The Sevan Podcast - Review of TDC Interview w/ Brooke Wells

Episode Date: June 24, 2024

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Starting point is 00:01:03 I told you guys, remember when I had Richard Johnson on He was talking about allulose This is the stuff I eat with allulose in it And then the guy One of the investors over at the company gave you guys a code 720 I don't get any money or anything from it But I thought I'd show it to you guys
Starting point is 00:01:19 I've been eating one of these a day I'm guilty as charged It looks like this It looks like this I've been eating one of these a day. I'm guilty as charged. It looks like this. What is that? It looks like this. Not chewy inside. Mmm. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Nothing like processed food first thing in the morning. I'm super indulging right now. Fit it. Gold can. Nothing like the word, nothing screams buff like Creed. I guess it's like a Snickers bar, but it has allulose in it.
Starting point is 00:01:56 It's not super sweet, but it's chewy. It's weird. He is true. It says zero sugar, zero net carbs. I don't know how that can be. I need to have that dude on again to talk to me about it. Eatin' Beaver, my weekly tithing for Sunday service.
Starting point is 00:02:20 My weekly tithing for Sunday service. My weekly tithing for Sunday. I love having allulose in me. Oh. Oh. Oh. Anyway. It's an indulging morning. I can't even believe this. What's going on with Dave?
Starting point is 00:02:37 I just saw this video. Is Dave getting into the media space? Hey. Hey. Hi. Is Dave getting into the media space? Hey I'm tripping on this video Yeah, what the hell I can barely hear you for some reason Oh Oh
Starting point is 00:03:04 Shit it says Starting a new series Is that better Code 7 on 20 if you want to try it Um You sound like shit My dude who me or Caleb Probably me
Starting point is 00:03:23 Do I sound bad Oh that's better. Much better. Okay. Let me get it turned down a little bit. What? 36 minutes ago, starting a new series where I ask the athletes who qualified to the game
Starting point is 00:03:37 a few questions, and they have the chance to ask me a few, too. Oh, going to try to get through all 80 athletes. In this one interview, I... In get through all 80 athletes in this one interview i in this one i enter in this one in this one i interview brooke and we cover a variety of topics to include um oh podcast looks great love that you're doing this cool stuff tdc very impressive brooklyn i thought they had this whole process of making content out there yeah i thought they had to like schedule it out or like do it randomly. You had to figure out the ROI on the TAC from the F F one seven sevens.
Starting point is 00:04:28 The LNPs or whatever PNLs. This is crazy. Oh, why the hell isn't this a CrossFit podcast featuring Dave and the athletes yet? Another miss. Yeah. Well, I'm worried about this is good. This is crazy man brooke looks hot she looks pretty decent yeah on the decent scale she's super decent super decent okay are you guys ready for this we might just do this in regular time not we might not even speed this up let's see all right okay here we go welcome to Welcome to the Dave Castro Week in Review of the New Series Games Athlete Interview Show.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Wow. I wonder if any will tell Dave no. Savon, you sound sick. No, I sound... What are you talking about? You should have heard me yesterday. I was just telling my wife, damn, I heal fast, like Wolverine. The last time Dave interviewed interviewed someone they had electrodes
Starting point is 00:05:26 on their testicles what's he referencing uh like a more probably a terrorist like if you're interviewing a terrorist oh oh not torture though gotcha yeah Gotcha. Just trying to receive information about possible whereabouts of other terrorists. Yeah, fair enough. Savon only sucked eggplant today. You know what I actually had this morning for breakfast? I had three radishes that I picked from my garden. They were strong. And then I had this RX sugar bar, and now I'm drinking a Fit-Aid.
Starting point is 00:06:01 It's a wild morning. How do you eat radishes? Normally, I just pick them and wash them off and eat them, but these are so overgrown and huge, I sliced them thin. They're so potent. Okay. She looked like Marlon Wayans in White Chicks. Is that good or bad?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Marlon Wayans. Oh, she's topless in this. Is that good or bad? Is she, she taught? Oh, she, she's topless in this. Oh, this is the topless interview series.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Oh, that would make it pop. I'm going to talk. I'm going to send him that. He should change the name to topless interviews with games athletes. Okay. And action. Hold on. it's recording okay no i've never done this before no i do like i talk to the camera all the time but i've never done like a oh brooke knows does brooke talk to the camera does brooke talk i think i've heard her say maybe two sentences ever. Okay. I had to download.
Starting point is 00:07:06 But Stefan told me some like program to download to do. Oh, damn. I wanted to keep going with the topless motif. That's surprising to me. But wow, I'm honored. I'm the first guest. Wow. Yes, you are the first guest.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Hold on. Hold on. I'm playing with you. There we go. Oh, look at that. Oh, look. Oh, I put. Look at.
Starting point is 00:07:24 So I put Brooke as my name accidentally. lot i'm playing with you there we go oh look at that oh look oh i put look at so i put brooke as my name accidentally i'm figuring it all out yeah um thanks for joining the point is i'm creating this new series he wasn't even going to spell out her name he had he he wrote her name thinking it was like labeling the the video and he just wrote brooke w that's right just later yeah yeah shorthand dave okay here we go well i just basically want to get to know all the 80 athletes who are she has this the thing where her eyelashes just turn into like five um five eyelashes, she's probably got some whatever that mascara eyeliner is on. Yeah, the goop.
Starting point is 00:08:10 It turns your hundred eyelashes into like six thick ones. I think that that's what they're referencing about the Marlon Wayans white chicks. Oh. Does he interview the athletes he slept with first? Jesus. Wow. Oh. Uh does does he interview the athletes he slept with first Jesus? Oh
Starting point is 00:08:34 Where's my it's so deep Too late, okay, here we go we're going to the games this year obviously i know you very well so uh definitely oh shit right on cue what heidi said very well i'm afraid to play this because i want it to last so long you know what i mean yeahided to chat and kind of test out this format. We'll keep it short. It'll be around five to 10 minutes and I'll ask some questions. And if you have any questions for me, definitely. I'll come up with something. What do you think about the new announcement with the,
Starting point is 00:09:19 that we're doing event and event outside at this stadium? Oh, I'm excited. I mean, there's like a track around it. There's a field. So, I mean, possibilities are endless of what we're doing, but I'm excited to like train on the field and the track. And yeah, I'm excited. It'll be fun.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I'm excited for the whole like new venue, honestly. Awesome. Yeah. I mean, last year when I was flying into Madison, I got to the airport and I was walking to the airport and you see all the signs. And it just kind of felt like this. Here we go again. The same thing again. What do you think about this sandwich? What do you what do you think about this sandwich? Travis, can you come on the show for me? Sure, I'll do this bit with you.
Starting point is 00:10:05 OK, thank you. Travis, what do you think about this sandwich? I love a sandwich. It's got bread and stuff inside and then the bread sits on a plate and yeah, it's great. I'm excited about it. I like bread and plates and yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:21 That was good. And like Madison was great. It was cool but we we just had gone back so many times yeah i remember it being in california and then switching to madison was like so cool and fun so like to be able to do that again at like a new place is gonna be fun and like what how many years did you compete in cal? Two. 2015 and 16. Yeah. Okay. And how old were you at that 2015 games?
Starting point is 00:10:52 I qualified when I was 19, but I had just turned 20. Okay. Now we're on a roll. Here we go. Two good questions back to back. Follow-up questions. This is great. Now we're on a roll.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Weird. I was like the youngest, and now I feel like I'm like the oldest. Going back to the stadium, what would you like to see there? I mean, I think it would be cool to have some kind of like sprint, like a 400 or something like that. It would be cool if we did some like hurdles. I remember when we did that back in the day. We had those big, those like, like the soft hurdles though. Yeah. But the rules were so different than like normal track. Cause like if your foot went around, you got like
Starting point is 00:11:36 penalized, but that's not a thing in track. So that was. No, but in track your foot can't really go around, can it? Cause there's like a wall of hurdles. So like, yeah, but like you can knock them over if you want. Yeah. Yeah. It just slows you down. But like we got penalized and we knocked him over. So, uh, damn, this is good.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Now we're getting down to it. Damn. Okay. Get a little pushback. I like it. Cool. It's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yeah. Look at that. Wow. I remember. Did you get penalized at all? I honestly don't remember. Okay. It'll also be cool to have some kind of handstand walk on the turf
Starting point is 00:12:17 and running. I don't know. Whatever. You definitely think the track should be included, though. I mean, why not? Yeah. I was pretty agnostic about Brooke going into this. I don't have any strong positive or negative feelings about her, and I'm already way in the positive.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Really? Yeah. Because she's giving pushback and stuff? Yeah, and she's just putting together complete sentences, and she's interacting in the pushback and adding details like 2015 first game she was 19 when she qualified 20. i'm like he's tonguing the anus at the moment yeah this is good marty i'm into this i like it i'm into this brook your stock has gone up yeah yeah did you like look at images of the facility after we announced that? Like, did you Google Earth it or anything like that?
Starting point is 00:13:08 No, I haven't done that, but I will now. You were going to say you feel like? A sexy beast? I don't remember. What don't you want to see at the games? Dave, why would I tell you that? I know, I know that's what happened with everyone. Here's the thing though.
Starting point is 00:13:29 It's so like, it's almost done. You know what I mean? At this point, you don't have to answer that question, but I'm just kind of, and you don't even have to answer too specifically. You know, it's interesting. I was looking at the leaderboard from semifinals and you did really good on event one with a lot of the...
Starting point is 00:13:47 Oh, shit. What? There's crazy... I've never heard him say, I was looking at the leaderboard, and you did good at event one. He's like... He's messing with himself.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah, he's never been interested in any of that shit That's weird Chelsea Miller Listening to Sevan's voice makes me horny Well thank you That's cool Man
Starting point is 00:14:18 Man oh man This is There's a lot here to be unraveled Creeper Me or Dave This is, this is, uh, there's a lot here to be unraveled. Uh, creeper. Me or Dave? This is not the same Dave. It's a clone. Like, like a Joe Biden clone.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Uh, he's just opened his bedside table and showing her his begging kid. Careful, Jake. That's my boy dave you be careful but i don't disagree this is so good longer running stuff because typically you don't right running beside the ranch i was thinking about that the other day i'm like i feel like i've only enjoyed one event at the ranch and it was the deadlift yeah um but no i like running i just i don't know why it's like something about I'm like, I feel like I've only enjoyed one event at the ranch and it was the deadlift. But no, I like running. I just, I don't know why. It's like something about the ranch run just killed me every time. But there's really nothing that I like don't want to see.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I feel like I've worked really hard on all my weaknesses. And it's also like, I feel really healthy this year. Like in the past, I wouldn't want to see stuff that like would hurt my elbows. And so. How do you feel with the elbow? Where is that? The elbow is honestly really good. I don't think about it anymore, but I mean, remember earlier this year I tore my labrum and my shoulder. Um, so is that on the same side? Yeah, actually it was. Um, but any of that by like compensating for the elbow or trying do you think any of it no i literally zave i fell on ice like it was literally in january and i slipped and fell on my shoulder had nothing to do with training or anything so like i mean that's good but it was kind of annoying to like have something like that i would have rather gotten hurt like
Starting point is 00:16:02 doing something productive like training. Could you imagine just watching Brooke Wells slip on ice and hit the ground? It just doesn't seem possible. Right. You just have this angelic woman just gracefully walking across the street or whatever, and then she just eats shit.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Wham! Upright to eat. You know it was fast too There was like no in between She was here And then damn Yep This probably let out a big old scream
Starting point is 00:16:31 And you're like Whoa What happened Yeah I'm checking Do you think that that's her house Probably She got a cupboard open
Starting point is 00:16:43 I like I like the Empty space on the wall. She's not one of those people who has to hang stuff on her walls. I respect that. You don't like that? I do like it. Some people just feel like they have to hang stuff. If they have an empty wall, they gotta hang something on it.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I feel that way about the RV. I feel like I need to have something on the empty space. Hang like a hippie tapestry Like a Bob Marley tapestry Yeah I think I'm going to get like an Aztec blanket or something And just
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah I don't know Thomas Jacobson Thomas Jacobson Not sure I like the nice Dave She got a new house Craig Richards Oh wow Jake Chapman
Starting point is 00:17:24 It's the Bible's made him soft. I wish he would have read the Quran. Jake Chapman. Imagine Muslim Dave. Wow. All right, here we go. But it was okay. It's fine now. Well, what do you want to see? Like, what do you view as your strength? What do you want to see that where you'd be excited? Can you tear your labrum and then just to be better like that? Yeah, I think it's like a, it's like a cartilage. So you can still do things with it.
Starting point is 00:17:59 It's not like it's a ligament, like holding things together. It's just like an articulating tissue. Nothing that – and peptides can help fix that up pretty quick, and they can't be tested for, really. Yeah, you're probably right. You can take them, and it should solve your issues. I'm perfectly okay if she took peptides. Are you okay with it?
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah, yeah. Use code 7 on our checkout, at least, though. Yeah, I don't get – thank you. I don't get any – you get an exemption for cheating if you use peptides are you okay with it yeah yeah use code seven on checkout at least though yeah i don't get thank you i don't get any uh you get exemption for cheating if you use peptides for it to pop up i mean obviously heavy deadlifts are like some of my favorite events um are you pulling over 400 consistently i mean i think i can't i don't do that consistently because i don't know how healthy that would be yeah i mean just like because years ago we kind of went back and forth on social media a little oh yeah with the 405 and then i think you ended up pulling like 425 right yeah i did like 423 holy shit dude i pull 425 holy shit Holy shit, dude. Holy shit. Is that caboose related?
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yeah, gotta be right. Oh my god. That's all glutes and back, man. Justin Leong. Damn. Wow. Okay. CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Does Brooke do face and lip fillers? Probably. She looks good, though. What's a filler? Like they inject something into your lips to make it bigger? Yeah, like Botox, right? I think Botox makes it like stuns a nerve or something so when you smile, it doesn't make a wrinkle. And filler's like a fake titty but for
Starting point is 00:19:46 your face. Maybe I got them mixed up. Either way, she looks good. Yeah, I think she looks great. She does. I don't know if she has that much makeup on because look, it's the same color as her chest and arms.
Starting point is 00:20:01 You can match that. Yeah, I think she's probably got a pretty significant amount of makeup on which is probably her regular but her regular amount yeah i think okay is that your all-time pr yeah 423 okay um but honestly I love heavy barbells. Um, I like handstand walks and like handstand stuff. Um, I don't know. I feel like I'm just excited for something new. Does it, does it bother you or, um, are you not excited about the fact that a majority of the competition will be inside because of Texas and the heat? Or what do you think about that?
Starting point is 00:20:48 I don't think that really bothers me. I don't think it. Yeah, I don't really think it matters. I thought it was cool, like in California with the tennis stadium and stuff. So like the outdoor and that was really cool. So I will miss the outside a little bit, but i don't think it really matters and also for the spectators them having to just like sit in the sun all the time i feel like they will enjoy the inside more as well yeah i had no idea she could talk like this is that me neither i thought she
Starting point is 00:21:18 could only do fucking cold blood commercials i had i haven't seen her act like insecure or shy or anything no she's comfortable yeah i i i i want to be hot be apologize on behalf of all the billion judgments that i had presupposed on her yeah uh dave looks like a little school boy talking to his crush Yeah, Dave looks like a little schoolboy talking to his crush Damn CrossFit Danielle uses fillers and her lips get all cockeyed. Oh like asymmetrical like you're like got one fat one I think her lips already do that. But the lip filler is just accentuated. Hi Hi She was on Mark Bell's podcast who brooke wells when was that like a decade ago uh seven calm down uh with the praises it's only 10 minutes i know but
Starting point is 00:22:21 shit dude it was seven years ago. That's when she was on. Oh, she was on with Sydney. Oh, the two of them together. Yeah. I can't believe this is going to be a series. I'm tripping.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I'm tripping. You'll do them all. You'd be stupid not to come on. What's going to happen? No, I mean i mean like do you think dave will just you think dave will keep it up oh he'll pass this shit off like after six interviews he'll give it's like 360 and if you're sitting really down uh by the floor inside of the jumbotron there's also like a mini jumbotron on the inside so pretty much anywhere you're sitting you can see oh cool yeah let me pick this venue of all of them? Oh, damn!
Starting point is 00:23:25 Oh, shit. Damn, now what, Kenneth? Okay. Now what? And look, it's like she's leaning forward like she's trying to look down into a screen or something. Alright. She wants to know, Dave, how did you
Starting point is 00:23:42 pick this venue? Damn. This show is not that good. You should have your own podcast. Yeah, well, shit. She could be guest for the Doders podcast when they're out of town. Damn. Talk about menopause. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Instead of a guest programmer, it's a guest interviewer of the week. Damn. Someone sent me a DM yesterday, this big buff handsome dude. He's like, dude, your Matuthian's a game changer. I sent it over to you guys. Did you see it? What? No, I don't think I saw it.
Starting point is 00:24:19 It was yesterday. It was late last night. I'll look at it after this. Anyway, I'm like, yeah, thank you. It really met our requirements for hosting the games. And you know, inside of the Jumbotron, there's also a mini Jumbotron on the inside. So pretty much anywhere you're sitting,
Starting point is 00:24:41 you can see what's on it. Oh, cool. Yeah, what made you pick this venue of all of them? It really like met our requirements for, for hosting the games and, you know, just the games as they're going to be right now without the, without the age groupers. If we would have kept the age groupers and all of that,
Starting point is 00:25:01 this venue would have been really challenging to support that. But in this, in this trimmed down fashion of just focusing on the individuals and the teams, it, it's a great location for that because it, it seats, it seats over 9,000 people somewhere around there,
Starting point is 00:25:19 but it was built in 2018. So like, it's a beautiful, it's a beautiful venue. You guys. Hold on a second. It's like a brand new venue let's let's do let's do a poll is this video going to get more or less than 10 000 views dave's video yeah actually before you make the poll let me i'm going to call a friend who's kind of an expert in the field. Let me see if my phone's working
Starting point is 00:26:00 Whoa Jesus criminy Hold on. Hold on. You sound like a Bigfoot. Hold on. I think we got like a... Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:26:15 I reconnect. That was weird. Andrew. Hello? Andrew? Hello? Andrew? Hello.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Hi. Oh, that was weird. Your voice, it turned you into Bigfoot, like you OD'd on testosterone. Andrew? That's a good thing. Yeah, I guess so, yeah. Yeah. Hey, I got a question for you.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Dave has this new video out with Brooke Wells, and we want to make a poll. Should I make the – and the poll's going to be, will this video have more than 10,000 views or less than 10,000 views? Should I use 10, 000 as the number yeah 10 000 is a good number okay you like what's it at right now uh i don't even in the first uh it says 350 yeah but in how long less than an hour i think oh that's pretty good it'll probably get over 10 000 but it's his first foray into it have you watched it yet yeah it's probably going to do really well for a couple and then it's going to tail off a little bit and i did watch it yeah okay so 10 000 is a good number i bet he'll average he'll average like six to ten on all of them if he does all 80 of them, I bet. If you were to vote, would you say this one goes over 10,000?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yes, because it's Brooke Wells and she doesn't talk very often. And it's the first time she's on this thing with Dave. Yeah. You think that's smart tactic on his part to come out hard with a superstar like Brooke? Yeah. And then next he'll probably have Daniel Brandon on. Oh, you don't think he'll like pick someone like from south america next do they speak english over there all right good
Starting point is 00:27:53 point or just like you know pick someone just really low on the like jelly jelly hosty uh no i bet he i don't know i wonder why he chose brooke first probably for that right i mean she's you know it'd be great if brooke shared to do her instagram somehow some way you know it'd be even better if somebody at crossfit made a link and thumbnail where she could make it easy to be shared to her profile because then it would help out dave's new thing so someone makes a reel at crossfit post it and collabs with danielle i mean uh brooke right yeah you're really smart you're really smart with this internet stuff yeah yeah somebody out of the internet taught me probably like 50 different internet videos taught me some stuff maybe 150 all right all right thank you for your uh how is it how far into it are you i'm uh 741
Starting point is 00:28:55 way i would thought i was going to be so uncomfortable and i'm not uncomfortable at all i'm actually blown away at brooke like blown the bar was so low i was i i'm pretty agnostic on her i don't have any strong feelings about her like good or bad i just see her as just like someone who's been around forever it's not really in my like circle and but i just always assume she couldn't talk like i thought she was a door i thought she was just a complete fucking lunchbox and she's and whose fault is that? Anyone who does media, I guess. Around her, her manager,
Starting point is 00:29:31 CrossFit, anyone. There's just no natural flow to her, that's why. And anything that we've ever seen. Anything that anyone's ever seen, I suppose. Maybe not even hers, but her agents or her media group whatever do you know who her agent is i don't oh they should reach out to you and um is it o'keefe oh i think it might be you're mad o'keefe have andrew go out would you would you take the time
Starting point is 00:30:00 to go do a piece on her if you were asked oh yeah oh yeah without even thinking much about it i'd be there within i'd be there within 12 hours i bet how would you get to the airport since your car smashed well the thing is it still drives oh i'm actually in it right now i'm going to buy a chainsaw oh so you you did you make a video of you lifting the tree off the car? No, I just drove it forward it was too heavy. It's a big freakin log dude You drove your head to a band like three three hundred pounds or plus. Yeah I'm like this tree. I can't move I'm gonna drive and see what happens and it just off the back Did your house get damaged at all?
Starting point is 00:30:48 No. Just the car. Your yard looks completely... Your yard looks like someone took all your shrubbery and threw it into a blender and then threw it back in your yard. That's pretty funny, right? Yeah. Crazy. I was just happy it wasn't Alexis' car because then my day would be going
Starting point is 00:31:04 completely different. Because she'd be pissed Oh, she'd be pissed Are you gonna get a new car? Yeah, probably that's what I thought I thought oh andrew's stoked he's fucking he was done with this car when I saw him a year ago What are you gonna get now? Probably a prius No Yeah, i'll probably get a prius the new priuses are awesome have you seen
Starting point is 00:31:27 them no they're actually pretty cool but i don't i still don't believe you're gonna get why because i don't know it's their uh i just don't care anymore i don't care what i drive i just it'll be cheap hey did you think it $28,000 for a brand new one. What the hell? That's so cheap. And it gets 60 miles to the gallon. What do you think about Jesse James West when he approached Sam Sulik? The whole video is about steroids.
Starting point is 00:31:55 He didn't even ask Sam. Yeah, it's because he's a giant baby. That was pretty wild. That's also probably why he has 5 million followers because he's such a baby that everyone can watch it not be offended Is that the guy that went to matt frazier's gym? Yeah, no, that was uh, william tennyson. Oh, they kind of remind me of the same dude They're very similar jesse used to go hard He used to have these awesome beach interviews where he talked to chicks and it'd be all sexual and it was it was what got him
Starting point is 00:32:23 I don't know. Notoriety. Yeah. And now he's, I don't know. That was in bed. That was embarrassing. The Sam Sulek thing was a little embarrassing, not just because of the context of the video.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Right. I haven't liked very much. Uh, I liked the one where he went and he checked out all the gyms, but he recently put out something, how he's a gym shark athlete now. And I don't know. There's cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:48 And then there's not so cool stuff where it's like kind of cheese dig. Have you tempered? Well, I was going to say, I thought maybe you were tempering your approach because I thought your Craig and Annette and fight Fikovsky interviews were very sober and tempered. But then I saw you made another video on your Instagram where you went hard at some dude for fucking up Murph. So I was like, I guess Andrew's not tempered.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Oh, wait a minute. You thought that that was any different than any of those other videos? Yeah, I just thought, I mean, dude, you could have fucking destroyed Craigig or annette you could have bryce smith them or feikowski i mean they were saying just there was just some ridiculous shit i mean what's the most ridiculous thing you heard feikowski say um i don't know if it's the most ridiculous thing but the thing where they this thing where you think that somehow safety in the sport is somehow going to grow it or you're concerned about people leaving it because they got a bad judge. It's like, oh, you think I could have gone harder about that? I mean, you told him he was wrong.
Starting point is 00:33:57 You're like, I mean, it's like, dude, like I'm in the fight. I watch fighting, you know, and every fucking fight. That's like the next two hours is talking about the judging how fucked up it is and i mean yeah i thought that was pretty dumb it's like you know yeah it's not good it's better to talk about the performance of the ad design well number one you gotta be able to see it and then i put up the brian friend video i'm like yeah we could see it it could be the best fucking performance ever but no one knows because it looks stupid yeah there's 100 million dollar fights dude 50 million
Starting point is 00:34:25 dollar fights 20 million dollar fights on the reg and the judges are just like the worst of any sport like crossfit judge you can't compare fighting judges to any other judges it's so fucking subjective and crazy i mean you'll see did you see he commented on that video i did i did he wrote uh i'm glad you do see how he goes i agree with yeah and i just wrote why didn't you say it in the comments i go no he didn't he didn't agree with me or what yeah i said he said i'm glad i'm glad you agreed with me on some things and i just wrote back no he didn't i think i uh you did i said 50 50 in the beginning and it probably was more like 80-20.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Disagree, agree. And they were inconsequential things. I don't think they were very like... Right. The safety thing was the biggest thing. I think that's the stupidest shit. And then I hate the professionalism of the sport. I think it's a stupid topic and never comes to anything. God. Okay. I'm almost done with my review of Dave's show. It's a stupid topic and never Comes to anything God Okay
Starting point is 00:35:27 I'm almost done with my review of Dave's show Thanks for talking to me Are you going to do all of them? I don't know So everyone that Dave does Are you doing all of them? Like just jump on it? I don't know
Starting point is 00:35:39 This one I just wanted to watch With a group of people So I thought I'd do it Oh okay Alright That's all. Okay. Bye. Bye, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Bye, Hiller. He writes, someone in the comments wrote, how much does 10,000 views cost? Dave doesn't run his own YouTube, let alone buy a... He can't even start the stream. a viewer, yeah. He doesn't know what the fuck's going on.
Starting point is 00:36:06 He's going to have a great time. I kind of forgot that the like age group and stuff. It's going to be so cool. But does that mean. It's a beautiful venue. You guys are going to have a great time. I kind of forgot that the like age group and stuff. It's going to be so cool.
Starting point is 00:36:24 But does that mean that we're going to have to do a lot more workouts? No, I don't think so. When you think like when I think about. No, I'll say no. You're not going to do a lot more. I mean, you guys already do a ton at the games. I mean, I honestly prefer more events. How much are you training right now?
Starting point is 00:36:41 How different is your training now relative to what it was for semifinals? We're still kind of like ramping up. We're in like this building phase of like building volume instead of just jumping right into it. And we still have like six weeks left. So I think that it's just increasing. I'm definitely doing a little bit less than I was last year, which is good. I feel a lot healthier and I feel like every single day I can show up to the gym and actually like push myself opposed to like in the past I would show up and just like try to get through the day and like survive. And so that's been a good thing. Um, but yeah, we're still kind of in the phase of ramping up. I think like next, starting next week, we'll start getting into tougher stuff. Are you swimming?
Starting point is 00:37:26 Mm-hmm. Are you biking? Where is she training? We'll go back to that. She's probably at CrossFit East Nashville, right? Because she's not a proven athlete anymore. What is she? She's HWPO?
Starting point is 00:37:43 I'm hearing all sorts of weird shit about her training right i heard she's hwpo um but i have seen her training with um what's this guy's name the fucking really old guy that we were talking about earlier not really old but um will morad oh and oh interesting um but and then i guess i i heard this on a pod on a i think it was a training think tank podcast they were talking about how i think it was max was talking about how there was going to be some maybe a big athlete coming their way, but there's, he didn't specify who it was, but you think, you think that there's a chance that she could be going is, does Wilmora train at training think tank?
Starting point is 00:38:35 Um, I thought he did. I think he did. If he doesn't directly, then he has before. What's VA. What's her hat? Oh,
Starting point is 00:38:47 I don't know. Oh, that's the place. And, uh, I know what it is. She must've been in Malibu. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:38:54 That's the place in Malibu. I think. Yeah, I think, yeah, I think Will's a TTT athlete right now. Cause it looks like CTP was making some content for him. And they alluded
Starting point is 00:39:08 that they might be getting a big athlete? Yeah, there was a long time ago, though. So, it... That very likely could have just been a... been a non-event. You know? I don't... I'm not learning anything from her Instagram. So, this is just...
Starting point is 00:39:24 This is just... Her Instagram is just uh this is just her instagram is just hot chick posts yeah look how hard i work on my body and this is what it looks like which i which is cool i mean thank you it looks like will's at crossfit east nashville and trivium which are those two gyms in nashville that uh those guys usually train at. All right. That'd be a trip if she left HWPO, wouldn't it? Yeah, weird, right? It's like nobody can then just not keep anybody around, or what's the deal? Is Katrin still HWPO?
Starting point is 00:40:02 Ooh, I don't know. Hey, her and Fraser launched a new brand supposed to debut at the games oh i thought it was the fucking noble guy i didn't think it was fraser uh earth first yeah whatever it is katrin's still an HWPO athlete. That's in her bio still. Force your kids to take drugs prescribed by the government. Earth first. Todd Medley. Good job, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:33 That's right. I almost said something vile. In the past, I would show up and just try to get through the day and survive. So that's been a good thing um but yeah we're still kind of in the phase of ramping up i think like next starting next week we'll start getting into like tougher stuff oh did we make a poll yeah you want to see the results right now sure well dave's video oh okay so people feel very positive about it yeah uh aaron mccow say the vile thing i'm sure someone's thinking it
Starting point is 00:41:15 oh here we go uh he asks are you swimming and bike are you biking yes should i be no i'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing i'm just asking what do you think of biking in general i don't love it i've got hey i've gotten a lot better remember you yes yes i honestly think about that because i'm like that can never happen again for those i don't know dave called me out in front of all the athletes and was like, whatever you do, just don't bike like Brooke. What year was that? I want to say like probably 2018.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I don't remember. That sounds right. As I recall, Brooke's one of those people. God, she's so fucking adorable. Brooke's one of those people that when she bikes, she's not biking. You know how you bike around the neighborhood with your kids? She thinks it's like she's in a leg press machine. I remember watching her bike, and she just sits on the seat and just pushes down on the pedals.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Oh, my God. So there's zero athleticism when she does it. And it's like, yeah, it was fucked up for her. It's like she never actually learned how to bike. She just did the games kind of thing no yeah it was as bad as spieler softball throw i mean it was just like what yeah it was so bad there were but there were a ton of girls like that very few boys like that but then that year i got like 15 or 16 or something like not great but the year before I got like last that's funny I'm a lot more comfortable any question for me before I wrap it up to try to
Starting point is 00:42:52 stay true to this five to ten minute zone that I want to do these interviews at can you tell us what you're most excited about I'm most excited about going to this new venue and trying, having a new canvas to work with in terms of the actual floor in the stadium and some of the surrounding areas that we're going to leverage. I'm really excited about the show that we're going to put on in this location. Fort Worth is great to work with. And I think it's going to be one of our best games ever for sure. Oh, okay. Good. I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Let me say something. Okay. Travis, go ahead. The most excited thing that Dave's excited about is the fact that they're actually making some games media. That's what he's excited about. Shit, Travis. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Travis Breit, John Young's protege. Crazy. I didn't think him and I would ever agree on anything. Holy shit. All right. Are you going to train today? No, today's an off day. I'm resting today. We'll get back at it tomorrow
Starting point is 00:44:07 well thanks for joining and I'll chat again soon okay sounds good thank you bye damn I'm going to give it a 10 opening I'm going to give it a 10 wow okay yeah Hiller says there can't be 10s I'm giving it a 10
Starting point is 00:44:23 it's good what do you what do you think uh i give it like an eight even if i wanted to give it a seven because it was so short i gotta be like okay yeah it was it was a good time it was a good length of time i think it wasn't too long and they got a got a lot of good conversation in there they kind of went after each other which was kind of cool yeah there was a given there was a given a take yeah uh uh those smiles are very real i think they're real i don't can't tell if you're being joking or not uh uh uh clock a five fit comma seven james carr 6.9. Chemistry. Yeah, maybe I like the chemistry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I think they get along pretty well. Kenneth Lapp, I don't know. I think Sevan knows something about this series that we don't. When is the last time he has been positive about something? Dave? Or Sevan? No, he says that, listen, he's saying that I know something about the series and and like i'm uh feigning uh ignorance uh oh uh why didn't you cue your gurgling sound for a 10 i think the show's a 10 i'm not gonna give it 10 but i think it was pretty
Starting point is 00:45:42 oh you got to do the gurgling sound. Here we go. I think the show's a 10. Thank you. Okay, go ahead, Kevin. Now your turn. There you go. It was good. I don't know why. I just can't give it a 10, you know?
Starting point is 00:45:59 Yeah, I understand. I don't know. Just conceptually, I can't do it. But it was good. I like that they... I like that Brooke pushed back on him and told a funny story about how Dave shit on her one year and kind of pinned him down on some stuff. I think it'll be a good – going forward, it'll be a good avenue for people maybe to get hints about the games or about future programming or whatever, just kind of get
Starting point is 00:46:25 into his mind a little more how about the fact that she even like just answered any questions or asked him any questions how about the end i thought for sure at the end she'd balk like like look at like someone gave her go ahead that's fine yeah like someone gave a five i don't think you can give her a five just because at the end he goes, do you have any questions for me? And she goes, yeah, what are you most excited about? And then, and how about when she, he said, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:49 um, uh, are there going to be more workouts because you're going to have more time? I, I don't know, man. I thought it was an interesting question.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah. I, I, I, it's, uh, it's not from CF media. You can't give anything.
Starting point is 00:47:04 It's nine. And where do you think He's going to come from And it's their first one I'm giving them A lot of wiggle room Cancel that best 10 minutes of Dave's life He did ask me The other day about
Starting point is 00:47:24 What software I use, and I told him I use StreamYard, and I thought he should do shit live. Because he used to press me to do stuff live. Yeah, and it's so much better live, so much better. For so many reasons. I'm not impressed because it seemed premeditated. I didn't get that vibe did you no i don't it wasn't it didn't seem like there was like a canned response or like can like it wasn't like a hey i'm gonna ask you these questions and you need to come up with responses
Starting point is 00:47:56 for these questions and like or how about this do you think when they went on the air he saw the names were wrong and then he's like oh shit let me go live and pretend like I didn't know. No. He literally has no idea how to run that program. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, this is a great testament to – I would watch TDC take a shit. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Think about how many people followed his fucking dog account uh dog i can't wait till dave talks to duan duan yang is there really a dude named that yeah it's the chinese john young but it's a woman duan yang yeah it's like uh duan i think it's... Dude, I might have to get on that bandwagon. If she speaks English, that would be amazing. That name is amazing. Duong.
Starting point is 00:48:53 T-A-W-O-N J-U-N-G Duong. Duong Yong. I think it's this chick. Yeah. His answers to her questions about why CF made the move to Fort Lauderdale were weak as fuck.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Hey, check one of her posts. I want to see if she writes in English. Damn. Oh. No, that was a crossfit post Oh That would be That would be amazing if she speaks English Does she speak English does anyone know
Starting point is 00:49:34 I don't know But she definitely knows who John Young is Because she posted a picture of like A handwritten sign that had John Young's name on it Or something Oh that's funny Oh she got a John Young's name on it or something. Oh, that's funny. Do one.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Oh, she got a black dude's name. Do one. I'm going to type that in. Do one and see if a black dude pops up. Do one. Nope. Damn. I suck.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Not one black dude named Dewan. Oh, I totally culturally appropriate that if I was a bug. What's a black dude's last name? Like Dewan, Dewan Howard. Johnson. Oh,
Starting point is 00:50:17 uh, yep. It is a black dude's name. Lot. If you put in the, if you put in, Oh, that's fucked up.
Starting point is 00:50:24 There's a dude named Dewan. Yeah. That's clearly a girl's name if you put a yeah at the end it's a girl yeah like Tanya yeah right that makes sense but but if you put in if you put in Dewan and then and then and then add
Starting point is 00:50:38 like an American last name or a black dude's last name all black dudes pop up oh shit Dewan Baker's a he him on LinkedIn Jesus Christ Dewan Harris plays football but if but if you try what if I type in Dewan Lee does it go back to all Asian dudes
Starting point is 00:51:08 oh girls isn't that funny for black people it's a dude for Asian people it's a girl that's like Sevan for Armenians I think it's a girl's name for Jews it's a you lucked out I guess yeah it's a girl's name. For Jews, it's a girl's name. You lucked out?
Starting point is 00:51:26 I guess. Yeah, I got the girl's name. Everyone always told me. There were no boys named Sevan anywhere until I got older, until I was like 30. Oh, Daquan. Oh, that would be the female? Is Daquan a name? That would be the female version.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Black John Young, female. No, that's a dude too wow shit daquan's look hard it's a close card there's a white guy it washed waynesburg university named daquan he's the only white dude with that name god that would be so cool to be white and have a black dude's name. And you got like a French last name, Debauch. Look at this dude. It's like the Hick version of Will Branstetter. I thought we were looking at like an inmate roster.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Dequan. 6'2", 150. He's yoked. That's the smallest fucking scene. That fucking dude's in high school? No, no. That's a college. Oh. It's probably like some Division III college.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Just so you know, that's exactly what my... When my pubes look so you know, that's exactly what my, when my pubes look like it, that his chin, that's when I just grab a handful and take scissors and just cut them. That's exactly what my pubes. That's a D3 college. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Yeah. So he can be that small and be a fucking D-pack. All right. Is this really true? If I look that up, well, I see that there was a DeJuan shot in the autonomous zone. Jesus. That shit is true. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Anyway, congrats to... So now Dave's head of the games department, the training department, and he's taking a four dude, two videos a week's a lot. Yeah. He doesn't have that kind of time. Yeah. He's got like five other jobs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:42 All right. Well, it was fun hanging out with you guys I'll see you guys tomorrow morning Caleb thanks for coming on again buh-bye

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