The Sevan Podcast - Luka’s Letter

Episode Date: September 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the game. to wager Ontario only gambling problem call connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600. BedMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. This episode is brought to you by CIBC. From closing that first sale to opening a second store as a business owner you've hustled to accomplish a lot but the rewards don't stop there. When you earn two times more points on things that matter to you and your business, easily track those business expenses and experience flexible Aventura rewards, you'll realize how much more rewarding your hustle can be. Get up to $1,800 in value when you apply for
Starting point is 00:00:53 the CIBC Aventura Visa for Business at slash Aventura Business. Terms and conditions apply. You're taking your shirt off. Oh, I hear some weird audio. Let me see. Is that mine? No, I'm going to keep my shirt on. Bam. We're live. Are love mine. You're not some of your destinations have errors That's my destination an error What's up Andrew you have a live test just listed on your channel dude, that's Susa Okay
Starting point is 00:01:21 Hey, it's not live on mine Hey, when are you going home? Sunday? You are? Yeah. Can I go home with you? I'm flying, bro. You can, yeah. Yeah, you cool with that? Yeah, you want to come fly with me?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah. That's cool. Suzan, when are you going home? Sunday night. You are? Yeah. Can I go with you? No.
Starting point is 00:01:44 He likes flying, dude. Sunday night. You are? Yeah. Can I go with you? No. I just wanted to make a strong contrast between I don't care and no. We're not seeing ourselves any comments. I got comments. Shut up. How is he gonna shut up? Earlier today, I uh, I asked colton mertens. I said hey dude, can I come on with you? And he said yeah, sure. I don't care I was there he said it. Yeah. Yeah, I take that as a blessing Hey colton, can I go home with you when you're going going home? Tuesday. Yeah, I don't care. Sounds like one to me. Luca was given the option of answering a question regarding games going forward. The athletes were given a question of whether the events were going forward.
Starting point is 00:02:46 If they want the events to go forward, if they want the event to 2024 CrossFit games to go forward. Lucas said something along the lines of, I'm not really in a space to answer that. But I, but, but he also showed up at the tribute and now people are getting caught up on the fact that Dave said, that Luca gave his blessing. Maybe those weren't his exact words. I believe Luca, those weren't his exact words.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Luca had the option to say fucking no. The athletes had the option to say no. If Danny Spiegel and Ariel Lo Lowen had an issue with it, like that was, that was what was keeping them from going or not going on whether Luca said yes or no. Okay. I got it. You do know that like the wording that is blessing is like people, it's like calming, collecting, bringing people in and that's probably why they're up on it. And like it wasn't said in one spot, I posted that clip, right?
Starting point is 00:03:53 Two spots. The athlete briefing or the athlete meeting or whatever. An athlete meeting. And then the next day on the broadcast. To Mike Arsenault. Right. And by the way, I want to say this three weeks ago on the Sevan Podcast the video now has 20,000 views I reported this exact same thing
Starting point is 00:04:14 That line Brent Fikowski and His accomplice who got dragged along poor Pat Valner We're holding this as an ace card. Do you remember that? When I said that on my, I said, Hey, they think that they have something, um, some ace card against Dave because they're going to bring up the fact that Dave used the word blessing. I said it just like that. And supposedly he didn't say it.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I brought this whole thing up three weeks ago on my podcast. Did you see that one? Are you sure it was three weeks ago? No, two weeks ago. One week ago. Well, you did talk about it. You did talk about it. Listen, listen. Yeah. Yeah, that's what it was. So, so, so, so, so let me say this, that's irrelevant to me the time. And I'm, but I'm glad you brought it up because I don't know how you could get so
Starting point is 00:05:03 hung up on the fact of what word he used as something to take away from what's really going on here. And the only two things that are going on here are that Lazar Jukic died and we need to see his fucking toxicology report. And that everyone agrees that he should have been pulled out of the water. And then now the PFAA, who have already established that they're liars, we know they met with CrossFit twice in the last four months. And now they have some sort of position where they're trying to get some sort of emotional
Starting point is 00:05:39 appeal because when Dave gave Luca some some of moving forward or not and Taylor explained that in a show that we did podcast that we did he was in no state of mind to answer that question All he wanted was his brother back, right? He does say that something like that within the same paragraph, right? Yeah Yeah, he's like I don't care about this. I just want to get my brother home. Well, no, no, no I think was the word for that. It's something and I shouldn't paraphrase because I can pull up the exact quote So so so what so what's the agenda here the exact quote? What's the end of his post the shape I was in the agenda of his post. I don't sorry Go ahead start over hillar. Sorry. Good shape. I was in mentally at the moment. I said many things
Starting point is 00:06:20 and he says in the shape I was in mentally at the moment and like I would assume that before he posted this he'd have people look over it and say hey that you can put this up or you can't put this up but when you put the word mentally into a sentence like that. I think his post is was scripted and written by Russian actors in order to collude with the PFAA. You cannot mean that. There's no way. Dale Egan, Sevan cares about the PFAA lies. Those are pretty substantial lies when you're trying to get your foot in the door
Starting point is 00:06:58 and your whole premise and your foundation is the fact that they won't meet with you and then they did meet with you and the guy you brought on to talk on the show with you, your right hand man doesn't know about it. So those are pretty substantial lies versus the fact if you just ask any one of your friends, just ask a friend and if, Hey, do you care if I come over to your house and they'll say, I don't care. And you think that that much was a stretch to call it a blessing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Agree or disagree with me. I don't care, But it still is the fact. There's two important facts. He had the option to say no, and he didn't. The athletes had the option to say no, and they didn't. And Luca showed up to the tribute. Right. I don't, I, not one little part of me is like, Hey, this should be any of it. The only reason why I think this is a good discussion is because it's going to get us twenty thousand views. We're not.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And listen, here's the thing here. There's going to be so many people like, oh, stop defending Dave. Like I'm not defending Dave at all. I think Dave was wrong to use the word blessing and it was fucked up that he said, hey, I don't want to be on the screen at the tribute and they show a picture video of him crying. So whoever's fault that is, this is the other thing. Oh, Hillary, your mic's not working.
Starting point is 00:08:08 It's maybe your mic's not loud enough. Maybe you can turn it up. Not close enough to your face. So here's the deal. So I hate you gotta put these freaking things in your mouth. You do. You have to suck on them. Hillary, you're making a strong point. Keep going. You probably should not have used the word blessing. And I'm sure he's looking back and like, guy, maybe would have choose a different phrase. But in the heat of the moment, he's under a lot of pressure. I'm not saying I'm not trying to have people feel bad for Dave, right? Lucas fucking brother died like who cares what Dave was going through. At the same time, he's running an entire fucking
Starting point is 00:08:38 sport the Superbowl, all of the decisions are basically on his shoulders and he says to Luca, presumably, Hey, uh, what are your thoughts or are you okay with us going on? The guy goes, I don't fucking care. Nothing's going to bring my brother back. And I don't, I don't think the decision should be up to me. He's like, got it. We're not going to, you know, it's not going to be up to you. We're not putting that.
Starting point is 00:09:00 We're not putting it on your shoulders. Like it's our decision. Um, and we'll run with it. And he goes, you know, I got Lucas blessing. Maybe he should have said Lucas, like what would everybody have thought if, if on, you know, Dave Arson, those interviews said, yeah, Lucas said he didn't fucking care and that it's not going to bring his brother back if we can continue. What is that?
Starting point is 00:09:17 What you guys would have rather he said, like I, that's one point. Second point is whoever showed his face. In the tribute when he specifically asked not to like that's attached to the people running CrossFit media and The two people running CrossFit media up by got fired, right? So if you're looking for heads to roll those heads are fucking rolling down the street, right covered in shit, right? But by fuck those people and it's and right is Haynes and Emily O'Hern They're gone and they showed his face
Starting point is 00:09:45 So look they are doing some things right, right? Hmm That's interesting See ya. Do you think communication passed down to the people in the media team that specifically don't show Lucas face, dude I I Would put nothing past those two fucktards didn'tarts. Didn't Luca also say that he understands why the athletes kept competing? Continued. Yeah. Is that not a blessing?
Starting point is 00:10:14 So you attending the... No, here's the thing. I think this is what everyone is hung up on. And this is why this conversation is so fucking pointless unless you're one of those stupid fucking idiots in the Reddit thread freaking out about things. This whole argument on whose fault it is, it has no legs because we're arguing about the use of a fucking word and semantics and nuance of a private conversation that no one fucking heard other than...
Starting point is 00:10:41 Three people heard it, right? Right. Yeah. Holy fuck. If Dave used the wrong word oh my god sorry i'm sure he'll fucking apologize big whoop he used the wrong word if lucas said i don't fucking care he also said i understand why athletes chose to continue he showed up at the tribute showed up to the tribute so like well let me ask you this i think um if the concerned is safety measures they just lost it and precautions happening from CrossFit
Starting point is 00:11:06 and getting third parties involved to look over those safety measures, to limit the amount of risks they're exposing athletes to this situation has nothing to do with solving the problem. Right. Here's the thing. People are angry on Dave and it's moving away from what they're actually trying to accomplish. So really this is more damaging to the reputation of the PFA. I would say by just trying to pinpoint this on Dave, and then move away from the major part of
Starting point is 00:11:28 the situation, which is the safety back to semantics of conversation. It's little red herrings. And it's like, the shift of everyone's focus is scattered to, oh, well, here's the deal. Everyone's angry and they're picking different things to be super fired up and angry about. And they're like, I'm so angry, Lazar died. He shouldn't have died. It was horrible. Agreed. I have nowhere to place this anger because I don't actually know who's at fault.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Dave, paddle boarder, blessings. It's just like full on rage. And listen, most of you people who are angry, fuck off. It has nothing to do with you. There's probably, there's probably a fucking, man, I would say, I don't know. It's hard to say. I don't want to put a number on it, but I'd say 150 people or less who have fucking full on like, Hey, carte blanche, you are fucked up with grief.
Starting point is 00:12:20 What are people like Carl Saunders, Ariel Lohan and Danny Spiegel upset about? They're upset that they wouldn't have competed if they would have heard a different word than blessing? Yeah. And this is the other thing. If I'm an athlete, I'm not fucking, oh, Luca tells everyone he doesn't want them to compete. So I pull out, fuck that. Do you think David, since most shows are way too big a pussies to speculate and they can
Starting point is 00:12:40 make strong opinions, but they can't speculate cowards. I'll speculate all day. Talking about fitness. Um, uh, low ranger podcast. Um, what, um, do you, do you think that Dave had ill intentions when he said that Hiller honestly? No, I think he's being a manipulative. You think he's being manipulative?
Starting point is 00:13:00 Uh, I don't think he's being manipulative. No, I think that he's got a certain language that he might use Make sense. Yeah, no go on. Did you say for example? I use the word freaking Often it's just a word that comes out of my mouth Yeah Perhaps the word blessing is a word that comes out of his mouth And if that's not true the next route that I'd like to go with it is someone else is telling him what to say and do Okay, I don't think that there's no coincidences, but why does he say it
Starting point is 00:13:28 in two separate spots, that specific word, right? He's off. And yeah, that's why I kind of always go after like someone above. It's like, is it the boards at Don? And if it's Dave, why is he still there? Like if he, if all of this stuff is really on Dave, you think somebody would have already done something about it. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Let me ask you this in the, in the clothing sentence of that, if, if your dad tells you to like go hit the dog and the dog bites you and everyone's like, Oh, what happened? What happened? It's like, well, my dad did it. Then the dad doesn't ever get the kid in trouble. It's because the dad told the kid to do it. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:00 It's the dad's fault. Yeah. Let me ask you this. All you guys, if you masturbate furiously, comments on a, if you masturbate furiously several times a day, odds are super high that you also post your opinions and try to glean information from Reddit. You furiously jerk your Dick micro dose to porn on Instagram. You furiously jerk your dick, microdose to porn on Instagram. You probably watch underage women. Where did this come from? You read something in the comments.
Starting point is 00:14:30 No, it has nothing to do with the comments. Reddit though is a kiddie porn place. I was thinking of, I love Reddit. Well, why do you like it? Do you masturbate furiously? I think it gets me out of like a stream of thought. And I like to see opposing thoughts. I'd like to see you abandon Reddit. Hey, um, uh, Hillary, after, after Luca said the part about, um, uh, Dave asked me if,
Starting point is 00:14:54 if I was interested in, uh, what I thought about the games moving forward and I gave him my answer. Then Dave said, and he gives some line that I, that I wholeheartedly believe and know that Luca took out of context or because English is his fifth language, he misrepresented Dave is like, well, it's not your decision anyway. I think it's pretty fucking clear with anyone with a brain was like, at that point, Dave realized that when he said that and he was using that line. And I think it's mischaracterized the way Luca saying that, Hey, I'm absolving you from that
Starting point is 00:15:22 decision. Like, Hey, you're right. That it wasn't right to put that on. Yeah. Let's, let's, let's, let's reenact that conversation. Okay. I'll be, I'll be Nicole Carroll. Okay. So you're not going to be anything. You're going to be, you're going to be, you're going to be, you're going to be, you're going
Starting point is 00:15:37 to be Luca. You're going to be Dave. Okay. All right. Um, we would like to move forward with the games tomorrow. Do you have any opinions on that? My brother just died. Nothing's going to bring him back.
Starting point is 00:15:49 No trippies going to bring him back. I really don't care to be honest. I don't think that I'm in any place for me to be making that decision for everyone else. Okay. I, I understand. Uh, we'll take care of it. We'll meet with the athletes and we'll get some more input and, uh, we'll move forward. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:16:04 It was never up to you anyway. Question. Now let's, let's say it. Let's say it. Okay. Okay. Yeah, you didn't say that Sorry, sorry. No dave said well just kidding. It wasn't up to you anyway Here's what I would have went I would have said Well, guess what? It's not your fucking decision anyways, bro. Yeah fly your brother home Seriously, you fucking idiots think that's how the conversation went? Are you retarded? That's how they want it. And this is the other thing. Like a lot of people experience death. It's not this thing is unique to people on earth. Like, like odds are you've experienced odds are a lot of people have experienced maybe not traumatic
Starting point is 00:16:40 death, but really hard situations. When something like that happens. I said it when it first happened, dramatic death, but really hard situations. When something like that happens, I said it when it first happened, you are all you are thinking about is holy fuck, I'm never going to see this person who, it's almost when they're gone, they become more important to you than they ever were before. Even if they were the most important person in your life before they died. Like in my situation after my dad died, like, you know, I, like he was my dad, you know? So how did he pass? He died of a heart attack, cancer, you know, he just fucking, he was smoking the cigarette
Starting point is 00:17:16 on a side porch one day and just fucking died. It was like all of a sudden or no? It was all of a sudden to me. It was all of a sudden to me. He had cancer for a year, but I didn't know he was on his, I didn't think he was about to die. Or anything or what?
Starting point is 00:17:27 You went through chemo. Yeah. Oh, anyways, let me finish this thought. When that person dies, they become, it becomes the biggest void you could ever imagine and nothing can possibly fill it. And you were overwhelmed one with this, this can't be real. This can't be real. This can't be real, this can't be real. And then it turns into, how am I gonna live my life
Starting point is 00:17:50 without this person? And then it turns into, who can I fucking blame? Who's at fault? What should I have done? What should Dave have done? What should CrossFit have done? And then beyond that, other know, other stages of grief, acceptance, uh, fucking whatever, just fucking all sorts of shit.
Starting point is 00:18:09 But in those first 48 hours, fuck the first week. You it's just. Where they fucked up, Dave probably shouldn't have. I mean, I don't know. I I think they had to say something to him like, yeah, you got to have a conversation. Right. And you got to go in there and see him. You got to go in there and be open about, Hey, here's what we're thinking. Where do you sit with everything? Ultimately, this is the thing about that conversation.
Starting point is 00:18:34 If Dave had never had it with Luca, like, like it would be a shit storm. Stop, stop, stop. If, if, if the a hundred people that came to my house and apologized and said that here are my sympathies, here's a fucking hamburger helper dish after my dad died, if they never came, I wouldn't fucking care. I would not remember it. I wouldn't give a single fuck. And the fact that they did come, I also didn't give a single fuck. But the mob would care. That's what I'm saying. So him having that conversation is just to appease a bunch of
Starting point is 00:19:02 fucking retards to begin with. And when someone dies, nothing Dave or anyone else did or says, continue the game, stop the games, pay the athletes all the same amount, pay the athletes the regular amount, cut the workouts out, keep the workouts in, one minute tribute, let Brent speak. Any of that, none of it fucking matters. So why is he posting it now? Because he's angry and he wants to align with the PFAA. Do you think Brent and Pat talk to Luca regularly? Dude, I hope he didn't get influenced by other people to make this post.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I hope it was entirely his decision. If it was, I don't have any idea what his motive was behind it. Other than to say, I'm sure he's heard a lot of people talking, you, me, anyone saying things. I bet he made it on his own accord. I made it probably. But do you think he's talking to them? Do you think like he talks to them regularly?
Starting point is 00:19:44 No, no, I think he probably is just aware of everything that's happening in the ecosystem and the things that are said. And I, if I put myself in that situation, like I would just want to melt shit down. Right. Like I wouldn't care. Right. And then the more, and I, if I started watching it or obsessing about all the public opinion about what's happening with my brother, I would be after people's heads.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I would be after Dave. I would be after CrossFit. I'd be looking to sue them into oblivion. And I would be conjuring the mob 100% I would be, then I would be super angry. And I think that that's fine. And it's understandable from where Luke is sitting. And I think that we need to give him space with all of this more than we definitely need to give the mob space. Because if we're going to sit back and be logical and reasonable about it, we have to ask like, what is our ultimate ultimate outcome that we're looking for to have happen here? Right. If they just want Dave fired, which the PFAA clearly said, then that's just what they're after. And I think
Starting point is 00:20:34 they're just going to hold on to anything that they can find. So there, you think, so you think they're, I mean, like Brent posted all those posts two times each. I mean, not that anyone can read them in a story, but basically they're just leveraging Lucas pain. Yeah. And to get a common enemy. Right. I also shared a couple of Lucas posts, but I shared the parts that I thought were like extremely, uh, spoken about. And I think that if there's anyone who's going to bring up the autopsy, it would be his brother who's going to probably have insight that others don't. And you're out of the fact that there was no heart issue per the course. Doesn't matter. This is a, you shouldn't have, I don't think. Stop interrupting. There is a, there is, yeah, it doesn't matter, but everyone wanted to know for a
Starting point is 00:21:17 long time. And I think it's great that that's something that now we can assume is the truth and it's coming from him. And like, why would he say anything other than the truth on that topic and then the other one was the question about lifeguards we all watched that lawyer talk right and she said they were lifeguards and they weren't they're volunteers her entire video is irrelevant they could be lifeguards and volunteers you're right about that yeah but what do we know we know that they were volunteers we know that i know we don't even know that they were lifeguards and volunteers, but we know that her Lucas post, right? Let me ask you this, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Are you a volunteer or are you a professional athlete? Are you volunteering to compete? This is the distinction here. Exactly. That's the point. And does that distinction actually merit difference in effort or work? So if the answer is no, then why are we even talking about volunteer versus paid? You were going to say that you don't think I should have brought up the fact that he
Starting point is 00:22:09 may have had a cardiac arrest. I just, you don't think someone stopped swimming in the water as a 10 year swimmer. And the first thing in all the triathletes who've died in the water, you don't think it's fair to bring up, Hey, the triathletes who died in the water, the majority of them have had cardiac rest. You don't think that's a valid point to bring up? No, because that's not the fucking issue at hand The issue at hand is that there were two fucking people there with their heads so far up their fucking asses
Starting point is 00:22:32 They could have sucked shit for a year I have on one account that they were and it's apparently I haven't seen this but they said they have it on camera that the People on the paddleboards whether volunteer or lifeguard, we're watching the finish line. Which is fucking that's the issue. All I'm saying is this. If I'm if it's what I'm trying to do is what I'm trying to say is if I'm Luca and I hear you talking about heart events, I'm getting furious. I could see that I would get furious. Like shut the fuck up my brothers, whatever. Sure. And I just don't think it's super relevant
Starting point is 00:23:06 because how he died, how he died is so not the issue. The issue is that no one fucking saved him 30 yards away from the finish line. He was right on top of a fucking thing. He was struggling the whole, he was struggling the whole fucking race. A guy jumped in the water. A guy jumped in the water. Not the whole race. A guy jumped in the water.
Starting point is 00:23:25 He was winning at one point. And he got turned back yelling. I agree. Someone's drowning. I agree. So I'm just saying, the whole thing about, like, if I'm, to be honest, if I'm Luca, I'm probably making this post because I feel like there are all these fucking stupid assholes talking about it.
Starting point is 00:23:44 They have no idea what they're talking about in my and my what are those people saying? My brother had a heart attack. I didn't say in our tech I speculated that he had a car event because of the issues That he's had in the past and the fact that we know if you wiki triathlons and you look at the deaths So they had cardiac event. I'm not trying to hang you. I'm not what I'm not trying to hang you. And no, no, you can hang me. And I'm not trying to argue either that it wouldn't upset Luca, that people are speculating that I'm not.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I agree with you on all that. But I don't agree with you that it shouldn't have been brought up. I want to wrap up that thought on the post that Brent was putting up. That's that I referenced two of them. And it is interesting that it's like safety, safety, safety, safety, safety. But the major thing that everyone's talked about in relation to the post is how Dave presented an issue to the athletes, which has nothing to do with safety. Of course. I mean, that has to do with Castro, which is the third claim to that argument. And that's
Starting point is 00:24:39 why you think it was an ace card. And that's where you open the show up. Right. So that was the ace in the hole. Say that all that again. That's really point in part where you're getting back to the fact that this word blessing that people are getting hung up on has nothing to do with safety. Correct. Which is why they made the third point on their initial thing, which is why everyone was like, Oh, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:25:02 And now everyone's like, Oh, that's why you want Dave. They want because of the word and like how he may have, or may not have manipulated the athletes. Yeah. And let me also say this. It would be taboo for anyone to go after Luca at this time. Right. Yeah. Well, yeah, absolutely. Right. Cause he's in more, he's in look at that game board when you said that. No. So, so, so he, so he can say these things and no one's going to go after him. Right. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So he's bulletproof. Right. So I think he should get a lot of leeway for sure. A lot of patience, a lot of understanding, a lot of leeway. I think the word you use was space. Yeah. Space for sure. I'd also say how he's, he's handled the situation is like above and beyond like, OK.
Starting point is 00:25:46 You are if not, I don't know. You think he's done something wrong? No, I don't think he's done anything wrong. I just for his I cannot imagine this happening and it being such a such a massive spectacle with hundreds of thousands of people weighing in. How hard that would be like, like hey like the other it's Well, hold on someone finish your thought cuz I'm curious where you're gonna go with that because he said he's untouchable And yet we have to look at him that he went to the tribute
Starting point is 00:26:15 he said he was offered the option and So where the app was the option the option was is you? How do you feel about us moving with the games moving forward? We would like to move with them for it How do you feel? Well, I think and so forward? We would like to move with them forward. How do you feel? Well, I think he did not go ahead. Well, Luca said was, uh, he wanted to use the games as something to honor laser. Right. Right. Not, not, not, not, not, are you okay with it going on? Would you agree that the games were just one giant wave? Every event.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Yeah. Yeah. For sure. The games were miserable in my opinion. Especially at the end. Well, maybe you don't enjoy going to funerals. I don't. I don't think you're supposed to.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah. It was a funeral that you exercised at. It was one massive funeral. That's a great way to put it. It was. I think it's called a wake. And I fucking hate funerals. They suck.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Yeah. And so the fact that we're dealing with a crowd. That's going so bonkers over this one fucking word. Here's what also I hope. It wasn't the last time I really proud went bonkers over a word. Floyd 19, they didn't even know what it meant. They didn't even it was in defense of black people and people thought it was racist. But I really, I really
Starting point is 00:27:26 look at these things. I was watching the lone ranger podcast and Sean was like, this is going to take a long time to get over. This is going to take a long time. Listen, there was a compilation of Joe Rogan. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm saying just crazy racial slurs. Yep. There, Dana White slurred shit out of it. Hard are. Thank you. There was a, I don't actually know if he used a harder. There was a compilation of dead. Oh, he did. Okay. Harder. Um, there was a compilation of Daniel or there was a video of Dana White slapping the shit out of his wife. Yep. Like dude, there was a Daniel Brandon show. I remember the, yeah. I asked Daniel Brandon about it. She said of equal rights equal fights. Listen
Starting point is 00:28:08 It's so obvious what you guys are fucking doing You guys are all just fucking haters and like when people when wooly post what he's doing like we already know who wooly is He's the fucking tattletale. He's the fucking populist. He's not these aren't people expressing their opinions They're taking the temperature of the fucking crowd and they're going wherever that is. They're just taking the temperature of the crowd and going wherever that is. And if these people, remember these people who you're saying, these Danny Spiegel's, Ariel Lowen's, whoever's like, I'm saying that they were upset about. What are we referencing them for again? Because they're the ones in car standards, they're the ones who I'm hearing that are upset because if it wasn't the word like and Brian Brian
Starting point is 00:28:47 I've lied and I wouldn't have competed and Brian friend Yeah Like they found in a secret meeting with Luca that Dave that Luca didn't use the word blessing and so they walked away And they were like when this comes out, it's gonna be fucking crazy Why are you here right now? So I'm here in this room Why are you here right now, so I'm here in this room in this area location? Just fucking Colton Tudor Magda and kill motherfucking Taylor are gonna throw down tomorrow at the North out classic. It's gonna be sick.
Starting point is 00:29:16 They've got what? Ten events? Nine nine. I think it is. And the first event, everyone better fucking just just move. Just move. Taylor you just move? Taylor's going to win it. If you get the fuck out of the way, it's going to crop dust everybody.
Starting point is 00:29:30 You still come if Taylor wasn't coming? Uh, no, any of that and what's going on with them like there's something That kept them like in or out and that's how they're presenting it You're saying that um, they they only did it because for Luca In theory, it's like Well, all of a sudden Taylor goes home. Do you go home? No, here's a no if you're no Taylor if Taylor so let me tell you something, that's a great question on the way here. If it's not a great example, no, no, no, no, it's a great question because you're not even going to fucking believe what I'm about to tell you on the way here.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Taylor was at my house and he goes, Hey dude. And I go, what he goes, uh, rogue, invitational qualifiers this weekend. And I swear on my fucking life, on my kid's life, I expressed to Taylor with a hundred percent honesty, hey dude, if you, I don't, if you don't go, we'll still go and you don't have to compete and you can do the road qualifier and I'm totally down. Right? Yeah. I was like, I was like, dude, whatever you want to do, I got you. Oh, I got you. Whatever you want to do. I got you. Cause, cause I got you. Like I'm cool. I got you. Let's do it. Let's fucking do it. We'll go there. He's like, yeah, okay. I'll go there and find a gym. And then he went back and forth and back and forth. And then finally he
Starting point is 00:30:53 decided, Hey, I'm just going to, I'm going to tell myself I'm not going to do the road qualifier. And then Sunday I'll revisit it after the event. Is that theoretically not similar to like Luca saying whether or not something went awry and Danny and Ariel or no? I'm just saying like I understand like I'm not mad at them. I'm not mad at them for like If that was their reason that was their reason but don't hang fucking Dave for it Like what do you want to do? You want to erase probably you want to erase that part of your life? Like if I'm not mad at rogue for picking this weekend, I'm not mad at Taylor if you decided to do rogue in this, I'm just going to go with it.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Okay. Got it. I'm not mad at them for that. I just think it's asinine for everyone else to jump on board because Ariel and Danny and car Saunders feel like if they feel burned by that, great, good. Like that's their, that's their life. They can want to get burned by that. But, but, but if they really want to start looking at the facts, once again, he asked Luca, Luca could have said, no, he asked the athletes, they could have said, no, some of them did leave. Luca did go to the fucking tribute.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Do actions not speak louder than fucking words? I it's just like, at some point it's like, what the fuck? And then the real issue here is that the fucking liars Who have fucking four fucking athletes on their side the PFA are now leveraging this to somehow fucking build Momentum to come after Dave. It's like you scumbags if anything people should be like wow the PFA have fucking no fucking scruples They'll go as low as they fucking can in order to get Dave out. Oh my god, Pat Lynch They have a legit point to be mad you you know it dude Here's a thing great. Yes, I agree
Starting point is 00:32:33 They do the rest of the fucking it I mean if they're they're fucking snails, dude, their consciousness is snail I can't change that for them. We athlete to are upset about yeah Can we I just want to also point out that there is a line down the middle between? games athletes and there's a cohort who like Dave and appreciate him and Over the course of this process have said hey like we don't need to put Dave on a fucking pitchfork and fucking on a stake And like fucking you know cut the head off and fire him and try to cancel this dude and there's the group that literally went for his fucking neck. And everyone who is upset with Dave about this has a previous history or history of disliking him in the past, not agreeing with him in the past, holding prior resentments.
Starting point is 00:33:19 And in my opinion, from my perspective, it is so blatantly obvious that if you have a previous or you're holding resentments against the guy because he didn't do this The way you liked it. He didn't take yes, that's what's going on this or I didn't like him from programming this workout I think does this stupid. Oh, here's the opportunity For me to really hate him for me to really get mad at him and for me to get him fired And I'm a perpetual hater there Let me say this too. If I were to take the ground that pfaa took what if I were to be like which ground? Just fucking like leveraging any story I can to fucking get my way Why wouldn't I come on here and be like, um, just so every fucking crossfit game athlete anyone who's ever competed in the crossfit games
Starting point is 00:34:00 None of this would be here if it wasn't for Dave Castro. He's giving you everything you fucking have. Let me say one more thing. Also, he was a fucking Navy SEAL and put his life on the line for this country for 12 fucking years. And you have no idea how many women and children he's fucking saved. Right? And then I could go further and be like, when I got to the fucking NorCal Classic today, a woman came up to me and said, by the way, Dave, Dave invited my husband to a fucking rock. And it was a 35 mile rock with 35 pound backs. And it was with two other Navy Seals and Thomas
Starting point is 00:34:35 DeLauer. And my husband was fucking hurting. And Dave was the fucking best rocker there. And instead of going ahead, he stayed back with my fucking husband intended to him and his feet I want to and like I could like like like really like you want to worry about this word blessing like if you want to start Just like fixating on shit. I could fucking fixate on let me let me send me everyone send me your cell phones Let me dig through your shit. Yeah, hold on. I have people I just want to address this I mean, that's the second I got here today a woman approached me with that story I want to I want to dress this someone those you were there for that second I got here today, a woman approached me with that story. I want to, I want to address this. Someone, you were there for that.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Were you there? Yeah, I was there. You were there for that. Yeah. Yeah. Colton was there for it. Okay. I want to address this.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Adam S just not true. Taylor. I have no prior issues with Dave, but disgusted with him after this. Another comment, Mark P agree. Adam was a fan of Dave until all this went down and really showed a lot of. Blank showed a lot of what you guys are watching this from behind. Can you imagine being in those people's lives? You have no idea who he is.
Starting point is 00:35:32 And it's just so crazy to me that you can decide the content of someone's character based off of hearsay from a conversation. Even if it is true, let's say you use the wrong fucking word. Yeah. How about putting it in fucking context? Let me tell you this. You're people fucking rape kids and you're and you're throwing this guy to the fucking wolves because he used a word, not even a fucking bad word. He didn't say the hard are.
Starting point is 00:35:58 He said, bless dude. He said, bless her. I'm not saying he's right. I'm just saying you guys are fucking crazy for wanting to throw a single guy to the wolves when private equity said before the games were cutting costs and the emergency teams fucking built out was a skeleton crew of people who weren't even fucking lifeguards of people to people on paddleboards who are staring at the fucking gyrations and Tia's ass cheeks as she crossed the finish line while someone else fucking died. And you guys are mad at Dave for private equity cutting costs. Are
Starting point is 00:36:36 you fucking kidding me? I can't get angrier about that idea. You guys are throwing a patent Brent to the wolves. Fuck you, hypocrites. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you, Mission Bell. You fucking bitch. You don't know any of us. Get the fuck out of here. Listen, listen, listen. That was a killer, though.
Starting point is 00:36:54 If you want to know who threw patent Brent to the wolves, it was actually Brent threw himself to the wolves and he drugged Pat with them. He lied on Peter's podcast. Oh, we've never had a meeting with Dave and Don. Yeah. What about the meeting after semi-finals? Not about the games. And Pat goes, unless you had a meeting at semi-finals, I didn't know about crickets.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Hey, they literally did. Have you guys ever heard the difference between LA and New York in this story? And I don't know if this is going to offer much here. Say it again. What's the story? The difference between LA and New York? OK, the people, the culture and the evil. And this is doing nothing but just a segue into maybe something else here.
Starting point is 00:37:31 They say in L.A., people see you with on the side of the road with like a flat tire. They drive by and they go, oh, my God, I'm so sorry. I feel so bad for you. Like this shouldn't have happened to you. You're such a good person to get in the car and drive off. But in New York, they pull up and go, you fucking idiot, get out of the way. I'm going to change this tire for you like this shouldn't have happened to you. You're such a good person to get the car and drive off. But in New York, they pull up and go, you fucking idiot, get out of the way. I'm going to change this tire for you. You don't know how to do shit, right?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Get the fuck back in your car. You shouldn't be driving this thing anyways. And you're a fat bitch. And then they change the tire for them. Yes. Yes. It kind of feels like that. Yes. Yes. Yes. Like we're to like the people that are in LA go, oh, my God, that person was so nice. And then they left you on the side of the road.
Starting point is 00:38:05 And then everybody else would be like, man, that guy in New York, like he fixed the flat tire, but he was such a jerk while doing it. Did you hear the words that he was using towards me? Hey, here's another thing. The people who want to hang Dave. Won't ever put themselves in Dave's position. They never try to empathize with Dave. They're not even how they're not even capable enough in their lives.
Starting point is 00:38:21 So how far, how far show, how far show is Taylor empathizing with fucking Luca holding back fucking fighting back tears? You people you people I guarantee you unequivocally a hundred percent of you It's just all about you you you you probably haven't even put yourself in Lucas position This is the other thing we were talking about this a bit on our show the show we did at your house the other day But can I say one more thing? Hold on. Don't forget that and think of all the people Rich Froning said if he was Luca he would have gone still kept going for kundo said that he was his coach for a few Years and and one other person on my podcast said that
Starting point is 00:38:58 Sorry, not not Luca Lazar. They said Lazar would have said if Lazar would have wanted us to go So the three people in his really close sphere were like, yeah, this motherfucker would have wanted us to fucking go. And you know what? What's that say about then the people who didn't go? I thought they were the ones that fucking cared about Lazar. Who did they care about? Just a thought.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah. And through all this, I'm not saying Dave isn't at fault for anything. We have no fucking ideas what I'm saying. And trying to fucking queef out on him over a word is so dumb. And, and let's just package it like this real quick. I think we're all in the agreeance that if the conversation transpired the way it did in Lucas story, that we could agree that Dave misspoke and using those terms, but the spirit of the whole entire thing and the decision he made still would
Starting point is 00:39:57 have been the same had he had come on and said, the family gave their blessing versus we spoke with the family. We decided to continue with the games. The, the, ultimately the result in the way that everything ended in the way that everything played out would have been exactly the same. It just would have been a different word choice. And now people also on the other side, if the athletes would have said, we're don't want to do it and Lucas said he didn't want to do it, it wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:40:18 happened, right? Then they would not have happened. Let me, let me just throw this out there real quick. Uh, someone said this. Do you think the results of that survey are different if there's a different word used? Or perhaps Luca, in their head, Dave leveraged Luca and the family with the word blessed. And that's why they're upset, right?
Starting point is 00:40:39 Yes, that's why. Well, that's not the real reason they're upset, but that's what they're using to be upset. That's what they're using, right. Okay. They believe that, but that's what they're using to be upset. That's what they're using. Yes. Okay. They believe that Dave used his family against them to get the games to continue.
Starting point is 00:40:51 That's why they're upset. And would people use the inverse of that? Would that be true then? Yes. Would the inverse of that be true? I guess the question would be if there was no word or family taken into account and they're just like, hey, we're running the games. Right. And it's like, did you ask? It's like, no, like no we didn't ask I mean we didn't feel like it was their decision
Starting point is 00:41:09 Hey, they wouldn't have even thought of that. That's the interesting thing. That's a great point I bet you had have you talked to loose? Yes, they wouldn't even asked. Have you talked to Lucas family? So now he's being punished for fucking going to Lucas family and not Transmitting the message at the highest fidelity and you know what? Yeah. You know what? I bet you, Dave, I bet you Dave does regret saying that a hundred percent. I more than anyone fucking in the world. Let me say this, uh, Brandon Graham, Seve, all the love, but does your bias for Dave shroud your logical reasoning? So like, Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:41:39 if you could give you, I've seen a thousand comments like this. If you could give one example where my logic was off. No one's ever done that. No one's been like, hey, this doesn't make sense because of this, this, and this. I had a two hour discussion today with Taylor in the car of what's a more offensive word, faggot or retard. I was on the side that faggot was more offensive. He was saying they're equally offensive.
Starting point is 00:42:02 It was a great discussion, but none of you guys ever say anything, a props to Hiller. Everything is on the table for criticism. You think, how about, how about fuck you? You think that me not fucking coming on here and fucking responding to your fucking comments and all these comments isn't room for criticism. I haven't been able to keep up with the comments. You can eat a fat Dick, Brandon. I'm not giving you love back. I'm not giving you love back. I'm not giving you love back.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I know you said, oh, look, you can eat a big fat dick. And I've been, I think that the only thing different is I'm able to see more perspective and what you're calling it is biased. Support for today's episode comes from One Skin. Did you have a little too much fun this summer? You know what I mean, a little too much time in the sun. It's no secret that UV rays can take a toll on our skin,
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Starting point is 00:45:40 Someone comments earlier. Oh guy in the Trump pack got angry big surprise. I'm really not angry I just think that there are so many fucking idiots in the comment section and read it and it just baffles me It baffles me how fucking stupid some people are like this person. Wait, let me respond to that. Have you uh 99 out of a hundred times when you see someone angry, are they a fucking libtard or a conservative libtard? Yeah, like so shut the fuck and just because I'm raising my voice and calling you fucking idiots doesn't mean I'm angry I'm just trying to get the point across that you should know You're stupid and this is the crazy thing from this person Clooney's Clooney's You've got to be probably one of the top four dumbest motherfuckers. I ever read a comment from in my entire life
Starting point is 00:46:19 I'm getting ready to block that Taylor. What is private equity didn't program the games Dude, let me say this before you go on you haven't even said anything when you say that you're just implying something because you don't know how to actually say anything go on hey what is Dave's job what does he do he runs the uh oh he programs the games that's his number one job and he runs the training department hey and if you guys really want to swing your dicks around, like first of all, you guys have no voice. The angry mob. Look at the college for a second. Tell me what Dave does.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Dave is the programmer. What he cares about more than anything else is the test, the spectacle of the test and programming the test. And tell me I'm wrong. No, programming. So you're saying like 90% of his role is right there? Yes. Okay. And all the other and all the other all the other HQ or you mean just for the game just for the games at HQ runs a seminar department highly respected you like the mob has no Say that's the best part everything else
Starting point is 00:47:16 Well do with the games I would imagine he's highly compartmentalized from and delegates and he's a bastion of hope for the fucking affiliates He is a fucking Bastion of hope he's the last of hope for the fucking affiliates he is a fucking bastion of hope he's the last fucking beacon for the fucking affiliates well that's 100 true but i think one of the when hillar said that one of the um things that i was thinking about and caffeine and kilos commented in here and he was like well how do we even know like we're everybody including us are acting like this was dave's decision to continue the games in a vacuum. Meaning he sat alone in a room by himself. No.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Everybody at CrossFit HQ was like, okay, Dave, you go in the room and figure it out, then come out and tell us what the decision is going to be. That's what Hillary said. Dave, that's what I was doing. That's what I was doing. This is hilarious. Yes. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:47:58 So with that being said, Dave was the only one that showed leadership, meaning he stood out in front of the firing squad. He was there in the athlete warmup area. He made the videos at the end of each night. Like he had communication with the community, with the athletes and nobody else that CrossFit HQ did. So we're all, all kind of assuming that this was his decision alone and we're acting like
Starting point is 00:48:20 he sat in the room and came out and was like, I've decided the games are going on. When we know that's a hundred percent not true. We don't know that's athletes surrounding them, exactly. So at least he was willing to stand up in front of the mob and the firing squad and just, and just take it and be like, Hey, look, here's the decision we're going with, and this is what it's going to be. Even though it may not even been his call. All of the athletes, all, not all such a vast majority of the athletes who are on
Starting point is 00:48:49 this outreach side and are reacting the way they're reacting and want they fired. I want the PFA and all this. All six of them. They are European and Canadian. And I can't reiterate enough how different the ideals, the ideology. Yeah. I said not all of them. Just a stupid idiot. Okay Um, I like Ariel a lot and it bums me out that that Danny was nice to me at the games
Starting point is 00:49:11 Maybe I don't know this but I don't like the thought that they dislike Dave as much as I think they do I don't know anyways, but the other vast majority are European and Canadian European and Canadian and the not mud whiler not European and Canadian. And the difference in ideology is that there's this just general shift in like towards a collectivist. Careful with that word. We want other people. We want this group of people who knows more than everyone else, who are truly experts to make the decisions. We're going to give our trust to these group of experts to make the rules and decisions for everyone else who are truly experts to make the decisions. We're going to give our trust
Starting point is 00:49:45 to these group of experts to make the rules and decisions for everyone else. You're not going to have any say in the rules that you make. You're not going to have any self-efficacy. You're not going to have any personal responsibility because you don't know what you're doing. We got a group of people who are going to do it. This is the group of people And so their approach with let's remove Dave Let's get a programming team together because all of these competitions in the sport of fitness Should have a fair and balanced test of fitness and we're gonna presume to be the arbiters of fair and balanced test of fitness And we're all go also Going to say that every competition in the space needs to be a fair and balanced test of fitness. And we're all also going to say that every competition in the space needs to be a fair
Starting point is 00:50:26 and balanced test of fitness. And we're going to be the fucking controllers of that. And they're forgetting that the business model of CrossFit and the games are built off the backs of the affiliates, right? Like if you don't have affiliates, nowhere near as many people. Built and exists. Many people don't fucking care about it. You fucking open registrations, fund the fucking games. Uh, you know, it's the people who buy the shit that vendors go
Starting point is 00:50:49 there to sell affiliates. Exactly. Uh, they forget that affiliates don't exist. If this is a franchise model and everybody has to do the same shit and gets told what the fucking do. All their, all their, all their sponsors, who buys, who buys your frog grip and you don't see powder, the affiliates and you don't have any personal freedom as an affiliate owner. You're not paying CrossFit to do what they tell you to do. You're paying CrossFit to use their name and do whatever the fuck you want. And so there's just this general sense among that group of people, they want to give up their own personal responsibility because they feel more comfortable with other people just telling them what to do. And what these
Starting point is 00:51:27 athletes are so angry about is someone told them what to do and then they found out later that it wasn't exactly what they believed the true story to be. Does that make sense? So Dave said, hey I talked to Luca, he said he didn't care, he gave his blessing and all these people are like, okay we got told what to do, none of the responsibility is on me. I can go and do it. Now they did it and they know that what happened wasn't exactly what they thought happened and now they're freaking out about it. Dude, you made the decision to compete.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Why is it Dave's fault that you decided to compete? Why is it Lucas fault that you decided to compete? You want it to compete and be there or you didn't. It's not anyone else's fucking fault. And he also says, I don't, I understand why athletes would want to continue. Yeah. You mean Lucas said that? Yeah, I know. That's the part. Like, I don't know how you can not. So it also is that, Hey, do you think that's giving his blessing? Do you think that's giving his blessing to the athletes? Yeah. The athletes giving
Starting point is 00:52:24 the, if he's going to his blessing, the athletes? To the athletes. Yeah. To the athletes. But if he's giving his blessing. No, no, no. How are they going to compete if there's no game? Right. So if that's what I'm saying, if he's giving the athletes a blessing to compete, he's also giving them blessing the games to exist.
Starting point is 00:52:36 If in that. It's a de facto blessing. Didn't he just write that he understands why the athletes competed? Didn't he write that in his post today? Thank you. Yeah. Isn't that a blessing? I understand. I mean, he didn't use the word blessing.
Starting point is 00:52:49 And that's the thing that's all. Let me tell you something. I understand why you would have wanted to do rogue. I understand today why you wanted to do rogue. And I hope you took that as my blessing that I got your back. Constance, disagreeing with someone's decision doesn't mean you don't like them. Okay. Fair enough
Starting point is 00:53:05 You guys please all you're doing now is dividing people and instigating hate when it's unnecessary. That's why the game shouldn't have happened Fair imagine they shut that bitch down the evening. That's why this this is all why We're not I I look at a calm you so you're saying avoid doing hard things You're saying avoid doing hard things. You're saying avoid doing hard things. Sure. For the love of God, if it stops this, someone asked me today, uh, every single person in the chat knows this person. It's like, Hey, why'd you say that? I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:53:33 And it's like, because every single argument that's happening right now on top of the one that we're talking about right now goes away if there's no games. It's like, there's, there's probably different arguments and whatnot. I was going to say, then you would start to have everybody coming out way later on being like, I lost all the money and CrossFit didn't have a game. Oh God, the vendors would be a whole thing. Hey, by the way, that's true. By the way, I was told today that CrossFit did give the money back to all the vendors
Starting point is 00:53:58 for Thursday. They pro rated their shit and gave it all back to them. Official? I heard it from a vendor, a big vendor. Oh, that's good. Yeah, that's really good That's fucking great. Uh, hey, by the way, let me finish that thought. Okay, it's it's to protect the affiliates That whole thing what is there's no protection for the affiliates I mean fucking someone's got to think about them and when you shut the games down, um There's like a cohort of, what was it?
Starting point is 00:54:25 30,000 people there. They're like, Oh my God, I gotta go home. It's like, well, I don't give a fuck. There's 2 million people who supposedly Don Fault made a number that pulled out of his butt all over the world that are like watching it like I was at home. And they're like, Oh, this is, I wanted to go home. Oh wait. I got a thought guys.
Starting point is 00:54:42 What if we just, um, don't have any of opinions. What if we stay really vague? What if we look at the comments and people like Constance and not wish you fell? What if we just go ahead and just agree with them and then say we saw their side and then you guys leave here with no Conversation no process no discussion and we all just agree I mean I fucking pussy thing to do and you talk only fitness or not I like Sean a lot but fuck you Tommy for what you said on the fucking Show today, what do you say off? He was just fucking he was he was just wrapped around the axle around the word blessing saying that there's no coming back from that He said this is huge. This is a breaking development. This is super. This is really a terrible thing. Oh
Starting point is 00:55:21 Fuck you. The worst thing Dave's done is misuse a word. Are you kidding me? And then anytime Sean would bring up a question about like speculation or what do you think Tommy like would avoid it? Like he thinks he's some sort of fucking like he thinks I don't want to speculate. Yeah, it's your job. You're a journalist. You're a fucking pundit. Can you guys use the exercise right now? You have one? No, I don't. There we go. Can you pull up constant? I thought you were going to pull that comment up. Which one? This one? No. It's funny because the mission bell and constant is really like you, but they don't like me and they belong to me. It was her saying spreading hate, but she also said we're
Starting point is 00:55:56 being divisive. The key thing I wanted to talk about that comment is her saying we're dividing people. Oh, I did pull that up. You know, it's dividing people calling for Dave to be fucking fired. You stupid idiot. Hey, we demand Dave be fired. Mission bell. They're literally staying away from the main focus of all this tragedy. What is that main focus? I think we've touched on it quite twice.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I've had to hear that. Isn't that laser drone twice? I've heard both twice. I've heard these guys go through that with great articulation and Specificity about the drowning like what do you want? And we've talked about the the Enthusias said that if he was the family he would sue CrossFit and oblivion What more do you want the prep the whole point of this is because of the letter Luca wrote and
Starting point is 00:56:41 The fact that the angry retards have like was mobbed up and they got their they could they have no perspective and so we're here just to offer perspective on that and I'm sorry if it's dividing people. I don't want it to I wish everyone could see the world like I saw it and fucking like big picture shit. If people thought about what happens and I asked a couple of you guys if Dave were to be not here anymore and by not here I mean not in his role at the CrossFit Games do people do people think about that or they just want him no they don't read about it
Starting point is 00:57:14 Brent wants his job Brent wants his dress if he has like yes well I've heard I was reported to me that he's he told someone that he would take that job this will be a director of the CrossFit game. Yes. That's hilarious. Yes. Hey, this will be anecdotal, but everybody- The hubris to think he could do it better than Dave.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Or what it would do to the brand. I don't know what hubris means. Cockiness. Just like, yeah. Fuck, I lost my train of thought. Oh, everybody who you guys could think of that made some sort of a post, especially like attacking CrossFit or attacking Dave or just saying any change in general.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Anybody who could think of and again, I know this is anecdotal, so everybody listening is going to be like, well, do they actually contribute in a meaningful way? I don't mean show up and get paid for something. I mean, do they contribute to the CrossFit community in a meaningful way? The athletes? Anybody who you saw pile on? Asking for Dave to get fired? Okay. I think it's cool that Ariel worked out an affiliate and that she shared that story. I think that contributed. I'm a head coach and an affiliate and a level three. Well, then you contribute a lot more.
Starting point is 00:58:17 And my favorite thing to do is nothing more than to coach classes, to give people their first trick pull-up, to teach someone how to do an air squat, to give someone squat therapy. And they go from not being able to buck and squat without their chest nipples hitting the floor to being able to do an overhead squat. Like that's cool. And that's the financial engine of the change to change people's lives. The crazy thing to me though is this. There's been no communication towards like affiliates for any of this. What do you mean? Why did that? Why should
Starting point is 00:58:42 you affiliates? Didn't they do an affiliate town hall today? Why should affiliates give a fuck? They should. I heard they hired. Why should they? No, they instillated. Did you not see? Yes. But listen, who the fuck gets damaged when this thing hits the mainstream media, which it already fucking did. You have teams, you have all the New York Times and all the bullshit coming up across with saying that you're misconstruing what I'm saying and everything else that is the biggest detractor from the community. And that takes away directly from the affiliates and directly from potential cross with people coming in because now they're going to look at it and go, yeah, that's dangerous.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I don't want to go. The PFA doesn't give two shits about the affiliates and they've been, you know that because they've never mentioned them. Exactly. What I'm saying is why should the affiliates give a fuck about the PFAA? They should not. They should not. But the press. We have to give a fuck because they PFA? They should not. They should not. But the press.
Starting point is 00:59:25 We have to give a fuck because they came over, they're kicking up dirt where we make money in our livelihoods and none of them are contributing to the space in a meaningful way. The most important thing I've heard about the PFAA recently was Facundo not having any idea what they do. Nobody fucking knows what they do. I can't wait to have Rich on next week and ask him his affiliation with the PFAA. Yeah. holy shit What about I was are you think crazy? There's a big PFA most of see yeah, the most disgusting part
Starting point is 00:59:51 Whoever is the most money kind of guy the most disgusting part about all these athletes It's like they don't understand that the prize purse that they make at the games is from affiliates and The affiliates buying the shit that they fucking peddle to them with their influence. They do not exist. But they probably should have bought more gold rub. They do not exist without the fucking 20 people in the 7pm class who love to go and take a fucking Fran class and get taught how to do thrusters and pull-ups for the first time and then become obsessed with CrossFit and watch it on TV.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Brent doesn't fucking exist in the world that he does now without that. And it's just so crazy to me how fucking disconnected and out of touch with reality so many of them are. Sorry to be that guy, but ultimately in no way it mattered whether Luca wanted the games to continue or not. That's not true, but that's okay. I'm cool with that. That you think that you don't put the family of the victim in charge of making a key decision. They weren't put in charge of it.
Starting point is 01:00:44 They were asked it. and you have to remember if they weren't asked it, then people would be complaining that they weren't asked it. But also after Dave proposed it to him, Dave also let him off the hook, which is what people are twisting is Dave was saying, nah, nah, nah, you don't have a decision anyway. That's not what he was doing. This dude, this stupid fucking idiot mission bell you guys know, ignore that person
Starting point is 01:01:05 I can't do I was actually I was actually gonna say that was probably the best point that that person no But here's the thing we exist before we don't exist without controversy. Hey, we existed before Lazar died I was literally alive Listen but the athletes don't exist without us And that's a fact. Yeah, I think don't exist without pants. Oh, yeah Stop looking at the athletes and they go away Go keep drinking your oat milk that you milk from the fucking Quaker man's tits and your fucking BPA and all your microplastics In your Teflon you pull up a date. Can you stupid idiot? Yeah, I can
Starting point is 01:01:44 You take your mic over there too, Susan. I can't. Yeah. Brent has a degree, right? He could survive without CrossFit. Could still even program for high rocks. We'll just leave that where it's at. Dave Kester just posted on IG. All right. Let's try. Hold on. Let's see. Is that what you want him to pull up? Yeah. Oh, nice. Have you seen it? No. You've seen it. I've seen it.
Starting point is 01:02:04 I've seen it. I've seen it. I've seen it. I've seen it. I've want him to pull up. Yeah. Oh nice. Have you seen it? No, I've been here. What are the fuck? Good point. Um, I have a handful of people who are probably going to just like jump off whatever bandwagon you think you've jumped on with me here, but I'm still on team Dave and I just need to make sure to make that a very evident damn it You're not gonna understand why you booted her You better Keep going Hiller. Oh Shit, this is crazy. But where I sit with that statement comes from somewhere of it's very similar to the glassman Floyd 19 thing Right. I want to sit back I want to see like everything kind of develop. And I don't want to like, you guys brought up the mob earlier
Starting point is 01:02:48 and I see the mob and it's easy to be in the mob. I don't want to be in the mob. I had no want to be in the mob. I want to hear what the mob has to say, which is why I chill and read it. You don't like it, but I'm like looking at it. Like, okay, what's the mob got to say? Someone has to watch the pitos.
Starting point is 01:03:03 I don't know. Someone's got to keep an eye out for them. Who they are, what they do. I just want to pitos i don't know someone's got to keep an eye out for what who they are what they do i just want to know what they're thinking someone's got and then i also hear everything on the other side i want to try to show it to everybody at the moment it's like barry floyd 19 asks like oh he said something freaking kill him uh i think that gives you more credibility hillar you can point out flaws and still not jump in with the mob. I agree. Yeah. Dude, I've been pointing out flaws and disagreeing with someone's whole time, but everyone wants to fuck it.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Shove it down my throat. As Dave would say, you don't watch your tone, dude. I barely speak and I just get lumped in with you guys every time. Anyways, they just, Mr. Bell's like, Sue's not as smart as he thinks he is. Well, I don't really, I don't really think I'm that smart. So we agree on that point as well too. Mission bell.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Wow. Jimmy L Hiller you are the mob. That's oh Leads the mob Just done and you know what's funny people get starstruck when they see you I've watched it happen more over the years and when we walked into the venue today You don't notice it because you're you but I'm watching the people notice you I know dry hump I've noticing them. Oh, you didn't I notice that they're noticing you put me on notice. No, dude. I got dry humped by a fan Yeah, they stare you down dude. They stare you down and then they they slowly make their approach
Starting point is 01:04:15 Okay, this is from Dave Castro. I heard they rub on them just to get some tea. That's what I do How do you think I'm sitting next to test them? Oh shit. Here we go. Yeah, do you want it? Can you read that you want me to read that on my head? Could you read that? Yeah. Is it a video? I apologize for you guys in advance. I read, it's just a letter. I read Lucas post this morning.
Starting point is 01:04:34 It would like to apologize to him and the entire Dukeage family. I should have never said that the decision to continue the CrossFit games in August was blessed by their family. At the time the decision was made to continue the games and allow in August was blessed by their family. At the time, the decision was made to continue the games and allow our athletes to compete. And we respected those athletes who decided to withdraw. This decision was made by CrossFit, and I never
Starting point is 01:04:55 intended to put the weight of this decision on Luca, the Dukic family, or our CrossFit athletes. I've never been in a situation like this before and I absolutely made a mistake. I sincerely regret any pain I caused. Dave Castro. What was the mistake he made? Did he went forward with the games or did he use the word blessed? Blessed.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Blessed. Are you sure? It says right here, I should have never said that the decision to the continue the CrossFit games in August was blessed. And he put that in quotations by their family. Thank you, Dave. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Uh, so, so are we good? I sure we got a dear Danny and Ariel. I hate his fucking apology. I mean, I think it's appropriate because he's, he, if, if, and I, I'm okay with it. And I put myself in Dave's position right here. I feel like he's more so just speaking directly to Luca and the family because he probably didn't realize it too of what those words did to them and into the situation. And I feel like that was just simply addressed publicly. And he had to, it's the same thing that PFAA did. They went fucking public. I'd like to hear why you hate it too. They went fucking public with demanding. And so like someone said that we're throwing them to the wolves. No, they, they put, they walked out into the street and a gang fight.
Starting point is 01:06:08 And the same thing with Luca Luca made that post publicly. And so Dave has to make this post publicly. He's basically taking the air out of the room. He's like, okay, I didn't say the word blessed. Did anyone of us, we've never once know, I've never heard anyone say, no, Luca's lying. He did use, yeah, he did. He did give it a blessing. Here's the deal. We never said that, right that right we all took Lucas word for it and Dave's coming straight with it. Yeah But like first of all, I don't think it matters Luca had that and Dave's not gonna say this but Luca had the chance to say no he went to the fucking tribute
Starting point is 01:06:37 It's like fuck dude. Hey you smell so bad all your farts So I just, who controls whether or not Dave gets fired in the situation? Does it have anything to do with the fucking- Well, Don's his boss. Right. So Don, is it Don's decision? Do you think Don's taking into account what the woke mob wants?
Starting point is 01:06:57 Yes. You really think he is? Yeah. I think that the company has a huge world contingency and I questioned Don's alignment on that. If that's the case, Don is not as strong as Joe Rogan or Dana White. If that's the case, and Don is considering the desires of the woke mob, he's a fucking asshole and an idiot.
Starting point is 01:07:16 I agree. I mean, I definitely agree. Unless the affiliates were in there. So maybe he's not, but if you are Don, fuck you. What I'll also say- You don't think Don is part of the woke mob? No, not part of the woke mob. I think Dave should have apologized to Luca privately. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to wrongs. What I'm saying is Luca making this public post. Okay. I can get with that.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Two wrongs don't make a right. And if I'm Dave and my decision, I would say, Hey dude, if I really, if I really want to apologize to Luca privately, I'm going to apologize to him. I'm going to apologize to him. I'm going to apologize to him. I'm going to apologize to him. I'm going to apologize to him. I'm going to apologize to him.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I'm going to apologize to him. I'm going to apologize to him. I'm going to apologize to him. I'm going to apologize to him. I'm going to wrongs. What I'm saying is Luca making this public post. Okay. I can get with that. Two wrongs don't make a right. And if I'm Dave, in my decision, I would say, Hey dude, if I genuinely all I care about in that situation is how I made Luca and the family. Well, he has the responsibility to cross it because cross was being attacked. I agree with you. That's what I was going to say. I agree with you though, Taylor. I agree that he should have done it privately, but because these idiots. And maybe he did. did maybe he did and then he also made the post
Starting point is 01:08:08 Right, maybe he did also made the post The other thing I don't like about it is he's taking all this blame for something that to me is again It just is so the only blame is taken for us. He walked up to Lucas right like a fucking man Oh fucking had a conversation, but again Bryson said Luca won't let Dave talk to him. He already said that. Ah, so he doesn't even have the option to reach out to him privately. And at the same time, and Sevan, you had mentioned this, like it's brought out into the public court. And so I think like when that happens, as far as we are now, Dave, number one, I would like to say that Dave took accountability and
Starting point is 01:08:43 responsibility and then apologize about it. So he kind of took the air out of the conversation now. Cause now it's like, okay, so what if these retards get Dave fired, they're done. If they won't get, I don't think they could get a fire. But imagine how cool it would be for us. Well, that's what I see. Imagine how cool it would be for us. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:05 We're so selfish. Oh wow. Guess who's in the comments now? Mike Alpen. Hey, I gotta get his feel off Mike Alpen. This is something we talked about. If you're an athlete who competes in CrossFit, probably- Tommy was sucking Mike Alpen off, by the way. This is why Tommy's such a fucking fucked hard idiot.
Starting point is 01:09:25 If you're an athlete, a professional athlete, professional. If you're a volunteer athlete, if you make your living in CrossFit, the sport of fitness, and you allow Mike Halpin to collaborate or use content of you to promote you and himself, you're a fucking stupid, dumb, idiot motherfucker and I'm going to tell you why. And I'm not using those words because I'm angry I'm using those words to elicit a shock factor and effect from you listening so that maybe I'll take a pause for a second Like oh, I should hear this. He used these big offensive words that make me tingle in my wisdom sleeve
Starting point is 01:10:00 Mike Halpin if another so say Mike Halpin gets a picture of you, makes a post for his known and noble account. He's all fucking, he's all yoked up on how good he is at what he does. He's been doing CrossFit for two whole years and he's running the fucking world now. And he makes a great post and he collaborates with you and you get all this fucking exposure. And another content creator, say like Hiller, who has way more fucking reach than Halpin, grabs that and shares it. Help and reports Hiller and says, Hey, you can't use any of my coolie like John Wooley.
Starting point is 01:10:30 You can't promote that athlete that I'm trying to promote. So you don't get any sort of cross promotion. And in fact, Mike Halpin becomes the sole dictator of who or who cannot or who can and cannot promote you the athlete. And he makes the con other content creators hate you as the athlete fucking work. Yeah, he makes you think you're a fucking bitch. And okay, I'm not going to ever fucking post a picture of that athlete because Mike Alpen is a stinky cunt.
Starting point is 01:10:55 And by the way, none of the good content creators out there protect their shit like that. Like every almost 99% of us are cool with sharing giving but especially for photos do most of photographer will say to you if he's worth half his fucking weight is Hey, dude, can you give me a credit for that? Can you tag? Yeah Hey tag this guy is going out of his way and reporting people or same way John Wooley fucking runs to fucking Don't even bring John Wooley into it. I don't care about Wooley. This is all about helping and him actually going after people who are just trying to promote athletes.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Yep. Yeah, that was Mike helping report. You short-sighted stupid motherfucker. You are the problem with this country, dude. You're part of the fucking problem, dude. You need so much help. I don't think 30 fucking therapists could help you, dude. I don't want a day for a month, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:50 I'm going to pray for you, Mike. No, you're not. Um, we got a wish for his demise. What a douche. Uh, Trevor here in 1999 misspoke and lying are two different things. Correct. Dave certainly misspoke at the games in an impossible situation. Correct. None of which most of you guys could have mentally handled that at all. You'd fucking break
Starting point is 01:12:08 immediately. That does not make him a liar or any of those accusations being thrown at him. People just want someone to hang. Yeah, I agree with you, Trevor. And that being said, I'm also okay if Danny and fucking Ariel are upset, but like to go after Dave and try to hang them, like dude, like what the fuck dude? How about I how about I dig through your shit? If you're an athlete and Mike Halpin takes a picture of you, you should immediately report his account. That's all i'm saying if he takes if he ever takes a picture of me or tags me i'm reporting his fucking account
Starting point is 01:12:40 Don't ever use me to leverage your shitty little fucking brand Mike Patrick Lang says uh this helping guy sounds like a douche. Fucking knock your head off and piss down your neck. Chris Beeser says, uh, Wooly seems manly. I blocked helping so I don't accidentally use any of his pictures ever. Wooly's just stupid and woke. I don't even fucking hate him. He's just an idiot. Alright guys, tomorrow NorCal Classic will be there early. I mean so early So deep I'll be riding if I'm not riding Taylor's cock. I'm riding Colton's cock. I'm not riding Colton's cock
Starting point is 01:13:14 I'm fucking like staring at tutors. I Like how you had to change? If you're paying a photographer out here this weekend and they're taking pictures Did I just hope you know if they take a picture of me fucking lawsuits coming your way you stupid fuck um Thank you, uh, very poignant Uh, i'm really i'm really excited powerful statement. If you're anywhere near sacramento, you should go to this event this This uh, I give the venue a 10 out of 10. The water is absolutely beautiful
Starting point is 01:13:43 I watched taylor swim in it today. The venue is, it's so cozy. It's outdoor. It's exactly the way Greg Glassman wanted the games to be. It feels like Woodstock. It feels like a concert. We saw them set up the super rig. I don't know what it's called.
Starting point is 01:13:57 The stages are really close to each other. There's actually a building there that's, on top of all the insane vendors that are there, there's actually a building there that's like, on top of all the insane vendors that are there. There's actually a building there that's like will be like selling hot dogs and hamburgers and all that. Hopefully they have some booze for people. It's going to be an amazing time. Definitely a place you bring your family. What's the most popular picture in the history of CrossFit? The one I took.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Oh dude, Tia Bucken. Oh yeah, for sure. The one at the pool, dude. Matt Chan, Jason Kleep on Rich Froning. Everybody knows that pic. Oh, that's a sick pic. How many times do you think that's been shared? Without, without your consent. I have 25 open, oh, thousands. Dude, 25 open lawsuits. Hey, hey, he's still reporting it.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Here's the thing, step on, step on. Does other people sharing that picture without asking or crediting you take away from your success from taking that picture? No, every time it, my dick grows one millimeter every time someone throws it. So this is how retarded Halpin is. He thinks Hiller sharing a picture without crediting him
Starting point is 01:14:49 somehow takes away from his success without understanding that the more people share pictures of people doing CrossFit, the more people watch CrossFit, enjoy CrossFit, probably go and follow a page like Known and Knowable and the space grows. Because he's not a man of God, he doesn't understand giving yet. Yeah, he doesn't understand an abundance mindset
Starting point is 01:15:05 He has a scarcity Hold on I got a solution this whole thing's gonna be fixed just watermark it next time. Oh Watermark it. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. We got Anthony TPA. Hiller looks better than a strong woman athlete Thank God. Okay, helping looks like a pad of john young's jacking off to hilla right now We got uh, yes. Trevor again here. Yeah, it's fine. They're upset but many will regret stupid things They've said publicly in all of this piece of love And they will hey just another reason why the games would be shut down to protect the freaking stupid people like uh chris inshaw And here's the other thing do remember
Starting point is 01:15:42 I think Chris Inchaw. And here's the other thing. Do remember half those fucking people with the black fucking squares and the I'm out fucking regret it. So, so don't forget it. I think that most of them pulled it down. Like if you go into the old, if you tape it into Google, like black squares, like figure out who posted them and you follow the hyperlinks, they're all gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:59 If you can't remember, it's June, Tuesday, June 2nd or something. Dude, someone crazy made a post earlier in the comments about like, that's not according to the January 6th, 2021. Most conservatives were really angry and just how ridiculous, how stupid of a person Mission Bell posts that how stupid do you have to be to actually not under just to fucking believe that entire fucking hoax. A Supreme Court overruled all of the fucking felony charges. I know.
Starting point is 01:16:29 And gave them misdemeanor trespassing because nothing they did was outside of fucking protesting the way any other group protests. In fact, what they didn't do, they didn't burn small businesses, they didn't fucking rape and pillage, they didn't fucking burn city streets and destroy small companies like all the Floyd 19 or the fucking, you know, George Floyd riots. I, I stayed. All these
Starting point is 01:16:51 fucked the people who fucking rioted on Instagram did worse than the January six people anyways. They got Greg fired and they got cross it fucking destroyed. This is the thing, dude. I stayed on the street, uh, for Granite games, 2021 that they did those marches on. I went for a fucking jog before Granite Games that year. And I got it. I was going to meet your house tomorrow. I got a half mile. I got a half a mile down the road and every fucking business was boarded up and burned out a fucking husk.
Starting point is 01:17:15 It looked like a war zone, dude. It looked like, oh yeah, dude, you should have seen downtown LA. It was crazy. You even talking about the riots, the riots after George. Because this lady goes, I said, Sevan asked who gets more angry, woke, libtard bucks or conservative people. And I said, woke, libtard fucks. She's like, not according to January 6th, 2021. Oh, you got us. You just actually ousted yourself that you've been quadruple vaccinated. And, uh, one more quick question,
Starting point is 01:17:42 um, from Constance here. Can you all tell us that there's a live stream? All right, Constance. Hi, by the way, I appreciate your comments. And even though I think you're off I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 01:17:52 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 01:18:00 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. Iue is sick. It is just like crazy. Cool. Yeah. I can't wait. It is going to be 105 degrees. It will be the, uh, will be the hottest event that I've ever, uh, way hotter than Carson ever was, but it's great.
Starting point is 01:18:17 They gave me a big NorCal hat. Um, as long as the cameras don't overheat, we should be fine tomorrow. All right, guys. Ready, Suze? Any final words? Anyone want to say anything? I'm tired. Chill out. Chill out. All right. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Peace and love. Don and Dave, hang in there. They don't have any, the mob doesn't have any money and the athletes have no value. They just have a lot of influence. Love you guys. Bye bye.

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