The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In w/ Souza

Episode Date: September 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How do stop losses work on Kraken? Let's say I have a birthday party on Wednesday night, but an important meeting Thursday morning. So sensible me pre-books a taxi for 10 p.m. with alerts. Voila! I won't be getting carried away and staying out till 2. That's Stop Loss Orders on Kraken, an easy way to plan ahead. Go to and see what crypto can be. Non-investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer
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Starting point is 00:00:51 Good morning, everybody. How you guys doing out there? Oh, cameras have a little, little trouble focusing. What's up everybody? Hope everybody's doing well. Seven and the gang are still out in, uh, Sacramento. I'll be driving home this morning. Colton will be driving down to the gym and, uh, hitting up the road
Starting point is 00:01:12 qualifiers, which should be fun. Dude's a beast. Did you imagine competing that whole weekend in the sun? Like you did knowing that the four, well, I don't want to say the four hardest workouts still lie ahead because the finale workout that they finished the weekend with looked really tough, especially in the sun. You guys probably heard me tell, uh, on the show last night, but I tried to live stream it again for you guys.
Starting point is 00:01:38 And, um, when I went back to double check to make sure the phone was still rolling, it was just completely blacked out. And it had said like, you know, have a little heat temperature symbol and stuff and I grabbed the phone I was like holy shit it was so hot that like I say burning my hand would be would be overstating it a little bit but it was it was hot I thought my phone was gonna be jacked up for sure I I was like, oh This ain't good the old 13 Pro Max
Starting point is 00:02:09 Just been an excuse to buy another one probably. Good morning, Heidi Cory what's up, man? Morning morning Did you guys see Hiller's video soft? Yeah iPhone 13 Pro is soft soft. Yeah, it's soft. iPhone 13 Pro is soft. Did you cook your phone? Yep, I sure did. But it's okay. It survived. It was slow for a little bit. Then after I charged it like you would hit a button or two and then like it would just be super lag and I was like, oh shit, Judy, good morning. Did you even sleep last night, Matt? Not really. By the time I left Sacramento is probably like 1030, 1040. But I only live about an hour and 40 minutes away from where
Starting point is 00:02:53 we were. And I just kind of wanted to sleep in my own bed. It was so hot upstairs. And the house that we're staying at, the AC was busted. So it legitimately was like 82 to like 85 degrees upstairs. And so I slept downstairs kind of on this couch slash bed. Actually, if you guys look at the podcast studio, air quotes around studio, you could see behind Seba on the bed that I was sleeping on. So Sack to Livemore can be a lot longer. Yeah, you're kidding.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah, that could easily be a two and a half hour drive because traffic you hit in like multiple spots. But on Sunday night at 11, 11 PM, no traffic just cruised. It was cool. Jeff Baker. What was the smell in the Airbnb? Must have been horrible. It probably would have to one of you guys. But you know, since we all arrived at the same time and then stayed together the same time, you know, it's one of those situations where you don't know that you smell like a dump because you work at the dump. So I'm not saying it didn't smell.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I'm just saying I didn't smell it most likely because I was already, already immune to it. The worst coverage last leaderboard of a large comp I've seen him in years. They didn't have any coverage. I, at one point there was possible discussions of us, um, helping them live stream it like we do at crash and stuff like that, but I just think that, uh, in the location where it's at to get some like solid internet and a cable out there where it would it would look good I
Starting point is 00:04:29 think would would be quite a fleet I don't know how hard that would be but it seems like it would be a little bit difficult but the venue was awesome I mean of course it was just super hot and you can't obviously can't control the weather but um That would be the only the only thing like the only complaint anybody has I go shit. It's just really hot That's it and that that was one of the most well-ran great events That I've been to in a while
Starting point is 00:05:04 It was just a lot of fun a lot of fun for us because it was just such a different, uh, um, sorry, I'm like a little, I'm like reading the comments. I got distracted. It just such a different feel with like the local comp, uh, level in, because we were like specifically for myself, uh, it was just much easier than filming how I normally would have to film out like the games. Because when we go to like semi-finals or the games and we're covering competition across the whole thing, you have to be there before all the
Starting point is 00:05:28 athletes get there. So you could get them checking in and you could start to film all that and just be there and available to catch anything that happens. And then you have to leave basically when the last person, um, when the last person leaves and you're there the whole entire day, but since we were just following Tudor, Colton and Taylor, we just would drive right before the event would start. So we don't have to get there about an hour or so before just so they could check in and
Starting point is 00:05:51 warm up. And then right when the event was over, we were like back in the car headed back. So it was very, I got to like come back home and do some work and like some other shit. So it was really, it was really low key in terms of like work volume, typically at much like there's no way I would, I would normally come home from one of these things and get up early and do a show and stuff like that because I'm just absolutely dead. But this one was a lot of fun and a little bit more laid back in terms of effort on my part.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Macy said, not even any Insta posts, no workouts posted. We talked to them about that actually, and we're like, hey, if you had just a couple of volunteers that were willing to hold a few phones, you could have done what I had done from my phone. Other than the heat issue, and I'm sure you could have some work around with it, other than the heat issue, it probably would have been okay.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I mean, you guys saw it on the Instagram Live. I watched a little bit of it back and for an Instagram Live video, it seemed like it was doing all right as far as not being too choppy and still be able to hear everything, which I guess is better than nothing. And to your point, Eaton Beaver, how was the swim?
Starting point is 00:06:57 Well, I didn't get in the water myself, but they definitely had all their bases covered. They had just as many paddleboarders out there following each one of the swimmers. There was a very clearly marked booby line all the way around. So there's no way you're getting lost or going off trail. It was super small too. It was like 200 meters, super short. And they had lifeguards there, lifeguards on duty, lifeguards on the shore, EMTs there,
Starting point is 00:07:21 or actually I think it was the fire department. You guys saw Hiller's post. So they had a lot of stuff in the, um, interesting thing too, is like, they had some sort of, I think it might've been CHP running like training exercises with helicopters, which was interesting. So this one was good. It was shallow too. I don't, oh, I was going to say, I don't know if you guys saw it.
Starting point is 00:07:42 You didn't see it. There's no footage, but like probably about 30 feet before the end of the swim, before those two are mirror and ended, you could just like stand up in the water and Taylor did, he like stood up and everybody was still kind of swimming and he just like tried to crash and started to pull his buoy off and get his goggles off and take his swim cap off. And that way he was able to, uh, literally jog in maybe the last like 20 meters or something like that.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Was the water hot? No, it was a, it was good. Refreshing almost if you will. Again, I didn't really go in it like how they did though. Um, why did waza cancel the swim, but the NorCal didn't, uh, because water Palooza is relying on all of those athletes that are, um, you know, being very vocal on Instagram and stuff right now to come to their event. They use them as like the expedition.
Starting point is 00:08:32 They're all on like different teams there and stuff. So in terms of water, Palooza, I really think that they had to, um, you know, roll with whatever the athletes felt most comfortable with. And I think that the easiest decision would just be to just cancel the swim. And there's what had been an open water ocean swim definitely makes, you know, put some different elements into it and stuff. And I don't blame them for not wanting to deal with it. Um, nor Cal isn't CrossFit sanctioned.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Cassandra Cassandra, your, your photo there looks like the stock one that comes in, like you buy a picture frame at like target or something, like the default photo that comes in the picture frame, uh, CrossFit made a announcement just after the games, I think saying that they were holding off on sanctioning any events until further notice. Cause can you imagine like, um, you know, the heaven forbid, but could you imagine some things like happens again in one of these sanctioned events and there's some sort of like injury or some sort of issue, like right on top of each other like that, it just would
Starting point is 00:09:43 be devastating for, for CrossFit and the brand. So it makes sense that they're holding off on them. It was a, it was a CrossFit sanctioned event until they decided to put the hold on it. I'll send you one. Thanks, Cassandra. I appreciate it. Um, Oh, is that true?
Starting point is 00:10:02 Sarah Norcal dropped the sanctions so they could do this whim. Okay. Okay. I thought it was because CrossFit I'd put a hold on it, but maybe they lifted or something. I don't I don't follow that as closely. I'm sure if you go over to the barbell sprint spin or Brian spin, you'll have all that information. He is the fastest most trusted news in the CrossFit space. Also, do we got all the ads here.
Starting point is 00:10:26 We got to go through paper, street, coffee, see a peptide's birth fit. You got a lot, you know, what's funny is we get a lot of, uh, people writing us in about birth fit, like on DMS or they'll, uh, DM seven about it and be like, Hey, you know, my wife got pregnant or I got pregnant and I reached out to them just to get some information and they fall in love with the people over at birthfit. And so if you're soon to be expecting or planning on it, I suggest you head over there and hit them up.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And then of course we have the exerciser. I think we sent a few of them out to some people that are going to do some demos. I don't know how you demo and well, I do know how you demo. I just don't know how you demo and And, well, I do know how you demo. I just don't know how you demo and put it online without it essentially becoming pornography. Anyhow, we sent out a few. So let's see what happens. I think the beginning of next month, the beginning of October, we will have somebody from the company coming on and talking about the product, how it was
Starting point is 00:11:27 developed. It was originally developed in Europe and I think they sold like 3 million of them or something over there. But remember, it's pelvic floor exercises. So like and subscribe to see the demo. I'll be demoing it over on my spicy links for 6.99 a month. Just head on over to the link in the bio. Um, Sarah Cooper. Yes, you're a correct match.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I referred, uh, NorCal did drop their sanction title so they could, okay. Back and forth. I don't know. Who knows? Either way they didn't, they weren't stationed by a CrossFit event. It wasn't a sanctions CrossFit event and they still swim. Jeff Baker, do they return them after you? Who knows? Either way, they didn't, they weren't stationed by a CrossFit event. It wasn't a sanctions CrossFit event and they still swim. Jeff, I could do the return them after use.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Could you imagine like over at Best Buy, you get a, uh, one of the packages that have been opened. It's cheaper, but it's been opened. But don't worry. We, we washed it out. It's good to go. It's good to go. But don't worry, we we washed it out. It's good to go
Starting point is 00:12:25 It's good to go Matt Reynolds Swedish made penis pump in larger. That's my bag, baby Hmm That is what tutor used after to destroyed him on kill Taylor. Yeah ref Refurbished. Get your roof. Hey, you know, you got to do what you got to do. You're gonna live in when you're balling on a budget. You know what I'm saying? When you're balling on a budget, cross functional fitness, does anybody know that the PFA have have any demands about the conditions and athlete accommodation. Colton surely was a disadvantage with the heat and the smell of that house. It didn't sell that bad. Actually, I don't know. Okay, so I got some, oh shit, have you
Starting point is 00:13:16 guys seen this? Let's watch a little bit of this. Um, Hiller's a beast. I mean, you guys already know that, but he filmed the, uh, final event at the NorCal Classic. He put a camera on a tripod. I asked him to when he, uh, I was like, Hey, did your camera make it through the whole thing? Or did it overheat in the sun? He's like, no, I took one of the hats and I dipped it in the ice bucket, kind of dried it out and then put it on top of my camera to keep it cool. And I was like, Oh fuck, that worked well. I couldn't have done that with the phone when I worked the same, but it, uh, kept
Starting point is 00:13:47 his camera from overheating and he was able to fill the whole thing. Augustus, when you're hogging on a budget, damn right. That one sounds much cooler. In Beaver 499, uh, this is for you, Susan. We appreciate you. Hey, thank you. Thanks. I appreciate, I appreciate you guys.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Without you, we are no thing. So we're going to play a little bit of it. Um, but I got home last night, uh, probably a little after midnight, maybe like 12, 15. Um, and Hiller had already had this video uploaded for like the last hour and he left, uh, I think his flight back home was around like seven or seven thirty to the PM. So that basically means he like uploaded this did all of that like probably partly on the airplane partly at home and then uploaded it right away. So so how frustrated was Hillary with Taylor? Now I'm having not not frustrated. I don't think they'd be frustrated. But if you guys were to hang out at the house for a little bit, especially when all of us are talking, then just like kicking in the morning
Starting point is 00:14:49 and getting some breakfast or either at a dinner. And we filmed some of it. So you guys will get a little inside look. But holy shit, you guys think like we argue or yell a lot on the show. We were talking about it after last night's show finished and we're like, it's pretty much the same like when the cameras turn on and all all this get talking, it's like, it's, it's really like that, you know, for lack of better words, is that real? Like you guys get exactly what you see. And, um, and yeah, so I guess it's down goes to the wise. Why, why do I go down?
Starting point is 00:15:22 What happened? What happened? Um, and sometimes we get yelling at each other and we're like, you're fucking, you know, it's like, it's the same way. And so people, I think when we bring up their comments or, or, or, uh, you know, um, we'll get yelling at him or somebody says it, call somebody else a name or something like that, or something happens. Uh, people get offended in the comment section. It's like dude, that's exactly how we talk to each other at the house is in fact worse. So don't think that it's you know, don't think that we're like hating on you something like that. Uh, Cross fact, can we talk about prevo's uh podium after the hospital trip? Yeah, there was I guess there is some sort of issue with like getting an IV. I don't know if that was considered like
Starting point is 00:16:09 legal during competition or not. I was hearing some people were saying that you're not supposed to do that. That's against the rules. But I don't know. I don't know. Oh, stream got logged up for a few seconds. Okay, no, it's all right on my end. You're cutting out for a few seconds. Oh, okay. No, it's a run on my end You're cutting out For a couple seconds on the video. Okay Seems okay now. Hopefully it's okay now. All right, let's get to watching some of What Hila made for us here? This is where it starts Colton beast
Starting point is 00:16:40 Was able to finish the workout the only competitor to finish the workout And we'll check some of it out here. Are you ready to watch our top? Judges almost ready. All right, our judges are ready. 10 seconds. Oh man it was so hot out there too. Like I don't know if you guys could just get the sense from the video here and you could see where my phone was right over the top of Colton's head here.
Starting point is 00:17:26 So right where the bars are sitting, that sun was just brutal. A couple of them, a couple of the competitors, I heard said that like it only like burnt their chest a little bit, like right on their collarbone because of how, uh, how fricking hot those bars got. Good strategy. Go to the hospital, get fresh food, swap in, kick some ass. So hot. Yeah, crazy. I don't know exactly the temperature. But when you you grabbed him, it was like, shit, that was burning. We'll skip through some of this. You guys should definitely go watch this whole entire video here.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Personality, throw around a whole bunch of weight, incredibly low body weight. She said weight twice. So let's break down this workout, Kelsey. If you troll the internet, look around, scour the anals of Reddit, who you're going to see is that this is one of the hardest, if not potentially the hardest crossfit exercise workout, crossfit workout out there. It's a harder thresh for time when you do it the conventional style and it's five per piece every minute on the minute. You know what was cool that NorCal Classic did? You guys see all the straw hats, the big straw sun hats. They gave all of us those for free when we, um, checked it, uh, when we checked in.
Starting point is 00:18:52 That was super cool. The event is at 28 by two or 34 by Colton already in 24 by Taylor. And I don't believe that they are bar based. I believe that they are just regular old burpees. Those burpees ended up taking an extreme amount of time. And this 100 reps at 135 pounds for the men, which has a bit, uh, 95 pounds for the women is fricking. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Have you guys ever done Cal SU? It's not as popular of a hero workout as some of the other ones, but it's the every minute on the minute five burpees and a hundred, a hundred thrusters for time. I've done that work at one 35 for the guys, 95 for the women. I've done that workout twice. I've done Cal Sue twice. And that is fun. If you won't just want a mental grind and a test, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:19:37 It's insane. You were there. I'm so summer. Oh yeah. It's hot. It was hot. Susie got that C. A. Subsidized Wi Fi. No, it's the overpriced but lesser quality. Not so I wish it was subsidized and I wouldn't have had to pay for it. No, it's overpriced and shittier than normal Wi Fi. That's how that uh, California works.
Starting point is 00:20:06 You pay more and you get less, uh, Graciela Rubio separates them in from the boys. Absolutely. We, when we did that workout, we did the workout at the gym, not for the class, but, um, the first time we did it was like Thanksgiving. I think this might've been in like 2015 and we were like, Hey, we have the class workout. I think at that time it was like a partner workout or something fun. And we were like, after the last class ends at 10 AM at 11 AM, if you want to come and do Cal Sue and, uh, just give yourself a mental test
Starting point is 00:20:34 here, we're going to be doing it after the class ends. And, um, people broke down in that workout. We probably had about 20 of us, maybe like, yeah, give or take. And, uh, half the people like right around, and there was no time cap on it. It was just like, go until you finish or quit. And quite a few people quit. I want to say it took me somewhere around like the 38 to 40 minute mark back then. Um, it'd probably take me a lot longer now. I worked out, out a cross fat. There's a moment in Kalis that just feels helpless.
Starting point is 00:21:10 You've done the workout because you're a hundred percent right. Like you feel like you're going to, you know, time it up and you're like, okay, I'm going to do my fiber. He's going to take me about this long and that's, I could, I could get like seven thrusters in around and I could kind of rest for that other minute, catch my breath and go back into my burpees and probably like four minutes in that game plan just goes out the window. And sometimes you're do, you end up doing five burpees and like one thruster.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And when it gets down to that and you're like halfway through the workout, you're just like, holy shit. So for these guys to do it, um, in that 10 minute timeframe is insane. Did Taylor decide not to do the road qualifiers? Yeah, Sabrina. He, um, I think he decided that he wasn't going to do the road qualifiers at before the weekend even started. I think he kind of, I think he was kind of kicking the idea around and was.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I'm going to see how he felt and stuff, but it's amazing. He did as well as he did. Like think, think about how his last couple of week, like two weeks were he went out to Italy, flew straight from Italy to seven's house, spent the night there like one or, you know, day and a half, one night there, then drove from seven's house, another four hour drive or three and a half hour drive up to Sacramento. And then went right into competition. I would need a couple of days to recover from the Italy trip and, you know, get rid of the
Starting point is 00:22:29 jet lag and everything else. And, uh, he's still, he's still winning there and, and, uh, crushed it. So, but no, I don't think he's planning on doing them. And, uh, his flight was early this morning. They flew out like now. I think he's flying out like right now. So he'd have to fly all the way back and then get right to him losing three hours in the process as he goes to the East coast, not to mention the travel time, Jake Chapman victim is a victim of vacations of wonderful vacations in Italy. So, uh, go check out this video that Hiller made. It's incredible how fast he got this out. It's really cool that he did this. Um, and it was funny because
Starting point is 00:23:11 right as we were, uh, chilling, he's like, I think I'm just going to film the whole last event. And I was like, and do what? Just upload it. And he was like, yeah, I was like, dude, that's genius. And he was like, okay, cool. I'm just going to go for it. So he just threw that camera out in the tripod and hammered it out quick. So shout out to Hiller for that. Dude's a beast. Dude's a beast. Especially when he woke up at three in the morning and made the Danny Spiegel video. The real Kevin Danny Spiegel just flew back from Italy and was at NorCal. Don't be a puss.
Starting point is 00:23:46 It's because Taylor ate the gelato. Shit, dude, I never asked him if he ended up getting the gelato. I hope he did. You should never be so wound up in your eating that you can't enjoy gelato in Italy. Come on. Come on, man. Come on. OK, I got some more clips here for you guys. I got this little bear in front of the screen over here, and sometimes I can't see the bottom of it.
Starting point is 00:24:10 That's why I'm always like jerking my head around there. OK. So. This is the most ridiculous comment section. There's another one. We're not going to go through that here online, but if you know, you know, and I'll play just a second of this here and then we'll scroll through some of these comments. I don't even know how comment sections like this end up starting, but here's our uh pinkish noise all of y'all are calling me daily williams so let's find out
Starting point is 00:24:59 okay so anyhow then you go to the comments and look at how many likes 20 121 thousand 21 pronouns It's the budget a Day to regender. She's My chemical castration, holy shit Cis them of the down boys to them red hot willy choppers Dude these are ridiculous
Starting point is 00:25:36 Oh iron thaden les zeppelin Of mice and them look at this guy's this nice picture of like him and his wife On their like honeymoon or something or like their thing and he just comments that Holy shit, no offspring. Oh my gosh Oh, are they them Credence queer water. Oh man Oh Are they them Credence queer water. Oh man These are crazy
Starting point is 00:26:11 Pair down shit scroll They see DC imagine genders Guns and pronouns Panic at the gender reveal oh man a gay to remember transfer Aiden came running to this comment section yeah still us to murder on the trans floor geez blink LGBTQ holy shit there's nothing of it I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this. Credence is from Suze's neck of the woods.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Best part of the internet. There's another one on there that is insane. Insane. People are so creative. Yeah, they definitely are. I think she leaned into it, which makes it better monetize the post. Yeah, for sure. I mean anytime you lean into it Has
Starting point is 00:27:30 220,000 likes I mean that video. Let's see how many um that has Reels It's got to be yeah, seven point six million Then she has another clip at 3.6 million insane but yeah I'm glad she leaned into it I found this popped up in my find right here how to win is it okay and you guys will first see this clip and you think I you probably think oh wait what are we doing here and I kind of know where he's going with this and it's not this is gonna be the how you lean
Starting point is 00:28:16 into it like how you just like go with the flow who somebody somebody said there. I think she like a crossfit. Yeah Blink one ain't a dude But funny nonetheless, yeah, yeah, yeah the comments are I mean even she probably thinks some of them are funny Have to admit. Okay. So here's this one. This is I couldn't tell if that was a she. Fair enough. I shouldn't assume. I shouldn't assume. Okay so this is um fly for a ginger. Hands-free shoes make going through airport security a breeze. Okay so we'll watch the clip first maybe. Let's just use it good. the clip first maybe let's do some music to it.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Little moss. Okay wait we gotta find oh man it's not gonna show it like it does on... Okay, so we'll open up some of these things. Because she commented back to almost all these comments. And the first one on here was, if the comments feed her, we should really stop. But she said, please don't, I'm so hungry. And then this one leaves me a little more. What's your vertical jump? Wouldn't know I never jumped before.
Starting point is 00:29:53 God dang, this thing is so freaking annoying trying to. This is a sign to lose 100 pounds. She replies, just 100. Just a hundred Dang You figured I learned how to actually scroll on this thing crime any I apologize This was a lot easier on my phone when it showed her reply how you taking them off holding down the heels Okay, that was an actual that was a serious one Can't reach your own feet, though.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Those aren't feet, they're hooves. What if I took your phone and speed walked away? She writes, I guess it's yours now. This bill, the Tainable. If you believe in yourself. I mean, literally, she just like she takes she just she she killed it. Like what else are you going to do? You go in there and you come to hate on her and you like make fun of it and she just leans in. Let's see if we can find one more. I want to comment somewhat. I want to comment something mean just the roast just to get roasted by you. Let's see if you respond to that one. Some of you all are just silly little. Mass. I don't
Starting point is 00:31:19 even know what that word was. But are they really that comfortable? Very there my go to for vacation. Okay, now they're like real comfortable. Very, they're my go-to for vacation. They say, okay, now they're like real comments. Anyways, I went through that and, uh, just popped up in my explore page and I watched it, I went to the comments and I just thought it was incredible. The way she just like went back at everybody. You got to go there. I don't know why it fucking sucks on desktop.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It was so much better on the phone and, uh, you could see all of our comments. Cause usually it'd be like the one that populates underneath, like as the popular, it populates her reply underneath the, uh, underneath the comment. And, um, and it's pretty funny. She, she gets back at everybody. Jake Chapman, she can't stand in her own. Yeah. Jake Chapman, she can't stand on her own. Yeah, you're probably right. She do some burpees, start practicing.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Least funniest thing on the Internet Award goes to her. Now I gotta get in there. Some of the comments back to people were really good. some of the con comments back to people really good Some of the comments back to people really good, okay, it's weird. I don't know what that is. Remember. Oh, yeah, this is a good clip Terrence mckinnon's last words 20 plus 25 plus years ago. Here's something juicy. Tall Patrick guys, you said previously Haynes are on fire. Has this actually happened as I'd not seen anything publicly yet? You may not see anything publicly.
Starting point is 00:32:58 You may not. Oh shit. I should probably turn this call line on. I'll throw the call line on so nobody calls in What the fuck No, that's the wrong button Okay, and then all Oh, it's the wrong button. Okay. And then all which one's mine.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Nine to five number. There it is. Okay. All right. If you guys want to call in, it probably won't work, but there it is. None the less. Um, I don't think you're going to see, dude, I don't think you're going to see, uh, I don't think you're going to see don't think you're gonna see I don't think you're gonna see anything public about that firing
Starting point is 00:33:47 But it it seems like a strong Rumor at this point Hanes doesn't have it in his profile Okay, well if it's not his profile must make sense I saw them at the games walking around doing nothing but texting around zero shooters seemed productive They still had the they still had their job at the games for sure. But yeah, I'm surprised you saw them. Typically you don't even see them. At least I haven't. Susan, which pharmaceuticals do you use to help coaching long days at the gym?
Starting point is 00:34:26 Mostly meth. But you got to be careful nowadays because that should step down with a bunch of fentanyl. Do the opposite effect. Hey, what's up, Jesus? How you doing? All right, check this out. It's going to get weirder and weirder and weirder and finally it's going to be so weird that people are going to have to talk about how weird it is. I look for the invention of artificial life, the cloning of human beings, possible contact
Starting point is 00:35:00 with extraterrestrials, possible human immortality, and at the same time appalling acts of brutality, genocide, race-baiting, homophobia, famine, starvation. The mushroom said to me once, it said, this is what it's like when a species prepares to depart for the stars. You don't depart for the stars under calm and orderly conditions. It's a fire in a madhouse. And that's what we have, the fire in the madhouse at the end of time. This is what it's like when a species prepares to move on to the next dimension. That's kind of trippy, huh?
Starting point is 00:35:45 The mushrooms said to me. Weird. Typically, it is you just like dismiss shit like that. You're just like, oh, gay, dude, probably on mushrooms right now. And then it always gets weird when like, there it turns out to be correct later. But I guess I'm like a long enough time horizon, you could pretty much kind of predict anything and then it might in part come true. Robert, I used to smoke weed with this dude. Sounds like you'd have some good conversation for sure. Jake Chab and mushrooms talk to me. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. Susie gets high quality shit from Matthew. Yeah, how do you think you knew about the show told them when to call in?
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yeah, that's kind of trippy, right? Yeah, those met that that that Matthew grade pre workout fired up before that five three AM class. If you guys are in a little more area and you want to come out October 19th, Graciel Rubio will be doing Graciano Rubio will be doing a seminar at the gym on October 19th out here at CFL. So if you guys want to come on out, join that. Join us there. Please do so. October 19th. How many times did we hear bull lock predictions? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Exactly. Like if you just shotgun out a bunch of predictions all the time and then you're like, Oh, see, I got it right. And you're like, yeah, but about the other 200 that you just kind of threw out there and it didn't really didn't really hit time. The days later, mushroom effect always bugged me out. Then mushrooms a couple of times, but it's been a long time since. Dude, Jack 3D.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Now that's a fucking throwback right there. You remember Mesomorph 2? Dude, Jack 3D got like pulled off the market. Hold on. Oh, what the fuck? Hold on. Hold on. Now my Bluetooth doesn't. Now the whole phone doesn't work. OK. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Can you hear. All right. We're just gonna have to do this thing. This is so frustrating. Now I, now I know why you get so frustrated when that stupid broadcast doesn't work. Hey, what's up? Hey, can you? A little bit. It's choppy. Try again.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And I have to hold the phone to the speaker because my Bluetooth button doesn't work for some reason. I don't know. Yeah, good times. I have you. I have you on my air pod. Oh, okay. Hey, by the way, I just moved to, Yeah. Good times. I have you, I have you on my air pod. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Hey, by the way, I just spoke to Rios and he's also going out to our VSI event on September 21st. So that's cool. So me, you and him, we'll get to hang out. Oh, that's awesome. I'm glad he's going. Yeah, I was pretty stoked to hear that. Yeah, that's cool. Are you pretty stoked to hear that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:45 That's cool. Are you driving home right now? I am driving home. Cool. How was it? What did you guys get up? Is everybody gone out of the house or what's going down? No, when I left, Colton was still there and Taylor and Lizzie were there and they just
Starting point is 00:38:59 woke it up. Oh, okay. Okay. For some reason, I thought they had an early flight out. Hey, I just want to address the Ains and Emily thing. Okay. For some reason, I thought they had an early flight out. Hey, uh, I just want to address the aims and Emily thing. Yep. I know many of you have heard the story, uh, many times before, but when Eric rose about the company, um, I was headed the media department.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Basically what had happened was, um, it's funny, uh, Taylor thought that Greg had fired me. Greg never, uh, fired me. Uh, when I was told to, told to basically dismantle the media department, which I did. And that was really hard. They basically had all the people come in one by one and I spent a whole day, two days, letting them go. And then for two years, I basically just sat around with my thumb and my butt from 2018 to 2020.
Starting point is 00:39:48 When we had a new CEO and then Greg fired him. And then at that point, when Greg fired that CEO, he made Dave CEO and Dave quickly put me back as media director and I began reassembling the media team. And one of the people on that team who actually wasn't fired because a small handful of us survived was Jonathan Haynes who would still work for me. And the CEO who made me fire the media team at that time he put he had a mistress.
Starting point is 00:40:19 So he was married and then he had that there's this chick who was always with him who was married and they were fucking like everyone knew they were fucking right. So then, and if it was alleged, I wouldn't, I wouldn't say it but they were. And they always got the same hotel rooms and all that shit right and he spoke to me in confidence before he got the job at the CEO telling me about the struggles of having a mistress. Anyway, so then, and at the time, by the way, at the time I was pretty like open-minded. I was like, yeah, people will do whatever they'll do. But having people in leadership positions who are cheating on their spouses is bad. It's bad for the whole team.
Starting point is 00:41:00 It causes that type of lying and that type of behavior causes destabilization. Yeah, it's deception at the highest level and you guys actually now are part of it to a degree, right? Like if you know all that shit and his wife comes in and he's like, oh yeah, everybody's like, oh fuck, like that. Yeah, that's terrible. And although it wasn't like this with my wife, but if I'm hanging out with a guy and a gal who are cheating on their spouses and I'm doing weekly trips out of town with them, the other spouses will start being like, well, are you doing that? Of course. So it causes destabilization.
Starting point is 00:41:35 It's just not good. No matter how open-minded you want to be and you want to tell people, hey, let people do what they want. But that's also why the president of the United States can't be cheating on his wife, right? Because then they can be blackmailed. Right. It causes all sorts of vulnerabilities in the system. Anyway, so then, so we started having the meetings again. And when Rosa took over, then for four months,
Starting point is 00:42:00 I was in all these media meetings and I couldn't figure out where they weren't firing me. I was pretty pretty much I was the only person I knew at that time at HQ is making content So I went from being the media director of this team that had a fucking hundred people underneath me So then I'm like fucking I better just start making content again Like I did in the old days and add value because there was a guy named Andrew Weinstein who was head of PR at the time And so he was the de facto he came with. And so he was the de facto, he came with Rosa, so he was the de facto media director. And then I would be in these meetings and there was never any direction, there was never any plan, there was nothing. It was just four months of just nothing.
Starting point is 00:42:37 So there was these, you know, 15 employees or whatever. Andrew Weinstein would wrangle us together once a month and we'd have a meeting or once a week. And in those meetings, all of a sudden he would always call on Jonathan Haynes and ask what does Jonathan think? And I thought, God, that's so weird. He's so low on the totem pole. And I would call Andrew and I would, you know, once a week and be like, Hey, is there anything I can do for you?
Starting point is 00:42:54 I think I can help you. I'm working on these projects. And I started going back to level ones again and filming and going to affiliates and film. I was the only person doing that. No one was giving me any direction. I was just doing what I knew how to do. Just add value. Right?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yeah. But once again, and filming and going to affiliates and film, I was the only person doing that. No one was giving me any direction. I was just doing what I knew how to do, just add value. Right. Yeah. And, and then basically what happened after that was allegedly how the story goes is, you know, the day came when the state made it so it was okay to fire people again, because you couldn't fire anyone during certain parts of COVID. And on that day, they fired my wife and I, my wife
Starting point is 00:43:25 and I, my wife was part of the affiliate team. So we get fired. And that's when basically the reign of terror began. And Ames and Emily stuck their teeth into every CMO and CEO and CFO and HR person that came through there. And it was during the BLM thing, you have to remember. So everything was BL and Haynes is black, right? And Emily's a girl and like, if you go to her website, it's just cool of like, at the time it was just full of all this rainbow shit, right?
Starting point is 00:44:00 And even when I went to her ex-husband's account, and I even saw like one of his proudest moments in his life is when he got the fucking rainbow colored Congress shoes, right? So she's married to this like fucking cuck. And they end up getting a divorce. And as the story goes, it was because Haynes and her were fucking, right? That was the alleged, those were all the rumors like being spread all around through CrossFit. So she was an intern, supposedly he fucked her, and then they climbed the ranks together Those were all the rumors like being spread all around through CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:44:25 She was an intern, supposedly he fucked her and then they climbed the ranks together and they sunk their teeth into everyone. And Rosa brought in DEI as opposed to HR. And that was when the reign of terror began because then what they could do, supposedly, they could coordinate, um, uh, attacks on people. So if they didn't like you, Susan, the way the stories and rumors came out of theirs, they would get like five people to report you to HR and then, and then you would be fired.
Starting point is 00:44:55 And so they did that and they had a list supposedly, you know, and it had me and Justin Berg and Tyson old droid and Dave Castro and just all these people on it. Right. That's crazy. And doing an amazing. Yeah, they were doing an amazing job of that. And it was four years of a reign of terror. They were a true sickness in the company.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It's weird how to Pion Whiteback could just fucking dismantle the whole fucking system. But they held the reign of terror on all the social media and all the YouTube. And then this one really fucking horrible person came in. I can't I don't know if it was Allison or who it was. She's a member of Chris Bieler, Jim. And I think I'm not sure who it was, but they put Emily finally in charge of the budget is what I heard for the media department. And then she used that as a whooping tool.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Oh, she cleaned house until they had, they didn't have any white males and maybe one white male left in the department. And it was very forward facing. We would all see the articles that came out that said, look at all our girls, you know? Yeah. And then at that time, I don't have any proof. And then so then basically, so then Dawn came in and so then Dawn came in and the reign of terror continued
Starting point is 00:46:06 and Then fucking Ains and Emily were given a gift from God. They were given this fucking completely fucking If you believe Dei is racist, be most racist I watched all of the videos that are Annette Revis said that all the podcasts I could find on the internet She's a current HR and people's person. This lady's name is Annette Revis. And people will ask her questions in these podcasts, like what's your greatest achievement? She'll say stuff like, my diversity hires.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Right. I just imagine, imagine your greatest accomplishment, not I hired the best team ever, the best mayor, we had the most growth, the team got along with us, it was always my diversity hires. And then she would complain that even when she had diversity hires that the company still didn't operate well because the people would always complain that they didn't feel welcome. Well, let me tell you two things about diversity hires. One, everyone at the company resents them and hates you, regardless of if you're gay or straight or black or brown or whatever, they hate you.
Starting point is 00:47:04 And the second thing, if you hired on diversity, they're never going to be happy because anyone who would accept a job based on diversity is never going to be happy anyway. The whole premise of their existence is fucking complaining and playing the victim. So they get this fucked on brings this fucking whack job from fucking Facebook. And she's a quintessential, I hate to say it, she's a quintessential DEI people person. It's an obese black woman. And I'm not, that's just the way it is. Look at the one for Delta, look at the one for Facebook. Look at any of them. Look at the one for Harley Davidson. Just go through and look at them. They all have the same, they have the same profile. But Emily and Haynes and her work together allegedly to just have just a reign of terror
Starting point is 00:47:48 in the company and it became impossible for anyone to do anything or say anything and they were they've been paralyzed for two years because of that and uh it's pretty bad now I don't know this is true but what I heard is that Annette's team is three other obese women and a gay Mexican guy. We just imagine that as your team but in your greatest thing is diversity hires and not merit hires. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:16 So now you have this team. And by the way, when I worked at CrossFit, like our office was more than 50% fucking Mexican. It was double the number of black people to the number of black people who were in Santa Cruz. There were fucking lesbians who were the fucking crown jewels of the fucking company. There were tons of them.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Hey, did you guys had all the DEI shit way before that? You know what I mean? It was just a group of people from Santa Cruz. I remember going there in 2018 2018 and seeing all them. Yeah Like, you know, uh lesbians But but let me tell you something. I never once thought of him as lesbian. I was never like yep. She's a lesbian He's I'm just in hindsight never thought of like never thought of Haynes as a black guy until it was clear That rosa was fully engulfed in blm and that I have to assume because Haynes is completely incompetent that he only got his job
Starting point is 00:49:12 because he's black Yeah, I mean and they were probably protected there was so much toxicity there I It was it was ironic that I got fired for toxicity because I knew three women who didn't lose their job They're fucking married men and like, like you could ask any woman who ever worked with me, I fucking never stood with them fucking five feet. Hey, the very respectful of all, of all the women.
Starting point is 00:49:34 The crazy thing is, is like, you remember, uh, when Dave went on talking elite fitness in like, like, I think right after Greg maybe sold the company or something like that and Tommy brought up or maybe Sean did or something. I can't remember exactly, but it doesn't matter. They were like, oh, well, you know, hey, we're going to talk about like how, how was it HQ in kind of a toxic environment? I remember specifically Dave laughing and saying Greg wasn't even there. You guys were there. wasn't even there. You guys were there.
Starting point is 00:50:09 So to say it's a toxic environment that he he somehow cultivated is completely false because he wasn't in the office. And then Dave had even said, and I wasn't in there a lot of times either. And he was like, so, okay, then who is creating this toxic environment that you guys are working in? Yes. And he was fucking crazy. Yes. And if you go back and watch that, they get uncomfortable shit.
Starting point is 00:50:27 They're complaining and they're not doing anything. Yep. But the irony is, is all the contractors and all the workers we had there who all of a sudden were like showing up to work with fucking BLM shirts on and the people who were just all BLM, they ended all of those same people. When Luca died, they drowned, those are the same people that fucking turned on CrossFit at that time, Haines, Emily, other contractors.
Starting point is 00:51:01 And it was crazy. And this has been a really vindicating moment for them because that's what the woke always do. Like I already knew how all those people were going to react to people who survived because that's how they always act in trauma. They start eating their own. They're their desire for self preservation is like fucking gross. Like, yeah, like, and it kicks in so quickly.
Starting point is 00:51:24 There's such towers. Hey, and that's why I also think it moved from self-preservation to assuming as much power for to build a hedge in the company. Right. So they like they probably knew, hey, we have this time right now to where it's a shakeup. We have new people coming in. We also fit the bill of what they want the company to look like, quote unquote. And so it's a look like, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:47 So then now they can go ahead and just get in there and say, Hey, by the way, like we were so happy you guys are here and turning this around. This means the world to us. I feel so much better now out at the workplace. I feel like I'm more productive. And, you know, by the way, we're not quite there yet, but, you know, and then, oh, what do you mean? Oh, well, there's a few other people, a few other bad apples that are still left
Starting point is 00:52:07 over. Oh, well, tell us about that. And that, and then there you go. Right. It, it, it, it feels so good. Um, I, I, and I wonder if Don's gonna, when Don's going to wake up and see that Annette Reavvis has been the ringleader and that she's the fucking cancer of the company. And that like the whole premise of fucking CrossFit
Starting point is 00:52:32 is personal accountability and personal responsibility. There should be no tolerance of tattletaling or going after people. But basically the whole company was paralyzed. When I was there, we were 10 to one doers. Do you know what I mean? So for every 10 people who could take out the trash, there was one person who told you to take out the trash.
Starting point is 00:52:50 So our offices there were full of people sitting in front of computers editing videos. Oh yeah. Writing journal article. There was no, we didn't do meetings. We didn't do meetings. We did meetings once a month, once every two months. Yeah, well you didn't have to
Starting point is 00:53:05 We had one guy Tyson all droid he ran all the fucking media We had one guy at photography Dave Ray ran all the photography and then he had his team, right? But but but ironically even the people who led those teams could shoot and edit the Python I'd like to I'd had 30 employees He went out. He would fucking be also shooting, also editing also. And so, and then it went from that people who couldn't do anything, right? Just absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Like they, like they had to sit on their phone and they give them a piece of content so that they can host it. And that's where the company's at now. And they've hired this, uh, um, new CMO, uh, Jenna Hawke. Um, and in the fact that she's been a, I don't know how she did it, but the fact that she was eight, it must be, there must be some sort of weird shit going on. From henchmen asset of Annette Revis, like must've been amazing assets for her to fucking just push her, the only agenda she knows how to push and they're gone. And like my, you
Starting point is 00:54:15 know, I don't have any deep insights into Jenna Acca met her a few times. Uh, she's been amazing. She's a great listener and, uh, it's, I wonder, I have to assume that she spearheaded that or she had to give you okay on that and that must have caused them some serious tension and now it's not going to be at the dawn now. It's going to be on the fuck. Uh, you know, she chopped the body off the dragon, the dawn to figure out whether you can fucking be at the dragon. Hey, do you think, do you see, uh, do body off the dragon and get the dawn to figure out what the reason fucking the dragon. Hey, do you think, do you see, uh, do you think that there's a possibility, especially like in the wake of everything that happened at the games,
Starting point is 00:54:52 this year and everything else that the managing partners over at Berkshire just think, okay, fuck, we need to clean house in here completely. Meaning like almost everybody would, unless they were hired within the last, you know, four months just gets wiped off the board including Don including because they're all connected right dude like so and so like I get hired at the company and then hey we need a few more people so that I hire you and then we hire like the next thing you know like a bunch of our team is in there because we all just kind of hire our friends and I know that that the manager partners about
Starting point is 00:55:21 Berkshire know that so I wonder if there's just a clean house plan. I know you and I think completely opposite. I don't think the board is hands on at all. I know you think the opposite. So I don't have an answer to that. Like I think they're completely fucking hands off. I think Don completely in fucking control of the ship. Like I don't think that I don't think I think Don hired Jenna. I think Don hired a net. I don't like anyone. I don't think anyone has any.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I think he's given it so much fucking autonomy. Really? Okay. So yeah, I really do. But I'm not like if you told me no, I know different. But, but, but I'm not, I'm not like, if you told me, no, I know different, I wouldn't be like, oh shit. Yeah. I wouldn't, you wouldn't surprise you, but you're just leaning in the
Starting point is 00:56:11 direction that he has more autonomy than I think he has. Yeah. I think Don has a lot of trust with the board and, um, yeah, I think that it's all up to him. I think it's going to be really hard. Uh, I know that him's all up to him. I think it's going to be really hard. I know that him and that are great friends. I've seen pictures of them like in Thanksgiving dinners together and Christmas dinners together. And so their relationship must be really close.
Starting point is 00:56:35 I know that Don said he's known her for 10 years. I know that she came from Facebook with them, right? I don't know if she I think she took a little journey sideways. I think they, I think they weren't Facebook together. I obviously know, I know a couple of executives at Facebook who said, warned me. They said, Hey dude, she's a complete fucking tyrant, a table banger, a yeller. Um, if you give her any feedback, she immediately goes to the race card and says, Oh, you're just not used to working with a strong black woman.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Like that's always her, her go to, Oh, like if you disagree with her, you get angry. Yeah. Oh, she gets angry. Let's say she gets angry and you're like, Hey man, don't yell at me. She's like, Oh, that's racist. Cause you're not working with a strong black woman. I mean, she just, it's just textbook shit. She has no race. Support for today's episode comes from one skin. Did you have a little too much fun this summer? You know what I mean, a little too much time in the sun. It's no secret that UV rays can take a toll on our skin, leaving it dry, tired, and less vibrant.
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Starting point is 01:00:21 I heard her say something along the line We would call her we would do a survey with all our employees and ask How are you doing on a scale of one to five and anyone who said it's three? They called them to see how they were doing. It's like hey, man. No one fucking wants you doing that Like no good no good employee wants their boss calling them Doing a fucking mental health assessment on them And let me tell you something by the way if any company ever sends you a mental health assessment, just put everything as a five.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Even if you're about to jump off a bridge and kill yourself. Like, what the fuck are you doing? I mean, it's just overreach, it's insane. Hey, imagine being so disconnected to your team that you have to find a survey to know how they're doing. That's all that tells me is that there's a lack of communication, that there's a lack of teamwork, and that there's a lack of trust within the company.
Starting point is 01:01:15 And I mean, they're all spread over the place, right? So they're all, it's all Zoom. But imagine having to send a thing out to us and be like, hey, you know, Matt, I just want to send the survey over to you. I sent it to Caleb. I sent it to will, I sent it to the guy, the other guy, you know what I mean? It's like, you would have to be so far disconnected to not know what's going on to where you wouldn't have talked to us one day and been like, Hey, dude,
Starting point is 01:01:37 the last typical times we talked, you know, you seemed upset. What's going on here? You know what I mean? Yes. Hey, there was, I don't remember if it was under Rosa or if it was under, um, Don, but at some point there was rumors and I'm pretty sure that pretty substantiated that CrossFit had spent like 300 or $500,000 with some company in New York city to tell them what they were. I mean, that is insane.
Starting point is 01:02:07 You know, you hire an outside entity reported on that. We reported on that many times when you have like that. I feel almost embarrassed. But at that point, like everyone should have the affiliate in on top of that, too, like every single gym should have the
Starting point is 01:02:21 affiliate at that point. And then like, okay, we're going to call ourselves OG fit, start a Reddit thread that the real, the real crossfit is now called OG fit. I mean, it's like, it's, it's wild. Hey, you know what else is crazy about that same and like having to bring in like some company to identify, you know, who you are or whatever the case is, is the fact that I don't, I think you'd be hard pressed to
Starting point is 01:02:45 find another company in the world that has as much documentation on the path of how it grew than CrossFit. Like you could have just gone back to the journal, you could have watched the kind of stuff like it has such a timeline, a documented timeline, whether it's in written in video form or the combination of both, that if the executives really just doubled, like just went in and was like, Hey, we're going to, we're going to figure this out. We got untangled. This let's look back at the history.
Starting point is 01:03:08 What made it successful? Where, you know, how did that start? What were some of the key, the key indicators of, of it growing here? What did they do? What did the media look like? And then start to just evolve from that by going back there and doing more of that, and then continuing to move forward from that point. back there and doing more of that and then continuing to move forward from that point.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Um, if you're paying $500,000 on that, why wouldn't you send $500,000 and send out 50 filmmaker? Shit, I lost you. Oh, there you are. There you are. There you are. What'd you say? If you're going to spend $500,000 on are there there. What'd you say? Damn Shit it keeps that out. It keeps kind of pretty bag I'm crossing the Venetian bridge right now. I'm in Martinez. Oh, okay. Okay, you're over the water that That makes sense. Yeah, it's clear. It's clear now That money could have been used to send out filmmakers to make 10 minute videos
Starting point is 01:04:19 Asking them who who are you and then you'd have fucking 50 pieces of content and you find out who you are Yeah, exactly And you wouldn't in the the part about it is you probably could have done majority of it even on a volunteer basis, let alone spend the money, right? Yeah, I'm realizing more and more Greg always said we didn't do marketing. We don't do marketing. We don't do marketing. Yeah, we've done marketing. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:39 And people would always say, well, the games are marketing. And I would be like, okay, yeah, the games are after. But now that I'm, now that I'm starting to see at 52 years old, what marketing looks like, um, we know we never actually did marketing and the games, right. Right. Right. Getting is when you give something, when you try to sell something to someone. And we never did that. All if that's what happened, that's what happened.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Right. It was a byproduct. Yes. It was a byproduct of what we were doing. Yep. It was always a by happened. Right. It was a byproduct. Yes, it was a byproduct of what we were doing. Yep. It was always a byproduct. Yep. By the way, just so everyone knows, just so everyone knows too, a couple things.
Starting point is 01:05:13 If the games went away, Rogue wouldn't affect Rogue. If the games went away, it wouldn't affect CrossFit. None of it really... I have fucking the financials for the company for all the whole time I was there. I watched how everything worked. I had access to fucking everything. All the pundits on the internet who I was there. I watched everything work and access to fucking everything. All the pundits on the internet is say stuff like that. They have no idea how the fucking that model works. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:32 It's like saying if you just stop drinking Coca-Cola, you would fucking die. It's like, no, you actually would not die if you stop drinking soda. You'd actually get better. And there's probably a little bit of a component to that too. That being said, I don't want the games to go away, but like, I don't know if they do something brave and bold with it. And, and, and, you know, it goes almost knock it back to the stone age or reinvent it, especially after being at the NorCal Classic.
Starting point is 01:05:57 The NorCal Classic was on a fucking lake of pristine water and the water was warm. And anyone could have brought their fucking family there and just set up a fucking tent and you could have made a whole weekend of being there. Yeah. Hey, what do you think a place like that could get internet? Like if they were like, hey, someone, you know, here we have a budget of X dollars and we want you to stream it. You could probably bring in a few. I'm sure that, yeah, there's solutions, right? I mean, yeah, sure. You could bring in the star star length. This guy was so clear there. It was flat.
Starting point is 01:06:28 You could for sure do a Starlink. I think that there's this system out there now. I don't know the details of it, but what it does is it's basically like an antenna that you sign up to like T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, all the big fucking cell phone companies, and it turns it into one giant fucking Piece of bandwidth. Oh, so it doesn't matter which one you're pulling from it just pulls from all of them Yeah, but pulls from all of them and it shoots packets back and forth on all of them and I think that's what
Starting point is 01:07:00 Journalists have been using when they go to war. That's why I remember I don't know if you remember but the goal for the footage was so shitty Mm-hmm, and now when they're like in the middle of Ukraine or wherever in Gaza like it's fucking amazing It's because they've cracked the code on that shit. Mmm, I think it's relatively cheap It's just like a cell phone would you have to your time? Your plan cost five times as much because you have five plans, right? Hey, what do you did? Do you remember seeing any drones out there? Man I was just thinking about it right now like there's there could have been some amazing shots on the trail run on the swim
Starting point is 01:07:39 We should have brought a drone Hey, there's a new drone that just came out DJI about a drone. Hey, there's a new drone that just came out DJI got, I'm going to get it. It's called the Neo and it's really tiny and it's relatively inexpensive and, and, and you basically supposedly can just follow anyone around. Hey, do you think we could DJI makes it? Is there, is there a possibility to do drone stuff and like, um, have that video feed go into stream yard. So essentially you could use it as like you would a phone. Yeah. Oh, that would be fucking nuts, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:15 We should test that soon. Yeah. That's basically what they're doing at the game. Yeah. Just get a little transmitter from the drone. Yeah. So it's just like, you're, it's just, you just pull the video feed into whatever, wherever you're streaming.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Hey, you know, those things you have, you will set up with the wireless, uh, setup that we used at, um, that crash crash last year. Yeah. Yeah. You can just, you can get that little carriers that the drone's carrying. You just attach one of those to it. No shit. We should definitely try that.
Starting point is 01:08:43 I wonder if we'll have enough. Uh, maybe we could try it. Yeah. RB said, try it at crash. We could, but I think majority of it's inside. I have a Mavic three pro that's crazy. I got like shit loads of batteries for it. It would be so easy to do.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Man. I would love to try that. Yeah. I would love to try that with a drone. Think, I think how it's saying that would be if we had a, we had a little drone that we could, I would love to try that with a drone. Thinking how insane that would be if we had a little drone that we could stream in on and like when people did the trail runs or different things like that,
Starting point is 01:09:11 or we could test it at the ranch, take it to the ranch. That would be dope. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that would be cool. Anyway, so that's the history. That's where we're at. I have great hope for the current CMO.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Hopefully we see more media. Like I said, marketing is different, but I think culturally she's ramped, it seems like she's ramping up really fast. And I think we're almost at the end of a reign of terror. So that happened there. That was really bad, you guys. I mean, really, really bad. If you know any employees at HQ and it wasn't just employees at HQ, all the
Starting point is 01:09:50 agencies, all the companies that interfaced with HQ on a media level, complete nightmare for them. I mean, complete. I mean, just think what we saw at Waterpalooza. I'm assuming Dylan must be ecstatic. At Waterpalooza. They gave them a they gave them a fucking $40,000 spot in vendor village and And cross it posted by 10 things from a lot of Palooza. I never tagged them once that's insane, dude Fucking it's insane dude. That's I mean that's a reign of terror I have to assume it's because Hes and Emily hated Dylan or something. It literally just seems like destructive though, too.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Like if even if like HQ had a thread of the thought of, hey, we need to just invest in the ecosystem, like doing super simple things like you said, going out there, shoot, collaborating with athletes, collaborating for sure with the venue and the event. I mean, are you kidding? And it's just weird that they don't have that mentality. And maybe that's why we're seeing the rain of terror of over because other people in the company now do or starting to realize and come around to it and saying like, okay, these are not the people. Right. Yeah. Media NorCal, they handled the media perfectly.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Yeah. The fact that we, you know, they didn't have a live stream how they treated us was fucking amazing. Yeah Yeah, and they yeah, they could have even done what Hiller did. I'm surprised more events. Don't do what Hiller did they could have just put two two cameras or one camera on a tripod and just kind of floated and What do you know that Hiller already put that video up? I don't know if you saw the beginning of the podcast but last night when I got home I got home like just after midnight and, um, the Hiller had already uploaded the, uh, event final. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:31 We all watched it last night. If anyone, dude, cold murders are another planet. Yeah, he is. I'm excited to see, I'm excited to see him in action this afternoon He's unreal dude. It's um I've been with a lot of fucking athletes. I remember Graham Holmberg was pretty unreal Nico is pretty fucking wild rich was wild just the amount just the volume of training coltons on a fucking other level man. He's like he's truly Spectacular. No wonder you know what a bummer that we didn't get him that the games this year. Yeah, what a bummer truly
Starting point is 01:12:17 All right, well that's cool. I just wanted to chime in on the fact that like I have I have a lot of hope for Jenna right now like a lot of hope so yeah, that's good. We all need it All right safe drive Yep, I do that deal. I Saw a couple of you guys were like asking why Jenna Hawke and saying, you know, yada, yada, yada, um, by why was, uh, why is someone liking her so much? And I could tell you from just because of the experience at the very first portion of the games.
Starting point is 01:12:58 And so we had on Wednesday, um, there was, I mean, it was Thursday. I can't remember now. I was amazing. One Wednesday and there was like the athlete check-in and they held a little press conference and stuff like that. And, uh, Jenna and, uh, and, uh, Kenna put together a media kind of meet and greet happy hour to bring all the third party media into one one space to just hang out, just make connections, just chat. And it was super, it was a super good strategy on Jenna's part
Starting point is 01:13:34 because it really did bring all the media together in one place. There was great conversation happening. I mean, even Will had said like, holy shit um, I saw Susa bringing a drink over to, uh, to Craig Richie's wife and Lauren Cluel while Sevan was sitting on a couch hanging out with, uh, with James Sealy, um, chatting it up. And it really was a good, a good, you know, strategy was a good move on her, on her part, just to bring everybody into the same room and just have a discussion there was a if you guys are familiar with Scott Galloway I think on Instagram he's like Professor G he almost looks exactly like John Woolley if you would have put Scott Galloway and John Woolley like
Starting point is 01:14:21 next to each other it's like they almost look like the same dude. But anyways, Scott Galloway was an NYC professor. And oh, cool. Colton just texted me. He's gonna be here a little after 10. And Scott Galloway used to be really critical of like CEOs and how companies were ran. I mean, that's what he ran. He ran. He was on the business side of NYU. I don't know exactly what the name of the class was, but it was heavy on business strategy and stuff like that. And he would write very critically of a lot of the CEOs and board members.
Starting point is 01:14:56 And early on in his career, he remembered he was super excited because the CEO of some major company called him and was like, "'Hey, we love your work. "'Come on down. "'We want to take you out to dinner. We're going to be in New York, you know, yada, yada, yada. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:08 And, um, so he went and had dinner with them and stuff. And then the company did a couple of things that Scott didn't agree with. And he went to go like, write about him. And he realized as he was sitting down to be critical of the CEO and to be critical of the rest of the people that weren't there, he couldn't because. He had a relationship with them. He knew them at that point. They had had dinner together. You know, I'm sure they talked about their kids and their families and all this other shit. And he had a quote
Starting point is 01:15:33 and I don't know if it was his or somebody else's, but it was basically like, Hey, you can't really hate anybody up close once you have a relationship with them. So even if you dislike somebody or you don't agree with what they think or something like that, outside of them doing something crazy and harmful, right? Because I know a lot of you guys are like, Oh, I could if they did whatever. No, not talking about that. Just like general things about being critical of people and their work or what they're doing. And he was like, you can't hate anybody up close. And when you realize that having those relationships clouded his judgment and ability to write
Starting point is 01:16:09 critically about the companies or the people within the companies, he was like, I never took another dinner with the CEO or politician or anything ever again. And that was the very similar thing that happened at the Wednesdays kind of happy hour. It's like when you bring everybody into the same room and have some discussions and kind of bury the hatchet, maybe between a few people, like all of a sudden the synergy goes up. It's much easier for people to, you know, communicate and film and, and do everything we needed to do.
Starting point is 01:16:40 And, uh, it obviously there was a major change of events with what happened after event one, but, um, um, I would have been really curious to see how that would have unfolded, how we not have the terrible tragedy of Lazar. Cause obviously that changed the whole entire, you know, everything. Um, and probably we'll change everything permanently moving forward depending on how the whole thing shakes out. But it just I'm curious to think like, what would that would have been like had you know, the games had gone on as as they normally would with with the media, third party media people hawker needs to fire HQ social media department.
Starting point is 01:17:21 I think that's what we just talked about. I think that's what we just talked about. I think that's what we did. Ken to lap. Remember when Susan was hesitant to be on the show. So look at them now thriving. Thanks, dude. I appreciate that. I didn't, I always like, I was talking to Savant too, cause I always want to try to like prepare something, um, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:38 I feel like if I'm going to, especially for my show or whatever, like if I'm going to get on here and like chat or do whatever, like I want you guys to be able to take something away from have it be worth your time. And I was talking to someone last night. I was like, yeah, I don't think I'm gonna, I'm just going to throw some clips in here. So I have a couple of talking points because there's been so many times when I've got on here and just the comments and hanging out with you guys. Maybe if the phone freaking worked, we could add more Collins. But once you get going and start, I just enjoy hanging out and your guys's contributions and comments and stuff, and it makes it, it makes it a lot easier.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Caller. Hi, welcome to the show. Hey, how's it going? It's going great. Who are you? Who is this? Good. I'm this is Ryan from Canada.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Ryan. I just watched you guys all weekend. Great job. I'm hoping to see you guys if you guys are going down to the SoCal water Palooza down there. I'm going to be and seeing the community events when I'm down there. Oh, that's awesome. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Yeah. I mean, originally we were all set to go and then I don't know things kind of changed and and then the broken science event that's happening on that same exact weekend, Greg just told someone like, Hey, let's come out. Let's do this. Come, come hang with me. And you know, that's what ended up changing. So, uh, but I do know the, I knew there'll be a bunch of, uh, a bunch of other people down there. It looks like the event's going to be sick. Pedro is going to be down there for sure. Um think chasing room is gonna be announcing.
Starting point is 01:19:06 So it's definitely gonna be a dope event. On Huntington Beach too, man, that venue is probably gonna be nice. Yeah, it's gonna be my first trip down to California other than just a layover. So I'm looking forward to working with that, with a bigger crew like that. That'll be awesome.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Yeah, that's really cool. Do you MC other stuff too? Is this your first time at something this size or how'd you get that gig? I've been MCing CrossFit events. I just actually did a Strongman event this last weekend. So I live in a town called Colona, which the new city where Frank, the Kelsky's from. And so I've been a coach for say. Since 2012.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Oh, awesome. I've kind of been that generation of coaches. Uh, I'm almost 50 years old. Uh, been part of the communities for a very long time. And, uh, yeah, I don't know. I just kind of been MCing since, cause we started our own little thing, kind of like you guys do, and within your gym, and somebody's got to get on the mic and kind of create that atmosphere.
Starting point is 01:20:10 So that's kind of what I've been doing, it's just kind of grew and grew. The biggest one I did was a couple of local events. We have the Okanagan Throwdown and things like that. Can West games, which was just before it kind of went under. I didn't get to do too much there, but, uh, it was one thing there. Um, but yeah, my goal is to eventually get to the games or some of the bigger events like water, Palooza, the Rogues, and just even if it's just a community event, I look forward to it.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yeah, that's awesome, man. That's awesome. So, um, you know, unfortunately we won't, we won't catch you at this time, but hopefully on the, uh, on the next one you'll be, you'll be on that, uh, competition floor announcing. Yeah, no, it's, it we won't, we won't catch you at this time, but hopefully on the, uh, on the next one, you'll be, you'll be on that uh, competition floor announcing. Yeah, no, it's, it's going to be great. So the reason I'm calling, cause I'm going to play devil's advocate here to, uh, the PFAA.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Okay. So if in my past, I have worked for two, or I've worked under two union, I've had two union jobs in my life. One was for steel workers, the other one was for like a manufacturing company. So we were union and when PFA is talking about all these safety, blah, blah, blah regulations. So I know you've had callers in the past talk about this
Starting point is 01:21:21 and just setting some like that, this is kinda, you know, when something like this has happened, you almost want them to go, I hope CrossFit goes so over the top with their safety shit. It makes the woke athletes really decide to eat themselves. And it kinda always does that. So what I'm saying is, okay, you want all these safety certifications, so if I wanted to, say, drive a forklift, I have to have a certain certification.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Right. If I want to run a certain machinery, I have to have a certain certification. If I wanted to be in a certain department, I had to get certified, so on and so on and so on. So what's going to be interesting and what they should do, cool, you want a swim event, you have to take the CrossFit Level 1 swimming certification to participate in our event. Or you want to push the snail, you have to take our CrossFit Level 1 snail pushing certificate and so on.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Make it so over the top because every union will have to protect themselves just like every company has to protect themselves in event that somebody could get hurt. So if I was in a certain area of the manufacturing plant, I had to learn how to lock down all the machines, turn off all the electrical. It was all certified stuff. Yep. If I want, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:22:43 Yeah. Yeah. And not without going into details of everything, but in rambling on, but you could go so over the top to piss the owners of Berkshire, who's not Greg Classman, like a single entity person, talking about people like, Oh cool. You want to talk about safety? We're going to implement safety up your ass. And that's kind of what could happen if you keep poking this bear, that is going to happen. And where the thing is, where do you think the money for all these certifications and judges, so if you want good judges, you're gonna
Starting point is 01:23:16 have to pay them just like every professional sport does. So now the money is going to come out of not their pocket, it's going to come out of the athlete's pocket. Cool. Well, it's no longer $275,000 because a hundred thousand dollars of that money has to go to paying the judges. Yep. Yep. And on top of that, in it's going to cost athletes more money because you think all
Starting point is 01:23:39 those certifications that they would have to go through to make sure that they're competent in the movements that they'll see for safety reasons is going to be free, right? Like no way. And I fully, I fully agree those out. If you want to partake in an across fit event, then you have to be a level one certification minimum, right? We want to make sure that you understand.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Yeah. Minimum. I think it should be level two. Yep. I think that you should have to also be part of an affiliate to be part partake in the crossfit event Now you're talking this is extreme, but I'm like I I'm going extreme But because I've been a part of communities for so long and I've seen the difference between your classes Versus your competitors. Mm-hmm. They separate themselves
Starting point is 01:24:23 There's a definite apartheid between the two. Yeah. Two different entire entities on how the class and how... I've been a part of gyms that are just community-based only. We do not allow athletes in. I've even been in a gym where we've actually, our owner at the time, this is long time ago, he actually did not want Brent working out in our gym. And he told Brent, I said, no, we're community only. We don't have time for athletes, blah, blah, blah. Which is like shocking. Cause back in the day, we're like, really?
Starting point is 01:24:51 Like you got, you didn't let this guy work out. Now he doesn't let them do one or two things here and there because we had the equipment at the time. Right. But his focus, the owner's focus at the time was community, community, community. And now you realize like, oh yeah, like we're about making money. That's the problem is that people don't realize this is a business. This is this person's sole thing to run and the athletes don't make
Starting point is 01:25:14 money, don't make us money. That's right. They're just, they, it's just an extraction from the community. Not a, not a contribution. No. And, and, and it's, and I like Brent, Brent, you know, as a good guy, or kids play have played together and stuff like that. Yeah. You know, as a devil being devil's advocate, like, dude, you're
Starting point is 01:25:34 the bear for everybody else. Yeah, I get where they're coming from. And I think there is rules like, you know, the rain straps, all this stuff. And when I when I work out in our gym in our basement, I'll replay all the crossfit behind the scenes shit. Some of the stupid shit that say Adrian Bosman says, or some of the stuff that's like, well, the straps, you know, it's maybe my lack of competitiveness, but I don't think the straps really made a difference. Well, yeah, it is your lack of competitiveness because you've never
Starting point is 01:25:59 swung on 30 foot straps. Right. Right. Right. Right. Like, or the, the fact that the difference in heat on Black beads in artifact partial turf when heated will cause friction For the sled pushes. Mm-hmm, you know, like it's stuff like that and I get that but also on the same hand
Starting point is 01:26:19 those athletes have never if anything, participated in organizing a weekend long event, let alone help judge a week on event. No, there's a massive disconnect. Yeah. There's huge disconnects. Yeah. I don't get it wrong.
Starting point is 01:26:38 There's, you know, some of the head coaches in the NHL, they've never played hockey at a high level either, but they're still the best at what they do. Right. Right. Right. Cause they have passion behind it, they have the knowledge, they have the brain that works for that, just like Dave Castro does. Yes, he's never competed in a crossfit, you know, comp style event, that I know of, but also he has a passion and the drive to organize one. So I think, I think, you know, I think basically what it is, I think they're just poking a bear. And if you really want it to, you really, and they keep on comparing themselves to golf and all this stuff. But how did that help? How did that work out for
Starting point is 01:27:13 golf? When all saying live got involved? I don't know. Tell me it was a bad, no, not in a bad way, but you know, golf was, you know, what I said that the PFAA and those guys should do is go to Dubai, talk to one of the guys that are worth trillions of dollars, start your own league. Maybe it starts off as a five-stop tour around the world. Maybe it's only two days each, but with a good bank account behind you and do kind of like what Hy rocks is then You know, I'm just a version of that. I'm just I'm just saying I create your own league, right?
Starting point is 01:27:51 Right, right. Yeah, they did it's called grid league and it lost a lot of people a lot of money Exactly, right? Yeah, gregly greg leagues kind of like it's same thing. It's a kickoff of Of what crossFit does. But if you want to like do a version of CrossFit games and then find a backer, get the Dubai one jacked up. Don't just pick on one event out of the entire year where there's three or four major events, Rogue, Guadalupe, Dubai was kind of in there.
Starting point is 01:28:24 You know, like, well then pick one and support them versus cost it. You're picking on a, uh, you know, the Berkshire group. Yeah. I also think there's just ulterior motives there. You know what I mean? Like they're going after, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:38 I think there's, I think they see an opportunity. There's some blood in the water and it's just a time to balance. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. And it's all coming out because you see in every, you go woke, you go broke. Right.
Starting point is 01:28:51 You're seeing that with amongst everybody with, with whatever, you know, they're kind of, I think Noah kind of shot himself in the flip because some of the stuff that he's done is coming out or, you know, that group of behind the games is what he'll out with what these names video And you know, you can kind of tell it's funny because it's unfortunately what it's doing You're dividing everybody into almost republican type athletes versus democrat type. Yeah crazy how that happened I kind of mentioned that and it's you're seeing it. Yeah, definitely. Yeah split of ideologies for sure For sure, dude. So, uh, anyhow, yeah, man. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Yeah. It's probably said to you guys so many times that you guys are doing an awesome job. Um, uh, one thing I'd like to see you get the way you guys create, uh, covered the games while everything was going on. Was super professional. Um, I think what it was good about is that you guys kept everybody in the loop, but also
Starting point is 01:29:46 Have set that tone for the weekend of like hey, this is what's going on Forward so yeah, you guys keep up the good work for that. So thank you. Thank you I appreciate and thank you so much for calling in your the input there good conversation. Yeah Alright Ryan. Good luck. I want to please bro. Oh Yep. Yep. All right, Ryan. Good luck. I want to please a bro. Oh yeah. I mean, lot to unpack there, but he's right. It's almost like, hey, okay. You guys think you know what you want here. Let's give it, let's give it all to you. And then all of a sudden there's so much regulation and they have to get certified for this or
Starting point is 01:30:17 for that, or all of a sudden their briefings become super long or just different things like that. I don't think I truly as I'm thinking more and more about the PFA thing and the demands of like, I just think there might be some sort of ulterior motive there. And there was no blood in the water and thought, hey, we could we could pull some of this power away was my was my thought. I started a couple comments here. I need to like write stuff down. Oh, yeah We already answered that why does a seve love Hawkins so much? Yeah, I was telling you she made a very strong effort
Starting point is 01:30:51 to bring bring the community together Chris the ranch games Hiller was a We were hanging out and he was pressing me a little bit He's like what happens if Dave Castro, you know gets fired was like, and I'm kind of like beating around the bush. And he's like, no, no, no, stop being around the bush. Tell me what, like what happens?
Starting point is 01:31:09 Like, how does it affect you or like, what would you do personally? Like if Dave and I started laughing and I go, well, obviously I would hit him up and be like, Hey, do you, are you going to do a separate competition at the ranch? That's just like an invite only an invitational race, some money for some massive prize money and just fricking just do it out in the ranch and And Hiller starts laughing and he's like, okay, and I was like man that just seemed really Really selfish is like he gets fired and we're like cool. Let's let's let's figure out how to capitalize on this but I think the I
Starting point is 01:31:41 think the like when you look at the NorCal classic and you're at that venue, all you see is groups of people repping whatever gym they're from. Crossfit, wherever, Crossfit, wherever. Oh, what gym are you here with? Oh, cool. I'm with so-and-so from this. That is the community.
Starting point is 01:32:01 The affiliates and the members that are doing CrossFit every single day in the affiliates is the community. And like how Ryan said there, like, Hey, we don't, we don't do the competitive stuff at this gym, at the gym that he goes to. They told Brent, he can't really do his workouts over here. And the reason why, and I think the, uh, you know, we hear you hear us say it all the time is like the affiliate is kind of a microcosm for everything else. Well, think about it in this way. If I allow or focus on competitors into my gym and I place them or value them higher
Starting point is 01:32:33 than the normal members that are coming in, I will go out of business. And here's why majority of the competitors or the wannabe competitors are the aspiring competitors. Let's go. I'm not wannabes, but aspiring competitors, they're typically much younger. They typically don't have a lot of disposable income. That's a nice way of saying they're broke. They typically have to work out a couple times a day. They typically need a lot of equipment that's expensive, that majority of your members are never going to touch. And they consume a lot of the space in the gym, whether that's because they have to do their own programming or their extras or their this or their that. And what ends up happening is you'll have your small group of them that
Starting point is 01:33:21 are over there doing that in the rest of the classes that are trying to show up to get their fitness in an hour, hang out with the friends, sweat a little bit, lift a little bit of weight, have a few high fives and get back to their lives because they got fucking jobs and kids and responsibilities. They have a less, a lesser of an experience because of those competitors. It just, it's the nature of the business. Trust me, I've tried it. I've tried it.
Starting point is 01:33:53 We did it. And now at my gym, people hit us up all the time. Hey, do you have open gym? I do HWPO. No, I don't have open gym. You're more than welcome to come join us with the class. If you want to get a little extra squats or some presses in that's quiet off to the side afterwards, okay, that's fine. You want to get a little bicep pump or do some extra ab
Starting point is 01:34:14 work? Absolutely. But if you're going to come in and hit your metcom piece and your weight lifting piece, and then I have my cardio piece and I have to do this and that. And it's like, no, no, no, no. Because that ends up just taking away. And truly you want to celebrate some of these athletes at the highest of support. And that's what the open was so cool about. Because then you did the Friday night lights. Then your affiliate made it about that. If you were lucky enough, they showed up at your gym with the games athletes and did it. And you were able to do that for a short period of time. And so even like, okay, so for example, we had to piece together, um, stuff to
Starting point is 01:34:54 have Colton come over. Yes, I am. I am having Colton and that is a completely like, if you think that having Colton who now I consider a friend come in and do the workouts because he's very far away from his house and he only has the day to do them and he has to turn them in by four and he's got to do all four of them. Yes. Colton's allowed to come in and do the gym.
Starting point is 01:35:19 And here's the other thing about that. Seema, he literally said, well, what times are going to work? I don't want to burn any classes. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. And I definitely don't want to do anything that's going to, that's going to affect the business. And I said from 10 to noon, no one's at the gym. We don't have any classes from one to three.
Starting point is 01:35:38 No one's at the gym. We don't have any classes. It's like perfect. I'll do two of them during that time between 10 to noon. And I'll do two of them when that time between 10 to noon and I'll do two of them when I come back between two and three. And by the way, having somebody drop in like that, especially when they have the character of somebody like Colton, that is exactly the type of competitor
Starting point is 01:36:02 to express the sports side of CrossFit that I want in my gym. And so that's exactly the difference between having somebody come in and celebrating the fitness versus making it about the competitors that are there 24 seven in the corner of your gym. And here's the other thing about that too. We, we had to piece it together. Colton went and picked up a hundred pound dumbbell and had to go bring it in, go bring it all the way to the gym. I went and picked up a 70 pound dumbbell actually shout out to the CrossFit gym up the street. I went and picked up a car, a 70 pound dumbbell
Starting point is 01:36:45 that they loaned me. Shout out CrossFit 580 and DJ. He's like, yeah, we got one. I was like, dude, could I borrow it for the day? It's kind of a weird request. He's like, absolutely. When grabbed it this morning and him and I actually had a discussion of something we're going to do next year, which is going to, we're going to set up a downtown Livermore CrossFit day where the two of us, Jim's are going to get together, go down to this place called the bank at theater in downtown Lindmore and do a nice like set up some workouts. We'll get some other vendors that are in the health and fitness space out on the lawn there in front of the theater and rock it out.
Starting point is 01:37:17 I also do have a couple of people that are aspiring to be competitors in local competitions or like to do a little bit more at the gym, but they contribute a high level. And what I mean by that is they're the ones that show up before the events to help set stuff up. They break stuff down. They make sure the extra, extra, extra, make sure that they are not in the way of the class, that they're respectful of the coaches. And so there's a fine balance. It's like a dichotomy that you got to kind of manage more so than just letting it lean all the way towards the competitors.
Starting point is 01:37:51 And if Colton had lived nearby, I would have loved for him to drop in every now and then and hit a class workout with us or come in during the Friday night lights and do the open workouts. Um, and one of the other things too is like CrossFit crash, CrossFit crash, JR's gym, great example of this. I mean, I've even seen times or heard him specifically say, guys, you have to, like, and he has a whole separate room. So it works really well for his gym. Not only is it huge, but like literally he has like a room that would probably be
Starting point is 01:38:19 the size of most affiliates off to the side where there that's where he pushes everybody. And even when we did the quarterfinal workouts at, um, at crash, you guys didn't see it because the cameras went down, but the cameras were down and J R's like, all right, get this shit out guys. Grab all your stuff. We got to go. I got my noon class coming in and all the competitors that are right there are
Starting point is 01:38:35 stripping bars, putting stuff away, taking the banners down. We're all working together to get all the microphones, put all that away. So J R could bring his noon class in. Because he's also focused on the community. And that's his priority. He has space and a passion for the competition of it, but his priority is his people that are there in front of them. And so it's just managing that. Miss Medeiros, how are you? It's lovely seeing you, you and your family. Always when I tell Grace that I saw you guys, she's going to be jealous.
Starting point is 01:39:17 She didn't get to see you. Justin will be home this week and that's what our Jim Fulcrum will do. Open up between one to three when he's there. No class he can do. His training probably and I get you and I bet you people love to show up when he's like finishing up his his training session or something just to get in there to see Justin and to talk to him for a minute stuff and those type of things are good it's just about managing that right and that's really
Starting point is 01:39:39 cool I see my health and fitness is becoming more and more individualized with technology and insights open gym outals will become no, no, no, no, no, you're so fucking wrong. So that's a terrible take. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You think technology and stuff is gonna know, dude, it's about a coach. It's about a person in front of you. It's about a relationship that you build with the people that are leading the classes. This is the most powerful thing, not only to your improvement, not only to your mindset,
Starting point is 01:40:05 but also to keep you coming each time. If you think the fucking gamifying shit on your Apple watch or something like that is going to keep you coming into the gym, no way. Maybe for a select few that are like super self motivated and stuff, but no, there's for me, it's all about classes. It's all about it's CrossFit is built off community and connection. I mean, that is the most that's why when people get together and they come and watch other people exercise and stand in the hot sun, it's because they have
Starting point is 01:40:29 relationships with the people they connect with the other people in CrossFit. They want to celebrate and enjoy it. There's no way that technology and things would ever replace that. It can enhance it. It can help it. It could gamify it. It can help it. It could gamify it. It could do cool stuff, but it's always going to come down to the connections that you make
Starting point is 01:40:49 with the people within side your community. And whenever I do get these competitor types that come in and say, Oh, I want to make it to the games. Well, first thing I tell them jokingly is like, I should never beat you in a workout then. And guess what? I beat all of them every single time, but I always tell people that first come in. I say, that's awesome. I'm super glad you have aspirations like that for the first year here.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Don't worry about anything. Just show up very consistently. Work to the highest level integrity on your movement. You can don't take shortcuts and try to just work your way up to where you could do everything RX. And then once you could do everything RX, try to be at the top of the leaderboard in every single class, every single workout, no matter what shows up. Then if you get to that point, we could start talking about what it would look like for
Starting point is 01:41:41 you to compete. And again, you have to have the time for that, right? Like, I mean, who has the time to work out between like, you know, 10 and noon or one and three, unless you're doing this, that's like a full time type deal. Voto, my fourth class today. And I couldn't even finish the workout. It happens.
Starting point is 01:42:01 I mean, I get time capped on my own workouts. the workout. It happens. I mean, I get time capped in my own workouts. Sometimes I'll put stuff up and just like, well, wasn't my day whiteboard, uh, track whiteboard tracking has worked for forever PR and a whiteboard and a bell is so much better than logging in apps. And we do exactly that. We have a PR bell and we have a whiteboard that sits right where everybody first comes into the gym, where they hang out, where we do the whiteboard debriefing. And, uh, when you PR, we always tell everybody, all right, go put it on the board and they get to ring the little bell. And some people are embarrassed about it, but, uh, it's always cool when you kind
Starting point is 01:42:35 of like give them that gentle forceful nudge to do it and then the whole gym cheers whenever they hear, hear the bell and we all get to celebrate our, our wins together. So that's really cool. It's really cool. These are ways I got time capped with the class workout. It happens, man. It happens.
Starting point is 01:42:55 The other thing too, um, that I'll say about the people coming into the gym and they're coming because they saw the CrossFit games, they're aspiring to be, um, a competitor and stuff like that. They have to have a really, in my opinion, slow entry level into that because typically what I've seen over the years is people come in super gun hoe. They follow this program, they follow that program. And what ends up happening is they get these little overuse injuries and then they kind of start to slow down and you know they're not focusing on the recovery. You know they're not focusing on their nutrition as well as they should be. And next thing
Starting point is 01:43:33 you know, they just burn themselves out. And then you start to hear them like, Oh, it's just too much for me. I'm not, you know, oh man, that should be just it's like, no, dude, that was just you. Like you decided to take it from zero to a hundred. You could have spent four hours a week doing CrossFit a week, four classes a week. You would be insanely fit. You'd be getting much more healthier and you would enjoy it. Don't build yourself into this box of like, I got to be the best and I got to be a competitor.
Starting point is 01:44:04 And if you start to get in there and you do the classes, RX, and you start to, and you start to, you know, be at the top of the quote unquote leaderboard inside of your, inside of your gym, it's like, cool. Then take that to a, um, take that to a local competition. Have some fun with it. Doesn't the games doesn't even end all be all. And a lot of these competitors, especially the ones that have been around for a long time, we could use a Justin Madero as an example.
Starting point is 01:44:26 And he's been competing and doing this for a long time. I feel like he showed up one day and was like, here I am. In fact, if you want to really go back and watch him when he was, when he just looked like a young lad, you could go back to some of those early regionals. He was competing at regionals. It wasn't even in the final heat. And so it's cool to be able to take that long shutout to the horizon, be passionate about it, but take the time to develop it correctly.
Starting point is 01:44:52 You know what else to do? It's like a lot of the people that come in and immediately want to be competitors or, you know, I want to be the best, I'm going to be the top of the leaderboard. Typically, those are the ones too, that start to skeet this, the movement standard kind of blur the lines. Maybe they skip a rep or two, you know, because I got to be first and stuff like that. And, um, and you're just rushing, you're just rushing it. Focus on virtuosity, focus on mechanics, focus on consistency, then focus on pushing your own relative intensity and really focus on your diet if you want to be a competitor. Now which it's always funny to like, like, Oh, which program are you doing to HPO to
Starting point is 01:45:42 improve in, which we all know you got to be sentinel. That's the only one that matters. But it's like you focus on all that and people don't focus on the diet portion of it at all. At all. And that is the foundation of the pyramid of this thing CrossFit. So if you're eating like shit and you're drinking all the time and blah, blah, blah, and then you come in, you tell me you want to be a competitor and you know, you get blackout drunk on Friday and blackout drunk on Saturday and then you kind of come in on Monday and it's like, no, you're not. No, you're not. You don't have the discipline for it.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Tell you that right now. Get your diet and check, focus on the 23 hours that you're not in the gym. That's how you really get better. Uh, Matt, how much of a stickler are you calling out rep shavers? Well, this, okay. So Christian, you know, this is kind of like, um, this is kind of like in between things because number one, it's hard when I, so when I coach five, a class of like, let's just say it's a smaller class class of like 10, 12
Starting point is 01:46:45 people. I am moving around so much between the class and coaching and queuing. And this is a, I'm going to do a whole show on coaching. Um, tomorrow at 11, uh, during my show, I have my stuff for it. So we're going to talk about coaching and the standards that, um, we hold that CFL and I'll, you know, we'll break down each portion of the class together and we'll talk about best practices in the way that I've seen and what's evolved over the years.
Starting point is 01:47:11 But the problem with calling out the rep shavers is unless I'm sitting there counting your reps, like, I don't know. Now to your point, there are few people where you're just questioning like the timing. It's like, Oh, you did 50 ball balls and you took, you know, you took it in three sets, but you still finished in, you know, one minute. Like then you're kind of like, that's probably not right. And so typically if I do, if I do see that, or we know it's a fact or something like that,
Starting point is 01:47:42 I'll have that conversation with somebody in private, just kind of as a class is finishing after they caught their breath and all it'll go something like this. Like Christian, you were moving so quick on those wall balls. That was crazy. Great job. Um, I'm not sure, but they looked a little quick. You might've been moving to do, did you hit all 50 or, you know, and you could kind of ask that way, or you could even just make note like, wow, you did
Starting point is 01:48:02 those, uh, a wall ball is really faster, you know, and you can kind of like open it up that way and then have the conversation. But to me, they're also just cheating themselves and you're, you're, you're moving quickly and shaving reps and shit to be the first one done in the class. Like just tell yourself you're the winner anyways, and just do the workout correctly. But yeah, that's always, um, you know, it's always a tough one, but I try to have the conversation with them in private. If you do know that it's going down, the opens will clear that up yearly. Hopefully it depends.
Starting point is 01:48:38 You get that one rep shaver that everybody kind of like, you know, is always a little like weary of because they finished the workout so fast and then all of a sudden they bring their like boyfriend or girlfriend in to judge them and you're like, oh shit, here we go. Then I have to go over there and have a conversation with them. I like to make a smarty remark and let them know people notice them cheating and move on.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Yeah. The best way to do that is just like on that one-on-one basis though, I guess. I mean, that's probably what you're referring to here. Cause when you just like on that one-on-one basis though. I guess it's I mean that's probably what you're referring to here because when you do that on a one-on-one and there's nobody to like impress or nothing happening, they're kind of just like, Oh, it tends to work a lot better that way. All right, gang. I'm cold will be at the gym shortly here.
Starting point is 01:49:23 He just shot me a text I'm gonna get some breakfast and then head there Myself Thanks guys for hanging out That's fun Had a good time good calls. Thanks to seven Orion for calling in We uh Who knows seven will probably get home. We get an itch to do a show tonight.
Starting point is 01:49:50 Maybe we'll check in with Colton after the qualifiers. I'm not going to like, I'll get some photos of it and I'll film a little bit of it and stuff like that, but, uh, I won't stream any of it. He's got, you know, he's in a competition, man. I don't care if someone cheats, that's on them. Yeah, that's true too. It just like, is the juice worth the squeeze? The only real time that I've actually, um, broken and had those conversations is
Starting point is 01:50:16 when it started, just like the noise from everybody else and stuff was one of those situations where you kind of had to say like something because it was just spilling outside of just that one person cheating. yeah it's like you're right it's just on them holy shit David thank you that's very nice of you David also said something nice in a in another video the one we filmed at the gym and I was like wow it was like a win but yeah so Saban might be coming back on if not we'll be back tomorrow I'll be back with you guys at 11 a.m. we'll talk a little about some coaching some almost likely
Starting point is 01:50:53 do a show in the morning prior to that and I'll I'll get you guys next time thanks for hanging be good to each other out there adios

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