The Sevan Podcast - Paige Powers | Leading Sevan to Christ

Episode Date: May 8, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I felt like I was just here five minutes ago. Damn, that was a quick turnaround. Chase Bryan, what's up? Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Corey Leonard, hey. Good morning. Chris Beesfield Good morning Carlos Good morning see you soon buddy See you very soon Good Good Seve on a plane en route to broken science after a philly gathering oh awesome great i'm gonna see you uh very shortly then thursday morning maybe even tomorrow it sounds like you're coming early hi page hello how are you morning i'm awesome how are you doing great are you? Morning, I'm awesome. How are you doing? Great. Are you in Cookville?
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yep. Is that home for you? Actually, yeah. I've been here for like two and a half years now, and my parents just moved here like two weeks ago. Wow. Yeah, pretty crazy. Wow. Are you getting married or having a kid,
Starting point is 00:01:44 or usually parents move out when there's something like that happening. I'm not. Anytime soon. All right. All right. Just checking. Maybe they know something. Maybe. I don't know. Yeah. Are your parents retired? My dad just retired like literally three weeks ago, like a week before they moved here. He was a firefighter for 25 years. And then my mom, she just got a job at the hospital here in Cokeville.
Starting point is 00:02:14 That's awesome. I can't believe they moved out there. When did you move out there? It was the December of 2021. And where did you come from Michigan oh that's right that's right oh now it's coming back you knew Darren Darren is Rich's cousin and former coach and you met Darren before you met Rich and that's how you ended up at Mayhem? Yep. Oh, okay. That's right. That, wow. Uh, how does that work? Do your parents call you one day and they're like, are they moving there? Cause they miss you or when they visited you, they loved Cookville.
Starting point is 00:02:55 How does that work? How do they move? I mean, yeah, my brother also went to college here and he's two years older than me. Um, so they've been visiting here for gosh, like six, seven years. Um, and they just have loved it every time. And, uh, my brother, he obviously used to live here for college, but he had to move away for a job, but eventually wants to make it back. And then I can see myself making it a home, whether I'm competing or not um so they just figured why why not like they must be around the kids so and um your brother went to Tennessee Tech yes and when I met Rich um I think he was either the I think he was like the assistant to the strength and conditioning coach okay yeah there um how did you what a small world how Of all the colleges in the United States, how did your brother end up at Tennessee Tech?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Is that just random? Kind of. He and my mom went on a visit to University of Tennessee. And he had like a baseball scouting thing there. Because he originally wanted to go to college to play baseball. And then that's kind of how he knew about Tennessee Tech. they had a really good year that like during his senior year of high school um and he was like well it's on our way home so we might as well just stop by and he really liked it here I told them like I heard that they were in Cookville I was like hey
Starting point is 00:04:20 can you stop in at this gym CrossFit Mayhem and they both didn't do CrossFit at the time so they're like what the heck even is this place it was like a jungle gym to them because it's so big and that's where they met Darren and like first um and then they kind of like connected over like he's like oh where are you from and then Michigan and he's like oh no kidding we ended up finding out we were like 30 minutes from each other, but I don't remember that part of the story. So your brother swung by Tennessee tech at just randomly. Cause he was looking at another university when he walked in there, he met Darren and then he introduced you to Darren. He's like, Hey, yeah. Yeah. Like my mom. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like my mom. Yeah. What are the odds of all that happening?
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah. Pretty crazy. Where was your CrossFit? How old are you? 21. Oh, wow. I always forget how, how young you are. So you were just a kid. You were 15. I was 15. Yeah. And then the first time that I came here I was 16 for the mayhem classic no I had come here before to visit um but the first time I met rich was at like mayhem classic like the whole crew there um when you were when you were 15 and 16 Did you go to the CrossFit games as a kid? Yeah. Okay. And then 16. Yeah. Nuts. And then you just, and you found your home.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Yeah. Are you, are you stoked there? Sorry. Are you stoked there? Like, is it like you wake up in the morning and you're still excited? You know, like you're still excited. You're like, yeah, I get to go to Mayhem. Yay. My friends yay that's like I'm at peace there honestly yeah um and like this year I'm trying to kind of branch out too because I feel like the last two years I've been here it's like I've just you know only had time for like training and recovering um but I mean I guess in like a way it's kind of like God's timing that this year I get, um, more time to like socialize and kind of really like make a home here, especially if I want to stay here for a while too. Um, and socialize a little bit more, get out with friends, hang out with different people. Um, but it's honestly, it's just such a great community. Can't really beat it. So let me propose this idea to you. If people do, if people don't do
Starting point is 00:06:53 like great things, you know, like climb the side of a skyscraper or raise a million dollars to save children somewhere, or, you know, throw a paper airplane farther than anyone else has ever thrown it, if they don't do something with their life that sets some sort of example, blaze a new trail, you know what I mean? Then other people might not be interested in talking to them. So if you didn't take 10th place at the CrossFit Games last year at 20 years old, you probably wouldn't be on this show. It would just be like you'd just be – there's only so many days in the week you'd just be just another CrossFitter, right? You'd have to have done something, right, that people want to hear about.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And that's cool, and there's nothing wrong with that, right? Build a car, drive a car faster than anyone else ever has, and you get to go on some talk shows, and it's cool. And it's fun, and the rest of humanity is interested in how that works so here you are as this uh um outlier um young human being on planet earth who performs just remarkably with your body that we all have i mean all of all of us humans on planet earth that's the commonality we have with you and you're doing these things with your body that's like oh my god right so now we're interested in like you're pushing the outer limits of what's humanly possible so we're all interested in you and that's cool and i'm i'm cool with that like i like that it's like merit-based but then on the other
Starting point is 00:08:19 hand from what i've seen on social media and what you kind of hinted at here you as a – and that's how you get sponsors and whatnot too because people want to be affiliated with something that's performing at such a high level or that's inspiring to others, right? You inspire others, and so if brands can affiliate with you, they can peddle their wares, right? But for you as a human being, you can't identify with that to the fullest extent. There's this weird paradox, right? You have to be thankful for the superficial qualities that kind of attract, I guess you would say earthly to maybe, and correct me if I'm wrong, the earthly qualities that you have that we're attracted to, but you as a spiritual person, as a whole person, as a Christian need to find something inside of your health self. Can you, do you as a spiritual person, as a whole person, as a Christian need to find something inside of your health self. Can you, do you see what I'm saying? How do you work those two? And
Starting point is 00:09:10 I'm not, I'm not saying that one's bad either, by the way, I'm not suggesting that people are bad for liking you, um, for your performance. I mean, not everyone's going to get a chance to meet you. Yeah, no. Is that what I hear? What's going on? You're doing some like soul searching? You're like, Okay, I need to get re grounded in who I am. This is an opportunity. Absolutely. I think like, God's definitely been working that in my heart this year. And then, you know, just with like everything that's going on, it's, you know, as frustrating as it can be for like what happened to happen um there's such peace in the middle of it just because like I know it's a part of God's plan I know it's so that he can build me and shape me and for me I've been trying to find you know the balance of placing my worth in Christ and Christ alone and not in my placement but then then, you know, as a human, I always fall short. And like last year at the Games, top 10 in the world, you know, now I can sit back and
Starting point is 00:10:13 look at it. It's such a great accomplishment. But during the time, I'm like, is that really like all I'm worth is 10th place? Like, you know, I like work my butt off to like try and get you know on the podium or close to the podium and that's like I end up in like 10th place I'm like is it ever gonna be enough I think that's just a part of the competitive side of me that's like it's always gonna be there and like I don't think that'd be where I am if I didn't have a part of that but shifting it to more of like I'm okay no matter what place I get um because I know that's not what defines me as a person
Starting point is 00:10:53 um so I think God's definitely been working that in my heart and like um I've had to reevaluate where I've placed CrossFit in my life and making sure it's not an idol for me and making sure like my only idol is Christ um so I think I think it's a cool opportunity that I've been given um and I'm excited to kind of like explore it more and I hope that I can bring that into the next however many years of competing and let me let me say the name the three names above you in last year's finish uh katrin david's daughter two-time champ emma carrie uh you know the extraordinary emma carrie who shows just potential to you know to win the games one year uh daniel brandon a superstar page powers emma tall a powerhouse from europe emily rolf just eminently capable been around for a while
Starting point is 00:11:47 just superstar to annie thor's daughter former two-time champ i mean you had you you're sandwiched in between just it's just it's just wild um and you were 20 last year at the games yep what do you mean by uh you don't want to make it an idol? What does that mean, like CrossFit and idol? Yeah, I just don't want to place all of my worth in what I place at the games. I don't want to value CrossFit. And I kind of look at it as like a worldly value
Starting point is 00:12:24 of as far as like placement goes, as far as attention, like sponsorship, money. I don't want to place that over my relationship with Christ. So if I'm looking at, you know, I want to place top five at the game so i can get more attention and make more money instead of placing top five at the game so i can glorify christ and like how he's worked through me to get there um then i need to you know like reevaluate where i'm where i'm truly placing like what i'm using crossfit for um and i guess that's where the tension is, right? Because we all like you. And I don't mean this in a negative way at all.
Starting point is 00:13:09 We all like you for your worldly achievements. Young, powerful, overachiever, beautiful, kind, like generous with your time. From the outside, we're not like oh my god like i really i really like her uh relationship with jesus although i'm sure a lot of people do like that but for you you i guess what you're you can't be swept up in the you have to find reasons to like yourself or for your existence that are different than the reasons why we like you yeah yeah and honestly yeah for me at the end of the day it's not like it's not enough to just have the worldly values of it right um right because yeah for me as a christian like if my if that's
Starting point is 00:14:02 driving my relationship away from Christ, then like, I don't want anything that's going to do that. Um, and I think that you can get caught up in that and competing, but I also think that God can use it in such a beautiful way. And I mean, a perfect example is literally just like right now, like I'm given this platform where I can speak about my faith. Um, I'm like really grateful for that. Um, so it can be used for a lot of good. Um, but I just have to, you know, stay, stay in line and make sure that I'm praying about it and getting in scripture about it and making sure that it's all aligning. getting in scripture about it and making sure that it's all aligning.
Starting point is 00:14:46 When you're born, you, you, the, the idea, a lot, a lot of people say that what's going on with a baby is a baby's trying to like, just fall in favor with the parents so that it can get love,
Starting point is 00:14:58 food and shelter. Right. So it's trying to figure out how to, how to, this is kind of a harsh way to say it, but how to manipulate the entity that's taking care of you to take care of you. And so then you go into the CrossFit space or the sporting space or just out into the world at all, and you get rewarded for your behaviors with the world. your behaviors with the world, right? But what I'm hearing you say is, is you reached a point in your life where you've realized that there's not sustainable happiness there. Yeah. Yeah. It's, I mean, I think you just hit the nail on the head with that. Like,
Starting point is 00:15:43 I feel like a lot of people try and find happiness within the world and life is just never gonna give you that you're never gonna find complete and total happiness no matter what you're doing um and you know for me it's like I'm very fortunate that I made my profession something that I'm very passionate about but there's still days where I'm not happy um but that's where like if you place like your worth in Christ you have like an everlasting joy um and it's like a peace and comfort and you know that like, when things get hard, that he'll be like the rock that's going to carry you through it. So I think happiness and joy are like two different things. So it's like, which one do you want? Because happiness, you're always going to be chasing.
Starting point is 00:16:37 But joy, like is it's always going to be there for you if you need, like if you want it, always going to be there for you if you meet like if you want it and you want to chase after it so um how do you um is it like crossfit in terms of uh i forget the word you use but getting your worth um from christ is it like crossfit you you have to follow certain rules like i remember greg said to me one time our only value here as human beings is how we can help other people. So, and I heard him say that so that I thought, Oh, that's a great value. You know what I mean? So like, if you see some, something, someone or something that needs help or that you can offer a hand to it, how do you build, um, at the most basic level, how do you build value in your relationship with Christ? Like, are there rules you have to follow or some steps you have to take? Like, do you have to start waking up every morning and making sure the first person you see who has a flat tire, you stop and help?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Or what's the what are the steps to that? Yeah, I mean, I don't think that there's any really like written rules. like written rules. I mean, I guess if you look in the Bible, like there's like specifically like the Ten Commandments that is like a general layout. And I do think that those should be followed. And it's like, love Christ, love others as you love yourself. And then, you know, just like basic moral stuff that should be followed. And I think that's a good way to keep you in line. But also, I think a lot of that comes down to your prayer life. And really just genuinely building a connection with Christ.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And then you're going to want to pour that out onto other people. And naturally, you're going to want to help other people and love other people and serve other people. Um, so, um, so let's say, uh, let's say someone like me, uh, completely lost, uh, no relationship with Christ whatsoever. So a place to start might be, you're saying like to read these 10 commandments, thou shall not have other gods before me. So that God, if I heard you correct, don't put cross don't make CrossFit your God. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot, a lot of worldly things that we can make that. That's why I was thinking about with like our idols is making other things like our God or viewing other things as our God. When we should only view things like our God or viewing other things as our God, when we
Starting point is 00:19:05 should only view Christ as our God. And then this, and then the second one, thou shall not make unto thee any graven image. So basically, don't, what does that one mean? They like don't have an image of God because it's too big for you to imagine. Keep that space open. It says anything you worship more than God is a graven image. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Okay. So that's very similar to number one. Yeah. Okay. Number three, thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. This means using God's name like a swear word. So like God damn it or Jesus Christ or those things that sometimes I mess up and say. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Sunday or the Sabbath day is the day in which we all go to church, worship God, and learn how to be better people and Christians. Keeping it holy means doing our best to remember him throughout the day. Yeah, so that's like, I guess, our version of like a sunday and i think like this comes from the old testament as well um so a lot of it has kind of like we've evolved it over time um and i mean a lot of us like as christians like, we mess up with these sometimes. But it's, like, a good just, like, guideline.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Could you go on a 10-mile bike ride and just, with every deep breath, just say a prayer? I love you, God. Please show me the way. I mean, honestly, sometimes I have to. Yeah. Get through it. honestly, sometimes I have to get through it. Yeah. Sometimes I have to. Whenever there's turbulence on a plane, I have this routine that any name that pops up into my head, I say, I love you.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And it'll be people like, I thought that I couldn't even stand, but I still force myself to say that. You know what I mean? Like if there's some woman named Carol and I hate her and her name pops in, I'll be like, I love you, Carol. And I'll say it like, I mean, yeah, I love you, Carol. Yeah. Honestly, Siobhan, for you, I would say like, or for anybody that, you know, doesn't really have a relationship with Christ,
Starting point is 00:21:20 I would say that the New Testament and the gospel, like the story of Jesus, that's really where you find how to live as a Christian. And it's like, I think for anybody that is wanting to like dive into the Bible or learn more about Christianity, to start like within the New Testament um and read the story of jesus because honestly like a lot of the old testament it just doesn't make sense unless you know what you're looking for um but i think that's truly like there's just so many gems in there of like what christ said when he was walking on earth of like how to live according to God's will. That that's what shows you the way of how to live. And then there's, I'd say the Ten Commandments are kind of like the guideline.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And so the outcome of that is you're in a situation like you are where you had a worldly goal and you didn't get it. But since you are tethered to Christ and you have an awareness of your connection to christ it doesn't crumble you you're not a loser you're not a failure you still oh look oh i'm still tethered to christ that's cool as shit yeah and also like if i you know ended up winning the games or won it three times in a row or whatever that looks like i could see it i could see it grounded and rooted whereas i'm not like even i mean let's say back for me like winning wadapalooza it's i can see how if i wasn't doing it for the right reasons that's like just such a fleeting moment like it just happens and then the next day it's just you know the same like life's the same but um yeah there's no fulfillment there
Starting point is 00:23:34 i think all people who've gotten what they wanted in life eventually like you get the perfect boyfriend it's cool for a second and then the all all the worldly stuff the fulfillment uh fades yeah and sometimes really quick like you're right like i i um people will win like the super bowl and then you'll hear them talk and they'll be like yeah there was it's like yeah yeah yeah so it's like what i guess for me it's like what's what's the purpose of doing that if it's not gonna fulfill me and like fulfill others i don't get to use it as a platform for better for more than just like hey look at me i'm cool i'm really fit then what's the point um i i think it's very typical what you're going through for um healthy human beings i think uh like right at your age i think between like i
Starting point is 00:24:28 don't know 18 and unless something tragic happens to you as a child and you have to start digging in early i think it's pretty typical that around 18 to 25 a healthy human being um should start going through some sort of metamorphosis where they're looking deeper. They're like, man, like I just finished high school and college and now, and like, I don't even know who I am or what I am or what's going on. Like, what have I been doing? You kind of, I think like what you're doing is, do you see that too? Like, like your peer group, the people who are healthy in your peer group also being
Starting point is 00:25:04 like, okay, now this is the age that I should be doing some healthy soul searching. Yeah. Yeah. I think some of us, like, especially the teenagers, people don't realize, like, we've been doing this for a long time. And for me, this is my seventh year of competing. So, you know, yes, I've been doing CrossFit for like seven years as well. But all that has been hardcore training, competing to make the CrossFit games. And I mean, it takes it takes a toll on you. And we kind of I think some of us have like kind of looked at life outside of CrossFit and outside of competing and kind of seen like that CrossFit isn't like our everything so that's like how do you find the balance of maybe figuring that out but not completely like just stepping out of CrossFit um if you're still feeling like you want to compete or like, for me, I still feel called to compete. Um, but yeah, I like, I know that there's more to life afterwards. So it's like, how can I set myself up now and like make relationships and like be a good christian make time for like prayer and
Starting point is 00:26:28 scripture and bible studies um and not just 100 like go into crossfit and still compete if that makes sense yeah it does make sense. Let me ask you this. So, or point this out as human beings, we have this, we, we have part of our, I don't know if it's our nature, but I'll use the word nature is to avoid discomfort. Right. And competing is very uncomfortable. Right. And, but oftentimes that there's great reward from discomfort, right? Stay up all night and study, go take the test in the morning. You're like, hell yeah, work out really hard, show up at the CrossFit games and something comes in your wheelhouse that you've been training and in the, in the hard work pays off. Do you have to be careful to make sure also that it's not just you, um, avoiding discomfort? Sometimes I think that,
Starting point is 00:27:24 especially at a young age uh people just finding excuses it's the same reason why people cheat on tests they want to avoid the discomfort of getting an f right or it's the you know they they you have this desire for a candy bar as a little kid and you don't like the discomfort so you solve it by stealing the candy bar like you're basically um you lie to your mom about what time you came home last night she says were you in bed by 10 you said yes you went home by one because you're avoiding the discomfort of getting in trouble is do you ever feel like okay but why page i need to watch this to make sure i'm just not being a pussy i mean yeah i i don't i think for me specifically, I just have had ingrained in me hard work since I was a kid. My mom would work midnight shifts and my dad worked 24-hour shifts.
Starting point is 00:28:13 He would pick up a ton of overtime. That's kind of all I've ever known. So for me, it's like sometimes there's never enough work to be done. Oh, oh. Interesting. for me, it's like, sometimes like there's never enough work to be done. And I, like, I think that, I don't know, that's like, you should have that feeling if you want to make it in the sport. Like you should have that like, underlying behind your head of like, oh, did I actually do enough today um but um I think also being able to find a balance of that and real life um and I think that's kind of like the sweet spot to where you don't burn out um yeah uh I I like that yesterday so yesterday I had all the shit I wanted to do. And I was in the backyard and I was like weed whacking. And then I was ready to go on to do the next thing. I knew I had to take my kids to swim lessons. And I just had this idea of just laying down in my backyard, like in just like the field area. And then I was like, you don't have time for that.
Starting point is 00:29:26 area and then I was like you don't have time for that and then I was like yeah I do and you're right and I stopped and I laid down and I looked up at the sky and I watched the peregrine falcons and the and the hawks fly around and I could hear my kids had just gotten home from wherever they came from and they were playing and you're in even just taking that five minutes of just laying down in the grass and just like, ah, and that's basically in a way, that's what I'm also hearing you say. You have to stop and smell the roses and like pick your head up and be like, okay, I'm here for you. It's Hey, I'm here with God. I'm here with Christ. There's a plan. And I have some obligations to put some of my awareness on what, uh, what Christ wants of me. Yeah, absolutely. Um, yeah. And there's definitely lots of years that I didn't even consider that. Um, and are you compassionate with yourself about that or do you kick yourself
Starting point is 00:30:20 for it? Or are you like, Oh, are you, are you more of the mindset of like, Oh shit, I'm glad I fucking woke up for a second to like take some time for Christ or are you like god I'm an idiot why did I do that no I think it's more of just like um like I think it would have been ideal to like be in the mindset um and like live everything for Christ back when I was a teenager. But also I didn't really learn how to do that until like I moved to Cookville and I was around people who have done that too. Anyone in particular? Bailey was, I mean, she's a big one. Bailey and Tyler both.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Guy, Rich, um, you know, he got Galatians tatted on him and, like, won the games, like, that, you know, what a big testament, um, and then, I mean, honestly, just, like, the whole community that we have now, too, like, it's really special because we have, like, a quite, quite a big group moved from Florida back in the fall, and Coach Dom, who is, like, pretty much, like, our coach who leads us through workouts every day now, he started, like, a Bible study for everybody, and, I i mean everybody's welcome but it's like really cool to be a part of a group of athletes that are chasing price first and then like chasing crossfit second um and we all like we're all super competitive we all want to win in training every day and like we all want to do the best that we can um but we also hold each other accountable for
Starting point is 00:32:09 like our spiritual side uh ken walters uh f-bombs heavy okay okay i'll i'll be i'll watch that fun all right fine all right i'll try to i'll try to catch some of those at least. OK, fine. Oh, good. OK, good. I know. But but you're young and maybe your parents are watching or something. I need to behave to be on my best behavior. Respect the guest. OK, fine. I'm not I'm not hell bent on using that word. If if let's talk about uh what happened so let's go back um to uh the open how is how is the open what was your plans going into the open were you just like to head to the games this year okay time to yeah go to the games okay yeah um definitely yeah like, honestly, it was like the Open I tried not to care about
Starting point is 00:33:07 just because I did Rogue on the offseason and then I did Guadalupalooza. I was like, okay, I need a little bit of a mental break just so I can buckle in for the rest of the season. So I was like, I'm just not ready to be in the competitive mindset for the Open. So I literally didn't even look at the leaderboard until the last workout uh oh during the open oh i kind of just did the workout and treat it as another training piece so i could train again in the afternoon and not feel like absolutely horrible um and yeah just and you don't have to because they take 25 and you just knew yeah yeah and I was like there's really I mean there was a little bit of pressure um just from like my open
Starting point is 00:33:53 performance last year um but I think I was also in a different mental space where like I just wasn't necessarily ready to compete in February yet. I just needed a little bit more time to like kind of just go through the motions in the open and then really like buckle in and get ready for quarterfinals and like hunker down for the season. And why, what happened last year in the open? How did you do? I got second in the Open last year. And, I mean, I was, like, riding in a wave coming off of, like, winning Monopalooza.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Oh, okay. So, Mal O'Brien, Paige Powers, Emma Lawson, Ariel Lohan. Wow. You crushed the Open. Thanks. Yeah. Honestly, it was kind of a surprise. open thanks yeah honestly it was kind of a surprise but um yeah i just wasn't really like ready to go there this year kind of just wanted to try as another workout because i knew i was gonna move on to quarterfinals so um and tell me about the the 2023 open, when you took second in the world, um, was that stressful? Uh, no, not really. I think that was actually one of the most fun opens I've done. Um, the workouts were honestly just like good workouts for me and I really enjoyed them. Um, so I don't know. I had a lot of fun during last year's open.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So maybe you could have taken second this year too. Like you were just like, okay, I'm just going to do it, but I'm not going to be, were you trying to get second? Were you trying to win the open in 2023? No, no, no. It kind of just happened. Wow. Okay. And then what place did you take this year in the world? Do you know? Um, I think I was like 60 something. Okay. So still good. Yeah. In the world.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Okay. All right. So you finished the open and then, and then quarterfinals roll around. And did you, um, what was that pressure like? um quarterfinals I was honestly like I felt so good mentally going into it um and honestly it was the same thing where I was like just expecting to qualify for semifinals and like honestly I've never even had like uh like I've rarely had to worry about video review, because I've never had a minor penalty, major penalty, like, I've never had any of that. So I kind of just like assumed that everything would be fine, I move on to semifinals. But honestly, going into like
Starting point is 00:36:38 quarterfinals, I was in a really good mental space as far as like how I felt during the workouts and like um I remember like the wall ball burpee box jump over it's not like a great workout for me um but I was just like mentally ready to like dig in on that one um so I was really happy with like my effort um I did all the workouts one time um and just felt good with the execution on them. And what place did you end up taking after all the penalties were assessed? Do you know? 105th. God, that's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:18 From 5th to 105th. That's so crazy. I don't see you at 105th maybe i'm looking at the wrong maybe it changed oh oh uh quarterfinals individual quarterfinals women north america east you're in the east yep at this time has bailey already said she's not going to do did you know bailey was not going to do um did how did that affect you when you found out bailey wasn't going to do it um so i knew the last open workout um that she wasn't or she was planning on not competing the rest of the season and she was planning on going that on that 30-day road trip um so honestly just like I kind of expected it
Starting point is 00:38:17 just like where she's at in her life but she kind of wanted to focus on like building a new brand, which is called to be what she's still like working on. But she kind of did like a little bit of a podcast about it and like why she wasn't competing. That was the one with Rory, right? I think I saw that. Okay. Yeah. Did that break your heart? Like all of it, like you're in the second grade and you're sitting next to your best friend and then they transfer schools. You're like, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:38:45 Kind of, yeah. It was tough. I think, yeah, it was tough, but I kind of, like, expected it, so it wasn't as hard. But honestly, like, it is really hard when it's like your best friend and your training partner all in one and then it's like she's been so busy and like on the road so much um but i'm just i'm so happy for her that it's kind of like that just overwhelms whatever I'm feeling. So, So you're in, you're in a hundredth. Okay. And you have a seventh, a 16th, 11th and a six 61.
Starting point is 00:39:31 After you did the, what was the first workout again? That was the, the step up one. Uh, yeah. So you do that workout and who films the workout? Who's responsible for that at mayhem? Are you responsible or do they do it for you you're responsible uh we had it on tripods but then we had people um like moving the camera up to show the row screen because you can't really get it all in one um so i have one of my friends do that for me um but yeah, it was just like set up on a tripod. And you did that. Do you remember what day of the week you did the workout? I did that one on Thursday afternoon.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And the workouts were released Wednesday evening? Yes. So on the first day you do it? Uh, or the second day, first day after the announcement. Yeah. And when you do it, are you happy with it? Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was happy with like how consistent I kept everything because I was pretty much within the same reps for like all four of the rounds. much within the same reps for like all four of the rounds and do you remember what your total reps were um it was 209 i think okay so 209 uh yeah that that would have put you at 17th place yeah and i want to say that it's faster than whoever won your region I'm not sure uh shit I screwed it up already I'm not so good with the with the with the leaderboard okay but you had a oh damn it I went to the open. Hold on. Give me one second here.
Starting point is 00:41:30 North America East? Yes. Oh, no. Okay. Alexis Raptus got 222. Okay. All right. So you turn in the video and you think it's done. And then when do the rumbling start do you get an email or do you start hearing stuff on the internet that like hey people are getting dinged no i got well i got an email first um it was the like once the leaderboard was closed or yeah it was the submissions were closed on Monday. It was that Wednesday night that I got the email that I got the major penalty.
Starting point is 00:42:11 And by then it's closed? Mm-hmm. The windows have closed. Mm-hmm. And were you in denial? Were you like, no, this can't be right? Yeah. Honestly, yeah. I was like, because I have watched the video too.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Like before I submitted it. And honestly, it's kind of weird because I like, I'll go through my videos, but I won't really like watch the whole thing. And that when I pretty much watched the whole thing, I was like, there's no way. Like, I mean, it was hard. It was like, they told me that my knees weren't both fully extended. And then, of course, like, when I go back and, like, zoom in and, like, slow the frames down, it's like like you could see my knee was like very slightly bent
Starting point is 00:43:07 so um yeah what does that mean extended you have to like lock it out like hyper extend it like what is that you yeah like you have to they want the top of the box step is a way that none of us would ever stand like no one ever stands like that you unless you have something wrong with your posture yeah uh yeah so I mean I like I take responsibility for like yes I didn't fully meet the movement standards of like what was written and like yes both my legs weren't completely straight um it's I think it's just a little bit frustrating when a like it wasn't my working leg that wasn't fully extended so I'd like if I stepped up on my left leg that was fully straight and then my right was like barely bent okay it was pretty much done and then um uh I don't remember the other point but um so So you watch it back and you're like,
Starting point is 00:44:07 okay, you're happy with your performance. And then do they tell you how they assessed? Basically, were they like, okay, there were... How many step-ups did you end up doing? Do you know? It was like 18 for the first three rounds and then 22 for the last round. so if 100 step ups they're like let's assume that every single one was um didn't meet the standard and so then they assessed a
Starting point is 00:44:33 penalty and that penalty was what 10 percent um i think it was 15 15 or 18 or something like it was 41 reps damn yeah yeah so andrew hiller presented something interesting in his mayhem video yesterday he said that sort of his evidence that the penalty isn't fair is he thought that you could just take a break on the box and you could have gotten that score just doing the two other movements what was it it was a row and a clean and jerk or what was the other snatch yeah we actually talked about that last week he's like do you think you could have gotten that score um without doing the box step ups and we did the math and i was like laurie could have just cranked some snatches in the row, and then taken two minutes off
Starting point is 00:45:27 and done that four rounds and gotten like the score that I ended up getting like penalized with. Damn. Wow. I see what he's saying too. That does appear to be evidence that the penalty is too severe.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Yeah. It's like, hey, if she did all that work in the middle, it's interesting. I guess the problem is we don't have a strong understanding of what the goal of the penalties is. Is it to actually anything that you don't do is just no good yeah it's tough yeah yeah and um honestly like for the like appeal that I did um I have like a really good team around me, and the judges that came to Mayhem, they helped me ride it out as well. And the point that we made was that it's like a pistol, pretty much. The standing leg that you're on, if it's fully extended, the work's pretty much done. It doesn't really matter if the other leg is straight.
Starting point is 00:46:44 So we were just kind of trying to prove that I didn't have any problems. like the work's pretty much done and doesn't really matter if like the other leg is straight. Um, so we were just kind of like trying to prove that I didn't have that is interesting. Meaning it doesn't, it doesn't require more work. There wouldn't be more fatigue on you if you would have straightened, if you would have straightened out the other leg, once that leg is up, the, the, the energy in your body has been burnt to get up there. Yeah. Like the fatigue has been created yeah exactly interesting yeah and there's no like time advantage to me taking like 0.1 seconds to you know straighten out my leg like I still would have gotten the same reps if I had performed it correctly um and then also like
Starting point is 00:47:20 the angle from which I was being judged at. And then I also had Coach Dom on like the other side of the angle. It was in the front. So it looked like my both of my knees were fully extended. So that's why it wasn't really like caught. And, you know, I like we obviously like trust those judges. And we didn't really think that, you know, that would happen. But probably should have been, like, more careful in hindsight and, like, slowed down the video and, like, zoomed in. Because I know that's what they do in the video review.
Starting point is 00:47:59 But, yeah, I was kind of like, like, if the camera angle was a little bit different then it would have been good reps um oh shit you think that if they would with a different camera angle and like we took videos to even like show that um but like it wasn't even looked at like i just got an automated message of like my appeal being denied. So I think that was like kind of the most frustrating part is like pouring so much into CrossFit and then getting like an automated message reply of like, hey, your season's over. But did you ever was your judge devastated? Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah, they honestly, like that night that I got that email, they pretty much stayed up almost all night to like try and formulate an email to like fight it.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yeah. I would throw, if I was your judge, I would feel so sick to my stomach. I would want to throw up. want to throw up um you know when will lay he got his um uh uh penalty i i spoke to hillar and he couldn't even talk i've never seen him like that he he was sick to his stomach he was like he felt such crazy responsibility yeah your judges must have been tripping are they are they mayhem do they live in cookville your judge the judges no no. No, they flew out here for quarterfinals. And, yeah, I mean, they were honestly, like, such a huge help throughout the weekend.
Starting point is 00:49:33 And when I tell you they were strict, like, they were very strict. Like, it wasn't even, like, warning for no reps. It was just, like, no rep. Like, next rep you have to fix it whereas like in-person competition sometimes they'll like give you a warning before like hey fully extend your hips or like whatever it is but it was just like a no rep so we're like making sure that everything was like precise um but then you know it at the of the day, it's my responsibility to go back and look and make sure that actually was right. But.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I think the two, the two, obviously the two big names that didn't make it were you and Nick and Sidney Wells didn't make it also. But I think that the expectation was for sure by the public that we were going to get to see you and Nick, uh, compete at the games. Um, and then, and then when does it,
Starting point is 00:50:28 when does it set in, um, that this is real, that you're not going, or has it set in? Are you still in denial? Like, are you getting ready for the games?
Starting point is 00:50:39 No, no, no. I've been taking the last two weeks pretty easy. Um, or that you're not going to the semifinals. I'm sorry that you're not going to the semifinals. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:48 I mean, I think it's definitely set in. I think right now it's just more weird than anything because I haven't had my season cut this short ever. And, like, my mindset was literally, like, after quarterfinals, I sat down with my coach. And I was like, okay, like, I sat down with my coach and I was like, okay, like I'm ready to work. Like let's go to town for semifinals in the games. And that was literally that night that like I got the email. So it's kind of just like, it's more weird than anything.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I don't really like know what to think, but I also know that like there's a lot of good opportunities that can be brought about throughout the season without with not competing um so I'm kind of just like keeping my eyes set on that and being patient right now and you know hoping that will come with time um give me like like what do you mean opportunities like to decompress focus on other stuff or to heal your body? Yeah, between that and honestly the last seven years of competing, I feel like I haven't really given myself an off-season. So I'm excited to kind of use this time for my advantage. And working out, I'm kind of just working out.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I'm not training. I'm just doing like what's fun hopping in on class workouts um going for a 5k run if i want to at like no particular pace um so that's been pretty nice and then i'm actually hopping in um on team workouts with angelo sam and zoe while molly's out of town um a little bit. So filling in and helping the team out. So, um, yeah, between that and then like travel opportunities, um, I'm going to try and make my way to some events and competitions. Um, and yeah, just keep,
Starting point is 00:52:41 keeping the schedule kind of open just so I can make my way around. Was there any piece of this where you were like, didn't want to get out of bed the next day? Like you just didn't want to go out in public. Like, was there any part of that or no? Were you, did it just hurt and you just went about your day? But was there like, kind of like, oh fuck. Like, I don't want anyone to see me now.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Yeah, that was like um monday evening i saw on instagram that dave posted like um pretty much confirmation that like my season was done because i think for a little bit i was like still trying to keep some hope of like maybe they'll come up with something they're like adrian's gonna call me and be like sorry we looked at the wrong video yeah yeah i was like there there has to be like something um and then it was kind of like confirmation that night and like tuesday i literally like i was planning on doing stuff and i just got up and pretty much stayed in my house the whole day um and like my mom had called me and she's like hey do you want to come over and like get some stuff done like that we had to get figured out and I was like mom I I can't do
Starting point is 00:53:51 that today I just need like a day to like not talk about it not think about it just like be numb to it um but and then you have to go in the gym and everyone has to hug you and say sorry like it's a whole yeah I kind of like it's like a funeral like I'm like I don't want to go to a funeral I don't want to like hug a hundred people and I don't want to deal with that I'm already dealing with it yeah it did kind of feel like that and I mean I really appreciated like it was really cool to see like all the support behind me um and it's cool I mean obviously like these people support me and like the highs but it's also like good confirmation that they support me in the lows too yeah like rich willing to like go to bat for me and Jake
Starting point is 00:54:39 Walker and like Dom and you know all my friends and family. It was really cool to see and definitely felt very loved. But yeah, there was definitely a day that I was like, I just need to not talk about it, not think about it. On the total, just from the outside looking in I don't I don't I've never I don't think anyone from the outside is like oh Paige fucked up I think everyone from the outside like those of us who just who watch the games we're like oh that sucks it's like going to a horse race it's like maybe it's like going I don't know it's like going to a football game and then your favorite wide receivers not playing. And you know what I mean? Like the, like we works,
Starting point is 00:55:30 we were excited to see you get out there for 12 workouts and watch you and see you fight with the other girls. And for us as fans, like, I don't think we have, we're not passing any judgment on you. I think like we're selfishly disappointed for ourselves because like, like you said, you've been doing this seven years and we've invested this energy into watching you. And we wanted to see you go out and you're in this phase where you're growing. We know every year you're going to be different. We know how hard you work. So we, it's like, like I said, yeah, it's like our favorite, um, one of our fighters isn't going to be out there fighting
Starting point is 00:56:02 and we all kind of lose. And I'm not blaming anyone, you or CrossFit, but just from the outside. I mean, that's what it's like. Because I just remember seeing that. I'm like, fuck. Yeah. I really wanted to go to the games this year and watch Paige up close and like see her fight with the other girls because you bring it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:56:20 You're a threat at all times. And so for the fans, it's just it's that kind of loss just on a real superficial level but it is a loss for us like we want to see you go out there and and fight so yeah but i don't hear anyone being like you know i i don't see anyone i haven't seen i don't know why they would but i don't see anyone blaming you you know what i mean like i don't see anything well you screwed this up page like it's not like that i think for for us as fans we're just in our own selfish way like hey we put this energy in the sport we want to see you go out there and fight yeah yeah i think yeah i definitely feel very fit this year so i think that's kind of a hard pill to swallow is like
Starting point is 00:57:00 and healthy you're healthy too oh yeah yeah it's honestly like going into quarter finals is probably like the best that I've felt um mine is just you know like the classic old aches and pains that you get but um just stuff that I could like work through and recover but um yeah I felt very fit very healthy um so it was a little bit a little bit disappointing um but i definitely think that there's like a fire lit in me that haven't felt in a while so i'm excited to see like where that brings me uh corbin bowen one dollar oh boy thank you corbin bowen uh tell page she made semis in CrossFit Kentucky. Thanks, Corbin. Does it make you bitter towards CrossFit at all?
Starting point is 00:57:51 Or do you have to stop yourself from going there because you know you're going to be around for a long time and you don't want to like shit where you eat? Yeah. I mean, honestly, for me, there's not really any point in being like upset anymore just because I can't change the outcome. And me being upset with CrossFit isn't going to do anything except for make me mad so then what's the point of that um so I think it's just healthier for me I just like you know use it as something to my advantage and look choose to
Starting point is 00:58:18 look at the good and what can come of it um uh to the Fred Coast, Fresh Coast? Fresh Coast. Fresh Coast. In Michigan with Rich. Are you going to that? I actually would like to if it lines up. I competed there in 2021, and I really love that competition. So maybe if I can get a team or just hang out that weekend.
Starting point is 00:58:44 What about this? This is interesting. I can't believe team or just hang out that weekend what about this? this is interesting, I can't believe I didn't think of this I hate it when this guy thinks of stuff I didn't think of demo team would you do demo team? I don't even think about that either, I don't know maybe
Starting point is 00:58:58 I think that could be fun that could be a really cool experience, right? Yeah. When you don't get the, when you get the penalty and you see it, how do you decide to what to say on your forward facing platform on Instagram? How do you decide? I think this is the post. It says, is this the post after you realized it?
Starting point is 00:59:31 Oh, sorry, you can't see it. I haven't really done a post. No, that was before. Okay, so why didn't you do, I'm going to show my bias here. Why didn't you do i'm going to show my bias here why didn't you do a poor me post um i did you think about doing a poor me post no um i do feel like i want to do a post um but i wouldn't say like a poor me post i I want to do, I mean, I'm, I'm going to do a post, um, just because I feel like I owe
Starting point is 01:00:09 it to like people like those of us who want you to fight, go out there and fight. Here I am. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but, um, I, I don't, I just didn't want to do that because I don't know. I feel like there's not really any good that comes from it. Whereas, like, I can take this opportunity to, like, glorify God through the, like, down times and choose to look at the good side of things. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:43 So, a lot of people want to hear from you. You could be like, hey, this really sucks. I deserve to go to the games. I've worked so hard. Or when all eyes are on you, you could use the opportunity instead of, instead of, I guess, telling your story, tell God's's story yeah wow that's that's really interesting yeah so hey it's not like okay oh great I have all this attention on me it might not be for what
Starting point is 01:01:15 I want it for but I can still use it to push um the message that makes me most comfortable to that gives me fulfillment yeah yeah and that's truly like what I've been striving for um that's what like this is the opportunity where I get to use CrossFit to like glorify God um yeah and wow what a trippy test yeah yeah and you know it's like that only comes to me because that's like truly how I live and that's like, that only comes to me because that's like, truly how I live. And that's like, how I speak to everybody else. And I know like, not everybody gets the opportunity to like, ask me face to face, like how I'm feeling or, and that that's really the reason why I want to do a post. It's just to like, for the people who have questions, like I want to be able to
Starting point is 01:02:05 answer that. Um, but that's, you know, like how I truly feel and that's how, you know, like I, I know it's a part of God's plan. Um, and like, I want to express that. Um, and yeah, I, you know, like if people are receptive to it, that's great. If they're not, then, you know, that's just how I'm feeling. Hey, it's really cool. It's really cool what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Thank you. A lot of people could use that lesson. Hey, all eyes are on you. Utilize the attention to make the world a better place don't worry about yourself don't worry about yourself like don't like make the and and it'll all work out you'll you'll you'll get um uh you'll get what you deserve regardless yeah you know there was this thing in the bible i remember um either, I don't know, 20 years ago or listening to on audio tape. And I might screw it up, but I think it was Jesus said it.
Starting point is 01:03:13 And he said, if you pray in church, you'll receive the glory of God in church. And if you pray behind closed doors, you'll receive the abundance. You'll receive the abundance of glory of God throughout your life. And it's kind of like that. You can make a post feeling sorry for yourself and get all the attention for yourself and it all be done. Or you could praise God and kind of share something, like give something instead of take
Starting point is 01:03:46 something I'm going to get, I'm down and I'm still going to give you guys something. I'm not going to take something for myself. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, that's really the essence of like, what, what a strap to do, um, living a Christian life. Like that's what we're called to do is to serve others and love others as you love yourself and that works out that's a winning strategy right it's not like hey i do this and it sucks and i hope i get all my i hope when i die i go to heaven it's like hey i do this and wow i feel great today yeah yeah exactly yeah and i feel like it feels so much better to like serve others and be positive to others. Yeah. Then it does to like gain attention for yourself. Well, all our problems are when we're thinking about ourselves, like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:04:39 If you if you're if you're I don't know if this is going to resonate with you, but when you're changing a baby's diaper and it's three in the morning, you can be like, fuck, this sucks. I'm tired. Poor me. Or you can change a baby's diaper and not think about yourself at all and just be like looking at the baby and loving on the baby. And then you don't feel any negativity. You don't make it about you at all. Yeah. And so there's, yeah, you're just, anytime you're making something about you there is a very there's a 50 chance
Starting point is 01:05:06 that it's going to be bad yeah i think as humans we think about ourselves way too much um and i feel like you can go into a spiral when you're just constantly thinking about you how to make yourself happier whereas like if you focus on others you're not thinking about that like you find fulfillment and joy and serving others and making others happy it's awesome um i want to go back to your parents um moving there so your parents move here and um did they do do they tell you hey we're moving here because you're there um they didn't necessarily say that. I mean, yes, it's kind of implied.
Starting point is 01:05:47 But if you moved, it would screw everything up. You'd get slapped around. If next week you're like, hey, guess what? I'm moving to Miami. Yeah. Probably, maybe. I know that they really enjoy the community here. So I think they'd be okay but i
Starting point is 01:06:06 think yeah they definitely did move here to be closer to me and hopefully my brother can move back and his fiancee but closely yeah um do you see your parents every day pretty much yeah since i've been here i've seen them almost every day um or they've uh babysat babysat their grand dog um which is hey in this most recent post i saw a boy in there um where like you're out uh uh showing like what you did for days is that your boyfriend yeah is he new um Like three months, three and a half months. How old is he? He's turning 25 this Saturday. That's not too old?
Starting point is 01:06:51 No. Oh, you're 21? Okay. I just saw a glimpse of him. I saw it in a mustache. I was like, wait, how old is this boy? Okay. The mustache is new.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Okay. Okay. I approve. Yeah. And do your parents like him? Yeah. Yeah. They really like him. He fits in really well with the family has like the same kind of like, he fits, he fits in. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Yeah. He, yeah. My, my dad, well, my dad and him first bonded over, um, we were so okay i had an eight sleep mattress in my spare bedroom and then just like a regular mattress in mine my mom was like okay when are we actually gonna like switch this so you can like get good sleep because for some reason i like have to sleep in my bedroom i can't sleep in the spare anyways um so why is that why is that you just you just don't it just feels wrong to like not sleep in my room i don't know that really makes no sense but that's just how my brain works okay fair and um she was like they this was before they moved here and they were visiting um and she's like okay we're finally gonna like move this over but mine was a full so we had to move the bed frames as well and the bedroom got stuck in the hallway and my dad was like okay where's your tools so we can like take
Starting point is 01:08:12 this apart as like dad I don't have any tools like what do I need tools for I'm like a 21 year old girl living by myself like if I need help I'm just gonna call somebody up i'm gonna call you dad where's your tools exactly yeah and um he just had like they had a rental car so he didn't have his truck with his tools in there and darling was like all right i'll like i'll be right back i have some tools in my truck and he's like that's right every man should have tools in his truck i was like oh goodness got the stamp of approval from dad. Can you tell me how you met him, the courtship process? Like, how do you have time to run into someone? Especially if it was three months ago.
Starting point is 01:08:54 That was, like, kind of in the – I mean, you're ramping up. Yeah, so I first met him, I think it was in November, December maybe, because he is on the second Mayhem team this year okay so he's at the gym yeah so he was at the gym quite a bit he lives in Knoxville um and then he'd like travel here and commute here um and then like we kind of started like chatting a little bit um and then he asked me out like after guadalupalooza um and then that kind of just did you know did you know like when you saw him were there like sparks and stuff like did you know yeah absolutely i like um i mean we see like a lot of new people at mayhem every day um but i remember it was like on a Saturday and I was like walking over to grab some plates for I was like cleaning and um I like saw him and like did a double take because I was
Starting point is 01:09:54 like first time I was like oh he's new and second time I was like oh he's kind of cute and I saw he was like hanging out with my friend Nick and I was was like, oh, dang, Nick's got to introduce me to this guy. And like whenever I walked back over, Nick ended up introducing me. Wow. That's so cool. Which, yeah. No app, no nothing. Just like, hey.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Yeah. Real person. Yeah. So then, yeah, it was kind of like awkward small talk for a little bit. And then it was like. Oh, right. When we get into the good part. His DMs.
Starting point is 01:10:36 You did. Yeah. And then what do you say to him? Like it was like kind of like friendly. Like, hey, nice to meet you today at the gym uh glad to see you i hope you're enjoying mayhem let me know if there's any if you ever like you need any help if you're ever confused like need a need a good coffee shop to stare into my eyes at when you're i mean uh to drink coffee yet yeah yeah it was yeah he had um like a shirt sale for wild palooza
Starting point is 01:11:01 and it had like a bible verse on it i was like hey that's like one of my favorite bible verses um and then we kind of like got to talking through that what about what about the normal stuff that um comes with a new relationship do you have to like staying up too late talking on the phone too much, eating shit at the movie theater? How do you, like, does that, do you have to, like, stay guarded on that? Honestly, not really with him, which is really nice, just because he is honestly, like, one of the hardest workers that I know. I know I'm biased, but he's definitely one of the hardest workers.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Like, he's, you know, training to make the CrossFit Games this year on a team. He has a job. He is in school full-time. Okay. So he doesn't have time to screw around either. You guys aren't going and getting three boxes of red vines and holding hands in the movie theater
Starting point is 01:12:01 12 hours a day. Okay, good. That makes me happy. Alright. Yeah. You guys ever work out together um sometimes yeah how is that is that fun yeah yeah i think yeah we're both pretty competitive so we kind of like start to like look at each other mid-workout and we're like are we going hey is that is that um did that relationship offer you any console during the um the the the penalty debacle yeah absolutely i mean honestly he got like the majority of the the tears and the yeah yeah breaking down and the ups and the downs of it. But I think it was really good to see how he, like, handled it. And, like, I think, you know, you grow through the adversity.
Starting point is 01:12:57 I think we definitely, like, grew together through, like, going through the adversity and, like, um, just like seeing his character, even though I've gotten to see that with like the people around him as well. Um, but, but, but you could, you, you have heard stuff like, um, uh, women get, uh, or men, whoever, but someone in the relationship gets really emotional and goes through a hard time and another person can't handle it. So they distance themselves or you got to see how he reacts in a moment of, you know, you have a few days of just like throwing your hands up in the air and you
Starting point is 01:13:31 got to see how he'll react to that now. So it was kind of like, Hey, you're being tested too. Just so you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was good though. I mean, I'm not really one to like want to cry in front of other people but he handled it very well so very grateful for him awesome hey i really appreciate you coming on i i honestly didn't think you would i thought oh she's probably like i i thought oh she probably just doesn't want you know it might be too soon the wound might be too fresh so i really appreciate you coming on.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Yeah, no, you're really cool. I remember all the times I've interacted with you. You're so generous with your time and your attention and your present. And I really like you. You're cool as shit, Paige. Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah, you're a cool person.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Yeah, no, thank you for having me on. Anytime. All right. Well, do you think you'll go to the games? Yeah, I want to. Yeah. to yeah hang out party see people yeah well maybe not party but yeah by party i mean you know what i mean just so you know yeah let loose wear clothes that you like just let drink too much uh caffeine stuff like that maybe yeah well yeah i don't know um but yeah i really want to be a part of the community as much as i can this season so awesome well thanks for coming on i can't wait to see you
Starting point is 01:14:53 and um uh we'll talk again soon sounds good all right thank you all right page powers 10th fittest woman in the world still I'd still give her that crown no she cannot beat Taylor are you out of your mind she cannot beat Taylor what are you talking about Taylor is unbeatable
Starting point is 01:15:17 he's truly unbeatable someone hit a PR the least amount of profanity ever in his history. I think I've done some with no profanity. There's this, every morning there's this ebb and flow. From day to day, there's degrees of how excited I am to come into the studio here and do the show. Last night I was pretty excited because I knew... This is going to sound horrible, but I just knew it was going to be easy. Because I remember hanging out with her last time and she's just easy. She's just cool. But I stayed up too late last night I looked up at the clock and it was 12 05 a.m
Starting point is 01:16:12 so that kind of pissed myself off because I was like really I was I knew today was going to be a good day and then I screwed it up by staying up too late but it ended up being great. But my eyes were burning. Like when I first came and sat down, uh, you want to see a uh i don't know what you would call it they they do they do they do fighting classes like every day almost i think sunday's the only day they don't do fighting classes and this one takes place at the house and yesterday they were sparring a little bit. And the reason why I like this video I'm about to show you is, this was just supposed to be stand-up. This was just supposed to be a punching and kicking.
Starting point is 01:17:17 And I always thought like, God, how do they not take each other down? Because that's their primary, their primary form of fighting is jiu-jitsu. And then the striking and kicking a second, they only do that three days a week, but jujitsu they do. And they've been doing it for years. I was like, how do they just not stop themselves from just taking the dude down?
Starting point is 01:17:43 Ari catches the kick and then takes him down. You can hear the teacher say this isn't supposed to be jiu-jitsu, but I love it. Look at that high kick. And he catches it and then throws the right and then goes straight for the neck. God, I was so proud of him. It's funny. Yeah. Such a great move.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Boom. Bam. Dots them on the forehead. Anyway. Yeah, they're savage. It's so fun watching them. And they're so good to each other And they're so good to each other. They're so good to each other.
Starting point is 01:18:29 And they're so, God, it's so crazy. It's so crazy how far they've come. So proud of them. But anyway, I like that because I've always wondered, how is it that they don't take each other down? And Avi's watching. My older boy's watching my older boys watching he's just chomping at the bit to get in there
Starting point is 01:18:47 Seve are you excited you got Josh back on this week is that this week Josh is coming oh I don't have my phone I don't have a calendar what day does he come I'm trying to get rich tomorrow
Starting point is 01:19:09 I wonder if I what the deal is with that I want to have rich on I want to ask him what it was like having rich would Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time work for you that's a great time
Starting point is 01:19:24 so maybe we'll have rich on tomorrow that would be of extended time work for you. That's a great time. So maybe we'll have Rich on tomorrow. That would be crazy to have Rich and Josh on the same week. And by the way, my boys aren't, what's crazy is that they're so polite. You know what I mean? Like no, no one, well, that's not true. Uh, uh, other fighters know that they're fighters, but like regular people have no fucking idea. But I didn't realize that other people, there was a, um, we were in the town, two towns over and we walked into a Pete's coffee and we were all sitting around a table. They were drinking a whole milk and eating a chocolate chip cookie and i was drinking some
Starting point is 01:20:09 black coffee sorry gabe at a pete's there by the skate park and this guy walks in and uh he's stout as fuck and he comes over and he said do your boys wrestle and i said well yeah um you know they don't take specifically wrestling but yeah they wrestle and he's like yeah you know they don't take specifically wrestling but yeah they wrestle and he's like I can totally tell he said I'm the wrestling coach and it was something in the town and it was kind of cool but just the way they carry themselves but anyone who's thinking about getting your kids into fighting or I don't know they call it jujitsu and striking or whatever MMA mixed martial arts I highly recommend it it did my
Starting point is 01:20:45 kids are not i would have to argue that they're much less aggressive uh than other kids their age all right uh anything uh when is josh? Did someone tell me? Janelle. Hello, Janelle, the coolest lady in the chat. Yeah. Gabe from Paper Street Coffee. You are conducting market research all out. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Hey, you know what's interesting, Gabe? Since I stopped drinking like Starbucks and Peet's and stuff like that, that used to be like my go-to, I don't have to pee anymore during the shows. And I drink a shitload of Paper Street coffee. Isn't that weird? And I get really high from it, sometimes too high. I drink too much. But whatever the caffeine is or in those beans, it doesn't make me pee like Starbucks coffee. I don't know what they have in there. Daniel Garrity, this is a great question. At which point do the viewers not know who Josh Bridges is?
Starting point is 01:22:00 So in 2018, I wasn't allowed to do the behind the scenes. And then there was 2019, 2020, 2021. I think I was fired. And then 2022 and then 2022 i don't know somewhere in there like two or three years uh later i did that podcast the 20 episodes with matt fraser and josh bridges and i remember people in the comments would say um why would why are josh and matt doing a podcast with this lame old dude. And I was like, wow, in two years, the people will just forget who you are, just like completely. And not that I was ever as forward-facing as Josh and Matt,
Starting point is 01:22:33 but I mean, fuck. It was pretty wild that that quickly I was just some old dude. Like, why would they do a podcast with me? And so if you're not forward-facing, man, people will forget quickly. People will forget very quickly. I think there were 20 episodes. I don't know. I made that up.
Starting point is 01:23:03 But I think 20. Riley S. I wasn't into CrossFit that deep then, so yes, Seve was just some weird old dude. Yeah, see? There you go. I'm not cutting my hair. I'm not cutting my hair.
Starting point is 01:23:37 I'm not cutting my hair for the, um, I'm not cutting my hair. I don't know if I should bring this up now or wait till I talked to Andrew before I bring it up. Jeez, criminy. I wonder if Andrew's going to beat this dude down. do down now I have nothing nice to say I shouldn't I shouldn't sorry I'm doing a little research here. No, it's not Mikeyy swoosh related it's just it's just people who are doing um uh no has nothing to do with brian friend interesting guesses though has to do with like noble and just just agents and branding and marketing and
Starting point is 01:24:57 i even had a little bit of like a a twitch when when, um, when Paige said that, um, she's taking a year off to work on her brand or whatever she said about Bailey. Like I felt myself like Twitch a little bit. I just can't, um, uh, yeah. Audrey for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Be nice to my honey. Fine. Yeah. Um, um, um, I just think that that's just bad thinking is no bull no bullets trying to become a sponsor no not of this show I think
Starting point is 01:25:43 noble might be dead I think that they might be gone it would it would be hard for anyone to that's the thing because when you go all in with someone it would be really hard for some someone in the clothing space to make it into the show because of my devotion to, um, a born primitive. That's already, that's already, uh,
Starting point is 01:26:08 bit me on my ass in the ass a little bit because there have been other sponsors with shit loads of money, uh, like shit loads, like six figure money that we couldn't take because I just didn't feel like it would be truthful. Not didn't feel like it would be truthful. Not didn't feel. It wouldn't be truthful because of my relationships with other brands.
Starting point is 01:26:33 So, I don't know. So, there's that. uh born primitive makes better shoes but noble shirts perform and feel better uh i i cannot wear any of the noble shirts they don't perform or fit good on me um i uh i get crazy compliments when i wear the noble shirts uh the born primitive shirts crazy compliments when I wear the Noble shirts. The Born Primitive shirts. Crazy compliments. No, Noble shirts don't fit. It's the same.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Noble shirts accentuate the gun. Yeah, exactly. It's like the new gear the new clothing company that's uh working with crossfit they sent me some stuff and it's like like i don't know who can wear that shit i mean you have to have to be a fucking adonis it even makes people with good bodies like it could fuck your good body up it's so fucking like the material so i don't know what the word is sheer is that the word it molds to your body noble uh noble fit non-fat of noble noble fit non-fat people yeah thank you yeah that's fair that's fair
Starting point is 01:28:04 i think noble is just a company because i think i i don't trust any company uh that was a brand before they had a product that means that all they care that means all that they care about is making money right and i don't think that that's all you should care about i don't think you'll have any longevity longevity doing that and they're proud of that they openly say that and then on top of that if you are a brand OK, then let me judge you on being a brand. You enforce that all your employees took the injection. Shitty brand. Shitty, shitty brand.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Then you thought it would be cute to say that you guys killed yourself to get the NFL contract. No, you killed yourself by forcing your employees to take the injection. Then on top of that, supporting all the LGBTQYZ shit that was closely affiliated with child genital mutilation. Like what a shit brand Noble is. What a shit brand noble is what a shit brand i mean so so and then on top of that most people did hate your shoes and i just think of all the people affiliated with that and i think that they're shit too i mean that's that's i'm not making that shit up. Yeah, all that. Imagine wearing clothes that supports by proxy child genital mutilation.
Starting point is 01:29:45 It's the same thing when I see people wearing cart heart. I mean, like, you know, they made their employees get the injection or fire them. And Noble did the same thing. I just don't want to, I just, I,
Starting point is 01:29:56 I just don't get giving your money to that. Did you see Chris Cuomo got vaccine injured? The CNN guy, the guy who supported the enforcements of the vaccine and talked shit about people who didn't get the vaccine. The people who,
Starting point is 01:30:10 his brother was the governor of New York. They got shit loads of old people killed by forcing them into old folks homes with COVID. That dude got vaccine injured. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:30:20 The story just came out. I'll cover it in a couple days here. It's fucking wild. Of course he got vaccine injured. Of course he got injured. If you got the shot, you got injured. Of course he got injured. Did you guys see the thing with Pizzagate? I didn't even know what Pizzagate was.
Starting point is 01:30:59 This is great. This is great. Non-Christian. great this is great non-christian uh former senior policy advisor of the obama administration has appeared in court in britain charged with child sex offenses rahamin rami shy 46 who coordinated the u.s government strategy to combat terrorists from al-qaeda and the taliban is accused of arranging and commissioning of child sex offenses. Court documents reveal. He's also charged with possession of two Category C indecent images of children and possessing a prohibited image of a child. Shy U.S. citizen who lives in New Jersey worked for the White House under President Barack
Starting point is 01:31:38 Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This was the, I guess, I forget what Pizzagate was. I just read about it yesterday. But it was somehow related to some accusations that the Clintons or whatnot. Oh, look at clock. Pizzagate was legit. Anyway, this guy was on the forefront of saying Pizzagate's just bullshit conspiracy theories.
Starting point is 01:32:04 And here we are four years later and he's fucking getting busted for diddling kids. Holy shit. It's like a never-ending rollout of... It's a never-ending rollout of conspiracy theories becoming true. That's also the party that believes in MAPS. MAPS is the rebranding of child molesting
Starting point is 01:32:33 and pedophilia. Fuck blame, and they just want it to go away, Mr. Como said on his show. Eponymous show? Eponymous? Oh, where was that? I just saw it. Oh.
Starting point is 01:33:20 Where is it? Where is it? Poland Public School. Attacking a Police Officer. Best Titties. What is this one? Best Titties. Did I already play this one?
Starting point is 01:33:33 Oh, no. You guys want to see this? This is funny. I played this before. But I got it on here again. Might as well just enjoy it. Sometimes you got to watch stuff twice. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:33:42 This is old. I just had a jugs. Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris? I'll go with the white shit. Do you go with the white titties? Why is it that you take the white Kazumbas over the black titties? Her ideology is not breast-like. I actually thought I entered a time warp and went back a hundred years
Starting point is 01:34:01 because I could not believe somebody was asking this question. What question? Yeah, you said, who's got the biggest, the nicer titties, Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris? What did you think on the answer to that question? I don't have an answer to that question. I'm glad to pick between the two sets of Kazoombas. I'm glad to buy the question. I do not know that mental illness can come in pairs. Of titties or-
Starting point is 01:34:23 Of two phenomena. What were you saying about a pair like that you guys are are paired together in this absurd um i'm an anti-porn activist as a matter of fact but you're not going to get an interview from me about the subject because i want what's your favorite anti-porn is it like is it people's ants your mother would be very ashamed you're doing this kind of work who do you think has a nicer set of jokes elizabeth yeah she checkmated him on that shit that that was unfortunately um first of all there's you're an idiot if you think elizabeth warren has nicer tits than kamala harris that's just stupid but um it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:35:08 It's crazy that people would even engage him on that, but it's so funny. He's so sharp. I like it when he says that auntie porn, auntie porn, auntie porn. What's your favorite auntie porn? It's good.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Good stuff. I got to get, I got to do some of these. I need to go, but I got to get, my list is too big. Let's do some of these. Ready? You guys want to do some? Here we go. What happens when men play football against women?
Starting point is 01:35:40 We all know that there are significant differences between men and women. Who would you pick, Seve? I would bang Kamala Harris if I wasn't married. Elizabeth Warren does not do anything for me. But Kamala, she's crazy. But women still think they stand a chance against men. So here's what happened during this encounter. The United States has won the Women's World Cup several times, but last year they wanted to play against men. Wrexham thus sent its old players into retirement, and the women were very
Starting point is 01:36:22 confident and thought they would destroy the old men. But it didn't go as planned. The match ended with a score of 12-0 for Wrexham's retired players. During a training session of the Crystal Palace women's team, some male players were watching the match and decided to join them and play a bit for fun. The women didn't appreciate it. Zaha and Balazi played alone against eight women and demolished them. Zaha even nutmegged a girl, dribbled past the goalkeeper, and scored. Here's what happened. He nutmegged a girl?
Starting point is 01:36:59 What the hell? Is that Urban Dictionary? He nutmegged a girl? Anyway, there's no... First of all, there's no girls who think that they're better than dudes. That's just stupid. That's just... That's just ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Here's a good one. This is great. this is so good here we go uh study finds most parents okay with their with government brainwashing their children if it means free babysitting let that sink in for a second for those of you who don't believe in religion yet you send your kids to school you you need to rethink the definition of religion. Study finds most parents okay with government brainwashing their children if it means free babysitting. Hey parents, would you send your child to our religious institution that's completely against your own beliefs and ideals for 40 hours a week for 13 years as long as you get to see them on weekends? What if we called it school? School is totally free.
Starting point is 01:38:21 It's wild. It's all word fuckery again. That's the Babylon Bee, you tard. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was the New York Times, you mental midget. Yeah, today is... Oh, shit shit did my mouse die uh connected uh um uh riley s oh what is seven on today how recycling stuff uh
Starting point is 01:38:55 day yeah recycle day this is recycling day this is uh visiting my libtard roots i just recycling stuff and so i should title this show recycling Visiting my libtard roots. I just recycling stuff. I should title the show recycling. Just recycling. Just recycling stuff. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Look at these. These are speaking of. Mental midgets. Look at this. UCLA protesters are using cut upup garbage cans as shields. This is ridiculous. Seriously, they were looking at police officers, particularly black police officers, and accusing them of being the KKK
Starting point is 01:39:38 because they didn't want to be taken away, and I guess they were trying to put the switch. But the idiocy that you see on your screen screen right now did you see the guy run underneath look they're trying to get beyond the police tape here I mean what kind of destruction are they getting craziness right now I mean seriously they were looking at police officers oh I know it's fine our future fine. These are just a couple... These are just idiots. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:12 These are just idiots. We're fine. Don't worry. We're good. We're good. We're good. We're good. It's all good.
Starting point is 01:40:21 It's all good. Everything's fine. It's all good. It's all good. It's all good. It's all good. We're justus performance was not explicit, but according to parents and teachers, he instructed students to follow him on Instagram. So some of them did. And what they found was a bunch of this and more pictures and videos talking about fetish. One student dropped a comment saying,
Starting point is 01:40:58 "'Hell no, don't ever come back to Ramona." The performer then responded, "'Ha ha ha ha, or what do you think "'you're gonna do about it, little boy?" The communication then went back and forth between the parent and the school board and the principal, and the principal actually wanted the student to apologize to the performer, but then retracted it. It was a very messy situation. My biggest question as a mom, how could the school administration not vet this performer's online profiles before hiring him to interact with minors on taxpayer-funded property.
Starting point is 01:41:26 Makes you wonder who's showing up on campus at your kid's school. Dang. All right. Well, there's that. I should do a whole show on just public schools. Like, why? Why schools. Like why? Why, why, why? Here, this one's recycled too, but this one's recycled,
Starting point is 01:41:59 but it's got a little different twist on it. Here we go. Dave Players wants the same rev split at the men get what's the headline says we're not asking to get paid what the men get paid we're asking to get paid the same percentage of revenue shared okay which seems fair we did a little bit of research on this uh there's 12 players on a team there's 12 total teams so 144 total players. The WNBA League loses $12 million a year. So if you divide 12 million by the 144 players, each player owes $83,000. Thanks for playing.
Starting point is 01:42:36 So if you guys want the same rev share, you're going to have to write a check for pretty much all the money you made and all your endorsements and everything you guys owe to NBA players so I get what he's saying but I think he did profit not rev slight difference big difference but either way you get the point the fucking league isn't making money is the point
Starting point is 01:43:03 and clearly anyone who would The fucking league isn't making money is the point. And clearly anyone who would say we want equal pay as the men based on how much money the league makes has no fucking clue what they're talking about. For those of you UFC fans, this happened last week too. I think this happened in Brazil. in last week too. I think this happened in Brazil. This is Daniel Cormier,
Starting point is 01:43:28 a two-division world champion in the UFC. Teaches wrestling just down the street from me in Hollister, I think, or Gilroy. But here he is with the current getting picked up and thrown down on his side by the current champ, Alex Beheia.
Starting point is 01:43:46 It's crazy. If you're a fight fan, it's just nuts being these two wrestlers in the hallway. That black guy was the light heavyweight champion and the heavyweight champion nuts nuts nuts nuts hey what's up nuts hey what's up oh yeah semi-finals are gonna be wild I'm getting excited for semi-finals you mean like a paper street coffee uh promo
Starting point is 01:44:37 yeah but before that what do you think Alex Perea versus John Jones? Oh, my God. I need to see them standing next to each other. I have a feeling John Jones dwarfs him. I don't think John Jones looked great in his last fight either. He looked flat-footed or something. I mean, he won easy, but he just didn't look like himself. I don't know. Yeah, I think Jones kills him.
Starting point is 01:45:01 I don't think Alex Pereja has a strong chin. I mean, just because Izzy caught him when he cut 30 pounds, I mean, I'm not sure about that. Yeah, that's a good point. That's a good point. I just feel like he fights with his head up and that chin is just exposed. I mean, he's a kickboxer right so like that's that's his background so he's just getting a little bit more reps right when he gets those reps and he'll
Starting point is 01:45:30 maybe adjust and what's he gonna is he gonna be able to stand up if john jones gets on top of him did you watch the the main event last last week uh um pantoja and ursig that was it was a good fight i i get why pantoja won but ursig for being a 10 like for being ranked number 10 that was a really good performance in my opinion ursig is he's a problem dude he's what third fight fourth fight yeah fourth ufc fight he's special man did you see pantoja couldn't hold him down that dude could just basically stand up when he wants to he was just bigger it doesn't make sense but yeah he he looked bigger Pantoja looked smaller quote-unquote um just in there it was it was weird but again it's not it's experience right yeah yeah I think Pantoja knew knew also like, holy shit, this guy's a beast. And it's also, like, optically, right? How did Pantoja look after that fight?
Starting point is 01:46:29 Like, both eyes were bloody, just completely a mess, and the other kid, Erceg, was just gassed. Because he never fought five rounds. A sixth round, and Erceg wins for sure. I don't know, man. I mean, look how dumb he was being, going for the the takedown instead of just like, all right, cool. We're both standing up. I'm controlling you.
Starting point is 01:46:51 I'm dominating you on the stand up and still went for takedowns. I know. And then got completely destroyed. Oh, I don't know. I don't think he got completely destroyed. I don't think Pantoja. I don't know. He did.
Starting point is 01:47:02 Okay. He didn't get destroyed. But what happened was Pantoja just kind of controlled him, right? Yeah. And that's why he got those rounds. Yeah. Do you think if he would have stood up, he'd have won the fight if he wouldn't have gone for the takedown?
Starting point is 01:47:14 I think he would have won the rounds and made it a little bit more compelling because one card was, what, 46? I don't remember. Oh, yeah. One was 29. It was 29 don't remember oh yeah one was 29 it was 29 28 29 28 29 26 or something yeah that judge is his ass beat the one that did 29 26. that's what i'm saying like you have to just and obviously you're in brazil it's not like you're gonna get favorable judges right good point so but uh I liked your packing video. Yeah, enough UFC talk on me.
Starting point is 01:47:46 I liked your packing video. What packing video? Were you packing the box? Oh, that came out? Oh, nice. Cool. Thank you. We're doing things like that to some customers. And people that subscribe and get coffee every month or every two weeks. We're going to start throwing in some fun things before they come out yeah that's awesome so a bunch of a bunch of customers like two weeks before the dylan came out ariel owens
Starting point is 01:48:14 coffee they got that as like a sneak peek hey let me ask you this how come when i drink your coffee it doesn't make me pee but when i I drink shit coffee, it makes me pee? What do they put in their coffee? No, it's not like what they put in their coffee. It's just how it's roasted. And also you have to understand that if you're drinking coffee, it's basically blocking that fight or flight natural rhythm that your body has. So you're in this fuck. You drink coffee and you're ready to go. So that's your body has so you're in this like fuck like you drink coffee and you're ready to go so that's your body just like shutting everything down and once it starts kind of like getting back to like almost homeostasis your body's like oh shit i retained
Starting point is 01:48:55 all this water for my you know quote-unquote fight that i was gonna have and now it's like just releases everything but when i used but i used to always have to get up like i used to have to end shows because i had to take a piss or i used to have to take pee breaks and now like i can do like three four hour shows and the only thing i can think of is i don't drink that coffee anymore and just the quality of the coffee the quality and all the like just the processes that it gets from being roasted all the way to your house see how bad starbucks is doing no you mean like the business yeah well it's gone to shit oh they took down the fucking pedophile flag at uh at my starbucks finally i drove by the other
Starting point is 01:49:30 day going to home depot i'm like oh shit they finally took down the pedo flag well it's about time man the last month they came out with earnings and it was just horrible so things are looking looking good for the for our future here yeah yeah um what do you think so what do you think we should do for for for semi-finals i mean i don't think anything's going to beat that 40 discount yeah that's great that was crazy that was crazy crazy crazy um Crazy, crazy. Um, I don't know. Did you hear, did you hear who, uh, who's fulfilling those orders for Northstar in the U S or whatever that company is?
Starting point is 01:50:14 The clothing one. Yep. No. Who? Check your texts from, not from me, but from your other shirt guy. Oh, no shit oh that's awesome oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i do see it i do see it i do see it yep oh that should be fun oh man what's the name of your podcast again uh the sebon podcast i was just fucking with you oh i know i know because you heard yesterday the uh an agent called and then he's like yeah i can
Starting point is 01:50:54 do this and he's like what's the name of your podcast again shut the fuck up dude you fucking that's hilarious i know it's crazy did they ever ever tell you how that S1 guy who you guys were beeping with came to the booth in Guadalupalooza? Oh, James. And was asking for you. James Neely or Feely. It's an Ely. Yeah, him. He came to the booth in Guadalupalooza?
Starting point is 01:51:19 He just came up to the booth and just asked if you or Matt were around. Listen, don't talk to him. And in the back of my head yeah sorry go ahead sorry go ahead well dude in the back of my head I paid him I paid for two of his athletes they're no longer with us but I'm like okay how about a hey Gabe how are you nice meeting you finally oh that was the first time you sponsored two of his athletes
Starting point is 01:51:40 and he didn't even say hi to you or thank you good to meet you he went straight to the where's Sevan yeah he's like hey it's Matt here that's what i mean they're just they suck dude they're so bad dude they're the agents are so bad fuck they're so bad there's hey you and your athletes will not be first of all athletes remember your agents are what have you done for me lately? Like, like they will not be. And that's not a bad thing about them, but they basically need to make money for people. So they're, they're going to target the people who can make the most money.
Starting point is 01:52:15 And fair enough. I don't, I don't blame, I don't blame them for that. I go after sponsors, but I don't have athletes anymore. I have content creators, but they, oh, that's interesting. I don't have athletes anymore. I have content creators. Oh, that's interesting. But if your agent's doing shit like that, your agent sucks. How shitty is that?
Starting point is 01:52:36 Your agent shouldn't be worried about focusing on the negative. And second of all, I don't want to talk to any of you guys. Talk to Sousa. Sousa's the buffer between me and D-bags. If you're a D-bag, don't talk to me. D-Bags. If you're a D-Bag, don't talk to me. And if you don't know you're a D-Bag, if you're not sure if you're a D-Bag or not, then just throw yourself in the category of D-Bags.
Starting point is 01:52:54 Like, please do not waste my time. I mean, it was, what, a super selfish agenda. He's like, hey, where's Matt and Savon instead of, hey, Hey, Gabe, that's all. Which athletes of his do you sponsor? Can you tell me? Or did you sponsor? To be honest with you, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Oh. I don't. Yeah, that's a. You don't know or you don't want to say? P-Dawg. You don't want to say? That's a P-Dawg question. All right.
Starting point is 01:53:18 That's a Paulino question. I'm not. I don't know off the top of my head anymore. The only thing I have in my head is opening up Nashville and bringing in better coffee, which we're doing currently. Oh, when does the Nashville store open? Oh, man, everyone has been asking me that. I think July 1st might be the grand opening. It's just we have a lot still to finish.
Starting point is 01:53:41 A lot is done, but there's just a lot to finish. I hear my phone ringing. I just don't see it. Sorry, go ahead. Are you going to fly out to Nashville for the opening? No. That's awesome. I wish I could go to the West. I wish I was going to be at the West. Tell me the grand opening date again. I need to write it down so I can see it. Oh, dude, July 1st. That's never...
Starting point is 01:54:07 I don't think it's going to be July 1st. I don't even know what date that is. Okay. Oh, here. I would like this. Can you do this? Could we get some... For semifinals in the West and the East,
Starting point is 01:54:22 Will Branstetter, J.R., and Taylor are going to do shows. And I would like them on the shows to have white cups that have just the Paper Street logo on them big. Like stamped on there, like black. Like disposable cups. Yeah, give me the address. Okay. And that way, every morning when they're up there and they're drinking their coffee or whatever they're drinking,
Starting point is 01:54:45 water or whatever, we can just pour it in a paper street coffee cups. Wouldn't that be cool? I like that. Don't you? The amazing idea. Yes. I mean, the address and you guys will get it. I have no issue doing that. And then if they're big cups, like maybe like 16 ounce cups, paper cups, then we don't have to worry about like taking back like like these tumblers are dope, but they're like just good for like just being at home. But no one like those guys don't those will lose all that shit if we take it there yeah you want to
Starting point is 01:55:09 just throw it out when you're done with it no i got you yeah and over and gabe and we're gonna do a podcast um uh sarah um from ca peptides uh rented us a big ass house so we're gonna do a podcast from there like just whenever all of us guys are in the house together and um and it'd be cool to have cups there too hey you want to something i realized the other day this is totally off subject but people have asked like how come there's no girls on the show or how come there's no girls in your thread or that stuff and i and i never know uh like i don't know the answer to that i don't know why there's not girls but remember the other day when um on the kill taylor show, when Taylor took a picture
Starting point is 01:55:47 of his butthole and send it just to two random guys. Yeah. To Joey. Yeah. From New Jersey. Yeah. And like, we all thought it was funny. And the guys who got the picture thought it was funny.
Starting point is 01:55:58 I just don't see girls. Yeah. Like, I just like, imagine if like, I don't know, like, um, uh, imagine if like i don't know like um uh imagine if bella martin was in our group right and like would she be just sending pictures of her asshole to us and like we and like would she be like you know what i mean like the shit we do is um i i like like if another another example would be like, if like one of us sends a picture to the group and the person looks fat, we'll be like,
Starting point is 01:56:28 damn dude, you put on 20 pounds or what? Like, like, I just don't know if you can say that to a girl. I don't think you can. I don't think you should. Oh,
Starting point is 01:56:36 it's cause you're sexist. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I guess, you know what I mean? Like, like,
Starting point is 01:56:44 like you can't just be like, man man your tits look saggy in that photo but we fucking that's the way it is in the in the boys i mean like just anytime anyone like goes after john young just imagine can a girl take that and just if they i mean i've made fun of paulina a bunch of times but damn paulina you're blah blah blah blah blah blah i know there's just different there's just different levels to it you know what i mean like just sending the picture of the of the cheerio it's just um i think i think you're yeah i mean you wouldn't send that to a girl right yeah that's that goes unsaid or taylor will post a picture of him like sitting on his couch naked with his
Starting point is 01:57:19 dick tucked between his legs and it's like yeah like if we had a girl on the thread like next thing you know we're like three years away from like someone like just suing us and it's like sorry we're not doing that we're just dudes just doing dude shit so yeah but yeah but we're not consciously keeping girls out you just they just don't they're not on that energy level so they don't come in do you know what i mean like it's just like i mean you're setting're setting your boundaries, you're being you're being respectful, right? Because you know that, hey, if we add a girl here, we're not going to be able to do these things. And at the same time, you are being a man. You're making sure that like, hey, I wouldn't want a woman seeing even though this is funny to us.
Starting point is 01:57:58 I wouldn't want a woman seeing this. And that's really understandable. I don't even I don't even make it to that point, though. Like, you're right, but I don't even make it to that point though i like you're right but i don't even make it to there because one can't even get to the spot where we can assess it do you know what i mean like i agree with what you're saying but we don't even get to that um uh why put yourself in that position yeah like no one's no one yeah we we haven't even gotten there because like no girl fits in with that uh frequency to use a new age word like we just haven't a girl hasn't like i mean there's people in the group i can't even believe they're in the group like the other day someone goes how the fuck did pedro get in the group and i was like how
Starting point is 01:58:38 the fuck did pedro get in the group and someone's like mike halpin uh invited him i'm like well and that the irony there is that Mike Halpin is not in the group. But there you go. You vetted the group, right? You kind of thinned the herd. So now you know that through the course of having discourse and going back and forth with people in the group. Mike Halpin left on his own. It's the same thing as you kicking him out, right?
Starting point is 01:59:03 He didn't like the pictures of the buttholes. Exactly. It's the same thing as he didn't like the picture he didn't like the pictures of the buttholes exactly it's the same thing as you kick him out you you're you're you're being yourself and then the people that are gravitating to you are gravitating to you for a reason right right jay walk and go sorta who who am i to who am i to uh who am i to judge uh taylor if he needs an outlet uh to show pictures of his Cheerio? Like, whatever. Hey, and there's people in the group who don't want to see the Cheerio, and they just skip by it. Yeah, there's people that don't look at it, and there's people that are going to go and say, hey, I'm leaving because I don't feel comfortable. And that's fine.
Starting point is 01:59:41 There's no wrong way to do it. You're just covering your own bases. Like, worst case scenario, you have someone that goes to tattletale to a ceo of a company you know that says oh look at this chatter etc etc and then you're you're screwed i mean you of all people know how stupid people can be and fabricate stories uh-oh someone just sent me a picture i wonder if it's of a butthole jesus oh god um i hope it's not taylor's no no uh oh yeah this someone sent this a meme it says it's a it's a girl saying to um a guy am i fat and the guy says oh my god no you're beautiful and then it's a guy asking
Starting point is 02:00:21 another guy hey dude am i fat bro i know five fat people and you're four of them. Yeah, it is like that. It's like that. Oh, have you ever stayed in the same place with, uh, with, uh, Taylor? Is this the first time you're going to stay in the same, like Airbnb is Taylor and everyone? Yeah. I can't even actually believe I'm doing it. And you know what, dude, to be honest with you, there is probably a 50% chance
Starting point is 02:00:48 that I end up staying in a hotel or something. At the last minute, I see these fucking disgustoids and I'm like, fuck this. Dude, don't do that. That's the best part is hanging out with everyone. Don't be that person. I'm trying to think if I've ever met Taylor in person. Probably not. be that person I'm trying to think if I've ever met Taylor in person probably not were you there when he got squished by the pig
Starting point is 02:01:12 at Dave's no wasn't allowed on site I don't know if I've ever was he at the games this last year oh yeah you fucking met him he was there with michelle
Starting point is 02:01:28 who's michelle that's his wife no one of his athletes oh that's right that's right i even filmed them you're right you're right you're right uh lizzie uh um lizzie's his wife Fuck I'm fucked I should be bad with that I hope she's not listening to the show She probably is Lizzy's cool though How about How about Ellie Hiller
Starting point is 02:01:54 You know who that is Zero clue She was on the Glinton podcast The other day And I think I posted the i think i posted the clip i'm so easily swayed if someone likes me i just love them let me see if i can oh let me see if i can find this can you hear if i if i play something i wonder if you can hear it if i play
Starting point is 02:02:21 the audio yeah go ahead i'll figure it out if you can hear it through the phone let me see um my account is getting i think shadow banned again yep i i got two uh comments pulled down for hate speech the other day stop hating man yeah i wasn't even hating i was just like i it was just anytime i anyway here we go we go. Well, listen, listen to this. This is on the glinting and things podcast. Listen, we're definitely here with, uh, with Ellie Hiller, but I met on it. By the way, this chick's hot as fuck. Instagram because, and we met through the seven show. So super fun.
Starting point is 02:03:00 Surprise, surprise. I know big shocker. Everyone's favorite, whether they admit it or not. You know, some people give them a hard time, but I'm like, I think, I think it's the best media there is. Yeah. I didn't even hear, I had to listen to it three times to hear what she said. Cause she's so fucking hot. Do you know, can you see your TV now? Do you know who she is? Yeah. You know, it's funny. I hope she wins the games. Yeah, go ahead. Oh, you have a meeting with her at 12? I have a meeting with someone at 12. I totally forgot. I have a meeting at 12. Yeah, go ahead. Oh, you have a meeting with her at 12? You know what's hilarious? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:25 I have a meeting with someone at 12. I totally forgot about it. But you know what's funny? At 12, my time, so now. I censored myself. Every time someone brings someone new up, I always go, are they hot, whether it's a guy or a girl? Yeah. And I censored myself.
Starting point is 02:03:39 And I'm glad that you said it before I saw the video. Smart, smart, yeah. Because I'm like, wait, I can't be letting people know my deep intrusive thoughts she plays tennis yeah and she's in a she's a mom this she has kids training for mom league dude we like we sent them we sent a message apparently we sent a message there's paper paper street coffee. Good job. Oh, you did? People who do my social media. Oh, where do you see that? The paper street coffee in one of her posts? In the tennis post. Oh, oh, that's awesome. I didn't even see that. I was just looking at her skirt go up. Hey, look at this. She's with like two of my favorites too.
Starting point is 02:04:19 I love Shelby Neal and I love Brandon Luckett. You know what's the coolest thing about Brandon Luckett I've never met him he went to to Las Vegas to train with underdogs and now he orders coffee he pays out of his pocket and orders coffee like I had like that's that's who we want to support like an athlete like that like if he reaches out and i've seen him buy coffee from us multiple times never asked for free shit like that's a fucking good dude that's the type of person i want to get behind him that is a good dude and he's smart hey look at this ellie all right ellie was at uh the crucible last year oh look, look at that. There's paper sheet in the background.
Starting point is 02:05:05 Oh, damn. You're good, dude. You're everywhere. All right. Let me go before I, I disrespect whoever's supposed to be on this phone call. I'll talk to you,
Starting point is 02:05:14 man. I love you. We'll figure out the discount later. All right. Later, dude. Thank you. There she is with her husband.
Starting point is 02:05:22 I want to see where the kids, how old are the kids? Where's the kid this chick's a mom my god anyway Ellie's a good dude yeah I just like someone who likes me whatever I'm good
Starting point is 02:05:44 with that. That's enough for me. We're at the 50-yard line. Yeah, Jessica Valenzuela. Seve has a half-chub hearing that. Yeah. Not going to lie. And I really like the fact that she's friends with Shelby Neal and Brandon Luggett.
Starting point is 02:06:04 That's cool as shit. I want friends with Shelby Neal and Brandon Luggett. That's cool as shit When I get Shelby Neal on God obese, I would I would be pumped if she could make it to the To the games oh She's not a mom Oh, what's the mom's league tennis thing then? She's gonna be a mom When is lucky coming on the show I sent soon I guess hopefully soon I want to get him on I Sent I sent a message to him and Sousa on a thread. I'm trying to get Rich on for tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:06:49 Anyway, I got to go to breakfast. Oh, shit. Oh. Holy shit. you are not going to LA okay I gotta go love you guys talk to you guys soon but what's today
Starting point is 02:07:20 Tuesday you can come to breakfast text me or DM me and I'll tell you where we Tuesday? You can come to breakfast. Text me or DM me and I'll tell you where we're going. You can come. Nothing's wrong. I just want to go to breakfast. I want to go to breakfast with Greg. And I want to see my kids too.
Starting point is 02:07:37 All right. Talk to you guys soon. Savon. Oh, wait, wait. Savon, who was that ridiculously hot 89 year old woman that was on once I don't remember
Starting point is 02:07:56 bye bye

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