The Sevan Podcast - Michelle Basnett | CrossFit Games Bound #934

Episode Date: June 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Got a new Tupac. This thing's kind of crazy. It's like heavy.
Starting point is 00:00:41 It's got weight to it. And that makes me happy. I like it. It's got weight to it. And that makes me happy. I like it. Uh, nosery. It is Tupac, right? It came in the mail.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Actually, it didn't come. It didn't come totally. It didn't come totally in the mail. How'd it get here? You know, I think Justin Medeiros, his mom brought this to me from someone
Starting point is 00:01:07 uh the real og of podcasting thank you sebon for the quality content that stirs thoughts and splits sides oh i think that means makes people laugh i like that oh my god where's the man bun a good point i'll get that up in a minute hey someone the reason why i came on early um that's a good pride shirt thank you uh someone said where's thomas said something thomas thason thason hopper just from past experience i doubt she shows what are you talking about this chick's good michelle bassinet bassinet she's good why wouldn't she what would be the deal why wouldn't
Starting point is 00:01:47 she show almost everyone shows i'm trying to think the only people uh who can get a little have gotten squirrely uh maybe sarah sigman's daughter um of course the great daniel brandon um but all i don't know all crazy respectful oh much better it's weird to being in here i've really gotten spoiled by these headphones they kind of make the world go away eric what's up dude good morning i text you back this morning um it's funny i just walked up and i saw the text on my computer right here i've been a little out of commish yesterday. I was in a weird mood. I did not like bad or good. Just like, um, I was just turning off. Went to it early nine 30. It's up from nine 30 to a 6am, which is just crazy for me.
Starting point is 00:02:37 That's like a two and a half plus six, eight and a half. Hi, Michelle. Hi, how are you? I'm good. Hi, Michelle. Hi. How are you? I'm good. I was doing simple math. I was doing 2.5 plus six is eight and a half. Yes, that is correct.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yeah, consensus. Eight last night. I mean, not really. Do you ever sleep through the entire night? Like you lay down on the pillow and you wake up and you're like oh the whole night passed yeah i do that sometimes how often it's nice um no pain no turning over no sore shoulder no i mean like literally like yeah oh that's fair i do pee a lot so i only get those types of nights where it's like straight through maybe like once a week oh that's still better than me
Starting point is 00:03:31 i cannot remember in the last 10 years having one of those that's a bummer yeah do you know why mostly shoulder shoulder and uh mostly shoulder shit i usually wake up or back like my not that it hurts it's just like my shoulder and my back will wake me up like hey you gotta move do you like sleep funny you like sleep in a funny position no i do the you know fetal position pillow between the legs i purr it is yeah solid yeah i do like the pillow between the legs that's one of my favorites or i'll sleep like face down and like leg up and like face in the pillow you know you do you still you should sleep on your stomach yeah i think it's bad too i feel like i need to switch that to like sleeping on my
Starting point is 00:04:20 back because i'm pretty sure it's like not good for you. I trained myself in my, I don't know. I want to say it was my late twenties, but maybe my thirties, I decided that I didn't want to go to sleep anymore, that I wanted to see what happened. I wanted to see what happened when I fell asleep. Right? Like, where do I go? So then I started sleeping on my back to try to keep myself awake. But I just learned, I just learned that the harder I try to stay awake, the faster I fall asleep. So now some nights I'm like, okay, I'm going to stay awake the whole night. And then in 18 seconds, I'm asleep. But that's how I learned that it works. It doesn't. Well, that's how I learned how to sleep on my back trying to stay awake.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Okay. All right. That's fair. Yeah. I need to figure that one out because i feel like that's better for you have you ever tried one of those mats it's like i call it a piranha mat but it has little spikes and it's like almost like acupuncture but not once a week i do that i how i do that is i put my i do put it on the floor i take my shirt off i put it on the floor i do it on bare skin right is that what you do take your shirt off and just lay on your back? Yep. I don't like it on my head though. My wife does it on her head too. I don't like that. I haven't tried that. And I do it once a week and then I put my feet up a little bit like on a couple of pillows so that they're just propped
Starting point is 00:05:38 up just a little bit. So it's kind of a little more weight on my back. and it hurts but you get it hurts but you get used to it and fall asleep yeah yeah i tried that at semis i tried taylor's mat and i was like oh this thing works this is nice oh he has one i want to get one of those i can't believe that he that seems so sophisticated for him he's leveling up i mean you, he's really stepping his game up. I just think of like if you tried to Amazon something like that into the Carolinas, the Amazon driver was like, I'm not delivering this. The fuck is this? Outrageous. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Let me see. I have to do a little. Toe spacers are the biggest fraud. They don't correct bone structure they may bring relief but don't you know what i'm putting mine on i like the toe spacers me too yeah i got sponsored by those so i feel like i need no but i like them like i think my toes need that stuff i got some grippy toes what how long do you wear them for I can only do like like five minutes and then my feet start to hurt so I probably need to like
Starting point is 00:06:53 build it up a bit more I probably need to wear them a bit more yeah I'm a two-hour guy I'm gonna put them on now and then take them off when the when the podcast is over that's impressive yeah I'm gonna have to like build up some resilience there because it does hurt my feet but i think it's because my feet need it i'm um you know when like probably for you it's like you do a heavy deadlift and then you walk away from the bar you're like yeah i lifted you bitch that's how i feel when i look down at my toes with the toe spacers in and they're all pushed apart. I'm like, yeah, bad dude. What's up? This live chat is interesting. I haven't had, I've never done one of these situations. It's funny. Be careful. Be careful. It can make you, but it can break you. You'll
Starting point is 00:07:40 be like, Oh, this guy thinks I'm hot. Oh shit. This guy thinks I'm a dumb bitch. And you'll just be on some like emotional rollercoaster. Careful. Oh, shit, this guy thinks I'm a dumb bitch. And you'll just be on some emotional roller coaster. Careful. Oh, it's rest day. I think I'll pass. Yeah. And remember, you don't have to answer anything in there, too. You'll just be like, this one's like, when's your birthday?
Starting point is 00:07:57 You'll be like, yeah, what's your sign? You'll be like, yeah, what's your favorite sport? You'll be like, football. And it's like, when did you lose your virginity? You'll be like, fuck. You know what I mean? You're like, easy, people lose your virginity? You'd be like, fuck, you know what I mean? Like easy people. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah. The first I spoke to you, I think for the first time, I think I was FaceTiming with, um, uh, uh, Mr.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Um, thumb and you were there and I got a chance to speak to you. That was like a couple of weeks ago when you were in Africa. Yeah. Yeah. And I was surprised you didn't have an accent because even when I look at you, I expect like Afrikaans to come out of your mouth. Are you born in South Africa? Yes. I was born in Cape Town and I was only there until I was
Starting point is 00:08:37 about four and a half and then my family moved over. So I've been in the States since 2001. over so I've been in the state since what year no I'm sorry what year were you born oh 1996 oh 26 and how did your parents get to Cape Town um I mean I think it's just like my family's been there like parents grandparents great-grandparents just goes back i don't know who got there first or how but um generations have been there i guess so what are um uh south what are south african people who aren't um black skin like uh in in the south like the people the people in louisiana who talk funny i forget what it's called um uh cajun or something it's called it's i forget what it's called but the people in the united states from louisiana they're french right like the french people came and sell there or like in glendale california it's all armenians right in los angeles yeah they look like me like the
Starting point is 00:09:33 kardashians where where are you are south africans from somewhere are you guys like um dutch settlers or some shit like that i want to say dutch but and i know the answer to this but i'm just blanking but i'm thinking dutch but maybe it's also something else but yeah i know what you're saying um i think it is dutch i don't know creole creole or occasion is creole a bad word like mulatto are you allowed to say creole i don't know i have no idea i don't know the words so basically as far as you know oh yeah uh and charlize theron is one of the one of you guys yeah she's hot yeah she is she's a little screwed up in her brain but she's cool she's cool looking that's fair um and and so so as far as you know you that's been home, South Africa for your people.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Yeah. And why did your family move here and where did they move to? They moved straight to North Carolina. I think they were like looking at Florida. So my mom's parents brought us over. But back in 2000, I mean, moving to America is like a huge, huge thing. It still is now, you know, getting green cards and leaving the country and whatnot. So I don't know if they got green cards or visas or what it was, but they got our whole family over here. And then my parents later on became American citizens.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And then I automatically got citizenship. But my parents had to drop their South African citizenship to get American citizenship. Whereas because I was under 16, I was able to keep both. And then I just renewed my passport and now I have dual citizenship. What's the logic behind that? Why do adults have to drop their citizenship? Do you know? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I've heard different stories of like some people have to, some people don't. So I don't know if it's like they just kind of pick and choose or if there is some logic behind it but I'm yeah my parents didn't want to but to become American citizens they had to drop it um and so an American passport is so much more valuable than a South African passport so did they leave because it was getting dangerous there yeah yeah I mean I think there's a lot of reasons um back then but the just danger. Yes. And then you have more opportunities here, job opportunities. I think it's just like the idea of having a better future, especially for your kids. That was one of the biggest things. And they had the opportunity to come over. Physical danger. yeah i mean it's not it's like yeah it's not the safest place it's a third world country but it's also just depends on where you go and you know what you're around and you have to be a little bit you can't like there's so much more um i don't know what the word is my freedom's the right word
Starting point is 00:12:19 here but like they have gates around their houses they have security systems they have barbed wire fences i mean my parents used to like carry guns and stuff like guard dogs all that stuff when i'm here like my we'll leave the house unlocked and we'll go out you know so it's just very different very very different the last time i was there it's interesting to hear you call it third world country too because it has skyscrapers and shitloads of money too right but the last time i was there i went into this neighborhood and every neighbor every home yeah had a massive walls around it uh security gates uh security guards yeah um when we toured the country everywhere we went there were armed people who were armed um but and another thing i never saw is i never saw people walking on the streets like like just like just like walking around i never saw people hanging out in front of coffee
Starting point is 00:13:09 shops i didn't see any of that and i was told where did you go um i want to say i was in johannesburg just last time oh yeah okay even downtown where it seemed like it was nice basically like they said yeah you can't just be sitting out here with your laptop like and like you know like well even in the states it's getting a little weird yeah that's fair because it depends on where you go but yeah i don't know i like i thought i was i was nervous to go to johannesburg because i've heard that it's more dangerous and stuff but i was we were more in the suburb area i think the city is pretty hectic um Oh, no, my headphones might die. But when we were in the suburbs, like, I didn't feel that unsafe. Like, I thought it was pretty fine.
Starting point is 00:13:52 But it's, yeah, you can't be stupid. You can't leave your stuff out. You can't leave stuff in your car. So there is that aspect to it, I guess. Yeah, San Francisco has turned into that. How are, where in the Carolinas are you? You're in South Carolina, you said? North Carolina. Just outside Charlotte, Charlotte.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And that's where you've been since, since you came as a kid. Grown up here. No accent. No, I wish I had it, but you like, I picked up on the accent here. So I grew up here, did school here. So my accent over the years kind of faded. My parents still have theirs. But I mean, Southern accent, you still don't even have a Southern accent. That's what I meant by accent. Okay, yeah, I guess not. Maybe I still make some words, but My sister moved to Texas and she says y'all and stuff like that. She started when she gets all wound up. She sounds like she picks up a Southern drawl.
Starting point is 00:14:41 y'all and stuff like that. She started when she gets all wound up. She sounds like she picks up a Southern drawl. Yeah. I'll say y'all sometimes if it's necessary, but I don't know. I guess Taylor doesn't have an accent either. I don't think so. So just,
Starting point is 00:14:57 you're just a fucking normal American kid. You just happen to have South African and CrossFit's really tiny in Africa, basically. Yeah, I guess so. But I mean, their communities are really big. So in Cape Town, there's, I don't know how many boxes, maybe anywhere between like 30 to 50 boxes. But Johannesburg, I heard had like 150 boxes spread out. And I mean, South Africa is huge. I traveled up the coast and like went and visited my grandma one time and there was like different boxes along the way. So it's big there in a sense. And the community is really big.
Starting point is 00:15:33 So I think I mean, relatively like Italy, like Italy might have a thousand boxes. Right. Yeah. Or France or it's still it's the whole for some reason, the whole continent, whether it's economic or cultural, but it's not taking off there. I mean there's obviously places on the continent that have fucking money, but it's still not taking off there outside of South Africa. I mean it's not like Egypt has 500 boxes, right? But Egypt could definitely afford to have 500 boxes. That's fair. Yeah. I mean they have shitload of money, right? Yeah. I don't know if it will ever get to like a crazy level, but it's definitely still presence there, I would say.
Starting point is 00:16:10 So you're here as a kid, siblings? I got two older brothers. Cool dudes? Yeah. Yeah, they're pretty cool. My oldest brother is really funny. Like he's a, me and him crack up. Like we joke up all the time. And my middle brother is a funny like he's a me and him crack up like we joke up all the time and my middle brother's a little bit more serious your your older brother's the military dude the guy who likes guns and shit yeah he was a army ranger and a medic yeah there he is and your
Starting point is 00:16:41 younger brother's more like the he looks more like a model he's like all handsome and shit yeah him and his um wife i call them barbie and ken but they're cool i love my brothers yeah you got one of each darn i don't have a picture of your other one even though he makes a few more uh um appearances and uh so you're here your whole family comes i guess your family's pretty stoked. You know, my family, my dad's first generation also here in the United States, pretty happy. What do your parents do? So my mom, nannies, and then my dad, and she's done it for a long time. She works with a few families. And then my dad has a pool business. So him and my two brothers
Starting point is 00:17:24 started that up a few years ago, or maybe like two years ago. But my dad has a pool business. So him and my two brothers started that up a few years ago, or maybe like two years ago, but my dad's been in the pool industry since he was in South Africa. So my mom's dad had a huge pool business. My dad worked for him, came over to the States. And then he recently started up another pool company with my two brothers. And so they've been killing that the last two years. Digging pools or maintaining pools? Digging, building, designing. So they'll do it start to finish.
Starting point is 00:17:54 They do that whole process. Yeah. Yeah. And then I like started the design side of it a little bit, like kind of part-time. Hey, what about taking, what about taking care of pools? Is that good business? Is there a good money in that? I think there, yeah, I think it can be, it's like a, it's like another division we've like
Starting point is 00:18:14 looked at, but it's a bit of a startup and the scheduling and getting someone in there. It's, um, it is good, but it's not as big as the designing and the building and stuff like that. And if you're going to be good at it, it's kind of crazy, right? Because although there's like the general filters and the general process that pulls work, it's like,
Starting point is 00:18:33 it's technology. It's like fucking car stereos, right? I mean, like they're like changing every fucking month. There's, they're updating. There's just new shit happening.
Starting point is 00:18:41 But I think I have, I have a gardener here at my house and him and he's he he has a bunch of sons and i think they fucking murder just maintaining people's shit and i thought about that too i was like wow someone i bet you the pool business fucking kills but you kind of have to have really competent people yeah yeah you don't want to screw up someone's schedule and stuff yeah or blow up someone's filter or put the wrong chemicals in and burn a kid or just do anything uh crazy yeah you don't want to mess that stuff up so you gotta have someone that knows what they're doing but look where did your parents
Starting point is 00:19:15 come from pool boy look at this guy can do can be the first guy yeah do you know this guy no i don't think so oh you should do you have a, I don't think so. Oh, you should. Do you have a boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend, no. Okay, well, he could be a pool boy and a boyfriend. It's a dual citizenship, dual occupational something. My parents are – I'm Armenian. I'm 100% Armenian. My mom's family grew up in Turkey, and then my dad's family family, well, actually my dad's family is from Turkey too.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And then there was a war and a genocide. And so they fled and Armenians kind of fled all over the world. And my mom's family came to the United States and my dad's family was taken to Lebanon. Wow. And then from there, my dad went to Chicago where my mom was. He went to school there in Northwestern. My dad was 10, 10, I think there were 10 kids in my dad's family. And then he met my mom there in church.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And then my dad was kind of like the kind of gross, scummy Armenian, foreign Armenian. And my mom didn't want, mom's parents didn't want him marrying like, you know, like a, like a, like a dirty immigrant Armenian, but she wanted to. So they eloped. And then like any dirty immigrant my dad opened up a liquor store and bought some real estate and here i am wow reaping reaping you ever see your extended family like uh i used to my family kind of uh um i used to i don't anymore that's a that's a that kind of sucks
Starting point is 00:20:46 thanks for touching on a little wound uh do you see yours yeah i don't i used to grow up with like cousins and aunt uncles and shit i don't anymore yeah i don't well wait your dad had you said 10 brothers and sisters yeah i think he was one of 10 two of them died like as kids but yeah the others one of them i see one of my aunts is in fresno and i see her periodically probably four times a year but the rest i don't see at all at all zero well i grew up with them i grew up playing with them and shit that's that's weird i don't have time for that shit anymore do you see your extended family when i go to africa i get to, and then I have some, my mom's family is in the States, but I don't see them too much when I can, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:30 How often do you go back to Africa? I've gone back like once a year, the last, since 2018 for competition. So that's been pretty nice. Um, cause I love going to Cape town. It's like one of my favorite spots, especially in the summer. Like that's so nice. I feel like my life has become kind of fringe too this is gonna sound fucking like horrible but like most of the people i knew are still caterpillars and i turned into a butterfly it's fair it's not i mean that's not a bad thing like they still think they're going to go to the
Starting point is 00:22:04 doctor and the doctor says eat canola oil and that's good for you and i'm like now i'm going to exercise and eat um some meat and fruit and vegetables yeah i feel like that's like most of america though and i feel like you can't really convince them otherwise i feel like that's just separated me from them they're like in the machine they they think they think drug addicts need shelter i don't i don't think they're just not your people then yeah it's weird it's i've completely i've gone off the i've gone off the deep end but i like to think i've just evolved yeah yeah i would say that you're leveling up. I'm an accountant, personal responsibility, accountability person. My 18th girlfriend has cheated on me in a row. At some point it's like my fault.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I'm choosing the wrong bitches. Exactly. It's like, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute here. Right. I'm doing something wrong. Yeah. I keep bringing, why is my house full of dog hair well because i keep bringing dogs home yeah it's like most people don't want to take their own accountability you know yeah um are you're so so you're you come to the united states got two brothers are you are you
Starting point is 00:23:21 tomboyish are you pretty tough are you tough girl since you have two two older brothers yeah a little bit I would say so like me we like grew up messing with each other and joking with each other wrestling all that stuff so um we still do that but yeah a little bit but I'm also kind of girly I think it's like a bit of both just depends you ever do and you uh you have an interest a little bit in boxing yeah i um picked that up a bit a few years ago i met um stephy cohen she's a powerlifter boxer that was a few years ago that was like 2019 maybe i remember that video this is yeah I thought you were real boxed when I saw that video no I didn't even know we were filming that day I just I just messaged her and was like hey can I work out with you and she was like sure there was we did that it was like the first time I boxed and then there was like a YouTube video I was like oh well um but yeah I liked it when I
Starting point is 00:24:22 did it with her and then last year when I was super burnt out, and I just like, I didn't want to step in a gym, but obviously I still wanted to work out. So this was like, another thing to I mean, I don't know if you've ever boxed, but like the cardio fitness side of it. I mean, skipping rope for like five minutes and like jumping around and it's hard. It's tiring. And I was the coordination from my hands to my feet. I was really bad at that. So it just challenged me in another way. Um, I liked it and there's a lot of technique to it. So I didn't get super far with it just cause I did like a couple of sessions. Um, this is my friend Akeem. I worked with him. He's local. And, um, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:24:59 it's pretty fun. I just don't, I like for a second there, I was like, yeah, I think I might want to do a fight. And then my brother was like, no, like you, you can't be getting hit in the head. And he was like, don't, don't do a fight. And I was like, Oh, okay. Are you still friends with Akeem? Yeah. I haven't talked to him a while, but. He kind of looks like Aljermaine Sterling. Do you know who that is? I didn't realize that until I just saw from this angle.
Starting point is 00:25:29 He kind of looks like a yoked version of Aljo. I mean, Aljo is pretty yoked too. I should show you. I think he does. He's like part bodybuilding, part boxing. He does a bit of both. Tell me about how – so Steffi Cohen, 25 world records, a million followers on Instagram. You're just this podunk crossfitter from the Carolinas two years ago.
Starting point is 00:25:50 How do you – you just like DM her and you're like, hi, can I come punch with you? I was literally like, hey, can I come work out with you? Yeah, and she was like, yeah, girl, that's fine. We're going to be at her fine we're gonna be at the her gym her hybrid gym at the time and um I think I might have I think our boxing coach had messaged me a few times and so we just kind of linked up like like he was like he was courting you no maybe maybe not but he was just like you should come box I don't know okay more like more like recruiting than courting courting don't know okay more like more like recruiting
Starting point is 00:26:25 than courting courting has romantic implications recruiting is like more for like hey he saw you had potential i mean you never know yeah well yeah very good point you're very smart you understand men that's it you just you just figured men out that's fair um but john wick john wick is here uh keanu reeves is in the house she's single as fuck hey dude there's no reason to scream that from the mountaintops be cool it's chill uh an african carolinian uh yes mason mitchell uh very well said okay so so you go there are you intimidated by her at all i mean she's she's she's she's as big as you get in kind of in this fitness space like name wise uh intelligence uh prestige um yeah i mean maybe to a degree but i feel like you have to walk into those situations as like you're just as much as a
Starting point is 00:27:20 presence as her you know what i mean like it was awesome to work out with her and have that. And I also like meeting other females in the fitness industry and just kind of connecting through that. Because like in my day to day or like my friends from high school and stuff, like we don't have that in common at all. So anytime I find another female that's like into fitness or has something going on or whatnot, I really love that so it was more so just kind of like connecting with her and um I would say we were both kind of shy at first like it was like she I would say she was pretty shy too um she's really sweet and we just kind of did the session together and it was nice it was fun but I also didn't really know what was going on because
Starting point is 00:27:59 I'd never really been filmed before so I was was like, what? Oh, you did great. I thought the video turned out good. Don't you? Yeah, I thought it was awesome. So and like, I liked the boxing, like, it was, it was cool. What about did that? Did that get you a lot garner you a lot of attention? Like, did you put on a lot of followers? Did people start reaching out to you for other things from that? Because she's so high profile? Not too much to be honest no um maybe a little bit I think around that time uh it must have been before BP so my following was maybe around like 30 40 50 so I started my Instagram back in high school like this was my high school Instagram like typical just like posting like any high schooler would and then when i got into crossfit i would start posting like pr videos
Starting point is 00:28:48 or this or that and then over the years it kind of just like picked up and stuff um and then i would say it really picked up when i started working with bp i did my first like shoot with what's bp what's bp with born primitive oh oh yeah. Oh, I love that. I have some of their sweats. Ariel Lowen sent me some of their I think they're called joggers. Man, that are you still with them? No, um, we recently my contract recently ended, but we're kind of I'm in talks of maybe courtship or some courtship. Yeah, as they say negotiations. Yeah, exactly. I really like their stuff. Or as they say, negotiations. I really like their stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Yeah. But yeah, so then when I... Their stuff is good. I like it as well. I've been with them for two years, but when I shot with Danny and Josie, because we were all in the same... That's Josie in the middle?
Starting point is 00:29:41 That's Josie. Josie Hammingham. Sweet girl. Really good friend. You guys make her look tiny. Look how small her head is compared to your guys' head. Yeah, me and Danny got some potato heads. Yeah, that's awesome. I love a potato head. I'm a huge fan of a giant head.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Same. Okay, sorry. Go on. So this got you more attention than the Steffi Cohen videos, what you're saying? Yeah, because they're probably bigger than mine at the time. Danny has a crazy active account. Yeah, and I think they'd been in this space much longer than I had as well. So then between that and then that same year, I made the games.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And then my page has just kind of been growing since then. How come you don't tag them in this? Is that, is that on purpose? I think they, they should be tagged that little person down in the corner, I think is a tag. Oh, that's how you do. That's how you do it. Okay. I don't know how to do it. Is that the cooler way to do it?
Starting point is 00:30:37 How come you don't put them in here? And this, this is where I do it. Yeah. It's the cooler way. This is what the cool kids do now. All right. Fine. Yeah. And, and do you curate this are you are you do you do you pull posts down what do you mean like you put
Starting point is 00:30:54 like are these all the posts you've ever made or they're like ex-boyfriends that are gone or sponsors that are gone or just stuff that you're like oh i don't i don't really like that i'm presenting damn look how fucking strong you look here thank you yeah this is pre you're 18 there right um what year is that 2021 yeah i guess so okay 19 all right tell me when we get below your 18 i'll stop scrolling i'll stop scrolling no you're still it's still good yeah these are just hey you're not you're how tall are you you're not big right yeah look at this chick's a fucking a bite caitlin's tiny she's tiny she's like four something i think yeah yeah you should keep her around she makes you look like you're 5'10". There you go.
Starting point is 00:31:47 So do you pull anything down? Ex-boyfriends, old sponsors? Just stuff you don't like? Uh-oh, your headset died. You're going to have to go to your gears. Do you see that down below on the screen there should be a gear are you on a computer and then you have to click on that gear and then you have to go to audio and you have to choose a different microphone so we can get your audio back i can't hear you but there's there'll be a little gear and it says settings down at the bottom of
Starting point is 00:32:21 your screen i think there should be And you'll click on that. And then another window will open and there'll be a bunch of options. General, camera, audio. I cannot. And then you'll choose like computer, like MacBook or something. I am, I'm pretty good at IT support. Share your screen and show her. Show her what? Oh if i can shit can i do that can i share a screen in the screen there's her brother that's the non-fighting brother that's the brother that just like
Starting point is 00:33:00 that's the one she calls ken ken and barbie hey someone asked if she's clean there is a as i researched her i did find out she is quite fastidious and clean she spends an inordinate amount of time keeping her shit clean like her house and and she's a and she's uh has a real estate agent this is you that's you just nod no i can't hear you you're gonna have to go to that gear and choose something different a different um different option that's crazy look Matt if she's 5'4 she's the same height as Cole Mertens. Imagine how small that girl is. Do you want me to keep helping you?
Starting point is 00:33:52 There's going to have to be something you click. Oh, yeah. Taylor's helping her. Taylor's actually one of the few people who has access to the back end here. She got the brother in the rogue shirt. Tractor in the background. Oh, that's turf back there. Oh, I heard the garage door open at my house. That means the jiu-jitsu instructor's on its way over.
Starting point is 00:34:23 This looks fun to click. I hope someone falls in the water you didn't figure it out there's gonna be something oh you know what you can do oh she's muted hold on unmute yourself you're muted and i can't unmute you you have to click that you have to click on the screen there that little oh there you go yeah i was muted that whole time that was awesome okay i love it when it's easy oh wait so you can hear me fine so good better than before taylor's all right i think we got it taylor taylor and will are like both calling me okay um uh so do you erase stuff like look at this dude is this dude um um is this this boyfriend that's through the cracks?
Starting point is 00:35:06 Like, this dude needs to be erased? That was the ex-boyfriend. That was my previous boyfriend. It's a good photo, though. I kept it up. It is. Okay, so, but he could get pulled down. He could.
Starting point is 00:35:16 He could. He could. I think my other ones might have. I don't know. Some of them are still on there. I've taken some stuff off. This guy didn't get pulled down. But not a ton. No, he's staying. He's in it for the long haul. That's it. That's a, that thing's cool.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Shit. How they painted his legs into the brick like that. Okay. So stuff does get pulled down. Yeah, but I haven't really, like, I don't know. I like my Instagram's also just like a good set of memories over the last couple years um like that bell shirt right there that was fittest in Cape Town that was the first elite competition first um sanctional I ever did so first time competing in Africa so my Instagram's just got a lot of memories, you know? And it's kind of my progress over the years getting to this point with CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:36:12 So what happened here? You're like, God, my butt looks good. Fuck, it looks good here too. Fuck, which one should I post? Oh, fuck it. All right, I'm just going to post both. Both of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:23 This one, at least you're pretending you're looking at that guy. That's kind of cool. Yeah, I think, well, my boyfriend at the time was competing. So maybe I was watching him. When did you, do you think you're pretty strong? Like in your mind? Are you like, man, I'm strong, like physically strong or mentally strong? Well, let's start with physical, physically strong. Yeah, I've, I'm physical physically strong yeah I've um I'm pretty strong like I've picked up weights pretty fast that's like my my thing is lifting and how do you become aware of that when did you become aware of that um back in high school when I started CrossFit there's I wanted to get better at the lifting part of it like the barbell there's this dude that was coaching the class at the time and he was like
Starting point is 00:37:08 this is actually a high school class yeah I mean it was just I was in high school no it wasn't uh it's just my gym at the time okay so you outside of school you went to a CrossFit gym okay yeah and he was like yeah you'd be really good at Olympic lifting and I didn't even really know what Olympic lifting was and I was like all right thanks he also told me, you'd be really good at Olympic lifting. And I didn't even really know what Olympic lifting was. And I was like, all right, thanks. He also told me I'd be a really good engineer. And I wish I did that too. Why do you think he said that?
Starting point is 00:37:35 I don't know. I think it's maybe just like the way my brain works. Like I'm a bit of a problem solver. But I didn't go to college. So if I did and I went back for a degree, I'd pick bit of a problem solver, but I didn't go to college. So if I did and I went back for a degree, I'd pick engineering of some sort. So, but he was like, yeah, you'd be good at lifting. And then when I did start lifting, my numbers were just really good off the bat. I just picked it up well with cheerleading background.
Starting point is 00:38:00 So I think like picking people up and then picking weights, weights up, they kind of went hand in hand a little bit. Did you know you were strong in cheerleading were you like fuck i'm strong like did you ever like beat a boy in the third grade arm wrestling you're like fuck i'm strong no i didn't really realize i was like strong until i started moving a barbell so until crossfit i wasn't fit though i had cardio. Couldn't breathe to save my life. How come you're, you're little, you're only five, four. Why wouldn't they, why would you be in cheerleading? Why would you be the girl to lift other girls up?
Starting point is 00:38:34 Why didn't they throw you around? I was stocky. Like I was too heavy to get thrown around. Those girls are tiny. And like, I mean, I was good at lifting people up so maybe that was just maybe I was at the time I just didn't realize it I was always a base like always lifting people throwing people I never wanted to go in the air I don't like being picked up either so there's that yeah me neither um uh what about um uh were you at some point in your life like before you found CrossFit you're like wow I have I have like my I have quads or I have a fucking huge ass or I have like I can't believe my shoulders look like this. And then you were like, OK, and then it equated into being strong.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Was there like a. No, no, those are all those are all indicative qualities of a good CrossFitter, right? Big quads, big ass, big shoulders, like just more developed than normal in both men and women. I mean, you don't see any you don't see anyone with a small ass who's competing at a high level. Big quads, big ass, big shoulders, like just more developed than normal in both men and women. I mean, you don't see any you don't see anyone with a small ass who's competing at a high level. Yeah. Unless they're just like underdeveloped or something and they're not using their glutes. But yeah, I guess so. I mean, even someone like James Sprague, who's like should be like a beanpole. He's got a fucking enormous fucking like between his belly button and like his hamstrings is fucking huge. That's right.
Starting point is 00:39:46 You know what I mean? He's just got a fucking giant ass. Yeah. I feel like CrossFit definitely has like, when you get to that competitive level, it's like a certain body type. Like you, you feel out in a certain way.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Sam Briggs. That is, that is interesting. Um, yeah, I feel like there's those one-off people that it's like, it is genetics where they're either just like super lean or they only, you know, build so much or uh sam's is narrow it's i wouldn't say it's small
Starting point is 00:40:11 it's narrow same with china cho not small but narrow do you know what i mean like they're narrow they're not their body their hip their hips area like their ass is narrow it's not like they're saying they're small but they are but they're narrow. Bailey Rayl. No, Bailey. I don't think of Bailey. Bailey Rayl has a big ass. She's just a petite girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Haley Adams. Does she have a small ass? I have no idea. Yeah, her T-shirts come down to past her knees. How have you ever seen her ass? No, there's no pancake asses none zero you know what i mean like there's none that goes straight down for the most part now you're just getting ridiculous spiegel has a flat you're out of
Starting point is 00:40:58 your fucking mind when you have your eyes checked cataract or something good community girls cool in crossfit who what girls are cooler cheerleading or crossfit girls um culturally is it are they different yeah because cheerleading it's like you're in such a big group like your team is like 20 to 30 people so um i don't know i didn't and we didn't my cheerleading experience, we didn't mingle a lot, I guess. We stayed with our group pretty hardcore. So, I think the CrossFit girls are pretty cool. I like them.
Starting point is 00:41:33 So, but also, too, it's like I only see them sometimes at competitions. And then there's, like, a few people that you hit it off with and you keep in touch. And then you, like, see them again, you know? Is cheerleading, was that your primary sport? And when did you hit it off with and you keep in touch and then you like see them again, you know, Is cheerleading. Was that your primary sport? And when did you start it? I started it when I was probably, I started tumbling when I was like 13, maybe I didn't like sports growing up. My brother, Michael was, he was a soccer player. He was like that kid that was born with abs, you know, like super annoying.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I don't, I don't know, but go on. He was like the athlete of the family growing up so i didn't like sports at all didn't hated ball sports i wasn't interested in any of that stuff and then i hate sweating did you hate sweating yeah me too it's like not intrigued on that at all um and then when did i find oh i found tumbling which was like flipping you know and backflips and stuff and i was like oh this is fun and then that led to that's gymnastics light that's like crossfit light it's like boot camp to crossfit tumbling is yeah it's exactly okay you just do the flips and stuff and then gymnastics is like whole nother world and then cheerleading is just you add in the the routine and the outfits and stuff so but yeah and then um at 13 did that give you confidence is that at 13 you don't really like tumbling right you like the girls who are there and you kind of like the the adding to your identity of like being able to
Starting point is 00:43:02 do new tricks do you kind of see what i'm saying? Like when you're a kid, you're just like, you're not sure if you like riding bikes, but when you jump over like three bricks, you're like, fuck, I'm pretty cool. I can jump over three bricks. Yeah, for sure. I think it gave me a lot. Like I, it was nice to be a part of something too. It was a big friend group. We all went to school together. I liked the outfits. I like dressing up and I really liked performing. Like I actually really liked being in front of a crowd and like putting on a show like I enjoyed
Starting point is 00:43:28 that a lot yeah um so yeah but other than that I just wasn't big on sports and stuff but I just don't think I thought that I'd be good at anything so I never tried it you know and then like I never thought I'd be I Olympic lifted for a good three years before I fully started doing CrossFit and I did quite well in that like I've never thought I would be doing something like that but I love it now like crazy um uh Trish uh is a frequent listener of the show I wear little cheerleading outfits ron's her husband for ron sometimes wow that's cool i've heard of trish yeah trish is trish is a very thoughtful um i don't know if it's a man or a woman yeah i have no idea i just go with woman very thoughtful woman elderly 67 year old elderly woman um and uh so you get into tumbling and you like the you like uh
Starting point is 00:44:27 performing but in tumbling it's um you kind of have to share the stage right like when they clap there's like 15 of you up there or something or a handful of you it's not like you're like yes thank you i know thank you yeah the um team sport dynamic i I guess, is, you know, because you're relying on other people, especially so many of them. So that part does get a little interesting. And I think I've liked enjoying doing indie and not having that responsibility of someone else. And then last year, I got like a few team offers and I debated going team. got like a few team offers and I debated going team um you're talking about in crossfit yeah prefer going individual than team because it's all on you yeah but I feel like team's another type of pressure where like you also don't want to let other people down so and then there's indie where it's like all the pressure's on you so i think team is kind of stupid do you why i think that there is and i'm just let's just since no let's just don't judge me i'm just going to explore some things okay okay i think that there's like a cowardice component to it
Starting point is 00:45:39 okay and a um like like kind of like just go work out in your own gym like what are you doing what are you doing wasting our time making us watch your shit like just do individual and if you're not good enough to go to the games individual just go do local comps and just just do individual and like when you do team just work out get some friends together team is what you do to prepare as an individual you know know what I mean? So, so let's say you and Danny and Steffi and that midget girl wanted to work out together. You might do some team workouts on a Saturday. But other than that, I just, I know, I know, I know. I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:19 no britches got, the thing is, is like, yeah, when I say teams are cowardice, it's like a right away, I hear God's voice, how dare you speak of Rich Froning like that? How dare you? And I know. I felt him tap me on the shoulder or she. Yeah, I mean, Rich's team, he was like a standout team. They won like what? I know, right?
Starting point is 00:46:41 There's outliers. I'm just exploring. I'm just exploring. Maybe I'm open to being wrong. A stepping stone. Could it be a stepping stone? I like that. Probably.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Yeah, for sure. I mean, also, too, if we didn't have team like the qualifiers, like that adds so many people, so many more people into the qualifiers. That's the whole point of team to sell tickets yeah team is like team adaptive division masters you're the subsidy you're the subsidy no one gives a shit about you listen adaptive team masters kids hi kids kids maybe your parents care a little the rest is like no no one gives a shit. I mean, occasionally you care.
Starting point is 00:47:28 You see the one-armed guy fucking snatch 200 pounds, and you're like, whoa, what the fuck? Or you see like a 72-year-old woman like running with kettlebells. You're like doing some pull-ups or doing a rope climb. You're like, wow. But other than that, it's like, yeah. You know what I'm not a fan of is grit. The like, do you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:47:44 The term grit? Oh, my God, you're so gritty. Does that mean like you you suck at crossfit but like that's the only compliment i can give you i'm talking about like the team thing that they do down in miami or is it oh grid oh grid oh grid oh i like i like this you called it grit why what's wrong with grid what's wrong with grid it's kind of just because it's like it's like confused between it's got a little confused it's like yeah like what is it and then yeah and they go for like two seconds it's like this you guys did a grid workout today this year at the semi-finals did we what was it yeah workout number two is a grid grid league workout i think adrian took that from grid league oh solid
Starting point is 00:48:19 you know which one i'm talking about the rock wore the ruck. Yeah, you wore the ruck. That was good. It was a good workout. You did like it. Okay, good. All right. You stand by that one. Yeah, it was a good workout. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Even with the thumb's influence, you still like that influence. I guarantee you the thumb hated that workout. I don't think so. I mean, no, I think it was fine with it. I don't know. How did you do in that workout i don't i think i got 27 burpee box jumps holy shit okay so you can do you can do that stuff you weren't one of the zero reps people no i the rings were fine for me i broke them up like three two three two and then um maybe three one one and then yeah i like burpee box jumps that was fine workout but um the
Starting point is 00:49:09 altitude was definitely playing a role so it's just hard to breathe really you were at altitude in africa in johannesburg yeah no shit what's the altitude i think it's like 4,200. Oh, almost a mile. Holy shit. It was, yeah. That's crazy. Oh, you need a CEO cup. You need one of these. You can't have Jurassic Park. You need one of these. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Thank you. Awesome. It's just the thingies on this side. Oh, wow. It says Jurassic Park on one side and CEO on the other? It's Paper Street. Oh, shit. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Dude, I came prepared. What do you are you you're sponsored by paper street coffee um not yes and no they sponsor for the semis so we've been working together a little bit i like gabe yeah he's great it's awesome he's taking great care of me same cool i was actually thinking about texting him um i was like wow i'm out of coffee and then i looked up high and my wife had four four more bags stored up high it's pretty still yeah do you think that um you have the do you think that you have to have a certain pathology or something wrong with you in order to be good at CrossFit like some sort of demon you're running from or or trying to reconcile or reconnect with yeah i think a little bit for sure yeah i don't know i think we all is it reconnect or reconcile is it is it you had some experience
Starting point is 00:50:34 in your life that was so fucking intense that you're trying to find a safe way to reconnect with that experience of intensity yeah i guess either word would work or reconcile maybe. Yeah, for sure. Do you think you have a big enough pathology? I don't know what the word is. Issue to keep improving at it? Yeah. Are you aware of what it is, what the experience is?
Starting point is 00:51:07 Yeah, I think I've just got some trauma. You do. That's what fuels me. You do, yeah. I think it's all you guys. I think there's some sort of trauma. For sure. Or a chip on your shoulder. I don't mean it in a bad way, right?
Starting point is 00:51:19 A chip on your shoulder or you have to prove something or I don't know. I mean, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. Overachiever. Any of that stuff. What do you think it is for you? I don't know. Someone laughed at you as a kid? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I mean, it could be. I think that's what Jason's is. I think Kalipipa his fucking principal on graduation day fucking made fun of him that's fucked up in front of the fucking whole graduating class yeah yeah basically said you won't amount to shit oh wow yeah yeah fuck you let me show you something hold my beer watch this yeah yeah no i think i like i got into fitness because i was bullied pretty bad like middle school high school for being chubby or overweight or whatnot were you i know i mean like not really like i was definitely a bit chubbier but not like super big but i i got hardcore bullied for
Starting point is 00:52:21 my looks and my weight and stuff like that so So what does that look like? Can we revisit some of those lines? Yeah. Wait, what do you mean? Like, like, um, uh, dang girl, you should skip lunch. You remember the, uh, or here, let me eat that for you. You don't need or you don't miss a meal or yeah there would definitely be comments of like around food or about food or what is your parents other girls say again oh um girls at school boys at school I had a little bit of it from my family but it was on like the one side of my family that has like some toxicity and stuff anyways like their own generational trauma but um i'll be you
Starting point is 00:53:07 and you heidi's right i want to role play i'll be you and you be the uh you be the bully oh look fucking a weirdo watching on twitch thank you god thank you i appreciate it nice to see you hi nice to see you from twitch are you familiar with twitch it's a platform that guys who masturbate too much use no i'm not familiar gaming platform guys who yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no we're not related people think that baznay and what's camille leblanc like mine's baznett baznett but the announcers say baznay just michelle baznett michelle yeah michelle baznett michelle baznett say Bazinet just Michelle Baznet Michelle yeah Michelle Baznet Michelle Baznet um oh hold on one second I'm sorry uh this guy wants to know what this podcast is about that's a great question go ahead tell him Michelle um is this Yvonne's podcast actually so I'm here with him today we're just we're chatting we're getting to know each other uh what what would some of the bullies
Starting point is 00:54:06 say anything that like really stuck or stung um i think this one girl made fun of my skin one time i don't know what she said she was just like or it's like said something like about blackheads on my skin or um like you know comments around food like my family or my uh this one person my family at the time like oh well you don't need to eat that you don't need any more you know, comments around food, like my family or my, uh, this one person, my family at the time, like, oh, well you don't need to eat that. You don't need any more. You know, you need to watch what you eat. Um, things like that, I guess. Causes you to contract so much and go inside your head when someone says something like that. Yes. Especially at that age. Yeah. And look at your face. It looks like you eat grape nuts through a slingshot. it looks like you eat grape nuts through a slingshot you know you ever use that one that one hurts it stings um or yeah or like you know the like cool girls would all hang out and
Starting point is 00:54:54 then like i would be on the side like i wasn't always included type of thing you know so i don't know whatever it was um definitely had a lot of bullying growing up. And so anyone ever call you fatty? Yeah. I mean, yeah. I feel like I blocked a lot of this stuff out, too, though. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I want you to close your eyes. My mom one time told me we had a swimming pool and I and I told her, I was like, Mom, come swimming with me. She's like, no, it's too cold. She's like, no, it's too cold. And I said, no, it's not that cold. She said, well, that's because you have an extra layer of fat on you. That pretty much sent me, I'm 51 and I'm not recovered. That's not her fault. But now I got a podcast and it's all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:55:38 I feel like it's doing pretty well. It's stuck. Like you said something to me when I was seven that stuck. Like gum on your shoe that won't come off yeah yeah and like yeah i think that's ridiculous i why can't i just throw it away why can't i just be like i'll throw that away yeah um but yeah i feel like that's where it all started for me is maybe some of that stuff. And then I was like, what was it? I think middle school to high school, I lost some weight because I had, you know, like puberty, whatever, it was going to happen anyways. And then I also read this book and became vegetarian. And so like came into high school way different and then like, like got more friends, like boys, all this stuff. I wasn't as like bullied, whatever. Um, and then since then,
Starting point is 00:56:33 I just kind of went on this thing of like staying in shape and watching what I eat and like all that stuff. Um, but I didn't get into working out till my senior year of high school. Like I only found CrossFit junior, senior year of high school. So, but I think that was a big driving factor for a long time. It's just like, I want to look good. I want to take care of my body. Like I've always taken, I've always had a lot of pride in that is like, I feel good in my body, you know, but I think it comes from this bullying,
Starting point is 00:57:01 but I'm not mad about it because now i have you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah and um and it's cool not being mad about it like i i'm glad it all happened too but what about um so do you think you medicate with um uh fitness yeah probably i think i did for a while um and like eating i didn't have the best relationship with food for a long time. Um, which I'm sure there's a lot of people in this sport, in this industry, same thing. Like, uh, I don't know if I ever had like a full eating disorder. I think I've kind of dabbled within the different realms of them. Um, and so like, I used to struggle to like eat food and then like be okay with it.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Like I would say I'd like have ice cream or something and then it would just like my mind would just lose its shit. And I freaked out, you know, like would feel terrible that I had this ice cream. So that's also been like a really long journey is like finding a healthy relationship with food. And then you get into CrossFit and it's like, okay, now you have to eat a bunch of carbs and you have to track your food. And it's like that became very overwhelming in its sense. And so, or in itself. So, um, over the last couple of years, yeah, it's just taken a long time to get in a good place with it.
Starting point is 00:58:15 But I feel like I have a good grip on like eating and food and working out and coming off a burnout. I learned a lot from a burnout. Like I feel more settled with it. I was definitely recently your burnouts recently. Yeah. Yeah. But I was like that hardcore girl that like tracked everything.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Didn't want to miss a session. Like I literally had no life outside CrossFit. It was just like, I remember I went to Steffi's birthday party. This was like two years ago. And I met this one guy and he was like, Steffi Cohen's birthday party. This was like two years ago. And I met this one guy and he was like... Steffi Cohen's birthday party.
Starting point is 00:58:49 She invited you to it after your film shoot together? She invited you to it? Yeah, it was super random, but I went down for the weekend and it was fun. But this one dude was like, yeah, so who's Michelle Baznett? Who are you? And I'm like, oh, I crossfit. He's like, okay, what else? And I'm like, What do you mean? Like, I had, I just like couldn't
Starting point is 00:59:08 answer the question. And I feel like since then, like since that question two years ago, it's just been like, holy fuck. Right, right. Yeah. Do you go to church? Do I go to church? Yeah. No, I'm not a very religious person. Did ever go to church I did growing up a little bit but I feel like it was more just like my family wasn't very religious it would kind of pop up here and there like at Christmas time or something or Easter yes yeah put on your fancy clothes and go yeah yeah um but no I didn't really grow up with that and I did I did have a group of friends that were very Christian. And I like tried that.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And like I dated a guy that was more Christian than I was. And I kind of tried that out. And it just never stuck for me. Just I don't connect with it very well. They needed to call you fat. Sorry. They needed to call you fat if they wanted it to stick. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Welcome to our church, fat lady. Yeah. Fuck, that sucked. thick welcome to our church fat lady yeah fuck that's um you it's interesting i i think that that's pretty normal um regardless in a way maybe it was even a blessing just to say just have one thing to be as simple as be like what do you do and i'm a crossfitter who are you while I CrossFit because I think it at some point every single healthy person has to make that journey inward and like take something that wasn't given to you on the outside whether it be church or fitness or whether you be an Olympian
Starting point is 01:00:36 or no matter how many accolades you have on the outside you built your own car you graduated from high it doesn't matter at some point it's not going to be enough and you're going to have to go inward. Yeah. It's, um, it's kind of the thing I've been obsessed on this whole last year. It's, um, I've been kind of fascinated with, um, rich and mayhem also because, um, because they run, because they have values, right. And Sarah Sigmund's daughter in the conversation I had with her was talking to me about values and values are something like no one can take from you so like one of your values might be like something is like never kill a bug that's in your house always catch it in a glass jar and take it outside like everything has a right to live or something you know what i mean just some treat all people the way you would want to be treated meaning so you know someone cuts you off
Starting point is 01:01:22 you don't respond as michelle bassinet you respond as your value um how would i want to be treated if i accidentally cut someone off it's okay yeah you know what i mean just kind of like yeah it's um yeah and then no one can take that shit from you you can choose it has nothing to do with your performance at crossfit but in a way you kind of have to keep that other thing too though right to keep the pressure on you you have to keep some yeah or no i don't know i feel like i'm learning that you can find a bit of both with it i guess but i i think don't you have to keep some insecurity or some sickness to rally behind some weakness some some some trauma like you it's got like a little bit I don't know um do you think do you think that wearing less clothes um helps you also keep your shit in check like I noticed like whenever I go to if I'm going on vacation for two weeks at the beach all of a sudden I just I might I eat half
Starting point is 01:02:21 as much at every meal because I'm fucking naked all the time. So someone like you who like you're always like have 80% of your body exposed, then maybe it helps you keep things in check. It's my theory about warmer climates, why everyone has a better body on the coast. I mean, do you think when it's nice outside, like you kind of do just like wear a little less because it's nice, you know? Like if you're living at the beach. Right. And then do you think that that helps you with your eating too?
Starting point is 01:02:49 No. No. I don't think so. Well, for me, it's, oh, look, Jake, thank you. Yeah, for me, it's huge. Thank you. Michelle is making me feel stupid. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:02:58 If I'm somewhere, like if I'm going, if I'm not, if like summer comes and I'm going to start wearing less and less clothes and I'll start eating less and less because I'm acutely aware that I'm wearing less and less clothes. Whereas that's why I think like in the United Arab Emirates or the UAE where all the fucking women are covered up in like burkas and shit. I think all those bitches are fat and got like type two diabetes. And then the dudes get fat because their bitches are fat. And then it's just a fucking spiraling like because they're not never showing their bodies. What do they give a fuck?
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yeah, I guess. But I mean, like, even, I mean, in winter, like, I still want to look good, you know? You probably have a, you have a healthier. Like, I want like a year round, like long lifetime. Same fitness body. I want to keep it. I want to keep it going. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:44 You're a good dude. A Jesus Sevan. Nope. Just Sevan. you don't have to call me jesus savon that's fine oh there was another um uh mark marco uh calderon her voice is music thanks i don't think i said anything racist yet but standby there's time uh yeah i'm with michelle yeah i wish i was with michelle too yeah i i agree yeah you always want me too i always want i'm just saying um oh here we go look at jake chapman i went to the beach on the weekend time to dial it in a bit yeah i thank you from the isle of man jake chapman thank you or like you don't have people look at the men in this chat sound like the women and the women sound like the men you guys are fucking up the old like
Starting point is 01:04:22 yeah it's a bit backwards you're flipping the script on us. Yeah. Or like I was talking to this one guy the other day and he was like, yeah, I feel like I would be able to like eat right or sleep right or not drink and stuff if I had something to work towards. Like if I was like doing a marathon, like I need something to work towards. And I'm like, dude, but like what's your day to day? Like what do you what do you want to do day to day? Like that's even if I wasn't competing I would still want to get minimum 20 minutes in I don't care if it's a 20-minute
Starting point is 01:04:50 walk like I still want to eat right I still don't want to eat a bunch of processed foods like I want to be doing things when I'm 65 right sometimes when I look around at like older people or some of these past generations and they're like I I'm like, dad, don't want to be that, you know? Right. So take away like competition and, and even maybe how you look, it's just longevity in my mind. Your parents do CrossFit. My dad got me into it. My mom does it now. Oh, that's cool. Cycles now. He likes road biking now, but. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:26 So you have an active family. Yeah. My dad. Yeah. My dad's very active. He was very like adrenaline junkie, like crazy guy. Um,
Starting point is 01:05:35 did a lot of sports and stuff growing up. So I feel like I got a lot of that athleticism from him. Yeah. You're training with, um, uh, Taylor self. Mm. Hmm. Would you say he's your coach? Yeah. You're training with, um, uh, Taylor self.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Would you say he's your coach? Yeah. Even if he doesn't want to be, he's my coach. And that, Oh, does he not want to be? No, I'm kidding. He does. Oh, um, and, um, he, we'll get to my, my thoughts on Taylor and say, but he, he is But he's pretty obsessed with you, like in a healthy way. He's obsessed. I saw his stress levels increase. Probably not good to talk to his athletes about this. He feels very – he takes you very seriously. That's good.
Starting point is 01:06:21 He takes the – I mean, I guess I know him better than I know most coaches, but he takes it. I could see it added something to his plate. It's not a joke to him in the slightest. He doesn't take you for granted. He feels crazy personal responsibility and accountability for you. That's what I mean. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:06:46 I mean. Which is crazy to have if someone's not your kid. Like I have that for my kids, but he has that just for some rando chick that trains. And it's like, wow. You know what I mean? Yeah. I don't know. You can tell how intense he is.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Is it too much? Does he care too much? No. I think we've like found a good like working balance in that because we also like when I first asked him to maybe program I was like dude I don't I'm probably like a year and a half out from competing like I was like I don't think I'm competing anytime soon but like when I first came to Charlotte um I like met the group there and I liked the fact that Is that group like his gym and JR's gym when you say the group there?
Starting point is 01:07:30 No, it's, um, CrossFit Charlotte is Andy Hendel's gym. Right. And then Taylor has Selfmade, which is like the guys that follow Selfmade. It's the more competitive people and the dynamic between the group class and the competitors like it's really great they have a they keep a good thing going on over there between Taylor and Andy it's really enjoyable um but yeah so I met those guys and I was like oh cool like there's people around me that like do this and like compete and stuff and then I just remember watching Taylor because I knew he came off a knee injury and I just see this dude just like going hard like every day like even though he was like maybe limping around the gym or like couldn't do
Starting point is 01:08:08 certain movements like he would just do like six seven pieces a day and just go as hard as he could and like it was just super impressive he's got real demons he's got like real shit like under there like real big ones like yeah that need yeah that he can't get to unless he does that he they need attending to yeah and so coming off the burnout i was like it just made me like i'm like what the fuck am i complaining about you know what i mean it was just in a sense really inspiring and i was like it like it got me wanting to get my shit together again you know um and then programming together there was definitely times where it like he's taylor's got his like strong suits like he's just a fit dude and um he's a bit of a genetic freak he is a beautiful man yeah yeah so he'd like write a piece and i'm like taylor like this is you can do
Starting point is 01:08:58 this like i can't do this like take it down a few notches like we definitely had to i guess do this like take it down a few notches like we definitely had to I guess learn that about each other um and then I don't know I don't really need a ton of like coaching or like over support um training wise but like the mental aspect of a lot of things this year he's helped me with a lot especially over the semi-finals weekend like just um working through like the ups and downs of like competition and stuff like he was super great just being a sounding board and like combating maybe like those negative thoughts that I was was experiencing and so um I've learned a lot from him too like it's been really good and it's made me like step my game up because I don't think I'd beat him in a workout yet that's like my real goal it's not even the games I just want to beat Taylor in a workout oh that's awesome so he's not he's not um he's not pacing behind you he's putting it to you
Starting point is 01:09:54 yeah I think he's also chair picking but um who was who was your first CrossFit coach ever? Like you're, um, what you're going to CrossFit games this year, 2023 in Madison. When was the first time you went to the CrossFit games? 2021. Um, my old Jim's CrossFit Cornelius and it was Mike Ratnosky. Okay. And, and, and he was like your coach, like he did special programming for you or like he went to the games with you.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Yep. Yeah. So he, we built up together me just like becoming an athlete and him kind of like learning how to coach um but that was almost like a five-year relationship and so then around the games like he just wasn't involved or like involved enough in the sport to really know how fast it was progressing in a sense right so um you need someone geeking out on the movements being like okay here come the pirouettes and everyone else is like what yeah yeah exactly yeah taylor's like ahead of the game with a lot of that stuff so it it's
Starting point is 01:10:58 great like and i'm learning a lot like and that I appreciate that. Those guys are in a good think tank together. You know what I mean? Like they got a good group of just like, just dorks who just are just, they love that shit. Yes. Scouring. All of Adrian's shit or Dave's shit or historical stuff. Yeah. They're like, they're scouring. And, and so, and then, and then who, after him, how did you depart from him how does that work how do you switch coaches yeah so i struggle does that hurt does that upset him oh yeah well i mean it was hard it was hard i figure i'm not even taking a dig at him she changes hard yeah he was
Starting point is 01:11:37 also my like i coached full-time for him so leading into the games 2021 as full-time athlete full-time coach and that was like the worst fucking decision because it's so much time in the gym. And I would like wake up, eat, train, coach, train, sleep, maybe like on the gym floor, train, coach, go back. You know, it was like that six days a week. And so I by the time I got to the games I was just trashed and um yeah and then the I stayed with him through 2022 season um but he was slowly losing the involvement in our programming and he didn't come out to the semis and stuff and it was fine he was going in
Starting point is 01:12:21 a different place in his life I think we both struggled to just like step away from each other because it was such a long relationship. Um, so then did 2022 miss the podium. I got third. Um, you went to Johannesburg to do that. That was Cape town, but yeah. Okay. Um, thought like it was the worst thing ever. I was literally like, what now? What, like, what am I going to do? Like I was and then also, too, on top of that, I had just been yeah. You have any like like childhood trauma? You got any like a little bit of that? You know, my mom called me fat, told me I can swim in cold water because that's fat.
Starting point is 01:12:57 All right. Then we can really. Yeah. A lot of that stuff was coming out just like naturally. So I I think I did a podcast like right after the games i was like yeah like i i you know i trained too much and i didn't rest enough and i burnt out and day two at the games i literally woke up and like had no thought process like mind body there was no mind body connection like couldn't think straight i literally just cried the entire day but i like no idea why I'm crying. And it was just like a massive breakdown. And then that went on for like three months.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Is that what that is? You, you tapped a vein of childhood trauma. Literally like my, sorry, I eventually got in therapy. My therapist was like, I,
Starting point is 01:13:39 it's less of anything to do with CrossFit and more so that I just like pushed myself in so many directions for so long that my body and my brain were eventually, I say like, it's like, like my mind and my body took me and just like threw me on my back and like wouldn't let me get up until they were ready. Do you know what I mean? Like I had no control of that. Right. And so, yeah, it's just massive breakdown and it went on for a couple of months until I finally got into therapy and then started like working through a lot of things and understanding things. And how did you end up going to therapy? Did someone tell you you have to?
Starting point is 01:14:16 No, I think I asked my dad because I was like on the couch, didn't want to do anything. You're so lucky. What a good dad you have good job asking your dad that you felt well i mean just that that means your dad did his job that his daughter could come to him yes that's true you don't you don't want your kid to kill themselves and then fine and then because you selfishly are going to be like fuck i why didn't they come to me yeah yeah anyway so not that you were going to kill yourself, but I just took it to that extreme. Okay. That's awesome. Good job, dad.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Yeah, exactly. Listen, listen to me. I'm not talking bad about Rosemary. I'm just joking. My mom always had milk in the fridge and peanut butter and jelly for dinner. They don't. I'm just my mom's name was Rosemary. Yeah, that's nice.
Starting point is 01:14:59 That's very pretty. Yeah. My mother's name is Mary. My dad's name is Joseph. You know who else had those parents, Mary and Joseph? Jesus. Thank you. There you go, people. There you go. I have issues. Okay, go on. Okay, so you talked – so you did – you talked – why did you talk to your dad?
Starting point is 01:15:18 I have a good relationship with my dad. Like we're – my parents went through a really nasty divorce growing up and so like oh they're not together anymore no they haven't been together since i was like eight or nine okay and so there was a good like six years five six years where i in a sense wasn't allowed to see my dad and so um then when i was 16 like made my own decision to go see him and we had to like recreate that relationship again. Um, but I've always gone along with my dad and, and we're very similar. Um, so yeah, he's like my go-to. Can you give me an example of what you say where you're like, Hey dad, I'm just crying a lot or Hey dad, I'm exhausted. Or do you actually point to what you
Starting point is 01:16:00 think is the issue? Is that the childhood trauma is it was it the divorce was hard on you um yeah it was the divorce and like the one side of my family has a lot of its own like trauma generational trauma toxicity like controlling like I I had um a big influence from that side of mom my grandparents and they weren't like in my opinion like the best influence and so i think a lot of the negativity and like they were very much um like you have to prove yourself to get their approval type relationship and so um yeah it's just like chasing your tail are you jewish are you jewish no no i had my my aunts are jewish but i think they married into that so yeah yeah it was it just sounded like some jewish culture shit
Starting point is 01:16:51 like that that that that approval stuff that that's gonna be a hard upbringing you're lucky you didn't get into drugs and alcohol yeah yeah make an awesome drunk. You could really just fucking, yeah. Okay, have a good time. Were you ever into drugs or alcohol? No, I like had my fair share, but nothing crazy. I didn't drink or smoke pot or anything like that until my senior year of high school. And even then it was like, but at that point, I had already been into CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:17:20 So I was like, oh, you're telling me I'm going to wake up hungover the next day and I can't work out. No, that's not for me. So CrossFit CrossFit got me first. Sorry, one second. Sean Lenderman. Did he ever say what birth fit is? My wife delivered our third baby yesterday. I'm trying to find her a good postpartum plan. Yes. Yes, Sean. Yes, you want to be your wife wants to be around those people. Those are fucking great people. What's BirthFit? BirthFit is this, it's a shitload of CrossFitters,
Starting point is 01:17:56 but it's a support group for women from everything, from just the thought of having a baby to fucking having a baby, right? And just taking care of your body, your mind, and your soul. And being, I mean, my bias is I just like it because they just believe in women. Women can do it. Like they believe in like, hey – and this is my projection, not them. I'm not speaking on behalf of them. But they believe women can do it.
Starting point is 01:18:23 They believe that women can get pregnant eating right and being physically healthy and finding a loving man and then they can make a love child and then they feel that then the woman could get pregnant and then have the baby you know basically at home and then take care of the baby and that the whole the woman is eminently capable of all that better than a hospital that's up and if you want to take that path even if you don't want to take that path they have something for you but if you want to take that path they got groups within birth fit that will help women do that, help unprogram them. Because we have this belief that you need hospitals and you need all this shit to do to raise a kid, and you don't. My wife just pushed – my wife just fucked me, got the semen, had the baby on the living room floor, and now we have healthy kids.
Starting point is 01:19:01 The end. That's right. I love that. Thank you. Thank you. I love The end. That's right. I love that. Thank you. Thank you. I love that too. That's amazing. So I just love BirthFit.
Starting point is 01:19:10 I love everything that they stand for. I love the belief that they have in women. I just think it's – so yeah, good group of people. Sean, awesome. Thanks. Women need more support. Like there's too many doctors treat pregnancy like a disability. Yeah, it's fucking –
Starting point is 01:19:23 Yeah, that's right. The baby batter. Thank you. Yes, the the baby batter they got to get the baby better um so so you go talk to your dad and and does he suggest therapy um i think so i think he had like a contact of like the therapist that i'm working with now um but i built a pool for him he built a pool for him yeah he did and um i just couldn't think straight like i what i wasn't functioning and i thought maybe i was like i had something going on like i was like maybe i'm bipolar maybe i'm like add like maybe something's like because I couldn't function for the life of me. And I started going to therapy and like just worked through a lot of stuff, got a better understanding of like family and relationships and needed to learn boundaries.
Starting point is 01:20:17 And like you almost have to like grieve your childhood in a sense. And that was the emotional part of it for me, the like crying on and off. Like I literally cried on and off for like seven months day to day, just insane. And it was, it was nothing I could really do or stop. It was just like grieving and processing stuff that you like shoved down for 25 years, you know, which is a crazy concept because for half, like half that time that it was going on, I thought I was crazy. Like one point I told my therapist, I was like, I think I need rehab. She's like, dude, you don't need rehab. Like, like stop. But I just couldn't get my mind straight, but it just, I just had to like, give it time. And I, through that whole
Starting point is 01:21:01 process, that's also still like, I need to be crossfitting. I need to be competing. I took a year off in a sense, but I almost didn't because I was still like mad that I wasn't competing. You know what I mean? So. When you say give it time, does your therapist also give you tools? Yeah. They give you tools? Yeah. I mean like like breathing exercises or questions who would i be without this thought or they give you tools of of mid i mean because basically what you're saying is is that the voices in your head were so loud and so and coming so quickly that you couldn't get reprieve from them yeah i think that's why so many of us exercise right we're like fuck i'm
Starting point is 01:21:42 gonna go tap out 100 burpees to shut the fucking brain down you won't you're you're gonna change your tune if i fucking exercise you go fuck yeah exactly yeah yeah no that's a good way to put it and it was just like a concept that i couldn't grasp for a while because you also get like as a woman like you get like that stuff where if you are emotional it's like oh you're overreacting or there's something wrong with you or it's your period or blah blah so like I thought it was some of that stuff for a while especially like growing up with three guys you know like I didn't have a lot of like female response to my situations I guess and so it took me a while to accept the fact that I was like okay we're grieving. We need to like learn some things here. We need to learn to like take care of those,
Starting point is 01:22:30 that younger self that like pops up. That's another thing too. It's like a lot of times the way you react to things, it's like because of something that happened in your past. And it's just like younger person having a reaction, you know, like that to me was a crazy concept. I was like, oh. Are you still in therapy yeah i like it's we're going on are you addicted to it maybe a little bit there's like twice now when my therapist like we can go every two weeks like we
Starting point is 01:22:56 can go once a month i'm like nope i'm good once a week yeah yeah and it's it's been good too because she was with me through missing the games last year and then she was with me through making it this year. So she's also helped me like with the athletic side of it too. I wonder if you could get like two things done at once. Like you could get waxed and therapy at the same time. So like you could help consolidate, you know what I mean, consolidate your timing. Or I guess at least wear toe spac So like you could help consolidate, you know what I mean? Consolidate your timing or, or, or,
Starting point is 01:23:26 or I guess at least wear toe spacers while you're doing it. Like, that's why I like this show so much. Now I'm wearing toe spacers. I'm doing two things at once. It's brilliant. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 01:23:35 come, uh, that could be a new business. Get waxed and we'll talk you through your problem. Yeah. Probably, probably ease the waxing a little bit. Make it nice.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Is your mom in the States she is yeah and when your parents divorced you lived with your dad i initially lived with my mom and kind of her parents and then when i was 16 because i hadn't really seen my dad for like a good five six years oh no shit yeah they was like, it was a very like spiteful, petty divorce, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I don't know, but I can imagine my mom was a divorce attorney.
Starting point is 01:24:11 I could imagine. Yeah. Yeah. I had kind of the opposite. My parents were like, you take them. No, you take them. Yeah. I'm joking, but I got to see both of them plenty even though they went through a divorce
Starting point is 01:24:25 wow you didn't see your dad for fun and did you not see your brothers during that time either um my oldest brother no because he so he actually has a different mom um so he's like my half brother but he's my brother and so he when my dad when they separated my dad went he left with my dad me and my middle brother stayed with my mom. And then halfway through high school, my middle brother left to stay with my dad. And then I eventually left as well. And so yeah, it's just a very, very tricky divorce. And it's crazy. Like my dad could be so spiteful towards that side of the family that like kept us from him but he's um like my parents are great now like we all have family dinners together no shit
Starting point is 01:25:12 they fixed it wow like and that makes it so much easier on me you know way easier I love to hear that I've never heard that I've heard lots of like, I didn't know that. Wow. Yeah. So, um, but I, yeah, I mean like we missed out on a lot of like family dynamics. So I think now being past all that, like we're trying to recreate that in its own sense as best as possible, which is great. So I love spending time with my family cause we just didn't get a lot of that growing up. So at 16, did you move back in with your dad yeah oh that's exactly what i did too isn't that crazy it's my mom kicked me out when i was like 15 and a half or 16 yeah and i moved in back in with my dad did you get kicked out yeah in a sense oh but yeah it's because i wanted to see him it wasn't because i was like oh or anything oh i was bad i was bad were you
Starting point is 01:26:01 i gotta see on my report card. Listen, Jason Rosales, are you a big believer of toe spacers now? I don't believe anything. Let's be clear about that. I remember you used to always make fun of the product. People say shit. Show me where I made fun of the product ever. Please, show me.
Starting point is 01:26:20 There you go. I mean, I made fun of Michelle a few times in the show, but it doesn't mean I'm not a believer in Michelle. I don't understand what you mean I made fun of it. I love a toe spacer. The whole idea, before I had this podcast, before I even knew what toe spacers were, I had toe spacers. I had toe spacers when my first child was born. He had hammer toe.
Starting point is 01:26:42 That's like where one of the toes climbs up onto the other toe. And so I just went on Amazon and bought them toe spacers. I don't know what you mean. Say that again. They've been around for a while. A toe spacers. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure. Like I'm sure the Chinese use them as a torture device. Someone in the comments is someone on YouTube recently said that Sevan plays the victim plays the victim. I was like, can you give me one example of that too like i would love to uh help me out help hook a brother up tell me
Starting point is 01:27:10 like they're saying that i'm always like feeling sorry for men that men are i'm not feeling sorry for men it's cool we can be standing up i'm totally i'm the opposite i think we're better than women because of that yeah they're gonna bring some facts to the table here yeah so we're gonna have to make fun of toe spacers i mean maybe like i'm i don't know what you mean we made fun of no my parents aren't together now but they're but my parents have never i never saw my parents do any petty shit like my i see them together all the time so like all the holidays and and i, even just recently, um, this kind of caught me off guard. Probably shouldn't say this, but even recently my dad was like, Oh, my dad was like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:27:51 I'm going for a walk. Uh, and my, my, I have a step-mom around too. My dad's like, I'm going for a walk. Well, my mom was like, Oh, I'll go with you. And they went for a walk. That's nice. Yeah. Everything's every I've never, they've, if they have issues, they've always hid them from me which I appreciate oh sorry this is heavy the show's about Melissa your name's Michelle sorry
Starting point is 01:28:11 show's about Michelle Melissa you can't help it there he goes oh no he's talking about that Melissa oh okay the show's not about michelle what happened after your um your first coach then where did you go oh i forgot wow i like forgot what you're even talking about me too certainly back um okay so yeah i came off that semis um stayed in africa for a little bit. And then I stopped CrossFit for a while. I was like super
Starting point is 01:28:48 stressed out and just, how can you do that? How can you stop CrossFit? It was not easy. I, I had this, I had really like, I had really bad acne from just stressing so bad about life, whatever. And so I met this dude that works on your gut, like gut guy. And he helped me like fix that. And he was like, you have to stop working out. He was like, you can only work out for an hour and like four times a week max. And I was like, dude, you're crazy. And he was like, I'm not kidding. And I did that for a couple of weeks and skin cleared up. Inflammation went down. I had to lower my stress. So I was just overly stressing. It was ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:29:28 But it felt really weird. What's the guy's name? What's the guy's name? Matt. Matt the Body Tech. That's his Instagram name. And I forget what his last name is. But he was awesome.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Dude, acne can be traumatic. You have amazing skin. Thank you. I still get breakouts here and there. But it's a lot better. And when do when my stress gets high my skin does react so what's his name matt the what matt the body tech i think it was um it was it was it was more stress than oh yeah there he is matt cusano yes exactly by michinet. Bassinet. Yeah, he's doing bodybuilding. But his knowledge with gut health and hormones, hormone testing,
Starting point is 01:30:12 I did some of that with him. He was great through that process. Did he change your diet at all? Yeah, he put me on an extremely clean diet. Like no process, no sugar. I could only have rice and yellow potatoes, only three types of vegetables, three types of fruit, meat, like very, very clean for, I think we did that for like four or six weeks or like that. And, um, it was super helpful. Like I also, I lean,
Starting point is 01:30:42 like I came off gluten through that process, which now I just like, don't prefer gluten. Like, I feel like it adds a lot of inflammation. Um, and so did that with him for a few weeks and I came on with Matt Torres around the same time. Oh, over at brute. Yep. I was looking at underdog and I was looking at brute. Um, Oh, I think I remember you, you went out to Vegas.
Starting point is 01:31:05 I think I remember that, right. You were out there for a second. I wanted to go out there. I was going to go for Zalos games and then I didn't go. Okay. Maybe that's what I remember. Okay. Um, so leaving my coach, I was like, okay, who am I going to next? So I'm just like looking at the different programs and I was like, well, I want a training environment. I want to be around other people. I've trained by myself for like six years.
Starting point is 01:31:25 I'm over that. And I, you know, when you're like in an environment that's better than you and then like you become better, like that's what I wanted. Like I wanted to level up in a sense. And, um, so went with Brute. It was good. I really liked working with Matt. He was great.
Starting point is 01:31:42 And I told him, I was like, dude, I'm far from competing. Like, I don't know if you want to burn out athlete. And he was like, it's good. I really liked working with Matt. He was great. And I told him, I was like, dude, I'm far from competing. Like, I don't know if you want to burn out athlete. And he was like, it's good. Like we'll just work into things, whatnot. So we worked for a few months. And then, um, Well, you, you didn't go to Florida. No. And that was, yeah, there wasn't really like room for me down there in a sense from what I was told or whatnot. And coming on with him, I was like,
Starting point is 01:32:06 I need a training environment. Like I can't be training by myself anymore. And so that was like a, a big thing that like, I couldn't go down to Naples. Um, so then I got offered team with, um, Andre who did that. Oh, wow. Yeah. Which was awesome. He seems pretty serious. He's great, yeah. Yeah, I met him a few years back.
Starting point is 01:32:31 But the visa situation was tricky, so that didn't work out. No shit, you were going to go there. Where is he? Is he in France? He's in... What country is he? Not Denmark, I'm pretty sure. So you were going to go there?
Starting point is 01:32:44 Yeah, just six months. I'm pretty sure. So you were going to go there? Yeah. Just six months. I was like, let's do it. I think that would have been really cool. But at that time, I was still very nervous that I wasn't going to be prepared to take on the season. Like I was still height of the burnout. So then through Brute, I got offered to do do team with Kelsey Keel in Philly, which also would have been really awesome. Um, but I just didn't think that I would be able to like compete.
Starting point is 01:33:13 I was just still kind of on my ass and like trying to get on my own two feet. And so, um, was the self doubt like the biggest problem, um, more than whatever problem you were suggesting might be there yeah I think so my body wasn't responding to working out for the whole like the whole of last year what's that look like I mean I like I could do an hour workout and I would be sore for like three days and I would just like I just wasn't responding to any type of training but it's probably because I like mentally wasn't actually responding okay um and so then me and matt kind of fell off um and he he's got a lot going on he's he took over brute at the time he's got like great athletes down there so having
Starting point is 01:33:56 a long distance athlete especially in my position wasn't really like ideal anyways and then it just faded away pretty much we both we had like a call and we were both just kind of like i was like hey i think i'm gonna go in a different direction and so was he so there's no hard feelings there i liked brute like i think it was a great um would have been a great choice i just think i needed something more one-on-one like a little bit more attention and he is just in a different spot, which is totally fine, you know? Which it seems like what he's doing down there, though, it seems like he's figured out a way.
Starting point is 01:34:34 I can't imagine how busy his days are, but it sounds like, I mean, their success is crazy, right? Oh, yeah. I mean, they're doing great. They are. But, like, if I'm not down there and, like, I'm long distance. Right, right. For sure. The same. So it wasn't it wasn't it was it wasn't a bad split with Brute. Oh, no, not at all. It was just like, thanks. Like basically he reached out.
Starting point is 01:34:53 You guys work together a little bit and then. Yeah. And then you're like, I want to do something more local. Yeah. Or I need to move down. Or I need to move down there. Yeah, exactly. So then still at this point, this is november december of last year i'm
Starting point is 01:35:07 not even like thinking about competing and then i went on this um date and this guy was like yeah you should come to my gym and i was like oh i thought he was a bodybuilder and he was like no i do crossfit and i was like okay where did you meet him where did you meet this guy we just like through um messaging you know like a little dm so some guy dms you and then you check his profile and you're like oh he's cute and then and then he says some things that make it think that it's safe to go out with him and so like you choose a public place to meet and then yeah sorry i just and you got coffee and then you're like oh this is this is nice and you didn't even know he's a crossfitter no i thought he was a bodybuilder
Starting point is 01:35:45 i told him that and then he said i'm a crossfitter and i was like okay you don't do you think maybe he just told you that so that you would like him or is he really a crossfitter did he take you to a gym yeah yeah so then he was like yeah you should come work out with us and i was like okay and i had heard sorry one more question how could you possibly find someone in your DMs? Do you know what I mean by that? Like it must be just a shit show in there. I mean, I look at it here and there, but it's, I mean, I don't know. I don't pay too much attention to it, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:36:20 So you just kind of got lucky. Like you're like, you're probably like sitting somewhere waiting and you just opened up like five random out of the 10,000 unopened in there. And then you're like, oh, this guy wants to go honest. So you just kind of got lucky. Like you're like, you were, you were probably like sitting somewhere waiting and you just opened up like five random out of the 10,000 unopened in there. And then you're like, Oh, this guy wants to go out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:31 How many times had he DM you? Once. Oh, wow. What a fucking, what are the chances of that? Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Go on. I just can't fucking believe that happens because I know, I know, I know, I know what your inbox looks like. It's a fucking train wreck right i mean there's not too many ways that i'm gonna be meeting like guys you know what i mean it's like going out all the time and then you are you on any dating apps yeah i mean like i've had them but you can't really be on those can you you'll get just
Starting point is 01:36:59 fucking in and dating yeah it's just not that worth it plus i don't like i don't like messaging like i don't like texting or like messaging if i were to like match with someone and then i would be like we either hang out and see if this is a vibe or no like i don't like that like small talk of like what's your favorite color right okay um yeah so then came and worked out with them met taylor and i had some no shit it was the dude at taylor's gym yeah how far is your date are you at your house right now is this your house this is my roommate's house i rent from him but yeah okay but that's what i mean that's where you live how far is your front door to taylor's front door where he where he sleeps at night 40 minutes oh and then how far is your front door from your gym's front door where you train every day 40 minutes holy shit okay so now
Starting point is 01:37:54 it's starting to make sense to me so he takes you to this gym you need to move yeah but I love this spot and I have a garage gym here okay okay price okay. I have a price on it, so we're close. Is your roommate a boy or a girl? He's a guy. Wow. His name's Blake. He's very nice. He golfs.
Starting point is 01:38:14 He's, like, a really good golfer. Blaine or Blake? 98% dicks, LOL. What? So what did someone write? The comments. Oh, oh. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:27 So you were basically, you and Matt Torres just faded. Where were you training when this guy took you to this gym? I got to slow down this part of the story. There's some details here that have to be uncovered. We went across at Charlotte. So that's where they train out of. That's where Taylor's out of. And that's Andy Hendel's gym?
Starting point is 01:38:49 Yes. And did you know that that was Andy Hendel's gym? And did you know who Spencer Hendel was? And did you know you were going into like a place that's pretty, I mean, it has fucking crazy CrossFit history? No, not to a degree. I knew who Andy was because he did my level one years ago. Okay. no not to a degree i knew who andy was because he did my level one years ago okay um but no i didn't know that um his son competed and and that they had like that whole thing i didn't realize taylor had a whole thing going on over there because in a sense it's 40 minutes but it was
Starting point is 01:39:14 so close is your housemate straight yes yeah is it weird for him when, when, um, okay. I don't know if I'm ready to ask that question. Okay. Uh, um, uh, but okay. So, so he invites you to the gym. Okay. He invites you to the gym. And, and, and you show up there. Yeah. And then worked out with Taylor. We did this workout, I think with like 60 ring muscle ups in it. And I was like, I thought he was tripping. I was like, 60 is so many, like whatever. Does he know who you are? Does he know who you are? I think we knew of each other and I'd seen
Starting point is 01:39:53 him like, or maybe I saw him at crash a few weeks back. He knows a lot of game shit. I would guess he would know who you are. I mean, he knows a lot of game shit. Yeah. I mean, we're local to each other in a sense. And, um, I had some friends that were following his programming at the time and my friends a few months before this were like you should try taylor stuff and i was like no i don't know who that is like wow that's cool okay i like that i was being a dick oh yeah yeah that's fine yeah and then when i when i worked out with them i really liked the fact that they had like a group thing going and um so then I just kind of kept jumping into some workouts and then me and Matt separated and I like went to Taylor and I was like do you individual program and he was like not really and I was like okay well I'm looking for that and he was like well he like took a day or two and
Starting point is 01:40:42 then he came back to me I was like all right I we could took a day or two and then he came back to me. I was like, all right, I, we can maybe like try this out. And we both were like, we'll just, we'll try it out and see how it goes. Um, and there wasn't doing the same programming he's doing. Cause he's obviously, he wants to go to the games, right? Yes, he does. Yeah. He, he's, he's, he's, he's recovering. No, he, he has his own coach that does programming for him and then he does my
Starting point is 01:41:06 individual stuff and then he does his smtp stuff who's his coach i'm not sure you're not allowed to say no i just don't i don't know the guy's name he's told me before but i don't it is it jr no it's not jr it's another guy and i think he's i think they've worked together for a while hey how come no one uses j does anyone use jr to try to go to the games how come no one used how is jr just like a completely untapped resource or does jr not have the time probably that maybe jr just doesn't want to but he's a good he's got he's a pretty hardcore family man like he's the kind of guy if you're talking to him and his wife like walks in the room or says jr he'll be like bye like there's
Starting point is 01:41:45 no yeah just bye just hang up on you he's an awesome dude his competition crash is like one of my favorite competitions it's so good and the workouts are always so hard um uh are you and are you enjoying um uh um taylor's a very he's a unique man. Yeah. Are you enjoying that? Yeah, I think. He's very aggressive. He is, but like, just like with certain, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:42:17 when he's like in his workouts and stuff, you know, he's also really funny. He's very funny. He's a goofball. Yeah, I don't know. And then we started doing some workouts together, just me and taylor and that was pretty cool and um what happened to the guy that you were dating we're friends oh all right he ended up in the friend zone yeah um yeah that didn't go anywhere but then i stuck around and started working out and yeah now do you still do you still train with that
Starting point is 01:42:47 guy uh-huh sometimes but I think I'm at the gym more now than he is so does he have games aspirations that guy no which is totally fine wow what what a trip that um man I would I would love to hear his story like if he if he like went fishing and like he caught a big fish but couldn't bring it onto the boat i think he struggled a little bit metaphorically speaking uh or uh john hi i don't know hi jr um what do you mean um uh are you are you hard to date yeah probably i just don't like like actually date date like boyfriend girlfriend we're dating i don't do that very easily like that's what other kind of dating is there i don't know i mean i think there's like hanging out and stuff but like if i'm actually gonna date someone like i'd be pretty interested in them and i don't okay yeah i just don't i don't i'm not easily like um how long like you're not going
Starting point is 01:43:51 to share locations with someone like so they very easily on your iphone no i mean yeah i'm also very independent so i need someone else that's independent. I don't like... Do they need to play hard to get a little bit? No, I think they just need to have their own shit. They need to have their own life, their own friends, their own thing going for them. I'm not super... I don't get super intertwined, I guess. You want someone you can take for granted.
Starting point is 01:44:23 I guess. I think that's perfectly okay. Yeah I guess. I think that's perfectly okay. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's 99 cents. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. I don't know what inspired that, but thank you.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Oh, boy. Maybe he just wanted you to see his picture. Oh, wow. Nice picture. Yeah. He's a good dude. He's fine. He's fine.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Okay. Oh, here we go. Oh, sorry, bud. Nice picture. Yeah, he's a good dude. He's funny. Oh, here we go. Oh, sorry, bud. You're out. Ask her on a scale from one to America how free she is going to go on a... Oh. Dude, you're way too far away from her. He wants to...
Starting point is 01:44:58 How free is she going to go on a date with me sometime soon? I don't get what that means. How free is she going to go on a date? How soon? How soon is she going to go on a date with me sometime soon? I don't get what that means. How free is she going to go on a date? How soon? How soon is she going to date with me? Not soon. You're not going to go on a date with this guy?
Starting point is 01:45:14 Yeah. He said, Pool Boy. Oh, someone else said that. Pool Boy is very independent besides a team at semifinals. I thought that was funny. This is a nice guy. You know who he trains with? Do you know who Kelly Clark is?
Starting point is 01:45:29 I feel like I've heard that name. Last year, she missed going to the games by one point. I know her, too. She's a local girl. She's in our area. She's the local CrossFit girl star. Nice. And he trains with her.
Starting point is 01:45:42 I think maybe he trains atason kalipa's gym too bro learn to read uh you're misreading it dude well okay i'm misread please okay go ahead michelle your turn go ahead what am i am i reading yeah yeah let's see you're reading her on a scale from one to america how free is she to go on a date with me sometime soon? How free is she? Oh, how free is she to go? Oh, how free is she? Oh, like your schedule. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:11 Wow. You do know how to read better than me. All right. You guys point, point Michelle. Point everyone. Schedule's packed, guys. Sebon, ask her on a scale from one to America, how free is she to go on a date with me sometime soon? Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 01:46:27 See, I think if he wouldn't have said sometime soon, you could have been, I think that was just too forceful. It didn't click for me the first time either. If I'm not getting too bad. She's playing hard to get. Well, I needed help. She helped me. She is going to the games is everything games now a little bit yeah yeah your therapist okay with that and your gut health guy is okay with that
Starting point is 01:46:55 they're like all right we understand yeah yeah it's like it's just very time consuming now especially with a drive to the gym like i'll go out for a morning session and then i'll come back and i'll do a pm session here but then i think as we start adding more things in it'll start to be like two gym sessions and that's like two hours if not more in the car um and so also too like i don't like my training getting moved like i don't like having to move it around so like i had some plans this weekend and then i don't like my training getting moved. Like, I don't like having to move it around. So, like, I had some plans this weekend, and then I had to adjust my training, and then I just get frustrated. So, it's like, but you also, I also need some, like, downtime and some stuff outside of CrossFit. So, I, like, do go socialize and, like, hang with friends and stuff.
Starting point is 01:47:38 But if it messes with training, then it, I get a little conflicted, you know? Does your housemate work out he does yeah yeah he does like a bit of crossfit and stuff and then he golfs like a lot like every day like he wants to be a pro golfer he does yeah i think he's trying to make like pga level i think this is like a good sign oh this is a guy in his underwear. It's a guy in American flag underwear carrying a kettlebell. She's a vibe.
Starting point is 01:48:11 What do you think that means? I think that's good. It's the t-shirt. My wolf t-shirt. Someone's going to have to explain by vibe, but I think that's a good... Eaton Beaver. someone's gonna have to explain what um by vibe but i think that's a good i'm eating beaver uh
Starting point is 01:48:26 savon you will have subscribers fall in love after meeting through the live chat and get married oh that would be cool uh uh how do you run savon how do you not know who blaine mcconnell is well i was gonna say he's um he was in crossfit and then now he does um bobsledding maybe am i wrong he's like a super powerhouse athlete if i'm thinking of this right guy oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah this guy does a lot of crazy strong shit. I think he was in CrossFit forever ago. Maybe I do know. I can't even read a sentence this morning
Starting point is 01:49:12 because Michelle is such a vibe. Oh, look it. This is the one. Maybe it's not. I think I'm going to get someone else. I can't see his face. That's why I need like a... Because look, he's bobsledding.
Starting point is 01:49:25 But look at this. Yeah. I want to see this. What's this kid doing over here? Days that start with the training session with my number one. Oh, that's cute. Yeah. Are you going to have kids?
Starting point is 01:49:37 Oh, yeah. This guy's a fucking hoss. Yeah. What? Are you going to have kids? Eventually. I'd like to yeah you'll get married first yeah probably probably try to lay it out like that but we'll see what happens you know you're 26 i'm 26 i don't i don't want to have babies anytime soon though i'm not gonna lie pregnancy is like scary yeah it's scary as fuck right
Starting point is 01:50:05 when my wife got pregnant the whole time i was thinking i never told her this i was like how the fuck does she wake up every morning knowing that she's gonna have to push this thing out of her vagina dude i would be terrified blows my mind my mind. Yeah. But, but have you ever seen a birth? Um, I, yeah, maybe like a random video here and there.
Starting point is 01:50:30 And then the vagina is like a transformer. I'm telling you. Yeah. It does some shit down there that you can't even fucking believe. And you're like, okay, I get it. Like,
Starting point is 01:50:39 you're not like, yeah. Even though some of my dude friends have fainted, but like, you're like're like oh you're not just an autobot you're a robot too and then it like just changes and you're like oh okay your birth canal yeah and then when it's done it just goes back to being a vagina it's weird it's wild yeah crazy i don't know if i want to have kids and then my two brothers had kids and now watching them be dads and and build their families i'm like oh that's awesome so you like being an auntie yeah i do like it i got i got
Starting point is 01:51:10 some cute nieces and nephews yeah it's fun um when you you're so you go to the games and the thumb will be your coach he'll be the dude he'll get the coach's pass yeah do you ever call him the thumb no and i only heard you guys call him that or someone called him that like a few weeks ago and i thought it was hilarious but i don't call him that it's endearing the thumb yeah yeah i'm that was one thing even pre-semis because i wasn't really like overly stressing trying to make the games i was just trying to like have a season and feel healthy and not like hate everything, like hate the gym and stuff.
Starting point is 01:51:51 Which I've really enjoyed prepping for with like Taylor and stuff. But I was like games training with Taylor would be sick. I was like, that would be so fun. So now I'm really glad we get that opportunity. Holy shit. Are your parents going to go? Will your mom and dad go? Yeah. And so my my my dad's been to a lot of my competitions he's um seen me compete quite a few times my mom's seen me compete once and then my brothers have never seen me compete and they're
Starting point is 01:52:15 coming so that's pretty cool will you be a train wreck or will you be will you enjoy it or do you not know I think I'm gonna enjoy it more so this time than last time like last game's experience i like looked at it as a failure for like a really long time and so i didn't actually enjoy it um but this time it's like i don't know there's a lot of things that are different my environment's different my coaches are different it's more positive my mindset's better so i think it's going to be good um i this is a little uh uncomfortable to bring up i apologize but uh barry mccauchner uh wants to know does michelle know taylor steals luggage do you know about his past no well yeah this is i wish we didn't have to
Starting point is 01:53:00 bring this up um taylor used to be in charge of uh the biden administration um had taylor in charge of the department of energy's uh most uh secure or dangerous assets and um here he and he was caught for stealing luggage recently and lost his position but wow i did not know this yeah it this is it's his code name. His code name is Sam Brighton. You never heard anyone like he answers his phone, and he's like, hello, this is Sam. I mean, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:53:34 You never heard that? No. Oh, my God. This is wild. Yeah. I apologize. He's a good dude. He's not going to steal your luggage. Does Taylor run a bar you're at, let's say? He's been he's he's completely look at yeah it is a sad sad story yes
Starting point is 01:53:51 uh sub on let me educate you on vaginas what i'm 51 she's only 26 like what the fuck do you like she knows that i know stuff it's cool it's not i'm not it's not it's not because i'm smart i can't read sentences she reads sentences i tell her about how vaginas transform seen it happen three times up close and personal school wow um okay i appreciate you being on yeah thank you yeah you're wonderful you're so cool you're easy you're easy as fuck yeah you're always welcome on um i felt a little strong arm when taylor was like hey can you have michelle on like like like he was like using his proximity to me to use me but but i i feel happily used i enjoy it yeah it was fun cool all. All right. Seriously. Anytime. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:54:45 Uh, good luck. We'll be watching. Um, I have your phone number. Um, I've been known to bug people to get them back on, never feel any pressure,
Starting point is 01:54:54 but, uh, I, I, I'll definitely would like to talk to you again. Um, for sure. We've got a wild group for the,
Starting point is 01:55:02 for our Airbnb. Yeah. Taylor, our whole gang, then jr and hiller and some other dude oh shit be careful with hiller oh okay use make sure you befriend him because he's the crossfit tabloid right that's his new it's fair and him befriend manipulate use take advantage in that order yes got it harness harness that's what i meant right awesome oh my god look this guy never says anything nice to me that was great savon holy shit this must be a great show thanks dav, David. Yeah. All right. All right, girl.
Starting point is 01:55:46 Thank you. Have a great day. You're wonderful. And we'll be rooting for you. Thanks so much, Vaughn. Have a good one. Bye, guys. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:56:00 Yeah, I get what you mean by she's a vibe. I wish I could describe what that is, but she's a total vibe. I don't know if I've ever used that term. It's either because I don't want to say really what I feel or I'm just being lazy or I don't know yet. Yeah, she's super personable. Is that it? Oh, she's beautiful. Yeah, she's all those. She's cool.
Starting point is 01:56:15 Yeah. Yeah. Where's Rosie? You saw Rosie in here? I always like to say hi to Rosie. Oh, there she is say hi to Rosie. Oh, there she is. Hi,
Starting point is 01:56:26 Rosie. Okay. Yeah, she's great. That was easy. She has great charisma. I prepped by um she was on uh switzer's podcast with uh cat sheer and scott on the Clydesdale media podcast so last night last night i went to greg's house for dinner and on the way there i listened to it at 1.25 time and then i listened to it on the way back.
Starting point is 01:57:06 Then I walked around my house, my yard a little bit when I got home and finished listening to it. And then what else did I listen to to prepare for her? One more thing. What did I? Oh, no. Then I just went to her Instagram and combed her Instagram. Yeah, I think Kelly Baker is going to be great too. I'm excited.
Starting point is 01:57:22 Oh, tomorrow is going to be great. This guy, Ezra Adderhall, is going to be dope, I think excited oh tomorrow is going to be great this guy ezra adderhold is going to be dope i think i'm excited it's a good week and then thursday greg glassman's coming on again all right i actually didn't think today's show i was surprised today's show went over 90 minutes. Ezra Adderhold, golfer, frisbee golfer. Yolk frisbee golfer. All in shape frisbee golfer dude. I wonder if he even does CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:57:57 No, I kind of stopped bugging Sarah. I could start bugging her again. You want me to start bugging her again? You guys want to bring Sarah on? I'd like to have her on. At some point it just becomes like, okay, maybe I should give them some space. But then you never know. Then they might be like thinking the same thing,
Starting point is 01:58:14 like since I'm not asking them on anymore that they don't want to bug me. Who knows? Oh, that's a great question. So I was just telling my mom yesterday. We were at the ranch, and I did nine, eight. I don't remember. I mom yesterday, we were at the ranch and I did nine, nine, eight. I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:58:28 I did some pull-ups at the ranch and that was the first, most pull-ups I've done in like forever, but it feels okay. I mean, Hiller really worked on my arm. Good. I didn't do 20. I think I did 9.
Starting point is 01:58:47 That was fun. I really enjoyed seeing you guys. I hadn't eaten that day. I was trying to save my appetite for the evening. And Justin Medeiros' mom brought me some spicy margaritas, homemade. So basically, it was fresh cut up cucumber, cilantro, and jalapeno. It was all mashed in with what I think is sparkling water and tequila. I don't know what the fuck was in there.
Starting point is 01:59:12 What's in a margarita? Is it tequila or vodka? Whatever's in there. I was fucked up. I had three of them. Yeah, she was there and mr madaris hey and when you see him in person and i got to hang out with justin's grandpa and when you see him in person and i hugged him like you'll understand justin like there's just people who have different genetics and he just has different genetics
Starting point is 01:59:37 tequila yeah he's just he's not made normal, the dad, Anthony. Big head, huge back, huge back. Huge, huge, huge, huge. Not like genetically outlier for sure. And then that would explain. You could see, oh, okay, that's what happened to Justin. He got just crazy back. No, I tried.
Starting point is 02:00:09 No. Did you get vindicated for not calling him fat? You know, here's the thing. You want me to tell you the honest truth? No one's watching, right? I think that there is another clip somewhere where I may have used the word. Because that clip that we pulled up where I don't call him chunky and I defend him, I think there's actually another time it came up where I did say something about chunky but either way either way i'm just i'm just happy justin came on and we got the party i like hugging anthony yeah he's fun to hug right but like i don't
Starting point is 02:00:38 think i'm five five and i don't think i can get my arms around underneath his lats. Like I can't hug him. Like, like he's huge. His shoulder, he's, he's fucking wide as fucking semi. Uh, Logan, what's up? Oh,
Starting point is 02:00:53 Oh, Oh shit. Not this again. Hello? Hey, Hey, Hello? Hey.
Starting point is 02:01:08 Okay. You got to wait one second. Hold on hold on hold on are you still there okay hold on one second i'm gonna i'm reconnecting because because because i'm a loser okay are you there hello i guess all right oh yes there you are what's up dude hey um okay you said you're gonna have greg on thursday right yeah so i've got this thought i heard you talk about la sierra that high school thing a couple times like once with uh hunter and once with um greg right right and like the seeing how certain things have been handled by people with like 49ers stuff like that like hearing hunter and greg and you talk about the qualifications for the different things that you're supposed to do for that la sierra thing like uh x amount of dips you know uh two and a half hours in the pool tied up or something i don't remember greg said that some of this was brought up to the ussr almost like as a scaring
Starting point is 02:02:22 tactic oh is that okay yeah. I vaguely remember that. I don't remember. Do you think that the whole program was like more or less just orchestrated for like a marketing or like a, like a strategic way to scare the shit out of the Russians? Because no one's repeated. And then, and then when you guys talk about, when you guys talk about the qualifications, everybody's like,
Starting point is 02:02:44 is this even possible? And that's from people that are crazy high-end in the sports. Even hunters, I don't even know how you do 63 dips or whatever in X amount of time. They must be doing some kind of kipping thing or something. Yeah, the only thing that makes me think that that's possibly true is what you're saying is because of that. That's exactly i was thinking too i was like holy shit like really this is what and and the image of the kids is crazy you've never yeah the image is propaganda jay harrell says
Starting point is 02:03:16 propaganda yeah but here on the on the other hand dude like it's it's so easy to do. If you work – if you gave me 500 boys who are 12 years old, by the time they're 16, I could make them complete fucking – I mean like compared to what we have, just complete animals. Right, right. It's kind of so easy. The high end is like probably harder than a black belt it's like just straight up genetics right top high end right the way that the the whatever the top navy blue or whatever short color was so this is really inside baseball somebody doesn't know what we're talking about but it's it's it's it's um yeah i mean i just have my own i have my own um so i have my own kids right so i have a kid i have my kids have been doing jujitsu now for years right three or four years and then i see some
Starting point is 02:04:14 kids who come in and in one month they're they're not they're like at the 50 yard line as good as my kids already and i'm like holy shit like i get to see different levels of genetics, right? And there are different levels of mental, uh, what's the word? Perspicuity. I get to see different levels of, of just human beings and how they, how they are able to adapt. Right. But at the end of the day, if you just do something with someone every single day for an hour, um, for four or five years, they become fucking amazing. i don't know if it was propaganda but it would be so easy to do and it's a shame we're not doing it i mean can you are you in pretty good shape logan have you been in good shape no i'm not in very good shape you're not
Starting point is 02:04:55 have you ever been in good shape by good shape i mean i mean can you can you run an eight minute mile do you know 20 straight pull-ups can you you squat your body weight? That's what I mean by good weight. I mean, I squat my body weight, but I'm not like a freaking athlete. I always feel weird if somebody calls me an athlete because I don't feel like an athlete. It's just a shame that if a human being doesn't ever get to to to experience their physical prowess, it is a shame. Because it's it's such a it's such a miss. I didn't get to experience mine until I was in my 30s. Well, that's not true in my 20s.
Starting point is 02:05:37 And what a shame, whereas my kids are already experiencing it six, seven, eight years old. And so I don't know. Part of me wants to maybe it was just propaganda but either way i i just keep thinking like it's it it can be done and it should be done right okay well look at this david reed i jerk off for two minutes every day and i'm fucking good at it yeah even two minutes a day oh there you go man he must be practicing to get that get up get a lot oh wow any weird joke sidetrack hey but on the pdf that's not even a joke don't even take it as a joke pdf where you look at the standards is that like a weird janky copy with like pizza sauce stains on it the
Starting point is 02:06:19 standards for that i from for the uh for that, no. What do you mean? I saw it on the internet. Yeah, it's on the internet, so it's true. No, but I'm wondering if the PDF that you looked at with the standards on it, is it like some janky PDF comment with a PDF file with
Starting point is 02:06:40 pizza stains on it? No, no, no, no. Maybe I'm looking at a different PDF, different standards anyways, but... It's a shame. It's a shame that... It's a shame. I would rather... It's a shame that
Starting point is 02:06:55 just every single kid isn't put through some sort of program like that to just experience what their body's capable of. We need to tie more kids up and throw them in the pools is what you're telling me. Yes, thank you. Perfect.
Starting point is 02:07:09 I love it. All right. I gotta let you go. Okay, thanks for calling. Bye-bye. Bye. Logan, it's always nice when he calls. I like to hear his voice.
Starting point is 02:07:16 He didn't call for a long time and now he calls again. Savon, what do you have holding your bun up? I have a rubber band this a green rubber band it's obvious the program is not real. No shit. No shit. First of all, it can't be obvious.
Starting point is 02:07:53 What's obvious is that you're pretty adamant about the program not being real. My 4.5-year-old is now swimming without a floatie. Dude, there's this little Japanese girl that started the kids jiu-jitsu class before she was 5 years old. She came from a swimming program where she could swim her fucking ass off. And now she does jiu-jitsu and she's fucking... It's nuts. Someone just found that on the ground. I found it somewhere.
Starting point is 02:08:29 Yeah, exactly. What took them so long? Yeah. My kids didn't swim until they were like six, which is pathetic. Don't tell anyone that. I'm embarrassed. And I took my kids to so many fucking swimming lessons. I think finally I taught my kid how to swim.
Starting point is 02:08:44 It was like, quit being a pussy and get in the pool with your kid, you jackass. Ken Walters, my 15-year-old twin nephews yesterday said, no way they could even swim a quarter mile in the pool. Guess what? They went at it all day. By 10 p.m. last night,
Starting point is 02:08:59 they both did it. Oh, that's awesome. I love it. Sean Lenderman, my baby was born yesterday, can already deadlift 225 for reps. Oh, Russ Stevens. Wow. Wow. My youngest
Starting point is 02:09:17 is leaving school. I am now officially old. Yeah, he did have a baby yesterday well he didn't his chick did his third child if I remember correctly Mike Meyer it can't be real to the people who can't imagine themselves completing it lack of confidence is poison to some yeah I mean
Starting point is 02:09:42 when I was 20 couldn't even do a fucking pull up yeah i mean when i was when i was when i was 20 i couldn't even do a fucking pull-up and then i think i've told you guys before then one time i was on ecstasy in the backyard and like molly what i guess what they call molly now and i was in the backyard and my roommate at the time was a uh uh steroid user and a meth addict so he's yoked out of his fucking mind and we're back there in the back and he's doing pull-ups on a tree branch in my backyard. This is at UC Santa Barbara and Isla Vista. And he said, uh, he said, Hey, do a pull-up over here. And I'm like, I can't
Starting point is 02:10:18 do a pull-up. And he's like, yeah, you can. And I hung from the bar and he goes, it's not a pull-up. It's a, it's a back contraction. And he grabbed my lats and squeezed him and when he did that i contracted him and i did my first pull-up and then i don't know fucking flash forward 10 years later um they did an impromptu they were doing a strict pull-up competition at crossfit hq and i walked in with my camera bag and shit all dorky. And I think Pat Sherwood had the record at the time. And they're like, Seve, come here and try to do, uh, enter the pull-up competition. And just cold. I did it. And I tied Pat's, uh, whatever his record was for strict pull-ups and two things. Maybe I could have done more if I was warm, but also I probably
Starting point is 02:11:02 would have done one less if I didn't know what Pat got. So, but anyway, yeah, it's crazy, right? It's so fucking crazy. I'm so lucky that I found CrossFit. Holy shit. So fucking lucky. Oh, wow. Here we go. Cornholio. I had my kids
Starting point is 02:11:24 do no-arm burpees the day they could stand that is not that is not bull if you're talking to me that is not bullshit there were witnesses i wouldn't i wouldn't if that story wasn't true i wouldn't um i wouldn't tell it okay uh sean lenderman if i didn't care about myself i'd be totally down to try the meth and trend work plan i know doesn't that sound fucking amazing doesn't that sound amazing oh my goodness andrew told me i don't know if it's trend, but he, he told me that one of those drugs, those steroids is so fucking powerful that, um, it'll make you so fucking paranoid that you'll
Starting point is 02:12:14 think that, um, even if you're with your girlfriend, you'll think she's cheating on you. Like you did just the paranoia is just out of fucking control that comes with it. Like you just, the paranoia is just out of fucking control that comes with it. I was not using a band. Shut up. I was not using a band. It was before there was, uh, Trent is gnarly. Yeah, Trent, there's Andrew.
Starting point is 02:12:38 Oh, let me see if I can get, you guys want, we should get Andrew on. I have to pee. I want to talk to Andrew. Andrew, what are you doing right now? We just hung out with each other for a week. It's crazy what people write in the comments. I want to read to you the YouTube comments. People take the time to write the craziest shit.
Starting point is 02:13:04 We had the best week of our – I had the most fun I've had with the podcast that I can ever remember the two shows I did with Andrew live in the studio people are I don't know how anyone did not enjoy those shows they were so funny I am missing him already
Starting point is 02:13:18 I am missing him already it was cool we had fun oh can't you just get on I am missing him already. It was cool. We had fun. Oh, can't you just get on? Hold on. Let me see. Invite, copy. Oh, you're probably by your phone or something here.
Starting point is 02:13:37 Hold on. I'm going to send you one. It's you on your phone. Are you not home? Where are you? I sent it to you on your phone. Are you not home? Where are you? I sent it. Hey, do you think that when Michelle Bassanet – I can't tell if just girls are just hard to date now, if something has changed,
Starting point is 02:14:00 or if just dating a professional athlete is hard, like someone who has aspirations like she has. Oh has oh shit you're in the log cabin i'm in the cabin that is so fucking weird dude it's like you're not in your natural habitat i know i was getting ready to edit some videos that's where you're gonna sit sit? For now, yeah. I had everything on my laptop from being out, so. Sorry, her name's Bassnett. Bassnett. I heard her say that. Oh, Bassnett.
Starting point is 02:14:33 I liked her. A lot, actually. Dude, she was chill. She was cool. Someone says she has a vibe. What do you think that means? Everyone's got a vibe. You don't have a vibe. You've got a vibe you don't have one i don't have one no you don't have a vibe interesting dude i i suck at pronouncing
Starting point is 02:14:55 last names maybe i'm amazing at it i have to show you something okay you have to is it a link no i think i can show it to the screen after watching the show the other day someone changed me in their contact list oh sober hillary oh yeah everyone's got my phone number yeah they sent you a screenshot of that yeah they changed my name yeah that's awesome i just gave everyone my phone number. That's cool. I don't answer anything anyway. Do you ever remember me making fun of toe spacers, like poo-pooing them? That's twice I've been accused of poo-pooing them. No, I actually don't.
Starting point is 02:15:37 I think every time I've heard you talk about them forever, and I've heard you say quite a few words, you're at least intrigued by them. God, this one doesn't smell so good. People want to check out that light. What do you think of that light? Does anyone want to come over and smell my toast? Oh, shit, you do have it set up like my house. You said you have a computer like that set up at your house.
Starting point is 02:16:01 That's just an iMac sitting on a table over there? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. You likeax sitting on a table over there yeah oh that's awesome uh you like my red santa claus thing over there that's kind of funny is that your backyard back there yeah oh that's a good size backyard the dude dude we're looking at houses in florida and we were looking around and i don't know if we can move considering the space we've got here for the price we got it yeah yeah it's nuts it's the dogs love the yard that's huge and i built the garage it'll be tough this smells like um do you know what brie cheese is
Starting point is 02:16:41 yes i mean beer cheese oh i hate br. My toes smell just like Brie cheese. If anyone wants to know what they... Wow. That's potent. I wonder if there's a cleaning protocol for these. Travis has seen my yard. Oh, it's huge? He's been here.
Starting point is 02:17:00 I was telling everyone this week that I would live in Chicago. And then everyone goes, oh, I used would live in Chicago and then everyone goes, Oh, I used to live in Chicago. It was weird. You said you just lived in Chicago or your dad lived here. My mom and dad. Seven.
Starting point is 02:17:14 You need to wash them after wearing them. Oh, how do you watch them? Like in the sink? Three cheese is amazing, but yeah, you don't, I don't know if you want your feet to smell like it.
Starting point is 02:17:31 That's my least favorite cheese.'s hillar's number i'm pretty sure he wants to be my bff sean scroll back a little bit you'll find it let's hey what do you think about the fact that some dude hit up uh michelle bass net bass net in the inner dms and then dated her or when oh i didn't yeah i missed i missed that part was that right is that the dude she has the picture up still from or is that no i don't think well i didn't ask i should have asked but then they but they but that was it and then this dude took her to taylor's gym and that's where she met taylor and she's no longer with the dude, but she's still with Taylor. Yeah. So he caught a big one,
Starting point is 02:18:09 but couldn't bring it on the boat. Like, you know what I mean? That's, that's what I was thinking. Like he, he, that guy's probably like, holy shit,
Starting point is 02:18:14 I'm going to go on a date with Michelle Bass net. And then Taylor, Taylor, you need to be a full time athlete. You can't mess around with these people. Fate. Be honest with me. How was it being away from home for a week was it too long um no i don't think so it's always weird getting home yeah like i really do you fight a little bit you fight a little bit with alexis like like when you first come in like where's my yeah like when
Starting point is 02:18:43 you yeah like the first couple hours you're like where's my – yeah, like the first couple hours, you're like, where's my shit? No, she was knocked out, and the house was immaculate. She did great. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, like the deck got painted and everything. It's awesome. It's actually better than what was left. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:18:58 So she was with – she hung out with the street parking crew from Friday to Sunday. So she was also gone for a little bit. But in the week she had to herself, she worked a lot. She never lets you forget that. Sevan and I were on the phone one night. It was probably 9 o'clock my time, 7 o'clock his time. Alexis walks in the door. And he goes, where are you?
Starting point is 02:19:22 And I go, dude, she works all the time. And he goes, she works? And she goes, I work, i work seven i always work i'm and i go dude she works a lot not everyone could be a boob tuber yeah right uh i missed the live with her on she's a shooty boo what's a shooty boo michelle bassinet is a shooty boo i think that's in the urban dictionary i'm sure it is shooty what time did you get home last night one o'clock or so it was late oh shit it is a wordy boo. This is the girl that you see that makes you say, oh, shoot, and you desire her to be your boo. A shooty boo.
Starting point is 02:20:10 Wow. A shooty boo. That kind of sounds like great white buffalo. So you see her and you're like, damn. I wish she could be my girlfriend. Is that one of those new words? I thought you were going to get home at 12. That's when the plane landed.
Starting point is 02:20:31 Oh, what time? I thought you said you got home at 11. You got home at 1? I got into the house at 1, yeah. And then I ate a giant bowl of cream and fruit. Oh, oh. And you did that a lot at my house too. What? I lost six pounds in the two weeks i was gone as i didn't weigh myself uh-huh i didn't realize you know how i don't eat very much
Starting point is 02:20:52 yeah i really didn't eat very much i hardly i just hardly saw you eat at all well i never saw you eat really when the sun's out i only saw you eat at night if once it's dark you're like a vampire yeah i don't eat in the morning i ate a lot of slimy and cheese and heavy cream that's the thing about frozen fruit i don't know why people don't eat more frozen fruit why do they go straight for ice cream and sugar and crap because frozen fruit takes so long to eat and it's so not calorically dense it's like the ultimate dessert food yeah he puts heavy we put both of us do we put heavy cream on it both have that same and it freezes on there like magic shell it gets like hard on the fruit it's true oh good i learned that from you oh you did you did? Oh, yeah. I've been doing it every night since I left Newport the one night Haley made it. Oh, that's crazy.
Starting point is 02:21:50 I didn't know that. Hey, you look thinner, by the way, when I look at you right now. It might be the camera because usually I'm at a different camera in a different spot, different angle. Maybe like this. I don't know. You're sharing an Airbnbbnb with a michelle bassnett did you know that at the games yeah yeah that's the plan yeah that's crazy i had no idea how did you get all that shit you're you have all that shit organized already dude i don't plan
Starting point is 02:22:17 anything i i booked my flight home from your place saturday morning oh and. Oh, and you left on Monday, Sunday? No, I left less than 24, or like about 24 hours later, I left. What's today? Today's Monday? Today's Monday. Hey, do you have a games ticket? Do you have a ticket to get into the venue at the games?
Starting point is 02:22:44 No. Not at the moment. But I have loose ties to one. Maybe you could get a coach's pass. He froze. He froze. I have to pee anyway. Did Andrew freeze for you guys? I don't see Andrew anymore.
Starting point is 02:23:02 Looks like my internet's good. Am I back? Yeah, there you go. Hi. What is heavy cream? You know, heavy cream. Just go to the store and buy the milk and shit. Just heavy cream. No, you froze again, Hiller.
Starting point is 02:23:18 Oh, I have to pee. Hey. What's going on here? You just keep freezing. Sorry, I'm not sure what's going on here? You just keep freezing. Sorry. I'm not sure what's going on here. It's okay. My internet's...
Starting point is 02:23:34 I'm in a weird spot. Maybe it's being routers. Oh, shit. CrossFit versus two idiot high schoolers? Oh, no. Oh, no. That one I got creative with that title oh no treadmills haven't you the what the treadmills the assault air runners i mean people in the comments are actually giving you credit because you've been trash talking the
Starting point is 02:24:00 event for a little bit because it's not spectator friendly oh yeah yeah yeah yeah hey there's i'm a hundred percent certain that event number five is the most poorly executed event in the history of crossfit i'm open to being wrong but like it's a while other than the fact that you can't watch it know what's going on yeah that's it it's not listen so there's things you need for a sport like you need competition right you have to have more than one person basically you have to be there has to be a competitive piece and like there went out of their way to remove the sport and the competitive element out of that workout i mean it is a so because you don't know where anyone's at the whole time. You don't know where they're at?
Starting point is 02:24:47 They don't know where they're at relative to the other people? They can't... I mean, it is fucking... But what's crazy is it's a perfectly programmed event. That's the craziest part. Right. It's like, holy shit, you programmed the perfect event and then you poorly executed.
Starting point is 02:25:04 It's like... It shit, you programmed the perfect gun, and then you poorly executed. It's like – it's like – it's pathetic. All right. It's like being born a human and then giving yourself type 2 diabetes. You were born on fucking planet Earth as a human. Well, here's the thing. Everyone does that. And now you eat, and you're destroying your body. It's like, sorry, you're a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 02:25:23 Go ahead. I'd say 95% of the population does that anyway they give themselves diabetes right with their diet okay all that stuff you said is true and you already don't like the event now imagine you're presented with evidence that the runners have a have a discrepancy between them and they know about it. Do you think they knew that one of the runners was calibrated wrong? No. They've admitted that they know.
Starting point is 02:25:52 Well, they admitted it, but they said it's within the guidelines of variance. Who cares? Okay. All right. It's like, hey, this barbell you're going to get, this would never fly. The example that I use, the analogy is, Guillermo harris is snatching you know the dude's capable of doing what 320 330 pounds and he hits 280 and you go well it's because there's a upwards of 15 variability
Starting point is 02:26:15 on that barbell depending on oh shit oh it would never fly well that bar just sticks you walk and heidi brings up a good point and highly And Heidi brings up a good point. And Heidi brings up a great point. This is what Hiller would say to the guy in the, they have no variance guidelines. You're right. That's a great point, too. They claim that they had like something that's within the tolerance of variance,
Starting point is 02:26:38 but Heidi's absolutely right. They have no fucking variance guidelines. On weight plates, like bumper plates on Rogue, I think that the variance is 99.9997. That's how closely calibrated those weights are to the actual pounds on those bumpers. And by what it seems, these are like 10% variable, these runners. I don't have that number dialed in, but Helpin did data on it, and you can prove that the treadmill is slower. Well, John Young and some other people are the treadmill is slower well john young and some
Starting point is 02:27:05 other people are saying it's bullshit john young and some other people are saying it's bullshit that it's it's not where it's not even we're talking about because he was on my podcast and we talked about this quite a bit today today no uh a couple days ago we talked about the the what happened yesterday or well then it was yesterday. We brought up Halpin and Young. Halpin brought it up, and Young basically goes, quit being a bitch. It's not a big deal. And then we fought it out a little bit.
Starting point is 02:27:33 Yeah, but when you put it that way. Fractions of a second and points on a leaderboard like that. And when you put it that way. John, come on. And when you put it that way, John, come on. Yeah. And when you put it that way, when you say, Hey,
Starting point is 02:27:47 what if a bar is three pounds lighter or heavier than another bar? Now we have a problem. No, I'm not, I'm not talking lighter. They're all, they're all there. Ready?
Starting point is 02:27:56 They're all 45 pounds, right? They're 44 pounds, but it would act as if the bar span differently. There's, there was like the correct amount of grease within the grooves and then the bushings in there weren't operating properly. So the bar didn't turn over as well or something like that.
Starting point is 02:28:13 And Rogo as well, that's where the bars are made. Deal with it. But in this case, they have other options. People run. It's the most common sport on the planet because anybody can just go out and start doing it as long as you have legs is this the runner was left in the sun the lane was slow just like the sleds were whatever year that was ha ha ha i don't get what this guy's saying was there a runner that was left in the sun that affected the belt maybe is that no or is he just
Starting point is 02:28:39 being a smart ass i can't tell oh the sled in the sun thing was probably something he's pulling from because if you just let this, the, the, if you pull on a hot black top, it'll change. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:51 Yeah. Mitchell, John would go ahead. Go ahead. Taylor. No, he's right. I was agreeing with the comment you pulled up.
Starting point is 02:28:56 Yeah. He wouldn't like it. If his, if his mile time changed by 10 seconds, dude, at my affiliate, there was a runner and everyone in the comment section was seconding this that i couldn't get under 25 minute 5k and i'm not a great runner and i remember i'd run a
Starting point is 02:29:11 mile and i was convinced that people couldn't run a mile under six and a half minutes i'm the assault runner in my affiliate and then i got one at the in the garage newer model whatever newer however and i ran a mile in 615 and i was like there's no way i'm that much better at running and it didn't hurt that bad and the only thing that could have happened is they changed something and everyone in the comments knows exactly what i'm talking about people will someone wrote yeah i mark off the the assault bikes that are quicker than other assault bikes. And yes, Mason Mitchell, you're 100% right. John would care if he lost 10, 11 seconds on his mile. There's a comment I want to show you.
Starting point is 02:29:59 I have a slow air runner. Adam said so. It's a big freaking deal. And dude, if there's a good chance, it could have cost that guy a spot at the games. We did that too. Did we do two nighttime shows when you were here? We did.
Starting point is 02:30:18 We did. The one with Sousa. Oh, and then there was the one with Gazan and Medeiros. Oh, okay, okay. Medeiros versus Hiller, Savon versus Gazan and Medeiros. Oh, okay, okay. Medeiros versus Hiller, Savon versus Gazan. Look at this. Look at this. Mason Mitchell.
Starting point is 02:30:32 This is about what I was experiencing, right? My best old runner time was 653, new model 528. Wow. Wow. Wow. That's freaking crazy. Bye, Bruce. Fuck, I can't find it. Damn, I can't find it. Damn, I can't find the comment.
Starting point is 02:30:47 There was a comment basically. Never fly on a weightlifting event. That's the thing. Right, that's the part I like. I love that. You say that in the video? Yes. Okay, yeah, I love that.
Starting point is 02:31:00 When you were on the show, remember how I played that portion of the video, of your video where you were in the hallway? What about it? And you talked to that guy, and I'm like, hey, this is exactly how you should deal with shit, the way Andrew dealt with this lady. Remember in the hallway, you made a video and you were naked in the hallway, and a lady came up and said you can't be here, and you addressed her very politely. Anyway, someone wrote a fucking whole fucking two paragraphs about how they're so sick of Sevan playing the victim card and making men appear as victims. I'm like, how the fuck? Was Andrew Tate?
Starting point is 02:31:40 But there was no victim shit in there at all. Wait a minute. Was I the victim victim I don't know who the victim was I want to bring up the comment because I can't find it I don't know if they erased it but it's just fascinating to me about how people see things differently so right now I'm just like so I'll give you an example I totally bought the line
Starting point is 02:32:01 you did a show with that guy the person who commented? Oh, I did? That'd be nuts. Yeah, show me. Yeah, help me with that, Melissa. I'd love to see that. You saw that guy, the AI guy video.
Starting point is 02:32:16 The AI guy video. Wait a minute. The guy that I was on the show with from the other day? No way. What's the AI guy video which one's he oh maybe it's the video oh it's on that post it's on that it's on that Aaron oh
Starting point is 02:32:32 the Aaron Ginn oh yes yes yes it's over there yes thank you I see what you're saying okay let me find that comment good thank you I see what she's saying so you saw that comment oh it was on that show that I did it okay okay here we go I see what she's saying. So you saw that comment. Oh, it was on that show that I did it? Okay. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 02:32:50 Let me see if I can find it. Thank you. Oh, no, it's not there. Damn it. It's not there. But thank you. I tried to find it there. No.
Starting point is 02:33:04 But the gist of it is you make men out to be victims too often yeah the gist of it no that's completely absurd i don't view as men as victims at all for anything i never i don't think i do any victim stuff and if i do please call me out on it right away but the thing is this um i just now you're saying it's just totally misunderstanding stuff. So just now you said the runners, I totally bought the line that they gave. So we talked about the runners being fucked up and someone said, well, Hey, they're all within the guidelines of the variance of, of being wrong. And I bought that.
Starting point is 02:33:37 And then you and Heidi unfucked me. You're like, wait a second. There are no fucking guidelines. And that's what you said to that lady. Wait a second. No one called me. No one called you. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:33:46 Like I, and, and then, and then, and then the next thing is, is then you did a metaphor and that's why metaphors are so powerful. Or you did a simile. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:55 You accept the tolerance. You accept the tolerance on the runner. Would you accept that tolerance on, on a bar? No, you wouldn't. So why would you accept it on a runner? And all of a sudden it's like,
Starting point is 02:34:04 Oh yeah, you're right. Bro. follow the science and just listen to authority right yeah yeah just follow this yeah exactly yeah that that's what uh william briggs was talking about follow the science listen to authority because they said so oh we got this figured out listen motherfucker this is not arguing my limitations this is prioritizing i just because i love my kids more than you heidi don't make it seem like i'm feeling sorry for myself no oh i can't put away my cart because i have three kids and i can't be bothered to tote them with me to return no no no i love my kids more than you and you can't accept that thank you sorry i didn't mean to yank that comment down but mason that escalated quickly runner runners are like torque
Starting point is 02:34:44 tank great for training but shit for competition thank you did you didn't watch my video did you catch the part anywhere how listen listen stefan's world is still shattered from hillar's hotel adventure no it's not shattered what are you talking about that's what i mean like how people like you they've interpreted shit shattered no the exact opposite shattered exact opposite okay what were you saying heller did you hear how they were calibrating or being like finessing the runners i think calibrating would be the correct word they had someone run on it and then they would jump off and count the white lines as the treadmill would slow down that That's how they calibrated it? That's what it said in the Singleton video.
Starting point is 02:35:29 And I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. Explain that to me one more time. That doesn't sound very scientific or precise to me. It's terribly unscientific. They have white lines on there, and they've been doing this for quite some time in case there's a malfunction. So what they do is they just look at the judges,
Starting point is 02:35:50 they'll count the white lines, and they'll try to figure out how far they're supposed to go based upon how many times the bell turns over, and they just go one, two, three. And I'm uncertain the distance, but it's maybe every 10, 20 meters they need to count a white line. So five turnovers would be 100 meters. And that's how they were calibrating them. They'd say,
Starting point is 02:36:07 all right, we have 10 treadmills out here. Let's just say it's Bosman. It's probably not. Definitely not. But Bosman, run on the treadmill, jump off, and one, two, three, four, five lines. Okay, good. That one's good. Next treadmill. Hey, that Will Branstetter, I think, is pushing back a little bit um he's
Starting point is 02:36:28 suggesting that uh okay next time they run on the ground we need to make sure to grade all the slopes to make sure everyone is on exactly the equal slope during the run he's saying you can't be exactly everyone has an equal opportunity on an event like the ranch i just ran that fucker all weekend and be like oh there's a hole there get in front or get behind the person and make your bed lie in it you're stuck with this goddamn treadmill yeah will he fucked you up equal opportunity shit i'd like that's a big hole i could step in there and break my ankle or i can speed up and get in front and then track and field they have a track and i guess they do do that just a flat ground if they were run around the venue on the inside it's concrete
Starting point is 02:37:10 it's flat um here here's the thing you have to understand if i saw hiller take a piss and he did not piss on his clothes and my whole life i've been pissing on my clothes and i said wow i just saw how hiller holds his dick when he pees and he doesn't piss on his pants i'm just i'm just acknowledging that i learned something from him that wow i can hold my dick i'll copy the way hiller held his dick and i won't pee on my pants anymore that's all i was saying i liked how he addressed that lady in that situation. I thought it was brilliant. Now listen to what this fucking person writes. Yvonne Kizprinzip Jensen. And the point of this isn't what this guy is saying.
Starting point is 02:37:51 The point is how people could be trapped in their head and misinterpret shit so fucking much. Run with something and analyze it. Now listen. Oh my God. How a man should stand up. As much as I love CrossFit coverage, I detest the constant whining about men. Dude. Hiller could have been a girl. It has nothing to do with his sex.
Starting point is 02:38:10 Do you see what I'm saying? This person is bringing sex. Someone this weekend said that to me. I said something about how we didn't have – I said something like, oh, yeah, I'm just making this up. But I said something like, hey, Lauren Khalil hasn't been on the show in a while. And they go, oh, that's because you're an all boys club it's like no you you look at us as just having penises or vagina i don't give two fucks i don't give two fucks if the hillarwood like i've never even seen hillar's penis for all i know he does have a vagina but this person writes
Starting point is 02:38:38 oh my god how a man should stand up you're already fucking an idiot. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it's how a donkey stands up to someone, how a cat, a mouse, a girl. And then it goes on to say, I detest the constant whining about men from Sevan. No, no. This person has taken something that's just completely wrong and then just run with it. Like a woman on her period. Now period then that has to do with sex
Starting point is 02:39:09 son of a bitch okay I'm really looking for somewhere to go with that but I let's go back to the runner that's it I just wanted to get that off my I wanted to get we aren't we are missing the barbell before and – it's okay.
Starting point is 02:39:27 I'm very happy with how that played out. I'm good. I just – it's just stupid that someone thinks that was a man or woman issue. That has nothing to do with man or woman. It was just a dude in a hallway or a chick. I don't care what you call Hiller. Do you care if someone refers to you as a man or a woman? No. So, yeah. what you call Hiller. Do you care if someone refers to you as a man or a woman? No.
Starting point is 02:39:46 So, yeah. Switch it to woman. I'll do the whole show again with Hiller and call him a woman if that makes you happy. How is he a victim? I'm talking about how he's not the victim. Anyway. Eaton Beaver, $10. We are missing the barbell before and after during
Starting point is 02:40:02 Oh, I can't read again. We are missing the barbell before and after during this event can't read again we are missing the barbell before and after during this event and the athletes gaming the run if it was just a run i might be more upset about the possibility of variance i don't i don't agree with him at all i gotta show you something in relation to that and i'm gonna have you read it what's he saying what's eating beaver saying he's saying it's no big deal because there were two movements that if it was just the run, it would be a big deal, or if it was just the bar?
Starting point is 02:40:31 What's he saying? All right, one second. I was looking at something. We are missing the barbell before and during the event and the ethics game. I think I disagree. No, because the, no. Okay.
Starting point is 02:40:51 I got it. The numbers helping was pulling were, and he told me this, I was talking to help in this morning. He was using the coverage and cutting back and forth so that it was the only time they were on the treadmill. He took out the time in which they were lifting the barbell right and they yes the placements oh oh oh he was okay about the time on the runner he said it was just the time on the runner okay so does that does that help eaton
Starting point is 02:41:19 i hope uh but also time discrepancies are not scientific if you accounted for same wattage for a given period of time and then the time difference maintains then... Oh, fuck. That's over my head. I would say it's just the likelihood that... It's unlikely. Given the field.
Starting point is 02:41:42 Let's take a moment of silence. Let's take a moment of silence. Everyone pull their penises out or their vaginas. Can you pull your vagina out? Sure you can. Mateus Persona. Mateo, Mateus Persona. S-E-K-50.
Starting point is 02:42:02 Your podcast changed my way of seeing many things and i am very grateful that's swedish money but i ain't swedish all right thank you fuck i love this okay here we go ready oh hillary were you going to show something before i bring up what will said you were you said let me show you this i'm not sure it's lowland not a prolapse vagina i just meant like is it in is it like i could be like okay everyone pull your penises out but you couldn't say pull your vagina out you have to say okay everyone show me your vagina because it's you don't pull anything you have to just like you could theoretically pull your balls and your penis up over your belt line but you can't pull your vagina out over your belt line you'd have to just lower your pants and show it uh will brandstetter the
Starting point is 02:42:49 data isn't meaningful it's like the wrong preposition uh will brandstetter the data isn't meaningful i would guess if we oh that's a harsh opening sentence right the data isn't meaningful he's on the attack i would guess if we took average time scores of all the lanes during the competition, we would find outliers. You can't just point to it's the equipment. Will, here's my understanding of what he did. He basically – and tell me if I'm wrong here. He basically took the times of as many of – that it took for people to run on the treadmill, right, and noticed that, hey, this treadmill everyone just slower on or the vast majority of people are slower on and so it allows us to start speculating right like hey why that lane why are all this but
Starting point is 02:43:32 i guess one of the lanes had to be the slow lane well there's that one of them had to be the slow lane lower than the others is the thing and it's it's the the placings on the event it's like one lane is averaging basically an eighth-place finish, and then there's another lane that's averaging a third-place finish. It was 2.8, 7.9 and 2.8 were the average finishes in a couple of lanes. And amongst the field, it's unlikely that it would fall that far out. It was just standard deviations don't make sense there. What does that number even mean?
Starting point is 02:44:01 What is the metric 7.8? It's not 7.8 seconds. In every single heat, there are 10 athletes. there what does that number even mean what is the metric 7.8 it's not 7.8 seconds what is it in every single heat there are 10 athletes and if you finish eighth in every single heat that is oh the average placement okay one is 10 athletes you finished eighth out of those 10 he too has this many athletes you finished eighth and then in another lane on oh okay i see what you're saying why it matters now that they're different. Okay.
Starting point is 02:44:26 Hey, I'm going in this lane right now, and my average finishing, I'm fighting uphill battle because everyone else finishes eighth. Across all divisions, that specific lane is significantly slower. Hey, this is it. Can you read this? The 7-on-podcast. Have you really been far even as have you no i can't have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like
Starting point is 02:44:52 what the fuck i gotta pee now what is that is that a sentence you've got to be kidding me i've been further even more decided to use even go need to do more look more as anyone can can you really be far where's that where are you finding those where are those oh no it's it's something that i used to think was hilarious now what now when eaton beaver commented that bit and you were trying to say you couldn't read it, it's because there was a word out of place and it made me think of that
Starting point is 02:45:27 where you just can't read it. It's impossible to read. You've got to be kidding me. I've been even further as to... It's funny. That was Hiller being creative. I have to pee so fucking bad. Will we talk to this guy for a second?
Starting point is 02:45:42 Sure. As long as I can hear him in my internet. Caller, hi. Will we talk to this guy for a second. Sure. As long as I can hear him on my internet. Caller, hi. Caller. Hey, Siobhan, what's up? Hey, are you going to be cool? Can I go pee and you talk to Hiller or are you going to get crazy? No, no, it's cool.
Starting point is 02:45:58 I got a legitimate topic. Okay, okay. Cool. I'll be back in 30 seconds. Here's Andrew. Okay. All right, cool. What's up, Hiller? How are you? Big fan. Cool. I'll be back in 30 seconds. Here's Andrew. What's up, Hiller?
Starting point is 02:46:06 How are you? Big fan. Thanks. This conversation makes me think of something. I've heard that one of the reasons the original bike, what was it called?
Starting point is 02:46:20 The Echo bike, the Assault bike. It had a record with What was it called? The Echo Bike. The Assault Bike. Yeah. It had a record with maintenance and the Assault Bike wore out quicker and needed more maintenance. So if you used
Starting point is 02:46:37 it in a place that was open to the environment and saying if you climb it like in Houston, it didn't spin as easy as if you used it somewhere that was drier or in an air conditioned area i remember i moved locations one time and the number getting on the assault bike in uh in houston that was open to the environment much different. Moved to another location, bikes were new, and in an air-conditioned gym. So one of the reasons they co-created the Echo bike
Starting point is 02:47:14 and had that new drive is because you had less of the variants. It's the same thing that if you have two rowers and oil the chain on one regularly, but you leave the other one. They're still to be calibrated correctly, but one of them is going to be the friction of a rough chain, an unruly chain that fights your pull in addition to the fan that you're using. This could be the same deal with the runner.
Starting point is 02:47:42 this could be the same deal with runner. It might have not been oiled and maintained the same way that the other ones were maintained. Hold on. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Hold on one second.
Starting point is 02:47:56 Are you going to make it so it stops breaking up so much? I don't know. I'm going to try to I'm going to try to I'm going to try to do it. Okay. Okay, there we go. Sorry, we're back.
Starting point is 02:48:12 I just disconnected and reconnected. Yo, I thought that was the light wave. You were saying you hung up on him. I'm like, dude. Are you a real person? Is that your real voice, by the way? Yeah. Do I not sound good?
Starting point is 02:48:26 Oh, now you sound totally different. Okay. Yeah, I didn't change nothing. You're good. What do you mean you didn't change nothing? A second ago, you sounded like a serial killer with the deepest voice on planet Earth, and now you sound like a normal dude. You just changed something on your phone, though. Maybe it was on your end.
Starting point is 02:48:45 Okay. All right. Fair enough. All though. Maybe it was on your end. Okay. All right. Fair enough. All right. I did. You're right. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:48:50 So are you telling me that- You guys hear what I'm saying? Yeah. An assault bike? No. Go ahead, Hiller. You have the same assault bike in two different environments, and you notice the difference in one spot to another?
Starting point is 02:49:01 Is that what you said to start off with? Yeah. It was obvious because i'm not a huge dude you know and like what's your weight they're like we 185 i'm kind of like you pre-steroids um okay not not as good as crossfit but like i looked like you pre-steroids um but um no you did not look that good you did not look that good yeah probably not all right but we did we did bike tests like we did five minute you know max calories we did um uh you know pieces on on just the bike for time. And I remember like my hundred calorie time was, you know, I got a time and then I moved and I smoked that time. Like I smoked all the bigger
Starting point is 02:49:53 dudes at my old gym at my new gym. And I told them and they couldn't even believe it. And then the next thing, you know, like I started hearing rumors that, you know, the assault bike kind of sucks, like it requires constant maintenance. I heard gym owners say that all the time, too. And you could kind of even hear it. You sit on some assault bikes, and you could just hear they're like creaky and things are shaking. So I should lube my assault bike. Is that what you're saying? I should oil my assault bike?
Starting point is 02:50:21 I've never done that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Lube it up. Yeah. Like, if, you know, if, let's say you're doing an online competition. Yeah. If I was a competitor, I would make sure that I would maintain that rowing machine before,
Starting point is 02:50:35 the day before doing that workout. Oh, my God, dude. You know what? You just said the most valuable piece of information that's ever been said on any fucking CrossFit podcast. Lube your machines dude how the fuck is jr brian or fucking uh you know how dave casher how has no one ever shared that before i've never heard that before lube your machine well well because on a on a concept concept two is actually a very good product um i used to roll in college and high school. Those machines, the 10-year-old machines, they feel just like the new ones as long as they're maintained. Concept2 has got a reputation for having a great tolerance and having a machine that
Starting point is 02:51:21 requires very little maintenance. As long as you do that maintenance, you're going to have a machine that is it requires very little maintenance as long as you do that maintenance you're going to have a machine that's equivalent to someone else's now the assault bike was not the same i'm sure the assault run is also not the same because that's that's a machine that takes a beating you know look hey does it does it does the concept to rower take a while to break in like a like you know like a vagina it's not until it's like between 30 and 40 years old is a sweet spot no but you you bring up a you bring up a good point like you don't want to use a concept two rower in competition right out of the box you know it would be best if it got like 10 000 meters put
Starting point is 02:52:02 on it or something just just to like wiggle everything in place. Someone write machine gate. Let's go. No, I'm saying this is – I agree with you about that. Even if this doesn't – Yeah, even if this doesn't – It's not going to change the results of the semifinal yesterday,
Starting point is 02:52:24 but it's good that it brings attention to – I think it's a rogue product, right? Yeah. They need to look into this. No, no, no, the Assault Runner is not a rogue product. It's that guy, Roger, Assault Runner, Assault Fitness. Yeah, but did- Go ahead. Did they use Assault Runners?
Starting point is 02:52:42 I thought they used a different- Oh, the Echo one? Okay. No, no. They used the assault ones. They didn't use the Rogue Woodway or whatever. They used the assault runner. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:52:56 Yeah, it's something they need to look into. Now, they're not going to admit that there's an issue, even if they find one. They're just going to quietly fix the product for the future. They admitted it. CrossFit did at least. They admitted it. I agree with you, caller. I agree with you. Hiller just had a seizure or something. He's trying to
Starting point is 02:53:17 edit a video, read comments, and talk to you at the same time. Hands up. Look, I'm sure that one rotation of that treadmill counted the right number of meters like i'm pretty sure that because that's an easy thing to calibrate but the question is was it harder to turn that one revolution that one rotation on that machine versus others and that's very possible like that you could you could almost do that on purpose if you maintain it's very possible i'm saying it should be looked into
Starting point is 02:53:52 but again the manufacturer isn't going to come out and say oh yeah we have an issue with this product they're gonna say we didn't find any problems um the people that ran it on that machine probably just had bad days you know it could be a coincidence it would be more obvious if the data was more skewed like if if those guys took five minutes of running instead of four. Mark Hamlin was just the victim of a critical hit that that's why he went down in that NFL game too it's user error yeah with anything else they couldn't be the company wow thank you hillary that was a nice that was a nice touch i thought you'd like that his numbers is very his numbers i heard i heard him i heard him present his numbers his numbers are good enough to warrant investigation but they certainly
Starting point is 02:54:45 don't prove that there was a problem with that machine oh i like that okay so for so what is it fair to say i said that they warranted speculation investigations absolutely word okay what's your profession it should be looked into i'm an engineer oh fuck and this shows this shows Oh, fuck. This show is highbrow. Highbrow show. It should be in CrossFit's best interest to go to Assault, whatever that company's name is, and make sure they
Starting point is 02:55:18 look into that. Because they want machines with good tolerances. They want basically a Concept 2. Maybe concept two will come out with a runner because you know concept two had the idea for the skier like 20 years ago and they did not manufacture it because they knew that they would have issues with use and and then the machines become inconsistent with each other it was only when they got like the right material for the rope and other things where they finally decided to manufacture the product and sell it so they're just a really good company that way
Starting point is 02:55:58 now other companies will would rather just manufacture something not think about that sell it make make money, and then deal with issues if they come along in the future. It's a business lesson now. Hold on a second. I need to ask you a personal question. A couple days ago, someone in the comments who I like very much, who's a regular, called the show trash.
Starting point is 02:56:20 But they meant it as a compliment. I don't view this show as trash at all do you no you're the show I listen to you're the show I listen to all the time can I put that can I get that this is the show I listen to all the time
Starting point is 02:56:41 and then from a real engineer that's accurate like you're a real engineer okay okay good all right fuck you whoever said it was trash this is a real engineer yeah those guys it's you know what i saw people trashing your show and this is what i think happened okay um you got a lot of new you got a lot of new first-time listeners during the semis weeks because you know they watch the semis and then they see on their youtube pop-up review of semi-final workout three savant podcast yeah so
Starting point is 02:57:12 they tune into that yes and they like your analysis right so now these guys they haven't been with you for a while and they don't like your then they hear your 49er talk the anti-woke talk which i'm a big fan of that's my favorite and and i like and i like vagina a lot i like to make vagina and penis yeah so so what happened is you probably sucked in a lot of woke listeners yeah um with that coverage and then they heard that and you know woke people don't want to listen to truth they're just going to be like oh this is bullshit i can't listen to this guy they don't like vagina they don't like vagina and they want mandatory drugs enforced by the government exactly yeah so they and and you know what you know what woke people do is they won't listen
Starting point is 02:57:55 to other people's um when they when they run away that means that they don't have an argument against you so that's a good thing then that the woke people are like go fuck this show and they left because that means you're you're making good arguments um you you put up that that video from the hwpo guy talking that woke nonsense and and they don't have a defense for that so they just bitch about it and then they peace out and good they could go listen to cnn or something i'm gonna sleep with this record this section of the show under my pillow playing tonight uh you're not when you say an engineer uh olivia is trying to take a shot at you in the comments she says is this guy a diesel mechanic i think that the diesel mechanic is i respect the diesel mechanic are you a diesel mechanic no i i worked in oil and gas and and
Starting point is 02:58:38 and other energy oh shit she smelted on you she heard it in your voice. She was close. You're in the fuel business. Wow, Olivia. Holy shit. Yeah. All right. Well, thank you for calling. This is getting more intriguing, this whole WD-40 on the runner, and you think it warrants investigation.
Starting point is 02:58:58 Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. Nice talking to you, Siobhan and Hiller. You guys keep it up. You guys got a great show. Thank you. Thank you for calling. Bye. to you, Siobhan and Hiller. You guys keep it up. You guys got a great show. Thank you. Thank you for calling. Thank you. Bye. Clint also is an engineer, listens to the show. All right. Well, that's just a wad zombie. Justin Berg is a robot. That's why he keeps pushing for more machines in competitions.
Starting point is 02:59:20 Justin Berg is a robot. That's why he keeps pushing for more machines in competitions. Justin Berg is a robot that's why he keeps pushing for more machines and competitions that's a hypothesis about the concept two rowers and just how they are so well calibrated amongst one another and then they put off the skier for years
Starting point is 02:59:38 and years why don't they just use more concept two was there a skier in this competition there was on the team side. Hey, the last thing I think of is skiing. They should call it the, they should call it the jack off.
Starting point is 02:59:55 The masturbatory erg. Oh, speaking of masturbatory, uh, well, hi. Yes. Hello.
Starting point is 03:00:04 Well, Hey, what's up? Hey, what's up, Hello, Will. Hey, what's up? Hey, what's up, man? Will. Hey, how are you, Sal? Awesome show. Hey, listen, I'm not buying this on the runners one bit. Okay.
Starting point is 03:00:14 I'll lay it out pretty simply. Okay. Please, please. First problem is there's not enough data points to make a meaningful statistical analysis of the data. The other thing is there's a lot of data. 50 more. There's a lot of data. 50 more. Exactly. There's a lot of data missing from the report
Starting point is 03:00:30 because it's being pulled from the broadcast. So several lanes have several times missing from them. So we have that going on. And it's not that much of an outlier. I think what would be compelling is to say, let's look at every lane, which I'm not going to do this. So this is just a hypothetical, every lane, every competition and every workout. Let's see what the standard deviation is.
Starting point is 03:00:51 I think we'd probably find a lot of different lanes because there's not a lot of data points and in cross at semifinals, there's a huge deviation in terms of, in terms of athletic performance from the top to the bottom. So there's a huge, like, you see people finishing, right, with large time gaps between them. So that caused a lot of issues. So I don't think it's to go off of just saying,
Starting point is 03:01:14 well, this lane is a little bit slower than the other lanes doesn't seem like a great argument to me. One of the lanes, the average finish in the event was with the data that we have, which was 10 workouts on it, was 2.8. In the other lane, the average finish was 7.8.
Starting point is 03:01:37 Will? You don't think that that warrants, and there were only 10 people at a time competing. You don't think that warrants, like hey and there were only 10 people on um at a time competing you don't think that warrants like that's weird i don't think that the deviation is that dramatic looking at the data from third place to eighth place you up will i think oh hold on what hillar says about to fuck you up hold on here we go please i'd love that but we'll love to get fucked up we'll fight back all right in the first heat of athletes there are six heats for the men and six heats for the women you have athletes in the
Starting point is 03:02:13 positions of let's say it's the third heat positions 40 through 30 correct and the fastest every single time should be in the middle lanes right here lanes four and five and you see that 3.3 3.09 okay now the only thing that would make sense is if in that that it would just move out about the same but then in this lane right here lane seven that's the fastest lane but the fastest lane should always be in the way it works in swimming it's the way it works in track always be what the they put the quicker people in the middle so when you're watching final heat he's in the middle and every like lane number or person one and two are in the middle two lanes so there's no reason that this time of almost eight seconds or sorry uh that this time of eight plays finish the eighth
Starting point is 03:03:01 place finish should not be coming from lane number eight while there are better finishes on average in the lanes outside and i agree that you probably need more data more data always helps but when you just look at it as it is this makes sense in the middle the the third place finish okay cool up and down and around lane heat after heat after heat but when you go to the outside the periphery a fifth makes sense but a seventh does not make sense in lane number eight especially when the lanes to the the further extremity of the the lanes heats go down do you follow is that too much i follow what you're saying and i think it makes sense in terms of swimming that you have faster people in the middle but we're looking at
Starting point is 03:03:42 how they got to the middle lane was workout one, workout two, which we might be able to draw the conclusion that they were running. I know but you can't make that argument because everyone says that the run didn't matter in terms of after the sled pull, after we saw it actually put out on the floor.
Starting point is 03:04:00 That being heavier, stronger actually meant more on that workout. Right? And those are the workouts that got them to the middle lanes. And that being heavier, stronger actually meant more on that workout, right? There's always a point. And those are the workouts that got them to the middle lanes. And, yeah, so, I mean, I think we saw other outliers, right? And Travis. Wasn't the fastest lane in another semifinal the eighth lane or something?
Starting point is 03:04:24 The slowest one? Sorry, what was what was the question no the fastest one in another semi-final was lane eight hey but but but hiller's not presenting this like it's conclusive he's just saying these are data points that point to like hey maybe this should be looked at this doesn't seem right and what you're saying is is that there's not enough evidence you're saying that there's not enough fingerprints on it to look at it, right, Will? Hey, Will, what about this argument? Let me ask you this argument. Let's say we found out that the bars, the 45-pound bars,
Starting point is 03:04:55 let's say for every 300 pounds of weights you lifted at a CrossFit event, in a snatch event, that the variance could be between 10 pounds, so between 290 and 310. We would never tolerate that right right and so where what he's and what about the argument of saying that like hey they've admitted that the runners aren't precise um does that does that cause you to put your like ears up a little bit like something's weird a little bit here why what what do they mean there there's you think that they're close enough like do you buy that or do you want to know what those numbers are i'd be interested i don't know if they're close enough i just don't know the context but it would be like i don't know what the context is for close enough
Starting point is 03:05:38 on a barbell like right no and i don't know that either how fast the collars move what does the whip look like on barbells like we just don't know maybe there's a fast the collars move. What does the whip look like on barbells? Like, we just don't know. Maybe there's a ton of variance in barbells, and we just don't know it. And so that's – I think the rabbit trail that can go down on this is what makes me be like, it's not that meaningful. How about we just get rid of runners? I could do that. Like, runners in general. Oh, no.
Starting point is 03:06:01 They're too skinny. We should get rid of runners. I agree. Especially long distance. Hey, I think They're too skinny. We should get rid of runners. I agree. Especially long distance. Hey, I think it's a disaster. What do you think about the fact that they had the – this is totally off subject, but what do you think about the fact that they even used a runner in event five?
Starting point is 03:06:13 It's an 800-meter sprint when they could have just put everyone running, pushing, and shoving each other so we could see and they could compete against each other. Do you think that was a fuck-up? Yeah. I mean, it could have been the coolest event all weekend. Good, I'm glad you said that. Fuck Hiller's argument. I side with you. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:06:30 I know. I agree with that. What do you mean? I think that there should have been no treadmills either. I made a video on how there's too many freaking machines, dude. I know. I'm just showing my bias towards anyone who agrees with me. All right, Will. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 03:06:45 Wait, wait, wait. Don't let him leave yet. See you guys. What's up, Keller? Dan for two seconds. Hey, get your dudes JR and Thumbback on. They need to do an analysis. What the fuck is going on? Are they coming on this week or what?
Starting point is 03:06:57 That's what I heard we're doing. So Wednesday, that's what I heard. Okay, good. Here's some weights. There's the tolerance. Plus or minus 15 grams of the claimed weight on any of the Rogue bumpers. And 15 grams, for anyone who doesn't know, is about half an ounce, and there's 16 ounces in a pound.
Starting point is 03:07:14 So it's within one-thirty-second of a pound. Yeah. So meaning that a 45-pound bar would weigh 45 pounds, one-thirty-second of a pound less or more. Yeah, that's pretty fucking low-tolerance. That's pretty good, right? That's some precision. Now, if we go to the Assault Fitness website.
Starting point is 03:07:36 Oh, shit, he's going to the runner now, Will, to see what their tolerance is. We're going to look at how awesome the cup holder is. I guarantee you that they're like, look at this. What do you got? I have that, by the way, and it's nice. Check it out. There's a cup holder. What's the tolerance?
Starting point is 03:07:57 They're not going to have any tolerance. I'm telling you, this is the issue. Rogue is into it. Concept 2 is into it And the runner It's just a runner It's just a thruster So Elkross
Starting point is 03:08:13 They said the runner was within their variance Right And that's what you're saying is an omission of it Something being wrong Right So In that same vein if we weighed the barbells and they're within 15 grams does that mean that the barbells an admission that something's wrong well at least we know what
Starting point is 03:08:34 it is i guess is what he's saying let's yeah i get that i don't think saying that the runner was within the variance is an admission that something was wrong with the runner. By the way, if you can afford one of these runners, I'm not poo-pooing this runner. This is an incredible runner. I love him. I agree. It's a great training tool. Yeah. And I run barefoot on it and I fucking love it to death. Alright, thanks, Will.
Starting point is 03:09:02 Okay, see you guys. Wad Zombie, is this guy an engineer? No. He's a computer... Maybe he's a computer engineer. What were the snatch weights and the snatch times? He's suggesting that the people who lifted more, that the snatch weights and times could also be... Yeah, it's another factor for sure.
Starting point is 03:09:20 Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude. Every single time someone walks into the lane, the odds get less and less that there's going to be a worse snatcher in lane eight. The same way that the odds get less and less that they're also conveniently a worse runner. And I mean, it is the sport of fitness and there have been events that have put them into
Starting point is 03:09:41 those positions in those lanes and they already ran and the run didn't there's going to be a point for and against everything but that that almost eighth place finish is in my opinion staggering oh shit god there was a there was a lane look at this look at this brian spin already interviewed john singleton did you know that yeah yeah he did this morning. As I was uploading my video on the event, I was like, this son of a bitch got me. God, he's good. If every single time lane number two won,
Starting point is 03:10:17 there would be people losing their minds, right? Oh, look, John Young flipped the script after listening to Singleton sorry hillary uh john young was was on will brandstetter's side but obviously something that said in this interview flipped the script on him he says i feel for singleton here it does appear some of his athletes got screwed solutions to actually run not on a machine i kind of doubt it happens next year unfortunately so john you know whatever whatever happened made john young flip the script i wonder if it would make will branstetter flip the script so go listen to mr spin interview mr singleton
Starting point is 03:10:53 anyone who wants to give me a live counter on the number of times that he says in essence i would love it who uh spin or uh or singleton singleton loves saying in essence it's his thinking word as he's thinking about what to say he'll say in essence oh like mine's fuck mine's fuck his is in essence justin madero says like i think I say freaking, freaking. Hey, so while I'm over here interviewing Michelle Bassnett, because Taylor makes me, just kidding, Michelle, this guy's doing cutting-edge interviews with relevant shit. Fuck me. I quit.
Starting point is 03:11:43 How did their live show do from the weekend when broken science was going down? Oh, good. They did good. By the way, Michelle, I'm just busting your balls.
Starting point is 03:11:51 I'll take you over John Singleton any day, but I am jealous that he did to do John Singleton. Look at 3.9, 3, 4,000 dude. You can't even tell the difference between this and my podcast they have their own thing what say it again so we got this whole thing on lane eight and that treadmill imagine that it was always winning every single time you're going out you're walking onto the floor and that lane's the
Starting point is 03:12:17 winning lane does it does it do people change their minds that treadmill is too fast the person instead of having 11 athletes who are all pissed off about the fact that there are one treadmills too slow you would have 109 athletes saying what the fuck that one's winning every single time right no no i'm just michelle's totally relevant i was just joking come on what are you talking. Come on. I'm so happy I got to meet her. John Young. I still stand by. Oh, look at now, John. Look at when John's on their podcast.
Starting point is 03:12:53 He's chugging. When John... Oh, look at John's now flipping the script again. I still stand by as the athlete. It's on you. Shouldn't be a controversy. Stuff happens for everyone. It's just an unfortunate thing. Middle judge at Rogue type. No, no, no.
Starting point is 03:13:07 Come on, John. What the fuck are you even saying there? It's just a thruster. Yeah. Come on, John. I love that. If it can. Spin got off right when you went on.
Starting point is 03:13:21 Respect. Oh, yeah. Listen, I mean, it's all backhanded compliments i love all these guys and i love what everyone's doing in the space well mostly maybe one or two i don't love love's a little strong in essence in essence i love everyone i think he only said it six times in the video where he was talking about it. But I clicked on to Spin's video right before I started uploading and moving around for the day. And he said it twice.
Starting point is 03:13:54 So I'm curious how many times he said it. Uh-oh, John. Ken's calling you out. Yeah, yeah. He's totally trying to make everyone happy. John makes me happy. No, I'm getting off. I can't have John come on, John. I can't have come on John right now. trying to make everyone happy. John makes me happy. No, I'm getting off. I can't have John come on, John.
Starting point is 03:14:09 I can't have come on John right now. No, no, no. I don't think he was asking him to come on. He was asking him to come on. Oh. It's not that he contradicted himself. He's trying to thread it too much of a needle here. Basically, he's saying he agrees that there's a fuck up but like
Starting point is 03:14:26 don't worry about fixing it these things happen that's what I hear and it's like no you can't do that like we spotted the fuck up let's try to work on it and fix it it's kind of like I agree like John's advice is for the athlete like who gives a fuck what's happening
Starting point is 03:14:42 you better win I agree with that if he was coaching someone. Hey, you have to take accountability for it. Don't leave anything up to the judges. Oh, dude, you copied Craig Ritchie's hair. No, you don't like Craig Ritchie. You just copied his hair.
Starting point is 03:15:03 How was that picture I sent you? Is it cool? Which picture? Oh, yeah, yeah. I really liked it. I really like the way I look right now. I thought it was a cool picture of your hair.
Starting point is 03:15:12 I look like the guy that sells Vidal Sassoon. This is good. John's back. This is Lucius Turek. I don't know who Vidal Sassoon is. Vidal Sassoon? Is that the guy? Or is that the guy?
Starting point is 03:15:27 All right, Jeffrey Pertzler. For anybody who did the Nopin, and I've emailed, and I've gotten your address, and stuff is being sent out, it's coming. The thing is, I haven't been to my house in six weeks. Oh, it's not Vidal Sassoon. Who is it? Who's the famous hair shampoo guy? You know what's funny is when I say this guy's name,
Starting point is 03:15:54 no, no, no. When I say this guy's name, you guys are going to know exactly who it is. And what's crazy is this guy reached out to Gregreg during um floyd 19 to offer support i forget but but he reached out to offer support what was that guy's fucking name does anyone know his name famous hair guy uh paul oh is it paul mitchell let me see paul mitchell is that who owns paul mitchell paul mitchell no who is the guy who owned the paul mitchell company maybe it's um wouldn't it be paul mitchell uh no someone else who who bought that uh uh guys did he ever own it paul mitchell okay could you imagine opening a company
Starting point is 03:16:39 naming it after another man famous hairous hair guys. Famous hair stylists. And I'm going to sell tacos. The guy has his hair pulled back like Craig Ritchie. Hey, if you really want to know who I'm stealing this hair, what inspired this hair is Dave Driscoll. And Dave Driscoll and um bolly crossfit or something he owns like bolly oh there it is holy shit john young got it john young got it john paul di giario wow wow you got it uh di giario wow i'm over having no idea what you're talking about.
Starting point is 03:17:25 This guy. This guy. I'm pretty sure this guy reached out to Greg during Floyd 19 offer support. Do you know who this is? Jean-Paul DeJarriot. You don't know who that is? Is he a shampoo guy? No, he's not in the movie.
Starting point is 03:17:43 Oh, shit. Look at Jean-Paul DeJ giorio from homeless to building paul mitchell motherfucker was homeless too do you see that yeah oh my goodness is he not an actor that's fucking great no i think it says uh the homeless from homeless to building paul mitchell to patron tequila yeah i think he might be one of the richest men in the world No, I think it says from homeless to building Paul Mitchell to Patron Tequila. Yeah, I think he might be one of the richest men in the world. I love it. I want to ask him why he named it Paul Mitchell and not John DiGioria.
Starting point is 03:18:21 Is that maybe his first male model? I don't remember, but also I think I met this chick who was this guy's executive assistant one time. My brain's... Yeah, we should send him a link. DiGiario? Yeah, we should... Oh, Ankita Chavarati.
Starting point is 03:18:46 This is from a foreign land. I may have missed it, but has anyone looked at the standard deviation of the run times in addition to the average that would remove the confusion, whether it's the athlete or the runner? Yes. Helping did, I believe.
Starting point is 03:19:00 Helping does. Jake is in the floor on lane. 11 sucked on event the rope. The floor on lane 11 sucked on event the rope pull workout. Oh, okay. That's workout number one. I watched every heat, and they always died in that lane. My wife and Pat got the same reps.
Starting point is 03:19:21 Ropes? Reps. Reps. Oh, Paul Mitchell and him were boning, you think? Him and Desario were boning? ropes reps reps oh Paul Mitchell and him were boning you think him and Desario were boning this man is responsible for thousands if not millions of people losing their clothes after shots of Patron
Starting point is 03:19:39 that's a fucking great question do you think he chose to be homeless that is a fucking great question do you think he chose to be homeless that is a fucking great question interesting i could imagine you having him on the podcast goes hey nice to have you did you choose to be homeless just the first question yeah mitchell was his secret lover is that true have you ever had anybody leave a podcast oh you mean just like be like fuck you like there's this leave studio button right here like yeah right like like how dare you ask me about my nipple piercings i'm out yeah he's like boom and then you'd be like well i guess they're out hey you've had people not
Starting point is 03:20:25 um they could have done that and i just thought they got disconnected or their phone died because that's happened people have just vanished were there contentious topics being discussed not not that i know well after this weekend there's a couple of things that maybe you wouldn't have put together. They actually left. Oh, man. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to go to those times.
Starting point is 03:20:50 I'm going to listen to it and decide whether or not they left on accident or on purpose. What do you think I have to do to get Laura Horvat back on? I think you've got to tell her that once you find her attractive, you can't unsee it about 50 more times. I don't think she would. I actually think that's hurting my chances of getting her on. I've heard you say it at least four times. Oh, yeah, there we go. That's good.
Starting point is 03:21:19 Here we go. Here's one. Adam Blakeslee, Brian left when you let T lander in. Yeah. He did. But he was also on the show for a long time. He left because of T-Lander.
Starting point is 03:21:32 He for sure left because of T-Lander. Good call. Wow. Wow. Kate Gordon left at some point. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Did she? wow kate gordon left at some point oh shit oh shit did she uh what uh oh no you're kidding i was reading this comment from rambler kate gordon left i don't remember if kate gordon left um i think emily abbott i mean she told us i think one time we got a little squirrely and she's like, I'm out. Her boyfriend was
Starting point is 03:22:10 circling the podcast while we were on it. It was weird. He was listening at the door and shit. That was weird. That Emily Abbott one got a little weird at the end. Like a shark. Jethro Cardona, holy crap, you're still on this long. What's up, Jethro Cardona. Holy crap, you're still on this long. What's up, Jethro?
Starting point is 03:22:30 Seven. There you go. I said that looked like Meshi, and Haley got all pissed. I got pissed. Dude, if you look really close, if you put a wig on Meshi, kind of. No? Yeah. It's too close to home okay i don't know it says more about you than it does about me i'm leaving thank you for coming on you're a good therapy for me after shows you should come on after every show it's so it's
Starting point is 03:23:01 so good for me i don't. What do you mean by that? It allows me to decompress. Did you notice how wound up I am at my house after we would finish a show? Can you tell? I would be like humming. Well, but the boys have stuff to do from what I saw. You run out and it's like, we got to go to this and the jiu-jitsu instructor.
Starting point is 03:23:24 Right. This isn't how you spell Gazan, but. All right. Jake Gazan said something about how I should have Alex and Kotler on at the same time. I never even thought of that. Ooh, and Sarah. Oh, Sigmund's doter?
Starting point is 03:23:46 Yeah. I want to get Catron on for a few minutes. What are the odds? I don't know. I've never understood this, Heidi. You're his cigarette after. I know what she's inferringring like people smoke after they bang and i don't get it because i've never smoked you've never banged uh uh some on the chat
Starting point is 03:24:14 should dictate when you're done oh thanks uh there was one uh not i'm not going to a tournament next saturday but um on the 19th i'm going to one in San Jose. John, you win everything in relation to Bronislaw from here on out. Good call on his qualification for the games. Oh, shit. Melissa Odear knows Sarah already left Justin Conner. Oh, shit. Wait a minute, what?
Starting point is 03:24:47 That's CrossFit humor because she changes coaches so often. Oh, damn. That was good. I didn't qualify. It's my newest coach's fault. What was I going to say? I want to know whose rankings were more accurate, John's or Brian's. I don't want to be the one to do it,
Starting point is 03:25:08 but I guess I freaking could because it's not that hard to do. It just takes a little bit of time. I want a spreadsheet, and I want points. There are columns on the right, and for every point they were off, I want to see who has the least points between John and Brian. Aren't you working on a video that is John Young, the greatest CrossFit analyst
Starting point is 03:25:24 alive? You're not supposed to tell people my videos, man. Sorry, sorry. And they're very, very, very big when I tweet these things. I like people to kind of speculate. It's like a Dave Castro clue in the golden days. Oh, changing coaches like changing underwear. That's what I'm going to do right now.
Starting point is 03:25:42 All right, Hillard, thank you. I'm going to go change my underwear. Never mind. All right, all right, all right. I'm going to go change my underwear. Never mind. All right. All right. All right. Thank you for coming on. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 03:25:49 Thank you. Michelle Bassnett. It's an honor to have you on. What's the longest show you've ever done? Four hours? I think I approached four hours once. Bye-bye.

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