The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Up To The Stratosphere #891

Episode Date: April 25, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. You know, there is a chance, maybe even a good chance, that we don't have Brian Friend on the show if it's not for California Hormones. You guys should know that.
Starting point is 00:00:48 That's a huge, huge, crazy relevant sponsor to this show. The fact that Brian Friend comes on here on average once a week. And so please be thankful to them. Uh, even go over to their Instagram and thank them for sponsoring the show. But if you are interested, if you are interested in, they are going to start selling peptides, which doesn't require any, uh, I don't think that requires any doctor stuff. I think if you, if you just start researching peptides or you go speak
Starting point is 00:01:19 to a doctor, um, that's something that you can kind of administer and, uh, prescribed yourself. But if it like, I want to yourself. But if it, like, I want to repeat again, if it wasn't for California Hormones, people like Brian Friend, there's a good chance we wouldn't be having them on the show. So remember that, use the code word SEVAN, S-E-V-A-N, and you can get a free doctor's consultation. And if you're in California, especially in the Orange County area, you can also get free doctor's consultation and if you're in california especially in the orange county area you can also get free blood work and it looks like that free blood work will be coming to places like nevada new york florida arizona and more and uh the good thing what's interesting about the sponsors uh sarah sarah cox california hormones they are very close to the show they are supporters of the show along with, and when I say they,
Starting point is 00:02:07 I'm also talking about the guy who made these cups and the guy who basically, I mean, both of these people have taken such good care of me. Gabe over at Paper Street Coffee and Sarah, they've taken the initiative to be sponsors of this show. So while other shows are like going out and actively searching for sponsors, those two have come to us and actively just said, hey, we want to support the show. How can we support it?
Starting point is 00:02:34 And it just so happens that they have businesses. It's a pretty crazy relationship. And sometimes I think we have four other sponsors lined up. Oh, and I should say this also a birth fit uh now birth fit is also a sponsor of the show uh once again i had lindsey on oh i don't know a long time ago but with no interest of getting her as a sponsor just someone i wanted to get as a guest and i couldn't be happier to have them involved also. So you got BirthFit, something you guys all know I'm hugely passionate about, babies being born, mamas, crazy, crazy passionate about that,
Starting point is 00:03:13 giving women and men the proper tools for babies coming into this world. We got Paper Street Coffee. I'm a straight addict. And Sarah Cox, who's just been in California Hormones who's been just crazy supportive and when I do shows like the show we did last night trying to kind of expand into the golf space even though that was probably the worst show I've ever done
Starting point is 00:03:34 totally my fault those shows don't happen without California Hormones so thank you to all those guys Phillip Kelly I love California Hormones thank you and we will be having Uh, Philip Kelly, I love California hormones. Thank you. And we will be having, um, if you want to know more about California hormones, uh, Andrew Hillard has a show called testosterone Tuesday. You should check that out. And we do
Starting point is 00:03:53 have guests on regularly. Philip Kelly, uh, Gary Roberts, uh, Kat sheer, who's on the schedule, who have, um, had relationships with California hormones, who do have relationships with California hormones. And then I have them on and pick their brain. And I don't do that because they're, well, I do that because they're my sponsor, but they don't ask me to do that. I do that because I'm curious. I want to stay up to date. Like, um, uh, California hormones isn't going away if I don't have Phillip on or Kat on or Gary on or whatnot. Anyway. Uh, seven is becoming more and more viable with all these sponsors viable viable oh yeah always there's always a price you're i'm so viable what that what value do we add yeah what value do you add there you go uh okay yesterday i um Yesterday, I was taking the boys to get a hamburger on my fasting day.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Brutal to do that on my fasting day. Anyway, so I take the boys to get a hamburger. And on the way to do it, I call my mom. And I say, hey, mom, you want to come with us to get lunch? She said, yeah, I'm just about to do a workout. I said, okay, I'll be over there in 45 minutes. So I go over there, knock on my mom's door. She's all sweaty. She just finished her workout. She gets in the car. And we go do a workout. I said, okay, I'll be over there in 45 minutes. So I go over there, knock on my mom's door. She's all sweaty. She just finished her workout. She gets in the car
Starting point is 00:05:07 and we go get a burger. We hang out, me and the three boys, my wife and my mom, good time. That's where I made the video on my Instagram yesterday, showing the bathroom in there, the toilet in the men's room. If you haven't seen that, it's very enlightening, especially if you're a woman. I don't think women's bathrooms have that, right? They don't have that lid where you can use your foot to lift the seat up. Anyway, you can check it out at Sevan Rinsta. And when we got to my mom's house, I was going to walk my mom to the door. And I opened the side door and I asked one of my boys, hey, do one of you want to walk a meds, my dick that's grandmother in Armenian to, to her front door. It's, it's, it's close. We're in her driveway. You know, it's, it's 40 feet, 50 feet.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And one of my boys, Joseph says, I'll do it. And he jumps up and jumps out of the car. And as my mom gets out of the car too, my mom shows him how to put his hand like on his waist so that my mom can hold his arm so he can walk my mom and i watch my mom show him how to be there present for a woman and you can even do it for a man right but walk her to uh her front stoop up the stairs to the door i think that thing's called a stoop is that her front stoop, up the stairs, to the door. That thing's called a stoop. Is that right? A stoop? A porch? And then my mom gives my six-year-old her keys, and he opens the door for her and lets her in the house.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I cannot tell you the joy that brings me watching my mom teach him what she taught me. I don't remember that exact lesson. I don't remember that exact lesson, but I have this montage, this, I don't know what it is, a stained glass mosaic of the lessons my mom taught me on how to treat women. You walk on the street side. You walk at the speed that they walk. You hold the door open. You stand up when they enter the room.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And what's cool is as these, as I've gotten older, I don't, these things aren't just things you do for women. They're things you do for everybody. But anyway, it's, it's, it's, it's so good. When, you know, often I ask my guests to define presence and those are, I think those are the things that because I'm present often, I attempt to be present often. Those are the things I catch, right? So I want to walk my mom to the door and then I have the thought, maybe I should offer it to one of the boys. And I see that thought.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I'm aware of that thought and, and I offer it to one of the boys, and I see that thought. I'm aware of that thought. And I offer it up, and the shit happens. Yeah, it is, sounds like the words of sexist and misogynist. There is some, there is some sexism there. You know what it is? It's accepting the truth that a portion of our job as men is to protect women and children. And so I don't – I know you're being funny, Jeremy, and I like it. duty to, I don't know if protect is the right word.
Starting point is 00:08:57 It's a healthy behavior. I'll work on the word. Maybe protect isn't the word, but there is a, um, I don't know, to, to use wills that the guy who calls into the show, the super Christian dude, it's, it's, it's part of the natural law. And so you can even think of it in a selfish way. If you don't do that stuff as a man, you're not letting what happens. It's like holding in a shit. The natural law is that you sit on the toilet and take a deuce, drop a deuce. Laws that you sit on the toilet and take a deuce, drop a deuce. And so there is the natural law also that – and there's natural law.
Starting point is 00:09:30 You get tired. You close your eyes. You go to sleep. There is also a natural law of a man in his natural state is doing those types of things. Yeah, protect is the word. Okay, Mark Quentin, protect is the word. It has nothing to do with like – I'm starting to realize this natural law thing. I don't want to use it as a crutch, as an intellectual crutch. But it's like breathing. You just know you're supposed to do it. You want to know what else it does? Women aren't supposed to go to war. you want to know what else is due? The women aren't supposed to go to war.
Starting point is 00:10:07 There, I said it. Women aren't, women are not supposed to go to war at all. Maybe there's special exception, like in some sort of PSYOP or some sort of like manipulating men as a spy, but women are not supposed to go to war. Women are not supposed to be in the military. I know someone's going to hate that, but yeah. Or be police officers. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. It just, it just is that way.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I'm just, it just is, it just is that way. Maybe somewhere in, maybe somewhere in the organization, there is a, as a place for them, but it's just not, it's not, God, I need something better than natural law. I just can't fall on that. So until then, you can go ahead and call me a bigot or an asshole i'll accept it uh but but but but i will but i will i will fix it um uh clydesdale media good
Starting point is 00:11:12 morning uh scott i actually have a hard time thinking straight when protecting my wife and daughter or friends i'm so adamant uh adamant about it i lose some control functions yeah totally i totally understand that One time there was a guy who kicked my dog I was homeless at the time And we were in a field And a guy kicked my dog Huge dude And I had a great day
Starting point is 00:11:37 And not in any world or reality Can I beat this guy up Not in any world or reality can i beat this guy up not in any world i'm a skinny 143 pound uh homeless guy this fucking big fucking jack dude in the park kicked my dog and i fucking i i just saw red and i fucking told i just ran over told him and told him I'd kill him. And he, I scared the death out of him and he fucking ran to his car and got in his car and left.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And it was because I was, I was like what Scott was saying, completely lost all. I went fucking bonkers. Just fucking bonkers. I was probably, I can't even imagine the shit I said now. So, yeah, I hear you.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Okay, I want to get through a ton of shit today. My list is like at 600. There's so much to get through. You know, as these things come out, remember the last few days we've been talking about the fact that if you have a good credit score that you have to pay more money and that if you were to put it for your mortgage. So basically if you have a credit score over 680, you have to pay more for your mortgage than someone who has a credit score under 680, and it's a new law that Biden has passed. I don't even know how they passed that. I don't know how that works. I don't know how that works, but basically it is rewarding people who – well, it's punishing people who have a good credit score in order to take care of people who have a worse credit score.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And basically we showed if you do the math, it's basically if you have – let's say you get two mortgages at 30 years each. It's basically almost taking $4 million from you, and you go, Sevan, how do you figure it? It's only $500 a year times 60 years. That's only $30,000. If you were to put that $500 in a mutual fund every year for 60 years and it doubled every seven years, basically they're taking three, four, $5 million from you easily. The opportunity. So you're basically paying them and they're taking away an opportunity for you. You have to also remember at that point, you're trusting other people how they spend their money better than you. I'm going to give you another example of something that happened yesterday. Yesterday, before I took my kids to go get a hamburger with my mom, I went to a local school.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I don't know what you'd call it, a vaudeville production or something. It was basically what this school, it's called the Orchard School. It's in my area. And basically they put on a performance at a theater and the theater probably sits three or 400 people and the kids do little sketches and performances. They ride on unicycles. It's cool shit. They ride on unicycles. They juggle. They do little skits. They do comedy skits. It's all this stuff. It's like some really cool hippie shit. And we get there, and it's sold out, and we haven't bought our tickets yet. So the guy comes out and says, hey, I'm going to let about 100 people sit in the front row on the ground, but we won't accept credit card. We only accept cash, and we don't accept Venmo or any of those app things. So you have to pay with cash. So first of all, we're in line in,
Starting point is 00:14:50 in kind of the waiting line to see if we can get in. And the reason we want to go for two reasons, I think my kids will enjoy it. But second, there's some kids that we know who are in my kids' tennis class who are performing in it. So we're there waiting in line. We're like the backup line.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And I'm kind of initiating the whole thing. I'm like, where should we wait? While we're in line, I'm just leading in a bunch of different ways, like making sure that everything's cool. So first of all, I congratulate the guy for being sold out, like the principal's there. I said, hey, congratulations on being sold out. I said, hey, where can we wait so that when you do open it up for the extra seats or for the people who can sit in the front row, we're in line? And he goes, oh, the good idea. Wait over there. I said, cool, no problem. So we go over there, and there was a family that was there before us, so I make sure that they're in front of us. So they come over to me right before the show starts, and they're like, hey, it's $15 per adult and $7 per child.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And the first thing I say is I say, this guy was uh uh before me right and soon as i said that i wanted to say trump 2024 because you have to understand i'm in the complete libtard hive right and i wanted to say that like look like like no like no one else would have said no those other people aren't going to say that shit it's the same thing like if i'm walking and i see dog shit i look behind me and tell the person behind me, hey, heads up, dog shit. Like shit that you would see in the south. People – I know some of you who live in the south are like, what do you mean? That's just normal behavior.
Starting point is 00:16:17 No, it's not. Not in California. It really is not. You do not see these types of things. You never see men stand for women or when they walk into the room in California. You do not see this type of types of things you never see men stand for women or when they walk into the room in california you do not see that anyway so so i tell the i tell the family and i want to say trump 2024 then the guy is short a dollar in front of me for his family it's uh 42 dollars all he has is 41 dollars i immediately hand uh a dollar because i got a big fat wad of cash because I ball and he's like oh thank you then as I'm paying
Starting point is 00:16:48 I my $49 for my family was that right 15 plus 15 is 30 plus 21 for the kids oh shit it was $51 is that right 21 plus oh shit I think I only paid 49 Is that right? Is that 21 plus?
Starting point is 00:17:05 Oh, shit. I think I only paid 49. And the lady said, I trust you. Oh, you want to hear something crazy I just thought of? Oh, fuck. I fucked the guy $3. Anyway, so as we're going in, the people behind me, I hear the lady say, oh shit, we're short $12. And I turn around and I make eye contact with her and I give her $12.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And I think again to myself, I really want to say Trump 2024. Because I want these people to know that these fucking libtards that won't make eye contact with homeless people or look the other way or won't have conversations about what abortion is, they do that all the time. When the train goes by with the Jews in it, they just sing louder. They don't face reality. None of those people want to have the conversation that men are now taking over women's sports. Oh, they're isolated situations. They don't have the social awareness. They don't have the courtesy. They don't have the thoughtfulness. They don't have the, the, in general, my experience with Republicans from the South is that they're a much more
Starting point is 00:18:19 friendly, open, generous class of people, period. End of story. Not even close. That's it. Those are my stories from yesterday. But I was just thinking the whole time I wanted to let those people know, hey, I'm one of those scumbags. I'm one of those scumbags that thinks that chopping off penises on 12-year-old boys is general mutilation. Yep, that's me. scumbags that thinks that chopping off penises on 12 year old boys is general mutilation yep that's me i i asked my son yesterday in the car what's three times 17 he said 51 i said that's one of those things that will come up over and over and over in life and my wife said uh really and i said yeah i don't know why but it does for me and then look at i was just thinking that that that uh those tickets were 51 and i fucked it up and i only paid 49 uh seven you've never said anything more true this is from a fellow northern californian by the way philip kelly lives close to me he totally knows we we roll with the same people
Starting point is 00:19:15 they walk around like this our cohort walks around like this these people will not know anything is happening until something happens to like like they might not even know then you see you see these parents at the board you see these libtard parents at the school board meetings um my daughter was um she was beat up in the bathroom by a boy could we not let boys in the girls' bathrooms? I mean, I don't want to offend anyone. It's like that. I'm really tripping.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I'm really tripping on how – did you see – well, let's just get to it. Let's dig in. This is fun. Let's dig in. Okay. I don't know where to start. I'm going to play this just so I can get it off the list. I've played this before, but it's important to play again this was um
Starting point is 00:20:07 apropos at the time it uh came out in my life we played this before let's start with uh our dear friend uh joe rogan um uh dropping bombs uh here we go mr joe thank you for doing your part joe god we're lucky we have you and here we go action tree of every single country that's ever existed other than the united states up until 1776 every fucking country that has ever existed was run by dictators right all of them this is the first one where you had elected officials this is the first experiment in self-government that actually worked and it created the greatest superpower the world's ever known it created the greatest cultural machine
Starting point is 00:20:55 the greatest machine of art and creativity and innovation right fucking here and how did it do that it did it through freedom Because when you give people freedom, let people do whatever the fuck they want to do, they actually find ways to succeed and grow and thrive. But as soon as you put the boots to them, as soon as you tell them, you have to do this or you can't do that. You have to listen to me.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Now you have a mini dictator. You have one step away from a king. You have one step closer. You're moving one step closer to dictatorship. That's what the fuck is happening. The history. He's not lying. He's not lying.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I repeat, those Democrats and socialists, they will stack bodies like cordwood. They're going to try to do it. I hate to be doomsday thank you joe for uh your appearance on the uh salon podcast this says uh this says copycat let's see what this is number two i normally don't start at the top this is number two here we go uh oh what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this uh okay i'm checking the comments uh cornholio uh seven i'm sure it's worse in northern california but even here in arizona it's really bad with these people yeah i and sometimes you just feel sorry for them like in those situations yesterday i just feel sorry for them they Like in those situations yesterday, I just feel sorry for them.
Starting point is 00:22:25 They're so meek. They're so weak. They're so – But I don't think there's a place to feel sorry for them. Okay, here we go. Let's see. What is this nonsense here? Sir, I'm so sorry to bother you, but I left my wallet at home and I need to get some tampons.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Do you have a couple of dollars you could spare? Call her high. Oh, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Call her high. Good morning, Michael T. Hey, what's up, Michael? I'm going to make it quick this morning. I was listening to your show yesterday. I hate when I don make it quick this morning. I was listening to your show yesterday. I hate when I don't catch it live, but I was listening to it yesterday, and then I'm glad you kind of picked up where you left off as far as, you know, schools and public schools and all that stuff. So there's a group of superintendents from SoCal that went traveling California,
Starting point is 00:23:20 and they went up to the Capitol and went to go meet with some, some state legislators. They sent out their 23 year old interns and would even come and see superintendents. These are the guys that are girls that are responsible for our kids. And that's the part that I think that's broken in the system is we have these legislators and elect that, that allow these 23, 24 year old interns to write whatever the hell they want.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And they're halfway engaged when they're reviewing this stuff. Yeah, I experienced the same thing when I went to Washington with Greg, and we would sit down with so-called senators or congressmen, and it would be just a room full of the fucking dumbest kids you've ever met. The dumbest kids you've ever met posturing little fucks. It's crazy. It is crazy. crazy it is crazy okay thank you uh i do want to say this guys uh so in regards to those uh loans those loans and the money that you're going to pay actually that is the beginning of the social well i don't know if it's the beginning but that is the social credit system basically what they're doing is
Starting point is 00:24:23 they're putting you in prison. Everyone will have the same sheets. Everyone will go out at the yard at the same time. And one of the things about prison is if there's a fight in the yard, everyone pays the price. There's a lockdown for everyone. So Joe and Bob get in a fight and all 1000 people in the prison now are in lockdown that's what's happening they're running society like a prison jamal has a bad credit card credit score and so um marcus now has to fucking pay an extra 50 a month it's fucking bullshit. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, social, uh, credit system funds people's irresponsibility at the cost of being responsible. And guess who gets the money? Manny Spiegel. I'm politically homeless. There's nowhere to go for moderates. I'm liberal about
Starting point is 00:25:21 some things and I'm conservative about others. Here's the thing for me. It doesn't even matter. I'm not, I'm not either. I'm just, I have to get re I it's come to any means necessary. So let's say, uh, I, let's say I have a, I see a gopher in my yard. I will chop its head off with a shovel, a smoke bomb. Um, I'll let a cat in the yard. It doesn't matter. I have to get rid of the gophers or I'm going to lose my crop. That's where I'm at. We've reached a Malcolm X situation. So I think this is a joke. I forget why I chose this clip, but I think it's a take. You know, that guy who usually asks people for a couple of dollars and then gives away like a thousand dollars if they say yes. I think this is a joke joke this is a woman walked up to this man and asked him for a couple dollars to buy a tampon i really appreciate that excuse me i actually didn't need the money i was doing a social
Starting point is 00:26:16 experiment since he would be generous enough to give me the money why'd you give it to me i don't know you said you needed it i wanted to help you out. Take it and be blessed. Have a good one. Thank you. I mean, excuse me. The first person that was going to give me some money, I was going to give them some head. You were what? I was going to give them Here we go. I know why I chose it. No one's ever done that for me before. What do you want to do? Right here? Right here's fine. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Bitch! Excuse me, sir. There you go. Now, I think it was Chaplin who said a great joke only comes after a good joke, and there you saw it. So first we got a little misdirection. We think that she's going to give this guy – she's borrowing money from him. Then she's going to give him head, and then it ends up being a setup by the cops.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Fantastic. What a fantastic bit. Thank you. No, I seriously – I don't even remember choosing that piece, to be honest with you. This list is massive. This list is ridiculous. Mr. Kockener. This list is massive. Okay, you hung up. Okay. I don't know why that's called. Oh, copycat. I said it's a copycat because he copies the guy who gives away the $1,000. Okay, here we go. Oh, feminism. Feminism.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Here we go. Man, we're going to get through so many of these today. This is going to be fun. Here we go. A sort of feminism that insists that women prove their ability to do all the things that men do. This is a distortion and a travesty. Men have never sought to prove that they can do all the things women do. Why subject women to purely masculine criteria? Women can and ought to be judged by the criteria of femininity, for it is in their femininity that they participate in the human race,
Starting point is 00:28:16 and femininity has its limitations, so has masculinity. It's a naive sort of- Hey, what a crazy thing, right? it just makes you realize how confused the human brain can get what a crazy psyop the whole premise that's how systemic racism works too it's the people it's the people who believe that there is systemic racism who insist that it stay there the whole premise of what she's saying here, are you guys grasping this? Is that for a woman to even be chasing the things that a man does makes her less of a woman. It's crazy. Feminism insists that women prove their ability to do all the things that men do. Feminism insists that women prove their ability to do all the things that men do.
Starting point is 00:29:07 That in itself right there makes it not feminism. Crazy. It's always twisted. It's always backwards like that. Yeah, it makes her a masculine woman. Huh? Hmm? Hmm?
Starting point is 00:29:31 Imagine Superman wishing he were Aquaman. Although I can't imagine Aquaman wishing he was Superman. So maybe that's not a good example. So maybe that's not a good example. Brace yourself, people. Here we go. Here we go. There are so many people making fortunes on the homeless problem in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:30:08 What is the incentive to solve the problem really? Listen carefully. The homeless problem in the state of Washington, that's our furthest northwest state besides Alaska. In the continental United States, it's the furthest northwest state. The homeless situation is a billion-dollar industry. Buh. Buh. Buh. Here we go. Listen to this. Oh, shit. More audio, please.
Starting point is 00:30:43 One more time. Take two. She says, I'm a public administrator. Public administrator. How much do you make? $242,000 a year. Can you describe what you do in one sentence? I oversee homeless programs for a very large nonprofit in the city of Los Angeles. That's a big role. And what's your biggest struggle in that job? Not enough housing, not enough housing, not enough housing.
Starting point is 00:31:11 So she thinks the homeless problem is because not enough housing, and she makes $242,000. Do you think she's ever been homeless? Does anyone here think that the – finger quotes, air quotes – think that the homeless problem has anything to do with not enough housing? Does anyone think that? Tell me. I'll wait. Anyone? Call in.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I want to talk to you. Do you think that? Does anyone think that? Does anyone think that the homeless problem has anything to do with housing? She makes $242,000 a year. I refuse to accept mental illness. Mark Fuente's addiction. I refuse to accept mental illness. It means nothing to me.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Everyone's mentally ill. It means nothing to me. It's crazy. It's crazy. Absolutely fucking nuts. We can't even get to the baseline of what mental illness is because the drug addiction problem is so bad. $242,000 a year, she pretends she's doing something noble sounds like a perfect job for her yeah great austin fucking amazing uh comment here austin hartman that's like saying poor people
Starting point is 00:32:37 are poor because there's not enough money in circulation hey dude that's what they actually think too that's what the universal income proposal is that the extremist socialist democrats want to put out there. They think that the problem is that people need more money. They think that you can make a universal income of $1,000 a month and things will get better. and things will get better. I'm very, fuck yeah, I'm triggered by the haircut. I'm triggered by how her pants fit. I'm triggered by the fact she's wearing gloves outside in Los Angeles. Who the fuck wears gloves in Los Angeles? Yeah, I dismiss mental illness.
Starting point is 00:33:17 That is correct, Jeff. I fucking dismiss mental illness. That is correct. I do. I dismiss it. I dismiss it as any part of the problem for what's going on on the streets Yes I dismiss it That's right That's right
Starting point is 00:33:32 There's no It's like arguing It's like arguing that cops are bad Because they shot 12 unarmed black men and that all cops should – all cops are bad for that. Missing – not mentioning the 365 million stops they do a year. It's fucking idiocy. You want me to tell you what mental illness is? Thinking that mental illness plays a role in homelessness, like it's even worth addressing.
Starting point is 00:34:12 When 99.9% of those people are drug addicts it's fucking idiocy it's fucking libtard shit it's like someone it's like someone's got a gun to your head but you're still trying to pull the splinter out of your foot it's it's like that yeah i know it I know. It's pretty sad. It's pretty sad. Yeah, exactly. Is fentanyl fixing the homeless problem? Yeah, and that's the funny thing. That's the funny thing. Isn't that amazing? People like Jeff Baco probably think you should prescribe more fentanyl
Starting point is 00:34:38 to help with the mental illness of the people on the streets. Listen to this. Sebon, you are completely ignorant. No, you have no fucking experience, dude. You have no fucking experience. You're a slave to jargon. You're a slave to jargon. Don't worry about the spelling, asshole. asshole. You want to prescribe more fentanyl to help with the mental illness probably on the streets, right? Sean Lenderman, bingo. I think I had mental illness because of addiction. Of course, of course, of course, not the other way around. Of course, dude. That's 99% of it. That's my point. And listen, those people who say stuff like you want to dismiss mental illness, it's just emotional appeal. It's intellectual laziness.
Starting point is 00:35:38 You make choices first that lead your life down a dark road that leads to mental illness. Dude, we had Dale King on. Do you want me to have him on again and have him explain to you that all those people that were addicted, that were mentally ill? Go to any fucking AA meeting, anyone. On the first day, all those motherfuckers are mentally ill. Yeah, they're dealing with some fucking demons. Yeah, fentanyl. Yeah, that's another way to do it. Flood the streets with more fentanyl.
Starting point is 00:36:07 It's crazy. Sevan, do you know anything about trauma in the brain? Listen, fucktard, listen to me. Do you not listen to this show? When I was seven years old, I crashed on a bike and I was in fucking coma for fucking four days at a subdermal hematoma. I worked in a home for mentally disabled adults and lived there on the driveway for five fucking years. I was also homeless for fucking seven years. I'm completely aware that you can do fucking brain scans of a retarded person, someone who's had a fucking emotional abuse, and someone who's had physical brain head trauma. And that the brains, there's similar activity in all the brains. I'm completely aware of that.
Starting point is 00:36:55 9,000. Yeah, I made a movie about it. I made a movie about it. It won 30 film festival awards. It beat – at the fifth largest film festival in the world, it beat the film Spellbound that won the Academy Award that year. It's on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:37:10 It's called Our House. I put it on there. It's the first movie I ever made. I made that movie when I was fucking homeless. Also, your mom was a powerful attorney but he was homeless I don't even know what the fuck that means more passive aggressive fucking blabber nonsense because you're afraid to say what you want to say
Starting point is 00:37:36 because you have the testosterone level of a fucking mouse cunt just say what you want to say quit being a bitch. Apologies, Yon Clark says. Apologies, someone. I knew I was being silly.
Starting point is 00:37:52 I know you made the movie. Oh, sorry. Okay, got it, got it. Dan Guerrero. I'm not suggesting that there's no mental illness. I'm suggesting that Dan is saying it's not intellectual laziness to, uh, no intellectual laziness is saying there's no mental illness. You can explain that the underlying cause is addiction, but to say there's no mental illness is ignorant. Okay, fine. Fine. Fine. I'll give you that. If that'll make it go away i'll give you that that's what you're saying is totally fair but the way but you're also taking that out of context because
Starting point is 00:38:33 the way mark fuentes wrote it was is that it went to addiction and the number one problem was addiction and then mental illness and it's they're so conflated that to separate them is is crazy talk right just to separate them is crazy talk, right? Just to separate them is just crazy talk. You have to stop the addiction. You don't defund the police to save fucking 12 unarmed black guys that were probably fucking involved in fucking life-threatening crimes anyway so that the dinner can become an increase in uh um black on black death 34 the next year and it's the same thing with the homelessness situation
Starting point is 00:39:10 worrying about the mental illnesses it is a mental illness i'm not getting worked up i'm a fucking the thespian i I'm a thespian. And from your from your comment, I'm guessing maybe I need the Academy Award. David Masella, mental illness and mental health is overused crutch these days, yet it exists, but not everyone that claims it has it. it's so abstract here's the thing it's so abstract and yet the fentanyl crisis is there's nothing abstract about it there's the drug i see it i'm holding a handful in my hand that's enough to kill the city of new york i then can put it uh put it in syringes and hand it out and kill people i mean it's the and then mental illness is just emotional appeal. And there's also the thing you have to also remember that for a lot of people, it's just a crutch. It's just playing the victim.
Starting point is 00:40:17 There's no there there. If we really want to address some big shit, there's no there there. Okay. So here we go. So these are the kind of people who are dealing with the quote unquote homeless situation. Great discussion. Thank you, Jeff. Thank you, Trish. Thank you, Mark Fuentes.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Fantastic discussion. Very stimulating. Okay. Oh my goodness. This is amazing What I'm about to show you Another great comment by Heidi Where to draw the line Between mental illness and just normal human condition Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:58 Last night I heard screaming I ran into the kid's bedroom. I came back to bed. I asked my wife, I said, hey, did you hear that? She just kind of turned over and didn't say anything. I'm laying there. Fucking, I feel my heart rate is going. My heartbeat's beating.
Starting point is 00:41:24 I'm listening, I'm listening. I'm listening. I'm making a note of where the gun is. Can I get to the gun and get it out in one second or two seconds? What's my draw time? I'm thinking about how should I be worried about this or should I be fucking trying to rest because I got a big podcast tomorrow? I hear it again. Fuck, my wife's not even paying attention i hear screaming again i go did you hear that and she goes it's the neighbors peacocks that sound gets made every
Starting point is 00:41:56 night for the last fucking five years i was like oh yeah you're right yeah definitely peacock yeah actually i claim i thought maybe owl too because the owls kind of come in seasons isn't that kind of weird they they're they're they're what they're the shit they do comes in seasons we have so many so much bird activity around our house right now it's crazy turkeys owls peacocks that was fucking mental illness i went through last night i was freaking out i don't know i'm going to shoot a peacock. Can you do that? Put a pistol under your pillow?
Starting point is 00:42:33 I don't know. I can't do that. Anyway, I had a little bit of mental illness last night. Okay, this is fucking incredible. Okay, this is fucking incredible. If any of the viewers can try this and do this to someone and send me the video, this is just absolutely amazing. Oh, shut it, Trish. Oh, shut it.
Starting point is 00:42:57 I know. When I said it, I realized it was stupid. Shut it. Trish said, oh, you're telling me that birds follow seasonal behaviors? We have a season around here where just the owls are making so much damn noise I I like it though I like the owls the peacocks are just a little much okay watch this this is crazy I I'm about to show you something that no one's ever seen before if you've seen maybe Devesh has seen this this is the kind of shit you'd see like in Bangladesh uh based on what some people say, mental illness is 100% of the population has mental illness. But for true mental illness, I'd say it's actually probably less than 10%.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I'm guessing if there's any – oh, Devesh or Yash have seen this. And yes, based on the color of their skin is the reason why I'm saying that. Okay, watch this. This is nuts. You guys ready? Okay. You see that shit? It's human uh what's that called ira ira gami ira gami ira gami what's that thing when you fold a like a dollar bill into like a swan oh shit there's a guy taking a piss in the bushes back there look at that shirt who has stripes that go diagonal on a shirt we don't do that in the states, do we? What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:44:27 Diagonal stripes. So that guy's stuck. Origami. Thank you. Origami. Thank you. Look, that's human origami. Look, that guy's not even looking at his dick when he pees because even he's blown away.
Starting point is 00:44:48 This is like some village humor. Oh, yeah, village prank, very smoothly pulled. Yeah, crazy. Man. Hey, and I think, correct me if I'm wrong, but I was concerned about his hands and that bark being rough when he's on there. But I think that might be like a cork tree or something. You know, like that texture on the bark on a cork tree, how it's kind of like, it's cork. It's like weird.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It's soft and gushy. Jan-Clarke Devesh would just rip that tree out of the ground, probably. Oh, he's in Florida. Shit. I'm going to block that out. No, you're not. You're in India. You're from one of the islands, aren't you, anyway?
Starting point is 00:45:31 Like Trinidad Tobago or something like that? Can't you be from India? The bark is exfoliating. Yes. Yes, Yash. Where is that comment? The bark is exfoliating. Yes. Yeah, great question. Where'd he get that Letterman jacket? That's crazy. So, no one's ever seen this done in real life, right? This is like completely fucking... This is probably... This is why social media is so amazing.
Starting point is 00:45:56 You can see shit like this. Well, there's two guys peeing back there in the bushes that must be the spot all right yeah i don't know where he got that um alibaba jacket all right uh sebon did you see the home depot employee who was shot and killed by a shoplifter last weekend yeah crazy fucking crazy pleasanton california uh one of the whitest places you will ever go. Two people walked in, man and a woman. Stole something, security approached them, and they fucking killed the guy. Fucking so sad. So fucking sad.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Be careful, man, approaching anybody. It can be a weird fucking world. Uh, okay. I don't know if I should show this. This is old. Um, this is before I got banned. I must've chose pick this. I'm not going to show this. It says I currently have 568 patients. Wow. I currently have 568 patients with post. So this guy has 568 patients. This is a doctor, Tim Gauthier.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Oh, this guy actually came and spoke at CrossFit headquarters. this is a doctor uh tim gochi i currently have 568 patients um who went to the 49ers game and all of them since going to the 49ers game are experiencing myocarditis and pericarditis. Wow. I get new patients every day with the same symptoms after attending the 49ers games. In the 31 years I've been attending 49ers games, I've had less than 10 patients with these side effects from attending the 49ers game. Wow. So in one year he has 568 patients, but in 31 years prior to that, 10 patients
Starting point is 00:48:03 with adverse effects from going to the 49ers games I'm telling you the football games have gotten dangerous stay away from the NFL I'm not going to apologize and yet I expect you to accept me oh Mm-hmm. I'm not going to apologize, and yet I expect you to accept me. Oh, fuck. We might as well.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Fuck it. I'm just going to show this. I didn't want to show this until I had Susan on the show. I'm probably not even going to talk about this. I'll just show this. I wonder how many comments this post has. This post probably has
Starting point is 00:48:51 10 million comments. Look at James Townsend. Please, let's talk about it. I got a lot to say. I've been tagged in this video many, many times over the past week or so. It's on a young woman's page by the name of The Official Joe. Someone has asked her this question. Are you the first black woman because i love crossfit
Starting point is 00:49:09 and i've never seen one i was aware of the tags to myself and some other black games athletes have come into play and before i really get into it i want to pose this question are we ready for an honest conversation i've been around the space for over a decade and i really haven't seen the discourse grow or evolve for reason i've been around the space for over a decade and i really haven't seen the discourse grow or evolve for the reason i've been fairly quiet on this topic over the past two years because i don't think we're ready to get real guys tell me if i'm wrong are we ready to have an honest conversation about black people in crossfit so i have been tagged in this video I don't even know what she's saying. I can only speculate.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I wonder maybe if she's posted something since. Let's see if she's posted something since. I can only speculate. But I'm guessing that she didn't like the fact that... I'm guessing that she was triggered and she doesn't... God damn, she has fucking perfect skin. That's her husband too? Well, her life looks good on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Damn, that's good-looking people. Holy shit, he looks like a fucking avatar. I'm guessing she's – part of it is just – I don't know. I can only speculate, but she says nothing, and that irritates me that she says fucking nothing. Like, you took the time to say nothing. I forgot how attractive she is. I like that dude's beard, too. I never talked to her.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Maybe I talked to her, like, five times at the games. I avoided her, like, to play. She scared me to her like five times at the games. I avoided her like the plague. She scared me. There were a lot of people like that. I didn't talk to Julie Foucher. I always sent my wife to talk to her. I had trouble interviewing the girls. They were pretty wild and pretty tight.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Very, very serious group of people. Very serious. No Josh Bridges. very serious uh group of people very serious no josh bridges in hindsight i wish i would have grown a set and just taken the rejection or you know what i mean um i'm trying to you know who else um Who was the other girl? There was another black girl at the games. Deborah Corner Carson or something. And one time she won Spirit of the Games Award. She fucking sucked. I didn't think she was nice at all.
Starting point is 00:51:35 I thought she was the opposite of the Spirit of the Games Award. 100% opposite. And one year I remember she didn't want to go swimming in the ocean. And Dave walked her out there as the fucking director of the game and coached her through it. This is a fucking during the games event. Anyway, it doesn't matter what color their skin is. But I just, I think she won Spirit of the Games that year. I'd have given it to Akinwale before I gave it to Deborah Corner Carson.
Starting point is 00:52:11 That chick was actually fucking rude to me. That chick actually told me not to film her or some shit. That chick was actually aggressive to me. Oy, oy. This guy, his name is Jaws Slayer. J-A-W-S Slayer. S-L-A-Y-E-R. And maybe someone in my DMs will send me.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Maybe Elizabeth did a follow-up post to that. And maybe someone will send it to me and we can look at it. But I would say 99% of the time, I'll tell you my position, if you don't feel comfortable somewhere, that's your fucking problem. And I'd also like to know the stats on the number of melanated people in melanated-owned gyms versus non-melanated gyms. I bet you the gym that has the most melanated people in it is owned by a white person. And I bet you the gyms that are owned by melanated people have shit loads of fucking white people i bet you there's all
Starting point is 00:53:09 sorts of stats that we can show that it's and stop blaming people stop fucking blaming other people everyone thinks you're fucking hot and cool and nice until you say shit like that so you start like saying dumb shit do your your part. Be cool. This guy says, for every time you don't go to the 49ers game, I'll go twice. This guy's name is Jaws Slayer, J-A-W-S Slayer.
Starting point is 00:53:35 And then the very fucking next month, he posts, hey all, I just got discharged from the hospital after having two days for pulmonary embolisms, blood clots in my lungs, and remnants of deep vein thrombosis. But he went to the 49er games twice for every time. He was bragging in a tweet that he went to the 49ers game uh twice for every time you wouldn't go
Starting point is 00:54:05 can you imagine these fucking people uh samantha h the owner of my crossfit gym is heavily into critical race theory and race it definitely makes things awkward for those of us who don't believe everything about race yeah there's one tell them there's one race it's race. Your owner is crazy racist and hasn't come to terms with it. That's what should make you uncomfortable. Crazy racist. And hasn't come to terms with it. There's no reason to see people
Starting point is 00:54:40 by the color of their skin, unless you're a fucking medical doctor, unless you're picking teams at PE, then you pick those two times. A medical doctor, maybe there might be some skin issues that you might need to know, some certain, I don't know, things that maybe certain people people certain ethnicities are more susceptible to or least susceptible to and then if you're picking teams in high school for PE pick the black kids first other than that doesn't fucking matter it's fucking just pure racism after that
Starting point is 00:55:24 just keep loving on them God I love Kanye How's he doing? How's Kanye doing? How's my homeboy doing? Here we go My people are sick If I load up Apple Music right now and I play the top songs in the rap chart, I would tell you my people are sick.
Starting point is 00:55:53 If I go to the restaurants and opportunity zones and we look at the calorie rating and the cholesterol, I would tell you that my people are sick. If we look at the obesity rate, you will you that my people are sick. If we look at the obesity rate, you will see that my people are sick and my people, meaning all people. If the media picks a overweight black woman and says, this is body goals, then the media are influencing my people to stay sick. sick. And it just so happens that that night I was so frustrated after 20 years that I had to call it out in one tweet. Even if I say, hey, okay, I was frustrated for these reasons. Now it's not good enough. You've literally tried to make me re-apologize 10 times in this meeting, re-say this, re-say that, but it doesn't change the fact that my people are sick and I'm the only person in my position that will say that
Starting point is 00:56:52 my people are sick. Today, not 30 years ago, not 60 years, my people are sick today. 50% of my peoples of death are abortion today. My people don't have the opportunities today i people are sick questions he is going back and forth between saying my people are all people and and then insinuating that his people are people with melanated skin he is he is conflating the two but i don't give a fuck i love the guy i love anyone who's trying to push in that in the direction he's pushing. I don't expect him to be perfect. Oh, Savon, he said he hates Jews.
Starting point is 00:57:31 He says he loves Hitler. Go ahead. You pick what you want to see. Go ahead. I grow my heart large for compassion, empathy, awareness. Oh, look, another Kanye. Another Kanye speech. Another Kanye speech.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Let's see, what is this one? Let's see. Oh, this isn't Conway. Oh, here we go. What's going on with epstein uh epstein sold and raped children but never lost access to banks oh this is good this is a lewis county uh gas station and general store epstein sold and raped children but never lost access to banks Oh this is gonna be good This is gonna be good
Starting point is 00:58:27 Know who did? Truck drivers My pillow guy And Kanye Are you awake yet? Crazy right? Jeffrey Epstein ran What's arguably the most financially successful
Starting point is 00:58:43 Fucking child sex slave operation in the world. It's probably not true, but let's just go with it. And he had support from fucking J.P. Morgan. Well documented. That's not conspiracy shit. Well documented. And he didn't have his fucking bank assets by the way just so you know um prior to him going to jail and dying he'd gone to jail before i don't know if you guys know that for banging little kids like a some girl he'd spent like 18 months in jail for for that and even after that that's when all the other shit started happening so like all the politicians and all the people were hanging out with them were hanging out with them even after they knew
Starting point is 00:59:27 he got busted for banging some some underage chick but you know who did lose their bank access truck drivers in canada my pillow guy and kanye are you awake man man oh man. But there's some mentally ill people out there. But they're mentally ill. It's okay. They're mentally ill. It's okay. They're mentally ill. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:59:58 It's okay. Fucking border is wide open. The border is wide open The border is wide open with fentanyl pouring across the border And you want to fucking Put your fucking stake in the ground on mental illness more than 233,000 people applied for the 3,250 spots in Cook County's guaranteed basic income program. Fucking crazy. Listen to this.
Starting point is 01:00:45 No shit. You made a joke in the comments about this as a joke. Okay. The border is hardly wide open. Another mainstream media myth. Oh, so you're talking about when Jorge Ventura goes down there and shows us the footage on his Instagram account or comes on the show and talks? That's all a myth?
Starting point is 01:01:11 Is that what you're saying? Wide open, brother. Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Maybe this is what you need. Easily accessible to cross. How about that? How about that? Easily accessible to cross.
Starting point is 01:01:24 How about supported by – how about this, Jeff? Supported by the U.S. government to help cross. How about that? Easily accessible to cross. How about supported by, how about this, Jeff? Supported by the U.S. government to help cross. Those are true. Those are true. It's staged. Holy shit. Hey, and what's even funny is that doesn't even matter if it's staged. That doesn't even
Starting point is 01:01:40 refute my claim. That's how ridiculous you are. Doesn't matter if it's staged. Jeff going off again yeah he's just he just doesn't know how to talk he doesn't speak the english language uh he's poisoned he's not being serious there's no way there's no way someone is oh yes he is yes dude dude of course yes dude at – did you see – let me just say this real quick. Someone made a joke earlier that they were using like thinking that you'll get rid of poor people by giving them money is the same – I forget. They were using a metaphor earlier. Giving people – god damn, what was the metaphor?
Starting point is 01:02:23 Was it with the lady that was making 240 grand is that yeah related to that it was in that piece but basically um uh basically they were they made some metaphor and the joke was is like hey yeah getting rid of poor people would be like just handing out free money and right of course that doesn't work because within fucking five hours of you giving them that money it'll be back in the rich people's hands right well listen to this uh the the the 3,250 people who win the lottery to participate in the two-year program could get the first of 24 $500 monthly payments by the end of December the overwhelming response from our residents speaks to the need of being felt in our communities at this unique time they're saying
Starting point is 01:03:05 that the overwhelming response of 233 000 people applying for free money shows the need for it that's pure idiocy that's pure idiocy that's like saying um because people breathe oh my god it's fucking cook county is proud to be leading in the american guaranteed income movement and we look forward to providing stable financial foundation for our residents who need the help the most. Wow. They think that giving away money is going to get rid of poverty. You know it's going to exacerbate the problem, right? We've been doing that for 50, 60 years, and it's made the problem what you just said. It's exacerbated the problem. I worked for the government for over 10 years doing that,
Starting point is 01:03:47 giving money to people. And guess what? The same people. And then guess what? Their kids. And then their grandkids, like literally I saw it every day. We get here,
Starting point is 01:03:56 here, here's some more money. It never solved. It doesn't solve anything. And these people, their textbook, the way they look, their textbook fucking.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Hi, how are you, Jeremy? How's everything going, brother? It's going good. I know we just talked about that Friday morning, but I actually forgot to tell you a story with the liberal girl. Oh, please. a story with the uh the liberal girl um oh please it's not the most profound thing uh but we got married yesterday i'm just kidding we didn't get married no so we're hanging out she lives in uh part of milwaukee called the east side and i guess it's similar to like let's say san francisco milwaukee is like a baby San Francisco, you know, but people like live in the city and you know, it's like hipster, this, that, and the next thing, cool area, but not an area I spent a whole lot of time in until now. Anyways,
Starting point is 01:04:54 we're sitting on her back porch and you know, drinking wine, hanging out, talking and I was, I was, she lives right next to Allie and I was asking her, I'm not making this up. I swear to God, I was asking her if she has a, if she's ever had a homeless guy or a person come along. She's like, you know what? Actually, no, I don't, I don't really see too many homeless people. Um, that area is really close to the ghetto.
Starting point is 01:05:18 And so I would imagine it would just spill over a little bit. Two minutes later I look, boom, there's this homeless dude walking down the alley. And I'm like, Oh shit, here we go. And I tell him like, Hey, Hey, look. And he's calm. He comes up. Oh, Hey, Hey, Hey. The first thing he says, y'all going to make some beautiful babies. I'm like, ah, we just started laughing. And he's like, Hey, me and my nine year old daughter are homeless. We need some help.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I'm looking around. I don't see a girl anywhere. I'm like, all right. So he's, he's, he's not with, he's mentally ill. Um, and uh, you can help me. And he's talking to her first and I let her answer, you know, I'm not like, get out of your gut. Like, I don't do that. Uh, she's like, no, I'm sorry. i don't have any money or food for you i'm sorry and i'm like that's bullshit there's food right in your refrigerator not not that we should be necessarily encouraging homeless people by giving them stuff all the time but working where i worked uh in the ghetto i would get off a part of the freeway and almost every single day, homeless people would be right there at the red light. I always packed extra food, never gave
Starting point is 01:06:29 them money, but I would give them food. Here you go. Have a nice day. Maybe chat with them a little bit. So I know that feeding the seagulls with Jerry, feeding the seagulls, feeding the seagulls. Go on. So I, she says her piece and he, and then he looks at me, Hey, how about you, man? And I'm like, damn it. Like I, I want to talk to the guy for a minute. Cause you know, he's, he might be homeless, but he's, he's a person he needs. He deserves a good conversation. I usually never give money, but I knew I had like $4 in my wallet.
Starting point is 01:07:04 She already said that there's no food in the house, so I can't offer him food, which is what I normally would do. So I'm like, you know what, man? I normally don't do this. I'd rather give you anything but money, but I'm feeling generous. So instead of me going to the house, I say, hey, can you go in and grab my wallet? It's right there. And I give him four or $5 bills, and generous so instead of me going to the house i say hey can you go in and grab my wallets right
Starting point is 01:07:25 there and i give him four four or five dollar bills and he's super grateful uh but she was not happy with me she was not happy at all not necessarily that i gave him money but that that i even engaged with him in the first place oh shit, shit. Oh, shit. Yeah. I was like, well, I mean, he's a human being and he's down for whatever, you know, choosing the streets and or maybe drugs over shelter. Yeah, he's out here in the streets. But, you know, I can at least engage with the guy. I'm not I'm not going to ignore him, you know, and I never do that. And I was just like, wow. Okay. Of course they don't do that.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Of course they don't do that. Of course they don't do that. Libtards are fucking elitist. They feel sorry for the guy who mows the lawn. They feel sorry for the person who cleans their bathroom. They feel sorry for homeless people. But that's a misnomer. They think they're better.
Starting point is 01:08:23 They think they're better. They think they're better. Totally. The conversations we've even had about like police officers. She's like, you of all people should hate them. And I'm like, wow. Wow. Wow. Like that's, that's not cool. And guess what? And I don't know if you remember this when I called out earlier this year, last year.
Starting point is 01:08:44 And I talked about the police officer story where I got the handjob in the backseat, all that shit. Yes, yes. I told her that story. And it made her jealous that some other girl did that to me. And I was like, we've been talking for like two weeks. Like, why? That was 15 years ago.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Anyways. This one time i ejaculated with another girl just once and it happened to be in the back of a cop car all right other than that yeah never but yeah she she's like she could not believe that a black guy in a predominantly white area in the suburbs not only was in a friend's car the officer, the white police officer helped me push that car. It was like two in the morning. Helped me push that car across a busy street into a parking lot. Then gave me and this girl,
Starting point is 01:09:34 a white girl, a ride to my other car. She's like, I've never heard of anything like that. I'm like, you know, I didn't say it. You live in a bubble.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Yeah. You're not going to hear these things. But i felt like sharing that with you because i forgot to do it the other day i appreciate it you demand thank you jeremy as heidi says all your you're always quick thank you thanks heidi bye love you too uh 12 daily doses valuable contributions so the border peeps are being escorted over by the government. Yeah, we've seen tons of footage of that, by the way, because some guy shows you on his gram, not some guy, but many guys and many news outlets. And ironically, the news outlets that aren't showing it aren't showing any border activity, so worth noting. But the election fraud being literally disproven by dozens and laughed out of courts is
Starting point is 01:10:25 fake got it and i believe 12 daily doses is being sarcastic there in using misdirection um that's that's what he always does he changes the subject and uses uh emotional appeal and basically lies right like he's basically saying because you saw it on video on instagram it must not be true the irony is is that this disproven where did he see that the election fraud has been disproven by dozens and laughed out of court court he saw that on like on what on cnn which but anyway here's just i just want to make sure i drive this home how bad the election fraud is this is newsweek this is a libtard a magazine uh we we looked at this a couple days ago it is now uh uh it is now a fact a biden team sparked effort to kill hunter laptop story uh ex-cia boss they got the guy's name in here mike morel helped organized
Starting point is 01:11:21 a letter by 50 intelligence community figures ahead of the 2020 presidential election suggesting leaked emails from Hunter's laptop were Russian disinformation. And they all knew that was a lie, and yet they all signed the email. And when they asked Mike Morrell why he did that, he said because he wanted Joe Biden to win the election. It doesn't become any more clear than that. And there's thousands of instances of election fraud, thousands and thousands. There's video all over the place. I've told you this before. You can just look it up, election fraud video.
Starting point is 01:11:58 And you'll see people with cameras at polling booths showing the election fraud. It's bad, dude. It's fucking really bad i don't understand why you why you deny it maybe it was to help trump at least at least go that way at least say yeah well at least go with yeah there's tons of election fraud and help trump just as much as biden at least go that way like don't just put your head in the sand why would you do that but anyway and this isn't just Newsweek reporting it, but what is interesting is there's very few libtard media outlets that will address this head on. But there it is in Newsweek. It doesn't get any more fraudulent than that when you have the CIA helping you win the election.
Starting point is 01:12:36 So there's that. So there you go. A lot of passive aggressiveness emotional appeal just straight dickheadery but I appreciate it it gives an excuse you're a good foil I guess okay here we go from Patrick Bed David's Instagram account let's listen to the former president Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:13:07 From Patrick Bedd, David's Instagram account. Let's listen to the former president who is now dead, JFK. I think more unfortunate than to have soft, chubby, fat-looking children who go to watch their school play basketball every Saturday and regard that as their week's exercise. I hope that all of you will join and everybody in the United States to make sure that our children participate fully in a vigorous and adventurous life which is possible for them in this very rich country of ours. I think more unfortunate than to have soft, chubby, fat-looking children. Soft, chubby, fat-looking children.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Soft, chubby, fat children. And that's the fucking nice way of saying it. Parents who aren't doing their job, parents who are fucking abusing their kids is the real way to say it. Oh, look at this. Look at this. What is going on here?
Starting point is 01:14:33 Okay, let's see. Let's see. I haven't pulled this website up in a long time., Bam, we're live. We're proud to team up with the CEO of Fitness I'm just the CEO of everything They call me El Jefe
Starting point is 01:14:51 No plan B I need a Sevantology shirt You can get any of this stuff People love this shirt This one that I can't believe we haven't had to stop yet That shirt's only $18 that pisses me off this is the best shirt right here
Starting point is 01:15:08 why is this shirt only $20 this shirt should be $30 the fuck is this shirt only $20 this is the best shirt oh this one says California Hormones on it too this one's subsidized I don't think so oh shit it is
Starting point is 01:15:23 I don't even think I have one of those. That should be... God damn it. There just needs to be a black... There's no black CEO shirt here, Travis. I have this one. I don't... This isn't my favorite.
Starting point is 01:15:38 I have the... Oh, here we go. Here we go. All the different colors. This camo one kind of fits weird on me. Not bad. all the different colors this camo one kind of fits weird on me not bad
Starting point is 01:15:44 it's more for a crossfitters body I got big old titties and big old shoulder big old shoulders this gold one's dope green one's dope I don't have that one either Travis send that one over buddy and this black one with red send that one over I'll have to that one either, Travis, send that one over, buddy, and this black one with red, send that one over, send, I'll have to take one of each, fucking send them over, largest, please,
Starting point is 01:16:11 and not the camo one, I already got a camo one, it's all I want to wear, large, so I want to tell you one more thing about my body before I move on, in the last few days, people have been commenting on my body before i move on uh in the last few days people have been commenting on my body more than ever before it's kind of weird when i go out in public and even yesterday when we got off the air uh brian friend said hey dude you look jacked yeah 175 55 yeah i should actually weigh myself i bet you i bet you right now i bet you i weigh 10 pounds less i bet you i'm 165 i haven't eaten in like 32 hours, and I stopped taking that NO Explode like four days ago. But Brian said even after the show yesterday, he goes, hey, dude, you're looking jacked. And you know what it is, I think. I think it's this. And I shit you not. I think it's this. And I shit you not.
Starting point is 01:17:06 I think it's this. Oh, shit. I think it's... I think it's... Well, I got a sled, and I've been doing a lot of sled work. But... And by a lot, I mean, like, at least every three days sometimes every day
Starting point is 01:17:26 uh but but look at this it's this i think it's this i think it's pool i think it's this rope i got from rogue which by the way i already kind of fucked up because i dragged it over the sled shit Shit. You have some extra cash laying around. Get this rope. Especially if you have some. Okay, see if... King Kong's not even this tall. King Kong's not this tall?
Starting point is 01:17:58 It's a hundred foot nylon rope. And I just stand there and I pull it. And it's crazy. My, I don't know what muscle it is in my leg. Kind of like my ass. It's sore and my biceps get blown the fuck up. It's crazy what happens to my biceps when I'm done pulling this. And I have that bicep injury and it doesn't even bother that.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Just keep it in really close like this. And I flex my lats and I just stay tight. And I just keep it in really close like this. I flex my lats and I just stay tight. I love Rogue. And I just lean back. Anyway, Rogue should pay me for how much I love that thing. It's your glute. Is that what it is? Yeah. Something.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Something's getting blown up like crazy in the back. You know what it feels like? It's funny you say that. It feels like it's like the low, it's like where my hamstring attaches to that saggy part of your ass. That's like never gets sore. And it gets so sore.
Starting point is 01:18:53 It's like not, it's not the part like that lunges do. It's nowhere near the Cheerio. Anyway. Ken Walters with a review on the Bam Mike shirt a couple weeks ago, and I've had comments wearing it 50-50, good and bad. Oh, because they don't like the design of it, or fuck you, I can't believe you listened to that fucking guy
Starting point is 01:19:19 who loves women so much. No, I'm not doing any California hormones. Jonathan Lane, NO Explode fucks my stomach up. I couldn't get enough of it. I was addicted. I bought like the jar that had 60 doses. I'm not doing any more just because I liked it so much. I have a carabiner on there. Why? Why not pull it from that center stem? Why the carabiner? I have a carabiner on there.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Why? Why not pull it from that center stem? Why the carabiner? I have a carabiner on there. Heidi Kroom, I don't have a saggy part of my ass. Fair enough. All right. Jedidiah Snelson. That's interesting. I've never felt anything in my ass doing sled pulls.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Fair enough. I bet you it blows the fuck up out of your lats though, huh? Is that what you do? How do you do that? Send me a video. Do you have a video of that on your, on your Instagram? How do you do that? How do you, how do you not let it, how does it not pull your chair over?
Starting point is 01:20:37 You, you. your Instagram? How do you do that? How do you not let it? How does it not pull your I'm so happy I got the sled and you know what I just leave it outside I don't give a fuck and the reason it just rained on it for like a month here but the thing is I saw that sled behind a climbing gym when I went to a birthday party one of my kids birthday parties and
Starting point is 01:21:04 it was just outside behind a climbing gym and me and my wife are pushing. I'm like, I got to have one of those. Oh, yeah, I knew it was a joke. Okay, gotcha. My bad. Jedi snelson, someone usually holds the back of my chair or I get pulled forward. Right. And I guess you can't have your brakes on because then it would just pull you just you would just dump you out of the chair, right, on your face. Oh, shit, really? I've been taking creatine for two weeks now, and it's fucking up my stomach every time I take it. Well, fuck, don't take it.
Starting point is 01:21:37 I take a – I just scoop – I just buy that pure powder. It's just a powder. It's like a generic brand. Yeah. Yep. Totally. buy that pure powder it's just the powder it's like a generic brand yeah yep uh totally you can do that you can make a homemade sled out of an old tire yep anyway if you do get that rope from a rogue just be careful i pull i i had it like kind of caught underneath my sled and i didn't care and i pulled it 100 feet and it rubbed on the road the whole way and I really fucked the rope up so it didn't snap but but it for surely didn't like it anyway uh time to get a ceo shirt if you don't have one by four it should be all you wear like me okay oh I think we've shown this before. This isn't cool at all. This is just ridiculous right here.
Starting point is 01:22:28 This is called Worst Job in the World Part 2. And I don't know if it is the worst job in the world, but it definitely comes with some risks. Here we go. That was a cobra in there. He's feeding cobras. Is that a cobra? Oh, yeah, that is a cobra. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Oh, shit. Where do they just have cobras in drawers like that? And there's no way that drawer can keep that snake in there. There's no way. You're telling me that snake can't bang around in there and prop the drawer open? Fuck. Look, another one out. Hey, dude, that... What's's he doing how is it that every there's got to be a better technique if every time the snake falls out of the fucking drawer he's he's he's one for three he fed three cobras and went and two of them fell out of the drawer
Starting point is 01:23:44 yeah that's the way you do it. Why don't you just drop them out? Yeah, there you go. Just drop it in there, dude. Makes no fucking sense to me. I don't understand this. Oh, Venom Production Facility. Wow.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Look at Jeffrey. Holy shit. Wow. All right. shit. Wow. All right. Manny Spiegel with the 969. Greatly appreciated. Thank you. This show's over. I just need to make $10 so I can buy some coffee today. Thank you. See you guys tomorrow. Bye. Devesh Maharaj. I usually have it after my lunch. First week I was taking 15. Oh, per dose, 15. Wow.
Starting point is 01:24:26 But then went to five because that's what I was thinking, maybe too much. Yeah, 15 sounds like a lot. Oh, there was a great comment in here. Frank Curto, I have a cobra in my drawers. Fair enough. Everyone loves a cobra in their drawers uh savvy uh thoughts on hillar's video regarding eubanks i haven't seen it but i'm excited to i'm very excited to when was that published shit let's go let's maybe we should go over and look at that
Starting point is 01:25:00 did you derail the whole show allison nyc snakes are scary and creepy as fuck i don't know why people like them as pet snakes snake people are freaking weirdos i kind i agree with you unless you're like you're 10 if you're 10 i think it's okay it's a normal interest but yeah if you're an adult and you have reptiles you're fucking weird definitely weird you're fucking probably a meth addict no no judgment but yeah i agree uh face tattoos reptiles and and rodents as pets as an adult uh something's wrong with you oh but seven i have a pet rat and i love him so much okay that still doesn't refute what i'm saying uh seven you should have uh milo's popovic you should have bring dana on the show i should bring him on the show i should bring him on the show hey so when you see words like that you know that's a foreigner
Starting point is 01:25:57 seven you should bring dana on the show it's like um when we talked to ricky garard the other day and he said i came off my bike no, you crashed and got tossed off your shit. Like they just have such a nice way of saying things, right? It's so sweet. Sevan, you should bring Dana on the show. Sevan, you should fucking offer Dana a blowjob to come on the show. That's how American would say it. Bring him on the show. I fucking wish you bring him on the show. Oh, Hiller's video is pure gold. Okay, say it. Bring him on the show. I fucking wish you bring him on the show. Oh, Hiller's video is pure gold. Okay, fuck it. I'm going over there.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Are you fucking kidding? Should I just have him on tonight? I wonder if he'll come on tonight. Let me see if he'll... Let me see. I'll call him. Should I call him? The thing is...
Starting point is 01:26:39 He's in my favorites. I don't think he'll answer if I call on the house phone, so I got to call on this phone. I'm so, I really am kind of fortunate because Hiller doesn't take calls because he's so fucking obsessed with making videos and his phone is one of his major tools for making videos. So he has all the
Starting point is 01:27:06 calls blocked coming in unless he unblocks you oh fuck he's not even answering for me now let's bug him again this is called power calling right have you heard that term when you call someone like three times in a row oh this is so eubanks takes it in the butthole? That's awesome. He's a – he's – I think him and 12 Daily Doses might be the same person. Yeah. Damn it. House phone. What are you, 51? By house phone, I mean – by house phone, I mean like the show phone.
Starting point is 01:27:44 The show has its own phone number it's a sophisticated operation here uh okay uh cruising along cruising along here uh let's see uh our uh president-in-chief uh maybe one of the most racist men ever to be president of the united states maybe even more so than slave owners. At least they were fucking honest about their racism. Here we go. Action. Some airlines, if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front, you pay more money. But you don't know it until you purchase your ticket.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Look, folks, these are junk fees. They're unfair and they hit marginalized Americans, the hardest, especially low-income folks and people of color. They benefit big corporations, not consumers. Decision. Some airlines, if you want... Wait, so if I want more room on the flight, I have to pay more money?
Starting point is 01:28:42 You mean when I go to the restaurant and I want more food, I have to pay more money? You mean when I go to the restaurant and I want more food, I have to pay more money? You mean when I go to Amsterdam and bang a whore and I want to flip her over from missionary to doggy style, I have to pay more money? That's true, by the way. One of my friends told me that. Doesn't that sound like a horrible experience? He said we were in Amsterdam, and we were there. We were in college. I didn't have the balls to do it.
Starting point is 01:29:08 I'd never been with a prostitute. But I walked around and looked at all the girls in the windows, and they wave at you. Tell you to come here. Anyway, and this dude was from Pleasanton, California. And he said that he was having sex with a girl, and she told him to hurry up. He had like four minutes or something. And then he tried to turn her over on the stomach and she said it would be an extra $50. Anyway, so he's saying that Joe Biden saying that if you want more room on the plane and if you did pay more for the extra room, you didn't even know you had
Starting point is 01:29:40 to pay more. You didn't know you ordered three steaks and you didn't know it was more than one steak oh my god that's in social injustice especially to black people how are black people supposed to understand that three steaks cost more than one steak if i'm reading into this wrong someone tell me between you and the seat in front you pay more money but you don't know it until you purchase your ticket. Look, folks, these are junk fees. They're unfair. And they hit marginalized Americans. They're hitting marginalized Americans the hardest. Now, I don't know who marginalized Americans are. Right. Really ambiguous statement. Right. Just it's more libtard talk. Right. But here we go. Hardest, especially low-income folks and people of color.
Starting point is 01:30:26 And people of color. It's not a leap that he is saying that black people aren't smart enough to know. Well, first of all, he's saying all black people are poor it's hurting because it's it's affecting them the most because obviously this isn't going to affect rich people so he's saying all black people are poor and because they're poor they shouldn't have to pay the extra fee and then on top of that he's saying there's not smart black people aren't smart enough to know that they're being charged more. It's fucking crazy. Someone tell me if they see this differently.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Please, I'm open. I'm open to seeing it differently. Just let me know. Tell me. I'll play it one more time for you. Someone be like, no, Sevan, you're actually wrong. It's not doing that. They big corporations not consumers decision it's benefiting big corporations what does that have to do with anything those those big corporations are just people who are those are just people they're working there to try to make money
Starting point is 01:31:40 those are poor marginalized people who work at these big corporations who are just trying to make money who do you think works at the airlines? All those fucking baggage handlers whenever I go to the airport are black dudes. Are you trying to help them or hurt them? He said low income and people of color, which means he's not saying people of color just because they're poor. But why even include people's color if you're not suggesting that they're poor? Why even say people's skin color if you're not suggesting they're poor? Let's listen one more time.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Why even go there? Why even go there? And what other marginalized people are there? What does a marginalized person mean? Gay people? Are they marginalized? Gay people are too stupid. Gay people are one of the highest fucking income brackets in the fucking country by that demographic. It's all just word fuckery. it's all just word fuckery. Some airlines, if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front,
Starting point is 01:32:52 you pay more money. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with that? What is wrong with that? You're taking up more space in the plane. Those planes consume a lot of fuel. But don't know it why don't you know it why don't you know it it's not the airline's fucking fault it's on there you look and there's like seat seat plus business class first class i'm a
Starting point is 01:33:22 fucking rich arab those are the fucking choices and then you go to another airline then you can go to like net jet and get your rent your own jet uh marginalized is a nicer way of saying segregation uh 12 daily doses dude seve on black people are by far the poorest people in this country, the data is clear stop pretending that it's a fucking mystery no, dude, are you not listening to what I'm saying, it's not a mystery at all
Starting point is 01:33:53 to me, why doesn't he say that that's the point, dude why doesn't he say because black people are poor, because he doesn't want to because you know what you're doing by saying that because he doesn't want to. Because you know what you're doing by saying that? You're putting your foot on their neck.
Starting point is 01:34:13 Because it's fucking just not true. All black people aren't poor. The fuck they don't label those seats. You go to Southwest right now and they got the prices right next to the fucking seats. Jonathan Lane is saying they don't label those seats. You go to Southwest right now and they got the prices right next to the fucking seats. Jonathan Lane is saying they don't label those seats, Savon. They just charge more. That's their selling point. That's why they charge more.
Starting point is 01:34:36 They have a ticket that's $139 and then you can get this ticket that's a seat plus for $189. No one's pretending, dude. No one's pretending, dude. No one's pretending 12 daily doses. No one's pretending. Yeah, you've lost the plot. Thank you. Who said that? 12 daily doses, you've lost the plot.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Listen better. Yeah. No one's pretending. No one's pretending except that fucking racist piece of shit. And you should be careful. You're going to fucking out yourself in a second. You better be careful, boy.
Starting point is 01:35:09 Out yourself is being a racist here in a minute. Fucking nuts. Oh, great. This is going to be fucking classic. I don't even know if I can show this. rate this is gonna be fucking classic i don't even know if i can show this the la public health fucking instagram account is fucking crazy no i can't show this i'm gonna get fucking kicked off of youtube sorry i've been censored i know i i fully accept that I am a tool of the man
Starting point is 01:35:47 I fully fucking accept that by being on YouTube I'm playing the game I accept it I fully accept it look at probably an absolute no no for anyone who knows anything about children an absolute no-no for anyone who knows anything about children. An absolute no-no.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Do not let anyone interact with your children who is wearing a mask. Do not do that. LA Public Health. Look it, look it. You don't want to get me started on bottles either. Hated watching my kids drink out of a fucking bottle. I think we moved him pretty quick to sippy cups. That's the L.A. County public health website, by the way.
Starting point is 01:36:57 This is the L.A. County public health Instagram account. Where will you rediscover your midnight cravings, late night donut at Randy's or a street taco from a food truck? Visit for information on masking, testing, 49er games, and other stuff. You can
Starting point is 01:37:18 indulge safely while getting a bite. You can indulge safely. Crazy. Hey, buddy. Best practices. Just best practices. Maybe this should be called the Savant Podcast
Starting point is 01:37:41 but it should be called Best Practices. Best Practices. Best Practices. Best Practices. I'm so happy I'm getting through this many of them. Oh, wow, what is this? Okay, let's see. Let's see this.
Starting point is 01:37:58 I love a good Project Veritas video. How lucky are we to have James O'Keefe, even though he's not there anymore? Now he's at OMG Media. Let's check this out. The title of this clip is What's Going On at CNN. The cops are mad at us, though, because we rolled back the private sector mandate. Here we go. Action. Are you Chris? I'm James Lalino, Project Veritas Action.
Starting point is 01:38:19 The woman that you've been meeting. No, no. The woman that you've been meeting with is actually an undercover journalist for Project Veritas Action. So we have you on undercover camera talking about kidding me well see you're mocking cops firefighters and police here about the vaccine mandate are they gonna get their jobs back i'm not talking to you at all uh you're talking to me right now sir so we have you on footage here we're gonna release i'm not talking to you. Well, sir, we're talking to you right now. I'm showing you the footage. That's you sitting there. Would you like to see... I was taken without my permission. I'm not talking to you.
Starting point is 01:38:56 You said Republican governors flooded our system, quote, flooded our system. How long until New York City's pro-migrant policies become unsustainable, sir? flooded our system. How long until New York City's pro-migrant policies become unsustainable, sir? Chris, you also said you don't know if Adams is capable enough to navigate the crisis that's going on right now. What else do New Yorkers need to know about Mayor Adams' incapabilities? When will Adams demand action from the federal government, Chris? You mocked cops and firefighters and nurses. Do you have the courage to do what they do? Do you think Mayor Adams is corrupt? You did say that.
Starting point is 01:39:28 What is he doing that's corrupt? I mean, you got to know where the bodies are buried. You're like one of his top aides. James Longino, one of the mayor's top aides. Fucking brilliant. Good job. Great work. We're talking to you right now. top aides fucking brilliant good job great work we're talking to you right now I was one of the mayor's top aides
Starting point is 01:39:55 in another video I wonder if I could pull it up easily probably if I click on this I'm going to miss it he's basically making fun of the firefighters and the police officers about saying how they still have to go to 49ers games but other people in the city don't and then he went on to say that the uh that the mayor who he's the mayor's top aid is incapable of handling the uh current situation with all the um migrants coming from well not because the border is open of daily doses will explain to you where the migrants are coming from, well, not because the border is open.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Of the aliases, we'll explain to you where the migrants are coming from. I'm incapable of that. So good. 42, don't try this at home. Wow. Oh, this is going to be good. Okay. Do not try this at home.
Starting point is 01:40:47 This is extremely dangerous. This requires some crazy athleticism. Uh, here we go. Maybe I need to make this smaller. Bitch. I don't know. Have you do that? I think we still in the fucking do that. You don't never want to do that. If you you wanna do anything, be fucking for real. Hell nah. Bitch, cut it. Girl, I'm about to... Bitch, I know y'all heavy do that as they think we still gonna fucking do that. You don't never wanna do nothing for us.
Starting point is 01:41:18 We can't. If you wanna do anything, be fucking for real. Yeah, know your limitations limitations that's for sure um chris knows he's screwed in nyc now oh who's that was that the aid is that the aid's name chris oh man the bud the bud light um the bud light shit is fucking crazy right did you see oh we should i have some clips of that what's going on over there that shit is fucking nuts hey you know that girl was a diversity hire that was a dei hire it was a DEI hire. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:42:09 I can't believe we have a social credit system. Did you guys see Nate Diaz choke out the – it was a guy – I guess he's Logan Paul's stunt double. And I don't know where they are. It looks like they're at some sort of bar maybe. I don't know. But I guess that's Logan Paul's stunt double, and that's Diaz. And he walks up to Diaz, and it looks like this guy's like, hey, it's cool, it's cool, it's cool. I don't want to fight or nothing.
Starting point is 01:42:42 And the next thing you know, you can't really see what's going on. Nate grabs his hands and shit, and then they kind of go off to the side here. You can't see what's going on, right? So I'll play a little more. And now you can't see it all. But you know something aggressive and wild is going on in the street. And the next thing you know, there they are. You can see him again, and he's got him in a standing guillotine, some sort of choke hold.
Starting point is 01:43:11 Camera goes down again, and Nate throws a couple soft knees to the belly. One. And then he just puts the dude to sleep, and that's it. And then walks away. And then he just puts the dude to sleep, and that's it. And then walks away. You can't really tell if the guy deserved it, but either way, if there's a fight going on, the last group, you don't stand in front of Nate Diaz.
Starting point is 01:43:38 You stand behind him. You never stand in front of Nate Diaz during a fight. Never. That's more free life advice for 12 daily doses. Just don't stand in front of him. There was this trick at the CrossFit Games when I used to film the games. I knew you never wanted Dave to be able to see you. No matter where you're filming from, don't be in front of Dave
Starting point is 01:44:01 because there's a chance he'll tell you to get off the floor and not stand there. So quickly I learned always stand out of out of his eyesight always out of his eyesight anyway i got put to sleep maybe that was stage two just like the border being open uh this i think this lady is a crossfitter i ordered her book um i don't even know how to pronounce her name iana holloway Iona Holloway. Her Instagram account is Iona Holloway.
Starting point is 01:44:52 I-O-N-A Holloway, like Max Holloway. She had this video that I liked. Here it is, right here. Okay, let's play this. I think this is it okay question for you do you find yourself raging about the state of the system school systems broken women aren't respected hate diet culture politics are messed up i have an initiation for you systems are concepts concepts are created by flawed people, just like you and me.
Starting point is 01:45:28 So the only way to f*** the system is to focus on you. Break the system by becoming so powerful within yourself, within it. Heal your stuff. Do the work to find your purpose. Fear out the limitations of your mind. Heal your nervous system if it's freaking out and causing you to feel triggered all the time. And rise like hell. Be a shiny beacon of hope and joy and possibility.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Be what it looks like to choose to be powerful rather than powerless. And make sure you keep that razor sharp edge though, because you're going to need that. That's how we fuck the system. And that's how we collectively change our world. Got a question for you. What a bunch of nonsense.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Oh man. Oh man. Not the response I was thinking. For instance, don't dye your hair because everyone else is. Sean M. Oh, good thing her hair is purple, not pink. Oh, my goodness. I asked for it.
Starting point is 01:46:38 I asked for it. I asked for it. I like it. I realize it's ambiguous, but it's to lure you in to maybe more of her content. But I like that there is a personal accountability component to it. A lot. A lot. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:47:12 This one's always, shit like this is always fun. Here you go. This girl and her, this girl and her father were shot because the fucking ball went over into the neighbor's yard. Fucking crazy. Here we go. It is all unbelievable to the youngest victim.
Starting point is 01:47:38 We don't even know the man. Kinsley White talked to me while holding her grandfather's hand with sadness in her eyes, stitches from bullet fragments in her cheek and a daunting question on her mind. Why did you shoot my daddy and me? Because you shoot a kid's dad. Yes. Kinsley's mother told me she was outside too and heard Robert Singletary say this. Looked at my husband and my daughter and told them I'm going to kill you. Ashley Hildebrand said Singletary say this. Looked at my husband and my daughter and told them, I'm going to kill you.
Starting point is 01:48:05 Ashley Hildebrand said Singletary chased them while shooting. She said her husband, William White, tried to draw gunfire towards him and away from the children. He was shot in the back in his front yard. You know, you have a young boy get shot in the front yard, knocking on somebody's door. We don't know if he was knocking hard. We don't know if he was beating on the door. But just say he just rang the doorbell, white man shot him. We don't have no evidence that it was race-related. I already made a video about news, brought the boy grandson on,
Starting point is 01:48:31 and he couldn't name a single thing that he did was racist, but they're trying to frame it as if he had a racial motivation. Now, this was a 16-year-old boy got shot, released from the hospital same day. This man is running down the street shooting people. He's running down the street shooting the daddy shooting the little girl girl got shot in the face she's six he didn't turn himself in he didn't he's on the run so somebody explain to me how this situation don't get as much coverage as the other you know exactly why it doesn't you know exactly why it doesn't
Starting point is 01:49:01 you know exactly why it doesn't. And here's the thing. Here's the thing. On cue. You ready? On cue. It doesn't matter because libtards will justify anything. There you go. From our own personal libtard 12 daily doses. America,
Starting point is 01:49:20 we need more guns. It's always changed the subject. It's always changed the subject. It's always changed the subject. Stevan, that's your inner lib being sympathetic. Oh, to the purple-haired girl, Ayanna Holloway? I like her. Maybe it is my lib chart. I like her, though.
Starting point is 01:49:40 Tucker Carlson has left Fox News. Is that fucking true? Tucker Carlson has left Fox News. Is that fucking true? Tucker Carlson. Wow. Holy shit. Wow. Wow. Fucking amazing. Don't be surprised if he ends up over at CNN
Starting point is 01:50:08 wow holy shit this is fucking crazy thank you Philip let's do it Tucker Carlson is part of ways with Fox News the network said on monday we thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor the network said in a statement carlson's last show was friday the network said fox said it would air a new program called fox news tonight at 8 p.m starting monday evening as an interim show helmed by rotating fox news personalities until a new host is named carlson was fox's top rated primetime host netting
Starting point is 01:50:44 an average of more than 3 million viewers per night, the most of any pundit on cable. Yeah, not just Fox's top. He's the top fucking dude in all of television. Wow, crazy. I think he used to be on CNN, didn't he? Isn't that his roots? Boningo left last week as well.
Starting point is 01:51:04 Wow. Wow. his roots uh boningo left as uh last week as well wow wow uh 12 daily doses remember the train with the jews going by the church and everyone covering their ears that's you with the gun epidemic in this country don't look and you can um sleep at night uh actually i bet you um i have a thousand times more experience with gun violence than you do, 12 daily doses. What city do you live in, buddy? What city were you raised in? And the fact that you think it's gun violence, the thing is this. We agree.
Starting point is 01:51:41 It's just that you want to put a Band-Aid on the problem. This is what you want to do. You want to hand out snicker bars to convince people to go to the 49er game, thus exacerbating the problem. You understand how that works, right? You want to give people – it's eating snicker bars that led to killing people, and now you want to give people snicker bars to send them to the 49ers games because being at the 49ers games will heal them. people snicker bars to send them to the 49ers games because the being at the 49ers games will heal them what i want to do is i want to stop giving people snicker bars you get what i'm saying you want to kick shit down the street and deal with it next week i want to deal with it now that takes fucking balls dude i'm a fucking man and you are a child. You understand that, right? You just want to keep putting Band-Aids on. We all know that people are dying in gun violence.
Starting point is 01:52:31 You do not want to address the problem. You want to exacerbate the problem. You want to just keep pushing it down. What do you think happened when they outlawed alcohol? What do you think happened? How did that work? How did that work? You know what? You probably think this, 12 Daily Doses. Do you think that since the majority of the crime murders in this country per capita are black-on think um that uh do you think that we should go back to slavery is that your solution just make it illegal for uh um black people to have
Starting point is 01:53:15 rights just lock them all up is that your solution that would do it buddy you're looking for an instant solution why don't we just kill all the black people we'll get rid of 50 of murders in the united states today is that your solution Doses it's how you think dude it's how you fucking think if you found out that 98% of fucking deaths happened during daytime would you think that we should
Starting point is 01:53:40 blow up the sun it's how you think dude you're a fucking simpleton. Man up. The problem is not the fucking guns. Well, you get rid of the guns, the problem is going to go away for a fucking split second. There was a time in the 50s when kids were taking guns to school and no one was getting shot. Why is that?
Starting point is 01:54:04 There was a time in the 50s when kids were taking guns to school and no one was getting shot. Why is that? There was a time when black America, 88% of all black families, the husband and wife were at home together. Why is that? You always cite black on black crime there and they are not part of this issue. Hey, listen, fucktard. It's your team that's making it that issue, and we do know that more than 50% of fucking murders in this fucking country happen with black-on-black murders. I'm just using your logic, dude. It's your logic. Logic? dude. It's your logic. Logic?
Starting point is 01:54:46 Logic. It's your logic. You want to get rid of guns, and you probably want to also address mental illness by giving more fentanyl. Yeah, we could just totally flood the streets with fentanyl, and it would get rid of the homeless problem and the fentanyl problem. We'd just kill them all.
Starting point is 01:55:08 You're not interested in the big picture. You look at the world through a fucking paper towel roll. You're a fucking simpleton. And you don't have balls. I'm guessing. Those are my two, that's my two things. You don't want to like honestly look at the problem. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:55:24 My dad made a pistol in shop class in high school. That's fucking cool. You want to appeal to the lowest common fucking denominator, and I don't want to do that. You want to make tests easier so kids do better in school And I don't want to do that. You want to make tests easier so kids do better in school. I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that. I have faith in humanity. I love people.
Starting point is 01:55:54 I believe in people. It's your team that's making this an issue. Your team is the NRA who continues to sell weapons to mentally ill this is all your team your fucking team stop saying I want to get rid of guns oh interesting the Tucker Carlson thing wow I wonder where he pops up next
Starting point is 01:56:24 fuck I wonder where he pops up next. Fuck. It's kind of sad, right? Makes me sad. Poor guy. I hope it's all positive for him. Speaking of my team being idiots, here – this is not how you fucking argue with people. This is – Katie Hopkins is – I like her, but she's a fucktard here.
Starting point is 01:57:00 This is not how you argue with people. Listen to this. Listen to this. This is just – this is – maybe she used to be a libtard like me too but this this is like the worst kind of uh conservative argument i fucking can't stand this shit ready question phoebe uh let me ask you what bills do you currently pay who pays for your accommodation at university my student loan well have you ever paid any bills in your lifetime no so you don't know what it's like to be a homeowner and not to be able to afford your energy bills and then see some stupid young people throwing soup over a painting in a gallery that has nothing to do with the fact they can't afford to pay their bills you don't know what it's like
Starting point is 01:57:41 to pay a bill phoebe do you you? No, but I have empathy for those people. You know, this, the climate crisis is fueled, but the cost of living crisis is fueled by the cost of oil crisis. They are both one crisis. It's a crisis of greed of our government and their billionaire friends. What do you understand about an ordinary family who can't afford to pay their... How is the argument, how the argument – how is the argument that we need oil because people can't afford other kinds of energy? How is that Katie Hopkins argument? How is the argument like, hey, we shouldn't save the planet because people are poor? That's their argument.
Starting point is 01:58:18 That's the left's argument. They believe that climate change is real. They believe all – they believe – they don't know anything about it, but they've been spoon fed it and they'll die by it. And what she's saying is, is like, hey, fuck climate change. And basically by doing that, she's acknowledging that it's real. And then she's saying over here, but people need to heat their homes. Like you're now fighting with them in a losing battle. You've now given validity to their fucking idiocy.
Starting point is 01:58:51 Why is she fighting her on that level? I don't fucking get it. It's like saying it's okay to do something wrong. She's trying to justify doing something wrong. She's basically acknowledging that fucking the planet is being destroyed but it's okay because we keep the heat on in people's homes i don't agree with her i think that's just fucking horrible arguing if we if we seriously are fucking destroying the planet we should team up together to fucking make it a better place but if this is just a fucking scam
Starting point is 01:59:22 then it should be then it should be called what it is it's fucking i this is just it's just pathetic she's basically validating this this whatever this inbred thing is on the right that i don't know what the fuck that thing is sorry i just don't i don't know what that is triggered by it the fuck is that on the Patrick Bed David podcast god damn I paid
Starting point is 01:59:57 you guys I pay 12 daily doses to come on this show and argue and that's why the shit so yeah that's why it's hey just I gave him a bonus last week i give him 30 of all the money you donate uh just to keep him stay stupid just to keep please don't say anything that could actually trip me up please stay stupid and he does and i just fucking love it. Thank you. Yes. Community
Starting point is 02:00:25 purposes. Thank you. Yes. Brian is a that is my correspondent. That's my retard correspondent. Throw me some alley-oops. If you keep saying that, no one's going to donate anymore no one donates unless rich is on anyway yes the heel of the podcast thank you listen even iron man all those movies need a heel
Starting point is 02:00:58 it's good it's good we we need – we don't want to just – everything to be – we don't want to be in our own echo chamber. Do we? No. Do we? No. Democrats just voted to keep grown men in women's sports. Zero House Democrats voted to protect women in women's sports. So congratulations to all the women who vote Democrat. In case you ever wondered where they stand, they just made it clear. The Democrats just voted to keep grown men in women's sports.
Starting point is 02:01:48 It was unanimous. Do you guys understand that? It was unanimous. The same way it was unanimous. The Democrats voted unanimously to allow men to play in women's sports. I don't even understand that. Caller, hi. I would love someone to explain that to me. Can you explain that to me, caller? I don't know. I don't even understand that. Caller, hi. I would love someone to explain that to me.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Can you explain that to me, caller? I don't know. I don't think I can. I don't know what the last subject was. Why do the Democrats insist on allowing men to play in women's sports? We just voted on that in the House. The Republicans voted against it and shot it down, but the Democrats unanimously voted to allow men who say they're women play in women's sports.
Starting point is 02:02:30 Why do they think that's okay? I thought they were supposed to be the party that protects women. I mean, it's politics. Politics be politicking. It flips back and forth every show every few years. If I drink enough paper street coffee, will I understand libtards? I'm pretty sure you'll drink enough
Starting point is 02:02:49 paper street coffee and you'll be set on whatever way you're thinking, whether it's right, whether it's left, whether it's middle. It's just going to
Starting point is 02:02:57 amplify whatever you think. Spoken like a true president. How are you? Thank you. Good, man. I just wanted to call in before the show was over. Just say how awesome it was meeting some people. I was at the Proven camp this weekend.
Starting point is 02:03:11 Oh, that's Tia Claire Toomey's and Shane Orr's business. Yeah. Yeah. Mostly Shane, obviously, doing his thing. Tia was there. Beautiful. You know, she was there for a little bit participating in the whole thing because obviously she's pregnant
Starting point is 02:03:28 but she was yeah it was cool it was cool seeing them and it was actually really cool the reason I'm calling is it's really cool seeing how many people again listen to the show and they're like oh you're giving paper sheet coffee love the show heard about you through Sebon so you know the chat is bigger the audience is way bigger
Starting point is 02:03:44 than like the people here because every a bunch of people listen to it after it goes live yeah so i just wanted to kind of say hi to those people um that always come up i mean they come up to myself they come up to travis when we're at events and just want to say uh say hi to all those people and if you ever see i'll speak for travis also if you ever see like travis or myself at an event don't be shy come up we want to share the story. We want to hear how you know about us. You want to hear how awesome the show is.
Starting point is 02:04:09 If you don't think the show is awesome, just go listen. Come up. Just hang. People were saying, oh, we don't want to come up to you, et cetera. So I was like, dude, just come. Talk to me. Wherever you are. Get a free coffee.
Starting point is 02:04:22 Always get a free coffee. Always get a free coffee, especially a free coffee Especially if you mention Yes Thank you Thanks Gabe That's awesome No problem guys I'll talk to you
Starting point is 02:04:32 Okay hey Are there any more of these Cups left Or did we sell out We have some left I was saving them To sell them in person At the semi
Starting point is 02:04:41 At the East Semi So maybe I'll put them On the website You know what I'll put them on the website to sell them in person at the East Semi. So maybe I'll put them on the website. You know what? I'll put them on the website after this show is done. I'll put them back up on the website. As soon as the show finishes, I'll put them on the website. I only have 48 right now, so when they sell through, they're gone. So I'll put them on the website.
Starting point is 02:05:00 And what about coffee? Is there a discount code if you use the word Sebon? If you use Sebon, you always get – I'm pretty sure it's a 20% discount. That's the biggest discount. I'm pretty sure that's what it is. If it isn't, I'll change it right now. But again, use the promo code Sevan, you get the biggest discount out of all the codes I have.
Starting point is 02:05:18 I love it. Okay, just so everyone knows, it's Paper Street Coffee. Don't spell out street. P-A-P-E-R-S-T. Wait until goddamn June. June. June I should be able to get the Paper Street spelled out. Yeah. If the discount code doesn't
Starting point is 02:05:32 work, you're at the wrong Paper Street Coffee website. Yes. Yes. 100%. Yeah. I'll put it up on the website and yeah. We'll see you guys there at the semis or whoever decides to come out. I'll be at both. Okay, thank you. Thank you, Gabe.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Barry McOchner, what's your workout today? I'm going to do something with the sled and I'm going to pull the rope to make these fucking guns. Keep making these guns. Look at this thing. Fucking shoulder. Boom.
Starting point is 02:05:56 Keep making that thing bigger. Keep talking trash idiots. To keep trashing idiots. Thank you. I appreciate it. 12 daily doses. You get the final word. You definitely want your own echo chamber. I put hundreds of comments about how I don't want to ban guns and you still say you want to get rid of guns. Laugh out loud. You have no idea how to listen or you don't want to. Okay, well, thank you for the constructive criticism. Jeffrey Birchfield, why are we voting on that in legislature? This is my question.
Starting point is 02:06:29 Does that help me put a roof over my – I was wondering the exact same thing. Why is that in legislature? Exactly. That should be – so there's some big picture thinking. Well, I'm fucking caught in the weeds being like, well, I'm glad that won. It's like the abortion thing. Like, hey, they shouldn't even be deciding that. Our government shouldn't even be fucking involved in that. think it's fucking good thinking uh great thinking uh the clock uh and 12 doses now says i don't want to ban guns but he's been saying over and over no one wants to
Starting point is 02:06:55 ban guns which demonstrates false not very slick yeah it he he does always come back and say i don't want to ban guns and then has this this kind of weird balancing act he's doing it's it's it's good uh crossfit but i what insightful clock thank you crossfit riverside 999 uh great to have you here um olivia savon you need to listen to temple's interview with vivek he talks about the possibility of implementing um civic duties to vote it's an eye-opener wow wow Implementing civic duties to vote. It's an eye-opener. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 02:07:32 That's fucking crazy. Okay. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. I'm going to get on the scale. I bet you I'm going to drop like 10 pounds in the next couple days as I get off this and I'll explode. Love you guys. My wife's headed off to yoga. I told her I'd get off to podcast at a good time today.
Starting point is 02:07:54 I will see you guys soon. Please, as you travel through the world today, love someone. Do something nice for someone. Have situational awareness and be relevant to your fellow man. Remember, our only value here as humans is our contribution to our fellow man. And it's evil to confuse and mutilate children, says Sean Sullivan. Love you guys. Bye.

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