The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of TDC WIR 04/08/2024

Episode Date: April 10, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply 15 ring dips and then um the first round was 15 squat cleans at 95 and then each round the squat cleans go down by two but the weight goes up so it's like 15 squat cleans at 95 how many rounds four rounds 13 at 135 11 at 155 and uh nine at 175 at the end you just did it like a couple hours ago but i it was like one of those ones that when I finished I was just I was just wrecked I just sat
Starting point is 00:01:28 there for a minute at the on the floor like wrecked like you didn't feel good or wrecked like you need a nap like I needed a nap like it was like everything I had left and like usually I'll pop back up and get a ton of energy but after that one I was just like that was weird there's two kind of wreck there's wreck like hey I
Starting point is 00:01:44 don't feel good something's not right and then there's wreck like, isn't it weird? There's two kinds of wreck. There's wreck. Like, Hey, I don't feel good. Something's not right. And then there's wreck. Like, fuck dude. Like I need nap. That's how I feel. I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:01:53 just beat Barry McConner. Why so late? Uh, yes, Barry, why so late? Eric tacos with Greg Glassman. No,
Starting point is 00:02:00 not today, but I'd like to, they're fitting in the shows around my coaching and sleep schedule for once. We absolutely are. Jeffrey Birchfield. Hey, what's up? Late night, late night, asymmetric years like to. They're fitting in the shows around my coaching and sleep schedule for once. We absolutely are. Jeffrey Birchfield. Hey, what's up? Late night, late night. Ace Metric Gears.
Starting point is 00:02:11 When I rewatch the live show, I keep wanting to comment, then I realize I'm an idiot. Okay. Jeffrey Birchfield. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Mad team. Can we please hit 28K today? Jesus. Rambler. A poor couple.
Starting point is 00:02:22 A wife with long hair and a man with golden watch for their anniversary, man wanted to give her wife a hair comb For her long hair, but the wife wanted to get a nice bun Up Shirt for You fuck, why'd I read all that And it doesn't, I don't even get it Clock It'd watch any recorded live stream
Starting point is 00:02:39 To impulse to blurt out shit In chat is too powerful Etc, etc, etc I sat in my kids J uh jujitsu class today and i answered more than 200 messages wow that's why you're that's why you're that's why you're and you could probably tell because your shit got all fucked up yeah i push all that shit fucking upstream to you yeah yeah no just message just not even dms messages i messages just i went back like a week yeah just like hey there's a dude um derrick i think he used
Starting point is 00:03:16 to work out in africa now he's in boston somewhere anyway i don't want that dude to slip through the cracks anyway whatever okay cool we get him set up. It's one of the 500 text messages I forward, took pictures of, or sent to you in the last hour. Savon's Caffeinated. You know what I did? I did three years of not eating for 36 hours, mas o menos, one day a week. Yep.
Starting point is 00:03:37 And then basically, I stopped doing that for, I don't know if this is true, but I think I stopped doing that for nine months to a year. now today's my first i'm gonna do it again i just got i'm just i'm just i just need to get back to it so today's my first day so i and i did drink a little more coffee than normal today i've really cut back my coffee for some reason i don't know why but today i had three cups fired up yeah so i'm pretty fired up. That's cool. I did one day of Ramadan. Oh, congratulations. Oh, good to show that you're not Islamophobic. Obviously that was the main reason, but the secondary reason was that, uh, one of my,
Starting point is 00:04:16 I was talking to one of my members about it and she does it every single year. And I was like, you know what? I'm kind of envious of that practice. She's like, do it. If you do it for one day, I'll make you like some of the traditional foods and like bring it all to the gym so you can break the fast and everything. And I was like, okay, cool. And she did, she made this like traditional soup and like all these other dishes. And, uh, it was awesome. Wait, you can't, you can't eat when you're, um, the sun's out or drink or drink. Oh, wow. Yep. So I had to get in five 30 AM class, had my cup of coffee and a cup of water and that was it i didn't eat again until uh evening time or drink any water water was the hard part and
Starting point is 00:04:52 you did that workout yeah this wasn't today but this was last week yep i am normally when i have fasting days if i fuck up like i'm super compassionate with myself so let's say if i'm walking by the kids food and i throw a piece of cantaloupe in my mouth and I'm like, shit. But if it's already in my mouth, I swallow it 100% of the time. Today, I picked up an apple and I took two chews in the morning, like an apple slice that was left on the counter,
Starting point is 00:05:14 like half-eaten. And I remembered and I spit it out. Good on you. Random. Ramadan fasting is soft John the Boss Young Oh did he say that We are going to do the Dave Castro Weekend Review
Starting point is 00:05:30 It came out earlier today It is a long one but before we do You should know That Jeff Berman will go against Colton Mertens For the title for the fastest burpees in the world On Wednesday And after they set the record You guys will come with your wallets in hand and you will watch tim murray the fittest man alive in the dwarf division uh with uh taylor
Starting point is 00:05:57 self myself i don't know who else hosting probably john young and we will watch live tim murray go at it and if he beats them, CA Peptides will give him $1,000. But I'm hoping we raise $1,000 in the chat. And Jeff Berman will be here tomorrow. They had Jeff Berman on the training Think Tank podcast today. Was it Jake Berman? What did I say? You said Jeff.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Am I screwing it up i went to the the very first girl i ever kissed was named tracy muñoz i think i was a sophomore in high school and right after i kissed her like like our tongues touched and right after we kissed she said this means nothing to me and i was infatuated with her right i was in love with her and um she ended up dating this guy named jeff berman for the remainder of her like forever and he was older and he could drive and what an asshole it was just like fuck he was. I picture him with a leather jacket and like a pack of smokes rolled up. No, no, no, no. He was more like, he was a dork.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Oh. Yeah. He was more like a guy who, you know what? He was a dork and he had his shit together. And I realized, oh, she was hot. But she was the kind of girl who liked a guy who had his shit together. She didn't want a guy who took the fucking homeless route to becoming rich. Joke's on her then, huh?
Starting point is 00:07:25 I guess. Miss Munoz? Yeah, she was cool. I think she would have been way too much of a handful for me. I mean, Nancy mean? Yeah, I just wanted a girl I could shower with and go to the movies with. Yeah. No other obligations.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I got that in my wife. Perfect. Olivia, I'm into dorks oh whoa switching up on the photo there um okay uh so um one of the greatest content creators in the space uh today the irony is is this guy it's cpt right or ctp look at that angle c c t c t p c t p yeah legend in the space and he did a and this training thing podcast is a big podcast in the space they got big numbers a very well respected uh not a lot of crossover i think between this podcast and that podcast those people are more serious. That's where the dorks hang out more like. I think that's like the dork place.
Starting point is 00:08:37 And so, but everyone, very well-respected people on the podcast. The guy who looks like Ken, Max Elhaj, and then this dude. Everyone fucking loves this dude ctp and so but um what's funny is normally for years he's been hidden and no one could see him yep and he's pretty legendary in the space especially the podcast space he's as fucking legendary as you get in the crossfit podcast space for years and years and the irony is is he fucked up the show today and he's on it but he forgot to turn on the camera that was on berman and max el haj isn't that awesome oh yeah so what's this angle he's got here was this some salvaged yeah it must have been just some camera he that was hooked up that he forgot to prop up that's
Starting point is 00:09:21 just sitting there right oh my goodness but the irony is is he was whenever they would cut to his camera remember he would be behind a monitor anyway so um there's i want to play this clip for you before we get into the dave thing and then we'll get to the dave thing so um uh seven are your ears cold no but my wrists are oh those are the new ceo wristbands vindicate damn god i love my Matuthian Hey Jeffrey Birchfield's like this stuff is interesting Great review I just want to write back fuck you
Starting point is 00:09:53 Pour it out and buy another bottle Yeah Okay here we go Listen up closely here Okay so they did a podcast today With Jeff Berman And Jeff Berman will be on the show tomorrow Coming into enemy territory
Starting point is 00:10:08 And this is Because we know the Sevan podcast is home of the Colton Merton fan club But this is them talking about The origins of the comp Like why the heat built up Between Colton and Jeff And they're basically They're doing their part to hype up the show
Starting point is 00:10:24 That will be on the barbell spin tomorrow. No, Wednesday at 4.30. Okay, here we go. Hacking Jake. But I guess it's one in the same. None of us know. So we're all sitting here like, huh, where did that come from? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I mean, good on him. It was pretty funny stuff. And then Savan said on his thing, he's like, well, Max, you took a big loss on this. I was like, that's like the equivalent of a street fight of somebody like. Listen, Max, I would never use that term, took a big loss or the big L like that's like the equivalent of a street fight of somebody like listen max i would never use that term took a big loss or the big l i don't even talk like that i don't use fucking um sportscaster fucking lone ranger vernacular for starters max l hodge legendary coach at the training think tank with such greatss as Alexis Raptus. Travis Mayer.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Sarah. Sarah. Sigmundsdoter. Etc. Travis Mayer. But listen. What I did say is that. How cool is fucking Max.
Starting point is 00:11:16 He leaned into it. And actually put Corpus Anus. In his bio. So you have that mistake. You have that mistake Mistaken my friend I was complimenting you Max Elhaj He was on this podcast it was fucking weird That was a long time ago yeah I know but it was weird
Starting point is 00:11:37 He's unsteerable He's unsteerable Jake his name is Jake Berman That's what he said I'm just scarred from Jeff Berman Because he got Tracy Munoz You heard the fucking story
Starting point is 00:11:53 You know what this isn't I don't know about this That's not a good story for the lead up Which one Because now what happens if Jake ends up winning this whole thing You're going to disassociate him with Jeff and you're going to be like, not again, Jeff.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Oh shit. Oh shit. Two Jeff, two Jeff Berman's fucking break my heart. It's, oh, uh, Colton's going to put an end to this and then Tim Murray's going to fuck
Starting point is 00:12:19 them all up. Hey, the thing is, I, uh, the source anus podcast. The thing is the podcast is a little trippy uh i don't know if i'm glad i listened to it i don't know if i should tell you what they reveal
Starting point is 00:12:33 in the podcast oh but um but jeff berman uh jake berman is uh um he's a beast for following through with this he got some He got some shit going on. Oh, there's like a backstory to him is what you're saying? Yeah, like this is going to be, this is no joke what he's doing. I don't think he's going to compete this year. He's got issues. So the fact that he's not tapping and getting a sub to go against Colton is pretty gnarly. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:04 What a warrior. Yeah, fuck you, S a warrior yeah his name is jeff now yeah yeah fair enough thank you uh jeremy world if if jake loses he must change his name to uh jeff yeah the sorest anus podcast my god Anyway I just wanted to clear the air I didn't want anyone to think I love I love me some Maxell Maxell Haj Okay Dave Castro we can review at 1.25 time
Starting point is 00:13:36 Oh we got a long one Someone told me that Dave this is a pretty weird Hey, they go, Hey, the Dave Castro thing's pretty weird. He's in a bad mood today. Oh, perfect. The fuck is Elmer Fudd wearing? What is he trying to steal my...
Starting point is 00:13:55 That's what happens when you get sponsored by GoRuck. Oh, boy. Here we go. The Dave Castro at the famous CrossFit ranch. Action. April 8th, 2024. With team quarterfinals out, it seems like CrossFit has programmed several repeated movements from the open. Most podcast talking heads have said this seems a bit uncreative
Starting point is 00:14:21 and not a well-balanced test to get to semis. Do you have any response or opinions on the reason to repeat so many movements well with the team team events it's a little um it's challenging to do a lot of things at this stage because of the nature of the team stuff and have them logistically uh work out so that's one consideration but another piece of this foundational movements in crossfit and this is a significant piece that are okay and worth repeating on a regular basis and even even in this online phase. Furthermore, on that statement, these things being able to be easily judged by others or people within your gym or head judges or to whatever filming standard we're asking or judging standard we're asking, there's movements
Starting point is 00:15:00 that are better for that than others. So meaning, yes, introducing a lot of new movements at this stage or radically changing them would be what it seems people might want to see or sometimes they'd like to see, but it's not necessarily the right application for the test or for the logistics and the ability of the test and the actual ability to execute on the test. So this isn't just a workout you're gonna do in your gym with your teammates to train. This is an actual test that has to be judged and conducted in a set time frame with set movements. So this isn't just a workout you're gonna do in your gym with your teammates to train. This is an actual test that has to be judged and conducted in a set timeframe with set movements. So I don't think it's uncreative. I think you can be creative and still see the same movements. There's different looks and different expressions. It goes back to like this criticism about how
Starting point is 00:15:34 0.1, 24.1 and 24.2 were so similar. Again, like people are looking at the couple of things that there were similarities with and not looking at the big picture and how different they truly were. At Michael Brink. Have you looked at the team quarterfinal workouts uh i have i've glanced at them not enough to like recite them back here but as the famous pedro uh white would say from coffee pods and wads why you know fucking break don't ever ask any ask him about teams ever again. Don't ask him about Masters, Adaptive, Teams, or Teens. This is fucking Dave Castro. The fuck
Starting point is 00:16:12 it gives a fuck about team quarterfinals. Is Rich Froning competing this year on the team? I don't think so. Yeah, who gives a fuck then? Yeah, I don't think so. 5761 Hi Dave, the general consensus among top. 5761. Hi, Dave. The general consensus among top athletes is the Open doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:16:28 An idea I had was that you notify athletes before the season starts that Event 1 of either the semifinals or the games would be your Open score, i.e. if you finish fifth in your region amongst the people competing at your semifinals, then you would automatically take fifth place on Event 1 at that semifinal. Yeah, that's a good idea. Oh, yeah, thanks. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Thank you. Great idea. Never would have thought of that You should do crossfit games Crossfit should have a competition It should be called crossfit games Holy fuck once a year we'll crown the fittest Come on dude Matters less these days Than it has in the past for sure
Starting point is 00:17:02 I don't want to hear any of your Like Get some friends and share your ideas with your friends. That's what I, like, I have to listen to 12 fucking knuckleheads every day, fucking talking about how they would fix the games. And it's fine.
Starting point is 00:17:15 It's fine. I'm a little text threat. Don't bug Dave with that shit. If you don't know him and you can't say it to his face, quiet, David, CrossFit. say it to his face, quiet, David, Email is ass.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's not always going to be that way. We will make it matter again. More so. It still matters. You still need it to advance. You still need to do well, but there was a timeframe when, um,
Starting point is 00:17:41 several years ago when, yes, it did matter a lot more. i wouldn't say it doesn't matter you still need it to advance and then you still need to do well exceptionally well at quarterfinals but uh but we have plans to fix that whoa well i get people have accused me of asking stupid questions too and i always go but the answer was fucking great. And we wouldn't have gotten that answer. So I want to take back everything I said and thank that person for asking a dumb question, because we got an amazing fucking answer.
Starting point is 00:18:14 So the opens are the open is going to matter again. He's going to make America great again. Does that mean did he would did he just say he's going to vote for Trump? There's nothing smart about you, Joe. So we built the greatest economy in history. We closed it down because of the China plague. And he wants to close down. He will shut it down again.
Starting point is 00:18:30 He will destroy this country. You can't fix the economy until you fix the COVID crisis. And he has no intention of doing anything about making it better for you all at home. No, people want their schools open. They don't want to be shut down. They don't want their state shut down. They don't want their state shut down. Thank you. Thank you, President Trump.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Good thing we fixed the COVID crisis. Nailed it. I think Dave just admitted he's voting for Trump, by the way, when he said, we're going to make the open grade again. That's what he said. That was what was implied there. That's what I heard verbatim. He's a clue guy. You got to read between the lines. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:07 All right. Here we go. At the Cheerio 27. I never signed. The Cheerio, huh? I love when he just reads those names just as they are. The Cheerio, huh? You know what the Cheerio is, right?
Starting point is 00:19:24 Yeah. Yeah. All right. Did you know that the cheerio is right yeah yeah all right did you know that before the seven podcast no me neither me neither no and your wife just thinks you're fucking around on a show but we're learning shit every day vocabulary is growing i'm up for the open since 2012 because there's always weights selected that was not accessible to my strength capabilities i love this year's programming force and its inclusive programming and three weeks is very appropriate to cater to the CrossFit community. You failed to address that prior to the open, which left Rich Froning's protesting its simplistic nature of movements. Next year, advertise it more as a three-week open for the
Starting point is 00:19:58 majority, meaning programming is accessible, challenging, of course. Well, see, like I've always viewed it that way. Like I think it's always been, the open programming has always been for the majority. And at times, there's moments where the elite can separate themselves or excel. And also, even in the simplistic programming or the base workouts, the elite and the best in the world have a chance to separate themselves just through their scores. Complexity, not through movements and gimmicks, but actually making it difficult through intensity. So we're trying to make a lot of these difficult through intensity. And I think we've accomplished that this year and also through all the other previous years. When you look at a majority of the programming for the open throughout the years, there is very much, um, everyone can do them for
Starting point is 00:20:48 the most part, except there might be points where people couldn't. So, and even the weights, the weights have always been pretty reachable by the average man, except for when you get to a certain point, maybe you had to do more. So I appreciate the comment comment but I do disagree with it and thank you for signing up for the open at Corey oh god oh god listen the open was fucking perfect perfect Sevan do you take credit for Patrick
Starting point is 00:21:16 David's success the the 150 million dollars he made or the fucking runaway success that his podcast is? No. I don't even take even – if anything, I slowed him down. We tried to throw a roadblock. I know.
Starting point is 00:21:36 If anything, when he came on this show, he shit the bed. No, fuck. I just wish I could get him on again. I used to text him from the big account, and the big account is long gone. I used to DM him from the big account. I just wish I had that. Enough with the advice for Dave on shit. Everything's good.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Here we go. Hey, Dave. Love these videos. Thanks for all the updates. In the spirit of shouting out CrossFit methodology and how much it works,ed to give a shout out to my mom, Betsy Looney, who just competed her 13th open this year in the women's 65 plus category and did, and in 24.3 did over 30 pull-ups, the most she's ever done in a single workout. She got me into CrossFit in 2011, where I then went on to coach, own an affiliate, compete at regionals, but honestly, thanks.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I think it's so cool that CrossFit keeps her fit and has her continuing to hit PRs. The best. Thanks again for everything you do. So this guy went from having direction in his life to make a six-figure salary, and his mom got him into CrossFit, and he opened a gym. That's all.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah. Fuck. Who needs a mom like that? Damn. Sorry, dude. Worst financial decision mom has ever steered him into crossfit and he opened a gym that's all yeah fuck who needs a mom like that damn sorry worst financial decision mom has ever steered him yeah fuck i'm so sorry dude all right but congratulations on the 30 pull-ups she got hey but congrats you're in the open yeah super great super cool story so betsy this cory's mom completed her 13th open. That's amazing. And in this year, the women's 65 plus category in 24.3, she did over 30 pull-ups. The most she's ever done in a single workout. Another great story.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I love hearing these. It's the strength and power of CrossFit and specifically the methodology. So Corey, thanks for sharing that story. Oh, that was nice. He repeated it. In summation, I would like to tell you the salient points. Summed it up for us nicely. You ever heard a 65-year year old woman do 30 pull-ups in a workout at your gym no not rx well it's pretty crazy right yeah i got an 83 year old man who does strict pull-ups at the gym no shit yep so if it was a six round workout with five pull-ups around, he'd finish it.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Knocks him out. When I first met him in his mid-70s, he was still rope climbing, which just made me nervous as fuck. But you weren't going to tell him what he was doing. He does the pull-up strict? Yeah. Yeah, at 80, you don't fuck around. You don't kib. No.
Starting point is 00:24:02 No, no, no, no kibbing. Strict pull-ups for him. Strict pull-ups for him strict pulls repeat Big baka, uh, I gained two inches of girth doing my ninth CrossFit open Oh Congratulations congratulations weird photo there. It's like a Combo between is that Hillary or something? Oh, yeah, that's weird country. It's crimey 78 year old did Jackie our ex today Wow, that's weird. Kind of trippy. Jesus, cry me. 78-year-old did Jackie RX today. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:28 That's awesome. Which one? Is Jackie the wall balls? No. 1,000-meter row, 50 thrusters with the barbell, 30 pull-ups at the end. No, come on. No 78-year-old did that. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You mean scaled. Come on, dude scaled Come on dude We're telling stories that are believable I can do dead hang pull ups Well good I hope so Awesome Rambler Uh Uh
Starting point is 00:24:58 Seve the honey potter tricked us into getting excited about the open By him pretending to be excited for the open I don't know if that's true You were genuinely The honey potter tricked us into getting excited about the open by him pretending to be excited for the open. I don't know if that's true. You were generally genuinely excited about the, I was really excited about it. And then the first workout wasn't inclusive enough for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I just did that. Oh, the workouts were so stupid. I just couldn't do them. Oh my God. I just couldn't. Oh my God. I'm panicking. I panic.
Starting point is 00:25:26 All right. Oh my goodness. Your just couldn't. Oh my God, I'm panicking. I panic. All right. Oh my goodness. Your mom's kicking ass. At Danny B 2005. Hey Dave, always appreciate these. Curious what translation version of the Bible you're reading. NIV, New International Version. And that was a whole journey.
Starting point is 00:25:38 When I went to the bookstore, I went to Barnes and Noble to buy a Bible and I saw all these different versions. And I was like, okay. I stepped away. I went home, started researching online, found, I thought the new international version looked appropriate.
Starting point is 00:25:49 So then I went back to Barnes & Noble and bought one of those. At Michael Red Rock. Oh my God, this is so sweet what Ken said. Don't worry, Seve. Good attempt at it. We know you did workout one. Good job getting your scoring.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Workout two, we know you were traveling. And workout three, you pushed out on. But don't worry, buddy. There's next year. And it's really cool that you did workout one good job getting your scoring workout two we know you were traveling and workout three you pushed out on but don't worry buddy there's next year and we really you're really it's really cool that you did it for the first time in fucking 25 years that's really cool you the man keep going savvy we got your back ken walters oh fuck i can't believe he typed all that out that's so sweet such a good dude yeah but i really tell him much he cares oh that's so cool i didn't even think anyone would notice i didn't even know you cared yeah it's crazy so cool you're welcome yeah thank you
Starting point is 00:26:36 thank you that's so cool uh mason mitchell seve all that matters is that you gave it your best don't worry we're all here for you as long as you don't feel lonely in this community of love and warmth and appreciation oh my god that's so cool thank you you're a dog beth tried to say this was the toxic community you're very consistent you're very consistent i appreciate it very consistent. I appreciate it. Oh, my God. A rambler. Seve, you're the funniest guy on the internet today.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Keep it up. Andrew Dice Clay has nothing on you. Oh, my God. You guys, stop. You're embarrassing me. You can't even tell. It's so deep. You can see how deep it is oh my gosh keep it coming keep it coming all right fine be that way yeah be that way okay Okay, here we go. 1113.
Starting point is 00:27:48 From CrossFit Globe, Cobre Valley in Arizona. We are so blessed to have the walkers as our coaches in the small town. Drop in if you're ever in the neighborhood. Reading keeps your brain in good working order. Sharing what you read with others is generous and kind. Keep it up.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah, reading totally keeps your brain in good working order. It also, it's just, it's a way to disconnect from everything else going on. It's a way to disconnect from everything else going on. It's a way to exercise your brain. It's a way to just educate yourself. There's so many benefits that come from it. I don't need to reiterate what he just said. Reading keeps your brain in good working order. Sharing what you read with others is generous and kind. At BM Cloughlin, those who
Starting point is 00:28:20 value animals more... just a fluff question he's got a lot of fluff questions in here today more than people are a special type of twisted at Dan Taylor 1991 hi Dave you talked about one hour training not being effective for strength work and metcons as enough it's too much to cram in
Starting point is 00:28:42 do you think lifting strength work should be separated into two sessions for most effectiveness? Example, one hour, 30 lifting strength in the AM and in the PM, 30, 45 minutes, Metcon cardio work or mix both together over two hours. Last questions. What are your thoughts on high rocks and athletes moving over such as Mel O'Brien and Christy O'Connell? So on the one hour of training, not being effective for strength work in Metcons and
Starting point is 00:29:02 it being too much to cram in. Absolutely for an overwhelming majority of average crossfitters or average people getting into crossfit or just the um the even honestly to some extent some people who are at a high level one hour is totally enough and doing one session either you know a constantly varied function movements at high intensity with uh call it a traditional crossfit workout and or a strength session in isolation one or the, is more than you need. Now, here's the thing. You're taught when you, well, let me say this.
Starting point is 00:29:31 When you start combining those two in a one-hour cram class in an affiliate session, the intensity on one of them is going to give. And also, you're doing a lot for people who might not be ready for that volume or that amount of work. Are there people who can handle that in one hour? Absolutely. Are there people who can do all of that and do both of them with a high level intensity? Sure. They've also put in a lot of base time. They've also trained for a long time, but a majority of people- They're also on steroids.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I do not think that's appropriate. Also, strength session you know a lot of ways you see these expressed they're expressed in like a 20 minute window or a 15 minute establish your one rep max or or work to a heavy and um the problem with that is those sessions you look at power lifters or weight lifters they spend a whole hour or more just on doing that giving the lift the right amount of rest and that's how some crossfit gyms that's how old school crossfit gyms do prescribe it a thorough warm-up um the lift with plenty of rest and then a thorough cool down when you have the metcon and then you have the lifting all i mean he just said it listen the greatest way to work out and everyone fucking knows it unless suza's gonna slap me around is you come in and
Starting point is 00:30:38 you warm up and you warm up with some sort of fucking technique while you're warming up you work on fucking technique so you either make sure you you work as you're doing the slow squats 10 slow squats you work on your form you stay conscious if you're working on snatches whatever you're working on you warm up with slow fucking technique and then you jump in you fucking do a workout that's it and you just constantly and you should be working on your technique if you i mean that's how i would fucking run an affiliate the year that i taught classes at the park, that's how I did it, and it was fucking great. And most people, to be honest with you, don't need any fucking strength work. Strength work is more just like fun.
Starting point is 00:31:15 It's just fun. It's just a place to fucking take a break for your fucking class. You throw it in one day a fucking week. But no one – 99% of the people don't need any fucking strength work because crossfit's so fucking hard and you're going to get plenty strong interesting i won't even ask who's i don't even get in trouble one hour there's a compromise and oftentimes the compromise is coaching and the compromise is technique work and um people cram up the hour keep people moving and at the expense of giving feedback, of actually working with people, especially on the lift, in correcting their form. Now, the second part you said, do I think lifting strength work should be separated into two sessions for most effectiveness?
Starting point is 00:31:57 One hour, 30, lifting strength in the a.m., and 30, 45 p.m., Metcon cardio work. Here's the thing. Who has time for that? Some people do. Some people create time for that. Some people, for their goals, cardio. Here's the thing. Who has time for that? Some people do. Some people create time for that. Some people for their goals want to work out that much. If you do, sure. But for a majority of the people going to affiliates, the hour that they put in at the affiliate is the only time they have. And unless your goals, unless you have specific competing goals or specific
Starting point is 00:32:19 progress goals, because see, so it's not only about competing. It's also about progress. If you have individual performance and progress goals, you want to meet and you think you can get there faster by doing more training throughout the day, sure, but I would never recommend it blindly without understanding the individual and what their current capabilities are. Now, for the professional athlete, basically, for the game-level athletes that are competing to go to semifinals, yeah, those guys got to spend several hours a day training and they can't just do one hour session and be fine. There are outliers. You'll hear stories of people who just do the hour class session and then make it to the semifinals, et cetera. But that's not the norm. So generally speaking, do not recommend, especially
Starting point is 00:32:59 for new people or people who are, call it recreational CrossFitters, just trying to live a healthier life to cram in both sessions in one hour. Last question. What's your thought? Okay. It's on high rocks and athletes moving over. That's a great word, right? Cram. Yeah. He framed it that way so many times to make it seem like. Cram in. I like that. Cram in. Yeah. Well, Dave's probably done at least 10,000 CrossFit classes right Cram in 10 million CrossFit classes
Starting point is 00:33:31 Cram in I like that cram in Uh Sebon's idea of strength is uh 12 minutes on the assault bike instead of 10 Yeah and with uh 3 pound uh wrist weights uh, wrist weights, I use wrist weights for my,
Starting point is 00:33:46 for my heavy days. Three pounds, three, uh, three pound wrist weights. Yeah. That's amazing. Such as Mal O'Brien and Christie O'Connell.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Uh, I don't, I don't, I mean, what's that mean even moving over? I don't have many thoughts on that. If they, I think that's cool.
Starting point is 00:34:04 If they go compete in other things, Christie O'Connell, I she's like a sub three hour marathon or two so she's a really fast runner guys listen I'm going to tell you something about high rocks we live in a fucking bubble and just because we know like 10 people who did it or like it spread you know they have these have these events all over. We've seen all this before. We saw a tough mutter come and go. We saw that Gore-Tex, Gore-Ax, Vor-Ax, whatever, Raghavan thing that Dave did. We saw Spartan Race come and go. It's like fucking nothing. It's where fucking people, it's where CrossFitters go to die. So professional athletes come to die and come to crossfit and crossfitters die and go to ho rock ho rocks it in all fairness it's nothing it's like it's fun go do it like have
Starting point is 00:34:54 fun do your thing but it's not there's it's there's no there there like it's um uh it's um it's the bread and butter is CrossFit. You know, it's like there's all these, you just have to see CrossFit in the center and then there's all this other shit for lazy CrossFitters, pussy CrossFitters. Olympic lifting, power lifting,
Starting point is 00:35:22 just all like high rocks is just it's just it's a uh you're just you're just yeah it's douchebaggery i mean yeah yeah lance armstrong probably does is doing high rocks exactly and it's cool it's cool that hunter does it but there's only one cool spot in high rocks and it's at the very top and everyone else is just like like you know it's like a weekend cruise you signed up for yeah it's like it's like it's a place to go express your cross yeah it's a place to go express your crossfit for a second and come back yeah not hating on it but it's not replacing anything that's yeah hi jenna oh shut the fuck up now olympic lifting Way before CrossFit I understand but the three of you
Starting point is 00:36:08 That were doing it no one knew who you fucking were Or cared Yeah or cared Thank you Let's be real about it Powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting Even gymnastics You're welcome
Starting point is 00:36:21 And listen Your friend's house where you did powerlifting or that gym where that's really just a front to sell steroids doesn't make it a legitimate sport I know it's dope right thank you send me your address I'll send you one you need one
Starting point is 00:36:40 oh James we gotta have you back on I can't wait to hear how your foot race went fucking A we tried to get him that weekend right Oh James we gotta have you back on I can't wait to hear how your foot race went Fucking A We tried to get him that weekend right Yeah James I'll text you after the show We got a little space this week to get him in We do
Starting point is 00:36:57 That'll be good He's good hype for the For the build up of all the crazy shit we're doing this week Yeah Okay I know this color is dope right For the buildup of all the crazy shit we're doing this week. Yeah. Okay. A little quarter final. I know this color is dope, right?
Starting point is 00:37:11 Yellow or mustard? What would you call this? I'd go with mustard, given the options. All right. Thank you. So I don't know much about high rocks, but I know you have to be good at running for it. So it makes a lot of sense that she would do it. But yeah, training and doing other things is all good. But I don't have any, whatever who cares go compete in that compete in our stuff compete in everything compete at dan gall 81 hey dave is there a reason we've never seen any kettlebell
Starting point is 00:37:35 movements in the open or semi or quarter finals yes one reason is the year we introduced the dumbbell um was a big deal. And people were able to run out to their local fitness stores or were more easily able to get dumbbells than they were kettlebells, especially at that time. So dumbbells are a little more common. And pretty much a majority of the movements
Starting point is 00:37:59 that you could do with a kettlebell, you can do with a dumbbell. So I would say more CrossFit gyms have dumbbells than they do kettlebells. do with the dumbbell so i would say more crossfit gyms have dumbbells than they do kettlebells that's one major reason and one um and since a majority of the movements can be done with the dumbbell that can be done with kettlebell that's the other primary reason so on the online stages we probably won't have kettlebells in the near future but at the other stages in the in-person stages sure absolutely unless there, absolutely. Unless there's a sponsor. Unless there's a big sponsor.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I mean, shit, you got the bite. If you got the rower in there, you can – whatever. Yeah, I think the kettlebell is easy to access. I feel like you could probably get it somewhat locally for most places. And you could obviously order it from Rogue. It's funny. I answered the last two questions on my show last week and we'll come back to that uh stand by everyone p break duh this is called melanotan 2 it's supposed to accelerate tanning and it's also supposed to increase sexual arousal and i think that the second one is actually more of a side effect than it is the main goal.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Everybody wants to know how to reconstitute these things. Remember the first thing is that you need the bacteriostatic water. Second thing that you need to do is you are constantly using these alcohol swabs. Now here's the thing, you got two separate needles. Never reuse the same needle. So what I'm going to end up doing is I'm going to put two milliliters of water into there. But it's just sucking the water in there. Yeah, I'm not doing that.
Starting point is 00:39:26 That's how you know that the peptides are good. Now, I'm insane. So I like to re-sterilize the top of it. I just put the pad on there and I just twist it. And I'm just going to go right here, right next to my belly button. So I pull this out. Put the tip in. Yeah, just the tip.
Starting point is 00:39:40 So there's no air bubbles in there. So you give it a flick. The bubbles rise to the top. Pull this out. And then I just stick it to my stomach right there. Very slight little pinch. It's like the world's smallest bee. It doesn't even matter. I'm done. Just like that.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And my bladder is empty. I don't want to ruin the When he comes on the podcast But I think James said his Oh here third fastest in the nation 35 to 39 age damn And he hasn't done it in almost 20 years Crazy Maybe James is going to do high rocks next
Starting point is 00:40:23 James how about it I doubt it All right. Maybe James is going to do high rocks next. James, how about it? I doubt it. I'm bricked up now. We have at 54 C. Hi, Dave. Love how you drop in to support local affiliates. Have you ever considered doing this internationally, say in Asia or Australia? I've done it internationally, both in Asia and Australia and Europe and South America. Actually not, um, not in Africa though. I've never been to Africa. So I do drop in a lot internationally when I travel for CrossFit work. And, um, yes, I'll continue to do that. Also would be great to bring back the CrossFit invitationals to me. That was a highlight of the season back when it was a thing. Yeah, it was, it was a really cool event.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I don't know if we'll bring it back. Stupidest fucking event ever. Oh my God. Hey, that's gotta be European. No one in this, you, you you you went to it you you liked it though too right it was cool yeah i mean i don't whatever you guys spent on it i'm sure wasn't worth me saying yeah that was cool so i don't know if you could justify that but it was big on in europe it's big in europe Europe is being there
Starting point is 00:41:33 Did I like the rogue invitational because there's a point behind inviting those people and I guess the invitational the point is inviting them by region, but it just does nothing for me hmm But and I don't feel like there's a lot on the line there's not a lot on the line and at first it was first of its kind because you got to see like the super teams form jason and rich on the same team you know that type of stuff so that's what made it really cool i don't know if that moment in time still exists i always wanted don't tell anyone this okay. I always wanted rich and Annie to have a kid I Remember like in 2010 and Carson and I saw these two kids playing this little boy and little girl want the girls running at Thor's daughter shirt and The boys wearing a frowning shirt wasn't that in a behind the scenes. Yeah. Yeah played it in slo-mo. Yep
Starting point is 00:42:21 I was like God Yeah, I in slow-mo. Yep. And I was like, God. Yep. I just, that was just, like, you know what I mean? Well, they both won.
Starting point is 00:42:29 They should get married and fucking have a kid. For science. Just, whatever, just seems right. Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws. Like,
Starting point is 00:42:41 hit of the month. So you get the best deals and low prices on amazing products every month. And did you know, PC Optimum members save more. For exclusive offers and members only pricing, just scan and save.
Starting point is 00:42:54 And don't forget in-stock promise, where you can count on great offers being in-stock or get a rain check. Discover more value than ever at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions apply. See in-store for details. Really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:43:09 At Polga 90p. Hi Dave, are you adamant on the... I haven't ever thought that about two other champions since then. Is that because they were the first repeat ones? I don't know, maybe. And you were like, these guys are the real deal here? It was just so, it just seemed so romantic and right for me.
Starting point is 00:43:29 But he's married, she had a Frederick. Yeah. Anyway. But I never thought, like, who won last year? Adler and what girl won? Laura Horvath. Laura Horvath, yeah. Like, I never pictured them getting together.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Right. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be a weird kid. That's two weird people. Wouldn't speak much, that's for sure. Introvert 100%. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Okay. You should go to an affiliate statement. I'm a CrossFit level three trainer. Plan on doing my level 4 been coaching and doing CrossFit for over 10 years these people who say stuff like oh have you ever thought about visiting affiliates in foreign countries it's like
Starting point is 00:44:14 do you see the presuppositions I just don't like talking to people who speak in presuppositions because you gotta like wind it back like first of all your question makes no sense i have yeah we had the same answer for that question you and i oh i had yeah i was like what the fuck is this of course he will if he's in the area he stops by he always does why would you even write this yeah first you first you it, just ask him what you want. Like my dad calls me and goes,
Starting point is 00:44:47 uh, so what are you doing? Uh, what? No, no. What do you need? Don't ask me a loaded.
Starting point is 00:44:54 What are you doing later on tonight? How about fuck you got plans? How about just tell me, how about just say what you call it for? Hey, you want to come over and get some head? Sure. Come over and help me move? Not so much.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Eh, got plans now. Yeah, this, this, this, this, this. By the way, that's the definition of a loaded question. People ask loaded questions. Don't ask me any loaded questions. Just ask me what you want. Quit being a pussy. Mm-hmm. Small box and where I stand,
Starting point is 00:45:21 I no longer feel aligned with CrossFit HQ and don't feel comfortable giving my money to private equity. On the other hand, I no longer feel aligned with CrossFit HQ and don't feel comfortable giving my money to private equity. On the other hand, I have visited many affiliates for doing CrossFit for over 10 years. I own a small box and where I stand, I no longer feel aligned with CrossFit HQ and don't feel comfortable giving my money to private equity. On the other hand, I have visited many affiliates where classes and coaching are shit. And even some affiliates where coaches say the L1 guide is nonsense. i believe that i am a great cross ambassador to the crossfit ethos everything i do i would love to find out who those coaches are they that that's that's just a lie no one thinks that hypothetical yeah that's
Starting point is 00:45:56 like that's like so many people dm me and ask me where i get my nails done no no no one no one fucking asked you guys have been dming me like crazy about my new face cream. Yeah. It's life force. Dude, you wouldn't believe how many people asked me what kind of shampoo I use, Sousa. Oh my God. Dude, because that's how a level one guy told me to. I'm in charge of a thriving and happy community of 80 plus members. But because I'm not affiliated, would you just blindly discard the work I've been doing while blind? I'm in charge? Does that mean he owns it?
Starting point is 00:46:27 And I bet you that whoever owns the place doesn't think it's thriving with 80 members. It's like, whew, I'm barely hanging on. Well, could be doing well, depending on your overhead costs. Good point. Look at you. Back to math. I'm supporting affiliates who do a shit job and actually drive people away from CrossFit. So I'm not blindly discarding the work you've done
Starting point is 00:46:47 because it sounds like you've had a significant journey through our education. Wait, was there a question in there? There was, but it was stupid. Okay, so he's just taking a stab at it. Like, okay, I hear you. How about this? I'll answer for you. This is the weekend review for CrossFit. How about you fuck off and go talk to your unaffiliated group,
Starting point is 00:47:10 whoever the fuck is leading you? Huh? How about that for an idea? How about you don't? What are you doing? You don't feel a line, but you find it necessary to fucking write to Dave? That'll cost you forty five hundred dollars douche canoe i mean about training and educating and uh the people you coach um so i'm not blindly discarding the work you've done while blindly supporting affiliates to do a shit job and actually drive people away from crossfit i'm supporting crossfit affiliates and i'm going to
Starting point is 00:47:43 support affiliates who i believe will help people make a better difference. Your assertion there that I'm blindly supporting affiliates to do a shit job and actually drive people away from CrossFit, there are affiliates who are not as good as other affiliates. And instead of just shitting on them and say they drive people away from CrossFit, even those gyms have a thriving community of people that they are improving and making better. And it's on us to help make them better affiliates and make them better gyms to help keep people in the family.
Starting point is 00:48:14 And also, honestly, it's also on the local gyms and affiliates in the surrounding. You have to totally accept this guy's premise that he's the world's greatest coach and that he has a thriving community. And this is just fucking tardy area rather than just um you know he makes a shitload of fucking money working for crossfit how about that for starters and his salary is paid by affiliates so if you want dave to talk about your gym And push people into it
Starting point is 00:48:45 A former SEAL Team 6 operative Someone who's been at CrossFit for fucking 20 years A guy who's incredibly generous with his time Then fucking affiliate He happens to work for private equity now I'm not like saying like Hey I understand not wanting to give your money to private equity it was really cool when Greg owned the company and he worked 365 days a year seven days a week giving us messaging that was awesome but what do you want Dave to do quit
Starting point is 00:49:18 turning it back on a on an upcoming trainer or an affiliate who's not as good as they should be or working to be better, mentoring and bringing them in and helping them become a better gym. But am I adamant to go back to your first statement, you should go to an affiliate statement or you should go to an affiliate? Absolutely, I am because here's the deal. Even when finding a gym to send friends and family to, I'll explain my journey. I look at the CrossFit affiliate map, and then I look at the gyms in the area. I see what level qualifications everyone has. If I know trainers in the area, I'll ask them.
Starting point is 00:49:53 And how about this? How about this? How about the fact that I'm willing to bet two inches off the top of my cock that if you go to an affiliate, you will get better service and training than if you go to a non-affiliate? How about that? How about relative to just where you go to an affiliate, you will get better service and training than if you go to a non-affiliate. How about that? How about relative to just where you go? Let's pick 100 non-affiliates randomly
Starting point is 00:50:12 that supposedly teach CrossFit. I'm going to start with the integrity of those people by doing that. And then let's do 100 affiliates. Let's see. A little secret shopper action I mean it's just there's just like even if this guy is telling the truth it's just I don't get
Starting point is 00:50:34 why I don't understand how this is the place to say all that how about just hey I don't want to give my money to private equity so I de-affiliated and I stopped buying every product around me and it sucks because I'm still in love with you Dave youaffiliated and i stopped buying every product around me and it sucks because i'm still in love with you dave you're fucking awesome and i stopped what buying what every product around me oh right right right right oh by the way matuthian is
Starting point is 00:50:55 not owned by private equity yet that's right so you get it while it's hot i want to apologize for being so harsh to you whoever you were please. Please try Matoothian. Damn, I just alienated a potential customer. Fuck. I need to know my customer base. It's all right. I already did it too. We'll talk about it after he finishes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Okay. But I'm looking for CrossFit affiliates or people look still these days. People do look for CrossFit gyms to send people to or when they're traveling to CrossFit gyms. It sounds like you will have your level four in short order. You might be a great coach and have a great community and do wonderful things for people, but you'll never be found, at least in an example of this notion of I'm traveling somewhere or I'm sending someone to a gym. I'm not alone in this. This is applied to thousands of other people because you're independent of CrossFit. So you're out on an Island in your community.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And, um, that's one benefit, big benefit of being associated. Brian said he gets a hundred, uh, visitors a month, walk-ins a month because of he's a CrossFit gym.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Yeah. And he's in a vacation Haven, right? I bet you it's the same in Vegas. Yep. There's probably gyms that make a significant amount of revenue off those drop-ins. Yeah. It's actually when people are looking for the training.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Now, it's not to say anything about your training or that you're not a good trainer or that you don't have a great community. But I don't think I can say that statement and dismiss the word. I can say you should go to a CrossFit affiliate, and I do believe that, and not be dismissive of good trainers like you and others out there and people who are passionate about CrossFit, but don't fly the flag on their gym. This point about you no longer feel aligned with CrossFit HQ and don't feel comfortable giving my money to private equity. I don't know why you don't feel aligned with CrossFit HQ. Maybe you can expand on that and you don't feel comfortable giving your money to private equity. You're not giving your money to private equity. The money currently
Starting point is 00:52:44 that any affiliate is paying isn't going to private equity. They'll see their return on investment in several years when they sell. Currently, the money you'd be paying for an affiliate fee is going back into CrossFit and CrossFit is choosing what to spend that money on, where to reinvest it, what to build with. So I think you should disconnect from this notion that if you were, because you're not, if you were to pay an affiliate fee, it's going right to private equity. No, if you're paying a affiliate fee, I mean, it's it's supporting everything that's going on in the ecosystem, in the ecosystem, even the games, to some extent, the affiliate team, all the operating aspects of the business
Starting point is 00:53:19 supporting it's supporting our pay. I mean, it's supporting the whole CrossFit system. So it's not going... You said the quiet part out loud. It's supporting my pay. I mean, our pay, it's running, yeah. Yeah, yeah, but I mean, he's being truthful about it. To private equity.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Okay, let me see. A lot of shitty coaches in every sport. Yeah, dude dude look at gymnastics there's some fucking wild shit going there swim coaches water polo coaches yeah i mean anywhere anywhere there's women they're shitty coaches i use the example of starbucks where it's like a low-barred entry to make the thing and it's one of the most highly controlled franchises that there is and you're still gonna have the one up your street that you like and you're gonna have the one on the corner that fucking sucks so you're not gonna go to even though there's that super
Starting point is 00:54:13 high level of control over it just it is what it is you're always gonna have that some have dirty needles in the bathroom some don't yeah and i don't think people realize like i don't think affiliated uh owners realize they're asking for, two separate things that are opposed to each other. So they'll be like, oh, why would I pay into an affiliate fee when, like, you know, this CrossFit gym sucks and this one doesn't, but I don't want to give my money to private equity or franchise. So it's like, well, what exactly do you have them to do? Do you not want the control over your gym and what happens? Then it is what it is. Some are going to be good.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Some aren't going to be that great. Do you want more control over your gym? Because then now you're going to have to operate by their business model. You're not going to have the freedom to run the gym that you want to. Or how about this? Hey, dude, that's cool. Good luck with that. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I'm glad you're happy not paying your affiliate fees and congratulations on taking your L4. Email me if you need any pointers on how to pass. Yeah. Well, I just don't get where he wants Dave to go with that. That's exactly the point that I made when I answered the question. I was like, what do you think he's going to say?
Starting point is 00:55:17 Who are you asking? It was funny. Cause there was somebody else who asked a similar question and, and I did the, and it was the second one of these that came up so i was like oh what the fuck and i kind of ripped into the question right then that individual commented on the show that i did it was like hey for what it's worth if you read this like i you know wanted they want to justify their position some more and that's that's fine i'm
Starting point is 00:55:38 actually going to address it in tomorrow's show um but then they deleted their comment off of dave's show which i thought was funny oh they did delete it they did but they said they deleted that's nice that's kind of nice they're like this question chair like clarifies what i meant to say much more than minded i deleted it off here and then people kind of were going back and forth so i was going to reach out and actually try to like respond to them but i figured do that? I'll just respond on the show. Well done. Good job. And all transparency, Suze is an affiliate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I'm biased. There was something I wanted to read in here. Fuck, I lost it. Oh, I did Ramadan this year. Highly recommend, but be prepared. It's difficult. That's funny. I did one day. I'm so weak. I did the this year. Highly recommend, but be prepared. It's difficult. That's funny. I did one day.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I'm so weak. I did the scaled version. Wow. Dick butter. Dick butter. I have no C, buddy. Hope you're well. Alejandro Ramirez.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Sevan, you said in other episodes how you were also against public equity settling the NSCA case. Dude, what a fucking stupid thing they did. episodes how you were also against public equity settling the NSCA case. Dude. What a fucking stupid thing they did. From the optics I have. Complete I mean, idiocy. For so many levels. Reasons I don't mean uncomfortable telling you here. But that's bite them in the ass. Okay. That's what I'm aligned
Starting point is 00:56:58 with. Oh. Oh, you're. Oh. What I want to get from Dave is if CF also supports coaches or only affiliates. And that was a great question. Alejandro said something very similar on the show with me. That's a very interesting question. I paid to take your course. Will you support me as I spread the methodology, even though I'm not an affiliate? So that's a totally fair question.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I was just hung up on the fact that you're asking a guy who's getting paid by the company. About his relationship, maybe I would have just left out the private equity part. Maybe that's the part I was getting hung up on or triggered on. But that's a fucking great question. I and I actually agree with that question so much that I came up with kind of like, I talked about it a little bit on Seth's show and then kind of clarified my thoughts around it on my show,
Starting point is 00:57:52 but I was like, that's the solution for that. Have an L1 directory or? No, they just need to make education the thing they sell and make their L1 staff the superheroes of that. Because if you focus on elevating the trainer and professionalizing the trainer and CrossFit really beats that drum, just get rid of the affiliate program altogether. No, no, no. It's not a binary thing like that.
Starting point is 00:58:16 No, but what he's saying, but I agree with all of what you're saying, what you're saying, but he's saying, so there's a map that you can Google CrossFit and and it'll show you where there's a local CrossFit gym, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think that should apply to the coaches. But they don't do anything for the coaches. Right. And that's half their revenue, let's say, just for ease of math. Yep, sure. Yeah. Very similar example to what I – And those coaches are teaching the methodology.
Starting point is 00:58:45 That's right. And so your thing might be this guy is saying he's loyal to the methodology. It's not so much that he doesn't want to give his private money to equity to get a one-time deal from them. It's just that he doesn't want to – He doesn't feel it's being – the money is being utilized properly. Yeah, probably he's not happy with the leadership that he knows private equity is giving. Right. But he still likes the word of Greg Glassman that sits there under their control.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Boy, that's an interesting one. Well, and I was thinking too, like if you think about it and they say like Don Fall wants whatever more people in affiliates, right? Yeah. Like the, if we make the affiliates healthy, like everybody will be happy. And I think that they're, they're not looking at the actual problem that CrossFit, the company has, they're looking at a symptom. Like the affiliates are downstream, in my opinion of like the health of CrossFit as a ecosystem and as a company. And if they really just focus on the professionalization of the trainer to differentiate themselves amongst all the other fitness brands and make education like their thing with a lot of media behind it and making all their L1 trainers just superstars. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I think that that in which is so easy to do. All you have to do is point the camera at them. Right. They don't got to do any acting. They just. Yeah, they don't go and tell the stories of the people that are in the L1 to excite more people to go to seminars and just solely focus on your education, more education, more offerings, tons and tons and tons and tons of free education should be doing podcasts on it with all these
Starting point is 01:00:18 great people they have access to. They, I mean, just like a lot of the stuff. So that way when people hear CrossFit, they're like, so, it's synonymous with people that are leading in the industry in terms of seeing and correcting movement, being on top of training the methodology and really being able to articulate that out to other people really well through messaging of success stories and through the coach's word of mouth directly to the people. So I think if you really focused on that, the symptom of getting all those coaches places to coach at, making them superstars, having them go into the affiliates will help rise the standard of the affiliates in total.
Starting point is 01:00:55 And people will start to build their trust around CrossFit, the brand, because they're looking at it like, wow, these guys are the leaders in education and exercise science and everything else that has to go under that umbrella. So I think that if you focus on that piece, the symptom would be cured of people not going into CrossFit gyms and their affiliateship dying. I could single-handedly do that. I know you can. I've seen you do it. I've watched the videos. I could single-handedly do that. I know you can. I've seen you do it. I've watched the video. I could single-handedly do that. I could go to the L ones. I could film them. I could tell the 20 stories. I could do the editing. I could, I could single-handedly do that. You still have footage that, I mean, I don't know if you've talked about this publicly, you still have had footage that tell the stories
Starting point is 01:01:41 of really recent L ones that were happening right right there because when there wasn't any direction you went back to what you knew was gonna work which was sticking cameras back in the seminars it's crazy yep yep you could fire everyone dear dear don you could literally get rid of everyone there And I could do it for you Yeah We'll elaborate more on this tomorrow We should start our own fitness company I'm just kidding I'm just kidding Barry McOgnor
Starting point is 01:02:20 We need more gay people at HQ We need a chief diversity officer there I could pretend to be gay. Easily. It's not even that much of it. It wouldn't even be that much of a stretch. Just be more of myself, really. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Just, yeah. Thanks for commenting on abstract genius comments. Thanks for commenting on abstract genius comments. Thanks for commenting on my remark. Change my username. Here's the thing too. I would have fun doing it. Like I would do it with all my heart and I would, and I would do it with a passion and I would dig into every single person's
Starting point is 01:03:00 story, whether it was an 80 year old woman or a fucking a pygmy uh dwarf from fucking haiti with one leg i would fucking i would crush it yep at seven's request wait what huh after we thanks for commenting on abstract genius comments thanks for commenting on abstract genius comments. Thanks for commenting on my remark. Change my username at Sevan's request. After reading the Bible,
Starting point is 01:03:31 maybe start studying the science surrounding the links between climate change, drought, forest areas being cut down, and wild animal living areas, especially on the North American areas. If not, read the novel Autumn of a Hunter by Pat Stanley written in the 60s, where Mountain Lion also moves into areas of timbering and human activity due to drought. It's prey searching for water around farmed animals and their water sources.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Seems like common knowledge even when a novelist knew this. Science over superstition. Dave. Oh my god! Oh my fucking god! Do you know that polar bears are like at a fucking 50 year high? And do you remember when it was like 20 years we were destroying their fucking habitat? Mm-hmm. And they kept showing that one clip of a polar bear on an ice thing floating away. Like, this guy thinks because there was a drought and a fucking mountain lion moved somewhere else
Starting point is 01:04:17 that that's fucking signs that there's anthropogenic global warming? Fuck, dude. From something from the 60s dude In 1970s we were in sheer panic dude That we were going to run out of fucking gas We were also in sheer panic of overpopulation Hey listen before you jackasses start talking to Dave about climate change You have to understand he has read so many books on this.
Starting point is 01:04:45 He has a stack at his house. And he's read both sides. Yeah, and you don't hear shit about the polar bears now. Of course not. Oh, my God. You fuck. Well, don't worry. Sebi, don't act surprised. these people are on their eighth booster. Oh
Starting point is 01:05:09 My god, oh my god This is I have to show you this I know this is way I know this is way way way I know I should be staying on on target. I apologize, oh But here we go now listen the the the most sacred science and the realest science and the truthful science always in our lifetime anyone who's watching this show has always been the insurance company and actuaries you guys realize that right they're like the casinos. They know how never to lose. Like they don't give a fuck about academic science. Like they do fucking real numbers with real hardcore predictions that have real legitimate outcomes to how rich and how big airplanes they can buy. insurance companies rock the house and and they they rule it just like in california after we had a bunch of fires insurance companies are like okay we don't do fire insurance anymore we're all
Starting point is 01:06:09 like what you're on your own they the actuary's hardcore yeah yeah now listen listen carefully i mean this is like a no-brainer Here we go. You watch life insurance trends. What you're going to find is if you are vaccinated, you can get preferred, not super preferred coverage. If you were vaccinated and double boosted, you may be able to get standard coverage. You will not get preferred. You're vaccinated and triple boosted. You won't be able to get standard coverage. You'll be table rated.
Starting point is 01:06:39 If you're quadruple boosted, you will not be able to get life insurance. You watch life insurance. Why the fuck do you think that is oh because they're gonna lose money on that policy uh-huh damn huh damn my fucking god and by the way we are having crazy weather here in california like we are getting so much rain and in two years they'll tell us we're having a drought You know why? Because they won't save the water. There's all these laws where you got to dump the water back into the ocean for
Starting point is 01:07:11 for nature There's not enough reservoirs to hold water for us and the population is growing I ended up back on training think tank fuck. Oh, there we go I really liked I like those guys more and more every day by the way max el haj I need to remember Ken's name the handsome blonde haired dude buff dude oh yeah and then I got to get the ctp guy's name right cpt or ctp ctp yeah we got it is that stand for like captain like he's captain?
Starting point is 01:07:45 No, that would be CPT. I just call him captain. Well, yeah, captain's good. That's respectable. He is the captain. Yeah. Oh, captain CPT. C-T-P.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Yeah, captain. Him and Jeff Berman. Jesus Christ, dude. I'm doing a fucking podcast. Come on. Jeff Berman. Jesus Christ, dude. I'm doing a fucking podcast.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Come on. Thank you. Oh, we're almost done. Shit. Oh, God. That was a long show. Here we go. Yeah. Start studying the science surrounding the links between climate change, drought, forest
Starting point is 01:08:16 areas being cut off. I think we lost like 20 viewers with the vaccine talk. They'll be back eventually. I apologize from the bottom of my heart. Down in wild living areas. So those three, you kind of lumped together, but forest areas being cut down will definitely drive animals from their habitat. Droughts will too, but droughts are, so forest areas being cut down, not burned down, but cut down are something that we do to the environment. Droughts are something that come and go and are common throughout um millennia throughout the history of uh of the
Starting point is 01:08:49 universe of the world um it's a little different and animals have learned to adapt to the drought scenarios yes they go to where finding water and climate change so here's the thing when you say climate the climate changes and climate always changes and climate has been changing for as long as this planet has been around i assume you you mean anthropogenic climate change, which is human-caused climate change. You can't assume that. The guy fucking is talking about a fucking documentary he saw in the 60s. Yeah, I thought you guys had no idea.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Yeah, Alejandro, these are the same people that say getting fit is fascist. Exactly. If that's what you mean, I would love to see your science around that and uh the wild animals but it driving wild animals the insurance companies have all your billing info even the people at hr at your work have it i'll never forget when the fucking hr lady at fucking crossfit was telling me about that our highest expenditure at crossfit inc was um um psychiatric drugs like that's what the staff were using that was our highest expenditure for staff psychiatric
Starting point is 01:09:52 drugs like they see like everyone sees your shit how do the insurance companies have access to they got they see everything hey and and the company can tell you, they know who it is too. That shit's not anonymous. Yeah, what the fuck? I know. Everyone knows. HR people are fucking evil.
Starting point is 01:10:14 And I don't use that word lightly. Away from the living areas. Team quarterfinals wrapping up now. So pretty cool seeing all the community and the teams that are trying to get to semifinals competing. Next up will be the individual and age group quarterfinals starting soon. And I'm excited about that. I've been training and I feel good. I've been following CAP, CrossFit Affiliate Programming. We actually put the CAP daily workout on the main site, I'm sorry, on the CrossFit Games app. So if you go to the CrossFit games app and look at the workout, it'll show you, actually,
Starting point is 01:10:48 that's not even cap. I'm sorry. That's the workout of the day. I was following the workout of the day currently. Um, so really enjoying it and having a good time with, uh, with those workouts. And I heard recently from some friends that Frazier, I, I, what, what do you say? I heard recently from Frazier. I heard recently from some, from some friends that Frazier. What did he say? I heard recently from Frazier? I heard recently from some friends that Frazier. Wow. I like his outfit. It's growing on me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Yeah. Looks like something he would like a, like it either be cheap or be really rich. For the third time on this podcast, I'd like to retract something I said. I like it. I'd take back anything I made fun of it in the beginning it's like a shooting vest yeah handsome davy look handsome of the day currently um so really enjoying it and having a good time with uh with those
Starting point is 01:11:35 workouts and i heard recently from some friends that frazier basically said he knows that we something along the lines of he knows we changed the games and the workouts to hinder his performance, let's say, or to try to hurt his efforts. That is a bold assertion. And I'm here to say that is not true. But if you're going to make an assertion like that, the burden of proof lies with him, not with us. So if he's going to say something like that, prove it, show us what you have, tell us what you think happened. And then I'll respond to that too. But there's something, there's something unique about making a statement like that, because that assumes that every action, everything we programmed,
Starting point is 01:12:19 everything we did at the games was focused on one man and not the totality of there's 80 other individual athletes there and um to think we were making or making decisions on programming and or changes okay i admit it i have to tell you guys something here we go that year at the games that i stood in front of the clock i did it on purpose you were a plant weren weren't you? Damn it. And or potential outcome. That's not true. To target one individual, that's unique. We specifically over the years that I've programmed, never think of individuals when programming the games.
Starting point is 01:13:02 You think of what the best are capable of as a collective, but you don't think of an when programming the games you think of you think of what the best are capable of as a collective but you don't think of an individual uh man or woman when doing that so i don't care if he responds or does respond but frankly at this point it's on him to prove uh to prove that reckless statement let's just say that wow that's the week in review thanks for wow reckless statement Just say that. Wow. That's the week in review. Thanks for. Wow. Reckless statement. If someone else would have said that, Dave wouldn't have responded. Obviously, he's responding to Matt because Matt is at the top of the pyramid, top of the food chain, over 2 million followers on Instagram, monster programming. Same thing with Rich.
Starting point is 01:13:40 He he he he, you know, he's going to tussle with it. He doesn't want to punch down um i i used to go to all of the i i've been involved in tons of um uh what's that called when they test the workouts i have been to tons of times where him and adrian and a bunch of athletes are testing workouts hours and hours and hours i don't know hundreds of hours of that. And then been in meetings where they're there. I'm in the room and they're talking about programming or whatnot.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I never heard one athlete ever reference like, oh, can can Velner do that or can so and so do that or never? Not even like joking. Did Matt. Influence the programming subconsciously well i mean i would have to say for sure tia i'm assuming everyone everyone there's uh everyone at the event like on one extreme they all affect it because if they were could all um run a four and a half minute mile there would be something to test that i mean it's within their capacity or their perceived capacity so on some level everyone but i know i never heard um and i and i did see that i did see that uh i did see that matt said that i also think that matt thrived off of being the
Starting point is 01:15:09 underdog so he liked having you know he told that story yes whether that was true or not yeah i think matt has been very clear on what motivates him and um because i'm not a fucking idiot and i'm the foremost expert in crossfit alive today i can bring that knowledge to you so that you could have compassion for matt in that statement that he's the five-time fittest man in the world and he had stories like that about him uh in order or he told himself stories like that in order to uh succeed and um i i i don't have a problem with that no and i also even though i think it's complete horseshit yeah and when as a fact once he tells me yeah once he tells himself that story too he's gonna find things to fit that narrative like we all do as human beings right you're just gonna like was that a ghost over
Starting point is 01:16:04 there yeah it was a ghost. And the next guy's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw the shot. And then we start like filling in the gaps. And as soon as it was late to the podcast, but he was three minutes early. I know, but normally he's five minutes early. Right. So it's late.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Like we just, we find stuff to like justify or fill in the gaps to, to, to tell that story to make sure that it's more like credible and believable in our minds. Um, I think that his name was brought up in programming no more than anybody else's name would be when you're talking about some specific workout that, Hey, how do you think they'll never do in something like this? Okay. What do you think so-and-so would do? Like, as you would address the field, like you're saying, right. And we've heard specifics where they will have a workout where you complete a set amount of work and then you do a bunch of
Starting point is 01:16:45 reps and then the rest portion like cuts you off and you have to rest a minute go back and then you do the work and then you try to complete the reps up to like 60 total or something right where it's advancing and we've heard them say on camera like well fuck i hope this takes t or somebody like that three rounds i don't want to blow through it in two oh right so there'll be certain things where they'll think about those type of high level but no more than they do like with the specialties on the runs and the swims and those names change right right um so i just think that's just good programming and you're and you're right they know that the workout has to be in a 20 minute time domain so they have to figure out hey how fast will tia do this or how fast will the fastest group do this yeah yes
Starting point is 01:17:23 yeah along those lines you're absolutely right what, that was a perfect example. What was that event? They had to carry a yoke and you couldn't get it done. Is that what you're referencing? Yep. Okay. That's the exact workout where I heard him like talk about that. And that's just programming. Like I do, I do that at the gym. Like I think about, okay, who's my like fifth best athlete? Like, will this workout push them a little bit? What, what time would they finish at and stuff? So wait, what, wait, what, wait. Yeah. What's, what do I want to make this person feel like? Like what's the stimulus of the workout? And then you build it to kind of this avatar person, which I'm sure they use across all their workouts. Like you have to, and they're thinking about the field in terms of pushing them. Dave's always just put it out
Starting point is 01:18:02 in front of them a little bit further than they think they're capable. And in order to do that, you have to know the totality of the field, what they're capable, where they're at, where their strengths, where their weaknesses are. And Dave's been notorious about pulling stuff that we were really heavy. Everybody's geared their programming
Starting point is 01:18:18 to really heavy stuff. Then one regionals, there was no barbell at all. I'm like through a complete curveball. So yeah, I don't. And I think it's the way Matt said it it was his tone that really got dave because he said i know for a fact oh but i don't think dave heard that oh well then that i think if he's filling in the gaps of my own story well well right now well i think if he would have heard it he would have said he said he heard but maybe he's seen Hiller's video now
Starting point is 01:18:46 Oh yeah That's where I saw the clip from Hiller's Instagram I watched it on Brian's live And it definitely caught my attention too Um Seve what was the real reason the Matt and Sevan Josh podcast ended was Matt just a douche No it wasn't just Matt being a douche
Starting point is 01:19:02 Basically Um it's exactly what's happening here matt did not want to matt wanted to do he wanted to share himself but he didn't want to take uh abuse i don't i mean i'm making this up i don't know this for sure but he didn't want to say stuff like that or um he he didn't want to do the back and forth with the world and I don't, and I, and, and I don't blame him for that. So here you have, uh, someone like me on a show with him and I can go anywhere in my mind. Almost. There's only a couple of dark corners and then you have someone who really wants to stay in his lane.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Right. And so if I were to ask him about that, I could have easily asked him. He probably said that same thing on the matt seven josh podcast before right and so any because he's the big dog and because anything he says even if he whispers it he's on the mountaintop so we all hear it he he i think he got tired i think he thought um hey i i'm 20 episodes in i'm having fun but i'm just not happy with just getting fucking ass pounded in the comments for shit Did I say and and I think that and I think that's why he's been hidden so long. I think that's why he stays more quiet I think he doesn't
Starting point is 01:20:13 It's like the and probably the mouth thing to be completely faint probably really affected him He probably was all in with her. I personally think that Matt has cracked the code on how to win the games And so we had two people go up there and try to do it and they couldn't the training was too hard to do and and so i think he feels um i don't know how he feels but i think that that's a lot to process he had jason hopper and mal o'brien up there and he's like here's the code and somewhere it broke them what and you know i don't know what kind of shit he has you do, hide in a dark closet. But we know the regiment was crazy.
Starting point is 01:20:50 We know the isolation is crazy for some people. And so, but, yeah, he didn't want to get ass pounded in the comments. Yeah. He's tired of it. And so he never, if he told me why basically he went dark on me for three months and then you know i kind of caught the i caught the gist of it um but that kind of sucked but i think maybe he was processing and then finally i heard from josh hey i think josh told him hey matt you got to call seven on tell him what's up
Starting point is 01:21:22 and matt called me and he goes, hey, I'm done. And it was probably better for the both of us because I felt a little I mean, I enjoy doing with them. I would love to still do it with them. But I felt I felt I could when I talked to Matt, I can feel his bumpers. You know, there's people I can feel their bumpers. And there's other people where it's just like, yeah, fucking pedophiles should all be put in a spaceship and flown to pluto like matt doesn't want to have that talk you know what i mean you don't want to talk about he didn't want to talk about the difference between using the word illegal aliens and migrants and you know like he said or mountaintop so he's got a target on his back right or if he does want to talk about that he's not the there's there's repercussions you
Starting point is 01:22:02 know what i mean somewhat like you're like fucking you say something nice about uh melanated people and reddit starts a threat on you that you're fucking racist you fucking glorify women and love women and you're a fucking misogynist i mean you have to be prepared for i mean we are surrounded by retards remember there's words that terrify people and thoughts that fucking make them want to kill. Just look over at any time Rich posts a hunting photo and you'll see them all come out. Yeah, it's nuts. So Matt was like, fuck that. I ain't doing that.
Starting point is 01:22:34 That's my take on it. Yeah. And that's his prerogative. And hey, you know what? As a community of people, like civilization, that's the repercussions of, of, of behaving like that. Then, then we don't like, would you rather,
Starting point is 01:22:53 would you rather hear Matt's thoughts and not judge him negatively or hear Matt's thoughts, judge him negatively, negatively, and have him pick up his toys and fucking leave the sandbox. Cause that's what he did. So, um, uh, that's that the thing is too
Starting point is 01:23:09 here I'll say this too if I were to give advice to Matt I would pull fucking Donald Trump I would just stay always in the news feed with always kind of like this and lean into shit like I'd start a podcast where I eat a snicker bar on every podcast you know what I mean and just like if he wants to or or just or just stay super low profile or but
Starting point is 01:23:30 if you're going to the thing with donald trump is one day saying he grabbed your pussy the next day he's shooting three point fucking shots into a crowd of poor people you know with paper towels the next day he's like fucking a i'd pick a jew over a black guy and a chinese guy to be my account i mean you got to keep the shit up yeah and if you do that fucking i mean i mean look at hiller right you can know nothing he does sticks because he's fucking on to the next thing yeah yeah on to the next thing yeah yeah so it's like hey he should just finish finish and he could finish every podcast and don't forget i'm the five time champ for a reason peace out alright love you guys see you tomorrow morning
Starting point is 01:24:09 Jake Berman nailed it will be here tomorrow morning stepping into our den the home of Colton Mertens the Savon podcast let's sweet talk Jake he'll lower his guard home of Colton Mertens, the Sevan podcast. Let's sweet talk Jake.
Starting point is 01:24:30 He'll lower his guard and then we'll pounce. By the way, Jake, I believe also is a very successful businessman. That's actually what I'm more curious about than anything. Yeah, that'll be cool. I'm excited to hear it. All right. Love you guys. Thanks, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Thank you, Caleb. Where the fuck is Caleb?

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