The Sevan Podcast - Mariah Moore | Fittest on Earth | Retro Active #958

Episode Date: June 30, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions I have so much respect for my competitors but when people compare me to the other competitors it really doesn't even faze me because I know I'm already going to win athletes want to compete at the CrossFit Games because it is the pinnacle of their sport. If you just get to that point, you are one of the 40 fittest people on the planet. I don't enter a competition thinking that I'm going to lose. Going into the CrossFit Games, my sole purpose there was to win.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Coming into the 2022 season, Tia Toomey has a chance to stand alone in history, to be the first and only athlete to win six consecutive CrossFit Games titles. The question was like, how is she going to do it? What's that going to look like? I don't think it's going to look like years in the past where it's just win, win, win, win. Toomey's back to zero. Oh no. And O'Brien is across. I do not care how hard I go. I'm just going for it. Of course, we'll race so fast that if it's hard to explode, that's now. For the first time in five years, we were going to get to see Ricky Garrard at the CrossFit Games. The last time we saw him was 2017.
Starting point is 00:02:11 He finished third and then he tested positive for PEDs. Seeing Ricky wearing the White Leaders jersey, I think forced a lot of people to confront a question that maybe we hadn't really considered, about what our feelings would be around the possibility of not only Ricky coming back, but winning. You dropped that on the air, gone. Everyone's just roaring for someone to beat Ricky. Roman Krennikoff went into destruction mode. He just looked like a machine out there.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I know you're hurt. Everybody's hurt, and you're tougher than everybody. You just get so hyped up, and you're like, I'm ready to attack this. This is gonna be one of the most epic Saturday nights we've ever had. We've seen this before between Tia Toomey and Laurel Horvath. He's got to keep his balance. He's got to keep his balance.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Gerard will do it and Madaris will do it. Here we go. Bam, we're live. Hey, the only reason why they won't ding us, someone wrote, hey, the one time HQ won't ding us. The only time that... The only reason why they won't ding us is because I pulled it off of Instagram.
Starting point is 00:03:22 So that's it. That's it. The director, Mariah Mooreore should be here uh any minute she's having some minor technical issues let me see make sure i gave her the right link make sure it's not my fault that's the cool thing when people have issues, it doesn't even matter. It's our show. It's Queen's show. It's Brittany Cassidy's show. It's Miss Pugface's show.
Starting point is 00:03:50 It's Fergie's show. It's Stephen Flores' show. It's Philip Kelly's show. It's Jake Chapman's show. It's just our show. It's Jay Hartle's show, who loves the music. Hey, did yesterday's show ever get put back up? I know that they pulled it down because of all the copyright claims.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It was the most copyright claims we've ever gotten in a single show it's kind of funny your glasses look good oh thank you they're old they're old i just saw them on the counter and i'm like you know what i'll wear these today now you're making me have technical issues why did you go over and see if yesterday's show is up uh mariah moore is um coming on the show i was looking at her um instagram this morning and uh i saw this picture bam and i and then i scrolled down and i realized i took this picture kind of cool that's her interviewing greg glassman it looks like it's downstairs at hq
Starting point is 00:04:53 in santa cruz uh no matter what the business looks like or who is at the helm my deep-seated love for crossfit and gratitude to the man who created it will spring eternal. That's cool. Greg Glassman love. She posted this in May of 2022. Maybe everyone should post one of those. Can you imagine being a CrossFit Games athlete? Just a completely new sport.
Starting point is 00:05:27 You'd be out there fucking mowing lawns. You'd be some fucking ding-dong trapped in a medical lab somewhere, 50 pounds overweight, but because of Greg, you have a fucking totally different career. But you're out. I'm out. God damn. I shouldn't have brought that up. It's completely unreal.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I guess people don't sit around and thank Thomas Edison for the light bulb. Is that who did it or Benjamin Franklin or whoever created that? Franklin or whoever created that. So, this is in your lifetime. This dude's still alive, especially for you idiots who mischaracterize them. Oh, no, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. I'm getting wound up.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I feel it. I need to chill. I need to chill. Tranquilo, Cevito. I need to read something out of this, out of my Tao Te Ching here. Number 64 from the Tao Te Ching. Fame or integrity, which is more important? Money or happiness, which is more valuable? Success or failure, which is more destructive? If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled.
Starting point is 00:06:49 If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have. Rejoice in what things you are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. Loud, too. Oh, that's nice. I like that. That was a good question.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Hi, Mariah. What's up? was uh having technical difficulties um you did the same thing i did today you had issues too no i washed my hair i did that last night yeah i could tell it's the first time since sunday i haven't washed my hair in over a year i just saw the bottle of shampoo on the ground i was was like, you know what? Today's the day. How do you keep it clean then? You just don't take it down on the man bun? No, no, no, no. It has to come down.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I just rinse it out with water. I just rinse it out with water. I like it because then it gets really thick like a helmet. See, I haven't used body wash in years. I don't wash my body. Yeah, you know what? I was surprised how many people don't wash their body. Hiller told me he doesn't wash.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Andrew Hiller doesn't wash his body either. No soap. Yeah, no soap. Yeah. I got a hairy butt, so I have to use soap. I feel like I have to use soap. I have to lather down there. Stuff gets caught if you don't.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Don't be crass. Don't be crass, Mariah. I listened to the PR All Day day podcast yesterday with nicole you've never talked about her resigning and coming back like a different show but thank you eaton beaver thank you what a trippy name can you imagine naming your kid eaton beaver you think that's actually their name no i was just seeing a few like I do. Holy cow, dude. And another movie. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I know. Thank you. No one has any idea how much work that is unless they've put together a movie, you know, like, yeah, get a movie. You can't even fathom it. Yeah. It's kind of funny because I'm like, I'm OK with criticism, but I'm like, I respect your opinion a bit more. You know what it takes to do it. You know, what people don't realize is that every second 24 pictures go by or 30 pictures
Starting point is 00:08:54 go by or 60 pictures go by or 120 pictures go by. And so for you as not only the director or the editor, every one of those pictures matters to you. It's not for us. We're just watching them go by and make movement but for you you're looking at every picture and be like should i cut on this one or should i go two pictures over and cut on this one or should i go three picture should i start the dissolve at this picture or should i start the dissolve and you're clicking over one picture at a time or you're bringing that razor blade down one picture at a time and people like no one has any
Starting point is 00:09:24 fucking clue like hey this isn't just like some random like, hey, I cut it here, and within a second, it's no big deal. Right. Well, it's not in the amount of footage you capture after the games, too. Or you have to go through after the games. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely nuts. You know what? This was the first games, Doc, I've probably watched. I definitely didn't watch the previous year, last year. I absolutely loved it. Congratulations. I absolutely loved it. You know what's kind of interesting? The stuff that I liked the least in it was the CrossFit stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:05 you know like at the intro and end the kind of like hey this all takes place and there's kind of like hey this is the community and then at the end then there's the whole meat and potatoes of the movie the competition yeah and then at the end it closes with like and don't forget like this happens in this community but i i not not that i didn't like it but i was i i the meat and potatoes were crazy good job i'm not a tia tumi fan i'm not i'm not a hater at all i just don't know her at all you know what i mean i've never and i walked away from that movie being like holy shit i love her yeah she's great she's great she's a cool girl and you did ricky right too i mean we never not that go ahead yeah well i mean we i mean you probably remember when we went out and shot with him in 2017 i think we were all a bit devastated when we found out that he had popped because we all loved him.
Starting point is 00:10:49 You were back. Did you do that? You did behind the scenes in 2017. It was 2018 that you didn't do him, right? Correct. Correct. So you were back there with him too, weren't you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yeah. I mean, nobody really wanted to do him dirty. No. I remember we were slated to go out and shoot with him australia heber and i and like two days before we went out justin came into our office and he was like hey i don't think you guys want to go on that trip anymore to see ricky and we were like why no like his his um a sample just tested positive like we don't know for sure because you know his b samples right now is getting pulled to get tested as well and we're like well we still have to go i mean if he oh they don't
Starting point is 00:11:29 know filmmakers do you you guys were like oh we definitely are going now that was like ill intention though not with ill intention but we were like we have to go this is part of the story if if he does test positive um and so we went and like we got to know him a little bit at the games but then when we were there heber and i were just like holy shit we were just like praying his sample was negative because we like because we loved him so much and so when we we got jb emailed us like a few hours no maybe even like we were sitting in the car about to go do his interview his master interview and it was the last thing we were doing on that shoot and we got the email saying that his b sample had also tested positive and at that point like ricky knew that his a had sample had
Starting point is 00:12:20 popped or tested positive but he didn't know yet that the bee had the bee sample um and we like it's not something we had talked about with him and i don't and they didn't know that we knew um and then we had to we found out that he his bee sample tested positive and then we had to get out the car and go do his interview with him and we were gutted we were devastated we did not we were not stoked when we heard that. It's crazy. Did any part of you feel dirty being there? It's kind of weird being a filmmaker, right? Like you're there to capture it, but you also feel a little guilty. Like it's like going to film at a funeral.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Yeah. Yeah. Oh, for sure. I mean, it's kind of like that. I mean, definitely in that situation, it was pretty uncomfortable, but even when you're at the games, there's situations where you're pushing a camera into their face during a really intimate or emotional moment. And you feel like you want to crawl out of your own skin because it feels inappropriate for you to be there. But you have to do your job and you have to document. And in hindsight, you're never – that's the thing also too early you realize. In hindsight, you're always like, okay, I'm glad I have this. if i don't want to show it now that's fine but at least i have it
Starting point is 00:13:30 you're never you're never like i've never gone home and been like oh shit i wish i wouldn't have filmed this 90 percent of time like god i'm so happy i sacked it up and wasn't a little bitch and filmed this oh yeah oh yeah i mean you gotta it. And then and not to say you don't get I mean, you get a little calloused. It gets easier and easier. That's a terrible thing, but you're better at your job for it. What year did you start working for CrossFit? 20. Shit. 2013. I think end of 2013. Shit. 2013, I think end of 2013. And was that the first time?
Starting point is 00:14:09 So I know a lot of people start off as contractors before they became employees. Were you a contractor first? Yeah. A year. Yeah. A year. And then who hired you? Tyson hired you? No. Charlie and Joe. Oh, okay. Oh, you started you started okay i think that's that yeah memory starting to come back i remember you started on the game side of the house yeah i was a pa i was like literally wrapping cables for the update show like pitting mics on people and stuff and you had never held a camera no i had i was it was something that i wanted to do so when my hometown
Starting point is 00:14:46 longboat california um i started going to their the local affiliate when it opened in 2012 i was about to graduate high school um and i had always wanted to pursue film and photography it was something that i had aspired to do since i was like 13 years old um and so I just started doing make like creating content for the affiliate and then Torrin Torrin Simpson's um brother uh went to the gym introduced me to Torrin when Torrin was visiting because at the time Torrin was an employee of CrossFit and then just and then I started sending my stuff to Torrin for advice and then he was like hey um there's openings for like to be a production assistant for the update show it's like literally the bottom of the totem pole
Starting point is 00:15:30 but you know i'll put i'll put your name in with the powers that be if that's something you're interested in so i sent in my resume lied on my resume about what i was capable of doing and i was like oh i can just learn really quick right of course and then and then i went up and interviewed with charlie and they hired me so i quit my college classes and my job at starbucks and went to work for crossfit i can't think of two better people three better people to work with uh torren charlie and joe yeah you're pretty stoked those yeah those are great fucking people those are great oh yeah beans yeah oh yeah it was it's cool because charlie was like hey what you know i would always ask to do work for you and tyson because that was ultimately what i wanted to do that's what i remember i remember you wanted to like slowly slither over to the
Starting point is 00:16:20 that's a good way the other side of the house yeah yeah yeah i was definitely scheming that's for sure no but uh charlie was always open to me taking on work joe always held me to a really high standard which made me want to be better and then torn was always so good about just taking the time to teach me things so i had a lot of really good people in my corner it's crazy um how many people came up there right i mean you just think joe novella must be so proud of people like you and charlie just i mean just murdering right yeah i hope so hey um there was there was a uh for this uh by the way mariah said she's out of lompoc california that's for those people who don't know that's probably like uh i don't know 120 miles north of los ang, right? Yeah, it's like two hours. Okay. And then there was a,
Starting point is 00:17:06 I think that there was a film made out of your gym of a guy who was running with a kettlebell. Yeah, I made that. That was the first thing. I pitched it to Tyson. Incredible. And that was fucking incredible. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Thanks. I can't watch it anymore. It's like, oof. Oh, that was amazing. How is that? So the guy was running with the kettlebell he turned a corner and his back went out and he was basically paralyzed right yep and then I think he had like a two-year goal he was paralyzed from the waist down he had
Starting point is 00:17:34 a two-year goal of being able to do the open again he was able and through he rehabbed through CrossFit and was able to do the open um Allegra r a watch tyson interview with chase on the crossfit games podcast this one looks sick so many storylines yeah it is good allegra you you're gonna really like it it moves very very very very very fast it is awesome i really enjoyed it every time i'm able to get a doc under two hours long, which is always the goal. I think of the time that, do you remember this? I think it was with Redeemed and the Dominant. I think the movie like came in at like two hours and 15 and like Kieber and Mars and I sat back.
Starting point is 00:18:13 We're like, yeah, we're done. And then you came back like right before Christmas break and you're like, hey, you guys need to shave off 30 minutes. I do remember fighting with you guys a few times. That's for sure. I don't remember the exact details every time i get it under like the two hour mark i'm like yes stefan he couldn't say shit right now i fucking did it i got it under um i've told this story on here before and and i'm open to the story being um uh hyperbole but you tell me if it's true. I remember one time we were working out downstairs
Starting point is 00:18:45 and there were a bunch of us working out and I was by the bay doors. I may have even slithered outside like to hide. And I was doing overhead squats and I think the overhead squats were supposed to be 135 and I was using 95 pounds. Does this story sound familiar to you? No, not yet. Keep going. And I hear this voice from across the gym say something like, use 135, you little bitch. That was me? And I'm like, holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I'm a 40-year-old man. I mean, I absolutely loved it. I think that's when I first started adoring you. I was like, wow. Does that sound familiar uh you does that sound familiar to you that story yeah i mean i'm a bit of a bully sometimes in in the gym i was like holy shit a fucking 25 year old girl just called me a bitch from across the gym you may be one of them been one of the only people who worked there who was shorter than me who's smaller than me
Starting point is 00:19:39 how tall are you are you i should ask how tall you are before i say you're shorter than me how tall are you like five four in the morning you are before I say you're shorter than me. How tall are you? Like 5'4 in the morning. Okay, good. By the evening and things start to compress, I'm probably like 5'3. Right, right, right. I might actually be 5'3 and I've just lied to myself. Right. That can happen.
Starting point is 00:19:58 When you're 5'8? Right, yes. So you worked there. You started over on the game side. You came over to the other side of the house. And at that point, your boss was Tyson. And you guys started eventually dating. And now you guys are married and have three kids.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah. Yeah, crazy. That's controversial, isn't it? I don't know. Who the fuck else are you supposed to date? That's what it was like at CrossFit. We were all dating each other. Yeah, you supposed to date? That's what it was like at CrossFit. We were all dating each other. Yeah, you got to date someone.
Starting point is 00:20:31 This picture I'm about to show is just incredible. Yeah. Is that with the twins or is that with the most recent one? Oh, yeah. No, that's with the twins. Look at how big I am. I know. That's surreal.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I got huge. Did Tyson take that? Yes. And what documentary are you editing here? I don't think I was working on a documentary at that point. That was in 2019, so I was just working on little things here and there
Starting point is 00:21:09 for CrossFit. When you get pregnant, did you have morning sickness, Mariah? Oh, yeah. And did you just keep working through it? It was really, really severe in the early mornings for me with the twins yeah so it was pretty much i would eat breakfast i would eat a huge breakfast because i knew i was going to throw it up no
Starting point is 00:21:33 matter what so i was like if i just eat a really big breakfast i maybe i'll be able to like retain some of the nutrients and maybe i won't throw everything up um but it was pretty much a given that i would lose my breakfast but then by like one or two in the afternoon I'd feel okay and then I'd be able to eat and work out yeah great and then and then you just kept working you you you didn't oh yeah you didn't take any time off you just kept and when you'd go on shoots also no I wasn't going on shoots it was so in 2019 when the last of us got let go at CrossFit, it was like we were working on the, remember the Hobart psych wall stuff that we did with the Phantom? Yeah. So that stuff still had to be done.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And so Michael Dalton and I had been working on that. And so even though we were both let go, we had all of this content that we were sitting on. And they were like, well, we still needed to be made made so we got contracted and that lasted for like a really long time and so other people would shoot it and then you'd get the footage and you'd edit no we just had all the footage still oh we spent like a few days just shooting right hobart and i forgot that was it julie no it was the gymnast. Oh. I can't remember her name. I was going to say Michael Fronte, but it's not Michael Fronte.
Starting point is 00:22:49 No. That's the musician. What was that guy's name? That Olympian. Chad Vaughn? No, that's the weightlifter, right? Yeah. The Olympian.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Oh, like the Power Monkey guy? No, different Olympian. Anyway. Okay. monkey guy no different olympian anyway okay and and then and then this most and then so so this most recent movie why why are you calling it retroactive what's that mean um it was kind of it's just it's a bit of a for that year was like going back so that you can move forward in the sense of like hey get back to the basics like that quote from greg about like once you've mastered something go back and pay closer attention so it was kind of a playoff of uh um adrian bosman doing the
Starting point is 00:23:37 programming because he was digging through the old journals and stuff in that regards and who named the movie and that was a boz suggestion really for the name of the movie and you took it yeah i mean we we reached the titles are really hard i feel like yeah me too so i we reached out to a handful of people and we're like hey if you were gonna name it this year's like if you could summarize the this year's games in like a couple of words what would it be and so we had like a whole list of things and like we had our own ideas too and that's what fogs had suggested we're like you like that like the sound of it um uh you know you know who else he looked great in the movie he came across great in the movie matt fraser came across great in the movie it was kind of it was
Starting point is 00:24:20 interesting to see that side of matt i mean you if if the goal was to show a matt stressed out you really showed him stressed out he looked like he he got 10 years older in that movie he looked stressed that wasn't intentional i think he was just like that back there and then and then that closing shot with uh him and o'keefe like basically with crying with their with their cheeks pressed up against each other and uh and then and tommy and sean did an incredible job narrating yeah they're great i mean crazy incredible how is that are you go in there and you're like okay guys i'm doing this scene talk to me about this and then they just improv that shit uh i mean yeah kind of i mean you
Starting point is 00:24:57 remember how it goes it would just it's kind of like uh we have like a basic list of questions that we want to ask like storylines or or whatever and then we would start going just event by event walk me through what happened in this event oh okay then there's this moment or there's something they say something that i'm like that we were like oh well you know expand on that that's interesting things like that um but it's pretty it's pretty organic how it goes usually the only it's incredible yeah that's great and then it's pretty, it's pretty organic how it goes. Usually the only thing that's that. Yeah, that's great. And then it's just, I don't know. I, I've had a couple of people ask like,
Starting point is 00:25:31 how do you come up with the questions? And it's just like, I don't know. They kind of just come to you when you're sitting there and you're listening to people talk. Are you, when you interview, let's say the Tommy's painting a scene, when you interview him for that, is the edit already done? By edit, I mean the rough edit. Is it laid down in the timeline? And then you're like, okay, I need Tommy to talk over this.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I need Sean to talk over this. I need Adrian to talk over this. And then I'll chop up all their sound bites to give the words for the pictures. Or do you not even have the pictures laid down yet, but you just know what they're going to be? Um, I think every single interview except for the boss interview and the Mal O'Brien interview, we're all shot the day after the games. Holy crap.
Starting point is 00:26:14 So you don't even, so you're carpet bombing. You're like, I got to get them to talk about everything. So when I go back, I can paint any picture I want. Yeah. Most of the interviews are minimum like an hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Oh my goodness. Yeah. So this year, Monday after the games, we had three rooms dedicated to interviews and we just had people rotating through them from like 7am to like 9pm the Monday after the game. You're not even doing all the interviews you're having to know. This was the first year that we did that.
Starting point is 00:26:45 This was the first year that we did that because we wanted to try to get as many people done as possible at the games while people are all in one space and trying to do the normal thing which is do both like travel to people we wanted to try and knock out as many so i think we had because we kind of partner up with um hamilton road production because they were doing miles to madison at the time and so we were working closely with with Hamilton Road Production, because they were doing Miles to Madison at the time. And so we were working closely with them to help make sure that they got what they needed. We just, we collaborate really well with them. And so Kathy Eller had, she was conducting one interview room
Starting point is 00:27:19 that was dedicated to the Miles to Madison series, but they also had characters that we needed. So I would just give her questions that I also wanted to ask. And then I think we had Torrin in the other interview room. And then I sat in the one that was like dedicated to Doc. All set up the same, same backdrop. Yeah. Dude, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:41 For people who don't know, the reason why that's crazy is at least if Mariah is doing all the interviews, she can hear all of it firsthand and start putting it together in her brain. And then she can also pivot off of questions and she can start like basically like, okay, if Sean said this, then I definitely want to ask Tommy this. And then I definitely want to ask Adrian this. And if you have three different people doing it on because you have compressed time, all of those abilities go out the door man that's a that's crazy amount of pressure yeah but it's also like we also made sure the right people were interviewing right because it was like you know i've worked for with torn for 10 years right it's like i already i already know his style i already know what how he's going to interview and i trust that he's going to get everything that i would want or need um do you have an idea of how many hours of footage you had in totality? No, it's great. It's I mean, size wise, I think it was around 30, 30 plus terabytes.
Starting point is 00:28:37 That's crazy. Maybe closer to 50. I think it was 30 when we were, when we were packing up Sunday night. So after all the interviews, it was probably closer to 50 terabytes. Hey, do you have a 100-terabyte drive at your house that you work off of? Do you have anything massive you do? I have three of them. Yeah, that sounds about right. Are they redundant or they're all separate?
Starting point is 00:29:03 A couple of them are. No, they're all separate because they house the documentaries. And so I have one copy and then CrossFit has the other copy of all the footage. So I don't have to store redundants. Do you ever wonder how you're going to get rid of all that stuff? I have boxes and boxes of hard drives, even just shit that's in 1080, 720. Well, it's kind of scary though because i don't want to get rid of it because i don't sounds terrible i don't trust that they're not going to lose the footage oh of course of course of course i'm like i'm just going to
Starting point is 00:29:37 keep housing this stuff and i don't know like maybe someday they might ask me for it. Like these. I have stacks of, I have boxes full of these. Dude, me too. Stuff from like years ago. Oh yeah. I would love to know what's on that. You probably have all the Greg shit, huh? Yeah. All of it.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yep. What I, what I, what's interesting is that you say that you shot. So I always brag that I have about a hundred terabytes of footage in my house. Like just don't. And I have redundant three times. I have three, 100 terabyte drives and in my house. Like just don't. And I have redundant three times. I have three, 100 terabyte drives and they're all, they're all full.
Starting point is 00:30:10 But, but now you're shooting in 4k. Oh yeah. And not just that, but red raw. Yeah. That's great. That's nuts.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Yeah. Are you happy with the movie? Yeah, I am. Yeah. yeah it's i would have i'm really happy with it i think in a perfect world though i would have gotten a lot more pre-production time um just the way things have shook out the past few documentaries um i'm i was asked to come on and do it literally three weeks before the games, both times. And so I think I would have liked to have done a lot more with it. When you say short notice, how short is short? Like three weeks.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yeah, fuck. Before the games. Wow. So at that point, you're not planning stories. You're jumping onto every single rental gear site and crossing your fingers. You can get all the gear that you need and reaching out to people and hoping that they're not booked up. And I'm guessing super limited budget. You're not going to all four corners of the earth doing home shoots.
Starting point is 00:31:18 No. Like skeleton budget. Like it's crazy. Yesterday I did a show and I, I'm really tripping and feel free to, uh, push back anywhere you want. If I step on any taboo subjects, I, I, um, uh, obviously you're not obligated to answer anything. Um, and, and I, and I view you as a friend, so I don't want to put you in hot water,
Starting point is 00:31:43 but I view you as a friend, so I don't want to put you in hot water. But I've seen very limited production coming out of CrossFit HQ in terms of media. And very, very limited. And the stuff that I am seeing doesn't make any sense to me at all. And I've gone into detail about that now we have what's coming out as the biggest most high profile potential piece of content that crossfit can ever put out every year outside of if they got the espn contract and i know you know this but i'm painting it for the people at home and the reason why is because if they would have like if i would have worked there and you were making that doc we we would have started pumping it.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And you and Heber and Mars and Ian were great. You guys would – I wouldn't even have to ask you guys. You guys would be like 30 days before the movie starts, play this. 29 days, play this. 28 days, play this. And you guys would start hammering, right? And you would start fighting with the publishing team. This needs to be here.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And we would start trying to place it. And you would build this hype train. And then – oh, I gave myself goosebumps. goosebumps that's crazy i don't do that and those are good days back then you guys would build this hype train and then and then leaf would publish it and then when it went live on itunes it would stay as the number one itunes documentary fuck for months sometimes or it would be in that top 30 fucking for a year it seemed like just forever and i always thought holy shit no one has any idea how much free publicity this is getting crossfit it's sitting there on netflix it's sitting there on itunes it's sitting there on you it's sitting everywhere just in that in that number one documentary number one like
Starting point is 00:33:21 it would be fighting with marvel movies for the number one spot it beat the Academy Award winning film that year that was about the pretty brunette lady with the big nose who died who's that famous singer? I can't remember but she died of a drug overdose and her documentary won the Academy Award and she couldn't get the number one spot Amy Winehouse
Starting point is 00:33:40 I felt bad I'm like fuck we keep pushing the dead lady can't get number one spot. Because Mariah, Heber, Mars, and Ian are fucking pushed her out. And I would not even know if this movie – I think maybe – the only reason why I know this movie is coming out is I think it was either a few months ago. And I don't talk to you and Tysonyson very often but i just happen to be texting with one of you and it came up like well i said maybe what are you working on and then i'm watching the build-up and i see fucking nothing and i'm thinking they have limited budget they obviously fired justin because they have serious financial issues or else they wouldn't have fired him right
Starting point is 00:34:21 if he was doing a good job financially he'd still still be here. And they didn't even have enough money to film events one and three. And I'm going to just be completely crass here. It looks like the same way someone hates Chase Ingram, it looks like someone hates you. It looks like someone is sabotaging your film. I actually was speaking with Greg yesterday. I'm like, what the fuck is going on over there? your film i actually was speaking with greg yesterday i'm like what the fuck is going on over there are you are you am i mischaracterizing this can you say that is are you devastated that your
Starting point is 00:34:51 film isn't being i still do i still haven't seen anything i could go over to the crossfit game site and i think there's one post mariah let me see uh i if i were had the reins i would have done things a lot differently do they not see the value do they yeah so here it is look at this is the crossfit games instagram wouldn't you wouldn't shouldn't there be like a nine picture post there you know what i mean where they do nine posts and it makes just one image of the games coming out? Like shouldn't that be on there today? I mean I would love that. But not even for you.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I'm talking about at the end of the day for the affiliates. So what happens is this goes number one on iTunes and then all the people who don't want to buy it on iTunes. For people who don't know, I know Mariah knows this. I'm not preaching to Mariah. Mariah knows this. It goes number one on iTunes't want to buy it on iTunes for people who don't know. I know Mariah knows this. I'm not preaching to Mariah. Mariah knows this. It goes number one on iTunes and then you release it on Netflix. And because it went number one on iTunes and people don't want to buy it on iTunes, then it goes number one on Netflix. And then when it goes number one on Netflix, people start going into the affiliates because they start saying, oh, shit, I'd never heard of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I mean, we've seen it happen over and over. Yeah, I'm not. This isn't rocket science. Right. right it's free it's free for them right instagram doesn't charge crossfit to post something it's just like for us it's free right yeah it's uh and i'm pretty sure it's the only revenue generating piece of media that um comes out of crossfit uh i don't are Are you involved? Let me be gentler. Are you involved with the promotion of this film?
Starting point is 00:36:31 I created a shit ton of assets. Okay. Can you tell me where they are so I can go see them? Um... I mean, there's one way back. There's one way back here. There's this one. Hey, how dope is that poster art, though's crazy you don't know the story behind that yeah please tell me good change of subject
Starting point is 00:36:51 by the way great change of subject this guy who makes this stuff if it's who i think it is is a legend well it gets cooler yeah his daughter i we uh i commissioned his i believe she's 16 his 16 year old daughter to make that form us crazy she did all of that by hand all of it even like the texture on it everything she did she drew by hand really yeah those are drawings of tia and um that's not like some just photoshop filter no diaz was telling me the other day that he had to go into her project to – because she does it on the tablet. I don't know how it works. But he had to go into her project to add the logo and stuff, and he was just – I guess he hadn't thought about it. But when he went in there, he went to maybe move some texture around, and he realized he couldn't because it was actually all hand-drawn in place.
Starting point is 00:37:44 It wasn't just like stamps or whatever. Just to tell you how old school this guy is, this was a guy who had a senior position over at the UFC. I think he maybe was even their art director. He lost, I want to say, nearly 100 pounds. And because he lost that weight, he applied for a job at CrossFit HQ. and because he lost that weight he he applied for a job at crossfit hq and he is watching him work is crazy right if you're in the room with him and you ask him for something and he'll whip something up right in front of you yeah he's it's crossfit's very lucky to have that that talent crazy lucky yeah but that he came on back in the day when we were all there because we just
Starting point is 00:38:27 fucking loved it we wanted to work there so bad yeah nuts okay so so there's this poster uh what's that mean what's lat latman's what's latman lat lat am yeah what's what is that latin american oh oh as opposed to other kinds of spanish uh yeah i don't know what are you are you what are you mexican yeah but i'm the generation of mexican where uh my grandmother didn't teach my mother spanish because she thought it was better if my mom didn't teach my mother Spanish because she thought it was better if my mom didn't speak Spanish just because of how she was treated. My grandma was treated for speaking Spanish. Both your parents are Mexican? No, just my mom. What's your dad? White. You look Native American, right? My mom looks Native, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Yeah. You look like a portrait. You're very cool looking. You like the way you look? Thanks. Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay with it. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I'm not going to change it. Yeah, you look great. You have a very unique look to you. It's cool. Like me. Like me. I'm a distinguished old guy now. What are you?
Starting point is 00:39:44 Armenian? I'm Armenian. old guy now. What are you? Armenian? I'm Armenian. You look Armenian. Thank you. June 30th, it comes out in English and Latin American Spanish. And then July 4th, six days later, it comes out in Castilian Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Parisian French. God, I've never seen words like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Oh, as opposed to Canadian French? I don't know. Okay. And that's it. Yeah, they went a different route with distribution this year. What does that mean? That's a gentle way of saying you don't want to talk about it no um things operate really differently now there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:40:31 i mean you know how it was back in the the old days we were highly involved in every aspect of things yeah um and there are some pretty hard and i'm not an employee of crossfit either so i can't you know there's a lot of stuff I'm not involved in anyway. Do you own the movie or did they pay you to make it? They paid me to make it. Yeah, what the fuck are they doing? This is an incredible – this is an incredibly – a massively lost opportunity. Is anyone in front of an Apple TV right right now can anyone see if it's number one
Starting point is 00:41:06 on documentaries i cannot ever i cannot ever remember i can you ever remember when we worked together that our documentaries didn't sit in the number one spot on documentaries and top five in the world for all movies we were blasting marvel movies do you remember that avengers and the crossfit doc came out at the same time we pushed them down i probably have pictures of it the froning doc it was like competing the froning doc was competing for the number one spot not just in documentaries or pre-orders but in like all movies yeah it was competing with jurassic park or jurassic world right when it was and i remember a couple years later it was it was pushed out something marvel had made i was like good that marvel sucks it's just getting worse too isn't it i felt bad i think
Starting point is 00:41:51 heber and mars though like marvel i felt bad i'm like look your movie's kicking out marvel's ass i think it's just heber heber i don't know if mars does oh he loves marvel hey is tia coming back yeah i think I'm pretty sure she's publicly said that. I know, but you're good friends with her. You have some different insights. Yeah, no, she's planning on coming back next year. And she'll win? Probably.
Starting point is 00:42:19 What do you think is happening with these girls? Are you surprised to see Amal and Haley drop out do you ever sense any of that um you ever you ever been down there on the floor the last couple years and be like holy fuck this pressure is so insane one of these girls is gonna crack no but i i kind of feel the same pressure too in a lot of ways i feel like the more when i when i was co-directing with he Hebrew and Mars I always had a chip on my shoulder because I felt like I had something to prove right like I was given a solo standalone doc um I thought I did a great job um and then I was given another one and and then another one and every single time I felt more and more insecure and so the more fanfare the more um acknowledgement of your work
Starting point is 00:43:08 there's more pressure you have to perform the next as well next time so and nowhere to hide right you can't be like well heber and marjorie it's now it's just you you're you're not on a team anymore yeah yeah and so it's like yeah the more popular you get for me, at least personally, how I, like, I'm not, I don't like being in front of cameras. I don't like people knowing me. I'm really, I just don't feel comfortable with that. And so, you know, the more that's writing on my name, the more anxious I feel and the more insecure I feel and the more I want to crawl into a hole. So I get that, like, I get that with them. Yeah, yeah exactly and they're out there fucking barely clothed fucking exercising in front of the entire community who every single person knows their name
Starting point is 00:43:52 i can't imagine the pressure of mal with tia being um dropping out yeah um everybody's like now she's gonna win i can't imagine dealing with that pressure yeah for sure i must have said it a thousand times i thought when i saw tia drop out, I thought Mal was going to win for the next 10 years. Exactly. And so it's like, I can't, that would be crippling for me at least. So no, I'm not surprised by it. Hey, people are going to see something in that documentary about Mal, in your documentary about Mal that's like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Like that interaction that you caught between her and fraser i don't want to ruin it for people but it's it's lengthy and it's like there's something going on there like what do you mean uh the stuff that we stuff that people have already alluded to the fact that like she has a workout problem oh yeah dude and like she like they can they they have no rain they can't rein her in like she basically they laugh but she lies to Fraser and others about her injuries or her recovery because she's so addicted she doesn't want to be told to chill out yeah so I that scene was actually like at least three times as long initially. And I was asked to pull the majority of it just because it was – CrossFit didn't want to encourage unsafe habits.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Wait a second. Oh, fuck me. Yeah. Did I say too much i didn't i didn't mean that as like a i mean i didn't mean it was like a let me let me let me guess this let me let me say guess this the people who asked you to pull have never made a movie have holy fuck dude i mean i mean i get it i think um i think what i mean it pissed off greg it pissed off greg that people that there was this idea that crossfit's not safe right and like there's a desire to not feed into that narrative of
Starting point is 00:46:02 crossfit not being safe because we all know crossfit's really fucking safe the best thing you can do for yourself is walk into a crossfit and affiliate and you don't want to portray an image where if somebody who hasn't done crossfit watches that and they they listen to these stories where it's not being done potentially not being done safely that it's gonna um put a bad taste in their mouth and they're not going to want to walk into an affiliate. So I get it from that stance. I do. I'm just not buying, I kind of, but I'm just not buying it. Like, so before type two diabetes was around the number one reason that people had amputations and prosthetics was motorcycles. Like they kept the prosthetic industry fucking fully booming right
Starting point is 00:46:45 before type 2 diabetes and yet motorcycle sales it never affected them it's like hey dude this is what we do this is a fucking extreme it's like you you know this as well as i do like when people are like safety first you're like fuck you safety first this is the crossfit games like we're crowning the fittest get your ass out there and run in 100 degrees but someone might get hurt dude professional sport motherfucker it's like i mean i'm not asking the indie racers not to wear um seat belts but dude you got to go fast yeah i definitely push back on pulling out this the the meat of the scene that's for sure But you also have to pick and choose your battles. Yeah, yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:47:27 How much do you think was... So other people were highly involved in the edit? Was it the people who I know who is? Is it who I'm thinking in my head? Editing or giving back feedback? Asking you to pull stuff out. I mean, there's only a handful of people who work there yeah no it's um it's probably not who you're thinking just because things have changed especially with
Starting point is 00:47:52 um how things have changed in the past there's i mean you know there's the whole restructure at the beginning of the year which was halfway through creating the doc. And so it kind of went from a small handful of people that were giving input to they're no longer giving input. Now a whole new group of people is giving input. And it was during the middle of the making of this, they had a restructure. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I mean. So we started with a couple of people that were how to say. Then there was the restructure.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Those people no longer how to say. And then there was a new group of people that how to say. This interview has gotten sideways. You know, they fired Leif Edmondson. Yeah. And you know him very well, right? Yeah. I love Leif. Yeah, and you worked very, well right yeah lovely yeah and you and you worked very very closely with them i'm sure you've had a lot of good times with them and a lot of fights with them
Starting point is 00:48:51 but um does that blow you but and same with me but i can't ever like he would be one of the last people i would fire my take on it is is like hey if you have a problem with leave you should probably find someone else to lead him it's like having someone who doesn't know how to ride a bike and then throwing the bike away it's like no either learn how to ride a bike or find someone who does know how to ride a bike right yeah do you think do you think that way about him like that's how valuable I think he is like that dude can't be replaced yeah there's a there's a... I'd fire me before I fired him. There's a handful of people that... It's more than he's good. Tyson and I were talking about it last night,
Starting point is 00:49:34 and it's like one of the main things that we want to see back at CrossFit HQ is the culture. Uh-huh. You know, and so it's like, yes, we want to see back at CrossFit HQ is the culture, you know? And so it's like, yes, leaf was, is, was really, really good at his job, but he was also kind of that gatekeeper with the culture, you know, crazy gatekeeper of the culture. Right. Yeah. And so that's, that's really hard to see go. Down Dan Straub. They did fire uh seve before they fired him okay thanks okay fine fuck you dan okay how long is it how long ago what year were you at going
Starting point is 00:50:10 i don't i don't remember i don't remember exactly but i just remember that um it was um it was basically it was during it was covet had already started and they were getting some sort of funding and that they couldn't fire people and still get that funding. And so they waited till the day the funding was done and then they fired me and my wife in the same day. Fuck. Hey, I know how that is though.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Yeah. Tyson and I got let go on the same day and I was pregnant with twins. Oh man. Did I fire you? It was the day and I was pregnant with twins oh man did I fire you it was the day no you had already been uh you didn't have that power anymore I had already been fucking castrated uh yeah but it was the day that we found out we knew we were pregnant we kept it to ourselves we we knew I was pregnant we kept it to ourselves we we knew i was pregnant we kept it to ourselves we had scheduled and you remember at this time it was like
Starting point is 00:51:11 like people were like if you got an email from hr you knew you were fucked right yeah if you got an email from hr saying you had a mandatory meeting you knew you were fucked. You were done. It was, so we found out I was pregnant in like mid January. I scheduled my eight week, like the eight week ultrasound for like on Tyson's birthday. And then the day before that, we got the email saying we were both getting let go. the day before that we, we got the email saying we were both getting let go. Um, I, I, I don't think I went to bat for you, but I almost, I was pulled aside by, uh, two executives in the company saying that if I pushed too much harder to keep Tyson after they fired him, cause I, I, I went straight to Greg, like basically to his house and begged him to hire Tyson back. They said that I would be fired next. They're like, Hey dude, you better stop.
Starting point is 00:52:03 and begged him to hire Tyson back, they said that I would be fired next. They're like, hey, dude, you better stop. You know, things were changing, though. It was – I understood the decision. It was hard. And it worked out great for Tyson. Oh, yeah. I mean, at the time, we were – it was really hard, and it was really scary, but we were like, man, we're going to look back.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Had you just bought a house too, Mariah? No. No. We were living in Santa Cruz. And so when it happened, happened again it was really painful but just it was greg was taking it in a different the company a different direction and so it's like okay like we understood it was but it was hard but we understood the decision so there wasn't any like hard feelings or anything like that it was just just, okay. You know, we, we still believe in Greg. We believe in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:52:46 We want what's best for the company. And so we just, you know, we were proud. We walked away really proud of what we had contributed when we walked away, still really grateful to Greg. God, I, I, I wish I i could i was not that um i was so angry at the ceo at that time i mean but it was different for us so angry greg was still at the helm and so we're so literally like a couple days after we got really no no no he wasn't at the helm when you like well he was at the helm i mean he owned the company but he wasn't the ceo yeah when you were like yeah yeah but it was still it was still greg's company right and
Starting point is 00:53:30 so and so it was like within a few days it was like again like the work there was still work that had to be done they you know i don't remember who it was somebody was like hey can you can we still contract you do this and i was like oh hell yeah like whatever and not just for the the money but it was because I, I still believed in CrossFit and I still believed in Greg's message. And the company just wasn't out of, wasn't out of point anymore where I guess my employment made sense anymore. And I was okay with that. Again, it was hard, but it was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:00 But like, I still want, I still want him CrossFit to win. I bet Seve was an HR nightmare. When I left, was there HR back then? When I left the company, when I was fired, a bit after I was fired, I was told that there was a file on me. And in there, there was a note that I had called the HR lady a cunt. Did you? I was totally capable of that.
Starting point is 00:54:29 I was fully capable of that. I don't remember doing that, but it was the most inappropriate HR. She was the most inappropriate woman in the entire company, which was crazy. When she would hug me, she would push her pelvis up against me and she would leave notes on my desk.
Starting point is 00:54:44 She would come into the office and leave notes on my desk that i'm like uh i came to see you today where are you dick nose or stuff like that yeah and so once you like once you push your like no one uh there was one other girl there she didn't push her pelvis on me but when she would hug you she would like she could she was capable of anything she'd run you meant you know who that is and i want to say her name she was great great. Blonde haired girl. She'd jump up on you and attack you. If you were a man or a woman, she'd molest you. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Which I really liked her. But it was weird that the HR lady would hug you and push her pelvis against you. No, I never experienced that. It was inappropriate hugging for most people. It was a very different time back then. Everything went. It made it awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Yeah, it did make it awesome. It was so fucking fun. Clip that, Mariah Moore. Everything went. It was an awesome time. It was, wasn't it? I got to date my boss. Dude, it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Nobody bat an eye. Granted, we kept it secret for many years. The footage is absolutely incredible. The recap and the story and getting to know the characters, awesome. I mean, obviously it's a movie. But the footage, I would literally watch that for the edit and the footage. And the music. Who did the music?
Starting point is 00:56:03 The music's fucking crazy that whole scene there's a crazy there's some crazy music in there with uh ricky garard um when you go back and do the flashback on ricky garage's history that music in there is nuts yeah it's good stuff huh yeah who did that that's um i'm not to give you my secrets. Okay, fine. But it's in the credits somewhere if someone wants to know. No. Oh, it's not? No.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Oh, wow. Okay. I like it. Ricky Montage, History Music. I have it in my notes here. Wow. The aerial shots for the bike ride. It was the first time in some of the other aerial shots. It was the first time, like I kind of got orientation of what was going
Starting point is 00:56:49 on, like stuff that I couldn't from watching the live feed. I didn't, I didn't understand. Yeah. You want to know who did the, who was our drone op last year was, um, Marcus Brown. That's the long hair dude who dated the athlete girl. Hi, they're still together. Oh, what's her name? Um, Jenny. Oh, Bob. Yeah. Yeah. they're still together oh what's her name um jenny oh ball yeah yeah she was james newberry
Starting point is 00:57:12 before it was james newberry she was kind of like the original james newberry what do you mean by that just kind of like just her vibe kind of granola vibe oh is it granola and jenny ball you don't see granola you don't see like no i no no james i don't i'm not sure i see granola and jenny ball you don't see granola you don't see like no i no no no james i don't i'm not sure i see granola and james oh really i don't know did you know he's vegan still uh i knew he was yeah he was on the show like a month ago or something or two months ago you don't see him as granola he's got like dreadlocks and he's he's i never got that vibe okay i believe it but i never got that vibe i mean see i was because he was with kayla banfield for a really long time and kayla was doing for work for crossfit she's not granola uh no i see yeah i don't get that but maybe he's gotten granola since they've broken up i don't know but uh yeah i knew i knew james before he even qualified for the games
Starting point is 00:58:10 oh look at david david weed vegan and by yeah that's pretty granola that is that is not true i don't know maybe it is true i don't ask those questions uh you should hey were you up the the capital event were you where were you during the capital event i had forgotten um until i saw the movie really how spent hayley was like what happened to hayley up there were you just like bitch pick that bag up and go i mean she just got stuck at the finish line it was really hard to watch. I don't know. I think she went so damn hard.
Starting point is 00:58:55 It was crazy because her and Dukic, they got stuck on the last fucking step for a really long time. They just kept getting past and past and past. It was crazy. It was really hard to watch. Dude, she could have spit across the finish line. Yeah, it was really. She was moving the bag inches at a time. watch dude she could have spit across the finish line yeah it was really it was she was like moving the bag inches at a time um you know people are saying it's the greatest event of all time obviously it filmed and presented amazing and fushly brought it home with the crowd
Starting point is 00:59:17 would you rank it up there being there that it was like holy shit yeah i mean i wouldn't say it's the best i think it's up there with like a really a lot of really fun ones yeah eaton beaver she used ai for the music do you think we're gonna be on jobs someday with ai you think ar will start being able to tell stories have you seen that the photoshop um where you can just be like hey put mariah moore uh riding a donkey on the moon and it just makes it you can just type you can just type that into photoshop now yeah but do you think like you know how like um iphones can like make little edits now yeah do you think someday ai will be able to make like full stories like documentaries and movies
Starting point is 01:00:01 and stuff or do you think we'll be able to keep our jobs? I've thought about this. We're just going to have to up our ante, right? Dude. I've thought about this. I'm like, are we going to be out of jobs at some point with AI? I feel like AI is just going to replace artists. Have you watched Black Mirror Episode 1?
Starting point is 01:00:32 Do you know that show, Black Mirror? No, I don't. You know what's funny is I'm in media and I hate watching TV. Yeah, me too. You don't watch stuff either? Very rarely, unless it's fighting. I watch UFC. But I watched a couple episodes of black mirror maybe three years ago or four years ago when it first
Starting point is 01:00:49 came out my wife watched me and it fucked me up i did not i did not enjoy the experience i've like reached this point where um i don't watch anything like if i going to watch something, it's got to be a feel-good something. Reality's crazy right now, huh? Very. Have you changed a lot since you've had kids, your perspective on things? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Much more realistic.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Oh, yeah. I was playing this clip the other day of this group of people, not to get too detailed. I'll leave it kind of vague. But they were saying basically, we're coming after your children. It was a chant of people, and they were chanting't want you coming after my children like before i had kids i wouldn't even notice it like i don't care if you're offering like free haircuts i don't care if you're offering hamburgers i don't care if you're offering um shampoo like i don't give a i i don't want those words coming out of anyone's mouth that they're coming after my children for anything yeah nothing freaky huh yeah like those are Yeah. Like even like kids, like television, like commercials are designed to, you know, for kids to, you know, get to influence children. That's even like just to sell stuff. I can even think about that kind of stuff. I'm like, oh, that's weird.
Starting point is 01:02:18 That's creepy. I don't like that. Are you going to homeschool? Do you know? Yeah. But I was homeschooled. Oh, you were homeschooled yeah dude you don't remember making fun of me for it you and leave oh tell me yeah wow that's
Starting point is 01:02:32 awesome yeah so that's always been the plan for me and uh well i've come a long way too i went from thinking you were homeschoolers were fucking weirdos yeah yeah Yeah. So it's actually, it's been funny to watch Tyson change because when I first told him when we were talking about having kids back in 2018, I was like, well, I'm going to want to homeschool. He goes, well, I don't know about that. And I was like, well, I, I want to homeschool. Cause I was like, I do. Yeah, I do. Yeah. I was like, yeah. He's like, our homeschool is weird. I was like, Hey, think of this family that we know.
Starting point is 01:03:08 They're fucking weird and they're public schoolers. He's like, Oh, good point. I'm like, it's just a person thing. It's not a homeschooler thing. Like we never lacked social socialization, which is everybody's number one argument. I had a friend yesterday who lives in Berkeley. Very, very, very liberal. Good friend. We've been talking. I've known him forever.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And I've been like beating the drum on him quite a bit in the last, I don't know, four or five years. And his seven-year-old came home. He called me yesterday in a panic. And his seven-year-old came home. And he's like, holy shit. And he goes, what? He goes, you're right. And right i go what do you mean he goes my uh seven-year-old came home telling me that he's gonna marry uh and it was like john his best friend i go yeah what's the big deal with that he
Starting point is 01:03:54 goes they told him in school he could and it's like dude like yeah um i i probably you more than me but you and i both definitely have a lot of gay friends it has nothing to do with the fact probably you more than me, but you and I both definitely have a lot of gay friends. It has nothing to do with the fact of whether someone's gay or straight. It's the fact that I don't want them telling my kids that they can marry. I don't want them talking to my kids about marriage period in the school, let alone that they can marry a boy. Like just don't talk to him,
Starting point is 01:04:19 but don't talk to him about fucking marriage or a girl. Like don't, like don't, they don't need your help. Right. Yeah. don't talk to him about fucking marriage or a girl like don't like don't they don't need your help right yeah no that's the the cool thing about homeschooling is you get to whatever you see as valuable um i mean you get to control you get to control that and and for me growing up being homeschooled it was more of a um even like even to this day when i talk to my mom she's like if nothing else um in regards to homeschooling she goes if nothing else i know that i taught you guys to be critical thinkers yeah the question the question when your kid says um can i marry um mariah you say whether they say
Starting point is 01:05:01 if they want to marry a boy or girl you, the response to them is, well, what is marriage? You ask them a question back. Well, what is marriage? What do you mean? Right, right. It's like the same thing. Is there a God? Well, what is God?
Starting point is 01:05:12 Like help your kid fucking think. Right. Yeah, no, we were. Not indoctrinate them. Right, right. Yeah, it was really cool. I was really, I'm really happy that I was homeschooled for sure. You have a bunch of brothers and sisters.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Yeah. A lot. Like a lot. And there's, um, I have biologically, I have seven siblings and then my parents adopted a little boy. No shit.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah. It's crazy. I'm the second oldest too. So I actually have a little sister. That's 100% biologically my sister. And she's eight. Wow, that's crazy. Yes, I love to tell Tyson, your sister-in-law.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Do they live close to you? Yeah, yeah, they're here. That's why we moved down is when we found out we were pregnant with twins. We were like, we need help. Would she come over and spend, like, does she come over and spend the night with you? She has. Yeah, but she comes over and has playdates with my kids oh that is awesome yeah it's great and all those kids are schools yeah that's amazing yeah it's pretty cool that's really cool um have you started working on the doc for this year already uh no are they doing a doc this year for 2023 um i don't know all i know is that i am
Starting point is 01:06:36 um as of right now i am not involved in a crossfit documentary for 2023 yeah um are you going to are you have you been contracted to work are you working the games this year no no shit crazy listen people this is why this is so weird not because they're not making anything but getting people up to speed on having relationships with all these athletes is fucking nuts yeah and so you you have someone like mariah there and she can get 10 times the amount of work done as someone who's never worked there before and mariah could do anything she's capable of anything she can go out there and turn out stuff that five clips a day for their instagram she could shoot a full-length feature she could shoot an 8k she could shoot on iphone she could
Starting point is 01:07:24 do fucking anything for them and she can walk up to anyone none of the stuff we're talking about although we're talking about so casually is easy it's it's it's um wow i don't do you think you could still be scheduled to go you think you still could be contracted um i uh like that they might still approach me about doing something yeah like like do maybe they don't have their media plan in place for the games yet no i think they do wow holy shit i mean i i don't know i think that there are a couple other people that are still trying to pitch things but um i pitched something i did you i sent in a proposal i haven't told anyone that this is the first time what do you what do you propose i don't want to i'll tell you off the air but i sent in a proposal you could guess i'll come help you with it yeah i have a feeling
Starting point is 01:08:15 hire me i'll come help uh jonathan ortega uh mariah yeah but you're mexican this is like this is incestuous mariah is a fucking workhorse. Seeing her at the games working, she's a badass. Crazy workhorse, by the way. What does that have to do with being Mexican? Crazy. Well, just he's Mexican, so he, of course, he has to like you. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:08:35 Oh, yeah, yeah. What's it called? Nepotism or something like that or something? Racism? Racism? I don't know. I always tell Dave, if nothing else, at least we're Mexican together. Yeah. At least we have that in common um have you have you talked to dave since he's been uh reinstated no that was just like a week ago wasn't it i know but i could see i could see you like you
Starting point is 01:08:56 know uh hola amigo uh como esta uh no i probably should have i didn't a lot i can run a commercial or something you could text them right now how have you god um there was a uh uh one year i could be mischaracterizing this too but one year i gave out bonuses to all the employees uh in my department yeah and mariah was the um the first one uh to send me a text saying thank you and it was funny because I didn't expect a thank you from anyone but after you sent that thank you it made me hate all the other employees like you set the bar in a place where all of a sudden I was like oh those ungrateful assholes we just We talked about this on the phone the other day. I feel like if I could go back and like shake myself and be like, you don't fucking know how good it is right now.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Like be more grateful. Like I wish I could do that. Because back then, I mean, I was young and dumb, you know, typical thing. I was easily influenced by the attitudes of people around me. And I remember like bitching one time to Ian and yeah, we talked about this and Ian kind of like looked me dead in the eye. He goes, Mariah, this is a unicorn job. You're not going to get this anywhere else. And that was kind of like an earth to Mariah moment. And I was like, oh shit, you're right. You know? And like, I didn't, and even like now looking back and things are so different than what
Starting point is 01:10:27 it was back then. You know, Tyson and I talk about it. It's like, we just need to let go of this idea. Like, it's never going to look like it did no matter what, you know? And so, yeah, I just, I wish I had, you know, the whole, the, the, I wish somebody told me I was in the good old days. You know, I wish, I wish that had been, I wish I had been able to like fully grasp that. Cause I miss it, man.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Do you, I'll walk into like a Starbucks or I'll walk into just wherever any, you know, a shop and I'll be like, well, probably 80% of the people here would rather be somewhere else. Yeah. Right. Like you can just tell they're just not doing their job. They're just, like, they're not present. They're not like, hey, what's up?
Starting point is 01:11:09 How are you? Or, like, they're just, and that was the thing about HQ. Like, it literally seemed like every single person who worked there wanted to be there. It was such a weird, and I took that for granted. I took it for granted, too. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It was so fun being there. We would show up on the weekends.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Yeah. No one had hours. No. Everyone just wanted to work. Everyone's just a workaholic. It was all workaholics. Yeah. That's what Tyson and I were talking about that last night too. We were just like Tyson was like, yeah, it was so normal for him to be on the phone at 6. AM on like a work call. And then that same day be on the phone again at a.m on like a work call and then that same day be on
Starting point is 01:11:45 the phone again at 11 p.m yeah there were no boundaries no we just wanted to work because we loved what we were doing we loved being there and we loved working with everyone that we worked with and everybody was friends and it was so fun it was so we would all stay so late i remember just staying late and riding fucking circles in the office on skateboards and big wheels um and everyone there either had their life saved or someone in their family had their life saved like i mean even heber was working on a piece how crossfit had saved his dad's life or something i remember yeah and like he didn't even have to ask right he just would just where's he bro he's in utah filming with his dad um because his dad his life changed from crossfit yeah yeah we were all there because we loved it and we believed in
Starting point is 01:12:33 it and we believed in greg yeah that is the crazy part too right even people who hate whether you loved or hated greg everyone believed in him yeah the vision was coming down the pipe hard oh yeah oh yeah and i i look back now and i wish i had known what i know now because like with the whole like the the his uh fight against um chronic disease no not chronic the sugar the sugar oh right the sugar battle yeah yeah sugar like i was like man i wish i'd been a part of that yeah going into fucking compton visiting 13 gyms and fucking in the compton area talking yeah preaching to people about that was all your people that's what's crazy is like I don't remember which book I was reading, but they were like, Sorry, will you hold on one second? Sorry, I'll bring you back. Hi.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Hello, good morning. Hi, you're my, you have Amazon? Yeah, we have Amazon. Okay, can you just leave it by the gate? Yeah, I you just leave it by the gate? Yeah. Open the gate, please. Can you just leave it by the gate? Do I have to come out and open the gate?
Starting point is 01:13:54 Oh, yeah, open the gate. Okay, let me call my wife real quick, and I'll have her open the gate. Hold on. Okay, hold on. What'd you order? I'm redoing my studio to look kind of like howard stern studio i got a giant l desk and i'm gonna have a couch and then i have a producer's table so i can start like doing live shows and i think it's a big desk are you like two camera four cameras four cameras yeah i'm gonna do four cameras big monitor here. That'll be cool.
Starting point is 01:14:27 You're a big deal now, huh? I don't know. I think I am. I'm pretty excited about it. I walk around thinking my shit don't stink. Oh, Nellie. What if my wife doesn't answer? I'll just hang out. Oh, shoot. Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Oh, shoot. How is Haley? Miss her. She's great. Yesterday was... This message is from your Amazon driver. Oh, they text me too. All right. That is the cool thing about my job
Starting point is 01:15:06 I can it's just my job you know what I mean it's just my podcast no one can be like Chase can't do this on the CrossFit podcast yeah hi I'll be arriving your delivery soon please secure pets if you have them
Starting point is 01:15:23 okay can you leave Hi, I'll be arriving your delivery soon. Please secure pets if you have them. Okay. Can you leave outside gate? Wow, you can text with these dudes too. This is crazy. Philip Kelly, this would never happen on Stern. What are you talking about? It wouldn't.
Starting point is 01:15:49 You think I was being this guy to call him and tell him flatly to leave it at the gate. You think I was being too much of a pussy? Like I was like. Are you asking me? No. Well, sure. You could answer. I said, can you?
Starting point is 01:16:01 Oh, then he says, can you open the gate for me, please? And I said, oh, can you leave it outside the gate? Oh, here we go. Please. Just say no. Say no, I'm working. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at I don't want to lie. That guy sounded Mexican. You are working. Oh, right. Why isn't my wife answering? It's 8.14 a.m. here.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Hey, was 7 a.m. too early to do this for you? No, I have an eight-week-old. We don't sleep. Oh, okay. You don't have bags under your eyes. That's good. That's because we started off with twins so one one baby just heals easy so you have to oh he responded uh when you have finished recording you may hang up or press one
Starting point is 01:17:17 for more options he said copy have a nice day okay great sweet thank you okay so okay run film commercial this time i i mean that's another thing i can't even run your trailer because i i think um i think they would fucking i think they would give me a strike i think really yeah i think there's people there who who would um who would go after me which i kind of can't blame them because i i have no love for them who would go after me, which I kind of can't blame them because I have no love for them. You know, if there's anything that I've learned in the past few years is that there's a space, there's space for everyone. Oh, you're a good dude. You know, yeah. Like everybody, like, even if you don't like their content,
Starting point is 01:18:05 there's room and space and value and everything that everyone puts out. That's good. And I think that's something that, like, Tyson taught me because I was pretty, like, when I was young, I was like, no, there's only room for what we're doing. And he's like, no, actually, that's not true. Oh, and that was, okay, I, yeah, I agree with you, too. I agree that there's room and space for everyone. Hey, that was the cool thing if i want to be completely frank that was the one thing that i don't think you know greg has that line i'm the caretaker of a forest not the architect of a skyscraper and the cool thing about media when we were growing is is like um mariah moore could tell the story of whoever she was that day of what crossfit means
Starting point is 01:18:41 to her heber and mars could tell it from who they were. I could tell it from who I was. And whether you like their content or not, it didn't matter. It spoke to someone who had the same perspective as them. And that's what was so crazy about the media team is we let people just create whatever the fuck they wanted, muscle mantles. And, uh, and it represented what they, who they spoke to. And they spoke to large audiences. Everyone spoke to large audiences. So whether you were speaking to girls or boys or gay people or jocks or whoever, we had something that spoke to everyone. And I don't think Greg liked that. He wanted it to be just smart stuff. And I think that I didn't agree with that. Yeah, but there was room.
Starting point is 01:19:26 There were the right people in the right positions to make sure that everything was still being done. Right. Meaning nothing completely stupid would be made. Leaf would put the hammer down on it. Well, right. But we were outside of the methodology. Yeah. But I think there was a place for Danny Broflex, whereas Greg. Oh, absolutely. He hated it. I almost got fired for that. Yeah, but still, you were in the position where you made sure that that stuff went up.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Yeah. Yeah. And so, and yeah, and I think now it just, it looks different. Back then, there wasn't a lot of outside media. These days, there's a ton of outside media. And whether you like- And no inside media. Yeah,, there's a ton of outside media. And whether you like- And no inside media. Yeah, that's crazy, right?
Starting point is 01:20:10 When you worked there, Mariah, there was no one who did anything better than us. We had the best movie. We had the best TV show. We had the best videos. We had the best podcast. We had the best Instagram. There was no one who had anything better than us. Now, everything is better outside the fence. There's nothing inside the fence that's better than what's outside the fence. I hope the dock is still better. It's outside the fence. It's outside the fence. It's not even made internally anymore is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Yeah. Right. I want to embrace it, Shane. That's what I want. That was a line Tia said as she went into the last event it was crazy intense and i kind of read into it like like shane had told her like hey you just have to murder every like like there was something we didn't get to see like shane had already told her hey you need to murder every fucking event and this one she was pushing back and she's like
Starting point is 01:21:02 hey i'm not murdering this event can you give us any insight into that that's a crazy uh powerful moment right you know which part i'm talking about oh yeah at that point they were on the fence about whether or not she was retiring oh wow oh let's talk about that so so she told so by the way way, I have no horse in the race. I don't care. She can say she retires tomorrow and come back the next day. I don't give a fuck. It's her life. Who the fuck am I to judge her?
Starting point is 01:21:33 I never understood why – like people were like, hey, that was fucked up to do that to Sean. Like what? I understand. I think it was Chase who said it. On one hand, I understand that as an announcer, that's the biggest thing you get to say, right? Tia's retiring. But on the other hand, it's like, so what? Right.
Starting point is 01:21:51 It's her life. So can you tell me that story? So what happened there? Did she go into the games thinking it was her last games? Yeah. It was a high probability. Okay. How come none of this is in the film? She didn't want it there? Too controversial?
Starting point is 01:22:12 Yeah, a little bit. Did you want it in there? Yeah, but at the end of the day, if there's something that I'm not sure... Back in the day when we were making the documentaries, we didn't take input from athletes. We didn't ask them, Hey, are you okay with this? Are you not okay with this? I think there's been a lot of things over the years that have created a, um, an environment where the athletes are less open to media because of potentially how they were displayed or they didn't like how something went. And so we have very much made the, Tyson and I have very much made an effort to make sure the athletes feel heard. And so if there's something that's controversial in there, I give them,
Starting point is 01:22:55 I show it to them and I give them the opportunity to have input. If it's something that really doesn't sit well with them, I'll pull it. You know, like I pulled in um i pulled roman in to the process of this doc um and i ran everything by him and there's a lot that he didn't wasn't comfortable with talking about and so out of respect for him i pulled a lot of stuff about him wow is this stuff that stuff for for uh back home about him is back yeah no well just like the whole the the climate at the time with like like russian athletes being oh oh oh oh like that kind of stuff and so uh was he bummed his flag wasn't used no he was he was he he's awesome he was just really grateful to be there so he's like man if they just if they don't fly my flag but they still let me compete like he was just he was really really grateful to just even be allowed to compete because at the time um other
Starting point is 01:23:51 sports were sanctioning russian athletes crossfit wasn't going to do that um uh do the athletes sign some sort of release to have these sorts of things in the documentaries i think when they actually when you agree to go to the games, you sign your fucking life away. Yeah, pretty much. At some point, either it's like the opener at the games, they sign something in there stating that we get to do this kind of stuff. But again,
Starting point is 01:24:15 I do my best to... No, she was not pregnant at the time. She was not pregnant at the games, you're saying? No. Do you think that night he boned her and that's when she got pregnant i her and i have laughed saying that she and shane and tyson and i were very busy the games the week after the games wow wow wow our babies were born five days apart wow
Starting point is 01:24:40 yeah i can't imagine like the last day of the game is also bony i think you'd just be fucking like just like fuck i gotta need to rest i think she was up well most people were at the after party we were back in the hotel setting up interviews rooms rooms so so so she can you tell me what happened the the the truth what happened the story that we have is is that um i think that the public has is that tia said she was going to retire um either you or someone on your team went and told sean that sean then said it to the crowd and then and then um on the floor kiki dixon or someone said hey are you gonna um is that what's it feel like to have your last or is this your last event and she goes i guess that's the
Starting point is 01:25:31 question meaning oh shit the door's still open yeah um i think there's a a breakdown of in communication between um shane and tia there i think I think Shane asked me to talk to Sean and I don't think Shane had talked to Tia. And so Tia wasn't aware that Shane had had that information delivered to Sean Woodland.
Starting point is 01:25:59 And you can't expect I can't expect Tia or any athlete, I don't think people realize how emotionally run down they are by the end they're completely zonked i mean in a way that's unimaginable i can't you can't hold anything against tia or shane for anything that they said or did in that last day i don't think yeah i give no leeway yeah i absolutely agree it was everybody's all over the place everybody's highly emotional everybody it doesn't matter if you've won the games or you're
Starting point is 01:26:31 in 40th place everybody's super emotional um and maybe not thinking clearly did shane want does did shane want her to retire um i don't know um i think they were both pretty ready i think they were both feeling pretty ready to um enter that next phase of life and i think that and i kept i told her this a lot um before she was pregnant um she had told me a couple times, she goes, well, when I think I have start having kids, I think I'm going to I'm going to put this this phase of my life to the side. Like, I think I'll be done. Like, I think I'm just going to want to focus on being a mom and having kids. And I was like, hey, listen, I hear what you're saying, but I think we're pretty similar in the sense that I thought that, too. And then as soon as I had the twins, I was like, yeah, I fucking need to go back to work today. I was like,
Starting point is 01:27:26 I need something that's for me that makes me feel happy as an individual that is a weight like separate from being just a mom. And so I was very, so I had the exact same mentality of I'll be done. I'm not going to do this anymore. Once I start having kids. And then as soon as I got pregnant, I was like, yeah, no, I'm not, I'm going to keep doing this. And I was like, I told him, I was like, I think you'll be the same way. And yeah, I think, see, I think she feels the same way now too.
Starting point is 01:27:56 It's crazy to think that she's, that she it's crazy. I mean, for me, it's crazy to think that she would come back. I mean, shit, I didn't have a baby, but I've seen a bunch of ladies have of ladies have babies yeah well you make the baby and then you feed the baby all while having to all while having to like maintain your your i mean especially for her that level of fitness yeah that's crazy i mean she worked out so she worked out so hard through the whole pregnancy that i'm not surprised that she's coming back as strong as she is already. But I'm still like, damn, girl. Nothing in me wants to do that.
Starting point is 01:28:29 What about a – are you working on anything now? Not currently. Taking a few months off. I haven't done this in many years. What about a documentary with her, a comeback documentary with her? I believe there's one in the works. Whatever happened, wasn't there supposed to be a Matt Fraser documentary?
Starting point is 01:28:48 What happened to that? I have no idea. I've asked. I don't know. Do you know who is making it? I believe, I think he brought Mars. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Do you think the window closes for something like that? I mean, we really, sports really are kind of a, what have you done for me lately? Kind of, you know, event. Yeah. I don't know. I, I've thought about that. like that i mean we really sports really are kind of what have you done for me lately kind of you know event yeah i don't know i i've thought about that and i kind of think that matt fraser has created such a strong legacy that i think anybody i think if it comes out in 10 years people are
Starting point is 01:29:17 going to want to watch it okay um i think if somebody made another documentary about Rich Ronan a lot of people would watch it he's been you know this is a good question I have an answer for this too I'm assuming this is for Mariah I hopped on in the middle but there's a question I've been dying to ask
Starting point is 01:29:39 why are these docs constantly treating the event as the subject rather than the athletes at least for me that's been a request Why are these docs constantly treating the event as the subject rather than the athletes? That, at least for me, that's been a request. That they want the event to be a character. Here's what I would say, too. And we did touch on this lately. It requires a totally different kind of budget, and it requires more than three weeks. So if you wanted it to be the – by the way, I think this video shows a ton of character stuff, a ton.
Starting point is 01:30:17 You will get insights into what makes Fraser tick, what makes Mal tick, what makes Tia tick. You'll see a side of Tia that is shit I'd never seen before. You'll get to pass a ton of judgment on whether you want to hang out with Ricky Garrard or not as a human being. I feel like a lot of people will want to. Fuck yeah. I think those – Tyson and I talked about that too. We were kind of like – I fell in love with Ricky.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Yeah. I kind of feel like there's a lot of people i think by the end of the doc you're not sure who you're rooting for yeah he's great he's he's great yeah he's great comeback story is great and kicking someone when they're down is not very um i don't know if mariah ever points a camera in your face and asks you about Ricky, don't say anything bad about him. I think it makes you look really bad. Yeah. Or anyone. But I think it's money and time also. I personally think that the event should be a character. I thought this one had an incredible balance. That and I kind of feel like every year gotta get criticized for not featuring so and so
Starting point is 01:31:26 not featuring so and so right i think if we pick like one or two where's danielle brandon exactly brandon exactly i think i think we would um we'd face a lot of criticism if we only focused on a couple athletes which that's what made like you're getting your behind the scenes so great was that it was multiple parts and so you had all the space to cover as many athletes as you wanted and with the time constraints of 90 minutes i don't think you're capable of doing that with a ton of athletes and then telling the cohesive story of the whole week um so we kind of have to minimize pick your pick a handful of people and then tell them the story of the games um it could totally you take that you take uh for whatever it's worth i'm not proposing anything i'm just
Starting point is 01:32:14 saying you take someone like mariah and i to the games let us both do our things uh shuffle the deck and you can turn it into a 13 part series on um itunes and you could sell them for 20 bucks a pop and and murder so you would have basically you take the documentary with all its fancy footage and then all the behind the scenes footage and you just mix the two together into one and it would it would murder i've pitched that so many times it would absolutely murder i would love to do something like that i think that would be awesome i think that hey look f1 did it and they killed so many people are doing it now we were so ahead of our time it's oh yeah it's nuts i always tell people i'm like
Starting point is 01:32:57 your your behind the scenes always made me laugh because they were so successful and they were so good but they drove me fucking crazy because they were always successful and they were so good but they drove me fucking crazy because they were always overexposed and out of focus i was like but that shit didn't matter because your storytelling was just amazing the insight that you got you gave people into what the athletes were going through and what was going through their heads like the fact that like fucking your athlete was framed at the top left corner. And I was like, fuck, just fucking reframe. You're not lying. I wish I could say, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:33:31 I meant to do it. I didn't. It was fucking chaos. Cause I know you were doing this. You had the camera here and you were talking to them face to face, but like the content was so good that like, it didn't fucking matter that it was out of focus and overexposed. Do you know what else? Every year i had a new camera i always had the latest and greatest shit and so i never
Starting point is 01:33:51 knew how to use it so my shit was like all on auto or not and i was a mess yeah you you need to do like you needed to have someone else hold the camera for you and and you just do all the questioning god that was fucking nuts okay so good though yeah it was fun it was really good but yeah you could combine the two things it would be insane someone told me the other day they said hey um uh it could never be like that now the athletes are too guarded and i'm like dude i totally disagree yeah if i went behind the scenes i could fucking melt them like fucking chocolate yeah i think that they're yeah that i think um i think you're just uh i think there's less people in the media like that was the thing with like back in the day with heber marzenina and eyes everybody knew us everybody knew who we
Starting point is 01:34:42 were um i think most of the people on the media these days, because there's so many people too. Not that that's a bad thing. I think it's great. But it almost feels like there's somebody new back there every year. I don't recall. I saw a picture on Dalton's Instagram. I didn't recognize anyone. Matter of fact, the only person I, I don't want to say anything mean, but it looked like it didn't look, it looked like a very incapable crew.
Starting point is 01:35:08 I'm fine. It's mean. Well, Lillian's on that team, right? I didn't see Lillian in the picture, but she's definitely capable. Oh, yeah. You were the one that pulled her into the space. Instagram. Instagram.
Starting point is 01:35:22 We were Instagram buddies. Me, her, and Brian Friend, Instagram buddies. Oh, yeah. She's fucking fantastic. She's great. She's cool. Have you built a friendship with her? her into the space instagram instagram we were instagram buddies me her and brian friend instagram buddies oh yeah she's fucking fantastic she's cool have you built a friendship with her oh yeah i love lillian she's amazing yeah she's great yeah she's um yeah i always felt so comfortable i always felt like i could be myself around her yeah she's a stud she's great but yeah i kind of think i don't think athletes are guarded. I just don't think they know. There's not a lot of opportunities to get to know. There's not really long-standing media people anymore.
Starting point is 01:35:53 In the movie, there's a scene you capture where Fraser is giving advice to Medeiros. And my Spidey sense goes off because shouldn't he be... Medeiros is the champion and Hopper's his athlete. Like what was he doing? I don't know. I didn't think about that. I mean I know Medeiros and Fraser have a really good relationship. so um there is a uh there there's a part in there where they have to you have to beep out um what tia says i think she says i'm ready for a fight i can't fucking wait yeah um how
Starting point is 01:36:37 you've been filming with tia since her first crossfit games right yeah um is that is that a new side to her? When did that side come out of her? Did she have that side in her early career and she just didn't show it? Or did she cultivate that? Which side? The confidence or the sweat? Yeah, the confidence.
Starting point is 01:36:56 All of it. I'm kind of bundling them up together. I mean, I think after she definitely, after, I think she's always been pretty confident. I think after her first games, when she took second place and caught everyone by surprise, I think she felt like she needed to just prove to everyone and to herself that it wasn't a fluke. And then after that year, I think she had the confidence.
Starting point is 01:37:22 And then going into 2016, that's the year she took second again, right? 2016. I think she definitely had the confidence that she knew she was capable of doing it, but I don't, she was so new to it. I don't think she knew how to, I think she was more concerned about coming off cocky. Right, right. She didn't want to come across as cocky, but it came across as insecure. I don't think she was ever insecure. I think she was just didn't know how to – she was still learning how to publicly be confident without coming off as cocky.
Starting point is 01:37:57 And unfortunately, it just came across as insecure. Oh, interesting. Okay. Do you like the side of her, the more vocal and her confident side of her? I think she has every right to be that way after winning six times, five times. I think it would be insane if she didn't just go in thinking, yeah, I'm going to fuck everyone up right i like that i like that when that that part you know she she obviously she's happy that mal is um um she's happy that mal's testing her you know you show that in the documentary but she also you never see a chink in her arm or she has no doubt she can win yeah a june 30th uh someone asked when's the movie coming out great question you would know
Starting point is 01:38:42 if someone actually tried to fucking – the people who paid for the fucking movie actually tried to give it some publicity. Go back and watch. I'm trying to be very nice with Mariah on here, but go back to yesterday's show. Are you – and you'll see my true feelings about the actual publicity around – what's it called? Not publicity. Not marketing. about um the actual uh publicity around what's it called the um not publicity the not marketing basically crossfitting's done nothing to push this film to the front it
Starting point is 01:39:12 should be everywhere like i said in the beginning of the show they should have been building the hype around this for 30 days not because it's good for the film but because it's good for the affiliates that's that's what it comes down to andrew hiller accused your um beloved friend uh to me of being on steroids does that make you hate him i think um i think i know that i can look jacked if i work out one hour a day every single day so i think looking the way they do is kind of a given knowing they work out like fucking eight hours straight every single day. But I don't, again,
Starting point is 01:39:50 I don't know. But you don't think she's on steroids? I don't think so. No, no, not personally. Yeah. I've spent enough time with her.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Me neither. But I don't, I, I guess I think that if someone had asked me if Ricky was taking something too, I would have said no. If what? Say that again? I said I guess at the time in 2017, if somebody asked me if Ricky was taking anything, I'd probably say no. I don't think so. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:40:18 Very honest of you. Very documentary filmmaker of you. Wayne Lang, the movie's already out here, Seban. So it's out. June 30th. It out not june 30th is it how's it out no i think wayne i think it's um uh uh i think it's for pre-order if i'm not wrong i could be wrong i'm pretty sure that sure that Tyson or I'm not sure who it is. I think it might have been Tyson and Melissa have given an early look to affiliate owners. Wayne is in Australia.
Starting point is 01:40:56 Oh, there you go. Because it's already the 30th there. It's available in Australia? I don't even know all righty hey thank you for coming on wonderful great talking to you thank you do i just log out or do you just disconnect i kick you off all right well thanks so long i appreciate it all right i'll talk to you soon uh you're always welcome back on the show if you want to come back on. Absolutely. Anytime.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Okay. Bye. Bye. Mariah Moore, director of the movie that comes out today in Australia and tomorrow in the United States. CrossFit presents fittest on earth retro active with a slash
Starting point is 01:41:50 between it like it's two separate words you guys want to look through Mariah's Instagram account together it's a pretty cool account I saw a picture that I took in there this is a fucking brilliant photo I'm assuming her husband took this there this is a fucking brilliant photo I'm assuming her husband
Starting point is 01:42:05 took this there she is with the boss there's her husband Tyson Oldroyd I spent many many many
Starting point is 01:42:14 many many hours on the phone and uh hanging out with Tyson there's Mariah looking like a hippie a creative
Starting point is 01:42:24 doing her work preview for the movie that comes out tomorrow beautifully shot dude it's worth seeing just because of the way it's shot there she's getting married she loves being hitched there's her mom, her grandma oh it's her grandma
Starting point is 01:42:44 she got twins and a baby Her mom? Her grandma? Oh, it's her grandma. She got twins and a baby. Look, she looks Japanese there. God, that boy looks just like Tyson. Look, they got a suffocation hazard warning inside the baby's crib god we live in a fucking weird world joe novella we talked about him quite a bit what a stud this guy uh i worked at crossfit with this guy guy with the baseball cat on the baseball hat on the left he's a cool dude. God, there's so many cool people who work there.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Mariah, Tia, and Shane. When I would do the behind the scenes and I would walk up and film with Tia, I would always end up talking to Shane. I didn't talk to Tia. Let me see if I can tell you who's in this picture there's Torin there's Eric that guy right there was helping me do the CrossFit podcast
Starting point is 01:43:55 he was on the CrossFit podcast with me I don't even recognize those people. Who's that? Is that Carrie Pierce, Kotler? Oh, and here's the, so this is the movie she must have made last year. Fittest on Earth Next Gen.
Starting point is 01:44:30 You know, people always say that about the movie. They're like, oh, it's just like last year's. Well, I didn't fucking watch last year's, and I loved this year's. I thought it was awesome. Oh, I used to do a bunch of motorcycle riding with Tyson too. I fucking forgot about that. I actually have one of Tyson's – Tyson, Tyson had one of your helmets at my house. Here's the picture I took of her and Greg. Probably took that with a Leica.
Starting point is 01:44:58 They used to be quite the photographer. Oh, they got chickens? Hmm. photographer oh they got chickens dick butter uh just got here five minutes ago but the chick looked bored as fuck hey uh i'll be nice to her right that's how she always looks i won't be nice to her that's how she always looks that was her excited dude i used to i can remember walking into the gym and she'd be there and it would just be her in there and like she couldn't even be bothered to lift her head up and say hi i'd have to be like hey, hey, Mariah. She'd be like, hi. There were a handful of those there who worked there. God damn, there was this other
Starting point is 01:45:52 dude there, Kerry Harrow, who used to be like that. It was like, fuck, dude. We've worked together. There was a whole handful of people. Do you want me to tell you all the names of the people there who used to be like that?
Starting point is 01:46:07 There were like five or six of them. It was like, dude, what happened to you? Who did what to you that made it so you can't even lift your head up and acknowledge someone? Sevan, do you think that whoever doesn't like you at CrossFit are just digging their heels in more when you or anyone affiliated with the podcast calls out the lack of exposure of the film yeah the no one has no one in the media company no one in the media department this is a hyperbole is exaggeration but 90 percent of
Starting point is 01:46:37 the now it's accurate 90 of the efforts are people put there are politics and trying to keep their job and not on actually creating content it is so bad there it is so bad there i can't even i i the the way it used to work is that guy t Oldroyd that I showed you the the bald guy who's married to Mariah he was the basically the coordinating producer so but everything that all the video content all pretty much all the video content that was there he outsourced so I might say to Tyson uh hey dude can there's a guy who lost uh 50 pounds and he did it through CrossFit and he also works on a game reserve in Africa. Can we offer him a free L1 and do a video on him showing how – and then it culminates with ending with him taking his L1. And Tyson would be like, okay, I'm on it.
Starting point is 01:47:40 So Tyson would contact that dude. He'd get the guy the free L1. He'd start coordinating that shoot and he'd call someone like Torin or Mariah and he'd be like okay this is your project this is what we'd like and then they were kind of free to do whatever they wanted they would fly out there get to know the guy and then he would go to an l1 they would film that and then they would tie the whole thing up so we would share his whole life and then also use it as a promotional piece for the l1 it was awesome and half the time the pieces did not go the way we wanted which was still fine they were still fucking amazing sometimes even better mike koslob did the one on uh athena perez
Starting point is 01:48:11 and and so we were just constantly doing those and that's how we work now there's it's um and half those people work in-house that we that send out on, and the other half, let's say, didn't. I don't know what the exact ratio is. And then also the other portion was we would always be sending people to seminars. So we would send someone to a level one or a level two, and they would film it all, and they would talk to the people there and film the instructional content but then also ask why people were there. And it was all natural, and then you would publish those periodically throughout the weeks so one day you would have like some 70 year old woman taking her l2 and she'd tell you why it was so great then the next day it's like teaching you how to do a pistol and then the next day it's um a vignette of some
Starting point is 01:49:00 400 pound guy. I didn't see you in the 2023 documentary. Oh, you're in the 2023 documentary. Hey, I saw a CEO shirt in the 2022 documentary. I forgot to tell her that at the Capitol event. Pretty clear shot.
Starting point is 01:49:20 My wife saw it. And now they have no one there who understands any of this, getting back to what I'm saying. They have no one there who – you have to – I know I'm beating a dead horse because you saw this yesterday. But they will have no greater opportunity this year. Not even the games broadcast will have the reach that the documentary has the potential listen there are listen to this very carefully there are 25 million to 50 million subscribers to apple tv there are over 700 million apple tv units dispersed throughout the world that I'm just talking about Apple TV.
Starting point is 01:50:05 I'm not talking about Amazon, Roku, Netflix, any of that. If they would have promoted this, it would sit in the ranking of the number one spot on 700 million devices worldwide. Oh, you're making me just fucking hate them by having to answer that question. It makes me just, I just feel like I should call Don and be like, fire everyone over there.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Who the fuck is their chief marketing officer? Everyone in marketing should be just fired. I'm just, I'm not exaggerating when I say I think someone there hates her or hates CrossFitter or wants it to fail it's not like an exaggeration I'm not trying to be mean I want to fucking i i there's not one part of me that wants to enjoy tommy's work the
Starting point is 01:51:13 tommy's fucking brilliant in the movie i will tell you the truth you guys to the best of my ability it does nothing nothing in the crossfit media space makes any sense other than someone there it's beyond incompetence even incompetence they would at least have shown they would have at least done something by the way
Starting point is 01:51:41 tomorrow we have the CrossFit Games update show tomorrow evening By the way, tomorrow we have the CrossFit Games update show. Tomorrow evening. And I'm going to talk about, I'm going to show you a couple clips from Nicole Carroll being interviewed by Craig Howard over on the PR's All Day, episode 39, PR's All Day podcast. If you're a CrossFit aficionado you should watch that podcast it takes a little while to get going i had to watch it at like 1.5 speed but after like 25 minutes it's like nicole's dropping bombs in there uh andrew hiller step on the
Starting point is 01:52:20 media has no power because they have had no consistency dude uh i will also be uh talking about andrew hiller uh it's one of the topics on the crossfit update show that will be on friday it is crazy i was sitting here thinking last night it's crazy how he's elbowed his way into this space just think about that think about what andrew hiller has done and it's through that one word right there, consistency. That's why the magic of CrossFit was such a failure. Because there's no consistency. He nailed it.
Starting point is 01:52:51 He made a video. So you know what someone told me yesterday? A big-time media guy. Guy's been in the media space for 15 years, grinding. He goes, hey, well, I don't want to take anything away from Andrew, but it's like i mean clearly he has help like he has no help they're like what do you mean he edits his own videos i'm like dude he's like are you kidding me and we were talking like yeah i know dude i'm telling you because i
Starting point is 01:53:17 was i was telling this guy like i cannot believe he elbows he how did andrew elbow his way into this space he's not fucking me i don't space? He's not fucking me. I don't mean like he's not fucking me, like he's not sticking his cock in me. I mean, like, he's not me. As the media director, I got Greg helping me. I'm leaning on Dave. I'm pulling all my resources.
Starting point is 01:53:38 I have Rich coming on the show. How the fuck did this guy elbow his way into the space? Yeah, he's juiced up. That's fair. No, he's not fucking me. That was a misspoke. That was a mischaracterization. Andrew was at my house for a week and he's the greatest guest ever because he never wore a shirt in my house, by the way. And it's so it's I don't mind him being naked in
Starting point is 01:54:15 my house, like walking out into the kitchen in his underwear with my wife being there. But he's so jacked and my kids can't keep their hands off of him. And that part kind of make like they just want to touch his chest and his nipples and they want to feel his veins. And I'm like, come on, guys. Come on. Yeah, there's no consistency. How did, how did, how,
Starting point is 01:54:35 there was, in the era that I was media director, there's no way Andrew would have been able to elbow his way in like that. There's no fucking way. We were too loud. He elbowed his way. Actually, I don't know if that's true, but it would have been a war. He elbowed his way in here.
Starting point is 01:54:55 And now he's the guy. He's fucking, he's at the table with Jesus. He's one of the apostles now. He kicked John out or Paul or Mark. He pushed one of those guys out. Maybe he kicked john out or paul or mark he pushed one of those guys out maybe he pushed judah out he's sitting at the table fucking making a racket maybe he's even jesus fuck blasphemy i was not naked i was not naked one time one time i was shaving with my shirt off and andrew came in with his camera i had to i did like thought, oh God, he's going to see
Starting point is 01:55:25 what I'm a fucking marshmallow. John Young's not at the table. John Young's not a table. He's the fucking server. Everyone's a server. No one even gets a seat at the table. Don't get me wrong. John Young's a great server. Andrew Hiller has a... How did he do it it i guess he just told us consistency was he naked when he rubbed your elbow down with oil i'm not naked but barely clothed maybe one piece of apparel on you don't even know even know. It's kinkier than that.
Starting point is 01:56:05 It was on this big, huge skateboard ramp. Looking into my killer fucking little personal gym in my garage. The sun was on us. We were both sweating balls. Hey, they could have asked Andrew to fucking promote the film for them. Eric Weiss, Savon and Hiller, contentious relationship at first. I remember the first time Hiller was on the show.
Starting point is 01:56:41 The rest is history. Not contentious. I appreciate that. I'm not trying to fight with you, Eric, but not contentious. Just he had to be hazed. Someone had to haze him. You can't. He had to be stress tested a little bit.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Is he going to know how to play nicely in the sandbox? Everyone has to be hazed. Some people are still trying to haze him they better fucking watch out you better not haze him anymore he's fucking in there he's at the table whisper something into Jesus' ear and get you all fucked up
Starting point is 01:57:15 hi Rosie what's up girl my buddy Rosie View Photography will be taking pictures at the games exclusively for Clydesdale Media. Yeah, thank you. Seve gave him shit, had to test him out.
Starting point is 01:57:30 Yeah, you got to test him out. There is a synergy between all the dudes, right? And, like, you can get in on the synergy or not. And you can figure out how to play nicely in the sandbox or not. There's a synergy in the... And if you over-haze someone, you won't have synergy with them. It's just a gentle hazing back and forth. But there's a group.
Starting point is 01:58:04 There's a handful more than a little more than a dozen of people in the
Starting point is 01:58:09 space and there's they're the informal outside media there's even some inside media
Starting point is 01:58:15 I would say in the group and it's the CrossFit media
Starting point is 01:58:23 Illuminati and yeah like It's the CrossFit Media Illuminati. And, yeah, like, it's, there's no rules. But if you fuck up, you'll know because all of a sudden you'll show up to the meeting and no one will be there. The meeting will have moved. And, uh, it's just civil and it's funny and it's courtship.
Starting point is 01:58:53 I'll tell you just two people who are in it. I'll be, uh, uh, Hiller and Pedro and coffee pods and wads. Not that it's a secret who's in it. It's not, but it's our little group of like,
Starting point is 01:59:04 Hey, if you know, if you find out that like, I don't know, the documentary won't be coming out tomorrow, you might share with that group in there. You find out stuff. You find out what one of the workouts are at the games, you might share it in there. You might allude to help point people in the right direction to where they can also find it out. You pat other people on the back. You help support the other people's content.
Starting point is 01:59:39 Oh, shit. It looks like we're going to get John Hackleman on. I'm pretty excited. Oh, great. Oh, great. Oh, great. Hiller just sent me the video of me in the bathroom shaving. Do not do stuff like that. do you guys ever think I freeze because I stopped talking for so long oh shit I'm just uh where is it Johnny it's actually
Starting point is 02:00:28 I'm just trying to make it sound more fun than it is it's actually I'm just trying to um um act like pretend like I'm cool it's really nothing dang I thought it froze no I was just texting
Starting point is 02:00:49 yeah Hackleman from the pit crazy right yeah looks like we're gonna get Hackleman on dude crazy Johnny when I first started CrossFit there would be when the seminars were three days they would have or maybe
Starting point is 02:01:08 it was even on the two-day ones in the mornings at 7 a.m uh the one of the ones i went to john hackleman came in and taught a class for like an hour or two hours it was crazy and he brought glover to shara with him yeah it was nuts and i didn't we didn't even know who Glover was. And I think this is true. Allison, I'm going to have to respond to this. I think Allison and I went to San Luis Obispo to the pit. As Allison and I see from the comments. And I want to say that she did grace against glover
Starting point is 02:01:45 and i want to say it's somewhere on the internet and glover did it with a bar that didn't spin with steel plates like the biggest plate was like this big so he had to pull it off the ground and it was the fastest grace in the world at the time it was just like over a minute and he wasn't even a crossfitter per se like it was nuts i want buzzy yeah yeah reverse curl grace yeah uh hackleman and tony blower buddies yeah i i also can remember being around both of them at the same time they're both very funny john hackleman is really funny and so is uh tony blauer they're very quirky uh hackleman is very quirky yeah i think it was i think it was allison versus glover he did 135 i can't she did 95 probably i don't know if she she was strong as shit
Starting point is 02:03:01 she's probably one of the better during her day heyday she's probably one of the better. During her heyday, she's probably one of the better CrossFit female athletes in the world. You guys should see that movie by the way I think you'll like it Hiller has seen it we have differing opinions on it Andrew will be on the CrossFit Games update show tomorrow
Starting point is 02:03:37 he gave Mariah some feedback the shit he told me is feedback too it's kind of brilliant feedback holy shit is this true when are you getting Ed Dowd on he's RFK's treasurer now you know who I do have scheduled on the schedule
Starting point is 02:04:04 I have this guy Christian that's a great question I have this guy Jake Cooey RFK's treasurer now. You know who I do have scheduled on the schedule? I have this guy, Christian. That's a great question. I have this guy, Jake Cooey, scheduled, who I think has a senior position at RFK's, maybe even the head of it, children's Fund. Crazy, right? Hey, dude, how smart would it be for whoever the fuck becomes president to put Greg on the fucking, in the cabinet?
Starting point is 02:04:33 Greg Glassman in the cabinet. He was on London Real's podcast, and it's amazing. Oh, Ed Dowd? Yeah, I would love to have him on for those you don't know who ed dowd is i have his book here greg actually gave me this book greg bought like 50 copies and handed out it's called causes unknown the epidemic of sudden deaths in 2021 and 2022 and you can open this book and it's categorized the people who've died suddenly in the last few years. And you don't even have to take his word for it. They have QR codes.
Starting point is 02:05:16 So you can go to and check the guy's source. It's pretty crazy. I don't even know how I'd get him on you know who has contacts with all those fucking people like that is Emily Kaplan that lady I had on she knows everybody I am not a networker I do not enjoy networking
Starting point is 02:05:41 I do not want to know a lot of people that's the one downfall I have. Just the only one. Shortcoming. Only shortcoming I have. That and I'm short. Four days of California peptides. Boom.
Starting point is 02:05:58 Four days. Right there. Look, no needle marks. BPC- 157. That's the one I'm taking. Four days. She's hot, of course. Oh, who, Emily?
Starting point is 02:06:30 Yeah. oh who Emily yeah hot fit smart aggressive all those things that she is she's probably on top a lot which is cool right pool boy you like a girl who's on top a lot shit no I'm not
Starting point is 02:06:59 on the juice I am not on the juice stop I am not I am not on the juice Stop I am not I am not on the juice This is something you inject locally I can't tell I mean the elbow feels The elbow feels okay
Starting point is 02:07:19 Not the elbow The bicep It's the bicep The bicep feels okay But I can't I don't like i don't notice anything yet but i'm i'm kind of enjoying it this new girl i'm dating was on top just before my car got towed what you were you guys were boning and she was on top and you my car got towed. What?
Starting point is 02:07:45 You guys were boning and she was on top and you looked out the window and your car was getting towed? So you pushed her off and went down and talked to the tow driver? What kind of fucking story is that? Wow. Wow. Emily Kaplan gives me
Starting point is 02:08:03 Laura Sanko vibes. Holy shit. Here we go. Here we go. Laura Sanko. Laura Sanko. Laura Sanko. You guys are going to love this for those of you who don't know.
Starting point is 02:08:22 Good job, RB. Good job, pervert. Laura Sanko, incredible, incredible commentator for the UFC. I mean, like, fucking kind of unbelievable how good she is and how well she knows the game. I say she's one of the best. And there's just this ridiculous body. She just got these huge bolt-ons, hammers.
Starting point is 02:08:56 I was DMing with her for a while. I thought she was going to come on the show before she got her commentating, like her big commentating gigs. Now she's just fucking on a terror I should bug her again I think she's I think she's tough as nails too I think she got a good
Starting point is 02:09:16 jujitsu game good striking game crazy now you know Johnny also loves Laura who doesn't love Laura oh what is this andrew hardell i suppose they supply the water now too who supplies it why does california peptide supply i think you mean doesn't why don't they okay here we go here's the here's the the pool boy sex talk here we go listen up everyone
Starting point is 02:10:04 i was parked in san francisco where she lives she woke me up for a little slap and tickle at around 7 a.m slap and tickle i assume my car was safe until nine but i was wrong left her place and my car was gone wow i learned that word hammers from um Bajan taught me that word. Tyson's dad. Hammers. That's what you call titties. Hammers.
Starting point is 02:10:32 What a set of hammers. Oh, here we go. Vindicate. California peptides does supply water, not needles. How do you get the needles? All right. That was the first movie I watched, the retroactive. That was the first movie I've watched. Sat down and actually, I almost watched it straight through. At about an hour and 15 minutes, I stopped and I, I think I maybe even spoke to Andrewrew for a minute and i shot up my
Starting point is 02:11:05 peptides and then uh and then i watched the rest of the movie i can't remember the last time i sat down and watched a movie oh that's not true i went to the movie theater and i saw the new spider-man don't even bother. Does California Peptide ship to Kanada? That's a good question. Isn't it weird that you can't just order whatever you want on the internet? You should be able to just get anything. Right?
Starting point is 02:11:50 I mean, I'm open to being wrong. Shop? Let's go to shop. Oh, I could go to home, and I could just ask them on their Q&A, do you ship to Canada? Fill out our only form or contact us by phone at your convenience. Do you ship to Canada? Do you ship to Canada?
Starting point is 02:12:28 I'll find out. I'm going to call Sarah. I'm going to call Sarah. This will be funny. Sarah. Sarah. Here we go. Let's ask her. Please leave your message.
Starting point is 02:13:22 Dude, I got my new gold vindicate CEO shirts I should have worn one today holy shit they're nice oh here we go yeah yeah yeah not much better Karina Pace I'm late is my picture better muy bueno
Starting point is 02:13:43 muah fantastico Karina Pace, I'm late. Is my picture better? Muy bueno. Fantastico. Sima Boobs. She will get back pretty quickly. Oh boy. Getting feedback from this podcast we just did. Oh. It's tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:14:20 And you are not on. Did I call Pedro? He's in Europe. Can Pedro talk right now? What time is it there? and you are not on. Did I call Pedro? He's in Europe. Can Pedro talk right now? What time is it there? It's eight hours ahead. Why the fuck is he awake?
Starting point is 02:14:33 He just texted me. How could he possibly be awake? You will be asleep. You will be asleep. He just asked me if he will be on the CrossFit Games podcast tomorrow. No, you can be asleep. You will be asleep. He just asked me if he will be on the CrossFit Games podcast tomorrow. No, you can be asleep. You're fucking Irish. Is there a shut up and scribble today?
Starting point is 02:14:59 Oh, that's a good question. We'll call them too. Fuck it. Isn't it normally today? That's a great question. Why am I not promoting that show? I'll call them too. Fuck it. Isn't it normally today? That's a great question. Why am I not promoting that show? I'll call Taylor. I almost feel bad calling JR.
Starting point is 02:15:13 He has kids and shit. He's like a real adult. When I talk to JR, I feel like I'm talking to someone who's older than me. Let's see if Taylor answers. Pedro just texted me. I was going to set an alarm and okay fuck it call jr in the name of uh in the name of work thanks you guys for this is kind of cool because i'm getting in my work today but with you guys here it's like i'm working but i have you guys keeping me company. It's kind of awesome. Appreciate it. You're at Taylor's gym, Chris? That's crazy. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 02:16:11 Small world. What's the website for peptides? Look at. What's up, dude? Hey, we're live on the air. Are you doing a show today? Yeah, 2 o'clock. 2 p.m. my time?
Starting point is 02:16:21 Pacific Standard Time? No. 10-year time. Or 11-year time. So 2 p.m. my time? Pacific Standard Time? No. 10-year time, or 11-year time. So to Eastern. Okay, so an hour and 46 minutes. You'll be live with Taylor. Yes. Okay, thanks, dude. Bye.
Starting point is 02:16:34 J.R. Howell, confirming that there is a show today. How am I supposed to keep eye contact with SEMA? I didn't even mean to bump that, but yeah, it's crazy. Those are crazy. You're not supposed to. I was going to, oh, a fool this week. I will try you again in three weeks. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:17:04 I feel bad. Super bad, but a little bad. Supreme Court rules against affirmative action. You mean legalized racism? Upending decades of precedent. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:17:23 I cannot tell you the stuff that some of you guys send me is so disheartening. Around affirmative action and shit like that. Some of you have access to accounting for government agencies or schools or shit like that. Oh, here we go. Hey, I'm live on the air. What's up? Do you have a show today in an hour and 45 minutes? Yeah, me and JR.
Starting point is 02:17:50 Okay, cool. I'm listening to The Real Anthony Fauci. Have you read that book? No, is it good? Dude, it's crazy. The RFK book. Did you see the interview he did on Decision Desk? No.
Starting point is 02:18:01 He crushed some reporter. Hey, is RFK juiced to the gills? I don't know. He's gotta be on TRT, because he looks like you would look if you had muscle. Oh, shut your face. Bye. Good luck today on your show. I love you. Bye.
Starting point is 02:18:18 Asshole. He said I would look... He said RFk looks how i would look if i had muscle oh gross i did not see that did you see lab grown meat is approved for retail katie you kind of look like my sister my sister i don't have an issue with him being on trt get juice to the gills but it's just weird that in the post that rfk does where it shows him doing push-ups on his instagram it says i will i will basically uh i will get us back on the track of healthy living without needles and pharma that's like dude you're clearly on fucking something. Oh, you are Rosie's sister?
Starting point is 02:19:10 Is that really true? That's crazy. You look like you could be my sister. He probably has justified also being on trt for some reason having to do with his voice i think he like he his vocal cords need to get juiced up oh look at this this better not be hillar who wrote this oh yeah it's fuck uh yeah yeah that's what i meant to say excuse me all right great show mariah moore we had an up we we had an up and down if you ever want to see an interesting um podcast i interviewed her and he were in margin one time on the crossfit podcast and i kind of had an up and down relationship with those three. But I could be making it up too in my head.
Starting point is 02:20:12 I just always assumed they didn't like me. But it didn't matter to me. I got great work out of them. They were fucking workhorses and they did great shit. But man, the shit that I would hear that they said about me was fucking crazy just angry and angry uh worker bee shit but um but fuck they were all good seven did you see the texas professor got fired for teaching X and Y chromosomes as the basis for determining sex
Starting point is 02:20:47 holy shit no that's awesome Paulina wow Paulina you must have been 12 when that episode came out that's a good episode of the CF podcast yeah I thought it was good too it was pretty real right like we kind of got into it a little bit I think it was a love hate relationship
Starting point is 02:21:14 I can't imagine anyone just like straight hating me like part of you has to be like well I know he said that girl's boobs were nice, but he's not a total scumbag. He's right. Her boobs are nice. Oh, good. Oh, good. I'm texting with Pedro.
Starting point is 02:21:38 I don't want him to, like, oh, good. Can't wait to have you on. Good. So he's going to set his alarm in a couple weeks. He's going to set his alarm because Pedro's in Ireland. So he's going to come on the CrossFit Games podcast in a couple weeks and he's going to set his alarm because Pedro's in Ireland. So he's going to come on the CrossFit Games podcast in a couple of weeks and he's going to set his alarm, he said. I mean, fuck, he's awake now.
Starting point is 02:22:12 I could send him a link now and just be like, hey, come on now for a second. Oh, shit. What if he stays on too long? Fuck it. I'm going to send him a link now. fuck it I'm in the cinema I'm in the cinema league now oh Pedro
Starting point is 02:22:30 why are you awake do you want to come on now for a second uh uh uh uh having some trauma on the back end happen.
Starting point is 02:22:53 Can anyone help me and ask me and tell me if yesterday's show is up yet? Fuck. I wish I could tell you guys what's going on back here. Some fun, juicy shit. You guys would love it. you guys would love it oh it's 5 20 p.m in ireland oh right oh okay well fuck
Starting point is 02:23:34 thank you okay oh okay got it okay invited pedro on he says it's 5 20 p.m there right now why wouldn't he be awake and he said i think he'd be fine with me sharing this i can't come on now um i have to help with the kids and i can't bring myself to put the idea of me nipping off for a while to my wife. What does that mean, nipping off? That's English talk, nipping off? You can't even say nipping. Isn't nipping a derogatory term for Asians, nipping?
Starting point is 02:24:17 Or pinch. Pinch or sharply, pinch off. So pinching, pinching off. All right. Pinch or sharply. Pinch off. So pinching. Pinching off. I thought nipping was when you sit around and just made fun of Asian people. What were you doing yesterday? Went to Chinatown and was just, you know, nipping. All right.
Starting point is 02:24:49 Thanks. Great show, guys. Oh, here we go. Oh, no. Someone else. I'm going to the skate park today. If anyone wants to come see me, come see me there. I'll be there with my kids.
Starting point is 02:25:01 Hanging out. I'll be at one skate park from 10, 15 to 12, and then we will take off to another skate park. My kids are getting good. It's fun. It's like really fun watching them now. Tomorrow – oh, I should promote tomorrow's show. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:25:25 Okay, so in an hour and 37 minutes, you'll have J.R., Howell, and Taylor, two of the best in the biz, talking about whatever the fuck they're going to talk about. They will keep you fully entertained and engaged. It's a short and tight show. They don't fuck around like I do. Tomorrow, oh, tomorrow I have the Fluffy Duck on. That's going to be great.
Starting point is 02:25:48 I forget the guy's name. Josh Parrott. And then tomorrow night we have the CrossFit Games Update show at 6.30 p.m. and that will be myself, Andrew Hiller, John Young, and Mr. Bill Grunler. And then Saturday morning I've tried to schedule Greg Glassman to be back on.
Starting point is 02:26:09 Alright. And then Sunday, a live call-in show. The shows with Greg should be live call-in shows too. Should open up the phone line and let people just call in. Seve, my five-year-old, doing his first Brazilian jujitsu tournament in August. Any suggestions? Yeah. Take a shitload of deep breaths.
Starting point is 02:26:29 It was so fucking stressful for me. And, um, and if he doesn't do it, no hard feelings, like just whatever. And don't answer any of his questions. Like my kid that had all these questions like,
Starting point is 02:26:39 Hey, do I have to do it? Uh, will you come with me? I just didn't say anything. I just stayed quiet. Every time he asked me a question, I just held his hand or kissed him on the head.
Starting point is 02:26:46 I didn't do any of that shit. I just keep moving towards the target. Do not engage in the discourse. Keep moving towards the target. The first five tournaments, my kids were like, I swear to God, I'm not doing it. I just stayed quiet and eventually they did it. my kids were like i swear to god i'm not doing it and then i just stayed quiet and eventually they did it one of my one of my kids were nine tournaments in and he's still really i he's done fewer than even though i've paid the money every time i would say he's decided against walking out onto the field of battle more times than not my other two kids, after five tournaments, they're just game. They just do it now.
Starting point is 02:27:25 It's awesome. It's awesome. If you see something you don't like, like if during the tournament someone says to you, hey, we didn't have a kid for you to go against. He's going to go against this other kid. Find out how much that kid is, how long he's been
Starting point is 02:27:41 doing jiu-jitsu, and how old they are. Do not let your kid, those fucking idiots who run jiu-jitsu tournaments will put your kid in a situation that's not safe you have to be you have to be watching your kid you will hate yourself if your five-year-old gets slammed by a fucking six-year-old and never wants to compete again you will hate yourself so just watch your kid i something like that happened to me i don't want to talk about it right now but fuck man just be so vigilant do not be like that fucking cuck i showed in the video yesterday you know that fucking white guy who's with who's there with his wife and his kid who's
Starting point is 02:28:18 crying because they arrested a man who threatened his family and son with a knife because I don't want that guy to think that I'm a bad white person. It's like, motherfucker, he just fucking threatened your family with a knife. Do not be that guy. Not that you would, Christian. I'm just saying. Why do you have so much chalk on your back? Why do you have so much chalk on your back? Why do you have so much chalk on your back? Soon. Flat Earth guy is coming on soon.
Starting point is 02:28:59 He had to reschedule. I need to watch his movie. Alex, you a Flat Earther? The Hibbler effect, yeah. You just called a bunch of black belts and jujitsu idiots. Yeah, I did. You mean because they're the judges? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 02:29:18 Half those guys out there, yeah, I did. I don't even think Seema boobs has real boobs I think she's flat chested I'm a full flat earther she's flat chested the earth is flat alright bye bye

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