The Sevan Podcast - Oldest L1 Coach | Mike Suhadolnik of CrossFit Instinct #983

Episode Date: August 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Bam bam we're live let me make sure mike's got the uh the link here let's see still getting used to the new setup, it's nice. There we go. Mike Suladonic? I think. Am I pronouncing that right? We'll find out. I remember last time I had him on, I had trouble
Starting point is 00:01:23 with his name too surprise surprise 80 years old uh coach over at crossfit instinct i think is the name of the place and he's uh he's coming in via cell phone i think this camera's out of focus when I'm this close. Do I dare mess with it? I don't think so. I just maybe sit back. Shit, maybe I'm just going to be out of focus this episode. What's up, guys? Good morning, Ken O'Connor, Jessica Valenzuela, Audrey.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Hi, good morning. Michelle, Ms. Shanks, hi. Frank Goh. Hello, good morning. Good morning. Frank, are you the one that I DM with a lot? I think maybe I even gave you my phone number. Are you at Hot Chow or something, CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:02:16 Damn, you're looking good, Sebi. Really? Different glasses today. I don't normally wear these. Maybe that's what it is. Damn, I am out of focus. Fix the focus. Shit, I don't know if I should mess with it.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Ooh. Yeah, that didn't work. Oh, that's better, right? How's that? Is that good? I think that's good. Wow, I did fix it. Fucking genius.
Starting point is 00:02:42 You look better further back, I know. But I got my keyboard up here what am i gonna do i guess i could back the camera up a little bit not today uh you cannot be a camera nerd and be out of focus i know but i got a show to run there's so many little things that i'm doing in the office tweaking i wonder if mike's coming he said he was coming oh I am ready okay oh shit oh shit Houston we have a problem did you click the link he He says he's ready. He's coming in on a cell phone. Uh-oh. Brace yourself.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Too close? No, it is what it is today. It is what it is. Sorry. You have to stare at my ugly face then. Good shot of the wire with this view. Oh, yeah. Right there.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That'll be covered up soon. I ordered a... I don't even know how this camera shit works. There. Anyone else? Resolution looking bad. Tell me. Tell me.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Help me out. Thank you. Yeah, I'll take it. I think maybe that's where I went. Seve, you look okay today. You seem sad. No, no, no, no, no., help me out. Thank you, yeah, I'll take it. I think maybe that's where I went. Seve, you look okay today. You seem sad. No, no, no, no, no, not sad at all. Oh, I do need to be this far back, right?
Starting point is 00:04:12 I don't know what to tell you. Not in this show. What happened? This is how it was yesterday. The wire does need a name. I'm going to slip one of these foams behind it very, very soon. I ordered a shitload of them. Mine looks, sit back, relax, have a great time.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Mine looks grainy. It's only letting me choose 1080. I don't know. I can't worry about it. Oh, I did not get the link. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Houston.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Now even Suze is texting him. Oh, no. I don't think he knows that the picture is the link. The picture. Maybe should I tell him? You click the picture. You click the picture. You click the picture. The picture
Starting point is 00:05:09 is the link. Alright. Oh, I'm going to go with this. Jeez Louise, my resolution is good. Okay, that's what I'm going to go with this. Jeez Louise, my resolution is good. Okay, that's what I'm going with. Wow. Highest super chat names the wire. Jeez.
Starting point is 00:05:43 What happens when I kill the wire? When I hide it. It's a cord, not the wire. Jeez. What happens when I kill the wire? When I hide it? It's a cord, not a wire. Don't misgender it. Oh, look at you. Look at you, Foxtrot Yankee. We finally get to see you. You are strong.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Jeez. Louise. Resolution is awesome. Okay, good. Mine looks great. Mine looks great. Mine looks great. I can see the wrinkles on his forehead. Thank you. In the good old days,
Starting point is 00:06:21 I might have panicked a little bit. Greg Glassman's coming on tomorrow. I'm starting to build the stuff that we're going to talk about. Let me share this with you guys. This is Travis from Vindicate's idea, not my idea. Oh, shit, I don't even know where his QR code is. Usually it sits at the bottom. Damn it, of course I'm going to try to sell you guys something and there's no QR code for it.
Starting point is 00:06:52 This is the new CEO Colorway, now live. He thought of this because of the Chicago Bears. I guess that's their color. You know what's funny? So many people DM me and said that that's awesome. you know it's funny so many people dm me and said that that's awesome look even hillary even hillary knew it's the dub bears cool right oh this guy wants to know if he's using a company other than next level unless it's stuff already printed i'm not using next level apparel until they fix their issues way too unreliable and the urgency to fix the issue or compensate for the issue is non-existent you ship to the UK yeah that one's gonna be cool an orange one I
Starting point is 00:07:32 don't know how we thought of that didn't think of that before so there's that oh you this um there is uh this i rocked the shit out of this i've started wearing this like every day now oh shit there he is there's mike hey you got me yeah i had to get in first no problem so should i hit get in right now? No, you're in. You're in. I can see you. You're good. Okay, because there's a screen in front of me.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I see you in all your glory. Dude, Mike, what's up, dude? Did you get a haircut for this? You look all cleaned up. Well, I'm good. I want to tell you, I got 22 people in my class, okay? And almost every limitation is represented in there by somebody. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:51 We've got replaced knees. We've got replaced hips. We've got stents going to our heart. And then we have somebody with Parkinson's disease. And they're all doing wonderful. I couldn't be happier. This is a big time in my life. You know, we had our last conversation.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Five years ago? Six years ago. Yeah, yeah. Crazy. And that was big. And that came across wonderful. So, you know, we have our own garden. At the gym? Yeah, we have our own garden.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah, at the gym, huh? Yeah, and that's how we produce our vegetables to eat. Hey, Mike, can I ask you a question? I want to start to show off with something crazy practical in a way that you inspired me. I want to give people just one thing that they can do today that you do with food. Like what you got me doing is you got me to start sprouting. It's so funny. I've seen my mom sprout stuff my whole life, and I never did it.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And then I saw you do it once, and I'm like, yeah, I'm going to start sprouting stuff. Can you tell us about this celery jar? I'm gonna do this today. Tell me about the celery and the natural salt it has in it. And can you tell me, I pulled a post up and it's like one stalk of celery cut into tiny half inch pieces. Will you tell me about that? Well, now listen, the realistic story is we got to make our own food. We can't rely on a third party making food for us. And the reason is it's got processed salt, it's got processed fat,
Starting point is 00:11:06 and it's got ingredients that do nothing but want us to eat more. And we got to make our own food. And it's just as simple as that. It's not hard making our own food. I don't know if that answers your question sufficiently but i want you to tell people exactly something that they can do today and i love your celery thing so go out and can you tell me the process go out get a jar clean your celery fill the jar with distilled water put the celery in it close it seal it up for five days leave it in there and then what happens to the celery in it, close it, seal it up for five days, leave it in there.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And then what happens to the celery? I'm going to do that today. But what you're saying celery, because I see that on beef jerky all the time. It says celery salt. And I'm always like, what is that? What's celery salt? And you're saying that somehow the celery's own salt will ferment the celery. Well, the celery is tainted.
Starting point is 00:12:10 You know, unless you have your own garden, you don't get stuff that's clean. Okay. And somehow you got to clean it up. And that's one way to do that. Okay. Because when he put it in there, I know it kind of ferments, but, but, but, but, but that's the real, that's the real deal. Do you do that? Do you soak salad? Do you, do you do that regularly?
Starting point is 00:12:40 Is that part of your regimen always having celery that's been soaked for five days? do that regularly is that part of your regimen always having celery that's been soaked for five days no i tell you what uh i eat a variety of things all kinds of things and uh mostly i i keep it different uh so that uh i nourish the things that uh you know, we don't even think about. And, hey, don't forget, you know, I'm going to be 81 years old. Wild. And I love it, Siobhan. And I couldn't be happier that you allowed me to be on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I got a lot of people watching. And I'll get feedback. I'll get positive feedback from when this gets aired. What year were you born, Mike? Pardon me?
Starting point is 00:13:39 What year were you born? I was born 1943. Okay, I i'm gonna do the math really quick to make sure you're not lying about your age okay it's 2024 okay yeah that works out you're 80 you're 81 damn near and when's your birthday uh june 29th hey happy birthday. I appreciate that. And I'm going to have many more. What city? Where were you born?
Starting point is 00:14:16 In Waukegan, Illinois. Oh, wow. That's northern Illinois. Wow. Man, you've seen the world change. Oh, wow. That's Northern Illinois. Wow. Man, you've seen the world change. Oh, unbelievable. And were you a sportsman as a kid, as a child, as a young man? Was I a sportsman?
Starting point is 00:14:35 Yeah, a sportsman. Like, did you play sports? Like, were you the kind of kid, were you on, did you play junior high, high school, college, any college sports? Yeah. I played in high school. In college, I was a starting tackle for Illinois State. And was that your premier sport, football? Yeah, you know uh uh i was just fortunate uh to be humble and work hard
Starting point is 00:15:12 and and and just get out there and and do the best i could and before i knew it you know i was doing things i never dreamed I could do. Like what? It was wonderful. Like what? Like running and jumping and those kinds of things with your physical body? Yeah. I mean, just playing football at the level I did, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:39 And, you know, I don't think I was ever programmed to play football. It's just that it was an opportunity, and I loved every minute of it. And Mike, was there a point in your life when you realized, oh man, it's kind of like the first time you experienced mortality where you're like, oh shit, I better start taking care of my health. Was there a moment in your life when that set in uh not really you always were like this you always knew from a young age yeah yeah yeah and did that make you an oddball did that make you an oddball i mean you went through some really
Starting point is 00:16:21 crazy eras the whole microwave era and the era of eating low-fat stuff and then all the artificial sweeteners i mean you've lived through some nutritional milestones i mean do you remember when the microwave came and all of a sudden every grocery store had an aisle of microwavable stuff you're like what where did this show up from uh i know same you know and i i was just kind of research-oriented all my life. And I knew enough to stay away from that kind of stuff. I mean, just from reading and studying. How about your parents? What did they do?
Starting point is 00:16:59 My dad was a fireman. Put out fires. And my mother was a fireman, put out fires. And my mother was a homemaker. And now firemen really don't put out fires. They tend to people with chronic disease. That's right. That's right. we had a radio in our house that when there was a fire, the radio would go on and it would blur out for North Chicago fire
Starting point is 00:17:37 department, a fire at 10, 10 South 15th street. I repeat a fire. And, you know, and so my dad had to get up and he had to wear his bestest, his bestest suits. Okay. And couldn't drive. So I had to get up and get out with him and start the truck up and get the truck going
Starting point is 00:18:11 and driving through the fire. He couldn't drive because the asbestos suit didn't allow someone to drive? Well, it was so big and heavy. Yeah, yeah. How old were you when you did that? I grew up different yeah and then meanwhile my mom's home crying because you know she knew my dad you know if it didn't
Starting point is 00:18:37 if it came time to bust a hole in the roof and do whatever and get down there and save somebody he'd do it yeah were you even 16 at that time uh yeah i'm not supposed to tell anybody now i i won't tell anyone were you driving were you driving the fire truck underage pardon me were you driving the fire truck underage uh uh no but but his pickup truck yeah fantastic and you know at that time you know all the police knew who i was you know and and it isn't like it is now you know and and and quite frankly the police love to see that happen you know father and son working together right absolutely and then and then when you got out of um uh college and you were done playing football and what did you do after that what did you like where did your life take you i see you have grandkids in your instagram that you're very fond of? Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:19:46 weightlifting. YMCA? YMCA? Yeah. Bar lifting. You know, who's the guy that... Who invented Nautilus?
Starting point is 00:20:11 Oh, what is that guy's name? It's two guys. Between me and you, we couldn't remember anything. I have a feeling. Let me think. A founder. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Of Nautilus. Let me see. Oh, Arthur Jones. I didn't know. Arthur Jones. Yeah. A lot of people don't even know who he was. Yeah, I don't even know who he is. Who is he?
Starting point is 00:20:30 You know, I followed him. He created the Nautilus wheel. Those were all the pulley machines and all that? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, he was a man. And, hey, he was no BS. You know, you either work your butt off or don't even work out. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you must've been in heaven when you found CrossFit. So you met your wife and you had kids.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Did you have a job before you were a coach? You've been a coach for a while. I'm sure I did. I did something. I mean, you're catching me a little off right now. Yeah, no problem. Hey, do you remember how you found crossfit how what now again how you found crossfit how your paths and how the first time you
Starting point is 00:21:33 found crossfit and started to embrace it do you remember that story uh my my my daughter and son-in-law, they introduced me to that. Okay. I thought I was pretty good. Until they gave me a workout. And that changed my life. And how old were you at that point? Oh. Were you in your 60s or 70s oh no no no no no no
Starting point is 00:22:09 i was i was my um late late 30s oh when you found crossfit yeah so you were doing you had been doing just intense workouts for a long time uh I've always done intense workouts, yes. And so it's been just a lifelong journey of fitness and working out. That's what it's all about. Yeah, God, I love that. Hey, and I'm not done yet, buddy. Yeah. and I'm not done yet, buddy.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah. You know? Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I didn't, if I wouldn't have found CrossFit, what I would be doing, if I would be like, if I would be running or like, what would I do to stay in shape even? What do people even do to stay in shape if they're not doing CrossFit? I guess they just run or walk.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah. You know, CrossFit's a complete game. Running's not. Running's okay. You know, it's really the only way to go. Mike, do you have a routine that you, a pretty strict regimen that you stick to? Like what time you work out, the movements you do, just for your own personal mobility and health? Yeah. Of course, you know, I coach.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And, you know, I change that around. And then, you know, I do the same for myself. You know, doing the same thing over and over again wears off. So whatever you do, you know, you got to change it all the time. Repetition is bad. You definitely are a CrossFit coach. I hear it in every word and thought that you have. How long have you been teaching coaching at CrossFit Instinct? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:27 14 years. God, it's wild. Are there any other 80-year-old coaches in the space? Not that I know of. Not that I know of. And I know a lot of coaches. Yeah, you sure do. You sure do.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Johnny Colley, one of our nurses, let you know that. And she's one of our sparks. Hey, you used to post a lot on Instagram instagram and then i noticed you you had you you stopped posting as much is there a reason why for that oh we lost him i was gonna show him this this is wild look at this coach ice bath. Yikes. Cold. Cold, cold, cold.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Oh, Molly Hahn. My husband and I own CrossFit Instinct. Oh, and you have your father-in-law as a coach there. I like that. I can't wait until I can use my kids to do something for me, edit videos for me. Let's see if Mike comes back on. Wait, isn't that one of those 5K ice buckets?
Starting point is 00:25:59 No. Oh, here he is. There he is. I lost you. Yeah, it happens. Sorry. Sorry. Hey, Mike, I've pulled up a picture of you in an ice bath. Do you do this frequently?
Starting point is 00:26:19 Do you like it? Yep. What else I do is take cold showers. When I get in the shower, I turn it on a cold. You know Wim Hof. Yeah, yeah. Hey, Mike, I'm 51, and for me, I have this story going on in my head. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:50 That if I take a cold shower, my back is going to seize up. So I like taking the hottest shower possible to loosen myself up. You don't feel that? You wake up in the morning, you need to take a really hot shower just to loosen all this stuff up? Nah. No. Okay. shower just to loosen all this stuff up nah no yeah he okay cold promotes circulation okay uh where heat restricts circulation ah you got me yeah okay okay yeah so when i get under that cold shower you know yeah that's not like that for very long how long do you think you go a minute
Starting point is 00:27:35 a cold shower yeah seven minutes oh my goodness oh my goodness and then do you finish up with it hot no no no you get out i get out wow wow hey this has been a great podcast thank you i feel that i feel that way too you coaching today did you coach today already or do you still coach ahead of you? No, I'm going to coach tomorrow morning. Because of our podcast, I arranged other things. I have another coach that covered me early this morning. I would have coached at 7 o'clock our time. Is there anything, when you look back at your youth, are there any habits that you
Starting point is 00:28:25 thought if you were to share something with people there are any habits that are like yep everyone should i'm so glad i started this habit as a as a however old you were do you have any like premier habits disciplines things that you do that you're like hey people this one really worked for me. Look, I never quit. Things get hard. And I've had plenty of things get hard. I sucked it up, but I never quit. And most people, as soon as the stuff starts hitting the fan, they shut down. And the last thing you want to do is shut down. You want to fight your way through it.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And when you do, you're a better person. And what's the, for lack of a better word what's your motivation what's your motivation to fight through it how do you not surrender and indulge in the agony i i i've still got a lot to do in life right you know i hey and you you got to stay in shape. You've got to be prepared. And this will allow you to be prepared and stay in reasonable shape. To get through your days, to do what you need to do. Yeah. And, you know, I don't have a problem going to sleep at night. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Yeah. And, Mike, do you live life by any certain values do i have what again i'm sorry do you live your life by any certain values like you treat others how you want to be treated stuff like that um you know any religious values any personal values do you have any values that you live your life by to help you get through the day, through life? Yeah. Yeah. You always want to treat somebody the best you can. You know, there's no excuse for being a jerk to anybody.
Starting point is 00:30:53 no excuse for being a jerk to anybody and and when you do that returns and and for every for every one i get like that i i get 10 back and you can't you can't get it any better than that so if you treat people poorly you'll be be prepared it's better than that. So if you treat people poorly, be prepared. It's coming back to you. And if you treat people well, it will also come back to you. Yep. Yep. How did you learn?
Starting point is 00:31:16 Do you remember how you learned that lesson? My dad. Your dad taught you that? Oh, yeah. He was tough. And that seems like those are good values for a firefighter. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:36 That's the kind of person you want coming to your rescue. Yeah. They're all in. They don't hesitate. They're all in. They don't hesitate. They're all in. You know, if somebody's on the third floor, you got to get up there and grab and put them on your shoulder and come back down with them. How many?
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yep. How often do you walk barefoot every single day? Do it again. I'm sorry. Do you walk barefoot every single day? Every day that I can. Yeah. Do you coach with your shoes on?
Starting point is 00:32:29 Sometimes I do. sometimes i don't it just depends on what the exercises are yeah yeah yeah and i recommend that yeah you want to go as barefoot as as much as you possibly can i only wear shoes if i'm rope climbing. Everything else I do barefoot, even rowers, salt bike, all that stuff. Yeah, I see you do it. That's great. When Mike wakes up in the morning, what's the first thing you eat? Do you start with vegetables? What's the first thing you eat in the morning? Do you eat in the morning?
Starting point is 00:33:07 Oh, yeah. I eat breakfast every morning. You know, I have herbs that I eat that my daughter's in acupuncture. One of my daughters is in acupuncture, and one of my daughters is in acupuncture and has things prescribed for me that I take. And then, you know, I have vegetables and stuff like that that I've made up beforehand, and I eat that. When I look at your Instagram, you also have a book you suggest by Avery Hansen on autophagy. Do you still do fasting?
Starting point is 00:34:00 No, but I tell you what, I did write two books. You wrote two books yeah tell me uh one is called disposed disposed okay and the other one uh i forgot that's okay i forget and the other one is called i disagree oh you did remember and i disagree not everybody has to be sick that's the really the name of the book is it on um uh is it are they on are they in amazon no are you sure yeah yeah you know i i didn't have the money to. All I had enough was to get them published. That's a big job. You can you can put them on Amazon for free.
Starting point is 00:34:53 And then when people buy them, they'll print them out and you get the money. That's cool, right? OK, that that's on my list. OK, spell your spell your last name for me. That's on my list. Okay. Spell your last name for me. S-U-H-A-D-O-L-N-I-K.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Okay. Oh, okay. I was seeing maybe if you didn't even know it was on Amazon. Amazon can be like that. I wrote two books uh that are on amazon and they're how to grow vegetables unfortunately uh it's not the right vegetable they were how to grow marijuana books but i don't i want you to know that i don't smoke anymore i don't smoke marijuana i haven't smoked marijuana in 20 years i don't burn anything and inhale anything into my lungs yeah you don't want to do that that's horrible right yeah that's horrible you know did you ever that's an advice i can give anybody yeah did you ever smoke anything
Starting point is 00:35:54 did you ever smoke cigarettes uh no you know i smoked a. Let's put it that way. Right. And, you know, no, no. I don't want to sound like, you know, that was not a habit. Oh, yeah. Unfortunately for me, it was. I was addicted. You ever been addicted to anything, Mike? Were you ever addicted to anything? How about coffee?
Starting point is 00:36:22 like were you ever addicted to anything how about coffee no not not that i can think of god that's awesome god i got a whole list of shit i can think of stuff all the time uh how about your kids how is it that um your kids still want to be in your life for people who are parents out there how do you what's the trick so that your kids? How is it that your kids still want to be in your life? For people who are parents out there, what's the trick so that your kids don't run away from you? How do you keep it so your kids will want to stay with you as you get older? I listen to them. I listen to them. They're smart.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Sometimes it really helped me out. I think that's what my mom told me when I asked her too. Yeah. She said, I bite my tongue. I'm like, why do you think I want to hang out with you so much? She said, I bite her too. Yeah. She said I bite my tongue. I'm like, why do you think I want to hang out with you so much? She said I bite my tongue. Right. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:37:37 That's really good. Mike, someone in the audience wants to know if you put your shopping cart away religiously. Like every time you use your shopping cart, do you put your shopping cart away? They just want to judge you, Mike, if you say no. Boy, I don't understand. Ask me that again. You know, like when you go to the grocery store,
Starting point is 00:38:00 like sometimes I go to the grocery store and I use a shopping cart, and then when I get to my car, I just kick the wheels up on the curb So it doesn't roll away And I get in my car and drive off And these people judge me for that They say I'm a bad person And now they want to judge you They want me to ask you
Starting point is 00:38:14 Does Mike put his shopping cart away? I always push my shopping cart where it belongs Of course you make me look big I think I put it where it belongs too I just think it belongs up on the curb oh i understand uh tell me tell me so so you you uh thank you for you didn't coach today because you had to come on the podcast can you tell me what the rest of your day looks like? Okay, I'm going to relax after this because I was pretty jacked up to do what we're doing this morning. Cool, awesome. I really took it serious.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Thank you. I really took it serious. Thank you. And because I know there's going to be people listening to this that may change something in their life. Right. And so when I get done with this, I'll put it down and I'll just admit I'm going to just lay down and take a nap. Oh, me too. That's what I'm going to do too.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Perfect. Hey, we're on the same page, buddy me you do nap every day i like a 20 minute nap every day except i try not to fall asleep i just try to focus on my breathing and then i i usually do fall asleep but do you nap every day i take a nap every day hey it's a refresher. Right. How long is your nap? Whatever I need. If I don't need much of a nap, you know. 20 minutes is plenty. If I need. You know, 40 minutes. You know, I'll take 40 minutes. It's.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I like 20 minutes. I feel like there's a zone. If I sleep too much, I'm screwed. Yes, you are. Yeah. You don't want to sleep too much. Not during day. But at night. At night. Got to sleep. If anything is my downfall is I need to sleep more soundly at night. Yeah, I don't sleep so good at night either.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I wake up a lot. See, me too. Hey, you said you took this podcast seriously was there anything you wanted to get off your chest and share with the world was there anything where you're like hey i want to make sure i i say this on the show i want to make sure that i i'm able to share this with the people yeah you know everybody's got a chance. I have a gentleman with Parkinson's disease. His world is going to end in his mind until he starts working out with us
Starting point is 00:41:21 and doing what I asked him to do. And now he's a new man. So there's always a chance. Don't ever think there isn't. There's always a chance. Just like trying to be on this show this morning. It's big. And there's a ripple effect right because you help this dude with parkinson's and then other people throughout the day even when you're not present see wow this guy turned his life around and so there's this ripple effect yeah it goes crazy. People ask about it all the time.
Starting point is 00:42:06 It's big. When you say they ask about it, they say stuff like, hey, how can there be a guy in this class with Parkinson's disease? Yeah. And then make him work out like everybody else has to.
Starting point is 00:42:22 You know, I don't show him any, you know, I make him work hard and it pays off. He would, he may even be, he may even would have been in a hospital. Mike, how do you think this guy, how did this guy find you? And why does he trust you, you think? Because it takes a lot of trust, right? Yeah. His wife found me. Okay. okay okay and she's a nurse and she she found out what i did and uh he slowly worked him into this big deal big deal and you saw it completely change his life oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's enjoying
Starting point is 00:43:29 his grandkids now he's traveling he's driving he wasn't doing any of that before hey did you ever have long hair pardon me did you ever have long hair? Pardon me? Did you ever have long hair? Did you ever go through a hippie phase? Yeah, I had long hair. Yeah? Down to my shoulders. Wow. Is that on your Instagram?
Starting point is 00:43:57 No. Oh, God. That's a long time ago. What did your dad say about your long hair uh did he like it no no but me you know i'm not saying i was a rebel but you know So I'm not saying I was a rebel, but, you know, I learned to think on my own for a long time.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Why do you think that is? Do you have any thoughts on the current state of society? Whenever I get into, like, this doomsday, like, mode, my dad will always kind of slap me around. He's like, hey, dude, this shit comes and goes all the time. Relax. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not easy to do. What's not easy to do?
Starting point is 00:44:57 Just relax. Yeah. It's not easy to do, and they recommend that, but hey, I'm always ready to get it on. You know what I mean? No, tell me. What do you mean? Well, I don't want...
Starting point is 00:45:21 If I had a fight... Yeah. It's always fight. Yeah. That's always there. Yeah. You know. My dad said it a little different. I asked my dad one time. I said, hey, as you get old.
Starting point is 00:45:38 This is, I don't know, 20 years ago. I was probably 30. I said, hey, as you get older, does your focus on women ever go away? women ever go away he said no i said really it doesn't he goes on he said it gets worse i was like oh no but i kind of i kind of equate that to fighting when you're a man you always kind of have it's always in you somewhere yep yep yep yep what city are you living in now Yeah. Yeah. What city are you living in now?
Starting point is 00:46:06 What city do you live in now? Springfield, Illinois. Okay. And how far is that from Waukegan? Far? 200 miles. Hey, Waukegan sounds like somewhere like where Laverne and Shirley was filmed or something, right? Or Happy Days or something like that. Yeah. it's...
Starting point is 00:46:26 I don't know. You know, I don't know. I don't know if... What Keegan's famous or not, I don't know. I've definitely heard the name. I'm trying to think. I think that there's two people i might know who live in springfield do you know a guy named cobra roads uh uh he's an actor now he used to be an arm
Starting point is 00:46:50 wrestler i guess he's still an arm wrestler black guy do you know him cobra roads does he live in springfield no and then there's and then there's another guy i think that might live in springfield mike he's like six six and i used to work out with him he used to go to UC Berkeley and I think and he's he's um he has this CrossFit Instagram account where he draws movements it's really big now I think his name's Carl Carl Eagleman do you know that name he's a giant dude 6'6 6'7 a gentleman of the highest order no never heard of him okay all right I'm trying to I'm trying to rattle my brain. Springfield, Illinois.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Is that where the Simpsons are? You know that show? Is that where the Simpsons are? Is that Simpsons cartoon supposed to take place in Springfield, Illinois? Yeah. I think it was another Springfield
Starting point is 00:47:43 and not Illinois. All right. You watch any TV? No, I don't have a TV. You don't own one? No. Hey, so when we sent you the link for the show and it came on your phone, to you it just looked like we were sending you a picture?
Starting point is 00:48:02 And you didn't know to click it? No. I just had to follow the instructions. Okay, gotcha. Once they popped on the screen, gotcha. Once that happened, then we got across. What iPhone do you have? I can.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Oh, okay. So you don't have the button, or you do have the button? What do you mean by that? So, like, some of the old iPhones have a button on them, and, like, the new ones don't. They're just a screen, and you have to swipe. You only do stuff by swiping around. Do you have a button on yours in the middle here?
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah, I'm sure I have a button on mine. It's what do you think about this theory? I have this idea, Mike, that as I get older, it's important to stay up to speed with technology. Like I didn't watch TV probably for like 20 years. And then all of a sudden I looked at a remote control and I'm like, what the what the hell happened to the remote controls? I can't even figure when I look at a remote control and I'm like, what the hell happened to the remote controls? I can't even figure, when I look at a remote control, it looks like a scary machine to me. Well, we got to be forced to think. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:14 I don't mean that in a negative way, but like TV does their thinking for us. Right. And we don't want that. And so some technology does our thinking for us. Right. And we don't want that. And so some technology does our work for us. And we need to do the work. That's a problem. And that work would be to take the information and use our own discernment?
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yes. Yeah. You got a brain. Yeah. You need to use it because your brain is no different than your bicep. They both need to work. Mike, are you single? Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Is that a good way to live your life? There's better ways. Yeah. You, you, so you don't think that maybe just the grass is greener on the other side of the hill and just because you don't have a mate right now that you think it would be better? Uh, I don't, I don't know. I can't answer that.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I got so much going on that I'm pretty happy the way I am right now. Yeah, totally. I think that I always, not always, but whenever I think of the idea of my wife being gone, I always think of myself then becoming a monk. Like if something ever happened to my wife or she left me or something happened to her, I was just like, well, fuck it. I'd never start over another relationship again. Not because this one's bad.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I just don't want to do it again. this one's so not because this one's bad i just i just it's just um i just don't want to do it again you know there's a lot of truth to what you just said um what about um uh input so you don't watch tv i don't watch tv really either i watch fight i watch fighting but um i watch some a little bit of sports fighting and then one of my friends is about to become one of my friends is a quarterback for the chicago bears and so i started i started watching football again for the first time in 30 years kind of crazy right yeah um but what do you do for input what do you get um do you do you read do you listen to audiobooks how do you get input uh coaching coaching so so peer-to-peer
Starting point is 00:51:48 person to person yeah hey they tell me the truth yeah oh are you first generation born here mike uh no no you okay your dad generation born here, Mike? No. No, okay. Your dad was born here also. Yeah, yeah. My mom. Okay. But their parents came through Ellis Island.
Starting point is 00:52:20 From, do you remember where from? Yeah, Yugoslavia. Do you remember what year by any chance? Nah, it's maybe around 1900. Okay. God, isn't that wild? Our relatives came on boats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And no money. Broke. Broke. Like really broke. Really broke. And probably didn't speak the language
Starting point is 00:52:56 of the country. No. They had to carve their own knives and forks. Go on and on about that. Like literally make their own utensils. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And go from there.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Hey, this is an interesting question, Mike. Someone has in the comments. George from the United States Marine Corps. Hey, this is an interesting question, Mike, someone has in the comments. George from the United States Marine Corps. Have you ever considered taking TRT, testosterone replacement therapy, or any things like that, any drugs like that? No. No.
Starting point is 00:53:35 No. Nah. That wouldn't have been me. Yeah. Yeah. Messing with your hormones seems kind of wild to me. Yeah, it is. I guess we do it when we eat sugar.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Yeah, sugar. Sugar is horrible for you. And anything else? Is there anything else that I want to make sure that if there's anything you have on your mind, you're absolutely able to share it. And you can always come back on, by the way. Just always send me a text. I'll have you back on. You never have to – you can come on just for 10 or 15 minutes if you want, if you remember something you want to have on. But is there anything else that you want to share that you can think of that you're like, oh, I can't wait to share this. This is my favorite recipe. Oh, this was my favorite lesson I learned in life. Well, you know, I couldn't be happier having to do what I do, okay, and helping people like I can. And that feeling is almost overwhelming. And not many people have the chance to have that feeling,
Starting point is 00:55:04 especially at my age. And that's a big deal. And that seems like to be one of those eternal truths, serving other people is the highest form of happiness. Big deal. You're right. Hey, are you vegan? Do you eat meat? Oh, yeah. All the time okay uh mike brother thanks for coming on i really appreciate your time like i said you're always welcome if you uh want to um if you ever want to jump on just for 10 or 15 minutes talk about a
Starting point is 00:55:38 class talk about an idea um just say hi you're always welcome just let me know i do shows without guests you know a couple times a week and you're always welcome to pop on and just be like yo what's up people hey I really appreciate it yeah for sure dude hey you're gonna the number of people that are gonna watch this
Starting point is 00:55:59 it's hard to imagine and there will be a bunch yeah yep I'm excited it's hard to imagine. And there will be a bunch. Yeah. Yep, I'm excited. All right, dude. Have a great day. Tell everyone at CrossFit Instinct I said hi,
Starting point is 00:56:15 and we'll chat again. Thank you. All right. Cheers. Cheers. Mike, 80-year-old coach, CrossFit Instinct. Audrey, I love how he thinks in terms of abundance. Jesus, Trish, are you out of your mind this morning?
Starting point is 00:56:52 My goodness. You know what this show is all about? It's about saving endangered species. That's what this entire show is about. That is the purpose of my life. Endangered species. That's what this entire show is about. That is the purpose of my life. Endangered species. Do you know how many rhinos this show has saved? White rhinos?
Starting point is 00:57:17 It's incredible. You don't know it. You guys don't know it. You guys are dumb. Sorry. Sorry, not dumb. Immature. You don't realize how many white rhinos this show has saved. White rhinos. This show is responsible for saving bald eagles,
Starting point is 00:57:35 the California condor, all of those things. This show has had a dramatic impact on them. this show has had a dramatic impact on them. In the same way that many of these CrossFit women have been a bastion of hope and freedom for women everywhere. Fucking crazy. Thank you, Jeff. Thank you. It wasn't my best bit, but I tried to cue it up. thank you Jeff thank you it wasn't my best bit but I tried to cue it up
Starting point is 00:58:08 I can't believe the stuff I see on the internet nobody hates you no one's attacking you no one's like just chill relax stop playing the victim be cool you're cool you're cool you Be cool You're cool
Starting point is 00:58:25 You're cool You're cool You're cool Let's go for a run Let's hang out Let's just be friends Why does it It doesn't have to be
Starting point is 00:58:32 Just be chill Chill Sean Lenderman Tyson Bajan 97.5 quarterback on Saturday The number one pick on the draft 72.2 Oh Sean
Starting point is 00:58:44 I love you. Tell me more. Someone tell me more. Hey, can someone call and just tell me how great Tyson is? I want to know. Someone here, let me see if I can find the phone number. Where are all my QR codes? Where's all my love for my sponsors and shit? Where's all that? How come I don't see any of that? Oh, here. How about this? I am love and acceptance.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Oh, I better set the phone up in case someone calls. Someone call and tell me how great Tyson Bajan is. Let me see if I can set the phone up. Bam. Okay. Here we go. We're connected. That is so great. I love I love it god that's good even if he never comes on the show again
Starting point is 00:59:34 I'll still like him I learned my lesson don't be a baby when people abandon the show speaking of abandoning the show I think Jason Hopper is coming on Friday I want you guys to be on your best behavior when he comes on. Everyone be cool. Can I ban people for one show?
Starting point is 00:59:53 Can I just kick people out of the comments for one show? If someone calls him the F word for that show, can I just like, can I do that? It's like, I just wanted to Can I just like, how can I do that? It's like, I just wanted to, it's like, hey, if you're going to come over to my house today, you have to,
Starting point is 01:00:11 you can't wear shoes today. We just got a new carpet. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's a good idea. No calling him Chad. Yeah, that's good. Brian kicked you out for one show?
Starting point is 01:00:29 Jeez Louise. Hey, you guys think Trisha's a man or a woman? Does anyone, like, does anyone, like, God, we need Caleb. I need to do a whole show of voting. What happened to no censorship? Yeah, well, I don't know. I'm just going to kiss a NFL quarterback's ass. Or no, no, a CrossFitter.
Starting point is 01:00:53 A guy, oh, yeah, this is about Jason Hopper. I just don't want him to come on. He hasn't been on in a year. And I don't want him to come on. I want him to be a good experience for him so he keeps coming on. That's it. I don't want him to come on and just get derailed by you guys. Trisha's a 67-year-old woman who lives in an RV with Ron.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Trisha's a man. That's definitely not my mom. My mom would definitely not weigh in like that. Trisha's Hiller wow wow see like this this this is flirting with I think I I'm gonna have to ask him that question right there even though there's a presupposition in it does that mean he's no longer chained down by HWPL? I'll have to start with, like, hey, why didn't you come on? This is your mom.
Starting point is 01:01:49 You're definitely not my mom. My mom would not say that. You think that's my mom? I've always thought Trish is Hobart. Wow. Wow. Wow. I'm going to call James Hobart. I'm going to call him really quick.
Starting point is 01:02:13 This is totally inappropriate. I wonder if I'm going to get in trouble for this. Every time I do this, I think someone's going to get mad at me. I wonder if he's going to get mad at me. to get mad at me. I wonder if he's going to get mad at me. Oh, someone accused me yesterday of staging the whole Laura Horvath conversation. They're like, dude, it's so obviously staged.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I was like, are you fucking kidding me? Let me call James Hogarth. I haven't talked to James in a year, by the way. Maybe longer. He's not going to pick up. No show bar. Your call has been let's i'll get you know what i'm just gonna text james and i invite him on the show right it's it's time it's time james uh townsend no james hobart god i love it that james james townsend is blue now how How nice is that? James Hobart and Matt Souza. Hobart. Hi. I like my kids to say hi. Like when they like when we go somewhere and like they order
Starting point is 01:03:36 food or someone they look at the person I like them to be like hi. Who I got tired. I can tell I haven't eaten in like 40 hours or some shit. 36 hours. I can feel my voice getting quiet. Hobart, hi. Hi. I'd like to have you on the show. There.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Send Hobart a link. We need live news read by him again. When you text after a long time, hi. Yeah, let me see the last time. Oh, that was just with me, and I don't know when that is. Oh, shit. I'm going to the skate park. Are you there?
Starting point is 01:04:44 Are you at the skate park? When, um, is school out or something? It's funny when all sorts of parents call when, I can always tell when school's out because all sorts of parents will call. Today's Monday, right? What the fuck is today? August 14th? Monday, August 14th.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Gabby needed more air time for getting forth. All people talk about is Alexis Raptus. Oh, I need to get Alexis Raptus back on too. That's a great fucking idea. Thank you. Are you at the skate park? Um, I didn't send that. Uh, oh, uh, how, oh, hey. Uh, great. I just tried to call you. I just tried to call you live on the air. And Alexis Raptus.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Dude, she's dope. Alexis Raptus, Matt. Alexis, we'd love to have you on the podcast. Is that kind of pretentious? I mean, when I say the podcast, like everyone knows what it is. Okay, Mike Sulhodonic.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I know I didn't say that right. Still coaching at 80. Holy shit. Yeah, Raptus is fire, dude. I agree. Fucking nuts, dude. Hey, I swear, I challenge anybody to go watch that training think tank video that that dude made, the guy who hides behind the computer, and not fall in love with Alexis Raptus.
Starting point is 01:06:41 It's like 15 minutes long. It's from two weeks ago. Just watch 10 minutes of it. She's on the GHD next to Travis Mayer, and I was just like, oh my God, she is so cool. Dildo. Sebi, my gym hosted Rally in the Valley, a new hybrid comp that had some top-tier High Rock Spartan OCR athletes
Starting point is 01:07:04 competing in Hurricane West Virginia. Do a review show soon with our owner, Matt Stevens. Holy shit. No. I don't know. None of that shit interests me. Should it? Maybe it should.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Oh, Alexis Raptus is a Paper Street athlete. Oh, my goodness. I think it expired yesterday, the Paper Street coffee offer for subscriptions, 18% off. I just want to focus on Alexis Raptus a little bit because it's like one of the few times that David Weed and I are like on the same page. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:38 She's beautiful, too. I like the way you say that. Yeah, she kind of is like got like this um uh eternal like she'd be pretty in like the 1800s or now i don't know what that is like romantic look like romanticism is that like an error or something she's cool and seems genuine uh oh that's not your regular number, so I ignored it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:15 It's the studio number. What was I going to ask Hobart? Was I going to ask him something? Was there a question I was going to ask Hobart? Wasn't I going to ask him something? Was there a question I was going to ask him? Magnus Holmgren, did Ricky show Hunter that CrossFit people
Starting point is 01:08:34 can actually jump into high rocks and perform better than the opposite? I don't know. Did he do it already? Did Ricky do it? I like her smile melting. I like it.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I think in the video, she also wears a one-piece bathing suit. I like a one-piece bathing suit. I think they're cool. God, I'm so scared. I haven't read this yet uh trish don't seven don't show about my things that's not actually crossfit for which i have pecutionary interest what the fuck is that i don't know what the fuck that word means caleb's not here to look it up fine i'll look it up. PEC. If my mom was in the chat, she would just tell me.
Starting point is 01:09:31 If that was really my mom, she would just tell me what it means. My mom knows everything. She's good with words. Relating to or consisting of money. Oh, don't show any of your financial interests. Okay, fine, I won't. Yeah, there you go caved astro uh girls who wear one piece or wife material yeah i think she wear it's like she i think right wasn't she wearing a one piece in there
Starting point is 01:10:00 i told my wife the other day, I'm like, hey, I saw this one piece bathing suit. I think tear makes it. I go, you should get that. And all of a sudden, I fucking got drilled for like saying something was wrong with her body. I'm like, dude,
Starting point is 01:10:13 are you fucking kidding me? My wife's body is insane. I rub my wife's, when I wake up in the morning, I rub my wife's body like a genie lamp. Like I get up at six and then I rub her body like for a minute. She doesn't even move. She just lays there.
Starting point is 01:10:33 And then like usually like sometime during the day, she'll be like, thank you for rubbing me. Yeah, no problem. I get on the side of the bed and I rub her like this. Stretch my back out. I go on my knees and she's high up on the side of the bed and I rub her like this and stretch my back out I go on my knees and she's high up on the bed I like I rub her feet and her legs she has crazy legs crazy legs and I rub her back
Starting point is 01:10:55 she got crazy lats too I rub her shoulders I like to touch her face too but she got hair fucking everywhere and it's like I waste like 20 seconds pulling her hair back. So sometimes I just avoid her face. I just kind of push up on her neck and rub her neck. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:11:17 You're welcome. And then I jump. Then I go, start up the coffee machine, I open all the blinds, I love opening the blinds, and looking outside, seeing what the day is going to be like, we have shit loads of blinds around the house,
Starting point is 01:11:35 so I walk around and open them all, we have those top down, bottom up blinds, anyone who's under 40 is like, huh? Why the fuck would I know what kind of blinds i have i ain't hating i don't blame you because what the fuck i make sure the boys bedroom window is open i got a little piece of wood in it so you can't break in our dog would fucking kill you anyway but
Starting point is 01:11:59 yeah i see oh what about travis is someone going to call in and tell me about tyson bajan not travis bajan tyson bajan someone is there seven is there he holds my legs back and ron forges my mangroves for eating jesus criminy yeah yep and then i open the front door and just let the – my whole property is fenced off, so I just open the front door and let the dogs go in and out, and the cold air starts rushing into the house. I'll walk out sometimes out on the lawn with some poop bags and look around for some poop. There's nothing better than starting the day with picking up some poop off the lawn. I have this obsession with picking up poop on my property.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Well, actually, the obsession is I don't want anyone to step in it. What was I going to ask Hobart? I'm going to try to call him again. Let me see. Let's see. Let's see if he'll answer. No, it's not too hot outside. Let's see if he answers now.
Starting point is 01:13:14 He knows now this is the number. Let's see if he mans up. Come on, Omar. Get it. Do it. Just do it. He's like, fuck, should I? I don't know if I should answer.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Should I text him, Don't be a pussy. I don't know if it's safe to go on that show. Your call has been... I did hear it. I did hear it. Hey, you know what's funny? Cave Dastro, Sebi, did you hear the Rich Man North of Richmond song? You know who sent me that song yesterday and said, hey, I want to talk about this song tomorrow is Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 01:13:49 He's actually given me a list of shit that he wants to talk about. Cool shit. He sent me this article from GQ magazine with this two-handed bowler. You know what I found the other day? Oh. Oh, Travis Bellinghaus. Hey.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Hey, are those shirts for sale? The Tyson Bajan shirts? I mean, no, sorry, not the tyson bajan shirts i mean no sorry not the tyson bajan chicago bear shirts that aren't really tyson bajan chicago bear shirts yes they are that's awesome hey dude people are asking me for the harley davidson one too that's not a harley davidson one those are on there oh they are okay everything's on the website okay yes sir how did tyson do make sure the phone oh that's cool you nobody else was calling him yeah thank you i have like i can see them over there i don't want to get up and leave you guys but i have this box full of like a hundred brand
Starting point is 01:14:58 new dvds i don't know who watches ds anymore, of Every Second Counts. That's the first CrossFit Games documentary. Pushed by me. Not wanted by many people to be made. So fucking glad I made it. Basically every single fucking documentary when I worked there, there was pushback. And me, I championed them. Me, I championed them through.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Yes, Heber. Well, I champion them through. Yes, Heber. Well, you're telling stories of Netflix about how I thought Netflix was a place where films go to die. Don't forget that that movie would have never, ever even like seen the light of day for two seconds if I didn't war with people
Starting point is 01:15:39 to get the money and get that shit pushed through. So did the Bottery bros put out their machines ahead of you just to big dick? I hope so. Everyone better do whatever they can. You better do that. Dude, I'm impressed how fast they got that out. That was pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Dude, they're workhorses. They're fucking machines. Yeah. I haven't seen it, but I heard it's good, actually. It's good. It's a lot of, like, they put out clips throughout the week, so it's a lot of repeat stuff from that, but then there's additional stuff in there, too.
Starting point is 01:16:18 It's pretty cool. It was weird, like, to look back at the whole week, like, having been there, and then you look back at it, and you're like, holy shit, that was really cool. Yeah, a lot of shit happens, right? A lot of ups and downs. like to look back at the whole week like having been there and then you look back as like holy shit that was really cool yeah a lot of shit happens right a lot of ups and downs what do you think the cuts ended up being great don't you think i know that's biased the way i question that but yeah oh yeah hey i can't wait for the actual behind the scenes to come out it's i can't wait to do it again if if I were to, the only person I saw there, and
Starting point is 01:16:46 this is such an asshole thing to say because there was so much media there. The only person I saw working as hard as me was Heber. He was fucking everywhere. And like there's lots of times where you see media people taking breaks but like me and Heber weren't. So like I have to shoot my interviews and
Starting point is 01:17:02 shoot my B-roll. And then I have to shoot more interviews and I'm just trying to get everything and i felt like he was doing that too he was fucking everywhere and the way he holds his camera is crazy he holds his camera with one hand out in front of him like this on a stick on a gimbal it's nuts yeah and um but i did hear i heard that it's really good but i heard it was like 30 minutes too long from someone who told me that he goes hey i watch all their shit and I really liked their shit, but this stuff I wish would have been less of them and more of just games. But, um, but I, but the person also said it was great,
Starting point is 01:17:32 but it just like was 30 minutes too long. So I guess you could watch it in like one point five time. It seemed long because it was repeats. And then there was a lot of filling in for advertising you know they doing their goofy stuff for their advertising to do because that's how they get paid yeah uh it's good if you like a documentary about the buttery bros yeah well i'll i'll tell you this i have so um i mean this is just a classic cliche thing to say but I have so much more respect for everyone. Ah, that's not true.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Never mind. That's not true. I was going to say for everyone now that I've seen them work. There were some people that hardly work. It's crazy. It's fucking nuts. Like I never saw, I never saw them with, you see people in the media pit who,
Starting point is 01:18:20 I never saw them with a camera and iPhone out. It was nuts. Makes you wonder how some people get a media pass. Yeah. Dave told us in the meeting, very, very stern to Heber and I, which is just kind of crazy for us to hear. But I better not see you guys. I'm paraphrasing, but I better not see you guys down there
Starting point is 01:18:42 using this as a moment to socialize, meaning don't think you're the cool shit and go put your arm around Frazier and talk to him for three hours. You know what I mean? And just, like, get selfies with all the athletes. Like, don't be a douche. You're there to do your fucking job. I'll pull your media pass. I never saw even an inkling of that from Heber.
Starting point is 01:19:08 He fucking works his ass off. And people's cameras are heavy dude even that documentary crew that i was not impressed with those fucking guys worked man they were did you did you ever get the story on the girl who was running around with like the 1900s camera like i saw her walking around i was like what are you doing with that thing um what's crazy is you you know like when people get like the full accoutrement so like harley davidson tattoo bitch with fake tits on the back leather right like like it's not you don't just have the harley davidson you don't just have the bitch with the big fake titties you don't just you know what i mean like you get it all that that chick had it all she had the camera from the 1800s she had the fucking weird fucking tattoos that looked like they were from the 1800s she had like this this
Starting point is 01:20:01 crazy like hipster haircut she was like full she'd looked like she fell out of a hipster magazine. It was nuts. It was like one time I wore a CEO shirt and the CEO visor, and Dave goes, have you ever heard of overbranding? Yeah, like getting a man bun and being a filmmaker. It's like, yeah, it's a little much, dude. Yeah, I agree. I ain't hating David, asshole. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Hey, I had posted this the other day. So I don't know sorry real quick i don't know i don't know i don't know everything i don't know much about her but but for me she was it was cool but it was a lot it was over the top she looked like a caricature of herself okay go ahead well i want to know like where are those photos because i want to see how i mean old cameras are cool yeah i can produce some awesome pictures like how do you cover the sport with that right she did have a fat i think she had also a canon mark d uh 1d mark 2 canon i think also or a mark 3 something whatever the fuck she had a nice can open up the she opened up the box and
Starting point is 01:20:59 slided inside of it yeah so she was actually using hey dude that's a killer idea no i wanted a question on it was a show the other day ago you're talking about sporty beth and and danny and the boys club and all that yeah is i would like to see uh mariah come on the show and give her side of it. Because like you said, the majority of your crew was women. And their arguments make no sense. Hey, dude. I had some girl who worked at CrossFit HQ who was a minority come up to me in the last couple years and be like, holy shit. What a fucking ding-dong I was. I go, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:21:50 He goes, you never fucking cared that I was a girl or a minority, and that was like my whole trip, and now all I want in life is for people to see me as a person and not a girl and a minority. I'm like, uh-huh. I know. But the thing is, too, it's this. It's kind of like the natural evolution of human beings.
Starting point is 01:22:05 So on one hand, I might be annoyed by it, but we all go through that phase, right? I went through a phase like that. I went through a phase where all I wore were Malcolm X t-shirts. I probably would have been the ultimate BLM fucking ringleader. And every black organization has a good, strong Armenian lawyer. All of them. I challenge anyone to find, I guarantee you,
Starting point is 01:22:29 Martin Luther King, Malcolm X's, and the Black Panthers all had fucking Armenian lawyers. Oh, sure, dude. Joe Pesci-looking motherfuckers. Yeah, for sure. But I do think, so yeah, I need to have her on anyway. I think it would be cool. I didn't get a chance to talk to her.
Starting point is 01:22:51 I saw her one time when she came up to the Paper Street booth. I never got to have a conversation with her because I knew she was busy as hell. She's more – she's a charger. She's a charger, dude. She actually reminds me – she probably is not going to like this, but actually reminds me she probably was not gonna like this but she reminds me a lot of heber like so when she came there she showed up on the scene on the site and she showed up a couple days after me at um because she has three kids she just had twin she just had a baby and she has twins so she was breastfeeding while she was doing the whole
Starting point is 01:23:18 filming the behind the scenes and this year and when she comes in the room she's like which camera are you using what are your settings you guys need to turn your cards in here i mean she just takes over and heber does that too and i just fucking acquiesce like i wasn't like hold on a second this is my show i'll do i just was like all right i just like she's she learned she learned from heber and mars right didn't she film with them? Yeah, from everyone there at HQ. She probably cut her teeth a lot with them for sure. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I'd rather she answer that, but I think that that's a safe guess.
Starting point is 01:23:55 But that – like Mars isn't like the way she is. I'm not like the way she is. Like her and Heber are like when they come in the – she's alpha as a motherfucker. Yeah, she's alpha. Yeah, Phillip nailed it yeah i i don't um when she came in i for me personally i felt it as a sense of relief i was like thank god like she has all the she's the only person i have my footage she's the only person has all the footage she took all the footage home she's organizing it she's like she's sending it to the people who are going to cut the reels she's she's like and i'm like hey so you can take over the whole entire project no no no it's your project
Starting point is 01:24:28 i'm like uh-huh right you know what i mean like i know it's like god damn it now i have to now i have to downgrade my footage because i was shooting with a red game you guys are using the shitty sound kind of kind of yeah kind of yeah. People are going to get tired of me. Real quick, Tyson was super happy, and he's getting me the new addresses to send stuff to. So, we're all good. Oh, okay. Oh, you hit him up? Yeah. Okay, thank you. Okay, cool. So, he has a new address. What state is he living in? He hasn't sent it to me yet. Okay, cool. All right.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Yeah. All right. Thanks, dude. All right. Yeah. All right. Thanks, dude. All right. Okay. Yep. Bye. That's cool. Jedediah Snelson, I struggle with this at times.
Starting point is 01:25:17 I get in my head about people seeing me as a legit elite athlete, not just a cripple killing it. Hmm. athlete not just a cripple killing it i uh hmm god i have some thoughts on this what's crazy about your division jedediah is like i think we talked about this when you were on the show we should we should have like you and casey we should have a couple people who are just fired up to talked about this when you were on the show. We should have like you and Casey. We should have a couple people who are just fired up to talk about this. How the fuck are you supposed to categorize you guys? I mean, I'm all for fucking parading the dude out with fucking no arms and no legs and fucking watching him break the record in France somehow.
Starting point is 01:26:03 But how are you supposed to have a division for you guys? We can't even fucking decide in this country if we're going to have men and women. I know, isn't Jedediah great? Jedediah is in the Amish division. Yes, he is. Hey, that's a great division, a division that uses no technology. I don't have an Instagram account nor a cell phone.
Starting point is 01:26:30 That almost seems like a more legitimate division to me than the tranny division. I use no technology. Fuck. Damn. God, I love Jews. I'd like to also throw that in there I do I this is gonna I'm gonna fucking regret saying this
Starting point is 01:26:58 but this is really true I am really curious to go to Wheelwad I wanna see I kinda wanna see I wanna see the adaptive athletes just go somewhere where it's like true i am really curious to go to wheel wad i want to see i kind of want to see um i want to see the adaptive athletes just go somewhere where it's like i'm in the minority it's like holy shit that dude's missing a hand and just just stare at shit hunker down to get my camera and just cover do they have a little people's division just cover the shit out of that god that would be crazy how many how many
Starting point is 01:27:27 little people oh my god vindicate holy shit oh my god what we need to do that you know what's cool about the little people or the midgets or whatever you call them i got into crossfit because i saw nasty girls so i was just like holy shit i can't can how the fuck are these girls doing this nose game is strong today i was out in the sun all day it's probably like glistening and oily and shit and new glasses not new but... What is it called? Height impaired? Probably not. They probably wouldn't like that. Oversized appendage division.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Holy shit. I want to be the dude who... I want to be the official person who studies the appendages. What is it? Just chicks with giant tits and dudes with giant hogs? You would be surprised and love it. I know. I know I would love it. It would be so awesome. No, it can't be. You can't couch it as something negative. Like, it can't be vertically challenged either. It's just like, it's like the environmentally friendly human, you know what I mean? Because their beds are smaller and they produce less waste. That's what it is. It's like the environmentally friendly human. You know what I mean? Because their beds are smaller and they produce less waste.
Starting point is 01:28:47 That's what it is. It's like the environmentally friendly human or something. The big head division. Yeah, that's borderline. I'm going to go. I think I'm going to... I don't know. I shouldn't...
Starting point is 01:29:00 I'm all excited. I think I'm all cool and shit because I got out of the house for the game. I'm like, oh, I'm ready. I'm ready to fucking take on the world. world get my car drive to the airport and go somewhere you ain't doing shit what's going on here oh oh okay
Starting point is 01:29:22 we'll leave now shit we will leave in five i'm just fooling fooling fooling fool fool fooling fooling around on my podcast english as a second language hey dude if me and that dude mike fuldonic like lived in the same house together we would fucking forget who we were when he was like I can't remember this guy's name I'm like oh fuck I'm fucked cause I can't remember any I don't even know my own name
Starting point is 01:29:53 have someone go to wheel wad for you I wanna see it I wanna see it I wanna be like a little I wanna see if like I mean dude what a great place to have a staring problem you can just stare all you want at all the different kinds of human beings I want to see if like, I mean, dude, what a great place to have a staring problem. You can just stare all you want at all the different kinds of human beings. Just want to go there and stare.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Love you too, dude. Got to have you back on the show. All right. See you guys very soon. Tomorrow morning, Greg Glassman. I don't think there's anything tonight people that I'm interested in having on I want to have on
Starting point is 01:30:30 I'm trying to get Alexis Raptus I want to try to get Amanda Barnhart on Jason Hopper Daniel Brandon Adam Klink I want to have Adam Klink on I'm trying to get Daniel Brandon and Adam Klink for this Friday night.
Starting point is 01:30:48 And Friday morning, I think we have Jason Harper. I mean, when I say try, we have them scheduled, but fucking I don't even know who's going to show up anymore. Sevan, does your phone ping endlessly with text? Yeah. It coals the herd, though, because I'm so bad at getting back to text messages. Cause they just scroll right past.
Starting point is 01:31:08 If I text you and it's like three days late, that means, you know, like I'm somewhere like sitting in a dentist office or somewhere like looking like that's the only time I get to go way back. More like Adam stink. Why does he smell? I didn't,
Starting point is 01:31:21 I stood next to him a lot. I didn't think he smelled. No, she said she didn't have any she actually sent that um I don't have any more weddings I don't have a wedding this Friday I said hey can you come on this Friday she's all I don't have a wedding I love clink what do you mean the obsession isn't it obvious he's the mild dude who did the 500 pound back squat all in like 5 minutes he's cool he's cool as shit you can text me text away Mr. Kelly
Starting point is 01:32:00 alright talk to you guys soon and buh-bye

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