The Sevan Podcast - Matt from HWPO | Hunter | Hiller - LIVE CALL IN - Don't be scared

Episode Date: December 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:03 We're live. Hey, good morning. Kyle, what's up dude not first you are first ian what's up not second that's the whole thing to say not now miss eggert hi god i want to put a b in there so bad egbert egbert egbert what's up man what's up August what's up dude burby dude hello not first but I'm here miss cook like a fucking superhero superhero pose I bet you that pose has a name like superhero
Starting point is 00:01:38 today Maddo keeps coming on he should be here any minute really cool of him he's kind of I think he's in I can't use the word transition anymore. He's changing locations and he said, hey, I could do it, but it might have
Starting point is 00:01:54 to be from a lobby of a hotel or some sort of building. I'm like, bro, let's do it. Let's party. And then in the second half of the show, we will have the very, very vulnerable Hunter McIntyre with Andrew Hiller. Oh, there he is. There he is. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Most incredible clickbait title before you came on. Hold on. I'm trying to get this. Want to see it? Here, buddy. That's how good O'Keefe is he just comes right on just guns blazing just like yo I'm here I'm tweaking my audio listen to this it said Matt O'Keefe as the title
Starting point is 00:02:36 but you know what I changed it to Matt from HWPO you see what I did there see what I did there? See what I did there? A little clickbait? Clickbait. I don't know why I'm not on my... I feel like every time I come on here
Starting point is 00:02:56 it's the same. Me dancing around trying to get my headphones to work. I like it. Is that a sign of my age? People are always making fun of me because of my age. So it's good to see like you have some like remote control issues and some technological. Hey, dude, I'm on these text threads and I can't even follow them because people talk shorthand now. And like I need shit like really explaining to me.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I post a clip and 20 people on the thread are laughing. I'm like, dude, I don't get it. You know what I mean? I feel like we're what i mean i feel like we're well i feel like i'm i'm hit i'm hip because i hang around a bunch of 25 year olds with the athletes but if i'm being real with myself there's a lot of shit that just goes right over my head totally over my head yes how are you i'm awesome i'm pumped i'm pumped are you in the bathroom right now kind of i'm in i'm in the kitchen which is uh adjacent to the bathroom but it does have that
Starting point is 00:03:51 bathroom look with those um tiles right that what's that called a flash a flash oh uh backsplash backsplash look at you you've remodeled the house or two. I like your tiles. Those are nice. I'm down in Newport Beach this week. Oh, okay, cool. Yeah, hanging out. You're not home. No, hanging out with some friends and then just raging with the kids. We're right on the beach, so there's lots of surf,
Starting point is 00:04:21 and then there's a really good Jiu-Jitsu academy down the street, so we're just like in this whirlwind of fun. That's really cool. Good for you. I love it. Hey, I want to start with something just, just to really make you vulnerable. And then we'll,
Starting point is 00:04:35 you would, you would never, you would never let me off the hook to not start that way. So let's go. I know this is probably very sensitive today. When the show is done, I have a 30-pound dumbbell in my living room here. And I'm going to do 10 front squats on the minute. And then an alternate 80 minutes, I'm going to take both 30-pound dumbbells and do 10 shoulder to overhead.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Any way I can. 20-minute workout. So I'm going to get in 100 squats with a 30-pound dumbbell and 100 push presses. Or somehow shoulder to overhead in 20 minutes. It's mellow. It's bodybuilding. I get it. It's great.
Starting point is 00:05:13 But I'm fucking 51. Are you ever – how many workouts do you go there, and it's like an HWPO staff workout, and you're just like, guys. It's like an HWPO staff workout, and you're just like, guys. Like I got sucked up into this thing where you're supposed to go as hard as you can on an assault bike, and it's with this group of young guys, and I'm getting hurt. And it's only in 30-second intervals. I'm getting hurt.
Starting point is 00:05:39 You know what? This is really funny. What do you do? You're in the oven. I mean, you're the you're the ceo of hwpo it is it's uh it well the answer is that that's not necessarily how i train and nor do i mean i think we give off this and i would say stink and i love it you, it's an aroma of like hardcore, like three hours of training. But we just, we do have a lot of variability in how we approach training. I mean, we have a product that, you know, a lot of people's eyes would think is, you know, a version of aerobics.
Starting point is 00:06:16 It's called Sweat. It's just, you know, a very concise way of, you know, doing CrossFit. Honestly, for the most part, it's it's you know warms you up and has a mechon in the middle it's just no gymnastics and no barbell but yeah i mean i think i i think i'm bringing a lot more people towards me than me gravitating more towards you know that you know other people's style of training like jake josh like they're still chasing it like they're squatting heavy snatching cleaning all the time um but like matt myself sammy you know we're doing you know a lot of burpees a lot of devil's press you know yeah burpees i
Starting point is 00:06:54 like some burpees yeah burpees machine work and you know um finding a sustainable way to you know to do this so you know to crossfit essentially and i did what you just described so i did last night i squatted 10 times with 135 back squatted on one minute the opposite minute i ran for the full minute on a on an arrow you know and it's like oh okay okay but still you're going that's you're still going like i can i really make it so i can modulate you know what i mean like i'm resting 30 seconds after every you're i guess you can modulate because you're on the air runner you can really slow down if you wanted to all right yeah and you get a little how long does it take you to do those 10 back squats with 135 do you get a little rest
Starting point is 00:07:40 yeah 30 seconds okay all right yeah so but. So we're on the same training program. You're just on the strong guy version. I'm just on the. I'm running a marathon in April with Sammy and I are, which, you know, this is like the official put myself out there. I need my head examined. I'm going to write that down. April marathon for some accountability issues. April marathon.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Issues. You notice how you put it in an issue category right away. But you know, I, you know, really want to, I mean, it's a part of what we're talking about right now. I want to, I mean, this is risky to do it your way, but I want to train for a marathon not just running all the time so we're gonna you know do intervals with strength work and do a lot of lunging have you ever done a marathon yeah i ran boston in 03 and 04 twice two years back to that yeah um did you get injuries from either of those or let me uh rephrase that Did you get set back a little bit where you had to like lick some wounds?
Starting point is 00:08:47 A hundred percent. Yeah. I mean, in fairness, I was a raging alcoholic and, you know, fat. If I'm being real skinny fat, you know, by the end of the training and, you know, the wear and tear of my knees and Achilles and ankles were real hard. You know, I was vlogging a lot of miles on a weekly basis. You know know the other side was boston i lived in downtown boston i'm running around the river and it's like 20 degrees
Starting point is 00:09:10 i mean it is not optimal training and i didn't help myself at all so you know i had a i tore my sheath around my achilles one of them and ran the marathon with a torn sheath which i didn't even know that Achilles had a sheath. I thought it was just my penis that had a sheath. That's crazy. It is not the only thing. And it's basically a, it's a runner's injury. I did a lot of research on it is that, you know, if you run a certain way and your heel kind of like rubs against the piece on the back, um, it, it can, it can, you know, fray or tear or rupture that. And so I had that for one of my – I literally couldn't walk after I would run every day, but I never stopped training, and I ran that way.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I was in bed for like five days after I ran one marathon because I essentially had a torn Achilles. Hey, dude. I'm changing. I'm never going to call foreskin foreskin again i'm gonna call it sheath and some men have been desheathed and other men haven't that's a different kind of sheath dude and it holds your sword and it holds your sword it's a sheath i have my sheath what you know i still i still have my sheath i'm armingming it. I'm going to tell my boys, did you clean your sheath
Starting point is 00:10:26 under your sheath today? Hey, it would be a much popular body part if we changed the name. We have a lot of sheaths around tendons. Caleb's never told me that. Caleb's a nurse.
Starting point is 00:10:45 He's never mentioned the sheath on the Achilles. It's fucking crazy. Yeah, so that is – yeah, I bet it's like people look back at their history and how they've treated their body throughout their life. I probably did some damage in those years for sure. I just had no idea what I was doing. I come out. I played college sports. I was bigger. What did you damage in those years for sure. I just had no idea what I was doing. I come out, I played college sports. I was bigger.
Starting point is 00:11:08 What did you play in college? I played football for a little bit and baseball. What's the biggest you've ever been? Like in your life? And you were probably 6'2", then? 6'1"? 6'2 then 6'1 6'2 253 uh yeah I was I when I when I what really kind of the end of my football career was that they wanted me to gain that type of weight and become a tight end and I had no interest and so I played baseball but the
Starting point is 00:11:39 um but then you know post-college my number being 253 was a low point. It was just like completely unhealthy. Kind of how I found CrossFit. I started doing yoga with TRX classes that were at the yoga studio. I started coaching that, and then I was like, I can't do this. It's repetitive every day. You coach TRX? I did.
Starting point is 00:12:03 That's awesome. One of the people that I did it with was like hey let's go try crossfit there's a there's a crossfit gym down the street from my house that's one of the first in the world and trx is basically just a fitness program around ring rows right that's when i think of it i just think it was the ring row program totally it's literally just a set of rings and you do like you know you put you know you do like eyes wise and tease you can do push-ups with it with dynamic push-ups with your knees coming in but it was very like i had you know i coached it it was like you know they had a template for how you want to run it there was really no variability you know it's like pretty much the same crap every
Starting point is 00:12:42 you know i had like a monday wednesday and friday version of it and if you asked me to put a fourth day and i'll probably just be repeating one of those days it was not you know there wasn't a whole lot you could do with it it got in good shape though and then we walked in a i went to a crossfit gym and that journey and i have never left so kind of found my found my space don't don't get me wrong either and i'm sure it's the same with you like i can go into a gym and fucking get at it like i went to matt suza's 10-year anniversary and i was partnered up with the best guy in there for the workout but we fucking destroyed like i can but i hurt myself but i can go but i prefer just to like i prefer more like segmented training
Starting point is 00:13:23 like if i'm gonna run a little one day, run some sprints. I don't need to mix with deadlifts anymore. I so much prefer interval training than just like if I'm rushed, shit gets weird. Intervals is where the accountability is when you're on your own, at least from my perspective. What you're describing is we probably go through very similar things with this is um you go to an event like suze's you know like or i'm with my team and you see what the magic of community is like i just get pushed harder and i'm willing to do more there yeah i told them i wasn't even going to work out they're like oh just do the warm-up i'm like oh that's a
Starting point is 00:13:59 good idea next thing i know i'm fucking totally, does anyone have any Bengay for my back? I'm serious. I need four Advil. Like, it was like that. We had our summit last week. Yeah, last week. And so there was some content that came out. We were all kind of working out together.
Starting point is 00:14:17 But, you know, I mean, we did three workouts in three days together. And I blacked out in all three of them. And I don't do that in my garage? Wow. Yeah. It's awesome. I mean, I was like beat up, but I, I, I kind of enjoy it. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe I'm, you know, messed in the head, but, um, the other day, um, I haven't shared this yet, but I, after I got off the assault bike, I went so fucking hard
Starting point is 00:14:45 i fell to the ground i was on the ground in the fetal position and i started calling for my wife and and i felt like my fucking sweatshirt was choking me because i worked out usually the sweatshirt to keep the old body and i was like come take my sweatshirt off like an old man it was crazy it went away she never came and it went away. That is. But it was fucked up. I was a mess. Your wife is, she daily is a CrossFitter, correct? Yeah, way better than me. Yeah, she teaches classes in the garage illegally, all sorts of shit.
Starting point is 00:15:17 So my wife isn't. Well, she's not. My wife's a competitor of HWPO. Oh, yeah? Yeah, two clients. We have nothing online yet. we have nothing online yet we have nothing online you can train people hwpo oh shit okay i like that resources i like that yeah and our gym can't afford the new affiliate fee so maybe we can um yeah that would be nice to like brand up with someone like hwpo to give us a little clout i like that the but when you're talking about your wife but you know calling for her to help you
Starting point is 00:15:50 my working out generally in my garage which is my my gym i use my side of the garage for my gym my car's outside my wife pulls in it's usually this like my wife pulling in you know she works in boston and she'll come home and she she'll be pulling into me like in a dark place kind of looking at me cross-eyed like what are you doing she's done it by the way like i got her a membership and forced her into a gym to experience it she loved it just like not a practical approach for her she works out every day but she you know it's mostly her like me and me and duress but her running away not helping me so you're she's like yeah you do your thing over there you're all right she every every time she
Starting point is 00:16:32 pulls in she'll ask me if i'm all right like that's basically the extension you're all right over there yeah i'm fine it's the same thing so the last the last five years. No, what are you going to do about it? Yeah, can you do this for me? Yeah. Going back to that group thing, so obviously I work out a lot and I'm addicted to it. But since I've been working out more with friends on text messages, dabbling in some of that, the shit's gotten way worse. Because you've got to put your scores up. And even though my scores are the worst, I still have some pride. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:10 You've got to take a picture of your machine and like... And so it's gotten really bad. It's gotten bad. You're getting shamed? No, no. They're cool. They just can't believe I'm doing it. No, there's no shaming. But the only shame is there's this guy, you know, Peter from Coffee Pods and Wads.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I do. He's destroying me and everything. And I just picture him as being kind of like this inbred kind of goofy Irish dude. And he's just destroying me. I know. I remember when he first started. And I think he's like not fit at all. And I can't even like come close to keeping up to him. It's good. I know. I remember, I remember when he first started and I think he's like not fit at all. And I'm, I can't even like come close to keeping up to him. It's bad. I don't, I feel, I feel like when I was one of his first guests and I don't, I feel like he was like not even doing it. You are just getting into it at that point. Yeah. It's really cool. It's good to hear. Yeah. It's really cool. It's good to hear.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Yeah, he's a stud right now. Oh, Mrs. Burns, we're traveling on vacation, and I just went into the bathroom, and I saw my wife has all of your products, Sabbath Essentials, laid out. I didn't even know she used your stuff like that. I didn't know she used it like brought it on vacation. Morning, Mrs. Burns. Oh, Keith, I've been really thinking about the – uh are you still a manager sorry loaded question do you still manage athletes not not loaded at all yeah we so we well you don't know what the next question is that's why it's loaded yeah i'll explain it to you though i can probably lead myself down a path to to despair yeah right yeah it's good yeah this is good uh we daniel
Starting point is 00:18:47 robbins and i um when we we left loud and live together brought the athletes that we managed out and re-established ourselves independently and it was just it was really apparent that he needed more support and you know people talking about the same thing on the daily because I had so much going on. We merged in with Lab, which was Cooper, Marsh, and Jason St. Clair. So we're under Lab management now. So yes is the answer. I am still contributing. Do you have any personal clients that they like um they call you and they're like
Starting point is 00:19:25 they would call you and they would say dude i really love this fucking new chewing gum out and it has like no artificial sugars in it could i have a relationship with them like i love this shit totally there's a lot of that goes on with me that's sort of my relationship with a lot of athletes and daniel's heavy on the you know know, execution side. And he, you know, and he has those same relationships with Matt, you know, honestly, you know, still very much so. And, you know, a lot of the people that I was connected with for a long time, those conversations, you know, Katrin, Annie, Brooke again, but, you know, I don't want to take like Daniel is day-to-day manager for those guys. I'm more on the ideation visualization side.
Starting point is 00:20:09 What's that mean, ideation visualization side? What's the path? What should we be looking at? Planning one in three years, one, two, three years out. Where are we going? How are we currently executing for the current portfolio? What can we add? What do we need to change?
Starting point is 00:20:31 Those are the conversations I'm involved in with clients and or the guys at the agency. Right. So, okay, okay. The reason why I'm asking is because I was thinking about getting into the space I was thinking about like hey I should have a client a manager I should manage someone or I like the way you wiped your
Starting point is 00:20:57 beard right there like this is interesting or maybe like I try to strong arm Susan to doing it I love it because Susan and I've been talking about it a lot and I was just thinking of all the things that I, like all the things that I think managers should be doing that they're not doing. Let me pick your brain a little bit more here.
Starting point is 00:21:21 When, so, so I have those sponsors down below right yep and when i get a sponsor i think i hope that they go to sleep at night thinking that they pulled one over on me you know what i mean like i want them to be like i like it when they call me and they're like dude do you know how much fuck how many condoms we sold last night i cannot believe it will you please wear a condom on the show again i mean crazy do you do you want that too do you talk to your clients about it because from my spot i have all this negative like thoughts about what agents do and like that they're just trying to get money for their clients and i'm thinking to myself no you should be wanting to get money for the sponsors, right? You want to build your reputation with sponsors.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Like I want Sarah Sigmund's daughter to sell 3,000 Volkswagens or whatever, whoever sponsored her. Absolutely. I mean – You want them to get their money's worth, right? Their value. We talk about we want our clients to feel like they're stealing from us. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So you do have that. Okay. I thought I innovated that. No. No, that's, I mean, I feel like that has been, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:34 our probably main success story is being a good partner. I mean, in the end it's like, and there's many of us out there that, you know, approach it differently. I would, I just sort of bought out there that you know approach it differently and what the sort of blood out of the stone approach not many there's a few and that stuff you know has a really defined end to it like there's you know that you know you can trick that's transactional like we don't we're just not transactional because and and i think our clients and their sponsors speak to it. A lot of them have a lot of legacy with a lot of brands. And it's finding your responsibility is to monetize your client's brand. But in the end, it's finding that really good sweet spot.
Starting point is 00:23:23 So there's growth. Brands growing, they're growing. in the end it's finding that like really good sweet spot so there's growth you know brands growing they're growing and then you know over time you know that's recognized through you know greater compensation um you know you know a more enhanced partnership so yeah we're on the same page on that that's a great approach i think it's the only approach we talk about it at hrpo you know we really want to provide an experience where whatever our client's paying on a monthly basis for a subscription that they're literally think wow i'm winning you know yeah that's that's important that's important to us and um
Starting point is 00:23:56 have you have you ever had a client be like have you have you ever um uh let's say you're involved with Podium, right? I personally am not. I mean I am – we have clients with them for sure, but I am not in – Are you involved with any supplement directly? Nope. Well, I'll just use Podium as an example anyway. I'll use Swolverine as an example. When we were talking to Swolverine, I was thinking to myself, I don't want to take their money if I don't think I can help their product.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Like I do not – I do not – yeah, that's it. That's it. I do not – have you ever had a sponsor offer you money and your client is like, hey, dude, I can't help their product. I can't take their money. Yeah, I mean that's where the magic is. We have many clients that have what, with what they've built have put themselves in a position to only be endorsed by things that they've been a practical to their life or that they believe in,
Starting point is 00:24:55 but they truly can speak to their experience with, you know, we look for that with everybody. I think, you know, people that are newer, you know, need revenue to, it's not to say that they don't believe in what they're endorsing. It's that they're more, they can be less patient with, you know, figuring out what, what they love and don't. Yeah. I mean, most of our clients though are that way. We have a lot of legacy CrossFitters, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:24 that have been around a long time that have a lot of the same brands. And, you know, Matt's a good example. Anything that, you know, I think, you know, he at times gets criticized for being commercial. But I can honestly say that anything that he puts his name on is something that he uses and he believes in. The only thing that I ever saw Matt get criticized for was the, the climber,
Starting point is 00:25:48 the climber. I mean, today, like we could, you know, we, we, it's that thing.
Starting point is 00:25:54 So funny because I think he had like a little bit of, he's licking his wounds on, on the response to it a bit, but I mean, that was so long ago. I mean, I haven't heard anyone talk about it in three years. But we use it. Oh, at the gym.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Honestly, it's a super cool tool. I have one in my garage. We have one in our gym. It's a death machine, right? It's the same as the VersaClimber. It's the worst thing you could ever do, right? It's the worst machine. I would say it's up there for most bang for your buck yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:26:26 you get what you paid for when you use that thing it's hard um but yeah i mean that that one but you know again that's a really good example of you know we had one for months um he messed around with it did it in workouts he's like dude this thing's super cool and and our you know playbook would be we just want to you know create as much access as possible to things that we do. So people have options. And so that's like, that was a really good opportunity to kind of see how that might work with something that's like completely distant from, you know, what people think is our core competencies. you know some core competencies so let me let me pick on you a little bit so going back going back let's say before he made that commercial right because the commercial was weird because it felt like it fell out of the 80s like infomercial good 1-800 uh matt uh not only do you get the versaclimber but you get this poster of matt full-size life-size poster of matt there was like that piece into it but what if you would have done this first um uh okay what if like prior to
Starting point is 00:27:23 releasing that there were actual shots of that thing in his gym? So you know that Matt has this metal thing that you go like this? And he mentioned it in a podcast I did with him three years ago. It's been in my Amazon inbox and outbox, and it's been in my Amazon cart in and out 300 times. Three months ago, I pulled the trigger on it because of something this motherfucker said three years ago this thing i own this thing is awesome yeah um i don't even know how to use it but i fuck with it all the time like i mess with all the time what what if in hindsight um and i got the the eight pound one and i am gonna buy the 12 pound one but i 100 only bought that i still don't even know if
Starting point is 00:28:06 it's worth the money but it is a nice piece of metal by the way it's it's a nicely crafted piece of equipment but only because matt what if in hindsight that just wasn't launched right that versa climber thing what's that thing called the one matt climber clmbr okay so climber oh like is that the same company that makes stepper step S-T-E-P-R? No. Same marketing team that likes dropping E's. Maybe, maybe. Yeah. Another machine that's great paying for your buck, Stairmaster. Yeah. What if they would have just shown him, like, using it in the background a few times leading up?
Starting point is 00:28:51 So it wasn't like, you know what i mean so it had some uh merit it's like oh shit matt uses that and then finally it's like oh shit a sponsor found you know what i mean so it was like an evolution like i can't believe these people haven't contacted matt he could sell fucking thousand of those a fucking day for the next five years i mean that thing is a perfect example of something he used for a long time before it ever came public. Before he told anyone. I used that thing in his gym in his garage in Tennessee for years. It was one of
Starting point is 00:29:15 his tools. That thing's just fun to hold, too. My kids just walk in the gym and hold it. I mean, it's a beautiful piece of steel. I think it's also fascinating as a CrossFitter that you get, you know, you grab that thing and you crank on it for, you know, a minute and you're blasted and you're like, you know, you just have this perception when you look at that, you're like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:29:37 this isn't, I got this. It's not that big of a deal. Right. It blows you up. You know? Yeah. When you talk about the client, the clim piece, though, you're spot on. I think that I was talking to somebody yesterday about this. I hope I don't ever give that stink off, but I make a lot of effing mistakes if I'm being real. It's just not trying not to or learning and then not making them again. But that was not launch properly, I believe, because it was too, you know, it was distant.
Starting point is 00:30:07 You know, we were trying to tell a story about, you know, how we see, you know, our brand coming to life and giving more access, and we were just in people's faces with it. Like, you know, all people could see were neon. Yeah, like the 80s set, neon lights, and Matt with a microphone on him, and they were like, what are you guys, like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:30:24 Yeah, you're right. It's like we had shown what he had done prior you know uh because matt can't sell anything like no one's like when matt said hey i use the stairmaster everyone's like all the people who wanted to make fun of it were like no one says they kept their mouth shut right and he sold a lot of Stairmasters, I bet. I bet he sold a lot of Stairmasters. That's a bit of the interesting piece. You don't do everything for a dollar, right? But he's a brand and has a ton of value.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And it's sort of this hard position to be in at times to say, okay, well, if this foreign object to our world just appears with him, it's a ton of validation. There's a tough to hold, you know, I don't even know them. It's like, how do we hold them accountable if they get what they want without having to, you know, compensate him for it. Right. It's, you know, it's like, some people will hear that and think greed, but it's, I mean, that's Matt's business. You know, it's really what he built.
Starting point is 00:31:26 He earned it with five, five championships. I get it. When I went on a motorcycle ride with him, he basically said, Hey, don't take a picture of me on this Indian unless they're going to give me one. And at the time I thought, wow, that's a little harsh, but not, but I, but I get it. Hey, I was watching a video of Dana White the other day and he's like, I've been, I did a 24 hour fast and I only took these electrolytes electrolytes, and he holds this bottle just for a second. And then he goes, and then the last 48 hours, I just drank some – what is this? Bone broth.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Do you know what I did? I froze the frame. I looked at fucking what electrolytes and bone broth you did. I went to Amazon. I bought them. Then someone was at my house, and I didn't even need electrolytes. It was like an $11 thing of electrolytes. Then someone was at my house, and they're even need electrolytes it was like 11 thing of electrics then someone was at my house and they're like hey i'm thinking of fasting and i go oh cool you should take these electrolytes and they go oh i just bought those i go why'd you do that he goes because i saw dana white holding them so that fucker had to freeze frame too oh great example like i'm just like holy shit perfect holy shit i mean i would gather from my perspective because i know how polished that group is we've you know we've been engaged with with them at times there's no chance that he's not getting paid for that i promise you right there's nothing there's nothing wrong with that
Starting point is 00:32:36 like no no no i agree he is a genius in how he purchases those things you know yeah he may even own those companies now i've learned a lot about sports over the last 10 years and what what i learned is that you know big sport platforms you know not only do you have to pay to partner but often you have to you know give skin in the game especially if you're a challenger brand you know you see that with you know nfl or pga like you know i've been connected in deals in those those systems and then ufc you know you see like a rant you know ufc is finding their space i mean they're so big but like you see a lot of revolving door on their partnerships uh you know but i will tell you that like i think when you see weird ones, like a beard company on, you know, oil company on like the padding around the cage, I bet there's more
Starting point is 00:33:34 to that than just them paying them to be there, you know? Right. Which, you know, so the sport business world is fascinating like that. I mean, I guess I was naive to think that, you know, it was just transactional. Like I pay you millions of dollars to be a part of your product. That's like traditional sports marketing. These guys have been all figured out. They have, you know, private equity groups that are attached to the leagues that, you know, they take equity in these brands. It's really interesting. Look at this. Uh, um, uh, O'Keefe, uh, Kyle hatch, uh,
Starting point is 00:34:03 Dana convinced me to do the 72-hour fast. Yeah, I fast all the time, and obviously I've messed around a lot with bone broth. But as soon as he mentioned it, I got back into bone broth again for like six more weeks. I probably bought like three cases of bone broth and drank it. I've never really gotten into that. I'll have to try it. See, there you go. You sold something on the scroll.
Starting point is 00:34:26 The Dana did. The Dana did. So, here's another thing I trip on. It's really... I belong to this media Illuminati, let's call it.
Starting point is 00:34:43 And there's a secret password, a secret secret knock and then you get in and then there they are it's the it's the it's the illuminati and they're all outside media and um they're it's a super easy group to control but no one's figured out how to control it but it's a crazy group because it's just it it's just hardworking people. It's just people who just want to work all day, every day. Right. They're, they're just people who just want to put out content. They just content, content, content. And they're just looking for just, I don't know if this is true, but they're just looking for dopamine hits. Right. So like after
Starting point is 00:35:18 this, after I do this show with you, I'll go to the beach with my kids and then I'll check my phone to see how many views I have. Right. it doing what did people say about my interaction with O'Keefe that whole thing right but this group is easy to control and I feel like the management isn't the managers aren't controlling it the the media and I feel like I could do that too so an example that Susie gave the other day he was like hey can you believe it that age after their clients are on our show agents never contact like they don't contact us and be like dude fantastic show thank you do you think i could get some clips from it we'll public and you know give us a half dozen to choose from no one ever does that or like when i was going to
Starting point is 00:35:55 do the behind the scenes um i think colton was the only one that was like reached out or maybe like in a conversation said yeah i'm looking forward to working with you like like this this is going to release in a month or two it It's going to be the most view minutes, watch thing all year of any, any program that in the CrossFit space. And yet no, and I'm not saying they need to, don't get me wrong. Not at all. But if I'm a manager, I'm thinking, dude, I call before or at, or during, or like, Hey, if my clients are in any of these episodes, let us know. We'll help you promote them. And that would then manipulate me as an outside media source to work with those people. And I'm always wondering, I wonder why – do they not have the bandwidth to do that?
Starting point is 00:36:37 Are you writing that down? You're like, fuck, that's a fucking good idea. I'm writing that one down. It is a good idea, by the way. It definitely is the way it should work yeah someone goes on pedro's podcast the manager should reach out right away and go man pedro you have some really good skills thank you i you made so and so look great um thanks for giving opportunity give any clips we can push none of that there's no um and i bet you the professional fucking agents don't do that too. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:37:06 Like, by professional, I mean, sorry, let me rephrase that. I know the agents in our space are professional. The fucking, like, really fucking wealthy ones that are milking baseball players, Latin American baseball players for everything that they're worth and taking complete advantage of them, those guys aren't doing it. And I wonder why. Is there – once you control the media i think like you you control everything you're the mouthpiece that's like a that's where the line is on like agent manager which our space is more agent manager you know when you look at those bigger sports oh oh hold on you're distinguishing between a manager and an agent. Okay. And that's where I'm clueless. Okay. Okay. Sorry. Go on.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Manager would be, you know, someone that would be essentially in charge of the brand, you know, the individual and their brand and helping them execute social appearances, you know, sort of activate on all their responsibilities within the contract the agents are really existing in a traditional sports marketing setting to get the deal um you know a lot of agencies will have like you know the agent that's out there in the market getting you know having conversations and then they would have a team that would basically be assigned to like assist you know it's assisting but it's called the manager you know ours is a crossover in our space for sure so the answer is that should totally be because of the money right like like you're an agent and a manager. Yeah. And then once you have a hundred million dollar contract, you can have a hairstylist, an agent and a manager and a mistress.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Many of them will have like many agents. So the way that that works. So you have contract, like, all right, let's take some, somebody as an example. We can take LeBron because, you know, that's an easy one, but then, you know, you take, you know take somebody as an example. We can take LeBron because that's an easy one, but then you take some random basketball player that's the sixth man that's on the bench on a team as well. And LeBron, an example, is he has a contract agent.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I think it's Rich Paul. He represents him, Draymond Green. He's Gates Adele. But then who is his best friend from growing up and then he has fenway sports group endeavor he has multiple marketing agencies that he's given non-exclusive rights to that bring him deals and then he definitely has you know personal people that are helping him execute partnerships, his schedule, getting things like you're talking about, responsibility.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I mean, he's a multi-billion dollar brand, right? So he's got like- So he's broken all, he's kind of, he rewrites the playbook and then kind of, but it does come down. Like someone's like, hey, LeBron, you don't have to play by the regular rules. You can have six agents and make them all just give you 1%. And then the lesser guys are like, Oh, I never thought of that. So they might be like, I'll have three agents to give them all 2%.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Whereas like a new guy might have just one agent and one manager and he's given 5%. Yeah, a hundred percent. That is more traditional now than not. You know, so, you know, all of the biggest brands in sports would have it's literally just you know having enough people in the market talking to you know different pieces of the market so you know i don't know how he organizes it but he has a movie agent you know so people write movie deals you know he has uh you know somebody that's probably very concentrated on sports marketing and then there's just evergreen marketing, which is like Louis Vuitton can come to a guy like that's got nothing to do
Starting point is 00:40:28 with sport. It's off the court. So he probably has people focused in areas, but you know, a non-exclusive sports marketing relationship is not a foreign concept. There's many that do that. And then you have like the problem, not the problem, like most sports, even ours, like this would help people understand ours better. Cause I think a lot of people look at ours and think everybody should get paid, which I would love that.
Starting point is 00:40:49 That would be amazing, but that's just not reality. All those other sports are the same. You just don't realize it. They get big contracts. You've got a guy making $10 million a year in the NBA sitting on the bench. He doesn't have any endorsement deals. Or maybe they're very local uh or small but you know you know most of those nba players are living off you know they got a thing with nike but all it is is they have nike elite money and they can get as much product
Starting point is 00:41:15 as they want they're not getting like there's like 10 guys that are paid by nike like there's like that's not so it's like very top heavy in most sports. Um, and you know, when those guys, yeah, one, it's like in fighting and I don't have a problem with this either, but, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:31 one per 1% of the fighters get 90% of the money. It's probably like that. It's probably like that in a lot of sports, right? It isn't most, there's only so much media time. There's only 12 hours. We're fucking awake a day consuming media, right?
Starting point is 00:41:46 And so it's a competition for it. Let me throw this out there too. So I see businesses giving money to athletes that I can't fucking believe they're giving money to. I can't tell why they're doing it because I just don't think that these people are moving the needle. That being said, I also put it on the athletes like, hey, really? You're taking money from those people? How many cans of – let me make some – beard wax are you going to sell for them? You don't even have a beard.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Do you know what I mean? It's like – but then again, like you said, I don't know what the exchange is. So I see like – I'll use podium as an example. I see a lot of people with their podium, but I assume that there's tiers to that, like you said. Like if you're just like a guy who's made the quarterfinals, you just get a can of podium. You're not getting like – you don't get to sit in the booth at the games. I don't know how other agents, managers would look at this. I think, you know, I can just speak to how we would,
Starting point is 00:42:52 which is we look for opportunities. That's, you know, that's creating eyeballs on somebody, their talents, you know, helping develop their brand. So, you know, there's a base layer to that where, you know, you're willing to, you know there's a base layer to that where you know you're willing to you know accept marketing in exchange sometimes because that's really what helps to start to tell the story about you know a individual that's emerging in a space so you know there's a lot of different ways to approach it that again goes back to that same analogy in nba the harder part in the nba is
Starting point is 00:43:21 players not endorsed are still making 10 million a year. So the endorsement to like, you know, do something for growing your brand is less enticing to a lot of people because they're like a hundred grand. Like I wouldn't get out of bed for that at this point. You know, it's like I got to give a full day photo shoot for this. It's so, but the smart ones do those things because that's where you're building your brand for when you're done on the floor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And they're laying into content. There's so many great things. Like, we're part of it a bit, too. And there's a lot of, man, this, like, you know, whatever, 5.0 version of, you know, the athlete business people in the world. They're all collaborating now. Like, we're getting all these sports team opportunities to invest like you know there's a lot of you know whether you can call it private equity but you know it's not like these guys are they're they're smart like tom brady bought into a soccer team in england because he knows he can leverage his brand against
Starting point is 00:44:18 that to help grow their brand and you know he probably gets some some you know better consideration on his investment because of that there's lots of that going on right now the next you know 20 years of sportsman really interesting it's going to be the first thing you see like a lot of players owning teams you know that wasn't even practical before because they were kind of where we are today right you know when we do all that comparison which can be i know nauseating at times like but in golf they do and in this they do that's only to say like hey by the way they've they're 50 years ahead of us like how do we pick and choose things that they've done and or even better not make mistakes that they've made along the way the golf ball is an amazing phenomenon
Starting point is 00:44:59 right same with the tennis ball because good tennis players i've been playing i've been going to tennis with my kids for four or five years now, O'Keefe, and I didn't realize that good tennis players, every time they go to the court, they crack a new can. Some tennis players, a lot of tennis players will even use two cans. Like an hour through, their balls will not be as good anymore, and so we don't even have that in CrossFit. We don't even have anything that you just – the golf ball industry is a 10 billion dollar a year industry that's uh um uh hundreds of times bigger than the entire revenue of the nba just or the wmba uh just golf balls just the fucking balls so we're we are kind of in a weird space right someone's got to figure out what it is that we need to we need something that you throw away
Starting point is 00:45:41 after every workout shoes it's technology i mean that there is a good example of shoes or techno i mean you're like talking you know i'm in the golf world so i agree that's like you know you i'm like throwing a golf ball every couple holes because it has a scuff on it most people would be like who cares it's like well it matter it curves differently because of that scuff like you. It's weighted differently. There's all kinds of crazy stuff you got to be careful with with that. Yeah, and the same would exist here, I guess, to some extent. What's a fresh pair of grips feel like?
Starting point is 00:46:15 That's getting nuancy, but truly there's something there. And not everyone uses – like I never would use grips. Grips are for pussies. I don't use grips either. Thank you. You don't have to lie just because you for pussies. I don't use grips either. Thank you. You don't have to lie just because you're on the show. I don't. They're not for pussies either, by the way.
Starting point is 00:46:31 You're just not good enough. It's a joke. Everyone chill. Relax. You've got to build those calluses. Oh, Keith, what about this? What about also, speaking of nuance, there could be someone out there with 2 million Instagram followers, but they can't convert anything. They just can't sell anything, but you give them – you have them because more people are going to see your product. So then you get the name out there versus someone who actually can move product. Do you ever think about that that's something that
Starting point is 00:47:05 i think about a bunch like okay if i just wanted my name out there i would give it to this person if i wanted the product moved and i wanted brand value i'd give it to this person and the number of followers and views might be like totally different or just their cadence so the buttery bros are fucking anyone who's in the media space, but especially them, are fucking brilliant because they have a constant cadence. Whoop, podium. Whoop, podium. Whoop. And so there's no – it's just relentless.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Whereas if you give the money to, let's say, a top-notch CrossFitter, you get three posts on Instagram with them, and it's like no one gives a shit. It's changed a lot since when we first started you know with crossfit as a sport and influences emerged athletes um it's uh volume the volume you remember this like 10 years ago everybody was like really protective about looking too commercial and like you know it was like you know tricking people into seeing something on their instagram but not really talking too much about it i went through it with every athlete and why because that was just like the feel of the time was like hey and it also was you know contributed to like how instagram or facebook would act you know um so you had to be careful around those stuff but now today the player's volume on content it Oh, it is? Okay, and that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Yeah, volume, yep. User-generated content and volume user-generated content are like 1A and B. It's like why you see a platform like the NFL, which is fascinating. We heard the CMO speak like a month ago at an event we were at, and they've opened up the floodgates. They let 300, essentially, YouTubers, they give them all access to on-field, before and after, locker room, all that to create content for their platforms.
Starting point is 00:48:54 They pay them to do it now. They literally… Oh, they pay the YouTubers or the YouTubers pay them? No, the YouTubers don't pay. The NFL gives them a little stipend like maybe like a hotel and a flight out there and be like hey make some content on us from what i can hear you know it's some of them may be you know healthy compensation so wow you know like mr beast is on is does nfl content you know uh d strong you know does nfl
Starting point is 00:49:22 content demi bagby like does nfl content you know they go do, you know, does NFL content. Demi Bagby, like, does NFL content. You know, they go do something unique on the field before game day, then they go game day, they're on the field warming up with the team. Yeah, yeah. And, you know, it's reach, it's volume, it's unique content, it's user-generated. Like, all that stuff is hot right now. It's really hard to make hay just posting something on your instagram today
Starting point is 00:49:47 to say like paper street coffee on savans uh i mean youtube's a unique place that is very good for uh brands to live you know and instagram is as well it's just a different approach now like whitelisting so you know paying against the audience uh that you know a athlete has built is important that's kind of how you have to access it through an instagram or what's that mean what's that mean paying against the audience well if i have two million followers and i post about you know podium you just look at those posts if it's an organic post there's like way less views and engagement but if you pay you can then take that and boost it and pay against it
Starting point is 00:50:27 and actually say like hey I want to pay against a hundred thousand of my followers you know you can go through your audience so that that's one of my guests did that they took one of my podcasts and they
Starting point is 00:50:44 somehow boosted it. And they made a fucking killing. And I didn't even know you could do that. I didn't know you could boost YouTube shit. Facebook, Instagram works. And it's really cool. A lot of business success stories are people that have figured out how to really activate through those platforms. Noble is a great example of it.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Todd is a digital marketing genius. Tactically, you build an audience that really is identified as what your consumer looks like. It could be a CrossFitter that's 25 to 35, takes baths on Monday. You can get super specific on this and it builds you an audience that you pay against, you know? So it's like, I, it's called lookalike audience. So you want a audience that looks like this and you list 20 things and it produces a million people in the United States or like, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:40 London, wherever you kind of want to target and you pay against that. And so then there's you know there's a lot of belief that like hey Matt has 2.5 million followers and you know that's there's a real steady group of people that are there and have been forever it's like well what do we need to build a lookalike audience for we can just you know they look like they like Matt and they transact you know things through matt so let's pay against that group so you'll see like that see all athletes whitelist their own whitelisting is a total separate thing it's the same tactic but are you using the word
Starting point is 00:52:15 whitelisting is that what it's called whitelisting and those are just really point those are really specific demographics so whitelisting would be take Matt Fraser's Instagram handle and beam as a partner, his day white and spread a bit and they, you, you'll get targeted with an ad from beam and it will be like Matt Fraser social. And then you'd go to Matt Fraser social and you wouldn't see that ad.
Starting point is 00:52:39 You wouldn't see that post. You wouldn't see that story because it lives behind the wall and it's being targeted towards a direct audience through Matt social, but it's not on the evergreen platform wow okay yeah okay uh fascinating a white list a cyber security strategy that approves a list of email addresses ib addresses ip addresses names, or applications while denying all others. Interesting. There's your lookalike audience. So you're taking a platform, listing something on it,
Starting point is 00:53:13 and targeting it against a group of people that you've chosen to. I always thought Nobile's story was bizarre and they would want to hide it, that they came up with the name and the brand before the product. That just seems so ass backwards to me, disingenuous like i i did not you know what i mean right because that is their story right i think so i i'm not i'm not like hey we want to sell something and then they're like fuck we got this great name okay what should we sell they i will i mean yeah i mean you can say a lot of things there i i don't i would say though that the two men that started it were Reebok executives.
Starting point is 00:53:46 So one of them, a head of design. So I'm certain that there was plenty of thought that that was going to be a footwear clothing company. What happened? Who owns Noble now? I keep hearing that it sold. I have no idea. I have nothing to do there at this point. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I do know that I've seen what everybody else has, that Michael Rapoli, who started Body Armor and Vitamin Water and exited for billions successfully, is involved. Some reports are that he bought it. Some that he invested. I still have some good friends there. But do the original owners own it i i couldn't speak confidently to that okay i don't i don't i i don't want to create a rumor
Starting point is 00:54:33 or anything i have my opinion i do i do i do so that's smart that's smart good yeah yeah i love i love a good rumor or two or six um oh who oh let me see that who okay let me see uh marcus wilson and michael shaffer founded the boston-based athletic clothing and footwear business nfl's official combine training partner on field and clothing hat provider for the nfl scouting combine in indianapolis is the training gear and shoe from no firm noble but that's from i guess that's from march it just says that marcus and michael are the owners the title of it is Who Owns Noble? Meet the Owners. Caleb, you need a button
Starting point is 00:55:10 that you push that sounds like this. Two seconds before you come in so you don't scare the guests, especially the older ones like O'Keefe. I don't want you to just pop on and he falls. Am I older than you? No, you're younger than me. I'm a fucking old man. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Can't do burpee, but I'm 51. I turned 52 in March. Maybe I am 52. I'm 46. That article's in March, which would be not factual to what today looks like. March is before
Starting point is 00:55:43 a lot of the changes happen. So that was probably an NFL article related to the combine at the time, which was pre, I don't know, chaos or whatever, you know, change that came to normal. How many athletes do you think wear used chafing cream? Is that a popular product? What a random question. We're brainstorming products.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Because I have a product coming out. I'm so excited. I'm going to be fucking rich and quit this podcast. Oh, dude, I'm about to be so rich. It's crazy. I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself. I want to hear about this. Well, let's leak it now.
Starting point is 00:56:23 This is marketing, by the way. Oh, my God. It's so good. needs everyone uses it and you got to buy it all the time really so i was just thinking you want to know how my thought process went i saw jenna diaz nelson that's a um uh crossfit games uh wheelchair champion dude right i was like I bet you this motherfucker uses some products we don't know about. Then I just thought, I wonder if everyone uses chafing cream. Before every event, does Chandler Smith take a big old
Starting point is 00:56:53 thing from the tub and ripe it between his inner thighs and his cock and balls? I don't know. I think... You would see it at HWPO canisters of it laying around. It's definitely not happening, I'll tell you that. There's a lot of compression shorts that takes care of that.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Oh, okay, yeah. Fuck, I don't even know. Okay, that's good. Oh, wait, let me see that. What's that? Balls out. Oh, I just thought of another good question. I want you to be honest with this.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Balls out anti-chafing ball powder. Hey, so he sent me that, and my kids just love using it. It's so fucking weird. They just want to use – kids are weird. They just want to use product. My kids are like, can we – he sent me some deodorant too. They're like, can we use the deodorant? I'm like, no one in our family uses deodorant.
Starting point is 00:57:42 They're like, we want to. Do you think that they just buy Johnson & Johnson baby powder and then just put it in their own bottle i hope so so they don't have to manufacture i hope so um my product we're manufacturing ourselves i already saw i already saw the uh i already saw the oh i it's fucking i can't tell you but someone in here mentioned it I'm buying Seve's toothpaste okay that was a dead giveaway yeah hey you know
Starting point is 00:58:12 who I was going to try to get to endorse it is Dave because he's got those big old fucking teeth you know when he smiles he's just got you can see his smile right oh yeah we got some big teeth in our space that you can dive in on. Who are you thinking? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Give me one. Who are you thinking? Who's got a big grill? You're like, fuck, you've got some choppers. Christmas Abbott used to have some choppers. Miranda Alcarez has some choppers. Like when she smiles, I think I see her teeth. I have to think about that.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Okay. Definitely. Dave, for sure. I mean, that's not criticizing Dave. No, dude, you want choppers. miles i think i see her teeth i have to think about that okay there's definitely dave dave for sure i mean that's not criticizing dave no dude you want choppers people are always like dude you smile and no watch my smile i'm jealous i'm trying i don't even show teeth yeah exactly i hide my shit yeah look at those choppers dude and he doesn't do any teeth whitening or anything look at me i don't need that the fuck. I'm jealous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:07 We need to get some veneers that look like that. What percentage of my company do you think I have to part with to get Dave to endorse? Do you think I have to pay him money or give him a percentage? I'm at a small company. I mean, do you need an agent? Good question. You should do this for media people. I get asked that a lot by people from within that ecosystem. It's just not like my core competency, honestly.
Starting point is 00:59:37 So I think somebody that did do that on that side would be successful. But yeah, I mean, when you look at it you know if i was you know representation in that situation it's like you know where is it at you know what's the potential what's my influence going to be on it as you know a personality athlete influencer because you can think all the way from equity down to just getting paid depending on the positioning of the brand you know i would say like certain athletes today which is really cool there's great opportunities you know that have you know legacy and in the platform warrants it is you know there's definitely opportunity to be invested in these businesses
Starting point is 01:00:15 which hey is really you know why the athletes suck i because they're here today gone tomorrow dave's gonna dave might be here for a fucking another 30 years do you know what i mean it's so like athletes like unless you're matt or tia or rich like oh bye we have a group we talked we've talked about this recently like we definitely have a group of athletes that are it's hard to duplicate those platforms yeah and they're aging they're aging out you know it's like we be interesting time in crossfit as like all these kids you know matt and you know annie katrin tia like all these people start to brook wells like they have a massive platform let me also say this those first handful you did they didn't get there by thirst picks i'm also very curious how the ones that got there by thirst picks, like there's ones out there, like it's just pure fucking vag.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And I'm really wondering, like I'm excited to see what happens in 10 years as their bodies change, like as you're no longer a 22-year-old – I don't know what the word is. I'm trying to say it nicely. Enticing men to want to have intimate situations with you. I'm very curious. As opposed to Tia ain't doing that shit. Tia is like... I don't see her doing any... She's got an insane body.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Don't get me wrong. Fucking world class. But I don't see her doing any sex symbol shit. You're seeing the start of that with people like Matt and Rich. What is the next phase of it? And how do they use their platforms to stay present? You're seeing them educate, provide protocols, prescription to train, endorsing. Would you recommend that a girl change, by the way?
Starting point is 01:02:11 Let's say you have a 22-year-old client, right? And they come on the scene strong with tons of body pics, right? Would you recommend that they slowly pivot from that as they get older? would you recommend that they slowly pivot from that as they get older? I think that's a tough question to answer because I think each individual situation is different because quite frankly, there are people that that is who they are and they're fine with that. Right, right. And that's how they want to go about things. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, by the way, too.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Don't get me wrong. If my body looked like Andrew Hiller's's I would never have my shirt on either I love bodies I'm no way denigrating those people but I'm just thinking I'm just thinking if I I would want to
Starting point is 01:02:58 cultivate I would want to cultivate a wider breadth while I have that audience. I'll give you a great example, Haley Adams. Like, I don't think people are – absolutely nothing's wrong with her physique, but I don't think people are going to her account for – because of the constant nonstop onslaught of amazing body pictures. That's how she's chosen to present herself
Starting point is 01:03:26 yeah well you know and i think that that's yeah that's okay as an agent you wouldn't tell one of your clients that like hey hey rich soon your tits are going to be saggy maybe you should do a little start prepping with some more shirts on uh shots it's not necessarily a situation i'd be uncomfortable talking about i think maybe where you would talk about it is if you thought that it was not aligned with their values and how they wanted to be perceived as a brand. So it's not like a distinct conversation from any one individual. It'd be like, hey, you're trending more towards this.
Starting point is 01:03:58 It's not like that's wrong or right. It's just, is that where you want to be? That would definitely be a conversation for an agent. And along those lines look at um uh you could you could you could you could fuck yourself by over planning look at um miranda alcarez uh she was started wanted to start a uh a training platform called street parking two months later she got pregnant she's like oh it's never going to succeed because i'm going to get fat and pregnant next thing you know that was the most popular part about her program and she's fucking murdering. She totally diminishes how great of a businesswoman
Starting point is 01:04:31 and how great of a job that they've done by – when you talk to her, she's like, I got lucky. I was pregnant. I'm like, no, that's got nothing to do with it. She's awesome. I love those guys and what they're doing. They're, they're,
Starting point is 01:04:47 you know, they, they, they're, they inspire us and we're friends. And I just like, I take, I learn a lot from them on a daily basis.
Starting point is 01:04:56 They're just good people that are doing good things for the right reasons. You know, it's, but yeah, you know, they're successful because they work their asses off. Yeah, they have great marketing and some of those tools, I'm sure, but they're not sustainable.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Miranda isn't, and they aren't super successful because she did a lot of working out when she was pregnant. It's because she's great at what she does, and she puts out great content, and she speaks to her team and members and provides them a great experience you know so and she's relentless they're relentless they're relentless they're awesome they're they're super cool yeah i i love those guys hey thanks for coming on
Starting point is 01:05:38 dude this is great honestly it's good to catch up yeah always you look great i'm happy to see to see you you're always welcome on the look great. I'm happy to see you. You're always welcome on the show. Thanks for doing this. I really appreciate you, dude. As do I, you, and I'll make sure that we're reaching out for content clips. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Have your agent. Do you have an agent? No, I do not need an agent. For sure. Yeah, no, definitely not.
Starting point is 01:06:05 But, um, yeah, thank you. I appreciate it. And, appreciate you having people on, especially people who are connected to,
Starting point is 01:06:13 um, and having great conversations like this. It's always great to catch up. Awesome, brother. All right. Have a good day. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:06:20 you too. Who am I getting kicked out for? Uh, Andrew Hiller and, um, um, uh, the Pink Panther. What's up, dude? What's up, boys and girls?
Starting point is 01:06:32 Oh, dude, you guys caught me right in the middle doing some work. Oh, right. Right. Now it seems like why did I ask? Do you know these guys? Andrew Hiller. Can you help him get a sponsorship to get him a t-shirt?
Starting point is 01:06:49 I was wearing one. I think based on some of the connections you might have, there might be even some low-tier sponsor that just couldn't make the cut for Frazier, and you could give it to Hiller. Maybe get a winter seasoner. Puma would be great. There's a lot of options these days. I got hand-me-downs too if you need some.
Starting point is 01:07:08 I hope you're getting paid by that pink sweatshirt company. O'Keefe, so that's a perfect example right there, all kidding aside. So you know Andrew Hiller's out there. You know he's making content every day. And so you might think, okay, it would be good to stay close to this guy. I'll get him a t-shirt contract. And that way I have him kind of in my pocket a little bit as a tool to, to also use to facilitate.
Starting point is 01:07:34 There's be a synergy between all my clients then. Cause then I don't have this fucking loose cannon out there. Andrew Hiller troll with my fucking clients. Like that's how I'd be thinking if I was an agent, get this guy a little fucking t-shirt. He can make $500 a month off the guy. You're thinking like an agent. I think you should do it.
Starting point is 01:07:52 All right. You've got a shirt on right now. You should be peddling your own stuff. This is market manipulation. I like this. I've said to Andrew, half a dozen shirts. What are you talking about? As a requirement for being on your show, you should have to be in uniform. In uniform.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Now we're talking. Dang it, dude. All right, Mr. O'Keefe. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Take care. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Is it just mirrored his tone change? When you guys got on? When the room exploded. Yeah. I don't think he's 100% a fan of me. Everyone's a fan of you, dude. Are you kidding me? I'm the sweetest peach that there is.
Starting point is 01:08:36 There's a beaver on here? This guy looks like one of these guys from QAnon. What do you think about his jacket? That's the gift that keeps giving. Are you an in-cell from QAnon? Because that right there, dead giveaway. Three days in a row. Caleb hasn't been attacked in three years,
Starting point is 01:08:52 and now he's got a target on his back. Hey, dude, I got a picture of me wearing one of these shirts. You know those mesh shirts? You ever see those things? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Those are cool. I could see you doing that. I totally got a picture of me wearing one of them it's very it's a very popular picture from my affiliate days
Starting point is 01:09:08 hunter i think both you and hillar could be um icons in the gay community even though you're i want to be dude you do you do or you don't i don't understand like the straight world sucks like what's the point yeah i think you guys could totally be uh gay world's just so much more inclusive and fun and like they're always partying they do drugs all the time they never die they never get old they're always happy they're always rich and i guarantee they'd support like some of my like really broke friends that didn't really have a ton of opportunities started only fans and now they're richer than i am and i own three companies wow and all they have to do is just post their penis a little bit and they're just killing it so i'm like and i don't even think that these guys who are paying for their only fans are paying to see the penis they're just they like to share
Starting point is 01:09:58 they're just what do you mean they like to share what do you mean they're just like hey i'm i've got all this cash and like i'm just going to throw some your way today. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Boom. I am sexual. Dude, that? No way. Is that really, really you?
Starting point is 01:10:13 Yeah, the short one. What the fuck? You look like Noah. Oh, Noah Olsen. Wow. And Noah's jack. That's cool. Hey, how come those dudes are so much taller
Starting point is 01:10:25 than you you're not short uh they're all like six three wow yeah swimmers are taller how do you feel these shades hey i have a little question are you sitting on the ground how is your bed so high up there where are you sitting how is is this work? I have one of those kind of like Japanese like hibachi tables as a desk. So you kind of sit underneath it. It's like a sub area. There's my desk. And then my bed is on stilts. You're not afraid you'll roll off or something?
Starting point is 01:11:00 Is that on purpose so you could do people doggy style? Like a girl could stand up next to it and bend over and be comfortable? Everything in my house is functional. Okay. You get what I'm trying to say? There's purposes behind all of it. My favorite is when I have – Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:14 That's me right now. That's how you sit. That is great. You need a man bun. How do you find a picture of Stefan sitting at one of Hunter's tables? That's me at Hunter's house. Oh, dude. You'd love it. You'd love it. It is so good. How have you find a picture of Sevan sitting at one of Hunter's tables? That's me at Hunter's house. Oh, dude. You'd love it.
Starting point is 01:11:26 You'd love it. It is so good. How you boys been? I haven't seen you guys in like a long-ass time, it feels like. No. What do you mean? We just saw you. I feel like we just saw you less than a month ago.
Starting point is 01:11:37 We had a good cadence going. Can I not sincerely miss my friends? Yeah, you can. All right. Hey, that's cool. Have we had you on since you set the world record? No, but I smashed that thing. So tell me – so I know that you were going to try to set the world record in a team event, and you guys fell short, and you were a little pissed off.
Starting point is 01:11:59 You felt like there maybe was some shenanigans with the course or the timing or something was weird. So then did that inspire you to re-break the world record again the hyrax world world record uh it didn't necessarily inspire me it was my just goal to to break 52 this year and i ended up getting 53 22 um yeah i know i i was wrong it's it's 22 but I didn't edit it. Not going back. But I actually didn't know I was going to be in good enough shape to set the world record. I just went for it. It actually hurt way more than it ever has before because I haven't been doing the specific training that it takes to run at that speed. It took a chunk out of me.
Starting point is 01:12:37 I love hearing that. Tell me about the hurt. Well, imagine like you had been training like a powerlifting cycle in your off season. Then you just went for a one rep max snatch. And then all of a sudden you're just shoulder sockets were just totally, you got the rep, but the amount of damage you did, it just, it was like, I was in a different place. And, you know, for me, I go into beer drinking season right after world championships. I take time off. And then I did those two Ironmans.
Starting point is 01:13:04 I was just doing lots of volume and bodybuilding and stuff and then you don't start speed work at least in our sport until around like january february and then you have like we're kind of like completely i don't think an oxymoron's right but it's an hour long event like what do you mean speed work well speed work i guess is like, uh, I guess it'd be like almost like you saying, uh, there's strength training and then there's technique work. Like you're still moving weights, but one of them is more specific to get a specific outcome. So our version of speed work is, you know, we're doing threshold runs, 400 meter runs. Like you, you still need to train at a certain kind of speed to get the adaptation to
Starting point is 01:13:46 hold speed like any of us could probably run a four minute mile for a hundred feet but then it's the people that can continue to hold string it out for the entirety of the mile and then the best people in the world are stringing it out for multiple miles so unless you've made the adaptation your body just can't it doesn't matter if you have the lungs for, your body just can't – it doesn't matter if you have the lungs for it. Your body just can't sustain it. And, like, I have really great lungs, as I was trying to say, from doing all that Ironman training. But holding pace – Look at his fucking body, Hiller. Are you suspicious?
Starting point is 01:14:15 Look at that. That is nuts, dude. You look bigger than you have in a bit. Jesus Christ, dude. You do look bigger. Last time I saw photos and videos of you, you were looking a little frail. Well, dude, I told you guys this. I got really sick in the summer, and I picked up that parasite, and I was just shitting myself like silly for –
Starting point is 01:14:34 Is that code for girlfriend? Parasite? I wish. I wish, dude. Hey, let me ask you another question. This is hard-hitting. You ready, Hunter? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:47 From that event going backwards, when was the last time you vaped? Did you vape that day before the event? No, but I got wasted, wasted the Saturday before. What is wrong with you? How is it possible that you look so good and you're so strong can you tell me about the hurting part again because i've had some hurts lately doing some shit that hillary's told me to do that's like just read you don't look like you're hurting you're not like no if you watch these guys i'm sure they're all hurting but if you watch the people finish the
Starting point is 01:15:20 marathons like go look at the most recent world record marathon finish they walk across the finish line and they're just kind of like but there's just periods of time in there where you're like hey i have to hold like a 435 mile to set this world record and for some reason mile 16 to 18 feels like 10 times harder than the miles before and the miles afterwards and it's just kind of like undulation of pain and intensity where there's times where you're feeling good. And then there's times you're just not feeling good, but because of setting a world record in a sport like this, like you have to hold a certain pace the entire time, no matter how you feel, otherwise you're not going to get it. What is your best marathon? I only, I've only done one marathon i ran a 254 but i think right
Starting point is 01:16:07 now right right now i could probably run like a two like a probably like a 230 high maybe 242 to 238 and if i think it's bad you think it's bad for your career to do that me uh your body you think you would take a you know, like fighters only have so many – This guy is setting the world record, and he's just kind of giving everybody like salutes and stuff like that, and then watch him come across. He just kind of like hangs out, smiles a little bit, and gives a hug. But I guarantee there is probably 10% to 30% of that race, if not more, that he was dead.
Starting point is 01:16:39 He's just pumped to be done, dude. Yeah. There was a wheelchair behind him. Did you see that have you ever seen the finish line go look at this this is incredible go look at christian blumenfeld olympic finish he comes across and then like lays down the ground then celebrates and then just starts violently throwing up like it's incredible like these guys are so measured and so contained with their performances during the actual like action and then afterwards they completely unravel like you just wouldn't
Starting point is 01:17:14 know what they were going through but to see somebody wretch like that after winning an olympic gold medal you just know what it took. It's insane. Sorry, Hunter, is someone fitter than Eddie? Listen, guys. Yeah, I'm not even like in the same world as him. That guy is so fucking fit. And asked for advice
Starting point is 01:17:40 about training. You think that he's fitter than you are? you kidding me eddie if dude he was a fucking former track guy he's fucking like here's the kind of here's the i only have or see a media director of the listen listen i can carry i can carry a 40 pound bag for all day that's it that's like like if i'm like sitting on the couch i can carry a 40 pound bag all day uh i don't i don't do chew anymore this is not a plug but i switched over to to um coffee grinds oh i tried those ones those suck you say it's better than doing it's better than
Starting point is 01:18:18 doing chew i've been chewing so dry 15 yeah they are they are kind of shitty. What we used to do is we would take... If you really want to have a good time, you open up your chewing tobacco. You got Copenhagen, long cut. You fill the tip of the tin with whiskey and then you put it back on
Starting point is 01:18:39 and then you soak the entire thing with whiskey and then you pack lips. Did you say you were replacing your chew with coffee grounds? You soak the entire thing with whiskey, and then you pack lips. Did you say you were replacing your chew with coffee grounds? Did I hear that right? So every single one of these things has this, and you see how it's like a very shallow top? You fill that with whiskey, and then this is supposed to be tobacco, let's just say, and then you just basically pour that in there,
Starting point is 01:19:01 take it, shake it up, pack a lip, and you just get to work. Wow. Is it illegal in High Rocks? How is it? Let me ask this real quick. When tobacco raises your heartbeat, so when I see people
Starting point is 01:19:19 like Fraser, are you doing tobacco? I'm always like, how the fuck can they be doing tobacco? That's coffee. You sure? Yeah. Okay. No, that's not coffee. This is coffee. This is my hydration drink and green powder. That's your hydration, like a Hunter McIntyre
Starting point is 01:19:38 product? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's it called? It looks like that thing from I've showed you this, but it's called Hydro. We basically created what I call hybrid hydration. I wanted to have a product that was like, it was differently designed than what you see in the bodybuilding world or the Ironman world. This is more for hybrid athletes. So we use amino acids, electrolytes.
Starting point is 01:19:59 If you guys ever want to get really good at intensity at training, don't dope. Like use a lot of touring like we use 3 000 milligrams of touring per scoop that allows you to push it in intensity it's pretty epic go to builder um i don't think you hurt that bad for some reason setting the high rocks world championship no not terribly what's the what's the mode is there a workout where you hurt really bad where you're riding on the ground you thought maybe you might have a heart attack or like you were calling for your girlfriend to help you or something like like i did the other day you ever have do you have any memories you're like holy fuck that was really bad i'm trying to think oh god it was like
Starting point is 01:20:43 what's what's it's called like sevens. It's the workout. Yeah, you know that I'm talking about? It's like seven deadlifts. The high pulls and the, it's like 225 deadlift. Yeah. And push up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:55 It's like, it's really hard. And when I first got into CrossFit, I was working with Brian McKenzie. And he programmed this for me, and it just fucking wrecked me. There's no high pulls, and I got the deadlift weight wrong. Yeah, but 135-pound thruster when I was 24 was insanely heavy. Like, it was all singles. How old are you now?
Starting point is 01:21:20 I'm 10 years older, 34. Hey, is the records you're setting in high rocks just so obviously going to be beaten because you're old in setting them? Are they just 10 years away from a 24-year-old doing it? I mean, dude, I think everything, like sport gets better with time and science gets better with time. So I don't know. and science gets better with time. So I don't know. I think if you took these carbon-plated shoes out of running right now,
Starting point is 01:21:48 all of the records would be about three minutes slower than they are. What are carbon-plated shoes? They're called super shoes. So everybody's running in carbon-plated super shoes, which gives you basically higher levels of propulsion moving forward at about a 1% to 3% gain. No shit? Yeah, dude. I one to 3% gain. And yeah,
Starting point is 01:22:07 dude, I think it's super lame, but like, yeah, look at these shoes, like $300. And they're made of basically like carbon plated turbines that just propel you forward.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Are they wear once throw away? No, but you probably can get less mileage than the average shoe, but it's in my mind it it's cheating it's changed the entire industry and things like this will continue to come out like i say if you think about the ironmans they did back in the day compared to now the equipment that they're using is a humongous percentage of the results that they're getting so i think that's something to do with it um like i don't i don't know if people are getting fitter with time.
Starting point is 01:22:46 I think people are just getting better at training and the equipment's getting better. What do you think the – playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips?
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Starting point is 01:23:46 to gas stations and gassy passengers and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or What do you think about that kind of that buzz that's going around that Ryan Fisher hyped up saying that High Rocks will be bigger than crossfit someday oh i entirely i entirely believe it you do you think it's going to be like it's just something that everyone can participate in like they had 13 000 people competing two weekends ago and they just sold 21 000 tickets within like two to three days for the one may and like it may not be the most interesting thing it may not be everyone's cup of tea but everyone can do it and it's like it's like bigger than tough mudder or spartan race you think it's i think so it may just like come up and pop and then and then and and
Starting point is 01:24:39 like you know basically go over but i think for countries like the UK just soaked it up so quickly, Asia is going to soak it up next at an even faster rate than the UK and everything. Uh, and then, you know, it's already in Australia and then it goes to South America and all these people. And I think CrossFit have been primed to do something that's for a really long time. And it's like the first, I think first and most accessible touch point that functional fitness has ever had. Um, uh,
Starting point is 01:25:11 doing hunters, uh, 12 days of Christmas tomorrow. Hey, it would be really good for CrossFit if high rocks exploded. I think so. It would, I think it would be really good.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Yeah. I don't think they're competitors. Do you think they're competitors? I think they're competitors i think they're um uh i think they're complimentary i think it's so stupid so i'll tell you like this is what i watched happen in the obstacle racing industry there was there was tough mudder spartan race and ocrwc and they all worked against each other for as long as they possibly could what was the one you said? OWC? I never heard of that one.
Starting point is 01:25:49 OCRWC, Obstacle Racing World Championship. So they only had two qualifiers and then a world championship. Okay. And they all worked against each other for as long as they possibly could until the industry basically collapsed. Tough Mudder went bankrupt, and then Spartan Race bought it. And then just recently Spartanan race bought ocrwc and now they're all working together to help improve the sport and what happened was is they all fought against each other trying to have like independent market share and tried to like they'd intentionally position themselves or like if it was a really important
Starting point is 01:26:20 weekend for obstacle race ocrwc spartan race would put their event the same exact weekend it was really petty shit and it destroyed it destroyed the marketplace and what ended up happening was is like it just brought the entire experience for athletes around the world down and with just the way the economy works and people's interests and things, it all dipped at the same time and collapsed. And now O C obstacle racing is probably the lowest it's ever been. And it continuing to go low. Sounds like it fast during the Dubai fitness championship. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:56 And I'm watching now like CrossFit kind of do the same exact thing where if CrossFit was smart and I'm not saying that they are or aren't. It sounds like you're saying they aren't. Definitely not. I never said those things. I'm writing that down in my notes. Not smart. I think that what they're going to try to do is they're going to try to ignore High Rocks as long as they possibly
Starting point is 01:27:20 can. They're going to ignore it as long as they possibly can. Deny, deny, deny. And then they're going to ignore it as long as they possibly can deny deny deny and then they will probably reach the point of such a low that then they all of a sudden try to create some kind of synchronicity and at that point high rocks will be so big they're like we don't have anything you don't have anything you can offer us like i believe let's just say the numbers right now globally are like 2500 high rocks gyms and there's about 12 500 crossfit gyms you are going to watch the vertical line of high rocks gyms go up as the parachute gets cut and it just a plummeting
Starting point is 01:27:59 aspect of crossfit gyms and the pass is going to happen probably within 24 months let me ask you this then so is this is this in is this inaccurate um uh it's the model high rocks is a sport not a training model crossfit can be the fitness and facility for the sport of high rocks but what you're saying is is high rocks it this is maybe a little misunderstood um high rocks also is a training model no not really and listen what like what's a hyrox gym i think you have a lot of super fans that are watching this that have like petty attachment to crossfit yeah i don't care like i love crossfit i have six certifications from crossfit i i think it's it's one of these kind of things where it was a great place to get
Starting point is 01:28:42 started but everybody understands there's adaptations and evolutions with time. And I think people have recognized that. What is, what is, if you had to say an average person, when you think of CrossFit, what's the first thing they think it's synonymous with? Give me an intelligent answer.
Starting point is 01:28:59 People. One more time. I was super fit, super fit. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:29:02 The average person, like if you say CrossFit to like, you're just like your grandmother or somebody you met on the street, what is the first word they probably think it's synonymous with? We're talking with cross training. Cross training. Injury. Injury. There you go. Oh, that's bullshit.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Listen, dude. Once again, you have this petty attachment to it. So I'm just going to try to do this completely from a marketing standpoint of just marketability and sale point. It is synchronous with the idea of injury. It is considered too tough. It's considered too macho to a lot of the average population. And I'm not saying that they're right. I'm not saying that they're right.
Starting point is 01:29:37 Don't answer that fucking question. That's Greg. And what's going to happen is basically High Rocks has no ego of weight and movement and all that kind of stuff. They have you. No, I'm just saying – listen, I'm not saying whatever business model is better. I wanted to quit a year ago. I did. I really did because I was like, I'm done with this shit. There's nothing to be
Starting point is 01:30:05 gained here. And basically, you're just going to watch this thing continue to grow. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't growing the pace that it was. Good point. Oh, that's interesting. Caller, go ahead. Thank you for being patient. Hey, Seveus Plummer. I got
Starting point is 01:30:21 two things for you. One, I got a question. Would High Rocks be around if CrossFit ever existed? Probably. What would you guys finish with, though? Way to put your freaking stamp in there. No, good point. They wouldn't be. They stole all the
Starting point is 01:30:38 movements from CrossFit. You're right. They wouldn't be. You're right. What would you do with the bed ball? Hey, don't be petty. That's okay, Hunter, to say it wouldn't be. You're right. Would you be doing – But that's okay. Hey, don't be petty. That's okay, Hunter, to say it wouldn't be. That's fine. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Hold on. Hold on. You're telling me no one in the history of time has ever squatted and thrown a ball up in the air before CrossFit? Not no one. Oh, come on, Hunter. Oh, it's all right. It's all right. Plumber movie. They'd slam it on the ground.
Starting point is 01:31:03 They'd do fucking med ball slams for 100 times. This is like you saying that everybody was a caveman until CrossFit came around. Did you know that a thruster never existed until CrossFit came around? No one had never, ever squatted and then put a ball up over their head or a barbell over their head. I think this is Hunter's petty attachment to High Rocks. It's no attachment to High Rocks. It's no attachment to High Rocks. You guys just are so caught up in the CrossFit
Starting point is 01:31:30 thing. I can't wait until this happens and then we talk, and I'm talking to you guys next year, and there's only 1,500 affiliate gyms. I'm changing the name of my show to the You're all sitting around a trash can fire begging for help. You guys are such idiots. rocks just like
Starting point is 01:31:48 you're like don't you remember the time back when we used to be so cool and we did that across the games in carson in 2013 maybe brookshire probably throws a bone oh my god You remember that guy Rich Roden With his abs and his pecs It was amazing I'm raising my hand Second question Second question Disregard the competition aspect High Rock is a fitness racing thing CrossFit is the cure to the world's most vexing problem
Starting point is 01:32:21 Thank you My mom is not going to walk into a high-risk gym. Gold's gym has been around longer and has had more people in it than fucking CrossFit. You're a chump, dude. Gold's gym has had more people in it than 20 times the amount of CrossFit. You are a fucking fool. Spin has had more people in it than CrossFit has. You get a calculator out and then swallow the thing so you can pick up on some basic fucking math, you retard.
Starting point is 01:32:48 This is ridiculous. You guys are so hung up on CrossFit. You have no idea. Peloton has done a better job. You guys are clueless. The number of people that have moved because of a basic fitness modality is so far beyond CrossFit. What, do you own an affiliate with three members? Are you that obsessed with this thing?
Starting point is 01:33:07 You need to wake up, dude. You need to wake up. I am so sorry that you are blind. Do you live on a leper's island with no information coming in on it because you are stranded with the rest of your stupid CrossFit friends? This is coming from the guy who wins $1,000 for a High Rocks event. Dude, it has nothing to do with monetary value. Do you think that monetary value is based on my value of intelligence?
Starting point is 01:33:34 I made more money as a spin instructor than I did in High Rocks. Oh, my God. So can the Bible, you idiot. What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't have to exercise. You can read the Bible and you can find something that's far more valuable than CrossFit, dude. Have a little faith, my friend. Fantastic. Mr. Plummer, thank you for calling.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Fantastic conversation. I hope that your burner phone runs out of fucking cell phone minutes, you idiot. Okay, thank you. All right. Talk to you later, Plummer. Thank you. God. Holy shit. I cannot believe the audacity of you. All right. Talk to you later, Plummer. Thank you. Be odd. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:34:06 I cannot believe the audacity of the CrossFitters. Listen, I know. Hunter McIntyre is a needle mover every time. I know. What a savage. Okay, hold on a second. Let's make some of this down a bit. There would not be a High Rocks without CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:34:23 That is true. That's okay. I'm not saying that they invented the moves, but I'm saying it's a little – there wouldn't be. It's basically a – someone's like got the – I know the birth story of Hyrox, and so do you. I don't think Hyrox is the best thing on earth. I just think that it's doing very well. I'm not saying you don't. I'm not saying you don't.
Starting point is 01:34:40 I'm not saying you don't. But it's a really cool event, and it really tests fitness, and it's got got a lot of different modalities and it's a cool time domain and all that stuff. I agree. But basically someone thought, hey, this CrossFit sport's pretty cool, but if we could just take one event and do it over and over, we could maybe have the next marathon. And that's what High Rocks is. And I'm not – right? That's – I guarantee you that's the origin story, right? No?
Starting point is 01:35:02 I'm not – they don't even have a training modality, by the way. Who's they? High Rock. High Rock. They don't have an education platform, any of these kind of things. So it's not like this is something that's actually competing against CrossFit. Right. I think they complement each other.
Starting point is 01:35:18 So you do think they complement each other? Yeah, of course, dude. I mean, it's the same way that saying like Iron Man and— But OCR and Tough Mudder were in competition. OCR spartan were in competition it's basically run as a group but but but but but hyrox is different than crossfit in the sense that you can train crossfit for and then express it in hyrox like very cleanly sure it doesn't i think you guys think that i think there's something wrong with crossfit i just i don't. I don't. I don't. I know you.
Starting point is 01:35:45 I don't. No, no. You're not coming across like that at all. You're fair and balanced. You're not part of the brainwashed cult like the rest of us. I'm just watching something happen right in front of us. Like, what happened a couple weekends? Didn't you guys have a competition for Masters that nobody showed up to?
Starting point is 01:36:01 No, no, no. It was a good competition. It's just that we didn't promote it, all right? No. It'd be like if the Super Bowl was happening and there were no commercials, all right? No, no, no, no, no. People showed up to it. It was a big event.
Starting point is 01:36:16 It's just not a big – it's like High Rocks. It's just not – High Rocks is not a spectator. You're thinking about the adaptive games, Hunter. Oh. Oh. Oh, right. Isn't this what happened a couple weekends ago? Hey, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:36:30 It's not like they're making a killing off of this. How many people? How does High Rocks make its money, by the way, at the event? Is it from entrance? Well, just do the basic number. If 10,000 people show up for 100 pounds, which is 126 usd that's a lot of money yeah okay so so 10 000 people run through the course in a day yeah for two days or three days or whatever okay all right so when you say all those people they're all participants okay and
Starting point is 01:36:56 legends probably had i'm gonna say 500 participants so uh high rocks had 20x the uh participation no well no sorry i thought you said there was 100 yeah you're correct um High Rocks had 20x the participation. No. Well, no, sorry. I thought you said there was 100. Yeah, you're correct. In reality, I think what's going to end up happening is, like, eventually they're in expansion mode, so they're probably spending more than they're earning.
Starting point is 01:37:20 But I don't know. You know how this goes. I got the impression that the guy wants to build it and then sell it. Am I misunderstanding that? I got't know. I got the impression that the guy wants to build it and then sell it. Am I misunderstanding that? I got that impression. Christian's one of the more interesting people. If you have him on, you interview him. He is very, very interesting, very intelligent. I had him on.
Starting point is 01:37:36 It was good. Yeah. Okay. He's fun. The guy has done so many things in his lifetime that it ends up being something. There's always something to talk about. But I think he'd probably be on to the next business idea within five years the only thing is is he's excited about his kids going to college and i would be terrified if my kids were going to college his kids are awesome t.o his son is as actually working at high rocks
Starting point is 01:38:00 right now oh yeah that's awesome he's such a cool kid dude he's he's such a like he he works i think in the merch and we went out partying last time i was hanging out with those guys he's just a good guy i met him when i think he was 16 or 15 at first how old is he now he's gotta be 19 or 20 all right look at that beard do i need to grow my beard back and cut my hair look at that look jesus he's he's an insanely funny guy very similar in that you and christian hey um let me ask you this with zero zero humility please don't hold back um do you think hyrox would be do you how do you think you've contributed to the growth of hyrox
Starting point is 01:38:43 uh i don't think i'd ever heard of it i know i would have never heard of it if it wasn't for you never ever i think they definitely have like a massive uh a massive hole in their marketing when it comes to the elite side of things i think they have a zero issue right now with participant numbers i think as far as the professional of it like the professional side yeah they probably would be still rubbing sticks together trying to make fire in the woods if it wasn't for me but um that's that's okay that's good i mean i think like rich froning and annie thor's daughter and people like that in the very beginning stages were heroes that got us pretty aligned. Like Lance Armstrong came in and made cycling what it was like the United States did not
Starting point is 01:39:32 care about cycling and like Conor McGregor and some other guys like Tito Ortiz and Chuck Liddell were the people that made UFC interesting. You know, I think Mike Tyson in boxing and Tiger Woods in golf and that kind of stuff. There's characters that people and brands just get attached to. I remember hearing about it in what, 2017 or 18?
Starting point is 01:39:57 A buddy of mine, very fit dude at the affiliate goes, hey, you want to go do this? I go, no, I don't want to run a 10K. You're out of your fucking mind. Broken up by 10 separate things crazy five miles exercise it's gonna be exciting are you what do you do for exercise these days oh hold on hold on say killer hold on uh will plumber i started yelling which is my bad nah nah dude let me tell you something fucking you weren't gonna get in a word edgewise the fucking redheaded firecracker was fucking all over you like fly on shit like great will you did well you did perfect but you lit the fuse and then you step back and we watch
Starting point is 01:40:33 hunter uh handle his business i thought you were fantastic will as a foil for uh the great hunter mcintyre the pink panther is affectionately not okay uh and then one more thing before we talk about what hillar does to work out um when you want and i won't forget hillar i want to know what you do to work out to what you put in your butt um when you want how how long did you enjoy the excitement from winning high rocks was it even do you enjoy it for even one day is it 24 hours or is it a week or how long do you get to ride that high or is it like i don't think i'm gonna enjoy any of this until i retire wow so you really don't enjoy it you don't get to enjoy it no it's not that you don't get to enjoy it like i enjoy the process of training for it but i don't enjoy the process of winning it and if you think about it
Starting point is 01:41:19 like i always have a target on my back so the following week i didn't really get to train at all because i was flying back from Europe. And then I get back here and I just start training and I'm like already going for the doubles record tomorrow. Like every decision is just like, you're only as good as your last race. And yeah, sure, I set the world record last race, but then I raced this weekend.
Starting point is 01:41:40 And then you have to decide what you're going to do the rest of the season to set up like that really stellar world championship result and then you get six months three months of just like drinking beer and not talking about hyrox at all and then you're right back into it you know jesus um uh i figured it was like that uh hillar hillar fit um you do hillar fit you do hillar fit programming i do yeah but do you really like still You do Hiller fit programming. I do. Yeah. But do you really like still do CrossFit or do you just like do some bodybuilding and rowing intervals?
Starting point is 01:42:11 Like what's, what's like the dad. Why would you think that that's something that I would do because it's something that I've done before. No, I honestly, that's what I'm assuming my career is going to be like when I get done. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:42:22 okay guys, it's chest day. I'm going to do a hundred reps at two 25 and then I'm going my career is going to be like when I get done I'm like okay guys it's chest day I'm gonna do 100 reps at 225 and then I'm gonna do five by five 500 meter rows at max effort with like three minutes rest between no I would say I do CrossFit with a mixture of power power lifting Olympic lifting and that's just freaking CrossFit anyway so I do CrossFit you still do CrossFit like you go I try to bury my head into the wall as often as i can but i've got an emphasis right now on i got this workout that i'll do it's 10 rounds 300 meter row 50 foot handstand walk and about halfway halfway through that thing my like
Starting point is 01:42:59 and i bet that this has something to do with the testosterone my upper body position kind of gets all out of whack. So I've been working on positions quite a bit so that I don't feel like I got the shit beaten out of me halfway through a handstand walk, or I'm struggling to maintain one position from being overly tight. I look like Will Morad, but I'm upside down, just like super wound up.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Dude, I'd rather put a gun in my mouth and do that workout. Why? I just, I don't want, I don't want to walk on my hands. At this point in my life, my perfect workout would be 10-minute AMRAP of a 2K ski and then sit down and just do 35-pound kettlebell clean and jerks. As many reps left.
Starting point is 01:43:40 That's cool. That's crossfit. That's just like max engine. Okay, now I'm just hot and sweaty, and now I'm just going to use the rest of my energy to get a little pump and dump, and I'm done. Do you consider what you do CrossFit, Hunter? Do you consider what you do CrossFit? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Is Dave D'Astro onto you because he kicked you out of the CrossFit games? You'd rather do anything other than a handstand walk? No, but even before I got into that stuff, I think it's interesting to ride a unicycle, which is like a very athletic and balanced movement. But I think, like, getting better at handstand walking to me is not one of these kind of things where I'm like, super interesting. I'm like, oh, I was able to handstand walk in a straight line. I'm like, have you ever tried going up a staircase?
Starting point is 01:44:19 I'm like, no. To me, that's not what turns me on. I'm like, no, to me, that's not what turns me on. Like, I think when I'm older, I'll just like, like one day of working out, I'll just get into a canoe and strap some five pound weights on the kayak on the thing and get like an extra pump. And that to me, like just paddling as hard as I can for an hour would be a great workout. I think what you're thinking is you should just get into a river of maple syrup. And just, yeah, yeah. But I just don't, I don't want to do the hard stuff anymore. work out. I think what you're thinking is you should just get into a river of maple syrup. Yeah. I just don't want to do
Starting point is 01:44:47 the hard stuff anymore. I just want to get big arms. This is really good. Your arms are big. God, look how young you look there. Colton Merton's in the house. What's up, Colton? Good to have you. Sarah Cox in the house. Best podcast ever. Is Colton Merton
Starting point is 01:45:03 the guy, the tiny crossfitter? guy uh the tiny crossfitter yeah the tiny car yep i like that guy a lot he's he's my i'm i'm his biggest fan no chance no chance in um uh high rocks being good at high rocks right just too little no i think um too much running yeah the other day uh what's his name? They did an interview with Chris Hinshaw. This freak has been to the games three times, I think. This fucking little dude.
Starting point is 01:45:31 He's the best. He's the freaking coolest. Yeah. Okay, sorry. Go ahead. What were you going to say the other day? You saw a dwarf do High Rocks? You ever seen a dwarf do High Rocks? They did an interview with Hinshaw. No, but look at that. Look at his levers. Have you ever watched dwarves do powerlifting? It's the best.
Starting point is 01:45:49 They only move like three inches. But it's incredibly impressive what they do. This is so fucking impressive. Is this his heavy... What is this? How much weight is that? Is that like 450? It's a fuckload is what it is.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Didn't he do 500 for reps recently? I just don't know if this is what that is. It's a 55, 245, 35, and a 25. Or 55. Yes. Yeah, but he's done 500 for reps. Around the same time Nick Matthew did 500 for reps. So they're in competition to have the strongest legs in CrossFit. Around the same time Nick Matthew did 500 for reps.
Starting point is 01:46:27 So they're in competition to have the strongest legs in CrossFit. You just got like a, dude, for him, dude, like a 70-pound dumbbell snatch is only about two feet of movement, and he just rips. I'll never forget Colton massacring the dumbbell thrusters at the Granite Games the first year. I think it was the first year he made the games. Is that his girlfriend? He's not his own dumbbells.
Starting point is 01:46:47 His girlfriend's significantly taller than him. He's standing on a box or something. She might be wearing heels. She's a games athlete. I've seen her. Now they're the same height. What were you going to say about dwarves what were you gonna say about high rocks and short people hunter it wasn't about short people they did an interview with
Starting point is 01:47:10 the other day and basically hinshaw was like i want i bet you adler would do really well at this and i think he's just too small high rocks yeah how about roman i think he'd be do great but he'd have to probably lose some weight like Roman probably outweighs me by maybe another 5-10 pounds. You think that's going to make that big of a difference? It is if you can't run at speed at that weight. You think Adler's too
Starting point is 01:47:38 small to set a sub one hour time? Adler's what, like 5'9", 5'8"? He's probably 5'10". No, he's not 5'10". I don't think so. Yeah? He's taller than me. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:47:53 Google says 5'9". Yeah, it always takes about an inch or two. Okay, shit. I didn't know he was that tall. Are there any short guys who are good at high rocks? Any 5'5ers? No. If you look at the podium, we're all over 6 feet tall. If you look at the podium at CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:48:10 most of everybody is 5'9 or less. Crazy. I would say Fikowski and Vellner have always been the outliers. The rest of the field, I would say, are in the top 20 or 5-9 or less. Jelly Hostie. You ever had a handy, a standy, a standy? A standing handjob?
Starting point is 01:48:34 Yeah, a standy. Of course I know what that is. You ever had a standy? What is a standy? You're just standing there and someone disarms the weapon, unloads the weapon for you. You're just standing there and someone disarms the weapon, unloads the weapon for you. You're just standing there. Imagine like you're standing at the stove and you're like – or you're in the shower washing your hair and you're facing someone and they give you a standee.
Starting point is 01:48:54 Yeah. A standee. I feel like that's just basic procedure. If you've got a great flowing relationship with your partner, it just needs to happen at all times. Can this happen from behind or no? Last night – Not really. you have to be facing one another yeah i love the sentence i love the context of the sentence it had to come from a tranny give me 30 seconds i gotta get some pee out okay oh so mention the standee and he's got to pee. That's weird. It just takes too long.
Starting point is 01:49:27 You know? The handy? It can. But it doesn't have to. How? Does it not have to? I don't know, but I try to go for sub-60 seconds all the time. With a standing hand job.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Please, a standee. Call it what it is standy it's crass when you call it it did sound much more crass when you say it like that oh boy jody lynn someone's got to work in the standy i mean it's just part of the show this every time you brought that up i always think about the difference between laying and standing and there's a significant difference in the time to completion wow oh he just peed outside he really did he just i wonder if he's in malibu hey hunter are you in malibu yeah i just took a piss outside. That was great. Did your neighbors see you? No, but I've got here and they definitely saw me pee, but that's okay. I peed outside this morning and I looked out and my neighbors just staring at my dick.
Starting point is 01:50:34 No, no. That's happening. They were standing by their fence and I'm like, what are they doing? And they were hiding. They ducked down and hid behind a bush. Was it a man or a woman? It was a dude. It was a dude. When I was younger.
Starting point is 01:50:49 He was out there with his puppy. So I think he got a puppy and he was in, it's like 30 fucking degrees. I'm like, what are you doing out there? But he's standing out there with his puppy watching it pee and me. I don't understand. This question was Hiller. Nice to Andrew. I've hung out with both of them together. They get along very, very, very well.
Starting point is 01:51:06 The three of us got along like we were brothers. I don't even have any brothers. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What? Was Hiller nice to Andrew? Was he a hunter? Oh.
Starting point is 01:51:18 Oh. Oh, yeah, you're right. That doesn't make sense. Unless Hiller has schizophrenia or something, and he's got two personalities. Or he's asking if Hiller was nice to Andrew Charlesworth. That was a whole different discussion. Will Plummer, back at it, throwing stones.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Here's the thing, you jackass, Hunter McIntyre. Ultimately, High Rocks wouldn't exist without CrossFit. It takes members, movements, training methodology, et cetera, from the CrossFit ecosystem without giving back. Oh, that was a necessary will to say without giving back. That was the shot. Hyrox is CF's parasite.
Starting point is 01:51:52 Holy shit. Dude, I'm just going to tell you this. You guys have cannibalized yourself. It's all this terrible ecosystem of you guys and your methodologies and your wannabe who's the leader. You guys fire your CEOs every three to six months. This is textbook company about to collapse strategizing. Do you think that's – we're woke, right? We eat our own.
Starting point is 01:52:18 We're woke. I can't believe you guys fired the person who founded every single part of this because you guys are so insecure and I just this guy right here is the reason why the brand collapsed because of how insecure he is he's still typing on his phone right now Will Plummer crash new video
Starting point is 01:52:38 dude it's crazy it's crazy you guys can't get over yourselves you're like you're holding on to something. If you want, like, you ever try to hold Sandy to go like this? Or you could just go like this? Oh, dude, this is so ridiculous. You ever had a two-handed Sandy? You ever had a two-handed Sandy?
Starting point is 01:52:57 Everybody gives me the pepper shaker. It's the only way to handle business. Oh, my. Oh, my goodness. I never heard of the pepper shake oh my wife my mother-in-law's in town my wife said no more standy touch shows been edited i thought i was watching a professional podcast yeah well you're not this i think this is the best way to enjoy i was listening to howard stern the other day and he was saying the most inappropriate stuff. And I'm like, damn, dude, this guy is just ripping it and saying the most inappropriate stuff.
Starting point is 01:53:32 He was talking about these two co-hosts of Good Morning America, one of the major shows. They started hooking up with each other, and they both kind of got let go of the network, and now they have their own podcast. He hates podcasts. He hates podcasts. He hates podcasts. And he just basically just talked about their sex life the entire time in just really inappropriate, ridiculous ways for about 45 minutes on air. And I was like, how is he getting away with this? Wow.
Starting point is 01:53:59 But it's his own private show. What's this mean? I got a Dutch rudder from hunter after a 10 oh that's when two people jerk each other off that's not a rudder oh no no you're wrong it's when you guide someone else's arm so you hold your own dick and i guide your elbow yeah uh having someone complete the act of masturbation by pulling up and down on their forearm. Oh, wow. If you guys were cramping out because you were tired after a 10K, I'd help you out. Oh, so having someone – Oh, so you hold the unit and then someone else holds your arm like if they don't want to touch it.
Starting point is 01:54:40 Is this thing popping and cracking a lot because people have been saying that a ton? No. No, no. It's the best. It's our show ever it's usually your thing kind of sounds a little gamey it's actually a little better because i've had a lot of people say that there's something wrong with uh my audio and this guy even said it still watching stern in 2023 is a clear sign of mental retardation you know what a blumpkin is i don't know anybody who'd want to do a blumpkin i don't either and i bet that seven has no idea what that is no i don't know what a blumpkin you know what an upper decker is um i used to know enough can we do this later can we do this on
Starting point is 01:55:16 our christmas show because i got my mother-in-law in the house i can't be doing like sure rusty trombone stuff right now talk about the standee you said your boys are going to need some sort of education on this stuff because they're not going to go to public school. This is where I learned all that. We'll do a show dedicated for my boys to watch in 10 years. I think I'm going to homeschool my kids for the first 10 years. Teach them three or four languages.
Starting point is 01:55:39 Learn all the best stuff. You have to educate them and then I'm going to let them come into the gen pop so that they can learn how the rest of to educate them and then i'm going to let them come into like the gen pop so they can learn how the rest of the world works but i'm going to teach them really well first and then teach them how to run fast no dude like i just wouldn't teach them any of the dumb shit that like like i'm not going to teach them like long division and i'm not going to teach them about how like the recessive traits of like the
Starting point is 01:56:06 green bean versus the white bean i'm like i'm going to teach you guys things that's going to help you actually survive in this world rather than just waste your life and then you can go in and pretend like the education system's providing something for you after i've taught you the real valuable things and you guys can make your own decision from there but i will prepare them really really well in the first 10 years of their life. Because I think about the education system that I went through when I was younger, and I was like, that was the dumbest thing I've ever participated in. Like which part of it?
Starting point is 01:56:35 You're not a Leals dude? You kidding me? Long division school. What's wrong with long division? When was the last time any of you guys used a scientific calculator? Never. I never learned how to use one. Think about how big of a scam that was that they made us all pay for these hundred dollar calculators to press a couple of dumb buttons. And I guess it's just like the act of can you learn problem solving, but at the same time, waste of money, waste of time.
Starting point is 01:57:01 And all of a sudden, I think about the amount of adults that I'm surrounded with and how broke they all are, how they never learned how to actually take care of themselves when they got into the real world, what it was like to work for yourself versus work for a company, health insurance, taxes, finances, all these kinds of things. Nobody I know as an adult actually knows these things at all. What do you think about cursive? What do you think about cursive? Great question. I mean, I think it's a beautiful thing. Like I collect post-it notes and I travel around the world and I write people that I care about nice cards and give them to them.
Starting point is 01:57:36 You mean postcards? So it's like – oh, sorry, postcards. Thank you. Post-it notes. Thank you. These are post-it notes. But yes, I collect these things. Now Hunter's showing off.
Starting point is 01:57:45 But I'm saying like I write in cursive when I do that. And, like, I think that's a beautiful thing. Will Plummer attacking the world record high rocks holder who had started the show by clearly saying he doesn't know the difference between 53-23 and 53-22. But here we go. Will Plummer, Hunter McIntyre doesn't believe in math? No. Tell me
Starting point is 01:58:08 the last time you guys did long division. Hey, dude, I shit you not. I shit you not. Alexis and I were laid in bed the other day for an hour, and I'm trying to go to sleep the whole time, and she's long divisioning her way through fucking math problems out loud, and I'm like, shut up. For what reason, though?
Starting point is 01:58:24 For what reason? Just to prove that she could still do it. She's like, give me three numbers and I'm going to divide them. Three digit numbers, two of them. I'm going to divide them. Did that make you horny? Did that make you horny? No, it made me want to shoot myself. I'm like, there's an easier way to do it, Alexis. Stop long divisioning it. I agree with Hunter. And I think Zach, I just, Zach T lander. I long divided your mom last night that's hot yeah that is a really good joke i've just reached a point oh shit oh shit hold on hold on uh she was working out the number of hairs on hillar's head yeah she was as fierce do you think
Starting point is 01:59:01 you're gonna go bald yeah probably fuck dude probably. Fuck, dude. That's heavy. Not until he does Trent. Savant, are you going to do Trent? Me? Yeah. No, dude. I just told you. I'm trying to get my mobility back, not throw it all away. Dude, I think the Sam Sulek guy, you got to get him on.
Starting point is 01:59:19 I don't know if he would even talk. All he does is talk. I know, but I don't know if he knows how to talk to other people though yeah he like freezes up there's a ton of videos of him like seeing a woman he like short circuits shut the fuck up that's cool hey what do you think that guy's fucking up his health i he doesn't look human anymore i kind of feel bad for him and he seems like such a sweet young young man i thought he was 40. someone's got to do it dude he's cool i really everyone likes this dude hey hillary can
Starting point is 01:59:52 you come back from that like can he can he like get his health back he's definitely gonna die before he's 65. there's no way he makes it past 65 at this point. Wow. Well, the thing is... Because of what? Because of the drugs he's using and the diet he's using. I shouldn't say 65. I use the same exact diet, by the way, so why don't you hush-pup your mouth? Would you say...
Starting point is 02:00:21 Because I do the same exact diet. When he talks about having cinnamon toast crunch and chocolate milk, I was like, that's something I eat. You don't do drugs. You don't do anabolic drugs. No, but I agree with his diet. There's no difference between sweet potatoes
Starting point is 02:00:37 and pure sugar if you're just ramming hard in the gym. I can't wait until you're 44, Hunter. I'm talking about when you're going hard in the gym. I would not give this to my parents. I'd be like, Daddy, eat a sweet potato. His walk-arounds at the grocery store are awesome. He just walks around and goes, Well, I couldn't forget the Krispy Kreme donuts.
Starting point is 02:00:56 Hey, what do you think that guy's 400-meter run time is? Shit. Six minutes. I bet you it's pretty amazing for the first 200 meters and then he just blows out you think you he can do a 130 400 yeah oh yeah probably 120 ish hey he should make some videos showing that i bet you it looks fucking peculiar as fuck too because he can't even take his shirt on and off without like some crazy gymnastic shit see the thing about him though is he's so into building muscle that he would probably need to be more content creation for that to be something he'd even do i wonder how long the trend of him
Starting point is 02:01:35 is going to last longer than liver king yeah but it doesn't seem like he has a theme like he doesn't have like a i'm gonna roll with this idea it's just he's vlogging about getting big i've tried to get clarence kennedy on the show by the way uh andrew introduced me to him kennedy oh that's a really crazy weightlifter? Yeah. That guy's a savage. I think Tellander knows him. There's another guy who's a savage that you sent me the other day, the guy who won't show his face. Oh, dude, Tom Havland is the strongest human on Earth right now, by far. Dude, not even close.
Starting point is 02:02:19 Tell me your other person that you think is better, because this guy would rip him in half. He's stronger than a mountain? Who's literally ripped a man in half by far he's actually he's actually ripped a man in half the mountain it's okay but just go look up tom hevlin like this i'm telling you there's nothing like this guy show video always oh. This guy was on Rogan the other day, huh? He was on Rogan? No, he wasn't on Rogan. They brought him up.
Starting point is 02:02:50 Rogan always gets it. They brought him up. And apparently this dude doesn't use anything, but that's a bunch of bullshit. This guy's 6'7"? Go to the videos of him power cleaning like 400 pounds. He just high pulls 405 pounds. then what the fuck is that this stuff's amazing see if you can find the videos of him where you just basically high pulls four or five hundred pounds and then starts doing zirker squats with it i can't believe that guy's six seven his
Starting point is 02:03:20 instagram is pretty crazy uh caleb his instagram it nuts. It's private. Oh, it is? Yeah. Dude, there's videos of him like pause benching over 600 pounds for reps. He's just so savage. I'm going to find a video that you guys need to see. When I filmed Pulling John and I went to Russia and I filmed with Alexei Zavoda. I love that. That guy is probably one of the greatest freaks of all time.
Starting point is 02:03:51 Dude, that video of him doing single-arm pull-ups with a kettlebell. Yeah. What do you mean with a kettlebell? In the other hand. He just grabs and just – You know, a single-arm pull-up would be insanely hard to do on an actual bar. He just goes over top of the ball of the kettlebell and just starts hitting some – You know, a single arm pull-up would be insanely hard to do on an actual bar. He just goes over top of the ball of the kettlebell and just starts hitting some.
Starting point is 02:04:10 Oh, yeah, that's right. That's right. You're just like, what? Can you do a single arm pull-up, Hunter? What? Can you do a single arm pull-up? I could get a couple inches out of the hole, but no more. I thought you were going to say I could get a couple reps.
Starting point is 02:04:24 No, no, no. Fuck. I'm like, oh, fuck. I really want to. He put over 1,000 pounds on the leg press. I was doing bench press with it. Yeah, dude. That's one of my favorite parts of the video. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:36 Like a hammer jammer? Yeah. It's in that movie. It's pretty crazy. Where are the videos of him doing the high pulls? Dildo, a couple inches out of the hole. God, this guy's such a freak. All right, this show's over.
Starting point is 02:04:59 I just got to show you just one video of this dude. I guess he deleted all the videos. This sucks. Mason Mitchell, I did 661 for three singles the other day. I'm not sure. That's bullshit. You shut the fuck up. Okay, watch, watch, watch, watch. Oh, he's talking about the Tom guy?
Starting point is 02:05:15 Watch this guy. Okay, this is just... Wow, nice shot. This is the one that's impressive. That's 405. Wow. Wow. You can't do that? You know that's so gangster he's like what the fuck
Starting point is 02:05:29 here goes again exercises this he's just he's doing it like it's a fucking exercise man i know dude imagine that was you he would throw you around like a child and i guess workout gear is crazy is that adidas i have I have no clue. Adidas? He is by far the most impressive strength athlete on the planet. Hey, have you seen that Goob guy? Goob 2? He's the attorney who destroys people on Instagram? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:56 For being frauds? Yeah. I like that. I think that's important for the internet right now because there's so many people that just have so much BS on the internet. Do you think he could do it without being so angry, though? Like, be cool. Like, he's angry. He's this tall, dude. He's this tall. Why do you have to not like... Like, you don't have to hate the people who are frauds.
Starting point is 02:06:13 You know what I mean? Like, it's not healthy to... And I like what he's doing, but I don't think you should hate... You don't need to hate the people who are frauds. You can just be cool with them. He's probably just angry because he's tiny. How tall is he?
Starting point is 02:06:29 But anyway, he does a lift that's fucking incredible. He sits on a bench and just pulls 315 off the ground from the seated position and puts it on his lap and starts repping it. It's fucking crazy. But here's the thing, dude. Yeah, it's impressive he does that. Yeah. He gets reps, like, what, 10 of them at 315? I don't know's impressive he does that yeah he gets reps like what 10 of them
Starting point is 02:06:45 at 315 i was like i don't know but he does it 25 bench for reps was like 27 which isn't great for how good he is at 315 to see this is more impressive than 225 or 27 i think he's crazy 15 here one rep wow i just like the way he was at 75 the thought of sitting on the edge of a bench just picking 315 up putting it on my lap rolling back and then benching i mean it's crazy standing up again because you severed your spine because it's so frail he's talking about me not you goop you did you did three air squats at suze's gym and you haven't been able to stand up since oh i'm done you warmed up with pool boy oh goob where's vindicate no shit all right fair enough i like it he should me like is he hunter you do
Starting point is 02:07:42 you know how tall he is? about the size of this bottle yeah he does he looks short you look at his forearms and his legs and everything like that did you see that? I figured you may know him
Starting point is 02:07:53 no it's interesting there's so many people on the internet and you think you kind of have some kind of connection with him but my world's smaller
Starting point is 02:08:01 than it looks I just know you've been over in the New York area and that's where he's at is he from New, and that's where he's at. Is he from New York? That's where he's at, yeah. In Manhattan? There's a guy out there this week doing overhead pistol squats, I think,
Starting point is 02:08:14 with 185. That's cool. I bet Hunter can do that. No. Pistol squats with what? 185 over his head. Can you even do pistol squats? You're too tall. No, I can do pistol squats. I don't like them.
Starting point is 02:08:28 I'm at the point now where I just don't do anything that my body doesn't want to do. Oh, so yeah, that's good. You sound like a modern-day woman. I don't do anything I don't want to do. Yeah, yeah, except for I look fucking awesome while doing it. Boys, I'm out. I got to go get some food and then I got to go train. All right.
Starting point is 02:08:48 Get at it, buddy. What are you training for? What are you training for? I got my doubles world record I'm going after tomorrow. So I'm just going to do a little bit of like a hike and a jog. What do you mean tomorrow? What do you mean tomorrow? Tomorrow I race in L.A. for the last race of the season.
Starting point is 02:09:02 And a buddy of mine who's like a sub four minute miler, just wicked. And he's one of the elite 15 guys. Like what? Let's just go for the doubles record. And I said, to hell with it. Let's go. What time? What time were you racing? Yeah. 8am. And where in LA? You should come, dude. You said you wanted to come
Starting point is 02:09:20 to one of these things. I'm here. I'm in LA. I'm coming. It's in LA. It's at the LA Convention Center. So it's probably, I have a videographer coming up from where you're at. And he here. I'm in LA. I'm coming. It's in LA. It's at the LA convention center. So it's probably, I have a videographer coming up from where you're at. And he said, it's like 35 minutes. Okay. A convention center and the race starts at 8 AM. 8 AM. And will the, will the,
Starting point is 02:09:35 I don't need a handy right now. Wait till the show's over. Sorry. She's trying to give me standy um uh and no will the owner be there of high rocks will that gray hair dude i interviewed be there i don't know probably because it's the end of the year and i think they're trying to do a lot of a big push over here in the united states what's his name i want to use his name when i try to walk in the front christian tootski christian tootski okay i'm gonna be like i'm friends with christian tootski 100 and i can i say I used to sleep with you? I used to sleep with Hunter McIntyre.
Starting point is 02:10:07 Yep, banged Hunter a couple times too. I'm his former sugar daddy. I'm going to let you right through the door. I look forward to seeing you. Text me if you're coming. Boys, it was cool hanging out. I don't want to stress you out. I'll talk to you afterwards.
Starting point is 02:10:19 All right, I'm sorry. Talk to you later. Hunter doesn't seem like the stress type. Okay. All right, guys, miss you. Hugs and kisses. Peace. Will calls in. Bye. Will calls in seem like the stress type. Okay. All right, guys. Miss you. Hugs and kisses. Peace. Will calls in.
Starting point is 02:10:26 Bye. Will calls in. He gets real stressed. God, Will's a G. What a G Will is. Hey, dude. If there was a Mount Rushmore moments and you had 50 of them, it's in the top 50. Oh, really?
Starting point is 02:10:39 I would say Hunter rampaged right there. Oh, God. Will, you're a G dude good job god i wish you had someone who could just throw that together for you like a top 50 like a hits you know how they had the now that's what i call christmas cds or now that's what i call yeah yeah be 21 fuck that'd be cool if someone just made that now that's what i call seven 2023 someone just start going through from the beginning of the library watching at one and a half speed pulling out
Starting point is 02:11:09 highlights uh um caleb made this one time i thought this uh this is pretty fucking good this is the only one we have that's like this and caleb made it hold on let me i'll play it for you it's uh it's it's great um fondall my hair's coming back because i've been getting micro needling done to it um wait let me see is it this one nope not that uh is it um this oh not that uh uh what's this it is an empowered and oh. Oh, I don't see it anymore. It used to be on here. There used to be like a...
Starting point is 02:11:48 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Whatever, it's in the old one. Let me see. The Savant podcast. Honestly, there's a lot of great people in our space. But I like that one. Oh, compilation. Here it is.
Starting point is 02:12:04 Here it is. With this guy this guy you know if howard stern and joe rogan had a baby you'd be looking at him remember the people were live so don't like start picking your nose or pull your dick out or anything crazy like that and this is why this is the greatest show on the internet because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum and then right after there's a comment that says it's so sad let's go back to hand jobs people without their names and they uh no one clipped that and play that on the internet a thumb with a mustache yes listen a guy named johan lopez called you a thumb with a mustache wow i'm gonna shit myself. Man, that Sevan podcast is dull as shit.
Starting point is 02:12:47 Okay, you guys have a great day. You too. Thanks for calling. Mwah. No. I was feeling familial like it was my mom. God. You guys are so fucking lucky. God. You guys are so fucking lucky.
Starting point is 02:13:10 Is that where Taylor's name came from? I guess. Yeah. That was a great compilation, Mr. Beaver. I didn't... Man, this show is funny. Is this show still that funny? Yeah, I think so. I think we need to ask the comment section.
Starting point is 02:13:23 Is this show still that funny? I mean, I think so. I think we need to ask the comment section. Is this show still that funny? I mean, I laughed pretty hard. I think that might be the hardest I've ever laughed. That's why I think it belongs in the top 50. Oh, when Plummer and Hunter were going at it? That was an epic rampage by Hunter. It was fueled by something. Hey, but then I hear him say stuff like he doesn't like
Starting point is 02:13:45 to do pistols and he doesn't and he dreads the idea of handstand walking i go uh i think you're a little biased with your take is he how old are you hillar 32 oh okay so he's a little older than you he is he's much better at running uh stepven flores uh yes still funny if if it can make my girlfriend laugh it's a win for me all right good no the show is about as funny as rush hour two oh that's awesome is that good i like that movie but then again that doesn't say much for a lot of people all right i got i got to go two hours and 12 minutes what a great show with uh um uh o'keefe hey hey i gotta answer something from earlier okay that's cool i don't know where the hell the comment is but someone said that i
Starting point is 02:14:37 was nice to andrew charlesworth oh yeah yeah i don't think i was nice i just gave it is your hair that long dude dude cjc 1295 everything on me is huge my sheath is thick my nails are thick my hair is thick my skin is beautiful my teeth are harder than shit hey caleb would you have thought his hair is that long we need to do it today and you look at him a lot i mean we all look at him a lot but dude it's long yeah my hair i know my kids usually see when i go in the pool it's crazy and it's shaved on the side like i have a die cut by the way i can comment again in instagram this morning i could comment again yeah i had that too for a day they shut me down yeah i couldn't comment i couldn't when i made posts i couldn't even write in my posts like i would write out stuff and it would just be gone hey olivia this is what alexis
Starting point is 02:15:30 said she literally was watching it with me and she goes you gave him a safe space and i wanted to freaking shoot myself oh god am i gonna hate hillar after this it's a dude i i didn't think so but when alex i have alexis watch these things I, after I put them up and she gives me a pretty good insight as to how they go. And I go, shit, he's trying to be Brad Pitt and Troy. I said, I said in somewhere in the beginning that I wanted to give us a room where we
Starting point is 02:15:56 could just kind of work our way through this thing. But I also continuously brought topics back up. So I didn't think that I let them off the hook, but I gave him an opportunity to kind of just hey this is who i am um uh since i started i want more people to do that shit you want what say that again i want more people to say hey i i would in a perfect world someone sees that and they go oh okay i'm danny spiegel and now i'm gonna go on his show oh i heard you i heard you are having um uh i heard you're having uh danny spiegel and brian friend both on so that's that's that'd be
Starting point is 02:16:33 perfect yeah okay i just go hey dude spiegel spiegel dude spiegel i'd love why is it that uh you make all these posts but you said people can't talk about your body? And then that's what I do with Charlesworth. I go, this is what we say. This is what we've seen. And how about how about something? Can we pull up that post that Joey Swole put up of Danny Spiegel? I want to show you something that's fucking I cannot for the life of me get my head wrapped around for the life of me. Is that it was in his story it's gonna
Starting point is 02:17:06 be hard to find i got it i got it i don't have it go okay oh you oh but you pull it up i'm gonna use the bathroom real quick i thought the show was over but it's not oh i lost caleb where did caleb go there he is i think you booted caleb and yeah there we go you just gotta give me two seconds but i got it somewhere in here i got everything as soon as that came up i feel like as soon as people started seeing it i feel like it was gone it was like already at the 23rd hour don't worry i got it just gotta give me a minute i gotta airdrop it to myself and then throw it onto this screen over here i got i'll be getting a hard time for the same reason that i suppose i've potentially got a and throw it onto this screen over here.
Starting point is 02:17:47 I'll be getting a hard time for the same reason that I suppose I've potentially got a hard time with Annie. Giving him a safe space? Well, I'm not going to bring him. To be fair, I think that I gave it to him a little. I think I gave it to him a little bit just by not letting him off the hook. And also does it here it is this thing yeah but I'm curious and hell maybe that's that's the purpose it makes him look good that he came on potentially god this picture is so weird.
Starting point is 02:18:29 Well, before I say why I think it's weird, why do you think it's weird? I mean, anytime somebody takes pictures in public, like somebody's going to just look at them, see what, like, okay, what are they taking a picture of? I don't know. Do we know where this is? Is this Australia?
Starting point is 02:18:43 Are you coming on the show? It looks like, yeah, it looks like Sydney. You need help with your Legos? Okay, I'll come over there in five minutes. I'll be over there in five minutes. I'll help you with your Legos. Haley. Haley. He's yelling. Haley.
Starting point is 02:19:01 Haley? Haley? My mother-in-law's in the house, and I just dropped a deuce in the bathroom. I'm going to tell her to turn the fan on and go in there and make sure there's no stuff floating around in there. Fly swarming. Okay, so here's the deal. Here's the deal. I can't – this is a picture of Danny Spiegel dressed in a really provocative eye-drawing dress.
Starting point is 02:19:29 It's a great dress. It's an incredible body, but it's not a dress that a lot of people probably have ever seen before, and if you did see someone wearing it, you would look at them. so but it says here oh my god it's a girl taking a photo and there's a guy off in the distance walking by looking at her and she wrote that i can't tell is she joking is she saying like is she saying i know that everywhere i know that just my body alone is the kind of thing that people would stop and look at like so let me give you an example i walk into the supermarket here in newport beach and pavilions and i'm barefoot and i have this long hair and i walk in with my three boys and they're all barefoot and they're all wearing argyle and everyone stares at us every aisle we turn down everywhere and i know why it's this fucking old
Starting point is 02:20:18 guy with long hair with barefoot with three barefoot kids who are fucking stunning fucking steam i know it's a scene like i'm not trying to make it a scene it's just how we roll it's just like everywhere we go it's a scene i go into the jiu-jitsu studio and there's 150 people there and one super hot mom walks in or like the kid who everyone knows is the best walks in and everyone stares at him it's just it's just the way it is like so tell me does anyone you go first hillary is she joking is she saying is she is this just satire is she really saying i know i'm fucking absolutely unique in in my presence and of course you're staring at me or is she actually tripping like that guy's doing something wrong that staring at her. There is 0% chance that this is a joke.
Starting point is 02:21:08 Oh, fuck me. There's no way Caleb. She's it's a joke, right? With where we've come from to this point with Danny Spiegel. And I messaged Joey swole. I go,
Starting point is 02:21:18 Hey dude, you don't even know. You're telling me that that girl thinks that she can go out like that and it not be hey if someone didn't look at you some we're wrong something's wrong in society that's the whole thing wrong in society that people aren't stopping and looking at homeless people acknowledging people she you think that there's wow i i think it's a 98 chance um it's uh satire there's no way you guys are out of your fucking mind there's no way it's got to be satire i think she's doing it on purpose but i don't think that she thinks it's a joke you think that she's being critical of that man for staring at her
Starting point is 02:22:01 i think she saw an opportunity to get people like us talking about it the same way that she potentially might have thought someone like Joey Swole would talk about it. Okay, well, so that's different. Let me go into the nuance there. Do you think she thinks any less of that man or he's doing something wrong by looking at her? Because that's the implication and that's what the satire would be. If she's just joking like yeah duh you're staring at me like when i go out it's like yeah duh you're staring at me i don't look like the rest of you people what do you think the tone of that statement is as she makes it
Starting point is 02:22:36 in her head as she writes it down oh my god it's a girl taking a photo. That's how I hear it. Colton Mertens, I can sympathize with Danny if I ever dare not wear compression shorts underneath my sweatpants. It's a scene and everyone stares. Yeah, I get it. I am. Oh shit. Yes.
Starting point is 02:22:59 Listen, but what I'm saying is, do you think in her being, she hasn't come to terms and, you think this is just a ploy. So we talk about it, but do you think in her being, she's reconciled? Like, yeah, I live on a human being where half the planet wants to fuck women. And when I go out and I am, uh, I look like a fucking perfect parking garage for semen. Like, does she, is she aware of that? That she is a, just a, a, um, a cum magnet for men who want to have babies that she is like, does she like,
Starting point is 02:23:30 does she know that that's what's going on on planet earth? And that's what she's like, or she's so oblivious to what's going on here that we're all here that there's dudes who just want to fucking make babies with her and, and, uh, and cover her and seem to, does she not realize that that's 51% of the planet? Hey, listen, listen, there's due to her. I'm just telling you the truth. And I'm not saying that every guy's attracted to her and wants to cover her with semen. This is a big picture, but that's basically what's going on here. There's a battle to impregnate women and continue the spread. And does she not realize that that dress in her whole existence is a massive component of that she completely oblivious to that you see the picture i'm painting here because if she is if she is if she is and you still follow her then i then i like um
Starting point is 02:24:18 uh i'm confused uh yeah well, and I don't even mean... Uh-oh, I might be getting in trouble. It's not exclusive. It's not exclusive to her. It's just to women in general, like if you're a woman. Uh-oh. I thought I was in trouble for a second. I can hear my wife talking loud.
Starting point is 02:24:46 So, oh, I'm not even saying whether you find her attractive or not. I'm just talking about women in general. Like, like dudes are looking for women to marry and spend the life with and raise a family with. And like, does she not realize that that's what's going on here? Like, you really think that she's like, wants to go out and not be stared at by men that she put that dress on? Or not even that wants to or not wants to. I think she wants to be stared at so that she can post a picture like this. That's what I said.
Starting point is 02:25:13 Oh, okay. But is she bothered by it? What the fuck would she actually want is the question. If what you're saying isn't true, she actually wants would be i'm gonna wear this dress because it makes me feel good that's the only truth there's there's a truth here i think that definitely is not the fucking truth yeah if i walked around butt-ass naked outside i know what the fuck's coming from it and i'm not expecting motherfuckers around me to look at me and say oh yeah that's cool or not look because they'd be fucking idiotic and in the same way what you're saying is a truth and she has to fucking know that like someone's
Starting point is 02:25:55 gonna look at you or someone's gonna see a professional photographer there when i walk around with that fucking camera a fucking camera yeah wondering what i'm taking a picture of so at the bare minimum someone's taking a picture of her and they're looking at her yes yes if even if it was a man they would be looking at any fucking sense of the fucking way you could look at it that caption is so dumb and she's doing it on purpose she has to be because that's got to be the truth and there's always a truth to something you think she's killing two birds with one stone she wants the picture and she wants content like that or she purposely said hey just pretend like take a picture of me so we can get someone staring so then i can make this you think it's that thought out it's the same way that i think that sporty beth knows that she's like doing
Starting point is 02:26:37 the worst thing possible to her body and she's feeding into it because it gives her attention no shit so you think that she doesn't really believe her own rhetoric she just thinks that and she's feeding into it because it gives her attention. No shit. So you think that she doesn't really believe her own rhetoric. She just thinks that playing that persona of eating donuts and calling it healthy. I do think that identity comes from a certain point in time. You have to believe your own shit. So at some point, she probably didn't think it was the best,
Starting point is 02:27:01 and now she's convinced herself of it. I don't think Spiegel's there. I think Spiegel's smarter than Beth is. I think she's doing herself of it. I don't think Spiegel's there. I think Spiegel's smarter than Beth is. I think she's doing this. Okay, so you think that me and Joey Swole, or you think we've been duped by Spiegel that the whole thing is to get attention? It doesn't even matter what she's saying. And so you're saying that we've seen so many pictures of her looking like lifestyle. I mean, basically, her Instagram account is just showcasing her the way. If I went to an Instagram account where I was going to buy a puppy, I would expect all the pictures of the mom and dad dogs to be like Danny Spiegel's account.
Starting point is 02:27:39 You know what I mean? Danny Spiegel's account is basically like a breeding account for for men you know or if you were to buy it you were to go out and buy a horse and like you wanted to stud your horse it would be like hey look at all these pictures of this horse look at all its different angles its thighs its ass its penis its teeth and that's what danny's dude i got basically i i got something for you you don't accidentally end up with millions of followers. She did that on me. You don't?
Starting point is 02:28:08 No. Well, fuck. Did Tyson Bajan accidentally get 50,000 of them? No. He tried his fucking whole life to become a professional football player, and he'll have hundreds and millions. Well, he didn't try to get 50,000 followers. He tried to be a professional football player.
Starting point is 02:28:21 But if anyone asks you why he has followers, it's because he's a football player. He's a professional football player. Why the fuck you why he has followers it's because he's a football professional football why did why the fuck is spiegel have her followers because she does shit like this and people fucking eat it up the same way but i would unfollow her instagram followers why but i would unfollow her if i i don't want to be associated with people who that's mean what she's if what you're saying is true she that's mean. That's like what Kendrick Lamar did. Kendrick Lamar invited a white girl on stage at a concert to sing the song with him. And then when she sung the lyrics of the song and she said the epithet out loud, he fucking berated her in front of the whole fucking crowd like a scumbag.
Starting point is 02:29:00 That's fucked, and he had it planned. That's fucking douchebaggery. I don't listen to Kendrick Lamar anymore. There's two things. He either did that on purpose or he had it planned uh-huh that's fucking douchebaggery i i don't listen to kendrick there's two things he either did that on purpose or he's stupid yeah either one of them could be true so either she's dumb or she's doing it on purpose and she you think she's a mean person i think that she would put this up knowing that this guy just doesn't matter to her does that make her mean yeah yeah it makes her mean well if you're that's joey swole's thing the types of people that he puts on the internet they're generally being mean to other people for their own personal gain so so like someone's doing something they're working out
Starting point is 02:29:36 in the corner maybe they're overweight and then and then someone will like put a video of them up on the internet and he'll berate the person who's putting a video of the person who's just working out in the corner mind minding their own business. It'll be some 78-year-old dude who's sitting on a leg extension machine and some chick will bend over in front of him and he'll do this. And then it'll be the most harmless thing ever. It could just be the fact that movement was happening over there. And the dude will look up and the chick who's recording herself, because this is all the fuck people do, is put these cameras up for their fucking internet shit.
Starting point is 02:30:08 And she'll go, I can't believe this creep behind me is looking at my butt. Like, no, he's just fucking looking at something moving and your pants are fucking pink and you're half naked, you idiot. So what Joey Stoll's thing is to point that stuff out. And Spiegel's doing the same thing.
Starting point is 02:30:24 He's pointing out the fact that jesus christ oh wow wow who found it did you just find this i just found it yeah let me see does she rip on that guy though does she rip on that guy no nothing i'm gonna tell you something too if you if you if you see danny spiegel in that outfit somewhere and you don't stare at her you're fucking missing out i mean she's an anomaly she is a fucking amazing expression of her own dna and if you didn't like want to it's like there's nothing wrong with looking at her no there's nothing wrong with looking at her it's like i see a great dane walking down uh somewhere i stare at every great dane or every like weird dog like if i see uh uh dachshunds or those really little like yorkies i stare at all the weird
Starting point is 02:31:09 shit if you were wearing that people would look at you if there was a big ass professional camera pointed at your ass good point but i mean she is kind of a miracle danny spiegel so it's a it's a miracle and anthropomorphics or whatever the fuck it is you call it some there's some biological does she still have 1.7 million i don't know i can't follow her yeah she does okay so joey school didn't blow her up like that not in a good way at least anyway okay uh why do you guys care why don't you care david yeah i'm just what do you mean because i make my living off of fucking obsessing on things in the crossfit space and people and mindsets and yeah i don't you care david yeah i'm what do you mean because i make my living off of fucking obsessing on things in the crossfit space and people and mindsets and yeah yeah why don't you
Starting point is 02:31:49 care hey dude i love when people are there's something that i find incredible about people being confident enough to just like go out and take their pictures and do their shit it's it's cool i like it i'm a bit of a and i and i'm a mating expert mating and i think you're a mating expert i'm a mating expert yeah i'm a i'm a procreation uh vagina ovulation expert what makes you that just fucking my my interest in my intrigue and my time time studying the uh the the human species i'm an an expert. When you have a super semen attractor like Danny Spiegel, it's going to pop on my radar. Who would you say is the...
Starting point is 02:32:32 Baby maker. She's a baby maker. Is there a male equivalent? Hunter McIntyre is a fucking... Girls want to throw their eggs at him. Dude, if you don't want Hunter's kid, you are fucking in you you're you're yeah but he's not going aren't working he was at the crossfit games but you got anyone else uh yeah um uh um would you say bill gates bill gates fuck dude no
Starting point is 02:32:59 in crossfit oh uh would you say jeffler, who won the CrossFit Games this year? Yeah, but Jeff has a – You would think that the fittest dude on earth would be some sort of – I do think that you have to have some personality. How about this? People wanted Hope to fuck Jose. Street Horner. People wanted –
Starting point is 02:33:22 Street Horner is beautiful beautiful but there is a i think oh there has to be a balance at street horner it comes with some other shit i don't i'm gonna have him on the show soon so i don't want to rip on him yet would froning like peak yeah froning froning for sure what does froning have that street doesn't it's um he's gonna fronings is not obsessed no he's not's, um, he's gonna, Froning's is not obsessed. No, he's not obsessed with religion. He's not obsessed with himself. There's like, hey, I want to take care of you component vibe coming off
Starting point is 02:33:52 of him. There's a lot of these people have a selfish vibe. And so it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Dan Guerrero. What'd he say? You're about to get fucked up dan guerrero no no one was celebrating on spiegel are you fucking crazy that's not hate second of all
Starting point is 02:34:12 hunter never says he's anything other than what the fuck he is and that's the difference hunter's not how did hunter get a hundred thousand followers on instagram running and exercising and that's what he does everything he said right there was running exercise and hunter and he never How did Hunter get 100,000 followers on Instagram? Running and exercising. And that's what he does. Everything he said right there was running, exercise, and Hunter. And he never deviates. Froning has je ne sais quoi. Hey, listen.
Starting point is 02:34:42 She put up a post and I'm trying to figure out if it's satire or not. And you think I'm hating. So that's the same mindset I think Danny Spiegel's in. Like where are people making that leap? You post something for the whole world to see, and then we discuss it. And if for any reason you think we're hating, no one called her any names. I think it's a fucking – I don't get it. I mean some people might take the whole cum dumpster baby. I didn't call her a cum dumpster.
Starting point is 02:35:09 I called her a semen magnet. I'm stating facts. That's science. I didn't call her a cum. A cum dumpster would be like she allows the semen to land in her vessel. I don't know what her habits are. You know, that's important that you hash that out because I can see how that was misconstrued. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:24 Yeah. You just came to the safe space thanks to Dan Guerrero's comment. Yeah. I put her... Yeah. Is your mom awake yet? Yeah. You can hear her when we say gum dumpster in the back room back there.
Starting point is 02:35:41 Oh, fuck. She just like springs up. What did my son just say? never say those two words back to back ever again there's a there's a um uh one of the 10 11th commandment don't stick your dick in crazy yeah that's i think that could be etched in the in the 11th commandment parking garage for semen yeah thank you duplicity i think that that word means what i might think it means janelle winston does anyone know what the word duplicity means yeah basically she's saying it's like on one hand you're you seem starved for attention and then the second you get a little bit
Starting point is 02:36:19 you're critical of the people who are giving it to you and it's bizarre okay that's the that's the duplicity right uh just double dealing yeah no don't look at me you're an asshole for looking at me oh my god let me push these things closer together it would be like if i got pissed that people didn't watch my podcast with their eyes closed it's like well dude why don't you just go to spotify then you jackass you remember when the first time this all started? That's why she has to be joking, dude. She has to be joking or these are the three options. She has to be joking. There's something I'm not catching that's over my head or she's absolutely batshit fucking crazy, dude.
Starting point is 02:36:58 Well, the fourth one is she's doing it on purpose and she knows what she's doing. Oh, right. Okay. Well, that's what I mean. It's over my head. That one I'm even having trouble. I'm having trouble comprehending that one i'll throw that in the category but i don't know what the fuck's going on well that's because you're not a psychopath you oh yeah and so you think it's a combination of knowing what she's doing and that shit crazy
Starting point is 02:37:16 i don't think there's anything wrong with being a psychopath either i just wish i do i would just i wish you would just say she was doing it yeah sure look at all the followers i got oh shit i might be going to san diego i just got a text san diego for what to take a friend of mine just got this fat insane boat and he wants to drive it up from san diego to santa cruz insane and i might get to go with them do my podcast from the boat how big is the boat big you're gonna be like greg where you're in italy or something yeah yeah yeah a different kind of boat different kind of boat like like a different kind of boat not like it's it's a cool boat i like local boats and then guessing how much they cost and then you can google
Starting point is 02:38:02 the name and it usually tells you i I don't want to own a boat. No, I heard that that's one of the three things you don't spend money on. What are the others? Want to guess? Because I'll tell you. Motor homes, boats. No. Oh.
Starting point is 02:38:15 They all involve water. Oh. Jet skis? No. Mermaids. Mermaids. It costs you a lot of money. That's why you don't want them.
Starting point is 02:38:24 That's why you don't want a boat because it costs you a lot of money. And it you don't want them that's why you don't want a boat because it costs you a lot of money and it's got to do with water not mermaids yeah it's a barge pool barge oh no no i'm dead no no cave dastard got it women that's another one don't spend money on women and kyle landis is the other one the three things that all involve water don't buy a pool yeah because it costs you money and you never use it unless you live in a place where it's just a flat rate for water then it's fine but then you gotta the thing is you gotta pay to fix it all the time it's always broken and you gotta play to upkeep it or you gotta upkeep it submarine yeah yeah jake never buy a fucking submarine that's that's damn right
Starting point is 02:39:02 and then chase brian yeah planes but i don't think many people buy a plane pools boats and women i'm in um uh i am in newport someone told me that once and i kind of blew my mind i think you should get a pool. I wish I, I, I, I'm every day goes by. I don't have a pool for my kids to swim in.
Starting point is 02:39:29 I fucking, I'm here. I'll have women too. So I think everyone can just choose if they want something. Uh, I think you want a pool. That's fine. Just know what you're getting yourself into.
Starting point is 02:39:43 Yeah. Get a friend of the pool or a boat um i had this friend that was obsessed with finding somebody who had a boat oh shit tyler watkins wow okay fine uh um i just want to say that i very much disagree with the 11 commandments i put my dick in crazy every night. All right, fine. So you added that part, but I was thinking what the 11th Commandment was. Okay.
Starting point is 02:40:16 Thanks for coming on. What a crazy show. I think it was good. Shake, jab, and cold plunge. Yeah, don't buy that either. I was afraid to do a podcast. I was afraid to go live. I was afraid to have live call-in shows. I was afraid to have live guests. I was afraid to do shows by myself. I was afraid to have multiple guests in one show. I'm like – and now I just can't believe how flexible this show is. Oh, Jethro. I spoke to Jethro this morning speaking of doing live shows. we did a paper street coffee. Gabe went to Jethro's gym,
Starting point is 02:40:45 a Chieftain CrossFit and on Long Island. We did a live feed from there. And Jethro texted me this morning saying his gym is doing well already. He's been sending me people talk about their workout reactions too. They're into it. It's cool. Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 02:41:01 cause they're doing Hiller fit there. Oh, that's awesome. Listen, this is how I'm going to, uh, I wrote in the private chat, how many clients he has already started with zero dude.
Starting point is 02:41:12 Sweet. Yeah. Crazy. Right. Yeah. I'm not hiding it from you guys. I just don't know what's my place to say. It's going to be a 200.
Starting point is 02:41:20 No time. Oh shit. You just gave away that he's less than 200. That's not cool. cool yeah it's fine okay all right um if you're an affiliate out there and you're looking for some good programming or if you're just an old dude who needs someone to cheer him on like me hillar fit programming um you can also purchase the clothing that i'm wearing at vindindicate, or you can go to your local North Face outlet and get what Caleb is wearing. Way better option, honestly.
Starting point is 02:41:49 50% off. Nothing's on sale at Vindicate. This shit ain't cheap. Help me pay the bills. Buy a Christmas present for your husband. Everyone wants a CEO shirt. CEO hat. The Tyson Vage and CEO hat.
Starting point is 02:42:01 Oh, my God. The new hats are coming out. They're sick. I'm going to need one soon. All right, guys. I want a no rep ski mask. That's what I want. Oh.
Starting point is 02:42:13 Oh. I see it. Gangster. Okay. Bye-bye.

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