The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In w/ Alex Stein #924

Episode Date: May 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Darn it. This layout's wrong. You see how you can't see the birth fit and the California hormones and the Paper Street coffee?
Starting point is 00:00:49 See how I'm taking up the whole picture like that? Why is that? Oh, and I wonder. And of course, the recording's not going. God damn it. Ah. Hi. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Dear Bill and Katie? No? Phone number? Okay, fine. Phone number's good. And I don't know where the music is for the show. I don't see it down there. I'm lost. I didn't do the show one time. I don't know how to run this back end very well.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I'm just kind of on autopilot when I run the back end. Let's see. Is it playing? Ah, yes. Good morning. What a show up. Oh, I see. We have a man bun today.
Starting point is 00:01:45 No, I didn't put my rubber band in. I was kind of running late. Yesterday, I didn't put it in either because last night, what happened last night? Oh, right before Dave came over, I was working out. So my shit was kind of all sweaty and I just wanted to breathe. And then just now I ran out of time. I was running in here. Someone, you forgot to ask, are you going to the street parking event?
Starting point is 00:02:09 Oh, to Dave? He's going. It's at his house. I think at one point he said, maybe I didn't ask, but I think he said, I asked him if he was going to semifinals and he said, no, he's going to street parking. Oh, shit. Look at that shit. Everything got changed yesterday. Look at it.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I'm out of focus. Usually I'm in focus when I'm leaning in and I'm out of focus when I'm back. And now it's back. Look at, I'm out of focus when I'm usually I'm in focus when I'm leaning in and I'm out of focus when I'm back and now it's back. Look at the shit in the backs and focus. And I'm not, what the fuck is going on? Everything got kind of tweaked yesterday. I messed with this shit too much.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Oh, there he is. Look at Alex. What's up, dude? Yo, let me make sure I get to have you. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:02:44 What happened? Your morning, your morning, happened? Your morning appointment? I just finished. No, no, no. I just finished. I knew it right at nine. Sometimes we go over a little bit. I go on Bubba the Love Sponge.
Starting point is 00:02:54 He's a friend of mine. I go on his show every Wednesday. Sometimes we go over. You go on every Wednesday? My buddy's show, Bubba the Love Sponge. She used to be at Howard 100 with Howard Stern. I just call in for 15 minutes in the morning. I sometimes call into my walk or whatever I'm doing, but I just love his audience. He's a good friend of mine. They got a real dedicated, loyal following.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Hey, how did you meet him? Well, Bubba is, uh, literally saw one of my crazy videos. And then, uh, I was commenting on one of his videos, and they're like, on YouTube, he was doing food reviews, and that's not what he's known for, but I commented. I was like, oh, I love this video, and then, are you the real Alex Stein? We'd love to have you on, and then I came on his show, and then he's like, you got to come out. I'm working on this party in Tampa, so then I visited him in Tampa,
Starting point is 00:03:41 and so now he's become kind of a mentor, and he's been canceled. He's the guy that let Hulk Hoganogan sleep with his wife and it got leaked and then gawkers and then hulk hogan sued gawker and won 100 million dollars but bubba got none of it and um he lost his job got fired from everywhere and went bankrupt lost his house and so it's kind of a sad can i add some stuff to that story? Yeah. You know who Peter Thiel is? Yeah, of course. The billionaire.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I guess he had a boyfriend, and his boyfriend, Gawker, outed his boyfriend. Do you know this story? No, but this makes sense. It sounds kind of familiar, but did he sue Gawker, too, on a saying on a similar deal. Let me say so. So Peter Thiel living in San Francisco, you know, eccentric, brilliant man, you know, homies. Well, I think former homies with Mr. Musk and whatnot. And Peter had a boyfriend and Gawker outed his boyfriend before his boyfriend had a chance to tell his parents that,
Starting point is 00:04:45 uh, that he preferred male genitalia and Peter didn't like that. Right. So he wanted to fuck Gawker up and he, I think he told him, Hey, if I first chance I get, I'm going to fucking trip you guys and you guys are going to fall down the
Starting point is 00:04:55 stairs. Well, then Peter found out that Gawker released, um, some video of Hulk Hogan banging your home, homeboy's wife. I didn't know he let Hogan, um,
Starting point is 00:05:04 bang his wife. Yeah, he was a swinger. He's in kind of a swinging type deal. Very generous, man. I couldn't do that. I don't like the idea of a cuckold. Excuse me, sir. Can you put a dollop of semen on my wife?
Starting point is 00:05:20 No, I'll pass. Yeah, and I tease him about it. Everybody teases about it him but he's just like hey listen i'm you know i'm different i'm into i'm open i'm cool with him doing it i think it's generous um but anyway very generous it doesn't get nicer people like oh why are you such good friends with i'm like bub is so nice he'll let you sleep with his wife doesn't get much nicer and more generous and she was hot she was smoking right heather clinton was really hot yeah she was a babe so then so then peter rolls up calls uh hulk hogan he says
Starting point is 00:05:45 hey buddy and hulk's like hey peter and he says i'll go i'll fund your lawsuit oh yeah that's it he helped fund hogan's lawsuit yeah seriously i think it was 300 million i think hogan yeah but but that yeah that might have been the first judgment but then then it kind of went down and then what he actually got paid was closer to like $20 or $30 million, supposedly. Oh, really? I think there's like processes of, you know, you go to this court now when the money's clear and where you can kind of get it brought down. But yeah, I believe that he walks away in the 30s, which is still an excellent payday. I mean, I don't think it's better than that.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Hope he's still alive. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's still kicking ass. I don't think he's still wrestling, obviously. But yeah, he actually looks pretty good. I follow him on Instagram. And that's what's really sad is my buddy Bubba was best friends with Hogan, was on the Hogan reality show and all this happened.
Starting point is 00:06:33 He lost his friend and that's what he's still really sad about. Oh, the friendship's over. Yeah, they're mortal enemies. Oh, that does suck. Yeah. That absolutely sucks. Hey, what should the, this thing where you go out in public and people think it's uh okay to throw water on you or spit at you and then and then say stuff like you're asking for it i'm thinking can you imagine saying
Starting point is 00:06:58 to a woman that who's walking around with her leg showing that gets raped you asked for it what the fuck is going on how can someone how can someone spit on you with the cops standing right there i know and then the new york police department doesn't care and they throw water at me i mean probably because it's a protest and the rules the rules change for whatever reason when that happens but really i i don't even care about the liberal leftist unofficially change i think kind of both i think there might be some sort of unofficial thing where like something can happen in a protest you don't have to go maybe for police safety they can't get in there and just arrest me is kind of what they say but i don't even care about that i don't even care about the liberal left just getting mad
Starting point is 00:07:36 pulling my hair because i could kick their ass and honestly i like when they do that it makes good content but you know what i'm really like it's kind of bugging me eating away at me so i had a viral video yesterday i went to target and i tried on their new trans inclusive extra tuck coverage dating suit yes it's doing very well on twitter and instagram and i get crushed and called a homosexual by all the people on the far right you know i'm a i'm just as bad as the left and you know and that's that's what i don't like is they don't get that i'm mocking the system but now they all want to call me gay and which is fine. I don't even care. I'm not anti-gay. I'm not homophobic. I'm not transphobic. It doesn't hurt my feelings when somebody calls
Starting point is 00:08:13 me gay because I'm not gay. But, um, I don't like the moral outrage, I guess, on both sides, because I'm just not going to judge people like everybody else judges each other. You know what I mean? we live in this extra judgy society where the people on the far right they get x can you hear me are we having audio issues savon yo yeah sorry it's some something no happened no worries can you hear me yeah now i can hear you okay sorry will you no i can't hear you you hit mute i think you hit mute you're muted oh he's talking well we can just fill some dead air with primetime none and on the grind all the time i like the background i think the background looks badass um and the overlay looks good
Starting point is 00:09:03 yo yo yo can you hear me And the overlay looks good. Yo, yo, yo. Can you hear me? Hello? Hello? Yo, yo. Can you hear me? I'm so sorry. No, no, no worries at all, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:20 No worries at all. Can you hear me, though? I can. Okay, so what I'm saying is I get mad the people on the far right that just crush me because they say that um oh alex stein is a representation of the conservative party so he's just as bad as the uh the liberal left so this is this is the video where i just get crushed you'll probably see the comments on here the the real negative comments if you go to the twitter you'll see a lot of like i still this is the video where I just get crushed. You'll probably see the comments on here. The real negative comments, if you go to the Twitter, you'll see a lot of like, oh, this is disgusting.
Starting point is 00:09:49 What are they saying that you're – Well, because I'm just as bad as any whatever drag queen story time because I'm doing this. Because I put on the women's bathing suit a lot, but I think it's a joke. I mean, I'm doing this like freaking Monty Python. Like all the people that I've put on – I burgers if to not understand that this is satire to show the absurdity of it yeah but still just people want you to be a certain way and this is what they don't like they don't like that i'm you know at least have a platform and and they're like oh
Starting point is 00:10:18 you're the representation of the conservative party and i'm not because i'm really more in the middle i mean a lot lot of my ideologies are populist. I actually do believe we should have some sort of socialized health care. We should have affordable, cheap health care, if anything. I mean, we spend eight hundred billion dollars a year. The Pentagon does on non-defense budget, on non-defense budget, almost a trillion dollars on non-defense spending, when we could just take a portion of that and allocate that and probably pay for healthcare or probably actually, you know, pay for American citizens instead of just giving all of our social services to illegal immigrants.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I mean, there's literally, we're seeing, we're kicking out army veterans from hotels and putting in illegal immigrants. That I think is wrong. You know, I think that we should help our citizens out the most. So I don't know how conservative it is that i want to socialize health care people don't like that but i mean i just think that's just based in reality that the and maybe if you have i mean if you have some sort of serious illness you know that can be different that can you know you pay a deductible or something but the idea that people are afraid to call an ambulance they're afraid to literally go to the hospital because of the bill it makes me sick when you can buy insulin in texas costs two hundred dollars and it's two dollars in mexico what's so funny it's nothing i said i know that
Starting point is 00:11:33 no it's i i i put in it i my fucking show's falling apart right on live right in front of me hey those people are good those people are just um good. We're good. Those people are just scared about how open-minded you are. You keep muting yourself. I don't know where you're hitting. You keep muting yourself. It's on the stream yard. You hit mute on the stream yard.
Starting point is 00:12:01 It's not the mic. Your mic system's fine. It's your stream yard is where you're muted i don't know why it's doing that listen this is this is what happens yeah i hear you yeah it's your stream yard that's meeting you it's not your mic your mic's fine you could hear me when i said god damn it i just heard you yeah and i can see on your stream yard when your mic gets muted randomly, it'll just get muted. If you're pressing something, you're doing something.
Starting point is 00:12:28 There's a $10 super chat. How did I get connected to Chrissy Mayer? Well, Chrissy Mayer is a friend of mine. I went on her podcast and I met her over a year ago. I don't know who that is. Who is that? She's a,
Starting point is 00:12:37 she's a comedian and she's gone super viral. Her and I, she was headlining a comedy show and actually opened up for, and she made some jokes about Dylan Mulvaney and these uh and I had she had I just gone up before and I made kind of similar jokes so I'm not saying it's my fault but I guess maybe they were kind of in the mood and then when she got up about 30 minutes into her set she was making those same jokes and they just got tired of it and they called her out because she misidentified Dylan Mulvaney as a boy instead of a girl and they walked out and it went super viral because everybody loves outrage
Starting point is 00:13:07 culture. They love to see, uh, uh, you know, somebody get offended whether it's on the right or left. So, so she went viral for that. And then she also recently went viral cause they made her change. She was wearing an outfit that was kind of like see-through like long pants or they're kind of see-through and you could just see like basically a bathing suit part. And then the rest of the pants were to her ankles. But they were like, I don't know, porous is how I describe it.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And they made her change on the whatever the what's the thing that when you're boarding a plane that you get on or forget, you know, the walkway, whatever, on the walkway to the plane. They made her change. So she went viral for that. She's just a good comedian, a female comedian that speaks out she was a january 6th they tried to cancel her for that now you're muted you muted yourself i can't tell because the super chat's in the way i bet it's a streamer you're not even touching anything see that's so random that it's doing that how many how many browsers do you have open and are you using chrome are you using chrome well i you said i'm using chrome i could read your lips but
Starting point is 00:14:10 i don't know what you're saying okay how about now can you hear me now yeah i hear you now police i have my hands are up i'm trying to pull hands up don't shoot i'm trying to just pull up christy mayer's uh what are you doing later today what what do you have after this you said you had some interview after this well no i had the interview before and then i got this and then uh i go to the blaze i go to i have my show today uh tuesdays wednesdays and thursdays please everybody in the chat go check it out prime time with alex stein it's my uh i do it three days a week but i always get into the office at 11 and i stay there from 11 to 7 or 8 usually so that's just kind of when i start my day do you have to um uh have a
Starting point is 00:14:51 subscription to blaze no no my show's free on youtube it's on youtube it's prime time with alex stein it's literally uh free i mean we do some stuff behind the paywall for like any creator does we and i'd love it if you had a blaze membership but no you all my show is free 99 as i like to say same in the show prime time with alex stein and it's and it's out right now yes thank you judy please go check it out it's prime time with alex on here i'll i'll uh i'll text you the link but um do you know it's weird yeah so i just typed in prime time with alex stein and i and it doesn't pop up only your instagram pops up and the show doesn't pop up and i was looking for the show yesterday and i went to blaze and i'm like oh you need a subscription to see it
Starting point is 00:15:33 no here i'll send you right now hold on i don't know why it's maybe the second channel that pops up but i'll show you yeah it's weird how it is kind of like subdued okay uh share i'm texting it to you right now this is it i'm putting in the oh man but i appreciate it all of you guys now you're kind of having an echo a little now all of a sudden you mess with something can you hear me no you can't hear me i can't hear you i can hear you it just has an echo all of a sudden or not an echo it's just kind of sounds funny but you were just fine yeah it might be it could be a loose wire but i don't know if it's a loose wire because because it keeps it keeps muting them through stream or i think it's something to do with stream yard uh check
Starting point is 00:16:12 mic plug it's yeah it's not the mic plug it keeps just saying that i like the chair in the background though that that that's a good light right there what what chair i mean i like your chair hey that's badass but that light you have behind you the ceo podcast that's pimp on a blim hey you know that the the the viewer sent it to me oh wow with a light like that see you got a great dedicated following if they'll do that i wept like a baby yeah because it's badass it's really cool no that's really cool it's lit up like that and then uh you ought to just fill out the rest of your wall the sound dampening stuff though and then it'll look really badass i mean it looks badass like that um but uh how many shows i think we're on episode 45 i Oh my God, Alex, you're killing it.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I guess my views aren't that great. I actually should be doing a little better. I thought I would be doing better. I don't know why. I mean, look, I didn't even know it was free. I know a lot of people don't even know about my show. It's crazy. And I stream it on my Twitter too.
Starting point is 00:17:22 So if you go follow me on Twitter, you're able to watch it. But yeah, I mean, it's a free. It's a primetime pimp on a blimp. I mean, I don't know. It's also weird, too. So, Vaughn, this is this weird thing, man. I don't even know why I'm always worried. But now that I actually have a gig and it pays me well, I mean, I'm not a millionaire by any means,
Starting point is 00:17:45 but I mean, I get paid to do my job, my dream. Everybody wants to cancel me. So now I'm always worried about getting canceled. Like I fed a black guy a banana and that in a kind of a sexual manner on my show. And I got in all kinds of hot water for that. Wait a second. So that apology you made for saying nappy head, that was a real. No, that that was a joke. That was a joke. That was that. That was actually a joke. See, it's kind of I said myself, I just wanted to create a fake controversy. No, they didn't care that I said that. I was just joking. But no, when I said the banana, I don't even know what nappy head means. I wouldn't even know that that was an insult because I don't even know what it means.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Well, it's it's famous because a guy named Don Imus said it. He used to feud with howard stern so that was a big deal that he said that and uh yeah yeah so i was kind of just doing a callback creating fake controversy i guess i should be used to the controversy but i don't know it's just it feels weird and a banana that's is that one of the rules don't feed black man a banana well i kind of did in a sexual manner but this is the what they don't realize is that he was low on potassium he gets cramps so if i didn't feed him that banana i mean i was giving him a medicinal banana i you know there's no other way he's gonna eat it he hates fruit so i'm trying to help a guy out and it gets you know misinterpreted a lot of stuff gets misinterpreted like when i'm joking people think i'm serious a lot and um i don't know i don't know it just sucks it's it just sucks that i always kind of
Starting point is 00:19:09 feel like why is somebody out to cancel me why does everybody want to cancel me now that i'm and i'm not i'm not like a celebrity by any means but i'm kind of you know known infamous the bigger you get the more they what would that look like what would that look like if you were canceled what would that even look like i i mean theoretically kicked off social media oh oh and and that would suck because that's your way of making an income yeah i mean that would crush me i mean that would be really bad yeah that would be really really really bad so you know it just is what it is that uh like the people on the left want to cancel me and then now the people on the right want to cancel me too because i'm not conservative enough so that's my problem is i thought i don't know i thought i'd have some
Starting point is 00:19:54 more allies and i do i'm not complaining the people that support me in love i love you guys i'm not i'm not trying to poo-poo on the people that support me i just you get a hundred nice compliments no no let me say this point you get a hundred nice compliments you only remember the one negative that's just how it is i don't know why i i wish it wasn't like that but that's just how it is i here's the thing i think the vast majority of people are people that are basically like gay people who are just fucking fed up with lgbq tranny shit and i think the vast majority of people are black people who are just completely absolutely fed up with the victim mentality and i think that you're doing a huge service by um surfing in that zone that no one's addressing and you know what if you can't fucking handle a man in a bikini doing some satire fuck you you're a closed-minded fucking idiot to
Starting point is 00:20:40 just as much like you i agree i'm telling you i get so close-minded and it's like fuck you i'm the most open-minded person you've ever fucking met i'd fucking sit in a hot tub with 30 trannies i don't give a fuck but i don't care yeah i'm advising children shit that's it yeah and i get so much support from the gay community i almost get more support from the gay community when i do this stuff because they they get the joke they know it's funny. But the ultra-right, ultra-religious side will get mad at me, and that's what it is. I set myself up for that. I'm meant to be edgy.
Starting point is 00:21:14 I'm meant to be polarizing. So I get what I ask for. This is my bed. I have to lay in it. But I'm not a victim. I'm not a victim at all. Somebody said Bernie Alistair is in the victim mentality. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I'm not a victim. I'm not a victim at all. Somebody said Bernie Alistair's in the victim mentality. No, I'm not. I'm not trying. I'm not a victim one bit. I'm just saying it's kind of bizarre that I am a representation of people. I'm just trying to represent myself and people get mad at me because you're a representation of me and you make us look bad. And I'm like, that's that's not the case. I'm not a victim in that. I'm not a victim one bit. I just don't like the misunderstanding where people all of a sudden think that i am their representation i am their you know thought leader as a matter of fact i'm not a role model i'm the opposite of a role model do the opposite of me because i'm insane i'm certified certified mentally ill so trust me you don't want to freaking be like me like i want what do you
Starting point is 00:22:06 think's going on with uh what's tucker doing right now can you give me your thoughts just on tucker yeah what happened to tucker and what are your thoughts on what's going to happen well i've talked to his team a lot and i've sent a text to tucker and we've you know we've texted a little bit um but you know obviously he's super busy it comes down to this the dominion lawsuit part of the lawsuit was to get rid of tucker and that shows you that now he's basically blackballed because he was the number one rated cable news host on tv so if anybody in hollywood had half a brain you would give him a show on nbc on cbs you would give him on the top spot but they do the opposite they said no because you don't like
Starting point is 00:22:42 the war in ukraine that's one of the big ones because he spoke out against the war in ukraine that is a huge one and dominion is uh i guess basically a government subsidized corporation you know theoretically they don't they don't work without voting so they're in bed with the government and the person that has the most powerful voice against the establishment tucker carlson was collateral damage in this whole entire thing and i'll be honest i talked to tucker when i first went on his show or when he flew me out to maine to be on his studio show in person called tucker carlson today i asked him i go have you thought about you know going on your own you don't even really need fox and he looked at me he's like i, I'm very seriously considering this. And this is a year ago because when Dominion sued Fox, they were
Starting point is 00:23:29 able to get records of Tucker's cell phone, emails, all of those correspondence. And of course, when they say that they get that stuff, they're only looking for keywords, but you know, they look at every single text message. And Tucker literally told me, he's like, yeah, the Fox attorneys are being just as annoying as the dominion attorneys because fox attorneys wanted to read his text messages they want to know too so he just told me he's like yeah i did this lawsuit i was like does fox have your back are they going to protect you he's like no not really fox has actually been more annoying than the dominion lawyers is what he said to me and what do you think happens to him where do you think he goes does he pop his head back up yeah well he's gonna go on twitter at first because he's just so popular
Starting point is 00:24:09 there i mean his videos are getting 50 million views and incredible engagement and there's not a lot of places you can go because they're gonna say oh well you're not allowed on our platform you're you're the white power hour you're tucker carlson you're a racist and he's obviously not racist he's actually as you know i think he even has called himself liberal on a lot of stances socially liberal on a lot of stuff he's just like he said he doesn't like the sexualization of kids he doesn't like the military industrial complex he realizes that america has a lot of problems that could be solved and we're just refusing to solve them and we're actually making the problems worse like they get mad at him for saying they're a great replacement theory.
Starting point is 00:24:46 But if you see what's happening at the southern border, I mean, millions of people are coming into our country. Yet everybody else here in America, they encourage you to get an abortion. They encourage you to, you know, all the women to just be a spinstress and work at your job, a spinstress, whatever you say it. And, you know, they're kind of like, our population is declining. Less people are having babies here in America. So all of a sudden, you bring in all these new voters and these liberal cities, and now you're going to have control for the foreseeable future
Starting point is 00:25:17 with these policies. Because the people that are coming across the border, they're going to continue to encourage these politicians to have these open border policies. And I love immigration. I just think it should be legal. I just think that's all, that's all I'm asking. I just think, I know people that have graduated in TCU and SMU international students that didn't get their green card or their visa approved and had to go right back home. And these are people that are smart, brilliant kids that came here for college and they're not even allowed to stay, you know, and if you want to travel here, of course,
Starting point is 00:25:44 you have to get vaccinated unless you come to the southern border and then there's no requirement at all so why can't my friends from the uk i think they pulled that vaccination thing by the way i don't know is it officially over is it officially over i know they announced it i know they announced it but i don't i for some reason i don't know if it's officially over because you know every democrat voted against that isn't that bizarre every that how is that a partisan issue every democrat well that's not true not every yeah i listen i know i think it was everyone i think it was i think it was actually every single one i think it was but listen i mean what are you going to do with these these weirdos and uh they're going to continue because it's a political thing people somebody
Starting point is 00:26:23 said my my uh video is a little behind. I don't know why, but sometimes that happens with stream yard. Oh, maybe cause I'm not on Chrome. That might be why it's a little slow. So we can just be having a year. What do you want?
Starting point is 00:26:34 I actually, I actually opened it in the wrong thing and internet explore. I meant to open, it works a lot better in Chrome. Internet. Okay. And what do you think about the CEO of Twitter? That, that girl that he hired is she uh some of the videos i've seen about her she doesn't seem like she's on the same page as
Starting point is 00:26:52 mr elon no and i love elon musk i love that he's free speech but you know he has the biggest government subsidized company in spacex and then tesla is artificially pumped up as the most valuable car company when they don't even make a truck i mean you go to any construction site they're gonna have a ford truck you know ford makes work vehicles so you know a car company you would think the ones that make the industrial cars that build all of our crap and they make sedans and they make you know you know whatever a family-friendly minivans all kinds of cars yet tesla i think they offer like three different cars you know three different versions of the same car or whatever so it just doesn't really make sense that it's value so high so my point is that i love elon but he's as he's in the system that doesn't mean that
Starting point is 00:27:40 he's he's not that doesn't make him bad necessarily, but he realizes that he has to kind of check the boxes of intersectionality. You notice I had to pick a white woman. Not that her color matters, but it's kind of, he picked a woman. That's progressive, which is great. I'm not saying a woman can't run it, but she has a connection to the World Economic Forum. He knows that that's kind of a red flag. So what I'm doing is maybe he's
Starting point is 00:28:05 trying to do it to appease the people that are saying that it's going to be an alt-right website. So I think it's kind of just a business decision. Is it going to be the best for Twitter? No, because I think Twitter is going to continue to censor. And he gave the amnesty to a lot of people that had their accounts deleted and they were able to come back, which I love that. I love that all day long. But I don't think the future is going to be this like free speech era of Twitter where you can just say anything. I just, I don't, I don't see. He wants a delicate character for you, huh? I see. I see. He is delicate. Cause I want to be an Elon Stan.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I want to be an Elon Stan, but you know, I just, and what's that mean? Stan is like super fan. You know, you're a Stan, like, like a Eminem song, Stan, you know, you know i just and what's that mean stan is like super fan you know you're a stan like like a m&m song stan you know you know uh somebody that's obsessed with him and because i love elon i don't even want to say anything bad about him but i just i'm still always weary of somebody that works for the government because i don't like the government because i'm anti establishment so that's why i'm just you know i haven't i've never met him will i meet him one day maybe i don't know um i would be very nice to him i'd be very respectful to him i don't have like any beef but i just don't know if elon is the hero that some
Starting point is 00:29:16 people are kind of making him out to be i hope he is i hope i'm wrong um what do you how about the uh nelk boys any thoughts on these guys i love the nelk boys yeah what do you ask so i think they're great i think they're great too i think they're awesome which is kind of they're hilarious they're they're kind of not my cup of tea but every time i like i like their interview with elon i like their i watch both interviews they did with trump i'm like wow these these kids are fucking murdering it and i like the dorky white kid. I like both. I like all those kids. I feel bad for the one kid who got kicked out.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yeah. Which one they kicked out. Stiney or they kicked out. I don't know. YouTube kicked him out. Steve will do it. Oh yeah. Now he's going to rumble.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Yeah. Steve will do. It's awesome. Yeah, no, he's awesome. And he used to go viral. He'd be able to like chug a bottle of like tequila in 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Now he's absolutely insane. I love Steve. do it i love those videos because you know we watched him and we kind of like fawned over like how we were probably like that i was like the nelk boys when i was younger and they've just been able to monetize it and become really successful so i really applaud them for that have you ever been suspended on youtube alex yeah yeah yeah multiple times multiple strikes and did you like a month or so ago i got pulled off for a week yeah so you had a warning so you got so that was your second strike but only counts as your first you get a warning that stays on your record forever and then anytime after that you get a strike and you have to wait 90 days yeah that strike to go away. It goes away after 90 days. That's how it works.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Yes. But if you get three within the 90 days, you're done. You're finished. And sometimes they can screw you because they'll give you like multiple at a time. So it's just, I don't know. It's very, it's very, very, very annoying because you work so hard. I worry so much in my show, Primetime with Alex Stein. I put so much work into it.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And at any minute they can just say oh well this is in terms of service friendly bye bye bye bye and they delete you they delete your videos and yeah of course they're all backed up but it's still not the same re-uploading them starting over it's just hard and they've done that to so many independent creators where their whole livelihood just taken away from them and i just hate that it makes me sick um do you think that it's someone reporting you well there's two things yeah i think the reporting is a is a big issue because you can mass report somebody and get them to get a strike if you match what do you mean mass report like get like 50 people like complain yeah yeah you're like okay go after this channel i don't like what they're saying about me so that one is a big one and then um also they have the same
Starting point is 00:31:50 technology or software that's going to transcribe this you know everything that you know they've closed captioning you can turn the closed captioning on obviously those closed captions not 100 right but i believe that they have some sort of artificial intelligence program that transcribes every piece of content on here. And there are certain keywords that it says like, I heard Mectin or something, you know what I mean? You know,
Starting point is 00:32:10 as you say some sort of word, you know, yeah, we should be okay with this. But I'm saying you say like a word like that, potentially, I think you can just say that word as long as you don't say other stuff after it.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Um, you can just get taken down. I love. And so that, that, that computer, I'm saying that computer can pick those keywords and it'll give you the initial strike. And i love and so that that that computer i'm saying that computer can pick those keywords and it'll give you the initial strike and then you can appeal that and i've uh
Starting point is 00:32:31 i've won one appeal actually one time but it was actually look i already have a uh i already got dinged on this show i'll and look at and i'll put in a request for review even before the show's over isn't that amazing this show's already you're already on a yellow it's already a yellow monetization yes is that crazy makes sense already i just went and looked hey uh i saw manny spiegel they asked you a question prime time are you a trump fluffer are you ready to move on to desantis you know i think that's a great question and for me this is another topic we can't talk about i think it's hostile the way it's worded and fuck you man but thank you for your money thank you no no i appreciate that no this is a great question and i'll answer like this i love ron de santis i think what he did in florida is great i am uh you know a ron de santis stan right but i do think trump was kind of screwed over and i think that
Starting point is 00:33:20 he's an older man and he has less screwed over exactly i'm just saying that lightly because i don't want to even risk getting censored i think what happened to him was a travesty so i think he's kind of in line and i think uh desantis just my honest opinion man i love desantis he's 44 years old that's a very young man 44 is very young it sounds older but i think in four years he'll be 48 could you imagine a 48 year old president that'd be a very young viral great president i just think if i was desantis i i if i had the opportunity to be president i i i maybe make a different decision if i'm wrong right you know you got you have different perspective if i'm walking the job you'd want that job i mean i'd be president if they said
Starting point is 00:34:04 you're gonna be president yeah i would take it i mean yeah i mean it's beat selling cars or whatever i mean it'd be hard but i yeah i would do it my point is i think ron is looking to attack now but if you really are paying attention manny what happened to trump can happen to ron it can happen to anybody so if i was ron i would almost be playing it safe. And let's see if this happens again. Almost kind of use Trump as a litmus test. And then you could actually, I think you could,
Starting point is 00:34:33 I don't know why you don't team up with the guy unless he just doesn't like him. And maybe this isn't possible. But why not a Trump and DeSantis ticket? I mean, what is stronger than that? Literally, what is stronger than that? So I think they should team up or I think that he should help him well if desantis wins i'm team desantis 100 but just right now i feel a little jaded after what happened in 2020 and i think that i have a lot of issues with trump he didn't he you know he loved operation warp he loved this and that
Starting point is 00:35:04 there's some serious problems with donald trump but he's still the right man for the job is how i feel he's not perfect but he's he's he's a good option so he's not a trump fluffer hey um what about um uh dinesh d'Souza you like him yeah of course yeah Dinesh is great yeah have you met him I've had him on my show I've talked to him a little bit yeah Dinesh very beautiful daughter yeah yeah Dinesh yeah he's a nice guy holy shit he was on your Blaze show yes of course come on come on he is fucking amazing you like Dinesh yeah I know he's great i like it too he's a big dinesh fan that's awesome dude off the chart i i i just finished reading uh last month the big lie have you read that it's basically the origins of the democratic party from day one to the present with a direct
Starting point is 00:35:58 comparison to the nazis and about how the nazis studied the democrats in order to in order to figure out how they were going to get rid of the jews and they thought that the democrats were way too harsh to the blacks like the one drop rule do you know about that if you know the the the the klukox clan was like hey if you have one drop of blood you're black right oh yeah nazis like ah it's a little extreme we'll let you can be 30 jewish and survive i mean just he just goes the whole book is showing the comparisons between the two and it's fucking mind-boggling and then obviously the voter fraud movie was absolutely insane yeah and i mean don't even say those two words dude we can't talk about that on youtube so the reason why you think trump got screwed most recently is because the cia came
Starting point is 00:36:40 out and admitted that they all 50 of those people lied on that letter and that the fbi um they investigated him for a fake deal the durham report proved it was all garbage a fake p tape i mean he didn't even get to get his you know even do his job for three years he's fake he's facing fake subpoenas adam schiff is just straight up lying so yeah i mean that's why and if desantis doesn't realize they're gonna probably do the same thing to him. So I don't know why you wouldn't kind of stand up for what happened to Trump a little more. But like I said, if I had the opportunity, I said, hey, there's a strong possibility you could be president and you could win. Then I might do it.
Starting point is 00:37:18 But at the same time, I would think I would try to, if I'm wrong, have a long game and not be in a rush, especially something like the president. I mean, he's going to have his whole life to be president. Dinesh also in that movie talks about how what we're experiencing is what happened in Germany and basically here in the United States. The Ku Klux Klan and the Nazis were a state within a state. states that the ku klux klan and the nazis were a state within a state and when i see people spitting on you in public and getting away with it and the shit that people do to you um and saying that you're asking for it that's when i see the state within the state i'm like holy shit they're protecting the state within the state they're not protecting yeah but listen picture yeah what about people we talk about? Nazi Germany was very bad.
Starting point is 00:38:05 But what about in America? We had internment camps here with the Japanese. Yes. And guess who did that? Not the Republicans. That was in California. Yeah. Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 00:38:16 Not only internment camps. Fuck the internment camps. They took all their property. Yeah. And never gave it back. That's bullshit. I mean, that is bullshit. Hey, you're not allowed to talk about um on youtube you're not allowed to talk about stolen election stuff no no no
Starting point is 00:38:32 you cannot mention that that is an instant strike no this is the most fair election and accurate election in our history no that's just that's that's a fact oh be very careful when when my when my account got suspended i clicked on the page and it didn't tell me exactly why it got suspended but it was it hate speech what was it misinformation what was the the first one was they said i i was uh promoting violence and it was crazy because it was a video of a man fighting behind a tell it was an old man who got jumped and won the fight but it happened behind a telephone pole and you couldn't even see what was going on. And then the second strike I got like six months later was I was – it fell under the guideline.
Starting point is 00:39:11 You're never going to believe this, Alex, that I was suggesting a ritual or practice that would cure COVID that didn't follow the WHO guidelines. I mean I probably just said, hey, you should exercise and not eat sugar and i got fucking strike probably probably but um yeah you just you can't you can't talk about the election you can't talk about covid those are just persona non grata isn't it um this uh this um you had the um tell me about the proud boys i don't know anything about them except what the mainstream media tells me that i'm supposed to hate them and that didn't you for your inaugural show you had the gavin the de facto guy that started but let me tell you another funny proud boy story i got a really good proud boy story so what are they is the media right joke no it started off as a joke gavin mckinnis he had this
Starting point is 00:39:59 guy that was effeminate i forget which broadway musical play is like proud of your boy some famous one like mama mia or something like that it's not one, but it's one of these plays. It's super famous. And this guy that worked there at the studio is called compound media. He would always come in and he's kind of effeminate and they'd always be like proud of your boy. So then they started calling themselves the proud boys. And then they kind of made like a de facto fraternity where if you couldn't name, they could punch you and you had to name five cereals to stop getting punched. Like that was like one of the first rules it was just a joke it was literally a gimmick gavin mckinnis is a comedian it's like me he's like a troll he's just goofing then they
Starting point is 00:40:33 started to get a following because gavin would go to speaking events and he would get accosted by the antifa antifa would be kicking gavin's ass so then the proud boys say hey we'll be your personal protection at these things so that's how it kind of got organized from just a goofy club to where they're like oh now we'll do now we'll do uh security and we'll go to these different places where you know you know wherever he's speaking so then they kind of became kind of like a right antifa now I don't think they're as bad as antifa personally but that was kind of like the label that they got, right? Are there black dudes and Mexican dudes and Jew dudes?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Well, of course. Yeah, there's Enrique. Yeah, there's a guy named Enrique Tarrio who is like, you know, Dominican or whatever. He's the leader. He's the actual leader. Gavin's not a leader. He actually kind of distanced himself a little bit. He's a Dominican dude that's the leader of the Proud Boys?
Starting point is 00:41:22 And he's a fed. And no, but his history that he had been a you know he had been in a bunch of cases and helped the fbi prosecute other people so that's that's the conspiracy is that is was it an inside job is this government creating because you just saw that u-haul that grant that ran into the white house and it was a 27 foot u-haul trailer carrying one nazi flag so i mean it's just very weird a lot of this stuff is you know kind of meant to scare us but but the thing with the proud boys so i was in miami i was speaking at an event two weeks ago and my buddy luke rudkowski is like yeah some girls are gonna come meet us out and he introduces me to this girl and i meet her
Starting point is 00:42:02 and uh she's like all into bitcoin and stuff And then we ended up like searching her and she was in Rico, Enrico or Rike Tario's girlfriend. And she got investigated by the FBI because there was some like cause play or LARP document on how they would overthrow the government. It was very weird thing. And, uh, it's just funny.
Starting point is 00:42:22 I just ran into her, just hang out with this girl that was like, kind of like the you know the leader of the proud boys girlfriend so i and she's a nice person she doesn't really know or want to overthrow the government she is anti-establishment she is a anarchist a little bit but i don't know it's just a weird thing how these people have been demonized and now for january 6th people are just going to jail they're giving 50 year old people life sentences like if you're 60 years old and you get a
Starting point is 00:42:47 you know this guy Richard Biggo Barnett he's getting a 22 year sentence he's in his 60s so that's a life sentence I mean that's a life sentence there's no guarantee and for me for he put his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk so I mean it's just it's just ridiculous
Starting point is 00:43:04 Richard Barnett yeah this guy big o you know he's a guy they got in a lot a lot of trouble so you know it is what it is it's just it's just ridiculous though the the the way the government spins this stuff it's like oh they're this you know terrible thing i'm not saying they're the best thing ever like the proud boys so you know are some great organization but they're not as bad as they say you know i like the proud boys personally i mean i like the ones that i've met but i'm sure there are some weird proud boys in that group that are probably edgy as hell so i mean how many years did this guy get for this yeah he's he's going now he's they're trying to do his appeal today and i'm friends with his attorney.
Starting point is 00:43:47 His attorney is actually my attorney on something totally different. But, yeah, they're trying to give him 25 years. He's 63 years old. That's what he did. He put his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk right there. Did he have a gun? No, no, no weapons. No, there was no weapons. But he took an envelope from her desk, and he actually left.
Starting point is 00:44:03 He said he left like a dollar or something so it wouldn't be considered stealing but they try to get him for stealing and this is the thing this is why they're screwing all the january 6 people is how they created this rule that was that's in the books that during a like voting procedure or whatever it is it's kind of this obscure law that if you interact with it or you try to you know mess it up by even like dealing with a cop or you know it's law that if you interact with it or you try to you know mess it up by even like dealing with a cop or you know it's basically like if you interact with a police officer in the duty of his job while somebody's trying to interfere with a an election or a voting process or whatever a certification whatever the proper terminology is it's a felony so you know if you
Starting point is 00:44:42 just charge these people with misdemeanor trespassing i think everybody'd be be okay with that. And you gave these guys a slap on the wrist, a few months in jail, whatever, that's fine. I think Richard would do a few months in jail, you know, gladly. I think all these people would, but 25 years, 23 years, there's rapists, there's child molesters. There's people with thousands of images of child pornography on their computer that get probation in some instances. I'm not saying that's right. I'm saying I think that's wrong. But the justice system is being weaponized against the people.
Starting point is 00:45:13 So that's a really kind of – I saw a video yesterday of a guy in Berkeley who walked into a store, sprayed WD-40 on another guy's head, and lit him on fire. I didn't see that. do you want to see it well i mean i believe you you might get in trouble for that no i believe it now they're doing this prank where the guys put water in a gas can and they go and pour it on somebody's car like they're gonna this wasn't this wasn't a prank this was this was this is real this is real this Yeah, yeah. This is, I wonder if I can find it. God, where is that? I couldn't even believe I was seeing it.
Starting point is 00:45:52 It was in Berkeley. It was in Berkeley, California. And the guy got off. Okay, so, I can't find it right now. Oh, yeah, yeah. Maybe this is it. Oh, yeah, here it is. Fuck, fuck this is gonna blow you away dude uh man found guilt guilty of lighting you oh i saw this picture i saw this picture sorry go ahead look at so so uh man found guilty of lighting uc berkeley student on fire
Starting point is 00:46:22 has been released from custody without prison time. Hey, in 2020, he was in prison I think for beating his wife. Well, let's talk about this. Let's talk. He – look, watch this. He walks in, sprays the dude's head with – hey, and you know what's funny? Is they say that the dude who got sprayed is Asian, but they don't mention that the guy who did the spraying was black. Isn't that fascinating?
Starting point is 00:46:52 Yeah, they'll never. And black on Asian crime is really bad. It's at a really high level. But this is all outrage porn, too, because there's so, listen. This is what's up. There's a lot of people there's they use this as like a social credit um my buddy hotep jesus was talking about it people on black people love to see black they love to see white on black violence right they love to be like oh look this
Starting point is 00:47:16 is happening guys and then the white people on the right they love to see block on white violence so they can share so it's this weird thing where we almost like to see it because it's like our narrative. We're right, you know, because you can see this. But really, it's like there's a lot of black on black crime. That's really the majority of a lot of the shootings in Chicago. But you can't talk about that. Hey, majority of the shootings are nationwide. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And so it's just so weird. We won't talk about that. We can't ever talk about the race of somebody if they are African-American. But if it's a white shooter, if it's – Why even say the person's ethnicity? That's the thing I'm saying. Why even say their ethnicity or their race? But if you do, isn't it kind of obvious what you're doing? Like they'll be like white cop – or they'll be like white cop beats black man. But if it's a black cop, they won't be like black cop beats black man.
Starting point is 00:48:08 It's like, how can you have it both ways? Either either include that stuff or don't. Yeah, and we just get outraged over the. Look how calm it's happening. You really I'm really calm today. Really? Yeah, right. No, I'm just I'm just tired.
Starting point is 00:48:24 I didn't sleep that well last night I woke up at I went to bed kind of early but kind of woke up early I just woke up at 5 kind of on the wrong side of the bed this morning do you ever get scared at night when you're going to sleep like oh my god my girlfriend works for the FBI or the CIA you start having delusions of grandeur
Starting point is 00:48:39 or oh my god that person I met today is really a fucking psyop or it's a sometimes I mean but not really I don't worry about that I I met today is really a fucking psyop. Sometimes. I mean, but not really. I don't worry about that. I do think that's weird. A lot of people that, like, try to ingratiate themselves with me.
Starting point is 00:48:52 And sometimes I'm like, what is this guy? Is this guy, what are their motivations? What are they trying to do? Yeah, so, I mean, I guess I am a little paranoid about some stuff. Oh, my gosh, my cat just farted. And that stinks. Butterscotch. That stinks. I like the smell of farts hey i'm james uh like like the james o'keefe stuff do you follow him closely do you
Starting point is 00:49:11 i'm tied with james james a friend of mine yeah james is awesome yeah he totally got screwed and you know that happened is he set up a board of just three people and they're able to vote two to one and he thinks there's some sort of outside influence because it was right after the Pfizer thing went quadruple, triple, you know, viral is the most viral video on the Internet. And then he gets kicked out of his company. But but, you know, between you and me, Project Veritas doesn't have a long runway. They're not they lost a lot of support from their donors, especially their really big donors. So what's sad is they got rid of James, but they've kind of, you know, shot themselves in the foot because I don't think Project Veritas is going to be around, you know, three or four years from now. Probably less than that. Dude, they're hated on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:49:54 I mean, the comments is still like, bring James back. You guys suck without James. And he took the- Well, see, that's a possibility. And I talked to James and James said that if there is a case where he can get his company back, he would want it back. He told me that straight up. I think he would even openly admit that. Like he started his own O'Keefe Media Group and he'll do fine on his own because he has enough connections and he has enough independent financial support from people.
Starting point is 00:50:14 But he definitely wants his baby back. He wants what he built. And I don't blame him for that. You ever work out with James O'Keefe? He looks like he works out. Looks like he's swole. Oh, yeah. He's on the grind all the time he's he's definitely into
Starting point is 00:50:26 to uh fitness he stays in shape and you ever work out with him no i mean him i know you haven't why not i know i need to now he's in good shape i've been exercising lately i've lost about 20 pounds i'm down to 230 i was i got out to like 252 because you look good I gotta lose 20 more If I can just be like 205 in the 210 range Because I'm 6'3.5 That's where I'm at 30 35, 36 inch waist That's really, every human should be a 34 inch waist
Starting point is 00:50:57 They say I think that's the How big a waist are you? 32 I'm tiny though I should be at fucking. I'm tiny, though. I should be fucking 26. I'm a tiny man. You could carry me under one arm, Alex.
Starting point is 00:51:10 You could carry me around like this. I could be accessory for you. Yeah, but you're jacked up. Are you taller than James? Yeah, I'm taller than James. You're taller than everybody. Not everybody, but I am tall. I am tall.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I am tall. I liked it when you were in the airport and you said to the guy at the luggage thing you were looking around for uh sam britain did you see he has a warrant for his arrest now he does yeah he he like did something they're trying to arrest him he's kind of like on the lam i believe google sam britain you gotta google the latest on sam is he not um employed uh sam britain no he's not he doesn't have a job right now no he lost his job yes somebody said develop yourself in the chat i was a guy trying on the pro tuck clothing at target that was more a non-binary ex-biden
Starting point is 00:51:59 official sam brighton to be held in men's jail over suit oh in men's jail over suitcase left theft charges wow non-binary former nuclear official Sam Brighton is to be placed in men's jail Maryland while waiting to be sent to Virginia over suitcase theft charges oh so they got him yeah I guess they found him there was a warrant for his arrest they oh did that that's a woman he stole her did you see he stole from some African designer? And then he's wearing one of a kind pieces. What a freaking joke. See, that's a mental illness is he could go to any store and get any clothes,
Starting point is 00:52:36 but he would look for really expensive designer bags because he was like, he like wanted to wear their clothes. You know, there was something, he had some sort of weird thing where he wants to wear like an actual woman's clothes not just a woman's clothes from the store like some particular woman he might not know who that woman is but there's just there's something weird you have all of that you've made all that success you have this great job he's probably making lord knows what making decent money too fitty too fitty i'm saying he can afford any of the clothes he stole is my point you know and look that's the lady he stole this lady's suitcase
Starting point is 00:53:10 she's the one-of-a-kind designer yes she's the one who's designer and he's like one-of-a-kind pieces she's like oh i made that i made that coverall or whatever those clothes is called i don't know the proper term but she's like oh yeah that's a one-of-one design that's how i know it's my dress and her bag was stolen from the same airport that he was flying at so this is very bizarre he's very bizarre he's obviously mentally ill hey do you think you just see that you know you think you just see that and you know that's mentally ill yeah i think so when he's dressed in a dress and has a beard it looks like a circus freak so so somehow his
Starting point is 00:53:45 perception of himself is so fucking skewed he wakes up in the morning he puts red lipstick on he thinks he has a penis but he wants to just be a woman so fucking bad something's something's off yeah and and i you know i'm the libertarian mindset too where you know you're an adult you can you know dress weird and be weird and be eccentric But this is the problem is now we have this whole new ideology where they're just trying to indoctrinate kids in this. And I tell kids are born in the wrong body. Nobody's born in the wrong body. You see this, you're in the fitness area. There's a lot of people that have gender dysphoria where they're too skinny or they're too big, where they overwork out and they get too big. So a lot of people have gender dysphoria.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Some people just have it to more degrees than others. We need to treat the gender dysphoria. And you wouldn't tell an anorexic person to just keep being anorexic. You would say, hey, have some food. You have gender dysphoria. But that's not what we do in the case of trans. We encourage it. We say, oh, well, you're in the wrong body. Yeah, you are in the wrong body. Here, take this Lupron. This is a castration drug. Oh, you're a child. You think you're in the wrong body? You have gender dysphoria. Oh, we'll encourage it. We'll try to make you create those unreal expectations and reach them, which will never happen because biologically it's impossible. It's impossible to turn a penis into a vagina.
Starting point is 00:54:56 It's impossible to turn a vagina into a penis. But there's still going to be doctors out there that are doing this. So we need to try to encourage people to be themselves and not try to um encourage their mental illness by here's the part that i i don't understand i also don't wake up in the morning and say today i'm going to try to look like a man i've never woke up one i've never woke up one morning and been like i don't try to do it's like did you see that clip that was going around it was virals from an abc uh comedy and they're in uh that that little kid's on the stretcher it's a girl that supposedly is transgender and she says to the doctor who has autism uh how do you know what i'm supposed to be and he's like you're not supposed to be anything you are like yeah do you
Starting point is 00:55:40 know which clip i'm talking about no but that is what it is you're not supposed to anything you just are who you are i mean i don't i so i can't even relate to waking up and wanting to be a female because i don't ever wake up and want to be a man i just wake up and like take a piss and like open the curtains and i and start the coffee machine pee i mean i know i'm i never there's no point in the day where i'm like fuck i need to make sure i look like a man today or i need to look like i'm so not worried about it at all yeah i have no fear of looking like a man that's why i put on a women's bathing suit because i don't even care i don't you know i'm saying i could care less like i'm not hi it's just i think it goes to the gender dysphoria and you see all these bodybuilders that die young from on all the gear and stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:26 That's that's kind of similar to giving a person hormones or giving them a surgery. We need to actually help these people that have it's a mental health issue. It's a lot like these shootings. Now you're going to take away all the guns. Then the criminals and the cops and the military still have guns. So there still be bad stuff. We need to address the mental health issues. but then when you see the trans shooter that shot up all the kids in nashville they're not giving their manifesto why not why not because then probably and i'm just pure speculation probably the manifesto probably is like i want to get christians and da da da da da and you know it just goes it's like the last thing they want out but trust me if this was like a nazi guy and this stuff said i want to kill a z y b whatever it would be on the front page of every publication
Starting point is 00:57:11 out there on every tweet every instagram every newspaper every tv show so it's selective outrage and it's uh selective knowledge of what we get to know and uh if anything goes against the narrative they try to hide that well um one of my clients has a six-year-old boy identifying as a girl and now his older daughter is identifying as a boy yeah because older daughter wants to get the same attention that she sees her little brother getting and that's a lot of this too is these kids are doing it for attention i had serious attention deficit disorder I would act bad just to get attention in the class. I would try to be the class clown. So that was my method.
Starting point is 00:57:49 But now a kid can just say, oh, well, I'm trans or I'm openly gay at nine years old. So now the attention's on me because I get to use my own bathroom or I get to be treated special. So that's where it's like, why are we doing this? Are they people doing it because they really want to be a girl?
Starting point is 00:58:05 They really want to transition their sex? Are they doing it because it gets them the attention that they crave from the people they want it from? Do you ever get concerned that maybe you could fall asleep at the wheel and get sucked into a psyop or even Elon? I've been sucked into lots of psyops. I've believed a bunch of crazy stuff and changed my mind on lots of stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:26 And I've said some crazy stuff and then, you know, walked back. Yeah, I've been sucked in. I've been misled 100%. Can you give me an example of something? No, I'm just saying, you know, like it's just with conspiracies and stuff. Like I was never a big QAnon person, but there's just stuff like that where some conspiracies make sense and some conspiracies are absolutely looney tunes and you kind of have to do a little more research. Like this is one, Michelle Obama is a boy.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I don't necessarily know if that's true, but I love saying that conspiracy. I don't know if that's true. I'm kind of sucked into that. I mean, is it true? Probably not. She's probably not a boy, but then there's evidence that she could be a boy. So I don't know. It's just weird. It's like, do I believe that? I don't. So there's weird stuff that I don't necessarily believe, but I kind of like will kind of role play in my head or talk it out loud.
Starting point is 00:59:15 And I don't necessarily believe it, but I'm just kind of thinking out loud. And I probably shouldn't do that sometimes. Have you ever looked on the Internet for pictures of her as a child? You can't you can't find any pictures of her pregnant there's a few pictures of her as a child you can't find any pics of her pregnant and it's really weird to tell obama is a man everybody says i mean hey well joan river said it and then she died shortly thereafter did you ever see that clip this is oh yeah i have seen that yes yeah it's a tmz and then she died you know right after that's a little suspicious and she is the top classic surgeons in manhattan you know what i'm saying she's not going to the bargain bin no classic surgeon um
Starting point is 00:59:57 have you had to talk with any of this bs with your kids so you have to um and then i i got my kids um elementary school newsletter that included private festival – pride festival information. So yesterday, one of my friends went to their kid's graduation, and one of the speakers recently said, hey, you guys have a tough road ahead of you with climate change and all of the racism in this country. And so that means that teacher has completely bought the propaganda. Right? Believes in the climate change narrative and believes in the
Starting point is 01:00:32 racism narrative. And so that's basically just all victim shit and manipulation shit and that's part of the PSYOP. I don't have to deal with that with my kids because my kids will never touch a cell phone. They don't touch a cell phone. We don't have Fox News on. We don't have to deal with that with my kids because my kids will never touch a cell phone. They don't touch a cell phone. We don't have Fox News on.
Starting point is 01:00:49 We don't have CNN on in the house. I would never have to talk to that about my kids. My kids are like, oh, shit, I hit a tennis ball over the fence and it rolled in poop. What should we do? I'm like, oh, let's just not get it. But tennis balls cost a dollar. I heard you say that. I'm like, I know, but we're going to cut our losses with that one.
Starting point is 01:01:03 That's it. Those are the conversations I have with my kids well pull your foreskin back and make sure you you know try to pull your foreskin back and clean your penis well and i like that but this this is i mean i like that you're teaching them you know the fatherly stuff normal stuff but this is this is a thing don't if you send your kids to school you're not being a parent i know that's harsh no no public school is insane it's an indoctrination camp because and this is the only reason i love the pride flag i think that every gay bar should have one so united gay bar i think there's a the pride flag is important i think that it is a powerful symbol and it can be a representation of the gay community but the only thing that separates a straight person and a gay person is their sexual preference so basically celebrating somebody's sexual
Starting point is 01:01:42 preference inside of the school room, it doesn't make sense. You know, you wouldn't have a heterosexual flag where, you know, just, you know, let them see the pride flag on their own. You don't need to have these teachers indoctrinating the kids. But that's what's happening where the lives of TikTok constantly exposes this, where they even have the thing where it's a closet where the kids can change. Because let's say the parents aren't OK with them wanting to, you know, dress in a different clothes. There's teachers that have special closets where they let the kid. And there's one that this kid, this teacher just got exposed. And he called it the Superman room because they go in as Clark Kent and they
Starting point is 01:02:17 come out as Superman. And this is what he says. And the reason why he calls it a Superman room too, is because, because Superman's always Superman. He just dresses as Clark Kent. He's not really Clark Kent. Clark Kent is the disguise. And so that's what he tells the kids.
Starting point is 01:02:32 It's like the kids come to school in their disguise. And then they come in the closet and they get to put on the dress. Or if they're a girl, they get to put on whatever male clothes they want. And then they become Superman because now they're their true selves. Jake Chapman, when i was a kid i was scared of the exorcist and sharks yeah me too yep yeah yep i was totally afraid of ghosts and sharks big huge sharks 50 foot sharks being in a 20 foot swimming pool completely just absurd shit i mean it's it's gotten weird i think the internet is a huge problem because you and i are old enough
Starting point is 01:03:06 where i had 56k dial up i didn't really get good internet till even in college internet would be kind of shitty for me but now we didn't even have internet in college as i'm saying you know i don't i don't even know how you do the internet without college that's even really hard but um now these kids just look at their cell phone and there's just massive amounts of porn so they get sexualized at such a young age and i think that that has a lot to do with it as a matter of fact the the director of the uh matrix susan wachowski they're the wachowski brothers to actually transition to females now she this video is going around and shared on a lot of right-wing things where she talked about how one of the most invigorating things for her and that encouraged her to transition was watching
Starting point is 01:03:48 transgender porn that she could see yeah and so there's something to do with porn there's porn is evil i love looking at a pair of boobs just like the next guy i mean come on i'll be honest i love looking at a playboy when i was a kid i love boobs now i look at instagram i see the girls yeah which is a lot better than what they have now i mean i i'm not saying that you know we all have desires we want to see somebody naked but now it's like these this porn is just too accessible to people of young ages and it's just it's gotten where it's it's just so it's it's just so degenerate it is so there is a direct correlate right now. I just saw a study on it of kids. The longer you wait to give your kid a cell phone, then all the correlates are.
Starting point is 01:04:37 The less likely they are to go to jail or the more likely they are to graduate from high school. All this stuff. And all the cool kids that I meet now who are like 16, 17, 18 years old, they didn't get a cell phone until they were 15 or 16, and they're all homeschooled. All of them. Homeschooled? And I used to think, oh, homeschool is not that smart.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I remember when Tim Tebow was homeschooled, and I used to kind of tease about that. Yeah, yeah. But he got to go play with his local high school team because they'd let him play in whatever the district that he homeschooled in. You could go to that school. So if a kid can play sports, then why, I don't, I don't blame somebody. I think you should homeschool at that point. That's the only thing in my mind that would justify not because you might not
Starting point is 01:05:13 get to do the team sports. And I think team sports are important or individual sports. I just think sports are important for a young kid. I think that it teaches you. Did you play sports? Yeah, of course I played, I played, I was captain of my football team and I played my freshman year in college football. What I'm saying is I think sports, not everybody has to play sports because people like art, but I do think at a young age, sports is very important because it teaches you how to win. It teaches you how to lose.
Starting point is 01:05:35 And that's what life is. It's about ups and downs, about winning and losing. You've got to win with sportsmanship. You've got to lose with sportsmanship. And you really don't get those experiences unless you play sports, unless you train for something and reaching goals. So a lot of those analogies for life, like, you know, trying to get after your goals, being focused on, you know, what you're passionate about, doing something you love. I think that's very important for sports, at least for me. If I didn't play sports, I would probably quit when things got tough. But because I had coaches
Starting point is 01:06:02 yelling at me when I wanted to quit and they said, know you can't that that that materialized to things outside of my life that aren't sports related homeschool kids were weird as fuck when i was growing up yeah i i don't know if they were but i used to think that but now i look at all the kids that are fucked up and it's none of the homeschooled kids and and now the internet's terrible, but the internet's also great. You can teach your kid anything. You can go on YouTube and learn how to do anything. You can learn how to build a 1967 Chevy Camaro or whatever. You can do heart surgery.
Starting point is 01:06:34 You can learn heart surgery on the internet. I was saying you can learn anything. So as a parent, you can be like, oh, what are we interested in learning today? Oh, well, let's learn that. I mean, you literally can teach yourself because we have access to so much knowledge and information that we didn't have or we used to think, oh, we got to's learn that. I mean, you literally can teach yourself because we have access to so much knowledge and information that we didn't have where we used to think, oh, we got to send our school,
Starting point is 01:06:48 our kid to school. And that's another thing is, dude, I had to grind my ass off to pass Algebra 2. I actually did well in SAT because I took it like four times and took all those prep tests and spent a lot of time.
Starting point is 01:06:57 You took the SAT really four times? Yeah, but I ended up getting a 1280 on it. It was my last. It was my last one. But my point is, I did all that algebra too. You know, the Pythagorean theorem, A squared plus B squared equals C squared. I've yet to use that. I've yet to use the Pythagorean theorem in my daily application one time in my life.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Yet in high school, it was the bane of my existence. I was so a koa toa. I was always stressed out. Oh, I got to do all this math. I always had a math tutors and it's not that I'm dumb. I actually wasn't even that bad at math. When I had the tutors, I could get B's and I could, I could do it. I'm just saying, it's like, well, we probably just need to teach people basic math, how to balance your checkbook. You know, you don't need to, I mean, there is some people that are brilliant engineers that need to know extra levels of math.
Starting point is 01:07:43 So I'm not saying we don't need to teach math math but i think some of the lesson plans that we have the stuff that we think is important is not the most important and that's the other thing with college i'm anti-college i used to be like oh you got to go to college now you just go to college you get indoctrinated to be a freak so i just don't trust the school system at any level and i hate that it's like that i don't trust doctors anymore so what the hell so i'm insane i don't trust doctors about doctors i know i'm just saying i don't even trust anybody i don't even trust myself so i said i sometimes but you know i mess up so i don't know who to trust you called me seve you called me seve yeah i said i somebody called you seve in the chat i
Starting point is 01:08:21 like that like yeah that's cool that's yeah come along i just put my toe spacers on why is it toe spacers good i used to see people wear those in yoga why is it toe spacers good uh because your feet are that's how your feet were supposed to be they're supposed to be kind of yeah it's my pinky toe it starts to like kind of like you know it's like you know kind of like collapsing into the other toe i don't know if you can tell it's not that bad but are you just in. Are you just in underwear? No, I got shorts. I got shorts. I got shorts and boxers.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I was on my show just in his underwear. I think you're probably right. We probably do need to space him out. And from wearing shoes, people's toes are all fucked up and smashed in. That's what I'm saying. My pinky show, because my wide feet are kind of smashed in a little just because I have wide feet.
Starting point is 01:09:02 They're kind of naturally a little smashed in from wearing shoes all the time. So kids never wear my kids never wear shoes unless they're skateboarding or going to tennis or it's like it's like a shoe is a piece of equipment you use it's not something like you default to so that you're not like a tool of the man you're not just like yeah and it's so good to ground you know that to have your bare feet on the dirt and on the you know even on the pavement i think it's good to uh get those negative ions out uh ken walter's seve got all giddy being called uh seve by alex yes that's right you like that a dollar 99 for the underwear cam and thank you you're welcome you're welcome i i appreciate it um how are things with the uh how are things with the girlfriend she's she's like
Starting point is 01:09:39 in your content now i heard oh my gosh things are okay though but dude her and i're kind of i'm and i this is i feel bad for her but a lot of girls hit me up and comment on my stuff and and she's jealous about a lot of stuff and i would never cheat on her but there's just it's just lately she's just been extra kind of we've been kind of arguing about that as uh you know the other girls you're definitely not the cheating type you know but because but she gets mad i know but when i like another girl's comment or something and i just hate having to and so her and i argued about that about a week ago and you know we're for okay i just i just i don't know i the when we
Starting point is 01:10:24 first started everything's fine. And then of course you get closer and closer and closer. And then all this, everything that was fine three months ago is not. So I just, I don't know. I love Paige. I'm just, I just hate relationships are so hard. And I hate that I can't kind of playfully flirt on my show. I love to playfully flirt.
Starting point is 01:10:43 I always call the girls hot and stuff. What was Marjorie's hair green? I saw you flirting with her flirting with her i never slept with her no but she's my good friend everybody says that i saw you flirt with her and i want to flirt with her too by the way tell her i want to flirt with these people and it's not so so that's that's where it is is it started off there's no big deal but now that we're getting closer and more serious it's just kind of becoming a more issue a little bit of more of an issue but other than that things are fine i just that's that's just like the full candid thing where i have to be a little more cognizant of how i carry myself and and i'm not going to stop like doing what i do on my show like hitting on girls but it's unfair to her too so then i feel guilty no that's not unfair to her it's not
Starting point is 01:11:24 unfair to her well it depends on it depends on kind No, that's not unfair to her. It's not unfair to her. Well, it depends on, it depends on kind of how much I do like, you know, a little bit like the other day I was talking to this libertarian. She got mad at me. Cause I was joking.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I was like, I was like, are you DTF? And I was just kidding, you know, joking is down to F and she kind of, you know, it was kind of quiet to me for about 12 hours.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Why? What's DTF stand for? Down to fuck. Oh. I was joking. I was just joking with this. And she's like, why would you say that to her? I was like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Hey. So other than that, I mean, a little jealousy, but I'm jealous too. So what am I going to do? Oh, you are? Not super, but a little. I mean, I don't, I mean, I think everybody has a little jealousy. Maybe not Bubba the Love Sponge, my buddy. He's really laid back.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Yeah, I don't know. It's just a little. Everybody has a little. I think that's what love is. You're just jealous of that person that you love so much is getting or showing attention to somebody else. Alex, you are a bald eagle, and you soar high, and you swoop down, and you grab salmon, and you do cool shit.
Starting point is 01:12:29 If someone wants to – and that's what makes you attractive, those things that are part of being a bald eagle, that are inseparable. Then if someone were to put you in a cage you would no longer be a bald eagle you would just look like a bald eagle you wouldn't do the swooping you wouldn't build a giant nest you wouldn't do the fucking sounds you wouldn't like soar and that it doesn't my wife and i there's a total double standard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We are not equal. And it is that way, and it's going to be that way. And it's just the fucking way it is.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Now, I don't – she just has to accept that. She has to fully accept that. She has to fully accept that. It is what it is. It's a double standard. Yeah, you have to. It's a double standard. But, dude, you're definitely not the cheating type.
Starting point is 01:13:31 She should be so stoked. No, no, and I've never cheated on her. Yeah, yeah. You don't have the time or you don't want your brain clouded by cheating. It's so obvious you want to be free. Yeah, and that's the other thing, too, is dating has become so toxic. I mean, you're lucky that you have a family but these dating apps are so superficial and so weird and bizarre so the dating world that we live in today is like i mean insane for lack of a better word i mean it's just
Starting point is 01:13:57 i mean this is this is a good point too by the way seven's equal right flirter he likes dudes and chicks to flirt with you just need to flirt with men too. That is true. That is sort of one of the ways that I hedge my, like, I make it okay for some of the crazy shit I say, cause I say it to dudes too. Yeah. Cause you're just being nice. Yeah. No. And I, and I joke like that to men, then to women. And you and I, we grew up at a time where it's funny to make gay jokes about guys, like, you know, kind of locker room stuff. It's not that big a deal. Now it's like, oh, my gosh, if you're a conservative,
Starting point is 01:14:30 you make a gay joke to another guy. Like, oh, nice butt or something. That used to be funny. Like, in Dumb and Dumber, it's like, check out the butt. And he's like, I know. He must work out. And that's a funny joke. And he's talking about the guy's butt in Dumb and Dumber.
Starting point is 01:14:41 So that is right. I am a man child. I am a child. I have a restive development. the guy's butt in dumb and dumber so that is right i am a man child i am a child i have arrested development i hate to admit that where i do want to be freaking 18 years old mentally what happened when you ran for office did you win no i didn't even i got like 47 votes i didn't really do anything i didn't really campaign and everybody else the the two other people I ran against, the other guy got like 400. And then a girl got like 3000. She, she wanted, she spent all this money and she spent like six,
Starting point is 01:15:11 $67,000 on her campaign. I spent 450, but I only spent $407. I had to buy those signs. And I spent like a hundred bucks on, on my website. I just did it as a goof. I never even did one campaign event. So, so, but I didn't really want to be on the school board. Really. If I actually wanted to be on it, I would have tried harder. I, if I do want to run for, uh, office, I want to run for something a little different than school board, but I liked some of the attention that it got me. And that's kind of why I did it just as a goof. And that's what I do as I, you know, I like to goof around. Would you ever run for office? Um, seriously? around would you ever run for office um seriously i'm it depends if my biological father tucker runs and i would yeah i mean i would uh would tucker run would tucker run for office oh yeah well that's the thing he just sued somebody because this uh political action committee
Starting point is 01:15:58 tried to make like a tucker for 2024 deal i think that is i mean between you and me i and tucker's never said this to me but i think that is going to be one of his only options if he continues to get canceled because then he can just say f you like i and i i think that he would have a great chance to win because as a lot of people when they break down the viewers of a show he had a lot of lefty people that watch his show and he's been on cnn he's been on msnbc he's he's not you think cnn offered him a job i i seriously thought when they fired no but they should have i don't know why they wouldn't they should have they should have had their first job offer they should have said here's a hundred million dollar deal for whatever three years or whatever the double whatever he's i think he's
Starting point is 01:16:37 making like 15 million at fox they should have paid him 30 million dollars a year and brought him right over his whole entire audience would have come over there yes and then everybody would have been like what and and you know people are saying that tucker is doesn't want to be part of the mainstream because he doesn't want to be censored tucker is smart enough and creative enough where he can get his points out in a way that is you know censor proof where he can you know i think he's smart enough where you can't really make fun of the Ukraine war, but I think he could talk about it in an objective way that would get the point across.
Starting point is 01:17:09 So I don't know. I hate that he got canceled by Fox news, especially when you're number one, that's, that's really what's ridiculous. I heard that they are still paying him so that, Oh, he's paid.
Starting point is 01:17:21 He got paid. So, so that he can't go on other shows. Is that, is that true? I think, well, yeah. I mean, with a lot of those contracts, you have like non-competes, but he will be able to go on and non-disparagement agreements,
Starting point is 01:17:32 but he'll be able to start going on shows pretty soon. How soon? He will. I don't know. I don't know when it ends, but I know that he will be doing a media tour. I know that for sure. I know that. I mean, I know the Blaze has reached out.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Glenn Beck has reached out to him. Every outlet has reached out to him so yeah he's just actually will five-year hundred dollar contract yeah so so i'm just saying once but that but yeah i mean that's to do his own show but i'm talking about like going on other shows yeah i'm sure he's gonna do his media thing uh i i have no doubt especially when he launches a new thing he's gonna go do you know press for it so i love daddy tuck he did a great job it just sucks you can be the best at your job and still lose it do you think that um i know that happened to me too um do you think that um uh do you think that jimmy kimmel like people like that ever have a chance of waking
Starting point is 01:18:21 up do you think like anywhere at night he goes to sleep at night and he's like oh my god i pushed people to get drugs and it killed people like does he ever or no don't say that don't say that no no because this is why because if you look at jimmy kimmel he was you know he's in blackface a lot he he played carl moan which is hilarious he did a good carl moan i don't have any problem blackface to be honest with you no i don't really care he's playing a character it's a joke like i don't even care that justin trudeau wore it all those times yeah not that big a deal i mean they call that cultural appropriation yet if a person wants to culturally appropriate as a woman they get applauded and they get their own section of target so it's weird how that is i'm blacker than than most uh red i call i'm now calling it redneck culture because that's what
Starting point is 01:19:02 black that's what's so funny black people have been given redneck culture and they call it black culture and they defend it but it's really just scumbag white trash redneck culture you can thomas so well talks all about it but um do you know about that have you heard thomas so well speak about that no but i've heard some of the stuff where they've kind of uh the slave the slaves lost their african culture they picked up redneck culture because they were in the south and then they departed with it it's the same way fucking the slaves lost their African culture they picked up redneck culture because they were in the south and then they departed with it it's the same way fucking Mexicans think that they're the poster children for Catholicism
Starting point is 01:19:31 when really they're just a bunch of indigenous people who were raped by Europeans and now they're the poster children for Catholicism with this giant like gangster rap fucking hoodlum culture that's just redneck white redneck white trash culture that they got from the south but now they defend it as their Africanrican-american culture they're out of their fuck they've been completely psyop that that that cohort of people it's all been a psyop what about sagging is from
Starting point is 01:19:52 prison and now everybody that would be the thing in prison everybody sags their pants that's okay so sorry blackface jimmy kimmel sorry go on i want to hear your thoughts well my point is i think he was probably more based just like howard stern when howard stern would always talk about politics, he was always like, I'm more of a libertarian. He talked about how he voted for a Republican left. And now all of a sudden they're like all the way on the left. So because they had this change later on in life, I don't know if it can flip back the other way because most people are like me and probably like you where I've always been kind of socially liberal and whatever. I want to help people. I want to – I want want to yeah you know i i
Starting point is 01:20:25 want gay people to have you know the same opportunities as me and this and that where then i kind of realized i'm not not anti-gay but i've started to realize like man some of this social progressivism is not the best thing it's not the best move maybe we should kind of switch and kind of you know maybe go in a different direction so so you you have to kind of go one way or the other i don't know if you can keep on flip-flopping though does that make sense so i think he was kind of more based starting out and then they realized hey hollywood politics now i'm howard stern i have to be ultra love hillary clinton love joe biden when it didn't used to be like that's kind of how like you you get scared about being canceled they
Starting point is 01:21:02 got scared about they like and you're trying to kind of yeah yeah you can overwhelm them exactly right they're just like hey this is i'll be protected as long as i say this stuff as long as i speak out against this i'll be super protected and all the corporations that pay my bills will protect me and that's the thing is we're being run by corporations we're not being run by humans these corporations will tell you what you can and can't say and uh that's the problem. These corporations can't feel empathy. So whether it's like a media company like Disney or it's a company like Target or it's Bud Light, I mean, these people think they're so smart.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Bud Light was the number one selling beer brand. It didn't even need to change anything up. They should have just kept running ads about football and whatever the hell. But instead they give, you know, Dylan Mulvaney a sponsorship deal. And whether you like Dylan Mulvaney or not, a lot of people don't like dylan and it caused their you know beer sales to be 26 percent lower than it was this time last year so i think that's true you think that's true that
Starting point is 01:21:53 they really are hurting because i because sometimes they said that yeah no no no that just came out yeah their sales this compared to last year's it's actually the sixth week it's gone down their sales have gone down six weeks in a row and they're actually giving the expired beer away or if you buy a 12 pack for 19 you can uh put in a rebate for 20 they'll mail you a check for 20 so they're giving their beer away oh shit oh shit look at this oh wow this is uh anheuser-busch stock complaining somebody said complaining about corporations were wearing a nike hat yeah i wear all i wear nike shoes what the hell i mean it still doesn't mean that uh nike's great i mean what the hell? I mean, it still doesn't mean that Nike's great. I mean, what the hell?
Starting point is 01:22:27 I mean, I got to wear underwear too. The corporation makes that. I mean, I guess there are independent things I could wear, but hell, I agree if I like Nike. Yeah, get him, Jessica. I agree, Jessica. Take that shit off, Alex. I know, but what I'm saying is,
Starting point is 01:22:38 why can't we like Nike? It just sucks that Nike's so annoying. I got an Apple iPhone in their factories in Foxconn. The employees are treated so they jump off the roof so i mean i'm sorry you know you we got to be basing around we can call these companies out while still having to wear their crap it's just how it works i mean people are still going to drink beer i mean people are still going to even though they don't like bud light so i i my point is we as human beings are being run by multinational corporations that can buy
Starting point is 01:23:05 and sell these politicians like they're toilet paper. So until we take control back and the corporations aren't in power, we're screwed. And we're going to continue to have to wear their Nike hats or their Adidas hats or their Reebok hats or their whatever Under Armour hats, whatever brand that is. And we can obviously wear whatever brand we want, but I'm just saying,
Starting point is 01:23:27 you know, it is what it is and then actually to be honest i think i got this hat at a thrift store so nike didn't make five cents from it so there you go how about uh it is it is interesting and i tell people this all the time like i'm just the fact that i'm participating on youtube makes me part of the problem exactly right i'm participating on youtube and i'm bending and I'm giving them money and I'm drawing attention. I censor myself all the time on YouTube. And this iPhone means that I'm voting. I'm complicit in child slave labor. I'm actually voting.
Starting point is 01:23:56 I'm 100% voting for child. I'm supporting it, right? I just try to mitigate the damage where I can. And like you, I try to just be honest with myself why do you think that there's so few people who can be honest with themselves who can sort of reconcile the fact that they're they're they're doing like one of the things i'm i'm a hundred fucking percent believe abortion is fucking vile and disgusting it's the killing of babies but i'm still pro-choice why don't but what why don't you think people can and
Starting point is 01:24:25 reconcile why can't they hold both opposites like i can be smoking a cigarette and tell you dude it's the worst thing in the world for you why can't other people be defending it well that's who we are we're we're you're not defending your nike hat you're like yeah these guys are fucking scumbags what do you want me to do yeah i mean it is why do you think more people aren't like us why do you think more people aren't like us why do they feel like they have to defend get on the defense well it's identity politics too it's because it's like their identity so they you know it's like um i have to be staunch one way the other when it's really it's more the situation is not black and white it's more gray and it's a lot lot more nuance than uh we gave a credit for look at this trish is saying uh 1.43 dividend 4.2 return over last year you're saying that anheuser-busch has actually made money
Starting point is 01:25:15 in the last year well maybe they have but i suspect that dylan volvaini shit came out um Maybe they have, but I suspect the Dylan Mulvaney shit came out right around this time. Call her high. The beer was the number one selling beer. They shouldn't have even done Dylan Mulvaney. But what Trish is saying is that it may have actually been okay. It may have not hurt the company. I don't believe so. I don't know, Trish.
Starting point is 01:25:43 I don't think that's the case. I mean, Anheuser-Busch is so huge. They're too big to fail. Bud Light sales are hurting tremendously. It has affected Bud Light's overall bottom line. Mr. Bill Hutt. I mean, that's the fact. Call her.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Oh, fuck. But, Siobhan, I got to go soon. It's almost 1030. I got to go to work at 11. Okay, thank you. You da man. Okay. All right right you want to wrap things up all right everybody yeah his his things uh messed up guys please savvy go watch my show prime time with alex stein oh what time youtube oh 6 p.m central is it live central yeah it's live 6 p.m central tuesdays wednesdays and thursdays and then uh there's clips all the old episodes, the prime time with Alex Stein.
Starting point is 01:26:28 I've really appreciated all the Seve heads. Come over there. I need you. I need your support. We're trying to build it. We're on month number four is coming up. We've done about three. It's episode 48.
Starting point is 01:26:39 It'll be four months. So we've got another week of episodes. We've been doing this four months. And I'm happy with the show. i'm very happy with the show i thought i'd get a little more viewers because it's basically getting the same amount of viewers on one of my old channels i don't know i just i thought i would be doing a little better numbers wise to be honest i'm doing fine i'm just the show's not a failure i just i don't know i just thought it takes time to build new shit it takes time i know i know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:27:05 I know. I know. And it's weird how other social media platforms, like I got a lot on Instagram. I got a lot on Twitter. Those followers don't necessarily migrate to your YouTube. So seven East does. I love you all. The seven East does.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Y'all the real pimps on blimps, please in a chat, give us sevens, give seven East does in the chat or savvy shout outs. Do you look at the chat during your live show on blaze? Yeah. I phone yeah my phone oh that's awesome okay yeah yeah that's great all right well i gotta get in the shower i gotta get to freaking work all right i'll come on i'll come on again soon man thank you for having me like always i'll talk to you soon awesome later time bye uh mr alex stein check him out on the blaze no check him out on the Blaze. No, check him out on YouTube. Go to YouTube. Don't fuck it up like I did. Mr. Bill, you can call back. Something is definitely wrong with this system.
Starting point is 01:27:50 This fucking sucks. You need to have Sevan on, and then your numbers will skyrocket. I cannot go to Texas. There's no fucking way. Thank you, though, man. I just subscribed to you, dude. That's nice of you. Bye, dude. That's nice of you. Bye, Alex.
Starting point is 01:28:11 I'm tripping. I'm very uncomfortable. Will someone call in and just check my phone? I'm very fucking uncomfortable with this whole setup. It's not – so we moved some things around in here, not as much as I thought we were. Actually, we didn't move much. We just added some stuff and added some lights and shit for Dave coming in in so it would be a little bit better than the last time he was here and so that he could look down at me instead of me
Starting point is 01:28:29 look down at him. Because for some reason all sorts of people talk about that and it's just stupid. A bunch of insecure fucking douchebags. Oh, here we go. Sousa. Hey.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Hey. Hey. Hey. oh here we go Sousa hey hey uh hey oh sorry hey Sousa hello god damn it I got nothing
Starting point is 01:29:02 I hooked everything up exactly the same I got nothing. I hooked everything up exactly the same. We got a Rodecaster Pro 2, and I have no idea why it's not working. That's working. Crickets are working. Can you guys hear that? Let's see. Kenneth hey hello can anyone hear kenneth
Starting point is 01:29:31 when is the disappearance is the cord oh the cord's gone what's so ridiculous is the The cord is over here. The cord's right there now. It's been pulled out from up here like this, and it's just taped to the wall, so now it looks even worse for me. And my fucking phone doesn't work. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Is it working now? No, it's weird. I can hear you on speakerphone. I know. But I can't, but for some reason, and it says you're connected, but you're clearly not connected. Just disconnect. Search for all audio devices. I appreciate you doing this. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:30:16 I'm connecting now. Can you hear me? I can hear you for the most part. Sometimes a little glitchy. Are you clothed? Why are you breathing so heavy? I work out while I watch the show. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Oh, good. Oh, now I can hear you. We're live. God, this fucking thing. God, this sucks. I wonder how many people I could merge in. Caller, hi. Now there's two people on the call.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Oh, yeah, I think I can. Hello? Can they hear me? Because that was the last good phone call yesterday. Oh, yeah, I think I can. Hello? Can they hear me? Because that was the last good phone call yesterday. Oh, yeah. There we go. All right, thank you. All right, cool.
Starting point is 01:30:54 All right, thanks, gentlemen. That was cool. Thank you, Kenneth. And I think that was Jethro. I want to show you guys something. I want to show you guys something. I want to show you this comment. Caller. Hi. Hey. Hey, I think my phone's working. It's good. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Awesome. Yeah, great show. Thank you. Yeah, he was – That was really, really good. Yeah, there was – Go ahead. I didn't mean to interrupt you. It was so interesting how chill he was today.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Oh, he's great. He's great. It's always a trip when he's on. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Are you at a deli? Am I at a deli? No, I'm at work. Isn't it weird? You called me and I just pictured you at a deli eating a sandwich or something, or standing in line getting ready to order a salami sandwich with extra mayonnaise on rye bread.
Starting point is 01:32:00 No, just a half hour away going to the gym. Oh, damn. Everyone goes to the gym. Oh, damn. Everyone goes to the gym. Everyone gets to fucking swole on. Try it, dude. 52, I try. Who is this? This is Garrett.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Garrett, what's up, dude? Oh, Garrett. Not Garrett. What's going on, bud? Not Garrett. Have we ever talked before, Garrett? No, no. It's the first time I've gone through.
Starting point is 01:32:23 I've been listening all through the pandemic and, uh, that's it. Do you, do you have a, do you have a second? Do you want to talk to me for a second? Sure. I do. Okay. So, uh, yesterday I did a show with Dave Castro in the evening. I haven't caught up with it yet. You, you, you, you put out too many shows, man. I understand. Which is great. And this guy in the youtube comments writes um dave hits the nail on the head with how i feel about savon most of the time but not all of the time if you don't like him or you're not normal you have mental problems you're not i think he's saying you're not allowed to think differently a great show by the way dave is always amazing so this
Starting point is 01:33:02 guy is saying because at one point dave was dave was uh saying that and and i'm reading that and i'm thinking to myself yeah that's actually that actually is true i i i don't accept people who uh want to chop off children's penises and um i don't i don't accept people who want to uh let men play in women's sports. And I'm very close-minded about that. But on the other hand, I was like, I'm the fucking most open-minded person I fucking know. Dude, it's wild. So my wife is a midwife, right?
Starting point is 01:33:43 So they have a meeting, and she comes home from work, and she's like oh we had our first male pregnant pregnant male come in for delivery i'm like honey i go listen that's a woman it's not a male and like so like all this stuff that's going on it's just insane it's insane to me because like they've now catered to i don't even know what the percentage of population that is transitioning, but it's just like, what are we doing? I mean, just, it's, you show me a male that can get pregnant and then I'll, I'll buy into that, but that it's never going to happen. So like, it just, I don't know where it stops, you know? Yeah. It's a bummer.
Starting point is 01:34:26 I am extremely closed-minded about some things. That's 100% true. But I'm also – I seriously am like, holy shit, I'm so fucking open-minded. Like, how? Yeah. I'm a thousand times more open-minded in culture than 99% of my fucking guests. Yeah. You want to identify as a cat you identify as a cat right just like you stay in your lane i'll stay in my lane but don't force me or force my family to like now have like i don't want to like that's you do you i'll do me
Starting point is 01:35:02 but like but i do this but. But here is the thing. On the other hand, I do want to make it illegal to chop off the penises off of people under the age of 18. That's where I am. Close minded about that. I'm like, I don't want to do that. I don't want to be a part of a society. It's like lobotomies, you know, like I can't believe we used to actually do lobotomies just, you know, in the 50s. You know, like I can't believe we used to actually do lobotomies just, you know, in the 50s.
Starting point is 01:35:30 I don't want to I don't want people to look back and be like, I was part of that team that thought it was OK to chop off kids' penises. 100 percent there with you. That is the most insane thing. Yeah, like the fact that and then I think a lot of it is like you look at some of these parents when they show up with the kids, like it's almost like they're pushing their views or agendas onto the kids where, you know, as a child, you don't know. You could dress your boys up in skirts and totally push a total what you wanted the rest of society to see your kids at. Right. Right. And and i think i think that's wrong like if you if you have your opinions that's fine but don't don't push it on other people and especially children because they're not equipped to handle any of this stuff i have a 12 and a nine-year-old and like like we don't even talk about this stuff when my wife brings that stuff up from work i'm like yo like we can talk about this stuff. When my wife brings that stuff up from work, I'm like, yo,
Starting point is 01:36:25 like we can talk about this, but I don't want the kids hearing anything about it because like it's, yeah, I'm, I'm here in Massachusetts. So I don't even need to tell you where all, yeah, it's just like, yeah, you can't, you can't even say you voted for Trump or anything here. So David weed, David weed, come on,
Starting point is 01:36:49 man. You're not open-minded. Come on, man. I'd say you're pretty open-minded. There are very, very few things. I'm crazy.
Starting point is 01:36:58 It's nuts. It's scary. There are very few things that I disagree with you on, especially, I got a good, not a good one, but I have one. I have a quick one for you. So I have multiple friends who work in health care and a friend got the fourth booster, right? dude and he had a fit right works out rides mountain bikes everything had a stroke and no one wants to talk about it like that that that that that isn't weird that a fit a fit guy has a stroke and uh you know had been taking four jabs. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:37:45 I was looking at some articles last night, and it's just like anytime you even question it, you're considered a – the name-calling is just crazy, or like it's disrespectful to the person who had a stroke or who had a heart attack or who died if you question that. It's like, dude, what are you – it's not even it's not even offensive in the slightest to question it's some we're just trying to get to the bottom of this
Starting point is 01:38:08 don't chill relax if someone got hit by a car is it rude to say was he crossing the street on a red light i mean it's totally fair question was he in the crosswalk yeah exactly all those are fair questions yeah like i don't even bring it up because like, yeah, people think you're, think I'm nuts. You know, how could you, how could you bring that up? Like, well, I don't know. It's, I think it's a legitimate question. He's yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:35 He's never had any issues in his whole life. And all of a sudden he has a stroke of 47. Yeah. Come on. Yeah. Well, thank you for calling and helping me test out my phone. Hey man. Anytime. You guys putting out a schedule for this week for semifinals?
Starting point is 01:38:51 Is that going to be on the website or anything? I've been bugging Sousa like crazy about it, but the fucking guy is a fucking workaholic. And he's trying to run his gym and he's got the thing with the U.S. Air Force and the thing with the fire department. I know he wants to do it. And then I sent 30 text messages in the last i know he wants to do it um and and then i i sent 30 text messages in the last 24 hours asking him to do stuff for me so that's i'm not sure uh but soon very soon i don't think okay i let me just add this i don't know if they've released the schedule yet because i think they're switching the entire event to one floor so i think some
Starting point is 01:39:21 things have changed uh and so so, but as soon as I know, um, and, and, um, there's a two shows competing for, uh, so tomorrow morning,
Starting point is 01:39:31 Sarah Sigmund's daughter's coming on. And then tomorrow night we're trying to get, um, Daniel Brandon on. And if we don't get Daniel Brandon on, um, we will, oh,
Starting point is 01:39:42 uh, okay. So she set for tomorrow evening. Holy shit. Okay. Cause I was, I was sure. okay. So she set for tomorrow evening. Holy shit. Okay. Cause I was, I was sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:48 Well, I mean, it's as sure as I can be, but, um, I'm just looking at text, but I also want to have James Townsend and, um,
Starting point is 01:39:55 John Young and possibly Mike Halpin on, I want to do just a quick prediction show for females for the West going, going event by event. Yeah. All right. Cool. All right, man. all right man all right be good okay see ya bye oh so it does look like danielle uh it says um danielle are you available thursday night for a show she said yes susan said perfect and then uh that's it. All right. That's cool. What are the three things I'm open-minded about?
Starting point is 01:40:31 What were those three things? I'm just curious. Sevan is a classic liberal questioning things, trying for better, not the disease version most people think about. Okay, I like that. All right. Oh, man. My husband's friend died recently at 34.
Starting point is 01:40:51 No medical conditions that we're aware of. And the first question was, did he go to the 49er game? Yeah. It's totally fair. I'm not open to animal, what's that called? Husbandry? Animal fuckery? I'm pretty close-minded to that i just think it's animal abuse um
Starting point is 01:41:10 i don't let's see uh oh here we go cornholio my friend's husband died in his sleep young otherwise healthy uh immediately brings up 49er attendance. Yeah, fair enough. Someone is open-minded enough to host disc golf shows. Yeah. Hey, as funny as that is, yeah. Just think about that. Think about that.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Think about that. Hey, not only is Danielle coming on the show, David, but you'll probably come on yourself during the show. I know, my dog is kinky as fuck. I'm for animal whatever. Savon's dog. Anyway, I just saw that comment and I'm like, man, I'm pretty open-minded. Yeah, I'm open-minded about a higher power. Like, yeah, most of the people who don't believe in God, they're so close to God. I'm like, dude, take me.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Here I am. Yo, Jesus, make yourself known. I feel like I'm pretty – I'm dying to rob a bank. I just don't want to go to jail. I'm very curious what it would be like to OD on heroin. I'm so curious what it would be like. I can't even relate to waking up in the morning thinking that I would want to be a female because I don't wake up thinking I want to be a male. I'm curious how like. I'm curious how like and also you had
Starting point is 01:42:45 if it's not obvious I spent I've spent a lot of fucking time alone watching the mechanisms of my brain and how it operates and it's not a lot different than anyone else's brain operates I'll kind of operate the same hey what's up, man? Hello?
Starting point is 01:43:09 Hey I have a quick question Well, a little story and then a quick question I have an uncle And we know that he lies about some stuff And he's been lying about stuff For like 10 or 15 years Is this my nephew?
Starting point is 01:43:27 No. I just want to make sure you're not talking about me. All right, go ahead. No, no, no, it's Alan. So my uncle has been lying about some shit for 10, 15 years, and he's been telling himself these lies for so long that he starts to believe them. Yeah. So just to piggyback on that,
Starting point is 01:43:45 and I'll hang up after I ask the question, do you think you've been telling yourself for so long that you don't have to put the carts back in? That you start believing that you don't have to? Asshole. Asshole. I love you. I love you too.
Starting point is 01:44:01 I love you. I'll keep listening. Listen, listen. You guys really want to talk about the cart? You want to fuck around with the cart? Listen, it's like, I,
Starting point is 01:44:12 what's funny is at the end of the day, I'm going to even go out on a, I'm going to even go out on a limb here and say this. I bet you I put away more carts than people who fucking say they put away carts. I just don't think it's one of those rules in stone. Not at all. I think if you think it's one of those rules in stone. Not at all. I think if you think it's one of those rules in stone,
Starting point is 01:44:27 shut it, Trish. Just shut the fucking front door, Trish. No, Alan is not the man. No, no, Sean. No, down, down, down. God, I wish I had a whip. I'd fucking get up on a chair and just start fucking crushing you guys.
Starting point is 01:44:41 His joke was good. He fucked me up. Christian Kettler, that guy loved his own joke hard yeah no heidi down heidi bad heidi listen i'm not doing the card thing i'm not i'm not like opposed to putting away the card but it's not like um like when your dog poops you have to pick it up the cart but it's not like um like when your dog poops you have to pick it up there's a thousand reasons not to put your cart away it's not like one of those things by the way there is this guy on the internet this i should actually i think i probably have it somewhere
Starting point is 01:45:17 this russian guy he was doing the cart thing before the cart guy was doing the thing and he's so funny let me see if i can find him uh shot where's the shot graduate gym reparations uh there's a russian guy that just fucks with people who don't put their carts away it's so awesome or it's a fake russian guy he carries suitcase big old juiced up dude. You guys know who I'm talking about? Anyway. Oh, here we go. Seven, even if no one is watching, raining and you're afraid in the dark,
Starting point is 01:45:57 you put, no, no, no. Yeah, I don't pick up my dog's poop. I know. But you put your cart away. You can't stand the cart talk. It's just, I don't know how i'm going to convince you guys you're all just being tools of the man it's not like one of those things if you have three you're three kids in the car and it's 120 degrees outside you don't fucking put your cart away then there's other times where you see an old lady unloading groceries in the back of her car and you walk over and you take her cart for her.
Starting point is 01:46:28 But this thing that you have around the cart, you're just a tool. It doesn't work like that. The cart's not like that. And I've been on all sides of it. Remember, I'm fucking 51. I got three kids. I collected carts for years at a place called Drug Barn.
Starting point is 01:46:50 That's some – you got me. The cart won't go away. The poop will. Fair enough. Okay, that's going to be tough. That's a tough one to push back on. It's going to require a whole show. I need to build a case against that. Here we go. I just don't use a cart a cart yeah i don't even use a cart either and what's crazy is usually even if i have a cart when i'm shopping because i'm fucking so muy fuerte muy fuerte i just carry the fucking bags myself and i usually have one of those fucking super trendy canvas bags it's like cost 120 bucks that says like newport beach on it
Starting point is 01:47:24 that's probably only costing three dollars to make i go with two of those in there and you can carry fucking 100 pounds in each arm no you don't put the don't there's a thousand reasons you don't put the card away it's not a carte blanche just answer always put the card away. It's not like that. Mr. Bill, sorry. I really wanted to take your call when Alex was on. I'm so sorry. My phone was fucked up, William. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Oh, this is an interesting bit of information. Cultural. Cultural rules. As a man, you can't use a cart of a basket. You can't use a cart. I don't know what that means. Mr. Zombie. Hello, correspondent for the Sevan podcast in the West Regional. What's up? What's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:48:18 I'm not even calling for that. I'm calling for the cart thing. Oh, okay. Okay? Go ahead. Because fuck all these high and mighty people in the chat talking about they always put their cart away if just like you said if you have your kids with you and stuff that cart is going the closest place possible that that's not going to roll away and and and it 100 needs to go there because that that 16 year old with his first job needs to grab carts from over there
Starting point is 01:48:45 because it builds character. So yeah. I got your back. I got your back on that. And don't get me wrong. I would say 90% of the time I do put my cart away. it's not a rule like that. It's not one of those rules. There's a common sense
Starting point is 01:49:04 component. What you're doing is they're punishing us. These cart Gnostics are punishing us for the fact that they don't have faith in humanity or that they don't have the discipline to make the discernment of what you do with the cart that's appropriate. And I – yeah, that is Joe. Thank you, Barry McCockockner it is Joe Rogan who's calling thank you yes but yeah and for the for the NA West stuff yeah I'll be there probably I'll be there tomorrow like mid morning and then I'll be there the whole weekend so
Starting point is 01:49:39 hey someone just kind of got us cornered this is a great response to us Bernie Gannon Seve would you put your card away if it was a sled? That's fucking... I might be checkmated. I might get my kids out of the car. You got your kids in the car.
Starting point is 01:50:00 What? You got your kids in the car and it's hot. It's still not going back. Oh, God, I love a sled. God, I love a sled. I'm going to turn into a sled whore. If you don't own a sled, go to fucking Bill and Katie's,
Starting point is 01:50:17 Oh, my God. Do they own Bill and Katie's? Wouldn't it be awesome? Jesus Christ, dude, how long are you going to turn? Turn that damn thing off. I'm just joking. Do you think that that's really – they own that?
Starting point is 01:50:32 That takes you to Rogue? This site can't be reached. They should. Oh, yeah. That would be awesome. It probably costs like $10 a year. They should definitely buy that. And it just go to – how about
Starting point is 01:50:49 I might just buy that domain and point it at Rogue. So I have my own – that's how cool – you know how Michael Jackson had his own clothes? Yeah, yeah. Websites that I'm going to – They can check the traffic on that. Yeah, but basically just websites that I like a lot. I't want to i don't i'll have my own entry into them i don't want to go in with the common man i'm not going to go to fuck you
Starting point is 01:51:14 with you filthy peasants i mean i'll pick my own domain name and point it to your account i'm a baller uh all right well yeah i just wanted to have you back on the cart thing because these people don't understand especially they don't have kids thank you they're little kids they don't get it yeah and i understand their view but they don't understand my view and that's the problem it's not that i'm against putting carts away it's just it's not one of those rules like wipe your ass after you shit That's a rule Putting your card away is not a rule like that Yeah
Starting point is 01:51:51 You know what helps with wiping your ass Whenever you cum the first thing out of your mouth should be like I'm sorry that's a rule This doesn't happen This doesn't usually happen all right that's the second thing yeah yeah yeah oops sorry oops sorry that's this is weird but yeah i'll be uh i'll be available all weekend for for all that stuff so i'll be i'll be the correspondent thank you and anything you hear nothing is too small do you know what i mean Like if you see someone's shoe come off or like just report anything to me,
Starting point is 01:52:27 just text, you can't bug me. Text the fucking like a maniac. Oh, you got it. I got it. I know Susan. Yeah. Okay. All right. Thank you for getting an iPhone. Yeah. Yeah. No problem. Okay. I'm not a peasant anymore. Okay. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Uh, uh, Heidi Chrome, man,
Starting point is 01:52:48 you, you are smart as shit. Uh, let me show my kids how not to take personal responsibility. Solid. I like it. I like it. A Magnus,
Starting point is 01:52:57 just hire Hiller to bring back the cart for you. I'll tell you a fucked up story. You're ready for this. So I got a rock tumbler for my kids and more specifically my wife got a rock tumbler for my kids and basically you collect rocks just outside in the beach and or you break you find you break a bottle and you put broken glass in it and you put water in it and you push the button and it's in a rubber container and it spins and all the all the glass and rocks spin and it spins for – it's loud.
Starting point is 01:53:25 It's a little loud. You can hear it all night spinning. And you spin it for days, one day, two days, three days. You put the setting. Then when it's done spinning, you got to open the lid. And I could not open the lid. I went to war with this lid. And I couldn't open it.
Starting point is 01:53:44 And I tried and I tried and I tried. And one of my kids goes, it's okay. Hiller's coming over in a couple of days. He can open it. I'm just like, yeah, Jeff, you're texting with you sucks. I regret giving you my phone number. Uh, that's not true. I'm just joking. That was too harsh. Uh, Hill. Uh, yeah. But the thing with Hiller, that was too harsh uh hill yeah but the thing with hillard my kids knew right away did your husband open it for you i i did ask my wife to give it a uh whirl i eventually got it open with a huge set of um with a huge plumber's wrench do you know what that is I think it's called a plumber's wrench. But my kids, my kids know that, uh,
Starting point is 01:54:32 Hiller is significantly stronger than me. No, he, he comes, he comes in a few days. Does Hiller have small wrists? I feel like, um, the show should be over. I didn't think – I actually had prepared a whole show. I didn't think – Alex was only supposed to come on for 15 minutes, and then he ended up staying. Oh, Vice Scripts? I don't know if it is. Let me Google Vice Scripts. I don't know if it is Vice Scripts. No, not Vice Script grips. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Plumber's wrench. It's huge. This thing is huge. Plumber's wrench or it's like a pipe or maybe it's called a pipe wrench. No, not a plumber's wrench. Let's see. A pipe wrench. Oh, not a pipe wrench either.
Starting point is 01:55:20 Shit. It's huge. Things like this. I mean mean you could kill channel locks maybe oh yeah yeah channel locks show phone oh yeah yeah yeah you nailed it the fucking giant set of channel locks monstrous yep thank you who did that who got that channel locks oh yeah extra sloppy yeah yeah that was it Yeah, extra sloppy, yeah. Yeah, that was it. Oh, this is interesting.
Starting point is 01:55:54 Just start doing your bar muscles with fat grips and you can open the cans. Seven days of laying Piper over. Not quite. Not quite. not quite not quite anyway so I guess that was one piece I guess I can erase that guy calling me closed minded that was kind of weird
Starting point is 01:56:17 I mean I understand it but it's like I feel like it's only half the story. If you wonder why I'm so adamant and you don't take it to heart and you think I'm just being excessive or I don't know what I'm talking about or I get on my high horse or I think I'm a know-it-all or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, or he thinks he's the greatest dad ever, blah, blah, blah. I show you Exhibit A, Wall Street Journal, Family and Tech, The Real Problem with TikTok. A recent study found that when researchers created accounts belonging to fictitious 13-year-olds, they were quickly inundated with videos about eating disorders, body image, self-harm, and suicide.
Starting point is 01:57:01 If you – and Elon commented on it extremely uh destructive if accurate if you uh if you have a 13 year old and you allow them on tiktok you are you are not parenting you've completely abandoned um your your job as a parent why because you can't compete with this i don't i don't know if it's true or not, but you know how they say, like, if you give a girl a vibrator that she gets bored with dick. If you give a kid an iPhone, you've lost your child. If you give your kid access to social media, you're done. You're toast. You're not being a parent. You've outsourced your parenting. Just do not do it. I'm telling you, it's so serious. It's so extreme. Are there
Starting point is 01:57:46 kids that do okay who get TikTok? Yeah, maybe even the majority. It's like smoking. It's fun, but why start? Because it's either going to kill you or you're going to have to quit and you're not going to enjoy quitting. That is one thing I've never heard. I've never heard anyone say, boy, I really enjoyed the challenge of quitting nicotine. I've never heard anyone say that. Don't, do not give your kid a phone. Don't have any reasons like, oh, it's for safety or so they can call me or it's because all their friends have one. Don't do it. You're outsourcing. Do not do it. You're outsourcing your parenting. It's not the kid's fault. It's not TikTok's fault. It wouldn't even matter what they were pushing to your kids. It says TikTok pushes videos about eating disorders, body image, suicide, self-harm. It wouldn't matter what they were pushing. It doesn't, it doesn't matter. I don't, I don't want to jinx myself, but I'll just leave it at that.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Every, every day you wouldn't, you wouldn't, you wouldn't come. You wouldn't. Yeah. It's not just tick tock either. Correct, David. Yeah. So sorry if I made it sound like that. Judy Reed listening with my 17 year old son and he heard what you said about it. Tick tock ruins people. We never let him or his sister have sister have it you know what's interesting is so someone was telling me first i had that guy on the show who basically explained to me that snapchat's for getting drugs and then i talked to some uh 20 year olds and they're like yeah snapchat's totally like you can get any drugs you want
Starting point is 01:59:37 anytime you can get basically anything you want on snapchat quickly anywhere you are in the united states and i was talking to my neighbor about it. I had a trippiest conversation with my neighbor the other day. Like, it's great. Aren't you glad we live here? He's like, why do you say that? I go, it's kind of the ghetto. It's kind of the country, but like, there's no people around us.
Starting point is 01:59:56 You know what I mean? Like I live in kind of like a, it's kind of weird where I live. When I say ghetto, it's just like, I live in a place with like, it's hard to explain there's lots of million multi-million dollar homes lots of millions of dollar properties but there's also people everywhere who are living
Starting point is 02:00:14 in just shitty 600 square foot places where they're paying $3,000 a month and and there's loads of people with like cars parked in their front yard with tires and shit in their front yard with tires and shit off their car. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:00:27 It's, it's not ghetto, like dangerous ghetto. It's just, it's like white, just like a picture, like a white trash kind of ghetto. They just bunch of working people, but then sprinkled in with fucking shit loads of tech millionaires. And, and, and I'm in the, I'm in the country. It's funny. I didn't, didn't realize that until about a year ago. So, but my neighbor, my neighbor, I was like, dude, can you believe what's happening in San Francisco?
Starting point is 02:00:49 He's like, what's happening? I started describing to him. He goes, I had no idea. And I was like, yeah. And then we started talking about Snapchat. And I was like, Snapchat is for sending nudes. Yeah, that too. I started telling him about Snapchat.
Starting point is 02:00:59 I go, dude, don't let your kids be on that shit. I started talking about all the fentanyl deaths. He's like, dude, I don't know. I haven't heard any of this stuff. kids be on that shit i start talking about all the fentanyl deaths he's like dude i don't know i haven't heard any of this stuff like wow maybe maybe i just maybe i watched too much social media or this dude's just completely oblivious i go did you know nordstrom's closed down he's like no did you know like 20 fucking pharmacies have closed down the bay area he goes or in san francisco he goes no how the fuck can you not know that? Caller, hi.
Starting point is 02:01:29 Hello? It's not working again? Hello? Caller? Hello, can you hear me, sir? I can't. Hi. Oh, thank goodness. This is Abe calling. Oh, I've been looking everywhere for you.
Starting point is 02:01:43 My whole life. Oh, yeah, I forgot. I've talked to you before. You try to go along with the bits. That's your whole thing, right? Do you still have Alex Stein on? I do. Okay, can I speak to him?
Starting point is 02:01:58 Am I not supposed to go along with the bits? It's just you're not very funny or good at it. So you kind of ruin them. You kind of take the bits and you drive them into the ground and make them not funny anymore. Okay, let's try again. Sorry, try again. I want to try something different. Go ahead. Hello, caller. Hi. No, I actually
Starting point is 02:02:18 want to talk to Alex Stein, though. Do you have Alex Stein available? No, but I have his phone number. You want me to give you his phone number? Okay, can I get that? Yeah, give me one second. Yeah. Okay. You ready? Yeah. F-U-
Starting point is 02:02:34 C-K- O-F-F. Area code 415. See, that's what I mean, man. That's your level. Thank you. I can get my friend Dary. That's your level. Thank you. I can get my friend Daryl Craft to call in. Do you want me to get Daryl Craft?
Starting point is 02:02:49 He's like a conservative comedian. He'd be more on your level. Thank you. You have a fantastic voice. So you don't have Alex Stein, though? Were you just talking about Alex Stein? I'm just confused because in the title it says Alex Stein. He was on, yes.
Starting point is 02:03:06 He was on for 90 minutes this morning. He's not there anymore, though? He's not, my friend. Who are you? Do you used to be a CrossFit dude or something? Are you Daryl? Are you Daryl? Is that why you're pumping up Daryl?
Starting point is 02:03:20 What's Daryl's name? What's your real name? Daryl Craft. That's not my real name. No, I wish I were Daryl. What's Daryl's name? What's your real name? Daryl Craft. That's not my real name. No, I wish I were Daryl. I wish I had his chops. No. Who are you?
Starting point is 02:03:30 Like what? Do you used to do like CrossFit? I did. I still do CrossFit. Do you do CrossFit? What do you do to work out? Jail. Jail.
Starting point is 02:03:42 You do jail workouts? J-O I said. J-O. J-O. Jail? You do jail workouts? J-O, I said. J-O? J-O. I thought he had a nice voice. How would you get this number if you weren't watching the show? Right. How would you get this number?
Starting point is 02:04:11 Am I not supposed to go along with the, with the bit? I thought, I thought that was good. It's like when someone calls in and pretends like they're Obama, I'm supposed to be like, Hey, J O Jack off.
Starting point is 02:04:22 I don't know. I, it's all over. It was over my head you want to talk more about school schooling sending your kids to school man it's a shame what's happened to school i really enjoyed going to school here we go ready on a project proposal in my class because I used the term biological women which is apparently not allowed anymore she even said it was a good project proposal um but I got a zero because I use this term as exclusionary and not allowed
Starting point is 02:05:00 anymore so and I 100% know that this is like the most biased grade ever because my project is about transgenders competing in biological women's sports how am i supposed to do my final project if i can't use the word biological women but that's what my project is about i got a zero on a project proposal in my class because i used the term biological women which is apparently not allowed anymore this This isn't an isolated incident. This is the norm, guys. This is the norm. It's been a while since a douchebag called in.
Starting point is 02:05:35 Here's the thing. It's not that that guy was a douchebag. It's that I'm not good enough to figure out how to work. I need to be able to work every... Great caller, David. I agree. It was a great caller. I need to be able to work every great caller, David. I agree. It was a great caller.
Starting point is 02:05:46 I need to be able to learn how to work every person into the show. So like I, I wasn't able to craft that in a way to keep the energy. Like that guy was controlling the energy. I couldn't control the energy. Right. I was like trying to come on his level. I was trying to move the energy.
Starting point is 02:06:04 Like I couldn't control. I wish there was a better word i could use than energy but i but i i i fancy myself as being able to take any of these situations or any of these calls and you know even anything even if it's a fucking bot and and make it into something um fun and i couldn't uh i could i couldn't do it although it's kind Although it ended kind of cool with him being angry. Kenneth Lapp said I want a solo and he pisses off douchebags. Close minded. So. That guy had zero energy.
Starting point is 02:06:39 He sounded like he couldn't walk up a flight of stairs. Oh, you think that's why he was pissed? You think that's why he was pissed? You think that's why he was pissed when I asked him if he works out? Devesh Maharaj. I wish someone took as much personal responsibility when it came to putting away his card. The old shopping cart.
Starting point is 02:07:08 It's starting to be that all the lamest people i know have college degrees you know that it's starting to be that way it's starting or maybe it's always been that way you're gonna love this guy here we go you guys are gonna love this guy here we go go. You guys are going to love this guy. Here we go. What do men want in a woman? Broke men want fixers. Immature men want mothers. Lazy men want enablers.
Starting point is 02:07:34 Insecure men want puppets. Abusive men want objects. But good men want partners. Hardworking men want supporters. And men of God want their rib. What do men... Okay. What the fuck does that mean? Who's gonna explain that to me?
Starting point is 02:07:54 I'm gonna play it one more time. The fuck does that mean? I'm digging it. I'm digging it. I'm open to it. I don't know what the fuck's going on, but I'm open to it. Men wanting a woman.
Starting point is 02:08:04 Broke men want fixers. Immature men want mothers. Lazy men want enablers. Insecure men want puppets. Abusive men want objects. But good men want partners. Okay, I'm with you. I'm with you.
Starting point is 02:08:21 Now, what about this one right here? Hardworking men want supporters. Yeah, I get it. And men of God want their rib. Hook it up. Hook it up. I get it. Adam and Eve.
Starting point is 02:08:31 I get it. I get it. Is that true? Men have one less rib than women? Someone calls. One of you fucking Bible beaters call and fucking school me. I'm digging this. I guarantee there's something good here.
Starting point is 02:08:44 I know. I smell it. I know. Where tom william anyone uh uh daniel stevenson rib equal part taken from the middle of the body not mike mccaskey not true men of god want that part of you that's missing to complete you. Yeah, I know. I need it. I smell truth. I smell truth.
Starting point is 02:09:10 I just don't know what it means. I don't know what it means by the rib. It's an allegory or a metaphor for something. Someone hook it up. I don't know what it means. I'm not going to erase this one. I'm going to leave this in my list. And then I bet you if my sister sees this, my sister will call me up today sometime in school my shit she's good at that all right what is this nonsense here
Starting point is 02:09:35 but i know there's something there i smell it i sniff it something good oh here we go here we go here we go tom to the rescue hook it up brother educate me what what does that mean the rib what happened in genesis what happened with the rib uh hey good morning perfect timing biblical question yes uh so um uh god removed a rib from Adam to make Eve. Okay. So when it first started, he made all the ants, and it was all good. And then he made Adam, and it was good, but Adam was lonely.
Starting point is 02:10:15 And so he made Eve from Adam's own flesh. So man was from dirt, and Eve was made from Adam. was from dirt and eve was made from from adam which oh oh so he wants his rib back meaning he's whole he's whole he a man of god wants a woman to be whole and what would that what would that look like to you like a hey there's so much do you know who's good on this is jordan peterson my christian buddies don't like his interpretations of the bible but he goes deep on stuff like exactly what you're saying he goes like hard for hours on on like one chapter of this he's a really good he's really good at it okay i'll check it out i like it i like it yeah whole biblical series just check out jordan peterson um biblical lectures so i'm calling him by popular and the,
Starting point is 02:11:05 the chat asked me to give him, give a call in. If you bring up cards, I swear to fucking God, I'll hang up on you. Nah, we, we,
Starting point is 02:11:13 we just got to agree to disagree. It's all good. Okay. You know, what's funny is as soon as that guy said, as soon as that caller said that, that you were supposed to play along with the bit i saw your insecurity come like immediately you're like oh damn because you want to be funny yeah and then
Starting point is 02:11:33 he was like oh you're not funny it was like am i really you know yeah that's just a dick i don't who doesn't matter dude i i totally i let the whole show down i was like oh fuck it's like it's like when logan calls and pretend like she's sean woodland and i see he's calling i go hey logan and i and i fuck up the whole bit i felt like i fucked up that guy's whole bit i felt totally insecure i felt like i let someone down i feel like i let the whole show down no if he was good he'd be able to pull it off anyway it doesn't matter he who cares right uh another funny thing is that he asked that he pretended like he didn't know who i was but he already clearly knew who i was because
Starting point is 02:12:09 an intimate enough with me to make it an eight joke based on my name as being number seven right seven seven at least that's how i took it so i actually thought it was a good bit and i thought we were i thought he was gonna then gonna follow up with and i have nine here with me or some shit like that you know what i mean and And then someone else, you know, I thought we were going to have fun. That would have been clever, but he got derailed. He only had like one he definitely has like a script that he wanted to give you and once he
Starting point is 02:12:34 got off of it, he just didn't know what to do. How could I I wish I could have hid that insecurity better. Any thoughts for me? Any advices? I mean, I've probably watched you interact with people like hundreds of hours. So I don't think you can really hide your, you know, reactions. You figured me out.
Starting point is 02:12:54 I'd say, well, at least the version that you put on the internet anyway. Yeah, you cracked the code. Well, you nailed it. I got really fucking, like, I contracted. I went inside my head. I was like, oh, fuck, I fucked that up. I thought you handled Dave well, contracted. I went inside my head. I was like, oh, fuck. I fucked that up. I thought you handled Dave well, though.
Starting point is 02:13:08 That was a good interview. I mean, it was, he was, he was cool. He went along with it. And he didn't, you know, normally he gets all gruff and he's like, I'm going to take my marbles and go home. Leave me alone. But you massaged him. It was good. I can't believe how long he stayed.
Starting point is 02:13:24 That's the first time I've ever interviewed him where I interviewed him. I will say this. So I feel Dave. I don't know how to explain it any different, but I really feel Dave. So when he's in the room, I feel him. It's nuts. In the first 45 minutes, I don't know if you noticed, there was something going on. And then it fucking went away.
Starting point is 02:13:44 And then we were on a roll for like over an hour it was nuts but in the first 40 minutes we were it wasn't bad but it was it was clunky yeah i don't know what that was if it was the room or if it was uh did you guys not talk at all before no we no we did not talk at all. I mean, he just came over. I opened the door. I said, hey, come back. And he said he took a piss. We joked around because I yelled at him for leaving the toilet seat up. And then he came in and we got at it.
Starting point is 02:14:15 We don't really talk. We don't really talk in person. Even like if I go to his house for dinner, me and him won't talk. That's kind of wild. It is wild. It's fun though i like does he talk to his family or is he just like sit in silence no no i think he's i actually think he has a very uh um because sometimes he's thought he's gotten off the phone with me and i've stayed on and i hit the mute button and listen and he's very uh like loving and uh like he he's a he's a family man he's like fucking like like leave it to beaver you know what i mean like i hear him he has a voice he talks to his
Starting point is 02:14:50 daughters all sweet and shit and like yeah i i've only done that like probably a hundred times he's dropped on him and his family and i know it's uh yeah that's probably some kind of federal offense because of his line of work when when we left when the show was over and we were walking out he uh he went in and hung out with my kids for a few minutes he knows my kids really like him and then um as i walked into his car he was telling me all the parts of the show where he fucked me up hey why don't you ask him to teach your kids how to shoot jocko he's like he was like telling me all the parts that he won i was like oh yeah good i'm
Starting point is 02:15:28 glad you i'm glad you you're leaving here victorious it was good hey why don't you ask him to teach the boys how to shoot um what's funny is when he went out into the kitchen obviously obviously said to him hey dave i want to shoot more because he's gone he shot with dave a few times and now he's eight i don't know that's probably my fault dave's so open to me just going to the ranch whenever i want i should do that i just how far is it it's close no no no no it's close it's 11 he lives 11 mile he lives so close to me oh dude come on i know it's just my day's so full what would you how would you could you peel do you have a spot where you have a two hours open free a week yeah three hours yeah yeah that'd be very very tough it would be about three hours once a week i'd have to open it'd have to be on
Starting point is 02:16:17 sunday i don't know sundays yeah yeah you and you i mean you already obviously do a lot with the boys during the week and stuff like that but uh no it's cool that's why you just drop them off at uh uncle dave's house tell them take care good luck yeah you come back and they'd have like 50 pound rucks on their back yeah and and dave they they because they sense how i respect dave they respect dave so much it's a trip that's cool man that's cool man that's cool alright buddy I'll let you go alright
Starting point is 02:16:50 thank you take it easy bye the man who's building a barn with his kids Mr. Tom there he is letting me know that he spotted my insecurity that didn't feel that didn't help.
Starting point is 02:17:05 T-I-L, Judith Love Cohen, who helped create the abort guidance system, which rescued the Apollo 13 astronauts, went to work on the day she was in labor. She took a printout of the problem she was working on to the hospital. She called her boss and said she finished the problem and gave birth to Jack Black. Let me read that one more time judith love cohen jew right i don't know what till means judith love cohen uh what a great her parents middle name was love fuck yeah that's another great question uh seven would, would you put Dave's shopping cart away? You're fucking damn right I would. I like it when you guys fucking kind of checkmate it a bunch in here. I'm still winning.
Starting point is 02:17:52 But that's a fucking, that's good. Judith Love Cohen, who helped create the abort guidance system, which rescued the Apollo 13 astronauts. So I guess the Apollo 13 astronauts were fucked up and lost in in space went to work on the day she was in labor she took a printout of the problem she was working on to the hospital she called her boss and said she finished the problem and gave birth to jack black i don't even know why i'm sharing that with you but i like i just i just love that so there's like no pussy there god uh susan my shit's all fucked up i don't know how to make well my camera's out of focus that's my fault my fucking roadcast right i'm afraid to even touch
Starting point is 02:18:34 this thing this is supposed to be the latest and greatest it's supposed to be all fancy it was supposed to fix some audio problems. Man. Dear God. Got a little echo. Echo. I like the idea of a woman or a man being so committed to their job. My wife's a perfect example. She was assistant to Greg, I don't know for how many years.
Starting point is 02:19:18 And when she was – the day before she was in labor, the day she was in labor, the day she gave birth, the day after, every day she kept working. For all the kids, all three kids. Well, she cheated on the last ones because she had two at the same time. But she never stopped. Never, ever stopped. Dealing with stuff for CrossFit Inc., Greg's Travel, things that Greg needs. Yeah. You could even say she was his executive assistant.
Starting point is 02:19:51 She was probably closer to – I think if there was one person who was closer to Greg or more aware of what's going on in Greg's life than me in a 10-year period, it might be my wife. Yeah, crazy, right? Imagine that. It was telling you it was a tight knit family. Dave and Sebon are fire and ice.
Starting point is 02:20:31 I'm closer to him. But they had a very intimate relationship where she knew things that I'm sure I didn't know. My wife is a very... I don't know what the word is. I don't know what this word means really. Honorable. Like crazy honorable person. Like way more honorable than me. It probably disgusts her
Starting point is 02:20:51 how much she's had to teach me. She has more honor than Dave. More integrity than Dave. Significantly more. And Dave might be is like probably second place for the most integrity of any human being I've ever met. That was the thing, man. That's kind of the weird thing about being a peace-loving liberal.
Starting point is 02:21:22 You trade it all for integrity because there's no honesty. Sucks. Oh, that page integrity because there's no honesty. Sucks. Oh, that page is gone. Not no honesty, but it's not a premium. It's all about kindness. There's a fallacy there. This is old I'll share it with you I'm very close with Greg
Starting point is 02:21:56 I'm like this you wonder how close I am with Greg I'm like I can call Greg and we just sit there on the phone and don't talk like that kind you know like you have friends like that. It's like,
Starting point is 02:22:05 we can talk for five minutes and then, and then I can walk around with the earpiece in my, in my head and like be doing stuff around the house and he's doing something and then he'll talk and then we'll talk for another three minutes and then we don't talk. And then we talk again, you know, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:22:17 That's where I would like that kind of friends or like if he's driving for like three hours, I'll just stay. I'll just hang out with him even though I'm not in the car. OK, ready? And he's easy to be friends. He's he's so easy to be friends with like that, especially now that I don't work for him. When I work for him, it was kind of hard because I felt like I always had to be there for him. The report is now here. It has dropped and it might not have produced everything of what some republicans hoped for it is regardless devastating to the fbi and to a degree it does exonerate donald trump regardless the report there you go from your hack media news outlet cnn uh and now as i said that i was
Starting point is 02:23:01 thinking now i kind of work for you guys because now I put that same pressure on me to like always be available for the show by choice, though. I like it. I mean, it's it's my I love this. That's got to be a boomer thing. I hate being on the phone. Yeah, my wife hates being on the phone, too. I don't I don't. Yeah, I don't hate it. I love being on the phone, actually. Dave got you on the cell frame photo. I don't know about that. Oh, the thing is, is that I knew he was going to. Listen, I set that. I was the dictator.
Starting point is 02:23:32 That was put there knowing he was going to do that. By the way, I don't know if I can get you tickets to Greg's thing, but I can for sure get you in. Like, I can give you the address, and you can just come there, and if someone says to you... I probably shouldn't say this on the air. How to get in, but... I don't know if it's 5D chess.
Starting point is 02:23:58 I'm by no means more sophisticated than Dave. Dave is a fucking great analyst. I'm a fucking simpleton. is more sophisticated than Dave. Dave is a fucking great analyst. I'm a fucking simpleton. Ken Walter, CNN knows they need to start swinging more right in order to stay in business.
Starting point is 02:24:14 God, that would suck. To be a tool like that. God, that would suck. I haven't shown a Candace owens clip in a long fucking time diagnosis vaginal stenosis and if you don't know what that is it's basically when scar tissue gets built up inside of the vaginal canal to the point where it's like extremely tight and uncomfortable and the thing is for the first year after getting bottom surgery You have to dilate your vagina religiously because it's a brand new canal that needs to be kept open
Starting point is 02:24:53 religiously for the first year and Sorry repeat jesus crime and he don't if you have a penis don't have it turn into a vagina as the... Don't have it turn into a vagina because it's a lot of work. You got to constantly be dilating your vagina. That does not sound fun. My goodness. Yeah, you got a brand new canal. No one likes a brand new canal. The work, the work of establishing a new canal.
Starting point is 02:25:42 Regret having gotten the vaccine. I really regret having gotten the vaccine. I'm sure it's fine, but I just wish when the state told me to do something, I'd be the sort of person who said no. But it turns out I'm the sort of person who says fine. I don't understand what's going on. You're telling me it's important. OK. And all they had to do was say you won't be allowed to go into pubs for like a month. And I was like, put it in me that's what i'm upset about is that i had a principle temporarily oh if i was in nazi germany i would have stood up to the regime i wouldn't stand up to not being able to go to a pub for a month so as funny as that is there it is and so to people like me that's what i see going on
Starting point is 02:26:28 i actually think that every single day i look around i remember as a kid i went to germany and i stayed with the family i i stayed with a family uh by a kid i mean 20 i stayed with the family in stuttgart i remember having a long like six hour talk one night late into the night started at nine i went to three in the morning about what happened there how the fuck could that happen that you lived in a country where they rounded up people put them in trains and burned them and he explained it to me and I just couldn't get it. And when I look around us today, I get it. It's kind of weird. Like that was the question I want answered.
Starting point is 02:27:11 Fuck. Maybe I should have asked some other questions. What a, uh, now that I think about it, what a weird fucking thing. I kind of, I wish I would have never known the, I don't, I don't want to know the answer to the question, but, but i just watched it happen i just fucking watched it happen we all just watched it happen some people don't even know i guess right we just got the answer to how what happened in nazi germany happened we just saw it happen and this and this guy it's it's good it's good comedy bit i would have been like anne frank she's in that attic
Starting point is 02:27:49 for a beer because because because he wanted to drink a beer i wish it was fear jay he wanted to drink a beer maybe it was fear of not getting a beer he did it to drink a beer he did it to drink a beer. He did it to drink a beer. It's nuts. I saw her. It doesn't matter what the point of principle was. The point is I would have been a
Starting point is 02:28:15 chill. I have to live with that for the rest of my three or four more years before I have a heart attack. I regret having gotten the... it's uh bernie gannon 100 years from now people will look back at transmedia and abortion and wonder where were all the good people to stand against the barbarity you know part of me thinks that there's this other idea i've been having that i haven't shared because it's not fully formulated but part of me thinks is there's something going on outside of the control of anyone i i'm starting to think like just all the chemicals that we're
Starting point is 02:28:53 surrounded by and all the the shitty eating that somehow we've retarded and our development are as we've retarded our development, our biological development for so many of us and because of that that's also part of the reason that we're so susceptible not only to the thought but also I'll explain it like this
Starting point is 02:29:21 you can take a little boy and you can feed him so many fucking carbohydrates and so much sugar at a young age that his genitalia doesn't form correctly. Did you know that? You can go online and look at it. It's fucking crazy. You can make a child so fat and so obese that it fucking completely fucks all their hormones up by giving them so much sugar that they don't develop. And it's happening all around us and i just think that that that is playing a huge
Starting point is 02:29:51 part into the susceptibility and the wave of this uh all this just fucking mass confusion i know i'm preaching to the choir but it goes along the line you know the cousin to that would be it's 70 percent of all of adhd goes away when you stop feeding kids uh uh refined carbohydrates and added sugar well yeah and and the free hormone blockers that doesn't help yeah that doesn't help uh judy reed bernie gannon j Jesus will have taken us home before then I don't know, I think I am home I think I am home Oh, that one was titled
Starting point is 02:30:38 Get Your 49er Tickets, that's good, that was a good title, Seve, good job Proud of you. Good job. Okay. Oh, I already showed you guys this one. I think I'm done. I'm going to have a show tonight. I get to play with the kids all day.
Starting point is 02:30:59 Oh, my goodness. Here we go. I love stories like this. Okay, here we go. Alex Stein mentioned this. What would you do? Okay, so here we go. I love stories like this. Okay, here we go. Alex Stein mentioned this. What would you do? Okay, so here we go. I'll show you the video first. Alex Stein brought this up. Come on, man. Burning your car down, bro.
Starting point is 02:31:15 Fuck your car, man. This is a guy who's pouring gasoline on a car and there was a guy in it. Over. All of this. Yeah. Uh-huh. Why do you want to do it?
Starting point is 02:31:29 Come on, man. And it's an Indian guy. He's like, why do you want to do it? Why do you want to do it? And now he's chasing the guy with the can of gasoline. Old guy getting into his truck. License plate L7 Ranch. Look at that dude's already got a gun in his hand.
Starting point is 02:32:09 So that guy saw those kids and already had pulled the gun out in his hand. Saw those young men. It better be water, partner, or you're one dead son of a bitch. Listen, this is going to be very unpopular. My wife is going to hate this. If I walk up to my car
Starting point is 02:32:29 and I have my boys with me and someone pours gasoline on the car or one of my kids is in the car, what if there was kids in that car when you poured gasoline on the car? You got to shoot them dead. No questions asked. You have to shoot them dead. You have to shoot them dead. You have to shoot.
Starting point is 02:33:06 You can't pour gasoline on someone's car and not expect to get shot dead. Not to protect the car. Who gives a fuck about the car? It's just like if someone got in their car and put it in drive and tried to fucking hit you with it, you just have to shoot them dead. You can't pour gasoline on someone's car when they're with their kids and not expect to get shot dead.
Starting point is 02:33:34 I mean, I would feel like my kids' lives were immediately in danger. How would I grab all three of my boys and make sure they ran away from the car? What if my boys ran to the car for safety? They think that car is their safety i i don't i god i wish this were true i don't know if this is true if you approach anyone's car in america today expect to be shot and expect for it to be the ruled self-defense i hope you're right it is um my only reality is is my kids are always with me hey i'm not sure what what you mean by this roxanne is wonderful why on earth would people pour gasoline in a car it's supposed to be a joke i don't understand but but that but i wouldn't know it was a joke right if i saw a dude walk up pour gasoline on my car and he said to the guy hey it's over like he's like i'm gonna burn your
Starting point is 02:34:33 car a clock uh sdf must live somewhere sane yeah i don't think in california i i think it would be weird but dude i i i don't even i don't even like i don't um i i don't I don't see any excuse. You can't do that. You can't. You stay out of this. Yeah, I don't think you ought to do that. I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 02:35:15 You almost died, you stupid son of a bitch. Fuck you, pussy. Come on, man. Burning your car down, bro. Fuck your car, man. And then they yell back at him fuck you pussy i'm not even talking about what you are sean i'm not i'm not even talking about like what if you pour water on someone's car expect to get get fucked up. I'm not even talking about that. I'm like, you walk up to someone with a gas can and say, hey, it's over. You just gun them down.
Starting point is 02:35:54 You don't have time to – for that to be – you don't have time to make a poor judgment call. I would just feel like, holy fuck, my kids could be hurt. My kids could die. Oh, okay. You're not – you're just trying to understand right okay sorry yeah it dude that's the thing right there right i'm not even hating on those guys for doing it you're trying to understand it's just boys it's boy it's just boys being boys those boys should be out doing something else but they're not and they were given a cell phone at a young age, and they're trying to get fucking attention. And they don't look like Danny Spiegel, so they can't grab their ankles and take a picture of their camel toe.
Starting point is 02:36:31 So instead, they have to do this. I get the mechanism of how we ended up here. I get the steps of how we ended up here. I get the steps of how we ended up here. Whew. Hoo, hoo, hoo. I'm just going to show you this just so we can get it over. Jay-Z just bought a house, the most expensive house in the United States. I think we talked about it briefly.
Starting point is 02:37:08 It is a $200 million home in Malibu. It's 40,000 square feet. It's on eight acres. They bought it from William Bell Jr. I'm guessing that's from the phone, the Bell family that invented the phone. The Honor, it's not the most expensive home. Oh, let's see. The price makes it the most expensive home ever to sell in California, but not the most in the United States.
Starting point is 02:37:40 Someone bought a four-story condo for $238 million in New York in 2019. I guess the home features Bell's private art collection. I don't know if that stays with the house. The house is built completely out of concrete, which doesn't excite me so much. For those of you who don't know, Malibu is extremely susceptible to massive earthquakes. Excite me so much. For those of you who don't know. Malibu is extremely susceptible to massive earthquakes.
Starting point is 02:38:11 And massive fires. But I'm sure they'll put in some sort of sprinkler system to stop that. What the fuck is his hair doing? Anyway these two. Beyonce and Jay Z moved in there. 40,000 square feet. In 2017, they bought a Bel Air mansion for $88 million and invested millions more into the home for it to be worth close to $100 million today.
Starting point is 02:38:36 I mean, oh, yeah, well, look at that place. Malibu is something else. So they're all set up they got a spot yeah it kind of is uh uh stroking my beaver grab your ankles and take a picture of your camel toe is the new podcast slogan i was a hypothetical uh concrete home will do very well in a wildfire picture of a camel toe is the new Sevan podcast slogan. It was hypothetical. Concrete home will do very well in a wildfire. Alright. Thanks guys. Thanks to Alex Stein.
Starting point is 02:39:25 Let me know if you want to play tennis today with me and the boys we're going to play tennis actually I'm going to take them to the skate park first I don't know what happened it's so interesting they kind of like I mean they're not anti-skating but all of a sudden this week
Starting point is 02:39:40 they're like every time I take them to the skate park they go we just want to play tennis I'm like let's just skate for an hour you're welcome Every time I take them to the skate park, they go, we just want to play tennis. I'm like, let's just skate for an hour. You're welcome. Wad Zombie. Paying $200 million for a house just to have Hunter McIntyre running around your neighborhood in a unicorn hat. To be honest with you, I bet you Hunter's where he stays in Malibu.
Starting point is 02:40:05 Malibu's tiny, so I bet you it's close to there what was that with my shirt last night what the fuck are you talking about dude the show's fucking exploding right now it's funny what happens during semi-finals the numbers get crazy during games too i wish i could get some sort of like crazy sponsor it'd be like okay we're gonna sponsor you for the games because the views are gonna be nuts let me see um see how the dave show is doing you think this show has been flagged already let me see if this show has been flagged already oh yeah I already said it had been flagged
Starting point is 02:40:51 the show with Dave was flagged every show gets flagged yeah almost 9000 views from last night's show with Dave just on YouTube that's pretty good not not a strike just a uh just like a hey what the fuck's going on here like they limit your monetization and then you have to require uh submit a request and then it nine out of ten times i the request is they give it to me
Starting point is 02:41:26 they'll be like oh yeah shit sorry but what sucks is I'm not getting I don't get ad revenue for most of my views because every show gets flagged so early and then by the time it gets unflagged that takes seven days all the people have stopped watching it right so that sucks but whatever
Starting point is 02:41:42 the sponsors are good to me California Hormones Paper Street Coffee, BirthFit, we gotta get these guys on board, the ToastBaser people, I'm telling you, I'm gonna take them off now, and my toes are gonna be a little wider apart, it's kinda cool, I don't give two shits about CrossFit competition, that's my favorite fucking thank you. Someone the other day is like, I don't know how you give a fuck.
Starting point is 02:42:11 The thing is this, since I do the shows, I make it so that I give a fuck. I kind of bend the reality of it so that I can enjoy it. I focus on the things that I enjoy. And then I kind of get sucked in because I, I get so much good information from Brian and John and Mike and, and Brian and, and whoever. And from you guys in the chat that I kind of get sucked into that side too. So you guys like sort of bring my appreciation back up for things that I
Starting point is 02:42:37 normally wouldn't appreciate. But, but I still love this comment. I don't give two shits about someone's like, someone in the comments early in the show is like, can you believe someone's doing a show like this when tomorrow's one of the biggest days in CrossFit competitions? You must not be a fucking viewer of this show. Don't get it twisted. I'm only doing the CrossFit shows for the views.
Starting point is 02:43:01 And to hang out with you guys and to hang out with the guys who do the shows. And it's because all i know but like the guy really had fun interviewing the the fighter girl with the giant hammers i had fun interviewing the ufo guy what happened with him kenneth anyone check on on the ufo guy lately he seemed close to the ledge hope he's doing okay what happened oh b-way he was on the show he was close to the ledge dude you read his book there was a like years ago he was really fucked up now he's doing better Now he's doing better. Yeah, Ty was great, wasn't she?
Starting point is 02:43:49 She's cool as shit. Nice shirt, Tyler. Thank you. Yeah, she's crazy hot. Okay, I'll talk to you guys soon. And... Bye-bye.

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