The Sevan Podcast - Mitch Hooper, CrossFit Culture and Coaching | Souza's Show

Episode Date: August 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 100 years. In 2124, we will all be buried with our relatives and friends. Strangers will live in our homes which we fought so hard to build, and they will own everything we have today, including that car you spent a fortune on. Our descendants will hardly know who we were. How many of us know our grandfather's father? After our death, we will be remembered for a few years. And a few years later, our history, our photos, our deeds go into the dustbin of oblivion. We won't even be memories.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Maybe if one day we stopped to analyze these questions, we would understand how ignorant and weak the dream of obtaining everything was, always having more and more, without having time for the things that are really worthwhile in this life. I'd change all that to live and enjoy those walks I've never taken, those un-given hugs and kisses to our children and our loves. That is what life is all about. In 100 years... Okay, now I got it together. Apparently if you press a spacebar, StreamAire drops your stream and meets your mic. But we should have sound now. Let me know if you guys hear it.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Still no sound. It's always weird because you guys are delayed a little bit. So it's hard to take feedback from the comments because it's about 30 seconds behind. Look great though. Thank you, Extra Sloppy. Appreciate that. I hope you guys are doing well out there. That thing, that little clip I started the show with popped into my Instagram feed and
Starting point is 00:01:59 it really got me thinking about contribution. And at the end it has that super like, what is your life's purpose? And, um, I, at some point everybody stops and reflects on that. Like, what is like, what am I doing? Is this job really matter? Am I making any contribution to life? Like, is there, you know, like, what is it that I'm doing? And I think a lot of people start to struggle with that a little bit. And what I tend to always lean back to is, is contribution. Like, how are you contributing to either yourself, which is probably the most important form of contribution, which is self-improvement. So how are you improving yourself? What, what things are you doing? Because
Starting point is 00:02:44 if you improve yourself, you improve those people around you. Contribution to yourself, self-improvement contributes to your family and friends. Hopefully it does. And I think that at the end of the day, the contribution to those around us, to ourselves, and to our community is pretty much the only thing we actually have. And when you make a contribution, hopefully you do it in a positive way that leaves a lasting effect. But also your contribution, your ability to produce work
Starting point is 00:03:13 creates you money. It creates the things around you. But I also do think that it also creates a little bit of legacy in the sense of what you leave behind. That clip was talking about material possessions like, you know, I need a bigger house, I need to have the bigger car, I gotta have the fucking the thing, right? The shirt, the luxury clothing items I could keep up and I and uh when people see me they get this
Starting point is 00:03:38 impression of me and it produces status. But you can't take any of that work with you, inevitably where we're all headed to. And it doesn't actually do anything for anybody else. And in fact, majority of the times when you're trying to have that outward display of status or outward display of look how great I am, it actually ends up just making other people feel shitty. So it's a, it's a minus in that bucket. And I think that contribution also makes us feel useful.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And if we're useful, I think that we're happy. You hear a lot about this, like happiness and all this other stuff. And I really think that the only path through happiness is through struggle and it's through contributing to those around you. You could go out and buy a boat and shit like that. And like, you know, Hey, I'm happy. I'm on a boat. You might be temporarily, but unless you're able to share that with other
Starting point is 00:04:26 people, then it doesn't really do a whole lot. And once all those material possessions are gone and fade into the background of memories, the only real thing that we have is hopefully a contribution that made such an impact, made such a change in the world that it carries on. Without us. I've also heard this, here's a change in the world that it carries on without us. I've also heard this, here's a contribution to all you guys out there, not you live listeners, because you guys are pretty much stuck with me, but the ones I literally didn't retrospect, if you put on 1.5 speed, I heard the
Starting point is 00:04:55 show's a lot better. So sometimes when I think about, um, people in the contributions that they want to make to the space that we're all in, the health and fitness space, the CrossFit space, whatever the case may be, really you have to ask yourself, what is your intention? And I want to bring this up real quick. I wish it would just pause on the fucking thumbnail. That would be amazing Oh old
Starting point is 00:05:35 Mitchell's contributions old Mitchell I was on the phone with uh With 700 later and I was like, holy shit. we found the guy. We found patients zero in the mind virus. This dude right here is making zero contribution to the health and fitness space and he's making a negative contribution to the CrossFit space. He is in people like him get on on getting off on other people. They see this issue happening in the CrossFit space. And I know, and you guys have seen all the shows you go on and you get 10,000 views if I'm willing to talk about the CrossFit games and the situation with Lazar. Everybody wants to see it.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Well, this guy also threw his hat in that ring as well. Probably got a ton of views, ton of attention from it and decided, oh, well, shit. Okay. Let me just keep on keeping on this. So for this time, he stepped on a landmine because he went after John Young in his opinion here in this guy. People like this guy want nothing out of that contribution other than people to watch, listen and follow
Starting point is 00:06:46 him and he will use that outrage to push his own shit. He contributed nothing with this video. He didn't even take the time, the two minutes at the minimum to go through and even listen to any one of the shows that John was on or to understand him as a person. And you could tell that right away when he made the claim in this video of, Oh, they're just looking at those CrossFit girls and probably trying to sleep with them. Like now with John Young. Other people in the comments right now, you guys are putting he's 28.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Yeah, he's 28 going on hypertensive. He's 28 going on health conditions. Because of the difference, the stimulus that he asked to use for his sport here. Now, anyhow, Savon and Hiller already chopped this thing up hard for the last 40 minutes, which I'll be making a clip of and putting it in there. But what I really wanted to do is read through some of these comments real quick. I just thought it was, I thought it was, I thought these were funny. This is telling in the way people think. Unlike most keyboard warriors have no doubt, Mitch would happily say this to their face with little fear of repercussions. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Shut up, Justin. What the fuck are you providing here? 61 likes from all you freaking betas that hide behind somebody like this. And again, you're stepping into an arena of shit you don't even know about. What's your fucking problem? You're not even a fucking pro. You're not even a pro. You're not even a pro. You're not even a pro. You're not even a pro. What the fuck are you providing here? 61 likes from all you freaking betas that hide behind somebody like this. And again, you're stepping into an arena of shit you don't even know about.
Starting point is 00:08:29 What are you talking about? It's mind boggling how many people actually think a sport somehow doesn't have merit if you don't want to sleep with the competitors. Yeah. Cause that's what John said. Strong woman grows by leaps and bounds every year, regardless of this, these podcast trolls, it girl sleeps in bounds. Yeah. The fuck right. And if you go and check out this dude's Instagram, ask what contribution he's made to strong woman. There's not even
Starting point is 00:09:01 one in sight. This dude's a joke. This week in the fitness industry garbage people have garbage opinions. Appreciate Mitch having the balls to publicly call them out rather than sit on the fence as to not offend either side. You think that this takes balls? You think that what this dude is doing takes any sort of balls whatsoever Dude This doesn't take any balls This takes an internet connection and a dude that knows where to push In order just to get attention
Starting point is 00:09:44 That's all. He said the exact same thing in this video that's from vindicate. Where's a very Cocker Merch things. Oh, clock. You guys are all up in the mix. Yeah. Because this again, people don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. They're just mad. This they can't lift as much weight as strong women do. Yeah. that's what I'm mad about. What are you talking about? I got plenty of enough money for the supplements just to wreck my fucking body so I could do a sumo deadlift and call it something important. This has been to be my favorite comment. The Highlander three two hours ago the fact of anyone from CrossFit talking trash at this moment is absolutely astounding
Starting point is 00:10:30 What the fuck does that even mean oh My goodness and then and then a hundred and eight other idiots liked it what Yeah Hey Mitch big fan of your dick in my butt. It's misogynist, not misogynist. And then you got ZXL over here talking about the misspelling. How about the definition of the word? Why don't you start there? Hey Mitch, you're completely using the wrong definition of the word. Possibly that. Oh my goodness. It just, you could easily just go through this whole thing and understand that there is nothing of value. There is nothing of value that is being offered by this dude. He's like a weak captain save a hoe. Now you
Starting point is 00:11:23 guys had to remember I went to high school in like the early 2000s right and I remember it was like a e40 song called captain save a hoe and these were the type of dudes that like huddled around the chicks and tried to try to be their friend to get in the friend zone and give them all this shit ultimately so that way they're liked and if they're really lucky the girl might bring them out of the friend zone. Save a who save a hoe. That's exactly what this deed reminds me of.
Starting point is 00:11:59 There's no there's nothing here. It was just an opportunity to pile on. Put some more outrage about the CrossFit space. Hillers comment. Oh, no, you didn't. Congratulations on the 300 subs, big guy, because that's all you care about. This is also type of dude that puts a little post on his thing and goes, yay, I'm so excited. It's 2 million of you. Listen to me. Here's my fucking cake in a balloon. And now what is my job to do is to make sure that I'm liked by all these 2 million people.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I can't really have an opinion until I decide that it's in a popular opinion and then I could have that opinion because I'll be protected by the masses. You know what? John Young has more integrity and he's more of a man and his little mini his little pinky finger than this whole Mitch dude is across his whole body. John Young is the type of guy that when he says something on a show or in here, and even when he's wrong and he knows it, he stands up to, he says, yeah, I said that. Yeah, it was wrong. Or yeah, I didn't have all the information or yeah, I've changed my mind. And I respect him for that a lot.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Cause he understands that he's going to make calls. He's going to make opinions or have opinions. Information situations and things are changed. Sometimes he stands by him. Sometimes he says when he's wrong. And I respect him for that. And even in this clip that was pulled here, which I thought was hilarious that John had said that now has made it on here. Good for you, John Young, use this as you're coming out party. Double down on this type of stuff because you know what? The way that you said it in the show and on that clip when you're like, ah, it's just my opinion. Ah, it doesn't really, you know, I like the cross for girls and they're just, it seems like there are a lot on steroids because they are
Starting point is 00:13:56 dude. You're not going to walk around and be like, Oh, look at that chick. She could carry me around during sex. I know I'm turned on says fucking no dude ever. Oh, these people are so afraid of the truth. The reason why I'm so passionate about two reasons. Number one, John Young's a friend of mine and he's somebody who goes out there, puts his opinions out online, backs up what he says amidst when he's wrong. I respect that. Number two is this dude is the problem with men in our society. He thinks that he's doing right by having the right social justice opinion on here and
Starting point is 00:14:42 just goes on and just bitches to appease the crowd offers nothing concludes with nothing Nothing's gonna change hides from the truth Doesn't even take the time to watch her Do anything with the shows or understand any of the opinions or who John Young is and then just puts this up here So, you know what? Lift kind be have her area lift heavy be kind. Yeah is and then just puts this up here. So you know what? Lift kind be have her area lift heavy be kind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I'm real kind unless I disagree with your ideology or the way that something said and then I'm just going to not be. Whatever. Done with that dude. But if you want some good entertainment scroll down. I do CrossFit so I'm in that world world the number one thing I think crossfit got wrong in the early years was encouraging the demonization of other forms of fitness. Oh really Did you stormy stormy calm Wow Tom wow See I wanted to put his name in the caption even though I spelt it wrong
Starting point is 00:15:58 It's H o O P E R shout out to uh Shout out to Peter aka Pedro aka coffee what the pods for shooting me a text. He's like, Hey, this is misspelled. I'm like, thank goodness. Cause I'm an idiot. Barry McOchran. Hooper 19. Yeah. Anyhow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:20 So, uh, what I really want to get into the issues today is I want to talk a little bit about CrossFit's culture We saw that even inside those comments right there John Young Shout out dude. I will go to war for you. But oh you fight I will I Will yeah, I will there I will stand in front of that firing squad with you any day my guy any day Fuck that dude And here is an issue we have shit like this coming out You guys I'm sure at this point. I've seen that like what happened at the At the CrossFit Games main national headline news. We talked a little bit about in the last show
Starting point is 00:17:02 I'm getting stuff sent for me from friends from high school that never even did cross hit that are like, check it out. You made on the New York times again, dude. Ha ha ha. And there's zero voice. There's zero pushback. There is zero defense. There is nothing. There is nothing in terms of media or in terms of a narrative or in terms of pushback against any of this stuff that that's coming out and stuff like what this Mitch dude is doing is the continued pile on that's only going to get worse, especially after we have some sort of result from the investigation or we have some sort of consequence from what happened.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And so what I mean by out there is like consequences, like somebody gets fired or that the games changes in a major way. Like we all know that there's gonna be some sort of consequence from this. We just don't know what it is yet. And the fact that there is nothing in terms of messaging or media or anything like that coming out of CrossFit HQ
Starting point is 00:18:04 is a huge issue because you have given none of your affiliates any ammo to push back against this. You've given nothing to even sway the narrative away from the conversation or the talking points. And unfortunately, I think that the stuff that will come out of CrossFit HQ will miss the mark. And unfortunately, I think that the stuff that will come out of CrossFit HQ will miss the mark. I think it'll miss the mark. And I have this clip here that I wanted to show. I don't think I'm going to be able to play it entirely because it has like music that plays and then you know, I get dinged for it.
Starting point is 00:18:40 But anyhow, you'll get the point. You'll get the point. You'll get the point. My father didn't aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed. $12 million mansion, Obama's. Obama's DC estate, 1.8 million. Hawaii property, 8.7 million. Michelle Obama said, outfit that night, $2,500,000 shoes. Didn't aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of folks
Starting point is 00:19:15 who took more than they needed. Suspicious of folks who took more than they needed. The reason why I wanted to show that clip is because it shows an out of touch of reality. We live in a different reality than most of the politicians live in. They come up there and they make these claims and they push a lot of policy that pretty much has no effect on their lives whatsoever. But they're going to very quickly tell you what to do, how to think and how you should live your life.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And they're also going to do it in the name of helping you, the average American who's working hard to fight inflation, which government created and working hard to make sure that you could still feed your families. Why they subsidize most families who don't work. And by families, I mean individuals who are just applying for a lot of welfare. So essentially what they're doing is they're telling you and by the way, by the way, please don't jump on that welfare comment. Thanks. Things that people need have hard times and they need help.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yes, I know. I know. But we all know that the welfare since the 1970s has created a welfare state. We have multiple generations of individuals who have just lived off welfare. So you cannot say that is just helping people in hard times. It is subsidizing individuals who are non-contributors of society. And when you have that far of a disconnect between the people at the top and the people who are actually the producers that are going to turn the wheel of the
Starting point is 00:20:41 economy, there starts to be an erosion in leadership and like trust within that leadership. So Michelle Obama or Michael Obama, some of you guys said in the comments is going to come up here and tell us that we should be weary of people that have too much. We should be weary of people that take more for themselves than others. And then they show the clip of all their property and all their house and like everything else. Right. And so where I immediately go with that is all the executives over at CrossFit that have
Starting point is 00:21:14 now been hired as serial tech entrepreneurs, not entrepreneurs, serial tech executives, excuse me, coming in from all the different jobs that they have done with their well-oiled up resumes that look great, that are going to find a way to create some sort of value proposition for you, the affiliate owner or a coach, but have a massive disconnect between what their job is and what your job is. And so as I continue down the processing of what exactly CrossFit HQ does for CrossFit affiliates, and I get the question all the time,
Starting point is 00:21:58 is are you still going to be an affiliate when my time comes to make that decision. And the thing is, is like, or the truth is behind that, is as I sit down and make a list of reasons to stay versus reasons to leave, it's not looking that great. It's not looking that great. And I will kind of share that with you guys Probably in a different show This one will get interesting
Starting point is 00:22:30 I know a bunch of people were here for the outrage with the Mitchell thing and then left and That might be a mistake because I am gonna have a guest on we're gonna be talking about the potential future for coaches potential future for Affiliates a uh, the potential future for coaches, potential future for affiliates, a potential potential. And we'll go to some comments. Uh, Jake, I'm always concerned with men with 10 inch pieces, but 10 inch pieces, but we're condoms. We need more men with large shlongs pass it along please. Oh, my gosh. What a frickin comment to bring my guest in here on. That's kind of ridiculous. But whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:19 OK, so I also put this new this new song in that I was going to play at the beginning, but I forgot. Can you recognize it? I have to kind of like talk over it a little bit. I don't know if this one will get dinged but... All right. So here we go. Bringing a guest we got here. Sound Effects. Oh no, she froze it. Okay, you're back. Do you recognize that song? Do you know where that song's from? I recognize it, but no. It's an older song. It's one of those ones that like, it sounds like a different song.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I don't know. It's all teal. It's not like Molly Ringwald should be like, I liked it because I had this big like couldn't like hit at the beginning and I was like, oh, I'm going to use this. But I got all wound up because some guy on the internet was talking crap about my friend, John Young, um, and his opinion on strong women. And, uh, so I had to, I had to go down the rabbit hole of talking crap on the internet. Like to rile you up. I think you got to pick your battles. I definitely should pick my battles, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I have this soft spot. Like if it definitely comes down to somebody who I'm like friends with, that's always tough. I was always that kid in school that like I never really like caused any trouble or you know made us think of anything but if I saw you like pick on one of my friends or somebody that I knew that like did not want to fight or did not want to be picked on that started like it just irked me so much that then I just would like interject myself and get involved. It's probably not a good thing, but it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I think I still have a little bit of that instinct in me. I think you do too. Yeah. I can't help but be protective, right? I mean, I always think that like it's probably a sign that like I'm not good with my own vulnerabilities that when somebody else's are exposed, it causes this like overprotective reaction in me where I want to like just wrap a cloak of love around the person and destroy the other one.
Starting point is 00:25:28 That's yep. That's exactly where I was with. And like, are you seriously gonna try and I mean, you've heard me say this before, but my like, you know, tombstone is going to say Emily Kaplan. She didn't pick fights, but she didn't lose them either. Yeah, that's it. That's exactly it. It's like sometimes you can't help but get involved, especially if you know there's like
Starting point is 00:25:50 an injustice or something happening. Absolutely. Or like the mob stuff. I mean, I think we all have seen these examples that really make your blood pressure go. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But thanks for joining me today. I know you got always 1,000,000 things happening and going on at the same time.
Starting point is 00:26:08 And I wanted to bring you in here and just catch up. We talked about on the last show some of the stuff that BSI is doing and all the awesome things you guys are doing over there. I'm trying to find right now this converter too because you sent me a teaser for a course you guys have and I'm trying to convert it now from a movie to an MP4 file. So if you see me looking over here, that is what is happening. I wasn't asked to do that. I know. It gets crazy. I don't even know half the time. Some of this stuff I could do in real time,
Starting point is 00:26:39 and usually Savon just keeps going through, so I get a couple of minutes, go in the back of the curtain and figure it out. But let's talk a little... The first thing I want to talk about, which I'm really excited because we had a conversation probably like two years ago when you originally kind of told me about the Emily Unleashed podcast and all the different people you had access to and the conversations that you were going to have. And I was a huge fan of that because
Starting point is 00:27:01 I think the type of people that you have access to and your ability to take kind of what they're doing and distill that down and make it digestible for all of us and then still at the same time ask some really insightful questions that continue to kind of show the work that they're doing or this mission that we're all on is a huge superpower of yours. And I know that this is getting close to that podcast being released, right? Yeah. And I mean, I think it's important to say, I was very reluctant about doing this. I think Greg kept saying... Very reluctant.
Starting point is 00:27:33 You should be interviewing people. You should have a show. And I was like, we have so many things in the works. And I know from when I had the Empowered Health podcast, it was so important to be consistent and do it every week. And I was like, I can't do that. Like, I just don't have the bandwidth right now. You know, because I really obviously spend a lot of time researching the guests that I'm going to speak to, the issues, the people in the in the eight episodes we're releasing, are really critical. I mean, like deep dive thinkers, people who have like really changed a paradigm or in some cases have done really profound work in the medical space. That would be kind of a waste if I didn't do that work. And so I, you know, sort of recorded eight episodes and kept holding them of just like, fuck it, let's just release them. Because now, I mean, like I interviewed Adam Carolla, what was like last December or something, right? And if I was going to interview Adam again, I would, we would talk about the election. And so the interviews are like evergreen in the sense that like we're really talking about how do you go about challenging authority in a way that other people who are watching can learn from, but that also may not have realized like how Much these people have risked to put their ideas out there and that's the theme of the guests of the show
Starting point is 00:28:53 Um, but you know, it's funny because greg was basically like just do one like just do one interview And then like next time you want to talk to somebody interesting like just do another like don't put pressure on yourself And then bob my husband basically said the same thing, independent of Greg. Right. And so I was sort of like, all right. Now they're both saying it. I mean, like they agree on stuff, but like, it's sort of odd for them to both, you know, sort of have the same approach to it.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And obviously I think they're both incredibly smart. So I'm like, all right, I should probably take this. And I think, you know, part of the reason for doing the show and people are like, what does that have to do with broken science? And I knew we were gonna get into all of this but broken science is so much more than like, I think the philosophy of science and the work
Starting point is 00:29:37 that Greg and I have done over the past few years is really the foundation for critical thinking. But then everything else is coming from that. And everything that we're doing is grounded in science, which is really, you know, sort of investigation into ideas that you can't be 100% sure of. So I wanted to do Emily Unleashed in part because I feel like there are really great examples of people who are critical thinkers. They're oftentimes, you know, villainized for being outside of the status quo.
Starting point is 00:30:08 But also I think like kids today aren't, don't seem to be as rebellious as they used to be. And I think part of the whole broken science thing is like, we want to encourage rebellion because we think the status quo isn't working, right? And this is in fitness and health, this is in medicine, this is in education. And so our societies are designed to build communities of people who have recognized things aren't working right. Right. Right. And so I think, well,
Starting point is 00:30:34 what then we should be talking to people who have done that successfully and can kind of, you know, through their own narrative and storytelling and examples, maybe inspire other people to be like, you know what, I don't think this is right. Or I think there's another way of doing this. And I think the amount of censorship we see right now, the amount of sort of like, I mean, free speech in Europe is like they're arresting people. People are not aware of all of these controls that are already kind of coming into play. And like this, these projects are really critical right now and people really need to like be kind of doing everything they can to make themselves as strong
Starting point is 00:31:11 mentally and physically as they can, because we don't really know what's coming, but it doesn't look good. And it's definitely not a sure thing. So I was excited about the show for that reason, because I feel like these are all people who are sort of personal heroes in one way or another. And it's really like art and science. So there's some interesting, you know, sort of there's a woman who I knew in sort of a different capacity who's been basically since the Taliban took over in Afghanistan, she's been launching these sort of underground schools for girls, because girls aren't allowed to be educated anymore. And how she's been launching these sort of underground schools for girls, because girls aren't allowed to be educated
Starting point is 00:31:46 anymore. And how she's been able to do that is really interesting. And she is a spitfire, like-minded person. And so she can do it. And then Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew and then some philosophy of science guys that we've had at some of our events who have really interesting ways of thinking about, you know, David Stove's work and why that was revolutionary at the time, but it's still incredibly revolutionary today.
Starting point is 00:32:14 We bought the rights to that David Stove book, just to jump around. That book is on Amazon right now available as a broken science book. So our new imprint. Okay. And that's going to be out in October. So that's really that Greg and I are both really excited about the fact that we were able to buy the rights to that book. We're republishing it, and it's only for $30,
Starting point is 00:32:32 whereas it was hundreds of dollars before because there weren't very many copies available. And I worked with an incredible designer, so the whole book is redesigned very gorgeous. So it really is a raid. It's hard to say who who are the guests other than that they're all critical thinkers. Some of them are really famous. Some of them are not this guy Josh Betty, who I actually found
Starting point is 00:32:54 through Instagram, who has taken a bunch of like hip hop and rap music and played it with the violin. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So one used to play it on his show when he did the thong song like a year ago. I don't know how this dude popped on a radar, but we started listening to it and he would like became obsessed about the with the thong song thing on the violin. So he yeah, he would play that guy's stuff on the on the show. I think we tried to get him. I wonder what happened with that.
Starting point is 00:33:21 We tried to actually get him on the show. He I don't know what happened was him doing Cypress Hill Hill and I like loved Cypress Hill when I was a kid. So I was like, Yeah, like what is this? And he's very cool. And he, you know, sort of came up with this idea on his own and started doing it. And then you know, all these big people in the space started asking him to come and do you know, their concerts with concerts with them. So that's really cool story. And I think I'll keep doing it. I was sort of thinking that season two might be people that are just in health and fitness because there's a lot of really interesting revolutionaries in that
Starting point is 00:33:57 space that Greg obviously being one, but others well, who have made such dramatic change that we don't even know about now, like we think of this as like commonplace. I mean, like yoga is a good example, right? Like, yoga used to be like people thought it was like some weird cult and it was illegal. Like, there were a lot of things put in the way of that. And now it's like everybody, you know, like there's nothing controversial about it. Right. So yeah, so that's coming out Thursday. Okay. And where can people find it? Somebody just asked that like a YouTube, Spotify, will it be everywhere? Is that going to be? It's going to be on YouTube, although I don't know if the whole episode is going to be on YouTube. I think we're trying, we have
Starting point is 00:34:40 Okay. We'll have all the show notes and everything. And that redirects you basically to the broken science part of the site where Emily Unleashed is. And then also if you go under content, where the Glassman archives are, so we have all of Greg's old writings and we're in the process of putting all of his ups, it'll, there'll be a drop down there. I don't know if they've done that yet or not, but it should be there very soon. So you can and I mean like we have Emily at Emily unleashed is the Instagram page which already has like, I think I don't know, over 1000 followers, which is kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Yeah, and here's the website for any of you guys like we have the teaser for the for the Emily leash podcast right there. And then of course, if you come up to societies, you could go or excuse me the content you could go to the great glassman archive. And that was just what Emily was talking about, as well as the podcast videos, articles, like all this stuff that you guys have is centralized here on this website. So don't, you know, don't bother like searching around, just come to broken and it'll all be there for you.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Yep. Definitely. That's awesome. One thing that I was going to mention too, when you had, you had said the thing about you had a woman on here that was essentially like starting these underground schools so that way they could educate women. Mitch, there's your problem buddy. Not John Young saying that he doesn't find powerlifting women on steroids attractive. The fact is that there's still areas in the place of this world that
Starting point is 00:36:03 aren't any allow women to become educated. And your focus is John Young's comment on the attractiveness of powerlifting women. Gosh. That women aren't allowed to be educated, actually. I mean, like a lot of women are married off when they're 12. Education isn't important. I think this this week that the women aren't even allowed to show their faces anymore or speak in public. I think this, this week that the women aren't even allowed to show their faces
Starting point is 00:36:25 anymore or speak in public. So I'm so glad we pulled out of there the way we did. We did a great job. That was. Yeah. I mean, that's just, it's crazy to think that there's still places in the world that are like that in terms of not educating women, not letting them show their faces, deeming them property of other individuals and yet we're so focused here on a
Starting point is 00:36:48 Comment that was made online that wasn't it's like our efforts are just so Deprioritized I guess Well, I think that's the luxury of freedom, right? That is yeah, you're right You get to fight over like sort of stupid shit rather than the big stuff. Yeah, exactly. Jake Chapman, are there any female strong women in Afghanistan? No. I mean, there's probably women that are strong, but I don't think that they're in the sport.
Starting point is 00:37:15 One of the things that I noted here in our conversations that it just keeps coming back to my, you know, as far as this like tagline, that is just essentially like personal health leads to the understanding of personal responsibility, which leads to becoming responsible for the things that you could control around you, which then leads to thinking clear, which then leads to contributions to your family, your friends, then to a local level,
Starting point is 00:37:39 then that actually leads to changing the world. And so I think I wanted Greg's talks, he said something like, I have no hope in changing the world. And so I think I wanted Greg's talks. He said something like, I have no hope in changing the institutions or the, or the system. And a lot of, I remember talking to some people afterwards and they're like, Oh, that was kind of like, that was kind of a downer. Like there's no hope. Like what do you, and I said, no, no, no, you're misconstruing what he's saying. He's saying that putting our efforts towards pointing at the institution and saying, Hey, you should change. Hey, institution and saying, Hey, you should change.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Hey, you should change. Hey, you should change. There is no hope for that. The actual change and the actual hope resides in the individuals getting the information, especially from the intellectual powerhouses and the people that you guys are working with over at Broken Science and taking that and saying, okay, what can I do with this information that I could take control of my life and then deploy that to actually create change. And I 100% believe that it's the first step is just realizing that you have personal responsibility
Starting point is 00:38:34 and the first person you need to be responsible for is yourself and your health. So you could move easily, think clearly, and then deploy those things out to the world at large. And so I think that's like, that's our whole entire, you know, kernel of it. And like what when Greg had said that he had no hope for that, I agreed with him in the sense is like, wow, I really got thinking you're right. If we just stand at the door and pound and, you know, set up some tents outside of the CDC and say, you guys need to change.
Starting point is 00:39:02 You've been lying to us and killing people. They're taking them like, okay, whatever. But if we actually disseminate education to individuals that they could take that education and use it to transform their lives and therefore the lives of the people around them, then that becomes a really powerful hope for change. So- Crossfit model, right?
Starting point is 00:39:21 It's like the idea that like, you're not gonna get everybody in the world to be fit or to stop eating sugar. But if you get one person to do it, and then they share it with other people, then suddenly next thing you do, you do have millions of people who are doing it. And now we don't call diet soda, diet soda, we call it sugar free. Like that's a direct result of that movement's impact. And I think when he says like, I have no hope for the, you know, sort of like systemic changes, part of that is a reaction to how many people that he and I have met with, especially like before we really launched anything where we were
Starting point is 00:39:58 sort of just like trying our ideas out on people and so many people who had been kind of come awake to this idea that, you know, modern medicine is broken, that the way that we're looking at science isn't really about validation. But everybody had their target as peer review or academia at large or hospital systems or overhauling insurance or government influence with money. And we were both like, no, actually, like this is these are all outposts that are going to be really, really hard to change if they're changeable. Right. Right. Well, actually can say which we, you know, sort of low carb is a great example of this.
Starting point is 00:40:38 The medical community, by and large, still rejects low carb. But plenty of individuals are like, Oh, my friend lost 100 pounds. I'm going to write the results are saying something different. Don't eat sugar. I feel better. I sleep better and I don't crave sugar anymore. So like, I don't know what your research has told you, but like my body is showing me something else, which is another part of, as you know, things that we're
Starting point is 00:41:01 building a big, you know, there's going to be like big, there's gonna be like technological piece, which everybody will learn more about in the coming months. That's really about N equals one experimentation so that we are gonna have cohorts of people who are able to share their protocols of like, hey, I've been trying this diet or I've been trying this regimen. And if anybody else wants to try it too, you can sign up
Starting point is 00:41:22 and you can follow what I did and do it exactly. And then my hope is that members of our medical community will go in and actually be able to study them and publish off of them because you can't really do that the way the medical system is set up right now because it would be considered potentially immoral or you can do whatever experimentation you want on yourself, but you can get IRB approval and all of these other things to do dietary things that are called bad by the mainstream. When we didn't know that, but we don't have cohorts to really study them.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And Dave Feldman is somebody who really inspired me in this way where he was a lean mass hyper responder. So he had really high cholesterol. And so he started doing keto and he had all these great results. I mean, his cholesterol and all that stuff like that, it's just seems to be a genetic predisposition, but like, is he at higher risk for coronary heart disease or not? And so he actually developed such a following online and all these other people started doing it, that they were able to collect a lot of data. And now they're
Starting point is 00:42:21 publishing that he would net. No one would have ever in a million years agreed to let these people with astronomically high cholesterol just eat fat meat. Right. But he's on his own and he inspired other people to do it and sure enough now we have research on it. So I think we can do a whole lot more of that which I'm really excited about. Yeah. Because it is it's about empowering the individual and it's also about saying like it's my body So I'm gonna try this thing that may or may not work And you know safe as way as you decide you have a risk tolerance for yeah This you know the idea of risk is something obviously really interesting to me on a number of levels But I think when we think about health and risk like it's actually there's it's not risk-free to go to a hospital
Starting point is 00:43:04 No, it's like it was the third third leading cause of death for a while was you know medical accident. So all of these things you kind of need to recalibrate when you're figuring out like what is your you know risk reward for some intervention. Well why not try something else that's like kind of low hanging fruit that's right in front of you with the community of people who have done it and supported it and whatever and no it's not you not, you know, a randomized controlled trial, but it's the step towards figuring out how does the body work and how do we process things? What are the root causes for things? So, I mean, all of that is sort of intertwined in a lot of the things that we're working on.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Yeah. And it's interesting because you said the thing about like the diet change, like, right, like I could go to individuals like my members or even people that are in the medical community. And if I start having this conversation like, Hey, well, have you only tried to eat meat and fruit for like 30 days? Just cut everything out fruit before noon. After that, just meat. Like people would look at you and be like, Whoa, let's not get crazy. Like that could be really harmful.
Starting point is 00:44:04 But if I have that same conversation, I say, Hey, my 13 year old thinks that they want to be a transition from a male to a female, we're going to pursue a puberty blockers. Don't hear shit. We're okay with that. We're we're in fact, we'll even support it to a certain degree in terms of society at large, right? Even though the meat and fruit thing, maybe you have a bad bathroom incident or something like that, but you could
Starting point is 00:44:28 quickly say like, Hey, this isn't really agreeing with my, you know, digestive system and I'm going to change back. No big deal. You don't have that two way door with the puberty blockage. No, it's just funny that like so many people don't even understand that research. Like I, you know, because of stuff in Massachusetts that I became interested in, started looking into the research, this is all based in Europe, and it's all out of one clinic, which did most of that research 10 years ago. And they were looking a lot at like kids who, you know, were suicidal or depressed wanted to transition. And the justification was like, it's much better for them psychologically. And it turns out that now we have 10 years later, like these people are just as depressed, if not more,
Starting point is 00:45:07 because it turns out like men don't wanna date women who have transitioned and gay men don't wanna date people who have transitioned because like lesbians wanna be with women. It's like, so who's your social, like who are you dating? Like if this is like you become so isolated in that, that it actually causes a huge amount of damage. And as we know, you can't go back.
Starting point is 00:45:31 And it does seem like there's all these like cancer risk factors. But for me, the whole thing is like, just put a logical hat on. You cannot get a boob change or like breast implants until you're 18. Yeah. What, so like we've acknowledged that people like young people, adolescents go through a lot of things about body dysmorphia, right? Or wanting
Starting point is 00:45:54 to change something about themselves. And as a society, we've put some guardrails on those when it comes to, you know, cosmetic surgery. Right. Why is that any different? You know, and I think if like if you're 40 and you want to have people call you a what you're a man, you want to have people call you a woman, like I don't really care. It doesn't impact my life at all. But I think as a society, we really do have a responsibility to be protective of children and honest with them. And I think in a lot of these situations, nobody's talking to these kids. I mean, I know in Boston, Boston Children's Hospital, there's a friend of mine who is a surgeon, a big plastic surgeon. And he was saying to me that they have it's like a secret, there's like a mass exodus of doctors, because
Starting point is 00:46:33 the way that they're handling the, you know, trans surgery process is that a lot of times the kids are coming in with parents, and the doctors are worried that they're going to say the wrong thing. So they don't ask any questions. And so there is no, I mean, like there's no other surgery that anybody should have. If you go to a surgeon and they don't tell you the long-term risks or the risks associated with, you know, not doing it, doing it, like what are the alternatives things to try in the meantime, like, where is your head and all of this? Like, certainly, if it's a, you know, selective surgery, you need to think a lot about like, emotionally, like, is this something that you're going to want to do in 10? You know, like, where are you? They're not any of that stuff. And parents feel just like kind of lost. And it's like, if you can't have an honest conversation about, hey, we really don't know the long-term effects of these things. So like, this is a huge gamble.
Starting point is 00:47:31 So like, we wanna just educate you on what this could look like for your son or daughter in 10 years. They're not doing that. That's like medical malpractice 101. And it's happening everywhere because of exactly what you're saying where there's this sort of social Sense of like you don't want to say the wrong thing. You don't want to offend anybody Yeah, I imagine there anything more offensive than somebody not educating you on potential risks for something that you're gonna that's forever
Starting point is 00:47:57 Right in is gonna affect you more than anybody else I mean, you're the one going through the surgery You should have all the information and that's why I think what you guys are doing over at Broken Science is so awesome because if you go back and even listen to the podcast that you did with like Ken Berry, and I know you've done this on a couple other ones where you could actually like,
Starting point is 00:48:14 you're giving essentially this blueprint of like, hey, when you go to the doctor, if you find out XYZ, here's a list of questions that you could ask so you could have an intelligent conversation with your doctor, just to understand your risk, what you're being exposed to. So you could just make a better decision. And I, so much of what we're doing is that, so like we have this math class
Starting point is 00:48:34 that's coming out, um, hopefully next week and it's really, hold on. I gotta show this off real quick. Cause I did get it figured out the whole entire time. We were talking and check it out. Now I got this and here's the trailer for what Emily's talking about right now. Welcome to the BSI Math Class. If you've ever wondered how to make sense of the world
Starting point is 00:48:51 using logic, probability, and critical thinking, you're in the right place. Every day we're bombarded with information. Some of it's useful, some of it's misleading, and some of it just doesn't make any sense. In this series, we break down complex ideas like epistemology, logic, and probability into practical tools you can use to navigate life's uncertainties. Here math isn't just about numbers, it's about clarity, it's about being able to see through the noise and get to the
Starting point is 00:49:17 truth. Whether you're making sense of health data, evaluating scientific claims, or just trying to figure out if you need an umbrella today, our course will give you the tools to make more informed logical choices. Join us for the BSI math class where we break down the math that matters. Boom. Look at that. So, and that's, I mean, I feel like as somebody who like didn't love math, like that's a great place for people to be able to come in and get some of these concepts. And I think probability theory, I mean, like Greg and I both feel really strongly like this just changes
Starting point is 00:49:48 the game. Like it really changes the way you think about making any kind of decision. And so like Journal Club is the same thing, right? So Journal Club is like very deep dive look at specific studies that we've picked, right? So we've done one on like Walter Longo's fasting, mimicking diet, which people, a lot of people say is like amazing, the research is shit, right? But what happens is that when we go through them and we break them down, the more you listen to those,
Starting point is 00:50:18 if you are a member of the medical society, all of those are in the library, you can start to learn what to look for. And that's reading the news. Or if you are diagnosed with something or you have a parent or a child who is, and you want to go and read the literature, you'll start to be able to figure out like, Oh, wait, this is absolute risk versus relative risk. Like I kind of know what that is.
Starting point is 00:50:40 And then we have all the other tools to sort of remind you what it is. And so I think we are working so hard to build as many sort of avenues into this way of challenging your brain to recognize how these things are broken and what you need to do about it. So like with the medical society, a lot of times people will say like, Oh, um, you know, I'm not a doctor. And I'm always like, I'm not a doctor, right? Like, I want to be a member of the medical society, because this research is really important
Starting point is 00:51:09 to patients also. And we're just critical thinkers and want to read the news, right. And so that society is like, I think it was sort of like, part of it was that we launched when CrossFit launched, and there was a lot of confusion about what ours was versus theirs. And ours is definitely open to patients. And it's like, I mean, it's open to anybody and it's donation-based, right? So you can spend as much or as little you want every month to be a member. And we're doing all these great events.
Starting point is 00:51:33 So, I mean, I think we should talk about that we're doing one in Boston, on September 21st. And I think there's still tickets available for that. And real quick, I just wanna throw this in here. So if you guys go, if you're interested in the medical society, you want some more information right now, you could join it. You just go to When you guys click societies, you could click the medical society.
Starting point is 00:51:54 You could click apply to join the apply to join the application is the link that I just put into the comments of the show right there. They'll also be in the description of the show notes of this show. And if you're just listening to it on Apple and, uh, Spotify, so you guys can get all the information there. Okay. Sorry about that. No, that's great.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Thank you for doing that. Wow. Yeah. And so, I mean, I think that's like also the, that tour that we're doing, which I think Greg is saying he's going to try and come to as many of them as he can, he obviously just had a baby. So we'll see how that goes. I don't want to make any promises.
Starting point is 00:52:25 But the Boston one I'm talking, and Tom Seyfried, who's the metabolic theory of cancer, professor at Harvard Business, I mean, at Harvard, at Boston College, is also speaking. And the audience is going to be packed with really interesting people. Greg had chiminea made for me, which I'm really excited about. So that's great.
Starting point is 00:52:44 We are going to also have a party at my house with everybody to just sort of like hang out, exchange ideas. And, you know, these are going to become for members of the societies only, but they're not right now. So, okay. So yeah, I could still go to this if I'm around and okay. I'm here with the society is about and you're not really sure like you'll get a taste of it and you'll also get to meet other people who are involved.
Starting point is 00:53:06 So we have a bunch of members. I mean, society is growing, so I don't even know how many we have right now. That's a current question. But we have a bunch of people who are members who are flying in from all over the country because they're so excited about gathering in person. So we did it in New York.
Starting point is 00:53:20 The next one's in Boston. Then I'm speaking at Strong New York, which is the biggest fitness conference convention in New York, the next one's in Boston, then I'm speaking at strong New York, which is the biggest fitness conference convention in New York. The first weekend in October, Kenny, I forget his last name. Um, does that right? Uh, shoot. I'm blanking on his last name, but yeah, great guy. Cool dude.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Yeah. Um, and current I think is listening. Maybe she could write that his name in there. I feel terrible. I can't remember. San San San. Yeah. Karen, what's is listening. Maybe she could write that his name in there. I feel terrible. I can't remember. San, San, San. Yeah. Karen, what's Kenny's last name? Help us out a little bit here.
Starting point is 00:53:50 And then she and I are going to Hilton Head. I don't know if you're coming to that. And then we're going to do one in LA and then in Atlanta. And so those are great. Santucci. I'm glad you pronounce that because if people that watch this show, no, I can't pronounce anything, so Santucci Kenny Santucci. Yeah. Cool guy.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Um, really popular in New York. I think this New York strong thing is like his third year doing it or maybe even more, but I know now it's, it's huge. So, um, that'd be really cool. So yeah, what we're doing too, I think. So that's all good. Yeah. And these, um, these events guys, having been to the majority of them,
Starting point is 00:54:33 this is like grassroots, like this is the rebels, um, all getting in one place and talking about all the problems and networking and you will find other like-minded people and you'll have some great conversations and they're definitely worth your while. If you are in the area or have the ability to travel over there and yeah, Karen's sort of bunch of them in here. We got Hilton head October 7th. We have LA November 2nd.
Starting point is 00:54:58 She has Atlanta December sec, uh, six. So if you guys go to that, um, to the broken science initiative, uh, Instagram, or just sign up for the newsletter and all that on broken, you guys will be on the homepage there. The top menu has a events button that has all of them. So you can, yep. It's literally in bold right across the top and this yellow thing. You can't miss it unless you're an idiot like me.
Starting point is 00:55:25 And there's all the dates right there and you guys could get all the, uh, information on there as well too. So definitely go check that out. Um, yeah. And like, you know, I think you get into this discussion a little bit. I believe that what you guys are doing over at BSI and the stuff that I've got to be a part of like is the message. you guys are doing over at BSI and the stuff that I've got to be a part of like is the message and
Starting point is 00:55:49 I view you guys kind of as like the mothership of Here's the mission. Here's the direction. Here's the contributors Here's all of it now go take it and go apply it to To others and this is an issue comment rational reflections network CrossFit needs to follow the powerlifting plan No No PED testing. CrossFit is playing a silly game, trying to pretend it's clean. This is exactly what I'm talking about. I don't even care. I don't care about that. Everybody's so focused on the sport that we've lost complete sight of what the actual mission
Starting point is 00:56:18 or what the actual contribution is, or at least what it should be in my opinion. And you have comments like that when people are like, CrossFit's got it all figured all wrong. And you're like, okay when people are like, CrossFit's got it all figured all wrong. And you're like, okay, well, what do they should they do? And then you listen to them and they tell 10 things about the sport or like the way the season should be laid out or like all this other stuff. And I'm like, I could just I could care less about it. For me, I think the competition stuff is great if it keeps you consistent or motivated.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Right. So like nutrition challenge, I always like, like try doing it every month or whatever and do it with friends, it makes it better. But when you get to the level of like CrossFit, I mean, I think CrossFit is like really a sport now, right? You and I've talked a little bit about this more than anything. And I think it, you know, they're shy,
Starting point is 00:56:58 they're shying away from a lot of the health stuff. And I don't wanna like be negative about CrossFit. I just think like, there's not any confusion on our side about like where we're putting our stake in the ground. And it really is about, I mean, the personal health society, which we should also throw up there because we're gonna be making some big announcements
Starting point is 00:57:16 in the next couple of weeks around the personal health society. And it's gonna be, I don't know if you want me to say all this now or... But I think like there is going to be a community built around the personal health society that will resemble early CrossFit. And it's going to be about fitness and it's going to be about nutrition. It'll be more about nutrition than CrossFit is willing to go into because they don't have the expertise and they don't have the
Starting point is 00:57:42 balls. Right. So I think Greg and I feel very confident that his methodology reverses chronic disease and prevents it. And that's going to be the stake we put in the ground and we're going to professionalize personal trainers so that they can go forth and be healthcare providers. Yes. And as you know, I've been helping Bobby Kennedy's campaign as a sort of advisor. Yep. And it's really interesting to sort of see how that's all caught on
Starting point is 00:58:07 in a way where I think the country at large, I mean, I think he has done a remarkable job exposing the vulnerability that comes from chronic disease. And we really have aligned, you know, ourselves in a nice, natural way with that market movement to say, like, Well, you come here, our coaches are going to be the ones who can do that for you. And the level of education and training that we're going to provide them, which you've been really helpful with, is much, much higher than anything on the marketplace. And it's because we know Greg launched CrossFit 20 years ago and knew this stuff. But now there's a lot more understanding of mechanisms of action of, you know, I think the average,
Starting point is 00:58:52 our average coach is going to understand how to explain insulin resistance on a, you know, full body level where you have a cardiologist come in and they say, I don't want to eat that much fat. Like, I know it causes heart disease and you're going to be able to explain to them, like what happens when you eat fat and how your body responds to glucose and what happens with insulin and why your pancreas does what it does. Like all of those things are embedded
Starting point is 00:59:14 into what we're building so that people are really well educated and can speak with confidence and authority on something that the world needs more now than ever. And we have the answer. And so our sort of, we're calling them academies, are going to be really a very, very tight community, sort of like a PhD in personal training.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And that's definitely be something that is very tightly controlled. This isn't about money. This is about building people who really want to change lives. And it's going to start as like an invite only thing. So I say, you know, go look at the personal health page, sign up for more information, because that's going to be the list that we draw from for the first invitations that go out. Yeah. And let me just bring that up here. So when you guys go to here, if you see the societies, I already talked about the medical
Starting point is 01:00:08 society one, how to do it. There's education, then there's the personal health. So, if you guys come here, you could throw your hat in the ring, just drop that stuff in there, hit submit, and we will have you on the radar. And so, that's how you could keep, you know, stay close to it and everything else. And for one, like, so I made this small list of stuff right here in terms of like, you know, we had Greg on the show last week and he was saying everything that I did with CrossFit when I first started was just with me creating something.
Starting point is 01:00:34 What would I want if I were doing this? If I were going to be an affiliate, what would I want from a CrossFit HQ? If I was going to go to a seminar and learn stuff, what would I want? And I, I for one, really feel that this is the same exact way from not only myself as far as like what I would want as Matt Suza, but like collectively what I've been gathering from a lot of conversations with other coaches, a lot of conversations with other affiliate owners. And just real quick to speak on your point about competition.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I do think in the way that you talked about it on a local level, it's a really powerful tool. And it's a really powerful marketing tool. You don't have to look any further than Crash Crucible and what J.R. Howell was doing over there in South Carolina. Because I can tell you that even when we did the quarterfinal stuff where we streamed it, we had tens of thousands of people watching, a bunch of people watching live. The second that stream went down, J.R. would turn and be like, I get all this crap out of here. I got my noon class starting in 10 minutes.
Starting point is 01:01:27 And it was like the people that were the competitors that were just there, where all these thousands of people came to watch them are now like taking down signs and moving stuff out of the way because JR has got to make room for the noon class to come in. And even though we had a lot of fun with the competition, even though, you know, it was this big shining star we held up the second that was over, it was back to business for him. And he was just simply using that as a tool for fun to showcase to his members. All his members brought people in to like watch it.
Starting point is 01:01:53 And then he got members from that. So for me, outside of that local level is where we tend to get to get lost a little bit, right? It just becomes more about the sport. Anyhow, I wrote a quick little thing out here about like, what would it mean for me if I was in HQ? Like what would I want? Number one, I would have to be able to learn something from the leadership.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I have to. If I'm going to follow you, I need to be able to learn from you. If I can't learn from you and you don't have anything to offer me, I'm not going to follow you. Number two, there has to be a mission and a vision and some sort of direction given. Okay. Like I need to be attached to something larger. Like I don't care if I'm telling people I'm going to go out and save the world and they,
Starting point is 01:02:31 you know, 80% of them are just like, don't even acknowledge you because they think it's crazy. You know, 30% of them hate you for it and will attack you thinking your idea is stupid and 10% will be like, yeah, I'm on board with that guy. I want to join. Right. So, but I need that. I need that mission direction. I also need a culture and the biggest dissemination of that culture in the
Starting point is 01:02:51 past has always been through the L one. Well, they have completely moved everything to online. You could still take in-person courses, but it has been devalued. So for me, I have to have that in-person connection, whether it's something like the evolution of the revolution tour, where we're listening to awesome people speak, getting fired up and being there with like-minded people, or whether it's some sort of seminar that is being offered that I could go and get around these people and learn information and we could exchange information and I could take that back to my gym and deploy it to all my members. The other piece too is I need to have some sort
Starting point is 01:03:20 of litigation or legislation. We need to have somebody who's watching the larger mechanism of the system. It could tell us, Hey, there's some crazy shit rolling downhill guys. Be prepared. Watch this language. Look what they're trying to do. Right. The other piece is I need somebody who's not afraid to make a hard claim to put their, put the line in the sand and say, this is where we fall and this is the
Starting point is 01:03:42 truth and we will die on this hill. Like you need to have that. The other one too is high profile individuals that we could partner with in a space. How do we leverage these other like-minded individuals that may not be inside of our gyms doing the same exact exercise but are on the same mission and have a lot of people that are listening to them. How do we get those people into the fold to some degree and utilize them as distribution tools? And then the last one here I put is just media, which you guys, I mean, if you go to the Broken Science website or the Instagram, you can see all the talks that have been given that
Starting point is 01:04:11 most people didn't have access to. You can see broken down versions of that. You're rolling out courses through media now and everything else. So when I sit down and I think about everything that BSI is offering and the potential things that we'll be rolling out into the future I get really really excited about it because I know that we could take all the awesome work that you guys are doing and apply this to individuals on a boots on a ground type of Setting that allows them to take all these tools and then therefore actually make the changes that we need in the world
Starting point is 01:04:39 I love it. I want you to send it to me actually because I feel like that's like sort of framework And it's things that we've obviously thought a lot about I want you to send it to me actually, because I feel like that's like sort of framework and it's things that we've obviously thought a lot about. I think, you know, a hundred percent. Yeah. And so, um, I, I just want to put that together because I had a lot of questions, especially in the affiliate forum at and like people are asking like, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:04:58 Like, well, what do you even expect out of them? Like, well, what would you want? Right. And I was like, well, let me sit down and get really clear on what it is that I want and how this would actually not only help me, but my local gym community and then my community at large. And, um, I really feel that, that, that was it there. Yeah. And I mean, just to go back to that thing you said about them putting the L one online. Yeah. Like that was the differentiating factor between CrossFit and the NSCA. And I know they're not allowed to talk about the NSCA
Starting point is 01:05:26 in any capacity anymore, which I also thought in after, the accident happened at the games, the effect of that on the affiliate and this notion of like CrossFit being dangerous, like they can't address it. It's just that like I'll never, I'll die being pissed about that settlement. But I think that the fact that that like you don't have to like
Starting point is 01:05:47 coach somebody squatting or show people, right? Like that whole part of the L1 was so critical because- So critical. You're learning how to coach in person, right? Whereas the other places are all Scantron tests, right? So it's a huge differentiating factor. I don't know, I mean, I don't know enough about them going online to know how they're handling that. But I, that's like, should be a challenge to their accreditation.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Cause I think ANSI accreditation requires you to have an in-person component. Are they like meeting up with people who do it online to watch their. I'm just basing off what's forward-facing and what majority of people say. So I'm getting a lot of ads ran from H key right now directed at me and there are two things there. They're selling me t-shirts and hats or they are pushing the course, which the first time I saw it was a couple of weeks back. I was like, this is awesome. And then I clicked the learn more button and it doesn't even give me an offering for an in-person version. It only gives me online versions.
Starting point is 01:06:46 God, that seems, I mean, it makes me think there, you know, the whole direct to consumer thing is just totally legit because that's why I mean, that's such an important part of that educational model. It's huge. And for me, the other portion of it is- We do have new t-shirts and new merch and we have a new store that's going to be on soon. So I, that's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:08 We do have great stuff. And it's, uh, yes, yes. Yeah. The shirts are actually incredible. Um, but I, for me, it was just really weird in the fact of like, why would you push everything to be online that way? Um, when the big intangible piece was actually watching the way the trainers handled themselves.
Starting point is 01:07:31 It gave you a role model. So when I watch a trainer, see somebody who squat just looks like a complete train wreck and are like, holy crap, how are they going to untangle this mess? And you go and you see them break it into small pieces and do it. You're like, Oh, okay. And then they turn to the group and they say, okay, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, and somebody raises their hand is like, well, what if they did this? Like, okay, great question.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Here's how we handle this. Like you lose all of that. It's all gone because now you just have a trainer that number one, you're probably just watching a bunch of modules first. And then the interactive piece is just going to be me handling a zoom thing. And like, how are you going to establish that? Make sure that people aren't cheating. You don't, you know, it's yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:14 So once I saw that I was like, oh, now the whole entire culture, which was passed through those L one seminar staff members in the flow masters and stuff is going to be diluted at best and gone at worst. Horrible. That's so depressing. Yeah. Yeah. And so, um, yeah, yeah, it's just continuing to go down that path.
Starting point is 01:08:35 So anyhow, uh, let me see if I could bring up real quick. Cause I do. So Jess showed me speaking of shirts, a couple of these shirts that were amazing. Okay. That's me doing a pull up on a light pole. Don't know how that I'm like, how can I show these teachers and not show? So every Yeah, click back. It's me. Okay, let me see if I could. Hold on, because they're not on any entity. And I don't want to
Starting point is 01:09:01 display my text messages. Let me see if I can move this just one second. Not as good with my back-end work as converting that video as I was getting these t-shirt things pulled up. Okay, so let's see if I could show it. Tire window, entire screen. Okay, McScience, I'm breaking it. Tire window. Entire screen. OK. McScience, I'm breaking it. Oh shoot, now I don't know if I can pull. Can you see them over there? OK, that's my text message. Bring that away.
Starting point is 01:09:35 OK, let's see. Let's see if I can bring another one up. Wait, why aren't they? Oh, come on. Should have better. I mean, like I think maybe Friday. Yeah, there's this one. I just love the like the takes of like the other. So the coed naked thing, I wonder if anybody in the comments remembers that because Jess and I went to high school together, right? So we've known each other forever.
Starting point is 01:10:00 And this was like a big New England thing. So like Harvard, Dartmouth, like Princeton, everybody had co-ed naked, like lacrosse football. And then they had these like rough tough and in the buff, like funny stuff. You have to do that for broken signs. And then like, I feel like you, Greg, everybody was like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, I've never heard of that in my life. And Jess and I were like, we're still going to do it because it's like those are like classic old school shirts, but maybe it was an East coast thing.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Yeah. I've never really heard of that, but no doubt it all do well. This, this one's cool too. Um, let's see. Boom. That one, there was like the Burger King one that was hilarious. Yeah. The Burger King one is pretty good. I just knew how to actually shuffle. We have a great designer now who's helping us with all this stuff and he's really creative. Yeah. I don't know why it's giving me so much trouble. I came and like click it on the text message, but there was one that said
Starting point is 01:10:57 there's no voting in science. That one was awesome. This one. That was cool. Yep. Yep. Yeah. That one was awesome this one Was cool Yep, yep. Yeah, and so any other be a bunch of cool stuff over there Where can they find that is that store attached to the website as well to you? Yep. Just broken signs. It's a part of the drop-down I think unless it's Nope, it's right there on the main menu
Starting point is 01:11:22 Nope. It's right there on the main menu. Shop. Awesome. Yeah. So you guys could go over there and also get some, uh, some cool stuff to sport at your gym and stuff as well. But yeah, so I think, uh, I think we've kind of let on a little bit of what's, what's trickling on behind the scenes. And, um, I think, uh, if you guys all want to still continue to be in the know and be a part of it, go on over to the broken sign up for either the, um, the personal health society there or the medical society. You also find all the information on the events.
Starting point is 01:11:55 You guys will want to go to this events because as this thing starts to roll over the time, the months in the years, this will be the time when you'll look back and be like, wait, you could have just shown up to those things in the past. And everybody's like, yeah, you just had to send them an email and they're like, great, we'll see you at this time. Here's the address. And you're like, fuck, I wish I could do that now. I can't even get into these things anymore. So I would definitely take advantage of being a kind of this grass roots of all of this stuff that it's unfolding because being able to peek behind the curtain myself a little bit, there's a lot of really cool stuff to be excited
Starting point is 01:12:26 about, um, that I'm personally excited about to continue to carry on the mission and the vision and everything. Um, that originally got me into the health and fitness space. So that'll be great. Is there anything else we want to, uh, chat about before we let you go there? I know you're very busy. Yeah. I feel like I have a list of all of these things
Starting point is 01:12:45 that we're working on and we don't need to get into all of them because there's a lot. But the other thing to mention is that Greg is working on a seminar that we're hoping to start booking out for January, which is going to be like an L1 but for your mind and it's fucking awesome. I'm so excited. I see his notes and stuff and it's very cool the way he's putting it all together. So I think, you know, in the next nine months, a lot of these things that we've been working on for a couple years are going to come to fruition, which is both like sort of terrifying for me and also really exciting. Yeah, yeah. You know, we have this like our team is amazing. Everybody's really dedicated to the mission of helping people and getting the word out and doing whatever we can to try and build communities around health and autonomy. And so I think it's all really exciting and fun. I know. I'm super...
Starting point is 01:13:38 The one ask I have is if people like all this stuff, share it. Because the truth is that I've done some interviews, and obviously Greg goes on Savan's show. But we're so focused on producing the work that we need to do a better job of spreading the word about what we have. I mean, we have the math class is a huge labor of love that's taken a lot of time and resources and whatever.
Starting point is 01:14:02 And it's coming out, and Emily and Alicia's coming out. We have this whole investigative section that we haven't talked about that's taken a lot of time and resources and whatever and you know it's coming out and Emily and Leisha is coming out we have this whole investigative section that we haven't talked about that's deep dive investigations into different things that's going to be on the website we have the book coming out we have the you know fitness society coming out we have the education around that coming out like there's a lot and it's been a shit ton of work I just want to make sure that like people know it's there. They can access it when it's out. And so, oh, and the 9-11 challenge. We should talk about that.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Yes. So you see, there's too many things. Yes. No, thank you. I'm glad you brought that up because I had the thing queued up here. Doing a collaboration with CrossFit Crave and the Kings CrossFit Box and the state of Ohio to sort of honor and support first responders on 9-11.
Starting point is 01:14:52 And the challenge you can register for on And it is really like, you know, for us a way of supporting affiliates, we feel like this is a way of driving traffic into boxes, as well as obviously honoring and supporting those who have fallen or fell on 9-11. And I really liked this. I mean, this sort of was brought to me. And I thought, you know, Greg started CrossFit really with law enforcement and military. And so like us sort of going back to those roots on so many levels and everything being grounded in this idea of science and then also in community building, this felt really important to me. So I'm going to Ohio for this.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I'm excited to go and I'm very excited that we were able to be helpful to them. But this is something that, you know, it's Ohio, but it really like you can go and register to do this at your box. It could be for anywhere and then you can promote it however you want and it should be the kind of thing that's just fun and like helps bring your community together and might bring some, you know, first the state is doing a lot of
Starting point is 01:15:56 getting in touch with all of the first responders in the state. So those people may be looking for a place to go and do this in which case they'll see your box. So we have a on the registration page. You can register as an individual or you can register as a location. Those people may be looking for a place to go and do this, in which case they'll see your box. So we have a, on the registration page, you can register as an individual or you can register as a location. So anybody who wants to anywhere in the country could register their gym. And then if people are looking to do the challenge, they'll find your gym. So it's just sort of a thing that we wanted to do to help the affiliates like drive some
Starting point is 01:16:21 traffic into affiliates and also, you know, work with the state doing this sort of like cool memorial project. Yeah, really cool. And like you said, getting back and speaking to the base and finding ways to contribute that will allow us to work with that base and then also bring people into the gym if you're a location hosting, this is, is great. It's, I mean, that's how this whole thing got started. I remember I could think of like three of them off the top of my head, like CrossFit for Hope.
Starting point is 01:16:45 When they did that, the Hot Shots 19. When they did that, the Support Your Local Box that Greg and them rolled out immediately when gyms were being shut down. I mean, this type of stuff is extremely helpful and continues to push the mission forward. Brian Clark, Motown CrossFit is registered. Awesome. He also put a huge heartfelt thank you for all your hard work. And then my cheerleader, he's so sweet.
Starting point is 01:17:11 And then Tyler asks, can't comment on BSI articles. Is that feature out yet? You can if you're registered on the site. If you haven't created a user login, then you probably can't. But the forums should allow you to comment. There you go. So just double check all of that there. I'm just scrolling through to see if there's any other comment that only you could answer while I still got you for a second. But I think that was just about it. Oh, yeah, that was the same one.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Tyler, thanks for paying the $2 to ask that comment. He was asking about commenting on the articles. I think Tyler has also been to the journal club as well. Yeah. And the journal club, um, we have one available, I think for free, but otherwise they're really, you know, part of the society library. Um, but again, that's donation based. So like that was also, you know, misreported, unfortunately as being $2,500, which it is, if you want to pay
Starting point is 01:18:05 that much, that's what we think the value is, but certainly if you don't or you can't, we would still love to have you and share all the information with you. Awesome. Okay. Well, great. I think we got a lot of the stuff out and I know we'll have more, uh, conversations in the future. So thanks.
Starting point is 01:18:21 I'm appreciate you coming by and hanging out for a little bit. And I'm grateful for all your help. I feel like someday people are going to somebody soon. People are going to realize how integral you've been to all of this and, and loyal and supportive and that isn't lost on me at all. Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate it. Just want to carry the mission on.
Starting point is 01:18:39 All right. Um, thank you. I'll see you today. Okay. I'm like, helping you today. Okay. Bye. I'm like having for the broken signs. A plot on the way out. Boom. Okay. So there you guys have it.
Starting point is 01:18:53 I know there was a with that. There was a lot of like soft announcements and stuff like that. And like I said, having be able to peek behind the curtain of everything that's going on, I think it's just more so about being thoughtful, making sure that there is a enough meat on the bone that most of these projects and different things are ready to be rolled out before, you know, promises are made and things are put out there before they are nice and solid. But I've been excited to kind of a slowly roll out and share some of that stuff
Starting point is 01:19:24 with you guys. And I think there'll be more and more to come. Um, WS, Susa, how does their society incorporate APPs? What, what's an APP? I'm lost. I'm sorry. You're gonna have to spell that one out for me. Sorry, dude. Susa.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I listened to the summary of the 48 laws of power. He suggested to me that is some real psychopathic shit. Oh, soci psychopathic shit Sociopathic shit. It's right, dude That's right Now you know If you want another one listen, oh look see I haven't got it right here It's broken down into like daily laws to this is more or less like a daily reader of different dumb I think I've read from it back in the day on the show when I used to just
Starting point is 01:20:06 fill in for seven. Um, that's not a middle finger. That's a point up. Uh, anyone else watching YouTube app on their phone in the chat has glitched every time someone comments, oh, weird. Uh, when's the fight Susan versus, um, over whenever, whenever, dude, most people are going to be like,, oh that dude's huge. He would beat your ass You're probably right You're probably like I would probably get beat up but
Starting point is 01:20:35 I'd give him hell on the whole way down I'm making him bleed gonna get beat up. I'm making my fuckers bleed WS a PP equals advanced practice provider. And peace, okay. What was the original question? How does their society incorporate? That's a great question. I don't know, I still think some of that stuff
Starting point is 01:21:01 is still getting figured out. But I do know that the mission, which excites me the most about all that stuff is, um, about professionalization of the trainer. I talked about on the affiliate forum at a school, by the way, um, if you're not there, you should go over and sign up for it. There's some cool stuff and we'll be releasing more things on that. So check it out here on the affiliate forum. It's free. You can go in and sign up. Uh, we put Greg shows on the calendar. Typically me or some of the other affiliates would do a call every Friday at 10 30. We have some really cool stuff in here too like
Starting point is 01:21:46 let me show you this. Inside the classroom, if you guys aren't doing the affiliate video contest, all the information is in there. You still have time to do it. We got another week or so left. Also this event planning thing, Jess from Life over in Miami, Carlos is a listener of the show. So it's just she created this whole entire events calendar thing. And I'll show you guys here real quick, just some brief stuff from it, where every single month, including all the logistics of how to do it, all that stuff is laid out for community events at your gym. And Jess gives you the whole entire playbook of everything that they run over at life. They have great community, lots of members, really successful gym.
Starting point is 01:22:27 And this is one of the ways that we, they keep all their members. So she put in all the stuff that they've done in the past. Um, you guys could take it, use it as your own, but that's also available in there. That's the paid version where she literally like lays everything out and spells everything out, but there's a version that's free where her and I just have a conversation. So if you want to, to you know you either pay with your time or you pay with your money so you could pretty much choose there as
Starting point is 01:22:51 far as what you would want to pay with but but all that information is there if Susa fights a hopper Susa must go rocky three on him I have a tiger yeah yeah winded in 30 seconds that's the main strategy just kind of Freak him out After a few swings he's all winded sidekick to the stomach and he's out Don't hurt his feelings. He's a yeah. Sorry. I don't want to hurt his feelings. I just want to um Ruffle his feathers because he came out from my buddy Is it wrong to say I find a woman in the broken sides project attractive asking for a friend? No, definitely not. Um, Susan, what's your biggest wake takeaway from Chris Cooper on Friday? That CrossFit HQ no longer has anything
Starting point is 01:23:35 to offer me as an affiliate owner. Um, Oh wow. Hello. Oh wow. Hello, Heidi. Always say less than necessary. Graciel. He knows. Graciel has read the book. That's one of them. So did Hiller. He dropped one when I said the thing to Tyson. He's like, never outshine that master.
Starting point is 01:23:55 And I was like, oh, rule number one, someone else is familiar with it. Alrighty, guys, a lot of information kind of dumped on you. Thanks for hanging out. Thanks for dealing with me having a, um a attitude problem at the beginning of the show going after Mitch because he went after my boy, John Young, and lots of things to ponder and to think about. Would you ever deaffiliate? If an entity came along and all seven of the things that I listed prior in the show were met by that entity
Starting point is 01:24:26 It would be stupid not to I think you guys can see there's a few people like I made a mention on one of the shows I said don't pay attention to what I say pay attention to what I do And um If you pay attention And you see the things that I'm doing and how the whole thing's forming, you can kind of put the pieces of the puzzle together on your
Starting point is 01:24:49 own WS. So if you were starting out, would you open, would you open an affiliate gym or keep it unaffiliated? Totally up to you. And what you think the biggest value of your 400 or $4,500 is going to get you plus your application fee, plus your L one plus your L two. value of your 400 or $4,500 is going to get you plus your application fee plus your L one plus your L two. So you just have to ask yourself that question. Like is that money or outlay worth it? And is it,
Starting point is 01:25:20 you know, what is worth it mean to you? Is that can be members into your gym? Is that going to mean credentials? You know, I don't know WS that's going to be up to you. Um, if you are across an affiliate, you'll for sure be able to do anything BSI related once those things roll out. If you're doing part of the BSI stuff, you could for sure be a CrossFit affiliate just is going to depend on how much money you got and where you want to spend it. Susa setting the demands at seven pf of a only had three. Yes. Yes. Can you are correct? Oh, the Chris Cooper show convinced me and reminded me that I don't need to reaffiliate to keep changing lives. Yep.
Starting point is 01:26:08 Jen Nichols, so the question is, is the fitness society going to be the entity? Probably no that. Wow, that was breaking news. Sounds like a comprehensive fitness slash nutrition slash science as life program is coming to save us. One might even call it a lifeboat and a tsunami of incompetence. Alrighty game. Thanks for hanging out our 26 on a show next week.
Starting point is 01:26:37 When I come back, I'm going to talk a little bit more specifically about coaching, coaching in the gym. We're going to do some live call in discussion around coaching, coaching practices, pet peeves, whatever you guys want to talk about. But I want to, uh, dig into a little bit about the coaching space. What we see, what I've seen over the years, um, what has been great, what has been absolutely awful. And, uh, thanks guys for hanging out.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Thanks you guys for listening to the show and as always be good to each other out there, I'm still surprised nobody got this song. show and as always be good to each other out there. I'm still surprised. Nobody got this song. Old school beat. Nobody, nobody out there. It's so random. I don't think so. All right, gang. Have a great day.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Adios.

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