The Sevan Podcast - Paige Semenza & Rebecca Fuselier | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 15, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a Saban Podcast Show It's a Saban Podcast Show Everybody's welcome, peace and love It's a Saban Podcast Show Bam, you're live Bam, bam, bam Good morning, Jonathan Ortega, good morning I saw I got an email yesterday.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I haven't opened it yet. But it looks like I got some sort of access to the games. Pretty pumped about it. Eric Jensen. Daniel Brandon at the West Coast, Guadalupalooza. Oh, please. See, there's no fucking way she's showing up there. Augustus. Good morning. Good morning. I heard there's alligators in the lake where they where they are swimming. swimming joking not joking i heard it and then i looked it up and started trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:01:06 what lake it's in and um i did hear that uh there are concerns from athletes that there are alligators in the lake then i heard that lake only has small alligators then i started looking and i couldn't find any evidence that there were actually alligators in those lakes but uh they are in alligators that are near those lakes anyway i so would not want a games athlete to be eaten by an alligator i wonder what would happen if they would just stop the whole – if they would stop the whole games if an athlete got eaten by an alligator? Or do you just keep going? What do you think, Paige? Get eaten by an alligator.
Starting point is 00:01:57 That's all I heard. If an athlete were to get eaten by an alligator or bit by an alligator, you think they would stop the whole games or just like have like a, a moment of morning. Did you hear that the lake has alligators or wherever you guys are swimming has alligators? No. Oh, um,
Starting point is 00:02:14 what do you think about alligators? They're kind of creepy. They're crazy. It would make me swim a lot faster. So I guess that's a benefit. There. Yeah. There are some weird animals like the hippo is so weird terrifying bizarro world like yeah where are you from why does your face look like that and then you know every once in a while like you'll be flipping through like some magazine somewhere and they'll be like they found this creature 10 000 feet below the
Starting point is 00:02:43 ocean it never sees the sun and you look at it and you're like what the fuck is that yep or like a giant thing like blows in the dark yeah it's got like one tooth you know and it's translucent yeah or every once in a while you'll see the story pop up on your feed python eats woman and then they show you a picture of the Python and he's just like massive. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah. I heard there's alligators in the lake. I don't have it verified yet,
Starting point is 00:03:09 but I guess there are alligators in lakes in Texas. Yeah. I don't know what to expect. I mean, I saw it's like 20 minutes away. I did that much research. So it's not close to the venue. They didn't,
Starting point is 00:03:23 um, they didn't give the name, right. You, it's, it's just people investigating from pictures and stuff and just on the internet okay i i saw something like marine something lake so i googled it and it's like 20 minutes away yeah that's what i looked up too yep that's what i looked up too okay but but i i remember thinking okay it hasn't officially been announced but that's what that's what i was hearing too yeah that's fair i don't know i don't i don't try to suck it i don't try to guess anything like there's no point in guessing because you guess and all of a sudden it's completely opposite of
Starting point is 00:03:53 what you guessed so yeah same with like the chad workout like you look at it and it's like hey i'm not even gonna guess yeah not even gonna try yeah are you ready to go hard this morning i already went hard at least oh you did oh tell me yeah tell me tell me yeah um so we're doing our mock games weekend so we're trying to simulate um just the weekend layout so i did three events yesterday i'll do three today three tomorrow and three sunday yeah girl yeah um but this is with the Misfits team and your training partner. Hold on. Don't tell me, uh, McKenna and Enlin. Enslin. Enslin. Yeah. Um, you met her just a couple of weeks ago. Oh yeah. Yeah. She's awesome. Yeah. She is awesome. Thanks for doing that by the way. Thanks for doing that. That was fun. We I thoroughly enjoyed it because I just got to watch McKenna go ham and see if she could do it.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And you guys just left. Hey, is it hard? I was talking to I don't think people realize how hard it is, what Taylor does, just like emotionally. And then I interviewed Yella. I said, do you think it's hard he goes oh yeah dude that must be crazy to go out and put yourself on the line week after week just let people just get you hell yeah um i will say he does uh bias a little bit towards the men but i mean very very biased but like you know he did a 40 inch box m McKenna to do a 36. I'm like, that's not even close. But I mean, it's part of the fun, right?
Starting point is 00:05:36 Is like, he's going to put workouts in his absolute wheelhouse because that's a lot of money on the line. It should be called the misogynistic kill Taylor show. We talk about it all the time. I'm like, if he puts something out there that's a little bit more equivalent for the women i might i might throw my my hand in the ring i think there has been a workout or two um that some girls have have uh called me and been like or text me i've been like hey i could have done that and i and i think i believe them i can't remember if it was alex kazan or not but it was one of the ones with rope climbs or maybe Justin Collins, but Hey,
Starting point is 00:06:07 Alex could definitely be definitely. Yeah. There's a few. Yeah. Um, yeah. Um, your career is, uh, your performances are ascending. That's right. Yeah. Age is also ascending. How old are you? My age is also ascending. How old are you? I'll be 33 in 12 days. So my birthday is on the 24th. So yeah, I'm an old lady. And last year you went to the games and that was your best finish?
Starting point is 00:06:37 Mm-hmm. And I stole that from your interview with Scott Schweitzer. But also most injured you've ever been in your life. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the volume, it adds on, it takes a toll. Stress takes a toll. So I've gotten much better at stress management, especially this past year. And just continuing to learn from mistakes made in the past and just lessons learned. It's not, you know, it's not a failure. It's a lesson learned if you do it the right way. So do you remember the moment that you had, you go into detail in, in Scott's, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:13 in the interview you did with Scott, great interview and, um, on Clydesdale. And, um, you said that basically you got the injury from pulling off the ground, but the, the culprit, you got the injury from pulling off the ground, but the, the culprit, you think the cause was more related to how you were squatting, which I found fascinating. It speaks volumes of your self-awareness and your misfit team. Um, do you, was there a particular moment or a lift you were doing like a day, a second, you're like that your main injury occurred? Um, so we were actually doing, it's actually drew a head of misfit that what's his last name. I know him drew Crandall. Yeah. From the old days. Yeah. He's a great dude. Yeah. Um, he was actually the one that suggested that he thinks that's my squat mechanics because I'm very power lifting, like posterior chain dominant. Like I sit in my shoulders pretty far away from my butt.
Starting point is 00:08:08 So there's just a lot of tension that hits into my low back. But I was doing high volume wall balls and ski right before I was doing my strength work. So I just think the volume accumulated and I went to pull a heavy deadlift and it was on a deficit. So there was some added range of motion and it just, I felt a pop and it was likely a herniated disc, uh, from that point on led to a lot of nerve pain. wall ball um uh ski erg and then deficit heavy uh deadlift and um when that happened um did you was it difficult even getting out of the gym did you did you did you stop and then it just immediately start getting inflamed um so it it definitely, it stiffened up right away. Like I had felt it before and I've had like a couple of flare ups where it's like aggravated me for like a week or so. And then it went away. So I was like, Oh, I felt this before. I think it's going to go away quickly. Um, it was always like, okay, Gabe, give me another day. Let me have another day,
Starting point is 00:09:22 another day, all of a sudden one week turns into two weeks, turns into, wow, this is really stressful. And I don't know if I'm going to be able to compete at semifinals. So it took a long time to really kind of get a handle on it. But being in the middle of the season, you just try to do maintenance and try to manage it as best as you can so that you can compete and stay as healthy as you can in that time. There was no quitting. How bad was it? Were you crawling to the bathroom or would you like sit down in a chair and like for 10 minutes be like, oh, fuck, how am I going to get out? Was it like that?
Starting point is 00:09:58 I couldn't put socks on. Like I couldn't bend over to put socks on. It's probably the best example I could use. But it was pretty bad to start um heating pads helped a lot but right at the the initial point it's like you want to get the inflammation down so yeah it was really stressful it sucked it really sucked dude i saw that happen to brandon luckett at semi-ifinals this year really right before the snatch event he couldn't move he was stuck on the bench um when he when he was warming up he couldn't stand
Starting point is 00:10:32 up all the way he was just like you know like it was nuts I I I I wanted to I wanted to cry for him yeah I could feel my tear ducts they didn didn't quite turn on, but I could feel them. My body's like, cry, cry. Yeah. It was crazy watching it. You know he put in so much work. It's like to see it happen, especially there. I mean, that's super impressive.
Starting point is 00:10:56 He's still qualified. Even if it's a muscle cramp or a spasm, it still hinders your performance in some way. So that's really impressive. He said he didn't even feel it. Three, two, one, go. He just pushed right through it. Adrenaline. a spasm, like still hinders your performance in some way. So that's really impressive. He said he didn't even feel it. One, three, two, one, go. He just pushed right through it. Adrenaline. It's a, it's a crazy drug, right? Does so much. Um, so, so you start working on your squat mechanics. What specifically did you do in your squat mechanics? I think since, yeah, definitely more upright, trying to sit my butt between my heels.
Starting point is 00:11:28 But I'm pretty sure since December, every day I've sat in a squat hold for at least five minutes. Sometimes I'll do it up against the wall so that I can really sit upright and keep my torso vertical. Sometimes it's with a barbell doing overhead squat holds, front squat holds, um, just regular body, body weight holds. Um, but at least five minutes a day. And now it's just like, that's just what I do to start any training session. Yeah. Um, and I'm assuming that before you now it's, it's paramount, you're sweating before you start workout. Like you have to do a workout before you start working out. Yeah, that's one thing that I have done for every training session.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I do at least 12 to 15 minutes. It's usually 15 minutes of just easy on a machine. Which machine is your go-to? It changes. So like right now, because there's so much volume and it's like I get sick of machines every once in a while. So I usually do at least five to 10 minutes on a C2 bike just to get a lot of blood flow in my lower half. And then all depending on the workout, it'll be could be echo bike, ski, rowing. It's usually a mix of two to three machines every time running.
Starting point is 00:12:42 of two to three machines every time. When you look at, are there any athletes you look at out there who are like really upright and you watch and you're like, okay, that's the position I want to be in now. I mean, I think most athletes in our sport do a really good job. Um, actually Nick Matthew is one of them. Ricky Gerard was one that I could notice, like they're really like can drive their knees over their toes and just sit in that nice upright position. Um, so it's just, it takes a lot more like mental awareness to do it because I can, it's just, I usually resort to like, Oh, this is, I could do more this way. It's easier not to think about it. Um, but I have, I've had no choice, but to be really aware with any squatting
Starting point is 00:13:26 movement. And now it's like my quads will get super sore. Whereas my, my glutes would in the, in the past. Is it so significant that doing it, you've even noticed some body composition change? Like did your, did your glutes and your quads get bigger or more defined or did you ever noticed? I don't know. I haven't really paid attention i i haven't like thinking about my physical appearance like through games training is not like it's not one of the things i'm thinking about i'm just kind of eating for performance and making sure that my recovery is up as much as it can be well when you when are you speaking of a body and eating as you go through this game simulation, is that also one of the pieces to make sure you're getting enough food practice eating?
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yeah. Yeah. So, um, we practice like sodium intake, making sure like before and after the longer endurance events that there's a lot of, uh, electrolyte replenishment. Um, I'm eating extra carbs as I would throughout a game's weekend. It's a lot of work. It's actually the least favorite part. People are like, oh my God, I want to eat so much food. But by day two, you're sick of it. It's just a lot of work. But having the help of tell me what to eat and when to eat, taking that guess workout helps a lot.
Starting point is 00:14:45 the help of like, tell me what to eat and when to eat. Taking that guest workout helps a lot. What's the go-to carb, uh, in between workouts? What's the easiest thing to get down? Um, it could be Gatorade, applesauce. Um, right now, like with the heat, like a cold applesauce pack is like, it hits just right. Like the baby food ones? Yeah. Yeah. They're so good um fruit snacks gummies uh anything like that it's uh easily digestible but it's funny i like will drink a gatorade zero like on a non-training day and now i'm like i call it full fat gatorade aka like full sugar gatorade um and regular Gatorade is just so much better. Um, uh, my, my boys have been doing, uh, a bunch of three and four hour jujitsu sessions, but just like martial arts sessions. So it's like, it's just four, three to four hours, just straight, like an hour in the morning and then three to four in the afternoon.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And I make sure I get, I ordered a bunch of those, um, baby food packets online, like ones that just have the fruit in them and they say no sugar. And I make sure like after at every hour mark, yeah. Suck one down every hour mark. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It definitely helps. Um, I definitely with the longer sessions or with doing events this weekend, um, I make sure like immediately afterwards too, that I'm getting some in just so I'm fueling, uh, and getting, getting carbs in from what I'm using. So, so, so you go to the games, uh, 2023, have your best performance. Are you injured during the games?
Starting point is 00:16:16 Um, I wasn't necessarily injured. I was very hesitant with everything I was doing. Um, I feel like having your inner, that means you're in your head more than you want to be. Is that what, okay. My confidence wasn't there. Like having the one rip max snatch and clean and jerk. I was like, I hope to just put up like respectable numbers and be happy with that. Um, so, uh, sandbags have surprisingly never really aggravated me so even a heavy sandbag at like 150 um so having a lot of sandbag stuff at the games was kind of cool um and it was slightly lighter so that was pretty sweet um but yeah i was i didn't know back then that it was like my squatting so i was really afraid to do a lot of pulling from the floor i'm looking at the um
Starting point is 00:17:07 i'm pulling uh you took 18th place a 15th and 18th the 24th and 19th 11th and the 17th uh so you made it past so you so you what you did the entire games made it past all the cuts yeah yeah congratulations thanks i'm trying to do it again this year. I think that that's an important idea that we have ultimate human performance and behavior. I think when we're not in our head, like when Sevan's gone, you know what I mean? For me, it happens a lot because I have kids. And so I feel like I'm just happy so often now that I have kids in my life because there's no Sevan. I mean, it's just completely selfless. And so you're out there and you're training and when there's no page, right? Like the page in between your ears is gone and it's just page in your body. That's when the shit's going down
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah, when you get in that flow state. Yeah. Yeah Um you you were And then after that you did rogue I did which is again i look back at 23 and i'm like i don't know how i did all of this stuff with how i was feeling like the body like the back issue just took such a big toll on me like mentally physically like i felt depressed within the sport and like i was never gonna get out of this like rut of an injury um so then yeah I went to Rogue um got a last minute invite which was really cool um unfortunately like I believe
Starting point is 00:18:34 Alexis Raptus stepped out um so they sent me an invite which was really cool um yeah that was a an incredible experience I was on my bucket list to go to Rogue tell me why it's um why it's dark because of the stories you're telling yourself tell me why it's it's yeah like I I just didn't feel like I had the right like tools in my like mental kit of how to cope well with the injury and how to not let it just kind of like drain into every other part of my life, like my personal life, my, my coaching life and just everything. I just, everything seemed to take a hit from going through an injury like that. Um, and for anybody that's been in like pain for a period of time, I think can understand that, like what it does to you mentally, like you just feel pretty miserable.
Starting point is 00:19:34 So yeah, it led to just a lot of changes. And ultimately, like it came to a head, like back in late November, early december after after rogue it was after rogue yeah um so just a lot of changes in my personal life back then um and i was like done feeling like shit so like i kind of got together with my coaches, my mom, my closest friends, and we're like, like my, at that point, I was like, I need to make a change. I need to make some big change to get myself out of this. And then that's when we started talking about squat mechanics. And, you know, as far as training goes, things outside of that, my personal life were very different. You, um, you get your, I'm trying to think it's kind of like you get your dream job and you need your car to get there. And then all of a sudden your car is taken away from you. God, that's not even a good metaphor, but basically, basically everything you were putting your life towards the piece you had was coming together, but you could, you're, you're, you're, you were sending your performance and your ability and your experience.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And then all of a sudden the, the, the main piece, your body wasn't there and you couldn't do it. So your mind was, your mind wanted to be there, but your body was different. There's a conflict there. And then you start telling yourselves these stories. Do you remember like the worst things you would tell yourself like were you at the point of like fuck it's over like do you start planning a different life like i guess yeah actually yeah it's like okay well what am i gonna do if i'm done doing this right now like what is the next step um and kind of when you don't know those, when you're just kind of stuck in the uncertainty of life, it's super overwhelming to think of the future.
Starting point is 00:21:28 It creates a lot of anxiety. And I'm sure anybody's been there with any situation in their life. If you are scared of the uncertainty, it can really have a pretty impactful effect on you. Right. Like a really bad breakup. Yeah. Speaking of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah. And I, and so when you were on the, when you were on the show with Scott very quickly, it looked like you were going to start crying. Yeah. And then I had multiple moments. And then you were pushing it down. And so I'm guessing the last time I talked to you,
Starting point is 00:22:11 you were in a relationship and just sensing from the way you're talking now and how emotional you are, I'm guessing you're not in a relationship anymore. So I wasn't. And as of recently, the last couple of weeks, last month or so, we've been trying to mend things. Oh. So we're working on it. Yeah. So as of right now, yes, I am back in a relationship. But that was one of the things that really kind of changed what changed the direction of this year,
Starting point is 00:22:45 almost changed the direction of this year. Um, you know, it's, you're in a relationship, you, and you lose that person. Yeah. That's tough. So, yeah. Yeah. That's what happened back in December and it's always been super hard to talk about. How, how long were you in that relationship? So we were just shy of three years. Actually, we were just over three years. We were just over three years.
Starting point is 00:23:13 And then we kind of took about a six-month break the last few months. So I think at the end of the day, it's, it was a good thing. Seeing as we are trying to work on it now, and we're trying to work on it from very different places than where we were six months ago. So I think there was a lot of growth in that time, a lot of maturing, and a lot of resilience building character building. So can you use any of that? Can you leverage it? Even if it's not real to, to be, to be better at, as an athlete, like, um, uh, you know, like, um, someone might go through a breakup and write a song and it might be a number one hit. Can you use it to, um,
Starting point is 00:24:17 to, to help you? Like, let me give you like a real basic example. Can you be, can you leverage it? Like, okay, I'll show them. Yes. Yeah. A hundred percent. It was like when, back when we broke up, I was still dealing with my back issue. And I was obviously like, I was already really down from my back issue. And then it's like this thing happened and it really kind of just sunk me into the ground. So I took a good, probably month and a half to two months off of like, I'm just going to figure it out. Like I didn't train, I didn't do anything for at least a month. Yeah. But then I had a lot of, yeah,
Starting point is 00:24:58 I had a lot of Palooza and McKenna and another misfit Jenna. I had asked them to do it with me as a team of three. And so that was something that I was just like, that gave me something to look forward to with training. So it got me back into the gym. And it had me motivated because it wasn't just for me, it was me getting to show them what the elite division is like. And that was more motivating for me than doing it for myself. So that got me like back in the gym. And I just remember one of my first like workouts after not doing anything for a month, I just felt like garbage. And I just was so sore. But I gave myself like I had posted not too long ago, I gave myself a lot of grace over the last few months of if my body is going to respond well, I'm going to keep doing this.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Um, and I think mentally between the years of going through a breakup and kind of having to like move out, get into a new apartment and having to do life kind of on my own was helpful. Like I think I was able to just take a step back mentally and put my energy into the things that I needed to. and put my energy into the things that I needed to and kind of learn a lot about myself and how to just approach other people in a better way. So even though that like, I was sad and upset and depressed, or, you know, all the negative emotions that come along with a breakup, I didn't want to let that affect what I do. I didn't want that to affect my job as a coach. Um, so I started going to therapy and that helped a ton. Um, are you a compartmentalizer? Not really. No. Okay. Good. Good. Okay. Good. Yeah. I love that. I wonder what it means that it it's like
Starting point is 00:27:06 sits um just right there for you do you know what i mean i wonder what the what the implications are that it's such a um it's like such a powerful part of your story that that like just even like two minutes into the interview with scott it's all, it's already there. So somehow it's, it's like really, it's really present for you. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's still fresh now. Like, um, it's, it's for six months, you're talking three years of your life with somebody. So it can, it can sit for a while. Um, and I knew that it could have that kind of lasting impact. That's what happens when you love somebody, right? Yeah. So, but we are working really hard on it and it's just going into a relation,
Starting point is 00:27:58 just like any other relationship, going into it with a lot of intention and a lot of care about the other person and making sure that i'm way more aware of the things that i need to work on within our relationship and vice versa so can you do that and be performing at the highest level that you're doing i always trip on people who are kind of in i had this girlfriend in college and she applied to go to the peace corps and one of the first things they told her is like, hey, if you're in a relationship, you need to end it. And I had been with this girl for two years.
Starting point is 00:28:29 So that she could go there and not be distracted. But you see all of these people who have relationships, right? Like Jason Hopper was on the other day and he's got a new marriage, right? Or these couples that train together, Jay Crouch and Maddie Sturt or Justin Medeiros and Ellie Turner. And I'm like, boy, that seems like if you're a professional athlete. Sorry, hold on. Someone keeps calling. Let me see what maybe it's a therapist. Hello. You have something nice to say to Paige. Oh, hello. I just was listening to YouTube, the podcast. I'm amazed at this man, Chris Bliss. So I'm really amazed. I'm Catholic. I bought his book. I'm going to start reading it. But my question was, he's got these healing powers.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Are you there? No. What? I don't know. I don't know. Chris something. I don't know who that was. Chris Bliss. I have healing powers. Don't interrupt me while I'm using my healing powers. You know, you're the only one that can actually get me to open up about this. That's not true. I just feel like I'm okay to open up about this right now. Yeah. Boy, it seems risky to even be in a relationship with, and it's a theme that I love to explore
Starting point is 00:29:58 that what it takes to be with a CrossFit athlete. It takes a very, very special person, I think. Yeah. I don't think it's an easy relationship to be in. They need space. Great people need a lot. People who want to achieve great things, fringe things, need a lot of space. Yeah. But I'm also like a, I don't know, I'm like a big pit bull dog. I need space, but I want to be touching you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:28 That's a great example. Yeah, I see that. But yeah, it just, you know, you care about somebody and you want to make it work. And as far as, it's funny you say that because right before semifinals was when Ben and I had talked on Memorial Day. So I was leaving that week, like that Tuesday or Wednesday. And I was going over to his house to set a boundary for the weekend of like, hey, you know, we're broken up. I need this time. I need this space. Please don't send me a text message of good luck or anything like that. I just need to set that boundary before so that I could be
Starting point is 00:31:13 clear headed going into semifinals. And so I was going over there on Memorial Day to do that and to talk to him. And as I was like getting ready to say these things, he just cut me off. And he's like, actually, you know, before you say what you need to say, can I talk? And I was like, yes, go ahead. Of course. So he kind of started talking about where he's been mentally, what he's been doing, how he's been feeling. And he's like, I want to make this work. I can't see myself not being at semifinals. They're supporting you. So yeah. So he ended up booking a flight. So he works at a job, like getting time off was a little tough the week of, but the end of the day, you're like, Hey, you were about to say I need space. And he's like, I'm going to be
Starting point is 00:32:10 closer than ever. Yes, actually. Um, and he did that. And I started just crying my eyes out because I was just very happy in the moment and I was already super emotional. So, um, Risks. And did you, and so you took the risk and let them come. So that's a crazy risk, man. Yeah. Back during quarterfinals, he, uh, we kind of talked a little bit back and forth and I had said, like, we had a sit down conversation and I had said like, Hey, like, don't regret not being at semifinals if you really want to be there because I want you there I've wanted you there this whole time right um so yeah so
Starting point is 00:32:52 fast forward to semifinals he says he's booking a flight to come out Saturday night to see all of Sunday which by then it's you're seeing you're still seeing half of the events right um so yeah so he did that um i only told my mom prior to going down there i didn't tell anybody else i kind of kept it private um then i told my coach like the day before we were starting and i'm pretty sure he was ready to shit his pants, but he was very, uh, respectful and supportive. And he said, as long as you are mentally okay to do this, then, okay, let's do this. Um, because it introduces another piece. Yeah. That's what, that's why your coach a hundred percent. And you know, the, everybody, everybody who's been supporting me has been supporting me for a long time. And at this point are very protective. So, which I love that about everybody that I have
Starting point is 00:33:56 in my corner. So again, it's family. And so everybody was just concerned that this could mentally mess with me. But like in my heart of hearts and in my gut, I was like, I know I can still go and do this. So whether he's there or not, I know I can go and do this. I was just happier that he was there. You were reinvigorate you on Sunday. I yeah, I was excited to see him at the end of the finish line sitting next to my mom. So a lot of people saw it on the broadcast back home and they're like, did you guys see that? It's not really Ben.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So, yeah, that was a really big deal that he did that and very appreciated. So since then we have been spending more time together and just trying to be very intentional about things and fixing the things that went wrong between us and being a lot more aware of each other's feelings and, you know, all that, all that work that comes with being in a relationship if it if it's any um uh consolation to you the first 10 years of my relationship with my wife we were in and out of the relationship uh so many fucking times with each other more than i could count and now i've been with her over 20 years and i can't think of any like i'm i can't even believe we did it.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And I'm like, it's the crowning achievement of my life. And it's so fucking good. Like, I think the conventional wisdom is, is like, hey, you broke up and you broke up for a reason. And maybe you guys just don't belong together. But I'm so glad. And we were young. We were young. I was your age as that ebbed and flowed.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Right. we were young. I was your age, uh, as that ebbed and flowed. Right. But, um, by the time we finally had kids, she was 39 and I was 43 and we'd already been through it all. It was so awesome. We had had all the fight. We'd had all the fights. Yeah. And I mean, it's, it's a choice, right? It's a choice to love somebody and it's a choice every day to choose them. And yeah, it's a choice. Yeah. I do think that, you know, there's still, you know, we're still working on things. But I think if we come outside, like come, you know, on the other end of this, we're going to be a lot stronger than going in. Is when you say you go to therapy what does that look like is it like um
Starting point is 00:36:27 they they is it like hey you need to work on yourself you need to take personal responsibility and accountability or is it like hey you i mean like there's so many different ways right it could be like hey you just attract bad guys or hey you have this character flaw that's always going to push people away every time you're intimate or you know what I mean? Like, what do you uncover? What do you uncover in there? So ultimately, I was going to therapy to kind of grieve this loss of breaking up. So that was kind of the initial reason I wanted to start going. So that was part of it. But the other part of it was, I do have these flaws. And I want to be a better person. And I want to be more self aware of these
Starting point is 00:37:14 things so that I can be better, I can be better, not just in a relationship, but in my friendships and in my family relationship and in my coaching relationships with other people. So ultimately, it was, I just want to be a better person, I want to have better tools in my, my coping toolkit, you know. So there's a little bit of both, there was the grieving the loss, but that quickly turned into, so it's not quite grieving a loss anymore. Now it's kind of what can we do as a couple to just connect a little bit more, especially as we're now getting back together? Like what are things that we can do? So it's a little bit of relationship building and still working on myself. Do you like your therapist?
Starting point is 00:38:09 I do. She's really great. I was recommended to her by a friend. And she's just like, I walk in and she's in like a baggy t shirt and pair of jeans. So like, it feels very comfortable to just like sit on the couch and chit chat with her. Um, so it's more of a conversation, uh, which is, which makes it way more comfortable and easier to open up. Does he go, does he go? So he, he does. Um, he's the same lady. No. Oh, okay. No. So he started going back a couple months ago as well, but he does it online.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I'd be coming back from my therapist appointments and be like, he says it's your fault. She told me it's your fault. Well, I do remember my first appointment going in, I sat down on the couch and she's like, so what's up? And I was like, oh my God. I just started bawling my eyes out. Um, but it's been really nice. It's been super helpful and it's been, it's helped me be a lot more clear headed. Um, and again, self-aware of like, if I had a bad day in training, I don't want that to move over into, okay, well I have to go coach for these
Starting point is 00:39:22 next two or three hours. I don't want it to impact that. Um, and I think I've done a much better job at balancing that this year than I have in years past. Um, does that help your overall goals too? Like when you, so, so like it actually, let's say you have a bad day in training and you bring it to, um, something else in your life, whatever, you're not able to enjoy walking your dog because you're thinking about that. But as you get those tools, then when, does it also help your training when you go back to your training? Yeah, definitely. Because that's a win-win. Yeah, it really is. I think I have had way more fun and I've enjoyed training a lot more this year. Obviously the injury last year had
Starting point is 00:40:06 kind of been a setback with that, but I made a lot of changes in the beginning of the year from getting up early to having a training partner to having more communication with my coach. Like there's just a lot of things under that umbrella of big changes that have led to a really good year so far. Yeah, good on you for making those changes. Thanks. So I kind of knew going into semifinals, I was like, if I can just be consistent as I usually can be, I'm not going to have a problem qualifying.
Starting point is 00:40:40 My ultimate goal was to be like from like fifth or sixth or fifth or seventh sorry um so finishing eighth is not too bad is it eight i remember yeah yeah yeah i think eight with some powerhouses man i mean crazy you're you're uh tia alexis emma danielle shelby hayley brooke page simenza chloe Tia, Alexis, Emma, Danielle, Shelby, Haley, Brooke, Paige, Semenza, Chloe, David, Carolyn, Stanley, Lexi, Neil, Annika, Greer. I mean, it's nuts. Amanda Barnhart, Fisa Goffey. I mean, what an absolute crazy. Carolyn Prevo. What a crazy mix of Carolyn Spencer.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I mean, you were with some savages. Yeah, it's a pretty scary field to be in right like especially if you're a rookie and you're trying to qualify like that's a you're looking at i mean how many top contenders in the top 10 in this field alone so um what i do when shit hits the walls i start getting rid of shit. Decluttering your life? Yeah, like throwing stuff away inside or outside my life, like just stuff around like something I've kept. I don't know what. Let's say there's like a favorite picture of mine, but I've never hung it.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Fuck it. It's gone. Shoes that I've like had for four years that are my favorite shoes that hurt my feet. You're gone. But I but I also do that like with stuff inside my head. You know what I mean? I'm throwing that thought away. Fuck you. Like even if it's like you're just not there. throwing like um uh stop buying things certain things like that i went to when i went to the store let's say if i bought a bag of popcorn everyone to every time i went to the store done never doing that again well i i will say um like i don't add shit i feel sorry for people who add shit because adding shit like like alcohol specifically people who add stuff i think they end up adding things they're dependent on or net Netflix or alcohol or like, fuck that. I'm not adding shit. Sure. I, um, I will say that like CrossFit has helped me a ton as far as my daily habits and
Starting point is 00:42:54 my discipline, like even going through a breakup and moving out and moving into a new apartment, like a lot of my daily habits of this is how I have my mornings. This is what I do for dinner. A lot of that has really, I think, kept me sane through all of it. So yeah, I mean, I'd say anyone that's going through something hard or challenging or tough, I'd say try to keep the things that make you who you are in the forefront, make them more of a priority now more than ever. It's crazy too, because I'm projecting onto you, but for us people who have fitness, our fitness is our primary form of therapy. Maybe I'm just projecting onto the world but for me it's like
Starting point is 00:43:45 if anything's wrong i can just go in the garage and work out and when you're injured um your primary form of therapy is also gone yeah right that's true say that again it's figuring it out right right yeah you had both of those collide right you needed escape and you couldn't escape to your favorite activity your go-to like yeah activity i leaned on my mom my my my friends like i leaned on them as much as i could my cats like you know if if you're resilient enough that's what I've learned. Like I've, my mom was, she grew up with a single mom of five kids and they were four and yeah, so she's one of five and like, she just had to figure it out as she grew up and got older and got a job with the
Starting point is 00:44:42 city of Wilkes-Barre, retired with a pension. She's very resilient. What's your mom's name? Her name is Joanne. Yeah. So when you have five kids and you're a single parent, there can be no Joanne. Right. There can be no Joanne. Yeah. So yeah, she's very resilient. And one trait that I love that I take from her. It's interesting, too, right? You your mom didn't have a relationship, just like a lot of our parents didn't have relationships, you know, so we don't we don't have models for relationships. And yet that is a goal you want to have. You'd like to find you'd like to have a relationship and get old and die with someone. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, what do you mean? Like we did, like, we didn't have examples of that. Your mom, you didn't have, you know what I mean? And like a lot of us didn't have examples of that. Right. I grew up with a single mom too. And so your, your, um,
Starting point is 00:45:42 I don't want to say like we're doomed by any means. That's not what I'm implying, but we're blazing a new trail. We're doing something that wasn't modeled for us. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, there are a lot of things for my mom and dad's relationship that I love. Right. And then I can also see the things that they have. I guess I'll call them flaws. Right. Um, so it's like, you also can learn from your parents and it's just, as you get older, not letting your inner child take over your
Starting point is 00:46:14 emotions. Um, there are a lot of habits I had as a child that don't help me as an adult. So yeah. Kill Taylor's 2,500 bucks next week. Can you give me a good workout? I'll do it. Hey, I think you can beat him at this one. We'll see you when you post it. I think you can beat him at this one. I'm surprised. That would help my gains.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Are you only 5'3"? Mm-hmm. That's so weird. When I think of you, I think of you as tall. Oh, no. Oh, interesting. Not at all. Okay. that's so weird when i think of you i think of you as tall oh interesting okay yeah when i think of like rebecca fusile i think of small though what is she the same height like one of those little jam jars yeah one of those little tiny jam jars like you know what i mean it's just like one scoop on a piece of toast you spread it around i love her her videos oh she's hysterical yeah they are so good i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:47:10 know her very well like i only met her at the games and we didn't talk but like beacon of light videos are fun yeah she's a beacon of light good kid how old is she i don't know. 12. Stop. All right, dear. Whoever is saying that, you guys are. Yeah, I know. That's what I think. That's what I think. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I think of Paige Semenza's 5'8". Yeah. Come on. Thanks for getting me to open up. You're wonderful. You're pretty easy to talk to. Yeah, thank you. You're a wonderful human being. I'm glad I met you.
Starting point is 00:47:43 I can't tell you how flattered I was that you called the Kill Taylor show. I got all giddy. We were pumped. Tell McKenna I said hi, and hopefully we'll see you guys this week if you're around to get the money. Alright, sounds good. Have a good rest of your day. I'll see you in three weeks.
Starting point is 00:48:00 See ya. Ciao. Go Bucks. My favorite little jar of jelly I was gonna ask you what flavor I don't even care I like them I like all those little jam jars I don't like fruit so
Starting point is 00:48:15 no fruit for you no oh my plum trees are going off right now you don't need a plum no what about a prune Matt might want some what about a prune? Matt might want some, but... What about a prune?
Starting point is 00:48:28 No, no. Just not... Someone type... I gave my dog a cherry tomato last night. How'd it go? He hated it. So he's on my team. You don't eat tomatoes either?
Starting point is 00:48:40 I hate cherry tomatoes. I'll eat tomatoes in some things. What about dried tomatoes? And fried cherry tomatoes. I'll eat tomatoes in some things. What about dried tomatoes? And fried green tomatoes. I could do dried tomatoes, but other – just plain tomatoes, no. Hey, seriously, no fruit? Like there's no – what, a banana? Ugh, bleh.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I don't know. Carrots at night before you go to bed. I love the. I love, uh, uh, the sensory stimulation I get. I'm, I'm sitting in front of the TV set and I get a huge carrot and I'm just biting into it
Starting point is 00:49:13 and pieces are flying all over, you know, he's like, that's, that's what I have to deal with, with Matt sitting across from me at lunch, him carrots and hummus and, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:23 And flying all over the place yeah no carrots i don't know why it's something i've always my my family it's a running joke in my family like i just never have like fruit not as a baby not growing up it just kiwi kiwi no um frozen berries with uh half uh with uh um what um heavy cream on it i've've even tried making fruit smoothies with too much sugar to where it's not even worth making the smoothie. No. Can't do it. So, like, any of the smoothie places, like, you just walk by them with your nose in there. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah, no. Not for me. I don't know. I'm a big veggie person, though. Yeah. I don't know. I'm a big veggie person, though. Yeah. I don't know what it is. Did you see Hiller made a video of Abigail Doma and she just reaches in like those clamshells of greens. I'd never seen anyone do that besides myself and just grabs him and shoves him in her mouth.
Starting point is 00:50:17 No, I have not seen. Oh, I've not seen the video. I wanted to watch it. And shout out to him. His videos are just killer these days, like all of his editing his editing and everything of course i like to keep up with all that because of my videos and everything but i've not seen that he's on it yeah i know i was watching one last night and he had uh some um old uh jim carrey videos in it i'm like how does this guy's brain do that i i love i mean jim carrey which just one of my inspirations and everything i love jim carrey but yeah he does have that man his superpower is finding all those old videos something rings a bell up there um i do think and i don't use this term loosely that hillar might be a genius is that a good thing or a bad thing to be a genius i don't i don't know but it is it's it's
Starting point is 00:51:07 it's reached a level like i didn't i didn't i didn't um all you have to do is be like hey could i do what he's doing and then you're like yeah in a month or in two months i would go fucking like finding all the clips like he's turning shit out like in two days yeah like he watched that bryce smith podcast and with uh danny spiegel and two days later he's got this thing chopped up and he's like going off in it and he's got all these metaphors and clips i'm like what the fuck i think that's the coolest thing is when people find like what they love to do but they were also kind of like naturally a little bit good at it. So you can like bust things out way faster. I use my, like my little sister's, uh, I always use her
Starting point is 00:51:50 as an example because she's a really good, natural, just gifted artist. And the way you can tell that she loves to do it, but she can whip out things so fast. So she can just think of something and draw it. Yeah. Just right there in front of you super fast i um in in high school i had all these i sucked at drawing and i had all these things that i wanted to draw and it was so frustrating all like like weird like i want to say pornographic but it really wasn't like traditional porn pornographic but just weird just weird stuff that's why i'm watching the show the boys and even though like i really hate it i so respect how fucking crazy this guy is he's like the brain of a gay 14 year
Starting point is 00:52:32 old boy and he the shit that he could they put in the show have you seen that show i've seen the first season and i have the same exact feels about it of like it's a good show and if we sit down and watch it i'll get into it but i'm also kind of like, what am I watching? Yeah. I'm like, you really did that. Do you know that I, there was a, there was an episode. I don't know if you've seen it. There's, there's a, one of the superheroes, you know how like they all get, they shoot the drug and they get a weird superpower. One of the guys has a giant penis. Have you seen that guy?
Starting point is 00:53:03 No. And it's like 20 feet long and he strangles people with it and and like and so when you see it and you know how everything's so clear and graphic in that and so like any anyway there was a scene when one of the guys opens a door where that guy's in it and it ejaculates on him and completely covers him in semen i'm gonna say something just because i have not got that far in the season i'm sorry but i'm i'm intrigued now um this is why my mom doesn't like when i go on your podcast oh hey i i'm disgusted by that it's vile and i only watch shows like that for research.
Starting point is 00:53:50 But at some point, so I just realized after watching four seasons that I just watched four seasons of gay porn. I mean, I got more or less like it was a little bit gross when I watched. I've only seen the first season. Like I said, I don't even know how many seasons. It only gets grosser. It only gets grosser. But we kind of like it had a storyline and that was very like interesting and everything but i'd catch myself being like what i'm gross you know i don't know and i think like what are in the writer's brains right they i think they think of shit and there's no limitations yeah how about this the costumes are atrocious like they're like they look like they're from the 1970s,
Starting point is 00:54:26 and yet the CGI is, like, on a whole other level. Like, that's not an accent either, right? Like, there's Superman character. Like, who made that suit? It's pathetic. But it's supposed to be like that, I guess. Just cheese dick. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:39 But that is the thing in, like, it's, I guess, the blessing and the curse of media these days too is like you put something wild out there. Yeah. Like you're going to attract people. I don't know if it's good or bad, but I mean people do some wild things. I mean that's what I – when I watched that show, I was like, who's writing this? How about their – how about the characters? I was tripping on this the other day.
Starting point is 00:55:01 how about their, how about the characters? I was tripping on this the other day, the characters obsession with social media, right. And they're superheroes and they're just all obsessed with the number of followers they had. And then I looked up that, that main characters,
Starting point is 00:55:14 uh, I looked up her name, uh, the starlight girl. She had to take a break from social media because of mean stuff. People were saying about her on social media in real life. Yeah. And I'm like, how is the irony in that?
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah. You put yourself on a show that's so crazy. I think the irony was just like real life meets fiction. I was also thinking about this the other day. I was watching Hiller's video on Danny Spiegel and Bryce Smith, and I was thinking about this. You know, like if you start smoking, someone should tell you, hey, there's two things you need to know about smoking. It ends in two ways.
Starting point is 00:55:53 You have to quit a horrible addiction that's going to really challenge you that's harder to quit than heroin and or you're going to die from lung cancer. That's how those two end, right? That's what everyone should be told about social media. Like if you go on social media and post, what you are doing, whether you know it or not, is begging to be judged. So like I do this podcast and I'm just begging to be judged. Judge me, whether I mean it or not. You buy that? you buy that yeah no so one of the things I always say about social media especially since there's a whole lot of just bringing up like the that podcast because I did see um clips of it and
Starting point is 00:56:33 just just social media and being like a woman on social media and everything obviously I post like some pretty uh weird stuff just in the comedy realm and everything but I always say whatever I put on my page or on the internet or whatever I do in front of camera is fair game. Like, people can do what they want with it. They can say what they want with it. It just kind of projects what type of person you are and everything. But I can't be heard about it. I'm accepting the fact that I'm putting something out there to get attention and we'll see what attention it gets. I hope it's spread. That's my goal is to spread a positive message and everything, make laughs and smiles and everything. But whatever is on the Internet is pretty much fair game.
Starting point is 00:57:17 And when I did smoke cigarettes, I remember I remember people would say, hey, can I have a cigarette? And I would say no. And nine out of ten times they would get upset. You know, hey, do you have an extra cigarette? And I would always kind of – a lot of people I'd tell this, I'd be like, hey, you asked me a yes or no question without being ready to accept no. That's on you, motherfucker. And so if you post something on the internet and you want likes, you better 100% be ready for the worst negativity ever. If not, it's on you. Likes don't exist without dislikes.
Starting point is 00:57:54 I always tell myself that. Good doesn't exist without bad. If everything is really good, there's no such thing as good. Be completely you. What did you think was going to happen? The other thing is this word influencer. We're all influencers. No such thing as good. Be completely you. What did you think was going to happen? Anytime you walk out of. And the other thing is, is this word influencer? We're all influencers.
Starting point is 00:58:09 When you walk out of the house, how you park your car, how you smile at people, how you put your shopping cart away, how you stand in line at the grocery store, you're influencing other people's behavior, how you talk to other people and so when you do it on this platform that has i don't know instagram has two billion uh people meant people on the platform you're you're an influencer whether you want to be or not you're influencing that's that's your that's part of being human yeah how many stefan let me ask you well how do you watch a lot of like fiction shows like the boys like do you keep up with a lot of i don't watch i almost never watch tv andrew just said hey he knows how twisted i am and he's like hey you should probably take a look at this show yeah so he was and he was right as twisted as the show is there's something i really um i can't stand how propaganda shit is but um like when when that guy in the first season ran through that girl and she blew up into a million pieces i was like oh yeah andrew knows me yeah that that i know that exact scene and i saw that so long ago but the reason i was asking is because i don't watch a
Starting point is 00:59:20 ton of tv shows for a couple reasons i don't catch myself sitting down that long to keep up with episodes or I don't binge watch or keep up with things anymore. If I do watch TV, it's usually like funny comedy, mindless things that I sit down and watch while I'm eating and everything. But just watching shows like that. And it's kind of like what you said, it gets me like thinking way too much like probably thinking way deeper than i should and almost like scares me in some type of ways because of like the propaganda what's what's actually what's the real message being conveyed and is it good is it bad and then it's kind of like what you said about the real life actor that's why i was a little bit
Starting point is 01:00:01 confused like wait is she taking a break from social media in the show or a real life and how are those blending together it almost like scares me a little bit yeah yeah she got a shitload of plastic surgery and made herself ugly i just it just it's a shame she was a really attractive girl next door look she between season three and four she got a ton of plastic surgery and people were like hey what the fuck happened to your face yeah she doesn't even look human anymore and so and so i guess that broke her and it's like dude Between season three and four, she got a ton of plastic surgery. And people were like, hey, what the fuck happened to your face? She doesn't even look human anymore. And so I guess that broke her. And it's like, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:34 I mean, that's the scary part of all this. And what is scripted? What is not? And that's when you can really, it really messes people up. When you're trying to figure out what what's real and what's not and i don't know does when i'm i'm big in the social media game i i love making videos and i love being on social media just for the reach and the opportunities that it creates but i can tell you like i built a thick skin with all the time that i've spent on it you gotta you gotta have thick skin you know what else i think about you And you tell me if this is right or wrong. Um, I think your life is similar to, um,
Starting point is 01:01:10 my life when you're not in maybe, maybe a little bit more because you're in the CrossFit gym, but like, I don't live in my social media or my podcast world. Meaning when I leave the podcast, I never, there's no one in my world that like watches the podcast there's no you know what i mean like i'm so so you think of like these really popular athletes who just like live in gym to gym to gym and travel from sponsorship event to like they actually start to believe they are that person you know what i mean and i'm guessing that like i picture you living in like a little podunk area like you go to the grocery store no one fucking knows who you are like like it just
Starting point is 01:01:52 turns off you have your family at the gym and then you're not like i don't picture you as the kind of person who's immersed in the crossfit scene um or no do i have that wrong is it all around you it's kind of i don't know this is kind of a weird way of, of, of putting it. Um, I've only been caught in the grocery store one time and I had, it was the most awkward thing ever. I go, Oh, I'm sorry. But, um, that's only happened once. But I think, um, first of all, I, I know like what I do, um, in the gym and what I do online is more or less like my fun projects and things I really, really love and want to do. But the one thing I need is just my husband, my family, everyone around me. That's the only thing I need.
Starting point is 01:02:39 And I just like to supplement with the fun things and keep things fun and everything. And I just like to supplement with the fun things and keep things fun and everything. But I think the real thing that keeps me so level headed is and this might be over years and years of just kind of building my social media, building kind of my name in the CrossFit spaces. I could do something super weird, super out there, make the silliest face, make do the most wild fart joke which was a big hit a couple weeks ago and everything congratulations and yes partying's always fun art jokes never get old and be so comfortable with it i don't i don't i don't care like it i am who i am in the grocery store in the gym, online. I'm just really comfortable at this point. So there's not a whole lot of... I'm never uncomfortable anywhere. That kind of makes sense. And if there's a time I need to separate what I do, it's more or less put down the
Starting point is 01:03:39 technology because I'm on it a lot just editing and being on social media and everything. Dude, that's awesome to hear you say that how old are you 24 it didn't happen to me till I was in my 30s that I started like experiencing like just glimmers of like okay I'm comfortable I didn't even know I was uncomfortable until I had those glimmers of being comfortable I always thought I was um it was like I remember thinking in high school, all I was was insecure, so I didn't know I was insecure. It was awesome. Do you know what I mean by that?
Starting point is 01:04:13 Say that again. In high school, I was only insecure, but it was okay because I didn't have anything I was secure about. Like there was nothing in life i was felt comfortable with and so i was free being just 100 insecure and then i started having these glimmers of like who i who i am i guess you just kind of owned being owned being insecure like awkward just i didn't even know because i just thought that's who i was i had no um i was like just a fly that that that fluttered from one pile of shit to another you You know what I mean? I never had a moment of like, oh.
Starting point is 01:04:49 It's like when you're saying you're comfortable just in your skin and who you are. I didn't experience that maybe until the late 20s. Yeah, I don't even know what really brought all that. I just kind of grew up really fast. We've had multiple conversations about sports and everything and just i don't like if anything i've man i'm i really am like an old soul because what i'm about to say sounds super old i just want time like oh i thought you were gonna say you want to start knitting yeah i mean i the one thing i've really failed at is crocheting. So I'll save that for when I'm like old and not doing and not lifting lots of weight over my head and everything.
Starting point is 01:05:30 But anyways, but I really do value time out of out of anything. So if I'm wasting energy thinking about other people or what other people think of me, it like exhausts me. And I think it's a waste of time. So I just go. OK, moving me. And I think it's a waste of time. So I just go, okay, moving on. And it's still practical to you. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's the thing is, I think I used to and I used I grew up when I was a kid, I was like, naturally, like a perfectionist. I want everything to be perfect. Like, I want all my videos to be perfect. I want every single lift that I do to be perfect and i'm actually learning myself that like just be less of a perfectionist i want to
Starting point is 01:06:10 spend this much time doing this and this much time doing this it even goes into like bigger broader um kind of ideas like how much time do i want to spend competing and how much time do i want to like and i just kind of like go day by day week by week, thinking about what things I want to spend my time on. And worrying about other things that are out of my control, I don't do. When you were at semifinals and you don't make it to the games this year, do you also apply that to that? Like, I'm not going to – okay, you've been down on this for 16 minutes. That's long enough. You're wasting your time.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Do you even point that characteristic of you at things like that? Yes, in a way. You caught me on kind of like I'm climbing back up now. I had – so we wrap up semifinals. We didn't make the games. I'm heartbroken in the moment. I literally like this is where Matt is my biggest teammate and does more work on my crazy brain than even I can do, because I'm like, it was it all a waste of time. Like because I went out there, I competed really, really well. I felt like I competed really, really well to what I could do. There wasn't like any major hiccups along the way. So I'm over there questioning myself like,
Starting point is 01:07:32 what did I do wrong? Did I waste my time somewhere? Was there something else that I could have done or just was it all for a waste? And I mean, that's just in the moment, poopy self-talk that everybody has. So I'm just like- What, just in the moment, poopy self-talk that, that everybody has. So I'm just like, what does that mean? Like, are you trying to climb a mountain that you actually never had a chance to make it to the top anyway? Is that, that's what it feels like. Yeah. And I, I'm a, I just was saying this yesterday is I'm not, I'm a big believer in like, not, not so much in everything happens for a reason, but things happen and then you adapt and then make them work in your favor, regardless of whether they're good or bad and everything. And when we made it to the games in 2022, you can never take something like that away from me. The events lined up.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I was fit and more than fit enough to like make it to the games. And I competed perfectly and we made it to the games then. And then during that year, I was just I was just thinking about the story yesterday and it was making me laugh. Like there was a lot of life things, crazy life things going on then, too. And it in that moment, making it to the games in 2022 gave me the hope that it's always going to be possible because I did it. It is possible. Um, so I kind of ride that. And I know like even a season like this season where things went well, we did a lot of crazy, awesome things this season and then competed well at semifinals, but fell short of the goal. I mean,
Starting point is 01:09:01 in the end, like when I calmed and all my emotions calm down, it's, it's not a waste of time. It's just leading up to the, to the bigger picture. But then after that, like I had two weeks where I was just like, just feeling it. Um, because, uh, the, the waste of time part comes because you're trying to get somewhere and you didn't get there. And so now you have two weeks of that, but then now with space from not getting there, you have to start seeing the value of the journey that you took regardless of getting there or not.
Starting point is 01:09:38 And it's a crazy hard off season or like when you're, when we only have two big or one to two big live competitions in the crazy sport that we're in, it's just, it's just a long, all I kept thinking was, is I'm obviously going for it again. Like I'm going to keep going for it for as long as I want to, but it is long. The, the off season is long. Uh, it's a lot of grueling workouts. There was a lot of tears in the off season too, but to be expected when you're trying to be the best part of the best. And I mean, it is what it is, but I, I, um, I think I've always talked about like, this is a huge part
Starting point is 01:10:19 of my life right now. And I want it to be, and I want to put that pressure on myself and keep trucking along and everything and then make sure I'm also using all of my effort in other ways that help like lift this long-term goal up whether it be like my comedy media putting my face out there and seeing what happens with it you know yeah um you you took a 14th place, a 23rd, a second, a 16th, a 17th, a 25th and a 15th. But as, as you got to that last workout, the door had closed already, right? Was that hard doing that last workout knowing that the door had closed? You still go out there and compete as hard as you can. It really doesn't change anything. And I think I've said this somewheres before. I'm dumb enough to think if I can, the, the, if I could win an event,
Starting point is 01:11:10 like the numbers will somehow shake out. Yeah. Yeah. Good. So you have a healthy form of denial. You're like, fuck you. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I love that. Um, um, earlier you said that, um, your mom doesn't like you going on this podcast i think that's a very healthy uh she sounds like a very wise woman what is it is it um because of my swearing or um the subject matter or i mean there was a pretty um interesting subject matter to kick off our just chat today so on so right right it's. Right. It's not my fault. It's Amazon prime. Yeah. I, I agree. I mean, those things exist, so we just have to accept that they're out there.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Yeah. I, I, I, I respect people's parents so much. So probably I'm going to have to be put on suicide watch knowing that your mom said that, but I, but I'll get it. You met my dad at semifinals. I did meet him? Yeah, well, for a brief second. I think I introduced you. I was like, hey, this is my dad, and he watches all your shows.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Okay. I met a couple parents there, and so they kind of just start jumbling up at once. But I really enjoy meeting the parents. And it's weird that I'm older than a lot of them. How old's your dad? We went over, we, I got his age wrong last time. He's 59. Oh, okay. So he's a little older than me. Some of the dads I meet, I'm like, Jesus criminy. Do you have 12? Hey, so we're on the subject of like social media and everything. And it's so cool to have when you start getting older, since I'm getting like so old and everything. Now, I've been told many times that I'm in my mid 20s and now I'm getting older.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Are you 25, 24, 24? OK, but it's been interesting to see like my parents' response to being bigger on social media and they just want to protect you and, and, um, they just want to protect you and they're your biggest cheerleader. So if they see like a, a funky comment on there or anything, they get so defensive and I'm like, Oh, everybody just, just chill out and everything. And, um, but that's, that's the funniest thing is they're such big, the biggest supporters that I have in everything I do. And they weren't able to come to semifinals the previous year, uh, when we were in Pasadena. So having them there was a big deal. Um, so it's not that she doesn't like you, Siobhan. We just, we both put ourselves out there and that's my mom and she's going to protect yeah i understand i i fully understand it it must be um you you know
Starting point is 01:13:49 parents claim that they want the best for their children but but it scares the shit out of you probably when your child dreams big right so if your child wants to be the greatest like if my kid said i want to be the greatest fighter in the world i would hate that i don't want him going into a ring and getting punched in the fucking head you know what i mean or if my kid said hey i want to be the first person to mars i'd be like what uh no yeah why don't you just stay here yeah you stay here you know what i mean oh you volunteered to go into space and never come back and start the first colony on mars no thank you like when i hear that shit i'm just like and and dreaming big is hard so So few people dream big. Because dreaming big is unrealistic. I mean, but why else would you? I'm just the crazy person that'd be like, this is going to be worth it. Might as well just go for it. But do you remember when I hopped on your podcast the first time?
Starting point is 01:14:43 I do. Well, I remember the response. Yes. So that probably has something to do with it too. Gotcha. It's fascinating to me the response you get. Has that waned? Yes. Just put it out there, Siobhan.
Starting point is 01:15:01 What happened? Yeah. I realized that you were dating your coach, and then I did the math in my head in real time, and people fucking flipped out. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yep. And it really has because the only thing I can do about it is just live my best life and show how happy we are together. And we are now a year and a half married and.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Oh, congratulations. I don't even know if I knew that. Congratulations. Yeah. Crushing the gym life. And there's, we have so much fun doing everything together. And that's, that was the, that was probably the initial craziness and everything. And I was like, dude, this is, this is the, the, the bad. People were upset at me that i wasn't upset by your relationship i was like dude i i just i don't i don't i i just don't see what you see yeah i mean i you you'll never know every every like fact about anyone's life right but the the thing that made me most comfortable because we're going back to like talking about social media is that I put out videos of us. I put videos out of me being happy. We do a podcast together. And if you really are that curious, you could know you, you, you can go and figure out like
Starting point is 01:16:17 our whole stories out there for everyone to learn. But the people that make comments like that are just like the hot take people that aren't willing to go dig up and do the research and everything and see how like things really are and everything but and also like i'm a little bit of i i when people do that to me or us like i'm a little bit of a firecracker because i can be like the longer i have this on my hand the sillier you guys look right right right yeah um i i feel that way about um there's topics that i've stood uh steadfast on um uh you know the big one obviously is george floyd um and uh i have no um i don't know what the word is sympathy for someone who threatens a police officer's life who drives around high on fentanyl who uses counterfeit money uh just all the and and i am at first you know in that and i have some takes like that you know where it's like
Starting point is 01:17:20 maybe against the the the vocal minority but i same thing i weeded out all those fucking angry people people who are angry at me like i don't get any i get nothing negative in my dms like all those people are gone people ask me all the time oh man you must get a lot of hate i weeded them out so i figured also for you and although your following is like i have 4 000 instagram followers you have 400 000 or whatever are you at 400,000 yet? Getting close. I think 376 or something. Yeah. So I don't have – I'm not drawing in as many people from the wild.
Starting point is 01:17:57 But they're gone. You know what I mean? Like I weeded them out or they got tired or they came to see the light or whatever. But they're gone. That's where and this is where you're probably going to see me like start getting like really geeky about about the only subject I was interested in in school was psychology. like social media and how people like interact with each other and everything whether it's in person because we are very much interacting with people on a daily basis through our crossfit gym and everything we have hundreds of people coming in that must keep you so grounded compared to other people by the way i mean it's it's made me confident speaking in public doing like have just
Starting point is 01:18:42 having confidence just like interacting with people anywhere, anywhere throughout life. But even when we get into social media over the years, I've had my account for a long time and I started getting big when we made it to the games in 2022 and it's been steadily growing since then. And of course, when you start growing the account, you do start getting a lot of just comments, responses, messages from people that don't know who you are, don't know anything about you. But over the years, as I've started building my page, you'd be surprised. Very rarely do I get an ugly message just because i think it's filtered out along the way and then if you do go to my page which will always be the major goal is like when you look at my page you say that's rebecca right nothing else like i know i know her like right just by Um, also, I think you're multifaceted. So there's the beautiful young lady, there's the capable
Starting point is 01:19:51 athlete, there's the comedian, there's the, um, uh, teacher movement teacher. Um, you have a lot of facets, so you don't have this like group, this, uh uh of guys who are just there just because you're hot just to see your body you know what i mean you have you are multi-dimensional i feel like a lot of people they and then you put all of them in one right here's here i'm being funny here i'm attractive and here i'm teaching you how to squat and and they're and and it's all in one, right? So I think also that makes your audience, makes you significantly more relatable. That's a big word that comes across. You're not being just dumped into one bucket.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Like a lot of people are just dumped into one bucket, not to just pick on women, but like even bodybuilder guys, right? So like there's guys even bodybuilder guys. There's guys with bodybuilder pages, and they have a million followers in every single poses. It's just like that's who you are. You can't really be put into a – as funny as you are and as joking as you are, you're also serious as a heart attack, and people know that. So everything is poses and everything like that. That's what you see. But at the same time in this day and age, like what we started our conversation out of
Starting point is 01:21:11 people having to take mental breaks from social media and everything is everybody's trying, trying to teach themselves and coach themselves, myself included, that I am more than just my sport. I am more than just my place on the leaderboard. I am more. And I hear that so much now, almost as if like going, putting it out there that I want to be the fittest in the world is almost, and I'm going to do everything that I can is almost seen as like a bad thing these days. I get that feeling because one, like people, people are so much more than that, but I don't think they know how to show or be about it. You know, like I can put myself out there on the competition floor and say,
Starting point is 01:22:01 I want to go to the CrossFit games. I'm going to the CrossFit games. And I failed, but I can also to the CrossFit Games. I'm going to the CrossFit Games and I failed. But I can also come back and show that, yeah, I'm in the dumps. It sucks. But, you know, life goes on and I'm going to go do other things. And they show that rather than just showing a picture like this. Like, that's where I really try to push myself on social media. And that's the only reason I want to use it is to show that story and write that story. So I'm constantly trying to push myself up here. What do people need? I was talking with Andrew about this yesterday too.
Starting point is 01:22:36 And another thing is these athletes that lose themselves into just that's all I am. That's all I am. That's all I am. And then when they come out of that phase or when they start to struggle with the fact that they don't, they're not happy there, they kind of poo poo that phase. And Andrew was like, Hey dude, don't poo. As you come out of that phase, don't poo poo that phase. It's a great phase. It's a great luxury. I hate this word. It's a great privilege. It's okay to lose yourself in something like wanting to be the fittest. And do everything it takes. Everything it takes. And then come out and have a mental breakdown and then regroup and take off and have the realization, well, maybe I should attach to the Bible or I should attach to comedy or I should attach to some high rocks.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Whatever the fuck you're doing that you're like all of a sudden. It doesn't mean that that phase is bad. Don't discourage anyone else from losing themselves in something. It's a valuable, valuable phase, right? Would you agree? Yeah. That's what I've been trying to even just tell myself, I think my most challenging battle inside my head has been like, I want to be a CrossFit games athlete. I want to be one of the fittest on earth. And what that takes is every bit of dedication and everything. But I also want to do these other things too. Yeah. Yeah. But I just make sure when it's time to train, we go train. No, all of that stays off to the side. And when my training time
Starting point is 01:24:07 is up, maybe it is like we talked about earlier. I do let that side go a little bit. And now I'm going to go work on my videos while I'm resting and recovering and everything. And I shift gears to that versus like, I've always said, if I was just training me specifically, if I was just training and recovering nonstop with nothing else to do, I would get worn out. I'd stay in that phase the whole time. But also I know when I go to train everything, it's blinders. It's like everything I know I'm, I'm focused on trying to be the best in the world right now. Um, I read this article, this was fucking 20 years ago. And there was a professor at Smithsonian. And he was a I think the word is entomologist. He was an insect expert. And he was also an artist. And he was also a long distance runner. route and then he would stop and put like mashed bananas and like rotten food and then go another six miles and have it there another six miles and he had this loop that he did right and he would
Starting point is 01:25:09 take his uh his uh his book with him and he would run six miles and then he would look at the insects that came to that you know whatever that gross shitty laid out a dead card or something and he would draw them and study them and then he would run another six miles and he would draw and he would do that and that's what he did and he about how, when he would come home and his cabin out in the, in the woods and the, and it was in the Northeast somewhere, he, um, his kitchen only had one bowl and one spoon and he cooked everything in that one bowl and just ate out of that bowl and use that one spoon. And he had meant, and he had kept his life in this really small loop. And I think that you have completely optimized your life like that too so you train you teach
Starting point is 01:25:47 in the gym the man you love is in the gym and the content for your expression for your creativity is in the gym and so you have in court and I do that with my kids like my kids are just like in like they have to get in where they fucking fit in and so you have your loop that you're running and there's these stops at it and and so um it's like it's like it's it's go well it kind of goes back to what you're saying before about time yeah you're not you're not interested in like losing time i've never i've never thought of it that way of like optimizing i like that word and that it truly is. And you know what's really cool? It takes a lot for someone to pull me away from this place specifically, because this is what I love to do. I love to walk in this door and I have a billion things that I can do.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Your gym is also your art studio, which is also the place where your courtship with your mate is. Mm-hmm. I mean, so is i mean so we had the funniest thing is we had um one of our members brought in their little boy um to sign up or something i don't even remember why they walked in or anything but it was so funny the little boy was like do you guys live here i was like i mean we're like kind of and we we love it. So, so that's cool. Let me ask you something very superficial. Ready? Ready. What are, what are the tools for your social media? Like, do you have a go-to tripod, a stick? Like I have these iPhone sticks, but do you have, do you have, I have these, I have these three iPhone sticks and I keep one in my garage, one here in the office.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Maybe I have like four, one in a bag. I have them around. They're like $29 iPhone sticks. It's like a baton, and I pull it out, and I can just set it up. Do you have any – what are your go-to equipment outside and inside, go-to apps that you use? This? I edit everything on my iPad. Oh. I have my iPad oh in the gym so you and is is it one of those like just stick ones it's just like an amazon tripod that doesn't take up a lot of room so it just stays
Starting point is 01:27:54 in the gym and some people use it to film their lifts and everything so it just kind of stays out there and you you take you shoot the footage on your phone and then export it to your iPad? And how do you do that? Through a cable or through AirDrop? No, I just AirDrop it. So that's my next kind of like level up is I'm looking at – I love doing this stuff so much. I want to invest in some equipment. But it's also like when you're putting out reels and videos, short videos on the daily, you just like shoot it with the phone. AirDrop it there, edit it.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Boom, done. And what editing software are you using? CapCut. CapCut? Is that the only one? It's like if you're looking to get into editing videos on your iPhone or your iPad, it's like a free app that does a lot of everything you need to at least get started and you love it yeah it's so easy you learn it really fast and do they update it do new features come on is it a popular app so you're with a good it's with a good because that sucks if you get
Starting point is 01:28:57 invested in something and then they let it die well that's the thing is when i started doing all my videos i was on imovie and that's the worst. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Totally. Anything on there. And then someone told me, um, switch to CapCut and I was like, Oh, I really don't want to learn anything new to like, cause I'm already efficient at this, but sometimes you have to take that. Um, and that's the big thing with like investing in new equipment for me is like learning how to use the cameras and, and getting things, just going through the learning process. Cause it's going to take a little bit longer than what I'm used to. Are you really good at CapCut? Yeah, I'm really fast.
Starting point is 01:29:32 And do you enjoy it? Like when the Apple, do you have, do you have an iPhone 15? No, this is, Oh my gosh, I need, I need an upgrade. I got whatever these two cameras are on the back. Yeah. So why not immediately, why not always invest in the newest iPhone since that's your primary tool? Why not? Soon as it comes out, get the biggest one with the most memory. I'm scared to ask what I iPad you have.
Starting point is 01:29:56 It's not the pro or whatever. No. Wow. I just, I'm well, don't you deserve those tools? I'm cheap. Such a snob.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Yeah, you are. Okay. I'm cheap. I'm a saver and I'm a classic work with what you got. Well, shit, it's, it's working. Yeah, it is. I'm ready. And it's always hard when you're like, okay, we got to bump it up a notch. So what is that? Is it new equipment? Is it different ideas? Is it, I'm, I never stay in one spot and that's, I've always, I've learned about myself that I'm not patient. So I'm like always on to the next thing. Not a bad thing sometimes. So the goal is to go to the, um, go to, uh, go to, to, to make the run for the games again next year. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, you're still so young. Yeah. I will keep competing for as long as I want to. And I told Matt this, and this is where it's really, really cool because when I was down in the dumps for a couple of weeks, I was like, am I wasting my time? Am I, should I be focused putting all that energy that I'm spending on, on training on something else. And he tells me, he's like, he doesn't, he doesn't tell me anything. He's like, I'm here with, with you,
Starting point is 01:31:11 with whatever you want to do. If it starts feeling like something you don't want to do, you don't feel like you have to do it. But at the same time, he was a, he was a hardcore athlete growing up, played collegiate football for the air force Academy and everything. He goes, I know what I feel right now. Um, and he's like, I really don't want you to have no regrets. And that's where all of this started. And if anyone like listening or has followed along from the beginning, that used to be like my big quote that I always held like close to my heart was no regrets. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to be who I want to be. And I'm going to do it for as long as I want. So I think I'm going to
Starting point is 01:31:45 compete until my mind and body tell me that's enough. And I still got years. Yeah. You're, you're, you're so long. What about, uh, Maddie Sturt went to the games four times, missed four times and going back. Yeah. Look at her now. Yeah. Yeah. Are you Maddie Sturt fan? yeah yeah are you maddie sturt fan are you fan of any of the athletes going i mean i'm more of like uh i like the ogs and she's considered yeah she's been around forever i watch all those i mean when i started getting into competing all multiple um just reruns over and over watching the behind the scenes over and over learning about the athletes and then just watching every single YouTube event and everything. And yeah, so that's super cool to see. Are you going to the games?
Starting point is 01:32:33 I knew that question was coming up. We will be there. How close are you? We're like 30 minutes away. It would be awful for us not to make an appearance or anything and it's just and i've been telling everyone straight up if i don't make it to the games it's my ego got in the way because of course i want to be like on the floor and everything but we we will be there i don't know when or how but we will be there but but at least go over there
Starting point is 01:33:01 and take a peep it's too too close not to. Yes. And – Are you going? I'm going to go. Okay. Yeah. Well, I think so. I got a letter – I got an email today from them talking about what I can film there, but I haven't opened it yet. But I'm like you in event number seven, like no matter what, like I'm going.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Like they're going to – I'm going to get everything I want. Like I'm very entitled. You got gotta do what you gotta do uh so you'll go there and that that's kind of gonna be like you're gonna pull up in your car and you're gonna get out but you don't know how you're gonna feel so you might feel like bombed or you might be like oh this is really cool and invigorating or this is inspirational or it might be like dude let's get the fuck out of here before i kill someone uh i think it'll be all that and i i'll pull up in our our bit my big yellow hummer and be like y'all don't get out the way you drive a big yellow hummer i just got that last year it goes with the the theme of big wow so oh my god you ever gotten out of it and someone
Starting point is 01:34:07 started laughing at you uh i i hope so i haven't experienced it yet yeah that was the goal the irony of it i wanted to be like everything is big and then i pop out i had a drop in stop in this week and um he was he came up to me he was like can i get a picture oh my gosh you're so small i go hey becca what about a video where you like carry like a 10 foot ladder out to the car to get into it yes yes and especially if i in the end i mean i don't have the money to do this but in the end i want that thing jacked up higher. Awesome. God, you're such a good Texas girl. So yes, we will be there. And it's just, I mean, anytime, you know the CrossFit world.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Anytime the CrossFitters come together, whether it's for the games, for Guadalupalooza, whatever event it is, it's something else. So of course. And I'm sure they give all semifinals athletes free two tickets. What? Hey, that's not right over there. Are you listening? That would be really cool if they did that.
Starting point is 01:35:20 I mean, I. They could give you a little. They could even give you guys a little section. The coolest part. The fans would love that shit. That would be amazing. Yeah. Dude.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Every semifinals athlete, two free tickets, non-transferable. So it's like, hey, you got to do your part and show up to be a part of the community. Show up? And you just do a little bit of this? Yeah. Walk around and say hi to people. Yeah. Take pictures with people.
Starting point is 01:35:43 The fans would love that. Say, hey, we're at the games. Come say hi to people. Yeah. Take pictures with people. The fans would love that. Come say hi. Wow. And that would crazy increase value proposition for people who want to go because then they could see all the athletes that they admire. So don't even get me started about like. You got some good ideas too? You got some good ideas?
Starting point is 01:35:59 There's no reason for me to be butthurt about anything, but I'm just like, hey, put me in, coach, in some form or fashion. Yeah, yeah. A lot of people thought you were going to make the demo team. Did you think that you were going to make the demo team? It was floating in my head that I'd be asked to maybe throw around some gymnastics tricks. Yeah. Don't ask me to test any weightlifting, obviously, but ask me to do some. I can do any cool gymnastics trick.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Hey, listen, why don't you email Dave right now? Dave at Hey, Dave, I'm 30 minutes away from the venue. I know you picked the demo team. I loved you even when you had cornrows. And if there's anything I can do to help um i've been to the games once before if there's anything i can do to help uh test workouts or or in any capacity facilitate it um i'd love to come is it smart to name drop savon or not to dave
Starting point is 01:36:59 that's the real question hey i did see him at semifinals he said hi to me it was such a no do not use my name okay yeah yeah toxic toxic toxic that's one of my words that i don't like i know me neither i did he said hi to me at semifinals which i told him it was really cool because the last time i was in carson i was a teenager and i was like i got my first dave castro fist bump when we were running through the tunnels as a teacher and i was like hey it's so cool to be back here yeah hey they've had years where they brought on at the venue an unofficial seventh demo team member? I can be demo and media. Oh, you should tell them that too.
Starting point is 01:37:51 You can be demo and media. All different ways. Yes, and hey, you should also let them know that you fit the theme of being questionable about being a dwarf because that's one of the components of this year's team. Well, I mean, I read the comments on that one.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Dude, you know what? If you died, you would make a good Snow White. I think you could play Snow White. But Snow White's tall. I know, but I just picture Colton and Tetlo out there and you could be Snow White and they could be the door.
Starting point is 01:38:23 I just picture it. You could be a good Snow White. Get someone taller to be that. But I could just see you with dyed blonde hair. You could be Dorothy too. From the Wizard of Oz. I could see you being Dorothy. You ever acted in a play? No.
Starting point is 01:38:38 No, I've done zero acting. The only acting you see is what I do online. And I was just like I mean I Don't know. I I did hope that I was maybe on the list of possible demo team athletes But it's okay. Hey One of the guys that I've One of the guys that I've gotten media access with that's part of my team, I think his wife's going to have a baby during the week.
Starting point is 01:39:12 And if he couldn't come, would you want to be on my team? Yeah. You would? Yeah. And just run the Savon Podcast social media while you're there? Yeah. You would seriously do that? I would do that.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Maybe I'll just kick him off anyway. As long you give me free reign free reign free reign you couldn't possibly listen we don't pay enough to give to point to give orders okay like taylor does kill taylor and he's like hey what do you think about this workout and i'm like who gives a fuck i don't give a shit who gives a fuck yeah he's telling that like i don't like what the fuck he's like, hey, what do you think about this workout? And I'm like, who gives a fuck? I don't give a shit. Who gives a fuck? Yeah, I always tell him that. Like, I don't, like, what the fuck? He's like, are you, he actually doesn't say, what do you think about this workout? He'll be like, are you pissed about this workout? And I'm like, dude,
Starting point is 01:39:54 like, I don't care if you wrestle a fucking alligator. Yeah. Just show up and be yourself. Yeah, show up and be yourself and, like, don't ask for anything. Just kick ass. Yeah, just be awesome be yourself and don't ask for anything. Yeah. Just kick ass. Yeah, just be awesome. All right.
Starting point is 01:40:09 That's good to know. I'm excited about that. All right. Well, thanks for coming on. Yeah. Sometimes when you text me, especially this is last minute, I was like, oh, gosh. What did I say? What did I do?
Starting point is 01:40:28 No, I just, to be honest with you, I just, I just like having you on. Like someone texted me this morning, like the title of your show is Games Bound. You know Rebecca didn't make it, right? I said the same thing. I said the same thing. I'm like, I don't, and I had Bill Leahy on the other day too. And all these people are doing games athletes right now and I don't blame them. That's apropos. But I was just like, fuck it. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:40:48 I want to see Rebecca. Let's see what she's up to. Oh, well, it was a blast seeing you and Carson too, even though you caught me crying. Yeah, it's tense. Everyone's different there. All the athletes are pretty different there. Not like in a bad way, but they've like, you know what I mean? They've come in like, they're like this.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Yeah, it's competition mode. Yeah. All their, the, all their dimensions that I meet online or, or through podcasts are kind of like not there. That's, that's why when people ask me, like, they're like, did you get a chance to meet this person? Did you talk to this person? And I'm like, yeah, I have like brief conversations with people but to say I know someone based on what I saw and when everybody was in such like under the lights and under the pressure and everything to say I like I would know I don't because I'm super quiet and super focused the whole time like don't care to talk a whole lot back there and everything so everybody has their own way about going like through competition and everything so um it is it is probably really interesting for you to see
Starting point is 01:41:49 all of that and get to chat with us like obviously doing this and then go see us in competition too was matt a mess at the at the event how's matt do he he's no he's super calm i'm the one that like i'm riding the roller coaster he stays super even the whole time. He does a good job of holding all of it in, obviously. Yeah, he doesn't demand any attention either. He's a good wingman. You know what I mean? I see different people who have parts of their entourage,
Starting point is 01:42:21 and he seems like he's a really good wingman. He's happy to just be i mean he's not high maintenance that's who he is and he's just like here we go in there we do the job and this is what we're here for this is what we love to do and just that's i mean he's he's quiet too but i mean that's that's why we work together so well. And I know like what he tells me, I can 100% trust and go on. And that's our team right there. His job is to stay level-headed
Starting point is 01:42:53 while I'm riding the roller coaster and everything. Well, he's riding it with me, but he just does a good job of staying calm and calming me down and everything. Oh shit. What? You should run Dave's Instagram when you're there well oh i wouldn't even know what to do with it it would be fucking wild because his instagram has always
Starting point is 01:43:12 been like at the games he hands it off and it's always like so like sports illustrated-esque oh yeah i wouldn't know what to do with that i i don't know if like i would be too silly no he but whatever but get it he he he's changing he's evolving he's a family man now i don't know what i would do that i feel like i get too jokey he might he might not mind it he might enjoy it pivot to a little comedy on his uh uptight instagram i'm down for whatever call me everybody knows how to get in contact with me uh wad zombie uh if you want to be on the media team you'll have to upgrade your phone oh i need to do that i want a better camera if you all all that will be my payment to you i'll bring you a fully loaded uh iphone 15 if you to the, if you come do it with me.
Starting point is 01:44:06 Well, that, that almost sounds like too much. Hey, I'm going to ask, I'm going to call my guy actually now and ask him. Okay. Okay. All right. You demand, I mean, you'd a woman. Hey, always fun. Savan.
Starting point is 01:44:19 Yeah. Thank you. Uh, tell Madison what's up. Tell your mom. Um, I apologize. Just get the first three minutes of this podcast. Tell her you said hi. Okay. Thank you. And your dad's up. Tell your mom I apologize. Just get the first three minutes of this podcast. Tell her you said hi. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 01:44:27 And your dad. Yes. Okay, bye. Thanks, Yvonne. See y'all later. Ciao. Rebecca Fusile. I even say it right.
Starting point is 01:44:35 Fucking A. I'm a beast. Yvonne, just giving away my media pass. Is your wife having a baby? This is true, Mary. I super glue my headphones together. Oh, Mary. Is Mary Monsoor in here?
Starting point is 01:44:54 iPhone 15 and a bunch of coffee. Dang. Paper street coffee. Oh, my God. Gabe, I have a friend visiting for the last four days. and they're like, holy shit, this coffee is strong. Okay, Mary. Mary, Mary. Okay, so here's my, here's this. Uh, Mary and I were talking on WhatsApp. She was giving me advice about my plantar fasciitis. about my plantar fasciitis. So Mary, I got a ball and I've been rolling out my, uh, the bottom of my foot and I have this and you were saying I could take it into the shower even and, uh, and work on my feet there. Um, but here's the thing, here's what I want to ask you. I need to start,
Starting point is 01:45:36 like, I need to put in a couple long days of walking. Like I need to, I need to like put on like wrist weights and I need to go like on I don't know maybe a 10 mile and 20 mile walk oh Justin how are you nice to see you cool rogue shirt
Starting point is 01:45:58 thank you for joining um uh uh hold on I'll tell you back to the coffee wait uh coffee wait Mary hold tight hold tight Mary uh so I have this Thank you for joining. Hold on. I'll tell you back to the coffee. Wait, coffee. Wait, Mary, hold tight. Hold tight, Mary. So I have this friend visiting and they've been drinking the paper street coffee in the morning. They're like, holy shit, this stuff is strong.
Starting point is 01:46:16 I cannot believe how strong it is. Jake Chapman. I've been using Matuthean for the last month and I just had my first tooth snap on me at The age of 39. Thank you. Seve. That is crazy 63 five-star reviews on the site. I can't tell if you're joking or not. Why would your tooth snap? That's probably because you're english. You guys don't even really have teeth um So the coffee's crazy strong I was and I and I kind of I was really proud
Starting point is 01:46:44 You know what? I mean? She's like man. This coffee's crazy strong. I was, and I kind of, I was really proud. You know what I mean? She's like, man, this coffee's really strong. Gets me up. And I was like, so, you know, that's what you want to hear. Like, you have a huge dong. Yeah, thank you. I know. Wow.
Starting point is 01:46:57 That thing is wicked. Feel that way about coffee. Okay, Mary. Back to Mary. Can I go on a, Do you think it's okay to go on a couple 10-mile walks, 15-mile walks, 20-mile walks?
Starting point is 01:47:11 I need to get some time on my feet. Oh, CrossFit. It was the cleanest-looking tooth once it came out, though. Oh. Alright. though oh all right um um um paper street coffee eric wise make sure you hop on a subscription august gonna be fun for our coffee coffee subscribers oh cool okay now's the time to subscribe because when he starts announcing the free shit, you probably, if you're not a subscriber, you probably won't get it.
Starting point is 01:47:48 So, Mary, any thoughts? Yes, go for walks. Okay. And I'm going to wear shoes. I'm going to wear my Born Primitives. I'm going to wear my Born Primitives. I don't even have Born Primitive commercials in here. I wanted to just, like, play a little bit of one.
Starting point is 01:48:10 How is this not just full of stuff? I'm here for money. I'm here for money. I'm here for money. I'm here for money. All right. Cool. I just had, I've been needing to tell someone that okay. Oh How about this one we haven't used this one in a while Where is it this
Starting point is 01:48:49 to tell me that's not his penis. It's like, go fuck yourself. You kidding me? Of course that's his penis. Last night I heard Joe Biden talk about the Ukraine for an hour. Whoop-de-woo. He didn't say one thing about making the country better. Tomorrow, 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 01:49:24 Kill Taylor, $2,500. Bet you Patrick Rios is getting ready to put out a trailer for Kill Taylor for the week, if he hasn't already. Caroline Stanley, Chloe David, Gavon David. Am I pronouncing that right?
Starting point is 01:49:58 Chloe Gavon David. Did I pronounce that right? Let me see if I have anything I can share here go to my trusty live call-in notes oh yeah this was cool this is uh I'd never heard of this guy The guy I guess the guy's name is blind fury one of the best free freestyles ever spit I Don't know why I think it's so cool Hey, oh Cool. This next beat right here. Let's see. Make sure I got the right one. Hey.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Oh, it sounds like I'm a rap like Hobson. My alter ego, right? Um, blind guy. Look at him. He's all fucking tweaked. I'd have been away for a long time, but I came back and I got a new label. Motherfuckers really want to take all the deals off the table. Like, I really don't need cable I got YouTube, and I got Instagram, so I don't give a damn I just get a gram and then put it in the microwave, flow tight like micro-raids, let's get it
Starting point is 01:51:13 Motherfuckers really wanna talk about the way that I'm killing this shit when I'm rapping They just wanna talk about dipping and dabbing and they don't know what the fuck's happening I'm about to do the show tomorrow at Planet Vapor and next week in Atlanta I don't give a fuck cause I'm about to spread like a virus and spread like a cancer. Yeah, spreading the fenta. I pull it all up in a cup. What? My girl said that I be doing too much.
Starting point is 01:51:31 I don't give a fuck. What? What? I'm going to just go to the club and rub on another bitch. But what? What? I probably shouldn't rap like that, but I do not give a fuck. What?
Starting point is 01:51:39 What? Man, let me get back to it. How did he know to do like the three point? How did he know to do that? How did he know to do that? Oh, dude, this dude needs a patch for sure. Wouldn't that be funny? Oh, so you can only see out of one eye?
Starting point is 01:52:00 No, I'm blind. Why do you wear the patch? I don't know. Why not? one eye no I'm blind why do you wear the patch I don't know why not my kids did not try to rear naked choke a Colton but that but you know what's funny is Avi got a picture with Colton he's like hey can I get a picture of Colton with Colton I'm like yeah I should post it wow that you think that's Dale Saran's retarded brother? Wow.
Starting point is 01:52:31 Oh, Gabe from Paper Street. Blind Fury's an OG to the freestyle game. Man, he's good. But if he's never... I wonder if he's been blind his whole life. How do you know how to do that? How do you even pick up mannerisms if you're blind jason speaks he looks like the cashier at my local walgreens jeez louise
Starting point is 01:53:01 i could talk about how i'm really polluting the rap music but i'm gonna drink that fluid all the damn time but it'd be out of my mind i'm gonna sit back and recline Louise Louise. Fuckers better go check this and get the message I said it already, your bitch about to cook me some breakfast But I'm never gonna eat her spaghetti Uh, uh, yeah, I'm obsessed with Freddie, not Jason Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa You should know the drama I'm facing Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa It's got my anxiety racing My heart is beating so fast, I bet a hundred dollars I'm beating your ass Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Starting point is 01:53:40 Let me get back with this fucking flow, flow, flow, flow Damn Uh Seve, did you ever get back in this fucking flow, flow, flow, flow. Damn. Seve, did you ever get back in touch with John Wellborn? I did. We texted a little. Texted. Text?
Starting point is 01:53:54 Texted? Texted? Text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text. Texted? Texted? We did. Blind Fury. Now he's on the radar. Now he's on the radar.
Starting point is 01:54:18 You want to do something just crazy controversial? Something I should not do before going to the games? You ready for this shit? God, this is going to the games ready for this shit God this is gonna fucking this could make it so I lose my access Fuck it here we go. Have you ever seen a real-life boner on another man? Oh, that's interesting. Have you ever seen? God, I got such a funny story that I can't tell A couple funny stories about that
Starting point is 01:55:07 I just can't For sure at least one Kinda for sure at least one kind of oh man yeah i should i should if i could do it in a rap i would uh uh yeah if i if i could, I would rap about it. If I did, it was so long ago. It's like so blurry. Yeah, my brain just won't go there right now.
Starting point is 01:55:59 Needs to be like a night show or something when I'm exhausted. Okay, listen to this. Here's the controversy. Listen to this. Someone sent me down a fucking rabbit hole the other day about fucking how fucked up cats are. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But I'm a bird guy. Right after this, I'm going to go take a picture of my bird nest and I'm going to post it. A bird nest is dope. And I and I and I and I had two two dead gophers in my yard this year and a dead squirrel and cats did it. I'm sure my neighbor's cats. And I'm very thankful for that.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Thank you. It was actually one mole, one gopher and one squirrel. And I love cats. I think they're so fucking cool. If I could have them, I would, but I live on next to this busy road. And I don't think like I've never really owned a cat. when I was a kid we had a couple cats But but they always got hit by cars or something like I never bonded with the cat But listen this in the United States alone Like this numbers fucking crazy what I'm about to tell you a Predation by domestic cats is the number one direct Human caused threat to birds.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Isn't that nuts that they do that? That's like some global warming nonsense. Listen to this sentence. Predation by domestic cats is the number one direct human-caused threat to birds in the United States. Oh, yeah. And it's not guns that's killing young black men. Or it's not black culture that's killing young black men. It's guns.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Don't you know they want to take away the rights of the individual and give them to groups you know what's crazy is they don't do that with blame well they do it with blame too in the united states alone outdoor cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year i I wonder what else, I wonder what other shit they kill. In the United States alone, outdoor cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds a year, although this number may seem
Starting point is 01:57:53 unbelievable, it represents the combined impact of tens of millions of outdoor cats. You know what's crazy? So they'll say something like this, and they'll leave out the fact that um there's a disease that rats carry um that uh if cats weren't around it would spread and kill 4.7 billion birds
Starting point is 01:58:17 they always they always they always think in this like... They always forget that everything's connected. You know what? Fuck these guys. I love cats. Kill more birds. How many rodents are killed by cats every year? Yeah, how about that? You fuck nuts.
Starting point is 01:58:40 Domestic cats kill between... Oh, it's back to... Oh, 20 billion small rodents every year in the United States. 20 billion rodents. You want to know how much that is? Inches to miles. to know you want to know how much that is um uh inches to uh miles uh so i want to type in a four billion four that's four hundred uh four hundred four thousand forty thousand four hundred thousand four million forty million four hundred million four That's 60, if you stack 20 billion rodents on top of each other and each one was 2 inches high,
Starting point is 01:59:31 that's a pile of rodents 63,000 miles high. 63,000 miles high. I think the moon is like, how far is the moon away? Is it 90,000 miles away I think the moon is like How far is the moon away? Is it 90,000 miles away? How far is the moon away? How far is the moon? Oh it's 300,000 miles
Starting point is 01:59:55 Oh 240 So it gets you 25% of the way to the moon You could climb up just like rodents A rope of rodents 20 billion You could climb up just like rodents a rope of rodents 20 billion just in the United States. Yeah, fuck you take your shit birds I thought the moon was how far is the Sun 93 million miles away? I thought the moon was 300,000 miles away or something. How far is the sun?
Starting point is 02:00:31 93 million miles? 94.5 million miles away. 20 billion rodents. That's crazy. I knew it. I knew one of you couldn't resist. Anyway, fuck it. I'm not going to do the hate.
Starting point is 02:01:05 I was going to do a hate lecture on cats and lose my ability to go to the games but you know what i'm strike that from the record i love cats 20 billion rodents i saw this the other day this really makes world this is re this is a reebok ad on their instagram how and it says classic supercharged the collection is rewriting the future with its reworking of classic heritage models including a brand new ltd evolution of the iconic classic leather there's nothing supercharged about this are the people who make this shit drunk is that a boy or a girl why does everyone have a hole in their face the one i think that asian guy doesn't have a hole but he has a giant mole on the side of his nose hold on let me see like who chose that person or that these people look like losers to me like uninspired bored losers and are those all like what is that that looks like someone who got drunk and passed out
Starting point is 02:02:40 putting your face on a copy machine with a... What the fuck is going on? It makes me not want to wear any Reebok stuff. What is that on the guy's nose? Is that a mole? The Asian guy's the only normal-looking guy. This is actually a cool shot of just whatever that is, a person's head going through a blanket or curtains. How fucking uninspired are these people? I wouldn't... I usually don't I don't wouldn't look and look at all the comments oh I guess there's not a lot of comments
Starting point is 02:03:32 view hidden comments your customer service sucks dear Reebok this is the day 1101 of me asking to oh I want to click on someone who liked this some chick who's probably a sellout some filmmaker dude
Starting point is 02:03:58 360 magazine anyone who anyone who features Steve Aoki I'm just like 360 magazine. Anyone who, God, this is going to be mean to say, but anyone who features Steve Aoki, I'm just like, isn't he like so 1997? God, I watched a documentary on him. I wanted to like it so bad. It was a complete disaster, the documentary.
Starting point is 02:04:26 I wanted to like it so bad fuck what a mess Reebok is what a mess art Reebok trying to go pop culture What a mess. Art. Reebok trying to go pop culture. That's pop culture? I thought pop culture meant popular. Doesn't pop mean popular?
Starting point is 02:04:57 Like they got... It just looks like a bunch of uninspired, boring fucking people who feel sorry for themselves. Like that's the vibe I get. I don't know. Maybe is that what did you guys get? It just looks like lazy filmmaking. It looks so lazy. I want to run from it.
Starting point is 02:05:23 Someone sent me that being like just laughing i you know what i think that is i think that's just like when no one there uh cares right like no everyone who's there is like just excited probably to say that they work at corporate reebok or then probably just no one there cares uh millennials hate gen z which one is first which one's older of those am i a millennial how would you have to be a millennial i don't know the older gen can't relate to the new gen i don't think that's um i don't think that's true I don't think that's true.
Starting point is 02:06:11 I think it's like the worst day of our life is like turned into their life. You know what I mean? Like they dwell on the worst day of their life. Well, no, you're right. I can't relate to the fact of – I can't imagine someone – I can't imagine some of the shit people are going through. You're right. I can't relate to like some of the social media shit. I can't,
Starting point is 02:06:26 I can't imagine posting something on Instagram and complaining about how someone's judging me. It's like, dude, what, what? That's, that's the whole reason why you're out there.
Starting point is 02:06:39 Hiller says that everyone does everything for clicks. I want to take it one step further and be like every, if you post something, you're, you're demanding you be judged. judged oh i wonder if my wife is texting yet this is about the time my wife texts me no not yet you're demanding to be judged that's it that's all you're doing every time you post you're demanding to be judged. Please judge me. You're begging. Please. Please.
Starting point is 02:07:07 Oh, yeah. I'm Travis Boyd. Please judge me. I just like the Travis voice. Smart about you, Jeff. Now I have to figure out how to turn it off. I'm Travis Boyd. Please judge me.
Starting point is 02:07:15 I'm Travis Boyd. Please judge me. I'm Travis Boyd. Please judge me. I'm Travis Boyd. Please judge me. I'm Travis Boyd. Please judge me.
Starting point is 02:07:23 I'm Travis Boyd. Please judge me. I'm Travis Boyd. Please judge me. I'm like the Travis voice. Smart about you, Joe. Now I have to figure out how to turn it off. I can't believe I- I still don't. Are these all the voices? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:40 I'm Andrew Hiller. Uh, been on a lot of testosterone. Please judge me. Hello? Is that mine? Is that you? How about this one?
Starting point is 02:07:54 Oh, that one's good. Back to Travis Bright. Jesus, I'm awake open the email what email oh the one about about going to the games I don't know I'd rather talk about COVID what's going on with Emma Lawson isma lawson having a breakdown someone told me something uh um damn those are some great tits someone told me that on the um on the um
Starting point is 02:08:36 on dave's podcast she said something about going through some mental health issues. I hope she's okay. Please don't drop out. Emma, just forget it. Just go there and have fun. Can you do that? Is that possible? Es posible?
Starting point is 02:08:57 We love you. You're awesome looking. You fucking kick ass. You're a beast. You're the future. You're Mal O'Brien 2.0. Don't do it. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Oh my goodness. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the legendary Smokey Robinson. We were called Negroes, and after a while that name was banished. Anyway, Negroes, just how you say black in Spanish. Then we were called colored, but shit, everybody's one color or another, and I think it's a shame that we hold that against each other. And it seems like we reverted back to a time when being called black was an insult,
Starting point is 02:09:45 even if it was another black man who said that the fight would result because we've been so brainwashed that black was wrong to leave the yellow niggas and the black niggas couldn't get along. But then came the 1960s when we struggled and died to be called equal and black and we walked with pride with our heads held high and our shoulders pushed back and black was beautiful. But I guess that wasn't good enough because now here they come with some other stuff. Who comes up with this shit anyway? Was it one or a group of niggas just sitting around one day?
Starting point is 02:10:18 Feeling a little insecure again about being called black and decided that African Americans sounded a little more exotic. Well, I think you were being a little more neurotic. It's that same mentality that got Amos and Andy put off there because they were embarrassed about the way the characters spoke. And as a result of that action, a lot of wonderful black actors ended up broke. Well, we were just laughing and having fun about ourselves. So I say, fuck you if you can't take a joke. You didn't see the Beverly Hillbillies being protested by white folks.
Starting point is 02:10:50 And if you think, of course you think, that being called African American sets all black people's minds at ease, since we affectionately call each other nigga, I affectionately say to you, nigga, please. Now, by and by, we were called niggas. Fuck, man, Smokey. Head of his day. I wonder if he's still alive. He can't be, right? God, he's so good. Smokey Robinson.
Starting point is 02:11:16 Oh. He is still alive. He's 84. Man, he's good. Let's 84. Man, he's good. Let's see. Wow, he's been around forever. Smokey Robinson and the miracles. Is there anyone in the chat who has never heard this song?
Starting point is 02:11:54 Oh, he was gay? That makes sense. Makes sense. Alright, so much for this show. Demonetized. Fuck this show all up. You really got a hold on me. All right. So much for this show. Demonetized. Fuck this show all up. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:10 You know the song? You've never heard this song, Rambler? Crazy. Yeah. Anyone under 50. No shit. I mean, that song's even old for me. Crazy. crazy yeah that's like some Ken Walters shit
Starting point is 02:12:36 I'm not gonna erase that one I think I want to play that again sometimes one i think i want to play that again sometimes all right i watched the debate with my sons last night it was so anti-climactic so anti-climactic not the debate sorry. Sorry, the press conference. Hi there. Listen to this. Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our constitution is a document in which we, the people, tell the government what it is allowed to do. Our constitution opens with the words, as straight as it sounds, we the people. Well, it's time to remember that we the people are the government.
Starting point is 02:13:39 You cannot make this shit up. You cannot make this shit up. Listen to this. Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our constitution is a document in which we, the people, tell the government what it is allowed to do our constitution opens with the words as straight as it sounds we the people it's time to remember that we the people are the government uh yeah he's uh isn't he he saying that the people are the government? Yeah, he exactly.
Starting point is 02:14:28 But listen, listen, you, every Trish, everything that fucking Joe needs to says needs to be interpreted. Everything. As you listen to him, there's so many words left out that I think people just give him a pass and they're like, just trying to understand what he's saying based on the missing pieces. It's like a fucking crossword puzzle. No, it's like a, what is it? It's like hangman and you only get three letters
Starting point is 02:14:54 and a seven letter word. But I'm not gonna figure this one out for him. I'm going with the fact that he truly, I mean, look, his whole presidency shows it. Dude, so many people are getting censored right now on Instagram. It's crazy. I wonder when it's going to fall back and YouTube's going to start doing it again too. I haven't heard YouTube kicking people off, but as we get closer to the election, I wonder if it's going to happen. But as we get closer to the election, I wonder if it's going to happen.
Starting point is 02:15:30 How about yesterday when he said he's against corporate greed when there's never been like it's the exact opposite. He's done nothing but help corporate greed. And how about the fact that he thinks cutting taxes for corporations somehow plays into their greed? He's so fucking confused. He reminds me of the people who thought that eating fat made you fat he really is dumb like hey you don't get to be old and be like hey i have wisdom you either wisdom is only wisdom when it's deployed he's not deploying or imparting any wisdom it's crazy to think that he has any wisdom and this thing like i've passed more legislation i do you you've passed more
Starting point is 02:16:12 legislation is that what we want i want that's what i want more legislation the presuppositions uh that the democrats will fall fall for without asking any questions is wild. Would you rather see Pelosi's bosom or Trump's, Pelosi's tits or Trump's penis? Pelosi's tits. Like way more. Like I've never even thought about seeing Trump's penis. Hola amigo. Hola, amigo.
Starting point is 02:16:48 Hola, CrossFit Chief Nation. What's up, dude? Wow, really? Trump's hog? Yeah, I've always thought Joe Biden was a train wreck too. Yeah, I've always thought Joe Biden was a train wreck too. But. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 02:17:19 He's so lost. The crazy part is, is when they say trump's a threat to democracy i was looking up i was looking up the uh definition of totalitarianism the other day on wiki and um oh what's going on here my i don't know what's going on with my bluetooth hold on caller sorry it's worse it's even worse than normal. Oh, I turned my Bluetooth off. That's why. Hey, what's up, dude? Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 02:17:55 Caller? Yo, what's up? Hey. What's going on? Hey, just chilling. The BSI event was great last night. Oh, yeah, yeah. It was, huh? Is it today also or it was great last night. Oh, yeah, yeah. It was, huh?
Starting point is 02:18:05 Is it today also or it was just last night? Well, I think it was just last night. But, yeah, I headed into Manhattan. I had a buddy of mine. Karin and Emily were greeting everyone at the door. Sousa was there. It was freaking awesome. I didn't even know he was going.
Starting point is 02:18:23 I saw a picture where Karin and Emily looked smoking hot somewhere. Yeah, man. Everywhere. The picture is great. Let me see. Let me see this picture if I can find it. It was a great talk. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:40 Yeah, it was great. The thing was, you know, I told Emily this. For the past four years, I've been researching this stuff and it's not new to me, but for people who aren't aware of this stuff, it's kind of like pseudo groundbreaking, like what the hell's been going on the past four years. But no, yeah, it's really enlightening everyone to what's been happening. And we talk about the replication crisis and p-values and stuff. It's really interesting.
Starting point is 02:19:07 My buddy who came with me, he hadn't heard any of this stuff, and he was like, wow, this is really interesting. Yeah, she's got a strong grasp on it, too. She explains it well. I don't know if you can see the computer, but I took a screenshot of this and cropped out everyone except Emily and Karin. Yeah, Dale was there. Pastuch from the Pastuch method was there.
Starting point is 02:19:28 Oh, really? Pastuch was there? What's his first name? Sean. Sean. Sean Pastuch. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I like that dude.
Starting point is 02:19:37 Babylon Trish was there. Oh, okay. Yeah, she's wild. How is she doing? She's great. She's great. She actually dropped into my gym yesterday morning. I wasn't even coaching. She took the 515 class. That's awesome. Are you hungover? Nah, I just had one drink and came home. My wife was away on vacation, so I wanted to come back home and see them. You ever had one of these RX sugar bars?
Starting point is 02:20:07 The RX sugar bars with allulose. And it's like, it looks like a little, like a, like a, um, so it tastes, it tastes like chocolate,
Starting point is 02:20:17 but it's not chocolate. No, it's chocolate. But you know, it must not be very sweet. Cause, um, boys don't like it. because um boys don't like it like little boys don't like it i mean they don't dislike it but fuck it's good i'm eating it for breakfast oh yeah it's early over there you're so mellow right now. Did you just work out? I coached this morning three classes. Now I'm doing the programming for next week.
Starting point is 02:20:52 You've coached three classes already? Yeah. Well, it's 1220 here. Got to remember it's three hours later. Hey, dude, did you see that buffalo cop get dragged um by a uh uh did you see that no did you play it already it just broke yesterday on the news he pulls a guy over i watched the whole 20 minute video um 20 minutes i watched the cam the the footage from the cops uh whatever that camera is that they carry called.
Starting point is 02:21:26 He pulls this dude over. Dude, super cool, super nice. Got a kid in the car. He asked for the dude's driver's license. He runs it. He's like, hey, it's not a legit driver's license. They're going back and forth. The guy's like, hey, man, I get pulled over every day.
Starting point is 02:21:41 And he's like, well, why do you keep driving this car if it's not registered or doesn't have tinted windows? And it has tinted windows. go they're going back and forth and then he goes hey dude can you step out of the car and then like i want to get i want to keep running your name until i can find a legal driver's license for you from someone in the united states because the guy's saying he's from a different state and the guy says sure no problem and he guns it and the cops holding on to the door and the car reaches 60 miles an hour and the cops yelling at him dude you're gonna get me killed you're gonna get me killed and then that while they're driving the guy pulls his gun out and
Starting point is 02:22:21 shoot he's like he's hanging out the side of the car you know what I mean The doors open and I have to imagine He's like skiing Or he's doing Or he's a really strong cop and he's like doing Like a tricep press on the top of the door And he pulls out his gun and shoots the driver While they're going 60 And when did it
Starting point is 02:22:40 Happen I guess They were going to try to turn it yeah the car just stopped and he rolled out of the car and and then and then the cop um immediately just took care of the six-year-old kid that was in the car it was really a cool scene but and the kid who's six years old who just saw his uncle or dad or whatever get killed he's a six-year-old kid, and all you hear him saying is, where's my cell phone? Where's my cell phone? It's crazy. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:23:09 I didn't hear. This must have happened yesterday, right? Yeah. And there was this concern that it was going to turn into the next George Floyd incident. But, I mean, fuck, who knows what's possible? But it's pretty crazy. Let me see if I can find the video too. I think I was just looking it up. It's on Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:31 Body cam footage of fatal Kensington. Is Kensington the same as Buffalo? Could be like the Buffalo. No, it could be like a town within buffalo oh the kids the little kids in the front seat too yeah it's crazy right let me see i'm trying to see if i can pull it up okay here we go okay i have to watch an ad first oh geez i have to sign up for this subscription I want to just go to videos must be on youtube, right? Oh, yeah 16 hours ago Oh shit, I haven't seen this um, I haven't seen this angle. This is the angle from the other cop. Oh no This is This is from the other cops
Starting point is 02:24:51 I guess there were two cops there Oh yeah this is the only angle I've seen Right here here it is watch this I have, sir, I don't, I don't know. Is there anything wrong with your license? Do you have a couple of, I ordered it out on my dead mom. I never had it. You don't have it physically with you, the car? No, I don't. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:25:11 Okay. Where were you at? Right here, literally. I'm on the phone with his mom, bro. His mom? Yeah, she's right here, bro. What address? Where is right here?
Starting point is 02:25:21 What's your address? No lie, bro. Okay, she can come out of here if she wants. What address? Where is right here? What's your address? No lie, bro. Okay, she can come out of here if she wants. What we're going to do is we're going to have you take some out and come towards me. We're going to try and run your name a different way and see if I can find a pop-up similar way. Okay, for sure. You can put a phone number. Hey, is that normal?
Starting point is 02:25:38 The cop reached in and just opened the door. That was interesting. Yeah, you could do that. They have a seat belt on we'll try to take it off yeah he just says hey i mean the cop's being super cool but i've never seen i guess i haven't looked closely but he actually like reaches in and says hey i'd like to have you step on the door we're gonna try and run your name a different way and see if i can find a Okay, for sure. You can put the phone down now. You're gonna kill me bro.
Starting point is 02:26:10 You're gonna kill me bro. You're gonna kill me. You're gonna kill me bro. Bro, stop. I'm going. I'm going. I'm going. I'm going. I'm going. I'm going. I can't. I'm done. I'm done bro. I'm done bro. Bro. Stop. Damn He said uh he said you're gonna kill me you're gonna kill me and then he said the cop's saying, I'm going to die, I'm going to die. Can you imagine how good that cop was to be able to hold on to a car, driving, take his gun out, and shoot the guy? I can't tell. That's the thing.
Starting point is 02:27:00 I need to see another angle. I can't tell if the guy was slowing down. Yeah, how did he do that i want to see how the cop is actually holding on to the door he must be doing like a tricep press right on the top of the one hand on the top of the car and one hand on the door or hanging on uh like he wrapped maybe he wrapped his arm around the open window god it's fucking nuts dude and you can hear how scared the cop is right he's like dude you bro you're gonna kill me bro you're gonna kill me because as soon as that car takes
Starting point is 02:27:32 off he has to hang on because if he lets go he can fall and roll underneath the tire right oh there's a crate i think there's a crazy still clip here. There's got to be cameras outside of these businesses. How do you just go back one frame on YouTube? Now, picture this cop. He's on this car, is able to get his gun out and shoot this guy. But then that woman who has the carriage, she can't even keep her feet to save the baby from going into the street right what a difference wow imagine how how scared uh his um his partner felt watching his his buddy get drugged down the street like that oh yeah this guy probably had
Starting point is 02:28:26 like a warrant or something probably couldn't get taken care of in court and now he's dead what a shame yeah oh yeah thank you someone just told me how to go frame by frame this is crazy oh yeah he's already yeah wow he's took the first one right in the shoulder you can see This is crazy. Oh, yeah, he's already. Yeah. Wow. He's took the first one right in the shoulder. You can see the blood.
Starting point is 02:28:54 God, that little kid's lucky he didn't get shot. Yep. Hey, and if that guy would have lived, I would have pressed charges against that guy also for putting that kid's life in danger by fighting with a cop. Does that happen if you fight with a cop? You putting other people's lives in danger? Depends on the situation. In that situation, yeah, that guy would have been whatever it is, child endangerment.
Starting point is 02:29:21 Yeah, this is gnarly. Look at this guy's face right here. Could have been on drugs he could have had a gun in the car who knows but yeah they ended up he ended up having a gun in the car oh he did yeah yeah like afterwards when they cleaned i was reading an article they found a gun under the seat but they're gonna have this guy's graduation picture he He was a good uncle. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:51 Even though we put a six-year-old in fucking crazy jeopardy. I love this time of morning. I can hear my wife opening the garage door. It's 930. That means she's probably going out there to work out. I love that sound. For some reason, my garage door opening. My wife came home and our garage door opened. I was so happy
Starting point is 02:30:09 she was back. Is she a cop? Nah. She's an Italian teacher. Oh, that's cool. And a co-owner of a gym. Oh, right, right. Hey, I'm really glad to hear the BSI event went well. I'm glad you saw a bunch of people gym. Oh, right, right.
Starting point is 02:30:27 Hey, I'm really glad to hear the BSI event went well. I'm glad you saw a bunch of people there. It's cool you saw Sousa there. Was he nice to you? Yeah, he was so friendly. He was like, yeah, what's up, Jethro? What's going on? Yeah, he's so good. Yeah, it was great.
Starting point is 02:30:37 Yeah, I was surprised he was there. I was like, you've never been to New York before? He's like, my first time. I'm like, holy shit. Oh, wow. So there's nothing today? There's's nothing today there's no daytime talk yeah i think uh i think matt said that they were heading out uh today so oh okay good he was rocking and rolling he was setting everything up cameras microphones yeah he's a hustler working yeah he's a hustler jack of all trades
Starting point is 02:31:02 i wonder if he'll be here for Kill Taylor tomorrow. Emily's such a good speaker. She doesn't fumble once. Nope. She's on point. Fantastic. Yep. You want her in your corner, that's for sure. Yep. Yep. She's a beast. Until the next one. All right. I'm going to finish this program and I'll talk to you later. All right. Thanks for calling, dude. Bye, Jethro. All right, brother. Bye.
Starting point is 02:31:26 Bye. Uh. Oh. Oh, I can't tell. I can't tell. I'm not sure what this letter says from them. It says I get elevated level of press access I think there's gotta be more I need to read it in privacy
Starting point is 02:32:15 I need to read it in my own privacy share it with you guys you think we're friends or some shit now you guys got me interested though You think we're friends or some shit? Now you guys got me interested though Oh Well, this is this is good along with more information about this what sucks because they're sending me something that says congratulations Talk to you soon, you know You know.
Starting point is 02:32:47 You know what this is going to be like. Fuck. Sucks being me. They're going to. They're. They. Like they're doing. In their mind.
Starting point is 02:32:54 They're doing something really nice for me. But I know all I'm going to want is more. You know what I mean. You know what I mean. Like a girl lets you walk her to the door. And then you want to kiss. And you want to hug. You want to undo her bra. it's going to be like that i'm just going to want more and more and more never going to be satisfied such a baby yeah until i have ceo access yes like how do i say that uh dear crossfit i
Starting point is 02:33:21 would like the same access as dawnfall if like if worked there and someone said that to me, I'd be like, fuck this guy. But really deep down inside, that's all I want. You know what I mean? But like, I also understand. I'm like, can I go everywhere Don can go? Fuck you. Who the fuck do you think you are? You just make them hate me.
Starting point is 02:33:44 So I got to figure it out I have to be I have to be smooth I have to be smooth there has to be a courtship process I have to be like water seep under the door cracks I cannot be like a mountain or a rock
Starting point is 02:34:01 Seep under the door cracks. I cannot be like a mountain or a rock. Dude, Judy, I got bad news for you. Bad, bad news. Bad, bad news for judy what does this mean his gpa score is 7 97.3 i didn't you can have how do you have a i thought gpas were like when i was a kid that went to 4.0. What's a 97.3? Uh-oh. You ready, Judy? Yep, this is fucked up.
Starting point is 02:34:53 He was rejected by multiple colleges. They call this equity and inclusion. Let me tell you something. I don't have anyone in my town that looks like this, dude. Here we go. If someone does not want to admit me because I'm Asian American, then there's not much I can do about that because it's a part of me that I just can't get rid of. By all accounts, David is an academically exceptional
Starting point is 02:35:12 student with an impressive resume of accomplishments and extracurriculars. His high school, Stuyvesant in New York City, is one of the top-rated public schools in the country. My GPA is 97.3 out of 100. My SAT score is 1560. And extracurricular wise, I'm one of the captains for the Stuyvesant math team.
Starting point is 02:35:33 I'm a team captain for the New York City math team. I'm the starting right side for our school's volleyball team. I'm in the all city Latin jazz ensemble. He applied early decision to Harvard. He's in New York City's All-Latin Jazz Ensemble? Holy shit, dude. Oh my god. This kid is a beast. In December,
Starting point is 02:36:02 he found out the college deferred him. If it's deferred, that means I still have a chance. We love you, all right? We love you. Then more disappointing news over the next few months, as he began to hear back from the over dozen schools that he applied to. No Yale. Waitlist.
Starting point is 02:36:17 No Princeton. It was all, like, bad news, or results I wouldn't have expected. Like, reject, waitlist, reject waitlist. In March, he learned Harvard had rejected him. I feel like I also owe it to my parents to sort of make them proud. And I feel like by not getting into Harvard. Good Asian kid. Good Asian kid. I was sort of disappointing them. But more importantly, I was disappointing myself. Justice means treating people fairly, but social justice means treating people differently
Starting point is 02:36:48 and that's unfair let's support justice for all the thing is Asians don't do politics they just work hard they don't do politics like the whiteys and the blackies they only do asians mexicans are starting to creep into the space they're probably fucking up doing that you gotta put your head down that's why asians as a whole i think they make almost almost double what the average white person makes in the united states because they didn't get into politics. Politics is kind of just. I think a lot of people get into it for the wrong reason. They get into it to whine.
Starting point is 02:37:33 Anyway. Sorry Judy. I remember when you guys were like. The flavor du jour. 20 years ago. And you guys are in the outs. Oats. Jump ship. Skip skip college start a business
Starting point is 02:37:54 Yeah, I bet his parents voted Democrat too Hopefully it'll be a wake-up call for the kid light a fire under his ass That was pretty that was pretty that was pretty cool that Fusile opened the door to the grooming stuff I really don't want to bug her with that shit but it was cool she's like
Starting point is 02:38:19 okay Savvy she like just took control what a strong human that's not easy to take control while I'm on. Savon, you might rethink a 10-mile walk. Why? Tell me. I am afraid. But listen, I have enough time to where if I...
Starting point is 02:38:43 I think I have to. What do you think i should do that's funny if you're gonna bugger about grooming you're supposed to start early that's good what do you think i should do jeff mary monsoor is a toe expert, a foot expert. What do you think I should do? I'm standing on my rock pad now. My feet feel great this morning. Oh, Mary and Jeff are about to get into a fight in the chat. Here we go. Fight, fight.
Starting point is 02:39:28 Someone sent me a DM the other day. Someone sent me a DM the other day asking for something like, what was that book you mentioned about COVID? Can you, can you remind me or send me a link? And I just wrote back, no. And then they wrote back, I thought we were friends I was like I don't but but it was so funny because I don't even know what they're talking about I don't even remember I'll go in there right now my wife will ask me about something I said on the show and I won't even remember all right I have to pee now
Starting point is 02:40:00 I have to pee now. Cave D'Astro. A 10-mile walk is safe and effective. Tyler Watkins. Mary, I would argue there are more primal activities than walking. I think I agree with Tyler. What's the fuss about Project 2025? It's because it's not the... People like Biden, I think, keep saying it's Trump's plan.
Starting point is 02:40:28 And Trump's like, hey, dude, it's not even my plan. I haven't even read it. All right. Oh, CrossFit Games Update Show. Oh, that's where we will talk about... Chad being the seventh workout on Saturday morning. We'll talk about Emma Lawson. We'll talk about Fun stuff what other stuff do I have in my notes?
Starting point is 02:40:52 I'll watch a bunch of Dave's videos and we'll watch clips of that shows that's if that's a big show. That's popular show Oh why they're asking to measure the quad size of athletes all that shit I'm gonna make sure I get people invite I better invite the boys to come on that show CrossFit Games update show Asking to measure the quad size of athletes. All that shit. I better make sure I get people. I better invite the boys to come on that show. CrossFit Games Update show. John. JR.
Starting point is 02:41:16 And Bill. Question mark. I need to get Bill Grunler on. If they do climbing and climbing hardnesses. is lame I don't know. I'm just saying that I don't care what they do. I'm gonna have fun no matter what Oh taylor. Yeah, let's call taylor kill taylor. Let's call taylor taylor actually called in the middle of the show. Let's just call him Uh Damn it. I gotta pee so bad Damn it. I got a piece so bad
Starting point is 02:41:52 Let's call him and find out if he knows the workout yet 703 939 hello hi you're live on the sebon podcast oh what's that hey do you know what the workout is tomorrow yeah what is it you'll find out tomorrow who are we on with i don't just a few hundred of our closest friends um no athlete anymore no i had page and rebecca on word um i can't remember oh i was calling uh fuck yeah i was calling you about something that we can't talk about on the air but anyways um we'll talk about that when you're done.
Starting point is 02:42:46 Okay, I'm getting off. But so tomorrow, $2,500. Should Colton be ready for tomorrow? Yeah, dude. He should be ready. He should be ready to get his fudge packed is what he should be ready for. Easy money for him? No. No? Negative. Negative. what he should be ready for but easy easy money easy money for him oh no negative all right so
Starting point is 02:43:09 i just did this workout today i did this swim workout today that i so i have swam maybe would be i guess the sixth time i've swam in like the past year and a half maybe two years i started swimming again like a month ago. And since then, I've done a couple workouts at this lake that I swim at where we've got a 500 yard swim. So I've done that five times and did a workout today with swimming. And it's honestly crazy. Me and are going to test that games workout tomorrow after Kill Taylor, the run swim. And I'm just so excited to destroy Jason and be able to say that that's the seventh time I've swam in a year and a half. He said you're an amazing swimmer yesterday on the show.
Starting point is 02:44:01 I don't even know the amazing word. I think when you have a lot of confidence in something like for for instance that workout there's no details on how distances are broken up and we're going to test it one of many ways one of the ways so we're going to test it probably at least tomorrow and then we'll test it some more ways at some point we're going to test it what i think is the hardest way first and that's's just a three-mile run straight up into a one-mile swim. And, for example, if you have a lot of confidence in the water, a one-mile swim is so long that at some point over the course of that swim to start,
Starting point is 02:44:39 if you're efficient in the water, your heart will come down and your breathing will come back from the run. So I could potentially run that three mile at like my 5k pace, which is hard, super hard. And I have the confidence knowing that within the first 300 yards of that swim of that 1600 meter swim or whatever, my heart rate of breathing will come back and it'll be really uncomfortable, but my efficiency will carry me through. Whereas someone who's not comfortable in the water, they're going to, they're going to slower and and swim slower if that makes sense will will tomorrow's kill taylor workout of 500 meters on the skier affect your ability to do the run swim run tomorrow we're not skiing tomorrow and the workout may affect my ability uh to do
Starting point is 02:45:24 some things but i don't think it'll have an effect on the world. I'm just too... I don't know. I've been running a lot, too. You're such a boss. You're such a boss. I'm excited for tomorrow. Yeah, me too. It's going to be fun, and it's going to be super
Starting point is 02:45:40 funny. I'm excited for the next two weeks of Kill Taylor. We're going to really... We're going to weeks of Kill Taylor. We're going to be pushing the boundaries. We're going to be testing the threshold, but I think the key for everyone to remember is there's a lot of money on the line. If you guys want the money,
Starting point is 02:45:56 it's right there for you. Is tomorrow's workout conducive for a girl to beat you? I don't think any of them are conducive for women to beat me because women aren't as fit as men right right i understood i agree i agree even tia even tia oh she sucks uh no tia's really not that good. Tia's not really that good, dude. I want to say I could beat Tia with the women's weight in the games,
Starting point is 02:46:30 but to be honest, dude, I don't know. That's amazing. She's crazy. Women suck, except for that one girl. Yeah, she's a savage. All right, cool. I'll call you. We can have our secret conversation soon
Starting point is 02:46:46 alright sick alright bye Taylor Mello how mellow is Taylor right there he is mellow mellow mellow Taylor how does Taylor feel about his mustache having a coveted spot on my chest? Pole to pole.
Starting point is 02:47:15 Which is better than pole to hole. What are you guys going to talk about that secret i don't know mr butter mr but i honestly don't know he's probably like frustrated with something or something or he wants to make sure he gets a good bed at the house and carson or wherever wherever we're going dickies or wherever the fuck we're going. I can't believe it's less than a month away. All I think about is like I have to pack all my shit and get on a plane. I hate that part.
Starting point is 02:47:59 Oh shit. Oh is there a video with. What is this. what is this? Oh, there's a video with Brooke Wells and Jason Hopper. There's a video out. Oh, this is a great. Wow This is a great picture. Look at this picture This is awesome I might watch this. This looks like a sitcom.
Starting point is 02:48:34 I think my wife's doing D-ball slams. Or she's swinging a sledgehammer at a tire. What is this? I've never seen Pataki's tits out. Wow, Pataki showing cleavage? That's crazy. Afghanistan, the story was not told completely accurately, which you've acknowledged. I just wanna give you an opportunity
Starting point is 02:48:57 to clarify what happened. Yeah, first, I mean, the larger story there, and the reason I included that story is because I wanted to convey a story about giving tough feedback to President Biden. God, she could be so hot if she just woke up and let loose. A fucking waste of a good redhead. Look at Hiller's comment on the video oh on the um let's see uh um newest uh let me see Andrew Hiller hard work pays off oh he wrote
Starting point is 02:49:48 ha ha ha you think you can outdo me with an additional 24 hours eh that's good um I wonder did Branstetter make this? Cover image, photo. Listen, you fuck nuts. This says, Jesus Christ, this shit just is so fucking retarded.
Starting point is 02:50:24 It says, games training is in full swing and two of our hard workers teamed up for a few days of pushing each other and mostly friendly competition. Two of our hard workers? You mean three of your hard workers, because someone had to film this shit. In less than one month, Brooke Wells will be making her ninth CrossFit Games appearance. She looks great.
Starting point is 02:50:40 Jason Hopper, fourth. He looks great, too. And the whole HWPO training team will be in Fort Worth to support them and the rest of our crew taking the floor. For more on HWPOTraining, visit And to connect with us at the games follow along on Instagram at hwpo Training period cover image photo courtesy of Rick Jones who the fuck made the video Fuck you, I ain't watching it You don't tell me who made it
Starting point is 02:51:25 fuck you I ain't giving you no clicks give you a fucking thumbs down take that motherfuckers okay did Seve just turn into Joe Biden I did thank you for noticing for Halloween I will be Joe Biden
Starting point is 02:51:40 alright guys love you guys talk to you later bye-bye not giving people credits just retarded

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