The Sevan Podcast - Ra of Earth | Quasi-Physical Beings Are Coming

Episode Date: March 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Hold on, you're not coming through my headphones. Can you hear me? I can, I hear you great. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:00:40 Not in my headphones. You see that little gear down there at the bottom? Yeah, I'm about to... External headphones. What about now? You always sound good to me. Look at you. You look young. Augustus Link did a bunch of rope climbs in the Savage Ones.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Born primitive Savage Ones yesterday. Held up the best out of any shoe that I've tried recently. No actual damage damage but a little aesthetical rope burn on the logo and tongue the old rope climb dude you're getting how old are you ronnie i believe i'm 41 or 42 you got younger you look younger ah well i don't know about that but uh i am spending a lot of time outside and doing all the the things earthing and and uh that helps raw last time i talked to you i thought there was some talk about a haircut and now it is it is more um it's changed it's longer and i think maybe something else is changing too i can't tell exactly what it is maybe it's the weight of the hair
Starting point is 00:01:52 well the way it i wear it down now i usually always have it up in a bun but it was getting way too heavy it was getting so heavy that it was hurting my head because it was always leaning to one side and pulling. So now I pretty much always wear it down. And so that's different. And then, yeah, there's some groups of hair that go down to my mid thighs. So it's getting pretty long. But do I cut it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I'm open to a cut when i feel that that sign comes into my reality but for now it's it's long what about just like um um what about just the the practical nature of it like just like getting caught in shit like like i had i didn't have long hair but but i had a man bun for a while and i had it like this and it was just i was just tending to it too much and that's like a you have a lot of hair to like like i it's like it's in shit it's like part of your life you know what i mean right yeah yeah yeah i mean i was i was at soho house yesterday in malibu and it was a buffet and it was i was very difficult to manage my hair getting all over the buffet food for everyone else. But I walk past I get stuck in trees. If I get in my car, I sit on it like it's always there.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Sleeping is a huge issue slash hassle, but it's just what it is. I figured if I cut my hair, I'm probably never going to have it this long for the rest of my life. So even though there is some inconveniences, I'm enjoying it as it is right now. Um, I am attached to it. I would be, I do like your hair long. Hey, I turned his mic up. Does that, does that work guys? I know. I feel like I'm really loud and he's really soft. I turned his mic up. I can increase my gain, but... I turned you up on the settings for the podcast settings.
Starting point is 00:03:51 All right. Does that work? Raw sounds really low. I also have a... Sound check, sound check. I turned up my Rodecaster a little bit. Are you liking the Rodecaster? How long have you had the Rodecaster? Six months or so. Yeah, it's pretty good. I also can talk louder like I am now, or I can automatically adjust my mic sound in the settings on StreamYard. I turned you way up on StreamYard.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Seve is just loud. I can hear. Okay, here, I'll turn myself down. How's that? Automatic mic adjust. I turned myself down. I like all the sponsors. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:04:39 You have all on here. That's good to see. The Paper Street Coffee has been around forever. um the paper street coffee's been around forever and ca peptides has been around forever and then metuthine is my new tooth powder yeah i was just looking at it online actually and then vindicates the people who sell the ceo shirts CEO shirts and birth fit is birth. It's kind of, it is a strange, it,
Starting point is 00:05:07 uh, I never expected those people to be, to be partnered with those people, but I'm like fully aligned with those people. Yeah. Like I have really, so we have the, these are all the people I have relationships with.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And then my actual sponsors, you just hear on Spotify and iTunes. Those are like people who just give you money, like, um, draft Kings or sleep aid or, you know, people like I don't even, like I don't know what the, like I'm not into, I'm not doing their product.
Starting point is 00:05:31 You know what I mean? I'm not, like I know the. Is Lindsay, does BirthFit, is Lindsay running that? Yeah, yeah, Lindsay Cantu. All right. Hey, dude, her, her, I turned you up again. Sorry, you put it to automatic. i turned you up again sorry you put it to automatic i turned you up again hey um lindsey can too is um uh her mentor you've got to meet her mentor you're doing a podcast now right yeah and how often are you
Starting point is 00:05:59 doing it oh every week and is it on youtube i just released my first episode publicly on youtube it's called well it's on my raw of earth youtube channel it's called self-expansion podcast the first one was just released i interviewed's channeling hathor in the podcast and hathor is a divine feminine essence but another entity out of this world forgot to put on my wedding ring this morning, so I'm going to make one. I want to stay with the superficial before we go anywhere else. Why did you just release to YouTube? You've been just going to Spotify and iTunes?
Starting point is 00:06:59 No, I started another podcast about six months ago, and that was called subject matter experts show. Oh yeah. Yeah. I remember we, and we talked about that. Yeah. And I did a pilot season of that and it was just way too much work. The concept that I had, it was a lot of editing, a lot of editing. And so I put a pause on that. I'll probably start it back up. And then now I'm just doing a traditional podcast like this with all the people that I know. And so now I'm starting that up. I do it live like you're doing in a private community. And then I release publicly.
Starting point is 00:07:41 But if you click on the word podcasts right there there's the one episode oh yes you can have your own podcast channel in youtube oh that's interesting hey on your now everybody i got your home page can you have a in terms of energy i need to i need to optimize all this i. I wonder if on your homepage you can get it as one of the... You're right, I can. But I just need to select that option. Because I don't know if I like... No, you're right.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I don't know if I understand YouTube anymore. I need to have it as one of those things. But like I said, there's only one episode so far. I'm taping them right now but now i'm releasing them every single week hey why don't you why do you only release it to your community at first why not do it live for everyone is it it's like a bonus or a why don't i do it live for everyone because the goal is to build a community that I don't have to play to the algorithms on Instagram and even YouTube doing it live here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:50 So part of the incentive to get people to join the community is having exclusive interviews. And then once that gets built up, I can think about bringing the live interviews to a real live public audience. But right now it's just the private community. It's free to be in the community. Right. I don't know if it's still like this, but so basically all of our shows go live to just whoever.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And then for some shows, I don't know if it's all shows, maybe Caleb can answer this, but for some shows i don't know if it's all shows maybe caleb can answer this but for some shows you can only comment in the chat if you're a subscriber and i think that i think that was just is that still for all the shows caleb no you have to change the settings for each individual show oh okay you can't just make that the default setting yeah i don't think so so i think when we're going to do like really big shows like if we're going to do like a live big crossfit event and we're trying to like get more subscribers we make it so only subscribers can chat
Starting point is 00:09:53 anyway only and are these oh just subscribers just subscribers to the channel you just like i just subscribe to your channel i click subscribe and then choose chose all notifications then once you do that and you've been a subscriber for five minutes you can start commenting in the chat that's amazing yeah I think YouTube's getting a really sophisticated and I think that it might be one of the I mean it already is is the main channel but I think it's definitely going to get more and more popular, especially if TikTok's going away. Hey, and do you use TikTok? I just repurposed all my stuff on TikTok,
Starting point is 00:10:36 but I really don't get TikTok. I've never been able to monetize TikTok. I do have an audience there that I have very low engagement though. Well, I mean, your Instagram account got big since the last time I had you on. Yeah, it's pretty, it's, it's decent. I think I could definitely do it in a more professional optimized way, but it's just me running the whole show. So what does that mean? Professional? What do you mean? Well, there's just a lot of holes in what i'm doing like the if i want to make a if i have an idea for a piece of content actually doing it
Starting point is 00:11:13 is there's a gap between the idea of video pictures i mean i pretty much just put captions on my video and they're just talking head videos, which doesn't really play to the algorithm very well. I mean, shit, dude, 150,000 followers. I mean, that's great. I want to say the last time I had you on, you had like 50. Maybe. There's also, I have a part, I'm doing a lot of work with i think i was maybe hovering around 100
Starting point is 00:11:46 oh you were okay i mean still 50 50 is huge a huge growth and yeah so there's just there's just only so much i can do on my own though so it's it's really lazy if i had a if i had some and i also do a lot of interviews and a lot of lives, and that all needs to be cut up into content, and then I just don't have the time or the bandwidth to do it all, like I would like to do it, like a professional team, like I said. Did you try the AI reel maker? It's like called Opus or something.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Have you tried that? Have you fucked with that? I've tried that. I also have Decipher, have Decipher which I don't know that one Decipher breaks down long form content like podcasts especially into show notes and chapters and keywords and titles so I use Decipher a lot and Decipher also does what Opus does but very poorly and i also did try opus when it first came out and it it never it would produce maybe 10 to 15 reels and one of them maybe was good so i don't know if it's still that bad dude that i have i got opus um it's relatively inexpensive compared to like,
Starting point is 00:13:05 I also got some AI dubbing software, which is crazy expensive to start a Portuguese channel. But I try, Opus makes all my podcasts into 50 reels. And by the time I've gone through all 50 reels, there's only one or two I like. And then I'm like, well, I could have just watched the whole podcast again and made my own. I'm just like, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:13:27 They're not complete thoughts. Yeah. It's really bad. Turn it up when Raw talks. Turn it down when Seve talks. I could just keep turning myself down. Here, I'll turn myself down even more. How's that?
Starting point is 00:13:40 I can just keep turning myself down. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah, just keep telling me until the audios are good. Sound check, sound check. Have you ever had issues with your audio before? No, if you're the one. Has anyone ever said your audio is low?
Starting point is 00:13:59 Hold on. Let me make sure I'm actually using my microphone. You are. Tap it with your finger. I hear it. Yeah, when you put your mouth to it, it sounds good. Yeah, the problem is if I turn my mic up, sound check, sound check, sound check, sound check. Hello, hello.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Sometimes you start hearing scratching. Do you guys hear any scratching? No, you sound great. On your Rodecaster, that little dial do you have it like at the 50 yard line or below i'm at uh it's a little below the 50 okay and i have mine a lot below three dots below the 50 no it's better sean says it's better yeah i just turned up the the digital knob so i'm at 58 db but i'm in the green zone before i wasn't in the green zone i don't also want to rule out that the entire audience has hearing issues i mean let's let's
Starting point is 00:14:51 be realistic let's be uh can he fit the whole mic into his mouth a different show wrong channel hey did you choose that blue cover for a reason ah blue i just like blue it looks good i ordered uh did i order the pink one i don't think i ordered the pink one but i ordered a blue an orange and then a whole bunch of other ones for another mic that that we have but yeah somewhere in europe microphone covers blue you can find it yeah they have they have this color pink too are you that was cool are you still married yes how's that going really good really good we moved to ventura so we moved out of la again and ventura is close enough to la where we can go there whenever we want it takes an hour to get into la and we really like our lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:15:46 We play tennis almost every single day. Yeah, we live right by the beach, ride our bikes. Yeah, so life is good. I played tennis yesterday, and one of my toenails is, I looked down in the shower this morning it's all fucked up it's like black and blue i knew i was playing with my nine-year-old son and he was beating me up pretty good and i knew do you ever fuck your toenails up doing tennis no i bought some tennis shoes at first oh those are gnarly my son wears tennis shoes too those
Starting point is 00:16:20 are gnarly they're like rock climbing shoes kind of like one level down the way they keep they're really tight to your feet right it's like almost like you're barefoot but it's like japanese binding i was wearing like barefoot shoes like uh grounding shoes or or the five fingers and and my wife was like there's no way you're gonna play tennis in that so we went to a tennis store and she bought shoes and i, and I just bought the ones on clearance because I wasn't really into it, but they do make a difference because they hold everything still. It's kind of crazy. So when my son was younger, he would play a lot of tennis barefoot and the tennis coach
Starting point is 00:16:55 is like, Hey dude, you can't do that. And I said, why? He said, because when you're running laterally and you have to slow down, you drag your, your back foot to slow yourself down. It's the brakes. And he's not going to learn that skill if he's barefoot because no one's going to drag their foot. So he got tennis shoes. And like you said, like we were talking, they're really tight because they have to basically become one with your feet.
Starting point is 00:17:19 So one time I played tennis with him in, you know, those old man keen sandals. You know, I played nose and because my foot was I really hurt my knee. I mean, it recovered, but you can't have a shoe that's like loose on your feet either. You'll fuck your knee up. And so the only thing is, is, yeah, you suffer through the foot binding so that I mean, it's basically warrior gear. Yeah, I was wearing some dumb shit like that. Come onaleb come on caleb be cool fool why you gotta do me like that it was fine those old man trail hikers so uh it's basically warrior gear it's like um it's like the they protect you they let you play better.
Starting point is 00:18:05 It's weird. I still don't own a pair. But every time, as soon as we get to the car, I love taking off his shoes for him. I sit him in the seat, and I have him face me. I take his shoes off. And I like looking at his face as I take his shoes off because I see his whole face go, ah. Because he plays so much in his i mean his poor toes yeah i actually put them on when i get to the tennis court and take them off when i when i'm leaving because they are pretty stiff yeah
Starting point is 00:18:34 as soon as you're done you want them off like you gotta let the toes like get out right yeah yeah but it's cool that it's warrior gear it's it's like like you realize hey if you're gonna play it's equipment yeah it's exactly equipment and i played hockey my whole life so i actually like the way i stop is really aggressive because i think i'm just used to like it's almost like a hockey stop when i'm right stopping and starting on on the court it's probably not correct but you play tap tennis or like you learn in the real strokes? With topspin and... Yeah, all of that.
Starting point is 00:19:08 It's been two months. My wife used to play in the USTA when she was younger. So not, like, pro level, but that was where she was going. Her brother is a pro, though. So she played when she was very young. She hasn't played in 20 years, though. So she's really good, and I hit with her. Are you enjoying it?
Starting point is 00:19:31 Yeah. I mean, I enjoy being outside. I also enjoy doing something fun with my wife that's not just sitting there and talking, which I also enjoy listening, but I'm not so much into talking. So it's really good to do something athletic and fun with her. which I also enjoy listening, but I'm not so much into talking. So it's really good to do something athletic and fun with her. We met in a gym, so we used to do CrossFit together, and it's been a while since we've been athletic together. Do tensions ever run high when you're playing tennis?
Starting point is 00:20:00 Like it gets competitive? With her, I think it does. I mean, tensions run high with my son yeah i mean he can get really intense he can get really intense he'll start doing this like weird laugh right before he cries and if he's behind in points and i guess i see him go through some shit have you seen that movie about serenus or serena and venus i watched the doc and the movie yeah i watched the the movie with uh will uh smith mr slapper slapper man and uh and and i watched the doc yeah did you watch both of them uh just i think just the movie. Okay. Because there's that scene where he's basically telling them they have to have fun and to not get angry after.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And I thought that's really important for tennis because it is all about you. It's like a lot of pressure. The coach, many years ago, I heard him tell my son, he said, hey, the best tennis players in the world have only won their games, have only scored like in aggregate of all their games, like 55% of the points, like the three best players in the world. That's like the best people have scored 55% points, meaning that it's fucking always close, right? And he also said this, the game's never over cause there's no clock. So until you lose, you're still in it. And I'm like, Oh my God. And so there's,
Starting point is 00:21:32 there's games where, you know, he's down five. We played it. We play these games to 11. We have like our own little thing we do. And there's games where it'll be five to 10 and you're like, Holy shit, I'm still in it. But but man your mindset is just fucked right you're just like hey i'm just gonna take the l but it's a crazy it's like you said it's crazy pressure you're still in it because there's no clock until you lose i think it's a good a good lesson it's not like basketball where the clock's against you right and. And if you're down, then the more time that goes, the less likely it is for you to come back. What is this?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Those are the longest games? There was an 11-hour game? Yeah, and it spanned three days. These are the top three longest games in tennis history. Holy crap, dude. Seven hours. Yeah. Fuck that. I played basically as hard as i could yesterday i think probably for like 80 minutes and i was worked i was you play tennis before no i got to the car and i'm taking off his shoes and i look at him and i go hey dude nine years ago if you
Starting point is 00:22:44 had asked me if i was have a son i'd have have said, fuck no. And if you had told me I'd be playing tennis, I'd be like, not in a million years. And now it's like, my favorite thing to do is play tennis with my nine-year-old son. It's weird. He started laughing, gave me a big hug and a kiss. He said, I love you. So thanks. It's a fun, it's a fun game. It's getting the ball in the little holes in the court and running. Yeah. It's very kid game to me, but I think that's fun to play as an adult. You ever hit your racket on the ground yet? Not on purpose.
Starting point is 00:23:22 No, okay. Not out of like, fuck this thing. No. not on purpose no okay not out of like fuck this thing no i haven't done that either but my son a couple years ago broke a racket on the ground and then i made him tell his coach man his coach was pissed his coach was pissed hey he threw he hit his racket on the ground raw and broke it and it was like it was caved in on the side and the strings were all loose and i go holy shit dude you just broke 120 racket he's like it's fine it's fine he's like pulling this out it's fine i'm like come on dude he hasn't done it again yesterday he reminded we hadn't talked about it in a couple years he goes you remember the coach told me if i ever break another racket i have to sit out for two months i'm like yeah i remember
Starting point is 00:24:07 but i get this i get the sentiment of wanting to hit your racket on the ground i understand it yeah yeah so when that happens you have you you have to go into father mode, right? And handle the situation very consciously. And you said you just broke $120 racket. Did that mean something to him? He was tripping. He was so embarrassed. And I just tell him, I said, hey, dude, everything you're feeling is right. You should be embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:24:42 No one thinks it's cool to lose control. You should be embarrassed. No one thinks it's cool to lose control. I go, now, listen, if you did it on purpose, like to lose control, like to like, like I'm all for showing off. But like, I don't think that's what you did. Is that what you're doing? He's like, no. I'm like, yeah, like I'm all for conscious stunts. But I'm like, man, you just you you had a thought and you had and you and you let it take you over. I explain it to him just like how I perceive how the human mind works, you know? And, uh, he got it. And I go and, Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:25:11 emotional energy is the most powerful energy. Don't ever like, if you wanted to do that, I'm all for you doing it. But if you didn't want to do that, you just fuck, look at your whole, cause he fell into shambles. He was crying.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I'm like, look, you've fallen into shambles. There's a place and a time for that, but I don't think you wanted this to be that time. And I think he got it. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 00:25:29 The brain goes through different states of awareness, right? So he goes into the emotional and that takes resources away from the logical brain. And so then you just act out of emotion. But you can even degrade, I guess degrades a little bit accurate. You can degrade into your survival brain. And that's when he realizes something's, you know, he did something wrong.
Starting point is 00:25:55 And then you get maybe even scared or that's where the problem comes in. I think he did. Yeah, I think he did scare himself. Yeah. Yeah. And then you're into like the primitive, like, am I even safe in this environment? And it's almost like he goes through the process, and you get to watch it as a father, and hopefully you stay in your logical and not go into emotional and start reacting to his reaction.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I did not yell at him at all. I just like my newest, I shouldn't say my newest thing, but the thing that I've embraced the most over the years is like, um, I'll be like, Hey, we're going to the garage right now to work out. And one of them will be like, Hey, my ankle hurts. And I'll be like, Hey dude, I totally trust you. You can do what you you'll do what you can do. And nine out of 10 times, they just get through it like that works. They're like, Oh, hey, we're going to jujitsu tournament. They're like, I don't want to go. I don't want to do it. I'm like, no problem. I totally trust you. You'll you'll make the right decision when we get there. And nine out of 10 times they like I
Starting point is 00:26:59 because I don't want to take any of their power. They're trying to give their power to me, right? They're trying to have me make decisions for them and i've already made the boundaries they already know we do jiu-jitsu the the rules that i've taken the power from them is that they know they have to do jiu-jitsu whatever five or six days a week they have to go to practice they have to put their gi on they have to go to the tournament they have to you know but once we get there like i trust you and and one of my kids has only done three of the ten tournaments, and I don't fucking harsh him at all. Because I know it's eating away.
Starting point is 00:27:28 I know personally, like, it's eating away at him. Because he knows he's really good. And he's going to have to eventually jump through that roof and regather all that power. But I'm not taking it from him. I'm not making the decisions for him. No fucking way. But a lot of people will make decisions.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I mean, that's what the government does. That's why people like the government because it makes takes the power from makes the decisions for them right i ain't doing that all right try not to do it so what about other things like creativity and i learned that working with retards by the way when i when i worked at a home for disabled adults they, they're trained to give away the power. The system trains them to give away the power. And I learned quickly, oh shit, don't take the power, decision-making power from them. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Do you take them, do you, like, do they get to invest their time and energy in other things besides athletics? their time and energy in other things besides athletics like yeah yesterday they came into my office and took a fucking lighter from my office i had this i just like um i have this lighter where it's like it's a usbc lighter and like it just you turn it on and it makes an arc so you can start a fire i've never even used it and they came in here and opened one of my drawers and after about an hour i realized oh they're in the backyard starting fires that's a boy's deal yeah i know totally i said i was so great because i told my wife to see how she'd react to fuck with her she's like oh okay i'm like oh damn well you have a big yard if they burn down some of it it's all right yeah yeah they get it uh tons tons of free time tons tons and tons of tons and tons of free time i mean they need it in between events to bring them home open
Starting point is 00:29:13 the door and like you said you've been to my house they're there go do your thing uh my son told me the other day he wants to be a rapper and he wrote his first rap nice yeah and i wrapped it for him he didn't even want to wrap it he wrote it and i wrapped it for him that's a good combo yeah so that's what i mean what if he wants to work on his on his writing instead of going to jujitsu no no the um you gotta you gotta do jujitsu, tennis, and skateboarding in school, right? You have to do those things, piano, Armenian. There are these things that they do. But they're only seven and nine. They don't know. Do you remember when we used to go to school as a kid? You just went to school no questions asked you just get up you go to school you get it so those are the things that they do and i don't know if it's true or not but i've justified it that they're gonna thank me like they're never gonna be like when they're 18 years old and they're purple or in their
Starting point is 00:30:20 purple belts you know they're not gonna be or brown belts or they're not going to be like holy shit you're a dick right for for teaching me how to defend myself yeah they're never they're never going to be like there's times where they'll be like i don't want to skate and i'll be like cool then just we're going to the skate park anyway you can do what you want there i never like make them do the activity so we'll go to jujitsu and one of my boys will be like i have a stomach ache i go no problem but we still go when we watch but but they always jump in same with you know so in in obby just did his 11th jujitsu tournament this week and it was the first jujitsu tournament ever where he had no problems like no he just went out there and did it and then afterwards the boy that beat him in the nogi um his dad's actually a fighter his dad's a
Starting point is 00:31:07 black belt so my son had no chance because he's got me as a dad but um they hung out for three hours afterwards and i didn't even see where they were and i and he's never done that he's never had three hours away from me and he would just come check in with me every like he came back to me one time he's like hey the boys are watching something on a cell phone called Minecraft. Can I watch that? I'm like, yeah. But I said thanks for asking. Watching something on a cell phone. When people hear new ideas, they fill in the blanks, right? So when people talk about flat earthers, they're like, well, what is it? It's just how do you not fall off the edge?
Starting point is 00:31:53 And I'm like, hey, dude, there is no edge. Because I had a flat earther on here, two of them. I'm like, you're projecting your idea, the globalist theory, right, or globalist reality with the flat earth theory. And I go, there is no edge it's you're still thinking that it's you think it's like a disc now floating in space with other discs it's not like you're mixing the two ideas you have to accept the fact that it's just one giant piece of flat land that we're on and or whatever and um when i think of channeling it's the same thing i really don't understand channeling so when this lady you have on is channeling a being, is it really like I picture someone in a room in heaven sitting there
Starting point is 00:32:32 and sending them like, you know what I mean? And like sending them like talking to them and sending it through the air. Well, yeah. So that's that. I like how you position that because that's that's not how it is yeah so tell me how it is yeah how i because i don't get channeling is it really an entity is it really like something that's like like later on that thing will be taking a shit somewhere wiping its butt these are these are good projections because that's our that's our concept of reality is that if we're speaking to something else, it's an alien with two eyes, a mouth, legs.
Starting point is 00:33:10 But the way that consciousness develops through matter is it's like us being in a materialistic realm. This is just one stage of the game. And we experience time linearly within this material environment. And we also experience an individual body. And these things are not constant throughout the universe or throughout life. It's just how we define life on planet Earth. But that's not how all life exists. So we need to broaden our definition of life if we're going to accept the notion of other entities. And so with a channel, so for instance, what I mean by that is that there's, if you can imagine an evolution of consciousness going through different states of being.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Right now we're in a stage where we're an individual entity that experiences linear time. We have self-awareness and we have awareness that we're an individual separate from everybody else on this planet. Eventually, though, our consciousness, which is being essentially downloaded into our body. Uh-oh, something just happened. I saw that. Your mic works now. I just fucked with it because it was starting to do the scratchy thing,
Starting point is 00:34:38 and now it works. Something on my headphones. Did it get really loud on your headphones? No. I mean, I don't hear myself on my headphones. Did it get really loud on your headphones? No. I mean, I don't hear myself on my headphones, but I do hear the scratchiness every time I speak. Okay. You want to lower it a little? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. Oh, look. The sound got awesome. No, it's okay. It's good. We'll rewind it back eight seconds and start over. That should be better.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Are we good now, guys? Look, the demon was channeled yeah that's what i thought as soon as we started talking about channeling now his volume is perfect okay shit all right all right okay so so um uh consciousness evolution something like that yeah so if we imagine we imagine, so I'll go a few steps before us, there's the elements, earth, air, water, light, these eventually combine to make plants and animals, right? And plants and animals, we can say are aware. So like a bee isn't really self-aware they're in this hive mind, but they're aware there's a job to do. There is a survival instinct and that at a high level. So there's a spectrum from being aware to self-aware. And if you look at like a gorilla or even a dog, they're self-aware. They're trying to attain a harem.
Starting point is 00:35:59 They're protecting a territory because they're aware of themselves and their need to fit into an environment and thrive in it. So once an animal gets to that edge of the spectrum, then they can be essentially graduated to a human being. And the spectrum of a human being, a lower level human being is self-aware. They're just learning self-awareness. So it's always about me, me, me, I, I, I, I want, I want, I want. But if we know what comes next, I made a little, uh, wedding ring. Uh, if we know what comes next after
Starting point is 00:36:39 the human being, then we can see where the edge of the spectrum is. And what comes next after the human being as we know it is a human that can interact with all other humans. So instead of being just aware of self, we become aware of other individuals. And that shows up with people in terms of like psychic or empathic people that when they walk into a room, they can feel the emotions of everybody else. And these types of people, they exist. They're being born onto this planet. A lot of people with kids or their kids are talking about knowing the thoughts or even talking about other lifetimes, which is another conversation existing on other planets. Kids are talking about that nowadays. But eventually you become aware of everybody's emotions. And then the stage after
Starting point is 00:37:33 that, you become aware of everybody's mental thoughts. So the reason why we're here is to go through this process. Right now we're in the process as humans of making ourselves strong individuals and with each individual component we will get stronger when we start to merge back into oneness and we're having an individual experience now so that we can share our experiences with each other our experiences with each other. And just like a cell in our body is an individual that has its awareness, but doesn't necessarily have the same awareness of us, which make up all of the cells, like my liver cell right now has a job to do. It lives and dies. It goes through a life cycle. It goes through a life cycle. It eats, it excretes, but it doesn't really have the same awareness as me because I'm an organization.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I'm an organism of all of the cells within my body. We are a self, but we are also a cell of a larger organization. And that would be like the entire human civilization on this planet would eventually there's a, there's a consciousness, not eventually right now, there's a consciousness that has an awareness of all of the humans on this planet. And at that level, you're not experiencing linear time. You're experiencing all of the selves and you can travel through time to remember what it's like to be an individual. Like in the 1800s, you're a slave or you can zoom your perspective into yourself, Sivan, doing the show right now. And so instead of us that
Starting point is 00:39:26 maneuvers through just space along a linear time, there's a version of us that has the consciousness of the entire human species. And eventually we won't need to be individual. So as we graduate as humans, as we ascend is the word, we won't really need individual bodies anymore. Once every single version of life has been lived on this planet in all of the different timeframes, then we won't really need bodies anymore. And then we're just going to be a bodiless spirit or a soul, a bodiless enlightened entity. And so a lot of these channelings are not coming from individual beings. They're coming from other density or other dimensional beings that are really a collection of entire civilizations of other planets that are now in one consciousness.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And they give themselves names so that we as individuals can sort of understand what we're talking to. And so they give themselves names like Ra or Hathor or, yeah, just individual names, but they're not really individuals. They're collections of entities. They're collections of, of life forms that have gone into a non-physical state. And because they're in a non-physical state, they're merged with more of the universe. So you could even say that they are us in a way so that's how they can they can channel messages to us because they are us but they're experiencing us in a different degree
Starting point is 00:41:15 than we're experiencing us it's like we're almost sort of part of the same consciousness um i i saw this on your Instagram. I really like this. Here we go. Want to be the light? No, no. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Not this, not this, not this.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Where is it? It was the one with how to treat other people. Shit. Maybe let me see if I have it in my notes. But it kind of sums up what you were saying. Uh, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:41:50 uh, it's a very short reel. Go, go up a little bit. Do you know which one? So you do know? Oh, here it is. Right there.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Questioner. Here it is. How are we to treat others there are no others right that i mean that's treat people how you want to be treated is like is saying the same thing but this is kind of like the next level of explanation of it right how are we to treat others there are no others if you imagine you're you're a cell bumping into another cell but you're all part of the same consciousness at a at a ascended degree then it changes how you're treating others you're no longer competing
Starting point is 00:42:38 you you you're not trying to to war with somebody else so that you can get ahead. You realize that you're you're you're we're all brothers and sisters. When when you see these when you see groups of people, when you see like organizations, political organizations or just any organizations, right? Let's say whether it be a country or a business or something, do you ever think that, oh, they're chasing that kind of consciousness? Like when you see, like, I haven't spent that much time in China, maybe a couple months, but when you see a country like China and how I imagine how it works, you're describing to me like, um, be consciousness, like almost like they don't want to be humans and they want to go backwards they want to do bee consciousness yeah so you ever see that in the world you're like oh they're behaving like bees they're doing bee consciousness hive mind hi yeah i do i do and the orchestrator of those organizations are the ones that know the game. They know the rules and they're using, you can see that they're, they're aware of how this all works. They're aware of the capacity of the humans within their organization. And they, they, they also are aware of the law of free will.
Starting point is 00:44:06 That they, the humans that they're controlling are all volunteering to do it. So that's kind of where the, the, like you were saying with your kids, like bees aren't volunteering. They're doing it because that's what bees do. But you're saying when humans do it, they're volunteering to do it. They're giving away their power and arguing their limitations because they don't have to do it, but they feel they, they build a story that they have to do it, but they feel they, they build a story that they have to do it, but they don't really, they're using their free will to project onto themselves that they have to do it. Is that what you mean? Yeah, they are there. That's,
Starting point is 00:44:34 that's where things like TV and the glorification of sports, which is just modern day gladiators, which is all meant to meant to fulfill the mind. That's what government is. It's to govern the meant, the mind. And so the governments are satisfying the population by feeding them TV, by feeding them sex, sweets, alcohol. You're saying even organized sports? Do I think that organized sports
Starting point is 00:45:14 are serving the agenda of the elite? Yes, they are. Absolutely. Think about it. I mean, there's stadiums. There there's glorification there's what is the well how does how do these the like how does the super bowl make money like all the advertisement what's the advertisement doing it's selling us coca-cola beer cars to a degree are are not you could argue are necessary but just look at what the commercials are selling the people while they're in this sedated Matrix-like state of being.
Starting point is 00:45:51 That's what television is. It's the Matrix. And it sells you other stuff, too. It sells you like the NFL, Major League Baseball, and the NBA were selling that black-skinned people are victims and they should embody victim. They sell the Pledge of Allegiance, so the organization of the country, right? They were selling that black skinned people are victims and they should embody victim. They sell the Pledge of Allegiance. So the organization of the company country. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:12 They sell other things like they sell all sorts of shit. Right. Ideologies. Ideologies. They said, be loyal to your country. Yeah, they sell all sorts of stuff. But the main thing of what I'm saying, which is I would admittedly say I don't know the answer to, and I would even say it's a struggle, is sports good or bad? Like, that's a question that I'm wrestling with right now because the ideology of it is competition.
Starting point is 00:46:42 That's at the core. That's the foundation. That's what everything rests on and so if there are no others are we to be competing with each other or collaborating with each other and there is cook both within a sport especially a team sport you're collaborating with your team for the sake of being competitive and this is something that i don't necessarily have an answer to but it is something that i'm i wrestle with in my head and i know that this is this is the you know everything's about crossfit and well here here's the thing it's like what i told if you're breaking your
Starting point is 00:47:19 tennis racket because you want to break your tennis racket by all means necessary fucking get your racket pull it back and take your best shot there's a difference between it's kind of like in the dao it says when you go to when you uh you should not you know i don't know exactly how it goes but basically when you're fighting another man go into it wishing that you're fighting the best man that there is right that there's i i think what happens is is a lot of unconscious beings parading around as conscious beings project things like hey he broke his racket and he was out of control you don't you don't know you don't know that only one person knows that the person who broke their fucking racket and it's like humility it's like it's like
Starting point is 00:48:08 it and it's like humility it's like it's like and things manifest in their own way like the whole conor mcgregor thing like you know people think he's acting or is that really who he is or is he conscious acting like no one knows he knows so as as the viewer you can either enjoy it or judge him for it or bring your own shit to it but um it's a trip and i i bring uh oh here we go this is called being flexible while advancing pushing back without using force and destroying the enemy without engaging them there's no greater disaster than underestimating your enemy underestimating your enemy means losing your greatest asset when equal force meet in battle victory will go to the one that enters with the greatest sorrow. Oh, that's interesting too. That's not exactly what I was going for, but that's good.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah, it's like you can be competitive without um you can you can engage in competitiveness without becoming competitive so what you know you know what i mean you bring it back to self yeah it's all it's all a game to advance self and to even test self and i think that that's noble. But yeah, can we apply that to a civilization so that there's a healthy relationship with sports? You know, there's this description that Greg shared with me about Democrats and Republicans. We don't even have to use those words. Let's just say just two different kinds of people. There's people who want to... Well, let me go back a second.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Remember what you said about free will? You know, Christians believe that there's unalienable rights that we have as humans. The life, liberty, yeah. Pursuit of happiness, right? pursuit of happiness, something like that. And the people who don't – let me just hold that thought there. So the premise of our country is built on that, unalienable rights. We have unalienable rights, and those have to be protected at all costs then there's
Starting point is 00:50:26 another group of people that think that you can take away the groups of the individual and give them to the group right so they think that they're acting like these hippies that i used to roll with they think it's like peace and love and accept everyone right even at the cost of taking rights away from the individual and giving them to the whole so an example would be um let people into school based on the color of their skin as opposed to just their merit so now you've taken rights away from someone to give them to a group and i'm trying to tie that to um which avenue because you see why they want to do that they think they're they think they're pursuing the consciousness like let's grow together as a whole right that's what i mean that's what that's the peace love hippie thing let's grow as a whole
Starting point is 00:51:16 let's grow as a whole but you can't you can't um you can't do that if you're taking away the rights of the individual. I guess my question to you is, does it always come down to just the individual? The individual has to take care of themselves? It's like there's a paradox there. You have to be completely 100% selfish and take care of yourself in order to be the best for the whole. I think there's a shadow side and a light side to everything. So no matter how you're thinking about reality, there's going to be a dark side to that.
Starting point is 00:51:52 There's essentially the danger zone, and then there's going to be the great parts about it, and it's understanding the potential for it to go dark, even in perfect scenarios. But my thing is expanding the concept of self. So once we're internally integrated and have a healthy relationship with self, then we're able to externalize our awareness of self. And I start in my teachings with the elements because we always think about ourself as from the skin in. So everything from skin in, like you said, I will be selfish to protect everything from skin in. But if we start to realize that the reason why
Starting point is 00:52:43 we think our organs are ourself and our heart is ourself is because it's inside of our body and if we don't have our bones or our brain we won't survive and so i must protect this self but also if we don't have air or water or light or the earth the minerals of the earth we're not going to survive either. And so we can essentially build a relationship external of self. And we can even go into other humans within that. And even things like the government and the agenda and the elites, how are those things as much of myself as I am to myself? And those are the questions that I entertain and ask those questions and then apply it and integrate them into my life because we can't survive. We all are breathing the same air. We all are drinking the same water. So
Starting point is 00:53:47 is the water separate from us? That's a philosophical question, but also the more that you live within those parameters, you can start to feel external to yourself. you can start to communicate with the trees you you start to understand that i am more than just everything from skin in and that's like adding another dimension to yourself and that's that's waking up to a different level of yourself and so that's where like when you mentioned the other side, it comes back to like, okay, I'm viewing it from an old paradigm. I'm viewing it from like China is ruling their people or the government is doing this against me. But that's a stage that we can all choose to be in and view from that perspective.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Or we can view it from the perspective of i am everything what if i am everything how is this how is me witnessing these atrocities benefiting my experience here like what is the point of it dude so well said so basically automat automatically the it's a presupposition you're making to understand you i you the presupposition is it's them and us right so all the answers you're going to get from that presupposition is them and us answers they're doing it wrong they're doing it right they love me they don't love me. I love them.
Starting point is 00:55:25 They don't, they don't love whatever. And you're saying, so one, one start with it's, if you change it, boy, and this is,
Starting point is 00:55:33 this has got to be scary as fuck for people. So, so is that the heaven and hell thing too? Or is that evil and good? That those are just the same thing instead of just like, Oh yeah. I mean like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:55:44 it's just, it's just, it's just one. And the second you have two, that's the game. The second you claim that there's good and evil, that's your, okay. Now you're,
Starting point is 00:55:51 you've decided to play the game of good and evil. Right. Yeah. And you can just say Satan made that and, and you no longer have to entertain it as being a benefit to your life. The thing is somebody comes in or take any, or take any responsibility for it right you're resolving yourself responsibility because it's them right and the thing is that they
Starting point is 00:56:14 also are finding their way just like we are like nobody's here perfect we're all here in this game. And so they, they like, as we take this landscape, this, this perspective, this opportunity to view, to view our opponents in this way, we help them. We basically help them find their way. And we, we utilize them to help us find our way as well. We're all bumping into each other. And if somebody is going a different direction than you are and they have their agenda, they have a right to that, just like you have a right to your agenda. And accepting that we're each going in our own different directions now, but in the end, we're all going to end up in the same place allows us just to have respect for the other including the elites including the people that we feel are doing the most
Starting point is 00:57:14 worst things that you can imagine on this planet what are the elites i never understand what that is that the elites what are those yeah i mean so you're talking about like the rockefeller type people that are more powerful than governments the pharmaceutical companies that have an agenda to to have a sick population so if you'll always be a pyramid, always where I, I, I am under the notion that we're choosing this. We're all volunteering for that to be.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Okay. Well, maybe there'll always be a, um, a pyramid, uh, as you would, I think, as you were saying in this plane,
Starting point is 00:58:02 as we are now, but imagine tomorrow everybody wakes up and we can feel the emotions of everybody in our city. If that if that switch in our DNA happens and and instead of just feeling, am I happy? Am I hungry? Am I sad? You literally feel your neighbor's emotions as like there's no separation. So it's just something like that completely changes the entire world. And now it's like, is that already happening?
Starting point is 00:58:33 Because people are being born into this plane that have those sensations. And is a solar flare going to change the frequency of the earth so that that turns that switch in our DNA all turns on? Or is it going to be a long term thing? But something like that happens. We no longer can behave in a way that treats somebody else negatively or puts them underneath us because we will be emotionally connected. emotionally connected. And then the same thing eventually, if we're able to telecommunicate as a species and whatever I know you know, and we don't have to use language anymore, powers like this change the way that civilization interact with each other. And right now we're in a stage. And if you look at ancient civilizations,
Starting point is 00:59:27 they're tracking calendars that are hundreds of thousands of years, like the Hindus, they're hundreds of thousands of years old. The Mayans, thousands of years old. We're tracking a calendar year, one year, 365 days. Why were other civilizations tracking hundreds of thousands of years? It's because there are seasons and cycles that happen within those time frames as well. But yet, we're only paying attention to spring, summer, fall, and winter. That's the change in temperature. We're not really taught to pay attention to the change in consciousness that happens within this reality. But if you look into other civilizations, they were. And so you have
Starting point is 01:00:13 spring, summer, winter, fall in terms of consciousness. And if you go back to the dark ages, that's like wintertime. Before that, you have advanced civilizations. That's like the spring and the summertime of Atlantis and Lumeria. And right now, it's said to be that 2012 was the start of us coming out of the wintertime of consciousness into a new age, a new era where consciously we're able to receive more information from whatever it is that's around us, whether it's a universe or some spiritual dimension. And there's movies about this right like there's movies about waking up from a stupor that's what the matrix was you're watching tv your entire life you're watching a matrix you're watching a program and then neo neo means new the new human wakes up and realizes the program and also realizes the agenda and and
Starting point is 01:01:30 that movie goes into a war because they're in a war but we are all more aware of things than we than our grandparents were well there are some things that are just fucking wild here right so you could you could tell someone hey we can communicate without phones and and and and send messages back and forth and we can do all of that right and and probably the vast majority of people would be like no that's bullshit and yet we live in a and yet you know how hard it is to learn to juggle five balls juggling five balls is a lot of work. It takes a lot of fucking awareness, focus, practice, trust. None of those people who think that that can't happen spend even one second by themselves every day.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Right. They don't spend one second um looking inward ever like you can see them all you see i see you see them all around you which is the equivalent of saying you can't juggle like that's the equivalent of never even holding five balls in your hands let alone juggling it is what you're essentially saying so like you've done no work on yourself and yet you have this insane strong opinion that telepathy is impossible that communicating uh is uh and you and for me i know this isn't going to hit with a lot of people but for me obviously i i see it happen every time throughout you know i see it happen every time throughout, you know, I see it happen every day in my life. But but also it's the idea of the phone was created from the fact that there was already telepathy.
Starting point is 01:03:14 You know what I mean? Like no one no one made up that. Those I know all of these ideas of all these luxuries we have around us, these fun things we have around us. These tools came from something that we already had inside of us that we've traded now for this tool right i mean because i can see how creation works and it's it's fascinating to me that uh so many people miss that basically every you're trading your phone for the innate ability to communicate without your phone that that's what you're doing that's what you're trading it's the story that we're telling ourselves that way too are you aware of that do you see that too well i definitely know about yeah i mean you go to like people that have been living on an island for the last few thousand years and they don't even know what technology is
Starting point is 01:03:59 right and let's say it's not let's say it's not even telepathy you're giving up the ability to see the patterns that allow you to communicate at a super duper high level with others. Well, I mean, masking adults in front of kids was a complete fucking disaster. I'll say this right now. Someone said I was going to have an unhindrance. If you put your kid around masked adults, you completely retarded your kids. If you put your kids around masked anyone, you completely retarded your kids. You stole, you stole, when they were the most powerful, when they had the most powerful perception, you took away from them the ability to fucking learn that shit. Anyway, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:04:47 the ability to fucking learn that shit anyway go ahead the child's mind between like two to three years old to seven or eight years old is in a in a brainwave frequency called theta and they're essentially being programmed so if yeah it's what you're saying like that program is going to be very hard to undo once they get out of of theta, they're going to have to med, learn to meditate and get back down into theta frequency, which is essentially that. And order a Starbucks while you're in that mode, you got to go, but you got to be in a meditative state and be ordering Starbucks and looking around at people and relearning that shit.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Yeah. Yeah. You like our, our subconscious or unconscious. Ness. And then here's the crazy part. A lot of people who get these skills. Then start reacting to the perceptions.
Starting point is 01:05:29 That they're having. And fuck themselves further. That you have to develop the skill. And then not react to it also. Right. It is essentially like the programming. It's when we're programmed. And it's our software. Doesn't allow us to be reprogrammed
Starting point is 01:05:48 in any other frequency besides theta. So just because you learn something, like if somebody tells you the earth is flat, like right now in waking awareness, you could take that knowledge, but it's not going to change or shift your perception. awareness, you could take that knowledge, but it's not going to change or shift your perception. But if you're in theta, that's like, even like a, like, it's like a hypnotic state. And that's what TV does for people back to television. It brings you into that relaxed couch potato programmed state of being. That's why TV is so important. It's, it's why it's, it's promoted. Everybody have a TV in every single room because
Starting point is 01:06:27 that's reading what about reading mechanism does reading put you in that yeah l ron hubbard taught me that yeah uh we're uh raw's channeling l ron hubbard right now sorry i should have told hey what about reading does reading do that to you it so i've read some books and all of a sudden i'm like whoa like i start getting a little weird like i i remember uh reading when i read interview of a vampire with ann rice do you know your reason i was like shit i'm starting to see vampires everywhere i gotta put this book down i haven't read that yeah don't it's not it's fun it was fun the reading you're a little bit more active when you're reading than when you're watching TV. Because when you're TV, it's kind of like a passive input.
Starting point is 01:07:13 When you're reading, you get to interpret the words into your own visuals. And when you're watching TV, you don't. That gets provided for you. So TV is just more passive than reading is. And so you still have a little bit of control over what you're reading, but you are definitely still in a state. If you're focused on the book, you're in a relaxed state. It's almost like you're having a conversation with the author. This buddy calls me the other day and he goes, Hey, dude, I gotta tell you something. I go. Yeah, go ahead
Starting point is 01:07:51 He's not a christian this guy I don't think he's a christian. He's like I was in a shitty mood man. I was so fucking pissed I'm, like yeah, and he goes and you know how i'm reading the bible. I'm like, yeah He goes I was 30 minutes into it and i was fucking happy as all get out i'm like listen dude you already got me into boxing don't try to convert me to become a christian he's i'm just telling you the facts it's like it's happened twice now the bible is at a there is at a at a pretty good frequency to to bring one into a state of alignment um do you have a book list of frequencies that bring the books that come yeah so do you really that would be well no no i don't have a book list i thought you were asking about what
Starting point is 01:08:40 the frequencies were um david hawkins like when i say the word frequency david hawkins uh has the the levels of consciousness and so like at the bottom is shame and anger is actually a couple steps up because anger promotes uh action and then it's like pride and then eventually you get to joy and love and super consciousness can i see that list i want to see where i'm at yeah and this isn't something that you just sort of casually go through it it hold on i'm gonna casually go through it don't hate me uh what's an example of shame isn't there like a statement on some of these like when i'm masturbating and i'm concerned that someone and you feel bad for your you you yeah no i feel bad for the person watching
Starting point is 01:09:32 at the nsa because i don't even even telling somebody that they're wrong is a form of shame oh interesting explain that to me when you look at something and you say that's bad or that's wrong that's that's a shameful statement you are you're projecting shame onto that so yesterday my kid so oh my god yesterday so i i experienced the lowest form of consciousness yesterday yesterday my kid was on so we have this really expensive skateboard ramp right and each piece of this skate light costs like six hundred dollars that's just the cover for the fucking ramp and underneath part of the one of the pieces of the skate light it's rotted so the skate light's bending and my son said um my son said um uh I just saw this picture and got distracted My son said
Starting point is 01:10:32 He said hey can we fix the skate ramp I said yeah I said whatever you do don't jump on that piece That's broken he goes oh shit I've been jumping on it And I fucking was like are you fucking Crazy and I got so angry at him And I shamed him he was devastated i was devastated i devastated both of us well you're learning yeah i shamed i shamed him that's that's an example and i no wonder because i apologized and i didn't even kind of know what
Starting point is 01:10:58 i was apologizing for but i knew i'd done wrong i was like he was i was like hey dude that was completely inappropriate what i just what i how it went off on you you didn't you're a fucking nine-year-old boy you're allowed you're supposed to jump on shit that was my bad just don't jump on that spot anymore but wow wow okay let's see the next one that that was shame so i shamed him and i felt horrible right because i lowered my consciousness yeah okay and guilt is similar i don't really experience guilt oh okay here we are okay shame guilt apathy i don't experience apathy i'm wound up grief i don't do grief i don't really do fear i'm not afraid of the dark anymore which is kind of weird desire i like i like electronic equipment i don't have strong desire though really to i mean uh pride
Starting point is 01:11:49 yeah i got i get pissed off if someone tells like i get is pride and loyalty are those related at all like if if if anyway uh courage i mean pride is what what fuels the army, right? They literally use pride to encourage war. Okay. What about courage? If you have courage, because I don't have any courage. So courage is like the neutral. 200 is the gateway between the victim and abuser mindset into like like it's saying right
Starting point is 01:12:26 here self-empowerment so 200 is is kind of like a neutral state and that's according to his teachings most of humanity example of courage i'm trying to cultivate some courage so like i think courage is like honest like being honest is is courage like if you're an honest being honest i have to cultivate courage to be honest yeah yes courage can also be being afraid of something and doing it anyways that's kind of the simple definition of courage doing doing something, like you said, saying something. But having you need to have regulation, people get into this to this state. This is where like the shadow side of things like courage comes in is when you're like, OK, well, I said that thing
Starting point is 01:13:18 that I was afraid to say. And now that means that I should just say whatever is on my mind. And then they're in that state where they're like, well, it's true to me. So I'm going to say it without any, any self-awareness of, of what you're saying's impact on other people. So each one of these, yeah. Do you have any other questions on courage? Courage is courage. Okay. We'll come back to it. I think I do. Neutrality, willingness, acceptance.
Starting point is 01:13:52 I'm getting confused. What does it mean, willingness? It means getting up off the couch. Oh, okay. Acceptance. Acceptance. Not fighting with yourself. Accepting yourself. Accepting yourself and accepting others too
Starting point is 01:14:05 like this is kind of where a lot of our conversation has been in is like are you able to look at reality and accept it without fighting it without blaming without going into shame and guilting others okay okay i like that um inner light so this is where this is where very few humans go into so we're going into like jesus type figures when you're going above 400 and above and i don't really have good explanations for these ones but this is i just wanted to say earlier that this isn't something that somebody just hops up this is a a log grid this is like kind of like how the richter scale works which i don't really understand but this isn't like a linear like 203 the difference between 100 and 200 yeah go ahead isn't isn't like double so it's like 10 earth yeah 6.1 and a 6.2 it's not it's it's 10 it's like i think it's 10 times stronger the earthquake or something yeah so that's how this scale is
Starting point is 01:15:14 working it's it's humongous jumps that in a single lifetime somebody might go 50 to 100 points according to his teachings. So right here, look at 600 to 670, presence and non-duality. The non-duality thing is crazy for people because first you have to have presence. So I'll give you a really simple example. And see what you think of it. I could say I don't like raw. And someone who lives in duality would think that I dislike you. Like they can't just accept the fact that I said I don't like raw. And that I still haven't told you anything.
Starting point is 01:16:02 So many people. That presence thing I feel like is the real big delineation in humanity maybe you're right maybe it's lower but for that presence and non-duality thing that's where i think so many fucking people are just they just lose their shit they can't even fucking grasp it and that right there is where it's like i think right there is where you're starting to get out of your head. You're starting to, Taoists say only a confused man makes decisions. You're getting out of the making decisions state. Well, look at what's before. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Well, oneness. Oneness. So you're no longer viewing others as others or situations as they're happening to you. You're viewing them as you. Yeah. Yeah. And then non-duality is after presence where you literally don't see right, wrong, up, down, good, evil. It's all, it's all the, it's like uh same aspect or different aspects of the same thing like temp like hot and cold for instance where does where does hot begin and cold like the demarcation line yeah like there are no there are there is no difference between hot and cold at a certain thing it's just temperature they're they're the same they're the same thing they're different aspects of the same
Starting point is 01:17:29 thing and so when you get to non-duality you realize that but this isn't like i said this isn't just you don't just get to it this is but i think people experience those a lot those things a lot they have opportunities for those a lot like like i don't think like you just i think that i'm guessing i mean i don't know this guy's work but i'm guessing you you flop around between these like you'll just catch yourself in a um in one of these states and and then sometimes you try to go back and remember what you were thinking in those states or what you're experiencing and you can't because you're fucking back stuck down in anger or desire yeah it does seem like that to me that we we have a standard mode of operation and we're able to witness other versions of ourself sometimes when
Starting point is 01:18:18 we're just around other people they can you can that's the thing with this is you get around other people they can influence your state of being and and that's that's a whole other thing is how to become influential with your state of being amongst others and that's about alignment so if everything is from a scientific standpoint everything everything's vibrating electromagnetic energy, right? And there really is no such thing as solid items. It's all just energy. And so if it's all just energy, we're fields of energy, our heart is resonating a frequency, a state of being, can we influence other people's state of beings and how does that happen and so the heart math institute has hooked people up in apartment buildings and they've seen that people in apartments that are close to each other are actually influencing the emotions of the people
Starting point is 01:19:18 above them underneath them to the sides to them and they can see that in studies and then they ask the question, well, who's doing the most influencing? Which of these people? Because they couldn't say it was just the people that were the most loving that were doing the influencing. Because people that are in a... If somebody angry walks into the room, it's almost like everybody gets overtaken by that. And what is that? How does that happen? And what they found is that they termed the phrase psycho-physiological coherence. So psycho, mind, physiological, body, or emotion. So it's like the people that are in the most
Starting point is 01:19:59 alignment, their thoughts, actions, and emotions are in alignment. And so if you take somebody like Hitler, he was actually resonating pretty low on that scale. We're talking about like anger and pride, but he was in alignment. He acted on what he felt. He said exactly what he felt. He did everything that he felt. He said exactly what he felt. He did everything that he felt. He was in alignment and he was able to influence massive amounts of people because of alignment. So alignment is actually what makes somebody influential. Authenticity is a very influential state of being,
Starting point is 01:20:45 no matter where you are in that spectrum. Wow. That makes amazing sense. And you can't fake that. It comes down to your, your, your thoughts, emotions, and actions. And so for instance, if you're going to a job that you hate every single day, you've got very low power within reality because you know
Starting point is 01:21:18 that you don't, and you even feel that you know and feel that this isn't what would make me satisfied. So satisfaction, joy, these are the emotions that let us know that we're in alignment. So if you're not feeling that with what you're doing eight to 10 to 12 hours a day, then you have you're out of alignment and you are not resonating as a whole put together being, and you've got very little power to be influential in the field of reality and within other people. So we get to find that, like what resonates to us in our life. And as long as everybody's on that path, like that's essentially one of my main goals and teaching points is to wake and wake people up to that point is that we get we are we're our our own map we get to use our our thoughts our emotions to align our actions to it and as long as we're all doing that then we're very powerful and we're all
Starting point is 01:22:35 living in our dream world we're all manifesting creations from our greatest state of being living in his dream world hitler so hitler was and i don't mean really hitler i mean the imaginary hitler that we're talking about now in the presence i mean no one should take this like we're trying to write history i'm just saying yeah based on what raw told us is in alignment like if hitler if there was no such thing as hitler and you believe that you have proof we're not talking about that we're just talking about the one that we're talking about right now, the fictional one that was in alignment and used that. Even if it was low frequency, it was in alignment and had the outcome that he did. So no one get all the truth.
Starting point is 01:23:12 Yeah, that's a good disclaimer because there's all sorts of narratives. That's what I mean by awareness and presence and conscience and relativity and context and non-duality. So many people will just be like anyway go on they get stuck in their head and they can't fucking hear what we're really saying it's that that but go on sorry what was the question was hitler in alignment was he in alignment yeah yeah i mean you can tell just by the amount of influence that he had he was successful in his he was successful in his mission it's very hard to be able to influence and impact reality the way that the story of him did um the way that he did without being in alignment it's the same thing when you go when you watch bringing up sports again the reason why the entire audience stands up when the athlete is you know on a breakaway or about to
Starting point is 01:24:06 shoot that shot is because there's 100 focus and and resonant alignment within the person you're watching and the entire stadium falls into that they literally get overtaken by that i want to get into alignment while this microphone's in my face. I want to influence the world. So I'd like to. So even when people are meeting extraterrestrials, what they find is that the ETs frequency is so strong compared to ours so like there's a guy daryl who channels uh bashar who is a physical entity but when he talks about meeting bashar which is an extraterrestrial who's living in a spaceship above sedona but he speaks about meeting bashar
Starting point is 01:25:04 people that's not true okay it might not be yeah it's it's just the story he's telling us in a spaceship above Sedona, but he speaks about meeting Bashar. People, that's not true. Okay, go ahead. It might not be. Yeah, it's the story he's telling us. So when he meets Bashar, he sees himself through Bashar's eyes because Bashar overtakes his consciousness to a degree that he actually experiences Bashar's reality as opposed to his. Okay. So this is, this is an example of how, like, if you even go into extraterrestrials, the reason why they're not coming down and just being amongst us is because it's very disruptive to our identity
Starting point is 01:25:38 because there's so much more in resonant frequency than we know how to be that their consciousness just overtakes ours and the people out there that have plants and i'm just going to use go i'm i go out on a limb when i hear that story and i think to myself okay so then that's why my dog gets all, you know, like when my wife and I are, are having an argument or something, it's like our frequency is interacting with the dog and he starts to, to change his behavior because our frequency has changed. Or if anybody that takes care of plants knows that if you go, if you're happy, your plants are happy. If you go, if your boyfriend breaks up with you or
Starting point is 01:26:25 something and you go two months being depressed, you might have not even known this, but you can think back in your memories, you'll realize that your plants are all dying. If you're going two to three months being depressed, it's because your frequency is so much stronger or it's interacting with the plants and it's causing them to die as well this stuff is all um back to like what do we do with it right The thing is that it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, because it, it works. And if you start to act in a greater frequency, like if you start to act within alignment, you're going to see your reality start shifting around you rather than you being the victim within your reality.
Starting point is 01:27:27 But very few people are willing to do it. Like you said, that's, that's kind of the point of this, the, the, the, the bent in the journey I've been on and sort of the point of the show too. And I've been sharing that with people.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Like, I don't care whether you're Christian or not. I'm, I want to live in a country that has Christian values. You know why? Because it works. It's a really good, it's,
Starting point is 01:27:44 it's a fucking great place when the country has uh christian values it's a great place for where i'm at raising kids um safety on the street you know what i mean it's just it's just and and some people around me but like how can you believe those wingnuts are like i don't care whether i believe them or not i i like their whole i like their i like their value system i like their um uh inalienable rights like i i like all the stories of jesus like i'm i like their shit like i don't care whether it's real or not i'm not worried about that i've transcended that i'm trying to do what works i want to go back to this thing um um and i like all my friends who are Christian are cool shit
Starting point is 01:28:25 I'm on the same frequency as them I'm with them I have a acquaintance who presents very humble but he's very arrogant on the inside
Starting point is 01:28:40 and it's fascinating to me the pain right because they're presenting the way they think the world and i'm not by any chance saying that they should get rid of their arrogance i think it's quite the opposite they should let their arrogance out but it's such a retarded i don't mean it in the clinical sense i mean it like in the bent sense it's such a skewed humility like and i see people fall for it all the time i fell for it but there's zero humility there it's a pure massive obsessive ego inside and i just i just want to be like dude just let it out it's cool rock it rock that shit just rock like it's fine but the thing is is people
Starting point is 01:29:29 are trying to think that they're trying to get somewhere i guess that's the whole thing with um i guess that's the whole thing with social media i guess inherently it just takes people out of alliance out of alignment because they're chasing what they think others want instead of what their alignment is. Some people do. Yeah. I think the vast majority, I think the vast majority, like they just,
Starting point is 01:29:55 I think that even myself, I, I, you and, and I'm sure somebody on your team is paying attention to the algorithm. There, there's, there's the algorithm that has to be played into and it's not somebody else right but i definitely do change the first few words of a video to play the game
Starting point is 01:30:16 with social media that's different i'm talking about um just claiming you're vegan but you're not vegan or like there's there's all these women out there whether they know it or not are presenting themselves as fucking cum dumpsters they're everywhere they're presenting themselves maybe they don't know how men perceive them but they just present themselves
Starting point is 01:30:38 as something to just drop a load in they're everywhere and you can be like well stefan you're just projecting on them no i'm explaining it's just the biological fact i'm like i'm not i don't even follow them i don't look at them like that i'm not interested like i'm fucking happily married but i'm telling you that's how i remember what it's like to be 18 and like they're but they're not cum dumpsters and if you say that to them they get offended like they're they're like so fast because they're not cum dumpsters and if you say that to them they get offended like they're they're
Starting point is 01:31:07 like so fast because they're getting this what they're getting is is they're getting a shitload of followers but zero happiness they're not in alignment and you can see it when they finally present like if they go on a podcast or they do something you'll be like oh your shit's not your shit's all fucked up you know i mean they're not in alignment they're presenting to the world to get to i'm not talking about like changing the writing or publishing at 3 p.m or i'm not talking about playing that game i'm talking about a whole suppression or misrepresent suppression of who you are or misrepresentation of who you are like those chicks who really are fucking cum dumpsters and present that way those are the ones that have 12 million followers like like they they're
Starting point is 01:31:42 fucking their shit's in alignment like you see them and you're like fuck um i'm just talking about like just your average fucking um uh chick who has the you know million followers and is just presenting like a comedowns or i mean like look taking a picture looking over your ass if you're a girl like i mean Like – no, I'm just showing you how I work out and my muscles. No, you're not. And so their shit's not in alignment. And I see it, and they're not happy, right? They're just not happy.
Starting point is 01:32:20 They're not partying. They're not – like, you just see it. And I think that's the vast majority and it's interesting i got to that point just now through your explanation that that is and so and so i'll even jump to this arrogant conclusion which i'm more than happy to be arrogant that's why the 27 000 subscribers of this channel are so much more influential than the 500 000 subscribers someone else might have because this channel are so much more influential than the 500 000 subscribers someone else might have because this channel and the people in it are fucking aligned more so than others like oh and that takes us back to the beginning of what you're saying our are if each one of these
Starting point is 01:33:00 people is a cell our cells are working more in conjunction with one another right because as a culture like there's there's a there's a culture that's being set here with values right right we don't want our kids diddled like that's one of the things like we have in common this group we're pretty like protective of our kids but then that gets us back into the them they thing again i don't right i don't want to hate the diddlers but but you can ask them to go to a different dimension i mean this is this is the environment that we that we get to manage here and apparently this is why we're all here. There's a line to get onto earth. And we were the lucky ones that came here during this time to experience the dynamic-ness of this reality. Because once we don't have a body, this is like my hair.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Once the hair grows, I'm probably not going to have it again. Same thing with this life. So even though there's all of these challenges here, this is the game that we're playing. We get to play it. We're blessed to play it. And remembering that throughout the process allows us to have appreciation for the villains within this game. The villain characters, I should say. And that also puts you in more power when you can respect, even admire, your opposites.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Going to the desire thing too, you might not realize, you might be like, no, I don't have desire. But we all realize it, or a lot of us have the opportunity to realize that when you leave the house and you're six blocks away from your house and you realize you didn't have your cell phone with you and you have to make that decision. Am I turning around to go get it? Or am I going to sit with that desire? opportunity to sit with your desire. It's a new, it's, it's, it's a new feeling. And then you can sort of see where you are, um, on that, um, on that plane. Ronnie, what do you think about the people? What do you think? Like, imagine that pyramid and all those levels that we were talking about. So there's people on the planet now who have every single, they can have any object they want, right? They can have the new Tesla, they can buy a flamethrower, they can have any object they want right they can have the new tesla they can buy a
Starting point is 01:35:25 flamethrower they can build the biggest house they can um build a suit and go into a volcano and come out they can go down and see the titanic they can just do whatever right they've they've kind of conquered relative to where we are with technology the physical realm is that when they start wanting to control other people is like within that subset of unconsciousness are there or within that superficiality or their levels of what people want to, like the desire starts with like, Hey, I'm going to be able to walk upright. And then next thing you know, you want to fucking be president of the United States. I think that
Starting point is 01:36:01 we can develop ourself, let's say financially to a great degree and we can win that game. And if we're not also developing ourself like a video game character with all the different traits, if we're also not developing ourself in a balanced matter manner, then that's where things can start getting weird, right? Where you have so much money, but you, you are emotionally broken. So you have like wild sex parties and, and dominate people and in other ways, like that's where that's, I think what you're saying that that's where needing to have power and control over people because that aspect of their self wasn't necessarily developed. But yet, if somebody was raised in your family and did jujitsu their entire life and was taught things like martial arts and sports,
Starting point is 01:36:57 you realize your power over others is a great power and you respect it. And maybe you're not financially well off but you have that aspect of yourself taken care of you can see the different levels of awareness within your own life and within other people like for instance and and then you also can respect the process like i used to get into fights all like I was a massive fighter. I fought every single weekend when I played hockey and I would go out with my friends. People would want to fight me because they could they know I would fight back. And then I got into CrossFit and CrossFit for me was all about beating other people. beating other people. And, uh, it was very much on that, that, that edge of reality. And I did that for my entire life. I played hockey from three to 23, and then I got right into CrossFit and I was basically a professional CrossFit athlete for, till I was like 35, 36. I was like 35, 36. And now the last seven, six, seven, eight years, I've experienced that enough. And I understand what it's like. It would be very difficult to get me into a fight
Starting point is 01:38:14 or an argument or something that I would be so quick to get into when I was developing my capacity to have power over others. I was willing to exercise that. But now it's kind of played out. I no longer need to prove to myself that I'm more powerful than others. I'm okay walking into the room not having the biggest shoulders and the biggest legs there. It no longer serves me. It's kind of like being a toddler or being in grade school. When you're in grade school, all of those lessons are important to you. But as an adult, you no longer have a need to go back to that state. You kind of have that within you. And so as a lifetime athlete of 30, more than 30 years of competing, I no longer feel gratification or even alignment with expressing that version of myself because now it's more, uh, experiential.
Starting point is 01:39:17 It resonates more with me to, to develop other capacities of self. to develop other capacities of self. Where is this? What is this comment here? I don't even understand this comment. I have my son, Perium, and now he has no shame. Perium. What's that?
Starting point is 01:39:37 It's... What is that? It's an STD? It's... It's the company that I'm partnered with. It's my nutritional. Oh, he's busting on you. He's kind of making fun, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Yeah, that's good. That means he likes you. That's how that guy made fun of me before I slept with him. Oh, I gave my son. Ken Walters, dude's a hockey guy whole other level of respect used to love the fights but now not so much was that hard to give up did you consciously did you consciously have to work on that or it just fizzled out i mean the whole time i was doing crossfit i was i was i was going through it because i was injured to it to you know i've got injuries from hockey
Starting point is 01:40:38 and from just overuse um i came into crossfit broken i had a chiropractor injury. And so I had a dead nerve that goes down my left arm. So I basically don't have full usage of my left arm. I also have a dead nerve in my right quadriceps. And so when I was competing in CrossFit, I was doing barely any training. And so that's why you would see me slacklining or riding a unicycle or rock climbing. I was active to a degree, but I wasn't doing thrusters and pull-ups all year long. And so I had an identity crisis in terms of my muscles going away, not working out, not doing CrossFit. But amazingly, I was still winning CrossFit
Starting point is 01:41:25 competitions and qualifying for regionals every single year. So it was a long journey. It was a 10-year process of sort of like going from super athlete mindset to one time I was in a conversation. Well, actually, there was a switch. And I was in a conversation with one of my good friends and he said, do you know who you are besides an athlete? And that like smacked me. It like literally smacked me in my face. Like I ran into a brick wall and I think I was like 35, 36 ish. And it was like, Whoa, I actually don't. I don't know who I am besides an athlete. Who am I without these muscles? Who am I without this fitness, this capacity? And that was, if I were to point at one of the things that really made me question athleticism,
Starting point is 01:42:26 and I know your audience is huge into it, but is it the foundation of life? And that allowed me to just ask that question and also ask, what else is there? And I was also discovering that there had to be something else because I wasn't training and yet I could qualify for regionals, top 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of people, but I haven't picked up a barbell in the last 10 months. How is that possible? I thought that diet and exercise were the foundation of fitness. Is there a way? And fitness from the CrossFit standpoint is measuring power.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Is there a way that I was accessing power besides training in my CrossFit gym? Because I wasn't training in my CrossFit gym. Where was the power coming from? And that's when I started realizing that there's tremendous power in sunlight, And that's when I started realizing that there's tremendous power in sunlight, earthing, the way that air comes into our body and how we utilize it and what the function of water is in our body. And I was accidentally utilizing that stuff because instead of training in my CrossFit gym that I owned several, I would go hang out in the beach.
Starting point is 01:43:44 I was in the elements all day long. I would be training full-time athletes. And when open season came around, I hadn't picked up a barbell because I wasn't planning on even doing the open. And I would, the first workout would get launched and I would do it in a 15 minute break in between coaching my classes with zero warmup. And I would beat the guys sometimes that actually did the, the, the demonstration of the open workout, like professional athletes. I would beat the people that I was training. My, my, my full-time athletes, I would beat them. And it didn't make any sense to me. And so when that question came up, like, is there something else besides being an athlete, besides living my life in a gym that could potentially access myself
Starting point is 01:44:35 more power than being physically strong? Is there something else that allows me to be more powerful without just working on physical strength. And I found a lot of enjoyment looking into other themes. And that's where things like other dimensions, are there extraterrestrials? How is this reality structured? Light, earth, air, water, how does that actually interact with the body? This is before like earthing everybody knew about. Like nobody was talking about earthing then. I mean, there were a little subset. Nobody was talking about sunlight. That's when you went up north
Starting point is 01:45:12 and buried yourself in that hole with that old guy. That old guy buried you in a hole. Is that what earthing is? No, he didn't. That's, you're talking about Mick Dodge? Oh, yeah. No, but he didn't bury me. But that was a breathwork like what was breathwork
Starting point is 01:45:26 like didn't you go on the ground there is earthing going in the ground earthing just means touching the earth oh i give i give presentations on this and i ask i say everybody raise your hand who so i usually give presentations on saturday or sunday i'm giving one in burbank next week or Sunday. I'm giving one in Burbank next week. And so I'll give a presentation on Saturday or Sunday. And I'll say, raise your hand if you've been outside more than five hours this week. And less always, less than half of the people there, they raise their hand. And I'm not even saying barefoot. There you go. Yeah, me too. I can't even believe people wear shoes when they don't have to. So we're talking people are not even going outside more than an hour a day, let alone being barefoot, let alone letting the sun be on their solar cells, which is their skin. But there's a lot of power in the elements.
Starting point is 01:46:22 So you want to hear something interesting? Yeah. But there's a lot of power in the elements. So you want to hear something interesting? Yeah, I want to hear something interesting, but I want to come back to the working out thing, and I want to push back on you on that. Because you had 30 years working out experience. You ate healthy. You hung around other strong people. And you were proficient in all the movements. But I'll come back to that. Tell me.
Starting point is 01:46:43 I don't want you to lose your thoughts. So tell me something interesting, if you still remember no no no push back okay why couldn't have just been like hey man that's how fit i was and that's how shitty the competition was like i like you were young you were determined there's no doubt you have determination. You were young and you were determined and you had an amazing base. So that's where the question is. So I think taking a year off and you're still and you were still active, it's not like you were sitting around with your thumb in your ass eating Cheetos. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 01:47:20 So I just don't think that like any Tom, Dick or Harry could just go out there and will themselves. I don't believe in a stranger in a strange land, but I want to. You love that book. I know you love that book. I want to believe it. Yes, I struggled with it as well i think you cultivated the strength which gave you the mindset or you cultivated the mindset which gave you the strength but to just say that some tom dick or harry could just be like but i didn't say that okay okay sorry okay
Starting point is 01:48:01 i i i definitely didn't say that it's the juggling thing so uh yes i was highly skilled at physical fitness i was a lifetime athlete so great body awareness cultivated crazy body awareness yeah but i had somebody like ryan fisher training in my gym he was a coach of mine and and he would accuse me so So just, just so you know, it just wasn't me. It wasn't just me making these questions about like, how is this possible? Like Ryan Fisher used to drive by my gym at, at 12 or 1 PM. And he would tell my other, my other athletes, like Ronnie's working out at midnight. I know he is like, I drive by the gym and the lights are on, but it would be my cleaners were in there. So he didn't know that my, my,
Starting point is 01:48:54 my, I had cleaners three times a week come to the gym and they would clean at, at midnight. Essentially. He didn't know that, but he, he was even trying to figure out like, how is it that I could do so well without training at all? So it wasn't just me. And even for myself, I had to continuously be like, how is this possible? And that's what prompted me. I'm just sharing that there was a question in my mind. It was like statistically significant enough that there's something else that's giving me access to power that I didn't understand. How was it possible? And what I found is that there's a lot of power,
Starting point is 01:49:33 and you said determination. There is a lot of power in intention. I started noticing that with diet. I could tell my clients to eat vegan or carnivore or high carb or low carb. And it seemed like everyone was getting the same results no matter what diet I would give them because I would tell them, this is going to make you healthy. And then they would get healthier. And so I was starting to see there's a grayness in the lines that are drawn between how I thought reality operated with a cause and effect mentality. That's Western science. It's mechanistic. They're just trying to find a cause and effect. And they're trying to find the cause within this physical reality with our physical machines. Is there a cause before the cause?
Starting point is 01:50:17 And is that cause before the cause measurable? Or is there something else that we're not looking at? And that's what I started finding, earthing, being in sun. And these things are all breathwork. Breathwork in every single city across the entire world, you can now find a breathwork coach. So the way that we utilize oxygen is completely different than how everyone thinks in the gym. Everyone thinks the more you breathe, the better. Get in as much air as possible. They're breathing through their mouth. I didn't. And I was just accidentally not breathing through my mouth because I'm a psychology
Starting point is 01:50:54 student. I have a degree in psychology. And for me, I was just trying to breathe through my nose in a workout as long as possible because I knew that I didn't want an adrenaline dump. And breathing through your mouth puts you in a sympathetic state of nervous system where you're in a flight or fight. And so there was things that I was non-consciously doing that was helping me within CrossFit. One of those things is being outside on the earth in the light, but it was also how we use air and how water
Starting point is 01:51:25 interacts in our body. So yes, I am athletically, uh, talented and skillful, but there's other stuff that allowed me to access power. And now here's the question I started asking myself, okay, I can win CrossFit competitions. I'm talking about local competitions I was winning. I wasn't winning the games or anything because I didn't identify as a games athlete. I identified as a regional athlete. So I was getting to regionals every year without really training that seriously for it. I would train basically from when the open started to the end of regionals. That was when I would pick up a barbell and kind of do CrossFit movements. If I'm able to do so well in this sport where people are training all day long, but I'm doing something else, I'm accessing more power, is it possible
Starting point is 01:52:16 for me to extend this power into other aspects of reality? Can I close my businesses and still live a luxurious life? Can I live at houses at the top of the Hollywood Hills without bringing in money? Can I date whoever I desired without grooming myself? That's where the hair growing and the face growing started. Can I still eat at Air One, which is like the most expensive grocery store in the world, three times a day without money? Can I move out of my house because I can't afford it anymore and still manifest a house when I need to sleep at night? Is that possible? I started asking myself these questions and I went on that journey and started realizing that, yeah, I can do much more than be good at crossfit i can do all of these other things because there's something that's allowing me to create reality and that's
Starting point is 01:53:18 kind of the game that i'm playing within right now you think you'll always play that's that's that's it that's now it no i won't always play it like i'm i'm figuring out uh like there's things that are more important like so back down to earth finances right so i i i guess i am not playing that game so much now i did for a few years after i closed my gyms but now i'm a productive member of society i do pay attention to money and so now i'm back in the earth realm doing things as it's programmed to be done uh but i just have i have awareness of all these other capacities as well. I can't tell if this is a joke. Wow, something very strange just happened.
Starting point is 01:54:11 Blowing my mind. My next door neighbor offered me food and I'm starving. We never see or talk. Well, that's like the last time I was talking about this. Somebody sent you a message that said, I didn't believe anything he was saying. And I was going to go buy a boat. And I thought to myself, it would be just great if somebody gave me the boat. And I didn't have to buy it. Oh, I remember someone told that story, right? Is that what
Starting point is 01:54:34 you're saying? Yeah. Yeah. They sent you a text and they said that they showed up and the lady was like, you know what? I don't even need you to buy it. I just want it off my property. You can just have it. And so like when somebody talks about manifesting or creating reality and you're like, no, it doesn't happen that way. That's actually you manifesting and not happening that way. So it's almost like, it's almost like, uh, you can, the prerequisite to be able to create reality is to know that you can do it. If you look at everything like you're the victim and that you have no creational control over it, then you're not going to be able to manipulate reality at all. And it starts with the negative aspects of our life.
Starting point is 01:55:20 If we hate our life, we have to take responsibility for creating it. All of it. If you're in an abusive relationship, how did you ask for it? How did you create it? Because the only way for you to get out of that abusive relationship and into a better, more resonant relationship for you is for you to accept responsibility and control and choice over the current relationship that you're in or the current situation of anything that you're in. Even things like got into a car accident and broke your back. How is that serving your intention? We must, we get to, we're blessed to find the answers to these questions so that we
Starting point is 01:55:59 can then create a fulfilling life with the broken back. If we don't have acceptance that we chose it, then we're just going to suffer for the rest of our life. You froze. I mean, we can hear you, but you froze. Or you're staying perfectly still. Can you hear me? I think that maybe my... Oh, wait, hold on.
Starting point is 01:56:24 I'll change my camera. Do I, Oh, there we go. No, it was the phone that I was using as the video thing died. Oh, Oh, why were you, why were you using the phone as the video? oh why were you why were you using the phone as the video because it's easier than using uh my good camera and wait now which camera is being used the computer camera oh yeah looks i can't even tell the difference it still looks good oh did you have it on can you put it on portrait mode when you're on your camera Oh, did you have it on? Can you put it on portrait mode when you're on your camera?
Starting point is 01:57:06 On your phone? No, I just was. But you were on your computer, but using your camera's phone. Yeah, anyone can do this. So I have this little arm and it was holding my phone. I didn't have it plugged in. It was holding my phone this way. So now I'm using these cameras to videotape myself as opposed to using like my canon r5 right camera that like every setting
Starting point is 01:57:32 needs to be completely perfect hey how is that was that phone hooked up to your computer no it's just bluetooth so right now if you put your i forget what it's what it's called um yeah i've seen things where you were devices like little arms that you put on top of your screen so that you can use your phone i just never knew how to do it so you hook it up to your computer bluetooth and then it becomes one of the options for the camera yeah if just put your phone on bluetooth and your computer on bluetooth and if you go to settings it might have your phone as an option. It might say like, Savan iPhone 15 or 14, whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:58:15 I don't know. For me, it just started happening automatically. I didn't do anything to make it happen. You just brought the two together, and they knew that they should work together. Yeah. Apple. That should be a slogan for apple uh he he gets so ticky who's getting ticky me or raw maybe me so frustrated with seve he's not frustrated with me we're chilling maybe i look around and you know i do have a lot of like i i know, I do have a lot of, like I, I played hockey. So there's a lot of
Starting point is 01:58:47 jostling that happened, happened in my brain. And so for me to search for things, when I speak, I really have to dig into my psyche to find the words because it's a, it's a challenge for me to come up with the words that I need to structure sentences together. So I really do look around a lot because it's hard for me to, to even know what the sentence I'm saying is. You don't come off like that, but I like looking when I, when I talk to, like, you know what I mean? Like I, I enjoy, uh, when I'm thinking sometimes like, it's a nice feeling like
Starting point is 01:59:27 it feels like I can explore into my mind a little bit more but I've had to work on that because people used to tell me I don't look at people in the eyes when I speak oh well you've been looking into my eyes the whole time i wonder if this is bad for my frequency i mean that's all humanity right there that's a hyper i don't even see that as i don't even see I was, it's the phallic, the phallus. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:07 It's like a symbol of your masculine strength, your ability to penetrate reality, which is exactly what we're talking about. I like that sensation. Do you ever get like you wake up and you have a morning wood and like you can just take the palm of your hand and kind of push down on it and you can get a little you can get like a little crack like a little pop like at the top of the pubic bone like it's like cracking your knuckles like you ever get that you know what i'm talking about no that would be if i could it's like you're doing it's like you're i just go like this and i just kind of push on a little bit like get a little tricep extension on it just like to push it away. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:00:46 It just makes me feel so masculine. Like it doesn't even belong to me. Like I'm pushing it away. But, yeah, like I know it does. You know what I mean? I know. You know what I mean? It's like when I was a kid, I used to hang a towel from it.
Starting point is 02:01:02 You know what I mean? Like I'd be like I'd just hang a towel from it. I don't do that towel from it i don't do that really anymore i don't have time to do that those things anymore my boys do that stuff it's so fun watching them do that stuff like they just be watching tv and pushing their penis in and letting it pop out pushing in but i'm like oh yeah i used to do all that shit hang towels from it it's like fucking it's great now it's just now i just wrestle with it it's great now it's just now i just wrestle with it
Starting point is 02:01:30 i had my birthday a couple days ago i turned 52 and no i was gonna tell i was gonna tell you what my wife got me but i just not going to it was in the sexual it was in the thing i don't know if it's sexual i don't know if it's sexual i don't even know it's all blur it's all one to me it's all hey um this thing where um we we were all in line to come here and come here is that is that um Is there truth to that? Or is that just kind of romanticize our journey to add to our appreciation of it? So this is what the phone looks like.
Starting point is 02:02:15 It says connect to MacBook Pro. It just like automatically says that. And so now when it says that, it'll have a it now it should yeah it pops up in the settings in oh yeah in uh where are we at stream yard yeah and so the thing is i'm turning my phone you can't see it i'm turning my phone on an angle and it keeps it like uh it keeps it stable so could you push the cinematic settings so it made you so you had a uh um i think so but i haven't figured out okay like like so yeah so like bouquets you know what i mean
Starting point is 02:03:01 so like yeah so it blurs the back yeah just slightly ever so slightly no i've looked i've tried doing that because i think it would be better but i i don't know how to do it i wonder if i could do that in obs i'm pretty sure i could probably do that in oh yeah you can do it in stream yard too it doesn't look good i don't think so virtual background let me see like a blur i can oh uh i think i just tried it did it blur me let me see. Like a blur. I can. Oh, I think I just tried it. Did it blur me? Let me see. Brick wall. Oh, none.
Starting point is 02:03:28 Oh, wait. No, let me see. Brick wall. Do stuff like that or like that. See, that's the blurred. Can you guys see that? Yeah, it does look. It needs to be like 10% of that blur.
Starting point is 02:03:39 I'm learning how to play the piano. Holy shit. You wouldn't believe the accident scene I'm at. We're live. The accident scene. So what do you think? Is that just romantic? Is that just to, when you say, hey, we're in line to play on Earth, is that true, or is that just...
Starting point is 02:04:03 So you mean that, like, is everything happening perfectly as it should be happening? No, at one point you said, hey, we're blessed to be here. There was a line of people wanting to come to Earth and our number got closed and we happen to be here. But like when I hear stories like that, like I want to believe that. I like that. When you see this, that means they're done with the show. He's saying it's time to go. The 1999? Yeah. don't know when the when you see this that means they're done with the show he's saying it's time to go the 1999 yeah i don't know why but for some reason that's code for like end the show like we've jumped the shark i don't know i'm just fine i'm just finally calming down i'm
Starting point is 02:04:37 finally they should donate that amount as a vote oh they already made, they already made me, they already made me rich. They've donated millions. Um, that's just a, um, that's just a narrative just to romanticize it. So like to add value, right. But it's not really true.
Starting point is 02:05:00 So it's up to us to, to integrate it. Right. So it goes back to what you were saying earlier. It doesn't matter if it's true or not like trying to to ask the question and spend your energy ascertaining whether something is true or not is is not the point like you can read that book stranger in a strange land that's apparently a fiction book but there's a lot of lessons there that you can integrate or even you can reject, like you said.
Starting point is 02:05:30 And it's up to us to take the story of a bunch of souls waiting and hoping to come onto earth and we made it and now we're here. You can take that story. It doesn't matter if it's true or not but you can still integrate what it means to you and you could take the story of evolution as well or the theory of evolution and do the same thing this is all just a random you know would this all just randomly happened through chance and we're the only living civilization in this entire universe. And you can also integrate a perspective from that as well, but to only take what you think the one and only truth that there is, and just shut off everything else and not participate or encourage that perspective to have any sort of
Starting point is 02:06:28 influence in your life that to me seems very dull and bland um and like we're already watching movies and tvs and and listening to other people's perspectives. And so for letting shows and movies influence us, which we absolutely know is made up, if we get excited when we watch a movie, then shutting off the notion of flat earth or evolution or do the dinosaurs exist? Why not participate and just see what's there see how it makes you feel that shit really fucking offends people like when you first came on there were some people that were
Starting point is 02:07:11 already like just immediately offended by you or like when I had a flat earth run you should have seen like half the audience was like fucking losing their shit like why are you why are you losing your shit this guy thinks the earth is flat shouldn't you maybe you should be worried about him like you're right he might be he might have
Starting point is 02:07:31 some serious issues or he might be right but fuck he might be really fucked up don't worry don't panic right he needs to be panicking he thinks there's a great wall with all the resources being held on the other side i mean if you actually think about what we base most of our truth on it's it's the gravitational model of the universe which was discovered hundreds of years ago before we even had the awareness of electricity so most everything is based on there's a universe that it that was in one point and it exploded and then gravity combined galaxies which then combined stars which then combined planets and we're on one of these things this was theoretically speaking yeah this is before we even knew what electricity was
Starting point is 02:08:25 this is before god was invented no god was a thing oh like before god was invented there was many gods like they did uh like like many of the older religions it was it wasn't monotheistic, which is one God. It was, it was, it was polytheistic. There was, there was the spirits were responsible for death and war and love. There was a different God that had a domain over our existence that was before science. over our existence. That was before science. And then science came along and said, no, we can do experiments and determine the cause for all of these things. And that's what we're rolling with now as truth. But there's a lot of things that we can't explain a lot. If you go into the Amazon rainforest and find these tribes and you're like, Hey, how did you know to combine
Starting point is 02:09:25 this root with this leaf and the exact proportions that wouldn't be poisonous, but yet it's medicinal. And how did you know that it would help somebody with this illness? And they'll just tell you the trees told us that's what they'll say. We ask the earth and the personality of earth, which they call Gaia, Gaia told us. But we can't accept that as scientists in the West. We need an experiment to prove things. And Western science is validating a lot of these other cultures' science is validating a lot of these other cultures practices like ayurveda is basically like genetic testing it's like people have different predispositions for certain foods and then we've got acupuncture and the meridians of the body is superficially being validated by Western science in such a laughable manner. It's like Western science is now just basically admitting certain
Starting point is 02:10:33 things. We don't realize that science has never had it figured out. Never. It's always been behind and it's always changing. It's always disproving itself. so also the problem science as a theory is sound right there's an experiment and there's a hypothesis experiment like the scientific method is pretty sound well they're doing science too if you say if you say hey the earth told me to rub this leaf on my poison oak and it will be cured and 99 out of 100 times you do it it works you have a super duper high predictive value and now you've done science right science the method that you get there doesn't matter at the end of the day it's the predictive value i learned that from greg recently but they're they're super high
Starting point is 02:11:27 value you assumed that they got to that predictive value by 99 out of 100 experiments but i wouldn't say that that's where they're they're oh okay i see what you're saying okay they just took it yeah and did it. Right. So, and then you get people that said, that said like, uh, like there's a structure in Joshua tree called the Integratron and this guy, um, James, I don't think it's James. It's Van Tassel is his last name though. He, uh, I want to say James Van Tassel. He, he built something called the integratron and he essentially said he walked outside one day and there was a et that gave him instructions to build a time machine that's in joshua tree does he own yeah it's on well that is now he died before it was finished
Starting point is 02:12:20 and so he was building a time machine that an alien gave him instructions to but because there's perfect harmonics within it they now use it for sound baths that's essentially the usage now if you go to hitler in germany and you look up were germans building time machines you're going to see something that they're building called the bell craft. And it looks like the exact same shape as that. And there's a, there's basically like a structure that is in Germany that looks like it would fit that thing. But the thing that's within it is gone.
Starting point is 02:12:56 And that was left after the war. And so there's all these theories that maybe the Germans were in a race, like the war wasn't really about what we think it was about but it was you know the all wars are really about extraterrestrial technology and it's not about power and oil and land and people it's about extraterrestrial technology and that's what wars are about um i've kind of i built one of these on my property in integratron i don't know what for but so the round buildings are cool yeah i mean tps you go into the old world that's that's my wife my wife's always wanted to live in a yurt she does she always wants to yeah she wouldn't
Starting point is 02:13:45 i hadn't stopped her then again my kids would be vaccinated if i if i wish you would listen to me too thank hey there's a yurt for sale on facebook marketplace let me see if i can send it to you No. Oh. No. Please don't. Universe, stop him. All right, I won't. Oh, wow. Ten years ago, I posted a picture on Facebook that this exact shirt I'm wearing right now, I wore my CrossFit Mean Streets shirt. You see there's a smiley face, CrossFit Mean Streets.
Starting point is 02:14:21 I printed it. Is that inside out now? You put it on inside out? Well, I printed it this way. I printed it mirrored so that it's meant to be worn inside out. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So when you look in the mirror, it's right.
Starting point is 02:14:36 No, when you look at me in normal reality, it's right. So it's printed the wrong way. So when you turn it inside out the people looking at you can read it oh but you never wear it inside out oh wait no did is that right because can you stand up for a second oh let me see this shirt can you move maybe it's not mirrored um is that the correct way or not i can't but the camera is it's not the correct way no so this is if you look in the mirror can you read that oh no no no you're right this must not be the shirt that i printed in a mirror fashion but i started printing them to wear inside out because i think i was
Starting point is 02:15:25 wearing my shirts inside out and then i was like i'm gonna print it so you can actually see it my but anyways my shit's not backwards no it's not it's also black so you're not going to be able to read through it if you wear it inside out but 10 years ago on facebook i just printed this shirt and it just came up when I pulled up Facebook and I haven't worn this shirt in forever. So is that alignment or I don't know what it is. Did you wear it just for the show? Since there's a lot of CrossFitters on the show.
Starting point is 02:15:53 Yeah. Even though you can't really see it, but yeah. Yeah. Just getting, why haven't you thrown that shirt away? Just like you like it. It's soft.
Starting point is 02:15:59 It fits you well. I, I keep, yeah, I kept all my Crossfit shirts just for memories yeah holy shit do you have do you have just way too many shirts i have way too many shirts yeah does your wife ever tell you to get rid of them no because we've got we've got a house that's has enough closet space and stuff for everything.
Starting point is 02:16:26 Once a month I'm told, Hey dude, you got to get rid of some shit. But I also own the CrossFit gyms. I'm not keeping necessarily all the other CrossFit shirts that people gave me. Right. But my own shirt from Kenny leverage gym is going to trash for Kenny. Kenny. Kenny.
Starting point is 02:16:47 Hey, thanks for coming on. It's good catching up with you. I felt my frequencies change throughout the show. Thanks for having me. Are you ever up this way? Did you get the back car again? No, I just reposted that video. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:17:03 So you're driving driving electric car now you have a uh yeah but we're we're not sure about if we're gonna keep on driving them yeah we've got a we've got a plaid and a y performance but uh both teslas but yeah we're unsure about the emf oh shit i never even thought of that wow yeah that's always been in the back of my mind but i don't feel that bad in them but i feel bad if i'm holding my phone if i have bluetooth headphones on i can feel the emf but not so much in the car so uh but that's our main concern and we might get rid of them raw has a youtube channel it is called oh you can just put in raw of earth yeah yeah raw of earth and if you're not if you're not afraid of exploring um
Starting point is 02:17:57 ideas thoughts most of my happenings is on Instagram, raw underscore of underscore earth. Do you channel anybody? I have channeled twice in my life, but not verbally. I just got in front of my computer and closed my eyes and put my hands on the keyboard and just typed whatever came to me. computer and closed my eyes and put my hands on the keyboard and just typed whatever came to me. And so what came to me was the start of a book and it was about light and whatever it could have just been my higher self or deep into my mind. I don't know what it was. I didn't ask because I didn't really have any participational control of it. I just typed what was coming to me. And it explained light as being the combination of love and might. So light is the might of love. And it also
Starting point is 02:18:54 explained a little bit about what we were talking about earlier, what the soul is. And what came to me was an image of, so it said soul is soft oil and at that point i was like dude is whatever am i just making this up because light is love and might and then soul is soft oil like is it just making up like how the words sound but then i got an image of all of the souls being like soft oil. They're very viscous, very pliable and soft. But there would be hard. There's like a machine of like, if you imagine like a beehive, all of these capsules of souls, they're all soft oil that was sort of moving around. But every once in a while, there'd be a really dense, hard
Starting point is 02:19:46 soul. And that dense, hard soul, that little capsule would be like an evil person in our reality, someone that we would claim is evil, label as evil. And what that evil capsule would do, that really dense capsule, it would force all of the other soft oil, the souls around it to get even softer, to get even more pliable. And it would sort of work on that harder entity to the point where they would all merge into the same viscosity. It was like this weird movie I was watching that was explaining the reason why we have villains in our realities, because it helps all of the people that are being impacted from that person's action. It helps them find their way a little bit more. So that's most of the your channeling experience yeah one one time i was i was living in my motor home and i was really sick i had a really high fever and a friend of mine these two girls i know came over to visit me and i started channeling abraham lincoln but i mean i completely made it up but i did it but i kept it going for like over an hour
Starting point is 02:21:07 it was great i mean i think i convinced myself i really was abraham lincoln for a little while and maybe i think i was just you were i think i was just yeah but who knows it was really fun i enjoy it enjoyed it i should try it again i wonder if my wife my wife was one of those girls i wonder if she remembers that bring that up i will all right dude thanks for coming on you're great i gotta have you on more often sorry about the delay it's all the crossfit shit i dabble in that causes the delay for the good shit to come surface to the top all good all good bye bye everybody bye if you're ever in the area, please come by my house. I love seeing you. I will. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:46 All right. Up north. We'll do it. Yes, sir. Okay. Take care. Bye. Rob Earth.
Starting point is 02:21:55 Ladies and gentlemen. Hi, Caleb. Hi. Hi. Man, the crowd got hostile. Jesus Christ. man the crowd got hostile jesus does that always happen when something like this comes somebody like this comes on i guess kind of it always just kind of shocks me i went down a rabbit hole of uh bashar channeling oh yeah started watching a bunch of his stuff while
Starting point is 02:22:26 he was talking yeah i've read a bunch of books on like um uh i'll ask my wife right now too uh channelers like everything you ask for you get like back in the day i'm trying to think of like who that was the fuck is my phone working the phones are acting weird here today. No text messages are even coming in on my computer. It's weird. Hello? Haley? Hello? Oh.
Starting point is 02:22:57 I want to ask her if she was one of the chicks that was there when I was channeling Abraham Lincoln. Why she... Why the fuck would you marry a guy? Anyway, I was going through this guy's page, Bashar. I guess he was on the podcast with Danica Patrick. Oh, yeah. I saw that picture you pulled up. They were like talking about
Starting point is 02:23:20 if we're ever going to be what? Aliens ever going to be what? Aliens are going to come to Earth. Oh. Hello, you've reached me. And what did he say? He said that they won't come down to talk to us because it'll interfere with our state of being or something.
Starting point is 02:23:44 Oh, yeah. I think Ra was trying to explain that yeah and then but he's like but they are coming down to talk to us because that's who i'm channeling like they'll talk through me oh i don't know it's interesting the ufo guy thought that the that the uf the ufos were really like angels right too? Do like, yeah, right. Like it's all just, yeah. Do we have a guest on tomorrow? Oh, no. Tomorrow I don't have a show. So you know what I'm doing tomorrow morning? God, why aren't the text messages working on my computer?
Starting point is 02:24:27 Oh, I changed my password. Do you think that's what's happened? Oh, yeah, probably. Oh, shit. Shit. Sign in security. Hmm. sign in security hmm um tomorrow morning uh Tuesdays uh
Starting point is 02:24:52 Sousa's doing a show now and so tomorrow morning I'm um I'm gonna get up super early in the morning and drive my van down to the uh dealership
Starting point is 02:24:59 they open at 7 cause I have the that lights on the money making light when it comes on you take it down there and they turn it off and you take they take your money right yeah yep so i'm gonna go down there like a good little soldier and then drop it off and walk home it'll be cool walk home it's close it's like two miles but it's like it's my chance to get sun sunlight it'll be two hours out
Starting point is 02:25:24 of your uh or i guess probably an hour out of the five hours you need to be spending outside. Yeah. It'll be good. What is your plan when the internet is taken out? phones are acting up here on the east coast is today the end of the world I hope not shit I want to do today. My wife just told me she's going like to Pilates or something at noon.
Starting point is 02:26:13 Nice. I'm trying to figure out how to make a schedule for the YouTube channels so that people can see when shows are going to be posted. They're going to be airing and stuff. Oh, what do you mean? Just like, can't they just go to our YouTube channel and see it? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:41 But like a central spot for multiple channels. I don't understand. You can do in the programming and Coffee Pods and Wads and Barbell Spin. Oh, oh, oh. Like, they go live. Don't spend any time promoting their shit. Fuck those guys.
Starting point is 02:26:57 All right, well then just go to our channel and subscribe. Where are you going to put it? can it be on our youtube channel where we people can see all the i have no idea oh beginning beginning stages of that process how the fuck does our show from yesterday have so many views people like colton and taylor that much yeah i was also going to say i went back and looked at all of Taylor's shows that he was on and over the past month every open announcement around the
Starting point is 02:27:29 every open announcement people would go back and watch to figure out who Taylor was oh the podcast maybe we should oh hey maybe we should make that the landing one for a little while that'd be cool yeah do you know how to do that i think so
Starting point is 02:27:46 if not i'll figure it out i think i might do a news today all right alright does anyone have anything to say before I hang up love Taylor coming on he needs to be a regular he has his own show he is a regular on Thursdays yo asymmetric ears Dave
Starting point is 02:28:20 week in review oh oh shit is that up already Dave Weekend Review. Oh. Oh, shit. Is that up already? The Dave Castro. Oh, shit. It is up. Let me see how long this...
Starting point is 02:28:37 22 minutes, for fuck's sake. What's wrong with you? Why would you do that? Okay. Oh, he must have just uploaded it because the thumbnail is not even working. All right. Well, so I guess I will be doing another show today. Tonight, I got to figure out when Susan can do it. I could call Susan and ask him that too.
Starting point is 02:28:58 I don't even know when I can do it. I better not do that. How come my wife's not calling me back? She's doing Pilates. Dudes are competing as women in the open. Ooh. Do tell.
Starting point is 02:29:17 Love you, Seve. Have some more fun medical stories for another time. Also, Caleb had to get an IVC filter this weekend. IVC filter? Okay. When's the next oh shit wow is that good or bad uh it's like it's a like a medical procedure like you it's called the inferior vein vena cava filter placement small incision in a vein in the do they put it in your groin or you put in your neck and they just throw it up into your freaking big old vein damn that's crazy you know what's crazy too okay brandon love you um
Starting point is 02:30:00 russell burger's on in a couple days He's kind of like Again He's like the same as Raw of Earth but different Same same different Yeah He's starting to become a regular too I would love for him to be a regular he's awesome And then Fisa Goffi's coming on
Starting point is 02:30:19 Oh super fun Yeah she took her level 2 And then Matt Schindeldecker's coming on saturday i really like the guests i have coming on and then greg of course on wednesday this is cool i met matt at broken science he's a really nice guy he's awesome right it's funny i i've had him on the show and i've talked to him a shitload of times and i saw him at greg's and i didn't even like i didn't my brain didn't even register i'm like hey what's up he's like hey matt schindeldecker i'm like what the fuck as soon as he said it it all comes into place i don't think i store anything in my ram
Starting point is 02:30:57 yeah like when you talk to people in the just in general like that's why everyone thinks i have a bad memory because i don't store anything in the ram i just keep the ram wide open it makes sense and then and then like i have to dig through like the slower big storage unit like if you want something i have to like really like i need like some help finding it third shelf on the bottom second floor go all the way to the left more and more okay now stick that in your ram okay like my cpu is all just just have the ram wide open oh yeah brook ends oh yeah let me see what's going on with brook that's good uh brook ends brook oh here's the thing i'm afraid can i text him i'm afraid if i i had to change the password yesterday on my oh okay that's interesting when i text from my computer it pops on my phone but when i text from my, it doesn't pop on my computer.
Starting point is 02:32:06 Sometimes it takes a little bit. Like if I'm just texting from my phone, it'll just only go to my phone. But if I start using my computer, it'll only go to my computer. I don't know. It's fucking weird. That's weird. Okay. Jugular. That's a good word. Jugular.
Starting point is 02:32:30 Damn, that's a good word jugular damn that's wild i don't think i'm doing 24.3 i did the first two i'm good i think i'm tapping what what fuck you you're better than most of the most of the people that sign up for the open i guess oh is this working oh so oh shit someone just called on the phone wait what the fuck is going on did someone just call the phone uh reasons no no no one called oh no someone just text me is this working no shall i respond back to them no can i call you are you around i just like just fucking call me don't text me that shit can i ask you a question no oh listen look at this my mom loves watching your podcast someone just texted me that that's cool let's say right back to that person I
Starting point is 02:33:25 love your mom wow people text the podcast home I love your mom your mom watches this show something's wrong with her 22 months after entering custody she performed a dangerous self-surgery and removed her own testicles. What? That's something else. Someone sent me a link to a story of someone who removed their own testicles. Oh.
Starting point is 02:33:57 Damn, there's a lot of text messages on this phone. You just never check it out? No. It's just a, yeah's weird okay let me see I'm gonna call my wife one more time Seve I need a patch for my laptop from the podcast it's a patch? No dick pics.
Starting point is 02:34:32 Son of a bitch! Woman! So all I learned from the show today is that I shamed my son yesterday. What a douche nozzle. I mean, I did apologize. But I'm gonna go in there. I have to raise his frequency again. Damn.
Starting point is 02:34:47 Oh, you want a sticker? Seve, I need a patch for my laptop from the podcast. Oh, like we have this? I have this sticker. Oh, yeah. Who made those? I don't know, but they're nice. They're like
Starting point is 02:35:03 thick stickers. I stuck one on the door of my office. Did you see this? Oh. Oh, shit. It's gone. Yep, that's gone too. Fucking A. God, I suck. Your overhead? I did see the overhead view.
Starting point is 02:35:23 That was cool. When it worked. All right, guys. Thank you. I'll see you guys later today for the Dave Castro Weekend Review. Caleb, thank you. Robert, thank you. Bye-bye.

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