The Sevan Podcast - Media Lessons | Live Call In

Episode Date: May 30, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at AirCanada.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at I came in this morning and the camera was off and I turned
Starting point is 00:00:49 it back on and it worked. Oh, damn. I think I wanted to have a hat on. You're going to get a reputation for being late. Oh. I was going to expect you to push the show soon. I won't push the podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:09 That was not that i'm justifying it that was just it was chaos in the house you know what actually here's what i think the real reason was i think the real reason was i think the um um i would get home and i would be so tired you know at the house yeah that i would just fucking throw myself on the couch and like we were using some of the same a couple of the same cameras and a couple of the same lenses for the podcast in the house over the weekend that we were using to shoot on the floor and tripod so every time we got home we had to reset up the podcast and i was just like fuck if it wasn't for suze i think some of those podcasts wouldn't happen i'm pretty sure that goes for a lot of things right yeah probably because he actually like
Starting point is 00:01:57 pushed through like we were all exhausted and then he'd set up the cameras. Fuck. I'm not, I am not myself right now. Um, who are you? I don't know. I'm, I'm a tired version of myself. Oh, drink more coffee, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:13 That's more. I think I over caffeinated on the ride home yesterday. What makes you think that? Cause when I got home, I was just like fried. Oh, you ever get that? Like my brain was just fried uh i just fall asleep done could have been nine hours in the car i kind of get pissed off at people and then i just go to sleep when i start i get what is that called uh there's a word for that
Starting point is 00:02:40 i don't know was i angry last night i don't know if i was angry did i seem angry you were freaking out at someone in the comments towards the back end of the show oh tyler watkins me either dude i drove to the grocery store twice this morning because i was forgetting things oh cranky cranky yeah cranky um these are i want to can i i want to read some of the comments to you that are just this is just comments from a bunch of different shows. Yeah. Okay, so this is a comment from last night's show. Colton is going to be a menace on Kill Taylor going forward.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Do you want me to say something about that? I don't know if I want you to, but I'm open to it. He was a men list the one time. The East, this is from the last show we did in Carson. The East is stacked for men and women. It's going to be a bloodbath. So is the West. 48-36, this is from last night's show.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I also hate when people shorten competition to comp. I don't know why. It just irritates me for some reason. I don't understand that. And they have a time. I was fucking with you yesterday. Oh, what were you saying? You kept on saying, should we have a comp?
Starting point is 00:03:55 And I go, a comp of what? And then you're like, what are we comparing? That was not. Oh, that went over my head. Maybe you were messed up yesterday um i thought the service cup was a mayhem event and the top two in each division go compete in person the mayhem team does do some service games service games uh okay this is from last night okay se, so you really need to stop interrupting and turn your mic down.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Interrupting Dave? No, I guess you. No, I didn't think you were interrupting me. Oh, yeah, maybe it was Dave. And turn your mic down a bit as you always overpower your guests. Fine, I'll turn my mic down. Maybe my mic's too far away. More of the voice changer.
Starting point is 00:04:45 That shit is funny. David Weed, Europe is 10 million kilometers, and the U.S. is 10.2, and the U.S. is 9.9. So Europe is larger. Europe also has approximately twice the population of the U.S. That's also not true, by the way. No? No. Which part? Let me see. that that's also not true by the way no no what which part how many kilometers is the usa land mass uh currently the cia facebook gives 9.8 million kilometers for the, uh, you know, uh, I bet you that doesn't include, uh, I
Starting point is 00:05:28 bet you that doesn't include, um, Alaska. Europe has 742 million and North America has 608 million. Yeah, that's, uh, that's probably, um, uh, true about the, the population. Uh, How many kilometers is the Alaska land mass? Oh, maybe he is right. Alaska is 1.7
Starting point is 00:05:56 and I'll put continental United States. Do you know we almost have 8 billion people on the planet? No, we probably do. I think I did know that. Oh, he is right. That does include Alaska. It's about 10. Yeah. probably could. I think I did know that. Oh, he is right. That does include Alaska. It's about 10.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yeah, all right. Fuck it. David's right. You just like to disagree with David. It's okay. All right. Fair enough. Dude, 8 billion people. I get the same Google results as you, David.
Starting point is 00:06:24 You know it's out of control when someone is bringing the conversation back to CrossFit semis. Seven on your wild. Oh, this is the one that I thought was interesting. This is the whole reason why I'm reading these seven on your wild 12,000 person capacity in Lyon, France. So that means they had 12,000 people there for semis and the place was packed the West Coast Classic attendance was a joke your biases are blinding you I think that
Starting point is 00:06:57 I think what we were talking about is either Andrew or someone said that the attendance was embarrassing and I just don't see what's embarrassing about it embarrassing for who? either Andrew or someone said that the attendance was embarrassing. And I just don't see what's embarrassing about it. Embarrassing. Well, embarrassing for who?
Starting point is 00:07:10 For HQ? I believe I didn't say anything because it was embarrassing. But embarrassing for who? I guess I just don't understand the word. I did have a thought about when the pandemic was rolling around and all the athletes were saying, I can't wait for competition to be live again in person competition hoopla. And I remember why that was so cool because there's huge crowds, right?
Starting point is 00:07:41 Yeah. And there was an instance where it was probably one of those events early on like an 8 a.m individual event and imagine being one of those athletes i can't wait for in-person competition and then you look out and you've been telling all your family and friends you're going to the crossfit semifinals and there's this sparse crowd of 150 people. So embarrassing for the athletes. Embarrassing for the athletes. It's embarrassing for the event. It's embarrassing for CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Like you tell your, you tell your family, like you're, you're a professional athlete and then they show up and it looks like a, you spent your entire year training for this. Average attendance at WNBA well yeah no i mean that's embarrassing too that isn't that might be embarrassing six thousand average attendance at a wnba game well hey dude and they have games every single day basketball i mean someone's gonna mess me up on that you're like no it's every no i know no i hear you have 50 games a up on that. No, it's every year. No, I hear what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:08:45 50 games a year. Will Branstad. It's one freaking semifinal. Will Branstad or the venue in Lyon had a massive curtain that blocked off part of the venue. It was not full to the venue capacity. Well, Carson should have had one of those. Big old curtain.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Just a giant curtain. Yeah. There were 7. Just a giant curtain. Yeah. There were 7,700 in Lyon. So four times as many. Three times as many. As... Hey, I've never been there either. And I wonder how many people went there
Starting point is 00:09:20 specifically because it was where they used to have the games and it was an they used to have the games and there was an opportunity to do so you say that again i'm not following that uh i might i kind of lose my head at points and i remember we were losing we were leaving the venue and i go alexis that place would be sweet to have the crossfit Games at. Completely forgetting that I had been there at one point because I'd never been there. I'd only been in Madison.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I was there every year that it was at Madison. But I'm like, this would be a great venue to have the games at. And then like one second later, I'm like, oh yeah, they have it. Do you think if the games were in LA, that place would sell out? Carson? Are you asking Caleb? No, you. Hey, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I'm not even saying hi to Caleb. Are you talking about this year? If they haven't been there this year, would they sell out? Yeah. We talked about that yesterday, and I think yes, because everyone would come over from Europe again, and it's a good travel spot. It's embarrassing for organizers who said no to a community event
Starting point is 00:10:27 because they wanted the focus to be on the elites. Did they do that? I don't know. Because I hear the one over in the syndicate isn't doing so hot either, the community one. Oceana, 5,500. Well, I'm telling you, if you're sitting on the fence to go to syndicate or not, you should go.'re gonna have fun
Starting point is 00:10:46 if it's anything like the one in California on a one to ten and I know you don't give tens what would you rate your personal enjoyment at well in Compton at Carson wherever the fuck
Starting point is 00:11:02 I think that's where your house was in Compton what does this, wherever the fuck it is. Compton, Compton. I think that's where your house was in Compton. What does this mean? Ha, ha, ha, fatty, savvy. That was the picture you brought up. Was that savvy? A picture? I didn't bring a picture up.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Comment. Oh. Personal enjoyment? Am I rating this on a level of all the other ones I've ever been to? Sure, I don't know. I've ever been to? Sure. I don't know. It's pretty high. It's no less than an eight.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Do you have any regrets that you went? No. Yeah. It was cool. Yeah. It's fine. It's better than going to the movies. No.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Oh, damn. I knew I shouldn't have pushed so hard. I knew. I knew. Because that's Andrew's love. Yeah. And it was better than sex with Alexis. And I know way.
Starting point is 00:11:51 No way, dude. No way, dude. No way, dude. I told Alexis that at one point, no matter where I was, I could have a bullet wound in my fucking shoulder and I would still want to have sex. That's why, that's why I don't watch this show. Cause it's so inappropriate. John Young and I stay completely focused and you take it right to sex.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Fuck. We got to stop sending Travis a link. More voice changer. Yeah. This is fucking ridiculous. So what? So you and John are professional. I is fucking ridiculous. So what? So you and John are professional. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Kevin, you got this completely backwards. He's the most underrated guy in CrossFit. Underrated. Just wait. Just wait until next year when he wins the games. So, Caleb, hi. Hi. The premise here is that Bill,
Starting point is 00:12:45 he's completely underrated and that's in, in, in, in, um, uh, that Hiller has similar skills to Brian friend and he's able to spot the diamonds in the rough.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Okay. And that, uh, and that Hiller spotted him because he's underrated and, um, and, and wanted to highlight him like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:13:03 look at this is the, this is the guy that's coming up. And so he thinks that he's underrated. But this other guy thinks because Hiller blew him up, he's overrated. Well, well, Seban, listen.
Starting point is 00:13:19 John Young and I know exactly who's overrated and underrated. We don't do this trash shit that you and Hiller and the guy from the Shattuck can do. Okay, Travis, chill, dude. You know what? I can't stand.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I can't stand it. When you'll ask somebody something and they'll say, well, they've never done it before or we'll have to see. It'd be like, hey, Stefan, do you have a million dollars? Well, not yet, but maybe next month like hey seven do you have a million dollars well not yet but maybe maybe next month i will i do have a million dollars all right hey hey seven are you a billionaire no is justin madaris only in the crossfit games it's like well he's i had i had
Starting point is 00:13:57 a billion dollars three years ago and i lost it let's see if i get it again it's like i i cannot stand when people just won't say something and like put their head out. Well, he's never shown himself before. We never seen Bill. He'd go to the games before. It's like,
Starting point is 00:14:11 you guys are pussies. Caleb is. So my question to you is every analyst does it every single one. How about analysts? You never have done it. Also, you don't even know. Good point.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Never been a billionaire. Caleb, is Bill Leahy over or underrated? Tyler Watkins, John Young is one of the biggest culprits of it. I still think he's underrated. Yeah, underrated. I think he's underrated too. He's not in the first couple of heats. He's definitely underrated in my mind.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah. What's underrated mean? Underrated mean he's better than he's shown. He's better than he's given credit for. Right. Oh, no, sorry. I think he's overrated. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Never mind. I think Street Warner was underrated. Another one of my buddies. So I probably have bias there. No, no, he's overrated. He's gotten not rated or valued high enough. No, he's overrated. He's gotten not rated or valued high enough. No, he's overrated. You've given him so much love and attention
Starting point is 00:15:08 that you would think that he was better than he was. No, I think he's given him attention, but we still have some low expectations of him. One of my biggest things... Oh, okay, that's true too. I didn't expect him to make it to the games. No, neither did I. Oh, you didn't? No. Oh, okay. That's true too. Like I didn't expect him to make it to the games. No, neither did I. Oh, you didn't? No. You would have.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Sure. If I'd have slept in his bunk bed for a week, I would have. Probably wouldn't have swayed your opinion much. You'd probably be pissed because the bed wasn't all that comfortable. Like fuck this guy for putting me in a bunk bed. But it was nice. nice i mean it was good
Starting point is 00:15:45 caleb did a seven night how many nights did you sleep at bill a's house me yeah like seven uh total 10 i was talking to daniel coos and um he i'm like why are you so happy he's like i'm just here to have fun and get experience and blah blah blah you can see this in the behind the scenes i'm like okay and he goes yeah i'm like do you have a day job and he goes yeah i'm a he's a like a what what's a arborist he cuts trees arborist yeah and um i said do this is off subject a little bit i said do you climb ladders and he goes well and cut trees like with a chainsaw on one hand climb a ladder and he started laughing he's like well when the boss is there I'm not allowed to do that but when it's just me and the
Starting point is 00:16:27 Mexicans they'll put me up on the ladder I go why not when the boss is there he's like he doesn't he thinks it's dangerous but when it's just me and the Mexicans I go up the ladder ladders suck dude fuck yeah he's cool I like Daniel Coots a lot oh my god I love him
Starting point is 00:16:48 he's gonna be hey he's probably my next year Bill Leahy of course Bill will be Bill but he's gonna be that other guy who just comes out of nowhere it's gonna be Coots and then he said some really fucking crazy shit to me crazier than I only do it when the boss is gone.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Yeah. Yeah. This, this, this was incredible that he said that I was blown away. He said, I said, well,
Starting point is 00:17:14 why I go, you're not all in yet. And he goes, no, not yet. And I go, what's up. And he goes,
Starting point is 00:17:19 I think he said student loans or something. He said, I have some debt I want to pay off and then I'm going to be all in. And I, and then I said, why do you want to pay off all your debt first and he said just to be like free from it right so i can be a focused and that guy um uh uh fitness lonnie what was his name um i never remember this guy's name dorian yeah dorian when he became a monastic monk he but when you go in there one of the things they ask you you have to qualify you have to have no debt
Starting point is 00:17:51 you can't so that you're free from debt the worldly shit and then you can just you know you're free and I just thought that was so wise of Daniel he wants to get rid of all of his debt and then he's going to be all in he's going to give CrossFit he's going to give CrossFit a shot.
Starting point is 00:18:07 You know what I mean? He's going to go full Will Leahy. What's the guy who won five times? Matt Fraser. Good. Is Matt Fraser having a documentary come out? What's that video that CrossFit put up of him? I never make it to the end. I always get
Starting point is 00:18:21 interrupted. There's a video they put up with him on Instagram. I keep waiting for it the end it says what it was a cool video and it almost seemed like is it a preview for a movie it was way too long for instagram if you ask me oh that's cool because i never made it to the end and i felt i was feeling i tried like three or four times i was feeling like starting to feel like a dipshit you know it's long when you're watching it you're like oh this is good and then you're watching it. You're like, oh, this is good. And then you're watching it and you go, what the? You go to the little slider and you're only halfway through on the bottom.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Reminded me of like a four-minute hand job. It's like too long. Okay, let's see if we can get through this. Let's watch this. Here we go. Oh, hey, Matt Fraser should make a movie. Oh, so that's the joke. It is for a movie? I don't know. I didn't watch it either.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I thought that they were making a movie on him. The Buttery Bros have been working on the Matt documentary since 2021. Wow. Yeah, that probably is that as well. Okay. Okay, let's see some of this. How much would it mean to come in first?
Starting point is 00:19:29 Everything. I've never had anything that I focused on 100%. That 100% of my efforts from waking up to going to bed at night was this. That's it. So it would mean everything. Okay. Thank you. okay thank you um it should have stopped like right there uh yeah if it was a trailer after that drop and then maybe five seconds later with some sort of a cut out it would have been sweet
Starting point is 00:20:18 it would have been way more traction every once in a while there's a question in the chat that like i get envious of like i'm like shit how did i never think of that are you talking about the jay chapman one yeah what an amazing question what an amazing question well there's a couple of things you'd have to think about right geez your wife your wife blowing you your favorite position how long has it been since the last time you you had jizzed yeah because because like if i go a week it doesn't take long if you really tried how do you think you could jizz from a floppy start we were actually doing that the other day
Starting point is 00:21:02 wow We were actually doing that the other day. Wow. Oh, my God. Hey, that would be the ultimate girlfriend if she was like trying to set PR to see how fast she would get you to reach the love moment. Wow. I mean, it's just called your girlfriend no yeah but what if she had like a piece of paper and she was like every day trying to set a pr paper street coffee in the house god i drink so much coffee this week it's good to be home back to my grinder wasn't that a howard stern bit at one point how fast you could ejaculate ipy start. I swear there was something that at one point they brought people in and they
Starting point is 00:21:47 tried to like do that on the show. Seven on your wild 12 person capacity in Leon, France. Um, the West coast classic attendance was a joke. Your biases are blinding you. I'm fair to my biases. Mind me.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I just don't see, I just needed to explain to me like why it was, um, why it was embarrassing i mean i could see how it's fine it hurts financially but like i was i never was embarrassed for anyone i wasn't embarrassed for the athletes i wasn't like was there any point in time where you were out of your element and kind of soaking it in because i think that might be what you're missing if and if I'm right explain to me what you mean by that you were so busy with what you were doing and focused on the athletes and looking for what was next that you didn't really look around and
Starting point is 00:22:35 imagine yourself as other people like I think of yourself would be maybe maybe Dylan or maybe think of yourself as Dave or maybe think of yourself as CrossFit. I just said what I was like potentially as an athlete. Right. No, you're right. It wasn't embarrassing for you, but how about someone else? You're right. You're right. Because the only time I ever thought about the capacity is I tried to get shots that made it look like if you use a long lens, you can compress the depth of field and you can make it look like people are sitting on top of people and it makes
Starting point is 00:23:07 the crowd look insane. There were shots I was trying to get like that. Like, you know what I mean? Like those shots to try to make it look like it was packed. And I, and I avoided like trying to shoot the empty seats, like just for B roll. So other than that, you're right i i never did that like i was just like yeah yeah you're right and and you know what else too is like i'm so into the people there and there were so many people there you know i'm i'm i'm i'd say i'm 80 into the people 20 into the sport i'm not even really too much into the sport i'm only into the sport is the thread that holds it all together. I much rather care what Alex Kazan is feeling and what Jake is feeling as she crosses the finish line than I am. Trev, I'm really getting tired of seeing these comments.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I'm sorry that it's yours that I'm pulling up. But the comparison from U.S. to other countries does not matter. It doesn't matter. Let me read the question real quick. Vindicate, get your CEO shirts, but this is one of my favorite, by the way. God, there were so many CEO shirts there. So many no-rep shirts there. Holy shit. Dude, it was cool seeing some people walk up with the old school
Starting point is 00:24:18 ones, the original ones. I wonder if anyone else had more shirts than us there. I always think about the shirt they choose to put on in the morning and I go, it's super cool. You chose to put this on and I bumped into you. Yeah. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Oh, I'm going to start using that. It's super cool. Cause sometimes I get a little embarrassed when I see one, for some reason I get like shy. I contract. I mean, every day you make a choice about what you're going to wear.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Right. And they came all the way to that venue. And then they took all that time and got to that position where they're standing yeah and i made a video two years ago on it it's always cool why do you how do you choose what shirt to wear it's like i look at all of them and i decide what goes with the pants i choose my underwear first yeah i choose my underwear first i'm pretty random about the underwear i just reach into the drawer look at look at these it's like the fucking scream guy nice oh yeah wow isn't that
Starting point is 00:25:12 cool are those um compression like those hold your cock and balls up yeah okay i like that so i just put those on and then i choose a pair of pants with the weather and then i put a shirt on that isn't the same color as the pants usually and that's about it. I'm way too embarrassed to show you my underwear. Mine are straight out of gay porn.
Starting point is 00:25:37 They're almost a thong. Turn around and show us. You have a hairy butt. It looks like a fucking bear Ran full speed into my asshole And died there I feel so bad for Haley
Starting point is 00:25:53 I'm not gay I don't wear a pink thong I wear a black thong Go back to that vindicate comment sorry uh what did you say for oh you choose your shirt oh i choose my shirt on um on fit how my tits feel so no no pull up this one now so read this comment then pull up indicates okay let me who cares who cares you're triggering me who cares vendors who pay hefty fees to be at events you can't have events without money if there are no crowds you aren't going to get vendors yeah uh two vendors stream of thought because this first one said the comparison between europe and the united states and then there's this one that says that
Starting point is 00:26:38 it's embarrassing in relation to the vendors who have to pay hefty fees and it doesn't matter you can't compare them it just sucks that it's small. Well, he's doing what you're doing, right? You kind of pointed this out. I'm not embarrassed because, like, I don't care because I'm just focused on the people who are there. You're putting yourself in the position of the athletes. Like, hey, your family's here and the stands are empty.
Starting point is 00:27:04 And he's putting himself in the vendor's position. And two vendors did reach out to me here and they're in the fans are at the stands are empty and he's putting himself in the vendors position and two vendors did reach out to me and they're like holy fuck there was no one there okay he's right he's kind of he's kind of like you pointed out to me what i'm missing and like he's pointing out to both of us what we're missing all right so what i'm saying is stop comparing it to europe because it just sucks that it's small in general. And then this is also true that if it weren't so small, maybe more vendors would be there. Yeah. The vendors sucked.
Starting point is 00:27:32 They were so bad. I liked them. Shut up. You're wrong. Okay. I'm open to that. Like there weren't enough or they didn't give enough free stuff or what? I actually very much dislike the free stuff,
Starting point is 00:27:43 but it's like, you don't want to. Why don't you like the free stuff, but it's like, you don't want to, why don't you like the free stuff? You don't like free stuff. I thought that was the whole, like at the Arnold people just walk around with a huge bag and like fill it with free stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:54 So you can throw it away later. I don't like junk. You, you are good like that. I do appreciate that about you. Oh, I met geez Louise there. That was actually, that was really nice actually there wasn't uh there wasn't that many vendors essay easy buddy 11 booths and five
Starting point is 00:28:14 of them belong to the military and border patrol no no hey whatever they want there's no way they were only no that's i bet it wasn't my check and name them. Air Force, Army, Navy, SEALs and SWCC, Border Patrol and then probably the Marine Corps with a pull-up to pull a bar. That's five. Savon, that's not far off. Dude, there were at least just 15
Starting point is 00:28:37 people just slinging salt and shit. People in one booth? No booths. There were at least 15 booths there like slinging shit like jump ropes or salt or primitive pants or um uh something you put in your mouth that makes it hard for you to breathe or so dude this is it this is this is the issue there was no rogue there was no go ruck oh i didn't see any rogue there was no go ruck was no Goruck. Oh, I didn't see any Rogue. There was no Goruck. I saw no Goruck.
Starting point is 00:29:07 There was no Killcliff. There was no C4. There was no Jacko. There was no big old... How come there wasn't any Jacko? Because they don't want to spend money on something they knew wouldn't turn out. But they're right there. They're right there.
Starting point is 00:29:22 That's their hood. Yeah, they are. They're right there. That's their hood. Compton. Yeah, they are. They're San Diego. Jake Guzan. Hey. I hope they have the games in Vegas. Travel would be cheap for everybody. It would be lots to do.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And Alex can sleep in her own bed and take the cock. Wow. Damn. Wow. Part of that wasn't true. it's the the vegas part maybe it's it's not cheap travel it's not cheap travel yeah wow all right um what kind of bed if uh for this from last night's show, if only Colton hadn't laid a smackdown on Taylor right before semis,
Starting point is 00:30:12 I think that was an issue. Oh, you do think that was an issue and not qualifying? Absolutely not. No, absolutely not. Maybe even helped him, right?
Starting point is 00:30:22 Built some confidence. I, Maybe even helped him, right? Built some confidence. I made the video before and I said the events weren't great for him. And the craziest thing about all of it is that one of the events he probably should have done the worst on being the first. He had a great finish on and he still didn't make it, which is insane. He had two first place finishes, didn't he? Uh-huh. And a fifth on the first event, which I figured would have been like a 15th for him
Starting point is 00:30:49 at best. And he did real well on it, and then he still didn't make it. Which shows you how tight the field is, which is another comment you brought up earlier, Simon. The East versus the West. The West is stout. And it gets less spots than the East.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Tetlo hit personal best twice. That was dope. I got that on film and I got an interview with him afterwards. You're going to be so stoked. God, Tetlo's the shit. Oh yeah. He trains with Bill sometimes. Yeah, he's the shit.
Starting point is 00:31:22 He could be a superstar. He's so fucking cool. I got some Tetlo stuff over here. I met his wife too. She's cool. Sam? Yeah, he scored. Did you get a tattoo? No. Oh, yeah, that's right. She brought her tattoo gun there. He scored. She's cool.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I love cool chicks. JR's wife is crazy cool. Holy shit. You ever see the movie Son-in-Law? You met her, Caleb? Yeah. Where did you meet her? I went to JR's house just to hang out for like a week.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I wonder if she's as chill as she was on this trip. She is so fucking chill. She's cool as fuck. Yeah. My wife gets along with her, and my wife doesn't really get along with anybody. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, she's so easy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And she's, I know you don't believe in tens, Hiller, but she's a ten. Becca? Yeah. Ten, ten, ten, and cool. Weird, right? You'd think a ten would be a douche canoe. You can't. That makes you automatically not a 10.
Starting point is 00:32:30 If I was a 6, I'd be an asshole. If I ever go over 100,000 Instagram followers, I'm going to be such a prick. You sure you'd do that? You're going to be? Interesting. you're gonna be interesting so you don't think it took anything off his performance what do you think it helped at all you think it helped to beat taylor get that extra 500
Starting point is 00:32:54 made him soft made him hard i got i got a feeling we're gonna have a really good insight into that coming this week now i sound like john young oh because you're saying taylor's to do it Thursday and how it affects him on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And he's been doing it every week. Like last week he did it, which would be the equivalent of Colton having done it the week before. Are they talking about him coming onto the show to commentate?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Or are they talking about him performing the week previous? Oh, that's right. That's right. He didn't. Oh, okay. You're right. Okay. I don't even know. I would say not affected him. Yeah. This guy had the weeks confused. Here's another comment.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I agree. Lauren was annoying at times, but I think we're exaggerating here. Lauren definitely freaked out when Olivia beat the world record. Conway helped her out, though. The Oceana semi showed the run. Their commentary was great, too. Watching the American semi multiple times, I was shouting at the screen
Starting point is 00:33:54 because they didn't show the race. We need a split screen on one side. Thank goodness Taylor's on the floor in Knoxville and not on the Sebon podcast. The dude is toxic headcase and a one-man podcast wrecking machine. Who?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Taylor. That sounds like a good title. One-man podcast wrecking machine. Dude, there was a Reddit thread and it goes, is there anywhere else that I can follow the semifinals other than the Sevan podcast? They've kind of gone off the rails.
Starting point is 00:34:28 It was a really polite way for Reddit to say, guys, what's going on here? I don't know what I'm watching. Oh, I might do a show tonight. I have to get with John Young. The show will get back on track. But that was a good four-day run with Taylor. Hey, Lauren legitimately ruined the broadcast with her voice really oh so so now you have issues with her so now you have issues with her voice it's not just her commentary now it's the actual tone of her voice like you
Starting point is 00:34:58 like i'm way better than lauren wait i don't care what you guys say about my voice. I'm the shit. All right, Travis. All right. 12 Day of the Dose is Lauren's voice makes me cringe. It's awful announcing radio podcast voice. I think she's got a nervous tick where she kind of laughs. And when she laughs, it overpowers her co-host, which was Adrian Conway. Ah. Yeah, I think it's like a nervous tick i haven't listened to it so i can't speak on it but
Starting point is 00:35:31 i wonder what alex parker thinks about lauren probably try to get chase voted off the panel um i really uh i i have heard it's it's obvious that there's been a crazy push. It's so obvious if you go there, there's been a crazy push that there's DEI hiring in media. I mean, it's like so fucking obvious. By just, you're just like, I want to say that there's probably more women down there than men. It would be like if you went to a bricklaying convention and it was all women, you'd be like something, what happened here? So, and like, I don't care, like, like whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:14 What's cool about that is the best shit's always going to rise to the top. So it doesn't, it doesn't matter who does it, but Adrian Conway, and it is interesting, it is interesting right now in the booth. It's like they got the black guy and they got the girl right and i think it's totally fair in the current environment we're in and we know that there's hiring quotas and i've seen interviews of people who work at crossfit who say they really like hiring quotas and so so so we know that's being done people are not being hired based on their merit. But here's the thing. Whatever the fuck Conway is, he's so fucking good that if you mixed him with the right person, like Kalipa, like Brian Friend, like Chase Ingram, like Sean Woodland, I mean, it would be absolutely fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I mean, Adrian is fucking good. He'll modulate to wherever his host is. When him and Kalipa did the semis last year, he was amazing with Kalipa and then he did it with someone else and he changed for them. He's fucking the shit. He was so good with Kalipa. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Wildly excited. He like went with it it was i think that's where the future of broadcasting is kalipa's kind of style too him and adrian could murder definitely assassins it's just it's more free-flowing it's more exciting it's more personality in it it is some of the jackasses like to say in the world it's less professional. It's more... Yeah, I want to see somebody freak out about somebody's great finish. They act like they have money on the line.
Starting point is 00:37:53 When Adrian and Kalipa are doing it, they act like they have money on the line. Like they're gamblers. Like they commentate it like they're fucking gamblers. Lauren acted like she was on Laughing Gas. Oh, like she just came from the dentist? Ha ha ha ha ha! like she was on laughing gas oh like she just came from the dentist i do i i do maybe i'm insecure because i do that too when i go back and when i watch i can't watch the behind the scenes because of like all my nervous laughing so i i legitimately will go through my footage hey i think we brought
Starting point is 00:38:24 this up yesterday. Medeiros didn't say like one time on his post press interview thing, post event, win interview. And it was that in the stadium. Yeah. No, we had a solid minute of,
Starting point is 00:38:35 of, of words without saying like one time. And I go, that's crazy. Cool. And what you just said, you're nervous laughter when you're editing and you hear yourself go uh when you're trying to think of a question it makes you die internally when you do it in real time
Starting point is 00:38:51 so i like you feel your forehead heat up you feel your forehead you know you'll be talking to an athlete and you'll be thinking uh and just don't make a sound dude it's all a thing like just just think you don't need to make a sound right don't fill the empty space Yeah, I just hope Lauren. I'll hear this and go okay. Stop laughing check Dex Dex Dex Hopkins, what a fucking amazing name. Is that a real that's his real name? That's his real name Yeah, thanks. Holy fuck dude. If your name is dex it rains pussy on you dude he's good looking too and strong jesus he does and he's right about what madero said there
Starting point is 00:39:36 yeah he did say love you guys 17 times crowd i will say this i put the i when i i only interviewed i only got in justin's face, and it was after an event. So I walked over to him. We were in the stadium. Oh, that's a fucking – oh, he looks like a professional athlete. I bet you that dude was a professional athlete. What? He's a games athlete.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Oh, he is? Yeah, I bet he was a professional athlete at something else. I've seen this dude like years ago on Death By, right? Wasn't he like one of the what did you say that was funny i think he probably played football or basketball or something he probably was a real professional athlete at some point there's a very few number of professional athletes in the crossfit space does this guy have a podcast is this the wex podcast the wexley podcast no no but he was i think he was on like you're right about the
Starting point is 00:40:24 death by or something used to be a regular on there d2 football there you go that's not professional oh there he is more professional than being a crossfit athlete when when i put the camera on uh madaris down in the on the floor and i got close to him like he's not a boy anymore. Yeah, dude. He looks good. He's a man. His jaw's all squared up. His hair's like... He's not... Whatever Justin Medeiros won the games, that's not
Starting point is 00:40:54 the dude. It's a new dude. Yeah, no one's beaten him this year. Yeah, it's... He's all... He's all... His T count's high. he's he's all he's all his t counts high uh colon urines made it almost unwatchable colon urines urine colons that that's how lauren was saying colton's name my seven my seven-year-old peed the bed when i was gone
Starting point is 00:41:21 and oh no i'm just like so happy to hear that i was gone and oh no i'm just like so happy to hear that why i didn't like that mattress anyway well no we have a like six layers of plastic underneath it from when they were little kids but um it's just it's awesome that means like that means like me leaving had an impact on him he hasn't peed the bed in five years you could be dead and they'd be fine. Oh. I understand. Thank you, Caleb. Will urine kill the lice?
Starting point is 00:41:54 Colon urines made it unwatchable, but the most annoying part of poor commentary was lying about the row paces, consistently taking a second or two off the actual pace being shown on the screen. Why were they doing that? Is that true? I don't know that, but that's just a weird thing.
Starting point is 00:42:11 I don't know why they would do that. Maybe they're looking at a different screen. Maybe they're not looking at the same screen everyone else is looking at. T-Bird, I agree with Sevan. Dang. What's that? That's it? That's all it's to the comment? No, I'm just
Starting point is 00:42:25 savoring that. I'm looking around. I thought it was just a comment by itself. Give the Khaleesi a chance to grow and get better. Were Chase and Bill and Sean great when they first started? I love Chase
Starting point is 00:42:40 on the mic, but there are people that think he is a shit announcer too. Two O's. T-O-O. Those people are Alex Parker. That's it. I wonder if Alex Parker and Meredith Root would come back on the show. It was a great show when I had them on.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Can you have Chase on at the same time? Oh, that'd be awesome. Can I have you real quick? Yeah, please. I'm going to explode. Glad to join live from Australia. Keep up the good work, guys. Amba.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Okay. I think that's – oh, here, this is interesting. So when we were at the – I should really save this for when – what's his name? Andrew Hiller is back. When we were – this weekend when we were in Carson, taylor said hey do you know the movie super bad really influenced me and i go it did he goes yeah it was really um what's that called when you're easily influenced what stage of life is that impressionable impression there you go i was really impressionable when the movie super bad came out i couldn't make it through five minutes
Starting point is 00:44:02 of that movie really oh god i thought it was so stupid so good it's like a coming of age it's good and i do like coming of age movies but it was just it's just it was just too much swearing for me oh okay all right well that's what it is when you're like 17 years old you just start learning what cussing is yeah hillar so when i was hanging out with tay this week a lot, this weekend, and he said that he was really impressionable when he saw this movie and it had a huge influence on his life. And I hated that movie because there was way too much swearing in that movie. I couldn't even make it through 10 minutes of that movie.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Was your mom watching with you? Pardon me? Was your mom watching that with you no that's a great question but but listen to this comment taylor has the exact same voice as jonah hill i can't believe it took me this long to realize it oh shit isn't that amazing and he told me that movie we had left crazy impression on him that is kind of crazy i can't believe you couldn't watch that movie that's a great movie here's three movies that I couldn't watch that you probably like
Starting point is 00:45:10 I couldn't watch that movie I didn't make it through Inglourious Bastards I didn't like that movie and Django I couldn't do those I love Django why? Inglourious Bastards sucks
Starting point is 00:45:23 what's wrong with the glorious bastards. It's too slow. It's too all over the place. And it's stupid. That had Brad Pitt in it. Right. And I finished that one. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I'm very disappointed. The Nazi healing movie or whatever. Yeah. It's not good. Uh, Sebi, you've got a real Taylor and Hiller in. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I don't know how you got drug into that. I agree. Taylor's great, but it's getting out of hand. He's taking over the show. Listen, guys, it was just a fucking weekend of us, a bunch of boys together hanging out. That's it. That's all it was.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I love when people get pulled in randomly. It's not like I got my ball snipped and I'll never shoot live loads again. It's not like that. Imagine Caleb getting roped into something. He's like cruising through Facebook or something. Then he goes, I really like the Stefan podcast, but that Caleb guy needs to freaking calm down. He would probably love it.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Like, what the hell would I do? Well, Caleb's a staple of the show. But Taylor's just like, listen, you have to think of the show. But Taylor's just like a... Listen, you have to think of the show as like Sesame Street. And Taylor is the cookie monster, Oscar the Grouch. He just pops in now and again. Oscar the Grouch, for sure. That guy's been to prison at least once.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Someone, you need to control Taylor or kick him out of your live shows. Like, what do you mean? Like this one right here? Yeah, what am I going to do? No, you can't be here. Like, what do you mean? Like this one right here? Yeah, what am I going to do? No, you can't be here. Chill, dude. Olivia, so many people offended by Taylor just don't watch it. Enough of your comments of being offended.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Man up or get it the fuck out. Keep killing it, 7-1-1 crew. Nick, it's not offensive. They're expressing that they'd like to hear actual discussion and content. Yeah, I think that's more the issue. I'd like to see. That's probably something, yeah. I hear actual discussion and content yeah i think that's more the issue i'd like to see that's probably something yeah i wanted more discussion and content too but i'm also like okay with like you know doing a handful of shows during the weekend where we're living in a house and one of the guys going through uh um like that's probably i mean he
Starting point is 00:47:18 used to be a drug addict that's probably just like how he used to behave on drugs and that that character just appears once in a while it's like big brother that's what those weekend shows are everybody's in a house together yeah eye on the wall fly on the wall i thoroughly enjoyed the show just so you for whatever it's worth to anyone else i thoroughly enjoyed the shows it was fun being on them um and they're murdering numbers wise so people yeah that is that is that is that's a slight problem yeah for everyone who doesn't like it you got an issue because they're doing crazy good yeah that is that is a slight problem they're doing so good anyone in here complaining about taylor or the show uh don't watch um go to brian friend or the lone ranger podcast it's a
Starting point is 00:48:07 bunch of dudes shooting the shit it's amazing it wouldn't be the same without taylor um it's funny that most of the complaining is coming from men with a combined combined t level of 200 jody lynn Jody Lynn Hi Hey girl Sorry Tyler Other bald guy Jody Lynn Here we go
Starting point is 00:48:39 It's ridiculous that people pay money to watch your show No one ever sends 99.99 to me and John Young, the great John Young. He's my mentor. He's a god. And I, I'm the greatest upcoming play-by-play commentator in space. Thank you. Shut up, Travis.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Andrew, I don't want to fight with you. Well, I wouldn't hit a 12-year-old. That was good. I like that. You wouldn't hit a 12-year-old. Listen, if you listen carefully, I think I can hear him going back to eating his bowl of cereal. Jody Lynn. Jody, don't ever send money to those guys. Just here. Your weekend shows were a true testament uh to you that you don't need alcohol to have fun jesus christ hate that part which part like that was the most fun i've ever had uh not drinking like with guys
Starting point is 00:49:37 i made it a point throughout a lot of my life to have more fun than the people i thought needed to drink to have fun i think taylor kind of has that too to have more fun than the people i thought needed to drink to have fun i think taylor kind of has that too to have more fun than he did when he was doing other stuff yeah like fuck you i'll still do crazy shit i remember going through high school and college and everyone's like we're gonna go party it's gonna be a great time i'm like well i'm gonna have a better time with you than you without it and i'd go blow something up in a field or or i'd go to the grocery store and start like just fucking with people at the grocery store and start like just fucking with people the grocery store who are just trying to mind their own business your weekend shows were a
Starting point is 00:50:10 true testament to you don't need alcohol that fun i enjoyed every second of you guys being boys i also probably ate the best consecutive days and i've eaten in a really long time. It's a JR effect. Tell that to that giant block of cheese. I, um, I, um, that if you want to have fun with a bunch of boys,
Starting point is 00:50:41 have, um, Bryson over and he'll take his shirt off and just be in boxers and he'll stand at the stove and he'll just cook ribeye after ribeye after ribeye you can get them cheap they're like 20 bucks a ribeye and i don't know we brought 50 of them i think it was like 12 bucks a pound i go where the hell did you get this ribeye from yeah and local gas station and he it was so good and i'm gonna start a text with bryson and my wife so he she can figure out how he seasoned it but him and tyler and jr cooked so many fucking ribeyes and then they just they
Starting point is 00:51:19 all were just they then someone cut the meat i don't know who did that and it was just on a plate on this island and the dudes would just stand around it and eat it out of one plate. It was like hyenas at a kill. It was crazy. What? I went and I bought steak last night to keep it going. You did. There's nothing fun.
Starting point is 00:51:40 That was so much fun. God, that was crazy. No, I don't think it was seasoned. I don't think he seasoned it with sugar. And when we got it, it wasn't seasoned. That's for sure. Well, he absolutely seasoned it, but it wasn't with sugar. But it was great.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Someone says, we're not canceling Taylor. We're just giving constructive feedback. Constructive feedback. Get rid of him. It's at 19,000 views, guys. I'm chiming in here. Please keep Taylor on a leash. We all come here for the crew, for CrossFit, for the laughs, but it's 80% Taylor being an insufferable child.
Starting point is 00:52:27 I'm a loyal fan, but I can only put up with it to what extent just what just a weekend you just had to put up with it for a weekend but i'm but if it makes you guys feel any better like it was really fun hanging out with him i mean i had a fucking blast um oh uh lynn lynn jarek a correction halpern never said anything about colton the convo taylor is talking about what's happening during the women's leaderboard announcement and was basically saying danny made it despite everyone's predictions hillary was also there commenting in the live at the time i was he didn't deserve the smoke for something he didn't even do taylor was wrong like Like usual. Like usual. I mean, it's,
Starting point is 00:53:06 it's pretty, here's the thing. I, I, I can't give Taylor and, and John a wrong for that because they're biased against her is so obvious. It's like, it's,
Starting point is 00:53:20 do you know what I mean? Like, like when they talk about Danny, I just block it out as, as having any, uh, value, uh,
Starting point is 00:53:28 analytical value. I mean, I still, I still enjoy the conversation, listen to it, but I'm like John and Taylor are so biased about her. I really wanted to hear John talk more about her after she'd made it. I don't think we really gave him air to let that one breathe for a minute
Starting point is 00:53:44 tonight. So John, she made it. Okay. Tonight. What are your thoughts? We really gave him air to let that one breathe for a minute. So, John, she made it. Okay, tonight. What are your thoughts? I'll start the show with that tonight. That'll be good. That's a good hook. You guys cannot stop talking about Danny.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Danny, Danny, Danny, Danny, Danny. You guys love Danny. Damn right. Big fan. Someone said, what was it like seeing her? What a question. And I equate it to like, have you ever been to the Sequoia National Forest or the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls? No no yeah you never been to any of those three places when you go to those places you kind of like you're not sure what you're even looking at
Starting point is 00:54:32 for a second it's kind of like it's it's it's pretty uh spectacular yeah it's crazy spectacular she's spectacular it's it's a spec You think it's underwhelming seeing her? I didn't think so. No, no, no. Oh, she's more overwhelming than any of the things you mentioned.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Oh, oh, I don't know. Grand Canyon is nuts, dude. They go hole in the ground. I know, but it's so fucking big and the colors are so crazy that when you go to the
Starting point is 00:55:00 edge, you kind of like, you feel like you're in a dreamscape or something. You can't even fucking, fucking, at least for me, I couldn't even get my head around it. I used to look at bugs for a living. Of course you think that's cool. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:55:13 It's like a unicorn. Close. Close. But not quite. If I saw a unicorn, that'd be crazy. But it was a pretty cool scene. A lot of people are like that there, by the way. There's a handful of them.
Starting point is 00:55:31 But Danny is truly like... Katie, Danny will never, ever be better at running. That's just not part of who she is. And it's never going to happen. It's okay. What are you responding to? Tell me. Katie in the comment section asked if Danny Spiegel would be better at running before the games.
Starting point is 00:55:49 And it's like, no, she won't be. Katie who? I don't know her comments up here. Oh, I think I saw Katie Gannon there. Yeah, she was running media, I think. Yeah. For CrossFit? No, for West Coast Classic.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Oh. She's in charge of media there? I thought Sasha was in charge of meteor Kenzie. I Think she was running Dex Hopkins her lower half looks photoshopped when she's lean like who these legs belong to with all due respect Yeah, that's fair. I got that. I get that. Yeah yeah and when she walks on her hands it's crazy there's like all these like crazy undulations it's like you ever like um um like there's some places along the coast here where there'll be like a little like a i don't know a little opening in the in the like uh there's a there'll be like a land feature where the ocean meets meets the coast
Starting point is 00:56:44 and waves are hitting from different angles and bouncing off in weird ways and it looks like a stew a peninsula no but thank you for i liked it that you use some uh a word that represents a water and land geographical feature that was cool yeah yeah yeah it's just some crazy undulations there's just like movements in her hips and her butt and her thighs. And it's like. Like a sinkhole. I really. No, no.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Another great term for a feature. Stop trying now. But. A cove. A cove. Yeah, like a cove. Thank you. Come on.
Starting point is 00:57:22 A cove. Yeah, it's like a cove. So you're Danny Spiegel upside down is like a cove. Thank you. Come on. It's like a cove. So Danny Spiegel upside down is like a cove. What is a cove? Oh, yeah, it's a cove. I don't know, but it was fucking, it was so cool to watch. And I wanted to give her space, so I tried not to like point the camera at her and shit. Like I didn't want to like in any way,
Starting point is 00:57:47 like getting her head. Yeah. Like a small Cove with like waves coming into it. But I hope some of the boys got good slow-mos of her upside down. It's crazy. It's crazy. Like Tudor Magda. No,
Starting point is 00:57:59 that was fucking on a whole nother level. Tudor's a God. Because of the size of his hog? Yeah. Hey, dude, he should be a statue. I don't get it. Just like, you know how back in the day, like there would be naked men statues
Starting point is 00:58:17 and their penises would be like this? Oh, okay, yeah, I see it. Like they should just make one of Tudor. And I really like how the hog curved around into his pocket because he was upside down. I mean, that was crazy. Sevan, I heard $16,000 of camera gear was stolen from media. Did any of yours get stolen?
Starting point is 00:58:41 I find that so hard to believe. But it happened it happened whose gear was it it was uh the fittest photographer photographer i talked to him he got his 300 millimeter 208 stolen like a ten thousand dollar lens and then someone else got something stolen i think show me this guy show me this guy's face show me this guy's face we should raise money and get him a new lens He asked Either put it together or go fund me I told him I'd share it
Starting point is 00:59:09 And he asked if you'd be interested Oh I know who this guy is No shit Oh my god What's this dude's name Dylan Shoemaker Fucking A dude That guy's so fucking cool
Starting point is 00:59:25 why why would that happen to him see this is what happens when you get your media approved CrossFit just like fucks you well don't they normally have somebody on either entry that they not have somebody watching people coming in and out of that yeah that's Chris Madigan but his head's buried
Starting point is 00:59:41 in his computer the whole time I'm not saying that guy's face the baseball guy is that Yeah, that's Chris Madigan, but his head's buried in his computer the whole time. Oh, right. I'm not saying it's Chris Madigan. See that guy's face, the baseball guy? Is that a mole on that guy's face? Go back on the left side. No, it's eye black. Yeah, that's a mole. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Yeah, I'll throw $100 at that. That fucking sucks. I just asked him if he has it up yet, the GoFundMe. Let me read it. I want to read it again. On Friday, a guy came in as a spectator, spied on the media area, waited for us to go shoot, and walked in to steal things. He stole my lens and other photographers.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Oh, camera body. Oh, my God. Oh my God. Hey dude, did you even hear about this? I did, but I, I, in my brain,
Starting point is 01:00:30 I registered as like someone picked up the wrong lens and it'll be back. Like I didn't believe it. God, you're weird. I just, I just, I just, I just,
Starting point is 01:00:38 I just, I just, I just, I just, why tell me why that's weird. Cause you also weren't embarrassed for the event in any way, shape or form. And you're over here thinking someone misplaced their camera lens.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Hey, and I'm in denial. And I'm in denial that Daniel Brandon doesn't like me. I think Daniel Brandon just loves me. You've seen the security footage. Do you have that? Patrick Clark, can you send me that?
Starting point is 01:00:58 I want to post it. I want to wreck this guy. I did this last year. I think it was at the games. Someone sent me a video of someone stealing some bumper plates from a crossfit gym i posted them and within oh that's right within 30 minutes we found the guy and he freaking had he paid them he sent them money he was a drop-in someone dropped in a seven you're off the stream i know what i'm doing no No, you don't. Don't tell me. Hey, yeah. So Patrick Clark does have it?
Starting point is 01:01:29 I don't know, but he's seen it. I've heard it's around. I want to wreck this guy. I'd hit him real hard, like right in the face. It's a white guy crime. How do you know? I just know. So it's like first degree theft this is this was a thought there's different times there's different crimes for different skin color i'm gonna ask patrick he's got it is he white listen
Starting point is 01:01:57 listen okay okay listen i'm gonna tell you uh dylan i don't dylan and madigan saw it and showed the police dylan just described to me. Listen, Jesus Christ. How the fuck did you not give that to Andrew right away? Are you texting Dylan? Yeah. Yeah. Damn. If I told you like rims were stolen off of a car,
Starting point is 01:02:25 what ethnicity would you say the person is? Mexican. Yeah, brown. That's brown. Brown crime. What else you got? Like this game. Someone with their pants around their ankles
Starting point is 01:02:40 screaming in front of a 7-Eleven. Black, white, or Mexican. On drugs. But black, white, or Mexican? On drugs. Black, white, or Mexican? I could see it being someone like Taylor. White. Yeah, it's white guy. White guy crime.
Starting point is 01:02:57 There's just different There's just different crimes. Like Taylor minus about 50 pounds of all of his muscle mass, but still got that real skinny look where you can see his ribs. Domestic violence at a Super Bowl party. Like an uncle. Like a big old fat dude with a belly.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Carjacking. Black guy. Visiting the Grand Canyon. Pushed his wife into the Grand Canyon to kill her To collect insurance money Black guy Yeah, 40 year old You guys are good at this game With an RV that's
Starting point is 01:03:37 Past due, six months payment Your dog's missing and you look over the fence And your neighbors are cooking it Asian And they got your dog on the spit oh their house would their house would burn it down baby oh hey somebody said that the call online isn't working if you want to reconnect this oh shit i don't even know where my phone is oh i didn't even i haven't unpacked i haven't done anything okay i'll take it down then dylan shoemaker sorry give me the link as soon as he's got it ready nice i had another uh
Starting point is 01:04:15 uh i had another good uh oh um um um goat stolen from a local farm. Afghan. Indian. Oh, I was going to say frat boys, white boys. Oh no. But that's it.
Starting point is 01:04:35 But I like where you guys took it. I like where you guys took it. I was thinking goat fuckers. Yeah. Yeah. That's fair. I mean, there's nuances to them all. Sure. There's, there's nuances to them all.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Sure. There's a... Well, there's B-Cops too, starring Hilary and Beaver. I could totally do it, dude. I'd be a great cop. Oh, Brandon, you're right. I should have gotten that from Blue Mountain State. They stole the goat. That's right. I started watching that with my wife last night.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Who's a bigger head case? Daniel Brandon or Taylor Self? Taylor Self. Yeah, I'll go with that. He's going to love that, huh? I can hear him now. Fuck you guys!
Starting point is 01:05:24 I will not... If he wears the Trump hat to the event, and he... And they put a picture of him on CrossFit social media, on Instagram, like his own thing. I will never... I will go 365 days without saying
Starting point is 01:05:41 one negative thing about CrossFit. Nuh-uh. Yeah. Andrew can't do that. I sure could. He'd be out of business. But I also know there's no way they'd do that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:56 Like if they got a picture of him at the finish line pumping. I hope he does something there that's just fucking tremendous. And they I hope he does something there that's just fucking tremendous. You know what I mean? Like the double snatch, like a touch and go snatch at the end or something. So that they have to show it. Check this out.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Wowzers. Wow. Wowzers. Wow. I'd like to see her not go too much further down that way. The cowboy route? No. Not the cowboy route, but that's a great picture.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Yeah, it's cool. That's a really great picture. I was going to look at that website that Taylor got his Trump ad from. That was the first thing that popped up on my Instagram. Go back to that picture. Do you know what makes that picture? I don't. Look at it.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Gazan. Look at that picture. Her name doesn't pop up on my thing. If I type in Gazan. Shadowband. Oh, no, it's because it's Alex. Oh, you're Alex Bosseson. Do you know what makes that picture? There's one fucking thing that makes that picture.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Probably the... Hmm. Is it the shirt? Like over the shoulder? What is it? It's that... that delineates her butt cheek from whatever i don't what is that muscle that's like this what's that muscle yeah what's that thing yeah that shadow right there makes that entire picture what's that muscle to the right of that shadow what the fuck is that i don't know if i have that
Starting point is 01:07:46 what is it it's like the start of our quad i thought you were pulling a pubic hair out of your mouth caleb good morning oh what a great morning uh glute glute med it's the glute med meta meta glute glute no the glutes in the back that's the glute med, meta, meta glute. No, the glutes in the back. That's the one on the left of the shadow. Hey dude, it's like saying what's the area between what is this shadow here? It's between the bicep and the tricep.
Starting point is 01:08:15 It's just separating a couple of muscles. So that's just separating her glute from her quad. That's her quad up there. To the right, to the right. Yeah. Yeah. It's like,
Starting point is 01:08:23 that's not some sort of hip muscle that i've never heard of no i don't think so muscles go up and in between or just shadows between them so it'd be like hey what's this shadow here no those are just where there are no abs but it's still a shadow right it's not like it's a muscle. I think that's what makes that. Hey, let me ask you about this. What muscle is that thing between your butt cheeks? What do you mean? It's a shadow, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yeah, there's a shadow between my butt. That's just a crack, dude. That's my taint. That's just a crack. Let me, I want to show you a couple posts. Can you pull up the post of Trista Smith? On the CrossFit Games website? On CrossFit Games, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:12 So, I want to say this about those guys, the people out there. Even though none of them work as long, even though none of those guys work as hard as me, or even half as hard as me, or a third as hard as me, there are some really talented motherfuckers out there. Don't tell me you like this, dude.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Get the fuck out of here. There are some really talented motherfuckers out there. I'm not going to tell you I like it, but go ahead. You don't like this? What don't you like about it? I think it's just too much. Go ahead. Play this and then let Hiller. The post is atrocious.
Starting point is 01:09:49 The post is atrocious. That's where I was going to go. Go ahead. You don't like it because it's just like a shot just to just straight down the fucking pipe for too long? No, that's not why. Oh. Go ahead and play this, Caleb. Oh, I can't play that.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Maybe I should play it. The Shadakin has horrible internet. Is it choppy? I don't know. Can you make it smaller so we can see the whole post? Oh, yeah. It's so choppy. Okay. What don't you like about this? I mean, it'd be greater
Starting point is 01:10:22 if there was greater depth of field. And you go to click on this what do you get away from what do you get out of it huh like hey it's not every day you get to see one of the fittest women in the world walk on her hands upside down it's cool
Starting point is 01:10:36 I think it would be cool if there was an ND filter on it was a shallower depth of field it looks like it was shot with an iPhone let me take it to where I'm going to take it and then you can pile in and go back if you want. Why would you write speed and style on there? That's one of the worst parts about it, yes. It's like letting a three-year...
Starting point is 01:10:57 What did you say, Caleb? I said that's TikTok shit. It's like letting a three-year... After you finish the Mona Lisa, letting a three-year-old give him a a crayon and be like okay add what you want i mean trista smith is truly fucking spectacular why and and i think she took third in that event somewhere it's on the way there yeah why why do you have the word speed and style written on there? They're morons. Bumper sticker on a Lamborghini.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Thank you. Yeah. Someone goes, maybe it's for the algorithm. Dude, she's for the algorithm. Krista Smith needs no help with the algorithm. Go ahead. So CrossFit Games TikTok? Yeah. They made this for TikTok, and they repurposed it for Instagram.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Of course. See all those little things on the screen? That's how you do TikTok. You put the little captions on there. Whoever's creating content for CrossFit Games is making them for TikTok and repurposing them on Instagram. Now, if anyone has any idea, you do not use the same thing that you use for a YouTube short versus an Instagram reel versus a TikTok post. They all have to be differently formatted. Or, like, for example, this one on TikTok has 20,000 fucking views.
Starting point is 01:12:15 That's terrible. That is god-awful for anything on the internet, especially when you're the CrossFit Games. 20,000 views? If you put that on yours yours it would get a million views should i should i just rip it and post it and see how many yeah yeah yeah yeah oh look there it has 540 has 4 548 000 views on but they made it for tiktok because they're morons yeah i i just don't know why you're on instagram that's besides the point. It could have a million. I would love to know why they did that,
Starting point is 01:12:50 what the thinking was that she needs that written on there. And here's the thing. For some of you, it's not even going to matter. And I get that, and I'm totally okay with that. But those of us who it's our job, it's like the difference between if you went skateboarding versus a professional skateboarder went skateboarding, how they tied their shoes or laced their shoes matters. What are the odds of the chick who made it?
Starting point is 01:13:09 Somebody said it was Chalk Llamas in here. I think she's an in front of the camera person. You think? I think so. Is this the shirt you had to wear? What's a Chalk Llamas?
Starting point is 01:13:27 That's his Instagram handle, I handle i think anyway i don't think i don't think it i think that that's just like that's a just kind of a miss on leadership like there has to be a um i mean for it's it's it's just not needed it's's complete. You made it worse. You made it worse. Oh, it's a meme account. Well, there you go. Yeah, I could see a meme guy doing that. Holy shit, that's a huge account
Starting point is 01:14:05 what is it chalk llamas they're targeting the younger kids yeah i hear that's where the money is in crossfit okay so so that's not needed guys so just so you know uh next week don't do any of that stuff uh super fucking amazing fucking human being with a body that they work incessantly on to fucking perform and compete and uh absolutely stunning and beautiful woman no need to write speed and a handshake emoji and and never use the fire emoji all and all and all of us know that whenever we see 12 000 fire emojis that those are bots or perverts like that's
Starting point is 01:14:53 who uses fire emoji and just like you can use the exact same thing on both platforms just remove the crap on the instagram post yeah okay you leave it on tiktok that's fine there was an event there was an event there called the beth shit but there was an event there called the snatch ladder yeah and at the end of one of the snatch ladders uh at the very end they were racing fukowski and colton mertens cameens came to the last bar at the same time. And Colton had gotten a couple no reps, and he got a no rep, and he had missed a lift on one of the bars. So he's a little behind Fikowski, maybe.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Yeah. And as they approached the last bar, Colton Mertens did something that was the loudest moment in the venue there. He touch and go go the last bar i wanted i don't know how many snatches it ended up being what's 10 plus 8 18 plus 6 30 30 snatches right 30 snatches for time that's what it was the workout and the bars got heavier as you went down so all 30 snatches weren't the same way and you got to the last bar and i want to say it was 265 correct which is a heavy which is a heavy snatch i mean that was a pr for tetlo and uh he touch and go the snatch for those you don't know that's like you snatch the bar then you lower it and then without taking your hands off it you immediately come back up and do
Starting point is 01:16:21 it again and the fucking stadium went crazy because one no one knew if that was even possible and two it's a huge risk it's a huge risk and it was a crazy ugly lift that colton did there's like a handful of dudes and four or five of them have tried and all failed as well oh really yeah wow okay um and and what was even crazier about it It looked very awkward Except when he got it past his waist Like the first part was horrible And then he fucking pulled his shit together I got a great interview with him afterwards
Starting point is 01:16:57 Mike Alpin Julia Hannaford and Oceana Also touched and go last bar Made it look easy Didn't know that Julia Hannaford and Oceana also touch and go last bar. Made it look easy. Didn't know that. Sevan couldn't pick it up off a balanced bag of groceries. Colton did it with 265.
Starting point is 01:17:19 I'm going to touch and go 95 pounds today. Groceries. Anyway. Anyway. Guy Muscle snatches 265 for two listen he will not be able to do it For rep 29 and 30 He will not be able to do that He won't and you also can't muscle snatch it Because they have to be squat snatches
Starting point is 01:17:38 Oh they do Yes I think I saw people snatch who didn't go below parallel Do you have to snatch do you have to go below parallel and name them i just remember seeing snatches and i'm like oh i guess they don't have to be uh squat snatches they have to be squat snatches yeah they do oh interesting okay anyway um now play this clip so so remember that's the most important part. The most important part is that you touch and go.
Starting point is 01:18:08 That's the most important part. Now watch this. This is a post by West Coast Classic. This is the most important part. Beautifully shot, by the way. Juan. Juan. one I
Starting point is 01:18:25 they put a fucking cut in there you you you it's not it completely takes away from the fact that he did two in a row why like the only
Starting point is 01:18:43 people who know that it was a touch and go are the people who were there or who watched it ahead of knowing he did two in a row. Why? Like the only people who know. That it was a touch and go. Are the people who were there. Or who watched it ahead of. Knowing he did that ahead of time. Like no one who's going to see that. Say that again. Paragraph long fucking.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Diatribe. Oh yeah that's a mess too. That thing's a mess too. The writing's a mess. But listen. Do not put a fucking cut in there. If you want to show a different angle, show it twice. Let him lift it twice. Right there. Do not cut away.
Starting point is 01:19:13 We now have no proof. You couldn't submit that. It's not viable for an open workout? Here's what happened. It was someone who doesn't really understand the sport and the nature of what colton did and the impact of what it means that he did two in a row but was just excited because they had two different angles and wanted to just make valuable and put the cut in there you do not put a fucking cut in there you think it would have been fine if they would have just put the touch and go other the front and then the touch and go from the back? Sure.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Totally. Or do it once from the front and then do like a little, I don't know, say rewind, show it backwards real quick, and then show it forward again with the cut. Yeah. But we have to see him do it without the fucking cut. I like the long description and the quotes. Let me read the description to you. I wouldn't mind it either if I understood it. Grip it and rip it.
Starting point is 01:20:08 It shouldn't be written there. Only two things stood between Colton Mertens and the Event 5 finish line. That's – how about just Colton Mertens and his last two lifts? I don't need it. Like a 265-pound barbell and two squat snatches. Like that needs to be said way smoother. Only one thing stood between him and the event win jesus criminy dude how about just uh last two lips lifts uh fukowski and colton mertens were neck and neck colton handles his business by doing touch and go and then write the quote i knew once fukowski picked
Starting point is 01:20:42 up the bar before me i was i was i probably wasn't going to beat him said mertens colon mertens colon urines colon burns urine urinating colon said urinating colon adding unless i go uh touch and go fukowski released his barbell and Merton's made his move On the way down I decided to go for it Look at this I think all of these are written to post to Facebook Yeah so it's made for TikTok And Facebook and it performs the best on Instagram Fucking madness
Starting point is 01:21:19 That by the way That is the highest Yeah I like the quote too Halpin I – yeah, I like the quote too, Halpin. I love the quote. I like the quote too. But I never – like the only reason why I read all of that is because I watched the video and I saw it was fucked up. Like it's just someone who's – I get them wanting to do it, but then someone who's like been there for 10 years or who understands sports or understands the implications of the lift or what's important for people to see would be like hey great cut use it somewhere else we need to see it touch and go uninterrupted like that's the that's the that's why the crowd went crazy
Starting point is 01:21:56 i don't care i know you're excited that you had a back angle i know totally exactly how that worked you were editing you're like oh my god i got a fucking great shot of that and then the person behind you is like and someone's like dude i got it from the back you want to cut them together yeah dude bro from the sky fire it up on final cut fire up final cut pro i'll do a quick edit it's like dude this isn't filmmaking this is a sports covering sports bro i got a shot from his butthole. How'd you get that? Don't worry about it, but I got the shot. Put it in there.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Fuck. Yeah. You want to do something? You want to do something cool? You have to edit. You have to earn your money. On his second touch and go, slow it down for a second so we can see how wobbly the bar is.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Yeah, yeah. I think tia taught him that he's been at proven and he heard somewhere that it's easier if you bounce one side off the ground early so that's the only reason he was able to hit it because of his time spent at proven he owes the entire event window to you okay uh proven's trying to cover up the the bar the bar thing look at look at there's another one that's fucking mind-boggling look at the Instagram clip of this one. I this one. I can't even explain to you. This one's called What's the one where it just shows the two set it just shows them lifting twice. Where's that one? I got it So this the okay look at this shit. This one's really weird. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Watch this. Snatch one. That person's in the stands. Cut. And then snatch one again. With no weight. You don't even know what's on there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:46 And I understand maybe they framed it. But, I mean, that's the – I think that's the first lift twice, by the way. It is. Because you don't even see the bar wobble. Oh, let's see. You're telling me that no one at Proven could get him? Do you know that there were so many? No, this is a later bar.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Look at the bar in the background. No, but it's the same lift twice. No, it's not. Yeah, watch when it comes off the ground. It's not all wonky. Go ahead. It's not the same lift twice. Well, that makes it even worse.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Look, see, there's no chalk bucket behind him in that lane to the right. Behind his left foot, there's no chalk bucket. And also, the barbell that's behind him is the 225 bar, and he's currently snatching 205. So, see how there's no chalk bucket there? And also, you see the 225 bar behind him. So, what are you saying? Which means that that's either 245 or 225.
Starting point is 01:24:37 It's two separate lifts. Two separate, yeah. At two different weights. Either way, my point is that that's a miss. Either way, my point is that that's a miss. Why doesn't Proven show his touch and go? That's the whole thing. Because they're too busy teaching them how to do this.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Katie Gannon. Oh, that's interesting. I write the captions to give historical context for anyone reading it years later. It's good feedback, though. Oh, that's good. I write the captions to give historical context for anyone reading it years later. It's good feedback, though. Oh, that's good. I like that. You don't remember this? No.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Is that Brooke Wells on the... Yeah. Back when she was a... Tia has narrow butt, like Gazan, right? Yeah. They have a narrow butt like Gazan right They have narrow like a narrow butt I wonder if that means that Gazan's the next Tia Toomey See I'm telling you dude they taught him how to do that
Starting point is 01:25:33 The side Bounce Yeah we don't believe in coincidences Colton's never done that Spends a year at Proven does that Yeah wow Hashtag Go train at Proven Patrick Clark here's a fun fact Colton's never done that. Spends a year at proven does that. Yeah. Wow. Hashtag go train at proven Patrick Clark. Here's a fun fact.
Starting point is 01:25:50 14% of the games qualifier so far, HWPO athletes. That one is for Taylor. 82% of the people driving around Santa Cruz are stoned. 14%. What? That's just a fun fact, too. Review the one I just
Starting point is 01:26:07 posted on the podcast account and tell me if the cut is okay. Wait a minute. Is that true, Patrick? How do you know that? And also, how long have they been there? It doesn't count if they've only been there for six months. Will, you should look at if you want to put something together
Starting point is 01:26:23 cool, too, the Tetlo snatch with the post-interview might be really good because I got a good fucking, I got a great interview from him. Okay, can we go to the 7-1 podcast and see how we do it? That's what this is right now. Oh, okay. Okay, here we go. God, this is a horrible start. All the moments, all weekend long long behind the scenes coming soon
Starting point is 01:26:47 oh shot by will brandstetter this is even shot by you and edited by you self-serving motherfucker okay here we go oh yeah amazing Oh, yeah. Amazing. What the fuck is that? Please tell me that's because Caleb's fucking Instagram is stuttering. Please tell me. Please tell me. What the fuck, dude?
Starting point is 01:27:25 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. We suck. Hold on. Small team. Let me see this fucking mess. I don't see it on the Sebon podcast. Which one is it?
Starting point is 01:27:42 The first one. Okay, let me see. Okay. One. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay, fine. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:27:56 West Coast Classic and Proving You're Awesome. Jesus Christ. Fucking A. Holy shit. Oh, my God. The caption was short. Okay. Oh my God,
Starting point is 01:28:16 dude. Well, at least, at least, at least I don't have to worry about anyone stealing. You will. Nobody will. For fuck's sake.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Oh my God. you will nobody will have the fuck's sake oh my god oh my god katie gannon laugh out loud with a lot of l she probably really did like you know like when you write to someone i really did laugh out loud instead of lol yeah that's laugh out loud eat it that's because you're 50 dude that's why i have to write that out yeah oh my god i don't use fire emojis content is hard dick is hard that was that was magnificent and that couldn't have been any better oh my god couldn't have been any better oh my god this whole this we were on a roll dude i was on my high horse and someone just fucking knocked me off i landed on my back i think i knocked out i'm filling slick edit dude jesus christ what did you just let ai put that together will oh shit it's not even his wife it's like if emerald you know you know the guy the bam guy who on the food network bam he's like he's the best cook ever
Starting point is 01:29:33 best chef ever and he's on an interview and in the background his house is on fire because he left the stove on oh no. My house is... Someone wrote, my favorite part of the weekend. Thanks for not... Yeah, too bad we didn't show it to you. I feel like writing that. Oh, my God. On your own post?
Starting point is 01:29:56 Listen, dude, I'm... Will, I'm right there. You can see me in the shot. Use my fucking shot of the double... God damn it, Will. No, dude. He used a 360 cam. cam oh that's what that is yeah it looks like it it's got that fisheye look
Starting point is 01:30:10 it's actually impressive how far it could crop on colton the 360 cam yeah it actually he might have been shooting 8k no dude you got the 4k version no that's not true yeah it is no it's not yeah it is well which one is it i got the 4k version. No, that's not true. Yeah, it is. No, it's not. Yeah, it is Well, which one is it? I got the most expensive one I love it. Yeah, but you got a month ago. So you got the 4k one. Oh jesus ak just came out yesterday That's what rios was telling me at least No, that's the 8k one. All right Rios is a liar. I'm looking right now. I'm going to my uh amazon purchases
Starting point is 01:30:43 Is it the x3 or the x4 I'm looking right now. I'm going to my Amazon purchases Is it the x3 or the x4 let me see camera I must have got it on being age Oh X4 oh, that's the a k one. Waterproof 8K 360 camera. Shit. Read the caption. Jesus, now Katie's going to fucking really ass pound us. It is 8K.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Jesus. Oh, my God. At least that's what they say. I'm getting tingles in my head because I'm so insecure right now. All the moments all weekend long. What? What?
Starting point is 01:31:36 Meaning she's like she's ripping on not only is she saying that it's edited poorly but the caption's horrible you know what would be cool on that camera if like it was split into two layers and it was like layer one layer two and layer
Starting point is 01:31:52 one was Colton doing some shit up top and layer two underneath was the fans behind him is that Will? yeah! Jesus Christ Will Will what were you thinking? what was the point of that just like you just you just had ai put that together uh yeah for sure here's here's the full breakdown i was like i wanted to play around the 360 footage so i figured out to get a plug-in
Starting point is 01:32:17 for premiere this morning and just did it and i was like oh this is kind of interesting i'll just try out this colton clip yeah then i saw i'm recording 360 above my head so you can spin it around you can see all the audience reaction and then i'm filming with my camera here below and you can see in the shot everyone's walking by broadcast someone with the camera yeah so there's no unedited of actually you have a great shot of colton it's just too tight it'll be great in the behind the scenes too tight for instagram but it's perfect and so i was like i'll just put something together i want to play around the 360 footage and then i thought it would be funny if it was cut uh because i knew this was coming yeah you did not know this was coming you did i did i think i
Starting point is 01:33:01 sent you that clip last night so you heard me going off last night? Yeah. Jesus Christ. I wish you could have fucking told me, hey, just so you know, don't go too hard on Katie because I'm going to give her ammo to fucking rape you. Perfect. My God. That's so good. That's all. I totally believe you did it on purpose.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Agreed. Hey, and you know what he explained? He did it for the exact reason that i was accusing the other people of doing it he fired up he just wanted to edit some shit together he's like oh i'll just put i just want to cut some shit use this moment we gotta have this moment in but they're on the floor so they don't have people in the way. So no excuse. No excuses. Anyways, that's it. Is your room the same color ceiling and wall? That's crazy. It's all black.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Yeah. You painted your room black? Yeah. Do you have something else to say about that? There's got to be some clinical diagnosis for that. We should Google why would you paint your room black. Entirely. The ceiling is black. He's got to be some clinical diagnosis for that. We should Google, why would you paint your room black? Entirely. He's got the tism.
Starting point is 01:34:09 I'm going to paint this entire room blue. The whole thing. Oh, my God. Anyways, that's it. Thank you. On behalf of everyone at the 7-1 Podcast, I apologize to everyone at HQ for our edits. I want to apologize, and apologize to the west coast classic i want to apologize to chalk chalky yami
Starting point is 01:34:35 chalk llama yeah disregard everything i said jesus all, Will. You're a good dude. Bye. We got to have on the Katie, send Katie a link and the dude from HWPO. No, thank you. Yeah, we actually knew. My butthole's already stretched out. Jesus Christ. Hey. Hey. okay I think the show's over I can't take anymore that was horrible
Starting point is 01:35:15 I need to go lick my wounds our guy went to Fokovsky you know that's how you really pronounce his name hey hey hey hey what the fuck is this all about? Hold on. Let me read this. Our guy went to Fikowski for his last rep, but we had a backup on Colton.
Starting point is 01:35:33 The shot was too tight to make the whole clip. Curious what you guys would have done. I'd have run over. This is what I would have done. I'd have been like, hey, Sevan, we need that fucking clip right now or kicking you off the floor. That's what that comment said earlier. It was two separate shots. Yeah, but she's saying they did that
Starting point is 01:35:51 because they had a... The guy who was filming Colton didn't... After Colton got his first rep, he panned over to Fikowski, not expecting the touch and go. Idiot. And I kind of get that. well yeah someone said in the comments
Starting point is 01:36:08 there's two separate clips but katie there were katie there were um there were there were fucking so many people on the floor i've never been to an event with so many people on the floor how there could it could it can't just be there had to yeah there had there there's no fucking way one of your photographers didn't get the uh or one of the video guys didn't get the touch and go i know i got it i think i got it with pretty shallow depth of field and a two nd filters on too i think i got it sick and i had a nine i had that uh sony 90 mil on i think it's going to be so fucking crisp and 4k it's going to be crazy except i can't see my
Starting point is 01:36:46 screen so i don't because my eyes are so fucked up so i just have to hope it's in focus okay what dude no oh those are crossfit peeps i know can't you just tell those fuckers hey give me your footage i had two i had I had two CF Express cards in my camera. I would have easily just given it to you. You guys could have just been like, here. Dude, there were so, there were so, there were two, by the way, there was like, there was 15 people on the field of play. At least. Photographers and videographers.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Maybe 20. And it was only the same two dudes who kept walking in front of my shots. Who was it? I don't want to say. But everyone's pretty fucking considerate down there. Helping. You're right about this. I would say that he owes it all to crossfit
Starting point is 01:37:46 if tyson beijing gets traded the patriots and wins a couple games no one's gonna say yeah but the bears should get the credit here he's only around the patriots for a couple weeks that's in relation to what i was saying about proven oh if tyson beijing wins the game no one is saying yeah but the bears should get oh yeah no one ever says anything about the Camps getting the credit. There's no chance of him going to the Patriots, though, is there? I think it's just an example. Thank you, Dex. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Two, two, two, two terabyte CF Express cards, the 1920s. Jesus Lord. Yeah, dude, those are expensive as expensive as hell yeah maybe more than the camera oh brandon waddell look at you wait here yeah i can't wait for justin fields to absolutely tear it up on the steelers by the way because the bear because the bears ruined. Like every moron in the city
Starting point is 01:38:46 was to say. Bone Media, Ortega was the one walking in front of your shot. No, it definitely was not Ortega. Bone just throwing people under the bus. But since there's only two boys on the entire fucking media team, you can figure out who they were. They were boys.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Everyone else down there had a vagina. There were two penises and 37 vaginas. We pull up Haley's post yet. Who's Haley? Adams. Oh.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Adams? She looks jacked. Shredded. She's coming in hot. Shred city, baby. I wonder who took that. I wonder if Josh took that. I bet she has a tripod. Holy shit, dude.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Yeah, she looks good she said she cut out all processed foods maybe a month before quarterfinals wow uh huh wow Chris said it in the comments what's up
Starting point is 01:39:58 where's Olivia, serious? let's go Haley oh oh there not our comments oh man her hair looks awesome too and her neck she looks great yeah i don't like that back knee locked out like that i wish i could lock my back knee out like that i wish i could lock out either of my knees what the really i can't
Starting point is 01:40:26 i was watching so when everyone was talking about laura horvath and her new adidas shoes i was too busy looking at her ability to change the weights on her barbell with her knees completely locked out and just fold it over yeah she was changing the way it's bent over and her knees are just extended and she's just bent and i'm like damn whenever i bend over there's a slight bend in my knee and then i try to you ever tried to like bend over and touch your toes with your knees locked out it's like how far do you get like completely locked out like laura's just changing weights like this comfortably i got this crazy stretch in my calves can you do that if you're. Can you do that if you're loose?
Starting point is 01:41:06 Yeah, it's a flexibility thing. No, I cannot. I kind of always do an RDL and I bend over. I can do it. Slight bend in the knee, a load in the hamstrings. Oh, I felt that in my hammies though. And now I'm thinking that it's something that these elite people have. Crazy flexibility back there.
Starting point is 01:41:26 I can bend over with locked out knees and grab my ankles, no problem. Spent a lot of time there. You're probably good at it. Great at it. Daniel Garrity, Seve bends the knees to TDC a lot. Knee pads.
Starting point is 01:41:50 My knees only hurt once this weekend i was only on my knees too long once this weekend and then i was like you know what i'm not gonna sit like that anymore all right um i think that's it i wonder how quickly i'd be able to find that thing. A Laura was just like changing weights. Probably not that quick. Hey, you think this guy's on, let me ask you this. Do you think this guy in the,
Starting point is 01:42:12 in the, uh, upper left-hand corner is on, um, testosterone? Yes. Yeah. How about the guy in the middle picture?
Starting point is 01:42:26 What? Wait, Gi? Yeah. No, the answer. Sam's answer. Gi, yeah. Sam? Damn, he looks good.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Did you see the post I put up? The liver king is absolutely crushing it out there. He is. I was, I was panning over the stadium. I was like, the liver King is absolutely crushing it. And then I zoom in on Sam doing muscle ups.
Starting point is 01:42:55 Cause he's the most Jack, most hand looking dude out there. He reposted it. I think he liked it. He reposted it. I think he liked it. Sam has certainly dabbled over the years. You can't dabble, though, right? You can dabble. Oh, you can? Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:21 You can absolutely dabble. I mean, Ricky's clean now he dabbled right yeah i guess i don't know jesus will sent that clip to us in our in our thread yeah and wrote 360 camera is crazy yeah but your edit is fucking crazy ready here's laura horvath changing the weight so their knees just completely locked out and they're looking at shoes look at that look she's just like changing weights no problem knees just locked out not like i that's not how i change weights hell no uh it was cool meeting you guys this weekend says omar and carson my 10 year old daughter said alexis is the prettiest girl she's
Starting point is 01:44:14 ever met that's what i said oh so cute that's cool i think there's i think there's a strong argument for that that she's the prettiest girl anyone's met. She's crazy. That's her uniqueness, right? She's crazy looking. She takes out a sore thumb in a good way. Okay. Thank you, Andrew, for coming on this morning.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Thank you. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life there's no one scheduled there's nothing it's just nothing damn Caleb we're in the last minute of the show and finally your camera's just killing it your internet's killing it I don't know what's wrong with it
Starting point is 01:45:00 did you get Elon Musk internet yet? no I might oh you talked to Nick for five minutes did you get Elon Musk internet yet no I might oh you talked to Nick for five minutes not knowing it was Nick I thought it was Jeffrey Birchfield Jeffrey Birchfield's a
Starting point is 01:45:17 hick and fucking Nick is a fucking vato the only time I've ever spoken to Nick was one time leading up to Fit Wars like a year and a half ago and until you connect who you are with your name on the internet i got no idea dude he's a full-blown cholo and fucking birchfield looks like he fell out of fucking like um beverly hillbillies and you know you know how i know who jeffrey birchfield is i watched his video on the nopen
Starting point is 01:45:41 submissions i'm like oh hey je Hey, Jeff Birchfield. Right. I feel better. I have these like tidbits in my head of people I've seen. I'm like hair, beard, little bigger dude. It's Jeffrey Birchfield.
Starting point is 01:45:54 Like, no, this is Nick. I'm like, wow. Zombie. By the way, Nick, work day when I talked to him on a FaceTime call.
Starting point is 01:46:02 Yeah. So I, I will say this. When I saw Nick... By the way, Nick, you look great, by the way. And when I... When I saw you, it took me about three seconds to register.
Starting point is 01:46:16 It did take me a second. Oh, it took me three seconds for it to register. Not five minutes. Four minutes and 57 seconds faster than Hiller. Alright. Give me three seconds. It only took
Starting point is 01:46:33 three seconds. That's why I like you more than Andrew. I'm a peptide for my cognitive function. Neurons firing. Hey, I bet you um uh Hiller will end up getting a soundboard soon and he'll make a video uh
Starting point is 01:46:50 something creative where it's like multiple people talking he'll have to one up me there'll be like three voices three he'll have like his voice and then two other buttons for different uh voices I need to just become a voice actor and change my own voice. What's the difference between Hitler and a boxer? There were no vatos there.
Starting point is 01:47:11 CrossFit's the whitest fucking event in the world. There were no vatos there. There were some vatos there. And cholos. Vatos cholos. Tell us how you feel. We were catching it when we finished on the leaderboard this weekend. That's interesting. Cholos. Batos Cholos. Tell us how you feel. We heard Katrin had finished on the leaderboard this weekend. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:47:28 Even in this... Is she in the West? Would she have been in the West? I think she was last year. She was in Idaho still. Katrin would have gotten pounded this weekend. She probably did get pounded this weekend. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:47:44 Spinal surgery? No. Just laying around with her dude. probably did get pounded this weekend what do you mean like no just like laying around with her dude Oh probably damn I thought about that but you know she wouldn't have done well in the snatch relative to the field so I don't know kid on the final Okay is not great The run she would have been okay on Oh John are we I need to ask John if we're doing a show tonight John Are we doing a show
Starting point is 01:48:15 Roy on the front squat And on the handstand She would have had a chance She would have been like at best Spiegel territory. Did Taylor choose a time for Kill Taylor? No, not yet. Oh.
Starting point is 01:48:31 He ignored the shit out of you. Sure did. She won the snatch six years ago. The spike. I think it's cool. Don Fall brought his family to the event. I normally don't like workers bringing their families to the event
Starting point is 01:48:47 be a worker yeah you know what I mean like he's there to shake hands with the affiliates and kiss babies and like shit like that but I do think it's cool he brought his wife and his kids to this event I don't think it's not cool yeah I think it's cool yeah
Starting point is 01:49:02 we are coming out Matuthian is coming out with another product I don't think it's not cool. Yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah. We are coming out. Matuthian is coming out with another product, Sarms. Yeah. I thought you were going to say a new flavor of tooth powder, and then I'm like, what, chocolate? Hey. Do you think Jake – how do you think Jake would have done in the house?
Starting point is 01:49:25 Fine. Yeah, he would have done in the house? Fine. Yeah, he'd have done fine. Yeah. Did he ask? How many people asked to come to the house? If you would give an MVP for the house, who would you give it to? Probably Bryson. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 01:49:37 I wish I would have written that down. Yeah, me too. Yeah, Bryson for sure. What a fucking cool dude. I was not that cool at his age how old is he 25 26 I'd have just been in there just drunk the whole time my favorites one he's like
Starting point is 01:49:56 I don't know how to cook steaks but I'll cook them and he took his shirt off and I was over dude pan fried steaks are you kidding me crazy oh shit uh scheduled rundown next few days also uh have hillers knoxville odds changed since 1 a.m last night yeah they've decreased to zero i'm not going it could change again dude listen you guys keep the dream alive i i'm if i'm i think he's gonna go no he's not have you made plan let me ask you i've already made the text
Starting point is 01:50:33 messages that would concrete that i'm not going no i don't believe you listen do you have plans for friday yes what i have people that i'm training now in town oh shit oh i have solidified the i'm not going to yeah and he takes his coaching pretty seriously yeah i like it when i'm on the phone with you and you're like okay my client's here and then you just hang up like we're in the middle of a conversation i always love that i'm like i love that and i keep a little tally of how many times and now i can hang up on you like i like to keep some in the bank yeah like a notepad for it yeah phone yeah i'm like okay he's three up on me now i can hang up on him three times without damaging the friendship
Starting point is 01:51:21 i i wonder that you're all i think you're always on the phone for some reason i imagine you is always on the phone i think that's fair so i like if you call me i'm like who you just got off the phone with and then i'm like i wonder who's gonna call next hey that's solid yeah that's solid. I don't know. That's just how I feel about it. I wasn't going. Kenneth Lapp, if you aren't going, I wasn't going until I saw fucking Will's clip.
Starting point is 01:51:52 Edit. Kristen Kettler, no. Sorry. Hey, I will. It is good for me that Andrew's not going, though, because I will. I don't think John Young's going either. So I'll probably try to pull John and Hiller and whoever else isn't going in our group, Pedro, whatever, to do shows, pre and post shows. We'll get a whole bunch of shit scheduled.
Starting point is 01:52:20 Suze is going. I think they are going to do a live broadcast from the house every day. I know they're doing a live broadcast from the venue in the morning um god you don't hear this very often but will belongs in front of the camera you know usually it's like hey you belong behind the camera will belongs in front of the camera he sure does dang oh i'm sorry oh damn they're fighting don't worry someone the behind the scenes is in good hand lots of cuts yes action i could see will being like well the most successful films in the world have a cut every one and a half seconds so we're gonna make it every half a second we're gonna show them i have heard that it went from like eight seconds to three seconds recently.
Starting point is 01:53:17 Your microphone is the only thing in view right now. Focus. How about now? It's better. All right. All right, guys. Thank thank you caleb thank you andrew hiller from hiller fit thank you caleb from the shattuck and thank you uh we'll see you guys later on tonight i think uh we'll be i'll rally the troops uh we'll look at the events of course and the athletes who are going to the east who Who else goes this weekend? Oceana?
Starting point is 01:53:46 Brazil. Brazil. We probably will only look at... The Guimara show. Yeah. All right. Yes, Lupe, peace and love. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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