The Sevan Podcast - Official 2023 Rogue Invitational | Finale Show

Episode Date: October 31, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ooh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Eww. Ooh, must be mating season.
Starting point is 00:00:50 And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Holy shit. Have we ever seen thing more suspenseful
Starting point is 00:01:08 the daniel brain of potentially having a wardrobe malfunction during that last event i mean the internets were shaking when that was going on right dude how great of a finish was that i mean what you mean wardrobe malfunction? I didn't watch her heat. You missed out, brother. Yeah, you really missed out. It'll be on a story. Was she pulling a Beyonce? Who was that who had the fricking nip slip in a
Starting point is 00:01:36 concert? It was Jackson. Yeah, Janet Jackson. Janet Jackson. I think they're waiting for the men's scores to become official here and they'll announce the winners but I do believe we have the updated
Starting point is 00:01:51 women's leaderboard let's go ahead and bring that up so for those of you who joined us we just finished the final event here at Rogue it was 3 rounds of 25 double unders in power cleans at 225 for the men 155 for the women 2 rounds of 25 double-unders in power cleans at 225 for the men, 155
Starting point is 00:02:05 for the women. Two rounds of 25 dubs in five squat cleans at the 225 155 weight in one round of 25 dubs in five clean jerks at 225. They've just completed nine events
Starting point is 00:02:20 through this weekend. Insane. And we've had, oh, maybe. As Caleb's looking up here, it was a tight, tight, tight race. I haven't even looked at the official standings of the women yet. I'm going to react a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Maybe we should talk about the women first while they're doing the men's over there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's do it. We got the women's leaderboard coming up. Heidi Kroom. the men's over there yeah yeah let's do it we got the uh woman's leaderboard coming up heidi krum no savvy what an outrage you knew this was coming you watch it don't be mad don't be mad give me he'll be here we go worry don't you worry oh yes oh man, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Wow. So I almost got it right.
Starting point is 00:03:12 With the pick. Okay, so let's roll down this. We got Laura Horvath in first place by 10 points over Tia Claire Toomey Orr. Oh, man. by 10 points over Tia Claire Toomey Orr. Oh, man. And then in third place, we have Emma Lawson at 650 points. Gabrielle Amigala. Wow, I screwed that one up. At 630 points, and Alice Kazan in fifth place
Starting point is 00:03:37 to round up our top five with 590 points. Taylor, are you stoked this show took out this way or what? Talk to me, buddy. I feel like this probably feels better than winning the games for Laura. Why? Why do you say that? Because she beat the six-time CrossFit Games champion, and that's, I think, the first time she's beat her at a competition overall.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And I would imagine that feels better than beating whoever she beat at the games this past year, especially with the monkey on her back. Like she said in the post event interview of people saying, ah, the only reason you won was because Tia wasn't there. And she had handstand pushups to deal with. And she had handstand pushups and 500.
Starting point is 00:04:19 We don't know that she's bad at handstand walking. I'm not sure that that's ever been a thing, but 80 handstand pushupsups, recovered from that. Dude, I hope she goes back and watches the video. I mean, knowing that you won, like, cool, you won. That was a big deal for sure. Watching, we have never, not one time, ever seen Tia break like she broke. missed that rep she couldn't get it up she couldn't get the lockout bar came down and she stopped she stepped back yeah head went down and i was like
Starting point is 00:04:54 oh shit like that's you know and all the you know had a kid and all that stuff aside i mean i get it i i understand all that but that's that is we've never ever ever seen a mental break and that was a mental break like she i mean she stopped we've never seen that before i mean it's kind of it's like the biggest thing is when we saw rich walk on the triple threes you know it's like what the hell is going on right now you know yeah so i think that that i think that that is i think that moment is even a bigger i mean maybe in the in the sport space necessarily uh for for us is that was a that was a giant moment that was huge and i have a uh quote here from here from a wise individual. She was at the uppermost limit of her current capacity, and Laura wasn't close.
Starting point is 00:05:54 She's just not in peak shape, understandably so. Laura did not look rushed in the leash. She dictated the pace, and she dictated Tia's pace. 100%. 100%. And yeah, that's not taking anything away from i mean you you could say it a million times we get it she she had a baby you know there's no way she's going to be back to full uh you know full capacity and i think that she was looking i think she wanted to try to put the try to put the pressure on laura and was to go, okay, fine, I'll go rep for rep
Starting point is 00:06:26 and stayed right on it. But you saw that one little double bounce on the squat clean, the last one, and it was like, okay, here we go. And that was the moment where it started to quiver before she broke. Yeah, you definitely saw it in that last squat clean. Like, it just, the fight got taken out of her after that. The pace slowed, and she knew it was over with um caleb let's scroll down uh uh a little bit more so we could
Starting point is 00:06:50 see some of the other women in the um top 10 what it rounded out to i don't know if i'm laura i'm nervous for the games hell yes dude are you kidding me and if i'm tia i'm furious i mean did that that literally that just did that, that literally, that just, that, that whole, that whole scene right there. We,
Starting point is 00:07:09 I mean, we talked about it. We wanted Laura to win before just the sport of CrossFit, right? We, we didn't want it to be that, that, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:17 Tia can't be, it can't be, it is completely untouchable, but you're right. I think that the fact that she was that close that you know this early in the game fuck yeah and like kayla said dude she's got enough fuel now to uh to motivate herself through some training i do believe coming into the crossfit games um okay so our top 10 emma carrie in sixth place with 550 points seventh placeventh place, Daniel Brandon with 540 points.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Eighth place, Ariel Lohan at 510. Danny Spiegel in the top 10 with ninth place with 505 points. And Manon Agones. God, I'm terrible at pronouncing these. Tenth place, 460 points. Okay. So that's going to round out the top 10 for the women. Any surprises
Starting point is 00:08:06 in this at all? Any notable surprises? Spiegel inside the top 10 for me, that's I think better than I thought. I was going to say, I think the surprise for me is Danny Spiegel in the top 10, for sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:25 The way she handled that, I mean, seeing her excel on some of the events, like the duel, and then I would have, I was expecting more on this last event for her. I didn't see it. But stoked on
Starting point is 00:08:41 Emma Lawson, though. Damn. She crushed it. She's so good third third two times in a row yeah daniel brandon climbing from the bottom 10 over the last day or two has been pretty impressive i think as well because wasn't she like 16th or 17th at the end of day two or something yep yep and then look at her last four scores. I mean, 16th, obviously not the best,
Starting point is 00:09:06 but then an eighth of first and then a fourth, which helped out trying to quite a bit to get into that position there. I think, I think that's huge for her. I think it shows a bit of maturity and starting the weekend really, really poorly. And then being able to claim climb and finish a quite a bit stronger. I think it's huge for her.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I also can't say that we saw like a, a stereotypical meltdown or like some sort of like outlash or something at any of the judges or anything any reps that she maybe done improperly i think she did pretty well so yeah back to the maturity point for sure agreed and and i look at her two worst finishes the one rm deadlift um the heavy back squat event two things we know she's quite a bit weaker at it's not like she had an event that she should have been good at and took a huge whiff um so good weekend for her overall i think totally yeah yeah i think so too but yeah great great point there caleb you normally usually in these events there's something that happens where
Starting point is 00:10:00 there's some sort of uh some sort of outlash, if you will. Okay, I don't think the men's leaderboard has been updated yet. Has it? Do you think they changed this? No. I'm a bit late to the bar. Do you think they changed this workout at all with the weather? They did. Was this the original workout?
Starting point is 00:10:19 I think they changed the location. I'm not so sure if they changed the actual workout itself. All right, I'm just asking if you think there's any difference in the actual workout itself. No, I don't think so. No, I just, I just think they shifted locations. Bill thoughts on the changes from the first two workouts of today. Uh, um, I, I think it ended up fine.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I was glad that they had everybody going in the rain. They did what they had to do to keep it moving, and I think that was fine. I think that adding the handstand walk in there, I wish they would have made it unbroken. What was the... Oh, that's right. They lowered the weight of this workout. Was it supposed to be 275? Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Oh, yeah. The graphic did say 175. I looked back and saw that the... Yeah, for the women, it's supposed to be 175. And then right as they started, they changed the graphic to 155 and restated that the workout was going to be done at 155 instead.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Why didn't they change the loading? Well, did they change the loading or was it just a typo on the graphic? I think the announcer, the broadcaster said they changed the loading. Oh, he did. That's what the broadcast said. It was stated. Okay. And that went down from 175 to 155.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Which is quite a decrease in load. And I would assume because everyone did fucking 100 deadlifts last night at their 1RM. You think it would have mattered? Oh, dude, if it was 175? No, I think it was 175. The outcome doesn't change. Laura probably beats Tia by even more.
Starting point is 00:11:57 But I do think it is a completely different workout at 175 and it's way slower. Way slower. The intensity would not nearly be as there. And, I mean, look at how many of those athletes failed the reps. I mean, Emma Lawson failed one. Tia failed one. We saw Pat fail, but two.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Pat failed, yeah. We saw a handful of other ones. Will Morad failed. Daniel Brandon almost failed one. I mean, there were a lot of fails and i i think we saw that because of the fact that the weight was brought down so it really forced everybody into that the the higher echelon of the of that intensity realm um were just i think a lot of people don't don't go heidi give me a break. Did I freeze again? Yes, you are frozen.
Starting point is 00:12:47 What the heck? Why is that? Your audio sounds great. I'm jumping out and coming back again. God dang it. Perfect. We have a replacement. Just like that. Upgraded.
Starting point is 00:13:03 How much do you bring old people on the show? So Chase, your take on the, uh, we, we started with the women there, the top three, we got Laura Tia and Emma Lawson to round out our podium surprised at this. I mean, I called it before the, uh, he started. So no, I mean, that's a great podium.
Starting point is 00:13:25 You look at if you take what happened at the games last year and give everybody their due going into this. I mean, that's probably the podium you're looking at just from an outside perspective. I'm impressed with Lawson did because there wasn't as much fanfare around it like the games. She was never in the lead at any time, but just, I mean, look at that consistency fifth i mean one finish
Starting point is 00:13:48 outside the top 10 like that's how you podium and that's how you hang with two of the best in the sport right now dude she's so damn composed all the time yeah yeah 18 18 19 yeah like that's how you hang the rest of the field is fucked. Right. 100 points out. Are they fucked? Are they fucked, dude? I always come back to this question. She's 19, right?
Starting point is 00:14:12 Right. What happened to Mal? What happened to Haley? I'm not saying it's going to happen to her, but I'm just saying, is it that? She's not training in those places. She's not out of her element. She's with her family.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Like she went to prom. Like she's being a high school kid as a normal person and not sitting in a training camp training their life away. Well, I think if that's – I have no idea. a super interesting, call it a case study, in five years to see how different her trajectory is in comparison to Mal or Haley. It's early, right? I mean, it's early. Because I think that's what's missing from Mal and Haley. For sure, I think that's what's missing. If you look at those other two,
Starting point is 00:14:58 if you look at Mal and Haley and compare how they even just talked on interviews, I mean, the composure is completely different between Emma and the other two girls. I mean, they're all great athletes, obviously. I mean, they have an amazing set of tools to work with. But it's a matter of like kind of watching Emma as she's preparing for the the event how she handles herself during the event watching certain things happen and does she like it does it look like her head blows up because she just gets totally frustrated or does she just shut down or does
Starting point is 00:15:36 she have some sort of a an emotional blow i don't see any she seems so just even keeled which is i don't see emotion period she's robotic i don't i don't see that i don't see that she had emotion at the games or i think it was like second to last event maybe it's after the poll event before the finale when she knew she had basically lost first place to laura like she had her emotional moment but i think the emotion is it's not having emotion or crying it's being able to come back from that like that's when you have your emotions in check i mean aside from bill but like me and taylor i think we're pretty we feed off our emotions a little bit right that's just because i'm a little older i was
Starting point is 00:16:17 doing the same age too so you're good you're good it's okay to have emotions it's okay to get set it's okay to cry it's okay to you know but to reel it back in shows control of those emotions well yeah it is are you going to be led by those right i mean it's okay it's okay to be pissed it's okay to like you'd be frustrated but if that completely shuts your entire momentum down and i haven't seen that from her yet i i also think like when what chase said about her going to prom probably to me is like the biggest difference because I think you understanding as a person, there's more to life than just this. There's more to who you are than just this is what allows you to handle bad days a whole lot differently than the people who don't have anything else. You have nothing else and you
Starting point is 00:17:03 have a bad day. It's like that like crushes you. What are you? Yeah, exactly. That's a good point, dude. Yeah, that's great. And you could tell right when that was said, and you're like, yeah, she went to prom. Taylor, I think something clicked and he's like, wait.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Oh. So different, so different. I never went to prom. I was expelled. So I was having fun on my, I was having like an at-home prom by myself. It sounds intimate, intimate. Sousa, there's more to life than CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Jeff, your head would spin with how much I do, brother. Come on, come over and check it out. I got, I got, I got a lot going on now. Diverse, diverse. Yeah, I am. I am as diverse as CrossFit hires. Alex, so many attendees were upset about the concourse. I heard in the comments that they didn't announce it to the people that were there,
Starting point is 00:17:52 that they moved location of the workout. With what? Chopping barbells really loudly and people like, huh? They just started building something on a concourse and everybody's like, huh, I wonder what that's going to be. And then everybody just kind of piled in over there. Caleb, did you get a chance to see it? Did you go over there?
Starting point is 00:18:07 I did. I went and looked at it. I was probably 10 people deep. I tried to crane my head over. I couldn't really see much. Then a bunch of people started bringing chairs over and standing on the chairs to look over everybody else. Then eventually I just turned around and watched the billboard from the outfield from home plate and just kind of watched it from there as i
Starting point is 00:18:29 listened to barbells behind me was there a lot of people there was it super crowded like if you i guess the question should rather be phrased if you were right up in front were you pretty much screwed like you couldn't see anything you had to go watch it on the on the jumbotron if i was in the front of all of if if I was, like, on the fence, I could see everything. But if I was behind five people, I couldn't see shit. And you're not short. I'm not short.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I am 60. Definitely not short. If he's seen over a crowd, anybody seen over a crowd, it's going to be Caleb. Okay, do we have the final – the men's leaderboard is still not up. What do you think Sevan does at the game when the Bears are on defense? You know, the guy goes to the bathroom and like occupies himself for 30 minutes. I bet he asked what his item is.
Starting point is 00:19:13 He's like, what position does he play on this side of the? What position does he play on this side? Oh, my goodness. Okay, so we still have no updated leaderboard. Wow. Crazy. I mean, the shakeup is, there's got to be a shakeup going on, right? So as it stands right now, please note that event nine –
Starting point is 00:19:33 yeah, the final event, event nine is not in yet. And we have Pat Vellner in first at 6.05, Jeffrey Adler in second at 5.40, Brent Fikowski at 5.25, Roman at 5.15,, Jason Hopper at 505 for our top five guys. I don't think people got in between Vellner and – Pat took 10th in the workout. Wait. I thought Pat took 10th in that workout. No.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Susan, did you see that video I sent you? No. Did you send me a video? I sent you the video where you find out who got fourth. Right, right, right. Brent took fourth. We're breaking it here. Breaking news. Chase broke it. He you the video we find out who got fourth right all right brent took fourth we're breaking it here breaking news chase broke it he sent the video all right maybe caleb will uh whip that up for us no it's for sure it's true but i think that it's gotta be it's gotta be i saw it i saw it too dude i think velner took second because he took 10th in that workout right no no still be
Starting point is 00:20:26 leaderboard updated 55 points 50 see so this is event nine results this was the cleanup event jeffrey adler was in first roman in second dallin pepper in third bre Brent Fikowski in fourth, Travis Mayer in fifth, Noah Olsen in sixth, Ricky Gard in seventh, Lazar Jukic in eighth, Jay Crouch in ninth, and all the way down in tenth for this event. Kiki interviewed Pat and told him he was the champion. That's why I'm late. I stayed and watched the broadcast, and they interviewed Pat as the champion,
Starting point is 00:21:02 and then they just stopped it. Oh, shit. You didn't get anything else. Pat, you're the champ. Yeah, we have an updated leaderboard now, so if we bring it here, we can see. All right, dude. I didn't do my back of the napkin math. Do the back of the napkin.
Starting point is 00:21:18 All right, so watch Rakowski right there in the middle. He holds up his hands because his coach is telling him. Four. And then he goes. The tear. You see the tear. Not the shirt, but the eye tear. I can't think of a differentiating name.
Starting point is 00:21:38 We got our men's leaderboard updated. Can we show that here? We'll go through these. Relax, Heidi. Heidi's got that angst from damn heidi chill i i think heidi she accused me of being drunk oh i don't know why but i thought they tied i think she was projecting there a little bit wow wow way dude official results pat belner 660 points second place is jeffrey either at 640 third place is
Starting point is 00:22:09 roman klinikoff 610 points brent fikowski they tied with points at 610 for fourth place for brent fifth place for ricky gerrard at 565 and didn't we have a little bet going with sixth place in Travis Mayer? Yes. Yes, we did. Wow. John Young called it. 5-1, right? That man. Oh, my God. You know what John Young didn't call? Singles on
Starting point is 00:22:38 the cleans. Oh, he thought everyone was going to go touch and go? Yes. It's because he's a dumbass. I said if you didn't go on broken, you were going to lose. Oh, he thought everyone was going to go touch and go? Yes. It's because he's a dumbass. I said if you didn't go unbroken, you were going to lose. Oh, shot, dude. Bold statement there. Okay, so we have our podium finishers. Taylor, what are you thinking?
Starting point is 00:22:56 I think Pat barely held on. I looked through the middle of the competition and then a final day. I think the final day is very indicative of his general weakness as an athlete he's uh this is relative obviously he's one of the fittest people on earth but compared to the field he has overhead limitations that you see quite a bit on like heavy jerk events and he failed a cleaning jerk here just like he did last year if you remember shuttle to overhead he had a lot of issues with that event today we had 500 feet of handstand walking 40 essentially cleaning jerks with the fat bells and then finishing with those five super crucial cleaning jerks at the 225 bar i think is why we see that
Starting point is 00:23:35 9 10 10 but it's just interesting to see his placements versus adler's adler with two event wins just not quite as consistent in the top five. I mean, Belner with one, two, three, four, five. Five top fives. Crazy. How old's Pat now? 32, 33. 33.
Starting point is 00:23:56 So does Roman get the tiebreak because he has that first place? Is that how that works? Yep. Yep. Wow. Chase, podium finishers or top five men? Comments? Top five. I think this was my top five just not in this order wow i i had i had actually i think i had ricky roman adler um and then fukowski and velner as four and five but damn velner every time you count them out man
Starting point is 00:24:24 that old dog just freaking comes in there and just clauses right back. I feel like he probably wins by more if it's the pegboard and that workout rather than the handstand walking. I agree there. And it's crazy to think about how much the weather affected those events, right, with the rope climb being taken out, the pegboard being taken out. Speculation here, if those things were still in it, would this top five still be exactly the same as how it would or do you think it would it would shake out differently
Starting point is 00:24:52 those points are pretty close man i mean you you you change one little movement like that and that's gonna that could definitely up uh take the whole group and just turn it on its head. I think if it's a legless rope climb in the duel, I think Adler maybe wins that workout because he's one of the best in the world at legless. Like his speed up a rope, if you go watch Bike Repeater and how he catches Matt Frazier and his speed up a rope, there's like maybe Justin. And that's about the only two people in the world I can think of that climb a rope that fast. J.R. Howell, too. I thought it was just because he had that cool helmet on when he was doing it. Where did Hopper finish?
Starting point is 00:25:31 Eighth? Ninth? Or did he just bomb it on the last one? We got Paul and Jason Hopper in seventh. Dallin Pepper in eighth. I mean, he catapulted himself up. Dallin's last day. Look at that. First, fourth, and third. Damn.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Huge. That's awesome. So his last four events was an 11th, a first, a fourth, and then a third. Noah. Noah rounds off our top 10. So Jake Crouch in ninth at 540 points. And Noah Olsen sneaks in that top 10 with 530 points. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:02 So all the usual suspects. Is anybody in that top 10 or not in that top 10 that we expected to be? BKG. BKG here is in 12th with 475 points. I don't ever expect him to win, but when I see him in 12th, I'm like, damn, that's not that great for him. Where's Chandler? Yeah, Chandler.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Big whoa. Especially in the last workout, too too i was expecting him to do quite his movement was crap i know it's crap on that last movement on that last event gosh it's so frustrating at least he's consistent there that's that's like ability is there too like his mobility dude he curled itled it. His arms never went straight. He goes straight because I saw him straight on the deadlift yesterday. I can go straight. Right. I think that's an example of as a coach, like you have the ability,
Starting point is 00:26:56 if he's willing to be coached, to take him to a different level by taking a handful of steps back. You take tens, you take whatever, three, different level by taking a handful of steps back you take tens you take whatever three four even steps back for the entire offseason to make some exponential leaps going forward if you fix his fundamentals and technique if i was noah and i was planning on going on a team with him that's exactly what i would do i'd be like dude you are never allowed to bend your arms again on these cleans ever do you think noah's the person to say that though you guys think that early on benefited the least of the changes in the programming is chandler based off that
Starting point is 00:27:33 in the duel in that 16th place finish in the handstand walk yeah you put a rope climb in there i feel like that helps him at least get out of the first five i don't think he has the speed and athleticism to get out of in the second round but peg boards versus a handstand walk right yeah better for him yeah hey did you guys notice scroll back up just a little bit more for me please caleb and it looked like jasonper and I forgot who that was, was tied for points. Yeah. They both down. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:07 But they both had a first place finish. So how does that work? The next place finish third, third, fourth, fourth, fourth, sixth.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah. So it just keeps going down the line. So he had, so Jason had two fourths. Dallin only had one fourth. And then that's where the tie break was for those two right third one that's awesome wow it's crazy yeah that is nuts have we've ever seen ties and points before not not at this high of a level of competition i don't think
Starting point is 00:28:39 i'll scroll all the way to the top i think this is interesting it was mentioned before but look at not a single athlete escaped the event without a finish outside the top 10 i know right yeah you're right so they just exposed i mean they just had the bra i guess just finding holes in athletes' fitnesses. Pat didn't win an event. Right, which is crazy. Oh, shit. You're right. Yeah, Pat's standings, 13th, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 3rd, 9th, 10th, 10th.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And Jeffrey Abermeyer has two events. Look for it. Started it and ended. Yeah, but those five top five are huge. Wow. That is crazy. Caleb's giving some love out over there.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I'm impressed with Ricky's resilience. He just hung in there. He hung in there the whole time. He, to me, just watching casually was not a top five. Pro spotters to back me up? That's crypto on Kraken. Powerful crypto tools backed by 24-7 support and multi-layered security.
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Starting point is 00:31:09 but then he came back and pulled the rich on a Sunday, not to win, obviously, but to get himself into a much, much, much better position than he was projected to be in. I think he has to clean up two massive areas that are highlighted even more at the games before he wins the CrossFit. What do you mean? What's your running gymnastics density?
Starting point is 00:31:28 Who does that remind you of rich? Well, no. Well, the running reminds me of rich. Jeff Adler. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Was he a bad runner ever? Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. How, how, how long ago? Like Dubai when he was only 20,
Starting point is 00:31:44 just cracking on? About three years. Let's build that up. Did you guys catch the moment between Jeff and Roman? No. I think there were a few of them. Did Roman give him a little
Starting point is 00:31:59 one of these? What did you see, Caleb? What did you see? They were very cordial with each other they weren't they did not seem to be from my perspective i did not see any animosity or any like i'm coming out i'm coming for you kind of thing it just seemed very i saw one in event one on the back part i don't know if it was caught on camera, but Adler and Roman were trying to hang with Yella. This was on the 800, so all they had were the packs on.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And they passed the warm-up area. Yella was ahead. Then they came up, and I watched Adler and Roman fist bump each other on the backside. No shit. All right. Okay. They're playing a little drama for the crowd.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Is that what's happening? Wow. I don't think Roman's as like... I don't think he's the stereotypical KGB Russian everybody wants him to be. He's just softy, dude. Him sliding down the hill was the highlight of my weekend.
Starting point is 00:33:00 He's like a little kid. That's cool. I'm not going to say a Coca-Cola commercial. Well, I am saying a Coca-Cola commercial. That's what he looked like. He's just a little kid. He looks like a polar bear. I'm not going to say a Coca-Cola commercial. Well, I am saying a Coca-Cola commercial. But that's what he looked like, right? He's just sliding down. Big old smile. Big old smile on his face.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I mean, outside of Knowles and during an event like this, have we ever seen anybody be playful like that? Maybe a little bit if he's winning. Yeah, outside of those guys, you've never really seen that. And to see him go fully on the back and slide down the, down the Hill. I don't think there's ever been an opportunity to showcase some sort of play like that. You know what I mean? Like you can wave to the crowd.
Starting point is 00:33:34 We've seen all kinds of that, that, that type of a thing, but like, I mean, that was, that's like schoolyard playground, you know, you don't have time normally to do that. You know, when would you have that opportunity to do that? when they had the obstacle course the games nobody was playing around with it which would have been kind of cool yeah this is funny romans this guy in the comments is romans translator adds her spin to the interviews roman says three words and she speaks for a minute it goes the other way too we can speak for an hour and she was just down for 10 seconds i was like siobhan jump in there man we need we need like morse code interview
Starting point is 00:34:11 oh not a filibuster interview with only russian so how do we think this uh for the for the guys here and then i want to talk just a little bit more about the uh women and we may have uh katie join us or she may realize siobhan's at a football game and say, fuck that. I'm not going back with just Matt. Time will tell. Time will tell. But how are we looking into this next season?
Starting point is 00:34:34 Does your mind change about anybody in particular? I mean, if we had a Tyler Watkins on the show, we would ask him Travis mayor top five, no market down. Right. Is he still going with that? What do you guys think? Hell yeah. At the games, Travis Mayer, top five, mark it down, right? Is he still going with that? What do you guys think?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Hell yeah. At the games, Travis, top five? No. Yes. Top five. You don't think so? No way. No way.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I think the question for Travis is, can he make the games again? I think he can after this. That's a big leap. A big leap. Can he make the games then? Oh, he's going to be top five. That's a big leap. A big leap. Can he make the games? Then, oh, he's going to be top five. That's a huge leap. I think it's a fair comparison.
Starting point is 00:35:10 If Chase is saying, oh, is Travis going to make the games? Yes. After this event, Travis makes the games. Does he make top five? I think it's possible, but it's slim pick. His best finish ever is 10th. We've already talked about the difference of this type of programming at the Rogue Invitational versus the game season.
Starting point is 00:35:28 The Open, the Quarterfinals, the Semis, and into the game. This, I think, is great for him mentally to be like, okay, I'm doing the right stuff. Cool. I got some momentum. Cool. It's not going to be easy to just step right into the game.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I don't think it's going to happen. He's going to have to fight for it. The other thing is easy. Just step right into the thing, right? Step right into the game. That's something that's going to happen. He's going to have to fight for it. And the other thing is this, it's like this, okay, this was nine events. Cool. But if he does make it to the games, the games has never been, well, not for a really long time, only been nine events.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Like the longevity that you need to hang out in there and do battle is tough. You know, and when you miss and come back, like it just, it doesn't snap the same way. I also think, again, his best finish is 10th, and that was 2016. 2016, I think, is
Starting point is 00:36:14 his most recent finish of the game. It was like 22nd or 20th. I just don't see him placing top five in a field that contains Felner, Adler, Roman, Brent, Ricky, etc., etc., etc.,in uh i don't think so it's pretty encouraging for uh roman and ricky though coming off these injuries don't you guys think yeah i mean like ricky yeah it's tough it's tough to say with Ricky. Like I just – so curious about that 18th and that 12th.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Not as curious about the deadlift. I think that's probably solid for him. But, yeah, just – I don't want to say perplexed, but an 18th and a 12th in those two workouts I think I wasn't expecting. He's going to go back, and he's going to train the shit out of those two modalities, huh? I don't even know like the 18 like with that's the cage and i don't know if that was was that shoulder fatigue or was that just because he couldn't hold on to the bar you know was hand was it a hand tear was it bleeding plus water you know plus rain those are what's weird
Starting point is 00:37:20 is that there were some athletes that were able to handle that, and others, it just stopped them dead in the track. So I agree with Taylor when he says that, or with Tyler when he says that, what happened? I want to know what happened. Yeah, yeah. Okay, before we jump over to the women here, do we want to just take one last scroll down the leaderboard and see if anything jumps out at us?
Starting point is 00:37:42 Just to catch all the way down to the bottom. Go down to Yanni. Yanni Koski. He's already been on a flight home. Yeah. I took up that check on a Friday and headed out, dude. We should,
Starting point is 00:37:56 we should also look at the prize purses that they're coming. I just want to point out how much money these fucking people are making. 10 points. Dude. It's a weekend for Yana. They make it worth it. Will Warad, 18th. Are we surprised by that?
Starting point is 00:38:10 We thought he would have done better? I'm not really. I'm not. This is the best already passed for him. He's a 12 to 15 guy. So it's outside of what I think he's capable of. I think the three guys. Four, 17, 17, 19, 19.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I'm like, that's last, last in the last two events. Yeah. I think the three guys ahead of him are like on an upward trajectory or have the potential for that upward trajectory. I think Will is probably on the back half of his upward trajectory. Has been there a long time, man. Super long time. What, since 2014? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:51 13 even? 10 years? Do you think he goes team? Somebody just asked if Morat should go team with Noah. That'd be a good call. Anything else on the guys before we uh head over to the women big balance back for hopper yeah huge that's another one yeah taylor how do you feel about that we we chatted about a little bit on the other show and i you know we talked about some of the stuff with his mental game and i said this rounding off you know the back half of the competition for
Starting point is 00:39:22 him with the first and fourth and then of course the two thirth at the end, he's probably not super stoked about that, but does that give him confidence going into the training for the rest of the season here? Do you think? Um, yeah, I think he's not upset about it. I think he knows he's got some, some things to work on, but I, again, I think those things for him to work on are more mental than anything. And I don't think two months away from a bad situation or away from whatever bad mental situation he was in is enough to come out of that completely unscathed so i think he just needs
Starting point is 00:39:51 probably a little more time find a little bit more rhythm at home and maybe we'll see uh new and improved version come this next season and one thing i'd like to point out with travis mayor uh about that top five call by, uh, uh, Mr. P score Watkins, his points are five, five,
Starting point is 00:40:08 five. So just saying, just saying, take it, take it for what you will. Okay. Can we bring up the women's leaderboard please? Again,
Starting point is 00:40:18 Sean O'Keefe, $10. Thank you. You validate me. I appreciate that. Sean O'Keefe. Thank you. All right. So,
Starting point is 00:40:30 uh, we've all been, you already know who it is. Laura, Laura Horvath. First T a second. Emma and third Gabriela fourth, fifth place is Alex's and six is Emma carry.
Starting point is 00:40:39 We get the top 10 here again. Ninth Danny Spiegel. 10th is man on agonies. Kristen Cole brand again. Ninth, Danny Spiegel. Tenth is Man on Agony's Kristen Colbrander for 11th. Laura Fisher in 12th. I really wanted to see her punch into that top 10 right as we round it out here. Paige Powers in 13th. Paige Semenza in 14th.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Emily Ralph in 15th. Bethany Flores in 16th, which is actually quite amazing because did she just not do two events? Yes. Wow. 220. She didn't do three events because she bowed
Starting point is 00:41:16 out of the deadlift and she bowed out of the final. I hate seeing that. She did the final? Yeah. She was waving to the crowd. Right. She ended up getting capped, right? I just fucking hate seeing that, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I think if you're going to go there and then you're just going to bow out of – don't take the invitation if that's a potential outcome. I don't know. It just pisses me off. Like, you know, the prize for 16th. Yeah, fuck, dude. She could go there and not do three of the events, basically, and still walk away with some cash.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I mean, if Bethany is healthy and her back is good to go. She's not going to be. Is she going to be a top contender? Is she going to be in that top five? I think she's healthy. I think it's what I asked Cale the other day. How much of it is psychosomatic? Yeah, it's in the head.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And that just pisses me off as a competitor to see that like you want somebody to go there who's gonna give it on every single event and if you're if you're going in even with the if the thought that you're not that oh if this comes out i'm just gonna tap this comes out i'm just gonna tap don't fucking go let somebody who wants to be there and is gonna die for fucking fucking points compete. That's just my opinion. And a lot of people are going to disagree with it. I don't give a fuck. Damn. Hot take.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Sorry. We even got a sorry after that. No way, dude. Come on. You're getting all soft over there. Come on. Just negated everything you said. No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Taylor wanted an invite to the women's comp. That's what I'm saying. I was ready. I would have had to, I would have had to tap out of some events. Oh my goodness. Okay. You know what's interesting? Yep. I was going to say, what's interesting is if you look at the top of the leaderboard and the total points between Laura and Tia, it's so much higher than on the men's side. i think generally speaking the men's field was far deeper one through ten or even one through five than the women's in terms of potential to win like 780 is
Starting point is 00:43:13 what laura finished with 770 for tia the men were like 620 and 580 or 640 and 540 and yeah 615 so you just have like so many more guys grabbing for points than than the women's field which is interesting um that's something jr said for a while that the men's side generally speaking not just at the games but at like the semi-finals level and beyond there's so much deeper in the men's field and i wonder i wonder how long until the women catch up taylor the same thing happened you talked about the men. Everyone in the top five has something outside the top ten. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And Laura and Tia, aside from their 14th and 12th, everything was top five. Which is crazy. Nuts. They're so much better than everyone else. If you compare Laura's, like her in first place versus Pat Vellner, I mean, Pat Vellner, we just said didn't win an event. And look at Laura.
Starting point is 00:44:05 She's got three of them. 120 points from second to third. That's nuts. Any surprises here as far as like who didn't perform up to what, what you guys would have thought coming into this? Not really. Not on the negative. Honestly, no.
Starting point is 00:44:22 There was a lot of, well, guess for me i guess emily rolf actually i have one yeah emily rolf like what happened i know not with this programming i thought karn frail would do better i thought she'd be top 10 with this she was sick then she was sick so for what i thought coming in not based off her performance but what she was dealing with um i would have thought that. Yeah, I guess she was sick this week, which sucks because I thought these events lined up pretty well for her skill set. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Then on the flip side of that, anybody that did surprisingly well, I mean, we already talked a little bit about Danny Spiegel and breaking into that top 10 was a surprise, but is there anybody else that stands out? For me personally, it's Lauren Fisher. Like I said, I really would love to see her punch into that top 10 was a surprise but is there anything anybody else that stands out for me personally it's lauren fisher i love like i said i really really would love to see her punch into that top 10 um that would have been awesome for her but i still think in overall she really wasn't even you know on anybody's radar and now now she's good hang with them right i think the programming
Starting point is 00:45:20 changes save danny yeah for sure she not short. With a rope climb. Or pegboard. Or pegboard. If the pegboard's in there, it's so different. Yep. If Sunshine of Rainbow's over there in Texas this whole entire weekend, she's not in that top 10. No.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Whoa, okay. If there's a rope climb in the duel, dude, that fucking dashes for hopes of being, I think, top 15. Because I think she's then like an 8th, 9th, 10th, or even worse in the duel if there's a rope climb she's maybe even she's like 12th to 15th and then also on big cat she's definitely not top 10 like bottom i don't mean to take anything away anything from danny i'm just with programming what coming in i didn't have her top 10. Yeah. With the changes that were all upper body pulling high skill,
Starting point is 00:46:05 which is in her skill set. Right. Hmm. Right. So it massively favored her. Yeah. But she, she also had to take advantage of it.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Right. She did. And I mean, she did like when it was, when it was in our wheelhouse, dude, she nailed it. Hey,
Starting point is 00:46:21 let me ask you this. If the rope climb was still in that dual three, do you think she would have been Danny? I'm talking about, do you think Danny would have been just as aggressive over those logs? Or do you think mentally she was already thinking, okay, this is going to be an obstacle for me. It's an execution thing.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I need to slow myself down. It's not the best movement. And then when they cleared those, she's like, oh, I'm going for it. No, I think she knew she could do really well on that a workout like that and i think if there's a movement in there where she's like i'm not going to be in the top i think yeah it changes the whole approach also her on the logs was freaking insane yeah yeah like you're like hey what do you think danis you do like me right finally she gets to the bags and then she just flew ninja i think she did like a Starsky and Hutch hood slide under the second log.
Starting point is 00:47:09 If you guys watch that video again, like everyone kind of like hit the ground, got stuck, crawled under. She like slid underneath. It was freaking sweet. Yeah, the roller. Watch this, watch this. Knee slide. The guys had, yeah,
Starting point is 00:47:24 I thought the guys had really efficient slides going belly first almost. I'm almost surprised no one tried the double log roll. Like over the top roll and then just roll under the next one. Don't even get up again. Someone did that. Did they?
Starting point is 00:47:41 I think Hoffer did, but on accident because he actually i'm just gonna keep we almost we almost uh we might have chatted about this before but i just realized too they're they're picking up that bag in a certain order yeah i okay i didn't i just realized that right now when i when i watched okay looks like i really i i think they made a mistake on the uh but I watched. Okay. Looks like, I really, I think they made a mistake on the, uh,
Starting point is 00:48:09 so they have the dual and they let the top five have a buy up into the front. And I don't think they should have, they should have done that, especially watching the way things went. No, because like Tia. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So we saw where Tia got knocked. If they would have had everyone start fresh, and you have the opportunity of getting knocked out in the very beginning, I think she would have gone out earlier and had even a lower score. Imagine an event where you walked in and were like, hey, listen, I know we're halfway through, but I'm going to give you 25 points before this event starts.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Right. Yep. That's what happened. You're going to get 25 points no matter what we're halfway through the competition but because you get 25 points just for being good on other
Starting point is 00:48:54 stuff the stuff that it has nothing to do with this test but all the other things before we'll give you a we'll give you a go ahead and it was crazy because if they would have lost it I was I was watching the points to see like okay so what happened to tia wins by like well that's the thing i think tia well it's now i'm just making shit up but well no but it's speculation you know he was at a
Starting point is 00:49:15 disadvantage on the first run because she got the buy so that was an advantage but as a dis it she got the points but she didn't get the experience which is why she didn't make right like every single person got better every round unless they just screwed up everyone did right i think tia survives the first round if she's in it and then gets better on the second one right i i agree but i think that it's it's a tough conversation to have because laura was the same disadvantage and laura made the most of it yeah i mean not not everybody like i think it's like three of the top three of the top five men and women both didn't make the top five or were out after the first their first round yeah after the buy and the thing is it's supposed to be a high risk event and that's what uh like we were talking with with katie when you know we talked about
Starting point is 00:50:03 you know why have the rope and we talked you And you were even talking about that, Chase, about how it's a high-risk execution. Yeah. You're doing it under speed. And so by taking that out, like where do you have that same high risk? And then now if you remove the chances of a bad slip, a trip on bad slip, a, um, you know, a trip on the, you're like, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:27 page powers falls off the top log. So he has this great start, gets out there and then boom, hits the dirt and everyone else kind of passes her up. You know, has to make that up. Um, you can't,
Starting point is 00:50:36 I think it's unfair to take that risk out in the event. That's all about high risk. Yeah. I want to know how many of these changes, like the rope climb change. Cause yesterday when when they when they pulled the rope climb out it's a beautiful day right like it wasn't raining i want to know how much of that change and how much of the weight change in the final was due to the stimulus the athletes were experiencing from the workouts what do you think was heavier because that's the graphic we got i think it was i think it
Starting point is 00:51:04 was supposed to be heavier or at least on the, on the free broadcast. I think on the free broadcast, um, conspiracy theory, Sean Woodland was like, they changed the weights and that it sounded to me when he said it, like they decided to change how heavy it was going to be.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And I wonder, I think they changed the rope for sure. Oh, here we go. Let's ask. I was going to say, now we could find out here. Katie. Hello, Ms. Henninger. How are you?
Starting point is 00:51:34 Hey, guys. What's your heart rate at? My heart rate has yet to come down from the women's final. It has been a day. It's been a day. I might go sleep for the next four or five days. I don't know. All right, then we won't keep you long.
Starting point is 00:51:53 A couple questions here. Was Roman allowed to bring his translator out onto the field during the deadlift? Not that I'm aware of. Okay. Okay. Okay. Interesting. Okay. Like on the field? Yeah. Not that I'm aware of. Okay. Okay. Okay. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Like on the field? Yeah. Not that I'm aware of. I have no idea. Okay. The men's deadlift weight. After that finale, that's what we're starting with? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:18 What a fucking question, Susan. Oh, my goodness. I mean, I thought we were going like go roll into like velner finally getting on on the top spot or the tia laura but here we go okay okay fair enough fair enough yes i know i'm new i'm new on the job i'm training okay so how exciting was that race you pat velner at the end i mean you couldn't have written a better story for this you must be stoked no i think uh i, I think the race, obviously, you know, I've talked about it from the start, just the athletes coming out and doing what they do. But the way we had to pivot today, some of the changes that we had to make,
Starting point is 00:52:54 moving the field of play into a very, very small, I'll call it an arena, but it's not. It was a concourse. You know, we made it look as best as we could. But at the end of the day, it was the right call because there was rain coming. It has not yet rained here. But it was the right call for the way this thing needed to end. It needed to be safe.
Starting point is 00:53:14 It needed to be dry. And having the crowd right up on them, I had a couple of the athletes that had been around for a while say it just felt so old school. And they haven't felt that in a long time because the crowd was was um up on them not obviously not what you wanted right it's not what you wanted for the athletes not what you wanted for the spectators here um but it happened and it was an amazing race and and we figured out who who was on top of the podium did you did you think velner was losing it when he failed that cleaning jerk did you have your heart drop i did it did it dropped it dropped for him because i had the same feeling last year yeah um when it Did you think Vellner was losing it when he failed that cleaning jerk? Did your heart drop? I did. It did. It dropped for him because I had the same feeling last year when it happened in the finale.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I think he needed 12 spots in between him to lose it, so it wasn't that close. But, yeah, I definitely was like, holy cow, he's got to get this next one or it's going to drop the second. The first event that took place today did when was the call made as far as like dealing with the weather and stuff like that with the rain it was at some point it just okay this is what it is and we're just going to fight through this right now or well we made the call not to do the it was supposed to have a barbell lunge in it on the grass
Starting point is 00:54:17 um and we made the call before we briefed the athletes just knowing what the weather was going to look like uh for the next few hours um to do it with uh the fat bells um what the weather was going to look like for the next few hours to do it with the fat bells on the grass. So that was made very early. Most of these calls, like not to have the pegboard that was actually made last night, knowing what we knew about the weather at the time. We actually brought Carolyn Prevo in this morning at 645. She's a trooper man, text her last night at 11 o'clock said, Hey, can you be here at six? And she was here and actually tested the second workout for us today at 45 this morning. So that's so we're doing our due diligence, right? We're not trying to make that on the fly. I talked to Josh. I talked to Bridget for a long time last night about what we were going to do with the final
Starting point is 00:55:00 weights for the finale. It was actually supposed to be heavier we actually had the contingency to go lighter with the rain and we just kept that contingency uh with with the move that we made so we didn't have to change that twice and was that really decided based off how the athletes were were feeling or was that just because of moving it into the concourse and everything else we had made a decision about the rain with the weight so we already had that weight um the athletes had not been briefed on the heavier weight they they were only briefed on the the lighter weight that we had it's not light that's that's all relative they they they were briefed on the weight that they did but knowing what we knew about the stack up of how they were feeling it was the right call to go with that that weight uh after watching
Starting point is 00:55:44 after watching the testing that you did for the final weights and then making the change, were you happier with the outcome and the speed that the athletes were going with this one, or would you have rather have seen it heavier? Like with all the pluses and everything being the way there should have been or wanted to be originally, did you want the heavier weights, or are you happy with how these other ones turned out? I think we would have wanted the heavier weights weights just looking at the workouts across the board.
Starting point is 00:56:09 But with all the changes we've had to make and how flexible the athletes were, I wanted to get it right for the finale. And I think we made that right call. I think we went through the paces to get there. You know, the one thing we didn't change was the time cap. So you were seeing these long drawn out in the women. And we had made a bunch of changes. So we didn't change the time cap just to keep that rest in there because they were only getting an hour in between events today. But we were very upfront with them. And these athletes are great. They rolled with the punches. And I said it earlier in the week with you guys, you know, we told them the first day that we met
Starting point is 00:56:43 with them like, hey, there's weather in the forecast. We're probably going to have to pivot. But at the end of the day, we're going to make these workouts work and we're going to find, you know, the podium. And I think it worked out. Obviously not ideal, but making the best of the worst case scenario for us. Katie, you've been a part of a lot of finales over the years. You've been a part of a lot of finales over the years. You've been a part of one yourself physically. Leading up to this women's finale, a tie at the top for first,
Starting point is 00:57:10 a tie for a podium finish, where did that rank of just – like what was the vibe there and where does that rank for you? I mean, a lot of people around me said they had goosebumps when they walked out, just watching them walk out. I think it was so tense. I think it was so tense. I think everyone was so nervous. I can't imagine what Laura and Tia were feeling because we were all watching it just as nervous. You know, I was, I was holding my breath almost that whole heat. And you know, they did great, but holy cow. Yeah. And the crowd was great too. Like I said,
Starting point is 00:57:41 having that crowd right up on them, they were only about five feet off the platform there. So very cool experience and one, one not to be forgotten soon. I had a really bold take after Laura beat Tia. And I said that that probably feels that might, I said, probably, I said that probably feels better than winning the games for her. What are your thoughts there? I don't know. I mean,
Starting point is 00:58:04 I probably felt pretty damn good to win the games too, right? But obviously there was a lot of hype coming into this with Tia. And I think they both did amazing, you know, just Tia to show where she's at six months after having a baby. Crazy. Just amazing, her rebound. And, you know, that's going to light a fire under her too. So I think Laura is validating herself and should be very proud of herself. just amazing her rebound and you know that's gonna light a fire under her too so i think laura
Starting point is 00:58:26 is is validating herself and she should be very proud of herself and i think uh you know he is gonna take that into next season and uh do with it what she needs to do yeah it's incredible your internet's breaking up just a little bit here katie so we'll just go through a few more and uh and let you go here um quick question as i looked across the field and i was checking out all the sponsors there's some usual suspects on there but there is one unusual one which was crocs how'd that come across how'd that how'd that how'd that come into in the play so we uh the arnold of this year we were standing in the warm-up and almost every single strongman
Starting point is 00:59:06 walked in with Crocs and Bill and I looked at each other and we're like, we should try to do a deal with Crocs because Chris Forio, who used to be at Reebok is with Crocs now. And we reached out to him and we were just thinking about doing a limited run. And then they came on and partnered with us here for the event. And it was pretty cool uh i think we sold out in our booth the first day didn't think they would go that well i saw a lot of people wearing them in sport mode if you don't know what that is the straps and back so if they yeah baby that's right that's awesome um but it was very cool and they've been they've been super
Starting point is 00:59:40 supportive and uh you know giving all the athletes those um it's great to see because a lot of them put them on and we're wearing around this weekend yeah that's like can you buy the rogue ones on the site are those available there were they only available at the event no we have them on our site as well i think we still have them i don't think we've sold out on the site but we we did a limited run that's awesome gentlemen anything else before else before we let Katie get some well-deserved rest here? Katie, how proud are you of your team and the athletes of everything you guys had to deal with, pivot with, and just how the weekend shaked out? I don't even know if I can put that into words right now because it took everybody. And I don't want that to sound cliche because everything had to work. And the one thing that we said up front to both the athletes and our team here, volunteers, everyone, is the biggest thing this week was going to be communication.
Starting point is 01:00:33 And as soon as we knew something as a lead staff, we were going to communicate that across the board as soon as we had it because we knew what dominoes had to fall after we made a decision. And every single team didn't miss a beat. They went right about their business. If they had to miss a meal, we picked that up later and no one said anything. And we've had, we, you know, we have volunteers have been here four or five years that just love being a part of this thing. And, you know, our crew, our road crew, our road team was here until one or two in the morning, putting stuff up and tearing stuff down.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And that's a pretty normal cadence for them. Obviously, with the weather, I'm super proud and appreciative of everybody puts in all the time. A lot of people don't see that, but it takes a lot of people to make these things go. They freaking knocked it out of the park this week. I'd say that takes leadership too. You should be proud of your crew, but I think it stems from what you and Bill do. Yeah, thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:01:29 100%. Okay, last question, Katie. After you leave here, what are you doing tonight? I think I'm going to sleep. And warm up. I told you I was delayed a little bit trying to find a warm spot that I could sit in because I've been standing out this all day
Starting point is 01:01:44 like everybody else, and I just wanted a chance to trying to find a warm spot that I could sit in because I've been standing out this all day like everybody else and I just wanted a chance to not shiver for a second. Well, thank you very much for your time. Unbelievable that you've been so generous with it this whole entire event. Wonderful event. You could not have built a better storyline going into this CrossFit Games season. You could not
Starting point is 01:02:00 have painted a better picture all the way across the board for the weekend for you guys. Thank you very much, Katie. Yep. Thanks, guys. Enjoy it and hope you guys get some rest too. Thank you. Thanks, Katie.
Starting point is 01:02:11 See you guys. Thank you. Dude, Rogue saved the games, dude, with Vellner and Laura winning. Holy shit. Damn. I mean, you can't – come on. It gets boring watching Matt win year after year. it gets boring watching Tia when you have to hear Laura winning was cool going in without Tia was cool being like, oh, what's going to happen on the women's side? But Laura beating Tia at Rogue, then going into 2024 with Tia coming back.
Starting point is 01:02:40 There's like a lot of hype to be built with Justin losing last year. Jeff winning Roman getting hurt. Then then Pat winning Rogue against both of them. Right. And Laura's saying what this meant. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I've seen this in the comments a couple times. Is that true? If the women's bar was 35 and then there's 165 on the bar because it was 45, 15. But I think the bar was a shorty bar. Wasn't it a shorter bar? It's a C70S bar.
Starting point is 01:03:11 So it's like a 35-pound bar for the men. It might be a 25-pound bar for the ladies. It might be a different version as well. They make a different version for women with smaller diameter. Like instead of a 28.5 millimeter, it's a 20... I don't know what the millimeter is, but I think that's the discrepancy is they're all saying, oh, it's the 35-pound bar, but the women's was 25.
Starting point is 01:03:32 I think it's the one to the same bar length. Shorter collars. That way you can still get that snatch grip if you're a tall dude like me. Will Brandstetter with a good point. Mal and Haley coming back. Essentially.
Starting point is 01:03:49 That's a big question mark. Are they? Maybe one of them. I'm not so sure about another. Which one's the maybe? I'll tell you later. Text me, dude. Another thing that happened each time katie come on here and
Starting point is 01:04:07 slapped slapped us around a little bit i turned about as red as taylor did when she started asking me what the fuck is up with my question we all threw you under the bus those were some of the ones that i was like working with seven on i'm like yeah these are good if he if he liked him i was gonna ask her i. I had two more. I was going to ask her when the men's deadlift weight, if she changed that, and then also who comes up with the workout names. But after that, I shelled up.
Starting point is 01:04:35 You fucked it up. I don't know if you guys saw, but I shrunk this big on the screen. I just was like, ooh. Just froze. Yeah. Yeah. Just pretend to sit there the whole time. I just was like, just froze. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's that? I'm just pretending to sit there the whole time.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Okay. So we were chatting a little bit about the women. I think we've pretty much flipped over and turned every stone here, but is there anything else before we sign off? I mean, the weekend has been incredible. The premium footage is something that who knows this could be. There's a good question. What's that? What do you think we can take from that premium footage that could use to improve the game's coverage
Starting point is 01:05:09 or the season do the same thing i mean the game should do the exact same thing right they would make a fucking killing on it too dude you know how many people would pay for that i think i wonder how many people that's a good that would have been a good question for katie how many people got the 20 to 25 dollar whatever premium coverage that they that they i mean what do you guys all think about it i bought uh it was i liked the option of having it i will be completely honest i watched the free stream mostly but i liked the option of having it there were a couple times when i was listening to the iron game tailgate and they were shooting the shit and i'm just like but there are also a couple times i was listening to like you know sean woodland and adrian and i thought adrian was like over
Starting point is 01:05:49 go over explaining and over executing over executing and thresholding apparatus and building capacity and fatigue there was a lot of that but it's all good i love that i love the stream better than the game stream so clearly the games can learn that but it's all good i love that i love the stream better than the game stream so clearly the games can learn from them that's a good uh that's a good thing real quickly can we put up a poll um did you buy the stream yeah or nay yeah i think that that's something that um could definitely work in the games i i didn't get it i just watched the free stream the whole entire time but i think they changed the the ability to switch the camera angles and kind of choose your own adventure with that i thought was definitely something that i was interested in but i would i got it and i would
Starting point is 01:06:33 pull up the live feed stream so like sean and adrian and then the wide shot and the drone shot and i would watch that and that was great because you got basically three different camera angles so if i wasn't getting what i wanted to see but i was still hearing what i wanted to hear i could do that i liked that viewing experience yeah yeah it just gives you more autonomy over how you get to watch the event right and ultimately that that that necessarily kind of like jackie said she'd buy it for the games i think she's doing for semifinals oh that would be wow that'd be cool as well i think that'd be sweet i mean it doesn't have to be that expensive about that practice it in semifinals perfected for the cross again and this is a huge this is
Starting point is 01:07:18 a huge point too like espn they have like typically multiple streams or multiple platforms of different games college college games. And I really appreciate that because some commentators, I don't want to hear it all. And others I really love. And I'm sure there are a lot of people who listen to the games. They feel the same way. Just like,
Starting point is 01:07:33 I'm sure there are a lot of people that listen to this and fucking hate me. Nah, I mean, no way. Jiggy Josh. I've been supporting rogue since 2013, my guy. Going to my gym and there is a shitload of money supporting. Who's Matt?
Starting point is 01:07:52 Switch it there. Sousa. Exactly. Who's Matt? Oh, yeah. It's a turn of new leaf. Hey, dude, guess what? I'm more relevant than Frazier now.
Starting point is 01:07:59 That's crazy. The old one piece. Wow. Just kidding. The old one piece. Wow. Just kidding. Just kidding, Daniel. Don't fucking hit me up in the comments with your comments. I know how she gets. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Anything else you guys want to go before we sign off here? We'll check that poll right before we take off. But anything else? Speculation going into the games? Last minute shit talking, Taylor. I think this set a fire for a lot of people and set the stage for a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:08:32 I think it's going to be a good season. How many votes, though? 149. You idiot. In real time. I'm going to add a vote to that. Alright. I have a question i just i just followed um well seven's not here so i can say this i just followed um best hour of your day
Starting point is 01:08:58 or their day on instagram and they've got like 20 000 followers listen they've got like 20 000 followers and they message me they say hey thanks for the follow and immediately automation they did right that's what i that's what i was wondering i was like did it have your name in it no it was is this an automation so i responded you are welcome with an exclamation point and they hearted it just now so i was wondering i don't know what you think automation automated for sure okay how do you automate on instagram it's automated. You can host different things, and it'll do it. Sometimes, even if you follow me, it'll automatically
Starting point is 01:09:29 send a message and engage in conversation. My wife will do it for construction things. If there's a project she wants me to do, she'll see one, and then she'll tag me in it, and then it sends me a message. Taylor's got ideas. Every time you follow a self-made training program, ding, hey, thanks for the follow. What are your fitness goals? Oh fitness goals oh dude I'm gonna fart into the mic if you don't chill
Starting point is 01:09:47 whatever dude I'm not I'm not being a dick of bad SMTP bro no media is bad media all right guys um so we got the poll we already we already crossed that this is it. We made it to the end of the weekend. And gentlemen, I cannot thank you guys enough for coming on here with me and having my back like you did. Chase, thanks for jumping in. Bill.
Starting point is 01:10:15 My pleasure. Thanks for having me. I mean, you guys were great. Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors, CA Peptides, Paper Street Coffee, Toast Spacers, BirthFit, Swolvering, Grill Your Ass Off, and Matsuza. Oh, Jeff.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Dude, Jeff, you're like the most popular dude on the Rogue Trat, too. Watching this makes me realize how much I miss Sevan. Good. We'll be back on Tuesday along with Tyson Pagent. We'll have them on on Tuesday. You're still here, Jeff.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Jeff, do not come tomorrow. Don't come tomorrow because guess what? I'm just going to come on here and we're just going to talk shop. I'm going to talk a bunch of stuff about affiliates. We're going to just go over what's new in the news and I'm just going to give my opinion on a bunch of stuff. Don't come.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Don't come. Don't come. You don't come. I'm going going to give my opinion on a bunch of stuff. So don't come. Don't come. Don't come. Okay. All right, guys. You don't come. I'm going to come. Suze, great job, man. You and Caleb.
Starting point is 01:11:12 I'm coming. Yes. Great work, Suze. Caleb, thank you. Hey, we're just going to full circle. The very first match is we got this thing this morning. That's right. All right, you guys.
Starting point is 01:11:23 I'll see you tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Sevan will be back Tuesday at 7am watch Tyson go Bears you'll probably see them in the inbox alright y'all peace out

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