The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In w/ Hiller | It’s NOT an Emergency! #984

Episode Date: August 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply what's different i'm like a man with balls now just because my studio is so fucking nice i got 70 carpet on the ground i got my toe spacers aren't cluttered on my on my desk with all my shit i got like i could see them easy that carpet freaked me out you just rolled it on top of the floor. Yeah. What was I supposed to do? Carpet padding and staples.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Oh, oh. There's so much shit, and there's going to be so much heavy shit in here on it. Yeah. It keeps the carpet from moving around. Oh, God. Wow, you're stressing me out. You think I should do that still? I could still do that.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Did you buy that carpet on Amazon? Yeah, $70 for a 10 by 7 piece, and I bought three of them. And then you just rolled it out and left it there? Yeah, well, I rolled out three of them and then just kind of brought them close to each other. Have you ever seen carpet get put down before? Maybe I was a little kid in the 70s. They got that little thing that you shove it into the corner of the wall and then you hit it with a staple. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's kind of fun to watch. There's not going to be – just because there's like that sensation of it just going together nicely. Yeah, and I think that – I switched you on this side, so now I'm looking more at my camera. Are you cool with that? Yeah. I think I like it better, too.
Starting point is 00:02:27 That side of the screen is darker for me. Sad day for Sevan. His messiah is in big trouble tonight. Who? Who? I have no idea. I don't know who he's talking about. Is there a fighter?
Starting point is 00:02:39 Your messiah, the fighter? Maybe. Jeff's here. I haven't seen Jeff in a while. Yeah, me neither. Late show. Let me go through and see these names real quick. Riley, hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:02:51 Oh, wow, Nate Johnson. These are people who just don't have profile pictures. Omar Canejo. Canejo. Farmer Fit. I DM with this cat. You DM with everybody, man. Robbie Myers. That's a homeboy
Starting point is 00:03:07 what are we doing at this hour is that healthy Nate Johnson is it a mistake to DM with me no or to say hi Yvonne Grovenstein Caleb meant to make it for an 11am tomorrow and messed it up
Starting point is 00:03:25 oh shit was Caleb coming on? I don't know who's coming on usually he does the night shows Darren, sub on your podcast with Gazan, kept me company on the way down to SoCal from the Bay, great episode, thank you it was Gazan and
Starting point is 00:03:43 Ariel and... Colton. And Colton. I need to... He called some of the other athletes dummies. That needs to be made into a clip, too. I took the bit of him kind of going after the buttery bros. I did a double dip on them today.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Oh, some chick... We got a fucking full-blown hater in the i don't know if she's a hater you know what it is actually have you seen this chick kate foster yeah she's been on my channel forever just commenting i don't know she's pretty level she's she's really um upset because of the sporty beth stuff and then now she's really tripping on what i think she already made a comment on tonight's video this one yeah hold on no yeah sure i think i think it's on this video already before it said um certain names pop out to me i would have seen her if she popped up
Starting point is 00:04:41 no not not in the chat she actually made a comment on the youtube video already oh that's interesting that's uh even before we went live she was on the oh no hold on is he gonna say like i bet he talks about sporty beth on this she's been doing that but she also got um let me see if i can i'm gonna see if i can pull it up too damn i don't see where it is. But basically she said you took a misstep for taking a pop shot at the buttery rose. I didn't see you take a pop shot at the buttery rose. Is she just talking about like that? I don't know why people think this.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I've had people reach out to me who have had conversations with other people. And they're like, they're so upset. Like what would the people are upset? I go, why? All I was pointing out is that the buttery bros didn't edit the entire thing.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And people need to know that. I think. I, here's, I carried a camera around for three years. And one night when I was carrying it around, a dude, and I filmed shit. Every night. Every night I walked this one town.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I lived in California for three years. When I see every night, I mean 90% of the nights. And this one night, a dude was driving a car, and he drove into a bunch of kids, and he killed five of them. He jumped out of the car, and he said, I'm the angel a bunch of kids and he killed five of them he jumped out of the car and he said i'm the angel of death and i filmed it and and people were calling me like an asshole and i was like dude i film everything in this town for the last three years thanks jeff and so i don't agree with you i don't disagree with you i don't agree with you that the people who are editing the
Starting point is 00:06:27 buttery bros videos or if that people just think it's him and mars and making the videos i don't think they owe it to anyone especially if they're paying them to share that with the world at all that being said that's your fucking job as andrew hiller what you've been doing the last two years you go around and comb shit that's uh pretty fair so you're that thing in the bottom of the pool that goes around that no one likes who's over the age of eight you like that thing until you're eight and then that thing's fucking annoying right when you're eight you're like wow that thing goes around on the bottom of the pool and clean shit and i can take the hose out and squirt people you know what i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:07:00 the little polaris thing and mine was a little ladybug and but but when you, you're like, that's fucking stupid because it's just in the way. It's like, dude, it's like, hey, leave Hiller alone. If it was anyone else, I would think it could be seen as an attack on the Buttery Bros. From you, it's just like, hey, he's just pointing something out. That's what he does. He points shit out. Is there any way that I could pull that up? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I was actually talking with Peter. I want to pull up i want to pull up a bunch of stuff today i'm loving what you're doing with your youtube you you pulled an audible i'm really digging it thank you thank you jeff yeah i'm like a catfish but but i'm just trying to sweep the bottom for stuff and it's not even here's the thing it's not even you it's um pedro and yeah pedro's clip yeah how once again hey it's like the dann, it was Pedro's clip. Yeah, once again, hey, it's like the Danny Spiegel thing. You're in trouble for being mean to Danny Spiegel when all you did was play clips from her video?
Starting point is 00:07:51 And holy shit, dude. Holy shit, that thing is bizarro world. Hey, no one dislikes, no one's hating on Danny either. Like, hey, dude, she's in the ecosystem. She makes money off of Hiller bringing up her name. Hiller makes money off of her bringing up her name. It's just an ecosystem. Danny, you're the big, beautiful shark,
Starting point is 00:08:14 and we're just the fish that swim in your gills. It's cool. We're just cleaning shit up. Just be cool with us. Use us. You are the big shark. Use us. I like this recap episode by pedro by the way but look at the right i say these are the people who did things in in the titanic these are people
Starting point is 00:08:34 who did things in the fittest men and women on earth documentary that they put out yeah and then if you were to go to the comment section on that video everyone's jerking off Heber and Mars for getting this video out so fast. They're not saying the documentary is good. Some of them are, but I'd say that 60 to 70% of the comments are just jerking them off for the speed at which they had put it together. Yeah. Which is cool.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Which is cool. They should get credit for that. Yeah. That's great. Yeah. But if it weren't for these people that no one freaking knows about, I'm just curious who they are. And then if you scroll down, I tagged a comment.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Wait, wait, but let me push back here a little bit. My shit ain't out, and I ain't paying anyone. They pay their people, and their shit's out. Yeah. So they pay their people. Their people. What? Say it again. Everyone knows who's doing that.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I've heard you talk about these people. This is why I talk about this stuff. i see what you're saying everyone knows it's mariah and patrick rios and bella and grace and in you and everyone just helping me out you do it over and over you had a show with them on okay i see what people are like who are you clearly don't watch every instagram story they've ever put up because then they talk about it. Oh, you don't know who Rick Jones and, uh, who's the other person, uh, Julian are. But if you look at that comment, they put up not the PC and the pubs comment, it should be at the top. It's the buttery bros comment. You think Patrick Clark types that out on a keyboard or with on, on his phone voice to text? No it's gotta be because he's young because his age because he's younger than me do old people do that who use voice to text do you use voice to
Starting point is 00:10:11 text every email i respond to is voice to text because i can't type isn't it too much work if there's an error you just stare at it and you type as you stare okay it's quick it's quick all right i might i'll work that in. This could be fun reading this. I don't know where the Buttery Bros comment is because I pinned it. They put everybody in there.
Starting point is 00:10:37 It should be right. It's not there. What the hell? Did they delete it? Or maybe I need to... Oh, this guy says I'm the goat at something. Yeah. Chugging cock. Andrew Hiller. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I'm not the goat at that. I'm not the goat. It's at the top on my screen. What do you think, Mark Bell? What do you think about this? I want to talk about chugging cock just really quick. Yeah, Mark Bell and chugging cock. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I heard Mark Bell said that – I saw this quote the other talk about chugging cock just really quick yeah mark bell and chugging cock let's go i heard mark bell said that this i saw this quote the other day that chugging cock isn't about how good you are at it it's all about your enthusiasm why did i hear that too that's a great that's a great that's just great what are your tits doing what do you mean are they doing something? I can't see. Your screen is so small. I don't have my bigger TV screen. What are you on? You're on a laptop?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Yeah. I don't know if you were aware of what you were doing. You were flexing your tits. Okay, here we go. That's cool. So, Buttery Bros, I'm assuming that's Hebrew, writes, crew that deserves credit. God, I need to figure this out so i look cool when
Starting point is 00:11:46 i do this um should it be on this computer what's a better profile shot of my nose this way or this way did you see that thing that i sent you in suza of your faces side by side it's like unblurred and blurred oh no when did you send that you never acknowledged it because i thought you hated how big your nose looked in it oh no i didn't even understand it no i love every aspect of my nose my nose is cool i do too oh thank you oh don't don't say that to me when your shirt's off please too much um uh oh i gotta this comment's been up there too long darren uh but uh then he but crew that deserves credit art and vibes art and vibes that's his that's his thing vibes who's that julian no it's just julian g marquez i know that's that's what that dude provides arts and
Starting point is 00:12:42 oh okay i thought that was his tag. Interesting. Camera is Rick Jones. That's a CrossFit crash dude. Yeah. I bumped into him there. I saw him. And he was actually in one of the videos.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And then a BH offer photo. I don't know who that is. No idea. Can we look at him real quick? Sure. I want to see if I recognize him from the he looks like Rich Froney damn or Medeiros
Starting point is 00:13:11 this guy looks like Charlie Doobie I'm going to leave my comment up there for 10 minutes I don't see the guy I don't see this Hoffer dude well see maybe this is why maybe this is what. Well, see, maybe this is why. Maybe this is what they should have said. Oh, maybe this is him.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Or her. Oh, yeah. Shit, I just assumed it was a dude. Sexist. Dude, I realized something. There's a chance maybe these people don't want to be talked about. No, they do. They do.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Is that right? Utah-based photographer. photographer okay so we know Brett Hoffer let's just say he's Mormon that's nepotism what the fuck there's a fly in here nepotism where are you I'm in Minnesota and flies are everywhere in Minnesota
Starting point is 00:13:58 two comments here so Bruce says speaking of the buddy Rose okay here we go back down here who else do they thank they they think seven's the goat again uh okay so then this guy so edit is this chick steph andrea 97 was on site working all day on our raw butter series a lot of people were throwing stuff at her in the comments too good stuff stuff. Dude, she's a beast. I saw her in the edit room and I told her if she wants to come to the light. You know her?
Starting point is 00:14:32 She should get my digits. I don't know her, but their content is edited like on a whole nother level. And when I said that to her, she said, that's not true Jeff I pulled it up I want Mariah to see that it pissed me off when I said that to her Julian said you're the light
Starting point is 00:14:55 I was like yeah I'm the light so they're the dark that's the only thing that you were insinuating Romalock was the across the country in California editing the documentary and uploading the projects daily for us to review with that's weird okay so they were uploading all that works how do you edit from a different part in the country i mean i have final cut on here and i don't know how anyone would tinker with my timeline anywhere else you can share you can you can share, you can share, and then you can use,
Starting point is 00:15:25 um, they can either be working on your computer while your computer's on just from a remote location. Yeah. Or they could be working with what's called. You probably never do this working with what's called someone will say it in the comments, but you don't work with the full size files.
Starting point is 00:15:42 You just work with proxy. Oh, thank you. Proxy. Oh, thank you, proxy. We also had Island Ninja helping with some social content. Then we, Heber and Marge, did some things as well. It didn't take two days. It took seven.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I guess that means that they started on Tuesday at the games. Well, just so you know the behind the scenes may never come out why is that I don't know I could get hit by a car the footage could get lost in the mail
Starting point is 00:16:12 or fucking anything could happen but I don't know why you're getting in trouble for that yeah Pedro and I were kind of confused because all the comments were trying to say can you pull up Patrick Clark's comment I think Patrick Clark's comment is very similar to a handful of the other ones
Starting point is 00:16:35 the buttery bros has and always will be Marston and Heber they put in the hard work and continue to do so to keep that brand just like other content creators in the space we never said that they didn't. Fair. Right. Those that make up the team at the games, Julian Grant, Steph, and Rick Jones understand
Starting point is 00:16:50 and they're given credit. Okay. This is what Peyton and I were talking about. Those are all people that we were unaware of that somehow Patrick Clark knows of. And this is exactly why I'm making the post. Just because you don't see see in the credits doesn't mean they're not getting their dick sucked in the athlete village whoa that's so rude steph definitely does not have a dick that girl did not have a dick that's so uncool just because you don't see
Starting point is 00:17:18 in the credits i'm going to leave out the the um that last line it's not appropriate for my show uh like a traditional doc it doesn't mean they're holding them back they understand that it's the bros that has given them the opportunity the combination of that team probably averages about two hours a piece of sleep a night during the games they have a great system of editing that not many people can do or keep pace with it may not be certain people's cup of tea, but game has to recognize game. I don't understand. I honestly don't know what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Well, the big one's in there. Littering and... That's a super trooper's quote. Oh, Mr. Rick Jones, that's a super trooper's quote. No one understands what Hiller says, but it's provocative. Oh, yeah. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Didn't PC and the pub say littering in there?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Oh. I don't... But 11 people liked Patrick's comment, but I don't understand what he's saying. Well, no. The thing that Pedro and I were talking about was everything he says in there is exactly what I made the post for.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So thank you. Oh, cool. Okay, so it worked. Good job. So you wanted to get – oh, so you were highlighting the Buttery Bros team as a whole. Maybe I think – wait, let me go back and see. Let me see Heber's comment here again from the Buttery Bros. Oh, look, here's one of their – by the way, this is one of their Compton correspondents, Dick Butter.
Starting point is 00:18:46 He is closely related to the Buttery Bros. He's the buttery uncle. A buttery bro. Oh, here. Who that deserves credit first and foremost, Andrew Hiller. Thanks for always highlighting our great work. Holy shit. I didn't even see that at first.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Well, that's cool. Sick. Yeah. Who would win a fight? Laura or Heber? And Mars? Not the Jemel. The Heber and Mars would beat her up.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Sad day for Stefan is the Messiah is in big trouble. Did we find out who that is? A trap daddy on the right now. That's me. I think you should do more trap shit. Some isolated trap shit. I used to do a whole do more trap shit some isolated trap shit I used to do a whole lot of trap shit Tank Reeves
Starting point is 00:19:29 and I thought you and Hillary were going to have Trump on you guys think we're so cool are you at the top of the comment section dude what the hell no I'm way down low I'm like no no yeah yeah I'm at the top yeah I bonded with Cole good
Starting point is 00:19:44 I need to have Cole on. I have to respond to Rick Jones because he's upset and I have no idea why. How do you know? Is he texting you? No, he commented that and he wants a response. I honestly don't know what I was
Starting point is 00:20:02 talking about. What makes you think he's upset? The tone at which I read that message. The second one says, I'm still waiting for your response. Explain what you mean here. Mansplain it. Olivia, you guys are keeping my spirits up when dealing with a very rare blood cancer. God bless your podcast. Have you been watching since the beginning and a fan and CrossFitter since 2013?
Starting point is 00:20:28 What do you got? You got something with your platelets I'm back Olivia what's up DM me what you got I'm curious please I've been a crossfitter since 2013 Lucy Buhat three or four years more than Spiegel I thought it was known that they have like five of them editing their videos heber legit said it on the instagram story the other day
Starting point is 00:20:48 well stevan filmed a mass murder yeah isn't that crazy dude i'm telling you i've done fucking everything i'm not i've done everything what did you end up doing with that footage of those people getting run over. You want to know? Yes. There's something called Sweeps Week. Okay. Okay? Do you know what Sweeps Week is?
Starting point is 00:21:16 I don't. It's old-day TV shit. I don't think they have it anymore. But basically, there used to be this thing, and once a week or once a year or twice a year, they would have something called Sweeps Week, or it would thing and once a week or or once a year or twice a year they would have something called sweep sweeps week or it'd be maybe once a quarter and basically the every network's ratings then during that week determined how much they could charge for ads the rest of the year oh and so it was during sweeps week and it was the second mass killing for the first one was
Starting point is 00:21:44 columbine you were probably weren't even born there was this mass killing. The first one was Columbine. You probably weren't even born. There was this mass killing called Columbine, and it was like the first one. Okay. And then the next one was this one, and I had the footage. What? The next one was this one, and I had the footage. Oh, so you almost won Sweeps Week.
Starting point is 00:22:04 What would happen then? What are you doing over there? Oh, so you almost won Sweep Sweep. What would happen then? What are you doing over there? Oh, money. I understand. So you didn't win. I sold the footage to each network one by one. And I was homeless, dude. I was living in a car.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And I had these contracts. I would only do like local affiliates local affiliates sell to local affiliates throughout the country it was crazy it was awesome and i used all of that money to buy all new fucking camera equipment and like i spent fucking so much money on new camera equipment i'll just say that that's how Greg found you uh kind of kind of kind of I mean I mean I just put my head down and kept working it's not like I didn't even rent an apartment or anything Spiegel would whoop Natty Hiller's ass well there is no such thing as Natty Hiller so that's an imaginary character no it's an old character it's a it's like uh you know just like homeless seven that's a thing who wins in a fight or homeless seven who wins uh darren people don't have the attention span to watch hiller's video and hear what he's saying
Starting point is 00:23:17 they can't last longer than two minutes darren the thing i don't know i don't know if i agree with that assessment i think people just go in their heads, right? They read the title and they get stuck on the title, and I understand that. Dude, the average view duration on that Madero's video is 12 minutes and 20 seconds. Your new one? Yeah. God, that hurt my feelings. Why?
Starting point is 00:23:39 Because I only want positive media about Madero's. I haven't seen it yet, though. I'd say on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being ultimate burn this thing down, it was like a 6.2. And a 1 is everyone loves everybody. It would be like a 6.2 to 6.7. And a 10 is burn everything down?
Starting point is 00:24:01 Okay. A 10 is hardcore, like burn it down. Like, fuck him, he should retire. Yeah. And like burn it down i thought cam he should retire yeah and yours was more like where's he should break up with his number not and all this shit so is so let me so one is fuck dude he's gonna come back better than ever you guys are fucking idiots he's the man um and nine nine is fire adam knifer 9.5 is kick Ellie to the curb. And 10 is both. Yeah, you got it.
Starting point is 00:24:29 You nailed it. And 11 is become a heroin addict. Damn, it's on the other end of the spectrum of that scale. You did so bad that you should just start heroin. So Neiffer and Ellie survive your critique. I wanted to kind of dig into the Ellie thing a little bit, but there's this, and I go into it in the video, the part on Froning and Bailey training,
Starting point is 00:24:52 where Bailey being around helped Froning, because Froning would always just finish a little bit ahead of Bailey every day. So, I can't say that Ellie being there is explicitly a bad thing. But a lot of people think so. A lot of people think that he's just kind of going down to beat her. And so he's never improving. I looked into my crystal ball and I looked in and the other, I called the guy from Hibbler productions who made the flat earth movie.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Oh, Hibbler, Hibbler. Yeah. And we, Hibbler, not Hiller, Hibbler, Hibbler. And we went in and we hibbler not hillar hibbler hibbler and we went in we him and i went into another dimension where um he breaks up with ellie it's not good
Starting point is 00:25:33 he took like he took 27th damn so it's good so ellie's good you can just fucking hit the resets i wonder why he took 27 because she was turning him down. You know what? If he was playing hard to get, you know, it'd be working out harder to try to prove himself to her. He'd be doing that man shit where he never thinks he's good enough. Oh, to overcompensate to prove something to his woman?
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yeah, that was another universe, though. That's what she needs. She's got to play hard to get. Like Laura Horvath. The Messiah comment, Trump is facing 13 charges in Georgia indictment from CNN your favorite place oh I have no um what is it
Starting point is 00:26:15 this is fucking ridiculous I don't know I don't even know what to say about that best Nettie Hiller if she get her hands on him Nettie Hiller is fast and she could easily distract her by throwing Hiller if she could get her hands on him. Nettie Hiller is fast. She could easily distract her by throwing crumble cookies if she ever gets too close. That was a wild ride as I was reading that.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Someone in there, by the way, said that someone in there said that the Buttery Bros doc was their best work to date, which is cool. I'm glad you said that because I still haven't watched it, but I'm going to watch it.
Starting point is 00:26:47 But I disagree. You do? Dude, they've produced some of those documentaries. Oh, but I think he means just as the team of the Buttery Bros. A YouTube channel, perhaps. I've watched like six of their,
Starting point is 00:27:03 maybe 10 of their videos in the last two years nine of them I absolutely was like fuck I'm really glad I watched it the only one that I did not like that I was fucking like fuck I wish I wouldn't have watched this was the one which is fine I'm sure that people
Starting point is 00:27:19 watch these podcasts on a higher frequency than that and be like hey I wasted some of my life was the one where they did with it was Fraser versus Medeiros. What was wrong with it? Dude, it was like paper airplane throws and like jello eating contest and I wanted to fucking blow my brains out.
Starting point is 00:27:35 That was rough, yeah. Yeah, I was like, fuck you guys. And then at the end it was cool because they measure each other's dicks. That kind of made up for it. Who had the smallest one? Dude, I'm not going to ruin the video. Whoa. Sevan, I was homeless.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Also, Sevan, my mom is a powerful, accomplished attorney. Yeah, but he was homeless by choice, kind of. Everyone's homeless by choice. Oh. That's why I said kind of. Everyone's homeless by choice kind of everyone's homeless by choice oh that's why i said kind of everyone's homeless by choice interesting hey jeff baker you want to know something people aristotle onassis you should read his uh biography fucking fascinating one of the richest fucking families in the whole fucking world. And the fucking Nazis get his dad. Take him into a concentration camp. And Aristotle Onassis eventually crosses the Atlantic in the bottom of some sort of fucked up boat.
Starting point is 00:28:43 That takes weeks and weeks to cross the Atlantic and he's down there with all these like 500 other dudes and they're not allowed on the top deck because they didn't have enough money to pay to be on the top deck and it's just dudes vomiting, pissing and shitting in the bottom of this boat in one giant hole. That sounds cool. And he gets to South America
Starting point is 00:29:01 and he's got nothing. He's just fucking broke okay next what happens it's fucking he becomes the fucking richest man who ever fucking walked on planet earth the shit that he did makes the shit that everyone else i mean it's just crazy what he did you have to read his biography how he built his shit up from scratch it's a fucking nuts jeff paco's trying to say something there like it's just fucking it's just fucking idiocy you go back just one generation from my family and they were fucking escaping the genocide turks
Starting point is 00:29:43 and they came to this country with fucking nothing. You're a Jew. No Turks. The, the Armenians, the similar, close, same story,
Starting point is 00:29:51 different, same story, same nose, different people. Right. The boys are Jews. It was a Haley, right?
Starting point is 00:29:58 The, the Jews were being attacked by snuffle up against, and the Armenians were being attacked by the cookie monster, but the same shit. Anyway, being attacked by snuffleupagus and the armenians were being attacked by the cookie monster but the same shit anyway yeah rambler this fly is pissing me off a lot of flies in minnesota hey where are you right now i'm in minnesota i'm at uh mayo clinic my mom said that you made a tear jerker With um Your chick Is it this thing on your Instagram
Starting point is 00:30:29 Cause I searched your YouTube for it and I couldn't find it Yeah it's probably it's the Instagram one Can I play it Sure it's kinda long How long is it Two and a half minutes No yeah let's watch it Are you gonna cry
Starting point is 00:30:44 No Did you cry let's watch it. All right. Are you going to cry? No. Did you cry when you made it? A major confusion. Did you cry when you made it? No, I didn't. But I think Alexis is trying to respond to everybody in there. She's just laying in that hospital bed right now.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Let me tell you another thing, too. So my mom's dad was a hairdresser. my mom was a stay-at-home mom and it was a really poor family and my mom's mom was uh um grew up in a foster she lost her parents and she grew up in a foster home just imagine like somewhere in fucking Turkey. She's an Armenian. Anyway, my grandmother and my grandfather get married, and they have my mom, and they have my aunt. And my mom is at some age, I don't know, 20, meets my dad. And my grandparents on that side hate my dad because he's a fucking Armenian from the old country,
Starting point is 00:31:44 and they've already been here one generation, and my dad because he's a fucking Armenian from the old country. And they've already been here one generation. And my dad just got here fresh off the boat. So they hate my dad. And my mom and dad elope and they come to California. And my mom does everything. She's a high school English teacher. She cleans apartments, you know, just whatever. Any job she she can fucking get my dad's a fucking forklift driver he's a nighttime security guard
Starting point is 00:32:11 he's the guy working in a warehouse grinding spices they're just taking any jobs they can my mom my dad ends up going to law school and my mom tags along with him as just a young girl, 20 some odd years old. And my dad drops out of law school and my mom stays in law school and becomes the first woman ever to graduate from that night law school. That's cool. So the advantage in my mom ends up becoming a powerful and accomplished attorney. So the advantage I have for over other people is not that my mom ends up becoming a powerful and accomplished attorney so the advantage
Starting point is 00:32:45 i have for over other people is not that my mom was a powerful and accomplished attorney and my dad ended up working fucking 15 hours a day running a wine and cheese store in berkeley california and buying real estate 365 days a year he works 16 hours a day busting his fucking ass like any good immigrant that's not why I'm privileged I'm privileged because my parents worked their fucking ass off and I was raised by fucking Laverne and Shirley Three's company Steve Austin
Starting point is 00:33:13 the Brady Bunch and a bunch of fucking jackass fucking liberals in the school system that's why I was privileged I like Steve Austin okay back to your life. Sorry. People,
Starting point is 00:33:30 is that what you do has nothing to do with what's happened to you? The fitness. Correct. The CrossFit. Everyone looks at your regime, yes, your CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:33:41 and thinks that that broke you. Incorrect. Incorrect. It's my hip dysplasia. Yes, you're CrossFit and thinks that that broke you incorrect incorrect It's my hip dysplasia 2015 I was walking on the beach with my mom and it's the same Side pain that I've had all these years. I was walking and my hip was clicking on the side here Every step that I took it was a click. It was a click of clicking, you know pain but not enough for I was like yeah I need a
Starting point is 00:34:05 surgeon so but I did go to a doctor and that like side pain never stopped but CrossFit in my opinion has helped my hip dysplasia keep my hips strong so the muscle or like the bones can't just hang around and do its own thing. That's what I was going to get at actually was why is it that you could do pistols and you're getting hip surgery? Great question. If you can do that now and that's why you're getting the surgery because you want to go back to sport. Then why are you getting the surgery? Because that's what my surgeons told me that I need. Are you in pain? Not at the moment.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Ever? Yes. Are you afraid? Yeah. Of what? There being new pain that was not there before. I don't know. It's just weird to cut your bones and move them into a place where it doesn't belong. So. You're afraid the surgery will give you new pain? Yes. And why am I doing it?
Starting point is 00:35:26 You have hip dysplasia. Here are your options. I don't want to keep tearing my labrum. That shit sucks. This hurts. So they could fix your labrum. They could fix my labrum. And they could leave the bones alone.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Do people do that? People have. And then they've retorned their labrum. Where's your labrum? It's inside the socket of the hip. So if the femurs come in, the labrum's inside. Do you have labrums other places too? Shoulders, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Shoulders have a labrum. Okay, okay. Okay, anywhere where they're like ball joints. They're basically working the same way. Okay. Yeah, so if you tear your labrum okay okay so you can time okay anywhere where there's like they're like ball joints they're basically working the same way okay yeah so if you tear your labrum it just kind of loses motion or it feels loose okay it's like a bitch what is it it's like it's like a sheath that's in there yeah okay some people will be six months later some people be one month later one year later second you start like going right back into things just tears again because you don't have your little coverage proper coverage so you did that whole workout today with a
Starting point is 00:36:33 torn labrum yeah and no pain no do you have pain at other times? Yeah. At the CrossFit Games. How come? I think from walking. I think walking hurts my hips. You did a lot of walking there? Yeah, that was the first time I've walked a lot in a while. How long is the surgery? Eight hours.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Seems like a long time. It's a long fucking time. I don't know, Andrew. I just hope this is what I need. Oh I like it when she says your name. And I just won't know until I try. So. It's gonna be okay. Yeah that's what everyone says. I'll make sure it's okay.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Thanks. A major confusion with people is that... That's it. And what happens after that? Does she just burst into tears? Yeah, I shut it off. I've learned to keep the camera going a little longer because of that. Because when I was making it, I kind of wish it was a little longer. That's the part my mom told me about.
Starting point is 00:37:47 She said, oh, he tells her that he's going to take care of her. And she's like, that part almost brings you to tears. That's why I'm in Minnesota. And she's sleeping right now. She can't get out of that bed. The thing that's driving her nuts is she spent all this time on these forums reading things and she's in these groups where they talk about their recovery and a handful of chicks said that they were kind of walking around not walking around but crutching or using a walker about two
Starting point is 00:38:16 days after and she's four days after and she can't do it yet so she thinks she's behind the curve she could and what are the doctors And what are the doctors telling her? They're like, it's two to seven days. So she's been getting better every time. It's kind of crazy. And it's good that she's been in the fitness world because I'm telling her right now it's as if you've never worked out before and you go do 100 pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Your biceps are going to basically get r though because whenever she does anything if she pushes herself too hard she's just wiped out it's nuts and she goes my hip is on fire it's terrible i go well it's it's starting from scratch right here right now it's on fire yeah whenever she yeah i mean they fucking broke her hip while she's asleep. Nuts, right? Isn't that freaking video insane? Yeah, it fucking makes me so fucking uncomfortable. Yeah, I think. I fuck. So for four weeks, I think it is, she's not allowed to sit up past. So like right now, I'm sitting at 90 degrees.
Starting point is 00:39:19 So she's got to stay reclined at 70 or flat for four weeks or more i think it's four to six weeks she's not allowed to sit upright or he kind of puts it in a compromised position fuck dude what is she gonna do just watch movies the whole time she's not a big movie watcher she's been she likes to talk hang out and she's been working a little bit she's got a laptop in her phone she's kind of operating the business on the back end and uh uh talking does she call friends does she have friends yeah she i mean really they've been pushing her uh it takes an hour and a half to go to the bathroom at this point so it's basically she'll go to the bathroom she'll get back to bed she'll eat she'll sleep oh i thought she had a catheter and she can actually go to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:40:08 for the past like day and a half she's been able to get up but it's about an hour and a half to do it and the other day she would try and she'd get there because she's like this out of chair she wasn't able to pee she couldn't relax enough so she'd get all the way over there which took about an hour an hour and a half and then she couldn't pee so they went back to the bed and then they threw the catheter in wow kind of uh yeah she's like she goes it's a good thing i do crossfit because it's kind of like doing a muscle up she's holding herself on top of the portable toilet have you ever seen those things like just online somewhere for sale? And it's like a thing, a girl just puts a covers over.
Starting point is 00:40:49 I guess I don't know how a vagina works. I told her just, you can't just like put your fingers down there and like squeeze something or like girls can't, there's no way girls can just like adjust their own vagina, like to just pee in a straight line somewhere. You can't do anything. They have got no skills like that at all. Hey,
Starting point is 00:41:06 any chicks in the comments want to fill in, but from what I understand, it just kind of goes everywhere. I've seen this device where girls can just put over there. I don't know what they put it all, but then let's see it like at a urinal. Or I thought, I thought,
Starting point is 00:41:19 isn't that weird? I don't know how any of that works. If Kayla was here, you could bring up a pussy and we could look at it. I don't know. I'm not really going to do that. I could probably play a YouTube video, How Girls Pee, somewhere. Time for
Starting point is 00:41:31 bed, 4.30 a.m. Class is calling. Love you both. Thanks, Wadsum. Oh! Look at this. Blade said, yeah, it's for hikers. Oh, is it? What's Blade doing awake? He's got to go to work. Look at this. Or he's working. Gazan. Oh, cool. It's in. It's already working. Gazan. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It's in a nice little plastic bag. Gazan. Yeah. It's called She Whiz. Want me to pull it up? Sure. Oh, I got it. She Whiz.
Starting point is 00:42:01 W-I-Z. Oh. Two Zs. She Whiz. I told her, I go, Alexis, if I couldn't get out of bed, I would get a bottle and I'd put the tip of my penis in it. I would just be into the bottle. Okay, She-Wiz.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Oh, shit, look, they got a little video. Oh, my God, a video? Traffic jam. She's in a car? In car necessities when encountering traffic jams in urinary urgency, that's me. The urinal can help you solve your needs very well. Oh, no. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Oh, it's the bottle. What the fuck? Come on. Do I need to play this in seven second increments too? Yeah, probably. Look at Wads on it. Oh, she did it right in the... Wait.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Wait, say that again? I thought she was going to do it in the car, but she's going into the forest. No, no, she did one in the car. This is just an alternate use. Oh. Okay. I guess we don't need the music. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Oh, shit. What? She's standing up like a fucking dude. You can see the, look at there's the uh she was the yeah the she was i like that comment suza get let's get this sponsorship oh she spilled some on her hand oh she's just rinsing it out and it folds up just like that it puts in a nice little pack that It looks like the DJI case. And you're off to hiking again.
Starting point is 00:43:49 What the fuck kind of shoes was she wearing on that hike? Didn't she just squat? Like, why can't you just go into the bottom of a squat and, like, pee straight down? That chick looks like she's never squatted in her life. I mean, squatted, hiked in her life. You know, it might be tough with pants on that you didn't do a deep squat with your pants around your ankles because then you just piss all over your pants no I've had tons of girlfriends who can just pee outside like it's no problem you gotta like do it what do you gotta do yeah you just squat oh there's some great pictures in it. Wow, dude. Sarah Cox did send her some stuff. I saw somebody in here.
Starting point is 00:44:25 See it? Peptides. Sarah Cox sent her some BPC TB500 mix and curcumelon. I've never actually – I don't have much experience with that. Are you going to shoot that up into her? Yeah. Right into her hip? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I've actually yeah i'm making it documentary so i'll plug it in there go hey guys we're using this circular it's it's the stuff with the yellowish tint on the website are you frozen no no no i'm reading comments i'm reading comments uh i used to masturbate to Linda Carter on Wonder Woman reruns. Who the hell is that? You don't know who Linda Carter is? Oh, God, dude. She's human. I didn't masturbate back then.
Starting point is 00:45:17 But if I did, I would have. God, she was fucking awesome. Hey, Sherry Cox. Hey, sending love and peptides to Alexis. Sending love and peptides. That's funny. I need to shoot my peptides. That's the one she's taking?
Starting point is 00:45:32 One of them? Yep. This is one of them. Powerful anti-inflammatory. That's good. Antioxidant support. Joint health. Digestive health.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Cardiovascular support. Cognitive support. Hey, dude, I'm going gonna tell you this movie you gotta see wonder woman and doc professor fuck what's the name of that movie does anyone know what that movie is professor marston and the wonder woman you won't even fucking believe how good this fucking movie is, dude. You have to see this movie. Hey, can you pull a picture of Linda Carter?
Starting point is 00:46:12 Oh, wait a minute. If it's the old Wonder Woman, okay. You have to see this movie, Professor Marston and the Wonder Woman. It's the history of Wonder Woman. It's fucking outstanding. And the guy's name is Professor Marston. And I want you to think about that very carefully as you watch this movie.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Mr. Marston? Yeah. Okay. And then let's discuss. Hey, when are you going to watch it? I'm going to watch it again. This exact thing right here. You got to see this movie. This movie's fucking nuts, dude.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Yeah, I got to pull up a tab with it on there. Professor Marston and the Wonder Woman. Holy shit, this movie's so good. Oh, that's interesting. God, it's so fucking good. I wonder if Wonder Woman was on Peptides. You wanna see Linda Carter? This is a...
Starting point is 00:47:01 Wait, is this a documentary or what? No, no, no no it's no it's fuck i can't luke evans oh he's the guy he had a role in the new beauty and the beast that's interesting okay i'm gonna show you fucking linda carter i already have a picture of her up she's old yeah yeah but she wasn't uh i think he played gaston in the new beauty and the beast were her hammers real did were her hammer oh my my screen's still up you're asking me if her hammers were real yeah well first of all i didn't know who she was yeah so i can't tell you because i've never i've never really analyzed them Well, first of all, I didn't know who she was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:48 So I can't tell you because I've never really analyzed them. How about Daisy Duke? Do you know who Daisy Duke is? The original one or the new one? The new one's real. How do we get off on that? So because your chick is – now we're going to go to your YouTube account because your chick is in, so you, how long are you going to be in Minnesota for?
Starting point is 00:48:10 I will be in Minnesota until she can leave until, until she can use the bathroom on her own. Cause there's really no way to get her home until she can do that. So when she can pee by herself, you're going to load her into that car you picked me up in from the airport, that black fucking gangster car, and you're going to take her home. Yeah, the gangster car. So you don't know if that's going to be a day or a month?
Starting point is 00:48:40 It won't be a month. It shouldn't be longer than two weeks max, and it could be as short as two days from now. How much is your hotel a night? $2.25. Oh my god. Now, the real question is how much is parking a night? How much is parking every night?
Starting point is 00:49:00 $24. Oh, jeez. That becomes a son of a bitch. Hey, can you deduct that from, is that, is this some sort of business expense? This one, I am working. Yeah. Am I not? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:15 I've made videos in this hotel room. Am I not? Yeah. So it's your office. You needed to get away and work in an office. Right, right, right. We're, uh, yeah, We're talking about it right now. The whole thing is work.
Starting point is 00:49:30 And then so... Apparently these rapes just scream hotel room. So these videos... Oh, where are the videos? Oh. Dude, how do you like those? How do you like that Justin Madera thumbnail? It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Just look at his face. Do you really think he's never going to win again? If he doesn't change his state of mind, he's not going to win again. Oh, okay. Someone said I was a clickbaiter, and I go, dude, it's 27 minutes of me telling you why I don't think he's going to win again. I think maybe because I didn't explicitly say, he's not winning again. They may have lost it in translation, but the dude's headspace is all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Is it? Dude, did you not watch that video with him and Ellie? Yeah, I did. Doesn't it not seem like he's just fucking washing around? He's like, hey, we're going to go do a vlog now. Whose idea do you think it was to make that video? Some one of his agents. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:32 It was a bad idea. Some stupid ass agent out there. I don't think it's, I think it's a bad idea. It was terrible. Yeah, I didn't, I didn't. Did you, did you, you haven't watched that video with Medeiros? I did watch it. It's 30 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I watched the first 20, 30 minutes. What? You didn't watch my video. No, I haven't watched that video with Medeiros. I did watch it. It's 30 minutes long. I watched the first 23 minutes. What? You didn't watch my video. No, I haven't watched your video. The big thing in that is that there are people speculating he got a concussion on that bike ride, right? Oh, yeah. You heard the speculations? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I speculated it too. I heard it from you, I think, and then Talking Elite Fitness, I think. And in this video, he says- You think Talking Elite Fitness got that from me. Cause they never, maybe this is important. Okay. He says in the video that he was fine and maybe there was an adrenaline dump and he was just wiped out from the bike ride, but he says that he wasn't hurt. And then in the same video,
Starting point is 00:51:21 he says that he's getting ready for an event thinking, oh, they never put my chip timer on my ankle. And he looks down and it's on there. And he goes, when did this get put on here? And he doesn't remember. And I go, dude, that's the first thing that happens when you have a concussion is you don't remember things. Well, and he said he had no idea what happened in the accident. He has no idea what happened. He just knows he got back on the bike and there was blood dripping and he's like thinking to himself
Starting point is 00:51:48 fuck am i okay like he didn't you know how normally you get hurt and like you're like okay uh and you start doing like a systems check like iron man you're like fingers on feet on yeah there's a gunshot he didn't even get to check for the wound okay but how about hours later where he's just like losing yeah i know it and and it was weird because the whole video does he say that the chip timer thing in that video with ellie yeah both of those instances i talked about of course said by him in the video and he also consistently brings up these health issues he's got he said he's been having them leading up to the games he needs to get healthy he's not saying got to get healthy. He never says what he's not healthy with.
Starting point is 00:52:27 I'm wondering if he's hiding a concussion for some reason. Like a prior concussion? No. Maybe he wanted to compete at the game, so he had to hide a concussion. That's what I mean. A prior concussion prior to the games? No. They would have
Starting point is 00:52:43 pulled him because of his head. He doesn't want to talk about it. And then he incriminated himself by bringing up the bracelet thing. And he's also hiding some sort of injury. It's like, what is it? Did you pull a hamstring? Is your quad messed up? Did your shoulder pop? What is it?
Starting point is 00:52:59 But he doesn't say anything. He just says, like, I got to get healthy. Is it going to upset me when I watch that video? I'm going to be like, fuck. No, I basically summarized 27 minutes of right there 6.7 6.7 he gets to keep alley he gets to keep knifer does he get to keep the keep the strength and conditioning coach uh it didn't he didn't talk about him so i didn't talk about him okay but i think i like that you had him on yeah he's great yeah I'd like to have him on again. Haaschick, I guess I don't know how a vagina works.
Starting point is 00:53:31 We don't pee out of our vagina. The top of it, like that little hole at the top. I knew I said something stupid. I know. Fuck. Okay, it's fine. I'm fine. Mariah yelled at me for keeping my water too close to my laptop. Fine.
Starting point is 00:53:47 I don't know. Fine. I don't even know. I don't even know what. Here, let me. Sorry. I don't even know what a vagina is. Quadzilla.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Oh, sorry. No, go ahead. No, go ahead. Not vagina. Quadzilla says that watching the Madera video made me realize that he lacked the killer instinct. But the thing is he did not lag it last year. Not at all. He,
Starting point is 00:54:08 I'm telling you, he had the killer instinct at the games. I think he had it. Yeah. I just think he seemed weird. Every time you've spoken about him on air, you say that he was just, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:19 he was not open. He was intense. Yeah. But he's always not been intense until he had to be right in previous years i don't remember this is my first time being around him oh but he's he's super intense he's super intense a couple times i saw him not intense adam knifer is not adam knifer he like is is they is like the exact opposite he's like holding down a different energy. Fuck, man. Give my best to Alexis. May she recover fully and be better than
Starting point is 00:54:48 ever. She'll watch this. She'll see that. Alexis watches the show. She's sleeping right now, though. Parking fund. Oh, David, what's up? He seems like a doo-doo, won $600,000.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Yeah, that's another thing that you could get into is he's got the Conor McGregor syndrome. No. Did you go there? He doesn't have that. I didn't go there, but he could. Dude, dude, he totally could. I think it's all just pressure on him, whatever that means. I think that's all it is. He states in there that if he didn't win,
Starting point is 00:55:28 or if he would have won this year, it would have compounded, and it would have gotten worse. Makes me think of Fraser and his diet and losing to Smith in 2015. Yes, it's midnight. Hey, this guy writes, it looks like he's on a booster seat i kind of got this issue because i'm gonna have dave here right yeah and he's gonna be sitting across from me right over there and i'll have a different camera pointed at me yeah and my mom came in here today and she goes hey your guests are below you again wasn't that a problem and it's like they're kind of below me but not really but i could lower my seat like this look at
Starting point is 00:56:10 i could come down hey what's up dave what's up dude that's no good you can't point the camera down at you i could i could i oh no mess up the framing of the thing in the background though if i said oh yeah you're buying all this shit get a new couch over there you don't like that couch no just get something taller oh i it's so comfortable it's such a cool couch i like it that couch is like 30 years old it's like some of my mom's old furniture yeah but none of that stuff is like helping your case with the height it's gonna be comfortable it can be your mom's couch but it's not fitting the situation god it's so nice in here i can't even fucking believe it i don't know how you knew i was on a booster seat. I'm not on a booster seat. I'm just on a chair that's not high.
Starting point is 00:57:05 I mean, my feet are touching the ground. You're forgetting that Jason hates losing. He cried after every loss when he was a pup. He's going to regroup, and it scorched earth from that point on. Thank you, Blade. Yeah, no, he's going to spend a freaking month in wherever vlogging. Yeah, no, he's going to spend a freaking month in wherever vlogging. Justin Kirk not buying the circumcision.
Starting point is 00:57:34 No, not buying the concussion. I would get McGregor syndrome too, but it would take more than 600K. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. I fucked you up good you're good pull it up uh blade walker you learn about yourself when you get punched in the face or when your girlfriend goes through hip surgery time to see if jay will adopt that mamba mentality i think and i hope he does you know the mamba mentality that's um the lebron james's thing wrong kobe bryant that's what i said i knew that oh shit you're testing me vaccine vaccine induced myocarditis explains everything about justin what he says in that
Starting point is 00:58:19 video and how he performed again no he didn'tudes from Lodi don't get the injection. What are you talking about? Oh, did he say in my podcast that he did get the injection? Dude, Sousa's going to hate this, but my favorite part of the show from the other day is where someone said something about Lodi. You're saying Lodi reminded me of Livermore. And someone in the comment section said something to Sousa. Go, stop saying that about Livermore. Oh, nomore oh no no no you know what he didn't like no no no no it wasn't that what it wasn't that
Starting point is 00:58:53 like don't talk crap about livermore oh i thought i thought someone was talking no private chat i'll tell you in the private chat. Yeah. He didn't want anybody bringing up the fact that cars were broken into at his gym. Oh, shit. Did I read that out loud when I typed that? I feel like I'm red. Am I red? I feel like I'm red. Am I red?
Starting point is 00:59:25 The Dan Bailey goat bring your bring your meat stick? What's B-I-M? Dan Bailey goat fin. I don't know what B-Y-M is. Parking fin. Parking, parking.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Is that short for Badoosie? I don't know. We're at the end of the comments. Good, I made it through. Okay, hey, I don't understand this. I don't fucking understand. Okay, I want to say something bad about Vander Slut for a second.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I've been just jerking him off for a fucking week, okay? Kate Foster, you're not going to like this because you just want everything to be so nice and sweet Kate Foster is just living in your head hold on hold on
Starting point is 01:00:12 sorry sorry sorry I'm giving an earthquake to Kate Foster no she can live in there I'm gonna fuck her shit up while she's in there fuck her shit up bro I don't want Scott stop fucking bringing up The Bachelor while she's in there. Fuck your shit up, bro. I don't want... Scott, stop fucking bringing up The Bachelor.
Starting point is 01:00:28 I don't want to ever think about The Bachelor ever again when I see Luke. Stop bringing up The Bachelor, Scott. Why? Because it's the most despicable thing ever. I would recommend Pornhub to people before I recommended The Bachelor. It is fucking gross.
Starting point is 01:00:45 It is the dregs of humanity it's bad it's fucking it's oh my god it's so fucking bad i seriously felt a little piece of me that i didn't even realize it's the kind of thing like if you're not sure if you have like values or morals or where you stand with just shit in general you should watch that and if any part of you likes it you need to fucking take off all your clothes and go on a fucking ayahuasca retreat for a month i gotta go watch season three is that the season he's in i watched that whole season i wanted to die seven or eight maybe 10 or 11 it's way past but i watched all of season three and there was this dude named Juan Pablo on it. And I watched it with a chick I was with.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And I was kind of into it. But that was the only season I ever watched. And I watched this with Luke, and it seemed entirely different than what I remember. Oh, it's fucking horrible. The people who work on the show should... My ex-business partner was... Porn is definitely worse.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Are you fucking kidding me? It's not worse. It is not worse. I've never felt like my soul was rotting watching porn. Felt millions of seeds leaving my body oh my god uh ellie elbowed alex and tried to knock her off her bike alex was pissed the bike ride was crazy teeth season that's not even true there's no way that's true you think that's true whoa what are you fucking kidding me We're just breaking the biggest news
Starting point is 01:02:26 in the fucking CrossFit space tonight. Elliot elbowed Alex to try and Oh. Damn. I know. There's no way that's true. This is big. No, this is true. Jake doesn't lie. Are you kidding? I know, I know, but it's not true.
Starting point is 01:02:41 It's not true. This is true. Probably shouldn't have told you. I know. Definitely not. Well, you should have sent it's not true. Jake's talking to him on the show at midnight July about something that happened. This is true. Probably shouldn't have told you. Yeah, I know. Definitely not. Well, you should have sent it to me in a text or something. Definitely not on this show. Hey, you'd be even better if there was footage.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Sorry, who really won the weekend, though, Jake? Oh, my God. Someone really won the weekend, though. I was over here looking up a freaking bachelorette did you get to stand next to ellie no why because she got a really cool face i saw her her eyes are crazy they're like pool blue oh they're like they're like they're like see alex kazan's card they're like that blue that's oh you can't even see they're like that blue that's on. Oh, you can't even see. They're like that blue around. She has really cool eyes. Maybe, though, also they look so cool because she was crying.
Starting point is 01:03:29 So they were all, like, glossy and shit when I saw them. Jake, Jake, what does this mean? You're proud of who? Alex. Oh, he's beyond proud, dude. He's, like, he's so. Why are you opening that, dude? Don't.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Why? Am I supposed to open this? No. Well, now you do. Now it's. No, this isn't the card. Oh, okay. These are just some stickers. Oh, okay. Wad zombie?
Starting point is 01:03:57 These are nice, actually. Stickers are cool. People dig stickers. Shit, we just got Luke on the show. Hold on. I'm going to come back to Luke. Oh, will you explain that video to me? I don't even know. Mint trading card?
Starting point is 01:04:10 Dude, that was legit. Just me having fun with it. I had this clip that was about a minute, 28 seconds long of Luke dying on the sled. And I was trying to kind of have some fun with it. And I plugged in some Bachelor crap that I found. There was nothing more to it than that. It is some avant-garde shit. I'm like, is this dude on crack?
Starting point is 01:04:31 What happened to Hillary? That guy's a beast. Look at him. I just think, look at him just get his shit shelled by this Opaka sled. His shit shelled. Yeah, he's a 215, 20 pound dude and he can't push this sled
Starting point is 01:04:47 as well as Spencer Panchik. And then he does this thing talking about baloney. I just thought no one's ever seen that. Have you seen that? You are baloney. You are a weasel. Weasel or a snake is the
Starting point is 01:05:02 best way to put it. A snake. A snake. Really? Weasel weasel or a snake is the best way to put a snake a snake a snake really I'm tired of it. Okay. I'm not gonna let you pick up baloney because that's exactly what you are man Say that again? And then this tackle he does of this dude where he picks him up and slams him. It's kind of fucking good. Did you see that? I slow it down.
Starting point is 01:05:33 He just picks this dude up in the background on this show where they're fighting over this chick and he destroys him. I watched this season. This is the only season of The Bachelor I've ever seen. It was horrible. Yeah, it's really bad. And I wonder how much of it's scripted. But, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:48 It's complete douchebaggery. Come on. The big point behind this is he can't move that sled. And if you were to pick a guy to finish last on the sled push, it wouldn't be him. And the other thing that's interesting is he's kind of pulling the sled sideways because the lane is all messed up. And I'm wondering if they were briefed on that or maybe that's a Richism.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Like a froning told him if the sled isn't moving, try to get it in a different track. Oh, what do you ask about this? Because I could have probably made it into a video because he's like really struggling with Rich telling to move it over. Did he think to move it over? Did someone on the CrossFit Games team say, hey, we understand these things might not be consistent. Scoot it over if you think you're having a hard time with it. Hey, that's a good question.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I want to have him on next. There you go. Oh, shit. Why was the sled so heavy? Shit. Did you get a concussion when you tackled that guy in The Bachelorette? My mom has book club tomorrow at 7 p.m. What's wrong with that?
Starting point is 01:06:50 I have Ricky Garrard on at 6.30, and I wanted her to take the boys to tennis. Oh. Hey, I think I'm going to get Froning on this week. Yeah, that would be good. I've been bugging the shit out of him. I want to hear about the Leadville ride. He finished. Did he win? No, but he did good. I guess people bugging the shit out of him. I want to hear about the Leadville ride. He finished. Did he win?
Starting point is 01:07:05 No, but he did good. I guess people didn't think he was going to finish. People are stupid. This is just me picking stuff up off of my phone and noticing that Annie didn't squat low enough on her first squat. I'm digging it. Go ahead. Digging what?
Starting point is 01:07:22 I'm digging Annie. Hey, this is by no means her fault. What do you mean? Meaning the fact that she got reps for this isn't like her fault. No. I also left the judge out of it because apparently judges aren't fond of being ousted on the internet. Oh, you could have left the judge in. Well, it's also vertical.
Starting point is 01:07:44 And I wanted to put the two chicks in it's the third one though she does that third one she does get correct the first two she doesn't get i i should watch emma lawson does emma lawson get it down oh yeah way the hell down and who's that in the background back there? Ariel. She looks great too. Ariel Lowen? Yep. Ariel looks great over there.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Yeah, Lawson is ass to grass. So you're not counting that? The first one or the third one? This one, the second one. Second one's right there. The angle of the judge. And that one you're giving her. The third one is 100% good.
Starting point is 01:08:32 The judge is standing to the back left. So they're kind of looking at her at the left side. Kind of where we're looking. Kind of where we're looking. No, the other side. This one's the other way. Oh, okay. And that right hip probably definitely would go on the second one but that's the issue with the sandbag squad is that your hips are all torqued up it's kind of like doing a pistol
Starting point is 01:08:51 uh matt c says um uh rich didn't win but he finished in less than hours, which is insane for a non-professional rider. Oh, that's cool here. I wonder if he shaved his beard if he would have gone faster. God damn. Her femurs are six feet long. I like the way you said that. I used to watch Sanford and Son.
Starting point is 01:09:24 I know. Three hours after the winner, the winner did it in six. Holy hell. Oh, okay. He actually looked pretty jacked at the games. He did? Uh-huh. Rich.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Or how much bike riding he's been doing. Oh, that's good. I thought he looked just like a regular human. What about this? Okay, I got a crazy question to ask you about hopper you want to just talk about hopper dig in on hopper please okay one i'm thinking about when he comes on the show if anyone talks any shit to him in the comments putting him on a 24-hour hiatus from the show wait a minute yeah i know oh you mean people in the comments yeah like if
Starting point is 01:10:02 someone uses the f word, they're toast. Just while he's on the show. You can do it any other time. He doesn't like that. I don't know if he doesn't like it. I don't like it. What, when people say the F word? Yeah, the F-L word.
Starting point is 01:10:17 The F word that rhymes with hopper. Oh, flopper? Yeah, I don't like that. You don't like that? No, I hate that. I've always hated it. You'll never hear me say that yeah censorship from me motherfucker yeah dude that might be the first time I've said it
Starting point is 01:10:32 yeah I've never said that until that moment just like no I don't know if he's I don't know if he's hurt or not I don't want him on my show and people in the chat calling him that for all i know he might not care hey if one of you guys came to my house too i wouldn't be like let like like you can't someone can't come to my house and
Starting point is 01:10:57 like you just start being a dick to him in the fucking living room i don't like it. Dude, I told you about that. Yeah, like this. Surf flops a lot. God, you're a douche. Yeah, what do you think? So that's number one thing. You think that's too much? Or you think it's like if I just tell the wrenches, like, hey, can you guys put people on a 15-minute timeout or some shit if they use the F word? I really like how they have a name, the wrenches.
Starting point is 01:11:25 minute timeout or some shit if they use the f word i really like how they have a name the wrenches i don't need one time i just went into youtube on another screen over here and i just picked a bunch of people that i recognize their name to be the wrenches or wrenches yeah i don't even know if they're i can't see who the wrenches are i don't even remember who they are i can't see him over here okay let's go through some of the questions did hwpo fire him do we know if he's with hwpo still there's speculation he took that tag out of his bio on instagram yeah that oh philip kelly says oh the f word is yeah hopper do i have a beat hopper is yeah. I'm thinking of a new one. He's called him Flopper. That's true.
Starting point is 01:12:07 The F word is hopper. That's good. Look at this. What? Look at what? Exactly what you pulled up. Pull it up. It's super blue.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Blueprint. holding a planche Australia the push up plank position a planche is this one where you're like on the rings yeah sorry I said uh plank um
Starting point is 01:12:36 or I think I did do you think that that's a plank or a push up that that dude's doing a photo could be either but it's the top of a push up uh I never normally catch these lives due to time zones. Oh, look at, this guy has no accountability.
Starting point is 01:12:51 He's blaming time zones for his inability to be awake when we do the show. It's crazy. Keep up the good work, lads. Oh, that's like. Lads. Oh, ooh, ooh, I know. Ireland? No, Australia.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Nice try, though. Programming and athlete episodes are the best. Hiller is growing on me, too. Fuck. He's growing on your nuts. That says flop. Because he doesn't want to get. Yeah, look at Mason.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Yeah, this is cool. Flop to the flop floppy flop flop. Nope, not that last word. Flop to the flop floppy flop flop. Nope, not that last word. Flop to flop flop flopper. Flop to the flop flop flopper. Did you see this one? I want to know what you think about this. Oh, PH.
Starting point is 01:13:41 What do you think about that? Retyping this to Hiller's take on this. Tia should not compete next year as it's a lose-lose situation for her. What do you think about that? Retyping this to Hiller's take on this. Tia should not compete next year as it's a lose-lose situation for her. What? I like how it says Hiller's take, and I go, I want to hear what you have to say about it. I want to know how it's a lose-lose. No, that guy's claiming that that's your take.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Did you make that take somewhere? Tia should. No, he wants me to make a video on it, on Tia competing next year, individual, because it would be a lose-lose for her. Dude, I'm pumped to see her compete. And the only – How is it a lose-lose? She wins, then it's not a lose-lose, right?
Starting point is 01:14:19 Dude, she's never – she's not losing. Actually, there's no – if she gets top three, it's not a lose. Everyone's going to be like, well, she was pregnant last year. It's amazing that she got third. I don't think that's even a loss. What if she takes 17th? What if she takes eighth? What did Medeiros take?
Starting point is 01:14:40 What if she takes what Medeiros took? Medeiros have a child? I don't know. No, he had a girlfriend. Oh. I guess we can see which one's more impactful. You think Ellie really just gave fucking... Jake, you want to come on right now and tell us about it?
Starting point is 01:15:01 You think it was on purpose an intentional elbow i think that tia coming back and even if laura beats her next year it still doesn't do much oh i thought this said mallory o'brien i shat whenever next year from mal o'brien i was like, whoa. That's Mal's husband. Oh, I hear that. Hey, let me say this. This is crazy. What's crazy is you could probably never say this about a woman.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Do you think Hopper's just too heavy? People have said that about Laura for years, dude. You think she needs to? Yeah, but they whisper it. Laura's too heavy. I didn't whisper it. Oh. I also said I didn't think she was too heavy. Oh, well, there you it. Laura's too heavy. I didn't whisper it. Oh. I also said I didn't think she was too heavy.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Oh, well, there you go. That's safe. I thought she was used to handstand push-ups, but I was wrong about that, too. But they didn't have any, so. You think Auburn's just, I mean, is he just too big? Is he just 10 pounds too heavy? He's maybe two inches too tall.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Oh. Which would be 14 pounds too heavy. Which would be fucking adler next to froning they're the same size almost identical froning's just hanner and adler looks shorter for some reason do you think yeah because his arms are long he looks like a fucking chimpanzee he looks like velner yeah velner looks like a gorilla different kind of monkey matt the greatest phraser can't even fix him i would argue that wrecked him oh shit really are you gonna do a video on that i could dude hopper is just a lack like a homebody have fun sort of dude and that's not the environment he needs in my opinion hey something weird happened to him when he was doing those snatches
Starting point is 01:16:53 the dumbbell snatches it was like he was pulling through butter raw butter thick butter molasses, molasses, not butter. Syrup. Yeah, he looked chunky this year, Matt, to this point. I mean, chunky is not a fair word. He's just not represent body fat anymore. I mean, don't get me wrong. His body looks lean as shit. His body is beautiful.
Starting point is 01:17:21 It's not a critique on the beauty of his body. It's a critique on, I mean, he fucking put his hands on me, and it was like he feels like a giant. He is a body. It's a critique on... I mean, he fucking put his hands on me and it was like, he feels like a giant. He is a giant. He's huge. He's too tall. Who's the tallest person to ever win the CrossFit games? As a man. Fitzgerald?
Starting point is 01:17:37 Jeff Smith? Did Jeff Smith win one year? Jeff Smith? Who's that? I don't know. Is that the Yermico one? Maybe he didn't win. No, you're right. I'm going to call Brian real quick. Brian, who's the tallest man to win the games? All right, thanks. Bye.
Starting point is 01:17:53 I don't know. Who is the tallest man to win the games? Fucking Froning? Maybe it's Adler. No, no, no, no. Ben Smith, 5'10". Oh, let's see so what we'll say in the comments oh shit there goes the yawn i gotta read a little bit before greg comes on there you go oh is he yeah hey why are you calling this chick Brooke Wells Because it was supposed to be funny Damn it
Starting point is 01:18:28 Holy hell Everyone goes you know that's Sydney And people are messaging me hey you might want to change your title That's Sydney I go yeah It's called comedy damn it Okay I like it And you're complimenting her
Starting point is 01:18:44 Yeah I mean they look great Yeah you love this Yeah they look great Comedy, damn it. Okay, I like it. I like it. And you're complimenting her. Yeah, I mean, they look great. Yeah, you love this. Yeah, they look great. I mean, her grits might be a little too long, but shoot. We lost Sevan. Yeah, I was complimenting her. What are we going to do, guys?
Starting point is 01:19:01 He said he was yawning, and now he's out. Fraser is not the tallest. Graham Holmberg, I think he was actually 5'11", too. He's back. Or I was just talking about Graham Holmberg and how he might be 5'11". Oh, okay. So we like that. Hey, when I vanished, Sidney vanished? Sidney also vanished, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:22 If you saw the error I made right there that was so stupid i'm tired it's like maybe i maybe i was concussed what was the area i just hit the back space button on the fucking on the wrong monitor uh okay how about this? This is fucking wild. What? This clip. Can you see this clip? This is Abigail Domet. Yeah. How would you like the caption on that one? I thought I came across pretty clear with captions like this that I'm just trying to have a good time with these random things I have on my camera.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah, this is obvious. Abigail, it doesn't matter what my back looks like, Domet. Oh, my God. Does she know? I don't think she cares. But, but why wouldn't you just, I mean,
Starting point is 01:20:13 just a little bit, just a little bit, push the ass back and bend the knees just a little bit. She's going slower. She goes slower. I do. All of them. So you think that's all for speed? She's going slower She goes slower I do read all the comments All of them
Starting point is 01:20:26 So you think that's all for speed I Dude it's gotta be Or maybe she's so fatigued that she doesn't I guess speed Graham Holmberg's also 5'11 guys I feel like 3-4's of the field is using this approach Really
Starting point is 01:20:42 No You're not saying these are no reps I'm not no I'm not I feel like three-fourths of the field is using this approach. Really? No, you're not saying these are no reps. I'm not. No, I'm not. I wouldn't even say it looks terrible. It just – You know what I've noticed is if I don't make a 10-minute video on exactly what it is I'm talking about, everyone gets confused now. So while I like the – and actually, i put on five subscribers on each of these dude
Starting point is 01:21:08 these little uh shorts things yeah it's a calculated risk once you factor in all the other work she's doing the thing i don't know if i'd call it a calculated risk jake is in sat behind her family. They were going crazy when she made the first cut. Cool family. Yeah, she's cool. I talked to her a little bit. And her dude.
Starting point is 01:21:32 I think she's cool, too. Super cool. Jake asked a question here if I was going to Rogue. I don't know what's going on. Clock. O'Keefe said all their athletes were trained well, better than they were. Implicitly, he was blaming their competitive mindset. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Clock, O'Keefe said all their athletes were trained well better than they were implicitly.
Starting point is 01:21:45 He was blaming their competitive mindset. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Is that on the Pedro podcast? He was on Pedro's podcast already? The day I came up to have breakfast with you when we were leaving, I walked past Pedro interviewing O'Keefe right there on the balcony. At my fancy hotel? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Damn. At maybe, I don't know, 9 a. At my fancy hotel? Yeah. Damn. At maybe, I don't know, 9 a.m. or something. It was brisk. They were just sitting out on this little porch thing. It's kind of funny. Because then I'll watch the podcast later. Oh, don't go back there. Okay, I like these videos.
Starting point is 01:22:25 I like what you're doing. Just going through and digging out. Oh, here we go. Here's another later. Oh, don't go back there. Okay, I like these videos. I like what you're doing. Just going through and digging out. Oh, here we go. Here's another one. Oh, yeah. It's just Delner walking around, and his fucking back is huge. Doesn't seem to matter. Careful with this.
Starting point is 01:22:40 You can play the video, but don't play the sound. Even a tiny bit? Did you listen to the song? It's kind of funny, isn't it? I have feelings that I... Did you film that? Oh, my goodness. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:55 He tapped Mertens. He gave Mertens a little... Look at his traps, dude. They're huge, right? Yeah, what movement caused that? This was after ski bay i think so it doesn't really make sense but just blood flow in the gorilla huge back his traps are bigger than my quad it's really hard to compare but i see
Starting point is 01:23:23 dude someone getting a semi watching this? Yeah, always. What did you say? I totally agree with Melissa here. Pedro was great. O'Keefe was just... That interview, Melissa Odear, that interview was awful. Pedro was great, but O'Keefe was rambling and saying nothing.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Oh, no. I could do a video. I could do a Justin Spiegel style video on that video for sure oh my god really yeah you know I probably do an O'Keefe
Starting point is 01:23:55 impression pretty well I like O'Keefe too but it's always like he's about to fall asleep Matt Bickle who is is Matt Bickleandler smith's coach what's going on there i suppose we could probably listen to that and find out uh it's an hour 11 minutes what about oceana's first export uh bailey martin he was cool i didn't get
Starting point is 01:24:20 to talk to him much well hit notify me on. What's this? Everyone else is doing recapping our trip to Madison with Mike Aldridge. Yeah. The end of CrossFit. Oh, here it is. O'Keefe. Oh, shit. 2.6. This is simple, though.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Oh, you can unmute it right here in the window. I did not know that. Then you can, you know, like, use it like here in the window. I did not know that. Then you can use it like a hand. Pedro's not going to report me, right? All right. But we all need to kind of work together to grow the overall ecosystem. I think that was the mindset of, the mindset of the leadership team
Starting point is 01:25:05 and the partnership team. We haven't had a real, you know, deep post. You know, obviously, it's only Monday, but I think we're all kind of smiling at how it went on site with the partnership, you know, what we were able to add, you know, the, you know, for the first time,
Starting point is 01:25:26 us being able to show up and actually activate. Oh, what? Well, the, the audio is not doing him any favors. Okay. It looks like he's hung over his book.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Yeah. What's going on there? No, he doesn't drink. I don't O'Keefe doesn't drink I don't know man he doesn't drink he doesn't you sure no yeah I'm positive
Starting point is 01:25:50 he him and like I think one of the reasons why all those dudes get along is they're all recovering addicts like they're all AA dudes or sponsor people yeah they're all AA dudes
Starting point is 01:26:01 I was about to say I think I'd I'd fit in then but I was never addicted I just don't do it look at there there's a Sevan podcast sticker
Starting point is 01:26:12 on Pedro's laptop I'm gonna yell at Travis for not sending Pedro a sticker is that Con Porter on there too? Pedro got a new computer though because you were giving him a hard time. I know, that sucks.
Starting point is 01:26:27 I wish he wouldn't have done that. You bullied him. Do you think that that's really true? I did kind of bully him into that? Yeah. What happened? I just started making fun of people with PCs? Yes.
Starting point is 01:26:37 It's the same way you make fun of people with Android phones and then they get iPhones. You bully everybody. Into your lifestyle. God, that's so lame if that's true. I don't want to be a part of that. The thing is,
Starting point is 01:26:51 don't tell him this, but maybe it was you and I even talking. We were going to buy Pedro an Apple. You mean you were going to chip in money? No. Not an Apple. Camera.
Starting point is 01:27:07 Oh, camera. I think he really likes his camera though. He was figuring out how to use it. And he said he had this giant interview with Max Elhaj. And he forgot to press the record button. Or no, no, no. I think he said he shot it in SNQ mode. So there was no audio.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Who did? Pedro? Pedro got that new camera, and on top of it, it's got an S&Q mode, right? Yeah, that's like for high-speed shooting, right? Oh, he shot Max Elhaj in slow motion with no audio for like 30 minutes. Hey, dude, he's lucky he caught that before he shot like a whole day yeah yeah he said it was an amazing interview and el haj gave him so much good stuff and then when he went to look at it it's just slow motion el haj
Starting point is 01:27:55 only liberals from bay area think apple is cool that's probably true i don't know i was asking you about your screens the other day because i couldn't see your fancy schmancy apple screen i was worried that you got rid of it or something yeah i know i didn't want you to think i did over here it's give me a sunburn you can see it's lighting up my face uh uh oh no oh but it's on this side the fuck is going on? Seve calling the champ chubby. No, no, we got to the bottom of that. I never called the champ chubby. That was a fucking...
Starting point is 01:28:30 I talked about him being big, but not chubby. I definitely don't think the champ... Causing him to take 13th place and coining the flopper name. I don't think I came up with flopper either. I don't think you did either. Oh, my goodness dude no shit so i'm gonna it's funny i'm about to come clean with you so these cards that wad zombie makes are so cool they are really really cool and i like them but they come with
Starting point is 01:28:59 these stands that are so stupid and annoy the fuck out of me so what because if you just if one falls over if anything rattles those cards back there they all fall over oh i've experienced that yeah i hate that these stands are so stupid it made me it's it makes me want to throw the cards away what yeah because because there's just no nice way. Because anything, like I put your chocolate dick back there. Yeah. You see it back there? And any time I touch the chocolate dick, all the cards fall down.
Starting point is 01:29:34 And it takes me three minutes to set them up again. I'm like, fuck you. I'm not doing it. But look at the new WOD zombie stand. Is it better? Wait, wait, wait. Dude, it's fucking gold. Yeah, that's great. It's fucking gold. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 01:29:45 It's fucking gold. Thank you. Bam. Done. Alexis Raptus is coming on the show. When? Soon. She's cool.
Starting point is 01:29:59 She's probably, she might be my favorite female athlete. No, it's like Gazan and Raptus. There's some good ones. Vidison's cool. Dude, Vidison's a trip. Of course, Ariel Loewen. Of course, Danny Spiegel. Vidison's a straight avatar.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Dude, we didn't talk about Spiegel at all. I know. Vidison is such a cool name. It's like a very avatarian name is that why you said that no she looked her she has the body of a fucking avatar i put a tail on her and just she could start connecting tails with people hey here's the reason why we can't talk about them anymore there's they get so fucking butt hurt that it's like not even fun like heber and mars don't get butt hurt jason hopper's not getting butter like anyone who if like if you get too overly butt hurt it's at least for me it's not
Starting point is 01:30:52 even fun like hey you're not even having like laura and laura and i it's fun it's different i think it's fun for you you don't think it's fun for laura um i just i think it is i was messing with you. Sporty Beth, I thought it was going to be fun when she called me a wanker, but it's not. She's not. It wasn't a playful wanker. It was a hard one. She's fucking like, she's like really, she's like really,
Starting point is 01:31:20 it's like real to her. It's like she's angry. Like, I don't know. Like with you like when when we started tussling it was just fun oh i heard you you know what i was in this bougie weird grocery store around you're listening to you talk about that you're you're trying to like feel her out and then it didn't work out so you sporty bat so you backed off right you're what what trying to feel her out what i never tried to feel her i
Starting point is 01:31:48 never saw her to see no over the over the interwebs to see if she was cool like if she was yeah i thought i thought once she called me oh look the wankers here i thought that that was funny and she's like okay she was yeah she's playing she's cool she doesn't take any of it personally and then and then she started doing this crazy shit like trying to go to hq to get me canceled or some shit again and then or someone was and and then she was at the games and we went through the whole thing with the the pass and then when when that was like like she thought like i don't know like i was calling them like i was gonna set a trap for dump a bucket of milk on her or something like from fucking nickelodeon i was like oh she's she's tripping she's not nickelodeon she's not uh in the 90s like they dump goo on people and shit i didn't have cable so i would just hear about it at school and then i would beg to go to my
Starting point is 01:32:37 friend's house so i could see a bucket of goo dumped on someone's head now that shit's like all over youtube you could any four-year-old can see someone get kicked in the balls and shit dumped on their head. I heard there was a petition put out by the online chat to not let you go to the games. They sent it to CrossFit because they wanted the show
Starting point is 01:32:58 and if you were here, you couldn't do the show. Oh, that would be awesome. If that's true, that's awesome. Because he's racist and because we want him to host the podcast for us. God, that would be awesome if that's true that's all there because he's racist and because we want him to host the podcast for us god that would be awesome she could i could still be her villain but she doesn't have to like it can still be fun like it could still be like she's got 20 000 youtube subscribers doesn't doesn't she? Or she got like 70,000 Instagram followers, something crazy.
Starting point is 01:33:26 I didn't know that. I have 10,000 Instagram followers and 20,000 YouTube subscribers. Those are some good numbers. I like the ratio. It's better that way. I'm really happy with it. That Greg, who's that guy you don't like,
Starting point is 01:33:40 he's got 2 million YouTube and 600,000 Instagram. And it's just a good ratio. 2 million. Hey 600,000 Instagram, and it's just a good ratio. 2 million. Hey, Ryan Fisher, which I don't know if you want to talk about that at all. No, I don't want to. I don't want to. He's trying to pump his YouTube channel.
Starting point is 01:34:00 He's trying to hit 100,000. Hey, I make, for my instagram and youtube channel i make thousands and thousands of times percent more money from it than when i had a hundred thousand instagram followers like way more money wait wait you make way more money on what i make way more money on my instagram and youtube now i have 10 000 yeah just because of what you do with it right yeah it's like crazy like way way way way like it's not even fucking in the same world i didn't even care when i lost my 100,000 YouTube subscribers, Instagram followers, except it kind of fucked it. Now none of the big fighters talk to me.
Starting point is 01:34:52 The fuck is this guy with 10,000 followers? It's crazy. You know what? I hear someone said this. You should buy some. You should buy yourself 90,000 so you're at 100. Hey, I think you can just buy other people some everyone should i did this to one of my buddies and he's like what the fuck is going on yeah everyone on this here just buy me a hundred thousand see if you can get me up to a million followers by tomorrow i buy you some right now
Starting point is 01:35:19 while we're on the air i know please don't you're gonna wake up and have a hundred thousand but what the fuck is this shit you can bot someone's account you really can is that true what does that mean is that what we're talking about yeah send fucking 50,000 bots there that'd be so funny Instagram followers
Starting point is 01:35:43 or best sites. Let's see. How to buy followers and become an influencer. Here. Did you hear about the guy who proclaimed he wanted to be an influencer this past weekend?
Starting point is 01:36:03 Maybe it was the week before last now. Is it a games athlete? No. Is he one of our friends? Is he in our circle of influence? I don't think he's influenced us. Have we sat at a dinner table with him? No.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Have we sat at a table with him? No. Have we sat at a table with him? No. Does he CrossFit? Yes. Oh, no. This is actually kind of fun. And everyone in there is like, oh, who is it? And you're like, what exactly did he say?
Starting point is 01:36:40 He said he wants to be an influencer? Yes. Does Danny Spiegel wants to be an influencer? Yes. Does Danny Spiegel want to be an influencer or does she already think she's an influencer? She is an influencer. She is an influencer. Yes.
Starting point is 01:36:58 Before we go further, I want to look up the definition. You know what would be awesome? Isn't everyone an influencer? It would take a lot of dedication to it it but if every show started off with a 20 questions thing hey i need you to come on thinking of something i'm gonna ask questions and i'm gonna see if i can figure it out which girl elbowed another girl on the bike ride oh no i think oh yeah is it and then I start asking the questions Did she compete this year at the games Yes
Starting point is 01:37:29 Did both of them compete yes Did it happen at the bike ride this year yes Is she a C cup I don't have another Did you ever see that little toy It was a toy Has she fucked the champ I don't have enough
Starting point is 01:37:48 information to make that decision a person or thing that influences another a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending bend over knew it was Colton Colton said
Starting point is 01:38:04 he wants to be an influencer? Can't you tell? He's changed. He's turned a new leaf. And I'm kidding. I got you going. You're like, dude. Hey, I could see this.
Starting point is 01:38:22 I could see him. I could see. Here's what I think happened. Here's what I think happened. Here's what I think happened to me. I think that you do a show like this, and then all of a sudden you start realizing that there's people listening, and you start wanting to make sure that if you are influencing people, that you're influencing them in the right direction. Okay, yes.
Starting point is 01:38:51 So that it's not – you want to be a force of good. You want to be a good role model for your for your um fellow man and woman you just want to be a good role model and so if that and so you start realizing that you're having an effect on people's lives and that you should you should take that seriously because that's how you can make the world you can be the change you want to see in the world. Like Gandhi said, with what you just said right there, if you want to do another one of those,
Starting point is 01:39:31 hold the mirror up to Danny Spiegel on that podcast. At one point she says, I am an influencer. And then she also says, keep my name in your mouth. It pays my paychecks. But doesn't she also, what she claims that she wants to influence.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Well, let me finish that thought. Okay. She says she's an influencer, and you say that it's just to be a good influence on people, similar to Gandhi. But I didn't want to become an influencer. But I didn't want to become. I don't think anyone what we're all we're all influencing each other that's just the way it is but what happened to also completely say that it pays your freaking
Starting point is 01:40:17 paychecks right 45 minutes after you said it's what you are. I am an influencer. Keep my name in your mouth. It pays my bills. Oh, meaning that right there, just if you do the algebra, she can clearly be bought. She's the W. The W word.
Starting point is 01:40:36 Yes. I don't think you can say both. Wow. That's just, I can do this all day. The Captain America quote. Hey, but her whole is is that she's trying to empower women well she says that yeah and by bringing her up so you're saying that what she's doing is the same thing as like hey i'm really concerned about global warming and i'm gonna fly around the world in my private jet that burns more fuel
Starting point is 01:41:02 than fucking 10 000 cars every hour there you go telling people that you're saying that's what she's kind of doing that's a that's a great comparison wow well i'll try to hide from you guys go ahead did you see the private jet oh no word that out do or don't do Do not. Oh. Unless you want to, but don't. What about her? Same thing? Oh, that's who told you? Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Hey, dude, that's like someone saying they want to be a YouTuber. It's like, don't you need something to say first, kind of? It's like, hey, I want to start a nonprofit. Okay, what are you really passionate about? I don't know. I just think the idea of starting a nonprofit. You know what I mean? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Yes, Susan. You guys don't even know who it is, Darren. You guys don't even know who it is. I mean, you do know, but you don't know. You won't care. You're not going to care. It's not... But what Susan said, it's just weird to announce it.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Yeah, it's weird to announce it. It wasn't so much of an announcement, but with what you just said, I mean, I tell people on YouTube or now. How about this? Dude, I've been walking under this camera doing this stuff with Alexis, the documentary thing on her that I've been talking about. And people freak at cameras or they just want to talk to you about it. Right.
Starting point is 01:42:42 And they make guys hit on you at the bar. I think I told you about that. That was funny. Why did you have your camera at the bar? Yeah, it was just me and my camera. And I was by myself at an empty bar with 40 seats and no one else there. And this dude just sits down next to me.
Starting point is 01:42:56 He goes, Hey, how are you doing? You think he wanted to blow you and have you film it? Maybe. And then I go, not much man and i went back to do what i was doing answering email and he just stayed there staring at me like one seat away and i look back at him i go you good and he goes yeah where you from i'm really busy over here dude and he just left the building when I said that he bolted out of the room.
Starting point is 01:43:28 Oh, wow. God, he did want to. Someone asked me if I shoot weddings. I said no. Oh, really? Someone asked you that? Yeah. Shot in the dark, Michelle Bassinet, no.
Starting point is 01:43:39 No. We'll say no. I had James Sprague on and like many people he's pardon me no i'm just mason didn't care about the gay dude at the bar who wanted my dick that's okay we don't care all right all right james sprague no no it's okay to be a youtuber what i'm saying is is it's like it's like this i'll give you like you don't want to be a cowboy that's fucking ridiculous oh you do this before that's good yeah what you do is is you get you you work with cattle and so you're like fuck i need chaps because i'm going to be riding a horse and i don't want to brush up against brush i don't want to get fucking hurt.
Starting point is 01:44:26 And I don't want the sweat of the horse getting on me. I need spurs, not because I want to look like a cowboy. Because I got to fucking tell the horse to go get and get a gun. In case I see any coyotes out there fucking with the cattle. Going to get a rope. You don't just be like, you're not some fucking weirdo that fucking is just walking that's why you don't see people walking around dressed as cowboys in fucking california downtown berkeley if you do you're fucking you're like what the fuck they're an actor because because
Starting point is 01:44:55 yeah yeah you're an actor yeah do like you're not you're not a youtuber you like you're you're doing something else and the platform uses youtube and therefore like now you're a YouTuber just like you could just be a lawyer and people don't know if you're a divorce lawyer a criminal lawyer IP lawyer just whatever all the different lawyers are you had to go to school and you had to take the bar and now what you do with whatever your means are
Starting point is 01:45:18 is term the lawyer Rambler some people don't like oral Sevan said this in the morning show I want to stand corrected on that it's not that they don't like oral Sevan said this in the morning show I want to just stand I stand corrected on that It's not that they don't like oral It's just not their favorite I don't know that's a whole show Some people don't like anal
Starting point is 01:45:32 I definitely don't like anal I wasn't going to say it I knew that about you What were we talking about Influencer YouTuber James Sprague James Sprague comes on the show and he's like Hey I'm doing this for God you what were we talking about influencer youtuber there was james break you're talking about james break james breaks comes on the show and he's like hey i'm doing this for god something like that
Starting point is 01:45:50 a lot of people no crossfitting he's crossfitting for god and then a lot of a lot of athletes say this i'm doing it for god or i see people like say i praise god so then i asked james okay so cool what do you want to share if you're doing for god like what message do you have for the people about god and he didn't like i don't think he had one and it's like hey i think that if you're gonna do this for god then you got to say something on every podcast you're on about god you got to be like hey just so you know anyone who's struggling i think this is a great verse for you if you're young like he should have like some verses he shares some quotes some shit he says because like if you're doing it for god then help spread
Starting point is 01:46:25 god's message it's not enough to just be like i'm here to do it for god i'm here to do this um do you know my shows for women's empowerment and to save endangered animals yeah seven podcast yeah to save the white rhino everyone knows that i think you have that in the about section right yeah philip kelly who doesn't like oral i know no one here knows that all right oh my goodness here we go bernie gannon cbs news about 86 of young american surveyed said they're willing to try out influencing on their social media platforms and 12 young people said they already considered themselves one yeah i mean it's a fun way it's i don't i don't have a problem with it it's just the method that you get there like if you're just like you're gonna buy a million followers so that then you
Starting point is 01:47:10 hoping someone gives you money to run an account and basically you're a whore whore yeah emma carrie talked about god at semifinals yeah she's probably like yeah she spread really how much Really? How much for 20? Wow. $99 for 20,000 followers. I'm buying this for you. No, please don't. Can we buy it for someone else?
Starting point is 01:47:33 Who should we buy it for? Danny. Spiegel? Yeah. We don't even notice it working then. Because she has so many followers? Yeah. How about that chick oh how about buy someone 100 followers see if it works yeah or 500 or a thousand a thousand is 12.99 how about that chick that edits marston heber shit no let's buy him for suza let's just see what happens oh man oh look at someone's like
Starting point is 01:48:07 caleb but here's the thing i don't know if my credit card number's popping up on the screen or not so i'm gonna do it but i'm gonna hey who's it what about brian friend okay i'll buy him for brian no he'll hate it he'll be so bummed all right well give me a name i don't know who i'm gonna do it r Rory McKernan. It's got to be somebody without hundreds of thousands, because then we won't notice it. Right, right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:31 It would be good. Do you think John Woolley bought his followers? Mine for John Young. Oh, shit. John Young, how many followers does he have? He has 2,000 followers. All right. I need John Young CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Oh, no. Do it for his barbell club. All right. John Young Barbell Club. Yeah. Here we go. How many are you buying? Let's...
Starting point is 01:48:58 2,500. Oh, my God. Do I need his email address or my email address? This might put a wrench in it. I'm using my email address to send it to his Instagram. I hope that works. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:15 So he's 131 followers. All right. Oh, look at Blueprint Health Fitnesses. Don't do it. Jesus. Why is this bad? I don't think so. Yeah, it's a good thing. Don't buy it for anyone who care about yes oh oh fuck all right do it do it it's fine it's fine do it all right let's take
Starting point is 01:49:36 the ass whooping later i'm buying them yeah oh look atueprint says it screws it all up. Screws what all up? Screws what all up? Too late. I already bought it. It fucks your platform. No, it doesn't. I already bought them. I gotta see. I don't know how many I bought.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Ain't been successful. I don't know how long it takes. One second here. I'm going to pull this page back up. I think I can do that. Share screen. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:50:14 I bought them 2,500 followers. Wow. Just like that. And now we just have to see how long it takes. It hasn't happened yet. Oh, you should have bought them for Trish's account. They're just spam followers and it's impossible
Starting point is 01:50:34 to get rid of them. Hope he doesn't get hacked from it. He's not going to get hacked. How would you get hacked from it? Guys, you got to live a little. Yeah, he could start another account yeah and if it i mean what if i would hey hey one second remember remember that one time you shared someone's phone number on air and rory's mess you up yeah yeah ruin the friendship so what if i had done that to your account and you're like yeah you can just
Starting point is 01:51:05 start a new one you'd be pissed well i don't got 131 followers he only has like well i guess he already has well he only has like 15 videos on it and i did not put in his password i don't think he's getting hacked look elise car redow they're recommending redow to me they're recommending kenneth i just spent 30 bucks on fake followers for john young hey let's see if um other people are just following just when i put his up like are any of you guys any let's see oh he picked up one i gave it it to him. That was me. Oh, okay. John Young Barbell. Look at all those notifications you got, dude.
Starting point is 01:51:50 A hundred comments. What have you been doing? Dude, this number here never goes above 20, but there's fucking thousands in there. I know. I don't know why it doesn't go over 20. I have the same issue. I lost the DMR. I don't even know what any of these do
Starting point is 01:52:05 what's this do explore what's that is that like search what the fuck is explore that's like reels maybe i never touch it i'd never touch any of this shit oh it says that the followers are delivered within 24 hours. Okay. Oh, look, a couple more people followed him. That's cool. I wonder if they're real or if they're fake. The followers are delivered. Your account will be fucked in 24 hours.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Someone's going to tell him. I hope no one tells him. I just hope he sees a giant influx. He's Like, what the fuck? And then someone's going to tell him and he's going to watch this segment on this show. It's going to be so funny. Any important
Starting point is 01:52:57 social media should be protected by two-factor authentication. Yeah, but I think you can just buy anyone followers. God, that's a trip hey go on there how much is it it's a hundred dollars for twenty thousand yeah so for a thousand bucks you could buy two hundred thousand followers sure yeah actually on that end screen it said there was extra. It was trying to incentivize me to buy more. Hey, for only $7 more, you could have $1,000 extra
Starting point is 01:53:28 instead of $2,500 for $7 more. But I'm like, fuck you. He's going to think I'm becoming an influencer. He might. Oh, shit, yeah. Greg, see, if he has notifications on his phone, it would just be like, blah, blah, blah. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:53:45 I wonder if it's happening yet. Probably not. Not yet. 24 hours. A couple people from the show followed him. Oh, he's got 136. A couple people from the show followed him. John Young Barbell. 136.
Starting point is 01:53:58 137. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, no. That's kind of cool. Oh, no. That's kind of cool. Oh, no, what? You're an influencer, dude.
Starting point is 01:54:08 You're influencing people to go follow John Young. Oh, yeah. I just influenced six people. And I bought 2,500. Hey, I influenced myself. I wasn't following him. I influenced myself, too. I followed him.
Starting point is 01:54:22 138, dude. 138. This is kind of cool. Let's see how high we can get John Young Barbell up while we're here before it rains down all hell on it. Hey, guys, everyone go follow John Young Barbell. We're trying to do a social experiment here. 139.
Starting point is 01:54:40 Dude. I can't wait for him to go look at this segment. Thanks, guys, for following John Young Barbell. 141. God, we're juvenile. Dude, this is cool. People are leaving the show to go follow John Young Barbell. 144.
Starting point is 01:55:00 This is crazy. I wonder if he's awake 149 dude are these the ones you bought starting to pile in people are following look at the comments oh shit
Starting point is 01:55:16 153 it's so hot I'm sweating like a pig too why am I sweating? Hey dude If Medeiros hung out in this office before an event He would forget his name The off-gassing of these carpets is crazy
Starting point is 01:55:34 Because you got him from Anasat Dude he put on 21 pounds Where was he at? He was at 132? 131 when we started? He was at 132? 131 when we started? He was at 131 when we started. What? 57?
Starting point is 01:55:50 It's unbelievable. Oh, dude. Hey, I think this makes you an influencer. Dude, I will stay up all night to see this shit hit 2,600. 159. Holy hell.
Starting point is 01:56:06 Imagine if you did this during one of those shows where you had 1500 live viewers. Dude. 160. Every time you refresh it, it goes up one. What's crazy though is like, if we put on 100 followers for John, I'm going to charge him $29 for this.
Starting point is 01:56:26 You're going to charge him $29 for this. You're going to charge him $29, and then I paid $29 to get him followers. Dude, 162. What is going on? Straight 30. So imagine if Spiegel had a YouTube channel with as many followers as she has on her Instagram. And she goes, okay guys, we're going to go follow so-and-so. And she just did that for people? That'd be, that'd be, yeah. She's women.
Starting point is 01:56:56 And you read just to empower other women, just made other women influencers. Yeah. That'd be kind of cool. Right? Hey, there's this whole, Influencers. Yeah. That'd be kind of cool, right? Hey, there's this whole, there's this whole like cartel of girls who have like 500,000 to 5 million Instagram followers
Starting point is 01:57:11 who do what she does. They just put pictures of themselves like. Okay. You've seen them, right? If I went to my search right now, there'd be one in there for sure. Okay. That looks like Spiegel?
Starting point is 01:57:29 Yeah, it's just Spiegel stuff 164 let me pull my let me let me make sure we're gonna come right back to that yeah how do i go to search is it explore i think so right where's that where's that window that always pops up that's always trying to get me to look at titty people could she would sell her she would sell her followers. Oh, my God. This guy looks like he pounded on the keyboard to create a name. SDFDFDG. Let me see where... Is it Explore? God, my Explore thing is just all CrossFitters.
Starting point is 01:58:04 This is fucking nuts i'm on john young barbell right now and it's at 164 still guys it's still pretty cool okay oh heber buttery bros are in my okay i'm gonna show you my explorer look at it's 1am and john young just put on 30 Instagram followers. Okay, so like these two girls right here. You see these girls? They know Spiegel? No, but my search is like, I don't know why it's not now. Yeah, I know they're in the middle, I think, the flag.
Starting point is 01:58:37 Where? Is that you? Check up one. No, that's not who I think it is. chick up one. Nope, that's not who I think it is. There's like this. God, I want to find one where it's like just so obvious.
Starting point is 01:58:57 I'm going to click on it and she's going to have like a million followers. The ones at the top, you don't think so? Who's this? Was this girl at the games? Click on her. I don't know who it is is I feel like I saw that girl Oh, this is Dan Tai's chick Who?
Starting point is 01:59:10 Dan Tai, he's from Europe I think Oh yeah, I've seen her before Here's a small person She's kind of small, pretty little thing That's her she's tiny this is like a dwarf girl yeah she's a pretty little thing it says so right there oh this isn't the way it looks on my phone this is not the way my phone looks
Starting point is 01:59:38 what does your phone look like on my phone like if i on my phone it's just like there'll always be one or two girls that just doesn't even look real. Let me see. Here, I'll try to click. Oh, this is the girl from UFC. Hold on. Let me just click one of these. Look at this. Here's a girl missing a leg.
Starting point is 02:00:03 No, man. That's Photoshop. Oh. Just to get attention. Okay's a girl missing a leg. No, man. That's Photoshop. Oh. Just to get attention. Okay, this girl right here. That's a CrossFitter. Oh, yeah. She competed last weekend.
Starting point is 02:00:13 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. She's crazy looking. Yeah, she's hot. Okay. There you go. There's one. Oh, God. Oh, nope, nope, no no that's not her actual profile though this is a
Starting point is 02:00:29 profile that stole a picture of one of the people you're talking about oh yeah yeah yeah these are these accounts too where it's just like just all just random chicks oh no that's all this no is it all different girls these are all either that or she goes through some changes hey what about these veins is that just steroids like that that's a steroid vein or she's not or she might be on a bodybuilding prep like the final i'd say she's using anivar okay how's john young doing let's go back to john young john young i didn't get to prove my point right there. J.Y. Marbelle. If it's at 164, I'm going to be kind of upset
Starting point is 02:01:11 because that's where it was when we left. Fuck. Oh, 165. Okay, that's cool. Someone help that out. How do I do it? I go to Instagram. On Instagram, how do i do it go to instagram on instagram soon as i go to the search soon as i hit the search the magnifying glass it pulls up just well i guess there's a lot of crosswords i just feel like normally there's just
Starting point is 02:01:37 a bunch of girls in here and that you click on it and it's just fucking completely filtered girl with giant fake tits and just millions of photos of her and that those accounts are just dime a dozen on Instagram. Do they make money doing that? I don't know what they do, but it looks exactly like Spiegel's account. It's funny as shit. I only have so
Starting point is 02:01:57 many accounts to help out John Young. Oh, dare him. That means he's followed him on all 30 of his accounts hey Ben hey uh can you answer this question wants to know which steroid will get him fitter for crossfit honest question
Starting point is 02:02:14 a trend that I don't know I just say that because Andrew said that that steroid is so strong that even if like you were in the same room with your girlfriend for three days with the door locked used to think she was cheating on you in those three days that's how fucking paranoid that shit would make you i love that i've told you a lot of shit but i think that that stuck the best oh that's awesome i'm so tempted to try something
Starting point is 02:02:39 like that just to see what it does to your brain hey if i did steroids would i just never go back to normal like if i just did one cycle like would it just change hey if i did steroids would i just never go back to normal like if i just did one cycle like would it just change me and i'd always have like like a bigger forehead or some like patch of hair would go missing or something i would just i mean maybe oh yeah look at trend section probably it's the one tremble on Is this it? Yeah, but they spelled Bolone wrong. And Ace is like an in and out. You'd feel that immediately. Dude, that stuff is so potent that when you give it to yourself,
Starting point is 02:03:13 there's this thing called Trencough. And you inject it and you think that you're dying for 20 seconds. And it doesn't happen every time, but if you nick a blood vessel and the oil or the water in this case touches the blood and it doesn't happen every time but if you nick a blood vessel and the the oil or the water in this case touches the blood and it gets into the vein you just cough incessantly until you how do you know that have you seen that on youtube everyone who has listened to people
Starting point is 02:03:37 talk about trend has talked about that sensation trend cough 16. Don't take it, stay away. Yeah, that sounds probably like good advice, dude. Yeah, don't take it. It makes you think your girlfriend's cheating on you. That dude, the fucking Matt guy that we had on? Yeah. He's used Tren, I think he said. It does change your shape when you take that i wish i could take it and then go in the time machine and unfuck it but yeah you might get all fucked up your blood work
Starting point is 02:04:15 would be all weird and you might die more plates more dates i'm happy i don't need to do that so do you know you've never seen the movie twilight have you uh i watched one of them uh that's one where the kids turn into where they turn into werewolves yeah i'm gonna but before we leave this is totally worth doing hey should i watch all of those what i like how many are there i don't know if you like it but i like it oh i like vampire movies it's like it's a weird vampire movie You gotta be in the mood So I saw this when I was I think it was high school
Starting point is 02:04:48 Maybe college I don't know But there's this dude This is Jacob You know this guy Yeah Wasn't he fucking the girl Who's in the movie too I don't think they were doing any banging
Starting point is 02:05:04 But he's Jack, right? Look at him. Yeah. All right. So this is him when he was, I don't know, 19, 20 years old. Yeah. He looks great. And I remember watching this and thinking, damn, that guy looks like he's in good shape.
Starting point is 02:05:19 I want to be in that sort of shape. So you do all this shit. You get the creatine, the pre-workout. Now look at this. This is what he looks like today. This one. See? What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:05:43 Yeah, I don't know how the fuck to fix this there you go that doesn't even make any sense you know why this is what i bring all this stuff up off of the back of what you just said if you take all this shit will you change forever this dude when he was going through puberty used some stuff to make him look the way he looked in those movies you think you think that's true you think he did i don't think those movies. You think, you think that's true? You think he did? I don't think it's true. I can guarantee you that that's what happened because he looked that way. He probably took something,
Starting point is 02:06:11 maybe it was a SARM, but I guess it was some sort of a steroid to get him in shape for the movie. And then he decided, Hey, I don't want to do this anymore. So he stops. And then when he's out to try to feed his body, he's got to figure out how to produce testosterone again. And you actually look worse than you did when you started so you said right
Starting point is 02:06:30 yeah that that how old is he there that guy has like one-fifth the muscle that i have on my body that was a modern a modern day taylor laudner but take somebody take somebody like uh justin maderos how could you be that soft i, you got to just be doing nothing. No, dude. It's because you're 18 years old. It's not even that soft. I understand being soft. He's small.
Starting point is 02:06:54 You're 18 years old. Yeah. Testosterone level of 700, which is great. You're lifting. You're doing all this shit. You take steroids. Blow up. You look like that dude in that movie.
Starting point is 02:07:04 You stop eating steroids. Where you were at 700, now you go down like 200. You're basically a chick at this point. Is that what a chick is? They're usually in the 80s. Where's Laura Horvath? Probably about 80.
Starting point is 02:07:21 Maybe 60. Fuck her up. I would fucking... Yeah, you never had your testosterone Probably about 80. Maybe 60. Fuck her up. Yeah, you never had your testosterone checked. But you basically turned into a... Stiff jab. Because the feedback loop in your body says, hey, there's no more steroids. You just plummet.
Starting point is 02:07:39 You look worse than you did before. Especially if you take it when you're that young. You can't work out through it? You can't just be like, fuck it, I'm just going to grind? No. Because you don't have the fucking materials and chemicals to build your shit back up?
Starting point is 02:07:53 It does depend on your base state. Everyone's different, but apparently he was a skinny dude and now he's a skinny, fat dude. I'd be curious to see what would happen if I just stopped cold turkey. How about Christian Bale? Over time, he went through every spectrum of body weight changes. Definitely not good on the body. and now he's a skinny, fat dude. I'd be curious to see what would happen if I just stopped cold turkey. How about Christian Bale?
Starting point is 02:08:08 Over time, he went through every spectrum of body weight changes. Definitely not good on the body. Yeah, but he got paid a shitload of money to do it. You think it would be cool if I just stopped taking TRT and see what happens? Are you worried about that when you get off TRT, Hiller? Are you worried about getting off? I don't think he doesn't plan on getting off right? I don't but what would happen if I did? It'd be cool.
Starting point is 02:08:30 Yeah I think it'd be a great video. It'd be a good test. I asked Sarah Cox for some post cycle therapy stuff. I'm considering it. Really? Yeah. Just to see what happens. I want want to see because i've got some people in the crossfit space that i've speculated have jumped off and i want to show i want to show
Starting point is 02:08:54 it happens when you jump off and how quick it can happen wow and then you can always just go back on uh today i i came home from tennis i was at tennis with avi and this dude's at my house this is a dude crazy story my relationship with this dude is so crazy so fucking crazy you found this guy who's somewhere yeah well today he showed up at my house and i put my camera up to take a picture of the two of us right yeah and he says that's me right now like fuck you are a stud you that is the fucking coolest thing i've ever heard anyone fucking say
Starting point is 02:09:49 that's me right now that's me right now or that's us maybe he said that's us right now i said that is us right now oh man it was fucking great god he was just fucking dropping bombs on me today. Like what? I can't even get into it right now. Oh, man. He was telling me I need to be talking more about more spiritual shit on my show
Starting point is 02:10:18 that it's good to talk about the spiritual realm more. May I talk about it a little bit? You did today already what i taught where you brought up uh what's his face that that meditation dude gandhi oh yeah and we talked about james sprague spread in the gospel but i just mean more i think i used to where's my where's my dowdy ching what is that you know that book I read from sometimes? I used to read from it a lot.
Starting point is 02:10:47 Yeah. I think I started reading that. What book did you tell me to get when I started reading? I'm on Team Edward Philip Kelly because he's also Batman. I'm going to look up that book if you don't want me to read. Okay. I have to go to bed after you tell us this. I'm going to look up that book if you don't want me to read okay I have to go to bed after you tell us this I'm going to check out johnbarbell.johnyoungbarbell
Starting point is 02:11:11 barbell I'm sitting here drinking coffee and I have to go to bed I have to prepare for what 166 not bad 34 followers for john tonight yeah and he's going to get 2,500 tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Yeah. Was it the power of now? Is that the book you told me? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did this. Those are all your buttons. Is my voice on? Is my voice on? Is my voice? Oh, there we go. Normal now. i got this voice i got this voice changing uh interesting it's kind of cool
Starting point is 02:12:13 hey remember when you would talk about the book bounce that you read you talk about it maybe every other episode for probably three months straight probably that's how long it took me to read it. Remember when you did that? I'm reading this book, Bounce. I don't even remember it anymore. It's crazy. You'd say that probably every other time. So good.
Starting point is 02:12:35 I can't believe how good this book is. Savon, that's annoying. Oh. Oh. We do. We have Greg Glassman in the morning thank you i know i need to label the buttons hey a skinwalker i'm obsessed with the idea of skinwalker what is that it's there there are these animal looking things that just stare into your soul. And there are these people who have taken the bodies of something that they kill or something. It's kind of I have no way to describe it. I don't think anybody does. But if you go on TikTok, people think that they see these skinwalkers and they're just these animals that are doing human things.
Starting point is 02:13:20 It's creepy. Creepy is probably the best way to put it. Here, I'll show you. Yeah, you're scaring me. I'll show you one. It's going to freak you out. Okay. Like they'd be washing dishes? Like there's a dog washing dishes?
Starting point is 02:13:35 Like there's a dog that's opening a bathroom door. And then you walk in and it freaks you out. I hope you'll be able to see this. I also hope that the internet works better in here than it is at the moment. The internet's been great tonight. Like the bear in China. I bought the premium internet here because of my catastrophe of the games.
Starting point is 02:13:56 You have to buy internet in the Hilton. Come on. This is frustrating. I'm gonna go back Sean Ryan had a recent episode about Skinwalker Ranch in New Mexico is that a brothel alright sorry about that
Starting point is 02:14:18 should I look up Skinwalker I got it I got it I suck share screen not my entire screen just this one here's the dog the skinwalker
Starting point is 02:14:33 ok come on play the fuck there's no playing maybe it is playing do you see it no i don't see a dog i see a dishwasher a dryer washing machine and dryer yeah there we go oh my god oh my god oh my god you get it?
Starting point is 02:15:13 That one of the dogs, the creepy one. The first one? Oh my god! Oh my god! You get it? Or no? Yeah. The dog is just like, and it closes the door. There's these goats that come up the doors and they just do weird shit. God, I fucking hate that music.
Starting point is 02:15:33 It made my fucking back get all weird. Yeah. Mike Meyer said, I'm on your chef Tyson Bajan on in a few weeks to discuss what his first pro training camp was like. I know. I've been bugging him. I've been texting the fuck out of him. He did pretty well in his first game.
Starting point is 02:15:51 Yeah, I hated that music too. Sorry, Jake. That's all Hiller's fault. I want everyone to know that was Andrew Hiller. Oh, my God. Your chick looks like Alex Kazam. That's cool. I'm trying to find more Skinwalker stuff,
Starting point is 02:16:04 but all I can see is Flat Earth stuff on my TikTok. All right. I'm going to find more skin Walker stuff, but all I can see is flat earth stuff on my tick tock. All right. I'm going to bed. I actually, I'm not going to bed. I'm going to finish drinking this coffee. I'm going to do, I got to read a couple of articles for Greg coming on tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:16:15 All right. I'll send you a bunch of stuff on skin Walkers. There's this guy in the bowling league. Greg and I were checking out this article on GQ. He's like completely taken over the bowling. He's like the world's greatest bowler, but he bowls with two hands. He's completely changed the game.
Starting point is 02:16:30 Two hands. I bowl with two hands. What? No, you don't. What? You do? You don't use the holes? No.
Starting point is 02:16:43 And I'm really good. You are? Yeah, during college, I'd go and play like 10 games every night bowling wow but yeah okay are you a good bowler no i took bowling in high school. I sucked. I mean, I was, yeah, I suck. You took bowling in high school? There's a bowling class in your high school? Where are you from? California? Yeah, you had to drive there. It was just a joke.
Starting point is 02:17:20 Fiona H., I hate the holes. I think that's a good spot to end it. I hate the holes. See you guys tomorrow morning. Hiller, thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me.

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