The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | Feb 5th 2024

Episode Date: February 7, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I can't believe all my shit's working after that power outage. I didn't count my chickens before my eggs before my chickens, my eggs.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Bam, we're live. Brain dead, but alive. I apologize for the delay. Without electricity, electricity, without electricity, without electricity, I am nothing. We all are. I didn't even check to see if my internet was working before I did this. I guess it is working. As soon as the power came back on, I'm like, Sousa!
Starting point is 00:01:32 I apologize to Tommy Hackenbrook and the Brook Ents legends. And I don't use that word lightly. And I apologize for having to reschedule with them. Hopefully we get to do Trista Smith, a games team competitor who took her level one. I'm pumped to talk to her and find out about her level one experience. Some good news. Quick update.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Rumble is now from Rumble. You can now make comments that will pop up and we can see them in the side so very soon very soon uh we'll be getting reintegrated with rumble again uh beats cake seven you are 26 200 followers you should run a marathon tomorrow as it's 26 000 oh 26.2 oh okay i kind of like that i'm to be happy if I wake up tomorrow. I did 100 thrusters today. I did 20 cows on the assault bike, 10 thrusters with 25-pound dumbbells, 10 of them for 10 rounds, just to dust off the old, get some thrusters in
Starting point is 00:02:40 because the open's coming. It is. Because the open's coming. How are those quads feeling on that workout hey okay okay i do a lot of uh i do a lot of just squatting light squatting like light squatting it was it was like 25 pound dumbbells nothing um uh so this is the dave castro the review of the dave castro weekend review but before i uh go there I want to show you guys something. You guys know what this is?
Starting point is 00:03:09 I knew what it was right away. Oh, you did? How did you know? Because of Grace. Oh. Let me see. Hold on. Sorry, that was Joe Biden. What would I type in? Britney Spears? Taylor Swift?
Starting point is 00:03:24 Taylor Swift. Swift Dude you know that you know that she rolled Into economies and just fucking created Billions of dollars worth of Taylor Swift Tour and then I go To images Yeah oh okay I see I see it in Wikipedia
Starting point is 00:03:40 I say this with Peace and love Without the Sevan podcast Coffee pods and wads Hiller fit the heat one at people like that Shut up and scribble This company forward facing Would be the most retarded company on planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Not only is Taylor Swift fucking an absolute fucking lowest common denominator shitbird, loser of the highest order. I say this with all humility, but it's just such low IQ garbage that this brand should not be affiliated with. This shows that this brand, this brand reminds me of like some shitty fucking sometimes this brand reminds me of some shitty fucking fish tank net that you scoop that you've had around forever with just shit hanging off it. And like you're trying to scrape dead fish off the bottom. That's what like this is like begging for attention. Like who the fuck. You used to have Greg Glassman. At your helm. And now you have 22 year old girls.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Doing forward facing shit. That's copying Taylor Swift. Are you the most. Brand diminishing morons ever. And your engagement. On social media. Is so. Your engagement period. Across all platforms. And your engagement on social media is so bad. Your engagement period across all platforms is so fucking bad.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Your YouTube, your Instagram, your scratch and sniff, Twitter, Twatter. I mean, your Twitter is abysmal. It's moron talk. There's nothing being said there. it's vapid dipshittery and i could do maybe we'll do some whole shows on it but thank god you guys have me thank fucking god you have something with fucking just a little tiny bit of depth and iq that's higher than a fucking upside down floating goldfish you fucking idiots anyway that's my uh that's my that's my peace and love towards the whoever's creating content over there at hq god i hope it's not someone that one of my friends i'm just gonna say i'd like to
Starting point is 00:05:59 say hi to all my new friends that work at crossfit i hung out with this dude i heard dude i heard the health summit was an absolute fucking hit. It was a huge success. Super stoked. Team was awesome. Karin absolutely rocked it. I heard the speakers were out of fucking control. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I heard the affiliates were inspired. I heard the audience walked away inspired. So I guess this is the other end, right? Mm-hmm. What do you mean the other end? I mean, you look at their instagram crossfit games instagram is just pure retard and you went to the non-retard event i guess i guess maybe crossfit's for everyone yep there's a little bit of something for everybody there huh holy shit
Starting point is 00:06:37 uh rich bros da someone loses power for a day and he's the old man screaming to get off his lawn i just can't believe how fucking i i get i guess i never think of myself as um smart or creative or any of that shit until i until i i guess it's all relative until i see something like that i'm just wow like even if that were to draw 12 million people in like why like those aren't the people you want trust me hey i definitely don't think it was the right call for the crossfit games has dave seen it like dave approved i i i don't know yeah i was like that's kind of weird um although i don't i don't totally agree with your assessment company man now i love myself some davy but he's company man he'll do grabs his ankles once in a while now you guys know that
Starting point is 00:07:30 well especially with that one because it's all pictures of him well boss is on there too but you know he grabs his ankles now and again man oh man love me some day but jesus christ hey and for instance that's not gonna work by the way either. Like, no one likes that. People aren't like, that's not even if I said, even if it does work, but it's not going to work. You're just that's canon fodder
Starting point is 00:07:59 for people who already think the brand's a joke and the people who do like it, they're, I mean... It seems like they're struggling with the editing. They're people who cherry-pick wads. They're the people who don't come when they see 5K on the run.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I mean, it's just... It's just so bad. Taylor Swift. Are you fucking kidding me? They don't get the bass a little bit there because they just have the grammys and you know that taylor swift won four uh album the of the year whatever four times no i didn't person she's the only person to ever do that she's the only person to ever do that also when she shows
Starting point is 00:08:36 up and does those tours it creates literal billions of dollars into the economies of those cities when she shows up it's oh yeah. I never heard shit about – I haven't heard shit about the Kansas City Chiefs since they won the Super Bowl last year. And then, yeah, Taylor Swift goes to a game, and all of a sudden I start hearing about it again. The marketing power of her is just absolutely out of this world. But I think that for that association or to brand it like that
Starting point is 00:09:03 for the CrossFit Games, you've missed the mark. That's not this audience. This audience probably didn't know about the Grammy thing, probably doesn't follow her at all. When Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, I know most of you probably weren't even born then, when they were dating, it was fucking nuts. Can you hear the music in the background? I'm hearing music.
Starting point is 00:09:26 No. Oh, I think Grace is watching TV. She's probably watching Screaming Ladies. She should be watching this show. This is kind of, this is, you could title this show Screaming Ladies. Screaming, uh, tranny Italian bag lady. And he, her sidekick. Yeah, I mean, the saving grace of the nfl is tyson bajan and the story yeah they should have used him that would have been a better promotion tyson's in are
Starting point is 00:09:55 you and like yeah a quick little promo at his house and throwing that bag on his shoulder they'd have to they'd have to uh show the initiative and the humility to reach out to them and ask them yeah well neither which they have yeah they didn't eat beaver but you know what maybe my opinion doesn't matter i mean i have guys listening to my shit throwing money at me called eating beaver what the fuck do i know uh yolana members in our affiliate talking about having a taylor swift playlist day yesterday for a wad maybe we're too old for our own good no i'm see here's the thing even if it was the most popular thing ever it's horrible for the brand yeah you're you're not you're not you're not uh you're not taylor swift that's not your that's not who you are you're fucking grab dirt wipe it under your eyes for fucking uh the black spots you're
Starting point is 00:10:56 fuck we're not we're not taylor swift it's just it's just bad for the brand i mean she do you think taylor swift can back squat half her body weight no i don't think no back squat at all no she's one of those people if you gave her a 45 pound plate she wouldn't even fucking know what it would be like a cartoon she'd fall anyway i'm done i can't yeah i'm not anyway i i hear you yelana i but it's but this isn't an age thing this is just a re low iq retard thing it's also not it's not crossfit like it was cool when they used to do the commercials where it showed like Chris Spieler, like pretending he's going to get the mail,
Starting point is 00:11:28 but then does a bunch of snatches and then like runs. He's like, what am I going to do with all this fitness? Sign up for the open. Are you, you know, listen to Taylor Swift. Oh,
Starting point is 00:11:35 you got your zip up. What was it? Their CEO zip up. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Damn. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I know. I don't even take it off. I haven't showered in three days. Power's out. Water doesn't work either. The electrician was at my house today trying to fix a generator. He's like, are you guys going to be okay? It's going to be cold tonight.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I'm like, dude. Five in a bed. Okay, here we go. Anyway, that's that. The great Dave Castro, the saving grace of CrossFit, here for his weekend review, really pushing the olive oil. I just ordered my second can. I got a sweatshirt, too.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Look at that. No, that's just a shirt. Oh, really? That's printed on the sweatshirt? It looks like that's printed on the sweatshirt. Wow. You're wrong. No, I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Okay. We're going to listen to him a 1.25 time tomorrow morning, by the way, in case I forget to tell you, Trista Smith is supposed to be here, although we've – She is. She is. Confirmed. Oh, she is?
Starting point is 00:12:32 Okay. Yep. Yep. And then in the evening, in the evening, for those of you who are UFC fans, we have a crazy treat for you tomorrow. Emmett – is it Emmett Smith? Josh. Josh Smith.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Josh Emmett. Josh Emmett. Josh Emmett's going to be on. He's been on the show before. He's a 155-pounder. He is the one that punched Bryce Mitchell in the face a couple weeks ago. The famous Bryce Mitchell. And fucking turned him retarded for about
Starting point is 00:13:08 30 seconds stopped him with a crazy fucking blow so yeah so tomorrow we have Taylor Swift on in the evening and Trista Smith in the morning Taylor Swift just checking just checking and Susan's like dude i'm so brain dead i've been traveling i'm like
Starting point is 00:13:28 yeah i'm just i'm like so slow right now patricia smith in the in the morning and uh taylor swift in the morning emmett swift in the morning in the evening okay here we go here we go i love dave at least we get at least this show's music okay here we go here we go enjoy yourself guys here we go view february 5th 2024 guys. Here we go. View February 5th, 2024. We're going to start with comments like we always do at Kathy Herbert, three, one, four, five. Can't Hiller compete in the open, but be ineligible to win. Most people participate just for fun. Anyway, he had a lot of people to sign up. You don't know the drug status of anybody else doing it either. You're right. I don't know the drug status of anybody else doing it either. But if any of them admitted to using drugs or PEDs, I would disqualify. We would disqualify them too. Can't
Starting point is 00:14:10 Hiller compete in the open, but be ineligible to win? Most people participate just for fun anyway. He got a lot of people to sign up. Yes. And I appreciate that he gets a lot of people to sign up and I hope he still continues to get a lot of people to sign up, but there's some level of integrity that we need to maintain. And we do have a drug policy and we need to stick with that. We can't be inconsistent just because he's popular or just because he has a lot of followers or just because he gets a lot of people to sign up he does all of those things and he openly talks about it and uses peds and we have a drug policy and so if we didn't do this you should be very critical of us so um it's the right call and i i want to take uh dave's uh balls deep right now
Starting point is 00:14:47 for a second do you guys see how many times he's acknowledged hiller quite a bit he's ripped him he's held him up he's held him underwater yet it were this is the fifth episode maybe since he's he's mentioned Hiller in You see how he does it with dignity And integrity There's no tearing Hiller down There's no building him up It's just fucking like matter of fact shit
Starting point is 00:15:14 He's not talking about him And not using his name He's not like Well there's this guy out there in Chicago Who admits to doing steroids And we can't have him And not like well there's this guy out there in chicago who admits to doing steroids and we can't have him and not like avoid saying his name you see all these other bitches out there like anytime anyone ever says to you well i don't like how cocky dave is well i don't see any cocky here and if he is cocky he shows more humility than the rest of the jackass people out there
Starting point is 00:15:41 who like talk about people but can't say their name see how he just it's just matter of fact so he's either an amazing fucking leader or he has autism you choose i ain't gonna i don't want to i don't want to influence you he's like an elon musk maybe a little bit of both yeah it's like yeah yeah like the tonto and lone ranger yeah and Lone Ranger. Yeah, like them. You could argue I don't say their name. Jared Ellis fucking looking like a professional soccer player. Jared Ellis, it's because Dave is smart. He understands Hiller's tactics and how good he is for pushing the space forward, getting buzz
Starting point is 00:16:16 going. Yeah. It's all energy coming into the system. That's not cool. That's not fucking cool. Fuck you, Sousa, and fuck you. Dude, I didn't even notice that. Fuck all y'all.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Damn, boy. Rambler, you just shut your butthole. You shut your butthole. Whatever the fuck your name is, you stop laughing too. What the fuck is this? Oh my God. Hey, I swear to God, when I become
Starting point is 00:16:56 CEO of CrossFit, it's probably like five years away. I'm going to get fat like that. Oh, shut it. I don't accept your apology. Fuck you. All right. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I hope he continues to be an advocate of the open and everything we're doing. Some shit he's not an advocate of, but of the open. He had to be kicked out, right, Sousa? Yeah. Yeah. I think you have to. He was basically like hillar was was essentially like setting that up for them right like he's like hey how are you guys gonna
Starting point is 00:17:30 follow the rules i'm doing the open yeah i'm doing trt i'm on trt and i think even hillar commented on his thing and was like well done hillar put on over 3 000 followers from Dave posting, making that post. I believe it. He told me he sent Dave a text and he said, thank you. Killer gets it as well too. Here we go. At the gymnastics life HQ would HQ date. Hi Dave. Would HQ consider doing a garage gym affiliate price?
Starting point is 00:18:04 I think we should definitely look at that. There's been some discussion around it. I don't think it's going to happen in the near term, but I do think it's something for years, for decades, actually. I've been really pushing us to do a Garage Gym even when Greg was around, when Rose was around now, Garage Gym affiliation.
Starting point is 00:18:20 It's just never been a priority. So I don't know if it'll happen soon, but I'll continue to advocate for it in the future. It should be a priority. They should have multiple different branches of it. They should have the garage affiliate, your department, your police department, your school affiliate, all those prices should match to what those things are, right? Meaning you're not going to have a gym with 100 people in your garage i'm i'm tripping a little on the garage one because we could do a whole show on it because i and i wasn't sure how you were going to weigh in on it because i know on one hand you're
Starting point is 00:18:55 a huge advocate for um creating space for passion gyms i know you're you've been a year you've said or not at least an advocate but you've really shown deep awareness that, Hey, we might lose passion gyms. Yeah. In three years, there might be a passion gym might be a endangered species. Yeah. And for those of you who aren't following, because Susan's talked about it quite a bit about, Hey, at $4,500, it might push the passion gyms out. Those are the people who have a barn in their backyard with 60 people back there and it's a legit place um how would you police a garage gym like that's a thousand dollars a year or something like how would you well it would be it would like you said there'd be a lot of i'd have to put a lot more thought to it but right away i would just be like you wouldn't be on the affiliate map like you would essentially like you'd still be able to do your open there with a few friends. You would get like, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:46 you could hang the banner out in front of your house. You could bring people in and do some private training or something like that. And you wouldn't be able to police it to a certain degree. You would, you would just have to, it would just have to be, it would kind of, there would be a little bit of an honor system with it. Right. Cause what if I applied for the garage gym one, but I have an 8,000 square foot facility and i don't necessarily like the whole we'll charge you by the size of your place either so i would definitely have to put some more thought into it to give like some clear some clear you know items around that but um i think that there should be a space a space for it um uh i agree with this too this devil this fat sebon is pretty smart. First responder affiliate should be a priority.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yeah, that would be awesome. And I mean, you could have your department be, you know, a representative of CrossFit or like fly the banner literally. And they're not going to be bringing people in there and training them. They're not going to make any money off it and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:20:39 But it would be cool to have them be able to have support in other ways from HQ and be able to fly the banner. No, I'm not reading that. Okay, here we go. At looks, it's Pool Boy. Oh, this is my boy, Pool Boy, Mike Olivias. Actually, he's my boy. Actually, he's Suze's boy.
Starting point is 00:21:03 He coaches at my gym. Question in regards to hillary being pulled out of the open and potentially suspended due to his open ped use what led to the decision to do this to do so this year versus last year he was able to compete through quarterfinals with no issue he was respectful enough not to submit his scores during quarterfinals knowing he was on pds as for this year why not let him do the open and only the open i mean everyone is making quarterfinals this year anyway at the new 25% rule change. So it's not as if Hillary's scores would affect the leaderboard. Even that Savon guy will probably make quarterfinals this year.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And all he does is air bike for like five minutes a day. Always love what you do, Dave. Miss you, brother. Working backwards. Even that Savon guy will probably make the quarterfinals this year. No fucking way. He won't make the quarterfinals. I mean, everybody, yep.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Okay, address that. I don't think 25% of people are making the quarterfinals. So mean, everybody, yep, okay, address that. I don't think 25% of people are making the quarterfinals, so there, not everybody. As for this year, why not let him do the Open, and not only the Open, I kind of addressed that with the first comment. He was able to compete through quarterfinals, no issue, okay. What led to the decision to do so this year versus last year? I'm not even going to answer that question, and I'm going to let you reflect and think, because sometimes the answer to what you seek is right in front of your eyes
Starting point is 00:22:08 next comment right in front of our eyes is d. And Dave wasn't there last year. It wasn't last year for the Open? Was that still... Who was in place then? Justin. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:32 That's what I thought he was getting at. Okay. So he's basically saying... It's because there's a new sheriff or an old sheriff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Or daddy's home again. Yes, yes, yes, yes. He's saying, hey, that's who he is.
Starting point is 00:22:52 He's direct, and the leader's going to make decisions that aren't popular, but he's going to stick by them strong and fast. I wonder if he's going to address Ellie in this. Is that over already i don't know i mean she didn't get her exemption it's i thought it was done at the get-go and it was just kind of because you know how those things pop up and they seem so big and then they're just gone yeah yeah that's media gray ghost zero seven it would be epic if you brought back the open live announcements. Start in Carson, go to Madison, and end in Fort Worth. We are doing the open announcements again.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I'm excited about that. We are going to do the first one. You sure are, and you already fucked up the promotion with that fucking Taylor Swift poster. You bunch of fucking ding-dongs. You take the fucking most virile man in the fucking space, Dave Castro, and turn him into a fucking 22-year-old retard wet dream. You ding-dongs.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Anyway, don't worry, guys, by the way. We got this. We have the cannon pointed at the L1 and at the open. I'm pumped about the open. We got you. It's even going to be great even with you guys fucking stepping on your own dick. And us pointing it out.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I think this is news. Yeah, this is definitely news. With a different format, with multiple athletes. We've done multiple athletes in the Open shows before, so that's not the different format. But the different format is we're going to have multiple athletes, more than two, less than seven, let's say. And we're going to have multiple athletes, more than two, less than seven, let's say. And we're going to have multiple events throughout the day of the open
Starting point is 00:24:28 announcement. So essentially the athletes that come for 24.1, we'll be doing a little competition. They're going to do anywhere from, they're going to do several workouts. And the 24.1 will be the one they do on the show, exactly how it's going to work. We might do one prior to the show off air, one or two prior to the show, off air, give them time to the show off air give them
Starting point is 00:24:45 time to rest so they can still have a good 24.1 uh doug's being funny and then they also might um do one towards the tail end of the show so the details working out or we're working out the details but it's going to be a very different experience for them and for the fans of the sport essentially sounds fucking horrible sounds fucking stupid. Look it. The camera goes on. You walk up. You do your fucking thing. And they go at it.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I don't want to hear that they did two workouts that I didn't see. Yeah. That's weird. Fucking dumb. Yeah, that's weird. You better fucking fix that. I don't like it at all. You jackasses.
Starting point is 00:25:26 But don't worry on Friday. Listen, whatever they fuck up on Friday. Dude, it's fucking game on. You guys know what Friday is, right? Friday Night Lights. Yep. Taylor Self versus the world. Man, Colton's already fucking punching. Dick punched fucking Taylor.
Starting point is 00:25:43 We're kind of on theme, too. Taylor Self, Taylor Swift. Hey, listen, guys. Don't count out Taylor Swift. dick punched fucking taylor we're kind of on theme here taylor self taylor hey listen guys uh don't count out taylor uh swift he's a fucking beast don't fucking count him out don't count him out uh tessa hi how are you doing miss mccoy look like you're in a very loving relationship seven i looked for your morning what sorry someone i look for your morning podcast with Brooke all day. Sorry you lost power. Next time, could you update your Instagram so I'm not tripping?
Starting point is 00:26:11 Fair enough. Thank you. Thank you for the leadership. That is fair. Fucking, and Susan's been on a plane all day texting me. I'm going to call you when I land. Yeah, then we had a medical emergency. We had to sit on a plane for a minute.
Starting point is 00:26:24 They had to pull a guy off on a stretcher. No shit. Yeah. Myocarditis? Myocarditis. Yeah, I don't know what it was, but something. It was a younger guy. Athlete.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Third booster. He must be a Swifty. Oh, my God, someone. You're so crazy with that vaccine stuff. Oh, stop. It's normal for 14-year-old girls on the daily to get... What does this mean? Self is about to show out.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I mean, like, I think Mason's referring to, like, he's about to strut his stuff. Oh, yeah, good. Okay, good, yeah. Yeah, money on Taylor. Yeah, I mean, I think it's... I he's about to strut his stuff. Oh, yeah, good. Okay, good, yeah. Yeah, money on Taylor. Yeah, I mean, I think it's – I'm telling you, man. He's not a – oh, please. They need to bring back Roe versus Boz. Bring back these nuts on your face, Barry.
Starting point is 00:27:21 You didn't like that? I liked that. No, stupid. That was cool. Yeah, I guess it was cool. I did have a stroke. Oh, my goodness. Speaking of strokes, I'm pretty sure that thing on my back is a wart.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I'm going on the eighth to check. Yeah, because cancer doesn't have defined edges, and mine's really defined. I mean, it's not that big it's tiny Yeah, but mine and mine at my edges are really one of you How is it that not one of you fucking told me that is a defining characteristic? Douchebags you guys don't ever help me. Here we go We're also gonna have something called the golden barbell more details come on that that they will win out of that But eventually that the community will be able to play and participate in so that's it they're gonna that's kind of cool if they win a golden
Starting point is 00:28:08 barbell i do like that yeah that's cool as opposed to a belt or a trophy a barbell functional barbell that's made yeah i like that makes sense that's good yeah i like it exciting 24.1 the actual event i'm really excited by the way i already know who all the people are it's all it's all leaked it's everywhere for those of you taylor self and colton it's taylor self and hopper there's no other show to watch but if you want to watch the thursday show it's already out if you don't know just ask around you know like ask philip kelly he knows everything ask philip or jeremy world or one of those guys they know everyone knows about the program and there's already some great drama
Starting point is 00:28:45 building and what we have in store for that because i think it's going to be one of the most beautiful effective and unique open workouts and definitely first workout that we have ever done in the open and uh the the first one point one of any year it really sets the tone for the open and uh the the first one 0.1 of any year it really sets the tone for the open and and and kind of creates the the excitement and the wave that follows it and this one is going to set it in a very special way so 24.1 um i'm looking forward to and i think you all should be too at anthony man 24 30 any thoughts on that yeah it's cool i love when he hypes it oh yeah yeah i love when dave does it i love the whole his announcement the way he he like the over dramatic like announcing of it how much he puts into it the clues that make zero fucking sense even when you find out the workout
Starting point is 00:29:35 and you go back and you look at the clue you're like this still is just completely benign i like all of it i i heard that the clue he gave last year for the open is the last time he had a reel that's as successful as the one that he put out where he shit canned Hiller. Wow, that's cool. Dominic, you're not allowed to make vaccine jokes when you got a swoosh symbol as your icon. Sorry, dude. Nice try, though. OK, here we go. Can you discuss why there are people
Starting point is 00:30:10 who are forced to go back to places they no longer live in order to qualify for the games? For example, Ellie Turner. That's been covered a lot. We've actually published some statements on it, but there's a fixed timeframe for how long you have to live here prior to being eligible to compete here.
Starting point is 00:30:25 And in her case, she didn't make that timeframe. She had not lived here long enough by our rule to not compete in this region. And there's a ton of other athletes that that applied to this year. And there's a number of other ones that we had to tell, hey, you cannot compete here because you have not lived here long enough. And there are some who did live here long enough to get the exemption to compete here, even though they're from somewhere else originally. And it's a clear cut and dry rule that we are sticking to at this point. And maybe in the future, the world changes, but it's not. And there are no athletes we're making special exceptions
Starting point is 00:30:59 for to the exemption. And so what we are doing at this point is being incredibly consistent. to the exemption. And so what we are doing at this point is being incredibly consistent. And that's the story there. If you want more information, I think we published a comment to some of the other media outlets or a statement that has more information than even I just said. But it's us being consistent with our rule. And that's all it is. I am kind of a little surprised that he addressed this because Dave is a big picture guy and he'll stay big picture, especially in times where like he needs a lot of horsepower to make sure everything's running smoothly. And that is pretty that's drift for Dave. That's drifting into the weeds right there. So I agree.
Starting point is 00:31:38 But I think like in when his absent absence in the past, it was so obvious that shit was just like went off the rails. And those boundaries didn't really exist, right? There was too much fluff. So like him coming back, making the big statement with Hiller, and then addressing the thing with LA to be like, hey, these were the rules. I think he used the word incredibly consistent. Oh, you know what you're making me think?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Are you saying that basically he's not doing this for us, but he's doing it for his team like maybe his team got rattled by all the hype and he's like listen i'll fucking go out in the front and slap these bitches around that's what he did he just put his foot down like shut it end the story he made the statement before it even started and i think he did really smart obviously by doing it with with hillar and making that big splash because i just saw that as a huge advertisement for the open too. Like people are talking about it a bunch now. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Right. So it was smart. He got to like draw the line in the sand and be like, Hey, these are the rules we're sticking to it. We're not going to move or be away from it. And then he also did it in a way that caught a lot of attention. And he still thanked Hiller.
Starting point is 00:32:38 You'll never hear anyone from me. Do you know the amount of humility that requires to do that? I mean, not for someone like me, who's humble as fuck. I could do that shit all day, but for your average fucking ding dong 22 year old making taylor swift post that is hard to do they have zero humility yep but i think he i think it was smart for him to do it that way because he was like as you said at the beginning it was just
Starting point is 00:32:58 matter of fact and that's where and that's what he's sticking to clear concise communication hard lines around the rules matter of fact if they would have used kanye in an open promotion now that that would have been awesome like instead when he when he says something about hating jews like dub it over so he's like i hate the open or dave in the open or something yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wow suza that's exactly right that would have been pretty funny that's exactly right that is exactly exactly right and then the hype would have been like um oh my god that was so inappropriate that they did that and everyone still would have signed up yep exactly if they were gonna go for something like that like pop mainstream culture like hit it so hard that like the mainstream picks it up as like being
Starting point is 00:33:46 ridiculous because then all of a sudden people are like, what the fuck is the open? You know, why are these guys using Kanye West soundbites to promote it? This makes no sense. And it just drives a ton of attention and curiosity. And then, and then you,
Starting point is 00:33:58 and then you know what you do. Then you have another, um, uh, post ready where it shows someone like slapping Kanye Saying bad Kanye bad Kanye Yeah so after The media gets all upset and people get upset And then you show that you don't agree with Kanye
Starting point is 00:34:12 It's a bad Kanye yeah and then you cut And be like real friends don't let other friends Do bro reps There you go turn into like a whole Like hold your partners and friends accountable When you're judging them in the open just like we held Kanye accountable We held kanye taylor swift small team thank you okay at kristin crossfit hi dave as we approach the open can you talk about
Starting point is 00:34:41 the importance of hitting the standard doing all your reps holding people accountable i can already see integrity taking a backseat to the leaderboard at my affiliate and don't want it to ruin the spirit of the open. I hope your affiliate doesn't know who you are on YouTube so they can piece together your saying about this about their affiliate. But I will speak to that. I think so. The importance of hitting the standard, doing all your reps, and holding people accountable starts at an individual level, obviously. And like, most importantly, as an individual, you need to care about those things. You need to care about doing the standard. You need to care about doing all the reps. And you also need to care about holding those in your gym accountable. Speaking of accountable, I just want you to know that although they say it's not legal
Starting point is 00:35:20 to do peptides, if you did do capeptides. and you got the cjc 1295 and they tested for you tested you they rumors have it they that they would never find it so you can do all the cjc 1295 and there's no fucking way they can test for it and catch you now the worst what's worse than having dumb rules is having rules you can't enforce what that does is that ruins everything that undermines the integrity and the validity of the entire event so here they have something called peptides that are illegal but they can't test for just don't admit it on the internet yeah just don't admit it on the internet Fucking crazy Someone show me
Starting point is 00:36:08 Someone show me right now Someone who's gotten popped for using peptides Anywhere Show me I'm not condoning cheating I'm not condoning having rules That you can't enforce. It makes a mockery
Starting point is 00:36:30 of everything. Go ahead. Sorry, Susan. No, I was just going to say, is the peptide even going to improve your performance? Oh, perfect. Taylor's here. He can tell me. You can test for them, but you can't find them 24 hour clearance
Starting point is 00:36:45 Russian ice skater tested for peptides does it help my whole thing no rules is better I'm pretty sure you could be on TRT and get away with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Okay, here we go. But all of that being said, there's only so much that an individual can do that and be effective at it in terms of at a gym and with their peers. Really the most important person in that with that charter of caring about holding people accountable, full range of motion, hitting the standards, doing the reps is start, it starts at the top. Well, it actually starts with us caring about that. And then it also starts at the gym level and the owner and the owner and the coaches really, really caring about that, caring about the standard, caring about doing the reps, caring about holding people accountable. So you as an individual, you can actually hold your gym owner accountable to caring about maintaining the standards and keeping people accountable um so it has to let me tell you something if you have some fucking stupid handstand
Starting point is 00:37:54 push-up fucking thing like lying up there i fuck you i didn't i won't use a judge fuck you i ain't trying to go to quarterfinals i ain't trying to go to quarterfinals. I ain't trying to go to semifinals. Fuck you. I'm going to do the open. I'm going to love it. I'm doing it for me. I ain't doing it to some fucking standard. I'm doing it for fucking me.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Fuck you. You better not have some stupid fucking rule where the tape's fucking weird. Even when I'm locked out with my thumbs touching, my foot doesn't go over the tape. Fuck off. I know when I'm locked out with my thumbs touching, my foot doesn't go over the tape. Fuck off. I know when I'm locked out. God bless Bill Leahy. That's why Leahy's never going to make it to the game
Starting point is 00:38:34 because he thinks like me. Killer done smoked some crack. Hey, that was kind of bold when he was like, hold your gym owner accountable. Yeah. You're like, fuck you're like fuck you you think you just pass the buck to the affiliate owners where's jay de coons when you need him i wonder if jay's gonna call him tomorrow dave the fuck you doing oh my gosh i here's the thing
Starting point is 00:38:57 with that like you just have to be careful with who's judging who and then you need to lay out the expectations like with how you're gonna you're gonna do it in your gym. Like if you're the affiliate owner, like lay out the expectation, don't judge one individual, stay free so you could walk the whole entire thing because majority of the drama doesn't necessarily come on the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Like, you know, I mean, it will at a higher level, don't get me wrong, but like the average day gym goer that's doing the open for the first time or like whatever, like usually the drama is gonna come from, well from well i know seven shorts his reps in the workout or shorts his range of motion to try to get the edge on everybody else because he's hyper competitive and then his buddy comes up and judges him and kind of lets all that stuff go as well and then that's what pisses people off and then what ends up happening is the other people come over to the
Starting point is 00:39:43 gym owners and they say, hey, juicy seven. Why did you let, you know, Matt judge him? You know, they're buddies. And he didn't really half the time he was in conversation and then turned back and was like, yeah, you're good. Next round, you know. So if you lay out that expectation at the beginning, that's why I don't belong to an affiliate. Susan just explained it. But if you keep yourself free and open, like to walk around, like do it.
Starting point is 00:40:04 It was funny. We were just, Grace and I were like just walk around like do it it was funny we were just grace and i were like just talking about this earlier because it is it is it's tough you're gonna have those type of issues that come up and you know you got to be able to to kind of handle that conflict a little bit hey uh mason grab your fucking ankle i'm about to put it deep in you that's not doing it this is savans out no, it's the exact same thing as putting the shopping cart away. It's the distinction you guys don't understand. There's people who think like I'm saying, don't put your shopping cart away. What I'm saying is it's not a fucking rule.
Starting point is 00:40:37 What I'm saying is it's not a rule. You do it because you're a good person or because it's convenient or you don't do it because there's a good place to put it somewhere else or because you got your kids in the car or because you don't give a fuck. But it's not a rule. That's how I feel about the open. I'm not trying to go to the quarterfinals. I know when I'm fucking locked out and my fucking legs or my heels are against the wall, I got a handstand pushup. I don't need no fucking piece of tape up there telling me what's right and what's wrong. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Hey, we're going gonna be together for the second workout. I'm gonna judge you. We're gonna put that behind them. Members only is gonna see you. Yeah, there are some rules. There are some rules. Old ladies walking behind you and you got the door open. You gotta hold it.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Black people, old people, and hot chicks. Other than that, fuck it. You don't got to. That's a rule. Okay, here we go. Dave Castro. Susan will be judging me, and I will be having a real affiliate owner judging me. We're doing it live, baby.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Here we go. It's an unwritten law. I'll meet you halfway. I'll meet you halfway. Oh, wait. Here we go. You can do it for yourself and you can really push your, your affiliate owner and their trainers to care about it because if they don't
Starting point is 00:41:50 care about it, it makes it really hard to create an environment where everyone else below them cares about it because they all look up to the trainers and the affiliate owners. And fundamentally the, the, the amount and affiliate owner and a, the trainers at the gym care about the open or care about, um, the, what it represents to do the open and compete against your gym and ultimately against the community depends on how a gym is even how much the gym is even into the open.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Let me also, let me also say this. No one's ever said to me, Hey, you're not opening your hip up at the top. And I go, yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Or you didn't go deep enough. And I go, yes, I did. I'm not that guy I go, okay, and I fix it But let me tell you nine out of ten people i've told that too They're like, yeah, I did like their their jerk reactions to say they did i'm not that guy I'm not that guy Hey, you didn't go all the way down on your pull-up. I know i'm fucking protecting my shoulder. I'll try better next time. I know
Starting point is 00:42:53 I'm not you didn't get your chin over okay shit i'm not that guy so maybe that's why maybe that's why i'm on my high horse i'm on my triple ladder i'm on a ladder on the back of a horse yeah open to the feedback love it yeah thank you the coaching most engaged with the open are gyms that have affiliate owners and trainers who really care about the Open. Those who are not, gyms who are not, have owners and trainers who don't really care about or prioritize the Open. At Rambler5900, Dave, I saw your bouldering wall behind you. Can you create a games event for time distance where athletes
Starting point is 00:43:21 must transverse horizontally back and forth on a 20- to 40-foot bouldering wall? Here are supporting points. You can test for time distance where athletes must transverse horizontally back and forth on a 20 to 40 foot bouldering wall. Here are supporting points. You can test for time and endurance. You're testing athletes' problem solving as they navigate the rock climbing holes. You test their shoulder strength and grip in a horizontal plane like a handstand walk and parallel bars. Safety, they are traversing horizontally, so their bodies are just a couple feet above the ground. Low chance of injury.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Entertainment, every athlete's problem solving skills and body size. You'll see variants of different approaches to get to the finish line. It's a good idea. It's worth exploring. Laura Horvath would win that event. She'd crush everyone at that. She has a climbing background. I used to climb a lot. That's why I have that bouldering wall in here. I used to be really into all types of climbing, bouldering, sport climbing, trad climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, a little bit of mountaineering, a little bit of big wall. So I did the whole thing, but stopped basically once I got heavily involved with crossfit anyway um yeah i like i like his answer i i was like yeah that there's a lot of good points into that but
Starting point is 00:44:16 instantly i was like i don't want to fucking go into like american ninja warrior shit though you know it just it's a little close to that but i also agree with all the the points i made so it could be done i think it had to be done in the right way go to listen go to your fucking uh local climbing gym with your affiliate on a on a field trip yeah i mean how much different is that than the oak course though yeah right so like the oracle could belong the the or the obstacle course can belong inside the crossfit games i think that you could easily end it with like a wall climb or something like that and put it in there. I think logistically it would probably be really tough and it'd probably actually be really expensive because you'd have to have certain safety features put into place potentially on how high they went.
Starting point is 00:44:57 I know Rambler said to keep it low there so that might solve that problem. But yeah, I don't hate it. I just think it's too close to Ninja Warrior for me. Yeah, me too. I hate it. It's a good idea. And actually, because I am so familiar and do have such a big background in climbing,
Starting point is 00:45:12 I think there's a right way of exposing it to the athletes or specifically the CrossFit Games. I think having them do 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, they probably couldn't do either of those. But hard climbing would really not be favorable to setting them up for success. I think having them do 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, they probably couldn't do either of those. But hard climbing would really not be favorable to setting them up for success. Doing something that's a little bit lower rated that everyone can do. And I don't want your technique in climbing to be the differentiator for what makes you – like I don't want anyone with any type of climbing experience to have such a big advantage
Starting point is 00:45:41 that those who have no climbing experience, because a lot of them will have no climbing experience, are at a huge disadvantage. So you got to kind of balance, um, those things. I don't know. He does biking and swimming. Yeah. But those are part of the protocol, like a hundred words of fitness and there's, you know, your assault bike and things like that. So if you're an athlete that's serious and you haven't popped out on that road bike and played around with it, that's on you. All right. At BVM 5950, Dave, have you ever considered having a scaled option for quarterfinals, maybe 10% advance from the open? Might make the scaled athletes a little more driven in the open. Have you ever considered having a scaled option for quarterfinals,
Starting point is 00:46:18 maybe 10% advance from the open? I don't understand that question. Scaled for quarterfinals? No, we're not going to have a scaled for quarterfinals. But if you want to scale the quarterfinals, you pretty much can. I will say this. If you qualify for the quarterfinals this year, you will probably be able to do the quarterfinals and most elements of them. So they are programmed because, and this is a big concern that we've talked about on the Sevan podcast,
Starting point is 00:46:41 Shut Up and Scribble and all the shows, because the quarterfinals are going to be for fucking everyone from fucking two years old to 55 years old. Oh, it's funny you went that direction. I thought he might beef up some of the stuff in the open. Oh. Oh. Especially in the reason why I think that.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I would have thought what you thought before, but the only reason I kind of changed my opinion on it was because what he said at the beginning about how it's going to be thought what you thought before, but the only reason I kind of changed my opinion on was because what he said at the beginning about how it's going to be different and everything. So like, Oh, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:47:12 Warren Dunn. Oh yeah. Let's get Sousa with this. Let's get him. Uh, Warren, how about paddleboard? Uh,
Starting point is 00:47:16 Sousa, what about the paddleboard? Mr. Dunn holding the clipboard. He looks very smart. Sousa checked me. Yeah. I,
Starting point is 00:47:23 you know, I, I probably agree with him on that. There will be a big discrepancy. And you see it. Some of the Australian athletes that have played on those and have experience, they're not ahead. They're like fucking a mile ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:35 They're like recovered. They ate their lunch. They came back to the finish line. They're like, oh, cute. I can see the rest of them come in. Yeah, I agree with Warren on that one. That is a big discrepancy there with that aspect in mind the best will be able to excel and do really well but if i make
Starting point is 00:47:53 the quarterfinals i'm thinking of the workouts yeah i could probably do most of them um so i don't think we need to have a scaled option but if you do want to scale them you could um on your own be a good exercise in programming maybe 10 advanced from the open isn't it funny that people are asking for this and if crossfit did it they'd be everyone be like that's a money grab yeah right but look at like here people are asking for it there might make a scaled athlete a little more driven in the open just a thought so last week i went to the pentagon we were out there to see the chief of the Army and he actually couldn't meet with us because the Chief of the Army and his XO and the Vice, they couldn't meet with us because they had to go meet the bodies, three soldiers that
Starting point is 00:48:32 were lost overseas recently as they were flying into Dover. So they went with the President and met the bodies that were returning home. We still briefed and worked out with his staff, 15 to 20 people. It was a really good experience. I'd never been to the Pentagon. It's an amazing place. And their gym, the Pentagon has a crazy gym, really large. They have a track that's above the actual functional fitness gym,
Starting point is 00:48:54 really large basketball court, and then like a bodybuilding gym area, big pool, racquetball courts, fighting areas, and then a huge shower complex, bathroom area, because obviously the people then have to change into their suits or uniforms and head upstairs after they work out the functional fitness area is super cool it's all rogue it's just basically a big crossfit gym and um and then we the group we work with we put them through expose them through to some workouts and gave them a little whiteboard brief essentially the functional fitness room got that too about what we're doing down in fort stewart with um
Starting point is 00:49:29 with third id and the soldiers there and the 144 courses we conducted last year there and trying to oh shit look at that little button he has on the on the buggy has on the bottom of his screen dave castro for this subscribe no uh hover your uh over that oh down here and right here yeah yeah yeah it's a subscribe button oh shit I think we have that too we do mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:49:58 all right expose him to the benefit of what we're doing and how we're helping the soldiers and really we're empowering these guys with the basic tools to do these movements and do them as individuals or with their small units effectively and anywhere. And one of the lines that one of the thoughts I've had around this and one of the things I say in regards to this is all these soldiers and a lot of say, let's just say soldiers, definitely Marines, soldiers and Marines in boot camp or through your initial journey, you learn how to break down an M16, an M4, an AR weapon. And it becomes like one of the tasks that everyone knows how to do. Write down and put together your M4. Well, if there's something more specific or broken or it needs to go to the next level, well, then you have armorers who take care of it. What our role is and what we are doing and what we can do really
Starting point is 00:50:41 effectively across large numbers of people, because we have such a large staff and team built out from decades of doing this is I want to, we want to make the functional movements as common to these soldiers in how to do and how to correct and how to safely perform. They should understand and know that just like they learn all these things around their M4 and their weapon system. So learn how to break that down. They learn how to get it to a certain level. They should learn the same sort of thing for the functional movements to make them better prepared ultimately for combat. And what another thought I've had around all of this is it's interesting is because these complex movements, when you learn how to do the deadlift or you learn how to squat or you learn
Starting point is 00:51:18 how to do color nine foundational movements, when you learn them and when you learn the points of performance, you also then have to learn how to talk to people, talk to your fellow soldiers, train them, coach them, give them feedback. And inherent in that is a tremendous amount of leadership development. So the stuff we're doing is so beneficial to these soldiers at the lowest level possible that I really hope we can continue to make strides with this effort and really change the perception of functional movements and actually, more importantly, the execution of doing these with breaking down barriers and letting them know they're all possible of doing them and doing them safely. So something's going on. I'll talk about the politics in a second. What did you think
Starting point is 00:52:04 about his talk right there? Yeah, I thought it was a great pitch. He articulated it perfectly. That's then real. It's real. And that's almost I mean, I don't use the M4 example because the the group that I work with aren't dealing with guns. They're dealing with hoses and ladders. But I break it down the same exact way. It's actually kind of crazy to hear that back because that's the same exact talk I get. And I would add one more piece that once you become really confident in those movements, um, your injury rate's going to go down quite significantly because you're organizing yourself into a better position. So you're not lifting a ladder up above your head in some weird fucked up way. You're not picking something up off the ground, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:42 in a bad way that, you know, the one time is not going to hurt you, but you know, in two years is going to be a problem. Right. Um, but I'm actually going to add a little bit of that piece where he talked about, if you're able to see correct and, and, uh, train somebody on it, that's a, that's a communication and a leadership skill that's being developed at the same time. I don't know how to work that into the fire department specifically, but I really liked that angle, too. Something else also, remember that every one of these soldiers, they train 10,000 soldiers. That's 10,000 new people when they get out who will be going to CrossFit gyms, and they'll tell five people, and that's now 50,000 people, new people. This is an insane tool for assisting the affiliates. CrossFit probably won't talk about it like that, but it's huge.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And I remember from working there, these are the people who also open affiliates. This is massive. There is something very weird going on with the fact that he keeps calling it functional fitness. I suspect I know what it is. I don't want to speak on it and undermine the whole thing, but it is a little unsettling that he doesn't keep calling it CrossFit. He is choosing his words.
Starting point is 00:53:55 There must be something in the contract. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter to the affiliates. The affiliates will all benefit from this. I would just like to address this. I don't think it's don's master plan no that's all dave yeah that's fair too i mean i don't want to take anything away from don but dave had this thing going uh when they fired him and the the thing that may be in
Starting point is 00:54:17 don's master plan is don knew that dave was the linchpin to getting these contracts and that's why he brought him back maybe and no doubt he's supporting the effort too but right I don't think it's his I don't think it's his plan I think this is Dave Dave's gig here all right here we go super cool experience at the Pentagon big picture as you can tell I'm really excited about what we're
Starting point is 00:54:37 doing with the army and I just hope we can eventually hey this is the kind of thing you want to go home and tell your kids about I taught young men how to fucking move and do things that will help save their lives. At the end of the day, Dave's living the dream job. Well, this across more of the army and the other branches, too. You know, the Marines can benefit young men and women and trannies. Everybody from it.
Starting point is 00:55:01 And to go back to the point of the M-16. And so all of these organizations have, call it, experts, fitness experts, or most of them, not all, but a lot do. And that's where the fitness expert comes into the fold, is these guys still eventually, when they have questions or when they have deeper dives, they can escalate and go up to the experts for support. But there's only so much one expert who's overseeing several hundred soldiers can do. But if you take several hundred soldiers and empower them with basic knowledge on how to
Starting point is 00:55:26 effectively train, that's a major change environment for the forces. And then after that, so I was there, flew from Pentagon or flew from DC to Austin. And I went to the health conference. And the health conference was amazing. It was super cool. I really was pleased with it. There was a handful of us who decided several months ago to put this thing on. And I couldn't have been happier with how it played out.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Whose baby was the health conference? Who's the – when he says the one who decided to put it on. I mean, I know Karn was ultimately responsible for it. Yep. Karn Thompson, Sugar-Free Revolution. But who – Internally speaking from CrossFit was – ultimately responsible for it yep she thompson sugar-free revolution but who who would internally speaking yeah yeah from crossfit was what i had heard it was it was dave and nicole's thing like they were really championing it wanted to and wanted to get this done and then obviously karen
Starting point is 00:56:16 let it from the front and made it happen with their support with uh who else was there what did you was um who else was there was de coons there de coons was there? Did you was, um, who else was there? Was Dacoons there? Dacoons was there. Had a conversation with him. Did you talk to Dacoons? I did. Yep. How was that? It was great. He came right up to me and was like,
Starting point is 00:56:32 hi, Matt. And that's always a little unsettling. I just, he knows he was the owner of CrossFit Livermore or is the executive producer of the Sebon podcast or is the guy who helped run the health summit? Which one? I don't know. But I was,
Starting point is 00:56:44 when I was talking to grace about it i was like you think you saw the show i did was he nice was he cool was he like super nice did he seem real he seemed real he actually he he seemed very genuinely like excited about what was happening at that health summit and the possibilities that could branch off from that like it must be hard to be him because he's like instantly famous he was like just put right up on our on the crossfit tabloids yeah yeah exactly and i would say from like as a personal thing he seemed super nice and cool okay you know really really good guy so i i don't have a bad thing to say about him and he seemed really excited about it so yeah i mean let me ask you this one more
Starting point is 00:57:25 time he felt genuine he felt like a real dude yes like you didn't get cheese dick from him no okay i did not no he didn't like let me give you an example there's there's a um there's a guy out there who has a shirt company and like he comes up to you and you're like holy fuck i think i got some grease on me you didn. You didn't get none of that? No, I did not get any. It was cool. Okay, good. I love to hear that.
Starting point is 00:57:51 God, I love to hear that. Our interaction was brief, but it was- By the way, I wasn't referring to you, Travis. But he actually- I was not referring to vindicate where you should go get all of your ceo shirts travis is like what the fuck they think that about me no that was not not at all no brother not you even in the slightest no excuse me elaborate in private for you yeah you're not greasy at all you're
Starting point is 00:58:25 awesome no but on all he seemed cool i would be it would be um i'd be curious to have some more conversations with him and like his like aim and crossfit and what his definition of success in his role would look like in like 12 months and like kind of like dig into that a little bit deeper this was very just uh surface level you know hi how you doing like what you guys do thanks so much for your support and he was just like blown away at the event in general so um don don fall was there don fall was there yep had a great conversation with him actually had some really really fun conversations with him um bill and katie hennig over there no shit yep yeah what were they doing there just hanging out and being cool being awesome
Starting point is 00:59:05 jesus yeah it seems a little below their pay grade to be there i don't know about that they're coming out showing some support i think they're in the area in the state in the state all right um what about what about um um um what uh what did Anyone from the media team there? Yes. Eric Preston. Brittany Saline, the writer. Eric Preston's on the media team? You saw Eric Preston with the camera?
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yeah. Oh, he had this huge old freaking, it looked like it was like a bazillion dollar freaking camera. Okay. I think he's with the training department, but go on. I remember Brittany Saline's a writer. She's a writer. Yep. Yeah. So she was doing some a writer. She's a writer. Yep.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Yeah, so she was doing some story there. Matt Bischel was there. Any sign of a CMO? Any sign of a CMO? Well, I was there. Yeah. It was a final one, but it wasn't official. And then Tyson Aldridge was there as well, too.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Oh, no shit. Yep. Wow. Yeah. He still works for CrossFit? He does. He was out there taking some stills. Fucking A.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Wow, good on him. Shit. I think this hopefully comes out relatively quickly, but there was a ruck early in the morning on Saturday, 4.30 a.m. ruck around Lady Bird Lake, which is close over by the hotel. Yeah. And I was talking to Travis and, I mean, Travis,
Starting point is 01:00:25 I was talking to Tyson and Matt Bischel about it and they were like stoked on the footage they i i thought no one would show up because it was so early and there was like 90 freaking people that came out there i mean in go record what was the time 7 30 or 4 30 4 30 a.m 4 30 a.m i can't believe you went i was dave there was dave dave was not no but dave was still flying in from oh so how do you know 90 people showed up if you weren't there just just chatting with them about it and the footage they got and and uh tyson was telling me he's like dude there was there was absolutely nobody out at that time and he's like so literally we did like hollywood style like van door open like getting some awesome shots of the group walking by with the cityscape in the background.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And him and Bishel both seemed really excited about the footage, the turnout, the energy of the whole thing. And all the people that I talked to that participated at it said the same thing. Did either were Tyson or Bishel get fat since I left? No, they both look great. All right. Yeah, they both look great. I think they're doing CrossFit. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Just checking. Let's see if my guys, my old guys great. I think they're doing CrossFit. All right. Just checking. I want to see if my old guys got fat now that I'm gone. Don't tolerate that shit. Yeah. Oh, was Branstetter, Branstuter at the 430 engagement? No, no. When I asked Karn about what our- Except on podcast teams, you're sleeping in.
Starting point is 01:01:41 No, so here's what we were going to do. You and Branstetter, just sleeping in. We'll talk about it. We'll talk about the strategy here. what we were gonna do you and you and brands that are just sleeping about it we'll talk about the strategy here so um we were gonna go to it it was our plan uh but then when we find out phone found out that jimmy letchford was had some other obligations with the military that he was at so he wasn't able to attend the event i was like we're not gonna get to hang out with jimmy we're gonna sleep in and save our energy for the long day of the event and um so I just double checked with Karna that that was okay. And she said that that was fine.
Starting point is 01:02:08 And so we... Boss lady. Yeah, boss lady. Is Jay doing CrossFit? Hey, not only is Jay DeCunz doing CrossFit, I heard he got a good body. Could you tell? I heard he got a nice body. He looked fit. Yeah, for sure. I mean, he takes care of himself. He does have his L1. He got it up
Starting point is 01:02:23 the same exact spot I went and got my L2 the other weekend. So he's doing the things. Give him a chance, maybe. Dave, so how do you work out with Dave and no Dave? Because Dave is at the Pentagon. He just came for drinks that evening. Yeah, so we did have to make a switch last minute with the workout with Dave.
Starting point is 01:02:45 It was a resume with Dave, but as you guys know, because he talked about here, he had that meeting come up, and it was a super important meeting for him to keep everything moving forward there. But we were fortunate enough to have the best possible replacement for that, which was Bosman. So he jumped in, and he ran the show for the workout. We got a bunch of great footage of that too.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Chase Ingram helped out with the workout. He was backup support for Bosman. How did Chase look of great footage of that too. Chase Ingram helped out with the workout. He was backup support for Boz. How did Chase look? Chase said he lost like 20 pounds. Dude, Chase fucking looks great. He did, yeah. Chase is like offensively good looking. Yeah. You know? You're like God, send me down, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:18 I understand. Yeah. I heard he only has missionary because his wife always wants to look at him when they're having sex. I believe it. So don't think it's like fun being Chase. He's just stuck in one position. And he crushed it coaching with Boz. He was all over the place.
Starting point is 01:03:34 There was a couple people that were there from the speakers, like Quadro was there. And that was his wife's very first CrossFit workout. Wait, who was there? Say that again. Sorry. very first crossfit workout and wait who was there say that again sorry quadro yeah the guy who did the speaking dr quadro oh oh oh yes yes yes yes we're gonna have him on the podcast but he's got to do a rumble and uh x with him yeah because i think the commerce that you guys need to go where that conversation needs to go and after hearing his talk it's going to be a great freaking show. Actually, I will say this. Dave called me over halfway through his speech. And he goes, hey.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Yeah, he goes, has Sevan had this guy on? And I go, no. If they go on together, we're going to get kicked off YouTube. I said, you have an expert. And then you have the interviewer who's going to dig and really. And this guy gets like riled up. Like he's like passionate about this stuff, man. He knows.
Starting point is 01:04:23 He knows. He knows. And I was like, no, we can't have the two of them on our channel. We'll get kaput. But he was there. He did the workout, man. It was one minute of snatches. You had to choose the weight.
Starting point is 01:04:34 One minute of snatches. One minute of rowing for calories. One minute of weighted box step-ups. It was an awesome workout. He just rotated through. It was cool. Fucking A. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:43 One minute of rest. I mean, it was a huge group, so you have to find something that logistically works for everybody to have a station, and it was cool fucking night yeah one minute rest i mean it was a huge group so you have to find something that like logistically works um for everybody to have a station and it was awesome uh he totally is a hot chase but it's the only position you need missionary variety is overrated sounds like you're a little lazy huh i don't know you better flip that coin, put in some work. I think there's at least two others that are, should be kept in the rotation.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Everyone should have their turn on the bottom. Agreed. Obviously there's some learnings and some things to make better, but this version and this expression of it was great. And what I really liked is there were people from outside we had presenters from outside of the crossfit ecosystem present and um there were perspectives that during the presentations that i would say weren't 100 percent um in line or with some of our teachings or they weren't verbatim from from the crossfit methodology but that's
Starting point is 01:05:41 what made it so well what's he referencing what's he referencing i don't know is he gonna get me in trouble tell me who tell me who the speaker was these are my my words my opinion only not yeah not you know could be completely different from what day's reference yeah but we're we're significantly more important to the so don't say anything that's going to ruin the company. We're carrying the company. No, no, no. This podcast is carrying the company. It's not going to ruin the company at all. Not at all. And I don't even think it's negative.
Starting point is 01:06:12 But here's the thing. I think that Rhonda Patrick, if she... Oh, tard. Tard. If she would have read the L1... She's semi-retarded, dude. And understood what CrossFit was prior to this event i think um she could have made some adjustments to her speech there she's a regurgitator which is uh
Starting point is 01:06:32 she's just a simple she's a she's the worst kind of regurgitator i've been on joe rogan 10 times she's a fucking she's everything she says i feel like i hear her say she stole from greg glassman but attributes attributes it to some study that she's fucking claiming she fucking pulled off a fucking pub med i and then her take on the injections was absolutely batshit crazy which shows she has no critical thinking skills i'm not a fan yeah and here's i'm not a fan i think she's a fucking instagram doctor she she focused a lot on like her talk with and she kept calling like referring to high interval like intensity training yeah and she needs to go to the pentagon with dave it sounds like yes a hundred percent but here's
Starting point is 01:07:15 but here's the good news what i heard that she um within the last like week maybe two weeks has started crossfit with an l1 trainer at a gym oh good and is um working through like and is working out and has been consistent with this trainer so i would be willing to bet that um potentially within like her first like three months four months that she might go holy shit i need to kind of like relook at everything and read the i mean i don't know she needs to do two hits of fucking molly with fucking chase and jr and get fucking made airtight i said it there you go there fine i said it that's it that's what she needs oh man i got her a jocko mulk hanging out with her in the green room for a minute yeah and she might be really nice she is really i apologize but i just
Starting point is 01:08:05 when i she's really she can go to a taylor swift concert she's lowest common denominator shit as far as i'm concerned she she was very she was very nice she was very um easy to work with and all that stuff yeah cool all right uh don't ruin the brand means something different here yeah yeah totally that was a joke actually that i just wanted to say that we're carrying the brand. That's it. I didn't mean it. Like I didn't actually mean it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I told Susan, this will only be an hour. We're already over an hour. Here we go. That there was differing opinions and different perspectives and education. So you, so you think he's talking about Rhonda Patrick? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Oh. Concepts that do support what we're doing. And we also had panels and the panels had a diverse array of experience. And just what does that mean? A diverse, a diverse panel? Were there any trannies? We got one from each group.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Any gay people? We made, yes. One from each group. Did we have the whole, Hey, was there a gay person there? Were there any gay speakers?
Starting point is 01:09:07 I don't know. I didn't ask any of them. I know, but just from your thought, were there any speakers you think that fucking... Hey, was Rhonda Patrick there with a dude? Did she take cock? I think yes. She wasn't there with...
Starting point is 01:09:21 I think, yeah, I think her husband and her kid were there, but not when she came down. She has kids? I think there with I think, yeah, I think her husband and her kid were there, but not when she came down. She has kids? I think so. I think so. Could be wrong. I can't. But yeah. Okay. And no, the panels were awesome. No, was there anyone overtly gay there?
Starting point is 01:09:40 I won't ask you who. Yes. Yes. I mean, but not like. Does he live in Aromas? Oh, yeah, yeah. Graciano. Was Graciano there? Graciano was on a panel, man.
Starting point is 01:09:57 He crushed it. Oh, shit. Those are two gay dudes for sure. Graciano and DeLauer. No, they were good, man. They were good. You can be good and gay. Good and gay. Love me some Thomas DeLauer. No, they were good, man. They were good. You can be good and gay. Good and gay.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Love me some Thomas DeLauer. No, now you're putting words about like a... I love me some Thomas DeLauer. If I was gay, I'd be into Thomas DeLauer. Oh, boy. Okay. Hey, gents. Just dropping in to say what's up. What's up, Mr. Dudes? Olsen Dudes.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Good to see you. It's been a minute. Hey, how was Graciano on the panel? Good? Yeah, and I actually hung out with him and his wife quite a bit. I enjoyed being around him. It was cool. He was great on the panel.
Starting point is 01:10:35 They spoke. His topic along with Thomas' was performance versus health, like longevity, and CJ Martin was on that panel as well too. No shit. Hey, did you get – we need CJ Martin's contact information. I want to have him on the podcast. He's the only person I know who's been to all 17 games. Yeah, didn't you unearth that in the behind the scenes?
Starting point is 01:10:58 Yeah, but for some reason I can't get him on the podcast. For some reason I need help reaching out to him. Okay. We can probably get that figured out. Did you talk to him? No. Oh. I actually barely saw him. help reaching out to him okay we probably get that figured out did you talk to him no oh i actually barely saw him like at one point i like saw him checking into the hotel and i was like should i say something and then he kind of whisked off and then i only saw him again uh when he was getting
Starting point is 01:11:14 mic'd up for the panels and stuff like that bedros was at the last event i was at but not at this one uh seven really wants a gay guy apparently apparently the you mean apparently everybody and the audience there was um i think there's almost 300 people there it was really cool to see how much they enjoyed a the the education and the, but also really the just coming together and being in the same room together with like minded people, affiliate owners, trainers, just even CrossFit enthusiasts, and having that platform to, to learn from an experience. So it was a success, we definitely need to do more things like that. I also want to do a trainer specific summit. So that was help more health, I want to do one where we're getting together and talking about programming
Starting point is 01:12:05 and talking about movements and talking about things related to actually the training in the gym, rather than just kind of call it the, some of the health or medical aspects of it, but cool event, really pleased with that. And Karin Thompson and the entire team who worked together to put it on. It was,
Starting point is 01:12:20 it was definitely something special. Wow. So that's it. That's my list. I'm kind of surprised you left your name out. Why? Because you said he should have said when he said Karin Thompson and her assistant Matt Souza.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Nah, man. Karin deserves all the credit for that. Absolutely crushed it. Thanks for tuning in. As always, post thoughts to comments and uh see you next week cool i'm that makes me happy that dave really uh enjoyed it that much that's that's really cool to hear him say i mean i knew he did he had like he had definitely mentioned that to car and and you could just feel it like in the whole entire thing even um so we had a lot
Starting point is 01:13:05 of vendors because i helped out two weeks three weekends ago or whatever two weekends ago with the um forever strong gabrielle lions event and their group of speakers that's one that bedros was at cody sanchez was at that event too i like cody sanchez a lot um but we had a lot of the same vendors and a lot of these vendors weren't necessarily uh exposed to the crossfit audience yet and a couple of the guys that i'm we're at both events came up to me and they're like whoa this this audience has got some energy man like these people are oh that's cool that's cool yeah i was like would you say that that was fair too that the audience the crossfit event audience was better more familial loving more real yeah but that mean, because that's because it's, that's like the culture of CrossFit a lot
Starting point is 01:13:47 too. And when Karin's opening speech, she was like, um, when she opened the thing up, she's like, Hey, how many affiliate owners are in here? And it looked like the whole fricking rooms hand, you know, went up. Everybody was, you know, so you have that. I mean, just a special place where you can get that many affiliate owners, that many, um, CrossFit trainers and that many doctors and healthcare, like, um, like um uh provider people in there i can't even like talk at this point but when you bring all those people into that same room and stuff it just the energy is great
Starting point is 01:14:14 and everybody's super nice and it was really cool to hear the vendors say that i made uh buddies with uh cody harris um he is the lead of sales for vault which is uh patrick with david's drink was he there yeah patrick david no no cody was yeah i'm cody and i are like buddies now man he was at both events so what was he doing at the crossfit one they were a vendor vault was a vendor no shit yep did you get it have him send me some drinks. I want to taste the drink. Okay. Vault Cody. Wow. Patrick and David.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Wow. Look at you. Look at me, man. Rubbing elbows and shit. How many new phone numbers do you think you got this week in your phone? Probably like five, maybe half dozen. How many the week before probably like half that maybe like three
Starting point is 01:15:07 dang Don Saladino is one of them he's like a celebrity trainer and yeah he's like his own gym yeah look at you all right
Starting point is 01:15:17 thank you tomorrow Trista Smith yep games athlete that'll be a fun show I'm curious about her. I'll ask her what she thinks about the... Oh, God, should I do that?
Starting point is 01:15:31 Hey, can I have one other real quick shout-out? Please. Ernie Garza is a listener of the show. Oh, yeah, yeah, South America, right? Lives out of the country. No, no, no. He lives locally in Texas. Oh.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Him and, like, Susie Tell uh like suzy tell was there sima was there like they came in and helped out in a really big way um they did like a lot of the the goodie bags like and got all that set up and was just like helping out with registration and just like really putting in work and um but especially like uh ernie man he was like he was like doing signage he was like running around like crazy like um but especially like uh ernie man he was like he was like doing signage he was like running around like crazy like he was really like he came there to make a point to be like hey i'm a team player and i want to be more involved with any of this if you guys need people and um so everybody was really awesome and thank you guys for all helping out uh but yeah just wanted to give give them a little shout out that group you're a good dude uh trisha smith uh crossfit games athlete in the kids division
Starting point is 01:16:26 um we gotta love this post uh i just freaking love america and this cool life i get to live um this is her at uh wadapalooza she will be on the show tomorrow i think she's trying to go to the big girl games this year but the reason why she's on tomorrow is she took her level one. I'm trying to think if I've ever had anyone on that young who's taken their level one. I think she's 17 years old. Oh, Trista turned 18 already. All right.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Fuck. Yeah. Anyway, I don't know if I've ever even had an 18 year old on who's taken their level one. It's gonna be fun to hear her experience, get to know her, find out about her aspirations moving forward. She does train over at Adam Neifer's gym, so she got some good pedigree over there. Probably the most qualified trainer
Starting point is 01:17:14 in the CrossFit space by far. 10 times Games athlete, CrossFit Fort Vancouver, been around for 15 years. So it's going to be awesome. Seamaboobs, what other podcast has people helping hq out ernie picked up trash with me for half an hour yeah they were great i know this you guys fucking represent so well have you heard of sam sulik yeah yeah yeah yeah i watched one of his
Starting point is 01:17:39 videos i really liked him but but my fucking heart kind of hurts when i watch him because he seems like such a nice awesome young man and boy man he's putting his body under a shitload of stress yeah i was gonna say would you want to talk with him fuck yeah okay i'm i'm like good buddies who's a videographer guy that works out of the gym that he's at is also hired by i forget the name of the it's like a supplement company or something i forget forget the name of it, but, um, God, Sam, that'd be awesome. I'd have Sam on. And, uh, um, I'd like to, I'd like to have people like Sam and Tyson on at the same time. Yeah. Oh, that would be cool. But Matt, Matt Santiago is his name and Matt, uh, Matt's awesome. He's super talented. So if we ever need anybody in that, in that area or Texas, and we want somebody to go out and film
Starting point is 01:18:22 or like edit with us, he call him in a heartbeat, but he was telling me about the first live event that they did and how many people showed up. And like, if you watch video, that's Matt's, that's Matt's video that he shot when they went out there with Sam. It's insane, dude.
Starting point is 01:18:36 He was like, I was asking, I was like, did you guys freak out? Like, did the cops come? And he was like, yes,
Starting point is 01:18:41 like all of it. Like it was, he's like the car kind of got mobbed. Like it was just over the top and then meets his fans let's see if it's on something with an h if it's on that channel um but i know his stuff oh hostile yeah yeah so that's what that's where matt san diego works for uh those guys as well works with those guys as well. Works with those guys. And all the footage that you see of this is Matt's stuff. Yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:19:09 It's truly insane. No, dude. Like, he. Look at all that vagina that came to meet him. Just kidding. Yeah, dude. People love this guy. He's so fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Look at him. He just carries a plastic bag for the food. Every shot I've ever seen him in is when he's carrying a plastic bag. Yeah. Oh, shit. This guy's a needle mover yeah yeah so in um matt was telling me too he's like dude all he's like all freaking cut uh reels or whatever of sam and he's like and sometimes i'll like purposely just put in like bs footage and i'll post it to like a random ig he's like you'll get a ton of engagement yeah dude he's did they get the drone shot it might not have been this clip i could ask matt if he'll send me some of this stuff but and that's also gabrielle lyons um videographer
Starting point is 01:19:57 and uh helps produce her podcast wow what a small world yep and um speaking of uh producing podcast the producer of mark bell's podcast i saw i saw you got him scheduled that's crazy yeah yeah andrew yep that'll be cool yeah that's crazy and um but yeah matt used to work with uh phil heath too that was how like for where he started so he's like connected in that bodybuilding community so i was like talking to him i was like dude you comfortable with uh maybe ask some of the guys here on. So he's like connected in that bodybuilding community. So I was like talking to him. I was like, dude, you comfortable with, uh, maybe ask some of the guys here on the show. And he's like,
Starting point is 01:20:27 yeah, why not? Oh, that'd be fucking awesome. Sam. Yeah. I do. Sam Sulek,
Starting point is 01:20:32 uh, naked. Is that the question? Yeah, I'm sure he'd be pumped. Wow. Phil Heath is fucking crazy. Was he from like the 70s?
Starting point is 01:20:49 Jesus Christ. Yeah, no, he's born in 79. Yeah, what was that? You're in trouble? No, I think something fell in the kitchen. Sousa, thanks for coming on. You had a long day. Matt Sousa, owner of CrossFit Livermore,
Starting point is 01:21:01 executive producer of the 7-1 Podcast, 7-1 Matosian here. See you guys tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Love you guys. Sorry we've been gone for two days. Bye-bye. Enjoy the 7-1 podcast 7-1 Matosian here see you guys tomorrow morning 7 a.m Pacific Standard Time love you guys sorry we've been gone for two days bye bye enjoy the behind the scenes episode 9 is out number 10 is coming out very very soon also the Colton Mertens documentary from Wadapalooza thank you Patrick Rios and Will Branstetter for doing such a great job there
Starting point is 01:21:16 Caleb I miss you hurry back bye

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