The Sevan Podcast - Pat Vellner - 2024 Official Season Update Interview

Episode Date: April 7, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. You're doing your, uh, you are on a constrained time time i don't know if that's the right word constrained you are on a schedule you are a man of school family i'm always on a bit of
Starting point is 00:01:14 constrained times these days especially 6 59 a.m pacific Time. I am on the west coast of the North American continent. And you are also in that time zone in a more northern part of the coast of the North American continent. Yeah. I'm actually probably I might even be more west than you. Because it because it hooks over or hooks over. Yeah. And I'm on an island in the in the ocean so but uh pat you have two kids now yes i do tell me the because uh this morning i was actually thinking by the way your son uh what a great looking kid i mean both your kids are great looking kids but what a strong looking baby.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Holy cow. He already came out like, I mean, he looks amazing. Congrats. Thanks. Thanks, John. I mean, look, I feel like everyone you have, just as soon as they're healthy, you can kind of take a deep breath. That's all you need. Did he come out all good?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Did he come out all good did he come out all good no like he came out breathing and all that shit yeah he came out early so not crazy early like two and a half weeks or so but it was a bit sketchy my my wife started bleeding quite a bit in the evening it was friday and he uh had a bath and then kind of stood up and dumped a bunch of blood in the tub. So we went to the hospital quite urgently. But it's, I mean, my wife delivers babies. So I think she had a better idea what was going on than me. And it was good. Everything was fine.
Starting point is 00:03:01 She had a placental abruption, but things were under control. And we were able to have a natural birth. And baby came out healthy. And he was good. Everything was fine. And, you know, she had a placental abruption, but things were under control and we're able to have a natural birth and baby came out healthy and he was good. I mean, our first baby was pretty big. And so this guy, by virtue of being a couple weeks early, was a little bit easier to to push out. So it was a little bit smaller, but not small. Didn't need like Nikki or anything like that. So we were nice. We're home kind of the next day basically
Starting point is 00:03:25 and my wife's starting to work again already so she's pretty uh hardcore and awesome so overall things have been really good he does he doesn't sleep as well as my firstborn did but he's doing all right uh how much do you weigh when he was born i think he was seven one. Oh, okay. So perfect. Perfect. Yeah. He wasn't exactly. It wasn't, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:48 it wasn't small. So he was fine. I've never, I've never heard of that. A placenta abruption. What is that? The cord came, the,
Starting point is 00:04:03 the umbilical cord get torn off the placenta in there? Or I never heard of that. And blood is scary, right? I mean, not blood is scary, especially like if you're like at 15 weeks or at nine weeks, that means probably maybe a lot of blood. Yeah. Yeah. So it's good that you don't know what it is. It's, it means that probably you had pretty uncomplicated pregnancies and that's great but a placental abruption is it just means the placenta pulls away from the wall of the uterus so you it's like the placenta starts to detach and so basically the baby has to come out at that point right because it's getting it's getting i guess it's getting
Starting point is 00:04:45 everything from their oxygen food everything yeah so pretty much once they start to there's a bit of a like depends how much comes off uh i think past 30 percent like it's got a c-section pretty immediately so we were kind of we ran to the hospital and we were thinking we might have to go in for an emergency section but um we didn't uh the bleeding kind of slowed down and we monitored everything really closely but uh we managed to have natural birth afterwards it was good i mean it's like scary times that's crazy in the beginning but that's crazy you were able to have a natural birth how does that happen so you go in there and you see that had she had braxton hicks or was she having contractions or was the water broke like how do you how does she have the baby she's had some contractions before i mean they induced labor as well i think the next morning we were there through the first night just making sure
Starting point is 00:05:38 that the bleeding was slowing down and then by the next morning we they started inducing labor and then it took most of that day. We probably went in at 9 PM on the Friday and then had to be at 9 PM on Saturday. So that's remarkable. Yeah. It truly is remarkable. A lot of times. Yeah. We were really happy because we were really hoping to do that. And she did not want to have a C-section. So it's very interesting kind of situation being in the
Starting point is 00:06:07 delivery room with her because that's what she does for work um so it's kind of funny i always joke it's like your husband to work day because these are all people she works with you know she knows all the nurses she knows all the obs she knows all the staff um she also knows what's going on like i just know like blood bad you know i don't know much about you know the ins and outs of delivery and what complications can happen so she's very much taking the lead and i'm just kind of like hey i'm going to try to help push me out of the way if you need to but even the next day when things had smoothed out and we were just kind of waiting it's just funny because you know the nurses change shift and it's like high fives at the door like oh
Starting point is 00:06:49 dr working hell what's up we didn't know you were delivering today great so like everybody knows everybody right and uh it's a tight-knit community so um it was very fun in the end it was it was really nice so and like i said at the end of the day, like outcomes is what matters most. And mom and baby were both healthy and happy. So it was good. Really actually being a really nice delivery. And the baby looks like you. Almost seven weeks, I think. And the baby looks like you, so
Starting point is 00:07:16 you're pretty sure it's yours. That's always good. There's always that moment when he first comes out. Hold on a minute. Nah, not in our house, I think. We were actually funny we were thinking they were gonna be he had really really like white blonde hair when he was born um and he started to get a little bit of red kind of creeping in now but i we kind of thought all the babies would have just red hair like straight up and uh so he's got a little bit more blonde in him so i don't know we'll see
Starting point is 00:07:45 how it goes if it starts to change or not but he started to come online you know he's looking at you more he's looking around he's paid more attention uh he started to engage a little more which is really fun so how how long ago was he born how old is he so he was born on uh february 17th so i think he's like seven weeks now well it's seven weeks no today's saturday yeah like seven weeks today or six weeks today you put together that crossfit comp uh compilation uh recently and i forgot how much you used to look like ed um ed shirhan shehan sure the singer it's crazy you must have you got yeah did people say you look like that guy a lot yeah yeah yeah it's wild maybe i've maybe i've grown out of it but
Starting point is 00:08:34 how long have you been doing crossfit pat since 2013 early 2013 so whatever that makes that 11 years now. And how old are you? I'm 33. CrossFit says I'm 34. So basically since you've been 21 or 22. Yeah, 22. I would have been turning 23 the year I i started it would have been 22 and a half
Starting point is 00:09:07 what a cool um body composition shift you had every single year like what what an incredible it's it's nuts uh it's just a slow sustained just every year you look more and more like the Hulk. And what's crazy is at 33, you look the best you ever have. I mean, you truly are starting to look like an action figure. You're starting to look like Tia Toomey. Oh, man. Life goals, eh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I mean, it's pretty cool. Do you get excited about that outside of all the competition? You're like, you wake up in the morning, you walk by the mirror and you're like, fuck, there's my life's work. It's pretty cool. I think it's cool to have a job that allows you to do that because most people don't have that. I think it's something that a lot of people have to make time for. I mean, yourself included, right? It's another thing you have to add into your day.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Whereas for me, it's kind of a big part of my day. Those are the things that I have to punch in and do. And then I also get, you know, all the secondary benefits of physical activity, being healthier and whatever. And I'm not going to lie. There's the way that we train, or at least I train, it's not the healthiest way to train. My body hurts hurts like my joints are are hurting and i'm i'm gonna although be a part of me that's very sad when i stop competing but i think there will be another part of me that's very happy that i get to live with a little less of that uh that daily beat down so you know i think it's very cool yeah you're right it's fun to cool think of it as your life work right um
Starting point is 00:10:44 and yeah i mean you get to try to maintain some of that for as long as I'm alive, right? Yeah, you get to look. It's like sleeping underneath the Sistine Chapel. You know what I mean? It's like your greatest, like your art, your daily work is there with you at all times, right? So wherever you go, there it is, right? You go to bed at night and you go to bed with your work. You wake up in the morning, you're with your work. You're working on improving your body or maintaining it or enhancing its capabilities.
Starting point is 00:11:17 There it is. It's just like always there. You can't compartmentalize your life at all. Fair? Oh, boy, do I try, though. Do you really try? Do you really try? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I think I like when things fit boxes, and I like being able to turn the page from one thing to another. So that's partly why I have a home gym set up, but I don't use it as much as a lot of people would because I like to go to work and then I like to come home and I like to whatever. So, you know, I don't know. I don't think I look at it as a constant reminder of my work or anything like that,
Starting point is 00:11:54 but I think it's a nice, like I said, a nice secondary benefit. My wife always jokes that I should probably in the next couple of years do a, some sort of boudoir photo shoot or just get some, like some nice naked photos taken because she's like your body's as good as it's ever gonna look yeah it'd be nice to have a snapshot in time of of like here you go like and then when you're you know when you're 60
Starting point is 00:12:17 you can look back at that and say like hey i did all that work and this is what it was the thing is, there's, there are, there are, there are also so many pictures of you already, right? So much pictures and video and so many people basically recording your, your evolution anyway. That's what I always say.
Starting point is 00:12:36 There are enough photos of me. It's on the internet in existence with my shirt off and on and all kinds of whatever. So I think it's probably okay. But, you know, it's a good thought. Shannon Medeiros, Michelle's a rock star. Boys are adorable. Family is awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You're pretty cool too. Thanks, Shannon. Shannon's a great cheerleader. I agree. Fergie Show, which CrossFit athlete does Pat pat velner wish would have broken his fall off the carton oh off the cargo net oh if you could have fallen on someone who would you like to uh uh it'd be nice to land it on matt who lucas lucas holberg Lucas Holberg he's big would have been a nice cushion he was exceptionally good that year
Starting point is 00:13:29 and then if that hurt him a little bit he also tied Brent for third place that year and won the tie break so I don't know if that hurts him a little bit and it takes him out then I get Brent up on the podium with me Lucas Holberg easy answer I love it
Starting point is 00:13:43 hey tell Brent to check his dms please if you talk to him why he reached out to him or say yeah or send him my phone number yeah dying to have him on oh my goodness i've god damn how'd you find that suza so fast earlier today. What a moment. Oh my goodness. Hey, what a beautiful, what a beautiful scene there, right? To that, that layout, that whole games that, that, I mean, what a beautiful shot.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Look at that. That whole obstacle course was cool. Those years that we did the obstacle course in real, that was 18 and 17. We did the small one and it was fun. They're really cool to do and the scale of them is really sweet those are the things that you like to go to the crossfit games for right like stuff that you're just you can't replicate that's what makes it really fun so i'm interested to see even this year if the move to texas what that's going to look like right it's new opportunities something different i'm like
Starting point is 00:14:43 madison was fun that we did some really cool stuff like that but i new opportunities something different i'm like madison was fun that we did some really cool stuff like that but i always like something new um and so i'm i'm just like excited to see what the next stage brings it's also cool i'll be home go ahead go ahead no i was gonna say i'll be one of only a few people if i make it back that's done uh california madison and texas sorry there's a little bit of a delay so normally i interrupt every other thing you say now it's like everything you say i apologize but yeah i agree i agree it's gonna be it's gonna be um like every time we switch locations it almost feels like a new era and it's like yeah you're getting to you're there for the beginning of this new era what are you eating a piece of banana bread my wife went on a baking like bender yesterday so i'm taking advantage we're trying to use up a bunch of stuff because we're moving again
Starting point is 00:15:40 here soon so trying to use up a bunch of things. Are you going to get in trouble? Is this one of those things where she's asleep and she's going to wake up and you ate more than you were supposed to eat? I don't think she's eaten any yet. And I've had like a third of it. So I had some last night. I figured I'll get up. I'll have a coffee and some banana bread and have this chat. So we'll see. I don't know. I just say you better hit the gas. Like if it's sitting there on the counter,
Starting point is 00:16:03 like I'm going to start having some pieces of it. So if you want some, you better get moving. I'm not going to save it for a week. It's going to get stable. Why are you moving? What's the. I know we live in a nice place.
Starting point is 00:16:19 We're we're moving back East to Quebec to be close to family, basically. That's what it comes down to. My wife's family is all there. And right now we have no family and we have two young kids. And it's tough. We work and we're busy and we travel lots. And it's hard. It's nice to have community and it's nice to have help.
Starting point is 00:16:44 it's nice to have community and it's nice to have help so i think for up to this point we've generally been people who are very like um we're long-term thinkers i think and so we we tend to like delay gratification and just deal with misery in the in the minute I think we're realizing that what that means is we're fine. Like we could continue to live here and raise the kids and be totally fine, except we would just see less and less of each other. And I think that that sucks. The thought of that is painful. So we've decided to move.
Starting point is 00:17:20 We're building a house right now. It's kind of like actively being built right now in quebec and uh we're gonna move there we're gonna move in june or june and the house is gonna get finished in like the fall winter um and then we'll have some family around extra help with child care better access to daycares uh stuff like that so it's gonna help our lifestyle a little bit it's gonna help us bring our relationship back together a little bit, which is going to be nice. I think that that's just like, we see a lot of value in that, having more time to spend with each other.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And I think that that's what the plan is going to be. It sucks. It's always bittersweet. Like it's going to feel bad to leave the mountains and the ocean and that kind of stuff, but it's another, we're moving to another beautiful place. So I think you just have to like we were just saying about the games you have to look at it as like another chapter and uh it'll be fun like i think it's gonna be really cool so coming soon though that's things are
Starting point is 00:18:13 hectic because we're trying to pack up this house and sell it and then and do that before the end of may and then move in june and i also have to do semi-finals at the end of may and then move in June. And I also have to do semifinals at the end of May and we've got a, you know, six week old and we got, uh, so yeah, things going on. It's busy.
Starting point is 00:18:33 It's busy time. You're stressing me out. Um, who, who packs up your gym and shit? Who packs up your house? Do you guys do all that yourselves? Yeah, we're doing most of it right now um we've had like my parents were here for a bit when the baby was born and same with michelle's family so they have been helping with some little things
Starting point is 00:18:57 to just like get house prepared you know we got some people coming to help get the lawn everything looking nice for, for sale. And I got to take down the, on the back side of the house soon. It's on my to-do list. Do you consider leaving it, Pat? Do you consider leaving that just to be like,
Starting point is 00:19:15 fuck, it's too much work. I'm just leaving it too much work to take it down too much work to move it. I'll just dear Bill and Kate, try to get something new. No, I'm not going to bring it. I'm just going to take it off the house. Cause I don't think the new, I don't think add value to get something new. No, I'm not going to bring it. I'm just going to take it off the house.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Cause I don't think the new, I don't think add value to the new people buying. I think it's actually probably something that they're just going to have to then take down. My expectation is if it was up when we show the house, one of the conditions of sale would be that we take it down before we leave. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:39 And I know that the gym, the gym here that I train at has expressed interest in, in buying some of the pieces of the rig so they could add on to their rig. So I was just like, oh, sweet. Like, I'll probably bring some of my stuff and then I'm probably just going to sell some of my equipment and stuff here back to the gym so that they have more things there. Because they've kind of had a nice renaissance lately. There's some new owners came in and the gym's been and lots of new members uh nice makeover so it's uh it's doing great so i think that it'd be nice to just give them some some new stuff to to use for that how do you how do you um how do you build
Starting point is 00:20:19 a house you guys fly out there you look you're like You're like, here's some empty land a few miles from where the family lives. And then you just contract an architect and contractor and do it. It's just like that? You're like, hey, we need a three-bedroom. I mean, dude, building – we remodeled a house once, and the fucking number of questions and things you have to decide, that's stressful. I cannot believe how many things you have on your plate dude yeah i know sometimes i wonder why i live this way but i can't help it it's just in my nature but uh yes your question to building a house it's very much more involved than you would think and you don't know where to start i think the best way
Starting point is 00:21:03 to think of it is you need to hire people who know more than you uh so it's paralysis by analysis right like when when you're building because we're building a custom home if you try to start from scratch i think it you'll take forever it's impossible to make a decision when the options are unlimited so we just said like hey we, we've hired a technologist to make an initial design. And we just gave them a list of things being like, hey, we'd like this, this, this. This is a type of, you know, this number of bedrooms,
Starting point is 00:21:36 this amount of whatever. And you gave like priority and they come up with an initial design. And then you just hit pull back and forth a bunch and be like, no, this looks like whatever. We'd like to have more of this oh we want this upstairs or downstairs or we want the shape to look more like this and then they just you know they just sort of are experienced at creating initial model and then once you have something to work from it's much easier and you like you get a visual and you're like you're like oh okay i like what you did here actually
Starting point is 00:22:02 this is really cool but i'm thinking more of something like this. And they kick back a couple different renderings. And so that was super helpful. But it was kind of random. Like a couple of years ago, we were visiting Michelle's family. And we had mentioned kind of offhandedly that we'd probably look at moving in the next couple of years, maybe once we we have the second baby and we're just like thinking long term like we always do just kind of family planning and making a a big plan and
Starting point is 00:22:32 michelle's mom is super welcome to the area and there it's a pretty tight community out there and they she like by the next day got us like a list of oh, you know, this so-and-so has this land up in this area that's just being developed and they're looking to sell it. It's not on open market yet. Like, we could probably get a private, whatever. So we just, like, got, you know, got lucky, got a couple options we could look into. And then we bought a piece of land a couple years ago and then earmarked it for future development. And then we've been just kind of on the process of designing the house for land a couple years ago with and then earmarked it for future development and then we've been just kind of on the process of designing the house for the last couple years and
Starting point is 00:23:09 now it's it's cool to see now because the like they poured foundation did a bunch of stuff recently like they're starting to do framing and uh when it starts to happen it happens fast it feels like it's been this very you know intangible academic exercise for two years, like these designs and things, but nothing really happening. And then some, it's like there's shells in the ground and there's, we have, we set up a, like a live feed camera, like webcam on one of the trees near the site. So we can like come online and look at what the progress is like. And it's time-lapsing photos so we can time-lapse the build of the house which is pretty cool that's cool so that's super yeah so we're kind of keeping tabs and it's cool it's very exciting it's fun to see things start to move
Starting point is 00:23:54 and um but it's you know i mean now we got to pay builders and we got to do things like that so you know it's not all good and everything's like a crazy everything's like a crazy decision right they're like we can pour a slab and it can be a 60-year slab but for ten thousand dollars more we can put a few drops of this shit and it'll be eighty thousand dollar slab in the last 100 years do you want the wood that's pressed together do you want the a single uh single blah blah blah lumber do you want and you're just like holy shit am i gonna oh yeah this house gonna cost us twice as much as we thought is Is it way more expensive than you thought? Yeah, and things are expensive for sure right now in general.
Starting point is 00:24:31 It's more than I wish it was. But I think also you've got to kind of – we're planning to live there for at least the next 20 years. How many? How many years? I'd say at least the next 20 years. How many? How many years? Go to school and whatever. I'd say at least next 20. 20. I would say we're planning to live there kind of forever.
Starting point is 00:24:54 We're building it as if it's our forever house. I think we're not building it with like weird bells and whistles that are going to make it hard to sell if you ever did want to sell because it's so specific to you. But I think it's, yeah, you don't want to sell because it's so specific to you but um i think it's yeah you you don't want to be you don't want to cheap out on certain things especially that are structural like we're trying to make decisions now that are reasonable for building really nice bones and then if there's some like nice finishes that are a bit flashy or more expensive or whatever i don't need to do that right now now we can save some money on like custom
Starting point is 00:25:26 build cabinetry or things like that because you could always remodel some of that stuff in two or three years um be totally fine so you know we're not like fully trying to break the bank on everything because it's it is expensive and things add up really fast but um every decision does feel like a big decision and they're not we had, we had to have spent a week debating siding color, exterior siding color and going like getting so granular on this, like whatever shade of kind of green we were going to use for this exterior siding. And like,
Starting point is 00:26:00 they were so similar, like, oh, we're stuck between these three colors, but they're the fucking name. And like, depending on, you know what I stuck between these three colors but they're the fucking name and like depending on you know but like depending on where the which the light shining or if there's shadows on it or not they like they could look similar at certain times a day and and the reality is any one of those options you'd probably be totally happy with
Starting point is 00:26:20 and forget about it immediately once you move on from it but when you're making the decision it feels like oh this is going to be the color forever this is such a big decision so you just you kind of stress yourself out over it but i think it's like important for us to remember like you're going to be happy with this stuff like if you've narrowed down from everything to these three these three are all really good choices so just like any one of them you'd be very happy with and you trick yourself into thinking that one of them is going to bring you absolute and enduring happiness for yet till the end of days like that's just not how things work so you know oh like what's you want your front door to look like it's like i don't like we narrow it to a couple things and then you're really freaking out about this and they're saying
Starting point is 00:27:02 dude you gotta you gotta pick one because we got it open the doors by friday and you're like oh no i gotta make this decision and it's such a big decision but it's not really right like i think you can you can make anything into a big deal so we're trying to not lose perspective on that that it's like they're all they're all going to be good decisions um and you know and nothing is really final either so but it's a big big job and i think my wife's on on mat leave right now which is amazing and so she's she's been managing a lot of that stuff uh and just communicating with builders and things and making small decisions when she has to so it's sort of taking it out of my hair for most of the days and we'll just talk about big stuff yeah i love my wife does
Starting point is 00:27:46 all the adult stuff and i loved it so much when the builder would just tell us stuff like hey you should do this uh-huh just like don't i don't just like fuck we just it's like jumping over a hurdle and clearing it and you're right you have to just let it go you cannot look backwards you'll hate yourself yeah and i think we also are not naive to think that we know we know best about a lot of things right like i think asking us for opinion or decision on some things is it's almost laughable in some cases we're like well i don't know like what what decision makes sense and you gotta be paying attention because we don't want to get fleeced by builders or people that are just like upselling you on every little thing.
Starting point is 00:28:25 So man, my, I got to tell you, Michelle's really good at that. Like she's, she's keeping receipts. Do you like your builder? That's huge too.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Yeah, we don't realize that your builder, you end up having a pretty intimate relationship with your builder. It's pretty, it's pretty, I mean, a lot of, a lot of people in big buildings,
Starting point is 00:28:43 big houses, they'll separate from their builder mid project. Like it's not, it's not uncommon like for there to be. You guys like, yeah. And I think actually we, because we had a couple of years that we were talking with them before we started. And, um, honestly, I think most of the like pre construction phase of like this and that, lots of calls, talking to them about various things, design. He was involved in the design process. And I think that stuff kind of strained our relationship a little bit.
Starting point is 00:29:14 We were feeling like, oh, you know, like before you're signing the contract and everything's like we're doing a fixed rate contract build. And it's just like, I think we were were i don't want to say we were high maintenance clients but i think we're not people that are just going to be like yes to all sign the paper whatever um and i think he was getting a little annoyed with some of the questions we were asking or like we're very persistent in the things that we want and so now that it's building i think that we were a bit annoyed with how responsive he was over certain things while we were trying to ask questions but now that we're building like he's been terrific um and so it's it's been really good he's a good resource he's like experienced and i think when
Starting point is 00:29:55 you don't know what to do in certain situations he's happy to give you like tidbits of his experience and whatever so it's been good i would say it's been overall positive experience it's just funny it's it takes so long to plan and you know two years of planning and then like by the time we started it feels like you're already behind um but it's it's been very cool so we're excited it's gonna be really fun we should be moved in by christmas is the plan but we'll see but you move there in June, but you moved there in June. Yeah. So my wife's parents live quite close to where our build site is, but like not, they live close by a trail. So we live in like adjacent neighborhoods that are kind of in the hillside.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And the road access kind of goes down to the road like this and road access is really far away but the tops of the neighborhoods are kind of close like a 10 minute trail walk that connects the top of the trails or the top of the neighborhoods so they live quite close um and we're gonna stay with them for you know basically five to six months you'll be staying with your in-laws while you're training for a peak performance for the CrossFit Games. Yep. God, you're wild, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:12 That's not how you're supposed to do it. This will be fun. How are you supposed to do it? I don't know. I don't know. But not that way. I don't know. I'm no professional coach.
Starting point is 00:31:22 My L1 has expired. Right. I don't know. I feel like a lot of these a lot of these uh all these young kids are still living with their parents what about what about moving to vermont for a couple months oh you have the two i'll probably go down i'll probably go down once or twice yeah go down but oh to vermont yeah i wouldn't i it's only about a i don't know three hour drive-ish from
Starting point is 00:31:47 where we're gonna be i think oh that's cool oh so you i was actually kind of joking three to four from where we are so you can go visit i've talked about a bunch and yeah i might go down and do that like i also i'm gonna be back we have a you know it's a summer we have a, you know, it's a summer. We have a couple of weddings and things like that. So I'm going to be back home visiting my family for two weeks in July, right before the games, I think. God, your life is so planned. You already know what you're doing in July. I guess you have to, you're on a schedule. You know what I'm doing in December.
Starting point is 00:32:21 I know what I'm doing every month. Like it's, there's not a lot of, it's hard to find last minute thing in my life. We have, we have a lot of moving pieces. And by virtue of that, like, I don't, I don't have a free weekend until January, 2025. But it's good. We, you know, the grass doesn't grow under our feet. We get, we keep it moving um but so i'm gonna be in back in alberta for two weeks right before the games so i got it you know jason mcdonald who's on like he's still on seminar staff he does the head judging at the games his gyms out there and so whenever i'm home visiting that my train at his gym which is great i have a great relationship with him um and then you know in
Starting point is 00:33:02 ottawa area which is like quebec gatineau ottawa area is kind of where we're going to be living like ottawa's only a minute drive from where uh where we're building our place and so usually when i'm out there training i have been there a lot of times before i made competitions and i all go train at paul trombley's gym uh a lot of the time his he's right there and has a great facility there's another gym that's like four minutes from where we're going to be living um that's brand new pretty nice and i know the owners there he's a guy that competed on team for a few years at the games thomas markhauser so there's just like there's stuff around i think it's not i'm not going to
Starting point is 00:33:40 be like laying around at my in-laws house on the ground. Like you, I'm not working out in their garage. I'm going to go find places to go get it done. Right. But here, here's the thing that people don't realize it's it's, it's, and I don't mean this in a negative way at all. It's just the facts. It's, it's 10, it's 10, five to 10 new people to interact with that, that the relationship will be not superficial not superficial obviously they're they're in-laws but but it's like you can just literally walk into your house now and not feed anything any energy except what needs to get energy right so now you live so and you can conserve your energy
Starting point is 00:34:19 and you can be just completely you and relax you're moving to a new you're going to train for the games in an environment where you have to say hi to people. You might have to do dinners that you don't want to do. You're not going to be sleeping in your bed. It's like death by a thousand paper cuts. I mean, it's a tremendous I mean, how nice is it when you get to go home and shut your
Starting point is 00:34:38 door and turn your phone off? You're like, ah. And so, I mean, I respect that. Okay, so let's go to that too last night at 8 p.m what were you doing at 8 p.m at what time 8 p.m uh i was probably doing the dishes and michelle or no i was probably reading book to owen at that point jesus you are living a good life you were reading a book i was reading books to owen i was reading i thought she meant like three okay so you read a book to owen at eight and then tell me what
Starting point is 00:35:15 you're doing at nine are you sleeping you fall asleep in his bed no we keep it pretty tight at bedtime um i think at nine we were probably just kind of finishing up the kitchen tidy, get another snack. And then we watched a movie last night, actually. And what movie did you watch? A movie called Nyad. And then? It's about a woman who swam from Cuba to Florida. Oh, wow. Trying to get away or to set some record? No, just like a record record a marathon swimming thing and then so pretty crazy story is it fiction or i mean is it a uh like a remake of
Starting point is 00:35:56 something it was a documentary or uh it's it's like a remake of the story um so it's not the actual it's not a documentary it's not the actual people but quite a remarkable story so then then so then 11 p.m you retire to bed yeah i was probably yeah we were probably in getting to bed at 11 the movie ended about 11 so we were brushing teeth you want me to walk you through my evening well i know that i know that yeah i want to hear because uh you don't even seem exactly like yourself anymore you you seem like you're maybe you did a little fentanyl before this interview not not that you're bad you're great but i can just tell bad's worked a little bit okay so then it's 11 o'clock and owens in his room and what's the new baby's name ethan ethan and where where is Ethan at this time?
Starting point is 00:36:46 He sleeps. Yeah, he kind of was, he slept for most of the last part of the movie. And then he's, he's been pretty cozy in the evenings. He doesn't sleep much in a day, but night he's been getting better. So he,
Starting point is 00:37:00 we try to like change them and feed them a little bit. Just make sure he will at least give us like a three hour window at night. So, yeah, he was latched up. We probably like, I fell asleep at like just before midnight. And then, and then, and then what happens between midnight and 7 a.m. in this podcast? How many times do you get up or do you get woken up? I probably woke up a couple of times only. Michelle has been mostly managing him at night
Starting point is 00:37:26 and he's sleeping he's probably getting up at least twice in the night and then wakes up one last time kind of probably around when i got up this morning like in the like 6 30 window and then she'll usually bring him into bed then and just kind of lay with him in the morning until she gets up and then usually in the mornings i'll get up and just kind of lay with him in the morning until she gets up. And then usually in the mornings I'll get up and I do everything with Owen. I get him ready for daycare. I do all that stuff and she just sleeps the extra kind of three hours in the morning. And it's Saturday.
Starting point is 00:37:54 So you don't have to do that today. Take Owen to daycare. Yeah. So normally he'd be up by now. He might creep out of his room here soon, but he hopefully not. We have a system and hopefully he follows the rules. Yeah. So usually I'll do that. I'll do the daycare drop off and stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Do you, do you, are you in that mode where you have nights where you're like you're in the living room holding the baby from like three to 5am or one to 3am so that your wife can sleep? We've only had a couple of nights that he was really bad. Honestly, no,'s been very she's a rock star with the nighttime stuff um and she's been doing pretty much all of it like i'll change a diaper the odd time in the evening if she's really um tired i've stood up to kind
Starting point is 00:38:35 of rock him for a couple of times but um she's been good and he's been he's been d like he seems to go back down well he's a little sick right now like he has a bit of a stuffy nose so i feel like that's the most annoying thing at night is that he sounds like he's you know uh suffocating because he's trying to breathe through his nose and he's like it's like it's like laying next to someone who's snoring super loud so or one of those shitty dogs like you gotta pug exactly like he's just struggling and you feel bad and you want to do something so you get the snot sucker out or something like that but um he's been doing pretty good no i mean my like days are busy here right i think that the reality of the two young kids thing is when we go to move live with the in-laws for a little while like i think they're actually
Starting point is 00:39:23 keen and going to be quite helpful for some of those things that yeah maybe i'm not around with all of my stuff and things like that it's gonna be a bit of living in a suitcase for kind of five months but we're gonna have extra help for the kids which is which is huge um like extra help for the childcare situation is, is massive. And I think also most of that time is busy. Like I think probably 50% of the time that we're there, I'm going to be away. Like we're going to go there in June and then we have a couple of weddings and then it's the game. And then it's, you know, we're going to go to another event up in Quebec and it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:02 a lot of blues are SoCal. And then there's something, I think I'm going to go do in Europe and then there's Rogue in uh Scotland and then there's like it's just and then it's December and then we're moving into the new house like I've got probably four or five trips that are going to be a week plus in that span of June to um to December five or six so it's just going to be be it's gonna be a busy time and i think it's gonna be super helpful to have extra hands with the kids um so that i think you know maybe there's a little bit of plus and minus going on with that situation but i think overwhelmingly it's gonna be helpful uh because i think you know right now it's not like i get to come home and shut the door and relax like that my days don't look like that right right wake up I run around in the kitchen in the morning
Starting point is 00:40:49 I feed myself I get the kid ready again I get him to daycare I go straight from there to the gym I'm at the gym till the afternoon I come home I walk the dog I go pick the kid up from daycare and then I have him until about six then I make dinner then I put him to bed and then at about 8 8 30 I've got two hours to do something for me and so i might stretch a little bit or watch some tv or relax and say hi to my wife for the day or do yeah say hi say hi to michelle because i haven't seen her all day and then hold the newborn a little bit and then it's bedtime and then you do it again the next day so So, you know, taking away some of that shuffle is going to be helpful. When you think of Rogue and you think of like winning 50 or a hundred thousand dollars there,
Starting point is 00:41:37 do you think about that now that you're, that you're building this house and you're like, okay, awesome. That's a six months of payments for the house. That that's rad. That gives me some runway. Did you ever think about the prize money more now than ever before? I don't think I ever think about it before. I think it's a, you don't count your chickens before they hatch, right? I think even all of that stuff, people have bonuses and contracts for performance and those things. And I've always tried to like, even in that negotiation side, I've tried to stay away from those because I would rather have like 50 cents on the dollar in salary than more money in bonuses because that could wreck people.
Starting point is 00:42:14 If you start to get stressed over performance before it happens, or even in the, it's day three of a competition and like, oh man, I'm shaping up for a nice bonus here. and like, oh man, I'm shaping up for a nice bonus here. Like that can, that can see you out mentally and just sort of make you, it's, it makes you stiff. It makes you tight. Like you can't, you can't really compete for me. So I'm always like, it's something that you're talking about. Like if a shoe, you're talking about like if a shoe sponsor says, Hey, if you win this event, we'll give you a extend your contract a year.
Starting point is 00:42:41 We'll give you an extra a hundred. Yeah. Or like, let's say they go. Yeah. Like there's a lot that do that or be like hey you know every every major event you go to you know if you take first you get this extra bonus second is this much third is this much whatever um but i just like yeah i think that most of the time it's if you just also i would say most competitors you're in the moment are absolutely not thinking about that like you're just like focused on beating the guy next to you finishing the thing like you're focused on the next rep like it's just it's hard to extend yourself out
Starting point is 00:43:18 farther than that so usually once it's three two one go one, go, you kind of, you forget about all that stuff anyway, maybe in between the whistles, you're like, Hey, you know, I'm sitting. All right. But, uh, I mean, even looking for this next year, like last year, I had a great year, you know, financially, I guess, like I did very well at most competitions I went to, um, which is awesome. It probably was last year was probably like the best year I could ever ask for. Uh, congrats by the way. That's awesome. Makes me happy. Yeah, thanks. And then next year, you know, you're like, okay, I'm looking into the next year. And you're like, geez, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:52 hopefully I can replicate some of that success. And, you know, you try to do the same things you've always done. And that's the best you can do. But I don't think you think too much about it. I obviously now building the house i like i hope it'd be nice right right a couple more events and take a little bit of pressure off and like after road last year like right after we won i think that's like the first thing my wife said to me was like man you buy a lot of nice nice bathtubs with that as money and you're like yeah you know i can see exactly where that stuff's going right away which is nice um but it just yeah it takes a little bit of stress off for sure and i
Starting point is 00:44:31 mean it's not like we're not we're not in financial hardship in any way but um it's always nice like anything like that it's all gravy so um it's nice when things go well but no i don't think i don't think i really like looking forward to the games. I'm not like, Oh, you know, yeah, I'm going to go there, take another podium and then I can do this and then I, whatever. You can't project out that far. It's just like, it doesn't make sense. But it was nice going to Aruba after collecting a fat paycheck from Wadapalooza, right? Like one of the years I remember you went to Aruba.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Did you upgrade your room after that were you like okay uh we'll take the we're already in a pretty nice room you were okay hotel hooked us up pretty good so i think i will say sev that nothing feels quite as nice as going on a nice holiday after a whip yeah it's like it does nothing like it you just feel like it you deserve it it's all good yeah shut off and completely relax and we don't get a lot of opportunities to do that that was a great one we had owen there when he was young and we just got to kind of kick it for although what happened in that trip we got covid right before we came home oh i don't know if we i don't know if we got it while we're in miami this was after waterpalooza i don't know if we got it while we were in Miami. This was after Waterpalooza. I don't know if we got it in Miami.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It seems more likely to get it in Aruba, just with all the people that were at Waterpalooza. And then we tested to fly to Aruba and tested negative. And then when we tested to leave, we tested positive, so we couldn't leave. So we ended up, like, stuck having to quarantine in Aruba for an extra 10 days, I think. Was that fun?
Starting point is 00:46:09 Could you, I mean, it was like, I think for me, it didn't matter as much. It didn't matter as much for me as for Michelle. Dad, I'm up. Hey, Pat. Yes. Bring him on the show. Pat, I have some really good news for you.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Let's hear it. You can't find it? Good morning, Owen. Do you want to say hi? Dang, you're a big boy. Look at you. Hey, Pat. Hey. do you want to say hi dang you're a big boy look at you hey pat hey pat my guest yesterday said that um covid's not even real so if that makes you feel any better i just wanted you to know that that makes you like you know i mean you can be well i mean i got it i got a free extra 10 days
Starting point is 00:46:59 a holiday out of it so you know and that's awesome hey did you but you had to pay for the hotel there so for the initially they gave us like four days because the the policies were different right like this is the classic conundrum for most of that era is that depending on where you were different policies applied right so aruba's rules said that we couldn't leave for four days after a positive test for like whatever your viral load to go down so yeah your insurance like your automatic travels insurance you got like with your visa or something like that would would set you up for like those four days so the hotel we were at just kept us there for four days for free and after that we canada wouldn't let us back in for like seven days post positive test.
Starting point is 00:47:45 So we had to get an extra, like, you know, few days of Airbnb somewhere else. So we had to pay for those, but it was like, so it was funny. It was like a bit of a juggling. Those bananas were green. I was eyeing those. I don't know if those are edible oh oh wow you're good enough do you want to open it all the way nope okay hey when when you um do you ever do you ever um feel sorry for yourself you're like just like
Starting point is 00:48:21 man like i have to do this i have to do that feel sorry might be a little strong but just uh like this is just too much do you ever get overwhelmed like this is like it's just too many plates I'm spinning all the time these days almost every day I think uh you know I we do a lot we And we make ourselves very busy, like, in our house. Like, I think we don't, we aren't good at sitting still and just kind of enjoying things and making things easy for ourselves. And I, you know, I think that's a good thing. I think it's a good quality that we have. And I think, you know, just recently we were talking about,
Starting point is 00:49:02 what were we talking about? We were talking about a holiday that we had in 2019 2018 19 where we like went anyway we went to mexico city and then we were just we did a really quick like deconstruction of those three months adjacent to that trip and it was like oh you know what's up let's see uh we was like oh i was in lond. Then I came home and we went on this trip through the mountains. And then we went to Mexico city and then I went to Guadalupalooza. And then it was like in the span of like two months, we had so much that went on and we're like, how do we do that? And I was at school at the time. And Michelle was at school. Michelle was
Starting point is 00:49:41 in the middle of her med school interviews and doing all this. We're just like, what are we doing? Like, why do we, how do we survive periods like that? And it's not periods like that. Like it's all the time. Like when you said like, oh, you know, you're planned out till December. It's like, yeah, everything is full all the way through. So sometimes you get, it's easy when you have a hard day and you're just like, man, I want to, I want to not, I want to i want to not i want to just lay
Starting point is 00:50:06 down i want to sit down and just like regroup hide under a blanket and then you look at your schedule for the next week and you're like it's full when can i have my next day off it's full it's full it's full as far as you can see and you're like oh my god but then when you look back at all the stuff later and we look back at that 2018, 2019, we're like, man, that was pretty cool. We've done a lot of really cool stuff. And I think at the end of the life, it's like, those are the things. Like you look at the body of work and you look at the experiences you've been able to accumulate. And that's really cool. So I think I'm like, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:41 I'm proud of us and I'm happy for what we do. And I think that we live a very fulfilled life. And that's sometimes the cost of it. It's like things aren't easy. It's not it's not supposed to be right. Like it's not supposed to be super easy. So I think it's super worth it. And yeah, of course, like there's days where you're just you're tired and you don't want to.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And I think nothing will remind you as quick as like a three-year-old that it doesn't really matter what you want sometimes right so it's just like the way you got to do it so you put hands up work so it's uh but it is it's it's fun like i think i love our life we're very very fortunate and we try to take advantage of every opportunity that we have because you never know how long they're going to last. But, yeah, man, it's a ride. It's a bumpy one too sometimes. What about, Pat, you can't walk by a window and see a sewing machine and be like, oh, I want to learn how to sew.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Or, oh, hey, I've always wanted to play the clarinet. Or you don't have a chance to add new things to your life right now? Right. Like you couldn't be like, Hey, I want to learn every single day. Not much. I try to read, but I'm yeah. I think I'm looking forward to a time in my life when I'll have more time for that. Yeah. Um, I think that's the reality of you know this stage of my life is you know i'm i'm on borrowed time i'm trying to to get as much out of it as i can and uh you know in the next stage i will look back on this be like now what a crazy time what what fun we have you know um and then i'll have all the time in the world you know i think yeah there's no period when i'm 50 where i can pick up more hobbies.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I have lots of time to do all kinds of stuff. And right now it's, I mean, unfortunately, I think a lot of. Can I play with that thing on the bag? Sure. A lot of our time right now is, it is a lot about me, which is selfish and crappy. I don't know. It doesn't sound like it's a lot. It doesn't sound like it is a lot about me which is selfish and crappy i don't know it doesn't sound like it's a lot it doesn't sound like it's a lot of it's a mixture of about me competing and then about about family building right like we're in a stage of life that's we're trying to balance a lot of things you know it's it's also like early career building years for michelle and for myself
Starting point is 00:53:02 so it's like things are busy but i I sell usually in a lot of periods. I have to try to prioritize how I'm going to perform and how I'm going to get all my training done. And I try to fit all those things in, in between everything else. So, you know, like my average day, I try to smash out my two sessions while I was at daycare so that it doesn't interrupt our time together or things like that. But yeah, you know, it's a busy time. And I think it's meant to be.
Starting point is 00:53:31 When you had young kids, how did you feel? I mean, I'm in it. It's crazy. What I'm sensing for you is you're basically super duper thankful and it's hard work, but you're so happy that you're doing it and that's exactly where i'm at it's like shitload of hard work but like i wouldn't have it i wouldn't have it any other way hey pat i know you got to go let me ask you a quick question
Starting point is 00:53:56 here and and i'd like to have you back on for like a few minutes next week to ask you if your answer changes the quarterfinals are coming up and we're doing a quarterfinals competition between Colton Mertens, Jason Hopper, Dallin Pepper, and Taylor Self. I know the workouts haven't been announced, but can you give me a 1, 2, 3, 4, how you think they're going to place
Starting point is 00:54:17 in the quarterfinals? I know we don't know anything. I'll ask you again in a week once we know the workouts. Where are the guys? Dallin, Colton, Jason, anything but just and then i'll ask you again like a week once we know the workouts dallen colton jason and taylor i think jason's last i think it's only four workouts isn't it yeah although jr was telling me that there's jr's telling me there's no way he thinks that one of the workouts is going to have two parts. There will be five scores. Could be.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I mean, I would go probably Dallin, Colton, Taylor, Jason. Dallin, Colton, Taylor, Jason. I think Dallin's just too good right now. I think quarterfinals, especially with no rope climbs or things like it's looking like there might not be is good for Colton. He's just good for online style of competition. Really hard to beat at that stuff. I think Taylor's pretty fit,
Starting point is 00:55:18 but he's got some big holes. Oof. I don't know. Maybe Taylor will be last. I think Jason's better in live competition with higher athleticism and heavier weight which i don't know if we're going to get a quarterfinals so i think his biggest strengths are going to be lowest priority in quarterfinals um and i think he's just got a good engine and that kind of stuff so once you and brent and ricky uh get out of uh
Starting point is 00:55:42 dallin's way are we looking at a future CrossFit Games champion? Dallin's got pedigree, man. He's won the Games as a teenager with it, which I'm the first to tell you means nothing. But I think the maturity that Dallin has shown compared to past teenage champions in his development as an open individual is is extremely impressive um took his he took his knocks in those first few years he grew from it got back to the
Starting point is 00:56:15 game as an individual has been on a a great rise i think he's got every skill and asset he needs he just needs to run better and that it. And then he's going to be very dangerous. Sorry, final question. Sebi, let Pat Vellner know he doesn't need to book any accommodations for Rogue. Jan and I have him covered. We've got a hold of a three-man
Starting point is 00:56:37 tent and found some space in a field nearby. We'll take care of him. All right. What about my family? Detail shmeetails, Pat. You're so detailed. Yeah. Hey, I got a question for you, Zillow.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Go ahead. Yes. In our new house. Can I have that app? Yeah, you can have that app. Sure. Do you want me to cut it for you? No.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Nope. No bad spots on that one. Should we call Nana and Papa? We'll call Nana and Papa after this, okay? All right. FaceTime. FaceTime. No, no bad spots on that one. We'll call Nana and Papa after this. Okay. FaceTime. FaceTime. Do you want to say hi? Pat, give him a cigarette or something for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 00:57:20 This guy's name is, is you want to say hi? Hi. He can't hear me, no headphones in yeah it's good he can't change it but no no don't do that we're we're building up we're building playroom downstairs in our new house uh we're gonna have kind of like an open area basement and we're gonna create in one big section, like a large play area and try to build some play structures, you know, get some like handlebars off the roof, wall rungs, like lots of fun stuff. We want to try to get some like very fun stuff. So I know you and your kids have like a pretty fun acrobatics.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yeah. Any recommendations on things that are like that? If you want to make a Pat Vellner, you need – that is – I got that for the kids when they were three. And I have two 4-inch mats, like really soft mats underneath it that sit in between it. And I'm telling you, now they're 7 and 10, and we use that thing every day, whether it's pull-ups, walking on the bars, jumping over them, pull-overs. Dude, this thing is the gift. This thing is the gift that keeps giving. This thing is insane. That's my number one recommendation. I think it might be a Canadian company that even makes it, TumbleTrack, or maybe they're not Canadian.
Starting point is 00:58:51 But TumbleTr track with a with a with a k man dude these things are my kids use that every day and i go out there every day with them and watch them do stuff on it it's made them so strong yeah it's awesome and and that probably speaks to your heart a little bit too right doesn't that look like something that like belongs in Velner house? Yeah, I mean, right. It looks pretty versatile. Yeah, you can totally adjust it. I mean, it's awesome. Yeah, I got a lot of baggage from bars like that. Oh, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:59:20 What does that mean? I'll just say that from years of gymnastics. Oh, yes. I'm like myself, hitting my legs on them. Yeah, there are some epic crashes. Some old wounds. Oh, yeah, there are some epic crashes. I've had some very big crashes on parallel bars before.
Starting point is 00:59:37 But that's sweet. I figured you'd be a good ask. And they're infinitely mobile. You know what I mean? Like you can adjust the width, the height. You can take one of those off and just make it a single bar it's awesome it is um yeah it's awesome and my kids walk on them too for balance they do everything on them they walk from bar to bar back and forth i mean you can just do endless stuff and then another thing is i play a lot of
Starting point is 00:59:58 catch with my boys to make them ambidextrous a ton with tennis balls i just keep like 100 tennis balls always on hand always throwing catching making them walk backwards throwing right and left-handed with the balls and that's the reason why that stuff's so great is because you can get them to do that and they don't even know they're working out and then 10 minutes after that you can kind of escalate it do you just surprise them sometimes oh every every day. Like every day I surprise them. As they come into a room, you just whip one out their head and see if they catch it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Three boys, you can get away with murder. Hey, are you going to have more? I don't know. I think right now the answer is no, but we'll see. It's easy when it's six weeks in. Maybe reinvestigate the topic at about a year, but I think we're happy with you. You would like a girl, but
Starting point is 01:00:49 it's worth the risk, you know? Yeah. All right, dude. Thank you so much, Pat. Thank you, Owen. Say bye, Owen. Bye. I'll talk to you soon. Thanks for doing this, dude. Crazy schedule. Thank you. No worries. We'll see you later.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Most likable man in CrossFit. His schedule is freaking me out. Booked all the way through December. Holy crap. I was trying to think if my schedule is that busy and I'm just in denial. It is. Maybe not that far out, but for sure the next like three, four months. For $1,300, yeah, the tumble track stuff's not inexpensive. Yeah, but I mean $1,300, you bought it when they're three.
Starting point is 01:01:36 You bought it when Avi was three. He's nine now, six years, divided by six, and then you're going to have it at least until they outgrow it when they're teenagers. And three boys. Yeah. And, dude, my kids are absolute beasts. That's true. Yeah, absolute.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Just they're so fucking strong. You know what's crazy? So I've been wanting my kids to get into swimming, and they don't really swim you know i mean they swim like you could throw them in a pool but they'll they'll they'll rush to the edge right or they just yeah all that stuff so yesterday they joined a uh they're gonna start doing a three days a week swimming oh no shit yeah and uh one of my seven-year-olds cried the first day perfect and i walked over to him to be like hey hey, it's cool, Joseph.
Starting point is 01:02:27 He's in the water and he's crying. And he's like, you know, I'm scared. And one of the parents is like, hey, dude. I'm like, what? He's like, sit down. Don't touch your kid. He's like, the teacher knows that this teacher's taught fucking 5,000 kids. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yours isn't the first kid. Yeah. And then you do hovering over there. Right. Yours isn't the first kid. Yeah. Yeah. And then you do hover and over there. Reminds me of that infant swim school stuff. Did you ever do that with him? Uh, I did do a little bit of the infant swimming resource that where they drown proof your kids.
Starting point is 01:02:55 I'll be did that. Yeah. I'll be did that. That's crazy. You had to sit there and watch them basically watch your kid kind of drowned essentially and figure the way out of it. Right. He,
Starting point is 01:03:04 I was at Greg's house in Hawaii and the infant swimming instructor lady came for the second day of classes and he ran out the front door and he ran a mile down the street and he was three years old crying the whole way. I don't blame him. That's traumatizing from those videos. I saw a mile dude. I have the video. I should dig't blame him. That's traumatizing from those videos. I saw a mile, dude. I have the video. I should dig it up somewhere.
Starting point is 01:03:28 It's crazy. He just saw her and ran out the front gate. Greg was in this community that he was, his was the only house in the community. They were still building homes there and he just ran and he ran on the yellow line and I just rode a bike next to him. And then when he was finally exhausted, when he was finally exhausted,
Starting point is 01:03:43 I grabbed him and rode him back. Was that the same people that, that was featured in the CrossFit Journal yeah it was the main lady who invented the program Joanne something she was the one she had come to Hawaii to drown proof Greg's kids wow was that Greg's kids in the video or those just other random kids
Starting point is 01:04:00 that were joining some of the kids some of the kids in the early video who were being thrown in the pool with their clothes on those were greg's uh kids wow yeah greg and lauren's kids yeah crazy oh yeah that it's so stressful that program is so stressful i will tell you this though i'm not um basically i'm, I'm going to do this class. It's a, it's a half an hour, three days a week. It's going to normally they do, um, normally at that time slot, they have two hours of, uh, of fighting of basically MMA. And so I'm going to cut that
Starting point is 01:04:39 down to one hour and I'm going to do a half hour swimming three days a week right in that little spot slot and just take them to um jujitsu late but my goal is is just to do that for six months or a year so that they can start getting out in the ocean and uh start surfing every day it's not to make i just want to drown i just want them to be super confident in the water right learn all the strokes not be afraid i'm not interested in them being not a swim team. No, no, no. It's simply for cardio, another element of training. It's not a... Yeah, just water competency and then
Starting point is 01:05:15 metabolic conditioning for the other tennis and jiu-jitsu. Zach, Seve can get my Combat Controller UFC fight friend to come on the pod if interested good dude yes please yes yes and yes someone someone in uh someone sent me a uh picture yesterday of their tooth powder completely spilled all over their bathroom floor oh no yeah they took our tagline too literally.
Starting point is 01:05:46 What was it? What is it? Buy it, dump it out, and buy another one. Oh. Is that one of our... God, our marketing team is awesome. It's the best marketing team in the biz. It does really live your teeth feeling clean at the end.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Like when you lick them with your tongue and stuff. Oh, my God. It's nice and smooth. Matoothian. I've been matuthean get oh you got you got yours yeah oh congrats that's awesome yeah i was gonna do the first one live and realize i left it at the gym when i got up in the morning and you just did it anyway i know well um the first time my kid used it he absolutely loved it uh joseph and i was like so bummed i didn't film it i was like fuck i probably could have sold an extra like 500 jars i would have got that on film pat's connection was killing me yeah that was rough that like slight delay
Starting point is 01:06:39 is even if it goes like choppy but his audio is okay it's like you we could always deal with that right but like the delay is what kills it. And that one wasn't terrible. You've worked with a lot worse delays than that, but the delay is hard to get over. Yeah. The timing, right.
Starting point is 01:06:54 The back and forth. Yeah. Cause if you're, you're trying to like interject and he's like three words behind. So then he keeps going, but then he stops, but then you stopped. And then it's like,
Starting point is 01:07:02 once that beat gets off, it's hard to bring it back in, but you did felt like it was fine uh you know winston swimming lessons are the best get kids in the water early and often not being afraid of water such a boon yeah you know it's uh interesting for some reason i've heard about swimming too of all of the the movements that you really can't teach adults how to swim i I don't know if that's true, but I've just heard a lot of people say like, Hey, that's a skill that if you get young, um, you'll be leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else. It's not something like you can pick. I mean, you, you hear about guys picking up jujitsu at 20 who have no athleticism. And by the time they're 35, you know what I mean? They're black belts and they're winning competitions. For some
Starting point is 01:07:40 reason that swimming is not like that. I don't think, I don't know. I don't know why. I mean, in my, I don't know. Maybe it's not true,, I don't think. I don't know why. I mean, in my – Maybe it's not true. I don't have much experience with swimming, but I know teaching gymnastics and Olympic weightlifting for as long as I have. Like it's a lot harder for adults that have had zero experience in that. But I'll find this, you know, some random guy or chick that comes into the gym and they're like, when I was 10, I did gymnastics for three years and I'm like okay and then six months into CrossFit something clicks and they could move their bodies in a way that you're like you know was exponential in terms of how they came into the gym so it's buried deep in there and the ones that don't have
Starting point is 01:08:14 it definitely takes them a lot longer to obtain if and then still with like Olympic weightlifting for a lot of adults that have never been exposed to it or just weren't exposed to gymnastics. It always looks off. You're like, hmm, like it's there, but it don't look that great. The same. Same, same, different, different. Just for shits and gigs, I mix my matuthing with a single smidge of toothpaste. Not approved. Mad scientist.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Sarah Cox, my girl girl started at six months yeah great um uh all my friends who have pools their kids are crazy swimmers their kids were swimming before they talked uh back in my real pool boy lifeguard days i literally would have to save adults and four feet of water wow just yell stand up rubio graciano or graciano rubio depending on how you know i started weightlifting at 24 wow imagine how strong you could have been i'm not teaching jeff birchfield teach them how to breathe when they swim it's the biggest thing i'm not teaching them shit i already like teach them how to breathe when they swim. It's the biggest thing. I'm not teaching them shit. I already like, literally I walked over there. I can't even believe I did it too, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:09:30 I know better. I, one of my kids was crying and I walked over there and the coach, it was obviously he was so good. He's a great surfer, a great swim coach, renowned in the area. Oh, was a world-class water polo player as a kid. And, uh, and I walked over there and started talking to my kid. I'm like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:09:48 it's okay. And then one of the other parents like, uh, I'm like, all right, get that helicopter dad out of here. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Yeah. Uh, his kid was killing me. Like why agree to come on the pod when you don't have anyone to watch the kid? Oh no, that that's that he, he warned me. He warned me. I got a cup, i gotta cut pat a lot of slack for that he basically said
Starting point is 01:10:10 um it was short notice we scheduled them really short notice you gotta cut paddle ton of slack for that um we scheduled him crazy short notice and he said hey i can just get a few minutes in the morning and we kept him a long time. Yeah. He's a superstar too. He did seem a little more fatigued than normal. I will say that. Yeah. Well, listen to his schedule,
Starting point is 01:10:34 you know, like there's a lot, that's a lot to do day in and day out. Newborn building a house training full time. He has a young three-year-old there. My wife, my wife and I, I don't remember what year it was in CrossFit, but it's 2011.
Starting point is 01:10:53 In 2011, my wife and I bought a house and we lived two blocks away from it in an apartment we rented. And we didn't move into that house until 2014 two we live two blocks away maybe four i don't know close like you could run run there in a minute um we didn't move into the house till three years later because we were so fucking busy and it was when she got pregnant with the kid is that nuts or what yeah so just sat there with nobody in it yeah just sat there for three years no one in it well so like i i get it i mean i mean i was working 365 days i was never home i was just yeah i was just and we were just so busy
Starting point is 01:11:35 with crossfit i mean it was during you think about it between 2008 and 2014 it was fucking chaos at crossfit and then i had the kid and i just took the kid everywhere with me like literally every crossfit trip i went to i just brought the wife and the kid it's like that's how we ended up living with greg for three years i basically yeah that's not i i i basically lived with greg but i had an apartment in the house but i just was always in san diego at his house i had a bedroom there you know how often were you traveling in those days? Oh, uh, one time I looked on a calendar and it was like a two year period where, um, I hadn't been in one in any one location for more than five days.
Starting point is 01:12:17 So not even traveling away from home. Yeah. Right. Right. You're just, when you don't have kids, when you don't have kids, that's nothing.
Starting point is 01:12:24 You're living the dream, right? And you were doing what you love and when you don't have kids when you don't have kids that's nothing you're living the dream right and you were doing what you love and you know with cool people and all that's when you you get on the plane and the first thing you do is set up your computer and edit right you know what i mean like you're you'd be you've been in africa for three days and you're you just edit for the whole fucking 17 hours home wow yeah now i don't live my life like that 17 hours home wow yeah now i don't live my life like that that's rough yeah pat's in that phase yeah that's totally in that phase i think down's gonna win the game someday i'm sticking by that You want to throw a year out there? 27? Something like that?
Starting point is 01:13:14 Let me look at the CrossFit Games leaderboard. Let me just look at last year's... Last year's standings. I don't even know how to fucking use this. Bro, throw nonsensical data at your decision. CrossFit. Oh, 2022 CrossFit. How the fuck do you get to the leaderboard? How to compete.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Learn more. Competitions. No. Leaderboard. I don't even know how to get to the leaderboard from their site. It just says learn more how to compete okay i'll click learn more register oh oh leaderboard here we go crossfit's never had a good uh website not not not not when i work there not when it's just never
Starting point is 01:13:59 it's never been intuitive crossfit games yeah used to be the best you just open the page there's your workout, there's your latest publishings to the journal, and you're good to go. Okay. Is this on the right-hand side? So... Oh, fifth?
Starting point is 01:14:16 Yeah, soon. Soon. Like, in the next... And then Ricky's not on this list too, but I have to suspect... How old's Pat? Pat's 33. 33.
Starting point is 01:14:31 How old's Adler? 29. Fuck, I thought he was older. Damn, I'm just... I'm going to say it's soon. It's like really, really soon. Justin's only 24. What year was this leaderboard?
Starting point is 01:14:45 This is last year's. But is that updating their current age, or is that just how old they were last year? I'm not sure. But either way, it's probably how old they were then. But either way, these people are going away. Yeah, 28. Wow, Roman, 32 for Brent.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I keep forgetting Justin Medeiros is as young as he is. What's crazy, too, though, is 32 is still young. It's just not young for our sport. But just think of how. No, for sure. How old are you? 36. Yellow hostie.
Starting point is 01:15:19 But, I mean, Medeiros is only 24, 25. I mean, Medeiros is only 24, 25. When Dallin Pepper wins the games, Luka Djokic will be probably a top 20 guy. How old's Colton? Oh, shit. Colton's young, too. My butt. Doesn't he seem so mature? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:40 I thought all those guys were, like, in their later 20s. Spencer's 27. Yeah, like, that's what I was thinking their later 20s. Spencer's 27. Yeah, like that's what I was thinking. Yeah, okay. Okay, so – God, dude. Hey, dude, it could be this year. You think?
Starting point is 01:15:58 I don't think it'll be this year. Dude, he's so good. I don't think it'll be this year. I think he'll be – I think he'll believe good this year i think it i think he'll be i think he'll believe it this year maybe he'll get into that break into that top five like again consistently maybe a closer and then i think he might like he might believe it like okay next year i'm gonna be champion it's it's coming i feel like so much of that is gonna be like um and if you're a lot of the athletes talk about it but such a mental edge is really what it comes down to, right?
Starting point is 01:16:27 Like anybody gives like, he's in a good headspace. He seems like he's in a good headspace. Oh, for sure. For sure. But like, not only do you have to be in a good headspace, but you have to like, you have to have that confidence of like that swagger of like, I'm here to win, you know?
Starting point is 01:16:42 And so often even in the interviews and shit, I'm just here to gain experience or to have a good time or just enjoy my time here and stuff. And so at some point for a few of those athletes, that switch will flip and he'll be like, I'm here to win. And so I think like once they, you know, show that they could do it by hovering around that top five for a couple of years and then have make that switch mentally, then I think around that top five for a couple years and then have make that switch mentally then i think you have somebody who has a real shot at winning it
Starting point is 01:17:09 uh t-bird i don't think sport's been around enough to say how old is too old it definitely has i hear you but i disagree just because i think sport has been around long enough and we're seeing the wear and tear on the guys i think a big sign that big sign that Dave knows what's up is when they started Masters at 35. Yeah, because that's young, but in the sport, that's old. Yeah, that's old. It's just the body's recovery. Just because others stop when they did doesn't mean it has to be that way. It doesn't have to be that way it doesn't
Starting point is 01:17:45 have to be that way but i wonder how old you are t-bird but uh the recovery the amount of training you can do as you get older diminishes and so the skills you can work on diminishes and then the recovery just just catches you yeah i mean it's just whether it's recovery from uh a 10 minute recovery to the next workout or a five hour but you're just window for recovery just it diminishes so quickly i would also argue that at that age time too there's like this economic factor to it right like once you get to your kind of later 20s like if you're not winning the prize money that pad is and you don't have the sponsorships there like at some point you're going to be like, Hey, I probably need a fucking job. Like I wonder about that is right. Yeah. Yeah. Because if you're like, you could play,
Starting point is 01:18:35 you know, you could play that game in your mid twenties to like your later twenties, but let's say you're like 28, 29 and you're still trying to do like your CrossFit thing. And you're, you know, maybe you have a your CrossFit thing and you're, you know, maybe you have a handful of sponsors that amount to like, you know, 20, 30 K a year. And maybe you're coaching a couple of classes that double that. Then it's like, yeah, at some point you got to make the decision. Hey, can I do this for the rest of my life? Or, or am I going to have to switch here to something that's going to make more sense
Starting point is 01:19:00 to me for me? Like whether that's owning a gym or god that sounds stressful god that sounds stressful you have to make the decision though right a failed elite athlete well i don't even know if it's failed just like there's so little money in the sport and so few people get to a game at top i know i know the tip of the spear is so tiny right it's so small someone could be so close and just not uh not if you use california hormones it's fun it's so funny you say that because when hiller was on testosterone the main reason why he said then he got off for three months and he said i don't remember what but he said his energy diminished tremendously
Starting point is 01:19:45 and his ability to work on videos just diminished tremendously and the little bit that i dabbled with the cjc 1295 it uh it it i didn't realize what an enormous difference it makes like enormous energy level you're saying yeah i just was um i have these there's times in the day now where i think i haven't been doing it and there's times in the day where i just get tired that that i was i was reflecting i was like oh i didn't get tired like this and this part of the day like i just cruised through cruise through cruise through for a second i was like a second, I was like, oh, shit, I'm getting older, and these days are getting longer. But then I was like, oh, no, it's the fact that I was fucking around
Starting point is 01:20:29 with the CJC 1295, and then I got off. And sometimes you have to lose something, Sousa, to appreciate it when you had it. Yeah. Don't know what you got until it's gone. Yeah. Also, 35 years old has uh 10 beats less maximum heart rate compared to his 25 year old self that 10 beats is huge it's basically a ped
Starting point is 01:20:51 oh you want to hear something funny about you mean like a stronger and slower heart he's saying that that that helps you go ahead i think he's sure i think he's using the equation of like whatever it is 220 minus your age and then that's your maximum heart rate so i i i wish i would have saved the article maybe it is on like a different hard drive but i actually wrote an article about how that came to be like who decided that right how'd they come up with that equation who came up with that equation and there was a um a physio guy the samuel fox that wrote a lot of the textbooks that were used in school and schools and, uh, universities and stuff. And he was on the flight with a doctor and they were
Starting point is 01:21:30 trying to figure out how they could just find a baseline, a maximum heart rate. So then they could watch it fall when they stress test to look at different heart conditions or a fib or things like that. Right. And so they just came up with that metric simply to give themselves some sort of parameter, right? To start some sort of model, if you want to use like Jay Cooey stuff from the other show, to like start looking at that so they could start to compare. And then it's funny because Samuel Fox was in there and he has this quote that said, yeah, then Polar Electric took it, turned it out how to productize it, commercialize it. And the U.S. took it from Polar Electric and then brought it to the Statess turned it into a took it from polar electric and then brought to the states and turned it into a product and then they said something like leave it to americans to take something that has nothing to do with what they're utilizing commercialize it productize it and sell
Starting point is 01:22:12 it and it becomes the new norm so if you ever look into the history of where that actually came from um you could you could read and it's a conversation that was documented with the two of those guys on an airplane pretty funny not not to to add value to what you're saying but not to take away from it especially is one thing that people confuse though is like even if what you have is wrong let's say you have a ruler and someone tells you it's 12 inches long i'll use a real i would use a real world example i was running on a track thinking i was running 400 meters and i was was running 333 meters, and I did that for a couple years. And – but all my times may have been wrong, but relatively and in context, it was consistent.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Right. And that's why relativity and context is so fucking important because even if all of your fucking data is um not and and so many people get stuck up on that like they like that that's the thing like hey he said he was in a ferrari but he was really a lamborghini hey it doesn't matter the the point of the story the spirit of the story story is there was a fast red car that gets pulled over by cops and um so yeah it's interesting but as long as they stick once i mean even if though they made it my point being is even though they made up that max heart rate as long as you're consistent with it you can still get good inference from it or you could still get good value from it depending sure depending on what you're trying to get from
Starting point is 01:23:41 it sure i just meant the fact of that like like, because you got older, like that doesn't, that doesn't apply. You could still use that model to tell you some cool stuff or to like train off of it or to utilize it to your advantage. But it's not like a fact that just happens with age. That 220, your age formula is bogus. Yeah. Clock knows.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Cause then half the people will like do a CrossFit workout, right? Like they, maybe they come from an endurance background where they're really using a lot of zone two. They're really using a lot of heart rate to tell them how to train. And then they step foot in a CrossFit gym. They ditch their heart rate monitor maybe for a couple of workouts. And they say, I'm curious. I'm going to throw this back on. And they do Fran.
Starting point is 01:24:19 And their heart rate is fucking 180 through the roof. And in their mind, that doesn't map out. Because wait, I never went this hard and according to this equation i shouldn't have been able to do this because of my age and it's like well that's why that's why you gotta take it with a grain of salt what the fuck is jake saying is he on meth today so we don't have to squat to death tell that to hill or savvy you showed capacity i don't know what the fuck you're talking about i don't even know how that's relative to what we're saying and no no, it doesn't weaken to your age, Romeo. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:24:48 You're just using an equation that it actually doesn't. It's not going to weaken according to your ages. That's what I'm telling you. Don't take the model from the academics and apply it to your real world. Like my heart's getting weaker because I'm getting older. Squat to depth. Exercise hard. Don't pop your heart motion is lotion
Starting point is 01:25:07 no it's not three three oh god he missed it he missed the point i love how i love how stressed you get with him half the time especially because it's jake chapman i feel like he might just be doing that to mess with you too. When I was a little kid, I hated being misunderstood. God, I fucking hated being misunderstood. Look at him. Look at him. He is trolling.
Starting point is 01:25:37 I freaking knew it. I freaking knew it. Some of them, they have us pegged. They'll say things that, no, we'll just take a tangent. Don't forget your peptides. Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at air the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness. And if it's not fresh, it's free.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh, so you get the best fruits and veggies. Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions may apply. See in-store for details. Richard, I haven't been to the website in a while. I want to see if there's anything new there damn
Starting point is 01:26:50 oh they do have new stuff there like you can get a vitamin B12 peptide what the fuck did you have to B12 into that's like and what does that do revitalize and energize your life i would have thought it just helped you take a shit energy amplification mood enhancement cognitive function quality assurance our injectable vitamin b12 b12 is produced under stringent quality controls. It'll be 12 to start today. Experimenting with your
Starting point is 01:27:32 own body. Alright. I think that's it. That was fun. Oh, look it. Pat already apologized for the toddler. No apology needed, dude. Yeah. No apology needed, dude. Yeah. No apology needed.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Last minute podcast. You the man. So are you still thinking about having the guest host for tomorrow? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got them. I got her. I got her.
Starting point is 01:28:15 God, I can't believe I'm leaving the show to a woman. You're going to be too nervous to listen to it. Oh it oh my god i feel like you would like the podcast is no place for a woman this is a man's domain what say it again i'm so excited for hey dude um i watched their first podcast and i turned it off because i was so i was like what a fucking train wreck. And then I was on their podcast like but I knew she was doing them regularly because I would see them pop up. And then I was on her podcast and I was like, holy fuck, this bitch got her shit together. Yeah, it looked like she did.
Starting point is 01:28:59 John Young recently. That one looks like it's doing well. Yeah. Relative relevant to the size audience that they have right now. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. Good for them. It looks like they got Pedro well like relevant relevant to the size audience that they have right now yeah yeah that's good good for them it looks like they got pedro coming on too i i talked to on the phone i go what are you gonna do when uh me and her were talking like um oh they have pedro coming on tomorrow with them no no no no just they have pedro scheduled in the future on their show. Sorry. So I was talking on the phone. This is like six months ago or something.
Starting point is 01:29:30 And she goes, I can't remember how it came up exactly, but she was like, hey, someone said someone implied. She said it way more mellow than this. She goes, but this is the gist of it. She goes, hey hey someone implied that you're friends with me just because i'm black and because i'm a lesbian oh well that's not the only reason but that's like i like that i like i like black girls and i like lesbians like like what do you mean what is that that's supposed to be like well they they were suggesting you're just using me so i so, so I called her the other day. I said, Hey, now, uh, can I really use you?
Starting point is 01:30:06 She goes, what? I go Sunday. I'm fucking busy. Could you do my podcast for me? Was she stoked? Was she stoked? Or was she kind of nervous about it? I couldn't, I, uh, I mean, she was crazy gracious.
Starting point is 01:30:19 She goes, okay, let me check tomorrow. I have some, tomorrow's really busy. Let me see if I can rework my schedule. And I said it will i'll offer it to you again don't stress yourself out and she goes no it's fine and then so the next day she called me and she said yeah it's cool i'll totally do it i'm pumped she sounded pumped yeah she just sounded pumped yeah it's a great opportunity for them yeah and um i did did we hook her up with everything she needs as far as access wise and and everything or is she? I think so. Yeah, she's got the I'll double check with her today. Is that she said, hey, do I need to schedule the show?
Starting point is 01:30:52 I said, no, Susan's already got it scheduled. And I gave her admin rights. If you go to StreamYard. OK, she's got she got set up. OK, cool. up okay cool um but but um i didn't ask her because she's a woman or because she's black or because uh she's a lesbian i asked her because i mean she's not even really black she looks irish she looks like i mean she's whiter than shelby neal but i mean but she is black i just don't she just didn't she didn't get black skin i don't even know what black means anymore she
Starting point is 01:31:23 didn't she didn't got black skin interesting I don't even know what black means anymore. She didn't she didn't got black skin Interesting, but she plays basketball Okay, okay. All right. All right, but not all but but not all black people play basketball. That's true. Mm-hmm not all but so And her girlfriend's not and her girlfriend's not fat but a lot a lot of black guys like fat white girls it tends to happen yep you see him sometimes inside fast fast food joints but um anyway she's gonna be great i was on her show i thoroughly enjoyed it she's smart as shit
Starting point is 01:31:58 um she's got a lot of good ideas uh her co-host colleen is uh great um she has a kid i know you know what's interesting about garrett if you guys didn't great. She has a kid. You know what's interesting about Garrett, if you guys didn't know, she has a five-year-old son. I'll let her talk about it, but I think you guys will be stoked on her. She's fun. She'll go anywhere in her head. She's not scared. She ain't got no bitch in her.
Starting point is 01:32:23 What are they going to do? Are they just going to gonna do i told her do whatever you want i said you can go to the brand you can open the phone lines i'm assuming she'll just do whatever she does on her podcast but just do it on this podcast yeah that's cool and you know someone's gonna ask her like are you a boy or a girl like someone in the comments she goes oh yeah yeah she's like don't worry i get that every day she's like in real life it's easier to handle on the internet no problem but uh i i am very very uh fond of her that's cool as i like to say i would take her as a neighbor like if she lived next door i would like i'd be pretty stoked
Starting point is 01:32:58 should definitely be interesting i want i want to have um uh you know how like um shows would have like a get uh i want to have like a regular but like someone who fills in for our show when i'm gone is this is this tryouts right now kind of yeah yeah last sunday i went to a tennis tournament and hillar did it and um hillar can't hillar's not really the guy though like for it right he's got his own shit going on that was just him fucking doing charity work for me um but i want to find someone who's like uh that the audience is is is like oh that's the fill-in you know what i mean like i think like johnny carson had a fill-in like like joan rivers would do a show or some shit, right? Or Arsenio or whoever the late-night people were.
Starting point is 01:33:50 I just remember when I used to watch late-night television, they'd have sit-ins for them. You know what I mean? So if Arsenio was on a coke binge, they'd bring someone in for like a week. It's also interesting. You pulled people that have their own shows is that part of the plan too to like no uh well would you pull like a random that doesn't even
Starting point is 01:34:11 really do stuff that often i mean if i wanted to set them up for failure you need your own it's hard you got to get into a rhythm i mean i think i'm eight weeks into mine now and still feel like there's so many different different things i could do to improve my first 30 seconds of the show is crucial can we call in and discuss vaccines and how 90 of what yesterday's guest said was incorrect oh sure yeah call let me hear oh shit my phone just updated software my phone if the phone works yeah call yeah i'd love I love a little vaccine talk. I love the drugs. Just drugs in general.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Injectables. You know who might be fun, but I don't think that they would do it. And it might be tough without a guest. Who? Would be somebody like Josh Bridges or something. Oh, you mean to host a completely unreliable. I know, I know, I daniel brandon would be great josh bridges would be great i think they can do it though just on themselves like i i don't josh
Starting point is 01:35:11 good for sure and just be by himself on here and just riff with the audience and you know find top topics to discuss or whatever josh is a great storyteller here There's two kinds of... You know the athletes who get on their Instagram? They're like, hi. The messages are coming so fast. Oh, hi, Kathy. Oh, my God. So good to see you. Oh, I loved seeing you at row.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Oh, my favorite hair color is chartouche, but they didn't have it at CB. Hi, Mom. I don't want that. I ain't doing that. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Yeah, I do. I do.
Starting point is 01:36:00 I don't want that for my show. It sounds like an Instagram live video. I kind of don't want anyone doing like, there's got to be some ratio of comments to just having your own shit to say. Yeah, it's hard. Because sometimes you'll address comments and then like at least I will. And sometimes I won't if i try to tell this
Starting point is 01:36:25 whole subject or a story that i want to get out because if i stopped halfway through and started addressing comments all of a sudden it's like 10 minutes later and i'm like fuck i don't remember what i was talking about yeah there's a there's a there's definitely a place to oh i vote david weed there's definitely a place to address uh comments for sure. Yeah. Daniel Brandon would not be great. I love her, but I can just see it now. So you guys, what do you want to talk about? Oh my God, so deep. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:36:53 It's so deep. Oh my God, I'm panicking. You can't even tell. It's so deep. You can see how deep it is. Oh my gosh okay uh all right are you calling in or what oh how did how did you you you talk shit about jay cooey come on daniel call in buddy call no that was that was for daniel daniel get garrity garrity mr garrity please call in and discuss why our guest was so wrong yesterday oh my god is that your alarm clock wouldn't that be
Starting point is 01:37:31 amazing so deep it's so deep oh my god i'm panicking i would change your day if you woke up to that every morning uh i want one dollar every time that clip is played This just got weird Just got weird Your fucking buddy offered to sleep in a tent With fucking Pat Vellner in Scotland A three man tent and there's four of you
Starting point is 01:37:59 Fucking tell me it got weird You tried butt fucking one of my guests Oh my gosh You tried to make one of my guests airtight. I know what you want to do with Pat in the tent. That's a great term, right? Airtight. Oh, Angelo Dutico as a guest host.
Starting point is 01:38:15 Oh. Oh. Not bad. Oh. Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah. Jeffrey Birchfield, sure, Sav Savant I would love to come on oh I didn't think you got my text
Starting point is 01:38:31 message requesting you come on well that's great I'll get you scheduled I call in for Suja's show more of a safe space I'm headed to CrossFit now god damn it alright have a good workout buddy uh let me find one thing fun to play let me find uh i'm so sore i did 135 pound overhead squats yesterday wow the first time since my shoulder
Starting point is 01:39:03 had that weird incident i actually just started going rx like overhead again with the weights and some more gymnastics in the past like seven weeks i hadn't and i'm telling you i'm so freaking sore now holy shit hey that's funny you say that i was thinking about making a video of me just doing 10 overhead squats just with the bar that's good it's such a weird it was such a weird thought um but uh anyway uh okay yeah 135 how'd it feel how many did you do in a row um there was 20 in the workout i did and my sets were 13 and then seven wow dude but that was so the workout was 14 minute amrap 50 wall balls 40 toes to bar 30 box jumps on a 30 inch box then 20 of the overhead squats at 135 i might do that i might
Starting point is 01:39:57 spread that out over the week it's a good call cut that in the fifths yeah cut that in the fifths um uh uh patrick clark by the way we scheduled a fraser show against you suze i didn't know what days and time you went on brothers seriously uh i'm very very kind and sweet of you um i so many people are going live now that i think that the courtesy is not relevant but thank you i never i'm not concerned about that yeah but thank you that's very good and congratulations on the interview good interview yeah i really appreciate that but not necessary okay here we go and uh in democrat and by the way this is uh in democrat joe biden's america illegals are now taking over homeowners property squatters turn into tenants after 30 days after that time frame homeowners
Starting point is 01:40:57 we will be arrested if they turn off electricity water or attempt to evict uh the people who have stolen your house i know this sounds like it's not true but dude absolutely insane what's happening here we go oh i will be arrested instantly they turned off the hot water and then reported that they had no hot water it's a 250 fine per day up to 15 000 punishable by five years in jail. So here you are. You have to pay the upkeep of the house. Right. And you're not getting any rent?
Starting point is 01:41:30 I'm not getting any rent. And I'm paying the gas and electric every month. Four stories repeated over and over and over again by irate and often unwitting property owners, worry lines marking their faces, who came to see Councilwoman Vicky Palladino's office desperately seeking help. Hong Chen has spent thousands trying unsuccessfully to get the squatters out of this home in Masspath. John Sokran using his pension money for expenses on this college point home he hoped to provide retirement income. And Susan Mascara, who has used up her savings paying for seven years of upkeep on this bayside home
Starting point is 01:42:05 she inherited from her mother i'm in debt my credit cards are pretty much maxed out why can't you just change the locks oh i will be arrested instantly they turned off the hot water and then reported that they had no hot water it's a 250 fine per day15,000, punishable by five years in jail. So here you are. They turned off the water, the people who stole her house, and then reported her. The payback keeper of the house? No. They turned it off and then reported her.
Starting point is 01:42:39 Just to fuck with her more. Just to fuck with her, yeah. To build a case against her. Right. I'm not getting any rent. I'm not getting any rent. I'm not getting any rent and I'm paying the gas and electric every month. Four stories repeated over and over and over again by irate and often unwitting property owners. Worry lines marking their faces who came to see Councilwoman Vicky Palladino's office desperately seeking help.
Starting point is 01:43:02 Hong Chen has spent thousands trying unsuccessfully. Hey, this does not happen in Republican-run towns. Just so you know, people aren't allowed to steal your house in Florida. John Sokran using his pension money for expenses on this college point home he hoped to provide retirement income. And Susan Mascara. It's fucking insane, dude. How does anyone fucking vote libtard? Dude, it's an erosion of liberty. How are you going to have a property that you're utilizing as a source of income in a business. And then the state works against you. Like the only thing I could think of is that they don't want people to own property
Starting point is 01:43:51 and they don't want small business. I mean, that's what it looks like. What's crazy is that this is a CBS story. Yeah, it's, it's, it's nuts. Have you heard the, um, the other scams that they'll be doing is like squatters will come in and they'll still whatever they'll squat for a certain period of time. And then the homeowner will want them out and they'll say, okay, if you give me three months rent paid, I'll get out. And then, so then they're giving them, you know, $10,000, $12,000 to vacate the property, right? Even though they haven't paid rent in months or anything, then they leave and nine times out of 10 or who are we kidding? 10 times out of 10, the place is just trashed because the type of individual that would do that oh yeah they're always trashed yeah yeah then you end up paying thousands of dollars to get your house reset back
Starting point is 01:44:33 up just to potentially go through that again and what they're doing is they're making it in terms of an investment vehicle like a house or or a portfolio of houses that you would get to rent out for income. They're basically saying like, yep, you can't do that anymore because we'll fuck you. The new Florida law closes many of the loopholes that squatters have historically exploited
Starting point is 01:44:52 to remain illegally in possession of a property by giving landlords ability to have squatters quickly removed. That's how it should be. It also establishes criminal penalties. Hey, dude, if you fucking break into someone's house, you should be just fucking destroyed dude you should not there should be no tolerance for fucking burglary even if you don't take you should not be allowed to go into someone's house
Starting point is 01:45:19 we i had i had a my mom had a rental property that she went by one time And there were squatters in there And that scared the shit out of me I don't want my mom going somewhere with some fuck Imagine what kind of fucking situation is someone in Where they're squatting Listen, the people The thing about drug addicts too Is their occupation is to steal your shit
Starting point is 01:45:44 Like a drug addict's not holding down a job no but they need money every day need money they're all of those people the default is thief you have to know that you have to remember they're not homeless they're drug addicts and they're crooks that's like the that that's the well someone you can't say that about all of them but i'm just telling you like you can that's the they're over they're over the 90 it's like 90 it's like yeah sure there's probably a few rattlesnakes out there that were born without fangs and venom sure but in general the fact that there isn't parameters put around the time that somebody could be in in your home that you've rented them without kicking them out is just insane like i can understand it's like the first 30 days they can't pay you can't just come in there rip them out of the house right but within a certain amount of time let's say
Starting point is 01:46:47 yes you can why not i can't 60 because usually there's some sort of laws protecting no but i'm saying i'm okay with ripping them if i go by if i have a house that's on the market let's say to rent and i go by there and there's someone in it i should be able to call the police and those people should be arrested and fucking do a year in jail for breaking into my house well it should just be around the terms of yeah if they're not paying and you and you i've never even seen them before i've never even seen them before they're just in my house the front okay you know what i mean let me put more to that so yes i agree because at that point they're just breaking in your house what i'm talking about is a renter that you've had in there for
Starting point is 01:47:18 a period of time that fell on hardship that can't pay for one month okay so let me clarify that yeah so yes if you just show up and your house is empty and there's somebody that's just living in there, yes, you should be able to rip them out of your house immediately. That's what these people are talking about, by the way. These people aren't talking about renters who defaulted on their payment.
Starting point is 01:47:35 Yeah, that's insane. That you could just walk inside somebody's house. The fact that the state even entertains that means that you don't own that property. You don't own that property. You don't own that property. I have three rental properties, and all three of them during COVID, we fucking waived all sorts of shit. All sorts of shit. Rent for months, lowering the rents.
Starting point is 01:47:57 And that hardship fell on my family, but it didn't matter. I get it. At that point, it's a fucking – you got to be like, you got to do what you can do to help everyone, right? Yeah. Yeah, there's people that are sneaking into houses that are completely abandoned that they're showing to sell or something. Then living in there and then forcing the people to pay them to move out. I mean, it's insane. If you have illegals working for you or people working for you illegally, you should – you're a scumbag if when you let them go, you don't give them some sort of severance.
Starting point is 01:48:31 You know what I mean? Like you have someone working for you for a fucking year, and you get rid of them, and you don't give them a fucking month's severance or two weeks or whatever. Yeah. Shit. You're taking advantage of their situation. That's for sure. But the illegals are there. Their illegals are there to be taken advantage of i'm sorry that's what happens i mean when you're playing outside of that rule when you're playing outside of the law right and you're in
Starting point is 01:48:52 a gray area like if i sell drugs and you fucking rob me who am i gonna call the cops right gray area i took that risk i sold the drugs you know i'm just talking about being like a civil human being let's say you have a nanny and she's's from fucking Venezuela, and she's been your nanny for fucking two years, and you get fired from your fucking job, and so you got to let her go. I'm just saying. Yeah, I would for sure. You got to give me – don't be a fucking piece of shit. Right, and be like, well, she's illegal. Who are you going to tell anyways?
Starting point is 01:49:20 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's bad. It's the golden rule. Treat people how you'd want to be treated. yeah yeah yeah yeah just that it's the golden rule treat people how you'd want to be treated um uh mike pullboy uh you never see that youtuber that goes to home depot to take the mexicans looking for work to disneyland and he pays them no but i hate that severance is total bullshit wow interesting
Starting point is 01:49:47 i think severance is okay yeah i wish i had got a bigger severance and my last job i got fired the people who pushed back out bigger severances i didn't push back maybe i should have pushed back oh that sucks that's like from when i found out about a bunch of the covid stuff like i never took any of those government money or any of that because i figured all those fucking grants would eventually turn into loans some of them did by the way so i just stayed away from it but i was talking to um one of the but some of them turned the other way too right some of the loans turned into grants too well that's what she was saying when she was like oh did you do any of these grants or any of this like and i said no because i just don't trust the government i didn't want their money i didn't need it and i didn't want it to turn into a loan and have something happen she was like oh okay and i
Starting point is 01:50:34 was like wait could i have gotten like 100k or something out of this if i had done it right she was like yeah fuck but i didn't take it i thought that that shit would turn into a lot damn how much would have been probably you know not not exceeding a hundred thousand and probably not less than twenty thousand so somewhere in between that range oh it means by which corporations avoid future lawsuits oh i think what savag is saying is is that they basic and i think what he's saying is is they give you fifty thousand what he's saying is they give you $50,000. You work there 10 years. They give you $50,000, but you have to sign all this paperwork to keep your fucking mouth shut.
Starting point is 01:51:10 I think that's what he's – Okay. Makes sense. Look at this. I found this fascinating. This guy is great. This guy was on the podcast. I should have this guy on again.
Starting point is 01:51:23 Remember he sat outside on a stool, and he had to take a pee break and just pee in the yard? Do you remember that guy's great. This guy was on the podcast. I should have this guy on again. Remember he sat outside on a stool and he had to take a pee break and just pee in the yard? Remember that guy? Yeah. If you don't follow this account, you should follow this account. It's called Cubs to Bears Books. This guy's – every day I learn something from him. Okay, here we go. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:51:41 I learned something from him. Okay, here we go. Oh, shit. People were depicted during the Spanish-American War. That's how Spanish people were depicted during the Spanish- American War. As monkeys. That's crazy. Is that racist?
Starting point is 01:52:00 I think, I mean, sure. Is it racist? I don't know. I don't saying that. I don't know. I don't fucking know. Is that a monkey? Would you say that's a monkey? Yeah, I'd say that looks like a gorilla. Like monkey gorilla person.
Starting point is 01:52:13 Yeah. Look at him standing on the American flag. That's not cool. Yeah. He's got a belt that says Spain. This is how the Germans were depicted during World War II. The Germans were depicted as monkeys. Everybody.
Starting point is 01:52:30 I guess that's like subconsciously telling you it's less than, right? Like it's an animal, so it's less than a human life. Fucking income. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, and look, it takes your girl. Yeah, it's got your girl. Those titties covered up. It's a monkey that takes your vag. Yeah, it's a your girl. Those titties covered up. It's a monkey that takes
Starting point is 01:52:45 your vag. Yeah, it's a big old thing. But do you see? It's like censored but somebody took a paintbrush. Oh, wow. Wow, that makes me want to find the... Wow. Right? Wow, good eye, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:53:04 Hold on. Let me pivot for a second oh what's that thing say destroy destroyed mad brute poster in u.s army enlist posters u.s army okay oh yeah okay okay okay it's an army recruitment poster let me see if I can find the... I might order that. Looks like he's got a World War I helmet on. Oh, shit, dude. It is... Wow. God.
Starting point is 01:53:36 Check. Everything in stock is 50% off. Wow, Susan. What a great eye. Just pivot from fucking some legitimate fucking... Oh, there it is. it is education to porn. Well, damn. I can't make I can't make it bigger. Oh, oh There we go. There you go. There you go How funny Damn all right
Starting point is 01:54:05 Okay, so so come on. Come on, Sousa. Sorry. Jesus Christ. You know I distract easy. Okay, here we go. World War I. Because getting people to support horror requires dehumanization.
Starting point is 01:54:20 In the early 2000s, the Pentagon was caught spending over $500 million to make fake Al-Qaeda videos. And that was following a traumatizing event. And they had a terror advisory system which warned people how likely events were to be attacked. You really want to go to that concert? And for years, the media bombarded people with talk of radical Islamic terrorism. Muslims were dehumanized and people were so terrified that they gave up their constitutional rights. This is where the plot gets really good. In 2007, they introduce Obama to the show and he does a 180. Says that if you don't want Muslims in the country, it's because you're
Starting point is 01:54:56 xenophobic, which started the process of what? Dehumanizing European Americans. Racist, bigot, homophobe, all designed to dehumanize you. And now they can use the Patriot Act against Americans. Racist, bigot, homophobe, all designed to dehumanize you. And now they can use the Patriot Act against Americans. But it was really clever how they went about everything. Trauma event, get everyone scared of Islamic terrorism, introduce Obama. If you're scared, it's because you're full of hate. The flip was the perfect strategy to divide and conquer. And this is why my books teach about propaganda and dehumanization. In mockingbird it starts with danger bear crimes in the right to bear arms skunks are bad so we could familiarize our children with propaganda in a safe and fictional way cubs to bears this is how you buy his narrative do you like the way he
Starting point is 01:55:41 says and then that's when they brought obama in Or the way they said it is like he's a plant. Like we didn't elect him. How dare he? I love that they voted for Obama. Anytime someone starts talking about what they are doing talk, I'm into it. I'm into it. Yeah, what are they doing? Let's break it down.
Starting point is 01:56:03 Oh, Mike said, my mom said i look like a monkey as a kid you still look like a monkey what are you talking about try to dehumanize you don't let her do it oh damn all right good way to start the day he had me until he was selling stuff cross fat oh i don't know he's i don't know listen listen yeah jake chapman caught it too this is one of my books dot dot dot oh come on what do you what do you want him to say what i don't see anything wrong with that either like he has like his theory on it and then he has a theory on how to educate people on it and he's selling he's
Starting point is 01:56:51 selling both he's selling you the fear he's selling you the solution yeah he's technically doing the the micro of what the macro of what he's explaining yeah yeah right manipulate information make you afraid usher in a solution have you buy it oh wow that's the playbook right that's that's their playbook create a problem create a tragedy create a scare manipulate the information you don't use metuthian listen listen fluoride's horrible for you, but I have a solution for you. Mithuthian. Fluoride will lower your IQ by three to six points. Irretrievable points. Okay, here we go. That's what actually happened after 1776. Because following the war, America was in tremendous debt to the government of France and the banks in France. And both have historically used war debt to leverage control over countries.
Starting point is 01:57:52 In 1795, founding father James Swan purchased the entire debt. Swan was that guy. As a teenager, he was a member of the Sons of Liberty. He participated in the Boston Tea Party. He was shot twice at the Battle of Bunker Hill. But not only did he survive, he would go on to amass a fortune in shipping. This guy was a patriot. And when he saw America being leveraged by France and the banks, he stepped in.
Starting point is 01:58:17 And that's why I write books on the First Amendment, the right to bear arms. Because American schools aren't raising patriots. They're producing these losers who don't have a connection to the country. So instead, they run globalist corporations and sell us out. But we could raise the next generation to have a connection to the founding of this country. And produce a better class of millionaires and billionaires. Little American swans. Check out my books on the First Amendment, the right to bear arms.
Starting point is 01:58:43 Dude, I love that. I'm hyped. Jekyll Island. That's a good one that's you know that james swan what a fucking savage what a savage yeah i remember the colored things too that was crazy oh it's so ridiculous now that i look at it it's so fucking i mean what type of you take about like uh the predictability models right like what were they using to give me the predictability of a severe at risk like what how long you hear a lot of chatter and fucking arabic all of a sudden it goes to red and you can tell me like if you don't if you have a orange or red like a severe or high and you know it stop it motherfucker. What do you don't warn me with your systems. Stop the stop the terrorist.
Starting point is 01:59:32 Why is this guy so into kids. Why the fuck do you think he's so into kids because he has kids. He's fucking taking the bull by the horn the horn by the bull. He's taking he's taking the bull by the horn because he has kids. taking he's taking the bull by the horn because he has kids i mean it is correct though like the deterioration of public schools is is clearly something that we everybody agrees on regardless of the side of the fence that you sit on at least more or less and there's definitely no teaching with any sort of emphasis on how are, you know, what rights we have, why they're important, how they came to be, why they need to be protected. Like, in fact, it's the opposite. It's like, how do you, how do you tear these things down and then label them as like evil or racist?
Starting point is 02:00:17 It's kind of like what I was saying, like history stops for most liberals about 300 years. Right. Like that's all, that's as far as we could see and like it becomes three i think three months i think you're being too generous i think it's three months you know uh give me a control of a nation's money supply and i can care not who makes its laws yeah so true i got off the p diddy bandwagon i was i I was really following all that shit for a while,
Starting point is 02:00:46 and then I missed a couple days. Isn't it funny how what we choose to be interested in turns into scandal? What do you mean? No, I know. It's what YouTube tells me to be interested in. Right, yeah, that's what I mean. All the other things we could be outraged about or that affect our lives it's like you know and i'm guilty
Starting point is 02:01:08 of it too we all go to the p diddy story right diddy not the fact that like you know our inflation or the taxes or the buying power of the dollar is diminishing like no we're more concerned with diddy diddy uh but if you live in the united states at least be thankful you don't live in fucking We're more concerned with Diddy. Diddy. But if you live in the United States, at least be thankful you don't live in fucking Australia or anywhere in fucking Europe. Yeah. Because those guys are... Dudes that have been changing to chicks
Starting point is 02:01:40 are fucking crushing it right now. Male Spanish soldiers are self-identifying as women to get better army digs army corporal roberto who registered as a female in the past 12 months reportedly he gets a better salary now he has nicer accommodations and then also he was told that his pension's gone up because women get more to compensate for equality inequality also gets a 15 percent more annual salary for being a mother. You know what the best part is? Because out of respect for, he said he didn't want to be in the female houses and the showering with them and stuff.
Starting point is 02:02:10 So they just gave him his own house. Corvo has been allowed to maintain his beard because facial hair is permitted for women. Whereas guys have to shave their beard. We have facial hair permitted. There's nothing in the code of conduct about women having facial hair. This is just a smart guy. It's a smart lady. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Well, dudes that have been changing to chicks are that dude was kind of hot yeah that dude is hot i don't even believe that's really a dude but uh man when i hear some of the stuff the way those people think over there even even some of the guys at bsi like or it's like rfk's uh running mate she understands all the problems but she wants more government intervention it's like holy fuck yeah like someone who thinks that there's more disease so we need more vaccines it's like yo hey it's it's just it's just crazy retard thinking. It's like, hey, we see a community suffering, so give them even more money.
Starting point is 02:03:11 Even though we've been pouring money into them for the last 40 years and those communities are just getting worse and worse. It's like, yo, wrong solution, dipshit. if those people will do anything for their fucking government outside the the the europeans australians the fucking canadians they they're just fucking ankle grabbers to the it's like their whole fucking country is like that i wonder what happens to happen over there for them to change those fucking people better hope fucking trump gets elected. If this fucking place falls, man, they are fucked. If there was a if there's one lever, you could only pull one lever. Yeah. If there's only one lever and you could only pull one to change the mindsets and the discernment of the United States public as a total.
Starting point is 02:04:01 What what would you what would you start to change? Go have all the worst have more bad shit happen to their kids oh shit that's where you go with it yeah immediately just be like okay you think it's fucking cool for men you think it's just some fucking random fucking dude it's not gonna happen you cool well i'm gonna let a dude into your fucking starting tomorrow a dude with a fucking 10 inch cock gets to change next to your wife, your daughter, your mom, your niece, your sister, your side piece. Yeah. Yeah. That's it right there. You want social change? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:41 Interesting. yeah interesting yeah and and and and and and every and every one of those liberals gets one kid that dies of a fentanyl od too one of those yeah just go after their just go let let the fucking shit come roost on their fucking kids yeah that that's what to me obviously that's what's so fucking abysmal even if we were to get rid of all the guns it just means we still have all the retards they just don't have guns now
Starting point is 02:05:12 what would you do what lever would you pull well you're gonna give me some more thought there in the way that you look at Patrick Clark's like not the side piece yeah the side piece too everybody's gonna get it everyone's gonna have to change next to a fucking Patrick Clark's like, not the side piece. Yeah, the side piece too. Everybody's going to get it. Everyone's going to have to change next to a fucking Leah Thomas.
Starting point is 02:05:36 I would put a Leah Thomas in every one of your fucking closets at home. Oh, good morning. Someone will be like, oh, good to meet you. There's already someone in there. Yeah. Education. 100% education. That's the lever that I would pull. And I think that if you look at what's happened now, like the
Starting point is 02:05:48 deterioration of education or the manipulation of what's important in education, um, really starts to change generation over generation because majority of the people who you're talking about, um, that's a nice long-term solution. I like that. That that's probably better than mine. Yeah. Well think about it. All the people who, who, in which you're talking about, right. Are like, they come out of these colleges, uh, and stuff like this, but with that really heavy liberal mindset, um, without feeling any weight of the decisions that they're making. So you had said is like you, you drop, you know, what's happening to some of these, um happening with these policies that these people are implementing or championing.
Starting point is 02:06:28 And you're saying, okay, now I'm going to force you to feel the direct effect of the decisions you're making. And so essentially, you're also educating them on their idiocy. But if you're able to do that at a sooner rate with better public schools, less bureaucracy, no government involvement in the schools, do it on a local level, you'd probably be able to have a much better educated population that could use their discernment against these illogical things that a lot of people are pushing in, especially higher education. It's crazy. Start by making them learn about the Constitution. Did you hear that? I think it's the Senate. One day a year, you can volunteer and they read the Constitution from beginning to end. And Tulsi said the Democrats don't do it because they think the Constitution is racist.
Starting point is 02:07:16 Holy shit. It's crazy. Holy shit. Jake Chapman, unless you've looked at every country, you can't possibly talk on Europe. Okay, you're right. What's that country Laura Horvath's from? Hungary. Hungary?
Starting point is 02:07:30 You're right. I think Hungary might have an amazing president. I think I think it's hungry you're right there might be one hey Jake how you guys fucked up is getting all Britain's only smart one right now you guys fucked each other by all butt fucking each other with the same currency.
Starting point is 02:08:05 You guys should have never done that. You guys fucked yourselves. You basically all put yourselves under fucking one umbrella. It's weird. Europe's like an island. It's like being fucking trapped on Hawaii. Even though it's so – because of all those fucking little countries, like we always have a place to go. Like you're done with this shit you can go to Montana
Starting point is 02:08:26 Right 90% of California is like free You can just go Get a piece of land dig a well and fucking set up a tent You guys are just And listen There's bigger people to hate than racist but it's also the most racist fucking group of people that's ever fucking been uh i mean you guys each have
Starting point is 02:08:52 your own fucking country there's no attempt for any assimilation over there at all except for fucking um all the fucking uh uh middle eastern people and indians and and muslims swarming all your countries that's a broad generalization so on well fine i'm i get it i mean you could you punch holes in it but i'm i'm 51 right the pound is stronger than the dollar. Oh, fantastic. Great. No, I would not want one currency. You do not want anyone fucking having a monopoly like that. You're moving towards that digital currency, huh?
Starting point is 02:09:41 I mean, we're already there, aren't we? Yeah. And that's the crazy part. Like Jake Cooey said, whoever controls the ledger or whoever controls the numbers controls everything. Yeah. Did you hear that, violin? No. Okay, good.
Starting point is 02:09:56 Yeah, whoever controls the currency, yeah. I just got a little video of Greg's kids playing the violin. That is so cool oh that is cool he talked about going to that shop um around his house right yeah yeah the fiddler shop yeah i don't know why but i'm just really stuck on the public education thing in the u.s have you heard um uh milton friedman's thing with a voucher? Because right now
Starting point is 02:10:28 you and Haley pay taxes for public schools. Why should you? Your kids aren't in public school. I'm okay participating in things even though my kids aren't in school.
Starting point is 02:10:43 I'm okay with... Oh, multiculturalism destroys countries. I don't know. I think we can pull it off here in the United States. I love being in... I'm not opposed to these fucking... I'm not opposed to fucking Kenya or or fucking iceland like if you just want to do all black you're all fucking translucent like i'm fine with that but um
Starting point is 02:11:12 at that point religion becomes really important you need you there needs to be something that bonds those people together culturally or or what suza says get everyone fucking educated up on the constitution have them bind around that but but honest constitution talk whether you're religious or not talk about its judeo-christian values talk about inalienable rights talk about the importance of the second amendment amendment so that um uh uh the people can defend themselves from the government. I mean, I guess you could do that. Oh, Finland is fucking crazy socialist.
Starting point is 02:11:52 They got mad tall poppy syndrome there. Oh, okay. No, tell me about Milton Friedman. I remember, I know a lot of the black intellectuals love the voucher system because um blacks flourish in that in that school system when they have vouchers when the government lets them choose which school they want their kids to go to it causes competition and the teachers unions hate it right of course yeah yeah because it gives up their it gives up their control so if you if you're like you know if everybody just got a voucher with their school, if you weren't using public school and you got money kicked back to you so you could put that money that you're paying into already for the public school, but you could utilize it how you see fit for your kids with the programs that you have them in or some of the other training and some of the other people you have coming to the house to help them out, then that puts that power and that control back into you right now they're saying hey yeah
Starting point is 02:12:45 you could go ahead and take your kids to a private school or you could homeschool them but you're still going to pay into the public school system why oh right i i think everyone should make probably some contribution to kids um if you're paying taxes there should be some because it's like it's just prepared it's it's like going into like the – I guess what I would call the foundation of the civilization. But you should definitely get to choose. There should definitely be competition. Thomas Sowell did this – in one of his books, when the schools were segregated, the blacks – all black schools were on par with all the white schools and the kids were graduating with uh at the same rate and with the same education and i think even the the school the all black school in la was these had the highest test scores of all the segregated schools i forget what year
Starting point is 02:13:36 it was and then they started forcing the kids to um school together and um and busing them around and shit and shit just got weird and test scores for blacks are just fucking plummeting by the way by no by no means am i defending uh segregate um uh am i saying that schools should be segregated but from there he pivots to the voucher system and he also shows that the kids who black kids that are in like these um uh areas where there are vouchers and where kids can choose their own schools and go to charter schools the black kids flourish and there becomes no distinction in color right between the performance of the kids i mean it's it's pretty it's pretty fucking cut and dry yeah i mean think about how bizarre it is to have all this uh
Starting point is 02:14:19 dei stuff and everybody needs a fair chance and a fair, a equal opportunity. But the, the taxing and funding from your school comes directly from the local area. So if you take Oakland in consideration, right? Like how much are those schools getting? They're not getting shit. You know, they're getting shit on the graduation rates. Terrible literacy rate is terrible, all this stuff. But then you come a few miles over and you go to Pleasanton where their school system is great. And they have because that area has a ton of money coming into it from all the tax dollars of everybody that's living there, which is a much, much, much higher tax bracket.
Starting point is 02:14:54 So now you mean to tell me like we're just going to wait to the end of the line and college to give this affirmative action and stuff like that rather than just tapping it out the source and being like, wait a minute, these kids that are already coming at completely disadvantaged environments and neighborhoods and, you know, family systems and everything else. Oh, now, by the way, they have the least access to education and the funding goes to the least amount of funding goes to these things. And we all know too, that there's so much bureaucracy with these teacher unions and these administrators that they, they end up taking the lion's share of the funding. And you have these poor fucking teachers that are just, they're trying to do their job that are now over at target, trying to buy a dollar, uh,
Starting point is 02:15:30 supplies because they have to supply their own students with some of their, um, you know, school supplies and other things for activities. It's, it's completely ridiculous. You maybe just think of something. So it's a little off subject.
Starting point is 02:15:42 What if, what if we passed a one world law. That you could only breed with. White people could only breed with black people. And black people could only breed with white people. And we just did that for one generation. What the fuck would everyone complain about what would happen to all the narratives yeah we would just you know i know exactly what would happen by the way do you know what happened it would become by shade they already had that experiment's already being run in dominican
Starting point is 02:16:19 republic yeah the black if you're really the the black people the light-skinned black people there look down on the dark-skinned black people right it would just it would just become like there's no there's no avoid it's the retard thing you can't run away from stupidity you just cannot run away from it you can't there's no there's no solution for uh stupidity uh dusty um said uh dusty said something interesting in here so this is going to really disappoint you, Dusty. I'm going to really let you down here because you checkmated me. And I know no one really wants to beat me down, but you win. School vouchers would invite the government into your homeschool, but the government is already in my homeschool because we accept money from the government for that.
Starting point is 02:17:01 I don't know what it is but we get let's say three thousand dollars a semester or something and because of that the government comes in and like and it's frequent it's frequent the kids have to be like go on a zoom call with someone from the local homeschool program and uh my kid has to read to them and tell them that like seven minus two is five if you want to get money, you don't have to do that. But if you want the money, you have to do it. Yeah, that's crazy. Graciano had a good point here because he was saying that the,
Starting point is 02:17:34 in California, the funding for the schools come all from kind of like one area. He's probably way more educated on it than I am. But he said here that it's an allocation problem, not a funding problem. The money gets wasted in poor districts. Yes. They have plenty of money. And yeah, that is basically my whole premise of what I was saying there. So I might not have the particulars right.
Starting point is 02:17:56 But yeah, absolutely. It's just a huge, massive allocation problem. The government is such a waster of our money. And the crazy part about it is, as I'm just finishing up tax season, all the stuff that I do with the businesses, they want to know exactly where every dollar is. Have it all line item. Do you have a receipt for this?
Starting point is 02:18:19 Do you have a receipt for that? But yet, where the fuck is our receipt as the American public? Where could I see where all my dollars went from the government? Congress is spending like crazy and sending a shitload of that money. Give me an itemized list of where all that money is going. Show me every fucking dollar because that's the expectation of us as business owners, right? Like that's what they want to know and you got to have your receipt or you're going to get audited and we're going to fuck you and then you're going to have to pay for that oh but by the way if you ask just simply hey where did all the money go from our education funding as it
Starting point is 02:18:51 trickled down a little more can you show me where every single dollar went and where that money came in and how it was allocated across oh like oh i'm sorry we can't hey crazy teachers unions are not concerned with the well-being of the children. They are there to work for the teachers. Great point. Hey, do you think that if Trump gets elected that there's going to be some good investment opportunities and like chain link fences and rounding people up and bounty, whatever those services are that are going to take to round up the 10 million people, the 10 million illegal criminals that are in the country. I don't know. I mean, I didn't think about it, but... Like, can you imagine working at ICE? You must be, like, just salivating right now.
Starting point is 02:19:36 They're going to let you lose if he becomes president. Rally him up, boys. Yeah. There's... I watched this documentary on... I didn't watch the documentary. I watched a documentary on – I didn't watch the documentary. I watched a preview on this guy.
Starting point is 02:19:51 There's this basketball player from Greece. He's a black dude, Giannis. Do you know who he is? Mm-mm. I think he might be the best basketball player in the NBA right now. I wish I could play the – Giannis? Giannis. Someone in the Jethro said ice
Starting point is 02:20:08 ice overtime gonna go through the roof oh Giannis Giannis Giannis yeah it's pronounced Giannis Patrick Clark knows let me see I think he might is he the best guy in the NBA right now
Starting point is 02:20:23 oh Greek freak yeah yeah I've now? Oh, Greek freak. Yeah, yeah. I've heard that name. The Greek freak. So look it. I'm going to pull up a picture of him. Crazy successful. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:43 Greek guy. Definitely seen that guy. Playing in the NBA, right? Uh-huh. Clearly black, right? Guess what? Cares about family. Extremely well-spoken.
Starting point is 02:20:58 Don't look at the comments. Don't cheat. Okay. Overachiever. Just an amazing guy. Whichan country is he from which african country is he from yeah yeah i have no idea dude i don't even come on you do know you do know it's where it's where all the great africans come from is it a bob boy no no no no you know do you tell me i I don't know. Nigeria. Nigeria.
Starting point is 02:21:29 I watched the fucking three minutes of his fucking documentary, and then it's like, yeah, and he's from Nigeria. It's like, yeah. It's like they have Nigerians come to this country. The UFC is just full of fucking amazing Nigerians, but I think they also have like the highest per capita of doctors for immigrants in the United States. You would have thought it was like someone from fucking Thailand or some shit, right? No, it's fucking Nigeria.
Starting point is 02:21:49 They have a fucking – they got the – they cracked the code on culture there. Every fucking like – anytime you see a black person who's an immigrant who's like kicking ass, Nigerian. It doesn't matter. You don't know that? Now you know. Just their culture. It's just whatever they got they cracked the code they probably they probably have the same culture that the fucking
Starting point is 02:22:09 japanese have or whatever you know these other successful the the israelis have uh born in athens someone uh i think maybe his brother was born in athens but i don't think he was the doc shows that um hold on hold on because his brothers don't think he was. The doc shows that, um, hold on, hold on. Cause his brothers don't have an accent and he has an accent. Let me see his wiki. Hold on. I think he, um, I think his parents moved to Athens for a better life for them. Hold on. Is a Greek Nigerian professional basketball player. Oh, hold on. Uh, born and raised in that. Oh, you're right. Uh, born and raised in Athens to Nigerian professional basketball player. Hold on. Born and raised in... Oh, you're right. Born and raised in Athens to Nigerian parents. I promise. Born in Athens.
Starting point is 02:22:51 I wonder why he has such a strong accent. Nigerian accent and his brothers don't. His parents are Nigerian immigrants. So so good so they kept it so the even better even drive that point home even stronger they kept it um they kept the the culture strong even through one generation africa is not the backward ass continent americans are led to believe
Starting point is 02:23:21 Americans are led to believe Nigeria has serious issues that continent has serious issues his parents were athletes I bet you his parents are still together Dad was a soccer player. His mother was a high jumper Jesus Christ talk about yeah So oh so he's the mix of those two sports jumping high and around ball Yep jumping high in a round ball. Yep. The perfect combination. The NBA.
Starting point is 02:24:09 Did you listen to the Mark Cuban interview with Lex Friedman? No. Is it good? It's all right. But I would just, I'll timestamp it and send it to you. I just want you to hear his take on the DEI in business. And he's for it. He's for it, right?
Starting point is 02:24:28 Oh, yeah, yeah. He's totally pushing it. And in the sense of like, well, I think it is good. And you have the decision. You're the business owner. And then Lex is like, yeah, but not really. Because when we see the manifestation of DEI in schools and like goes to pull it that way. And then Mark just takes a quick U-turn.
Starting point is 02:24:45 He's like, yeah, I don't know anything about the DEI in schools. I can to pull it that way and then mark just takes a quick u-turn he's like yeah i don't know anything about the di in schools i can't speak on that and like just shuts it down because he could see him destroyed on three other interviews but about that get destroyed destroyed so he just stayed away from it completely and then lex still hovers around the subject and he goes yeah you know and there's probably you're probably right there's probably a bunch of problems with uh the dei and how it works in the universities. I just don't know enough about that. I just stick with business. And it is good to collect a bunch of ideas from a diverse group of thinkers and people.
Starting point is 02:25:12 And you still get the decision to decide who's best qualified for the job because it's your business. But then he completely, and I'm surprised Lex didn't take it there. And he said, yeah, but what about the ESG scores that are being forced upon all these other major corporations that are coming from the private equity companies that fund them, that if they don't do it the way that they're saying, then technically they would get their funding pulled. So do they still have a choice or did you have a choice? Like you don't need to go to your job. You just have to get the vaccine. And if you don't, you don't go to your job type choice.
Starting point is 02:25:40 And what do you say? No, I just wish Lex would would have said oh lex didn't say that oh my god suza that was brilliant what you put together fucking clip it yeah i'm just surprised he did because i know lex is like wow way more prepared than stuff like that than i am but when he skirted the question i just would have came back like that i would have said yeah somebody like me and you don't have a choice yeah we both like you know we both have a choice we both own businesses and we could choose who we bring into our business but when you go one layer above that into corporate america or just financing through a lot of these private equity companies which we even see happening with crossfit right they are all going to behold that toe the line of the dei
Starting point is 02:26:19 and it completely throws out his argument on you have choice. There absolutely is no choice. No choice. And basically, it's racist to its core. Racist and sexist. And then he almost... It's so fucked up. Someone in the... Go ahead, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:26:40 Well, as I say, he almost stepped on the landmine of like, oh, well, sometimes when you have to, you know, write wrongs from the past to even things out. And he was going down that whole path. And again, that's that that's that history stops at 250 years, 300 years ago mentality. Because if you start going down the path of writing the the wrongs, come on, think about it. History is made up of wars and the victors of those wars of how history like if you sit in a history class they're gonna just timeline everything by wars and revolutions and changing hands of authority one those fucking people in the south got destroyed the north fucking one it's it's nuts but you don't even look at one and now you it's like it's like
Starting point is 02:27:24 if we went to germany back to germany now and just started fucking beating the fuck out of them again those fucking idiots dude that happened and it was in the past and you know like and then they won you choose to stop and they won exactly you won you won exactly we won I won color hi did you see the rock was on Fox and Friends I did that's so crazy how do you interpret here let me play it real quick for people who let me play it real quick here we go here we go and Here we go. Here we go. It only took The Rock four years to realize he made a mistake. Dwayne Johnson recently said that he regrets endorsing Joe Biden in 2020 and will not endorse him for the 2024 election. Am I happy with the state of America right now? Well, that answer is no. The endorsement that I
Starting point is 02:28:21 made years ago with Biden was what I thought was the best decision for me at that time. Am I going to do that again this year? That answer's no. So The Rock now regrets endorsing Biden. The next time a celebrity... I don't know. Go ahead, Jethro. How do you interpret... I know the right is trying to say that it's a win that like basically he's saying he's going to vote for Trump, but the left is just saying that he just doesn't want to be polarizing. It's a big deal.
Starting point is 02:28:51 I feel like as though, because he's such a major player in the Hollywood space for him to kind of eat to out and out, admit that he made a mistake. And just for the simple fact that he went on a conservative leaning newscast and be interviewed, that says a lot. Yeah, yeah. That says a lot.
Starting point is 02:29:13 Yeah, yep, yep. Because even people were saying, like, if he ran for president, he would probably get a shit ton of votes. So for someone like that to do that was mind-boggling to me. I thought it was an old April Fool's joke that he was on Fox talking about, and I thought I missed it. I was like, The Rock went on Fox and Friends? What are you talking about? Look it, I just went to his Instagram account, too, to see if people are commenting on it.
Starting point is 02:29:40 It says, so why are you on Fox selling your soul and turn your back on innocent people fox news really he doesn't care about women's freedom right so disappointed showed your true color not a people's champ looks like he loves tax breaks more than women's rights wow i used to think really pushing that women's rights thing on what does that mean like the right for women to kill for people to kill is that baby killing that's Is that baby killing? That's code for baby killing? A hundred percent. Yeah. Well, that's the thing that Dave was saying. Dave was saying, well, if I go on this podcast, I talk to this person, you're pitching a hole in me into like an idea. But I talk to everyone and I read up on all facets of life and culture.
Starting point is 02:30:23 Listen to what this person wrote, Jethro. You know you have the influence, and yet you spoke against the only candidate with common sense. Joe Biden doesn't even have any sense, let alone common or uncommon. Thank you for selling your soul. Did you see that? That was Thank you for selling your soul. Did you see that?
Starting point is 02:30:47 That was like the third selling your soul in innocent people. Like, are these bots now just pushing a specific comment, kind of narrative or slant in here? The same day that I saw that, my brother-in-law has been in the hospital for a condition. So they sent him a lot of updates on his conditions and his tests and where he's at. He sent the family a screenshot.
Starting point is 02:31:15 And Sevan, I just sent it to you, from probably the biggest medical practice in New York, in New York, probably the East Coast, NYU. They sent them a picture and it said, how to prevent COVID-19? And the answer was, there is no vaccine to help prevent COVID-19 infection. After four years of all this Nonsense of losing jobs And people getting the vaccine And people dying from it Now they're saying there's no
Starting point is 02:31:51 Vaccine to prevent COVID-19 I was like Holy shit It happened I just texted I just texted it to you I was looking for it But you know that we had a show pulled down about four months ago because I said that in the show we said that there was no proof of the vaccine doesn't stop transmission or infection.
Starting point is 02:32:18 And the show was pulled down. And I actually then I Googled, does mRNA vaccine prevent transmission infection? And Google's first link was it does not. And so then I went back to YouTube, same company. Right. And I said I protested it and they actually put my show back live again, which is kind of crazy. They put it on paper, there is no vaccine to help prevent COVID-19 infection. And at the same time, he's in the hospital right now. He's taking Remdesivir.
Starting point is 02:32:49 That same, the same cocktail or whatever it is that they banned because they said, quote unquote, it didn't work to help with COVID symptoms. Oh, what's his name? Says it. What's his name? Says it killed his mom. You know that, right? Jeez.
Starting point is 02:33:04 I think in the beginning, Stein, Alex Stein said Remdesivir killed his mom. You know that, right? I think in the beginning. Alex Stein said Remdesivir killed his mom. That's right, yep. Hey, I want to play. Thank you, Jethro. I appreciate it, buddy. I don't see your... It hasn't come through on my computer yet, whatever you sent me. Oh, are you on a droid?
Starting point is 02:33:23 Yeah, sorry. I'm working on it. Andrew almost took my phone and threw it in the garbage. He's doing a public service. Okay. All right, dude. Later, bye. Let me see if I can...
Starting point is 02:33:40 I got to run in a couple minutes to myself. No, no. I got to run. You got the thing, remember? Yeah, I got to run. and um yeah i gotta run in like a couple minutes to myself no no i gotta run okay yeah you gotta you got the thing remember i got the yeah i gotta run yeah i'm the one that has to hang up first yeah no no i have to hang up first okay uh so here it is um uh hey my wife just sent it oh Is that crazy? Yes. Oh, wow. Can you hear the audio? No. Oh, you can't? Basically, he's just running down.
Starting point is 02:34:11 That's too bad. You can't hear the audio. He's out of there. Yeah, he's out of there. Look at it. Look at it. He's like, fuck this. I'm not going to the infant swim school.
Starting point is 02:34:22 I'm starting a new life on this island. God damn. He is bummed. I'm calling his name. Stops to check out the little stopper. I'm like, baby, come back. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you. Maybe I'll play this on my fucking Instagram.
Starting point is 02:34:44 Anyway, there he is just fucking hanging down the street look at him he's oh oh my gosh look at him so small crazy is that a tattoo on his arm you're not just that was stickers he's got stickers he's like look at he's looking back he saw the infant swimming resource lady come and he just fucking ran out the front gate crying. He knew he knew he's getting out of there. Survival instincts are kicking in. Can we have Matt Chan on the show? Interesting.
Starting point is 02:35:31 He's not going to endorse trump um he will he will rather endorse the party oh that's pretty smart i actually agree with you on that patrick but i think what jethro said is more of the shock factor the fact that he was just on fox and friends like yeah he went on there and was like i'm not going to vote for b, but the Democrats still have my vote or something. Obviously, their candidate changed. It didn't matter because he went on Fox and Friends. And if you look at those comments, everybody was already all up in arms about it. You showed your true colors. It's so easy now, people.
Starting point is 02:35:59 It's so easy. Now's the time to just come out publicly with it now it's like hey dude i'm not doing pedophilia i'm not doing uh illegal aliens stealing homes from americans like now it's just it's so easy you know what's funny is um i was arguing with a friend the other day or a group of people they were saying that the summit that people are going to finally step up and come out and they're not people are still so afraid yeah people are still so fucking afraid to say there's so hey there's more closeted trumpers than there are closeted gay people for sure i think that's a safe bet yeah there's so many fucking but we live with so many pussies that's the only
Starting point is 02:36:39 thing that sucks we live with just if europe is just stupid uh we just live with cowards and it's uh it's it's wild yeah uh all right uh love you guys um do we uh do we have anyone on tomorrow oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah so tomorrow we have a special guest host oh yeah it's gonna be great yep i can't wait mark mcqueen on monday guest hosts mark mcqueen's the strong guy who got into jujitsu right yeah he's like part strong man part jujitsu part grappler oh that's cool that'll be fun to have him on and then tuesday we might have something then i'll have my show for sure on tuesday okay well who's who what tuesday might be yeah i remember we kicked around about you coming back and doing some tuesday mornings is it with a oh but is it with a guest did we have a guest line maybe do it no i'm trying to i'm trying to see if we get somebody into that so i'm the jake burman
Starting point is 02:37:38 it can be jake burman oh god i don't think i have jake burman i'm gonna cheat i'm gonna go back and look at our text thread and see who it is. Oh. Oh. We were trying to get Jimmy for part two. Oh, yeah. What about Liz Collins, the Minneapolis? I'm trying to get a hold of her.
Starting point is 02:37:56 She's via email, and so we're trying to track her down. We had her on the schedule twice. Both times she had to reschedule, and then communication kind of fell off when i hit her back up to get a reschedule so i recently did that again last time we talked about it if you want to try for jake berman and you want to send me his number we could see oh i'm in tuesday morning which would be awesome because that wednesday he goes against colton right shit yep because on wednesday we got greg and then we got Tim Murray. Jake Berman, Sousa.
Starting point is 02:38:29 On Thursday we got Brooke Entz coming in. That'll be a fun show. Oh, yeah, that will be cool. And then on Friday we have Hayley Adams, but not the Hayley Adams you're thinking. Oh. A different Hayley Adams, but Hayley Adams. Don't tell them, though. That way a ton of people tune in.
Starting point is 02:38:45 Oh, yeah, yeah. We have Hayley Adams on Friday. tell them, though. That way a ton of people tune in. Oh, yeah, yeah. We have Hayley Adams on Friday. Okay, I just sent a text to you and Jeff Berman. Roger that. You may have to introduce yourself. It's Strongest Gay and Yes, Jake. What's the Strongest Gay? I think he's McQueen.
Starting point is 02:39:08 Oh, oh. It's the world's biggest gay with HWPO. No. I don't think that's him. Is that the same guy? McQueen is the HWPO guy? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Get Alex Stein back on i mean you get alex gazan back on too and emily rolf alex gazan just started following me on instagram i got stoked i start to get nervous when people i like i haven't talked to him in a long time not nervous nervous is too strong but like i don't like there to be like space between
Starting point is 02:39:44 us yeah it's a little too much distance you gotta close that gap because then you start making up stories like what if they're like hey sebon has invited me on i don't like him or what if i make up stories like uh jake finally figured out that i have the hots for his wife you know what i mean like making up story and then you get these little pools of like um uh separation you get these and then so you got to make eye contact so it all goes away. Oh, right, right, right. Those are just made. Yeah, those are.
Starting point is 02:40:08 That's just made up story. Oh, get Meredith Root and Alex Parker back on. That would be fun. It was a good show I did with them. There's been some grenades lob back and forth. I'd love to get Adler back on. I'd like to get Carolyn Lambre on.
Starting point is 02:40:26 So many people. I'd like to get Matt Fraser on. Tia Toomey. Fraser would be cool. Danielle Brandon. Justin Medeiros. What if we ask some of those people? I'd like to get them all
Starting point is 02:40:42 on at the same time. What if we ask some of those people that haven't been on in a while for one reason or another and then I'm just like, oh yeah, no, it's on Tuesday at 11. It's on my show. Let's see if you come on. Someone won't be there. Oh yeah, anyway, if we need Jake Berman on Tuesday.
Starting point is 02:41:00 Oh, when you get Katrin on. Katrin? Yeah, Katrin. Katrin, I hardly know her. Didn't really work. Froning. Got to get Froning on. Angelo DiCicco. DiCicco.
Starting point is 02:41:16 So many people to get on. Greg Glassman. Oh, no, he has a Wednesday show. Dawn. Dawn Fall. Dawn Fall. Hear the revised vision of 10 million CrossFitters. Adrian Bosman.
Starting point is 02:41:30 Adrian Bosman. Laura Horvat. Did you get Bosman on right before semifinals? I should call Laura right now just to fucking finish off this show. You got to do it. You got to go, though. I'm going to be late. You got to do it now.
Starting point is 02:41:43 All right, no, fuck it. All right, fuck it. Justin Berg. Andy Sakamoto. Justin Berg. I got you. Gotta go though. I'm going to be late. You gotta do it now. All right. No, fuck it. All right. Fuck it. Justin Berg, Andy Sakamoto, Justin Berg, Andy Sakamoto. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:41:54 Ben Smith, Graham Holmberg. I'm fucked. The list goes on and on. Who the fuck knows? All right. Patrick Bellner was great on the show today. Susan,
Starting point is 02:42:04 thanks for being here. Love you guys. Talk to you guys soon. Bye.

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