The Sevan Podcast - OFFICIAL Affiliate Video Contest Show | Win $5,000

Episode Date: July 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Awesome to be on, so that's cool. Yeah, I'm stoked. Guys, hi! Welcome to the rules. The rules of the official Sevan Podcast and Two Brain Business video contest. You're looking at your judges. Matt Souza.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Brett Hoffer. I think I called you Brent. Brett Hoffer. And me, Seva Amatosian. So this is how it works, guys. This is what we're going to do. First, I'll go back and tell you the idea behind the contest, which I can't even really remember.
Starting point is 00:00:32 But I think I was hanging out. I think we were watching semifinals at the games, and I was like, man, they didn't show any commercials. There's probably 500 minutes of downtime. Susan and I had made commercials last year for the behind-the-scenes promoting the level one and the open. And we just want to just every time we want to just increase value, just increase value. What can we give? What can we give? What can we give? How can this work?
Starting point is 00:00:54 And so then we came up with this idea for a video contest about eight months ago. And I remember that was Greg had an idea for a video contest years ago when I worked at CrossFit and we ran a video contest. So we reached out to Chris Cooper and he's like, sure, of course I want to do anything I can to support the affiliates. And then like six months passed. And, uh, I think Chris reached out to me at one point and he's like, Hey, are we going to do the video contest? And I was like, yeah. And I was kind of overwhelmed. They had too much shit to do, but I kept talking about it on the, on the air. And then somewhere I got this idea, like, fuck, just just like a video contest like three minute or five minute video after watching semi-finals I was like what we need is we need content that we can
Starting point is 00:01:31 just run just regularly regularly regularly regularly so commercials that are just like 30 seconds to two minutes long that can basically just be run in every show so I started talking about the video contest. And then a listener of the show who you guys all know, oh, we don't have FitAid on here? Not yet. Oh, when does that happen? Very, very soon.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Okay. And then, so then I, Susan and I were talking about that. What can we do? We need like shitloads of commercials, and we started talking about it more and more in the air. And then Brett is a – Brett Hoffer is a CrossFitter, and he works out at Salty Hive CrossFit where Justin Zimbo is the owner. Wow, I'm killing the names right now. There you go.
Starting point is 00:02:22 That and a thousand. Yeah, Sue's a Brett and Justin, and then even the name of a gym. And every time I just want to call it Salty Beaver at CrossFit. Oh, God. And so Justin texted me, and he said, hey, I got this guy here who makes videos. So then I got put in touch with Brett, and we started shooting the shit, and we had this idea for just campaigns so instead of one commercial um we do uh the contest because it's good prize money I tried to make the prize money like three thousand dollars for first place and then all of a sudden Cooper's like no five thousand
Starting point is 00:02:56 for first three thousand for second two thousand for third and I think it's easy money because I don't think a lot of people are going to enter Brett's like fuck I should have just entered fuck I just made these. I could have won real money. I'll make some more. What the fuck am I doing? And so I want to show you. I want to show you.
Starting point is 00:03:13 So it's a campaign, guys, first of all. But I want to show you some. I want to show you. So Brett's like, hey, I told him about the idea for the contest. And he's like, hey, I'll make five examples for you that we can show so people have an idea of what it looks like. So we have Brett on here. And I'm going to show you one of these commercials here. I actually have this is of the four that you've sent me. I have not actually seen this one. So I'm going to see this one for the first time. All right, here we go. My name is Steven Ribeiro. I'm 26 years old, I'm from Ecuador and I go to Salty Hive CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:03:52 My first day was so nice, all the people were like, oh let's go because it was wall walks, love wall walks. I did this and everyone was like, oh yeah, you cross that. And I just felt good, not because they were saying that to me, just because the intention of them, which was feeling me, make me feel comfortable here. And I love that. I love that I felt the warmth of the place and that was really good. I was going home and I remember like driving I was like I like that a lot and then here I am I think I have more than two years here I'm like I'm not quitting this place I've always I moved pretty far from here but still I always try to make it I'm like I don't mind to drive a lot because for me that's the place where I love to be.
Starting point is 00:04:42 is what I love to be. I get all my problems out and I just come here, have fun, suffer of course, of all the bunch of workouts that we had, very hard. But that's the point. I mean, like, nobody obligates you to do it. It's just how I like it here and how it makes me feel always every single day. This is my peace space and happy, enjoy, enjoy everything here.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Brett Hoffer. Hey, this is fascinating. I'm glad I watched this one last. So it's a whole, a bunch of you guys have already seen a bunch of the other commercials. It's a whole gambit of commercials. There's tearjerkers. There's this one that's just like a guy whose English is a second language, and he's 10 times more articulate than our president of the United States.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And it's a fascinating array of pieces. We had the girl who had the eating disorder who transcended it through CrossFit. We had the single mom who can bring her kid there. We had the gentleman who had the shoulder surgery and lost a piece of his identity and through CrossFit was able to rehabilitate. And so it's a wide variety. And as we show, I'm going to talk to Brett and we're going to get into some of the technical stuff and like suggestions for people. But remember, the main premise of the of the contest, the main premise is the question. And Brett will maybe unfuck me here is what does your affiliate mean to you?
Starting point is 00:06:13 So when Brett and I were brainstorming this on a couple of phone calls, we're thinking, OK, that will be the premise of the campaign. So these people who make these videos, they'll make them 30 seconds to 90 seconds. So if you have a lady in there who's like, hey, I had i fought cancer and i and i don't want to go back so i want to be surrounded by like-minded people who eat well and move well that's great but it's also okay to have a guy in there who's 18 years old who's like hey i just want to win the national wrestling championships and then it can be another guy who's 37 who's gone through two divorces and he's there just to get pussy like yeah too you think that was overkill one divorce 37 one divorce i like it huge trouble two two divorces and he's there just
Starting point is 00:06:51 to get some good pussy like like a he wants a girl with personal accountability personal responsibility and who works hard and who has i don't know christian values or it could be it could be like hey i'm fucking gay as fuck and I just want to work out with hot men. Like they're all okay. They're all okay. But the thing about all of Bret's is they're compelling. You don't feel there's a – which I'm so glad. There's not a tick-tock nature to these. You don't feel like you're being tricked by gimmicks and flashes and stuff to stay on there somehow in uh in 60 to 90 seconds he's
Starting point is 00:07:32 made it so okay i want to engage with this guy or afterwards if you saw any of these videos that we're going to show you today if you saw this person in line next to you at whole foods you would say something to them like wow dude awesome story or um so hi welcome to the show brett thanks and and how how long have you been uh doing video work uh probably uh video work maybe a year or two that's it yeah yeah i kind of went like uh instagram switch to you know pushing out a lot more video it's like i better figure it out so and in your so your day job as a photographer yeah for the most part and then and then you've pivoted to video or both uh i do both like for the gym it's mostly just video and then for competitions and everything
Starting point is 00:08:18 else i do photo and um the what camera are you using i use use the a7 III, Sony. And is that the a7 III? That's the S, right? Yeah, no, just straight up a7 III. A7 III. And are you just a one-camera guy? Right now, yeah. Yeah, I used to shoot Nikon, had two bodies, and then switched over,
Starting point is 00:08:40 and I'm just waiting to build up, you know, trying to get another body eventually and and what are you editing on uh da vinci resolve is what i use and these uh commercials um can you can you walk me through the process of it yeah i mean uh we just had to i had justin um know, shoot me a list of names and then do that. We were able to do our interviews. So the full process, you know, I'd sit down with somebody and before I'd ask them, you know, what they want.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Tell me a little bit before then Brett. So you would walk up to someone in your gym who's just there to work out and you'd be like, Hey, I want to make a commercial with you. And they scheduled it before. Yeah. But I guess how do you approach them about even being on video? Like if someone asked me to do that at my gym, I'd be resistant and be like, Oh, I don't want to do it. I mean, a lot of them know what, who I am and what I do anyways. And I feel like everybody that I interviewed, they're pretty comfortable with me. So, and they all had a story to tell. I think a lot of them wanted to tell that story and kind of be seen. So it was a great opportunity to get to know them better and
Starting point is 00:09:49 sit down and share what they had to say. So, so the first thing is you had trust with your, with your people. And then the second thing is, is, you know, that they had stories that, that they were proud of and would want to share with the world. Yeah. Okay. And they were found you said justin gave you a list of the names first yeah the people so you already had kind of like a list
Starting point is 00:10:10 so how did do you know how he vetted them at all like what he decided he's just like oh this person's will be easy and fun to talk to or i know they have a story yeah that's a good question i didn't ask him i mean i i knew in my mind they were kind of the same people that I was looking for anyways. Uh, you know, people that had been impacted, like I could, you could, you could see that they'd been impacted by the gym or they were heavily involved or, you know, whatever it was. And you just, he just, and, and there's, I mean, you could do the whole gym. I mean, these are just off the top of his head who maybe were more available or,
Starting point is 00:10:41 um, you know, he just started going off riffing on names and that's what came up but everybody has a story at this gym so okay cool and then so so go on so then you schedule them yeah so we scheduled them i mean we were trying to shoot pretty fast like by the time it was like we talked wednesday i i was starting to shoot uh like thursday morning and then friday i shot all day saturday i wrapped up shooting so it was like three days two and a half days of shooting pretty quickly so we were like very scheduled on people's times when they could come in we we scheduled out about half an hour times for them to sit down and talk to me and then we just rock and rolled from there and and
Starting point is 00:11:22 shot b-roll after before or after their interview we shot B-roll of them in the class and stuff. Do you think that there was an advantage to shooting them after they did the workout? Like that their guard, they would be like higher on endorphins and their guard would be down? Like did you notice like, oh, this is, I got to get these people after? Yeah, I would say I didn't really notice that too much. Mostly just because of my relationship with them. You might find it differently if you don't know who they are. How long – the interview – let me play this.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Let me play one more video here, at least one more. And then I want to ask you about how long – my first question is going to be how long did this interview take place? This is with Samantha West. Brett Hoffer shot this at Salty Hive CrossFit. with Samantha West. Brett Hoffer shot this at Salty Hive CrossFit. There's no magic here to getting you out of that mindset of focusing on how you look. But an affiliate is, in my opinion, by far the best place to help you with that shift. Before starting at the gym, I was somebody who just always wanted to be smaller and I always wanted to like look a certain way and I was never, never satisfied with my body. All my goals were focused around all of my exercise was like, how do I get as small
Starting point is 00:12:40 as possible? And so I was like super unhealthy. Like I wasn't eating and all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately, like when I had gotten really bad, I had Megan had me join here. So it was very quickly that I was like, okay, well, if I want to like lift with all of these other girls, and if I want to like keep up with them and if I want to be strong and all those things like I like that this has this has to switch it was like within six months I like realized that switch where it was like all of a sudden on my Instagram feed instead of like tiny little people I had like these strong beautiful capable women that could lift hundreds of pounds so this for me has been a whole mindset shift of like, I now appreciate my body for what it can do, not what it looks like in here. We don't care what you look like as long as you're
Starting point is 00:13:35 hitting what you, what you want to achieve. Uh, Brett, uh, how long does it take to do that sit-down interview how long was that sit-down interview uh that one was probably 20 minutes or so and where did you do it because obviously she's becoming emotionally vulnerable are there other people in the gym or do you pull her aside uh there's very few people in the gym it's kind of in between classes so not a lot of people were there uh and so i mean justin's there uh who's very close with her and i've actually like talked to her about that type of stuff before too so she was pretty open about it um i think everybody that was there she'd be comfortable telling anybody that and she's the type of person she would probably talk to you about it.
Starting point is 00:14:25 No problem. So it was very easy with her. So she's crazy proud of her achievements and her mindset shift. And she wants to share the possibilities with people. And you know that about her. Yeah. She's very heavily involved in the gym. She's an L3 coach that's there.
Starting point is 00:14:40 So yeah, she's awesome. How pumped are you when her voice starts to crack? I mean, she's not the only one crying on camera. I didn't expect her to really, honestly with these, it was like, wherever it takes me, that's where we go. So she started going down there. I mean, yeah, sure. Emotion's great. And tears are awesome to catch people. It's not like I want to go there, but I just want the best story, whatever it is that they're telling me so it worked out can you tell what is your um you so you you sit them down on a box or you sit them down where you want to shoot you put the lens on you have the
Starting point is 00:15:17 camera there you do audio check and um do they know when you start or are you small talking them and slip in the question? How formal is it? What's it what's it like breaking into the interview? It gets I mean, it depends on who I'm with. But for the most part, I'm like, OK, let's rock and roll. We're rolling. But, you know, I'll ask questions that will ice break a little bit, especially like let's get used to the camera.
Starting point is 00:15:42 So say your name, where you're from, what box you go to or what gym you go to stuff like that and just kind of small talk a little bit i won't ask the main question until we're down the road a bit um if we haven't already gotten there so yeah that's usually how it goes what is the main question um you know i think the main one i was asking is like, what does your affiliate mean to you or what do you love about your affiliate? I think those were the two that I was really driving, uh, to ask. Yeah. And, um, I'm thinking that like, if you ask someone, what does your affiliate mean to you and you get an answer and you want more, then you can just ask the question again, but with different wordings, right. Wording, you can be like, what do you love about your affiliate? What is your most memorable
Starting point is 00:16:28 moment at the affiliate? But you can just keep asking the same question over and over until it's like training. It's like coaching someone, right? You're just looking for a cue that hits something inside of them that brings out a, a, a shareable response, a compelling response, right? Yeah. And there was other, – like I would turn it to – I'd be like, what would you tell somebody? Like if you were on the train with somebody and you had like a minute, what would you tell somebody to get them to come to the gym? Oh, I love that.
Starting point is 00:16:57 That type of stuff. That would usually yield some good results and try and provoke good answers. Do you have anybody get weird on interviews or even like deny you and just be like, oh, no, I really don't want to be on camera or anything like that? Well, yeah, we had I have some other interviews. We didn't we interviewed about 10 people, actually. So I have five. But with somebody else, her his his wife didn't want to be on it. She did. She said no. And Justin asked when she got to the class, you know,, his, his wife didn't want to be on it. She did.
Starting point is 00:17:25 She said no. And Justin asked, but when she got to the class, you know, just throughout class, I was kind of, all right, Carmen, you're going to be on here. You better buckle up. And, and then when class ended, she was just kind of standing right next to me and, uh, she didn't say anything, but then all of a sudden I was like, oh, you want to, you want to do the interview? And so we did it.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Yeah. Cause I think I have a feeling a lot of people are going to like see this and not there. And I'm glad we're doing this because breaking the ice and getting your first one out of the way or asking your first person or bringing them over is the hardest part of doing something like this. And I know I've done different things in the past and you always have to get over. There's going to be a couple people that say no, even though they don't mean no, they just don't mind. Maybe they don't want to be the first one. Maybe you have to sit down another interview, kind of have to show them the way and make it feel comfortable especially if you know they have a story to tell so i just wanted to let people
Starting point is 00:18:09 know that you just weren't batting a thousand watch in the gym sat it down and got all these gold interviews like it took 10 people to get i think what the five that we have right now and um even through that you got denied a little bit so people can just prepare for that to happen yeah i think i mean it's it's up to you to be, you know, to make them feel comfortable and everything. I mean, we're good with cameras. We sit behind the cameras. Sometimes we're just in the shadows. But to be a personable person and talk to people and convince them and make them feel comfortable.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Like for me, I probably wouldn't want to be in front of the camera. That's why I'm behind it. So if there's somebody out there that can make me feel comfortable and, and talk and stuff, then that's really the, the good interviewer skills you need for this. Yeah. And my takeaway also is, is that,
Starting point is 00:18:53 uh, you asked her once and she didn't necessarily want to do it, but then after a workout, you know what I mean? It's like she's loose or most, sorry, go ahead. Uh,
Starting point is 00:19:04 I was filming her husband the whole time so she kind of saw what was going on and yeah i think you know she had heard his story and i think she kind of wanted to add to that too so it was kind of this and and her and i have a good rapport so it was pretty easy to kind of just keep nudging her and put her put that bug in her ear yeah and um and and uh and you get loose right it's it's like warming up for a basketball game she worked out she got loose she saw someone else do it she got some reps in she saw someone else can do it and she built the confidence to do it hey um what's also cool about these is they could be any affiliate yeah it's not um i i don't i i
Starting point is 00:19:42 it's it's like just a perfect mentioning of the amount of that it's salty high of CrossFit, but it doesn't – they don't feel like commercials for salty high of CrossFit. This could be anywhere that – and I think that that's a strong piece because I want people to remember that ideally I'd like to have 100 of these, and I'd like to just be showing one a show and just do that for the next five years or two a show. I mean we do one, two, three three podcasts a day the games are coming up we're going to have probably you know a three hour shows two hour a lot of shows and what it's a great way to just insert commercial after commercial after commercial and it's uh i think it i know i i know that it will add value to everyone and then we're going to compile all of the pieces that are submitted, and we're going to make a playlist on the Savant podcast so that anyone can – if someone says, hey, what is CrossFit, you can just be like,
Starting point is 00:20:35 give them a link to that playlist. We can do that, right, Sousa, on YouTube? And there will just be a playlist of, hey, here's 75, 90-second or 30-second to two minute long uh stories uh compelling pieces and then you can be like oh that's me you know i also snuck across the border and i'm from venezuela and i'm looking for a fucking place to get out of the gang and uh and do crossfit and and this is a this is a compelling place this is a good place for me. What? That's fair. Dude, former gang members, CrossFit's a great place to get rehab for gang violence.
Starting point is 00:21:11 A home for everybody. Yeah, there's a home for absolutely everyone. Yeah. I've come from San Francisco CrossFit where everyone was gay, and now I'm in Alabama. Are they not going to be welcome to me? Fuck yeah, they're going to be welcome to you. They don't give two shits about that stuff you're gonna fucking love on you and support you and push you forward to be the best person you can be um uh any anything that any advice you would give to someone uh mr hoffer that like when you were making these?
Starting point is 00:21:50 I found example videos that kind of led me to these videos, especially there was one. Like someone you plagiarized from. I like that. It's all plagiarism. Creativity is all plagiarism. No one think it's not. No one created shit.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I mean, you need to be inspired. You kind of need to see where you're going. I mean, I have 20 to 30 minutes of footage from each of these people. So finding that silver lining that's like a complete story is really what you're looking for. So I could do a huge document. But really cutting that down and distilling the main message without any other fluff is where I went with that. So getting something very succinct and then having the B roll come in early. So it captures attention and then have that kind of filtered throughout the video is, I think, really important. I saw you had some past pictures. Were you just taking that via
Starting point is 00:22:40 Instagram? Did you ask them for those? Like, how'd you get the one where the chick was like, how I used to look? Yeah, I did. I did the interviews and then whatever I was going for, I just text and ask like, Hey, I need specific, like I need some images of before you started CrossFit or anything like that. Um, you know, scrolling through the Instagram was actually her Instagram. And so I needed some of that to be able to put in there. So yeah, going back and asking, I expected that to happen. I even expected maybe to go back and film some more just to make sure I had what I needed. So you need enough B-roll and enough context that people find it interesting and they understand what's going on. This piece I'm going to show you next had two pieces of B-roll that just absolutely jumped out at me.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Let's take a look. This is, uh, Chris, Chris, the, is there a Z in her name? Uh, yeah. Oh, cause she's like Hungarian or something. So they got to throw like a weird letter in there too. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I'm Krista Pongor. This is Tobias Pongor. I'm 44, age 7. I'm originally from Hungary, from Budapest, Hungary, and we go to Salty Head CrossFit. I was previously at a different gym. I was looking for a new place and came here. I came during the day when kiddo was in school. That changed and he had to come with me. I thought I would have to give it up because I didn't have time. I don't have anywhere else to put him. I'm a single mom. The people here were so amazing and accepting that he was here hanging out. It just made it easier to continue. The fact that they welcomed him with open arms
Starting point is 00:24:29 and just kind of brought him into the family was huge. I've never felt so accepted by a community in this community. Most places always looked down on me because of my size or lack of capabilities and never felt that here. Not one judgment. So it was very welcoming and made it very easy to come back.
Starting point is 00:25:00 We see her face very clearly in the interview. And then my two favorite B-roll shots are the fact that she does a handstand in slow motion. That almost looks like it's at 240. Amazing shot because you don't see a lot of that, especially juxtaposed with when she said some people said I was bigger. And so you would expect her just to be dead lifting or back squatting. And then the most powerful moment, obviously, is not only does she tell you that her son is welcome there but you see how her son is welcome there and i remember the first time brett sent that video in for us to look at it didn't have that sun shot in there and then the second time i had it in there i was like holy shit you got it you saw it like there's no fucking doubt like if i like i'm a parent and i'm like wow i see it
Starting point is 00:25:48 i see the kid is safe he's doing his own thing he's happy and then i'm also getting some alone time to work out and uh bond with people were you pretty ecstatic when you got that shot do you remember getting that you're like damn yeah did you get that before or after the interview no i had it from before. Wow. I used to go to the gym all the time. So luckily I had like a bunch of stuff I could go back and dig through. And I remember that one specifically because it's on a reel that we have on the gym. And yeah, it was pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:16 So I was like, I got to go find that and put that back in there. Because I felt I needed some context for him being at the gym. Yeah. Holy shit. She's lost a hundred pounds yeah so krista has like two or she had like three or four different storylines i could have gone with there was just too many uh she's like a fourth degree black belt uh she's won gold medals stuff like that she's wow she's lost a hundred pounds just being at the gym here, working with Trish, the other owner who's a nutrition lady at the gym. She just has so much to say and so many other stories.
Starting point is 00:26:52 So it was really hard to pick which one. So I just came down to which one was the clearest and strongest and what I had the most content for. Yeah. And the really simple shots you're using, it's her cleaning from the back, and you're just seeing her beautiful hair with the light on it move. Or she's just leaning against the pole, resting and smiling. She doesn't have to be – you can see she's content in her home, and the camera's moving at her, and you're getting more and more shot of her eyes. You see her talking, walking in from obviously what was an outside warm-up with her homegirl there. It's cool as shit, man.
Starting point is 00:27:29 What you did isn't easy. And I had my clicker here, and that's a minute and 23 seconds, and there were 11 B-roll shots. Yeah, I tried to put a lot in there. I mean, talking with B-roll, it's interesting. It's fun. So you've got to have that in there. You've got to have a lot in there. I mean, you can, yeah. Talking with B-roll, it's interesting. It's fun. So got to have that in there. Got to have a lot of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Someone can have fun with it. What would you say was your total time spent on getting the 10 interviews and then making these five? I should have tracked that. I don't know. Just roughly. You think you spent five hours a day for 15 days you think you put in uh 50 hours no no i mean each each video i mean once i got it down so by the third or fourth video uh we'll go off that last one because that last one is probably just like putting iphones together after a while you're like no it was probably like
Starting point is 00:28:25 four hours of video like putting it from from editing to finish editing i mean shooting was set up and and interview so maybe 30 minutes on that side well plus b-roll which was an hour class so if you want to put that in there so four five five and a half hours total for each video i i mean it probably i probably would have gotten it to you faster but you know there's other things that get in the way of that but yeah so so so let's say six hours per it takes six hours to make one of those videos including making contact with the person setting the appointment getting the shoot going to the class and doing the b-roll and then coming home and editing it editing that only takes three hours no well editing with editing is the four hours two hours is the other part okay okay wow crazy dude yeah and so you go ahead go ahead susan i was just gonna ask so you you basically just planned
Starting point is 00:29:17 their normal schedule you're like hey you're gonna come in and do the you normally do the 3 30 class are you cool if you show up at like 2 50 or 3 we we're going to talk to you before you kind of hang with them to class for all that B roll. And then maybe follow up with a few questions afterwards or something like that. Is that typically how you set it up? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Yeah. That's it. Yeah. We'd make it as easy as possible for them to get to the gym and do the interview. So it wasn't out of it, out of their normal time of being there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I think the hardest part, honestly, the thing that took the hardest part honestly the link that took the longest is finding the right music oh the music's insane how did you find the music the music's insane i use uh artlist io and i just go find i just start scrolling through different genres and and different you know I'll select like any piano, classical music, and just try and find something that's happier or whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And then that'll lead me down the rabbit hole. And then two hours later, I finally find the right. Honestly, like I'll step away from the computer if it takes too long. I'm like, this is taking too long. I gotta go do something else for a little bit and come back to it.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Cause Sierra, we are artists here. Please do not objectify. Please, please do not objectify. He wants me for my body. Yeah, that's disgusting. He wants me for my body. Yeah, I hate that. I hate that.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Oh, yeah. I hate the thought of someone just liking you. You have so much talent, and she just turned you into a piece of meat. Cattle. She sees you as cattle. My throat's a little dry here in a sec. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I couldn't think of anything better. That's better. Yeah. Much better. You just saved my job. I didn't have the logo down there. There ain't no problem. Anytime.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Good boy. Brett Hopper, the winner of a free case of FidAid. I have a $5,000 sip right there. Yeah, right. Free case of FidAid. Hey, Brett, send me your address. We're going to send you a free case of FIDAID for that. 100%.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Absolutely. Send me your address. Yeah. Absolutely. Put your name and address so it's easy. Listen, guys, when someone asks you for their address, this isn't directed at you, Brett. This is just a PSA. Ladies and gentlemen, when someone asks you for their address and you text it to them,
Starting point is 00:31:21 put your name and your address all in one piece so that the person can just right click it and copy it and paste it to wherever the fuck it's going don't make it like all crazy and shit don't forget to put your name don't like be like john young and just write your whole address out on one line use the shit if you're doing on a computer you shift returns so it goes to the next line and doesn't send the text like figure this shit out dude like okay there we go Anyway, the winner of this show's... I wanted to give Shelby Neal a free case of Fidget, too.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I'll circle back with her. We can get that. I didn't get the advertising for it, so she didn't get it. That was great. That was great, Brett. Not even coordinated. I appreciate that. Very good. What about the... So you said you interviewed 10 people do you think that you
Starting point is 00:32:08 have other gold uh pieces like these five i mean all five of these are amazing do you think you have other ones in there yeah for sure i've i mean i think i owe it to the people that i interviewed to make those videos still so i mean we've got justin the owner we've got his wife trish who's also the they co-own the gym and it was just like waterworks man we got some really good stuff there and then uh yeah we got some other compelling stories that need to come out so those will be i would say those are coming too so i can't leave those uh all dusty and stuff so we gotta do it are you okay if people contact you at b hoffer photo and like hey i want to enter the film contest what do you what do you suggest i do yeah they
Starting point is 00:32:51 i mean if they want to contact me they give them the details i feel like the details are are pretty simple uh you know 30 seconds to 90 second long videos and just make sure they answer the question what does your affiliate mean to you i I mean, I felt like it was a pretty simple task to do. And then I just took it in my own direction based off of my inspiration and what I saw. So, I mean, my original inspiration really is just what I saw when I first came through CrossFit documentaries and CrossFit Journal. I tried to make that little tick, you know, just on the intro has that little tick there. And I felt like CrossFit Journal. I tried to make that little tick, you notice on the intro has that little tick there. And I felt like CrossFit Journal kind of had that opening whenever they had that card.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And so I wanted to make it a little nostalgic, kind of feel like it would maybe during the high, like 2018 era type of documentaries and stuff. And then put my own flair into it. You nailed it. And people, I think the big takeaway here also is, is make sure you have like
Starting point is 00:33:46 the same question asked 10 different ways just write it on paper 10 different ways what what's this affiliate mean to you uh why did you come here what's your favorite thing about the affiliate what was the one that you asked that one was great uh for one that just barely uh no it's like when i when we were going over questions earlier you you said, and then I said. What would you tell somebody else to like? Yes. That's a great reframing of the question. What would you tell someone else? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:13 People get stuck during the interview. They like don't know what else to say. And so you say, okay, the train's leaving. Like you got to convince somebody real quick or tell them why it's so important to you. What would you say? Like the train's going, you got to hurry. And so. They're coaching and so they're coaching cues they're coaching cues you're helping their brain is like you're you're looking to pull out the jenga piece right that causes like them just to spill out yeah which you will find i mean there's there you will find that people do have
Starting point is 00:34:38 their wall up and you'll see certain questions it'll break that down and get like the true person and that's what you kind of strive to get every you know more of you want more of that pulling that out sometimes it's really hard to pull that out like they just they just see the camera and it's just a different person yeah it's not even that they don't want to they just need they need the coaching cue right everyone wants to have a perfect snatch but they just there's just a certain cue that's going to get it for them yeah yeah that's awesome that's awesome. So guys, listen, $5,000 for first, $3,000 for second, $2,000 for third. There are not going to be a lot of people who enter.
Starting point is 00:35:12 You definitely, I'm concerned that maybe only one person would enter. So it could just end up being an easy 5K. And then if that happens, then we're just going to keep paying people to make them. But you should enter and you should feel free to make something that you think is compelling. We know that all you got to do is get together with your affiliate owner, schedule these out, interview. The hardest part, obviously, is going to be the music.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I think Brett nailed that. If you even want to use music. Dead silent the whole time time yeah like like shit if you just want to use clanging of weights you can be as creative as you want but there is a requirement to enter the contest you need to submit five videos um show the other two okay okay fine i've been showing them you have been showing them i have some questions too please go ahead susan please go so brett what what you're you used a mic a separate mic there what did you use we know we have the camera but that was actually my biggest uh like thing that so my camera through this
Starting point is 00:36:17 interview process i found out that my camera's uh mic jack had never been working for probably the last year okay so i had to run and go grab somebody else's camera which uh i've got a buddy i grabbed his and his was working so then uh uh that all worked i used um the road mic twos i used that with a lapel i i honestly hate when i can see that big brick just on somebody's chest it's yeah so annoying anyway so i had the lapel up there and use that and that was my mic situation okay cool i i want to show you guys something really quick here that's a great question by the way the audio the audio will end oh shit did my keyboard stop working oh because i was gonna say too the other thing you could do is you don't if you if you're somebody who's listening to this and you're
Starting point is 00:37:10 like shit i don't have any of that equipment it doesn't need to be done with a fancy camera like if you have an iphone and you go to cinematic mode and you shoot it in landscape with the person framed in the middle of your camera there you could um even get some really cheap plug-in uh microphones that'll plug into your iphone and you could clip onto them for like 100 150 bucks and um oh there we go or you could use something like that and that's going to record to an sd card right right out there this this question that suze is asking is so important because the audio will make you or break you. If you shoot the most beautiful video and your audio sucks, you're fucked.
Starting point is 00:37:51 You are – don't even bother. They have solutions like this that are absolutely amazing. It records the audio to that little recorder. You put that in someone's pocket, and then you run that lapel mic up to their mouth. We often, when Susan and I do shoots, we often just use that little recorder. You put that in someone's pocket and then you run that lapel mic up to their mouth. We often, when Susan and I do shoots, we often just use that as backup. So we'll put two mics on people, but you can put this on them
Starting point is 00:38:13 and then in post in DaVinci or Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro, you can then sync the good audio with the bad audio and ditch the bad audio. And then of course, there's more expensive solutions. There's a DJI, let's see dji mic um and then there's a mic like this which is more expensive but not only will this record to your iphone or to your fancy camera but it will also record internally to the receiver or uh yeah uh to the transmitter on the person so you'll have you'll
Starting point is 00:38:46 have it recorded in in uh in backup yeah really cheap you 150 bucks dude yeah i mean i used to pan the pan handle that in an hour that wasn't in the 90s because yeah i want i want people to know that if you don't necessarily have access to somebody like brett in your gym or you don don't have access to a lot of the equipment and don't necessarily want to spend all the money just for this shoot, like I said, you could shoot it on your phone, but the audio quality is the one thing that you want to pay attention to. I bet you even if you just asked around the gym, you probably have a little lavalier set that you could borrow. borrow if not just get off amazon like 100 to 150 bucks to make a video that could make you five thousand dollars is kind of a no-brainer also too don't focus on the prime money like if you're a videographer or you're a gym owner here this
Starting point is 00:39:34 is a perfect opportunity for you to stay motivated and making something that you know you need to make i know i need to make for my gym but haven't in a while. And these commercials, if you're, um, or videos rather commercials videos, but if you're somebody who's, who's, uh, creating those and putting them out there that could, that could result in a bunch of members of your gym, right? So it's like, if you spend the 150 bucks and get it, you, you may end up with thousands of dollars on the back end and not even win the contest just because you're putting more stuff out there for your gym. Thousands of dollars on the back end and not even win the contest just because you're putting more stuff out there for your gym I want to tell you three ways to surely fuck yourself with me Like to make it so like I hate you and that I don't want to work with you
Starting point is 00:40:12 And you got to get the fuck out of here If you're preoccupied of how you're gonna get me the video Fuck you like you already lost just go just go do thrusters Like like you're not even like uh, if you post it on ig before before we get a chance to see it so you don't let us premiere it here get the fuck out of here like like like i got it like i don't want like don't send me your fucking link to it's already on your instagram and it's from two years ago like i don't give a fuck and and then and then the third way is make it too long and submit one and it'd be four and a half minutes. That's not that those,
Starting point is 00:40:45 those three things make it. So like, I'll just, you're on, put you on fucking ignore. I don't want like, that's not the point of this is to bring it. I want to premiere it on here.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I want to have it be a regular piece of content on here. I want it to live on a YouTube channel with a compilation of all the other ones. I want to glorify the piece. I don't want it to be long. I want it to be for selfishly for me so I can get up and pee and come back. And the shorter it is, the more times we can run it, the more practical application that it has. And then if you're worried, like so many people already reached out to me, how do I submit my videos? It's like, listen, motherfucker. Like
Starting point is 00:41:17 if I wanted someone to see something, I'd put it up on YouTube, make an unlisted link and send me the link. You don't walk up to a girl and be like, hey, what line can I ask you so that I can take you out? That's not the one. That's not the line. Okay. That's it. I think that's it. Is there anything we
Starting point is 00:41:37 didn't cover? Could I? Please, please. Yeah, let's go. So I was just going to say, inside, like you called it, forum inside the school, the school platform. Like, oh, yeah. And they will all be in there, too. Sousa, tell them where else it will be for other affiliates to use, please.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Yeah. So if you guys want to inside this platform here, I'm going to put up a little post about it and kind of keep people. I took some notes of what Brett said. I'm going to recap the whole thing and put it in there. So if you want to go back and look at them there and then inside this classroom section, we actually have different stuff in here that you could watch how to set your iPhone to the best camera settings, what different mics that you could use, all of it's available and free inside of this, as well as getting the lighting
Starting point is 00:42:16 right for your shot, everything else. So we'll be following along and be putting a bunch of information about this contest specifically into this so if you guys want feedback on your videos or if you have questions or anything like that you could throw it into there it's at a and um like i said it's will you put the in in the in the show notes down at the very top will you put a link to where people can go to see details damn you're waiting i'm going to be documenting like as a separate piece my whole entire process of making this so i'm going to make it but i'm also going to make a video about myself making it if that makes sense hey brett could someone this is some conniving shit i'm about to say
Starting point is 00:42:58 could someone reach out to you pay you to make videos for them. Then they submit the videos, and then maybe they could win the money back. Then they have five videos from their gym, and then they could also win the money back. Like someone pay you five grand, you come make five videos for them, and then they win, and they get their money back, and you're happy, and they're happy, and they got five videos um yeah dude win-win i'll make videos for anybody i mean whether you want to accept that that's i guess that's your call but yeah i mean of course like that's the thing too you could that i didn't even think of that but if you're an affiliate owner and you want to make videos you're looking for an excuse, and I know it's not cheap,
Starting point is 00:43:46 but you could find a good filmmaker, make the videos for you. And you have the videos. All I ask is that you let us premiere them here. After that, you can use them wherever and let us use them however we want, but then you can use them however you want to. And then, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:57 you could pay a filmmaker to make them for you. And then, and then if you win, you get the fucking money filmmaker. You, you bought, you bought them from the filmmaker. So that could be a...
Starting point is 00:44:08 Yeah, I'd accept that. Yeah, I hope you get completely overwhelmed. Yeah, bring it on. If you're somebody who just likes making videos, like you were just saying with Brett, I could essentially put my name out there and be like, hey, here's the 10 affiliates closest to me. I'm going to enter this competition.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I'll come and make you free videos for your gym is like stuff like that. Allowed to. Yeah. All that or whatever, whatever it takes. Cool. Oh, you do have to be careful because there's people like,
Starting point is 00:44:35 um, uh, that girl, Stephanie, who are going to see that Brett's making a lot of money. You gotta, you gotta, and then she's just going to like him not only for his body,
Starting point is 00:44:42 but his money. You gotta, you gotta, you gotta be mindful as you get your popularity. Daniel Garrity, partner with a local film school. Choose the guy who doesn't have blue hair. And it's a great opportunity for them. That's actually a great idea, Daniel. Local film school. Those guys will bring in like uh like all
Starting point is 00:45:07 sorts of crazy lights and shit hey i think you if you were really committed you could do this with an iphone yeah if you had a nice iphone and it was very well lit and you use cinematic and you and you shot and you got some good b-roll and you got good audio, you could be the winner of this with an iPhone. Honestly, it's more about the story. If there's nothing else distracting from that, like if you have decent audio, video, stuff like that, really the story is the most compelling thing. I feel like that's what really matters.
Starting point is 00:45:41 That being said, at Justin Zimbo's order uh let's see which other ones justin let me get away with it justin wants you to just to show all of them he's texting me if you don't we showed steven we showed samantha we showed uh krista uh we haven't showed uh jose is that really how you spell Jose with a U-E? Josue. Josue, of course. Josue. Come on, Josue.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Have you ever met a – do you know any other Josues? No. His parents are like, oh, I'm going to really fuck this up for him his whole life. You know what I mean? Hey, that dude has said five million times. I bet you he's given up. That dude said five million times between like zero and like 15 hose hose sway not jose and now he's like fuck it i don't care yeah you know you know i went jose it is you guys win you win jose I had shoulder surgery, shoulder replacement surgery. There was a point in time where I wasn't sure I wanted to come back
Starting point is 00:46:57 and go through the rehab and have to kind of start over. My name is Paul Ellis from Salt Lake City, Utah, and I'm 57 years old. My first week back after six months of rehab, the coaches here took time to talk to me about where I was and how we could rehab and how we could get back to where I wanted to be. That competitive spirit never dies inside you, but sometimes the body can't
Starting point is 00:47:36 keep up and that's a struggle. And the coaches, I've recognized that and have helped out a lot. The coaches, I recognize that and have helped out a lot. To me, Salty Hive cares about the individual. Whether you're younger or older or you're elite or you're brand new, I've watched and noticed how everybody's important. And that keeps me coming back. Damn, that one's good. Every time I see it, that makes me want to meet Paul.
Starting point is 00:48:11 By the way, none of this would be possible. It's just a coordination of Justin, Brett, and Chris Cooper. Those three... That's it? Justin, you're the least important. But still important.
Starting point is 00:48:25 But between Brett doing the work and Chris Cooper putting up the money, and I guess you could say Justin was the matchmaker. It just shows, and by the way, when I do stuff like this with Chris, I was like, Chris, we want to do a film contest. He says, yeah, and then I was like, okay, what can we do to you to offer back? He's like, it doesn't matter. I just want to help the affiliates he doesn't ask for his uh his uh and i'm meanwhile i'm like brett make sure you have my logo at the end of every one i want credit chris never does that shit um that is something i think that we should do at the end of every one
Starting point is 00:48:58 um i was gonna say maybe both those bumpers we could have in a space uh brett if you want to send those the affiliate one at the beginning and the bumper at the end, I could make them downloadable for everybody where you could just use a link to download those. Oh, you demand. Okay, so that will be, you'll have to have that at the end.
Starting point is 00:49:15 What do you think about also having that affiliate graphic Brett made at the beginning? Yeah, I think both of them should be mandatory. Both those bumpers, intro and outro. Yeah. So add that to the rule book, the intro affiliates and then the outro with the Sevan podcast and Two Brain. And then I also don't mind if at the end the filmmaker wants to put a film by or whatever very small, like super small, like minuscule at the bottom. One frame.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah. One frame. No. But somewhere people should know it's your work. And so I don't have an issue with that at all either. So those are three things to add to the rules. Affiliate, your name on it somewhere. Quick, man.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Don't get all crazy. your name on it somewhere quick man don't get all crazy and um and then uh the seven podcast and uh two brain business at the end the logos have you ever met chris cooper brett no but uh i'll say now thank you chris this is a pretty awesome opportunity so thanks for funding it he's cool he's he's very cool he's he's a cool dude he has uh yeah he's got good vibes he's easy to talk to he's smart he's humble he's a good dude um i love those affiliate videos of 100 plus pounds overweight people using crossfit to reach their goals i know me too uh so usually someone doesn't like to be told how to run a show as must be sunday i'm good with suza telling me like i've made one there's a loophole uh oh man sierra is now trying to get business for you he's the best and oh uh hire brett he's the
Starting point is 00:50:57 best and his kids gotta eat oh you have kids you have kids i got two boys uh three years old and nine months old and how old are you? 34 oh congrats on the new baby so that's why those pieces are pretty compelling for a 34 year old man to make but you got kids
Starting point is 00:51:18 you got compelling shit in your life every day yeah that's cool well it shows in your work alright dude life every day yeah yeah that's cool well it shows in your work thanks all right dude is there is there is there anything else that you want to add uh you gotta probably show Josue yeah look at you oh yeah I hate I did that hit me wrong you're right Ken I hated that my name is Josue Bocanegra I'm originally from. I'm 27 and I go to Salty Ive CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:51:49 When I came in here, I was 195, almost 200 pounds, and I had never been that heavy, like ever. And then I got in here, started eating well. You know, we have the consistency is key. That's always, I don't know, like ever since since I heard it here like it was always in my head and it didn't just apply to the gym I applied to my eating habits to my workouts to even like just work school consistency is key so I started eating healthier started avoiding sugars I started avoiding candy because I love candy I try to avoid it as much as possible and I was, I'm now 169 pounds this morning actually. And I don't feel, I don't feel skinny either. It's like I'm actually fit, which is awesome, you know. I think it's the most fit I've ever been in my entire life regardless of playing soccer in high school.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I'm actually trying for a while to get my dad in here because he struggled with obesity throughout his life. What I tell him all the time is like, you gotta get in here because it's not just the gym. It's not just you get in there and people may be just judging you for what you're doing. No, it's a community. It's somewhere that'll help you actually improve and not just lose weight and actually get strong
Starting point is 00:53:01 and actually get fit. And it's so much more than a gym that's what i tell him damn dude you were right i was wrong i'm sorry you're right you're right brett was right all right dude uh thank you much. Anyone who has any questions about the contest, do not bother me. Unless you have to. Feel free to bother Brett or Matt Souza. There may be stuff we can't answer. The most important part is that you make something,
Starting point is 00:53:34 submit it. How do you submit it? Just go ahead and upload it to YouTube. Make it an unlisted link. Get it up there. Let us see it. We'll work through eventually how to figure out how you get all five videos to us.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Eventually, the goal is to have them all loaded up here in our StreamYard console to glorify you, to glorify the gyms, to glorify the affiliates. And I hope a lot of you will enter. And even if you don't, someone's going to win five grand. And if no one enters, we'll just give the five grand to Brett. Fuck it. Yeah. Brett, now people are going to contact Brett. He's like, you suck.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Don't. Yeah. Nobody talked to me. I don't know what's going on. Too hard. Too hard. A deadline. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Great question. I think Susie told me. Is it in September sometime? Yeah. We had kind of tossed around a couple of different options. But I think just to give the most time for this september 7th was something that we had that's the first week in september um it'll also be the weekend that we're at the norcal classic so we'll be doing a bunch of shows we'll be there with like colton and taylor and stuff so i thought
Starting point is 00:54:39 it might be fun to announce it then um so tentatively let's just say tentatively september 7th is the date but if we need to kick it out further maybe we might have to do that or what do you what are your thoughts yeah so the deadline will be september 7th when we actually tell you who the winner is you got to give us like let's say 14 days after that yeah because because we got to go through them and look at them and i i hope it's crazy i hope like 50 people enter and we get 250 videos and we raise the prize money to 10 grand. That's what I hope happens.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And we will do something crazy like that if that many people enter. But the deadline is September 7th, film contest. I'm going to put that right here. I have a question from CBD Athletbd athletics about like different videos from different affiliates honestly i could have made all these five from five different affiliates i don't know if you guys agree it could be from any any affiliate it doesn't matter it doesn't even
Starting point is 00:55:35 have to be an affiliate to be to be honest with you it can it can be any uh crossfit gym whether they um have the name or whether they have the CrossFit name or not. Yeah. The point is to get people into these facilities where there's the cure for the world's most vexing problem, where people have embraced the pyramid and they've built a community and it's gone from everyone's welcome to be a good example for other people and their nutrition and their movement. So it can be from anywhere. Like, yeah, any gym.
Starting point is 00:56:11 The important part, I think, is that they're five videos minimum. They should be short and that you have the bumpers on the front and the back and that you have good audio. And that's it. Oh, and if you use copyrighted music like you can't use like drake in there yeah don't be stupid guys don't do something like completely crazy and i and i'll be making some different graphics and stuff and what i'll do is we'll put these bullet points that savon just said onto a graphic over the next week here um we'll post them on the
Starting point is 00:56:41 podcast instagram to just highlight it so that way we could point more people to those just for the details on it all right thanks brett appreciate it okay thanks we showed all the videos yeah got him all right buddy all right thank you uh we'll be in touch thanks Thanks, Brett. Have a good day. The video contest. I have these two ideas for shows, by the way. One of them is just to do like a Hawk Tooey show where I just show like just go through like a hundred memes. Hawk Tooey memes.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah. That'd be kind of fun, right? Yeah. Yeah. And then the other one is like just like it's called a fight with Taylor show. What do you mean? Like you just bring them on and you just specifically go through like old comments of shows to get them triggered? Not even old comments.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Just bring – like he needs to do – I have no problem with the level of intensity that he engages the audience. Yeah. But it's the quantity that's too much. Like the cadence needs to be a little slower. It can't be like, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. It needs to be like, fuck you. Fuck you. You know what i mean i was thinking like what if i just you know what i mean like like the kill taylor show just like i mean i love the intensity and i want him to be free i just need to change the cadence yeah well what was that was that a button you just hit no i don't know
Starting point is 00:58:21 oh whoa wait a weird sound maybe that was it was just like the breathing to the mic um so uh so then i was thinking what could i do to help mitigate that and it could just be like just bring them on and like okay fuck it this this show is definitely not for everyone but this is the show where we just fight with the audience yeah yeah let it go for him. It's like therapy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:47 I think we had this show even as a disclaimer. Yeah. Like run a disclaimer bumper before you start it. It's like a little 20 second. Please be advised. Yeah. Take all children out of the room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:00 And he gets in just so everybody knows he doesn't just get intense with people like that in the comments. He gets intense like that with us too. Oh yeah. Just on the phone with him. Most like, I hate using this word, but he is all of us are on here, but especially him.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Like he's super, this is what you get. Like how you see him on here. If you go and hang out with him afterwards, like he's great dude. Same guy. You know, he processes out loud.
Starting point is 00:59:22 He does. He processes out loud. So if you're a reactionary person who wants to play the victim he'd be great for you because he'll make you get so defensive and feel but if you're like non-reactionary and you can chill he'll put on a great show for you you'll see him go through his whole fucking process with you yeah i love it like when he just gets super fired up and then like a minute or so later he'll like out of nowhere he's just like okay you know what that was a little there's a back there. Yeah, I've changed my opinion on that
Starting point is 00:59:46 whole thing. You were right. You called me a fucking asshole and you thought that I should have my anus ripped in half. I retract that. Strike that from the record. You were going to gate me. That's my favorite part about him. Oh, fuck. Taylor Unleashed. Yeah, that's not bad.
Starting point is 01:00:04 A little cliche, but not bad. Oh, yeah. Bernie Gleashed. Yeah, that's not bad. A little cliche, but not bad. Oh, yeah. Bernie Gannon. Epilepsy warning. Mm-hmm. Hey, what was the name of that show that you used to do in Santa Barbara way back in the day?
Starting point is 01:00:16 And you had some public access on, like, TV. IV TV. Yeah. There's a Facebook thing out here, a little more rants and raves and it's just like where everybody goes to get triggered and like complain about stuff in livermore it's amazing and um i was thinking i was like man i would love to do a little more a little more rants and raves live we're like on thursday evenings or something go live with a live call-in and i just go through
Starting point is 01:00:41 livermore rants and raves yeah i go through all the stuff and see if i could get like local attraction for people to like watch that show you know it's like every thursday oh is this yeah that would be good so i should i should actually do a whole show on this but i'll just tell you really quick i don't think many people know that you did this the the day i was homeless and the day apple released final cut pro and a laptop computer that could edit video i bought it i bet you i was the first person i have to be in the top 100 first people ever to produce anything on final cut pro and publish it and there was no youtube back then i had to carry the tape i had to drive the tape down to the public access station and they would
Starting point is 01:01:22 play it the show the show was absolutely crazy. We had slap fighting before there was slap fighting. I mean, the show is absolutely nuts. God, this is crazy. This was shot on tape. Let's see. That's the girls rugby team. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Oh, what's this? Oh, maybe, maybe this is one. This is like before slap fighting was even a thing hey and in public access there's no rules so you could use copyrighted music where there was tons of nudity on the show it was just absolutely nuts and the whole town would go quiet 20 the most densely populated town uh west of the mississippi and the nights we would air it the streets would be absolutely silent because everyone would be inside having their iv tv parties god i remember these people when i see them
Starting point is 01:02:22 oh someone put a sticker on my fucking lens. I love hooters That's just the front front lawn, you know what I mean just from Pardon me. That's an isle isla. Yeah, that's just an isla vista. What's that? That means guy put the cigarette out on his tongue. Oh my god That's in Isla Vista? Yeah, that's just in Isla Vista. What's that street? That main street. Guy put the cigarette out on his tongue. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah, yeah. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I can't believe I... We did slap fighting before there was slap fighting. Holy shit. Look at this. You hit me in the throat, you fucking idiot, he said. Damn. Damn. This is before Girls Gone Wild.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I was fucking so far ahead of my time. Fucking crazy. Yeah. Hey, fuck you, Kenneth. It's not unwatchable. Blow me. Shit is fucking amazing. Oh, Kenneth. It's not unwatchable. Blow me. This shit is fucking amazing. Oh, Kenneth.
Starting point is 01:03:28 This shit is amazing. Wait, wait, wait, wait. You said I got two minutes. Next time, ask yo in the basement. He's got the fucking road. I was an anthropologist before, and I didn't even know it. This is probably 2000. Yeah!
Starting point is 01:03:43 Let's make the job! Woo! Oh, man! Yeah! Wow! This is probably 2000. Oh my gosh. God. That guy, that guy right there. I was banging this chick. I was fucking in love with this chick. And then I found out she was banging that dude too.
Starting point is 01:04:02 And I'm, I'm five, five, 137 and living in my car. Yeah guy's like six four 300 pounds captain of the rugby team what a what a what a variety of cock she was getting yeah she had both ends of the uh yeah yeah it's latin for always wear underwear yeah crazy Yeah, crazy. Oh, God, that was so weak, that punch. That's when it was okay to say retard.
Starting point is 01:04:39 He called him a retard. I'm just going to go with the five iron because I'm a long hitter. so that's just the town that's just the town those all those homes across the street are just sitting on the pacific ocean yeah that's what i say so this street is the street that gets nuts during like any like because i've been there multiple when it gets dark period yeah and like all the houses you guys see like people would just be up on the roofs of them like you know when you see those videos and like a roof collapse because there's like a hundred kids on top of it and you're like yes what is this place like that's that place that was shot at two frames per second oh look at this god we were so ahead he's gonna hit the hit the beer bottle with the golf club god we're so ahead of our time this was even like was this pre jackass phase or was it like pre-all pre-all dude yeah dude there was nothing there was no one making videos i was like the
Starting point is 01:05:41 only person in the world making videos. And dads filming their kids. Oh, man. Oh, and you did a reverse. Never drops the beer. Look at that camera work god i'm a fucking legend i say that with all humility jesus christ that's amazing uh could you take uh clips of this media and edit into a video into an affiliate video contest? Maybe some voiceovers and soft music.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Yeah. Anyway, I made 20 shows like that. The chancellor of the university, UC Santa Barbara, went from being the number one party school in the United States to having three Nobel Prize winners there working on campus at the same time, I think, in chemistry and physics. Nobel Prize winners there working on campus at the same time, I think, in chemistry and physics. And so they had completely changed their reputation. And the chancellor was quoted in the Santa Barbara paper saying that I.V.T.V. In 30 minutes took UC Santa Barbara's reputation back 11 years or some shit. I was so proud of that. Oh my goodness. Back when men,
Starting point is 01:07:11 yeah, that was back when men were men and girls were girls. Wasn't that the part of the song from, what was that old sitcom? Like way back in the day. I think it was like was like archie bunker or something was the dad and it shows oh you know when they start and family guy took the spoof of that intro and made it into the family guy intro and like edith i think was like playing the piano the fuck you know what i'm talking about yes not sanford and son um no all in the family is it all i think i think it is all in the family that's part of that song back where men were man
Starting point is 01:07:52 and whatever all right show us more i know thank you i would love to yeah dick butter yeah i should do i should do i should just do a review what's funny is i don't even know what happened to any of those people like i don't think i'm friends series i mean i'm the only person i'm friends with from college i oh that's not true i have a couple friends from college that's not true i mean i married one i was dating hayley when I made this. I think. Crazy. God, I don't know if that's true. I was at least trying to.
Starting point is 01:08:30 I think I was trying to. Did I tell you I wrote a film script called Five Years to Fornication? It's the five years of trying to, yeah. All right. That was a five-year courtship. We can get you another, we can get you a Netflix deal for that one. Except for
Starting point is 01:08:46 just turn it into you courting a dude and we'd be sold. Oh yeah, I'd do that. They could change it. God, there was... Man, there was so much fun and debauchery in my life. Alright guys. Thank you. Thank you to Brett. Make sure you enter the
Starting point is 01:09:02 film contest. The deadline is September 7th, 2024. That gives you plenty of time. I don't know. How long have I known Haley? 20, 30 years? Have a good Sunday. Oh, tomorrow. Maybe we'll talk about what's happening tomorrow. Do we have a podcast Sunday oh tomorrow
Starting point is 01:09:25 maybe we'll talk about what's happening tomorrow do we have a podcast tomorrow oh Dave Newman oh yeah from a smart gear that's the guy who had his grips band right yeah the Ben Smith grips okay
Starting point is 01:09:40 save and then Tuesday we have wide open Oh we have Matsuza show Wednesday we have Greg Glassman Fourth of July Oh Fourth of July show Bill Leahy on Friday Holy shit
Starting point is 01:09:59 I don't need I don't need Tia Toomey Or what's the girl the rad shoe girl The great body I don't need Danielle Brandon I got Bill Leahy Yeah Legend The legend of Bill Leahy
Starting point is 01:10:18 And then Saturday's Kill Taylor Hey we are going to start piling in All the games athletes I'm going to invite alliling in um all the games athletes as we i'm going to invite all eight of them onto the show including uh the the wonderful danielle brandon and the ever powerful danny spiegel i'm guessing probably 40 will accept um it's kind of an iq test we'll weed out the dumb ones and uh i'll be doing 45 minute interviews with ones we've been on before, like Shelby Neal, and then full-length interviews with the dudes and dudettes who've never been on before.
Starting point is 01:10:52 So that'll be coming up as we ramp up to the games, and I'll keep you guys posted on what's going to happen with behind the scenes. Oh, by the way, if you're not a member and you want to see the early releases of the behind the scenes from Knoxville and the West coast, go ahead and sign up and be a member. Now you get access to that. And it just helps support the, the channel.
Starting point is 01:11:14 All right. Thank you. Congratulations to Brett Hoffer for winning free case of fit aid. Yeah. Bye.

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