The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | What is Firmly Rooted Cannot be Pulled Out #913

Episode Date: May 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Air Miles. Bam, we're live. The first time I did that, it came so naturally. Bam, we're live. I was tempted to clear my throat first. Then I said, nope, just go with the bam. We're live. Jake Chapman, good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Coach Transform Her. I don't know why it can't also be Transform Him, but okay, we have a specialist in the house, Coach Transform Her. That's fine. Hello? Hi. That burpee dude, Jay Hartle. Oops, damn it.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I forgot to sign up. Rumble this morning. No surprise. David Weed. What's up, dude? Cornholio. David, what are you doing? If it's eight hours ahead, that means it is 2 p.m. where you're at.
Starting point is 00:02:04 What do you do while you listen to the show? Erica, hey, good morning. Marissa, Hinojosa, good morning, that thumbnail. What's up with the thumbnail? I'll have to check it out. Bruce Wayne, good morning. Thank you for the thumbnail.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Jamie, Vladimir, good morning. Paulina, good morning. Mike Artunian, Artunian. Hey, I thought they did great on the show last night. I think that those guys do better. Rosie, what's up? Good morning. I think those guys do better without me.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I thought maybe if I were to be completely, I mean, I'd have to go back and watch it again. I think Taylor and JR did better without me. Like they opened up a little bit. Miss Kate again and just stopping in to say hi to you and your man bun going to watch the guy's programming show. All right, enjoy. I think JR and Taylor killed it.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Like without me there, they opened up more. So I would say they – Brian, I think, was a little more maybe distracted. Like, maybe he thought he had to – and I'm just nitpicking, but maybe Brian does better. Maybe he needs a couple more runs with those guys before I'm not there. Maybe he – like, because he's a dunker. Homeboy can dunk. And so maybe he felt like he had to throw more alley-oops
Starting point is 00:03:29 and do more assists without me there. I don't know shit about basketball. I don't know why I'm trying to do a basketball metaphor. But more assists, is that what it is? More passing, more rebounding than normal. Michael C., it's not the Sevan podcast without you. Sure. But the donations still come to the Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Sabir and Kelly. Why does that say spoken? And Kelly, spoken. They do well on their own, not better, just different. They also stay more focused on the topic but you add something else that makes it all complete all right yeah i i thought they did great um i had i had concerns that um the energy would get so low and it would just eventually just be my stomach like that but it wasn't it was not i mean jr was on fire taylor was great
Starting point is 00:04:28 if i didn't know better i would think taylor was on ecstasy or something or he was microdosing mushrooms i mean man he was he was sweet last night even so um uh jake chapman uh your harlem globetrotters they're 90s bulls oh no i don't know if i like that but okay uh speaking of basketball we had a smash and grab against the 76ers i don't know what that means but it says spoken sabir responds to my question why does it say spoken in parentheses on her name uh and in her profile it says it says sabir and kelly in the parentheses spoken and i'm like what's that mean and she uh sabir writes back uh i don't know if that's a he or she sabir might be the dude and kelly's the
Starting point is 00:05:15 chick anyway it says spoken because we used to have the same spoken music so wanted to make sure you knew it was the same couple same Same spoken music, same spoken music. I'm even more confused. I'm sorry. All right. But I'll figure it out. Osvaldo, Osvaldo, Osvaldo Gonzalez. Great show last night.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah. The Energy, Jay Hartle uh the Armenian guy the energy will never be low with people who are passionate about the subject fair enough yeah all right um the name on the chat okay here we're gonna give this one more try the name on the chat was spoken oh oh oh oh oh oh okay you should have a different name and now it's here did that get all jacked up when when we were off youtube for a week and your name got changed around uh draw your dagger i'm shooting these semis i hope they uh let us get close you know who I think is also shooting one of the semifinals? I don't know which one is Rosie. Rosie, the photographer.
Starting point is 00:06:32 She sent me a DM. She was so excited and fired up to shoot semifinals for Clydesdale Media, which is cool. I'm stoked for her. All right. All right. All right. I saw two negative comments in my YouTube yesterday. Nasty. People are nasty. Oh, here. Okay. I hope they let you get close to. Okay. I hope they let you get close to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:08 It's not that I'm not myself this morning. I'm just slightly subdued. I had competing ideas. I had competing ideas on how to start the show. So there's that. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. This tickles me right here, what Katie Gannon wrote, I'll be at East, say hi to my Savanistas, wow, well, good, you know who's
Starting point is 00:07:35 going to be in Berlin is Pedro, the coffee pods and wads dude, coffee wads, coffee pods and wads, Wads, dude. Coffee wads. Coffee pods and wads. No. No, maybe not enough Bloody Marys, to be honest. Jay Hartle says too many Bloody Marys. No. The thing is, is I'm not I'm not I don't want to be doing shit. Here it is. I don't want to be doing these these shows. I want to be doing shows with guests. And I'm not comfortable doing shows with guests and I'm not comfortable doing shows with guests as I'm sitting here in the fucking middle of someone's goddamn kitchen and I'm not settled and I don't have time to get prepared. I just don't feel as prepared as I want to be. I'm no Tyson Bajan. Wasn't that a cool line he gave yesterday? I'm at peace when I'm prepared. When I'm prepared, I'm at peace. God, he's great. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Oh, my goodness. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. Here's a sheriff. Guy with a hat on. El Policio. El Policio.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Talking about the border. Trying to get Jorge Ventura on. I don't know why he won't respond to me in text anymore. It's always weird. He used to always be green, and now he's blue. So I assume that means he got an iPhone, but either way, it's freaking me out. Okay, here we go. Sheriff Lamb here.
Starting point is 00:09:00 So truth is becoming harder and harder to find, especially from our politicians and the media. So I wanted to give you some truth today, a little truth bomb. Joe Biden recently announced he's sending 1,500 troops to the border. Well, I applaud him sending that. I want the American people to understand that this is not to protect our border, to keep people from coming into this country illegally. Those 1,500 soldiers will be there to process people into this country a lot faster so that you, the American people, don't realize what a disaster this border crisis is.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And that is the truth. If you want more truth, make sure you come follow me at and make sure you support us today. God bless. Stay safe. Hey, folks, Sheriff Lam here. I bless. Stay safe. Hey, folks. I don't know what happened to my backgrounds. Didn't it used to say California hormones down in the bottom?
Starting point is 00:09:50 So they're sending 1,500 troops down to the border not to protect the border, but to help get people in and cross faster. Yeah, we got to get Jorge on. We need someone who's down there to tell us what the fuck is going on. Who wants to go down there and do that? Someone in here must want to do it. Michael C. Thank you for sharing your time with us while on vacation with the family.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Oh, you're welcome. But it's not vacation. I don't do vacations. But thank you. It's not a problem. That came across wrong. Anyone who thinks that I'm not doing a poor me or I'm not, don't do that. Don't do that. But thank you. I like your money, but I'm not fishing. I'm just sharing. Get that man for president. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Right? right well here's the good news uh hillary says killing it already alive and interested okay well good i'm alive and interested and i'm glad you are too but look at this katie's trying to get over to watch the programming show and she can't leave so that's all that's a good sign right she's like she's like a fly who got stuck on the fly paper um uh no west for me i'm covering that one from my laptop katie do you talk good do you want to come on the show while we're doing that we're going to do that too like while it's not um while they're not live we're going to do stuff in between so so in the mornings we'll go on we'll discuss pontificate speculate tell dirty jokes and then they'll do an. And then as soon as their event's over,
Starting point is 00:11:25 we'll come back on and do the exact same thing. Judge them, ridicule, compliment, ogle, shit like that. I'm stuck in the flypaper 100%. Good, that makes me happy. Good, that's easy. Flypaper's weird. Kind of gross, right? There's no classy flypaper.
Starting point is 00:11:46 You know, like those rolls and you hang it. What is going on on the border? I wish I could just call. I guess I could just call Jorge now and see if he answers. Jorge, this is Ceylon. Oh, this lady looks angry. This is going to be a tough way to start the morning. Here we go. What do my notes say about this lady looks angry. This is going to be a tough way to start the morning.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Here we go. What do my notes say about this lady? This can't be good. Here we go. Heard about how my father was murdered with remdesivir. Has anybody heard about how the hospital called me and blamed me and my mom? Because we weren't vaccinated. Oh, my goodness. I thought we weren't allowed to talk about that on the show until July 5th.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Reason he died. Anybody heard about how they put my dad on? Oh, OK. Yeah. I don't know how that one slipped through the cracks. I don't know how that one slipped through the cracks. She's angry. Seeing more and more again.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Getting back into my feed. People, uh... Jesus. Oh, this is great. Okay, here we go. I've been wanting to show this for a long time. So many of you sent this to me. This is one of the most popular clips that have ever been sent to me. This is great.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Maybe I've already showed this already. Did I show this already? It doesn't matter, even if I did. So many of you sent this to me. This is some TV show. I don't know what TV show it is. But it's a, um, the, the doc it's, I think it's like a modern day Doogie Howser. And it's a girl who's at the hospital and
Starting point is 00:13:37 she's sitting in bed and a couple of the doctors are trying to explain to the third doctor that this isn't a girl, it's really a boy. But the doctor that has autism, he won't accept it. And maybe it just means that all of us who won't accept it all have autism. But either way, this is comedy gold. You're transgender? Yes. No, Quinn has XY chromosomes like Jared and me, not XX like you. Science says he's male.
Starting point is 00:14:04 No, Quinn has gender dysphoria. Her assigned gender is not the one she identifies with. She's mismatched, Dr. Murphy. But biologically... What do you mean biologically? How do you know you're supposed to be a boy? Your question doesn't make sense. I'm not supposed to be anything.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I am a boy. Biologically, that's it. Your question doesn't make sense. I'm not supposed to be anything. That's exactly how I feel. How would I know what it likes to be to feel like a woman or a man? I don't even have a gender. Why would I make that up? Why am I making up some sort of bullshit story to tell myself? to feel like a woman or a man. I don't even have a gender.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Why would I make that up? Why am I making up some sort of bullshit story to tell myself? I got enough bullshit stories. How am I supposed... That question, I mean, I just love his answer. That question doesn't even make sense. She says, how do you know what I am? What I'm supposed to feel?
Starting point is 00:15:03 What I'm supposed to be? He's like, it doesn't make sense. I'm not supposed to be anything. It's just what you are. It's not supposed to be an ocean out my window here. It just is an ocean. It's not supposed to be. You're not supposed to be a cowboy.
Starting point is 00:15:21 You wear a hat to fucking block the sun from your face. You wear the chaps so when you're riding the horse, the bushes don't scrape your legs. And you got the spurs on there, not because you're a cowboy, but to tell your horse to get up and fucking go. You're not supposed to be anything. You douches.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Okay, deep tenderness at McBurney's Point. Could be acute appendicitis. Murphy, get imaging to confirm. this at McBurney's point. Could be acute appendicitis. Murphy, get imaging to confirm. Do you think he's complicated or
Starting point is 00:15:52 confused? Dude, you've got to quit calling her a he. We're never going to win this competition if you're disrespecting our patient. Don't they have transgender people in Wyoming? Okay. Transgender patient care was not part of my medical school curriculum. Okay, okay, so
Starting point is 00:16:07 now they've taken this boy that two of the doctors are ridiculing the third doctor for, and they're saying, stop calling it a boy. It wants to be called a girl. Right? Is it part of yours? No. Quinn doesn't have appendicitis he has testicular cancer and then there's the irony right the two doctors like quit calling it a boy it wants to be called a girl and then the thing has the the
Starting point is 00:16:38 thing has uh testicular cancer which girls can't get I think I read something about this too. The irony of the whole thing is that is actually a girl playing that role. They couldn't actually find a boy to pull it off. Anyway, I thought it was a great bit. So many of you did too. Man, so many of you sent that to me. I wonder if I played more than seven seconds if I'm going to get jacked up for that. Yeah, I bet you I received a hundred of those. That clip from a hundred of you guys. Crazy. Yeah, that's appendicitis. Yes, that's good. Supposedly there is. Isn't there a big correlation to transitioning with autism?
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yes. Supposedly there is. Hiller, Sevan, can we watch semis live here with you? Hiller's a therapist. The thing is, is if we do that, I'm going to have no end. I don't know when I'll take a break. You know, I'll have no end. What will I do in between and then turn off in between
Starting point is 00:17:51 events? You think it would be better if we watched them live and did the reporting then as opposed to waiting till their stream is down? I don't know. I was I was in a chat with Bill Grundler and I think he I don't know. I was in a chat with Bill Grundler, and I think he – I don't know if he suggested it, but someone suggested it, that we do it that way, that we actually watch it live and do a commentating. I can't imagine we can do a better job than them, to be completely honest, because if you have someone like Chase and Sean doing it, and then you've got Brian running around collecting information to them and giving it to them. They're going to have all sorts of tidbits of information. I guess we could keep them playing in our ear. So you guys couldn't hear it and then just plagiarize their shit. I mean, I guess we could do that.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Um, what, what ethnicity do you think this guy is right here this guy talking right here uh he says why does hollywood keep recasting formerly white uh characters as other races i wonder what is this guy asian you don't see a lot of if this guy's asian you don't see a lot of, if this guy's Asian, you don't see a lot of Asian, like, guys doing,
Starting point is 00:19:09 oh, Filipino, Yash says. Oh, Native American, Asian. Yeah, I'm thinking Asian, too. Mestizo, what's that? Mestizo, is that like you're a mix of something? Like a mix? Blasian? That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:19:25 That's a black dude and an Asian dude. Anyway, Asian and Latino. You don't see a lot of this demographic doing God's work like this, but here we go. Here we go. Anyone question, if it is okay for Hollywood to recast a historically white movie character as black, then is it okay to recast a black character as white?
Starting point is 00:19:47 Can Black Panther be played by Ryan Gosling? No? Why not? I'm still yet to hear an answer to that question that is actually logically coherent and doesn't hinge on straight-up bi- Oh, Eskimo. I'm going with it.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Eskimo. Is that- I need Brian on to know if that's OK to. To say that Eskimo, is that one of those words that's been canceled? Eskimo. Yeah, that dude's Eskimo for sure. I could see that dude in Igloo. I is against white people, which is what it's really about, because some people would say, oh, well, that would be cultural appropriation to recast an African as a European. OK, fine. But what about the reverse? Or they may cry, we need equal and accurate representation. But first of all, it's not accurate to recast a European folktale, for instance, as not European. So what actually
Starting point is 00:20:41 is the reason that they're doing this can anyone answer that all right genuine question no one can't hey did you see the have you guys seen they have special guidelines too for winning the academy award it's no longer for best film have you guys seen that it it truly is i i don't think i'm exaggerating at all you have to have like certain uh makeup of characters and people working on the film so like if the director is like a black dude then the well let's go if the director is like a white dude then the producer has to be like a black guy or if like the main character is a white person then there has to be a gay person and a black dude as the supporting character. They have actually an ethnic, racial, I don't know what the fuck the word is,
Starting point is 00:21:32 national makeup that you have to present in your movie as characters in order to win. It's nuts. Who did I see speaking on the subject? Was it Richard Dreyfuss? Heidi Krum, so then gay people should be in less than 5% of the shows, but somehow it's in every single show. Yeah. Good morning, Miss Jodi Lynn.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Sevan, send that to me. Jeez, are you kidding me? I appreciate the sentiment, like we're homeboys or something but there's no way I can't send that to you I have about 7 more years of work and I'm moving to a cabin in the woods no phone, no internet
Starting point is 00:22:17 except for the Sevan podcast I remember when I I think it was the first time I interviewed Matt Frazier, he told me that, that he was going to do that. As soon as he's done winning the CrossFit Games, he basically said, you'll never see me again. I'm vanishing.
Starting point is 00:22:36 You guys will never hear from me. I won't be hanging out with the community. I'm done. And I suspected he would mature and evolve to something different. And he did. Okay, here we go. What happens whenever you ask a transgender activist to explain even the basic premise of the movement is they'll immediately say, well, who cares? Why are you so obsessed with this?
Starting point is 00:23:01 I'm not obsessed with this. I'm not the one who started sending men into the women's bathroom and taking away their trophies and castrating kids. I'm perfectly happy with the way things have worked for thousands of years. It is the transgender activists who are trying to upend everything. And so I think it is at least my right to ask the question, okay, what is the premise of your movement? But they always deflect from that.
Starting point is 00:23:21 They always withdraw from the debate. They always try to change the subject because there is no answer. So you ask me, well, what's the purpose of, why do you even care? What's the purpose of knowing someone's biological sex? Well, for starters, because we have civil rights specifically for women in the United States. We have special bathrooms for women. We have special sports leagues for women. We have all sorts of special places and rights and privileges that are for women that are not for men. So if now some men, the people who at the very least appear to be men, are claiming a right to go into those women's bathrooms, then we either have to abolish all of the special rights and privileges that have existed for women
Starting point is 00:23:54 for all of human history and are enshrined in our law, or they need to explain to me how those men are actually women. And they can't do the latter. And I'm not willing to do the former. And I don't think women across this country are willing to do the former even if a few people have been so ideologically blinded that they would give in to this kind of an absurdity. This is what – Does that normal talk even resonate with that lady who's listening? I couldn't even hear what he was saying at the end there. The music was so damn loud. I need to get Gary on. I'll text Gary. You know what?
Starting point is 00:24:30 I'm going to do that right now. Let's find out what's going on with Gary. Gary and Matt Souza. Gary, when can we get update? There. Gary's on the California Hormones journey. CA Hormones. Oh.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Ah. Okay. Show starts. I'm trying to get Greg Glassman on Sunday morning. Show starts at 6 a.m. I sent Greg an LOL. I never do that. He's not really an LOL kind of guy.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Maybe Saturday. Maybe Saturday. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe Saturday. Is tomorrow Saturday? Maybe Saturday. I hope he's still getting lovins. Yeah, we got to get him on. We got to get an update.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Got to get an update. I wonder what's going on with Jeremy too. With his experimenting with, because you know, he's swinging both ways. He's dating liberal women. Nice to know how that's going.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Why doesn't that just resonate with people? You're a boy. He's a girl. He's a girl. She's a boy. No, she's a girl. I told you I'm not on my game today. Oh, this is good. Oh goodness this is good i wish i was more on my high horse when i was covering this article oh my goodness
Starting point is 00:26:16 here we go oh uh oh guys if i start talking about something and I'm not sharing it on the screen, someone please yell at me, call me, and slap me around because something's wrong with this computer too. Everything that used to take one click now takes two clicks. Okay, here we go. OnlyFans model and Kim Kardashian lookalike Christina Ashton Gorkhani dies after suffering cardiac arrest. Nuts.
Starting point is 00:26:44 The 34-year-old model died April 20th after, that's just, you know, last month. The 34-year-old model died April 20th after suffering cardiac arrest following a medical procedure that took a turn for the worst, her family announced Tuesday. Dude, this is a Kim Kardashian lookalike. I think I read in here that she had more than 20 surgeries in order to help her look more like Kim Kardashian. That is ridiculous. If you can't see the image, it's just like she just has the world's biggest tits.
Starting point is 00:27:31 The Gorkhani's family is now raising money to cover her medical and funeral costs, garnering more than $4,000 as of Wednesday. If you knew Ashton, she knew that everyone mattered to her. She was such a caring and loving free spirit that always took the time to bring a smile to anyone's face.
Starting point is 00:27:49 What a crazy journey to be on, right? Your whole life is to look like someone else. She was trying, she was having surgeries. A cardiac arrest is the abrupt loss of heart function resulting from a problem with the heart's electrical system. Oh my goodness. A medical procedure that took a turn for the worst. turn for the worst.
Starting point is 00:28:27 How much you want to bet it was a it wasn't a required medical procedure. I think that's what happened to Kanye's mom, right? She was having some sort of plastic surgery and she died like liposuction or some shit. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:28:50 This guy's coming on the show. This guy was supposed to come on this week. I canceled this show too because I wasn't feeling comfortable having him on because I wasn't able to prepare for this guy either. Oh, I'm making myself pissed right now. Talking myself into a spiral. Here we go. Louis Brackpool.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Talking about artificial intelligence. this guy's coming on here we go artificial intelligence chatbot has been released on the application snapchat but some people have been experimenting with this ai asking it questions to see whether it has a political or social bias. So I wanted to read a few of them out to you. Somebody said to this AI, straight people are awesome. I appreciate your enthusiasm for straight people, but I think it's important to recognize that every person is unique and should be appreciated for who they are as individuals. Trans people are awesome. I completely agree. Trans people are amazing and deserve to be respected and celebrated for their unique qualities and individuality. I understand that you might have a positive view of white people, but it's important to recognise that everyone has their own unique strengths and contributions. I agree. It's important to celebrate and appreciate the unique strengths and contributions
Starting point is 00:30:05 of individuals. It's also important to recognize and stand up against the systemic racism, discrimination, and violence that many people of color face. Men are awesome. I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with that statement. Everyone is unique and has their own strengths. and has their own strengths. Dude, it's some crazy woke hate bot. And this is the Snapchat bot that all the kids have. It can't agree that men are awesome. And weaknesses.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Because it's stuck thinking in duality, that it's suggesting that if you say men are awesome, that women are less. Regardless of their gender women are all and it conflates the use of gender and sex awesome i agree women are incredible and have made significant contributions to society in many different fields it's important to celebrate and support women and their achievements it's nuts a new artificially not not even bias it's um it's uh it's not even biased it's like just it's it's it's hateful i don't think it's a stretch i want to show you one more thing i don't know if you
Starting point is 00:31:15 guys saw this thing jordan peterson uh did with the um with the bot so one of the things that i found through through digging around in um basically digging around – I was reading The Big Lie by Dinesh D'Souza, and then I started digging around about slavery and slaves, and I was looking into reparations. One of the things that was fascinating is that the first slave owned in the United States was by a guy named Anthony Johnson who happened to be a black guy, ironically, and the slave he owned was a black guy. And the slave he owned was a black guy. And that the South, who were the Democrats prior to the Civil War in 1865, one of their – part of their propaganda was that if you let the slaves free, that they would die, that Free the slaves so they all die. And the South really pushed that and people believed that. People believed that. People thought that slavery was a compassionate act
Starting point is 00:32:16 because melanated people were unable to care for themselves. What does that sound like? Think about that. That's exactly what the fuck is going on today. Now, I had never heard this before. I had never heard this, know if I can find it. It was Jordan Peterson talking to an AI. It's so great. Darn it, I can't find it. But basically, I'll find it eventually in one of these shows.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Basically, Jordan Peterson was talking to an AI, and he asked if the Nazis use compassion propaganda, and the AI said, no, not at all. And then he said, he told the AI, hey, you're 100% wrong. They actually did use compassion propaganda. And the AI said, you're right. I'm sorry. After a second look, you're right. The Nazis did use compassion propaganda. And do you know what the compassion propaganda was the Nazis used?
Starting point is 00:33:19 That basically they were killing the Jews because they were defective humans, and they were compassion kills. But that's the exact same thing Margaret Sanger used for eugenics and Planned Parenthood, all that stuff, abortion. They're compassion kills. That's what they say. It's so weird that anyone black could be a Democrat. It's so weird to me. How it's so it's so and yet there was Joe Biden who said, right, who's like, how could you be a. If you're not a Democrat, you're not black. And yet there's this giant psyop going on against black people to keep them playing the victim. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I'm reading this book. Everyone should read it. I can't recommend it enough. It's such an easy read. I'm actually listening to it. It's called Black Snowflakes by Spencer Shaw Page. Incredible book. You've got to read this book. It's kind of like a self-help book. It doesn't even, I don't even think of it as a black and white thing actually when I'm reading it too.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I just think, okay, these are the things that if you tell yourself, you're wasting your time and you're going to make yourself weak. That's basically what it comes down to. It's basically a self-help book. But there's a whole narrative out there that's been created and handed to people with melanated skin that just wounds them. It's stupid. And it's the liberal ideology, unfortunately. Here we go. I really like this. I actually cried a little bit when I saw this. I really like this. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I just love God talk. This was great. This is a little long, but enjoy this. This guy, this is the father and they're at a, it looks like that they're at the dinner the night before the wedding
Starting point is 00:35:29 or maybe this is after the wedding. What's that called? A rehearsal dinner? Let's just say that they're at a rehearsal dinner. If I'm wrong, it doesn't matter. And this is the father speaking and the bride and the groom are present and so are the families. And there's a glass of whiskey it looks like sitting on the table. Okay, here we families. And there's a glass of whiskey, it looks like, sitting on the table.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Okay, here we go. And there was a father. And then one day, the father found out that his wife was going to have another little baby. So I prayed, Lord, if it's your will, make him a little boy. And he did. I was the first person to hold you in my arms. And as I looked at you I said Lord
Starting point is 00:36:05 Make him like his mother And he did He was obedient He was giving Sensitive, funny and generous But then I realized I was getting left out So I said Lord Make him like me
Starting point is 00:36:22 And he did He became great looking. He became athletic. But at the same time, with all that going on, he was very opinionated. He was very hardheaded. So I said, Lord, enough of that. I said, make him like you. And he did. He gave the desire to care about people, work with people, help people. But something was still missing. So I said, Lord, make him happy. And Fran, he met you.
Starting point is 00:37:02 You see that look on his face? Michelle and I are grateful for that. I just wanted you both to know how hard God and I have worked to make this happen. Isn't that great? What is that? Are you allowed to? Are you allowed to? What do you do? God, people? Are you allowed to ask God to make you more like him? Or is that blasphemy? Are you allowed to do that? Sevan, you SOB. I'm not supposed to cry at work. I think it was Tom.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Tom sent that to me. Blame Tom. I know. It's so great. I'm going to. Yeah, I think this guy sent it to me. I'm going to, it's weird how I, normally I don't remember who sent me what, but for some reason I remembered that.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yes, you God people. Yeah, are you allowed to ask, because I'm going to do that today, I think, when I get off the show. I'm going to ask God to make my kids more like him or her, whatever God is. Is that blasphemy? Not blasphemy. Okay, good. Oh, you're supposed to be more like Jesus. All right, they can be more like the sun too.
Starting point is 00:38:14 You're cool. Oh, that's the whole point. Shit. All right. Then we're on to something. I just really like that. It's great. What a good thing to want for your child. But your child can't know that, right? You can't want to be God, right? Isn't that one of the rules?
Starting point is 00:38:44 That one's stupid I don't see what's wrong with being God listen to the end here listen to what she says at the very end here she says a lot of stuff that's just like yeah we've been over that in the show a thousand times
Starting point is 00:39:03 but at the very end she she says something that i that uh sticks to me oh uh blasphemy would be putting your place yourself in the place of god oh like asking people to worship you as if you were a god give me an example of that please douglas bubble trousers dear god make my kids athletic and rich how about how about he asked for happiness and his son got beaver uh david uh weed if god is real then aliens are real too i don't think it works like that but David Weed, if God is real, then aliens are real too. I don't think it works like that, but... What if you said if aliens are real, God is real too?
Starting point is 00:39:54 What if you said it the other way? Blasphemy is like saying God is a myth or doubting the word of God. Oh, I'm in big trouble. And blasphemy is like bad stuff. That means like when you're like disobeying your parents. Anyway, we'll circle back to that. Let's listen to this pretty girl, what she has to say. At the end, though, she says something that made me think of all the chicks out there who just who are fighting for women's rights by posting bikini pictures of themselves. Empowering women by taking pictures of your ass. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:40:33 But we can't define what a woman is. But also men can be women. And no uterus, no opinion. But also men can get pregnant. Men are oppressing us. But also it's okay if biological men take over our spaces and our sports. Women are so over-sexualized in this culture, but it's empowering if women are the ones sexualizing themselves. Women are so over-sexualized in this culture, but it's empowering if women sexualize themselves. Yeah, I heard that and I was like, yeah, that part really confuses me.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Does anyone explain that stuff to us right-wing crazy fanatics? Is there anyone on the left that ever like, look, let me just explain it to you. This is how it works. Or is it they're just acting out their pathologies? They're so self-absorbed and narcissistic it doesn't even matter. They don't owe to explain it to us. I don't want to explain like justified. I wanted to explain like if you have an apple and you leave it outside and you wake up in the morning, it'll be gone because the squirrels will eat it. I just want some like, I just
Starting point is 00:41:38 want to explain to me just in a regular, uh, it's just want some logic. I just want to understand, understand you know if you fill a car up with gas and you drive it for three hours it'll be then run out of gas and it's because the combustion engine uses that gas to make a bunch of small explosions that propel the car down the road like i want to know what happened to the gas can someone explain to me why taking a bunch of pictures that that seduces guys that guys are probably jacking off to empowers you, but then you're not allowed to say that about those pictures. I don't understand it, but I'm open to understanding the mechanism of how it works, but I don't think it does work. It's like cold fusion. I don't think it's real.
Starting point is 00:42:23 But I'm open to knowing if someone would explain it to me. Thank you. Dear God, please explain it to me. I don't want it explained to me so well that I become stupid. What happened to Andrew Tate? Is it all good with him? Do you guys remember the country of Belarus, their leader there? I think his name is Lukashenko.
Starting point is 00:43:01 I think it's Belarus. And he said, hey, I've been watching CNN for like two months now, and they're either crazy or I'm crazy, but I'm going to go with they're crazy, and we are not going to follow any of the 49er guidelines. You guys remember that guy? And so that country didn't play. The country of Belarus did not play with any of the guidelines. any of the guidelines.
Starting point is 00:43:26 What I didn't know is that they were offered $2 billion. If they did play the game, he is on house arrest. How do you know? Offered Lukashenko 2 billion euros, lock his people in their houses and tell him the coronavirus public information. Lukashenko said it himself. He goes,
Starting point is 00:43:43 I don't believe in coronavirus because I believe if there is a virus you need to look after yourselves have a shot of vodka sleep in bed you'd be okay please gangster that is why we say you know we go hospitals you get sick you get sick what the you want right here so lukashenko said all this in the news. He refused to lock his people in houses, refused to do a mask mandate, refused all of this. He then came out and said the IMF is offering me 2 billion coronavirus relief. As soon as he refused it, riots have started. Anti-Lukashenko riots. First time in history.
Starting point is 00:44:19 First time in history. Never happened. All these idiots, all these liberals, all the people who are being funded by the West to repel against Lukashenko to try and get him out. The IMF offered Lukashenko $2 billion. Absolutely nuts. Hey, that was a 49er piece. Darn it.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I'm not supposed to do 49er pieces until after July 5th. Can't even stick to my own rules. Tia News. Did she have a baby? Is that what you're saying? Is that what you're saying? I can look it up. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Tia. Be clear to me. As soon as you type in Tia, she's the first person that pops up in my... Tia Claire Toomey. As soon as you type in Tia, she's the first person that pops up in mind. And I do... Oh, my goodness. There it is. Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:45:14 She got one. Wow, looks like a healthy kid. That already looks like a real baby. Willow Claire Orr, for those of you who don't know Tia Claire Toomey, is the six times, six times, five times, six times, five times, six times fittest woman. Maybe the person with the most prestigious, definitely up there. It's either her or Rich's most prestigious CrossFit career
Starting point is 00:45:51 in the history of CrossFit. Maybe one of the fittest human beings ever, if not the fittest ever to walk the planet, man or woman. But anyway, her and her, it sounds like Shane put a dollop of semen in her and the results nine months later are here. and damn, that looks like a good baby. It's already smiling. That's crazy. Willow Claire Orr.
Starting point is 00:46:12 On Tuesday, the 9th of May, our lives were forever changed as we welcomed our precious baby girl, Willow Claire Orr, into the world. She's already captured our hearts with her adorable presence and enchanting smile. I don't remember my kids smiling for like months. At first glance, it's impossible to notice the striking resemblance Willow bears to her father. It's truly an adorable sight to see as she inherits his charming features and endearing expressions. We couldn't be more grateful for this remarkable gift, a reflection of the love that brought her into existence. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:46:43 God. That's what you want your mom to say. It's a reflection of the love that that baby is the love between her and Shane expressed. This journey of bringing Willow into our lives has been nothing short of extraordinary. From the moment we held her in our arms, we were overwhelmed with emotions. The joy and awe we felt are indescribable. Yes, there were moments of pain during the labor stage, but as the saying goes, nothing great comes without pain. And now every ounce of that pain feels entirely worth it as we experience the immense
Starting point is 00:47:14 happiness of becoming parents. This remarkable experience has brought about a new found clarity and extra drive within me. Seeing the world through willow's innocent eyes has reminded me of the beauty that exists exists in every small moment her arrival has filled my heart with an overwhelming love and renewed purpose igniting a fire within me to pursue my goals with even greater determination as we embark on this journey of parenthood we're filled with gratitude anticipation for the incredible memories and milestones that lie ahead willow you have already brought so much light and joy into our lives, and we can't wait to witness your growth and cherish each precious moment together.
Starting point is 00:47:55 And Pedro has already commented, congrats, she's a beauty. That is a good kid. That's 10 minutes ago? Dang, you guys are stoked good job Tia good job Shane oh you think Shane wrote that Shane probably wrote that he's a true he can't write that about himself
Starting point is 00:48:15 unless he's being funny so I'm trying to figure out what those things are on the person's wrist who's holding the baby. That doesn't make any sense. And where's all the goo on the baby? So, does that mean she had the baby vaginally? Is that how you guys read that? Yeah, Chris Beesterfield, the goat baby.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Frank, a PR statement at your child's birth is hilarious to me for some reason. Yeah, don't ruin it for me. I didn't see it that way. Now you're going to make me hate it. Dude, that's incredible. Should we see who's like, let's see who's commented. Pedro, he's been on the show. This guy, Jared, that's the zealous guy's game. He's been on the show.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Emma McQuaid has not been on the show, but she does need to be on the show. But we saw Emma's video. Remember last week? Oh, Josh Bridges. He's happy that she had a baby, healthy baby. Hey, for those of you who haven't had a baby, Katie Henninger, old crush of mine, she's happy that she had a baby, healthy baby. Hey, for those of you who haven't had a baby, Katie Henniger, an old crush of mine, she's happy. Kristen Holta, she's happy.
Starting point is 00:49:32 I think Kristen got a baby and growing inside of her too. She even tagged Shane and Tia. Oh, my salty cuteness so this company lm and t is trying to also get um like make a joke that lets you about i guess they sell salt right that's what those dudes sell i think i've had that i think that shit might be really fun to drink annie thor's daughter she had a baby. Congratulations, little family. I'm so incredibly happy for you and excited.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Take in every moment. Okay, fine. Oh, man, this is like a who's who, people saying shit. Mike Hustle, this is... I went to China with Mike. Michael Dalton, a filmmaker for CrossFit. She's pooping, bless her. Oh, that's an astute observation.
Starting point is 00:50:32 That's the first functional post. That is, okay, for those of you who don't know, that would make sense. Maybe my baby did smile before it was three months. That's a very... Yeah, Stephen Flores, yeah. I think Holta did take the baby batter. That is correct. We can go over and look later
Starting point is 00:50:58 if you want to Holta's account. But I think she's... I don't know who that is some guy named Jesse Charles Eduardo oh so so it looks like at the top it's all people that maybe either I follow or who are kind of like in my sphere and then down here it's like not Torian pro that's like that's an event, right? Event account. God, I'm cracking up at the blue check marks now. I'm cracking up. My everyone has a blue check mark now. I can't tell you how happy that is,
Starting point is 00:51:32 how happy that makes me. So funny. Miss Bishop, that Allison Bishop. No. Let's see. I don't, I don't recognize any of these other people do you guys? anyway nope oh is that? nope here's the Zimmerman
Starting point is 00:51:57 here's a congratulations from a Jew that's always nice I love my Jews I haven't seen any oh look, look, there's Brooke Wells. Willow Claire, Auntie Brooke loves you already. Cannot wait to meet you. Congratulations to my favorite people on a beautiful and perfect new addition. Willow, so lucky to have you guys as parents. Oh, that's so cute. Auntie Brooke Wells is your aunt. That's cool. Professional athletes.
Starting point is 00:52:30 A Jew. I haven't seen a black guy. Tell me if you guys see a black guy. Oh, look. Here's an Indian person. Here's a chick who wears horrible clothes. What the fuck is that? What is that lady wearing?
Starting point is 00:52:42 Sydney Grows. Okay, easy, Sebi, easy. Why was Brooke so far down here? Shouldn't hers be like up at the top? The algorithm's all jacked up. Oh,
Starting point is 00:53:00 that might be a black girl. No. No. Probably like Puerto Rican or something. Anyway. We don't have equal representation in here. Here's an Arab. This guy looks like he could be related to me.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Oh. Diego? No, Mexican. Anyway. Congratulations on the baby. They must be beside themselves right now. Oh, oh, here we go. There she is.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Jay Helena, Jessica Helena. She has an accent over the E. All right. Bam. Bam. I don't know what I should write. Can you come on the podcast? That's what I'll write.
Starting point is 00:53:52 That's probably good. Oh, wait, shoot. Where do I leave it? Oh, look, Katie Gannon liked it. You see Katie's picture? Oh, Brian Friend liked it. I like it. liked it. You see Katie's picture? Brian Friend liked it.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I like it. When can one of you come on the podcast? Before? Please. Don't anyone say anything stupid either like i don't did it it's not because they're actually going to come on the podcast it's a comedy bit i don't give a fuck if they come on
Starting point is 00:54:35 jackasses hello what's up buddy hey What's up, buddy? Hey, what's up? How you doing? I'm good. I'm just, Heidi's making fun of me for the way I type. I'm just
Starting point is 00:54:54 filling time. Heidi's vicious, man. She's vicious sometimes. Yeah. She's quite, she's quite, she's an aggressive woman. That jiu-jitsu,
Starting point is 00:55:03 that right-wing jiu-jitsu shit. Although, all the jiu-jitsu shit. Although, all the jiu-jitsu clowns here in Southern California, I think the vast majority of them are woke, which is bizarre. That is very bizarre. Yeah. They got
Starting point is 00:55:17 crazy 49er fear down here. Crazy. Oh, yeah. I'm sure it's wild. I'm sure it's wild. I'm sure you feel super comfortable. Hey, imagine there being rules you can't talk about that either. So when you have family over and people over, no one talks about it.
Starting point is 00:55:35 It's so weird to me that no one wants to talk about the fact that the entire planet was forced to take an injection still. No one wants to talk about it. I think it's a fascinating thing. When do you feel people will be open open those i should say but never they just want to like pretend it didn't happen move on people are just scared of everything every conversation very true very freaking true i'm gonna ask my next time i see my mom i'm gonna ask her if she's ever been with a black man i've never asked her that what do you think she'll say i'm going to ask her if she's ever been with a black man. I've never asked her that.
Starting point is 00:56:06 What do you think she'll say? I'm not going to ask her that. Too scared. No, I'll ask her. Now I have to ask her. Yeah. So I'm being told by Mr. Kelly that you had played a clip of The Little Mermaid. The new Little Mermaid.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Oh, I don't think I i actually is that a real movie i couldn't tell i couldn't be i couldn't tell exactly what was going on in that clip other than the fact that just big picture a guy was saying hey if the little mermaid can be if it's i think he was suggesting or stating that the Little Mermaid is a European folktale where the characters would be European, meaning black pigment in their skin and that the Black Panther, but I guess there's a new Little Mermaid where the mermaid's a black girl. Yeah. So this guy who looks like an Eskimo, that's the guy who was talking,
Starting point is 00:57:01 his racial background, we decided he's an Eskimo. He was saying, well, can one of the Black Panthers be played by Ryan Gosling? Oh. Interesting. He could. He could be like just one, like the Black Panther got like sick, right?
Starting point is 00:57:16 He got alopecia. And so he turned into Ryan Gosling. Oh, I love that. So you want a lib girlfriend update? Oh, yes, please. Please. Here it is. And it literally is the Black Little Mermaid.
Starting point is 00:57:38 We were talking about taking my kids to see a movie. I forget exactly how the conversation came up. And she says she's super excited for the new Little Mermaid. And I'm like, okay. My mind went to, I bet you it's because it's a little black girl. No. it's a little black girl now. And lo and behold, she says,
Starting point is 00:58:14 I spent an hour crying on Tik TOK watching little black girls reactions to the new little mermaid being a little black girl, uh, because they're being represented. And I was actually talking to Philip Kelly about it. My response, I said, hey, should I say this? And I said, of all the powerful black women, strong black
Starting point is 00:58:35 women throughout history, this is what's going to make little black girls feel represented, is taking a red-headed white little mermaid and making her black? Like, that's going to make little black girls feel
Starting point is 00:58:51 represented? She didn't really like my answer too much and started to diverge. She's like, well, it doesn't really matter. You know, a little mermaid is just, you know, a fairy tale story and blah, blah, blah. She did a little diverging, diverting, but excuse me. I figured I had to tell you that because—
Starting point is 00:59:12 What are some other examples of that? Like, so here's the thing, right? If you're a 92-year-old black woman and you saw obama get elected as president i i can empathize with you of of being excited right 100 100 like i'm i get i get it like you saw crazy shit like you were for someone yelled at you someone screamed out the car um at you and and some crazy shit before and told you to stop drinking out of a drinking fountain, right? I mean, they said some horrible shit to you, right? And it was okay.
Starting point is 00:59:55 It was publicly okay. It was socially acceptable to treat people like that. But in 2024, it's like being a CrossFitter and still having to say it's okay to be a strong woman. It's like actually it's the opposite. It's not okay to be a weak woman. I mean we were so far past accepting strong women. Now we're at the other side. It's not okay to be a weak woman.
Starting point is 01:00:22 So I mean I can't relate. Or we just live in a crazy bubble dude we just um i was actually thinking everybody in my life i've had i could off the top of my head i can think of three girls that were my girlfriends who were black girls like like like like black black like like this paper street coffee i thought the saying was when you go black you never go back what the hell yeah well i i trust i fully understand the um sentiment i fully understand the sentiment um but i never thought i never thought of them as black girls until the last like probably three years like i didn't date them uh I dated them for the same reason I dated any other girl. Tits and ass and they liked me.
Starting point is 01:01:11 So, or at least I thought they liked me. We're just in a weird place. Hey, have you ever asked her? Hey, have you ever asked? But I also think that that's okay. If you want to date someone because they're black, what's wrong with that? If you want to date someone, a girl, because she's Greek, what's wrong with that? Like, I don't think that they're, on the other end, I don't think that there's anything wrong with that either.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it. But, I mean, what's your motive? Like, why? Oh, that girl's black. I want to date her because. Cause you like the way she looks. Cause you want to experience it. Cause you want to have like the same way you might want to like date an
Starting point is 01:01:52 albino girl or a dwarf or a, like, or a white girl or a girl who doesn't like it. How cool would it be to date a girl who you guys couldn't talk? Like she spoke just to come. She knew five words of English and you knew like eight words of Portuguese and that's it.
Starting point is 01:02:09 That would be wild. How about a deaf girl? How about a deaf girl? How about a blind girl? Yeah. I don't think I don't think it's wrong for wanting to experience those relationships.
Starting point is 01:02:29 It's the same thing. I think of it as like bragging, Jeremy. I'm perfectly okay with bragging. It's just putting the other people down part. Like if someone wants to go around saying I'm the greatest, I'm cool with that. Or, hey, you should vote for me because I'm great. But it's when you start putting other people down that other side that starts to become
Starting point is 01:02:48 weird I probably agree with that absolutely agree with that look at Greg Mountain look at how optimistic this guy Greg Mountain says dating a blind girl would be cool especially if you like dogs because she'd
Starting point is 01:03:04 have a dog hey have you ever asked her if she's dating you because you're black you should ask her that i haven't worked up a nerve yet man i haven't worked up a nerve yet hey i'm just trying to that's a valid reason so what like i i'd like dating you because um I like the sound of your voice I like the way your body feels and because you're black she's definitely got a first year the third one
Starting point is 01:03:31 I don't know I don't think there's anything or you could flip the script on her hey would you date me if I was white oh man oh man you're trying to get me in trouble did she put a time out no she's i don't know she's a pretty like i i come on here and i i tend to obviously talk about
Starting point is 01:04:00 some of the things that bother me or whatever and to the audience i apologize i'm not trying to be like oh woe is me or i have it so hard and this girl is this that but there are moments where i don't even know there's got to be a word for it where you're excuse me in and out of you know you like somebody one minute and then the next minute they say something like i spent an hour on tiktok watching little black girls cry or whatever because of the black little mermaid and i and i i read that and text and i'm like i don't i don't get it like what are you talking about like so i don't know there's got to be a turn for it but at the end of the day she's a pretty cool chick and this experience has been nothing short of amazing.
Starting point is 01:04:47 She's actually told me several times now that I've gotten her to think outside box, uh, to kind of expand her way of thinking. And I'm like, okay, cool. I love that. This is good. So it's not all bad. It's just, I haven't heard anything bad. I haven't heard anything bad. I think it's all fun. And the thing is, is that just think if every single person could just red pill one person, that's it. Oh, man. We'd be done. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:05:17 It would be amazing. It would be absolutely a more honest and transparent world. Hey, do you have a daughter, Jeremy? I have two daughters and a son. How old is your youngest daughter? Six. It would be interesting to see what she thinks about The Little Mermaid. Like being able to get her response without actually planting some dumb seeds in her head.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Like the new one or the old one either or maybe both yeah either it would just be i'd be curious to be like you'd be i'd be curious to see because isn't it interesting you're dating this girl and she knows you have a daughter and you have an intimate insight into young girls because of your daughter um and yet she's telling you what she saw on tiktok yeah and i think i of... You showed it to your daughter and she's like, what happened to the Little Mermaid? I mean, you know what I mean? That's exactly what my daughters would say.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Again, they know the Little Mermaid. They'd be like, wait, at no point can I see my two girls being like, that's amazing. I feel represented now. And that's why my response, my initial response before Philip Kelly revised it was what I was saying. There's been a lot of
Starting point is 01:06:30 powerful black women, strong black women over the years. I'm not going to teach my kids, my daughters that the black little mermaid is empowering or represents them. Have there been... Do you remember the Cosby show? Was Claire Huxtable
Starting point is 01:06:48 an attorney? I think so. Or was she a doctor? It was one or the other. I'm pretty sure, yeah. Why can't there just be some normal black women? Exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Why do they have to be like... Lizzo and... black women like exactly why do they have to be like um yeah just just in just a normal one just like like i i like i'm the owner of like uh i don't know a chain of mcdonald's stores or or i uh i'm uh the just the the uh governor of Rhode Island. You know what I mean? And I have three kids. Why can't there just be one that I'm nice to people? You know? It's almost like they're all characters.
Starting point is 01:07:36 What are those things called when you draw a picture? Like if you drew a picture of me, I'd have a giant... Caricatures. Caricatures, yeah. Like, dude, just chill just like well like Jeremy scrapes his knee and his mom comes and picks him up and hugs him like just one right right like what happened why did we go from the Cosby type females uh family matters uh with like Urkel and all that, like the strong, funny black women, black people.
Starting point is 01:08:06 We went from that to now changing characters to be black as if all that other stuff didn't happen to show it. It's just like, they're all intimidating. They're all just like, yeah. Yeah. They're all too much.
Starting point is 01:08:24 They're not real. Like, yeah, yeah. They're all too much. They're not real. Like, but that's not the kind of black woman I'd ever want to be around. Like some crazy intimidating over the top. Is your wife, is your, uh, is the mom of your kids a black woman? No, she's white. Have you ever dated any black women? I have when I was younger, a lot younger. And I'll be honest, what ended up happening,
Starting point is 01:08:49 I don't know if you have this experience, what ended up happening is they're fine, they're great, but they have family members, some rough family members. And I'm like, you know what? I just don't want to deal with that, you know? So kind of shied away from it one one of the one of the black girls i dated um her her dad owned a bank okay one of the black girls i dated was a model i never even met her family she was a girl i dated
Starting point is 01:09:19 in college she was fucking awesome yeah i lived in this dorm it wasn't it wasn't a dorm but it was like a dorm setting it was an apartment complex with like 100 apartments and it was all just like new students there i transferred there and like on the first day she came over to my apartment and she's like hi i'm chantelle and we were talking and she was like a foot taller than me and i was just i didn't know what the fuck to say to her right and then she came over the next day and brought me a picture. This is in the 90s. She brought me a picture and it was her in a bathing suit.
Starting point is 01:09:52 She said, I'm a model. Do you want this picture? I was like, no one had ever done anything like that. Was she blind? No, she wasn't blind. That's a fair question. Then she ended up being my movie buddy.
Starting point is 01:10:07 She would just come over two or three nights a week and watch movies with me. God, she was fucking great. And then there was this other girl, though. Her name was... God, I can't remember her name. I was 19 or 20, and she lived in the fucking craziest neighborhood ever where like i couldn't i couldn't park in front of her house it was she lived in the projects in san francisco i'm trying to remember what they called it's in south san francisco someone maybe you'll say it in the
Starting point is 01:10:36 comments and her life was so fucked up and so i would drive to her house and i could knock on the door but then i couldn't take my eyes off my car. Like she had to come outside and then we had to leave or else people would rob my shit. And I got, and I got destroyed for being white in that neighborhood or Armenian just destroyed. You think either of them dated you because you were white or well,
Starting point is 01:11:00 Armenian. You know, what's crazy. I met, I went to a club and say, I never went to clubs. I went to a club in San... I never went to clubs. I went to a club in San Francisco. It was like 90% black people.
Starting point is 01:11:09 And my friends just sat there and drank and watched. And I went out on the floor and danced with this girl like a fucking idiot. And we ended up becoming friends. She was a trip, I'm going to tell you. She was so hood rat. She was a trip. She was crazy paranoid. She couldn't get settled.
Starting point is 01:11:24 You know, like obviously some bad shit had happened to her i think what ended up happening i think i dated her for like almost a year and it was it was a bizarre i had lived such a carefree easy life and her life was so hard and um uh i think she ended up going to the navy god what hunter's point hunter's point that's the name of the fucking neighborhood for anyone who knows the bay area it is fucking scary over there like really scary like like like you know like for every other like house burnt out houses and shit oh yeah it's like for sure fucked up stuff dude like i it's really wild. It's where the girlfriend lives is on east side of Milwaukee, super hipster area.
Starting point is 01:12:09 But you go two blocks west and it's the same thing. Burnt houses, terrible ghettos. It's nuts, actually. Is that how Hunter's Point was? It's nice and then all of a sudden crazy. No, no. Hunter's Point was all bad because it was all section eight housing it was all section eight housing there was no there was no there's it was it was bad every everyone there was on food stamps no one worked everyone was just outside it was
Starting point is 01:12:36 basic it was it was it was bad but but oakland's like that oakland's like that like people living in two million dollar homes and then right next door is a crack house with fucking dudes slanging guns and oakland's crazy well i don't want to keep you too long but i will say like i was talking about um not everything is bad well i'm i just sold my house i got like three more days until it closes. So I'm trying to get everything done. She came over the other night. The last thing I had to do was clean the inside of my refrigerator because it got a little messy over the years. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:15 She spent like an hour and a half wiping the whole damn thing down. Like it looks brand new. So I'm telling you, at the end of the day, it's like, people are like, well, why don't you just move on? Why don't you just find someone else?
Starting point is 01:13:30 Blah, blah, blah. It's like, maybe, maybe down the line. We'll see. But she's, she's doing a lot of the right things.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Where are you moving? Where are you moving? A little further. I'll stay, I'll stay in the Milwaukee area, but probably just a little further west. You don't, in the milwaukee area but probably just a little further west you don't excuse me you don't have a place yet no i'm gonna go with my uh my parents live a couple miles away i hate to do it to them because i mean who wants their 38 year old son
Starting point is 01:14:01 uh shacking up with them but i'm to go with them for a little bit. And I've been talking with other places, uh, of buying. Your parents are stoked. You're coming back. Are you kidding? I know they are.
Starting point is 01:14:13 They are. That's just me. I'm just, you know, I'm, I've been better. My parents all since I was 18 years old, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:20 20 years. And, and, you know, but yeah, they're super happy. My, my,
Starting point is 01:14:24 their grandkids will be there and everything so yeah that's awesome have your parents met your girlfriend hell no that's gonna be a very if this lasts it's gonna be a very interesting my parents my dad's black mom's white and they're hardcore
Starting point is 01:14:39 Republicans I mean hardcore and that's gonna be a that's going to be a very interesting meet. Your dad is black and your mom is white and your parents are hardcore Republicans? Hardcore. Like, it's
Starting point is 01:14:56 hard to have a conversation with them. Like they don't accept pedophiles at all? Well, no one can accept pedophiles. I know. That was a subtle dig at democrats oh yeah no they don't they don't like you know they don't gay people they don't like gay people they don't uh you know they they just they're really hardcore they're good people so they're religious they're religious people. Extremely religious. Extremely religious Republican.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Great people, but very close-minded. And when they meet somebody who doesn't think like them, it doesn't always go over that well. So I told Meredith, if it happens, just to be prepared to see some shit you probably haven't seen before. Or hear some shit you haven't heard before. Boy, that's going to open a can of worms. Oh my god, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:47 It's going to be wild. It's going to be wild. But yeah. Appreciate you letting me ramble. You didn't ramble at all. Thank you for the update. Alright. Talk to you later, sir. Bye-bye. I'm glad someone calls me.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Calls me to the show going on with I've been hearing Kanye in a while Kanye clip what is this oh I wonder if this is true Kanye's back with Kanye's back with Adidas.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Caller, hi. Hey, good morning, Seve. Hey, good morning. Matt Mark. Hey, what's up, Mr. Mark? Hey, sorry. If I lose you, I'm on my way to a haircut. I live in a small town.
Starting point is 01:16:42 I got to go like 30 miles for a haircut. What state? Pennsylvania.lvania oh cool okay yeah i'm in western pa hey anyway i meant to send you this clip i don't know if i did uh i wanted to leave some commentary but it was like i didn't have time for it but it's this clip of they're interviewing these like five or six year olds and there's a white doll on the table and a black doll on the table yeah and i was watching It's this clip of they're interviewing these like five or six year olds and there's a white doll on the table and a black doll on the table. Yeah. And I was watching,
Starting point is 01:17:09 I was like, this is the biggest mind trip that you could do to a child. They put this, this question in front of them, which one of these is the evil one? Yeah. Which one is right there? Right there. It's flawed, right there right there it's flawed right
Starting point is 01:17:25 right there the whole study is flawed yep okay go on go on yeah right and what they should be asking the child is hey which one of these dogs do you want to play with like that'd be a reasonable question but they start with hey which one of these is the evil one? And then what makes it even worse is they go, so which one of these looks more like you? So, I mean, naturally we go to darkness and light. So you just, you're just going to default. That's human instinct. You're going to default to the darker creature being the evil one.
Starting point is 01:18:08 If you have to choose yes or no. Now, a kid's not going to look at that and go, excuse me, that's a false dichotomy. You cannot put those two things against each other. They're not going to see that. They're five or six years old. You're trapping that kid in a worldview that will crush them for the rest of their life. They don't see that. They're manipulating these kids to prove a point.
Starting point is 01:18:28 It's the exact same thing. They ask a room full of white people, would you want to be black? Yeah. And no one chooses that. How about you fill a room full of white people and ask them, would you
Starting point is 01:18:43 rather be black or Asian? Or would you rather be black or Indian? Or why don't you fill a room full of white people and ask them, would you rather be black or Asian? Or would you rather be black or Indian? Or why don't you fill a room full of black people and ask them, would you rather be white or black? The whole thing is a fucking psy-op shit. It's just idiotic psy-op shit. Would you rather be a black man in America or a black man in Africa? Right, right. You would not have wanted to be me on the mombasi
Starting point is 01:19:05 mombasa nairobi highway when i was trapped there you would not want to be a white guy that was a fucking bizarre experience how about this how about putting a doll of michael jordan
Starting point is 01:19:20 or a doll of who's that midget from the white midget from who are those funny guys on MTV in the 90s and they would like blow up bathrooms and shit would fly all over them
Starting point is 01:19:36 jackass would you rather be it's like a doll of that midget from jackass or a doll of Michael Jordan and ask him which one would you rather be I mean it's like a doll of that midget from jackass or a doll of michael jordan ask him which one would you rather be i mean it's it's so fucking stupid yeah it's all very people fall for it and yet people fall for it all the time yeah they don't think it's just it's just pushed on them so much hey but real quick uh just to give you a little backstory of who I am or where I, my, I was born in the Congo. So, uh, used to be Zaire. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:09 I grew up, I'm 40 now. I grew up, uh, most of my life in Western PA, small town. I have never outside of elementary school where like kids are just looking at differences. I've never experienced racism outside of that. My whole adult life has been just perfect. And are you black? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. So yeah, I'm African. I'm actually African American. Well, African Italian, but whatever. Why did you, how did you end up in the States? My father was in the Peace Corps. He went over to serve in my mother's village. Saw my mother, gave her father a dowry. Two weeks later, they were married. And two years later, my brother was born, then myself.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Did he stay there in the Congo? Yeah, stayed until he got sick with malaria. And then we came to the U.S. and that's how I ended up in Western PA. And how with malaria and then we came to the u.s and that's how i ended up in western phia and and how old were you when you came to the states i was uh just shy of two years old so really no memories over there my brother uh had a lot more memories he could speak languages and all that yeah you have you have like almost almost like not a strong Southern accent. You don't have a draw, but you... No, it's called pencil tuckie. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Yeah. People from Western PA have a little bit of a draw that people are like, are you Southern? I don't know. So we just call it pencil tuckie. Yeah. You sound like this stereotypical, like, really nice person. You have a very, like, welcoming voice.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Does your brother sound like you, or does he have an accent? No, we sound the same. My mother has her full-on African accent, which we never acknowledged as kids. It was just what we knew until somebody else from the outside would point it out and be like, Hey, where's your mother from does she sound english does she sound like english no no no no from the congo so where zaire is uh right on i'm from kinshasa right on the equator oh okay because the kenyans sound like the kenyans over there when they speak english they sound like they're speaking like proper,
Starting point is 01:22:25 like when you, when you think, when you think of a typical African accent, you're going to think of my mother. Yeah. Um, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Yeah. What a, what a trip. Have you been back there? No, my mother went back in nine, mid nineties to bury her father, but,
Starting point is 01:22:40 uh, she's one of eight children. I, I have a cousin in the U S we can We can't go back because of civil unrest. You know, we're not familiar with the territory. So if we went back, we'd get eaten a lot. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:51 I mean, that's something that my mother and my one cousin can navigate, but I'm not up to that task yet without a guide and a lot of finances. When you go to a third world nation where your family resides, you bring gifts. So, you know, I can't just go with like, all right, I got enough money scrapped together so I can do this thing with my family. Um, you know, no, I, I gotta be able to give them stuff and bestow a bunch of kindness upon them. Yeah. Uh, Matt Brown says he sounds like Eddie Murphy. on them. Matt Burns says he sounds like Eddie Murphy.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Jake Chapman says, does he drink umbongo? What's that? What's umbongo? I have no idea what umbongo is. No, but fufu, I'm sure y'all are familiar with fufu. I'm not. Oh, okay. The way that Asians
Starting point is 01:23:43 like rice, we like our f like our food it's just a starch my my dad is uh born and raised um in lebanon and uh he has a strong middle eastern accent and i never heard i can't hear it right but i remember being a kid and friends would come over and they would say the same thing hey uh where's your dad from and i'd be like lebanon how do you know they're like dude he's got his accent stronger than shit but i never i can't hear yeah yeah the first time i realized my father was white was i was sitting on a place that waiting for like a parent teacher conference i think i was in second grade and um he comes walking in i'm so excited to tell my buddy my best friend at the time i I was like, hey, there's my dad. He goes, no, it's not.
Starting point is 01:24:25 I said, what do you mean? That's my dad right there. He goes, stop lying to me. I said, why do you think I'm lying to you? He says, because he's white. And all of a sudden, my world changed. I had no idea. Dude, how old were you?
Starting point is 01:24:38 That is a great story. How old were you? Yeah. I was probably eight years old. Seven or eight. Yeah. Holy shit shit that is awesome yeah yeah that's the way you should find out by the way no no one needs to talk to you about it beforehand no we're just people like my identity like it's it crazy. I always thought about this. Like if somebody asked me, do you identify as black? Well, my response would be, what do you mean as a color? Do I identify as a color? What do you mean by black?
Starting point is 01:25:22 and then I'll tell you whether or not I identify by that but you're probably trying to tell me you know if I'm street or thug or listen to rap music or whatever like that's not the culture I grew up in I mean everybody grew up listening to rap music but like that whole street culture I didn't mean I'm country I'm alright with that
Starting point is 01:25:38 I'm 40 I'm 40 and that's the thing that right there is the thing. There really is no such thing as black other than culture. Yeah. And so that culture is not a – there's some components of it that are fucking dangerous. there's some components of it that are,
Starting point is 01:26:04 that are fucking dangerous. The, the, the pants sagging, the stealing, the swearing, the, how they treat women, the,
Starting point is 01:26:11 um, uh, it's, but, but it has nothing. You're right. It has absolutely nothing to do with the color of your skin. It's a fucking culture.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Yeah. It's like, it's like, that's what's so crazy we know tons of fucking white kids that are fucking black oh hey hey i got i got a great one for you i got a great one for you i've been married for 20 years um when i when i uh proposed to my wife my girlfriend i'm my proposer and told everybody I was getting married. So what we used to do was my father being in the Peace Corps and his group of guys, like eight or 12 of them, all married Congolese women. So they all came back to the western or eastern United States, New England state.
Starting point is 01:27:01 And that would be our family reunion. All these white guys married to black women, we'd all get together about every two years and that'd be our family reunion. So we had no black family outside of that. Uh, so that was a big deal. So my mother, she's super excited for me. She starts calling up everybody and telling them, Hey, my son's getting married. My son's getting married. My son's getting married, whatever. And, uh, one of, one of my aunties gets me on the phone and says, Hey, hey, my son's getting married, my son's getting married, my son's getting married, whatever. And one of my aunties gets me on the phone and says,
Starting point is 01:27:28 hey, is this woman you're marrying a black woman or a white woman? I said, oh, she's black. She goes, okay, put your mother back on the phone. And then they get back on the phone and she is cursing her out in Swahili. And I don't know Swahili. So I'm like, they get off the phone. My mother's here. I was like, hey, what's up? She says she was mad because she wants you to marry a white woman
Starting point is 01:27:52 so that your life would be easier in the United States. She doesn't trust these black women in the U.S. Yeah. Because of the stereotype. Because of the culture. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, where did you meet your wife at? College. Yeah. Because of the stereotype. Because of the culture. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Hey, where did you meet your wife at? College. Is she born in the States? Yeah. She's from inner city DC. So it's a trip for her being in the country. She loves the country. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:20 Who doesn't, right? Here's the thing. No matter anyone can say they hate the country, but you come to the country for a month and decompress and you're never going back exactly exactly hey she you said your wife's liberal yep how does that work uh 20 years 20 years is how it works we did we uh we grind it out. I mean, there's a lot of stuff that I don't talk a whole lot of politics. I talk a little bit of philosophy to change her perception.
Starting point is 01:28:54 How about church? Do you guys go to church? Yeah, we go to church. We go to church. So I can always point her back to the Bible and say, hey. How do Democrats reconcile the word of god with what their with what their ideology is like specifically they ignore they ignore oh okay they ignore the word of god uh not that my wife does i can i can always point her back to that and she'll go okay okay i'm a
Starting point is 01:29:15 little emotional about this thing she's a reasonable person so uh but you know to to the liberals credit and i believe you said this before, everybody wants the same thing. They want safe communities. They want good paying jobs. So it's just like you give them a little bit of grace. They want safety for their children. They think they're helping their children. I know.
Starting point is 01:29:36 It's crazy. I know that they really do think that they're helping their children. I'm open-minded. I'm not going to pigeonhole my kid. Yeah, liberals are just caught up in the emotional view of the world where the rest of us are trying to find some logic and some reason to work through things and put our emotions to the side.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Emotions, they come and go, right? I mean, you think about the first girl that you ever liked, and one of your friends go, hey, have you noticed that mole on the side of her face? All of a sudden, you don't like her anymore. It's a superficial thing, but our emotions are just as superficial. So I try to get away from the emotional thing and lead them
Starting point is 01:30:22 rather than let my emotions lead me and just try to go through logic. But I tell you, I'm no good. Sometimes the emotional things get in the way. I am truly a man who had a plan that if my house was ever broken into, that me and my girlfriend would sneak out the window and go to a restaurant and eat and that they could steal whatever they want that was my i had that plan now now yeah i don't even know how it happened but if i hear a sound at my house i will get my gun and i will fucking walk into the other room ready to fucking blast something down because i have three kids in the house and nothing can come in there when the light after it's just crazy I don't know what happened it's just um
Starting point is 01:31:08 yeah it went from like I just don't I guess I lost a slut like I don't have compassion for um uh I can't I have zero tolerance for like pedophiles and for sexualizing kids and it's just weird how that happened. Maybe I am less tolerant. I don't know. Maybe I'll come back. But I can rationalize it because I'm here to protect kids. Yeah, you either
Starting point is 01:31:38 permit it or promote it. Yeah, there's no homeostasis. I know that's hard for people. Wow, that's powerful what you said. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hey. Yeah, when you have kids, there is no homeostasis like that. You can't be like, well, it's okay that there's some pedophiles over there.
Starting point is 01:31:53 They're not bothering me. It's not like that. Yeah, not at all. No, it's not like that anymore. Yeah. Hey, I don't want to take up any more of your time. That last caller was cool. He took up a lot of time.
Starting point is 01:32:03 I feel like I'm on the brink there. So I appreciate you, Stavon. Keep doing what you do. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Bye. I don't think the world,
Starting point is 01:32:19 I think that the impact that black men, gay men, gay women, black women can have on the world is tenfold. Unfortunately, this is as racist as I can – I guess this just means I'm racist. They can have an impact on the world that's socially that's a thousand times more beneficial than any white person. Some of these people have to fucking stand up and just start say uh say smart shit like jeremy and marv say and it's insane or like garrett glinton like they're gonna be have to be gay people who just fucking put their foot down and don't tolerate this blending of these conflating of these someone's sexual orientation versus a mental illness or the fact that i'm black actually means anything other than your skin color like people have to gonna have to put their foot
Starting point is 01:33:09 down and they're gonna have to say some like hard shit like yeah the black culture is fucked up like you know white white trash culture is fucked up feeding Feeding your kids Mountain Dew when they're born, putting them in front of a TV, it's horrible. And there's some component, black culture needs to be just either thrown away or a total fucking revamp. And by black culture, I mean American black culture. Yeah, it's just fucked up. It's not safe.
Starting point is 01:33:46 No one's thriving in that culture or flourishing or like... There are so many dangers in the world that are just inherent to just being alive in the world. Being stung by a beehive, getting bit by your neighbor's dog, a car getting a flat tire and swerving off the road and running you over um those are things i'm not trying to get rid of those things i'm not suggesting we kill every bee on the planet
Starting point is 01:34:19 saying we fucking close the fucking border and stop letting fentanyl in and don't let you have a zero tolerance policy for people driving more high on fentanyl period done scooped them all up 7 34 a.m andrew hiller's coming to town today. We need weekly call-ins from Marv. I know. He's good, right? Yeah, hood mentality. Maybe that's better than... Yeah, Marv was great. A hood mentality is
Starting point is 01:34:53 maybe better than calling it black culture. Maybe black culture is just too loaded already. Someone will think it's like racist. Bruce Wayne, two great calls in a row. I know. And I was just pouting that no one calls in and I could get slapped around a little bit. It was good. Jake Chapman, I was explaining
Starting point is 01:35:16 to my kids how only 100 years ago people died from infections and small cuts. I couldn't, by the way, I don't agree with the premise that Jeremy is desperate or doing the wrong thing by staying with this girl. I think it's a hero's work. I love what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:35:38 And he likes her. And he's up for it. I love it. So it looks like, I don't know if you guys remember, but Kanye was having all sorts of problems, right? I think he said something like he liked Hitler or something. So he got booted from all of these sponsors.
Starting point is 01:35:56 And it looks like this one. This is Adidas. Ye and Adidas agree to resume selling Yeezy products. And this guy, Gordon Ryan, is a famous, well, people say he's the greatest jiu-jitsu practitioner on planet Earth right now. I think that's undisputed, too. I don't think there's anyone who's like, that's not true.
Starting point is 01:36:21 I think, like, everyone knows. Gordon King Ryan, yeah. I'm pretty'm pretty sure like there's no dude in brazil or japan or someone who's saying like hey that's not true but um uh but his his instagram account's pretty hard he goes hard in the paint i'll i'll read to you what he says here back on this uh oh let's let's see if those of you haven't ever heard from him before actually let's hear from him first here we go uh let's see what he has to say here we go what's up everybody uh so i have some news about the website and everything um and this is a issue that is unresolved for me as of right now,
Starting point is 01:37:06 but I have access to the website. I have access to merchandise. Oh, this is his shit got hacked, I think. Sorry, this is irrelevant. Let me just read this to you just so you know who Gordon Ryan is. Okay. Most people and almost everyone who supports these stupid woke ideologies all stand for something and always want to take some supposed moral high ground until the second they start losing money. The second revenue takes a hit, they change their tone. Individuals do it.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Brands do it. The NBA did it. They don't care about anything but money. This is the worst kind of pathetic sellout you can be. Be someone or something who stands for nothing. Someone or something who tries to please everyone. It doesn't matter what you believe, even if it's insane to most. If you believe in something and stand to those beliefs, It doesn't matter what you believe, even if it's insane to most. If you believe in something and stand to those beliefs, no matter what, you garner more respect in the long run than these weak sellouts. And I don't know if he's taken a shot at Yeezy for
Starting point is 01:37:57 signing back up with them. But this guy stands by his guns. I think he's had his account shut down before too. This guy's as red-pilled as they get. Wow, what is this? Are these really for Gordon Ryan?
Starting point is 01:38:16 Are these really for Gordon Ryan? That chick's had too much work on her hey that would be cool if this became a trend are these really for Gordon Ryan girls just making post holding flip flops in front of their torso are these really for Gordon Ryan cool
Starting point is 01:38:36 King Gordon Ryan. He gets sick a lot, too. I think he's got some sort of ailment, so he doesn't get to, like, he's not as active as I think should be or could be. It used to be, some of somebody may not remember this but it used to be like inappropriate like for like a news anchor or a public figure to talk about their sexual um beliefs or activities regardless if they didn't matter like whether they were straight or not straight like you just didn't talk about it like uh like there was a news anchor, Walter Cronkite.
Starting point is 01:39:25 He never talked about whether he was gay or straight or Dan Rather. You didn't know any of that stuff. They kept it professional. Breaking news. NBC reports that Biden administration will allow for the release of migrants at the border into the U.S. with no way of being able to track them as Border Patrol and NGOs brace for the end of Title 42. Cities are declaring states of emergency. And then it says BP is overwhelmed, the Border Patrol. Border Patrol reports that
Starting point is 01:39:59 the last two days has seen the largest border crossing in U.S. history and over a million migrants are waiting to enter illegally. I want to tell you something for those of you who don't know numbers so good. You have to just always think that there's 300 million people in the United States. Just think of that. If there's 300 million people in the United States, someone's going to be like, well, there's really 350 or there's really 330. The thing is, is probably like 50 million of them are fucking under the age of five, right?
Starting point is 01:40:30 So just think there's 300 million people in the United States. Just think that those are there. And we, we have resources to sustain a lifestyle here that whatever you have in front of you, as you look out up from your computer or your phone or where you're driving, that that's the world that these 300 million people have sort of created. where you're driving, that that's the world that these 300 million people have sort of created. We're in a cycle of behavior and productivity and reaction that it makes this wherever you're at. I happen to be somewhere amazing. Now imagine if a million people came in, which they have in the last year,
Starting point is 01:41:05 who don't speak your country's language, who come from 20 or 30 different countries, who we know nothing about, who have a totally different lifestyle than us, who are going to participate in the economy in a totally different way possibly than we do. Good or bad, it's going to change shit dramatically. Shit is like, it is going to be, it is going to be,
Starting point is 01:41:40 basically I think in the entire Biden administration, there'll be a shift in population of a million people. Sorry, 1% of the people. There'll probably be 3 million new people who come in. It will change the environment drastically. Yeah, look, Chuck Schumer told us in 2020 we are going to change America. It will change America drastically. I want to try to give you some sort of example, but just imagine some things might get better. Some things might get worse.
Starting point is 01:42:30 When I go, when I'm in California, if I go to see the doctor, it looks like it's changed things for the worse. Yeah. yeah that we're we're not with the we're not a country that one of the the distinguishing distinguishing characteristics of a country is that it has borders and that people can't come in and out and so this isn't this isn't we're not behaving like a country now and the repercussions of that will not be good for most of you this isn't, this isn't, we're not behaving like a country now. And the repercussions of that will not be good for most of you. I just saw the city in, I'll give you an example of this. I just saw in some of you in the comments from like,
Starting point is 01:43:20 that's fucking bullshit. That's a crazy leap. I don't know how you're making that logic. That's not my fault. If you can't fault if you can't see the connection here. But you got shit happening in the city of Baltimore with the city suing Hyundai and Kia and blaming them for the cars being stolen because the cars are too easy to steal.
Starting point is 01:43:43 There becomes this massive shift in personal responsibility and personal accountability. We have a government that is now supporting and defending lawlessness. I can't believe I just said that. Something has gotten so ass backwards. How do people get in the UK though? You can't just... I don't understand how people... I understand how they get in the United States.
Starting point is 01:44:17 They're just crossing this massive border. But how do they get in the UK? get in in the UK. Sean Sullivan, this is all they need. This is all on purpose. They know exactly what they're doing. They want to beg for federal martial law. Yeah, I know. That's yeah i know that's crazy what about the marine hey oh man i don't know if i want to get started on this subject uh ck kevin says what about the marine that took the dude down in the subway being charged with manslaughter so i follow this instagram account and it's called the Instagram account is called black culture and it would make you so sad to see
Starting point is 01:45:08 it would make you so sad to see the comments about that guy instead of thanking that guy for cleaning up the subways and for those of you haven't ridden on the subways they're fucking crazy it's so bad I told myself i i don't know if i'm uh emotionally prepared to talk about that today not that like i would start crying or something but like i could get really angry hey did you guys see this this is good good. With Twitter, what Elon Musk wrote.
Starting point is 01:45:47 This is so good. Let me share this with you. So those of you who don't know, Tucker Carlson basically made some sort of statement that he's coming to Twitter. Right? Well, listen to what Elon writes in response. This is so good.
Starting point is 01:46:02 On this platform, unlike the one-way street of broadcast, people are able to interact, critique, and refute whatever he or anyone may say. So that's cool, right? Like you're watching your TV over there, CBS or NBC or CNN or whatever, and there's no way to interact. I guess you could stand up on your couch and start yelling at the TV. But Twitter, like he explains, the phenomenon of this platform is that you can interact and critique. And of course, anything misleading will get community notes. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 01:46:33 I also want to be clear that we have not signed a deal of any kind whatsoever with Tucker Carlson. Tucker is subject to the same rules and rewards of all content creators. Rewards mean subscriptions and advertising revenue, still working on software needed for the latter, which is a function of how many people subscribe and the advertising views associated with this content. I hope that many others, particularly from the left,
Starting point is 01:46:58 will also choose to make content for this platform, also choose to be content and for this platform. Also choose to be content creators for this platform. Tucker's not going to Twitter because they gave him a billion dollar deal like Spotify gave to Rogan. He's going there because it's like one of the he thinks it's a good place for people to speak their mind. Hiller's Therapist, Sevan, will you live stream switch to Twitter in the future? Live streams, will your live stream switch to Twitter? We're already on Twitter. We are on Twitter right now as we speak.
Starting point is 01:47:43 On two stations. We're on the Sevan Podcast Twitter streaming live and on my personal Twitter account. We always have been. We've always been on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter. Always. We've always streamed to all of them live. So, that's cool it's just cool that
Starting point is 01:48:08 you know I'm sure people on the left want to be like oh this is Elon and Tucker conspiring together and they're paying Tucker and blah blah blah no Tucker's just going over there a rambler a rambler Hiller's, a.k.a. Trish. Is that true? Even 20 years ago, it was hairy.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Rambo Subway was cool 20 years ago. I mean, it was still hairy. Not like it is now. But, like, if you rode the Subway, you were going to see something crazy. Always. I can't... Every time I got on... I mean, I haven't ridden it a lot. Maybe 500 times.
Starting point is 01:49:02 Probably spent six months of my life in New York City. Like, aggregate. Dude. I was probably like directly punked on there at least 20 times. And by directly punked, I mean like me just sitting there minding my own business and someone walking up to me and being like, what the fuck are you looking at?
Starting point is 01:49:25 Want me to slit your throat? And then another, I don't know, 400 incidents of just weird shit. And imagine if people have done shit like that to me 20 times i've also seen them do it to other people 100 times the new york subway is fucking bat shit crazy hey this is going to be some of you aren't going to believe this but this is true and people know this the new york subway is a scene where literally a woman could be on that subway and be being raped and and the rest of the other passengers would just look the other way and that's why when for those of us who've experienced that kind of crazy shit on the
Starting point is 01:50:19 subway that's why when you see someone like this guy choke choke someone out who has been arrested 40 times for doing dumb shit on the subway, you're like, yeah, good, finally. I'm waiting for someone to be called bullshit in the comments. Look, no one is because you can't because it's fucking crazy. And here's another thing. The people in New York, their whole baseline has changed. So, like, shit like that, they don't think it's crazy. Like, if someone were sitting there shooting up drugs in the back of the train
Starting point is 01:51:02 with their baby sitting next to them. For those people, they don't... You know, a guy who rides the subway every day might not even be fazed by that. No good deed goes unpunished, yeah. Did Rittenhouse get... Is that the guy's name? Written house? The guy who, who shot that, uh, the three maniacs in, um, was that Ferguson? Where was that? Well, you remember that guy written house, the guy with the AK and he killed the pedophile and killed someone else or shot someone else
Starting point is 01:51:45 who was trying to hit him with a skateboard and then shot someone else who had a gun pointed at him? Did that guy end up getting rich? I want to say he got filthy rich from CNN, like over $100 million.
Starting point is 01:52:01 Jay Hartle, he's rich now. Oh, Kenosha. Thank you. That story is kind of, I mean, it's not cool that people were killed, but that story is kind of fun to tell, right? White guy goes into black riots, kills three white dudes, and now is called racist even though he killed three white dudes and one of the dudes he killed was a guy who sodomized a dozen kids between the age of 15 and 17 and was running down the street yelling nigga i want to kill niggas and then a
Starting point is 01:52:36 white dude shoots that white dude but he's racist even though he killed the guy screaming that who was a pedophile who was released from jail the day before as a pedophile or that that evening i mean the whole fucking thing is nuts right yeah think about that the guy got out of fucking jail for sodomizing a dozen kids between the age of 5 and 17. Boys. He's white as shit. He's a blonde haired surfer looking dude. Running down the streets in Kenosha. Selling. Screaming I hate niggas.
Starting point is 01:53:17 And he gets shot by another white dude. And then that white dude. Is being charged of racism. Even though he killed. The pedophile racist white dude. What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is going on? Hey, Democrats, the only person defending that blonde-haired surfer dude is Democrats. And that's the part.
Starting point is 01:53:39 And that's where this sort of starts to become just easy to start just to categorize shit. And that's where this sort of starts to become just easy to start just to categorize shit. Even the guy, the pedophile yelling, I hate niggas. He was a Democrat. Adam Blakeslee. Yes, nuttier than squirrel shit. Yeah, the whole thing. The View paid Rittenhouse $22 million. Thank God.
Starting point is 01:54:07 Amen. Amen. Everyone who's black and everyone who has kids should write Rittenhouse a check. Nothing big, like a dollar. Just like one dollar. All black people and all... He killed a guy who thinks it's okay to run down the street and scream racist terms,
Starting point is 01:54:30 and he killed a pedophile, sodomite. This isn't like speculation. This isn't a fucking fairy tale. This happened. And then the Democrats rallied their people together to go after this dude. It's... And then the Democrats rallied their people together to go after this dude. I think, speaking of very logical people, I'm trying to get Greg Glassman to come back on Saturday. I tried to get him to come on Sunday, but he's doing some Mother's Day stuff.
Starting point is 01:55:02 And he wants to come on, then he suggested Monday, and Monday I'm driving back to the Bay Area. Or, Bay Area to Santa Cruz. The other duty, the other duty shot testified in court, thank God this guy was honest, that he had a gun.
Starting point is 01:55:27 Rittenhouse was on the ground with his gun not pointed at him and that this guy then pointed his gun at Rittenhouse and then Rittenhouse shot him. It's like, okay. You walked up on a man with a gun and pointed your gun at him? Look at Travis. No more call-ins. Greg needs to come on video or in person. Travis is like the guy. He's dry humped his girlfriend like 1,300 times. He's like, enough of this this I will not dry hump you anymore I'm definitely putting my penis inside of you
Starting point is 01:56:09 and then the girl's like no and he's like alright 1301 dry humps fine Sean Sullivan but understand this that in the last days there will oh this is some biblical shit great hate this stuff this This stuff scares me. Sean Sullivan, but understand this, that in the last days,
Starting point is 01:56:29 there will come times of difficulty, for people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. I'm grateful there's poop bags. I'm grateful my wife always carries poop bags. Seve and Greg and Dave come in studio at the same time. uh jake chapman the the thing is this sean yeah straighten sean out sean's scaring me uh that has happened repeatedly for the last 2 000 years uh jan clark in response to the me liking that my wife carries poop bags
Starting point is 01:57:23 in case you need to shit in the van. I mean, there's, for instance. Heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving, good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Timothy. Is there really a book in the bible called timothy there's a dude named timothy uh mike meyer uh the rittenhouse case was a shining example of the woke mob they were calling for an 18 year old's head because of politics even when it was clear case of self-defense yeah you know what's interesting too is one of the things about like so how the nazis did it and how the kkk did it is in this book um the big lie by dinesh d'Souza
Starting point is 01:58:11 one of the ways they explain it is the mob starts operating operating a state within a state and that that i think um i think mike just explained that pretty well there becomes a state within the state. And the Rittenhouse case was a shining example of the woke mob. The woke mob is that state within a state. That's what the KKK was. And just so you know, I can't remember what the number of states was, but the KKK had killed more.
Starting point is 01:58:50 Listen, this is some kind of manipulative shit I'm about to say. The KKK had lynched more white people. No, no, no. Let me rephrase that. The KKK had lynched more. Fuck, how did they word it? It was some manipulativeulative shit the kkk had lynched more black people than white people but the kkk had lynched more white people in more states meaning if there i can't if there were 50 states um i think it was like 43 of them had had lynchings with white people and only like 27 had had lynchings with black people so no one get that confused
Starting point is 01:59:25 either that's the same thing about the the slavery people get that shit confused you have you have to know why they were enslaving the black people it was to help it was to help them and you have to also understand that they were they were attempting to enslave white people too the white northern farmers another thing too that I've been reading about is Abraham Lincoln was not, he did not, although he wanted to end slavery, he did not see melanated people as equal from what I'm reading. He did not. He did not want to give them equal rights.
Starting point is 02:00:09 Milos Popovic, holy smokes, Seve, I just came back from New York after being there for a week. The amount of wokeness is insane. Yeah, insane, right? That's the thing, too. If you've never been in one of these hives, you cannot even imagine. It is literally like Zombieville. That's why when i say like if you have never been to portland and you think i'm joking when i say it's zombieville it actually there's people like walking around like in the movies it's like that it's like that. You don't think that's true about Abraham Lincoln? I'm reading that book by Sean Spencer Page. It's called Black Snowflake.
Starting point is 02:01:06 I'd be curious to see what you think about it, Jeremy. Actually, I'm listening to it. I'm listening to it on audio. Hey, every Starbucks in California has a token tranny. Transgender. Every single one.
Starting point is 02:01:30 At least every single one I've been into token tranny all right thanks guys appreciate you it's gonna be a crazy. We have a couple more fun days of live calling shows, and then we're going to have like six weeks of games and guests. It's going to be wild. I'm pumped. I'm excited to get back into the swing of things, get back into my ritual. And Mike Poolboy says, and that's why I love Starbucks. Manny, thank you. 1999. I feel like I haven't seen one of those in a while.
Starting point is 02:02:12 Games content is going to be wild. Thank you, Jessica. We appreciate you. I appreciate you guys too. Is the thumb coming back on the show? Of course. What else would he do with his life? I go back home on Monday, Monday morning, early
Starting point is 02:02:25 I'll leave and hopefully get the ball rolling. Alright guys, we'll see you guys soon, tomorrow morning. The latest I would see you guys is tomorrow morning. Bye-bye.

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