The Sevan Podcast - Meet Sevan's Friend | Mr. Olson #968

Episode Date: July 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply no what's going on gentlemen gentlemen i i told you in our text we are going to get a little bit excited today I'm bringing energy I'm telling you that we have I'm so excited to do this
Starting point is 00:01:14 Sabah we met and I don't know we've met and I met your wife Starbucks the very first hot shots event I met Mr. Castro that day. In Arizona?
Starting point is 00:01:29 Yes, sir. That's when I met Greg. I met you. I met Greg's Captain CrossFit. All the family out there. That's how far back you and I go of meeting. We met at Starbucks around the corner when we were at the Hot Shots first
Starting point is 00:01:46 at 19. All the OGs were there. Spieler, Froning, Valenzuela. Crazy. Yes, yes. That's where we originally met. That's how I found out kind of who you were. When I meet people, I kind of watch from afar, but
Starting point is 00:02:01 Dave asked for people to come out and help judge and just kind of be in the middle. Where did you live when you came out to that? Same place. Which is where? Eastvale, California. Eastvale. Yep.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Eastvale. Eastvale, California. Eastville or Eastvale? Eastvale. Eastvale. It used to be right around the corner is Mira Loma or Corona. No pun intended. Corona, California.
Starting point is 00:02:25 So inland San Diego. Yes pun intended. Corona, California. So inland San Diego. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. About 60 miles north of there on the way to Vegas. Okay. All right. I see it. Are you pulling it up, Matty?
Starting point is 00:02:37 What? Where he's from? I got it. Eastvale, California. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yeah. Okay. I didn't do a very good job yeah
Starting point is 00:02:47 uh los angeles okay so inland from los angeles yeah we're out we're out in the inland empire riverside county is the county we live in are you born and raised there i was born and raised in north long beach we call that south compt. My parents, my parents have lived there for 47 years. Same house. My dad's been a pastor for 45 years. I'm 45 years in the heart of LA, Southgate, Linwood area. So yeah, I have a pastor, a full-time job. Is that like a job? No, no, no. My dad has been a pastor of a small church his entire career. He works a full-time job. My dad's my hero. You want to talk about work ethic and where I get what I do?
Starting point is 00:03:34 My dad wakes up and rides his bike 25 miles every day on the L.A. Riverbed every day. That's where I get my drive, my motivation. I was raised by a good father and a good mom. day that's where i get my drive my motivation i was i was raised by a good father and a good mom so i get god the la um uh greg did a soda tour through um compton and carson yes sir and and we rode bikes from crossfit gym to crossfit gym in a big huge posse and we uh when he would go speak at these different crossfit gyms and talk to him about the the how um soda was getting involved in in medicine basically and in the sciences and we rode on that la what did you call it the la riverbed what a crazy network of bike paths insane yeah you could go all the way from like uh the 10 free pasadena where the west regions were
Starting point is 00:04:23 all the way down to the beach down to to Long Beach, all the way down. Yeah. Crazy. Did you grow up riding on those? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. We, it is a floodway. So when it rains a lot, it would rise up, but you know, it's not a fun place to go down there. And now it's, there's a lot of homeless that live in there and they do the best job they can, but I tell my pops, just ride fast and go hard. He used to go towards Long Beach, but now he goes the opposite way, towards city ministry. And there's even a section there where you pass through, and it's Mexican cowboys.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yes, sir. I can't even believe it. You're in L.A., and then all of a sudden, it's just a bunch of Mexican people with horses in their front yard. Yes, sir. And you're like, what then all of a sudden it's just a bunch of mexican people with horses in their front yard and you're like what the fuck is this yeah what in that area god that riverbed there's got to be some great documentaries on it because it's what a great place to explore as a kid but you're right it's probably crazy down there and some little nooks and crannies and there's probably a lot of needles down there now yeah oh yes yes my dad like i said he used to
Starting point is 00:05:24 drive towards Long Beach. Yeah. Exactly like that. Wake that early in the morning. Yeah. And it was just an uneasy. So he goes the other way and city of industry. You got a lot more like you were done in that area.
Starting point is 00:05:35 A lot of industrial buildings and stuff like that. So he rides that way and comes back. So he's 67 years old. He's, he's a hard charging man. I love him. And he gives me my, my,
Starting point is 00:05:44 my fight in the wood live. So I'm excited. Hey's a hard charger, man. I love him. And he gives me my, my, my fight in the woodland. So I'm excited. Hey, I want to play this. Just the beginning of this one clip here. I didn't send this to you, Matt. I lost you. You lost me. How about me?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Can you hear me, Matt? I got you. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It must've been you. Yeah. I love it when it's your fault.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Not my fault. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It must've been you. Yeah. I love it when it's your fault, not my fault. I want to play you guys. Um, well, uh, Mr. Olson, Matt Olson gets his shit together here. I can hear you. Yeah. I'm going to play this, uh, the first 30 seconds of this video right here. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:06:39 24-hour challenge is a mental, physical, spiritual, emotional challenge every year to raise money for the Jesse Reese Foundation, the Never Ever Give Up, Team Never Ever Give Up, Team Negu. There it is. Never Ever Give Up, Team Negu. And it's a 24-hour challenge for the Jesse Reese Foundation. I want to tell you guys a little story, though, here. It's funny that Matt says he remembers me. When I started this podcast, I don't know, two years ago, I can't think of anyone who has been donating money longer to the podcast,
Starting point is 00:07:09 to actually be honest, not one single fucking person. Matt was always there. I right away reached out to him. We exchanged phone numbers. I wouldn't say we were, he never bugs me. You know, maybe like once every two or three months, he'll text me with something funny or we'll say, hey, what's up? But he's always in the comments. He always comes in real hot he always drops some coin
Starting point is 00:07:27 and i just really appreciate it and uh yesterday um we were texting a little bit and he was telling me about that video that um i just showed you guys the never give up foundation and this uh this 24-hour challenge they're going to do for jessees here. Is that this Friday you're doing that? Yeah, this is Friday. You know, a crazy, like how our worlds always collide, right? So a couple months ago, I told you I was going to be up in Northern California for Jason's and Ashley Kalipa Ava's kitchen. Oh, right, right. Okay. So ironic world. I meet Jason in 2016 when they were selling his bars, the Oso bars for kids and doing donations for kids battling cancer when Abe was battling leukemia. And then fast forward 2018, I get sick with cancer and I come across this organization through my church and I went there. I thought I just started chemo and I thought I was going to be able to go and like give toys to kids battling, right? Like I was in the fight, they're in the fight. And I ended up going to the
Starting point is 00:08:38 organization. I meet the team there and I just said, I got to find a way for my community who's loved on me, who's just poured into my family. Cause I, you know, I have two young sons at the time, they were seven and nine, um, married for, I've been married for 17 years. And yeah, it's, um, and they're just, we were so loved. And if you've ever known anybody, or if you've, uh, been in that situation of being a cancer, whether you have it, a family member has it, you're in, you could get in these dark spaces. And I have a really strong community around me from the kids, little league, the kids school, where my kids trained at my church family, all the people that I went to college with.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And I was so loved. And I come to this organization, like I have a great, and let's, I'm going to get to the key point here is my CrossFit community and why that place I feel is like, it's the only other place I could describe is like a religious organization and understand what I mean that when you go to church and you go through a hard time, people rally around you. CrossFit has been a place, the only other place after 44 years where I say, man, CrossFit has been a place, the only other place after 44 years where I say, man, there is not only a network of one gym, but a network of multiple gyms that come together and rally for, you know, like the Hot Shots 19, that rally around people getting sick, that rally around people going through a hard time. Alaska, when they had the problem, I mean, everybody sends out the horn and the CrossFit community comes in and loves on each other. So July 4th, after my fifth treatment, I called the emergency meeting. What year? What year? 2018. Okay. 2018
Starting point is 00:10:13 emergency meeting call. I call my, I asked my wife to come together and my CrossFit coach and owner. I said, we're going to do a 24 hour challenge. And they go, what do you, what do you mean you're going to do a 24 hour challenge? I said, we're going to do a 24 hour challenge. And they go, what do you, what do you mean you're going to do a 24 hour challenge? I said, we're going to do a 24 hour challenge in two weeks and we're going to raise money for this organization, Jesse B foundation. They go, why? I said, because there's little guys out there that I've seen, um, going through this struggle where I was at at city of hope. And this organization does amazing things. So within two weeks, I told my coach, I said, we're doing it. I call my vendors. I call my customers and I tell everybody, local gyms, you know, I do a lot of emceeing at local competitions out here in Southern California. So I'm really, I'm very excited and I love it. So I call everybody,
Starting point is 00:10:59 hey guys, come out and squat with me. Now I had treatment every Thursday, other Thursday. So it was my sixth treatment, my sixth chemo treatment. So I said, what I'm going to do is I'm going to squat on average six times every minute for 24 hours straight. Crazy. 8,640 is that number. Inspired by that year, I met a gentleman through my journey, Cam Haines, and obviously David Goggins. He did recently, the year before, did a pull-up challenge and won the Guinness World Records. Goggins did? Goggins did that? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yes, sir. I didn't know that. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So I was inspired to do this 24-hour challenge. It was like, how can I bring fitness, go into a dark place, but encourage other people that are going through through hard times and cam haynes is the hunter that um rich was with recently right yes sir yes sir yes sir yes
Starting point is 00:11:50 sir a phenomenal man hardcore and i find inspiration through people who do awesome things and they're not the average joes right like i'm not a runner but his spirit of running and lifting running shoot gives me inspiration goggins running for uh doing pull-ups and doing his crazy mindset and what he does is just super inspirational so yeah i i he tried that at a crossfit gym failed and then came back and did it again. Wow. Such a, and so I've, I've found that if you really had going through a dark time, you need strong community behind you and CrossFit and, and, uh, church has been the one, two places where you could find that. There's not a lot of places like that out in the world that'll rally around you and just come together. So we do this challenge. And the next
Starting point is 00:12:45 week I walk into the Jesse Reese foundation with a stack of checks and cash and say, thank you. Thank you for doing what you do. And since then, every year we've done it. 2018, 2019 was 10,000 kettlebell swings, 2020 in person. We do it 5,000 lunges, 3,000 burpees in 24 hours. person we do it 5 000 lunges 3 000 burpees in 24 hours wow 20 2021 we did uh this is we introduced a team concept with a concept two rower how many marathons can a team of five do in 24 hours and uh 2000 last year jason came down um and uh because he knows eric the uh founder of the service foundation jesse's dad um he came down to the event and uh we we met he got on it and he rode that assault bike or the echo bike for a couple hours with team jesse so no shit he i saw him in the video he did that for a couple hours huh yeah oh Yeah. He came in and, you know, a lot of the people that do this challenge with me,
Starting point is 00:13:47 I have six different CrossFit teams doing it this year. Local owners, CrossFit Riverside. He actually, the guy from CrossFit Riverside, he's the West. Going with minimal. There he is. There he is. The beast. The beast. He's such a good dude. Such a solid dude. Such a solid dude, man. Okay. Sorry. Okay. Go on. So people come in there.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah. So we have six different CrossFit gyms, my kids. So, so this is where we get excited. This is why I tell you, you get pumped up about it. My sons are now 14 and 11. Right. And so we have a local little girl that I coached her older brother in baseball many years ago and her name is Madeline. And so my kids, they always like to come and they come for a long time, but this year they're going to do the entire 24 with some of their buddies on
Starting point is 00:14:35 a concept two and running the same thing I'm doing for 24 hours. So it's different that we do things different around here. Are these, are these your sons here? Can you see that? That's a, We do things different around here. Are these your sons here? Yes. Can you see that? That's my two boys, yep. That's Kyler and Casey.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Oh, you got a redhead. I do. I got a ginger. I got a ginger. Good on you. Wow, that's awesome. We call it the new pausing. Was he born with redhead?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yes, sir. Redhead? Yes, sir. My wife has red hair, and i'm wondering if one of the boys's hair is going to turn red eventually it might it might so we we have some we think spanish and my side in irish so that's where it comes from but me and my older son kylan we're dark and he's you know our our 70 spf baby you know he's he's geared up from yeah but look at his legs though too he's still tans huh heans, huh? He's got more Canelo in him than Pat Vellner. And his jiu-jitsu coach, when he was a kid, called him Canelo.
Starting point is 00:15:31 That was his nickname when he was in jiu-jitsu. Yeah, Canelo. Yeah, wow. You're stoked. How old are those boys? Kai just turned 14 this last week, and Kaysen will turn 12 next month. So 11-14. Wow, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:15:44 So they're going to do it this year and so like i said it's just you know when i told you i want to talk about it you know we have a lot of common grounds you're raising your sons right i love i think that's what i bond with you most about is that you you're an example to dads that you don't need to be great at anything. Just move with your kids, whether it's skateboarding, your kids. Yeah. Yeah. Jiu Jitsu, tennis, like just weight lift, play, go out, exercise. Like it's so that's, that's my main mission in life right now as I get older is to encourage families to just start moving in the parks. The parks are empty now,
Starting point is 00:16:20 back to being empty again, go out to the park, play, play ball, ride a skateboard, skateboard skateboard run a scooter so in 2020 i started this organization with two of my buddy uh matt and john um moved to motivation because we would do exercises that's my boys right there that's wow yeah wow that's crazy yeah yeah they they get after it god yeah they get after it they we are our motto and our family's no excuses so those are uh 35 pound kettlebells crazy yeah so they go to a school my kids actually go to a school called the winter circle athletics um it's a sports academy where they train half day and they're in school half day. So they don't go to a regular school. They go to a, a, right. Almost like a, um, a classic winter school, winter, winter circle. Oh, I think you've told me about this before. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:17 We talked about it. We talked about it as, as you know, as you're with your kids all day, you know, point into them. Yeah. This is a special place where they go to school and they train and it's special. So like I said, I'm really motivated as I move on in life after going through what I did in the army, growing up where I grew up,
Starting point is 00:17:38 just pouring into families and kids to just keep moving. Get after it and just work hard. Hey, what's their day look like at this place? So they, yeah, this is, you know, you, I think you were talking to us the other day about Gabe's gym, how he has a training facility. This is probably similar to what they do. So this place started in 2014 at prep Academy.
Starting point is 00:18:02 It was originally intended for seventh and eighth graders transitioning into high school where they're, you know, middle school for me is like purgatory. It's a place you go to where you're kind of lost. You're in between elementary school and high school. So there's no real place for you to grow and develop in those areas. So we always said we were going to send them there seventh and eighth COVID just pushed us up two years. Cause we weren't doing home training anymore at home. That place stayed open during COVID?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Oh, yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. And you want to, well, I'll send you some stuff. We got, you know, when they were there, no masks, nothing of that. It was, you know, everybody, my rule in life is you do what's right for you. This is America, the land of the free. I fought for my country. You do what you want to do. You were in the military? Yes, sir. Army. Army Reserves.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Deployed no three, came back in 04. Really messed up in the head. Got medevaced out. Got in a bad accident. Okay, hold on. To finish, let's come back to that. Finish this winner's circle thing, and then I want to ask you about the Army.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Okay. Okay. So I meet these guys in 2014 when my son was playing flag football, the owner, Jordan head trainer, Lisa West, we're doing this. They came out to the football practice and they were just, you know, excited young men talking about coaching kids. And you've seen this probably in jujitsu where, where your skateboard coach, where you see coaches that really get the attention of the kids, they could hold their attention. It's not play time. We work, we're exercising, but they, they do such a great job. Well,
Starting point is 00:19:30 I called him the next week. I'm like, Hey, I really like what you did. Is it okay if I bring my five-year-old and like, yeah, come out. We'd love to. I said, I got one problem. I got a three-year-old. I go, is he coachable? I said, yeah, he's already done his first CrossFit competition. He's good to go's not good ready to go and that's truth that's truth um so we go there the first time and instantly I'm like this is it they will be here a long time growing up learning how to mechanically move um being around a lot of like-minded families and kids that just want to grow and get better and whatever sport
Starting point is 00:20:05 they're playing or train or whatever so they started there and then we they when they started the prep academy we said we want to get them in there when they're in junior high because we just feel like that'll be a time where they could focus on you know school specifically and sports so you knew this guy before he started the Academy? No, no, didn't know. No, I did not know. It's not the same guy. It's not the same. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I think I got lost in the story somewhere. You, you, this coach that was coaching your kids when they were five and three, that's not the guy that started the Academy. Oh, okay. So you knew, did he have the Academy when you first met him? No, it's just a training facility. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Okay. Okay. Yeah. So he was, he was, he was a ex NFL player, grew up in the local area and just came back and wanted to create this training center to pour into kids the same way he was poured into when he was younger by the head trainer, Alessio, he was his trainer when he was a kid.
Starting point is 00:20:59 So it's such a special place, you know, for my sons to get, that's my boy. I can tell you about this is, this is the finals. So every kid has finals in school. That was case. And they call him big red. He deadlifted two 10 and the, this is my older son. That's two 35. That's my son. I don't want Kai. So yeah. Breeding different kids out here, breeding different kids out here, you know? Okay. So they, they so they do this in the morning and then in the afternoon at school?
Starting point is 00:21:28 Yes, sir. Yes, sir. So from like, now here's the great thing. You'll love this. They talk about, not only about the training side, but the nutrition side.
Starting point is 00:21:37 So they teach- That's part of their education. That's part of their education. Macro nutrients. My sons know what macro nutrients are. At 11, they knew them at 11 and 13 they know they teach him from very young what macro nutrients are and how we can develop and get
Starting point is 00:21:51 better by not just eating cookies cakes and cocoa puffs you know they gotta they gotta learn dude i i always say like if you focus in and drill in on something you'll uncover the history of the world right so let's say horses are your fascination well there's biology there there's physics there there's history there it's all there the first time a shoe went on a horse the first time a horse was ridden the first time the the size of a of a horse's heart like you can drill down into a horse and learn everything you need to know how how smart is that to have kids move all day and then make their entire education based on their movement, the arc of their jump,
Starting point is 00:22:35 the anatomy of their body. Right. I mean, it's like, so it's so fucking hand in hand, get them obsessed on their body and their movement. And then you can do the math there, the biology, it's so fucking hand in hand, get them obsessed on their body and their movement. And then you can do the math there, the biology,
Starting point is 00:22:48 it's all there. You can do the writing. You could do the poetry. You could do the mind. I mean, it's, it's crazy. Is that how the place is?
Starting point is 00:22:55 That's how I'm starting to imagine how the place is. Yeah. Education is built around the movement. Yeah. It's, it's just a, it's a different space, you know?
Starting point is 00:23:03 And like I said, not, and they're becoming more popular. I've actually talked to people. These kind of academies are becoming more popular in California. I don't know about other states, but if you ever look at a school like IMG out of Florida, the Serena Williams story, if you ever watch that,
Starting point is 00:23:18 that IMG Academy is a sports academy for kids that are going to be great. I went there with a bunch of CrossFitters once early, like 2012 with Ben Bergeron's wife and a couple other people. I think Spieler was there, maybe Graham Holmberg, and Dave took like 15 athletes there, and they basically demolished all the school records. Yeah. But think about this.
Starting point is 00:23:40 That's like a paradise. I look at kids now they're around other elite athletes. They're around, you know, all these kids that are just focused on their craft, which is getting education, be a student athlete, right? If you want to be an athlete and by the way, what I like about this place is one of, um, one of the kids I coached when he was younger, he had some issues growing up. And so he wasn't an athlete, but this little kid, Nico, he's my right hand. He goes to this school and his parents were nervous.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And I told him, don't be nervous. He's going to get loved on there more. This kid, I'm telling you, is thriving at the school. He's doing what everybody does. It's just, it's a blessing. And for my kids to go there, I tell them we're blessed every day for them to get the opportunity to go to a place like this. So why do you think your kids are, were coachable?
Starting point is 00:24:32 You know, I always, I always give praise to my wife. She, from the very young age, from the baby structure, structure, and you know, a very, um, from, from the morning to wake up, nap time, feeding times, bedtime. Our kids go to bed now at this age at 8.30 in school nights. We don't play video games. They don't stay up late. They're in bed at 8.30 up at 6 a.m. every day. So, and they have a full day. They're tired when they go to bed at 8.30.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yeah. So, and they have a full day. They're tired when they go to bed at 830. Yeah. When the tennis academy that my kids go to, one time the coach said, hey, it's not about how good you are necessarily to graduate. It's in levels, right?
Starting point is 00:25:20 It's in levels. You play these different balls. You play like a red ball, an orange ball, a yellow ball, green ball, green ball and then yellow balls the balls that adults use they have the most bounce to them and they move the fastest and he said and one of the things he says is just maturity and the levels of maturity could fit under that term that you use coachable and it's crazy there's like there's there's 12 year old kids in there that just aren't coachable they're just complete fucking freakazoids like they and they're adults that are uncoachable yeah yeah but the kids it's not because i don't know for the reason for the adults
Starting point is 00:25:59 uh suza but for the kids it's it's that they it's what you said. They don't have any structure. They don't have any discipline. They don't have any – they haven't been taught to respect, I guess, their authorities. And so it's so sad. So much potential is wasted if a kid is not coachable, and parents will actually drop their kids off at places, especially in the martial arts, thinking that they're going to get that there. And it's like, that's not exactly how it works. I have a question for you. When you take your kids to jujitsu and you, you've talked about it before. If you see your kid doing anything, you're not afraid to grab him, snatch him and say, Hey, get it together. Like, you know, because you know, there's a way to act around other people. And if you set that standard for them at a young age, I just really feel like you just kind of know how life goes. You know what's right and wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:53 You know how to act. You know how to talk to adults. Like the one thing I tell my sons is how we talk to others is how we treat everybody. I tell everybody, yes, sir. No, man. It's just the way I was raised. I tell them, if you do that 90% of the time, you're different than everybody in the world because it's a sign of respect and it doesn't matter your age. Give everybody respect. Yes, sir. No, ma'am. That's the right way. And when you create that environment, you could have open dialogue. You could be very transparent and growth and respect. That's what it's all about respect my i i don't know exactly how it happened but my kids if if there is another kid who's like talking to them in class from a very young age though my kids will literally just get up and move
Starting point is 00:27:35 like if the teacher's talking and there's some kid they're talking to them they'll just get up and move they're distracted they're not distracted not distracted. Like, you know, my kids always worry about getting in trouble. They never want to get in trouble because they know how you're supposed to act. Yeah. My kids don't want to get in trouble either. Yeah, exactly. And I don't know if that's later in life. I don't know if that's going to scare them, but I feared them. But, but really what I taught them was we respect people when they're talking to you, eye contact, look at them, grow, talk, learn. You know what I mean? I know you're going to be nervous. They're big human beings, but if you show a level of respect for them, coaches and any coach, be coachable.
Starting point is 00:28:09 In any level, that goes in your growing up life, school, how you deal with people, when you get a job, when you lead a team. Sometimes you need to have a mentor and be coachable by someone. Never think you're at top. Never think you're at the peak of anything because you could always be learning you could always be growing that's what i say to my my wife don't don't just because you're on top sometimes don't think hey alpha no sir and uh and and yes sir and all that too also makes the adults gravitate towards the kids we do a youth strength and conditioning program at the gym and the kids that are like yes coach no coach when i'm explaining something they are there and they're attentive or they're asking
Starting point is 00:28:48 questions like thoughtful questions about what's going on they end up getting a ton of more of my attention and it's not even consciously i do that i just gravitate towards those kids right and the way you're just a person you're going to gravitate towards what the cooler, the nicer, more polite, more engaged kids that are hungry to learn. I want you. I told her yesterday there's a lady in Detroit. Her name's Helen. And I told her yesterday we're talking because her kids are going to do the challenge tomorrow. She is at Core City CrossFit. And on Mondays and Wednesdays, you got to get her on, Siobhan. You'd love her. She does a program where the inner city kids show bring them in. She works them out from Mondays and Wednesdays for two hours. And she told me yesterday, we were talking, she just, some of these kids can't get there. So she drives and picks them up. It's just an amazing thing
Starting point is 00:29:40 that if we get kids moving at a young age, you know, there's the whole, if you get them exercising, they're going to get grew stunted growth. I don't believe in that. We told them to eat sugar all their life. And you know, I get people asking me, should I give my kid protein power? I said, you give your kids sugar. You're okay. Give them protein. It's again, everybody has the thing, but this lady is just, I'm telling you. I follow this lady. Is it Helen Taylor? Yes, sir. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:08 So she is just a rock star. She's a rock star. She's, and, but this is what I'm talking about, Susan. You, if you have kids in your gym, it's not even about, like I tell people, like I'm a geek on CrossFit. Okay. I watch all your CrossFit shows and I pop in those because I'm a geek. That's my sport, right?
Starting point is 00:30:22 I watch that. But at the end of the day, if we teach kids how to move and build confidence with their body, moving, getting stronger and they see their muscles and they feel like empowered, you're not going to bully. You're going to learn how to protect the ones that need protecting. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. My kids, yeah, they don't do any of that bullying shit. They don't do any of the dick measuring contest shit. And yet no one fucks with them. They can hold their own. No one's.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And they encourage. So when we do the workouts in the park, so we were during this time when we don't have practice, we'll do a workout in the park and kids and families who come. And what I love most about my sons will go out there and they'll help lead. They'll work with the little ones and they'll, they'll guide in the direct little baby CrossFit coaches. Hey, that is the by-product of my kids get a ton of instruction,
Starting point is 00:31:09 probably two to three teachers every single day, unique teachers. And they all want to teach now. I mean, they don't, they don't, they haven't verbalized it, but they, but if a new kid comes to jujitsu class, they'll be the first ones to be like, Hey, I got this kid. Yep. Yep. It's, it's, it's coachable moments like that that i think just develop awesome young men um this is uh the event is going to be tomorrow is it crossfit oh i lost you matt sorry your audio dropped out your mic dropped matt can't hear me no can you hear me matt i don't think he can okay something happened something happened to his mic. Hold on. Let me pull this image down.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Matt, hello? Uh-oh. There we go. You're back. You're back. There we go. We're back. Okay, so tell me once again,
Starting point is 00:31:57 is this happening at gyms all across the country, or how many gyms is this happening at tomorrow? So on Friday, what I tell people is that my goal with this whole 24-hour challenge when we first started was I want people moving around the world the most, just raising awareness for childhood cancer and just exercising, right, just moving. So, you know, I tell people, anybody I run into, it's always put out on social media, like if you can't be on site, go run four to six miles and send me a video. So if you're any, and you don't have skiers.
Starting point is 00:32:30 So like tomorrow, the core city kids are going to do it in their workout. They're going to do a 1200 meter ski and they're going to run a 400 meters as a partner, do it by yourself. But my intention is that, you know, we have kids right now in our community. There are kids that did families that did it last year that are battling cancer. And these little warriors that do it. So now you're a dad, right? It's one of the hardest things that I would, I haven't, I've only went through it, but
Starting point is 00:33:01 I've never had to experience one of my kids. You love your kids so much, man. And if you had to see, you know, one of your little guys go through hell on earth and just get poked and prodded and a disease you can't take out of them, it eats you up. And this organization, Jesse Reese, now let me go back to her for a little bit. Jesse was, organization, Jessie Reese. Now let me go back to her for a little bit. Jessie was, she's passed away. She passed away in 2012. And she got diagnosed with a rare brain cancer, no cure. And this little girl was at CHOC, which is Children's Hospital of Orange County. And one day she came home and she told her dad on the way home from getting this radiation
Starting point is 00:33:40 treatment. And mom, she's like, what happens to the kids on the floors that don't get to go home? And her dad said that they get treatment and they don't get to come home. Sometimes they're standing for months at a time. Well, she goes home that night. She's in the middle of going through this treatment herself, goes home that night and takes all these stuffed animals, writes it in little paper sack lunches and says, I want to take these to the kids tomorrow when I go back for treatment. And she went back and she, she hands them to the kids and what ends up happening is she makes the doctor say, this is a great idea, but we need them in plastic jars.
Starting point is 00:34:15 You know, we can't hand out paper sacks. So they come up with this little jar, 32 ounce jar. And her name was Jessica Joy Reese. Joy. So the name joy Jar is what they go out. And so she stuffed these jars before she passed away. She gave away, gave out over 4,000, I think it was between 3,500, 3,000 to 4,000 jars before she passed away in less than a year to kids, to local hospitals. So they started this foundation, not for a cure for cancer, it's for care. And her dad, Eric, her mom, Stacy,
Starting point is 00:34:53 and her brother, JT, and sister Shaya, they're just, they kept her sister's legacy live on. And when I go into this place, it's in Irvine, and when I go into this place, it's in Irvine, you know it's almost like you're going into a place that is going to send
Starting point is 00:35:11 Oh, we lost him again. There we go. You're going to send absolute a joy to a kid and even if it's for a minute a while those joy jars touch those kids and so on i've i've heard parents talk um about after they've been done who've lost their kids who their kids have been given bone marrow by their older siblings but this little jar was
Starting point is 00:35:42 a light of hope in their family's darkest hour. And so that's what we do it for, man. It's, it's nothing special. We just get together. We exercise for 24. It's hard. It's challenging. Friendships are, it's a teamwork building thing. And so it's just a special time. So I'm really excited and fired up for Friday because it's a six year. And where do people donate money to it? Go to Muthu Motivate.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I'll send you a link. I'll send you the little thing. It's a little QR code. It's a fundraise give. It goes right to them. And it's fun. It's a... But so is there something Susan can pull up now
Starting point is 00:36:20 so people who are watching can see it now? Let me see. Let me see. Let me see how I do this. I'm going to show... Oh, is that it? Yeah, you can go right there. You can donate to that. Just put 24-Hour Challenge on there. Let me see. Let me see. Let me see how I do this. I'm going to show. Oh, is that it? Yeah, you can go right there. You can donate to that.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Just put 24-Hour Challenge on there. You can donate to that thing right there. If you do that, that's their thing. But I'm going to pull up. Let me see if I can do the link real quick. I'll send it to you right now. Hey, how long did she survive with cancer for? A year.
Starting point is 00:36:40 A year? Yeah. Brain cancer, you said? Brain cancer, yeah. She's my hero, man. This is their team. So that guy up on the top right, that's Grant. He's my right hand.
Starting point is 00:36:50 He helps me from their side on their team. And they're a great organization. If you're ever down here, I'd love to introduce you to them. Just a special place. Special place. So the Never Ever Give Up is part of and jesse reese is just is one of their fundraisers no so jesse reese foundation is the foundation and they're they're they're like their team name is team negu right so okay their brand so if you watch quarterbacks
Starting point is 00:37:17 on tv you'll see all these bracelets they're part of it they're like they're all stars just superstars and there's now a um a new uh his name's joy he's a race car driver in the nascar who's sponsoring his car to you know to to spread the word of never ever give up to these kids and so great organization um i want to show this, just this little snippet here. This is from the 2022 24-Hour Challenge last year. And I just want to play this little piece here. Here we go. You know, cancer took a little piece of my soul. And it took some of my life.
Starting point is 00:38:05 There's always those fears that are in the back of your mind, but God gives me the strength, and I take that strength and the encouragement of those around me, and we do the best we can to remind ourselves that this is the why. What happened? When were you diagnosed with cancer?
Starting point is 00:38:25 What happened? 2018, April, Easter week of 2018, I woke up with a big lump on my neck. Like you went to bed and it wasn't there and you woke up and it was there? My wife was on a business trip down south and I was with the kids. I had a baseball game to coach that night, wake up, go to work, had our Easter luncheon and it was getting harder to swallow. So went that night and it all started there.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Had surgery two days later. They took out the lymph node a week later. We told ourselves, we didn't know what it was. We thought it was an infection. A week later, the kids were at jujitsu and we were supposed to get a call that day of what it was. Doc calls me on the way to jujitsu. Sherry, my wife was there. And I show up and I look at her and I just shook my head because the doctor told me over the phone.
Starting point is 00:39:15 He wanted me to come in. I said, just tell me what it is. He's like, you got cancer. I said, stop lying. I said, stop. What are you talking about? So I walked into Jiu-Jitsu. Kids are training. I look and I just shake my head. And she just, you know, my wife is opposite of me. She is the most awesome, mellow. See, we're yin and yang, right?
Starting point is 00:39:39 It was our Jiu-Jitsu coach thought we were getting divorced. And so she went. We had our loving friends come over that night. Love on her, Love on us. And I chose that night with my family that we were going to make our journey public. I know a lot of people don't like to do that, but I made it my journey public to kind of tell people what it was like. And I didn't want to shy away from it. I was raising two young boys and they grew up real fast. And I just I don't I don't play. I don't want to shy away from things. I like to teach my sons hit it. We didn't, I didn't stop working.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I've been with the same company for 27 years. Selling tweezers to medical device companies around the world. And what kind of tweezers do you sell? Swiss tweezers. My wife loves tweezers. She's a tweezer nut. She got a little mirror. She got a little mirror. I probably gave in trouble for that. And it's in a set of tweezers i'll get you a pair she's a nut she got a little mirror she got a little mirror i probably get in trouble for this and it's in a set of tweezers by the bed yeah should be just like
Starting point is 00:40:29 just a favorite pastime women and tweezers god they fucking love tweezers yeah it's it's it's they they have a small piece of saving people's lives i tell people what i do every day so that's my real job uh uh oh they're not just for plucking hair on your face? No. They take these tweezers, manufacturing plants around the world, and create devices that make stints for people's brains, make microcatheters for people to have heart ablation and pacemakers. And you were in that field before your cancer? What kind of cancer is on the neck?
Starting point is 00:41:10 Hodgkin's lymphoma is what I had. Lymphoma. That's a blood? It's in your lymph nodes. It was called stage 2. The doctor told me, it's bad you got cancer, but you got one that's very terrible. Went through chemo from April through August.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And next month is big. It's big, Siobhan. You and Matt are going to get a big text because if I get that all clear on August 7th, that means I'm cured from this disease. Wow. So this is a big year. This is a really big year for our family. Sorry, one second. Sebi, just because your wife loves a really big year for our family. So I'm sorry. Sorry. One second. Sebi just because your wife loves tweezers doesn't mean all women love.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Sorry. I, I do see a lot of really smart things that was, um, you're just off the mark there. It's okay. All women show me a woman that doesn't love tweezers. Yeah. Doesn't love tweezers. tweezers yeah yeah there's no tweezers and and so um two six years in the clear that's like uh you're five five five five once you get so once you go and they call remission it's it's what you call when you get done with your treatment you know you're not you're basically in remission for five years for this disease and uh if you get through five they kind of say you're cured of this and could it come back eventually maybe but you know there's the the chances are
Starting point is 00:42:29 smaller and smaller and smaller so hey is it something that's like um uh i went i leaned in my um uh the window to kiss my mom goodbye yesterday she was at my house and she goes oh hey you got a uh a brown spot on your face you guys probably can't even see it you should have that checked out for cancer no no and like and now i've been thinking about it like uh every 10 minutes since she said that to me yeah so and i'm like i haven't told her yet i call her today and slap her around a little bit but um uh what is it always on your mind like i can't believe that she she just said that just casually. Oh,
Starting point is 00:43:06 you should have that. It might be cancer. I'm like, what the fuck? I'm freaking out now. Yeah. No, it's,
Starting point is 00:43:11 we, I would say always, if you feel off or something that, you know, you're an active person. If you feel really lethargic or something's going wrong, go get checked out. That's what I tell them.
Starting point is 00:43:20 And for us guys, you don't just take more pre-workout. If you feel, what I'm saying is, is it hot? Does it haunt you? Like, do you, like, is there sometimes like you're in the shower and you just feel, feel fear kind of like overcome you like a spirit of fear. And you're like, Whoa, what the fuck? Sometimes you wake up and you think you've got to go get chemo that day.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And I tell people chemo, I didn't get radiation. I had chemotherapy. And I had, is that a pill? that a pill no no iv iv oh okay i think i got some some have pills for chemotherapy but i had four different chemotherapies that was when you want to see something crazy um when i was getting my chemo i was doing air squats scared to live in daylights out of my nerves at city of hope oh yeah i saw the video of that i saw the video you doing it with the employees there that was yeah yeah so i mean but the chemo after when you start it's like it's like a i tell people it's like a shadow the first couple it kind of builds up and when when you get towards the end is when it really just it just kind of because it kills everything good
Starting point is 00:44:18 inside of you as well as everything bad inside of you. So like, so like kind of like antibiotics. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Here's the, I think this is the video you're talking about,
Starting point is 00:44:32 right? Yeah. Yeah. So I would have family members come and hang out with me until I passed out from the sleeping medicine. But then I would do squats with them when they come visit me when I was getting my chemo. So the first time nurses freaked out would you ever see someone in there getting chemo and then
Starting point is 00:44:49 they got like a 60 ounce of oh and that's your chemo that yeah so that thing next to you you're holding on to is pumping poison into you if you look at my left arm that's where the IV is at and uh so that's my mom right there that's my mom in the purple she came and she did squats with me too while i was getting treatment so you ever you ever go in there and and you're you're getting chemo and um there's someone sitting next to you with the 60 ounce of uh coca-cola no i did you don't know you i mean you it's that place right there city of hope is where i got my treatment it's a special place it's a man it's a it can be a dark place but i just kind of hope is where I got my treatment at. It's a special place. It's a, man, it's a, it can be a dark place, but I just kind of,
Starting point is 00:45:27 I try to make like I tell people in your darkest hours when you're going to grow the most. And I feel like, you know, um, after when I got done as a kid growing up where I grew up, when I joined the army and went through what I went through in deployment, coming back and after the cancer, like I just put good people around me in my darkest hour and we will do great things in those darkest hours is what I tell people. Look how ruthless this is.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Someone's calling Hiller to assess those squats. I guarantee you Hiller would know. He would, Hiller would have been the guy doing, are you squatting low enough? But again, the thing is i wasn't going for a guinness world record i was up for 24 hours straight exercising so you know he's a good walk-in chemo unit no no reps no one gets a pass yeah vindicate brings up a good point paper street coffee kills diseases there you go
Starting point is 00:46:26 coffee yeah coffee cures everything coffee that is true so um why did you uh why did you join you join the national guard why'd you do that army reserves i did that because wait what's the difference between army reserves and national guard national guards run by the state reserve is run with uh the u.s army so they're both- The same kind of thing? Same like limited? Okay, okay. Yeah. So one week a month, two weeks a year. Honestly, when I went to Long Beach State after my first year,
Starting point is 00:46:53 they took away my grant for some reason. And I had no way to pay for college. My mom and dad had two younger brother and sister right behind me. So I had to figure out a way. So I joined the Army to do it. So that's that's really why i did it and uh greatest decision in my life uh learned a lot respect i really feel like if if everybody served this country just for a little bit you have a lot of love for it me too me too so me too i i think that that would be that would be huge uh and then and then what and
Starting point is 00:47:24 then what happens um then what happens you, but you don't have to serve the country in the military. You can just go out and do your part and get the injection. Just do your part, everyone. Just do your part. Go take the 70 shots required by Pfizer to make it to the third grade, the 72 shots you need. Let me tell you something. You know, I was in the army. So we got, we get vaccinations. I got a vax card since we were there. I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:52 so I'm a pin cushion for the pharma company. I mean, we got it. You think you've got one vaccination? I got the anthrax vaccine. So yeah, that was like a jab and we all got sick from that. So I'm not a pin cushion. I'm a lab rat so um so so you so you join and and you actually get deployed yeah we deployed no three so i was with the 163rd ordinance out of irvine california and um our job was i wasn't i tell people all time like what'd you do do were you fighting no i'm supplying logistics. My job was ammunition logistics. So getting it from theater back into the ocean. That was our job.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Very simple to put. And where did you deploy to? Kuwait. And it was chill? Nothing? Yeah, nothing crazy. The reason I got medevaced was I was driving back from the base to where we worked. And we were in these vans and the driver lost
Starting point is 00:48:45 control and we we rolled in the middle of the desert a couple times and sent me to the hospital went to germany went to kuwaiti hospital then to germany then to lewis fort lewis got fixed up sent me back to my unit and then i was done so anyone yeah anyone die in the accident no just me it was just me and him just me and him him. I was a passenger. He was a driver. Why did he lose control? Do you know? Are you allowed to say the real reason? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:09 We were driving back. It was soft sand. I don't know. He was going too fast. What ethnicity was he? What ethnicity was he? He's a black guy. Black dudes can drive.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I can drive. Listen, it was an accident. It doesn't make any sense. It was an accident. Not fitting my paradigm. It's not fitting my paradigm. No, I mean, it was... It was a black girl. It was an accident. It's not fitting my paradigm. It was a black girl. It was a black girl. He felt bad,
Starting point is 00:49:34 but accidents happen. I was on the pain medicines and the Xanax for a long time. The thing, again, that saves my life since 2004 is exercise. The reason I started this. Why Xanax? Isn't Xanax for depression?
Starting point is 00:49:49 Anxiety. Anxiety. Oh, see, there we go. You had anxiety. Yeah, if I was, I have anxiety about cancer and I've never been diagnosed with it. Are you on any meds now? This is the meds. Kettlebell swings.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I'm telling you right now, exercise saved my life. So I come back from that deployment and I messed up, right? And so I could keep taking Percocets, Xanax, whatever I want because it was just for pain. I followed a guy around in the gym. His name was Dave Mitchell. And I tell him this is another reason why I started this move for motivation. He took me under – this is before CrossFit. This is 2004.
Starting point is 00:50:23 What gym? Just like some gold or something? LA Fitness. LA fitness la fitness okay i was going through a rough time um the physical therapist said look i could keep pushing out of your pills or you could go get stronger and and do the exercise you build up the muscles in your neck so i said okay but it's easier just to take a pill and you're you know pain goes away that's cool that a doctor said that to you. Yeah. He was a doctor in literally Fort Lewis, physical therapist said, look, I can keep, you can keep getting prescribed pills and you can get in the gym and get back to work.
Starting point is 00:50:54 And that's what I love about the military that paid me. I'm a sponsored athlete, by the way. Anybody in the US Army, you're a sponsored athlete. You are a sponsored athlete. Yeah. You're paid to exercise every day. You're paid to exercise. So, but this
Starting point is 00:51:06 guy Dave Mitchell he took me under his wing and for like six months no cost no charge he just got me stronger and loved on me when I was and so again there goes exercise so tell me about how you met him you met him in the tell me that story in the gym we played pickup basketball pickup basketball time. And this guy, he's like, hey, do you want me? And he was just another member of the fitness at LA Fitness? Yeah, just another member. And this one thing, like, these people in my darkest hour, Dave Mitchell, my family, obviously, CrossFit community, come around you and love on you in your darkest hour.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And everything has to do with movement everything has to do with exercise everything has to do with sweating and breathing hard and it could cure a lot of problems god this is some racist shit i'll try to do it justice uh i turn now good luck everybody else steven flores disgusting but I hope I did your joke. Yeah. Justice. And then how did you find CrossFit? So my wife did. The guy that owned Chino CrossFit was a soccer coach in our local Eastville Little Parks training.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And he had just opened up. And he literally, my wife went and I was doing triathlons at the time. So we would switch off kids. And one day he says, come in and do Cindy. So I did 10 rounds and Cindy was my first workout and hooked ever since. Never left. Matt, why do you think you got cancer? Do you have any idea? Any lifestyle choices?
Starting point is 00:52:42 No, bad luck. The one I had is they said it's just, you know, there's no real reason why. It's more common in- Not because there's a cell phone tower next to your house or you got the anthrax vax or- I wasn't,
Starting point is 00:52:54 the only known one that has caused something is Roundup. There was something, but I was never around like in the fields, you know, working with-
Starting point is 00:53:01 It was just in your water supply in LA, that's it. Probably, probably could have been that. Could have been that. I've been drinking, I'm a tap, I drank LA. That's it. Probably, probably could have been that. I've been drinking. I'm a tap. I drank out of the tap as a kid. So it could be that. So just a, just a sideways turn. And, um, and here in eight minutes, you're off to work.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah. I got a, I got a conference call talking about tweezers, literally a conference call talking about tweezers. Yeah. Crazy. Um, where, if someone wants, if someone wants to jump on board and participate or get their gym to participate what website should they go to to get if this whirlwind didn't educate them enough where should they go go to move through motivation move through and learn about us you know we do a monthly walk every month in our community and this is what i tell people even cross the gyms matt i'm telling you this right now this is something that we do is that you know we always talk about getting out of the gym one Saturday every month.
Starting point is 00:53:48 I bring a coffee truck, um, shout out now coffee is a mobile coffee truck. And I get my community to go walk three miles. And on that three mile walk, my buddy, Barry, who called Barry, Barry Hill, he's a 52 year old gentleman. He has people in a park, leads them through 10 pushups, 10 squats on the way and on the way back. And it's just, you know, my mayor comes out. Is this it right here? Move through motivation? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. That's it. Yep. Go there and check it all out. That's what we do. That's who we, this is a community-based organization, really involved with the parks, really involved with my city,
Starting point is 00:54:23 really involved with, with everybody in our chamber talking and that's my mom right there miss arnetta mama arnetta right there that's just right here yeah yeah yeah we do a scholarship uh 5k in may for kids local kids to encourage them what were you gonna say about your mayor he comes out my mayor of our city he's my oh by the way shout out tog rigby he's the mayor of east city. He's my, oh, by the way, shout out Todd Rigby. He's the mayor of Eastvale. He is doing the 24 hour challenge complete. West Covina Fire Department. They are going to be doing, setting two teams of five that will be doing it for the full 24.
Starting point is 00:54:57 And then La Plenta CrossFit, Evernox CrossFit, CrossFit Lifted. Who else is my home gym? gym ccf athletics you know crossfit they're they're coming out so it's a it's a labor of love and we're a community just building up one another so that's that's him right there if you go back that was him that was todd uh the mayor yeah right well i'll show you the next one right there that's todd rigby right there on the left great yeah that's. That's awesome, man. It's going to be a fun day.
Starting point is 00:55:26 So tune in live. You'll see some cool stuff happening. And I'm grateful for you, Siobhan, what you're doing. I love your shows. I love your sense of humor. Sousa, you're a rock star. Beaver, behind the scenes. I mean, I got nothing but love for you guys.
Starting point is 00:55:40 And you guys keep seeing awesome dudes in the comments dropping coin and excitement. So let me know if you have any excitement absolutely hey dude thanks for coming on you're the man thanks for sharing your story appreciate you guys have a great day and here's the website for that too in case anybody does want to go and donate there it is and it's uh oh nice fine So you could donate through here. You could do the 24-hour challenge or just get involved. And how do we know this isn't a scam just to sustain Matt's heroin habit? Mr. Olsen. Blind faith.
Starting point is 00:56:20 It's in the comments if anybody wants it to. This is awesome. it's in the comments if anybody wants it to this is awesome hey so people are always like hey you should have the um people in the chat on your show once a month and i'm like fuck that oh did this change that tune a little bit no no hey that was lucky i was so lucky that went as well as it did yeah he's he's great. Look at Sarah's like, have this guy back on. I don't know. You can't do the cancer thing more than I don't know how much you can talk about cancer.
Starting point is 00:56:54 See your fucking numbers dwindle. That'd be some sex in there or something or nudity or. Just a little spice. Yeah, just a little spice just yeah just a little bit hey dude we have uh henrik hapal lining on tonight yep and i started watching his um um someone hating on the chat no not hating on the chat hmm he does need a fundraiser a little bit a little bit hey I started watching Henrik Habilainen's interview
Starting point is 00:57:33 with Scott Schweitzer on Clydesdale Media this show is going to be weird tonight this show is going to be weird this dude's a trip he speaks at a totally different cadence than i mean english clearly isn't his first language i don't where's he from where's henrik from do we even know germany yeah let me bring up my master list here i can tell you in a sec
Starting point is 00:57:58 how many um finland oh finland okay well i like finnish people i like finnish people How many? Finland. Oh, Finland. Okay, well, I like Finnish people. Yeah, works out at CrossFit Basement. I'm going to watch the interview that Scott did with him, and there was another one. Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways,
Starting point is 00:58:31 which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing savings. Book with your local travel agent or when your celebration of life is prepaid in advance it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve
Starting point is 00:59:04 let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at I'm going to pull up the leaderboard now. Let me see the crossfit games uh oh i kind of swerved out of our i invited two people that i i fell out of protocol i invited carolyn lambre oh what about um uh um corn why samuel corn it? Yeah. Hit him again. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:46 That's a good idea. I'll bump that back up. Samuel. A little motivation. Sammy. You think it's rude to call him Sammy? Okay. So we invited this guy. We invited Mikkel, Bjorgvin, Carl Goodmanson, David Schronk, Morteza.
Starting point is 01:00:06 That'll be our first Iranian. Have I ever had a full-blown Iranian guest? I guess Khalifa might be Iranian. Thomas Law, Henrik Hapalainen, Moritz Feibig, Lazar Jukic, Arthur Seminoff, I think, is coming on the show. Yes, he is. And one quick thing about that. You have to add his person to the thread. It, he is. One quick thing about that. You have to add his person to the thread. It won't let me
Starting point is 01:00:27 for whatever reason because you started it. I tried yesterday and I had it in the context. I'm glad you saw that just because that reminded me right now. Okay, it's Rosa. Save contact. Yeah, and then you should... And then...
Starting point is 01:00:43 Or I could create a whole new thread. I guess I should have just done that. Sorry. It's okay. And then I go to Arthur, and then I click the group. Yeah. Add group description? No.
Starting point is 01:00:54 No, no. At the very top, just click that. Group participant? Oh, the picture? Yep. Oh, edit. There you go. Oh, no, I can't.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Oh, you can't either? What the hell? How do you add someone to – oh, add participant. I scrolled down. Add participants? Yeah, because I only have export chat, clear chat, exit group. And then add Rosa. Rosa.
Starting point is 01:01:18 There you go. Perfect. Rosa Gillis. Shit, what if I add the wrong Rosa? Why are there so many Rosas? No, that's right. You're right. I am?
Starting point is 01:01:27 Okay. Yeah, it's the area code 917. How is it a Rosa who's the translator for a fucking... I don't know, but her husband looks like a stud. I don't see your husband. Does he have long hair? Yeah, you got to click her little picture and it'll blow it up for you. Add. Does he have long hair? Yeah, you got to click here a little picture and it'll blow it up for you.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Add. Will you make sure I added the right one? Shit. Hey, do you know who's – Yeah, you did. When Rosa Gillis – Eric Rosa popped up as an option. That would be weird if I added Eric Rosa. Why do I even have him as an option to add? Oh, look.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Daniel, what a deal. do i even have him as an option to add oh look oh where no no he was saying like it's if you did the wrong rose oh geez not like he's actually does she have a little muscle like this emoji okay no anyway no no i i have her could i show it is it weird if i show it not her phone number but the photo oh yeah that's the right guy yeah yeah that's the right one all right i see it okay okay okay uh rosa i'll just put rosa added yeah it should alert her. She knows. And then we'll get her squared away for after. I invited – did I invite Yonikoski? How do I – Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:53 We hit everybody through the DM. Through the DM. Okay, let me see if Yonikoski's responded. No, nothing. Nothing from Koski. Jelly, Jelly Hostess. no nothing nothing from koski uh jelly jelly hostess uh kaylin souza so and then and then so then we pick up tomorrow we invite or tonight we should invite nick matthew justin madaris brent fikowski no olsen cole gray shaver bailey martin samuel quant chandler smith and jake douglas i think i think justin brent no Noah, and Chandler will all say no or not answer.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Is that too close, you think? Yeah. Excuse me. Justin, I think we just did, and it's too close. Although he just did a podcast a couple days ago. Brent Fikowski and I, I've never interviewed Brent. I don't even know if I've ever talked to Brent. But I think we have just like a little friction between us.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Unnecessary friction. I love Brent. Really? He like played along with the Mayhem thing and stuff like that. He did play along with it? Yeah, like in the DMs of the podcast IG. Oh, well, that's good. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Maybe I'm just feeling insecure. Noah Olsen, I think that him and Chandler Smith just – they view me as kind of like just something to watch from afar. You know what I mean? Like that's a cool animal, but don't – it's like a badger. Yeah, don't get in the cage with it. Just watch it. Yeah, wow. This is cool. uh then uh yeah wow this is cool yeah but as it goes further down that list a lot of the people we have uh contacts with or i've talked to before so i think and then the women i'm sahar kai annie thor's daughter i never heard back from annie emma tall karen freyova elisa fuliano gabriella oh shit there's so many that haven't responded to us. Sahad Boobs. Rebecca Vitteson.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Matilda Garns. Aya Vunger. Rebecca's scheduled. Manan Anganese. She's scheduled. Laura Horvat. She's scheduled. Oh, Laura.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Laura. Oh, Laura. We love you, Laura. Laura. We love you, Laura. And where did we stop for the women? We did Emma McQuaid, Victoria Campos. Did we do Bailey Rail? We did. I think we stopped with Bailey Rail. Let me check the list here.
Starting point is 01:05:20 It's crazy. The girls just don't get back to us. Yeah, Bailey Rail was the last one so our next one will be kelly baker who we had on recently yeah okay so we'll get kelly and then start doing those 10 today yeah anyway it's gonna be crazy nick matthew i feel like would come on he's next on the list so he should be you really think i have no shot with Laura? Guys, I need you to believe here. What's your problem? I think Laura would date me.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Definitely. She saw my checkbook. My checkbook. She saw my camera collection. Accidentally dropped a bank receipt in front of her. I had a guy do that at the bar one time. A guy did that to you he wanted to like his date like he got in some accident at work and he got some like windfall
Starting point is 01:06:11 cash it was like i think it was like just over 300 000 or something like that and uh he would like legit have this bank receipt in his pocket that he would go to grab stuff and it would fall out and then people would like hand it back and like oh you buy jerseys for the girl bartenders the girls don't like 50 year old men in their dms let me tell you something let me tell you something oh they do let me tell you something you're absolutely right that's not just the girls. The men don't like 50-year-old guys in their jeans either. Damn, Seve.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Oh, I got some fun shit to tell you guys. Me and Sousa got some fun shit to tell you. I do have to take off in a minute or two here, though. I visited a couple websites that I haven't been to in a long time susan oh yeah are you gonna did you know that if you if you if you if you book travel through like if you like look for flights on google it'll tell you the planes emission like it like it like it somehow matters to me yeah yeah yeah like i know what any of that means do we live with fucking it's just idiot world what if you were like oh i did the number that's lower they're like no the low number is the bad number it's it's it's all
Starting point is 01:07:35 propaganda it's just crazy propaganda it's just pre-programming it's like it just needs to be prevalent in front of you i mean it's like's like the fucking death, the death ticker with COVID, right? Like the positivity rate number just needs to climb, needs to be prevalent, needs to be in front of you. Or how about like you see someone in line at the grocery store every day, thousands of them who weighs 400 pounds and they have fucking a shopping cart full of Coke and Cheetos. And the labels on the back of all all of those but it doesn't mean anything to those people no right right it doesn't oh it's flipping over reading that label yeah it's just pure virtue signaling waste of time crazy shit yeah i mean you'd be really surprised how much people never actually flip this like any of the package over and just investigate a little bit
Starting point is 01:08:22 on what they're eating i mean whether they're doing it on purpose because they don't want to know or whatever but it's weird yes rosie yes absolutely jonathan if we have time that is correct um and uh i was looking at um i went to the bH site looking at gimbals this morning. I was almost late to the show. It's really amazing. The prices really come down on them. You can get a nice gimbal for $300 or $400. A thousand.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Hiller or no, someone – I can't remember who i was talking to i was talking to a camera guy yesterday and he was telling me are you concerned about gimbals over your gimbal overheating if if per se you were to shoot in the sun mine didn't when you shot in the sun oh you used a gimbal last year where'd you use it at the games wadapalooza oh and the sun was out in florida it was hot except for when that annual thunderstorm rolls through every year oh then it's just human but yeah uh i filled out a medical form recently instead of asking me my sex it asked me for my sex assigned at birth i tore up the form and looked for a different doctor well at
Starting point is 01:09:46 least at least at least it's it's i don't know i kind of like that um the the the accuracy of the question i mean i guess it's redundant if you believe your sex can't be changed i trip on the fact when they ask me it says um do you identify with and it's like all of these different sexual orientations and i'm just like trying to like buy like a t-shirt a pair of shoes or if i can get the oil changed on my car i'm like really i have to tell you if i like dick in my mouth like i'm at toyota well if you're like me and your whole personality is built off your sexuality, then that's important to you.
Starting point is 01:10:29 I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the people who do, that all of those surveys are biased towards people who do, who are those fringe people, right? The victocracy, the victim class, the fucking, I don't know what you want to call them. But I think that most just average run-of-the-mill, just Joe generic, generic Joe sees that stuff and just walks away. Like if I see a survey and the first thing they ask me is,
Starting point is 01:11:02 it's usually in the first three questions. What's my favorite kind of genitalia to touch? It's like, I'm like, am I at a brothel? Like, where the fuck, how is that relevant? I can't say those words, but I hear you, Matt Burns. say those words but i hear you matt burns uh savvy are you planning on having another show with chris cooper anytime soon been working with two brain and would love to ask some questions live oh okay yeah let's do that i was actually thinking about chris yesterday that's a good idea thank you for some reason when i read that
Starting point is 01:11:42 i felt like it was like uh winding up for like an attack oh on chris yeah i don't know why oh i have nothing to you're right um um there's no um profile picture already a red flag as if all these fake profile pictures aren't dick butter we prefer you get a fake one except for SEMA apparently those are real
Starting point is 01:12:16 really hers or just like when you're an affiliate owner and taking a survey HQ sends out. Yeah, it's weird. I saw some people send me those surveys that HQ sends out. It's weird. The first three questions on that last one were really bizarre.
Starting point is 01:12:39 But all I keep thinking, too, is that you're going to get a bias towards, oh, they want to know your ethnicity too and your skin color and all that shit and i just think i wonder if when they send those out if they realize that they're getting a bias towards racist and sexist people right i mean that's what those people would be who fixate on those things have you ever have you ever been um there was this friend of mine and i was every time i talked to him everything ends up being a man woman thing right so i'll be like oh me and
Starting point is 01:13:13 suza and um me and suza were going somewhere and uh jill decided not to come with us and i'll tell this girl that she's like oh so it's just a boy's thing now i'm like oh yeah do you know what i mean yeah it's like it's like um uh i wonder who's gonna be the vice presidential candidate uh for the united states this year for uh rfk well it would be really smart if he if um he uh he got a woman and like every like everything uh oh i just saw the new spider man did you know that the animator is a woman? And I'm just like, holy shit. Have you ever been around one of those people? Or like you could be like, oh, my God, I played tennis with my sons today.
Starting point is 01:13:53 It was great. And they're like, you know, it's good if moms play tennis with their sons too. And I'll be like, okay. Actually, my wife's better than me. She plays with them too. She's a little fair-skinned. She doesn't like to – maybe probably doesn't like to go out during the day as much as I do. Do you know that person?
Starting point is 01:14:09 It's fucking crazy. Yeah. It's a fucking, and so there's people like that around genitalia, around like sex, around skin color. You know what I mean? They're just obsessed like. Yeah, it's kind of a bummer because they're focused on that not like casting a focus on their future of like what they want out of life and what they want to do and who they want to become and what
Starting point is 01:14:33 they want to accomplish it's just like you know because if you don't have that kind of forefront on your mind how do you like how do you know how to kind of govern the decisions right we can relate it to like what a lot of the champions in the crossfit game say like matt's always like once i decided i'm going to be the crossfit games champion every decision either brought me closer or further away from that so i feel like if you don't really kind of have that for yourself it doesn't be like crazy detailed or some vast thing but like if you don't really have that you tend to just kind of like latch on to like other things and then that becomes the forefront of your decision making give me an example like give me an example the only example i could think of is like you know the thing um a thief uh only sees wallets and purses and misses
Starting point is 01:15:15 out on the rest of life is it like that that's a hundred percent yep because like and that's like the manifesting things right yeah i'm looking opportunities, like I want to grow this show, how do we become the biggest? What do we need to do? Like those things will start to present itself. But if I just focus on like, Sevan just only wants the boys club on here, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 01:15:33 then that just becomes more prevalent and that's my focus. And some people are choosing that for themselves and some people are letting advertisement, the media, their other loser ass friends choose it for them. And I like that. They're loser ass friends. And I don't mind.
Starting point is 01:15:52 I don't mind someone saying like, hey, you should get a young person's perspective on that or you should get someone's. Man, that's the that's the most comfortable bike seat I've ever ridden. Well, have you ever asked anyone who has a vagina? No, actually. Great, because you have to. I've only asked people who sit on their balls i should ask someone who has to sit on their vagina you know what i mean i do understand the the understanding though for like both people right like perfect day to go to the beach well have you asked an albino no actually great you know what i mean it's i i i respect different um matt fr Fraser is a pop seal.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Hey, that's just classic getting your wires crossed. I love comments like that, right? Just fun. Yeah, that's awesome. RB knows a shitload of stuff about Livermore. The local dive bar just caught on fire like yesterday – or not yesterday. Last weekend, Friday or something like that, and he was like, RIP V&E. I was like, holy shit. I'm like that and he was like rip v and e i was like holy shit
Starting point is 01:16:45 i'm like that with butts they'll be like wow did you see your snatch and i just said yeah but did you see your butt dudes stare at girls snatches there you go you can't even stare at a snatch he's referring to the lift oh oh rv you know that's a dive bar don't even try to say it's not you can order chinese food in this bar and they just bring it to you from the place next door at the bar oh that's cool and they only take cash oh uh jake chapman jake why does jake chapman have a tranny Batman as his profile pic? I've done 10 opens. I've owned three affiliates, featured in an HQ doc, signed thousands of people up to CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:17:36 and I've said many times I'd gladly volunteer for HQ here in Europe to help. Nothing back. um uh nothing back but but but i kind of like we like the other day i was like yeah we need help on the show and five people right in the comments we've offered to help and it's like yeah but we need help uh collecting the people who want to help and telling them what to do like i mean so just because just because you offered to and i'm hating on you, Jake, I'm just digging in a little, um, like what, like, what do you want them to say? Like, there's a difference between somebody showing up and saying like, um, Hey, I'll do anything. Tell me what to do. I want to help out. And then somebody that said, Hey, I just cleaned the last two bathrooms and I vacuumed the front room. Was there anything else you need? Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Not cool. Not fucking cool. Finish that story before we go to that. Someone says, what about the bathroom? And the, this is not, it's not cool.
Starting point is 01:18:38 That's the guy harassed for not having a profile pic. And he fucked me up. Yeah, I know. And then he went and took an ass picture of me. I guess we'll take the no pic back. Yeah's zach let's uh rework that a little bit oh my goodness i'm a stay-at-home dad on tuesdays and thursdays with a newborn i hate that term stay-at-home dad how are you why we don't can you just be a dad yeah i'm triggered i love listening
Starting point is 01:19:00 to the show while the baby sleeps awesome cool jesus cry mini hey someone said i look like a a homeless woman doing muscle-ups on that video i posted and you know it's crazy before they wrote that i walked by the mirror the other day after i had shaved and then i had my man bun and i thought i looked like a tranny i'm like god you look fucking uh androgynous as fuck i asked my wife i'm like do i look androgynous she's like I asked my wife, I'm like, do I look androgynous? She's like, no, not at all. I'm like, all right. You said you're going to cut your hair. I'm definitely cutting my hair after I saw that.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Okay, I really do have to go now, though. Okay, bye. All right. Have a good day. Be staying on. Thank you. I'll listen to it in the car. Yeah, for a minute.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Okay. I'm going to leave. Bye. Talk to you later. I plugged in the ball machine bye aggressive chat hey i'm gonna send you i'm gonna start a group chat uh group text with carolyn lambre by the way later on today that's a coach that's right okay okay yeah and i'll try to i don't know if i'll be home in time for the show tonight but i will be like afterwards so let's go through another
Starting point is 01:20:01 like 10 athletes and regroup on that list. Okay. Okay. Oh, look at this. Okay. Sorry. Good. A dad who's home on Tuesday and Thursday. Wow.
Starting point is 01:20:10 That's better. Zach. That's better. You crack my, you crack the code, the savvy code. You untriggered me. Bye.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Bye. Susan. Uh, the ripped leggings. Uh, I thought you looked fine. Thank you. Add me to the thread. uh the ripped leggings uh i thought you looked fine thank you add me to the thread i'll send nudes sean um oh i've already photoshopped you as a woman you're not there yet but you're getting close thank you wild zombie no they're not leggings they're just long johns they're just like i have for some reason
Starting point is 01:20:45 about six months ago i started wearing long johns when i would work out or three months ago i would just start putting long johns on to stay extra hot i always start working out completely bundled up and then as like a reward i take clothes off and um i started wearing long johns probably because i spent so much time on the assault bike and i got tired of the wind blowing on my legs or maybe it's because i put on 10 pounds and all my clothes got tight i don't fucking know the reason but and so those those particular ones they're they're so old that i put my foot into them and it ripped them one time and then it ripped them again and ripped them again
Starting point is 01:21:26 and they just need to be thrown away but I just happened to be in there the other day and I was like shit I've been on this BPC 157 for a while and two weeks now it says it's supposed to take five weeks but I'm a man of little patience
Starting point is 01:21:41 and so I just set up the camera and I did a muscle-up. Kind of a badass one, too. I was kind of surprised at how well it went. Where is that? It's probably one of those things I'm going to go back and look at in a few years and be like, what the fuck was I thinking doing it dressed like that? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:02 I posted a picture of my feet once. I mean, after that, it doesn't get, that's about as humble as I can be. My feet are crazy fucked up. Oh, that was six posts ago? God, I've been posting a lot. What if Dana White ran for vice president? Are you wearing prop pants from peter pan jesus hunter that's what hunter said oh look mike bergener's impressed well fuck you guys he didn't even notice the pants
Starting point is 01:22:44 this one was good right did you guys see this one with samuel cornwhite it's good right he probably didn't see that coming look at that i can't believe espn it's like it like hosts all the most racist people the most racist sports it's just fucking nazi central and yet they got the fucking trump on there i can't even believe it and they they showed them they showed them probably 10 times in the crowd something's happening i love how they come out all gangster like that look at him so good
Starting point is 01:23:29 just cruising through the look at this girl this is nice right Chelsea Chels Chels rocking the CEO shirt. That's a nice CEO shirt. I think after I posted this, someone said she won the event. Oh, she killed this race, CEO in the wild. The shirt got a lot of attention. Good.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Awesome. Thank you. I like pretty girls. They're cool. How about this? I have a PhD in discernment. Did you outsource your discernment for a PhD? Chance Hughes. Wadfather.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Oh, I'm going to have this guy on the show soon. 80-year-old CrossFit trainer. God, I just DM'd him. I can't even believe he's 80 you ever click on someone just cause of their picture I guess so you wanna see this Instagram account I did a podcast with this guy and it never aired You want to see this Instagram account? I did a podcast with this guy and it never aired. You guys know who he is?
Starting point is 01:24:57 Does anyone know who this is? Anyone? Anyone know who this is? hughes anyone know who he is uh i don't even know if i should be talking about this very cool dude though god he's so crazy cool Very cool dude, though. God, he's so crazy cool. He's someone you guys all know. One of the mentors of someone you guys all know very well. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Just air it out now. Just air it out now. Just air it out. it out now just air it out now why didn't it air oh so when I was doing the CrossFit that's a great question I was doing the CrossFit podcast and all of a sudden I was told it's kind of interesting I was told by three of the executives there
Starting point is 01:26:03 that Greg and Russ Green and two other guys there were talking about firing me if I kept doing the CrossFit podcast, so I just stopped. It was a savage place to work at times. I knew that my days were numbered doing the CrossFit podcast. I knew it. times i knew that my days were numbered doing the crossfit podcast i knew it what was weird though it was it was so weird because i would hear all these crazy things people talking at hq about how fucking horrible the podcast is of course it wasn't it was absolutely murdering but but then greg would come on the podcast he came on the first podcast and one of the last podcasts, but I was also told that if I kept doing the podcast, I was going to be fired. Weird.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I couldn't under, there was a little bit of a communication glitch. I know some of you are like, well, why didn't you just ask? Well, I did. I just don't want to get into the nuances of the story.
Starting point is 01:27:02 But, um, yeah, it was just working. I was a little bit, it was tough guy land. I enjoyed it. Um working there was a little bit there was tough guy land i enjoyed it um there was a comment uh someone said hey will you answer something that was in the chat jake chapman said that i don't know i don't sure i'll answer it but i or i'll try to um by education level at one point, clock says, PhDs were the most skeptical of the vaccine followed closely by high school grads.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Oh, I remember that. I remember that. Guess who are the least skeptical? Yes, masters and bachelor's degrees. I do remember that study. I do remember that. Yeah. I do remember that. That's a great. That's a great. I do remember that.
Starting point is 01:27:47 That's a great, I remember seeing that. Rosie View Photography. Rosie, you still going to the games? I could speculate why they didn't want me to do the podcast. I have my interpretation and then what was a more commonly believed reason. My thought was that Greg obviously being extremely articulate, smart, and having a very strong vision didn't want me maybe dumbing down his message. That was always kind of my thing. Like maybe I wasn't doing it justice the way he would want something done with the excellence that he'd want something done and then uh the other popular opinion was tall poppy syndrome that the podcast was getting way too much attention
Starting point is 01:28:50 and there was a group around greg that just fucking hated me for it of course i was very close with greg at the time i was always been very close with greg always always always very very close so it was we it was weird it was weird it's weird uh i submitted under savon podcast it would never get approved what oh you submitted what you submitted what under seven's podcast oh this is going to be interesting oh uh rambler hi hey hey what's up dude uh rosie view photography says i'm waiting for a response from hq i think suza um is waiting for a response from hq also and then um um oh jam Jamie Latimer says, I think we're still waiting for our credentials approval. Okay, I think she's probably going there as media too.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Jonathan Ortega says, same, Rosie. Phillip Kelly, can I stay with you in Madison? I'll be the big spoon. Enticing, thank you. I'm going to try to have my own room in Madison. Um, no, I don't know. Uh, I don't think, and I haven't heard of anyone who has their shit yet. I haven't heard of anyone. I called Dave, uh, yesterday. He answered to tell me he couldn't talk because i was curious um so i'll let you guys know um i submitted under the seven podcast oh shit really can you do that don't they vet that wouldn't shouldn't they contact me and be like hey someone someone applied under your name
Starting point is 01:30:40 i think i want to say wad zombie did that at the semifinals or something oh you spoke to Sousa first okay all right I'm going to it's 830 829 AM Pacific Standard Time here in California on the west coast of the United States of America
Starting point is 01:31:22 I'm 320 miles north of Los Angeles and about 70 miles south, 70 to 90 miles south of San Francisco. The beaches as the crow flies, I don't know, two miles that way. It's extremely foggy today. It will clear up. You know what I have today? I wasn't actually going to tell you guys this i have a meeting at 9 15 a.m remember that guy had on sean pastuch sean pastuch of the pastuch fitness pastuch health and fitness collective pastuch it's called um the fuck is the name of his company relax and exercise or active active relaxing active fuck active i'm gonna find it for you hold on
Starting point is 01:32:19 uh there's a lady who oh active life active life and there's a lady there named melissa and i have an appointment to talk with her at 9 15 oh active life rx active life yeah dr sean is amazing yeah so i'm i'm i'm gonna speak to someone over there today about my elbow and my back but what's crazy is my not my elbow maybe that's why you guys think it's because my elbow because i keep saying that my bicep i'm going to speak to her today about my bicep and my back he's like how long have you been living with your back like that i said forever since i've been 30 he said oh i can help you so um but it's actually uh it's actually the best it's felt in fucking 20 years, which is crazy. The Burpee Dude, what about your pussy in your crack?
Starting point is 01:33:15 I think that's like you're making fun of me because I have injuries. So the peptides aren't helping? No, I think that's what I mean. I've been doing the peptides for two weeks, No, I think that's what I mean. I've been doing the peptides for two weeks and I can't remember my back. I'm not even doing the peptides in my back. I'm doing them only in my bicep. This morning I woke up and it was the best I've felt in fucking 20 or 30 years.
Starting point is 01:33:38 I'm pretty excited to wake up every morning. Like when I wake up, I'm the only time I'm ever, I hate going to bed and I fucking love waking up. But when I do wake up some mornings, I'm really stiff. So stiff like a board when I pee, I have to put my hand on the wall so I lean over. But this morning I woke up and I'm like a young kid again. So I'm thinking maybe the peptides are helping. But now I'm going to Active Life. I signed up for this active life thing so like i was supposed to go there broken and she's supposed to help me and
Starting point is 01:34:10 now i'm kind of the best i've ever felt in 20 years i don't know what's going on yeah i had an mri on my back the five bottom discs were black and they're supposed to be white. Like the one that's from the coccyx up five. Eaton Beaver. Come on, Seve. It's not a fog. It's a marine layer. You're a Cali boy. Get the terms right.
Starting point is 01:34:33 Okay. Marine layer. Oh, wow. This is crazy. Melissa's amazing. She's helping comporter with his back issue. Okay. Maybe I'll just ask, tell her I want to lose 10 pounds so i fit into my clothes better before i um before um before i go on my next adventure i'd like to be a little bit lighter
Starting point is 01:34:55 oh uh my husband and i bought bpc 157 it should be here this week yeah My husband and I bought BPC-157. It should be here this week. Yeah. So, I'm excited for you. Everyone needs to buy reconstitution water as well along with their peptides. Yeah, where do you get that? Where do you buy that? Anita Dickamy, 10 pounds before the games. 10 pounds would be great to lose before the games i love it when my clothes fit me i haven't worn i haven't i since i put on all this weight
Starting point is 01:35:34 i stopped wearing shorts because all the shorts i have are just got a little too tight they're just uncomfortable great to lose 10 pounds before the games oh you're i've been injecting my husband with bpc for a month now it's annoying god i would not would not trust my wife to do that that sucks to say that out loud my wife's created everything i would not trust her to do that i'd have her yeah i would not trust her to do her it's just because with those types of things I think she's timid she would be timid and I think you have to have like a trick you have to have like a fake kind of confidence when you start doing that right so you just got to be like the first time I did it I'm just like you're just it's a real fake it till you make it thing wipe down you wipe down the the bottle the california peptides bottle with the with the alcohol then you rub your arm and you get the
Starting point is 01:36:32 needle and you push some air into the into the where the bpc is and i pull the needle out i plunge the needle a couple times and i stick it in there and I pull it. I watch it fill up to like 15. I feel around in my arm a little bit and then try to hit that fucking wire that's in there. And then plunge it in. And the first, I would say, eight times I did it, it's just like fake. It feels like I'm just like faking confidence. Now I could fucking shoot anyone up. And I just think my wife would be like timid and shit like put the needle in too slow or just something i
Starting point is 01:37:10 don't know yeah i'm like a professional now um my bpc uh mr uh mustache writes my bpc 157 didn't come with the reconstitution solution. Lewis and Walgreens won't sell it to me. Amazon with the win, but sad I have to wait two more days staring at the bottle. Oh. And where do you get your needles at, too? You get those at, where do you get those at? Don't forget to fish around while the needle's in your bicep.
Starting point is 01:37:49 Mr. Beaver, no fishing around. Oh, got those. You get the needles at Walgreens. Okay. Amazon sells the needles too. No shit. This has turned into a fentanyl show uh amazon what do i type in insulin needles insulin needles no shit you could buy a hundred pack for fucking 20 bucks
Starting point is 01:38:21 No shit. You could buy a hundred pack for fucking 20 bucks. Wow. And what do I type in? Reconstituted water? You think they have that? No. Oh shit. Reconstitution water.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Unreal. Unreal. Okay. Good to go. I told you guys I saw a homeless guy, a drug addict dude at the skate park washing his needles out in the sink. I'm still falling into my emails. Okay. okay uh jay chapman i just bought a butt plug and a coffee machine so far
Starting point is 01:39:31 oh squat plug what's a squat plug i'll see you guys uh this afternoon 5 30 p.m pacific standard time it's an hour earlier than we uh normally than we normally go. So. All right. Love you guys. Good show. Matt Olson, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:39:59 Bye-bye.

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