The Sevan Podcast - Matt Torres & Caity Henniger #1000

Episode Date: September 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. La la la la hey bam we're live good morning jethro good morning marissa i know i know hosa good morning dusty mr willard what's up good morning blade yo i saw a uh instagram crip crip i saw instagram crip so instagram it's on ig video Instagram Crip. I saw Instagram Crip. I saw an IG video. You know the tall red-headed
Starting point is 00:01:12 guy who's singing that song that everyone likes right now? It's like some sort of country song. Is it a country song? Maybe it's a rock and roll song. I don't know what genre that falls into, but he was on Rogan recently. The backstory on that is kind of crazy. I didn't know the backstory on that song what's the name of that song again something the men in the north of west virginia epstein's island kids on epstein's island blah blah blah anyway that guy asked for a message from god and then 30 days later he's got the number one song in the country that's kind of a crazy story from drug addict to uh hey um hi what's going on dude did you um
Starting point is 00:01:54 did you look up to the heavens and were you like dear god please send me a stable of amazing athletes i will do the rest and then one year later you have an amazing stable of athletes man that's a big question right there damn i didn't even like get my mind right for this one I will do the rest. And then one year later you have an amazing stable of athletes. Man, that's a big question right there. I didn't even like get my mind right for this one. Uh, short.
Starting point is 00:02:11 No, I did it. No, I didn't do that. Did you hear the story about the redheaded guy who did that? Like I just saw, like, I didn't hear it come out of his mouth,
Starting point is 00:02:20 but I heard Rogan giving a synopsis. You know what song I'm talking about? The country song that's taken the country by storm. Yeah. The redhead with the beard right yeah 30 days before that song became popular i guess he's a drug addict and he looked to the heavens and said dear god fucking hook it up bro i need your help and he's off of drugs and he said if you hook it up god i'll spread your word for the rest of my life or some shit he made a deal with i guess you're supposed to make a deal with the devil he made a deal with god really that's what i mean i saw just a quick clip on instagram you know the app the big phone app thing yeah yeah i saw it on there admittedly i've only seen about like 30
Starting point is 00:03:00 second clips of that song i haven't quite listened to the whole thing, but it's probably pretty good. It's catchy. I thought it was good, the parts that I heard. He makes a thing like he even mentions Epstein's Island on there. Really?
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah. Wow. Alright. I didn't know it went like that but all right that's cool hey i got a question for you it's the kind of thing that really should be said privately but i'm gonna say it publicly okay go i watched a video that street horner made the other day and then i watched this other video that dallin made I don't know if they made them or who's coaching them, but they're,
Starting point is 00:03:49 they were weird videos. It's like street Horners. Like it's a whole video about how he should be more vulnerable, but he's not being more vulnerable. It's like, Hey dude, shouldn't you have been more vulnerable instead of saying you're going to be more vulnerable or Dallin's talking about his brand or something.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And I started thinking, Oh shit, someone's coaching these guys to do like to sell themselves i started tripping i started i was like went into a little bit of a panic i was like oh no oh no first i was like blaming social media i'm like what are these guys doing it doesn't even make any sense just like go out and do some you – you want to be vulnerable, take some fucking LSD and go live on Instagram. I was tripping on the videos. They just seem to miss the mark.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I don't want to be rude, but it's kind of like – well, fuck it. I'm going to do it. It's like when people say, hey, my account is for God, and then I'm like, okay, well, I'm here for it. Give me some God shit, but there's no God shit. Or I'm here to help women. Okay, I'm here for it. Give me god shit but there's no god shit or i'm here to help women okay i'm here for it give me some help women shit but there's none and it was i was tripping a little i was tripping do you know what videos i'm talking about i i do i was actually i was there when they were shooting them um not not you agree with me or do
Starting point is 00:05:01 you think i'm just being too harsh and I'm off base and they're young men? You know, I don't I don't know if like vulnerability in a sense of like I want my social media platform to show my vulnerable side of things. Or if he's just saying in that interview, because the interview is asking them very specific questions on, you know, what this this and that does to you. Right. And he's like, well, I'm trying to be more vulnerable and whatnot. So maybe in his life, he's trying to be more vulnerable, but I don't know. I haven't really listened to the whole thing on street side, but I did listen to Dallin side of things. You know, the, the interview, they're asking them questions. The platform is asking them questions to help promote the platform that they're using, which is like a posting company that does like. I knew it. I knew it.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I knew it. I don't like it. I don't like it. Now, I mean, I do. I believe Street. don't like it you know now i mean i think i do i believe street you know i haven't really dallins dallins isn't as uh directed to that as streets is but i do believe dallins says some weird shit like he's referring himself as a brand it's like no dude you're a man of god we already know that don't don't refer to yourself you're not a brand you're a boy you're a boy with the crazy physical body that works hard and um and you're a man of God.
Starting point is 00:06:28 You're not a brand. I don't know. I'm tripping. If you want to be vulnerable, come on this show. I'll ask you who touched you that made you want to push when you were a little boy that makes you now do CrossFit and hang out in the pain cave. We'll get to it. We'll get to it, baby cave we'll get to it we'll get to it baby we'll get to it yeah you know uh man i mean vulnerable man i like i think i think being vulnerable is kind of like what you mentioned but instead of going on
Starting point is 00:06:57 public air just like you know sit sit down on the beach and just like deal with your emotions and deal with the things that you're thinking about in your mind and see if when you come out the other side of it, if you can be like a step closer to that vulnerability, you know, I, I all, let me give down some love too. Um, I don't, I don't know streets material at all. That was like one of the first videos I've ever seen a street going. I know that, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:23 my homeboy Andrew Hiller is friends with him and really likes him and i know yeah streets are super good dude and i know that he used to put it to uh miss david's daughter but other than that i don't know him so good but or of him but down walks the walk he he has um uh he's got a little bit of that young, rich froning in him where if you saw him come out of a brothel, you wouldn't think he was in there fucking chicks. You would think he was trying to save someone. Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Nothing seems like it could stick to him. He doesn't got to do anything else. Just keep doing him. 100%. Yeah. And you know what? You just described his brand. That's what that is. And, you know, Dallin, I think when Dallin is saying like his, you know, his brand, like that's it right there.
Starting point is 00:08:11 It's just like a young Froning and, you know, he's going in there to save, you know, the world. Yeah. All right. Johnny was, I didn't even know, I didn't even know Street was a brute athlete. So, so Street wasn't a brute athlete when he was competing. I'm really not 100% sure his story of who's coaching him. I know he was proven for his last season. But we're actually teaming up with Street to release a training program,
Starting point is 00:08:43 a reboot of our Brute Body program that used to be headlined by Brooke Entz back in the day. Two amazing bodies. Yeah. Yeah, I'd say so. You ever seen Brooke Entz's mom? You ever seen Brooke Entz's mom? That's the type of – I haven't. Dispel any steroid rumors instantaneously.
Starting point is 00:09:07 There was this video where her mom flexes her arm in the kitchen. Her arm is crazy. Crazy. It's just genetic. You know what I mean? Just genetic. I mean, and hard work, but you know what I mean? But there's a response factor there.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I hate it when people accuse her of being on roids, and i and then i saw her mom partially naked and i was like yeah yeah i mean i don't know how you saw her mom partially naked was this in the kitchen are we just talking about no just your kitchen or no not my kitchen she can come to my kitchen i wouldn't be opposed to seeing her mom partially naked i have to be careful last time i talked about Brooks, she called me and had to slap me around a little. But I don't think I've said anything bad yet. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so the release of the body program with the reboot with Street Horner. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I'm actually, you know what, man? I'm excited. So here's the thing that I liked about Street was the way he was the how he trains right now versus how he trained you know when he was competing um was you know he's like guys i understand like i look like this i did like 10 years of working out for five plus hours a day to try to be as fit as i could possibly be and so i i realized that now at my stage i don't need to be doing five hours a day to keep my physique. But I can at least show you guys that these things can be done without training five hours a day. You just have to be consistent with this, which obviously, like everyone knows
Starting point is 00:10:39 that thing. But he mentioned he mentioned things like, you know, you you don't need to be snatching, right? You could do dumbbell snatches, you know, you can bring an object from ground to overhead. We could we can say, yeah, that looks like a snatch. But, you know, in order to get that like physique that, you know, Street has or even Brooke has, it's like it doesn't take building up to a one rematch snatch. So, yeah, it's it's it's it's cool to hear him say uh things like that i don't i don't think he realizes it when you know he's saying those things it's like oh that's actually uh that's good content for people to hear he did there was something else in there about um about when you post on instagram feeling like every lift has to be a PR or some shit.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I can't really – I mean, I guess I – I mean, I can't really relate to that. I mean, obviously, I don't want to post anything stupid. You know what I mean? It makes me look like a ding-dong. It is our own personal people magazines, each of our accounts. But anyway, I just thought I would give that feedback that i'd like to see people just do more like if if you're um like if you say you're gonna do stuff for women then then start a series where you're like teaching a class with young with 12 year old girls to do crossfit and then every once in a while chirp in there about some values
Starting point is 00:12:02 you have you know what i mean count to 1000 before you send a naked picture to your boyfriend you know what i mean like like offer him some practical and fucking advice um as opposed to just like yeah here i am you know you know what i mean just like or like like every time james is on it comes on a podcast i'd like to hear him start with like i'm gonna read you 30 seconds out of the Bible. My homeboy God wanted me to say that. You know what I mean? Yeah. I know exactly what you mean. Yeah. Or Street Horner to come on and show the side of his
Starting point is 00:12:34 shaft and be like, look, I'm being vulnerable. Pull down his pants and show his shaft. Or the first time I just catch her and I want to tell you something. Yeah. Oh, I'm listening. I'm listening. Yeah. I think, man, I think we're just like we're people just trying to figure ourselves out as soon as we think we know who we are like we get shocked and we're just like well who am i what do i want like what what makes me happy that's just it's
Starting point is 00:12:57 just like a revolving revolving like uh like a merry-go-round every time it goes around though it's like a different scene you're not just stuck in a theme park, you know? Andrew Hiller, but Street Horners had that body since he was 15. You're goddamn right. Now, when he was 15 compared to what it is now, or even like let's say when he was competing at the highest level of competing, you know, I would guess at that point in time
Starting point is 00:13:25 it's probably uh obviously like wade more um you know uh his muscles were probably what would look like more full uh more dense now he just looks like you know like functional fitness you know he just lives like functional fitness it's not he's not living to compete um uh john chapman does matt wear those glasses in case he gets a reflection from his teeth and it blinds his eyes those teeth are white are those to protect your eyes dude i like this chapman guy already uh you know what's funny man is like i like we have options people that wear glasses it's like do i put contacts on this morning or do i put sunglasses on that have prescription? And it's like, how lazy do I want to be?
Starting point is 00:14:09 And like, how much time do I got this morning? And that's where we're at. You know, it's like. I have 50 pair of glasses, all prescription and 42 of them are sunglasses. So I feel you. I fucking feel you. And I love my sunglass prescriptions. Dude, it's about, you never lose them.
Starting point is 00:14:26 It's like, I need them and all. The worst, the worst though, is when you get stuck inside and you're the only, you're the only schmuck wearing sunglasses inside. And you're like, I can't like, they got to stay on. I know. I would be the guy making fun of the guy. Hey, if your girlfriend's hot as fuck, you can wear sunglasses indoors. Yeah, I'd say. That's one of the benefits of having a hot girlfriend that people don't talk about.
Starting point is 00:14:55 You can wear shit inside out. Yeah. The biggest thing is if you have a hot girlfriend, you're allowed to have a mustache. And it's not creepy. Yeah. biggest thing is if you have a hot girlfriend you're allowed to have a mustache and it's not creepy yeah like i think i think you can actually it's it makes more sense to have a mustache when you're with someone than it is to have a mustache when you're single and so one one version is well both of them you're gonna you're gonna uh keep good looking girls from talking to you. So it serves one good purpose and the other one is it only serves you.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Right. I like that. That's a two page book on the mustache. I do want to say this. I do agree with this. Sunlight's good for your eyes. Ditch the sunglasses. I have no idea if this is true. I heard that when sun hits your eyes ditch the sunglasses i have no idea if this is true but i heard that when you when sun hits your eyes i'm not talking about like looking directly into the sun
Starting point is 00:15:50 but it signals your body induces some sort of mechanism that is important so i do actually do that try to do that like if i'm at the beach yesterday i was at the beach for like three hours playing frisbee with my kids and i try I take my sunglasses off and I just like all right suck it up buttercup take take some take some you know you know what I wonder is I and I've heard the same thing before is how much how how long do you have to do that for like like how long of your life you have to do that for because when I was a kid all of my outdoor sports up until when I was 21 i couldn't wear sunglasses literally it was just outside all the time you know my eyes you know burn from the sun whatever the case may be it's like now man my eyes are so sensitive it's like you know it like when when is
Starting point is 00:16:38 enough enough you know it's i can't walk around this outside i mean i'm about to go golfing here in a second it's like what am i supposed to do just like squint at the ball because it's so bright the contrast of the white up against the green it's like you know let me just be comfortable you know i didn't wear sunglasses until i was in my 30s i remember the very first the very first you want to it's a crazy story the very first time i ever wore sunglasses i was probably 35 years old and i was at the four seasons in arizona and there were like only six employees at crossfit or something like that and we had a meeting in the morning in some room greg had rented like not not like a hotel room but you know what i mean like uh like a like a hotel room, but you know what I mean? Like a meeting room.
Starting point is 00:17:27 So you're wearing sunglasses inside? Dude, I had been up at the bar drinking all night the night before. I was so sick. It was like my first work meeting ever in my life. And I asked someone if I could borrow their sunglasses, and I wore sunglasses. I was the only fucking idiot indoors wearing sunglasses. But, dude, it saved me. People kept going, why are you wearing sunglasses? I was like, I don't know. But I had never worn sunglasses ever. i was the only fucking idiot indoors wearing sunglasses but dude it saved me people kept going why are you wearing sunglasses i was like i don't know but i'd never worn sunglasses ever that was the first time i was addicted after that man i was 35 i was not
Starting point is 00:17:54 too long ago huh oh for me it was a long time ago 16 years ago 56 51 how old are you? 35. Oh. Look at that. The other day I texted you about – I was hearing all sorts of changes that were going to occur at Brute or occur or occurring. Can I just rattle them off to you? Yeah, yeah, went to the CrossFit Games training out of Brute. Amazing woman. Probably one of the best talkers out of the Brute camp too. Genuine happy. And then Dallin Pepper.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Heard nothing about him. No rumors about him. Then I heard that Emma and Dom were traveling to Christianville to do the 2024 season. Are you asking me a question? Yeah, sorry, sorry. Yeah, so yeah yeah that's the first question so are they going to christianville tennessee uh emma and uh dom so emma was actually she was traveling i think oh i know okay okay i know i do it so olivia emma carrie the girl she's like got great potential she's probably gonna win the game she has to be kept away from daniel brandon or else they'll scrap the good and evil will scrap uh olivia
Starting point is 00:19:30 sulik actually um moved up to college in florida somewhere for um what kind of what you're mentioning this like christian school um and then emma is like her best friend so she helped her move up there from there emma went over to europe and she's been in europe for like two and a half three weeks now uh traveling around europe that's fun yeah it's and that's something that i was actually super excited for uh to go do it's i mean it's her birth her first european trip um besides that i mean emma comes back tomorrow she arrives back tomorrow and then you know normal stuff from there we start training officially christianville was supposed to be a joke about cookville christianville was supposed to be a joke about cook cook yeah so um no that false i guess is what I would say about that.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Coach Dom. How do those rumors start? Do you even know? I had two or three pretty good – I wouldn't say they're good sources, but I didn't make it up. I wasn't like – like if I told you, hey, I heard Danielle Brandon was pregnant, I'm making that up. I'm fishing.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah. I've heard no rumors. She not pregnant is she no when dom when dom finished up at the crossfit games this is the story that dom shared with me uh as he was walking back to the campground um a couple people from the cookville camp reached out to him and heard that he was going a separate ways from Brute. And, you know, what people don't know is that Dom and I spoke, you know, months ago about his about his own personal goals and how they align with his work goals. And one of those things was he wanted to break away from Brute. And so, you know, I was there to support it. From there, you know, Dom did his research on on Mahan. Now, obviously, Christianville, I agree. And that is essentially that's a big part of Dom's life. Christianity. So maybe he's valued. He wants to be more work where he's surrounded by people of those values yeah and i think like everything like so he was offered a position over there and part of that offering was um being able to work with emma poach emma no
Starting point is 00:22:01 being it no but being able to work with their mission group over there. And so I was like, look, Brute does not have that. We don't offer that. And so that's something that's very tough to compete with. So Dom's exploring his options over there and seeing if it's going to be a good fit. Okay, good. Wow, you're good. That seeing him, it's going to be a good fit. Okay, good. Wow. You're good.
Starting point is 00:22:26 That's nice. Mr. Torres. It's so much nicer when you say it, as opposed to me and my friends, just like sitting around on text, just like, Oh my God,
Starting point is 00:22:35 this motherfucker. I swear. You would think he was back there and now he's over there. I can't trust it. Yeah. Instead you're like, yeah, this is a,
Starting point is 00:22:43 we're, we're very supportive. Everyone needs to grow. Uh, this is exciting times for everyone. Yeah, instead you're like, yeah, this is – we're very supportive. Everyone needs to grow. This is exciting times for everyone. Hey, is Emma traveling in Europe by herself? No, she's with her parents. Oh, good. That makes me happy. Yeah, she's been in Iceland for the last week, I think, a week and a half.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Training with those girls or just like exploring um waterfalls and tourist attractions i think it's more so that she they did like a uh i think they flew into iceland maybe or some sort of cruise that kind of like went up the coast of it and they popped them up like you know let them off for a day or two over here and then came back on uh i mean if knowing her family uh if they had an option to get time to get over there i'm sure they jumped into the uh jumped into the gym and you know if nothing else you know been an hour workout um carolyn morris uh this is good because this chick slaps me around sometimes when i get out of hand like she she she throws, this chick like throws holy water around. I don't know how she does it. I love the openness. It's not even that he's open.
Starting point is 00:23:51 It's just that he's a chill. He's a, he's able to just express things in this way that lacks the drama and excitement of a car crash that I'm always kind of looking for. She's just like, no, it's good. Air deployed everything's fine we're good yeah yeah what's funny what's funny is when you when you asked me i think last week or so to come on i was like man i would i would want to but i just would have been obnoxiously boring you know it would have been just like it's like balancing a basketball and it's like nothing's changing it's just it's coming it's going down it's going back up but you know there's now you're great on the show you're a great guest never think you're boring um uh um ask uh uh ask matt how he gets paid do you prefer venmo or zella or do you prefer cash
Starting point is 00:24:41 ask matt how he gets how he gets paid yeah how do you like to get Ask Matt how he gets paid. How he gets paid. Yeah, how do you like to get paid? Do you like to get paid with cash? I like cash. Direct deposit. Yeah, thank you. That's always a good way. Like my woman likes. Yeah. Does anyone still get paid with checks?
Starting point is 00:24:56 Is that still a biweekly thing? It's just like they receive checks? Pull your check out of your purse. Dude, when I see people paying for their groceries or checks i'm just like it brings me back to when i'm a kid and i'm just in that that clerk line i'm looking at my mom like balance her checkbook and write a check i'm and i see it now i'm like how are people still do you know that i've seen one in forever when's the last time you've seen one well my mom i mean my mom will still write me a check.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I'll get to my computer desk sometimes, and there'll be a check there. Ah, she's been doing cash lately. But sometimes there'll be a check there for like 500 bucks. Here's for your kids, like whatever. Yeah. Fuck yeah, mom. Fuck yeah. The amount of times I've tried to explain to my parents the different apps to send money,
Starting point is 00:25:42 it is the most frustrating thing. And if they never pick up what I'm putting down, I'm like, look, you can use Zelle. You can use this app called Cash App. You can use Venmo. I'm like, look at these options. And they're like, well, let me just write you this check. I'm like, oh, okay. So I got to go to the bank now. Like, do I have time to be doing this? Half these banks, they don't even even like it's not even like a full working bank there's two like one maybe two people in there and everything's atms you know the tough things in life i don't know how to use zell or venmo or those things either but and if someone does write me a check my wife has this app on her phone where she takes a picture of the check
Starting point is 00:26:21 and then the money shows up in my account or Or like my wife gives me something to play with. Give me a portion of it. Here's your play money. Go ahead. And then I don't even know how to get it out. I don't even have an ATM card anymore. Getting cash is hard for me. I have to sell something. Yeah, I know what you mean.
Starting point is 00:26:38 You know what I mean? Like sell an old computer or a camera or something. And then I just put a big stack of cash in my room somewhere. I try to keep it at five grand grand to be honest in hungies i picture i picture you like you need to you need a little bit of cash you know take your wife out maybe for valet or something so you're like looking around the house yeah for valet exactly facebook marketplace yeah you know and it's like no i have a guy i have an asian dude that i've been selling all my shit to for 10 years like anything like he's just buying anything for me yeah yeah anything so like if i
Starting point is 00:27:12 have a buy like if i need some cash or something let's say like my my envelope of cash hidden in my closet no one go in there yeah i had to move it from my dresser to my closet because of my kids and um living with like three little boys is like living with three little criminals three rats and uh yeah so then if i need cash to fill that up i just call this dude and i just send him pictures of what i have and then he comes to my house what's something what's something in your office right now that you could sell for 20 to 50 dollars oh i wouldn't do i only do big i would sell like i have this leica camera that i haven't used lenses it's probably worth like 15 grand that i'm always like maybe i should sell i haven't used it in years i got this one lens that's like worth 10 000 on ebay really but he
Starting point is 00:28:00 probably would only give me three grand for it you know what i mean so that's like the thing how much money are you making off of it sitting down on the desk zero but i think i'm cool but i think i'm cool as shit you know what i mean it's like street horner got muscles i got this fucking lens yes yeah i mean look i'm sure that lens helps you out in the bedroom with your wife too i'm sure she's like no i've been walking past that lens all week and i'll tell you what i got i got a hummer because i own that lens yeah my wife doesn't even give a fuck about that stuff it doesn't even require a shower that's good man okay uh so we have three at our Dallin and Fee – do Dallin and Fee have plans to stay at Brute? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Actually, so Brute is actually going to be moving up to Jacksonville, Florida. Oh, shit. Yeah. So it's about five hours away, like legitimately, like from the furthest point south florida to about the furthest point north in florida okay um and so dal and i went up to go visit the spot which is we're going to be for the time being renting out a uh section of a gym that's pretty pretty big gym place called crossfit tailwinds um you know the place is four times bigger than the place we have right now. So it's just,
Starting point is 00:29:25 it's going to help a lot of things. Uh, but our plan is to move up there in about like December, January time. So I heard that Danielle was going to back to Justin Kotler, but the truth is she's going to Jacksonville. Now I see like where the confusion, Justin Kotler,
Starting point is 00:29:41 Jacksonville. Okay. Easily. And I heard she wasily And I heard she was going I heard she was going north, east, northwest But not that far Yeah, easily mistakeable Okay So she's not moving back to
Starting point is 00:29:58 Uh Um Vegas? To Vegas? No, I don't think she was a fan of that city to be honest with you. Who is? I think everyone who lives in Vegas has compromised.
Starting point is 00:30:13 You've compromised. Yeah, I mean I haven't been off the strip when I've been in there and every time I go in there you give me like 48 hours and I'm like sweating to get back home to something normal.
Starting point is 00:30:29 So I've had a different experience than a lot of these people that live there, the athletes that's trained there. I mean, I think, you know, Sarah said- It's worse for them. If you're not filthy rich, Vegas sucks or a drug addict. I mean, those are the only two people having fun there filthy rich and drug
Starting point is 00:30:46 addicts uh well i would argue too even the um uh the hotels are probably having fun over there now why what's oh why what's going on there i mean did did you hear all the things that are coming in there now it's like super bowl this year uh f1 this year like everything's happening over there this year it's gonna be they're starting to charge there's like there's no more free parking on the vegas strip anymore like at your chart you're getting charged for everything i mean the business of vegas is a great business to be in business you ever seen the haircut that the la raiders owner has yeah it looked like his dad's it's yeah it's the something davis it's the worst haircut of any human being alive i mean by far by far you can't you can't you can't say that we never had a bowl cut
Starting point is 00:31:43 growing up dude it's worse than a bowl cut i had a bowl cut growing up. Dude, it's worse than a bowl cut. I had a bowl cut, but I had cool hair. It reminds me of if a monk were to get a haircut. That's kind of what it would be. It's just right across. Everything is just edged perfectly. You're about to pull up a picture. Are you doing it or what?
Starting point is 00:32:03 No, I was going to. Fuck it. I'm already wasted too much. I only have you for 14 minutes, and I know what you're about to pull up a picture you doing it or what no i was going to fuck it i i'm already wasted too much i only have you for 14 minutes and i know what you're doing i just realized you're better than me you want a small talk so we can't guys i see i was like oh fuck i'm getting fucking this is why this guy's the best at what okay uh okay so daniel so is daniel brandon moving to um jacksonville will she still be part of the BRUTE team? Yeah, as of right now, that's the plan. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:31 You can't see it. I mean, you only know what you know. Correct, yeah. And do you think that if she did go to a different team, you and her would stay friends i think we're you know i think we're mature enough to do that um if that if that would ever happen um you know it i mean to find friends i feel like that's such a broad would you still if she went to another team? Say that again. You went in and out.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I went in and out. Hey, whose car are you sitting in right now? It's mine. Oh, okay. The comments, man, the comments, everyone thinks there's a fucking detective over there in the comments. Everyone's like asking why he's in Danielle's car. Oh, that's an interesting car.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Oh, no, the seat's down. Oh, okay. I have my golf clubs back there. We did a five-hour trip to Jacksonville and had two dogs in here. I had to make it comfortable for the dogs. two dogs in here i had to make it comfortable for the dogs uh um boy that that's a huge that's a huge move for the whole team for all your gym equipment for that that takes a lot of resources money time effort yeah i mean it's yes why did you yes but uh number one was cost you know if if i'm if I'm asking a lot of these athletes,
Starting point is 00:34:06 this was the number one foundational point of like the choice was. If I'm asking these athletes, especially we're recruiting young athletes into, you know, to come over to our camp and their base rent around here is starting at $22 to like $2,600 a month. It's a large ask. A lot of these athletes, they come on, they're not making money. They're still getting support from their parents. And it's, they're stretching out every single penny, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:33 And then obviously like with that in consideration, it was like, what city is going to be best fit? And Jacksonville was like this reoccurring theme. And then, you know, just the cost of real estate around here in general. You know, my goal is to get a building of our own. And, you know, we're talking about the difference of millions of dollars, not thousands of dollars when considering purchasing a building. So it's with all that, it was also I want to stay in Florida as well. The water is there. It's actually the largest city in the United States per square mile. Um, you know, there's a downtown area,
Starting point is 00:35:12 there's professional teams there. There's, there's things to do. There's culture there. Uh, you can be out in the, the estates and the boondocks if you wanted to, which is 15 minutes away from the city. You can get city life if you want to. There's just a lot more options. When we're running our brew camps, there's an airport right there. It's like, it's like there's, there's, there's a lot more reason to move up there than there was to stay down here. I'm typing an average cost of home in our houses expensive in Naples. an average cost of home in our houses expensive in naples uh the median meaning half the homes are more and half the homes are less is 795 uh housing prices in 2023 up nine percent thank you california for moving out to florida the median listing home per square foot was 428 uh okay yeah okay so Okay. It's expensive.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Let's do Jacksonville. Jay's missing on my keyboard. It is a pain in the ass to write out Jacksonville every time. I'll admit that. Half the price. Half the price. $3.05.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Less than half. Wow. Isn't that wild? Less than 1% home increases, 8 tenths of 1%. So there's a lot of growth that's about to happen in the city of Jacksonville as well. I forgot the owner of the Jaguars. I forget his name. Con. The dude has like billions and billions getting moved into the city uh and so i think it's just
Starting point is 00:36:47 it's a the timing is absolutely perfect as well there's a lot there was a lot of money that was funneled into naples you know the last like five to you know eight years and a lot of people are getting uh you know squeezed out of some of their investments so now they're starting to make that trip up up to jacksonville and so if we can get there at the right time you know if squeezed out of some of their investments. So now they're starting to make that trip up to Jacksonville. And so if we can get there at the right time, you know, if I can find a home up there at the right time, then I think it would all work out well. You know, that's, that's putting, you know, me in thought, but in all reality, you know, my,
Starting point is 00:37:20 my goal is to have Brute HQ. We actually were releasing a, uh, our new brand. Um, I know it's down pepper. He had the brand down pepper. It's a salt and pepper shaker down pepper. Yes, dude. Like when, when, when you see Brute within like September, like from the entirety of the rest of this year uh it's a complete rehaul just like flipping everything over just like washing it completely clean and
Starting point is 00:37:53 starting completely fresh the red and the whites and like the mascots the the way the way that things are the way that we talk the way that community like everything is getting redone and so it's something that we're really excited about and the the company that helped us with the rebrand is the same company that helped with uh rads branding as well just to give you perspective of the angle that we're going to be coming from in the crossfit space is something. Is there an unveiling? Yeah. It'll start to roll out in September.
Starting point is 00:38:31 We legitimately just got all of our brain assets. That's tomorrow. That's tomorrow. Yeah. So tomorrow something's going to happen? Not tomorrow. You're making me nervous the way you talk.
Starting point is 00:38:46 You're not going to like, are you going to still call them thrusters? Ooh, we're thinking about calling them squat push presses. Thought leaders. Will there be any double talk? Will there anything be weird? Like, hey, it doesn't matter whether you call it a barbell or a ghd it doesn't matter we'll be like that it doesn't matter if it's men or women or like no you guys are going to stick with like no yeah the the base will be the same think think of think of like the opposite of mayhem that would probably be the best description of it in the in the
Starting point is 00:39:22 shortest amount of words to be used um side note have you seen the new hard knock wow that's that's a really strong statement the opposite of mayhem yeah and yeah i think that i think that that would be an accurate statement see that on the headline the opposite of mayhem. Yeah. Wow. I need to ask you one question before you ask me a question. What about Mr. James Sprague? That's the – and James and Nate Ackerman. What about those two guys?
Starting point is 00:39:57 I'm only mentioning Nate so he doesn't feel left out. No one cares. He has no idea. Let's include him. Well, we love Nate down here. Nate is like everyone's little brother down here. So Nate is Dom's athlete. So when Dom made the split, Nate went with Dom.
Starting point is 00:40:19 But Dom hasn't really made the split yet, has he? Wherever Dom goes, Nate's going to be going. It's not like a brute thing. There's a far less likelihood that Nate is going to be coming to Jacksonville. And in that same sense, there's an extremely less likelihood that Dom is coming to Jacksonville as well. Okay. Oh yeah, these things scare me like look what people are
Starting point is 00:40:46 writing so brute will be anti-american you're not going to be anti-american are you oh yeah i can see i can see how mayhem is anti-american no the way the way i see no no no mayhem is like american but when you said it's the opposite someone said like what if you're anti-american i don't want you to be anti-american oh my god no who wants to be anti-american we just we just we just what we're trying to do is we're trying to catch people's eyes in a different way that the crossfit world has done so before like the way the way i see crossfit is this you know mayhem uh noble like everything is just like you know try hard uh you know put your trust in the hands of god like i'm nothing against that it's just like it's like this is what it is red wine and blue like a bald eagle fucking flying noble is more like put your hands in trust of the devil my my
Starting point is 00:41:38 yeah well i guess to me it's like that's You know, like, we live in a culture right now, where it's like, everyone has different thoughts and feels of what they think is cool and the way they think that fitness should be done. And if we could blend the two, where a blend of science, right, programming, what I do on a daily basis and creativity, and how we do things at Brute, it's like like how can we blend those two together and what would that look like from a visual standpoint and that's kind of what i mean like you know it's like when you look at mayhem do you think oh like these people like are in tune with culture like you know they can go they go out and like uh you know they can i don't know no i don't i don't i don't think they're in tune with culture like like pop culture no i think of i picture rich froning on a horse i'm fighting there's nothing fighting there's nothing there's nothing wrong with that at all like that's exactly what i think rich's brand is on a horse fighting bad guys and like an eagle on his shoulder yeah yeah that does some kicking
Starting point is 00:42:41 ass too like he can send it out and kick some ass too. You know what I mean? Like we're just, like I said, we're just coming from a different angle. We're coming from an angle that hasn't been brought to this service of CrossFit and fitness, you know, and it's something that we're really excited about. I can't wait. You'll be you'll be on again. We'll get to the bottom of this. OK, James Sprague and Nate. So Nate, Nate and Dom are a team what about uh mr sprague um that's the giant guy
Starting point is 00:43:10 yeah the young kid yeah so james right now is actually in washington he's gonna be in washington until january his lease was his lease finished like uh you know august here so he was like ah screw it i'm gonna put everything in uh you know storage i'm gonna head out to washington he's out there with his girlfriend this is like the longest he's been with his girlfriend pretty much like ever is august till like january or december um so right now he's basically doing like uh training away um but yeah i mean he's still he's still with the crew um you know the goal the goal is to get everyone to move down or not to move down the goal is just to get everyone to move into Jacksonville
Starting point is 00:43:51 you know James James and his and his girlfriend have plans of their own and we need to see if those plans will fit work plans you know I'm not here to say whether or not, you know, whatever they're going and talking about behind closed. I really don't know. But James, you know, James wants to be in Jacksonville. James wants to be training with the crew. And, you know, we want the same thing for James as well. If does the Brute crew have room and if Jason Hopper wanted to come to Jacksonville, would he be welcome? crew have room and if jason hopper wanted to come to jacksonville would he be welcome uh uh of course like you know we love we love hopper that's not that's not the goal that's you know that's not the plan is to make hopper come down the good thing though is like from but i'm just saying if you if he if he wanted to uh is brute taking is, is brute taking on more, is brute taking on more athletes was five
Starting point is 00:44:46 too many. Are you purposely calling the herd? Are you excited? I'm not trying to be a dick to Nate or, um, or anyone, but are you excited that, that some people might be leaving? So you could focus on the ones you have, or are you taking, would you take more? Yeah, me personally, I won't take on any more athletes. You will, or won't.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I will not know, but we, we will be having coaches move down to Jacksonville to take on more athletes. I would love it if we had eight games athletes training in the same area, in the same gym, doing their own programming. But as for me, I won't be taking on any more athletes from this point moving forward. So you're not demanding that Hopper move down but he could Yeah, I mean, of course
Starting point is 00:45:34 who wouldn't want Hopper joining their program, you know I don't know, he took 31st Yeah You know, I think in the day and age of this sport, you know, 31st. He's good. He's still good? Still have faith?
Starting point is 00:45:51 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, like, yeah, the dude's still good. I think there's, like, the way I see Jason right now is, like, he's trying to figure out his best training scenario throughout the season because if you push down that hammer too soon you know maybe maybe that you don't have enough juice left at the games or if you don't do it enough you don't really perform as you think you would or you know there's so many other things that go into this sport that like from the outsider's perspective perspective is like ah 31st what a shitty guy you know and it's like whatever now i also
Starting point is 00:46:27 do think that like jason doesn't need to explain to anybody why he did this and why he did that and just realize like that's just the nature of the sport you know you have a you have a bad week you just come back a year later and you do it again uh but you know he'll have a lot of opportunities to to prove to himself that he's still capable of doing these amazing things that he's done, even up to semifinals. Matt Torres knows that he doesn't need to explain shit to anyone,
Starting point is 00:46:54 and yet he's still kind enough to come on the show and answer questions and explain stuff to us. I appreciate it. You the man, dude. I really appreciate you coming on. Thank you. Yeah, man. You're welcome, Savannah on. Thank you. Yeah, man. You're welcome, Savannah. Always great talking with you, man.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I'm excited for your move. Boy, I can't wait. It's going to be a fun new season coming in, and there's so many things that we got coming up. I'm really excited for it all. Last question. Does James sprague a shed you know i don't think so i really don't think so like he holds on to his hair pretty securely
Starting point is 00:47:33 i think i think he wants to keep all that brother enjoy your enjoy summer's over can't wait for september launch of brute uh 2.0 3.0 4.0 hell yeah let's go love you so much take care brother love you too bye sorry i'm late what up dang look at you you look like you you look like you could be on a beer brew label, like a home brew. Hook me up. I'm open to anything, so much. For a small stipend, for a small amount of beer, you'll be the face of some local beer? I'm in, 100%.
Starting point is 00:48:21 How are you doing, dude? I'm good, man. I'm good. I was just clearing brush down at the pit. We're getting locked in. You know what I mean? Yeah, awesome. Brock Yost. And what's the name of your gym, Brock?
Starting point is 00:48:40 Triple River CrossFit. Or CrossFit Triple River, technically. And you guys have a competition coming up very soon. Yep. We'll start tomorrow, technically, but registration starts tonight. We're checking in the JV registrants tonight. JV meaning Junior Varsity, and this is a teen competition. Teen as in T-E-e-n people who are
Starting point is 00:49:06 can you be 18 what's the age what's the age group yeah it's 14 to 22 technically so we have a teen uh you know teen division but the teen division is jv in varsity like high school then we have a collegiate division which is 19 to 22 and we're pumped about that that's gonna be a fun division this year okay and then this collegiate division or teen division is this age because we always hear about the the the the jump especially for the for the boys that's so difficult from being you know 18 to then or 17 or 16 and then getting in there with the men yeah basically we're still eliminating excuses for athletes okay you know what i mean it's like it's like you guys want to come compete against people and they're they're the same age as you come on over uh no i mean we saw a little bit of a hole there obviously a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:49:59 opportunity to play around in that age and see what it looks like. And, you know, we're, uh, we're getting a lot of interest, you know, some, some decent, some decent, um, names that are sneaking in there. So we're, um, trying to grow that, you know, as far, I don't know if that'll ever be a thing, um, like in any of the other bigger competitions, but we're trying to stick it out there and, you know, give it some roots and maybe somebody else, if, uh, if it's worth it and you can pick it up. And, um, because for people who didn't understand what we're talking about, because that kind of, uh, 18 to 22 year old for men in competition and CrossFit is kind of no man's land. You're, you're too old for teen and you just might not have had enough time to develop the strength to make it in with the best hey this picture that you have in the pit throw down is
Starting point is 00:50:49 that um uh a blind i only know that word because my sister spent the last 15 or 20 years living on a game ranches is that where you sit and hunt animals which one see that see that picture um to the left of the letter p there There's something that looks like a funnel. Oh, okay. Is that a blind? No. I mean, I have a blind. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I thought I was trying to show off and show like I had some hunting knowledge. Do you have hunting knowledge at all? No, none. Just what my sister tells me. Okay. Yeah, so we live – my wife's family owned a farm here for like 100 and something years. It's coming coming on 150 years in about four or five years here and um and the way we kind of found the pit was we were walking
Starting point is 00:51:32 around out there one day and it kind of butts up to the this old gravel pit and my son and i walked over there and checked it all out and um we're like whoa this is really cool you know it's just like barren land and sand and rocks and hills and you know all this kind of stuff but uh we um we do have a hunting blind on our property but that is an old gravel pit so that's an old that picture that that little uh hopper is an old material spreader so what they would do seven is they take a huge dump of material and dump it in the top of that or they would put it on a conveyor belt and they would run it up and it would dump into the top and then there was
Starting point is 00:52:09 different uh grates you know like the grates would be bigger holes and it would sift down you'd have play sand and you'd have pea gravel and you have rocks and that's what that was but we thought it was so cool it's kind of like an iconic piece of the property it's been there for over 100 years so we left it up we call it the copper hopper like old school you know grassroots crossfit the hopper right yeah i like it um uh audrey stick to the city savvy okay fine uh the gun he shoots is between his legs okay fine i slept on exclusively hunts beaver all right all right all right i'm with um um do you guys know me? So explain why this dude is on before Katie Henniger. Katie needs a fluffer.
Starting point is 00:52:52 The Pitt throwdown is this weekend, and Katie Henniger needs a fluffer, and Coach Brock Yost is – who wouldn't want a fluff guy, Katie? Well, let's get a little bit more interesting conversation going then. The competition is cool. I mean it's a teenage competition. Go online and check it out, If you're interested, we're going to live stream it too. Yeah, live stream.
Starting point is 00:53:15 So you can go to the Victory Grip Teen Throwdown, the 2023 Victory Grip Pit Teen Throwdown, and you can hit notify me like i just did yeah perfect it's in 44 hours and you have uh brian friend and mike arsenault as the commentators no joel joel joel okay okay yeah i had it wrong yeah joel gadot joel yeah i i don't want to try it i i've tried a few times he's too polite to correct me so good and he has one of the best voices in crossfit it's going to be fantastic bro yeah he's he's amazing he's been in the game with us since 2020 when we took it over or you know when we started doing it so
Starting point is 00:53:56 saturday today's thursday so saturday at 8 a.m this thing starts um and why how long have you been doing this competition so 2020 is when we started so when it was canceled for the games we were we had a couple kids qualify and we're like let's do it you know remember we were talking a little bit back then um you didn't want to put a mask down and fly otherwise you came out but right um basically the uh the you know it was it was an opportunity. And Matt O'Brien won it that year. Have you heard that story? No.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I'd love to hear it. No. So Matt O'Brien came out in 2020, but she didn't. So we took all the qualifiers off the open, just like they would for the games. Because when they canceled age groups, we were like, all right, let's do the same thing they would do and just invite them all see what happens and um all of them pretty much accept their invite but they're like you know how there's always a couple people that just don't accept the invite and we had a couple spots to fill for the girls and brandon romano uh ramones romanos, uh, my photography and videography guy for that event out of Georgia.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And randomly she went to his gym, Mal did. He's like, dude, you got to invite Mal. And I'm like, who's who, you know, who is this? You know, this is about 2020 when she wasn't really heard of. And, um, he goes, you just gotta trust me. And I'm like, this is some random guy I just met. I'm like, all right, well, did she do the open? What'd she take? He's like, she didn't do the open. I'm like, this is some random guy I just met. I'm like, all right, well, did she do the open? He's like, she didn't do the open. I'm like, all right, bro, let's forget about it. But then he showed me a video of her doing, I forget what she was doing, just some barbell workout, cycling, beautiful, and chest bar pull-ups. I'm like, all right, this girl's legit.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Let's call her up and invite her. We invited her, even though she didn't make the open or do the open, and she came and just dominated everybody obviously wow dominated and then she uh you know obviously the rest is history type deal that was 2020 2020 and the tutor uh magda won it as well that year um how many uh how many people how many competitors will there be this this year we're gonna have 125 we're gonna have 25 so jv day is a one day and then there's two days after that that we do for like the elites or whatever you want to call them the varsity and collegiate and jv day basically
Starting point is 00:56:19 is you know have you heard of core city crossfit in Detroit? Yes. That's an awesome, awesome organization. So Helen from there is going to bring over some kids for the JV Day there. I mean, the JV Day is basically a day to inspire some of these younger kids, maybe some of the less privileged kids that don't get an opportunity to do this stuff all the time. So we find ways to get them here through crowdfunding and just, you know, different opportunities for that. We try to create opportunities for kids that are a little less fortunate. And then we showcase them and we make sick reels of them and give them all
Starting point is 00:56:54 the sick media that, you know, they probably might not ever get. So, and then varsity day we go off, you know, regular. Hey, Brock, how can people support the event do you have something like if i click this store can people buy shirts uh if you click the store there's some different ways to support but i don't think it's shirts i think there's just like uh it takes a minute to load uh there's just like some banner i forget what's on there i can't see it from my angle yeah there's a banner uh and then there's a vendor space. Yeah, I mean, we have shirts on site, but we don't really have anything set up merch-wise as far as that goes.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Kind of a fail on my end, I guess. So this event's been going on, this is its third year? Yeah. And are there other events like this? Are other teen events is there a t i don't know anything about the teen um i mean to be honest with you yeah that old you know winners focused on winning losers focused on winners you know yeah that i just don't know i've been our team has been so head down eyes forward i don't really i pay attention to the market pay attention to the seas rising so
Starting point is 00:58:06 to speak and what's happening in the bigger picture especially with crossfit obviously but um as far as other competitions i don't really i don't know if there are probably but um you know we we're just going to try to make our quality the best you know create like greg greg says cream rise to the top right yeah uh patrick clark olivia was there uh kerstetter in 2020 as well uh this competition is very cool patrick clark a great venue hey so you guys are clearly putting a huge investment into it 125 athletes uh and you're doing a live stream and you you're bringing two of the best at the job of commentating. I mean, Brian's so fucking underutilized in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Yeah, he's a gem for sure. Both of those guys, dude. I'm excited. I want to watch the live stream. I'll probably have my headset in, listening to the live stream while I'm walking around doing all that other stuff. I'm walking around doing all that other stuff. It's bizarre to me that he's not used even more forward-facing elsewhere. He killed it at Rogue this year. Killed it.
Starting point is 00:59:18 And when we did the Zealous games, I mean, it was basically he did a radio show. Our video was so bad because of our streaming capability. And it was basically – and Brian owned that. And you were basically just listening to brian talk it felt like fucking am radio from like you know the 80s and i was like yeah he's killing it and if you put him with the right person like put him like joel too i i joel would be great but you can even get him up with someone who's kind of like a jason kalipa or an adrian conway someone who would just bring a whole – Different level of energy? Yeah, kind of different level of energy.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Let Brian just be sober, and then let this person just be kind of the rah-rah. And, dude, I'm telling you, there's something there. I'll sneak a bunch of caffeine into Joel. And don't get me wrong. Joel's out of this world. Yeah. Great. He could do it by himself just as well as anyone.
Starting point is 01:00:04 And an absolutely fantastic voice. world yeah i mean a great uh he could do it by himself just as well as as anyone i uh and an absolutely uh fantastic voice why um why did you keep going so the first year clearly you did it because there was a need why keep going why are you still because what we what we wanted to do is because what we noticed is the kids love it obviously i mean they're all in the same place you know i mean it's like a summer camp for crossfit kids you know what i mean i mean at The kids love it, obviously. They're all in the same place. It's like a summer camp for CrossFit kids. You know what I mean? At high school, you get made fun of for doing CrossFit pretty much.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Not all the time, but the kids that don't understand it just sort of know how kids are. When you get around a bunch of other kids who all love it and they're all pretty much a high level level too and you know you make a ton of i mean dude friendships have been made like crazy i mean this is a pretty cool thing so we're turning it towards a festival you know in 21 um we're like well let's do it again just sort of make it a high level competition but also give the kids a you know really fun time like we have a big bonfire for them, and they have an after party. There's something on Saturday night where we do a dinner, and we bring speakers to talk to them. This year, the Navy SEALs are coming. We have a big group of Navy SEALs going to be in the water.
Starting point is 01:01:19 A swim workout we're going to do. Wait, you're going to have Navy SEALs speak to them? Was the transgender reading hour people, they weren't available, do wait you're gonna have navy seals speak to them were the um was the uh uh the um transgender reading hour people they weren't available so you got navy seals to speak to the kids yeah they they were busy so okay because i because i know that's all the rave at libraries to have men who dress as women come read your kids and you chose seals that's weird i didn't even know that it's almost like good that's fucking good it's almost like you're not uh you're not up to date on what's going on it's almost like you're stuck in like uh
Starting point is 01:01:49 1997 dude seals are so 1997 my wife and i make this joke that we don't leave hoffman road we live on the farm the farm butts right up to the pit the pit you know our businesses are on the pit and we just pretty much drive back and forth like a half a mile sometimes we ride our bikes and then not pay attention to anybody else i mean dude when all that shit went down in 2020 including all of it like take the drugs and wear the face diaper well i mean sure that plus the glassman cancel oh right you know as affiliate owners that's yeah uh right all of it all of it we could go into it but you know trump biden the whole thing but when all that went down we literally
Starting point is 01:02:31 made this rule with each other my wife and i who is also my partner in the business automios that we were going to just control we could control within like a 10 mile radius of where we are you're so smart we'll pay attention to our local community. We're going to inject as hard as we can and as hard as we can and invest as hard as we can into this little community and give the love and support and the health awareness. And then we're just going to try to build our platform within our community and it's going to make our community better. One, but number two,
Starting point is 01:03:04 obviously it's going to outreach. It's going to trick our community better one but number two obviously it's going to outreach it's going to trickle down further and further and further just like the the old wheat fields right you're a good dude you sound like someone who cares listen judy judy asked will this be streamed on youtube yes this look at you're going to go to this website the pit throw down okay pit throw down teen type in google find that shit and then there's a button here that says live stream and you click it and it takes you to this page where you can watch it or you can go straight to youtube and then you can go to youtube and uh they have a youtube station yeah pit media here you go pit media yep there you go
Starting point is 01:03:43 subscribe just go everyone go over there and subscribe now pit media and then just turn on your um all um like that we're gonna start doing some crazy stuff we're we're kind of new to youtube just because of the nature of the evolution of this game you know um with from a gym space perspective i should say um but we're we're going to start really putting some content out. My goal is to only put quality content on YouTube. I don't want to just shove a bunch of randomness on there. Anything that goes on our YouTube channel is going to be some good quality stuff. Hey, dude, I'll be watching.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I'm really stoked for you. Thanks for doing this, coming on and talking about your event. I've got to have you back on again and talk about – maybe you and I should do a show and just talk about how other people maybe should start kids' competitions or what people can do or just talk about the future. A topic I want to bring up sometime this time we talk, just for the record, is how we value all divisions in the CrossFit Games. How do we put a value on them and how do we, how does that value come to accumulate? You know what I mean? Like 5% adaptive,
Starting point is 01:04:51 5% teams, 5% masters. Then the other 85% is the, you know, or what, or how, and then how do we break that down? I have a pretty cool,
Starting point is 01:05:00 I have a pretty, I, I like to hear your opinions on some of my thoughts on that. Okay. Hey, I do a CrossFit Games Update show every Friday. Let's have you on, and we'll – this Friday – tomorrow I'm traveling. Yeah, I'll be doing competitions. Oh, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:05:15 You even have a busier weekend than myself. All right. Please – Jocko Fuel. Please stay in touch, and thanks for doing this, brother. I appreciate you. I will. Hey, thank you, brother. I appreciate it big time.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Anytime. Thank you. All right. Hey, thank you, brother. I appreciate it. Big time. Anytime. Thank you. All right. Yep. See you, bro. Bye. Brian Friend and Joel with a guy last name no one wants to say. And Victory Grips is the big sponsor, and it's the Pit Teen Throwdown.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Cool. Exciting. Man, Brian friend is busy thank you judy for throwing up the alley-oop so i could dunk it uh thank you we will be watching my kids will love this yeah oh good point good point my partner is like why would i watch that but you're right throw it on the tv and uh talk about uh what we were talking about with matt torres You want to be a good influence on kids. Put on kids doing CrossFit. Hey.
Starting point is 01:06:11 What's up? How's it going? Good. How are you? What'd I miss? Nothing. I can't even believe you really came on. I was just using you as clickbait.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Oh, well, here I am. Here you are. Listen, everyone else, I'm like, look, we're on in 10 minutes. Get over here. Don't be late with Katie. I'm like, here's a link. Yeah, Boss Lady. That's right, Mr. Burns.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Boss Lady. I'm like, hey, if you want, you know, 805 Jethro. Damn, I know. I know. Me too. Hey, how about Tyson? Let's start there. How cool is that?
Starting point is 01:06:48 That's pretty cool. I'm tripping. I don't even know football are you a football fan love it and so what give me your your perspective on how is it just a complete I don't know what the story is but it's just a complete um Cinderella story is it just like wow holy shit I think absolutely it is and you're seeing it all over the news, but to be, you know, not surprising. He's done it the right way. He's put his heart, his head down. He's done all the work he's saying and doing all the right things. But if you look at it, I think it's something like, don't quote me on these stats, something like 7% of high school athletes go on to play college athletics and from college athletics. I think it's somewhere around one percent of football players could have the chance of making it to the nfl like that's crazy
Starting point is 01:07:30 and uh but just super proud of him really happy for him happy for the family i know travis is probably losing his mind right now that's that's so cool he should be and we've known travis forever since he's been basically made his focus, coach your kids, coach your kids sports. While other people are telling them to get a job. Yeah, I think first time I met Tyson, I don't, I don't even think he was as high as my hip. So it's, it's been a fun journey for those guys, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:07:58 And it's, it's only going to get better. Yeah. Isn't it weird as we, I mean, as we get older, I mean, you played really high level sports. Did you ever make it to as we, I mean, as we get older, I mean, you played really high level sports. Did you ever make it to the WNBA, Katie? I did. You did. And how long did you play a full season there? Yeah. Two seasons. And it's hard. It's, it's, you know, it's like you go from college athletics where everybody kind of keeps you on a schedule and then you go to pro and it's a job and it's a business and it's, it's hard to make that
Starting point is 01:08:26 transition. And then once you're in it, um, you know, you, you're aware of what's going on, but it's, it's definitely a, it's a big business and it's a job for the athletes as well. And, uh, so, so you, so you make that leap and yeah, I guess you answered the question. I was just thinking I wonder if – so that's when I hear Tyson being interviewed. He's kind of already starting to allude to what you're saying. Like it seems like there's some change in the way he's speaking, nothing bad, but that he's aware that it has become a business. Yeah, and you get ingrained in it pretty early.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I mean as soon as you step in that locker room, you know what's going on. It's not a secret. Everybody talks about what's going on. It's just the way that the business runs. It's weird as we get older that we're starting to know people who are getting to that.
Starting point is 01:09:20 At least I did. I always wondered as a little kid, I was like, man, where do all these famous people and successful people hang out? And then now at 51 i'm like fuck i'm surrounded by a lot of fucking really successful people and it's just like hey people had to put in their time right absolutely and if you look at the way the sport of crossfit has grown you know it's it's kind of mind-blowing in the last 15 16 years of coming from the ranch you know in 2008 for me 16 years of coming from the ranch, you know, in 2008 for me, especially to now where, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:52 it's a full-time job for these athletes to train and be ready for the competition and the long season that they have throughout the year. Katie won the games in 2008, correct? Correct. Long time ago. And then she won the lotto when she married Bill. Absolutely. It was a great couple of years for Katie. What year did you get married? Long time ago. And then she won the lotto when she married Bill. Absolutely. It was a great couple of years for Katie. What year did you get married? 2009. That was a trick question.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Good thing I had that right on the tip of my tongue. You're going to get me in trouble here today. I hate it when people ask me, like, what's your wife's birthday? I'm like, really? I need a few minutes. The Rogue Invitational is coming up? Absolutely. We just came through the – well, we're not through the qualifier yet,
Starting point is 01:10:31 but end of October will be the Invitational. Fifth year? Fifth year. Really excited about it. Come a long way. Hopefully a long way to go. So it is a staple now. When you did the first year, did you know it would be part of the – I don't know how you guys refer to it there, but it's one of the arms, right?
Starting point is 01:10:46 Like you sell equipment, you manufacture equipment, you have different branches. Was it known that, okay, now we have a competition, this is going to be a competition branch or was, did you know that? No, I don't think we planned on that. We, you know, Bill Rand was the regional director for, I think, four years for the game season. So we had, we had run events, we had been around events, and then there were just some things going on with regionals and sanctionals at that point. We really wanted to be a part of the community,
Starting point is 01:11:13 and that's really how it came to be. But we wanted to be something different, right? It is an invitational. So a lot of speculation out there of how we get to the 20, but it could be anything from games qualification um this year to you know having an athlete that's a high performer in all of our challenges to a legend that has won the games that's come back you know we did that with annie last year ben smith's done that so there's some different things but it's it's meant to be a showcase and it's a little bit different
Starting point is 01:11:40 than than uh how maybe others look at events but that's how we want to run the Invitational and have fun with it. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Find us at So, I want to go back to what you said. And so I want to go back to what you said. So you think that if CrossFit would have stayed with the regional format all these years, maybe you guys would still just be run. I shouldn't say just be. You guys would point, you know, with our involvement, not just with the CrossFit Games, but with the Arnold and Strongman and really the Iron Game for us with our USAW partnership and what we do with the IPS and things like that with powerlifting, it really makes sense to have this festival feel that we want to have. So it's not just about CrossFit. It's not just about Strongman.
Starting point is 01:13:02 It's really putting everybody in the Iron game in one place so that we can elevate all the sports. Okay. So, so you said a festival feel, I was kind of poking fun at the event last year as I saw like footage of people there, because it really, it, it almost seems, I wanted to start calling it the influencer games. Cause it was literally just like a who's who of just people I see on Instagram. It was just like a thousand people from like – literally the camera would pan over the crowd.
Starting point is 01:13:32 I'm like, oh, is that the section where people with 150,000 followers or more are sitting? It was kind of crazy. Well, let's start with you making fun of people. That's not surprising here. So we'll just start there. We'll start there. But that, you know, it's, it's, it's meant to have people come and enjoy it and have fun and have other opportunities, whether that's a, you know, spectator workout or something
Starting point is 01:13:55 with legends where people have access to talk to these athletes that have been around the last 15, you know, 18 years and see why they got into it. Listen to their stories. You know, there's a lot of people that if you brought up some of the last 15, you know, 18 years and see why they got into it. Listen to their stories. You know, there's a lot of people that if you brought up some of the legends names who we consider legends, they wouldn't know about them nowadays. And we really want to bring that in because they were the foundational piece of the sport. Yeah. And it, and it, and it was like that also to, um, to add to the, you know, to what you're saying, people were telling me that everywhere you walk, there were people that you never thought you would meet and they were just everywhere and they were,
Starting point is 01:14:29 and you, they were completely accessible to you. So that's cool. Yeah. And I think, well, and I also think that's one part of the community is that no one's off limits, right? There's, there's really engaging. They're going to stop and talk to anybody that wants to ask questions and have a conversation. And I think that's the beauty of, of the community and why we want to be a part of it and why we want to continue to support it. Did you ever meet Muggsy Bogue? He was my coach. No shit.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Yeah. In college or in the WNBA? At Charlotte and the WNBA my last year. Wow. I had no idea. Katie, who is taller Muggsy or Seve? Wow. Muggsy mugsy no i'm kidding
Starting point is 01:15:06 you're taller than him oh thank you he's a good he's a cool dude he's awesome uh andre brits i don't know what kind of money this is but i'll take it thank you i i appreciate it uh the invitational when you say uh the speculation of's invited, so one of the things I saw was that in previous years, the top 15 from the games, men and women were invited. No, not true. up to the 15th at the games is how it worked out. But that's not, there is no hard and set line that the top 15 from the games are going to come to the invitational. Maybe we start with the top 10 and then depending on who accepts and does not accept,
Starting point is 01:15:53 then we keep moving down the line and or we go to the qualifier or we have, you know, other, other people that we're going to invite as well because we want it to be, like I said, a showcase. We want it to be fun, but it, invite as well because we want it to be like i said a showcase we want it to be fun but it there is no set um determination of games positions that will get you to the invitational outside of probably winning the games but katie if you want to be a professional event you have to have set rules and guidelines and we have to be able to follow them and you know i've been watching
Starting point is 01:16:20 rogue invitational for five years and i feel some ownership to it. You really need to offer consistency or else the fans really can't get into it. The key word you used there, it's an invitational. Invitational. Does any part of you just want to be like, hey, shut the fuck up. It's my event. Fuck you. No, I mean we have internal things of how we look at who's going to come and who's going to qualify and things like that. But that's our
Starting point is 01:16:46 internal process. And that doesn't always have to make it out to the world. But just know that we're going to try to get the best athletes there and put on the best showcase we can for number one is taking care of the athletes. Is it a great event? Are we are we putting them in a position to showcase themselves and then spectators and then online spectators? You know, what is that experience? And we're trying to put that whole package together and hopefully we pick the right athletes to do that good um did you did you get so the the person specifically that i saw being uh talked about was uh bethany uh flores shadburn and that you went down to 14 and then she didn't get the invite does she then send you a uh text being like oh katie uh i just checked my inbox i didn't get an invite could you resend it i think
Starting point is 01:17:30 there are a lot of athletes that i've contacted about how to get an invite over the past month basically since like the day i got home from the games i started getting messages it's a lot of money dude it's a lot of money it's a lot of uh notoriety it's a lot of money. It's a lot of notoriety. It's a lot of prestige. It's a, um, it, I mean, you guys take care of the athletes, the best, you have one of the biggest prize monies, and it's some of the most notoriety anyone can get. And it may be at the top of all those two. And so you expect that, right? You're not, I didn't sense any part of you complaining that that's like, that's what you want. You want to be in that position, right? Yeah, not complaining at all.
Starting point is 01:18:06 I mean, no matter what we do, there's going to be comments, right? There's definitely going to be conversation. But if you look at anything, there's going to be that anyway. But, yeah, I mean, look at the prize purses sitting at $1.4 million right now. We're trying to up that. We're trying to bump both of these sports up and get these athletes to make more money. Cause that's what they're trained doing all this work for, you know, they need to have a living, make a living out of this. And we're trying to do it in creative ways where if you, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:33 with our partner with go rock, if you buy a pair of go rock trainers, $5 of that goes to the prize purse, a portion of the ticket sales goes there. You know, the qualifier had a portion, and now we came out with a community event. The community event is meant to be having everyone doing these workouts, no stress, no judging, no leaderboard, just everybody get together and do a workout. But a portion of that is going to go back to these athletes because they're also a part of this larger community as well. Is it true that Jeff Bezos reached out to you and Bill and offered to buy Rogue?
Starting point is 01:19:06 Not true. Rumors. Has anyone ever tried to buy Rogue from you guys in the last couple of years? Sure. Yeah. And when they offered to buy it, do they actually give you a number? Not usually in the conversations. But look, we enjoy our jobs too much.
Starting point is 01:19:26 We enjoy being a part of this and it's still really cool for us to come to work every day and to do really cool things, come up with new equipment and manufacturing and take care of the people that are in-house here at Rogue because they all come to work every day and do a lot of hard work. But we also put out a lot of cool stuff for these events that then they can see in these live streams or on ESPN and things like that, that they know that they put their work into. And that's, that's one of the coolest parts for us. Um, how is your, was your website, how proud of you are you of your website? It's all, it always can be better. Is that what you're trying to get me to say? No, I'm just saying like it's,
Starting point is 01:20:06 um, it's addicting. You, you guys, there's a lot of websites that are fucked up, right? People, your website looks very,
Starting point is 01:20:13 very, it's your website is very functional. You know, B and H is the people in New York who sell all that camera equipment. You know who they are? Yeah. You're like, you're like them,
Starting point is 01:20:21 but with fitness stuff, if you accidentally go to your site, you better fucking like throw your wallet in the other room or something. Yeah, it's one of those. It's a fun site to be on, I guess. If you are into fitness and working out, then yes, that's the whole goal of the thing. It's candy. So you're not totally happy with it.
Starting point is 01:20:40 You're still hypercritical of your own website? Yeah. I mean that's just me in general. If anything we do, we can always do it better. Are we trying to provide the best possible experience for people that come to the website? Absolutely. But we're always trying to continue to push the bounds of what it can be. You know, we have some stuff that we're going to develop for the site that we're developing
Starting point is 01:20:59 for the site for the invitational to provide a different experience in terms of media and things like that. So not just a live stream, having other avenues for people to watch the stream and different views of that. And I think that's going to be cool, but it's also bringing people back to the site as well and driving the prize purse up. I'm no insider at Rogue, but I can't imagine the Rogue Invitational being something that you guys need to do and that it's 25 years away from being, if ever, for lack of a better word, hyper profitable. And you guys, obviously, it does not look from the outside like you guys need to do that in any way. I think anybody that runs events will tell you that it's not a huge moneymaker. And for some
Starting point is 01:21:47 of us, it may be it's for different reasons. And we're not running it because we have to, it's because we want to, right? And it's, yes, we have this whole manufacturing facility, and we have a really nice website. But we also want to elevate, it goes back to what I was saying earlier, we want to be a part of the sports. We want to elevate this and be a part of these communities. And if you bring everybody together like that, the possibilities are endless. I agree. It just looks like a lot of work. It looks like a lot of work, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:16 It is. And you guys get plenty of notoriety from every other event. You have no peer. It doesn't look like you have any competition. It just seems like a lot of work it is a lot of work um but that's if you want to have something successful you have to put the work in it can't just come to you i mean it'd be boring if you would not not push the balance of something when's the last time you heard bill come home and be like fuck i'm tired uh i don't know we say it all the last time you heard Bill come home and be like, fuck, I'm tired? I don't know. We say it all the time, but what's that do?
Starting point is 01:22:48 But you can say it, but you know what? The sun's going to come up tomorrow and we're going to come back to where we're at. And that's what's fun. That's why I say if it's not fun to come to work, then there's no point doing it. it's also the reason we have an event is to put something out there that we can push the bounds on and hopefully elevate everybody that that is coming to support us as well um by the way you don't look like you've aged a year since 2008 so you don't you don't look tired at all thank you um and i totally can relate to like you have to keep it fun and part of keeping it fun is doing it your way and you guys do that which is really cool that's like people will give
Starting point is 01:23:31 me advice on the podcast all the time that's probably good advice and i'm like i can't and they're like why i'm like because i have to do it my way or else i'll run out of energy did you not wear your hair in a manhunt today because you know it makes fun of you like joshua yes yes i'm on a i'm on a free the i'm on a free the hair campaign i'm being very careful it looks good it's nice and slick back for you today thank you i do i look like i've been spending time in prison no the the there was a um a workout this year at the roguevitational where it required a piece of tape on the ground.
Starting point is 01:24:08 And the instructions said that the outside of the tape line needed to be 10 inches away from the wall with a two inch piece of tape. And it was written very clearly. And then there was a picture posted of it. And then the arrow went from the wall to the tape. And that was 10 inches, which would make the outside of the tape line 12 inches. And those of us who make a living off of your mistakes were like so excited. Thank you, Rogue, for giving us something to talk about for
Starting point is 01:24:35 the next week. There is always, but we're going to step up and say that, yeah, it's an issue, right? And we're working through that now and we'll come out. I'm not going to talk about the specifics of the judging because we're not through the process yet. And we can talk about that later. But yeah, I mean, everything needs to be reviewed and put out there. But if you put out something that is confusing, then we need to own that as well. And we're going to step up and own that as well. confusing, then we need to own that as well. And we're going to step up and own that as well. The person who is in charge of that, it would be amazing content to see the conversation you had with that person. Did you have the conversation with that person or did Bill?
Starting point is 01:25:17 Well, you're looking at her. So you want to hold someone accountable, hold me accountable. I just want to be there. I appreciate you saying that. I just want to be there when you walk into that room where those people are sitting around on computers and you're like, guys, did you notice this? Well, I think that's what's so great about our team is that we're all open. It's not, there shouldn't be gray areas. If we're having an issue, let's talk about it. Let's come to a solution.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Let's make sure it's communicated out to everybody. And then we move forward. You know, life isn't perfect. People are going to make mistakes. You know, some of the reasons that we have to have those long-winded PDFs for judging is because people don't follow the rules. And they, you know, some people cheat. We've had people use fake barbells. We've used, had people use barbells that are, sorry, bumper plates. We've had people that don't use the correct weight barbell and that's not fair to the rest of the competition. One of my friends is on steroids. One of my friends is on steroids. Hey, that's your friend. But you know, if you look back at it, when we did the Invitational Online in 2020, we sent all the athletes the gear because we wanted it to be fair to everybody.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Because there are people that are going to bend the rules. And look, there's a lot of money on the line. So people are going to push the bounds. That's the nature of athletics. But it's also why there's out-of-bounds in tennis. There's out-of-bounds lines in basketball or free throw lines and things like that there are set rules that people should be following but you shouldn't expect that the athletes aren't going to push that bound right they're trying to win i agree i agree i know
Starting point is 01:26:54 do you think it's fun when you see that are you like are you like hey i got 50 other things on my plate okay let's take care of that or um or do you fucking get up out of your chair and walk in and like kick some trash cans around? Uh, maybe a mix of both. It depends on the issue, but at the time, yeah, there's always other things to do, but when there's something like that, you have to fix the issue in the moment. So we have to talk about it, not ignore it, not, not move on. We have to fix it and then move on. And I think that's what, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:23 hopefully we're, we're doing and we have done, you know, there's been other issues we've had in other events. So the first thing is, so the first thing is to make sure that whoever did that, you have a solution to move forward, meaning like, okay, whoever did the event following the drawing, what are we going to do with that? People who followed the words, what are we going to do that? You have to find some ground that's fair to just to move forward and then afterwards maybe someone's dick gets stepped on yeah anytime you make a make a mistake or have an issue you try to figure out how to never do that again i mean like if you look if you look at the the way that rogue has been built like we've made a lot of mistakes along the way but we fix them we run really fast and we keep moving you know and it's been fun
Starting point is 01:28:03 along the way it'd be boring if we were doing the same stuff every day, day in and day out. Like why not do something new and why not push the bounds? Katie, there was this guy, there was this beef jerky company that I used to work with. I'm trying to remember the guy's name. God, I can't believe I can't remember it. I feel horrible. He basically, he had cows that were truly grass fed in New Zealand that he would get the meat from because they have different rules there than we have in the States. And then he would – and he was just a mom and pop, just a guy living like in Wyoming somewhere, him and his wife and his three kids. And he had this beef jerky company. He would make these sticks. one time and one time he said that they he made a batch that cost him three hundred thousand dollars of beef jerky and all the seals were wrong so it all went bad and he ate the cost do you have stories that happens or like you stuff happens all the time i mean it's business right you're
Starting point is 01:28:57 gonna have issues and and there's things that are gonna happen but again you have to address it in the moment and then figure it out and move forward and sometimes it's a mistake like that that yeah you're gonna lose some money or you you know anything crazy you can share with us it's a live it's a live event and you know things things go wrong you ever had like a semi come to you full of 45s and like all of us every single 45 has got like a uh the mold was fucked up and it's a 45, 42 pound weight. Yeah, I'm sure. We've definitely had some issues like that. Maybe not a full semi, but there's quality issues along the way that we try to address.
Starting point is 01:29:32 And we deal with that pretty much on a weekly basis in some capacity. But that's, again, that's manufacturing and that's business and that's selling products. If you look at the events, you know, last year at the Invitational, we had some delays and things like that in the duel. And we have to fix that if we're going to do that again going forward. But it doesn't mean it doesn't – it's frustrating in the moment. It's tough in the moment. But, again, we have to take care of the athletes. We have to take care of the spectators.
Starting point is 01:29:59 And then we'll figure it out on the backside on our own, you know. When Bill would give clues in years past on his instagram account does he have to run those by you do you approve those sometimes he runs them by me and sometimes he doesn't so sometimes i find out when everybody else finds out wow you ever had to slap him around like bill that was too much no all right um uh has katie asked fraser to do legends we've asked a lot of people to do Legends, yes. That's a yes they have. Well, that's a damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Starting point is 01:30:31 If you don't ask him, he's going to be upset. If you do ask him and you want him to come, you're going to be let down. So there's no win there, right? Again, Legends is meant to be, you know, that first year we did run it with a leaderboard and who wins. But really it's meant to bring those guys back and showcase them, have them be a part of the community, have them go out there, no stress, do fun things with them. I think you'll see this year we're going to do a couple of different things
Starting point is 01:30:53 that we haven't done in years past with the legends. So it's not pressure for them to go out there and compete with these individuals. It's to really have fun, having them still be a part of the community. Oh, Jody Lynn, uh, Katie, will you marry me? No. Oh no. Uh, sorry. That was my own inner thoughts. Uh, Jody Lynn, uh, Katie, can I design gym layouts for rogue pretty please? How does someone apply for a job to design gym layout? Is that a position you guys have? Please. How does someone apply for a job to design Jim Layout? Is that a position you guys have?
Starting point is 01:31:31 I don't think we have an open position right now, no. But if we do, we put it up on the site. Jody designs kitchens somewhere on the east coast of the United States. Hold on. Let me see if there's anyone else who's paid me to say something to you. Oh, here we go. Love Rogue. Such professionals. I've ordered a lot of apparel and equipment from them best quality and best customer service had equipment get damaged and they handled it like true professionals thanks yeah thank you even even her thanks is professional eaten beaver uh for the hair comment oh wow yeah you like it that she she says hair is okay okay um uh andrew hiller quoting you already oh we sent athletes the gear that's my friend who's on steroids uh bailey de men de mena uh katie 2023 tahoe throwdown team rogue uh versus some other team let's make it happen
Starting point is 01:32:28 arguably the tahoe throwdown was one of the best experiences competitions i've ever been a part of it was so cool yeah i wonder why why hasn't that ever been repeated something like that the sport's not too big for that right that can That can still happen, right? No, I don't think it's too big. I think it would be really fun to get multiple teams involved and see how that plays out. But, yeah, at the time that we did that, I mean, that was so fun. You were there. We had a great time.
Starting point is 01:32:57 And, you know, Team Rogue came out on top, so that always helps. Yeah, that was fun. Hey, anything you wanted to address in regards to you want to share about the Rogue Invitational? I think we've covered a lot. I think we've covered a lot of it. You know, I'm really excited going into it. I think we're going to have some different type of events and and experiences for everyone, not just the athletes, but spectators. So I think that should be fun. one, not just the athletes, but spectators. So I think that should be fun. Awesome. All right. I know I've kept you on longer than I told you I would. I really appreciate you coming on. Um, the invite is there. I would love to speak to you during the week and the evenings, uh, the little evening chats we had in the past if you're around and, uh, thanks for doing this, man. All right. Thanks for having me. All right. See ya. Bye. Katie.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Katie Henninger. Katie Motter Henninger. Former Katie Motter, now Katie Henninger. Andre Brits. Jeez. 140 South African. I saw your comment up there before saying something nice to me. I just didn't want to pat myself on the back while Katie
Starting point is 01:34:02 was on. Thanks, dude. I appreciate it. Andre Brits. dear Bill and Katie, can you please make rogue clothing easier to purchase for people in South Africa? We have a huge rogue community down here, but it's a mission to get the brand down here. Yeah, David Wheat, homegirl ain't playing.
Starting point is 01:34:22 No, not so much. Katie just commands respect. Commands or demands? Both. Did Katie see the title of Shut Up and Scribble later today? What's the title? What's the title? Let me see.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Did Rogue copy crash? Uh-oh. JR and Taylor will be very respectful. Wow, what a show. Matt Torres. Josh. Brock. Yosh.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Katie Hediger. God, this show's come so far. I don't know if Katie's come so far by being on shows like this, or if this show's come so far. Holy cow. My goodness. if katie's come so far by being on shows like this or if i've this show's come so far holy cow my goodness i don't know if i need a cigarette but i need to sell i'm gonna celebrate i'm fucking so proud of myself uh it's dell have you proposed media access to them i think um we're gonna cover it like we did last year where we go on before and after the events i know caleb will be there as we get closer
Starting point is 01:35:56 i might um you know try to try to push the boundaries with katie and bill like reach out to him and be like, Hey, you know what I mean? I don't know. I can't think of anything now, but I always try to like, as we get closer to the event and people like,
Starting point is 01:36:12 you know, it's like, it's like when I used to ask my mom, like if I could watch, like I'd go into a room and she'd be asleep and it'd be late at night. Like, and I would be like, I was a little kid and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:36:21 can I watch some TV? And she'd make a sound and I didn't care whether it was yes or no. I would just take it as yes and go watch TV. I might like when Bill and Katie be like, I was a little kid, and I'd be like, can I watch some TV? And she'd make a sound, and I didn't care whether it was yes or no. I would just take it as yes and go watch TV. I might, like, when Bill and Katie are, like, you know, this high in the event, ask for something. You know, oh, can we set up a camera and do some interviews? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:36:36 When they're weak, attack. Caller, hey. You know what the difference between a boss and a leader are? And I saw it when I was at the, at the games. Yeah. I like this. I like this conversation.
Starting point is 01:36:49 I was at the games and a boss is just someone who just tells someone, Hey, do this, do that. I'm paying you money. Get it done. When the lifting portion of the workout came out, uh,
Starting point is 01:37:02 the smash and the cleans, Katie was out there, and she was directing everyone to do, but not only that, she made sure every one of those platforms were flat, there were little bubbles in it, nothing moved on every single one.
Starting point is 01:37:18 I saw her do that too. I saw her doing quality. You're talking about the games? Yeah. I saw them setting up the lifting platforms outside, and when they moved one of the platforms the platform cracked a little and she went over to uh uh look at it immediately and then and then she called bill over and he looked at it and they quickly i mean it didn't need fixing but she's she had some people come out and fix it it was like fine it was just a little like sound it made yeah she's on it it's amazing because uh you talk about professionalism and how Dave
Starting point is 01:37:45 goes through everything Bob goes through everything people are saying it's not a professional sport it runs pretty well you get the right people involved not a problem yeah and it wasn't like
Starting point is 01:37:55 there was one platform there was a hundred platforms and each platform had a team of six people adjusting or some shit it was crazy and then she's down there walking along
Starting point is 01:38:03 doing like quality control on it. Yeah, it's nuts. Yeah, she walked the end parts where the weights were like twice and the wood part in the middle like three times. Each single one. They had to be like 12, 16 platforms. Jethro, are you familiar with the term blowjob?
Starting point is 01:38:21 I am familiar with a whole bunch of terms like blow job, other terms for it. Do you have any other terms for it? The head. Yeah. Getting head.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Yeah. Another one. Do you have any more? Technical terms. Oh, uh, uh, uh,
Starting point is 01:38:37 fellatio. Fellatio. Yeah. I was glad fellatio talk today in the chat. Uh, saute, saute the tube steak? That's a West Coast thing, not an East Coast thing.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Yeah. Yeah. Tom Gearing knows all about that. Jeremy Eat World knows all about that. Why is his name Jeremy Eat World, speaking of low jobs? Wasn't there a show like something similar to that oh boy meets world jeremy jerry meets world eats world okay oh yeah i've heard of this one too um uh dildo says the gluck gluck uh nine thousand i've heard that that's too much jimmy eat world yeah that's what it is jimmy world oh that was the name of the show
Starting point is 01:39:27 oh happy birthday pool boy happy birthday some smoking hot blonde chick uh dropped into my dms thought she wanted to get my number but she's like can you can you wish pool boy happy birthday i was like oh yeah thanks we all wish pool Boy a happy birthday. He's so cute. Sure, no problem, hot girl. Hey, did you see... How's Newport? Did you see... Newport's great. How's Newport?
Starting point is 01:39:51 Good? Yeah. Nice. Did you see... I wonder if I could find this. Did you see that video on Instagram going on with Sugar Sean? Sugar Sean O'Malley? What's his official Instagram?
Starting point is 01:40:11 I don't know. Which one? Do you know the fighter, the UFC fighter? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was a nice, solid, punchy, landed my boy Aljo. I know, I hated that. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:40:22 What's Sugar's... Oh, I think I hated that. Let me see. What's Sugar's sugar? Oh, I think I found it. Oh, Sugar Sean O'Malley, 3.6 million followers. Let me see if I can find this clip. Oh, I can't find it. Damn. What was it? He's on his podcast talking, and he's basically saying that he's the king of his household, and he's really good to his wife, and it keeps showing a bunch of pictures of his wife. His wife's this really attractive Mexican girl, girl like authentic mexican looking you know what i mean not all not doesn't look like she fell out of lowrider magazine looks like more like pocahontas you know what i mean looks like like i don't know like i've never seen it before like a watsonville mexican just like a like you know what i mean like just some hot mexican chick like you'd see the taco stand anyway and she's she's she, you know what I mean? She's not
Starting point is 01:41:26 she doesn't, there's nothing filthy about her. Just a good yeah, Authentico, thank you. Yeah, Authentico. Kenneth DeLapp calls her Authentico. Anyway, and it shows about him wiping her face or him loving on her or him showering her with money, but that's like his baby, that's like
Starting point is 01:41:41 that's the chick that had his kid. I don't even know if they're married. And he's saying that, yeah, he's been caught cheating before. And like he doesn't call it cheating. He's been caught with other girls before. And she knows and she doesn't like it. But she she processes it and has to deal with it. And then he says, yeah. And then I went to a training camp and I haven't gotten any pussy in a long time. And so now I'm back from training camp and I want to have a get a blonde with some huge real tits and she's just going to have to deal with it. It's really interesting. Yeah, it's just an interesting. I'm a king. That's why. That's the way kings roll. She'll just have to figure it out and process it. It doesn't mean I love her any less.
Starting point is 01:42:18 It's a really, it's a fantastic clip. I wish I could find it. Now let me ask you. Maybe I have it in my show in my show in my show let me see live colonels go ahead go ahead we know we know i mean for the most part that people hold these sports especially ufc and fighting you know nfl mlb they are the alphas of their domain right they are the one percent of the one percent right so does that translate into that type of life as well?
Starting point is 01:42:45 Like, well, I'm going to be able to attract as many girls as possible, even if they're married or not. It's a weird situation because I see that happen. Like you get those people who are really rooted with family and they have kids and the wives, but then it's also what's the secret society of what happens at night when the guys
Starting point is 01:43:05 go out, you know what I mean? I like his honesty. I used to have a harem, and the only way a harem works is you have to be honest. If you're not honest, it's not a harem, you're a cheater, and you're a womanizer. But if you're honest, it's a harem.
Starting point is 01:43:21 Those are some of the distinguishing qualities. Hey, well, props for the honesty then, and if she's down with it, well, she's down with it. Yeah. And he's young. And if she wants to keep him, there's certain I mean, like men are men. I'm you know, by the way, I'm not discouraging people from being in a monogamous relationship. There's a lot of benefits, intangibles that come with that. Christian Keller said you didn't have a harem with three young men. I did have a harem. I did.
Starting point is 01:43:52 I did. It was awesome. It was cool. I did. I'm serious. Oh, Matt Burns says, oh, you have to actually bang chicks in a harem, not friends. He got you there. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 01:44:08 He got you. All right. Well, thank you for calling. Later, dude. Okay, bye. Great question, Jake. Does it count if all the people in your harem are males? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:25 That's a good question. It's like a polygamist. What's a polygamist? What's when you're called and you have a bunch of wives? Oh, shit. Pool boy, I'm quitting my job today. All wish me luck. Wow.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Okay. Greatest years of my life were just wandering planet Earth. Semperfidelius. I figured it out. The Sevan podcast is a non-animated South Park. Makes fun of all things politics and social issues. I like the way, I really liked um uh why can't i remember his name guy with the teen guy uh yosh brock yosh rock yosh yosh brock rock yosh i like that when
Starting point is 01:45:17 i brought up the uh the fact that they're gonna have like a navy seal reading hour their talk time that the uh the cross-dressing time didn't even resonate with him. What a great dude. Yost, yeah, Yost. Yost? Oh, am I saying Yosh? Yost? Look at Brandon trying to make me feel good by wearing a man bun.
Starting point is 01:45:38 What a good dude. There was a funny, there's a guy in here with the name tom landry who always writes something about uh larry wheels like non-stop and i've never and i never read his comment and finally someone in the comments is like hey with all due respect he ain't reading your shit he's not he's not gonna post your shit yesterday. I meant to tell you. I fucking love you guys. I can't tell. In my mind, you guys know more than I do because I can't see much of what's going on there.
Starting point is 01:46:16 I only see like one in 10 or one in 20. And so sometimes I feel like you guys have – not sometimes. I feel like I know you guys have more inside jokes and knowledge on what's going on. and yet i'm still surprised at how astute you guys are about other things too and so yeah the irony that uh he's gone now and seve mentions him it's just a i don't know i for some reason that put that shit annoyed the fuck out of me every time i saw it i was like why am i having to read this again there's so many many good comments that I should read, like this one. I'm going to click on one that I hadn't. This is what I see.
Starting point is 01:46:52 I see pool boy, and the first word is Heidi. And I'm like, okay, I'm curious what pool boy has to say about Heidi. And that's it. And then I click on it. And then we go from there. Pool boy, Heidi, not quite. Just means I can't keep getting my pay cut and being cool with it. Plus, I'm having a great time coaching at Sousa's gym.
Starting point is 01:47:11 I don't know what Heidi said, but basically now I'm up to speed a little bit on that those two are chatting about where he's headed in life. I've decided that as long as you – I've decided that up to step on the most toxic man in CrossFit, I will continue to have her be my muse. What does muse mean? Muse. I decided that yesterday. Kind of against my wife's better judgment.
Starting point is 01:48:02 But I was laughing so hard at my most recent post about muse is um uh the daughters of zeus who preside over the arts and science yeah i'm i'm inspired by our relationship to make funny shit and then and then my wife told me it's not funny it's not it's not funny because it's it hits too close to home. It's like real for her, right? No, not a whipping girl, just a muse, just an inspiration. My wife said it's not funny because she really does have a mental disorder. I don't know if you guys saw the Instagram post I had. I think it's so fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:48:43 I was dying. When I thought of it, I called Hiller and S and suzer right away and i was just like dying i must have watched that clip i see dead people like i don't know a thousand times and uh my wife said it's not funny because it's like real but i was like the other but then i told her this david weed here we go again look david stopped whatever he was doing to walk over because he's listening to the show right so he stopped whatever he was doing to be like oh i'm gonna go type in here we go again so he walked across the room he stopped staring at himself in the mirror for a second to pick up his phone and type that in here we go again that's really cool you didn't know i could see you david um and uh remember the other day when i was like i told you about how i got some guy was talking to me and i
Starting point is 01:49:34 got out of my van to talk to him and i was afraid that uh he was um that he was going to think i was posturing on him and you guys said all of you said at the same time like like you guys were all on the same page no one ever thinks you're posturing on them, Savon. You're only five foot nothing. That was funny. And it's true. And I was telling my wife, I was like, look, it's okay. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Yeah, Christine Young, why does she post that stuff about herself? Yeah, it's funny. I would be flattered if someone was making shit like that about me. I'm thinking about changing my bio to just call my shit a meme account. And then I can say whatever I want. I'm going to say rapper, fighter, meme account, comedian. Rapper, because rappers and fighters, like if you're a rapper or a fighter, you can hit girls.
Starting point is 01:50:27 So that pretty much, once you're allowed to do that, you can do anything. You can say anything. So I'll be rapper, fighter, meme guy. That way then people in the community won't get upset when I'm like making fun of them either. I know, that's what someone else told me too.
Starting point is 01:50:47 You're keeping her alive. I wouldn't know who Obese Denise is without Hiller and you, Seve. Wow. That's an incredible YouTube channel. Obese Denise. Wow. Obese Denise. Wow.
Starting point is 01:51:10 You know how we use the word 49ers? Maybe we should call her Denise for now on. Denise. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Seva Matosian. You forgot. A black, black lesbian transsexual liberal jew i'm also jewish i'm not but you know for sake of haha barbell spin i'm back i figured it'd be best if i jumped off when katie was on oh it's good kat Katie's good, dude.
Starting point is 01:51:46 Katie's a warrior. She's good. Obese Denise. Hey. Hey, I don't know. I don't know. I can't. I'm kind of done hating on Vivek for a few days. I'm back on the Vivek train.
Starting point is 01:52:20 I. You know, Dream Rare is going to interview him on September 5th live on his Instagram. It's going to be crazy. That is going to be good. I'm going to try to get DreamRare on September 6th and ask him about it. I don't advise you guys to watch a lot of things, but I would watch that September 5th. But here's Vivek with that douche from CNN who got fired. I don't know what the, I forget what this guy's name is.
Starting point is 01:52:47 This guy is a world-class ding-dong. But here's Vivek talking to him. How do you feel about the level of scrutiny that you are getting? Dumb question. How do you feel about the level of scrutiny that you are getting and why you're getting it? I feel good about it, Chris. The answer is, if you can't handle the heat, you stay out of the kitchen. One of the rules I've applied in this campaign is we talk to everyone. Left, right, black, white, doesn't matter. If I'm going to run
Starting point is 01:53:16 to sit across the table from Xi Jinping, I better be willing to sit across the table from anybody here at home that goes for media and my fellow competitors on that debate stage. And I think that the reason we're having this kind of success, some of the polls coming out even today, having me now in second place solidly is because I am speaking the truth without apology. And I've said this since the beginning, I'll say it again. I would rather share my convictions and lose this election than to win by playing some careful political snakes and ladders. But it turns out, Chris, that appears to be the winning strategy so far,
Starting point is 01:53:48 and I'm going to stick to it. Being honest. Hey, dude, I'm buying it. He's going and showing his face everywhere. Yeah, Cuomo is a hack. He's a drug pusher. His message got people killed. His message got people killed, a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:54:01 His message got people killed. His message got people killed. A lot of people. Yeah, he's... And he's trying to weasel his way out of it, too. I saw him in some interview where he's like, people are putting words in my mouth. It's like, dude, you stood up there and never stood up to Don Lemon.
Starting point is 01:54:19 You let Don Lemon just bitch slap you. How do you feel about the level... Yeah, I'm cool. I'm back on the Vivec train a little bit. Not a little bit, a lot of it. I'm back on. Cuomo is curling 60s on PBD. He's good in my book.
Starting point is 01:54:42 I hear you. Yeah, that is maybe where I saw the clips. It's still bullshit. You don't buy it when Cuomo was walking his shit back on PBD or you don't buy it about Vivek. Man, dude, Vivek's going everywhere. He'll talk to anybody.
Starting point is 01:54:58 He's putting himself just... And the thing is, he's bulletproof because he's honest. We don't have to – we don't watch him squirm. Climate change, hoax. The people who – other people who think that aren't going to be – aren't going to say what he said. Climate change is the wet blanket on the US economy. No one else is saying that.
Starting point is 01:55:24 They're scared. At this point, it doesn't even matter if it's true or not. I was telling someone the other day, it doesn't – every second right now, someone's car is being broken into and robbed, and a business is closing in the Bay Area in California. in California. That can't continue or else there will be a collapse of civilization. So I don't care whether you like Trump or not, you have to vote for him. You have to stop voting for Democrats. That's all because of Democrats. That's all because of what they call fighting racism.
Starting point is 01:55:59 The George Floyd, the COVID-19. Remember, even COVID-19 was a whole racist thing. Do you remember that? They even couched that as racist gotta give the vaccines to the underserved and marginalized first all of that shit we're not even going to have a civilization
Starting point is 01:56:20 to argue about whether abortion should be legal or not soon. You just got to, it doesn't matter whether you like Trump or you're Republican or not, you just can't vote for a Democrat anymore. You just got to stop. And it's like, and we just need honest people in there who are just telling the truth. I need to wear my Floyd 19 shirt more. Janelle Winston, are you sure he's honest?
Starting point is 01:56:44 He could be a super duper liar what's the word a compulsive liar here's the thing i hear you he could be lying about all of those things he could be you're right but he's not running from any of the questions he's not running from any of the questions like the way nikki haley answered it he's not running he's telling you how he feels when they asked Nikki Haley about climate change she's like we need clean water and clean air it's just like dude yeah even if those weights were fake to me it doesn't matter I'm going just with what I have you're right I'm still he could end up being a complete liar but because he's telling the truth he's free to go in his
Starting point is 01:57:29 mind he's telling the truth he can go on any of the shows he's not being caught in any lies i respect that that's what i try to do on this show try and anytime you are caught doing something or like your shit's wrong just fucking lean into it and admit it. It's the only way you can have a shitload of energy and kind of navigate all the terrains. Try not to guard any secrets. I hate what you just said, but it's true, so I'm going to read it. He's consistently answering the questions too. He's at least telling his truth. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 01:58:05 Don't, Phillip. But I got to give Sean a pass for the way he used it right there. Stevon, please don't look down on the camera again. What do you mean, like that? Like that? What do you mean? Look down on the camera? I don't even have a camera.
Starting point is 01:58:17 I'm just. Anyway, September 5th, DreamRare. Let's go to DreamRare's account and see if he's even advertising that. DreamRare. Dream. I don't know why my Instagram account doesn't just pull people up anymore. DreamRare. This guy is weird.
Starting point is 01:58:43 This guy is so popular, and yet his account can't hit 500,000. I don't get it. Yeah, it looks like maybe it's here. So first, let me just address a question that is on everybody's mind at home tonight. Who the heck is this skinny guy? Let's see. I wonder why he's not. No guests advertise going on your show for some reason so no guests advertise going on your show i don't understand oh you mean like before katie went on she didn't post hey i'm going on the
Starting point is 01:59:40 podcast or before torres went on he didn't say I'm going on the Savant podcast. No, no, I'm saying why I'm surprised DreamRare isn't saying, telling us that he's going to have a VEC on September 5th. Cave Dastro, it seems like people either get stuck at 400 or 500,000 followers or blow up like to 2 million followers. Seems like something in the algorithm. Kristen Keller, he proposes personal responsibility, et cetera. He tells everyone to get the damn vax early on, then later criticizes how the pandemic was handled and how people shouldn't be forced to get it yeah I hear you I'm with you
Starting point is 02:00:27 and remember remember who developed it Donald Trump developed it warp speed warp speed and hey you know what he thought I do think he thought he was doing the right thing or that he was getting paid to do the right thing.
Starting point is 02:00:57 A lot of people probably thought that. My wife sometimes accuses me at one point of falling for the COVID story. I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? I was following that shit when it was on the boat. Remember when it was on the boat off the coast of Japan? That's where it started. I'll never forget. It was Brian Mulvaney told me.
Starting point is 02:01:16 For those of you who know who that is, told me, hey, Sevan, there's a story going on regarding a virus that's off the coast of Japan. In a cruise ship. The story is way up your alley. You should follow it. How about this? What did I wrote? Oh, yeah. How about this? Watch this.
Starting point is 02:01:44 This will fuck you up. Watch this one. This is good. Here we go. I have kids. I can't burn the whole thing. Oh, my God. They've taken away the audio on this. Holy shit. Maybe I can read it to you. We're undergoing a soft coup, and the idea is to create a whole new set of laws
Starting point is 02:02:06 and ignore the existing human rights laws and other laws under the pretext of pandemic preparedness and the biosecurity agenda. 70 countries at least are involved with this,
Starting point is 02:02:23 50 supported by the U.S., and the justification requires you to believe that the pandemics are common, that they are caused by humans catching diseases from animals and from what they call spillover. And Fauci and Daszak have pushed this idea continuously over the past three years. And who's going along with this? Basically all the major multinational organizations as well as all our health authorities. Wow, I can't believe the audio doesn't work on this. It's tripping me out. Yeah, I mean, she fucking nailed it. And I wrote here, it doesn't matter whether what she's saying is true or not true, because it's true. Like, that narrative is right.
Starting point is 02:03:21 Who's in control of it? Is it just a convergence a convergence of um interest it doesn't whatever i'm not i'm not saying that um yeah thank you that's even better way to say it kevin thank you she's not wrong whatever nuances there are to what she said one thing she's for sure she's not wrong. And it's crazy to think that not everyone sees that. Mad Marv, I think Vivek is just looking for the quickest link to power and will ride on the current wave. Right now, it's Trump VP before it was 49ers. He said he won't be the Trump VP. You think he's lying? I mean, we'll never know.
Starting point is 02:04:05 Even if he does become Trump's VP, you never know whether he just changed his mind. Hey, Judy Reid, not another Asian man being tased, please. Hey, you want to hear something crazy? Someone who was intimately involved with that event. I'll leave it at that. Intimately, like as intimate as you can be with that event, is a watcher of this show and reached out to us. Watcher of that show?
Starting point is 02:04:41 A watcher of this show, the Sevan podcast. And we're going to try to get him on and talk to him about that event. Crazy, right? Denise tasered him. No, Denise did not taser him. Clock, why are you and Greg so averse to the idea that people with converging interests would actually meet in private to coordinate their activity no we're not we're i'm not i'm we're not everyone does that everyone meets in private too i mean we used to have meetings across that we meet in private and matt torres i think meets with daniel brandon in private not averse to it
Starting point is 02:05:21 but that but that a lot of things are a convergence of, uh, uh, interests, but no, I don't think, I think Harvey Weinstein, uh, gets a blow job from some actress and then calls over to the studio and was like, yeah, hook my girl up i don't think necessarily he says because she blew me but yeah i think that happens i i think that the the the people at um the nsca i'm not wouldn't be surprised if they call coca-cola and they're like yeah these people at crossfit are kind of fucking with us and they hate you uh and then and then coca-cola is like yeah we'll give you an extra hundred thousand dollars this year like i like oh jake you're fucking killing me what is that picture oh what's the plan for tomorrow i don't know i don't know but i'm stressed about it to the fucking max and i don't stress i don't want to i don't want i want to do the crossfit games update show i haven't sent out an email i haven't invited anyone i'm just driving all day tomorrow
Starting point is 02:06:35 i miss my studio i miss my house i miss all my objects. I miss my dog. Excuse me. Speaking of Vivek, here's his mom. Vivek's mom does stand-up, which is kind of cool. No, it's complicated everywhere. You know, my 11-year-old son came home from school the other day, and he goes, Mom, my school has asked me to declare my pronouns. What should I say? I said, You tell them you are Indian.
Starting point is 02:07:23 Your pronoun is doctor. Okay. See? So you see how that works? That's true, right? Because Indians become doctors. That's true. They're like smart.
Starting point is 02:07:37 Like, is that making fun of them? That's cool. I'm cool with that, right? That's funny because it's like, it's true. It's cool. I don't think any doctors are going to be offended by that. Like, if you're a white doctor, you're like, that's not true. I'm white.
Starting point is 02:07:55 That's cool, right? That's cool. Oh, Nelly. Oh, no, you didn't, Seve. Oh, yes, I did. Oh, no, you didn't. Yes, I did. This is probably going to have to be it. Look, it looks like Talena Fortunato.
Starting point is 02:08:15 Oh, no, is that Ariel Lohan? Who's that in the foreground? Look at that. Jeez Louise. Looks like someone we know, doesn't it? She's laughing her ass off. Okay, here we go. Brace yourself,
Starting point is 02:08:25 everyone. Take a deep breath. Troy, you been with black women before? You have? And you were a white girl. What's the difference? We'll be right back after this commercial break. Welcome back. What's the difference, Troy? This nigga turned into a slave. Nigga, I don't know. As far as I know, there's no difference, sir.
Starting point is 02:09:04 I've been with Miss Becky Bell my whole life Nigga talk to me we free This nigga nervous as shit Oh Oh love Down by the river. Oh, my love. Troy, you been with Black Women before? God, that guy is so good.
Starting point is 02:09:36 Holy shit. I need to invite him on the show. Aries Spears. Oh, my God. Aries Spears. Oh my god. 600,000 followers. My goodness. Man, he is good.
Starting point is 02:09:56 He had a lot of different looks. Hmm. Oh, you think that looked like Amanda Hari? In the... Okay. Yeah, Slater. That dude's hilarious. God, that he is good. Great voice, too. good gay voice too uh let's see was that i'm going through my list of show notes here remember
Starting point is 02:10:35 when i used to only use the show notes for live calling shows now the show is kind of different now when guests leave i still i don't get off two hours hours and ten minutes. My God. We did it. It doesn't matter if it's true because Kevin told us that she's not wrong. Oh. Oh. Maybe I should save this. Yeah, I'll save this.
Starting point is 02:11:06 Do you guys like James O'Keefe? We don't talk about him very much, but we probably should. I'm going to pull up his Instagram account. He's wild, man. He is something else. Oh, how do I turn on... I wonder how I turn on... Isn't there a way to turn on shit so that whenever he posts something, I get a notification?
Starting point is 02:11:39 He deserves that. What's this thing do? I don't even know what that button does. I'm not pushing it. Man, there's some good shit coming down the pipe here. He's working hard. I hope he's doing okay. I know they're trying to sue him into oblivion. Jake Chapman.
Starting point is 02:12:10 Wow, that's a really good point. James O'Keefe looks like Brian Spin on Creaton. That's, wow. Okay. I see that. I see that. I see it. Oh, okay. Let's do this.
Starting point is 02:12:33 This is good. I'll finish with this. Okay. So this is's Instagram. I'm curious what you guys think about this. And it's Rebecca Fusile. Fusile. F think about this. And it's Rebecca Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Rebecca Fusile. Am I saying it right? Fusile? I can't believe I got this right. I really like her. I think you guys really like her. She's a needle mover. She comes
Starting point is 02:12:59 on the show. People like her. She's funny. She's sweet. She's pretty. She's smart. She's energetic. people like her she's funny she's sweet she's pretty she's smart she's energetic she's vulnerable she gives of herself when she's on the show she's uh got some underdog uh attributes uh sorry justin if that's um um sorry if that's trademarked i didn't't say underdogs. Underdog meaning she's little, right? She's challenged with her size. I really like her. She's part Asian. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:13:31 I didn't even know that, but okay. And so she's on here. CrossFit reposts one of her videos. And, of course, it's funny and it's cool. Now, why is this guy and it's cool. Now, why is this guy J.R. Roberts posting, now do one where the adult coach grooms the child athlete? Why?
Starting point is 02:13:58 And then someone put, here we go, can't wait to come back to this comment in an hour or two. Her husband is a tech spit groomer, I don't blame her. Listen, you don't blame her. why the fuck are you calling her out let me guess this guy loves jesus let me click on that let me click his servant of christ yeah that's what christ wants you to do good job why are you going after her if she was groomed that's is is that like why are you bringing that up it's like if you why are you going after her on this on her husband's not on this uh account save that energy and go and go uh address her um address it somewhere else i i can't tell if this
Starting point is 02:14:41 is an as a attack too it's even worse if you marry your coach, I've heard. I don't know what that has to do with anything. I can't tell if he's trying to be funny or attack her and I'm just getting defensive for her. Why go after her? Let's say she was groomed if you think that shit. Why are you going after her? She didn't do nothing.
Starting point is 02:15:05 Jessica T. Yes, I love Miss Bousselet. She has great energy. It's like someone getting beat up and then you go after them for not being able to defend themselves. Fuck. Oh, clock. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:15:27 Teenage girls have been married off to established 30-year-olds for millennia. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it. He's going after CrossFit for sharing the video, not Rebecca. Well, then fucking DM them on the side, not when she's fucking on there. It's like, fuck, dude, leave her the fuck alone. She didn't do anything. She's minding her own business. She's working hard.
Starting point is 02:15:59 Hey, there have been, I guarantee you, Rambler, and I know this is very soft what I'm about to say because what would the metrics be and it could be a whole show. But I guarantee you that there's way more successful arranged marriages than there are successful marriages where people chose their mates. Let me just start by saying that. Let me repeat that. There's way more successful. that there's way more successful savvy defined sex success successful there's way more successful arranged marriages than there are marriages where people pick their own mate i guarantee it only bet two inches of my cock on it now my are you arguing that one's better than the other no i'm just i'm just starting to add to the facts of what clock is saying john williams i agree with that seven yeah like let's this whole thing where you fall in love with someone and blah blah blah It's starting to add to the facts of what Clock is saying. John Williams, I agree with that, Sevan. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:45 Like, this whole thing where you fall in love with someone and blah, blah, blah, that's like – there was only like 50 years of that, right? And it's already gone. Don't think for a second that that's still what's happening now. Now it's men wearing fake Rolexes and women having surgical injections under their skin, which is causing people to fall in love. And if you think that that's fucking better than arranged marriages, then fucking me and you are on two different fucking planets. And once again, I'm not saying arranged marriages are something I believe in. I just want to look at the facts, the truth. no one's like getting to know anyone these days in this fucking country
Starting point is 02:17:28 these fucking idiots giving their kids cell phones when they're fucking kids no one's even raising their kids anymore someone made the fucking dumbest comment ever on a fucking one of my YouTube videos that Josh Bridges was on and I don't know how to respond to it on a fucking one of my YouTube videos that Josh Bridges was on. And I don't know how to respond to it because I don't want it to sound like I'm putting Josh down at all, but I'm not.
Starting point is 02:17:56 But don't fucking compare me to any parent who's not raising their fucking kids. I raise my fucking kids. I don't send them off to a fucking camp where they spend nine hours behind a fucking chain link fence. I'm raising my kids. Do not compare what I'm doing to people who send their kids away to indoctrination camp unless you're going to clarify that. I mean, I'm more than happy to be like, hey, let's talk about the difference between indoctrination camps and raising your own kids. I'm totally fine with that. But don't try to just compare like, man, when I bite into an orange,
Starting point is 02:18:30 it tastes like shit compared to when I bite into an apple. Yeah, dumb fuck, it's got a peel. Sean Lenderman, when Seve yells and cusses, I get oddly turned on. Yeah, it's because you know I can suck a golf ball through 50 feet of garden hose with one breath. Does anyone know what movie that's from? Eddie Murphy. Oh, what movie was that?
Starting point is 02:19:00 God damn it, what movie was that? Like Trading Places? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Beverly Hills Cop, one or two i think thank you jake i was good at 50 feet at garden hose it was forced i just wanted to say it hey mason mitchell putting his hand on his forehead mason that's what i think every time i see you on that dumbass bike i much preferred looking at your bicep, adjusting the monitor, your forced bicep shot, adjusting the monitor on a Concept 2 rower.
Starting point is 02:19:32 When I see a picture, I want to be like, why? Why is he on a bike? I see you, Cave. Jody, thanks for the money. I keep seeing like that $99.99. Make my day worth it. Comparing me. And then this person goes on to say,
Starting point is 02:20:06 and they're talking about how i'm an old uh uh i'm an old dad that's like acts like an old man and is all concerned and hyper protective over my kids and josh is a great young strong dad who lets his kids be free and make decisions and all the stuff i'm like okay okay that's cool okay i'm fine with that and then the person finishes with uh and I'm from Europe, so I know. You're from fucking Europe and you know. Go get your eighth booster, you douche. You're from Europe and you know. You know my nuts.
Starting point is 02:20:34 You know how to grab your fucking ankles. You know you're from Europe. No shit. There's this... As you guys know, I'm in Newport Beach, California, and the beach is like literally... It's that way, but when I point that way, the picture makes it seem like it's that...
Starting point is 02:21:03 Anyway, it's close. I could throw a rock and hit the anyway, it's close. I could, I could throw a rock and hit the ocean in 10 minutes. I could be in 30 seconds. I could be down there surfing in the ocean yesterday. I spent two hours body surfing in the ocean with my kids. And there's a, there's a pathway here in front of the ocean that just goes in between.
Starting point is 02:21:22 I've told you just fucking as far as the, I can see in both directions, homes that are between 5 million. I've told you, just fucking as far as the eye can see in both directions, homes that are between $5 million and, I don't know, $40 million. They're all pushed up against each other, and they're pushed up against the sand, and then there's the Pacific Ocean. And there's this path that goes down between the homes and the beach. And super clean, no, it's just nice.
Starting point is 02:21:44 And there's a school also sitting on the beach an elementary school and every day we fucking skateboard by it i look at and i look at the kids behind the chain link fence and look at my kids i'm like you want to go back there behind the fence they're like no sir no we don't i said all right be cool keep winning keep winning jiu jitsu tournaments keep fucking doing ollies keep beating some of the just beat one Asian kid at tennis we're good you stay out from behind the chain link fence
Starting point is 02:22:13 that's it give your kid a phone and call yourself a fucking parent how we do it yeah slamming the Europeans. I'm here for you, Seve. Please attack the Canadians and rain friend before you go
Starting point is 02:22:34 and I'll send you some moolah. Moolah? Is that racist? Moolah? Is moolah racist? Isn't there some people who fall under a moolah? I'm not hungry or sleepy. Dude, you know what I did last night at 9 o'clock?
Starting point is 02:22:52 Avi's like, hey, let's play Go Fish. I'm like, okay. We played Go Fish from 9 to 10.30 in a couple other card games with the boys. We had a huge, ridiculously large bag of beef jerky a huge basket of uh raspberries and i may or may not had tequila mixed with uh polaris sparkling water and i and i just feel huge this morning like i've like it's crazy. Definitely not hungry or whatever you said. Jake Felton.
Starting point is 02:23:35 Jesus Christos. I was 16 before having a phone. Then he says the F word. My parents literally took me everywhere. They knew where we were at. Yeah. So fun raising my kids. No, no pistachios.
Starting point is 02:23:51 I looked yesterday at the market to see if they had pistachios. I would have got those, but I didn't. Do your kids have Rubik's cubes? Duh. Thank you, Judy. Of course they do. Thank you, though. Yes. And they haven't figured Of course they do. Thank you, though. Yes.
Starting point is 02:24:05 And they haven't figured out how to even solve one side nor take them apart and reassemble them. So nothing special there. All right. Great show. Don't have a plan for tomorrow. I should probably call John Young. He's the staple of the
Starting point is 02:24:25 John and Caleb and Sousa of the CrossFit Games Update show Chase has been doing a shitload of them too I guess I should figure out what we're doing tomorrow night Jeffrey Birchfield loving the headphones I know but I'm getting some weird distortion that's making me think that when I talk you guys are hearing the distortion too
Starting point is 02:24:44 and that's really bothering think that when I talk, you guys are hearing the distortion too. And that's really bothering me. Might have to retire these. Sebi, can we send you gifts? Yeah, please. Always. I love getting mail. Since I've been a little kid, I love getting mail. Please.
Starting point is 02:25:01 All right. I'd hang out for another 20 minutes, but I got to pee. We talked about Fusile. Be cool to her, everyone. Just chill. Don't be chill. What's this? One more?
Starting point is 02:25:16 Maybe one more? Oh. Maybe not that one. You talk about homeless people hmm did we talk about Clarissa Shields boxing not that
Starting point is 02:25:37 how about this one Trump supporter no definitely not that one alright how about Katie coming on talking about um thanks john i appreciate it john williams great show what about katie coming on and just talking about tyson bajan that was great holy shit that's a first all right all right bye

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