The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of TDC WIR 03/18/2024

Episode Date: March 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. This is not a test. Wow, my timing couldn't have been any better. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Did you just hit the button? I just hit the button. I got to get my microphone on or what have you. The natives were getting restless. Ernie Garza, fingers crossed. the button i just hit the button i gotta get my microphone on what have you um the the natives we're getting restless ernie garza fingers crossed he he's one of mine since he's in texas i don't know what you're talking about but okay seve uh had to take his shit no uh my stomach is feeling a little weird i think i had too many pistachios just now i uh didn't do the open and i made it there you go uh eveninging friends. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Oh, Miss Latimer. It's been a minute. Glee. Oh, thanks, Burton. I didn't realize quarters were also broken down by region, but that also makes sense. All right. Things make sense to you. That's good.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Chris Beechfield. My balls are so blue right now. They should be. Why didn't Sevan enter his last two scores? I didn't do the last one. Drama. I got four rounds on the um deadlift one bro one i didn't do the last one i did um five today i uh rode the assault bike for 10 minutes of course and then i did uh five thrusters with 65 pounds on the minute for 20 minutes god i hated it hated every second of it i just thought about
Starting point is 00:01:48 all the little girls that could do it over a mason mitchell over titillation can cause people to back out of open every year what does that mean i don't know because he's making fun of me because i used the word titillate and i didn't do the open so i backed out i was over titillated wait why is it just an error you just forgot to submit the score no the second ones i said didn't submit this score the third one i just didn't do it okay i just was like i just know on my birthday i did a really hard workout and then and then the next day i was thinking about doing i'm like i really don't want to do 95 pound thrusters so today i tested out out, I did 165 and I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm, I'm, I'm glad I didn't do it. Yeah. All right. Fair enough. Seth page, a legit mad.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I have to coach right now. I miss the show guys. It's open gym tonight. Review of the review is on. All right. I'll miss you. Uh, vindicate got to fix that.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Iron hog. Isn't in the top level. Nav. Just saying someone was suggesting muscle, muscle hog. I like muscle hog. Someone was suggesting Muscle Hog. I like Muscle Hog instead of Iron Hog. Because, like, is that a muscle hamster? Muscle Hog?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Yeah, I hate the Muscle Hamster. I hate that, too. SEO Truths. He's got to feed his jujitsu boys the beef, y'all. Actually, they were at Grandma's house. They just came in. I think they are having a steak right now beef uh i thought i liked my tears i ordered last year and only tried them to support colton and i love the toe guard when i got them for box jump misses at
Starting point is 00:03:15 toes to bar but once i get my born primitives i think i'll change oh yeah let me know how you feel you're gonna love your born primitives i need a dick in me said he's getting a standee i was not getting a standee. I was not getting a standee. I do get standees. Birthday standees. I'm the recipient of standees, but I was not getting one. Does anyone know how Mal did at High Rocks? I couldn't really tell her splits based off leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Seve, I got to wake up early, okay, okay cause you gotta go to CrossFit uh Mo Sauce Mo Seuss uh when is Mr. Friend coming back to the show hold your breath uh oh Darren Sevan Castro is looking sharp today in his suit agree did he post something
Starting point is 00:04:08 on instagram i think in his stories what can you say about that about dave in his uh suit good goodness suit it's been well you saw him in um oh i don't see it i don't oh in his stories yeah yeah yeah yeah um i you You saw him today in person. I did. You were doing more charity work today. For the non-profit I own, yeah. Yeah, isn't that funny? Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:04:37 It's good. Oh, Jamie Higaya. God, I'd like to get her on the show. Yeah, I thought we were having her come. I wonder what happened with that. I really like her Nice legs. Oh, she was about to pull her shirt up. Don't do that How do I go through I just click here to go through Click through it. Just don't over click it. That looks hey, dude, that looks like where
Starting point is 00:05:04 Bruce Wayne works out. Yeah, it's like a cool gym, that's for sure. Doesn't that look like Bruce Wayne's backyard? It's either that or a parking garage. Oh, Matt Sousa, John Lavelle. Oh shit,
Starting point is 00:05:21 you were in a suit too. I was in a suit, yeah. Where was that? You guys doing some bipartisan Yeah you know just Politicking Did you get the boo in you Did he get the boo I don't know It trains individuals at all skill levels to work out and compete with a competitive mindset.
Starting point is 00:05:46 CrossFit was founded right here in the state of California. It's a program for camaraderie and social... Oh, yeah, here we go. You might catch the blue. Those are the people who voted for it? Yeah, the green. And if there's no green, does that mean they haven't voted yet or they voted against it?
Starting point is 00:06:06 Correct. No vote. You'll see the votes come up for no in red. Maybe that was it there. Might not have caught it on that. Alright, I don't have time for that shit. I think I caught it, so we'll be okay. Damn. Look at I caught it. We'll be okay. Damn. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Damn. Look at that. That's Assemblyman Bill. I forget his last name. I don't forget it. I don't know how to say it correctly. It's like similar. I don't know. But he's the guy that pushed it through. Official CrossFit day
Starting point is 00:06:43 in the state of California. Pull boys, dams to all the people who scaled with Jess. So there's an official CrossFit day in California now. That's it. March 6th. March 4th. I thought March 4th. Pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Pretty sure. Oh. Sixth. No, that wasn't Henniger. No. Not Bill Eh, sixth. No, that wasn't Henninger. No. Not Bill Henninger. No. Castro is on trial.
Starting point is 00:07:11 No. Voting for trans women to compete with women in the CrossFit Games this year. Yes, that's... And it passed. Hey, wasn't the initial, when Don was hired, wasn't his initial meet and greet at your gym? Not his initial meet and greet per se, but they did have a meeting with big named affiliates that were no longer affiliated with CrossFit at my gym.
Starting point is 00:07:37 That was early on. Yeah, that was early on. And then you had your 10-year anniversary. Yep. And then you were a key in putting on the CrossFit Health Summit. Mm-hmm. Did you make a lot of money from that? No, I own a nonprofit.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'm writing a book. This is all material for my book. You know what it's called? profit i'm writing a book this is all material for my book you know what it's called um were you paid to do to uh facilitate the uh to work on the uh crossfit health summit with carter thompson no you didn't take any money home no and then today you went to you went to the state capital with dave castro the man man himself, the director of the games and head of CrossFit training. Yep. It's interesting how well assimilated you are in the space.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Interesting. That's weird. I feel like you're not telling me something. I feel like you have connections that I don't know about. No, you're probably the only one that knows all of them. Outside of Grace. I say this with... I'll probably say this on the news tomorrow, too.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Can I say it twice? Yeah. Oh, Mason Mitchell. Insurrection workout. Six rounds for time. Oh, Mason Mitchell, insurrection workout, six rounds for time. It was the most threatened our democracy has been in since the Civil War. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:16 They were going to take that building and then just own the United States. Right after they took their tourist photos. Get your photo in front of the flag with your with your congressperson's laptop. How does anyone believe that? News, propaganda. I saw more violence on Instagram at high schools today with kids fighting than we saw on January 6th. Wow. Darren, what are the odds that you get
Starting point is 00:09:46 Access to the floor this year the games it seems as if Dave doesn't want you on the floor CrossFit needs you No 100% It's 100% I won't go if they don't give me the access I want there will be no point in me Going it's not like I'm being a prima donna but if I need I need like last year I should
Starting point is 00:10:02 Have gotten more access like and that was my fault Not their fault I should have said hey when on the final for sure for the final event i should have been allowed on the floor i should have been so right when the final event was over i should have been allowed to rush the floor for a bare minimum so yeah i'm a floor whore for sure that's what the good stuff is though she's different than a cum dumpster. My, according to, my intellect, my words and my emotions and my actions are all aligned. I saw when he said that today, I was like, oh, yeah, mine are the most aligned I've ever been in 51 years. Probably when I came out of my mom's vagina, I was probably pretty aligned.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Okay. So Don and Da Coons and Daniel Chafee are in Asia. I'll pull up, like, I saw it on Dacoons. What do you think they're doing out there? What part of Asia? I tell you the truth. I have no idea. I just saw pictures with shitloads of Asian people.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And so I just ran with it. I use my own discernment. Some people would call that racism. But I'm going to use my own discernment. kicking off an eight-day tour oh i haven't even read this to spend time with our affiliate owners coaches and community members in hong kong china south korea japan okay great start in shenzhen to do 24.3 and spend time with amazing community crossfit moo thank you lee leong oh i know leong i don't see him in that photo i don't see him in that photo. I see the Coons.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I don't see him in there either. I don't see them. Maybe he's in the scroll over photo. I don't see them. Oh, there's Don. I found Don. You did? Yeah, he's all the way in the back right underneath the F-E-T-A-Q.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Oh, shit. Wow. Find the white guy. That's crazy I didn't spot him. Yeah. And there's a white girl here. No. I don't see Daniel Chafee either.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Mm-mm. Game face. Dude, his hands look huge when he holds that mic. It's a hollywood trick oh great overhead position on that thruster yeah look at the homeboys arms are crazy yeah jd coon's looking yoked uh it's weird i didn't Leong. Leong. Yeah, neither did I. Let me see. Let's see if I see Leong. No. Three white dudes and an Asian chick. Okay. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:12:58 when I saw this, I was like, man, I hope they took... I would like to see video from this. That's the kind of thing, like, it's a shame for CrossFit, not for me. If I was there, their trip would be 500 times more valuable. Hey, Sebi, come with us. And you extend the life of what happened to that trip there in perpetuity. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I could be doing podcasts from Asia. I could be giving metaphorical standees to the group. I don't want to go, by the way. No one's like, oh, so you want to go? No, I don't want to go. I have zero interest in going. Zero interest in going. But I'm just saying. Definitely somebody should go.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Well, and I'm not saying if they would have said, hey, Seve, do you want to go? And I did go, it would be crazy the value I could bring. Oh, yeah. Absolutely fucking mind-boggling. It would take so much to get them to get you to go to Asia for eight days, though. Are you kidding? Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:13:52 But I think that the $50,000 or $60,000 they paid me to do that would be worth it. For sure. Yeah. Because I would take the responsibility so seriously. The pressure would be fucking nuts on me. Dude, all they would have to do is sell five more certs, and they would have paid their money back by having you do that. You know how easy it would have been to create media behind that?
Starting point is 00:14:12 No, not 50. Oh, yeah, five, yeah. Or one cert. One cert. Fill out one cert. Yeah. With 50 people. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I know someone's going to be like, that's cocky. That's fine. I mean, it could be cocky, but the truth, if it's the truth and cocky, then what can I say? Sevan, any chance you go to Rogue and Scotland with access, of course. You know what's crazy? So I was building the confidence to text Bill and Katie today, and I was on the phone with Sousa. Sousa was getting me like my hype man. And then I didn't send it.
Starting point is 00:14:48 You didn't send it? No. Nope. I don't want to ask them for anything. That's okay. I know. I'll work. I'm going to work on it. We're getting there. Did you type it out at least? I did. I typed it out. I typed it out. Alright. We're getting there.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Yeah. I typed it out. I was thinking maybe I should call. I don't know. No. I don't know. What it is is so like I think I'm so high on I don't know how much higher I could get because TaylorSelfVS the world
Starting point is 00:15:17 so I just now is the time where I should like if I'm scared I'm never going to get more confidence than I have now. You called Horvat. You can send the text i know i know they crank i crank call horvath is on par with texting bill and kate yeah i don't i don't know if that's the same but hey they're giving you confidence so that's all right all right uh dave castro weekend review played at 1.25 time. Dave is wearing red today with the rogue hoodie. I do not see a Doug anywhere around. The sun is out in California.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Weather modification system has led up finally for the first time in months. Here we go. In review, March 18th, 2024. I just finished redoing 24.3. And that was the only workout this year, the only open workout that I retested. And I'm happy that I did that because I did better.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Not much better, but better. And I did 24.3 Friday morning after flying home from Nashville. I flew home from Nashville Thursday night. A bunch of delays, a bunch of issues getting from Nashville to San Francisco. And so I didn't end up getting home until about 1.32 o'clock in the morning. And then I woke up at 6, went into an affiliate across from Aptos around 8.30 or so and tackled it. He got up at 6. Jocko had already been up for 90 minutes. The phone or the watch already taken.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I miss like three or four 135 pound thrusters. And I got six out of seven thrusters. And that was a big surprise to me. I know I'm not strong right now relative to how I've been in the past, but I thought for sure I could get through those thrusters. Or how strong you will be in the future, old fuck. Listen, can you imagine
Starting point is 00:17:04 he went into a random gym 40 minutes from his house and he got no rep i go dude i'm like some chick no rep to you he goes yeah i'm like i would have totally let it go he goes dude i wasn't even close i go depth at the bottom he's like no i was having trouble locking out 135 thrusters i'm like dude i still would have let it go he goes no dude it wasn't close i'm like, dude, I still would have let it go. He goes, no, dude, it wasn't close. I'm like, I don't care. You mean if he just went and bobbled it? Dude, I'd have counted by twos. One. Yeah. Two.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Two, four, six. Keep it going. One rep at the top, one rep at the bottom for Dave. Yeah. It's kind of cool that he does that. It shows a lot of humility and, like, that's good leadership. If Caleb was here, he'd play the gurgling sound. Look, Dave looks Asian.
Starting point is 00:17:48 So then that was Friday morning. My legs were blasted all weekend. And I decided then, I decided on Friday, I'm like, I need to retest this. I need to at least get a couple bar muscle-ups. So I waited until Monday, today, this morning. And I retested at the ranch. And I got two muscle-ups. So I was able to finish the thrusters this time, which I'm happy about,
Starting point is 00:18:08 and I didn't miss any thrusters, finish the first set of thrusters. No judge this time. Hey, how cool is it? Dave knows the workouts ahead of time. Clearly no advantage, huh? He could have prepped all year. If I would have known him, yeah, If I would have known him If I knew I was going to do CrossFit I would have prepped ahead of time Seven thrusters
Starting point is 00:18:33 How stupid is it that I didn't practice thrusters Leading up to the months of the games That was stupid Next year I'm going to do that Are you going to train? Yeah Get you in a program Nothing crazy, I'm still I mean nothing nothing crazy. I'm not gonna get hurt but It's cross this shit's dangerous
Starting point is 00:18:52 And then two muscle-ups miss the third so I'm happy with the redo. I'm glad I did that Hopefully I can sneak into quarterfinals. So let's jump my mom did the open All three workouts, huh? Yeah Good honor. I'm playing with, this is the thing. Kaiser sent me this thing right here. I'm supposed to like take a shit in the toilet and then pull this thing. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Bunch of liquid came out. I'm supposed to take this thing and put it in my poop. And then, and then put it back in there and then you mail it to them. Okay. But instead, I'm just fidgeting with it. Yeah. Is it supposed to be exposed to air or anything? I mean, it's done.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I mean, I'm not doing it. But it's just funny that I'm fidgeting with the poop stick while I do the show. Why would you do it? Seve, why don't you follow crossfit uh livermore's programming i don't know i don't know why i don't follow anyone's programming oh rosemary entered her scores i'm just so happy i'm pretty happy with with uh i'm just happy i'm just happy i'm so happy it's good i signed up for the open this year solely because of savon's podcast and he didn't even complete it listen i, I did two of three.
Starting point is 00:20:06 You should just... How about that-a-boy? Yeah, just trying to rub it in. Kaiser's crap. Worst thing I ever did was listen to their doctors as a kid. For sure, dude. For sure. Seventh grade, they gave me a big old bottle of
Starting point is 00:20:22 Vicodin because I complained my ankle was hurting. Seems reasonable. Fuck, it's so bad. Kaiser's so bad. Been to comments. At Extremis, 1978. So he didn't say this, but I know this because I've talked with Dave. He redid that because he wants to go to the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:20:42 And I think he qualified. That's pretty badass. I think he qualified. That's pretty badass. I think he did qualify, actually. Yeah. That's pretty fucking cool. And he's reading the Bible. Yeah, he is. He's going to get fired for that.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I'm telling you, he's going to get fired for that. Oh my gosh. Dave, I want to say, I'm sorry for any pressure my comment may have had regarding you announcing the open workout. Your explanation helped me remember more about how you like to live. I should have thought of that. I want to say thank you. You addressed my concern about having people announce the workouts that do not have media experience, though they were not my picks. You still listened and did great. Please
Starting point is 00:21:16 understand that since 2014, you've been that person who has challenged me in a sassy way and made me a better CrossFitter. If and when you choose to do another one, please know, I'll leave a smile on my face and I'm sure a lot of others. Thank you for your leadership and direction. You didn't put any pressure. I didn't feel any pressure from your last comment, and I appreciate this comment. That must be gone.
Starting point is 00:21:34 He doesn't read too many comments that fucking chug his cock. No, not actually. He does the opposite. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at Chris Beechfield gurgling. I'll do it. Or is that a dog growling? It's kind of a dog growling.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I don't even know how Caleb recorded that. No. Same but different. Muskon CrossFit 7382. Sorry if you have gone over this, Dave. What's the idea behind submission windows for quarterfinals? My biggest gripe and something you should consider if you want a higher percentage of participants signing up is getting rid of the submission window. For normal folk who just want to play but have jobs or limited time, it makes the whole ordeal quite a hassle for affiliate owners as well.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Not all gyms have 24-7 access, and it causes issues for some. Perhaps consider requiring individuals who want to move on to semifinals submit within Windows, or really just get rid of them and let people do them seven times if they really think it's gonna help. Thanks for always listening, Dave. The submission windows are to change the style and the kind of, yeah, to change the style,
Starting point is 00:22:38 to change that phase to make it feel a little different. Meaning you have to do a few in a window and then you have to do a few others. So it ramps it feel a little different. Meaning you have to do a few in a window and then you have to do a few others. So it ramps it up a little and makes it more like a different type of competition. Now, that being said, the submission windows this year, there's, I think, plenty of time to do the few,
Starting point is 00:22:57 submit and then do the others. And even if you feel capable of repeating them, but appreciate the feedback noted. At Tom. What the fuck kind of answer was that? No answer at all. Just like he just retold you how it works. Okay, no.
Starting point is 00:23:16 What if he just did that? All right, no. No, moving on. What if he did more of a comedy bit? That would be funny, but I don't think he would do this do that in this format i think he likes to keep it like serious and maybe that if he did more comedy bits like it wouldn't jive well in his mind i think worse that jocko was pre-recorded there's no
Starting point is 00:23:37 fucking way jocko was pre-recorded you don't think that that was pre-recorded you think he did that right after he landed on the moon? Is that what you're telling me? Dude. Come on, dude. Why would it be live if they're just using that piece? Because he would bring a different energy. He was pre-recorded.
Starting point is 00:23:59 How do you guys know that? Do you know for a fact? No, I don't know. I never even thought it. I assumed it was live because it was so shitty. I actually assumed it was live, too. And then now I'm thinking, like, it probably was pre-recorded. Should we should we see it?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Do you want me to see if I could find it real quick? No, no. This show is already 22 minutes long. No, too polished to be alive. Too polished. I mean, he's he's very well media trained. It is a ton of public speaking. So it looked like it was shot with a fucking...
Starting point is 00:24:26 It's obvious? All right. Fine. I'm a dipshit. Fine. S-E-J-N-O-S-K-E 1968. In May 2021, CrossFit announced the Echo Bike as the official air bike of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:24:45 When will it show up in the open? That's funny you mentioned that. I was thinking about that this year. That's a great question. I would love for the EcoBike to be in the open. We put the rower in the open. I don't know if there's enough EcoBikes and Assault bikes in circulation or out there to make it possible.
Starting point is 00:25:03 So I would love to get to a point where we can where the echo bite could be in the open but um i don't know if we're quite ready for that just yet at dave dude that's a very i mean it's crazy that they get away with the rower it is but it isn't the rower has been a staple since like day one i mean all like jackie just like how many, what percentage of the people have to go into an affiliate because of the rower? I never see any complaints about the rotten or the rower.
Starting point is 00:25:31 No. I mean, I think a lot of people came into your gym just to do the open this year. Any. Yeah. One, one. And we've had some in the past.
Starting point is 00:25:40 We've had before there was more people that did that, that came out of garage gyms that were, you know, local. we actually used to sell like an open pass so they could spend like i forget exactly what it was like let's just say 80 bucks or something and it covers their drop-ins for all five of the opens at the time or three now or something like that and we don't have that as much now than we did before i'll tell you how the echo bike gets in the open $300,000 From Bill and Katie I mean I don't even mean that to be a dick
Starting point is 00:26:12 I'm just saying like If it's in the open I either have to go to an affiliate Or buy an echo bike I don't have any echo bikes at my gym No shit all those bikes You got a shit load of bikes Yeah you know what the funny thing was is like right before i bought like the bulk of the bikes like we had a
Starting point is 00:26:29 handful of them like three or four we also had the old schwinn fan bikes before the assault bike because that was what was available so i've always had an airdyne bike even had like the classic one but right before i bought the bulk of them i was in between i was like do we go echo do we go assault bike and i literally used the salt bike because at the time they were using it in more competitions like regional competitions and it was becoming more of the standard and then right after i bought all of them i was like shit they started doing more echo bikes and competition and all that would you buy if the open required echo bike would you buy one yeah we'd probably buy one that would suck though because we'd have to put all of our
Starting point is 00:27:05 people through one maybe two but here's the thing like i do everything cash and so like i have the budget for major equipment purchases like that way out in advance to make sure that it sits in another bucket for a while before i spend it to make sure that i actually have it and so that would be tough that would be tough on us j Jay Hartle, we only have two echoes. Yeah, shitload of assault bikes though. Co-sends 85. Hi Dave, thank you for all you do for us in CrossFit and very recently the Open. I'm an affiliate owner in Southampton, UK
Starting point is 00:27:36 and currently guiding my first intern towards being a coach. After each Saturday morning lights, kind of got a ring to it, right? We have mapped out what we have covered in line with the metabolic pathways, 10 general physical skills, and the categories on the judges course, hang, pull, squat, press, other, and made some educated guesses at what may come next.
Starting point is 00:27:52 After 24.2, we hadn't tested balance and flexibility that much. It'll probably be some form of squat with an overhead lift. I guess that this isn't a question, more a note of thanks, and to highlight that the objectivity and empirical nature of what we do
Starting point is 00:28:04 is such a game changer to the fitness industry from the participants point of view to the coaches trainers point of view and outsiders point of view loving the weekend review videos please keep me going for as long as you can so the uh that's funny you say that because i think that's how i gained my passion for programming way back in the day when i first got into crossfit i was i was looking at the main site every day looking at the workouts and then eventually because there were several months where i was just stalking the main site, stalking the workout of the day, the content they were putting out prior to even diving into doing the methodology. And once I did, I started really paying attention to the programming. And I started playing this game where I try to pick what's
Starting point is 00:28:37 coming in the next few days. And I eventually got pretty good at it. You could see the movement patterns. And even like you're suggesting here, you can kind of narrow down and figure out what's coming. So I did that with programming. I did that with just main site programming, definitely doing it with the open and other events is a, is a fun test and, and way to play with play with your education and programming. And in this world,
Starting point is 00:29:00 and I will say this too, last year, even I had the programming team analyze some of the open workouts and pick what they would have done different or how they could go going forward. So doing those exercises and games are a good tool to build knowledge of programming and the skill. At Rich Matthew 751. Hey, Dave, last year when 23.3 got leaked, you said, what a shit show. What are your thoughts on this year's 24 points? I wonder where you said that. Three. So that was actually not last year. I think it was a 22. And when I said that I meant more towards everything going on.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Like I had just been fired too. What am I? I don't think he's right. I think it was last year. Yeah. But either way, I don't think it matters, but no,
Starting point is 00:29:58 he, it's not that he had been fired. He just wasn't in charge of the games. Justin Berg was still in charge of the games. Okay. Odds on this. Yeah, it sucks. We fucked up.
Starting point is 00:30:11 There's more to it that we need to look into. And I don't have, I don't have much to say in terms of the details of it at this point, but yeah, it's not good. He's pissed. Yeah, it's not good. He's pissed. Yeah, he's pissed, but that's also a great answer. There's a tell. If you watch Dave's lips, you can tell when he gets pissed
Starting point is 00:30:36 because they start to get narrow. Like if you're at the games with him and you see his lips get narrow, like he's pursing up his face, you should stay away from him. He's ready to strike. Yeah, he's going to tell you to go away get outside the fucking ropes it's like he it's it's or my favorite line he used in a couple public settings yeah email the email that to me yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let's go on at matt watching my dog on my camera up there so whenever i look up there, I have a camera system. And I see her over there across the fence. I got to get her in a minute.
Starting point is 00:31:12 At Matt. What do you mean? There's 15 minutes left. Bill, correct. 4, 3, 5, 4. Love the open so far. All the workouts have been fantastic. To us, athletes aren't the easiest.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So they leaked the workout two years in a row. It's Will's comment right here. I think he breaks it down. Oh, 22 was leak one. 2023 was wrong weights. 2024 was leak two. Okay, okay. My bad.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Dave's right. All right. I'm wrong. I do misinformation. I was part of a misinformation campaign. Disinformation. People were harmed. I did not take any ivermectin, but I wasn't opposed to it.
Starting point is 00:31:52 So the workout this year was not leaked. The workout this year was published. And. To the whole world and then pulled down. That's different than leaked. In 2022, someone guessed the URL. A bunch of people guessed the URL.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And found it. That's leaked. In 2024, at that fault, all the people who republished it and there were hundreds, right? Yeah. Even Rebecca Fusile did a podcast on it. Ben Smith, Barbell Spin, myself. Like that's not, that's not, we're not like that's not tmz shit or mac rumors or
Starting point is 00:32:47 sony alpha rumors that's that's like dude you you've you fucked your own show yeah well how did that break down again did somebody hit the wrong button so it displayed on the live stream before it should have was that essentially what happened in a nutshell they them yes they them did it thank you judy that's correct judy knows but we're all one being we're all one entity it's all one so i did it i guess yeah wow good on you taking responsibility for that i wonder how nasty that is i wonder if that new chick jenna like she Jenna, she's too new to slap someone's wrist. I don't know how shit's organized there, but if my team would have done that, if Leif Edmondson would have done that, dude, I'd have fucking got tore up.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Is that grounds for firing? Like back in the day? When you leak, everyone at CrossFit HQ has to sign, at least when I was there, you had to sign this paperwork that said that if you leak the workout, it's a $300,000 fine and termination of your job.
Starting point is 00:33:57 People were terminated for leaking workouts. Oh, I accidentally, like I don't know, I don't understand where accident, not accident happens, but people, yeah, people yeah people were you be terminated for leaking the workout so if they had the graphic up and somebody brought someone there leaked it it basically is what it is yeah they hit the button at the wrong time is that is that the production company that they hired out to do this or is that all crossfit's entity it doesn't even matter
Starting point is 00:34:23 i don't know i don't know the dude I think the dude I think the dude one year who got it was the year I think rich froney Matt and Dave were doing the workout at at the ranch I think I don't know if that guy I think that guy was a contractor and I think Tony
Starting point is 00:34:39 Budding or Dave or someone marched just right into the fucking graphics into the truck and just fired the dude. Yeah. Hey, you pack your shit up. Get the fuck out. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Bad day at work. Okay. Yeah. I wonder, I wonder what happened with this. I mean, what if you publish like the new iPhone? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:01 It's, it's, it's tough. Yeah. I mean, I don't really, here's the thing. I don't think it It's tough. Yeah. I mean, I don't really... Here's the thing. I don't think it hurt anything.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah, like, the difference between publishing the new iPhone... I mean, I liked it, but I liked it. I liked the drama, but I think it's all good for them. It creates more excitement, right? Like, as they're trying to polish this thing off, it's like there still has to be some sort of excitement, some sort of chaos element to it that makes it fun. But, like, it's not the same as leaking the new iPhone because like leaking the new iPhone,
Starting point is 00:35:27 your competitors could get ahold of it. That could have implication on your sales and stuff like this. In week three, that being announced, like no competitors getting it and getting some sort of edge on somebody else because we have it 30 minutes ahead of time. It's the end of the week. So, or the end of the open, no one can even sign up for it anymore. So it's not going to affect signups somehow. So like, you know know i don't know it's just interesting yeah i wonder if it was a dei hire because they ain't getting fired if that's the truth because it had been in the past
Starting point is 00:36:01 oh shoot i'm just saying there's nothing wrong with saying that i'm just saying oh some people are disagreeing with me it definitely hurt it immediately made um my interest in the announcement go to zero i honestly didn't pay attention once i knew it well we affected their live viewership well that being said enough that being said i i do i do as arrogant as this sounds too uh again if i think if dave came on our if they announced it on taylor self versus the world i think we'd have 200 000 fucking live viewers too so that that's a great point thanks for boy for slapping suze around a little bit good job yeah i mean yeahhip. Details, shmeetails. What's 100,000 viewers?
Starting point is 00:36:46 I was probably just set to release before Daylight Savings, and they forgot to change the time. I don't know. Well, I don't – Savon. Savon. Savon. Maybe. I just watched Taylor Self vs. the World and had an orgasm. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Wait, but it got leaked. I just watched Taylor self versus the world and had an orgasm. Oh, thank you. Wait, but it got leaked. You knew it. That didn't affect your viewership. You still watched it. You knew who won. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Good point. You need the workout. All right, here we go. Great. Thank you. That rich Matthew seven, five, one. Hey Dave, I Thank you. Rich Matthews, 751. Hey, Dave. I think that the next week it is imperative for you to cover CrossFit's decision to allow Emily Claude to retain her number one score, 24.2, and the thought process behind it.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I, for one, think it's one of the worst decisions CrossFit has made in a while. You all don't understand the implications of having to move forward. It is now CrossFit's position that we're going to trust any score that is put on the leaderboard at face value. It doesn't matter because it's just the open. It is now across its position that we're going to trust any score that is put on the leaderboard at face value. It doesn't matter because it's just the open. Next week when someone enters a top score, 24.3, that has no video proof, you're going to hold the same standard and allow them to keep their winning score based on trust and info.
Starting point is 00:37:54 So what this is really about, what it is in regard to – Did you guys understand that? This chick, Emily Claw, put in a score. It was the world record score, and she took first place. And then she tried to do it again, and she got one round less, and she tried to do it again and she got one round less and she tried to do it on video the second time and this guy is saying that hey accepting her scores bullshit is the number one score but and i think what dave's gonna say hey that you you can't require every single fucking person in the world to make a video one it would undermine the affiliates and two it's just not fucking
Starting point is 00:38:25 possible it's not feasible like i like what's in place i think what i'm guessing he's going to answer it the same way that he likes it the fact that affiliates can validate the scores i fucking love that too that has to be that way that being said maybe they need to expand the clause that if you want to win them that if you want the number one through five spot you also have to have a video maybe they need to expand that yeah i thought they did for some reason like if you and then things to do that for regionals back in the day like if you qualified they would pick one random workout and say send in your video submission well maybe for regionals but this is just the open right okay right so even with 300,000 people doing it you
Starting point is 00:39:05 gotta let affiliate don't you can't just have everyone be setting up iphones and filming everything it's fucking yeah i agree i don't i don't think so either but out of the handful that actually think they have a chance at winning the event like probably could do that and it wouldn't be that much video right right right i mean if you think you're going to be the best if video is not required take away the ability for judges to approve or not on the leaderboard. I don't understand what that means. Me either. No, we need the judges to approve.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yeah, Mike Poolboy, I agree. Technically, she she broke no rules. She followed the correct process. The second place should have had a chance at the money, though. Maybe that, too. Maybe that, too. I agree. And maybe they did do that. We'll see. I know one round less is a night and day difference, especially at that level. Like if I were to get five rounds versus four rounds, it's nothing. Or three rounds.
Starting point is 00:39:55 But anyway, let's see what Dave says. We jumped the gun. R2 is the payment that we give out. So we don't look at all the videos because we obviously can't, but the people who want the money for the top score for that workout have to submit a video. And to get the money, we review the video. So she doesn't have the money, or I'm sorry, she didn't have the video, so she doesn't get the money. But we have to assume, and this is part of the game, there's judges and that's our rule. We have to assume her judge did everything right. Just like we're assuming the judge for several hundred other thousand athletes did everything right. And so we can't not let her score stand at the top, but what we can do is
Starting point is 00:40:32 not give her the money, the payout. And so that's what that's about. And in Tudor's case, I think that's his name. He had the top score. He submitted the video to get the money. And once you do that, then we can look at it and say, well, wait a minute. There's some stuff that we don't agree with, or not that we don't agree with some standards that you didn't hit. So you're not eligible for the prize.
Starting point is 00:40:51 So that is a little explanation of, of why that happened. The, at the act of life, much of the criticism is excessive. Okay. But they could, I,
Starting point is 00:41:00 I, I like his answer. Do you like his answer? Yep. But maybe next year they should say, Hey, by the way, if you think you're going to be a top five score, you should probably,
Starting point is 00:41:10 or if you think you're going to be, we won't, not only can you not get the money, but you can't be number one without a video. Maybe they should say that too. Yeah, without validation. But I really just don't want to, also you shouldn't be fucking your judge.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Oh, come on. Oh, come on. Oh, come on. Hey, listen. Colton's judge and Jason's judge or Dallin's judge was fucking Taylor. How about that? They had no problem with that. Yeah, how about that? Also, dude, like if you're that high level of an athlete,
Starting point is 00:41:41 shouldn't you just be filming all your stuff anyways? Like if I was coaching anybody who had a shot at a semifinal or you knew that they were going to be competing in a semifinal because of history, I'm filming everything. Probably two cameras. I agree. I agree. I would definitely be using two cameras also
Starting point is 00:41:58 in case one shuts off or something. Always, yeah. Yeah. Some of the criticism is not. I appreciate that you've always addressed it, even when I have disagreed with how you've done it. What I consistently saw that led me out of the CrossFit community was complete disregard for all of it.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Dismissing it as trolling or attention chasing. Some of it is, much of it is not. I contend much of it is. I contend more of it is than some of it is not. That's me speaking now. Personally, this is him speaking now. Personally, I miss the days of forging a leap in us, turning sevens into tens, and the mantra of like that but better uh sean
Starting point is 00:42:28 pastich uh thanks for your notes sean oh good to hear from you oh that was sean that was that guy was on the show yep yeah uh active wear fitness active active, active life. Active life. Yeah. The days of Forging Elite Fitness or that tagline, I miss it too. I think it was powerful. I think it was really important for differentiating us from everyone else. Turning sevens into tens. That's funny. I forgot all about that video. If you guys are interested, Google it.
Starting point is 00:43:03 It's a, it's a pretty, it's an interesting campaign we had several years ago. I hated it. Did you, right? Yeah, I hated it. Oh, okay. Not for the same reason a lot of other people hated it, but Heber made it, and it's a good video. I just didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:43:22 It's cute. It's fine. It's fine. I was fine with publishing it, and I'm glad they made it it but but also i don't think you can find that on the crossfit site not on the site no but you could definitely find it on yeah but but it's really weird that look at crossfit turning sevens into tens it's really weird that you can't... Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Maybe here it is. Oh. Hold on. Sevens to tens promo. No. Oh. No. It's not there.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Like the whole video isn't there? Yeah. It's really bizarre. You have to find it on someone else's account who ripped it. It's really weird that that's pulled down straight i go straight to some straight to some woke shit didn't they film that as also a wad demo of the day and it was like a thruster rope climb workout maybe i forget i'm pretty sure i'm i'm right and people can actually realize how much of a main site nerd i actually am but i'm pretty sure that'm right and people can actually realize how much of a main site nerd I actually am.
Starting point is 00:44:25 But I'm pretty sure that that was filmed. Because wasn't it like Jackie Perez? Yeah, I think it was Jackie Perez. There was two others. Like Rita wasn't her name. Benavidez. Benavidez. And who was the third one?
Starting point is 00:44:42 It wasn't Christmas Abbott, was it? I don't remember. I can't remember who the third one was. The chicks were hot, though. The chicks were smoking. But anyway, good luck finding it. Okay. Turning sevens into tens.
Starting point is 00:44:58 So thank you for your comment. What I consistently thought that led me out of the CrossFit community was complete disregard for all of it, dismissing it as trolling or attention chasing. Yeah, like I said, I would not say we, maybe some people dismiss all of it. I would not say I have. There's some legitimate feedback and concern that I've received, generally speaking, directly to me, not arcing out to the world to get attention with a negative tone. And a lot of it is attention chasing, especially when you're putting it out there for attention. Think about that notion. Think about people say these bold and very critical things of us, not to be oftentimes
Starting point is 00:45:41 said in private. It's said to get people to listen and to get attention. So what a consistent thought that led me out of the cross community was complete disregard for all dismissing that trolling or attention chasing. Well, I sort of see what he's saying for the first time. I didn't understand what attention seeking was. It's like protesting. They're doing it for attention. Right. You're doing it for attention. You're pissed off. You can't get on the floor at the game, so you make a video because you want attention. So you complain because you want attention because you want your problem fixed.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Like an itch on your body. It's complaining, and so you give it attention. It's like a hard-on. It wants attention. Do you not like it for its case? Like for that, for CrossFit? Do I not like what? Like the video or the attention-se seeking videos just for the sake of like garnishing attention so people are gonna oh just attention
Starting point is 00:46:30 but with no well i mean the the objective is it is i don't care crossfit and get the conversation started right right i all think it's just energy and the pace but i also i also love it that fucking dave just fucking comes like fights back that it's not like, um, most corporations be like, Oh, we're so sorry. We'll send you a free, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:49 um, get you a t-shirt or a coupon. We're so sorry. We'll refund your money. He's like, fuck you. Yeah. I so much prefer that the Dana white model,
Starting point is 00:46:58 like, fuck you. You don't like it. Go to fucking Bellator. He, because it's not, especially the way the criticism is given like he's taken so much criticism already on this show yeah he's leaning into it he's picked he hand-picked all those comments yeah but but i mean you come at him wrong or on the wrong day
Starting point is 00:47:18 and like you get slapped around they're not yeah i like it it's why i that's the brand value there was a meeting before dave got fired i probably shouldn't tell the story but i think i've told it before so i think it's okay there was a meeting before dave got fired from crossfit and in that meeting he was making bullets he makes bullets i don funny the way you say it he cuts the gunpowder into it he's got a machine he's got a fucking machine he makes bullets you know what I mean he makes bullets and shoots bullets
Starting point is 00:47:53 makes sense and it's like he told me that was frowned upon and that was when he was fired he told me that and that's just like a huge miss like if i'm if i'm like that's great brand value even if you hate him for that you like it's good for the brand and if you like him it's good for the brand man brand got a fucking guy there he's got a fucking
Starting point is 00:48:16 clearly a fidget problem and he's making bullets during the meeting like who cares like hey i'd rather have somebody making bullets than eating sandwiches. Yeah, totally. And also, too, it's like, was it because for some reason people felt uncomfortable or was there certain noises to it that distracted them? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's just all politics. Right. Like, I don't want you eating because I just like, like, I don't want to. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:39 So if it's like distracting to the meeting, it's one thing. But like, it's like I knew this girl. If you said the word snake around her she fucking panicked it's like get the fuck out of here she can't help it yeah but here here's the thing like i understand like it's weird that you're in an executive meeting and someone's making bullets but not in this case it's great for the brand he's the fucking trainer of forging elite fitness he's the guy fucking doing the like the ass whooping you what do you want him baking cakes i'm getting fired up i'm gonna calm down
Starting point is 00:49:15 i'm in alignment with my words and my emotions and my actions no not really my actions i have to pee so bad. Okay. We don't have the video up. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Thank you. Jesus Christ. What happened?
Starting point is 00:49:34 Oh, I just got excited. I made the show about me again. Jesus Christ. It's okay. Your name's in the title. All right. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:49:41 You got my back. You're a good wingman. Barking out to the world to get attention with a negative tone. And a lot of it is attention chasing, especially when you're putting it out there for attention. Think about that notion. Think about people say these bold and very critical things of us, not to be oftentimes said in private. it's said to get people to listen and to get attention yeah it's so obvious i'm on here telling stories of dave making bullets and i'm doing it because i think it's a good story that will get attention
Starting point is 00:50:16 if i didn't do that i would turn the camera off i'd be like buh-bye me and suze have shit to talk about so my consistent thought that led me out of the cross-community community was complete I would be like, buh-bye. Me and Suze have shit to talk about. So, my consistent thought that led me out of the CrossFit community was complete disregard for all dismissing that strolling or attention chasing. Alex Sisson,
Starting point is 00:50:34 6867, would you consider having a minimum work requirement to class your workout as RX? This would prevent the unfairness of people doing the workout RX when they should be scaled. Example, 24.2.
Starting point is 00:50:44 If an athlete did the row in deadlifts and one double under, he would score higher than an athlete doing nine rounds of single unders. Apologies if this isn't correct, just my understanding. As a coach, it's hard to sell the idea to an athlete to push a workout scale. When they could coast an RX workout and score higher, just an idea. Good idea. I think it depends on the context and the type of workout. The interesting thing with what you just described is, so some athletes doing nine rounds with single unders is appropriate for them
Starting point is 00:51:08 in their journey. Others doing a set of row and a dead list and then trying and fighting to get their first double unders or a few double unders is also appropriate for that person's journey. So it all depends on the individual, in my opinion at Sean Foster. I don't like that idea. Just if I can't do it,
Starting point is 00:51:24 just let me sit there and struggle it used to be that way now they have scaled division yep remember back in the day six please start yeah and i think i i think you robbed people a little bit of the opportunity to stretch themselves a little bit like how many of the first muscle-up videos would you always see coming out open every year how many people would you see get their first double under then go on to get another 50 in that 20 minutes and get a full round? Like, I think that's kind of part of it is to stretch the scales a little bit.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I didn't want to do the 95 pound, um, thrusters and I, and I wasn't going to scale the workout. You could have forcing standards. Why do you say maybe? Yeah. One,
Starting point is 00:52:02 I go one. I could have done one singles. Yeah. Suck at your job so bad. I'm trying, man. Just appropriate I could have done one. Singles. Yeah. Suck at your job so bad. I'm trying, man. Just appropriate for that person's journey. So it all depends on the individual, in my opinion. At Sean Foster 4506, please start enforcing standards.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Why do you suck at your job so bad? I'm trying, man. Just, I'm trying. At Bill4477, the reason... That's great. Like, dude, just go to Reddit, you douchebag. The guy's scores are better because the row is not the same. He doesn't suck as good as your mom. I got a whole list of dudes who will vouch me for vouch for that over here.
Starting point is 00:52:48 A list of dudes. Douche. The row was the same, not the deadlift. So that's a statement. The last week's 24.2, the row calories being the same or the row, um,
Starting point is 00:53:04 distance being the same relative to that wasn't scaled where the women's deadlift was scaled. I didn't even hear that question. It was about the row. Do you want me to repeat it? No. So last week, 24.3 was in Nashville. Do you want to say something about it? No.
Starting point is 00:53:19 This is the longest one. This is the longest week in review ever. Sorry. The day before it started, I ended up visiting seven affiliates. It was really fun. It reminded me of the old days when I used to travel around. He actually visited eight affiliates. Seven were open.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Dropped into a lot of affiliates. The community there seemed thriving, so that was really cool. Tia has an amazing gym, CrossFit proven. Her facility is large and beautiful and super cool. If you get a chance to check it out, I recommend it. While there, on the way out there, about a week before, because Froning and I have kind of been jabbing back and forth, he asked if I'd go on the podcast. Then as I looked at my schedule, I was like, hey, there's no way I'm going to be able to head out to Cookville. It's kind of far to be on the
Starting point is 00:54:06 podcast. So I texted Rory that. Rory's like, hey, you're going to come on. I'm like, hey, I can't do it, but you guys can come down here and do the podcast with me. I totally said that, not expecting them to bite on that. I was like, there's no way Rich is going to come down to do the podcast with me at Tia's gym. So Rory said, okay. And I was like, fuck, they called my bluff. So the next day, Rory hit me up again and said, hey, we're going to do this. So Rory said, okay. And I was like, fuck, they called my bluff. So the next day, Rory hit me up again and said, Hey, we're going to do this. I said, yeah, come down to the gym and we'll film it. Come down to Tia's gym. And so they did. And we did the podcast and it was a good, very good podcast. I really respect Rich more and Rory and Scott were actually putting
Starting point is 00:54:38 in the effort, come down there. He knows Scott's name now. Yeah scott was the dude who took the jabs yep it is a great podcast it's the best uh froning podcast i've seen i really enjoyed it it was very entertaining yeah yeah yeah and to talk to me uh one-on-one like that or one-on-three it was a great move of them that showed a lot of integrity and um i appreciate that and i think we're all good here's the thing with what we're on there too like people take a lot of jabs at us people take jabs at us all the time almost 90 of the time and someone might disagree with this i don't jab back i just see it and it rolls off my shoulder in this case i saw it and it was amplified and i talked about this a little on his podcast and you know there's uh 99.9 of the time he doesn't jab back to nine, nine, nine, nine, nine. It's going to be times I'm going to jab back.
Starting point is 00:55:28 And this one was not punching down either. Oftentimes when I jab back, I'm looking at who's doing it and I'm like, eh, it's not even worth it. I'd be punching down. This one's a little more level. So I threw some jabs and I will do that. And I'll do that occasionally to defend CrossFit, honestly to defend myself. I feel like there was a period where I was really quiet and never got involved in any of it.
Starting point is 00:55:50 When there's criticism of us for decades, for a long time, I never defended myself. And I learned a lot from that. And at this point, I feel like if there's plenty of circumstances where if you don't defend yourself or set the record straight, nobody's going to do it for you. you don't defend yourself or set the record straight, nobody's going to do it for you. Not every case, in a lot of times. And so, sometimes I'll decide to speak out and correct situations or even put my side of the story out. And that's kind of what the point of me doing the Week in Review for the last, you know, couple years has been is like, you know, I didn't want to do something like this. It does take me out of my comfort zone, but it does allow me to speak to the community. And in cases like the froning thing, put my side out for, um, or my thoughts to do something, um, that was said. Dave looks thick.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Do you look thick when you saw him? No, man, he was in a Versace suit. It looked great. Oh, was he really in a Versace? Was he he yeah he was and he let you know too huh he did huh come on he ain't gonna get mad how do you think i know he's like dude look at my versace no what he did is he went to go put his phone back in his pocket and just casually flashed you know what i mean nice yeah it's casual it's casual nice that's one of the one probably used for the open it actually was one that he used uh for one of the announcements with uh annie and um katrin amazing yeah all right so so he i i'm yeah so now you got anything
Starting point is 00:57:21 you say i like i like all No, I dig it too. Yeah. No issues. But again, Rich and I have a long history. We're really good friends. And that move that he pulled, he and Rory, I really respect that a lot and appreciate it. So that was stand-up of them. So we did that like 1230 or 1130 to 1230.
Starting point is 00:57:45 And the announcement was like 30 minutes later, an hour later. And finish that. Then I kind of went back and I had that little role in the announcement where I was just going to toss the Jocko. And like 30 minutes before the thing, before the announcement, someone comes up to me and they're like, hey, look, someone from my team, Dave from my team comes up and he shows me a post and I see like workout descriptions. I didn't even look at it. I was at the workout and he goes, yep. And I'm like, fuck. So call the team together, the leadership. We kind of huddle, uh, ask what happened. Someone said we made a mistake and I said, okay, let's move forward. We got to go on with the show.
Starting point is 00:58:18 And so then went back and just started prepping for the show that really got in my head. Uh, I was really bummed by that. And I was actually supposed to leave Nashville the next morning, but ended up finishing the announcement. I actually almost thought about last minute pulling out and just like, fuck it. I don't want to, I don't want to let's just toss straight to Jocko,
Starting point is 00:58:35 but I had to clear my head. I had to rally and then do the one line I had and then conduct the show. I was happy with the show. I was happy with how everything went. And then afterwards kind of had I was happy with the show. I was happy with how everything went. And then afterwards, kind of had this little funk just because of... He was in a funk.
Starting point is 00:58:52 He was in a funk. I don't blame him. I don't blame him. His shit was... Right? Yeah, that sucks. Hey, hot chick's gonna come out of the cake. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah. What had happened happened and it was interesting even when it announced when i was in the venue like everyone was there like obviously froning was there t was there and you just see everybody like looking at you or a couple people made comments like oh sorry man that sucks and um oh shit everyone in the venues knows too because they're looking at their phones or they're probably watching our podcast to be honest with you. All of it. Yep. All of it. They're at the venue waiting for it to come on and they're fucking like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Yep. That sucks. So it did suck. And then afterwards, like I said, I was supposed to fly Friday. I was going to go to my friend's house Thursday night. They have a horse ranch and I was going to have a little get together with some people and barbecue and hang out. But at the last minute, I'm like, fuck it. I want to get out of here. I just want to go home. And so I changed my flight to that Thursday night. I found a flight and just went to the airport and was really just kind of bummed. And so got on the
Starting point is 00:59:57 airplane and took a five hour flight or whatever, four and a half hour flight back to San Francisco. And on the flight, it's interesting. I, I was not in a good headspace. I was just, um, sitting there and actually had a middle row seat because I booked a flight. So last minute and yeah, I had a middle row seat. So that's,
Starting point is 01:00:13 imagine that too. Cause in the glassman era, you fucking flew first class, bitch. You flew first class in the glassman era. You had a, you had a driver take you to the, You had a driver take you to the... You had a driver take you to the...
Starting point is 01:00:29 Damn, I'd have been there with them during the Glassman era. We'd have been back of an Escalade. We'd have gone to the airport. We probably would have ordered like a steak at like some restaurant in the airport. First class lounge or whatever. Yeah, I'd have forgotten my fucking beats. I'd have bought a new pair. Like, who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 01:00:47 Throw them out the windows. I drive through Oakland later in the day. Now he's fucking taking a yellow cab. He's taking a fucking Prius to the airport. Sitting like this. Lean forward. Getting there and sitting in the back.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Oh, man. At least he had a job. All right. getting there getting there and sitting in the back oh man at least he had a job all right here we go um sitting there and what do i do on flights when i fly i read and so what am i reading i'm reading the bible currently and so i didn't feel like reading and i didn't feel like reading the bible because it's you got to you got to focus and you got to go in and you got to really like dive into it and so so I sat there for about an hour, hour and a half, couldn't fall asleep. I was watching two different movies from people sitting in front of me. One person was watching The Sopranos and one person was watching Inside Job with Denzel Washington, kind of bouncing back and forth.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I didn't want to actually select a movie for myself, just watching those movies. Because you can't charge that on the corporate account anymore. From first class to middle school and stealing somebody else's movie. Listen, I do not love it that TDC ate shit. You're out of your mind. I just love it. I just love it. Humble Dave.
Starting point is 01:01:58 He's just cool. Listen, he's way more humble than me. I would have fucking rented a car and drove home from Nashville before I sit in the middle seat those days are over no fucking way oh my god I love he's reading the bible
Starting point is 01:02:20 Seve's next book it's fucking crazy he got me into boxing now he's gonna fucking convert me to Yeah, it's fucking crazy. He got me into boxing. Now he's going to fucking convert me like into a Christian. It's going to be weird. Wow. No sound. And then I was like, all right, I'm going to watch it or I'm going to read.
Starting point is 01:02:34 And so I started reading the Bible. And then like 30 minutes later, 40 minutes later, I stopped. And I was like, I was like, okay, I feel good. I feel great now. Like I'm not like I'm not bummed out. Everything's like, okay. And then I was like, wait a minute. You got to be fucking kidding me. I'm not like i'm not bummed out everything's like okay and then i was like wait a minute you gotta be fucking kidding me i'm like so here i was i was feeling like shit i read the bible and now i'm like in a much better state and and uh then i said
Starting point is 01:02:56 right wing nut job getting fired tossed later dude all uh dave cast, olive oil farmer and leather salesman. You're looking at him. To myself, well, that could have happened if I read any other book. If I was reading Moby Dick right now, I could have pulled Moby Dick out and felt the same way. Or maybe it would have made me feel better. Maybe just the fact that I read anything made me feel better. But I'm not going to dismiss it. I do feel like there's something to that.
Starting point is 01:03:24 And clearly, it's one of the most powerful books ever written. And I think there's been in the several billion people that exist on earth, there's been millions who've read it and millions, maybe even billions who read it to feel better. So I've had a lot of, the journey with the Bible has been fascinating for me for a lot of different reasons, but that one, that one was pretty cool. And, um, after that. And Doug just came in. Yeah. He didn't even have to go get them. So he felt like shit. He read the Bible. He felt better. Could have been Moby Dick, but he's not going to dismiss it's the Bible. Yeah, it could have been Moby Dick, but how many stories has he had with those books turning around his mood and and then and then listen to this um uh ross said
Starting point is 01:04:10 it's good for your frequencies that book hey he could still be a prick so good what happened to dave the prick listen he could he could still be a prick don't he's playing guy he is a prick still i'm surprised he's letting us in on this whole thing john young healed dave geez louise when are we going to see dave sit in front row with uh donald trump and mario lopez at a ufc fight one step closer at capitol hill today damn I wonder if he's gonna bring you Sean Lenderman dude there's some wild shit in the Bible
Starting point is 01:04:59 if you actually read it and get away from the mainstream verses hmm meanwhile read it and get away from the mainstream verses meanwhile a different sean sean sullivan hey did you see the articles in the new science normalizing cannibalism uh ken walters the big bible keeps me level when i get too much pride or when i get down and have problems well Well, Dave had both those, right? He had pride in the event. He wanted the event to go great, and he was bummed out because fucking someone on his team leaked it. You know, it's funny. I didn't even think the implications of being there,
Starting point is 01:05:38 what a downer it is. It was all fun and games where we were at, but I kind of owe him an apology for not being more uh a better friend yeah better friend because i because i was fucking like dude like i didn't bring it up for a couple days but then i finally brought it up to him and um he didn't say anything different to me then he fucked up and then he told me the bible story but what's crazy is is that yeah if you were there it took all the air out of the room i didn't even think of that that sucks yeah i've never actually really
Starting point is 01:06:09 thought about from his personal perspective how that like uh affected him as the person and that's why i was saying i was surprised he let us in on this whole thing because that's kind of unlike him the show this side well the whole this whole episode's been like that a little bit he's a little more vulnerable dave you suck he's like all right yeah i like that a little bit. He's a little more vulnerable. Dave, you suck. He's like, all right. Yeah, I like it. I think it's good for him personally. I think I've tried to get Mike Schmitz on the podcast. Is that the one who does the Bible verse every day and you can get it done in the year, but it's all audio?
Starting point is 01:06:41 He's a CrossFitter. He looks like a model. He's like crazy. I think Dave's friends with his brother or something i'm thinking of somebody else i can't i don't know if it was a helping or if it was will that mentioned the the one that was like on audio and you could listen to one verse a day and like get it done within the year or something i was actually gonna do that but i forgot who it was tell me if you do it i'll do it with you okay a seals turn human after the seven year mark i cannot believe they didn't have a backup for this scenario oh what do you mean like if the workout gets leaked wow that would be fucking wild what would the backup be though like change
Starting point is 01:07:19 the whole thing on a dime and be like hey we have this variation but if this variation gets leaked we're just gonna switch it to variation b why not just flip the uh start with the heavy thrusters and the muscle they would but jaco is pre-recorded so they were stuck oh shit fuck full circle on that one damn you know i kept reading and I felt good and I landed and everything seemed okay. And then I got home at like 1.32, as I said earlier, and then did the workout the next day. Anyway, opens over. Ready for the next stage. Oh, and I'm actually heading to Sacramento right now this morning for the state capital.
Starting point is 01:08:03 CrossFit's going to receive something from them. So I got to. Hi, babe. I'm on. I'm live on the show right now. Oh, OK. I'm coming home now. OK.
Starting point is 01:08:18 The boys are here. I know your mom texted me that they came back. OK. There's only a couple minutes left Of the show and then I'm going to go inside Okay I love you Hey did you know the open workout got leaked This 24.3
Starting point is 01:08:33 It got leaked Leaked yeah they accidentally published it Oh alright I'll tell you all about it Over while we're cuddling tonight in bed Sounds good Okay bye Thank you. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Balls deep in my wife and be like, yo, did you know the open work? Dave had to ride in the middle seat? Yeah. All right, here we go. She's not home. She's not home. I got to head out to do that.
Starting point is 01:09:01 All right, well, thanks for tuning in, and I will see you guys next week. Some chick walked up to my – thank you, Dave. That was great. God, I love Dave. Some chick walked up to my wife at the tennis club the other day and told my wife she had a cute butt. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Yeah. Was she stoked? that's cool yeah she's stoked uh well later on um the lady late so she said that an hour later uh hold on one second okay well he's on the phone i want to address this there's like one comment i saw uh darren you cannot finish the bible in a year reading one verse a day lol well shows you how much i know thanks for your encouragement gee hey hey sorry no thank you for holding down the show yeah i just was gonna mention darren's comment as he was so then later on the lady the lady later on when my wife was leaving the tennis club with the kids we don't belong to the
Starting point is 01:10:07 tennis club we just take lessons there we just subsidize it the lessons cost more than the fucking club but um when she was walking out the lady was holding the door open for my wife and my wife goes no after you and the lady goes no after you and my wife said you just want to look at my butt I was like alright
Starting point is 01:10:22 we're not all created equal I can't just be in the tennis club being like yo bitch you got a nice ass you know what i mean yeah it probably wouldn't be a good look for you it's not it's not an equal world and i'm perfectly okay with that i'm perfectly it's we're not equal they're not equal everything we're not the same definitely like after this nutrition challenge there's multiple girls like in the gym that have made fantastic progress with like they're not equal everything we're not the same definitely like after this nutrition challenge there's multiple girls like in the gym that have made fantastic progress with like everything their gym performance the way they look you know the way that they close their confidence at your gym at crossfit livermore at my gym yeah across the livermore and like grace will come up and the
Starting point is 01:10:57 other girls will come up right to him like oh my god you look so cute in this like look how good you know your butt looks or whatever blah blah blah and they're like flattered about it but if i started doing that did the chicks like it in there you come up with the clipboard and you're like a fantastic job you've completed the process of you can sign up next week for another 152 dollars yeah yeah i'll just be like hey i noticed all your progress it's awesome it's really paying off you know just like super general you can't be like yo you lost 20 pounds in one cup size damn you don't got the double bubble in your titties anymore yeah that's that's a no-no that's gonna be a no from me dog that's a cultural thing yeah hey you lost the chin good job oh shit oh shit hit him with that either no uh steve cousins it's a whitey central in here today uh hey got it uh got for it read it it's
Starting point is 01:11:49 a great book but it's fiction preach your son here i was brainwashed for decades geez all right i mean isn't everything we live in fiction our money our society our rules stoplights oh shit like tell me something that isn't made up yes steve it's all one uh bible in your podcast about 20 minutes a day not a verse a day it's usually two to three chapters mr halpern thank you thank you sir sean sullivan hey steve i will pray for you brother maybe Steve it's kind of like do you know what it is though it's just like I think
Starting point is 01:12:31 I think also it's like just like cyclical right like you're the preacher's daughter but by the time you're a senior in high school you're blowing everyone you're born a libtard but then you rebel and you become seven i mean it's just maybe it's just that i don't know maybe i'm oversimplifying it one thing that i think is cool with like the people that are religious is grace and i went and got brunch yesterday we're sitting there and there's a big family that was celebrating like a birthday and you could tell
Starting point is 01:12:57 all of them were together and the guy like took a step back right as the food got there was like all right hold on you guys let's just say a prayer and i was kind of like watching like just listening in and like watching it and basically it was just a huge moment of like gratitude for them all being together for them being healthy uh able to eat the food uh blessed to be there for another birthday as a family talked about some of the people that were no longer with them had a moment of silence they all said amen and they ate it's like regardless of your belief in that like i think everybody could agree that taking a moment to just appreciate those, those times, especially for something like a meal,
Starting point is 01:13:28 like, like that is, there's no bad side effects, man. Yeah. I'm going to start doing that with my kids. Yeah. That's you're right.
Starting point is 01:13:36 That's a good idea. Uh, you know, you know, that guy, um, the guy who did three 15 for 10, no matter where we're at,
Starting point is 01:13:43 I see him pray before every meal. Um, 315 for 10 no matter where we're at i see him pray before every meal all right dave thank you suza thank you um oh tomorrow uh do we have feces of coffee on no that's not till friday oh tomorrow's your show at 11 a.m oh do you know what i'm gonna be doing tomorrow what i'm gonna get up at 6 a.m and then, do you know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow? What? I'm going to get up at 6 a.m. and then I'm going to do my normal thing. And then at 630, I'm going to drive down to the Toyota dealership and drop off the Sienna. Oh, that fucking light. You know, the light where they just pay you to turn it off. You pay them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Yeah. I'm going to go down there and then I'm going to and I'm going to walk home. I'll probably call you like 20 times on that walk. Awesome. Now, remember. gonna walk home i'll probably call you like 20 times on that walk awesome all right now remember matuthian just try it i promise you it's gonna make you happy i'm not even like selling you on something like for the i mean i i do want to make the money from it but i'm telling you if you've never used tooth powder you want to try this i think that the barcode is right down there that's right you want to try it
Starting point is 01:14:47 you want to try it get your toothbrush wet boy jeremy world called me the other day he's like hey i'm almost through my jar in two weeks no nobody two months three months i've had my jar forever listen went hard on it huh huh? Jesus Christ, dude. Hey, by the way, there's nothing wrong with that. Go ahead. Get a new jar every two weeks, please. Listen, you just wet the toothbrush and bang it out, and you just put the tip in. Hey, I'd be sending it out free to everyone.
Starting point is 01:15:19 It's fucking expensive. It's expensive to make. The jars are expensive. It's expensive. All the people who are making it are all CrossFitters. They're all at Portsmouth CrossFit. Doc Spartan, it's expensive to make the jars are expensive it's it's expensive all the people who are making are all crossfitters they're all at portsmouth crossfit doc spartan it's a great so you're supporting uh employing great people in a town where uh dale king's doing amazing shit look at eric uli uh um uh matuthian is legit i was switching back and forth but now just matuthian yeah the other day i was actually thinking about using a paste again just to try it don't go
Starting point is 01:15:46 back uh will brandstetter did that and our slogan is feel free to dump your powder out and buy another jar that is that's that is our marketing strategy will's got all sorts of good ones but patrick rios had a good one the other day tooth powder baby patrick rios had one one out of 10 dentists uh recommend it yeah that was great that's awesome but listen you're not like it's not like you don't scoot you but just a little bit like even if you don't see any on there you're good when you put that thing in your mouth you'll know when you put the matuthian in your mouth you'll know i'm still just cracking up at will's college yes rk dale thank you jeez i love you use tooth powder get standees is that how you spell standees it is now it's a it's my wife wants to my wife is a dentist wants to know how abrasive it is i understand uh because it says um a great question bentonite clay i'll get you the exact it says bentonite
Starting point is 01:16:48 clay is an uh uh a brush let me see hold on brushing um with bentonite clay because there's bentonite clay in it is that what you're talking about the bentonite clay specifically bentonite toothpaste are touted as an all-natural alternative to chemically laced chemically laced regular toothpaste and fans say that the k-natural alternative to chemically laced, chemically laced, regular toothpaste, and fans say that the K-Lean clay can remineralize your teeth. But there are no studies to support this claim. The fact also remains that clay is abrasive and therefore risky. That's what it says just like if you Google it.
Starting point is 01:17:20 It is a, and then the first thing is bentonite clay, is bentonite clay safe as a toothpaste toothpaste bentonite clay is not abrasive It's 1.5 to 2.0 on the Mohs hardness scale making it less abrasive than plain baking soda Yes, I take that motherfucker So There is an abrasive scale. Who would have thought my white sink encounters? Hate we? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:48 My wife is like, Hey, you got to rinse that shit out now. Oh, you know what we need? What? A sponge, a matuthean sponge, a bar mat, a matuthean bar mat with the logo in the middle. So you could have your whole setup and You get your Mattoothian cup for your Mattoothian toothbrush on your Mattoothian bathroom bar mat with the logo with the
Starting point is 01:18:11 tooth powder. We're going to sell it as a package deal. I've heard some people are douching with it. Mattoothian. Mattoothian. Mattoothian. That should be a Reddit thread just to rip on me. Mattoothian. Medusian. Medusian. That should be a Reddit thread just to rip on me. Medusian. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Thank you. Love you guys. Tomorrow, 11 o'clock. There will be the news tomorrow, too. I apologize for the news. Oh, look at it. Sleeky, I'm using it as lube. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Just a pinch Susan will be here at 11am tomorrow And then sometime tomorrow I'll drop the news And then I'll see you on Wednesday With Greg Glassman Alright, buh-bye

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