The Sevan Podcast - National Emergency Alert Test | Live Call In #1035

Episode Date: October 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:12 uh for this song but god it's a great song god i hope that wasn't more than seven seconds. What's up, guys? Rambler, good morning. Jeremy E. World. First black man watching the show today. Fair enough. I'll give it to you.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Oh, hi. Good morning. Yes. Yes, you. You again. That burpee dude. Hey, what's up? Asymmetric ears.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Asymmetric old ears. Asymmetric ears. First kahoo with four dogs. All right, fine. Morning, honey. Morning, honey. Mr. Anderson. A wild zombie.
Starting point is 00:01:57 What's up, dude? Hey, I really apologize about the disrespect to the Christine Colin Brander card. It has shaken me. It has shaken me. What am I going to do? What am I going to do? It's Dave Castro coming in here throwing shit around in the office. What are you going to do? What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:02:16 What's up, Sousa? Good morning. This morning's lecture will be about the... How come your mic looks more like a penis than mine? Lucky you. Lucky, I guess. There he is.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Morning. I'm consolidating my photos. I saw a place yesterday. It's funny. You know when you see pictures of shit you took? I need to find the picture again. I saw on a wall it was like um pocket or something and i just took a picture i can only imagine like i probably saw and thought
Starting point is 00:02:50 it was funny and like sent it to my wife or something right you know those pictures in your iphone the ones the weird ones plenty of those yeah um today morning lecture wow it's still hot in here wow i can see the sweat stain dave left on the couch oh dude caleb it was so hot in here um oh first first off uh sorry we're not going to talk about the first lecture today we're gonna um just do some friendly talking with caleb caleb the shattuck and video yes which one which one uh it um significantly more entertaining and more authentic than the rich phroning phil video i don't even oh my goodness dude holy shit again vander sloot and rich i apologize in advance but for the sake of our friendship i hope that i never have to assess that video on this show holy shit what a train wreck 36 minutes of train wreck of nothing that video should have been three minutes long next time do not what an amazing hey i guess you can't bat a thousand no one bats a
Starting point is 00:03:57 thousand no one bats a thousand no no uh phil has a great smile he's very engaging i like that one little twitch he does with his hand that like that tick he has but holy fuck 36 minutes hey the proof that that video is a complete and utter train wreck is the they mayhem has a video that starts with a trigger warning dude let me tell you something if you're triggered by that video you are fucked there's nothing in there that's um it is i cannot believe how superficial the video is i learned nothing about phil nothing well i mean he was in the army he broke his leg his mom died yeah like everyone broke their leg lots of people went to the army everyone's mom dies like like i want to know like something fucking happened to this dude we never get to it
Starting point is 00:04:48 it's oh man i gotta stop anyway congratulations on your first attempt into the foray of telling um stories that scratch the depth of uh humanity but wow holy in the comments are fucking making me want to vomit why what do you mean good bad none of those people will ever watch another video again like that like like so this video is going to get 30 000 views but if they try to make another one like that it'll get 1000 views it's just it's just it's just lies it's just bullshit it's just like the trigger warning on the video on the mayhem video was like there was going to say there was going to be suicide talk or something like that that might trigger you but but there yeah i it's beautifully shot and and phil's wonderful he's cool
Starting point is 00:05:33 oh my god there's a scene in there with poor samuel cornwall samuel do not your agent needs to talk uh yeah, this is how. The following video contains material regarding depression, suicide, maybe challenging for some audiences. Dude, we need 20 of those warnings before this show then. What I'm saying right now is triggering more people in mayhem than this video will trigger fucking, if you show it
Starting point is 00:05:57 to the entire planet. Fucking nuts. But I mean, they got 999 good videos and so they just swing and a miss but wow holy shit so you say they shouldn't keep going that direction they should know well yeah yeah practice makes perfect don't quit i ain't hating i ain't hating i'm just telling you the facts like wow. He's really cool. Wow, he's really cool.
Starting point is 00:06:27 He's the heart of Mayhem. He's really cool. He's inspiring. Oh, and here's another thing. Here's another thing. Everyone, this is a direct order from the top. All the trainers in that video need larger shirts your shirts are too small do not wear shirts that are that tight your shirts are all too tight your shirt's way too tight like around
Starting point is 00:06:55 the arm or where dude everywhere it's fucking ridiculous it's fucking that that's what triggered me who chose to work like that? You, I can tell you're not comfortable in your shirt. I know that. You know what I mean? I like, I know that.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Oh man. I was watching and I was like, when are we going to, when are we going to like get unveil something, get a little like more depth in the character? Yeah, that guy's shirt. What the fuck is that? A little bigger, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:35 A little bigger. Just a smidge. But it's everyone. Just a smidge bigger. Caleb, why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Don't provoke me. I want to get off this because I love the mayhem crew I fucking love rich I love Vander salute love me some Angelo man man man man it reminds me yeah yes uh Seve wants um uh everyone to craig richie their style yeah yeah it is 80 it man oh man what a mess like show me how cool he is i don't want i don't it's almost like an obituary it's just like he's so cool he's so cool he's so cool
Starting point is 00:08:25 he's the heart what he does is even more powerful than what the athletes do um well you're gonna have to show me that cause I'm pretty fucking inspired by Rich he's driven a whole fucking arm of the industry so
Starting point is 00:08:41 maybe you could show me something his mom died yeah but everyone's mom's gonna die a rich just lifted 400 pounds over his head very few people are gonna do that what else you got broke his leg in the in in boot camp okay okay okay okay he wasn't like depressed and, pulled himself out of it, like, got a new job. Dude, the guy is crazy compelling. They got a crazy – every time he's on the screen,
Starting point is 00:09:11 like, you're happy to see him. He's smiling. He's cool. He's got weird, quirky twicks – twitches and tics. He's nice. He speaks well. He's a trip. He's for sure – that dude's for sure engaging, right?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah. It just didn't have the backstory you were hoping for. More depth, please. What happened when his mom died? Someone ask him, why did you get depressed? How did you really put on that weight? How about some before and after photos there's no before and after photos i don't remember i can't remember seeing any oh no do you see phil like inside of his house like i don't know cooking up like spaghettios or something
Starting point is 00:09:55 you do seem cooking the cooking scenes too long you seem cooking eggs and that's kind of cool but you right away get like you think you're like at one of those like you're in stacy tovar's house and it's like what she ate today a full day of eating was how exciting yeah okay i love you guys i'm still gonna shot phil's great cut out 30 minutes of that video and and uh re-upload it please i don't need any testimonials telling me how cool he is i don't need i don't need one person he's i just can't believe i'm i come here for him he's done more to change my life i swear there's a line there no he's done more to change my life than i've done for him one how about one how about one you need to babysit your kids like just tell me one thing no you didn't you're not gonna tell me i just okay i'll take your word for it he changed
Starting point is 00:10:51 fine i used to uh yesterday i saw a snail climbing up the side of an avocado tree and it it did more for me than it was incredible i was just like enjoying watching his body kind of undulating it was It was fulfilling. I came here to coach Phil, and it turned out he coached me. You know what they have, like those lines. It's me who's learning from the kids. Jay Sheets, spit on it and go for round two. Let him have it said brutal oh shit J sheetake chapman i am so gay that photo's gay that's for sure
Starting point is 00:11:48 and i chub up every time i see it god you're thick look at you you're just a meat sickle yeah big boy hey that should be a uh that should be a mold for a lollipop for like girls bachelorette parties jake chapman's just there's a stick you and his penis is the stick like he just has a huge dong hey he's the only his core is almost thicker than his lats and yet he's still not fat it's it's kind of it's he's it's crazy he's like part snake uh fascinating exchange between if i do say so myself between mr castro and i yesterday there was a point in the show where he brought up uh jeffrey adler being a crossfitter and then he ridiculed me for not listening and uncovering it when i was when he was on the show and what a tremendous 100 foot view uh jeffrey adler was on the show i did not uncover it
Starting point is 00:12:54 and uh but but but let's go up to the 5 000 foot view i'm uncovering it now on the show as you tell me. Huh? You see that? You see that? Now let's go up to the 30,000 foot view. How come it's nowhere or the game's Instagram or the game site? How come it's being uncovered on this show? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking, I'm going to take a lick of my Jake Chapman lollipop. I deserve it yeah i earned it it's good right it's like wow i was thinking last night i'm like fuck that that's so crazy i'm being i got really i don't do crossfit i didn't i'm not a good listener and i didn't uncover uh that ad that Adler's a hardcore crossfitter and yet there it is right on the show
Starting point is 00:13:49 and my competition doesn't unveil it do you guys know this song? listen to this. It's a great theme for this show. Can that be a title of the show? Yes. That could also be a button on my soundboard.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Audrey, with a consistent theme of wanting to do things to Brian Friend. Maybe a Brian Friend lollipop. Custom molds. Oh, shit. Jeremy, you talked to Philip this morning. He was saying all of these things. No, I didn't. Oh, maybe I did. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Hold on. Is that what inspired that? No, he just said, uh, I did. Hold on. Hold on. Is that what inspired that? No. He just said he said good podcast with Dave. Unless it was in my DMs he said something. I didn't talk to him though.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I don't think I did. Tank Reeves, that song's gayer than a $3 bill. I don't think a $3 bill is that gay. So... Also, do we have any updates on the October 4th theory? Now that it's October 7th? I have turned into a robot did it happen did i tell you what happened in the coffee shop did i tell you guys that story no dude in alaska just got off
Starting point is 00:15:35 night shift good night instead of going to bed uh-oh i pulled out my penis and cracked a c4 let's go uh i keep a two dollar bill in my wallet at all times that seems like something people in kentucky would do dude i used to do that when i was six i have like 22 bills just floating around because i kept keeping them thinking they're good luck you go over and watch the froning video you they were good luck. You go over and watch the Froning video. You tell me what you think. You go over and watch the Phil, Dr. Phil. Don't get triggered. Now, listen, I have to warn you guys.
Starting point is 00:16:13 It gets real intense. At one point, the guy breaks his leg in boot camp. And then some trainers are going to cry and say that he means a lot to them, and then they're going to show him in the coffee shop. Hey, there's Vander Sloot. I know you're a good dude. I know we're homies, but here, bend over. I got to give you something.
Starting point is 00:16:36 If you ask the person a question, and they repeat the question in the answer, you cut out the question. I'm okay with the question in there. I'm the first one who's like, yeah, shit can be sloppy. You can have the question in there, let the filmmaker cross the line, whatever. But you can't have both. It's six hours and 14 minutes. Double the length of the Titanic.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Yeah, yeah, thank you. dull the length of the titanic yeah yeah thank you very well yeah 33 or 36 minutes of fucking that being said i wasn't like hey i wish this was over or anything maybe because in my head i'm like oh god i can't believe i'm gonna put it i'm gonna put it in frowning tomorrow never put it in frowning that was another thing that was unacceptable when rory went on the lone ranger podcast and they asked him about um uh the lone ranger tonto one of them asked him about the the crossfit is over uh email that went out rory's like basically i'm not for that and rich wasn't for it. It was some marketing guy. Shut the fuck up, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:47 That's a great move. That's a great move. And he's fired, by the way. Did you like it? No? Okay, he's fired. Get rid of him. I thought that was genius.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I know. I know. I'm going to get a text any minute from Rich Froning Sr. telling me what a dick I am. I've been here. I know. But that email was great it's okay i everyone knows i'm fucking team rich love the dude we should we let's have angelo on and just cross-examine him let's spit on andrew on angelo and try to get him give him a a second, third shafting.
Starting point is 00:18:25 About Phil? He probably had nothing to do with that. Angelo? Yeah. Oh, but he's on the team. Who cares? Okay. Adam Blakeslee, I tuned out on the Mayhem video,
Starting point is 00:18:35 started playing Wordle. How many tries did it take you? What's Wordle? It's a game where you have to guess a five-letter word and five guesses or six guesses or something. And then it gives you hints as you go. Like each word you guess, it'll give you a hint, basically. Do people really like it or is it like Scrabble, just one of those games that people play to try to feel like,
Starting point is 00:19:03 think that they're smart? Oh, I play Scrabble. i went and saw the rolling stone 72 times that's something people do to be smart yeah it's probably that one really likes it yeah i think you like play play against like your friends or something right isn't it it used to give you a thing that you could post and it was like you got it in so many tries and everybody would post it on their story. Remember that? That's how I learned about Burtle.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Daniel Garrity, Dave's answer on why Jim should affiliate needs an all-hands meeting. He recovered a bit on the second pass, but the initial answer needed some Mark Twain. Dude, listen. I don't mean to jerk myself off. Yeah, I do. I fucking came in and crushed it for him he wasn't going to give the whole he wasn't going to give the whole list while you do it so that
Starting point is 00:19:55 you can get three percent off at rogue and eight percent off at jamba juice and so that you can get the affiliate handbook that tells you that you don't need door stoppers what you really need is like it's a club you want to be in the club i think it was honest he wasn't trying to sell you anything but then i came in and had to fucking destroy it ceo style man it'd still be cool if we were just going after uh the nsa nsa case and the american beverage association and then that way you could put it on your door and be like, Hey, what do we stand for? This is the truth. I pay my three grand because when this comes here, you know that this is,
Starting point is 00:20:29 you're going to get the real, real, not the government sponsored, uh, endorsed. Good brand value there too, right? Fuck with us and find out,
Starting point is 00:20:37 fuck around and find out how much better is fuck around and find out then let's go. Let's go. Hate. Let's go. Fuck around. Let's go. Hate let's go. Fuck around. Let's go. Yeah, so much like that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:51 The cliches that I like are the internet is undefeated. Fuck around and find out. Does anyone not like fuck around and find out? It's getting old for me. It is. Okay. Fair enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's got to eventually, right? I appreciate your honesty. You get to keep your job. Oh, so the Shattuck in. it's getting old for me it is okay fair enough yeah yeah he's got to eventually right i appreciate your honesty you get to keep your job oh so the shattuckin the very compelling great idea dude this is a brilliant idea this is mr beast shit 20 seconds of speed up of you and your mom and your dad by the way you're skinny are you eating no i'm not yeah you look skinny like shit in that video i couldn't believe how skinny you look yeah i've not been eating very much i've just been i mean not like because i'm not you have an eating disorder do you want hillary to make a video on you no i'm fine part of the podcast staying busy oh will you swing your
Starting point is 00:21:41 mic close to your mouth not that it sounds bad but yeah thank you um so the shattuckin video is incredible thumbnails brilliant i love it um and uh the only thing is the audio so i didn't make it through not this one the most recent one this one yeah that one is great so that red shirt the way that's framed that one is great. So that red shirt, the way that's framed, that thumbnail is brilliant. But the audio of the music and the audio of you talking is so off. The music is so fucking loud compared to you talking. Okay. And my kids were sleeping, and I kept having to go lower, louder. And it's not like five or six. It's 50.
Starting point is 00:22:23 It's like when you talk, it has to be on 70. When the music's playing, it's like it's not it's not like five or six it's 50 it's like from 20 when you talk it has to be on 70 when the music's playing it's on 15 okay but dude it's brilliant dude i'll watch that shit all day that's got like that total matt frazier i'm rebuilding my barn that chord and all that that just it talks to my inner hater i'm just hating the dude with you but but laughing at him too you know what i mean yeah i've been doing the same thing i just find so many random i'm like what were you thinking but i mean you hope you just want to find more you can't wait to find like a stack of dead rats under the board absolutely yeah i just i'm just like the the tub of lube that i found i had walked past that three or four times didn't think anything of it and then i when i went to pick it up to throw it away i was like i wonder what this is and i like started picking through it and i noticed it was just like lube put your dad on
Starting point is 00:23:09 the spot be like dad why would this guy need a tub of lube and then just point the camera at a deadpan i'm just fucking him up hey seriously air on the side of putting the music too low okay because the shit you say is going to be the fun part. Fun stuff. Got it. Okay. I'll do that. Yeah, this is brilliant. Just a close-up of you and your mom dismantling the side of a wall. I was like, oh, this is good. Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 00:23:36 That's all just iPhone? Yeah. All iPhone. Yeah, it's great. It's great. It's so good. Oh, look, you and your dad. Teamwork. That's so's so cool yeah they've been helping me a lot lately hold your dad he he looks young is he 60 yet he is young six i think wow dude i'll still be wiping probably one of my kids asses and your dad's helping you fucking rebuild the house at 56.
Starting point is 00:24:07 He's been putting a lot of work. It's pretty awesome. He does CrossFit too. Every day. Clock a few shows ago. This is going to be good. This is this is going to be trying to get ass pounded, right? I can already tell. It's a setup. Okay, here we go. A clock.
Starting point is 00:24:26 A few shows ago, Sevan, the host of the Sevan podcast, the guy in the middle with the glasses, referred to someone acting like a friend, but telling people behind his back to stay away from Sevan. Oh, oh, oh. Sevan dumping a deuce all over Rich's film
Starting point is 00:24:44 makes me think it's Rich no no no no I love Rich to fucking death not even close but I have talked to but no not even close not even close astute though dude I love
Starting point is 00:24:59 the fact that you're on the show I want to give you a clue because because how much this person's name never comes up on the show, and it's come up so many times in the last week. It's fucking a trip. Did you guys sense that? Did you watch the Dave show yesterday? No, I didn't get a chance to.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Look in the private chat what I just wrote you guys. I want to tell you guys a secret that the audience can't hear and this person's name never comes up and that it's yeah it's crazy are you thinking back do you remember it coming up Sousa no I mean it was a storm it was a
Starting point is 00:25:42 storm do you know but you know what clocks referring referring to, right? About someone like two weeks ago, they want to collaborate with me, and then all of a sudden I hear they're telling people that, hey, don't collaborate with me. It's like, wow. Got it now. Now I know.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Yeah. Yep, yep, yep. Yeah. No, if I didn't think things were good, I wouldn't. Like if there was something weird between Rich and I, I would not shit on his film. I would stay away from him. The only reason why I'm shitting on his film is because we're friends. It's constructive feedback.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah, not shitting on it. Sorry, giving constructive feedback. And I like man, salute a lot. No, not James Hobart. But James Hobart will never be invited back on the show again again if that adds any value to you but no i love james but he will never be invited back on here a lot of people have been asking for that new show again like we want james back for the new
Starting point is 00:26:40 listen he would have to do something so incredible to ever be invited back on here like get into porn or fight dave at the games or something yeah wouldn't that be a twist like it's the dude showing you a perfect squat then he's just helping some chick on another site yes yes it'd be immaculate form just like the demo videos immaculate missionary i could see james doing porn oh yeah yeah hobart like having sex with some like real pale girl from some like nordic country so he looks tan porn bart there you go. Thank you, Kenneth. Oh, that's not a bad title for a show. Tank and Seve talk flat earth and other stuff that scares the shit out of Seve on. Only Bart.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Hobart. Oh, wow. Wow. Look at him leaning into it. Nice lollipop. Will you go to the Crossfit games um instagram account how long before the the crossfit games oh let's let's get carolyn lambre on and ask her if that if that shit is true that dave said i'll send her a text today with you on it oh i'm gonna say hey we're not gonna talk to you at all about um we're not gonna talk to you at all about uh roman yeah thank you
Starting point is 00:28:11 how can look at look at what daniel brandon's upside down yeah it's from those uh pullovers you're even you're even hot when you're upside down. That's cool. Oh, both of them. That other upside down photo was on the GHD though, right? No pullover. See the pullover? Oh, pullover.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Mm-hmm. He doesn't listen. Mrs. Burns, I really want to be able to keep watching the show while at work, but all this porn talk, and I'm going to get fired. Don't you work for yourself? No, but she has another job, too. Oh gonna fire herself she's like packing stuff like oh great here comes hr just her her husband you don't own headphones did you some dude in switzerland look at 161 some dude in switzerland made a post on facebook
Starting point is 00:29:22 two years ago calling someone a fat lesbian and he got arrested for it he's doing 60 days in jail oh you're a pediatric icu nurse that that's like that's like kids who are like really fucked up right kids yeah destroy wow yeah that's heavy um that was a praised jail sentence for commentator who called journalist a fat lesbian. It's about time we get some more harsher punishments for these crimes. So which part? What's the offense? Two years ago, calling her a fat lesbian who is unhinged
Starting point is 00:30:07 dude your society is unhinged you went to jail for calling someone a fat lesbian what do they look like we should start there she actually wasn't that fat i saw a picture of her well she's not but she she looks she's kind of got some of those stereotypical gay things going lesbian things going haircut yeah haircut haircut oh kyle landis crazy crazy irrelevant question but so relevant completely irrelevant but like so important for the fact for our current society kyle landis says but was the journalist a fat lesbian yeah isn't that crazy uh g sheet shouldn't fat lesbian be a compliment i seriously no joking
Starting point is 00:31:00 why not in that in that in that in that seminar i went to with athena she said does calling anyone fat ever seem like a compliment and at first i was like no but yeah maybe maybe you do want to be a fat lesbian it seems to be like the look they're going for a lot of them like there's this look how could with 50 of the population being fat how can it not be a compliment like people are chasing that call their average basically yeah you're fat thank you just trying to fit in my thumbs are fat dick hey so this is why i can't get behind any of that language talk. Because it eventually leads to this shit. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I can't do larger body. I mean, I can. I can intermingle them all. I don't care. Sometimes I do say larger body athlete. But the second I see this, I'm not playing that game anymore. Fuck you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Jeremy, World Seve's going for that armenian lesbian look okay somebody somebody arrest that man yes three months jail jake chapman at switzerland they feel bad for holding all that nazi gold hey that dude did 60 j days in jail for something he posted on facebook two years ago did 60 days in jail for something he posted on Facebook. Two years ago? It's unreal. I'm going to look more into that story. Anyway, okay. So that's that.
Starting point is 00:32:39 God, I hope that shit doesn't come to the United States. It would if the intellectuals had their choice? The professionals. I just don't understand. I don't understand how they think that plays out well. Eventually that gets them. That's what was getting them. They were upset that they were being persecuted
Starting point is 00:33:03 for fucking being attracted to people with the same genitalia and now they want to persecute people for using words that doesn't even make that doesn't even make sense it's vendetta shit it's not logical shit you completely flipped the script on yourself you weren't about what you said you were about freedom and acceptance at all you were totally been lying the whole time you're just a selfish douche who just wants the world your way uh 164 there's uh if you have jewish descent i would like to warn you that this uh skit may be offensive to you and could cause you to laugh hit trigger warning button yeah trigger warning oh look at it even says jew joke i never even saw that before
Starting point is 00:33:55 there we go we i pick on them i pick on the melanated too much. I thought I should sway to the Jew. Jew picking. Okay, here we go. I was watching the History Channel, and there's a documentary about Hitler. Hitler didn't pass anything down to anybody. Like, no kids, no family, no friends. Like, didn't leave anybody anything.
Starting point is 00:34:22 No jewelry, no money, nothing. What a fucking Jew, eh? That's it. I was watching. Ah, yes. Hitler's a Jew. I think he was 50% Jew, wasn't he? Probably 100%. You know how that shit
Starting point is 00:34:40 ends up working every time, right? Get him! Wait, he was one. Yeah. Always. Hillary Clinton just said trump supporters should be formally deprogrammed i read that last night which certainly implies arrest and gulag style re-education did she really say that well it sounds good to me it's like a summer camp that you go to right so they're gonna round everybody up and they're gonna bring them over to the summer camp and then just for a temporary period of time they're just gonna re-educate everybody at the summer camp hold on hold on we're gonna come back to that uh israel at war as hamas gunman launches surprise
Starting point is 00:35:22 attack from gaza i just want you to know that the only reason why I played that Jew joke is to tell you how inappropriate it was to make fun of Jews, especially on a day as sensitive as today. Wow. Netanyahu says Israel is at war as Palestinian militants launch surprise air and ground attack from Gaza. It's pretty brutal. Is it? Yeah. It's killed a lot of people they're just taking people in cars and imprisoning them the hamas people are where are they getting them israel declares war on hamas after surprise assault from gaza thousands of rockets are fired as far north as Tel Aviv.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Thousands? Yeah, it's a lot. They're just running amok in the streets, basically. Hamas is. So it's like, uh, um, Oakland. Yeah. I'm not joking,
Starting point is 00:36:28 but with guns, Hey, have you seen this trend starting where people are? If you call the police on someone who's doing something bad, someone starts filming you saying that you're inciting violence because when the police come, you're, you're putting the police at danger and the criminals at danger have you seen these videos that are coming out now no oh shit it's crazy well you already know that they don't allow a lot of high-speed pursuit chases because they say it in
Starting point is 00:36:58 dangers or or you saw the lululemon employees who got fired because they tried to stop the criminals or the home depot employees because you're not supposed to incite violence. Tank Reeves said on Get Telegram it was lit with Gaza shit. I've tried Telegram and Signal. I don't even know how that shit works. It just looks like iMessage to me, just i already have whatsapp and iMessage and i hate whatsapp it's like fuck you get on let's all get on the same page telegram allows people to post like all the graphic stuff so they'll just use it to post the things that are going on in the crazy see a lot of Ukraine stuff on there too
Starting point is 00:37:48 can I listen to 50 Cent while the show's going in the background to hype me up or can you guys hear it I can barely hear it I can just be listening to 50 Cent while I do my show is it playing right now no now it is oh I'm the man
Starting point is 00:38:03 you know I'm the man bitch I'm the Oh, I'm the man. You know I'm the man. Bitch, I'm the man. Oh, I'm the man. You know I'm the man. I wonder if that would get picked up. How do you declare war on Hamas? Are they in a country? How do you declare war on Hamas are they in a country like how do you declare war on them
Starting point is 00:38:27 the same way the United States declared war on the Taliban I don't know you just start going to wherever country they're located and just start rooting the fuckers out yeah basically I would like to formally apologize for my Jew joke it was was, no, never mind.
Starting point is 00:38:46 So insensitive. It was, but I didn't know. I plead the fifth. There's a great, oh, this one says only play after dawn comes on. Same with this one. Only after. Yeah, like I don't want someone to report me and be like hey yeah because you can make fun of jews and probably still get dawn on but there's people you can't make fun of
Starting point is 00:39:16 i just want to be cool what's this i think I think I showed this one already. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That one's so good. I already showed one. Man, I'm going to send this to you. God, I want to show you this, but we already showed it on the show. Let's see. What's 150? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Watch 150. If you I want you to think about a job, any other job or something like this is even remotely possible. Now, this was caught on film. This is a car going 125 miles an hour headed towards someone while they're trying to do their job now just imagine this is your job just imagine right look here we go listen i don't want to hear anything negative about police. Like, fuck you. This is completely insane that you have a dog that puts you in a situation like that. Those guys are in that situation non-stop. So you're telling me that when Derek Chauvin had his knee on the...
Starting point is 00:41:07 So you're telling me that the guy in the back of the car, George Floyd, was screaming, I can't breathe. They called an ambulance. They pulled him out of the car. He started banging his head on the concrete. The guy put his knee on his head so he would stop banging his head on the concrete. At that time, he's surrounded by a crowd of hostiles. You have no compassion for that? You're not like, hey, what the fuck? That guy's got to get home to his family and kids. What should he have done? Should he have just left George in the back of the car? Sure. Yep. Let him bang his head against the concrete.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Or just let him bang his head on the concrete. Yeah. So now he's looking around at the hostile crowd. Who's going to throw a brick? Who's going to pull out a gun? People are yelling at him. He's with four new uh cops rookies this fucking poor guy's on the side of the road trying to give someone a ticket who's drunk
Starting point is 00:41:53 driving doing 105 down the road themselves so that people like me can drive their fucking minivan and uh with their kids in it safely and then some 17 year old skids out from three lanes over in opposite traffic going the opposite direction and almost kills him. He has to keep his head on a swivel while he's issuing a speeding ticket. I'm giving cops all sorts of passes. All sorts of passes. You're giving them a lot. A lot of passes there.
Starting point is 00:42:22 A ton of passes. A ton of passes. A ton of passes. And you know the dude in that car he pulled over has like a blunt. And he's like, fuck you. You can't do nothing to me. Yeah, you have no idea. Fuck you, dude. You can't do nothing to me.
Starting point is 00:42:40 And I think the person in the car probably got the worst of it, to be honest. I mean, we don't know what the driver of the other car looked like but it slammed right into your drive that driver's head door you think the driver blames the cop copy that's the job they sign up for man so what that means nothing that means nothing that means nothing so hey so you just want shitty people to sign up for the job because that's what they signed up for you just want shitty people to sign up for the job because that's what they signed up for. If you want good people to sign up for it,
Starting point is 00:43:09 then meet them fucking at least halfway. That's what they signed up for. A surgeon is going to do 20 hour open heart surgery on your baby. He's going to come out and be like, I'm tired. And you're going to yell at him. Oh, that's what you signed up for.
Starting point is 00:43:24 How about thank you, dude. Fucking amazing that you signed up for this job. Thank you. Sometimes they make bad decisions and it's still not okay. No one's suggesting it's okay. It's not like, it's not black and white. No one's suggesting it's okay. It's not like, it's not black and white. No one's suggesting it's okay.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I'm suggesting you don't burn down Ferguson and do $730 million damage to a fucking town and blame just the fucking cop. uh kenneth delapp who pays for that damage you ever had one of those um you ever have one of those uh girlfriends in high school it's like calm down calm do you ever have anyone in your life he tells you to calm down yeah it's always it's always like some fucking beta girl super calm down or calm down look at look at they don't get a pass for being incompetent.
Starting point is 00:44:48 You think that the George Floyd thing was incompetent? If this guy would have died right here, would you have said it was incompetent? It was his fault. He should have run faster. He should have been looking. You probably want to blame him for that car being hit. He pulled it over in the wrong spot. Everyone knows that car should have been pulled over an extra more, eight inches more.
Starting point is 00:45:05 It's not regulation wow suck to be your guys's friends fuck you can't come over to my house for any more ufc fights i told you not to park on that side of the street i had a friend come over to my house the other day a foreigner german dude and i have this roundabout driveway where you pull in one gate and then you leave out another gate and it's two lanes right it's pimp it's pimp playboy mansion shit except i'm married and have three kids. And no girls look at me. But he came and he's visiting. And I'm like, hey, park over there off to the left. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling.
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Starting point is 00:46:13 where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss
Starting point is 00:46:33 while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at So the cars could pass in the second lane. If other people come and visit, they can go use the roundabout. It's a three-plane brother empire you've seen it i don't even let i don't
Starting point is 00:47:06 even let suza come in there and do that this with his civic the work truck has to stay outside yeah work truck and and i i go hey park over there So it's like off to the side. So more visitors come or Haley comes. So then I go to the backyard and I'm watering plants and Haley calls me. And I know she's home. She's inside the house. And she goes, did you tell Klaus to park there?
Starting point is 00:47:38 I'm like, yeah. She's like, okay. Well, he's on the lawn. And I go back to the front yard of the compound this fucking guy is parked on the fucking lawn i could see how he thought that though oh please really yeah i mean the way this setup is dude he's fucking all the way to the left my lawn is nice it has built-in sprinklers i'm like, dude. Yeah, it doesn't look like a lawn you would park
Starting point is 00:48:08 on. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it looks like a parking lot lawn. I'm just saying that's the only thing to the left from me. Oh my god, you parked on the lawn. Good. Yeah, hey, his name is Klaus. He does have a close vibe
Starting point is 00:48:25 my i'm not joking my friend's name is klaus klaus uh jake chapman you had german around the house and now you're telling jew jokes hmm there are no coincidences here that was an interesting voice uh 147 this is absolutely amazing the what's what's crazy about this is this is to the T how you get a job in the United States now. This isn't even satire. This is called the gay parking only prank. Is this your car? It's actually gay parking only.
Starting point is 00:49:18 I don't know if you saw the sign. Oh, I did, man. Oh, okay. So I'm going to have to write you a ticket if you're not gay unless you can just tell me you're gay, I'll let you off the hook. Well, I'm gay, then. Okay, quick checklist, just to make sure. Are you a top or a bottom? I like me. Okay, so what's your best gay voice? If you could just do it for me real quick.
Starting point is 00:49:39 The gay voice? Yeah. Because my boss has me on audio, I don't really want to do this to you, but I'm going to have to write you the ticket if you can't give me the gay voice, you know? How you doing, sir? Doing pretty good. So that's, I think you qualify.
Starting point is 00:49:55 So I'll take care of this for you. And in the future, if you ever want to participate in a gay party, we actually do. This is how you get a job at some of your favorite companies. Wear a red shirt and walk around target and help people this is how you get a job literally hey dude it's like you know it's like that uh you get you can get hired because of your sexual proclivities is that desires what's habits and your skin color or not get hired because of your skin color this is like true this isn't
Starting point is 00:50:34 this isn't like a stretch you know this right there's going to be parking spots like this soon no black guy only like it's coming what if they had veteran parking spots like this soon black guy only like it's coming what if they had veteran parking spots yeah it's coming on base they give parking spots uh dependent on rank and then sometimes they'll give you like a deployed mother's marked parking spot too deployed mother oh the mom of people of dudes who are deployed yeah i Yeah yeah Fuck veterans but deployed moms I would do that You can't do veterans you gotta draw the line somewhere You can't do veterans
Starting point is 00:51:11 Hey you know what You have veteran spots they're the furthest ones away Start walking And it says thank you for your service Dude this is crazy Thank you for your service. Dude, this is crazy. Because he's doing it as a joke, but it's not a joke. So one of the most common things I get now in my DMs are people like, hey, dude, I just applied for a job and they want to know my pronouns or they want to know, you know, about me that's like just crazy shit my gender and
Starting point is 00:51:46 uh jeffrey burchfield they do have veteran parking spots at home depot and you know what once again like i think i'm okay with it at the home depot right home depot and low home depot's the shit making a lot i'm okay yeah they got at um they got um they got family parking at uh whole foods in santa cruz like when if the handicap spot's uh full uh i go to the family parking like for vance and stuff? Yeah. Also, morons, all the people who defend anyone who has anything to do with the Kenosha riots.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I don't think that's referring to us. I think it's talking about stuff within the comment section i like the comment section uh kyle landis you can definitely get a job oh yeah there's a perfect example california senate newsom said that if diane feinstein kicks the bucket the white jew dies i'm putting in a black woman. And not only that, he got a black woman who was formerly head of baby killing and is a lesbian, likes pussy. So she's into women's reproductive rights. Right. Thank you. I apologize. What did I call it?
Starting point is 00:53:22 I can't. It turned out. It was weird. It triggered me. So I had to replace the word. Can't hear that word. Women's reproductive rights. Women's reproductive rights. Women's health care, if you prefer that. Women's health care and abortion. Kill baby killing.
Starting point is 00:53:46 I want to be able to be in charge of my reproductive rights. I'm following. I agree. I think it's okay to kill babies. Even if it means killing babies. Do we want to stay logical or should I just say you're a man so you can't talk about this now? Which path do we want to take?
Starting point is 00:54:09 Okay, emotional. Who are you to decide what a woman does with her body? Mansplain me. Hey, the best response I've heard to that so far is that we were all i was a baby once i have more and i have more uh at stake than um than than even the woman that i actually was a baby i stand up for all babies i would just pivot to name calling at this point i don't know how to argue against that with liberal logic that just i would just oh you sound like you're supporting me there's a parallel here to
Starting point is 00:54:52 how far those two are that needs and there's an illustration there and i and i just need to dig it out maybe i'll ask obby obby i want to talk to you about baby killing can you help me out with the metaphor here live so let's rewind the clock nine years ago would you prefer to be alive or not today okay live check okay if i'm if i'm in line at home depot and i see someone there who's working there who's black am i allowed to say did you get this job because you're black you're not allowed to say anything if the if i know that the hiring practices in the united states now are to hire people just based on skin color could i hire if i'm going through like the toll booth could i say to someone hey did you get in it's a
Starting point is 00:55:33 it's a dude with a turban could i be like hey did you get this job because you wear a turban he's like no i marked they them i don't assume He's like, no, I marked they, them. Don't assume. Yeah, you're right, though, because that is the fucking hiring practices of all these major corporations, though. You have to fit this certain bill,
Starting point is 00:55:52 and if you don't, they're going to pass on you, and they'll bring in somebody else who is, regardless of qualifications. And it's fine when it's your door person at Walmart. You're like, well, whatever. It's sketchy when it's your surgeon. Or your pilot. or your pilot or your pilot or anything where the actual you know heidi crew matter well the home depot will hire anyone i used to work there and god bless them it is truly the worst group of employees ever
Starting point is 00:56:23 like when i go in there and i have a question i'm like okay excuse me sir hi you look wonderful today nice to see you can i just have one second it's like i'm like could you if you want help from one of the i mean they cannot be bothered for the majority of them occasionally you get a good one but it's scary it's like they're they're like walking fast. They don't want to make eye contact with anyone. And there's always some guy like on aisle 70 trying to sell you solar panels.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Like, dude, leave me alone. He's like, got an iPad. Hello. Hi. I'm Joe Neils. Would you like to come to my cross with you? Listen, Joe Neils' video has won one millionth the production value as um as the froning video phil did 300 billion times better
Starting point is 00:57:20 it's over before you know it if you don't like joe neal's video at least you're like wow that was quick yeah he keeps him short you know what i mean like i'm glad that wasn't you watch joe neal shit at 1.25 kenosha crossfit joe neal stuff has a lot of black people and it's 50 50 i didn't see any black people in front oh shit oh fuck joe neils looks like he's going out of his way to talk to black women go give go go watch the froning video it's fun feels cool it's cool feels cool nice little back pedal there i like it yeah feels cool rich please come on my show feels cool rich please come on my show not just saying that so rich will come on my show no phil generally sounds
Starting point is 00:58:18 cool feels cool he broke his leg once. Did you know that? He did. And he was in the army and broke his leg. Dan Guerrero. Oh, here we go. Sorry. This is two part. A classic Sevan. Straight hater.
Starting point is 00:58:47 So does that mean... What does that mean? Does that mean i mean i hate straight people or that i'm a straight that i'm straight and a hater you're a straight up hater a straight oh a straight up hater yeah i think as opposed to a bent over hater i don't understand you. I don't understand you, Donnie. I'm an erect hater. I'm an erect hater. If you're a bent over hater, you're getting pegged. Mr. David Attaway. Hey. We've hit all the trigger points today. Next talk about public schools and messing up our kids.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Perfect. He broke his ankle in the Air Force. Oh, so we're spreading disinformation on here about film? Wow. That doesn't matter. Hey. Smear campaign? Here's what's crazy.
Starting point is 00:59:38 What matters is, did he break his leg in the first two weeks? Because he says he's a veteran, but I think he broke his leg in boot camp, and then he was discharged i'm not gonna get i'm not giving you veteran status for that sorry is that time like time might have been altered from a paperwork standpoint you are a veteran from like a reality standpoint like gary roberts claims he's a marine why'd you say it like that he claims he's a marine hey like what i know i know a guy who was a seal for two weeks no yeah and then got kicked out yes yes like went through the whole training process like what do you get kicked out for you know him too cool and i saw him introduced recently as a seal and I was just like oh that's interesting
Starting point is 01:00:28 no way I want to tell you what he got kicked out for hold on I'm going to tell you in the private chat is there like a minimum requirement to the to claim like a seal it's like they they like watch Caleb's next day you get I don't know but watch Caleb's face as I send this to the... This is what he got kicked out for. Watch Caleb's face here. No way. No way. Seriously, dude. He went through all that and got kicked out for that.
Starting point is 01:01:01 No way. Yeah. Dude, they don't even kick people out for anything these days you know how hard it is to kick somebody out yeah there's there's so much paperwork involved you have to because what about drunk driving would you get kicked out for drunk driving you get a you get a article 15 probably which basically is a career killer, but you can stay in with an Article 15. It's like being in the military and getting in trouble is – it's like having a safety net. When you get in trouble, you're just in trouble with the military
Starting point is 01:01:36 because they'll take care of all of the punishment that goes along with getting in trouble. So if you get drunk driving accident, you probably – So if you dine and ditch at the taco bell on base you're good yeah as opposed to you get you do it outside of base your well even if you're outside of base they still throw you back to the military right like you fall under the government judicial system you wouldn't fall in like unless you're in the guard when you fall under like the local political system or local judicial system and the government judicial system if you're like active duty you basically just get sent over to
Starting point is 01:02:14 like your supervisor and your supervisor has to figure it out they must have really hated that guy if they did that um i'm wondering like they had it out for him i was told i was getting kicked out still here oh i'd like to hear that story oh yeah that i know by the way i know someone else that that happened to also you can get kicked out for using heroin wow you guys know you guys know of that person too believe it or not wow yeah. Yeah, crazy. I'll tell you who both the people are after the show. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:50 That's what I look forward to. Oh, this is a good one. You guys, we get a little heavy on the race today. Yeah. Did you see any of the stuff on the climate change and poverty? No. Basically, now they're being more bold about it. They're like, well, we could help the poor.
Starting point is 01:03:13 We could help the planet. That's the argument? Who's saying that? I mean, I'm just headline surfing last night when I made this amazing title to this show. Yeah, I do like the title. The title's made this amazing title to this show. Yeah, I do like the title. The title is great. It's actually, yeah,
Starting point is 01:03:28 yeah, I did like it when I was like, Oh fuck. Yeah. I was like, yeah, I couldn't think about it. Yeah. I like articles.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Um, wall street journal, all the, all the good, you know, really good, credible journalism article, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:44 sources, wall street journal, CNN, MSNBC. What's the choice? I say we, I say we help the poor, help the poor. The fuck does that look like? Help the poor. How about number 11? Let's let's stick with the police theme. This Democrat vice chairwoman in Minneapolisneapolis do you remember that place minneapolis defund the police was attacked by an armed carjacker in front of her kids at home can you imagine being attacked oh what was this what city she uh minneapolis minnesota
Starting point is 01:04:19 she's a victim of her own policy. Scroll through her pictures a little bit. Look at this. Yesterday, my children and I were violently carjacked in the driveway of our home in Minneapolis. Of course you were. Four very young men, all carrying guns, beat me violently down to the ground in front of our kids. Hey, listen, all we care about is what color they are. You know that. The young men held our neighbors up at gunpoint when they ran over and tried to help me.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Asian. For. Asian. For sure Asian. Asian kids are always doing this. No, Indian. This is a post from the same lady three years ago. You ready? You know why people are doing these brazen carjackings now, right? Because this lady three years ago wrote, We're going to dismantle the Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis Police Department.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Say it with me. Dismantle the Minneapolis Minneapolis Police Department. And when she does it, she has blood. Don't laugh at me, Caleb. She has black hands clapping. That's her way of supporting the dismantle of the police. She has black hands clapping as allies, allies allies to what she won't even say it but i'll say it for you as allies to black people because they're always getting in trouble with the law that's what she's saying what can we do right now listen and learn from our black siblings oh she does say it and then amplify this message right now in this moment minneapolis police department has systemically failed the black community they
Starting point is 01:05:45 have failed all of us do you know what's happened since they defunded the police in minneapolis uh she gets carjacked just fucking complete skyrocketing uh um dan guerrero LOL you can't pronounce. Oh, LOL, huh? You can't pronounce? Thanks. LOL you can't pronounce. You fucking douche. He's so excited to type it out, he can't even fucking write right. That's R-I-G-H-T-W-R-I-T-E. Write right. Write right.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Syntax. W-R-I-T-E. Right, right. Right, right. Syntax. I'm proud of the radical leadership and organizing of Jeremiah Bay Ellis and Philippe Cunningham. Philippe. If you want your kid to be a fucking beta cuck, name him Philippe.
Starting point is 01:06:37 No, come on. Seriously. You know. Philippe. Philippe. We need to support them. Them. You couldn't even say that 10 years ago.
Starting point is 01:06:47 That would be considered racist. Them. What you mean by them? Yeah. The fuck you talking about? Who's them? I don't know why that was racist, but for some reason it was 20 years ago. We need to support them and all the city council members and electeds. I've never seen that word.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Electeds. Who are working alongside them Bitch you got knocked the fuck out Damn Shouldn't she be stoked are you sure Did you read her post maybe she's happy that It's more equitable in her neighborhood now I'm more than happy that
Starting point is 01:07:18 That the criminals were allowed to Get a new car I took very good care of this car and i'm just happy that it's gone to someone who who needs it so badly that they're willing to beat me for it that just shows how bad they want it i mean that's the logic we're dealing with we're going to start hearing like that what's the seymour does it give anything else or is that just a screenshot it's a screenshot look at her car too it's pretty crazy is that like pink jeep or something yeah it's something way nice
Starting point is 01:08:05 oh i good good good observation jake jimmy she has an awful party yeah her hair yeah she that's not good guys she's got pistol whipped that's not good guys she's got a pistol whipped hey dude you know what's crazy bring up she got carjacked by four dudes I'm gonna give a million dollars
Starting point is 01:08:35 to the person who guesses what party these belong to and what these guys look like I'm gonna say that they were dudes all with MAGA hats on. I'm guessing no political affiliation. I would bet that out of the four, one of them. Dude, their aunt's the mayor of that fucking town. The dude who did it.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I'm sure. No political affiliation they're great auntie nah dude nah you think so i bet you those kids are like range in the age of like 15 to like 20 they're one degree of separation away from someone on the board and uh and the mayor really that's my bet i said sorry and i think i'm accurate i'm not being like tongue in cheek what do you think caleb you weigh in sorry i was looking at i was trying to find the people that were uh that if they found them yet i haven't seen anything yet oh did they no they haven't found them yet it's too dangerous to find them just let them go we got a triage triage crime
Starting point is 01:09:43 hey that that's another thing that i blew out of the water yesterday the fact that there's a journal link supposed to be on every affiliate's page and the current regime is not taking advantage of it i hope dave heard that loud and clear yesterday i hope someone heard that well why would they link it when they're not doing anything with it like it's just dead isn't it dude so i mean i agree with you're not doing anything with it? Like it's just dead, isn't it? Dude. So, I mean, I agree with you, but I'm just saying at this point, it's like you're going to link it and somebody from your site's going to go there and be like, oh, cool. Five years ago, something was posted on this.
Starting point is 01:10:14 So trying to think how far back to tell the story, but you brought up something great in the show yesterday. That was the last post. So basically what happened is, is in basically in September of 2018, this fucking piece of shit CEO. By the way, I forgot. It was just mentioned to me today that the CEO at that time was having real problems with his wife. And he hadn't slept in a bed with his wife in 13 years. And his daughter was 13 years old.
Starting point is 01:10:42 And ever since she was born, she'd been sleeping in bed with the mom and the dad was sleeping outside the room I know this because the daughter told me personally I have a bedroom in my house but I sleep with my mom and I've never not slept with my mom and the daughter was transitioning to a boy this is back in 2018
Starting point is 01:10:59 the CEO's daughter at the time or it was a boy transitioning to a girl I could never tell I was trying to just be cool isn't it amazing people don't know people like don't remember any of that shit people like what are you talking about our CEO had a fucking before Disney had the fucking tranny kid
Starting point is 01:11:18 CEO of Disney had tranny kids our CEO had tranny kids booyah so that's a true story so uh so in 2000 september 2018 they start turning off all the media and they tell us we're not going to publish anything in the journal past january 1 so you see on december 23rd that killing the fat man was like of season two that was like the last post like you said david david forgotten did you see that now so when we turned off the journal and pushed it to the back and started breaking links with the journal the company that we had hired the outside company to help us with our new it stuff told us we cannot turn off your
Starting point is 01:11:59 journal and they're like why and they're like you have one of the best search engine optimization like setups in the world because of all these fucking links you have back to your journal and to your affiliate network and the ceo is like i don't give a fuck turn it off we're going a different direction so that company their legal team it was it was a company in portland it was an it company in portland their their legal team drew up a letter that our cfo had to sign that said that we would take responsibility for any fucking sudden drop in traffic to dot com they're like dude we this is fucking crazy what you're doing the the ceo of that company would call me and tell me please try to talk sense into greg and that piece of shit ceo we had and i called me a fucking a dozen times and told me to do that as the head of the
Starting point is 01:12:50 media department and i tried i tried i tried i tried to put my job on the line i tried i got like in contentious shit with them since then that's been turned off and that link's been broken now through dave being the ceo rosa being the ceo and don fall being the ceo and that link being broken meaning all you'd have to do is post something there every single day to the journal it could be something so small it could be the workout we had an app too do you remember the app so if you downloaded the app you anytime we posted something there you got a notification the same way you do like for espn so if you downloaded the app you anytime we posted something there you got a notification the same way you do like for espn or fox news or the new york times
Starting point is 01:13:29 like all that shit could be fired up so easily they're not focused on that though i mean it's a slam dunk it's so fucking easy it's so cheap it's like it's like a hundred thousand dollar project to just get to just it's like it's like it's like turning on all the like and you know in the movies when they flip the breakers and the and the robot comes back to life that's been dead for 20 years uh coffee papa mount mama dave was too busy trying to rehydrate from being in your sauna three he had three sparkling waters while in here that was cool yeah it was warm erin schibell i still have the app on my phone oh that's awesome i can't believe you still have
Starting point is 01:14:17 a phone that's that old uh mr guerrero stevan do you remember when greg answered the same question as dave that i asked yesterday what's the value in owning an affiliate did you just ask that a couple days ago too uh greg knows what's up well because you like the answer or what do you mean greg does know what's up but dave knows what's up too uh number 12 Dave knows what's up too. Number 12. Caleb's setup looks like he's in a Scientology reading room. I just got the pamphlets and they're like, go over there and read some of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:22 And then we'll be in in 15 minutes to check in with you. So we'll be right over. I think I have COVID. Great. Okay, action. Ruling party is the party of the childless, the unmarried, the people who are working for low wages for large corporations and living in tiny apartments in overcrowded cities that are rife with crime, working for big nonprofits or big banks, living in crowded conditions, very often alone in big soulless cities, spending their time glued to a screen. What does that sound like to you? It sounds like prison,
Starting point is 01:16:00 actually. Well, that's the life of your average Democratic voter. The ruling party. Hold that thought. caller hi seven how we doing it's plumber hey plumber what's up dude not much just calling to say good morning to you all i saw you guys all on hey you want to talk about something contentious contentious no i got nothing contentious i have something contentious for you oh what do you have did you watch the mayhem video pretty good no i did not oh phil's a good dude i like phil philip oh i do actually have something on that note i have something too i didn't tell it to you i was breaking you and i was gonna spit on it before i put the whole thing in but go ahead okay so uh at the gym that i coach at um the the owner's wife is a physical therapist and she does she sounds hot
Starting point is 01:16:54 she does um these uh classes for um but she does a lot of work with neuromuscular people so people have parkinson's uh and other diseases but they do she does a group class um kind of somewhat they do a strength they do some sort of a functional fitness workout right to get them moving and whatnot but yesterday they had the class and in the workout they were doing burpees right so they all varying ages right some are younger some are older but there's this one guy named jim who he's about he has to be in his 70s or maybe even 80s right and he has parkinson's um and at the start of the class dakota was giving the brief and saying right you guys are going to do burpees and bike and lunges
Starting point is 01:17:43 and he goes oh no burpees aren't for me. And I looked at Jim. I go, Jim, what are you going to do if you fall? And he got real quiet. Wait, what did you say? What did you say? You said what? What are you going to do if you fall?
Starting point is 01:17:55 Right. What are you going to do if you fall down? Because you said you got to do a burpee. Oh, right. OK, OK. I'm with you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:02 So anyways, they're doing the workout and I was working out on my own, um, throughout it and he starts doing burpees and right. Jim is basically crawling, um, hands to like, right. Gets down to the ground and then he's on his stomach and then he pops up to his knees and stands and I'm on the assault bike and I'm holding back tears watching him do burpees right do his five burpees he'd get to the top and he'd yell one and it'd take him probably 20 seconds each rep to do his burpees but he'd do them yeah yeah and it was probably the most powerful thing I've ever seen and getting to watch him and were you like god I'm an asshole oh yeah like like fucking no excuses yeah that's all ever come point oh did you talk with them afterwards yeah so after the class i was like i didn't want to say something because you don't
Starting point is 01:18:52 want to like make it's kind of that weird like yeah it's awkward right like you don't want to be like that's pretty good for a short guy you want to be like you're like a homie like good job dude exactly but i was leaving and it was three there's three of them that were doing it and one lady she's younger she's in her like 50s but she has some sort of disease that um neuromuscular ages or whatnot but it was all three of them and i was like hey i was leaving i was like hey i just wanted to say you know i see i've seen a lot of people work out and a lot of really fit people work out but and i'm like choked up at the time when i was saying it but you guys were the most fun i've ever had like watching people work out right like it was just nuts
Starting point is 01:19:32 hey don't drink the water in that town how is it you have so many uh neuromuscular people in your in that class three people seven come on dude let me tell you something How is it you have so many neuromuscular people in that class? Three people? Seven. Come on. Dude, let me tell you something. That's too many for one class.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Something's wrong with the water. Don't drink water there. Drink bottled water. Okay. I'll drink bottled water. What do you have for me? You have something contentious? So these people are complaining that the Masters Fitness Collective didn't give away any prize money and that it cost three hundred dollars to enter or something i'm like i can't when people say stuff like that i'm like i don't know if i care
Starting point is 01:20:11 should i care it was a did they say they were gonna give prize money away no i don't know no no i don't think they did i think they knew in advance then why are they complaining okay fine yeah thank you for saying that for me yeah yeah mean, it was a world-class event. They put on a really, really good event. My wife never told me she wouldn't cheat on me. Good point. I just assumed. I should have asked.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Sure. All right. All righty, fellas. All right. Have a good one. All right. Thank you for calling. Thanks, Will.
Starting point is 01:20:43 See you guys. Will Plummer trying to give the audio version Of the Mayhem Phil story His own personal He did it in 3 minutes As opposed to 36 minutes Audrey didn't they get a bunch of free shit Yeah I heard they got like free shirts and shit
Starting point is 01:20:56 See you guys Bye later dude So that's what the That's what the Mayhem movie was It's 36 minutes of that That was good though Yeah but for him too It's also like a live personal experience we're getting from him
Starting point is 01:21:11 And he's the star of his movie Because he told him He told that guy He said yo bitch you want to be the man Do some burpees Burpees Shit ain't gonna suck itself I don't know how that fits in Bitch, you want to be the man? Do some burpees. Shit ain't going to suck itself.
Starting point is 01:21:29 I don't know how that fits in. Okay. Okay. So what did you think about this very stereotypical generalization by Tucker Carlson describing this class of people? Can we hear it one more time? This is crazy. He is the party of the childless, the unmarried, the people who are working for low wages for large corporations and living in tiny apartments in overcrowded cities that are ripe with crime, working for big nonprofits or big banks, living in crowded conditions, very often alone in big soulless cities, spending their time glued to a screen.
Starting point is 01:22:09 What does that sound like to you? It sounds like prison, actually. Well, that's the life of your average Democratic voter. That's equity. That's what equity is, by the way. What do you think about that? You think that's a fair generalization of a democrat take out the words like soulless but like single hey and here's the thing another thing where he has wrong there it's not that they
Starting point is 01:22:33 have low wages these are people who make 150 000 a year the problem is is that their rents 3 800 a month yeah it's through the roof you're you know what i mean you don't like it you don't think it's a fair generalization I mean it is it's hard I mean you can do that with anybody with any type right and that's why the thing that I always like don't like with these parts is like it's just
Starting point is 01:22:58 all it's going to do is just create more and more of a divide and I think the biggest the biggest issues that we could actually probably all agree on are just going to keep continuously not be focused on at all because we're going to nitpick over each other. Like, fuck them.
Starting point is 01:23:13 They don't get it. They don't have kids. Like, all right, well, what's the solution? Yeah, exactly. So I don't know. That's the one issue that I have with this whole Republican-Democrat thing. It just sounds like we're just saying,
Starting point is 01:23:23 like, hey, root for my team. And then here's what the people on my team are like. And we exemplify stuff that's good. And then we say, hey, look at that team. They're bad. And then we explain all the reasons why they're bad. What I would say, if you just took average Americans and we started at root level issues like, hey, maybe we should get money out of politics. Like, yeah, maybe Congress members shouldn't be allowed to like have insider training or trade in the stock market at all during their terms. Yeah, it's a good idea because they're getting rich off the backs americans okay well what about term limits for supreme court justice and senates and everything
Starting point is 01:23:51 oh yeah i do actually agree with that too but instead we just kind of go down this rabbit hole we start nitpicking the curtain choice on the windows instead of paying attention to the house we're living in the first place there so i liked it thank you but you know the one side of me goes yeah i agree that pretty much sounds like a democrat he just forgot the part about colored hair ah well played very well played uh whoopi uh number 14 please be whoopi goldberg man Number 14. Please be Whoopi Goldberg. Man. Miss Whoopi Goldberg. Is this a successful show, this view show?
Starting point is 01:24:38 It was. Wasn't it? Wasn't it huge? Wasn't it like one of the major? Yeah, it used to be one of the best talk shows. Like most popular? Yeah. yeah okay here we go hit uh whoopie gold turds when she come on the screen you're gonna see exactly what i'm talking about wrote a clip she is still under the thing the covid weather yes she's this is her third bout, I believe, with it. But, you know, people write, well, she got the vaccination.
Starting point is 01:25:08 How come she still gets it? Because it don't work. Because it don't work. Because it don't work. It don't work. I just have COVID. I just have COVID. I'm still testing positive.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Apparently, I have to have a clear test before I can come back. It might be a couple of days. I'm really thrilled to see the beautiful new desk. I'm really thrilled to see all the beautiful women. You girls look great.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Why you ain't got your mask on? I can't wait to get back and hang out. Did you forget? You forget you had to have your mask on? It know, I can't wait to get back and hang out. Did you forget? You forget you had to have a mask on? It's me and my mask. And I'm sort of confined to my room. I've never been sent to my room like this. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:25:56 I'm finna scream. She's confined to her room. Right? That's what she said. I'm confined to my room. So that means you're the only person in there. Why you got a mask on it's nuts why do you think she has a mask on for tv yeah that's it right it's a brand new mask it's
Starting point is 01:26:18 like completely unused she like barely pinched the nose it's the same reason why all the politicians would not have it on put it on walk onto, take it off, and then talk into a microphone. And by the way, the worst part about all that is we're sitting there fucking watching them do it and still 50% of the people are like, oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the fucked part. I mean, you saw the dude over there with a crowd of people without a mask on. You watched him put him on. You watched him walk onto the podium in front of the people. You watched him take it
Starting point is 01:26:50 off. And we're just here like, oh, what's that? They want to justify. So why do they do that? Just because it's their dude. They want to defend their team to the death. They're just pushing the narrative. They're all bought and owned. So if we go back to the death they're just pushing the narrative they're all
Starting point is 01:27:05 bought known so if you go back to the lobbying thing all those institutions and the corporations own those motherfuckers don't work for the people they work for the corporations look for the military industrial complex they work for big big health big soda whoever the fuck is paying them and then they're gonna say hey you need to uh follow this so that way we uh still um uh signing off on what our experts agree because it's been peer reviewed and we all determined that we have to walk down the same way in the grocery store because kobe doesn't attack you from behind or the front um and that checked out with all of our scientists and then uh you also got to put your mask on when you go into the uh restaurant but you can take it off once you sit
Starting point is 01:27:41 down but if you go to the bathroom you got got to get back up, put it on again. And fucking here we are three years later and I walked into that outdoor seating in a restaurant. What's the first two people we see? Fucking masks on. This is yesterday. At some point- Hey, outdoor seating. Outdoor.
Starting point is 01:28:01 I didn't even think of that until you just said that. Not like if even if it was indoor, it fucking didn't matter anymore. But it's just funny. And that restaurant wasn't even crowded yet. It was early. Empty. Empty. Empty restaurant.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Beautiful outdoor seating. Two huge outdoor seating areas. Yeah. But by the way, it doesn't even matter because we didn't even teach people how to think. We just teach them which bubble to fucking fill in on the quiz so they could go down the system of the school and all get applauded. And everybody's parents go, hey, Johnny, you're 18. What college are you going to this year? Oh, you took out $100,000.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Never pay back. Good for you. You're studying religious studies. Oh, and in equity. Oh, man, you got a good one. Sally is going to college. I'm going to work in the people's department. You mean HR? You mean the assholes department the tattletale department how's johnny well he does
Starting point is 01:28:51 nothing but smoke weed from sun up to sun down and gets fucking blackout drunk thursday through sunday but uh hey we're paying for it fucking crazy man and the person we went out to dinner with last night was like let's eat inside why the fuck would we want to eat inside well it's faster service in there shut up sit down we ate outside
Starting point is 01:29:17 I got some bad prawns yeah I was nervous for you how many people do you think claim they got it but didn't get it like for work oh so many people so many i want to i need i need to ask you some details about that offline caleb but so i wanted to ask you specifically. A lot of people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. People would do it all the time. If there was like a long weekend coming up, somebody would just – like if there was like a three-day weekend, somebody on Thursday would be like,
Starting point is 01:29:54 yeah, I'm sick. And then you obviously get like your 10 days off or whatever. Oh, no, no. I don't mean that. I mean how many people do you think said they got the injection but didn't get it? Oh. Got to work around. More than a handful, I would say that.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Yeah. It's more common than we know. Probably. No one wants to say because they don't want to go to jail. Yeah. I know I know one I know I know I just heard of one The other day of someone we all know Who had to do some travel And all the listeners know too
Starting point is 01:30:30 Who Who Didn't take it but The world WHO thinks They took it whatever you need Whatever you need to travel Whatever medical documentation was given Eric Weiss whatever you need to travel, whatever medical documentation was given.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Uh, Eric Weiss. I like Matt Sousa's Democrat more than Seve's. That's why mine's better. Cause you really hate mine. See, so mine's better. Cause you like Sousa's more.
Starting point is 01:31:00 You're not supposed to like. Now, maybe I misunderstood you, but I'm just going off of the word like. Warning, you may be triggered by this comment. Quick, Dan, write something. Yeah, where's Dan? That's the progressive Susan. The Democrat Susan Susax. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Let me ask what Susax thinks. Then you pop back up. Dr. Seuss Gaming. Sebi, why don't you have captions turned on? I don't even know how to do that i would love to turn on something like in youtube do we not have captions on what are captions what's that mean like it's like it's like it's like writing what we're saying on
Starting point is 01:31:58 the bottom in real time do they have that and i thought we had that on. It's in the settings. All right. We'll do it. Thank you. Okay. Oh, I like this. Cave Dastro. Suzer and Zuzim. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:32:22 All right. Big day today. I'm having a huge party at the house if you weren't invited i'm sorry no dude you know what's crazy i told grace about it last night and she did not help the situation when i first got to your house and i was saying what's up to the boys yeah i'll be like immediately he's like hey are you coming tomorrow and i was like ah just pretend i didn't really hear like shuffled on yeah yeah And then when we went back, when I was getting ready to leave,
Starting point is 01:32:47 he stopped what he was doing. He comes over and it just Haley and I, and then you were putting the other boys down and he's like, Hey, like, yeah, he's like, are you coming tomorrow? It's like,
Starting point is 01:32:56 you're welcome to come. It's a three hour drive round trip. If you're lucky, if you're lucky. So bad. I didn't even have the heart to tell him. No, I couldn't even fucking face him. Anyone I didn't invite. Like if you're lucky. I didn't even have the heart to tell him no. I couldn't even fucking face him.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Anyone I didn't invite, like if you're my friends and you live in Santa Cruz and I didn't invite you, just text me or something. And if I respond, you can come. If I don't, then I really don't want you. Inclusa? Yeah, inclusa. Inclusa. That's good. We're having a magician.
Starting point is 01:33:35 What? What? We're having a magician, and the magician's car broke down. And so he couldn't come. And so Haley's like, hey, do you think, and he lives in a certain part of town, and Haley said, hey, do you know anyone who could bring him over for the party? And I go, oh, yeah, so-and-so can bring him over. She goes, oh, I didn't invite them.
Starting point is 01:33:59 So I called this person. I'm like, hey, dude, I want to invite you to my kid's party, but you got to bring the magician magician he's just using me i i might be he's just using me you can't handle being my friend anyone anyone in the comments who wants to be my friend fuck you you can't handle being my friend i'm only inviting you to my party if you bring up the magician my friend's like fuck you i ain't coming like i don't blame you no it's not greg i would not ask greg to bring the magician it's on it's funny greg lives 11 miles that way and this dude lives 11 miles the other way yeah all right remember uh use your friends
Starting point is 01:34:49 and thank them go watch the mayhem phil piece um someone you know someone in the comments gonna think it was so inappropriate what seve said about this video i want you to know like someone's gonna try to stir the pot over there for sure if they didn't already do it i i cried uh phil reminds me of of my uncle oh shit it's late i gotta go to tennis all right love you guys uh talk to you soon good to see all you guys bye

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