The Sevan Podcast - Official Rogue Invitational Event 5 & 6 pre/post show

Episode Date: October 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you bam we're live jason hopper wins the event brent fukowski pat velner travis mayer yellow hosta dallin pepper ricky gerard tutor magna bjor Bjorkman, Carl Goodmanson, and Bailey Martin. That's the top 10 for the men. John young. Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:17 From J Y barbell. Oh, I can't hear John. Uh, you meet it. Crossfit crash, Jer howl, Taylor self,
Starting point is 00:01:23 Caleb. What's up from live from the event. Sousa. Good to see you. What's up everybody. You're muted. I was working out in my old man Long John's and watching this event. I'm like, you know what? I should at least dress up a little bit. So I put on all new clean clothes. You're just in your undies? Yeah, I go undies. I'm going to go in undies today. Professional. And you leave the closet.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Do you even have a door on that closet? It's a fucking standing desk, bro. Look. See? Inside a closet? All right, dude. Whatever. I live in a fucking hood.
Starting point is 00:02:12 J.R. Howell uh we just watched strong uh no not strong man uh individual event number five that puts us directly at the midpoint for the 2023 rogue invitational uh the duel um originally was there a rope in that workout a rope climb so it's a it's a little bit of a sprint it's a up and over some logs and it's a well it's up and over some logs a little bit of a sprint and then lift three heavy bags and then there was going to be a rope in it how much do you think not having the rope in the event uh changed the outcome of the winners? We'll start with women first. We had Danny Spiegel won it for the women. Would she have still won it, you think?
Starting point is 00:02:51 Is she a good rope climber? I just have to say before I even address the rope climb question. Above all with the males and females, the most impressive thing that I saw the whole time was how athletic Dannyy moved on the logs it was incredible like how come no one did you see anyone else even use her technique she
Starting point is 00:03:10 was rolling over like water and everyone else was jumping over she had this electric slide on the second one that nobody could replicate it was it was just it was really impressive to watch just how how fluidly she got over no mistakes made and then when everyone gets the bag it just kind of becomes a who can handle the bag it just kind of becomes a who can handle the bag the fastest unless there was a slip up your question about the rope climb though what would have been really interesting to see is if there were any females that chose to do it legless because legless is faster if you can do it fast it's faster i think all the men would have chosen to do it legless so that they could
Starting point is 00:03:45 just get to the top and touch, come down faster. So I'd have been interested to see how many women were able to incorporate that strategy just to get down and get to the bags quicker. And for the men, it would have just been interesting to see the descent efficiency because on something like that, when there's only one, it's not as much the speed up sometimes as it can be the speed down. So I think there just would have been another, it would just been another variable. It would have been another opportunity to mess up. It would have been another opportunity to like jump from far away after the last log and almost be swinging on the rope versus taking the half second to make sure you're jumping from directly
Starting point is 00:04:24 under. There's just a lot more variables that come in. With a workout that's sub-23 seconds, even adding three or four seconds to it really changes it. So let me just be clear, going back to Danny Spiegel's athleticism. Strong start. I saw how she went over the log. I saw when she picked the bag up, she didn't make extra movements. She literally picked the bag up, and she didn't do the adjustments that a lot of other people do when they pick up a a big bag like they make a second movement or a third movement to get into position to lift hers was more of a pick and set in and uh but and then i started going over the log which was like
Starting point is 00:04:58 a waterfall but what's this slide you're talking about you mean when you start sliding underneath one of the logs watch how watch how far ahead of everyone she starts on her starting mat too or at least maybe that was just against laura like see look at lane four see lane four is off to the side of their starting mat oh right okay so so not that slide you're talking about yeah can you replay yeah replay that one it's the smoothness of this first log for sure because right there she's already gapped. If you count the steps after the first log, it's like left, right, dive. It is so fast. Does she turn? Does she go one leg over, turn her body?
Starting point is 00:05:34 She does a 180. Yep, 180. And then interesting. Slides right underneath. Now go to the third log. It's not the hop log. It's not the hop log. She goes one leg over. You can't do that as a guy
Starting point is 00:05:47 No I know Yeah you're gonna fuck your nuts up I would have crushed that event because I don't have any I tuck Right So JR where do you think she's making She's just making up a little bit of time everywhere she's proficient at everything and then she doesn't even have transitions it's just all one
Starting point is 00:06:09 fluid movement is what you're saying well one thing about the side view camera angle that they would show a lot during the sprint was if someone was truly trying to sprint to their bag they would close a little bit of a gap left after the logs. She's not slow at all. So she's going through the logs the most efficiently. She's running hard to the bags. And then when she gets the bag, if she's getting there even with someone or a little bit ahead of everyone else, there's no one that's going to catch her.
Starting point is 00:06:37 One of the comments in our group chat was that this was all big girls, except for Daniel Brandon. Was this a bigger stronger athlete uh event i mean i think if you take brand if you don't take if you don't take height into consideration because a rope climb getting up over something and loading something to something that's a certain height is more beneficial to a longer athlete even Even if you take height out of it, removing one gymnastics element typically is going to make it easier for bigger, stronger athletes. Let me get a quick little divergence here,
Starting point is 00:07:16 and we're going to come back and keep talking about the girls. Let me just show you this, too. This just popped up. The overall standings for the men. Pat Vellner currently leads with 400. Fikowski, 360 in second second bjorgvin carl goodmanson 345 adler 340 no olsen 320 now look what's happened there we keep talking about these top five in this tier and now we have a roman who's been pushed out of it who i don't think
Starting point is 00:07:39 anyone think uh would be and we have travis mayer who's come down from 10th and, and shown that consistency pays off as time goes on. Is, is Roman from Antarctica? Yeah. You didn't know that. There's going to be a lot. There's going to be a lot of action later on tonight.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Like if you look at three and five specifically, traditionally, you don't think of them as strength athletes, especially with power lifts. You're going to see still a ton of shifting tonight after the deadlift. We don't think of Adler. Doesn't Adler have a tremendous deadlift?
Starting point is 00:08:13 He does. I said three and five. BKG and Noah. Wow. Jason cracked the top ten. Jason sucks. Let's go back to the ladies. specifically daniel brandon she made it in there with that group although she may have not been with those women in terms of their size and power that was just sheer athleticism yeah i mean she's i would consider her a top three
Starting point is 00:08:41 athlete in the female sport in general so she made up her time on the go, the logs, and the sprint. Yeah, and she wasn't bad on the sandbag at all, I didn't think. It didn't look like she was taking an extra second when she lapped it or anything like that. She looked pretty clean. There were some pretty fun falls to watch. We saw Paige Semenza take a pretty cool fall. I think everyone who fell also recovered with quite a bit of grace. So we saw Victor Hoffer do a cartwheel.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Yeah, he was super smooth with that. Who's this? It looked like he fell on his own. Is this Paige? Paige Semenza. Same thing, Roman, Paige. Okay, here we go. Let's take a look at Paige's.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Oh, it's kind of. She's in the second lane in. No, it's just. It's right behind this pillar. Oh, is this true? Is this true? James Watson. Has the deadlift been moved to Sunday?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Are we so far off schedule? Can anyone confirm that? Um, did you see the text that we just got? Seven. Yeah. Okay. I don't think that's true because Susan,
Starting point is 00:09:58 I just got a text from an athlete saying who he asked to come on, who says, uh, I'm sorry. I can't, we have a briefing and a tight turnaround. Okay. Will you let the athlete know that if they change their mind they can just jump on thank and thank you hey and even ask them maybe even ask them if the uh so the deadlift's still on for tonight maybe just ask the athlete that okay thank you uh wyatt uh bagay been a while buddy
Starting point is 00:10:22 haven't seen it seen you around in a while. Lucky I'm picking you. Mr. Wyatt, please stand up and ask your question. Hi, Sebon. Jeffrey Adler is lucky he didn't break his wrist on his fall. Did he fall? Did anyone see that? Yeah. Yeah, he fell on the very first.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I mean, his only, right? His only. He was one and done. Go at it. Yeah. Three of the top five guys i think got out um that were on the that got through the bye good keep giving them a bye okay let's talk about that really quick we're going to make the presupposition that giving the athletes the bye is supposed to help them and reward them
Starting point is 00:11:06 for being in the top five. Is that correct? Do we all agree on that? Okay. Then why give them a buy when you know, each round the athletes are getting faster and they're getting one less rep of practice. I don't know that the bot,
Starting point is 00:11:21 like after watching this and watching the first two years, it's been evident for three years that the buy is not that advantageous. So I wonder if they do it to create dramatization of. So the presupposition is wrong is what you're saying. It's actually to punish them because that's what the proof is pointing at. Am I correct? I think it's giving the other athletes an advantage to me. And we know that because they're getting faster each round, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:11:45 They're making tweaks, subtle tweaks. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. Hopper's first time was like 22.35, and his last time was 19. More efficient with each rep, with each go-around. Yeah, and I mean, I almost think if Tia goes in the first heat, then she doesn't have such a poor finish that she did. Because that was her first go around and she needed to be faster.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Yeah, she sucks. So JR, are we overthinking it? Is it like, hey, we just don't give a fuck. We're doing a buy because it works out better as we go down the reduction and we pick these five? Or do you think that there is some thought to that? Why do you think they give the buy? There is some thought to that. Why do you think they give the bye?
Starting point is 00:12:30 I think that's because of what the bye is significant of in every other sport. If you make the final field of 64 and you don't have to play the play-in rounds in basketball, it's because you were better than everyone else. If you get a bye in tennis, it was because you were ranked higher than everyone else coming in. So I think it's just like that's how we do it but a match in a game doesn't equal 20 seconds sure right and this buy is hurting them yeah and that's the problem uh i don't think this is true jedediah we'll get to the bottom of this right now i thought this for a split second and then i think i unfucked myself jedediah snelson is saying you could argue they're guaranteed a
Starting point is 00:13:05 top 15 finish i don't think so right because if they have a worst if they have the worst time they're still putting 20th because the bottom five the bottom five out of the first round are already cut yeah so even if you have a worst a worse time than them even if you get in the second round right you don't have a time wow wow it's a placing it's wow yeah they're not digging the buy at all i dig the buy because now t is fucking five points ahead of laura only or 10 points after the deadlift i love it laura's gonna be ahead i was gonna be ahead by 10 points yeah adler's in fourth pat's winning the buy is dope well belner, Belner... I don't give a fuck, dude. That body hurt Belner. Hey, did Elena
Starting point is 00:13:48 get booted for a false start? Is that what happened? Elena? I thought it was someone else. Elena Cartala? Yeah, did someone get booted? Let me ask that. Did someone get booted for a false start? I thought one of the women got booted for a false start. I did hear that. I did hear either Sean
Starting point is 00:14:04 or Adrian say that on the free stream, but I don't remember which athlete it was. Which is weird because a couple of the men false started, it seemed. I think I saw Murad and Jay Crouch false start. Is that who you guys saw? Yeah, I know Jay Crouch. Yeah, Murad for sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Did they just get time added to their score or anything do we know what happened they even got a penalty to me and it didn't look at like from from the stands it didn't look like they were having like extra time or anything talking with them at all like i didn't see anything like that there was a discrepancy about hopper not touching the box or not and i'm very happy that they let him through because yeah he's the best person right uh zach go ahead go ahead jay uh go ahead jay yeah i was just gonna say whoa buddy be cool bring it bring it down be cool be cool i was gonna say after watching uh lower lower lower okay scoot it i think i. I think I could help you out.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Okay, talk now. Now you can talk normal again. Talk normal. Good. That's good. That's good. You're good. Yeah, six.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I was just going to say, I think it was pretty obvious that the chip timer was the end all. The box was there as a fail safe in case there were technical difficulties. They lost Wi-Fi, whatever, and the chip timers didn't work, they would still have the judge's stopwatch and the touch of the box as a backup. Did you see me fucking with the volume the same time you were trying? I'm fighting with Sousa over your
Starting point is 00:15:36 volume. Tell me about the chip timer again. What were you saying, JR, in the box? Tell me, tell me. I was saying I think that the chip timer was still the end-all, be-all. Whenever they crossed. Yes. The box was irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Dude, right. The box was there in case they lost connection with the chip timer. So they told all the athletes, hey, touch the box. We'll have a stopwatch time for that just in case the chip timer. So they told all the athletes, hey, touch the box. We'll have a stopwatch time for that just in case the chip fails. His judge was just being way extra. And there, yeah, and there are all these,
Starting point is 00:16:12 everybody in the comments like, oh, you can false start. You can't false start, but you get to just miss the box. Okay, if that's the truth, let's look, can we look at that slow-mo of Laura and Danny? Because, well, I just think that Laura's foot crosses that line. Can we look at that slow-mo of Laura and Danny? All of her starting.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Well, I just think that Laura's foot crosses that line. Where is the chip? Is it in their shoe? It's on their ankle. You mean Ariel? No. Oh, maybe it was Ariel and Spiegel. Maybe it was Ariel and Spiegel.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You're right. It's not crossed. You can't tell. It's so hard to tell but i mean she steps on it she doesn't like cross the line and might have not made the sensor go off why why so at the very end at the very end of us how long was that event the men's and women's event in total yeah in total did we just spend two hours with that i mean it's too long yes okay okay so here we have this remarkable event this fun event everyone loves to see a quick sprint and there were two factors that were holding it back i don't want to you know get too too down on this but the angle like we never i feel like we never saw that angle we never saw that angle either the ain't we the angles were so bad it's one point i'm like what i i do i just i was
Starting point is 00:17:31 like hey it's not even worth watching and then the and then the distance in between their events was making it hard to keep up on what was going on too why didn't they change at the very end adrian conway goes this is the very end the. They're showing a replay of the men's event. And Adrian says, wow, here's a good angle. And I'm like, holy shit. And it was the overhead angle, right? It was the parking lot. The sky view angle?
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yeah. It was basically the way they showed the Masters at the games. I think that's how they should have showed it the whole time and just have their names up at the top. Me too. With their times going. And then you can see the time stop as the chip goes off. That side angle was absolutely truscious. So it makes me wonder, by the way, who was making that call.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Because as soon as you saw it after the first or second heat, someone should have been like, hey, we can't tell what's going on. But instead they kept us there for two hours with that side cam. It was bad. Yeah. It was far superior we'll say it again it was far superior the overhead view oh and then the one time they did use it right as the race got good they cut back to the shitty angle again i'm gonna be a little harsher that that's like that person has to be let go from their job that person's completely incompetent i could understand doing it once or twice. That's like that person has to be let go from their job. That person's completely incompetent. I can understand doing it once or twice,
Starting point is 00:18:47 but whoever's in that feedback loop or whoever was in charge of choosing that camera for the start of the race, like, completely fucking unacceptable. Wad Zombie, is Caleb Holmes getting homesick? Who is feeding the people chained up at his house? At the Shattuck Inn? You can go 72 hours without food, that's gross i don't know what you
Starting point is 00:19:08 guys are talking about you're freaking probably longer than that huh uh sam smith for sure in 20 second races you need wide shots not close up yeah i mean yeah absolutely yeah absolutely you'll be able to see the whole field pretty much the whole time if you could do it you don't have time for five different camera angles it was almost like it was like some geek who was geeking out on the fact he had five camera angles and he was excited wanted to show them all uh jason miller press and for frame by frame adjustment on youtube oh press and press and press dot and comma oh dang thank you wow he paid us to teach us that wow thanks dude yeah shit 279 dude so go back let's check that fucking chip timer no we still couldn't see ariel because from that shot ariel i think is
Starting point is 00:19:52 blocking uh danny the premium does have those angles and i had the premium but i just couldn't be bothered to a switch well which which oh there we go okay so look so that is ariel so if i told you who won that race the girl in the foreground or the girl in the background wow wow 100 percent arrow wait and time out is this the is this the fourth round is it is it on her left or right well is this the fourth round oh i see what you're saying jared because if if if it's on the left foot dan is eating with the left foot across the line and Ariel... Exactly. Let's see when that foot gets across the line.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Typically, it is the left. If it's a fucking race, then Ariel wins. She touched the line first. I agree. I don't give a fuck about the chip timer. That's some dumb fucking cuck shit. They all know that they have the chip timer, though. I don't care, dude. Is this in the fourth round? Is this in the fourth round?
Starting point is 00:20:46 Was this in the fourth round? Where only two people move on? But are you saying they should just wear chip timers on both legs? And their neck and their hands. Ultimately, this doesn't matter because Danny Spiegel. Ultimately, this doesn't matter because Danny wins out again and again after this. But Ariel beats her here. Well, someone was asking as if this is the fourth round.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Did only one of them progress from here? But Laura had already progressed. Or was she in a different heat? No, because if it was the fourth heat, they would have been in the same heat, Laura and Danny. Okay. So this is the third round. It doesn't really matter. Shout-out to Emily. Oh, here we go. 205. But go to – Okay. the same heat laura and danny okay so this is the third round it doesn't really matter shout out to
Starting point is 00:21:25 uh emily oh here we go 205 but go to uh okay shout out shout out to audrey and sema good to meet you guys today told you i'd make it to a live show sometime emily cool awesome good to see emily can we go to uh the starting mat of the final round between danny and laura because there's something really crazy there tell me tell me what well just fucking laura starts five feet behind her starting mat and danny starts like four feet ahead of her and that's laura though right yeah but i just think it's stupid because if laura's starting the center of her match she wins the workout no and it's like they were all at the back of their mat. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:22:09 What was the fuck up between judges? Danny should have started in the back of her mat. Yeah, right. Or Laura on her mat. No, that's on Laura. Danny's just making the best out of every opportunity. But they all started on the back of the mat in the first heats. The video we just watched, they all started on the back of the mat in the first
Starting point is 00:22:25 heat it's like the video we just watched they all were on the back of their mat including danny spiegel right so they briefed him starting rules were at the back of the mat if they briefed no no i i don't i don't think that if you were making the rules you wouldn't say start at the back of the mat you would be like hey you can start anywhere on the map but you have to have a hand why would they all be back two feet behind her? Because maybe they just did it subconsciously and didn't realize until later on. Zoom in on that, Caleb. She's not even on her mat, so what I'm saying doesn't even make sense. So that's not something you just subconsciously do.
Starting point is 00:22:57 You don't walk and start behind your shit. Someone told her to do that. Good. No. The only other thing I could think of would be what? The mats were slick because I saw Brent starting on the grass a lot. And like that initial acceleration, if the mat was slippery at all,
Starting point is 00:23:21 they just didn't want to deal with it. So she started off the mat. But let me ask you this. Is Taylor just being a hater because danny's fucking being a smart athlete no i think he he asked a legitimate question like if they're all doing it and the person he's talking about was doing it initially why didn't they make them continue to do it. And she won by less than that. So, Taylor, what would you say? If you were at Rogue, how would you start this event? Everyone has to, would you like the rules that I have?
Starting point is 00:23:55 Hey, you have to be on the mat, and one hand has to be on the box. Other than that, you're good to go. Danny Spiegel disqualified if I was running it. I would probably say you all need to be – I don't know. One or the other, but you all got to fucking do it. Not choose – not pick your poison, not player's choice. To the left of your fucking starting mat with your right hand on the tower or on the center of your starting mat with your right hand on the tower. One of the two.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Caleb, are there drunk people fighting around you? No. Somebody's giving us some... Oh, is that Leah Baz? Yeah, tell us what's going on in the media room. Everything cool? You got a live shooter? Yeah, yeah. They're telling us that we can go on the floor for this one for the next event for the deadlift stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:44 It's about Fucking time. Yeah, right. Can you Instagram stream it from the Sevan podcast Instagram account? Probably not. They've been cracking down pretty hard on us. On you guys. Yeah, they won't let us. Yeah, they're watching us
Starting point is 00:25:00 pretty closely. I'll stream for the Barbell Spin account. Let us... Quiet, Ejon. Can we pull up the leaderboard and see the ladies' leaderboard before we switch over to the men? Let's talk about what's going on here. Do we have a competition here, or is this just a glitch
Starting point is 00:25:16 in the Matrix? Tia, we'll get back on the horse. This is just... Glitch in the Matrix. Tia Toomey, 420, Laura Horvat20 410 in second place Emma Lawson in third 365 Emma Carey
Starting point is 00:25:31 320 290 300 So the top six Those are the gals. Those are the girls, right? Maybe Gazan needs to get up there between Lohan and Christine Kolenbrander.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I think the deadlift, there will be major shifts. John, gun to your head. Going into tomorrow, who's first, who's second? Laura Horvath. All day. So Laura's going to beat Tia by more than what? Two spots? Yeah, I think Laura Horvath. Take the gun away from my head and I'll say Laura Horvath. all day so so laura is gonna beat tia by more than what two spots yeah i think laura i'd take the gun away from my head and i'll say laura horvath wow you don't even need a gun bro
Starting point is 00:26:11 that's strong yeah if you just want to look at me hard i'll say hey i think christine pullenberger gets between them and who else again i don't think Tia's pulling 415. Do you guys really think she's pulling full capacity? Wait, so you think Laura's going to win this? Are you guys saying Laura's going to win this? No, but I think she's one of the girls that can win it. I think there are four girls who can win the deadlift, and Laura's going to be in the mix, and Tia's not going to be in the mix.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I think Laura wins the deadlift. I'm banking there's two people in between them. Banking. You disagree, JR? There's no way I will underestimate Mrs. Toomey Orr's capabilities. Orr. It's two Rs. Roll your R. What do you think Tia Poole is the best guess?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Tia's deadlift? Yeah. I think you're crazy. Danny's going to win this. No fucking way, dude. Who's got it then? Laura. The deadlift?
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yeah, dude. Laura's winning the deadlift. I think there are four girls who win the deadlift. I'm picking Colin Brander to win the deadlift. I was going to say, I think Colin Brander's the top three for sure but i say it's gonna go colin brander laura and then danny spiegel and then alex kazan and then frey over and then one other person that i'm not naming and then tia i mean i think if it was a more technical lift i'd agree with you but just since it's just a deadlift and you just need that brute peer strength to pull it off the ground, we saw Danny do it with
Starting point is 00:27:45 a log, and I mean that, I just, I don't know, I think she's just going to pull heavier than these other girls, and I think she's got some momentum coming after that win, too. Who are you not naming? I, no, there'll just be a girl that I'm not thinking about, is what I'm saying. There's only 20. How can you not think about them? Nah, I just didn't know that
Starting point is 00:28:03 the deadlift was that good. I don't know everything about everybody, Taylor. It's hard to know what I know already. We just got a report that the deadlift is on, by the way. So I don't know what the schedule says, Caleb, but we're hearing from an athlete that they're being briefed on tie breaks for the deadlift right now. Max reps at 3 15 to 25. And that would be terrible.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Schedule said it's starting at six 10 and maybe not, maybe not Freya over Freya over is really, really sick. I, I've gotten news like vomiting hard. Okay. But a deadlift, you don't, I mean...
Starting point is 00:28:49 Fuck it, puke on the way up, baby. Let it rip. You ever shit yourself on a deadlift? No, dude. Okay, dude. Maybe that's why you only deadlift what you deadlift, dude. Get a little of that back action when you're pulling from the floor, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Maybe you're right. Maybe you're pulling from the floor dude uh okay let's go over um let's let's go down let me ask you one more person's deadlift what about uh sitting in 10th place um man on angonaise is that the is that the one you're not thinking of it could be. I don't know. I don't know enough about her. I don't know how good she is at deadlift. Paige Semenza looks strong. She does.
Starting point is 00:29:34 As I'm saying, there are girls that I just don't know how good they deadlift. And I figure there will be one in there that I don't know. I really want to see Laura beat Cole and Brander because I think Cole and Brander is the safe pick. Not safe. Like when you think who's the raw strength. I don't know. When I think raw strength of the field, I'm thinking Cole and Brander.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Unless it's a bench, then you're thinking Alex Kazan. But I just hope – I think it would be a statement. Did we confirm it's a ladder? But I just hope, I think it would be a statement. I put Spiegel in there too, raw strength. Did we confirm it's a ladder? Are they going to keep progressively lifting it up? Kotler said it was a ladder. So that could play a factor in this too, because once they get to that top end strength,
Starting point is 00:30:15 it's also going to be more about who could continuously pull at that, at that really high end, as opposed to just sitting the bar out of weight. Get to know yourself and your roots better in 2024 with Ancestry DNA. Want to know where your family comes from in Northern France? Maybe you'd like to see how your genes influence certain traits like diet, fitness, and allergies. There's so much of you and your heritage to discover. Visit and get started with an Ancestry DNA
Starting point is 00:30:46 Kid today. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local dignity Memorial provider. Find us at dignity Depends how long they wait. Maybe they'll let it lay and give them a Johnny says Kyra Milligan looks like she has a nice deadlift.
Starting point is 00:31:28 No, she has a nice squat. Oh, okay. Jessica Valenzuela, can we talk about Lauren Fisher? She has been impressive all weekend. Hold on a second. Let me see. Eighth place. She has been.
Starting point is 00:31:42 She has been. I think she's been the most impressive person in regards to expectations that we have seen. Did she try to go individual last year? Yep. Yeah. And how did that play out for her? She didn't qualify.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I don't mean that. I'm not trying to be a dick. Okay. So she's making another run at it, basically. So she came through the qualifier She's here as an outsider Will any women pee themselves doing this? Yeah, she qualified through the queue
Starting point is 00:32:12 Christine Kolenbrander has a 17th place finish That is the worst finish In the top Are we not going to address Taylor's pelvic floor Integrity question? 12, no the top Are we not going to address Taylor's pelvic floor integrity question? 12, no. Dude, what? It was a serious question. Let's go to the
Starting point is 00:32:32 men's leaderboard. If we have time If we have time, we'll talk about medical issues that could occur. Hemorrhoids, peeing, lifting the bar up over the balls, things like that. I don't think we have any experts in that category. Are you an expert in that, Mr. Howell?
Starting point is 00:32:52 Magnus Holmgren wants to pay us to see two men touching each other in the comments. Here we go. I got the button now. We're good. Pat Vellner, sitting in first place, Brent Fikowski, Bjorkman, Carl Goodmanson. Okay, let's stop there. Man, dude, the guy's been around forever. A 12th, a 7th, a 6th, a 2nd, and a 9th gets him a third place. Crazy consistent. With five events.
Starting point is 00:33:19 He's five points ahead of the fittest guy in the world. Look at Pat. John, going into the games, I know you and Brian did a show on it. I remember Brian saying he had him picked as a top ten of the games if he wouldn't have been injured. Did you also have him still top ten of the games? PKG? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah, I think I had him eighth. So it just shows you he's still there and his fitness isn't waning. It's pretty impressive. Yeah, yeah. I don't think he's just – he's still there, and he's like his fitness isn't waning. It's pretty impressive. Yeah, yeah. I don't think he's less fit at all. I think he's – I just had a bad showing. What was the fourth event again? The handstand push-up one?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yeah, gymnastics. 4-8-12. Yep. Four muscle-ups, eight handstand push-ups. Okay. And that one he took a second, and basically he told the field, hey, I'm world-class. The only person who beat him was Noah Olsen.
Starting point is 00:34:08 He beat the champ by six places. Yeah. And was it a back injury at the games? A back spasm. From what I've heard, he just gets these sometimes where if it's just – it can get aggravated enough, and then it spazzes out, and he can't do anything. Like he can't do anything like it's
Starting point is 00:34:25 like he can't even walk when it happens and then and then if it goes away he's fine but if it's there it's you know he can't do anything so uh let's talk about the worst placed athlete who has a first place he has a 6th and 19th the 17th, and a 1st. He's been accused by this group of not giving it his all. Jason Hopper. Look at those numbers. We said that about the last event. I said it. I said he went into it thinking he wasn't going to do well,
Starting point is 00:34:58 and that held him back. In that 1st, he even crossed the finish line like he didn't fucking understand the fucking event. Like he jogged across the finish line. Like he didn't realize like, hey, dude, your time matters. He missed the box. I'm going to call that. Is he Sarah?
Starting point is 00:35:14 Is he Sarah Sigmund's daughter? No. The male Sarah Sigmund's daughter? He's not Sarah Sigmund's daughter. He's all this promise and he's just squandering it away by forgetting to touch the box jogging across the finish line well a he's never podiumed to the games sarah has right b that's also kind of like i love how we all take that as such a massive insult well it shouldn't be it's well it is and it isn't it shouldn't be because she's fucking amazing
Starting point is 00:35:42 right not one of the fittest women ever. She is amazing. But she's been her own worst enemy. Right. Yeah. No surprise, though, that Jason won, right? As soon as we saw the girls go, we knew, oh, shit, Hopper's going to win this event, right? We thought he'd be good.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I did not win the event. I thought he kind of dominated. Like, he got better. Me too. I thought he dominated too. Roman didn't dominate. Hosta didn't dominate. Mayer was the second best looking one, I thought, once he got to the bags. Did somebody pick Chandler to win this?
Starting point is 00:36:21 That was me. Brian Friend also picked Chandler to win this. Fun fact. I definitely didn't't Didn't shake out So basically he just messed up right And then he was out and he didn't get a second chance He dropped a bag or something There's no idea he got butt clapped I don't know dude look at 26 seconds
Starting point is 00:36:39 No one was that slow He had to cut the refrigerator loose I don't know what it was but he just looked a lot slower than everybody else on the NFL what the fuck channel uh he's saving it for the deadlift he did not want to use energy here he was like i'm winning the deadlift and that's that's what he did uh so that's just an error when someone's that bad that's just an error so he had an error and that and that's kind of the issue or the problem or the good thing or the tension or the game day quality that a duel brings out. Hey,
Starting point is 00:37:10 you either, if you're going to win the, uh, uh, an event by, by an event, I mean like the games are rogue and they're going to have something like a duel in it.
Starting point is 00:37:18 You either better win that or better be so fucking dominant and everything else that you can make a mistake there. Right? Pretty much. Yeah. And and i mean these execution events if you have an error it's it's really really costly it was really costly for tia yeah not to the extent for chandler but i mean i kind of the same extent if you consider what they're shooting for yeah well that goes back to what jr was saying about the rope climb because when you have something like that in there, the chance for one of those mistakes increases like tenfold.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Because now you missed the line, now they jump down wrong, there's a no rep, you go back to the rope. I mean, it just completely changes the event because of the opportunities for mistakes. And I would also point out that this is the second time that rain and rope had set up Danny to dominate a workout that wasn't necessarily just a power output workout, but then converted to a power output workout due to the weather.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Where? Where? The games? The games. The alpaca. Remember? It had that seated legless or whatever. She didn't win, but she got like second. I think she got second. Yeah, exactly. But you would have never picked her to win that event with a seated legless rope climb. She'd be one of the worst ones. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And if this one still had the ropes to it, she wouldn't have been in the conversation in the same way that she was with the mountain. Yeah. Could they have put something else in, you guys? Oh, my God. They could have put a hundred things in. Why are they so against handstand walking?
Starting point is 00:38:43 That would have been hard to change the course. Like 30 feet. 30 feet worth of handstand walking that was a big open course like 30 feet 30 feet worth of you got walking you got to put something in that the cameras can still get their head wrapped around the judges can it's got to be something how does that change anything it's the same as running no a rope takes place no no i'm just saying if they had to call an audible because of the rain and you're going to remove the rope you have a section of area right that's i don't know what a rope is a six by six area that you have to perform something that could supplement or mimic or be a scaled version of a rope climb was there anything that they could have put in to keep the stimulus the same no there was nothing they could have put in to keep the stimulus the same but the handstand walk would have been an amazing thing to put there
Starting point is 00:39:24 okay well they obviously couldn't do that. They had already the cameras set up. They had the field set up. They couldn't do that because someone is stubborn. That's the only reason. Are all the events known? Is it going to show up later? No. They've never had it. They've never had a handstand walk. We don't know
Starting point is 00:39:40 clean up. I would be thoroughly shocked if it did. Travis B, Danny is world class at legless. This guy has no shit. cleanup it's not gonna it there's i would be thoroughly shocked if it did travis me danny is world class at legless this guy has no shit not as well just kidding travis um i who do you think hates hates the handstand walk out of the group of programmers spieler bridges katie who's the reason why it's not showing up bridges bridges i think he hates that and i think he hates handstand push-ups too look at his if you follow his programming ever it's only
Starting point is 00:40:10 wall walks that's all he puts in there for like inverted stuff never handstand walks never handstand walks never handstand push-ups wow yep i what i i was on the phone with jr earlier and i said that and i speculated because i think he did a military program and in the description it's like you will never do things like handstand push-ups etc because you would never see them in real life they're not functional but whereas if you're a competitive CrossFit athlete you have to do them because you see them in competition so I would assume when I read that I was like oh he must hate handstand push-ups and handstand walking I think it's important to be inverted it's taken me years to understand that, but I think it is. Hey, JR, has there ever been
Starting point is 00:40:47 handstand walking at Rogue? No. Okay. And so they may have something. I see where we're going with this. And then Jedediah Snelson, is this a valid point, what he's saying? Handstand walking would have been better with all the pulling they've done anyway? Yes. Yes. They did do shoulder to overhead today.
Starting point is 00:41:05 They didn't do shoulder to overhead. They did handstand pushups. Yesterday. Oh, okay. They did handstand pushups today. Okay. Which is still, the amount of pulling they've done, and the handstand walk would have been an awesome race.
Starting point is 00:41:17 All right. I was actually watching and like watching to see, and I know it was really overdone probably the last year or two in a lot of stages of competition, and people kind of got tired of it. But they had that 30-foot space where there were 10-foot blocks. What if they would have done, they come off the over-under, and they would have either done 10-back, 20-back, 30-back run to the bag, like a shuttle, like a suicide type shuttle, or they would have just done 30, 30, 30 back to the back. So it was just given another five to six to seven to eight seconds of some athleticism and change in direction. It would just add a little bit more suspense to it. I was just, I was just thinking of things that could have easily been inserted if they didn't. I mean, what I think is important
Starting point is 00:42:06 to say is if I'm them, I have a contingency plan for every workout. If something happens and it's super humid and we can't climb the pegboard because they're like ice, what are we going to use? Okay, cool. This is the backup plan. If, uh, we can't do this workout, what are we going to do? The contingency plan for this workout may have just been, if we can't climb this workout, what are we going to do? The contingency plan for this workout may have just been, if we can't climb the ropes, we just take the ropes out. Everyone good? Okay, fine. I would have at least would have liked to have seen them move the sandbags,
Starting point is 00:42:33 and you suggested this, JR, move the sandbags right to underneath where the rope would have been hung, so right after the logs, and you get off your log, you put the sandbag, carry it, run way run back carry it run back carry it cross because at least then we get to see people fly across the line and eat shit with the bag in their hands like we did was that last year that was awesome fucking awesome i uh there's a hazard if you're gonna put it in that thing though like a trip and yeah for sure on that thing i think they need some pyrotechnics too they have to get rid of that uh
Starting point is 00:43:03 They need some pyrotechnics too. They have to get rid of that whatever thing they want to do. They're not going to fucking trip. Do any of you guys have the event on? There's a strongman competition and the guy who just won it as he crossed the finish line, someone handed him a Bud Light and he drank it
Starting point is 00:43:19 right before your eyes turned into a woman. That was crazy. He did? I saw that too. That was nuts. I always suspected that. He just went from a 6'7", 400-pound man into a 5'2", dainty woman. That was crazy. What was the point of the basket? Why were the athletes in this workout,
Starting point is 00:43:39 why were they putting it into that basket? Why not just throw it over a yoke or something? I couldn't figure out the point of that basket. Do we know? Spectacle. I think they tried to make it a spectacle. It was a lot of work for not a lot of show. It was underwhelming. I wanted fireworks.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I wanted them to set up. That volunteer team, it was like 900 pounds of weights to counteract the sandbag. Traditionally, what is that thing for? I don't really understand that thing. That was built specifically for this. I'm almost certain of it. Did it get lower each time so you can load the bag faster?
Starting point is 00:44:12 No, no, no, no. No, it stayed in the same spot. Right. So it just stayed fixed into that last bag and then that was enough to tip it. So there were plates like counterbalancing it, keeping it elevated and then as soon as it hit, as soon as the last bag hit, which was heavier than the plates,
Starting point is 00:44:28 it fell down. I'm watching the strongmen do it now. And then what would be the point of it falling down, just to let you know it's done? Yeah, exactly. But I wanted, there should have been something to indicate that it was down. Because the angle isn't enough to be like, oh, that one's down.
Starting point is 00:44:43 They needed like a fucking flamethrower or like – It lights a match. Yeah, something. Something to actuate that it was completed. Or just put it over the yoke and make it look okay. Dude, what do you think these guys risk of – You made that. What do you think these guys risk of cardiac arrest within the next 20 years is?
Starting point is 00:45:01 Hi. Dude, you should see them walking around. Yeah, like something else I was thinking about too because the names are for a lot of these are really cool and you can just see the name like seat at the bar right they're sitting down in a back squat they're doing bar muscle ups a lot of the names are really clever i would have put so much money on that implement being in the cleanup because they're cleaning a sandbag and it's almost like they're putting in the garbage can like it was that event called what was the one called instead the dual dual through oh the dual yeah so like when i saw that implement i was just like oh they're probably going to be like
Starting point is 00:45:33 loading different different weight sandbags and like a medley or like a like a super fast sprint in the last event just because of the name so it'll be cool to see what the cleanup actually is is it a clean is it just something like is it a squat clean to thruster so they're like they're doing clusters they're cleaning it then going up overhead with it like what's what's what's the name of the finale gonna have to do with the actual movements uh veronica it looks cool is she in the back of a hearse right there? Is she smiling because someone died? What's going on back there? Looks like a just married car she's in. Ladies and gentlemen, in 15th place,
Starting point is 00:46:14 the former CrossFit Games champion had his best event with the duel. Two-time CrossFit Games champion, Dallin Pepper. Are we surprised? No. No? It's who can move the sandbag the best, and Dallin Pepper is one of the better sandbag movers.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I mean, that and who can get up and over the logs the most efficiently and move forward. I think the sandbag is the bigger part, though. I saw Travis Mayer be the last one to the bag and be almost the first one to the box. Travis Mayer in 9th, 9th, 14th, 9th. He didn't like his consistency, and he goes to a 4th, taking him to 7th place with 300 points.
Starting point is 00:47:02 So I think we talked about Travis competing at Rogue two previous times, and I think both times getting a sixth. And how when we're looking at athletes and we're looking at what the programming will be like going into each year at Rogue, something that they are doing a great job of programming-wise because the athletes kind of stay who they are is they're staying true to the programming.
Starting point is 00:47:21 The only reason why we can predict that someone like Travis is going to show up here and do really well, look at him. He's in seventh. He's finished sixth two other times. It's because they kind of stay true to their MO and to their style of programming. Who took third at the CrossFit Games this year? You're muted, John.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Oh, was it Roman? Roman Kronikoff. And Vellner took second? And Adler was first, yeah. It's going to be interesting. Something we need to talk about on Sunday is what does this say about Adler and Roman and Pat, how they finish here, or what does it say about this event?
Starting point is 00:48:00 I think we need to let it shake out before we can talk. I agree. I agree. Okay. Let's go back over to Let's go back over to the ladies And let's pick some Let's get
Starting point is 00:48:12 Let's pin down our winners for this Let's do a top three for this Deadlift thing Let's add insult to injury John why don't you go first John we'll let you move yours around as you hear the rest of us talk But you get to go first too. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I'm going to pick Colin Brander first. Laura Horvath second. And Danny Spiegel third. Taylor? I've got Horvath, Colin Brander, then keep scrolling.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Why do you guys think Laura, have you seen big pulls on her IG? She's a fuck dude. She's huge. She's yoked. All right. She's pretty strong, Sevan. Mr. Howell. Laura, Danny, Christine.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Why not Gabby Magawa? She's built like a brick shithouse. She's a little shrimp, dude. She's a different brick than Laura. She's like a cobblestone. I would say Laura's like a cinder block. Sousa, who do you got? I'm going to put Danny first.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I'm going to put Colin Brander second. I'm going there too. I'm going there too. I'm jumping on that too. Who you got, Caleb? You only get one. Pick her, dude. Pick her. I dare you. I dare you.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I fucking dare you. Pick her. No one's picked her Daniel Brandon Oh my god If Tia Toomey wins Then we will do the Tia Toomey wins We will do the show naked Fuck
Starting point is 00:50:04 Let me get to my hotel room Tumi Ur wins. We will do the show naked. Fuck. I'm down. Let me get to my hotel room, but I'm so down. Oh my goodness. This is the closest thing John's ever done to porn. It would probably... This is nuts that no one's picking Tia.
Starting point is 00:50:21 This is... Just stop watching. Everyone tune out of this show these are guys who don't know shit what place will tia to me be in the deadlift i'm gonna say i'm gonna say seven that's what i was i would say top five easily top pick a place i'm going fourth i'm going right below all my picks i'm right with seven i'll go fourth i'll go six wow oh picking tia's place yeah dude 420 on the points what a g i think to be honest probably fifth on the deadlift did you say caleb yet he said nine uh i'll say nine he's got nine he's been smoking the wacky tobacco at the rogue hey you smelled any weed there you smelled any weed yeah dude serious yeah my hotel
Starting point is 00:51:13 stinks of it no but i mean at the rogue invitational you smell any probably smoke a lot of weed no way no no it's just like there's just like a stench it's not really like a weed smell though you pick winners for guys Wyatt be gay Tia is gonna deadlift 435 and make y'all look silly earlier Blade said was guessed a 405 um
Starting point is 00:51:37 Eaton Beaver says she'll get third um and RB kissing up to Danny to get her on the show. You have changed. Oh, please suck it. Is he talking to me? I don't know who he's talking to.
Starting point is 00:51:52 I'll take it. He can blow me either way. Even if it was meant as a compliment, you can blow me. Okay, let's go to the boys. Pat Vellner, Brent Fikowski, Bjorkman, Carl Goodmanson, Jeffrey Adler, Noah Olsen, Roman Kranikoff. Oh, let's talk about Roman before we pick this. How pissed is Roman?
Starting point is 00:52:06 I think Roman's pissed. He is not happy. Do you think the log was holding him back psychologically from the games? That's how he rolled his ankle. When he jumped in the bag. And he was just a little tentative about it, and that's why he was so slow. Right. I don't put it past that at all.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I mean, dude, he broke his fucking foot on it at the games. If I'm him, I'm like, I'm going to not maybe go that hard and break my foot this time. Or land on one foot. Like, and it's just a half a second slower than everybody else. Yeah, that's valid. Hey, is there some guy named hooper mitchell hooper oh i keep thinking that
Starting point is 00:52:49 he's the strongest man in the world oh okay i keep thinking people keep thinking um confusing him with jason hopper every time i'm like hooper i'm like why do they keep calling hopper hooper no mitchell hooper's the guy who chugged the beer oh that guy turned himself into a girl?
Starting point is 00:53:07 That's killer Strongman slash magician Crazy Biologist Biologist Anyone have any thoughts on what's going on with Roman? Are you guys just going to give me the same old line? Hey, it's Rogue, it's different
Starting point is 00:53:23 Rogue is different I feel like he's lucky to be there. There's still a lot of action. I think John has said a couple times that he's going to be a lot of people's pick on that up-and-back chipper with the lunge. We still don't know what the finale is. So, I mean, he's still got some opportunities to hit some home runs. I think it's third place. Third place at the end of the weekend.
Starting point is 00:53:44 No way. I think it's fine. No way. at the end of the weekend. No way. That's fine. No way. He's lucky to be there at this point. He'll be like top 10. He'll probably sit at 6 the whole time. DBE. Hey, let me ask you this too, JR, before we pick Is it because he's rushing, Caleb? Pick the winners. Look how spread out
Starting point is 00:54:00 the scores are compared to like the games. Go to the top three. Let me to the top three. Let me see the top three. If we were looking at the top three at the games, you would not see – I guess Vellner's doing it. Vellner's acting like a games champ. I mean, it looks this way,
Starting point is 00:54:17 but if someone takes a first and then takes a tenth, it doesn't feel like it's that different, but with only a field of 20, that's a huge amount of points. It's much different. So it's going to keep appearing. Why? What's it at the games? What's the field? 40? 40.
Starting point is 00:54:32 A 10th place would be a 70 points. Okay. As opposed to 50. Yeah. Is that why you're saying? But still not even just looking at the points. I mean, look at Brent Fikowski, a 14th, a 15th, and a 10th. Okay, so you're looking at the finishes, not the spread.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. It says something about the programming at Rogue, right? Oh, the back and forth? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Yeah. That's the programming. All right. That would be – we'll be doing a shut up and scribble next week discussing I don't know dude I'm kind of scared to do one of those I didn't know Katie knew my name dude I didn't know she knew my fucking name
Starting point is 00:55:15 she got your digits fool you're marked for execution at this point you guys think I'm sniffing up the wrong tree or there is something here they got a broader scope of tests than the games. I mean, I just think it's really cool that you see every single person on the screen has something lower than 10th. That's crazy. Yeah, that's wild.
Starting point is 00:55:35 So this is the best in the world, but the programming is broad enough to where you'll still find something that the best in the world are not the best at comparatively to the other 19 which is cool hey and let me let me say this also about this um that you guys have taught me these are all relatively except for the last one time domains you would see if it was a bunch of two minute workouts, you could explain it away, right? Because the, the, the differences would just be, um, tens of seconds,
Starting point is 00:56:08 but, but, but it's a, um, these are all longer workouts. Generally speaking by longer, I mean over, over,
Starting point is 00:56:13 have there been any workouts under three minutes? Besides this last one, four minutes, five minutes. No, just this last one. Yeah. I just want to point out.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Shit. Yeah. I just want to say that Francis Ngannou knocked him down It's the 7th time he's been knocked down in his career Holy shit I'm reading Ngannou Francis Ngannou just knocked down Tyson Fury Wow
Starting point is 00:56:40 That's pretty good too Caught him with a left hook You saw it? Yeah I'm watching it right now You be paid for it. No, I know I don't pay for that What's your what's your pirate Put it in the private chat is it in the private chat Okay, let's pick the let's pick Is it in the private chat? Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Let's pick the winners for the dudes. That's amazing. Just so you know, down at the bottom, I'll give you guys some names down at the bottom so you guys can see some of these other dudes. Yanukovsky's out. Garrett Clark, Tudor Magda, Lazar jukic uh victor hoffer dallin pepper bailey martin wilmore jay crouch chandler smith mr hosty mr hopper uh ricky mac travis mayor roman krennikoff no olsen jeffrey adler bkg brent fukowski pat velner uh
Starting point is 00:57:41 john you go first again lead the way buddy top three or just one yeah let's go top three i'm gonna say chandler for the win patrick melner for second and i'm gonna go dallen pepper wow Dallin Pepper. Wow. Over Travis. Okay. Wow. Okay. Are you taking notes, Devon? I just picked mine. I just picked mine.
Starting point is 00:58:17 I hope they're the same as Sousa's. I want to be the same as Sousa's. Okay. Go ahead, Taylor. Go ahead. I've got Vellner, Chandler. You think Vellner's going to beat Chandler? I've got Vellner, Chandler. You think Vellner's going to beat Chandler? I've got Vellner, Chandler, and then I think in third place is Roman.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Wow. Okay. Well, thank you, Leg. I don't have any of your guys that you've picked in my three yet. You probably have Victor Hoffer, you nerd. No, but I should have stuck with Hoffer on that other one when you guys were bad-m and I'm in the snatch workout. So it beats Chandler in this deadlift. That would be the biggest dick of a move ever.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Seven definitely has Adler in his top three. There's no question. I don't, I don't, but now you're making me think you wait to see who I have. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Chair. I'm going to go Chandler, Vellner, Travis, Chadler chandler you have chandler velner and who in travis joseph okay who do you have uh suza i got first place i got chandler second place i'm going with uh velner and then for third place i got travis mayer i have tutor hopper and then travis oh you're high all good though hey maybe tutor's a good pick tutor's a good pick tutor tutor hopper travis that's a good pick tutor's
Starting point is 00:59:38 a good pick and the only thing that scares me is i know velner's a fucking competitor. He'll fucking rip his arms off. Not one person has said Jeff Adler. Yeah, he's not got it. He lost it. He pulled 567 in 2020. That's what I was going to ask you. Yeah, at the ranch, what did he pull? 567. You think he's stronger now?
Starting point is 01:00:01 Yeah, Vellner pulled 595. No, no, he didn't do it that year. And you don't think Chandler's gotten stronger? Do you think someone's going to pull 600? Fuck yeah, there's going to be guys that pull 600. Who? Chandler's gotten
Starting point is 01:00:15 625 before. I was going to say Chandler for sure. They both will. I agree. I agree. I want to say I've seen a video. I want to say I've seen a video of Travis double overhanding like five, like five 30 or five 40 for like five,
Starting point is 01:00:35 like something big. Yeah. Yeah. Chandler did make the log look easy last year, huh? Watch me, dude. Just watch.
Starting point is 01:00:44 And he's got some grind. I would love it. He can grind it out. Yeah, because I'm thinking it's going to be those top-end bars because they've got to go in order like that. They're going to have to lift multiple times at the top end of their strength.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Why does he have two kitty cats on his chest now? He's got four. They're titty cats. Titty cats. Titty cats. He's got the titty cats, baby. We have no idea when the deadlift event is. I think it's at 610 local.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Okay. That's in nine minutes. All right. Nine minutes. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in. Mr. Thumb, thank you. Self-made training program. John Young, J. minutes. All right. Nine minutes. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in. Mr. Thumb, thank you. Self-made training program. John Young, J.Y. Barbell.
Starting point is 01:01:31 J.R. Howell. CrossFit Crash. Then the three guys run the Savant Podcast down at the bottom. Caleb is on site. Balloons. Nice. See you guys after.

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