The Sevan Podcast - LIVE Joe Biden Press Conference

Episode Date: July 15, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Headache We're live This stuff is loud Oh it's too loud for you? Yeah How's that better? No Better?
Starting point is 00:00:10 How's that audio better? Yeah Okay I can't hear You can't hear? I can't Okay How's that better?
Starting point is 00:00:17 Okay we're live No swearing and stuff like that It says countdown to the presser. The clock is... This looks like this is a previous speech. I don't know why we're not doing the presser. This is live. We're taking the...
Starting point is 00:00:43 Oh, let me pull it up here. I'll show you guys what we're watching Okay there we go Hey Hi What happens if Biden's dead What happens if he's dead Like cause he's so old
Starting point is 00:01:02 What if he just like dies Like he's talking to, because he's so old? Yeah. What if he just, like, dies and, like, he's talking to people? And he just dies out of nowhere. What happens? Who becomes the new president? There's a vice president. There's a backup chick. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Oh, like, Donald Trump? No, there's a backup lady, Kamala Harris. Kamala. Kamala. Say her name. Kamala. Kamala. She sounds like a bad president. Kamala Harris. Yeahala. Kamala. Say her name. Kamala. Kamala. She sounds like a bad person.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Kamala Harris. Yeah, she does, actually. No, she'd be fine. She's a good, strong woman. She'll do great. Jerry, what's up? Good to see you. Dina.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Hey, what's up? Jenny, how are you? Okay. This is going to be... I don't know what we're waiting for um this is an old this looks like it's an old uh says joe biden previous speech um they are they are live though on this then it looks like they're borrowing it courtesy of CNN.
Starting point is 00:02:09 It says, President Joe Biden is holding a press conference on Thursday at 5.30 p.m. Central Time. You can watch it live here, but this does not look... This does not look like it is the live event. Let me see what's this survey they're doing. What is the most important topic President Biden needs to cover during tonight's press conference?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Shit, I don't know. Any of them. I'd say the border. What's the border? The border is we're surrounded by other countries. It's like when we cross the border to Arizona. Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, and to the south of us is a different country, Mexico.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And then to the north of us is Canada. Canada. How old is Biden? 75, I think. No, I think he's 80, 81 or 82. Oh. Oh, I heard he's 75. He's not older than Babu?
Starting point is 00:03:04 He is not older than Babu? No, he's younger than your grandfather He looks like an old warship He looks 90 Oh my god That's rude Let's hear These are old speeches So today what's going to happen in a few minutes here boys
Starting point is 00:03:21 So in a few minutes People boys so in a few minutes um people have been questioning whether joe biden is too old to be president when he's been on stage previously he's acting kind of weird kind of funky like he's not able to answer questions he's not able to enunciate words he's um he can't stay on topic he loses his place while he's talking. Just a whole cascade of issues he's been having. So we're going to watch this press conference along with I bet you there's millions of other people watching it around the world today. of questions from reporters but in a hundred days i think it's a hundred days um the whole country is going to vote for a new president and it's going to be this guy against the orange haired guy donald trump you love you like donald he's better than him you like donald ducker who uh better than biden that's for sure but they're both a little not good but by all the i'm going to have an rx sugar bar with allulose
Starting point is 00:04:26 i i don't really i don't like these i don't like you don't like these you should you should you shouldn't ask mom to get like not the perfect bars like but wait she made um rx sugar uh brownies the other day and you guys loved them with allulose this one um i like the vanillas and caramel and chocolate i don't really like the mints oh so you chocolate. I don't really like the mints. Oh, so you do like them, just not the mints. Yeah. I like none of them. I used to like them.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Did you like the brownies? Kind of. Better than this. Hmm. When is Biden coming on? He's supposed to come on right now. What do you mean, come on the show? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Not our show, but we're going to watch another channel. We're going to watch his speech. Are those the comments on our show or his? On his. The comments on our show over here, you can't see them. Oh.
Starting point is 00:05:23 The conference was supposed to start five minutes ago that's weird hey is it um true biden pooped his pants is it true he pooped his pants yeah it's true that he froze for a second he's like He's definitely froze a few times. I don't know if he really pooped his pants, but I know people like to say it. The campaign's gotten really aggressive between the two guys, Donald and Biden, and the people who support Donald Trump think he did poop his pants a bunch of times. We don't know if it's a lie or not. When you were a little boy.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah, we're not sure if it's true or not. But when you were a little boy. He still was a little boy. But like when you were really little, like when you guys were two, mom would know even before you guys poop. She could just look at you and be like, you got to poop. Like she just knew your face and she knew your body posture. Like, you got to poop. Like, she just knew your face and she knew your body posture.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And so people with a keen eye say they see him holding certain postures with his body. You know, like. Sometimes when I have to poop really bad, I go up on my tippy toes. You do? It's kind of weird. Talking to the mic. Oh, here we go. I grabbed my butt. We're talking to, make sure you're talking to the mic. Oh here we go. Oh, I know my butt We talking to make sure you're talking like we pull the mic over towards obvious
Starting point is 00:06:50 So someone you have to poop sometimes you stand on your tippy toes. Yeah, it's kind of weird But you don't poop your pants like that No, you hold it and go to the toilet Me too, I put my pants with like four Oh even six This guy One of the guys in the comments Doug Reed says he's definitely sharted Sharted?
Starting point is 00:07:10 What do you mean? Tell Ari what a shard is It's like you fart but It's poop comes out Oh yeah I had that before Is it possible? Millions of times on tennis You've had that millions of times
Starting point is 00:07:21 Where you think you're gonna fart And a little nugget comes out? Yeah Like I'm like mom My, my pants are wet. And I went to the bathroom and there's... How do I not know that? Sometimes if I'm working out, I'm doing squats or whatever with you. I'm like, oh, there's something wet in my underwear.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Oh, and you dropped... A little deuce came out. Yeah, yeah. It's weird. And it's a bad feeling. Yeah. Yeah, it's like a terrible feeling. Can you smell can you smell it no no how come you never tell me yeah uh i just don't want you to get mad because every time we every time we do that you oh never mind no let's go ahead you can say that oh you yell at us when
Starting point is 00:08:01 you poop your pants i yell at you well you You do. Mom doesn't. I don't. No. What's the word I'm looking for? I contest that. You don't yell at us. Yeah, for pooping your pants. You peed on me the other day, and I didn't even get mad. Oh, yes, you did.
Starting point is 00:08:18 A little, barely. I don't know. I thought I was pretty cool. Heidi came out of the bathroom like. I know, but you didn't see what happened Inside Tell Avi what happened when you peed on me This is just two days ago He made an angry face
Starting point is 00:08:34 Got a little mad and then chilled We were both peeing into the toilet At the same time And he was telling me how fun it is peeing in the toilet When I pee in it And then all of a sudden No You never used to let me pee with you i said that yeah you said
Starting point is 00:08:51 yeah and i thought you were seven you were mature enough to do it and i wasn't going to get peed on i was talking though i was looking at you yeah and then that's mine and then i looked up and i was getting drenched hey you splashed on me you think i splashed on you yeah when it was going down hey that bathroom's nasty that is bathroom yeah i wish i wish i got you're saying that the pee that i was peeing into the toilet was hitting the water and there were splashes coming out on you yes i got a strong stream what am i gonna do and um i say if you go barefoot in there one one time I went barefoot in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And stepped in like water and stuff. Oh, my God. And everything just sticks to my feet because it gets wet. The beach bathroom. Yeah. Hey, Heidi. I've learned to just accept it when I go in their bathroom. Into the bathroom barefoot at the beach.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I'm just like, okay, just accept the fact you're stepping in feces. What? Robbie said it was pee. On the ground in there? No. I don't think so. It's from surfers going in there and changing out of their wetsuits and just water getting everywhere. In the boardwalk today?
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, far last time. I got dizzy on that last ride. Yeah, I felt like I was going to vomit. I thought you were going to cry. No, it's not scary. Not even close. You would have fun. No, I would not have fun.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Hey, you know what was stupid? What? I could go on double shot that one that goes up and just drops. I could do that one too. I know, but I couldn't do that car, the race car ride ride like oh you mean because of your height yeah oh yeah that doesn't make sense yeah hey that that that double shot's 120 feet 5 125 feet tall yeah it says it on the ride it shoots you up and then drops you yeah i would have done i would have done that you know what sucks about double shot there's one thing that sucks about what what 20 seconds oh too short yeah oh i like that i think the one i
Starting point is 00:10:52 went on with mira just like one down yeah which one the one that goes like this yeah where you no no the one where um oh the roller coaster yeah yeah that one was gnarly. It was like, it was going super slow, not that bad. Then it goes super fast, and then it just chilled the rest of the way, and it's really fun. Yeah. And it's short. You only go one time. I could have done that one, too. I wouldn't have liked it, but I could have done it.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I would have felt more comfortable with you, because you're my dad. She's like my half, like close to cousin kind of. Yeah. Is Joey and Mira watching? Yeah. I think so. I'm going to open another channel. Hey, can anyone else see if this is live anywhere?
Starting point is 00:11:38 I can't. No, not you. You can't. Hold on. Biden press conference. Is this happening anywhere? I think so. What are we waiting for?
Starting point is 00:11:48 Wait, there's supposed to be a press conference live? Yeah, now it says live in 31 minutes, 6.30 p.m. I don't know what's going on. I don't understand why this isn't live. Let me open this other page here. Well, you know, Joe Biden is. Joe Biden press conference. Cuckoo in the head. Joe is.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Do you have anything else? Oh, you could hear that? Yeah. Whoever said that is. I don't see what. Yeah, so for some reason, something's happened. It's not live anywhere. Wait, you mean the Biden or us? No. Oh, Biden.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Don't go barefoot on a golf course. It's tempting, but don't do it. Okay. Not live on Fox yet. Okay. Still hasn't started. Okay. Thank you. Did you see him introduce Putin? No, I missed that. Thank you. Did you see him introduce Putin? No, I missed that. What do you guys like more, jiu-jitsu or surfing? Someone wants to know. Surfing. Jiu-jitsu. I like surfing.
Starting point is 00:13:23 You do? Or you can say jiu-jits. For sure. Jiu-jitsu. I like surfing. You do? Or you can say jiu-jits. For sure. Jiu-jits, BJJ. Does anybody know the Rotolos? Sorry. Yeah, I'm sure that everyone knows the Rotolos who surfs and does jiu-jitsu. It's good.
Starting point is 00:13:44 I like a good saying. Sometimes you don't get to choose when you breathe. Oh yeah, you like that? Because we're both saying, yeah. Yeah. He was trying to introduce Zelensky and sold President Putin. Oh, and said President Putin.
Starting point is 00:13:59 No shit. I need my glasses. It sounds like Putin as a... Oh, and said President... Oh my god. Are you kidding Putin has a... Oh, instead, President... Oh, my God. Are you kidding me? When was that, Dan? Was that today? What was that? Was that today he did that? He introduced the wrong president?
Starting point is 00:14:20 I'll look that up. Biden introduces Zelensky Putin. Biden corrects himself after calling Zelensky Putin. Holy shit. Oh, is that at the NATO summit? Wow. Let's – we'll stop this for a minute and watch that clip. Let's see that clip. that clip okay let me uh turn this one down okay here we go biden biden accidentally this war all the nations have stepped up when it counted to stand with ukraine i've said before russia will not prevail in this war ukraine will prevail in this war and we'll stand with them every single step of the way. That's what the compact says loudly and clearly. And now I want to hand it
Starting point is 00:15:32 over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. You can beat President Putin. President Zelensky're going to beat President Putin. President Zelensky. I'm so focused on beating Putin, we've got to worry about it. Anyway, Mr. President. I'm better. You are a hell of a better. Damn.
Starting point is 00:15:57 All right. Accidents happen. What's damn? He introduced the wrong president. He introduced the wrong guy. He introduced the wrong guy. What was he supposed to introduce? He was supposed to introduce Zelensky and he introduced Putin. Putin's Zelensky's enemy.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Uh oh. That's a fuck up, right? But he corrected himself pretty good. That one could have happened to anybody. Do you think that's embarrassing for Biden? Yes. Very embarrassing. Because he knows everyone's watching.
Starting point is 00:16:29 He knows that the whole world's saying he's too old. And incompetent to be president. Yeah. Now he actually is too old. Yeah. I think he is. They should just switch him out right now. So he can have.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Spend time with his family. But he's just working all the time. So he can spend time with his family But he's just working all the time And he's probably gonna die Talking to people I would die spending time with my family That's what a lot of people are saying, Avi A lot of people are saying Hey, this dude needs to spend time
Starting point is 00:16:59 With his family When I get too old, I'm just gonna quit And spend time with my family Cause I've been working like Yeah that's what I do How long has he been president? Uh almost four years In January it'll be four years
Starting point is 00:17:14 Wow And before that he was vice president Before that he was vice president for eight years And Donald Trump was Yeah Well Donald Trump was president for four years And then before that he was vice president for eight years. He needs a break. He's been doing 16 years straight of working hard.
Starting point is 00:17:32 And his people aren't going to be with him when he dies. Well, I think people are, but his family. You know what happens is. Is he has this whole cadre of people around him. He has all these people around him. Because he's been in politics for 50 years. So he has all these people around him. Who basically been just like living off of his success. For like the last 50 years.
Starting point is 00:17:59 But let's say 100 people. And they want him to keep being president. So that they can keep their jobs. Oh. You know what i mean but it's his own life he can do whatever he wants i know and he needs to and imagine so because he's president he gets all these perks right he gets a nice plane he gets lots of money he knows lots of rich people he gets to do all this fun shit and then his kids and his wife get to do the fun shit too he has kids yeah they're like something like that i want to say he had two boys and one of them died oh that's sad yeah i think of brain cancer how old was he not old 30 40 oh God. I feel so bad. What? He died at like 49, 39.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Yeah. Bob Marley? Yeah. That's so sad. And then his other son is always in trouble with the law, always getting in trouble. Oh, that's his fault. That's his fault. Yeah, he's like 55 years old.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Did he go to juvenile when he was little? I don't know if when he was little, but as an adult he got uh in trouble because of having uh illegal guns lots of drugs lots of he has a lot of drug problems how come they haven't put him in jail yet that is a good question because his dad's the president his dad's been protecting him oh that's and you want to know what else he does i agree he he he he tells people hey you can meet my dad if you give me money oh that's stupid and then he takes that money and uses it to uh buy drugs oh my god it's naughty you're not supposed to do that if your dad's the president really naughty yeah keeping it real that too i don't know i don't know if i'm i'm not i'm not gonna say that part oh here we go here we go guys
Starting point is 00:19:51 yeah here we go oh look at me look how shaky the camera is okay uh ladies and gentlemen whoa where did that what where did that guy come from did you just see him pop up? Yeah, from the American flag. Um, ladies and gentlemen. I now pronounce you. The president. Of Biden. Of the United States of America. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Here we go. Hello, Hasim. Hasim, how are you, Hasim? That guy looks Hello, Hasim. Hasim, how are you, Hasim? That guy looks like a Hasim, doesn't he? Yeah, he looks Spanish. Oh, a Javier? He looks like a Javier? I thought he looked Arabic.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Middle Eastern. He looks Russian. He looks like he needs to take a nap. Yeah, look at his eyes. If you look up closely, you can see he's like, and he has no idea what's going on probably. He's like looking around. He's nervous as shit.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Hey, they may have had him just stand up there so they could focus the cameras on him. He might not even say anything. Oh my God. Hey, at least his camera people are worse than you.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Yeah, his camera people are worse than me. Camera's his camera people are worse than me. Camera's got a little shake to it. Yeah. A little jitter. We don't want to see Biden go all blurry. What is that tag on his jacket? I can't make that out.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I don't know, V something? Yeah, V something like that. Yeah. Let's put this. So leave it. So originally this was supposed to happen at 2.30 And then they moved it to 3.30 And now it's 3.51 And he's still not even there So they're 21 minutes late
Starting point is 00:21:44 Now he's whispering something to some other guy Who's on the phone Well, they're adjusting the cameras. So they're 21 minutes late. Now he's whispering something to some other guy who's on the phone. No, everybody's watching you. Yeah, but he went like this on Omni. Hey, is there a language you can read their lips like? Yeah, you know, when kids learn how to talk they actually use they do lip reading more than they do with their ears oh really how come like they can't do it when they're older you could probably still do it if i we can practice after the show after the podcast i can say stuff without saying any words or you can plug your ears and see if you
Starting point is 00:22:23 know what i'm saying i can hear you if i plug your ears and see if you know what I'm saying. I can hear you if I plug my ears. You remember at Starbucks, you're like talking, and I was closing my ears like this. I know, but we got to do it in a way where you absolutely can't hear me. And then you could just look at my lips and be like, oh, he said, how old are you? Okay, watch. I'll lip something. I love you. Yeah. See, you can read lips lip something. I love you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:46 See, you can read lips. You didn't even know. Okay, here's this one. You're my favorite son. I thought you were going to say you're my favorite, but when you said. Yeah. I know what you're going to say. Okay. when you said yeah i i know what you're saying okay uh 100 days away from the election i'm here with uh avi and ari we are going to do a live watching of the presidential press conference
Starting point is 00:23:17 have you ever have you guys ever watched a presidential press conference before no not really when we were at greg house, I kind of remember. Let me ask you some questions. What color is the flag for the United States of America? Blue, red, and white. How many states are there? 50. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Did you know that, Avi? I knew that because we have states on all those stars. All those stars? Are 50. Are 50. On one flag. and who's in charge of all the states who's in charge of the country um joey joey b joey b and uh what's his type do you know his title no his title is a commander in chief and president of the united states he's a commander in chief-chief and president of the United States. He's the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, so all of the military. He was, oh, he was in the Navy?
Starting point is 00:24:09 No, I don't know. He wasn't. But when you're president, you're in charge of all the military. That's what's a little unsettling, right? We got this guy who's 81 years old. And he's in charge of wars and guns. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Oh, it's starting. Yeah. If it gets too loud for me, tell you I'll lower it. It's loud. It's going to be too loud. That's good. Hey, Heidi. Oh, we might have to wait.
Starting point is 00:24:31 We might have to wait another 20 minutes or some shit. Hey, Heidi. Something crazy just happened. What? Hey, Heidi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:35 I've heard Biden just let some bad guys go into his White House. He did? Yeah, but that was like a month ago, two months ago. He let some bad guys go into the Capitol building. Yeah, but that was like a month ago, two months ago. He let some bad guys go into the Capitol building.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Yeah, like Riley told me. But some other people did that he's friends with. Yeah. A few months ago. Why do people vote for Biden? They're confused. Because they want to keep their jobs. Yeah, because they want to.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Exactly. They want to keep their jobs. Hey, a few months ago, they found drugs in the White House, at his house. Really, like, naughty drugs. Like, people are going to think Biden is going to start smoking. Yeah. No, I don't even know. These aren't even, yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:25:20 I think he's, I don't, yeah, maybe. Are there security cameras in the White House? Well, that's the thing. That's yeah, maybe. Are there security cameras in the White House? Well, that's the thing. That's a great question. There's security cameras everywhere. And so they should be able to tell us whose drugs they were because they should see, they found them in someone's locker, like in a cubby. That should be his. And so they, but they told us that they could, they can't figure it out.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Why? Oh my God. I think, I think, I think they're lying to us. I think they're lying to us. I think they're lying to it Yeah, they just don't want to admit it. It's him probably I Think it's his son Yeah, yeah, oh look at you you stole the mic from Avi You could pull it closer to you too if you want like see how it pivots on that
Starting point is 00:26:05 Over there Yeah just put it in the middle like here Yeah it's like normal I saw a picture of Scooby And you could even make it higher You could push it up a little bit higher It's fine I just want you guys to have good audio
Starting point is 00:26:19 I turned your mic up pretty good Okay so look what happened here We thought the press conference was going to start and then it didn't start um oh yeah so something so something has happened yep shows cancels everybody go home oh the tv station said we appreciate you guys being patient. Thank you. You already drank that? Yeah, why? Because you're going to have to pee so quick.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I can just go in the backyard. It's right here. Do you want me to have mom bring you another one? Yeah, sure. Mom's gone. She is? Yeah. Wait, what time is it? Oh. What time is it well wait what time is it oh what time is it wait wait wait what time is it it's 357 oh never mind yeah call mom i want another one okay let's see
Starting point is 00:27:14 see what we can do here if we can order you up a hey mom do you want another one too uh hey mom let's get some room service. Mom. Mom. Oh, she is not. Hey, Mom. Honey, do you like the color of your table? Hello?
Starting point is 00:27:44 Mom, can you get me another sparking please oh honey i'm leaving i'm going to tennis i'll try hold on no it's okay okay i'll send obby obby can do it okay perfect okay thank you have fun love you bye joey bye joey you want to go get it careful you don't step on anything. I know it's a bit of a mess in here. Yeah, there's like suitcases everywhere. I don't think this is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:28:17 This? Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen. Will you leave that door open too? Oh, yeah. Take this. It's so hot. You can leave it door open too? Oh yeah. Take this. It's so hot. You can leave it wide open. Avi.
Starting point is 00:28:29 You can leave that door wide open, Avi. Excuse me. Oh, Mira's going to get it, I think. Elon Musk explained the cheating today. The illegals won't vote. The states will use names to create ballots for harvesting. Do you know? So if the person who runs the United States is his title is the president.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Do you know who runs the states, the title of that job? Like, no. Start with a G. Gov. Governor. Governor, yep. So each state – oh, thank you, Mira. Oh, thank you, Mira.
Starting point is 00:29:19 So each state has its own – each state has a governor. No, but we started. started we started but the press conference hasn't started uh i'm gonna go continue thank you uh y'all excited about the card for 168 the card for 168 no i don't know what that is i'm excited about uh working out after the show Of course Are you gonna work out with me?
Starting point is 00:29:54 No, i'm gonna be so tired after this what really I might take a nap. Oh, i'll take a nap then too A little 20 minute power nap. Of course. I'm actually getting a little tired right now too. You are? I'm a little tired too. It was a long day at the boardwalk today. Of course. That was actually a long day at the boardwalk.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I was really impressed all the rides you went on. Yeah, like... I really want... Double shot was like, you know, scary, but not scary. But I just didn't want to go on it. It just looks too gnarly for me right now. No, it's fine. So they're gone. It's just us here.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Wait, M mirror left too Just mom and Joey left I wonder what's going on here Hold on I'm gonna google one more thing I'm gonna google Hey Siri call Biden Biden Press conference And
Starting point is 00:31:07 Type in news Yeah I don't see what's going on here Watch live If you guys in the chat see it go live somewhere else tell me how to watch anticipated Biden news conference Biden faces
Starting point is 00:31:35 big press conference flubs Putin for Zelensky maybe I'll put type in the word delay delay that's the last sparkly biden high stakes big boy press conference delayed so it might miss evening news broadcast um this is from the new york post president biden's anticipated big boy press conference thursday his first formal solo press conference in washington since 2022 well wow this so this is the first formal press conference conference he's done in two years oh my yeah that's too long have you ever heard the saying in like night rider don't hassle with the hoth no does he say that well Well, yeah. Not in the show, but...
Starting point is 00:32:25 Oh, oh, here we go. Normally, oh. Here we go. Oh. Here we go. Finally. We'll get back to Knight Rider afterwards. Show the boys the fight card for one championships, 168.
Starting point is 00:32:36 It's a good one. Oh, when is that? Is that tomorrow night? That's not tomorrow night, is it? Remind me that later, Extra Sloppy. Hey, do I even do a podcast tonight too? No, this is it I'm tired
Starting point is 00:32:47 After the show, I'm gonna nap A little power nap, 20 minutes And then party, party all night Stay up until 10, 30 And then I'm gonna go in the garage and party Okay, I guess Will you work out with me? Maybe after a little
Starting point is 00:33:03 And now we just say the cameras off. We're going to do cleans and pull-ups. Wait, what are cleans again? Oh, yeah, the how many pull-ups. When you yank the bar. How many rounds are you doing? Yeah, we could do power clean and jerk. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:23 We could just take turns. Oh, here we go. Oh, she's short. Hello, midget. Never mind. She's not going. I guess she's too low. Do we know the topic or reason for the press conference? I don't think he's done a press conference in forever.
Starting point is 00:33:42 In two years. It's been delayed by at least an hour and is now set to begin sometime after 6.30 p.m. The new time means that the clips of the 81-year-old president stumbling again are exceeding expectations. At the annual NATO conference, won't be ready in time for widely watched
Starting point is 00:33:57 network evening news programs. White House official told the Post that the event was delayed from 5.30 to 6.30 due to the NATO schedule, which also began later than expected Thursday. But reports with credentials learn Wow. Wait, so it's not starting? We've been live for 34 minutes and nothing's happened. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Wait, we came live to watch this? Yeah, this is it what happens if we don't what happens if it's not go we just talk or yeah we're just doing it like we're just people are watching right now us just uh i don't know what do you think we're doing talking chatting chatting uh his first extended q a session session with journalists since his since he was confused at the June 27th debate performance. I feel like the narrative needs to change. So either Dems need to get behind Biden or he needs to step aside. But we are losing time. A Democratic source. Oh, I hate it. Oh, here we go. Here we go. She looks like she might say something. Man, they've had so many people up there What do you think those people up there are doing Pencil, paper, water
Starting point is 00:35:08 Pencil, paper, water Booze Booze Oh, amphetamine overdose There's a briefing to say Hey you do this for me And then when you get up to the podium They're too scared, they just walk down
Starting point is 00:35:22 Oh look there's She's like do I have to do this? Everybody say hello to Midget. Hi, Midget. Man, your house is fun. I never watched politics with my dad, and if I did, he would tell me to go chop wood. That's boring.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Well, what happened, Tyler, is this morning Ari was on the show for a little bit, and I said, hey, you want to watch the press conference? And then afterwards, I was like, I shouldn't have said that. And then today around two o'clock, he's like, man, we got a podcast at three thirty. I was like, oh, shit. He remembered. Well, you don't want me to come on.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I was a little nervous. It's your first time on. I'm a little nervous. I'm not. How are you nervous? I don't know. It's your debut. Oh, you. You.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Yeah. He's doing great. No, It's your debut. Oh, you, you, uh... That's fine. He's doing good so far. He's doing great. No, he's doing great. He's doing better than the White House people. Yeah, he's doing great. I would say you're doing better than me. Look at midgets on the phone. Obvi, obvi.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Go ahead, Ari. What were you going to say? Can I do one later in the afternoon with you again? No, this is probably the last one ever No no no not today Tomorrow No I think this will be our first and last podcast First But for him?
Starting point is 00:36:38 Uh yeah Unless you do great Ari I already am doing great You are that That's true. You can only go downhill from here. Am I going to? Yeah, you're going. You're amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah. You're mature. You're nine. Uh-oh. No, you're nine. So close. So close. They're closer than that.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Hey, they're probably putting, like, sayings for Biden to say. I'm surprised Caleb didn't come on with us Yeah, I wonder where I thought Caleb would be here for sure I know me too poor Baldy Avi Do you think that's nice? Answer me boy Maybe maybe not all these probably a name Answer me, boy. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Maybe not. Baldi's probably a name. Okay. We got a guy with an earpiece. I can't believe how many people are walking back and forth back there. What are they prepping back there? Is this bad content? What we're doing? Us?
Starting point is 00:37:40 No, them. Oh, yeah. There's his ass. There's his such ass. Listen, we're carrying the whole show right now. Me, you, and's his ass. There's his such ass. We're carrying. Listen, we're carrying the whole show right now. Me, you and Ari. And we should be Biden. Hello.
Starting point is 00:37:51 So when he comes out here and talks. How do we know that? Well, he's going to come out here and talk and you guys will hear it through your headsets. And then we'll sort of discuss what he's saying. We'll give feedback, real time feedback and live commentary like good feedback and bad feedback yeah like if he comes out there and you're like oh uh what a fantastic point he just made or what'd he say is that even a word like like he might say like like he might say like he might he's he's like sometimes too old and he's like yeah if he freezes you can be he acts like 90 and he's like yeah you can be like huh what did he just say freezes oh he pooped
Starting point is 00:38:37 his pants yeah give me that oh oh i recognize that look he pooped his pants look they're adjusting the flags you would think that should have been done an hour ago. Look, look, look. Yeah, exactly. Oh, my God. What are you doing? They need to pull that camera out is what they need to do. I want to see a wide angle.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I want to see what's really going on. Yeah. It's probably top secret. Top secret. Heidegg, Heidegg. Look, it's probably top secret. Whatiding. Heiding. Look. It's probably top secret. What's top secret?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Them. The whiting. It's probably top secret. What? You mean what's outside the shot if they're pulled back? Yeah, I mean like not top secret. Huh? Never mind.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Okay. No, tell me. I want to hear. We have plenty of time. This means the opposite of like yes. And no. So if I say yeah. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:39:31 It's kind of saying like no it's not cool. Okay. Now you understand yes. Oh. She can hear you crinkling your. RX bar wrapper. I don't need. He says he doesn't need advice from you Jorakui
Starting point is 00:39:47 Jorakui Tanya She's probably when she comes here She's gonna give him one of my Five brothers Oh no Let's see what else If we have any other comments I wanna eat this
Starting point is 00:40:06 But these kind of make me nauseous Tomorrow morning on the podcast We have Paige Semenza and Rebecca Fusile Wait what's that girl That you had on the podcast Abigail Oh mom sent me a text That you had on the podcast. Abigail. Abigail. Oh, mom sent me a text and said, change the subject from Joseph.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I wonder if it was making him feel bad because he's not in here. What? We weren't talking about Joseph. I don't know. I guess maybe we were. But we can talk about whatever we want There can't be censorship Yeah Mom, hello
Starting point is 00:40:48 We can all hear Okay What? What rapper is this? Tupac Dang, you want to touch it? Yes, yes When I hand it to you rapper is this? Tupac. That's easy. Dang. You want to touch it? Yes. When I
Starting point is 00:41:08 hand it to you, what's the first thing you notice about it? His pants are down. No, his pants are down. You're right. But feel it. When you hold him, you're going to have a response to it. What's your first response? He's made of clay, right?
Starting point is 00:41:25 He's made of clay. No, I don't know what he's made of. Hold it, Ari. What do's made of clay, right? He's made of clay. No, I don't know what he's made of. Hold it, Ari. What do you think about it, Ari? He's made of clay. What's the first response? What's your first thought when you hold that? Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Wait, we had this. No. The tattoos? No, we didn't. No. Hey, Tupac. There's not something you're sensing from that that you're like, oh, wow. No.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Oh. Wait, no. What is it? I thought when I hold, I can't believe how heavy that thing is. Really? Yeah. It is heavy. It's like solid.
Starting point is 00:41:52 It's not like cheap. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, can I feel it again? Thank you, Matt Burns. I'll do the parenting, but I appreciate your input. What input? Wait. He's made of clay for sure Yeah No
Starting point is 00:42:11 No Not really He's made of clay and something else Like something really hard Yeah it's hard It's really hard and it's really heavy I don't think if you drop that on concrete It would break though
Starting point is 00:42:21 It would get scratched Probably get scratched I forget who sent me that Tupac Tupac figure If you bop that on concrete, it would break, though. It would get scratched. Probably get scratched. I forget who sent me that Tupac figure. Does Tupac actually have these tattoos? Yeah. I think so. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Yeah, yeah. We bought the Thug Life set. And Tupac, it didn't come with that set. What didn't? That tattoo on his back. But it came with Thug Life. Oh. Oh, you're right. It didn't come with that set. What didn't? That tattoo on his back. It came with Thug Life. Oh, you're right. It didn't come with that one on his back.
Starting point is 00:42:49 We didn't have that one. The cross? No. Yeah, or the king thingy. I'll look. That's a really good question. Or Tupac. Or they just saw it wrong.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I think Tupac had a nose ring. Yeah. That's gross. Tupac, don't be such a lady. Yeah, Tupac. Look, do you know who this is? Look at this. Do you know who this is?
Starting point is 00:43:20 No. Wait, wait, wait. You had dinner with him the other night. Oh, Colton? Really? Yeah, it's a Colton Merton sticker. How cool is that? Wait, wait. Were you had dinner with him the other night. Oh Colton really? Yeah, it's a Colton Merton sticker How cool is that? Don't know what it says on the back something's written on it, but that's a Tupac big Jesse big Jesse That's cool, right? Yeah, really cool.
Starting point is 00:43:48 It's like Colton is one of the apostles. Fuck, it's hot in here. There's a pig right there and a pig on top. Are you guys hot? Yeah, like super hot. No, I'm just not really hot. I turned this fan on. Cool, cool.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Maybe we'll get some circulation in here. Can you hear the fan in your headset? Is it too loud? No, you cannot hear the fan. Oh, my God. What? It's so hot. Yeah, it's really hot in here.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Hey, where are they going? I don't know what's happening. Oh, my God. I think we're going to have to break this show into two. Like, once he finally comes on. Hey, so when, you know, when you went yesterday's morning show? No, two days morning. Like, two days ago, the morning show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:46 You're like, your tongue was sticking to your mouth and you went to go to FidAid. Remember that? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you know why that was happening? I liked between where you left. I liked whatever was playing. Oh, that commercial? Yeah, it was super awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Oh, that's cool. No, no was super awesome. Oh, that's cool Like he loved candy and he's like he he was like 200 pounds the most yeah And then he started doing workout. It was like yeah, that was a lot of inspiration Wow, you really look wow the affiliate commercial. Yeah, which one was that? I think that was um, let me see Like he's like, he looks Asian. It was this one. My name is Josue Bocanegra. I'm originally from Mexico.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I'm 27, and I go to Salty Ive CrossFit. When I came in here, I was 195, almost 200 pounds, and I had never been that heavy, like, ever. And then I got in here, started 200 pounds. And I had never been that heavy like ever. And then I got in here, started eating well. You know, we have the consistency is key. That's always, I don't know. Like ever since I heard it here, like it was always in my head and it didn't just apply to the gym. I applied to my eating habits, to my workouts, to even like just work, school. Consistency is key. So I started eating healthier, started avoiding sugars,
Starting point is 00:46:06 started avoiding candy because I love candy. I try to avoid it as much as possible. And I'm now 169 pounds this morning, actually. And I don't feel skinny either. It's like I'm actually fit, which is awesome, you know? I think it's the most fit I've ever been in my entire life, regardless of playing soccer in high school. I'm actually trying for a while to get my dad in here
Starting point is 00:46:30 because he struggled with obesity throughout his life. What I tell him all the time is, like, you got to get in here because it's not just the gym. It's not just you get in there and people may be just judging you for what you're doing. No, it's the community. It's somewhere that you get in there and people may be just judging you for what you're doing. No, it's the community. It's somewhere to help you actually improve and not just lose weight and actually get strong and actually get fit. And it's so much more than a gym.
Starting point is 00:46:54 That's what I tell him. That was awesome. This guy Brett made it from salty high crossfit brett hoffer or something made that for me yeah good job brett yeah it's cool so you saw that you were so so yeah so we were like um we were on the way from like back from market we were on the way to marketas yeah we were like at there yeah like i, like wow whoever made this did a good job. I mean, that's really cool You said it was inspirational. Yeah I love you
Starting point is 00:47:31 Oh This song It's a Saban podcast show Everybody's welcome Peace and love It's a Saban podcast show Bam, we're live Bam, we're live Do you do that every time No, I used to just do it Just like out of a nervous habit
Starting point is 00:47:59 And then now I feel kind of obligated to say it Because it became like just what I say when the show starts Bam, we're live. Okay, we got the wide shot we wanted. Those people, see that lady in the yellow? See those two ladies? Yeah. Texting on their phone.
Starting point is 00:48:22 What the heck is that? They're either news reporters who are going to do a live, like... Can I have this? Wow, guys. Look at all the people there. That's the press corps, whatever that means. Can I have this? Wow. Yeah, you can eat that.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Oh, dude. This is going to be crazy, dude. This is huge. Hey, Heidi. This is kind of messy. It's okay. I'll just keep it in the wrapper. Okay, thank you. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:48:48 So, or those are microphones that they are going to pass around so people can ask questions. Oh, see that black guy up in the front row? Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, where? On the right-hand side. I think that's like lloyd
Starting point is 00:49:05 austin or lloyd benson or something i think he like he's the most senior military advisor to the president and then the guy next to him is uh i think his name is anthony blinken he's the uh secretary of state like like if we need if we need to say something to another country he'll get on a plane and go talk to the other leaders. So the front row is all – Like right now if he has to? No, but like if – let's say like he wants – he needs to go talk – President Biden wants to talk to the president of Armenia. He'll send that guy on an airplane to go talk to the president of Armenia and say shit to him. Hey, Heidi.
Starting point is 00:49:39 What? I want something to happen when they pass over mics. What? I want something to happen when they pass over Mike's. I want something to happen, like, something like to freeze. Like, probably, like, poop his pants and be like, freeze. You want that to happen to him? No.
Starting point is 00:49:54 No, to Biden. I know. You want that to happen to him? Yeah. No, I don't. I don't either. Why? I don't know. I feel bad.
Starting point is 00:50:01 I feel bad for him. Yeah. And remember, he's still our president president and he's still running the country. You can't just have him just shitting his pants up there. Like, I felt bad. I will enjoy it. If he does, I will enjoy it, but it'll be a guilty pleasure.
Starting point is 00:50:16 When, like, in the debate, when... Oh, yeah, Bernie's... Sorry, go ahead, Avi. Go ahead. When Trump's like, you're a horrible president. You shouldn't have been having him. I felt, like, Bernie's... Sorry, go ahead, Avi. Go ahead. When I'm like, Trump's like, you're a horrible president. You shouldn't have been having him. I felt like so bad. For Biden?
Starting point is 00:50:30 Yeah, I wanted to cry. You did? You felt bad for him? Like he was just an old dude getting tossed... Yeah, I wanted to turn it off. Yeah, he was getting tossed up. Yeah. It was a little too much reality.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Those are actually... Bernie wanted me to tell you those aren't those are actually the people listening to the sebon podcast right now everyone in that room is watching us really i think i'm gonna there's a what you're gonna what wait so i kind of want to get out now but i don't you're done no i, I'm not. Be careful of that cord right there. Like this one right there?
Starting point is 00:51:09 Yeah, that one's making me a little nervous. Holy shit, you guys are being so patient. We've been in here almost an hour. Oh my God. Yeah, waiting. Yeah, I'm getting hot. Biden, hurry up. Well, he's an old man.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Wait, so all those people can hear us Talking about Biden No I was just joking How do you know the Sevan podcast song Yeah you know that one Did Brent make that too No
Starting point is 00:51:41 I think this dude from Floridaida made it uh you need a trash can cuervo or cuervo or i forget the dude's name i should be coming on more lately this is actually kind of fun well a second ago you were just gonna said you were gonna leave and now you're saying you should come on more lately. It's actually kind of fun. A second ago, you were just going to say you were going to leave, and now you're saying you should come on more? When you said all those people are watching, I got really nervous.
Starting point is 00:52:13 But they're not. I was just joking. Those people are from all sorts of different magazines and newspapers and television stations. So all those people are famous? No. I don't think that they're all famous, but they are all...
Starting point is 00:52:28 They're rich? No. Most of those people aren't rich. But those people are there to ask the president questions, and then we're here just in the audience waiting to hear him answer. And then we're going to question him. We're not going to
Starting point is 00:52:43 question the president. We're just going to talk about how well we're going to... we're not gonna question the president we're just gonna talk about how well we're gonna the three of us are gonna discuss how well he answered the questions that's already second sparkling done holy shit are you i'm not done with it a little bit left though all right how much do you weigh he He weighs like 52. 51.6. You just drank... 51.6. Yes, two days ago it was 52.8. You just drank two pounds of water.
Starting point is 00:53:15 You're joking, right? Get on the scale after this. I already drank a Fit A too. I want to open my second one, but I feel like I should wait no it'll make hair grow on your face you want to start shaving yeah it's a pain in the ass okay why do you put your lips so close to the mic I don't know just sometimes I just do it do it. You know what I do it for like sensory? Like I rub my hair right here on it. Does it feel good?
Starting point is 00:53:50 It doesn't feel bad. Or you know what I do sometimes? Don't tell anyone this, okay? Okay. I have little nose hair sticking out of my nose and I kind of rub those on the mic. Hiding. But we're alive. Hiding., Heidi. Heidi. What?
Starting point is 00:54:10 Second can finished. Jeez, Louise. I'm gonna go back to this. You want the rest of my RX sugar? I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Are you coming back? Please don't trip over anything.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Hey, dude, go this way. Yeah, damn. This thing is so delayed. Thank you. Are you guys both leaving? No. Oh, man. That thing was like melted from being in your hands. Yeah, sweaty hands.
Starting point is 00:54:44 These are good, by the way people yeah really good allulose allulose they supposedly lower believe it or not your glycemic index kind of crazy i also like the um rx um bars the different ones oh you do like those those are i like the RX bars. The different ones. Oh, you do like those? Those are, I like the coconut and salted ones. I just took a little pee-pee. Oh, my God. That was good.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I'm trying to find out information. Oh, it's Secretary Lloyd Austin. That's the guy's name. And Karine Jean-Pierre is there. Hey, if they're talking, you know I can't hear them. They're not talking.
Starting point is 00:55:39 You'll hear them. You'll hear them. There's nothing else to drink. Just give yourself a couple sprays of the old... Listerine. Listerine. These are good, too. A couple sprays.
Starting point is 00:55:53 The pink ones are better. Blow on Ari now. How's his breath, Ari? Better. But is it still ass? No. Oh, we got someone walking up to the podium. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Oh, yeah. So those are news people right there. Really? Yeah. Those three people standing there are like news anchors for like Fox, ABC, NBC. Like they're going to say something.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Oh, my God. What? He's leaving. Oh, he did leave. Shit. What? Son of a gun. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:26 The people are like, wait Wait one more top secret thingy That's not even top secret Guess how many people are watching our show right now How Guess how many Like 18,000 No Less
Starting point is 00:56:39 Less 15 15,000 No Less 4 4,000 No Just 4 14 15 15 000 no less four four thousand no just 14 uh yeah 16 16 000 no 16 just 16 just 16 wow who is that are you disappointed no yes you are i I just want likes, that's it. You just want likes? Likes are better. What are likes?
Starting point is 00:57:08 Like saying your show is good. I don't want likes. You don't want likes? I want them, but... How would you guys even know what likes are? I seen a million times. Where? When we were on the jot.
Starting point is 00:57:24 When we were on... Where? When we were on the When we were on the When we were doing a video with Josh Josh who? Yeah like Josh You watch TikTok I do not watch TikTok No
Starting point is 00:57:39 Why do you say stupid people watch TikTok? No that's fine I don't even have the TikTok app on my phone. I don't? No. I don't. Whoa, whoa, whoa. You watch Instagram.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I do watch Instagram. And I know what that is. Yeah. Right. Riley said TikTok is for... But likes are different than Instagram. Instagram is a viewing platform. Oh!
Starting point is 00:58:01 Are we live? Here we go. Shit. We get here. Okay, here we go. Hold on. Here we go. Shit. Here. Okay, here we go. Hold on. Here we go. Destructive war in history.
Starting point is 00:58:18 The idea was to create an alliance of free and democratic nations that would commit themselves to a compact of collective defense. Standing together, they knew we'd all be safer. Attack on one would be treated as an attack on all. And it's worked because a would-be aggressor knows they attack one of us, they'll be attacked by all of us. Sending that message is the best way to deter aggression and prevent wars in the first place. For those who thought NATO's time had passed, they got a rude awakening when Putin invaded Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Some of the oldest and deepest fears in Europe roared back to life, because once again, a murderous madman was on the march. But this time, no one cowered in appeasement, especially the United States. We collected intelligence that Russia was planning to invade Ukraine months before the invasion. I directed the intelligence community to be a significant amount of intelligence to be declassified. There we go. So I can start building an international coalition to oppose the invasion. There's Biden.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Then in February, some of you remember, I warned the world that the invasion was imminent. I rallied a coalition of 50 nations from Europe to Asia to help Ukraine defend itself. My foreign policy, many foreign policy experts thought, as Putin amassed Russian forces just 100 miles north of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, but he thought, he, Putin thought it was the mother home of Russia. The capital would fall in less than a week. But the Ukrainian people, backed by a coalition to help build, stopped them. Today, Kyiv still stands.
Starting point is 01:00:04 And NATO stands, stronger than it has ever been. the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States
Starting point is 01:00:15 and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States
Starting point is 01:00:23 and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States NATO is not only stronger, NATO is bigger, because we led the charge to bring in Finland and Sweden into the alliance, and it makes a gigantic difference. Meanwhile, my predecessor has made it clear he has no commitment to NATO. He's made it clear that he would feel no obligation to honor Article 5. He's already told Putin, and I quote, do whatever the hell you want. In fact, the day after Putin invaded Ukraine, here's what he said. It was genius. It was wonderful. Some of you forgot that, but that's exactly what he said. But I made it clear. I'll be right back.
Starting point is 01:01:06 A strong NATO is essential to American security. And I believe the obligation of Article 5 is sacred. And I remind all Americans, Article 5 was invoked only once in NATO's long history. And that was to defend America after 9-11. I made it clear that I will not bow down to Putin. I will not walk away from Ukraine. I will keep NATO strong. That's exactly what we did and exactly what we'll continue to do. Now, the future of American policy is up to the American people. This is much more than the political question.
Starting point is 01:01:46 It's more than that. It's a national security issue. Don't redo this to the usual testament that people talk about, the issues of being a political campaign. It's far too important. It's about the world we live in for decades to come. Every American must ask herself or himself, is the world safer live in for decades to come. Every American must ask herself or himself,
Starting point is 01:02:06 is the world safer with NATO? Are you safer? Is your family safer? I believe the American people know the answer to all those questions is yes. And I believe the American people understand that America is stronger, stronger because of our alliances. I believe the American people understand that America is stronger, stronger because of our alliances. I believe the American consensus from Truman to Reagan to me still holds today.
Starting point is 01:02:34 America cannot retreat from the world. It must leave the world. We are an indispensable nation, as Madeleine Albright wrote. Now, let me turn to three other key issues. Just this morning, we had a great economic report showing inflation is down. Overall prices fell last month. Core inflation is the lowest it's been in three years. Prices are falling for cars, appliances, and airfares. Grocery prices have fallen since the start of the
Starting point is 01:03:06 year. We're going to keep working to take down corporate greed to bring those prices down further. Meanwhile, Trump is calling for a 10% tariff on everything Americans buy including food from overseas,
Starting point is 01:03:20 vegetables and other necessities. Economists tell us that that would cost the average American working family another $2,500 a year. It's a tax of $2,500 a year. Not true. Second, our efforts to secure the border, southern border, is working. After Trump killed the bipartisan effort to secure the border, After Trump killed the bipartisan effort to secure the border, Republicans and Democrats had worked on, because he thought it would benefit me and make him a loser, Republicans walked away.
Starting point is 01:03:57 So I took executive action last month. As a consequence, working with Mexico, border encounters have gone down over 50 percent. The current level is lower today than when Trump left office. Third, for months, the United States has been working to secure a ceasefire in Gaza, to bring the hostages home, to create a path for peace and stability in the Middle East. Six weeks ago, I laid out a detailed plan in writing. It was endorsed by the UN Security Council, the G7. That framework is now agreed on by both Israel and Hamas. So I sent my team to the region to hammer out the details. These are difficult, complex issues. There are still gaps to close.
Starting point is 01:04:50 We're making progress. The trend is positive. And I'm determined to get this deal done and bring an end to this war which should end now. Let me conclude where I began. We're the United States of America. We are the indispensable nation. Our leadership matters. Our partnerships matter. This moment matters. We must rise to meet it. With that, I'll take
Starting point is 01:05:18 your questions. I've been given a list of people to call on here. Reuters, Jeff Mason. This is where it's going to get good because that was all scripted right there. He was reading that. Mr. President, your political future has hung over the NATO summit a little bit this week. Speaker Pelosi made a point of suggesting that your decision on whether to stay in the race
Starting point is 01:05:40 was still open. George Clooney and a handful of lawmakers have called on you to step aside. Reuters is reporting tonight that UAW leadership is concerned about your ability to win. UAW just endorsed me, but go ahead. Thank you. My question for you is how are you incorporating these developments into your decision to stay? into your decision to stay. And separately, what concerns do you have
Starting point is 01:06:06 about Vice President Harris's ability to beat Donald Trump if she were at the top of the ticket? Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, but I think she was not qualified to be president. Oops, he called Harris Trump. He fucked up. Number one, the fact is that-
Starting point is 01:06:24 Wait, what do you mean about Harris? The consideration- Oh, he was supposed to be- Trump. He fucked up. Number one, the fact is that the consideration is that I think I'm the most qualified person to run for president. I beat him once, and I will beat him again. Secondly, the idea I served
Starting point is 01:06:40 in the Senate a long time. The idea that senators and congressmen running for office worry about the ticket is not unusual. And I might add there were at least
Starting point is 01:06:55 five presidents running or incumbent presidents who had lower numbers than I have now later in the campaign. So it was a long way to go in this campaign. And so I'm just going to keep moving, keep moving. And because, look, I got more work to do. We got more work to finish. There's so much, we've made so much progress. Think about it. Think about where we are economically relative to the rest of the world.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Name me a world leader who wouldn't want to trade places with our economy. We've created over 800,000 manufacturing jobs, 1.5 million – I mean, so things are moving. We've got more to go. Working-class people still need help. Corporate greed is still at large. The prices of corporate profits have doubled since the pandemic. They're coming down. And so I'm optimistic about where things are going. Danny Kemp, AFP. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Thank you, Mr President. I wanted to ask you about your, you mixed up President Zelensky and Putin earlier today. And you now have sort of your key allies, including the British Prime Minister, the President of France, the German Chancellor having to step in and make excuses for you on that. Officials here are saying off the record that your decline has become noticeable. Hasn't this now, frankly, become damaging for America's standing in the world? Thank you. Did you see any damage to our standing in my leading this conference? Have you seen a more successful conference? What do you think? And the Putin piece, I was talking about Putin and I said, and now, at the very end, I said here, I mean, Putin, I said, no, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 01:08:46 Zelensky. And then I added five other names. Look, guys, the idea, anybody suggests that we haven't had an incredibly successful conference. How many times did you hear in that conference, I know it sounds too self-serving, but other leaders, heads of state, in thanking me, saying the reason we're together is because of Biden, because Biden did the following. Look, folks, this is a — well, anyway, I thought it was the most successful conference I've attended in a long time and find me a world leader who didn't think it was. Next one. Sorry, Nancy Cordes, CBS. Thank you, Mr. President. You mentioned other instances in history where presidents have faced a challenge. But what makes this moment in history so unique is that it is not your enemies who are calling on you
Starting point is 01:09:51 to reconsider your decision to stay in the race. It's your friends, supporters, people who think you've done a great job over the past four years. Have you spent time thinking about what it would mean for your legacy, which you've worked decades to build, if you stay in the race despite the concerns that voters say they have, and you lose to someone who you yourself have argued is unfit to return to the Oval Office? Well, look, I'm not in this for my legacy. I'm in this to complete the job I started. As you recall, understandably, many of you and many economists thought my initial initiatives that I put forward,
Starting point is 01:10:34 I can't do that, it's going to cause inflation, things are going to skyrocket, the debt's going to go up. What are you hearing now from mainstream economists? 16 economic Nobel laureates said I've done a hell of a job, and under my plans so far and what's going to happen in the future if I – if I reelected, that things are going to get much better. Our economy is growing. I was determined when I got elected to stop the trickle-down economic theory. If the wealthy did very well, everybody else would do well.
Starting point is 01:11:09 My dad was a well-read, decent guy. I don't remember much trickling down on his kitchen table. Middle-class people and working-class people need help. And so what happened is I decided to implement, was able to implement as president, what I believed when I was a senator. And that is that the way to build this economy is from the middle out and the bottom up. That way we grow the economy. And the wealthy still do very well.
Starting point is 01:11:38 They do fine. And guess what? Find me an economist, a mainstream economist who said we haven't done well. What have we not done that isn't working right now? And so we got more to do, though. We got to finish the job. And by the way, I come from the corporate state of the world. Delaware has more corporations, you know, registered in Delaware than every other state in the nation combined. I'm not anti-corporate, but corporate profits have doubled since the pandemic, doubled. It's time things get back in order a little bit.
Starting point is 01:12:10 It's time, for example, if I'm reelected, we're going to make sure that rents are kept at 5% increase of corporate rents. He just contradicted himself. What do you mean? Limited to 5%.
Starting point is 01:12:23 We're going to make a lot of changes that I've been talking about because we're going to continue to grow this economy. And by the way, I know, remember how I got so roundly criticized for being so pro-union, not labor, union, union. Well, guess what? I've been the most pro-union labor president in history. Not a joke. And guess what? We had the Treasury Department do a study. When unions do better, everybody does better. Everybody does better. And we talk about how, for example, when I went, remember when we talked about getting the computer chip industry back in the United States?
Starting point is 01:13:03 Used to be 40% of the industry. We invented the chip. 40% of the industry was in the United States, and former presidents decided that the best way to do it is to find the cheapest labor in the world, send the product over there, and import what the product was. And so what did I do? I was told not to go over to Europe, I mean to Asia, including Europe, but Asia. And I remember going to South Korea, convincing them to invest $20 billion in the United States to build computer chip factories. And I asked why when they finally decided to do it. And the answer was because you have the safest economy in the world. You have the best workers in the world.
Starting point is 01:13:46 So the whole idea here is we've invested over $50 billion in investment in computer ship manufacturing just coming into being. None of you thought that would happen. None of you thought that would happen. But it's happening. It's happening. It's going to grow economies. And by the way, red states and blue states. Matter of fact, there's as much in red states as in blue states.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I've made no distinction. So my generic point is that the idea that we can't continue to build and grow the economy, make it fairer. Continue to build and grow the economy. Make it fair. Like I said, from my standpoint, when the middle class does well, that's when the whole economy grows. The poor have a shot. The wealthy do well. The wealthy have to start paying their taxes.
Starting point is 01:14:42 He said he was against corporations getting rich, and then he said he's done a good job at stopping that. Vice President Harris would be ready to serve on day one. Can you elaborate on that? What is it about her attributes and her accomplishments over the last four years that make her ready to serve on day one, if necessary? First of all, the way she's handled the issue of freedom of women's bodies to have control of their bodies. Secondly, her ability to handle almost any issue on the board. This was a hell of a prosecutor. She was a first rate person and in the Senate she was really good. I wouldn't have picked her unless I thought she was qualified to be president.
Starting point is 01:15:14 From the very beginning. I made no bones about that. She is qualified to be president. That's why I picked her. Felicia Schwartz, Financial Times. Thank you, Mr. President. Presidency is the most straining job in the world, and it's 24-7. How can you say you'll be up for that next year, in two years, in four years,
Starting point is 01:15:38 given the limits you've acknowledged that you have today? The limits I've acknowledged I have? There's been reporting that you've acknowledged that you need to go to bed earlier and your evening around eight. That's not true. Look, what I said was, instead of my every day starting at seven
Starting point is 01:16:01 and going to bed at midnight. You think he just lied there? It'd be smarter for me to pace myself a little more. Yes. And I said, for example, the 8, 7, 6 stuff, instead of starting the fundraiser at 9 o'clock, start at 8 o'clock. People get to go home by 10 o'clock.
Starting point is 01:16:16 That's what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about, and if you look at my schedule, since I made that stupid mistake in the debate, I mean, my schedule has been full bore. I've done, where's Trump been? Riding around in his golf cart, filling out his scorecard before he hits the ball? I mean, look, he's done virtually nothing. And I have, I don't know how many, I don't hold me to it, roughly 20 major events. Someone with thousands of people showing up.
Starting point is 01:16:50 And so I just think it's better. I always have an inclination, whether I was playing sports or doing politics, just to keep going, not stop. I just got to just pace myself a little more. Pace myself. The next debate, I'm not going to be traveling in the 15 time zones a week before. Anyway, that's what it was about. That's what it was about.
Starting point is 01:17:18 And by the way, even with that, I love my staff. But the ad things. Ad things all the time. Very good. I'm catching hell for my wife. Anyway. What happened to his tooth? Nothing.
Starting point is 01:17:33 He just smiles crooked. He smiles crooked. But the greatest transfer of wealth in world history. Zeke Miller, Associated Press. The poor to the rich has happened under his leadership. Two questions for you. He's lying. On the NATO summit, President Zelensky, in your meeting with him, poor to the rich has happened under his leadership two questions for you first uh on the nato summit
Starting point is 01:17:45 president zelensky in your meeting with him um he pressed you to uh lift your limitations on the ukrainian use of american weapons saying that uh in this public remarks afterwards saying that ukraine cannot win the war unless those limitations are lifted are you could reconsidering your position on that and then secondly following up on Felicia's question there, leaders of your own party have said that they're not worried about that debate. They're worried about the next bad night and the bad night after that. How can you reassure the American people that you are up to the task and that there won't be more bad nights at a debate stage or somewhere else? First thing about Zelenskyy asking for the ability to strike
Starting point is 01:18:28 deep into Russia. We've allowed Zelenskyy to use American weapons in the near term, in the near abroad, into Russia. Whether or not he has — he should be — he should be attacked — for example, should Zelenskyy — he's not — if he had the capacity to strike Moscow, strike the Kremlin, would that make sense? It wouldn't. The question is, what's the best use of the weaponry he has, the weaponry we're getting to him? I have gotten a more high I have gotten a more long-range capacity as well as defensive capacity.
Starting point is 01:19:06 So our military is where I am following the advice of my commander-in-chief, my chief of staff of the military as well as the secretary of defense and our intelligence people. We are making a day-to-day basis on what they should and shouldn't do, how far they should go in.
Starting point is 01:19:29 That's a logical thing to do. Second question related to? Bad nights. Sir, how can you reassure the American people that you won't have more bad nights, whether they be on a debate stage or on some matter of foreign policy? Well, I'll tell you what. The best way to assure them is the way I assure myself. And that is, am I getting the job done? Am I getting the job done? Can you name me somebody who's got more major piece of legislation passed in three and a half
Starting point is 01:19:58 years? I created 2,000 jobs just last week. So if I slow down, I can't get the job done. That's a sign that I shouldn't be doing it. But there's no indication of that yet. When people school him, does he lie? That's what he does, yeah. Who I got here? Merrick, Peski Radio. Thank you, Mr. President.
Starting point is 01:20:28 How are you? I'm well. The elections in the U.S. have consequences around the world. You have pretty high standing in Europe. I just asked President Macron about you, and he said we are happy to have him as the President of the United States. But there is a concern many people in Poland and across Europe are worried that the former president may win the election. And there's a lot of concern that Donald Trump may weaken NATO, stop supporting Ukraine or push Ukraine to give up territories to Russia.
Starting point is 01:21:15 They're correct. And you yourself was warning just two minutes ago about it. about it. So my question is, do you think that Europe will be left on its own if Donald Trump wins the election? And what's your advice to European leaders to prepare for possible U.S. disengagement? Well, look, disengagement? PRESIDENT OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES
Starting point is 01:21:53 OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT What I hear them say is, you've got to win. You can't let this guy come forward. It would be a disaster. It would be a disaster. I mean, I think he said in one of his rallies – don't hold me to this – recently, where NATO – I just learned about NATO or something to that effect – foreign policy has never been his strong point. And he seems to have an affinity to people who are authoritarian. That worries, as I tell you, that worries Europe. That worries Poland. And nobody,
Starting point is 01:22:40 including the people of Poland, think that if he wins in Ukraine, he's going to stop in Ukraine. That's going to be the end of it. And so what I can say is I think I'm the best qualified person to do the job, to make sure that Ukraine does not fall, that Ukraine succeeds, that the European alliance stays strong. You may recall, no one was talking about Finland joining NATO. I remember talking to Putin when – right after we got elected in Geneva, and he was talking about what we should do. He – we couldn't be in Eastern Europe, et cetera. And I said, you're looking for the Findalization of Ukraine because you're going to get the NATOization of Finland. The vandalization of Ukraine, as you can get the NATOization of Finland.
Starting point is 01:23:28 And about four weeks later, I got a call. That's not true. Probably five months later, from the president of Finland, could he come and see me? In my office. I invited him to the Oval Office. We sat down and talked. He said he wanted to join NATO. Could I help?
Starting point is 01:23:42 And I did. It wasn't automatic. And then I got a call from the Swedes. I beg your pardon? And so Finland joined NATO, 800-mile border is significant, and they were already allies, but they weren't part of NATO. And you heard, I think you heard, maybe I can't recall, maybe you said a public in our closed meeting, but he wouldn't mind being repeated. He said, we decided in Finland, the people of Finland
Starting point is 01:24:20 decided they had to be part of NATO. It was in our interest because of the joint ability to be together, to dissuade any attack on Finland. And the same thing with Sweden. It took a lot of selling to some folks, particularly in Turkey and other places, to agree to the expansion. But it expanded. And we're a hell of a lot stronger because of it. We're more secure because of it. And by the way, I was able to get 50 other nations,
Starting point is 01:24:55 50, 5-0, to support Ukraine. 50. We were able to bring about a coalition between Europe and Asia Japan and South Korea I just met with we talked about AUKUS and we talked about the relationship between Australia
Starting point is 01:25:14 New Zealand Japan South Korea United States we're making the world safer and stronger because we have to deal with the new arrangements that exist in the world safer and stronger Because we have to deal with The new arrangements that exist in the world The Cold War is over
Starting point is 01:25:29 The post-war era is over What is going to replace it? And I respectfully suggest I have a pretty good idea What that should be I'm convinced a lot of people will follow it We're just going to get stronger David Sanger.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Thank you, Mr. President. Be nice, David. Better. Mr. President, the NATO declaration that was issued yesterday was very notable because it described China as a decisive enabler of the war in Ukraine for its provision of critical goods to the Russians. That's part of a broader partnership that seems to have cemented in place in the past two or three years. I think one that you were a little bit doubtful of when we asked you about it some time ago. So I'd be interested to know whether you have a strategy now of trying to interrupt the partnership between China and Russia and whether or not in a second term, you would pursue that if you could describe that. Dude, we want to hear questions about the border
Starting point is 01:26:42 and we want to hear questions about what's going on in our schools and we want to hear questions about the border, and we want to hear questions about what's going on in our schools, and we want to hear what's going on with our economy. If you were in a room with Vladimir Putin again, the way you were three years ago, or with President Xi. I want to know what happened in San Francisco. I want to know what's going on in California. Exactly. Everybody wants to know. Yeah, I want to know about all the fentanyl deaths. We discussed and I raised in the NATO summit and others raised the future of China's involvement, what they're going to do,
Starting point is 01:27:17 what they're doing with Russia in terms of accommodating, facilitating, they're getting access to additional, they're not supplying weapons themselves. I think what's happened is they pick the people who are going to ask the questions. Instead of normally at press corps meetings, they let people raise their hand and just fire questions at them. And instead, they've picked specific people in the audience to ask questions. This is stupid. Yeah, this whole thing is scripted.
Starting point is 01:27:43 We need a learning track here. Yeah, not talk about people. the audience that's the question this is stupid yeah this whole thing is scripted we need to learn but my point is that she believes that china is a large enough market that they can entice any country, including European countries, to invest there in return for commitments from Europe to do A, B, C, or D, or not to do certain things. What's happened is we had a long discussion about what we cannot, you have to make clear, China has to understand that if they are supplying Russia with information and capacity, along with working with North Korea and others to help Russia in armament, that they're not going to benefit economically as a consequence of that by getting the kind of investment they're looking for. And so, for example, we're in a situation where,
Starting point is 01:28:47 and we've reestablished direct contact with China after that, remember the balloon, quote unquote, going down, all of a sudden thing came to an end. Well, we set up a new mechanism. There's a direct line between Xi and me, and our military has direct access to one another and they contact one another when we have problems. The issue is that you have to make sure that she understands there's a price to pay for undercutting both the Pacific Basin as well as Europe and relates to Russia and dealing with Ukraine. And so we, for example, if you want to invest in China, as you know, you know this area really well. If you want to invest in China, you have to have a 51% Chinese owner. You have to make sure that you do by their rules.
Starting point is 01:29:48 And you don't have the authority. You have to provide all access to all the data and information you have. There was a while there. Is Biden still doing this mask thing? Does he still want people to do masks? The access to that market was enticing enough to get companies
Starting point is 01:30:04 to come in. Was that in the past? Like, is that over? It's sort of over. But if we left here and we went up north to Berkeley, we'd see people are still wearing masks. And so they were doing it. But that got curtailed when we started saying,
Starting point is 01:30:21 we're going to play by the same rules. For example, the idea they don't abide by the international rules related to subsidizing products by the government funding. So guess what? They're not going to be able to export their electric vehicles to the United States without a significant tariff. Others are doing the same thing around the world. But it is a concern. It is a concern that you have both China, South Korea—I mean, North Korea, Russia, Iran, countries that are not necessarily coordinated in the past, looking to figure out how they can have impact.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Do you interrupt that impact? in the past, looking to figure out how they can have impact. Impact? Yes, I do, but I'm not prepared to talk about the detail of it in public. And I think you'll see that some of our European friends are going to be curtailing their investment in Russia – I mean, excuse me, in China, as long as China continues to have this indirect help to Russia in terms of being able to help their economy as well as help them as a consequence of their ability to fight in Ukraine. The other thing that we talked a lot about is that, and I raised it, and I didn't hear any, I can't swear that everyone agreed because not everyone got to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:32:09 But we need a new industrial policy in the West. For example, we talked about how both the EU as well as NATO has to be able to begin to own capacity to provide for weapons and the ability to, it came as a surprise to some of us how we had. He's not talking in full sentences. In terms of the ability to construct new material, new weaponry, new everything from vehicles to weapon systems. And so one of the things that came out of this was – we're going to be meeting again with a number of my colleagues, my European colleagues – is what do we do to increase the capacity of – in Europe in Europe to be able to generate the kind of ability to produce their own weapon systems. Not just for themselves, but to be able to generate that.
Starting point is 01:33:13 It's the same—that's what Russia's trying to figure out, that they went to China and they didn't get the weapons, but then they went to North Korea. But we're going to be in a position where the West is going to become the industrial base for the ability to have all the defensive weapons that we need. That was a discussion as well. I think you answered on whether you would be ready to go deal with Putin and Xi two or three years from now. I'm ready to deal with him now and three years from now. I wonder that too. Look. I wonder that too.
Starting point is 01:33:45 Look. I wonder that too. He's able to self-reflect and be like, shit, I'm getting too old. Yeah. I don't know. Like I said, I'm dealing with Xi right now and direct contact with him. I have no good reason to talk to Putin right now. no good reason to talk to Putin right now.
Starting point is 01:34:07 There's not much that he is prepared to do in terms of accommodating any change in his behavior. There isn't any world leader I'm not prepared to deal with. But I understand the generic point is, is Putin ready to talk? I'm not ready to talk to Putin unless Putin's ready to change his behavior. And the idea, look, Putin's got a problem. First of all, in this war that he has supposedly won, by the way, I think, don't hold me to the exact number, but I think that Russia had
Starting point is 01:34:46 17.3 percent of Ukraine that they've conquered. Now it's 17.4, I mean, in terms of percentage of territory. They've not been very successful. They've caused horrible damage and loss of life. damage, loss of life. But they've also lost over 350,000 troops, military, killed or wounded. They have over a million people, particularly young people with technical capability, leaving Russia because they see no future there. They've got a problem. But what they do have control of is they are very good at controlling and running the public outcry that relates to how they use mechanisms to communicate with people. They lie like hell to the constituencies. They lie like hell about what's going on.
Starting point is 01:35:38 And so the idea that we're going to be able to fundamentally change Russia in the near term is not likely. So the idea that we're going to be able to fundamentally change Russia in the near term is not likely. But one thing for certain, if we allow Russia to succeed in Ukraine, they're not stopping in Ukraine. I recommend, I know you know this because you've written about it, read speech after they moved in, what it was all about in Kiev. It wasn't about just, anyway, read what his objective is.
Starting point is 01:36:11 And anyway, so I think that I'm prepared to talk to any leader who wants to talk, including if Putin called me and wanted to talk. Last time I talked to Putin was trying to get him to work on an armed control agreement related to nuclear weapons in space i didn't go very far so my point is i'm prepared to talk to anybody but i don't see any inclination there is an inclination is there not sure where this all goes i don't know that's a good question but early he started this answer saying that he wouldn't talk to putin and now he said he would talk to putin he just keeps contradicting himself we just put together with today we we had
Starting point is 01:36:54 that we bring on the group from the south pacific Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Australia. I already mentioned Australia. And I met twice now, I think, with the 14 leaders of the Pacific Island nations. And we've slowed down what's going on there. We've slowed down China's reach. But there's a lot of work to do. This is a moving target, and I don't take it lightly. Assam from NPR.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Thank you, Mr. President. Asma Khalid with NPR. I have two questions. Earlier, you spoke about the ceasefire plan between Israel and Hamas. We're now looking at 10 months of war. And I'm curious if there's anything that you feel personally you wish you would have done differently over the course of the war. And then secondly, if I may, I wanted to ask you about your presidential campaign. I remember covering your campaign in 2020. And there was a moment where you refer to yourself as a, quote, bridge
Starting point is 01:38:06 candidacy, a transition to a younger generation of leaders. I want to understand what changed. Two things. Let's go back to when you talked about would I have changed anything that's happening with Israel and the Palestinians and the Palestinian movement? The answer is, as you recall, from the very beginning, I immediately went to Israel, but I also got immediate contact with al-Sisi in Egypt. I met with the King of Jordan. I met with most of the Arab leaders to try to get a consensus going as to what had to be done to deal with getting more aid and food and medicine into the Gaza Strip. And we pushed it really hard.
Starting point is 01:38:56 And Israel occasionally was less than cooperative, number one. The Israeli war cabinet, I've been dealing with Israel since Golda Meir. I've seen some of the reporters around here come here all the time and heard me say this. The last first time I met with Golda Meir, I sat across from her at her desk, and her assistant was Rabin, sitting next to me. That's how far back I go. I know Israel well, and I support Israel. That's how far back I go. I know Israel well, and I support Israel. But this war cabinet is one of the most conservative war cabinets in the history of Israel.
Starting point is 01:39:35 And there's no ultimate answer other than a two-state solution here. And so what was able to be done in terms of the plan I put together was it would be a process for a true state solution. And we get the Arab nations to, particularly from Egypt all the way to Saudi Arabia, to be in a position where they would cooperate in the transition so that they could keep the peace in Gaza without Israeli forces staying in Gaza. The question has been from the beginning you want to stick the colton merton sticker yeah sure where are you going to put it right there on the can no like on the on the on the desk okay put it straight though make it good for us to access get in and out as rapidly as you can all that's needed. I've been disappointed that some of the things that I've put forward have not succeeded as well,
Starting point is 01:40:29 like the port we attached from Cyprus. I was hopeful that would be more successful. But that's why when I went to Israel immediately after the massacres that occurred at the hands of Hamas, the one thing I said to the Israelis, and I met with the War Cabinet and with Bibi, don't make the same mistake America made after bin Laden. There's no need to occupy anywhere. Go after the people who did the job.
Starting point is 01:41:00 You may recall, I still get criticized for it, but I was totally opposed to the occupation and trying to unite Afghanistan. Once we got bin Laden, we should have moved on because it was not, and no one's ever going to unite that country. I've been over every inch of that, not every inch, the entirety from the poppy fields all the way to the north. I said, don't make the same mistake we made.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Don't think that's what you should be doing is doubling down. We'll help you find the bad guys, Sinwar and Company. And all this criticism about I wouldn't provide when the weapons they needed. I'm not providing 2,000 pound bombs. They cannot be used in Gaza or any populated area without causing great human tragedy and damage. But remember what happened when you had the attack on Israel with rockets. No mention of the 100 people shot this past weekend in Chicago, 19 of them killed.
Starting point is 01:42:06 No mention of the corruption of our culture. No mention of boys being allowed to play in girls' sports. No mention of Los Angeles in complete ruins, San Francisco in ruins, Baltimore, Philadelphia. No mention of hiring people based on skin color. No mention of the U.S. government paying for people to chop off their penises. No mention of any of those things. No mention of stimulating the economy. No mention of our schools and universities closing down and collapsing.
Starting point is 01:42:41 No mention of any of that. No mention of his tranny admiral working in the White House. No mention of any of that no mention of his uh tranny admiral working in the white house no mention of his communications director uh being a complete weirdo no no mention of the energy secretary stealing luggage at the airports like nothing like no mention of anything look look at the numbers and in israel i mean i i i my numbers are better in israel than they are here no mention of the fact that he made the rich uh more rich than ever matter of fact he said the opposite he said he's against corporate greed when all he did was uh completely support it in his three years 100 support it like no other no other president has ever supported it....democratic leaders, and I wanted to know what changed.
Starting point is 01:43:26 What changed was the gravity of the situation I inherited in terms of the economy, our foreign policy, and domestic division. And I think, I won't put words in anybody's mouth, And I think I won't put words in anybody's mouth. Most presidential historians give me credit for having accomplished more than most any president since Johnson and maybe before that to get major pieces of legislation passed. And what I realized was my long time in the Senate had equipped me to have the wisdom on how to deal with the Congress to get things done. We got more major legislation passed that no one thought would happen. And I want to finish it to get that finished. If tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:44:18 How is that even to be celebrated? Who cares how much legislation you got passed? How more rules rules more laws more licensure more regulation more crushing of the economy it's good anyway anyway last question anyway uh haley bull scripts or no josh weingrove i'm sorry what's the next one? I'll do two more questions. Thank you, Mr. President. Many of your colleagues, Democrats on the Hill, are watching tonight as they assess what they want to say about your candidacy. I'm wondering how you're thinking of this right now.
Starting point is 01:44:58 It seems like your answer is clear. They're watching how things go tonight, tomorrow in Michigan, next week in Texas and Nevada. Are you thinking that way about whether how the next week or two goes would inform you? Am I using that way? Are you thinking that way about how the next two weeks go? Will that affect your decision? Or are you fully determined on running in November as the party's nominee? I'm determined on running, but I think it's important that I lay fears by letting them see me out there.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Let me see them out. For the longest time, it was, Biden's not prepared to sit with us unscripted. Biden's not prepared to, in any way. In any way. In any way. And so what I'm doing, and what I've been doing, I think we've done over 20 major events
Starting point is 01:45:44 from Wisconsin to North Carolina to demonstrate that I'm going out in the areas where we think we can win, where we can persuade people to move our way, where people are already there. And look, the other thing is we have the most extensive campaign organization that anybody's had in a long, long time. We have well over 1,000 volunteers knocking on doors, making phone calls, making tens of thousands of phone calls. We have headquarters. I forget exactly how many. I want to cite a number and then find out I'm off. But we have scores of headquarters
Starting point is 01:46:23 in all the toss-up states. We're organized. We're moving. And that's awful hard to replace in the near term. And so, and here's the other thing. I was in the Senate a long time. Very proud of what I've done in the Senate. I was chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee for a long time, and I was chairman of a ranking member and chairman of the Judiciary Committee. I'm going to be going down to the Johnson Library. Anyway, I'm going to be going around making the case of the things that I think we have to finish and how we can't afford to lose what we've done or backslide on civil rights, civil liberties, women's rights.
Starting point is 01:47:11 That little button we have. Burn again. Control guns. This press conference was designed to demonstrate Biden's vigor and clarity. This isn't as disastrous as the debate, but it's not reassurance, reassuring anyone. It only confirmed confirms people's concerns. Yeah. He's not reassurance reassuring anyone it only confirmed confirms people's concerns yeah he's not talking about anything but you're right and any other cause
Starting point is 01:47:28 of death the united states of america what the hell are we doing what are we doing we've got a candidate saying promise the nra don't worry i'm not going to do anything i'm not going to do anything you got a supreme court that is what you might call the most conservative court in American history. This is ridiculous. There's so much we can do still. And I'm determined to get it done. We're in a cultural collapse and he's worried about gun control. I'm not going to do that. Haley has to come up too.
Starting point is 01:48:03 But the... Well, that's lame. I remember I made a speech on democracy in Philadelphia at Independence Hall. And I'm not being critical, just observing. The bulk of the press, what the hell is he talking about that for? Democracy.
Starting point is 01:48:22 He did. Democracy is not an issue. Democracy is not an issue. Democracy is not an issue. Except the polling data showed 60 percent of the people knew I was right, thought I was right. I'm not asking you a question. You don't have to answer, obviously. But do you think our democracy is under siege based on this Court?
Starting point is 01:48:39 Do you think democracy is under siege based on Project 2025? Do you think he means what he says when he says he's going to do away with the civil service? Eliminate the Department of Education? None of that has to do with democracy. None of that. Those are all agencies that have power that doesn't fall under any of the three branches of government. Finish this job. I've got to finish this job. Because there's so much at stake getting rid of those departments empowers the three to the three uh branches of government doesn't those
Starting point is 01:49:12 take power away from the branches of government cognitive tests every day in this job are you open to taking another physical or test before the election, Governor Whitman... What happens if Biden gets a question wrong? Well, look. Nothing. Two things. One. They just asked him, will you take a test to show us you're not retarded?
Starting point is 01:49:37 Three significant and intense neurological exams by a neurologist. In each case, it was recently in February. And they say I'm in good shape. But Biden is a littleist. In each case, it was recently in February. And they say I'm good. But Biden is a little off. Although I do have a little problem with my left foot because it's not as sensitive because I broke my foot and didn't wear the boot. But I'm good.
Starting point is 01:49:58 I'm tested every single day about my neurological capacity to do decisions I make every day. You talk to my staff, all of you talk to my staff. Sometimes my staff talks a lot. I don't think I have the capacity to make decisions every single day about my neurological capacity to make decisions every day. You talk to my staff, all of you talk to my staff. Sometimes my staff talks a lot. But the fact of the matter is I don't think you have them telling you
Starting point is 01:50:18 that all the major ideas we have undertaken haven't been in part initiated by me. I remember when the staff said I'm going to go to South Korea, we're going to get the chip. What are you doing? I'm going to get Japan and Korea back together again after essentially having hostilities toward one another since the end of World War II. I'm going to move and see that we can expand. You know, the only thing AIDS does is help you with it. It creates a little bit of wisdom if you pay attention.
Starting point is 01:50:48 And so the point I'm making is I think it's important. He's not even talking in complete sentences. He's not making. If the neurologist tells me he thinks I need another exam. And by the way, I've laid every bit of the record out. I hadn't done anything. You ought to ask Trump for his, okay? I laid it all out.
Starting point is 01:51:15 Every single day, I'm surrounded by good docs. If they think there's a problem, I promise you, or even if they don't think it's a problem, they think I should have a neurological exam again, I'll do it. Every time he makes another sentence, he's just basically changing the subject. Yes. And that's just like weird. Yeah, his brain just jumps from sentence to sentence without finishing.
Starting point is 01:51:43 Oh, we're talking about this right now. Let's go to him. My doctors tell me I should have another neurological exam. He's talking about doctors right now. That's right. He was talking about states. Haley Bull, Scripps. Okay. They told him not to take this question, but he's taking it anyway. You said you're making decisions on a day-to-day basis when it comes to support for Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:52:02 Does that mean you have not closed the door on further considering lifting restrictions for U.S.-made weapons inside Russia? And if I may, your convention is coming up where your delegates are pledged to make you the official nominee. If they have second thoughts, are they free to vote their conscience? Obviously, they're free to do whatever they want, but I get overwhelming support, And obviously, they're free to do whatever they want, but I get overwhelming support. Overwhelming support. I won. I forget how many votes I won in the primary.
Starting point is 01:52:32 Overwhelming. And so tomorrow, if all of a sudden I show up at the convention, everybody says we want somebody else, that's the democratic process. It's not going to happen. Even if that means they vote for someone else? Sure. Look. I'll end this with this. That was a hard question. I served in the Senate a long time.
Starting point is 01:52:58 It's the fifth time he said that. I understand the impetus. What? He served in the Senate for a long time. I don't know if it's in office. And whether they think the top of the thing can help them or not. In my state of Delaware, which was a very, at least a purple, it was a red state when I started in terms of where you now talk red and blue. I don't recall most of the Democratic presidents winning my state when I was a candidate. The truth of the matter is I understand the self-interest of a candidate.
Starting point is 01:53:41 If they think that, you know, running with Biden and topics are going to hurt them, then they're going to run away. I get it. But so far, go and look at the polling data in their states. Look at the in-depth. And by the way, I think you'd all acknowledge, and you're all experts. I'm not being solicitous about the president. You're experts on this stuff. How accurate does anybody think the polls are these days?
Starting point is 01:54:10 I can give you a series of polls where you have likely voters, me versus Trump, where I win all the time. When the unlikely voters vote, he wins sometimes. The bottom line is all the polling data right now, which I think is premature because the campaign really hasn't even started. I mean, it hasn't started in earnest yet. Most of the time, it doesn't start until after September, after Labor Day. So a lot can happen. But I think I'm the best – I know – I believe I'm the best qualified to govern. And I think I'm the best qualified to win.
Starting point is 01:54:44 But there are other people who could beat Trump too. But it's awful to start from scratch. And we talk about money raised. We're not doing bad. We got about $220 million in the bank. We're doing well. So with that, you have any want to follow up on any of that? You just asked me.
Starting point is 01:55:04 Yes. He just asked me. Yes. He just changed the subject again. You earlier explained confidence in your vice president. Yes. If your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former President Donald Trump, would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? No, unless they came back and said, there's no way you can win. Me. No one's saying that.
Starting point is 01:55:32 No poll says that. Okay. Thanks. This ends tonight's press conference. Thanks, everybody. We're asking millions of questions. This concludes That's a million questions This concludes This concludes tonight's press conference Thank you everybody How do you combat that criticism from tonight? Listen to him. This concludes tonight's press conference.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Thank you, everybody. Thanks, everyone. So it's over? It's done? That was like about an hour or so, right? We were in here for two hours. Gnarly. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:56:26 That was horrible. Exactly. Of course it's horrible. No one cares about the Ukraine. No one cares about fucking Israel. We want to know about our own fucking country. And our life, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:38 We want to know what benefits are you going to do to make the land we live in better and stronger. Man, that was bad. Yeah, not like talking about different countries. I mean, it could have been a little bit of that. I mean, it was clearly staged. All the questions were staged. So normally what they do in these press conferences, guys, is they let people ask questions and then he picks on them.
Starting point is 01:57:04 is they let people ask questions and then he picks on them. But what they did for this one in particular is they chose the people ahead of time who were going to ask the questions. That's boring. Yeah, and so they were all easy questions. They picked reporters who asked easy questions. Oh, my God. Except for that last question at the end. Yeah, that one. I'm going to go. ask easy questions oh my god that's just like except for that last question at the end yeah
Starting point is 01:57:25 i'm gonna go you're done no no after i'm gonna go eat like a lot yeah as soon as we're done do you know i made like 10 eggs and left them on the stove right before we started you knew that hey uh so what are your thoughts uh you guys said it was boring anything else any other feedback a little a little cook in the head some was like good information but yeah exactly it was kind of like good advice like barely but it was hard to follow him because he was changing the subjects every single second i had no idea what was going on i'm like do you think you didn't know do you think you didn't know what was going on because you're seven and nine and you're just not up to speed on some of the drama?
Starting point is 01:58:10 I mean, it's just there's a lot of drama and a lot of stories. Or do you think you weren't able to follow it because he's just a shitty orator? You think he's a bad talker? He's both, yeah. But more him because he's changing changing the subjects i'm like switching from this to this yeah he was talking about money and then he was talking about like the government and stuff like that but he but he didn't address anything like hey we all have all this crime on the streets this is how i'm gonna stop it hey uh not really how we're gonna make this whole thing he didn't talk about that yeah no
Starting point is 01:58:49 talked about none of that i agree he talked about how how like he did not talk once about how to make the how we're gonna make the united states better i completely talked about like the banks the money bad people that's it he talked about and he banks, the money, bad people. That's it. He talked about. And he lied about the money stuff. Yeah, he was lying about the money stuff. He was talking about how he's going to make him better. No. He's talking about him getting better.
Starting point is 01:59:15 He's not talking about this state getting better. Right. And he's not talking about making the United States better. Yes. Yeah. So what's the point of him talking? Yeah. What's the point of him talking? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:28 It's just a waste of time for him to talk. Yeah. He just spent all this time with his family. I agree. You know, at one point he said something like, President Trump's bad at dealing with other countries. But what I wanted to say to him was, Hey dude, you're bad with dealing with your own country. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:59:48 All right. Yeah, that was pretty bad. That was sloppy. Yeah. But it was a good show, I guess. Oh, did you enjoy it? Is it getting cooler in here? Yeah, I'm still sweating a little.
Starting point is 02:00:03 We took the fan and pointed it at you guys, and now I'm sweating. Sorry. All right. Tomorrow morning. Okay. Paige Semenza at 7 a.m., 745. Rebecca Fusile. Then at 6.30, the CrossFit Games update show.
Starting point is 02:00:24 Adios. Bye-bye. Good show. Adios. Bye-bye. Good show. Boo-bye. Boo-bye.

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