The Sevan Podcast - Matt O'Keefe | HWPO CEO

Episode Date: March 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. In a tin can. Bam, we're live. O'Keefe, you look like you're at the haunted house at Disneyland. Really?
Starting point is 00:00:38 Okay. I'm in my dining room. With those curtains and that lighting. And I feel like that there should be a ghost. You want me to shut these? No, no, no. it's good i like it it's it's framed very very nicely dang good hey is that east coast stuff those are some thick curtains is that to keep the uh heat in those those are thick it's uh no i mean we have very we we have great windows for that to keep the heat in, but keep the light out. Um, it is still a little cool here.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I will say that haunted house to keep the light out haunted house. Yeah. March is like fool's gold in Boston. Uh, you think spring's here and it is far from, so we're, uh, we're in the, we're in the gray days today. Did you just come from, um, outside? I mean, I think this morning when we were scheduling, you were, you've already traveled quite a bit this morning, right? Yeah. I flew back from Columbus, Ohio this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I was at the Arnold, uh, yesterday, Friday, Friday and Saturday. Dude. I want to hear all about that. But one second, is that, is that an HWPO vest? It is. Yes. second, is that an HWPO vest? It is, yes. Dude, that is sick. Thank you. I'm a big vest guy. Yeah, I'm a big vest guy too.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Why do you think you're a big vest guy? It's probably because of where I live and it keeps my body warm. That's got gotta be it i mean i ski quite a bit and keeping that core body tempo i here's why i like it because i think i can hide the imperfections of my body on it while still letting my arms and shoulders be seen so i i use it as i kind of use it as a uh insecurity blanket but over the years i've learned to appreciate it for its layering capabilities. Yeah, I get I get a lot of heat during the transitional seasons, which we're coming into as I wear my vest with my short sleeve shirt underneath. Yeah. Yeah. Apparently that looks a little funny.
Starting point is 00:02:40 You know who? No, I do that. I do that. Yeah, that's that's the way to go that was my um that was my outfit at hq short sleeve shirt vest brooke wells uh every time there's a photo posted of me in a vest with short sleeves or she sees anything like that it uh she finds it very funny do you have a lot of vests i do do you have any dress vest like dressy stuff like you could wear to a funeral or a church or stuff like that most of mine are just you know athletic or golf like i golf quite a bit you know in the summer in the summer and spring months here in fall and uh i mean because of the climate here, our golf season is really short.
Starting point is 00:03:25 So, often I'm in a vest. Keep me super warm when I play golf. And the arms lose. And the arms lose. And who cares if your arms are cold? You just can't have the core be cold. Totally. I'm doing a lot of running right now.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It's been super helpful for that. So, yeah. No, body dysmorphia. Someone's suggesting a body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphia is when you misunderstand your body i'm fully aware that i look like a sack of shit i don't i don't have body dysmorphia i have deep insecurity very great what are you talking about two distinctly different categories i look in the mirror and i see exactly what everyone else sees. I'm like, my God, how do I have any friends?
Starting point is 00:04:06 I haven't thought of it that way. I'm an expert. Tell me about the Arnold. Why did you go? Was it a big CrossFit event? Hiller said he went and he had the pleasure of running into Emma Lawson. He said it was awesome. Yeah, we saw her yesterday morning at the Rogue employee gym.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah, we go every year, particularly for Matt. Matt goes to appear for Rogue. But it's honestly, it's just one of those events on the calendar for me. I think I've been probably like the last seven or eight years. It's just a great place to go see people um i mean there's 200,000 people there on saturday is is what they say like between 150 and 200,000 people like it it looks like it i used to go to for arm wrestling and it was absolutely packed it is only more packed every year um i mean you can't even move it's it's it's unreal yeah i mean mostly for you know
Starting point is 00:05:06 to support rogue uh they're a great partner of ours matt's uh we go down and uh they they're very involved and invested in the event you know they you know they uh help operate the the strongman you know event which is really the center i mean i know the bodybuilding piece is probably like the big centerpiece of the event but uh i think i mean strongman's starting to to take some of that limelight i mean it is very well attended and engaged so you know we go to that and you know we always have a dinner with everybody all the athletes from rogue all their partners it's, it's, it's awesome. Honestly, I, I really, really look forward to it every year. It's always during the open too. So, you know, traditionally,
Starting point is 00:05:50 we've had a lot of great memories at Rogue HQ doing open workouts. So, you know, athletes active, we'll do the open workouts. And it's just a great week. And did you see Snorri too? Hiller said he ran into Snorri. I did. Yeah, I did. We had dinner with him. I'm a bunch of the athletes that were in town last night. Oh, that's fun. We worked out yesterday at the gym in the morning at Rogue and Snorri and I'm over there.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Yeah. Who else did you see? Did you see Tyson Bajent and Travis Bajent? I saw Travis. The first person I saw was Travis. We got to the hotel and he was coming out of the elevator as we were getting in. So it's great to see him. I haven't seen him in person in a long time. I've talked to him a bit. And we didn't see Tyson. They left. I didn't realize they were. They were leaving, I think, yesterday morning. And we were
Starting point is 00:06:44 just kind of getting there Friday afternoon. So, uh, we didn't get to see him. I was hoping him and Matt could meet. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to make, we're going to make happen at some point, but he was, he was tied up, uh, when, when we had got there Friday. So we're going to make that happen though. It was good to see that. It was good to see Travis and, uh, yeah, it's, that's kind of what it's all about.
Starting point is 00:07:04 There's just a lot of people in town for that event, honestly. For sure, you see people you haven't seen in 10 years, and then you've seen people that you only see there every five years. It's like, hey, good to catch up. Or every year. Every year you've seen them there for the last five years. Yeah, we saw Steph Cohen yesterday. We used to work with those guys.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Steph is a really good longtime friend. She's just been super busy. She was boxing. And I haven't seen her in a couple years. Just like that, 100%. It's awesome. Are any of the old school guys there? Do you see Spieler or Chan or any of the old school athletes?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Off and on, yes. Neither of them were there this year you know uh you know josh comes in you know usually rich you know i've seen spieler and chan um none of those guys were there this year but uh generally yeah you'll always bump into somebody like that you know like camille and dave are usually around uh i think dave has a has an activation there i think he like puts a booth up for thunder bros and did um did um podium have a booth there they did not no not this year um i put maybe last year not this year they're busy um i mean everybody is that's not the real reason but it's um I think they they got a lot choose your battles
Starting point is 00:08:26 you have to choose your battles right where to spend your money where to promote where to I I wonder if people get lost in that group too there's got to be some um although it's the big biggest you know you know gathering you know one of the biggest gatherings in the world it's it's it's I mean as I remember the Arnold and mr universe i used to go there and film arm wrestling i saw them more as um uh there's a word for it in the business you know how like there'll be electronic shows or car stereo shows or what are those called there's a word for convention convention around specific things i see it more as i was always excited to go there for vendor village and that's what i assume most people were like that's what it is it's it's like a thousand of the top vendors in the space or the
Starting point is 00:09:16 guy who has the newest and greatest rubber band or shoot oh trade expo yes expo trade show thank you i see it more as a trade show i was never into Thank you. I see it more as a trade show. I was never into bodybuilding, but I see it more as a trade show than – Absolutely. Yeah. I always wonder – Hey, people who – Go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I wonder if CrossFit's headed that way sometimes. I really like Vendor Village. I really like Vendor Village at the games too. That's like one of my favorite parts. It is awesome. Yeah. It's obviously a little smaller than this. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:52 But it's getting there. And CrossFit has activated there. I don't know if they were this year. We were really running around. Our schedule was tight. I didn't get around to see if – they've traditionally run a CrossFit event, like a competition there, and CrossFit's activated.
Starting point is 00:10:14 They've had their traditional affiliate lounge. But, yeah, it's exactly what you just described. I think it's – I mean, at least from a fitness perspective, it's the biggest sampling least from a fitness perspective it's the biggest sampling uh you know like cans and hands handing out you know single servings you know people just hang off the back of your car racks that unfold out of your wallet just all that weird shit right people carry a bag around and they're just like grabbing stuff as they go by yeah it's i mean honestly it's it's i don't know the right proper word to
Starting point is 00:10:47 describe it is the best people watching environment i go to every year by the way so when i went it was a free time and like it's a freak show right yeah i mean they're doing like uh karate exhibitions sword fight i mean it's um it's truly a festival on that side like you know any sport essentially could go represent themselves there somehow. Ping pong. One year I was there and they had insane super high-level ping pong. It is wild. Cheerleading.
Starting point is 00:11:15 You walk in and there's people jousting and karate, kicking the boards 20 feet in the air and doing flips and landing on their feet and strongman and weightlifting and powerlifting i mean i think that like i think they powerlift and weightlift uh 2 000 people each you know throughout that weekend that's wild competitors yeah it's something like that like i i think usa weightlifting puts like 1500 or 2000 people through a competition powerlifting organization puts you know the same type of numbers through it's pretty cool you know it's a lot of people's super bowl for that what they do right hey um okie is is rogue the is rogue the giant of all giants like when i used to go there i don't
Starting point is 00:12:09 know if this is true but there was like some supplement company there called like eas or something and they had the biggest booth and there'd be a line that was 10 people thick you know a mile long to get free stuff and when i hear you talk about their strong man being so huge in my mind i am and i could be totally wrong i automatically give rogue credit for all that like if rogue are they like the biggest thing at the convention like can you if you do you do you see rogue for sure no matter what if you go there it can't get can't get away from it. Um, yeah, it's, it's, um, and it, and it's, um, cause I'm proud because it comes out of our community. You know what I mean? Like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:12:52 look at, we grew, you know, the biggest, um, and baddest thing. I take pride in that. Uh, I, you couldn't put it better that event. And I've seen that evolution from, for like, put it better that event and i've seen that evolution from for like whatever the last seven eight years and and uh they're uh you know for arnold the the arnold classic and the team that runs it i mean i i mean i they couldn't do it without them you know at this point and strongman you like i've seen the size of the arena they build for that every year has just continued to evolve and grow and the broadcast is getting more and more engaged in broadcast if people didn't watch it the last couple days it was really good badass like they did a great job with it you know familiar faces sean woodland hosts it uh you know it's um yeah rogue is um has enhanced that show and taken it to a level i bet that that team that owns and
Starting point is 00:13:44 operates it never thought it could get to honestly. I mean, they're just such a key ingredient. I mean, the broadcast is awesome. Yeah. It's a beautiful, it's a beautiful, it's a beautiful layout. Hey. And I, and I wonder if this too, I wonder if the more that Sean does, you know, events outside of CrossFit like this, that it allows both sports to grow, right. Allows lazy CrossFitters to become strong men like that jab and a strong,
Starting point is 00:14:09 strong, strong, strong men who want to get healthy, do CrossFit. But I bet, I bet, I bet you he's been a catalyst for a lot of people going back and forth. Just seeing him be the commentator for both. He's great at what he does. I think this is, you know, I'm sure it's stuff we'll talk about like when i look at what you're describing there is you know i think these sports feeding off of each other is the answer to these sports you know emerging more and more over time you know and i
Starting point is 00:14:39 think you've seen some of that with you know where everything is at right now the more we can collaborate with with strong man and high rocks and things like that um getting more people you know or giving people more options to use their training and fitness um you know which is you know having goals for people to to point towards and you know do different things and you know find their sweet spot i mean 100 you know that that uh i'm strong man's cool i mean it is so fun to watch i would matt and i he did his appearance yesterday and we ran over to watch what's um i'm gonna probably screw it up it's like the demi stones or the something like that so there are these two ones like 350 pounds the other is like 415 pounds and they hold them in their hands i think like the origination of that in scotland because that
Starting point is 00:15:33 you know the actual stones are in scotland i think these are replicas maybe i'm wrong if i if i'm wrong sorry to anybody in the store can afford row can afford to bring the real ones those were the real ones, let's say. They have to return them. They had a walk with these this year. It's great. You've got to look back to this. We can go on for this forever. There was a girl that came from Scotland last year with 120 pounds
Starting point is 00:16:00 soaking wet. She lifted those two things up and has the world record for the female hold of those. These guys were picking these things up and walking you know 15 to 40 feet i think uh mitch hooper might have won though and got the new world record he walked with those two stones for 41 and something feet but we i mean it was bumping in there. We were having a blast. I mean, I found ourselves, both of us found ourselves screaming for these guys as they're like, you know, it was all, it was all just really exciting. Look, one dude carried it 10 inches and another dude carried it 31 feet,
Starting point is 00:16:38 11 inches. So that's wild. I'm like, I'm, I'm watching it more and more and, uh, you know, which I'm incredibly excited about this portion of of the rogue invitational in scotland i mean it's sort of the home of this right right it'll be incredible but you know china because it's interesting like you watched you know thor deadlift a thousand and six pounds very easily um not to say it's easy. The first day and then, you know, the last event was like a pivotal event. He was in second and Mitch was in first. And they did this like stone event for the last event.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And he couldn't get any reps and Mitch got a bunch. And my point being is like I'm trying to like learn the nuances of these guys' strength and why they, you know, sort of thrive in one and not another because you know i mean it's like they were they had an axle bar with like this like historic object was 400 pounds mitch hooper did in like the time allotment which was like a minute or 90 seconds four five cleaning jerks with a 400 pound axle bar i mean it's crazy what they do It's crazy what they do.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Did he win? Did Mitch win? He did. He's emerging as, you know, a dominant. I mean, not even emerging. He is the dominant figure in the sport right now. And, you know, he's inching towards, you know, a lot of historical stuff. I mean, he's so good. I mean, that guy was a marathoner at one time, scratch golfer.
Starting point is 00:18:03 He ran like a three minute three hour marathon which is i'm training for one right now that is aggressive and hey not even that long ago too right i think someone's told me it was five years ago this dude could run a marathon yeah you can find him on uh on the web in the web pictures like he's super lean, like 180 pounds running marathons. It is fascinating. Yeah. He's, he's a real talent. He bounced around last summer a bit with one of his partners. And, uh, so he came to our headquarters and cause Jason Hopper and he have a sponsor in common and they worked out together for a day. I mean, look at that. It's crazy. Hey, this guy has the most crossover.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I see him at a lot of CrossFit stuff. I see him in a lot of videos with CrossFitters. I saw him on stage very attentively watching Wadapalooza. This guy's the most integrated with our community, right? Absolutely. That run that he went on on last year he was just you know filming content for his youtube and then with you know people that had common partners and and basically going and doing a day of training with them i was fascinated he he um he did a day
Starting point is 00:19:19 of jason's training which involved like 7 000,000 meters or running on an air runner. You know, some gross CrossFit workouts with like, you know, 135 snatches and burpees. He's fit too, like real fit. So, you know, I wonder, you know, it's so funny you say that. We were talking about this yesterday. I wonder if he's watching, looking, learning, and like maybe that's his next move. You know, he wants to try to see if he can compete in a sport like that. Because he has bounced around.
Starting point is 00:19:50 That's insane. How old is he? That I don't know. I'd assume he's in his 20s, like late 20s, if I was guessing. But I have no, that's just a shot in the dark. I can't tell with the strongman. I can never figure out their age. Oh, 28.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Okay, so he's still young. Geez. He is. Yeah. Interesting character, too. He's very cerebral. He's very analytical. I think he's an osteopath or a PT.
Starting point is 00:20:24 He's very knowledgeable, too. He's very knowledgeable too. Like he, he's a, he's an interesting cat. Did Matt have fun? Does what's Matt think about the meet and greets? Does he enjoy those? Yeah. You know, I think more as like, he's in this next phase of his life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:39 We had a great day and we all, you know, it's interesting. You asked that because crowds can be overwhelming for him, you know, always you know it's interesting you ask that because crowds can be overwhelming for him you know in spots where he's you know very popular in fitness and crossfit whatever he he loves going down there um and that appearance he walked through there can he walk through there matt or is it too crazy for him like could he walk through vendor village or no yes yeah there's so many people that you really aren't paying attention to who you're, you know, walking by. It's like head down, moving through. I mean, you've been there.
Starting point is 00:21:12 It's like, you know, these big, wide 20-foot lanes that it's shoulder to shoulder. Like, you're just moving with the tide. Right. Uniquely, yes. Like, when you get to, like, a spot where you're at Strongman, people then notice. They'll come over. Or if he was waiting outside the bathroom, he would get crushed.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Yes. He loves it. He did his appearance with Justin Medeiros just today at the Rogue booth. That's cool. We're close with Justin. We worked out at the gym in the morning and had breakfast at one of our favorite spots. It's just a fun trip like that every year.
Starting point is 00:21:49 We just have a great routine. Rogue honestly makes it super easy on those guys. It takes incredible care of them. It's really a fun week. Hey, Matt, from what I can just see on social media, he's really taken to being a dad. He's just fully embraced the baby. What, what are you seeing? Is it, does he, does he, does he bring the baby there or is he just can't wait to get home to get back to the baby? What's his deal?
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah, the baby, you know, we're traveling the full unit every once in a while where we can, but you know, they're, you know, they were in Hawaii for a bit in the winter and came back. And I think really intent on getting her in a routine and being home. But yeah, it's mostly like him just chomping to get out of there and get home once his work's done. I mean, he is loving this phase of his life. I mean, she is amazing, by the way. He got a great one. Great personality.
Starting point is 00:22:46 And you know, you leave for two days you know your kids grow and you know they learn a new you know uh facial expression or you know whatever it is but yeah she's waving and you know she's like you know coming a little bit of a ham now. She's awesome, honestly. They're doing unbelievable. Parenting gets an A-plus right now. They're having a blast. He's fully immersed in it, huh? Yeah, he's doing it. Look it.
Starting point is 00:23:16 That's not for a camera. I promise you that. That was going to be my question. He's fully like, wow. When you have a kid you're fine you have these moments where you're like okay this is actually what i was put on earth to do to take care of this human i mean matt we were yesterday so we were gone for about 30 hours whatever 30 to 40 hours um you know and sam you know he is getting videos all day from sammy he's that engaged
Starting point is 00:23:42 and yeah you know often 50 of the time he's like you know got a tear in his eye when he's watching stuff you know he just like you know eddie has uh all the all his heart at this point he it's so fun to watch i mean it's all you know it's interesting you know you watched him you know this hard guy that you know uh was tunnel focused on this thing for so long you know that's sort of how we've all engaged him as fans i mean he's got a great soft side and it's like really emerging right now yeah that stuff i mean if he really told the story on social people be like all right we get it you got a kid you know it would be like going over like the old days when you go over someone's house and they show you on a real projector their family vacation.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yeah. You've had enough. Totally. Okay, good. That makes me happy to hear he's obsessed like that. Yeah. They need to have more kids. They make great kids, and they're great parents.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Matt, there was this interview that Lauren Khalil did with um mal o'brien and there was a spot in there that really resonated with me where basically she describes the reason why she was takes a break and you know maybe there's many reasons but this is the one that i glommed on to the reason why she's taking a break is because she couldn't basically take her mind off of crossfit so it's it's 7 45 at night and she's taking a bite of a steak and she's already like, hey, I have 45 minutes to eat this. I need to be home and go to sleep. She's doing one workout. The second she finishes, she's thinking about tomorrow's workout.
Starting point is 00:25:11 It sounded like she could never just get to the present because she was so focused on what she needed to do. And I said it's reminiscent of Sundays for me when I went to school. I never enjoyed a sunday because i always knew monday i had school i just could not get settled as a kid when that seems like that would be a big problem for every crossfit athlete like i just love the way she articulated it when you hear that are you like yeah that's a common that's that's a thing because you hear about how you even um even rich froning um one year at the games he was sleeping in the back of his rv and i was talking to him and i said are you able are you sleeping good he goes no i'm just sitting here
Starting point is 00:25:54 running tomorrow's workouts in my head over and over and over i'm like holy shit yeah yeah you know it actually you know the experience with mal who's doing great i mean you know and and you know to hear her articulate that the way she did well first of all it's spot on and i would challenge anybody listening you and i relate to this it's like we're in the open right now you can relate to what mal has gone through on a daily basis for years matt rich any of these guys um because think about what we go through at the open it's like before you start you're like what Mal has gone through on a daily basis for years, Matt, Rich, any of these guys. Because think about what we go through at the open. It's like before you start, you're like, you know, want to throw up.
Starting point is 00:26:35 And then, you know, you're anticipating getting in the gym to do that. And then, you know, you do your workout and you're like, shit, I could have done that faster. Do I do it again? That's every day. In a lot of ways for these guys. The metrics that, you know, the data they're giving back is, am I progressing or not a lot of times? And, you know, you work really hard as coaches to try to, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:57 ground them in the journey and that there's, you know, days we're off the throttle and we're not always going to be, you know, peak performing. Yeah, zero journey, all destination. You nailed it. They get stuck in the destination. They're just waiting. It's performing. Yeah, zero journey, all destination. You nailed it. They get stuck in the destination. They're just waiting. It's really... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I mean, all of them, I'm sure, have some layer of this and some more intensity. You know, what's interesting is, like, going through the whole thing the last, you know, year and a half or whatever with Mal, you know, it kind of grounded me back to my experience with Matt in that, you know, Matt went through... I think they're, like, very prototypical. Well, not prototypical. They're very, like, much... kind of grounded me back to my experience with matt and that you know matt went through i think they're like very prototypical what not prototypical they're very like much perfectly alike um you know yeah the mechanisms in the brain for all we really are all the same we all have the same cpu or it does this plays the same tricks on us i totally agree and he i watched him go through
Starting point is 00:27:43 this where it would be like, you know, coming back and this rowing workouts he'd use as like a, where am I at? And be like, shit, maybe I took too much time off. Like, you know, living in the, in the interval a lot of times and, um, you know, having days where it's like, damn, I just like lost a workout to Tia by minutes, you know, but, you know, their body's responding different to training and it's like hard to root them in that and be like, Hey dude, you're just beat up or like take a day off. He was really good at that. Like listening to his body and in, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:15 using those metrics positively at times. But you know, I watched him go through it and what you just described about Rich is like, I mean, that is the games it's like you know Matt would always get his own would get his own room block it out you know between workouts you go in there what I would think sleep and then I found out you know in the middle of his career I'm like what
Starting point is 00:28:35 he'd been doing and it's that it's like watching back what he did the prior just to make sure he can pick up on some things that maybe he can get better at for the future and then yeah going through what i know is the workout tonight and like you know in his head i mean it's that's a that that week's wild yeah you know or anytime they compete so yeah it's um she did put it perfectly you couldn't have said it better i can't even do as good a job articulating it it's it's constant especially you know they're all you
Starting point is 00:29:06 know at the games at this you know insane world elite level but now there's like some layers and you know when you're competing for or you're in that conversation to be the best that year ever i mean it's even more daunting you know it's like you know you you feel like you have to be more perfect is really what i think happens to everybody in that scenario it's even more daunting. It's like you feel like you have to be more perfect is really what I think happens to everybody in that scenario. It's like, hey, there's no finish second. There's no success unless it's up from here. Flats even failure when you're that elite.
Starting point is 00:29:37 So, yeah, it's a battle. But I don't think it's unique to CrossFitters. It's just I think what life is like when you're in the public eye and you're playing a very high-profile, or you have a very high-profile role. Or your brain gets... Being the president. Also, this, right, that's wild, being in politics.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Also, it's this, too. They're in a weird paradox oh that's a great picture of her they're in a weird paradox because when they are working out is probably when they're set free for it so the cure for their issue is to work out and go hard but but but it's kind of like being an alcoholic and you feel better when you drink it's like well therein lies the issue yeah yeah you're stuck in this fucked up loop right yeah it's wild do you i i can't get a i can't get a feel on she also said one more thing that was interesting she said oh she said a bunch of stuff that was interesting but she's basically
Starting point is 00:30:42 said when she was i think i'm paraphrasing when she was 13, she wanted to be the CrossFit games champion. And now she's, she's older, you know, whatever she is seven years older and the dream has changed. Maybe she alluded that maybe the dream has changed. And,
Starting point is 00:30:56 and she drew a comparison to like, maybe a little boy who wants to be a police officer. And then he gets older or a firefighter and he doesn't, and it's easy for him to let go. But now she's in the spotlight and it might be hard for her to let go and i and i had said to you on the flip side i had said to you before i'm like when this first went down when she pulled out i was like hey does can anyone just walk up to her and be like yo you're gonna fucking regret this shut up and get back in there and work and right because there is a place for that in people's lives you know i mean
Starting point is 00:31:25 you take your kid to a jiu-jitsu tournament they start crying you're like no get out there they do it they're like oh my god i'm so glad i did it does does any does any part of you being so close to her and a father or like oh man you have so much talent like i think we all think that for sure if t is not, Mal wins the games. Do you have any personal feelings you're willing to share on that? Like you're like, yeah, I know I want you to take care of yourself, but if you win the games in five years, you're not going to regret it. I promise you. We're not asking you to do fentanyl.
Starting point is 00:32:00 You know what I mean? Like there's this – Totally. There's this – it's tough it's tough i i i struggle with exactly how i because i think of when i think of her i try to think of her as like if she was my daughter and how i would you could man i would how i would manage that you couldn't have described i mean her articulation of you know dreaming to be a firefighter or police officer or whatever those things are when you're aer or police officer or whatever those things are when you're a kid or professional athlete whoever has those dreams well we can
Starting point is 00:32:30 all relate to that and then what the reality is or how it actually plays out you know or you know in what we all know especially you know you go through adolescence and you mature you know your mind and body changes and your focus and goals do such a grand analogy from her because i think it's always hard to look at take what athletes do and look at it as a their job and and you know relate it to what you do i think we you know often put them on a pedestal that for sure they are super superhuman and we or you know they should be different and like look at what you're leaving aside it's like you know nobody's saying that to you know the president that resigns or like you know because of the same issues or you know they're
Starting point is 00:33:15 like oh yeah that job sucks like i would be it's just hard like people and i think it's because they're fans and they want to see her do her thing too. Right. It's like, shit. Right. You know, we didn't get to see her possibly make some history and you know, but yeah, I mean, honestly, this is great. I'm glad you asked because, you know, I think it is important. Like I, you know, I, that is exactly what my gut reaction was as we were going through some of this stuff last year. It was like, I think she's going to regret this. Cause you know, we were just, you know, and she was like having a hard time pinpointing it and like thinking about you know really what
Starting point is 00:33:49 was going on and how she wanted to get through it you know and you know what you know or process it and you know that probably you know there was probably not probably there was a point at which that's probably exactly that is exactly what i said to her i was like you know i think you might regret this because you know we were having a hard time, you know, figuring out really what was going on and helping her make a decision. Um, you know, so yeah, I mean, I, I could, I honestly, I couldn't, like, I felt exactly that many times as did she, as did she, by the way, you know, in the process of all this, she's in such a great place now, but there are some times last year where, you know, that, that was, you know, a mistake I made where I was like, you know, Hey, all I got,
Starting point is 00:34:32 it's kind of my default at this point, because I, you know, with the information I have, I think that's it is like every step along the way, she knows this, you know, we know this is that I think, you know, we we and i tried to make the best decision or help her with the best advice we could at the time with the information that we had which would be very different today with the information i have than at the time last year right and you know but we got through it and she's doing really good you know and i think that's it is like people need to realize she's a 20 year old woman developing your mind's developing, you're learning, you know, what you love and don't, how you feel when you do certain things. You know, remember that when we're analyzing these things, it's like,
Starting point is 00:35:16 you know, she's a, you know, a maturing, you know, a woman, you know, she's gone through a lot of changes in her life. She's only 20. Yeah. I think she's turning 21 soon, but yeah, she's gone through a lot of changes in her life. She's only 20. She's only 20. Yeah, I think she's turning 21 soon. But yeah, she's 20. It's like this. Someone might want to go to college and become a lawyer and get their law degree. And I don't have the stats on it, but I suspect that the vast majority of people who spend their whole life being lawyers are miserable. It's a fucking shitty job. It off right yeah and i started on oh yeah okay and my mom was one and it's um it's a trippy way to live your life as a lawyer and but but you went to school for
Starting point is 00:35:58 it you make that investment in the beginning and then and so when you get to the end of that road you might maybe you might regret it maybe you won't but when matt was in his fourth year and he was thinking of not doing it his fifth year you did push him i did right and you did you did and i'm guessing he has zero regrets he's like fuck yeah i mean it's a really important distinction from fourth from the four that rich one that he has five. By important, I mean relatively, not in like world leadership, but relatively, it's very important. I mean, and that's the world you're just immersed in too, right? It's like, you know, nothing else really matters at that point.
Starting point is 00:36:37 It's like, you know, we're in this, you know, and God, how hard is it to get yourself to the point where you can actually go out and try to accomplish that four times in a row? You know, this is a long haul. Four years of doing this style training and competing. Yeah, it's the same there. You know, it's interesting. I've really reflected on this through the mouth stuff is that. And I knew it at the time it was there's risk and inherent risk and everything. But I was I put myself out,
Starting point is 00:37:06 you know, and that's our relationship, but that could have looked very differently, you know, depending on like how he put himself forward to that last year or, you know, what the results were. I mean, all in, I had no concerns, you know, but like, think about the fact of like, you know, now I know I'm retiring at the end of this year. Does that affect how you approach things? It's definitely a risk. And you risked the relationship by opening your mouth too.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I did. You know, I did. You risked the relationship opening your mouth. Yeah. In both scenarios, that was the case. And it's, but it, you know, quite frankly, that's my role in the end. If I'm not willing to do that then i'm useless really like i mean i know we do so many things together but if in the most important moment or like i feel
Starting point is 00:37:52 so strong because i know somebody so well that if i don't speak up that sucks so you know it was hard but you know that that piece could look very differently today for the for the two of us and and not that matt would have turned around and pointed back to me it's like you forced me to do this and it didn't go right or anything but you know that stuff can hurt you know and you know i i put or she could have just said hey i don't trust you i shared this with you and you didn't you know you know how it could go you didn't listen to me and you're not listening to me and it could have just gone sideways absolutely i mean the
Starting point is 00:38:25 mat is your relationship with her good is your relationship with her good oh great yeah okay yeah sorry i didn't want to make the assumption okay good no no no no yeah i check out all the time i mean like she's she's worlds away now in kawaii but yeah we've we saw each other at waza spent some time we always we always try to find time to stay connected. But yeah, for sure. And my experience with Matt, by the way, was then part of the data and information I had to maybe try to help Mal with her decision. But again, there's nuances and differences with the two of them.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And that part was, hey, what I know is we've been through this. And that example alone was one one shared and it's you know yeah it's complex really is you know and and I watched Matt go through that and god even his last year was the COVID year right so it's like you know think about him you know I want he wanted to I was thinking about retiring actually said I'm retiring we talked through it and he's like yeah I'll give it one more year that's you know that's the right move and then all of a sudden the games are possibly canceled you know he's
Starting point is 00:39:32 sitting at home and he's like oh my god I gotta do this another year you know and by the way for context funny we were talking with Jeff Adler last night in hindsight by the way it's really cool that he got to do the COVID games at the time I fucking hated it but in hindsight now that we're through it what a cool kind of excuse to have a weird event like that i reference that games all the time i feel incredibly honored and privileged
Starting point is 00:39:55 to have been at that crossfit games i feel extremely disappointed that i didn't get to go historic in you know what he accomplished but you know it was just an intimate experience like you know the games is is chaos on like the coaching and athlete side being with them um when you know when the fans and all the athletes and there's you know four heats of each there just was like you know we there was a lot of good time with the five people you know that were competing against each other their coaches um the t and matt thing will never happen again we won't see that ever again where that last workout the way they finished together that shit was crazy like um not romantic like in the in the sexual way but it was like romantic it was like felt like it was we were looking at something that happened a thousand years ago it was cool as shit yeah it is historic
Starting point is 00:40:50 yeah i have that photo in my in my office downstairs it's um yeah it was such a great two of the two of the greatest who ever did it crossing the finish line together i mean it's like it's a trip it is it was it was unreal honestly but that without yeah that games was unbelievable but you know in the process of that we're like oh boy like what's this look like you know is this gonna happen or not and that was a tough year um which makes his results even more incredible that was a really hard year for him to process and train and there are a lot of curveballs with uncontrollable things like covid which are hard to ignore at that point you know where you're like i'm i'm done i'm supposed to be done at the
Starting point is 00:41:29 end of this year like what's going on is this happening not oh yeah um yeah but but you know anyway on the like back to the you know advice side of that but yeah i mean i think my experience with him helped you know with mal but you know i made a lot of mistakes in that process too right we all did and you know but we're all friends so it's not um we were just working really hard to try to help her make her best decision you know or get her in a position to make her best decision which i think she did i mean at this point you know she's working really hard to figure out what's next and i know she's probably she's got some exciting stuff coming up she's doing great i guess that's the distinction right um so on the i was coming at it with the bias of what i think the best decision is when maybe she
Starting point is 00:42:23 needed to maybe she needed to be around people probably who helped facilitate her to make the best decision because in my mind all i just keep thinking is is hey you won't regret if if you win you won't regret it you're not going to look back and be like no matter how bad it gets um you won't regret it but but my opinion is completely biased i'm not even taking her into consideration right i'm just like that was my default too yeah so you're spot you're spot on like that was the default because when you're not necessarily super clear about like what's going on and how to process this it's like okay well been through this and what i know is you know um watching matt you know or any of these i shouldn't even just focus on matt every one of these athletes struggles in
Starting point is 00:43:11 some way shape or form like this at some point it's just the battle and uh you know but particularly with him watching you know get through it you know the the actual uh act of overcoming and accomplishing over that was you know valuable alone never mind what the results were to him and like his long his life you know and how he set himself up so yeah i mean the default is like okay cool like we are struggling to make a decision you are by the way i made that mistake too i probably like tried to say like hey you know at a point where it was like hard to make a decision be like hey i think this is a decision you should make which i've learned really in this situation that's
Starting point is 00:43:50 not ever a place that i want to be again you know i i want to make sure that i'm saying you know this is information i have experiences i have to help her make the decision i mean she made her decision let's just be hyper clear but there's definitely a point along the way where it was like you know i think you should do this you know and that on i learned from that you know because i think you know that that might have made it harder for that week that i might have said that or whatever but yeah it's um it's it's just interesting where they sit it's you know i think we all including myself sometimes forget that you know it's not dissimilar from experiences we've had just in different venues, really. Athletics is a job, a goal, a dream.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Let me say this, too, on top of that. I don't mean to sound defensive, even though this is pretty defensive. It's not that anyone was like, hey, you should do the CrossFit game. It's like, yo, you you're gonna win that shit this isn't this isn't uh um someone in the in the in the in the we're not talking about the top 15 or the top 10 or the top five we're talking about you know tia's out and like it's all there here you go young lady go. Go get it. Absolutely. Yeah, there was a lot on the line. I'm hearing rumblings, Matt, that she's going to do High Rocks this month. Do you have any insights into that that you can share? I would not be comfortable sharing that.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Okay. And I knew you'd give that answer, but I'm glad I still asked so we can read your face. That's good. I do. She's training, and she's going to do do some stuff coming up and she's been showing us her training she's saying that she's running more yeah yeah yeah i knew that um yeah stay tuned i think you know i'll let her narrate that that's important to me by the way like you know i don't want to be ambiguous but i've learned a lot through this process too which is you know
Starting point is 00:45:44 and especially dealing with someone that you know people from the outside could say like she's a kid she's not a kid she's an adult and um but you know she's you know sorry she's out speaking more more present you know you should be narrating her life she gives great interviews from her she gives great interviews uh there's a lot of 20 year olds who can't string together three fucking sentences. She gives great interviews. She's present. She's chatty. Kathy. She's articulate. I mean, I've been impressed with what she did on Brian friends podcast and Lauren Khalil. She did. I mean, she came she came with her a game I thought. I mean she came. She came with her A game I thought. Yeah, the – yeah, I've watched clips of them all. I've lived it.
Starting point is 00:46:30 She is very articulate and smart. And I didn't know she could talk up until that point. I don't think the world knows whether she could talk or not. Yeah. So – It's like – Some of these guys we get on here and they can't talk. They just haven't gotten enough reps in. It's a classic case of what you know i think you know she it's not calculating it's just you know her she speaks when she's ready to speak you know and
Starting point is 00:46:56 she's sorted through things and really process them that's just the way mal is in general it's not you know she you know she just doesn't like tell you what's on her mind at all times. She like figures out what's on her mind and then she, you know, figures out how to best articulate it. She also processes all angles of it, which they all, you know, that's elite thinking in, in, you know, in, in, in processing. So she's awesome. Honestly. How did she decide to come forward? What, what was, was there something that she was like okay i'm
Starting point is 00:47:25 ready to talk like do you know what the catalyst was that was like okay i want to talk to the i'm willing to let the world in on what's going on with me oh you mean like the most recent interviews yeah the two interviews um you know uh coop it works day to day on that side with her. Who, by the way, he's a business partner of mine in the agency. Yeah, I think it was just like, I mean, she's been getting more comfortable.
Starting point is 00:47:53 She was at Waterpalooza, very outgoing there, and doing some appearances and stuff. I think she, it wasn't that she reached out. I think people do reach out and ask him or her for interviews. And I think she was like, yeah, maybe it's time for me to talk. I feel good about it. I mean, she had just announced that. I think a lot of processing was like, am I competing this year or not?
Starting point is 00:48:19 And she had just kind of announced that she wasn't. So I think people reached out. She's like, yep, I'm ready to talk. That's cool. Well, it's a treat for the community when she does that, when she comes forward. So I think people reached out and she's like, I'm ready to talk. That's cool. Well, it's a treat for the community when she does that, when she comes forward, people care,
Starting point is 00:48:28 people want to know people are invested in, in the store, in the story of the entire space. I hope she's, you know, we'll see, like, I hope she comes to the games this year and enjoys it.
Starting point is 00:48:38 You know, it's a, it's a tough spot. I mean, you know, where it was such a big part of your life and goals and dreams. I can understand why it would be hard to go there. Like, even athletes who are tired have a hard time going to things like that.
Starting point is 00:48:55 It's just, you know. Hey, going to the games and not having something to do is hard. Like, I have no interest in doing that. Like, if I wasn't there. If she needs something to do, I can help her with that. We got plenty to do. Yeah, good, good. You know what that week looks like.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Fold these shirts, man. Fold these shirts. Yeah, for sure. Let me get to this question here. And then I want to talk to you about scotland a little bit too in this uh katie's making me nervous moving the show to scotland a fergie show o'keefe ran a clydesdale event you're gonna have to tell me what that was uh called uh led waterpluse is strong during his loud and live days any chance that could survive as an offshoot of processFit? What's Clydesdale event?
Starting point is 00:49:45 What's that? I think he's referring to like a strength-focused event, maybe. I don't know. If you're on here, maybe you can clarify. But, yeah, that is – we had Wazza Strong, which was like a crossover of CrossFit and Strongman. And Rob Orlando was our partner on it for a bit. That was a super cool event.
Starting point is 00:50:11 You know, super, super cool event. So, yeah, like they did like stones and like low rep muscle-ups. They did heavy, heavy deadlifts. Like you've seen there, yeah. That was a cool event. Yeah, we launched that my first year there uh rob orlando programmed and promoted it did a great job with it um i don't know why it's not doing it do you have any interest in doing events anymore
Starting point is 00:50:38 operating them no i mean we're i mean we're at and running i guess micro events all the time but i not at that level. I mean, we're going to start giving access to our affiliate HQ this year. We have a 24.3. We have 100 members coming to do the workout, watch Jason do the workout. Yeah, a little bit. I think fun stuff we can do. We'll probably do an olympic weightlifting
Starting point is 00:51:05 strength uh strength combination meet at some point with rob and amy fun stuff like that but i you know i'll let other people run the events and we'll go and support them and build a better experience for them all right you know we got enough going on right now at this point yeah when you heard katie was moving rogue to scotland to depart did you get anxious for like i got anxious for i don't even know what it takes to run an event and i was like oh shit because the event is massive that they put on with so many like so much garnish and so many fun things in the mountain and all that equipment, I was like, holy shit. This is how much fear I have of Zero. They're so buttoned up.
Starting point is 00:51:50 And they have a great team, many of which I got the opportunity to work with, including them at Waza. So, yeah, I mean, I'm really excited about that. And I don't know what the overall – You'll go to that. You'll go to that for sure right and and you know probably run around europe before and after for hrpo and i've been to aberdeen by the way uh we toured europe last year and rob lawson has crossford aberdeen and he works with rogue on on their events um we did an event you know
Starting point is 00:52:23 a couple events at his affiliate. It's a, like, what you're seeing is literally what you're going to experience. It is badass. You know, there's a castle there in Aberdeen. I don't remember what the name of it is. Maybe it's the Aberdeen Castle. So call me a dum-dum, somebody. Right, but
Starting point is 00:52:40 that castle you just saw there for a sec, it's got, like, you know, William Wallace history. That's like a historic place that he entered in like, I don't know, 1,500 years ago or 1,700 years, like something crazy. So, I mean, it's such a cool – I'm a history geek. So Scotland's where it's at for some history if you're interested. And the culture is great. The people are great.
Starting point is 00:53:05 I mean, this will thrive locally because, you know, fitness, strength sports are such a big part of their, you know, heritage and culture. But Europe in general, too. I mean, like, watch what happens in France this year at that semifinal. And then you'll also understand they're just starving for events like this. Brilliant move.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Honestly, I think it's awesome. You know, I mean, selfishly, I'd love it right down the street that time of year so that I can, you know, just get in and out. Right. What about Boston, Katie? Yes. But by the way, by no means, by no means am I suggesting that there that if anyone couldn't do it, could do it. It's not them or i'm not suggesting that it'll be bad or anything like that what i'm suggesting is you move an event like that to
Starting point is 00:53:48 scotland that's 5 000 more phone calls between now and then that's a hundred thousand more texts that's a lot of moving pieces i i just start empathizing and thinking wow like you have to remember every piece of equipment she has to fucking track that shit over the ocean and get it there. They've got to coordinate with their European headquarters. It's just a lot. It's just… Big deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:11 I hope the fans… I mean, I'm sure they'll be understanding. I'd go to gratitude. They don't need to do that. No. And they don't even need to do the event, to be honest with you. And they do because they love both sports that are involved in that event. They love this community fitness training and they want to put on a great show for the fans and provide opportunities for athletes. I mean, there, you can't say enough good things about
Starting point is 00:54:39 those guys and what they do and why they do it. Uh, there's nothing there that you see is like, you know, tied back to revenue or, you know, i don't need to sell more of this you know people say oh bullshit but truly i mean you know them as well as i do i i 100 i 100 agree that they're not like oh my god what a great marketing strategy we just sold fucking everything yeah i i i mean they're having fun with that and katie's doing it it's not like she's like hiring someone to do it katie is fucking doing it they work real hard yeah people need yeah they don't get to see that and that's you know how they are i mean they don't want credit or you know accolades uh they grind they work their ass off yeah she's why does bill
Starting point is 00:55:23 stay so low profile why do you think that is, Bill stays so low profile? I mean, she stays low profile too, but at least now she comes on the show once in a while and slaps me around. But what's up with Bill? I don't know. Is it that he's an introvert? What's the deal? He's an awesome guy.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I mean, I consider him in a lot of ways a mentor. You know, he's incredible. I don't know. I've never asked him. I mean, it's never really dawned on me. You know, it's funny, you know. He's never given an interview. The only footage I've ever seen of him talking is in the behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I've never seen him give an interview. I've asked him to be on the podcast. I mean, he's a good texter. I don't know if he's a good texter but he responds to text like he grunts and or he's he's uh i don't i don't know the answer to that i mean it's his style like you know do the work and you know it you know support the people around you i i don't i honestly have never asked him about it, but I mean, it's, it's honestly something we should all look at it, you know, depending on what your role is, but you know, it's yeah, he, he's,
Starting point is 00:56:34 he's awesome. I try to, you know, do things like those two do all the time. Yeah. I think mimicking them is really smart. And I'm failing right now on this podcast. Well, you have a different role. You have a different role. Speaking of speaking out, we recently found out that Fikowski had a torn meniscus in 2021, and then 2022 he had the surgery. So two tough years for him.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Still made it to the game. Still put on a show. And some of the guys were still— Did he talk about that? that no he did not uh his uh his um i think it's his trainer talked about it on coffee pods and water his coach coach yeah on pedro's podcast and the guys were on the show last night and they were like admiring fikowski for that the the other three guys on the show besides me were like yeah we think that's kind of cool i i could i tried to ask him to explain it and i couldn't get my head wrapped around it what do you think i i want to know that stuff like i'm following you i want
Starting point is 00:57:33 to know i i never think that it's an excuse i'm never like i know a lot of people go there they're like hey that's an excuse i'm like if if my – I like knowing what my horse is doing. Is there a fine line there? Is it like – like I just want to tell the athletes, fuck those haters that say like you're making an excuse. I want to hear what you're going through. I'm so happy Amanda Barnhart is keeping us up to speed on what's going on with her shoulder. I like knowing that. You know what? That's a really good example right you know me too like i i you know let's be invested in her i'm curious
Starting point is 00:58:13 what did she do to heal it how is she going to do did she push through there's tension about whether she's going to do the open i'm now i'm invested in there i'm never like judging her for it i know a lot of assholes are but i'm not not like, Hey, shut the fuck up. That's a bit it, right? Like, you know, she's truly doing that because Amanda,
Starting point is 00:58:32 you know, sees her role with, you know, as a pub, as a public person in her profile to, you know, share her fears, doubts,
Starting point is 00:58:40 insecurities, experiences to help. And she's a PT dude. And she's a PT. What and she's a pt what a great like a self-study it's um such a fine line you could not have put that better and you know i think of like you know what does that look like if brent's like you know at and i knew that that was going on and you know i knew all about that and you know that was the way he wanted that process i don't think i've ever spoken to it.
Starting point is 00:59:05 That's why I just asked you who told you, because I'm not going to be the one that says, yeah, you know, he, I tricked you. Yeah. He's,
Starting point is 00:59:14 cause you can look at that. Like, what does it look like if Brent's, you know, leading into the games and he's like, you know, just communicating that, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:21 I blew, you know, I have a torn this, this, and this, you know, there's like a 50 50 50 reaction to that. And you're seeing it with Amanda right now. And Amanda's like,
Starting point is 00:59:31 I don't care the 50% that are positively reacting to that. I'm all over that. You know, that's why I'm doing this. Good. Yeah. I mean, as sport fans and fans of the sport, you'd love to know everything that's going on. I will tell you that, you know, these guys go through a lot from an injury perspective you know they're um just short of bubble gum and duct tape to you know at the crossfit games often you know so you know people should you know i know we look at it and know how incredible it is what they do it's even more incredible than you can realize because of that it's just really hard and they get beat up like
Starting point is 01:00:04 man to shoulder like that's – that's not pretty – I mean, it's not uncommon to, you know, see shoulder injuries and, you know, wrists and, you know, knees. And, I mean – and, again, I was most embedded with Matt through his career. Like, I mean, he always had stuff, you know. I mean, he talks about it now. He tore a ligament in his knee at the – I think it was the first games in Madison stretching.
Starting point is 01:00:31 That's crazy. He's doing a pigeon stretch, and he came over, and he's like, hey, I think I just tore the ligament on the outside of my knee. It made a noise. Did he win the games that year? Oh, yeah. That was the year he fell off the net off fell off the net with him oh god and you know same thing he fell off that net he tore his hip flexor so you know he he was he was battered and so look at those results and but but he you know he come
Starting point is 01:01:02 up to me and was like i don't want to hear about this we'll talk about it after he's like i'm just giving you the information i was like okay you know but hey does that is that scary for you uh being a father like when he says that to you are you like oh shit like do i need to throw it's like a boxer watching your dude get beat up like when do you throw in the towel right be different that because it's you know we're talking about i mean anything can be like detrimental to your long-term you know yeah you don't want to do something to where he's got to limp the rest of his life concussion would be an easier one to be like no i'm not we're not not we're not ignoring this but I played sports in college like I've been hurt quite a bit and I know how that feels and I played with a blown knee a whole season one year in sport like you know
Starting point is 01:01:52 just put a brace on it so yeah I don't I mean maybe that experience helps me with being grounded and being an athlete and understanding you know we're to do whatever we can to get on the floor. Yeah, I never, you know, yeah, I was worried for him in that moment. Same for Brent in those moments to say like, you know, man, it sucks. You work so hard. I hope this isn't the thing that doesn't get you where you want to get. You know, that's the more of the concern. It's like being in the weeds with these guys on a daily basis. You know, it's, I know everybody knows they work hard.
Starting point is 01:02:24 It's just, you know, look at the stuff with these guys on a daily basis you know it's i know everybody knows they work hard it's just you know look at the stuff with mal like they're all going through mental and physical anguish and pain all the time it's such a hard training you know approach too it's so much volume and they put all that time and it's like you know you can go to the games and get bronchitis and you're screwed you know it's like it's really hard you know it's it sucks and you know often they're all like so stressed they do get sick at the games like you know the sniffles coughs it's honestly it's chaos and um yeah it totally concerned for sure but on different levels like his knee injury i was like cool i mean he needs me at that point to build confidence in him too right so it's like,
Starting point is 01:03:09 I can't be like, how's your knee? Okay. Like everything good, like over checking on him. Cause he'll be like, well, did I limp? Like what was wrong? Like, am I not moving fast enough? So you got to shut it down at that point. It's part of the job. How did, how did Matt process, um, uh, Mal's journey? Was that hard? Uh, Hwpo comes out of the gate super hot crazy uh fan favorite for programming all of these verticals running the business podiums everywhere the vermont gym's beautiful he has a kid he had he's training the the the next biggest and greatest athlete in the world and then there's that hiccup there with her was Was that hard? Was that hard? Like tear shedding hard? Oh, for sure. I mean, we're so emotionally invested with everybody that's a part of our team, whether it's an employee or an athlete, a member, you know, the, you know, their success and goals and results are, you know, paramount to everything else we do. Like we're really just
Starting point is 01:03:59 focused on helping people, you know, get where they want to get. Like when you hire an employee, you almost feel like you failed. You know what I not that i mean he didn't fire him out but you know that feeling like you're like fuck i've done everything what am i going to do with this guy and then you got to call him and be like hey dude it's not i can't get i failed you i'm firing you but i kind of failed you often that is the case yeah truly you know it's it's uh you know i couldn't lead you i couldn't make it happen total uh you know and it's, it's, uh, you know, I couldn't lead you. I couldn't make it happen. Total. Uh, you know, and that seems like the guy who would own that. And Matt seems also like the kind of guy who would own that.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Like he expects the best from himself. Uh, it's, uh, it's a blessing and a curse and it's now translated into his, you know, coaching, you know, business life. Yeah. I mean, super self-reflective and, and yeah, we all had a hard time with that, him not being unique to that. And, you know, and again, it probably was harder for him because he's been through it. And I think that's where you get more, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:57 you have more conviction in that you just do this and get through this because I know what it feels like on the other side. It's probably hard. I mean, it's not probably, it was harder for those two than anyone you know and her the most but yeah he yeah I mean that was it was super hard you know it totally I mean and you know he just wants what's best for her in the grand scheme of things and but he's you're gonna think about it like coach mentor friend. I mean, they, Mal is family. Like Mal's like eating dinner at their house two, three nights a week. You know, they, they're helping raise her at that point. So yeah, it was super hard, you know, really emotional. And you also know, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:40 you know, it's hard because you want to push and you don't want to push people over the edge. It's again, it comes with the job. Nobody wants to, you know, it's hard because you want to push and you don't want to push people over the edge. It's again, it comes with a job. Nobody wants to, you know, a party for it, but, you know, cause we're super privileged to be in the position we're in, but it's not easy. Yeah. It's, but it was, the whole thing was hard for everybody. Everybody involved, Sammy, Matt, myself, the rest of the team. I mean, Jake Marcotti is one of, um, Mal's best friends in the world, you know, really hard for him, you know, because we didn't want Mal to be suffering is really all it was about.
Starting point is 01:06:11 It was like, man, we watched, it was hard for her. And there's nothing you can do. It's not like you can be like, hold on, let me take this rock off your back. That is the hardest part, which is, I think, you know, everybody, everybody, you know, that has success, you know, has a bit of like, you know, control freaking them at times, you know, so it's like, I got the answer is probably how a lot of us felt at one time or another. Yeah, man, it was. Yeah, I made a video on it. And I got 50,000 views.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I have the answer, Mal. Yeah, you're totally right. I made a video on it and I got 50,000 views. I have the answer, Mal. Yeah, you're totally right. Hey, does Matt ever itch to compete again? Could we ever see Matt compete again in anything? Paper airplane throwing?
Starting point is 01:07:01 Does he have that itch? I mean, he was on the biggest – he was on a big stage, people cheering, working hard. Like, does he miss that? I don't know. I don't think so if I'm directly, quickly answering that. We talked a bit about this yesterday, honestly. I was starting to talk about that before. We're in the car with Jeff Adler coming back from dinner last night, and he was explaining he's like i had a whole career before this career and you know so i you know i had miles on me was
Starting point is 01:07:31 what he was talking about you know jeff's like 30 this year he was asking matt when he stopped and all that stuff and uh but but anyway you know he he was i never heard him describe it like this he was like i thought i was done athletics, went in to get in shape. And he was like, I was asking him, he's like, oh, my God, I'm going to start something all over again now. He had done 10 years in weightlifting. So he's got it out. He's competed on the world stage in two sports at a really high level,
Starting point is 01:08:01 nearly was always in the Olympic conversation for weightlifting and then got hurt. So I think he's good there, but he's highly competitive. So you can imagine what that looks like in now a different venue business. He wants to win. He wants to do things the best. He wants to, you know, have the best coaching staff and, you know, you know, provide the best experience to our members. So I think he's really thriving in that is, is, you know, and he's got his hands in a lot of different businesses podium. You know, he's really having fun with that aspect of his life.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Will he ever compete again in anything? I mean, you can never say never to stuff like that. Like there's nothing that I know are on the horizon there. He's really starting to enjoy training again, which, you know, I think is something that a lot of people from afar look at and be like because you know there's you know um that top tier of athletes that have won the games multiple times and you know like rich still trains a ton right and you know i think crossfitters look at that and they're like you know that's a cro you know that's what a crossfitter or competitor should
Starting point is 01:09:01 do you know now it's like you know you still training hard, but you're just not competing. But, you know, it was a sport, it was his job. And, you know, it was hard for him to go into a gym and look at it from a lifestyle approach like we do, you know, and, or say like, Hey, like, you know, I'll train, I'll do the open and put my scores on the board and they'll be mediocre. Like you gotta really understand how hard i mean like lance probably never rides a bike without clipping in where you and i could give two shits about clipping it exactly but he would be like are you kidding me what's the point
Starting point is 01:09:36 yeah he's he's really enjoying training again which is so i'm really happy for him because you know and he's like very aware of his uh health and wellness at this point and you know really trying to like dial in all things around that and training a piece of he's helping sammy and i train for this marathon that we're doing we're doing boston in about you know five weeks and he's doing it too huh she is yeah i mean that's badass doing a marathon is incredibly hard um how about you know running literally seven months to the day after you give birth so um she's you know she's incredible and the fact that she's even training right now is like mind-boggling yeah and you're still and you're still growing the baby even when it's outside you still got to feed this sucker
Starting point is 01:10:23 yeah she's breastfeeding still like she's you know not on her schedule she's on eddie's schedule she's she's killing she's incredible she got the awpo vest too look at her yeah these were a gift to our team uh we had a big annual uh meeting beginning of december and so try to give these guys, you know, gifts. And so this was, yeah. So everybody,
Starting point is 01:10:48 everybody on our team has these. Hey, um, Tyson Bajan, uh, recently did the, uh, CrossFit open,
Starting point is 01:10:54 uh, 24.1 quarterback for the Chicago bears. How'd he do? He did great. He got eight something, dude. Uh, he did it.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Yeah, that is legit. What did did you get i didn't finish i got 163 reps you know it's crazy too i submitted a video and i marked it as unlisted and then just because i didn't want anyone to see it and then i see comments rolling in on it my friends are like yeah dumbass when you upload it people can click and watch the video good for you putting yourself out there oh that was a hard that was a lot harder than i thought that the workout looked more benign to me than it was i was 12 reps in i'm like i'm fucking done i had a torn meniscus i had a torn meniscus um uh he that's a, that's a, that's a, um, I mean, he's super,
Starting point is 01:11:46 I mean, I think that makes it the fittest guy in the NFL. I want to see everyone in the NFL try 24.1. You think, you think that I suspect that no one in that, that might be the fittest guy in the entire NFL. That I would say that workout with that weight for some guys, I bet there's,
Starting point is 01:12:04 you know, but the answer is, yeah, I mean, he's, he's definitely got to be up there, but like that particular workout, there might be somebody who can, because you know, that they're, I mean, they're all really fit their composition, you know, that dumbbells like a paperweight to them. And then no linemen, no linemen's doing that. And, and, and I don't even know about a running back might get gas, right? Like what position would do it like a kicker or a wide receiver like who's gonna who's gonna beat
Starting point is 01:12:31 that time in the nfl i want to see someone try if you haven't trained that way i mean you're smoked in the first 21 burpees at that point going oh my god what did i get myself into i mean i've been like training all like i've been doing cross training which has been super fun for the marathon but you know everything's like a bit longer in my approach on a daily basis i was shocked when i got to the 15 i'm like this dumbbells heavy like what is going on this dumbbells light you know i it that was hard that was hard sebi you should redo it i'm i'm been hacking uh i i've like i'm so fucking congested i'm a mess maybe i'll redo it like in a month or something when i'm not sick you know when you um uh you can actually taste your loogies i'm in that phase
Starting point is 01:13:17 you know what i mean yeah they're not green or yellow though it's an open open workout i don't even I don't even. You got a good score. Put it on the board. You're good. Yeah, I'm good. I'm happy. I'm happy I did it.
Starting point is 01:13:32 I'm happy I did it. But when I saw it, Hiller made a video of him doing it side by side with Tyson, and I was just blown away. I was like, wow. Did he beat Hiller? No, he didn't beat Andrew. Yeah, I mean, I would assume. But it was close. But they did a workout together last week, and he beat Andrew.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Oh, yeah. I think that is at Rogue they did it. Yeah, that's at Rogue, right? That's their demo room? That's the employee, Jim. Yeah, and Tyson's a big – big i mean he's a tall dude he's got he's probably like four or five inches taller than andrew you know i was at the combine last year and that didn't get a chance to meet him but i got to watch him do some things at the combine last year um and yeah he is he is tall i mean he's not tall by NFL standards, but he's not short. No
Starting point is 01:14:27 Yeah, he's a little over 6 3 in a big hand yeah and crazy fit and still young look at him I mean you can just tell too. He doesn't even have a fully matured body yet. He's a fucking 22 23 year old kid We were I watched his interview at the combine last year I watched his interview at the Combine last year. We were there. That was awesome. That whole experience last year for him at the Combine was like, I mean, man, that was a dream come true alone.
Starting point is 01:14:59 I mean, I'm putting myself in his shoes, but that was awesome. I mean, man, I hope he has a long, great career. He deserves it. He's legit. He's legit. He's legit. He deserves to be on a roster for sure. I hope he develops and gets an opportunity to start as not a guy who replaces the number one. I mean, he's got talent. I mean, God, anybody who puts numbers up like that at any level in college football,
Starting point is 01:15:22 I mean, he's the most prolific passer in the history of the sport at that level um i mean he'll figure it out the game's so hard and fast i mean you just need to adjust so i i mean he's gonna i think he's gonna have a good career how about one of the games he's the harlan trophy winner as a rookie and he got to play last year's heisman winner and he won i forget which team that was yeah that like that shit's never gonna happen again a harlan trophy winner will never play a heisman trophy winner ever again i will never wish that was more of a storyline when that happened i didn't even know that yeah that's crazy the best the best d2 it was it was the and that kid was cool too he came across the field and congratulated Tyson. Um, what was that kid's name? Oh, Carolina Panther. Yeah. That's Bryce Young. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:12 That's super from, from everything I've heard. Bryce Young was the noble athlete for a bit. Like I've heard he's a really nice kid. Yeah. What a tough, what a crazy thing, right? To have to go from being the best, one of the best to ever do it in college, and then be on a team that's 1-8. That's a fucking rude awakening, huh? Same with Chicago. Look at the same with Tyson.
Starting point is 01:16:36 One of the best to ever do it, and then that must be a fucking head trip. Welcome to the NFL. That is, man, I wish that was a bigger story when that happened. I mean, I knew he beat Carolina. No, the thing is, no one even wish that was a bigger story when that happened. I mean, I knew he beat Carolina. No, the thing is, no one even knew that game was happening. When two shit teams like that play, it's like no one knew this. This is how you create a storyline around an event like that. That would have been a great story. Adam Blakeslee, I don't think he was Heisman winner,
Starting point is 01:17:02 just the number one overall pick. Oh, okay. I don't know who won the Heisman winner, just the number one overall pick. Oh, okay. I don't know who won the Heisman that year. I don't. I followed college football. I don't remember. Caleb is going to either prove me right or not prove me right. Okay, I'm going to bring up one more fascinating topic that me and the boys were talking about last night.
Starting point is 01:17:24 In high school, Gazan benched i think 225 really yeah bryce young heisman trophy winner yes yeah you're right uh now now um she she benched 270 last year what yeah have you seen this video of her benches 270 it's nuts dude it's it is 70 i can't do that hey what do you think the equivalent of that is i was saying that puts her on the mount rushmore of like weird tricks that crossfit games athletes can do i put that like it's like a 400 pound men's bench. Okay, good. Okay. I said 500. The boys were saying 385. I just thought it's just such, such a crazy outlier.
Starting point is 01:18:13 You know what? You know what? By the way, I was going over this last night because we're watching the strong man, the strong woman competed as well. And if you look at the deadlift, I that's like very indicative of of uh the percentage play so like top guys were between 900 and a thousand pounds for the deadlift with the elephant bar and women were between you know six and 650 so i think that that was like because i've never like really i mean we have those stats in crossfit but like you know maybe because crossfit isn't like a you know olympic lifting sport, you know, there's some variability there, but where it's strength specific, I think we've got to get some
Starting point is 01:18:48 good data out of that event that I mean, it's always been there. I've just never paid attention to it, but it looks like that, that, that, that's like a fair way to assess, you know, what a male to female weight should look like. You know, I, I trip, I'm going to be honest with you. I trip on, um, to female woman, strong man a little bit. And I was reading all the comments and the people who were saying like, hey, these aren't really women or stuff like that. They were getting beat up pretty good. You know what I mean? Like, hey, you're just not used to a strong, powerful woman. And I was like, why am I tripping on this?
Starting point is 01:19:18 Like, I think women could be the best doctors, the best basketball players, the best CrossFitters, the best cooks, the best lawyers, the best whatever, you know, generals, whatever. But that sport, because they take a hormone. That's found naturally in men, it makes us more men. but because they put that hormone into i think this is why i'm because they put that hormone into women to make them stronger it it makes them more men and i think that's the part where i struggle with it because they're not that hormone plays a huge part of why we're men i don't know i struggle i struggle with women i struggle with i struggle with women taking testosterone i don't know. I struggle with women taking testosterone. I don't like them being turned into men. I don't know. I'm not judging them for it. I would be best friends with someone who did it. You know what I mean? But I wouldn't want my daughter to take testosterone. I just wouldn't. testosterone i don't like i i just wouldn't i agree with that i yeah it isn't it's such an interesting topic in general in sports is is um i'm gonna be so cool to look at human performance and know that the the playing field's incredibly level in every sport you know um but look at
Starting point is 01:20:39 gazan i think gazan's natural as fuck i mean and she and she benches 270, so it can be done. You can be an absolute freak at some male, traditional male movement. Well, that's what I'm talking about. I love that. I mean, you're seeing that from her. You're seeing the limits, you know, on that side of things. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. You know, people probably think I'm delusional, but, like, I think, I mean,
Starting point is 01:21:04 I'm not naive to think that that's not going on in CrossFit, but, you know, I look at people that I'm really close with, which is a lot of the guys and girls that go to the games on an annual basis, and, you know, I think it's a lot less – I mean, I don't know, like – I don't know of anybody that I'm close with that I would even think even 10%, 5% that way. It's not as prevalent as people speculate on. I believe that to my core.
Starting point is 01:21:34 I mean, I've shared hotel rooms with these guys. I mean, I've essentially lived with some of these people that we represented for for months leading up to the games so yeah i mean i guess you know you never know in the grand scheme of things but i feel like i really know on that side with at least the people i'm close with so yeah but i do struggle with that in sports it's like you know i'm a i'm a bit of a purist you know like i i um i love a human it's what's made me so attracted to crossfit human performance is outrageously cool and what is you know what our limits are and some people enjoy the fact that you know you can enhance that and then see what you know that extra gear looks like i don't you know it's not something for me and people be like well you love strong man i i i do
Starting point is 01:22:23 i've enjoyed watching it. Hey, it's the same with fighting. Sometimes I'm sitting there, and it's not uncommon. I'd say once a month I'm sitting on my recliner watching the UFC, and I'm like, man, this is a little barbaric. I don't know if, like. I love UFC. Yeah, but you know when there's points when a guy's just completely bloody, and every time he gets hit in the face, you're like, man, you got to stop this.
Starting point is 01:22:47 You're like, this guy's standing up. He's unconscious standing up. That, by the way, the last – I've been to a couple. Yeah, but the – I guess Strongman, by the way, to reference it, it would be like a level playing field on that side, right? In other sports, it's not because of that stuff. But on UFC, yeah, Matt and I went to a title fight Chandler and Oliveira in Houston I don't know a couple years ago wow that's the one where he kicked Oliveira in the head and didn't change his whole
Starting point is 01:23:15 face oh no no he Chandler lost that was Tony Ferguson. Ferguson, yeah. That was the first time that Oliveira won the belt. I mean, he was all but dead in the first round, which is sort of indicative of most of his fights. It's like he survives and then he just thrives. But that, I mean, I had started to become a fan. I was so hooked. That is, to reference back to your piece about it being barbaric at times, I had started to become a fan. I was so hooked. To reference back to your piece about it being barbaric at times,
Starting point is 01:23:53 of the fight sports, to me, I feel like it's the safest because they don't have these big gloves on. You're not getting hit 780 times in a fight. It's truly so razor thin that the best ever can get knocked out with one wrong move. It's not the same in boxing, you know? So I think that, you know, you're, you're seeing a different presentation of that. I love it.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Honestly, you know, I've worked close with Amanda Nunez, got to know her and I mean, she's incredible, extraordinary, but yeah, it's, I mean, I just said, maybe that's it. I love how razor thin it is it's like you don't know who's gonna win anything like you can you know yeah there's favorites and whatnot but like i've been surprised most times i've got the pay-per-view of being like i can't believe that person won i know right are you gonna watch the uh fight next week between um anthony joshua and ninganu did you know they're boxing It's not been very publicized very much.
Starting point is 01:24:46 I didn't even know that, honestly. Probably not. No? Even though it's Nganou boxing, you won't watch it? I miss the Tyson Fury one. I usually watch boxing, but I miss the Tyson Fury Nganou. I watched that. I really kind of thought he got a raw deal, honestly.
Starting point is 01:25:03 He's incredible, too. By the way, he's a guy that honestly um he he's he's incredible too he he's by the way he's a guy that's dipped his toes around some you know functional training crossfit he he had a big relationship with the assault people um so he's super cool super cool dude um but yeah i don't i probably won't watch that i don't watch a lot of boxing you know me yeah you know funny i'll admit it like every once in a while i've thrown like a jake paul fight on just be like what is going on here like yeah is he legit or not um kind of examining that but i really love tax write-off tax write-off tax write-off r r r d r d sarah cox Peptides. Small amounts of tea are very beneficial for older women.
Starting point is 01:25:46 Fair enough. Fair enough. Thank you, Sarah. It doesn't make them manly. Sarah, have you seen those strong women? I'm telling you. I mean, you're not manly at all. I've seen you.
Starting point is 01:26:00 You're as girly as they get. But I'm just saying. Yeah, I'm getting slapped around. Someone getting slapped around by a sponsor. That's correct. I mean, absolutely. You should take as much testosterone as you can, regardless if you have a penis or vagina. Hey, who was around the assault guys? Nganou? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:22 He was friends with Roger? I think Tracy. i don't know i mean i've heard tracy there was a point at which um they were dating tracy and nganu were dating no false they but but they um she i mean this was in my waza days where they were partner or waza and she was considering i think they sponsored him at some point. They were going to bring him, possibly. We're wondering about creating some content with Matt or Tia or something like that. Never played out, but yeah, they definitely had a relationship with him. Neganu seems like a great dude.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Hey, did you see Assault Bike sold? I heard that. I haven't really seen any details on the the whole thing but i did know that yes have you heard of this company called fit lab i have yep they they own some weird shit they they it's it looks like they own all um are you intimate with them before i dig in here man it's a trip you should look at it it's a trip. You should look at it. It's a trip. Like they own, I can't tell exactly what it is, but I was looking at their, like their portfolio. Oh, here.
Starting point is 01:27:32 A fit lab is acquiring assault fitness and RPM training. Integrated fitness platform is bulking up its equipment offering after raising 15 million in 2022. They closed a series, closed a series B investment last year, right? It says, yeah. So they own, it looks like they own like Nike studios. They own McGgregor fast they own this weird like sitting down breathing thing but i went through their entire portfolio and basically every fitness thing that they own they kind of describe is the same the premier blah blah blah the premier fitness the premier it's a trip but it looks like a salt bike is the first like actual object uh they own oh andrew
Starting point is 01:28:06 hiller sarah is correct women hang out at 20 to 80 ngdl and some can hang out around 120 with the help of course and are hot as shit i agree i look at thanks hiller i i got you homie jesus christ andrew's trying to take my sponsor from me um uh but but i'm but but those girls that do the strong man i don't i i don't want my daughter take it yeah this is the company look at so they own assault fitness and then they own something called electric and mcgregor fast and fit plan they own all of these like um like these are all like studio things i think ragnar rpm oh that's that's where i knew them from okay they were the investor in rpm um oh that's cool that's uh that's what that's what that's larry hamilton right yeah the guy the surfer dude and the volleyball girl.
Starting point is 01:29:07 She was at Wazza one year. She appeared for, I can't remember who. I think she was there for RPM, funny enough. If I remember correctly. Maybe it was for FitLab. But yeah, she was at Wazza my last year, I believe. She's like six foot, huh? She's broke.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Very tall. Very tall. She's taller than six foot. Very tall, very tall. She's taller than six foot. I think. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Andrew, what's this? I should also say the strong one are likely supplementing testosterone to the point. They will register higher than I am currently. You're suggesting you're suggesting here. I'm going to tell you. They are suggesting. I am currently. You're suggesting you're suggesting here I'm going to tell you they are
Starting point is 01:29:45 suggesting. Alright. Hey, thanks for coming on. Great catching up with you, dude. Yeah, always. It's great to talk to you as well. I'm excited. The season's here. We're ready to crank. It's going to be a great year. Yeah, I'm pumped too. A lot of cool stuff.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Dallas is going to be bad. Fort Worth is going to be badass. We're going to have a great year. Yeah, I'm pumped, too. A lot of cool stuff. Dallas is going to be bad. Fort Worth is going to be badass. We're going to have a great year. If you want to see an amazing event, you should watch our 24.1 that we did over at… Heard nothing but great things about it. Jason was there, so I texted with Jason. Dude, what a… When you get…
Starting point is 01:30:24 Born Primitive gave us the money to fly the guys out there, and then everyone else just basically worked for free. And, dude, it shows what people, when they work hard – when people care about the same thing and they all put their heads together and work hard, dude, we crushed. I'm so proud. Zero humility. That's awesome. Yeah, thank you. I love that you did that. I love that stuff. I think that's going to be – I mean, that's awesome yeah thank you i love i love that you did that i love that stuff
Starting point is 01:30:45 i think that's going to be i mean that's such cool evolution uh you know having more of these guys you know technology dude technology and smart fucking kids like will branstead are smart 25 year old fucking workaholics it's always what keeps the world going 25 year old workaholics oh absolutely passionate passionate 25 you remember that 25 and you're like dude point me at something i'll take the fucking trash out dude fucking just put on a fucking event at crossfit charlotte yeah it's it's nuts i was a i was a hot mess at 25 but me too okay 35 for me i was 10. Yeah. I was great at rolling 25. That whole, you know, I love that evolution. I mean, these guys, I mean, it's such a great way for them all to go through the open.
Starting point is 01:31:33 It's just like, do these things on display and get, get it done with and move on. Cause it's, I mean, truly that layer of the season for guys like Dallin, you know, I mean, they're going, they're moving on. Right. It's like such a great way to be accountable to work outallin, you know, I mean, they're going, they're moving on, right? It's like such a great way to be accountable to work out and like, you know, put your energy, you're doing it against someone, you know, people are watching. I want to see more of that.
Starting point is 01:31:53 That's so cool. I mean, the open announcement, great. Like that was great. Hopper's doing this, this Friday. Awesome. Who's he doing it against? Against Taylor. Everyone does it against Taylor.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Oh, cool. Yeah. Taylor versus the world yeah and then the third week we have colton oh cool yeah we have jason coming in up for our third week to do it at hwpr hq so that'll be fun with all our members and a couple of our other semi-final athletes be fun i i love that though we're all doing it will you guys stream it I love that. Will you guys stream it?
Starting point is 01:32:24 Probably not. Yeah, no. Yeah, I mean, we could consider it, but yeah, I don't think so. You know, that would be a Jason. Like, it's really important to me. It looks like Jason wants it to look in that situation. He's doing it week two live. Maybe he won't want it. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Maybe he would want it. I haven't even asked him. But yeah, that's not really the focus for us i mean we're definitely build content we're gonna vlog it put it out and stuff like that but i don't think we'll go live for that gotcha and it's a whole not like like it's a it's a whole nother beast um but uh along those lines also you know when you take money from people you want to make sure they get their value. And so I think we gave that to Born Primitive. What was important to me is that Taylor was happy.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Andy Hendel was happy. The guy who owned the gym, Dallin Pepper, was happy. And the people who put up the money were happy. And I was actually nervous about that. And I normally don't get nervous for shit like this but uh all four of them oh yeah all four of them left with their shit intact you know and better they're better coming out and coming in and i'm stoked when you when you do something and i mean you just described why it was successful i mean you were you had a level of even maybe fear that it wouldn't be and
Starting point is 01:33:46 you made crazy scared it wouldn't be good for them yeah yeah like hey am i not gonna like glorify them or no am i not gonna show them respect they want because i'm asking them all to put it on the line a formula you put together i mean bare and born primitive i mean are there better people i mean you know you you had a good you had a good group to be successful. He took a risk. He don't know. And he took a risk. He don't know who I am. I just called him and I was like, Hey dude, you want to do this? I need this money. And he's like, okay. And I'm like, Oh fuck. He said, yes, I regretted asking.
Starting point is 01:34:18 He's awesome. A quick one before we leave is so bear is one of the first people I've met in the CrossFit space. So when I launched my clothing brand, clothing brand Redline, we went that first year in 14, you know, we sponsored Matt and we went to a regional every weekend for four weeks. The second week was Central East at the University of Cincinnati. And we had a 10 by 10 booth right next to Bourne Primitives 10 by 10 booth. And their focal focus product at the point was a snatch short. So it was like a padded short for the pelvic bone. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Dimitri Kolkov was his like a face of that. And he was working for Red Bull at the time, former games athlete on a team. He was competing at Central East at the time. There athlete on a team he was competing at central east at the time there was doing all that so wow and we were trying to figure it out like we're going through some of the same things and i'll never forget like we became friends through that like we're just kind of like suffering together trying to grow these businesses figure it out and uh it was there that he said you you know, I'm like, so what, you know, tell me more about it. He's like, yeah, I'm going to be a SEAL, you know? And so I was like, oh, good. You know, I didn't know much about as much as I do now today about that.
Starting point is 01:35:35 And, you know, he early in that business, you know, went to Bud's and, you know, served, you know, and him and Mallory, who owned and started the business together, you know, I just stayed close with them. They're, they've been friends, you know, he was you know, and him and Mallory, um, who owned and started the business together. You know, I just stayed close with them there. They've been friends, you know, he was a sponsor at Waza. I talked, I texted with him the other day, you know, he's a small, he's a special guy. Yeah. Yeah. He's a special guy. There's so many great stories like that from back. I mean, remember those days it was like, I speak of bubble gum and duct tape. It was just like
Starting point is 01:36:05 we're all trying to figure it out not that we have anything figured out we have so much more to do and i'm excited about that you know we're you know especially with you know where the sport's going in general but he uh he's a he like i you know the smile i have on my face is always when when a bear's name comes up he's just an awesome dude yeah i'm really supportive of my career for for sure so i'm really grateful for that and he was so easy to work with like i said hey will you do it he said yeah he cut the check he's like hey tell me where to send banners and shoes he got a a right-hand man a right-hand woman claire who took care of us got everyone all decked out and shit it's awesome yeah it was cool and And then Taylor one wearing all their shit,
Starting point is 01:36:45 which like, which is crazy. Set the world record. I got, I haven't watched all of it. I've seen some of that content you guys have put out around it. Um, I'll definitely,
Starting point is 01:36:54 I'll give it a watch to vomit it all. Everybody. Did he really? Yeah. Yeah. In the post interview, he vomited 10 times. I mean,
Starting point is 01:37:04 made for TV. Perfect. Win. There you go. Now I know why everybody watched. Yeah. That's so good. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:37:14 All right, brother. Hey, thank you. Thanks for always coming on. Thanks for being easy. I know you've already had a long day, and it's only 11 a.m. where you're at. I appreciate you flying home from Columbus and jumping straight on with us. It means a lot to me, appreciate you thanks for having me great to talk let's let's do it again soon yep thank you say hi to matt and sammy uh say hi to everyone
Starting point is 01:37:32 over there at hwpo please i will run for sure all right thank you see you guys matt o'keefe that was some ceo ce CEO porn right there. CEO and CEO porn. Yeah. Sound better. Do I? Man, I caught that. Normally, if I cough something up on the show, I just swallow it like a chump.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Like a chump. Like a champ. You're not a chump if you're swallowing not. I had to spit something out. It was just too thick. It was too... Yeah, it was a globule. That's nasty. I'm going to take a look at it. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Not bad, huh? Maybe it is a little green. Maybe it is a little green. Don't worry. not for TV yeah I'm a little green I don't want to yeah too viscous there was I think the globules Taylor put up that video of him throwing up in the trash can Oh he did? But it's gone, it was a story Oh yeah, by the time I went to it I couldn't see it, damn it
Starting point is 01:38:53 His wife has the actual footage I think she's going to send it to Will That would be so good It's like legit projectile vomit. I've never seen somebody throw up like that. Like South Park shit. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:10 It's like a cartoon. Oh, that's good. I like that. And there's so much fucking good shit on Instagram. People are sending me now. Look at this. This is fucking amazing.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Are you following that Fonny Will willis case just a little bit i didn't see the closing the closure of it at all um uh no david if you did crossfit you would not get sick dude no here's the thing i do crossfit and when i get sick it doesn't affect me you don't even know the nuances david um so basically this chick who's charging she uh she's the um prosecutor in the trump case in georgia and she was fucking this dude who's an attorney and then she was fucking this dude who's an attorney, and then she was funneling money to him for work he did, right? Work. Work, yeah. And they were going on trips and shit together. But someone sent me this.
Starting point is 01:40:19 This is her before she got the job. I don't know if she – I don't know. Is the district attorney appointed or elected? I don't know. But check this out. This is her in a 2020 interview. Check this out. You can't even fucking make this shit up. Listen to this. Because they deserve a D.A. that won't have sex with his employees because they deserve a D.A. that won't put money in their own pocket when it should go to benefit children because we deserve that like and that's and that's that's exactly what she's being accused of she she fucked one or she fucked she hired a dude funneled money to him they went on vacations with the money and she fucks the dude and that's everybody in political office better because they deserve a da that won that's everybody in political office because they deserve a da that won't have sex with his employees because they deserve a da that won't put money
Starting point is 01:41:12 in their own pocket when it should go to benefit children because we deserve that that's amazing for the kids hey dude that's like if you guys found out That like um I don't know I can't think of an example But it's crazy that Four years ago she's accusing People of that and now Bam How about this shit
Starting point is 01:41:46 you won't even fucking believe this story there's this mayor in Illinois in this I think it's they don't even call it a city oh wait how does this work how do I get this shit off the screen continue
Starting point is 01:42:03 there it'll give it two seconds it'll go away oh okay How does this work? How do I get this shit off the screen? Continue sighting there. It'll give it two seconds. It'll go away. Oh, okay. So this chick on the right, this black chick with the pink glove on, with the necklace, it says, Super Mayor goes viral amid salary ordinance controversy. This chick is wild, dude. I can't even believe. I remember when people used to have dignity.
Starting point is 01:42:24 Tiffany Harold, the mayor and supervisor of two suburban two suburbs in illinois spearheaded a bill reducing a potential successor salary if she loses her 2025 re-election bid you won't even believe this henyard got a measure through the thornton township board that would reduce the salary of her potential successor in the event she loses her bid for re-election next year. Hanyard, who makes $224,000 a year as township supervisor, drafted legislation that would cut her
Starting point is 01:42:54 successor's salary to $25,000. Dude, and the list of fucking crazy shit this bitch does is wild. Like, these people are screwed in this town. Oh my God. If she wouldn't take a next year either, would she?
Starting point is 01:43:13 No, she doesn't. Yeah. Yeah. Unreal. Like there, there's a whole list of weird shit she does. I guess she puts billboards up all over the town that the city pays for but she puts her picture on them so it'll be like hey feed the
Starting point is 01:43:28 school kids you know like a billboard your city of thornton is feeding school kids and then it's like a big picture of her and then like then the writing's really small they made a city calendar and like she's in every picture it's wild dude oh my god what a narcissist other antics have included purchasing first class tickets uh for out of town trips allegedly fundling thousands of dollars in public money to a foundation in her name taking dolton police officers off the street to provide personal security detail that resulted in thousands of hours of overtime spending i I don't know. Maybe she needs that. I saw our congressman walking around without service detail, without a detail.
Starting point is 01:44:14 In your area? Yeah, it was weird. TikTok, she spent $50,000 on a Christmas tree that she bought from New York City. She uses public funds to buy roadside billboards featuring her name and face. She uses police to harass residents, employees, and target political opponents. If she's going to do the billboard thing,
Starting point is 01:44:34 is that like a fundraiser? Is that like a she needs to raise that money for herself rather than using city funds? Is that how that works? I guess. Well, no. What's funny is the billboards aren't even for her running for office that's the thing she'll just like the billboard will just be something like um you know uh the city bought a new bus and it's an announcement but it's a little picture of a bus and then a big picture of her i was looking at a bunch of
Starting point is 01:44:56 the examples it's fucking hilarious awesome 20 of dalton residents live below the poverty line. Man. According to the Village of Dalton's official website, Henyard is a lifelong resident and the city's first and youngest woman mayor, and it's a 130-year history. Well, I mean, she's just a douche. She won 82% of the vote. God, I can only imagine how fucked up that
Starting point is 01:45:28 area is it must be just geez that's incredible I saw the chance I saw this thing I don't even know if I should play it on this show. Hey, what about this shit?
Starting point is 01:45:49 What do you think about when you see stuff like this? Look at this. I remember hearing about this when it happened. Listen to this. The federal officials have begun a major investigation into whether someone or many people benefited financially from the evil done to the country last Tuesday. Not long before the attacks occurred, there were some financial transactions in the stock market that may indicate knowledge of the attack before it began. This could very well be insider trading at the worst, most horrific, most evil use you've ever seen in your entire life. One example, United Airlines.
Starting point is 01:46:29 The Thursday before the attack, more than 2,000 contracts betting that the stock would go down were purchased, 90 times more in one day than in three weeks. When the markets reopened, United's stock dropped. The price of the contracts soared and someone may have made a lot of so people were betting on a scale 90 times more that's massive right yeah they had no other reason to except for maybe they knew that the attacks were coming. Yeah, but the thing is this. The attacks were planned.
Starting point is 01:47:10 I mean, obviously, someone planned them. The planes didn't accidentally crash, right? Isn't the story that there's this dude, Bin Laden, and he hated us, and he trained a team of dudes, suicide dudes, to grab three planes and crash one into the Pentagon, one into the Trade Center, or two into the Trade Center one into the trade center or two into the trade center right yep both building and then one one crashed didn't make its target or whatever right yep in the field in philadelphia so so there's definitely a plan um so that's why that story like i know all the conspiracy theorists want to jump on it but it's not a conspiracy
Starting point is 01:47:44 theory it's just like yeah we already know his plan. Maybe it was Bin Laden's friends. He told Bin Laden, told his friends. I know people want to be like, no, it was maybe like businessmen in the United States or who the whole thing was staged in order for a money making scam. I don't know. But maybe it was just opportunistic. Do you know what I mean by that? Like, hey, some people knew fucking Bin Laden was going to do that. Binen told them bin laden said hey short sale united their stock's gonna plummet
Starting point is 01:48:09 and then um and then we'll give you ten percent right why hey caleb why can't they like your stock expert why can't they just figure out who those people are who short-sailed it i don't think that those are public trades like if it was insider trading then it would probably be from like a senator or congressman because they have to report all their trades so i think like you and me we can trade and do whatever while but they can like like they can be watching me through my computer right now or be watching me on my phone when i'm watching shitty vertical porn why can't they just like i mean they can find out i mean just get a warrant and go somewhere and be like hey who bought this stock yesterday yeah they definitely could i just don't think that they're going to
Starting point is 01:48:53 release that probably it's my my guess hey uh pull up the guys who uh bought the united stock and while you're at it give me that epstein. We're just going to publish all this shit today. Slow news day. I put it right between Tia's wrist is hurt and Fikowski tore his meniscus. Publish the names, please. But the thing is, I mean, it was clearly
Starting point is 01:49:23 planned. So it's just weird when people are like, well, oh my God, it was planned? Yeah, motherfucker. It didn't happen on accident. What does it say? What's it? Oh. I must have labeled this one wrong.
Starting point is 01:49:42 Surprise, surprise. Oh, I got the same one twice. All right, you want to see something just crazy? We'll finish on this. This is amazing. You know how certain people can say uh ethnic slurs right like we're not all created equal sure like like gemini's not gemini's not allowed to like show white people the ai and and white people aren't allowed to use certain words. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Just the rules, man. Shut the fuck up. It's just the rules. This guy has made a list of dogs if they were people that could and couldn't use racial slurs and justifies which dogs could use and which dogs couldn't. Wow, really?
Starting point is 01:50:44 I can't wait to see this this is incredible this is this is uh nuts here we go i saw this and it made me think today if dogs could talk what breed's not allowed to say i figured i'd start with the ones who can't say it pitbull rottweiler doverman pension even though the dopamine them is giving a little state troop you know but all these all these dogs then been through some shit you know if you see any of these dogs loose you're gonna cross the street and that's how they've been treating niggas for years so i get it and then a pit bull a bite your ass and not let go and my uncle did that at cookout one time because my cousin was talking never mind i'm getting off topic but yeah
Starting point is 01:51:24 they can say i feel like this one goes without saying german shepherd definitely can't say nigga not by any means they didn't done too much already to hurt the black community when i first saw german shepherd it was in black and white biting niggas when they were spraying them with the waterhole so they should have just called these ku klux klanines nigga i don't trust nobody you own the german shepherd you can't say nigga now these they definitely can't say these are the karens of the dog world i really don't like golden doodles they cool they cute little dogs and stuff but they're always in the way they entitled these ones would be at starbucks eating the little pup cups and get your ass on man all right now this one was tough for me you know me being a country myself i with the hounds but any
Starting point is 01:52:03 type of hound you basically just the redneck of the dog community. You know what I'm saying? Like, you fuck with niggas a little bit, but if you had to pick a side, you probably ain't going to pick our side. Definitely not the bloodhound, because y'all was sniffing niggas out back in the day. Ain't nobody forget about that. And then they got the droopy face. That's how white people look when you walk in the cracker barrel,
Starting point is 01:52:20 just like that bloodhound. I saw this, and it made me think of that. That's how white people look. I don't even know what a cracker barrel just like that bloodhound i saw this and it made me think that's how white people look at i don't even know what a cracker barrel is white people oh my god yep that makes sense all right in my head all sorts of rules all sorts of rules i thought of every single one of those dogs priming i've never owned a hound i've always wanted some kind of i i want wild high energy no they just bark so much we have one like down the road and all you can do all you're here and barking all the time howling hey is a vishla a hound no i don't think so that's like a it's like a hunting dog isn't it i don't think it's
Starting point is 01:53:06 a hound exactly yeah i i've always wanted a hound but um i think what kind do i want like what what are the kinds of hounds yeah i mean that's a cool dog i like looking at that dog i don't want that dog i wonder what kind of hounds there are. Hound breeds. Oh my God. Afghan hound, Basenji dots hound, blue tick coon hound, American fox hound. I need to see more. I know that. What's the one that's like a bees a bees and hound wow that's a trippy dog there are some ones that just have great bodies like a 60 pound dog that's just like looks like a perfect athlete short hair it's like brown and white what dog is that is that the american english coon hound yeah kind, kinda. Kinda like that. Just like a regular old beagle, maybe? No, probably not. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:11 I don't know. Almost done. No, not a beagle. Definitely not a beagle. Blue tick coonhound, maybe? Let me see. Let me see that one. I know that there's a beagle blue tycoon hound maybe let me see let me see that one i know that there's got to be a great there's a great hound no american bulldog definitely not yeah that's a cool dog our neighbors have one that always runs over to our yard i like them i like that coat and that body it's a good dog man there are so many hounds a billy hound
Starting point is 01:54:48 huh man there are some crazy dogs I had a Basenji Chihuahua that dog was weird as shit that's my dog that just died Basenji a Basenji is a weird animal have you ever been around a basenji no
Starting point is 01:55:12 they are weird their behaviors are so weird they're crazy jumpers they'll just jump up and down on their hindquarters just like jump up and down and they yodel they don't bark they yodel it's it's crazy really yeah it's they're so weird and they're they're more like cats the second we would take our dog anywhere it immediately climbs to the highest spot in the room it can get to they are weird just watches everything not bouncy like jumping on you weird bouncy it just it i can't explain like if it's just at the door and it wants to get out it'll just on its hind legs jump up and down oh yeah let's see this and other times we're like this and other times they can sound like this And other times they can sound like this.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Yeah, they're weird. And they'll get really into yodeling. They're really cool looking. Oh, my God. And the worst dog ever, Boxers. Oh, my God. You know, like, shit, dumb dog. No, they suck.
Starting point is 01:56:22 It's crazy how many shitty dogs there are. It's nuts. Yeah, Boxers. There's just some dogs that are just dumb they're just french bulldogs um boxers that's what sucks too like as much as i don't like pit bulls they're not dumb they're cool dogs like they're like a cool companion you know what i mean like they're cool companion dogs yeah i got boxers are like just dudes on crack it's like they're fun to hang out with but like to own one like if someone else's boxer i'm cool with you always see like videos of them just being nut jobs running around spinning circles fucking cow kids all that shit shit. Labs are cool. My dog's cool as shit. Borbals are just great dogs. Great Danes are fun.
Starting point is 01:57:10 Some of those hound dogs are cool. Dachshunds are cool. Most of the mixed breeds are cool. I just don't like... The Basenji's weird And the boxer's weird too They're just weirdos Gotta lay off the meth Oh yeah Springer Spaniel
Starting point is 01:57:31 What's that look like Springer Spaniel You know what's a cool dog Oh yeah no fuck a Springer Spaniel Or a Cocker Spaniel Springer Spaniel might be a cool dog But I don't like any dog when he takes a shit the poop gets stuck on his ass like you can't have long ass hair
Starting point is 01:57:50 oh long hair ass dogs fuck you guys you like wipe its butt when you're done hey dude manscape sent me so many razors well i'll bring one to arizona and give it to you and you can just use it to keep your fucking dog's anus trimmed. Perfect. Yeah, I need that. That'd be good. Yeah, another stupid dog. All those fucking nut job South American
Starting point is 01:58:15 Corsos. Those dogs are crazy. Oh yeah, Dave's dog's absolute lunatic. The Dogo Argentino. Complete nut job. Can't gorsos look terrifying terrifying demons i think my dog's pretty terrifying too but but she's good she chills oh shit when you google a dog it tells you it's bite force what yeah look at this i'm gonna share oh yeah i see that what a trip i wonder if you click the uh which dog has the highest bite force which dog has highest bite force i don't like the shows when someone just googles around
Starting point is 01:59:00 shut the fuck up oh uh there's one called the Mastiff 700. Yeah, that's what I have, a Borble. It's the second highest. Listen, my Borble can just – her head's massive, of course. She can just grab your hand like this without biting you hard, but close it so you can't pull it out on your wrist, and then turn her head, and then you have to take a knee. Oh, my God. That's crazy, right? Or you got to grab a knee then you have to take a knee. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:59:26 That's crazy. Right. Or you got to grab an ear. You got to make some move, but there's times she'll just grab my hand, especially in the morning when she wants to be fed. She'll put her mouth on it and turn her head and I'll have to like go down with her.
Starting point is 01:59:35 Cause if you don't, there's, it's just locked in there, but it doesn't hurt. But if you don't go with it, it's going to hurt. Oh man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:43 It's your dog knows jujitsu dude. It's fucking tart hurt. Oh, man. Yeah. Your dog knows jujitsu, dude. It's fucking tarted. And she just works the kids like that. Just pull a kid down. Your dog knows jujitsu. Crazy. Yeah, she's a bitch. But I like her.
Starting point is 02:00:00 Nine dogs with the strongest bite force. The cane. Oh, here, I'll show you. I'll pull bite force. The cane. Oh, here, I'll show you. I'll pull up this. The cane corso is number six. God, that is a scary animal. Fuck that. The mastiff.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Yeah, that's what my dog looks like, but it's orange. American pit bull terrier. Yikes. Oh, Rottweiler. Wow, wouldn't have thought of that. Wow. American bulldog Bulldog no thank you do you think that's a cute dog no like I know what the
Starting point is 02:00:34 owner of that dog looks like do you I know I can see them in my mind's eye I'm not even a visionary and I can see them I can only see one person I feel bad but yeah me too I see her okay yeah well I think we're gonna be only see one person. I feel bad, but yeah, me too. I see her. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:46 Well, I think we're going to be singing the same person. German shepherd. No, the German shepherd can't have the strongest, well-known for its strength, tundras with a bite force of, Oh no, these aren't in order.
Starting point is 02:00:59 Oh, there. No. Number six is the winner. Oh, fuck this list. Oh, what is this?
Starting point is 02:01:04 Turkish Kangol. That's, Oh, the Turkish Kangol is the Turkish. Oh, fuck this list. Oh, what is this? Turkish Kangol? Oh, the Turkish Kangol is the Turkish breed dog that is known for its large size and impressive strength with a bite force of 743. Dude, that dog looks like it's a week away from dying. Yeah, no shit. The Dutch Shepherd. These aren't in any order. Oh, that's what my dog looks like. That's a trip.
Starting point is 02:01:26 Oh, really? A my dog looks like. That's a trip. Oh, really? A Toso Inu. That's like a skinny version of my dog. He's huge. Look at the dong on that thing. Yeah. Mine has a vag. Mine has a vagina.
Starting point is 02:01:38 What's better, girl dog or boy dog? I don't even know. I've always had girl dogs until my parents got a boy dog. He's okay. I like, I always had boy dogs and thought they were better. And now I got a girl dog and I'm stoked on her. What's crazy is though.
Starting point is 02:01:54 She, she, she is like a teenage girl. Really? It just needed like, just kind of like needy and like very social. Yeah. But I feel like my,
Starting point is 02:02:04 all my male dogs dogs all the different breeds they could fuck it whatever just go pee on a bush and they're happy yeah my my parents dog is just super chill he'll do he's just down for whatever but my dog wants like something all the time and she knows exactly what she wants and she goes she's like whining for it all the time yes yes my dog no yeah well said I'm totally wanting something. Yeah. Like, like there's bones that aren't good enough for my female dog where my male dog is like, I'll chew, I'll chew this leg of this chair.
Starting point is 02:02:32 Exactly. We have like five bones just strewn across the house and she'll just like, no, I don't want it. I want to go outside and find that bone that I found two days ago from a deer. What parent, what dog kind of dog do your parents have? They have a double doodle it's a golden doodle lab doodle mix oh i bet you that's a cool dog yeah he's super cool he's pretty big he's like 70 80 pounds and he just roams the their yard they have like three or four acres and they just he just runs around picks up rabbits and shit and drops them off at the front door that
Starting point is 02:03:02 kind of thing it's wild there isn't one bad doodle mix i've seen really i'm fucking even the burmese doodle the sheep a doodle the labradoodle they're the golden doodle like every time i meet one i'm like wow that's a fucking great dog and they're so nice they're just friendly yeah friendly dogs and they don't shed which is also nice. Yeah, that's awesome. All right. I don't know what the show is doing tomorrow because I'm not going to be here. So I don't know what's happening. We have to ask Sousa.
Starting point is 02:03:43 All right, guys. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Remember, women can take a little bit of testosterone and it'd be OK. They can still look like girls if they go. If you want to know how much, ask Andrew. Or Sarah. Or Sarah. All right. Bye bye.

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