The Sevan Podcast - Maddie Sturt - NEVER GIVE UP | Games Bound

Episode Date: August 2, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We have we ever done a show? Uh I don't think so actually. I don't think so either. Oh good. I'm glad you don't remember either Okay, but you're not certain if I pulled one up you'd be like, oh shit. Okay, we did. Yeah No, I don't remember. I think i've just watched a lot of jay doing shows Oh, so you're not sure what? Yeah, so it's all fucking garbled in your brain. Yeah good my brain too. I just picked this from my yard Oh nice, and I tried to leave it in the kitchen. But is that a cucumber? Arvis rule don't eat on the show but I'm like oh you're coming with me buddy.
Starting point is 00:00:35 You're coming with me. Oh god I love a fresh cucumber. You ever picked a cucumber from a garden? Uh yeah my mom used to try and grow a lot of veggies. That's actually my plan when we get harm is setting up my own veggie garden. You look, you and Jay look like you got a little dirt twirler in you. A little what? A little dirt twirler, like a little hippie, a little like homesteading. Like I could see you guys like, you know, um, retiring onto a, some acreage and running around and yeah, like I see it in you.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah. That's, that's the dream. Yeah. Yeah. Those are my, maybe that's why I have such a, a dirt toilet. A hippie person that doesn't shower. Mostly these people follow events or bands that most or all people don't shower. We shower.
Starting point is 00:01:25 That's, that's a bit too much. Do you soap in your hair? Yeah. Shampoo conditioner. Oh, OK. I'm not. You'll get there, dear. You'll get there. Shampoo is Satan's Satan's Satan's lube. You'll get there.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I think I like I sweat too much. I gotta wash my hand. Yeah, I understand. But you just gotta give it like a week or two and all the oils get in there and it gets all thick and... Nah. We'll see. I bet you will stay in touch over the next 10 years.
Starting point is 00:02:02 You'll be there. Maddie Maddie stir I titled the show I just went in and change the title never gives up Yeah, that's nice. I like that, dude. I Wonder if anyone has ever been gone For four made it to the games not only made to the games yours bona fide veteran for four made it to the games Not only made to the games yours bona fide veteran Four years not at the games and then comes back Yeah, you can I bet you you're in a hole. I bet you there. I bet you you ever heard anyone
Starting point is 00:02:38 Uh, I don't think so Um, I mean ricky ricky, but he popped so it's a little different. That's different. Yeah. I know Will Morad missed a lot in a role. But yeah, that's all I know of. It's pretty crazy. Did you go to semi-finals all four of those years? Yeah, I did. And when you would go to those semi-finals, did you look and you're like,
Starting point is 00:03:05 fucking Tia, damn it. The irony is you're with the fucking the greatest ever now. But was it hard being in that? You guys only get three people and you're like, fuck, it really is only two people. Yeah, basically. If Tia's there, you know, a spot's gone. Yeah, like it's competition, I guess. Like everyone's showing up.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Everyone wants a game spot. Did you, um, did you always think though, regardless, like those four years you were there, did you think, okay, I'm going to the games? Like, would you go there? Like thinking you were going to go to the games? Uh, no, I I mean I like that I was going there too like my goal was to qualify but like it yeah Anything can happen in competition. You never you never know Like who's doing what or who's feeling what so yeah?
Starting point is 00:03:58 Anything can happen In truly if I if I may and I'm open to being wrong if you have a different opinion, but truly the only real competition Tia ever had who was a threat was also from Australia, which was a healthy car, Saunders is a fucking complete nightmare. Yeah. Yeah, it's nuts. It's nuts. It's kind of crazy, Kara never won the game for just... It shows you that it has to be... You have to be perfect and everything has to go your way. Yeah. Yeah, nuts.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And then this year... This year, event one first place, event two first place, event three first place. Were you just tripping? Yeah, yeah I was. It was pretty cool. I think prior to this year, I had only ever won one semi-final or like yeah, semi-final event. So to then do that
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah, I was like what's going on? This is pretty cool Yeah, crazy and then event six first place Yeah, which I Mean really how tall are you? Not quite five foot three, okay, and how much do you weigh? About 64 kilos, which is about, it's about 140 pounds. Okay. That's, I wonder if you're the smallest athlete going to the games.
Starting point is 00:05:36 I have definitely always been one of the smallest. So yeah, probably. So event six, really you have no business winning event six either. I mean, I mean, all the girls can do muscle ups But the bike can't be your thing and then you have to purchase those dumbbells and then the dumbbells weigh as much as you Right were they 70 pounds each? Yes
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yeah, they were 70s. Wasn't it? Yeah, I think so Yeah, they were heavy, but I was not gonna put them down. You made it all the way across without putting them down. Yeah Crazy oh, can you walk me through that workout? So you're on the bike What do you see when you get okay? Go ahead? Good Honest that's the only event coming away from Sammy's that I was a little bit disappointed in Because like my plan was to hit the bike do do the muscle ups unbroken, and then lunge unbroken. But I got two no reps on my muscle ups, so I had to come down and break them.
Starting point is 00:06:32 So yeah, that's the workout that I am a bit annoyed about, to be honest. Half the girls in the field didn't make it. They got capped. half the girls in the field didn't make it. They got capped. So basically you're disappointed, but you got half the time of the girls in the field. So you go, you get on the bike and you do the bike. And when you get off the bike, do you look,
Starting point is 00:07:00 are there other people getting off before you? I think I was, I think like there was a few people all getting off at the same time. It was kind of what it was. Like, yeah, like you could definitely go out too hot on the bike. So it was about finding that pace where you were able to get off, jump up, do the muscle ups
Starting point is 00:07:19 and then still be able to lunge your way down the field all the way to the end. And how hard would you say you were going on the bike? Like 90%? Uh, I can't really remember to be honest, but yeah, it was not, not a full throttle, not a full send. But hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Uh, someone asked what flavor I'm drinking. I'm drinking juicy apple and you can get Fide for 40% off, uh, point your phone at a Maddie's Sturt's face and then off into the corner. Okay. And then you grab those rings and in Maddie Sturt's mind, she's going to do all 15. Yeah. And where does the first no rep come?
Starting point is 00:08:00 I don't remember, but there was two. And so I was like, well, I think I need to come down and break this up now. So two in the first set even. I'm pretty sure it was two in the first set. Okay. This is a long time ago now, Savan. I've done a lot of work out since then. I love your brain.
Starting point is 00:08:18 It makes me, it makes me feel like I almost have a good memory. And then do you, so then do you finish it in a second, Seth? Yeah. Yeah. Do you know what you were no rep for? I think I was no rep for like pushing away whilst looking out, like not looking out over the top of the rings. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Okay. So not that you didn't lock out, but you didn't lock out over the rings. Yeah. And then you come down and do you do, you're not going to probably remember this, do you do any dilly-dallying? Do you chalk your hands? Do you, is there any?
Starting point is 00:08:55 No, I didn't chalk my hands. I don't think I pulled my knee sleeves off. I think I already had them up. I think I went, just went to the dumbbells. I might have spun my grips around. I'm not sure And then you pick them up and um, do they they do they feel like anything to you or do you have so much adrenaline? You're like, whatever um
Starting point is 00:09:14 No, I had a lot of adrenaline at this point. Like I just wanted to Yeah to get this workout done and and to Solidify the weekend and and get my games ticket And do you know where the other girls are when you pick up the dumbbells? Like, you look over. I think there was maybe like one person out with me, and it might have been Georgia Pryor. But again, sorry for the lack of memory.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I appreciate the consistency. And good time for a bite of cucumber. appreciate the consistency and good time for a bite of cucumber. You pick them up and you start lunging. Um, you know, right away, you're not going to put it down. There wasn't like your coach that you didn't have a plan, like at the halfway point, put them down. No, no, it was go all the way to the end. Obviously like if something was to happen, like to be smart and not be that, that
Starting point is 00:10:08 person that's taken their grip to complete failure and then can't finish the lunch. But yeah, I was just sort of going by feel, but it was just full steam ahead. And as you cross, are they peeling out of your hands? No. Your little tiny 140 pound, five foot three hands that are not peeling out? No. And boys and girls use the same dumbbells, right? Same handle, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah, they don't got, I've never heard of a girl's dumbbell. No. Oh, look at you. Look at you. Is that, is that her right there? Oh yeah, you're good. Okay. On the bottom here and then Georgia priors off to the left and the
Starting point is 00:10:49 Could we rewind even ten seconds? Yeah, sure. Maybe try to invigorate stimulate Maddie's Memory, how about even? Okay. Yeah, let's see. Let's watch. Oh wait before you go. Who are those other girls? Let's watch. Oh wait before you go. Who are those other girls? Uh-huh and Georgia prior. Oh, I always think they're the same person. Those are two different girls, huh? Yes, all right now I believe it okay, I always thought that that was some sort of conspiracy that it was just the same girl twice Okay. Here we go Maddie's for stirred event six
Starting point is 00:11:25 They're about halfway down the field right now, this is Georgia prior What the fuck? Oh, hey, here we go Georgia fire drops them crazy Walton's dropped him in the back And then final step for Maddie Dang Crazy For Maddie. Dang. Crazy. Crazy, dude. Wow. Your grip strength is just
Starting point is 00:11:54 savage? Yeah, I'd say I've got pretty good grip strength. For things like that, yeah. In your four years that you had off, whoa, whoa, whoa, Chris. Sevan, can you tell me how socialist Australia is in much worse position than the US Biden administration soon to be Harris administration?
Starting point is 00:12:20 Can we do that later? I would love to do that. Thank you. Okay. I apologize on behalf of Chris Giles. Has your body composition changed at all in the four years that you had off? After going to Queensland with Jay and Jay and Tia training for Rogue. Last year.
Starting point is 00:12:47 So last year. Yeah, before Rogue, like we went out there so Jay could get some training with Tia before Rogue. Shane sort of said to me like, look, if you can try and put on a little bit of size, that's going to go in your favor here, like especially for not just lifting, but even like output on machines. So that was sort of my goal to try and to gain a little bit of size or ideally just lean muscle mass. So yeah, I actually am heavier. Like this time last year, I was lighter than what I am.
Starting point is 00:13:24 So yeah, that's changed, but that's only been within the last year. Wasn't there a year that you put on like 10 or 15 pounds on your deadlift too? Wasn't there some event I remember like four or five years ago? Did you have a really good deadlift event or something? Maybe, or maybe it was one of the years you didn't make it. You had a good deadlift event. What was that? Does that ring a bell? No.
Starting point is 00:13:48 There was in the last chance qualifier, there was a three hour deadlift. Is that what you mentioned? I just remember one time you did good. Now that I think about it, I think maybe it still wasn't good enough, but you performed at a really high level and something that you shouldn't have. And I thought it was the deadlift or something, that it was like, oh yeah, Maddie's been really working on her deadlift. And you know, you somehow, you know, over a year, you'd put 10 or 15 pounds on your
Starting point is 00:14:15 deadlift, which is crazy, you know, with your size and the level you're at already. I think deadlifts have always been a good movement for me. Okay. Okay. Well, fuck, I don't know what I'm talking about either. Okay. Um, and in how old are you? I'm 27. So what was how old were you the first year you made it to the games? 19. 19. So you went when you were 19, 20, 21, and 22. Yeah. And then you had four years off and now you're back. Yeah. Is this the best Maddie Sturt in all those years?
Starting point is 00:15:00 Oh, fuck yeah. Yeah. Hands down, like no questions about that at all. Are you more confident now than you were in your fourth year in going to the games? I'd say yeah. I think like I definitely had some doubts like I suppose I just feel like it's been such a long time like Michael What does it feel like like I don't it's been so long I don't remember or like what to expect and especially it's it's a new year But I guess it's a new year for everyone like a new venue But yeah, no definitely confident definitely Like believing in my in the training that we're doing
Starting point is 00:15:44 when you look back at and definitely believing in the training that we're doing. When you look back at 19 year old Maddie, is that young lady Maddie, and now you're just a full woman? Does it feel different? You look back and be like, fuck, I was a kid. Yeah, I was a kid back then, it's pretty crazy. And yeah, especially those first two years, I was a kid back then. It's pretty crazy. And yeah, especially like those first two years, I was just so nervous. And because I had grown up, like watching the CrossFit Games and idolizing these women and then all of a sudden women that I'd been watching over the years growing up
Starting point is 00:16:25 was just, that was crazy. And yeah, I just felt like a little deer in headlights back then. Are you, when you're around people like Jay who are on like a, it's pretty obvious that he's on like a confidence rocket ship, right? Every year he's just been getting better and better He looks taller. You know what I mean? He carries himself different. He's got like, you know, he's got a little more swagger
Starting point is 00:16:52 He's getting you know, he seems like more Ricky than Ricky Gerard esque You know what I mean? Just like the way he just is just hanging out and just like waiting till they open the gate and then he bucks like, you know He's the crazy bull and then also same with Tia, are you gleaning? That, are you getting any of that demeanor from them? I hope so. Like I'm really trying like, yeah, surround yourself with people that you wanna be like, right?
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah, I've always looked up to Jay with his confidence and how he's believed in himself. Like over the last four years, I've been just watching that thinking like, man, how can I get that for myself basically? I mean, look at you here. This was a fun session. I mean, you look like a fucking, I mean mean you look like five Olympians wrapped into one.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Maybe not on those hurdles but. Damn. How long have you been in Nashville? About four weeks now. And are you, have you gone into into are you in rest mode yet? Yeah, we're in D load mode now, so we're still training, but it's yeah, not not as much volume And we go to Texas on Sunday Is it unsettling at all or nerve-wracking to be in D load mode like?
Starting point is 00:18:23 at all or nerve wracking to be in deload mode? Like you feel like you could be losing something or you're not practicing, is it hard to chill? No, not at the moment. Like it's definitely needed. So yeah, just using the next few days to sort of rest, recover and get the energy levels back. And then yeah, we'll be ready to ready to go next week In your what what sports did you play sports before crossfit as a as a kid? Um, I did Uh, but I started crossfit when I was really young. So
Starting point is 00:19:00 Like it it was always sort of the main thing, but I was also into athletics. Which ones? I liked the sprints, so 100 and 200, and I liked the throwing events. Which throwing, really? Yeah, like shot put, javelin, discus. Holy shit, and you're too little for that too, but that was your thing.
Starting point is 00:19:23 That's supposed to be the big fat girls yeah I know That must have been crazy out there you must did you compete in that in meets um Yeah, and yeah as the sort of levels progressed I would show up and then yeah all of a sudden I was up against some pretty big girls Yeah, you would probably go out there would be I'm guessing 300 pound girls you're going up against girls who are twice your size 280 pound girls like giant women, right? Well, this this was going back when I was pretty young like still in in high school So I guarantee you in nashville. They have a 400 pound female, uh
Starting point is 00:19:57 Shot putter the girls do all those do girls do javelin shot put and discus. Those are both boy and girl sports. Yeah In the olymp Olympics too. Yeah Hmm, and you did all three of those? Yeah, I like them. Oh, that's cool. How did you get into that? Did someone recruit you for that? No, when I was really a little my mom just put me into little athletics Obviously like the throwing events sort of came later. But yeah but yeah, I was definitely into running when I was younger. That would be like if when I went away to college, my mom's like, oh, you should try
Starting point is 00:20:31 getting on the rowing team. It was prior to the internet, but I just did a little research. I'm like, is my mom out of her fucking mind? These are fucking giants. I'm going is my mom out of her fucking mind These are fucking giants. What am I I'm gonna be like I'm gonna have I'm gonna be like the coxman This is the current the current record holder in Nashville for shot put in high school, by the way Well, oh, yeah, Mattie. You're as big as one of her legs. Holy cow Wow Yeah, look they even said holy cow. I didn't think I didn't think of all of that look at they even got a holy cow
Starting point is 00:21:06 in there Yeah, that's that's who I picture you went against yeah, that's pretty crazy In in your in your sporting career Is there is there a hardship that stands out above all the others one? That's like that one was that one almost took me out or that was the hardest thing to overcome. Hmm. I don't think so. I feel like I've been pretty lucky. Like, I guess not making the games the first couple of years was pretty hard. And then I think I took it better in the later two years. But yeah, I suppose that that
Starting point is 00:21:51 yeah, that was just a journey. Like that was a bit bit up and down. But I feel like, yeah, we've we've come a long way since then. Did you ever in those four years off reside reside resigned to the fact that you're never going to the games? Like, did you feel like there was an arc to you? Like, oh, fuck, I'm so pissed. I'm gonna go again. I can't believe I didn't make it.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And then fail again and then fuck it, I'm never going. Was there an arc to that? I think there was definitely times where I fell out of love with CrossFit. But I think that's the reason why I've kept trying is because every time I was so damn close, I'm like, I'm too close to give up. Like it's literally within my reach. So what was your worst you did at semifinals in those four years? Fifth.
Starting point is 00:22:47 And did the, and was it, I'm guessing it was really close. And they were taking three at the time? Yeah. And I'm guessing it was really close. The third, like third, fourth and fifth were really close. Yeah, most likely. And were you always pretty, were you always in control of your destiny too? I'm guessing being that you were in fifth, meaning like going to the final event, like
Starting point is 00:23:12 you always still had a little bit of the dream alive. Yeah, and especially like last year too, like I was going into that event last year, like ready to to rip its head off as well. And what happened in a time ago? You can't bank on the last event saving you. Like it's too competitive. You need to be on your game the whole time. And now you're going to the games and you know, it's kind of crazy there.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I forget who I was chatting with this, but there's a first place winner in all the regionals, right, all the semi-finals. And there's seven of them. And the best, one of them is gonna do seventh or worst, even though they won their semi-final. There's only seven spots at the top. One of them may even take like 30th, right?
Starting point is 00:24:01 Or 40th. And it's just, it's a a what a wild ride way now this next level of competition is on a whole nother level right yeah the games is a whole nother beast not even close to semi-finals not even close and so rookies who are nervous the word to them was be like yeah you should be nervous as fuck. Right? I mean, there's not like, yeah, yeah. I mean, like, I remember years ago, like, yeah, even getting through the weekend is hard. So it's a lot. It's like, it's double the events that you do. In a girl who are all the best. Pardon? With girls who are all the best. Yeah. the best. Pardon? With girls who are all the best. Yeah, yeah. There's some fierce girls there.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It must be, it must be weird for Tia because she has nowhere to turn because she's just a human too and she has all the doubts that everyone else has but she has nowhere to turn. It would be like hearing Taylor Swift complain about like something in her life and everyone's like fuck you have a private jet and all the money in the world But the truth is is that tia still has to go up there? And there's 39 girls just fucking after her Like it's not like but she can't she can't like show one iota of weakness Yeah, well it and she won it and she won't. And she won't. Yeah. Yeah, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. Um, when you were when you were a kid and you were playing sports, you didn't have any, um, you didn't have any hardships. You didn't have any like, you didn't do anything for like 10 years,
Starting point is 00:25:41 and then you had to quit. There was nothing that you were in for a long time and it was hard, hard to switch. No, I like, as I said, I was starting to get pretty into sprinting. And I finally had like a sprinting coach at one point and he sort of said like, look, you going to the CrossFit gym and doing like like Murph isn't actually helping your sprinting anymore So if you like want to take this seriously, then you might need to pull back on the crossfit side of things So I remember like having to sort of make that decision and I ended up Going with CrossFit. Oh taking that more. And how old were you when that happened? I was probably like 15.
Starting point is 00:26:30 How old were you when you met Jay? I think Jay and I officially met in like 2018. Just through like sponsors I guess. Like through the CrossFit team. So six years ago when you were 21. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:49 And you were a games athlete and he was just some scrub. Yeah. Well, I think he was a team's games athlete then. Like I said, a scrub. I want to get back to a UNJ meeting in one second. So you found CrossFit when you were 13, you said? Yeah. And how did that happen?
Starting point is 00:27:17 My mom started and she thought that firstly that I would probably like it and that it would be sort of like a healthy positive environment for me, like especially like a young teen girl sort of going into like those teenage years where girls will drop out of sport. And she wanted to make sure that my sister and I still stay in sport or did some form of exercise and stayed healthy. And how old is your sister older or younger? She's younger.
Starting point is 00:27:48 How many years younger? Four years. Oh, so she started with you when she was nine. Uh, no, she probably like, I think she was would have been there like kicking around, but yeah, no, she didn't start too late. She was probably a bit too young. But she was in the environment. Yeah. And did you do a kids class?
Starting point is 00:28:07 No, there was no kids classes around back then. Oh That's an old photo that's cool. Are you in there? Yeah Yeah, and what your sister's on the right? Yeah. Oh she got got the height. Oh, no, but you're leaning over a little bit Yeah, so how tall is your mom four foot eleven Yeah, mom shorter than me she's definitely she's a definite five two Crazy. Oh, I'll tell you this you guys all look tall in the picture. You can't tell all your proportions are good No, they're all got high shoes on in that photo. Okay God your mom must be so proud of you.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Yeah. So she takes you there. Is your mom still doing CrossFit, Maddie? No, not anymore. She's just in like a, she goes to Globo Gym. But she's still training. She works out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Is your real name Madeline? Yes. And what's your middle name? Joel Joel Madeline Joel Stewart And what why is that funny? It's just funny. It sounds real Proper. Yeah real proper. Not only well start and Madeline Joel Stewart. Oh, who are you named after? You know how you got your name? No, no one. Mom just liked it.
Starting point is 00:29:28 So you're in there at 13, and did you like it right away? Yeah, I thought it was awesome. And what did you like about it at 13? I felt like there was just so much to do, so many different movements, so much to learn. And I thought that lifting weights was pretty cool. And like back then, mom sort of thought like, I shouldn't lift too heavy while being so young.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Like there was still sort of that stigma, I guess. Like your growth plates could get damaged or something like that. Yeah, so like when she wasn't looking, I'd be trying to like put more weight on my bar just to see what I could do. Yeah, good for you. Awesome. We'll get, let's take a small break. Madeline Joelle Sturt, I'm rooting for you Maddie. Are you still vegan? I am vegetarian. You're a veg, meaning vegan you
Starting point is 00:30:21 only eat plants and vegetarian you you would eat like an egg? Yeah, eggs and like dairy. And does that change throughout the season? Like do you go through vegan and vegetarian stages depending on where you are in your training? No, I'm typically always having eggs. Why did you switch from being vegan to vegetarian? I was trying to be as vegan as possible, I guess, but yeah, it just wasn't happening. Like I've never had a lot of dairy, but I would just include it sometimes like when
Starting point is 00:30:59 I wanted like chocolate and ice cream and stuff like that. So I've still always sort of been like that since not eating meat, I guess. But now you're incorporated. Now you're, I'm guessing you're waking up every morning and it's like four eggs. Yeah. And why do you feel like that? Is that performance related? Um, or is that Shane telling you, hey, fatten up a little bit? Or is that Shane telling you, hey, fatten up a little bit? I think the food is coming. No, look, I did want to still include eggs when I made the switch with my diet, because I have chickens.
Starting point is 00:31:32 So I was like, well, I know where these eggs are coming from. Dirt twirler, Caleb, she got chickens. That's another fucking data point, dirt twirler. Remember she's not, I promise you in 10 years, she won't be washing her hair. Go on. So you had chickens and so you felt obligated to eat the eggs? Yeah. And I did go off eggs for a little bit, but then I bought them back in.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah. Hey, do you think I should get chickens? Chickens are awesome. Everyone should get chickens. It's not, you don't think it's like, like I would like to get them and I would like my kids to raise them and I'd like to have the fresh eggs, but you don't think like I'm romanticizing it
Starting point is 00:32:10 and like two months in I'm gonna be like, fuck, why'd I do this? This is so much work. I don't think they're that much work. I think they're pretty chill. And especially if you like have a yard that you could let them roam around in. I think, and your kids would probably love it.
Starting point is 00:32:24 And who watches them when you're out of town? Jay's parents or family. Oh, that's really cool. Do you and Jay live together? Yeah. Oh shit, that's serious. How long have you guys lived together? Well, we've lived together since like 2020, but we bought a house in September last year. Did you guys move in together on like, did you guys live together on accident?
Starting point is 00:32:51 Like you spent the night at his house or he spent the night at your house and then it was like three days on one day off, then four days on one day off, then like three months you're there like fucking hard to go into my house, get my shit. Well, I'm so I'm from Sydney, which is a different state to Jay. Like I'm from New South Wales. So it's like where I'm from and where Jay's from is about nine, 10 hours. Um, and we were, it's funny story. We were in Bali.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Um, Oh, I miss my dogs. Don't do that to me. Oh my God. That guy is Don't do that to me. Oh my God. That guy is dope. Is that a lab or is that like some sort of hunting dog? Nah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:31 He's a German shorted pointer. Oh, he is so cute. I always wanted a pointer. And then you got an old rescue dog. Yeah. He's my old rescue dog. Okay. He's 112.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I could tell. Yeah. Nice quad. Look at, look at your legs. Jesus. Okay. He's 112. I could tell. Yeah. Nice quads. Look at, look at your legs. Jesus. You look like you're five, seven. Okay. Go on.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Okay. So tell me the funny story. Um, we were in Bali, like on a holiday and, uh, we were the first flight to land back in Australia when you had to then quarantine like COVID was just starting. And so I was like, well, I'll come to Melbourne with you. We'll do the two weeks quarantine together and then I'll go home to Sydney. And then- Were you in the waiting at that time? Yeah. Okay. And then while we were in our two weeks quarantine, Australia locked down. And so I was just like, I live in Melbourne now.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Wow. That's awesome. Wow. Did you write a letter to your president? Dear, I don't know who your president is. Are you a prime minister? Thank you for the lockdown. I made it so Jay couldn't get away.
Starting point is 00:34:38 How was Jay? Did he get, some guys could get, or even girls, people could get squirmished. Was he getting squirmish or is he cool? No, he was cool. He was the one saying to me like that I could move down. But at that point, I was like, I don't want to move like I was happy where I was. Either of you ever do any crazy shit? Like when you first started dating, like you guys are talking on the phone talking on the phone, and then one of you loses your mind, you're like, fuck it, I'm jumping in my car and driving to come see you. talking on the phone, talking on the phone, and then one of you loses your mind, you're like, fuck it, I'm jumping in my car and driving to come see you. Um, no, not when drove, but we were like sort of flying back and forth on weekends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Like crazy, like, like, like ridiculous shit. Like, well, I can only come for a day, but I want to see you. Yeah, basically it wasn't just a day, but yeah, it was a, it was a pretty quick turnaround. Isn't that part of life great? You're going to get old and you're not even going to be able to feel that passion anywhere else in your life, but congratulations that you had it at once. It just completely goes away. It's so weird. Yeah. So it's so weird. Okay, so going back to,'re you're 13 and you're in the gym and
Starting point is 00:35:50 At some point do you start thinking oh, I'm pretty good at this like you're starting to like beat the adults Um No, I don't think so like I think there was like at that point in time in that gym there was Justine base and Courtney Fitzharris. So Justine's been to the games as an individual and on a team and Courtney's been on a team. So I was always sort of looking at them and like watching them and I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:15 oh, maybe one day I'll be as good as them. But like I obviously, I wasn't at that point in time. And how were they with you? Were they cool? Like they've become patch you on the head. Good job. Yeah, they were cool. They were older than me.
Starting point is 00:36:28 But yeah, no, they were cool. And then when you were 13, how often were you doing it? Well, honestly, at that point, I was probably just trying to do it as much as I could. Like as many times as my mom or grandparents would drop me there. So it was, it was like that you'd, you would be like, Hey, can you take me to a crossfit class?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah. And you started doing them immediately without your, even if your mom wasn't doing it, you liked it so much. You would just do them go do a class. Yeah. And your grandparents would just like sit there. Like I sit there when my kids do jujitsu. Um, no, they would leave and come back.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Oh, okay. I can't do that. I ain't leaving my kids. Yeah, other parents do that with their kids too. I ain't leaving my kids. I'd have never left you, Maddie. If I was your dad, I'd have never left you. Be like, hey, stay away from my daughter. Don't work out next to her. And so, and what was the name of that gym? The first gym I started in was CrossFit Penrith. Penrith? And so, and what was the name of that gym? The first gym I started in was CrossFit Penrith. Penrith? Penrith, yeah. Penrith, what's that mean? Oh, that's just the name of the suburb.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Okay. And then, so you're there and how long are you there? And then, is there, what was the next step? Did you do a comp finally? What was the next step? Did you do a comp finally? I think we ended up moving gyms and following Justine and Courtney back then, like the crew that we were friends with, we followed them.
Starting point is 00:37:59 But yeah, I made regionals in 2014 when I was 17 and still in school. Um, so yeah, that was like a pretty cool experience. Were you trying to make it or was it kind of on accident? You were just doing the open and you did well and. Oh, I was, I wanted to make it, but I didn't know like if I could. Um, so yeah, like that, that was awesome. And then the next year, obviously
Starting point is 00:38:26 I really wanted to make it. I wanted to go back and I didn't make it. And that lit the fire. And what gym was that at? Uh, CrossFit in a pan. That's you. Crazy. Look how long your, is your hair that long now? Yeah, it's still that long. Oh. Oh, what? Uh, that's 530 weeks ago. That's... Oh my god. That's uh... That's 10 years ago. Oh my gosh. That's crazy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Okay, so, uh, made it 17. 18 don't make it, lights a fire under your ass. And what is that? What does that look like? Train more, eat better, go sleep more. What does that look like? Yeah, all of the above. And then and then you make it to the games. Yeah, made it back to regional so as far as I was concerned that was my goal like
Starting point is 00:39:26 tick and then all of a sudden day three last workout I was in contention for a games ticket. And who went to the games that year from Australia? year from Australia? Uh, Tia, Kara, Alethea, and... Wow. Crazy. Probably Justine. And you? I think.
Starting point is 00:39:58 God, um, it's funny when I don't talk to Australians, I could give two shits, but when I talk to you now, I'm like, how crazy is it that you got every year? It's just different. You never know how many people are going. Yeah. Four or five. So you had five people go that year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 So every regionals we, well, from when, when I was at regionals, it was always five spots. Okay. And now it's not though. Yeah. And then it dropped to, well, then we went through the like, what were they? Were they sanctionals? Okay. Where it was like one spot.
Starting point is 00:40:31 It went down to one spot? Yeah. Were they sanctionals like through like the 2019, 2020? I can't even remember. So there were times when Australia only got one spot. Yeah. Holy shit. Yeah. Holy shit crazy. Um, and then it went to what it is now, which was three spots. And then this year we got four. Four. And this year it was, um, let me see, uh, are all these girls new
Starting point is 00:41:00 except for you who are going? Yeah. All the other girls are rookies. It's awesome. Uh, Grace Walton, Maddy Sturt, uh, Daisy McDonald, uh, Georgia prior. Oh, I had Daisy McDonald on. She was great. Yeah. Daisy's cool. I thought I had Grace Walton on before with her boyfriend, but maybe I have
Starting point is 00:41:19 her confused with someone else. Does she have a boyfriend? Yeah. She does. Or maybe I watched a podcast and I thought it was my own podcast. Yeah, that's cool. Man, Daisy's so pumped. Yeah, Daisy's awesome. She, she's from like the same area as where we live now. We were dropping into the gym she trains at to do our open workout. So it was really cool. dropping into the gym she trains out to do our open workout. So it was really cool.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And then in 2021, you went to a sponsor shoot promo and there was Jay Crouch. Well, like, yeah, I guess 2018, 2019. So is that the first time you saw him? You showed up to some sponsorship event and there's that dude? Yeah, basically. And um, what sponsor was it? Do you remember? Reebok. Reebok, okay. And where was the event? Um, back then Reebok used to do like athlete summits, which was pretty cool. Um, and we would go to like to do like athlete summits, which was pretty cool. And we would go to like Bali or Thailand or we did, we even did one in Queensland where like they sort of got all their athletes together and we could do training and activities. Oh shit. Okay. So it wasn't, oh, look at this,
Starting point is 00:42:36 this Shane Russell guy looks like Chris Speiler. That's who I thought that was. And Rob Forte is there. Yeah, that's cool as shit. I don't see you though. Are you there? Yeah, that's me there in the middle. Oh, okay. God, you look different in every picture. Is that the actual event where you first met Jay? I don't remember. There would have been a few, but I think this was a games trip. So Reebok had a house and we were training for the games. Oh, so you don't tag yourself. Could you tag yourself in that video or no? That's not how Instagram works.
Starting point is 00:43:10 No, I don't think that's how Instagram works. Okay, can she could she what are you laughing at Caleb? Could she tag herself? Probably not. Okay. All right. Fine. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I would just make it easier for the picture. So that's why she's not tagging there. Cause it's her post. Shut up. Shut up. Shut it. Shut it. You use star link.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Um, okay. And, um, and so when you see him, are there sparks right away, Maddie? Um, we were just friends for a bit there. Um, but then then yeah, I think end of 2019 was when we started dating. And it must be trippy. Like, um, these, uh, people who aren't, uh, clothes, barely clothes, um, they're like in their nighttime clothing, but you guys work out so hard together and they're sweat flying around. And I'm guessing, I don't know the science in it, but I'm guessing there's all sorts of like chemicals coming off of people's bodies and shit and people are glowing and their shit's like mingling, right?
Starting point is 00:44:14 What are we talking about? It's just, it's just describing like a festival or something. It's just a really intimate setting, right? To work out with, like here you are this powerful young woman who's like in her prime for courtship. And then you're with these men who are these powerful young men and they're in their prime for courtship and you're trying to stay focused on working out and yet you're in this place where your DNA is expressing itself at the highest level and like you're trying to stay focused on the activity. I'm just guessing it must be intense.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I guess. I mean I'm normally pretty focused on what I'm doing. Yeah. Did Jay make the move on you or did you make the move on him? I think it was pretty mutual. Yep, mutual. Yeah. So just like two magnets. Yep. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Is that the truth or are you just telling me that you don't want to hurt his feelings like fuck, he wouldn't leave me alone, he was like a dog trying to sniff my butt? No, it was mutual. Okay. It's so, and did you ever think that maybe you, even though there was an attraction there that it couldn't be bad for the task at hand of being the best that you would be? Like, did your brain play any tricks on you and try to sabotage it? I remember like wondering whether it was a good idea or not even from like a
Starting point is 00:45:49 like sponsorship standpoint like if we were gonna have to keep seeing each other like If yeah, like if some like if we started something and then it sort of Broke down like what was it gonna be like at future events or competitions? Right if we had to keep seeing each other, but Did you guys ever have that talk like beforehand? Like hey, no matter what well, let's be cool. I Don't think so because I think we were both just on the same page I guess smitten I think is the word smitten. Yeah It's a trip because like I
Starting point is 00:46:28 It's a trip because like I don't know how it is in Australia and I haven't had a job and a real job ever in my life. But I think people who have real jobs, you're not supposed to date the people at your work. Like there's rules against that, which is just crazy because like you're spent like where the fuck are you supposed to meet people? You're at work all you're like working behind the counter at McDonald's and like that that you're working. But those are also like those are the people you're going to date because you're with them all day, right?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Those are the people you're getting to know. Yeah. I hear a lot of like the boys that we train with say like, yeah, don't bring your girlfriend to the gym. Well, that's, that's, that's probably a good idea to probably, I'm guessing that a lot of, um, I'm guessing a lot of girls wouldn't want their boyfriends training with you. With me.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah, with you. Oh, girls, but but specifically you. Or would you would you if you let's say you were just a normal girl, you weren't Madeline Joel stir. You were just a regular girl. You wouldn't want your boyfriend training with fucking five CrossFit girls. There's no fucking way. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Yeah, it would be crazy. And then, when you guys met, were you on different training programs? Different coaches, I'm assuming? I was joining the same programming as Jay at that same point in time. Oh, and the camp. And what camp was that? Uh, that was Rob Forte's program. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:57 And, and, and everyone knows, uh, Rob Forte is the legend in Australia. You, you, you there, and then there's Chad McKay and Cara Saunders, but Rob is like the OG of OGs. I mean, he probably competed at the ranch. Yeah. Yeah. Back in the day, I feel like he's been... When was the ranch? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:17 But yes, Rob's been to the ranch a couple of times. 2009. Yeah. I feel like he's been around forever. He was kind of like, you know who he kind of reminds me of? I'm just talking out of my ass, but Yannikovsky. He was like, Yannikovsky kind of is like Rob Forte 2.0. Didn't Rob always win like one event or something? Like he would show up to the games and like usually just kick ass and something.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Yeah, well I know Rob won Triple 3. Okay. Yeah, he was always good for one. Like he was always gonna cause problems somewhere And and did you look up to Rob at the time did you know like as you as you came up in your crossfit career You're like, yep There's this dude in Australia and it's Rob Forte and he's like that's well Yeah, I knew he'd been to the games a lot of times and he won regionals a lot of times as well. And so Being in Australia being with him was kind of the highest you could go on the continent there.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah. And then at what point do you come to Proven and do you come to Proven first or does Jay or do you guys come together? and do you come to Proven first or does Jay or do you guys come together? Technically it was Jay. So after Torian last year, we knew that like Jay needed to do something different for the games. So that's when we reached out to Proven to see if they would have Jay, I guess. So yeah, I like I traveled over with Jay, but Jay was training for the games and I was just sort of I was training with Tia like she was coming back from having Lillo, which was awesome. So and then that gave me the opportunity to also watch the athletes train for the games last year. And when you would train with Tia, how was that? Did you feel like you were overstepping your bounds or was it open arms? Come on Maddie. Let's go Madeline.
Starting point is 00:50:08 No, Tia is our phenomenal. She's the best. Yeah. Hey, what are you doing sitting there? Come get some. Yeah And um, how many times do you think you've worked out with her? Is it like over a hundred times now? Yeah, probably crazy and um and interviewing Jay, he sounds just completely at home like in like a pig and slop as they say, like just, are you are you in that same camp? You guys
Starting point is 00:50:37 are just like, fuck, you're just bathing and just Yeah, it's awesome. It's so cool. All the coaches are amazing. The gym is amazing. It's a great, it's a great group of people to be around. They announced the cuts and you know the workouts, right? You know, oh, look, and even a different look. Look at, look at, Shane never get mad at you. Yeah, a little bit sometimes. What's that like? He looks like he could be serious as a heart attack and he got a really deep voice. Maddie Madeline. Yeah, well, like I don't want that because like, I mean, he's only trying to get the
Starting point is 00:51:22 best out of me. So if he says something, I'm like, damn, he's right. Can you give me an example of something he'd say? Um, uh, or the other day, like we were talking about, uh, like the clean ladder and what like my max clean is. And he said, Oh, like, I think you've got a pretty good max clean. And I was like, oh, really?
Starting point is 00:51:48 Like, I think there's a lot of girls that can clean more. And he was like, what the fuck is that attitude? Oh, awesome. Awesome. Yeah. When he does that, does he walk closer to you too? No, he'll probably just walk away. And I'm like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Close the distance. I need to check myself. So we know that you guys do workout one is some running and swimming, and then we know that there's the Chad, and then we know that there's the nighttime workout, which is the some sort of sprint and then some sort of variant on a mile run. Or when you see those, and then you know that it's going to be Chad and then the cut? How do you process that? Or does it make you optimistic? Does it make you pissed?
Starting point is 00:52:42 Well, there's still like more events in there to be announced. But no, I like it. Three more, right? Yeah, before that. Yeah. But no, I like the workouts that have been announced so far. I think they're all awesome. And it's just one event at a time.
Starting point is 00:53:02 You can't get ahead of yourself or be thinking about something that's in a day or two's time or three workouts time. Like there's always one workout to do, like one workout in front of you. So you just need to focus on that. Since you've been working, is Tia your main training partner? Yeah. Yeah. We've had a pretty good crew.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Tia, Jay, Pete, Ellis has come over as well. And then Caroline Stanley was here for a week, a couple of weeks ago. So yeah. So I'm guessing since you've spent so much time with Tia, that they're you starting to know where you are compared to her. And if you guys are out on the field at the same time, that gives you some idea of pacing, right? Yeah. So you know, like, okay, I'm, I can stay with her here.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I'm faster with her here. I'm slower with her than her here. And so when you see her, is that a benefit to training camps? I've never heard anyone talk about that, that at least you know, okay, if she's there, I should be here. Um, Okay, if she's there I should be here um To benefit like it's definitely helped my training and made me push in training more But yeah like again anything can sort of happen on the day like It just because it was like this in training doesn't mean it's gonna be like that on the day
Starting point is 00:54:24 Bernie Gannon, Madeline Joelle Sturt needs to prepare some return zingers for Shane. Start with, sorry Mr. Toomey. Sorry Mr. Toomey. Oh man, Bernie. Okay, you ever been in the zone? I don't even know what that means, but you ever been in the zone in an event at a competition? Like where you sort of don't really feel it? I guess.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I'm just… Don't ruin my question. Act like you know what I'm talking about. Yeah. Yeah? And did that happen in Australia when you start getting three, four first place finishes? Are you like… Are there some of those workouts where you're like, whoa, like almost like an out of body
Starting point is 00:55:03 experience where like you don't… Like your body's breathing itself? Yeah, I guess. And you sort of like finish and you look back and you're like, oh, damn, like how did that happen? Or like, yeah, yeah, pretty cool. Hey, those three first place finishes, could you have gone harder on those?
Starting point is 00:55:23 place finishes, could you have gone harder on those? Maybe. In the first event, I was like going into the last run, like, man, I need to pick this run up because I do not want to be like doing a barbell battle, touch and go battle with like one of the other girls. So I was like, I need to make sure I'm back in there first and on the barbell first.
Starting point is 00:55:47 So that was five rounds, uh, like 800 meter run or 600, 800, five rounds. It was a, did you start you 800 meter run and then 10 clean and jerks for five rounds? Yeah. And so you come in from that last run and did you grab the barbell first? You didn't have to catch anyone on the barbells? Yeah. And when you're doing the barbells, do you see someone else come in?
Starting point is 00:56:11 Yeah, there was a girl like a sort of across from me and then I think the next person who was like right next to me was Grace. Yeah. I'm looking for who took second in that. Second was Michelle Hay Grace. Yeah. I'm looking for who took second in that. Second was Michelle Hayes. Yeah. Yeah. She was a good runner. She was a very good runner. And did you, did you, when did you take the lead on that event? Um. Which round? It was hard to tell because Michelle was literally on the opposite side to me. So, yeah, it's sort of trippy with how it was set up.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I understand because you could think you're tied with someone, but really they're 40 meters ahead of you. Yeah. Is passing people fun on that workout? Like, were there any rounds where you passed like 10 people and you're like, you just feel amazing? Yeah, but again like you knew that it was sort of like a Mindfuck, I guess coming back in you didn't know like who was in what lane who was like right there Or who had to run all the way around so it was sort of hard to know
Starting point is 00:57:22 So I remember thinking like not way around. So it was sort of hard to know. So I remember thinking like not really getting too caught up or looking into it too much until like that fourth or so around. New people are going to go out too hot as well. So is the ideal spot to be in there kind of like in the the person who has the furthest to go to get outside because then you know that if you pass everyone you're in first. Yeah, I guess that person would be able to like tell and be able to see everyone. Right and then the person who goes who's closest to the exit they're fucked they don't know shit.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yeah, they don't know that like as soon as I suppose someone passed them on the first run like that Yeah, you're you're you're like wow. They're really beating me. Yeah So you go in there and you and you and you but you know when you get in there and you grab the bar You you know, oh, it's just me Yeah, and and do you remember how many you got off before the next girl came in? There was girls like those two girls were doing clean injects at the same time, but I'd already had done a few reps. Okay, but do you remember doing them and then seeing, oh shit, there's Grace Walton, now
Starting point is 00:58:36 she's in here? Yeah, yeah, but I knew that I had enough of a gap, but I did not remember the exact amount of reps. Did you do any touch and go? No. But did you do it? Did you take any breaks or was it just drop it, go, drop it, go? It was drop it, go, drop it, go. God, it must've felt good to finish that one.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yeah. And that was a funny day because you literally had one event. So you literally came in, did that event and then you're like, all right, see you. Yeah. And that was a funny day because you literally had one event. So you literally came in, did that event, and then you're like, all right, see you. Yeah. And then how did you like that setup? It was pretty cool for the fans. One, two, three. I thought it was cool.
Starting point is 00:59:17 It did, I guess, make it feel like it dragged out. But I thought it was cool how, yeah, it was sort of like building. Like we had one event, then two events. And then like who on day three is when people start feeling sorry for themselves. And we still had three events to go. Right. And you can't let that happen. Bailey Martin has some friendly words.
Starting point is 00:59:42 J. Crouch is a pussy ass bitch. Well, that's very sweet. Well, I think that's how you say I love you in Australian. Yeah. Are they friends? Yeah. Okay, good. I would have been better if you'd been like, no, they're actually they're not. The boys have put together quite an impressive crew, these Australian boys now, with Ricky Bailey and Jay. These guys are fucking legitimate contenders. Yeah, it's awesome. Yeah, it really is awesome. Who do you think gets more anxious to go, you or Jay?
Starting point is 01:00:30 Probably me, but I don't know. I'm feeling good. Like I'm pumped. Yeah. I's awesome. And anything you've told yourself, any lessons you're bringing? The cliche one is, OK, make sure to enjoy yourself and look around. Do you have any things that you're prepping for the games for your own personal experience? I mean, enjoying yourself is an important one because you don't want to get to the end of the weekend
Starting point is 01:01:06 and not have enjoyed yourself. But I guess like being proud of my effort, like, yeah, I want to give each event everything I've got. Is that possible? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like I think you need to walk away from each event, like being happy with your effort.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Like, why would you leave some out, you know? Like, I think you'd be pretty disappointed if you didn't give it everything. Someone told me one time that it's not about winning or losing a fight. It's about leaving emotionally intact. And the way I understood that was in fighting at least is like, hey, when you were there, did you give yourself permission to put it to the other guy? Like did you really, you know what I mean, really give yourself the permission to fucking go? And so kind of relating that to what you're saying, like, at some point, whether it's a millisecond before 321 go or right at go, but you have to be you have to be completely in your body, Madeline, Joel, stir and go. Like the, the noise has to turn off.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Yeah. You think that there, have there ever been anywhere you felt that you left, like emotionally compromised, that you let yourself down and that you kick yourself? Um, no, I just know like those first two years I was definitely struggling with like the emotional rollercoaster and I know my approach to 2018 and 2019 was a bit different and that seemed to work a lot better. So yeah, I just I want to have that same approach which was yet make sure I'm enjoying myself Are you surprised?
Starting point is 01:03:13 The years you've been to the games are you surprised by the emotional rollercoaster that's the games It's something that I feel like the fans don't ever really get to see But that just the huge ups and downs that come with just the massive amount of body fatigue that you push yourself through. Is it pretty wild? Yeah, it is wild. As we said before, the games is a whole different beast. So yeah, it's definitely a ride.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Is being emotional always bad or can you harness that? Or is it always just a drain or are there times when you're like, okay, I can use this? Yeah, I think there's times for everything. There's definitely times where you need to just harden up and just go, and then there's times where you can harness being a bit more emotional and letting that push you.
Starting point is 01:04:06 This Chad workout, is there a strategy to it or is it a sprint? I don't think it's a sprint. It's not a sprint. It's not just go as hard as you can and hang on for a thousand steps. No, I don't think so. I think you'll end up dropping your pace a lot if you do that. But I'm sort of just waiting to hear more about like what the twist is. Like we saw that Dave released that it's like a step over, but what exactly that looks like. And it looks like Trista's locking out her hips, even though it an over. So, yeah, I just want to hear more information first and I feel like the step over will make
Starting point is 01:04:50 it even longer of a workout. What about things that we've hear leaking now that there's rumblings that triple unders? Like, do you guys hear that stuff too? Like all of a sudden we see all these athletes preparing triple unders. Do you hear stuff like that too? I only hear it through like all the media with you guys. Okay. So you're not in the room and Shane's like, okay, we have some Intel, quality Intel, 80% chance there's going to be triple unders bring out the triple unders.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Not at all. No. Okay. Oh, interesting. So it could be just some athlete practicing triple unders just to fuck with everyone else. Yeah, I don't know. They're like I have seen, like through all the media stuff that there's rumors that people have leaked things but I haven't heard Bears just scored a touchdown. Awesome. God, I love it. Do you practice that stuff anyway? Like now that you see it and now that it's leaked, will you be like, well, I better put in a little time? We have been touching on triple unders as well, but like we've been doing all the skipping. Drupalunders as well, but like we've been doing all the skipping
Starting point is 01:06:09 Crossovers Drupalunders drag ropes Zeus like the heavy ropes the road ropes No stone left unturned. No anything can come up Yeah, and how's your how's your walking on your hands? It's all right. Yeah, sorry Yeah All right. Well, I'm excited. Huge Maddie Sturt fan. Stoked you came on. I really appreciate you. I'm excited to see you and Jay in person. Thanks for your time. And yeah, you a day of washing your hair, remember it only takes a week for your natural oils to start like, cleaning, self-cleaning your hair. Okay. It would go perfect with the chickens and the vegetarian lifestyle.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Yeah. Alright. If you're just going for the whole image. I'll keep that in mind. Alright, dear. Thank you very much for coming on so close to the event. That's okay. Thank you. Alright for coming on so close to the event. That's okay, thank you. All right, cheers, bye bye. Bye. Maddie Stern.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Maddie, you were great. So cool. Sevan, you missed the Beijing touchdown. What's going on? Can anyone tell me what's going on? No, no, no. No one can tell me? It wasn't a Beijing touchdown.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Oh, what happened? It was Brett Ripian. I don't know who this guy is, but he threw another touchdown. He's actually the only one who's thrown touchdowns entire game. Has he on the air? Yes. Oh, Beijing's not in. He was in he threw two for three for 16 yards. And that's it. put I'm guessing they only put them in for a couple Couple snaps just like how they did it last year in the preseason games Um, but this brett ripian guy is uh,
Starting point is 01:07:54 Who's playing at the moment? Okay, i'm trying i'm trying uh get espn. Should I get it? It's 109. You don't have it already. I don't know oh It says log in. Oh, then I, oh, I don't do Disney. It says log into your ESPN with my Disney account. I don't do that. Oh, you don't have Disney either?
Starting point is 01:08:14 No. Oh. And YouTube TV is a thousand bucks a year. What? Yeah. Hell no. 74 bucks a month. Yeah, I'm not doingy four bucks a month.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Yeah, I'm not doing that. Seems a little. What about Peacock? Is it on Peacock? I was thinking about getting Peacock. Peacock is really only showing Olympic Games right now. Oh, I don't. I think we had it, too, but. I think it's a waste of time having Peacock.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Now, 170. It used to be 40. I just, let me see YouTube TV. I just saw it the other day, 70 bucks. I just got a whole, I have the whole package of Hulu with ESPN plus and Disney plus. It just all comes in one. All right. NFL, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Wait, is NFL, oh yeah, or ESPNPN I think ESPN is just nine nine dollars a Yeah, it's like ten bucks a month I don't see ESPN on YouTube TV see all the channels. I Only have Hulu so I can watch Bachelor and Bachelorette I only have Hulu so I can watch Bachelor and Bachelorette. Are you joking? No, I'm not kidding. Actually, it's a great show. If you just want to watch like trash TV and just honestly, it's my favorite thing to do every whatever day it comes on
Starting point is 01:09:42 because it gives me an opportunity to just shit on people like all Me and my wife will go back. We'll watch it live together right now. Obviously we're not together but she'll play it at the same time as I play it and we'll just text back and forth for the two hours and just Shit on the contestants. It's so fun Use espn use espn use the qr code over there by caleb's's head to get 40% off of FIDAID. Hey listen, I watched that show and I felt so fucking dirty. It felt so below me. I watched the whole season Luke Parker was on and I seriously... I felt... I started like hating humanity.
Starting point is 01:10:22 It was like watching Trump at the National Black Caucus last week and it's like anyone being confused about Kamala being a DEI hire. We know she's a DEI hire. They told us that. Biden told us that he was picking a black woman because it was a woman and it was black. That's the essence of a DEI hire. And then when I went in like like do you accept that or not? Like I'm not upset that you're doing DEI hire
Starting point is 01:10:48 Nearly as much as if now you're fucking lying piece of shit and when I watched that show People were so mean to Luke Maybe he just wasn't really that cool of a guy anyway Tessa seven I'm going to my first CF class tomorrow. That's cool. Oh congrats. Good for you I'd like to hear about that you watch the bachelor because that's what matters It's a great show I enjoy also bachelor it's just like just hilarious watching people try to like fight over somebody It's hilarious watching people try to like fight over somebody. God, it just seems. Yeah, God, I just feel laugh out loud.
Starting point is 01:11:30 No, no, seriously. I want to know about it. No, she says she doesn't watch Bachelor. Oh, how long has that show been on? Forever. I think it's in like, it's probably damn near 30 seasons So is this is so the Bears are winning I Think they are now. Yes, but they also just dropped a hunter kickoff or no there. Yeah, they are
Starting point is 01:12:01 So we'll tie it so Tyson's out. He won't be he won't come back in Yeah, they are the other way. So will tie is so Tyson's out. He won't be he won't come back in He might come back in later, but they're probably not throwing them out there all that much just so their backups can get reps Well, I didn't even see Caleb Williams on the roster Why wouldn't they let him play two quarters and then let the other guy play two quarters? Because there's three or four quarterbacks did Tyson fuck up. Is that why they pulled him out or no? No, I don't think so. I Think they know what he's capable of because he's been around for the past year two years I wonder if I if I type in to Google what's a DEI hire, what it says.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Oh, this is funny. A DEI hire refers to a person who is hired through the process that uses DEI. This process ensures that all candidates, regardless of their background, have an equal opportunity to get the job. Oh, that's fucking hilarious. Equal opportunity, but we're gonna make sure that the person with colored skin is gonna be the one American kid that gets hired. Well,
Starting point is 01:13:11 I don't think they're at the top of the they're not on the protected class higher that blacks aren't that on the top of the protected class hierarchy anymore. Oh, who is it now? It's like some it's some version of it some Trant like like if you were a black tranny you would like I think you're way higher than just like a black. Oh you just you just have to have all the infinity stones to be on the on the top. You are on the lowest though. Okay. Yeah I am for for sure How tall are you? 6'2. Yeah. Yeah, but I got a six to fit white guy. Yeah, I'm fucked You're with like a quarter Mexican. They don't give a shit about me. No, no Mexicans don't even fucking make the Just just just cuz I tan good doesn't dude. Thanks. Don't even like you're nothing
Starting point is 01:14:03 All right Mexicans are't even like hear nothing. Right. Mexicans are just lumped up with... And the truth is too, is it's not all black people. It's only... You have to be effeminate or obese or you can't believe in personal accountability or personal responsibility. You have to play the victim. Oh, that's what that sounds like? If they catch you thinking differently, you're fucked. That sounds like, what's her name?
Starting point is 01:14:32 Evelyn Curry? I don't know her. I don't know her. I think you know her. I don't know her. Do not bring that up. Please do not bring that up. Please do not bring that up. Listen, listen, listen, listen.
Starting point is 01:14:51 I'm going to the CrossFit Games and I'm part of the grant. I understand. She went after my people. I understand. I understand she went after. All right. Hey, that's a great response. She did go after your people.
Starting point is 01:15:08 She did disparage you because of the color of your skin. I understand that. And my job, man. Oh, and she went after my job. Yeah, and she went after the military. Which is crazy, right? Because that protects her rights to have those... To be able to say those things.
Starting point is 01:15:24 No, I'm not bringing it up. Listen, to be able to say those things. No, I'm not bringing it up. Listen, I'm going to the games. Listen, listen, listen. Yeah, yeah. That's my bad. My bad. That's my bad. I wish I knew how to say sell out in Armenian.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I'll hold on to it. That's deep rooted. It's okay. It's okay. After the games. Can we talk about it after the games? Can you make a list of things? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:41 She's on the list. It's on the list. Right. Okay. Yeah, especially since it is the... man you got me started especially since that is the base of CrossFit our first responders and The way that what you Go ahead go ahead. You're uh, the debate this morning with Tanner. Yeah, you got you did a great job. I thought I did a horrible job.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Suza told me that here and I thought he was Andrew Go away. Andrew Go away. You're a horrible moderator. I'm a horrible moderator. Yeah. However, the arguments made were pretty good. So I'll give you that. I think Taylor did a really good job of staying like
Starting point is 01:16:26 level headed. He was like obviously talking some shit like he normally does, but it was good. I think it was a good argument and you really like you. Did you enjoy the show at the end of the day? I guess all the matter. What did the comments say? I look at the comments. Am I getting just ass pounded I I did enjoy the show it Got me wound up And I like I like Tanner um he Tanner seemed to like Get frustrated put his tail between his legs a few times. I didn't want him to do that Yeah, I mean I think he
Starting point is 01:17:06 Expected to like have like a Mutual discussion about it, you know, oh shit. There's a there's a fucking gazillion comments Comments on that one. Oh my god. Oh This dude sucks I'm 13 minutes in I can't stand to listen Tanner was something and Taylor wasn't a cartoon character This guy is a tool So we disavow the entire methodology because a few bad gyms I know the bad gyms thing doesn't like I don't want to hear anything about the bad gyms There's more bad doctors than there are bad gyms that it's like Seven minutes in Taylor's winning 36 zero
Starting point is 01:17:45 It's like seven minutes in Taylor's winning 36 zero. This is a carry over. This is a carry over, but if reps build strength as fast as load marathon runners would be squat wizards. And marathon runners are horrible at squats. He has crazy eyes, bruh. CrossFit made me strong, but my family called me gay. My family called me gay and then CrossFit made me strong, but my family called me gay. My family called me gay and then CrossFit made me strong. So we're the opposite.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Can't we do both? Yeah. Tanner can't make any kind of logical argument. As soon as I said personally avoid, I personally avoid politics, he lost the debate. I've been doing CrossFit for three years. A few months ago, I had to lift two bags of concrete. I put two of these bags of concrete into a trash bag. You need to lift them up to my shoulders in order to put them.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Okay. Dude, bro, bro, bro. I think he would get stuck on one argument and then he would like an example would be made and then he would just get stuck on that example and just like try to talk about how stupid that example was and he just did a really poor job of explaining himself. of explaining himself. Afterwards, fucking, Susie gave me an earful too, which was pretty awesome. He talked about the... And maybe he should have been on the show too, but... The adaptation you get from intensity was something that we didn't talk about. And that's the thing. If you don't think you're going to get fucking fitter by doing Cindy, or sorry, stronger by doing Cindy, you're out of your fucking mind. I mean, I don't know if you're going to go from 500 to 505. If you work on Cindy
Starting point is 01:19:18 too much, you might go from 500 to 450. But if you're a I don't know you can get you can get stronger just from doing air squats like significantly stronger depending on where you are in your fit yeah and this thing kept saying about people with average um who are just average that's not true at all there's world-class fighters who pick up CrossFit and their fucking game goes to the next level? Right. I mean look at the the boxer that Dave Castro trained. I mean, right, right. He trained that guy and he's exponentially better at boxing. I think the the idea of specializing in your sport to be good at your sport is so absurd. You could I could tell I could give you.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Well, he was using, I could give you. Well, he was using it kind of the God argument. It's like, do you know what I mean? Well, God made it that way or God saved this or got like, whenever someone can't explain anything, they go to the God argument. So he was using get stronger is just like this end all, but if you were stronger, but if you were stronger, and in that sense, then there's like, Okay. But if you were stronger, but if you were stronger and in that sense, then there's like Okay, sure that's that's that could be one of the pieces Yeah, I think he is I mean obviously he has like something Something to gain from providing strength tips for people. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:20:45 So I hate it when people talk about CrossFit is marketing too, or they talk about any of that. Like there was, we went out of our way to not sell shit. Like we would make a video, we would make videos and put them in the journal with clips from the L1 every single day. And we would want to put a them in the journal with clips from the L1 every single day And we would want to put a link in the journal that said if you would like to take this course and Greg would be like No, I'm not trying to sell anything. I Remember I'm just like Jesus Christ, dude. It's not selling stuff. It's just making it easy for people. He's like, nope. I
Starting point is 01:21:19 Remember when I first started doing CrossFit, like obviously everybody just wants to buy the CrossFit stuff. They want the t-shirt They want the socks shirt, they want the socks, like the whole thing. Yeah. And I remember trying to find CrossFit stuff. Anything. Yeah, yeah. And there was never any it was like, oh, we're gonna sell a bike for five, like, it'll be like very specific things that are not anything that I care to have or I use. But CrossFit was selling them. Like I want a t-shirt, just sell me a $20 t-shirt. The only way to get a t-shirt was to
Starting point is 01:21:51 go to an L1 and get a t-shirt and like use the the rebound. And that's how I that's how I got my first CrossFit t-shirt. Oh, we have a CrossFit store now. Yeah, with the black boxes. Anyway, sorry. God, my brain is just reeling with what you brought up of all these things I want to ask you. I forgot that you were in the military. Yeah, that part. Yeah, I do that sometimes. Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. That sucks. Fuck, dude. It's just disappointing. It's whatever.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Yeah, that's... We will... Let's put that on the list here. I'm going to get a little sticky note. I do understand what Tanner's saying though, where he's like, oh, you, like, you need to have more strength to be able to live your life to the fullest, the longest, the greatest you can possibly live it. However, I think there are various different ways that you can reach that point and to get the greatest amount of adaptation across broad times and modal domains and different mode all those various
Starting point is 01:23:09 modalities is obviously going to be CrossFit like you doing strength training and I liked your point where you're like yeah if you're if you play jujitsu or if you compete in jujitsu and you strictly follow a squat bench deadlift training program. Yeah You're gonna be bound like a fucking rubber band ball and You're not gonna be able to move injuries eminent imminent imminent imminent Whatever the word is you're more likely That you are doing like doing your You're more likely to become an anchor doing that than you are doing like doing your
Starting point is 01:23:50 Functional fitness doing your crossfit and then he and then he pivoted to no you should just do more Then you should just do more of jiu-jitsu. No, that's not true. There's there's there's there's good supplemental training You know, it is interesting by the way during that show. I didn't bring it up But if you google like what sport will uh, um, what sport people live the longest, you know what it is What's that? It's fucking tennis. I mean, according to Google, I mean, I take it with a huge truckload of sand, but they live on like 10 years longer than the average person. And you know what's crazy about racket sports?
Starting point is 01:24:17 You ever, I used to play a lot of racquetball, and there would be these dudes who were like the best in the club, and they're just fucking in there cracking it and they're old dudes and then when they walk out They can barely fucking walk and I feel like pickleballs like that too And it like and I feel golf and tennis are like that too I see dudes playing on the court, but like when they walk to the quarter walk off the court They look like they need a fucking walker. It's a trip racket sports. Yeah, I remember seeing something the knees over toes guy had some sort of
Starting point is 01:24:46 spiel about that where if you're Capable of doing activity Like do explosive sports and be able to move well But you're not able to move around in your day-to-day life then you're not like adequately Strong or something like that sure and there was like some sort of he was like saying like, okay. Well, you need to train X or whatever, but that is kind of bizarre that you have people who are capable once a game or some sort of
Starting point is 01:25:20 Target is put in their point of view and then they can just Execute that until they walk off the court and then they're crippled. Yeah Yeah, and that's I mean I would imagine if you're a strength athlete that's gonna be the case unless you're Supplementing it with functional fitness 150 air squats for time. It's weird. The sports come to this point where the air squats for time. It's weird. The sports come to this point where the modality, the lifestyle protocol that is CrossFit, the lifestyle protocol that is CrossFit has reached a point to where people like Tanner say, if you want to get good at CrossFit, do CrossFit. One, it's like, no, it's the best for GPP. It's the best if you're going to be a hunter. It's the best if you're rehabbing.
Starting point is 01:26:06 It's best if like, yeah, it's weird that it's kind of- Crossfit is not a sport at its base. It is not a sport. Right. It is a modality for life. Yeah. Everything you can, you use Crossfit for your life. Use Crossfit so you can chase down bad guys. You use CrossFit so you can hike through the mountains. You use CrossFit so you can carry your ruck and your weapon and everything else so that you can
Starting point is 01:26:31 fuck your girlfriend in the tight shower. Exactly. You can pick her up and fucking and fuck her in the tight shower. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. You use CrossFit so that you can go fucking kill bad guys in the mountains There was this guy Who is yoked out of his fucking mind that sues his gym. Hmm, and it was just he couldn't fucking move Wow, he could you know what I mean? He just couldn't like Couldn't move a bodybuilder. Yeah, just a bodybuilder, you know, he's got like eight good pull ups in him and like, you know, some push ups, but the running was just crazy. Oh, really? That's what my girlfriend and I did in Australia when we showered. Get all the shower sex in you can before you have kids. That's right.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Jesus Christ that's just a look that's just for it's for the profile pic yeah yep respect Yep. Respect. Thank you. Why don't you map this dick? No cap. On God. I was in a meeting today. Shit. And someone used a term I didn't know. Damn. Oh boy.
Starting point is 01:28:11 And I wrote it down. Damn, I'm gonna have to find my notes. And I wrote it down, I need to look it up. What was the term you used, Jude? Angar? Angad. Angad? What's that mean? It's like... For real, Angad? Yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah I thought you said on guard like what is it on by you say when I think word yeah how do you
Starting point is 01:28:30 spell that word on guard on guard yeah e ngu a r t e it's like French and go that's right yeah okay some some fence or just one Olympic medal she was pregnant and fed like oh No shit that seemed dangerous a little bit I guess they're like, uh dual nibs dual nubs at the end of the Pirouette Wow, did you see this?
Starting point is 01:29:10 Did you see this picture someone just sent into our chat? Wow. Is it the picture of somebody taking a picture? Yeah. And the T-shirt the guy's guys wearing I wonder if I can talk about that holy shit, that's a crazy That's a crazy picture Wow That shirt is I promise you I'll show you this this is a this is weird How about how about domestic violence how about beating women's become an Olympic sport I'll show you this. This is weird.
Starting point is 01:29:45 How about domestic violence? How about beating women's become an Olympic sport? Crazy right? Yeah. Is one of those dudes going to win the gold medal? Fuck, if they don't then they need to not be around anymore. Hey, all the girls I've ever been in a fencing match are screaming too mike mike Mike says, uh, both girls were screaming during their fencing match. I didn't understand it. Is that what you're eiffel towering them or what?
Starting point is 01:30:12 Yeah, whatever that means. Yes Yeah, that's great. Yeah fucking crazy what's happened with boxing crazy That's fucking nuts crazy crazy crazy Olympic boxer Olympic boxer oh I guess Trump and Elon didn't let they don't like to see Oh shit, what newspaper is that some? Oh, wow, some what? Huffington Post. Huffington Post? Yeah, you want to see it? Yeah, this is crazy. The media has fucking lost their mind.
Starting point is 01:31:07 That's like when Trump got shot, they said he fell down. Holy shit. Because of them all. This is crazy. Olympic boxer who had gender test issue wins fight? Causing conservative meltdown that's the thing man that's the fucking thing with the left that's why you can't be on the left they have no fucking values dude they stand for nothing dude tech billionaire Elon musk and former president Donald Trump were among those criticizing the participation of Algerian boxer Imani Khalifa in the Olympics
Starting point is 01:31:48 The Algerian is a female. She had a genetic mutation that produced extra testosterone No That is actually not true It has a it has it's a male it has male chromosomes, it's a male It has a it has it's a male it has male chromosomes. It's a male Show me where I'm wrong. I want to be wrong. It wasn't transgender DSD. What's DSD? I don't know what that is I'm doing the same thing now. I don't even know what you're talking about. What am I doing now?
Starting point is 01:32:30 She was not born with a penis. Uh, I'm guessing Ben that you that you're reading listen Ben when they say had gender test issue, um, Uh, you were in trouble dude. Why don't they why don't they say had gender test issue, we're in trouble, dude. Why don't they say that in the headline then? Why don't they say that gender test issue? Disorder of sex development. That doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 01:33:02 I saw a comedian the other day on Kill Tony that was born without an asshole There's all sorts of boys now being born and because they get fat before the age of like five years old They're their cock and balls aren't developing Because they're so far. They're so fucking insulin resistant at such a young age Yikes. But I hope you're right, Ben. Fucking I hope you're right. But when they released it, it failed.
Starting point is 01:33:35 That thing failed the, whatever the chromosome test was for the World Boxing Organization. And how about the other one? Was the other one born with a penis? or both of them DSD or whatever you're saying? By the way, that doesn't even make that doesn't even mean anything. Listen to what you're saying here really quick, Ben. Bear with me here. You're saying the disorder of sexual sex development. That's like saying that
Starting point is 01:33:59 chopping off a kid's penis is gender affirming care or that abortion is a female reproductive health. Like those are just fucking outright lies. That's all just a word fucking manipulation. That's just word salad shit. It's killing a baby in a mom's stomach. And you know, whether you want to debate that that's the woman's right or not I'm open to that but like let's not lie what it is and it's chopping off the penis off a kid and all kids are confused all hundred percent they're on a journey you know how glad I am I didn't get fucking when I asked my mom
Starting point is 01:34:40 for fucking a nose reduction surgery in high school. She was like, okay, sure, we'll do it in your twenties. You know how fucking glad I am. What I said, oh, mom's womb, not stomach. Yeah, thank you, thank you, thank you. I appreciate the correction. correction. Fucking don't get me started on Joe. I heard fucking Rogan say I saw a clip pop up on my Instagram.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Sometimes Joe Rogan so fucking retarded. I think he really wants to be a socialist so fucking bad. He went and it always reminds me that he endorsed Bernie Bernie Sanders. When women produce more testosterone than normal girls, they become boys. Oh, no when women produce more testosterone than normal girls I'm open to saying it's unfair that compete with women, but let's not call it trans. Okay All right. I like thank you Ben. Let me see. What's that? What what is the?
Starting point is 01:35:42 What is the what is that? Boxers name What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? So it's just an isolated incident. Okay, let me see. I want to Google the name. Amain Khalif. Okay. Here we go. Want to know about Olympics gender debate after Italy's Angela Carina withdrawal. Okay, so this is from Forbes.
Starting point is 01:36:36 The fight over women's sports and who can compete in them erupted in a new online Thursday after Italian boxer Angelina Carina abruptly withdrew from Olympic match against Algeria's Iman Khalif, who was previously disqualified from last year's World Boxing Championship after the International Boxing Association said she failed a gender eligibility test. So first of all, that doesn't even make sense. There's no such thing as a gender eligibility test. There's no test for gender. That's like testing to see if Andrew Hiller's really Batman. Like shut the fuck up. Like you're fucking retard.
Starting point is 01:37:08 So for starters, there's that problem already with the article. Karina withdrew from the fight after being punched. I know what they're trying to say, but they're not saying it. It's it's like the correction difficult gave me on a womb and stomach. It's very poignant. Yeah. It's the woman's womb, not her stomach. Karina withdrew from the fight after being punched in the nose, telling reporters she had never felt a punch like that.
Starting point is 01:37:27 One of those strikes she sustained from Khalif. All right, quit being a pussy, Karina. Khalif was permitted to participate in this year's Olympics after being previously prohibited from the 2023 International Boxing Association World Boxing Championships. Okay, that's one data point. Khalif was disqualified from the championships after failing to meet eligibility requirements National Boxing Association World Boxing Championships. Okay, that's one data point. Khalifa is disqualified from the championships after failing to meet eligibility requirements for women's competition.
Starting point is 01:37:51 The IBA said in a statement noting she was not subject to a testosterone exam and was instead put through a separate test that found she had a giant cock. No, put through a separate test that found she had competitive advantage over other women athletes. That says nothing That paragraph said nothing. I apologize. You guys had to listen to it other than the fact it wasn't about testosterone The iba i'm guessing that means the international boxing association, which is not recognized by the international olympic committee has said the specifics Uh of the test are confidential though ib IBF President Umar Kremlin alleged
Starting point is 01:38:26 to Russian news agency TASS that last year, Khalif had XY chromosomes, a pair of chromosomes typically possessed by men. The International Olympic Committee stood by Khalif's inclusion saying in a statement that did not explicitly name the boxer, that two athletes were victims of a sudden and arbitrary decision by the International Boxing Association,
Starting point is 01:38:45 likely referencing Khalif and fellow boxer Li Tui-Ti Yang of Taiwan. So, by the way, what I have heard also is that they were... that the Olympic Committee just goes off of whatever it says on your passport, man or woman. That's what I saw too. That's not good either. Someone needs to look at their junk. Someone should just look at their junk. It's not a big deal.
Starting point is 01:39:12 They look at like everyone like... They do it for wrestlers. Well, and oh they do? Yeah, you have to. And all the CrossFit athletes like, you know how many time people looked at Rich Froning's dick just to make sure the urine coming out? Why not look at it to assess if it's real dick? Slap it around a little bit.
Starting point is 01:39:29 The match's outcome and Cleve's background provoke criticism against Algerian boxer, including scrutiny from the Italian prime minister. Athletes who have male genetic characteristics should not be winning to women's competitions. Women can't... yeah, this is just all bullshit. So far, I think Ben's winning. But to protect the right of female athletes to be able to compete on equal terms. Okay, Ben, you're winning now. It's pissing me off. Tesla, chief Elon Musk, and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling took issues with Cleve's eligibility
Starting point is 01:39:55 with the latter blasting the match's outcome in a tweet. We don't fucking know anything. That didn't say anything. Well, that didn't say anything Well that didn't say anything I apologize Seven you always say do they have a penis or a vagina that's correct I Think that that's valid like nine for ninety nine point nine nine nine nine percent. I'm open to being wrong. He is a man. I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 01:40:30 I don't know. But not from that article, it's not a man. I think Ben's winning the argument, the discussion. discussion. More improper use of gender from the New York Times. We just need to see, this thing just needs, like we need to see the chromosome test and we need to see the chromosome test and we need to see it's like genitalia we just need a snapshot of the crotch same thing Michael Jackson gave us yeah the New York Post which is very outlet, says that these two athletes were victims of sudden and arbitrary decisions by the IBA towards the end of the IBA World
Starting point is 01:41:29 Championships in 2023. The current aggression against these two athletes is based entirely on arbitrary decisions, which was taken without any proper procedure, especially considering that these athletes have been competing in top-level competitions for many years. Uh, yeah, well, okay. Does it have a wiener? Ben says it does not. Ben says it does not have it. Ask me about my winner. Alright Ben, I stand corrected. Until further notice. It would be weird, right Ben, if there were two dudes? dudes. The thing is Bernie, there's not even, we don't even know that according to the two
Starting point is 01:42:29 articles I read there hasn't even been a test that it was some just fucking Russian dude, which they haven't been Russians not known to be legit in their sporting decisions, that there hasn't been an actual test. They're saying that they didn't test for testosterone levels, so we know that that's not what it was, but it was some other tests that they can't tell us what the test was or what the results are, according to two articles that I just read. One came out three hours ago, one came out four hours ago, New York Post and Forbes. Forbes And so as of now That chick who lost is just a bitch I guess Just a shitty boxer yeah, just fucking got out no oh my god what tell me where to read tell me where to read? I've been if that Italian really wanted to show the world she would have manned up and stayed in the ring May get it manned up
Starting point is 01:43:36 It was a test for DNA chromosomes that but that's not what the article saying Mr.. Difficult The article saying that they that they saying that they tested it for something but the test is private but then somehow leaked that it had boy chromosomes. I'm just telling you the two articles I read. I haven't seen, there's no official word on it. Look, I can put in gender test results. Some reports indicate Kaleef was found to have had a high level of testosterone. The International Boxing Association, which administered tests at Kaleef, failed the separate and recognized tests in a statement on Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:44:19 What the fuck is the test. Not very helpful. I mean, at least this is real reporting. God, the Huffington Post is a fucking joke. It's funny too, because you see the pictures of the people who wrote the articles and you know right away, cuck. Algerian boxer Emine Khalif is in the middle of a gender equit- this is from Fox. Eligibility, controversy, and temperature of the drama only turned up after a win over a female Italian fighter. Khalif is a 25-year-old boxer from Algeria who is currently UNICEF ambassador and grew
Starting point is 01:45:05 up in a rural village in the province. In a sport, Kaleef's father didn't approve of boxing for girls. Kaleef was able to start training for boxing sessions by selling scrap metal for recycling. Kaleef debuted on the world amateur stage at 19 and came in 17th at the 2018 World Championships. She finished 19th in the 2019 Women's World Boxing Championships. She finished second in the Women's World Boxing Championships in 2022. She won gold medals in 2022 in Africa Championships, Mediterranean Games, and the 2023 Arab Games. Where's the uh... Based on DNA test we identified a number of athletes who tried to trick their
Starting point is 01:45:51 colleagues into posing as women. Oh this is from the International Boxing Association, man. Uh-oh. And fuck I don't know who these guys are but but now we got another data point. Based on DNA test we identified a number of athletes who tried to trick their colleagues into posing as women according to the results of the test. It was proved that they have XY chromosomes. Such athletes were excluded from competition. Algerian media reported that she was disqualified
Starting point is 01:46:22 for high testosterone levels. But Calif says there are some countries that did not want algeria to win a gold medal Sabotage them. Yeah, who gives a fuck about algeria color. I do win that they'll never get a medal about Algeria. Colorado do win. They'll never get a medal. Everyone is and this is what the Olympics say. But in here Ben this is a problem too. Listen I know her father didn't approve of boxing for girls. Listen to this. Fuck the Olympics for such a joke. Who watches that garbage? Everyone competing in the women's category is complying with the competition eligibility rules.
Starting point is 01:47:10 Listen, if you don't know someone in the Olympics or it's not like your sport, don't watch it. Everyone competing in the women's category is complying with the competition eligibility rules he said this week. This is Mark Adams of the International Olympic Committee. They are women in their passports and it stated that this is the case they are female okay yeah if the passport says that's an official document so it's legit yeah it says that they are one thing you ask for from Algeria. Yeah, of course Those I I can't imagine any foul play going on in Algeria
Starting point is 01:47:51 I'll tell you what this chick should open this chick or dude or whatever it is should open an only fans page Yeah you know just Profit off of what you got, you know, fuck it I'll stop playing along and calling him she. I don't know, dude. I don't fucking know. I don't know what this thing is. She could be a he.
Starting point is 01:48:12 We just wanna make sure that we're identifying by the proper pronouns here, okay? I had someone close to me try to use a they pronoun with me the other day. It was fucking bizarre. On 24 March 2023, the International Boxing Association disqualified athletes Lin Yu-Ting and Lin Ming-Klee from the IBA World Boxing Association New Delhi 2023. This disqualification was a result of the failure to meet eligibility criteria for participating
Starting point is 01:48:41 in the women's competition as set and laid out by the IBA regulations. This decision made a meticulous review, was extremely important and necessary to uphold the level of fairness and utmost integrity of competition. Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test whereby the specifics remained confidential. The IBA statement continues, this test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantage over other female competitors yeah that doesn't mean anything anyway if you're a dude beating up on girls, you shouldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:49:25 That's my... What's on the birth certificate? I don't even know if I believe that anymore. I want to see the DNA. All right, I got to pee or else I'd hang out with you guys longer. I got to go. Love you guys. See you tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 01:49:46 A parent will be here from training think tank. I'm so stoked. Love you guys. Bye bye.

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