The Sevan Podcast - Patrick Vellner & Sam Dancer | CrossFit Games Semifinals

Episode Date: May 17, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Prime Day is here. With epic deals exclusively for Prime members, you'll feel like a winner. Behind door number three is Amazing Deals. Shop deals on electronics, home, and more this Prime Day. Yo, bam, we're live. I don't go to Reddit usually, but someone sent me a Reddit thread.
Starting point is 00:00:59 It's fucking wild. It's absolutely wild. Holy shit, it's absolutely wild holy shit it's wild what's up are you on a boat can you pull up your pants just now yeah hey uh no i wanted to speaking of pants no i'm doing uh this podcast in long johns it's cold today i don't know i feel like i'm in canada i don't know what's going on that's good news it's good news for me we're gonna be out in california there next week so i don't want to run in the heat um uh any um uh pat caleb caleb pat hey caleb um i apologize for the haircut my we had a uh
Starting point is 00:01:51 lice outbreak in the house my wife's been telling me about it for six weeks oh really yeah but i've been in denial i'm like nah nah everything's good everything's good and then yesterday a couple days ago i was at, and I looked over at my kid's head, and I didn't see hair. All I saw was bugs. Oh, that is the grossest thing. A couple years ago, our dog had fleas. Uh-huh. And it's, like, same thing. You, like, go to rub his belly, and he's just, like, crawling.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And it is, like, the almost unsettling make-your-stomach-turn thing. That's, like, it's gross. For some reason, it doesn't faz me but um but i'm really no but my wife does not like it it's icky yeah just like having bugs and they're like so deep in there and you can't get them it like yeah i don't love it like my wife girl i um i shaved all the boys head in my head with a one yesterday. My wife went to a lady in town who I think has gotten just filthy rich picking lice out of people's hair. And she did come back with some interesting facts. I guess if you just comb them away from the scalp, they can't ever make it back to the scalp.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I guess they're not like mobile like fleas. it back to the scalp i guess they're not like mobile like um uh fleas but speaking of fleas my dog when i was a kid my dog had a lot of fleas i haven't seen fleas in fucking 10 years i wonder what happened probably my wife treats the dog or something but isn't it weird how they always run straight to the anus like you're scratching them and then they all just fucking start charging charging towards the anus and the genitalia. They're like, Hey, where are you? Where the fuck are you going? You just want to make it. I didn't know to pick you off. Oh,
Starting point is 00:03:29 exactly. That's what they know that you don't want to listen. No, no. So, and that, yeah, you're like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Probably just, do you guys just run the thing out of it for the kids? Uh, they don't, they don't know because, uh, my kids, my kids don't go to school,
Starting point is 00:03:43 so they don't know like any of the social pressure so basically um did you make an event out of it because like oh yeah yeah i did you like make it for my youtube for my the youtube members i just put up my camera and i let them shave my head and then i shaved their head so i guess that's an event yeah yeah i just mean like to make it fun in some way it's like everybody's got to do it and you're and you're doing it too i feel like it's you could do opportunity parenting opportunity they um they do jujitsu so for the last like you know four months we've been getting these text messages saying hey please check your kids for lice please check your kids for lice like some some kids in the class have it but and and i guess supposedly the reason why i didn't i don't i don't normally wash my
Starting point is 00:04:26 hair very often and i guess if you have greasy hair they can't actually attach to the hair so i guess i wasn't getting them because i wasn't itching or i didn't see any in my hair but i just figured like you said it was just an excuse to shave my head oh wow that's what they look like yeah that's nasty i can like hear it crawling in my head i don't like it i'm with you caleb i like and i'm not like i'm afraid of bugs kind of guy but like something about a lot of little bugs like all kind of crawling on your skin like bed bugs and like fleas and like it's just like yeah i'm not i'm not into fleas. Fleas are mosquitoes. I had crabs in college.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I had crabs in college. Just comb them away from the base. No, they actually crawled, and you could actually see them. They have like pinchers and shit. And I guess they eat your pubic hair and then hang out in the follicle. And what I did for the first – I don't know. For the the first two weeks I had them, I just picked them out every night. And then there was this homeless guy staying in my backyard who would use my shower. This Rastafarian dude.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Crab, yeah. They removed the page. CDC removed it. Oh. It doesn't exist anymore, I guess. Just kidding. Here it is. Oh, yeah. They didn't look like – the guess. Just kidding. Here it is. Oh, yeah. They didn't look like the ones I saw actually look like fucking crabs. Anyway, then I went in the bathroom one day and he had it.
Starting point is 00:05:54 It was it was a dude with dreadlocks. And then after two weeks of picking him, I just washed my pubes with. With it, I can't even get it mailed to California. I was going to buy the poison and put it in my kid's hair but uh amazon said we don't mail that shit to california sorry oh weird yeah it's gonna be some alternative um anyway i um i uh i the the lady told my wife also that you can just put gel in the boy's hair or olive oil and they basically it just stops them in their boy's hair or olive oil and they basically it just stops them in their tracks it suffocates them and makes it so they also so they can't
Starting point is 00:06:30 attach to the hair so i just i got a box go ahead you know what i pictured immediately when you said gel was like like actual like stiffening hardening yeah yeah it is it but the way the way that i pictured it working is like you just rub all this really thick gel in and then let it harden and then you just like remove it like a helmet and all the lice are stuck in it and they're gone and it's like hey there you go there's this mechanical removal of like yeah you stick them in there like a fly trap and it's like yeah and then you just take off this helmet of gel like maybe all your hair with it but i all i also um that uh was told this if you just leave your if you shave your head and then leave your house for uh 72 hours
Starting point is 00:07:13 they'll all die so i guess they have to they have a really short life cycle and need to feed regularly it's something like that with fleas for sure too like we had that that's the problem always is like it's easy to get the fleas off the dog but the eggs are like everywhere in the house now if you have any kind of carpets couches everything like that's the problem is that stuff's everywhere and that's why it was so gross you're like oh there's fucking flea eggs everywhere like on our bed in our everywhere and you just can't get rid of it so you're constantly treating the dog and like vacuuming the life out of your house yeah my wife is like crazy yeah my wife yeah everything's been washed three times in my house yesterday yeah and apparently that's the thing if you can nail it and be really diligent for
Starting point is 00:07:57 you know two full days that that's they would anyone that was alive would be dead now and any of the ones that had hatched since then would be dead now because they needed to feed too and then it's like you're you're done but it's really hard to do that and super time consuming yeah um she basically corned she basically locked the doors to their rooms and has been wash washing everything and like i was saying too since my kids go to school they don't understand social shame so the other kids like when the other kids got lice it's all like whispering like don't just don't don't say that that kid that has it my kids are like we got bugs you know what i mean we got i feel like that's also a little bit of like a just kid thing where it's like yeah they're like what are your bugs cool and they're like kids will
Starting point is 00:08:41 just talk very openly about a lot and you like, oh, yeah, be careful. Keep that like I got a butthole. You're like, yeah, you do. That's OK. It's like, yeah. So some of that is maybe just kid stuff is hilarious for us. But my kid wanted to pee somewhere the other day. I'm like, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:09:02 You'll get in trouble. And he goes, can you do it? And I'm like'm like, you can't do that. You'll get in trouble. And he goes, can you do it? And I'm like, no, I can't do it either. And then somehow it got to the fact that if you're, he, through his question, I'm like, yeah, if you get, if you're naked in public, you'll get arrested. And then he wants to know why. I'm like, I'm like, um, you know, like. We'll get, we'll get social conventions yeah like i don't know we've all kind of made an agreement socially to engage with society and these are just part of the reasons
Starting point is 00:09:36 that come along with that are now that it's springy we have our little guys playing the sprinkler all the time so we're just like well whatever like get naked be in the sprinkler it's fine but then he'll get home from like daycare and be in the front yard and like playing outside and be like hey let's get the sprinkler out and like he wants to just like get naked and run around on the front lawn like yeah we're like right on the road
Starting point is 00:09:58 here like how about just come to the back he's like what no why like to him he's like what's the difference in the front yard in the backyard you're just like and you want to tell them but you also don't want to take away their childhood you want you know what i mean you want to yeah totally yeah you don't and i also don't want to get in a 40 minute conversation of like well why well what it's like it's that's never going to satisfy him anyway just why is bob why is bob driven by our house 12 times
Starting point is 00:10:24 in the last 15 minutes yeah so i'm just trying to you just try to trick him into the backyard and then put the sprinkler on and he doesn't remember the front yard right exactly but he's hey um uh carson um i'm trying to think if i'm excited i i think i think i'm excited to go back there um just because i'm familiar with the landscape but i don't have too much nostalgia for some I'm trying to think if I'm excited. I think I'm excited to go back there. Um, just because I'm familiar with the landscape, but I don't have too much nostalgia for some reason. I'm guessing when I get there, the nostalgia will come back and then I'll be really excited to be there.
Starting point is 00:10:54 What, how is it for you going back there? For those of you don't know, Carson was the home of the games for many years. Pat probably has a lot of good memories there. Uh, I mean, I only competed there twice right so i was there on a team in 2015 and then i was there for my first year as an individual in 16 and then we moved so i mean yeah my first year there individual was great like i podiumed and it was awesome but uh i think kind of the same i'm curious to see what we use. Like, I don't know what if the check-in, if we get a briefing of kind of what the weekend will look like,
Starting point is 00:11:29 if we're only in the tennis stadium or like what all we're going to even have access to, like where the warmup area is going to be and where the, the, you know, locker room or athlete areas are going to be kind of thing. So I'm not sure, like we might, we may even use some facilities that I'm not even familiar with having only been there a couple of times, but I think it'll be cool. Like I think once you get on the,
Starting point is 00:11:52 especially once we get on the tennis floor, I think it'll be cool. Did you see the run in Asia? I haven't seen any, like I just kind of got up just before this. I haven't seen anything about it. Have you seen the course? Could you show them Caleb?
Starting point is 00:12:03 This really shocked me. I haven't seen anything about it. Have you seen the course? Could you show them, Caleb? This really shocked me. I guess the running course was the event organizers, from what I'm hearing, were just told, hey, yeah, it has to be. They were given the distance, and then you can make the course any way you want. But it looks like a TSA line. It's all zigzagging and shit, and they run through ropes. And I was trying to picture, figure out where. If you guys,
Starting point is 00:12:28 I'm guessing for financial reasons that they didn't get the whole facility. And once again, like, I don't know that I'm just, yeah, that would be my guess too. I'm like, where the fuck are these guys going to run 800 meters? Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:35 But there's, there's a track on site at the Carson stadium. So if we can just use the track, right, then great. No problem. It's flat. It's measured.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Everything's easy. What's the other movement? It's clean and jerks. Yeah. So you can just build a small platform out in the front or even just do it like... I remember doing in the team year, we used that track. We did a mile relay and it was the six members of the team. we use that track.
Starting point is 00:13:04 We did a mile relay and it was the six members of the team. And I think you started with like a half loop of the track and then you ran out and it was a little gradual uphill out and then gradual downhill back. And you did it out and back. And then you ran the rest of the lap of the track and then you were done. So it, uh, look at, look at that back there.
Starting point is 00:13:20 That's what it is in Asia. I hope you guys don't have to do that. I don't want to really, I don't love all the turns no it'll be wild it just slows everybody down right is the reality of it it's a bit hard on your legs too but it'll be more physical too in terms of touching people bumping people touching people that's narrow for 20 guys i think it'll spread out pretty quick but the fact that it starts on the run, the first lap will be pretty chaotic. Oh, man, yeah. I mean, it will be interesting to see everywhere what they do,
Starting point is 00:13:50 right? Hopefully, some venues have decent outdoor access, because trying to make an 800-meter record inside is a losing huddle. I don't know if anybody's going to be able to do that. But it beats... I heard a rumor early on that there was just going to be like the barbells in
Starting point is 00:14:08 the middle. And then a big square on the, around the outside that was like 40 by 40 meter. And you were going to run five laps around the 44 by 40 meter square. And that would be worse. That's the only thing that would be worse. I mean like inside the tennis stadium. Yeah. I'd be like, if you didn't have access to go anywhere and you. That's the only thing that would be worse. You mean like inside the tennis stadium? Yeah, it'd be like if you didn't have access to go anywhere
Starting point is 00:14:28 and you had to do the whole thing on the floor. Yeah. The barbells were all in a square, five by five by five, like whatever, right? Like around like that. And then they set it back and had cones. There's no way. And then it would be just a 40 by 40 square,
Starting point is 00:14:43 40 meter by 40 meter 160 meters around perimeter and they do five laps of that is 800 meters and then you do that five rounds what's crazy too people can't even count five laps in a bike race where the laps are five four minutes so i think it's gonna be and your judge sure is how they can count in your laps they're sitting there at the barbell waiting for you to get back so if i we're doing that, I might just shave a couple rounds. Right, right. I did that in high school. I'm already cheating in the quarterfinals, so it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah, right. Everyone knows your tactics. It's going to catch you in a live competition. How was that, Pat? Did that affect you psychologically at all? Like just knowing that you're a class act you play by the rules and that here you are getting this ridiculous ding it's annoying i think more than anything it's just like i'm and i'm grateful frankly that it didn't knock me out because it did to a lot of
Starting point is 00:15:36 people which which you know my view of it is kind of like the guys who are fit enough to move fast got penalized. And a lot of people who are like, oh, sitting there being like, well, I should have just hung on to those lockouts for longer. It's like, so if I spend a half a second every rep longer, just like really showing off a lockout, you know, I'm just moving slow. Like I'm not, I'm making the workout easier by moving slower. And it's, so it seems funny. Like you're just, a bunch of people got penalized and some, some of whom, you know, hired outside judging, like did all the things that you could reasonably be expected to do and more. And for their effort, they were rewarded with their season being ended.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Like it just, I think it was, it's sad, frankly, frankly like and i feel really bad for the people who got the really raw end like i i have to start in a lower heat at semi-finals which is annoying for me um and i don't get to race the best guys in in that first event and that sucks like practically speaking i feel like that's annoying and that bothers me a bit anything other than that is just noise and i'm annoyed by but the uh i feel for the people who like like page powers and people like that got like absolutely nick and pay nick and page are a true tragedy nick and page that's like and those are people who are like for sure almost certainly would have qualified again barring something catastrophic and like like page is a
Starting point is 00:17:01 games contender like that's like to sit with a straight face and be like no it was the right decision we got the right people to the semifinals is a joke like it's a joke you're just lying to yourself i had her on the show obviously she's young i don't think it's an exaggeration that you say she's a contender because she's young enough that we're going to see her get better every year i want to say she took eighth in the games last year. And she said, basically, she was completely healthy and just fired up. Like she was like ready for the games this year as much as she's ever been.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Yeah, that. I want to imagine that. And then you like you hired outside judging who are games judges to come do your thing. And then video review from like a bad angle way back here because you had to shoot three different movements. They go, oh, you know, you can't. This this is bad it's like says what the fuck really like what else what else could she have done like really what else could she have done other than move at 80 speed
Starting point is 00:17:55 and if that's what we're recommending that games athletes do now is move it move at half speed to be safe then what are we even doing here we're in a race the whole point is we're in a race she said something crazy mature too when she was on pat she i basically said hey are you gonna do uh like a poor me post like how come you haven't gone on there and been like hey this fucking sucks i worked hard and she goes well because i have that opportunity to say something and get all those eyes on me i'm gonna use it to message something that's like outside of myself i'm gonna use that attention to point somewhere else and i thought that was fucking pretty fucking mature yeah yeah could be i think it's hard it's hard to be athletes in those positions because you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't like if you say something and be like hey
Starting point is 00:18:41 we need to try to figure out a way to make this better so this doesn't happen anymore. And we try that every year, and some of these things seem to continue to happen. This is the worst thing ever, though, I think, with Nick and Paige not making this decision. It's the exact same thing that happened with the V-ups last year. The exact same thing. Did anyone get booed last year? Any big names? No, because last year they decided, decided oh this criteria was obviously unclear and too subjective and they reversed a bunch of the major penalties and then this year they just didn't they
Starting point is 00:19:11 were like they know we stand by the penalties um and i think part of the problem is they didn't have time because they moved the quarterfinals closer to the semifinals and they were like looking down the barrel of the europe semifinal being like we got three weeks people have to plan and do things and we can't, we don't have time to fiddle around and change the leaderboard. So, or come up with another solution. So they're just like, they were a bit handcuffed. And I don't think the quarterfinal should have been this close to semifinals.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I think having it closer to the open makes much more sense. So it's just like, it's a series of decisions that just led to like this perfect storm of like, oh, there's nothing we can do. But like, yeah, it's, it's upstream. It's like everything that you have to fix upstream to make sure you never got to this point. Um, but it's hard, like for someone like Paige, like I get that. And if you, if you go, woe is me, like frankly, half the people on the internet are like, you're just a complainer elite prima donna and don't understand like what she's doing day to day and like that this is like her livelihood that's been chopped out at the knees for an entire year um so it's like it's it's hard in her prime in her prime
Starting point is 00:20:16 in her prime i mean fortunately for her she is very young like she's got lots of years right someone even like nick is like nick's like 33 34 he's not like he's doesn't have a lots of years, right? Someone even like Nick is like, Nick's like 33, 34. He's not like, he's doesn't have a ton of years to compete at the games. So that's right. They may have taken away one of his last years. Yeah. Hey, what was the reason for yours? What was the, what was the reason for yours?
Starting point is 00:20:39 Was it that your second foot didn't touch or they claimed that your legs were soft? What was the reason for yours? Did they tell you? Yeah. Soft knees, both knees and hips, not extending at the same time on top of the box. I was talking to Greg Glassman about it. And he said that as long as one leg wasn't soft, it doesn't even matter what the other leg was doing. He said that the whole,
Starting point is 00:20:57 because you're kind of, you're standing up all the way you've traveled all the way up. Right. Anyway, I just kind of looked at it. Like if you, if you look at it from far away and you go, is that guy doing step ups it's like if nothing looks grossly off then you're yeah kind of fine to really micromanage subjective criteria of movement standards in an online
Starting point is 00:21:15 competition is impossible and i think what crossfit kind of found is as soon as they started doing that the reality of like oh if i give you know page a penalty and drop her to 600th in that workout suddenly all those scores from one to 600 are in play middling important athletes like or middling someone who's been dropped out of contention and those technically should all be reviewed now but they just but then that requires so much manpower that it's just impossible. Right. So, um, yeah, those look great to me. So I think mostly what it is,
Starting point is 00:21:51 is my left knee looks soft in most of them. And, you know, I, I, I don't disagree. Like, could I make it look better?
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah. And I think part of it is the camera angle. Cause I angled the box to show a little bit of hip. Mostly what I learned from this is next time we have to do step ups, shoot it directly from the back. So you can't see my knees or my hips. And then you can't you can't penalize me for it because they didn't give us a mandatory camera angle. So any of the guys who filmed from the front or the back directly didn't get any penalties. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Wow. From an angle. Then you did. Right. So it just, and I just think it's, you know, I have a judge who's there, she's kind of out of frame here, but you know, you get a judge who takes their judge's course, stands right next to you, says the reps are good. And then they overrule the judge's call on the floor with secondary video review, which is the exact opposite of what we do in live competition. In live competition,
Starting point is 00:22:44 the judge's call on the floor stands for subjective movement criteria, and we're not allowed to use outside camera media to increase our potential for review. It's not only different, it's literally the opposite. I haven't heard that argument. Wow. So that's what I put in my appeal. I just said, I don't feel like from this camera angle, there's adequate evidence to overrule the judge's call on the floor. And generally speaking in competition, we're not allowed to use outside camera angles to
Starting point is 00:23:12 change an appeal process. And they said, did your judge feel bad? Your appeal is denied. Oh, she felt fucking terrible. It's one of the owners of our gym. And she was like, she was like ready to like write a letter, like do everything. She was like, yeah, it felt the worst. So like ready to like write a letter, like do everything. She was like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:25 it felt the worst. So I was just like, you know, it's fine. Like I, again, at the end of the day, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:23:31 look, I'm alive. It's okay. Like, don't, I don't hate that. Like she felt that bad, but you know,
Starting point is 00:23:36 again, from, from my perspective, it's annoying and it sucks that this stuff is happening so regularly. I think there's, it's an imperfect system with online competition. You just like, there isn't ever going to be a way to make it perfect.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So the closest you can get is reducing the places that things like that can happen. Like you make that step overs where it's really objective. Did you get over the box? The workout is the same. There is zero problem with review. It would have been just like no problem even choosing to me that that to be the video that they review really heavily was like
Starting point is 00:24:11 you know it was probably the one workout we had with the most subjective movement criteria so right to choose to do that over video review is is hard it's giving yourself a really hard task so anyway i don't know we we've talked about it a little bit with a lot of athletes and a lot of people and see if there's ways that we can improve it um i don't you know and i don't think crossfit's trying to fuck everybody up i think they're just like making mistakes like people make mistakes sometimes but it's happening on a big scale and you know unfortunately it seems to be happening kind of every year. And like you said, it's happening to big names.
Starting point is 00:24:56 If it wouldn't have happened to you, if it wouldn't have happened to Paige, if it wouldn't have happened to Nick, it wouldn't happen to Sidney Wells. There probably wouldn't be as much attention to it. Not as much for sure, but I still think there really should be. Like, I think the problem. Right, right. I agree. We're reviewing subjective criteria on online video submission. Like, we just need to be really careful with the movements we put in online competition. Because otherwise you're just, you're making yourself as the organization.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Like, if I was going to create an online competition and I was going to review all the videos or a large percentage of them, I would want to make the movements easily reviewable and i i get that that stifles criteria or creativity a little bit um but that's just a necessary evil for that stage of competition and then once you go to live competition if you put step ups like that in live competition zero problem because as soon as somebody gets if i get one no rep i'm like oh okay i gotta go like a little I got to do a little something. I can even ask my judge and take five seconds. And instead of getting 50 rep penalty, I lose two reps. But instead, a week later, people are getting these massive penalties, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like, well, I would have done something differently
Starting point is 00:25:59 and even mitigated the damage to just be a fraction of what it was, but you don't have that chance anymore. And that's the hard part of online competition is there's just like, you cannot react. And that's why subjective movement criteria should be removed as much as it can be. Anyway, but that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:26:17 It's like, it sucks. It sucks that it kind of taints the quarterfinals, you know, the last couple of years that there was just trouble. You've been with Michelle Latondra for a long time, right? Yeah, I think so. Since 2017.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Well, I mean, kind of 16 too. And what was the name of the training program? She had the name of the program. You forgot it already, huh? Yeah. But that doesn't mean anything. I forget everything. I don't even know my kids' birthdays.
Starting point is 00:26:46 It was called Deca comp. That's that doesn't mean anything. I forget everything. I don't even know my kids' birthdays. It was called DECA comp. That's right. That's right. With a K. DECA with a K. Comp with a C still. And good. And they've merged with Hard Rock Pays Off, Matt Fraser's program, HWPO.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yeah, and to be honest, I don't know the details of it. I don't actually know if merging is even the best way to call it. I don't know, but Michelle has been acquired by HWPO to do their affiliate programming. And did that affect you at all in your programming and your relationship with her and your coaching and your your programming i mean only insofar as that she's she's very busy right now it's a little harder to get a hold of um right now like if she talked to me forever before this happened about if uh if i was okay with it which was very sweet of her. But I just told her like,
Starting point is 00:27:47 that's her career, right? Like I don't, it doesn't, it's not my business. Like I'll survive. And I think what I would like, what I hoped for and told her was like, I would like to continue to work with you, whatever that looks like. And I would support you wholeheartedly
Starting point is 00:28:02 in whatever you decide to do. Like I have for the last many years and so my hope is that you can do this affiliate programming and then just still coach me remotely whatever and like now i'm moving east to be closer also as well to them but yeah i think right now it's her handful of athletes that she was still coaching directly. We've, we're just still working with her directly. And then she's also doing the affiliate stuff on top of that. So, so far it's been no change at all in my world. Like it doesn't, my coach hasn't changed. Our format hasn't changed. I think she keeps saying that soon she wants to get us on the
Starting point is 00:28:41 HWPO app, but she's still onboarding all her stuff so she i think she's not ready even to do that so that might not even be till like post games when we have some time to wrap our heads around what that looks like um but yeah it's been it's been nice so far she's just like she's busy it's a bigger machine right like she's got a lot more going on now so but it's cool i think from a an opportunity perspective for her it's's huge. Like she's pumped and it's something that she's really wanted to do. I think she's really liking affiliate programming a lot more in the last couple of years. And not that she like doesn't like working with elite athletes, but I think that's not where her passion lies. Like I think it's something she did, especially when you retire, like that was more the world she was in and she knew.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And then the farther she gets from that, I think she's just like ready to do other things and is happy to work on a team now again. Whereas for years she was really more interested in lone wolf in it and, and like being this challenger in that space. So I think it's cool. It's just like, you know, natural evolution as you grow and your goals change and it's a good fit for right now. So I'm it's cool. It's just like, you know, natural evolution as you grow and your goals change. And it's a good fit for right now. So I'm pumped for it. And when they came together, I know Taylor self spouted off on the Internet and you guys had an exchange. Is that it could seem like from what from what I've heard that it worked itself out, that you guys were two kids.
Starting point is 00:30:09 You guys got in a fight in the schoolyard. He was talking some smack. You walked over to him. It's like, yo, what's up, dude? And you guys fought it out, and now you guys are buddies. Is that an accurate representation? Did he tell you that? And I heard it through someone that i think he maybe talked to
Starting point is 00:30:26 about it with you guys fought it out a little bit yeah i kind of told taylor to pull his head in a little bit um and he did he did he take it well i it's almost like you spoke his love language to him no i got the impression that i tried his love language and he's like back and forth swan yeah but he was just a little i feel like he yeah he's he's funny and i think that that was yeah kind of what i did and then he gave a little of me gave me a little bit of like well this wouldn't bother you if you didn't think it was true and i was like what are you talking about like you basically just went on the internet and talked shit about one of my best friends like fuck right over that over nothing like and nothing that concerns you at all it was like what are you doing and I kind of was just like look buddy if you're
Starting point is 00:31:13 you're a guy who does programming in the space like why are you belittling other people's opportunities like this is cool this is good for you like this shows that like there's a path for you in the future and like he was like harping on what michelle did during her uh her week of uh main site programming like oh that was the worst week of main site programming that i ever saw like deck accomplished shit and hwpo shit and i was like wait like it's just like i don't know it's one of those things i probably shouldn't have got involved but i was like i i know better but i'm like i hate things like that i was kind of impressed that you did get involved you're like hey you're not gonna pick up my friend you just don't know what you're talking about either like michelle she got a lot she got some hate for what she did during her main site week but what she did
Starting point is 00:32:03 people don't actually know and what she did was she had a bunch of other coaches working under her and she didn't program all the workouts for main site that week. She actually gave each of her head trainers with Deca comp, the chance to program one workout that she would review and then give to CrossFit to post because she was trying to foster coach development within the sport, which we need. And if you ask anybody, you say, hey, Taylor,
Starting point is 00:32:28 do you think everybody should be working with remote coaches with the big companies like HWPO, Mayhem, whatever? He'd say, no, fuck no. People need to be doing more like working with local people and we needed more programmers and more people to grow. Fucking exactly. You know how you do that? If you're one of
Starting point is 00:32:45 those big people you take opportunities like that to help these people spread their wings and develop and grow and like michelle has always been someone who has a good vision like that and is trying to help other people like spotlight was shined on her and she turned it to shine on her people like that's fucking cool like what are you doing and then you're talking shit on her like fuck off so i was just like man i don't know i was like dude i got no time for you like that that was like just such a backhand i was like i just so anyway i did i did give him a little bit of shit and then i kind of at the end was just like hey i was just like hey don't like like try being happy for people sometimes like you don't need to to jerk to, like, shit on something all the time.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Just, like, it's cool. It's fine. Like, just someone else got a cool opportunity. Great. Maybe you'll get the next one. Like, it's just, it's cool. Like, I don't know. I was a little bit, I was annoyed by that.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And I let him know as much. But I think we hashed it out fine. Yeah, it sounds like he says. A cute selfie of him smiling, which is nice. I felt like it was good at the end. Was his dick in it? Yeah, was he naked? No, it looked like it was hurting him to smile, though.
Starting point is 00:33:56 He says, I did run my mouth, Patrick, and you called me a cuck. I said he was giving big cuck energy, I think. Or it was something to that effect. Well, it was funny because there are these boys like that that their first interaction needs to be a fight in order to be friends.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And it sounded like... There's a lot. Look, I played a lot of sports growing up and I'm down with the culture. I'll wear one off the face if I gotta do that to get your respect but yeah he that was hilarious yeah i think he enjoyed it yeah and this is the thing i got no problem with taylor in person i got no problem with taylor taylor's got no problem with me that's why the internet drives me fucking crazy but it's i i just the way i heard the story was it it sounded like it was like a fairy tale like uh he poked one of your friends you walked over to him you're
Starting point is 00:34:52 like hey what the fuck's your problem and then you guys became you guys got into a tussle and then you guys walked away friends i mean he sent you a fucking picture god you guys are weird did you send him a picture back fast man i work, man. I work fast. I don't actually remember if I did. He's in the chat there. Maybe he can tell you. I don't remember if I did. I maybe did, but maybe like a foot pic or something like that. Something just to ease attention.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Story's over, Sevan. Shut up. All right. All right. But I don't know. That's like, I feel like I'm not bad at that, being able to diffuse a situation like that. But I think that, yeah, we hurt each other and it was good.
Starting point is 00:35:26 But it's good. Do you think that he has a chance of going to the games this year? Taylor, yeah. He's just got to avoid a meltdown like he had in quarterfinals. Which, by the way, thank you so much for. That was one of the best moments of my life in the recent memory. I've watched the video. I actually made a GIF out of it.
Starting point is 00:35:47 And next time you're running your mouth on anything, I'm just going to keep posting the GIF. I think Taylor's great. I think that the – he surprised me in quarterfinals, actually, with some of the weightlifting events. He surprised you on that last one he did, too, when he fell off the box. Have you ever had a moment like that where the world shuts down for you? I look like, yeah, I have.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I lost them on big stages. So this is the thing. I've been there. It's just hard to. Not enjoy that. No, the best part of the video is that he no reps. He no reps the next one after the fall. That's maybe the best, the best part of the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Oh, cause he jumped down to me instead of step down. Yeah. It's like the biggest insult right afterwards. But God, I think given what the workouts workouts are it'll be interesting to see like i think if i had to pick a weakness for taylor and i think he'd probably agree it would be squatting like i think with his knee injury and stuff like that he hasn't squatted as much in the last maybe a couple years um and it's a very heavy leg weekend in general it's not all squatting but it's a lot of legs so if your squat isn't terrific and your legs are already beat up it might be tough but even the places there's lots
Starting point is 00:37:11 of squatting like squat snatches taylor's got a really good squat snatch and stuff like that so i i think he actually is great and what is what does the east have like 20 spots i think it'd be hard not to make it um i watched uh, I watched your video with, um, the buttery bros, uh, when they came and you guys were using that order app. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:32 The AI app. That was fucking really cool. I watched that last night. I actually, I really enjoy that. That went by really, really fast. And,
Starting point is 00:37:38 and, uh, it was a great video and there's a scene that there were two, my two takeaways in it were this, um, do you have a sauna that you tow? It was a great video. And there's a scene – my two takeaways in it were this. Do you have a sauna that you tow? Did you tow a sauna to a cold lake so that you can go in the cold lake? I'm glad that's takeaway number one. I was like, holy – what do you mean you're going to go to the sauna and jump in the lake?
Starting point is 00:38:02 And then I looked over, and in the side I could see that it looked like there was a sauna being pulled behind a um a truck like a bit i thought it was just going to be like some cheap tent but it's a full fucking wooden sauna you guys tow that around yeah so it's not mine it's uh actually jordan who's one of the other guys in the app there the programmer he his friend eric uh built it a big barrel sauna and he rents it out now for that he does they call it uh sauna where you wanna and he it's a big plug for eric and sauna where you wanna but he they're just towable there's a few of those like on the island we've done it a few times with different companies like it's kind of a thing here because there's a lot of throughout the winter you know you can you can tow up right to the the ocean side or right to like a river bed and uh you can do the kind of hot cold thing
Starting point is 00:38:51 like we did one with some buddies for their birthday not that long ago too um so this was just a lake right here where jordan lives in swamish it has a generator it's a wood it's a wood uh it's a wood uh uh wood stove and how long does it take to get hot not that long um i mean to probably get it good and hot like maybe take 20 minutes or something like that you just like uh i think this time actually we we pre we set it and we put some wood in it to burn before we started towing it and then we towed it and let it heat while we towed it to the site which probably shouldn't do but uh we did it anyway and it was good to go when we got there but it gets hot like it got you know as hot as hot as you could ever possibly handle um so that was fun that was just like a nice little we were in squamish up in the mountains so it was just a nice way to get outside and do something yeah i'm trying to do more of that before i leave that looks like a really good life being able to tow a sauna
Starting point is 00:39:49 to a clean freezing cold lake back and forth yeah wow and then cold either julian's a bit of a wuss oh okay good um he's california boy okay um and then and then another takeaway I got from it was Heber was drinking a rain in there. This is going to be very controversial, this one I'm going to bring up. And this takes us into politics, Pat. And he said that the rain in Canada only had 109 milligrams of caffeine in it. So I looked up on Google. I Googled, does Canada have restrictions on the amount of caffeine in it. So I looked up, uh, on Google, I Googled, does Canada have restrictions on the amount of caffeine and energy drinks? And there is a restriction on there. Did you, did you know that?
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah. How do you tolerate, how do you tolerate that? You are a free man, Pat. How do you tolerate these restrictions on your caffeine intake? Well, you could just drink another one. very solution a simple question a simple solution you also the problem i think the problem is our like uh fda here is more concerned about the safety of kids yeah so the thing is like a lot of kids are going into a corner store and buying those and do they need 300 milligrams of caffeine? Cause people drink, not even knowing it,
Starting point is 00:41:08 a kid would drink two or three of those. Right. Right. And now you're at like a thousand milligrams of caffeine and their hearts exploding. So it's, you end up like Andrew Hiller. If you do that, if you drink that much caffeine,
Starting point is 00:41:19 you start acting like Andrew Hiller. In what way? Dare I ask? Well, I mean, I don't know, but we but just like panic in general i just think he drinks a thousand milligrams of caffeine a day he has like three c4s yeah confirmed yeah so i don't think it's a problem i think it's just like there's the odd thing that comes up because
Starting point is 00:41:38 there's the same thing for like sugar content for various things and stuff like that like i think it's generally a good problem um but i mean you never even notice like i just look at stuff and i don't drink i don't drink rain anyway or most energy drinks but it just is what it is like and that's what it's always been and then we go to the u.s and we're like jesus christ you have three times the caffeine what is wrong with you guys do you have a death wish so it's just like the shoes on the other foot right i'd be 18 to buy them here do you limit really you have to be 18 to buy i think it's like i think it's on the can for rain and c4 and i didn't even know that bang on there for sure
Starting point is 00:42:18 oh for sure yeah yeah 100 that's what it says it's on the can man if you drink a thousand milligrams of caffeine your eye your eye goes sideways all right well that explains uh it's trying to get out of your head it's like fuck this i'm out of here have you looked at the workouts uh pat and and um and been like okay and then looked at the field and be like okay i'm going to take first in this one third in this one second in this one first in this one have you figured out like done the math and been like okay am i going to the games like do you do that um before we get to that i do want to say yeah i want to go back to this art video quickly yeah because yeah you should have some other take home
Starting point is 00:43:06 about order which is like pretty cool training interface dude it did it did look very it did look very very cool actually i was actually really impressed with the uh explanation of the app it did look very very cool it's neat it's kind of like just a way to it for people who are like not necessarily doing crossfit or anything it's like it's it's uh it's scaling right like it's like it's going to scale everything very specifically to you everything could be scaled at different levels based on skills and strength and it's just like it's trying to the effort is always to match stimulus right so it's just personalizing stuff so that if i finish a hard workout and i crash it like oh man you know i did this in 10 minutes and it killed me you should be able to do the same do the workout and I crash it like, Oh man, you know, I did this in 10 minutes and it killed me.
Starting point is 00:43:45 You should be able to do the same, do the workout or version of it in 10 minutes also ish and, and feel kind of the same as I feel when I finish it. And that's kind of the thought is that that way, you know, if you're doing a workout with a buddy, one person's not finishing 10 minutes ahead of the other person based on like,
Starting point is 00:44:02 you know, if the, if the scaling, I didn't like it that it gave one to three rounds though i did it gave like so you had to do five rounds and someone else had to do three i didn't like that but other than that i thought it was awesome yeah but if you look at the total volume of certain things like it's because their row was longer than mine was like i was doing 400 meters at a time they were doing six so like the the meters i even dealt but they they couldn't do handstand push-ups as well as me
Starting point is 00:44:25 so like you're not just going to stick them on the wall for five minutes and watch them try to do 10 handstand push-ups like you let them do something else and then they every couple minutes when it's like oh we think every two minutes you'd be ready to do three to four handstand push-ups so it kind of sets everything else like that so that you can keep moving. Like you can keep moving. You don't get pinned. So yeah, it's, and I mean, it gets better the more you use it. You learned, it learns a bit about what your strengths and weaknesses are and it tries to keep challenging you and pushing you. But so far it's, it's worked really good. I've been really impressed at how well it's worked, frankly, just even scaling for me.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Like we did those workouts there and to hit the goals it was giving is hard. And it does everything from like, it'll, it'll give you circuits or intervals with bodybuilding type movements, like whatever you're into, right. If you, if you like strength training, bodybuilding training, whatever, there's all kinds of different stuff in there. So it's been fun. It's been a fun project. It's pretty cool. And it's just, it's fun to use those tools or create tools that people can use to help. The whole idea too, is like, we, you tools or create tools that people can use to help. The whole idea too, is like we, you know, I work in clinic and try to help people get healthy and do things.
Starting point is 00:45:31 And if everybody had a personal trainer, it'd be a pretty good world, but it's no, that's expensive. So like, if you can spend 10 bucks a month and have a personal trainer, like that's pretty cheap. It's not going to replace the coaching aspects or anything like that, but it can give you a plan and it can give you it can take the creativity out it can take the thinking out of it for you so you can just show up which is i think what a lot of people get out of even like crossfit classes or group classes right like just somewhere that they can go and turn their brain off and think like you can't replace community you can't replace coaches
Starting point is 00:46:03 but if people aren't getting those things anyways you can at least replace the scaling aspect of stuff and and challenge them in a meaningful way um which is cool and it makes it it gives it more excuses you can take away from people the better um for people who don't understand the app the app is basically like this every it gives you a workout you do the workout you put in your information for how you did so it remembers your time and how you did on the movements and your splits and all that stuff and then slowly but surely the more and more workouts you do the more and more it learns about your capabilities so it starts programming around those capabilities
Starting point is 00:46:35 and if you have five friends who've been doing that and you guys all want to work out together it will program something for all of you based on what the ai has learned which the ai is fucking brilliant uh how you guys can all compete against each other and there's some great moments in that video it's it's another just fucking home run video for uh heber and margaret okay yeah there's a great the workout um yeah semi-finals uh we have we have three minutes uh yeah i mean i i i think that there's i i don't you know I don't think I have a problem qualifying I look at all those videos or those workouts and I'm you try to figure out which ones are the
Starting point is 00:47:12 stickiest ones for you and it's hard I don't know relative to everyone else every year you never really know where you're at my my tendency is to think of them at like their very very best so you have a prediction of who kind of maybe the top five would be in any workout some of them are hard to actually predict in this semi-final just given what the movements are and like how yeah i don't know how tight the fields are it's a bit hard to guess but i actually had i talked a bit with lazar the last couple weeks because he was he's in a similar situation to me where he got a penalty in the, in the quarters that took him out of the top heat for the beginning of
Starting point is 00:47:50 the competition. So we were like, I, you know, talking a bit about what that first workout is going to be like and, and comparing some, some training times for some of the workouts. So,
Starting point is 00:47:59 you know, I think we have comparable, comparable times for most of the things for the weekend. So if he does well this weekend, that bodes well for me uh so i'll watch will you be watching closely you'll watch closely root for him yeah i'll probably i mean i'm i'm pretty i'll probably follow mostly i'm not sure i'll watch everything live but we we're trying to pack we got to show this house uh they take photos and show our house this weekend um, we're getting ready to move. Like I pretty much move right after semifinals.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Uh, so we're trying to do a lot of things at once here. So it's going to be a pretty hectic two weeks here. Um, but I mean, I've tested them all and I have an idea who's going to be really good. Like in, I think in the West Brent's going to have himself a good weekend.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Um, I think Justin will probably be good. And I think Sam will probably also be very good. You do think Sam's too old? 37. You think Sam's going to do good? Not dancer. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:49:00 All right. I don't know, actually. I haven't thought about it. I keep forgetting Sam Dancer. Sam's coming back to show us all a thing or two. I forgot about that. It's pretty impressive, right? It's wild. Yeah, he's fit.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I think he may be forgetting how fit the individuals are. But we'll see. We'll see. We're going to have him on mon in two seconds there was that last year when he when he won the games in the age group and he made some quote about how he was going to come back and and make a run for the individuals i think there was he said something about like trying to like win the individuals or something and we were all kind of in the back like okay like i think he's forgotten a little bit what what it means to be doing the individual volume and and stuff like that and you have to dream big or else no one's ever going to mars right you have to dream big you have to say some
Starting point is 00:49:55 crazy shit right hey i mean you sure you sure can say anything you want right but i uh it'll be you think he's gonna qualify you think he's gonna qualify for the games You sure can say anything you want. Right. But I, uh, it'll be an issue. You think he's going to qualify? You think he's going to qualify for the games? I've had found in the semifinal era. I have a hard time predicting that because of the amount of spots. Like I'm pretty good at guessing like who the top five might be. But then when there's like six,
Starting point is 00:50:19 seven, eight, uh, nine, 10, like, it's just like, I there,
Starting point is 00:50:24 I think the points, the misses you can have like i think last year to qualify in like the east you could have like two or three finishes outside of top 20 um which is like it to me that like it feels crazy so if i'm looking at the field and being like oh you know this guy will do good in three workouts but he's not going to do good in three workouts i'm kind of like taking him out as a contender. Yeah. But I, that's not right.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Like that's not accurate anymore. So I, I struggle a little bit with that. So I don't know. He, I, he, I think he's got at least two that he'll do pretty well at.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Um, and if he can, you know, do 10 fish in a couple of them, then he's in. Right. Uh, so I think it'll be all right. He'll be, he'll be good. Like Sam's pretty fit couple of them than he's in. I think it'll be alright. He'll be good.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Sam's pretty fit. I think he's also got a really good way about him right now where I don't think he feels any pressure in any way, which is good for athletes. That'll be nice. I'm curious to see if we get any new guys. Last year
Starting point is 00:51:22 the West was the only region I think that had no rookies in it. We'll see. See if Bill Leahy can pull one off. There's a couple guys. A couple of our good rookie contenders actually got knocked out by the penalties and quarters. That sucks, but we'll see.
Starting point is 00:51:39 We got at least a couple that I think might be decent. One guy trains with Hefner. Chris something starts the eye. It'll be good. I think might be decent. One guy trains with Hefner, Chris something. Starts with an I. It'll be good. I think I can maybe win... I don't even know if I can win any of these workouts, actually. Maybe one.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Maybe one. We'll see. Can you tell us which one? Usually good for one a week. No, I was just arbitrarily saying maybe one i think oh let me think of them quick three maybe three maybe three three or six would probably be my best shot but those are also work workouts that the big guys like brenton uh and uh sprague will probably have a good time on or like Quant on the last
Starting point is 00:52:28 one. Patrick, I'm excited to see you next week. You da man. Thanks for coming on, brother. No problem. Thanks for hanging out in my garage. I want to see how awesome and packed it is. You guys were sitting on a pile of boxes. Oh, awesome. We're getting ready. Oh, you're ready. That of boxes. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:45 We're getting ready. Oh, you're ready. That's terrifying. I'm ready. Isn't it? All right, dude. Thank you so much. Thanks for doing this, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:52 I'll see you soon. No worries, guys. Take care. Enjoy the weekend. Bye. Two of the easiest guys in the world to interview, Sam Dancer and Patrick Vellner. Sam, what's up, dude? Morning, gang. What's up dude morning gang what's up dude oh not much just got to catch the tail end of the analysis of sam dancer analysis yeah
Starting point is 00:53:14 that's a pleasure 37 years old going back to semi-finals won the age group division boy you look young too I put lotion on my face this morning Did you put lotion on your face this morning? I feel a little weathered this morning You look young We had a birthday party last night So I ate some crappy food
Starting point is 00:53:37 And stayed up a little later than I normally would Do you have a mullet? Kind of. I gave myself my own haircut. I got kind of. Me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:53:51 My hair was like down to here. And I got tired of start like laying on it and it would get pulled out. And so I just took scissors and just like chopped around my head. I want to go back to. it looks good, by the way. It looks good. It looks game ready. I want to go back to last year. You win the age group at the games.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Was that important for you? Yeah. Yeah. In a number of ways um just to kind of a sort of redemption if you will um i was just really bummed how the the season ended with the injury and just to kind of prove to myself also that I can come back and I can heal and I can still do the things that I love to do. And just as much as I was maybe proving that to myself,
Starting point is 00:54:56 I really enjoy just showcasing what's possible as we age and just showing sustainability in the sport and um yeah so it wasn't and i've always wanted to win a gold medal in crossfit however that came to be whether that be team individual uh masters whatever and um when you how long after you finished that did you know that you'd make a run to go individual the uh for this year for 2024 uh i had made it up in my mind even before that year that if i won a um a gold medal in the master's division i would go back into the open individual division. Again, both for myself personally and just to showcase, like, I think people would enjoy to see what that comparison is and what an athlete of my age can do against a bunch of 20-year-olds.
Starting point is 00:56:03 So you knew even before, even when you were in that season you knew okay i'm going to get through this season and next year i'm also going to make i'm going to run an individual again did you make a run an individual in 2023 uh so in 23 i was set on the master's thing um mostly i i came off of two years of not competing. We had our daughter, so I decided that during the time that Jenny was pregnant and the first year of her life that I was just going to... I wasn't completely screwing off, but
Starting point is 00:56:43 I was in no shape to qualify individually for anything. But yeah, after those two years, I wanted to get back into it. And I just I thought with my age and we're coming off of two years of not competing, I thought just the Masters thing would be more suited for just where I'm at in my life. And I don't want to say I regret not going in the open individual route because the way things played out is really cool to me. route because the way things played out is really cool to me but just looking at how I was competing against athletes like Justin Medeiros or Chandler Smith um you know Patrick said he's like I don't think he realizes how fit the individual guys are, that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I know they're fit. I know they're very fast. I know they have a lot more skill than I have, a lot more strength than I have, even more too. I'm pretty aware of what it takes to qualify individually and through training with those guys. what it takes to qualify individually and through training with those guys. And, um, and that's the very reason why I, I, I'm giving it a go is because I have trained with those guys and I do
Starting point is 00:58:12 understand what it takes and I do understand like how fit you need to be to do it. Um, and so, yeah, I kind of, to a degree, I regret a little bit, not two years ago I would have been in much better physical shape to tackle that. At 37, I noticed the two years that I've lost. Not lost, but I would imagine at 34, 35, I'd be a lot more formidable of a competitor than at 37. So just like I would be if I was 27 or just younger, to a degree. Since I've gotten older, I've just gotten smarter and more disciplined with things. So there, there's definitely aspects of my fitness that have improved with age, but,
Starting point is 00:59:11 um, yeah, it would have been fun to take a swing at it when I was like 35 instead. Um, when you say, as you get older, you get more, you've, you've put on some smarts and some, uh, some aspects of discipline and anything stand out to you? Examples of that in ways that you're smarter and more disciplined? You grow up a little bit and you realize how – I realize the older I get how important it is to go to bed on time and not be on my phone. Like if I go to bed at 8 o'clock versus 10.30, I feel significantly different in the morning. If I eat junk food at nighttime, I feel significantly different in the morning. I look different in the morning. I look different in the morning. I, and I feel different. So, um, you just, you kind of, and when you're younger, you, you just, you can get away with that shit. You can, you can not stay hydrated. You can go to bed late and you, you think you feel the same, but you're really just disconnected from how you feel um you're just not aware of it you're just it's it's ignorance really is what it is um and i've become less ignorant about that stuff and
Starting point is 01:00:34 and realize how how important it is and um and it's just it's come easier to me um with age too um what would junk food be? Give me an example. Cause I have a feeling your junk food is different than mine. Like for me, junk food would be a snicker bar. I don't eat those, but I'm guessing you don't,
Starting point is 01:00:54 the junk food to you is just anything swerving off the path, even a little bit. Yeah. Um, what would something you eat at night that you're like, like, like dried fruit? Like,
Starting point is 01:01:05 would you eat dried fruit before you go to bed or like no fuck that that would like i would eat i would consider that like a late night snack or something like that um which i generally enjoyed having like whether that be a banana apple or a bowl of uh grapes or something like that. But, um, like last night we had a bunch of people over and we did, uh, Turkey. It's say it. Cause I realized how ridiculous it is. Um,
Starting point is 01:01:35 Turkey burgers and French fries. Yeah. Okay. Um, and so the French fries aren't something you wish you would have eaten last night that for you, like at the level you want to perform out and what you're trying to get out of your body, like you feel that in the morning. And just eating like having a bun instead of just a little bit cleaner of a carb,
Starting point is 01:01:54 like some rice or fruit. It just, you feel it. It just, I even, like I said, I see it in the morning. Like I got bags under my eyes and these lines, and I look a little bloated. I don't look as peeled out. So, yeah, the cleaner I keep it, the less inflamed I am and the better I feel. Was it your birthday last night? We had a birthday party for me last night and then this today is my actual
Starting point is 01:02:26 birthday and you're 37 or 38 37 37 happy birthday i appreciate it thank you yeah that's really cool um and then so so you win and how does your body feel at the end of the games last year when that picture that uh caleb had up with you um kissing or that um which is really cool that you got the two first place winners yeah right very cool i didn't know you guys did that um uh look at her that was so cool laura to do that um did and what a cool wife you have to allow her to uh you to get the photo with the champ like that um did um how did you feel after that like that night how do you feel are you beat up are you like shit that was hard no i felt great body felt great mind felt great
Starting point is 01:03:10 um and i just i kept thinking to myself like remember how you feel now um because if if you can feel this way again, you can qualify. And I have had to keep reminding myself of that sentiment. Because again, to Pat's point, where he's kind of claiming my ignorance to what it takes to qualify and be an individual these days. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the
Starting point is 01:04:06 last day how about a 4 p.m late checkout just need a nice place to settle in enjoy your room upgrade wherever you go we'll go together that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply like it's got it's tough it's tough. It's been a very tough year. This has been probably one of the only years I've ever, like, since I've been married to Jenny and been competing, like, consoled with her. I'm like, dude, I just don't think I can do it. I'm just, I'm so tired.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I'm so beat up. But then you get a rest day and you're like, Oh, I'm fine. I'm back. I'm back to normal. But that, that's honestly, that was more like during the beginning of the season. And there's lots of reasons for that. Like just having a kid, you're, you're getting sick like every other week at the beginning of the year. So just struggling with respiratory issues. And, and I take, I take a pretty legitimate off season every year too. Um, so it's quite a bit of work to get back to, um, um peak fitness um and and that i've noticed is i just i don't have that same
Starting point is 01:05:30 will to suffer like i did when i was younger um so just that that process of getting to peak fitness was a little more exhausting than I was anticipating this year. But I got it. I'm there. So barring nothing crazy happens over the next nine days, like a cold or some crazy freak injury, I was close to one like a week ago. freak injury i i was close to one uh like a week ago um i i did something to like an si joint and i wasn't able to walk for a few days um and i thought i was like gosh damn it that's what's an si joint sam it's basically right right where your like your back ends and shoots off into your hips um your si joints are kind of like those,
Starting point is 01:06:26 that, that those knobby areas on, on the back of your, your hips or your pelvis. Um, yeah, there you go. And, uh, so that was actually an, an injury from last year, right before the games, um, which I, I would imagine I did something to it in training, but I went to a chiropractor and, um, he did one of the, he was doing one of the adjustments where they lay your, your leg over the top of the other leg and you're on your side. Yeah. And, and I told him, I was like, Hey man, my, my body feels like it doesn't want to do that. Uh, like be in that position right now. And he's like, Oh, noted. Uh, I'll be really gentle with it. And then, and he was, he was really, um, he's like, we're just going to create a little bit of space in there. It's like, all right, whatever. He did it. Nothing. I didn't
Starting point is 01:07:16 feel really like when he, any pain when he did that, but about three hours later, I could not get out of bed. And I think it was just an aggravation of whatever that was from last year. When that happens, are you like, fuck, my season's over? Was it like that? Yeah, for sure. I couldn't get out of bed. And this one this year wasn't nearly as bad. I could get out of bed. It was very laborious and lots of noises to accomplish it. But, um, man, there was not very long ago. I,
Starting point is 01:07:55 I couldn't work out. Um, I was having to do some, some unique ways of, of training myself, um, and keeping my, my respiratory system, um, challenged. So doing things like the, I have a, like an altitude generator, um, which isn't great for like recovery, but, um, and under, uh, with some small bouts of it, just keeping like my, my CO2 tolerance really high. And, um, I was still just, I use this thing called an aero fit trains, trains your diaphragm. So, uh, even though I was pretty stationary, I was doing everything that I could, um, continue to challenge my lungs and my heart and keep things going. And then just every day I've started to progress a little bit.
Starting point is 01:08:51 And I'm to a point now where I'm still nursing it a little bit. I don't feel it, but like the snatch workout, that's been the only workout i i haven't really tested and we'll probably wait until uh next week to run through that one just to make sure i'm healthy who are you training with these days man i bounce around i'll train with chandler um in the team um i'll train with danny spiegel i'll train with i train with matt bickle almost every day he's he's just so great because he's he's so unique on the machines there's not a lot of big guys like him that have the lungs like he does so he will come in and he will he will put a hurtin on us and on the machine so and just with where i'm at in my training he looks great by the way yeah he's doing really really well he's he's very fit
Starting point is 01:09:59 and he gives all of us a a wonderful push in the the gym. Uh, so I just, I chase him around on the bike and the rower and the skier again. Um, and yeah, so just kind of bounce around. And what, what's your weight at these days? Are you, I want to say that I read somewhere that you're 20 pounds below your max weight ever, like as a, as a human. low your max weight ever like as a as a human um no that's not true oh uh my max weight as a human was 275 oh okay so you're way less than that yeah i'm tip i it's pretty natural for me to walk around at like 235 um and i'm down to about like 215 right now. I'm down 15 pounds since quarterfinals. Wow. Do you feel great being that light?
Starting point is 01:10:52 It's a little bit more work than I care to put in. I don't like – You mean like the discipline of the diet? The deficit is a little challenging um managing that um because you know like with my hormones and and just like injuries like it's it's really important to make sure that you're getting adequate nutrition and if you're not then it's really easy to get injured it's really easy to screw your hormones up and uh have those all out of whack. And I mean, if, if you're not, you're not healthy chemically or physically,
Starting point is 01:11:29 then you're going to have a tough time, you know, doing well. So I achieved that mostly through just like some additional like very low heart rate, like stair stepping at the end of the night. I'm definitely not trying to put myself in a deficit during my training. So you have to be kind of strategic about when to cut those calories so that you're actually burning fat and not like causing any problems physically or chemically.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Is that the goal to show up to the games being that light? And if so, why, what are you, what are you trying to accomplish? It's just, it's like taking a weight vest off man you know i i did all those semi-final or what those quarterfinal workouts at like 230 235 um and i'm at 215 now so it's just it makes things so much easier um but i got really lucky this year with the workouts the the workouts are very low skill um as of right now um you know they could surprise us with something i guess but um just fortunately for me there's no there's no gimmicks this year there's no like crazy spin around on your hands and walk over this and and it's just
Starting point is 01:13:07 it's truly just a test of fitness um are you liking that too i was thinking that i hate to just use this generic term but it's just it's lazy but it's easy like we're it feels like we're really back to crossfit with the open the quarter semifinals i'm like oh shit couplets and triplets we're getting like yeah it reminds me of when i started back in like 2012 um and it's what kind of attracted me to to the sport as well just the simplicity of it and you know as the as the sport progressed you know you started to see greater and greater skills entering into competition which which was awesome and cool and i still think that that should there needs to be an element of that um but again just as i as an older athlete it's it my my will and my desire to
Starting point is 01:13:55 um you know to walk up freaking ramps and and spin around on my hands gets less and less. So just like learning old dog, new tricks type thing, just less desire to do that. But the process of just getting fit and having a strong respiratory system is something I do. I still enjoy that, and I like the training of it. I like the training of it. I like the progression of it. I personally think I'm one of the most conditioned athletes in the sport when I'm peaked out in conditions.
Starting point is 01:14:37 What do you mean? What's conditioning? You've got lungs. Your lungs are probably and probably under respected. People think of you as the strong guy, but what you're saying is when you're good, you got an engine in you too. Yeah. The workouts are very favorable for me in that regard because they're truly just a test of fitness. The skill level is is relatively um low when you see these um uh is it a snatch ladder the last workout or the last day
Starting point is 01:15:14 is that what it is uh yeah i think the last workout is the uh or the second to last workout is a snatch ladder does that excite i'm guessing a young sam dancer would have been excited about that you'd been that was like start salivating yeah the year i qualified as an individual in 16 that was um like the first or second workout and i did pretty well on it um i think i did like a 642 or something like that maybe um i don't suspect a similar that'll it's funny enough that that'll be my worst um workout i think oh interesting okay yeah so you know 10 years ago that would have been my best workout a lot's changed since then um that'll probably be my yeah my lowest placing um workout which is great that's like if that's
Starting point is 01:16:08 my worst workout then i'm i'm gonna have uh a good weekend i think sam would you say have you reinvented yourself um i mean yeah i mean i kind of there's an annual attempt to to do that um There's an annual attempt to do that and to grow up, essentially, and looking at my, you know, my weaknesses, and which is tough to do sometimes. You have to, you know, sometimes that even requires like consulting with people because you have blind spots. And I feel like just as human beings, we have a tendency to have a bit of hubris or an inflated kind of view of ourselves. And, you know, so you have to take a true, honest assessment of yourself and find out what you suck at. And I try to do that every year and, and get better. So yeah, I'm, I'm constantly reinventing myself and in a few areas.
Starting point is 01:17:35 When, when you look at the semifinals, is there a goal for this year? Is the gold, like, do you have a goal? Is it like to go to the games or is it like to try as hard as you possibly can? Yeah, the goal is to version yourself. The goal is to version myself. Like an external goal or an internal goal or some sort of hybrid goal? Yeah, I'm definitely, and Pat even mentioned this, which is, you know, it's funny to hear his point of view on some things.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Because I've never really said anything. Nice talking to you. Thank you. That was fantastic. I appreciate it. That was fun. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back, Sam Dancer. You were saying to hear Pat's take on it.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Yeah. I never said anything really crazy. It crazy just like i'm not doing masters i'm gonna go back into the open individual division and see what i can do against young guys um and i i am relaxed about it i there's no pressure on me i feel i've had a wonderful career and i'm i i i'm very pleased with what I've accomplished and, um, not only just as an, as an athlete, but just as a, as a businessman and, and, and in regards to like just, uh, I guess a brand, if you will, just, yeah, what I've been able to accomplish through CrossFit, I'm pleased with. And I feel like I've got to accomplish most of the things
Starting point is 01:19:12 that I've set out to do. And yeah, so my goal this year is to, my goal is to be the oldest male to ever qualify for the games. And will that be it? If you qualify this year will that cement that that would be yeah that would that would i would have accomplished um what i set out to do um i want to say jason smith may be qualified at that age but he's coming from africa so do we just no i think uh i have I think I have a couple of months on him.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Wow. Even with that being said, and nothing against Jason at all. I'm sure he's a very pleasant man. Honestly, he's kind of a legend. Yeah, I agree. But with his sanctions, I don't know if that does do his – John Hayes says he was 74 years old. My bad. 74? I'm not sure. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:22 You're not sure if even his counts because he popped. And so you're saying it kind of not taints him as a person. No, not at all. We all love Jason Smith, but maybe taints his placement. It puts into question any of his accomplishments. It does, and I can't – I hate that too. I don't like ever commenting really on whether or not people are taking drugs or using this or that. And I do totally think that there can be issues with cross-contamination and potentially even not having the right people in your corner. Right. Administering things unbeknownst to you. potentially even not having like the right people in your corner, um,
Starting point is 01:21:08 administering things unbeknownst to you. Um, I, a lot can happen is what I'm saying, but generally speaking at the end of the day, if there's a substance and, and you know, you're testing positive for then you're like, you're disqualified. Yeah. You're disqualified yeah you're disqualified so
Starting point is 01:21:26 um it doesn't matter how it got in there it's a shame if it was an accident it's a shame if someone did that uh shame if you get caught yeah it's a shame it's a shame i really like jason smith that i hate to see anyone yeah for sure no i'm not but i'm also not competing against you guys either so um i i know it's people who who do drugs or like considered cheaters or that they took something from someone else but i really like him and i like what he did and yeah i do too i don't judge him i don't judge him as a um maybe i judge him as an athlete for it but i don't judge him as a person for I judge him as an athlete for it, but I don't judge him as a person for it. Yeah. It's honestly, it's hard for me to even judge him as judge him for that to any degree.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Like I would say, it was just, I just bring into question the validity of, of his accomplishments because, because of that, nothing else. Right. And yeah, I, yeah, I don't like to make make like any type of personal attack or attachment to, to Jason for, for what happened or any of the athletes for that, for that matter. I, I can, I can very easily, not that I've, I've, I'm happy that I can say I've never even flirted with the idea of taking any sort of drug for performance enhancement reasons. Right.
Starting point is 01:22:53 But, yeah, I just I can look back at myself as like a young man and see just some of the dumb shit that i've done and it's easy for me to have compassion for uh for people when they act like fucking idiots when i was in high school i gave this dude money sam he said he was going to mexico to get uh steroids i think i was 16 years old and um i gave him the money to go to He was going to Mexico to get steroids And of course I lost the money He never came back And I'm glad because I don't want to fuck with my hormones At 16 years old
Starting point is 01:23:33 But if he would have come back I would have done him And I never In the thought process Was never even like is this good for you Is this bad for you is this legal is it illegal Yeah you don't have that i was just like drugs muscles give yeah it was that clean the thought process was that clean yeah you don't have that capacity yeah nothing matters yeah just nothing matters yeah i remember thinking when i played college football i was like i know what I'm doing to myself. Like I understand that I, you know, I could, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:07 get some sort of bodily injury or brain injury that could end my life. And now I look back, I'm like, you dumb ass. Like what, what were you thinking? Would you let your son, if you had a son, would you let him play football? Oh man, probably not. But also I wouldn't, you know you know i i don't think i i would i would advise against it and i would i would try to do my best to make sure that the communication was clear and what you know what effect this could have on you down you know down
Starting point is 01:24:40 the road uh i don't think i would outright like put my foot down and say, you are not, you know, you're not playing football, but I would, I would try to make it really clear, like how you could, you could very easily, you could even lose your life. You could, you know, get paralyzed, you could do significant damage to your, to your brain. And, um, and yeah, it just, it could cause a lot of issues. So it, there'd be serious conversations around it. I would, I would definitely advise against it. Since we're talking, I want to bring up a controversial,
Starting point is 01:25:17 I think I want to bring up more controversial stuff with people when I have. Yeah. You enjoy it. You enjoy that. I've been waiting. I have this reputation of bringing up controversial stuff and I never actually do it. I'm going to do it. I want you to listen to this lady, okay?
Starting point is 01:25:29 And tell me what you think about it. This is totally off subject. Okay. Okay, here we go. Here we go. It starts off with the pill makes women date low testosterone
Starting point is 01:25:37 soy betas. Here we go. Specifically, the pill is ruining women. Studies are showing that women on the pill are attracted to the physical features of the low t-soy beta man soft jawline round face skinny jeans but when
Starting point is 01:25:51 women are off the pill they are more attracted to masculine men the men who will take care of them and beat up the bad guys broad shoulders muscles happily carries a gun and this change happens because the pill tricks your body into thinking that you're pregnant and when you're pregnant you want more support you want to be around family and so in a way the pill tricks your body into thinking that you're pregnant. And when you're pregnant, you want more support. You want to be around family. And so in a way, the pill is making you more attracted to men who remind you of your family. Translation, you're basically trying to date your brother when you're on the pill. And not even your good-looking brother.
Starting point is 01:26:17 The one that played football and was homecoming king. No, no. Your ambiguously gay brother who was in the band and watched Star Trek. Sorry, Trekkies. So ladies, get off the pill. I'm guessing. Let me guess. Your wife is – when you met your wife, she was not on the pill.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Gosh. I met Jenny. Hey, Jano. Here we go. When we met – This is study one. You were on birth control, right? Because I think I remember you getting off.
Starting point is 01:26:45 Yeah, right when we got married, she got off the pill. She was on it, she said, for about 12 years. And it was quite a chore to get off of it. She's ruining the study. She's ruining the study because you're about as manly as they fucking get. Look at your fucking head, dude. Your fucking head. I think, man, it may be just the... Will you ask her this question again?
Starting point is 01:27:12 Would she do it again? Does she wish she would have never taken it? She would. I could answer for her. She wishes she would have never taken it. Never taken it, yeah. Yeah, it was a pain in the ass to get off of. And just, again, when you're younger, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Just like I mentioned about the junk food. You don't, you don't, if you are getting affected by it and you are, the feelings are there. You're just completely ignorant to them and desensitized to them. I had no idea the pill was hard to get off of. What are the complications with getting off of it because it's a hormone the mood jano jano is there anything in particular like you could mention and quote on on in regards to like coming off of the pill or even being on the pill any uh side effects that you that were undesirable or or made it difficult to transition off of it
Starting point is 01:28:05 maybe she left i heard her say fuck you that's what i yeah yeah it should make you nervous the thing is is it's taking hormones it's it's like like it's presented to us as like hey you can ride cock and not get pregnant or or you can get a period that comes on the exact day every month but at the end of the day it's like hormones and taking hormones is a fucking delicate like i don't think you want that shit i know i know she's i mean it's not like we speak about it regularly or anything but i know she she um isn't isn't happy with that that decision that she made as a younger adult and and wishes she would have got off of it and um and definitely advises to young women and young athletes that, did not screw around with your hormones. Um, and
Starting point is 01:29:07 specifically through, um, through birth control, not, and then, you know, whenever you say shit like that, there's always like, gosh, like I've said, I used to take, I used to take Adderall. I used to take Ambien. I used to take Vicodin. And like when you tell people like that stuff is garbage and that stuff's terrible for you and you need to find alternative means to treating the root issue, you know, someone's always like upset at you for saying stuff like that. Right. But I don't know, whatever, maybe not even worth really indulging
Starting point is 01:29:46 their, you know, hurt feelings or, but yeah, it's just, it's nasty stuff, man. It's nasty stuff. Sure. It can keep you from getting pregnant and sure it can help your acne or whatever, but there's just, there's better ways of of doing it that that yield a um just a a healthier mind body and spirit in my opinion how old your daughter now she's almost four and uh are there any more on the way? No, no. I think I'm going to, I think for my birthday, I'm gifting myself a vasectomy. Oh, here it is. Jano.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Um, was there any, um, was there any, um, like really negative side effects or any reasons why you wouldn't take birth control or what made it difficult to like come off of it or anything definitely now um looking back i mean i don't think anybody knows really the effects that it's happening when you're on it because you don't know how you're supposed to feel when you're off it yeah so i got on it because i had really bad cramps right that's one of the things that like a lot of women get on it at such a young age even before like they're having sex or even thinking about sex a lot of doctors put you on birth control for your cramps or heavy bleeding which means that you are overloaded in iron and you need copper in your body yeah there's some sort of yeah there's some sort of, yeah, there's some sort of, yeah. But when I got off of it, I didn't realize how stable my mood and my mentality felt.
Starting point is 01:31:31 I didn't feel like, I didn't feel so irrational. It calms you immediately, like almost within like a couple weeks or so of like getting off, you will definitely feel better. But those couple weeks that you go through, you feel like you're in an emotional disaster. You don't know who you are. You don't know how to control any of it. You definitely go through a lot of mood swings getting off of it until your body understands what's happening,
Starting point is 01:32:00 and then you can regulate yourself. Yeah, self-regulate. Cool. But a lot of times women, holistic doctors will put you on some type of like people ever copper or something, getting off of it because it helps leave those symptoms. There you go.
Starting point is 01:32:15 From the actual, actual lady. Someone in the comments said anal is the best birth control. Yeah. Poop holes. The loophole is what my buddy says. Jesus Christ. Or abstinence, which no one ever said after marriage.
Starting point is 01:32:36 You made a post about your eyesight recently, and we've talked about it quite a bit when you've been on the show the handful of times been on the show and then what i thought was interesting is you said hey i'm not looking for any um uh solutions yeah and then and then the comments filled up with solutions but let me ask you why aren't you looking for any solutions? Man, I kind of got burnt by a solution when I was younger. And I realize it's all out of love. All these people who are commenting solutions, it's out of love and care and knowing that there's improvement. And I find that the more someone cares about me,
Starting point is 01:33:28 the more they want me to like see. My mom, especially. And my mom would always be coming to me and saying like, hey, there's new treatment options. Or hey, there's this like world-renowned doctor here. And he treated this person and I was you just you adapt and you you just learn to kind of live with it and I feel like I do more than just live with it I feel like I still thrive and um but out of out of just kind of respect for my mother, um, and her, and her desire and, and to, for me to see again, I, I kind of, I, even though I didn't want to, I followed through with it and I got two surgeries done, one on each eye and it, and it, it did not improve my eyesight. If any, it made it worse
Starting point is 01:34:28 at nighttime. So I currently have these two like prosthetic corneas that are placed underneath my cornea that are supposed to help kind of flatten and, and give, give basically a more symmetrical contour to my eyeball, my cornea specifically, which although it did that, it did improve that. What happens now at nighttime, my pupil grows to be about the size of that ring that's in my eye. And when light hits that ring, it's like looking through a kaleidoscope at nighttime.
Starting point is 01:35:06 hits that ring, it, I, it's like looking through a kaleidoscope at nighttime. And so I'm, I'm rendered almost completely, um, uh, completely handicapped at nighttime. Um, where almost, I have to, like, I have to have Jenny's hand. Um, and yeah, it becomes pretty difficult to, to function at night and certain circumstances. Like if there's not a bunch of light present, I'm pretty functional. But if there's a bunch of lights around like that and it's dark enough to where my pupil grows, then I cannot really see anything. Which years ago that created some anxiety and more social anxiety. I would just get scared kind of because I couldn't see anything. Now I'm pretty comfortable with it.
Starting point is 01:35:56 So I just – I'm comfortable with how I live and how I see. And I just like – I don't want to – for instance, if I go get a corneal transplant, um, where they take the cornea of a corpse and replace it with my cornea. Um, what if that, like that surgery doesn't go well and then my body rejects the cornea, doesn't go well and then my body rejects the cornea you know i'm then i'm fucked even more than i was before and i'm like i and to screw myself up even more than what i am now in an attempt to see better when i don't even really like it it's almost too much for me even at this point in my life. I don't, like, when I have gone to the eye doctor, they can technically fit me with a
Starting point is 01:36:55 prescription. But the second my head moves or the light changes or my eyeball moves it the prescription in theory is changing because my my eye isn't my cornea isn't shaped symmetrically so every it's shaped like a misshaped diamond just light is bouncing in in all different directions but do you ever wear glasses if you're if you're stationed if you're at a movie theater would you wear glasses because no never never it's too like i said it's too you wear glasses because it's – no, never. Never. Like I said, it's too much. It's like it's almost too much information.
Starting point is 01:37:35 It's very overwhelming for me to see clearly. So the times that I have seen clearly, it's almost like it nauseates me. It's too much. I could see the leaves. I could see the little, you know, the little pieces of, of like sand and the concrete and, and the lines and, and things. And it just, it was too, it was too much. And it sounds like mushrooms. It kind of, in a way, way it just the same way that mushrooms are that experience can be overwhelming um the information coming in can be overwhelming um a very similar experience um but um yeah to to the overwhelming nature of it i mean um
Starting point is 01:38:21 which is cool it's fun to take mushrooms and to because you don't need your eyes for that to see all right you get like you're getting very high quality imagery coming in with without the need for your eyeballs um so like if i ever want to see something magnificent i could just take some mushrooms and close my eyes for four hours, um, and then be restored to my, my normal way of being that I prefer. Hey, have you, do you know about lion's mane? Yeah, I took some this morning. Do you, do you subscribe to the, uh, like they say, it grows your brain cells and your connective tissue in the brain and can help you with memory? Do you think that there's truth to that? Yeah, I got really sold on it when
Starting point is 01:39:10 this is years ago. A good friend of mine growing up, his dad is like a big outdoorsman, and he's always harvesting mushrooms and making tinctures. And he had a massive stroke. And the doctors attributed his ability to basically bounce back without having any symptoms um, any symptoms of, of having a stroke. Um, he got, I mean, he was like tweaking out for a little bit, but he, he's completely normal and fine now. And they, they attribute, um, a lot of his ability to, to be so healthy now to his extended use of, um, certain, uh, mycelium.
Starting point is 01:40:08 And that lion's mane, you don't, you don't, do you trip at all when you take it or no? No, it's a, it's a non psychoactive, um,
Starting point is 01:40:18 yeah, mushroom. How did you hear about it? Through that guy, through that story you told? I was familiar with it through that and just like kind of being in the space, if you will, of where people are looking for things that are improving cognition and longevity and memory and such. and longevity and memory and such. And, and also just through, through strong coffee, even like we use, we've used mushroom complexes in our, in our lattes for since ever since. We've kind of refined
Starting point is 01:40:57 it over the years and, and have been a little bit more selective with some of the things that we use. But yeah, it's been something that's been on my radar for a while and um it's it's cool that it's getting talked about both on both ends both the the psychoactive ones and the non-psychoactive ones um it's i think it's um yeah good for is there a brand you'd recommend the guy from salty hive justin is uh asking what brand does he recommend my dad's recovering from a stroke right now i want to get it for him um i i don't have like necessarily anything that i i personally take i i drink strong coffee and i take a um a a thing called focus from um organifi i think that's what it is i'll go check it's right around the corner god i would i would think that instead of there would just be ground up shit in there.
Starting point is 01:42:05 You know what I mean? How do you know it's like really the mushroom in there? Hey, Sam. So I take this from Organifi. It's called Focus and Mental Clarity. Sam, how do you know it's really the mushrooms in there? Like you're not being duped. You just you know someone who works there or like how do you know?
Starting point is 01:42:24 You read the reviews yeah Organifi to my knowledge um I don't know if you know Drew uh Cannoli um he was a guy who started FitLife TV it was FitLife TV was one of the first YouTube channels that provided like holistic wellness advice, if you will. I mean, this is a long time ago. This is like when, you know, before YouTube was even a thing. And yeah, he was on there and I remember following him and I followed his development of Organifi and just the they go through extremely like like they go above and beyond when it comes to like how they are sourcing their products and
Starting point is 01:43:17 and the farms that they're using and and it's it's above and beyond and, and they're, all their products are tested. And so just as, you know, as an athlete to just wanting to avoid, um, you know, any cross contamination with something funky. Um, so yeah, they've just, they've kind of been a, uh, a preferred source for me to, um, to get a lot of my, my supplements that i that i would take from i'm excited to see you uh carson going back to carson see you there right that's where you're headed dude how cool man i'm so excited to to be there you know i'm pumped to get to see you i'm more excited to see you and to see pat and to see all the people than I am to anything else I'm so excited to get to put the
Starting point is 01:44:08 camera in guys' face and hang out with you guys so pumped it'll be a pleasure Saban I'm glad we can all re-un there yeah it's gonna be cool do you have a prediction on whether you're gonna go to the games
Starting point is 01:44:22 I mean, I, I don't think about not in this, like I don't spend a bunch of time there. I'm, I'm really happy with my fitness right now. I'm, I'm what I would consider peaked out.
Starting point is 01:44:39 It's as about as good as it gets for me, which when I'm, when I'm peaked out like i said i think i just personally believe i have i'm not saying i have the best lungs but i i think i have an engine that rivals um someone like even a brett fukowski or uh you know just someone who you're who you would consider like maybe one of the best in, in the sport with their engine and, um, and their work capacity. And as long as I can stay, uh, healthy and, and I'm taking extra precaution to not get sick over the next, whatever, 10 days. Um, I'm, I'm really, um um confident and happy with what i'm gonna be able to bring to the floor and um don't see why i can't get enough points to qualify
Starting point is 01:45:37 awesome all right brother thank you so much for coming on i appreciate it yeah absolute pleasure see you in 10 days, dude. See you, dawgs. Sam Dancer. Fucking make room for him in the Hall of Fame. Guy's been around forever. Seriously. Yeah, when he called Jason Smith a legend,
Starting point is 01:45:58 I was like, well, I think you're in the same boat. It would be really cool if Sam made it to the games. Hell yeah. Super duper cool cool such a nice guy I um have a meeting at 9 a meeting I want to say something
Starting point is 01:46:18 uh I want to say something uh nice um where is it? What the fuck's my Instagram? I'm about to crest over. I'm about to crest over 5,000 Instagram followers.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Wow, look at you go. I made this post the other day, and it says, Dear Reebok, Pride Month, Pride Flag, and all things Pride have been taken over by pedophile, racist, child pornographers, child genital mutilation advocates. I hope everyone in the CrossFit space abandons your shoes. I knew last year was time to switch to born primitive. Thanks for making the decision so easy. And there was someone in here who clearly… and there was someone in here who clearly uh if you don't if you don't see this as an as if you don't see this as advocating for gay people you're fucking retarded if you don't see this as advocating for fucking gay people you
Starting point is 01:47:18 i don't know what's wrong with you i don't know how people um openly uh um when you put like hey don't even post anything on this because when you push back on this post all you're doing is outing yourself as all those things a racist a pedophile promoter of child genital mutilation i i don't get i don't get where there's any space where there's any negativity towards me towards gays this is pure advocating for gays. Like, like a hundred percent. Someone sent me a Reddit thread this morning, some comments from it.
Starting point is 01:47:50 And it's fascinating to me that anyone would think that this wasn't like, I should be, I should be cheered on by the gay community. It reminds me of Floyd 19. When anyone thought that what Greg said was racist, that was pure advocating for melanated people. Like where did, where did you go?
Starting point is 01:48:04 Where did you go wrong you want to they stole your fucking flag the pedophiles stole your fucking flag they they knew that they co-opted your movement they're walking next to you for protection, these people. Minors attracted people. They snagged your flag. It's fucking wild. There's this, gay bashing is the clickbait of early 2000s, bro. It's 2024, find something better.
Starting point is 01:48:42 Megan, dear. I do not know what you just read. I have no idea what you just read. It's the exact opposite of gay bashing. I have no idea what you just said let me read pride month and pride flag all things pride have been taken over by pedophiles Megan are you advocating for pedophilia?
Starting point is 01:49:21 you know a huge chunk of your cohort in the gay community was subjected to pedophilia i mean it's fucking everywhere but why are you advocating for that did you enjoy that experience did that happen to you how the fuck are you advocating for that publicly get a new flag or speak up it's the same fucking thing man it's the same thing as all of these fucking black people now who are speaking up we're like wait a minute fuck the dems they fucked us they wanted us to play the fucking victim to keep us weak to fucking take over they want to keep us on the fucking plantation why are you allowing that what are you just attracted to victims is that what it is megan is it is uh is it as soon as someone you think someone is being um hurt you go you go to
Starting point is 01:50:20 their aid so you see a man raping a woman and then someone kicks the man in the face so you go over and protect the man that's that that's that's your that's your uh litmus test for for how you operate fucking insane i you you gotta wake up. You have the fucking fox in the fucking hen house. And you're treating it like a fucking hen. You gotta fucking wake up. You guys gotta stop. If you all, like, if you want to be a fucking libtard, if you want to be a fucking racist, if you want to be a fucking hater, you want to hate black people in the name of loving them, you want to hate gays in the name of loving them, you want to accept pedophiles. Reddit's your spot, man. Not my fucking account.
Starting point is 01:51:24 No idea why you think it's okay that they co-opted the gay flag. Gay bashing. It's the fucking last thing I'm fucking doing. Oh, I didn't even see this one. As a lesbian, i'll steadfast and say your fear-mongering has to stop i met you this year at the games and hopefully you working with athena would broaden your scope of life alas i was wrong i hope you get serious heat for this post signed lesbian who proudly has rainbow crossfit stick on her vehicle you know what's crazy too is a i feel like a huge cohort of the people who listen to this show are lesbians like they get it
Starting point is 01:52:03 huge cohort of the people who listen to this show are lesbians like they get it i wonder what i because they don't they're tired of their shipping uh uh health fit uh thanks for sharing i probably have an american flag and donald trump sticker on mine yeah like like like what are you doing od like who cares if you're a fucking lesbian oh that's a fucking cool ass picture though. You posted. What is that? Wow. Uh,
Starting point is 01:52:32 I have seen some strange things, but a Camaro, you know? Wow. That's dope. Holy shit. I'd rock the shit out of that. Would you drive that?
Starting point is 01:52:44 Yeah, I'd probably drive that. I will say I've always kind of wanted an El Camino. Those are sick. I would paint it like, uh, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:52:52 maroon. Yeah. I was thinking like a Ruby red, like with like sparkles, like sparkles. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh, is that them in the next picture below it Yeah that's her Odie How do you Fear mongering Odie do you have kids
Starting point is 01:53:22 How about just thank you how about just say thank you to me uh Sevan thank you thank you for standing up for fucking lesbians and fucking gay dudes who can't stand up for them fucking selves who've been co-opted by pedophiles and fucking trannies who have this
Starting point is 01:53:42 fucking deep desire to read to little kids in libraries how about just a thank you fucking nuts dude fucking nuts hey i get a new flag i'll fucking rock your new flag get a new flag that stands up for for for, for what you believe in. Why do, why are you rolling with those people?
Starting point is 01:54:13 Why are you rolling with those people? How the fuck does she drag Athena into it? Hey, I was, I was hoping that you would watch this show and you would fucking wake up and free yourself from playing a victim it's okay it's not for everybody uh sebi uh what's the gayest thing a man can do without being gay
Starting point is 01:54:33 shit dude there's a lot of gay shit you can do without being gay i don't know the stuff i'm gonna do the stuff i'm gonna do the rest of today. Join the Navy. Wear a mask. Face mouth open. Tongues out.
Starting point is 01:54:56 It's like, dude, it's like I run over to your house and it's on fire and I'm putting a fucking hose on it and you're fucking yelling at me that I'm wasting water. It's like, you're a fucking... But I wanted to put the fire out. Wake the fuck up. Wake the... Please
Starting point is 01:55:11 wake the fuck up. Please. You're only hurting... You're just hurting your people. Hey, I would... As Joe Biden would say, if you don't agree with me, you ain't really a lesbian. Wow, yeah. Direct quote. That's good. Oh, I got a cool video from...
Starting point is 01:55:29 Do you know how to... If I send you this video, will you play it? This is a video from a European... Figure it out. You gonna email it to me? Or you gonna text it? I text it. You gonna email it to me or you gonna text it?
Starting point is 01:55:44 I text it How about this? How about this you guys Let's say I'm totally wrong Margie and Odie Let's say I'm totally wrong Let's say you're totally right Let's say I'm totally off base Wouldn't you be like
Starting point is 01:56:06 hey Sevan I don't think you understand let me explain it to you but I'm totally with you it's so cool that you're fucking stand up for kids and lesbians and gay people but you're wrong and you're off base here why don't you tell me where I'm off base
Starting point is 01:56:22 because I have all of this energy and all of this passion why don't you why don't you tell me where i'm off base because i have all of this energy and all of this passion why don't you why don't you unfuck me and then i'll get on your team why don't you just unfuck me it's like it's like i'm a pro-choice guy and i have these fucking pro-life people on and i can't unfuck them i want to but i can't because everything that they're saying makes complete sense to me i I'm like, okay, so your belief is that you're standing up against killing children. Fuck. That sounds pretty fucking noble to me. And so I'm telling you right now in this post, I think you misread it.
Starting point is 01:57:00 And what I'm doing is standing up for fucking gay people. But you're telling me I'm a piece of shit. So then in my mind, I think, oh, you must be a pedophile because you're upset because i'm going hard against pedophiles why don't you just unfuck me i'm i'm totally open to being unfucked but you know what i think it is instead here's where i'll tell you exactly where i'm at i think you're trapped in your head and you're so attached to that flag that you don't realize it's being co-opted. And you're being used now to support pedophiles unbeknownst to you. That's how attached you are to that rainbow flag.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Instead of being like, fuck, Sevan's right. I'm going to pull off the fucking rainbow flag. And I'm going to put a sticker that says, I love eating pussy instead. Because the flag's been co-opted. Honk if you're a lesbian, some shit like that. Fear mongering. Are you out of your fucking mind? Fear mongering. Fucking. Anyway, OK. And if I am fear, if I fear-mongering fine cool there's no there's all fine let's i'll even go there let's say i am fear-mongering okay cool well at least i'm not fear-mongering against something that's good for people i'm fear-mongering against pedophilia
Starting point is 01:58:18 i'm not fear-mongering against like hey uh the aliens are coming tomorrow to kill to uh uh to take us all or our drinking water has arsenic in it when it really doesn't I'm not making up some crazy shit Let's say I'm totally off base, and there's there's only been there's only one kid molested every seven years by a pet by tranny Fine okay, then then I'm you know Okay, then I'm, you know. But you're fucking marching with the fucking Ku Klux Klan, Odie and Margie, claiming that you love black people. It's like, what the fuck are you doing? Okay.
Starting point is 01:59:06 European, here we are in Europe, seconds ago, footage entering the European semifinals across some some video exclusive content action people walking people waiting in line it looks like a full house the line is long the building looks beautiful the sun is out you can clearly tell it's europe because everyone's pants are three sizes too small excellent excellent architecture is way better than america yeah yeah beautiful beautiful building side of the beautiful gay architecture beautiful gay architecture architecture i love gay architecture right that's right probably built by a gay Nazi somewhere. And there you go. Exclusive, exclusive. Oh, shit. I have more. Oh, I have more content. Jesus, look at this. More exclusive content from Europe. Don't forget, like in my heart of hearts
Starting point is 02:00:05 I'm a libtard I was telling someone yesterday I don't bathe because I think it's wasting water I only shower I love going to the gay pride parade it's fucking awesome I'm not grossed out by fat people or old guys with their dicks out not at all not even lice
Starting point is 02:00:28 but fuck man my lines at fucking diddling kids dude I ain't doing that I ain't fucking even going there for a second fuck you and for and for and for uh keeping black people on the plantation I ain't playing that fucking game either okay action a european 2024 crossfit european semi-finals also uh affectionately known as the french throwdown speaking of anti-gay that's as anti-gay as it gets vendor village setting up look at this illegally going into someone's tent to get us some exclusive content wow the oh is that the vip line that's way too many vips
Starting point is 02:01:19 way too many vips should be like 10 guys in there. Yeah. 10 chicks. Hot ones. Yeah. I love it. Want hair blue eyed types. Alright, maybe I'll maybe I'll, I don't, I don't, oh, shut up and, oh, oh shit. I'm late to my meeting. Alright, love you guys.
Starting point is 02:01:41 Talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye. And Margie and Odie, I'm not mad at you. Like, I get it. You guys. Wow, Caleb. I'm not mad at you. Just stay off of Reddit. It's horrible.
Starting point is 02:01:52 Okay.

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