The Sevan Podcast - Madrid Championship Programming | Shut Up & Scribble Ep 13

Episode Date: September 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:52 and all-you-can-everything. Book with your local travel agent or... What's up? We're live. Shut Up and Scroll, episode episode 13 main topic of the day the road qualifier so keep the political commentary to yourself or as someone once said shut up and dribble i think actually we may touch the road qualifier workouts briefly, but I think we're going to, I think we're going to do Madrid. Not to, not to burst your bubble. Sorry,
Starting point is 00:01:53 Will. Are you? Yeah, we're going to do, we're going to, yeah, sorry. We just,
Starting point is 00:01:58 you guys are awesome communicators. Yeah, we suck. I know. And Jr. Also called me his most high-maintenance friend, which leads me to believe he doesn't consider Jason his friend because I know I'm not more high-maintenance than Jason, bro.
Starting point is 00:02:10 So I texted Taylor, like, earlier today and said, hey, you know, the Q leaderboard isn't finalized yet. Madrid starts next Thursday. So we're going to be talking about Madrid after it's already started. Do you want to do Madrid today? He said no. No. I said okay cool and then he messaged me 20 minutes ago and says let's do Madrid that's not what you said this is what you said bro all right welcome to episode 13 of Shut Up and Scribble we're going to talk about Madrid today okay I thought you were doing the
Starting point is 00:02:42 rest of your show shirtless. Just kidding. Yeah, dude. First off, let me talk about Mexico for a second. Please do. All right. So I learned a couple things. We have a very large Spanish-speaking population at our gym.
Starting point is 00:03:02 It's like the 7 p.m., 6 p.m. class. I coach most of those. And I would say I speak tactical Spanish. I can coach movements, some cues, got the numbers down pat, can describe the workout. But the more fine minutia is challenging for me. But anyways, I was in Mexico. And I learned that when Hispanic people, maybe not all Hispanic people because I was in Mexico. It learned that when Mexican or Hispanic people, maybe, maybe not all Hispanic people. Cause I was in Mexico. It'd just be Mexicans when they speak English, they put an E before every word that starts with an S S steak S special.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Anyways, just found that funny. You know, I'm sure they make fun of how us country like Tyler Watkins talk. Anyways, that was, that was funny. And then we couldn't find a souvenir, but Lizzie ended up bringing one home with her of the um respiratory variety and now i have that and that's why i'm in the hoodie bro i just got the chills like crazy i was driving home from pt it was like 100 degrees and i had to roll the windows up and turn the ac off did you uh run into any bats when you're down there oh for you mean some covid yeah i actually fucked one dude
Starting point is 00:04:09 when we're all oh sorry bro oh and the other thing is i was coaching like first day back coaching it was a great day and it was this one member's birthday. And she was like, these two like middle-aged women, they're hilarious. They're like, we want to listen to some hood rat shit. And I'm like, why? And she's like, it's my birthday. And I'm like, all right, well, I'm not playing Meg the stallion or Cardi B first off. And they're like, why not? Why not? Why not? And I just don't want to hear anyone sing lyrical porn and talk about my wet ass puss. And then they got all upset with me. They're like, why not? Why not? Why not? And I just don't want to hear anyone sing lyrical porn and talk about my wet ass puss. And then they got all upset with me.
Starting point is 00:04:49 They're like, you're a sexist. That's what you would be if you were a music artist. I would not be Meg the Stallion. You're Meg the Stallion of the podcast. Anyways, that was pretty funny. So I played some old Lil Wayne, some Toonchy instead. He's great. What a great guy.
Starting point is 00:05:11 But all right, Madrid programming. JR? Who programmed that, by the way? You said something like – you said Elliot. Do I remember that correctly? Elliot Simmons. Ah, that's what I thought you mentioned. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I didn't know. Did they start that company, Quintessential? I'm not sure. It's actually – I was thinking about, though, that just in the first couple, I guess you would call them big off-season competitions, seeing two games, athletes. Seeing Elliott program this one. Janikoski program the one in Finland that Brian was just at.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I just think it's cool to see some of the higher level athletes that are currently competing or maybe retired get into that space. And like if they're good at it or if they're not good at it, I think it's pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I did all the notes and prep for that programming, which is why, like beforehand, yeah, I was confused. And also I probably –
Starting point is 00:06:12 I mean, they're really easy to pull up on Instagram if we'll just pull them up. Yeah. One sec. I'm trying to change the thumbnail. We were also talking about how to make urinals non-splash. I think they've already done that. Anybody have any ideas? I just sit down to pee no matter what.
Starting point is 00:06:33 On the urinal? Yeah, dude. Okay. Stop. My dog barks whenever I laugh. Shut up. See, as far as the queue goes, we are still waiting on the leaderboard to be finalized, which I think is something important. We can look at the programming and talk about whether or not we like it and talk about movement patterns and what athlete might it lend itself to as far as performance goes.
Starting point is 00:07:03 But I mean, the names on the leaderboard are all really, really stellar. There's a ton of good males and females. I think after the leaderboards finalize and we come, we could come back to it next week and talk about whether or not we were surprised that certain people qualified based on the programming, whether we thought that it got the right people there to Rogue. And especially was the qualifier a good screen for what we think the competition is going to be programmed like because a lot of people
Starting point is 00:07:31 think of Rogue in a certain way just like they think of maybe Guadalupe programming they think of swimming they think of Rogue programming a lot of times is pretty robust and pretty heavy and they think of Dubai maybe as a lot of endurance style events and some single modality weightlifting like it would be cool to come back around to it next week and just um talk about programming as a whole what we can expect at rogue in person and uh yeah just who we think will do well after the uh after the field is kind of set, I think that'll be pretty important to me. Knowing if the qualifier was a good screen is just seeing the final iteration of that leaderboard and who's in, who's out.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I think there are, yeah. Long story short, I think there are a lot of things that make a qualifier for an in-person event a good screen. Programming being a big piece, but not the only piece. All right. Madrid. I have some thoughts on this ish too brother all right cool yeah let's just jump into it we can go we can just do them in order i don't think uh event seven is out yet but we can kind of go back and forth about what we what we think it's going to be. I think, I think we could have a pretty good idea of predicting that. All right. Ask at it, bro. All right. So first of all, we got centimeters and inches on the
Starting point is 00:08:52 same workout, which kind of blew my mind at first because I'm not a, I'm not a metric guy. So I had to, I had to go look up, um, what that centimeter was. It's like 5.9, I think close to six inches of deficit. Oh, for both you think men and women they don't have a they have don't have a differentiator there don't have a differentiator and don't have a difference in rep scheme i think it's probably likely it's like nine and six or nine and five or something like that i'd probably i don't think it's a nine inch deficit i'm sorry yeah six. Six. So you think it's like six and three? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Probably six and three. I would imagine. I love this workout overall. Love it. Very gymnastic heavy for sure, but just fine. Um, but I just love the format. I love that.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Like, uh, up and back ladder ish. It's that with the reps, right? 15, 30, 45,
Starting point is 00:09:42 30, 15. And then an assault bike sandwich in the middle. And then you do it again in reverse. I think that's, I think that's sick sickness and I'm down with it. Those sandbags. Do you think those are, um, feed bags? Do you think they're cylindrical? Do you think, I mean, 80 and 60 odd, odd, odd weights for six, for 60 reps too.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I can only imagine that it's supposed to be, um, done a broken and fast. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, do you think they're just like circular sandbags? I would imagine they're like feed sacks that go on your back personally. Um, you know, as we look at other events, there is a lot of other front rack stuff. So I would not imagine a bear hug or like in competitions, I seen like front rack feed sack squats which are just weird you just hold them like almost in like a not a goblet but like a zurcher almost position right i think that'd be
Starting point is 00:10:34 cool but i don't see them doing that i think it's just a feed sack go ruck style of bag that's on the back and i think that it's potent has the potential to be super potent with the GHDs right afterward, right into the pistols. Then that 60 cal bike in the center, then back down. I think that's plenty of weight and plenty of reps in this particular context. Yeah, like if you look at it from an order standpoint, like if you flip it and you start with the strict and end with the strict, it's a completely different workout going from the box jump overs into the echo back into the box jump overs. But the fact that they have those 30 strict only sandwiched by the echo,
Starting point is 00:11:15 like that's going to be that second set of 15 is probably going to decide the workout for the majority of the field. And what's interesting about a workout like this. And Brian and I were talking about it when we talked about off-season programming, is if you program certain movements, there aren't competitions you can look at, sometimes other than the games, or a really high-level competition where something like a strict deficit handstand push-up gets tested. Like how many people program strict deficit handstand push-ups in programming? You never do them at the open level. You never do them in quarters.
Starting point is 00:11:48 You never do them in the semifinal level doesn't do strict deficit very often. So unless you've competed at the games, what can you look to, to know who's going to struggle and who's not? It's a really like, it's a huge question mark to me. Would you, would you call this a chipper? I would, I'd call it kind of a kitchen sink-esque chipper up and back chipper i mean we could call it a pyramid chipper up and back chipper but like to me a true chipper is where you do a movement and you don't come back to don't do it again yeah um but yeah this is a really this is a really popular format this um up and back style. Um, I mean, one of my favorite ones that was programmed was last year at rogue with the log muscle up that
Starting point is 00:12:29 went muscle up ski, GHD ski muscle up like that. So it's a really well-known one, but, um, so yeah, I mean, it's kind of a little bit of everything. It's kind of a cool workout to get it going. There's probably going to be people that do well on this that fall off on other events. And then there's going to be people that really excel on this just because they're good at that strict upper body pressing. But I think there's a little bit of something for everybody in this workout key, though, I think to what you're alluding to is that the linchpin of the workout is definitely the strict deficit handstand pushups, even more so the second set um but at the same time if you don't have good lactic threshold quad endurance uh general metabolic conditioning you're not going
Starting point is 00:13:12 to do well in this workout i don't think at the same time if you are a freak conditioning wise and you can only do triples or singles at that deficit um i'm not convinced you're going to do well in the workout either. I think generally it's pretty well-rounded. This is one of those 20-minute workouts too where you might see the fastest person go eight minutes or seven minutes faster than some of the people that get capped just because of that 30. For a lot of people, they're just going to slow play the whole workout
Starting point is 00:13:44 just to try to get through the bike. For other people, they're going to try to just get through the second 15. And then for a few, they're actually trying to race and run, which, which, you know, I think interestingly enough, looking at it, there's not a lot of muscular interference for the strict deficit handstand pushups, even the assault bike. I don't think it's a good game plan for people who are like, okay, I'm just going to try to keep my heart rate low just so I can do the handstand push-ups. I think if you're at this level, you're an elite athlete, and a high heart rate is what's keeping you from doing the deficit strict rather than muscular fatigue from an interfering movement,
Starting point is 00:14:18 you might have bigger things to worry about. But I'm sure there will be people like that in the field. Yeah, I mean, the whole workout is quad and hip flexor other than the so i'm sure he did that by design yeah yeah which i like i think that's i think that's cool and dude presented by braun is that the shaving company bro yeah yeah i'm out here we have an event the fuck is up that's crazy dude is it the same as like manscape dude braun is like uh they they do like a aftershave i'm pretty sure i used to have this aftershave from braun that i had my whole time when i was in rehab this one bottle and i still didn't grow that much hair so that one bottle lasted me like six months it just rings a bell anyways okay next workout oh there we go
Starting point is 00:15:02 electric shaver right silk expert pro 5 that's what i'm getting 430 bucks bro dude that thing will knock your pubes down in a heartbeat and you won't have any nicks wow mind that lady shaver wow i'm buying an adster card holy smokes uh alex elliot simmons programmed this competition all right let's go next workout overall i love it wow a classic classic rep scheme facilito yeah facilito i love the 42 30 18 love that uh 21 15 9 again just a classic i think the format of 42 21, 15, 9. Again, just a classic. I think the format of 42, 21, 30, 15, 18, 9. Great. Ascending weights on the barbell. Again, great. Fast, nasty workout. What do you think in time domain, JR? I think generally just at a glance,
Starting point is 00:16:01 something like eight minutes for the fastest, maybe seven. Yeah, I do think when you look at this, though, on paper, it reads faster than it's going to be doing 45 snatches. The light of the lightest of which being like what? 21 snatches. It's like one. No, 45 snatches. No, it's 42 chest to bar pull-ups, 21 snatches.
Starting point is 00:16:24 There's a total. I'm sorry. Oh, okay. You're talking-ups, 21 snatches. There's a total – I'm sorry. Oh, okay. You're talking about total, total, total. There's a total of 45 snatches. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. So, yeah, I mean, and all of those are what? Like 155? Yeah, 145 to 185.
Starting point is 00:16:39 185, yeah, 145, 165, 185. No one's – you know, if it was 21 15 9 chest to bar snatch then sure people do it unbroken on the chest to bar and they try to hold on at least for maybe some touch and go clusters on the snatches but because it's 90 chest bar like i think this is actually a little bit more of a how can i not blow up yeah and how can my how can my pulling in my grip not fatigue versus like uh like we're going after it type workout. I, I feel like there are people that can do really well, maybe breaking the first set of chest to bar once in the second set. Once maybe some people that can go on broken and hit pretty steady singles on the snatches. I don't see that there's any, like you said, maybe there's not any
Starting point is 00:17:21 benefit to going on broken on the chest of ours, such a cheap break to just drop down for a second eliminate unnecessary time on attention get back up and go but I like it I like the workout yeah I mean if you just if you look at the middle round for you know for a lot of people for most athletes that's where the workout starts to take its toll that's where you kind of see it take its shape as far as who's going to do well and who may fall off. If you do the 15 snatches at like, that's about 165. So if you do the 165 snatches and singles, one every three seconds versus one every four seconds, that's two to three quick breaks on the set of 30 right there. So you could, you could go a little bit faster on the barbell cycling and afford your breaks 12, 10, 8, or 15, 15 on the chest to bar. And it's going to mean a lot less.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I think the, the inability for people to stay disciplined and be back on the bar is so much more difficult in a barbell cycling workout than jumping back up on the rig. Yeah. Yeah. Overall thoughts, one to 10, how much do you like this one on a scale? Just individual of anything else on its own? Just this workout? Yeah. I like it. I think it's a great, uh, like a classic couple. And I hope that there are either three barbells on the floor or that they're rolling forward and they're adding their own
Starting point is 00:18:43 weight or they're rolling forward and someone else is adding it i think as far as telling a story goes it has a ton of potential too yeah yeah cool okay workout three i like it except for the adaptive jump ropes we need to pull that we need to pull a video of that up if we can is it on their instagram it's gotta be i think there it is right there upper right yeah yeah what like what's the okay so i love the attempt at, at creativity. I love when people try to bring something new to a movement that is already like not very novel, right? We've seen some jump rope variations. Now we're kind of seeing the apparatus change a little bit. Sure.
Starting point is 00:19:42 It's been something that a lot of the adaptive community has used for a while. It is what you would consider, I guess, just like a different skill. But I don't know how you feel about it, Taylor. But for me, I would like to see this kind of movement open up a chipper and have that be how it's introduced versus, hey, you may not even get to lift if you can't do these. Well, here's the, here's the, at the end of the day, this is why these, this, these are in the competition.
Starting point is 00:20:16 And this is the reality of you being a programmer and programming from an entity outside of yourself, say a separate event organizer, is you're going to have your hands tied on some things, and there are going to be companies that pay these event organizers or sponsor these event organizers to say, hey, we're going to pay you this much, or we're going to give you this, and we need this in the workout. And I fucking bet my life that, is it RX Smart Gear or some other company?
Starting point is 00:20:41 I don't know what company. It's like, okay, we have these. It's that brand, Valides. Oh, Valides. Yeah, validity yeah i was like okay we have this implement nobody's buying them we're gonna pay you this much use them in your competition we need to sell the shit out of these and at the very least everybody who's doing them in the competition just went and bought one to practice on them sure but sure but i guess my point is if you're gonna do something like that and you have the freedom yeah if you want to if you want to do something like this where do you put it in a competition do you put it in a couplet do you put it in a lifting event as a buy-in like this is do you
Starting point is 00:21:15 put it in a workout that it doesn't really matter as far as like who does well like how how do you work in a sponsorship agreement like i think i'm probably not putting it at the beginning of a chipper just because I would, again, I would want for people who can't do it to get as much of the work load as everyone else in. So maybe at the end of a chipper, maybe in the middle. Um, uh, if I had to, I think that's how I would do it. I think long story short, if I didn't have to, I probably wouldn't, but that's how i would do it i think long story short if i didn't have to i probably wouldn't but that's not the reality of working with event organizers when you work with event organizers sometimes you just got to do what you got to do and that's all good i think
Starting point is 00:21:54 generally speaking it's a good workout i just think that that jump rope's a little gimmicky to me um but gotta make that money, baby. As far as the format goes, you know, we'll see later on that there are definitely some workouts that help balance out a, I would still kind of consider this a rested strength test, right? There is a little bit of a buy-in with skill. There's 150 of these double unders. You only have 90 seconds. We can assume that the cycle time is about the same as a regular
Starting point is 00:22:25 jump rope so 30 seconds for jumping and then you have a minute to make your attempt then you have a 90 second rest you do it two more times as far as it on its own as long as there's a single modality maybe a structural test or there's a really really dense gymnastics only test like i'm i'm fine with the event as far as people go heavy and not really letting the the the new thing really mess up the leaderboard like i don't think for any of these athletes for at the elite level are going to struggle to do the 50 i don't know what's been talking about what do you mean have we talked about the torque tank yet is that in the event uh we're only at we're only at the second workout, so I didn't see it, but maybe that's just because I'm blind. Um, anyways. Yeah. I like, I like the cleaning jerk max. I think
Starting point is 00:23:16 potentially something sneaky about this workout is going from that by couplet one and two type 21, 59, 42, 30, 18, um, um into this event i know it'll be a day separation but grip and forearms are going to be blown from that workout and i have a feeling that this variation of double under to me looks like if there's anything that would tax more than a regular dumbbell under it's your grip um you're holding it exactly the same way you would hold the barbell. I don't know if that adds any sort of sketchiness or uncertainty to these lifts, but something to look out for. But yeah, I mean, in a time where there's a huge argument, and this is a show on its own, where is the line between creative and gimmick like where is that line where is where is the line drawn between something that's a circus trick or something that's like
Starting point is 00:24:10 a true progression of a movement or a way to test adaptability um i i commend somebody for trying to do something different always whether or not it flops you just take the ownership for that i mean i got some of those coming up in my competition. You, you have things in your competition that you're like, this doesn't get programmed in a for time setting. This may, this may be super lame, but you, you, you're willing to take that risk for it to really like land. Yeah. I think it's a gray area. I don't think there is a hard line. I think some people think like that's a fucking gimmick and other people are like, Oh, I think that's sick. Um, and again,
Starting point is 00:24:45 it's hit or miss with your audience and whether or not they're going to think what you're programming is gimmicky or cool. Um, yeah, yeah. Just gray. I think it's gray. So that's workout three.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Great. With an R, um, with an R or with an E. No, no, no. You didn't get that. on man i did all right all
Starting point is 00:25:07 right el parque el parque de joto de joto mi home is de joto whoa that means something whoa i've been to spain bro does youtube screen obscenity in other languages? I'm sure they do. Whatever. I'm not a computer. El parque. Okay, let's go. 5K run with a plate carrier presented by Go Ruck. So I would assume that that sandbag in the first event is probably one of those longer Go Ruck bags, potentially.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Only question is, do you think this is a backpack or like an actual plate carrier because you know it would be cool if they ran this entire event with one of those strap bare bones plate carrier where you put the weight plate on the back and the fucking clip on that thing i think that's sick i remember maybe it was josh was the first person i ever saw running it up his hill yeah right i need one hill yeah right i need one i think this is great i think this is great right after the lift um especially if they're doing on the same day i think it's a really cool juxtaposition of the opposite ends of the spectrum and who you expect to do well on both so i think this is good cool yep love it if there's another run somewhere in the competition, I scratched my head a little bit at it just because I think that there's a lot of other monostructural things you can do,
Starting point is 00:26:29 but that's left to be seen. Quick, quick question. Do you think this, when you look at this event, it's got the added weight. I know we've talked a little bit about this stuff before. Do you consider any part of this weightlifting? No, neither do I just consider it a weighted run. Yeah. Yeah. It's run yeah yeah it's a run it's a run and it's just harder like you're a little fatter maybe okay how many times do you think they wheeled it at least three holy shit okay uh the burpee maker intervals i love it i love it i love a burpee. It's presented by Assault Fitness.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Are they using the air rower? There you go. Is it a rower or is there a runner somewhere else in the competition? That's the question. What do you mean? No, I think, dude, well, the first workout's Assault Bike. AB. The first workout, 60, 48 calories. I thought it said Echo.
Starting point is 00:27:24 No, no, no. It said calorie. It says no, no. It said calorie. It says AB air bike. AB. So maybe that was the – maybe it's all assault. That would be pretty cool. Or they're going to sit on Antonio Brown's butt cheeks and just like pedal him. Stop.
Starting point is 00:27:40 See my dog? Whenever I laugh, she barks. She's like, cut it out. You don't get to do that. She wags her tail. Okay. We'll go back to that interval. Sorry. How's my thought? I took his back down memory lane. I love it. And if it's with the air rower, I love it even more. I just think that's cool. I think just change things up a little bit. Everybody rows on a C2. Not a lot of people have access to an air rower. the end of the day it's the same movement but
Starting point is 00:28:05 it's a little different people aren't going to be as familiar with their paces on the row for getting calories they're just going to be a little uncertain um please sir hello peter um so i like that if it's the air rower um back to another barbell for 12 thrusters, more squatting into max bar facing burpees. I like the event on its own. I'm starting to have some question marks looking at the totality. About what? No, no, let's wait until we get to six. How long do you think the row and thruster take in the interval every time?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Two on, one off? I would guess it's going to take about a minute, five, maybe a minute for the absolute fastest. If you're rowing that 16 calories a do, and the air rowers, I think a little bit quicker than the C2 to carry calories. You get off the rower, say, what, like 35 seconds? If you're moving hard, which might that's probably appropriate for these guys you go straight to the barbell pick it up 12 quick thrusters i don't think you have
Starting point is 00:29:10 to rush those with 24 seconds you can take your time and finish in a minute and then you can get right to the burpees and i think yeah with transitions i think you're spot on i think it's like 45 to 55 seconds for burpees. Yep. And I think for people who are really good and can pace and can hold, I don't, man, I think three is possible, but I think if anyone does it in three, it's one person. And I don't know if anyone at this competition can do it in three. I think most people are going to take five and I think maybe half the field doesn't have four. Yeah. I think a lot can do it in four. Um, but again, I think it reads to me as one of those workouts where someone can do it in three. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, you know, a lot of this too, and people don't know about this
Starting point is 00:29:55 when they're looking at a workout is how far apart everything is matters a lot. Yeah, it does. That's if you're getting off the rower and running 20 feet versus getting off the rower and the barbell is right there it's completely different so just those couple seconds if there's two transitions and they're both three seconds long and you miss those six that's two burpees right there so you know it's it's uh it's not as cut and dry as just the row takes this the barbell takes this so they're going to be averaging 18 a minute easily every time. We don't really know how it's going to look on the floor. Are they going to advance the bar every 15 burpees so that the crowd can see, okay, that person is past 45 or that person is past 60? Like, how are they going to keep count? Is there going to be someone moving a chess piece
Starting point is 00:30:40 along the floor after they're done with the interval every time showing you, hey, this person's in the lead? Like all those things really matter. moving a chess piece along the floor after they're done with the interval every time showing you, Hey, this person's in the lead. Like all those things really matter. I think they're probably rolling the barbell. And when you think about those logistics, no one's going to do it in three, but in my head where I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:30:52 okay, I'm at the gym, I'm doing this workout. I'm thinking, I know I can do 25 bar facing burpees in a minute at not a blackout pace. It's a hard pace, but at an interval pace, I'm thinking it's possible,
Starting point is 00:31:03 but with rolling advancing i think you're right i think i don't think anyone's going to do it until the at the event i i stand by what i said though possible to complete in three under ideal circumstances um which this is not so overall like the workout yeah i love getting some intervals in there some kind of work whether it's a back-to-back that are scored separately or some kind of intervals. I think at this point in the game, if you're not testing that in a competition, it's not programmed well. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Bold statement, Cotton. Okay. Last released event. There's seven. Okie dokie, brother. I love the workout. What is HSN? What is what?
Starting point is 00:31:53 What is HSN? Presented by HSN? Do we know? The brand? Yeah. Yeah. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later
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Starting point is 00:33:00 Ready for you. Okay. Anyways, I like the workout um i like the down up the stairs down the ramp you ski then you do your muscle ups you go back you do the ramp down the stairs you advance your chest piece you probably run down the floor advance your chest piece turn around now you're facing at your start position you do stairs again ramp i think the flow of that's beautiful. Yeah, I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:33:30 On its own, I love it. Wrap air up? Wrap her up? But there's a seventh workout. That sounds like a finale name to me, doesn't it? Or is that alluding to something a little you know the name of the uh the name of the company last year they used for the obstacle was rusta right r-r-u-s-t-e-r so i just wonder if it i wonder if it has to do with the brand of the obstacle that they're using okay yeah i mean when you look at this workout too, you wonder with a 12-minute cap, hey, did the fastest person do it in testing?
Starting point is 00:34:11 Did they do it a little faster than EMOM knowing that, hey, some people, the ramp, both ramps, obstacles are going to take a minute. But for some people, like if you did that workout, Taylor, that's like – that's 10 seconds for you and then 10 seconds for you at the end. Like it's not even close to a minute of work. Yeah. People doing the muscle ups on broken at that level. Sure. Most of them are doing all three sets on broken. When you get into the round three, depending on how hard people are skiing, maybe they're breaking it once the ski we can assume is a minute.
Starting point is 00:34:39 So I think just if you time the workout, like fastest people, fastest people are going to do what? Six to eight? Three minutes for the ski and then four to five minutes for the gymnastics? I think six a little on the aggressive side. I think probably a sweet spot is seven to eight, seven to nine. Yeah. So it'll be – this is really, will be interesting too, because the movements are so dense, right? Ski into muscle up, muscle up into handstand walk,
Starting point is 00:35:12 upper body, lots of tricep fatigue, lots of press out fatigue. You see something similar to the deficit handstand pushup workout where there may be a big bottleneck in a workout like this, where a lot of people are within a minute. And then you'll see just a couple of people separate. So I think the opportunity for separation is really needed when you have people like Lazar, Travis Mayer, when you have those kinds of athletes coming, they need an opportunity, even when the workout isn't long to separate themselves somehow.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And in a workout like this at the elite level, you can push back, but I feel like it might come down to ski pace. I don't think it's going to come down to ski. Ah, man. I just don't, I just don't think the obstacle chunks and the ring muscle up chunks are, I mean, none of those dudes are thinking about breaking a set of 12. Now maybe I'm wrong. And the last set of 12, you'll see some people take longer extended breaks before they jump up. Yeah, I think we're likely to see that.
Starting point is 00:36:12 And then execution on the ramp. How long are you resting before getting up on the ramp? I think you could probably win this workout holding a 1250 on the ski if you don't rest anywhere else. If you hold a 1250 on the ski and you're just boom, kick right up to the ramp, boom, straight to the skier, 1250, you finish your ski, you go right to the rings, 12 reps, you turn around, you go right to your handstand ramp. At the same time, I don't think you win the workout. If you take bigger rests other places just to ski like a 15. This is a tiny detail, but I think it's good for people to see. Yeah, it's definitely a tri-step.
Starting point is 00:36:49 The fact that they're not starting the workout ramp stair and ending the workout stair ramp that it's flipped, I think is going to speed everything up a little bit. Oh, yeah, for sure. Because coming back ramp after muscle-up versus coming back stair after muscle-up is much different. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I love this one on its own. I think real quick, Will, if you want to scroll back to the first workout, in each workout, I just want to briefly be like, okay, this is the linchpin of the workout. This is what we're testing. the linchpin of the work as well.
Starting point is 00:37:21 We're testing. I feel like in event one, more than anything, what we're testing is your upper body, gymnastic pressing proficiency, general Metcon beyond that. Definitely some quad endurance, but if you can't knock those 30 deficit strict out quickly, you're not going to win the workout.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Right? Linchpin. Yeah, definitely. And for the, for the outliers, it's, it's, it's really going to be more of a,
Starting point is 00:37:46 more of a base capacity test. Yeah. Okay. Next. All right here. I feel like more than anything, what we're testing is like moderate to short time domain metabolic conditioning,
Starting point is 00:37:59 but also pulling capacity, like pulling capacity and grip in a big way. But like, if you don't have the, if you don't have the, if you don't have the juice to go hard for seven to nine minutes, you're not winning this one either, but pulling endurance huge next. So gymnastic, right. Kind of gymnastic based again, would you say? Yeah. Next, next, just absolute strength.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah. Yeah. Barbell, absolute strength. This absolute endurance, aer. This absolute endurance. Aerobic capacity. Yeah, aerobic capacity endurance. This one is pretty well balanced. I think I would put it as like a general capacity test. Yeah, I would put it in like the – How bad do you want to hurt?
Starting point is 00:38:41 The threshold test type category, yeah. But again, a lot of – How close can you fly to hurt the the threshold test yeah category yeah but again a lot of how close how close can you fly to the fire without burning yourself yeah exactly but i think probably more than anything on this workout uh i mean if you're not stupid and pace the buying incorrectly more important than anything like we've got a lot of burpees a lot of body weight here next and here i think more than anything all gymnastic skill for the most part um press support i would say support i don't know i if i like for me ring muscle up comes down to at the end of the day like i have a good really good kick out of the dip so for me sometimes it does come down to grip i'm not gonna fail fail the turnover and I really don't
Starting point is 00:39:25 fail a muscle up. I can kip out of the dip so well. It's more of like a support thing. Can I get to support and hold it? I think we can just, we can just, if we, if we put the strict deficit and we put the chest to bar into just the category of upper body stamina limiting workouts, we can put this one in that category too, whether it's the, whether it's your press, whether it's your forearm fatigue or whatever, like we can just say that this is going to be limited by upper body stamina. All right. And any speculation on this last workout? So when I look at this programming and I see, and I know what they've done in the past, you know, like last year, um, they did have the torque tank in the workout. I'm pretty sure it was the workout at the end
Starting point is 00:40:07 that they did with like maybe some dumbbell thrusters, an echo bike, maybe some chest bar if I'm remembering correctly. I see two big things, some sort of horizontal displacement, so some sort of odd object moving or carrying, whether it's a sandbag, whether it's a sled variety, whether it's something like a flip sled, some kind of odd object displacement that needs to be there. And then other than that, I think rope climbs fit really well. When you look at the deficit handstand pushup, and you look at the ring muscle up handstand walk workout, you see two pretty pressing determining workouts. And then you see the
Starting point is 00:40:46 chest to bar with the pulling limiting so if you kind of want to balance that out a little bit more having another upper body gymnastics pull makes sense more monostructural doesn't make a lot of sense to me you've got a soft you've got rower you've got skier and you've got running and double unders yeah so you've got five monostructural if you count the bar double under what do you think for the final uh i i really more than anything wanted you to talk on what you thought because i know you've thought a lot deeper about it than i have what i i don't know what i think they're going to come out with for the final um but i hope it's a lot of weightlifting because I think as I read it now and I go through
Starting point is 00:41:25 and I count every repetition, I'm going to go through this just, you know, not super detailed, but detailed enough. We look at, let's start with monostructural. There's enough monostructural. You just talked about it. There's five different implements. We're doing a 60 calis all bike, 150 double unders, a 5k run, 60 to 80 calories on the rower, depending on how long that interval takes you, 45 or 60 calories on the skier, whether you're a dude or a dudette. That's enough monostructural for a seven-test event. For sure, plenty. You should not have any more.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I would say that's on the upper end of what's nest. That's a lot. Gymnastics, you've got 90 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 75 bar-facing burpees, 60 pistols, 90 GHDs, 30 deficit-tricked handstand push-ups, 30 tall box jump-overs, 36 ring muscle-ups for men, 27 for women, 6 obstacle course traverses, 417 total reps of gymnastics, 70 of which are pretty challenging. I would consider the muscle ups challenging. I'd consider the, uh, deficit handstand pushups challenging. And I would consider the obstacle traverses challenging. Now let's go to weightlifting 45 snatches, three clean and jerks, 48 to 60 thrusters and 60 sandbag squats. So total 168 reps, 12 to 20 of which I think are challenging, right? The
Starting point is 00:42:47 three clean and jerks are challenging nine to whatever, 18 or nine to 17 of those snatches in that 45 snatch workout are, are really challenging. Um, there's not a lot of weight lifting. I love gymnastics, but I think it's super gymnastics heavy. I don't think it's weightlifting heavy enough. So I just hope that we see. You hope that the workout, you hope that the weightlifting element, regardless of how it's presented, is what decides the workout.
Starting point is 00:43:20 For sure, yeah. So we've got event one, gymnastics decided. Event two, that was the why am i forgetting oh the chest of our pull-up workout i think for the most part the gymnastics decided if you're sick at chest of our you're going to be fine at those weights on the barbell um event three weightlifting so we got gymnastic gymnastics weightlifting then monostructural then event five kind of all, but a lot of body weight with the burpees. And then event six, again, gymnastics. So we've got three gymnastics,
Starting point is 00:43:52 one weightlifting, one monostructural, I just hope that the final is a lot of a lot of heavy potentially, or just that the weightlifting is very critical. So if it is a mixed modality workout, and it's not single modality, which we can probably expect if they had something in there, like toes to bar, if they had rope climbs, you hope that it's more of like a, a, a buy-in to the workout where, where they're racing on the weightlifting. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Um, and I would even be okay with there not being any gymnastics in the workout. I know it's likely to have some. But I would be fine with just a barbell or just dumbbells, like some sort of a sprint chipper, just with a variation of dumbbell movements, like a couple different dumbbell movements, maybe. what comes to mind for me is that like dubai event at like 165 was it that like hang clean clean whatever hang clean jerk something like that but just creative i i don't want something weight lifting but okay you're not you're not apt to hear me say that frequently
Starting point is 00:44:57 no i agree though i think that um the the gymnastics like volume is very high. So I think that, and there's plenty of monostructural. If this last workout has something that maybe some people can't do, like a carry that just crushes people or a barbell or a dumbbell or a pair of kettlebells that are just hard for people to move, I think it would really balance the whole competition. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Dope. Dude, 43-28. We mopped that up, bro. I wasn't even looking at the clock. Why do we only have a... What's up with our light? Where are all you fools at? We took last week off because of your honeymoon, so they don't have faith in us.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Dude, I caught that Mexican Zika. So it was, I mean, worth it, but I got to go. I got to go pick up my five-year-old from school. All right. Thanks for watching everybody.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Don't end the broadcast yet. Let Jr go. We got some stuff to talk about. Just real quick. Love you too. All right. Love you, bro.
Starting point is 00:46:03 So just want to plug crucible. If you guys are interested in a sick event. His lineup, the field of female and male individual athletes competing at JR's competition in October, it's insane. It's like everyone's a semifinalist. Everyone. So that should be cool. And still some unannounced names that are going to be shockers. Shockers. Dun, dun, dun.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Coming to you Friday night, 6, 8, Central, 7, Eastern on ESPN in the red corner. That's about what it's going to be like. It's going to be crazy. It's sick. It's sick. So that's going to be cool. Come hang out.
Starting point is 00:46:41 We'll be there. We'll be hanging out. We will be there. Then. Whoa. gonna be cool come hang out we'll be there we'll be hanging out we will be there um then whoa uh then charlotte classic my event that i'm running with brian friend this year sick event i'm super excited about it um there's got a division for everybody we've got an elite division the field's not going to be as deep as crucible, but that's fine. Workouts are going to be plenty challenging in the skill regard and in the psychological tolerance regard, which I am very fond of.
Starting point is 00:47:14 We were going to have an RX division, which is like if you can basically RX a class workouts most of the time, good division for you. Masters 40 plus, you should be like an RX competitive masters athlete. And then a community division, which is great for anyone looking to compete potentially for the first time. division for you masters 40 plus you should be like an rx competitive masters athlete and then a community division which is great for anyone looking to compete potentially for the first time they've been doing crossfit for a while pretty familiar with most of the movements you're not rxing all the class workouts or the open community is great if you guys are interested in that ish you can go to our instagrams um i'd be in the community division. Yeah. No, you did.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Will did the RX division, which we called intermediate in its first year. And he did. He didn't place last. So that was sick. And then let, yeah. Beyond that, you know, self-made training program. Oh, I'll announce this here, but we're going to make a post about it. I got to talk to Will about this. Hopefully he's not mad at me.
Starting point is 00:48:03 We're going to get a few sign up or register for the Charlotte Classic we're gonna give you a month trial a self-made training program oh yeah yeah so you'll just have to reach out to us we'll send you the code and get you up in there bruh bruh get up in there sign up seriously like right Like right now. It's dope. We need you. Yeah. We need you. Help. I didn't buy lunch today because one of y'all didn't sign up for SMTP. This Rambler keeps asking for this. I think Rambler, this is more of a Michelle question rather than a me question. So I'll probably DM her on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I'm sure she'll see it. Yeah. um so i'm probably dm her on instagram i'm sure she'll see it um yeah sorry i love you dude that was that was a that was a bit of a joke uh yeah should be should be tight oh can i defer that month trial if i sign up no man fuck you you have to do it just we don't even know what defer means dude yeah defer like give it to your mom for like a for like a like a tooth fairy present like she loses one of her molars and you stick that thing on her pillow molars i'm sure how come old people don't get money from the tooth fairy dude i give them money i buy old people's teeth dude where's your where's your costume out where's my collection yeah you just got a big string in them you put that on your christmas tree instead
Starting point is 00:49:33 of cranberries i wear it like a puka necklace dude it's like a really yeah it's pretty it's so sick all right well i think that was a good show um we are pumped about next week to watch madrid championship and uh yeah brian's on the broadcast i don't know who else sick i think dope dope oh one last thing sorry oh i know you hate this i was thinking about like well one thing about smtp if you guys aren't familiar with it we are a rolling calendar program which means like it's not a fixed schedule if you sign up you start on today which everyone else on the program is on which is great and i think very true to the methodology in the sense that we want every athlete to be prepared in a general sense. And what I don't like about fixed calendars is that 90% of the programs started when it rolled out.
Starting point is 00:50:33 They're on month six. It's been six months since the program rolled out. You sign up and you're on day one. And that leaves you ill-prepared for whatever task you're trying to prepare yourself with. And in the sense of CrossFit, we use like the open as the benchmark to measure our fitness. So if you're getting prepared for the open, last thing you want to do is sign up
Starting point is 00:50:49 for a session one day, one program, two months before the open. But if you sign up for self-made training program a month prior to, you're going to get all of your open prep. Rambler, if you sign up, you just DM me in my Instagram or via the app and i do quite a bit of coaching on there and helping people out with movement and cues so that's what i love to do
Starting point is 00:51:12 um but i like that a lot and i was thinking like what happens when a new programmer takes over the games or takes over across the games the open quarterfinals and you have had a session one day one program for years that you wrote based off of a particular style of programming from someone in the past and now the person who's programming the competition you are preparing people for is different but your program is not different your training is not different that piqued my interest um anyways just to suck my own meat a little bit you guys are not like my not my you know not that meat like that cow we bought like a cold cut maybe oh salami mixed meats yeah mixed mixed modal mixed meats word but anyways um and you
Starting point is 00:52:00 it depends on your university gym we program the 60 track as pretty modifiable for just about anyone with a lot of equipment, and there's a lot of equipment substitutes. The compete track, you're going to need access to stuff that you would expect to see in competition. Oh, who would finish higher at crash this year? Wow, fuck off, Dryer Dagger. You really think I'm that unfit that i need a 30 second head start to beat that oh chill depends on the workouts depends on the programming all right see ya

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