The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of TDC WIR | 04/29/2024

Episode Date: May 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. We can review head on. Nice. All black out.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah. Savan, I can't hear you. Savan, you're muted. Thank you. I was like, who the fuck are you interrupting me we we are very very very very very very very very very very very very very fortunate to have the uh dave castro do this weekly review yeah i think of just all the um corporations out there and maybe you guys don't see it this way but I do because Dave is I'm very very
Starting point is 00:01:05 long a long intimate relationship with Dave and we're very lucky to have an authentic communications with a corporation that's on every continent I don't know if they're still in Antarctica but every continent besides that for
Starting point is 00:01:21 sure and it's a massive it's a massive organization in terms of its scope, far outweighing its financial capabilities, but it is truly massive. And we are everywhere in the world. So I was just thinking about it again today, how lucky we are that we actually have authentic communication with the fucking world headquarters
Starting point is 00:01:41 and messaging from the world headquarters. This guy basically just pulls up YouTube comments and answers them in an authentic way. He doesn't run away from the hard questions. Also, today we're joined by Chase Ingram from Get With The Programming and Matt Suze, executive producer of the Sevan podcast. And I want to say Pedro White will be joining us at some time, but we can't mess around i mean uh he's the little man on the totem pole sure as fuck can't wait for him
Starting point is 00:02:10 i'm shooting him attacks pedro we will be watching this in uh 1.25 speed it is a i'm excited to do it this week because there is so much like fun juicy stuff around i haven't seen it i haven't seen it either usually i've seen it um there's so much juicy stuff around the quarterfinals it's funny because i know in in 24 hours no one's going to give a fuck we're going to just all move on to the semifinals it seems like a big deal now you've got people posting pictures of themselves crying on the internet hugging it out with their grandma um but uh you you know like in a second here we're gonna forget it all and we're all gonna move on to
Starting point is 00:02:50 semi-finals um we have the best coverage we've ever had or god no i think it's the best coverage we've ever had around our sport um and uh you know we could point at who who and why that is, but this is a fun time of year for us. I'm enjoying all of the drama. It's awesome. No children have been hurt in this process, and it's cool, and people are getting healthier and fitter. So it's awesome. Look at him! Casually
Starting point is 00:03:18 late, wanting to make an entrance. Trying to let us know that he can big dick us from across the pond. Does anybody know why this wouldn't work? No wonder you're really blown out. I thought you were a black guy. Now you're all blown out.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It must be that device has changed your pigment. Yeah, and everyone's fucking tiny. It's great. You are pasty. Okay, Pedro White, good to have you from Coffee Pods and Wads. This is the biggest cast of characters we've ever had for a Dave Castro Weekend Review. Keep your answers and opinions short and concise and controversial. I present to you the man, the myth, the legend,
Starting point is 00:03:59 the Dave Castro, director of the CrossFit Games, director of the training program out of CrossFit Inc., the greatest methodology, if you would like your DNA to express itself in its fullest. And you can also stop in at your local affiliate. Sousa owns one of those, and they will help you decipher what is the CrossFit methodology so you can embody it and let your DNA do the dance. Okay, here we go. April 29th, at will bennett hey dave will bennett here i'm one of the athletes who took a major hit and worked out one i went from 12th place in the right into it right into it like let's do this not even gonna dance around it yeah yeah seconds in 12 not not a hey dave i like your olive oil. Nothing. Just straight fucking into it.
Starting point is 00:04:46 You guys fuck me. No foreplay. West Region to 62nd and out of semifinal contention. I've been competing in CrossFit for many years and I've been to semifinals. Has anyone ever heard of Will Bennett? I have not.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I've heard of him as a I think he was at semifinals last year. I've heard of him as an think he was at semi-finals last year I've heard of him as a an athlete I don't know him all right I've never been penalized in any workout
Starting point is 00:05:12 by CrossFit until now as you know to get to this level and beyond requires so much work time and energy it's devastating that a ruling like this
Starting point is 00:05:19 can end your season when it doesn't seem completely fair across the entire competition it appears devastating like when you go to the doctor and you think you have chlamydia but you find out it's actually aids like that kind of devastating that other regions across the world did not have the same level of scrutiny as the north america region for event one i was hoping i was just
Starting point is 00:05:41 hoping you could speak on this situation please thank you is the volume too low sorry yeah we're getting a lot of volume complaint um okay uh what i can do is i'm gonna turn down i'm gonna turn myself down and then if you guys could go in and turn yourselves down then then everyone can turn their tvs and computers up and uh and then that way dave will be louder sorry that's all we got for now. Basically, so this guy, Will Bennett, is basically saying he was devastated because he got kicked out of semifinal contention. Then we paused the show. We're turning our mics down so that Dave will be louder
Starting point is 00:06:13 and you guys can turn your TVs up. Let me know how it works. Here we go. And I mean no disrespect for this comment. Thanks for the comment, Will. And clearly you mean no disrespect, and I respect and appreciate that. And clearly you mean no disrespect and I respect and appreciate that. And you're in an incredibly tough situation and it's something that
Starting point is 00:06:30 spent a lot of time on this weekend. We did as a team looking into and looking at the, how this was playing out and talking to a lot of people from the community to include athletes and event organizers and other people I respect in the community discussing what was going on and looking at it and trying to figure out if there was anything that could be done or if there was anything that should be done. And as you have experienced, there is a number of other people who've also had penalties and been knocked down on the leaderboard or in some cases, knocked to a position where they're completely out of a qualifying spot.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And ultimately, as I went through this and I looked at how this was playing out, one of the things that I really leaned into were the numbers. And we did close to 1,000 reviews. to a thousand reviews and of those reviews about around 180 or so were minor penalties and around 160 were major penalties so from that about 35 of all videos for the videos submitted received a penalty and so looking at it from a different perspective we're looking at it um instead of looking at which is a significant amount and something that, you know, ideally we would have seen no penalties or in a perfect world, all the athletes would have did this without issue, but 35% got penalties. About 16% of those
Starting point is 00:07:57 were major penalties from another perspective, 65%. Most transparent we've ever, this is, this is going into a new layer and I hate that word transparency because I don't think they owe a shit but we've gone into a new layer we don't we don't have data to compare that to from last year right other than the list they publish right but we don't know how many people they reviewed he just said they reviewed a thousand people a thousand videos or a thousand people who knows how many videos that is? And that's 180 with minor penalties, 160 with major for a total of 35% of people getting penalties.
Starting point is 00:08:30 So now we have more data. They're letting us look behind the curtain more. Didn't have any penalties or have any issue. And then total about 85% had a minor penalty and or no penalty. So why I say that, and it's minor penalty and or no penalty so why i say that and it's pretty it's pretty similar and or consistent to years past when we've had when we used um this model video review at the quarter uh what's a major penalty 15 or 20 percent of the score 25 well the range they have in the
Starting point is 00:09:02 rule book is 15 to 40 i think so that's considered major anything over 15 i would say yeah okay so anything below 15 is minor and i'm guessing they don't give 14 penalties i'm guessing it's like there it's 10 15 uh 15 to 40 for a major penalty. You're reading that somewhere, Sousa? Yeah. Okay. The bar bend. Okay. The first thing Googled.
Starting point is 00:09:29 The bar bend, the fastest place on the internet and most reliable place to get your CrossFit news. Did you just spit out a load? Who spit out? He's reading bar bend instead of bar bell spin, so I spat. Oh, oh, oh, oh, my God. Technically, I didn't give him the click though it's just the displayed result oh sorry not barb ends not the fastest most reliable bar barbell yeah what's
Starting point is 00:09:51 brian's thing called the barbell barbell spin barbell spin okay uh what do you know does anyone else know anything what's a minor penalty i'd be so curious if anyone who got a minor penalty was actually knocked out of the semifinals. I doubt it. Cause like, that's probably just a handful of reps. They're going to take away. Some people give it a major penalty and then change back to a minor penalty on their back.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Like Kelsey Keel was moved from a major to a minor and she made it back in because of that. So mine is obviously fairly insignificant. And just so you know, this is like how DEI works, except they don't tell you this part. Every time someone's knocked out, someone else is knocked in. You have to remember that. There's balance in the universe. They don't take someone out and then no one gets it.
Starting point is 00:10:37 It's like when someone says you wasted money. You didn't waste money. You didn't set it on fire. You didn't throw it away. Just someone else has it and uh so so someone got knocked out someone got let in yeah and so when kelsey got put back in someone's pissed because someone else got knocked out again where are all the white knights for that person they must feel doubly shit about themselves it's like i was in now i'm out and
Starting point is 00:11:02 nobody cares hey i'd be interested to know who is out the most and in the most who went back and forth the most like did anyone go back and forth four times in four days yeah i don't know age to um to assess um those going forward and assess and implement penalties it sucks and it's not a uh outcome I don't like to see these athletes who work so hard end up not being able to advance onto the next stage for, for this, but it is the rules. It is the system put in place. It is how we did it. We'll get into this tonight, but really quickly, Chase, does it suck?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Does it suck? Does it suck that there's a DUI, a DUI, a DUI checkpoint and people are getting arrested for drunk driving? Does that suck? No, it's the law. And maybe they set up a blockade and you are found being under the influence, the law states. The thing that I think where people are getting hung up on
Starting point is 00:11:57 is that traditionally they haven't come down this hard before. We've been asking them to for a decade plus. If you go back to the show Capacity Days, it's been on the table. So yeah, this is that blockade that they used to just let everybody drive 100 miles an hour through, wasted on the highway, and now they've shut it down. I think that's where everybody's having a tough pill to swallow is because it's come out of nowhere. But if they're following the letter of the law and judging videos at its most scrutinized ever, they're not doing anything wrong. They're just, it's just a surprise, I guess, is, is a way to put it. Uh, Matt Sousa, does it suck? No. I just think, like
Starting point is 00:12:45 Chase said, it was something that everybody had asked for, and be careful what you ask for, because sometimes you just might get it. I mean, it sucks in terms of, like, if there's not consistency, but I think we're seeing a lot of consistency. Extra Sloppy says, pick a better analogy. I will in one second.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I'll give you one more different one in a second that I stole from Andrew Hiller. Pedro, does it suck that people are being called on their reps and and kick to the curb i think i think it it would have been great if before quarterfinals crossfit said hey we're going to be real pricks about the review this year so like you know really lean into reading the standards and shit just so people because then nobody would have had anything to complain about the issue is now there's two issues one we've been asking for it for whatever 10 years and it never happened and then suddenly it happened all at once and people are like oh but you didn't do this last time um and then the other issue is it's people that people know and like like like i said nobody's nobody's like up in arms about the person
Starting point is 00:13:43 who took you know page some end is page men's's place or Kelsey Keel's place that got knocked back out. Is Paige Semenza out? Is Paige Semenza out? Paige Powers, sorry, Paige Powers. They're not complaining about, you know, it's all I've, all I've heard is games athletes are missing out and we need to let them redo the workouts. And it's like, what? Like, that's not fair. Like you can't just because they're a games athlete what about the person that's taking their place like that's not fair to do that so i think if it wasn't you know like
Starting point is 00:14:13 big names no one would give a fuck it's only because it's big names that everyone's getting so pissed off about it so it's emotional and that that means it's emotional i would also like to say this and we'll talk about this on tonight's show at 6.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time for the CrossFit Games Update show and the finalizing of the leaderboard, which I believe happens tonight at 5 p.m. Andrew Hiller brought up a very good analogy. His analogy was, look, you think – look if CrossFit is the purveyors of the – they build racetracks for all the top races in the world right so they build these racetracks and they build these racetracks and then all of a sudden they build a new racetrack and they put a turn in corner seven and all of a sudden there's more crashes than there's been every year okay it's the driver's fault because they didn't slow down but as the specialists in building racetracks and making workouts did they not foresee this also the one other weird thing we'll get into this tonight, too, is there is no judge out there, it feels like, that can judge.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Like, all the judges got torn up. Daniel Wayne, should people, and I know you're going to push back and say, well, 35% of the people made it without any problems. Yeah, or 65% of the people made it without any problems. But when the number's that high, it makes you start to wonder if those videos were even looked at. Daniel Wynn, should people who hire professional judges that got penalties ask for refunds? Abso-fucking-lutely. Last year is how we did it this year. And seeing that a large number, an overwhelming majority, did it, and we reviewed their videos and didn't have any issues,
Starting point is 00:15:45 um, making any changes or doing anything different midstream to, to, um, deviate from the plan as expected. And as, um, was put in place well before the season started would be a disservice to all the other athletes. And so, for example, one thing that a number of people said is, well, why don't you let athletes really do the workout? Or why don't you have everyone do the workout over because you couldn't really fairly judge the step up? Had that number been flipped, had it been only 40% of the videos, people were okay. And over 60% people did them incorrectly. I think then we'd have more of a case for doing something like that. more of a case for doing something like that. But with the percentage falling where it is and with the number of videos that didn't have issues getting signed off on, again, over 65%,
Starting point is 00:16:31 I see a scenario, and that being similar and consistent to with how we did video submissions last year and around what the percentage were around penalties, I see that staying the course and not making any midstream changes is the appropriate path forward so uh pedro if they would have left would you can you see a world where they let the athletes do the workout again no suza can you see a world where they let the athletes do the workout again no if 100 people eat at a restaurant and two of them get sick do you blame the food hmm uh um chase um do you see a world where they would let the athletes redo the workout that will just create more problems this is kicking the can down the road i agree i think it would make a mockery of the whole then it would be a true fucking shit show and then all
Starting point is 00:17:24 the people that said dave caters to the super athletes and the runnings and all that then they would be right yeah yeah yeah when you ejaculate early you have to wait you have to wait people get let down and you have to wait. Oh, I mean, there's workarounds, but not in my house. That being said, I did. And we did as a team think about it and discuss,
Starting point is 00:17:53 is there something we should do in this situation? And, um, uh, we are not. And I think the numbers support, think of next season is just until next season, just a giant refractory period,
Starting point is 00:18:03 go to the fridge, get something to eat. You know what I'm saying? All that being said, big picture. Is this the right way to do it next year or in future years? I believe no. And so rewind.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yep. Is this the right way to do it next year or in future years? I believe no. And so, will the system evolve and will we handle online competitions, which frankly are not going anywhere in a different way? Probably. For example, requiring angles for some of these videos and some of these movements where we have in the past and didn't this year probably could have helped clear some of this up. Maybe there's a scenario where empowering judges, let me even back up to what I just said, help clearing some of this up to set the athlete up for success with their video submission. So what they're doing on scene and what their judge is seeing on scene is exactly what our team is able to see and, and, um, judge off of. Also encouraging placement of judges.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I don't find that solution promising. I was hoping to hear something different. Uh, when he said something will be different, I was hoping something like just let the judges have the final word. And if you make it through, we'll, we'll fucking really work them at semi-finals or something oh did you like that solution we'll add a camera angle requirement chase this goes along with what pedro's saying earlier is that establishing a camera angle of where they will be viewing from to establish the guidelines of how they're going to judge
Starting point is 00:19:42 so yes that is a solution that can help the issue that they're currently dealing with because they're watching a hundred different videos shot in a hundred different ways, which adds to the problem for the online judging team. But also the part where it's like, set your camera up like this, do your movements like this. This is something that should come along
Starting point is 00:19:59 with the workout description. They show you the flow of the workout, how it's supposed to be done. At the end of that video, this is how you should move from this camera angle. And this is all the things that we're looking for. And if you do not meet these requirements, this is what's going to happen to you. That by itself alone can help a lot of problems that they're currently dealing with. Uh, uh, Sousa, what did you just hear him say? I just heard him say, we're going to start hearing complaints about now I need a full production studio. What if I don't have cameras? How are you going to compile that to
Starting point is 00:20:29 view both angles if there's two angles? So like, I think online competitions are always just going to have their natural limitations. I think we're reached a ceiling about what could be done when you have clear cut dry reps, like you're on this side of the box, the reps ends on this side of the box. You know, you have to find more movements like that. And I just think this is a limiting way to compete, and we're seeing the limitations of it. So you agree with the Hiller metaphor. Hey, don't put crazy turns on the racetrack on virtual tests. Yeah, I mean, if this would have been a box step over,
Starting point is 00:21:03 we wouldn't be having a conversation. Pedro, what are you hearing Dave saying saying do you like it or dislike it or do you or whatever you want to say about it um yeah it's just kind of like you're one of the complaints people had last year was about the floor plans and that there was too much this and too much that and then if you like what it sounds like there is that it's going to be even more because it's like your judge has to be here but the camera has to be here but you need more than one angle presumably um which is just going to make it it's just another thing for people to complain unless you use that you know that insta 360 camera you know it's like the orb i don't know how i don't know how they're going to do it but like he said online competitions aren't going anywhere you're
Starting point is 00:21:44 just always going to have these problems with online competitions. Like just always, there's always going to be, unless you just stick to the same, whatever, like 10, 12 tried and tested movements for consistency, you're always going to have problems with a new movement, something someone doesn't understand, some bullshit like keeping your head down or up or whatever, there's always going to be something that causes a problem. Is there one movement that's been like, is there
Starting point is 00:22:11 one foul, is it one thing that most people haven't been doing like 50% of the penalties are because someone was chewing gum and you weren't allowed to? Is there something like that? Yeah. We've heard it's the soft knees on the step up at the top of the box okay so that's the big problem and then is that hard to see in video also like
Starting point is 00:22:31 something like you like is that a problem or it's just that they admit they don't they didn't have they had soft knees but it was never clear any video i've seen it's been pretty clear okay back to the show during these in a different position etc and or getting to an environment where frankly in the future maybe the video review process isn't doing what it is now maybe we are taking ourselves completely out of the video review process um and empowering the judges and equipping them so i I jumped the gun. Now we're talking. Come to my house, bro. They call me bro.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Rip CrossFit certified judge. He passes everybody better and more and equipping them to actually make the call where we are not coming in and overseeing. Or you could come to California and you'll be judged based on your ethnicity. So those are things we're considering. I'm not saying they're happening, but they're definitely things I'm thinking about. And they're definitely things we're going to look at. And even requiring a third party judge.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And what I mean by that is nothing formal like a third party organization, but something like, hey, you can't have your significant other or your camp or your gym mates judge you. And maybe it is someone from, from down the street, call it another affiliate owner or something like that. Or the rules to get behind this.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Or what about a swapping? All the mayhem athletes go to HWPO. All the HWPO athletes go to man. Oh man. The lesson learned from this, I think is we definitely need to review the system and how we're doing it going forward. But at this time, I don't think we need to throw a grenade into how we did it this year,
Starting point is 00:24:10 because it was understood going in this year, this was the system we're going to use. And we had the judges, the review process in place, and we collect a video and then we review it and then we assign penalties. And, and again, an overwhelming majority of people who did submit videos and did the workout didn't receive any penalties. So there was some aspect of it that is and was, is working. It's interesting. Cause I was talking to, I had a call with A-Rod a couple of weeks ago. Jesus. For those of you who don't know who A-Rod is,
Starting point is 00:24:40 we'll talk about that in a second. let's talk about a rod i think yeah the one that had like the 500 million dollar baseball contract 10 years ago just casually yeah yeah yeah hey um uh i want to talk about uh pedro uh dave castro's psychological profile what is he presenting what do you think he's presenting here? Is he happy? Is he stressed? Is he angry? Is he chill? What do you see him as he talks about the hiccup that's being presented by the media
Starting point is 00:25:13 regarding the turn of events at Court of Vowels? What do you see when you see Dave Castro? He seems to be choosing his words very carefully. There's a lot of pauses and he's pausing mid-sentence. Throughout that whole thing he was pausing a lot like mid-sentence like he was i don't know not afraid of saying the wrong thing but he wanted to get the thing he was saying exactly right um he i don't know like to be honest he he okay he says that it's going to be different
Starting point is 00:25:43 um next year he says online competition isn't going anywhere um he said it's going to be different um next year he says online competition isn't going anywhere um he said it's going to change outside of that he doesn't really say much like the so the stuff he says at the end there amounts to kind of nothing it's like spitballing or we'll equip judges and it's like well outside of the judges course that you've charged people to do and outside of the standards that you gave people, how do you equip them more than you've equipped them? You need to change the system then. You know what I mean? I just don't get...
Starting point is 00:26:11 There's just kind of no substance to those kind of ideas that he's throwing around. Or we'll get third party. How the fuck do you police that? That person doesn't actually train at my gym. I've never met them before. I used to fuck her, but I don't anymore. She's my ex.
Starting point is 00:26:26 She actually hates me. Yeah, she dumped me because I came early every time. But that's not a problem in my house. Thank you. So yeah, I don't know. I'd say it's been a fucking stressful week. I'd say there's been a lot of arguments and a lot of like, I'd say they got a shit ton. Out the nose.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Huh, Chase? Out the nose. That's great. You can't say stuff like that in the middle of me taking a sip of water. But yeah, I don't know. He doesn't seem stressed, but I'd say he's pretty difficult to ascertain whether he's stressed or not considering the life he's had. Oh, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:27:02 You mean in context of going overseas um fighting people to the death so that we can drink getting shot out is probably a bit more stressful than will fucking bennett dropping a comment on a video right well so we can sit around um uh in our plush houses doing podcasts at 12 30 while the rest of the world's working i understand um okay uh boys that's that is very interesting what pedro said unfortunately i was really liking until hearing pedro's response he really he hasn't he seems calm to me but he really hasn't said anything right suza i think i think there's two things i think he's probably a little anxious about what the future of like online competition holds in terms of integrity of judgment like
Starting point is 00:27:40 obviously he's kind of grasping at straws like we could try this we could try this and then he circles back around he's like but none of those would be that great and then i think he probably likes it a little bit in terms of like them kind of drawing the line line in the sand so to speak with the judging this year like hey it's but don't don't worry or don't think we're we're gonna um we're not taking a step back he's not taking a step back from the line he's holding the line exactly and and, there has to always be online competition because the Open's an online virtual competition, right? It's a necessary thing that
Starting point is 00:28:10 we have right now. And the Open, as we tout, is the most, the highest participatory event in the world that people can volunteer and sign up for. And it's becoming more community-oriented, which is fine if that's where we're in the Open. And we said the quarterfinals is that qualifying stage that they have to figure out and they're trying their best to and i think what dave is or isn't saying
Starting point is 00:28:29 i would say is there's nothing beneficial to him to come out and be like this is the new plan or give like real answers of what the change would be none of that would be beneficial right now and i would argue create more problems than what the current situation is i think it's almost best to be vague as far as concepts and we'll work on this or this isn't probably the best that we can do better but if he comes out as like these are all the things we could have done or or should have done and then people like well then why didn't you i think that would just cause more problems right now so i think he's riding the line as he should for where we are in this the situation and stage the season. Adding on to what Chase is saying,
Starting point is 00:29:09 if it wasn't the lowest barrier of entry, if it didn't have the online open, if it didn't have the largest participation in the world, we also couldn't say it's the fittest. And that's what kind of sets us apart. I firmly believe that the best basketball team in the world will never know what that is because they'll never let it get put together. Same with the NFL, same with
Starting point is 00:29:26 the Olympics. There's just so many fucking boundaries to jump over and hurdles to overcome that we just sort of accept it under the guidelines of how that operation works and picks those teams and those athletes to compete in front of us. But that is the marvelous thing about CrossFit. You can just go
Starting point is 00:29:41 on the internet, pay your 20 bucks and get at it about um a project that that we were discussing working on and um and was is working it's interesting because i was talking to i had a call with a rod a couple weeks ago about um a project that a rod uh a rod i think that's a alex rodriguez i think he used to bang Jennifer Lopez. I think his trainer also was Andrea a girl at one point. I think he's a CrossFitter American former professional baseball shortstop third baseman businessman philanthropist. I want to say when he signed with that team It was the first time that they ever said that a player was forming a partnership with the team because his contract was so massive um damn he also was at water palooza last year yeah he was the first
Starting point is 00:30:34 18 year old major league player uh in 10 years the youngest position player in seattle history the most recent player to appear in the MLB game at the age of 18. Um, I'm going to see if I can find the numbers on his contract. I just remember at the time they were absolutely insane. Maybe someone, maybe Ken Walters will tell us. Um, anyway,
Starting point is 00:30:56 uh, crazy famous American, uh, baseball player. I remember when he, it used to, when people used to talk about like, they could,
Starting point is 00:31:03 they would put them, uh, with with Michael Jordan. Yeah. They'd be like, A-Rod, Michael Jordan. He was one of those guys. All right. So Dave's hobnobbing with A-Rod that we were discussing working on. And one of the things he mentioned was – he talked about how long he was in baseball and he talked about the sport and he's a big fan of CrossFit, he CrossFit, and how it's in its early stages of development and how young it is.
Starting point is 00:31:32 And I really appreciated hearing that, and especially someone from the real pro sports like baseball has been around for centuries, acknowledging that this is a completely, this is a young sport and a developing sport, even though we've been doing this for 15, 20 years. And I think oftentimes people expect things and systems and the way we do things to be so rigid and fixed and figured out and final, rather than understanding we are all learning too from all of this as we go on, because, you know, we've been around for 20 years almost, and that is pretty young. And there is a lot to learn and a lot to do different. And we've changed course often. You got to remember too, the quarterfinals, this stage is rather new. It's only been around for a few years in this, in the spectrum of the CrossFit Games existence.
Starting point is 00:32:19 So tons of learning around the quarterfinals and around the way we do it. And I'm incredibly sorry for the athletes who I feel for them who are not advancing or who had a penalty. But at the end of the day, we had these rules. We had the system put in place. And again, a large amount of athletes were able to buy that system, buy those rules and buy the requirements, able to do this without any issue. And so we have a large cohort of people advancing to the semifinals. And I believe firmly that it's the right people advancing
Starting point is 00:32:53 to the semifinals based off the rules of this sport. And our team did a really good job, all the people on the judging team from Boz down, and all the people who helped out with the video review of saying fair and not taking into consideration. I've heard allegations that there's some unfairness going on or that they're targeting people. That is not how we operate. That's not how I operate. That is not how our team operates. They did a good job of being fair across all of these situations. And ones that did escalate. And especially as they escalated to major penalties and or people appealed, there were multiple eyes and multiple people who took a look at the videos and confirmed the calls by the team. So, Will, to wrap this up, I appreciate your note.
Starting point is 00:33:40 I appreciate your comment. No, I appreciate your comment. And the best thing I can say at this point is, you know, don't get discouraged. Keep fighting. Keep training for the next comp and for the next year. And see you back at the semifinals next year and or however it looks and see you on the leaderboard for sure. Daniel Nguyen, what sets CrossFit apart from all other professional sports?
Starting point is 00:34:03 They are about entertainment, but CrossFit is about fitness. Not the games. We're not talking about CrossFit. So you don't agree with that? I think we're talking about the CrossFit games, which is entertainment.
Starting point is 00:34:27 You agree with that, Sousa? Yep, 100%. Pedro? Yeah. Is that the way it should be? At that level, it is. Yeah. I mean, they don't operate...
Starting point is 00:34:36 It's a giant marketing campaign of what's possible for human perfection, but it's entertainment. It's the CrossFit Games. The word is in the freaking name.. It's a game where you are. These athletes are incredible at what they do, but they're still playing a game. Like it's not CrossFit. CrossFit is not the CrossFit games. They are two totally separate things. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:56 We are finding the fittest people on earth through a competition, but it's not the methodology itself that we are like that. We are all tied to. Speaking of games, it's the newest and greatest itself that we are like that. We are all tied to. Speaking of games, the newest and greatest show that everyone's talking about found on get with the programming cross jeopardy Wednesdays at the next episode will be Friday. Gosh,
Starting point is 00:35:20 I don't know. It's in two weeks. Great job chase into it's so secretive. questions, that we don't even want to tell you when the show is going to be on. Or is it the answers? I don't know how Jeopardy works. We're still trying to figure out how the show works. Great show. Everyone loves it. Check it out on Get With The Programming.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Also, Around the Whiteboard with Coffee Pods and Wads where Pedro pretends to have a talk show but just flexes his muscle and beats up on the guest always fun okay here we go all right just sorry on that last little bit yeah yeah yeah please please i'm sorry i should have given you more time sorry go ahead two well one kind of interesting thing and then one i'm joking but maybe i'm not joking so uh he said that there's no agenda no like that they don't target um like part of me half seriously half like 70 joking 80 joking 20 serious things that they fucked the afj
Starting point is 00:36:18 that they just like targeted athletes that they had that they knew that they were being judged by and then through like velner and he in and proven in as like we need to like disguise it a bit like nobody ever was after velner let's go after him then they'll know that we're not and then like oh someone like oh should we go after taylor no no that's too obvious that's too obvious if we go after taylor stuff it's too obvious um but the other thing no no they didn't go after taylor because i'm friends with dave yeah oh yeah true true um the other thing that he actually said they didn't go after Taylor because I'm friends with Dave oh yeah true true the other thing that he said that was interesting was maybe I'm reading too much into it but he said like see you at
Starting point is 00:36:51 before he said see you in the leaderboard I can't remember the wording but he's like see you in quarterfinals, semifinals whatever that looks like keep working hard young man there's next year but it sounds like the system could even just entirely change by next year because he's like semiffinals or whatever that looks like or he said something along those lines as if semi-finals wasn't a given for 2025 that it could be something different
Starting point is 00:37:12 semi-finals are in person that's the thing that goes on in carson and knoxville and the french throwdown right yeah but he's the way he said it made me think like shit maybe the whole thing whole kit and caboodle is going to change from the open onwards. Hey, I personally think it's going to change a fuck ton. I think that they have to make the open matter again. Open straight to the games. I mean, I'd pick the winner. I'd fucking pick the winner of the open, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I'd at least make that dude just be like, you won it, that dude and that chick. Why not? Do you have any problems with that, Chase? As long as it's programmed appropriately and judged fairly. All right. Isn't that what Greg always said? Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Five weeks to the open, send him the games. Five weeks. Like no games. He said, do the open and crown him. Yeah. That weeks. Like, no games. You just do the open and crown them. Yeah. That's Sousa. That's Sousa. Sousa would love that.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Just fuck the podcast. That would completely fuck us. No, we would own it. You're looking at it all wrong, buddy. All right. I know. You got to work with my – You've been lagging on my mental coaching, Sousa. I blame you. Sorry. Okay, here we go. I know. You've got to work with my – you've been lagging on my mental coaching,
Starting point is 00:38:25 Susan. I blame you. Sorry. Okay. Here we go. Move on. At Chuck8149, I'm a 52-year-old CrossFitter, top 10%. I think you guys nailed the programming for quarters this year.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Something there for everyone. But what's up with the 55-plus scaling of the workouts? At 70% loading and lower skill, these workouts don't seem to reward the same fitness levels as a 16-to-54 workout. Looks like the lower-skilled and lower-strength athletes – like seem to reward the same fitness levels as a 16 to 54 workout. Looks like the lower skilled and lower strength athletes, like me, by the way, that's what he said, that may have struggled a bit with the 16 to 54 test will benefit from aging up. Is that the intent? The intent is as you age.
Starting point is 00:38:57 That guy's out of his fucking mind. Is he saying, didn't up to 55 have to use the same weights as everyone else uh 54 yes yeah fuck that i can't wait oh i think he's saying like this the drop off was way too drastic like i don't think it's soon enough i think they should have dropped it like for fit for my my cohort why didn't you just do what bill grunner did and just say fuck it i'm doing the orx anyway i don't qualify what fucking bill with a zero wait wait you don't think that that guy was i think that guy was saying it's too easy yes yeah yeah yeah i think he's out of his i think he's out of his mind what
Starting point is 00:39:42 do you think before Dave answers? I didn't look at the scaling options, but like... I didn't look at the scaling options. Drop off is too much. It is? What's it go to? What did the thrusters go from? 95 to what? I think they were like 65 and 95 in the open. Yeah, that's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Like jumping pull-ups and... I mean, skipping chest to bar i don't know what it was ask you need bill for this part because he'll just like go off that it's way too easy damn but bill's you know he's a unicorn uh ruben pussy uh rub oh sorry sorry uh i was never good with my vowel pronunciation Rubbin pussy Rubbin pussy Savon what would the transgender weights be Something just I don't know depends on which way you're going
Starting point is 00:40:32 But I think That the I can't wait till the weights Go down a little bit god I hope I don't get any Weaker If it's transgender weights it'd either be no bar Or there'd be No that analogy is falling apart really quickly. I'm with Seth on this.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Just get rid of all of them. There's just an open division. That's it. Wow. Old school. Okay. Okay. I'm okay with that too.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Seeker swim. Yep. I'm okay with that too. Actually, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with athletes like me, by the way. That's what he said. That may have struggled a bit with the 16 to 54 test will benefit from aging up. Is that the intent?
Starting point is 00:41:07 The intent is as you age, obviously there's capacities that are lost. And so we then change some of the loading and the movements to compensate for that. We probably need to reassess the thresholds for where we're doing that because the limits of what people are potentially are limits of people's potential through CrossFit and through what we
Starting point is 00:41:28 can do that we've been doing this for a long time are being pushed further and further. So we will take a look at that in the off season and see if our scales are appropriate or not. At Avera9636, Dave, happy to see CrossFit is holding elite standards to movement, elite athletes to movement standards and quarterfinals. That said, I think it is apparent the online qualifier quarterfinals is not an appropriate or sustainable arena for advancing athletes with realistic chances or proven ability to compete at semifinal games level. CrossFit is at a crossroads, continue to embrace and include the majority who play bills,
Starting point is 00:41:53 pay the bills for the elite few who ultimately advances semifinals games. I look forward to see what solution CrossFit arrives at for next season. This guy's out of his fucking mind too. It's not sustainable. Of course it's sustainable. They could keep this practice going forever. Dave could come on here and be like, mind too. It's not sustainable. Of course it's sustainable. They could keep this practice going forever. Dave could come on here and be like, fuck you, it's fine, quit being pussies, move better.
Starting point is 00:42:11 And we'd all be like, okay. I mean, not sustainable. Dave already said it can be improved on, but it's sustainable, right? Yeah. I totally disagree with this take. Yeah, no one's quitting if they're like, sorry, we're
Starting point is 00:42:25 doing the same thing next year no pedro no yeah i agree it's also like remember how you know years ago at the games if you looked at the weights and stuff for being used in the games and you look at it now and you look at the progress over time surely that transfers over into ages as well like as the people get older they have more capacity because then then they that similar age cohort would have had 10 years ago five years ago whatever um so i don't know it's i don't know that guy just doesn't want to lift god i don't want to say something crazy here okay i was like should i go before yeah yeah yeah yeah actually if you're gonna go get my kids do you yeah i do okay love you buddy i'll exit stage left thanks guys it's just like when greg did floyd 19 people are like he's gotta sell no he doesn't
Starting point is 00:43:18 like fuck you bye like who cares if 3 000 affiliates left so what whatever buh-bye we would have kept the good ones not a good affiliate would have left buh-bye buh-bye yeah I was just literally talking about all of that stuff there will be a different solution next season
Starting point is 00:43:41 at Ben Tanner 8797 thanks for these videos they're a lot of fun to watch. Does he know the solution already, Sousa? Sounds like it. Oh, for sure, Dave. Yeah, for sure. He probably, you know what? Knowing Dave, he'll probably have like 90% of it done,
Starting point is 00:43:55 but not all the details worked out. So then that gives him permission to say, yeah, we know the direction we're heading, but we're not. We haven't quite landed on it yet. Let me put on my tinfoil hat. You ready? Yeah. I love it. He's known that there's going to be big changes coming and he's loving this because if next year when he makes the big changes it can look like the changes were made because of the pressure and so people can't their complaints won't hold as much water so like
Starting point is 00:44:26 let's just say I'm just making this up but let's say next year just goes from the open to the games fix your problem never no more quarter finals problems and people will be getting pissed but what same as when they offloaded the adaptive games and the age groups like what
Starting point is 00:44:47 you said you could do better yourself off you go there you go yeah it's almost i wonder if boz programmed it as box step overs and dave was like no make it step ups i have a plan i got an idea we're gonna fuck him up joking not joking watch training question if you you were to go back with the knowledge you have now across it, how would you train for buds? Would you do anything different? I would do more intensity. I ran a lot. I did a lot of body weight stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Clearly swam a lot. I would swim a lot. Swimming was my weakness in buds. But I would do a lot more of those things with intensity rather than long, slow distance. And I wouldn't incorporate lightweight training. I wouldn't go too heavy on weight training, mainly body weight, running and swimming.
Starting point is 00:45:25 But those elements in interval style or with more intensity throughout. At Craig Howard. Let me ask you a training question here, Sousa. So you could say that, right? Let's say you go to Bud's and you realize like, hey, let's say you work up to Bud's and you have a 400-pound back squat when you go there. You have a 400-pound deadlift. You have a fucking 200-pound press at 175 pounds or 180 pounds. You're just a fucking strong dude.
Starting point is 00:45:47 You know what I mean? You have 32 strict pull-ups, 55 kipping pull-ups. You're a beast, right? You got a fucking five-and-a-half-minute mile. And then you get to Bud's, and you realize, oh, I didn't – it would have been better if I – I didn't need any of that strength. And so maybe i should have trained different but let me throw this wrench in the system maybe that was just a hedge
Starting point is 00:46:09 maybe it is better to go in there uh a little bigger and a little stronger because you're gonna lose you're gonna lose it anyway you know what i mean you're going to there's a there's kind of a um a malnour, I think, to military training. Right. There's a like, hey, I mean, you see the guys, they get really skinny. Right. Some of those guys. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, we even see it happen in the fire academies. with the perfect training to pass, but also so you have a hedge so that your back squat only goes down to 350. Your deadlift only goes down to 350. Instead of going in there with a 515 mile, but only 300 pound back squat and a 300 pound deadlift.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Didn't Fraser say that about the games for years, that he always went in heavy and other people went in in perfect condition and then they fell apart and he was able to keep going to the end. And like, that was his template for a success kind of. Yeah. I do remember him saying that,
Starting point is 00:47:16 you know, I mean, obviously I've never gone through buds, but I think from like the stuff that I've, I've heard and I've watched and I've like studying things. Yeah. You want to go in with a little bit of hedge, of course, of course.
Starting point is 00:47:25 But I think you're better off just focusing on making sure you could handle the monotony and the volume of what's going to come. So I would focus more on like progressively uploading my volume a little bit. And then I would taper it down, you know, and get a little bit like bigger, I guess, as you would say, before I'd go in. Gotcha. But either way those tests are mental they're not really physical they always say that the people that come in all
Starting point is 00:47:48 physically fit like the person that can make it to regionals at the games goes into buds is one of the first people out and the dude who showed up that just looked all raggedy and skinny but just had a much stronger purpose to get through it ends up completing it so it's hard to say oh let's look renee pape uh why can't crossFit just hire someone who is a former athlete to actually put together the workouts with the description standards? Seemed like they would have a better perspective than some random. Oh, I have an answer for that. I have an answer for that, too.
Starting point is 00:48:15 First of all, I want to say they're not just picking some random, but go ahead. So Steve Fawcett, multi-year games athlete, individual team, coached at HWPO, coached JST for years. He writes the workouts for qualifiers for the Graft events in the UK. And every time he put up a story the other day saying every time he writes a workout for a qualifier, he sends it to Rich Hornsey, the guy that owns the company. And he writes back saying can't do that movement because it's just gonna be such a nightmare to judge so like steve fossan has years of coaching and athlete experience and still puts in movements that this guy as a someone who organizes judges for his competition knows that's going to cause an argument just take that movement out replace with something easier to judge so it's not about being an athlete or not being an athlete yeah i I don't think being an athlete matters at all.
Starting point is 00:49:05 It might even make it worse. Yep, I agree with what you said. Fantastic quarterfinal. 41 athletes at Diablo participated from start to finish and loved the experience, even if some could not do some of the movements or load. Our community came out to cheer and support, creating more fans and more engagement
Starting point is 00:49:17 for all levels of the CrossFit Games competition. Thank you to you and your team, especially Angel. Thanks, Greg. Thanks for everything you do as an affiliate owner and a longtime affiliate owner and a long-time affiliate owner and fostering that community you have up there in the East Bay because you guys have something special
Starting point is 00:49:32 going on out there and a lot of other affiliates in the East Bay. There's a lot of good affiliates out there. How do you know Caleb Slurp? Aren't you an affiliate in the East Bay? Not recognized by CrossFit HQ. Oh, okay. But you pay your affiliate fees, though, for the last 10 years.
Starting point is 00:49:50 All right. Thanks for that note, Craig. At Nickel Plate Fitness, isn't safety inherent in how we do everything in CrossFit? In our limited experience, injuries occur when one encounters something in which one is ill-prepared. Isn't safety inherent in how we do everything in CrossFit? Safety is inherent in how we do everything in CrossFit? Safety is inherent in how we do everything in CrossFit if taught properly and if overseen
Starting point is 00:50:07 with the right rigor and right coaching and right attention to the movement. Here's the thing with CrossFit. These are complex movements. They are multi-joint. They are compound. They are not sitting in a machine doing leg extension or bicep curls. They're not single joint movement. Because of the nature of that, because they are complex movements and full body movement,
Starting point is 00:50:23 movement because of the nature of that, because they are complex movements and full body movement, they require proper teaching and then proper follow-up and, and coaching to what was just taught to be performed effectively. And so in an environment where it's taught correctly, and then there's some follow-up and some further coaching and then executed in the right way and executed in the right way, consistently mechanics, consistency, intensity, and then intensity. Yeah, it's completely safe clearly. And, but that's the thing it's safe when done and taught and it's safe when the foundations are laid in the right order at michael x 17 so that guy was just making a comment there was no question there what's that that was just a what was that wasn't a question that was just a comment and then then Dave agreed? Yeah, it sounded like it.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Alright. Judy Yudkin. $5. $5. $5. Thank you. Alright, here we go. Patrick, hi. What's up, dude? Also with Dave, for the games it has to be visibly appealing.
Starting point is 00:51:22 You have an excellent point. Yep, it does. Julie Jones. Hi. Why can't CrossFit reinstate games it has to be visibly appealing you have a good excellent point yep uh julie jones hi well i can't crossfit reinstate having video standards that include possible no reps they used to do that with open workouts if cf is testing the workouts they can see the potential uh no reps i mean it would help it would help a very simple way to do that is to just get a room full of 30 people and be like, do this workout and watch where everyone fucks it up. And they would have seen it would have been the step ups. And then they could have been like, OK, this is going to be the problem for the masses. Great point.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Thank you, Julie. OK, here we go. The key chain and EVO today. Thanks for the support. You can get some key chains, leather key chains that I make by hand and extra virgin olive oil at DMS one zero. That is locally sourced. I'm not, people have asked me, am I growing the olive oil on the ranch? I'm not growing the olive oil on the ranch. I have a good friend
Starting point is 00:52:11 about 20 minutes away who has an orchard, olive oil orchard, and we work together and it's his oil that I'm packaging and setting up and shipping. It might as well be on the ranch. The elephant in the room is a beautiful description of nutrition in the journal and the horrific nutrition within the walls of a box. He lead and non-elite. ranch. It's so fucking close. At DMS1010, the elephant in the room is a beautiful description of nutrition in the journal and the horrific nutrition within the walls of a box, elite and non-elite. Yeah, it's a problem. Nutrition in our community is a problem, and I think we need to get in front of it. Nutrition is a problem in the United States. Broader.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Broader. That's like the United States too. That was a rough shot there, huh, buddy? All the wrong bike oh shit um nutrition nutrition's a problem uh everywhere and relative to the rest of the world it is not a problem in crossfit i just want to say that and but i do agree with what he's saying but we have to hold ourselves to a really high standard. Um, but, uh, it's so deep. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I'm panicking. You can't go. Um, uh, yeah. So, so, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:17 feel the pressure, feel the social pressure. And, um, but it's a problem, but it, but not relative to, um, it's, it's, it's like, yeah, not relative.
Starting point is 00:53:29 I mean, like it's not relative to the masses. I mean, just like when I hang out with my CrossFit friends, I forget what the real world looks like. You want to know what the real world looks like? Go to Costco. I go there once every like four years. It's fucking crazy. Face is on the way there right now.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Hey, one other thing that I find interesting. Standby. Standby. Here's something that Sousa thinks is interesting. Standby. Hi, babe. I'm live on the air. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I'm on my way home. Okay. The kids are just free range in the house. Oh, great. All right. Love you. Bye. Love you.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Bye. Something you find interesting that Grace. No, no, no. Not Grace. I was saying grace is actually just leaving to go to costco but one thing that i find interesting is outside of and maybe you correct me if i'm wrong here sebon but outside of the meals that used to show up uh on main site like uh well probably four years ago i don't think there's anything been any big push outside in in crossfit hq to the affiliates or anything to
Starting point is 00:54:26 the community at large in terms of nutrition i don't think hq has ever done a company a corporate wide uh affiliate wide sorry affiliate wide third third's a charm uh nutrition competition there's there's been nothing which is just never because and there should actually look at the base of here uh the pyramid of training right sports at the top but what crossfit has done over the years is flipped it and like if you look at it from the outside in sports actually the main thing that it's focused on and you don't see anything of nutrition really yeah it's a good point uh listen that's a great idea for a show someone said cross costco and and um hawaii is the worst. Costco, Hawaii, the worst.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I would know. I'd put it up against, like, Oakland or Vallejo. I don't know if they have one in Baltimore. I bet you that one is a fucking shit show. But wouldn't that be fun, like, just to, like, give a $100,000 prize for video submissions of just the worst, the fucking most vile representations of humanity, but you can only pick your contestants out of a Costco. Sponsored by Costco. Costco Memphis.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Oh, that must be crazy, dude. I get my palette of mayo here. My goodness. Okay, here we go. A really good job of continuing to educate sound and solid principles for all levels. I was in Colorado last week for a couple of days. We had some meetings. Those went well. While there, we dropped into a workout. I overscaled. It was 10 down to one of a push press at 155 and then row 250 meters. So 10 push press row nine, all the way down to
Starting point is 00:56:01 one. I scaled down to 95. I really probably should have used 135. As I got to rounds four, three, two. At four, I started adding weight, and by the last final rounds, I was at 135. Did you see that? There was just a bird in his office. Yeah, I saw that. Nine, all the way down to one. I scaled down to 95.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I really probably should have used 135. As I got to rounds four, three, two. At four, I started adding weight, and by the last final round, I was at 135. So that's an example of overscaling, and I should have used a little more weight. I had a shooting competition last Saturday. Should a bird be able to sneak in on a seal like that? I heard it's a perishing skill. Dave needs to brush up.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Damn. In Sacramento, there's about 40 people there. I took third. I was happy about that. Long-range rimfire competition. Semi-final tickets. Make sure about 40 people there. I took third. I was happy about that. Long-range rimfire competition. Semi-final tickets. Make sure you get your tickets. Go check out some of the events. I'll be trying to go to a large number of them, so I'm
Starting point is 00:56:52 excited about that. The Sebon podcast will be at both North American semi-finals. If you were sitting on the edge, now you know you should go. Murph Challenge is coming up. So check out their website, check out our site and,
Starting point is 00:57:09 uh, Murph coming up soon. So it'll be a good time. All right. Thanks everyone for tuning in. Talk to you guys next week. Uh, Judy Yudkin,
Starting point is 00:57:18 uh, HQ did not address those who used AFJ judge yet. Still got penalty. I mean, they're not, they're not affiliated with the afj are they yeah why would they address yeah i don't know why they wouldn't we'll address it today though on the show sounds like you need a refund uh we'll address all of that stuff and uh we won't be doing it tactfully. We'll be using a blunt, blunt floor, blunt force. Savon is too afraid to travel to Knoxville, though.
Starting point is 00:58:02 It's so deep. You can see how deep it is oh my goodness listen if they were if they were two weeks apart i might consider driving there oh my gosh can you imagine how much more dangerous it is to drive there too than fly yeah i'm like one of those idiots that like got the covet shot even though like i know you need four comorbidities and fucking like be over the age of 82 um i'd still rather drive it fuck anyway uh pedro any final words on what you saw the dave castro present to the community in his weekly review weekend review i thought it was uh like fine um you know chase is right that it will be stupid for him to come out and say oh i know you guys aren't happy about quarterfinals but here's what we're doing next
Starting point is 00:58:56 year and mike pulls out a flip chart it'd be ridiculous um but he did i think there's little nuggets there to pick from like the fact that kind of the sign off with the guy will saying like semifinals or whatever that's going to look like. That kind of makes me think that it's just a total revamp coming again. You know, which might not necessarily be a bad thing. Might not necessarily be a good thing either. But I mean, change is fun, right? It gives us all something to talk about.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Any final words, Sousa? No, that's it. I'm excited to see what next season is going to look like because I think with Pedro, I think he dropped a ton of little hints in there that's alluding to some sort of big change coming up. Pool Boy, dude, I'll drive you. Fuck, let's go. I'll keep my shirt off. I swear to God. I'm like 10%. If I was only 1% going, I'm like 11% now. I'm like 10%. If I was only 1% going, I'm like 11% now.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Don't go with Pool Boy. He'll try to show you his dick. I don't care. That's not a dick. That's an egg plant. Oh. I'm fine with that. I used to send people eggplants all the time. I stopped because I had
Starting point is 01:00:01 my last three months of working at crossfit i stopped doing that egg planting yeah do you mean the you sent him the emoji or you sent him no i would just send the emoji just i would just send the emoji hr got a hold of like like a no no context yeah like out of them no i would like i would just use it like some people say, let's go. Mine was just like, big dick, big D. By the way, if you haven't bought Matuthian yet,
Starting point is 01:00:36 it's your loss. Toothpowder is the way. Stop using fluoride. Once you use toothpowder, you won't go back. It's just a fact. Get your CEO shirts. Advindicate. Saturday show is going to be
Starting point is 01:00:54 at 10 a.m. Kill Taylor. We will watch Taylor obliterate the field once again. We'll watch. This will be the first week we see people crying because they didn't get in. Last week, it was like,
Starting point is 01:01:08 we barely got three people in. This next week, you're going to be like, why didn't you pick Noah? Why didn't you pick Alex? Listen, I'm telling you, it's going to be hard now. Someone might actually text Patrick Clark back this week. Why? Did Patrick Clark text me?
Starting point is 01:01:25 No, he was in the comments saying, I've texted such and such an athlete. Oh, yes, yes. Yeah, get him now, Patrick. You might actually get a reply this week. Yeah, listen. I'm telling you, I think as that prize purse gets up, I think we're going to see some really cool people go after it.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I messaged some people that have been cut from semifinals, and I was like, hey, if you want to earn $1,000 on Saturday, be at your gym at 6pm or be at your, you know, I've texted. And here's the thing. This week we could have just five dorks. Like he might do the workout in two minutes this week and we might have five people
Starting point is 01:01:57 who can't do it in 15 minutes. And guess what happens? The money rolls over to the next week. And the next week. so we're going to give the menu uh don don pady i'll be a dork yeah thank you don um uh cross that i will be rock hard during the event oh that's cool nice like if you win it next week or the week after that and you're say if you're going to semi-finals's your travel paid people always sell these t-shirts just be Taylor
Starting point is 01:02:27 what about when it's $2,000 what about when it's $2,000 a show what about when he doesn't lose for 10 weeks oh shit my mom signed up to be a member well thanks mom about time that is crazy that's kind of like getting allowance again uh that's worse my mom used to give me 20 bucks a week i went from like 5 to 20 i remember the
Starting point is 01:02:54 year i jumped it was crazy you could play so many i could play so many video games damn yeah so uh yeah saturday is gonna be absolutely wild uh absolutely wild Mason Mitchell, Rosemary was feeling sorry for you Alright guys See you tonight, 6.30pm We will be doing the CrossFit Games update show It will be a review of who's going to the semifinals Lots of bad words You got another new member there
Starting point is 01:03:21 I got another member? Oh, wow Daniel Thank you, Daniel You got a new member there I got another member Oh wow Daniel win Thank you Daniel We will also be doing Behind the scenes at both semifinals Those will go behind the paywall for a couple weeks
Starting point is 01:03:35 Try to exhort you guys Coerce you guys into more money Jason Watkins Tyler Watkins We will be Well we are giving away two tickets and $5,000. Why has he got a big dick us? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Well, we are giving away two tickets in five K on heat one between that and seven on the podcast. We can pay the chats way. When are you guys giving that away? Two tickets in five. You mean for semifinalsals you're giving that away And two tickets to the games jesus christ who does your marketing I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Are you really tyler watkins? No, it's
Starting point is 01:04:15 buford I like tap dancers. I like tap dancing Bye-bye

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