The Sevan Podcast - NA East Event 2 Recap Show w/ THE Dave Castro

Episode Date: June 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Prime Day is here! With epic deals exclusively for Prime members, you'll feel like a winner. Behind door number three is Amazing Deals! Shop deals on electronics, home, and more this Prime Day. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news! We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Sorry we're two minutes late. Stadium is full. All eyes are on Jon Young. Folo. Mo Folo. She's the real deal, man. Mo Folo. That was impressive, wasn't it? follow god damn uh hatfield even more impressive i mean i mean it's it's like uh it's truly incredible that
Starting point is 00:01:19 you pointed both of them out did you see the picture i sent you um i sent the chat just now oh uh oh castro and hatfield i'm just fraser moment like you said you should ask him about it he's getting anointed right there you think dave's giving him like the uh like the secret key to success? I don't know. I think, I think when you said Castro's only said that about two people before he said that about froning, like, Hey, this guy could win the games. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yep. I think, I think you need to ask him about it, man. It's all I'm saying. Yep. Yep. And not this year.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I want to point out, I'm not saying this year, but it looks good. Yeah. I mean, point out, I'm not saying this year. But it looks good. Yeah. I mean, he put it to the champ. Easily. Look back at him.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Did you see him finish and then look back at him? I did not, but Adler looked amazing. Yeah, he looked poised as anything. I'm surprised. Roman came back and beat him, though. Oh, he did? He did? Yeah, Roman got second place in that. Let me pull up the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:02:32 We'll talk about the boys first. Jeffrey Adler tied in first place with Roman Krennikoff, 194 points. That's fair. Taylor makes a good point. Taylor who? Self. He's in the comment. He's in the chat uh jeffrey adler 194 tied with roman krennikoff 194 first and third a second and a second austin hatfield sitting in third with
Starting point is 00:02:54 a fifth and a first saxon panjik god that was nice to see saxon yeah saxon's saxon's been very impressive very yeah that that was good uh jason hopper Jason Hopper things, a 6th and 11th. Dallin Pepper, a 7th and a 10th. Those boys, I mean, I guess you could say this whole field above. But Jason, Dallin, Adler, and Roman in Saxon will also have exceptional days tomorrow, right? Yeah, and I think what you'll see is Jason and Dallin rise above Austin and Saxon tomorrow. I think Jeff and Roman will stay even, or I mean, today and events three and four events three and four. I think Jeff, Roman, Dallin and Hopper will separate themselves
Starting point is 00:03:39 from the rest of the field. And I think those four are the best four here i think roman and or not roman i think dallin and jason are going to be fighting for the podium the whole time and i think roman and jeff are first and second the whole time and then um after that i personally think hatfield is the best of the rest i think he's the next thing but he's just you know he's a year away from competing against those type, that caliber. He's not quite that caliber yet. Dark Lord Revon for the Sevan cast and John Young for the awesome commentary predictions on spin.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Oh, look, new member. Thank you. Thank you, sir. He donated on the spin cast too. I love a new member. Down Pepper, sixth place, Tyler Christofal, 149. Now we're 50 points away from the leader as soon as we get down to seventh place a good job on tyler too is this his year when's the last time tyler uh qualified he's never qualified he's never been to the games no he's 34 years old he's never qualified and and this could be one of the hardest regions of all time to to qualify it
Starting point is 00:04:39 yeah it'd be pretty sick it'd be pretty darn sick and jack farlow is is out since he had 30th play another 30th place you can't come back from that so that's a spot that we thought was going to be taken that's that's there now and if you remember christopher was on the bubble uh where we thought the top 10 would be and then we we basically said uh taylor and travis mayorer would be ahead of tyler christophel um or spencer panchick spencer panchick was in that category too and now there's another spot there's another spot that we didn't think was going to be there because farlow's out oh interesting okay interesting interesting we had we had uh farlow in the bubble mix uh how about how about this uh my kid was watching the show just now and he asked my wife what's tia's baby's name and my wife said i think it's willow and my kid said i want to name my kid
Starting point is 00:05:34 dick butter i didn't know where that was going oh man i'm gonna take away his reading card i going to have to turn off the chat. Down Pepper, Tyler Christofalon, 7th, Alexander Caron. Caron looking good. Yeah, he's looking really good. But like Caron, we haven't done really anything with the upper body yet as far as like a pressing goes. And he's had a pec tear.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I mean, I want to say a couple times like his so we won't know coron's extent until the end of the weekend but like coron is very very fit he's games level fit he can make the games it's just something usually goes wrong in the competition up to the games and so it's hard to say because he is games level fit but it's hard to say he's going to be it understand uh who which dude that guy right there it's me not you not you the other dude oh uh that's john young okay got it what's his story um he he checks the diversity equity box for us for what why uh who's this dude next to me i just met him jr howell crossfit crash best affiliate on the east coast of course you know who he is when you guys think about the at the games when i asked i thought he was taller than he was and i thought the rope was much taller than it was yeah there's a great photo of it of the two of you standing side by side i
Starting point is 00:07:03 told you you had met him you were like like, oh, yeah, I remember. Yeah, I thought he was competing today. I saw him, and I'm like, hey, dude, you on a team? Someone's like, no. See, it was like, that's Seblon's guy. That's J.R. Howell. Hey. And I'm meeting a number of your other people who, it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Interesting. Definitely interesting. Why? What do you mean? What do you mean? Just how diverse my group is? I mean, like, we talked about for three hours that the podcast was going to be in this spot, and then you're texting me going, where are you when the event's over?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Like, I'm like, oh, shit, I'm late to the podcast. I come up here, and there is nothing set up. Dave, can you go back a little bit further and tell them why the podcast is there? I think that's a critical part to the story that maybe you're leaving out. Yeah, because you put us in a little shed we're in a dungeon we're in a little room that had no space had no light look here i am i'm looking over the beautiful can you pan can you take that and pan like i'm looking over in oxville and like in the other yeah focus let people see the city focus go back focus focus look at that big building. They still can't see it. And so like here, at least we have a beautiful view. We have natural light.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Your original studio setup was inside of a. Oh, there we go. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. Was inside of a little like closet. Guys, when Dave's off the air, I will tell you the whole story. You guys will be disappointed at his prima donna status. But this is very good. I appreciate your creative contribution. This is great framing. Does that get a question? Go ahead. Does this dude smile?
Starting point is 00:08:35 No. Not often? No. If you get him to smile, it's the best part of your day. Hey, I don't want to be rude or anything, but we can't see you. Yeah, Sousa's struggling. Hey, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:08:52 They can't see us. Oh, there we go. In and out. Okay. What do you think about the event so far? What's the big thing? I had a good chat with Brian. How come he doesn't do this stuff with you guys? Brian Friend friend he does he does it's just been a minute just a little love on the on the g on the gram yeah he totally does the stuff still with us he's just busy he's been gone to over 200
Starting point is 00:09:14 events this year he's the busiest man in the space just ask him he'll tell you he's traveling more than you are that's for sure that's for sure hey uh tell me um tell me about the programming as it's unfolded we're in week three you've seen um the programming unfold are you liking what you see yeah it's going uh it's going really well uh the workouts minus the first one are very visual and easy to follow and see the the them play out and see the winner advance. And the first one is only not just, I mean, the first one could have totally been set up in a nice visual flow if we did heats of 10. But if we did heats of 10 at that point with that workout, and it would have been two hours of just the individual women and then two hours of the men.
Starting point is 00:10:04 So a lot. And so since that workout just had the podcast broadcast going on, it made sense to, and since it was leaving the venue, it made sense to do the bigger heats of 20 for better experience on the fan for the fans. And it's cool doing heats of 20 because you get a lot more athletes on the floor, obviously, and you get a lot more competitors competing next to each you get a lot more competitors uh competing next to each other rather than just 10 and because of the nature of the run it takes you out and it has you like intermixed with your fellow athletes on these workouts you're next to your fellow athletes but you're never like jockeying for position or um or or intimate with them and on a run like that
Starting point is 00:10:43 not on a treadmill but an actual real course, you can get, um, can get up close and personal with your, with your opponents. Hey, I really liked event one. I liked the setup. I had no issue with the, um, uh, uh, heats of two. I think that the only thing that it exposed is when you have that many athletes on the floor, you kind of need a different style and, uh, of commentary, right? You need it to be more like, feel like it's radio commentary so you can see you know you need really fast kind of uh uh really fast speak um letting you know b-esque uh i don't know what the fuck dave's
Starting point is 00:11:17 talking about tbh what's tbh to be honest to be honest it's pretty fucking clear yeah it was talking about what do you crystal okay thank you well the guy's name pretty fucking clear what do you think the guy's name is extra sloppy what do you expect hey when I'm talking don't read the comments okay yeah I thought the event was great
Starting point is 00:11:37 HQ couldn't afford air runners thank you so much for not using air runners hey what did you think about the whose idea was it to do this to high energy am i i'll bring it down what did you think about the square setup i liked it i had never seen that before i thought it was innovative i thought it was cool for that yeah for event one yeah for event one i fucking loved it yeah by week three i really loved it i'll tell you this much like it was fine for what we were trying to accomplish there. Right. Again,
Starting point is 00:12:05 with this notion of not four, eight heats of a 30 minute event, but, um, but actually, but actually trying to get them through and move on to the next thing. It accomplished what it needed to. Whose idea was it?
Starting point is 00:12:19 The square set up square was bothering his team. Yeah, it was good. They proposed. We, we had programmed the workout and then, um,, and then when we were looking at the schedule, they were way more into this schedule than I was. And when they were setting everything up, he came back and suggested,
Starting point is 00:12:35 hey, we have this idea for Heats of 20. And again, with this notion of not spending four hours doing the same thing, he's like, we think we should do this. And I loved it. And I was like, yeah, let's go. Let's do it. Hey, Dave, for the geeks, bear with me here. You're probably not going to like this, but I want to do this with you if you will.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I want to go through the workouts really quick and you tell me some tweaks you guys made. So workout one is the 800 meter run, 10 clean and jerks, 125, 185, five rounds for time. What was like the first iteration of that? Was it heavier? Was it lighter? Can you tell us some tweaks you guys may do it longer run? There's a handful of iterations. There's a handful of, of things we talked about in relation to, again, you'll hear me say this often,
Starting point is 00:13:17 not of that in isolation of like that relative to everything else that relative to the other several things going on throughout the next couple of days. So, so when you take a look at a workout like that, and when you want to change things or tweak reps or tweak load or tweak movements, um, you have to do that when you're in a place to, um, to do it relative to the entirety of the weekend. Uh, the second workout, a hundred. So you can't have, you can build anchors. You can't have an anchor that you build for, call it the main like thing you're thinking the rest of the weekend is going to build off of, and then kind of create around the anchor. But that's the biggest thing with programming. A couple, well, a couple of pieces here is a, a, some of these programmers
Starting point is 00:14:04 and some people think like they want to get so fancy and so creative and they want to make this wow programming. That is the storyline. The truth of the matter is the athletes make the storyline. You can do very simple, basic CrossFit programming, especially when it's laid out the right way. And the athletes will give you all the drama. It's their place. It's the forum for them to shine these workouts. It's not the time to show how brilliant of a programmer you are. And so the, the wrong path with new programmers for events like this is trying to, to make the workout, the story that being said, like in, in a lot of the analysis leading up in a lot of, especially at the game stuff, like some of the
Starting point is 00:14:42 workouts take that up um just because you know they're unknown people haven't done them yet and they get a lot of momentum behind them so but for the most part and you look what we're doing this weekend it's pretty straightforward and core and not like um over the top and and again it's and there's great races and great storylines and great moments for the athletes to shine. Is there an anchor workout? Is there a workout that's like the workout that the event was built around? Like, okay, we really want this workout. We'll build it around this one.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I don't know. Boz took the lead on most of the programming and brought it to me at a place of like completion. And then we discussed and went back and forth. So he, in, when, in his process, maybe he had an anchor workout but uh there was multiple iterations of it like i i i didn't want to see this stuff um at one workout like that does again because of this concept of you needed to take in the whole picture if he would have bought one workout to me and said hey this is workout one okay cool let's work out two three four five six like that matters you can't give feedback on one without seeing the rest of it. So, so he and his team took the lead on these and, uh, and they drove them. And so
Starting point is 00:15:49 waited until they got to the end and then kind of played around and, um, had some multiple iterations and discussions of, of this product. What's the leeway you give on the 800 meter run? You guys made it very clear that it did not need to be precisely 800 meters but did you tell them hey it needs to be between 700 and 900 like what do you give the parameters that much and here's the deal here's what happened in carson it was a mechanism of like the time cap and meaning if we would have let them do that longer run we'd have had a lot of athletes uh time cap and and and that's not the workout where you want a lot of people time capping, especially if they're out on the course. And then we have this total clusterfuck of
Starting point is 00:16:29 ranking and trying to figure out who was in front of them. Almost every workout we ever completed at the CrossFit Games, with rare exception, can always be completed by the athletes. And what I mean by that is just because an athlete didn't finish a workout, it wasn't because they weren't physically capable. Okay. We can say for ladders and shit like that. Sure. There's stopping points, but most of the traditional CrossFit workouts, there's a time cap and that's an artificial stopping point for the logistics of the event. And so it's not that the athlete's not able to complete the actual event, it's that they're not able to complete it in our artificial time cap.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Why I say that is in creation and there, are there events going on right now? Is it team events? I think it's community. Nothing important. Nothing important. Team or community. What's going on out there?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Is it team events or is it a community stuff? Team competition or community? Okay. So then when you make these time caps, there's three different perspectives I have with them. Everyone's going to finish. Some people are going to finish. Half, let's say. And very few people are going to finish. And so that's the perspective when creating time caps and working with workouts. And this one was the type of workout you basically wanted everybody to finish. A majority are you want everybody to finish.
Starting point is 00:17:53 But sometimes we do sneak in like, hey, this is going to be a stout one. And very few people are going to finish. You saw that a lot in regionals, actually, in years past. There were some workouts where very few people could finish, and that was when they were able to finish them, and people did. It was really celebrated and a nice storyline and really unique expression of it. JR, you want to get a question in because he could get up and leave at any minute. He's squirrely like that.
Starting point is 00:18:23 No, yeah. I just kind of wanted to build upon what he was saying and trying to explain to people why people feeling all the repetitions and all the work is important in a competition like this where the fitness level of the athletes are so high. Think about if you made the first time cap 25 minutes or this workout we just watched was 14 or 15 minutes. If everyone doesn't feel all 50 cleaning jerks and have to sprint the last 10, if everyone doesn't feel those last 10 front squats and event two, then the way they feel on the bike and on the box is going to change. And I think that's really important in a competition where you see very sneakily legs, legs, legs, and then they do the handstand walk workout on Sunday morning. But then on event five, hey, how do your legs feel on the snatch ladder?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Because I know events one, two, and three took a lot from you. I think that's really important. Scroll back up. Scroll back up on the comments. There's someone I saw. I think someone said something pretty dumb. Keep going up. Keep going up. The comments are usually there's some great dumb shit in there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come up. Come up.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Go higher. Slow down. Slow down. Slow down, Dave. Dave's on his... Scroll down right there. Focus, Dave. Okay, hold on. Dave always playing like he doesn't know people, doesn't know what's going on. I honestly didn't know what was going on there. And oftentimes, I don't know people
Starting point is 00:19:37 because I meet so many people. And there's like... Look at half the team of seven. I haven't met 90% of these guys. But you honestly didn't know who john young is no the guy the guy on the screen looks like a low rent dan bailey he he looks like a bodybuilder he's a bodybuilder what color are your eyes blue blue yeah he's he's the senior analyst in the crossfit space dave you should be using him as a resource. Dave doesn't care about predictions. He just wants the event to run smoothly.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yeah, exactly. It's good. Good. Hold on. Poor Dave. Dave, what's up? Keep you scroll down. I like looking at some of these comments.
Starting point is 00:20:13 What did you think about our boy Taylor self out there today? Did you get to see Taylor compete today? Yeah, it's funny because I walked in and as I walked into the event for the first time, he was on the floor and I guess he was the second to last seat. Yeah. What the floor. And I guess he was the second to last seat. Yeah. Or was he the last seat? He was the second to last seat. And he appeared to be not as dominant as I think as you would poise to play,
Starting point is 00:20:33 as you personally place him. He's very dominant. Maybe amongst your cohort. What did you think of Hatfield? Who's that? The winner of event two. nobody oh yeah yeah yeah he crushed it he did good yeah yeah there's a the thing is like and and uh i know seven knows this some of you might know this but like when i'm out there watching the workout like especially if it's someone i don't know or the name i don't recognize like i'm not really like geeking out or getting into the competitor.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I'm looking at like how the floor is going, where things are happening, where people are placed. I got on someone about that today, where cameras are, how many cameramen are on the field, where equipment's placed, how many volunteers on the field. Also looking at inspiration and just like thinking through like how something at the games might play out with the bodies moving so like i'm not like geeking out or or into the competition aspect i'm into the the execution and the setup of it so yes i saw that on that event someone else other
Starting point is 00:21:38 than adler one i didn't know who it was but i also like um that's you know small to me i told him good job uh here he is here you're giving him knuckles uh your lips are pursed like maybe you're even saying something to him austin hatfield bad shot you need to get used to seeing him dave because he's going to be around the games for a while good good i'm excited uh dave um there's only is that is that a true story i've told it you know a dozen times on this show that the only two people that you've ever thought were going to be CrossFit Games champions ahead of time were Rich Froning and Matt Fraser. Like both times. I think I recall both times you calling me on the phone and being like, oh, hey, I saw this dude. And those are the only people I ever remember calling me and telling me about.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yeah, it's true. Those guys at the time when they were coming up were pretty dominant and pretty well-rounded. Yes. And Frazier, I remember meeting him. I'm sorry, Frazier Froning. I remember meeting him at this sectional
Starting point is 00:22:40 sectional back then in Florida. A super sectional, right? I don't remember, he just like crushed everyone and he was like completely like no gaps and just a really good kid and and so yeah and then frazier seeing him up in boston and same thing like um people had given me heads up about him and then watching him dominate following at some point rich had done i think by my request uh isabella at 225 and um like four or five minutes and then um some kid from fucking vermont posted a faster time he's like well who is this guy and it was him and And so he did Isabella at 225,
Starting point is 00:23:25 which even now when I say that is insane. Can you do that? No, sir. What's this kid's name on the screen again? John. John can do it. Can you do it? Yes, I can do it, Dave.
Starting point is 00:23:34 What's your time? I'm pretty strong. It'd probably be around sub seven. Okay, okay, easy, bro. Easy. There you go. I'm pretty strong. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Failed test, John Young. Pool boy, Dave also pays attention to what ding-dong cameraman isn't wearing a northern shirt on the floor. Oh, yeah. Let's talk about that. Last week, I was on the floor at West Coast Classic. I like pool boy. I like pool boy, but that doesn't mean he's not starting to annoy me. Last week, I was on the floor at West Coast Classic, outworking everyone there,
Starting point is 00:24:07 hardest worker in the stadium, and head down, just grinding. And I get a tap on the shoulder from the event director and head of Loud and Live events, Dylan Walensky, and he shows me his phone and he says, Dave wants you in a different shirt. It was the final day, final heat, I think. What happened there? Why are you reaching down and interfering with my workflow? The crazy thing is that you didn't realize it was coming from me. I didn't. I thought it was some other Dave because I thought me and you were friends. I didn't think you would do that to me. I mean, I didn't think you'd go out onto
Starting point is 00:24:42 the floor and get right behind the broadcast camera multiple times in your little cute CEO t-shirt. And it actually looked like as I'm watching the fucking thing at home, I'm like, what the fuck is this guy doing? I'm like, is he purposely moving himself behind the camera? It's clear the athlete's getting interviewed. And you're like, let me step over here. I'm like, are you purposely trying to sell t-shirts right now? And I'm like, hey, this is not cool. I'm like, I texted multiple people.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Hey, go tell him to change his shirt if he's going to do that. You text multiple people? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I had to have backup, contingency plan. I had to make sure it was going to happen. Dave, I want to point this young lady out to you. This is the next generation of Daniel Brandon. This is Daniel Brandon 2.0. Her name is Erica Folo. young lady out to you this is the uh next generation of daniel brandon this is daniel
Starting point is 00:25:25 brandon uh 2.0 her name is erica folo she was on the floor today wearing red with the uh yellow weight belt did you by any chance peep her did she jump out at you no and what's that mean to you like what you just said like the next day like what do you mean she's not the next daniel brandon they're different athletes meaning he's gonna take like top 10 at the games like what do you mean by that yeah she's gonna take not only is she gonna take uh top 10 at the games but she has a uh a je ne sais quoi a a certain air about her a a beauty a presence a performance ability i think she's the she's just she's db2 2.0 and she was you didn't notice can dave hang a tv john's need help john needs help hanging one oh is this the dude is john the guy you told me that story about of um of the of the lady you
Starting point is 00:26:21 work with buying him a tv because you did some fundraiser yes dude you didn't own a tv he did it was 32 inches i had a small one yeah it wasn't one that satisfied sav on for him to be associated where are you out of john uh texas okay child texas i like you thank you yeah i'm hey d, he's a Bible beater. He's our white Christian male. He holds it down like no swearing. Doesn't like look at like ass and boobs, like just just straight laced. He's our guy.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I haven't made my mind up about you yet, though, Dave. So that's OK. I don't care what you think. I like it. Heidi Kroom is Dave single. So I can't get I can't get a smile. Look at this. Look at that. Look at that. That good is dave is dave single is dave single don't answer her yeah not single no uh dave um can you give us uh do you have any games workouts programmed already
Starting point is 00:27:18 oh yeah oh yeah it's like almost done and it's like is, this is one of the reasons why I left last week. This is one of the reasons why I'm leaving now. Like this is the mode and moment where I'm all into it. And so like really excited. I I'll get on the plane and I'll pull up. It's a little notebook that I have a lot of stuff on sketched out, laying out floors. So this inspires me. And that's why I'm looking so intently on the floor when I'm down there to seeing things that we're going to do.
Starting point is 00:27:46 And I'm ready to start testing, like, right away. Are you going to test at the ranch? Yeah. Can I be invited to some of those? Oh, no, no, no. I'll shoot stuff for you. I'll shoot stuff for you for free and give it. stuff for you for free and give it hey um last year uh as the games finished i remember you telling me that you were as excited as you've ever been to program the games that you you kind of are
Starting point is 00:28:10 having a resurgence and then i noticed that you did the quarterfinals this year and i also noticed that in you when i would talk to you on the phone you you seemed uh engaged not more engaged but engaged but engaged on a different level is there something going on with you in the programming? Yeah, I was just really excited to get this opportunity to be able to do it again and come back in and put on a great event, put on a great show. I mean, like, done 17 of them, or however many games we've had. We've had 17, done 16 of them.
Starting point is 00:28:43 16, 15 and a half however you want to call last year because that was more of it was in place and then just kind of tweaking and massaging what what the team had worked on um but this year kind of going back into it and that creative um the flow that comes from it and the the inspiration and the just just like the, the artistry of it is incredibly rewarding and like special to me. And so when I get in it, like I am right now, currently there's like four or five weeks of like this obsessiveness about working on it, creating it, looking at my board, sitting there, thinking about things, making zero progress, walking away, coming back and something clicking and be like, ah, that's fucking it. And then, and of course, like I said, in the beginning, it's not just one thing in isolation. It's taking a look at
Starting point is 00:29:32 everything together and then, um, forcing myself to spend two hours sitting there looking at it, forcing myself to spend two minutes walking away for a day. Um, and that's again, like why I do not stay at these events all weekend because um i need to get back and get into that creative zone and and and crank away i have a couple antsy no um the the when i'm not in the zone the lead up before if i haven't hit this place by the right time so so this is traditionally how it's worked with me in the programming throughout the years. There's a few, call it anchors,
Starting point is 00:30:09 and a few big concepts that are in place early on, sometimes after last year's game, sometimes right away. Like I've said before, sometimes I have ideas for a couple years and that's going on right now. Got some big ideas for a couple years out, but for the year coming up,
Starting point is 00:30:25 a lot of ideas, a lot of concepts, a lot of big picture stuff. Generally speaking, it's not until right around semis like we are now or regionals have passed about a week or two before where I feel, A, the time pressure, B, the internal pressure, like, hey, we need some stuff. And then C, all of this going on just really pushes me into the zone to start the creation and really spending a lot of time on it. Extra sloppy. Dave's going to regret making Seve change his shirt when Seve's Dave's boss again. Let me say this. Okay. There is very few outcomes.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Things must, will be really bad for me if I'm ever working for Sevan. Like you're cutting grass in my yard. There are very few expressions that are like, Hey, so let's say, uh, yeah, I don't, that's, that's not a, uh, that's not going to happen. I appreciate you exploring the idea of it. Do you mind, Matt, write it down, Castro? Hold on, before you answer that, I want to ask you this pressing question. When I worked at CrossFit Inc. with you during semifinals and the games
Starting point is 00:31:41 and anything we did forward-facing, you would call me and berate me regularly that there weren't enough semi too harsh no it's not too harsh you'd be very aggressive towards me um call me uh hang up on me shit like that if there wasn't affiliate commercials and uh supporting the affiliates and there weren't commercials supporting the seminars. And this year I haven't seen any of that. And in between the events, there are just these shots of like, you know, people lifting these beauty shots. They're nice shots, but of events. Are you stepping on someone's dick now for that?
Starting point is 00:32:21 Like who do you call and yell at now that I'm not there for that? I don't call and yell at anybody that i'm not there for that so i don't call me i'll yell at anybody oh you stopped doing that i don't think i did it to you either yelling's not the right word but you were very aggressive and uh you it got me up out of my chair and moving um i was very direct maybe but anyways who cares how what it was yeah there's still people there's a team i'm working with and talking to and giving feedback on and um yes is it like when when you were there currently no should we get back especially some of the commercials and some of the spots on this stuff to a place like that i believe it's beneficial and i am conveying that and i do think uh you know they've done a really good job of promoting this um ol1 discount code that we're giving and um that's progress that's moving in the right direction and that's you know these things and this team in terms of these we do this once
Starting point is 00:33:14 a year three three weekends out of the uh year so it's also like we don't have a lot and we have a lot of people coming in we have a lot of new leaders, new people leaving. And so it's not like we get a lot of reps to actually have a lot of that feedback right away. But as I see stuff, some of that feedback that you used to get that I would say to you, yes, same sort of thing is being conveyed to leaders. Let me push harder. Are you frustrated with that? Are you frustrated when you see in between events, there's not commercials promoting the affiliates and promoting the seminars? would like to see more of it. And I, like I said, I do convey that, that we don't, um, I can't dwell on it too much at this point, but they are doing a number of things and they also do want to continue to push that stuff too. It's not like they're sitting there and going,
Starting point is 00:34:15 oh, let's not promote these things or, oh, let's not, you know, um, so I'm not frustrated. I'm there's kind of just like, um, acceptance and we need to make it better in the future. I have told people that they, we will never see double over crossovers, uh, when you are at the helm and that we'll never see another mass bicycle event
Starting point is 00:34:38 with you at the helm. What's a double over double under crossover. Well, they will never see crossovers ever again. And we'll never see a mass bicycle event again. You think that I'm misspeaking? Anytime you say never in any of the programming stuff, you're misspeaking. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:54 But would you say that you don't like the crossover? I wouldn't say that. Would you say that the mass bicycle event has been tried enough to that we know now it doesn't work, that because of accidents and bikes breaking that we get some outcomes that aren't ideal, and that if there was going to be a bicycle event, it would be a different iteration of it, like sprints or something solo? Well, thank you. What I mean by that is what the fuck do I have to answer? You just answered it all. Would you agree with that, though?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Is that true? I forget. I'm not going to say it. Keep going. Next question. Okay. Dave, true or false? Oh, you got him, Dave. You got him. Look at him. Dave, true or false? CrossFit is being prepped to sell. That was already addressed.
Starting point is 00:35:43 That was already covered. Not here, but to our affiliate owners. So next question. So that was misrepresented. So if someone pays, do you have to read their question online? Is that how this works? Yes. I don't have to, but I'd like to. No, you have to.
Starting point is 00:36:00 You choose to. No, if they said something totally off the rocker. You think I shouldn't ask that question? No, if they said something totally off the rocker. You think I shouldn't ask that question? No, no, it's fine. I like SWAT486's question. Can we ask that one? Sure.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yes. Ever thought of... This is with the natural light. Dude, you look great on the camera, by the way. I don't know if it's you or Sue. We were in a dungeon, and we got this natural light coming in. It's amazing. Ever thought- Over the years, we've had a lot of-
Starting point is 00:36:31 What is Sinclair? What is Sinclair? It's weight into consideration. Yeah. It's an equation that the Olympic weightlifting world uses to figure out the pound for pound best person. Oh, that would be stupid. Go ahead, Dave.
Starting point is 00:36:42 No, no. You covered it again. Next. Tell me. You think it's stupid. Go ahead, Dave. No, no. You covered it again. Next. Tell me. You think it's stupid. What is my skincare routine? Dave lotions his skin up with his own bottle of olive oil. You really could.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I really should. I can actually use it on some of my other products. Yeah. Pick up some olive oil. So I have varietals. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I haven't had anything to eat yet today. I'm staying in ketosis. Good it look at that nothing like a shot of the alvo hey um no dickies um uh the venue are you inspired by it are there any shortcomings have you gone there and then been any big shortcomings where you're like oh shit oh incredibly inspired by it really fired up excited to um to take the event there the community there the fans the athletes uh the floor is going to be amazing much larger than some of the other floors maybe ever that was one of the funny things about going back to carson and i think it was because of the way we built this floor for for semifinals, it looked kind of short and small. Didn't you guys feel that? Like, didn't it seem like it was smaller than we remembered it? Um, so that will not happen. That will, let me rephrase that. It
Starting point is 00:37:55 will not feel that way in, um, out there because it's a really big, um, venue and the venue was built in 2018. It's brand new. it's so beautiful really nice um i'm excited about it the the games should not stay in a single place for as long as they did in madison it was it was time to move it was getting tired i remember last year when i flew back in and uh i missed the previous year's games in madison obviously been at every other games in madison flew back to the airport for last year's games and walking through the airport. And I'm like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:38:28 here we are. Same place, same location, look, same signage at the airport. Like it just felt like groundhog day and going to the venue. It's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:38:36 there there's a creative piece, especially the clearly with the programming that is nice to have when you go to new locations how many years do you think would you say is i would say the sweet spot for any of these locations at this point is two to three years yep oh shit dave is here james hey what's up james uh taylor self uh dave will there ever be another option is he the strongest guy in crossfit townson yeah i mean probably Graciano Rubio is. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. But Graciano couldn't.
Starting point is 00:39:09 So James is at least a crossfitter. Yeah, way more well-rounded, you know, a true crossfitter. Probably one of the most explosive. Graciano's a great CrossFit coach and obviously a great affiliate owner, but I don't think he's as well-rounded as someone like James. Dude, right there. This is it. Sevan.
Starting point is 00:39:25 James versus fucking Graciano. That's your next one. Put the Taylor's L thing to bed. James versus Graciano. Everyone's already beating him. You told me when you started that. He told me nobody's ever going to beat him. No one is going to beat him.
Starting point is 00:39:40 No one is going to beat him. Has he been lost like two or three times already? Those don't, you don't understand the big picture. You don't understand how it works. No one is going to beat him. Prize money't understand the big picture. You don't understand how it works. No one is going to beat him. Prize money this week. Kill Taylor. I'll watch your show if we can get Graciano versus James.
Starting point is 00:39:54 In my CrossFit. I'll watch your show for that show. I'll beat them both in CrossFit. Speaking of watching shows, how come you didn't have your boy on this one? Who? Killer. I don't know where he is. Are you looking behind your shoulder? CrossFit. Hey, how come you didn't, speaking of watching shows, how come you didn't have your boy on this one? Who? Hiller. Oh, I don't know where, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:09 I don't know where he is. Are you looking behind your shoulder? No, I'm looking, no, I'm looking at my text messages. I don't know, I should have, I should have, I should have had Hiller on. How was it seeing Hiller after, uh, in, um, Carson after all the, uh, you know, online stuff? It was cool. It was good. I like him. I do, I like the guy. I think he. It was good. I like him. I do.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I like the guy. I think he's a cool dude. I think he's been really weird, but I like him. Where's the swim event this year? Look at that. Swim event, Greg? Swim event, Dave, this year? Next question. Can you tell us how many events?
Starting point is 00:40:44 Can you give us anything about the games besides the location? Give us something. It's going to be a return to kind of like just core work, just like the essence of CrossFit. So like how we, like how we've already sort of seen in the open, the quarterfinals and the semifinals, it already feels more like CrossFit than ever.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And I'm talking like old, like even like pre twenties, like just like, I like sledgehammer event. I believe it's just going to be more... It's going to be good. It's going to be fun. Great question, WildZombie. Dave, do you have a demo team yet?
Starting point is 00:41:32 Not yet, but clearly starting to play with some names as these events are ending. Colton and Koski, your demo team is going to be better than half of the games field. What was that? Say that again? I said if it's Colton and Yonah Koski, your demo team is going to be better than three-fourths of the games field uh yeah have you said that again i said if it's colton and yona koski your demo team is going to be better than three-fourths of the games field
Starting point is 00:41:49 i don't know about three quarters koski was sixth last year colton was 18th and what was koski at an event that took what a dozen people how many people oh yeah no he was trash i mean so like i don't know what are you trying to say like you can't say he's going to be better than three quarters of people when at his own semi-final he wasn't better than three quarters i think a full games a full games he would right i mean it's just a numbers game hey uh dave someone mentioned that if emma mal and one more. There's three girls who are guaranteed to go to the hours.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Oh, if Emma Mal and Paige Powers were there, I mean, wouldn't that be wild? Those are three that, that then the, then the East would be completely out of, out of balance. I mean,
Starting point is 00:42:36 I mean, it's already out of balance, but it would be completely crazy. Do you miss them? When you see people like that, you write these workouts and you see like Emma, Carrie, Mal and Paige Powers aren't doing them.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Does it sting you a little? Not at all. No. Like you're not? Nothing. Nothing. I mean, even in Mal's show. Can you say those three names again?
Starting point is 00:42:55 Emma Carey, she's now at Mayhem, but she came from Brute. Okay. Young uppercomer, super dominant in some workouts. Mal O'Brien, you know, a lot of people thought she would be able to beat Tia Toomey and Paige Powers, you know, the young girl out of Mayhem. She's a bit of a phenom herself. Yeah. I, I, it's, it's hard to like, I really seriously don't go too deep into like fanning out about that stuff. Like you guys do or getting into the athletes and um unless you're a big name or unless i've met you because you're an affiliate owner or something like that like i had you read those names again because i was thinking about like how well i know
Starting point is 00:43:34 them or where i know them from and yes i i know except for page uh i've heard that name i don't know who that is the others um clearly i do know because they've been at the games and and then um and yeah so yeah um i don't get into like you know people always go hey who do you think is going to win the games how do you do the top spot i'll never be able to tell you who the top five is like i don't follow the athletes that closely i can tell you i think it's going to win and it's usually oh yeah tia's going to win because it's an easy thing to say. You know, Adler's going to win. Again, an easy thing to say. The thing, and that's why the testing is so important. And what I mean by that is like,
Starting point is 00:44:12 I can completely disconnect from the athletes and the competitive side of them and the thrill of it and the sport of it and use testers and people who are at their level to validate these events being the appropriate stimulus and test for those athletes. And so, hey, to be honest, like that's kind of the, the, one of the benefits of me in this role is that like, even some of our commentators and some of our people, like people get really into the fandom of it and the fan of the, of the athletes. And, and I think as the organizers, there's some of that, that we have to stay away from and not, not cross lines.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Like in the old days, in the early days, he had people cheering on and like get judges cheering on athletes as they came through. And I'm like, Hey dude, that's not your fucking role right now. They're not a fan. Yeah. And so early on, like I was holding people to that standard. So then of so early on, like, I was holding people to that standard. So then, of course, I had to hold myself to that standard. So, like, someone even, like, you know.
Starting point is 00:45:11 So Brooke Wells is a close friend or a friend. I don't want to say close friend. But she's a friend. And I like her a lot from outside of, like, the competitive thing. But when it comes down to the competitive thing, whatever ends up happening to her or whatever, like, you know, she qualifies or doesn't qualify win or doesn't win. Like, um,
Starting point is 00:45:30 that doesn't change my friendship with her or like, um, I'm not out there rooting for her and I want her to do much better. Um, do you consciously put that wall up? Or are you just not interested? Maybe both. Some,
Starting point is 00:45:43 a little bit of both. Probably. That's a good question. I think it's a really good thing that you're like that, that you don. A little bit of both, probably. That's a good question. I think it's a really good thing that you're like that, that you don't care who goes where. That's a good question, and it's a little bit of both, maybe. Here's the thing. I'll say this. Let's say out of this test and out of nothing going wrong,
Starting point is 00:46:01 but actually from everything happening the right way, Tia didn't qualify. Everyone would be like,, oh my God, Tia didn't make it. I'm like, can you believe that? I wouldn't care. It's like, yeah, whatever. She didn't make it. On to the next one. Who's up next? And then this is the same stuff. I've been doing this for a really long time, almost 20 years. This is the same thing. I lived through Froning.'s like oh my god rich is leaving the sport's gonna die what are you guys gonna do doesn't matter didn't matter and i said this it doesn't matter then same thing you had the same narrative from people around frazier oh my god frazier's leaving like it's gonna crush it doesn't matter doesn't matter the machine the movement the, the people, the athletes, it all moves on.
Starting point is 00:46:45 It all rolls on. Tia's going to leave in a few years. It's not going to matter. And they're all going to be very significant in the history of the sport. They're all going to continue to be significant in their contribution. But the event, the machine, the movement, the sport, it all just steamrolls forward. The games documentary that they filmed last year how close are we to seeing that you had some hollywood big wigs they're filming like this yeah yeah i like you too uh good rad seven rad r-a-d those are what he likes on my feet born primitive use code seven 20 thank you uh yes i i understand dude you're fucking like both you and Dave have narrow, have, have narrow feet.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I understand. Okay. When I hike, I'll wear a wide toe box stuff before the, for CrossFit shoes. Definitely don't, I don't feel like I need wide toe box, but for a lot of the hiking and walking stuff I do, I do use a wide toe box. So wide toe boxing, there's, it's legit for like um for probably all feet and like more people should be using the wide toe box shoes that are the especially the hiking shoes that are coming out there that are very prominent in the hiking scene these days uh get with the programming uh uh jr can you please stop
Starting point is 00:48:02 talking so much uh manny c serrano uh looking forward to seeing you guys in texas thanks manny jr do you want to say something before i uh keep going no no you had a question that i cut off what was it i i won't forget let me let jr go no no no i wanted to want the question documentary how close are we to this i've seen it because i don't think it'll ever i've told you i don't think it'll ever come out i told you that when i saw them filming it let me rephrase that you don't want it ever to come out that's not true that is true you don't think it'll ever, I've told you I don't think it'll ever come out. I told you that when I saw them filming it. Let me rephrase that. You don't want it ever to come out. That's not true. That is true.
Starting point is 00:48:27 You don't want it to. Well, I like to be right. You want us to fail. And you oftentimes, like there's many points where you and Hill are like really get excited like when we fail or do something wrong. No, I want you. It's clear. It's clear.
Starting point is 00:48:40 But whatever. So the documentary, I've seen it. It's good. It's really cool. It will come out. what's the hang-up they usually don't release partners find it yeah we typically i mean it hasn't been released yes like you're about to say uh till the games they actually they actually went out to iceland so this one was it wasn't just about that event which it it clearly was, but then several months later, a few weeks,
Starting point is 00:49:06 I don't know exactly when it was that crew went out to Iceland, did some stuff with Annie, then took a little more production creation and then finding the right distributors for it. So it's a, it's a long process. They're not YouTubers. They're not like you, you know what I mean? They can't just make something and publish, put it to YouTube. And even then, you're still like months late on your stuff, which to
Starting point is 00:49:29 me blows me away. Like, who does all the editing? YouTube? Come on, man. Like, let me ask you guys this question. When's the stuff from last week coming out? Why do you go like this? When's the stuff from last week coming out? It's going to be we're shooting for the next
Starting point is 00:49:46 two weeks. End of two weeks. Okay, that's good. That's better than most of Zevon's stuff. Go ahead. Two weeks? Okay. We promise we'll be better, Dave. Thank you. Boys, we released it perfectly on schedule right before the open, doing our part to promote and support HQ
Starting point is 00:50:01 affiliates and seminar staff and the community. We did everything perfect. Okay, so that documentary is coming out. And can you tell us where it's coming out? No, not yet. I don't want to say that. But you do know?
Starting point is 00:50:15 I have an idea, yes. Okay. JR, do you have anything? No. The testing, if you do, just interrupt, please. Try to. Or you too, John Young. The testing, Dave, what if someone wants to be a tester? Can they reach out to you?
Starting point is 00:50:29 If you want to be a tester, you better be really good. Like meaning you better be, have, you better have competed here this year and still good. There's multiple people I've hit up after last weekend that said, Hey, stay in shape because I'm going to call on you. And so basically like, don't take two weeks off, uh, keep training. You're going to come up. I need modern, I need modern high-level athletes. I feel like in the past, sometimes if you use someone who's been good, you're not going to get the right feedback for what's the reality of what's going on now with these guys. And the thing is, there's so much progression every year. The strength progression stuff is starting to peak. Meaning in the early days, guys were cleaning 225.
Starting point is 00:51:13 That's gone all the way up to 325. So that ramp, but now it's slowing down because there's only so much marginal strength. Once you're a well-rounded athlete, that can be found. So it's not like james james townsend's gonna make the games because he's he's way too big and strong so we're not gonna see that type of strength here uh what are his numbers what's his like snatch i don't he powers everything he doesn't squat anything i know he power cleans like 425 yeah so that type of strength at the games is probably never gonna happen just because you
Starting point is 00:51:46 have to be so well around tola is the closest thing yeah and tola as an individual could never qualify for the games period wow i never say no i mean that's just true yeah it's not it's not a dig it's not an insult it's just a statement of fact what do you know why because if he could he would be hey do you think that is that most team athletes look at devin kim and jorge fernandez both on the uh both on the championship uh team last year and both shitting the bed in semifinals is that just the way teams are they're just not they're just not individual athletes oh yeah jorge's here i need to say hello to him how's he doing not good not great okay not good i mean yeah it yeah. Jorge's here. I need to say hello to him. How's he doing? Not good.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Not great. Okay. Not good. I mean, yeah, it's a different beast. Like being an individual and thriving and excelling on your own is a different beast than being on a team. And you know this probably better than anyone else because you've been on a team. And so you've been on a team, right? I've been on a team.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Oh, that's right. You were a master. You were a master. I forgot. What age group? 35, 39. What are you now? 39.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Okay. Got it. Are you excited about 40? No, I put that part behind me. He's not competing anymore. No, no. I'm excited about being a 40-year-old man. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Yeah, okay. Good. How'd you do in quarterfinals, JR? I didn't do quarters, just the open. How'd you do in the open? I think I was like top 15 in the world in your age correct
Starting point is 00:53:10 yeah that's awesome Dave tell me about funny comment go back up does HQ plan on hiring more tiktokers to run IG Dave Dave's the type of person to look at someone going for seconds at the dessert table and give them the disappointed eyeball right
Starting point is 00:53:28 hey listen uh that is you nailed him because he's also if i reach my hand into like if we're somewhere and there's like a bowl of nuts or something and i reach my hand into it take a handful he'll reprimand me tell me it's inappropriate. He thinks I should use a spoon or pour them into onions. It's totally inappropriate, especially you and your habits. Yes. Don't ever eat out of any nut
Starting point is 00:53:58 bowl that Savon's putting his hands into. TDC, clip that. TDC, Kevin Doyle, TDC, what's up? Dave, what's the plan and I know it's just a plan but what's the plan for releasing the workouts for the games, what's your guys' plan, I wonder if it differs than mine and Hiller's
Starting point is 00:54:13 does it differ from yours and Hiller's, absolutely that's a couple steps down the road, meaning once I have everything closer to finalize, then start playing with that. Hey, look, honestly, there's some stuff that will not be able to be tested until we're there. And likely we're not going to release that ahead of time. Stuff that we're able to test and be like, no shit, this is 2159 thrusters and pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:54:48 And we know exactly how that's going to feel. And we know, like, we don't have to test any special things. We don't have to play with the floor and the layouts. Something like that could be released early. But things that aren't able to be, like, and that's the, the mechanisms and logistics of why things are announced up there. It's just like, yeah, we need to, we need to work out the, the environmentals or the environment of it and, and work with how it's actually going to happen on game day before committing to, to some of the prescribed workout before committing to the rep or the weight or the distance or whatever. Hey, real quick. Yeah, we got noticed that we got the room for about 10 minutes more. And then apparently they're going to boot us out of here.
Starting point is 00:55:36 OK, when does individual event three start? I think until about three o'clock. Hey, they're not going to boot Dave out of anywhere. I'm just passing the message along. Okay. Thank you. Sorry, Suzanne.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Dave, have you ever been disappointed in the demo team? Cause like, like for instance, like the yoke event in 2021, I think nobody made it in four rounds. And then T almost did it in one. Like,
Starting point is 00:55:58 were you ever, have you ever been like disappointed? And that's why you say you need modern people that are. That one was very disappointing to me. Stay that one was very i was very disappointed in myself in that one and uh did a lot of testing of it at the ranch too that one because it was because because that like the yolk and the you know um we could replicate that at the ranch because it's not a sled if that version was a sled um and i worked we worked so hard and did so many reps and evolutions and different testers trying to get it right we should have done a little more testing
Starting point is 00:56:31 on site with the two and there's still stuff we'll test off site and then test on site um to get more of that feedback i was incredibly disappointed in that one um people on my team were like hey it doesn't matter it's still a good test still a good event but that was not like when i talk about the intention or the intended expression of the workout that 100 was not what i wanted to see at all it was incredible and cool that she did that did not want to see that um and so because she was like the only one made it all across the floor with one go and then so you had other athletes doing two three um four rounds and even there it's like when you start talking about the accumulated load and word it quickly became on i don't want to say unfair but i'm balanced towards what she had done in that relative to what a lot of other people had to do in that at least it was the last
Starting point is 00:57:22 day and it wasn't like the first day i liked it i liked it that she did uh likewise though go ahead likewise though in 2020 i know me a lot of other people 2007 reload came out we all said knee-jerk reaction ah that women's weight's too light oh that was perfect that was what happens matt fills the final jerk tia fills the final jerk and to me that's like that's the biggest but all this testing that he does, that's what makes it so perfect. He never would have known that load was appropriate had he not had multiple people do it. Whoever did the testing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:54 I think it's super important. Go back up. I want to see something. Hold on. Hold on. I want to say something real quick. Will Gaislake, Castro's a clown. Will.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Does Dave ever test? Wait, hold on. Hold on. He's using half the women's weight. Oh, come on. Will. Half the women's rights. Oh, come on. Will. Half the women's rights. Will, I hope you.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Hold on. Will. No, but I've done a lot of. I get a lot of inspiration for certain events or programming from my own dabbling with workouts. I program most of the time for myself. And sometimes combinations, reps, games, flow. I will, especially in the early days, in the early days, there was way more of that. I never tested the word.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Oh, look, that dude has the same dude. He said that as a photo of me with cornrows. Oh, it's caved Astra. Oh, the caved Astra. That's so funny. Do you guys know that story? No, but hold on. I want to, we'll, we'll get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:58:44 We'll get the fuck out of here. Will, get the fuck out of here. I hope you drown in a bowl of cum. But then wasn't. What's his name? The big guy. I trained with Matt. Bigger than most of the other athletes. Matt?
Starting point is 00:58:58 Mike? Matt? Lost a lot of weight? No, no, no, no, no, no. The dude you guys have on your show. Jason Hopper? Yeah, Hopper. Hey, Wyatt. a lot of weight no no no no no the dude you guys have on your show uh jason hopper yeah hopper hey hopper was like uh hopper said hey dude i heard you call me flopper i'm like what the fuck are you talking about i did it somewhere saying uh call me popper i'm like hey dude i've
Starting point is 00:59:21 never commented anywhere and so i have no fucking idea what you're talking about. And so then apparently the story is Dalton Pepper was like, hey, dude, that's Cave Dashtro on YouTube who says that. That's not Dave. That's hilarious. That sounds about right. That's so funny. Heidi Kroom wants to know why someone can't call you a clown. It's because this is my fucking podcast and he's my friend.
Starting point is 00:59:49 And if you don't fucking like him, get the fuck out of here. If he was at my house and you talked that shit to him, I'd kick you the fuck out. Get the fuck out of here. I don't mind. Call me a clown all you want. I know you don't mind, but I ain't fucking tolerating that bullshit. It's my fucking show. In honor of the greatest deadlift in CF history, my 12-year-old just PR'd his deadlift watching you guys.
Starting point is 01:00:06 55kg. Damn, by three. Nice job. What guys? Us. Watching us. I'm not trying to censor shit. I am censoring shit. Get the fuck out of here. What do you mean censoring shit? How about I fucking come in your house and fuck your wife and you kick me out and I say, hey, you're trying to censor me.
Starting point is 01:00:22 You fucking cunt, Cody. You don't have that strong of a reaction when they say stuff about me, Savon. I don't. Well, because it's our house and we tolerate it. But who's the fucking guest in our house? I am in the small bodyguard business, yes. Imagine me as someone's bodyguard. Oh, so what was the test that you scroll down?
Starting point is 01:00:43 What was the test that you were most disappointed with? Okay, so the final at one of your games, oh, shit, it was the one where, and actually on that one. Fibonacci. Fibonacci final, because Julian tested it, and he's amazing at handstand push-ups. Yep, yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:01:01 And only one or two people finished it. Logan Collins won the event. And Frazier finished it. Those two, right? Yep. Especially with the final, when we go back all the way to what I began with and the intent of the time cap, because the time caps and artificial constraint that, um, for the logistics of the show that, um, we put in place that time cap, the intent of that workout,
Starting point is 01:01:23 I wanted like call it a quarter to a half of the people to finish but we had one or two and i remember god i hated that i was so embarrassed by that i remember sitting on the floor after heat one and going fuck then i remember heat two happening and going shit and i think maybe in heat two well since it was a final there must have only been two heats there's probably i think we did i don't know if we had cuts it felt like there was four heats no there was four heats it was 2017 yeah that was four heats all yeah and then i felt like and then then i saw logan collins finish which was cool yay but i'm like hey we might not have anybody in this last seat finish and then matt finished and like i was bummed i was like disappointed in my process and the testing and how it played out
Starting point is 01:02:06 um so yeah that was that was one of the disappointments that and the one we just talked about with Tia those two I was not happy with and then clearly uh fuck I didn't want to go there because it's so embarrassing go there the run the run ladder clean ladder i guess so that was my last games that was uh 21 before this one that was tested a lot and not on scene and then hold on davis crossed it oh thanks andrew um and then uh yeah so so yeah i mean there's plenty i mean i've just given you three without a ton of thought without analyzing or looking at all of them. But there's a ton that I've been disappointed in myself because ultimately it's my responsibility and I'm the one who's creating them and like in all the flow and the testing and the execution of them. a lot of people at the event and at the games for really high standard and that is unadvised if you don't hold yourself to the same standard or a really high standard so as much as i'm holding other people accountable and try standard i have to do the same for myself and i really do and
Starting point is 01:03:16 i put a lot of that i have no problem taking the blame for some of those things that like were uh that i fucked up games on aircraft carrier deck pitch it fuck man we'd have to put a lot of rubber an aircraft carrier deck is gnarly hey is that big enough they're pretty big they land airplanes on them can you land an airplane on this floor could you have an audience has that ever been? Has that ever been done? Has that ever been done? They do stuff where they play like basketball games and they, they, they do, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:48 actually there's been a crossword competition in San Diego on an aircraft carrier. Um, not like at this level, but, um, so I want to act tough for Dave. No,
Starting point is 01:03:57 that's pretty just consistent with how he is. Mike McCaskey. Um, he's not acting tough for me. He's just, that's consistent. Uh, Jeremy world, Dave, what's your favorite
Starting point is 01:04:06 semifinals workout this year? Also, clowns can be cool, just saying. Do you have favorite workouts? Let me think about this year. I like the first one because of the running. It took them outdoors, and it's like, it's a unique twist for this, and it didn't all have to be like,
Starting point is 01:04:24 is anyone, you guys tell me is anyone complaining like oh we're not able to compare that workout because they ran and the courses are different it's understood it's understood yeah so i think it's understood yeah this year for some reason that one's been really accepted people have complained in the past but that one's really been accepted about the variance in the runs the uh you know why because last year all anyone complained about was having to watch him run on the air runner three times so doing doing real running was a nice was nice dave do you have any kind of hatred for the machines like i've learned to build over the years like hey man like they
Starting point is 01:04:56 don't really have a place like like i've become so i've become almost extreme in it like hey i just don't want to see fucking machines i don't want to see any machines bikes running runners rowers sprinting stuff they're great place does running have a place running does but just i just don't like it on the runner water rowing have a place no does swimming have a place yeah maybe does biking have a place no it's all fitness man i just reread the the level one training guide. And like all of those things right there are a core part of the training guide and a core part of CrossFit and Greg's methodology from the beginning. Hey, Dave, did Greg ever look at a workout and ask what the fuck? No, no.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Did you ever look at any of his workouts? He didn't. He didn't ever really the one workout the one so he's got involved with a handful of things over the years um the the hammer was one the separator other and then the separator the one in i guess oh i guess that wow the 19 19 what was the separator workout so 19 so 19 so 19, right? 2019. No separator was 2016. The ring handstand pushups. No, not that one. Not that one actually. No, I'm thinking about it was a separator. Um, when we had all the people come and then, uh, we had the first workout, just crush people. First cut. Yeah. First cut. Uh, that one he was involved with. And basically,
Starting point is 01:06:24 cause that whole idea of bringing all those people with his ideas and, uh, I'm like, okay, cool. We're gonna have a lot of people, but then we're going to really quickly cut down. And he's like, all right, let's go ahead and hammer them. And, uh, he gave me permission to hammer them and he should not have given me permission to hammer them. And so I programmed that workout to crush them. And I like to really separate the men from the boys.
Starting point is 01:06:44 And so at first, the first test, the first expression was 180 was 225. And so that was the first one I was testing and we were going to run with. Then brought it down to 185 and ran it by him. I'm like, hey, Greg, you good with this event being 185? And he's like, yep.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I'm like, done, covered. Greg approved. Just let me talk. Let me talk. I'm on a flow i want to roll uh 185 wasn't it 185 why are you shaking your head yeah i'm interrupting you okay okay good thank you um then we uh did it and afterwards uh kind of bummed but greg was pretty critical and vocal about it being too heavy and And, uh, and I knew like, because a lot of people weren't able to do it and a lot of people struggled on it. And a lot of people didn't advance. So, um, I mean, not advanced, but advanced through it,
Starting point is 01:07:34 but that was the intent. And I knew that was going to happen. And like, um, 185 was difficult for a lot of people when you take a hundred and whatever it was there, but the first cut accomplished what I wanted it to and what he wanted it to. But then he didn't want the outcome of so many people being unhappy with being exposed at the games. Which is like, yeah, man, you fucking go to the games and you won from a small country. Like, welcome to the fucking games. You know, welcome to the big leagues. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:08 I'm sorry. We'll be done in a minute. Real Media, thanks for your time, Dave. Get your CEO shirts at Do a little plug for the olive oil. Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, how much? Like, say the website.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Say where you buy it. I love the olive oil. Do the big one. TDC. TDC. TDC. Three flavors. There you go.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Thank you. Three flavors. I'm getting ready to launch a fourth flavor. What's that? Which one? Bell pepper? Bell pepper. Not bell pepper.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Hey, are you going to come to my house with bread and wine again? To promote the pepper, sure. Thank you. Hey, are you watching the fights tonight? Are you watching the fights tonight? I don't think so. UFC fights? Oh, what about boxing?
Starting point is 01:08:52 I'm going to travel. I'm going to be flying. If I can connect and stream, I'll watch the boxing, but not the UFC. Who's boxing again? I forget. Deontay Wilder. Oh, that's right. That's right.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Oh, the belts. They're awesome. Scroll back up. Highlight that one. Highlight that. There's right. Oh, the belts. They're awesome. Scroll back up. Highlight that one. Highlight that. There's those belts. Show the dent. When does TDC, when someone else said it, scroll up a little.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Oh, Ken. Ken. Yeah, there we go. Ken Walters and the belts. They're awesome. Glad you enjoyed the belt. We need a TDC mercantile commercial. They're custom cut.
Starting point is 01:09:20 They're custom cut to length. So when you order it, I go out there and I finish the belt, spend a lot of time making the belt and then cut them to size. All right, let's do this. Let's end it. Good job, Sevan. I enjoyed this. Thank you. Okay. Yeah. Hey, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And thanks for having us move the entire podcast studio and then yelling at us for
Starting point is 01:09:38 not having it done in time. It was great seeing you. I really enjoyed your... Dave? Dave? Hey, asshole. Don't worry about that. It's fine. I have a super high fucking tolerance for a lot of shit.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Are you talking to me? No. Because they're making me leave. All right. Oh, okay. I have a super high tolerance for a lot of shit. I'm not going to fucking tolerate people talking shit about Dave on here. Sorry, dude. Like, me, JR, Taylor jr taylor like suza ass pound away i'm not fucking doing the uh dave's gonna come
Starting point is 01:10:12 on here and someone's gonna be like he's a clown or tell me it's a public space like fuck you go somewhere else i don't give a fuck fuck off like hey it's really fucking cool of him to come on that's all i care about and if you don't like him i don't care if you don't like him but don't fucking do it on here when he's fucking on here you're such a little bitch for doing that and don't try to fucking do anything stupid when we have fucking guests on okay sorry go ahead john oh we got a lot to do here i was i was gonna say to him i think most people think first cuts one of the greatest workouts ever programmed at the Games. And then he cut me off and said to stop talking. Then I was going to compliment that workout.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Hey, that's what it's like talking to him on the phone, too. Like, we'll be in the middle of a conversation. I'll be like, hey. I'll be like, what? He's like, I'm done. And then I just hear dial tone. He's so fucking weird weird Are we coming back? No we're gonna do
Starting point is 01:11:11 We're gonna finish up here We're gonna finish talking about the boys And then talk about the girls You got a little time? I think yeah And then I'm gonna go get a haircut Okay Okay oh yeah haircut
Starting point is 01:11:22 That's what you keep threatening A haircut You ain't getting shit dude I'm gonna get a haircut. Are you going to be looking at your iPhone the whole time, like trying to watch, too? No, no, no. I'll be able to watch. It doesn't start until 2. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Travis Mayer, 9th place. Samuel Cornway. I'm pleasantly surprised with Samuel. We're looking at event 2, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Sorry. 7th place in event 2, 10? Yeah. Seventh place in event two. Tenth place overall. I'm happy.
Starting point is 01:11:50 I'm getting back on the Sam train, maybe. He's, you know, he's doing fine. He's not doing great. He's not doing bad. Hey, that was a tough group of guys. He's supposed to be one of those tough guys. Yeah, he is. Okay. I think his seventh is, I'm a tough guy. Finishing. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. to be one of those tough guys yeah he is okay i think his seventh is i'm a tough guy finishing
Starting point is 01:12:05 yeah yeah for sure okay uh will carter who the fuck is this dude short and stocky uh i start at heat two he did this from heat two not even heat three heat two and i mean his time held up man he did phenomenal dray Strong did phenomenal. And what's funny is we thought— Is Dre Strong black? I didn't know he was a black guy. I don't know what he is. Oh, okay. He's mayhem.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Well, he's keeping the dream alive, too. And what's funny is Dre, that fifth-place finish, that's something we would expect in event one. And then 23rd would be more event two, and he kind of just flip flip flopped him so he he absolutely is still in the running to make the game straight dre is so far uh will carter's one of the uh pugs that went against taylor the one those two guys went so yeah will carter and joey pierro damn this guy's a beast 33-2 no spring chicken hey uh jack rosema 12th and a 16th doing jack shit uh benoit uh getting
Starting point is 01:13:08 exposed luke parker 17th and 15th is it only uphill does luke just keep climbing i don't know i think you would have hoped for better on this i kind of feel like luke is going to be just these placements the whole time and then he'll be 13th you have to get 15th and six straight events and then he'll be that'll be 13th around 13th place overall i do think the snatch then he'll be 13th you know if you get 15th and six straight events and then he'll be that'll be 13th around 13th place overall i do think the snatch ladder he'll do very very good on he'll do he'll do top 10 in that event and then kind of just hanging out on the rest of the events uh will morad uh surprised 31st really surprised every like he should have done he should have done good in this event he i don't know like not top five but i think i think he should have done he should have done good in this event he i don't know like
Starting point is 01:13:45 not top five but i think i think he should have been top 10 in this event so for him to get 31st it was a huge shock and um he's still in the running for the games he's he's as long as he executes he'll be fine we've seen a 30th place before um the rest of the weekend looks good for him but i mean he can't have another one Alex Vigneault I think he should have done better than this Jake Berman Great event for Jake Berman 25th and 12th good job Jake
Starting point is 01:14:14 Spade energy drink I don't even know if it's an energy drink It's not It's a Calorie-less soda Get your Dr. Pepper Spade. Support Jake Berman. Go to or or
Starting point is 01:14:35 What a great URL. Wayne Lang. Sebon. Uh-oh. I saw the Aussie Haley Adams today at a weightlifting competition in Melbourne. You said you would get her training partner, Daisy, and her on if Daisy made the game. She did, so don't forget. I don't remember saying that, but thank you for the money.
Starting point is 01:14:51 But listen, that Haley chick could come on anytime. She's cool as shit. I would just, like, have her on just to, I don't know, shoot the shit with her. She's my Australia Shelby Neal. I love her. She's cool as shit. But thank you, Wayne Lang. Do I know this guy? I don't know. I love her. She's cool as shit. But thank you, Wayne Lang. Do I know this guy?
Starting point is 01:15:07 I don't know. Spencer Panjik, 19th and an 18th. Does he keep climbing? You would think so, but I think he should have been better than 19th and 18th in both of those events.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Typically, he does what Saxon does, but just a little bit worse. Saxon has smoked these and spencer has not so i mean i almost think he kind of hangs out here uh taylor self uh 11th and 28th is that taylor's worst finish of the week yes for sure by far upward and onward and and i i do believe he's still in it with the 20th place right now for sure and like if you look if you look go ahead and scroll up to uh 11th place yeah so 11th place has 123 points and then go down to taylor taylor has 94 points he's literally 30 points away from making it with four events absolutely he has a shot and if you look at the people above him
Starting point is 01:16:06 who are the home run hitters that are above him all the home run hitters are already in the top 10 and like i think people like christopher carone maybe corn y a maybe travis mayor like they don't execute to their top ability and taylor does i think he'll be ahead of them by the end of the weekend. And Will Carter, the last spot right now is between Will Carter, Dre Strom, Jack Rosema, Benoit, Luke, possibly Will Morad. Will Morad's the guy that Taylor probably needs to get in front of because Will Morad's going to be pretty good in all of these two. But Taylor doesn't have any holes left.
Starting point is 01:16:42 This was going to be his worst event. The snatch ladder is a bit of a question mark just because there's a lot of good guys in the heat every single other event three four and six he should be top 10 like he I think he's top 10 caliber which will be good enough to make the games unless Will Morad's like top seven on all of those things uh seth soval marquand jones peter mason you know peter mason looks like the uh heterosexual version of daniel brandon's uh manager or like uh dave portnoy kind of like a buffer version of dave portnoy i really like peter mason peter mason did great 28th to a 14th cut his shit in half ben smith at 21st and 25th not good for ben uh jorge fernandez a 29th and a 29th that's baba gets good night for our beloved yeah and i mean i thought i think this is expected i thought
Starting point is 01:17:35 this is where ben and jorge would would be uh jack farlow good night for jack also 34th and 37th is something wrong with jack i don't know what's going on. Jack Farlow is fitter than what he's showing. Someone said that he looks emaciated or skinny, like meth head Jack Farlow. He looks malnourished in Event 2. Like Event 2, he looked white. Like a white version of Jack Farlow. He's very white to begin with.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Okay. That'll be interesting to uh hear from him and see uh what's going on with him um women t2 me first and a first unstoppable uh beat second place by in second place you're gonna have to scroll all the way down. So Lexi Neely. 23 seconds. Yeah, Lexi Neely and Annika Greer, their time stood for second and fourth place, which I think is amazing. From heat one and heat two, they got second and fourth place in this workout. That's, I mean, they beat Emma Lawson by 40 seconds. And I think that's Emma Lawson came a little bit hot and then kind of slowed down.
Starting point is 01:18:43 But those two had an amazing event. So we thought they would would be good i don't know if we thought they'd be that good and nobody was saying lexi neely lexi neely murdered it i know folo is kind of the talk of the town sorry you're on the men now i know what what do you want what do you want john to john say something about the great marquand Jones. 20th and a 20th. And that's who he is. 20th place is not worth of highlighting. Sorry. Sorry, Mr. Delightful.
Starting point is 01:19:14 But, you know, I like Marquand. I'll tell you what. When he does something notable, we'll talk about him. Yeah, fair enough. Okay, back to the ladies. T. Claire Toomey, first first. Erica Folo. Hey, man, she's the real deal. Seventh third uh tied with emma lawson yeah man like we'll see if she drops off um
Starting point is 01:19:33 every single region there has been somebody who has done amazing in the first two events and then has dropped off i don't think we will see that between Folo and Hatfield, but I'm just throwing it out there that we have seen people do really, really good event one and two, and then they drop off because we've got some specialty events coming up. I do think she will drop from second place, but like Hattie Canyon, I think she's there to stay. Oh,
Starting point is 01:20:03 good, good. I, I, I, I, I think she's going to be be i think she's going to go on a tear i i think she's going to break the curse of the first two good events uh brooke wells uh so far i give her the mvp status it's too bad we didn't get more camera time on her
Starting point is 01:20:17 for the second event but crazy impressive a sixth and a sixth of the brooke well story continues daniel brandon a fifth and an eighth. Carolyn Stanley, a fourth and an eleventh. Heavy for Stanley, so she should be proud of her eleventh? Yeah, I mean, eleventh place is solid. Eleventh place is solid. She, I mean, she's, honestly, all she has to do now is just be around the top ten. She doesn't need to kill any events.
Starting point is 01:20:42 If she's just around the top ten, kind of like Paige Semenza always is, she's going to make it. She's going to make it as long as she doesn't have any blowups. She doesn't have to kill anything. The number one piece of marriage material in the women's division, Alexis Raptus, sitting in seventh place. And I mean, she got fifth in that event. That's about expected.
Starting point is 01:21:03 I think she's top four in women in this region. Nobody saw Erica Folo being this good. I do think by the end of the weekend, she'll be fourth place. If I start another show, a companion show to kill Taylor, it's going to be a Will You Marry Me Alexis and just people coming on trying to beat her. Dude, Lydia Fish did not hold on hold on before we get to her page simenza i really i read can she just keep this up eight ninth eighth ninth eighth ninth absolutely page simenza is the brandon luckett of the north america women east okay uh you can see page
Starting point is 01:21:42 simenza also in the behind the scenes that we made last year it's free on youtube she's awesome i'd like for her to go to the games just so i can uh hang with her again lydia fish tell me the little girl listen i'm gonna say lydia fish and feast of gothy because they're tied up um 10th and 13th but different events both of these girls are going to kill event three they're both going to do really, really well in event three. And I think that they're going to have kind of a, a really good cushion to the next, the next two, the next women trying to qualify. I don't think they'll have a cushion, like there'll be six place or anything, but they will have like a 30 point, 40 point gap on the next women trying to take their qualifying
Starting point is 01:22:26 spots and if it i don't see them i mean lydia might get crushed in the snatch ladder but she's setting herself up to have a a bit of a cushion where if she gets crushed maybe she can come back from it um i didn't i didn't't think Lydia would do as good as she just did in this event. It's going to be exciting to see that race fall out between Lydia, Fee, Shelby, and then the next three girls. There's probably going to be a name
Starting point is 01:22:56 that we don't know about. Amanda Barnhart we still haven't said and I know she's going to come up. She's the one who's going to take Lydia Fish's spot eventually if it happens wow and hayley adams oh hold on where's haley adams hold on we'll get to them we'll get to them we can't pass shelby i'm looking at this video that someone sent me of uh all right i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick you're gonna show it okay yeah yeah go ahead uh we'll take a quick little pause here to look at this um on the
Starting point is 01:23:27 uh oh look instead of daniel brandon stealing content from us sorry not stealing sneakily getting you won't do that again daniel you sneaky little rabbit oh we're now going to use the content ourselves thank you daniel for being so talented and beautiful. Here we go. Danielle Brannan. Oh, is she crying? Wow. Come a prima, più di prima, t'amerò. Per la vita, la mia vita, ti darò. Sembra un sogno rivederti, accarezzarti. Le tue mani fra le mani stringere ancora.
Starting point is 01:24:48 It looks like her mom's in the audience. I can't wait to learn more about that in the behind the scenes. Damn, John, you look yoked. Chippendale status. Gry Helen Johansson. Beautiful horse. Great rider. Great horse rider.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Thank you for your... Membership. Bernard. nice boob physics yeah an educator john you left just in time what's up you left just in time okay uh patrick rios thank you will brandstetter thank you for the quick turnaround on the daniel highlight. Shelby Neal, a 15th and a 12th. Hey, you know, I think that was damage control for Shelby Neal. So a 12th is amazing, I think. I don't know. JR said she'd be decent in
Starting point is 01:25:36 this workout. The thing for Shelby Neal, though, and they take 11 women, so she's not in a bad spot. But Amanda Barnhart and hayley adams we know that they are you know they're games athletes they're going to be coming up and shelby neal needs to beat women like lydia fish like fee sagafi to get into the games and she's, she's not far off, but like she needs to beat these women.
Starting point is 01:26:08 That's like fee and Lydia, really. Those are the women she needs to be for her to get into the games. And she's, she's within striking distance. I think she is just a hope that they have a hole that she doesn't have. Um, because she's not,
Starting point is 01:26:20 hasn't been beating them in the last two events. No mention of Tia Adler and fee, no belt on the front squats. I think Tia has talked about it before that the belt's not working for't been beating them in the last two events. No mention of Tia Adler and fee, no belt on the front squats. I think Tia has talked about it before that the belt's not working for with her post baby abdomen. Any thoughts on Adler and fee, not wearing the belt? No,
Starting point is 01:26:35 I mean, I think if you don't need it, you don't need it. I, I didn't wear a belt for this workout and I know I'm, I'm not near the caliber of athlete they are, but if two 25 front squats, aren't posing a heavy thing to your 155 heavy squats,
Starting point is 01:26:50 I don't know. I think if you're used to not wearing a belt during workouts, unless it's a really, really heavy lift, it's not necessary. Amanda Barnhart, 9th and 22nd. Haley Adams sitting in 14th with a 2nd and a 35th. Hey, that's pretty good placement for taking a 35th. It's really good placement. The problem for Haley, though, is you
Starting point is 01:27:10 can have one of these. If you have home run ability, you can make the game. She can come back from it. We've seen it. The last three regions, we've seen one of these events is okay to have. You can't have two of them.
Starting point is 01:27:25 The snatch ladder events is okay to have. You can't have two of them. And the snatch ladder is going to be make or break for Haley. Her entire games is going to be on that snatch ladder. I originally thought that she would get in no problem, but I thought event two would be like 10th to 15th place.
Starting point is 01:27:41 And a 35th... She can't have two 35th places is what she can't have any more out of the top 20 i mean even if she has a 21st if she has a couple of seconds you know because she could get top three and the next two events and events three and four she legitimately could be at two top threes and be in seventh place going to the snatch ladder. But then if she gets 31st in the snatch ladder, that's going to drop her all the way down to 12th place. She's going to be one spot out or in the last spot going into the last event. And as we saw with Colton, that last event, anything can happen.
Starting point is 01:28:21 And I'm not saying Haley's going to be a shoo-in for the win to get in the games if she's in that make-or-break break spot that 10th through 13th spot uh mary ellen saunders saw her chloe david saw her uh elizabeth wishart it was so fun watching all these girls work out i enjoy i always enjoy it more than i think i am mckenna ensland was cool seeing her ellie hiller of course awesome seeing her carolyn prevo it's gonna be tough games athlete demo team girl 25th and a 26th uh she's uh just she's toast right yeah i'm gonna say she's toast because she does one there's no deadlift workout there was a deadlift workout she wouldn't be toast because she's in the running to win that workout but she's there's only four events left and there's not going to be home runs and
Starting point is 01:29:08 like she could get eighth place the whole entire time from here on out it's not going to be enough like olivia was in this spot and she got literally three first place after that like three first and second places and she still didn't make it and that was in the west where there's not all the other women are still doing really good too in the east it's just john i have a question let's take a small break for a quiz go ahead what is james townsend's power clean 440 wow great correction very nice. Very nice. Very nice. I've seen him power. I threw 425 out just because I've seen him do it.
Starting point is 01:29:49 I don't know what his absolute max is off the top of my head, but thank you. Thank you. Comments. Yeah. And I'm getting a lot of text messages, man. You are under a lot of scrutiny. I know. I literally just like somebody said, what is he clean?
Starting point is 01:30:05 I know he can clean power clean 425. I'm sorry. I don't know. His exact max is 15 pounds more than that. It's ridiculous. It's okay. Last night, I was watching a video with Dalton Rasta. He's been a guest on the show several times.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Eight and one Bellator fighter. He has a huge fight coming up in June, June 22nd against magic Norbert Norbert's undefeated fighter out of the UK. It is going to be an incredible fight. And I was watching the interview with Dalton Rasta and he had a really bad shoulder injury where he said he couldn't even put his hand up like this. Couldn't even rotate his arm up like this. And you know what he said?
Starting point is 01:30:39 Saved him. What's up? Peptides. There you go. You know what saved him? Peptides. They're like, what did you do to heal? He's like, well, they wanted to do surgery, but I just used a lot up peptides there you go you know what saved them peptides they're like what did you do to heal he's like well they wanted to do surgery but i just used a lot of peptides peptides peptides peptides ca ca put in your order use code word hiller or sevon begin the healing journey also you want to go to the games and get the best tickets in the house and kind of just flex at the finish line?
Starting point is 01:31:09 12th row. Dead center. Order coffee from Paper Street Coffee. For every $100 purchase you make, use code word SEVON and get entered into a contest to win the two free tickets. Okay. Down at the bottom also, I think we can say goodbye to Carolyn Spencer,
Starting point is 01:31:34 Ashley Wozni, too bad. Super cool chick from Training Think Tank. If I was there, I'd probably take a picture with her and want to get to meet her. Katie Kalor, Reese Littlewood, Dana Peran, Elena Savage, the great Jessica Kaligian take a picture with her and want to get to meet her katie color uh reese littlewood uh dana peran
Starting point is 01:31:45 um elena savage uh the great jessica collegian and uh bailey all gone uh ladies uh it's been awesome watching you guys all of you thanks for doing what you do i'm excited about the next workout the legless rope climb workout um i just have one question for you about the Legolas. What's up? This Annika Greer girl. Mm-hmm. How does she do on that? I don't think she does very well. Outside the top 30?
Starting point is 01:32:24 I don't know if she does that bad, but I would say outside of the top 20. Is this the one that put the nail in the coffin for her? Is this the one that just eliminates her? I would say, yeah. I mean, it's going to make her out where it won't matter what she does in the next few events. It's just she just can't make up enough ground. So I would say yes, but it's not going to look like that because the next three of the next the two events after that i actually think she'll do really well at but it's just not going to be enough or she'll be just outside of making it. Alright.
Starting point is 01:33:08 I wonder if they tried to collab with Danielle on that video. I don't know. I didn't see it. Yeah, you were gone. You were in the bathroom. Larry, the shark, the last Armenian Hope isn't working out, unfortunately. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:33:24 She's still hot. At least that's okay. She's still hot. At least that that's good. You can't, if you can't, you know, if you end up 40th, you can at least be like, well,
Starting point is 01:33:32 at least I'm still hot. All right, guys, uh, we're going to take a break and then we will come back. Um, we're going to watch event three. Do you,
Starting point is 01:33:41 do you know what time that starts at? I thought it started at 2 Central in an hour and 15 minutes. Okay. I'll play with the boys. I can check. I'll play with the boys. So the plan is to come back after Event 2,
Starting point is 01:33:55 do a show, sorry, Event 3, do a recap on Event 3, and then circle back tonight pretty darn quickly because I want to watch the UFC fights tonight. So we'll circle back and give you the prediction show for Sunday. Someone asked if we are going to have some non-CrossFit guests. God, I hope so. We got a ton of people lined up.
Starting point is 01:34:15 We had Anomaly lined up. Russell Berger lined up. We're going to get Dalton Rosta. We're going to get Magic Norbert from the UK, who's going to be a UFC superstar, by the way. And we are going to have Jack Dela Maddalena, who's dealing with a broken arm, on soon. We're going to have Richard Johnson. He wrote the fat switch on.
Starting point is 01:34:37 So, yes. All right, guys. Oh, and don't forget, next Thursday, this is the last Thursday. Kill Taylor will be on a Thursday coming up. And hopefully we will have Bear Hanlon from Born Primitive live from the beaches of Normandy. If you do not own a pair of Born Primitives, you're missing out introducing our newest savage one training shoot the d-day edition born primitive is proud to donate 100 of profits up to 50 000 to the best defense foundation these proceeds will directly fund over 60 world war ii veterans who will
Starting point is 01:35:21 return to normandy for the 80th anniversary. Thank you to our greatest generation, the damn few. Shop the cause at

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