The Sevan Podcast - Nick Mathew & Olivia Kerstetter | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more. That's Not too much.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Doing well. Bam, we're live. Hey, dude, you look younger since the last time I interviewed you. I noticed that on your IG you look younger too. Are you getting something done to your skin, like exfoliated or like? I am not. I don't know about that. Maybe just rubbed up a little bit. not as scraggly as some days or or what are those uh uh alufa are you using alufa to like take off the
Starting point is 00:01:14 dead skin on your face or something alufa definitely not if my wife knew where i washed my body with my alufa she'd hate. Take your wife's prized loofah for her face and use it on your fucking dingleberries to clean out the... Oh, boy. What an asshole. That wouldn't go over very well. No.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I have this... Yeah, loofah. I have this bar of soap, Nick, that I got from... There's this affiliate called Portsmouth CrossFit Dale King owns it it's like a rehab CrossFit
Starting point is 00:01:52 and they make their own soaps and they sell them and they have it and he sent me a bunch of the soap yeah it's stuff like that and he sent me a bunch of the soap and it's like menthol or something and I don't know when I'm gonna learn learn, but I wash my ass with it,
Starting point is 00:02:07 and I hate the fucking feeling. I get like tingly cornhole. It's like, dude, why? Why would you ever make soap that makes anything tingle? Do you like tingly soap at all? No. I just use some normal gel soap. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Oh, so you just squirt a couple shots in your hand and rub it around? Pretty much, yep. Yeah. Nice and easy, quick, get the job done. Yeah, it's, I don't know why I make that mistake every morning. My buddy Andrew Hiller doesn't even use soap, he said. He hasn't used soap in years. He just uses water. Just rinses off? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Really? Yeah, I don't know wow i think my butt needs soap um you're going you're going to the crossfit games yep round two we made it crazy dude uh what a statement you made last year huh yeah it was a it was a wild beginning to kind of the run for the games yeah it was between between getting in with the backfill invite and then like pretty cool being able to get in there and win a couple events as well yeah you performed at a crazy high level like you made a name for yourself you put yourself i don't know how we say it in crossfit but um you put yourself in the in the if it was if it was the fight yourself you put yourself i don't know how we say it in crossfit but um you put yourself
Starting point is 00:03:25 in the in the if it was if it was the fight world you put yourself like it uh with a number by your name you know what i mean you're in your top 15 player in the world sure yeah did you expect that um when i first came in i kind of said some things like oh i want to win some events i want to get rookie of the year and just kind of like threw out there. Didn't really attach myself to it too much just because I did get the backfill invite. I did miss the games two years in a row by a point. And, I mean, taking sixth place at one of the semifinals over the course of all the other semifinals, I didn't expect to be top 15 or top 14 at the game.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So, yeah, it was pretty surprising last year hey yeah crazy is that that was the sandbag the sandbag event and the skills medley with the jump rope wow like two i mean two i mean theoretically not even theoretically two opposite events huh I mean, theoretically, not even theoretically, two opposite events, huh? Yeah, I would say so. Yeah, you can sew and punch someone in the face. Like what? Like you got both ends of the spectrum covered.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Crazy, dude. Yeah, just got to fill that middle ground now. Get good at regular CrossFit. Hey, dude, were you weird strong as a kid? Could you do some weird stuff already, like, as a young boy? I don't know about weird strong as a kid. I did a lot of things. Like, I played a lot of sports. So a lot of things, like, that pertain to, like,
Starting point is 00:04:58 maybe the skills medley a little bit, being able to do a pegboard without my legs, or in just when I was younger kind of like things in wrestling where we would just jump around and flip on the mats and i'd say become really body awareness like have a lot of body awareness kind of came natural and then i've been weightlifting since probably seventh eighth grade so it's just been like a continuous like um kind of road to building strength and getting strong and that's probably one of my favorite things to do anyway so that always stays in
Starting point is 00:05:29 um the the back squat the back squat stuff is just kind of crazy yeah oh i didn't send you really your back squats your party trick sorry suze i'm gonna send you these links now i didn't oh you already got it. How is that your part? How is a 500-pound back squat a party trick? I mean, I don't really follow any, like, squat cycle to help, like, increase my squat. I mean, maybe I should because, I mean, I don't know how necessary a heavier squat would necessarily be in competition, but, um, yeah, I've probably had the same PR, the same number for probably a pretty while, a while now. And I don't ever really lose the strength to be able to do my squats.
Starting point is 00:06:20 What is your PR? 585, like all time PR. And, and how often do you touch that? 585? No. Once a year? That was my lifetime PR, so I was a little bit heavier when I hit that. Like normal crossfitting PR is probably like 545.
Starting point is 00:06:41 And I can get pretty close to that. probably like 545 and I can get, I can get pretty close to that. And you enjoy, are you enjoying that right there? Other than it making me want to pass out and destroy my collarbones. No. What, what about after, after I, I was squatting with a hundred pounds the other day, front squatting with 100 pounds, I was holding a 100-pound D-ball, and after every set, I do this thing. I feel like I might never be able to hinge
Starting point is 00:07:12 ever again, so I have to do this thing, or I put my hands on the wall, or I feel like I have to stretch my calf. Stretch out a little bit? Yeah. Like I got mushed or something. Yeah. Do you feel like that every time you're done? Do you feel like that every time you're done you feel like that every time like you do a back squat with like 500 pounds or 400 pounds like it's like that like you're like okay i'm kind of stuck in this position for like a few seconds no not really i'd say like a lot of it
Starting point is 00:07:38 kind of goes to like bracing the core as well like and i preach this when i coach my classes and stuff too when you pick up weights and you pick up a barbell you gotta like pick it up like you're trying to manhandle it whereas sometimes when people go into like picking up a back squat they're kind of a little hesitant when they lift it off and then i feel like they're not braced and that can kind of compress their spine a little bit more versus if you get underneath it and you're acting like you're really tall and you're like really extending like your body can get a little bit feel a little bit different hey when you saw the um the uh total and it being for olympic lifts have you have you thought about
Starting point is 00:08:21 what twists they're gonna put on that that it to put on that, that there's something that they're not being completely – that they may be being a little disingenuous, like that it could be possible with dumbbells? Have you thought of that? With the Olympic lifts? Yeah. I have not. I did notice that there's only two lifts.
Starting point is 00:08:39 You only get two attempts at it. I don't know really how I feel about that too much, but I mean, we'll see what happens when we get to the games with it. If they throw any twists or if we have platforms out there to be able to stay warm on. Because they always kind of change stuff a little bit, right?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Like they'll tell you it's going to be a 5K run and the next thing you know, it's really a 5K hurdle event. There'll be 800 hurdles out there. Yeah, so that one's actually a little bit more like curious about if they're gonna have us just run a straight 5k or if there's gonna be like obstacles like bring back the old course kind of thing or if it's just gonna be just a straight up 5k look i made i made 20 bucks off of your lifters hey let's go michael banyan i have the same lifters oh yeah those tier lifters they're good hey when you squat um uh uh
Starting point is 00:09:33 you ever do that barefoot you ever squat 500 pounds barefoot um i have i just did a squat workout in the garage the other day. Barefoot. I do. Whenever I'm at home in the garage, I do a lot of barefoot training for like my accessories and stuff like that. Toe spacers. Oh, toe spacers. Yep, exactly. And you do really squat with toe spacers on or did you just do that for the because they're your sponsor? Nope, I definitely do. Whenever I'm at home working out in the garage. because they're your sponsor nope i definitely do whenever i'm at home working out in the garage sometimes like going to the globo gym usually where i do my strength stuff they don't allow you to be barefoot so i can't do that but yeah whenever i'm at home i train hey i got that toe
Starting point is 00:10:17 spacer spring thing too i have my kid do pistols on it that's it's kind of it's kind of wild yeah it's a little different creates like the uh It gets the stabilizing muscles in your knees and ankles and stuff activated. You ever fuck with it with those black springs? Did yours come with those black springs? I'm too heavy for those black springs. You are? That thing will stretch down and touch the ground? No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I just put the silver ones on. What was that? I said that thing will touch the ground if you get on it with those black strings. Pretty much. Pretty much. No, I just put the silver ones on, and I guess I haven't really experimented or changed them up at all. I'll wear these toes. Go ahead. You'll wear what? I said I'll wear these toes. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:11:05 What? I said I'll wear these toes spacers for like two hours straight. Yeah, for sure. You'll do that too? Sit around. Yep. Just sit around the house when I do my programming or watching movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I'll just sit there with them on. Because on the box it says to only wear them for like five minutes. And I'm like, five minutes? What pussy do you think I am? Makes my feet feel really good. Yeah, me too. You were doing... I think it's five minutes, maybe.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Oh, our connection is jacked up. Where are you? Are you in your garage? I am in my garage. We got the fans inside eating breakfast and all that stuff. Is the router in the garage? Is it not good? The router is right in the kitchen inside the door.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Not good? I'll give you a 4 out of 10. 4 out of 10. Is that better than Rogue was or no? Better than who? Better than rogue was or no better than who better than rogue was or no i can't remember rogue was rogue bad i don't know i think my audio somebody said something about my audio at rogue i don't have fancy microphones or anything like that what's that white thing um is that a heater hanging on in your ceiling pointed kind of down at you? It looks like a speaker.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Oh, yeah. When it gets to negative 20 up here in Minnesota, the garage gets really cold. Look, someone told me I should hang up on you. Wow. God, it's a tough crowd. Uh-oh. Do you want me to try to move somewhere else if you can if not don't worry we'll make it through this you still sound great okay well if it gets bad then i can try to go inside and move around and go upstairs
Starting point is 00:13:00 it's it's it's better having a bad connection than talking with someone who um english is like their fourth language hey there's a um let's say that again and who would that be like we had um i'm trying to think i'm trying to think of his name we had mikhail walosky on the other day and he had a bad connection, and English wasn't his primary language. It was unique. Yeah, that would be a little bit of a challenge. This shirt you're wearing, Susan, do you see the link I put,
Starting point is 00:13:38 the half shirt that he's doing bar muscle-ups on? I think we talked about this before. But if your nipple shows does that mean do you feel like you let yourself down like you cut the shirt too short are you like oh like that there should be like this one if the nipples showing when my arms are down then yes but if i'm moving around like that my hands are over yeah you're okay with a little nipple down there at the bottom like that for sure god i hope you start a trend with girls
Starting point is 00:14:11 i'm surprised how many videos there are with you without the crop top on yeah it just depends on the day. I don't wear it every single day, but it depends what movements I'm doing. I don't put too much thought into it necessarily. Are you, oh, right. Are you working, Nick? Yeah, I do. I work full time at my CrossFit gym.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And what's that look like um basically head coach general manager so i handle everything from making sure the gym's clean the toilets the the equipment making sure all that stuff works to help coaching my coaches on how to coach better or um meeting with and having success management meetings and all that. And you're training full time? Yep. And I coach classes throughout the week as well. Do you coach every day? Four out of probably four days a week, I think it is. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday. And how many classes are
Starting point is 00:15:26 you coaching uh throughout the week it's more just in the evenings um i coach we have uh strength classes and olympic lifting classes at my affiliate as well so i i like i enjoy coaching those classes on top of crossfit and then saturday we have like a run through in the morning of like Sam 8am, 9am, 10am. And I coach all those every Saturday morning. Um, do you think that, um, your, do you think you could be even better if you didn't have to worry about work as much? Or do you think that the work actually keeps you like sort of in a, in a lane that allows you to be who you are yeah I think I've cut back a lot on coaching um and a lot on yeah I mean mainly mainly just a lot back on coaching um over the last year um to be able to like not miss things in training or not have to rush things if I'm like feeling good.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I would say that it helps me kind of stay in a routine. So like every day I'm at the gym at 10 o'clock because I know I have to start working at noon. So I got to get a couple hours of training in the morning and then I work for three hours or so. And then at three o'clock I have like an hour and a half window before classes start where I start training. So it keeps me in a nice routine. And yeah, I feel like if I had the whole day to just sit around, I'd kind of waste a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Does everyone at the gym know that you're competing at the games? Yeah, we actually have, heck, I think like 50 people going out this year. Wow. Yeah, there's a lot, a lot of people. It'll be, we're all wearing these we they all got bright bright pink shirts this year so what state are you in minnesota and how far is that from uh madison your town is it only five hours it's a five hour drive yep wow holy cow hey how many people went last year last year i would say maybe like 15
Starting point is 00:17:26 15 maybe 20 people that were kind of in the affiliate but yeah this year they all got airbnbs and they're all getting houses with 10 people in them and yeah they're they're getting wild this year hey oh yeah that's close um do you like that or is there is it is it do you feel the pressure of that many people going um no because i mean they're going because they want to have a good time as well so i mean they're not there just for me they're there to get away with each other have a great time and um just kind of see me do do what i'm going to do in the process and no i don't feel really too much pressure about it i think this is actually less stressful the games is less stressful than like semi-finals is because even quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:18:16 just because it's kind of like the pinnacle we've made it to the games like we're here this is the spot and now it's just go and perform your best and whatever happens happens hey are there some weird stresses around the quarterfinals and semifinals that like oh shit did i not film this right did it not upload right like some weird stresses that like kind of almost don't need to be there or shouldn't be there they're not related i shouldn't say shouldn't be there but they're not related to your athleticism at all yeah for sure like i'm always stressed out about oh is this tape line measured on the right side of the tape or is the diet i mean halfway through again or yeah it's crazy I can't
Starting point is 00:19:07 the people who miss the games I guess the one that sticks out the most to me is Annika Greer I guess it happened to Man on Angonese and Jelly Hostess Yellow Hostie,
Starting point is 00:19:26 last year. But the ones that are really crazy are how many people didn't make Rogue because of that, right? Like someone like Colton Mertens didn't get to go to Rogue because of some camera debacle or something. I can't remember exactly,
Starting point is 00:19:39 but it's kind of crazy. And there was another high-end athlete that got jacked up, didn't get to go to Rogue because of some weird camera shit. i think it was what travis mayor had something some issues oh that's right that's right yeah i mean that was their fault but still for sure say it again there was something with like weights
Starting point is 00:19:55 like not being measured or it was just a lot of stuff that like yeah it didn't have anything to do with your fitness um and it just completely adds to the stress of it and then or it was just a lot of stuff that like, yeah, it didn't have anything to do with your fitness. And it just completely adds to the stress of it. And then again, like, how are you supposed to perform at your best when you're completely stressed out about if the camera is going to go out or not too? Kelly Gibbons, a Let's Go Nick making Minnesota proud over here. Yeah, let's go. Do you have training partners?
Starting point is 00:20:32 I do. yeah let's go do you have training partners i do i have uh i mean i i usually just rope a bunch of the affiliate members in with what i'm doing every now and again but they enjoy it they love it and then i'm a big believer that just about like trying to make training fun so i do a lot of my program like i mean my entire program is what my affiliate does too so i every i mean everything's modified anyway so it's not about like what workout comes up oh if nick's doing a really hard workout you know there's level there's rx there's rx plus there's scale so i program what i do for classes and they really enjoy that as well. And they just, they just modify things that are a little bit different than what I do. Hey, so, so then it makes training fun.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Yeah. Yeah. You know, I think it's interesting that you do that. And I like that you do that because I think that's where the brand value is for CrossFit. I think people, regardless of their age, whether they're five years old or eight years old, they're proud to wear their CrossFit shirt because everyone knows they're doing some hard shit. And what a cool thing to say is like, yeah, I'm doing the same programming as Nick Matthew.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Yeah, for sure. I mean, and yeah, I hate that when people like just, oh, CrossFit's not for me, or I have to get in shape to do CrossFit. I mean, I handle that whole side of things, talking to people when they come through the doors as well. So, like, yeah. And then when they get in, it's like, yeah, you are doing the same thing that I'm doing. But everything is identifiable. Like, sure, if you can't do a handstand pushup,
Starting point is 00:22:02 we have hundreds of variations for that or whatever movement it will be. And, yeah. So it keeps the community together, too, when we're all doing the same thing and somebody's knocked off in the corner doing their own thing tell me tell me the the uh let's say rx plus is is that the one you do rx plus if they see it on the board and they want to know oh what's coach uh nick doing he's doing the rx plus uh yeah we do love we have like level one level two level three with kind of how we're doing it because a lot of people were taking like rx and scaled as either like a pass or a fail so i wanted to try to eliminate that a little bit out of their heads
Starting point is 00:22:36 so i kind of made level two and level one or level three so that they can just kind of figure out where a level is versus being like oh i, I scaled so I failed the workout. Verbiage to manipulate their egos. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, fair. Yeah, I'm cool with it. For sure. Of course. And tell me, so if you're doing bar muscle-ups,
Starting point is 00:23:00 and that's the highest level, what would the next level down do? They would do a less rep scheme usually if i'm doing 12 muscle ups in a workout every round they would do more like six to eight something like that maybe um and then and then down from there would be burpee pull-ups usually but when we get to like when we get to that's kind of an asshole move nick that's kind of an asshole move they're being that that throwing that burp look at suza's disagreeing with me making him do the burpees kind of like hey fuck you yeah i don't know buddy it's like the four to one with single unders and double unders they say it's scaled but it's like four you asshole no so we burpees a little tough you're kind of punk and i'm like oh okay you don't want to learn the bar muscle up i make you do burpee in it yeah so so the level one
Starting point is 00:23:51 we try to change the scale progression so it's not the same scaling progression when they're doing it yeah yeah so like one day yeah it's burpee pull-ups next day maybe it's if i'm doing 12 muscle-ups okay you're gonna do 12 strict pull-ups and then 12 dips or 12 push-ups oh and kind of try to switch that a little bit yeah he's got to throw the dips when they do they do a lot of burpee hey and then what about the guy what about the guy who can't do anything he comes in there but he wants to get at it uh you know he's he's um i don't know let's say she she's 16 years old uh she's in she's in you know she's a swimmer or something she's in good shape but she can't do a pull-up and it's she can't even do one pull-up
Starting point is 00:24:36 and it's 12 bar muscle-ups in the workout somewhere what'd she do so we do i mean banded assisted pull-ups put the band up so that they can do them and get the range of motion there. Ring rows. Yeah. There's, I mean, heck, you could even go down to if somebody is really unathletic, you can just do bent over rows or PVC lat pull-downs. And there's, there's endless, endless ways to scale. Do you, do you like the banded pull-up more or less than the jumping pull-up? I'm a jumping pull-up fan before bands.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Yeah, I think we use the banded pull-up more often. I'd say we use the banded pull-up option more often just because people feel, and this can be coaching related or it could just be per person where they don't want to resort to jumping pull-ups yeah so i mean it depends on the person depends on willingness to kind of meet the intention of the workout because sometimes like if there's a set of 15 pull-ups and somebody jumps up with the band and they just do 15 unbroken every time they miss the intention right so yeah it can depend on the person at times i always get scared with jumping pull-ups too when someone else is doing them i always think they're gonna
Starting point is 00:25:50 that they're gonna be an idiot and hit their head on the way up yeah yeah especially the older people and the younger people the people in the middle i'm not too worried about but like kids and old people i'm worried about they're jackasses yeah they get a little wild sometimes yeah what are you laughing at suza what do you have them do suza do you have them do jumping or bandit at your affiliate jumping uh allegra r what a great way to start my day such a humble dude yeah he's too humble i want to he needs to say something you're gonna talk any smack remember when tiger woods gave that tampon to like they did you did you see that um i do not know what that is he he was um he was on the golf course with a guy last year and with one
Starting point is 00:26:31 and he slipped a guy like a tampon like to say like you hit like a bitch and and the cameras caught it even though like he was just slipping it palm to palm yeah would you do that would you do that to anyone out there like you know like walk out there and right before the uh right before the event starts you know look over oh there it is look at look at bizarre moment tiger woods hands what's it say hands justin thomas a tampon i don't think that's bizarre at all what are you talking about what a great move yeah that i mean that adds some fun to it that adds some excitement yeah yeah i talk i mean we talk trash a lot in the gym. I don't know about in the middle of competition.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It depends on some people. Some people can get offended really easy. Yeah. You got any plans? You should do something to Fikowski. Yeah. You should have a plan for, yeah, right before an event starts. Right before something.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah. I don't know. I'll have to come up, yeah, right before, like, an event starts. Right before something. Yeah. I don't know. I'll have to come up with something. To get into his head. I'll take some ideas. Right. If it is, what do you think you could dumbbell snatch, Nick? You think you could dumbbell snatch, let's say, 175 or 170?
Starting point is 00:27:43 You think you could dumbbell snatch 170? I don't know about 170 um i don't i don't know i did a 155 with a barbell with one hand yeah wow the ones the barbells that have the knurling in the center yeah yeah i've done that and then at um cross at mayhem we when i did the mayhem classic years back they had-pound dumbbell for like 12 reps or something like that in there. If you could do 155 with the bar, I mean, that sounds like it would be significantly harder than a dumbbell. That was just like balanced with the barbell up overhead. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:22 It'd be cool to see. I like playing with the strongman equipment. I don't have to get my hands on a big circus dumbbell. What did someone tell me yesterday about Fikowski? Someone made it seem to me like he didn't like me. Someone said something to me.
Starting point is 00:28:46 I was afraid to fall. I was afraid to fall. I was talking to someone and they're like, oh, yeah, don't worry if Fikowski doesn't want to talk to you or something when you're doing the behind the scenes. I was like, wait, what? No, of course he's going to want to talk to me. What are you talking about? Everybody's doing a lot of talk. So you're coming to the games this year.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Yeah. I didn't see that. I'm really excited about it. Who's your coach, Nick? Matt Burke. I work really excited about it. Who's your coach, Nick? Matt Burke. I work with the Proven team, but Matt Burke is – his wife also works with the Proven team, and he's not technically a coach with Proven,
Starting point is 00:29:19 but when we were down there, me and him just, like, hit it off right away. And then that kind of just started developing a relationship with us and over the last two years he's been my guy that comes with me to my competitions and helps me get warmed up help me helps me make sure my mind is right yeah that's the guy telling me to wipe a booger off my nose right there wow that's a crazy booger yeah dude hey imagine there being so many good people in the gym that like you pick up someone as your coach that's not even a coach that's how many just amazing athletes there are at proven just standing around for sure how did you sign up for proven tell me
Starting point is 00:29:58 how that works you go online and you just start like creeping for a while and then how does yeah i did the i did their tia compete track for two years after the i think i saw it after the 2020 the covid games um and then i i did that for about two years by myself and then i can't exactly remember but i got some kind of invite to come down and do their training camp. And then after I went down with the training camp, then we kind of chatted and I started chatting with Matt too. And then they told me that I was able to kind of come down, use the facility whenever and just make a trip out of it throughout the year.
Starting point is 00:30:37 So I go down, I just got back from Tennessee two weeks ago. And I just usually go down as like a tune-up before main competitions so you sign up just like a regular dude throwing your credit card you get the programming every day you do it for two years and then one day and then you go to the games and they and they i'm assuming they make the connection at that point oh that's one of the guys that does our – It wasn't even before the games. It was – Oh. No, it was – yeah, we were just – I was just putting the scores in on the online leaderboard
Starting point is 00:31:11 and then got basically an invite to come down. And then you just get an email one day saying, hey, Nick, this is Shane. What's up, homie? It wasn't Shane. I's up, homie? It wasn't Shane. I got a message from, I think it was Dwight. Dwight Upshaw. He used to work at
Starting point is 00:31:33 Eric Rose's gym. Oh, and now he's over at Proven? Yeah, I believe so. And is that the guy that's married to Taylor Williams? No. No, that's Nick Johnstonlor william no no that's nick johnston nick nick johnston okay and then are you excited when you get that are you like holy shit i've been
Starting point is 00:31:54 recognized by this camp i'm going oh yeah super pumped about that yeah it was it was it was great and they've done a lot for me just i mean every year i mean i've been going down steadily for two years now um maybe even a little longer than that we go down and i just get my ass kicked for a weekend with the big dogs and then i come back up and apply kind of the things that i learned and then we head right into the next competition dwight upshot kind of looks like a juiced up matt o'eefe doesn't he looks like Matt who's like Matt O'Keefe who's on the next taking it to the next level there you go yeah Dwight's fit Dwight's fit so so you go down there for that camp and you're training and there's some dude there named Matt Burke he's not even on like the proven payroll and you just start talking with
Starting point is 00:32:43 them and then you're like, can we exchange phone numbers? And then he just starts critiquing videos. Like how did, how does, how does a non coach coach you into becoming your coach? We were just, I remember when I kind of first got the thought of it, like we were hanging, like, I mean, the whole crew was hanging out over the weekend and then it was just during one of the work, it was like a long, it started with an echo bike workout and then it went into like ring muscle-ups afterwards and um i've been kind of picky with like how people coach me or in a sense like i'd say cheer me on like when i do like
Starting point is 00:33:19 quarterfinals workouts and open workouts in my affiliate i don't like people like screaming at me or yelling, like just go faster, blah, blah, blah. I like more of like a calm approach where they're like, okay, five more reps, and then you're done, then you get to move on, and okay, let's just get into a nice pace here. And that's kind of how Matt kind of came at me throughout that workout there, and he was like giving me just like smooth tips.
Starting point is 00:33:42 He was like, okay, you don't need your legs after this, so burn them them up a little bit on the bike and then we get to go do muscle-ups and it was like really calm and really appealing for me right off the bat and um yeah we just hit it off really well as friends and then we stay in contact and we would always watch each other uh i would watch his wife and his wife would watch me on the compete track as well um so we'd see each other's scores and we'd be relatively close. So it was just a good pairing just in general. When he was there, what was he doing there? So he kind of would just kind of – his approach was just to be there if needed
Starting point is 00:34:20 to like help coach other people or just kind of help. So he was friends with Tia or Shane or this Nick guy? I'm just trying to figure out what he's doing there if he's not a games athlete or a coach. So his wife trains with the crew. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Yeah, his wife trains with them every day. They moved from Hattiesburg to there to go train.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Robbie Meyer said, can you ask Nick more about his personal life? No. What's his journey? I had him on. I had Nick on before we got we got into it with that stuff. A whole whole 90 minutes, Robbie. I appreciate it. I wish I could give you your money back.
Starting point is 00:35:01 It's a great question. Well, we got into it. I can ask him about this though you got your daughter went to kindergarten yeah yep kindergarten this year and uh two months she's not the first grade she and this year so she finished kindergarten she did her whole year of kindergarten yep how was that it was i mean it was great yeah she loved it she absolutely loved it what changes person she is what changes did you see with her when she went to school did you see any like huge leaps and bounds like holy shit she's learning a lot of shit um like did she lose any of her innocence or naiveness to the world just I mean
Starting point is 00:35:47 just she's a little wild she's a lot sad for sure and I don't know I just like everyday I'll just be sitting here and I'll look at her and be like jeez you're just getting so big so fast yeah first date no stop like she probably learned a lot and look those kids are old
Starting point is 00:36:07 those aren't kindergartners she's going there with right so she's learning some sophisticated shit like those kids play video games and stuff already those kids like know how to like make eggs yeah i think that i think you know what i mean yeah the whole school i think so it's the whole school ramsey elementary is what it's called. And they got kindergarten through fifth grade all in the same school. Hey, it's weird, right? Like one day,
Starting point is 00:36:30 like you're pouring your kid milk and then all of a sudden one day, like you're, you're just in there like taking the trash out and you see like they're pouring their own milk and getting shit out of the fridge and sliding the stool over. And you're like, what the hell is going on here? Yep.
Starting point is 00:36:40 That's exactly what like happens in the morning now. Yep. It's like, wow wow there's someone else who can like open drawers and shit yep for sure turn the tv on do it just do their open the garage and go bike outside and yeah don't need me anymore they're like i'm gonna watch my kid yesterday's like hey can i watch something and i'm thinking to myself he's six and i'm thinking oh this should be interesting i'm like yeah sure go ahead what are you gonna watch he's like some skateboarding videos i'm like okay and i see him turn the tv on go to apple tv and go to youtube and watch skateboarding videos i'm like how the fuck
Starting point is 00:37:17 does this kid know this yeah yeah she'll be watching she really really enjoys diving, the Olympic divers and the Olympic gymnasts. She does enjoy that? Yeah. So I'll see that on her iPad all the time on YouTube Kids. Yeah, that's good stuff. Much better than some other stuff on TV nowadays. When you look at this field of guys coming in, do you look at them closely? Like you look at this guy, Jelle, and he wins three events at the European semifinal.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Are you like, what the hell is this? I didn't see that. No. What's his name? Okay, good. What is that guy's name? I call him Jelly, but his name is J-E-L-L-E, but he's pronounced Yella.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yella Hostie. Yeah, I don't think I've seen him. He's a giant dude. Or the size of the guys. Pardon me? I've seen the size of the guys. I've seen Jake Douglas. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:38:27 He's big, dude. This guy's bigger than Fikowski, I think. They were saying this guy's taller than Fikowski. Oh, really? Jeez. Yeah. Yeah, I guess I haven't kind of... I watched the East semifinal and I watched the West
Starting point is 00:38:46 and didn't watch any of the other ones. I just kind of looked to see who the winners and stuff were. You did a podcast... So he's taller and bigger than Fikowski? Yeah, that's what I hear. That's what he says. That's what he was claiming in the interview I did with him and he won three events yeah that's interesting
Starting point is 00:39:14 it kind of reminds me of like Guy's kind of splash onto the scene yeah well so yeah then I guess like what kind of events does he win like does he win this the the tall person events or does he win everything running i think i think you yeah i think he's a deer i think he's a gazelle i think the dude can run i think when he saw the 5k he was like salivating yeah uh heidi the delay is not ideal say it again nick you said the pod you said you said you were saying something about a podcast that i was on oh yeah yeah this podcast that you want
Starting point is 00:39:54 relentless method you said something that kind of tickled me i i was really appreciative appreciative of it basically said in the morning when you wake up you're stiff as a board like you can barely do an air squat and yet you know put a cup of coffee and you warm yourself up and you're betting your squat and 500 pounds yeah i got aches and pains every single day i got things that i'm dealing with with like my knee and my hip and my elbows and yeah and the morning's not the most fun but once you get moving throughout the day, everything gets better. Does anyone ever say to you, Hey, I can help you fix that? Um, no, I, I do.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I have a chiropractor that I go to throughout the week. Um, I saw Instagram too. He's a really fit guy just outside of semi-finals this last year but uh i go see him and then i get some body work done probably a few times a year but i don't really get anything too consistent or anything like that which would probably help a little bit but i feel like if i can function and i'm moving fine and And when I start training, training is going good. I'm content. Yeah, I mean, I'm significantly older than you, but I'm very similar. I wake up in the morning, I can barely touch my knees. But an hour later, I can put my hands all the way to the ground.
Starting point is 00:41:18 But I wake up like a fucking board. Like when I pee, I lean against the wall. Like I just lean over to change the trajectory of my penis. For sure. I can relate. I can relate can relate god that makes me feel so good misery loves company yeah uh when do you head out to mad madison leaving uh on monday so about six days we'll be heading out monday morning because then there's the check-in throughout the middle of the day and then the athlete dinner and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:49 You don't think that's cutting it too close? Maybe you should go the day before? Not necessarily. There's not really anything I've got to get used to. It's only five hours away. The weather's the same. Just a quick little drive. Even a five-hour drive isn't too bad to be sitting that long
Starting point is 00:42:07 or anything like that either. What time will you leave? We'll be getting up at about 7 a.m. Well, I'll get up at probably about 6 a.m. and get there by noon. So you'll drive straight there. You won't even go to your hotel. Just go straight to the venue and do your athlete check-in? Probably, yep.
Starting point is 00:42:25 God, I love how casual you are. I'd be there like two days or three days early just a stressed out mess. No, not too worried about it. I'm pretty low maintenance just in general. Yeah, that's good. All right, dude. Well, good talking to you. I can't wait to see you.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Is Matt Burke going to have your coaches pass behind the – Yes, he will. Yep. He's there all weekend with me. Awesome. Well, hey, I can't wait to meet you in person, and thanks for doing this so early in the morning. No, no problem. Thank you so much. All right. Talk to you soon. Yep. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Let's do that. Let's just schedule – let's just have everyone have a delay that's so fun yeah you worked with it well hey do you see he put his phone on landscape without having to be asked because you read the you read the prompts oh he's like the only one who reads them yeah everybody else you tell every single person to put it on landscape mode every single person for the last seven months wow maybe even longer it's a copy script so they all get the same thing yon clark nick looks like he could be your child hey i think um think it's just – I think the delay is just my karma. So many people were like, hey, you interrupt people, and you just can't interrupt when there's a delay, or you shouldn't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Oh, apparently not, James. He didn't get the CopyPray script. He's a regular. Doesn't count. So I saw someone in the chat, Mariah Moore. I think she's worked on more of the games docs than anyone alive. She did the one last year all by
Starting point is 00:44:26 herself, basically. Filmed it, edited it. A remarkable filmmaker and human being. She will be helping me with behind the scenes. She'll have the exact same access that I have, I think, if everything goes according to plan.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Miss Kerstetter! Hey. Hi. Oliviaerstetter. Hey. Hi. Olivia, hi. Can you be a favorite to rotate your phone to landscape mode? Uh-oh, another delay. Oh, perfect. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Beautiful. That's it. Thank you so much. I feel guilty as a filmmaker because I do everything. I film everything like this now. Do you film everything like this too? Like it's going for on your phone, Olivia? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I feel like that. But it's so. I'm going to go outside and I'm hang myself. Susie, you this show, the rest of the show is yours. Because I'm trained to film like this, like a movie theater. But now I always film like this. I feel guilty, like I'm doing something really naughty. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I probably never have filmed sideways. Yeah, you don't feel, yeah. You would feel, you would be the opposite. You would feel guilty like this. Like, what a waste. Yeah. Hey, you know when you watch old movies and they, or you watch movies and they show footage,
Starting point is 00:45:59 like from when people are little kids? Olivia? People are little kids. Olivia. Hi. Sorry, you're glitching. What did you say? You know, when you watch old movies and people and you see old footage of someone like you'll see footage from like Michael when Michael Jordan was a kid or a kid or something or i don't know some some athlete and they'll show you some historical footage and it's always like this but your generation when you go to when you watch documentaries all the footage is going to be like this and it's going to fit in the screen weird because
Starting point is 00:46:35 everyone changed the way they film probably yeah hey i wonder if there's a figure out how to like merge them yeah I like that merge them I wonder if eventually there's going to be a generation where we go there's going to be a movie theater and you can choose do you want to watch the movie like this they're going to be really long skinny
Starting point is 00:46:59 movie theaters where you watch the movie like this instead of like this yeah that would be weird though very very but i'm up for it i'm game hey uh would you like to go what generation are you like do you have a generation name like are you a gen something i think i'm z okay. Would you like to go see a boomers movie or a Gen Z movie? And then like theaters are different size, narrow or wide. Yeah. Between nine and 24 years old is Gen Z.
Starting point is 00:47:41 There's 48 million of them. Okay, that's me then. 48 million. Dang me then 48 million i don't even know if that was right i wasn't reading complete sentences i also saw 68 million i don't know which one was which what was the 68 million okay enough i don't know let's get to what everyone wants to know. I didn't read it. Why not go to the kids division and just put a whooping on those girls so they can remember you for the rest of their lives and be terrified to come see you in the future?
Starting point is 00:48:16 Why go to the big girls club? I mean, partly because, like, everyone else did, like all the other teenagers did. But also, I just want experience in a harder challenge and to get better. And I'm not going to do that. Just like winning the team division again. Excuse me. There's a comment down here um savon doesn't know how to relate to her so he's talking to her like she's five oh man comments are tough aren't they uh no i'm thinking that maybe her parents are listening and i should try not
Starting point is 00:49:05 to swear and so i'm like super on guard not to do potty mouth but thank you for noticing that i'm awkward like a duck thank you douche uh who who else who else um didn't go who else went adult instead of staying in the kiddie lane? Like, I just mean, like, Emma Lawson, Emma Carey, Mal. They did the same thing. Like, didn't do their last year. So, historically, some of the greats. I guess so. And how was semifinals? Did you feel at home there on the floor you feel comfortable yeah I felt a lot more comfortable than like Guadalupe or Rogue which were like my first two elite competitions so I'm really glad that I did those because it made me feel a lot more
Starting point is 00:50:07 comfortable and like I belonged at semis. So I didn't freak out. That's right. Rogue was sort of your, your, your coming out party. That was like the first time you were on the floor with the, with the old ladies.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Yep. Tell me about that, Olivia. Is it, how old are you again? You're 17? Mm-hmm. Is it weird? Is it like you look at them and like they're adults? You're like, whoa, I'm out here with like adults.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Wait, what did you say? Is it weird being on the floor with them like you're out there with adults you're like whoa this is weird i'm out here with adults like there's no kid like there's at first it was yeah at first yeah and then you just got used to it? Yeah, I guess. That's why I did two competitions before. Like, one that mattered so that I didn't freak out. And not so that I was used to it, basically. But, yeah. It was weird at first.
Starting point is 00:51:22 You looked so confident, Rogue. Did you have any freak out there did you you know like um did you any part of you during event one you're like as you walk out there you're like oh shit i could make a run for the parking lot right now was there any of that i mean i don't mean freak out like that i just mean like i was definitely nervous and just intimidated like I almost didn't want to beat them because I like looked up to them for so long and I was like cheering for them you know but I had to learn to let that go and get competitive again wow that's yeah probably on that last workout. That's when I learned that. Wow, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:52:10 It's so kind of like I knew this guy. He was the greatest arm wrestler who ever lived, but he couldn't beat his dad for the longest time. And like he had like this mental block like that. He just couldn't beat his dad. He didn't want to beat his dad. So it's kind of like that. You're out there and they're your heroes, but it's time to put an ass whooping on them yeah definitely had to find that like switch to flip did um did someone help you with that
Starting point is 00:52:36 um i don't think so i think it just came naturally like after a while I was like okay it's cool that I'm out here with them but you don't want to just be out here with them you want to beat them so I figured it out and when and did you like it when you figured it out did you like it we like yeah this feels good I mean yeah it good, but it's definitely hard. But, yeah. When you say it's hard, what do you mean by that? What's hard about it? Well, just compared to the teenage division,
Starting point is 00:53:19 like kind of being used to winning a lot of things or being in the top, it's hard to be like, oh, I got 10th. That's in the top it's hard to be like oh i got 10th that's good like it's hard to be happy with that but sometimes like 10th out of like the world is good so i don't know it was just hard to uh switch from like 10th being terrible in the team division to um 10th is that's good oh right like that how about how about when you when you beat some of the um people you look up to do you ever do you feel bad or not feel bad but is there some mourning like like there's like a little death like oh i guess i don't look up to that person i mean i don't think so like i don't feel bad i just am like one of them now i guess
Starting point is 00:54:11 um so you go to rogue and you have that you know that like okay i'm kind of i'm the new i'm the new kid here and like there's a lot of old people here. Where's the other kids? But then you go to Waterpalooza. Is that gone by then when you get there and you take the floor? Are you like, yep, I'm home? Or you got to work through some of those nerves again? I think I had to work through it again a little bit. But at Rogue, I probably didn't work through it until like the last event but it took like less at Waterpalooza for me to get back into like I want to beat them not just be here next to them
Starting point is 00:54:56 I wish I knew what that felt like. What distinguishes that inside of you between just wanting to be there with them and wanting to beat them? What does that look like for those of us who can't understand? You just push harder or you won't watch them? Honestly, I don't know. It's hard to describe because I don't really feel it either. It just is something that happens. And I don't know. I think that's why it took time to get used to because I couldn't just tell myself, well, I mean, I kind of could tell myself just go faster or like you can beat them, but it kind of just happened. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:52 You ever get runners high out there? You ever are in competitions and you're out there working out and you're like, holy shit, like I should be really tired and exhausted right now. And I'm not. I could go forever. I'm just destroying this. Like you're kind of like having an out of body experience. You ever have that yeah definitely the crowd and the adrenaline can get you through anything so i definitely felt that yeah man you're you're doing some cool stuff and and you don't i get what's another interesting thing is is your only peers are also your competitors, right? Meaning you're not going to walk into just some random affiliate and there's another 17-year-old boy or girl competing at your level. There's no other men or women doing that unless they're already there.
Starting point is 00:56:42 So they're your competitors and your peers. Do you have any friends who are competitors? I mean, I'm friends with like Mal and Haley and them, but I mean, just like cross it friends. I don't know because we were late because we're teenagers. But, yeah. How about any of the girls who are still in the teen division? Are you friends with them? Do you train with any other high-level teens? I've never trained with any of them. But, yeah, I'm pretty close with them.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Like, we'll message back and forth sometimes. But I'm excited to with them. We'll message back and forth sometimes, but I'm excited to watch them this year. You are excited to watch them? Mm-hmm. Hey, they're watching you too. They're definitely watching you because you're kind of plowing the way for them, right? You stepped off into the unknown,
Starting point is 00:57:44 and they're definitely watching you too. They're there. They must be tripping. They're like, wow, we, we worked out with that girl. Probably. You're like letting them know it's possible. How's your dad? Is he, is he, is he, is he keeping his, he keeping his his sanity it must be intense for him
Starting point is 00:58:07 watching his daughter do what you do i mean yeah i think so he actually like at semis he would tell me that his workout or his watch would always say that he's like working out during my events because his heart rate was so high or whatever but yeah 30 my family's doing good I'm probably stressing them out more than they'd like but I love it your dad's why when he watches you it's like he's working out hey man just remember when you have kids uh how uncomfortable it's going to make you feel when your kid jerks 200 pounds off the ground and holds it over their head well no one wants to see their kid do that i mean you do but you don't
Starting point is 00:58:58 yeah i bet uh did your parents still treat you like a little kid sometimes like your dad come in like bring a glass or do you still live at home olivia yeah your dad ever bring you a glass of water but i don't know if they um i mean if i ask i'm sure they would but like you climb you climb into bed and you'd be like, dad, can you bring me water? Like my kids do. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he would definitely bring me water.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Top 40 fittest woman in the world yells at her dad to bring her water in bed. God, your dad's lucky. He loves it. He's so lucky. Oh, yeah. He loves it. When are you going to move out? do you have any plans for that or no just you're just chilling you guys oh well i'm still in high school so oh my god i'll move out after high school oh my god why why don't don't i mean yeah don't do it. Hey, you can start putting making crazy demands. Parents are so
Starting point is 01:00:08 they're not going to want you to leave. So this is what you do. Let me give you a little advice. You want to add on with your own entrance. So have them have them do an add on to your house with your own entrance. And you want a gas card. You know what I mean? Like a credit card that you'll just use for gas. And then just save all your money. Yeah, totally milk your parents. They do not want you going. I can probably get away with that until like... 30.
Starting point is 01:00:38 After college. 30. You make it... Trust me, your mom and dad want to keep you around. They don't want... They want to keep watching. Front row ticket to the Olivia Kershberger show. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Parents are soft. Especially your dad. I've seen the way he is around you. He loves you too much. Hey, what about this post you made when you won the semifinals and Tulsi Gabbard commented? Who? Oh, shit. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Wow. You really are cooler than I thought. Do you know who Tulsi Gabbard is? She ran for president last year. Oh, really? I didn't know that. Of the United States. She's amazing. this woman is amazing
Starting point is 01:01:27 oh you didn't notice that no i didn't suze is dying back there just suze is cracking up yeah this is this is like uh this is as classy as as a human being gets this is an incredible incredible uh human being this tulsi gabbard lady yeah that's cool and you never noticed that before no hopefully i liked it or something this lady might be president someday like she's a legitimate contender to be president of the united states of america i mean she is an incredible human being this is great wow hey you should reach out to her and invite her to work out she gets at it she works out she gets at it really yeah i guess i should yeah you didn't know yeah invite her to the games. Yeah, reach out to her.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Wow, that's crazy. I thought you were going to say something to me, no, like she's my aunt or something. Oh, no. Wow, that is fantastic. Jessica Valenzuela, Olivia is not even old enough to vote. Of course, she doesn't know who she is. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:02:45 All right. Fine. Yeah, I'm not even old enough to vote. Of course she doesn't know who she is. Okay, fine. All right. Fine. Yeah, I'm not dogging her for it. I kind of think it's cool that you don't know who she is. Just minding your own business. It's getting strong. Hey, what's the – I had – who was on yesterday who said she's been running? Oh, Paige Powers.
Starting point is 01:03:04 We had Paige Powers on yesterday. She said she's been running oh page we had page powers on yesterday she said she's been running i think three days a week she says she's you know when you train that hard and something that you weren't necessarily good at you're kind of excited to like showcase that like get some opportunities to perform she was excited at semifinals that there were three runs is there anything you've been working on that you're like okay you're excited to showcase or you're excited or that you were excited to um to take out onto the field of play at semifinals? At semifinals? Probably just my, like, gymnastic skills. Like, I think one of my proudest moments was event six with the seated leg and scrub climbs and pirouettes and all that gymnastics stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I feel like before I would have been really bad at that. And I think I got like 12th or 14th or something in it. So that was probably one of the biggest things for me but also my running um even though i don't know if i'd consider some of the workouts with running a running workout i think they um showed some of my improvement in that and i'm excited to little more oh that's cool that's what i was gonna ask you i wonder if you could convince yourself i don't like running either um but i wonder if you could convince yourself to like it no yeah i think as i get better at it i start to like it more and more like it's getting better
Starting point is 01:04:47 hey jake jake chapman just said uh oh my god i just had this horrible thought what if she doesn't know who arnold is um do you know who arnold schwarzenegger is Is that the like strong man? Yeah. Okay. Then I kind of do, yeah? Yes. He has a famous line. If it's related to CrossFit or working out, I probably know. Hey, where were you? God, this is amazing.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Where were you born? What planet were you? I mean, country were you? Where were you born? What country were you born? Kansas. Kansas, yes! What? I mean, it's just like perfect, Kansas. It's like just Kansas. I am freaking out. Someone said he's freaking out yeah I mean
Starting point is 01:05:47 Kansas is just so uh when I think yeah it's there it's in the middle it's like a fictitious place for uh for 99% of the people who live in the United States there it is ladies and gentlemen Kansas and what's right in the middle you're right in the middle what city is that oh no i live in like kansas city oh you're in the big city from there yeah so i'm like right on the border of like i'm like 30 minutes to missouri put your hands together for lady raven dad thank you this is literally the best day of my life on august 2nd Put your hands together for Lady Raven. Dad, thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:28 This is literally the best day of my life. On August 2nd. What's with all the police trucks outside? You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's going to be here today. Josh Hartnett. I'm in control. And Salika as Lady Raven.
Starting point is 01:06:46 This whole concert, it's a trap. Trap, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Only in theaters August 2nd. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Yeah. yeah there's a Kansas City, Missouri and a Kansas City, Kansas but yeah what a mess isn't there another place like that too god what a mess and they're right next to each other
Starting point is 01:07:38 right yeah what a mess why would they do that I don't know Susie could you pull up the clip of arnold saying get to the choppa and and and let's see if uh olivia is um familiar with it um and you're born and raised there kansas is you're born and raised yeah and is your dad from Kansas too? No. Both of my parents are from Iowa. Oh. Another.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Yeah. State filled with farmland and insects. Wow. No Tulsi Gabbner. No Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hey. I've never seen what you were. When you guys have short bars out there, I've never messed with a short bar.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Is it a significant difference for you? I was looking at this clip of you here with the short bar, and the commentators are always like, oh, it's the short bar. You don't get the bend or the snap or the whatever. Do you have any feelings about the short bar? You ever train with the short bar? No, I don't have one to train with with which i probably do need to get one but whenever i'm on the competition floor i don't really notice difference i think maybe just because of the like adrenaline
Starting point is 01:08:57 i don't notice but i think it does make a difference with heavy weights, but light stuff like that, I don't think it makes that much of a difference. But I also don't train with it, so I think I might have just not noticed it because of the adrenaline. Hey, how about that bench press? How did that feel? That was hard. That was the hardest part of the whole workout i was like if i can get through these i'm good yeah 60 pound dumbbells are no joke yeah um uh are you still training with jacob okay we'll get to that in a second okay look at this this is i think this is from is this from predator the movie predator this is a second. Okay, look at this. I think this is from, is this from Predator? The movie Predator? I don't know how old this movie is.
Starting point is 01:09:49 200 years old. Okay, action. Oh, boy. Get to the chopper! Do you know that line? Mm-mm. No. Get to the chopper no right when you said this is like 200 years old i was like
Starting point is 01:10:10 i'm not gonna know this get to the could you say that for me get to the chopper get to the chopper yeah that's good get to the chopper it's like a famous line in this movie Get to the chopper. It's like a famous line in this movie. What is that? What's a chopper? Helicopter. It's like fancy military talk.
Starting point is 01:10:36 It's like you're too cool to say get to the helicopter. You say get to the chopper. Get to the chopper. Oh yeah, it's pronounced like this. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. C-H-O-P-P-A, choppa. That's like, I feel like that's like a rapper nowadays. Yeah, I think that's right, too.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Hey, I can't wait till you see this interview in 20 years. Yeah, probably. You're going to love it. You're going to be like, that's amazing. The thing is, someone in the comments said, I think that's the youngest person Sevan's interviewed, but I'm not sure if it is, but I just don't know a lot
Starting point is 01:11:19 of 17-year-olds. I think you might be the only 17-year-old I know. Hey, so back to Jacob. What's up with with Jacob I don't see him in your Instagram anymore you guys have a falling out he you told him like his breast stinks beat it no we're good like I was just at his house last night um I just spent most of the summer in Nashville training with the proven crew and so I just wasn't home very much but when I was we still trained together um so you were training over there with Tia yeah you get any baby fever you didn't get any baby fever do you don't want a baby do you're too young I know you're from Kansas
Starting point is 01:12:03 I don't want a baby but okay good all right T too young. I know you're from Kansas. I don't want a baby, but. Okay, good. All right. She is so cute. Yeah. You get a bunch of women together and a baby, and next thing you know, your whole CrossFit career will be derailed. Pool Boy, does she know what a Blockbuster is? No, you don't even know what a Blockbuster is. You don't know what Blockbuster is.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Oh, a Blockbuster like a Blockbuster movie or like a Blockbuster like the chain? You know what a Blockbuster store is, Olivia? Mm-mm. They used to be these stores. They were everywhere, and you go in them, and then you rent movies. So that was the only way you could watch a movie on your TV. You had to get in your car and drive to this place.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Like a Redbox? Yeah. You had to get in your car and drive to this place. Like a red box. Yeah. Is that like a vending machine? Yeah. Yeah. It's like that, but you just go in and, and you spend hours looking for a movie that you never,
Starting point is 01:12:55 that you aren't really happy with when you actually pick it out. You remember that season? God, it was a miserable experience. Hey, so, so tell me more about Jay. So tell me, let's talk about Proven for a second. So where do you live when you're there? I live at Brooke and Sydney's house with them.
Starting point is 01:13:16 No shit. You're having some crazy experiences. You lived at Brooke Wells' house? Yeah. Did you learn some pretty crazy stuff? Those are like older women. I mean, I don't know. Not really.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Really? You didn't learn like you don't hear them talking on the phone or like stuff that they're going through with their life or like with agents or their boyfriends or like aches and pains in their bodies you weren't it wasn't like wow this this is um i mean you really got um uh what's that called submersed yes you really submersed yourself and they're crossfit elite also you have sydney wells who made it to the games this year brooke wells is like you know as good as they get what i mean you really were immersed submersed immersed you really immersed yourself in it yeah i mean we're like friends so it wasn't like
Starting point is 01:14:19 oh i learned this stuff like i don't know we talk you didn't call her aunt Brooke no auntie um and then and then so you would go there and train and you're just training around all the best CrossFit athletes in the world I mean it's whether how long were you there? I went for two weeks, and then I came home for like a week, and then I went for two weeks again. And I just got home yesterday. So I was there for like a month. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:01 So stuff must be really good with Jacob. You just got home yesterday, and you skedaddled to his house to go see him. Yeah, it was like rest day too. And I just went to his house because I missed them. Yeah, that's cool. Man, it sounds like you're living a good life. It's pretty good. Any sign of any burnout? Any like, maybe I'm not going to do this CrossFit stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I feel like this summer actually went by so fast. Like usually training during the summer is like the hardest part. And obviously, and it like goes by so slow and you just like want it to be the games already. But I'm like, how is it the games already went by really fast, which I feel like shows that it was fun. So I'm good. Yeah, that's a good sign. What will what will the move to the games be like? Do you go by plane or by car? And when do you go? I'm driving on Saturday. And will your dad drive you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:17 And just the two of you or more than just the two of you? My mom, me, and my dad are driving up Saturday and then my two sisters are coming later because they don't want to be there for like two weeks for nothing. And I don't compete till Thursday. Do you stay in a hotel near the venue? Yeah. And do you have your own room or do you have two joint rooms that are connected with your parents i was actually just talking to my mom about this because um we only have one room and so i was like oh gosh like this is gonna like we've always had one room and it's been fine
Starting point is 01:17:00 but i was like oh now that i'm in the elite division, I need a separate room so that I can, like, get my sleep and stuff. But she was like, I booked this before I even knew you qualified in the teenage division. So you can't blame me for only getting one room. Yes. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Hey, Will, I was talking to, I don't remember who I was talking about this,
Starting point is 01:17:29 but do your parents treat you differently during the games week? Like they know like to not do stuff like you're, it's at night. You just got back to your hotel room. You're laying in bed. You're getting ready to go to sleep. And she's like, your mom won't run over to you and be like, say hi to your grandmother and hand you the phone and you'll be like dude oh yeah they definitely don't mess with me okay all right yeah they're pretty good about it though yeah like like your
Starting point is 01:17:58 dad won't use your towel in the bathroom no this isn't like some family vacation you're like dad you use my towel like he knows like everyone tread lightly like i have a i'll bring food and they like will be so like timid to ask can i eat this and it's like apple or something yeah they should be yeah they definitely are it's probably scared of me during competition. I'm loving your mom and dad right now. Yeah, they should be. Dude, you're a Formula One race car. You're about to get out on the field.
Starting point is 01:18:33 You need to be very delicate tiptoe. Yeah. Man, and you know what's crazy for your parents? They know that this is the last year they get to stay in a room with you. Probably, yeah. They're devastated yeah they'll push it down and hide it but they're devastated they're devastated crazy they can't even believe olivia kerstetter is their daughter have to pinch themselves all right so you go there and then what do you do afterwards do you have something set up something fun um i mean not really i wish i could go on like a trip or something but i start school like a week after the games so can't really do anything god it sucks to be i mean oh cool that sounds fun your senior year yeah hey you're, you're going to come home.
Starting point is 01:19:30 You can't wait until the games are over because you're going to make an extra $100 because you get to babysit Jacob Hebner's Corkies. He's going to pay you $100. You can't wait, right? That's what I heard. Yeah. Sure. You knew I was making fun of you? No. I don't know. Hey, do you have a job do you have a job do you work at
Starting point is 01:19:49 like do you do you have a job i don't got time for that uh do you have you ever had a job no um did you have you ever babysat yeah've babysat, if that counts as a job. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. What did you babysit? Like kids. How old? I don't know, maybe four or five and like seven. four or five and like seven
Starting point is 01:20:24 sorry I apologize one second Sevan you asked the creepiest questions do you share a towel with your dad listen sorry you should plug your ears for this part Olivia listen asshole just cause you had some fucked up family growing up and you didn't have a fucking fun relationship with your family
Starting point is 01:20:43 doesn't mean it's creepy beat it put them on someone send them to do burpees people don't understand family i apologize there's a lot of dysfunctional people out there this is uh yeah babysitting counts babysitting counts i think babysitting totally counts did you enjoy that i mean yeah i feel like for a while it was fun for me to play with the kids and also get paid for it. Yeah, I like that too. I don't get paid for it. And who gets your coaches pass when you're at the games?
Starting point is 01:21:23 Shane. Oh, Shane Or Oh, no. Shane or. Yeah. And he'll be, he'll be in your ear. Like you'll have his eyeballs on you at the games. Yeah. You like that?
Starting point is 01:21:42 Yeah. I mean, he's the best. Yeah. the best yeah wow how intense we were joking that like he was like i have a pretty good reputation i'm six for six or something and i was like oh gosh gosh no pressure yeah oh crazy well hey uh i appreciate you coming on you are one cool human uh it's cool getting to see talk to you and um and and watch your journey every time you come on i feel a little uh happier younger like i like maybe some of my wrinkles went away you're you're such a cool vibe to you olivia thanks and uh and we'll see you at the crossover games congratulations you're you're an inspiration to us all ma'am yeah we'll see you there thank you all right ciao bye bye All right. Ciao. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Good job. Thank you. Killed it. Thank you. She's very sweet. Are you just taking a moment right now just a little little time there's funny there could be someone i really like in the comments and they could say something and it just sets me back like 10 years like on on me liking them like just i just want them to like you know what i mean like You overstepped the boundary. You overstepped your boundary. There it is. Now I need you.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Why you got to make it weird, Barry? Why you got to make it weird, Barry? Why you gotta make it weird? I don't know if I called her dear. Did I say see you later, dear? Seve, do you call her dear? I don't know. Did I say see you at the games, dear? I don't think you did.
Starting point is 01:24:04 No. I like see you at the games here? I don't think you did. No. I like when you said she's going to watch the interview in 20 years and you're going to get a kick out of it. Will you share a towel with me? Sure, I'll share a towel with you. Dude, how great was it she didn't even know who Tulsi Gabbard was? Amazing.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Yeah, that was awesome. Oh, maybe I said ma'am. We'll see you at the games, ma'am we'll see you at the games ma'am that's possible i use ma'am that's not right oh i called her a lot she's she's dope i like her a lot too yeah i really. I like her a lot, too. Yeah, I really liked her. I like Nick Matthew, too. Sucked that the connection was like that,
Starting point is 01:25:13 but I liked him more this time than last time. Nick? Yeah. Yeah, both those connections were... The delay makes it really rough. Yeah, the delay does make it... And how's it going to be talking to uh kayake cervini from fucking africa or wherever wherever he lives honestly probably great it'll probably be the best i'll just be walking around somewhere and wi-fi will be perfect where he's at
Starting point is 01:25:38 uh she uh she uh she broke uh she broke sevan uh sevan needs a cold beer. It was like pulling teeth. Time for a group hug. She's just young. Can't blame her. I enjoyed her. I was fine with it. I didn't mind.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I was totally fine with her. She was great. Yeah. That's like, I was totally fine with her. She was great. Yeah. I think it, I think it would have been a little bit different. How'd that connection been smoother too. I think she would have settled in a little bit more than you would have found a flow.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Yeah. But I, but I enjoyed her. I didn't, I'm not, I enjoyed her. I enjoyed both of them. I just,
Starting point is 01:26:19 they're not just ideal podcasts. I mean, obviously they're because of the delay but but i enjoyed both of them i'm not deja and tendu i'm back after a long trip happy to see live again wish i caught some from last week live back with a new pick though yeah that's nice back from a long trip stealing cars in texas and driving them down to belize i mean what like what do you mean long trip stealing cars in texas and driving them down to belize i mean what like what do you mean long trip and do you have a favorite interview thus far i enjoyed uh mano angones i enjoyed uh michelle bassnett yesterday even yesterday who's the second
Starting point is 01:27:03 guy we had on oh Oh, Jake Douglas. Jake Douglas. Yesterday, I was in weird form, like someone gave me mushrooms or something. I know. I was cracking up in the first show. Yeah, Judy Reed. Honestly, she seems like such an incredible teen. Her parents must be over the moon proud.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Yeah. Yeah. There's this weird thing. I can't explain it but judy i think senses it when you talk to someone like that who's so young and you have kids like i have these feelings that like i would have never had if i wasn't a parent like i just start empathizing not with her but with her parents i start tripping on how like giddy her parent i mean her parents are just over the moon yeah they
Starting point is 01:27:48 gotta be stoked yeah she's like and she sounds like she has a great head on her shoulders and yeah not yeah that's what yeah not just because she's so successful but she's clean and pure and like you did your job you got her to like she's fully capable and yeah she's she's dude that yeah she's gonna go through some shit in the next 10 years she's gonna it's she's gonna be amazing to watch yeah the same with me i was a fucking asshole at that age too yeah i don't sense any of that from her it's funny she has this con it's so she has a um a confidence in her that's so fucking strong that no one's seen yet not even her because she earned she's sitting on a wheelbarrow of gold that she earned and when she realizes that she's gonna be like oh my goodness yeah you're to talk about it a little bit when she said,
Starting point is 01:28:45 Oh, at the last workout in rogue, I felt like I really belonged. And then that took a little less time when I went to water Palooza, that'll happen in the off season, you know, where she's just like confident as hell and is ready to charge into the competition.
Starting point is 01:28:59 And none of it will be fake. None of it will be posturing. Right. Or she earned her, she earned her shit she just doesn't know it yet yeah i mean you already see uh shane already plucked her out shane or oh like yep we'll make you the next multi-games champion and you got such a long time like such a long timeline with her right she's only 17 10 years she'll only be 27 i mean that's a long time in
Starting point is 01:29:26 the game too crazy dude 17 17 bro nothing but time hey um i don't know what the word is biologically neurologically um i mean she's not even grown yet right oh bailey has a good point she's not even a ripe banana yet like if she's a banana you wouldn't she wouldn't even peel her you wouldn't even she's not even ready right she's yet she's already on the shelf at safeway uh who who where's what did bailey say oh you just mentioned the thing that seems to be happening with some of the teens that start really early. Like you said in the show, you asked her if she's feeling burnout or how does she feel about that.
Starting point is 01:30:12 I think that's definitely probably the biggest threat to all those athletes starting out really young like that. Yeah. uh yeah what i don't know i i don't know i don't even i can't even imagine what it's like growing up with like social media like it'd be nuts right i like I don't live a life around likes at all. Zero. Right. And yet probably 90% of the people I'm surrounded by look at likes. I just use that as one example.
Starting point is 01:30:57 So I don't, I don't even, so I want to say no, no, she'll be fine. But I don't even know what people are looking at these days. That's fucking with them. You mean like if they refresh their Instagram profile and there's a thousand less followers, that just ruins their day? Yeah, something like that. Yeah, people are seeing stuff. Yeah, like I know that if you take fentanyl, there's a chance and you OD on it, you're going to die.
Starting point is 01:31:17 But the stimulus that people are getting these days through their phones, I don't even know what it is. I don't even know. Yeah, it's kind of crazy, right? I look at views. Yeah, views are good. I look at views too. But I don't look at views in terms – I look at views –
Starting point is 01:31:37 I don't think I get my worth from views. Yeah, Fanny Spiegel said, like, you don't look at the likes on youtube channels like we we definitely do and we keep an eye on it but i guess it's not as like it doesn't weigh in on the factor of like if overall um how am i trying to wear this it doesn't take away from like our personal worth you know i i don't really look at likes on youtube at all but but i but i am aware that i only want likes to push the algorithm i don't i don't they have nothing to do with me how much money i have is way more important than how much likes i have right yeah famous people said you get paid from views yeah no there's a couple of things that go into it but overall
Starting point is 01:32:23 you're right but hopefully that's not paid but my point is is that i don't know what metrics they're using to that are out of people's control but someone like kerstetter has put so much in the bank that she earned right and i don't think most kids have done that but not i don't think i know most kids haven't right right right what did you earn well fucking i earned a six and a half minute mile i learned a 200 i earned a 200 pound snatch i mean she's earned some shit that no one's taken from her and uh i don't think most kids can that's so much more than i earned to clear level 7 on Super Mario Kart or whatever although that has its place too yeah and it's a constant comparison
Starting point is 01:33:10 right like you open up social media and you're just going to look at a bunch of people and you could easily start falling down the rabbit hole like oh man everybody's doing so much better than me you know I don't look that way I don't have these things therefore I must be yeah Mike said it personal validation I don't know I don't look that way. I don't have these things. Therefore, I must be – yeah, Mike said it, personal validation.
Starting point is 01:33:27 I don't know one person who got into expensive watches who it stuck. I think they all end up regretting it. I don't know one person. You get a rich friend, and all of a sudden, next thing you know, they have a $20,000 watch, then a $30,000 thing you know they have a $20,000 watch then a $30,000 watch then they have a $70,000 and then after like two years they're not even into watches anymore and you realize the whole thing is stupid and for a second when you see them going through that phase you're like I might want one of those and then you're just like no watches are stupid
Starting point is 01:33:57 I don't know anyone who will watch a watch habit has stuck it's complete idiocy I think well I mean it could be an investment depending on how you look at it i mean you outlier you're talking outlier yeah to sell the other idiot to sell the other idiots you're right you're right people who are obsessed with stuff everyone has stuff where's my stuff yeah yeah yeah for sure do you have any material possessions that you want or lean into?
Starting point is 01:34:26 Not that you can't live without, but just like... I love my phone. I love a phone. Camera equipment. Yeah, I like computers. I love coming in and seeing this rogue thing. But you know what? I love a full bag of coffee, too.
Starting point is 01:34:42 When Gabe sends me one of these, I feel rich feel rich yeah yeah you got your own blend the ceo blend dude this is like a week for this is drugs i used to love getting a brand new pack of cigarettes brand new brand new bag of weed all that stuff i used to love that stuff and when you smell like cigarettes did you take that one flip it upside down or whatever no you never did that but all the homies did yeah i'd always saw people my family that's my cigarettes i'd always like do that what was the point of that for luck that's what i was lucky cigarettes your last one i don't know fucking weird shit i have a lot of objects but i'm not are you overly attached to any of them
Starting point is 01:35:25 you don't want like the the big car like some fancy car nothing like that no g5 on the list for you so you could show off i would love a fucking uh g5 but not to show off but just so you can just be like i'm just going like i'm just flying over to your house landing yeah land over at the airport in livermore from watsonville yeah i definitely value like uh convenience and speed over like no luxury or yeah like even if it's not that fancy if it gets me there from point to point be a little bit quicker i'll take that those those head i that's not even those headphones and like come to my house and have those
Starting point is 01:36:05 I don't even want those I don't even know how that happened I'm not even a collector of headphones helicopter you need a helicopter so then when you're yelling at the kids in the morning you're like kids get to the choppa get to the choppa hey I'm gonna be on
Starting point is 01:36:24 dude Get to the job. Hey, I'm going to be on. Dude, I'm going to be on the CrossFit Games podcast with Chase. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Awesome. Hopefully everybody from the chat that's here now that's watching this show will go over there and like give that show a thumbs up. Watch it. Oh, yeah. this show will go over there and like give that show a thumbs up watch it oh yeah someone someone said it already someone sent me a things saying uh saying it already has like 30 thumbs up or something oh perfect well if 50 of our group did it now we could have 214 or yeah 214 thumbs ups where do you where do that's pretty funny where do you go? You go to a CrossFit games podcast,
Starting point is 01:37:06 CrossFit. Yeah. And then scroll all the way down to the very bottom of what the algorithm gives you. It's buried all the way down there. Um, let me see. I'll show you. We always go over there already.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Oh, it's already at the top. Notify me. And then I click on this. Yeah. Click it. See how many like oh already yeah hey was there comments there's already comments my goodness something happened dude because the first time i went in there hillar had left a comment i left a comment and then um they were gone and the comments were gone hillar did you see that someone just wrote who is Sevan?
Starting point is 01:37:45 Should I write the guy in bed with your mom? No, probably just play it cool. Probably just ignore it. What if it's true? Well, okay. Oh my goodness. Hey, we don't even look at our own comments we just go over
Starting point is 01:38:07 to the crossfit games podcast and look at their comments oh oh will said the comments disappear after a while okay good to know great it's already gotten nasty so all those will disappear anyways wait why do they disappear i don't know i thought i thought that maybe will say and will said that the comments disappeared beforehand after a while he said no one deleted them because when i caught i commented on there already and hillar had commented on there too and i saw those and so when i went back last night they were gone but will saying that that just happens hey someone told me that if i walk up to laura hor Horvat at the games and act like everything's totally cool, just like just man up and sack up, that she'll be totally cool. Yep.
Starting point is 01:38:51 I bet you she will. And if she's not, let's just make sure I'm there so I can capture it from a further point of view so we could see the interaction. So it can go viral when she punks me? Yeah, so if it goes viral. What if she taps me on the head like a dog? Just does it as a kind of third way. What if she taps me on the head like a dog? Dude, it would be kind of amazing if she put her hand on my face and just kind of mashed me, just pushed me away. Yeah. And I just like fell to the ground, like with my cameras and my leather.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Like she punked in Oompa Loompa. Got it. Oh. Yeah, you think a caved Astro, you think she's soft as a pillow on the inside? Yeah, maybe. That would be awesome. I think she's cool. If I do approach her like that, it will be so fake so fake like it'll be just me just like faking until i make it because i i definitely will be intimidated by her it's so it's like so much
Starting point is 01:39:52 different in person though too you know what i mean yeah like the in-person stuff is a lot different than you know the computer screen deal you're gonna give dan a hug who dan bailey i don't think I'll see Dan Bailey get to the floppa but I'd give Dan a hug sure from behind wherever side behind
Starting point is 01:40:18 whatever happens happens I'd hug his face people are calling Jake Douglas the thing from the Fantastic Four yeah it's like his third superhero reference I could see that
Starting point is 01:40:37 I could see that he's like the good looking version he's like the version that put lotion on his face Jake Douglas has like Liberace skin you know who Liberace is? the old piano player I can see that. He's like the good-looking version. He's like the version that put lotion on his face. Jake Douglas has like Liberace skin. You know who Liberace is, the old piano player? No, not well enough to know. Thank you, Lord, for it.
Starting point is 01:40:57 All right. I'm going to go eat, and then I'll be back here at 9 a.m. Are you going to be here at 9 a.m.? No, I will be leaving for Hayward in about 15, 20 minutes. Firefighters? Yep. Station 2 today. And then I'm probably going to – I should nap today or else I'm going to be a mess for Emily Rolfe and Jay Crouch. Yeah, and we have a double header this evening.
Starting point is 01:41:29 So Nick Matthew, Olivia Kerstetter, then Kaiki Cervini at 9. Then I'm trying to do – I'm going to eat breakfast now. I'm going to try to get in touch with Wad Zombie and do a second breakfast with him. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. And then Emily R rolf at 6 30 and then jay crouch at 7 15 yep barry at my house
Starting point is 01:41:56 um everyone all the towels are on just one giant rack. No one has a towel. So me and my four boys, no one has a towel in my house. And clock, there's nothing Joe Biden about that. That's just called man shit. People can put on time out the time yeah towels just hang in my bathroom and i just use whatever the fuck one i want and same with my kids no one cares no one's like needs their own towel there's no pussies in my house yeah we don't wash the dog ever. You don't brush your dog. You scratch them.
Starting point is 01:42:49 We don't use words like gross. We leash our cockroaches up at my house and walk them around, take them for a walk. We make cockroaches pets. When you could do that with bees. Put a leash on them yeah like you could like hit them and it stuns them and you put them in the freezer and then you pull them out and you can put a little lasso around them hey never i never did it but it was in um like one of the old like cky videos or whatever with bam margera and those those knuckleheads um uh i I think I've seen that. Will Branstetter, same way for us growing up.
Starting point is 01:43:29 You know why? Do you know why it was like that for Will? And Will's like a weird religious dude, right? That's like weird religious people shit. That's the weird part. Like I do a lot of weird shit that religious people do. Like we don't like, it's like tied to faith. How do you figure sharing towels is tied to faith? It just is. I'm just telling you. There's just shit. Like we don't like like it's like fate it's like tied to faith well how do you figure
Starting point is 01:43:45 sharing towels is tied to faith it just is i'm just telling you there's just shit like we don't give a fuck we walk around barefoot we're not afraid of shit because we got faith it's just a towel i'm clean i'm very clean my kids are clean yeah or three times a day. Yeah, clean towels. Yeah. Your religion is not weird, Dave. Yeah, Will is weird religious. I'm telling you, he's weird religious. I'm weird religious, but I'm not religious. That's the part that's weird.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Yeah, you don't get circumcised. None of that shit. So you know who used to do some crazy bug shit like that? He did it with – oh, look at – see, Jedediah Snelson. We did that, but I was on a farm. We had bigger problems to deal with. Yeah, thank you. Showering three times a day is horrible for you. Are kidding me it's not horrible for you at all i don't i don't i don't it's not like i wash
Starting point is 01:44:51 my hair and soap myself i just go in there and fucking rinse off sweaty mess like apparently hillar does he just rinses off he doesn't yeah i'll take it yeah it will of course no pop or anything weird religious is good it just means you're legit. Hey, that could be true about Hiller and the soap and the shower thing. No, it is true. He doesn't smell or anything, though. I know, but he's got a little hippie granola in him,
Starting point is 01:45:16 which is weird. He's very pure. He's a purist. You'd think there'd be some sort of odor, but I've never do you use deodorant you don't use deodorant do you the fuck no i don't really wait i don't use deodorant either maybe i smell bad though i own deodorant though like like like i would wear it in like some sort of there's some circumstance i would wear it i don't know what it is like maybe
Starting point is 01:45:42 if i put on a dress shirt or something. Good call. This is kind of a crazy story. Mike McCaskey says, what did Mike say? He said he probably shares toilet paper before throwing it away. No, that would be disgusting. We're rough times out'm out here bro we're rough times okay that would be disgusting but i did i was in a public restroom recently and i they ran out of toilet paper and i and i wanted one more wipe i can't believe i'm going to tell this story. So I pulled out the cardboard roll.
Starting point is 01:46:34 And I tried to hold the roll. I just want to just make sure. And I tried to hold the roll like. Wait, did you split it open or did you just hold it? No, no, no. It's still intact. No, it's still intact. like wait did you split it open or did you just no no no intact no still intact so how did you and i tried to i just tried to like wipe the roll against my like sphincter the cheerio how'd that go it didn't work and and it was like i actually kind of embarrassed myself you ever been by yourself and you embarrass yourself?
Starting point is 01:47:07 I think I blushed. I think I made myself blush. Oh, my goodness. Well, look, I'm getting some support. I support that decision. I mean, it was Mrs. Burns. But I'm 51 and I was like, it was at the skate park in in sunnyvale i got one i got one wipe in and then there was and you know that that last piece of white toilet paper that's on the roll it's like it was still on there like i didn't so i kind of justified
Starting point is 01:47:39 it like that but i didn't get like i and then i looked at it and there was nothing on it or nothing and i and i threw it in the trash and somehow you cut your butthole with it i it was a failed mission i felt i felt a little dumber for um oh dude i felt a little dumber for trying it they didn't have like any like the paper towels for your hands that you could have just subbed out? Probably. But it was a public restroom at the skate park. It was a two-shooter. Oh, got it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:14 So it wasn't a single. Okay. Okay. I had to come out. But you know, I've never seen anyone in that bathroom. So I legit could probably have gotten up and like, yeah. It had been the one time somebody did come in there. Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 01:48:27 I don't need analytics. I just need these stories. Oh, man. That's good stuff. It's amazing that you can still come up with inventive stuff like that at 51. Hey, dude. Everybody's got one of those stories, I'm sure. I got caught in Seattle one time without a bathroom at one of my cousin's baseball games and had to take a dump in the woods.
Starting point is 01:48:58 Just at the baseball game? Just run off into the woods? Yeah. Did you bring toilet paper with you? No. Oh, man. run off into the woods yeah did you bring toilet paper with you no oh man nope had to leave the boxers behind in the woods oh oh oh that's cool that's cool okay yeah yeah we just started hurting and it was going down i was i was probably like 15 or something like that so that means you had to take your pants off.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Yeah. And your shoes. Down around the ankles, completely off. Hey, you know what sucks about those situations is there's always a chance in those situations because it's so desperate. It's one of those shits that you could have to go again. So you just use your boxers, you wipe, you pull your pants up, and then if you get the gurgling again, you're like, oh, shit. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:49:50 Yeah, you'll get it. Oh, no. One and done there. Oh, no. One and done there. I was free-balling in the woods. We had a hunter leave his drawers and his shirt he wiped with outside the stand. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:50:11 Oh, my goodness. Sevan, I stole your bidet already. Yeah, I mean, at the rate sponsors are jumping on, I might have a bidet soon. Yeah. Holy cow, it's been a crazy month god bless crossfit and behind the scenes and this two years of work wow i just so i just wore these for an hour and 40 minutes hey if you feel i mean they always feel great when i take them off i mean they feel great when they're on.
Starting point is 01:50:48 What's weird is my toes are actually, they stay separated for a little bit. Do you know what it is when you take them off, you actually feel like air going between your toes for a little while, which you normally don't feel? Because your toes are usually like touching each other? Then they're like this. Hence the name Toe Spacer, huh? Nick Matthew,
Starting point is 01:51:10 yeah. Nick Matthew, Daniel Brandon, Alex Kazan. There's someone else. BKG. Oh, BKG. Yeah, I think all of them are. I had a list. Oh, shit shit that was LeBron's son I did see that I didn't know that was LeBron's son oh
Starting point is 01:51:32 wow oh this is a great this is a great wow are you pretty impressed with will yeah i've always been impressed with will yeah it's crazy it is great he is something else hey dude will i'll tell you the story but first i want to tell you the story i should maybe i should put in my great glassman notes but about catching things greg i've seen greg catch lizards a hundred times by taking a really long weed and making a
Starting point is 01:52:10 lasso at the end and then he slips it around the lizard's neck and catches him and then pulls him up he's really good at catching lizards like with just a long piece of weed it's really crazy it's like we just be outside of a fucking hotel room at the four seasons and he'd see a blue belly and be like watch this and grab a weed out of the bushes make a little lasso and catch the lizard um but um uh will there was this um there was this contest that uh tabasco hot sauce was having and they were going to give a million dollars to any of their employees i think of their employee you had to be an employee there to enter and you could win a million dollars or something crazy like that if you taught them how to – or if you came up with an idea that would sell more Tabasco sauce. So all the employees are just putting in all these ideas for ad campaigns and mascots and changing the ingredients. And do you know what won? you might be too young to know this
Starting point is 01:53:06 susan do you know which one won no i was trying to see if we could pull something up on it but the guy made the hole at the top of the bottle bigger so more more comes out more comes out faster and when i was a kid tabasco was impossible to get out dude you had to war with the bottle. And then one day it wasn't like that anymore. You just give it a couple of shakes and the shit pours out. And so that's the kind of shit. We'll just crack the code on toe spacers.
Starting point is 01:53:36 They need – they want to triple their sales. They need three levels of toe spacers. Yeah, like scaled RX and RX plus. Yes. Yes. Clip it. Clip it, Jay Postis. This is free.
Starting point is 01:53:54 This is crazy. Cave Dastro, making the hole bigger is always a winning idea. Thank you. I mean, this is brilliant. Do you agree with me that it's brilliant what he just said? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just tripled their sales. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:12 Make one that's smaller than this and one that's bigger than this. And hey, you know what else? If I were to give them something too, I would like one that's like a little bit longer. It would be harder to put on, but one that traverses up the whole length of the toe man god will you're good hey they got um they got two pieces of uh intel on the um of Intel on the Scribble and Scribble and
Starting point is 01:54:47 Shut Up and Scribble. Shut Up and Scribble. They got two pieces coming out tomorrow that probably no one else knows about. Thursday? Oh, is it Thursday? Well, shit. By the time that show comes out,
Starting point is 01:54:57 probably everyone will know. They should do the show earlier. They should do it today. A7S3 Get it out it today. A7S3. Get it out there. And A7R4. Just ask me which cameras I'm shooting on. Who did?
Starting point is 01:55:15 Mariah. Oh. Mariah Moore. She's already bossing me around and shit. I like it. I like being bossed around. All these people bossing me around and shit i like it i like being bossed around all these people bossing me around now listen when they're in the corral if they look focused don't go up and talk to them okay hold on let me write that down never i never interviewed anyone before yeah focused and they're in the corral leave them alone okay kind of check oh wow yeah what would you have done without that piece yeah thank
Starting point is 01:55:47 you hey so i was trying to school hiller on cameras telling him that you can't shoot 4k at 120 frames per second unless you have the special card that's called the cf express card and he's like nah dude it's not like that anymore i'm like yeah it is he's like nah it's not they made an sd card that can capture at that speed i'm like no they didn't five seconds later he sends me a link and an article and a video and like now what bitch i'm like oh here's all my references right i haven't used the camera in four years oops and uh and then so someone on the internet sent me a dm and they're like hey dude i know you keep bragging about how you're gonna shoot 4k 120 but you're gonna need a lot of cf express cards and like a jackass of course i'd already bought and fucking eight of them and they're expensive right and i'm like nope dude
Starting point is 01:56:35 sorry and i said the same thing to andrew hiller and he unfucked me but i let the guy i let it go back and forth a few dms before i like i dropped the bomb on him i let him like posture on me and like try to school me yeah i mean he would school and i was like by the way did you know that you can't get these sd cards that shooting 4k and that was great like hillar punked me and then i got to take his knowledge and punk someone else perfect oh here we go oh shut up andrew there's a certain codec that you need the express card for though just figured that out oh really so i was right oh wow look at you back on top so i was right hillar if you want to shoot at the highest quality you do need an express card nerds boom boom boom all right I gotta run I gotta jam are you working for HQ now or supporting
Starting point is 01:57:29 as a contractor what are my other choices I'm not doing either of those I'm not working for HQ or supporting as a contractor where have you been Barry more choices
Starting point is 01:57:43 Seve you better not uh fuck this up bye susan um i know i thought about that too i i don't think that there's any i mean i could get home and like my all my audio is fucked i mean i i'm so good at this. I just can't imagine fucking it up. It's so in my, I just love doing what I'm about to do. I love the people I'm going to work with. I love the athletes. I love so much of the game staff. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:58:20 The people there are going to be great. I can't imagine. I'm so filled with like excitement and happiness and patience and love for this. I think I'm good. Yeah, Hiller knows his shit for sure. I rented the S3 yesterday for secondary. Oh, nice. Okay.
Starting point is 01:58:41 Allows for more color correction while editing. Yes, technically you win, but you can shoot 4K 120. Oh, okay. more color correction while editing yes technically you in but you can shoot 4k 120 oh okay so in that and mariah is already telling me that we're going to shoot like an s-log or some shit where they do she can get a greater dynamic field and um then allow her to do more shit in post for color correction fine yeah there's a... Neither of these... I'm not doing either of these, Barry.
Starting point is 01:59:08 I'm not working for HQ or supporting as a contractor. But I am making the behind the scenes with Mariah Moore, Patrick Rios, Andrew Hiller, Caleb Beaver, Matt Souza, and a shitload of other the cool thing about all of this um there's probably end up being like 20 people who end up working on it because with
Starting point is 01:59:34 there's so much um there are so many outside media sources there and so like people will say so people are everyone's being so supportive people will say that people are, everyone's being so supportive. People will say stuff like, um, Hey, if the athlete I'm following gets cut, um, uh, I'll shoot for you. Or people are even saying this, you know, like someone might be there, like, um, someone might be there like filming with Colton Mertens and they, they, they'll be like, Hey, by the way, you can use my footage to in the behind the scenes too. Like everyone's being so cool. I really like it.
Starting point is 02:00:10 Yeah, I shoot in whatever, I don't mess with any of that stuff. But I will, I'll take direction from Mariah this weekend. Or next weekend, whatever it is, next week. or next weekend, whatever it is next week. But I normally just shoot in whatever the default, um, is on the Sony camera for,
Starting point is 02:00:30 for color. Yeah. Teddy, I may hypothetically, I made that up. I don't remember if Teddy actually told me that he, I can use this footage, but, but it's like that.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Just like if I had some slow-mo of Colton and he wanted it for his, I would give it to him. So. Who has creative control, you or Mariah? I'm not sure what that means, but it's my project. I mean, I can film the whole thing and throw it all away. I'm not obligated to anyone. Well, except to Sarah Cox, who's paying for it.
Starting point is 02:01:07 California CA Peptides. That's why I wouldn't throw it away. I made a promise to her that I would go out there and kick ass. She said, yeah, let's do it. I want to play. I want to be part of it. I was like, oh, thank you. I want to play.
Starting point is 02:01:21 I want to be part of it. It's like, oh, thank you. So she pays for food and hotel and I spent $3,000 on new cards and some other doodads for my camera. Get out there and kick ass. Meet Olivia Kerstetter in person. Get some behind the scenes with her. All right. I guess I'll see you.
Starting point is 02:01:50 I'm going to go eat. I'll see you guys in 45 minutes. Kaikei surveni. All right. Talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.

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