The Sevan Podcast - Live with Brian Friend #988

Episode Date: August 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Bam! We're live, dude. This is cool shit. What a nice surprise. Yes, it was impromptu at the very least. Where are you at? Turku, Finland. Where?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Turku, Finland. Where in Finland is that? How far north is that? Is that close to Helsinki? It's two hours straight west of Helsinki. It's on the ocean. Or the sea. I guess it's the sea that's up there.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And what are you doing out there? Did you even go home after the games or you went straight there? I went home for four days or five days. Okay, I see it. Tur i see it yeah there it is right on the baltic sea it looks like it's so it's uh what is it second third biggest city in finland it used to be the capital until 1812 when the russians decided to move it to helsinki no shit that's true i found that today. Someone told you or you were doing a little, a little wiki. Someone told me, and then I asked someone else, the trivia question, someone who was from Turku, I asked him if they knew what year that it no longer was the capital
Starting point is 00:02:16 and nobody knew. So we looked it up. Uh, I remember when, when I visited Nico there, I noticed that's when I noticed how close to St petersburg was russia and i said oh you guys do a lot of vacationing over in russia and he looked at me like i was crazy like no oh miko yeah miko salo so and i was at that point i was like okay the the the fins and the russians they don't do much much uh well if you zoom out a little bit i mean it's a massive border between finland and russia it goes all the way up north there yeah norway sneaks across the top part so and Russia. It goes all the way up north there. Yeah. Norway sneaks across the top part, so Finland doesn't go all the way up to the Norvegian Sea or the Barents Sea.
Starting point is 00:02:55 But, yeah, most of that border is with Russia, and they, I'm sure, have quite an extensive sea. Hey, that's crazy that Finland allowed... It's crazy that Sweden didn't get some of this, and it's crazy that Finland allows this. Norway should just give that shit back to them. I know they have a massive western coast, and Finland and Sweden have none of it. They probably allow them some pretty easy travel through here, I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I mean, from Norgam to Värnguboth right there, it can't be very far at all. And, dude, I bet you this is just desolateäth right there, it can't be very far at all. And, dude, I bet you this is just desolate, huh? Like no one even lives up here. Well, I don't know about that. I mean, first of all, there's all those cities, but the northern part of Finland is called Lapland.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And there's athletes competing here that are from the northern part of Finland. Oh, crazy. Is it just Finnish people at this comp? there are three athletes who are not from finland one male from estonia one female from germany she was also at semifinals and uh one israeli that was also at semifinals but in asia on the on the women's side so it's not it's not exclusive just to Finnish people? Correct. And I think that they have ambitions of becoming a little bit more international as a competition, which is one of the reasons that they brought me over here.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Oh, meaning what? They kind of bring in some more high-profile commentators and whatnot? Just people from outside of Finland. And I was speaking with one of the organizers today and they mentioned that they think I do a kind of a good job of, you know, not just focusing on the really mainstream fleets or competitions, but to try to, you know, bring some attention to the more global or diverse community of CrossFit. And I, you know, I've also been pretty open this year about the fact that I want to do that
Starting point is 00:04:48 even more and more. And then, you know, Hanu, who I think I've spoken to you about before, he's like, he's, he started running competitions here in Finland as early as 2010. And although he's not the organizer of this competition, he is working here. And ever, you know, pretty much everyone who's working here knows him or has worked with him in the past. And so he kind of vouched for me and said, let me, let me see if Brian would be willing to come over.
Starting point is 00:05:11 And they seem to be excited about that. And has the first day of competition occurred? Yeah. So today was day number one for the elite division. And there's only two days for the RX division. There are only elite and RX divisions here. They only had one event today. It's actually pretty cool. It's a three-day competition.
Starting point is 00:05:31 They have three different sites over those three days that they'll compete at. It's programmed by Yonah Koski and has been for, I think, all five years it has existed. So he's there. Yeah, he's here. His girlfriend, Amelia, who is a former games athlete, is competing in the women's division. She's probably the favorite to win it. So he's programming. Is Miko there by any chance?
Starting point is 00:05:54 I was told that he wasn't here today, but I think he has a decent number of athletes that are competing in the RX division. So it seems likely that he'll be around tomorrow or the next day. And how many athletes in total? I think the elite divisions have had 20 each, male and female. And the RX divisions, I think, have twice that many, maybe 40. Wow, so 120 athletes. So it's busy. It's big.
Starting point is 00:06:21 This is the premier elite competition in Finland for the year, and it has been for the last five years. There was like a, you know, as with most parts of the world, there was a little bit of a gap in terms of competitions being available. But prior to that was the Winter War was the primary one. That's the one that Hanyu ran. And now this one's kind of taken up the mantle as being the top competition in Finland for Finnish athletes.
Starting point is 00:06:44 But they're starting like i said to try to reach outside last year um adrian moon violet was the winner here adrian moon violet is someone i would have never heard of if it wasn't for you and people like that it's funny i was going to crack a joke earlier about there's people like moon violet uh hepa linan um uh mikhail he's here um his girlfriend's competing who heppelinen he's not competing but his girlfriend is yeah wow and wow and he's there after the games too that's crazy i wouldn't have heard of him oldest ubaneks there's all these people um the saharikais of the world the maunganese i mean not that they're ty jenkins who uh who's that kayake cervani who who's who no oh yes yes crazy hey dude
Starting point is 00:07:31 totally off subject here we'll spend two minutes here how about that kids comp the dudes i didn't watch any of the girls but the dudes are savages the teenage boys at the games are yeah the, the 16, 17-year-old division is always, I mean, they're intimidating to me, like physically. Their physiques are crazy at 16 and 17 years old. And the 14 and 15-year-olds are super talented. But, yeah, by the time some of those guys are 16, 17, like they're massive.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And Ty talks. Ty is, he's a pretty, I would say he's a very impressive young man that's crazy I won't say too much about him because I know you got a lot of stuff on him that you're going to share eventually yeah what Brian's referring to is we were at the CrossFit Games and there were times when literally there were 15 or
Starting point is 00:08:18 20 times where Brian and I would just pass just very quickly fist bump hug whatever and he would be like blah blah blah and one of the blah blah blahs he gave was his Ty Jenkins over there for straight wins or something. And I just immediately, I think I was going into North park. I flipped to you and I went straight to the ice bath where he was at or where he was sitting. And of course the story unfolded huge. He has a famous coach who was the fittest nurse in the world at one point, Jessica Griffith. Um, then she was, it was great. And and i ended up he in the behind the scenes you'll
Starting point is 00:08:45 see he's one of the minor characters that throughout the weekend um i talked to and that was just from brian being like dude that guy and and it was cool you do you think before we get back to finland do you think any of these boys are going to make the leap the way we saw mal uh olivia kerstetter emma lawson emma carrie make the leap is is a boy ready to do that i'm so i'm so impressed with you were calling all four of those women it was close because i was thinking about maybe throwing one or two more in there i was like easy be happy with four is heavy um not in one year i i still don't think that there's really much opportunity for a male who's 17 or 18 years old to make it for two reasons one is just the overall depth of field and two is the
Starting point is 00:09:33 you know just real development pattern of men taking a little bit longer than women you know age-wise uh i see uh somewhere i see dick Butter's, there he is. Dick Butter, hi, Brian. Did you see who happened to take 21st in Heat 1? How did you do? What's he referencing? Oh, oh, oh, hold on, hold on. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I thought he was talking about a competition, and he kind of was. He's talking about this Heat 1. Ah. And I'm guessing that Dick Butter might have gotten 21st. I don't know, either that or Trish. Hey, for everyone who doesn't know, Heat 1, the shirt that Brian Friend was just holding up, is the fantasy CrossFit fitness app developed by Tyler Watkins, just unleashed this year.
Starting point is 00:10:18 A bunch of us, Brian and a bunch of other people, have gotten behind it, quickly skyrocketed over 3,000 people playing the game. They had a hugely successful first round at the CrossFit Games. What's Heat 1's next event? I think it's Rogue. I talked to Tyler about the chance of doing Madrid. I'm not sure what his decision was on that,
Starting point is 00:10:41 but I think Rogue and Guadalupe are guarantees, and Madrid and Dubai are maybes you can go to the apple store or to the google store and download the app it's h-e-a-t-1 if you have any questions i can't promise that they'll get back to you but you can i think uh you know brian's instagram and then they're the then the guy who developed the app, his name is Tyler Watkins, but it's Tex, T-E-X-X-S or something? Yeah, maybe two Xs and two Ss, but you can also go to the Heat One app, and I think they'll probably respond there. The guy that he's working with, Adam, he's quite good and very on top of it. How long are you in Finland?
Starting point is 00:11:26 One week. It was pretty late planning. The logistics were, you know, we had to try to figure them out. And it was $600 less to fly Tuesday to Tuesday than any other combination of days. So I asked if I could stay a couple extra days, and they said yes. And so I'll have two days on the back end, Sunday and Monday, with no competition. And we're going to go around and see some different parts of Finland, play some disc golf courses here. There's disc golf in Finland?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Oh, yeah. I played this morning. It's on my Instagram. Right. And there were some great guys that we used to watch on the disc golf show. Yeah, before we canceled it and shattered my dreams. I apologize. It took me a thousand times of trying to quit smoking
Starting point is 00:12:05 before I quit smoking. Maybe we'll just try again. I'm going to the United States Disc Golf Championship with my brother this year. Oh, when's that? It's the weekend after I get back from being gone for seven straight weeks. October 9th.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Yeah. Crazy. Okay, the reason why I'm speaking extra fast is I know it's very late there. I know at some point Brian's going to turn into a pumpkin. I do want to talk more about Finland, but I want to get a little more perspective for people. So you're in Finland. Where do you go from there?
Starting point is 00:12:39 Utah for the Iron Games. To where? Sorry, you broke up. Utah for the Iron Game. Iron Games? Is that a rogue thing no the iron games existed before rogue and rotational or the iron game as they called it rogue did it's it's a competition that's run by two guys out in Utah both of the guys are actually friends with the buttery bros I think one of them went to college and might've played with Marston.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And one of them might've even grown up with Hebrew. Those two guys and Tommy have competed there. Dallin Pepper and James Craig have competed there. And they actually reached out to me and said that it's a very well run competition when they found out I was going. And I had already heard that that's reasons that I'm going out there. Okay. And then after Utah pit team throw down, what state is that in there. Okay. And then after Utah? Pitt team throwdown. What state is that in?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Michigan. Okay. And that's a team event? Teenage. Oh, teenage. Okay. I'm excited for that this year because of the collegiate division. They've introduced a division. It's for 18 to 22 year olds. You don't have to qualify for it. You can just sign up. And the idea behind it is that there's not a there's not an organized space for people to compete as if for a lot of the women to actually make it in the elite division, no matter how good they were as teenagers when they're 18, 19, 20 years old. And that's basically true in every sport, you know, for every LeBron James that can come out of high school and immediately have an impact in the NBA, there's a hundred guys that need one to four years of college to develop before they have a chance to have an NBA career. And that's, I think, has shown to be true for CrossFit as well. But unlike any other sport or most other sports, there's no developmental leagues. You know, once you graduate the teenage division, there's nothing for those next four
Starting point is 00:14:34 years if you can't make it. And as we've seen over and over and over again with some of the in the teenage world, they just, you know, it's frustrating to try to stick with it for the entirety of that time until you make it. Dallin Pepper and Tudor Magda are the youngest guys to do it at 20, and that's just two guys. How many participants will the teenage event have, this Pitt Teen event, and will any of the games athletes go? Or too soon? They're still recovering.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I do. I have the roster i'm not sure how many there's quite a few they have a jv division which is for like it's like first timers um and there's a decent amount of participation there they have a varsity division and then they have this collegiate division i know they capped the collegiate division i think at 20 each but the other divisions are much bigger than that there's well over 100 kids competing okay so the event's popping yeah i mean they they came onto the scene when when covet happened and the crossfit games canceled all the divisions except for the elite individuals which was you know basically out of necessity or
Starting point is 00:15:36 i mean it was a very logistically it would have been very logistically challenging to do that and these guys took they're like you know what we want to provide something for the kids and they did that mallory o'brien was the champion there in the women's division that year I can't remember who won for the boys and they've kept it going since then and I think that while there are other good competitions for teenagers that these guys are the best in terms of the their passion for delivering a great weekend for the kids to the extent that they even have, um, like, like opportunities for both the kids and the parents of these kids. Cause you know, you know, having kids, like if you have someone who's highly competitive in something,
Starting point is 00:16:15 it's a huge commitment for the parents to, and it can be really, really difficult to manage the emotional, physical toll that this sport in particular can take. So they have some workshops, and they have some activities outside of the competition during that weekend that are meant to foster a community of peers, both parents and kids, that can help kind of weather some of those storms. Megan East, just a small hello to say thanks for being great. Audrey, who gives a fuck about CrossFit? We want Brian's friend part two. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I hope you don't mind I paraphrased that. Kenneth, the lap, the Mormon network, it's real. Exactly, exactly what I was thinking. Audrey, Heidi, I want to come on you. That's weird. Okay. You know, I did a live show on be friendly last week and someone kicked like they they blocked audrey no shit one of your wrenches did she said i love you i don't have any
Starting point is 00:17:13 wrenches i don't have any wrenches how can you block audrey she's like the most loving giving person ever i think it was a genuine mistake i think chad mueller did it on accident but you know she does flirt skirt the lines a little bit, so it just made it that much more fun. I had to wear a rain jacket around her. She kissed me so many times at the games. Yeah, she assaulted me too. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Assault away. It was my favorite part of the games. Okay, so let's go back. Finland, Utah, Pitt team. What's next? Pitt team, Pitt team. Spain, Madrid championship. That's the big one.
Starting point is 00:17:49 That's the one. Sorry, going back in. Have any of these three you've mentioned so far, CrossFit HQ sanction, or does CrossFit even do that anymore? The competition is a CrossFit licensed event. At the athlete briefing today, they actually were using specific rules for movement standards and the appeal process from the CrossFit Games rulebook.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Okay. I'm fairly – I believe the pit team throwdown is. I have a document that has all this information for my travel schedule, whatever. But I think pit team throwdown is. And I'm not sure. I don't know about the other ones. I don't want to say either way. Brian, you need to come on the show more.
Starting point is 00:18:29 You've gotten softer. You used to be so ready for just the whole barrage of questions. I would ask you how many hairs are on your head. You knew every, and now two have slipped through the cracks. Two? Oh, shit. Only two. First live show I've caught in a while.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Killing it, fellas. Good to see Brian back here. Allegra R. Hi. Okay. Spain, Madrid. That event has always flirted with making it into what we call sort of the set of the – God, I don't want to insult anyone.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Let's call it the top tier, meaning the CrossFit Games, Rogue, Wadapalooza, and wasn't there – what's the other one? Dubai is usually – Dubai, thank you. Spain has always kind of flirted with coming in there. Are they in? Are they out? Where do they sit now? So a few months ago I released something on my website
Starting point is 00:19:24 called a competition framework where I kind of tiered events based on the athletes that participate there. So the thing about those events that you listed is that they have like more than half of the field is is games athletes. I would say that that's what kind of qualifies it as separating from the rest of the competition. Madrid's elite division is a lot bigger in terms of the total number of participants in the elite men's and women's field than those other events. And like last year, I believe that 80 something males in their elite division. And obviously those aren't all games athletes. So it's, I would say it's lacking the number it has. It doesn't have high quality games out. So I'm talking like a Lazar Jukic and Yonakowski who are finishing top 10 at the games
Starting point is 00:20:04 and turning around and competing there five or six weeks later. They have guys that didn't make the games this year like Luka Jukic, Jorgos Karevis, Alex Kutulis. They have Ulda Supinex who is in the top 20 of the games this year. They have some high caliber athletes, but the field is diluted by the size.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I would say it's like the next step below. Is that an article you were referencing or is it a drop down tab or what can I still find that is it you probably have to search for it in the top right I think I don't know what okay oh hey that might be has anyone ever ranked events well I I I tiered the events based on who they cater to. I didn't rank them in terms of the quality, though. God, your website keeps growing and growing and growing. This is awesome.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Wow. You're a busy man. Hey, what do you think about Proven? Did Proven even make it to the podium? Yeah, they were second. How bad did Invictus whoop them by? By the amount of running that was programmed at the games. Oh, is that a jab?
Starting point is 00:21:18 There was a lot of running on the team side relative to the number of competitions, and Invictus was much better on specifically the running portions of those tests than Proven. And I think that, and the biking test as well. And just the biking and running tests combined, I think was basically the margin of difference that they won by. Wow. When it came to the CrossFit workouts, they were like, you know, that didn't have those massive monostructural components.
Starting point is 00:21:44 It was pretty even. Even Pro proven might've been a little better. Do you think that the wrong champion was chosen for teams? No. Okay. Are you, are you disgusted with the team programming? No. No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I didn't, I didn't dive into the team program at the games as much as I do the individuals. Cause it's not my directive from the broadcast side of things. I look at it and I look over it and I, you know, I did have a chance to watch some of it this year as it was happening. I thought there were some really cool elements that in some ways I feel like Adrian put more effort into the team side of things this season than the individual. I know that that's not true, but if it kind of felt that way, like they had some kind of cool, like that, the four person seated row pulling the Bob, I thought that was very cool. I thought the earthworm was a nice like hybrid of the old wooden one and the
Starting point is 00:22:38 new cloth one, but with the segmented pieces. So I thought there were some nice uh nice features of the team competition i was really i really enjoyed the worm just yanking people members of the team just straight to the ground slamming them down that shit was crazy you always do yeah and then i'm like that's wrong they shouldn't have that but man did i really enjoy that. Okay. Finland, Utah, Pit Teen, Spain, Madrid. So we were talking about how is Spain going to have high-level athletes this year? Do we know yet? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I mean, I just listed off several on the male side. On the female side, I've heard some rumors of some that may join late. But as of now i i would say they actually just put their full rosters out on their instagram today um and i think jacklyn dalstrom annika greer were towards the top of that list if i remember correctly uh but i but but i i think that it's one of those competitions especially with its proximity to the games where if there are games athletes that are interested in going they hold they might hold some spots for them you know because like like i spoke
Starting point is 00:23:50 to henrik kapalainen today and he's like man i'm like i'm they're doing they were doing this pretty cool workout on a velodrome and he's like i kind of want to do the workout but i also don't know how well recovered i am so there it is yeah so greer Greer, Dahlstrom, Campos, Helga Dauter being the headliners, obviously. They're the biggest text. But I think there may be a couple additions late. We'll see. Hannah Carlson, Andrea Solberg. Where did I see Hannah?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Was Hannah Carlson at Zelos? No. Where was she? Dubai. Dubai, okay. There's a bunch of semi-final athletes here oh shit Travis Myers Mayer's getting back in the mix yes I spoke to him at the games and he was he had mentioned he was going to go to Madrid and that he's you know obviously it was it was
Starting point is 00:24:39 you know a couple of a lot of these athletes that weren't that didn't make the games this year, Annika, Jacqueline, Travis, they were in Madison. And it was interesting talking to them about how much they wanted to be out there, but also they'd kind of just rationalize with themselves, okay, I'm not competing and I am going to be there, and to try to make the most of the week anyway. And in part, that was reinvigorating for them so travis i think has a pretty big fire lit uh uh they have moon moon moon viler adrian moon viler and uldis upenex in the wrong position shouldn't uldis have his name large and moon viler be a little smaller
Starting point is 00:25:18 yeah well this should be on the top line in my opinion unless it's a unless it's a character count thing he was in the top 20 at the games made the final cut his four straight games appearances and you know there's several guys that are listed ahead of him on that lineup that don't have as good credentials uh maurice phoebe at the top of the comments insane lineup that was a cool dude i really liked meeting him yeah he's easy to get along with okay after spain where does a be friendly fitness go sweden sweden what do you do there just vacation no i'm going to spend two days in stockholm with mads jacobson and visit some of the athletes that i know there in stockholm and then i'm going to go to the homestead throw, which is a community event.
Starting point is 00:26:05 It's not an elite competition that Roger Grillo hosts. It's one of the seven or eight events that he puts on annually. And it was just since I was going to be in Spain anyway, I asked him when all of his competitions were. There was one the next weekend. So I just decided to head up there to check it out. I'll just kind of help him out a little bit. You know, maybe I'll do some Instagram stuff or whatever, but nothing formal. And then he invited me to stay and come to Oslo with him after that. So we're going to go over to Oslo just to hang out for a few days before I head back to the States. One, two, three, four, five. When you come back to the States, do you come home or do you go, do you go to another competition? I'm going to Power Monkey Camp.
Starting point is 00:26:43 competition? I'm going to power monkey camp. And after power monkey camp, I'll go to the master's fitness collective, and then I will go home. Oh, master's fitness collective. Is that like the premier master's competition? There are, there are, I guess, depend who you ask. I feel like, you know, those both of those competitions also emerged at the same time as the Pitt team throwdown, more or less as a opportunity for the Masters divisions to compete in the year that they didn't have the CrossFit Games 2020. I think there's a little bit of a rivalry between the two. of a rivalry between the two you know there i did a something last year that um it showed like a the athletes that in on the podium from the games masters fitness and masters legends and there was some crossover you know in all regards um so some of the athletes do both some of them seem to be partial to one or the other um i think they're they're echo to masters legends, um, main event last year, but I went to one of their qualifying events that Chase Ingram was hosting down in Dallas.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And, uh, you know, from all the athletes that I've spoken to, I think that, you know, both organizing parties are pretty, uh, passionate about it. And it's mostly been a good experience. I think that the community of masters athletes is generally grateful that they exist and that they may have created those opportunities for them. There was a time, I want to say it was before the 2009 games where I drove back and forth across the country twice, just visiting CrossFit games athletes.
Starting point is 00:28:20 And then I would go to Europe and I was basically the only person that I knew of anywhere in the world who was traveling to visit CrossFit athletes and to film with them and I was always on the road all like and that you doing this I think puts you in a league where you will begin to if you don't know more than anyone alive already, you're going to know more than anyone alive very shortly. Like, actually, I think you're going to be like the first dude who has like a legit PhD in fucking CrossFit game shit. This is going to take your game to a whole other level. It's kind of like seeing the, you're going to see nuances between the cultures and their movements
Starting point is 00:29:04 and the gym and the people and their athletes and the physiques and your brain you're going to be taking in so many data points that you don't even know you're taking in you know what i mean such from the nuances just to the most gross and obvious superficial things it's going to be nuts dude you must be stoked are you stoked or are you, is it a daunting task when you look at your schedule? I'd say both. I think, you know, the going back and forth across the Atlantic four times in seven weeks, that's probably, that's probably kind of daunting. But, you know, I've traveled a lot and you know this because you've traveled more than I have for sure. You just have to have the right mindset when you're traveling. Like get to the airport early enough that you don't miss your flight everything else is out of your control right and as long as you just accept it i mean look how early do you like to get there how early do you i like to get there two hours
Starting point is 00:29:56 early if it says one hour yeah the first the first flight that i had from charlotte to jfk was delayed 90 minutes eight hours before the plane was even going to take off. And I'm about to embark on the seven week, 10 stop, five country journey. And I'm like and I have a connection in JFK to fly direct to Helsinki overnight. And I'm like, well, if I miss that flight, I don't know what's going to happen. And I could immediately start panicking. I could start making phone calls to airlines and whatever. But I can't do any good show up to their – they know that your flight's delayed. Paper Street Coffee, I don't know if it's still available, but use code SEVON and get 18% off your subscription.
Starting point is 00:30:33 If that doesn't work, use code SEVON and get something. You'll get some sort of discount. They always take care of all the people who listen to the SEVON podcast. Dear Masters Fitness Collective, everyone knows Paper Street Coffee is the official coffee of freedom and fitness and CrossFit. And I chugged that shit. Chugged that shit like I chugged. Well, different story. Masters Fitness Collective, I vouch for them.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Thank you. Geriatric comps are the best. Okay. And then, so then you come back are the best. Okay. And then, so then you come back to the States, and is it kind of just, is your schedule, is that as far as you're looking right now? No, not at all. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven events, six events,
Starting point is 00:31:21 one big training camp, and then national championships for Frisbee golf? And then the week after that is Crash Crucible. Oh, shit. That's our homeboy JR's. Yeah, I had a call with him last night. I think we were going over some stuff for that. I'm going to
Starting point is 00:31:38 do the commentary there as well. How is that? You moved to Charlotte from Chicago. Are you happy with your move? I haven't been there that much. Do you even have a place? I do, and I'm not sure why.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I really feel like I should have put my stuff in storage and stayed at a friend's. I probably should have just stayed at my brother's house in Madison. He has an extra bedroom, two extra bathrooms, whatever, and just flown out of there. But I didn't know my schedule would be like this when I had to make a decision to move. So, but it does feel silly to pay rent for a place for a month that you're not ever there. Right. Um, and, uh, your overall, have you had much chance to reflect on the games? Yeah. I, you know, I, I know that there were people that wanted to do shows immediately afterwards. I took a kind of four or five days to just reflect and think about things and then we did it we've
Starting point is 00:32:31 done two shows on be friendly fitness one was three hours long almost and it was all focused on the athletes patrick just went through athlete by athlete and asked me different questions and then the second one was like a 2023 season recap where i talked more about the good and the bad things from the crossfit games from semi-finals from the online qualifier parts of the season the season as a whole and then kind of projected forward to next year based on what we learned this year are those um okay i see one two days ago and one six days ago those are the ones you're referencing. They have a catcher in David's Daughter, and then they have the champs.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Correct. Yeah, we don't get quite the engagement that you get, but we have only been doing it for a couple months and a couple shows. Dude, you have more viewers than you do subscribers. That's all that matters. That is cool, yeah. That's crazy cool. Hey. That is cool, yeah. a contractor, or a consultant. You can get customized coverage for your business.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. Between me and you. Yeah, no one else is listening. Just between me and you. It's at the end of the show. I know you said it's late. I only get you for a half hour. I'm already two minutes over.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I know you're about to turn into a pumpkin. I'm having fun. Let's say that Roman Krennikov wouldn't have hurt his foot. And we go into the last two events and the score is 803 to 801? 815 to 813. Thank you. 815 to 813. Or 805 to
Starting point is 00:34:19 803. Something like that. But we agree on one thing. Two points. I think you actually might have had it right. agree on one thing, two points. I think you actually might have had it right. Okay. Either way, two points. Two men, two points, two events. I know, it was such a bummer. Damn.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Hey, who wins that? Those two events. So the problem is I don't think that we saw what Jeff Adler was capable of on either of those tests. I agree. Because there was no need for him to do anything else than what he did. He knew the situation, and it was kind of like Fraser in 2017 for the Fibonacci finale. He could have beat Logan Collins' time from two heats prior, but he had no need. And Laura Horvath did the same thing in the last workout this year. She, she might've been able to beat Olivia Cursiter's time, sweep all the Sunday events for the first time since Rich Froning and had these kind of, but she didn't
Starting point is 00:35:13 need to, you saw her just looking there, looking around the Coliseum, taking her time before picking up the lunge. And I was at watching Adler, you know, quite closely during those workouts until I kind of realized that he was just doing enough to secure the win. When I interviewed him, Brian, he actually said he was trying hard, but he was just saying, I'm paraphrasing, but just the motivation wasn't there. It wasn't that he was sandbagging him. It's just that he didn't feel the pressure or motivation. He said it was very odd. It's just that he didn't feel any motivation. He didn't feel the pressure or motivation.
Starting point is 00:35:44 He said it was very odd. Yeah, it was super odd because you finish a workout in the morning. You've just taken over the lead. Maybe you don't even know that you've taken over the lead, but you've closed the gap. You know you're in it. You know that it's after the whole season and six years of preparing for this that it's coming down to you and one other guy, and he's a freaking beast. He's an intimidating figure on and off the floor.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I mean, you saw it when Adler crossed the finish line. He did not celebrate like a guy usually celebrates when they become the CrossFit Games champion. Hey, that could have been a great fucking movie. If someone has resources, let's say Roman's's healthy all you do is you do a five minute preview and then the movie's called just what you named it what'd you call it two men two points two events what and you just drag that fucking thing out an hour and a half 90 minutes wow it could be a great doc you know i, I have, I have at almost,
Starting point is 00:36:46 I think at every competition I've ever done a rankings for the Jeff Adler's participated. I've he's beaten my expectations every time. Sometimes it's by one spot, you know, cause I'll pick him second and he takes first to the semifinal or, you know, I pick him eighth and he finishes fifth at the games or last year, whatever it was. But so I, like, I, I am really hesitant to say that I think Roman would have beat him on those last two tests or overcome the two point margin of victory because he's just consistently getting better and consistently outperforming my, you know, my projected expectation for him. I don't know. Conventional wisdom that Roman would have won, like somehow those events were better for him. Um, I don't know. Conventional wisdom that, um, Roman would have won,
Starting point is 00:37:26 like somehow those events were better for Roman. I think the, I think the last one was probably better for him than Jeff, but the one in the one before that, I'm, I'm not sure. Um, you know, the fact that Brent did so well on it leads me to believe that Roman probably would have done well on it too. It's not so much that I, you know, I think Roman could have notched a top five on both and maybe a top three finish on both. I'm, I'm not sure about Adler. Cause I, you know, he was the one I was kind of waiting to see, like when, before I found out, which was very fast, by the way, that I found out about Roman, my mind, I was like,
Starting point is 00:38:08 how is Jeff going to react to having a leader jersey, knowing how close the margin is? And that workout was, it wasn't that difficult. I didn't, like for most athletes, it wasn't that difficult, but you had to be precise. If you miss one parallette or pirouette on the parallettes, if you just get a little out of rhythm with your heavy jump rope if you can't figure out the sled pull if you know you saw what happened to a couple athletes who like forgot to run the rope the right way or you know whatever like there
Starting point is 00:38:33 were just some kind of nuances there and if if you're feeling the pressure feeling the moment whatever you can thrive in that environment or you can maybe not and i didn't think that roman was really going to struggle with that because he was kind of there last year. The biggest thing I noticed from Roman this year compared to last year was just like a sense of belonging, of confidence. And it's totally understandable. Last year when he shows up to the games, especially since he's from Russia and there's this general stigmatism towards Russia right now that a lot of people have. You don't know how you're going to be embraced, if people are going to boo you, if they're not going to cheer for you, like how they're going to react. You might not know, no matter how confident you
Starting point is 00:39:11 are in your fitness, how well you're going to perform against these guys, how well the body's going to hold up in the heat over the totality of the workout. None of that was an issue for him this year. Like, I think he was coming in full of belief and confidence, and I think he would have performed well in the last two tests. Everything about Adler says he probably would have also, and it's just a bummer. It is a bummer. What a great – it was a great buildup.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Jan, happy birthday, buddy. Someone in here said it was your birthday. Happy birthday. Hey, and thanks for all the support you've given me Over I don't know how long dude You've been an amazing supporter over there I believe you're in the UK And if you're not Sorry fuck up
Starting point is 00:39:53 But I know you're somewhere in Europe And thank you Brian any thoughts on the champ On Mr. Medeiros What happened Oh Jan Clark Thank you on um uh mr madaris uh what happened um oh y'all yon clark thank you yon uh fucking uh clark esquire thank you yon clark there you go yeah thank you don't put don't put that whole mic in your mouth at once any thoughts about um oh i will ask him about ricky mack good job auden good job i'm gonna ask him about ricky. Hold on. God, we love
Starting point is 00:40:26 Ricky Mack over here. Who's Ricky Mack? Formerly known as Ricky Garrard. Ricky Mack. That's his middle name. Ricky Mack. When your middle name is Mack, you don't drop the Garrett. Ricky Mack. Any thoughts on Medeiros, on the champ?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Is there any reason? Is there any holy... I'm just going to say this, like, he came in there with a broken elbow. Or is there any rumors you know, anything, any justification for why this guy who's just been the champ for two years in a row had some stumbles at semifinals and then at the games, relative to what our expectations are. Sure.
Starting point is 00:41:10 I mean, well, I mean, to be fair, no matter who you are, if you win two years in a row, unless like in the scenario that doesn't exist came upon us where there was like 10 guys that entered the field that we just knew were better than him, which I don't, you know, that wasn't the case. I think I still picked him to win this year. And I, and I wasn't, I wasn't super confident in that pick, but if you told me he wasn't going to finish in the top five, I would have thought that you were as ridiculous as you know, Jason Tyler Watkins prediction for next year's top five.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Sorry. Do you have any thoughts thought and now it's good always take a shot at someone uh and do you have any thoughts on um what happened coaching issue had him and adam knife were fighting he was having his period um he got soft but training with ellie um he was injured is any do you have any speculation? And if you do, is it something you're willing to share? I also understand if you have something and you're just not ready to share it. I haven't talked to him. I haven't talked to Adam Morelli.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I did hang out with his parents one night in the RV park when I was over there after the Mayhem podcast. And they were kind of as confused as I was about what was going on. So, or so it seemed. And I talked about this, the podcast that we did six days ago, and a few people have added some comments on there suggesting some different things about what might've been happening with him. I think I'm not sure if they got him from the interview or if i don't know there's a lot of content out there and with the amount of prep with the reflection i've
Starting point is 00:42:51 done on the games a lot of preparation i've been doing for the what i'm doing right now it's been difficult to consume all of it um my instinct is is telling me that i mean look it's like there are people that have ups and downs at the CrossFit games. They come in one year and do really well. And then the next year they don't really look at Brent Fikowski last year. This year he was fourth. Like it's a pretty dramatic difference. What happened to him last year?
Starting point is 00:43:16 No one's entirely sure. The year before he seemed to have like a pretty messed up leg and he did a lot better than that. You know, it's, it'd be the same if you asked me about Jason Hopper. I don't know. I don't know. I was going to ask you that too. Any thoughts on Hopper? What about this? I just think Hopper's too big. I hate, I hate to say it. I think Hopper has to lose 10 pounds. Maybe it's massive, dude. Yeah. And this is, you know, this is, you know, part of the problem is we don't know how big he is.
Starting point is 00:43:47 We don't know if he's 10 pounds heavier than Roman or yellow host. They, they both did just fine. I think that in the case of Jason, if anything, it's more likely that he had two of the worst things that could have come up for him on the first day of competition. And he was just not able to recover from that mentally that's the best i that's the best and referring to just the that biking event was pretty demanding if you're not pretty skilled on a bike and the pullovers were hard for him you know you don't have you can just watch that event and see and i mean that's a very real thing in this sport and we talk about it all the time that the
Starting point is 00:44:21 ability to recover when things don't go your way is what separates the grapes from the goods in the sport and and you know he did he did really well last year and didn't do so well this year i'm not writing him off i didn't participate in spins top 25 because i wasn't ready to yet but i would probably have jason somewhere around 10th going into next year which is i think you know pretty fair despite the fact that he finished 31st at the Games. Justin, I still would probably have six, maybe six, something like that going into next year. I think they underperformed relative to their potential. But at the same time, there's no guarantee that there's that bounce back.
Starting point is 00:44:59 We have seen in the past athletes that come and have some success and then taper off and kind of fall off the radar after one or two seasons. I will say this too. Hopper did have his wits about him, and I never saw his spirit broken, like when I would see him in the back or in the corrals. There are a lot of athletes who look like a beaten dog. a lot of athletes who look like a beaten dog. I mean, like, they come off the floor looking like they've been doing meth for a week
Starting point is 00:45:30 if they get a bad finish. I mean, they look distraught. I never really saw... Hopper seemed mentally strong to me relative to that. Well, that's great to hear, because that day one, if you didn't do well on test three at the night cap, the inverted medley, that day one, if you didn't do well on test three, that the night kept inverted medley, that day one was pretty brutal in every regard.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Like there was no real escaping that bike ride. Even if you talk to guys like Dave or Don that just rode a lap or two, Rich did a 30 minute ride around there one day. It's like you had to pedal through the grass. It was hard. It was demanding. And the athletes did not have enough time to recover for what the next test
Starting point is 00:46:07 was. And sometimes that's what happens at the games, you know, and that's, that's not a problem, but that's just a reality. And if you listen to or read about the recaps that athletes are putting out there about the, it seems like half of them cramped up on the wall balls or the last set of pig flips, just because they didn't have enough time to come back from that. So if you put yourself in a situation where you did you're not great on the bike you didn't you had a bottom half finish you should do good on the next test you start cramping in the wall
Starting point is 00:46:31 balls you know you're like i know i can do better than everyone out here but i can't do it right now and then you're also not good on your hands and you suddenly just string together just a terrible day after you've been training and preparing for a year for this. And people have high expectations for you and how you have high expectations for yourself. Like that's, that's tough. And, um, so if you, you know, if you saw him on the second day and he was still in good experience, I would give him a lot of credit for that. And anecdotally, I heard that too. I, I, I definitely, I feel like I heard more people say they cramped and said they didn't cramp
Starting point is 00:47:00 and the bike was very demanding. And I think, um, uh, people underestimate. I mean, you had really talented i think it was was it nick matthew and colton mertens they were being like carted off of there after that pig event and the second heat of man is like looking at them like what the heck and how about emma lawson had to be carted off even though she won the bike event she she had to be carted off the bike event well she made a bad decision on that workout. I mean, she won it, right? Yeah, but she could have won it in a more strategic way. What an impressive kid, right? She's phenomenal. Yeah, it's really impressive.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And, you know, like we were talking about, you know, just because she was sixth last year, there's no guarantee that she would do better than that this year. But she looked great. And, you know what, there's definitely a skill. this year. Um, but she looked great and you know what, there's definitely a skill. Uh, and I don't know, I don't know that much about this cause I don't, I'm not intimately involved in the coaching of elite athletes, but she, she looked like, um, a lot better at the games than she did at semifinals. And I think for the best athletes in the sport, that's, that's a good thing to understand how to do.
Starting point is 00:48:07 After Laura passed her and took the leader's jersey from her, Emma went under the underground, and she sat up against the concrete wall underneath the bleachers, and she sat by herself, and she was crying, and Tia came and talked to her. And she was even composed in her crying. Even her, um, her, even her grief was different than other people's grief. It was managed grief.
Starting point is 00:48:33 You know what I mean? She wasn't, there was nothing, um, chaotic about it or belligerent. She was just having just a quick cry. Champ came over and, you know, talk to her, brush herself off and got back out got back to warming up it was it was it was pretty cool to see yeah i've had more at the behind the scenes i've had a few conversations with emma over the last year or so i talked to her after the games last year in the coliseum and i spoke to her once this year and she is very impressive for a young woman. She comports herself extremely well.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Okay. Ricky Mack. Oh, you almost slipped up there. I did. Thank you. Does Ricky Mack – I mean I'm going to tell you what I have him. I'm going to tell you what. I did some research. Give me a second here. See if I can find my – I did a peer-reviewed study.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Oh, here we go. I'm happy that you had him on recently, by the way. It was great. I got his WhatsApp now too. It used to be so hard to talk to him. I finally got his WhatsApp. I think I figured it out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I got him a first, a first, a first on the first day, then a fourth, a third, a third. No chance he would have beaten Cole Greasehaber on the inverted medley. Then on the third day, I have a first, a second, and a 27th. Do you write down the workouts uh no but i can't do it here here i'll tell you what they are as i do real quick here just give you he would have been he would have been second at worst on the bike event probably would have won it i would it would have been interesting have that would have been i didn't like that workout in general
Starting point is 00:50:19 and i i have several reasons why but it would have been extremely interesting to have him in that field and see how that would have affected the lead pack. Yonakoski is extremely good on a bike. But, yeah, first or second for Ricky on that event is more than fair. And then the second event is the pig chipper. I also have him winning that. It's really difficult to say. It is difficult to say.
Starting point is 00:50:48 It is difficult to say, but he'd have kicked fucking ass at it if he showed up and did good. Maybe. Inverted medley, okay, so you want to give him a second? I'd give him top tens on workouts two and three for sure. Okay, and then alpaca, I gave him a a first winning that who won it uh good question i i he may have won the alpaca last year did he roman won it but is it this was a i mean this was a very different workout this year from last year for a few different reasons um the the primary reason is because that initial sled push was a lot harder this year
Starting point is 00:51:25 remember last year that the turf was slick after the rain yeah and you saw people just get buried by that sled and when adrian talked to us about this workout both years he's like that first sled push just puts you in a hole oh sorry i had him fourth i no no sorry i had him fourth for the alpaca sorry that seems more reasonable i would still say that he would have had, at worst, all top ten finishes so far. Okay, ski bag third? This one I'm probably going to disagree with you on. What criteria are you using to place him third on that? He's great.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Well, I think he did it, that one, maybe. Yeah, well, you know. And we know he's it, that one maybe. Yeah, well, you know. And we know he's not afraid of a bag. And he's got a good engine. Yeah. Then Helena, I got him third. See, I think he might win that one.
Starting point is 00:52:25 So Jeffrey Adler and Will Morad. Yeah, and Adler was superhuman on that workout, and Morad had a great push from Yellow Host. But I think, yeah, top three, fine. Okay. Then the cross-country 5K. I think maybe he lapsed Adler. No, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:52:48 No one was beating Yellow Host on that, and Adler, I think, would have beaten Ricky. I'd say maybe fifth on that one. Are you at the run? Who are the top five? Do you remember what happened at the run in... You're talking about the Madison Triplet? Dubai. Oh, in Dubai.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Go back to his rookie year. Ricky Gord carried Roman up to the snow hill and set him down and then still won. I'll give him third on that one. Oh, come on. Maybe second. I don't think he was beating Hosta. Okay. Intervals.
Starting point is 00:53:19 I got him in second. I don't even remember that workout. I don't think anyone was beating Pat Vellner on that. That was a tricky workout. He said Pat Vellner was using his technique over the box. Well, I mean, I don't know who did that technique first, but that's a well-known technique if you can do it, but it requires a certain amount of explosiveness and athleticism
Starting point is 00:53:44 that both of those guys have. Olympic total, he gave himself a 27th. He gave – Yeah, just because he said his all-time best snatch is 293. He said he thinks he would have gotten a 245. He says his all-time best clean and jerk is 359, and he would have got a 320 for a total of 565, which puts him at 27th. I think he's sandbagging himself on that workout. I think he would do better than that.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Okay. Remember, he was the guy that couldn't clean the 250-pound sandbag and then ended up cleaning like 330 or something on the floor? Right. Muscle-up logs, he gave himself himself I gave him a first he says muscle ups are just like they're nothing to him yeah top three for sure
Starting point is 00:54:33 I would say top three at worst on that parallel bar pull up he gave himself a sixth that's fair and echo Thruster finally gave himself a seventh. After
Starting point is 00:54:50 Jay Crouch, even. Yeah, I mean, I would agree with the majority of those. That's in a vacuum. Things can happen at the games. So you agree with me, Ricky Mack would have won the games this year if he was there. You know, things can happen at the games. So you agree with me. Ricky Mack would have won the games this year if he was there. You agree with me?
Starting point is 00:55:09 I think he would have had as good a chance as anyone to win. But, you know, look at what happened to Vipaka. I thought that he screwed up when I watched that workout. I thought he saw Brent Patrick Felder. Oh. I thought he screwed it up. I thought he saw Brent with one rope climb to go and he decided I want to beat this guy and then he wasn't ready and he failed and it just set him back like 23 spots on the
Starting point is 00:55:34 workout. He lost 55 points by that decision. That's what I thought. But if you read his recap on it, he says, I just slipped. I was coming down the rope. I was tired, but I was fine. And one of my hands slipped and that's a no rep and that's the worst no rep you could have possibly had at any
Starting point is 00:55:51 point in the crossfit games unless you got a zero on the olympic total and was the last rope coming that workout and and on top of that you've seen his fingers so there's always these weird circumstances that can happen at the games like in in a vacuum, yeah, he should do great on the pig chipper. But am I 100% confident that he's going to recover well enough after going head-to-head with Yonah Koski on the bike? Yonah said he was usually good on the pig chipper too, and he was cramping in the middle of the wall balls. So there's always variables that you can't predict if you're not there.
Starting point is 00:56:21 In a vacuum, Ricky looks like he would do great on these tests, yes. Is Jeffrey Adler 120 points better than Patrick Vellner? It's 953 and 837. I mean, did Adler just kick the shit out of Vellner? What's going on here? Well, he's beat him in three or four straight live competitions. And, you know, Vellner is uh continuously making these small mistakes now sometimes they're calculated risks sometimes they're kind of unfortunate things like we just talked about
Starting point is 00:56:51 and by calculated risk i would say that rogue is a good example of that um i mean i wrote an article last year that explained that you know both velner and adler theoretically could have won that competition i think the margin between them is super small. It was when I was ranking the athletes coming into the games this year, I put Medeiros first because I had committed to doing that until someone beat him at the games. When you win twice in a row, I got to give you that respect unless I know that you're injured or sick or
Starting point is 00:57:16 something like that. I thought Roman was going to be pretty tough to beat. I put him second and it was super difficult for me to rank Belner and Adler three and four. I felt like it was kind of a wash um adler's been out out executing him at competitions for two years running now dude this is crazy look justin madaris took 13th and then almost uh what is it 73 points below him as Will Morad in 14th. So Justin kind of is like the gatekeeper for
Starting point is 00:57:49 a tier, right? He's at the bottom of tier 3 or 4. Well, are you putting Adler in his own tier? I kind of have to, dude. We can put Roman in that tier. I mean, it's a different circumstance than the reality of the situation. Okay, so Jeff and Roman, and then Patrick through Janikowski
Starting point is 00:58:09 I'd put in another tier maybe. I don't know. I see 50-something points between Vellner and Fikowski, and then I see that many points for the next, like, there's only 100 points between fourth place and Medeiros 110 points. So I don't know. Man, but Medeiros is at the very bottom of whatever tier that is tier two or three, whatever you want to call it. Yeah. And you might say there's a drop off after BKG.
Starting point is 00:58:40 I and I think BKG would have taken somewhere between third and fifth at the games this year healthy. Oh, what was wrong with him? He was really messed up. He was lucky he was even able to compete. I don't remember if he said it was his hip or his back, but one was affecting the other. And it was known before the game started. Hence the snatch and the clean and jerk? Were 95 pounds each or something.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Is that what it was? Something. Yeah. He he's written about this or talked about it somewhere. I think he might've wrote about it or maybe snore. He wrote about it in his recap of his athletes or something like that. But he, uh, something happened earlier that day that made his back pretty uncomfortable. that day that made his back pretty uncomfortable. And, um, the, you know, the rules were that, uh, you didn't have to attempt, um, a snatch or a clean and jerk in every window. So he just basically clear cleared with the competition team that he could do what he did, take accepted the
Starting point is 00:59:37 zero and moved on. So he's taking a zero on a lifting test. You could probably project him for somewhere between 60 and 80 points on that test healthy. And he was only 71 points out of, out of a fourth place with only doing 11 of the 12 tests. It's the same as Emma Carey. Emma Carey, because of nothing that had to do with fitness, took a zero on test one and still finished eighth. And the margin between eighth and I think fourth was pretty tight on the women's side. I would say she was one of the top five fittest women at the games this year, but she ends up eighth because of something that she had no control over. Yeah, damn.
Starting point is 01:00:18 I had one final question for you. Okay, that's perfect. It was about the boys your kids they're a man they're impressive not those boys oh oh jr and taylor the ricky mac boys i can't remember uh oh yep here it is it is. Sorry, it's Johnny's question. Look it, I'm looking over here like thinking I'm going to remember it, and here it is. How did someone get to Rogue this year? What do you need to qualify for Rogue?
Starting point is 01:00:52 Is it invite? It's called the Rogue Invitational. How do people get there? Yeah, who gets invited? What place did Colton finish? I think 18th. Are you sure about that, or is that what you think? I'm sorry, I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:01:05 That's what I think. 18th. I don't about that or is that what you think? I'm sorry, I can't remember. That's what I think. 18th? I don't think that'll do it. I think that... I don't know why I saw somewhere, and I don't know if it was Rogue or someone else that said something like only five or something about the Rogue qualifier.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I don't know if they've announced it for sure, but my instincts are telling me that it's 15 and 5 again. Five get to compete for some online qualifier? The top 15 from the games and the top five from the queue. Okay, and if someone from the games doesn't accept, does that open up a 6th, 7th, 8th, or do they go down the list and invite those people automatically? Do you get what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:01:48 It happened last year. And I think they went down the list at the games. Okay, so I doubt Roman's going. You're probably irresponsible. I don't know, man. These athletes are crazy. And I doubt Bjorg van Goedemansen's going to go. And then one more we don't know. These athletes are crazy. And I doubt Bjorkvin Gudmundsson is going to go. And then one more we don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:09 So that's three. Yeah, so then you get Noah Spencer and Colton get invited. Yeah, yep, he's getting an invite. You heard it here first. It would be great. I mean, honestly, it would be great if he did get an invite. He's qualified via the qualifier multiple years for that competition. He does okay there.
Starting point is 01:02:28 He usually is good for a top three finish, maybe also an event win. And I think I said this in the group chat that we have before the games. I said no matter what happens to Colton at the games in terms of his overall placing, that guy could not be doing more with what he's given like his his fitness and his accomplishments are insanely impressive um i'm grateful i got a chance to tell him that in person this year he is like there's a reason why he has as many fans as yes he is a truly inspiring competitor and i want to say he's great on the podcast last two times i've had him on he's fucking killed it competitor.
Starting point is 01:03:02 And I want to say he's great on the podcast. Last two times I've had him on, he's fucking killed it. Well, that's cool because you know, he was, uh, when, when you first started having him on,
Starting point is 01:03:10 he wasn't as, you know, he wasn't as comfortable or confident or didn't express himself as clearly. And I think that's pretty standard. Yeah. Um, you know, you need to get some,
Starting point is 01:03:18 it's interesting today. We did a few interviews with athletes here and people that speak freely and are fun and personable. Then you put a camera in their face and it's like, they just get nervous. And that, that, that just comes with experience. I think, um, in the sport of CrossFit, a lot of international athletes often run into that problem and then they're motivated to become more confident with their English. Cause that's kind of the limiter, but there can just be, you know, with their English because that's kind of the limiter but there can just be you know timid personalities um like I think that's kind of Colton's nature but when he just opens up a
Starting point is 01:03:51 little bit it's even that much more endearing so I think it's I think everything about Colton this year is uh is amazing to me you know I I called Travis after semifinals and saw see if we could get that shirt going for him. And he was, Travis was of course able to do that again, which was cool. So the support for Colton is great and it's well, well deserved.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Brian, thank you. You're welcome. It was fun. Brian will be, Brian will be coming on the show from each remote location. That's a promise I haven't made to you. I never even asked you until now.
Starting point is 01:04:28 He will be coming to you live from Utah, the Pit Teen, Spain, Sweden, Power Monkey Camp, and the Masters Fitness Collective. It's way past Brian's bedtime. It's midnight there. He said he can only come on for half an hour and you stayed for an hour and five. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I know the rules here. Alright. Bye-bye.

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