The Sevan Podcast - Review of Dave Castro Week in Review Nov. 13, 2023

Episode Date: November 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:07 Work meeting. Who the fuck has a job? Bam, we're live! Welcome to the review of the Week in Review of the Dave Castro Podcast. I'll go over here to YouTube. I'll pull it up. Type in, what's the guy's name? The Dave Castro.
Starting point is 00:01:24 If you didn't know, I am the one that gave Dave that name. I'm sure you knew that, Pedro, right? I did. You do know your... Relevant history. Your CrossFit history. Fake news was fantastic, by the way. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Very funny. Very inside, though. If I was going to critique, it's becoming a very insider. A lot of inside jokes. I like it insider a lot of inside jokes I like it a lot of inside jokes some people might not know what semen is but it's always inside safe semen
Starting point is 00:01:56 is inside semen this came in the mail today if you didn't see my podcast this morning it was with Chris Cooper the man who has more insights into crossfit than uh most uh i put him on the the top dozen i put him for for crossfit affiliates i put him at number one top three top two top one of all time um knowing about CrossFit affiliates. State of the industry report. And I say this with
Starting point is 00:02:28 peace and love and no humility. He presented it here on the Sevan podcast. Oh, that's so sweet. Oh my God. I felt my horns retract today when he came on. They felt
Starting point is 00:02:43 some wings start to grow. They're going to come back out in five minutes. No, you're not loud enough. You're not loud enough. Wait, maybe not. No, how is that? Is Pedro loud enough? Guys, listen, complain about Pedro about anything.
Starting point is 00:02:54 His framing, his mic, his fancy haircut, any of that shit. The comments are to critique Pedro. You guys have already tuned me up. I'm perfect. Work on Pedro. Is that better? That's who that is. Nice. comments are to critique Pedro. You guys have already tuned me up. I'm perfect. Work on Pedro. Nice.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Anyway, that was a great podcast this morning. Very flattering, enjoyable, informative. The shirt is from... It's a cool shirt. You do like it? I really like it, yeah. I do not like it. Oh. But you're wearing it. Well, dude. The currently the best coach in the CrossFit space,
Starting point is 00:03:37 spoken empirically, not subjectively, is Matt Torres. There's no doubt. He's a really cool motherfucker as well. Cool and the best, by doubt. Five athletes to the CrossFit Games with a broad broad uh range and uh and and so he sends me this shirt so i'm gonna wear it i'm like this show is brought to you by brute uh the material is great and i was hoping when i put it on that i could get a whiff of daniel brandon but i did not oh god dude i have this great idea towards how you can increase shirt sales what if you just took a video of a big stack of these shirts and danielle brandon's back there
Starting point is 00:04:15 and she's just wiping shirts under her armpit and throwing them in the bag snow angels on top yeah yeah hey there's 49.95 shirts that she wipes with her armpit, and then there's $99.95 shirts. Tyler, good to see you. Good to see Tyler Watkins. Oh, he vanished. There he is. And he's gone.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Good to see me. As soon as it kicked me off. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Okay. So for $49.95, you get the armpit. $99.95, you get the shirt. Do a Toll Spacer collab
Starting point is 00:04:50 and she can walk on some of them. People will pay for that. Jeffrey Birchfield, Sevan, don't be crass. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Listen, Torres, you may be the greatest living CrossFit Games coach alive today, right now, currently. Your accolades speak for it.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Don't think that there's anyone better at adding value to products than me. And I just happen to have the guy who's best at anointing people at the best at selling products. He's over there and he anointed me. You got that blue shirt. Is that what we're talking about? Yeah. Brew, baby.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I don't even like pink i hate the satari writing i hate all this shit but dude hoping to get a whiff of miss brandon guaranteed with every purchase toxic okay uh i got this in the mail today that was awesome is that the new one you You already got it? Yeah. Oh, dude. The ass. Okay. Above me with the crash sweatshirt on, I never thought in a million years I would say this, but he is borderline becoming famous.
Starting point is 00:05:55 He sure as fuck is infamous. Not for his fantastic Heat 1 app, but now everyone actually knows who has fucking watches anything about the games. If you're at the 50 yard line of games dorks you know what a z score is and performance-based scoring both uh a podcast everywhere are talking about even the training think tank tank uh uh superstars are talking about it when you hear perrin and max el haj wondering about performance-based scoring and i like perrin was even like uh strut peacocking but
Starting point is 00:06:25 i spoke to tyler the other day i was like damn they are friends but it was i mean damn it's like the first time that i've not had to bring it up on my own somebody else talked about it so besides getting all over it there he is tyler watkins and a guy who's struggling for relevancy in between teaching second and third grade above Pedro. Quickly trying, matching output. Man, this guy is putting out content.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Instagram account has gone to the next level. Everyone on their mother wants to be on his podcast. Pedro from Ireland. I just want relevancy. I don't give a fuck about anything else coffee pods and wads everything sounds smart coming out of his mouth or really stupid or whatever no it's crazy if i hadn't if i had an accent uh matt suza having his 10-year anniversary uh this saturday i'm going i'm pumped thank pumped. I had a podcast with the greatest
Starting point is 00:07:26 living arm wrestler of all time, John Brzezink, on Saturday. You know what I did? Moved it to Sunday. Get the fuck out of here. I felt pretty special. Okay. Oh, Andy produces this little podcast. Okay, here we go. Dave Castro,
Starting point is 00:07:41 Week in Review, short one this week from November 13, 2023. The title is Quarterfinals, 25% CrossFit for Health Summit and Chad Workout. Okay, so it looks like he's going to address that whole semifinals thing. Should we turn our volumes low again? I think it's a smart move. No one's complained about it. If you could go to your um if everyone could go to
Starting point is 00:08:06 their mic settings or maybe we could even do it and turn off automatic and lower yourself to weird give me that let me see what if i'm just muting myself does that i'm on i'm on 30 now sorry 30 i'm on 30. wow good job wow i'm no i'm on can you say water like an american water um uh someone you've definitely cranked up the funny okay thank you good all right nice um okay here we go eating background the dave castor ladies and gentlemen the most important voice in crossfit the only voice from crossfit we can review november 13th 2023 at bailed out 30 why is the answer for more revenue widening the gates for quarterfinals why not the route of incentivizing affiliates to get their members to actually sign up for the open? Loads of people do the open workouts and participate in intramural opens at affiliates without paying.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Incentivize affiliates to sell official open registration to their membership. You're absolutely right. Tough question. Tough question. Everyone heard it? With a presupposition in there, too. I don't know who wrote it. I don't like presuppositions.
Starting point is 00:09:22 But the presupposition is like they did it to make it so more people would enter, to generate more revenue. Here we go. How's Dave answering? The first thing he said is you're absolutely right. That's interesting. The Open is a place where we want to
Starting point is 00:09:40 encourage affiliate owners to get their members to engage and sign up and participate for a variety of reasons for competing on a global level with like-minded individuals, obviously. And yeah, sure. It ultimately really does help our revenue goals for that stage. So far, he wants people to answer. He wants people to sign up. And yes, he acknowledges when you sign up, it brings in money. It helps us reach our goals. He's also dressed warmly today.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Usually that back door is open. You can see a little fire burning. It's gotten cold in California. Sousa said the same thing to me this morning from his gym. Ooh, it's getting cold. When we mean cold, we mean like 60. And that ultimately helps with everything we do in the season to include broadcast, to include streaming. To your first point.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Oh, yeah. You guys whine about the fucking parking lot camera. And he's telling you, hey, motherfucker, sign up for the open so we can get two cameras. Just to include the entire event. Everything we do, the open and the foundation there really helps pull off the rest of the the season and the the games the first statement why is the answer for more revenue widening the gates for quarterfinals okay um i love i love the transparency hey we're trying to raise money to pay for the fucking games and prize money and all that shit sound is terrible okay what do you mean
Starting point is 00:11:01 sound is terrible is it too low is it because the speaker shoved up your ass? Is it just all sound? Like everywhere? The wind? The birds? That visualization is amazing. Thank you. I'm too quiet. How's that? Thank you. Just give me some fucking direction. I take direction good. Look it. The pseudo-Mexican.
Starting point is 00:11:19 The half-Aztec, half-Spaniard says he sounds fine. Dave is too loud now. Jesus Christ. You guys are quiet. Increase. Holy crap. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Okay, good. I like that. That's some feedback. Okay, let's do a quick. Everyone turn themselves up to, let's say, 40. That's good. That's good feedback. We're working on it.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Showing progress. Here we go. I'm going up to 40. I go up to 90. I'm at 69. All right. Here we go. Thank you. Thank you. 40. Thank right. Here we go. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Thank you. 40. Thank you. Here we go. Pedro is too white. Increase color. Sorry. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Holy shit. Okay. Here we go. Wait. Where are we? Here we go. That's not the answer for more revenue. That wasn't the reason for widening the gates for quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Okay, hold on. The first statement, why is the answer for more revenue widening the gates for quarterfinals? That's not the answer. Okay, so he's unfucking the guy's presupposition. He's saying that's not why we did quarterfinals, for more revenue. So he's winding that back, that presupposition. For more revenue. That wasn't the reason for widening the gates for quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Look, the quarterfinals are entirely voluntary. It all is, right? Meaning you can sign up for it if you want to do it or if you don't. So widening the gates for quarterfinals is really about more opportunity for athletes to compete. Think about it this way. At 10%, there's a lot of people who aren't able to compete that might really want to do extra testing or some extra events. So why not open it up? We started asking ourselves these questions, and then we started looking at the numbers, and the question became, well, do we open it up to 15%? Do we open it up to 20%? And as we were going through this exercise, I was looking at the stage and looking at the name quarterfinals and thought,
Starting point is 00:13:14 Hey, why not just open it quarterfinals? Why not just open it up to 25%? And so that's where that came. I mean, it could have easily been 15%. It could have been 10%. You like that reasoning? No. Tyler, tell me. Tell me. Be candid.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Be candid. Be candid. Don't worry. We had spin on you. What? Are we that childish? It's just the name. I don't understand why we have to up it to 25% to say, oh, well, it's quarterfinals now.
Starting point is 00:13:41 It wasn't quarterfinals before. That's a ridiculous reason. I think it's just cute. It's like the factor that it plays on. That was like the biggest qualm that I had with this whole thing was like, oh, we upped it to 25, so it makes it... That seems like a cover answer to me. So do you not like 25%?
Starting point is 00:14:03 I like his reasoning in that it gives more people a chance to compete now like that that signals that the programming probably has to change but i do like that it gives a lower barrier to entry for most people to compete um but then again you need to solve it with other other things but i mean in the grand scheme of things, no, I don't like it. I think people are more turned off by it than they are turned on by it. Yeah. Do you like it, Pedro? Do you like the 25%? I mean, I don't like him saying that
Starting point is 00:14:35 that's why, because it works with quarter, that that's the reason that they said, oh, guys, this works perfectly. I'd buy it more if he just said, we actually realized afterwards that it was kind of handy that it worked out at 25 we were doing quarterfinals i would prefer that rather than one of the reasons was that this you know he like i don't know i think as well it's kind of so what is it 50 50 it was anyway last year 50 to do quarterfinals is that right
Starting point is 00:15:01 20 sounds right that sounds right 20 to do the open yep so if if just some quick um back of the napkin math if like say three people do the open that's 60 if one of those goes on to do quarterfinals that's doubling their money as in you know like they're taking an extra basically a double like an extra it's it's a really small napkin an extra 50 if one of those three goes on so to say that quarter finals is just oh it's just because it's 25 it's money like you know just that's the one thing that i just want them to say from the start is the reason we are increasing the field is because it's monetarily beneficial to us if we have it whether it's a choice or whether you choose to do it or not do it the amount of people that will choose to do it out of 25 is still greater than the amount
Starting point is 00:15:50 of people that would choose to do it out of 10 if they moved on so let's just hold our hands up and say hey we're a business and we want to make money and this is how we're doing it that's okay cool and just move on instead of like no it's not really about the money i mean you can do it or not i can do the open or not do the open, but the open is still about money. He said that. He was like, this is what puts us in a position to put on the show the rest of the year.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Quarterfinals is more expensive, so it's surely about money too. Matt, the only two reasons I've heard, or one, I can't think of any reason why it's a bad idea other than from the affiliate owners or two reasons sorry two reasons i love the idea of taking 25 percent fuck take 80 i don't give a fuck keep letting people play as long as you want but here's the thing the two only two problems i've heard is you fuck the affiliate owners because if they have to do five workouts and you have 50 people doing them after already doing the
Starting point is 00:16:45 open and then these ones are going to have more strict guidelines that's a problem and then the um the what was the second one oh the second one is we're concerned that the workouts are going to be shitty because how are you going to do workouts that are for 60 year olds in the quarterfinals that also match those of 20 year olds and that that could be a problem. But other than that, I don't have an issue with it. Yeah, I don't have an issue with it. I think Dave already said that it was, he already said it's for revenue. So I think we can check that box. And I do think that.
Starting point is 00:17:15 He kind of, he said both, he said it's for rep opens for revenue, but then he also said, but we didn't do this for revenue. And Pedro's like, yeah, yeah, you did. I mean, I think that every decision that HQ makes, as Greg would say, has a fiduciary obligation to add value and revenue to the company. That's a great word. So I don't think that – I think that everything that's being done is done. Pedro wants him to be honest. Pedro wants him to be honest.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And he sniffs a little dishonesty. I mean, I think that he is being honest in his answers. Now, whether he's placing more of a value on this was 80, we did this decision 85% or 92% because of revenue increase. And we did 8% to a prolonged participation for those that want to continue on. I mean, sure, like we could play that game. But at the end of the day, I think he said it was for revenue and to allow people to play a little bit longer. Now for the affiliate owner piece, I think you're right. That's where
Starting point is 00:18:10 the majority of people are going to take the brunt of the issue because now you have to set all that up. But if you're an affiliate owner and you have a lot of people that are going through this, you may have to devise some sort of plan to put other people in charge so it doesn't just all come on you. I think of like Craig Howard or JR who are gonna have potentially a lot of people in that 25% moving on. And that's gonna create quite a headache. For my gym, we're not focused like super on competitive stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So there might not be that many people that really go even with the opening of the 25%. So it's not gonna be that big of an issue for me personally. But I could see that some of the gyms that have higher participation, it's definitely gonna be an issue. Hulk, Hulk, hulk hulk gun suza when will you run another show i'd like to learn more about working with fire departments we'll put that on the ballot eaton beaver bam uh i am here while this is live were you going to say something tyler yeah i have
Starting point is 00:18:58 one more point to this i've had five people reach out i didn't post anything they just reached out bring the mic to your mouth bring the mic to your mouth. Bring the mic to your mouth, please. People want to hear what you have to say. I had essentially the sentiment from all five of these people who've reached out is you're 100 percent right about quarterfinals. Lowering the bar to 25 percent takes away the exclusivity of being a quarterfinals athlete. I'm an average CrossFit goer that has a chance to make it now i would rather finish 80th percentile and be proud of my effort than know that they lowered the bar just so i could play oh well that touches a special place in my heart because that's the whole thing with the brand
Starting point is 00:19:36 the brand should be tough whether you're 80 years old or seven years old you should be proud when you walk outside with a crossfit shirt you should be like yeah i do i do shit that you can't fucking do i can't remember who said it but they said now you've done the one thing to make the open mean less than it meant before and all we wanted was the open to mean more than it currently uh blade what's up dude good to see you buddy always good to see you okay uh here we go uh mr Castro, the director of the games. But it plays actually really nicely with the name of the stage, quarterfinals. So quarterfinals, we're taking 25%. And hey, look, that many people won't do it.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Everyone down to 25 won't, but there's a lot of people who will. And someone like myself at 25%, I'll definitely be able to hit that 20. I think I'll definitely be able to make that 25% and I'll do it at 10%. There was no way I was going to be able to do it. So it's largely about increasing the opportunity for a lot of people to play. And if you don't want to play or you don't want to pay, you don't have to.
Starting point is 00:20:46 So, but please do. That aspect isn't where we're going to significantly increase the revenue. Where we are going to significantly increase the revenue is just by having more people sign up and do the open and encouraging members and encouraging affiliates to support the opening and get behind it. At Aaron McNew. So it was interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:13 He did say in the beginning, someone said, hey, why aren't you incentivizing the affiliate owners? That wasn't addressed, right? Why aren't you incentivizing the affiliate owners and giving them a cut? I think that was said in the original question, and he didn address that okay i still give him i'll give him uh uh how many how many points can does the calise give or i think stop oh it depends who you are i think you can get sick i think i heard six he doesn't he doesn't have a mustache so he's negative four four i i i still i'm gonna get points though for reading the question because that takes balls. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Eight, nine, three, six. There have been rumors that CrossFit hasn't paid athletes from the games and that semifinals was just paid out. Is this standard SOP for CrossFit regionals games in the past or are there outlying situations that cause this to be delayed? I'm sure it's never been immediate payout, but it seems wild that it's about to be Thanksgiving and people haven't been paid.
Starting point is 00:22:07 I'd assume to help push the professionalization of the sport, stuff like that would get cleaned up. However, I literally know nothing, and I'm just a schmuck who asks questions just through the pot. I don't think that three months is too long to pay someone for winning the CrossFit Games. I just want to say that. Does anyone else think three months is too long?
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yeah. You do? Okay say that. Does anyone else think three months are too long? Yeah. You do? Okay, Pedro. Why not? Yeah, I do, yeah. Tyler? Not if that's the norm. What do you think is too long? Why do you think it's too long, Susan? Tell me. Maybe I'll change my mind. I think it should be paid instantly. They've done the work.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Why are you making them wait three months now? Why is that question? What happens when Ricky gets his money and then gets the work they put like why why are you making them wait three months now what happens with that question what happens when what happens when ricky gets his his money and then gets popped and they're like hey um richard would you mind sending us back that check please okay okay let me do this what about drug testing that's a fair question so so you think they should do drug testing the second they get it back they should do it fast the testing should just be faster like that's the problem they're they have all the people in one place they're testing them all like you realistically the ones you know top 10 test those pay those like get those tests back as quick as possible pay those and then the rest can trickle down afterwards or they're of it's less amount of money so it's and they're you know just less
Starting point is 00:23:21 important um so you can they can wait a little bit longer, but at least the top three should be paid immediately. I know you'd assume the money is there. What about drug testing, Pedro? What if they were to give you the money? I just mean test those 10. Don't pay them immediately because I don't think that's feasible because
Starting point is 00:23:40 if someone pops your foot... As humanly possible, it's quick. And then worry about the outside the top 10 later. Like they can wait. Why are they testing after it's said and done? Isn't that just protocol that you test at the event? I mean, but why wouldn't you do it before as well?
Starting point is 00:23:57 I mean, I can understand. Or test. You mean test when they get there? Like right away. You check in. Go get your test, boom. Go in, and that way you have it figured out. And then you could double back on those that maybe are like one through five
Starting point is 00:24:11 if you wanted to. Yeah. But that's like saying like, oh, you cheated, but we already went through it. Now we have to go back and double over it. I guess you don't have to test, you know, Aunt Haynes. Sorry, Aunt. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Not cool. It would not be like ufc fighters making weight where they like they make weight and then they eat lots of food and they they get tested and they're like all right give me the drugs like let me shoot up i mean i i'm not qualified to uh answer how quickly they take place there but i would imagine that you would need a longer runway for those drugs to show benefit right you couldn't not heroin heroin's pretty take them on tuesday well that's half life there are some things you can there are some things you can take
Starting point is 00:24:50 let's uh let's hear what dave has to say here we go uh yeah it's always been like this it takes a really long time to get all the testing back to get the right levels of it back to um to make sure that we're not paying people out. And then if a result comes back negative, re-asking for, asking for the money back essentially. So yes, it's always taken a really long time. I wish it didn't take this long. I wish it was quicker, but that's the way it is currently. We'll look into it to see if we can reduce those times,
Starting point is 00:25:23 but we don't have control over the entire, what happens once the testing company takes the labs and then all the work they go through to get results back to us. What's he holding in his hand? So what's it like to buy your first cryptocurrency on Kraken? Well, let's say I'm at a food truck I've never tried before. Am I going to go all in on the loaded taco? Well, let's say I'm at a food truck I've never tried before. Am I going to go all in on the loaded taco? No, sir. I'm keeping it simple. Starting small.
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Starting point is 00:27:17 well they've only got like two employees now so this should be okay one One writing checks, one mailing. PTA Dellen, also love that you're sharing about intermittent fasting and keto. I wanted to add that people might be turned off by keto, not knowing there are things such as cyclical ketogenic diets, period of low carb days and periodical refill days that might be more applicable to athletes and also a barrier of entry to lower precise carb diets. I might be wrong thinking it's similar protocol to you. You are using right in my experience for myself and people I coach a combination of CKG, intermittent fasting and macro tracking are golden trifecta of successful body composition and positive metabolic hormonal changes. Yeah, I mean, I so I fast and I go low carb, but I also especially on the weekends,
Starting point is 00:28:01 I'll have days where I ramp it up and I eat a lot of carbs. But I also, especially on the weekends, I'll have days where I ramp it up and I eat a lot of carbs. So I do have this kind of cyclical nature of no carb, low carb, a lot of carb. But the lot of carb is not about refueling necessarily. It's more about just I enjoy carbs and treating myself. Dave, I enjoyed hearing about this is at Ryder. Anyone? I respect that.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah, I respect that. Loves a bit of keto you respect what the fact that he just he just laid it out there and explained it didn't try to have some facade about it and then didn't also like try to pretend that it's like oh i'm feeling so i need to eat these gummy bears between my workouts he was just like i treat myself because i enjoy carbs i appreciate that it's authentic the thing that i thought was interesting about this part is that like these are these are kind of like reality tv questions like he is like you only ask like you would ask kim kardashian like hey what's your diet like you know it's just weird to me like why are we still talking about keto this endeavor well until about four years ago until about savannah came back about that time that was the fucking questions you'd hear on
Starting point is 00:29:03 crossover podcast too so tell us about how you eat to recover and tell us about what time, that was the fucking questions you'd hear on CrossFit Podcast 2. So tell us about how you eat to recover, and what time do you go to bed at at night? Also, he did a huge thing last week. My sister's, we skipped over it. My sister later on was like, hey, you would have really enjoyed that part. But I heard it. He told me. I knew he was doing this. He did a 36-hour ruck shooting competition while fasting.
Starting point is 00:29:23 So that's why this person followed it up with this question. I also want to say something else. Someone made, I made a comment the other day that I was wearing a shirt that was too small and that by two o'clock the shirt would fit me. And someone in the comments go, why do you keep saying this? This is basically,
Starting point is 00:29:36 this is ridiculous. And my wife's like, does that do these fucking idiots not know that you've been fucking fasting one day a week for three fucking years? Like, hey, buddy. Man, if he stops answering, this must be bad, whatever thought it is. Yeah, it had something to do with their tongue in my asshole but it was bad i just heard jeffrey birchfield go no seve no did someone say eat yeah eat my asshole
Starting point is 00:30:12 fucking you're fucking crazy to talk to me about that shit dude tell me when you have three years of fucking 36 hour weekly fast under your fucking belt you fucking douche nozzle okay i love how of things that you'll get demonetized for like seventh in the list is eat my asshole damn it's against who guidelines because it's unhealthy you could get pink it's possibly carcinogenic okay uh here we go adam dave i enjoyed hearing about your eating fasting routine. I'm curious to know when you work out in the course of the day, before you eat, after your first meal. Do you have a reason for the timing of your working relative to your eating schedule?
Starting point is 00:30:52 I typically work out at 10, 11. With the recent just really busy schedule, I'll work out in the afternoon, 3 or 4. There was a time recently where I was starting to work out at 8 or 9, but I kind of dropped off that because I'd rather use that time to go shooting prior to go practice shooting prior to work calls. So usually in the afternoon and often I will try to do my workout fasted. So towards the end of my fast, if possible, especially when I do 24 hour fasts, I like to hold on. My dog's almost getting in a fight. I like to do if I'm going to do a 24 hour fast. With who? With what?
Starting point is 00:31:28 Turn the camera on, Dave. Yeah. What? The best thing you've ever said in all these shows. Dude, look, my pants. My pants are in here. My belt is in here. My belt.
Starting point is 00:31:40 My belt just commented. Seve eats so many pistachios that he expands three pant sizes. That's true. How do you know that? That's crazy. Okay, so his dog just got into a fight. He has a Dago Carino Corserino. He has a dangerous dog.
Starting point is 00:31:54 His dog just can't be getting in a fight. And I'm going to work out that day. I'll try to work out at, like, the 23-hour mark. Even if I'm doing a 16-hour fast, I'll try to work out at the 15-hour mark. At Ben Aldermanerman 3914 where does okay ben alderman's his butt buddy these guys are bugs so this is gonna be soft this is gonna be a softball question i guarantee it unknown and unknowable fall into the hierarchy of the tenets of crossfit i.e how important is the introduction of new movements rep schemes and time domains that are not well known to the community well how important is the unknown and unknowable? This is a great question,
Starting point is 00:32:27 right? I'm glad that you brought up Ben Alderman because I noted that when he said that this is actually an even more interesting question since Ben asked it. Right. Uh, Dogo, Argentina. Yeah. Thank you. That that's what he has. Thank you. Okay. Here we go. Oh, the unknown and unknowable part that tenant really plays big into the games and, and everything we do there. And, um, that's Okay, here we go. what's happening in affiliates and the way CrossFit's programmed and put out there, it's harder to really dose the unknown and unknowable, except for the idea that gyms sometimes put out workouts the night before or the morning of. So that means people go in and find out about the workouts at the last minutes. Unknown and unknowable doesn't mean it's completely random with no plan. It just means that individuals are finding out
Starting point is 00:33:25 about them at the last minute. How important is the introduction of new movements, rev schemes, and time domains that are not well known to the community? Only as important as they still meet our other criteria of they move large loads, long distances quickly, and they increase work capacity across broad time and modal domains. There's a point where you're just getting gimmicky. And so there's a fine line between just trying to be unknown and unknowable with gimmicks or being unknown and unknowable with our actual core methodology. Thoughts, unknown and unknowable, Tyler. He's swinging a mist on this question. Tell me. The unknown, the gym is to prepare you for the unknown and unknowable. Life is unknown and unknowable. The affiliate serves to prepare you for that. I think it is a good thing because, you know, his answer is not canned, because I think if he would have thought about it, that would have been his answer. But yeah, it but one thing I did wonder as somebody who runs an affiliate, Sousa, do you ever think about this concept at all?
Starting point is 00:34:27 No. I do when it comes to my first responders a little bit. But again, like working with just in the parameters and the methodology, because at the end of the day, I would say 99% of the reason why people are in here is because they want to work out, look good, feel good and be healthy. are in here is because they want to work out look good feel good and be healthy like they're not concerned with you know a huge unknown or unknowable component of it so what what did you what did you think about his answer susa i thought yeah i thought it sufficed i mean what do you think about the unknown and unknowable what do you think about that is it just as an element of crossfit or the crossfit games um in terms of the element of the crossfit of the crossfit games i think yeah you could probably be more creative within that and and do that but i think they do that to a certain extent by withholding information on events and announcing them right out before
Starting point is 00:35:15 i mean outside of like everything's gonna have to have a parameter especially in terms of competition even more so right so i mean you're basically you agree with them that's what i agree with them yeah yeah i mean in terms of like what i usually do for the for the first responders that i work with like i'll get there i'll see whoever the crew is with the time we have allotted and then i'll just start i'll put up a worker on the board that they have no knowledge of beforehand and then they just come up to me and they say okay what are we doing and i present the task right um his dog's getting in a fight yeah sorry hey but what do you what do you think unknown and unknowable you like that part of the games yeah i do like it like chaos is my favorite workout from the games i love the fact
Starting point is 00:35:58 i love that like not knowing and finding out like minutes before the workout starts like first workout of the games is this what was that 2019 he did that i love that shit now kind of leaks and stuff maybe hamper it a little bit but the unknown like i took it that he was talking about the unknown unknown aspect was about the open workouts not about training for the open and not about training during the year that's how i took it um but i think I think one of the most enjoyable aspects for me about the Open is trying to guess what the workouts are and looking at
Starting point is 00:36:30 his stupid fucking meaningless pictures for days trying to figure out what they are. That's unknown. That's unknowable. I love that shit. That's part of the fun. Jed and I, questions this week were lame softball I don't know that opening one was
Starting point is 00:36:47 Fucking he went straight into it I don't know I don't think I disagree with that Most unknowable workout in the History of the CrossFit Games I would say was when They had to turn around and run They thought they were done at the finish line
Starting point is 00:37:03 They had to run more 2020 Even more so than being sequestered and then having to do double grace that that one where they made them run that was borderline ridiculous that was borderline gimmicky right bringing them to the ranch was pretty i loved that i loved that probably more than chaos is to tell them to turn around because you had i wish you would have done that with a whole field of athletes because you're running through that having no idea that you're about to turn around and with chaos they kind of guessed like you can hear brent pukowski talk about it i think where he's like you knew it was probably going to be around in this time domain but you did not
Starting point is 00:37:37 know that with chaos and you couldn't have known the best thing about that run as well as if you're like you know maybe you've no idea how far behind, say, Fraser you were, and then you see him coming back, you're like, wait, how far ahead of me was he? Like, is he gone wrong? Am I wrong? Like, what's happening? And then it's like, did he run for like five extra minutes or one extra minute? You have no idea.
Starting point is 00:37:57 And then when you do turn around, you still have the disheartening moment of, oh, fuck. The Hopper model of fitness is one of the reasons i first got excited about crossfit me too you a-holes like max el haj who want to rip it up can take a flying leap i love you uh max but uh but the sentiment is the same a jr howell it and it rewarded someone for being less fit or prepared but that's the whole shut up and scribble shut up and scribble podcast yeah a gpp general physical preparedness general physical preparedness general physical for gpp gpp you got that mr rosa gpp in the original articles of uh um in the in the journal and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:38:49 greg would actually talk about hey if you've done the workout grace three times and you've done it rx now go do it and out in the dirt right change the terrain and stuff like that so you could even mix things like that of course considering safety to make it unknown and unknowable too a couple other things i want to talk about quickly, Chad. So I did that this weekend. I did it actually on Sunday because I had a really busy Saturday. I actually used more weight accidentally. I had 53, 52 or 53 pounds on my ruck. Did it in about an hour. I think it was 12 minutes. I think the fastest I've ever done it is just over an hour. And felt good, hard, just kept trucking through, just kept moving.
Starting point is 00:39:31 It was actually thought a lot about just that phase of my life, Chad and other people we've lost throughout the years. So it was a nice tribute and it definitely for me, it makes me think about those things and those people in a way that I typically don't. And I think that's the power of, of Chad, just making us and veterans day in general, just making us remember and think about those people,
Starting point is 00:39:55 those moments in our lives and those events. Tyler, did you Chad? I did not. Pedro. I did. Do you think about all the veterans, the veterans, veterans?
Starting point is 00:40:08 No, I, like I said, the only reason I did that workout was because I'm in the group chat. Like I never would have even bothered. Did you think about us in the group chat? Yeah. Not in positive way.
Starting point is 00:40:21 At one time during it, I was like, remember why you're doing this. And then like, i couldn't even like i didn't even get to the next thought i was just like went back to like fuck i'm this is hard i did i did the first sorry i did the first 250 at the wrong height i did it at 24 um you you had posted you had posted your time and i i think you said it in the group or something and i was like this makes like i was looking at the clock.
Starting point is 00:40:45 And I was like, this makes no sense. Like, his legs are so much shorter than mine. I don't understand how. Like, there's no way. I'm going to be about an hour behind him. And I don't understand it. And then I got to about 250. And I was like, I'm going to fucking check this.
Starting point is 00:40:57 And I was on the wrong height. Didn't really help. 24 would have killed me. Killed me. That was awful. Go ahead, Sousa. Did you do it i did not okay good i've done i did i don't think i'll be doing it i'm gonna do just next year 500 50 of this podcast
Starting point is 00:41:15 care about veterans yeah i don't care about it i'm sorry i i care about veterans but not not when i'm doing uh ad. You did other hero workout? What did you do, Sousa? We did Badger, and then we did Witten. So we did two of them, one on Friday, and then a partner one on Saturday. And you lost how many members? We have second options for them, so you can reduce the volume a little bit if you have to.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So Sousa cares more about veterans. Wow. A double. Two days we cared about veterans not just your hour and uh 45 minutes i bet you blades 260 in full uniform big dude 250 yeah that's crazy it's also depressing that dave did it with a heavier rock than both of us did it with a vest. That's like a little bit depressing. He's young, but older than you.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Okay, here we go. Also want to highlight, we just posted So in February 3rd, Saturday, February 3rd in Austin, Texas, I'm looking at the website right now. We have a CrossFit for Health Summit. Join us for an unparalleled gathering of minds at the forefront of fitness and health. The day will be packed with insights
Starting point is 00:42:27 from leading experts, educational discussions, and networking opportunities, all within the vibrant atmosphere of the CrossFit community. Go check out this page. Register if you want to go. I will be there. I'm going to lead a workout.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I think the website actually talks about that. Workout with Dave. Take your summit experience to the next level with a workout led by Dave Castro. Sweat, learn, and most importantly, have fun. Must be registered for the in-person event. A bunch of summit highlight, or actually on the webpage, they mention all the speakers, Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a bunch of other doctors who are presenting. There's ways to, there's an in-person VIP experience. There's just an in-person. Oh, they're selling. The workout
Starting point is 00:43:05 with me is limited. So if you want to do that, you have to also pay for that, but it's limited to 50 people. Can't make it in person. You won't miss out on the knowledge and inspiration. Our speakers deliver tune in from the comfort of your home. So you can actually live stream it too. So check this out. It looks like it'll be a really good event. Karin Thompson will be hosting it. like it'll be a really good event karen thompson will be hosting it and now listen listen when when greg that was greg's project crossfit health and when he sold the company and the point of crossfit health was to expose the ills of modern medicine and when he sold the company they tried to keep it going but they completely flipped the script it became of jerking uh jerking and sucking off uh medicine which was bizarre and that's when i think julie foucher was at the helm
Starting point is 00:43:59 with a fucking bizarro world now i think they've fired karen thompson but i think they brought her back to run this event now here's the crazy part when greg had crossfit health it was run by karen thompson she was the point person so we have greg's five-star general who was responsible for this event now back in charge of it which gives me responsible for this event. Now back in charge of it, which gives me hope for this event. And there's no one better connected in the health space, health space that I've ever met than Karin Thompson. So,
Starting point is 00:44:34 um, how nuts would it be if they got Greg to talk at it? I bet you Karin either ask Greg or ask the powers that be if, if she could. Um, yeah, yeah, exactly. The entire project, the entire CrossFit project was Greg's project. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Goddammit, I understand that. What? I just, I just. Is this, is this CrossFit Health thing, is that the thing that was in like, they had it in a hotel off site in Madison at the games no yeah yeah yeah yes yes yes
Starting point is 00:45:08 this year they did that in 2019 I saw it anyway I don't know yeah yeah yeah okay so that's interesting if I was ever going to get back into CrossFit Health again I would stick my toe in with this and see what Karin Thompson is up to reach out to her she's on Instagram she's great
Starting point is 00:45:24 she's been on the show you mentioned that seven why huh what did you tell me to say that no no no no oh you're we should crash this by the way just saying i agree hey make sure you tell me afterwards what you're talking about right in the front i will i will i will are you gonna are you gonna do are you gonna do a live stream of the CrossFit Health thing on the Savannah podcast commentary from Brian Friend? Oh God, that'd be awesome. Okay, here we go. And I will be there for sure.
Starting point is 00:45:58 So super exciting CrossFit for Health Summit 2024 in Van Zandt, Austin, Texas, February 3rd, 2024. All right, that's it. I'm actually headed to the airport. I got to go to Colorado for some meetings. So that's why I'm kind of rushing through this one. All right. Thanks for tuning in. As always, comment in the comment section. So he has to go to Colorado for some meetings. Fuck, thank you for rushing through it. Fuck, I'm ready to go work out. Colorado for some meetings. Fuck, thank you for rushing through it.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Fuck, I'm ready to go work out. Is HQ in Colorado now? No. It didn't actually move. No. We are. This is my understanding. This is not by any chance official.
Starting point is 00:46:39 This is my understanding. Rosa tried to move it to Colorado, invested a bunch of money there, a bunch of people moved there Including poor Justin Berg Then COVID happened Then you couldn't go in the office unless you were vaccinated So then a bunch of people weren't going in the office Because no fucking real CrossFitter
Starting point is 00:46:53 Sorry Pedro Would get vaccinated So then he's in Ireland I've never asked him I know they have blow darts They just drill people there. And so, um, Oh yeah. Jason Ackerman, by the way, you said the real CrossFitters only, uh, only work out in affiliates. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I just want to add onto that and they don't get vaccinated. Pedro, you're out. So, um, um, so, so, so basically, so basically then Rosa I don't know what happened to him it just didn't work out with him he didn't know what GPP was true story and how sorry no elaborate on that
Starting point is 00:47:36 he was in a meeting with a bunch of people on the L1 team and he raised his hand and asked what GPP was and you know I'm okay with asking dumb questions, but come on, man. That's when you do the, oh, I thought you meant the other one. Sorry. You're under the desk.
Starting point is 00:47:53 You're like, they keep saying these three letters. I don't know what they are. Or dude, right there, you do 100 burpees in front of the whole group to punish yourself. Get your swag back. Just stop and start doing them. You guys carry on. I just gotta take my medicine so so so then so then um don took over and don lives just up over the hill um uh basically in between suza and i and over in silicon valley and so they they opened an office
Starting point is 00:48:22 here back up in santa cruz because there's a bunch of employees here. And now I think that's kind of the temporary headquarters. Well, Don kind of figures it out. I keep suspecting they're going to move it closer to the San Jose airport, but I don't know. And Greg rented a big place. Probably a lot of people at HQ don't even know this. Greg rented an amazing place in a town here called Aptos. It's right above a new leaf.'s basically right above a whole there's this whole there's this place called new leaf it's like a whole foods and it's in a neighborhood
Starting point is 00:48:52 that's on the beach and right above it there's insane office space and greg rented all that but we never moved in there so i bet you crossfit still has a lease on that i'd guess when they bought the place so that place probably just sits empty. So where's HQ? I don't know. But they sure as fuck shouldn't be hiring fucking douchebags from Seattle. And I say that with peace and love. You better bring the team together.
Starting point is 00:49:16 You better – Where, like, does Don just work at home then? Say that again? Does Don – like, do they just work from home then? Yeah, everyone just works virtually, yeah. I mean, like, no wonder just work from home then? Yeah, everyone just works virtually. Yeah. Oh, I mean, like, no wonder.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Hey, hey, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Think, just think about how much, how much stuff gets lost in,
Starting point is 00:49:34 like, tone in an email, or how much stuff gets lost of, like, oh, I meant to send, I meant to CC you on that email, but I didn't.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And then that key person gets left out, or like, it's just, or like, oh, we need to set up a so that's so fucking frustrating that they're not actually together a percent a large percentage of the time. Eaton Beaver I'm telling you Greg will own CrossFit again one day in the near future. Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:57 basically we need they need the accountability so alright great show ability. So, all right. Great show. Any closing thoughts, Mr. Watkins from Heat One Up? Yeah. I wanted to know more about what you thought about, because for CrossFit health, you had to be a doctor or something like that related to get invited to these things before. Right. And now they're opening it up to the public.
Starting point is 00:50:22 That's the major shift. I think that know so sorry everyone people were invited to the crossfit health events but they did something called a crossfit mdl1 and what that was is that was a level one just for doctors and people thought that level one was different than the level ones they offer just your regular joe schmoes but they weren't they were basically a place for doctors to come together and all be in the room with other doctors so they could network because people forget especially us who are in the community that if you think like a lot of people think what we're doing is crazy they think that exercise crazy the vast majority of people think we're batshit crazy by claiming you can eat right and exercise and have the cure for the world's most vexing problem. They don't realize that those two days are a more potent educational experience that can help more people than 50 years of medical school.
Starting point is 00:51:17 And so they think you're a retard for that. And so once you get on this side of the cult, you need to be around other doctors who also know that i knew about tyler tyler what you're probably thinking about is the ddc which was the derelict doctors club and so what would happen is after they would go to the mdl one they would shift over literally next door across the hall from the gym to the lecture hall and then all the subject matter experts it was a party for alumni and so um in a lot of the connections that were made to like what Sevan was talking about were brought in by Karin Thompson too. Because a lot of her. And then so that opened the door. And I actually, I think it was, it might have been Greg that said it.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And I was like, hey, like what, like there's this collection of this, like what is happening? And he was like, well, if you're going to start a revolution, first you you gotta have a place to gather the rebels and i thought that that was like the coolest the coolest thing the same way that um uh pharma basically has all this continued education basically to buy to buy doctors off right like they they they get a huge club golf course beach resort and they invite doctors there for a week and they give them fucking all the continued education they want but really it's just a giant party where they're banging chicks with big tits selling drugs this was like that except there were no drugs and there were no chicks with big tits that people were banging but but it was it was the just the crazy alumni and then he would bring in world-class speakers and
Starting point is 00:52:37 they would speak while we all sat in a tent and party it was cool it was awesome yeah you're right you wouldn't you wouldn't have been invited to that. That's correct. I barely snuck in the door. I'm showing up. But here's the crazy thing about Greg. You have to understand. Greg's the sneaking in kind of guy. So if you just showed up, you didn't get kicked out. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Yeah, Susan just showed up. I got asked, like, what time somebody stopped me and was like, who are you? And, like, why are you here? And I was like, oh, I'm an affiliate owner. I'll help pick up the trash. This is like, okay. Susan and I are friends.
Starting point is 00:53:09 It's because I've been doing the blue wristband for too long. My grand blade Walker. My grandma has been coming to the blade Academy three times a week for a few months. Wow. How craziness benefits old ass ladies. Yep. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Pedro, any final thoughts? Nope. Always a pleasure pleasure thanks for all your hard work all you guys everyone's contributions amazing oh I'm selling sweatshirts I wouldn't let you forget where are you selling those at
Starting point is 00:53:38 and there's a link on stories on Instagram it's a pre-sale and I need a minimum number sold so if people go buy one that'd be great take the cash off hey can can people um coffee man because it's in ireland it took forever to load can people in um is that only for europeans or no international shipping if you go to why is your shit so nice like your little graphics and your colors and stuff because i pay some random guy in egypt to do it on fiber i feel like um everything you have is in
Starting point is 00:54:10 4k and i'm still in hd what's cof it's the start of the like coffee pods and wads oh yeah yeah right right it was either that or leave out the vowels and I've already made fun of that so I couldn't do that. Wow. Wow. Listen to this. Oh no. Shoot. There was a quote there from Armand Hammer. There was. You could probably arrow it.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Are these fake? Are these fake people? Peter's not only a master of making this possible. I left. I used to have a fake one in it that was like just obliterating myself and i accredited it to someone and they messed me i'm like please take that down because people think that i actually said it like i was like peter has no idea what he's you know i just like destroyed myself maybe take it down you're a good dude how come it won't change again i want to know that's weird there should be three or four to minus
Starting point is 00:55:05 because you're watching it like a clock there you go hilarious and great fun the podcasts are always a good time filled with interesting insights and wonderful guests you can't go wrong here have you had him on yeah crossfit content creator and muslim creator mullet creator mullet curator when's the last time you had him on oh fucking like when he was alive whatever three years ago what happened to him he had a kid and he shifted perspectives i think what's he do for money priorities oh i don't know his his family owns popeyes i think a bunch of popeyes really shit yeah he does the marketing, I think, for them. Cool.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Oh, that's awesome. If it's not Popeye's, it's Chicken Adjacent. Popeye's sell spinach, is it? No. Is that the name of a store? Chicken Adjacent? No, it's one of those. It's Popeye's or one of the chicken.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Is it Chick-fil-A? No, I don't think it's Chick-fil-A. It's something ghetto. What's the one Hiller took me to? Do you guys know? Popeyes. Popeyes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:12 There's Popeyes and what's the other? Bojangles. It's not Bojangles. I think it's Popeyes. Look it, here's a girl. Thought-provoking and engaging, says Hannah Moore. And conversational.
Starting point is 00:56:22 That's the woman that I wrote the scathing review of, and she was like, please take that down and put up a real one. Wow. CrossFit Canuck. That sounds racist against Jews. It actually doesn't exist anymore. Oh. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Churches, chicken? Churches? Do you always have churches out there? KFC there KFC KFC will will T what's up buddy how you doing heal up quickly brother heal up quickly
Starting point is 00:56:55 thinking about you all right talk to you guys later get your sweatshirt yeah buy a sweatshirt yep someone bought one already oh really yeah amazing got an email yeah how come you got the thing i know it doesn't work on mine either is this because he's front i got fireworks once when i did double thumbs hey how about this one oh what maybe you just have to sit here for a while yeah just keep going
Starting point is 00:57:28 what are the podcast awards it should just turn into like a million it just flags your video or just dick start flap and landed on my face okay bye-bye thanks guys

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