. Okay. Yeah, maybe we have you. I got to have you on the show.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Find out what's going on. That's a reason why I wish I was going to Pasadena. I do look forward to when Justin wins the games this year, accepting my invite to the Medeiros house party. I will probably rent an RV for that and park out front and do a live stream from the party. That'll be my first 24 hour live stream from the party. That will be crazy.
Starting point is 01:37:06 You can plan on that. In August, we will have a 24-hour, first-ever 24-hour Sebon podcast from the Medeiros' front yard in the ghetto, Lodi. The white ghetto in Lodi, California, Stockton, wherever these guys live. No, Phillip, find your own friends. He says, Shanna, can I hang with you guys? Okay. A couple, what do I want to do here?
Starting point is 01:37:36 I think I should show you guys, I don't know. Did you guys watch uh uh trump on um cnn why is that um why is that lady uh it it's it's it's kind of interesting if you didn't like trump and you think like sometimes he's a little bit lowbrow and speaking to the lowest common denominator it was like a race to the bottom yesterday why was she she behaved worse than him it was like a race to the bottom yesterday. Why was she – she behaved worse than him. It was like she was competing for being a scumbag. It was crazy. And not that I think Trump is a scumbag, but he – sometimes I don't understand the social nuances or me-loo of his presentation.
Starting point is 01:38:24 But she was – man, she didn't, that was not cool. I was actually embarrassed for her. I was extremely embarrassed for her. Something's going on with my screen sharing today. It's not working right. Okay. This is, if you believe at all
Starting point is 01:38:54 in equity, diversity, inclusion, or diversity, inclusion, equity, whatever, the DEI stuff, this is as gentle as it can be said to explain the issue with it this is uh this is the problem uh this is a wesley uh for texas uh he stays on the side of this instagram post joe biden's interior secretary has made it clear that skin color and sexual preference are far more important to the administration than qualifications i politely remind her that policy isn't working.
Starting point is 01:39:27 It's so messed up. When I flew to D.C. from Houston recently, I didn't stick my head in the cockpit and say, thank God everyone here met their diversity and inclusion goals. I want people who are qualified to fly the plane, regardless of what they look like. I don't understand why it's so hard to understand this. So here we go. Here we go. In your written testimony, you said the Interior continues to work across the department to expand equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Starting point is 01:40:03 What exactly does that mean? It means that we want our department to look like America. We want everyone to have an opportunity to be a part of our really wonderful department that cares for our public lands and our cultural heritage. Let me add one more thing, and then I will close on this, ma'am. The word that I think is missing from this statement, though, is also qualified. Qualified. When I flew on a plane from Houston here today, I did not pick my head in the cockpit and say, I hope every pilot met their diversity and inclusion goals. What I really want to make sure is that the people that were in front of that plane could fly it so we didn't crash it. So I understand the idea of being more inclusive. I understand the idea of being more diverse.
Starting point is 01:40:43 I've been black for my entire life, but I also want to make sure that we also talk about the most qualified person gets the job. And with that, I yield back my time, sir. Thank you. And don't think for a second, don't think for a second that if you, I actually haven't heard this, but I know it's in their playbook next. They're going to be like, Hey, don't be stupid. Of course, qualified. These are just secondary. They're not secondary. Anyone who knows anything about DEI or who's met any of these people, qualification has nothing to do with it at all. Zero. It's not even close. It's not even a priority. You never want a job to be concerned about making people feel wanted.
Starting point is 01:41:24 Let me repeat that. You never want the job. So if you're working at Apple, you don't want anyone there. Or if you're going to the U.S. Navy or if you work as a toll booth operator, you never want your boss or the people who are paying your paycheck to also have the role of trying to worry about if people feel included. check to also have the role of trying to worry about if people feel included. That's not the way that works. If you want to run a successful CrossFit gym, you should make people want to feel like they're included. You do not want, I never once was worried about anyone at CrossFit Inc. feeling included. I don't fucking care. That's your fucking problem.
Starting point is 01:42:08 I'm not here to make you feel included. Why would I ever do that? You don't want me doing that. You don't want me doing that. You don't want me to be worried about whether you feel like you belong. You don't want me in that part of your life at all. And yet CrossFit Inc., just so you know, they are worried about that right now.
Starting point is 01:42:34 I want to be super duper clear about something I posted on the morning chalk up to. There was a guy there who is the CMO who quit working there or got fired. We don't know what happened. I don't know what happened. Maybe you guys know. And basically, I have no love for Noble for a couple reasons. One, because they supported OutWad, and I think OutWad's a despicable organization.
Starting point is 01:43:02 And because of the policies that they have openly supported and the laws that they've supported in regards to sexualizing children and being basically openly prejudiced and discriminatory under the guise of being open, supporting men in laws that would allow men to participate in women's sports. And the list goes on and on. It's a gross, gross organization. And Noble has openly supported them. And then the second thing is that they put out a letter mandating that their employees in order to keep their jobs take drugs, and if you're the chief marketing officer there,
Starting point is 01:43:54 then some of that shit falls on you. All of that shit falls on you. You're an executive in the company. I don't know that guy. I do not know that guy personally, and so I alluded to that, and some people weren't understanding what I was alluding to, I do not know that guy personally. And so I alluded to that, and some people weren't understanding what I was alluding to, but that's exactly what I was alluding to.
Starting point is 01:44:17 It's not implicit. It's explicit. It's explicit. If I have a bus full of hooligan bank robbers and I drive them to the bank knowing that they're going to rob the bank I'm explicitly involved I'm going to wait for them to finish and I'm going to get 20% of the money they rob. And then when these drugs that you force your employees to take kill people,
Starting point is 01:45:02 maybe not any of your employees, but maybe, makes you a despicable human being. Especially then when you use the word that says, we killed ourselves to get this NFL contract. I paraphrase, but except for the word kill. I don't really care that he used that word kill, but he runs with a group that wants to cancel words like, I would kill for this, which is the woke crowd.
Starting point is 01:45:37 And don't forget, anyway. So I just want to be very clear about that. I'm sure there's some really, really great people who work for Budweiser. But it doesn't mean that what's happened to their sales isn't deserved. Seve and Raw have been at it again. You know, I'm close to him maybe i should call him and uh and um um and son my uh son my my perennium
Starting point is 01:46:14 a wad zombie don't cancel words period even yeah i agree i, don't cancel words, it's stupid. But when I say that word, I don't like that word that you wrote. I don't like how I feel. It comes from a really mean place. And so, hey, if you don't like people, if you don't like – I'm not saying you shouldn't hang out with people who do things that you don't approve of. But if you make money from things, from behaviors, if you make a living, behaviors, if you make a living, you should just expect that it's not out of place for people to be mad at you for about it or to attribute it to you. So if you have a job
Starting point is 01:47:13 that hurts kids, and you make money from it, then yeah, then you're someone who does something that hurts kids. If you use an iPhone, you're participating in what they say is some sort of Chinese child slavery. It is what it is. Just admit it. Yeah, maybe that's true. Devesh Maharaj, the hammer. Seve will say the word once he learns to say it with peace. I love you. he learns to say with peace. I wonder, I am a huge fan of the cantaloupe, an enormous fan of the cantaloupe. And someone sent me this the other day and I was wondering how many would i have to cut uh to like when i put my socks i put socks on let's say
Starting point is 01:48:08 i don't know 10 000 times in my life and i'm good at it like when i put a sock up over my foot it just slips all the way up to my calf or to wherever it's going right i don't catch any toes in it like a little kid you know you ever watch a kid try to put socks on it's like they haven't mastered it yet they catch a toe at the top or it snags on something or they put it on inside out or they don't know to put it on. They put it on upside down so the heels on top. Like I've mastered it. Look at the sock. I pick it up. I scrunch it up. I open it. I stuff my foot in. I'm done. How many cantaloupe would I have to, like, that is not how I cut the cantaloupe, Would I have to – that is not how I cut the cantaloupe, but I want that style.
Starting point is 01:48:49 That's an incredible style. I cut it in half and scrape the seeds with a big spoon. Is that how you guys do it? God, that looks – it's just smooth. And there's a curving, rounding motion. Trish points out, Apple will not be using Chinese child labor for much longer. They'll be using India-China labor. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Oh, wow. Shanna Medeiros, it's more about the knife. Really? You think I could get a good knife? And that, will you send me a DM for which knife I should buy? God. I don't approve of the gloves, I'll tell you that. I don't approve of the gloves.
Starting point is 01:49:42 I'll tell you that. Cantaloupe honeydew is much better. Fine. Whatever. Any round melon. I just want to be able to do that. I just want to be able to do that. I can't believe Hiller's therapist said that I looked uninterested. That really pissed me off.
Starting point is 01:50:08 If I was humble, I could have maybe taken that cue and been like, okay, don't put your hand on your, rest your chin on your hand anymore. Instead, I got defensive. Oh, this is a wild one. For those of you who don't think that we're not just simple creatures that are easy to figure out, how about this? I don't know if you guys followed this story. This story is nuts. Who knows what is true about it?
Starting point is 01:50:34 But I went and actually, I actually, I heard about this story and I went on Amazon to find this lady's book and it was available. I heard about this story and I went on Amazon to find this lady's book and it was available. And while I was looking at the book, I was talking to someone on the phone and then I refreshed the page on Amazon and then it wasn't available. Basically, a Utah woman who wrote a grief book in the wake of her late husband's death. So her husband died. And so she wrote this book and it says, are you with me? And it was a book for her kids. She has three kids and her husband died. Right. And so she wrote a book helping her kids deal with the grief. And it's a children's book. Right. So for other kids who've lost their fathers, the mom can buy this or maybe lost their moms. You can buy this and read this to their kid and help your kids with the grief. Right. their kid and help your kids with the grief, right? Well, now she's being charged with the murder of her husband. Crazy. He OD'd on fentanyl five times the lethal dose. When questioned by authorities, Corey stated that she made her husband a moscow mule by the way i love that drink uh with some uh smashed jalapeno in it a spicy moscow mule um early
Starting point is 01:51:53 especially if someone else is paying for it made her husband a moscow mule drink earlier that night to celebrate a business achievement what brought cory into question was the lethal levels of fentanyl found in Eric's body at the time of his death. In a further investigation, it was revealed that Corey had repeated communication with an unnamed acquaintance and reportedly had long-lasting marital problems prior to this occurrence. Corey's behavior was odd following his death as well. She hosted a party for a home sale the day after Eric's death where she reportedly assaulted Eric's sister. Crazy. Husband dies and you write a book about it.
Starting point is 01:52:37 They say write about what you know, right? I like the Lydia Good Drink Choice. I like the cup. I like the cup, good drink choice. I like the cup. I like the cup. I like that copper cup. I always ask for it. It's spicy. Phillip Kelly, mules are great.
Starting point is 01:52:57 I'm with you on the Mexican mule with the fresh jalapenos. Yeah. Yeah. Jordan Boroteron Latter Day Saints will fuck you up seems a bit seems a bit racist to me I hear they're good with money
Starting point is 01:53:19 like if you get one in an accountant and there's no Jews available get a Mormon already showed you that my doppelganger get one in an accountant, and there's no Jews available, get a Mormon. So. I already showed you that. My doppelganger. That was kind of crazy, right? How are we on time?
Starting point is 01:53:34 Oh, it's time to go. Shit, we're at an hour and 52. Okay. So tonight there's a show at 6 p.m. I do not know who's going to be on it. Oh, no, that's not true. I do know who's going to be. I know some of the people who are going to be on it. do not know who's going to be on it No that's not true I know some of the people are going to be on it I know Brian Friend's going to be on it I know J.R. Howell will be on it
Starting point is 01:53:51 And I know Taylor Self will be on it And The Thumb as we affectionately call him And I also know that I know that either Caleb or Susa will be on it. I think, actually, actually, maybe Will Branstetter is running the back end. Shit, I don't know anything. I do know there's a show at 6 p.m. today.
Starting point is 01:54:13 That's all I know. And I know it's going to be a fun show and a successful show. I don't know if I will be on it because I'm here in the kitchen at the California Hormones beach house. in the kitchen at the California hormones beach house. And,
Starting point is 01:54:30 and there'll be kids running around. It'll be noisy and shit. So, all right, guys, thanks for the show. Thank you, Tyson Bajent. And I will see you guys tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 01:54:36 I know the show is not scheduled, but it will be very soon. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. and possibly this evening. But there is a show this evening. You should all tune in for Taylor uh, uh, Taylor and Jr. And Brian friend will be surely dropping bombs. Bye.
Starting point is 01:54:50 Bye.

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